



From 10/07/2017 to 11/05/2017


08:30 PM Support #20372 (Closed): dns_route53 not working.
Closing this issue due to inactivity. Please open a new one should the problem reappear. Anonymous
08:28 PM Support #20866 (Resolved): Unable to delete DHCP entry for 00:50:56:8f:c3:c5 ([RestClient::BadRequest]: 400 Bad Request)
Closing this issue. Please create a new one if the problem re-appears. Anonymous
09:01 AM Bug #20474 (Closed): Multiple free IPs returned after record deletion
Applied in changeset commit:54f44d807b8540fd3561a0d16ab68c68deb88c0f. Anonymous
08:18 AM Revision 54f44d80: Fixes #20474 - return different ips on sequential unused_ip calls
Dmitri Dolguikh


02:27 PM Bug #21463 (Ready For Testing): proxy detects existing dhcp record as conflict
The Foreman Bot
02:01 PM Bug #21463 (Closed): proxy detects existing dhcp record as conflict
When Foreman tries to create an already existing dhcp record, smart proxy should detect this and do nothing.
Timo Goebel


05:39 PM Bug #21436 (Resolved): Cannot list MS DHCP reservations
When browsing subnets/:subnet/dhcp no reservation is listed in the UI.
Error in logs (also occurs when creating res...
Anthony Chevalet


02:56 AM Feature #21350 (Ready For Testing): Allow restricting TLS version
The Foreman Bot
02:51 AM Feature #21350 (Closed): Allow restricting TLS version
Eric Helms


06:12 PM Support #21226 (Resolved): Can't able to delete hosts after upgrade to 1.14
Things look ok on smart-proxy side (other than grid restart failures, which is a bit odd). Take a look at foreman log... Anonymous
02:29 PM Support #21226: Can't able to delete hosts after upgrade to 1.14
Thanks Dmitri,
upgrading infoblox gem definitely helped,
but we're now seeing issues while creating new hosts
Bhanu Prasad Ganguru


11:04 AM Bug #21237: MS DHCP exclusion range not supported
Actually get_free_ip_address (or ms api) does not return IPs part of an exclusion range, that's probably why it fails... Anonymous
01:22 AM Support #21236: No ping check causes duplicated IP with MS DHCP
I agree with Anthony. Getting an IP that is taken somewhere else is a PITA and it happens if we just rely on the MS D... Fred Blaise


07:45 PM Bug #20823: Make -c (continue) wget flag optional when downloading kernel/initram
I can give you a hand with this; I would like to have a (mostly complete) plan for a permanent solution before this t... Anonymous
06:13 PM Support #21226: Can't able to delete hosts after upgrade to 1.14
It's unclear to me what exactly is going on -- an api call from smart-proxy fails on the infoblox side and an html pa... Anonymous
11:37 AM Support #21226: Can't able to delete hosts after upgrade to 1.14
Thanks for your response
Please find the attached smart-proxy log file
I tried to delete an existing host...
Bhanu Prasad Ganguru


12:45 PM Support #21236: No ping check causes duplicated IP with MS DHCP
The problem is that ms api does not provide this feature. The DhcpV4GetFreeIPAddress that is called only returns free... Anonymous
10:25 AM Bug #21249 (Ready For Testing): Check MS DHCP range versus start/end address configured in Foreman
The Foreman Bot
10:12 AM Bug #21249 (Closed): Check MS DHCP range versus start/end address configured in Foreman
Error when the range specified in Foreman is out of ms dhcp range, ex:
MS DHCP range: 100-150
Foreman range: 50...
10:20 AM Bug #20823: Make -c (continue) wget flag optional when downloading kernel/initram
There is a discussion in the ticket #19389 about how to do this right, I would love to have this temporary fix in. Is... Lukas Zapletal
04:04 AM Support #21226: Can't able to delete hosts after upgrade to 1.14
While this is a valid Foreman bug, we should better display error message when something fails on smart proxy, the re... Marek Hulán


08:42 PM Bug #21237: MS DHCP exclusion range not supported
I've re-installed smart-proxy and ruby and the issue is still there. Anthony Chevalet
08:28 PM Bug #21237: MS DHCP exclusion range not supported
The gist of my comment above is that I think there are issues with your environment that are causing the problem you ... Anonymous
08:16 PM Bug #21237: MS DHCP exclusion range not supported
It's not about the DHCP range configured in Foreman, but the exclusion range configured on the MS DHCP, see attached. Anthony Chevalet
06:32 PM Bug #21237: MS DHCP exclusion range not supported
I'm not sure what's going on: whether range is used or not, the call is exactly the same, so both calls (with or with... Anonymous
05:53 PM Bug #21237: MS DHCP exclusion range not supported
It seems to be correctly loaded on startup:... Anthony Chevalet
05:19 PM Bug #21237: MS DHCP exclusion range not supported
It appears dhcp module isn't using ms dhcp provider. Could you check if there are any dhcp module-related errors on p... Anonymous
05:04 PM Bug #21237 (New): MS DHCP exclusion range not supported
On MS DHCP WS2012 the smart proxy does not give an IP address when full range is excluded, ex:
Adress range for d...
Anthony Chevalet
08:24 PM Support #21236: No ping check causes duplicated IP with MS DHCP
The functionality has been rewritten to use ms api. There are no plans to add additional checks over the ones perform... Anonymous
08:09 PM Support #21236: No ping check causes duplicated IP with MS DHCP
This feature was present. Do you mean it has been removed intentionally?
Here is my workaround:
Anthony Chevalet
06:40 PM Support #21236: No ping check causes duplicated IP with MS DHCP
This behaviour is by design. Check that ping checks are enabled in the scope in question. If not, try enabling them a... Anonymous
06:03 PM Support #21236: No ping check causes duplicated IP with MS DHCP
Yes that's the problem, when there are static ips in the dhcp scope. Previous version (<=1.13) didn't return pingable... Anthony Chevalet
05:24 PM Support #21236: No ping check causes duplicated IP with MS DHCP
Ms dhcp provider relies on MS dhcps api for free ip suggestions. Getting an ip address that is already in use would m... Anonymous
04:50 PM Support #21236 (Closed): No ping check causes duplicated IP with MS DHCP
Since I've upgraded from 1.13 to 1.15, the smart-proxy does not ping free ip returned by the dhcp before
assigning ...
Anthony Chevalet

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