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# Tracker Status Priority Subject Author Assignee Updated Category Target version
35510 Feature Closed Normal Explicitly depend on webrick for Ruby 3 support Ewoud Kohl van Wijngaarden Ewoud Kohl van Wijngaarden 11/28/2022 12:24 PM Packaging Actions
35507 Bug Closed Normal Declare compatible versions of Sinatra Ewoud Kohl van Wijngaarden Ewoud Kohl van Wijngaarden 11/28/2022 12:24 PM Packaging Actions
34589 Bug Closed Normal rsec gem listed twice generates a warning Ewoud Kohl van Wijngaarden Ewoud Kohl van Wijngaarden 03/10/2022 06:01 PM Packaging Foreman - 3.2.0 Actions
29132 Refactor Closed Normal Drop mail_patches rake task Ewoud Kohl van Wijngaarden Ewoud Kohl van Wijngaarden 02/21/2020 08:01 PM Packaging Actions
28726 Bug Resolved Normal Installing dhcp_isc and dhcp_remote_isc fails with "You cannot specify the same gem twice with different version requirements.....You specified: rsec (< 1) and rsec (>= 0)" Si Man 05/02/2020 11:15 AM Packaging Actions
28589 Refactor Resolved Normal Support Ruby 2.7 in proxy Anonymous 04/07/2021 06:42 PM Packaging Actions
26742 Refactor Closed High Pin proxy gems for Ruby 2.0 Anonymous 06/20/2019 01:04 PM Packaging Actions
23543 Bug Resolved Normal Package[foreman-proxy] foreman 1.16 and 1.17 install failure due to rubygem-rkerberos depends not found Stephen Cooke 07/19/2018 03:55 PM Packaging 1.17.2 Actions
19485 Refactor Closed Normal Pin sinatra to 1.x on Ruby 2.0-2.1 Dominic Cleal Dominic Cleal 05/09/2017 09:01 AM Packaging Actions
18745 Refactor Closed Normal Depend on xmlrpc gem on Ruby 2.4 Dominic Cleal Dominic Cleal 07/12/2018 09:52 AM Packaging 1.15.0 Actions
18092 Bug Closed Normal foreman-proxy throws an undefined method 'join' Davide Ferrari Dominic Cleal 07/12/2018 09:55 AM Packaging 1.14.1 Actions
17125 Bug Closed Normal Allow windows service name to be specified Alex Fisher Alex Fisher 07/12/2018 09:55 AM Packaging 1.14.0 Actions
15865 Bug Closed Normal Pin json_pure to < 2.0.0 for Ruby < 2.0.0 Anonymous 07/10/2018 02:45 PM Packaging Actions
15434 Bug Closed Normal RHEL 7 provided rubygem-ruby-libvirt breaks proxy with libvirt Timo Goebel 07/12/2018 09:55 AM Packaging 1.12.0 Actions
15300 Bug Closed Normal Rubygems source should be HTTPS Dominic Cleal Dominic Cleal 07/12/2018 09:55 AM Packaging 1.13.0 Actions
14134 Bug Closed Normal Rake tasks fail under rake 11.x with undefined method `last_comment' Dominic Cleal Dominic Cleal 07/12/2018 09:55 AM Packaging 1.10.3 Actions
12254 Bug Closed Normal Pin addressable for Ruby 1.8 compatibility Dominic Cleal 07/12/2018 09:54 AM Packaging 1.10.0 Actions
11090 Bug Closed Normal fix .gemspec file Anonymous Ewoud Kohl van Wijngaarden 07/12/2018 09:54 AM Packaging 1.9.0 Actions
9457 Bug Closed Normal Foreman-debug extensions must have executable permissions Lukas Zapletal Lukas Zapletal 07/12/2018 09:54 AM Packaging 1.8.0 Actions
9063 Refactor Closed Normal Revert pinning of Rack to < 1.6 Dominic Cleal 07/12/2018 09:52 AM Packaging 1.15.0 Actions
9061 Bug Closed Normal Tests fail with NoMethodError: undefined method `join' for #<String:0x007f62c3e6fb90> Anonymous 07/12/2018 09:54 AM Packaging 1.8.0 Actions
8701 Bug Rejected High EL7 foreman-proxy.service typo in unit file Florian Koch 01/07/2015 03:21 AM Packaging Actions
7197 Feature Closed Normal Add man page for foreman-prepare-realm Bryan Kearney Stephen Benjamin 11/21/2014 09:01 AM Packaging Actions
6956 Bug Closed Normal foreman-proxy requires rubygem-rack => 1.1.0 Leah Fisher Dominic Cleal 07/12/2018 09:55 AM Packaging 1.6.0 Actions
6790 Bug Closed Urgent ci_reporter 2.0 gem breaks CI Dominic Cleal Dominic Cleal 07/12/2018 09:55 AM Packaging 1.5.2 Actions
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