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# Date Author Comment
a88d8d36 04/10/2024 09:11 AM Evgeni Golov

switch container to use CentOS Stream 9 as base

30f93cc4 02/29/2024 12:41 PM Maria Agaphontzev

Fixes #37134 - upgrade to node 18 and npm 8

8bd953db 11/24/2023 08:09 AM Ewoud Kohl van Wijngaarden

Build container with NodeJS 14

Fixes: bf8d0dc5eb1d ("Test Github Actions with NodeJS 14")

5c83c21f 06/27/2023 08:17 AM Evgeni Golov

don't audit npm install

that matches what we do when building e.g. Debian and should give a tiny
time speedup

b8e31905 06/27/2023 08:16 AM Evgeni Golov

don't run analyze when building the container

it just costs time and there is no benefit for the users

63d54004 01/29/2023 03:02 PM Evgeni Golov

Refs #35593 - call dnf upgrade to keep the container uptodate

b429089e 01/28/2023 01:29 PM Evgeni Golov

no need to generate apipie cache in the container anymore

060eb9b3 01/05/2023 07:04 AM Ewoud Kohl van Wijngaarden

Fixes #35593 - Use CentOS 8 Stream for container

Currently the container image is based on Fedora 33, but that's long
EOL. Current Fedora versions have Ruby 3.1, but we're unable to use
that. Changing it to CentOS 8 Stream is the closest match and also close...

369fc030 07/21/2021 03:38 PM Ohad Levy

fixes #33093 - force Fedora 33 builds due to failures on 34

df7e46cd 08/02/2020 02:50 PM Ohad Levy

fixes #30499 - update latest versions of fedora, ruby and node

also fixed an issue where spring was unable to load and removed
it from the container.

f630418a 05/25/2020 07:42 AM Ohad Levy

refs #15628 - remove unused rdoc gem reference

604e1e99 05/21/2020 09:12 AM Viliam Krizan

Fixes #15628 - Require rdoc for apipie-rails

apipie-rails has rdoc optional, however, its default markup generator is
RDoc. rdoc seems to be found on most of the default OS installations
through inclusion from rubygems.

This fixes (development) setup when rdoc is missing:...

dc0983d5 05/01/2020 09:33 AM Tomer Brisker

Fixes #29642 - drop sqlite support

e4499e0b 04/23/2020 08:05 AM Ohad Levy

refs #29567 - remove sqlite in container build

0c61a849 03/23/2020 02:25 PM Evgeni Golov

use ENV not ARG to set RAILS_ENV in the running container

ARG is only used during build time, but we don't need it there anyways

5fd0d72c 03/16/2020 02:50 PM Evgeni Golov

don't quote CMD in Dockerfile

otherwise it will be interpreted as one command name and not as a
command with parameters

1d31c86a 01/06/2020 08:30 AM Ohad Levy

fixes #28643 - update base image to Fedora 31

7b96a377 11/26/2019 11:25 PM Tomer Brisker

Fixes #27035 - Remove MySQL support

As MySQL is no longer supported, this cleans up a lot of places that
were checking for it.

2792aafa 10/22/2019 07:58 AM Ewoud Kohl van Wijngaarden

Fixes #28090 - move to extras

This reduces the number of files in the root directory.

7fa47cf4 08/27/2019 04:26 PM Ohad Levy

fixes #27710 - remove assets/console gems from image.

9411790b 08/19/2019 01:17 PM Ohad Levy

fixes #27634 - enable running this container on openshift.

30823040 06/11/2019 08:54 AM Ohad Levy

refs #26741 - do not include facter in container based builds

Since hostnames do not matter within the container users
are expected to override the FOREMAN_FQDN setting.

this avoids the flipflop in the audits trail (of
serveral settings that depend on the hostname) and sets...

3eab2980 06/04/2019 01:34 PM Ohad Levy

refs #26741 - switch to fedora-minimal base image

Not sure if this matters a lot, but this reduces the base image size from about 300MB to 130MB

89465aaf 05/21/2019 08:35 AM Ohad Levy

fixes #26741 - adds containers support for developers

this patch introduce a docker file and docker compose example
so that developers can easily get a production docker based env
working quickly.

this by no means is a replacement to the installer or should...