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# Date Author Comment
bb3572ff 09/02/2015 05:58 AM Daniel Lobato Garcia

Refs #3809 - Stabby lambda syntax for oneliners

I started by spotting log.rb which didn't have a lambda wrapping its
default scope, as needed by Rails 4. Since the style guide and most
Rails 4 documents used the stabby lambda, I turned on the cop so that we...

2d8b4fef 04/28/2015 07:48 AM Daniel Lobato Garcia

Refs #3809 - Remove semicolon cop

abd8f1d1 02/18/2015 03:54 AM Daniel Lobato Garcia

Refs #3809 - Remove cops for empty lines

e768c976 10/22/2014 11:56 AM Tomáš Strachota

Fixes #6710 - unicode characters in url parameters

Original methods to_param defined on resources called name.parameterize
to get rid of url-unsafe characters. This function unfortunately also
stripped off unicode characters.

- parameterization extracted into a separate module Parameterizable...

54141ab9 10/07/2014 07:42 AM Daniel Lobato Garcia

Fixes #5139 - leftovers subscribe_to_all_hostgroups

Remove user_xxx unnecessary tables and notices

Update subhostgroups removed

Fixes for migration of foreign keys

Remove users from compute_resource fixture

Remove table notices after fk are removed for pg/mysql

96144a47 10/06/2014 01:57 PM Daniel Lobato Garcia

Refs #3809 - Remove rubocop TODOs

Removed the following TODOs so that cops for these will run from now on:

Lint/AmbiguousOperator, DefEndAlignment, DeprecatedClassMethods
EnsureReturn, RequireParentheses, Void, BlockAlignment, EndAlignment,

3034e8e2 07/31/2014 06:00 AM Ori Rabin

fixes #6636, #6657, #6694 - add field length validations, extend audit field length

9e1b7578 12/16/2013 03:57 PM Marek Hulán

fixes #3339 - nested fact support, allow fact importers to be registered by plugins

f2c78d4a 10/15/2013 12:18 PM Joseph Magen

fixes #2741 - rails 3 syntax

60e2072a 07/24/2013 04:32 PM Joseph Magen

fixes #2801 - remove LOWER in default_scope of models that could cause PG error

136f8dfc 05/22/2013 11:02 AM Dmitri Dolguikh

fixes #2509, fixes #2507: few issues around Host::Base#merge_facts and fact names

7d993b41 05/09/2013 05:54 AM Joseph Magen

fixes #2421 added missing has_many :hostgroups and missing :dependent => destroy

d7611b24 02/25/2013 09:54 AM Greg Sutcliffe

fixes #2254 - Add STI to hosts table

Signed-off-by: Joseph Mitchell Magen <>
Signed-off-by: Ohad Levy <>

286a2207 07/25/2009 04:34 PM Ohad Levy

updated migrations to use puppet Rails function of creating the db schema, adjusted what ever it took to get the first Fedora 11 client installed with our kickstart

46ac4aa8 07/25/2009 04:34 PM Ohad Levy

added facts controllers

d8a93841 07/25/2009 04:34 PM Ohad Levy

added fact models, aligned db schema with puppet schema, removed unneeded columns