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# Date Author Comment
09ce8a63 08/13/2015 07:13 AM Ori Rabin

Fixes #4419 - rearranging smart class parameters edit form

3f414740 06/18/2015 03:43 PM Shlomi Zadok

fixes #10641 - Introduce select2.js for searching in select lists and apply to CR select

d88ceee3 04/09/2015 03:17 AM Michael Moll

fixes #10099 - pin execjs gem for Ruby 1.9

c873b3cd 01/09/2015 07:05 AM Joseph Magen

fixes #8802 - add Turbolinks support

6f6c0b3a 11/26/2014 11:36 AM Dominic Cleal

fixes #8463 - remove i18n bundler group as it isn't optional

fast_gettext/gettext_i18n_rails are both runtime dependencies, not optional.
gettext_i18n_rails_js moved to assets as it provides no runtime functionality.

51a88438 11/25/2014 07:37 AM Shlomi Zadok

Fixes #7233 - Drop Ruby 1.8.7 and revert Ruby 1.8.7 specifics

2a6d13fe 10/10/2014 07:18 AM Dominic Cleal

refs #7587 - precompile pwstrength JS, move gem from runtime deps

dd6a0f34 07/07/2014 05:28 AM Michael Moll

fixes #6501: pin jquery-ui-rails

db6d37b9 06/15/2014 01:34 PM Amos Benari

fixes #5345 - customizable dashboard

bb0d37fc 05/28/2014 10:24 AM Dominic Cleal

fixes #5966 - pin execjs for Ruby 1.8 compatibility

8285778b 02/18/2014 12:23 PM Joseph Magen

fixes #4333 - added multi-select-rails gem

43c50b46 01/16/2014 11:58 AM David Davis

fixes #3992 - Removing unused coffeescript gem

d31eea8c 12/29/2013 11:22 AM Amos Benari

fixes #3811 - merge with new layout

bf4a13d3 12/29/2013 11:22 AM Walden Raines

Fixes #3811 updating to bootstrap 3

50904767 12/16/2013 10:30 AM Sam Kottler

Fixes #3881: pin locale to 2.0.9 or lower

bdaf8880 09/01/2013 06:51 PM Dominic Cleal

fixes #3005 - restrict gettext to Ruby 1.8 compatible version

a8d06d2d 06/13/2013 07:40 AM Greg Sutcliffe

Fixes #2657 - Use twitter-bootstrap-rails version 2.2.6

6f96a1b9 05/19/2013 05:00 PM Dominic Cleal

RPM packaging fixes

  • fix therubyracer require name
  • when Foreman launched twice within same PID, ENV['BUNDLE_GEMFILE'] is already
    set, causing bundler to load instead of bundler_ext
  • revert SCL additions to init.d script, spec file handles them
  • fix init script path...
3dfb6e4c 05/09/2013 05:07 AM Dominic Cleal

fixes #2420 - extract strings for i18n from JavaScript, various i18n fixes

5d280ebe 04/30/2013 02:31 AM Amos Benari

fixes #2441

870e7fcc 04/10/2013 11:29 AM Amos Benari

flot charts

Use flot charts instead of highcharts.
flot charts license is more friendly.

This version of the code is feature compatible with the old charts,
pie: drill-down and expend.
stacked charts: zoom, hide series in legend.
all types has tooltips....

e1fcb38e 04/02/2013 02:55 PM Joseph Magen

fixes #2365 added quiet assets gem

f008ad71 04/02/2013 02:50 PM Amos Benari

moved spice console to spice-html5-rails gem

feacea35 04/02/2013 08:30 AM Amos Benari

upgrade foreman to rails 3.2.13

This commit updates from rails 3.0.x to 3.2.x, main changes include:

  • Asset pipline support
  • cleanup of existing assets (javascript, css, images)

Users who uses foreman in production, make sure that you now compile
your assets, e.g...