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# Date Author Comment
d153a598 01/06/2023 11:23 AM Jannis Warnat

Fixes #35902 - Correct env variable FOREMAN_RAILS_CACHE_STORE_URLS in docker-compose.yml

c080a565 01/05/2023 09:42 AM Adam Ruzicka

Fixes #35898 - Correct syntax for multiple queues

060eb9b3 01/05/2023 07:04 AM Ewoud Kohl van Wijngaarden

Fixes #35593 - Use CentOS 8 Stream for container

Currently the container image is based on Fedora 33, but that's long
EOL. Current Fedora versions have Ruby 3.1, but we're unable to use
that. Changing it to CentOS 8 Stream is the closest match and also close...

b82860e5 12/26/2019 05:33 PM Adam Ruzicka

Fixes #28204 - Run Dynflow with Sidekiq using docker-compose

Allow configuring redis url using env variable
Fix REX queue name
Deploy separate Redises for tasking and caching
Create a volume for persistent redis
Fix configuration using env variables

c889ebb8 09/10/2019 11:05 AM Ohad Levy

fixes #27806 - use PG by default in docker-compose

a3ef3bb6 06/11/2019 07:00 AM Ohad Levy

refs #26918 - adds redis support in docker-compose

this uses environment variables support introduced in 47aca03d3f3be870aab808b58480f281863de766
and also fixes a minor typo.

[skips ci]

7246f6f8 05/22/2019 01:37 PM Ohad Levy

refs #26741 - use develop container tag vs latest

hopefully this makes it more obvious one is using the
latest development build vs a stable release.

[skip ci]

cdc84204 05/21/2019 11:53 AM Ohad Levy

refs #26741 - update the location of the container image

Container image is now enabled on, on every merge
to foreman repo, a new image would be built for every branch.

Currently, only the develop branch is enabled, and therefore
the latest tag would be used for it.

89465aaf 05/21/2019 08:35 AM Ohad Levy

fixes #26741 - adds containers support for developers

this patch introduce a docker file and docker compose example
so that developers can easily get a production docker based env
working quickly.

this by no means is a replacement to the installer or should...