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<% javascript 'auth_source_ldap' %>

<%= form_for @auth_source_ldap do |f| %>
<%= base_errors_for @auth_source_ldap %>
<ul class="nav nav-tabs" data-tabs="tabs">
<li class="active"><a href="#primary" data-toggle="tab"><%= _("LDAP server") %></a></li>
<li><a href="#account" data-toggle="tab"><%= _("Account") %></a></li>
<li><a href="#attributes" data-toggle="tab"><%= _("Attribute mappings") %></a></li>

<div class="tab-content">
<div class="tab-pane active" id="primary">
<%= text_f f, :name %>
<%= text_f f, :host %>
<%= checkbox_f(f, :tls, {:label => "LDAPS", :onchange => 'change_ldap_port(this)'}) %>
<%= number_f f, :port, :min => 1, :max => 65535,
:data => { :default_ports => AuthSourceLdap::DEFAULT_PORTS } %>
<%= select_f f, :server_type, AuthSourceLdap::SERVER_TYPES, :first, :last,
{ :include_blank => _("Choose a server type") },
{ :label => _('Server type') } %>
<div class="tab-pane" id="account">
<%= text_f f, :account, :help_inline =>_("Use this account to authenticate, <i>optional</i>").html_safe %>
<%= password_f f, :account_password, :help_inline => _("Use this account to authenticate, <i>optional</i>").html_safe %>
<%= text_f f, :base_dn, :label => _("Base DN"), :size => "col-md-8" %>
<%= text_f f, :groups_base, :label => _("Groups base DN") %>
<%= text_f f, :ldap_filter, :label => _("LDAP filter"), :help_inline => _("Custom LDAP search filter, <i>optional</i>").html_safe, :size => "col-md-8" %>
<%= checkbox_f f, :onthefly_register,
:help_inline => _("LDAP users will have their Foreman account automatically created the first time they log into Foreman") %>
<div class="tab-pane" id="attributes">
<%= text_f f, :attr_login, :help_inline => _("e.g. uid") %>
<%= text_f f, :attr_firstname, :help_inline => _("e.g. givenName") %>
<%= text_f f, :attr_lastname, :help_inline => _("e.g. sn") %>
<%= text_f f, :attr_mail, :help_inline => _("e.g. mail") %>
<%= text_f f, :attr_photo, :label => _("Photo attribute"), :help_inline => _("e.g. jpegPhoto") %>

<%= submit_or_cancel f %>
<% end %>