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Revision 08763fc2

Added by Dominic Cleal over 7 years ago

fixes #16798 - move scoped_search definitions to STI subclasses

scoped_search doesn't support class inheritance with STI, so registering
definitions on the subclass fixes various issues. This fixes an issue
where scoped_search on CommonParameter calls Parameter.all and is
returned a list of CommonParameters under Rails 4.2, as it relies on a
bug (#18806) for applying the type='CommonParameter' condition when
calling Parameter.all.

On Rails 5.0, this bug was fixed and calling Parameter.all within a
scope on CommonParameter now returns all types of parameters.
Registering all scoped_search definitions on the subclasses ensures that
scoped_search calls CommonParameter.all instead.

The taxonomies API changed as it called Taxonomix objects with scopes
such as `.locations.search_for`, which no longer existed when the
scoped_search definitions were removed from Taxonomy (.locations is a
Taxonomy association with a where clause). This now explicitly searches
via the appropriate Taxonomy subclass.

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