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0265427b Ohad Levy
module LookupKeysHelper
9afa092e Ohad Levy
def remove_child_link(name, f, opts = {})
8eb63065 Amos Benari
opts[:class] = [opts[:class], "remove_nested_fields"].compact.join(" ")
4f7a4d0b David Davis
f.hidden_field(opts[:method]||:_destroy) + link_to_function(name, "remove_child_node(this);", opts)
9afa092e Ohad Levy

6d05514a Tomas Strachota
def delete_child_link(name, f, opts = {})
opts[:class] = [opts[:class], "remove_nested_fields"].compact.join(" ")
link_to_function(name, "delete_child_node(this);", opts)

9afa092e Ohad Levy
def add_child_link(name, association, opts = {})
73f23bf4 Amos Benari
opts[:class] = [opts[:class], "add_nested_fields btn btn-success"].compact.join(" ")
9afa092e Ohad Levy
opts[:"data-association"] = association
4f7a4d0b David Davis
link_to_function(name.to_s, "add_child_node(this);", opts)
9afa092e Ohad Levy

def new_child_fields_template(form_builder, association, options = { })
options[:object] ||= form_builder.object.class.reflect_on_association(association)
options[:partial] ||= association.to_s.singularize
options[:form_builder_local] ||= :f
334d0359 Amos Benari
options[:form_builder_attrs] ||= {}
9afa092e Ohad Levy
77c68e43 Marek Hulan
content_tag(:div, :class => "#{association}_fields_template form_template", :style => "display: none;") do
96144a47 Daniel Lobato
form_builder.fields_for(association, options[:object], :child_index => "new_#{association}") do |f|
d455f32c Marek Hulan
render(:partial => options[:partial],
:layout => options[:layout],
:locals => { options[:form_builder_local] => f }.merge(options[:form_builder_attrs]))
9afa092e Ohad Levy
0265427b Ohad Levy
334d0359 Amos Benari
5f029ed6 Daniel Lobato
def show_puppet_class(f)
f8d94608 Amos Benari
# In case of a new smart-var inside a puppetclass (REST nesting only), or a class parameter:
# Show the parent puppetclass as a context, but permit no change.
if params["puppetclass_id"]
bfbf7ed8 Lukas Zapletal
select_f f, :puppetclass_id, [Puppetclass.find(params["puppetclass_id"])], :id, :to_label, {}, {:label => _("Puppet class"), :disabled => true}
f8d94608 Amos Benari
elsif f.object.is_param && f.object.param_class
bfbf7ed8 Lukas Zapletal
field(f, :puppetclass_id, :label => _('Puppet Class')) do
f8d94608 Amos Benari
content_tag(:input, nil, :value => f.object.param_class, :type => 'text', :disabled => true)
else # new smart-var with no particular context
# Give a select for choosing the parent puppetclass
bfbf7ed8 Lukas Zapletal
select_f(f, :puppetclass_id, Puppetclass.all, :id, :to_label, { :include_blank => _('None') }, {:label => _("Puppet class")})
f8d94608 Amos Benari
end unless @puppetclass # nested smart-vars form in a tab of puppetclass/_form: no edition allowed, and the puppetclass is already visible as a context

ea4eec44 Ori Rabin
def param_type_selector(f, options = {})
4c4f30bc Tomer Brisker
selectable_f f, :key_type, options_for_select( { |e| [_(e),e] }, f.object.key_type),{},
ea4eec44 Ori Rabin
options.merge({ :disabled => (f.object.is_param && !f.object.override), :size => "col-md-8",
09ce8a63 Ori Rabin
:help_inline => popover("",_("<dl>" +
bfbf7ed8 Lukas Zapletal
"<dt>String</dt> <dd>Everything is taken as a string.</dd>" +
"<dt>Boolean</dt> <dd>Common representation of boolean values are accepted.</dd>" +
"<dt>Integer</dt> <dd>Integer numbers only, can be negative.</dd>" +
"<dt>Real</dt> <dd>Accept any numerical input.</dd>" +
"<dt>Array</dt> <dd>A valid JSON or YAML input, that must evaluate to an array.</dd>" +
"<dt>Hash</dt> <dd>A valid JSON or YAML input, that must evaluate to an object/map/dict/hash.</dd>" +
"<dt>YAML</dt> <dd>Any valid YAML input.</dd>" +
"<dt>JSON</dt> <dd>Any valid JSON input.</dd>" +
ea4eec44 Ori Rabin
"</dl>"), :title => _("How values are validated")).html_safe})
f8d94608 Amos Benari

5f029ed6 Daniel Lobato
def validator_type_selector(f)
afe02d30 Daniel Lobato
selectable_f f, :validator_type, options_for_select( { |e| [_(e),e] }, f.object.validator_type),{:include_blank => _("None")},
{ :disabled => (f.object.is_param && !f.object.override), :size => "col-md-8",
:onchange => 'validatorTypeSelected(this)',
09ce8a63 Ori Rabin
:help_inline => popover("",_("<dl>" +
afe02d30 Daniel Lobato
"<dt>List</dt> <dd>A list of the allowed values, specified in the Validator rule field.</dd>" +
"<dt>Regexp</dt> <dd>Validates the input with the regular expression in the Validator rule field.</dd>" +
"</dl>"), :title => _("Validation types")).html_safe}
298756ca Amos Benari

5f029ed6 Daniel Lobato
def overridable_lookup_keys(klass, host)
4c8d2c2c Dominic Cleal
klass.class_params.override.where(:environment_classes => {:environment_id => host.environment}) + klass.lookup_keys
298756ca Amos Benari

5f029ed6 Daniel Lobato
def hostgroup_key_with_diagnostic(hostgroup, key)
0f9df583 Amos Benari
value, origin = hostgroup.inherited_lookup_value key
original_value = key.value_before_type_cast value
diagnostic_helper = popover(_("Additional info"), _("<b>Description:</b> %{desc}<br><b>Type:</b> %{type}<br> <b>Matcher:</b> %{matcher}") % { :desc => key.description, :type => key.key_type, :matcher => origin})
bf4a13d3 Walden Raines
content_tag :div, :class => ['form-group', 'condensed'] do
96144a47 Daniel Lobato
row_count = original_value.to_s.lines.count rescue 1
text_area_tag("value_#{key.key}", original_value, :rows => row_count == 0 ? 1 : row_count,
8b8be6e4 Tomer Brisker
:class => ['col-md-6'], :'data-property' => 'value', :disabled => true) +
fullscreen_button +
content_tag(:span, :class => "help-inline") { diagnostic_helper }
96144a47 Daniel Lobato
7acc469b Amos Benari

5f029ed6 Daniel Lobato
def host_key_with_diagnostic(host, value_hash, key)
afe02d30 Daniel Lobato
value_for_key = value_hash[] && value_hash[][key.key]
value, matcher = value_for_key ? [value_for_key[:value], "#{value_for_key[:element]} (#{value_for_key[:element_name]})"] : [key.default_value, _("Default value")]
original_value = key.value_before_type_cast value
no_value = value.nil? && key.lookup_values.find_by_match("fqdn=#{host.fqdn}")
298756ca Amos Benari
afe02d30 Daniel Lobato
diagnostic_class = []
diagnostic_helper = popover(_("Additional info"), _("<b>Description:</b> %{desc}<br><b>Type:</b> %{type}<br> <b>Matcher:</b> %{matcher}") % { :desc => key.description, :type => key.key_type, :matcher => matcher})
if no_value
if key.required
diagnostic_class << 'error'
diagnostic_helper = popover(_('No value error'), _("Required parameter without value.<br/><b>Please override!</b> <br><br><b>Description:</b>: %s") % key.description)
diagnostic_class << 'warning'
diagnostic_helper = popover(_('No value warning'), _("Optional parameter without value.<br/><i>Won\'t be given to Puppet.</i> <br><br><b>Description:</b> %s") % key.description)
0f9df583 Amos Benari
8b8be6e4 Tomer Brisker
text_area_class = ['col-md-6']
0575b5b0 Tom Caspy
text_area_class << "override-param" if key.overridden?(host)
afe02d30 Daniel Lobato
content_tag :div, :class => ['form-group', 'condensed'] + diagnostic_class do
298756ca Amos Benari
row_count = original_value.to_s.lines.count rescue 1
0575b5b0 Tom Caspy
text_area_tag("value_#{key.key}", original_value, :rows => (row_count == 0 ? 1 : row_count),
:class => text_area_class, :'data-property' => 'value', :disabled => true) +
8b8be6e4 Tomer Brisker
fullscreen_button +
content_tag(:span, :class => "help-inline") { diagnostic_helper }
afe02d30 Daniel Lobato
298756ca Amos Benari
0265427b Ohad Levy