


Download (2.18 KB) Statistics
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<% title 'Overview' %>
<div id='dashboard'>
<p>Generated at <%= %></p>
<table id='links-tbl' class="table table-striped table-bordered">
<td><%= searchable_links 'Hosts that had performed modifications without error', "last_report > \"#{Setting[:puppet_interval] + 5} minutes ago\" and (status.applied > 0 or status.restarted > 0) and (status.failed = 0)" %></td>
<td><%= @report[:active_hosts_ok_enabled] %> </td>
<td><%= searchable_links 'Hosts in Error State', "last_report > \"#{Setting[:puppet_interval] + 5} minutes ago\" and (status.failed > 0 or status.failed_restarts > 0) and status.enabled = true" %></td>
<td><%= @report[:bad_hosts_enabled] %> </td>
<td><%=searchable_links "Good Host Reports in the last #{Setting[:puppet_interval]+5} minutes", "last_report > \"#{Setting[:puppet_interval]+5} minutes ago\" and status.enabled = true and status.applied = 0 and status.failed = 0" %></td>
<td> <%= "#{@report[:good_hosts_enabled] - @report[:active_hosts_ok_enabled]} / #{@report[:total_hosts]}" %> hosts (<%= @report[:percentage] %>%)</td>
<td><%= searchable_links 'Hosts that had pending changes', 'status.pending > 0 and status.enabled = true' %></td>
<td><%= @report[:pending_hosts_enabled] %> </td>
<td><%= searchable_links 'Out Of Sync Hosts', "last_report < \"#{Setting[:puppet_interval] + 5} minutes ago\" and status.enabled = true" %></td>
<td><%= @report[:out_of_sync_hosts_enabled] %> </td>
<td><%= searchable_links 'Hosts With No Reports', "not has last_report and status.enabled = true" %></td>
<td><%= @report[:reports_missing] %> </td>
<td><%= searchable_links 'Hosts With Alerts Disabled', "status.enabled = false" %></td>
<td><%= @report[:disabled_hosts] %> </td>
<div id='dashboard-charts' class='row'>
<%= render_overview(@report, :class => 'statistics_pie span6') %>
<%= render_run_distribution(count_reports(@hosts), :class => 'statistics_bar span6') %>
