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Revision 1fa42669

Added by Amos Benari over 10 years ago

refs #3811 - additional bootstrap 3 updates/fixes
  • provisioning template "resolve" button ui fixes
  • form inline help and button lacation fix
  • host ip address help link fixed
  • fixes libvirt allocation buttons
  • host global parameters columns fixed
  • fix multi-select width

View differences:

// help-inline is not defined in Bootstrap3
vertical-align: middle;
margin-top: 0;
line-height: 2.428571;
[N_('None'), N_('Size'), N_('Full')].collect do |label|
content_tag :button, _(label), :type => 'button', :href => '#',
:name => 'allocation_radio_btn',
:class => (label == active) ? 'btn active' : 'btn',
:class => (label == active) ? 'btn btn-default active' : 'btn btn-default',
:onclick => "allocation_switcher(this, '#{label}');"
end.join(' ').html_safe
def selectable_f(f, attr, array, select_options = {}, html_options = {})
html_options.merge!(:size => 'col-md-10') if html_options.include?(:multiple)
field(f, attr, html_options) do
addClass html_options, "form-control" attr, array, select_options, html_options
<% inherited_parameters.keys.sort.each do |name| %>
<% keys = inherited_parameters.keys.sort %>
<% keys.each do |name| %>
<%= "<td class='col-md-2' rowspan='#{inherited_parameters.size}'>#{_('Global')}</td>".html_safe if name == inherited_parameters.first[0]%>
<%= "<td class='col-md-3' rowspan='#{keys.size}'>#{_('Global')}</td>".html_safe if name == keys.first%>
<td class='col-md-2'><%= content_tag :span, name, :id=>"name_#{name}", :class => "col-md-2" %></td>
<td class='col-md-6'><%= parameter_value_field inherited_parameters[name] %></td>
<td class='col-md-7'><%= parameter_value_field inherited_parameters[name] %></td>
<%= link_to_function(_("override"), "override_param(this)", :title => _("Override this value"),
:'data-tag' => 'override', :class =>"btn btn-default" ) if authorized_via_my_scope("host_editing", "create_params") %>
<!-- this section is used for displaying the provisioning scripts-->
<div class="form-group">
<div class="control-label"><%= _('Provisioning templates') %></div>
<%= link_to_function icon_text("refresh", _("Resolve")), "template_info('#templates_info','#{template_used_hosts_url}')", :class => "btn btn-default" %>
<%= popover("?", _("Display the templates that will be used to provision this host"), :title=>_("Provisioning Templates")) %>
<div id="templates_info" class="col-md-6"> </div>
<label class="col-xs-2 control-label"><%= _('Provisioning templates') %></label>
<div class="col-xs-10">
<%= link_to_function icon_text("refresh", _("Resolve")), "template_info('#templates_info','#{template_used_hosts_url}')", :class => "btn btn-default" %>
<div class="help-block">
<%= _("Display the templates that will be used to provision this host") %>
<div id="templates_info" class="col-xs-offset-2 col-xs-8"> </div>
<div class="alert alert-success">
<a class="close" href="#" data-dismiss="alert">&times;</a>
<% templates.sort{|t,x| t.template_kind <=> x.template_kind}.each do |tmplt| %>
<div class="form-group">
<div class="control-label"> <%= _("%s Template") % tmplt.template_kind %> </div>
<%= link_to_if_authorized h(tmplt), hash_for_edit_config_template_path(:id => tmplt.to_param), :rel=>"external" %>
<% end %>
<% templates.sort{|t,x| t.template_kind <=> x.template_kind}.each do |tmplt| %>
<div class="form-group">
<div class="control-label col-md-4"> <%= _("%s Template") % tmplt.template_kind %> </div>
<%= link_to_if_authorized h(tmplt), hash_for_edit_config_template_path(:id => tmplt.to_param), :rel=>"external" %>
<% end %>
<%= render 'common/domain', :item => @host %>
<%= text_f f, :ip, :autocomplete => 'off',
:help_inline => popover("?", _("An IP address will be auto-suggested if you have a DHCP-enabled Smart Proxy on the subnet selected above.<br/><br/>The IP address can be left blank when:<br/><ul><li>provisioning tokens are enabled</li><li>the domain does not manage DNS</li><li>the subnet does not manage reverse DNS</li><li>and the subnet does not manage DHCP reservations</li></ul>"), :title => _("IP address for this host")).html_safe %>
:help_inline => popover(_("IP address auto-suggest"), _("An IP address will be auto-suggested if you have a DHCP-enabled Smart Proxy on the subnet selected above.<br/><br/>The IP address can be left blank when:<br/><ul><li>provisioning tokens are enabled</li><li>the domain does not manage DNS</li><li>the subnet does not manage reverse DNS</li><li>and the subnet does not manage DHCP reservations</li></ul>"), :title => _("IP address for this host")).html_safe %>
<%= f.fields_for :interfaces do |interfaces| %>
<%= render 'hosts/interfaces', :f => interfaces %>
<% end %>

Also available in: Unified diff