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<%= javascript_tag("$(document).on('ContentLoad', tfm.templateInputs.initTypeChanges)"); %>

<% url = if @template.persisted?
public_send("#{@type_name_singular}_path", :id => @template)
public_send("#{@type_name_singular}_path", :id =>
<%= form_for @template, :url => url, :html => { :multipart => true } do |f| %>
<%= base_errors_for @template %>
<ul class="nav nav-tabs" data-tabs="tabs">
<li class="active"><a id="primary_tab" href="#primary" data-toggle="tab"><%= _("Template") %></a></li>
<li><a href="#template_inputs" data-toggle="tab"><%= _("Inputs") %></a></li>
<%= render "#{@type_name_plural}/custom_tab_headers" unless type == 'ptable'%>
<li><a id='history_tab' href="#history" data-toggle="tab"><%= _("History") %></a></li>
<% if show_location_tab? %>
<li><a href="#locations" data-toggle="tab"><%= _("Locations") %></a></li>
<% end %>
<% if show_organization_tab? %>
<li><a href="#organizations" data-toggle="tab"><%= _("Organizations") %></a></li>
<% end %>
<li><a id='help_tab' href="#help" data-toggle="tab"><%= _("Help") %></a></li>

<div class="tab-content">
<div class="tab-pane active" id="primary">
<%= render_if_exists "#{@type_name_plural}/_alerts" %>

<%= text_f f, :name, :disabled => @template.locked? %>

<% if show_default? %>
<%= checkbox_f f, :default, :label=>_('Default'), :label_help => default_template_description %>
<% end -%>

<%= render "custom_tabs", :f => f if type == 'ptable' %>

<% if pxe_with_building_hosts?(@template) -%>
<% warning_text = (_("The template is associated to at least one host in build mode. To apply the change, disable and enable build mode on hosts to update the live templates or choose to %s their configuration from 'Select Action' menu") % link_to(_('recreate'), building_hosts_path(@template))).html_safe %>
<%= alert(:class => 'alert-warning', :header => 'Warning', :text => warning_text) %>
<% end -%>
<div class='form-group <%= 'has-error' if @template.errors[:template] %>'>
<div class="col-md-12">
<% if @template.errors[:template] %>
<span class="help-block help-inline">
<span class="error-message"><%= @template.errors[:template].join('<br>').html_safe %></span>
<% end %>
<%= react_component('Editor', { data: {
template: @template.template,
locked: @template.locked,
type: 'templates',
name: template_name_attribute(@template.class),
templateClass: @template.class.to_s,
showImport: !@template.locked,
showPreview: @template.support_preview?,
showHostSelector: @template.support_single_host_render?,
isSafemodeEnabled: Setting[:safemode_render],
renderPath: url_for(template_hash_for_member(@template, 'preview')),
safemodeRenderPath: url_for(template_hash_for_member(@template, 'preview').merge({ params: { force_safemode: true }})),
}}) %>

<%= textarea_f f, :description, :size => 'col-md-10', :rows => 3, :label => _('Description'), :disabled => @template.locked? %>

<%= textarea_f f, :audit_comment, :size => "col-md-10", :rows => 3, :label => _("Audit Comment"),
:help_block => _("The Audit Comment field is saved with the template auditing to document the template changes"),
:disabled => @template.locked? %>

<div class="tab-pane" id="template_inputs">
<%= alert(:class => 'alert-info', :header => _('Template inputs'),
:text => ('<p>' + _("Inputs can be used to parametrize templates during rendering \
based on template type, it allows to fetch the value from host facts, \
host parameterization or ask user interactively. To use value loaded \
via input, use <code>input('name')</code> global macro. The template needs to be \
saved before input macro can load the value. If the value is not available during
template preview, its value is expanded to <code>$TYPE_INPUT[name]</code> string." + '</p>')
).html_safe) %>

<div class="children_fields">
<%= new_child_fields_template(f, :template_inputs, { :partial => "template_inputs/form" }) %>
<%= f.fields_for :template_inputs do |ff| %>
<div class="template_input_form fields">
<%= render 'template_inputs/form', :f => ff %>
<% end %>
<%= add_child_link '+ ' + _("Add Input"), :template_inputs, { :title => _('add a input for this template')} unless @template.locked? %>

<div class="tab-pane" id="history">
<%= render :partial => 'history', :locals => { history: @history } %>

<div class="tab-pane" id="help">
<h1><%= _('Template syntax') %></h1>
<%= _('Templates are generated using the Embedded Ruby (ERB) language.') %>
<%= _('The following table and example snippet shows global methods, variables and class methods and how to use them.') %>
<%= _('These are guaranteed to work via the safe mode rendering, to ensure a template can do nothing harmful.') %>
<% unless Setting[:safemode_render] -%>
<%= _('To enable safe mode, navigate to Settings page and enable Safemode rendering option.') %>
<% end -%>
<%= (_'For more info visit:') %>
<% if controller.respond_to?(:documentation_anchor) -%>
<%= link_to(_('our templates documentation'), documentation_url(controller.documentation_anchor)) %> <%= _('and') %>
<% end -%>
<%= link_to(_('DSL (Domain Specific Language) documentation'), apipie_dsl_apipie_dsl_path) %>

<h2><%= _('Examples') %></h2>
<div class="panel-group" id="accordion-markup">
<%= render "help_accordion", :title => N_('Comments'), :contents => (capture { %>
<%%# this is a comment %>
<% }) %>
<%= render "help_accordion", :title => N_('In-line code syntax'), :contents => (capture { %>
<%% if true -%><br/>
&nbsp;&nbsp;some content<br/>
<%% end -%>
<% }) %>
<%= render "help_accordion", :title => N_('Printing data'), :contents => (capture { %>
<%%= "some content from variable" %>
<% }) %>
<%= render "help_accordion", :title => N_('Variables'), :contents => (capture { %>
<%%= @host %>
<% }) %>
<%= render "help_accordion", :title => N_('Calling methods on objects'), :contents => (capture { %>
<%%= @host.operatingsystem.major %>
<% }) %>
<%= render "help_accordion", :title => N_('Safe mode methods'), :contents => (capture { %>
<%%# @host.operatingsystem.set_title("this method is not listed for Operatingsystem") %>
<% }) %>
<%= render "help_accordion", :title => N_('Global macros'), :contents => (capture { %>
<%%= rand(9999) + 1 %>
<% }) %>
<%= render "help_accordion", :title => N_('Iterating'), :contents => (capture { %>
<%% @host.interfaces.each do |interface| -%><br/>
&nbsp;&nbsp;NIC name: <%%= %><br/>
<%% end -%><br/>
<% }) %>
<%= render "help_accordion", :title => N_('Inputs'), :wrap_in_code => false, :contents => (capture { %>
<%= (_('Once you define a template input in Inputs tab and save the template, it can be used in the ERB.
To load value specified through this input, use global macro %{example1} and pass the input
name as an argument. E.g. %{example2} will load the value through input called cpus.') % {
:example1 => "<code>input</code>",
:example2 => "<code><&#37;= input('cpus') &#37;></code>"
}).html_safe %>
<%= (_("While rendering the template in preview mode, the input either loads the value or uses a placeholder
if the input is not ready for the rendering. If the template is rendered for real and the input is
not ready, an error is raised. The readyness criteria differs per input type, e.g. for Fact Inputs
linked to host's fact with name \"cpu_count\" is ready when %{example1} facts contains value
for such fact. To load this value into the template, following code can be used %{example2}
Note that the fact name can differ from input name.") % {
:example1 => "<code>@host</code>",
:example2 => "<code><&#37;= input('cpus') &#37;></code>"
}).html_safe %>
<% }) %>
<h2><%= _('Safe mode methods and variables') %></h2>
<table class="<%= table_css_classes %>">
<th class='col-md-3'><%= _("Class") %></th>
<th class='col-md-9'><%= _("Allowed methods or members") %></th>
<td class="ellipsis"><em><%= _("Global methods (macros)") %></em></td>
<td><code class="transparent"><%= safemode_helpers %></code></td>
<td class="ellipsis"><em><%= _("Global variables") %></em></td>
<td><code class="transparent"><%= safemode_variables %></code></td>
<% safemode_methods.each do |record| %>
<td class="ellipsis"><%= record.first %></td>
<td><code class="transparent"><%= record.second %></code></td>
<% end %>

<%= render "custom_tabs", :f => f unless type == 'ptable'%>
<%= render 'taxonomies/loc_org_tabs', :f => f, :obj => @template %>

<%= submit_or_cancel f, false, :cancel_path => template_path_for(@template.class) %>
<% end %>