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<div class="tab-pane" id="template_type">
<%= checkbox_f f, :snippet, :onchange => "snippet_changed(this)", :label=>_('Snippet'), :disabled => @template.locked? %>

<div id="kind_selector" <%= display? @template.snippet %>>
<%= select_f f, :template_kind_id, TemplateKind.all, :id, :name, {:include_blank => true, :selected => @template_kind_id},
{:disabled => @template.locked?, :label => _("Type")} %>

<div class="tab-pane" id="template_associations">
<p id="snippet_message" class="alert alert-info" <%= display? !@template.snippet %> ><%= _("Not relevant for snippet") %></p>

<div id="association" <%= display? @template.snippet %> >
<div class="alert alert-success alert-dismissable">
<%= alert_close %>

<h3><%= _("How templates are determined") %><br></h3>

<p><%= _("When editing a template, you must assign a list of operating systems which this template can be used with. Optionally, you can restrict a template to a list of host groups and/or environments.") %></p>

<p><%= _("When a Host requests a template (e.g. during provisioning), Foreman will select the best match from the available templates of that type, in the following order:") %></p>
<li><%= _("Host group and Environment") %></li>
<li><%= _("Host group only") %></li>
<li><%= _("Environment only") %></li>
<li><%= _("Operating system default") %></li>
<%= (_("The final entry, Operating System default, can be set by editing the %s page.") % (link_to _("Operating System"), operatingsystems_path)).html_safe %>
<%= multiple_selects f, :operatingsystems, Operatingsystem, @operatingsystems.try(:map, &:id), :label => _("Applicable<br>Operating Systems").html_safe %>
<%= render "provisioning_templates/combinations", :f => f %>