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:man source: foreman-debug
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foreman-debug - Foreman configuration and log collector

foreman-debug [OPTIONS]

foreman-debug -d /output/dir -a -m 9000 -v

foreman-debug -h


Collects configuration and log data for Foreman, Smart Proxies, backend
services and system information while removing security information like
passwords, tokens and keys.

This program can be used on Foreman instances, Smart Proxy instances or
backend services separately.


Use the *foreman-debug* tool to generate a tarball with your configuration and
recent logs and send it to developers for further investigation. Note that
passwords and tokens are filtered out, but the tarball still can contain
*sensitive information*. For this reason it is recommended to send directly to
the developers, and not publicly on the mailing list for production instances.


The following options are available:

-d DIR Directory to place the tarball in (default /tmp/foreman-XYZ)
-g Skip generic info (CPU, memory, firewall etc.)
-a Do not generate a tarball from the resulting directory
-m NUM Maximum lines to keep for each file (default 5000)
-j PRG Filter with provided program when creating a tarball
-p Additionally print all passwords which are being filtered
-q Quiet mode
-v Verbose mode
-u Upload tarball
-h Shows this message


Additional configuration can be provided via configuration file that must be
stored as /etc/foreman/foreman-debug.conf. The file has shell syntax and the
following environment variables can be defined:

- DIR: Directory to place the tarball in (string)
- NOGENERIC: Skip generic info (0 or 1)
- NOTAR: Do not create tarballs (0 or 1)
- MAXLINES: Maximum lines to keep for files (integer)
- COMPRESS: Compress program to pipe the tarball through (string)
- PRINTPASS: Print passwords which are filtered out to stdout (0 or 1)
- QUIET: Quiet mode (0 or 1)
- VERBOSE: Verbose mode (0 or 1)
- DEBUG: Debug mode (0 or 1)
- UPLOAD: Upload tarball after each run (0 or 1)
- UPLOAD_DISABLED: Permanently disable upload feature (0 or 1)
- FILTER_WORDS: Tokens that are filtered out (shell array)

Most of the configured options are default values and can be overridden by
command line options, others are unique and can only be set via the
configuration file.




For support, please see, the mailing list or #theforeman on Freenode.