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<%= text_f f, :name %>
<%= text_f f, :network %>
<%= text_f f, :mask, :help_inline => _("Netmask for this subnet") %>
<%= text_f f, :gateway, :help_inline => _("Optional: Gateway for this subnet") %>
<%= text_f f, :dns_primary, :help_inline => _("Optional: Primary DNS for this subnet") %>
<%= text_f f, :dns_secondary, :help_inline => _("Optional: Secondary DNS for this subnet") %>
<%= selectable_f f, :ipam, Subnet.ipam_modes_with_translations, {}, :data => {'disable-auto-suggest-on' => Subnet::IPAM_MODES[:none]},
:label => _('IPAM'),
:help_inline => popover(
_("IP Address Management"),
_("You can select one of three possible IPAM modes:<br/>" +
"<ul><li><strong>DHCP</strong> - will manage the IP on DHCP through assigned DHCP proxy, auto-suggested IPs come from DHCP</li>" +
"<li><strong>Internal DB</strong> - use internal DB to auto-suggest free IP based on other interfaces on same subnet respecting range if specified, useful mainly with static boot mode</li>" +
"<li><strong>None</strong> - leave IP management solely on user, no auto-suggestion</li></ul>"),
:rel => 'popover',
:'data-placement' => "top"
).html_safe %>
<div id='ipam_options' class ='<%= f.object.ipam? ? "" : "hide" %>'>
<%= text_f f, :from, :help_inline => _("Optional: Starting IP Address for IP auto suggestion") %>
<%= text_f f, :to, :help_inline => _("Optional: Ending IP Address for IP auto suggestion") %>
<%= number_f f, :vlanid, :min => 0, :max => 4095, :help_inline => _("Optional: VLAN ID for this subnet") %>
<%= selectable_f f, :boot_mode, Subnet.boot_modes_with_translations, {},
:help_inline => _("Default boot mode for interfaces assigned to this subnet") %>
<%= hidden_field_tag :redirect, params[:redirect] %>