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bfbf7ed8 Lukas Zapletal
<% title _("Welcome") %>
05ab4c16 Ohad Levy
<div id="welcome">
67799065 Ohad Levy
bfbf7ed8 Lukas Zapletal
<%= _('Before you can use Foreman for the first time there are a few tasks that must be performed.') %>

4d4557e9 Joseph Magen
<%= _('You must decide how you wish to use the software, and update the primary settings file <b>config/settings.yaml</b> and the').html_safe %>
bfbf7ed8 Lukas Zapletal
<%= link_to _("settings"), settings_path %>
<%= _('to indicate your selections.') %>
05ab4c16 Ohad Levy

4d4557e9 Joseph Magen
<h2><%= _('Operating Mode') %></h2>
05ab4c16 Ohad Levy
bfbf7ed8 Lukas Zapletal
<%= _('You may operate Foreman in basic mode, in which it acts as a reporting and external node classifier or you may also turn on unattended mode operation in which Foreman creates and manages the configuration files necessary to completely configure a new host.') %>

cb4177d3 Lukas Zapletal
<%= _('When operating in unattended mode Foreman will require more information, so expect more questions, but it will be able to automate host installations for Red Hat, Debian, SUSE and Solaris operating systems (and their clones), see') %>
39dfa4be Lukas Zapletal
<a href="<%=SETTINGS[:version].short%>/index.html#4.4Provisioning" rel="external"><%= _('here') %></a>
bfbf7ed8 Lukas Zapletal
<%= _('for more details.') %>
05ab4c16 Ohad Levy

4d4557e9 Joseph Magen
<h2><%= _('Create a Smart Proxy') %></h2>
6c9689ef Greg Sutcliffe
bfbf7ed8 Lukas Zapletal
<%= _("If you're planning to do anything more than just handle reports, you'll be in need of a smart proxy - either on this machine or elsewhere on your network.") %>
<%= _('You can find details of how to set up the proxy at') %>
51702d64 Joseph Magen
<a href="<%=SETTINGS[:version].short%>/index.html#4.3.1SmartProxyInstallation" rel="external"><%= _('Smart-Proxy Installation') %></a>.
bfbf7ed8 Lukas Zapletal
bf4a13d3 Walden Raines
<span class="label label-danger"><%= _('Important') %></span>
bfbf7ed8 Lukas Zapletal
<%= _('Once installed you should head over to') %>
5da82453 Lukas Zapletal
<%= link_to _("Smart Proxies"), smart_proxies_path %>
bfbf7ed8 Lukas Zapletal
<%= _('to point Foreman at it.') %>
6c9689ef Greg Sutcliffe

4d4557e9 Joseph Magen
<h2><%= _('User Authentication') %></h2>
05ab4c16 Ohad Levy
bfbf7ed8 Lukas Zapletal
<%= _('Foreman, by default, operates in anonymous mode where all operations are performed without reference to the user who is performing the task.') %>
<%= _('If you wish to track the actions of a particular user then it is possible to use an additional authentication stage and provide a user account.') %>
<%= _('At present, authentication is performed against the internal Database or a LDAP service provided by one or more LDAP servers.') %>
72af2ac8 Ohad Levy
bfbf7ed8 Lukas Zapletal
<%= _('Additionally, you may restrict user permissions based on many criteria, make sure you check the roles settings tab.') %>
72af2ac8 Ohad Levy
4d4557e9 Joseph Magen
<% if SETTINGS[:login] %>
72af2ac8 Ohad Levy
bfbf7ed8 Lukas Zapletal
5da82453 Lukas Zapletal
<%= (_('For internal Users, simply create a new user at the %s page') % link_to(_("Users"), users_path)).html_safe %>
bfbf7ed8 Lukas Zapletal
5da82453 Lukas Zapletal
<%= (_('If you chose to use LDAP authentication then you must provide connection details for your authentication provider on %s page') % link_to(_("LDAP"), new_auth_source_ldap_path)).html_safe %>
bfbf7ed8 Lukas Zapletal
5da82453 Lukas Zapletal
<%= (_('For Roles and permissions, see the %s page') % link_to(_("Roles"), roles_path)).html_safe %>
bfbf7ed8 Lukas Zapletal
72af2ac8 Ohad Levy
4d4557e9 Joseph Magen
<% else %>
<p><span class="label label-info"><%= _('Notice') %></span>
bfbf7ed8 Lukas Zapletal
<%= _('You would need to enable login in your settings.yml file first and restart foreman') %>
6c9689ef Greg Sutcliffe
bf4a13d3 Walden Raines
<p><span class="label label-danger"><%= _('Important') %></span>
bfbf7ed8 Lukas Zapletal
<%= _('The default username and password are <b>admin</b> and <b>changeme</b>').html_safe %>
72af2ac8 Ohad Levy
4d4557e9 Joseph Magen
<% end %>
bfbf7ed8 Lukas Zapletal
05ab4c16 Ohad Levy
4d4557e9 Joseph Magen
<h2><%= _('Import your data') %></h2>
05ab4c16 Ohad Levy
bfbf7ed8 Lukas Zapletal
<%= _('Foreman comes with some importers to ease the burden of entering loads of data about your current installation.') %>
<%= _('If you are already using puppet you should consider using some of the rake tasks that have been provided.') %>
<%= _('Inventory browser') %>
39dfa4be Lukas Zapletal
- <a href="<%=SETTINGS[:version].short%>/index.html#3.5.5FactsandtheENC" rel="external"><%= _('Importing Puppet Facts') %></a>
bfbf7ed8 Lukas Zapletal
<%= _('Puppet External Nodes') %>
4d4557e9 Joseph Magen
- <a href= rel="external"><%= _('Importing Puppet classes and environments') %></a>
bfbf7ed8 Lukas Zapletal
<%= _('Reporting') %>
39dfa4be Lukas Zapletal
- <a href="<%=SETTINGS[:version].short%>/index.html#3.5.4PuppetReports" rel="external"><%= _('Puppet Reports integration') %></a>
bfbf7ed8 Lukas Zapletal

4d4557e9 Joseph Magen
<h2><%= _('Additional steps') %></h2>
bfbf7ed8 Lukas Zapletal
05ab4c16 Ohad Levy
bfbf7ed8 Lukas Zapletal
<%= _('You may optionally wish to generate the online documentation for your puppet classes') %>
4d4557e9 Joseph Magen
- <a href= rel="external"><%= _('puppet class browser') %></a>.
05ab4c16 Ohad Levy

bfbf7ed8 Lukas Zapletal
<%= _('After you have decided on the two primary modes of operation and performed any appropriate imports then it would be good idea if you visited some of the other configuration pages to see if additional setup is required under the Additional settings select box on the top right.') %>
05ab4c16 Ohad Levy
bfbf7ed8 Lukas Zapletal
<%= _('You may also find the') %>
4d4557e9 Joseph Magen
<a href= rel="external"><%= _('Howtos') %></a>
bfbf7ed8 Lukas Zapletal
<%= _('useful.') %>
05ab4c16 Ohad Levy
bfbf7ed8 Lukas Zapletal
4d4557e9 Joseph Magen
<span class="label label-info"><%= _('Notice') %></span>
cbc29459 Josh Baird
<%= (_('This page will self destruct once Foreman starts to receive data about your hosts. You can view this information again by clicking on the "First use instructions" link on the %{about} page.') % {:about => link_to("about", :controller => 'about')}).html_safe %>
bfbf7ed8 Lukas Zapletal
05ab4c16 Ohad Levy