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= Smart Proxy devel setup
:toc: right
:toclevels: 5

== Prerequisites[Smart Proxy] will run with the following requirements (aside from rubygem dependencies):

* Ruby `>= 2.7.0`

== Installation

[source, bash]
git clone
cd smart-proxy
cp config/settings.yml.example config/settings.yml
bundle install

== Configuration

By default, Smart Proxy does not listen on any port and SSL is not configured, so uncomment the `http_port` configuration value:

[source, bash]
# config/settings.yml
:http_port: 8080
:foreman_url: http://localhost:3000
:bind_host: ['*']

To elevate authorization for Foreman, either the remote IP address or DNS hostname, or both, must be in the trusted_hosts list. This depends on how your system connects to the proxy (IPv4 or IPv6) and also on how the remote IP address is reverse-resolved. The following list of trusted entries should do the trick:

[source, bash]
grep -A10 trusted_hosts config/settings.yml
- localhost
- localhost4
- localhost6
- ::1
- your_host_name

== Running proxy
[source, bash]
bundle exec bin/smart-proxy

== Smart Proxy in Foreman
Add proxy in Foreman UI (_Infrastructure > Smart Proxies_)

[source, bash]
Name: localhost
URL: http://localhost:8080

== Features and plugins
Smart Proxy starts with almost no features enabled. Each feature must be individually configured. Most of the features (which are essentially build-in plugins) and external plugins (these live in separate git repositories) require some backend system configuration so this is out of scope for this guide.

Here is how you can enable a simple feature which requires no configuration or a backend system:

[source, bash]
cd smart-proxy
cp config/settings.d/logs.yml.example config/settings.d/logs.yml
grep :enabled config/settings.d/logs.yml
:enabled: true

And here is how you can enable a simple (external) plugin without a backend system:

[source, bash]
cd smart-proxy
grep shellhooks bundler.d/shellhooks.local.rb
gem "smart_proxy_shellhooks", path: "../smart_proxy_shellhooks/"

git clone ../smart_proxy_shellhooks
cp ../smart_proxy_shellhooks/settings.d/shellhooks.yml.example \
grep enabled config/settings.d/shellhooks.yml
:enabled: true

== SSL (optional)
To configure SSL, generate a CA cert, a server cert and a client cert with a common name listed in trusted hosts configuration.

Assuming the following files:

* `ca.crt` - CA cert
* `server.{crt,pem,key}` - server SSL cert
* `client-localhost.{crt,pem,key}` - client SSL cert

Then configure Foreman (via _Administer - Settings_) as follows:

* SSL CA cert: `ca.pem`
* SSL cert: `client-localhost.pem`
* SSL key: `client-localhost.key`

And configure smart-proxy as:
[source, bash]
grep ^:ssl config/settings.yml
:ssl_ca_file: "ca.pem"
:ssl_certificate: "server.pem"
:ssl_private_key: "server.key"

grep ^:https_port config/settings.yml
:https_port: 8443

Then you can add Smart Proxy in Foreman UI as `https://localhost:8443`.

== Troubleshooting

`krb5` error while running `bundle install`
[source, bash]
Error while installing proxy:
checking for krb5.h... no
checking for -lkrb5... no
warning: com_err not found, usually a dependency for kadm5clnt
checking for kadm5/admin.h... no
*** extconf.rb failed ***
Could not create Makefile due to some reason, probably lack of necessary
libraries and/or headers. Check the mkmf.log file for more details. You may
need configuration options.

If you won\'t need Kerberos authentication, you can run:

[source, bash]
bundle install --without krb5