


Download (2.17 KB) Statistics
| Branch: | Tag: | Revision:
dd42df0a Ohad Levy
<%= select_f f, :architecture_id, Architecture.all, :id, :to_label, {:include_blank => true},
89b9ecb0 Amos Benari
{:onchange => 'architecture_selected(this);', :'data-url' => method_path('architecture_selected'),
571614ae Joseph Magen
:help_inline => :indicator, :required => true} %>
dd42df0a Ohad Levy
<span id="os_select">
<%= render 'common/os_selection/architecture', :item => @host %>
3d03e334 Dominic Cleal
dd42df0a Ohad Levy
<div id='provisioning_method' <%= display? (@host.capabilities.size < 2) %> >
571614ae Joseph Magen
<%= field(f, :provision_method, :label => _('Provisioning Method'), :required => true) do
57e4204b Joseph Magen
radio_button_f(f, :provision_method, :value=>'build', :checked=> @host.pxe_build?, :text=> _("Network Based"), :disabled => !@host.new_record?)+
radio_button_f(f, :provision_method, :value=>'image', :checked=> @host.image_build?, :text=> _("Image Based"), :disabled => !@host.new_record?)
dd42df0a Ohad Levy
end %>
3d03e334 Dominic Cleal
<div id='network_provisioning' <%= display? !@host.pxe_build? %> >
99527500 Jimmi Dyson
<% if @host.new_record? or @host.type_changed? -%>
bfbf7ed8 Lukas Zapletal
<%= checkbox_f f, :build, :checked => true, :help_inline => _("Enable this host for provisioning") %>
4d4557e9 Joseph Magen
<% end %>
dd42df0a Ohad Levy
<span id="media_select">
<%= render 'common/os_selection/operatingsystem', :item => @host %>

bf4a13d3 Walden Raines
<%= textarea_f f, :disk, :size => "col-md-8", :rows => "4",
bfbf7ed8 Lukas Zapletal
:help_block => _("What ever text(or ERB template) you use in here, would be used as your OS disk layout options If you want to use the partition table option, delete all of the text from this field") %>
571614ae Joseph Magen
<%= password_f f, :root_pass, :help_inline => _("Password must be 8 characters or more"), :required => true %>
dd42df0a Ohad Levy

3d03e334 Dominic Cleal
<div id='image_provisioning' <%= display? !@host.image_build? %> >
dd42df0a Ohad Levy
<!-- this section is used for displaying the provisioning scripts-->
bf4a13d3 Walden Raines
<div class="form-group">
1fa42669 Amos Benari
<label class="col-xs-2 control-label"><%= _('Provisioning templates') %></label>
<div class="col-xs-10">
<%= link_to_function icon_text("refresh", _("Resolve")), "template_info('#templates_info','#{template_used_hosts_url}')", :class => "btn btn-default" %>
<div class="help-block">
<%= _("Display the templates that will be used to provision this host") %>
<div id="templates_info" class="col-xs-offset-2 col-xs-8"> </div>
dd42df0a Ohad Levy