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<% title _("Oops, we're sorry but something went wrong") %>

<%= alert :class => 'alert-block alert-danger base in fade', :text => h(exception.message) %>

<%= _("If you feel this is an error with Foreman itself, please open a new issue with") %> <%= link_to _("Foreman ticketing system"), "", :rel => "external" %>,
<%= _("You would probably need to attach the") %>
<%= link_to_function(_("Full trace"), "$('#backtrace').toggle()")%> <%= _("and relevant log entries.") %>

<div id="backtrace" class="alert alert-block alert-danger base in fade hide">
<em><%= exception.class %></em><br>
<strong><%= exception.message %></strong><br>
<%= Rails.backtrace_cleaner.clean(exception.backtrace).join("<br>").html_safe %>
<p><%= link_to _("Back"), main_app.root_path %></p>