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Revision 59f0a945

Added by Tomer Brisker over 6 years ago

Fixes #22208, #21920 - Refactor password auditing (#5162)

Recent changes in Rails 5.1 and audited gem cause our method of auditing
passwords to break. This PR refactors password auditing, so that instead
of recording a change to attribute `password_changed`, we will now
record the string `[redacted]` instead of any actual password.
The change is done currently in our audit extensions, which mean that it
will now apply to all resources that have a `password` attribute instead
of just those that have defined the workaround.
The next step will be to move this to the audited gem in a more
generalized method that can be defined in the model when initializing
audited, so that the workaround can be removed.

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