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<div class="fields">
<div class="form-group">
<%= field_set_tag template_input_header(f, @template) do %>
<%= text_f f, :name, :disabled => @template.locked? %>
<%= checkbox_f f, :required, :disabled => @template.locked? %>
<%= selectable_f f, :input_type, template_input_types_options(@template.acceptable_template_input_types), {}, :class => 'input_type_selector without_select2', :disabled => @template.locked? %>
<%= selectable_f f, :value_type, [[_('Plain'), 'plain'], [_("Search"), 'search'], [_('Date'), 'date']], {}, {'data-item':, class: 'select-value-type', onchange: "tfm.templateInputs.inputValueOnchange(this)"} %>
<%= selectable_f f, :resource_type, Permission.resources_with_translations, {}, {wrapper_class: "#{hide_resource_type_input(f.object)} form-group resource-type-#{}"} %>
<div class="fact_input_type custom_input_type_fields" style="<%= f.object.fact_template_input? ? '' : 'display:none' %>">
<%= text_f f, :fact_name, :class => 'fact_input_type', :required => true, :disabled => @template.locked? %>
<div class="variable_input_type custom_input_type_fields" style="<%= f.object.variable_template_input? ? '' : 'display:none' %>">
<%= text_f f, :variable_name, :class => 'variable_input_type', :required => true, :disabled => @template.locked? %>
<div class="puppet_parameter_input_type custom_input_type_fields" style="<%= f.object.puppet_parameter_template_input? ? '' : 'display:none' %>">
<%= text_f f, :puppet_class_name, :class => 'puppet_parameter_input_type', :required => true, :disabled => @template.locked? %>
<%= text_f f, :puppet_parameter_name, :class => 'puppet_parameter_input_type', :required => true, :disabled => @template.locked? %>
<div class="user_input_type custom_input_type_fields" style="<%= (f.object.user_template_input? || f.object.new_record?) ? '' : 'display:none' %>">
<%= checkbox_f f, :advanced, :disabled => @template.locked? %>
<%= textarea_f f, :options, :rows => 3, :class => 'user_input_type', :help_inline => _("A list of options the user can select from. If not provided, the user will be given a free-form field"),
:disabled => @template.locked?, wrapper_class: "form-group input-options-#{}" %>
<%= textarea_f f, :description, :rows => 3, :disabled => @template.locked? %>
<% end %>