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Revision 5d3c04db

Added by Michael Moll about 6 years ago

change some URLs to https

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From **provisioning** and **configuration** to **orchestration** and **monitoring**, Foreman integrates with your existing infrastructure to make operations easier.
* Website: [](
* ServerFault tag: [Foreman](
* Issues: [Redmine](
* Wiki: [Foreman wiki](
* ServerFault tag: [Foreman](
* Issues: [Redmine](
* Wiki: [Foreman wiki](
* Community and support: We use [Freenode]( IRC channels
* #theforeman for general support
* #theforeman-dev for development chat
Foreman provides comprehensive, interaction facilities including a **web frontend**, [**CLI**]( and [**RESTful API**]( which enables you to build higher level business logic on top of a solid foundation.
Foreman is a mature project, deployed in [many organizations](, managing from 10s to 10000s of servers. It is used in distributions such as RDO and RHOS (Red Hat OpenStack distribution) and has [an extensive library of plugins](
Foreman is a mature project, deployed in [many organizations](, managing from 10s to 10000s of servers. It is used in distributions such as RDO and RHOS (Red Hat OpenStack distribution) and has [an extensive library of plugins](
# Features
* Automate your mixed infrastructure to make operations enjoyable
* [Follow the rules]( about commit message style and create a Redmine issue. Doing this right will help reviewers to get your contribution merged faster.
* We have a [development handbook]( to help developers understand how Foreman developers code.
* [Rubocop]( will analyze your code, you can run it locally with `rake rubocop`.
* All of our pull requests run the full test suite in our [Jenkins CI system]( Please include tests in your pull requests for any additions or changes in functionality
* All of our pull requests run the full test suite in our [Jenkins CI system]( Please include tests in your pull requests for any additions or changes in functionality
# Media
We keep a repository of talks, tutorials, articles about everything in the Foreman ecosystem in the [media section]( of our web. If you want to get yours published, just submit a pull request to [ repository](

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