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module Foreman
module DefaultSettings
module Loader
class << self

def set name, description, default, value = nil
value ||= SETTINGS[name.to_sym]
{:name => name, :value => value, :description => description, :default => default}

def create opts
if ((s=Setting.first(:conditions => {:name => (opts[:name])})).nil?)
s.update_attribute(:default, opts[:default]) unless s.default == opts[:default]

def load(reset=false)

# We may be executing something like rake db:migrate:reset, which destroys this table; only continue if the table exists
Setting.first rescue return

Setting.transaction do
domain = Facter.domain
set('administrator', "The Default administrator email address", "root@#{domain}"),
set('foreman_url', "The hostname where your foreman instance is running on", "foreman.#{domain}"),
set('email_replay_address', "The email replay address for emails that foreman is sending", "Foreman-noreply@#{domain}"),
set('entries_per_page', "The amount of records shown per page in foreman", 20),
set('authorize_login_delegation',"Authorize login delegation with REMOTE_USER environment variable",false),
].each { |s| create s.update(:category => "General")}

set('root_pass', "Default ecrypted root password on provisioned hosts default is 123123", "xybxa6JUkz63w"),
set('safemode_render', "Enable safe mode config templates rendinging(recommended)", true),
set('ssl_certificate', "SSL Certificate path that foreman would use to communicate with its proxies", Puppet.settings[:hostcert]),
set('ssl_ca_file', "SSL CA file that foreman would use to communicate with its proxies", Puppet.settings[:localcacert]),
set('ssl_priv_key', "SSL Private Key file that foreman would use to communicate with its proxies", Puppet.settings[:hostprivkey]),
set('manage_puppetca', "Should foreman automate certificate signing upon provisioning new host", true),
set('ignore_puppet_facts_for_provisioning', "Does not update ipaddress and MAC values from puppet facts", false)
].each { |s| create s.update(:category => "Provisioning")}

set('puppet_interval', "Puppet interval in minutes", 30 ),
set('default_puppet_environment',"The Puppet environment foreman would default to in case it can't auto detect it", "production"),
set('modulepath',"The Puppet default module path in case that Foreman can't auto detect it", "/etc/puppet/modules"),
set('document_root', "Document root where puppetdoc files should be created", "#{Rails.root}/public/puppet/rdoc"),
set('puppetrun', "Enables Puppetrun Support", false),
set('puppet_server', "Default Puppet Server hostname", "puppet"),
set('failed_report_email_notification', "Enable Email Alerts per each failed puppet report", false),
set('using_storeconfigs', "Foreman is sharing its database with Puppet Store configs", (!Puppet.settings.instance_variable_get(:@values)[:master][:dbadapter].empty? rescue false)),
set('Default_variables_Lookup_Path', "The Default path in which foreman resolves host specific variables", ["fqdn", "hostgroup", "os", "domain"]),
set('Enable_Smart_Variables_in_ENC', "Should the smart variables be exposed via the ENC yaml output?", true),
set('update_environment_from_facts', "Should foreman will update a host's environment from its facts", false)
].compact.each { |s| create s.update(:category => "Puppet")}