


Download (1.88 KB) Statistics
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<% title taxonomy_upcase.pluralize %>

<% title_actions display_link_if_authorized("New #{taxonomy_upcase}", send("hash_for_new_#{taxonomy_single}_path")), link_to("Mismatches Report", send("mismatches_#{taxonomies_plural}_path"), :class => 'btn'), help_path %>

<% if @count_nil_hosts > 0 %>
<div class="alert alert-message alert-block alert">
<% link = %>
<strong>Notice:</strong> There are
<%= link_to "#{@count_nil_hosts} hosts with no #{taxonomy_single} assigned", hosts_path(:search => "not has #{taxonomy_single}") %>
<% end %>

<table class="table table-bordered table-striped">
<th><%= sort :name %></th>

<% @taxonomies.each do |taxonomy| %>
<tr class="<%= cycle("even", "odd") -%>">
<td><%= link_to taxonomy.to_label, send("edit_#{taxonomy_single}_path", taxonomy) %></td>
<td><%= link_to @counter[] || 0, hosts_path(:search => "#{taxonomy_single} = #{taxonomy}") %></td>
<%= action_buttons(
display_link_if_authorized('Edit', send("hash_for_edit_#{taxonomy_single}_path", :id => taxonomy )),
display_link_if_authorized('Clone', send("hash_for_clone_#{taxonomy_single}_path", :id => taxonomy )),
display_delete_if_authorized(send("hash_for_#{taxonomy_single}_path", :id => taxonomy), :confirm => "Delete #{}?", :action => :destroy),
(link_to("Select Hosts to Assign to #{}", send("assign_hosts_#{taxonomy_single}_path", taxonomy)) if @count_nil_hosts > 0),
(link_to("Assign All #{@count_nil_hosts} Hosts with No #{taxonomy_upcase} to #{}",
send("assign_all_hosts_#{taxonomy_single}_path", taxonomy),
:method => :post) if @count_nil_hosts > 0)
<% end %>
<%= page_entries_info @taxonomies %>
<%= will_paginate @taxonomies %>