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<% title_actions link_to(_("New Host Group"), new_hostgroup_path) %>
<% title _("Host group configuration") %>
<div id="welcome">
<%= _('A host group is in some ways similar to an inherited node declaration, in that it is a high level grouping of classes that can be named and treated as a unit. This is then treated as a template and is selectable during the creation of a new host and ensures that the host is configured in one of your pre-defined states.') %>

<%= _('In addition to defining which puppet classes get included when building this host type you are also able to assign variables and provisioning information to a host group to further refine the behavior of the puppet runtime.') %>

<%= _("The host group's classes and the host group's variables are included in the external node information when the puppetmaster compiles the host's configuration.") %>

<%= _('There are two strategies when using host groups.') %>

<%= _('You may create puppet classes that represent high-level host configurations, for example, a <b>host-type-ldap-server</b> class, which includes all the required functionality from other modules or you may decide to create a host group called <b>host-type-ldap-server</b> and add the required classes into the host group configuration.').html_safe %>

<%= _('These two options are personal decisions and are up to you (where the main difference would be the parameter/variables settings).') %>
