


| Branch: | Tag: | Revision:
Name Size
about.js 524 Bytes
application.js 16.9 KB
auth_source_ldap.js 568 Bytes
charts.js 12.5 KB
class_edit.js 5.95 KB
compute_resource.js 7.27 KB
dashboard.js 4.18 KB
editor.js 7.05 KB
filters.js 553 Bytes
hidden_values.js 1.54 KB
host_checkbox.js 4.04 KB
host_edit.js 22.5 KB
host_edit_interfaces.js 9.7 KB
hosts.js 1.37 KB
i18n.js 471 Bytes
jquery.extentions.js 797 Bytes
jquery.multi-select.js 4.14 KB
lookup_keys.js 10.7 KB
nfs_visibility.js 893 Bytes
noVNC.js 1.28 KB
password_strength.js 2.47 KB
reports.js 789 Bytes
select_on_click.js 527 Bytes
settings.js 2.33 KB
spice.js 1.59 KB
subnets.js 280 Bytes
taxonomy_edit.js 864 Bytes
topbar.js 4.27 KB
trends.js 506 Bytes
two-pane.js 4.89 KB
users.js 764 Bytes

Latest revisions

# Date Author Comment
8ea3050e 09/15/2015 07:58 AM Marek Hulán

Fixes #11761 - support hostgroup form push through AJAX

f92e7cc9 09/15/2015 03:29 AM Walden Raines

Fixes #11689: hide editor container when hidden value.

083edbee 09/14/2015 07:03 AM Phirince Philip

Fixes #11745 - set_diff/edit_mode only if editor exists

a265235e 09/10/2015 02:28 PM Walden Raines

Fixes #11688: default text editor to ruby.

Instead of defaulting to text, default to ruby syntax highlighting.

501853b5 09/10/2015 08:01 AM Dominic Cleal

fixes #11473 - remove re-init of domain select2 on env selection

After an environment was selected, the reloadOnAjaxComplete function
re-initialised every select2, but other dropdowns triggered
onContentLoad which excluded those with the without_select class....

fa8353d8 09/04/2015 03:34 AM Walden Raines

Fixes #11625: refactor the ace editor to make it reusable.

Make the ace editor reusable and include it on the global parameters

b3ac878a 09/02/2015 06:27 AM Tomer Brisker

Fixes #11466, #11462 - Improve layout of textareas

7027757a 08/31/2015 07:47 AM Shimon Shtein

Fixes #11596 - Changed the javascript to put the error near te ip field, not inside it.

9bc1f99c 08/31/2015 06:16 AM Tomer Brisker

Fixes #11388 - Popovers display with correct size and dismiss on next click

833dcdeb 08/28/2015 12:27 PM Amir Fefer

Fixes #10408 - adding checkbox in hosts-index page for keeping selected hosts

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