


Download (2.96 KB) Statistics
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<% title @host.to_label, false %>
<h1><%= icon(@host.os) + @host.to_label %></h1>

<span class="title_action">
<%= link_to_if_authorized "Edit", hash_for_edit_host_path(:id => @host), :title => "Edit your host" %>
<%= link_to_if_authorized "Facts", hash_for_host_facts_path(:host_id => @host), :title => "Browse host facts" %>
<%= link_to_if_authorized "Reports", hash_for_host_reports_path(:host_id => @host), :title => "Browse host reports" %>
<%= link_to "YAML", externalNodes_host_path(:id => @host), :title => "Puppet external nodes YAML dump" %>
<% unless -%>
<%= link_to_if_authorized "Build", hash_for_setBuild_host_path(:id => @host).merge(:enable_link => @host.can_be_build?),
:title => "Enable rebuild on next host boot",
:confirm => "Rebuild #{@host} on next reboot?\nThis would also delete all of its current facts and reports" %>
<% else -%>
<%= link_to_if_authorized "Cancel Build", hash_for_cancelBuild_host_path(:id => @host).merge(:enable_link => !@host.can_be_build?),
:title => "Cancel build request for this host" %>
<% end -%>
<%= link_to_if_authorized "Run puppet", hash_for_puppetrun_host_path(:id => @host).merge(:auth_action => :edit, :enable_link => SETTINGS[:puppetrun]),
:title => "Trigger a puppetrun on a node; requires that puppet run is enabled" %>
<%= link_to_if_authorized "All Puppet Classes", hash_for_storeconfig_klasses_host_path(:id => @host).merge(:auth_action => :read, :enable_link => @host.resources.count > 0),
:title => "Show all host puppet classes, requires storeconfigs" %>
<%= link_to_if_authorized "Delete", hash_for_host_path(:id => @host, :auth_action => :destroy), :confirm => 'Are you sure?', :method => :delete %>

<div id="host_overview">
<%= render :partial => "hosts/overview", :locals => { :host => @host } %>
<% if @report_summary.size == 0 -%>
<p>No puppet activity for this host in the last <%= @range %> days</p>
<% else -%>
<%= render :partial => "hosts/metrics", :locals => { :report_summary => @report_summary[][:metrics] } %>
<% end -%>

<div id="host_report">
<% if @host.reports.size > 0 -%>
<%= form_tag @host, :id => 'days_filter', :method => :get %>
<p>Reports from the last
<%= select(nil, 'range', 1..days_ago(@host.reports.first.reported_at),
{ :selected => @range }, { :onchange =>"$('#days_filter').submit();$(this).disable();" }) %>
days - <%= @host.reports.recent(@range.days.ago).count %> reports found
<% end -%>

<div id="runtime_graph" class="host_chart"></div>
<%= render_runtime_chart 'runtime_graph', 'Runtime', "last #{@range} days", @host.runtime_chart(@range.days.ago) %>

<div id="resource_graph" class="host_chart"></div>
<%= render_report_status_chart 'resource_graph', 'Resources', "last #{@range} days", @host.resources_chart(@range.days.ago) %>