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01984fb7 Amos Benari
<% title "Provisioning Templates" %>
cab0d8c6 Ohad Levy
05ab4c16 Ohad Levy
<% title_actions display_link_if_authorized("New Template", hash_for_new_config_template_path),
display_link_if_authorized("Build PXE Default", {:action => :build_pxe_default},{
:confirm => "You Are about to change the default PXE menu on all configured TFTP servers - continue ?",
82e47ae0 Amos Benari
:class => "btn btn-info"})
05ab4c16 Ohad Levy
cdf02336 Ohad Levy
82e47ae0 Amos Benari
<table class="table table-bordered table-striped">
cab0d8c6 Ohad Levy
cdf02336 Ohad Levy
<tr class="<%= cycle("even", "odd") -%>">
47819d54 Ohad Levy
<th><%= sort :name %></th>
cdf02336 Ohad Levy
<th>Hostgroup / Environment</th>
47819d54 Ohad Levy
<th><%= sort :kind %></th>
<th><%= sort :snippet %></th>
cab0d8c6 Ohad Levy
<% for config_template in @config_templates %>
cdf02336 Ohad Levy
<tr class="<%= cycle("even", "odd") -%>">
47819d54 Ohad Levy
<td><%= link_to_if_authorized h(config_template), hash_for_edit_config_template_path(:id => config_template.to_param) %></td>
cab0d8c6 Ohad Levy
<td><%= combination config_template %></td>
<td><%= config_template.try(:template_kind) %></td>
cdf02336 Ohad Levy
<td><%= checked_icon config_template.snippet %></td>
82e47ae0 Amos Benari
<td><%= display_delete_if_authorized hash_for_config_template_path(:id => config_template.to_param),
:confirm => "Delete #{config_template}?" -%> </td>
cab0d8c6 Ohad Levy
<% end %>

<%= page_entries_info @config_templates %>
<%= will_paginate @config_templates %>