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af6e2624 Ohad Levy
<% title "Puppet classes" %>
cdf02336 Ohad Levy
05ab4c16 Ohad Levy
<% title_actions display_link_if_authorized("New Puppetclass", hash_for_new_puppetclass_path),
display_link_if_authorized("Import new puppet classes and environments", hash_for_import_environments_puppetclasses_path)
cdf02336 Ohad Levy
82e47ae0 Amos Benari
<table class="table table-bordered table-striped">
af6e2624 Ohad Levy
ac7fe332 Ohad Levy
<th><%= sort :name %></th>
05ab4c16 Ohad Levy
<th><%= sort :environment, :as => "Environments" %> and documentation</th>
69f8d207 Ohad Levy
<th>Host Group</th>
1070e146 Ohad Levy
9afa092e Ohad Levy
d995ecb4 Paul Kelly
af6e2624 Ohad Levy
<% for puppetclass in @puppetclasses %>
4487bd21 Ohad Levy
<tr class="<%= cycle("even", "odd") -%>">
31207a31 Ohad Levy
<td><%=link_to_if_authorized h(, hash_for_edit_puppetclass_path(:id => puppetclass) %></td>
a67b0923 Paul Kelly
<% for environment in puppetclass.environments -%>
017e1049 Ohad Levy
<%= link_to_function environment, rdoc_classes_path(environment, %>
9fd7478e Paul Kelly
<% end %>
017e1049 Ohad Levy
<td><%= {|hg| link_to hg, hostgroup_path(hg)}.to_sentence.html_safe %></td>
dc11280f Ohad Levy
<td> <%= link_to host_counter(puppetclass), hosts_path(:search => "class = #{}")%></td>
9afa092e Ohad Levy
<%= link_to puppetclass.lookup_keys.count, puppetclass_lookup_keys_path(puppetclass) %>
82e47ae0 Amos Benari
<%= display_delete_if_authorized hash_for_puppetclass_path(:id => puppetclass), :confirm => "Delete #{}?" %>
d995ecb4 Paul Kelly
af6e2624 Ohad Levy
<% end %>

4487bd21 Ohad Levy
<%= page_entries_info @puppetclasses %>
af6e2624 Ohad Levy
<%= will_paginate @puppetclasses %>