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Revision 851eac30

Added by Dominic Cleal over 8 years ago

i18n - extracting new, updating rails, pulling from tx

View differences:

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This will delete the virtual machine and its disks, and is irreversible.":[""],"Are you sure you want to delete host %s? This action is irreversible.":[""],"Audits":[""],"Host audit entries":[""],"Browse host facts":[""],"Facts":[""],"Reports":[""],"Browse host reports":[""],"Puppet external nodes YAML dump":[""],"YAML":[""],"Allocation (GB)":[""],"None":[""],"Full":[""],"Size":[""],"remove network interface":[""],"Interface is up":[""],"Interface is down":[""],"Errors occurred, build may fail":[""],"Edit %s":[""],"Image":[""],"Image ID as provided by the compute resource, e.g. ami-..":[""],"Image ID":[""],"Caps lock ON":[""],"Submit":[""],"Overwrite":[""],"Unable to save":[""],"&laquo;":[""],"&raquo;":[""],"No entries found":[""],"Displaying <b>%{count}</b> entry":["",""],"Displaying entries <b>%{from} - %{to}</b> of <b>%{count}</b> in total":[""],"Warning!":[""],"Alert":[""],"Close":[""],"last %s day":["",""],"Full screen":[""],"Puppet class":[""],"Puppet Class":[""],"<dl><dt>String</dt> <dd>Everything is taken as a string.</dd><dt>Boolean</dt> <dd>Common representation of boolean values are accepted.</dd><dt>Integer</dt> <dd>Integer numbers only, can be negative.</dd><dt>Real</dt> <dd>Accept any numerical input.</dd><dt>Array</dt> <dd>A valid JSON or YAML input, that must evaluate to an array.</dd><dt>Hash</dt> <dd>A valid JSON or YAML input, that must evaluate to an object/map/dict/hash.</dd><dt>YAML</dt> <dd>Any valid YAML input.</dd><dt>JSON</dt> <dd>Any valid JSON input.</dd></dl>":[""],"Parameter types":[""],"How values are validated":[""],"<dl><dt>List</dt> <dd>A list of the allowed values, specified in the Validator rule field.</dd><dt>Regexp</dt> <dd>Validates the input with the regular expression in the Validator rule field.</dd></dl>":[""],"Validator type":[""],"Validation types":[""],"<b>Description:</b> %{desc}<br><b>Type:</b> %{type}<br> <b>Matcher:</b> %{matcher}":[""],"Default value":["Default value"],"No value error":[""],"Required parameter without value.<br/><b>Please override!</b> <br><br><b>Description:</b>: %s":[""],"No value warning":[""],"Optional parameter without value.<br/><i>Won't be given to Puppet.</i> <br><br><b>Description:</b> %s":[""],"Default templates are automatically added to new locations":[""],"Default templates are automatically added to new organizations":[""],"Default templates are automatically added to new organizations and locations":[""],"Clone":[""],"You are about to unlock a locked template.":[""],"This is for every location that uses it.":[""],"This is for every organization that uses it.":[""],"This is for every location and organization that uses it.":[""],"It is not recommended to unlock this template, as it is provided by %{vendor} and may be overwritten. Please consider cloning it instead.":[""],"Continue?":[""],"Unlock":[""],"Lock":[""],"Delete %s?":[""],"valid":[""],"revoked":[""],"pending":[""],"in %s":[""],"Empty environment":[""],"Deleted environment":[""],"Deleted environment %{env} and %{pcs}":[""],"Import":[""],"Import from %s":[""],"%{name} has %{num_tag} class":["",""],"%s minute ago":["",""],"%s day ago":["",""],"%s week ago":["",""],"%s month ago":["",""],"All Reports":[""],"Select a period":[""],"Show log messages:":[""],"Notices, warnings and errors":[""],"All messages":[""],"Warnings and errors":[""],"Errors only":[""],"This setting is defined in the configuration file 'settings.yaml' and is read-only.":[""],"Certificates":[""],"Autosign":[""],"Import subnets":[""],"Refresh features":[""],"OS Distribution":[""],"Architecture Distribution":[""],"Environments Distribution":[""],"Number of CPUs":[""],"Hardware":[""],"Class Distribution":[""],"used memory":[""],"Average memory usage":[""],"free memory":[""],"used swap":[""],"free swap":[""],"Average swap usage":[""],"Any Organization":[""],"Any Location":[""],"New Location":[""],"New Organization":[""],"All users":[""],"Select users":[""],"All smart proxies":[""],"Select smart proxies":[""],"All subnets":[""],"Select subnets":[""],"All compute resources":[""],"Select compute resources":[""],"All media":[""],"Select media":[""],"Select provisioning templates":[""],"All provisioning templates":[""],"All partition tables":[""],"Select partition tables":[""],"Select domains":[""],"All domains":[""],"All realms":[""],"Select realms":[""],"All environments":[""],"Select environments":[""],"All host groups":[""],"Select host groups":[""],"Environment":[""],"Operating system":["Name"],"Compute resource":[""],"Model":[""],"Trend of the last %s days.":[""],":foreman_url is not set, please configure in the Foreman Web UI (Administer -> Settings -> General)":[""],"Must specify a user with email enabled":[""],"Audit summary":[""],"Must specify a valid user with email enabled":[""],"Puppet Summary Report - F:%{failed} R:%{restarted} S:%{skipped} A:%{applied} FR:%{failed_restarts} T:%{total}":[""],"Puppet error on %s":[""],"Host %s is built":[""],"Welcome to Foreman":[""],"Cannot create LDAP configuration for %s without dedicated service account":[""],"invalid LDAP filter syntax":[""],"%{value} is not a valid controller":[""],"%s is an unknown attribute":[""],"must provide a provider":[""],"unknown provider":[""],"%s console is not supported at this time":[""],"Not implemented for %s":[""],"Not implemented":[""],"cannot be changed":[""],"Unable to access key":[""],"Unable to find template %s":[""],"VM is not running!":[""],"Unable to change VM display listen address, make sure the display is not attached to localhost only":[""],"At least one volume must be specified for image-based provisioning.":[""],"Please specify volume size. 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Please associate it with a suitable template or uncheck 'User data' for %{compute_resource_image_link}.":[""],"Failed to remove certificates for %{name}: %{e}":[""],"failed to save %s":[""],"Failed to get IP for %{name}: %{e}":[""],"Failed to destroy a compute %{compute_resource} instance %{name}: %{e}":[""],"Failed to power up a compute %{compute_resource} instance %{name}: %{e}":[""],"Failed to stop compute %{compute_resource} instance %{name}: %{e}":[""],"Failed to update a compute %{compute_resource} instance %{name}: %{e}":[""],"Failed to undo update compute %{compute_resource} instance %{name}: %{e}":[""],"Selected image does not belong to %s":[""],"Could not find virtual machine network interface matching %s":[""],"Unable to determine the host's boot server. 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Please register a smart proxy with this feature.":[""],"Bond":[""],"Only one bootable interface is allowed":[""],"Bootable":[""],"Can't add or remove `%s` from identifier":[""],"subnet boot mode is not %s":[""],"Operating System version is required":[""],"Operating system version already exists":[""],"Attempting to construct an operating system image filename but %s cannot be built from an image":[""],"Invalid medium for %s":[""],"Invalid architecture for %s":[""],"invalid medium for %s":[""],"invalid architecture for %s":[""],"Function not available for %s":[""],"parameters require an associated domain, operating system, host or host group":[""],"You do not have permission to %s this location parameter":[""],"You do not have permission to %s this organization parameter":[""],"Must provide template kind":[""],"Must provide an operating systems":[""],"No TFTP proxies defined, can't continue":[""],"Could not find a Configuration Template with the name \\\"PXELinux global default\\\", please create one.":[""],"failed to process template: %s":[""],"There was an error creating the PXE Default file: %s":[""],"PXE Default file has been deployed to all Smart Proxies":[""],"Unsupported report status format":[""],"invalid host list":[""],"Modified":[""],"Success":[""],"Unable to create the default user role.":[""],"Unable to create the anonymous role.":[""],"Role is in use":[""],"Can't delete built-in role":[""],"must be a valid URI":[""],"must be boolean":[""],"must be integer":[""],"must be an array":[""],"parsing settings type '%s' from string is not defined":[""],"is invalid: %s":[""],"is not allowed to change":[""],"Foreman will use OAuth for API authorization":[""],"OAuth consumer key":[""],"OAuth consumer secret":[""],"Foreman will map users by username in request-header. 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Choose on, off or auto.":[""],"Private key that Foreman will use to encrypt websockets ":[""],"Certificate that Foreman will use to encrypt websockets ":[""],"Redirect your users to this url on logout (authorize_login_delegation should also be enabled)":[""],"Name of the external auth source where unknown externally authentication users (see authorize_login_delegation) should be created (keep unset to prevent the autocreation)":[""],"Authorize login delegation with REMOTE_USER environment variable":[""],"Authorize login delegation with REMOTE_USER environment variable for API calls too":[""],"Log out idle users after a certain number of minutes":[""],"The default administrator email address":[""],"URL where your Foreman instance is reachable (see also Provisioning > unattended_url)":[""],"Email reply address for emails that Foreman is sending":[""],"Prefix to add to all outgoing email":[""],"Send a welcome email including username and URL to new users":[""],"Number of records shown per page in Foreman":[""],"Fix DB cache on next Foreman restart":[""],"Max days for Trends graphs":[""],"Foreman will use gravatar to display user icons":[""],"Should the `foreman-rake db:migrate` be executed on the next run of the installer modules?":[""],"Should the `foreman-rake db:seed` be executed on the next run of the installer modules?":[""],"Max timeout for REST client requests to smart-proxy":[""],"Default encrypted root password on provisioned hosts":[""],"URL hosts will retrieve templates from during build (normally http as many installers don't support https)":[""],"Enable safe mode config templates rendering (recommended)":[""],"Foreman will automate certificate signing upon provision of new host":[""],"Stop updating IP address and MAC values from Puppet facts (affects all interfaces)":[""],"Foreman will query the locally configured resolver instead of the SOA/NS authorities":[""],"If Foreman is running behind Passenger or a remote load balancer, the IP should be set here. 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Please clone it to a new template to customize.":[""],"already exists":[""],"Anonymous admin user %s is missing, run foreman-rake db:seed":[""],"A user group already exists with this name":[""],"Can't delete the last admin account":[""],"cannot be removed from the last admin account":[""],"Can't delete internal admin account":[""],"cannot be removed from an internal protected account":[""],"cannot be changed on an internal protected account":[""],"you can't assign some of roles you selected":[""],"you can't change administrator flag":[""],"cannot be changed by a non-admin user":[""],"default locations need to be user locations first":[""],"default organizations need to be user organizations first":[""],"is not valid":[""],"has this role already":[""],"is already used by a user account":[""],"Can't delete the last admin user group":[""],"Status table":[""],"Status chart":[""],"Report summary":[""],"Distribution chart":[""],"Unallowed template for dashboard widget: %s":[""],"Invalid version format, please enter in x.y (only major version).":[""],"%{id} plugin requires Foreman %{matcher} but current is %{current}":[""],"%{id} plugin requires the %{plugin_name} plugin, not found":[""],"%{id} plugin requires the %{plugin_name} plugin %{matcher} but current is %{plugin_version}":[""],"Failed to validate %{host}: %{error}":[""],"No templates found for this host.":[""],"Template %s is empty.":[""],"Failure parsing %{template}: %{error}.":[""],"No smart proxies found.":[""],"Failure deploying via smart proxy %{proxy}: %{error}.":[""],"Error connecting to %{proxy}: %{error}.":[""],"Unknown interface type, must be one of [%s]":[""],"My account":[""],"Log out":[""],"Administer":[""],"Locations":[""],"Organizations":[""],"LDAP authentication":[""],"Users":[""],"User groups":[""],"Roles":[""],"Bookmarks":[""],"Settings":[""],"About":[""],"Monitor":[""],"Dashboard":[""],"Statistics":[""],"Trends":[""],"Hosts":[""],"All hosts":[""],"New host":[""],"Provisioning Setup":[""],"Architectures":[""],"Hardware models":[""],"Installation media":[""],"Operating systems":[""],"Templates":[""],"Partition tables":[""],"Provisioning templates":["Provisioning templates"],"Configure":[""],"Host groups":[""],"Global parameters":[""],"Puppet":[""],"Environments":[""],"Puppet classes":[""],"Config groups":[""],"Smart variables":[""],"Infrastructure":[""],"Smart proxies":[""],"Compute resources":[""],"Compute profiles":[""],"Subnets":[""],"Domains":[""],"Realms":[""],"Unsupported password hash function '%s'":[""],"reboot":[""],"start":[""],"reset":[""],"state":[""],"stop":[""],"poweroff":[""],"soft":[""],"on":[""],"status":[""],"ready?":[""],"cycle":[""],"off":[""],"Invalid power state request: %{action}, supported actions are %{supported}":[""],"Unknown":[""],"Timeout has occurred while communicating with %s":[""],"Error has occurred while communicating with %{cr}: %{e}":[""],"Invalid report":[""],"Invalid log level: %s":[""],"invalid type %s":[""],"SafeRender#parse_string was passed a %s instead of a string":[""],"Must specify a Smart Proxy to use":[""],"unable to sign a non pending certificate":[""],"you cannot remove %s that are used by hosts or inherited.":[""],"is alphanumeric and cannot contain spaces":[""],"is not a valid MAC address":[""],"can't contain spaces.":[""],"System Status":["Status"],"Smart Proxies":[""],"Available Providers":[""],"Compute Resources":[""],"Plugins":[""],"No smart proxies to show":[""],"Name":[""],"Features":[""],"Status":["Status"],"Connecting..":[""],"Provider":[""],"Installed":[""],"Not Installed":[""],"To enable a provider, either install the OS package (e.g. foreman-libvirt) or enable the bundler group for development setup (e.g. ovirt).":[""],"No compute resource to show":["Attributes"],"Type":[""],"No plugins found":[""],"Description":[""],"Author":[""],"Version":[""],"Support":[""],"Manual":[""],"Wiki":[""],"First use instructions":[""],"IRC":[""],"You can find The Foreman on the %{freenode} ( network. 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Please use 'Content-Type: application/json'.":[""],"Operating Systems":[""],"Edit Architecture":[""],"New Architecture":[""],"Architecture|Name":["Name"],"New architecture":[""],"Architecture configuration":[""],"Before you proceed to using Foreman you should provide information about one or more architectures.":[""],"Each entries represent a particular hardware architecture, most commonly <b>x86_64</b> or <b>i386</b>. Foreman also supports the Solaris operating system family, which includes <b>sparc</b> based systems.":[""],"Each architecture can also be associated with more than one operating system and a selector block is provided to allow you to select valid combinations.":[""],"<b>Foreman</b> audit summary":[""],"Displaying %{num_audits} of %{total_audits} audit":["",""],"No audit changes for this period":[""],"Full audits list":[""],"Foreman audit summary":[""],"Logged-in":[""],"Host details":[""],"Template Diff":[""],"History":[""],"Item":[""],"Old":[""],"New":[""],"Value":[""],"LDAP server":[""],"Account":[""],"Attribute mappings":[""],"Choose a server type":[""],"Server type":[""],"Use this account to authenticate, <i>optional</i>":[""],"Base DN":[""],"Groups base DN":[""],"Custom LDAP search filter, <i>optional</i>":[""],"LDAP users will have their Foreman account automatically created the first time they log into Foreman":[""],"External user groups will be synced on login, else relies on periodic cronjob to check group membership":[""],"e.g. uid":[""],"e.g. givenName":[""],"e.g. sn":[""],"e.g. mail":[""],"Photo attribute":[""],"e.g. jpegPhoto":[""],"Edit LDAP Auth Source":[""],"LDAP Authentication":[""],"New LDAP Source":[""],"AuthSource|Name":["Name"],"AuthSource|Host":["Server"],"AuthSource|Onthefly register":["Automatically create accounts in Foreman"],"AuthSource|LDAPS":[""],"New LDAP Auth Source":[""],"New authentication source":[""],"Authentication Source Configuration":[""],"Foreman can use LDAP based service for user information and authentication.":[""],"The authentication process currently requires an LDAP provider, such as <em>OpenLDAP</em> or <em>Microsoft's Active Directory</em>.":[""],"Autosign entries for %s":[""],"New Autosign Entry":[""],"Edit Bookmark":[""],"Manage Bookmarks":[""],"Bookmark|Name":["Name"],"Bookmark|Query":["Search query"],"Bookmark|Controller":["Controller"],"Bookmark|Public":["Public"],"New Bookmark":[""],"Bookmarks configuration":[""],"Here you can manage bookmarks. Bookmarks are saved search queries.":[""],"Permission denied":[""],"You are not authorized to perform this action":[""],"Please request the required privileges from a foreman administrator":[""],"Back":[""],"Not Found":[""],"Please try to update your request":[""],"Oops, we're sorry but something went wrong":[""],"Foreman ticketing system":[""],"If you feel this is an error with Foreman itself, please open a new issue with":[""],"You would probably need to attach the":[""],"Full trace":[""],"and relevant log entries.":[""],"None Found":[""],"Changed environments":["Environment"],"Select the changes you want to realize in Foreman":[""],"Toggle":[""],"Check/Uncheck new":[""],"Updated":[""],"Check/Uncheck updated":[""],"Obsolete":[""],"Check/Uncheck obsolete":[""],"Check/Uncheck all":[""],"Operation":[""],"Puppet Modules":[""],"Check/Uncheck all %s changes":[""],"Add:":[""],"Remove:":[""],"Update:":[""],"Update":[""],"Search":[""],"Bookmark this search":[""],"Add Bookmark":[""],"Build from OS image":[""],"OS Image":[""],"Architecture":[""],"Media":[""],"Partition table":[""],"Scope":[""],"Actions":[""],"override":[""],"Override this value":[""],"Global":[""],"hide":[""],"remove":[""],"Global Parameters":[""],"Add Parameter":[""],"Puppetclass":["Puppet class"],"Parameter name":[""],"Parameter type":[""],"Puppet class overrides":[""],"Override a Puppetclass Parameter":["Override a Puppet class parameter"],"Edit Global Parameter":[""],"New Parameter":[""],"Parameter|Name":["Name"],"Parameter|Value":["Value"],"New Global Parameter":[""],"Compute profile":[""],"Edit compute profile on %s":[""],"New compute profile on %s":[""],"Edit Compute profile":[""],"New Compute Profile":[""],"Rename":[""],"New Compute profile":[""],"Edit Compute profile: %s":[""],"Click on the link of a compute resource to edit its default VM attributes.":[""],"Compute Resource":[""],"VM Attributes (%s)":[""],"unspecified":[""],"Choose a provider":[""],"Access Key":[""],"Secret Key":[""],"Region":[""],"Load Regions":[""],"Test Connection":[""],"Google Project ID":[""],"Client Email":[""],"The file path where your p12 file is located":[""],"Certificate path":[""],"Zone":[""],"Load zones":[""],"e.g. qemu://":[""],"Display type":[""],"Console passwords":[""],"Set a randomly generated password on the display connection":[""],"e.g. http://openstack:5000/v2.0/tokens":[""],"Tenant":[""],"Load Tenants":[""],"e.g.":[""],"e.g. admin@internal":[""],"Datacenter":[""],"Load Datacenters":[""],"Quota ID":[""],"X509 Certification Authorities":[""],"Optionally provide a CA, or a correctly ordered CA chain. If left blank, a self-signed CA will be populated automatically by the server during the first request.":[""],"e.g.":[""],"API Key":[""],"VCenter/Server":[""],"Fingerprint":[""],"New Compute Resource":[""],"ComputeResource|Name":["Name"],"New compute resource":[""],"Associate VMs":[""],"Associate VMs to Foreman hosts":[""],"Virtual Machines":[""],"Images":[""],"Loading virtual machines information ...":[""],"New Image":[""],"Loading Images information":[""],"VM Attributes":[""],"URL":[""],"Disabled":[""],"Enabled":["Partition Table"],"There was an error listing VMs: %s":[""],"Network interfaces":[""],"Add Interface":[""],"add new network interface":[""],"No networks found.":[""],"remove storage volume":[""],"Storage":[""],"add new storage volume":[""],"Add Volume":[""],"Flavor":[""],"Please select an image":[""],"Availability zone":[""],"No preference":[""],"EC2":[""],"Subnet":[""],"Security groups":[""],"Public":[""],"Private":[""],"Managed IP":[""],"Machine type":[""],"Network":[""],"External IP":[""],"Size (GB)":[""],"CPUs":[""],"Memory":[""],"Start":[""],"Power ON this machine":[""],"Image to use":[""],"Network type":[""],"No networks":[""],"No bridges":[""],"your libvirt host does not support interface listing, please enter here the bridge name (e.g. br0)":[""],"NIC type":[""],"Storage pool":[""],"Security group":[""],"Internal network":[""],"Floating IP network":[""],"Create new boot volume from image":[""],"Boot from volume":[""],"Defaults to image size if left blank":[""],"New boot volume size (GB)":[""],"Cluster":[""],"Select template":[""],"oVirt/RHEV template to use":[""],"Template":[""],"Cores":[""],"Storage domain":[""],"Preallocate disk":[""],"Uses thin provisioning if unchecked":[""],"Only one volume can be bootable":[""],"Please Select an Image":[""],"Cores per socket":[""],"Memory (MB)":[""],"Folder":[""],"Guest OS":[""],"SCSI controller":[""],"Virtual H/W version":[""],"Data store":[""],"Thin provision":[""],"Eager zero":[""],"Virtual Machines on %s":[""],"DNS":[""],"State":[""],"Power":[""],"New Virtual Machine":[""],"Create":[""],"Associate VM":[""],"Associate VM to a Foreman host":[""],"Properties":[""],"Machine Type":[""],"VCPU(s)":[""],"UUID":[""],"Allocated":[""],"Display":[""],"NIC":[""],"using %{allocation} GB out of %{capacity} GB, %{pool_name} storage pool":[""],"Path":[""],"Running on":[""],"using %s":[""],"included already from parent":[""],"%s is not in environment":[""],"Included Config Groups":[""],"Available Config Groups":[""],"Edit Config group":[""],"New Config Group":[""],"New Config group":[""],"Run distribution in the last %s minute":["",""],"Latest Events":[""],"No interesting reports received in the last week":[""],"Host Configuration Chart":[""],"Hosts that had performed modifications without error":[""],"Hosts in error state":[""],"Good host reports in the last %s":[""],"Hosts that had pending changes":[""],"Out of sync hosts":[""],"Hosts with no reports":[""],"Hosts with alerts disabled":[""],"Total Hosts: %s":[""],"Overview":[""],"Get default dashboard widgets":[""],"Welcome":[""],"Before you can use Foreman for the first time there are a few tasks that must be performed.":[""],"You must decide how you wish to use the software, and update the primary settings file <b>config/settings.yaml</b> and the":[""],"settings":[""],"to indicate your selections.":[""],"Operating Mode":[""],"You may operate Foreman in basic mode, in which it acts as a reporting and external node classifier or you may also turn on unattended mode operation in which Foreman creates and manages the configuration files necessary to completely configure a new host.":[""],"When operating in unattended mode Foreman will require more information, so expect more questions, but it will be able to automate host installations for Red Hat, Debian, SUSE and Solaris operating systems (and their clones), see":[""],"here":[""],"for more details.":[""],"Create a Smart Proxy":[""],"If you're planning to do anything more than just handle reports, you'll be in need of a smart proxy - either on this machine or elsewhere on your network.":[""],"You can find details of how to set up the proxy at":[""],"Smart-Proxy Installation":[""],"Important":[""],"Once installed you should head over to":[""],"to point Foreman at it.":[""],"User Authentication":[""],"Foreman, by default, operates in anonymous mode where all operations are performed without reference to the user who is performing the task.":[""],"If you wish to track the actions of a particular user then it is possible to use an additional authentication stage and provide a user account.":[""],"At present, authentication is performed against the internal Database or a LDAP service provided by one or more LDAP servers.":[""],"Additionally, you may restrict user permissions based on many criteria, make sure you check the roles settings tab.":[""],"For internal Users, simply create a new user at the %s page":[""],"LDAP":[""],"If you chose to use LDAP authentication then you must provide connection details for your authentication provider on %s page":[""],"For Roles and permissions, see the %s page":[""],"Notice":[""],"You would need to enable login in your settings.yml file first and restart foreman":[""],"The default username and password are <b>admin</b> and <b>changeme</b>":[""],"Import your data":[""],"Foreman comes with some importers to ease the burden of entering loads of data about your current installation.":[""],"If you are already using puppet you should consider using some of the rake tasks that have been provided.":[""],"Inventory browser":[""],"Importing Puppet Facts":[""],"Puppet External Nodes":[""],"Importing Puppet classes and environments":[""],"Reporting":[""],"Puppet Reports integration":[""],"Additional steps":[""],"You may optionally wish to generate the online documentation for your puppet classes":[""],"puppet class browser":[""],"After you have decided on the two primary modes of operation and performed any appropriate imports then it would be good idea if you visited some of the other configuration pages to see if additional setup is required under the Additional settings select box on the top right.":[""],"You may also find the":[""],"Howtos":[""],"useful.":[""],"This page will self destruct once Foreman starts to receive data about your hosts. You can view this information again by clicking on the \\\"First use instructions\\\" link on the %{about} page.":[""],"Parameters":[""],"Full name describing the domain":[""],"DNS proxy to use within this domain for managing A records, note that PTR records are managed via Subnet DNS proxy":[""],"DNS Proxy":[""],"Edit Domain":[""],"New Domain":[""],"Domain|Fullname":["Description"],"Domain Configuration":[""],"Foreman considers a domain and a DNS zone as the same thing. That is, if you are planning to manage a site where all the machines are or the form <i>hostname</i>.<b></b>\\n then the domain is <b></b>. This allows Foreman to associate a puppet variable with a domain/site and automatically append this variable to all external node requests made\\n by machines at that site.":[""],"The <b>fullname</b> field is used for human readability in reports and other pages that refer to domains,\\n and also available as an external node parameter":[""],"Edit Environment":[""],"Puppet Environments":[""],"Environment|Name":["Name"],"Classes":[""],"New Environment":[""],"Puppet environments configuration":[""],"If you are planning to use Foreman as an external node classifier you should provide information about one or more environments.":[""],"This information is commonly imported from a pre-existing puppet configuration by the use of the":[""],"Puppet classes and environment importer":[""],"Environments may be manually created and only require the name of the environment to be declared.":[""],"Show %{host} facts":[""],"Show all %{name} facts where they are equal to %{value}":[""],"Show distribution chart":[""],"Fact Values":[""],"Host":[""],"FactValue|Value":["Value"],"Reported at":[""],"Hosts Inventory":[""],"You don't seem to have any facts yet. If you wish to configure fact pushing, please follow":[""],"setting up facts":[""],"This page will self destruct once inventory data comes in.":[""],"%s Distribution":[""],"Selected role":[""],"(Miscellaneous)":[""],"Permission":[""],"Selected resource type does not support granular filtering, therefore you can't configure granularity":[""],"By unchecking this you can specify filter using Foreman search syntax in search field. If filter remains unlimited (this field is checked) it applies on all resources of the selected type":[""],"Edit Filter":[""],"Filters":[""],"New filter":[""],"Role":[""],"Filter|Resource":[""],"Filter|Permissions":[""],"Filter|Unlimited":[""],"Filter|Search":[""],"none":[""],"Delete filter?":[""],"New Filter":[""],"Manage Locations":[""],"Manage Organizations":[""],"Hostname":[""],"<b style=\\\"color: #6bb5df;\\\">%{hosts_sum}</b>\\n <p style=\\\"font-weight: bold; margin: 5px; padding: 0px;\\\">Changed</p>":["",""],"<b style=\\\"color: #6bb5df;\\\">%{out_of_sync_sum}</b>\\n <p style=\\\"font-weight: bold; margin: 5px; padding: 0px;\\\">Out of sync</p>":["",""],"<b style=\\\"color: #6bb5df;\\\">%{disabled_sum}</b>\\n <p style=\\\"font-weight: bold; margin: 5px; padding: 0px;\\\">Disabled</p>":["",""],"Level":[""],"Resource":[""],"message":[""],"No logs to show":[""],"Total of one host":["",""],"None!":[""],"Last Report":[""],"<b>Foreman</b> Puppet error report":[""],"<b>Foreman</b> Build Complete":[""],"IP":[""],"Your host has finished building:":[""],"Hostname:":[""],"IP:":[""],"View in Foreman:":[""],"<b>Foreman</b> Puppet summary":[""],"Summary from %{time} ago to now":[""],"Summary report from Foreman server at %{foreman_url}":[""],"Hosts with interesting values (changed, failures etc)":[""],"Hosts which are currently not running Puppet":[""],"Hosts which Foreman reporting is disabled":[""],"Hostgroup":["Host Group"],"Puppet Classes":[""],"Parent":[""],"Please select an environment first":[""],"Password must be 8 characters or more":[""],"Puppet classes parameters":["Override a Puppet class parameter"],"Host group parameters":["Host Group"],"Host Groups":["Host Group"],"New Host Group":["Host Group"],"Hostgroup|Name":["Name"],"Nest":[""],"Host group configuration":[""],"A host group is in some ways similar to an inherited node declaration, in that it is a high level grouping of classes that can be named and treated as a unit. This is then treated as a template and is selectable during the creation of a new host and ensures that the host is configured in one of your pre-defined states.":[""],"In addition to defining which puppet classes get included when building this host type you are also able to assign variables and provisioning information to a host group to further refine the behavior of the puppet runtime.":[""],"The host group's classes and the host group's variables are included in the external node information when the puppetmaster compiles the host's configuration.":[""],"There are two strategies when using host groups.":[""],"You may create puppet classes that represent high-level host configurations, for example, a <b>host-type-ldap-server</b> class, which includes all the required functionality from other modules or you may decide to create a host group called <b>host-type-ldap-server</b> and add the required classes into the host group configuration.":[""],"These two options are personal decisions and are up to you (where the main difference would be the parameter/variables settings).":[""],"Select Hosts":[""],"Assign Selected Hosts":[""],"Create %s":[""],"<b class='select_count'>0</b> selected":[""],"Assign to %s":[""],"Chassis":[""],"Boot device":[""],"Netmask":[""],"MAC":[""],"Gateway":["Gateway address"],"VM editing is not implemented for this provider":[""],"'%{host}' not found on '%{resource}'":[""],"'%{host}' could be deleted or '%{resource}' is not responding.":[""],"Failed connecting to %s":[""],"Errors: %s":[""],"Network interfaces management has been moved to the Interfaces tab. Please set your interfaces there.":[""],"Conflicts have been detected":[""],"The following entries were found conflicting with what foreman wanted to apply.":[""],"Please review them carefully, if you are certain that they should be removed, please click on overwrite.":[""],"ACK":[""],"DHCP lease conflicts have been detected":[""],"Please correct the error(s) below and submit your changes again.":[""],"Interfaces":[""],"Virtual Machine":[""],"Additional Information":[""],"This value is used also as the host's primary interface name.":[""],"Bare Metal":[""],"Deploy on":[""],"Puppet classes Parameters":[""],"Included Parameters via inheritance":[""],"Host Parameters":[""],"select an owner":[""],"Owned By":[""],"Include this host within Foreman reporting":[""],"Hardware Model":[""],"Some of the interfaces are invalid. Please check the table below.":[""],"Identifier":[""],"MAC address":[""],"IP address":[""],"FQDN":[""],"Ok":[""],"Select all items in this page":[""],"items selected. Uncheck to Clear":[""],"Last report":[""],"Please Confirm":[""],"Report Status":[""],"Provisioning Method":[""],"Network Based":[""],"Image Based":[""],"Enable this host for provisioning":[""],"What ever text(or ERB template) you use in here, would be used as your OS disk layout options If you want to use the partition table option, delete all of the text from this field":[""],"Resolve":[""],"Display the templates that will be used to provision this host":[""],"in Progress":[""],"Number of Events":[""],"Time in Seconds":[""],"Fix %s on Mismatch":[""],"Fail on Mismatch":[""],"Assign Hosts to %s":[""],"Clone Host %s":[""],"Generated %s ago":[""],"Back to host":[""],"Console output may be out of date":[""],"Ctrl-Alt-Del":[""],"Troubleshooting":[""],"New window":[""],"Open Spice in a new window":[""],"Connecting (unencrypted) to: %s":[""],"Password:":[""],"Canvas not supported.":[""],"Unmanage host":[""],"Manage host":[""],"Disassociate host":[""],"Provision":[""],"these hosts for a build operation on next boot":[""],"Warning":[""],"This might take a while, as all hosts, facts and reports will be destroyed as well":[""],"Disable alerts for selected hosts":[""],"Disassociate the selected hosts from their VMs":[""],"Enable alerts for selected hosts":[""],"Sorry, these hosts do not have parameters assigned to them, you must add them first.":[""],"Run Puppet on the following hosts":[""],"List of hosts which answer to the provided query":[""],"The following errors may prevent a successful build:":[""],"Check again":[""],"Edit Host":[""],"Reboot now":[""],"Select environment":["Environment"],"*Clear environment*":[""],"*Inherit from host group*":[""],"*Clear host group*":[""],"Select host group":["Host Group"],"Select Location":[""],"Select Organization":[""],"Metrics":[""],"VM":[""],"NICs":[""],"Loading host information ...":[""],"No puppet activity for this host in the last %s days":[""],"Loading template information ...":[""],"Loading VM information ...":[""],"Loading NICs information ...":[""],"Loading BMC information ...":[""],"Loading runtime information ...":[""],"Resources":[""],"Loading resources information ...":[""],"Review build status for %s":[""],"Warning: This will delete this host and all of its data!":[""],"This host's stored facts and reports will be deleted too.":[""],"Loading...":[""],"Please wait while your request is being processed":[""],"All Puppet Classes for %s":[""],"Class":[""],"The following hosts were updated":[""],"The following parameters were skipped as they did not exists on this host:":[""],"Back to host list":[""],"You don't seem to have any Hosts, for more information see":[""],"this page":[""],"This page will self destruct once data comes in.":[""],"The user that is used to ssh into the instance, normally cloud-user, ec2-user, ubuntu, root etc":[""],"Does this image support user data input (e.g. via cloud-init)?":[""],"(optional) IAM Role for Fog to use when creating this image.":[""],"Password to authenticate with - used for SSH finish step.":[""],"Image path":[""],"Full path to backing image used to create new volumes.":[""],"Path to template, relative to datacenter (e.g. My templates/RHEL 6)":[""],"Image|Name":["Name"],"Image|Username":["Username"],"Image|Uuid":["UUID"],"Image|User data":[""],"Destroy":[""],"You are using an unsupported browser.":[""],"Location configuration":[""],"You must create a location before continuing.":[""],"Locations are used to manage and differentiate the physical place where a system managed via Foreman is housed.":[""],"For example, there might be a data center in London and one in Virginia; these are locations. Locations also work nicely when used in tandem with %{organizations}.":[""],"organizations":[""],"Remove %s?":[""],"Variable":[""],"Whether the smart variable value is managed by Foreman":[""],"Optional input validator":[""],"Note that if you use ERB as a value of parameter, value will be validated during ENC evaluation. If value is invalid, ENC evaluation will fail.":[""],"If checked, will raise an error if there is no default value and no matcher provide a value.":[""],"Override merging options":[""],"Should the matchers continue to look for matches after first find (only array/hash type). Note: merging overrides ignores all matchers that use Puppet default":[""],"Should the matched result avoid duplicate values (only array type).":[""],"Override value for specific hosts":[""],"Order":[""],"The order in which matchers keys are processed, first match wins.<br> You may use multiple attributes as a matcher key, for example, an order of <code>host group, environment</code> would expect a matcher such as <code>hostgroup = \\\"web servers\\\", environment = production</code>":[""],"add a new matcher-value pair":[""],"Add Matcher-Value":[""],"Matcher is a combination of an attribute and its value, if they match, the value below would be provided.<br> You may use any attribute foreman knows about, such as facts etc for example: <code> domain = </code> or <code> is_virtual = true</code>":[""],"Explain matchers":[""],"Matcher":[""],"remove value":[""],"Edit Smart Variable":[""],"Number of values":[""],"The path to the medium, can be a URL or a valid NFS server (exclusive of the architecture).\\n for example <em>$version/os/$arch</em> where <strong>$arch</strong> will be substituted for the host's actual OS architecture and <strong>$version</strong>, <strong>$major</strong> and <strong>$minor</strong> will be substituted for the version of the operating system. Solaris and Debian media may also use <strong>$release</strong>.":[""],"The NFS path to the media.":[""],"The NFS path to the jumpstart control files.":[""],"The NFS path to the image directory.":[""],"Choose a family":[""],"Operating system family":[""],"Edit Medium":[""],"Installation Media":[""],"New Medium":[""],"Medium|Name":["Name"],"Medium|Path":["Path"],"Medium|Os family":["OS families"],"New installation medium":[""],"Installation medium configuration":[""],"A medium represents the source of one or more operating system's installation files, accessible via the network.\\n It will probably be a mirror from the internet or a copy of one or more CD or DVDs.":[""],"For example, if you have copied several Red Hat release disks into a directory structure where the disk images are named 5.8 or 6.2, and each contained both x86_64 and i386 binaries, then you\\n could create a single medium entry describing them all.\\n The entry, which could be just named 'Red Hat' could contain a path like this <em>'http://server/redhat/$version/$arch'</em>":[""],"The keywords <b>$version</b>, <b>$major</b> and <b>$minor</b> will be interpolated back into the path specification to calculate the true URL address.":[""],"You may also associate one or more operating systems with this medium or alternatively set this up later on the %s page.":[""],"The class of CPU supplied in this machine. This is primarily used by Sparc Solaris builds and can be left blank for other architectures. The value can be determined on Solaris via uname -m":[""],"The class of the machine reported by the Open Boot Prom. This is primarily used by Sparc Solaris builds and can be left blank for other architectures. The value can be determined on Solaris via uname -i|cut -f2 -d,":["The class of the machine as reported by the OpenBoot PROM. This is primarily used by Solaris SPARC builds and can be left blank for other architectures. The value can be determined on Solaris via `uname -i|cut -f2 -d`."],"General useful description, for example this kind of hardware needs a special BIOS setup":[""],"Edit Model":[""],"Hardware Models":[""],"New Model":[""],"Model|Name":["Name"],"Vendor class":[""],"Model|Hardware model":["Hardware model"],"Device identifier":[""],"Device identifier for this interface. This may be different on various platforms and environments, here are some common examples.<br/><ul><li>Use the basic name for physical interface identifiers, e.g. <strong>eth0</strong> or <strong>em0</strong> with biosdevname.</li><li>For virtual interfaces, use either alias notation (<strong>eth0:1</strong>, name:index) or VLAN notation (<strong>eth0.15</strong>, name.tag).</li><li>For bonds it's common to use <strong>bond0</strong> on Linux, <strong>lagg0</strong> on FreeBSD systems.</li></ul>":[""],"DNS name":[""],"Primary interface's DNS name and domain define host's FQDN":[""],"No domains":[""],"Suggest new":[""],"IP address auto-suggest":[""],"An IP address will be auto-suggested if you have a DHCP-enabled Smart Proxy on the subnet selected above.<br/><br/>The IP address can be left blank when:<br/><ul><li>provisioning tokens are enabled</li><li>the domain does not manage DNS</li><li>the subnet does not manage reverse DNS</li><li>and the subnet does not manage DHCP reservations</li></ul>":[""],"The Primary interface is used for constructing the FQDN of the host":[""],"The Provisioning interface is used for TFTP of PXELinux (or SSH for image-based hosts)":[""],"from profile %s":[""],"Inherits from subnet VLAN ID if not set":[""],"Identifier of the interface to which this interface belongs, e.g. eth1":[""],"comma separated interface identifiers":[""],"space separated options, e.g. miimon=100":[""],"Virtual NIC":[""],"Enable if this is an alias or VLAN interface, note that alias can be used only with static boot mode subnet":[""],"OS name from facter; e.g. RedHat":[""],"OS major version from facter; e.g. 6":[""],"OS minor version from facter; e.g. 5":[""],"e.g. RHEL 6.5":[""],"Family":[""],"e.g. karmic, lucid, hw0910 etc":[""],"Root password hash":[""],"Hash function to use. Change takes effect for new or updated hosts.":[""],"It is not possible to assign provisioning templates at this stage":[""],"Please save the Operating System first and try again.":[""],"No templates found!":[""],"you probably need to configure your %s first.":[""],"Edit Operating System":[""],"New Operating system":[""],"Operatingsystem|Name":["Name"],"New Operating System":[""],"Organization configuration":[""],"You must create an organization before continuing.":[""],"Using the organization system provides a way to group resources together for easy management.":[""],"Organizations are particularly useful for Foreman installations where several customers or business units are managed with a single Foreman install.":[""],"locations":[""],"Organizations also work nicely in tandem with %{locations}.":[""],"Valid host group and environment combinations":[""],"Add combination":[""],"Association":[""],"Snippet":[""],"Not relevant for snippet":[""],"How templates are determined":[""],"When editing a Template, you must assign a list of Operating Systems which this Template can be used with. Optionally, you can restrict a template to a list of Hostgroups and/or Environments":[""],"When a Host requests a template (e.g. during provisioning), Foreman will select the best match from the available templates of that type, in the following order:":[""],"Host group and Environment":["Environment"],"Host group only":["Host Group"],"Environment only":[""],"Operating system default":[""],"The final entry, Operating System default, can be set by editing the %s page.":[""],"Applicable<br>Operating Systems":[""],"Template diff":[""],"Edit Template":["Provisioning template"],"Provisioning Templates":[""],"New Template":[""],"Build PXE Default":[""],"You are about to change the default PXE menu on all configured TFTP servers - continue?":[""],"ProvisioningTemplate|Name":[""],"Host group / Environment":[""],"Kind":[""],"ProvisioningTemplate|Snippet":[""],"ProvisioningTemplate|Locked":[""],"This template is locked for editing.":[""],"Edit Partition Table":[""],"Partition Tables":[""],"New Partition Table":[""],"Ptable|Name":["Name"],"Ptable|Os family":["OS families"],"Ptable|Snippet":[""],"Ptable|Locked":[""],"Partition table configuration":[""],"A partition table entry represents either":[""],"An explicit layout for the partitions of your hard drive(s). E.G.":[""],"A script to dynamically calculate the desired sizes. E.G.":[""],"The inclusion of the keyword string <b>#Dynamic</b> at the start of a line lets Foreman know that this is not an explicit disk layout and must treated as a shell script, executed prior\\n to the install process and that the explicit partition table will be found at <b>/tmp/diskpart.cfg</b> during the build process.":[""],"The dynamic partitioning style is currently only available for the Red Hat family of operating systems, all others must provide an explicit list of partitions and sizes.":[""],"You may also associate one or more operating systems with this partition table or alternatively set this up later on the %s page":[""],"PuppetCA on %s":[""],"Filter by state: %s":[""],"Autosign Entries":[""],"Valid from":[""],"Expires":[""],"Sign":[""],"Included Classes":[""],"Not authorized to edit classes":[""],"Available Classes":[""],"Filter classes":[""],"Smart Class Parameter":[""],"Smart Variables":[""],"Puppet environments":[""],"This Puppet class has no parameters in its signature.":[""],"To update the class signature, go to the Puppet Classes page and select \\\"Import\\\".":[""],"Undo remove":[""],"Filter by name":[""],"Add Variable":[""],"Edit Puppet Class %s":[""],"Puppetclass|Name":["Class name"],"Environments and documentation":[""],"Variables":[""],"Override all parameters":[""],"This will set all parameters of the class %s as overridden. Continue?":[""],"This will reset parameters of the class %s to their default values. Continue?":[""],"Set parameters to defaults":[""],"Oops":[""],"Either you didnt generate the puppetdocs (see <a rel=\\\"external\\\" href=\\\"%{url}\\\">here</a>) or the class <strong>%{name}</strong> could not be found in environment <strong>%{environment}</strong><br/> Please ensure that the class <strong>%{name}</strong>s declaration is accessible via the modulepath associated with <strong>%{environment}</strong>.":[""],"Realm name, e.g. EXAMPLE.COM":[""],"Type of realm, e.g. FreeIPA":[""],"Realm type":[""],"Realm proxy":[""],"Realm proxy to use within this realm":[""],"Edit Realm":[""],"New Realm":[""],"Realm|Name":[""],"Foreman supports automatically creating realm entries for new hosts. When a realm is selected for a host, Foreman contacts the relevant realm smart proxy to create an entry for the host and retrieve it's one-time registration password.":[""],"Restart<br>Failures":[""],"Delete report for %s?":[""],"Report Metrics":[""],"Total":[""],"Nothing to show":[""],"Reported at %s ":[""],"Host times seems to be adrift!":[""],"Host reported time is <em>%s</em>":[""],"Foreman report creation time is <em>%s</em>":[""],"Which is an offset of <b>%s</b>":[""],"Other reports for this host":[""],"Diff View":[""],"Puppet Reports":[""],"You don't seem to have any reports, if you wish to configure Puppet to forward it reports to Foreman, please follow":[""],"setting up reporting":[""],"and":[""],"e-mail reporting":[""],"This page will self destruct once a report comes in.":[""],"Please save the role first. You can edit it later to add filters":[""],"Loading filters...":[""],"Edit Roles":[""],"New role":[""],"Role|Name":["Name"],"Add filter":[""],"New Role":[""],"Setting|Name":["Name"],"Setting|Value":["Value"],"Setting|Description":["Description"],"Smart Proxy":[""],"Edit Proxy":[""],"New Smart Proxy":[""],"SmartProxy|Name":["Name"],"SmartProxy|Url":["URL"],"New Proxy":[""],"Optional: Gateway for this subnet":[""],"Optional: Primary DNS for this subnet":[""],"Optional: Secondary DNS for this subnet":[""],"IPAM":[""],"IP Address Management":[""],"You can select one of three possible IPAM modes:<br/><ul><li><strong>DHCP</strong> - will manage the IP on DHCP through assigned DHCP proxy, auto-suggested IPs come from DHCP</li><li><strong>Internal DB</strong> - use internal DB to auto-suggest free IP based on other interfaces on same subnet respecting range if specified, useful mainly with static boot mode</li><li><strong>None</strong> - leave IP management solely on user, no auto-suggestion</li></ul>":[""],"Optional: Starting IP Address for IP auto suggestion":[""],"Optional: Ending IP Address for IP auto suggestion":[""],"Optional: VLAN ID for this subnet":[""],"Default boot mode for interfaces assigned to this subnet":[""],"Proxies":[""],"DHCP Proxy":[""],"TFTP Proxy":[""],"DNS Proxy to use within this subnet for managing PTR records, note that A records are managed via Domain DNS proxy":[""],"Edit Subnet":[""],"The following subnets have been found":[""],"New Subnet":[""],"Subnet|Name":["Name"],"Subnet|Network":["Network address"],"Subnet|Vlanid":["VLAN ID"],"Select organizations":[""],"Select locations":[""],"Default on login":[""],"Edit Properties":[""],"Assigning hosts to %{taxonomy_name} will also update %{taxonomy_name} to include all the resources that the selected hosts are currently using.":[""],"Assign All":[""],"Assign the %{count} host with no %{taxonomy_single} to %{taxonomy_name}":["",""],"Manually Assign":[""],"Manually select and assign hosts with no %s":[""],"Proceed to Edit":[""],"Skip assign hosts and proceed to edit %s settings":[""],"Clone %s":[""],"Fix Mismatches":[""],"Mismatches Report":[""],"Notice:":[""],"There is":["",""],"%{count} host with no %{taxonomy_single} assigned":["",""],"Taxonomy|Name":["Name"],"Select hosts to assign to %s":[""],"Mismatches":[""],"Fix All Mismatches":[""],"Location/Organization":[""],"Mismatch Details":[""],"No hosts are mismatched!":[""],"All hosts data matches configurations for locations and organizations.":[""],"Warning: This template is locked. You may only change the associations. Please %s it to customize.":[""],"clone":[""],"Useful template functions and macros":[""],"Note: %s ":[""],"Template editor":[""],"Code":[""],"Diff":[""],"Preview":[""],"Key Binding":[""],"Selecting a file will override the editor and load the file instead":[""],"Audit Comment":[""],"The Audit Comment field is saved with the template auditing to document the template changes":[""],"Revert":[""],"Show Diff":[""],"Save something and try again":[""],"No history found":[""],"Please Select":[""],"Show Host":[""],"Edit Trend %s":[""],"Fact Name":[""],"Display Name":[""],"Add Trend Counter":[""],"No trend counter defined.":[""],"To define trend counters, use the Add Trend Counter button.":[""],"To start collecting trend data, set a cron job to execute 'foreman-rake trends:counter' every Puppet Interval (%s minutes).":[""],"No trend counter found.":[""],"To start collecting trend data, set a cron job to execute <span class='black'>foreman-rake trends:counter</span> every Puppet Interval (%s 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how to describe your controllers.":[""],"further instructions":[""],"Oops!!":[""],"Resource %{res} not found.":[""],"Method %{method} not found for resource %{resource}.":[""],"Try going to %{href}":[""],"%{app_name} API documentation homepage":[""],"required":[""],"optional":[""],"nil allowed":[""],"Param name":[""],"Params":[""],"Examples":[""],"Metadata":[""],"Errors":[""],"Supported Formats":[""],"Please enable JavaScript to view the %{comments_href}.":[""],"comments powered by %{disqus}":[""],"API documentation":[""],"Architecture|Hostgroups count":[""],"Architecture|Hosts count":[""],"Audited::Adapters::ActiveRecord::Audit|Action":["Action"],"Audited::Adapters::ActiveRecord::Audit|Associated name":["Associated name"],"Audited::Adapters::ActiveRecord::Audit|Associated type":["Associated type"],"Audited::Adapters::ActiveRecord::Audit|Auditable name":["Auditable name"],"Audited::Adapters::ActiveRecord::Audit|Auditable type":["Auditable 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var locales = locales || {}; locales['en'] = {"domain":"app","locale_data":{"app":{"":{"Project-Id-Version":"version 0.0.1","Report-Msgid-Bugs-To":"","PO-Revision-Date":"2015-05-14 13:31+0100","Last-Translator":"Lukas Zapletal <>","Language-Team":"Foreman Team <>","Language":"en","MIME-Version":"1.0","Content-Type":"text/plain; charset=UTF-8","Content-Transfer-Encoding":"8bit","Plural-Forms":"nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);","lang":"en","domain":"app","plural_forms":"nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);"},"Failed to fetch: ":[""],"Sorry but no templates were configured.":[""],"Loading ...":[""],"Exit Full Screen":[""],"Details":[""],"Reset zoom":[""],"Loading":[""],"%s host":["",""],"Fact distribution chart":[""],"Failed to load chart":[""],"Click to undo adding this class":[""],"belongs to config group":[""],"Click to remove config group":[""]," Remove":[""],"There was an error listing VMs: %(status)s %(statusText)s":[""],"physical @ NAT %s":[""],"physical @ bridge %s":[""],"Are you sure you want to delete this widget from your dashboard?":[""],"Widget removed from dashboard.":[""],"Error removing widget from dashboard.":[""],"Widget added to dashboard.":[""],"Error adding widget to dashboard.":[""],"Widget positions successfully saved.":[""],"Failed to save widget positions.":[""],"Nothing to restore":[""],"Loading interfaces information ...":[""],"Error loading interfaces information: %s":[""],"Loading virtual machine information ...":[""],"Error loading virtual machine information: %s":[""],"Loading parameters...":[""],"Please select":[""],"No subnets":[""],"Error generating IP: %s":[""],"Interface":[""],"Primary":[""],"Provisioning":[""],"Some other interface is already set as primary. Are you sure you want to use this one instead?":[""],"Some other interface is already set as provisioning. Are you sure you want to use this one instead?":[""],"virtual attached to %s":[""],"virtual":[""],"physical":[""],"Build":[""],"Reboot and build":[""],"All items":[""],"Select All":[""],"Filter":[""],"Deselect All":[""],"Selected items":[""],"Select this since it belongs to a host":[""],"This is used by a host":[""],"This is inherited from parent":[""],"Parent is already selected":[""],"new":[""],"Medium":[""],"Weak":[""],"Normal":[""],"Strong":[""],"Very Strong":[""],"Your password is too short":[""],"Do not use your email as your password":[""],"Your password cannot contain your username":[""],"Use different character classes":[""],"Too many repetitions":[""],"Your password contains sequences":[""],"password match":[""],"passwords do not match":[""],"You are about to override the editor content, are you sure?":[""],"No changes":[""],"Rendering the template, please wait...":[""],"There was an error during rendering, return to the Code tab to edit the template.":[""],"You are about to override the editor content with a previous version, are you sure?":[""],"Revert to revision from: %s":[""],"View Diff":[""],"Click to edit..":[""],"Save":[""],"Cancel":[""],"must set host and port":[""],"Connected (unencrypted) to: %s":[""],"Admin permissions required":[""],"%{param} is not allowed as nested parameter for %{controller_name}. Allowed parameters are %{allowed_params}":[""],"%{resource_name} not found by id '%{id}'":[""],"unknown permission for %s":[""],"sync external user groups on login":[""],"Foreman API v1 is deprecated. Please use v2. If you still need to use v1, you may do so by either passing 'version=1' in the Accept Header or using api/v1/ in the URL.":[""],"for Libvirt and VMware only":[""],"Cannot delete group %{current} because it has nested groups.":[""],"List all architectures":[""],"List all architectures for operating system":[""],"ID of operating system":[""],"Show an architecture":[""],"Operating system IDs":[""],"Create an architecture":[""],"Update an architecture":[""],"Delete an architecture":[""],"List all audits":[""],"List all audits for a given host":[""],"Show an audit":[""],"List all LDAP authentication sources":[""],"Show an LDAP authentication source":[""],"defaults to 389":[""],"required if onthefly_register is true":[""],"groups base DN":[""],"type of the LDAP server":[""],"LDAP filter":[""],"Create an LDAP authentication source":[""],"Update an LDAP authentication source":[""],"Delete an LDAP authentication source":[""],"List all autosign entries":[""],"Foreman API v2 is currently the default API version.":[""],"paginate results":[""],"number of entries per request":[""],"filter results":[""],"sort results":[""],"REPLACE locations with given ids":[""],"REPLACE organizations with given ids.":[""],"Scope by locations":[""],"Scope by organizations":[""],"List all bookmarks":[""],"Show a bookmark":[""],"Create a bookmark":[""],"Update a bookmark":[""],"Delete a bookmark":[""],"List all global parameters.":[""],"Show a global parameter":[""],"Create a global parameter":[""],"Update a global parameter":[""],"Delete a global parameter":[""],"Create a compute attributes set":[""],"Update a compute attributes set":[""],"List of compute profiles":[""],"Show a compute profile":[""],"Create a compute profile":[""],"Update a compute profile":[""],"Delete a compute profile":[""],"List all compute resources":[""],"Show a compute resource":[""],"Providers include %{providers}":[""],"URL for Libvirt, oVirt, and OpenStack":[""],"Username for oVirt, EC2, VMware, OpenStack. Access Key for EC2.":[""],"Password for oVirt, EC2, VMware, OpenStack. Secret key for EC2":[""],"for oVirt, VMware Datacenter":[""],"for EC2 only":[""],"for OpenStack only":[""],"for VMware":[""],"Create a compute resource":[""],"Update a compute resource":[""],"Delete a compute resource":[""],"List available images for a compute resource":[""],"List available clusters for a compute resource":[""],"List available folders for a compute resource":[""],"List available networks for a compute resource":[""],"List available networks for a compute resource cluster":[""],"List resource pools for a compute resource cluster":[""],"List storage domains for a compute resource":[""],"List attributes for a given storage domain":[""],"Associate VMs to Hosts":[""],"List of config groups":[""],"Show a config group":[""],"Create a config group":[""],"Update a config group":[""],"Delete a config group":[""],"List provisioning templates":[""],"List provisioning templates per operating system":[""],"List provisioning templates per location":[""],"List provisioning templates per organization":[""],"Show provisioning template details":[""],"template name":[""],"not relevant for snippet":[""],"Array of template combinations (hostgroup_id, environment_id)":[""],"Array of operating system IDs to associate with the template":[""],"Whether or not the template is locked for editing":[""],"Create a provisioning template":[""],"Update a provisioning template":[""],"template version":[""],"Delete a provisioning template":[""],"Update the default PXE menu on all configured TFTP servers":[""],"Clone a provision template":[""],"Get dashboard details":[""],"List of domains":[""],"List of domains per subnet":[""],"List of domains per location":[""],"List of domains per organization":[""],"ID of subnet":[""],"Show a domain":[""],"Numerical ID or domain name":[""],"The full DNS domain name":[""],"Description of the domain":[""],"DNS proxy to use within this domain":[""],"Array of parameters (name, value)":[""],"Create a domain":[""],"Update a domain":[""],"Delete a domain":[""],"List all environments":[""],"List environments of Puppet class":[""],"List environments per location":[""],"List environments per organization":[""],"ID of Puppet class":[""],"Show an environment":[""],"Create an environment":[""],"Update an environment":[""],"Delete an environment":[""],"List all external user groups for user group":[""],"List all external user groups for LDAP authentication source":[""],"ID or name of user group":[""],"Show an external user group for user group":[""],"Show an external user group for LDAP authentication source":[""],"ID or name of external user group":[""],"External user group information":[""],"External user group name":[""],"ID of linked authentication source":[""],"Create an external user group linked to a user group":[""],"Update external user group":[""],"Refresh external user group":[""],"Delete an external user group":[""],"ID or name external user group":[""],"List all fact values":[""],"List all fact values of a given host":[""],"List all filters":[""],"Show a filter":[""],"Create a filter":[""],"Update a filter":[""],"Delete a filter":[""],"Show available API links":[""],"Show status":[""],"List all Puppet class IDs for host":[""],"Add a Puppet class to host":[""],"ID of host":[""],"Remove a Puppet class from host":[""],"List all Puppet class IDs for host group":[""],"Add a Puppet class to host group":[""],"ID of host group":[""],"Remove a Puppet class from host group":[""],"List all host groups":[""],"List all host groups for a Puppet class":[""],"List all host groups per location":[""],"List all host groups per organization":[""],"Show a host group":[""],"Create a host group":[""],"Update a host group":[""],"Delete a host group":[""],"Cannot delete group %{current} because it has nested host groups.":[""],"Clone a host group":[""],"List all hosts":[""],"List all hosts for a host group":[""],"List hosts per location":[""],"List hosts per organization":[""],"List hosts per environment":[""],"ID of location":[""],"ID of organization":[""],"ID of environment":[""],"Show a host":[""],"required if locations are enabled":[""],"required if organizations are enabled":[""],"required if host is managed and value is not inherited from host group":[""],"not required if using a subnet with DHCP proxy":[""],"required for managed host that is bare metal, not required if it's a virtual machine":[""],"required if not imaged based provisioning and host is managed and value is not inherited from host group":[""],"required if host is managed and custom partition has not been defined":[""],"nil means host is bare metal":[""],"required if host is managed and value is not inherited from host group or default password in settings":[""],"Host's owner type":[""],"True/False flag whether a host is managed or unmanaged. Note: this value also determines whether several parameters are required or not":[""],"UUID to track orchestration tasks status, GET /api/orchestration/:UUID/tasks":[""],"Additional information about this host":[""],"Host's network interfaces.":[""],"Additional compute resource specific attributes.":[""],"Create a host":[""],"Update a host":[""],"Delete a host":[""],"Get status of host":[""],"Get vm attributes of host":[""],"Force a Puppet agent run on the host":[""],"Disassociate the host from a VM":[""],"Run a power operation on host":[""],"power action, valid actions are (on/start), (off/stop), (soft/reboot), (cycle/reset), (state/status)":[""],"Unknown power action: available methods are %s":[""],"Boot host from specified device":[""],"boot device, valid devices are disk, cdrom, pxe, bios":[""],"Unknown device: available devices are %s":[""],"Upload facts for a host, creating the host if required":[""],"hostname of the host":[""],"hash containing the facts for the host":[""],"optional: certname of the host":[""],"optional: the STI type of host to create":[""],"Invalid type for host creation via facts: %s":[""],"A problem occurred when detecting host type: %s":[""],"List all images for a compute resource":[""],"List all images for operating system":[""],"List all images for architecture":[""],"ID of compute resource":[""],"ID of architecture":[""],"Show an image":[""],"Create an image":[""],"Update an image":[""],"Delete an image":[""],"List all interfaces for host":[""],"List all interfaces for domain":[""],"List all interfaces for subnet":[""],"ID or name of host":[""],"ID or name of domain":[""],"ID or name of subnet":[""],"Show an interface for host":[""],"ID or name of interface":[""],"MAC address of interface. Required for managed interfaces on bare metal.":[""],"IP address of interface":[""],"Interface type, e.g. bmc. Default is %{default_nic_type}":[""],"Interface's DNS name":[""],"Foreman subnet ID of interface":[""],"Foreman domain ID of interface. Required for primary interfaces on managed hosts.":[""],"Device identifier, e.g. eth0 or eth1.1":[""],"Should this interface be managed via DHCP and DNS smart proxy and should it be configured during provisioning?":[""],"Should this interface be used for constructing the FQDN of the host? Each managed hosts needs to have one primary interface.":[""],"Should this interface be used for TFTP of PXELinux (or SSH for image-based hosts)? Each managed hosts needs to have one provision interface.":[""],"Only for BMC interfaces.":[""],"Interface provider, e.g. IPMI. Only for BMC interfaces.":[""],"Alias or VLAN device":[""],"VLAN tag, this attribute has precedence over the subnet VLAN ID. Only for virtual interfaces.":[""],"Identifier of the interface to which this interface belongs, e.g. eth1. Only for virtual interfaces.":[""],"Bond mode of the interface, e.g. balance-rr. Only for bond interfaces.":[""],"Identifiers of slave interfaces, e.g. `['eth1', 'eth2']`. Only for bond interfaces.":[""],"Space separated options, e.g. miimon=100. 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%s":[""],"No hosts were found with that id or name":[""],"No hosts selected":[""],"Something went wrong while selecting hosts - %s":[""],"%s selected hosts":[""],"The following hosts were not %{action}: %{missed_hosts}":[""],"Successfully overridden all parameters of Puppet class %s":[""],"Successfully reset all parameters of Puppet class %s to their default values":[""],"No parameters to override for Puppet class %s":[""],"Successfully deleted report.":[""],"Role cloned from role %{old_name}":[""],"No changes found when refreshing features from %s.":[""],"Successfully refreshed features from %s.":[""],"%s core":["",""],"No new subnets found":[""],"No subnets selected":[""],"Imported Subnets":[""],"No host could be found for rendering the template":[""],"There was an error rendering the %{name} template: %{error}":[""],"Template locked":[""],"Template unlocked":[""],"Failed to clean any old certificates or add the autosign entry. 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This will delete the virtual machine and its disks, and is irreversible.":[""],"Are you sure you want to delete host %s? This action is irreversible.":[""],"Audits":[""],"Host audit entries":[""],"Facts":[""],"Browse host facts":[""],"Browse host reports":[""],"Reports":[""],"Puppet external nodes YAML dump":[""],"YAML":[""],"Allocation (GB)":[""],"None":[""],"Full":[""],"Size":[""],"remove network interface":[""],"Interface is up":[""],"Interface is down":[""],"Errors occurred, build may fail":[""],"Edit %s":[""],"Image":[""],"Image ID":[""],"Image ID as provided by the compute resource, e.g. ami-..":[""],"Caps lock ON":[""],"Submit":[""],"Overwrite":[""],"Unable to save":[""],"&laquo;":[""],"&raquo;":[""],"No entries found":[""],"Displaying <b>%{count}</b> entry":["",""],"Displaying entries <b>%{from} - %{to}</b> of <b>%{count}</b> in total":[""],"Warning!":[""],"Alert":[""],"Close":[""],"last %s day":["",""],"Full screen":[""],"Puppet class":[""],"Puppet Class":[""],"<dl><dt>String</dt> <dd>Everything is taken as a string.</dd><dt>Boolean</dt> <dd>Common representation of boolean values are accepted.</dd><dt>Integer</dt> <dd>Integer numbers only, can be negative.</dd><dt>Real</dt> <dd>Accept any numerical input.</dd><dt>Array</dt> <dd>A valid JSON or YAML input, that must evaluate to an array.</dd><dt>Hash</dt> <dd>A valid JSON or YAML input, that must evaluate to an object/map/dict/hash.</dd><dt>YAML</dt> <dd>Any valid YAML input.</dd><dt>JSON</dt> <dd>Any valid JSON input.</dd></dl>":[""],"Parameter types":[""],"How values are validated":[""],"Validator type":[""],"<dl><dt>List</dt> <dd>A list of the allowed values, specified in the Validator rule field.</dd><dt>Regexp</dt> <dd>Validates the input with the regular expression in the Validator rule field.</dd></dl>":[""],"Validation types":[""],"<b>Description:</b> %{desc}<br><b>Type:</b> %{type}<br> <b>Matcher:</b> %{matcher}":[""],"Default value":["Default value"],"Required parameter without value.<br/><b>Please override!</b> <br><br><b>Description:</b>: %s":[""],"No value error":[""],"Optional parameter without value.<br/><i>Won't be given to Puppet.</i> <br><br><b>Description:</b> %s":[""],"No value warning":[""],"Default templates are automatically added to new locations":[""],"Default templates are automatically added to new organizations":[""],"Default templates are automatically added to new organizations and locations":[""],"Clone":[""],"You are about to unlock a locked template.":[""],"This is for every location that uses it.":[""],"This is for every organization that uses it.":[""],"This is for every location and organization that uses it.":[""],"It is not recommended to unlock this template, as it is provided by %{vendor} and may be overwritten. Please consider cloning it instead.":[""],"Continue?":[""],"Unlock":[""],"Lock":[""],"Delete %s?":[""],"valid":[""],"revoked":[""],"pending":[""],"in %s":[""],"Empty environment":[""],"Deleted environment":[""],"Deleted environment %{env} and %{pcs}":[""],"Import":[""],"Import from %s":[""],"%{name} has %{num_tag} class":["",""],"%s minute ago":["",""],"%s day ago":["",""],"%s week ago":["",""],"%s month ago":["",""],"All Reports":[""],"Select a period":[""],"Show log messages:":[""],"Notices, warnings and errors":[""],"All messages":[""],"Warnings and errors":[""],"Errors only":[""],"This setting is defined in the configuration file 'settings.yaml' and is read-only.":[""],"Certificates":[""],"Autosign":[""],"Import subnets":[""],"Refresh features":[""],"OS Distribution":[""],"Architecture Distribution":[""],"Environments Distribution":[""],"Number of CPUs":[""],"Hardware":[""],"Class Distribution":[""],"used memory":[""],"Average memory usage":[""],"free memory":[""],"free swap":[""],"used swap":[""],"Average swap usage":[""],"Any Organization":[""],"Any Location":[""],"New Organization":[""],"New Location":[""],"All users":[""],"Select users":[""],"Select smart proxies":[""],"All smart proxies":[""],"All subnets":[""],"Select subnets":[""],"Select compute resources":[""],"All compute resources":[""],"All media":[""],"Select media":[""],"All provisioning templates":[""],"Select provisioning templates":[""],"Select partition tables":[""],"All partition tables":[""],"All domains":[""],"Select domains":[""],"Select realms":[""],"All realms":[""],"All environments":[""],"Select environments":[""],"Select host groups":[""],"All host groups":[""],"Operating system":["Name"],"Environment":[""],"Model":[""],"Compute resource":[""],"Trend of the last %s days.":[""],":foreman_url is not set, please configure in the Foreman Web UI (Administer -> Settings -> General)":[""],"Must specify a user with email enabled":[""],"Audit summary":[""],"Must specify a valid user with email enabled":[""],"Puppet Summary Report - F:%{failed} R:%{restarted} S:%{skipped} A:%{applied} FR:%{failed_restarts} T:%{total}":[""],"Puppet error on %s":[""],"Host %s is built":[""],"Welcome to Foreman":[""],"Cannot create LDAP configuration for %s without dedicated service account":[""],"invalid LDAP filter syntax":[""],"%{value} is not a valid controller":[""],"%s is an unknown attribute":[""],"must provide a provider":[""],"unknown provider":[""],"%s console is not supported at this time":[""],"Not implemented for %s":[""],"Not implemented":[""],"cannot be changed":[""],"Unable to access key":[""],"Unable to find template %s":[""],"VM is not running!":[""],"Unable to change VM display listen address, make sure the display is not attached to localhost only":[""],"At least one volume must be specified for image-based provisioning.":[""],"Please specify volume size. 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The DHCP smart proxy failed to provide this information and this subnet is not provided with TFTP services.":[""],"failed to detect boot server: %s":[""],"DHCP not supported for this NIC":[""],"Create DHCP Settings for %s":[""],"Remove DHCP Settings for %s":[""],"DHCP conflicts removal for %s":[""],"does not match selected subnet":[""],"DHCP records %s already exists":[""],"Create DNS record for %s":[""],"Create Reverse DNS record for %s":[""],"Remove DNS record for %s":[""],"Remove Reverse DNS record for %s":[""],"Remove conflicting DNS record for %s":[""],"Remove conflicting Reverse DNS record for %s":[""],"DNS A Records %s already exists":[""],"DNS PTR Records %s already exists":[""],"Failed to initialize the PuppetCA proxy: %s":["Failed to initialise the PuppetCA proxy: %s"],"Delete autosign entry for %s":[""],"Delete PuppetCA certificates for %s":[""],"Failed to initialize the realm proxy: %s":[""],"Realm proxy did not return a one-time password":[""],"Failed to create %{name}'s realm entry: %{e}":[""],"Create realm entry for %s":[""],"Update realm entry for %s":[""],"Delete realm entry for %s":[""],"Prepare post installation script for %s":[""],"Wait for %s to come online":[""],"Enable certificate generation for %s":[""],"Configure instance %s via SSH":[""],"Unable to find proper authentication method":[""],"Failed to login via SSH to %{name}: %{e}":[""],"Provision script had a non zero exit, removing instance":[""],"Failed to launch script on %{name}: %{e}":[""],"No finish templates were found for this host, make sure you define at least one in your %s settings":[""],"Failed to fetch boot files":[""],"No %{template_kind} templates were found for this host, make sure you define at least one in your %{os} settings":[""],"Failed to generate %{template_kind} template: %{e}":[""],"TFTP Settings for %s":[""],"Fetch TFTP boot files for %s":[""],"Remove old TFTP Settings for %s":[""],"has already been taken":[""],"Please ensure the following parameters name are unique":[""],"Invalid %s selection, you must select at least one of yours":[""],"must be one of [ %s ]":[""],"Can't find a valid Foreman Proxy with a Puppet feature":[""],"is not found in the authentication source":[""],"LDAP error - %{message}":[""],"is not permitted":[""],"invalid search query: %s":[""],"filter for %s role":[""],"Permissions must be of same resource type":[""],"You must select at least one permission":[""],"You can't assign organizations to this resource":[""],"You can't assign locations to this resource":[""],"Owner type needs to be one of the following: %s":[""],"host must have one primary interface":[""],"managed host must have one provision interface":[""],"some interfaces are invalid":[""],"invalid time range":[""],"should be 8 characters or more":[""],"should not be blank - consider setting a global or host group default":[""],"can't be blank unless a custom partition has been defined":[""],"is unknown":[""],"common":[""],"domain":[""],"os":[""],"Failed to import %{klass} for %{name}: doesn't exists in our database - ignoring":[""],"no puppet proxy defined - cant continue":[""],"failed to execute puppetrun: %s":[""],"Pending Installation":[""],"Alerts disabled":[""],"No reports":[""],"Unknown power management support - can't continue":[""],"Some interfaces are invalid":[""],"%{value} does not belong to %{os} operating system":[""],"%{e} does not belong to the %{environment} environment":[""],"Unable to find IP address for '%s'":[""],"is an unsupported provisioning method":[""],"can't be updated after host is provisioned":[""],"must not include periods":[""],"hostgroup":[""],"could not be found in %s":[""],"integer":[""],"boolean":[""],"real":[""],"array":[""],"hash":[""],"yaml":[""],"string":[""],"json":[""],"list":[""],"regexp":[""],"invalid":[""],"Invalid Host":[""],"invalid path":[""],"is invalid":[""],"Global variable or class Parameter, not both":[""],"%{default_value} is not one of %{validator_rule}":[""],"can only be set for array or hash":[""],"can only be set for arrays that have merge_overrides set to true":[""],"is invalid %s":[""],"%{value} is not one of %{rules}":[""],"%{match} does not match an existing host":[""],"%{match} does not match an existing host group":[""],"Monthly":[""],"Weekly":[""],"Daily":[""],"Only URLs with schema http://, https://, ftp:// or nfs:// are allowed (e.g. nfs://server/vol/dir)":[""],"does not appear to be a valid nfs mount path":[""],"%{record} is used by host in build mode %{what}":[""],"can't use the same value as the primary interface":[""],"already in use":[""],"can't find domain with this id":[""],"can't delete primary interface of managed host":[""],"can't delete provision interface of managed host":[""],"host already has primary interface":[""],"host already has provision interface":[""],"is not defined for host's location.":[""],"is not defined for host's organization.":[""],"Unable to find a proxy with BMC feature":[""],"BMC":[""],"There is no proxy with BMC feature set up. Please register a smart proxy with this feature.":[""],"Bond":[""],"Only one bootable interface is allowed":[""],"Bootable":[""],"Can't add or remove `%s` from identifier":[""],"subnet boot mode is not %s":[""],"Operating System version is required":[""],"Operating system version already exists":[""],"Attempting to construct an operating system image filename but %s cannot be built from an image":[""],"Invalid medium for %s":[""],"Invalid architecture for %s":[""],"invalid medium for %s":[""],"invalid architecture for %s":[""],"Function not available for %s":[""],"parameters require an associated domain, operating system, host or host group":[""],"You do not have permission to %s this location parameter":[""],"You do not have permission to %s this organization parameter":[""],"Must provide template kind":[""],"Must provide an operating systems":[""],"No TFTP proxies defined, can't continue":[""],"Could not find a Configuration Template with the name \\\"PXELinux global default\\\", please create one.":[""],"failed to process template: %s":[""],"There was an error creating the PXE Default file: %s":[""],"PXE Default file has been deployed to all Smart Proxies":[""],"Unsupported report status format":[""],"invalid host list":[""],"Modified":[""],"Success":[""],"Unable to create the default user role.":[""],"Unable to create the anonymous role.":[""],"Role is in use":[""],"Can't delete built-in role":[""],"must be a valid URI":[""],"must be boolean":[""],"must be integer":[""],"must be an array":[""],"parsing settings type '%s' from string is not defined":[""],"is invalid: %s":[""],"is not allowed to change":[""],"Foreman will use OAuth for API authorization":[""],"OAuth consumer key":[""],"OAuth consumer secret":[""],"Foreman will map users by username in request-header. If this is set to false, OAuth requests will have admin rights.":[""],"Only known Smart Proxies may access features that use Smart Proxy authentication":[""],"Client SSL certificates are used to identify Smart Proxies (:require_ssl should also be enabled)":[""],"Hosts that will be trusted in addition to Smart Proxies for access to fact/report importers and ENC output":[""],"SSL Certificate path that Foreman would use to communicate with its proxies":[""],"SSL CA file that Foreman will use to communicate with its proxies":[""],"SSL Private Key file that Foreman will use to communicate with its proxies":[""],"Environment variable containing the subject DN from a client SSL certificate":[""],"Environment variable containing the verification status of a client SSL certificate":[""],"Should Foreman encrypt websockets (VNC console access). Choose on, off or auto.":[""],"Private key that Foreman will use to encrypt websockets ":[""],"Certificate that Foreman will use to encrypt websockets ":[""],"Redirect your users to this url on logout (authorize_login_delegation should also be enabled)":[""],"Name of the external auth source where unknown externally authentication users (see authorize_login_delegation) should be created (keep unset to prevent the autocreation)":[""],"Authorize login delegation with REMOTE_USER environment variable":[""],"Authorize login delegation with REMOTE_USER environment variable for API calls too":[""],"Log out idle users after a certain number of minutes":[""],"The default administrator email address":[""],"URL where your Foreman instance is reachable (see also Provisioning > unattended_url)":[""],"Email reply address for emails that Foreman is sending":[""],"Prefix to add to all outgoing email":[""],"Send a welcome email including username and URL to new users":[""],"Number of records shown per page in Foreman":[""],"Fix DB cache on next Foreman restart":[""],"Max days for Trends graphs":[""],"Foreman will use gravatar to display user icons":[""],"Should the `foreman-rake db:migrate` be executed on the next run of the installer modules?":[""],"Should the `foreman-rake db:seed` be executed on the next run of the installer modules?":[""],"Max timeout for REST client requests to smart-proxy":[""],"Default encrypted root password on provisioned hosts":[""],"URL hosts will retrieve templates from during build (normally http as many installers don't support https)":[""],"Enable safe mode config templates rendering (recommended)":[""],"Foreman will automate certificate signing upon provision of new host":[""],"Stop updating IP address and MAC values from Puppet facts (affects all interfaces)":[""],"Foreman will query the locally configured resolver instead of the SOA/NS authorities":[""],"If Foreman is running behind Passenger or a remote load balancer, the IP should be set here. 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The content of this fact should be the full label of the organization.":[""],"Hosts created after a puppet run that did not send a location fact will be placed in this location":[""],"Hosts created after a puppet run that did not send a organization fact will be placed in this organization":[""],"is invalid - only http://, https:// are allowed":[""],"Only one declaration of a proxy is allowed":[""],"No features found on this proxy, please make sure you enable at least one feature":[""],"Unable to communicate with the proxy: %s":[""],"Please check the proxy is configured and running on the host.":[""],"DHCP":[""],"Static":[""],"Internal DB":[""],"is too long (maximum is 15 characters)":[""],"invalid IP address":[""],"does not belong to subnet":[""],"can't be bigger than to range":[""],"must be specified if to is defined":[""],"must be specified if from is defined":[""],"location":[""],"organization":["Organizations and/or"],"This template is locked and may not be removed.":[""],"You are not authorized to lock templates.":[""],"You are not authorized to make a template default.":[""],"This template is locked. Please clone it to a new template to customize.":[""],"already exists":[""],"Anonymous admin user %s is missing, run foreman-rake db:seed":[""],"A user group already exists with this name":[""],"Can't delete the last admin account":[""],"cannot be removed from the last admin account":[""],"Can't delete internal admin account":[""],"cannot be removed from an internal protected account":[""],"cannot be changed on an internal protected account":[""],"you can't assign some of roles you selected":[""],"you can't change administrator flag":[""],"cannot be changed by a non-admin user":[""],"default locations need to be user locations first":[""],"default organizations need to be user organizations first":[""],"is not valid":[""],"has this role already":[""],"is already used by a user account":[""],"Can't delete the last admin user group":[""],"Status table":[""],"Status chart":[""],"Report summary":[""],"Distribution chart":[""],"Unallowed template for dashboard widget: %s":[""],"Invalid version format, please enter in x.y (only major version).":[""],"%{id} plugin requires Foreman %{matcher} but current is %{current}":[""],"%{id} plugin requires the %{plugin_name} plugin, not found":[""],"%{id} plugin requires the %{plugin_name} plugin %{matcher} but current is %{plugin_version}":[""],"Failed to validate %{host}: %{error}":[""],"No templates found for this host.":[""],"Template %s is empty.":[""],"Failure parsing %{template}: %{error}.":[""],"No smart proxies found.":[""],"Failure deploying via smart proxy %{proxy}: %{error}.":[""],"Error connecting to %{proxy}: %{error}.":[""],"Unknown interface type, must be one of [%s]":[""],"My account":[""],"Log out":[""],"Administer":[""],"Locations":[""],"Organizations":[""],"LDAP authentication":[""],"Users":[""],"User groups":[""],"Roles":[""],"Bookmarks":[""],"Settings":[""],"About":[""],"Monitor":[""],"Dashboard":[""],"Statistics":[""],"Trends":[""],"Hosts":[""],"All hosts":[""],"New host":[""],"Provisioning Setup":[""],"Architectures":[""],"Hardware models":[""],"Installation media":[""],"Operating systems":[""],"Templates":[""],"Partition tables":[""],"Provisioning templates":["Provisioning templates"],"Configure":[""],"Host groups":[""],"Global parameters":[""],"Puppet":[""],"Environments":[""],"Puppet classes":[""],"Config groups":[""],"Smart variables":[""],"Infrastructure":[""],"Smart proxies":[""],"Compute resources":[""],"Compute profiles":[""],"Subnets":[""],"Domains":[""],"Realms":[""],"Unsupported password hash function '%s'":[""],"start":[""],"poweroff":[""],"reset":[""],"stop":[""],"state":[""],"reboot":[""],"soft":[""],"on":[""],"cycle":[""],"ready?":[""],"status":[""],"off":[""],"Invalid power state request: %{action}, supported actions are %{supported}":[""],"Unknown":[""],"Timeout has occurred while communicating with %s":[""],"Error has occurred while communicating with %{cr}: %{e}":[""],"Invalid report":[""],"Invalid log level: %s":[""],"invalid type %s":[""],"SafeRender#parse_string was passed a %s instead of a string":[""],"Must specify a Smart Proxy to use":[""],"unable to sign a non pending certificate":[""],"you cannot remove %s that are used by hosts or inherited.":[""],"is alphanumeric and cannot contain spaces":[""],"is not a valid MAC address":[""],"can't contain spaces.":[""],"System Status":["Status"],"Smart Proxies":[""],"Available Providers":[""],"Compute Resources":[""],"Plugins":[""],"No smart proxies to show":[""],"Name":[""],"Features":[""],"Status":["Status"],"Connecting..":[""],"Provider":[""],"Installed":[""],"Not Installed":[""],"To enable a provider, either install the OS package (e.g. foreman-libvirt) or enable the bundler group for development setup (e.g. ovirt).":[""],"No compute resource to show":["Attributes"],"Type":[""],"No plugins found":[""],"Description":[""],"Author":[""],"Version":[""],"Support":[""],"Manual":[""],"Wiki":[""],"First use instructions":[""],"IRC":[""],"You can find The Foreman on the %{freenode} ( network. 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Please use 'Content-Type: application/json'.":[""],"Operating Systems":[""],"Edit Architecture":[""],"New Architecture":[""],"Architecture|Name":["Name"],"New architecture":[""],"Architecture configuration":[""],"Before you proceed to using Foreman you should provide information about one or more architectures.":[""],"Each entries represent a particular hardware architecture, most commonly <b>x86_64</b> or <b>i386</b>. Foreman also supports the Solaris operating system family, which includes <b>sparc</b> based systems.":[""],"Each architecture can also be associated with more than one operating system and a selector block is provided to allow you to select valid combinations.":[""],"<b>Foreman</b> audit summary":[""],"Displaying %{num_audits} of %{total_audits} audit":["",""],"No audit changes for this period":[""],"Full audits list":[""],"Foreman audit summary":[""],"Logged-in":[""],"Host details":[""],"Template Diff":[""],"History":[""],"Item":[""],"Old":[""],"New":[""],"Value":[""],"LDAP server":[""],"Account":[""],"Attribute mappings":[""],"Choose a server type":[""],"Server type":[""],"Use this account to authenticate, <i>optional</i>":[""],"Base DN":[""],"Groups base DN":[""],"Custom LDAP search filter, <i>optional</i>":[""],"LDAP users will have their Foreman account automatically created the first time they log into Foreman":[""],"External user groups will be synced on login, else relies on periodic cronjob to check group membership":[""],"e.g. uid":[""],"e.g. givenName":[""],"e.g. sn":[""],"e.g. mail":[""],"e.g. jpegPhoto":[""],"Photo attribute":[""],"Edit LDAP Auth Source":[""],"LDAP Authentication":[""],"New LDAP Source":[""],"AuthSource|Name":["Name"],"AuthSource|Host":["Server"],"AuthSource|Onthefly register":["Automatically create accounts in Foreman"],"AuthSource|LDAPS":[""],"New LDAP Auth Source":[""],"New authentication source":[""],"Authentication Source Configuration":[""],"Foreman can use LDAP based service for user information and authentication.":[""],"The authentication process currently requires an LDAP provider, such as <em>OpenLDAP</em> or <em>Microsoft's Active Directory</em>.":[""],"Autosign entries for %s":[""],"New Autosign Entry":[""],"Edit Bookmark":[""],"Manage Bookmarks":[""],"Bookmark|Name":["Name"],"Bookmark|Query":["Search query"],"Bookmark|Controller":["Controller"],"Bookmark|Public":["Public"],"New Bookmark":[""],"Bookmarks configuration":[""],"Here you can manage bookmarks. Bookmarks are saved search queries.":[""],"Permission denied":[""],"You are not authorized to perform this action":[""],"Please request the required privileges from a foreman administrator":[""],"Back":[""],"Not Found":[""],"Please try to update your request":[""],"Oops, we're sorry but something went wrong":[""],"Foreman ticketing system":[""],"If you feel this is an error with Foreman itself, please open a new issue with":[""],"You would probably need to attach the":[""],"and relevant log entries.":[""],"Full trace":[""],"None Found":[""],"Changed environments":["Environment"],"Select the changes you want to realize in Foreman":[""],"Toggle":[""],"Check/Uncheck new":[""],"Updated":[""],"Check/Uncheck updated":[""],"Obsolete":[""],"Check/Uncheck obsolete":[""],"Check/Uncheck all":[""],"Operation":[""],"Puppet Modules":[""],"Check/Uncheck all %s changes":[""],"Remove:":[""],"Update:":[""],"Add:":[""],"Update":[""],"Search":[""],"Bookmark this search":[""],"Add Bookmark":[""],"OS Image":[""],"Build from OS image":[""],"Architecture":[""],"Media":[""],"Partition table":[""],"Scope":[""],"Actions":[""],"override":[""],"Override this value":[""],"Global":[""],"hide":[""],"remove":[""],"Global Parameters":[""],"Add Parameter":[""],"Puppetclass":["Puppet class"],"Parameter name":[""],"Parameter type":[""],"Puppet class overrides":[""],"Override a Puppetclass Parameter":["Override a Puppet class parameter"],"Edit Global Parameter":[""],"New Parameter":[""],"Parameter|Name":["Name"],"Parameter|Value":["Value"],"New Global Parameter":[""],"Compute profile":[""],"Edit compute profile on %s":[""],"New compute profile on %s":[""],"Edit Compute profile":[""],"New Compute Profile":[""],"Rename":[""],"New Compute profile":[""],"Edit Compute profile: %s":[""],"Click on the link of a compute resource to edit its default VM attributes.":[""],"Compute Resource":[""],"VM Attributes (%s)":[""],"unspecified":[""],"Choose a provider":[""],"Access Key":[""],"Secret Key":[""],"Region":[""],"Test Connection":[""],"Load Regions":[""],"Google Project ID":[""],"Client Email":[""],"The file path where your p12 file is located":[""],"Certificate path":[""],"Zone":[""],"Load zones":[""],"e.g. qemu://":[""],"Display type":[""],"Console passwords":[""],"Set a randomly generated password on the display connection":[""],"e.g. http://openstack:5000/v2.0/tokens":[""],"Tenant":[""],"Load Tenants":[""],"e.g.":[""],"e.g. admin@internal":[""],"Datacenter":[""],"Load Datacenters":[""],"Quota ID":[""],"X509 Certification Authorities":[""],"Optionally provide a CA, or a correctly ordered CA chain. If left blank, a self-signed CA will be populated automatically by the server during the first request.":[""],"e.g.":[""],"API Key":[""],"VCenter/Server":[""],"Fingerprint":[""],"New Compute Resource":[""],"ComputeResource|Name":["Name"],"New compute resource":[""],"Associate VMs":[""],"Associate VMs to Foreman hosts":[""],"Virtual Machines":[""],"Images":[""],"Loading virtual machines information ...":[""],"New Image":[""],"Loading Images information":[""],"VM Attributes":[""],"URL":[""],"Enabled":["Partition Table"],"Disabled":[""],"There was an error listing VMs: %s":[""],"Network interfaces":[""],"add new network interface":[""],"Add Interface":[""],"No networks found.":[""],"remove storage volume":[""],"Storage":[""],"add new storage volume":[""],"Add Volume":[""],"Flavor":[""],"Please select an image":[""],"Availability zone":[""],"No preference":[""],"EC2":[""],"Subnet":[""],"Security groups":[""],"Public":[""],"Managed IP":[""],"Private":[""],"Machine type":[""],"Network":[""],"External IP":[""],"Size (GB)":[""],"CPUs":[""],"Memory":[""],"Start":[""],"Power ON this machine":[""],"Image to use":[""],"Network type":[""],"No networks":[""],"No bridges":[""],"your libvirt host does not support interface listing, please enter here the bridge name (e.g. br0)":[""],"NIC type":[""],"Storage pool":[""],"Security group":[""],"Internal network":[""],"Floating IP network":[""],"Create new boot volume from image":[""],"Boot from volume":[""],"New boot volume size (GB)":[""],"Defaults to image size if left blank":[""],"Cluster":[""],"Select template":[""],"oVirt/RHEV template to use":[""],"Template":[""],"Cores":[""],"Storage domain":[""],"Uses thin provisioning if unchecked":[""],"Preallocate disk":[""],"Only one volume can be bootable":[""],"Please Select an Image":[""],"Cores per socket":[""],"Memory (MB)":[""],"Folder":[""],"Guest OS":[""],"SCSI controller":[""],"Virtual H/W version":[""],"Data store":[""],"Thin provision":[""],"Eager zero":[""],"Virtual Machines on %s":[""],"DNS":[""],"State":[""],"Power":[""],"New Virtual Machine":[""],"Create":[""],"Associate VM":[""],"Associate VM to a Foreman host":[""],"Properties":[""],"Machine Type":[""],"VCPU(s)":[""],"UUID":[""],"Allocated":[""],"Display":[""],"NIC":[""],"using %{allocation} GB out of %{capacity} GB, %{pool_name} storage pool":[""],"Path":[""],"Running on":[""],"using %s":[""],"included already from parent":[""],"%s is not in environment":[""],"Included Config Groups":[""],"Available Config Groups":[""],"Edit Config group":[""],"New Config Group":[""],"New Config group":[""],"Run distribution in the last %s minute":["",""],"Latest Events":[""],"No interesting reports received in the last week":[""],"Host Configuration Chart":[""],"Hosts that had performed modifications without error":[""],"Hosts in error state":[""],"Good host reports in the last %s":[""],"Hosts that had pending changes":[""],"Out of sync hosts":[""],"Hosts with no reports":[""],"Hosts with alerts disabled":[""],"Total Hosts: %s":[""],"Overview":[""],"Get default dashboard widgets":[""],"Welcome":[""],"Before you can use Foreman for the first time there are a few tasks that must be performed.":[""],"You must decide how you wish to use the software, and update the primary settings file <b>config/settings.yaml</b> and the":[""],"settings":[""],"to indicate your selections.":[""],"Operating Mode":[""],"You may operate Foreman in basic mode, in which it acts as a reporting and external node classifier or you may also turn on unattended mode operation in which Foreman creates and manages the configuration files necessary to completely configure a new host.":[""],"When operating in unattended mode Foreman will require more information, so expect more questions, but it will be able to automate host installations for Red Hat, Debian, SUSE and Solaris operating systems (and their clones), see":[""],"here":[""],"for more details.":[""],"Create a Smart Proxy":[""],"If you're planning to do anything more than just handle reports, you'll be in need of a smart proxy - either on this machine or elsewhere on your network.":[""],"You can find details of how to set up the proxy at":[""],"Smart-Proxy Installation":[""],"Important":[""],"Once installed you should head over to":[""],"to point Foreman at it.":[""],"User Authentication":[""],"Foreman, by default, operates in anonymous mode where all operations are performed without reference to the user who is performing the task.":[""],"If you wish to track the actions of a particular user then it is possible to use an additional authentication stage and provide a user account.":[""],"At present, authentication is performed against the internal Database or a LDAP service provided by one or more LDAP servers.":[""],"Additionally, you may restrict user permissions based on many criteria, make sure you check the roles settings tab.":[""],"For internal Users, simply create a new user at the %s page":[""],"If you chose to use LDAP authentication then you must provide connection details for your authentication provider on %s page":[""],"LDAP":[""],"For Roles and permissions, see the %s page":[""],"Notice":[""],"You would need to enable login in your settings.yml file first and restart foreman":[""],"The default username and password are <b>admin</b> and <b>changeme</b>":[""],"Import your data":[""],"Foreman comes with some importers to ease the burden of entering loads of data about your current installation.":[""],"If you are already using puppet you should consider using some of the rake tasks that have been provided.":[""],"Inventory browser":[""],"Importing Puppet Facts":[""],"Puppet External Nodes":[""],"Importing Puppet classes and environments":[""],"Reporting":[""],"Puppet Reports integration":[""],"Additional steps":[""],"You may optionally wish to generate the online documentation for your puppet classes":[""],"puppet class browser":[""],"After you have decided on the two primary modes of operation and performed any appropriate imports then it would be good idea if you visited some of the other configuration pages to see if additional setup is required under the Additional settings select box on the top right.":[""],"You may also find the":[""],"Howtos":[""],"useful.":[""],"This page will self destruct once Foreman starts to receive data about your hosts. You can view this information again by clicking on the \\\"First use instructions\\\" link on the %{about} page.":[""],"Parameters":[""],"Full name describing the domain":[""],"DNS Proxy":[""],"DNS proxy to use within this domain for managing A records, note that PTR records are managed via Subnet DNS proxy":[""],"Edit Domain":[""],"New Domain":[""],"Domain|Fullname":["Description"],"Domain Configuration":[""],"Foreman considers a domain and a DNS zone as the same thing. That is, if you are planning to manage a site where all the machines are or the form <i>hostname</i>.<b></b>\\n then the domain is <b></b>. This allows Foreman to associate a puppet variable with a domain/site and automatically append this variable to all external node requests made\\n by machines at that site.":[""],"The <b>fullname</b> field is used for human readability in reports and other pages that refer to domains,\\n and also available as an external node parameter":[""],"Edit Environment":[""],"Puppet Environments":[""],"Environment|Name":["Name"],"Classes":[""],"New Environment":[""],"Puppet environments configuration":[""],"If you are planning to use Foreman as an external node classifier you should provide information about one or more environments.":[""],"This information is commonly imported from a pre-existing puppet configuration by the use of the":[""],"Puppet classes and environment importer":[""],"Environments may be manually created and only require the name of the environment to be declared.":[""],"Show %{host} facts":[""],"Show all %{name} facts where they are equal to %{value}":[""],"Show distribution chart":[""],"Fact Values":[""],"Host":[""],"FactValue|Value":["Value"],"Reported at":[""],"Hosts Inventory":[""],"You don't seem to have any facts yet. If you wish to configure fact pushing, please follow":[""],"setting up facts":[""],"This page will self destruct once inventory data comes in.":[""],"%s Distribution":[""],"Selected role":[""],"(Miscellaneous)":[""],"Permission":[""],"Selected resource type does not support granular filtering, therefore you can't configure granularity":[""],"By unchecking this you can specify filter using Foreman search syntax in search field. If filter remains unlimited (this field is checked) it applies on all resources of the selected type":[""],"Edit Filter":[""],"Filters":[""],"New filter":[""],"Role":[""],"Filter|Resource":[""],"Filter|Permissions":[""],"Filter|Unlimited":[""],"Filter|Search":[""],"none":[""],"Delete filter?":[""],"New Filter":[""],"Manage Locations":[""],"Manage Organizations":[""],"Hostname":[""],"<b style=\\\"color: #6bb5df;\\\">%{hosts_sum}</b>\\n <p style=\\\"font-weight: bold; margin: 5px; padding: 0px;\\\">Changed</p>":["",""],"<b style=\\\"color: #6bb5df;\\\">%{out_of_sync_sum}</b>\\n <p style=\\\"font-weight: bold; margin: 5px; padding: 0px;\\\">Out of sync</p>":["",""],"<b style=\\\"color: #6bb5df;\\\">%{disabled_sum}</b>\\n <p style=\\\"font-weight: bold; margin: 5px; padding: 0px;\\\">Disabled</p>":["",""],"Level":[""],"Resource":[""],"message":[""],"No logs to show":[""],"Total of one host":["",""],"None!":[""],"Last Report":[""],"<b>Foreman</b> Puppet error report":[""],"<b>Foreman</b> Build Complete":[""],"IP":[""],"Your host has finished building:":[""],"Hostname:":[""],"IP:":[""],"View in Foreman:":[""],"<b>Foreman</b> Puppet summary":[""],"Summary from %{time} ago to now":[""],"Summary report from Foreman server at %{foreman_url}":[""],"Hosts with interesting values (changed, failures etc)":[""],"Hosts which are currently not running Puppet":[""],"Hosts which Foreman reporting is disabled":[""],"Hostgroup":["Host Group"],"Puppet Classes":[""],"Parent":[""],"Please select an environment first":[""],"Password must be 8 characters or more":[""],"Puppet classes parameters":["Override a Puppet class parameter"],"Host group parameters":["Host Group"],"Host Groups":["Host Group"],"New Host Group":["Host Group"],"Hostgroup|Name":["Name"],"Nest":[""],"Host group configuration":[""],"A host group is in some ways similar to an inherited node declaration, in that it is a high level grouping of classes that can be named and treated as a unit. This is then treated as a template and is selectable during the creation of a new host and ensures that the host is configured in one of your pre-defined states.":[""],"In addition to defining which puppet classes get included when building this host type you are also able to assign variables and provisioning information to a host group to further refine the behavior of the puppet runtime.":[""],"The host group's classes and the host group's variables are included in the external node information when the puppetmaster compiles the host's configuration.":[""],"There are two strategies when using host groups.":[""],"You may create puppet classes that represent high-level host configurations, for example, a <b>host-type-ldap-server</b> class, which includes all the required functionality from other modules or you may decide to create a host group called <b>host-type-ldap-server</b> and add the required classes into the host group configuration.":[""],"These two options are personal decisions and are up to you (where the main difference would be the parameter/variables settings).":[""],"Select Hosts":[""],"Assign Selected Hosts":[""],"Create %s":[""],"<b class='select_count'>0</b> selected":[""],"Assign to %s":[""],"Chassis":[""],"Boot device":[""],"Netmask":[""],"MAC":[""],"Gateway":["Gateway address"],"VM editing is not implemented for this provider":[""],"'%{host}' not found on '%{resource}'":[""],"'%{host}' could be deleted or '%{resource}' is not responding.":[""],"Failed connecting to %s":[""],"Errors: %s":[""],"Network interfaces management has been moved to the Interfaces tab. Please set your interfaces there.":[""],"Conflicts have been detected":[""],"The following entries were found conflicting with what foreman wanted to apply.":[""],"Please review them carefully, if you are certain that they should be removed, please click on overwrite.":[""],"ACK":[""],"DHCP lease conflicts have been detected":[""],"Please correct the error(s) below and submit your changes again.":[""],"Interfaces":[""],"Virtual Machine":[""],"Additional Information":[""],"This value is used also as the host's primary interface name.":[""],"Bare Metal":[""],"Deploy on":[""],"Puppet classes Parameters":[""],"Included Parameters via inheritance":[""],"Host Parameters":[""],"select an owner":[""],"Owned By":[""],"Include this host within Foreman reporting":[""],"Hardware Model":[""],"Some of the interfaces are invalid. Please check the table below.":[""],"Identifier":[""],"MAC address":[""],"IP address":[""],"FQDN":[""],"Ok":[""],"Select all items in this page":[""],"items selected. Uncheck to Clear":[""],"Last report":[""],"Please Confirm":[""],"Report Status":[""],"Provisioning Method":[""],"Network Based":[""],"Image Based":[""],"Enable this host for provisioning":[""],"What ever text(or ERB template) you use in here, would be used as your OS disk layout options If you want to use the partition table option, delete all of the text from this field":[""],"Resolve":[""],"Display the templates that will be used to provision this host":[""],"in Progress":[""],"Number of Events":[""],"Time in Seconds":[""],"Fix %s on Mismatch":[""],"Fail on Mismatch":[""],"Assign Hosts to %s":[""],"Clone Host %s":[""],"Generated %s ago":[""],"Back to host":[""],"Console output may be out of date":[""],"Ctrl-Alt-Del":[""],"Troubleshooting":[""],"New window":[""],"Open Spice in a new window":[""],"Connecting (unencrypted) to: %s":[""],"Password:":[""],"Canvas not supported.":[""],"Manage host":[""],"Unmanage host":[""],"Disassociate host":[""],"Provision":[""],"these hosts for a build operation on next boot":[""],"Warning":[""],"This might take a while, as all hosts, facts and reports will be destroyed as well":[""],"Disable alerts for selected hosts":[""],"Disassociate the selected hosts from their VMs":[""],"Enable alerts for selected hosts":[""],"Sorry, these hosts do not have parameters assigned to them, you must add them first.":[""],"Run Puppet on the following hosts":[""],"List of hosts which answer to the provided query":[""],"The following errors may prevent a successful build:":[""],"Check again":[""],"Edit Host":[""],"Reboot now":[""],"Select environment":["Environment"],"*Clear environment*":[""],"*Inherit from host group*":[""],"*Clear host group*":[""],"Select host group":["Host Group"],"Select Location":[""],"Select Organization":[""],"Metrics":[""],"VM":[""],"NICs":[""],"Loading host information ...":[""],"No puppet activity for this host in the last %s days":[""],"Loading template information ...":[""],"Loading VM information ...":[""],"Loading NICs information ...":[""],"Loading BMC information ...":[""],"Loading runtime information ...":[""],"Resources":[""],"Loading resources information ...":[""],"Review build status for %s":[""],"Warning: This will delete this host and all of its data!":[""],"This host's stored facts and reports will be deleted too.":[""],"Loading...":[""],"Please wait while your request is being processed":[""],"All Puppet Classes for %s":[""],"Class":[""],"The following hosts were updated":[""],"The following parameters were skipped as they did not exists on this host:":[""],"Back to host list":[""],"You don't seem to have any Hosts, for more information see":[""],"this page":[""],"This page will self destruct once data comes in.":[""],"The user that is used to ssh into the instance, normally cloud-user, ec2-user, ubuntu, root etc":[""],"Does this image support user data input (e.g. via cloud-init)?":[""],"(optional) IAM Role for Fog to use when creating this image.":[""],"Password to authenticate with - used for SSH finish step.":[""],"Full path to backing image used to create new volumes.":[""],"Image path":[""],"Path to template, relative to datacenter (e.g. My templates/RHEL 6)":[""],"Image|Name":["Name"],"Image|Username":["Username"],"Image|Uuid":["UUID"],"Image|User data":[""],"Destroy":[""],"You are using an unsupported browser.":[""],"Location configuration":[""],"You must create a location before continuing.":[""],"Locations are used to manage and differentiate the physical place where a system managed via Foreman is housed.":[""],"organizations":[""],"For example, there might be a data center in London and one in Virginia; these are locations. Locations also work nicely when used in tandem with %{organizations}.":[""],"Remove %s?":[""],"Variable":[""],"Whether the smart variable value is managed by Foreman":[""],"Optional input validator":[""],"Note that if you use ERB as a value of parameter, value will be validated during ENC evaluation. If value is invalid, ENC evaluation will fail.":[""],"If checked, will raise an error if there is no default value and no matcher provide a value.":[""],"Override merging options":[""],"Should the matchers continue to look for matches after first find (only array/hash type). Note: merging overrides ignores all matchers that use Puppet default":[""],"Should the matched result avoid duplicate values (only array type).":[""],"Override value for specific hosts":[""],"Order":[""],"The order in which matchers keys are processed, first match wins.<br> You may use multiple attributes as a matcher key, for example, an order of <code>host group, environment</code> would expect a matcher such as <code>hostgroup = \\\"web servers\\\", environment = production</code>":[""],"add a new matcher-value pair":[""],"Add Matcher-Value":[""],"Matcher is a combination of an attribute and its value, if they match, the value below would be provided.<br> You may use any attribute foreman knows about, such as facts etc for example: <code> domain = </code> or <code> is_virtual = true</code>":[""],"Explain matchers":[""],"Matcher":[""],"remove value":[""],"Edit Smart Variable":[""],"Number of values":[""],"The path to the medium, can be a URL or a valid NFS server (exclusive of the architecture).\\n for example <em>$version/os/$arch</em> where <strong>$arch</strong> will be substituted for the host's actual OS architecture and <strong>$version</strong>, <strong>$major</strong> and <strong>$minor</strong> will be substituted for the version of the operating system. Solaris and Debian media may also use <strong>$release</strong>.":[""],"The NFS path to the media.":[""],"The NFS path to the jumpstart control files.":[""],"The NFS path to the image directory.":[""],"Operating system family":[""],"Choose a family":[""],"Edit Medium":[""],"Installation Media":[""],"New Medium":[""],"Medium|Name":["Name"],"Medium|Path":["Path"],"Medium|Os family":["OS families"],"New installation medium":[""],"Installation medium configuration":[""],"A medium represents the source of one or more operating system's installation files, accessible via the network.\\n It will probably be a mirror from the internet or a copy of one or more CD or DVDs.":[""],"For example, if you have copied several Red Hat release disks into a directory structure where the disk images are named 5.8 or 6.2, and each contained both x86_64 and i386 binaries, then you\\n could create a single medium entry describing them all.\\n The entry, which could be just named 'Red Hat' could contain a path like this <em>'http://server/redhat/$version/$arch'</em>":[""],"The keywords <b>$version</b>, <b>$major</b> and <b>$minor</b> will be interpolated back into the path specification to calculate the true URL address.":[""],"You may also associate one or more operating systems with this medium or alternatively set this up later on the %s page.":[""],"The class of CPU supplied in this machine. This is primarily used by Sparc Solaris builds and can be left blank for other architectures. The value can be determined on Solaris via uname -m":[""],"The class of the machine reported by the Open Boot Prom. This is primarily used by Sparc Solaris builds and can be left blank for other architectures. The value can be determined on Solaris via uname -i|cut -f2 -d,":["The class of the machine as reported by the OpenBoot PROM. This is primarily used by Solaris SPARC builds and can be left blank for other architectures. The value can be determined on Solaris via `uname -i|cut -f2 -d`."],"General useful description, for example this kind of hardware needs a special BIOS setup":[""],"Edit Model":[""],"Hardware Models":[""],"New Model":[""],"Model|Name":["Name"],"Vendor class":[""],"Model|Hardware model":["Hardware model"],"Device identifier":[""],"Device identifier for this interface. This may be different on various platforms and environments, here are some common examples.<br/><ul><li>Use the basic name for physical interface identifiers, e.g. <strong>eth0</strong> or <strong>em0</strong> with biosdevname.</li><li>For virtual interfaces, use either alias notation (<strong>eth0:1</strong>, name:index) or VLAN notation (<strong>eth0.15</strong>, name.tag).</li><li>For bonds it's common to use <strong>bond0</strong> on Linux, <strong>lagg0</strong> on FreeBSD systems.</li></ul>":[""],"DNS name":[""],"Primary interface's DNS name and domain define host's FQDN":[""],"No domains":[""],"Suggest new":[""],"IP address auto-suggest":[""],"An IP address will be auto-suggested if you have a DHCP-enabled Smart Proxy on the subnet selected above.<br/><br/>The IP address can be left blank when:<br/><ul><li>provisioning tokens are enabled</li><li>the domain does not manage DNS</li><li>the subnet does not manage reverse DNS</li><li>and the subnet does not manage DHCP reservations</li></ul>":[""],"The Primary interface is used for constructing the FQDN of the host":[""],"The Provisioning interface is used for TFTP of PXELinux (or SSH for image-based hosts)":[""],"from profile %s":[""],"Inherits from subnet VLAN ID if not set":[""],"Identifier of the interface to which this interface belongs, e.g. eth1":[""],"comma separated interface identifiers":[""],"space separated options, e.g. miimon=100":[""],"Virtual NIC":[""],"Enable if this is an alias or VLAN interface, note that alias can be used only with static boot mode subnet":[""],"OS name from facter; e.g. RedHat":[""],"OS major version from facter; e.g. 6":[""],"OS minor version from facter; e.g. 5":[""],"e.g. RHEL 6.5":[""],"Family":[""],"e.g. karmic, lucid, hw0910 etc":[""],"Root password hash":[""],"Hash function to use. Change takes effect for new or updated hosts.":[""],"It is not possible to assign provisioning templates at this stage":[""],"Please save the Operating System first and try again.":[""],"you probably need to configure your %s first.":[""],"No templates found!":[""],"Edit Operating System":[""],"New Operating system":[""],"Operatingsystem|Name":["Name"],"New Operating System":[""],"Organization configuration":[""],"You must create an organization before continuing.":[""],"Using the organization system provides a way to group resources together for easy management.":[""],"Organizations are particularly useful for Foreman installations where several customers or business units are managed with a single Foreman install.":[""],"locations":[""],"Organizations also work nicely in tandem with %{locations}.":[""],"Valid host group and environment combinations":[""],"Add combination":[""],"Association":[""],"Snippet":[""],"Not relevant for snippet":[""],"How templates are determined":[""],"When editing a Template, you must assign a list of Operating Systems which this Template can be used with. Optionally, you can restrict a template to a list of Hostgroups and/or Environments":[""],"When a Host requests a template (e.g. during provisioning), Foreman will select the best match from the available templates of that type, in the following order:":[""],"Host group and Environment":["Environment"],"Host group only":["Host Group"],"Environment only":[""],"Operating system default":[""],"The final entry, Operating System default, can be set by editing the %s page.":[""],"Applicable<br>Operating Systems":[""],"Template diff":[""],"Edit Template":["Provisioning template"],"Provisioning Templates":[""],"New Template":[""],"Build PXE Default":[""],"You are about to change the default PXE menu on all configured TFTP servers - continue?":[""],"ProvisioningTemplate|Name":[""],"Host group / Environment":[""],"Kind":[""],"ProvisioningTemplate|Snippet":[""],"ProvisioningTemplate|Locked":[""],"This template is locked for editing.":[""],"Edit Partition Table":[""],"Partition Tables":[""],"New Partition Table":[""],"Ptable|Name":["Name"],"Ptable|Os family":["OS families"],"Ptable|Snippet":[""],"Ptable|Locked":[""],"Partition table configuration":[""],"A partition table entry represents either":[""],"An explicit layout for the partitions of your hard drive(s). E.G.":[""],"A script to dynamically calculate the desired sizes. E.G.":[""],"The inclusion of the keyword string <b>#Dynamic</b> at the start of a line lets Foreman know that this is not an explicit disk layout and must treated as a shell script, executed prior\\n to the install process and that the explicit partition table will be found at <b>/tmp/diskpart.cfg</b> during the build process.":[""],"The dynamic partitioning style is currently only available for the Red Hat family of operating systems, all others must provide an explicit list of partitions and sizes.":[""],"You may also associate one or more operating systems with this partition table or alternatively set this up later on the %s page":[""],"PuppetCA on %s":[""],"Filter by state: %s":[""],"Autosign Entries":[""],"Valid from":[""],"Expires":[""],"Sign":[""],"Included Classes":[""],"Not authorized to edit classes":[""],"Available Classes":[""],"Filter classes":[""],"Smart Class Parameter":[""],"Smart Variables":[""],"Puppet environments":[""],"This Puppet class has no parameters in its signature.":[""],"To update the class signature, go to the Puppet Classes page and select \\\"Import\\\".":[""],"Undo remove":[""],"Filter by name":[""],"Add Variable":[""],"Edit Puppet Class %s":[""],"Puppetclass|Name":["Class name"],"Environments and documentation":[""],"Variables":[""],"This will set all parameters of the class %s as overridden. Continue?":[""],"Override all parameters":[""],"Set parameters to defaults":[""],"This will reset parameters of the class %s to their default values. Continue?":[""],"Oops":[""],"Either you didnt generate the puppetdocs (see <a rel=\\\"external\\\" href=\\\"%{url}\\\">here</a>) or the class <strong>%{name}</strong> could not be found in environment <strong>%{environment}</strong><br/> Please ensure that the class <strong>%{name}</strong>s declaration is accessible via the modulepath associated with <strong>%{environment}</strong>.":[""],"Realm name, e.g. EXAMPLE.COM":[""],"Realm type":[""],"Type of realm, e.g. FreeIPA":[""],"Realm proxy":[""],"Realm proxy to use within this realm":[""],"Edit Realm":[""],"New Realm":[""],"Realm|Name":[""],"Foreman supports automatically creating realm entries for new hosts. When a realm is selected for a host, Foreman contacts the relevant realm smart proxy to create an entry for the host and retrieve it's one-time registration password.":[""],"Restart<br>Failures":[""],"Delete report for %s?":[""],"Report Metrics":[""],"Total":[""],"Nothing to show":[""],"Reported at %s ":[""],"Host times seems to be adrift!":[""],"Host reported time is <em>%s</em>":[""],"Foreman report creation time is <em>%s</em>":[""],"Which is an offset of <b>%s</b>":[""],"Other reports for this host":[""],"Diff View":[""],"Puppet Reports":[""],"You don't seem to have any reports, if you wish to configure Puppet to forward it reports to Foreman, please follow":[""],"setting up reporting":[""],"and":[""],"e-mail reporting":[""],"This page will self destruct once a report comes in.":[""],"Please save the role first. You can edit it later to add filters":[""],"Loading filters...":[""],"Edit Roles":[""],"New role":[""],"Role|Name":["Name"],"Add filter":[""],"New Role":[""],"Setting|Name":["Name"],"Setting|Value":["Value"],"Setting|Description":["Description"],"Smart Proxy":[""],"Edit Proxy":[""],"New Smart Proxy":[""],"SmartProxy|Name":["Name"],"SmartProxy|Url":["URL"],"New Proxy":[""],"Optional: Gateway for this subnet":[""],"Optional: Primary DNS for this subnet":[""],"Optional: Secondary DNS for this subnet":[""],"IPAM":[""],"IP Address Management":[""],"You can select one of three possible IPAM modes:<br/><ul><li><strong>DHCP</strong> - will manage the IP on DHCP through assigned DHCP proxy, auto-suggested IPs come from DHCP</li><li><strong>Internal DB</strong> - use internal DB to auto-suggest free IP based on other interfaces on same subnet respecting range if specified, useful mainly with static boot mode</li><li><strong>None</strong> - leave IP management solely on user, no auto-suggestion</li></ul>":[""],"Optional: Starting IP Address for IP auto suggestion":[""],"Optional: Ending IP Address for IP auto suggestion":[""],"Optional: VLAN ID for this subnet":[""],"Default boot mode for interfaces assigned to this subnet":[""],"Proxies":[""],"DHCP Proxy":[""],"TFTP Proxy":[""],"DNS Proxy to use within this subnet for managing PTR records, note that A records are managed via Domain DNS proxy":[""],"Edit Subnet":[""],"The following subnets have been found":[""],"New Subnet":[""],"Subnet|Name":["Name"],"Subnet|Network":["Network address"],"Subnet|Vlanid":["VLAN ID"],"Select organizations":[""],"Select locations":[""],"Default on login":[""],"Edit Properties":[""],"Assigning hosts to %{taxonomy_name} will also update %{taxonomy_name} to include all the resources that the selected hosts are currently using.":[""],"Assign All":[""],"Assign the %{count} host with no %{taxonomy_single} to %{taxonomy_name}":["",""],"Manually Assign":[""],"Manually select and assign hosts with no %s":[""],"Proceed to Edit":[""],"Skip assign hosts and proceed to edit %s settings":[""],"Clone %s":[""],"Fix Mismatches":[""],"Mismatches Report":[""],"Notice:":[""],"There is":["",""],"%{count} host with no %{taxonomy_single} assigned":["",""],"Taxonomy|Name":["Name"],"Select hosts to assign to %s":[""],"Mismatches":[""],"Fix All Mismatches":[""],"Location/Organization":[""],"Mismatch Details":[""],"No hosts are mismatched!":[""],"All hosts data matches configurations for locations and organizations.":[""],"Warning: This template is locked. You may only change the associations. Please %s it to customize.":[""],"clone":[""],"Note: %s ":[""],"Useful template functions and macros":[""],"Template editor":[""],"Code":[""],"Diff":[""],"Preview":[""],"Key Binding":[""],"Selecting a file will override the editor and load the file instead":[""],"Audit Comment":[""],"The Audit Comment field is saved with the template auditing to document the template changes":[""],"Revert":[""],"Show Diff":[""],"Save something and try again":[""],"No history found":[""],"Please Select":[""],"Show Host":[""],"Edit Trend %s":[""],"Fact Name":[""],"Display Name":[""],"Add Trend Counter":[""],"No trend counter defined.":[""],"To define trend counters, use the Add Trend Counter button.":[""],"To start collecting trend data, set a cron job to execute 'foreman-rake trends:counter' every Puppet Interval (%s minutes).":[""],"No trend counter found.":[""],"To start collecting trend data, set a cron job to execute <span class='black'>foreman-rake trends:counter</span> every Puppet Interval (%s minutes)":[""],"Action":[""],"Show Trends":[""],"Delete all the trend history for %s?":[""],"Last updated %s ago":[""],"New Trend":[""],"Trends for %s":[""],"Number of Hosts":[""],"Your Foreman user account has been created:":[""],"Username":[""],"Please login to %{foreman_url} to change your password":[""],"External user group":[""],"User group":[""],"External groups":[""],"User Groups":[""],"Usergroup|Name":["Name"],"Usergroup|Auth source":[""],"Refresh":[""],"Synchronize group from authentication source":[""],"Show linked external user groups":[""],"link external user group with this user group":[""],"Add external user group":[""],"Edit User group":[""],"New User group":[""],"Build a query for %{mailer}":[""],"Email Preferences":[""],"Language":[""],"Browser locale":["Email address"],"Browser timezone":[""],"Authorized by":[""],"Password":[""],"Verify":[""],"General":[""],"Please save the user first before assigning email notifications.":[""],"Notifications":[""],"Subscribe":[""],"No emails":[""],"Edit User":[""],"Logout":[""],"Click to log in again.":[""],"Version %{version}":[""],"New User":[""],"User|Login":["Username"],"User|Firstname":["First name"],"User|Lastname":["Surname"],"User|Mail":["Email address"],"User|Admin":["Administrator"],"User|Last login on":["Last login time"],"Login":[""],"Please wait...":[""],"%{record} is used by %{what}":[""],"Adding would cause a cycle!":[""],"locale_name":["English (United States)"],"Unable to get BMC providers":[""],"Unable to get installed BMC providers":[""],"Unable to perform boot BMC operation":[""],"Unable to perform power BMC operation":[""],"Unable to perform identify BMC operation":[""],"Unable to perform lan BMC operation":[""],"Unable to retrieve DHCP subnets":[""],"Unable to retrieve DHCP subnet":[""],"Unable to retrieve unused IP":[""],"Unable to retrieve DHCP entry for %s":[""],"Unable to set DHCP entry":[""],"Unable to delete DHCP entry for %s":[""],"Unable to set DNS entry":[""],"Unable to delete DNS entry":[""],"Unable to detect features":[""],"for proxy":[""],"Unable to get environments from Puppet":[""],"Unable to get environment from Puppet":[""],"Unable to get classes from Puppet for %s":[""],"Unable to execute Puppet run":[""],"Unable to get PuppetCA autosign":[""],"Unable to set PuppetCA autosign for %s":[""],"Unable to delete PuppetCA autosign for %s":[""],"Unable to sign PuppetCA certificate for %s":[""],"Unable to delete PuppetCA certificate for %s":[""],"Unable to get PuppetCA certificates":[""],"Unable to create realm entry":[""],"Unable to set TFTP boot entry for %s":[""],"Unable to delete TFTP boot entry for %s":[""],"Unable to fetch TFTP boot file":[""],"Unable to detect TFTP boot server":[""],"Unable to create default TFTP boot menu":[""],"No free ports available for websockify, try again later":[""],"No documentation found":[""],"We have not found any documentation for your API.":[""],"Follow %{href} on how to describe your controllers.":[""],"further instructions":[""],"Oops!!":[""],"Resource %{res} not found.":[""],"Method %{method} not found for resource %{resource}.":[""],"Try going to %{href}":[""],"%{app_name} API documentation homepage":[""],"required":[""],"optional":[""],"nil allowed":[""],"Param name":[""],"Params":[""],"Examples":[""],"Metadata":[""],"Errors":[""],"Supported Formats":[""],"Please enable JavaScript to view the %{comments_href}.":[""],"comments powered by %{disqus}":[""],"API documentation":[""],"Architecture|Hostgroups count":[""],"Architecture|Hosts count":[""],"Audited::Adapters::ActiveRecord::Audit|Action":["Action"],"Audited::Adapters::ActiveRecord::Audit|Associated name":["Associated name"],"Audited::Adapters::ActiveRecord::Audit|Associated type":["Associated type"],"Audited::Adapters::ActiveRecord::Audit|Auditable name":["Auditable name"],"Audited::Adapters::ActiveRecord::Audit|Auditable type":["Auditable 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%s":[""],"No hosts were found with that id or name":["No hosts were found with that id or name"],"No hosts selected":["No hosts selected"],"Something went wrong while selecting hosts - %s":["Something went wrong while selecting hosts - %s"],"%s selected hosts":[""],"The following hosts were not %{action}: %{missed_hosts}":[""],"Successfully overridden all parameters of Puppet class %s":[""],"Successfully reset all parameters of Puppet class %s to their default values":[""],"No parameters to override for Puppet class %s":[""],"Successfully deleted report.":[""],"Role cloned from role %{old_name}":[""],"No changes found when refreshing features from %s.":[""],"Successfully refreshed features from %s.":[""],"%s core":["",""],"No new subnets found":[""],"No subnets selected":[""],"Imported Subnets":[""],"No host could be found for rendering the template":[""],"There was an error rendering the %{name} template: %{error}":[""],"Template locked":[""],"Template unlocked":[""],"Failed to clean any old certificates or add the autosign entry. 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This will delete the virtual machine and its disks, and is irreversible.":[""],"Are you sure you want to delete host %s? This action is irreversible.":[""],"Audits":[""],"Host audit entries":[""],"Browse host facts":[""],"Facts":[""],"Reports":[""],"Browse host reports":[""],"Puppet external nodes YAML dump":[""],"YAML":[""],"Allocation (GB)":[""],"None":[""],"Full":[""],"Size":["Size"],"remove network interface":[""],"Interface is up":[""],"Interface is down":[""],"Errors occurred, build may fail":[""],"Edit %s":[""],"Image":[""],"Image ID as provided by the compute resource, e.g. ami-..":[""],"Image ID":["Image ID"],"Caps lock ON":[""],"Submit":["Submit"],"Overwrite":[""],"Unable to save":[""],"&laquo;":[""],"&raquo;":[""],"No entries found":[""],"Displaying <b>%{count}</b> entry":["",""],"Displaying entries <b>%{from} - %{to}</b> of <b>%{count}</b> in total":[""],"Warning!":[""],"Alert":[""],"Close":[""],"last %s day":["",""],"Full screen":[""],"Puppet class":[""],"Puppet Class":[""],"<dl><dt>String</dt> <dd>Everything is taken as a string.</dd><dt>Boolean</dt> <dd>Common representation of boolean values are accepted.</dd><dt>Integer</dt> <dd>Integer numbers only, can be negative.</dd><dt>Real</dt> <dd>Accept any numerical input.</dd><dt>Array</dt> <dd>A valid JSON or YAML input, that must evaluate to an array.</dd><dt>Hash</dt> <dd>A valid JSON or YAML input, that must evaluate to an object/map/dict/hash.</dd><dt>YAML</dt> <dd>Any valid YAML input.</dd><dt>JSON</dt> <dd>Any valid JSON input.</dd></dl>":[""],"Parameter types":[""],"How values are validated":[""],"<dl><dt>List</dt> <dd>A list of the allowed values, specified in the Validator rule field.</dd><dt>Regexp</dt> <dd>Validates the input with the regular expression in the Validator rule field.</dd></dl>":[""],"Validator type":[""],"Validation types":[""],"<b>Description:</b> %{desc}<br><b>Type:</b> %{type}<br> <b>Matcher:</b> %{matcher}":[""],"Default value":[""],"No value error":[""],"Required parameter without value.<br/><b>Please override!</b> <br><br><b>Description:</b>: %s":[""],"No value warning":[""],"Optional parameter without value.<br/><i>Won't be given to Puppet.</i> <br><br><b>Description:</b> %s":[""],"Default templates are automatically added to new locations":[""],"Default templates are automatically added to new organizations":["Default templates are automatically added to new organisations"],"Default templates are automatically added to new organizations and locations":["Default templates are automatically added to new organisations and locations"],"Clone":[""],"You are about to unlock a locked template.":[""],"This is for every location that uses it.":[""],"This is for every organization that uses it.":["This is for every organisation that uses it."],"This is for every location and organization that uses it.":["This is for every location and organisation that uses it."],"It is not recommended to unlock this template, as it is provided by %{vendor} and may be overwritten. Please consider cloning it instead.":[""],"Continue?":[""],"Unlock":[""],"Lock":[""],"Delete %s?":["Delete %s?"],"valid":[""],"revoked":[""],"pending":[""],"in %s":[""],"Empty environment":[""],"Deleted environment":[""],"Deleted environment %{env} and %{pcs}":[""],"Import":[""],"Import from %s":[""],"%{name} has %{num_tag} class":["",""],"%s minute ago":["",""],"%s day ago":["",""],"%s week ago":["",""],"%s month ago":["",""],"All Reports":[""],"Select a period":[""],"Show log messages:":[""],"Notices, warnings and errors":[""],"All messages":[""],"Warnings and errors":[""],"Errors only":[""],"This setting is defined in the configuration file 'settings.yaml' and is read-only.":[""],"Certificates":[""],"Autosign":[""],"Import subnets":[""],"Refresh features":[""],"OS Distribution":[""],"Architecture Distribution":[""],"Environments Distribution":[""],"Number of CPUs":[""],"Hardware":[""],"Class Distribution":[""],"used memory":[""],"Average memory usage":[""],"free memory":[""],"used swap":[""],"free swap":[""],"Average swap usage":[""],"Any Organization":["Any Organisation"],"Any Location":[""],"New Location":[""],"New Organization":["New Organisation"],"All users":[""],"Select users":[""],"All smart proxies":[""],"Select smart proxies":[""],"All subnets":[""],"Select subnets":[""],"All compute resources":[""],"Select compute resources":[""],"All media":[""],"Select media":[""],"Select provisioning templates":[""],"All provisioning templates":[""],"All partition tables":[""],"Select partition tables":[""],"Select domains":[""],"All domains":[""],"All realms":[""],"Select realms":[""],"All environments":[""],"Select environments":[""],"All host groups":[""],"Select host groups":[""],"Environment":[""],"Operating system":["Operating system"],"Compute resource":["Compute resource"],"Model":["Model"],"Trend of the last %s days.":[""],":foreman_url is not set, please configure in the Foreman Web UI (Administer -> Settings -> General)":[""],"Must specify a user with email enabled":[""],"Audit summary":[""],"Must specify a valid user with email enabled":[""],"Puppet Summary Report - F:%{failed} R:%{restarted} S:%{skipped} A:%{applied} FR:%{failed_restarts} T:%{total}":[""],"Puppet error on %s":[""],"Host %s is built":[""],"Welcome to Foreman":[""],"Cannot create LDAP configuration for %s without dedicated service account":[""],"invalid LDAP filter syntax":[""],"%{value} is not a valid controller":[""],"%s is an unknown attribute":[""],"must provide a provider":[""],"unknown provider":[""],"%s console is not supported at this time":[""],"Not implemented for %s":[""],"Not implemented":[""],"cannot be changed":[""],"Unable to access key":[""],"Unable to find template %s":[""],"VM is not running!":[""],"Unable to change VM display listen address, make sure the display is not attached to localhost only":[""],"At least one volume must be specified for image-based provisioning.":[""],"Please specify volume size. 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%{message}":[""],"is not permitted":[""],"invalid search query: %s":[""],"filter for %s role":[""],"Permissions must be of same resource type":[""],"You must select at least one permission":[""],"You can't assign organizations to this resource":["You can't assign organisations to this resource"],"You can't assign locations to this resource":[""],"Owner type needs to be one of the following: %s":[""],"host must have one primary interface":[""],"managed host must have one provision interface":[""],"some interfaces are invalid":[""],"invalid time range":[""],"should be 8 characters or more":[""],"should not be blank - consider setting a global or host group default":[""],"can't be blank unless a custom partition has been defined":[""],"is unknown":[""],"common":[""],"domain":[""],"os":[""],"Failed to import %{klass} for %{name}: doesn't exists in our database - ignoring":[""],"no puppet proxy defined - cant continue":[""],"failed to execute puppetrun: %s":[""],"Pending Installation":[""],"Alerts disabled":[""],"No reports":[""],"Unknown power management support - 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If this is set to false, OAuth requests will have admin rights.":[""],"Only known Smart Proxies may access features that use Smart Proxy authentication":[""],"Client SSL certificates are used to identify Smart Proxies (:require_ssl should also be enabled)":[""],"Hosts that will be trusted in addition to Smart Proxies for access to fact/report importers and ENC output":[""],"SSL Certificate path that Foreman would use to communicate with its proxies":[""],"SSL CA file that Foreman will use to communicate with its proxies":[""],"SSL Private Key file that Foreman will use to communicate with its proxies":[""],"Environment variable containing the subject DN from a client SSL certificate":[""],"Environment variable containing the verification status of a client SSL certificate":[""],"Should Foreman encrypt websockets (VNC console access). Choose on, off or auto.":[""],"Private key that Foreman will use to encrypt websockets ":[""],"Certificate that Foreman will use to encrypt websockets ":[""],"Redirect your users to this url on logout (authorize_login_delegation should also be enabled)":[""],"Name of the external auth source where unknown externally authentication users (see authorize_login_delegation) should be created (keep unset to prevent the autocreation)":[""],"Authorize login delegation with REMOTE_USER environment variable":["Authorise login delegation with REMOTE_USER environment variable"],"Authorize login delegation with REMOTE_USER environment variable for API calls too":["Authorise login delegation with REMOTE_USER environment variable for API calls too"],"Log out idle users after a certain number of minutes":[""],"The default administrator email address":[""],"URL where your Foreman instance is reachable (see also Provisioning > unattended_url)":[""],"Email reply address for emails that Foreman is sending":[""],"Prefix to add to all outgoing email":[""],"Send a welcome email including username and URL to new users":[""],"Number of records shown per page in Foreman":[""],"Fix DB cache on next Foreman restart":[""],"Max days for Trends graphs":[""],"Foreman will use gravatar to display user icons":[""],"Should the `foreman-rake db:migrate` be executed on the next run of the installer modules?":[""],"Should the `foreman-rake db:seed` be executed on the next run of the installer modules?":[""],"Max timeout for REST client requests to smart-proxy":[""],"Default encrypted root password on provisioned hosts":[""],"URL hosts will retrieve templates from during build (normally http as many installers don't support https)":[""],"Enable safe mode config templates rendering (recommended)":[""],"Foreman will automate certificate signing upon provision of new host":[""],"Stop updating IP address and MAC values from Puppet facts (affects all interfaces)":[""],"Foreman will query the locally configured resolver instead of the SOA/NS authorities":[""],"If Foreman is running behind Passenger or a remote load balancer, the IP should be set here. This is a regular expression, so it can support several load balancers, i.e: (|":[""],"Time in minutes installation tokens should be valid for, 0 to disable token generation":[""],"The IP address that should be used for the console listen address when provisioning new virtual machines via Libvirt":[""],"Foreman will update the host IP with the IP that made the built request":[""],"Foreman will use the short hostname instead of the FQDN for creating new virtual machines":[""],"Puppet interval in minutes":[""],"Duration in minutes after the Puppet interval for servers to be classed as out of sync.":[""],"Foreman will default to this puppet environment if it cannot auto detect one":[""],"Foreman will set this as the default Puppet module path if it cannot auto detect one":[""],"Document root where puppetdoc files should be created":[""],"Enable puppetrun support":[""],"Default Puppet server hostname":[""],"Foreman will evaluate host smart variables in this order by default":[""],"Foreman smart variables will be exposed via the ENC yaml output":[""],"Foreman will use the new (2.6.5+) format for classes in the ENC yaml output":[""],"Foreman will parse ERB in parameters value in the ENC output":[""],"Foreman will explicitly set the puppet environment in the ENC yaml output. This will avoid conflicts between the environment in puppet.conf and the environment set in Foreman":[""],"Foreman will use random UUIDs for certificate signing instead of hostnames":[""],"Foreman will update a host's environment from its facts":[""],"Foreman host group matchers will be inherited by children when evaluating smart class parameters":[""],"Foreman will create the host when new facts are received":[""],"Foreman will create the host when a report is received":[""],"Foreman will truncate hostname to 'puppet' if it starts with puppet":[""],"Hosts created after a puppet run will be placed in the location this fact dictates. The content of this fact should be the full label of the location.":[""],"Hosts created after a puppet run will be placed in the organization this fact dictates. The content of this fact should be the full label of the organization.":["Hosts created after a puppet run will be placed in the organisation this fact dictates. The content of this fact should be the full label of the organisation."],"Hosts created after a puppet run that did not send a location fact will be placed in this location":[""],"Hosts created after a puppet run that did not send a organization fact will be placed in this organization":["Hosts created after a puppet run that did not send a organisation fact will be placed in this organisation"],"is invalid - only http://, https:// are allowed":[""],"Only one declaration of a proxy is allowed":[""],"No features found on this proxy, please make sure you enable at least one feature":[""],"Unable to communicate with the proxy: %s":[""],"Please check the proxy is configured and running on the host.":[""],"DHCP":[""],"Static":[""],"Internal DB":[""],"is too long (maximum is 15 characters)":[""],"invalid IP address":[""],"does not belong to subnet":[""],"can't be bigger than to range":[""],"must be specified if to is defined":[""],"must be specified if from is defined":[""],"location":[""],"organization":["organisation"],"This template is locked and may not be removed.":[""],"You are not authorized to lock templates.":["You are not authorised to lock templates."],"You are not authorized to make a template default.":["You are not authorised to make a template default."],"This template is locked. Please clone it to a new template to customize.":["This template is locked. Please clone it to a new template to customise."],"already exists":[""],"Anonymous admin user %s is missing, run foreman-rake db:seed":[""],"A user group already exists with this name":[""],"Can't delete the last admin account":[""],"cannot be removed from the last admin account":[""],"Can't delete internal admin account":[""],"cannot be removed from an internal protected account":[""],"cannot be changed on an internal protected account":[""],"you can't assign some of roles you selected":[""],"you can't change administrator flag":[""],"cannot be changed by a non-admin user":[""],"default locations need to be user locations first":[""],"default organizations need to be user organizations first":["default organisations need to be user organisations first"],"is not valid":[""],"has this role already":[""],"is already used by a user account":[""],"Can't delete the last admin user group":[""],"Status table":[""],"Status chart":[""],"Report summary":[""],"Distribution chart":[""],"Unallowed template for dashboard widget: %s":[""],"Invalid version format, please enter in x.y (only major version).":[""],"%{id} plugin requires Foreman %{matcher} but current is %{current}":[""],"%{id} plugin requires the %{plugin_name} plugin, not found":[""],"%{id} plugin requires the %{plugin_name} plugin %{matcher} but current is %{plugin_version}":[""],"Failed to validate %{host}: %{error}":[""],"No templates found for this host.":[""],"Template %s is empty.":[""],"Failure parsing %{template}: %{error}.":[""],"No smart proxies found.":[""],"Failure deploying via smart proxy %{proxy}: %{error}.":[""],"Error connecting to %{proxy}: %{error}.":[""],"Unknown interface type, must be one of [%s]":[""],"My account":[""],"Log out":[""],"Administer":[""],"Locations":[""],"Organizations":["Organisations"],"LDAP authentication":[""],"Users":[""],"User groups":[""],"Roles":[""],"Bookmarks":[""],"Settings":[""],"About":[""],"Monitor":[""],"Dashboard":[""],"Statistics":[""],"Trends":[""],"Hosts":["Hosts"],"All hosts":[""],"New host":[""],"Provisioning Setup":["Provisioning Setup"],"Architectures":[""],"Hardware models":[""],"Installation media":["Installation media"],"Operating systems":[""],"Templates":[""],"Partition tables":[""],"Provisioning templates":[""],"Configure":[""],"Host groups":[""],"Global parameters":[""],"Puppet":[""],"Environments":[""],"Puppet classes":[""],"Config groups":[""],"Smart variables":[""],"Infrastructure":[""],"Smart proxies":[""],"Compute resources":[""],"Compute profiles":[""],"Subnets":[""],"Domains":[""],"Realms":[""],"Unsupported password hash function '%s'":[""],"reboot":[""],"start":[""],"reset":[""],"state":[""],"stop":[""],"poweroff":[""],"soft":[""],"on":[""],"status":[""],"ready?":[""],"cycle":[""],"off":[""],"Invalid power state request: %{action}, supported actions are %{supported}":[""],"Unknown":[""],"Timeout has occurred while communicating with %s":[""],"Error has occurred while communicating with %{cr}: %{e}":[""],"Invalid report":[""],"Invalid log level: %s":[""],"invalid type %s":[""],"SafeRender#parse_string was passed a %s instead of a string":[""],"Must specify a Smart Proxy to use":[""],"unable to sign a non pending certificate":[""],"you cannot remove %s that are used by hosts or inherited.":[""],"is alphanumeric and cannot contain spaces":[""],"is not a valid MAC address":[""],"can't contain spaces.":[""],"System Status":[""],"Smart Proxies":[""],"Available Providers":[""],"Compute Resources":["Compute Resources"],"Plugins":[""],"No smart proxies to show":[""],"Name":["Name"],"Features":[""],"Status":[""],"Connecting..":[""],"Provider":[""],"Installed":[""],"Not Installed":[""],"To enable a provider, either install the OS package (e.g. foreman-libvirt) or enable the bundler group for development setup (e.g. ovirt).":[""],"No compute resource to show":[""],"Type":["Type"],"No plugins found":[""],"Description":[""],"Author":[""],"Version":[""],"Support":[""],"Manual":[""],"Wiki":[""],"First use instructions":[""],"IRC":[""],"You can find The Foreman on the %{freenode} ( network. For general support, please visit #theforeman and for development specific related chat, please visit #theforeman-dev.":[""],"Mailing lists":[""],"Mailing lists are available via Google Groups. Much like IRC, we have a general users (support, Q/A, etc) lists and a development list:":[""],"Foreman Users":[""],"Foreman Developers":[""],"Issue tracker":[""],"We use Redmine to report and track bugs and feature requests, which can be found here:":[""],"issue tracker":[""],"System Information":[""],"Version %{version} © 2009-%{year} Paul Kelly and %{author}":[""],"Access denied":[""],"Resource %{resource_name} not found by id '%{id}'":[""],"Unable to authenticate user %s":[""],"'Content-Type: %s' is unsupported in API v2 for POST and PUT requests. Please use 'Content-Type: application/json'.":[""],"Operating Systems":[""],"Edit Architecture":[""],"New Architecture":[""],"Architecture|Name":["Name"],"New architecture":[""],"Architecture configuration":[""],"Before you proceed to using Foreman you should provide information about one or more architectures.":[""],"Each entries represent a particular hardware architecture, most commonly <b>x86_64</b> or <b>i386</b>. Foreman also supports the Solaris operating system family, which includes <b>sparc</b> based systems.":[""],"Each architecture can also be associated with more than one operating system and a selector block is provided to allow you to select valid combinations.":[""],"<b>Foreman</b> audit summary":[""],"Displaying %{num_audits} of %{total_audits} audit":["",""],"No audit changes for this period":[""],"Full audits list":[""],"Foreman audit summary":[""],"Logged-in":[""],"Host details":[""],"Template Diff":[""],"History":[""],"Item":[""],"Old":[""],"New":[""],"Value":["Value"],"LDAP server":[""],"Account":[""],"Attribute mappings":[""],"Choose a server type":[""],"Server type":[""],"Use this account to authenticate, <i>optional</i>":[""],"Base DN":[""],"Groups base DN":[""],"Custom LDAP search filter, <i>optional</i>":[""],"LDAP users will have their Foreman account automatically created the first time they log into Foreman":[""],"External user groups will be synced on login, else relies on periodic cronjob to check group membership":[""],"e.g. uid":[""],"e.g. givenName":[""],"e.g. sn":[""],"e.g. mail":[""],"Photo attribute":[""],"e.g. jpegPhoto":[""],"Edit LDAP Auth Source":[""],"LDAP Authentication":[""],"New LDAP Source":[""],"AuthSource|Name":["Name"],"AuthSource|Host":["Server"],"AuthSource|Onthefly register":["Automatically create accounts in Foreman"],"AuthSource|LDAPS":[""],"New LDAP Auth Source":[""],"New authentication source":[""],"Authentication Source Configuration":[""],"Foreman can use LDAP based service for user information and authentication.":[""],"The authentication process currently requires an LDAP provider, such as <em>OpenLDAP</em> or <em>Microsoft's Active Directory</em>.":[""],"Autosign entries for %s":[""],"New Autosign Entry":[""],"Edit Bookmark":[""],"Manage Bookmarks":[""],"Bookmark|Name":["Name"],"Bookmark|Query":["Search query"],"Bookmark|Controller":["Controller"],"Bookmark|Public":["Public"],"New Bookmark":[""],"Bookmarks configuration":[""],"Here you can manage bookmarks. Bookmarks are saved search queries.":[""],"Permission denied":[""],"You are not authorized to perform this action":["You are not authorised to perform this action"],"Please request the required privileges from a foreman administrator":[""],"Back":["Back"],"Not Found":[""],"Please try to update your request":[""],"Oops, we're sorry but something went wrong":[""],"Foreman ticketing system":[""],"If you feel this is an error with Foreman itself, please open a new issue with":[""],"You would probably need to attach the":[""],"Full trace":[""],"and relevant log entries.":[""],"None Found":[""],"Changed environments":[""],"Select the changes you want to realize in Foreman":["Select the changes you want to realise in Foreman"],"Toggle":[""],"Check/Uncheck new":[""],"Updated":[""],"Check/Uncheck updated":[""],"Obsolete":[""],"Check/Uncheck obsolete":[""],"Check/Uncheck all":[""],"Operation":[""],"Puppet Modules":[""],"Check/Uncheck all %s changes":[""],"Add:":[""],"Remove:":[""],"Update:":[""],"Update":[""],"Search":["Search"],"Bookmark this search":[""],"Add Bookmark":[""],"Build from OS image":[""],"OS Image":[""],"Architecture":[""],"Media":[""],"Partition table":[""],"Scope":[""],"Actions":[""],"override":[""],"Override this value":[""],"Global":[""],"hide":[""],"remove":[""],"Global Parameters":[""],"Add Parameter":[""],"Puppetclass":[""],"Parameter name":[""],"Parameter type":[""],"Puppet class overrides":[""],"Override a Puppetclass Parameter":[""],"Edit Global Parameter":[""],"New Parameter":[""],"Parameter|Name":["Name"],"Parameter|Value":["Value"],"New Global Parameter":[""],"Compute profile":[""],"Edit compute profile on %s":[""],"New compute profile on %s":[""],"Edit Compute profile":[""],"New Compute Profile":[""],"Rename":[""],"New Compute profile":[""],"Edit Compute profile: %s":[""],"Click on the link of a compute resource to edit its default VM attributes.":[""],"Compute Resource":[""],"VM Attributes (%s)":[""],"unspecified":[""],"Choose a provider":[""],"Access Key":[""],"Secret Key":[""],"Region":[""],"Load Regions":[""],"Test Connection":[""],"Google Project ID":[""],"Client Email":[""],"The file path where your p12 file is located":[""],"Certificate path":[""],"Zone":[""],"Load zones":[""],"e.g. qemu://":[""],"Display type":[""],"Console passwords":[""],"Set a randomly generated password on the display connection":[""],"e.g. http://openstack:5000/v2.0/tokens":[""],"Tenant":[""],"Load Tenants":[""],"e.g.":[""],"e.g. admin@internal":[""],"Datacenter":[""],"Load Datacenters":[""],"Quota ID":[""],"X509 Certification Authorities":[""],"Optionally provide a CA, or a correctly ordered CA chain. If left blank, a self-signed CA will be populated automatically by the server during the first request.":[""],"e.g.":[""],"API Key":[""],"VCenter/Server":[""],"Fingerprint":[""],"New Compute Resource":[""],"ComputeResource|Name":["Name"],"New compute resource":[""],"Associate VMs":[""],"Associate VMs to Foreman hosts":[""],"Virtual Machines":[""],"Images":[""],"Loading virtual machines information ...":[""],"New Image":[""],"Loading Images information":[""],"VM Attributes":[""],"URL":[""],"Disabled":[""],"Enabled":["Enabled"],"There was an error listing VMs: %s":[""],"Network interfaces":[""],"Add Interface":[""],"add new network interface":[""],"No networks found.":[""],"remove storage volume":[""],"Storage":[""],"add new storage volume":[""],"Add Volume":[""],"Flavor":["Flavour"],"Please select an image":[""],"Availability zone":[""],"No preference":[""],"EC2":[""],"Subnet":["Subnet"],"Security groups":[""],"Public":[""],"Private":[""],"Managed IP":[""],"Machine type":[""],"Network":[""],"External IP":[""],"Size (GB)":[""],"CPUs":["CPUs"],"Memory":["Memory"],"Start":[""],"Power ON this machine":[""],"Image to use":[""],"Network type":[""],"No networks":[""],"No bridges":[""],"your libvirt host does not support interface listing, please enter here the bridge name (e.g. br0)":[""],"NIC type":[""],"Storage pool":[""],"Security group":[""],"Internal network":[""],"Floating IP network":[""],"Create new boot volume from image":[""],"Boot from volume":[""],"Defaults to image size if left blank":[""],"New boot volume size (GB)":[""],"Cluster":[""],"Select template":[""],"oVirt/RHEV template to use":[""],"Template":["Template"],"Cores":[""],"Storage domain":[""],"Preallocate disk":[""],"Uses thin provisioning if unchecked":[""],"Only one volume can be bootable":[""],"Please Select an Image":[""],"Cores per socket":[""],"Memory (MB)":[""],"Folder":[""],"Guest OS":[""],"SCSI controller":[""],"Virtual H/W version":[""],"Data store":[""],"Thin provision":[""],"Eager zero":[""],"Virtual Machines on %s":[""],"DNS":[""],"State":[""],"Power":[""],"New Virtual Machine":[""],"Create":[""],"Associate VM":[""],"Associate VM to a Foreman host":[""],"Properties":[""],"Machine Type":[""],"VCPU(s)":[""],"UUID":[""],"Allocated":[""],"Display":[""],"NIC":[""],"using %{allocation} GB out of %{capacity} GB, %{pool_name} storage pool":[""],"Path":[""],"Running on":[""],"using %s":[""],"included already from parent":[""],"%s is not in environment":[""],"Included Config Groups":[""],"Available Config Groups":[""],"Edit Config group":[""],"New Config Group":[""],"New Config group":[""],"Run distribution in the last %s minute":["",""],"Latest Events":[""],"No interesting reports received in the last week":[""],"Host Configuration Chart":[""],"Hosts that had performed modifications without error":[""],"Hosts in error state":[""],"Good host reports in the last %s":[""],"Hosts that had pending changes":[""],"Out of sync hosts":[""],"Hosts with no reports":[""],"Hosts with alerts disabled":[""],"Total Hosts: %s":[""],"Overview":[""],"Get default dashboard widgets":[""],"Welcome":[""],"Before you can use Foreman for the first time there are a few tasks that must be performed.":[""],"You must decide how you wish to use the software, and update the primary settings file <b>config/settings.yaml</b> and the":[""],"settings":[""],"to indicate your selections.":[""],"Operating Mode":[""],"You may operate Foreman in basic mode, in which it acts as a reporting and external node classifier or you may also turn on unattended mode operation in which Foreman creates and manages the configuration files necessary to completely configure a new host.":[""],"When operating in unattended mode Foreman will require more information, so expect more questions, but it will be able to automate host installations for Red Hat, Debian, SUSE and Solaris operating systems (and their clones), see":[""],"here":[""],"for more details.":[""],"Create a Smart Proxy":[""],"If you're planning to do anything more than just handle reports, you'll be in need of a smart proxy - either on this machine or elsewhere on your network.":[""],"You can find details of how to set up the proxy at":[""],"Smart-Proxy Installation":[""],"Important":[""],"Once installed you should head over to":[""],"to point Foreman at it.":[""],"User Authentication":[""],"Foreman, by default, operates in anonymous mode where all operations are performed without reference to the user who is performing the task.":[""],"If you wish to track the actions of a particular user then it is possible to use an additional authentication stage and provide a user account.":[""],"At present, authentication is performed against the internal Database or a LDAP service provided by one or more LDAP servers.":[""],"Additionally, you may restrict user permissions based on many criteria, make sure you check the roles settings tab.":[""],"For internal Users, simply create a new user at the %s page":[""],"LDAP":[""],"If you chose to use LDAP authentication then you must provide connection details for your authentication provider on %s page":[""],"For Roles and permissions, see the %s page":[""],"Notice":[""],"You would need to enable login in your settings.yml file first and restart foreman":[""],"The default username and password are <b>admin</b> and <b>changeme</b>":[""],"Import your data":[""],"Foreman comes with some importers to ease the burden of entering loads of data about your current installation.":[""],"If you are already using puppet you should consider using some of the rake tasks that have been provided.":[""],"Inventory browser":[""],"Importing Puppet Facts":[""],"Puppet External Nodes":[""],"Importing Puppet classes and environments":[""],"Reporting":[""],"Puppet Reports integration":[""],"Additional steps":[""],"You may optionally wish to generate the online documentation for your puppet classes":[""],"puppet class browser":[""],"After you have decided on the two primary modes of operation and performed any appropriate imports then it would be good idea if you visited some of the other configuration pages to see if additional setup is required under the Additional settings select box on the top right.":[""],"You may also find the":[""],"Howtos":[""],"useful.":[""],"This page will self destruct once Foreman starts to receive data about your hosts. You can view this information again by clicking on the \\\"First use instructions\\\" link on the %{about} page.":[""],"Parameters":[""],"Full name describing the domain":[""],"DNS proxy to use within this domain for managing A records, note that PTR records are managed via Subnet DNS proxy":[""],"DNS Proxy":[""],"Edit Domain":[""],"New Domain":[""],"Domain|Fullname":["Description"],"Domain Configuration":[""],"Foreman considers a domain and a DNS zone as the same thing. That is, if you are planning to manage a site where all the machines are or the form <i>hostname</i>.<b></b>\\n then the domain is <b></b>. This allows Foreman to associate a puppet variable with a domain/site and automatically append this variable to all external node requests made\\n by machines at that site.":[""],"The <b>fullname</b> field is used for human readability in reports and other pages that refer to domains,\\n and also available as an external node parameter":[""],"Edit Environment":[""],"Puppet Environments":[""],"Environment|Name":["Name"],"Classes":[""],"New Environment":[""],"Puppet environments configuration":[""],"If you are planning to use Foreman as an external node classifier you should provide information about one or more environments.":[""],"This information is commonly imported from a pre-existing puppet configuration by the use of the":[""],"Puppet classes and environment importer":[""],"Environments may be manually created and only require the name of the environment to be declared.":[""],"Show %{host} facts":[""],"Show all %{name} facts where they are equal to %{value}":[""],"Show distribution chart":[""],"Fact Values":[""],"Host":["Host"],"FactValue|Value":["Value"],"Reported at":[""],"Hosts Inventory":[""],"You don't seem to have any facts yet. If you wish to configure fact pushing, please follow":[""],"setting up facts":[""],"This page will self destruct once inventory data comes in.":[""],"%s Distribution":[""],"Selected role":[""],"(Miscellaneous)":[""],"Permission":[""],"Selected resource type does not support granular filtering, therefore you can't configure granularity":[""],"By unchecking this you can specify filter using Foreman search syntax in search field. If filter remains unlimited (this field is checked) it applies on all resources of the selected type":[""],"Edit Filter":[""],"Filters":[""],"New filter":[""],"Role":[""],"Filter|Resource":[""],"Filter|Permissions":[""],"Filter|Unlimited":[""],"Filter|Search":[""],"none":[""],"Delete filter?":[""],"New Filter":[""],"Manage Locations":[""],"Manage Organizations":["Manage Organisations"],"Hostname":["Hostname"],"<b style=\\\"color: #6bb5df;\\\">%{hosts_sum}</b>\\n <p style=\\\"font-weight: bold; margin: 5px; padding: 0px;\\\">Changed</p>":["",""],"<b style=\\\"color: #6bb5df;\\\">%{out_of_sync_sum}</b>\\n <p style=\\\"font-weight: bold; margin: 5px; padding: 0px;\\\">Out of sync</p>":["",""],"<b style=\\\"color: #6bb5df;\\\">%{disabled_sum}</b>\\n <p style=\\\"font-weight: bold; margin: 5px; padding: 0px;\\\">Disabled</p>":["",""],"Level":[""],"Resource":[""],"message":[""],"No logs to show":[""],"Total of one host":["",""],"None!":[""],"Last Report":["Last Report"],"<b>Foreman</b> Puppet error report":[""],"<b>Foreman</b> Build Complete":[""],"IP":["IP"],"Your host has finished building:":[""],"Hostname:":[""],"IP:":[""],"View in Foreman:":[""],"<b>Foreman</b> Puppet summary":[""],"Summary from %{time} ago to now":[""],"Summary report from Foreman server at %{foreman_url}":[""],"Hosts with interesting values (changed, failures etc)":[""],"Hosts which are currently not running Puppet":[""],"Hosts which Foreman reporting is disabled":[""],"Hostgroup":["Host Group"],"Puppet Classes":[""],"Parent":[""],"Please select an environment first":[""],"Password must be 8 characters or more":[""],"Puppet classes parameters":[""],"Host group parameters":[""],"Host Groups":[""],"New Host Group":[""],"Hostgroup|Name":["Name"],"Nest":[""],"Host group configuration":[""],"A host group is in some ways similar to an inherited node declaration, in that it is a high level grouping of classes that can be named and treated as a unit. This is then treated as a template and is selectable during the creation of a new host and ensures that the host is configured in one of your pre-defined states.":[""],"In addition to defining which puppet classes get included when building this host type you are also able to assign variables and provisioning information to a host group to further refine the behavior of the puppet runtime.":[""],"The host group's classes and the host group's variables are included in the external node information when the puppetmaster compiles the host's configuration.":[""],"There are two strategies when using host groups.":[""],"You may create puppet classes that represent high-level host configurations, for example, a <b>host-type-ldap-server</b> class, which includes all the required functionality from other modules or you may decide to create a host group called <b>host-type-ldap-server</b> and add the required classes into the host group configuration.":[""],"These two options are personal decisions and are up to you (where the main difference would be the parameter/variables settings).":[""],"Select Hosts":[""],"Assign Selected Hosts":[""],"Create %s":[""],"<b class='select_count'>0</b> selected":[""],"Assign to %s":[""],"Chassis":[""],"Boot device":[""],"Netmask":[""],"MAC":["MAC"],"Gateway":[""],"VM editing is not implemented for this provider":[""],"'%{host}' not found on '%{resource}'":[""],"'%{host}' could be deleted or '%{resource}' is not responding.":[""],"Failed connecting to %s":[""],"Errors: %s":[""],"Network interfaces management has been moved to the Interfaces tab. Please set your interfaces there.":[""],"Conflicts have been detected":[""],"The following entries were found conflicting with what foreman wanted to apply.":[""],"Please review them carefully, if you are certain that they should be removed, please click on overwrite.":[""],"ACK":[""],"DHCP lease conflicts have been detected":[""],"Please correct the error(s) below and submit your changes again.":[""],"Interfaces":[""],"Virtual Machine":[""],"Additional Information":[""],"This value is used also as the host's primary interface name.":[""],"Bare Metal":[""],"Deploy on":[""],"Puppet classes Parameters":[""],"Included Parameters via inheritance":[""],"Host Parameters":[""],"select an owner":[""],"Owned By":[""],"Include this host within Foreman reporting":[""],"Hardware Model":[""],"Some of the interfaces are invalid. Please check the table below.":[""],"Identifier":[""],"MAC address":[""],"IP address":[""],"FQDN":[""],"Ok":[""],"Select all items in this page":["Select all items in this page"],"items selected. Uncheck to Clear":["items selected. Uncheck to Clear"],"Last report":["Last report"],"Please Confirm":["Please Confirm"],"Report Status":[""],"Provisioning Method":[""],"Network Based":[""],"Image Based":[""],"Enable this host for provisioning":[""],"What ever text(or ERB template) you use in here, would be used as your OS disk layout options If you want to use the partition table option, delete all of the text from this field":[""],"Resolve":[""],"Display the templates that will be used to provision this host":[""],"in Progress":[""],"Number of Events":[""],"Time in Seconds":[""],"Fix %s on Mismatch":[""],"Fail on Mismatch":[""],"Assign Hosts to %s":[""],"Clone Host %s":[""],"Generated %s ago":[""],"Back to host":[""],"Console output may be out of date":[""],"Ctrl-Alt-Del":[""],"Troubleshooting":[""],"New window":[""],"Open Spice in a new window":[""],"Connecting (unencrypted) to: %s":[""],"Password:":[""],"Canvas not supported.":[""],"Unmanage host":[""],"Manage host":[""],"Disassociate host":[""],"Provision":["Provision"],"these hosts for a build operation on next boot":[""],"Warning":["Warning"],"This might take a while, as all hosts, facts and reports will be destroyed as well":["This might take a while, as all hosts, facts and reports will be destroyed as well"],"Disable alerts for selected hosts":[""],"Disassociate the selected hosts from their VMs":[""],"Enable alerts for selected hosts":[""],"Sorry, these hosts do not have parameters assigned to them, you must add them first.":[""],"Run Puppet on the following hosts":[""],"List of hosts which answer to the provided query":[""],"The following errors may prevent a successful build:":[""],"Check again":[""],"Edit Host":[""],"Reboot now":[""],"Select environment":[""],"*Clear environment*":[""],"*Inherit from host group*":[""],"*Clear host group*":[""],"Select host group":[""],"Select Location":[""],"Select Organization":["Select Organisation"],"Metrics":[""],"VM":[""],"NICs":[""],"Loading host information ...":[""],"No puppet activity for this host in the last %s days":[""],"Loading template information ...":[""],"Loading VM information ...":[""],"Loading NICs information ...":[""],"Loading BMC information ...":[""],"Loading runtime information ...":[""],"Resources":[""],"Loading resources information ...":[""],"Review build status for %s":[""],"Warning: This will delete this host and all of its data!":[""],"This host's stored facts and reports will be deleted too.":[""],"Loading...":[""],"Please wait while your request is being processed":[""],"All Puppet Classes for %s":[""],"Class":[""],"The following hosts were updated":[""],"The following parameters were skipped as they did not exists on this host:":[""],"Back to host list":[""],"You don't seem to have any Hosts, for more information see":[""],"this page":[""],"This page will self destruct once data comes in.":[""],"The user that is used to ssh into the instance, normally cloud-user, ec2-user, ubuntu, root etc":[""],"Does this image support user data input (e.g. via cloud-init)?":[""],"(optional) IAM Role for Fog to use when creating this image.":[""],"Password to authenticate with - used for SSH finish step.":[""],"Image path":[""],"Full path to backing image used to create new volumes.":[""],"Path to template, relative to datacenter (e.g. My templates/RHEL 6)":[""],"Image|Name":["Name"],"Image|Username":["Username"],"Image|Uuid":["UUID"],"Image|User data":[""],"Destroy":[""],"You are using an unsupported browser.":[""],"Location configuration":[""],"You must create a location before continuing.":[""],"Locations are used to manage and differentiate the physical place where a system managed via Foreman is housed.":[""],"For example, there might be a data center in London and one in Virginia; these are locations. Locations also work nicely when used in tandem with %{organizations}.":[""],"organizations":["organisations"],"Remove %s?":[""],"Variable":[""],"Whether the smart variable value is managed by Foreman":[""],"Optional input validator":[""],"Note that if you use ERB as a value of parameter, value will be validated during ENC evaluation. If value is invalid, ENC evaluation will fail.":[""],"If checked, will raise an error if there is no default value and no matcher provide a value.":[""],"Override merging options":[""],"Should the matchers continue to look for matches after first find (only array/hash type). Note: merging overrides ignores all matchers that use Puppet default":[""],"Should the matched result avoid duplicate values (only array type).":[""],"Override value for specific hosts":[""],"Order":[""],"The order in which matchers keys are processed, first match wins.<br> You may use multiple attributes as a matcher key, for example, an order of <code>host group, environment</code> would expect a matcher such as <code>hostgroup = \\\"web servers\\\", environment = production</code>":[""],"add a new matcher-value pair":[""],"Add Matcher-Value":[""],"Matcher is a combination of an attribute and its value, if they match, the value below would be provided.<br> You may use any attribute foreman knows about, such as facts etc for example: <code> domain = </code> or <code> is_virtual = true</code>":[""],"Explain matchers":[""],"Matcher":[""],"remove value":[""],"Edit Smart Variable":[""],"Number of values":[""],"The path to the medium, can be a URL or a valid NFS server (exclusive of the architecture).\\n for example <em>$version/os/$arch</em> where <strong>$arch</strong> will be substituted for the host's actual OS architecture and <strong>$version</strong>, <strong>$major</strong> and <strong>$minor</strong> will be substituted for the version of the operating system. Solaris and Debian media may also use <strong>$release</strong>.":[""],"The NFS path to the media.":[""],"The NFS path to the jumpstart control files.":[""],"The NFS path to the image directory.":[""],"Choose a family":[""],"Operating system family":[""],"Edit Medium":[""],"Installation Media":[""],"New Medium":[""],"Medium|Name":["Name"],"Medium|Path":["Path"],"Medium|Os family":["Operating system family"],"New installation medium":[""],"Installation medium configuration":[""],"A medium represents the source of one or more operating system's installation files, accessible via the network.\\n It will probably be a mirror from the internet or a copy of one or more CD or DVDs.":[""],"For example, if you have copied several Red Hat release disks into a directory structure where the disk images are named 5.8 or 6.2, and each contained both x86_64 and i386 binaries, then you\\n could create a single medium entry describing them all.\\n The entry, which could be just named 'Red Hat' could contain a path like this <em>'http://server/redhat/$version/$arch'</em>":[""],"The keywords <b>$version</b>, <b>$major</b> and <b>$minor</b> will be interpolated back into the path specification to calculate the true URL address.":[""],"You may also associate one or more operating systems with this medium or alternatively set this up later on the %s page.":[""],"The class of CPU supplied in this machine. This is primarily used by Sparc Solaris builds and can be left blank for other architectures. The value can be determined on Solaris via uname -m":[""],"The class of the machine reported by the Open Boot Prom. This is primarily used by Sparc Solaris builds and can be left blank for other architectures. The value can be determined on Solaris via uname -i|cut -f2 -d,":["The class of the machine as reported by the OpenBoot PROM. This is primarily used by Solaris SPARC builds and can be left blank for other architectures. The value can be determined on Solaris via `uname -i|cut -f2 -d`."],"General useful description, for example this kind of hardware needs a special BIOS setup":[""],"Edit Model":[""],"Hardware Models":[""],"New Model":[""],"Model|Name":["Name"],"Vendor class":[""],"Model|Hardware model":["Hardware model"],"Device identifier":[""],"Device identifier for this interface. This may be different on various platforms and environments, here are some common examples.<br/><ul><li>Use the basic name for physical interface identifiers, e.g. <strong>eth0</strong> or <strong>em0</strong> with biosdevname.</li><li>For virtual interfaces, use either alias notation (<strong>eth0:1</strong>, name:index) or VLAN notation (<strong>eth0.15</strong>, name.tag).</li><li>For bonds it's common to use <strong>bond0</strong> on Linux, <strong>lagg0</strong> on FreeBSD systems.</li></ul>":[""],"DNS name":[""],"Primary interface's DNS name and domain define host's FQDN":[""],"No domains":[""],"Suggest new":[""],"IP address auto-suggest":[""],"An IP address will be auto-suggested if you have a DHCP-enabled Smart Proxy on the subnet selected above.<br/><br/>The IP address can be left blank when:<br/><ul><li>provisioning tokens are enabled</li><li>the domain does not manage DNS</li><li>the subnet does not manage reverse DNS</li><li>and the subnet does not manage DHCP reservations</li></ul>":[""],"The Primary interface is used for constructing the FQDN of the host":[""],"The Provisioning interface is used for TFTP of PXELinux (or SSH for image-based hosts)":[""],"from profile %s":[""],"Inherits from subnet VLAN ID if not set":[""],"Identifier of the interface to which this interface belongs, e.g. eth1":[""],"comma separated interface identifiers":[""],"space separated options, e.g. miimon=100":[""],"Virtual NIC":[""],"Enable if this is an alias or VLAN interface, note that alias can be used only with static boot mode subnet":[""],"OS name from facter; e.g. RedHat":[""],"OS major version from facter; e.g. 6":[""],"OS minor version from facter; e.g. 5":[""],"e.g. RHEL 6.5":[""],"Family":[""],"e.g. karmic, lucid, hw0910 etc":[""],"Root password hash":[""],"Hash function to use. Change takes effect for new or updated hosts.":[""],"It is not possible to assign provisioning templates at this stage":[""],"Please save the Operating System first and try again.":[""],"No templates found!":[""],"you probably need to configure your %s first.":[""],"Edit Operating System":[""],"New Operating system":[""],"Operatingsystem|Name":["Name"],"New Operating System":[""],"Organization configuration":["Organisation configuration"],"You must create an organization before continuing.":["You must create an organisation before continuing."],"Using the organization system provides a way to group resources together for easy management.":["Using the organisation system provides a way to group resources together for easy management."],"Organizations are particularly useful for Foreman installations where several customers or business units are managed with a single Foreman install.":["Organisations are particularly useful for Foreman installations where several customers or business units are managed with a single Foreman install."],"locations":[""],"Organizations also work nicely in tandem with %{locations}.":["Organisations also work nicely in tandem with %{locations}."],"Valid host group and environment combinations":[""],"Add combination":[""],"Association":[""],"Snippet":[""],"Not relevant for snippet":[""],"How templates are determined":[""],"When editing a Template, you must assign a list of Operating Systems which this Template can be used with. Optionally, you can restrict a template to a list of Hostgroups and/or Environments":[""],"When a Host requests a template (e.g. during provisioning), Foreman will select the best match from the available templates of that type, in the following order:":[""],"Host group and Environment":[""],"Host group only":[""],"Environment only":[""],"Operating system default":[""],"The final entry, Operating System default, can be set by editing the %s page.":[""],"Applicable<br>Operating Systems":[""],"Template diff":[""],"Edit Template":[""],"Provisioning Templates":[""],"New Template":[""],"Build PXE Default":[""],"You are about to change the default PXE menu on all configured TFTP servers - continue?":[""],"ProvisioningTemplate|Name":[""],"Host group / Environment":[""],"Kind":[""],"ProvisioningTemplate|Snippet":[""],"ProvisioningTemplate|Locked":[""],"This template is locked for editing.":[""],"Edit Partition Table":[""],"Partition Tables":[""],"New Partition Table":[""],"Ptable|Name":["Name"],"Ptable|Os family":["Operating system family"],"Ptable|Snippet":[""],"Ptable|Locked":[""],"Partition table configuration":[""],"A partition table entry represents either":[""],"An explicit layout for the partitions of your hard drive(s). E.G.":[""],"A script to dynamically calculate the desired sizes. E.G.":[""],"The inclusion of the keyword string <b>#Dynamic</b> at the start of a line lets Foreman know that this is not an explicit disk layout and must treated as a shell script, executed prior\\n to the install process and that the explicit partition table will be found at <b>/tmp/diskpart.cfg</b> during the build process.":[""],"The dynamic partitioning style is currently only available for the Red Hat family of operating systems, all others must provide an explicit list of partitions and sizes.":[""],"You may also associate one or more operating systems with this partition table or alternatively set this up later on the %s page":[""],"PuppetCA on %s":[""],"Filter by state: %s":[""],"Autosign Entries":[""],"Valid from":[""],"Expires":[""],"Sign":[""],"Included Classes":[""],"Not authorized to edit classes":["Not authorised to edit classes"],"Available Classes":[""],"Filter classes":[""],"Smart Class Parameter":[""],"Smart Variables":[""],"Puppet environments":[""],"This Puppet class has no parameters in its signature.":[""],"To update the class signature, go to the Puppet Classes page and select \\\"Import\\\".":[""],"Undo remove":[""],"Filter by name":[""],"Add Variable":[""],"Edit Puppet Class %s":[""],"Puppetclass|Name":["Class name"],"Environments and documentation":[""],"Variables":[""],"Override all parameters":[""],"This will set all parameters of the class %s as overridden. Continue?":[""],"This will reset parameters of the class %s to their default values. Continue?":[""],"Set parameters to defaults":[""],"Oops":[""],"Either you didnt generate the puppetdocs (see <a rel=\\\"external\\\" href=\\\"%{url}\\\">here</a>) or the class <strong>%{name}</strong> could not be found in environment <strong>%{environment}</strong><br/> Please ensure that the class <strong>%{name}</strong>s declaration is accessible via the modulepath associated with <strong>%{environment}</strong>.":[""],"Realm name, e.g. EXAMPLE.COM":[""],"Type of realm, e.g. FreeIPA":[""],"Realm type":[""],"Realm proxy":[""],"Realm proxy to use within this realm":[""],"Edit Realm":[""],"New Realm":[""],"Realm|Name":[""],"Foreman supports automatically creating realm entries for new hosts. When a realm is selected for a host, Foreman contacts the relevant realm smart proxy to create an entry for the host and retrieve it's one-time registration password.":[""],"Restart<br>Failures":[""],"Delete report for %s?":[""],"Report Metrics":[""],"Total":[""],"Nothing to show":[""],"Reported at %s ":[""],"Host times seems to be adrift!":[""],"Host reported time is <em>%s</em>":[""],"Foreman report creation time is <em>%s</em>":[""],"Which is an offset of <b>%s</b>":[""],"Other reports for this host":[""],"Diff View":[""],"Puppet Reports":[""],"You don't seem to have any reports, if you wish to configure Puppet to forward it reports to Foreman, please follow":[""],"setting up reporting":[""],"and":[""],"e-mail reporting":[""],"This page will self destruct once a report comes in.":[""],"Please save the role first. You can edit it later to add filters":[""],"Loading filters...":[""],"Edit Roles":[""],"New role":[""],"Role|Name":["Name"],"Add filter":[""],"New Role":[""],"Setting|Name":["Name"],"Setting|Value":["Value"],"Setting|Description":["Description"],"Smart Proxy":[""],"Edit Proxy":[""],"New Smart Proxy":[""],"SmartProxy|Name":["Name"],"SmartProxy|Url":["URL"],"New Proxy":[""],"Optional: Gateway for this subnet":[""],"Optional: Primary DNS for this subnet":[""],"Optional: Secondary DNS for this subnet":[""],"IPAM":[""],"IP Address Management":[""],"You can select one of three possible IPAM modes:<br/><ul><li><strong>DHCP</strong> - will manage the IP on DHCP through assigned DHCP proxy, auto-suggested IPs come from DHCP</li><li><strong>Internal DB</strong> - use internal DB to auto-suggest free IP based on other interfaces on same subnet respecting range if specified, useful mainly with static boot mode</li><li><strong>None</strong> - leave IP management solely on user, no auto-suggestion</li></ul>":[""],"Optional: Starting IP Address for IP auto suggestion":[""],"Optional: Ending IP Address for IP auto suggestion":[""],"Optional: VLAN ID for this subnet":[""],"Default boot mode for interfaces assigned to this subnet":[""],"Proxies":[""],"DHCP Proxy":[""],"TFTP Proxy":[""],"DNS Proxy to use within this subnet for managing PTR records, note that A records are managed via Domain DNS proxy":[""],"Edit Subnet":[""],"The following subnets have been found":[""],"New Subnet":[""],"Subnet|Name":["Name"],"Subnet|Network":["Network address"],"Subnet|Vlanid":["VLAN ID"],"Select organizations":["Select organisations"],"Select locations":[""],"Default on login":[""],"Edit Properties":[""],"Assigning hosts to %{taxonomy_name} will also update %{taxonomy_name} to include all the resources that the selected hosts are currently using.":[""],"Assign All":[""],"Assign the %{count} host with no %{taxonomy_single} to %{taxonomy_name}":["",""],"Manually Assign":[""],"Manually select and assign hosts with no %s":[""],"Proceed to Edit":[""],"Skip assign hosts and proceed to edit %s settings":[""],"Clone %s":[""],"Fix Mismatches":[""],"Mismatches Report":[""],"Notice:":[""],"There is":["",""],"%{count} host with no %{taxonomy_single} assigned":["",""],"Taxonomy|Name":["Name"],"Select hosts to assign to %s":[""],"Mismatches":[""],"Fix All Mismatches":[""],"Location/Organization":["Location/Organisation"],"Mismatch Details":[""],"No hosts are mismatched!":[""],"All hosts data matches configurations for locations and organizations.":["All hosts data matches configurations for locations and organisations."],"Warning: This template is locked. You may only change the associations. Please %s it to customize.":["Warning: This template is locked. You may only change the associations. Please %s it to customise."],"clone":[""],"Useful template functions and macros":[""],"Note: %s ":[""],"Template editor":[""],"Code":[""],"Diff":[""],"Preview":[""],"Key Binding":[""],"Selecting a file will override the editor and load the file instead":[""],"Audit Comment":[""],"The Audit Comment field is saved with the template auditing to document the template changes":[""],"Revert":[""],"Show Diff":[""],"Save something and try again":[""],"No history found":[""],"Please Select":[""],"Show Host":[""],"Edit Trend %s":[""],"Fact Name":[""],"Display Name":[""],"Add Trend Counter":[""],"No trend counter defined.":[""],"To define trend counters, use the Add Trend Counter button.":[""],"To start collecting trend data, set a cron job to execute 'foreman-rake trends:counter' every Puppet Interval (%s minutes).":[""],"No trend counter found.":[""],"To start collecting trend data, set a cron job to execute <span class='black'>foreman-rake trends:counter</span> every Puppet Interval (%s minutes)":[""],"Action":[""],"Show Trends":[""],"Delete all the trend history for %s?":[""],"Last updated %s ago":[""],"New Trend":[""],"Trends for %s":[""],"Number of Hosts":[""],"Your Foreman user account has been created:":[""],"Username":[""],"Please login to %{foreman_url} to change your password":[""],"External user group":[""],"User group":[""],"External groups":[""],"User Groups":[""],"Usergroup|Name":["Name"],"Usergroup|Auth source":[""],"Refresh":[""],"Synchronize group from authentication source":["Synchronise group from authentication source"],"Show linked external user groups":[""],"Add external user group":[""],"link external user group with this user group":[""],"Edit User group":[""],"New User group":[""],"Build a query for %{mailer}":[""],"Email Preferences":[""],"Browser locale":[""],"Language":[""],"Browser timezone":[""],"Authorized by":["Authorised by"],"Password":[""],"Verify":[""],"General":[""],"Please save the user first before assigning email notifications.":[""],"Notifications":[""],"Subscribe":[""],"No emails":[""],"Edit User":[""],"Logout":[""],"Click to log in again.":[""],"Version %{version}":[""],"New User":[""],"User|Login":["Username"],"User|Firstname":["First name"],"User|Lastname":["Surname"],"User|Mail":["Email address"],"User|Admin":["Administrator"],"User|Last login on":["Last login time"],"Login":[""],"Please wait...":[""],"%{record} is used by %{what}":[""],"Adding would cause a cycle!":[""],"locale_name":["English (United Kingdom)"],"Unable to get BMC providers":[""],"Unable to get installed BMC providers":[""],"Unable to perform boot BMC operation":[""],"Unable to perform power BMC operation":[""],"Unable to perform identify BMC operation":[""],"Unable to perform lan BMC operation":[""],"Unable to retrieve DHCP subnets":[""],"Unable to retrieve DHCP subnet":[""],"Unable to retrieve unused IP":[""],"Unable to retrieve DHCP entry for %s":[""],"Unable to set DHCP entry":[""],"Unable to delete DHCP entry for %s":[""],"Unable to set DNS entry":[""],"Unable to delete DNS entry":[""],"Unable to detect features":[""],"for proxy":[""],"Unable to get environments from Puppet":[""],"Unable to get environment from Puppet":[""],"Unable to get classes from Puppet for %s":[""],"Unable to execute Puppet run":[""],"Unable to get PuppetCA autosign":[""],"Unable to set PuppetCA autosign for %s":[""],"Unable to delete PuppetCA autosign for %s":[""],"Unable to sign PuppetCA certificate for %s":[""],"Unable to delete PuppetCA certificate for %s":[""],"Unable to get PuppetCA certificates":[""],"Unable to create realm entry":[""],"Unable to set TFTP boot entry for %s":[""],"Unable to delete TFTP boot entry for %s":[""],"Unable to fetch TFTP boot file":[""],"Unable to detect TFTP boot server":[""],"Unable to create default TFTP boot menu":[""],"No free ports available for websockify, try again later":[""],"No documentation found":[""],"We have not found any documentation for your API.":[""],"Follow %{href} on how to describe your controllers.":[""],"further instructions":[""],"Oops!!":[""],"Resource %{res} not found.":[""],"Method %{method} not found for resource %{resource}.":[""],"Try going to %{href}":[""],"%{app_name} API documentation homepage":[""],"required":[""],"optional":[""],"nil allowed":[""],"Param name":[""],"Params":[""],"Examples":[""],"Metadata":[""],"Errors":[""],"Supported Formats":[""],"Please enable JavaScript to view the %{comments_href}.":[""],"comments powered by %{disqus}":[""],"API documentation":[""],"Architecture|Hostgroups count":[""],"Architecture|Hosts count":[""],"Audited::Adapters::ActiveRecord::Audit|Action":["Action"],"Audited::Adapters::ActiveRecord::Audit|Associated name":["Associated name"],"Audited::Adapters::ActiveRecord::Audit|Associated type":["Associated type"],"Audited::Adapters::ActiveRecord::Audit|Auditable name":["Auditable name"],"Audited::Adapters::ActiveRecord::Audit|Auditable type":["Auditable 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%s":[""],"No hosts were found with that id or name":["No hosts were found with that id or name"],"No hosts selected":["No hosts selected"],"Something went wrong while selecting hosts - %s":["Something went wrong while selecting hosts - %s"],"%s selected hosts":[""],"The following hosts were not %{action}: %{missed_hosts}":[""],"Successfully overridden all parameters of Puppet class %s":[""],"Successfully reset all parameters of Puppet class %s to their default values":[""],"No parameters to override for Puppet class %s":[""],"Successfully deleted report.":[""],"Role cloned from role %{old_name}":[""],"No changes found when refreshing features from %s.":[""],"Successfully refreshed features from %s.":[""],"%s core":["",""],"No new subnets found":[""],"No subnets selected":[""],"Imported Subnets":[""],"No host could be found for rendering the template":[""],"There was an error rendering the %{name} template: %{error}":[""],"Template locked":[""],"Template unlocked":[""],"Failed to clean any old certificates or add the autosign entry. 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Terminating the build!":[""],"There was an error rendering the %s template: ":[""],"You cannot delete this user while logged in as this user.":[""],"Incorrect username or password":[""],"Logged out - See you soon":[""],"Remove Parameter":[""],"Click to remove %s":[""],"Click to add %s":[""],"Are you sure?":["Are you sure?"],"Delete":["Delete"],"Help":["Help"],"Expand the chart":[""],"Change your avatar at":[""],"no value":[""],"Inherit parent (%s)":[""],"Documentation":[""],"Click to edit":[""],"N/A":["N/A"],"NA":[""],"Provisioning Template content changed %s":[""],"Owner changed to %s":[""],"%{name} changed from %{label1} to %{label2}":[""],"User":[""],"%s ago":["%s ago"],"Parameters that would be associated with hosts in this %s":[""],"<b>Source:</b> %{type} %{name}":[""],"Additional info":[""],"Use Puppet default":[""],"Explain use Puppet default":[""],"Do not send this parameter via the ENC.<br>Puppet will use the value defined in the manifest.":[""],"Paused":[""],"On":[""],"Off":[""],"Are you sure you want to power %{act} %{vm}?":[""],"Resume":[""],"Pause":[""],"Are you sure you want to %{act} %{vm}?":[""],"Power%s":[""],"Unknown Power State":[""],"Console":[""],"%s - Press Shift-F12 to release the cursor.":[""],"Physical (Bridge)":[""],"Virtual (NAT)":[""],"Add to dashboard":[""],"Generated at %s":[""],"Manage dashboard":[""],"Save dashboard":[""],"Reset to default":[""],"Restore widgets":[""],"Active":[""],"Pending changes":[""],"Out of sync":[""],"No report":[""],"Notification disabled":[""],"Host Configuration Status":[""],"Number Of Clients":[""],"Minutes Ago":[""],"Applied":[""],"Applied|A":[""],"Restarted":[""],"Restarted|R":[""],"Failed|F":[""],"Failed":[""],"Failed Restarts|FR":[""],"Failed Restarts":[""],"Skipped|S":[""],"Skipped":[""],"Pending|P":[""],"Pending":[""],"New Puppet Environment":[""],"Show all %s children fact values":[""],"Show all %s fact values":[""],"Expand nested items":[""],"Show full value":[""],"Any Context":[""],"This group has nested groups!":[""],"Please delete all nested groups before deleting it.":[""],"Puppet CA":[""],"Use this puppet server as a CA server":[""],"Puppet Master":[""],"Use this puppet server as an initial Puppet Server or to execute puppet runs":[""],"New Host":["New Host"],"View last report details":[""],"Report Already Deleted":[""],"Build|B":[""],"Disabled|D":[""],"No reports|N":[""],"Sync|S":[""],"Error|E":[""],"Active|A":[""],"OK|O":[""],"Change Group":[""],"Change Environment":[""],"Edit Parameters":[""],"Delete Hosts":[""],"Disable Notifications":[""],"Enable Notifications":[""],"Disassociate Hosts":[""],"Build Hosts":[""],"Run Puppet":[""],"Assign Organization":["Assign Organisation"],"Assign Location":["Assign Location"],"Select Action":["Select Action"],"%s - The following hosts are about to be changed":["%s - The following hosts are about to be changed"],"Failed restarts":[""],"Config Retrieval":[""],"Runtime":[""],"Reports from the last %{days} days - %{count} reports found":[""],"Provisioning Support is disabled or this host is not managed":[""],"Unable to find templates as this host has no operating system":[""],"No template found":[""],"Template Type":[""],"%s Template":[""],"Edit":[""],"Review":[""],"Domain":["Domain"],"Realm":[""],"IP Address":["IP Address"],"MAC Address":[""],"Puppet Environment":[""],"Host Architecture":[""],"Operating System":[""],"Host group":["Host group"],"Location":["Location"],"Organization":["Organisation"],"Owner":[""],"Certificate Name":[""],"Edit your host":[""],"Cancel build":[""],"Cancel build request for this host":[""],"Enable rebuild on next host boot":[""],"Loading power state ...":[""],"Run puppet":[""],"Trigger a puppetrun on a node; requires that puppet run is enabled":[""],"Are you sure you want to delete host %s? This will delete the virtual machine and its disks, and is irreversible.":[""],"Are you sure you want to delete host %s? This action is irreversible.":[""],"Audits":[""],"Host audit entries":[""],"Browse host facts":[""],"Facts":[""],"Reports":[""],"Browse host reports":[""],"Puppet external nodes YAML dump":[""],"YAML":[""],"Allocation (GB)":[""],"None":[""],"Full":[""],"Size":["Size"],"remove network interface":[""],"Interface is up":[""],"Interface is down":[""],"Errors occurred, build may fail":[""],"Edit %s":[""],"Image":[""],"Image ID as provided by the compute resource, e.g. ami-..":[""],"Image ID":["Image ID"],"Caps lock ON":[""],"Submit":["Submit"],"Overwrite":[""],"Unable to save":[""],"&laquo;":[""],"&raquo;":[""],"No entries found":[""],"Displaying <b>%{count}</b> entry":["",""],"Displaying entries <b>%{from} - %{to}</b> of <b>%{count}</b> in total":[""],"Warning!":[""],"Alert":[""],"Close":[""],"last %s day":["",""],"Full screen":[""],"Puppet class":[""],"Puppet Class":[""],"<dl><dt>String</dt> <dd>Everything is taken as a string.</dd><dt>Boolean</dt> <dd>Common representation of boolean values are accepted.</dd><dt>Integer</dt> <dd>Integer numbers only, can be negative.</dd><dt>Real</dt> <dd>Accept any numerical input.</dd><dt>Array</dt> <dd>A valid JSON or YAML input, that must evaluate to an array.</dd><dt>Hash</dt> <dd>A valid JSON or YAML input, that must evaluate to an object/map/dict/hash.</dd><dt>YAML</dt> <dd>Any valid YAML input.</dd><dt>JSON</dt> <dd>Any valid JSON input.</dd></dl>":[""],"Parameter types":[""],"How values are validated":[""],"<dl><dt>List</dt> <dd>A list of the allowed values, specified in the Validator rule field.</dd><dt>Regexp</dt> <dd>Validates the input with the regular expression in the Validator rule field.</dd></dl>":[""],"Validator type":[""],"Validation types":[""],"<b>Description:</b> %{desc}<br><b>Type:</b> %{type}<br> <b>Matcher:</b> %{matcher}":[""],"Default value":[""],"No value error":[""],"Required parameter without value.<br/><b>Please override!</b> <br><br><b>Description:</b>: %s":[""],"No value warning":[""],"Optional parameter without value.<br/><i>Won't be given to Puppet.</i> <br><br><b>Description:</b> %s":[""],"Default templates are automatically added to new locations":[""],"Default templates are automatically added to new organizations":["Default templates are automatically added to new organisations"],"Default templates are automatically added to new organizations and locations":["Default templates are automatically added to new organisations and locations"],"Clone":[""],"You are about to unlock a locked template.":[""],"This is for every location that uses it.":[""],"This is for every organization that uses it.":["This is for every organisation that uses it."],"This is for every location and organization that uses it.":["This is for every location and organisation that uses it."],"It is not recommended to unlock this template, as it is provided by %{vendor} and may be overwritten. Please consider cloning it instead.":[""],"Continue?":[""],"Unlock":[""],"Lock":[""],"Delete %s?":["Delete %s?"],"valid":[""],"revoked":[""],"pending":[""],"in %s":[""],"Empty environment":[""],"Deleted environment":[""],"Deleted environment %{env} and %{pcs}":[""],"Import":[""],"Import from %s":[""],"%{name} has %{num_tag} class":["",""],"%s minute ago":["",""],"%s day ago":["",""],"%s week ago":["",""],"%s month ago":["",""],"All Reports":[""],"Select a period":[""],"Show log messages:":[""],"Notices, warnings and errors":[""],"All messages":[""],"Warnings and errors":[""],"Errors only":[""],"This setting is defined in the configuration file 'settings.yaml' and is read-only.":[""],"Certificates":[""],"Autosign":[""],"Import subnets":[""],"Refresh features":[""],"OS Distribution":[""],"Architecture Distribution":[""],"Environments Distribution":[""],"Number of CPUs":[""],"Hardware":[""],"Class Distribution":[""],"used memory":[""],"Average memory usage":[""],"free memory":[""],"used swap":[""],"free swap":[""],"Average swap usage":[""],"Any Organization":["Any Organisation"],"Any Location":[""],"New Location":[""],"New Organization":["New Organisation"],"All users":[""],"Select users":[""],"All smart proxies":[""],"Select smart proxies":[""],"All subnets":[""],"Select subnets":[""],"All compute resources":[""],"Select compute resources":[""],"All media":[""],"Select media":[""],"Select provisioning templates":[""],"All provisioning templates":[""],"All partition tables":[""],"Select partition tables":[""],"Select domains":[""],"All domains":[""],"All realms":[""],"Select realms":[""],"All environments":[""],"Select environments":[""],"All host groups":[""],"Select host groups":[""],"Environment":[""],"Operating system":["Operating system"],"Compute resource":["Compute resource"],"Model":["Model"],"Trend of the last %s days.":[""],":foreman_url is not set, please configure in the Foreman Web UI (Administer -> Settings -> General)":[""],"Must specify a user with email enabled":[""],"Audit summary":[""],"Must specify a valid user with email enabled":[""],"Puppet Summary Report - F:%{failed} R:%{restarted} S:%{skipped} A:%{applied} FR:%{failed_restarts} T:%{total}":[""],"Puppet error on %s":[""],"Host %s is built":[""],"Welcome to Foreman":[""],"Cannot create LDAP configuration for %s without dedicated service account":[""],"invalid LDAP filter syntax":[""],"%{value} is not a valid controller":[""],"%s is an unknown attribute":[""],"must provide a provider":[""],"unknown provider":[""],"%s console is not supported at this time":[""],"Not implemented for %s":[""],"Not implemented":[""],"cannot be changed":[""],"Unable to access key":[""],"Unable to find template %s":[""],"VM is not running!":[""],"Unable to change VM display listen address, make sure the display is not attached to localhost only":[""],"At least one volume must be specified for image-based provisioning.":[""],"Please specify volume size. You may optionally use suffix 'G' to specify volume size in gigabytes.":[""],"Cluster ID is required to list available networks":[""],"The remote system presented a public key signed by an unidentified certificate authority. If you are sure the remote system is authentic, go to the compute resource edit page, press the 'Test Connection' or 'Load Datacenters' button and submit":[""],"Failed to create X509 certificate, error: %s":[""],"Default":[""],"The remote system presented a public key with hash %s but we're expecting a different hash. 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Please associate it with a suitable template or uncheck 'User data' for %{compute_resource_image_link}.":[""],"Failed to remove certificates for %{name}: %{e}":[""],"failed to save %s":[""],"Failed to get IP for %{name}: %{e}":[""],"Failed to destroy a compute %{compute_resource} instance %{name}: %{e}":[""],"Failed to power up a compute %{compute_resource} instance %{name}: %{e}":[""],"Failed to stop compute %{compute_resource} instance %{name}: %{e}":[""],"Failed to update a compute %{compute_resource} instance %{name}: %{e}":[""],"Failed to undo update compute %{compute_resource} instance %{name}: %{e}":[""],"Selected image does not belong to %s":[""],"Could not find virtual machine network interface matching %s":[""],"Unable to determine the host's boot server. 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%{message}":[""],"is not permitted":[""],"invalid search query: %s":[""],"filter for %s role":[""],"Permissions must be of same resource type":[""],"You must select at least one permission":[""],"You can't assign organizations to this resource":["You can't assign organisations to this resource"],"You can't assign locations to this resource":[""],"Owner type needs to be one of the following: %s":[""],"host must have one primary interface":[""],"managed host must have one provision interface":[""],"some interfaces are invalid":[""],"invalid time range":[""],"should be 8 characters or more":[""],"should not be blank - consider setting a global or host group default":[""],"can't be blank unless a custom partition has been defined":[""],"is unknown":[""],"common":[""],"domain":[""],"os":[""],"Failed to import %{klass} for %{name}: doesn't exists in our database - ignoring":[""],"no puppet proxy defined - cant continue":[""],"failed to execute puppetrun: %s":[""],"Pending Installation":[""],"Alerts disabled":[""],"No reports":[""],"Unknown power management support - 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Choose on, off or auto.":[""],"Private key that Foreman will use to encrypt websockets ":[""],"Certificate that Foreman will use to encrypt websockets ":[""],"Redirect your users to this url on logout (authorize_login_delegation should also be enabled)":[""],"Name of the external auth source where unknown externally authentication users (see authorize_login_delegation) should be created (keep unset to prevent the autocreation)":[""],"Authorize login delegation with REMOTE_USER environment variable":["Authorise login delegation with REMOTE_USER environment variable"],"Authorize login delegation with REMOTE_USER environment variable for API calls too":["Authorise login delegation with REMOTE_USER environment variable for API calls too"],"Log out idle users after a certain number of minutes":[""],"The default administrator email address":[""],"URL where your Foreman instance is reachable (see also Provisioning > unattended_url)":[""],"Email reply address for emails that Foreman is sending":[""],"Prefix to add to all outgoing email":[""],"Send a welcome email including username and URL to new users":[""],"Number of records shown per page in Foreman":[""],"Fix DB cache on next Foreman restart":[""],"Max days for Trends graphs":[""],"Foreman will use gravatar to display user icons":[""],"Should the `foreman-rake db:migrate` be executed on the next run of the installer modules?":[""],"Should the `foreman-rake db:seed` be executed on the next run of the installer modules?":[""],"Max timeout for REST client requests to smart-proxy":[""],"Default encrypted root password on provisioned hosts":[""],"URL hosts will retrieve templates from during build (normally http as many installers don't support https)":[""],"Enable safe mode config templates rendering (recommended)":[""],"Foreman will automate certificate signing upon provision of new host":[""],"Stop updating IP address and MAC values from Puppet facts (affects all interfaces)":[""],"Foreman will query the locally configured resolver instead of the SOA/NS authorities":[""],"If Foreman is running behind Passenger or a remote load balancer, the IP should be set here. 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The content of this fact should be the full label of the organisation."],"Hosts created after a puppet run that did not send a location fact will be placed in this location":[""],"Hosts created after a puppet run that did not send a organization fact will be placed in this organization":["Hosts created after a puppet run that did not send a organisation fact will be placed in this organisation"],"is invalid - only http://, https:// are allowed":[""],"Only one declaration of a proxy is allowed":[""],"No features found on this proxy, please make sure you enable at least one feature":[""],"Unable to communicate with the proxy: %s":[""],"Please check the proxy is configured and running on the host.":[""],"DHCP":[""],"Static":[""],"Internal DB":[""],"is too long (maximum is 15 characters)":[""],"invalid IP address":[""],"does not belong to subnet":[""],"can't be bigger than to range":[""],"must be specified if to is defined":[""],"must be specified if from is defined":[""],"location":[""],"organization":["organisation"],"This template is locked and may not be removed.":[""],"You are not authorized to lock templates.":["You are not authorised to lock templates."],"You are not authorized to make a template default.":["You are not authorised to make a template default."],"This template is locked. Please clone it to a new template to customize.":["This template is locked. Please clone it to a new template to customise."],"already exists":[""],"Anonymous admin user %s is missing, run foreman-rake db:seed":[""],"A user group already exists with this name":[""],"Can't delete the last admin account":[""],"cannot be removed from the last admin account":[""],"Can't delete internal admin account":[""],"cannot be removed from an internal protected account":[""],"cannot be changed on an internal protected account":[""],"you can't assign some of roles you selected":[""],"you can't change administrator flag":[""],"cannot be changed by a non-admin user":[""],"default locations need to be user locations first":[""],"default organizations need to be user organizations first":["default organisations need to be user organisations first"],"is not valid":[""],"has this role already":[""],"is already used by a user account":[""],"Can't delete the last admin user group":[""],"Status table":[""],"Status chart":[""],"Report summary":[""],"Distribution chart":[""],"Unallowed template for dashboard widget: %s":[""],"Invalid version format, please enter in x.y (only major version).":[""],"%{id} plugin requires Foreman %{matcher} but current is %{current}":[""],"%{id} plugin requires the %{plugin_name} plugin, not found":[""],"%{id} plugin requires the %{plugin_name} plugin %{matcher} but current is %{plugin_version}":[""],"Failed to validate %{host}: %{error}":[""],"No templates found for this host.":[""],"Template %s is empty.":[""],"Failure parsing %{template}: %{error}.":[""],"No smart proxies found.":[""],"Failure deploying via smart proxy %{proxy}: %{error}.":[""],"Error connecting to %{proxy}: %{error}.":[""],"Unknown interface type, must be one of [%s]":[""],"My account":[""],"Log out":[""],"Administer":[""],"Locations":[""],"Organizations":["Organisations"],"LDAP authentication":[""],"Users":[""],"User groups":[""],"Roles":[""],"Bookmarks":[""],"Settings":[""],"About":[""],"Monitor":[""],"Dashboard":[""],"Statistics":[""],"Trends":[""],"Hosts":["Hosts"],"All hosts":[""],"New host":[""],"Provisioning Setup":["Provisioning Setup"],"Architectures":[""],"Hardware models":[""],"Installation media":["Installation media"],"Operating systems":[""],"Templates":[""],"Partition tables":[""],"Provisioning templates":[""],"Configure":[""],"Host groups":[""],"Global parameters":[""],"Puppet":[""],"Environments":[""],"Puppet classes":[""],"Config groups":[""],"Smart variables":[""],"Infrastructure":[""],"Smart proxies":[""],"Compute resources":[""],"Compute profiles":[""],"Subnets":[""],"Domains":[""],"Realms":[""],"Unsupported password hash function '%s'":[""],"reboot":[""],"start":[""],"reset":[""],"state":[""],"stop":[""],"poweroff":[""],"soft":[""],"on":[""],"status":[""],"ready?":[""],"cycle":[""],"off":[""],"Invalid power state request: %{action}, supported actions are %{supported}":[""],"Unknown":[""],"Timeout has occurred while communicating with %s":[""],"Error has occurred while communicating with %{cr}: %{e}":[""],"Invalid report":[""],"Invalid log level: %s":[""],"invalid type %s":[""],"SafeRender#parse_string was passed a %s instead of a string":[""],"Must specify a Smart Proxy to use":[""],"unable to sign a non pending certificate":[""],"you cannot remove %s that are used by hosts or inherited.":[""],"is alphanumeric and cannot contain spaces":[""],"is not a valid MAC address":[""],"can't contain spaces.":[""],"System Status":[""],"Smart Proxies":[""],"Available Providers":[""],"Compute Resources":["Compute Resources"],"Plugins":[""],"No smart proxies to show":[""],"Name":["Name"],"Features":[""],"Status":[""],"Connecting..":[""],"Provider":[""],"Installed":[""],"Not Installed":[""],"To enable a provider, either install the OS package (e.g. foreman-libvirt) or enable the bundler group for development setup (e.g. ovirt).":[""],"No compute resource to show":[""],"Type":["Type"],"No plugins found":[""],"Description":[""],"Author":[""],"Version":[""],"Support":[""],"Manual":[""],"Wiki":[""],"First use instructions":[""],"IRC":[""],"You can find The Foreman on the %{freenode} ( network. For general support, please visit #theforeman and for development specific related chat, please visit #theforeman-dev.":[""],"Mailing lists":[""],"Mailing lists are available via Google Groups. Much like IRC, we have a general users (support, Q/A, etc) lists and a development list:":[""],"Foreman Users":[""],"Foreman Developers":[""],"Issue tracker":[""],"We use Redmine to report and track bugs and feature requests, which can be found here:":[""],"issue tracker":[""],"System Information":[""],"Version %{version} © 2009-%{year} Paul Kelly and %{author}":[""],"Access denied":[""],"Resource %{resource_name} not found by id '%{id}'":[""],"Unable to authenticate user %s":[""],"'Content-Type: %s' is unsupported in API v2 for POST and PUT requests. Please use 'Content-Type: application/json'.":[""],"Operating Systems":[""],"Edit Architecture":[""],"New Architecture":[""],"Architecture|Name":["Name"],"New architecture":[""],"Architecture configuration":[""],"Before you proceed to using Foreman you should provide information about one or more architectures.":[""],"Each entries represent a particular hardware architecture, most commonly <b>x86_64</b> or <b>i386</b>. Foreman also supports the Solaris operating system family, which includes <b>sparc</b> based systems.":[""],"Each architecture can also be associated with more than one operating system and a selector block is provided to allow you to select valid combinations.":[""],"<b>Foreman</b> audit summary":[""],"Displaying %{num_audits} of %{total_audits} audit":["",""],"No audit changes for this period":[""],"Full audits list":[""],"Foreman audit summary":[""],"Logged-in":[""],"Host details":[""],"Template Diff":[""],"History":[""],"Item":[""],"Old":[""],"New":[""],"Value":["Value"],"LDAP server":[""],"Account":[""],"Attribute mappings":[""],"Choose a server type":[""],"Server type":[""],"Use this account to authenticate, <i>optional</i>":[""],"Base DN":[""],"Groups base DN":[""],"Custom LDAP search filter, <i>optional</i>":[""],"LDAP users will have their Foreman account automatically created the first time they log into Foreman":[""],"External user groups will be synced on login, else relies on periodic cronjob to check group membership":[""],"e.g. uid":[""],"e.g. givenName":[""],"e.g. sn":[""],"e.g. mail":[""],"Photo attribute":[""],"e.g. jpegPhoto":[""],"Edit LDAP Auth Source":[""],"LDAP Authentication":[""],"New LDAP Source":[""],"AuthSource|Name":["Name"],"AuthSource|Host":["Server"],"AuthSource|Onthefly register":["Automatically create accounts in Foreman"],"AuthSource|LDAPS":[""],"New LDAP Auth Source":[""],"New authentication source":[""],"Authentication Source Configuration":[""],"Foreman can use LDAP based service for user information and authentication.":[""],"The authentication process currently requires an LDAP provider, such as <em>OpenLDAP</em> or <em>Microsoft's Active Directory</em>.":[""],"Autosign entries for %s":[""],"New Autosign Entry":[""],"Edit Bookmark":[""],"Manage Bookmarks":[""],"Bookmark|Name":["Name"],"Bookmark|Query":["Search query"],"Bookmark|Controller":["Controller"],"Bookmark|Public":["Public"],"New Bookmark":[""],"Bookmarks configuration":[""],"Here you can manage bookmarks. Bookmarks are saved search queries.":[""],"Permission denied":[""],"You are not authorized to perform this action":["You are not authorised to perform this action"],"Please request the required privileges from a foreman administrator":[""],"Back":["Back"],"Not Found":[""],"Please try to update your request":[""],"Oops, we're sorry but something went wrong":[""],"Foreman ticketing system":[""],"If you feel this is an error with Foreman itself, please open a new issue with":[""],"You would probably need to attach the":[""],"Full trace":[""],"and relevant log entries.":[""],"None Found":[""],"Changed environments":[""],"Select the changes you want to realize in Foreman":["Select the changes you want to realise in Foreman"],"Toggle":[""],"Check/Uncheck new":[""],"Updated":[""],"Check/Uncheck updated":[""],"Obsolete":[""],"Check/Uncheck obsolete":[""],"Check/Uncheck all":[""],"Operation":[""],"Puppet Modules":[""],"Check/Uncheck all %s changes":[""],"Add:":[""],"Remove:":[""],"Update:":[""],"Update":[""],"Search":["Search"],"Bookmark this search":[""],"Add Bookmark":[""],"Build from OS image":[""],"OS Image":[""],"Architecture":[""],"Media":[""],"Partition table":[""],"Scope":[""],"Actions":[""],"override":[""],"Override this value":[""],"Global":[""],"hide":[""],"remove":[""],"Global Parameters":[""],"Add Parameter":[""],"Puppetclass":[""],"Parameter name":[""],"Parameter type":[""],"Puppet class overrides":[""],"Override a Puppetclass Parameter":[""],"Edit Global Parameter":[""],"New Parameter":[""],"Parameter|Name":["Name"],"Parameter|Value":["Value"],"New Global Parameter":[""],"Compute profile":[""],"Edit compute profile on %s":[""],"New compute profile on %s":[""],"Edit Compute profile":[""],"New Compute Profile":[""],"Rename":[""],"New Compute profile":[""],"Edit Compute profile: %s":[""],"Click on the link of a compute resource to edit its default VM attributes.":[""],"Compute Resource":[""],"VM Attributes (%s)":[""],"unspecified":[""],"Choose a provider":[""],"Access Key":[""],"Secret Key":[""],"Region":[""],"Load Regions":[""],"Test Connection":[""],"Google Project ID":[""],"Client Email":[""],"The file path where your p12 file is located":[""],"Certificate path":[""],"Zone":[""],"Load zones":[""],"e.g. qemu://":[""],"Display type":[""],"Console passwords":[""],"Set a randomly generated password on the display connection":[""],"e.g. http://openstack:5000/v2.0/tokens":[""],"Tenant":[""],"Load Tenants":[""],"e.g.":[""],"e.g. admin@internal":[""],"Datacenter":[""],"Load Datacenters":[""],"Quota ID":[""],"X509 Certification Authorities":[""],"Optionally provide a CA, or a correctly ordered CA chain. If left blank, a self-signed CA will be populated automatically by the server during the first request.":[""],"e.g.":[""],"API Key":[""],"VCenter/Server":[""],"Fingerprint":[""],"New Compute Resource":[""],"ComputeResource|Name":["Name"],"New compute resource":[""],"Associate VMs":[""],"Associate VMs to Foreman hosts":[""],"Virtual Machines":[""],"Images":[""],"Loading virtual machines information ...":[""],"New Image":[""],"Loading Images information":[""],"VM Attributes":[""],"URL":[""],"Disabled":[""],"Enabled":["Enabled"],"There was an error listing VMs: %s":[""],"Network interfaces":[""],"Add Interface":[""],"add new network interface":[""],"No networks found.":[""],"remove storage volume":[""],"Storage":[""],"add new storage volume":[""],"Add Volume":[""],"Flavor":["Flavour"],"Please select an image":[""],"Availability zone":[""],"No preference":[""],"EC2":[""],"Subnet":["Subnet"],"Security groups":[""],"Public":[""],"Private":[""],"Managed IP":[""],"Machine type":[""],"Network":[""],"External IP":[""],"Size (GB)":[""],"CPUs":["CPUs"],"Memory":["Memory"],"Start":[""],"Power ON this machine":[""],"Image to use":[""],"Network type":[""],"No networks":[""],"No bridges":[""],"your libvirt host does not support interface listing, please enter here the bridge name (e.g. br0)":[""],"NIC type":[""],"Storage pool":[""],"Security group":[""],"Internal network":[""],"Floating IP network":[""],"Create new boot volume from image":[""],"Boot from volume":[""],"Defaults to image size if left blank":[""],"New boot volume size (GB)":[""],"Cluster":[""],"Select template":[""],"oVirt/RHEV template to use":[""],"Template":["Template"],"Cores":[""],"Storage domain":[""],"Preallocate disk":[""],"Uses thin provisioning if unchecked":[""],"Only one volume can be bootable":[""],"Please Select an Image":[""],"Cores per socket":[""],"Memory (MB)":[""],"Folder":[""],"Guest OS":[""],"SCSI controller":[""],"Virtual H/W version":[""],"Data store":[""],"Thin provision":[""],"Eager zero":[""],"Virtual Machines on %s":[""],"DNS":[""],"State":[""],"Power":[""],"New Virtual Machine":[""],"Create":[""],"Associate VM":[""],"Associate VM to a Foreman host":[""],"Properties":[""],"Machine Type":[""],"VCPU(s)":[""],"UUID":[""],"Allocated":[""],"Display":[""],"NIC":[""],"using %{allocation} GB out of %{capacity} GB, %{pool_name} storage pool":[""],"Path":[""],"Running on":[""],"using %s":[""],"included already from parent":[""],"%s is not in environment":[""],"Included Config Groups":[""],"Available Config Groups":[""],"Edit Config group":[""],"New Config Group":[""],"New Config group":[""],"Run distribution in the last %s minute":["",""],"Latest Events":[""],"No interesting reports received in the last week":[""],"Host Configuration Chart":[""],"Hosts that had performed modifications without error":[""],"Hosts in error state":[""],"Good host reports in the last %s":[""],"Hosts that had pending changes":[""],"Out of sync hosts":[""],"Hosts with no reports":[""],"Hosts with alerts disabled":[""],"Total Hosts: %s":[""],"Overview":[""],"Get default dashboard widgets":[""],"Welcome":[""],"Before you can use Foreman for the first time there are a few tasks that must be performed.":[""],"You must decide how you wish to use the software, and update the primary settings file <b>config/settings.yaml</b> and the":[""],"settings":[""],"to indicate your selections.":[""],"Operating Mode":[""],"You may operate Foreman in basic mode, in which it acts as a reporting and external node classifier or you may also turn on unattended mode operation in which Foreman creates and manages the configuration files necessary to completely configure a new host.":[""],"When operating in unattended mode Foreman will require more information, so expect more questions, but it will be able to automate host installations for Red Hat, Debian, SUSE and Solaris operating systems (and their clones), see":[""],"here":[""],"for more details.":[""],"Create a Smart Proxy":[""],"If you're planning to do anything more than just handle reports, you'll be in need of a smart proxy - either on this machine or elsewhere on your network.":[""],"You can find details of how to set up the proxy at":[""],"Smart-Proxy Installation":[""],"Important":[""],"Once installed you should head over to":[""],"to point Foreman at it.":[""],"User Authentication":[""],"Foreman, by default, operates in anonymous mode where all operations are performed without reference to the user who is performing the task.":[""],"If you wish to track the actions of a particular user then it is possible to use an additional authentication stage and provide a user account.":[""],"At present, authentication is performed against the internal Database or a LDAP service provided by one or more LDAP servers.":[""],"Additionally, you may restrict user permissions based on many criteria, make sure you check the roles settings tab.":[""],"For internal Users, simply create a new user at the %s page":[""],"LDAP":[""],"If you chose to use LDAP authentication then you must provide connection details for your authentication provider on %s page":[""],"For Roles and permissions, see the %s page":[""],"Notice":[""],"You would need to enable login in your settings.yml file first and restart foreman":[""],"The default username and password are <b>admin</b> and <b>changeme</b>":[""],"Import your data":[""],"Foreman comes with some importers to ease the burden of entering loads of data about your current installation.":[""],"If you are already using puppet you should consider using some of the rake tasks that have been provided.":[""],"Inventory browser":[""],"Importing Puppet Facts":[""],"Puppet External Nodes":[""],"Importing Puppet classes and environments":[""],"Reporting":[""],"Puppet Reports integration":[""],"Additional steps":[""],"You may optionally wish to generate the online documentation for your puppet classes":[""],"puppet class browser":[""],"After you have decided on the two primary modes of operation and performed any appropriate imports then it would be good idea if you visited some of the other configuration pages to see if additional setup is required under the Additional settings select box on the top right.":[""],"You may also find the":[""],"Howtos":[""],"useful.":[""],"This page will self destruct once Foreman starts to receive data about your hosts. You can view this information again by clicking on the \\\"First use instructions\\\" link on the %{about} page.":[""],"Parameters":[""],"Full name describing the domain":[""],"DNS proxy to use within this domain for managing A records, note that PTR records are managed via Subnet DNS proxy":[""],"DNS Proxy":[""],"Edit Domain":[""],"New Domain":[""],"Domain|Fullname":["Description"],"Domain Configuration":[""],"Foreman considers a domain and a DNS zone as the same thing. That is, if you are planning to manage a site where all the machines are or the form <i>hostname</i>.<b></b>\\n then the domain is <b></b>. This allows Foreman to associate a puppet variable with a domain/site and automatically append this variable to all external node requests made\\n by machines at that site.":[""],"The <b>fullname</b> field is used for human readability in reports and other pages that refer to domains,\\n and also available as an external node parameter":[""],"Edit Environment":[""],"Puppet Environments":[""],"Environment|Name":["Name"],"Classes":[""],"New Environment":[""],"Puppet environments configuration":[""],"If you are planning to use Foreman as an external node classifier you should provide information about one or more environments.":[""],"This information is commonly imported from a pre-existing puppet configuration by the use of the":[""],"Puppet classes and environment importer":[""],"Environments may be manually created and only require the name of the environment to be declared.":[""],"Show %{host} facts":[""],"Show all %{name} facts where they are equal to %{value}":[""],"Show distribution chart":[""],"Fact Values":[""],"Host":["Host"],"FactValue|Value":["Value"],"Reported at":[""],"Hosts Inventory":[""],"You don't seem to have any facts yet. If you wish to configure fact pushing, please follow":[""],"setting up facts":[""],"This page will self destruct once inventory data comes in.":[""],"%s Distribution":[""],"Selected role":[""],"(Miscellaneous)":[""],"Permission":[""],"Selected resource type does not support granular filtering, therefore you can't configure granularity":[""],"By unchecking this you can specify filter using Foreman search syntax in search field. If filter remains unlimited (this field is checked) it applies on all resources of the selected type":[""],"Edit Filter":[""],"Filters":[""],"New filter":[""],"Role":[""],"Filter|Resource":[""],"Filter|Permissions":[""],"Filter|Unlimited":[""],"Filter|Search":[""],"none":[""],"Delete filter?":[""],"New Filter":[""],"Manage Locations":[""],"Manage Organizations":["Manage Organisations"],"Hostname":["Hostname"],"<b style=\\\"color: #6bb5df;\\\">%{hosts_sum}</b>\\n <p style=\\\"font-weight: bold; margin: 5px; padding: 0px;\\\">Changed</p>":["",""],"<b style=\\\"color: #6bb5df;\\\">%{out_of_sync_sum}</b>\\n <p style=\\\"font-weight: bold; margin: 5px; padding: 0px;\\\">Out of sync</p>":["",""],"<b style=\\\"color: #6bb5df;\\\">%{disabled_sum}</b>\\n <p style=\\\"font-weight: bold; margin: 5px; padding: 0px;\\\">Disabled</p>":["",""],"Level":[""],"Resource":[""],"message":[""],"No logs to show":[""],"Total of one host":["",""],"None!":[""],"Last Report":["Last Report"],"<b>Foreman</b> Puppet error report":[""],"<b>Foreman</b> Build Complete":[""],"IP":["IP"],"Your host has finished building:":[""],"Hostname:":[""],"IP:":[""],"View in Foreman:":[""],"<b>Foreman</b> Puppet summary":[""],"Summary from %{time} ago to now":[""],"Summary report from Foreman server at %{foreman_url}":[""],"Hosts with interesting values (changed, failures etc)":[""],"Hosts which are currently not running Puppet":[""],"Hosts which Foreman reporting is disabled":[""],"Hostgroup":["Host Group"],"Puppet Classes":[""],"Parent":[""],"Please select an environment first":[""],"Password must be 8 characters or more":[""],"Puppet classes parameters":[""],"Host group parameters":[""],"Host Groups":[""],"New Host Group":[""],"Hostgroup|Name":["Name"],"Nest":[""],"Host group configuration":[""],"A host group is in some ways similar to an inherited node declaration, in that it is a high level grouping of classes that can be named and treated as a unit. This is then treated as a template and is selectable during the creation of a new host and ensures that the host is configured in one of your pre-defined states.":[""],"In addition to defining which puppet classes get included when building this host type you are also able to assign variables and provisioning information to a host group to further refine the behavior of the puppet runtime.":[""],"The host group's classes and the host group's variables are included in the external node information when the puppetmaster compiles the host's configuration.":[""],"There are two strategies when using host groups.":[""],"You may create puppet classes that represent high-level host configurations, for example, a <b>host-type-ldap-server</b> class, which includes all the required functionality from other modules or you may decide to create a host group called <b>host-type-ldap-server</b> and add the required classes into the host group configuration.":[""],"These two options are personal decisions and are up to you (where the main difference would be the parameter/variables settings).":[""],"Select Hosts":[""],"Assign Selected Hosts":[""],"Create %s":[""],"<b class='select_count'>0</b> selected":[""],"Assign to %s":[""],"Chassis":[""],"Boot device":[""],"Netmask":[""],"MAC":["MAC"],"Gateway":[""],"VM editing is not implemented for this provider":[""],"'%{host}' not found on '%{resource}'":[""],"'%{host}' could be deleted or '%{resource}' is not responding.":[""],"Failed connecting to %s":[""],"Errors: %s":[""],"Network interfaces management has been moved to the Interfaces tab. Please set your interfaces there.":[""],"Conflicts have been detected":[""],"The following entries were found conflicting with what foreman wanted to apply.":[""],"Please review them carefully, if you are certain that they should be removed, please click on overwrite.":[""],"ACK":[""],"DHCP lease conflicts have been detected":[""],"Please correct the error(s) below and submit your changes again.":[""],"Interfaces":[""],"Virtual Machine":[""],"Additional Information":[""],"This value is used also as the host's primary interface name.":[""],"Bare Metal":[""],"Deploy on":[""],"Puppet classes Parameters":[""],"Included Parameters via inheritance":[""],"Host Parameters":[""],"select an owner":[""],"Owned By":[""],"Include this host within Foreman reporting":[""],"Hardware Model":[""],"Some of the interfaces are invalid. Please check the table below.":[""],"Identifier":[""],"MAC address":[""],"IP address":[""],"FQDN":[""],"Ok":[""],"Select all items in this page":["Select all items in this page"],"items selected. Uncheck to Clear":["items selected. Uncheck to Clear"],"Last report":["Last report"],"Please Confirm":["Please Confirm"],"Report Status":[""],"Provisioning Method":[""],"Network Based":[""],"Image Based":[""],"Enable this host for provisioning":[""],"What ever text(or ERB template) you use in here, would be used as your OS disk layout options If you want to use the partition table option, delete all of the text from this field":[""],"Resolve":[""],"Display the templates that will be used to provision this host":[""],"in Progress":[""],"Number of Events":[""],"Time in Seconds":[""],"Fix %s on Mismatch":[""],"Fail on Mismatch":[""],"Assign Hosts to %s":[""],"Clone Host %s":[""],"Generated %s ago":[""],"Back to host":[""],"Console output may be out of date":[""],"Ctrl-Alt-Del":[""],"Troubleshooting":[""],"New window":[""],"Open Spice in a new window":[""],"Connecting (unencrypted) to: %s":[""],"Password:":[""],"Canvas not supported.":[""],"Unmanage host":[""],"Manage host":[""],"Disassociate host":[""],"Provision":["Provision"],"these hosts for a build operation on next boot":[""],"Warning":["Warning"],"This might take a while, as all hosts, facts and reports will be destroyed as well":["This might take a while, as all hosts, facts and reports will be destroyed as well"],"Disable alerts for selected hosts":[""],"Disassociate the selected hosts from their VMs":[""],"Enable alerts for selected hosts":[""],"Sorry, these hosts do not have parameters assigned to them, you must add them first.":[""],"Run Puppet on the following hosts":[""],"List of hosts which answer to the provided query":[""],"The following errors may prevent a successful build:":[""],"Check again":[""],"Edit Host":[""],"Reboot now":[""],"Select environment":[""],"*Clear environment*":[""],"*Inherit from host group*":[""],"*Clear host group*":[""],"Select host group":[""],"Select Location":[""],"Select Organization":["Select Organisation"],"Metrics":[""],"VM":[""],"NICs":[""],"Loading host information ...":[""],"No puppet activity for this host in the last %s days":[""],"Loading template information ...":[""],"Loading VM information ...":[""],"Loading NICs information ...":[""],"Loading BMC information ...":[""],"Loading runtime information ...":[""],"Resources":[""],"Loading resources information ...":[""],"Review build status for %s":[""],"Warning: This will delete this host and all of its data!":[""],"This host's stored facts and reports will be deleted too.":[""],"Loading...":[""],"Please wait while your request is being processed":[""],"All Puppet Classes for %s":[""],"Class":[""],"The following hosts were updated":[""],"The following parameters were skipped as they did not exists on this host:":[""],"Back to host list":[""],"You don't seem to have any Hosts, for more information see":[""],"this page":[""],"This page will self destruct once data comes in.":[""],"The user that is used to ssh into the instance, normally cloud-user, ec2-user, ubuntu, root etc":[""],"Does this image support user data input (e.g. via cloud-init)?":[""],"(optional) IAM Role for Fog to use when creating this image.":[""],"Password to authenticate with - used for SSH finish step.":[""],"Image path":[""],"Full path to backing image used to create new volumes.":[""],"Path to template, relative to datacenter (e.g. My templates/RHEL 6)":[""],"Image|Name":["Name"],"Image|Username":["Username"],"Image|Uuid":["UUID"],"Image|User data":[""],"Destroy":[""],"You are using an unsupported browser.":[""],"Location configuration":[""],"You must create a location before continuing.":[""],"Locations are used to manage and differentiate the physical place where a system managed via Foreman is housed.":[""],"For example, there might be a data center in London and one in Virginia; these are locations. Locations also work nicely when used in tandem with %{organizations}.":[""],"organizations":["organisations"],"Remove %s?":[""],"Variable":[""],"Whether the smart variable value is managed by Foreman":[""],"Optional input validator":[""],"Note that if you use ERB as a value of parameter, value will be validated during ENC evaluation. If value is invalid, ENC evaluation will fail.":[""],"If checked, will raise an error if there is no default value and no matcher provide a value.":[""],"Override merging options":[""],"Should the matchers continue to look for matches after first find (only array/hash type). Note: merging overrides ignores all matchers that use Puppet default":[""],"Should the matched result avoid duplicate values (only array type).":[""],"Override value for specific hosts":[""],"Order":[""],"The order in which matchers keys are processed, first match wins.<br> You may use multiple attributes as a matcher key, for example, an order of <code>host group, environment</code> would expect a matcher such as <code>hostgroup = \\\"web servers\\\", environment = production</code>":[""],"add a new matcher-value pair":[""],"Add Matcher-Value":[""],"Matcher is a combination of an attribute and its value, if they match, the value below would be provided.<br> You may use any attribute foreman knows about, such as facts etc for example: <code> domain = </code> or <code> is_virtual = true</code>":[""],"Explain matchers":[""],"Matcher":[""],"remove value":[""],"Edit Smart Variable":[""],"Number of values":[""],"The path to the medium, can be a URL or a valid NFS server (exclusive of the architecture).\\n for example <em>$version/os/$arch</em> where <strong>$arch</strong> will be substituted for the host's actual OS architecture and <strong>$version</strong>, <strong>$major</strong> and <strong>$minor</strong> will be substituted for the version of the operating system. Solaris and Debian media may also use <strong>$release</strong>.":[""],"The NFS path to the media.":[""],"The NFS path to the jumpstart control files.":[""],"The NFS path to the image directory.":[""],"Choose a family":[""],"Operating system family":[""],"Edit Medium":[""],"Installation Media":[""],"New Medium":[""],"Medium|Name":["Name"],"Medium|Path":["Path"],"Medium|Os family":["Operating system family"],"New installation medium":[""],"Installation medium configuration":[""],"A medium represents the source of one or more operating system's installation files, accessible via the network.\\n It will probably be a mirror from the internet or a copy of one or more CD or DVDs.":[""],"For example, if you have copied several Red Hat release disks into a directory structure where the disk images are named 5.8 or 6.2, and each contained both x86_64 and i386 binaries, then you\\n could create a single medium entry describing them all.\\n The entry, which could be just named 'Red Hat' could contain a path like this <em>'http://server/redhat/$version/$arch'</em>":[""],"The keywords <b>$version</b>, <b>$major</b> and <b>$minor</b> will be interpolated back into the path specification to calculate the true URL address.":[""],"You may also associate one or more operating systems with this medium or alternatively set this up later on the %s page.":[""],"The class of CPU supplied in this machine. This is primarily used by Sparc Solaris builds and can be left blank for other architectures. The value can be determined on Solaris via uname -m":[""],"The class of the machine reported by the Open Boot Prom. This is primarily used by Sparc Solaris builds and can be left blank for other architectures. The value can be determined on Solaris via uname -i|cut -f2 -d,":["The class of the machine as reported by the OpenBoot PROM. This is primarily used by Solaris SPARC builds and can be left blank for other architectures. The value can be determined on Solaris via `uname -i|cut -f2 -d`."],"General useful description, for example this kind of hardware needs a special BIOS setup":[""],"Edit Model":[""],"Hardware Models":[""],"New Model":[""],"Model|Name":["Name"],"Vendor class":[""],"Model|Hardware model":["Hardware model"],"Device identifier":[""],"Device identifier for this interface. This may be different on various platforms and environments, here are some common examples.<br/><ul><li>Use the basic name for physical interface identifiers, e.g. <strong>eth0</strong> or <strong>em0</strong> with biosdevname.</li><li>For virtual interfaces, use either alias notation (<strong>eth0:1</strong>, name:index) or VLAN notation (<strong>eth0.15</strong>, name.tag).</li><li>For bonds it's common to use <strong>bond0</strong> on Linux, <strong>lagg0</strong> on FreeBSD systems.</li></ul>":[""],"DNS name":[""],"Primary interface's DNS name and domain define host's FQDN":[""],"No domains":[""],"Suggest new":[""],"IP address auto-suggest":[""],"An IP address will be auto-suggested if you have a DHCP-enabled Smart Proxy on the subnet selected above.<br/><br/>The IP address can be left blank when:<br/><ul><li>provisioning tokens are enabled</li><li>the domain does not manage DNS</li><li>the subnet does not manage reverse DNS</li><li>and the subnet does not manage DHCP reservations</li></ul>":[""],"The Primary interface is used for constructing the FQDN of the host":[""],"The Provisioning interface is used for TFTP of PXELinux (or SSH for image-based hosts)":[""],"from profile %s":[""],"Inherits from subnet VLAN ID if not set":[""],"Identifier of the interface to which this interface belongs, e.g. eth1":[""],"comma separated interface identifiers":[""],"space separated options, e.g. miimon=100":[""],"Virtual NIC":[""],"Enable if this is an alias or VLAN interface, note that alias can be used only with static boot mode subnet":[""],"OS name from facter; e.g. RedHat":[""],"OS major version from facter; e.g. 6":[""],"OS minor version from facter; e.g. 5":[""],"e.g. RHEL 6.5":[""],"Family":[""],"e.g. karmic, lucid, hw0910 etc":[""],"Root password hash":[""],"Hash function to use. Change takes effect for new or updated hosts.":[""],"It is not possible to assign provisioning templates at this stage":[""],"Please save the Operating System first and try again.":[""],"No templates found!":[""],"you probably need to configure your %s first.":[""],"Edit Operating System":[""],"New Operating system":[""],"Operatingsystem|Name":["Name"],"New Operating System":[""],"Organization configuration":["Organisation configuration"],"You must create an organization before continuing.":["You must create an organisation before continuing."],"Using the organization system provides a way to group resources together for easy management.":["Using the organisation system provides a way to group resources together for easy management."],"Organizations are particularly useful for Foreman installations where several customers or business units are managed with a single Foreman install.":["Organisations are particularly useful for Foreman installations where several customers or business units are managed with a single Foreman install."],"locations":[""],"Organizations also work nicely in tandem with %{locations}.":["Organisations also work nicely in tandem with %{locations}."],"Valid host group and environment combinations":[""],"Add combination":[""],"Association":[""],"Snippet":[""],"Not relevant for snippet":[""],"How templates are determined":[""],"When editing a Template, you must assign a list of Operating Systems which this Template can be used with. Optionally, you can restrict a template to a list of Hostgroups and/or Environments":[""],"When a Host requests a template (e.g. during provisioning), Foreman will select the best match from the available templates of that type, in the following order:":[""],"Host group and Environment":[""],"Host group only":[""],"Environment only":[""],"Operating system default":[""],"The final entry, Operating System default, can be set by editing the %s page.":[""],"Applicable<br>Operating Systems":[""],"Template diff":[""],"Edit Template":[""],"Provisioning Templates":[""],"New Template":[""],"Build PXE Default":[""],"You are about to change the default PXE menu on all configured TFTP servers - continue?":[""],"ProvisioningTemplate|Name":[""],"Host group / Environment":[""],"Kind":[""],"ProvisioningTemplate|Snippet":[""],"ProvisioningTemplate|Locked":[""],"This template is locked for editing.":[""],"Edit Partition Table":[""],"Partition Tables":[""],"New Partition Table":[""],"Ptable|Name":["Name"],"Ptable|Os family":["Operating system family"],"Ptable|Snippet":[""],"Ptable|Locked":[""],"Partition table configuration":[""],"A partition table entry represents either":[""],"An explicit layout for the partitions of your hard drive(s). E.G.":[""],"A script to dynamically calculate the desired sizes. E.G.":[""],"The inclusion of the keyword string <b>#Dynamic</b> at the start of a line lets Foreman know that this is not an explicit disk layout and must treated as a shell script, executed prior\\n to the install process and that the explicit partition table will be found at <b>/tmp/diskpart.cfg</b> during the build process.":[""],"The dynamic partitioning style is currently only available for the Red Hat family of operating systems, all others must provide an explicit list of partitions and sizes.":[""],"You may also associate one or more operating systems with this partition table or alternatively set this up later on the %s page":[""],"PuppetCA on %s":[""],"Filter by state: %s":[""],"Autosign Entries":[""],"Valid from":[""],"Expires":[""],"Sign":[""],"Included Classes":[""],"Not authorized to edit classes":["Not authorised to edit classes"],"Available Classes":[""],"Filter classes":[""],"Smart Class Parameter":[""],"Smart Variables":[""],"Puppet environments":[""],"This Puppet class has no parameters in its signature.":[""],"To update the class signature, go to the Puppet Classes page and select \\\"Import\\\".":[""],"Undo remove":[""],"Filter by name":[""],"Add Variable":[""],"Edit Puppet Class %s":[""],"Puppetclass|Name":["Class name"],"Environments and documentation":[""],"Variables":[""],"Override all parameters":[""],"This will set all parameters of the class %s as overridden. Continue?":[""],"This will reset parameters of the class %s to their default values. Continue?":[""],"Set parameters to defaults":[""],"Oops":[""],"Either you didnt generate the puppetdocs (see <a rel=\\\"external\\\" href=\\\"%{url}\\\">here</a>) or the class <strong>%{name}</strong> could not be found in environment <strong>%{environment}</strong><br/> Please ensure that the class <strong>%{name}</strong>s declaration is accessible via the modulepath associated with <strong>%{environment}</strong>.":[""],"Realm name, e.g. EXAMPLE.COM":[""],"Type of realm, e.g. FreeIPA":[""],"Realm type":[""],"Realm proxy":[""],"Realm proxy to use within this realm":[""],"Edit Realm":[""],"New Realm":[""],"Realm|Name":[""],"Foreman supports automatically creating realm entries for new hosts. When a realm is selected for a host, Foreman contacts the relevant realm smart proxy to create an entry for the host and retrieve it's one-time registration password.":[""],"Restart<br>Failures":[""],"Delete report for %s?":[""],"Report Metrics":[""],"Total":[""],"Nothing to show":[""],"Reported at %s ":[""],"Host times seems to be adrift!":[""],"Host reported time is <em>%s</em>":[""],"Foreman report creation time is <em>%s</em>":[""],"Which is an offset of <b>%s</b>":[""],"Other reports for this host":[""],"Diff View":[""],"Puppet Reports":[""],"You don't seem to have any reports, if you wish to configure Puppet to forward it reports to Foreman, please follow":[""],"setting up reporting":[""],"and":[""],"e-mail reporting":[""],"This page will self destruct once a report comes in.":[""],"Please save the role first. You can edit it later to add filters":[""],"Loading filters...":[""],"Edit Roles":[""],"New role":[""],"Role|Name":["Name"],"Add filter":[""],"New Role":[""],"Setting|Name":["Name"],"Setting|Value":["Value"],"Setting|Description":["Description"],"Smart Proxy":[""],"Edit Proxy":[""],"New Smart Proxy":[""],"SmartProxy|Name":["Name"],"SmartProxy|Url":["URL"],"New Proxy":[""],"Optional: Gateway for this subnet":[""],"Optional: Primary DNS for this subnet":[""],"Optional: Secondary DNS for this subnet":[""],"IPAM":[""],"IP Address Management":[""],"You can select one of three possible IPAM modes:<br/><ul><li><strong>DHCP</strong> - will manage the IP on DHCP through assigned DHCP proxy, auto-suggested IPs come from DHCP</li><li><strong>Internal DB</strong> - use internal DB to auto-suggest free IP based on other interfaces on same subnet respecting range if specified, useful mainly with static boot mode</li><li><strong>None</strong> - leave IP management solely on user, no auto-suggestion</li></ul>":[""],"Optional: Starting IP Address for IP auto suggestion":[""],"Optional: Ending IP Address for IP auto suggestion":[""],"Optional: VLAN ID for this subnet":[""],"Default boot mode for interfaces assigned to this subnet":[""],"Proxies":[""],"DHCP Proxy":[""],"TFTP Proxy":[""],"DNS Proxy to use within this subnet for managing PTR records, note that A records are managed via Domain DNS proxy":[""],"Edit Subnet":[""],"The following subnets have been found":[""],"New Subnet":[""],"Subnet|Name":["Name"],"Subnet|Network":["Network address"],"Subnet|Vlanid":["VLAN ID"],"Select organizations":["Select organisations"],"Select locations":[""],"Default on login":[""],"Edit Properties":[""],"Assigning hosts to %{taxonomy_name} will also update %{taxonomy_name} to include all the resources that the selected hosts are currently using.":[""],"Assign All":[""],"Assign the %{count} host with no %{taxonomy_single} to %{taxonomy_name}":["",""],"Manually Assign":[""],"Manually select and assign hosts with no %s":[""],"Proceed to Edit":[""],"Skip assign hosts and proceed to edit %s settings":[""],"Clone %s":[""],"Fix Mismatches":[""],"Mismatches Report":[""],"Notice:":[""],"There is":["",""],"%{count} host with no %{taxonomy_single} assigned":["",""],"Taxonomy|Name":["Name"],"Select hosts to assign to %s":[""],"Mismatches":[""],"Fix All Mismatches":[""],"Location/Organization":["Location/Organisation"],"Mismatch Details":[""],"No hosts are mismatched!":[""],"All hosts data matches configurations for locations and organizations.":["All hosts data matches configurations for locations and organisations."],"Warning: This template is locked. You may only change the associations. Please %s it to customize.":["Warning: This template is locked. You may only change the associations. Please %s it to customise."],"clone":[""],"Useful template functions and macros":[""],"Note: %s ":[""],"Template editor":[""],"Code":[""],"Diff":[""],"Preview":[""],"Key Binding":[""],"Selecting a file will override the editor and load the file instead":[""],"Audit Comment":[""],"The Audit Comment field is saved with the template auditing to document the template changes":[""],"Revert":[""],"Show Diff":[""],"Save something and try again":[""],"No history found":[""],"Please Select":[""],"Show Host":[""],"Edit Trend %s":[""],"Fact Name":[""],"Display Name":[""],"Add Trend Counter":[""],"No trend counter defined.":[""],"To define trend counters, use the Add Trend Counter button.":[""],"To start collecting trend data, set a cron job to execute 'foreman-rake trends:counter' every Puppet Interval (%s minutes).":[""],"No trend counter found.":[""],"To start collecting trend data, set a cron job to execute <span class='black'>foreman-rake trends:counter</span> every Puppet Interval (%s 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how to describe your controllers.":[""],"further instructions":[""],"Oops!!":[""],"Resource %{res} not found.":[""],"Method %{method} not found for resource %{resource}.":[""],"Try going to %{href}":[""],"%{app_name} API documentation homepage":[""],"required":[""],"optional":[""],"nil allowed":[""],"Param name":[""],"Params":[""],"Examples":[""],"Metadata":[""],"Errors":[""],"Supported Formats":[""],"Please enable JavaScript to view the %{comments_href}.":[""],"comments powered by %{disqus}":[""],"API documentation":[""],"Architecture|Hostgroups count":[""],"Architecture|Hosts count":[""],"Audited::Adapters::ActiveRecord::Audit|Action":["Action"],"Audited::Adapters::ActiveRecord::Audit|Associated name":["Associated name"],"Audited::Adapters::ActiveRecord::Audit|Associated type":["Associated type"],"Audited::Adapters::ActiveRecord::Audit|Auditable name":["Auditable name"],"Audited::Adapters::ActiveRecord::Audit|Auditable type":["Auditable 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var locales = locales || {}; locales['fr'] = {"domain":"app","locale_data":{"app":{"":{"Project-Id-Version":"Foreman","Report-Msgid-Bugs-To":"","PO-Revision-Date":"2015-08-07 09:13+0000","Last-Translator":"Lukáš Zapletal","Language-Team":"French (","MIME-Version":"1.0","Content-Type":"text/plain; charset=UTF-8","Content-Transfer-Encoding":"8bit","Language":"fr","Plural-Forms":"nplurals=2; plural=(n > 1);","lang":"fr","domain":"app","plural_forms":"nplurals=2; plural=(n > 1);"},"Failed to fetch: ":["Erreur de récupération :"],"Sorry but no templates were configured.":["Désolé mais aucun modèle n'a été configuré."],"Loading ...":["Chargement ..."],"Exit Full Screen":["Quitter le mode plein écran"],"Details":["Détails"],"Reset zoom":["Réinitialiser le zoom"],"Loading":["Chargement"],"%s host":["%s hôte","%s hôtes"],"Fact distribution chart":["Diagramme de répartition des facts"],"Failed to load chart":["Impossible de charger le graphique"],"Click to undo adding this class":["Cliquer pour annuler l'ajout de cette classe"],"belongs to config group":["appartient au groupe de configuration"],"Click to remove config group":["Cliquez pour supprimer un groupe de configuration"]," Remove":["Supprimer"],"There was an error listing VMs: %(status)s %(statusText)s":["Il y a eu une erreur en listant les VMs : %(status)s %(statusText)s"],"physical @ NAT %s":["physique associée au NAT %s"],"physical @ bridge %s":["physique associée au pont %s"],"Are you sure you want to delete this widget from your dashboard?":["Êtes vous sur de supprimer ce widget de votre tableau de bord ?"],"Widget removed from dashboard.":["Le widget a été supprimé du tableau de bord."],"Error removing widget from dashboard.":["Erreur de suppression du widget du tableau de bord."],"Widget positions successfully saved.":["Sauvegarde des emplacements des widgets réussie."],"Failed to save widget positions.":["Impossible de sauver les emplacements des widgets."],"Nothing to restore":["Rien à restaurer"],"Loading interfaces information ...":["Chargement des informations des interfaces ..."],"Error loading interfaces information: %s":["Erreur de chargement des informations des interfaces : %s"],"Loading virtual machine information ...":["Chargement des informations de la machine virtuelle ..."],"Error loading virtual machine information: %s":["Erreur de chargement des informations de la machine virtuelle : %s"],"Loading parameters...":["Chargement des paramètres ..."],"Please select":["Merci de choisir"],"No subnets":["Aucun sous-réseau"],"Error generating IP: %s":["Erreur de génération de l'adresse IP : %s"],"Interface":["Interface"],"Primary":["Principal"],"Provisioning":["Provisionnement "],"Some other interface is already set as primary. Are you sure you want to use this one instead?":["Une autre interface est déjà définie comme primaire. Êtes-vous sûrs de vouloir utiliser celle-ci à la place ?"],"Some other interface is already set as provisioning. Are you sure you want to use this one instead?":["Une autre interface est déjà définie pour le provisionnement. Êtes-vous sûrs de vouloir utiliser celle-ci à la place ?"],"virtual attached to %s":["virtuelle attachée à %s"],"virtual":["Virtuel"],"physical":["Physique"],"Reboot and build":["Redémarrage et réinstallation"],"Build":["Construire"],"Select All":["Tout sélectionner"],"All items":["Tous les éléments"],"Filter":["Filtre"],"Deselect All":["Tout désélectionner"],"Selected items":["Eléments sélectionnés"],"Select this since it belongs to a host":["Choix retenu vu qu'il appartient à un hôte"],"This is used by a host":["Utilisé par un hôte"],"This is inherited from parent":["Hérité du parent"],"Parent is already selected":["Le parent est déjà sélectionné"],"new":["nouveau"],"Medium":["Medium"],"Very Strong":["Très fort"],"Normal":["Normal"],"Strong":["Fort"],"Weak":["Faible"],"Your password is too short":["Votre mot de passe est trop court"],"Do not use your email as your password":["N'utilisez pas votre adresse mail comme mot de passe"],"Your password cannot contain your username":["Votre mot de passe ne peut pas contenir votre nom d'utilisateur"],"Use different character classes":["Utilisez différentes classes de caractères"],"Too many repetitions":["Trop de répétitions"],"Your password contains sequences":["Votre mot de passe contient des séquences"],"password match":["le mot de passe correspond"],"passwords do not match":["Les mots de passe ne correspondent pas"],"You are about to override the editor content, are you sure?":["Vous êtes sur le point d'écraser le contenu de l'éditeur, êtes vous sûr ?"],"No changes":["Aucun changement"],"Rendering the template, please wait...":[""],"There was an error during rendering, return to the Code tab to edit the template.":[""],"You are about to override the editor content with a previous version, are you sure?":["Vous êtes sur le point de remplacer le contenu de l'éditeur par une version précédente, êtes vous sûr ?"],"Revert to revision from: %s":["Revenir à la révision depuis : %s"],"View Diff":["Voir le diff"],"Click to edit..":["Cliquer pour éditer"],"Save":["Sauvegarder"],"Cancel":["Annuler"],"must set host and port":["hôte et port doivent être définis"],"Connected (unencrypted) to: %s":["Connecté (non chiffré) à : %s"],"Admin permissions required":["Permissions Admin requises"],"%{param} is not allowed as nested parameter for %{controller_name}. 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Si vous avez absolument besoin de l'API v1, vous pouvez soit passer l'option 'version=1' au Header Accept, soit utiliser api/v1/ dans l'URL d'accès."],"for Libvirt and VMware only":["seulement pour Libvirt et VMware"],"Cannot delete group %{current} because it has nested groups.":["Impossible d'effacer le groupe %{current} car il possède des sous groupes."],"List all architectures":["Lister toutes les architectures"],"List all architectures for operating system":["Liste de toutes les architectures pour le système d'exploitation"],"ID of operating system":["ID du système d'exploitation"],"Show an architecture":["Afficher une architecture"],"Operating system IDs":["IDs des systèmes d'exploitation"],"Create an architecture":["Créer une architecture"],"Update an architecture":["Mise à jour d'une architecture"],"Delete an architecture":["Supprimer une architecture"],"List all audits":["Lister tous les audits"],"List all audits for a given host":["Lister tous les audits d'un hôte"],"Show an audit":["Afficher un audit"],"List all LDAP authentication sources":["Lister toutes les sources d'authentification LDAP"],"Show an LDAP authentication source":["Afficher une source d'authentification LDAP"],"defaults to 389":["par défaut à 389"],"required if onthefly_register is true":["requis si onthefly_register est vrai"],"groups base DN":["base DN des Groupes"],"type of the LDAP server":["Type de serveur LDAP"],"LDAP filter":["Filtre LDAP"],"Create an LDAP authentication source":["Créer une source d'authentification LDAP"],"Update an LDAP authentication source":["Mise à jour d'une source d'authentification LDAP"],"Delete an LDAP authentication source":["Supprimer une souce d'authentification LDAP"],"List all autosign entries":["Lister toutes les entrées auto-signées"],"Foreman API v2 is currently the default API version.":["L'API v2 de Foreman est à présent l'API par défaut."],"paginate results":["paginer les resultats"],"number of entries per request":["nombre d'entier par requête"],"filter results":["filtrer les résultats"],"sort results":["trier les resultats"],"REPLACE locations with given ids":["REMPLACER les localisations qui ont les ID suivant"],"REPLACE organizations with given ids.":["REMPLACER les organisations qui ont les ID suivant"],"Scope by locations":["Tri par localisation"],"Scope by organizations":["Tri par organisation"],"List all bookmarks":["Lister tous les marques pages"],"Show a bookmark":["Afficher un marque page"],"Create a bookmark":["Créer un marque page"],"Update a bookmark":["Mise à jour d'un marque page"],"Delete a bookmark":["Supprimer un marque page"],"List all global parameters.":["Lister les paramètres globaux"],"Show a global parameter":["Afficher un paramètre gobal"],"Create a global parameter":["Créer un paramètre global"],"Update a global parameter":["Mise à jour d'un paramètre global"],"Delete a global parameter":["Supprimer un paramètre global"],"Create a compute attributes set":["Créer un jeu d'attributs pour ressources d'ordinateur"],"Update a compute attributes set":["Mise à jour d'une ressource d'ordinateur d'un profil de ressource d'ordinateur"],"List of compute profiles":["Liste des profils d'ordinateur"],"Show a compute profile":["Afficher un profil d'ordinateur"],"Create a compute profile":["Créer un profil pour ressources d'ordinateur"],"Update a compute profile":["Mise à jour d'un profil d'ordinateur"],"Delete a compute profile":["Supprimer un profil de ressource d'ordinateur"],"List all compute resources":["Lister toutes les ressources d'ordinateur"],"Show a compute resource":["Afficher une ressource d'ordinateur"],"Providers include %{providers}":["Fournisseurs inclue %{providers}"],"URL for Libvirt, oVirt, and OpenStack":["L'URL pour Libvirt, oVirt, ou OpenStack"],"Username for oVirt, EC2, VMware, OpenStack. Access Key for EC2.":["Nom d'utilisateur pour oVirt, EC2, VMware, OpenStack. Clef d'accès pour EC2."],"Password for oVirt, EC2, VMware, OpenStack. Secret key for EC2":["Mot de passe pour oVirt, EC2, VMware, OpenStack. Clef secrète pour EC2."],"for oVirt, VMware Datacenter":["pour oVirt, VMware Datacenter"],"for EC2 only":["Seulement pour EC2"],"for OpenStack only":["seulement pour OpenStack"],"for VMware":["pour VMware"],"Create a compute resource":["Créer une ressource d'ordinateur"],"Update a compute resource":["Mise à jour d'une ressource d'ordinateur"],"Delete a compute resource":["Supprimer une ressource d'ordinateur"],"List available images for a compute resource":["Lister les images disponibles pour une ressource d'ordinateur"],"List available clusters for a compute resource":["Lister les clusters disponibles pour une ressource d'ordinateur"],"List available folders for a compute resource":["Lister les répertoires disponibles sur une ressource d'ordinateur"],"List available networks for a compute resource":["Lister les réseaux disponibles pour une ressource d'ordinateur"],"List available networks for a compute resource cluster":["Lister les réseaux disponibles pour un cluster de ressources d'ordinateur"],"List resource pools for a compute resource cluster":["Lister les pools de ressources d'un cluster de ressources d'ordinateur"],"List storage domains for a compute resource":["Lister les domaines de stockage pour une ressource d'ordinateur"],"List attributes for a given storage domain":["Lister les attributs d'un domaine de stockage"],"Associate VMs to Hosts":["Associer les VM à des hôtes"],"List of config groups":["Liste des groupes de configuration"],"Show a config group":["Afficher un groupe de configuration"],"Create a config group":["Créer un groupe de configuration"],"Update a config group":["Mise à jour d'un groupe de configuration"],"Delete a config group":["Supprimer un group de configuration"],"List provisioning templates":["Lister les modèles de provisionnement"],"List provisioning templates per operating system":["Liste des modèles de provisionnement par système d'exploitation"],"List provisioning templates per location":["Liste des modèles de provisionnement par localisation"],"List provisioning templates per organization":["Liste des modèles de provisionnement par organisation"],"Show provisioning template details":["Afficher les détails des modèles de provisionnement"],"template name":["Nom de modèle"],"not relevant for snippet":["n'est pas applicable pour les snippets"],"Array of template combinations (hostgroup_id, environment_id)":["Tableau des combinaisons de modèles (hostgroup_id, environment_id)"],"Array of operating system IDs to associate with the template":["Tableau des ID de systèmes d'exploitation associés à ce modèle"],"Whether or not the template is locked for editing":["Etat du verrou d'édition du modèle"],"Create a provisioning template":["Créer un modèle de provisionnement"],"Update a provisioning template":["Mise à jour d'un modèle de provisionnement"],"template version":["version de modèle"],"Delete a provisioning template":["Supprimer un modèle de provisionnement"],"Update the default PXE menu on all configured TFTP servers":["Mise à jour du menu PXE par défaut sur tous les serveurs TFTP configurés"],"Clone a provision template":["Cloner un modèle de provisionnement"],"Get dashboard details":["Voir les détails du Dashboard"],"List of domains":["Liste des domaines"],"List of domains per subnet":["Liste des domaines par sous réseau"],"List of domains per location":["Liste des domaines par localisation"],"List of domains per organization":["Liste des domaines par organisation"],"ID of subnet":["ID du sous réseau"],"Show a domain":["Afficher un domaine"],"Numerical ID or domain name":["ID numérique ou nom de domaine"],"The full DNS domain name":["Le nom DNS complet"],"Description of the domain":["Description du domaine"],"DNS proxy to use within this domain":["Proxy DNS à utiliser pour ce domaine"],"Array of parameters (name, value)":["Tableau de paramètres (nom, valeur)"],"Create a domain":["Créer un domaine"],"Update a domain":["Mise à jour d'un domaine"],"Delete a domain":["Supprimer un domaine"],"List all environments":["Lister tous les environnements"],"List environments of Puppet class":["Liste des environnements d'une classe Puppet"],"List environments per location":["Liste des environnements par localisation"],"List environments per organization":["Liste des environnements par organisation"],"ID of Puppet class":["ID de la classe Puppet"],"Show an environment":["Afficher un environnement"],"Create an environment":["Créer un environnement"],"Update an environment":["Mise à jour d'un environnement"],"Delete an environment":["Supprimer un environnement"],"List all external user groups for user group":["lister tous les groupe d'utilisateurs externe pour une groupe d'utilisateurs"],"List all external user groups for LDAP authentication source":["Liste de tous les groupes utilisateur externes pour cette source d'authentification LDAP"],"ID or name of user group":["ID ou nom du groupe d'utilisateurs"],"Show an external user group for user group":["Afficher les goupe d'utilisateurs externe pour un groupe d'utilisateurs"],"Show an external user group for LDAP authentication source":["Afficher un groupe d'utilisateurs d'une source d'authentification LDAP"],"ID or name of external user group":["ID ou nom du groupe d'utilisateurs externe"],"External user group information":["Information du groupe d'utilisateurs externe"],"External user group name":["Nom du groupe d'utilisateurs externe"],"ID of linked authentication source":["ID de la source d'authentification liée"],"Create an external user group linked to a user group":["Creation d'un goupe d'utilisateurs externe lié à un groupe d'utilisateurs"],"Update external user group":["Mettre à jour un groupe d'utilisateur externe"],"Refresh external user group":["Rafraîchir un groupe d'utilisateur externe"],"Delete an external user group":["Supprimer un groupe d'utilisateurs externe"],"ID or name external user group":["ID ou nom d'un groupe d'utilisateurs externe"],"List all fact values":["Lister toutes les valeurs des facts"],"List all fact values of a given host":["Lister toutes les valeurs des facts d'un hôte"],"List all filters":["Lister tous les filtres"],"Show a filter":["Afficher un filtre"],"Create a filter":["Créer un filtre"],"Update a filter":["Mise à jour d'un filtre"],"Delete a filter":["Supprimer un filtre"],"Show available API links":["Afficher les liens disponibles de l'API "],"Show status":["Afficher le statut"],"List all Puppet class IDs for host":["Lister tous les ID des classes puppet pour un hôte"],"Add a Puppet class to host":["Ajout d'une classe Puppet à l'hôte"],"ID of host":["ID de l'hôte"],"Remove a Puppet class from host":["Supprimer une classe Puppet d'un hôte"],"List all Puppet class IDs for host group":["Lister tous les ID des classes puppet pour un groupe d'hôtes"],"Add a Puppet class to host group":["Ajouter un classe Puppet à un groupe d'hôtes"],"ID of host group":["ID du groupe d'hôtes"],"Remove a Puppet class from host group":["Supprimer une classe Puppet d'un groupe d'hôtes"],"List all host groups":["Lister tous les groupes d'hôtes"],"List all host groups for a Puppet class":["Liste de tous les groupes d'hôtes pour une classe Puppet"],"List all host groups per location":["Liste de tous les groupes d'hôtes par localisation"],"List all host groups per organization":["Liste de tous les groupes d'hôtes par organisation"],"Show a host group":["Afficher un groupe d'hôtes"],"Create a host group":["Créer un groupe d'hôtes"],"Update a host group":["Mise à jour d'un groupe d'hôtes"],"Delete a host group":["Supprimer un group d'hôtes"],"Cannot delete group %{current} because it has nested host groups.":["Impossible de supprimer le groupe %{current} parce qu'il possède des groupes imbriqués."],"Clone a host group":["Cloner un groupe d'hôtes"],"List all hosts":["Lister tous les hôtes"],"List all hosts for a host group":["Liste de tous les hôtes d'un groupe d'hôtes"],"List hosts per location":["Liste des hôtes par localisation"],"List hosts per organization":["Liste des hôtes par organisation"],"List hosts per environment":["Liste des hôtes par environnement"],"ID of location":["ID de la localisation"],"ID of organization":["ID de l'organisation"],"ID of environment":["ID de l'environnement"],"Show a host":["Afficher un hôte"],"required if locations are enabled":["requis si les localisations sont activées"],"required if organizations are enabled":["requis si les organisations sont activées"],"required if host is managed and value is not inherited from host group":["requis si l'hôte est géré et la valeur n'est pas héritée d'un groupe d'hôtes"],"not required if using a subnet with DHCP proxy":["n'est pas requis si il s'agit d'un sous réseau avec proxy DHCP"],"required for managed host that is bare metal, not required if it's a virtual machine":["requis pour les hôtes gérés qui sont des serveurs physiques, non requis pour les machines virtuelles"],"required if not imaged based provisioning and host is managed and value is not inherited from host group":["requis si le provisionnement n'est pas basé sur une image que l'hôte est géré et que la valeur n'est pas héritée d'un groupe d'hôtes"],"required if host is managed and custom partition has not been defined":["requis si l'hôte est géré et possède une partition spécifique qui n'a pas été définie"],"nil means host is bare metal":["nil signifie que l'hôte est un serveur physique"],"required if host is managed and value is not inherited from host group or default password in settings":["requis si l'hôte est gérer et la valeur n'est pas héritée d'un groupe d'hôtes ou du mot de passe par défaut défini dans les paramètres généraux"],"Host's owner type":["Type de propriétaire de cet hôte"],"True/False flag whether a host is managed or unmanaged. Note: this value also determines whether several parameters are required or not":["Drapeau True/False pour déterminer si un hôte est géré ou non géré. Note : Cette valeur détermine aussi si certains paramètres sont obligatoires."],"UUID to track orchestration tasks status, GET /api/orchestration/:UUID/tasks":["UUID pour surveiller l'état des tâches d'orchestration : GET /api/orchestration/:UUID/tasks"],"Additional information about this host":["Informations additionnelles sur cet hôte"],"Host's network interfaces.":["Interfaces réseau de cet hôte"],"Additional compute resource specific attributes.":["Autres attributs spécifiques de la ressource d'ordinateur."],"Create a host":["Créer un hôte"],"Update a host":["Mise à jour d'un hôte"],"Delete a host":["Supprimer un hôte"],"Get status of host":["Voir le statut de l'hôte"],"Get vm attributes of host":["Voir les attributs VM de l'hôte"],"Force a Puppet agent run on the host":["Forcer un Puppet agent run sur l'hôte"],"Disassociate the host from a VM":["Dissocier l'hôte d'une VM"],"Run a power operation on host":["Lancer une opération d'alimentation sur l'hôte"],"power action, valid actions are (on/start), (off/stop), (soft/reboot), (cycle/reset), (state/status)":["Action sur l'alimentation. Les actions valides sont : (on/start), (off/stop), (soft/reboot), (cycle/reset), (state/status)."],"Unknown power action: available methods are %s":["Action sur l'alimentation inconnue. Les actions possibles sont %s"],"Boot host from specified device":["Serveur de boot du périphérique spécifié"],"boot device, valid devices are disk, cdrom, pxe, bios":["périphérique de démarrage. Les périphériques valides sont : disk, cdrom, pxe, bios"],"Unknown device: available devices are %s":["Périphérique inconnu : Les périphériques disponibles sont %s"],"Upload facts for a host, creating the host if required":["Télécharge les facts d'un hôte, créé l'hôte si besoin"],"hostname of the host":["Nom d'hôte de l'hôte"],"hash containing the facts for the host":["hash contenant les facts de cet hôte"],"optional: certname of the host":["optionnel : nom de certificat ou nom d'hôte"],"optional: the STI type of host to create":["optionnel : le type STI de l'hôte à créer"],"Invalid type for host creation via facts: %s":["Type invalide pour la création d'hôtes par les facts : %s"],"A problem occurred when detecting host type: %s":["Un problème est survenu lors de la détection du type d'hôte: %s"],"List all images for a compute resource":["Lister toutes les images d'une ressource d'ordinateur"],"List all images for operating system":["Liste de toutes les images par système d'exploitation"],"List all images for architecture":["Liste de toutes les images d'une architecture"],"ID of compute resource":["ID de la ressource d'ordinateur"],"ID of architecture":["ID de l'architecture"],"Show an image":["Afficher une image"],"Create an image":["Créer une image"],"Update an image":["Mise à jour d'une image"],"Delete an image":["Supprimer une image"],"List all interfaces for host":["Lister toutes les interfaces d'un hôte"],"List all interfaces for domain":["Liste de toutes les interfaces par domaine"],"List all interfaces for subnet":["Liste de toutes les interfaces par sous réseau"],"ID or name of host":["ID ou nom d'hôte"],"ID or name of domain":["ID du nom de domaine"],"ID or name of subnet":["ID ou nom du sous réseau"],"Show an interface for host":["Afficher une interface d'un hôte"],"ID or name of interface":["ID ou nom de l'interface"],"MAC address of interface. Required for managed interfaces on bare metal.":["Adresse MAC de l'interface. Requis pour les interfaces gérées des hôtes physiques."],"IP address of interface":["Adresse IP de l'interface"],"Interface type, e.g. bmc. Default is %{default_nic_type}":["Type d'interface , p.e. bmc. Valeur par défaut %{default_nic_type}"],"Interface's DNS name":["Nom DNS de l'interface"],"Foreman subnet ID of interface":["ID du sous réseau Foreman de cette interface"],"Foreman domain ID of interface. Required for primary interfaces on managed hosts.":["Domaine ID Foreman de l'interface. Requis pour les interfaces primaires des hôtes gérés."],"Device identifier, e.g. eth0 or eth1.1":["Identifiant du périphérique. Ex : eth0 ou eth1.1"],"Should this interface be managed via DHCP and DNS smart proxy and should it be configured during provisioning?":["Est ce que cette interface est gérée par les smart proxies DHCP et DNS et doit être configurée pendant le provisionnement ?"],"Should this interface be used for constructing the FQDN of the host? Each managed hosts needs to have one primary interface.":["Cette interface doit-elle être utilisée pour choisir le FQDN de l'hôte ? Chaque hôte géré doit avoir une interface primaire."],"Should this interface be used for TFTP of PXELinux (or SSH for image-based hosts)? Each managed hosts needs to have one provision interface.":["Cette interface doit-elle être utilisée pour les communications TFTP et PXE (ou SSH pour les images d'hôtes) ? Chaque hôte géré doit avoir une interface de provisionnement."],"Only for BMC interfaces.":["Seulement pour les interfaces BMC."],"Interface provider, e.g. IPMI. Only for BMC interfaces.":["Fournisseur de l'interface. Ex. IPMI. Seulement pour les interfaces BMC."],"Alias or VLAN device":["Périphérique Alias ou VLAN"],"VLAN tag, this attribute has precedence over the subnet VLAN ID. Only for virtual interfaces.":["Tag VLAN. Cet attribut a précédence sur l'ID VLAN du sous réseau. Seulement pour les interfaces virtuelles."],"Identifier of the interface to which this interface belongs, e.g. eth1. Only for virtual interfaces.":["Identifiant de l'interface auquel est rattachée cette interface. Ex. eth1. Seulement pour les interfaces virtuelles."],"Bond mode of the interface, e.g. balance-rr. Only for bond interfaces.":["Mode d'agrégat de l'interface. Par ex. balance-rr. Seulement pour les interfaces bond."],"Identifiers of slave interfaces, e.g. `['eth1', 'eth2']`. Only for bond interfaces.":["Identifiants des interfaces esclaves. Par ex. ['eth0', 'eth1']. Seulement pour les interfaces bond."],"Space separated options, e.g. miimon=100. Only for bond interfaces.":["Options séparées par des espaces. Ex : miimon=100. Seulement pour les interfaces bond."],"Additional compute resource specific attributes for the interface.":["Autres attributs pour la ressource d'ordinateur spécifiques à cet interface."],"interface information":["information de l'interface"],"Create an interface on a host":["Créer une interface à un hôte"],"Update a host's interface":["Mise à jour d'une interface d'un hôte"],"ID of interface":["ID de l'interface"],"Delete a host's interface":["Supprimer une interface d'hôte"],"a location":["une localisation"],"List of email notifications":["Liste des notifications par courrier électronique"],"Show an email notification":["Voir une notification par courrier électronique"],"Numerical ID or email notification name":["ID numérique ou nom de la notification par courrier électronique"],"Operating system family, available values: %{operatingsystem_families}":["Famille du système d'exploitation, valeurs disponibles : %{operatingsystem_families}"],"List all installation media":["Lister tous les media d'installation"],"List all media for an operating system":["Liste de tous les media pour un système d'exploitation"],"List all media per location":["Liste de tous les media par localisation"],"List all media per organization":["Liste de tous les media par organisation"],"Show a medium":["Afficher un medium"],"Name of media":["Nom du media"],"Create a medium":["Créer un medium"],"Update a medium":["Mise à jour d'un medium"],"Delete a medium":["Supprimer un medim"],"List all hardware models":["Lister tous les modèles de matériel"],"Show a hardware model":["Afficher un modèle matériel"],"Create a hardware model":["Créer un modèle de matériel"],"Update a hardware model":["Mise à jour d'un modèle de matériel"],"Delete a hardware model":["Supprimer un modèle de matériel"],"List all operating systems":["Lister tous les systèmes d'exploitation"],"List all operating systems for nested architecture":["Liste de tous les systèmes d'exploitation pour les architectures imbriquées"],"List all operating systems for nested medium":["Liste de tous les systèmes d'exploitation pour les media imbriqués"],"List all operating systems for nested partition table":["Liste de tous les systèmes d'exploitation pour les tables de partitions imbriquées"],"List all operating systems for nested provisioning template":["Liste de tous les systèmes d'exploitation pour les modèles de provisionnement imbriqués"],"ID of medium":["ID du medium"],"ID of partition table":["ID de la table de partition"],"ID of template":["ID du modèle"],"Show an operating system":["Afficher un système d'exploitation"],"Root password hash function to use, one of MD5, SHA256, SHA512, Base64":["La fonction de hachage à utiliser pour le mot de passe root. Les fonctions possibles : MD5, SHA256, SHA512, Base64"],"IDs of associated architectures":["IDs des architectures associées"],"IDs of associated provisioning templates":["IDs des modèles de provisionnement associés"],"IDs of associated media":["IDs des médias associés"],"IDs of associated partition tables":["IDs des tables de partitions associées"],"Create an operating system":["Créer un système d'exploitation"],"Update an operating system":["Mettre à jour un système d'exploitation"],"Delete an operating system":["Supprimer un système d'exploitation"],"List boot files for an operating system":["Liste des fichiers de démarrage pour un système d'exploitation"],"an organization":["une organisation"],"List default templates combinations for an operating system":["Lister les combinaisons par défaut des modèles d'un système d'exploitation"],"List operating systems where this template is set as a default":["Liste des systèmes d'exploitation qui ont ce modèle comme modèle par défaut"],"ID of 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specific smart class parameter":["Afficher une valeur surchargée pour un paramètre smart class spécifique"],"Override match":["Élément conditionnel de surcharge"],"Override value":["Surcharger la valeur"],"Create an override value for a specific smart variable":["Surcharger une valeur pour une variable d'une smart class spécifique"],"Create an override value for a specific smart class parameter":["Surcharger une valeur pour un paramètre d'une smart class spécifique"],"Update an override value for a specific smart variable":["Mise à jour d'une valeur surchargée pour une smart variable"],"Update an override value for a specific smart class parameter":["Mise à jour d'une valeur surchargée pour un paramètre smart class"],"Delete an override value for a specific smart variable":["Supprimer une valeur surchargée pour une smart variable spécifique"],"Delete an override value for a specific smart class parameter":["Supprimer une valeur surchargée pour un paramètre d'une smart class spécifique"],"List all parameters for a host":["Lister tous les paramètres d'un hôte"],"List all parameters for a host group":["Lister tous les paramètres d'un groupe d'hôtes"],"List all parameters for a domain":["Lister tous les paramètres d'un domaine"],"List all parameters for an operating system":["Lister tous les paramètres d'un système d'exploitation"],"List all parameters for a location":["LLister tous les paramètres d'une localisation"],"List all parameters for an organization":["Lister tous les paramètres d'une organisation"],"ID of domain":["ID du domaine"],"Show a nested parameter for a host":["Afficher un paramètre imbriqué pour un hôte"],"Show a nested parameter for a host group":["Afficher un paramètre imbriqué pour un groupe d'hôtes"],"Show a nested parameter for a domain":["Afficher un paramètre imbriqué pour un domaine"],"Show a nested parameter for an operating system":["Afficher un paramètre imbriqué pour un système d'exploitation"],"Show a nested parameter for a 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d'hôtes"],"Update a nested parameter for a domain":["Mise à jour d'un paramètre imbriqué pour un domaine"],"Update a nested parameter for an operating system":["Mise à jour d'un paramètre imbriqué pour un système d'exploitation"],"Update a nested parameter for a location":["Mise à jour d'un paramètre imbriqué pour une localisation"],"Update a nested parameter for an organization":["Mise à jour d'un paramètre imbriqué pour une organisation"],"Delete a nested parameter for a host":["Supprimer une paramètre imbriqué pour un hôte"],"Delete a nested parameter for a host group":["Supprimer un paramètre imbriqué pour un group d'hôtes"],"Delete a nested parameter for a domain":["Supprimer un paramètre imbriqué pour un domaine"],"Delete a nested parameter for an operating system":["Supprimer une paramètre imbriqué pour un système d'exploitation"],"Delete a nested parameter for a location":["Supprimer un paramètre imbriqué pour une localisation"],"Delete a nested parameter for an 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partition tables":["Lister toutes les tables de partition"],"List all partition tables for an operating system":["Liste de toutes les tables de partition pour un système d'exploitation"],"List all partition tables per location":["Liste de toutes les tables de partition d'une localisation"],"List all partition tables per organization":["Liste de toutes les tables de partition par organisation"],"Show a partition table":["Afficher une table de partition"],"Array of operating system IDs to associate with the partition table":["Tableau des ID de systèmes d'exploitation associés à la table de partition"],"Array of host IDs to associate with the partition table":["Tableau des ID des hôtes à associer à la table de partition"],"Array of host group IDs to associate with the partition table":["Tableau des ID des groupes d'hôtes à associer à la table de partition"],"Create a partition table":["Créer une table de partition"],"Update a partition table":["Mise à jour d'une table de partition"],"Delete a partition table":["Supprimer une table de partition"],"Clone a template":["Cloner un modèle"],"List all Puppet classes":["Lister toutes les classes Puppet"],"List all Puppet classes for a host":["Lister toutes les classes Puppet d'un hôte"],"List all Puppet classes for a host group":["Lister toutes les classes Puppet d'un groupe hôtes"],"List all Puppet classes for an environment":["Lister toutes les classes Puppet d'un environnement"],"Show a Puppet class":["Afficher une classe Puppet"],"Show a Puppet class for host":["Afficher une classe Puppet pour un hôte"],"Show a Puppet class for a host group":["Afficher une classe Puppet pour un groupe d'hôtes"],"Show a Puppet class for an environment":["Afficher une classe Puppet pour un environnement"],"Create a Puppet class":["Créer une classe Puppet"],"Update a Puppet class":["Mise à jour d'une classe Puppet"],"Delete a Puppet class":["Supprimer une classe Puppet"],"List of realms":["Liste des royaumes"],"Show a realm":["Afficher un royaume"],"Numerical ID or realm name":["ID numérique ou nom de royaume"],"The realm name, e.g. EXAMPLE.COM":["Le nom du royaume. Ex. : EXAMPLE.COM"],"Proxy to use for this realm":["Proxy à utiliser pour ce royaume"],"Realm type, e.g. FreeIPA or Active Directory":["Type de royaume. Ex : FreeIPA ou Active Directory"],"Create a realm":["Créer un royaume"],"Update a realm":["Mise à jour d'un royaume"],"Delete a realm":["Supprimer un royaume"],"List all reports":["Lister tous les rapports"],"Show a report":["Afficher un rapport"],"Hostname or certname":["Nom d'hôte ou nom du certificat"],"UTC time of report":["Date UTC du rapport"],"Hash of status type totals":["Hash des types de statut Puppet (Ex.: failed/skipped) et des nombres d'items"],"Hash of report metrics, can be just {}":["Hash des métriques de rapport, peut être simplement {}"],"Optional array of log hashes":["Optionnel : tableau de hash des logs"],"Create a report":["Créer un rapport"],"Delete a report":["Supprimer un rapport"],"Show the last report for a host":["Afficher le dernier rapport d'un hôte"],"List all roles":["Lister tous les rôles"],"Show a role":["Afficher un rôle"],"Create a role":["Créer un rôle"],"Update a role":["Mise à jour d'un rôle"],"Delete a role":["Supprimer un rôle"],"List all settings":["Lister tous les paramètres du logiciel"],"Show a setting":["Afficher un paramètre de l'application"],"Update a setting":["Mise à jour d'un paramètre de l'application"],"List all smart class parameters":["Lister tous les paramètres des smart class"],"List of smart class parameters for a specific host":["Liste des paramètres smart class pour un hôte spécifique"],"List of smart class parameters for a specific host group":["Liste des paramètres smart class pour un groupe d'hôtes spécifique"],"List of smart class parameters for a specific Puppet class":["Liste des paramètres smart class pour une classe Puppet spécifique"],"List of smart class parameters for a specific environment":["Liste des paramètres smart class pour un environnement spécifique"],"List of smart class parameters for a specific environment/Puppet class combination":["Liste des paramètres smart class pour une combinaison environnement / classe Puppet spécifique"],"Show a smart class parameter":["Afficher un paramètre de smart class"],"Update a smart class parameter":["Mise à jour d'un paramètre de smart class"],"Whether the smart class parameter value is managed by Foreman":["Dépend si le paramètre smart class est géré par Foreman"],"Description of smart class":["Description de la smart class"],"Value to use when there is no match":["Valeur à utiliser quand il n'y a pas de correspondance"],"Do not send this parameter via the ENC. Puppet will use the value defined in the Puppet manifest for this parameter":["Ne pas transmettre ce paramètre par l'ENC. Puppet utilisera la valeur définie dans le manifest Puppet pour ce paramètre. "],"The order in which values are resolved":["L'ordre dans lequel les valeurs sont interprétés"],"Types of validation values":["Types des valeurs pour la validation"],"Used to enforce certain values for the parameter values":["Utilisé pour forcer certaines valeurs pour les valeurs des paramètres"],"Types of variable values":["Types de variables des valeurs"],"If true, will raise an error if there is no default value and no matcher provide a value":["Si coché, Foreman va générer une erreur s'il n'y a pas de valeur par défaut et aucun matcher ne fournit de valeur"],"Merge all matching values (only array/hash type)":["Fusionner toutes les valeurs qui correspondent (seulement pour les types tableau/hash)"],"Remove duplicate values (only array type)":["Supprime les valeurs dupliquées (seulement pour le type tableau)"],"List all smart proxies":["Lister tous les smart proxies"],"Show a smart proxy":["Afficher un smart proxy"],"Create a smart proxy":["Créer un smart proxy"],"Update a smart proxy":["Mise à jour d'un smart proxy"],"Delete a smart proxy":["Supprimer un smart proxy"],"Refresh smart proxy features":["Rafraichir les fonctions smart proxy"],"List all smart variables":["Lister toutes les smart variables"],"List of smart variables for a specific host":["Liste des smart variables pour un hôte spécifique"],"List of smart variables for a specific host group":["Liste des smart variables pour un groupe d'hôtes spécifique"],"List of smart variables for a specific Puppet class":["Liste des smart variables pour une classe Puppet spécifique"],"Show a smart variable":["Afficher une smart variable"],"Name of variable":["Nom de la variable"],"Puppet class ID":["ID de la classe Puppet"],"Default value of variable":["Valeur par défaut de la variable"],"Description of variable":["Description de la variable"],"Create a smart variable":["Créer une smart variable"],"Update a smart variable":["Mise à jour d'une smart variable"],"Delete a smart variable":["Supprimer une smart variable"],"Get statistics":["Voir les statistiques"],"List of subnets":["Liste des sous réseaux"],"List of subnets for a domain":["Liste des sous réseaux d'un domaine"],"List of subnets per location":["Liste des sous réseaux par localisation"],"List of subnets per organization":["Liste des sous réseaux par organisation"],"Show a subnet":["Afficher un sous réseau"],"Subnet name":["Nom du sous réseau"],"Subnet network":["Réseau du sous réseau"],"Netmask for this subnet":["masque de sous-réseau"],"Primary DNS for this subnet":["DNS primaire pour ce sous réseau"],"Secondary DNS for this subnet":["DNS secondaire pour ce sous réseau"],"IP Address auto suggestion mode for this subnet, valid values are \\\"DHCP\\\", \\\"Internal DB\\\", \\\"None\\\"":["Mode d'autosuggestion d'adresse IP pour ce sous réseau. Les valeurs possibles sont \\\"DHCP\\\", \\\"Internal DB\\\" et \\\"None\\\"."],"Starting IP Address for IP auto suggestion":["Adresse IP de début pour l'auto suggestion d'IP"],"Ending IP Address for IP auto suggestion":["Adresse IP de fin pour l'autosuggestion d'adresse IP"],"VLAN ID for this subnet":["VLAN ID de ce sous réseau"],"Domains in which this subnet is part":["Domaines qui incluent ce sous-réseau"],"DHCP Proxy to use within this subnet":["Proxy DHCP à utiliser avec ce sous réseau"],"TFTP Proxy to use within this subnet":["Proxy TFTP à utiliser pour ce sous-réseau"],"DNS Proxy to use within this subnet":["Proxy DNS à utiliser pour ce subnet"],"Default boot mode for interfaces assigned to this subnet, valid values are \\\"Static\\\", \\\"DHCP\\\"":["Mode de démarrage par défaut pour les interfaces de ce sous réseau. Les valeurs possibles sont \\\"Static\\\" et \\\"DHCP\\\""],"Create a subnet":["Créer un sous réseau"],"Update a subnet":["Mise à jour d'un sous réseau"],"Subnet numeric identifier":["Identifiant numérique du sous réseau"],"Delete a subnet":["Supprimer un sous-réseau"],"List all tasks for a given orchestration event":["Lister toutes les tâches pour un élémennt d'orchestration"],"ID of config template":["ID du modèle de configuration"],"List template combination":["Lister les combinaisons de modèles"],"environment id":["id de l'environnement"],"host group id":["Id du groupe d'hôte"],"Add a template combination":["Ajouter une combinaison de modèle"],"Show template combination":["Afficher la combinaison de modèles"],"Update template combination":["Mise à jour de la combinaison de modèle"],"Delete a template combination":["Supprimer une combinaison de modèle"],"List all template kinds":["Lister tous les types de modèles"],"List all user groups":["Lister tous les groupes d'utilisateurs"],"Show a user group":["Afficher un groupe d'utilisateurs"],"Create a user group":["Créer un groupe d'utilisateurs"],"Update a user group":["Mise à jour d'un groupe d'hôtes"],"Delete a user group":["Supprimer un group d'utilisateurs"],"List all users":["Lister tous les utilisateurs"],"List all users for LDAP authentication source":["Liste de tous les utilisateurs d'une source d'authentification LDAP"],"List all users for user group":["Liste de tous les utilisateurs d'un groupe"],"List all users for role":["Liste de tous les utilisateurs pour un rôle"],"List all users for location":["Liste de tous les utilisateurs d'une localisation"],"List all users for organization":["Liste de tous les utilisateurs d'une organisation"],"ID of LDAP authentication source":["ID de la source d'authentification LDAP"],"ID of user group":["ID du groupe utilisateur"],"ID of role":["ID du rôle"],"Show a user":["Afficher un utilisateur"],"is an admin account":["est un compte administrateur"],"User's timezone":["Fuseau horaire de l'utilisateur"],"User's preferred locale":["Locale préférée de l'utilisateur"],"Create a user":["Créer un utilisateur"],"Update a user":["Mise à jour d'un utilisateur"],"Delete a user":["Supprimer un utilisateur"],"You are trying to delete your own account":["Vous essayez de supprimer votre propre compte"],"Email is Required":["Le champ Mail est requis"],"Invalid query":["Requête invalide"],"Successfully created %s.":["Créé avec succès %s."],"Successfully updated %s.":["Mise à jour avec succès %s."],"Successfully deleted %s.":["Supprimé avec succès %s."],"Unknown action name for success message: %s":["Nom d'action inconnue pour ce message de succès : %s"],"Conflict - %s":["Conflit - %s"],"Failure: %s":["Erreur : %s"],"Organization you had selected as your context has been deleted.":["L'organisation que vous avez sélectionné comme contexte a été effacée."],"Location you had selected as your context has been deleted.":["La localisation que vous avez sélectionnée comme contexte a été effacée."],"You must create at least one location before continuing.":["Vous devez créer au moins une localisation pour continuer."],"You must create at least one organization before continuing.":["Vous devez créer au moins une organisation pour continuer."],"Error":["Erreur"],"OK":["OK"],"Invalid authenticity token":["Jeton d'authenticité invalide"],"Bookmark was successfully created.":["Marque-page créé avec succès. "],"Bookmark was successfully updated.":["Marque-page mis à jour avec succès. "],"%s VM associated to a host":[" %s VM associée à un hôte"," %s VM associées à un hôte"],"VM already associated with a host":["Cette VM est déjà associée à un hôte"],"VM associated to host %s":["Cette VM est associée à l'hôte %s"],"No host found to associate this VM with":["Aucun hôte trouvé à associer à cette VM"],"The virtual machine is being deleted.":["La machine virtuelle est en cours de suppression"],"Failed to set console: %s":["Échec de création de la console : %s"],"%{vm} is now %{vm_state}":["%{vm} est maintenant %{vm_state}"],"failed to %{action} %{vm}":["échec de %{action} %{vm}"],"Error - %{message}":["Erreur - %{message}"],"Import puppet classes from puppet proxy.":["Import des classes Puppet depuis un proxy Puppet"],"Import puppet classes from puppet proxy for an environment":["Import des classes puppet depuis le proxy puppet d'un environnement"],"Optional comma-delimited string containing either 'new', 'updated', or 'obsolete' that is used to limit the imported Puppet classes":["Optionnel : liste de mots séparées par des virgules parmi 'new, updated, obsolete' utilisée pour limiter les classes Puppet importées"],"Failed to update the environments and Puppet classes from the on-disk puppet installation: %s":["Échec de la mise à jour des environnements et classes Puppet depuis l'application Puppet présente sur le disque : %s"],"No proxy found to import classes from, ensure that the smart proxy has the Puppet feature enabled.":["Aucun proxy trouvé pour l'import des classes. Assurez vous qu'un smart proxy ait la fonction Puppet active."],"No changes to your environments detected":["Aucun changement détecté dans vos environnements"],"Puppet class with id '%{id}' was not found":["L'ID de classe Puppet '%{id}' n'a pas été trouvé"],"Environment with id '%{id}' was not found":["L'ID d'environnement '%{id}' n'a pas été trouvé"],"Host with id '%{id}' was not found":["L'ID d'hôte '%{id}' n'a pas été trouvé"],"Hostgroup with id '%{id}' was not found":["L'ID de groupe '%{id}' n'a pas été trouvé"],"User IDs":["IDs des utilisateurs"],"Smart proxy IDs":["IDs des Smart proxies"],"Compute resource IDs":["IDs de ressources d'ordianteur"],"Media IDs":["IDs des media"],"Provisioning template IDs":["IDs des modèles de provisionnement"],"Partition template IDs":[""],"Domain IDs":["IDs de domaines"],"Realm IDs":["IDs des royaumes"],"Host group IDs":["IDs des groupes"],"Environment IDs":["IDs des environnements"],"Subnet IDs":["IDs des sous-réseaux"],"List all :resource_id":["Tout lister : resource_id"],"Show :a_resource":["Afficher : a_resource"],"Create :a_resource":["Créer : ressource"],"Update :a_resource":["Mise à jour : a_resource"],"Delete :a_resource":["Suppression : ressource"],"Cannot delete %{current} because it has nested %{sti_name}.":["Impossible de supprimer %{current} car cet élément possède des imbrications avec %{sti_name}."],"Operators":["Opérateurs"],"Invalid search query: %s":["Terme recherché invalide: %s"],"No smart proxy was found to import environments from, ensure that at least one smart proxy is registered with the 'puppet' feature.":["Aucun smart proxy n'a été trouvé pour importer les environnements. Assurez vous qu'un smart proxy ait la fonction Puppet active."],"Successfully updated environments and Puppet classes from the on-disk Puppet installation":["Succès : mise à jour des environnements et classes Puppet depuis l'installation Puppet présente sur le disque"],"Failed to update environments and Puppet classes from the on-disk Puppet installation: %s":["Échec de la mise à jour des environnements et classes Puppet depuis l'application Puppet présente sur le disque : %s"],"Your session has expired, please login again":["Votre session a expiré, merci de vous réauthentifier"],"All mismatches between hosts and %s have been fixed":["Toutes les concordances entre hôtes et %s ont été corrigées"],"All mismatches between hosts and locations/organizations have been fixed":["Toutes les concordances entre hôtes et localisation/organisations ont été corrigées."],"All hosts previously with no %{single} are now assigned to %{name}":["Tous les précédents hôtes sans %{single} sont désormais assignés à %{name}"],"Selected hosts are now assigned to %s":["Les hôtes sélectionnés sont maintenant assignés à %s"],"External user group %{name} refreshed":["Groupe d'utilisateur externe %{name} rafraichi"],"External user group %{name} could not be refreshed":["Groupe d'utilisateur externe %{name} ne peut pas être rafraichi"],"The following fields would need reviewing":["Les champs suivants auraient besoin d'une relecture"],"PXE":["PXE"],"BIOS":["BIOS"],"CDROM":["CDROM"],"Disk":["Disque"],"The marked fields will need reviewing":["Les champs marqués ont besoin de relecture"],"Unable to generate output, Check log files":["Impossible de générer une sortie, vérifiez les fichiers de log"],"Successfully executed, check log files for more details":["Succès - Execution. Vérifier les logs pour plus de détails."],"Enabled %s for reboot and rebuild":["%s préparé pour redémarrage et réinstallation"],"Failed to reboot %s.":["Impossible de redémarrer %s"],"Enabled %s for rebuild on next boot":["Activation de %s pour réinstallation au prochain redémarrage"],"Failed to enable %{host} for installation: %{errors}":["Échec d'activation d'installation de %{host} : %{errors}"],"Canceled pending build for %s":["Demande de construction de l'hôte %s annulé"],"Failed to cancel pending build for %s":["Échec de l'annulation de reconstruction pour %s"],"%{host} is about to %{action}":["%{host} est sur ​​le point de %{action}"],"Failed to %{action} %{host}: %{e}":["Impossible de %{action} %{host}: %{e}"],"%{host} now boots from %{device}":["%{host} démarre maintenant de puis %{device}"],"Failed to configure %{host} to boot from %{device}: %{e}":["Erreur de configuration de %{host} pour démarrer depuis %{device}: %{e}"],"Foreman now manages the build cycle for %s":["Foreman gère désormais le cycle d'installation pour %s"],"Foreman now no longer manages the build cycle for %s":["Foreman ne gère plus le cycle d'installation pour %s"],"Failed to modify the build cycle for %s":["Échec de modification du cycle d'installation pour %s "],"Host %s is not associated with a VM":["L'hôte %s n'est associé à aucune VM"],"%s has been disassociated from VM":["%s a été dissocié de la VM"],"No parameters were allocated to the selected hosts, can't mass assign.":["Aucun paramètre n'a été alloué à cet hôte, impossible d'assigner en masse."],"Updated all hosts!":["Tous les hôtes ont été mis à jour !"],"%s Parameters updated, see below for more information":["%s Paramètres mis à jour, voir ci-dessous pour plus d'informations"],"No host group selected!":["Aucun groupe d'hôtes sélectionné !"],"Updated hosts: changed host group":["Mise à jour des hôtes : le groupe d'hôtes a changé"],"No environment selected!":["Aucun environnement sélectionné !"],"Updated hosts: changed environment":["Mise à jour des hôtes : l'environnement a changé"],"The selected hosts will execute a build operation on next reboot":["Les hôtes sélectionnés vont procéder à leur installation au prochain redémarrage"],"The following hosts failed the build operation: %s":["Les hôtes suivants ont échoué à la phase d'installation : %s"],"Destroyed selected hosts":["Hôtes sélectionnés détruits"],"The following hosts were not deleted: %s":["Les hôtes suivants n'ont pas été supprimés : %s"],"Successfully executed, check reports and/or log files for more details":["Succès - Exécution. Vérifier les rapports et/ou les fichiers de logs pour plus de détails"],"Some or all hosts execution failed, Please check log files for more information":["Certains ou tous les hôtes ont échoué à l'exécution. Merci de vérifier les logs pour plus d'information"],"Updated hosts: Disassociated from VM":["Mise à jour des hôtes : Dissociation de leur VM"],"Hosts with errors":["Hôtes avec erreur(s)"],"Active Hosts":["Hôtes actifs"],"Pending Hosts":["Hôtes en cours"],"Hosts which didn't run puppet in the last %s":["Hôtes qui n'ont pas eu de puppet run depuis %s"],"Hosts with notifications disabled":["Hôtes dont les notifications sont désactivées"],"invalid type: %s requested":["type invalide : %s a été demandé"],"Something went wrong while changing host type - %s":["Quelque chose s'est mal passé lors du changement du type d'hôte - %s"],"No hosts were found with that id or name":["Aucun Hôte trouvé avec cet id ou ce nom"],"No hosts selected":["Aucun hôte sélectionné"],"Something went wrong while selecting hosts - %s":["Quelque chose s'est mal passé lors de la sélection des hôtes - %s"],"%s selected hosts":["%s hôtes sélectionnés"],"The following hosts were not %{action}: %{missed_hosts}":["Les hôtes suivants n'ont pas %{action}: %{missed_hosts}"],"Successfully overridden all parameters of Puppet class %s":["Surcharge réussie de tous les paramètres de la classe Puppet %s"],"Successfully reset all parameters of Puppet class %s to their default values":["Réinitialisation réussie de tous les paramètres de la classe Puppet %s à leur valeurs par défaut"],"No parameters to override for Puppet class %s":["Aucun paramètre pour surcharger la classe Puppet %s"],"Successfully deleted report.":["Succès lors de la suppression du rapport."],"Role cloned from role %{old_name}":["Rôle cloné depuis le rôle %{old_name}"],"No changes found when refreshing features from %s.":["Aucun changement trouvé suite au rafraichissement des fonctions de %s"],"Successfully refreshed features from %s.":["Succès - Rafraichissement des fonctions de %s"],"%s core":["%s core","%s cores"],"No new subnets found":["Aucun nouveau sous-réseau trouvé"],"No subnets selected":["Aucun sous-réseau sélectionné"],"Imported Subnets":["Sous-réseaux importés"],"No host could be found for rendering the template":[""],"There was an error rendering the %{name} template: %{error}":[""],"Template locked":["Modèle bloqué"],"Template unlocked":["Modèle débloqué"],"Failed to clean any old certificates or add the autosign entry. Terminating the build!":["Échec de netoyage des anciens certificats ou d'ajout d'entrée au fichier autosign. Construction annulée !"],"Failed to get a new realm OTP. Terminating the build!":["Impossible d'obtenir un nouveau OTP du royaume. Fin de l'installation!"],"There was an error rendering the %s template: ":["Il y a eu une erreur de rendu du modèle %s:"],"You cannot delete this user while logged in as this user.":["Vous ne pouvez pas supprimer cette utilisateur temps qu'il est connecté."],"Incorrect username or password":["Utilisateur ou mot de passe incorrect"],"Logged out - See you soon":["Déconnexion - À bientôt"],"Remove Parameter":["Suppression du paramètre"],"Click to remove %s":["Cliquez pour retirer %s"],"Click to add %s":["Cliquez pour ajouter %s"],"Are you sure?":["Êtes vous sûr ?"],"Delete":["Supprimer"],"Help":["Aide"],"Expand the chart":["Étendre le graphique"],"Change your avatar at":["Changer votre avatar sur"],"no value":["Aucune valeur"],"Inherit parent (%s)":["Hérité du parent (%s)"],"Documentation":["Documentation"],"Click to edit":["Cliquez pour éditer"],"N/A":["N/A"],"NA":["N/A"],"Provisioning Template content changed %s":["Le contenu du modèle de provisionnement a changé %s"],"Owner changed to %s":["Propriétaire changé à %s"],"%{name} changed from %{label1} to %{label2}":["%{name} changé de %{label1} pour %{label2}"],"User":["Utilisateur"],"%s ago":["Il y a %s"],"Parameters that would be associated with hosts in this %s":["Les paramètres qui seraient associés aux hôtes dans ce %s"],"<b>Source:</b> %{type} %{name}":["<b>Source:</b> %{type} %{name}"],"Additional info":["Informations additionnelles"],"Use Puppet default":["Utiliser la valeur par défaut de Puppet"],"Explain use Puppet default":["Descrition sur l'utilisation de la valeur par défaut de Puppet"],"Do not send this parameter via the ENC.<br>Puppet will use the value defined in the manifest.":["Ne pas transmettre ce paramètre par l'ENC. <br>Puppet utilisera la valeur définie dans le manifest."],"Paused":["En pause"],"On":["Marche"],"Off":["Arrêt"],"Are you sure you want to power %{act} %{vm}?":["Êtes vous sûr de vouloir %{act} %{vm}?"],"Resume":["Reprise"],"Pause":["Pause"],"Are you sure you want to %{act} %{vm}?":["Voulez-vous %{act} %{vm}?"],"Power%s":["Alimentation : %s"],"Unknown Power State":["État de l'alimentation inconnu"],"Console":["Console"],"%s - Press Shift-F12 to release the cursor.":["%s - Pressez Shift-F12 pour libérer le curseur."],"Physical (Bridge)":["Physique (Pont)"],"Virtual (NAT)":["Virtuelle (NAT)"],"Add to dashboard":["Ajouter au tableau de bord"],"Generated at %s":["Généré à %s"],"Manage dashboard":["Gérer le tableau de bord"],"Save dashboard":["Sauvegarder le tableau de bord"],"Reset to default":["Restauration d'usine"],"Restore widgets":["Restaurer les gadgets"],"Active":["Actif"],"Pending changes":["Changements en cours"],"Out of sync":["Désynchronisé"],"No report":["Aucun rapport"],"Notification disabled":["Notification désactivée"],"Host Configuration Status":["Statut de configuration des hôtes"],"Number Of Clients":["Nombre de clients"],"Minutes Ago":["Minutes auparavant"],"Applied":["Appliqué"],"Applied|A":["A"],"Restarted":["Redémarré"],"Restarted|R":["R"],"Failed|F":["F"],"Failed":["Échoué"],"Failed Restarts|FR":["FR"],"Failed Restarts":["Erreur de redémarrage"],"Skipped|S":["S"],"Skipped":["Omis"],"Pending|P":["P"],"Pending":["En cours"],"New Puppet Environment":["Nouvel environnement Puppet"],"Show all %s children fact values":["Afficher tous les facts pour les enfants de %s"],"Show all %s fact values":["Afficher tous les facts pour %s"],"Expand nested items":["Étendre les éléments imbriqués"],"Show full value":["Afficher la valeur complète"],"Any Context":["Tout contexte"],"This group has nested groups!":["Ce groupe a des groupes emboîtés !"],"Please delete all nested groups before deleting it.":["Merci d'effacer tous les sous-groupes avant d'effacer ce groupe"],"Puppet CA":["Puppet CA"],"Use this puppet server as a CA server":["Utiliser ce Puppet Server comme Serveur CA"],"Puppet Master":["Puppet Master"],"Use this puppet server as an initial Puppet Server or to execute puppet runs":["Utiliser ce serveur Puppet comme serveur Puppet initial ou pour exécuter des puppet runs."],"New Host":["Nouvel hôte"],"View last report details":["Voir les détails du dernier rapport"],"Report Already Deleted":["Rapport déjà supprimé"],"Build|B":["B"],"Disabled|D":["D"],"No reports|N":["N"],"Sync|S":["S"],"Error|E":["E"],"Active|A":["A"],"OK|O":["O"],"Change Group":["Changer le Groupe"],"Change Environment":["Changer l'Environnement"],"Edit Parameters":["Éditer les Paramètres"],"Delete Hosts":["Supprimer ces Hôtes"],"Disable Notifications":["Désactiver les notifications"],"Enable Notifications":["Activer les notifications"],"Disassociate Hosts":["Dissocier les hötes des VM"],"Build Hosts":["Construire les Hôtes"],"Run Puppet":["Lancer Puppet"],"Assign Organization":["Assigner une Organisation"],"Assign Location":["Assigner une Localisation"],"Select Action":["Choisir l'action"],"%s - The following hosts are about to be changed":["%s - les hôtes suivants vont être changés"],"Failed restarts":["Redémarrages échoués"],"Config Retrieval":["Récupération de configuration"],"Runtime":["Exécution"],"Reports from the last %{days} days - %{count} reports found":["Rapports pour les derniers %{days} jours - %{count} rapports trouvés"],"Provisioning Support is disabled or this host is not managed":["Soit la fonction de provisionnement est désactivée pour cet hôte, soit l'hôte n'est pas géré"],"Unable to find templates as this host has no operating system":["Impossible de trouver le modèle de cet hôte qui n'a pas de système d'exploitation"],"No template found":["Aucun modèle trouvé"],"Template Type":["Type de Modèle"],"%s Template":["%s Modèle"],"Edit":["Éditer"],"Review":["Revue"],"Domain":["Domaine"],"Realm":["Royaume"],"IP Address":["Adresses IP"],"MAC Address":["Adresse MAC"],"Puppet Environment":["Environnement Puppet"],"Host Architecture":["Architecture de l'Hôte"],"Operating System":["Système d'Exploitation"],"Host group":["Groupe d'hôtes"],"Location":["Localisation"],"Organization":["Organisation"],"Owner":["Propriétaire"],"Certificate Name":["Nom du certificat"],"Edit your host":["Éditer votre hôte"],"Cancel build":["Annuler la construction"],"Cancel build request for this host":["Annuler la demande de construction de cet hôte"],"Enable rebuild on next host boot":["Activer la reconstruction de l'hôte au prochain redémarrage"],"Loading power state ...":["Récupération de l'état de l'alimentation"],"Run puppet":["Lancer Puppet"],"Trigger a puppetrun on a node; requires that puppet run is enabled":["Lancer une exécution Puppet sur un hôte ; requiert l'activation de puppet run."],"Are you sure you want to delete host %s? This will delete the virtual machine and its disks, and is irreversible.":["Êtes vous sûr de supprimer l'hôte %s ? Cela supprime la machine virtuelle et ses disques, et est irréversible."],"Are you sure you want to delete host %s? This action is irreversible.":["Êtes vous sûr de supprimer l'hôte %s ? Cette action est irréversible."],"Audits":["Audits"],"Host audit entries":["Entrées d'audit de l'Hôte"],"Browse host facts":["Voir les facts de l'hôte"],"Facts":["Facts"],"Reports":["Rapports"],"Browse host reports":["Voir les rapports de l'hôte"],"Puppet external nodes YAML dump":["Dump YAML des Puppet external nodes"],"YAML":["YAML"],"Allocation (GB)":["Allocation (GB)"],"None":["Aucun"],"Full":["Plein"],"Size":["Taille"],"remove network interface":["supprimer l'interface réseau"],"Interface is up":["L'interface est up"],"Interface is down":["L'interface est down"],"Errors occurred, build may fail":["Des erreurs sont survenues, l'installation peut avoir échoué"],"Edit %s":["Éditer %s"],"Image":["Image"],"Image ID as provided by the compute resource, e.g. ami-..":["ID de l'image fournie par les ressouces matérielles, par ex. ami-..."],"Image ID":["ID de l'image"],"Caps lock ON":["Caps lock est activé"],"Submit":["Soumettre"],"Overwrite":["Écraser"],"Unable to save":["Impossible de sauver"],"&laquo;":["&laquo;"],"&raquo;":["&raquo;"],"No entries found":["Aucune entrée trouvée"],"Displaying <b>%{count}</b> entry":["Afficher <b>%{count}</b> entrée","Afficher <b>toutes les %{count}</b> entrées"],"Displaying entries <b>%{from} - %{to}</b> of <b>%{count}</b> in total":["Affichage des entrées <b>%{from} - %{to}</b> sur <b>%{count}</b> au total"],"Warning!":["Attention !"],"Alert":["Alerte"],"Close":["Fermer"],"last %s day":["le %s dernier jour","les %s derniers jours"],"Full screen":["Plein écran"],"Puppet class":["Classe Puppet"],"Puppet Class":["Classe Puppet"],"<dl><dt>String</dt> <dd>Everything is taken as a string.</dd><dt>Boolean</dt> <dd>Common representation of boolean values are accepted.</dd><dt>Integer</dt> <dd>Integer numbers only, can be negative.</dd><dt>Real</dt> <dd>Accept any numerical input.</dd><dt>Array</dt> <dd>A valid JSON or YAML input, that must evaluate to an array.</dd><dt>Hash</dt> <dd>A valid JSON or YAML input, that must evaluate to an object/map/dict/hash.</dd><dt>YAML</dt> <dd>Any valid YAML input.</dd><dt>JSON</dt> <dd>Any valid JSON input.</dd></dl>":["<dl><dt>Chaîne</dt> <dd>Tout est considéré comme une chaîne de caractères.</dd><dt>Booléen</dt> <dd>Les représentations classiques des booléens sont acceptées.</dd><dt>Entier</dt> <dd>Nombre entier uniquement, peut être négatif.</dd><dt>Réel</dt> <dd>Accepte n'importe quelle valeur numérique.</dd><dt>Tableau</dt> <dd>Une entrée JSON ou YAML valide, doit être évaluée en tant que tableau.</dd><dt>Dictionnaire</dt> <dd>Une entrée JSON ou YAML valide, doit être évaluée en tant qu'objet/dictionnaire/Table de hachage.</dd><dt>YAML</dt> <dd>Une entrée YAML valide.</dd><dt>JSON</dt> <dd>Une entrée JSON valide.</dd></dl>"],"Parameter types":["types de paramètre"],"How values are validated":["Détails sur la validation des valeurs"],"<dl><dt>List</dt> <dd>A list of the allowed values, specified in the Validator rule field.</dd><dt>Regexp</dt> <dd>Validates the input with the regular expression in the Validator rule field.</dd></dl>":["<dl><dt>Liste</dt> <dd>Une liste de valeurs autorisées, spécifiées dans le champ de règle de validation.</dd><dt>Regexp</dt> <dd>Valide les entrées à l'aide d'une expression régulière dans le champ de règle de validation.</dd></dl>"],"Validator type":["Type validateur"],"Validation types":["Types de validation"],"<b>Description:</b> %{desc}<br><b>Type:</b> %{type}<br> <b>Matcher:</b> %{matcher}":["<b>Description:</b> %{desc}<br><b>Type:</b> %{type}<br> <b>Matcher:</b> %{matcher}"],"Default value":["Valeur par défaut"],"No value error":["Erreurs, valeur manquante"],"Required parameter without value.<br/><b>Please override!</b> <br><br><b>Description:</b>: %s":["Paramètre requis sans valeur.<br/><b>Merci de surcharger !</b> <br><br><b>Description:</b>: %s"],"No value warning":["Avertissement, valeur manquante"],"Optional parameter without value.<br/><i>Won't be given to Puppet.</i> <br><br><b>Description:</b> %s":["Paramètre optionnel sans valeur.<br/><i>Ne sera pas transmis à Puppet.</i> <br><br><b>Description:</b> %s"],"Default templates are automatically added to new locations":["Les modèles par défaut sont automatiquement ajoutés aux nouvelles localisations"],"Default templates are automatically added to new organizations":["Les modèles par défaut sont automatiquement ajoutés aux nouvelles organisations"],"Default templates are automatically added to new organizations and locations":["Les modèles par défaut sont automatiquement ajoutés aux nouvelles organisations et localisations"],"Clone":["Cloner"],"You are about to unlock a locked template.":["Vous êtes sur le point de déverrouiller un modèle verrouillé."],"This is for every location that uses it.":["Valable pour toute localisation qui utilise ce paramètre."],"This is for every organization that uses it.":["Valable pour toute organisation qui utilise ce paramètre."],"This is for every location and organization that uses it.":["Valable pour toute organisation et localisation qui utilise ce paramètre."],"It is not recommended to unlock this template, as it is provided by %{vendor} and may be overwritten. Please consider cloning it instead.":["Il n'est pas recommandé de déverrouiller ce modèle, car il est maintenu par %{vendor} et peut être écrasé. À la place, veuillez utiliser un clone."],"Continue?":["Continuer ?"],"Unlock":["Déverrouiller"],"Lock":["Verrouiller"],"Delete %s?":["Supprimer %s ?"],"valid":["valide"],"revoked":["révoqué"],"pending":["En attente"],"in %s":["Dans %s"],"Empty environment":["Environnement vide"],"Deleted environment":["Supprimer l'environnement"],"Deleted environment %{env} and %{pcs}":["Supprimer l'environnement %{env} et %{pcs}"],"Import":["Import"],"Import from %s":["Import depuis %s"],"%{name} has %{num_tag} class":["%{name} a %{num_tag} classe","%{name} a %{num_tag} classes"],"%s minute ago":["Il y a %s minute","Il y a %s minutes"],"%s day ago":["Il y a %s jour","Il y a %s jours"],"%s week ago":["Il y a %s semaine","Il y a %s semaines"],"%s month ago":["il y a %s mois","Il y a %s mois"],"All Reports":["Tous les Rapports"],"Select a period":["Choisir une période"],"Show log messages:":["Afficher les messages de log:"],"Notices, warnings and errors":["Remarques, avertissements et erreurs"],"All messages":["Tous les messages"],"Warnings and errors":["Warnings et Erreurs"],"Errors only":["Seulement les Erreurs"],"This setting is defined in the configuration file 'settings.yaml' and is read-only.":["Ce paramètre est défini dans le fichier de configuration 'settings.yaml' et est en lecture seule."],"Certificates":["Certificats"],"Autosign":["Autosign"],"Import subnets":["Importer les sous-réseaux"],"Refresh features":["Rafraichir les fonctions"],"OS Distribution":["Répartition du système d'exploitation"],"Architecture Distribution":["Répartition des architectures"],"Environments Distribution":["Répartition des Environnements"],"Number of CPUs":["Nombre de CPU"],"Hardware":["Matériel"],"Class Distribution":["Répartition des classes"],"used memory":["mémoire utilisée"],"Average memory usage":["Utilisation mémoire moyenne"],"free memory":["mémoire libre"],"used swap":["SWAP utilisé"],"free swap":["SWAP libre"],"Average swap usage":["Utilisation mémoire virtuelle moyenne"],"Any Organization":["Toute Organisation"],"Any Location":["Toute Localisation"],"New Location":["Nouvelle localisation"],"New Organization":["Nouvelle organisation"],"All users":["Tous les utilisateurs"],"Select users":["Choisir les utilisateurs"],"All smart proxies":["Tous les Smart Proxies"],"Select smart proxies":["Choisir les Smart Proxies"],"All subnets":["Tous les sous-réseaux"],"Select subnets":["Choisir les sous-réseaux"],"All compute resources":["Toutes les ressources d'ordinateur"],"Select compute resources":["Choisir les ressources d'ordinateur"],"All media":["Tous les médias"],"Select media":["Choisir les médias"],"Select provisioning templates":["Choisir les modèles de provisionnement"],"All provisioning templates":["Tous les modèles de provisionnement"],"All partition tables":["Toutes les tables de partition"],"Select partition tables":["Choisir les tables de partition"],"Select domains":["Choisir les domaines"],"All domains":["Tous les domaines"],"All realms":["Tous les royaumes"],"Select realms":["Choisir le royaume"],"All environments":["Tous les environnements"],"Select environments":["Choisir les environnements"],"All host groups":["Tous les groupes d'hôtes"],"Select host groups":["Choisir les groupes d'hôtes"],"Environment":["Environnement"],"Operating system":["Système d'exploitation"],"Compute resource":["Ressource d'Ordinateur"],"Model":["Modèle"],"Trend of the last %s days.":["Tendances pour les %s derniers jours."],":foreman_url is not set, please configure in the Foreman Web UI (Administer -> Settings -> General)":[":foreman_url n'est pas définie, merci de configurer cette variable dans l'interface Web de Foreman (Administrer -> paramètres -> Général)"],"Must specify a user with email enabled":["Vous devez spécifier un utilisateur avec l'option mail active"],"Audit summary":["Rapport d'audit"],"Must specify a valid user with email enabled":["Vous devez spécifier un utilisateur valide avec l'option mail active"],"Puppet Summary Report - F:%{failed} R:%{restarted} S:%{skipped} A:%{applied} FR:%{failed_restarts} T:%{total}":["Résumé du rapport Puppet - F:%{failed} R:%{restarted} S:%{skipped} A:%{applied} FR:%{failed_restarts} T:%{total}"],"Puppet error on %s":["Error Puppet pour %s"],"Host %s is built":["L'hôte %s est construit"],"Welcome to Foreman":["Bienvenue sur Foreman"],"Cannot create LDAP configuration for %s without dedicated service account":["Impossible de créer une configuration LDAP pour %s sans compte de service dédié"],"invalid LDAP filter syntax":["Syntaxe du filtre LDAP incorrect"],"%{value} is not a valid controller":["%{value} n'est pas un contrôleur valide"],"%s is an unknown attribute":["%s est un attribut inconnu "],"must provide a provider":["devez saisir un fournisseur"],"unknown provider":["fournisseur inconnu"],"%s console is not supported at this time":["La console %s n'est pas supportée pour le moment."],"Not implemented for %s":["Non implémenté pour %s"],"Not implemented":["Non mis en œuvre"],"cannot be changed":["Impossible à changer"],"Unable to access key":["Impossible d'accéder à la clef"],"Unable to find template %s":["Impossible de trouver le modèle %s"],"VM is not running!":["La VM n'est pas lancée !"],"Unable to change VM display listen address, make sure the display is not attached to localhost only":["Impossible de changer l'adresse d'écoute de l'affichage de la VM, vérifier que l'affichage ne soit pas restreint à localhost."],"At least one volume must be specified for image-based provisioning.":["Au moins un volume doit être choisi pour une installation par image."],"Please specify volume size. You may optionally use suffix 'G' to specify volume size in gigabytes.":["Merci de spécifier une taille de volume. Vous pouvez utiliser le suffixe 'G' pour désigner une taille de volume en gigaoctets."],"Cluster ID is required to list available networks":["L'ID du cluster est requis pour lister les réseaux disponibles"],"The remote system presented a public key signed by an unidentified certificate authority. If you are sure the remote system is authentic, go to the compute resource edit page, press the 'Test Connection' or 'Load Datacenters' button and submit":["Le système distant présenta une clef publique signée par une autorité de certification inconnue. Si vous êtes sûr de l'authenticité du système distant, allez sur la page des Ressources d'Ordinateur, appuyez sur 'Tester la connexion' ou sur 'Charger les Datacenters' puis soumettre les changements."],"Failed to create X509 certificate, error: %s":["Impossible de créer le certificat X509. Erreur : %s"],"Default":["Défaut"],"The remote system presented a public key with hash %s but we're expecting a different hash. If you are sure the remote system is authentic, go to the compute resource edit page, press the 'Test Connection' or 'Load Datacenters' button and submit":["Le système distant a présenté une clé publique avec le hash %s mais Foreman attendait un hash différent. Si vous êtes sûr que l'hôte distant est le bon, allez dans la page d'édition des Ressources d'Ordinateur et cliquez sur un des boutons \\\"Tester la connexion\\\" ou \\\"Charger les Centres de données\\\" puis \\\"Soumettre\\\""],"%{cpus} CPUs and %{memory} memory":["%{cpus} CPUs et %{memory} de mémoire"],"%{cores} Cores and %{memory} memory":["%{cores} Cores et %{memory} de mémoire"],"%{cpus} CPUs and %{memory} MB memory":["%{cpus} CPUs et %{memory} MB de mémoire"],"Cannot find user %s when switching context":["Impossible de trouver l'utilisateur %s lors du changement de contexte"],"is too long (maximum is 1 character)":["est trop long (le max est 1 caractère)","est trop long (le max est %s caractères)"],"%{task} task failed with the following error: %{e}":["La tâche %{task} a échouée avec l'erreur suivante : %{e}"],"Failed to perform rollback on %{task} - %{e}":["Échec de retour arrière sur %{task} - %{e}"],"invalid method %s":["méthode invalide pour %s"],"Render user data template for %s":["Rendu utilisateur depuis le modèle pour %s"],"Set up compute instance %s":["Preparation de l'instance %s"],"Acquire IP address for %s":["Acquisition de l'adresse IP pour %s"],"Query instance details for %s":["Interrogation des détails de l'instance pour %s"],"Power up compute instance %s":["Démarrer l'instance %s"],"Compute resource update for %s":["Ressource d'Ordinateur mise à jour pour %s"],"Removing compute instance %s":["Suppression de l'instance %s"],"Failed to create a compute %{compute_resource} instance %{name}: %{message}\\n ":["Échec de création de l'instance %{name} sur la ressource d'ordinateur %{compute_resource} : %{message}\\n "],"%{image} needs user data, but %{os_link} is not associated to any provisioning template of the kind user_data. Please associate it with a suitable template or uncheck 'User data' for %{compute_resource_image_link}.":["%{image} a besoin de données utilisateur, cependant %{os_link} n'est associé à aucun modèle de provisionnement du type user_data. Merci de faire une association de ce type ou décocher 'Données utilisateur' pour %{compute_resource_image_link}."],"Failed to remove certificates for %{name}: %{e}":["Échec de suppression de certificats pour %{name}: %{e}"],"failed to save %s":["échec de sauvegarde %s"],"Failed to get IP for %{name}: %{e}":["Échec de récupération de l'adresse IP pour %{name}: %{e}"],"Failed to destroy a compute %{compute_resource} instance %{name}: %{e}":["Échec de la destruction de l'instance %{name} de la ressource d'ordinateur %{compute_resource}: %{e}"],"Failed to power up a compute %{compute_resource} instance %{name}: %{e}":["Échec de démarrage de la ressource %{compute_resource} instance %{name}: %{e}"],"Failed to stop compute %{compute_resource} instance %{name}: %{e}":["Échec d'arrêt de la ressource %{compute_resource} instance %{name}: %{e}"],"Failed to update a compute %{compute_resource} instance %{name}: %{e}":["Échec de mise à jour de la ressource %{compute_resource} instance %{name}: %{e}"],"Failed to undo update compute %{compute_resource} instance %{name}: %{e}":["Échec d'annulation de mise à jour de la ressource %{compute_resource} instance %{name}: %{e}"],"Selected image does not belong to %s":["L'image sélectionné n'appartient pas à %s"],"Could not find virtual machine network interface matching %s":["Impossible de trouver une interface réseau de la machine virtuelle correspondant à %s"],"Unable to determine the host's boot server. The DHCP smart proxy failed to provide this information and this subnet is not provided with TFTP services.":["Impossible de déterminer le serveur de démarrage de l'hôte. Le Smart Proxy DHCP n'a pas pu fournir cette information et le sous-réseau n'a pas fourni de service TFTP."],"failed to detect boot server: %s":["échec de détection du serveur de démarrage : %s"],"DHCP not supported for this NIC":["Cette interface réseau ne supporte pas DHCP"],"Create DHCP Settings for %s":["Créer des paramètres DHCP pour %s"],"Remove DHCP Settings for %s":["Suppression des paramètres DHCP pour %s"],"DHCP conflicts removal for %s":["Conflit DHCP pour la suppression de %s"],"does not match selected subnet":["Ne correspond pas au sous réseau sélectionné"],"DHCP records %s already exists":["L'enregistrement DHCP %s existe déjà"],"Create DNS record for %s":["Créer un enregistrement DNS pour %s"],"Create Reverse DNS record for %s":["Créer un enregistrement DNS inverse pour %s"],"Remove DNS record for %s":["Suppression des enregistrements DNS pour %s"],"Remove Reverse DNS record for %s":["Suppression de l'enregistrement DNS inverse pour %s"],"Remove conflicting DNS record for %s":["Suppression des enregistrements DNS conflictuels pour %s"],"Remove conflicting Reverse DNS record for %s":["Suppression des enregistrements DNS inverses conflictuels pour %s"],"DNS A Records %s already exists":["Un enregistrement DNS de type A existe déjà pour %s"],"DNS PTR Records %s already exists":["Un enregistrement DNS de type PTR existe déjà pour %s"],"Failed to initialize the PuppetCA proxy: %s":["Échec d'initialisation du proxy PuppetCA : %s"],"Delete autosign entry for %s":["Supprimer les entrées autosignées pour %s"],"Delete PuppetCA certificates for %s":["Supprimer les certificats PuppetCA pour %s"],"Failed to initialize the realm proxy: %s":["Impossible d'initialiser le proxy du royaume : %s"],"Realm proxy did not return a one-time password":["Le proxy du royaume n'a retourné aucun mot de passe à usage unique"],"Failed to create %{name}'s realm entry: %{e}":["Impossible de créer l'entrée du royaume %{name} : %{e}"],"Create realm entry for %s":["Créer l'entrée du royaume pour %s"],"Update realm entry for %s":["Mise à jour de l'entrée du royaume pour %s"],"Delete realm entry for %s":["Supprimer l'entrée du royaume %s"],"Prepare post installation script for %s":["Préparation du script de post-installation pour %s"],"Wait for %s to come online":["En attente de disponibilité en ligne de %s"],"Enable certificate generation for %s":["Activer la génération de certificat pour %s"],"Configure instance %s via SSH":["Configuration de l'instance %s par SSH"],"Unable to find proper authentication method":["Impossible de trouver correctement une méthode d'authentification "],"Failed to login via SSH to %{name}: %{e}":["Échec d'ouverture de session en SSH à %{name}: %{e}"],"Provision script had a non zero exit, removing instance":["Le script de provisionnement a eu un code d'erreur de sortie non nul, suppression de l'instance"],"Failed to launch script on %{name}: %{e}":["Échec de lancement du script sur %{name} : %{e}"],"No finish templates were found for this host, make sure you define at least one in your %s settings":["Aucun modèle trouvé pour cet hôte, faites en sorte d'en definir au moin un dans les paramètres %s"],"Failed to fetch boot files":["Échec de récupération des fichiers de boot"],"No %{template_kind} templates were found for this host, make sure you define at least one in your %{os} settings":["Aucun modèle %{template_kind} n'a été trouvé pour cet hôte. Assurez-vous de définir au moins un modèle dans les paramètres pour %{os}."],"Failed to generate %{template_kind} template: %{e}":["Échec de génération du modèle %{template_kind} : %{e}"],"TFTP Settings for %s":["Paramètres TFTP pour %s"],"Fetch TFTP boot files for %s":["Récupération des fichiers de boot en TFTP pour %s"],"Remove old TFTP Settings for %s":["Suppression des anciens paramètres TFTP pour %s"],"has already been taken":["a déjà été choisi"],"Please ensure the following parameters name are unique":["Merci de vérifier que les noms des paramètres suivants soient uniques"],"Invalid %s selection, you must select at least one of yours":["Sélection %s invalide, vous devez au moins choisir l'un des votres"],"must be one of [ %s ]":["doit être une des valeurs suivantes [ %s ]"],"Can't find a valid Foreman Proxy with a Puppet feature":["Impossible de trouver un proxy foreman ayant la fonction puppet"],"is not found in the authentication source":["n'est pas trouvé dans la source d'authenfication"],"LDAP error - %{message}":["Erreur LDAP - %{message}"],"is not permitted":["n'est pas permis"],"invalid search query: %s":["Requête de recherche invalide : %s"],"filter for %s role":["filtre pour le rôle %s"],"Permissions must be of same resource type":["Les permissions doivent être du même type de ressource"],"You must select at least one permission":["Vous devez sélectionner au moins une permission"],"You can't assign organizations to this resource":["Vous ne pouvez pas assigner une organisation à cette ressource"],"You can't assign locations to this resource":["Vous ne pouvez pas assigner une localisation à cette ressource"],"Owner type needs to be one of the following: %s":["Le type de propriétaire doit être l'un des suivants: %s "],"host must have one primary interface":["L'hôte doit posséder une interface primaire"],"managed host must have one provision interface":["L'hôte géré doit posséder une interface de provisionnement"],"some interfaces are invalid":["des interfaces sont invalides"],"invalid time range":["intervalle de temps invalide"],"should be 8 characters or more":["devrait être 8 caractères ou plus"],"should not be blank - consider setting a global or host group default":["ne doit pas être vide - songez à définir un groupe d'hôtes global ou un groupe d'hôtes par défaut"],"can't be blank unless a custom partition has been defined":["ne peut être vide à moins qu'un partitionnement spécifique n'ait été défini"],"is unknown":["est inconnu"],"common":["commun"],"domain":["domaine"],"os":["OS"],"Failed to import %{klass} for %{name}: doesn't exists in our database - ignoring":["Échec lors de l'import de %{klass} pour %{name} : l'entrée n'existe pas dans la base de donnée - ignoré"],"no puppet proxy defined - cant continue":["aucun proxy Puppet défini - ne peut continuer"],"failed to execute puppetrun: %s":["échec d'exécution puppetrun : %s"],"Pending Installation":["Installations en cours"],"Alerts disabled":["Alertes désactivées"],"No reports":["Aucun rapports"],"Unknown power management support - can't continue":["Inconnu"],"Some interfaces are invalid":["Certaines interfaces sont invalides"],"%{value} does not belong to %{os} operating system":["%{value} ne fait pas partie du système d'exploitation %{os}"],"%{e} does not belong to the %{environment} environment":["%{e} n'appartient pas à l'environnement %{environment}"],"Unable to find IP address for '%s'":["Impossible de trouver l'adresse IP pour '%s'"],"is an unsupported provisioning method":["est une méthode de provisionnement non supportée"],"can't be updated after host is provisioned":["Ne peut etre modifé après que l'hôte soit provisionné"],"must not include periods":["ne doit pas contenir de caractères point."],"hostgroup":["groupe d'hôtes"],"could not be found in %s":["ne peut être trouvé parmis %s"],"real":["réel"],"boolean":["booléen"],"integer":["entier"],"string":["chaîne"],"json":["json"],"hash":["hash"],"yaml":["yaml"],"array":["tableau"],"regexp":["regexp"],"list":["liste"],"invalid":["invalide"],"Invalid Host":["Hôte invalide"],"invalid path":["chemin invalide"],"is invalid":["est invalide"],"Global variable or class Parameter, not both":["Soit variable globale, soit paramètre de classe, mais pas deux."],"%{default_value} is not one of %{validator_rule}":["%{default_value} n'est pas définie dans %{validator_rule}"],"can only be set for array or hash":["ne peut être positionné que pour un tableau de hash"],"can only be set for arrays that have merge_overrides set to true":["ne peut être positionné que pour des tableaux qui ont l'attribut merge_overrides à vrai"],"is invalid %s":["est invalide %s"],"%{value} is not one of %{rules}":["%{value} n'est pas inclus dans %{rules}"],"%{match} does not match an existing host":["%{match} ne correspond pas à un hôte existant"],"%{match} does not match an existing host group":["%{match} ne correspond pas à un groupe existant"],"Daily":["Quotidien"],"Weekly":["Hebdomadaire"],"Monthly":["Mensuel"],"Only URLs with schema http://, https://, ftp:// or nfs:// are allowed (e.g. nfs://server/vol/dir)":["Seules les URL avec http://, https://, ftp:// ou nfs:// sont permises (Ex: nfs://server/vol/dir)"],"does not appear to be a valid nfs mount path":["n’apparaît pas être un point de montage NFS valide"],"%{record} is used by host in build mode %{what}":["%{record} est utilisé par l'hôte en mode build %{what}"],"can't use the same value as the primary interface":["Impossible d'utiliser les mêmes valeurs que celles de l'interface primaire"],"already in use":["déjà utilisé"],"can't find domain with this id":["impossible de trouver un domaine ayant cet id"],"can't delete primary interface of managed host":["Impossible de supprimer l'interface primaire d'un hôte géré"],"can't delete provision interface of managed host":["Impossible de supprimer l'interface de provisionnement d'un hôte géré"],"host already has primary interface":["L'hôte possède déjà une interface primaire"],"host already has provision interface":["L'hôte possède déjà une interface de provisionnement"],"is not defined for host's location.":["n'est pas défini pour la localisation de l'hôte."],"is not defined for host's organization.":["n'est pas défini pour l'organisation de l'hôte."],"Unable to find a proxy with BMC feature":["Impossible de trouver un proxy avec la fonctionnalité BMC"],"BMC":["BMC"],"There is no proxy with BMC feature set up. Please register a smart proxy with this feature.":["Il n'y a aucun proxy configuré avec la fonctionnalité BMC. Merci de configurer un proxy ayant cette fonctionnalité."],"Bond":["Agrégat"],"Only one bootable interface is allowed":["Une seule interface de démarrage est autorisée à être déclarée"],"Bootable":["Amorçable"],"Can't add or remove `%s` from identifier":["Impossible d'ajouter ou supprimer \\\"%s\\\" de l'identifiant"],"subnet boot mode is not %s":["Le mode de démarrage du sous réseau n'est pas %s"],"Operating System version is required":["La version du Système d'Exploitation est nécessaire "],"Operating system version already exists":["Ce Système d'Exploitation existe déjà"],"Attempting to construct an operating system image filename but %s cannot be built from an image":["Essai de construire le fichier image du système d'exploitation mais %s ne peut être installé depuis une image"],"Invalid medium for %s":["Medium invalide pour %s"],"Invalid architecture for %s":["Architecture invalide pour %s"],"invalid medium for %s":["médium invalide pour %s"],"invalid architecture for %s":["architecture invalide pour %s"],"Function not available for %s":["Fonction non disponible pour %s"],"parameters require an associated domain, operating system, host or host group":["Les paramètres requièrent un domaine assiocié, un système d'exploitation, un hôte ou un groupe d'hôtes"],"You do not have permission to %s this location parameter":["Vous n'avez pas la permission de %s sur ce paramètre de localisation"],"You do not have permission to %s this organization parameter":["Vous n'avez pas la permission de %s sur ce paramètre d'organisation"],"Must provide template kind":["Vous devez fournir un type de modèle"],"Must provide an operating systems":["Vous devez fournir un système d'exploitation"],"No TFTP proxies defined, can't continue":["Aucun proxy TFTP n'a été défini. Impossible de continuer."],"Could not find a Configuration Template with the name \\\"PXELinux global default\\\", please create one.":["Impossible de trouver un Modèle de Configuration avec le nom \\\"PXE global default\\\", merci d'en créer un."],"failed to process template: %s":["échec d'application de modèle : %s"],"There was an error creating the PXE Default file: %s":["Il y a eu une erreur de création du fichier PXE par défaut: %s"],"PXE Default file has been deployed to all Smart Proxies":["Le fichier PXE par défaut a été déployé sur tous les Smart Proxies"],"Unsupported report status format":["Format du statut du rapport d'état incorrect"],"invalid host list":["liste d'hôtes invalide"],"Modified":["Modifié"],"Success":["Succès"],"Unable to create the default user role.":["Impossible de créer le rôle par défaut des utilisateurs"],"Unable to create the anonymous role.":["Impossible de créer le rôle anonyme."],"Role is in use":["Rôle en cours d'utilisation"],"Can't delete built-in role":["Imposible d'effacer les rôles pré-définis"],"must be a valid URI":["doit être une URI valide"],"must be boolean":["doit être un booléen"],"must be integer":["doit être un entier"],"must be an array":["doit être un tableau"],"parsing settings type '%s' from string is not defined":["l'analyse du type de settings %s depuis une chaine n'est pas défini"],"is invalid: %s":["est invalide : %s"],"is not allowed to change":["n'est pas autorisé à être changé"],"Foreman will use OAuth for API authorization":["Foreman utilisera OAuth pour les autorisations de l'API"],"OAuth consumer key":["Clé OAuth consumer"],"OAuth consumer secret":["Secret OAuth consumer"],"Foreman will map users by username in request-header. If this is set to false, OAuth requests will have admin rights.":["Foreman va faire correspondre les utilisateurs au nom d'utilisateur dans le request-header. Si cette option est positionnée sur false, les requêtes OAuth auront les droits administrateur."],"Only known Smart Proxies may access features that use Smart Proxy authentication":["Seuls les Smart Proxies référencés ont accès aux fonctionnalités qui utilisent l'authentification Smart Proxy."],"Client SSL certificates are used to identify Smart Proxies (:require_ssl should also be enabled)":["Les certificats SSL client sont utilisés pour identifier les Smart Proxies (:require_ssl doit être activé)"],"Hosts that will be trusted in addition to Smart Proxies for access to fact/report importers and ENC output":["Hôtes de confiance qui peuvent accéder aux Facts / Rapports / Sortie ENC en plus des Smart Proxies"],"SSL Certificate path that Foreman would use to communicate with its proxies":["Le chemin du Certificat SSL que Foreman utilisera pour communiquer avec ses proxies"],"SSL CA file that Foreman will use to communicate with its proxies":["Le fichier CA SSL que Foreman utilisera pour communiquer avec ses proxies"],"SSL Private Key file that Foreman will use to communicate with its proxies":["Le fichier de la clef privée SSL que Foreman utilisera pour communiquer avec ses proxies"],"Environment variable containing the subject DN from a client SSL certificate":["Variable d'environnement contenant le Subject DN d'un certificat SSL client"],"Environment variable containing the verification status of a client SSL certificate":["Variable d'environnement contenant le statut de vérification d'un certificat SSL client"],"Should Foreman encrypt websockets (VNC console access). Choose on, off or auto.":["Foreman doit-il chiffrer les WebSockets (Accès console VNC) ? Choisir parmi on, off ou auto."],"Private key that Foreman will use to encrypt websockets ":["Clé privée que Foreman utilisera pour chiffrer le websockets"],"Certificate that Foreman will use to encrypt websockets ":["Certificat que Foreman utilisera pour le chiffrement du websockets"],"Redirect your users to this url on logout (authorize_login_delegation should also be enabled)":["Redirige vos utilisateurs sur cette URL à la déconnexion (authorize_login_delegation doit être activé)"],"Name of the external auth source where unknown externally authentication users (see authorize_login_delegation) should be created (keep unset to prevent the autocreation)":["Nom de la source d'authentification externe depuis laquelle les utilisateurs inconnus (voir authorize_login_delegation) doivent être créés (laisser vide pour empêcher l'auto création)"],"Authorize login delegation with REMOTE_USER environment variable":["Permettre la délégation d'authentification avec la variable d'environnement REMOTE_USER"],"Authorize login delegation with REMOTE_USER environment variable for API calls too":["Permettre la délégation d'authentification avec la variable d'environnement REMOTE_USER pour les appels à l'API"],"Log out idle users after a certain number of minutes":["Déconnexion des utilisateurs après un certain nombre de minutes sans activité"],"The default administrator email address":["L'adresse de courrier électronique par défaut de l'administrateur"],"URL where your Foreman instance is reachable (see also Provisioning > unattended_url)":["L'URL utilisée pour joindre l'instance Foreman (voir également Provisionnement > unattended_url)"],"Email reply address for emails that Foreman is sending":["L'adresse courrier électronique de réponse pour les courriers émis par Foreman"],"Prefix to add to all outgoing email":["Préfixe à ajouter à tous les envois de courrier électroniques"],"Send a welcome email including username and URL to new users":["Envoyer un message de bienvenue incluant le nom d'utilisateur et l'URL aux nouveaux utilisateurs"],"Number of records shown per page in Foreman":["Le nombre d'éléments visibles par page dans Foreman"],"Fix DB cache on next Foreman restart":["Correction du cache DB au prochain redémarrage de Foreman"],"Max days for Trends graphs":["Nombre de jours maxi pour les graphes de tendances"],"Foreman will use gravatar to display user icons":["Foreman utilisera gravatar pour afficher les icônes utilisateur"],"Should the `foreman-rake db:migrate` be executed on the next run of the installer modules?":["Est ce que \\\"foreman-rake db:migrate\\\" doit être exécuté lors du prochain lancement de l'installateur de modules ?"],"Should the `foreman-rake db:seed` be executed on the next run of the installer modules?":["Est ce que \\\"foreman-rake db:seed\\\" doit être exécuté lors du prochain lancement de l'installateur de modules ?"],"Max timeout for REST client requests to smart-proxy":["Délai d'expiration pour les requêtes REST des clients vers le Smart-Proxy"],"Default encrypted root password on provisioned hosts":["Mot de passe chiffré par défaut de root pour les machines provisionnées"],"URL hosts will retrieve templates from during build (normally http as many installers don't support https)":["L'URL de récupération de modèles des hôtes durant la phase de construction (normalement en HTTP car beaucoup de programmes d'installation ne supportent pas HTTPS) "],"Enable safe mode config templates rendering (recommended)":["Activer le safe mode pour le rendu des modèles (recommandé)"],"Foreman will automate certificate signing upon provision of new host":["Foreman signera automatiquement les certificats au provisionnement de l'hôte"],"Stop updating IP address and MAC values from Puppet facts (affects all interfaces)":["Ne pas mettre à jour l'adresse IP ni l'adresse MAC depuis les facts Puppet (l'option s'applique à toutes les interfaces)"],"Foreman will query the locally configured resolver instead of the SOA/NS authorities":["Foreman interrogera le resolver local au lieu des champs SOA/NS autoritaires pour la zone"],"If Foreman is running behind Passenger or a remote load balancer, the IP should be set here. This is a regular expression, so it can support several load balancers, i.e: (|":["Si Foreman utilise Passenger ou un mécanisme de répartition de charge, l'adresse IP doit être indiquée ici. C'est une expression régulière, donc compatible avec plusieurs répartiteurs de charge, exemple : (|"],"Time in minutes installation tokens should be valid for, 0 to disable token generation":["Durée de validité en minutes des jetons d'installation, 0 pour désactiver la génération du jeton"],"The IP address that should be used for the console listen address when provisioning new virtual machines via Libvirt":["L'adresse IP d'écoute de la console quand on provisionne une nouvelle machine virtuelle avec LibVirt"],"Foreman will update the host IP with the IP that made the built request":["Foreman remplacera l'adresse IP de l'hôte par l'adresse IP qui a émis la requête d'installation"],"Foreman will use the short hostname instead of the FQDN for creating new virtual machines":["Foreman utilisera le nom court au lieu du FQDN lors de la création des machines virtuelles"],"Puppet interval in minutes":["Intervalle de temps pour Puppet en minutes"],"Duration in minutes after the Puppet interval for servers to be classed as out of sync.":["Durée en minutes consécutives à un intervalle Puppet après laquelle les serveurs sont marqués désynchronisés"],"Foreman will default to this puppet environment if it cannot auto detect one":["L'environnement Puppet par défaut si Foreman n'arrive pas à le détecter automatiquement"],"Foreman will set this as the default Puppet module path if it cannot auto detect one":["L'environnement Puppet par défaut si l'autodétection de Foreman échoue"],"Document root where puppetdoc files should be created":["Racine documentaire pour la création des fichiers issus de puppetdoc"],"Enable puppetrun support":["Activer le support pour les Puppetrun"],"Default Puppet server hostname":["Nom d'hôte du serveur Puppet par défaut"],"Foreman will evaluate host smart variables in this order by default":["Foreman évaluera par défaut les smart variables de l'hôte dans cette ordre "],"Foreman smart variables will be exposed via the ENC yaml output":["Les Smart Variables vont être exposés via la sortie YAML de l'ENC"],"Foreman will use the new (2.6.5+) format for classes in the ENC yaml output":["Foreman utilisera le nouveau format (2.6.5+) pour la description des classes dans la sortie YAML de l'ENC"],"Foreman will parse ERB in parameters value in the ENC output":["Foreman va interpréter le code ERB des paramètres lors de la sortie de l'ENC"],"Foreman will explicitly set the puppet environment in the ENC yaml output. This will avoid conflicts between the environment in puppet.conf and the environment set in Foreman":["Foreman fournira l'environnement Puppet dans la sortie YAML de l'ENC. Cela supprime les incohérences entre l'environnement dans puppet.conf et l'environnement dans l'ENC."],"Foreman will use random UUIDs for certificate signing instead of hostnames":["Foreman utilisera les UUID des certificats plutôt que les noms de machine"],"Foreman will update a host's environment from its facts":["Foreman mettra à jour l'environnement de l'hôte d'après les facts"],"Foreman host group matchers will be inherited by children when evaluating smart class parameters":["Les matchers des groupes d'hôtes Foreman sont hérités par les groupes fils lors de l'évaluation des paramètres des Smart Class"],"Foreman will create the host when new facts are received":["Foreman créé l'hôte à la réception des facts"],"Foreman will create the host when a report is received":["Foreman créera l'hôte à la réception d'un rapport"],"Foreman will truncate hostname to 'puppet' if it starts with puppet":["Foreman va tronquer le nom d'hôte à 'puppet' si ce dernier commence par puppet"],"Hosts created after a puppet run will be placed in the location this fact dictates. The content of this fact should be the full label of the location.":["Les hôtes créés par un puppet run vont être placés dans la localisation décrite par ce fact. Le contenu du fact doit être le label complet de la localisation."],"Hosts created after a puppet run will be placed in the organization this fact dictates. The content of this fact should be the full label of the organization.":["Les hôtes créés par un puppet run vont être placés dans l'organisation décrite par ce fact. Le contenu du fact doit être le label complet de l'organisation."],"Hosts created after a puppet run that did not send a location fact will be placed in this location":["Les hôtes créés par un puppet run et qui n'ont envoyés aucune localisation vont être placés dans cette localisation"],"Hosts created after a puppet run that did not send a organization fact will be placed in this organization":["Les hôtes créés par un puppet run et qui n'ont envoyés aucune organisation vont être placés dans cette organisation"],"is invalid - only http://, https:// are allowed":["est invalide - seuls http://, https:// sont supportés"],"Only one declaration of a proxy is allowed":["Une seule déclaration de proxy est autorisée à être déclarée"],"No features found on this proxy, please make sure you enable at least one feature":["Aucune fonctionnalité n'a été découverte pour ce proxy, faites en sorte d'activer au moins une fonctionnalité"],"Unable to communicate with the proxy: %s":["Impossible de communiquer avec le proxy : %s"],"Please check the proxy is configured and running on the host.":["Merci de vérifier si le proxy est configuré et fonctionnel sur l'hôte."],"DHCP":["DHCP"],"Static":["Statique"],"Internal DB":["Base de données interne"],"is too long (maximum is 15 characters)":["est trop long (15 caractères maximum)"],"invalid IP address":["Adresse IP invalide"],"does not belong to subnet":["n'apparait pas au sous-réseau"],"can't be bigger than to range":["ne peut être plus grand que le scope"],"must be specified if to is defined":["doit être spécifié si À est défini"],"must be specified if from is defined":["doit être spécifié si De est défini"],"location":["Localisation"],"organization":["organisation"],"This template is locked and may not be removed.":["Ce modèle est bloqué et ne peux pas être supprimé"],"You are not authorized to lock templates.":["Vous n'êtes pas autorisé à verrouiller les modèles."],"You are not authorized to make a template default.":["Vous n'êtes pas autorisé à définir un modèle par défaut."],"This template is locked. Please clone it to a new template to customize.":["Ce modèle est verrouillé. Veuillez le cloner vers un nouveau modèle pour personnaliser ce dernier."],"already exists":["existe déjà"],"Anonymous admin user %s is missing, run foreman-rake db:seed":["Utilisateur admin anonyme %s est absent, lancer foreman-rake db:seed"],"A user group already exists with this name":["Un groupe d'utilisateurs portant ce nom existe déjà"],"Can't delete the last admin account":["Impossible de supprimer le dernier compte Admin"],"cannot be removed from the last admin account":["Impossible de supprimer le dernier compte Admin"],"Can't delete internal admin account":["Impossible de supprimer le compte admin interne"],"cannot be removed from an internal protected account":["Impossible de supprimer depuis un compte interne protégé"],"cannot be changed on an internal protected account":["impossible de changer un compte interne protégé"],"you can't assign some of roles you selected":["Vous ne pouvez assigner certains des rôles sélectionnés"],"you can't change administrator flag":["Vous ne pouvez pas changer le flag administrateur"],"cannot be changed by a non-admin user":["ne peut pas être modifié par un utilisateur non-admin"],"default locations need to be user locations first":["Les localisations par défaut doivent déjà être des localisations de l'utilisateur"],"default organizations need to be user organizations first":["Les organisations par défaut doivent déjà être des organisations de l'utilisateur"],"is not valid":["est invalide"],"has this role already":["possède déjà ce rôle"],"is already used by a user account":["est déjà utilisé par un compte utilisateur"],"Can't delete the last admin user group":["Impossible de supprimer le dernier group Admin"],"Status table":["Statut de la table"],"Status chart":["Statut du diagramme"],"Report summary":["Rapports"],"Distribution chart":["Répartition des systèmes d'exploitation"],"Unallowed template for dashboard widget: %s":["Modèle pour widget du tableau de bord non alloué : %s"],"Invalid version format, please enter in x.y (only major version).":["Format de version invalide, merci d'utiliser le format x.y (uniquement la version majeur)"],"%{id} plugin requires Foreman %{matcher} but current is %{current}":["Le plugin %{id} requiert Foreman %{matcher} mais est actuellement %{current}"],"%{id} plugin requires the %{plugin_name} plugin, not found":["Le plugin %{id} requiert le plugin %{plugin_name}, non installé"],"%{id} plugin requires the %{plugin_name} plugin %{matcher} but current is %{plugin_version}":["Le plugin %{id} requiert le plugin %{plugin_name} %{matcher} mais la version actuelle est %{plugin_version}"],"Failed to validate %{host}: %{error}":["Impossible de valider %{host} : %{error}"],"No templates found for this host.":["Aucun modèle trouvé pour cet hôte"],"Template %s is empty.":["Le modèle %s est vide."],"Failure parsing %{template}: %{error}.":["Erreur d'analyse de %{template} : %{error}"],"No smart proxies found.":["Aucun Smart Proxy trouvé."],"Failure deploying via smart proxy %{proxy}: %{error}.":["Impossible de déployer via le Smart Proxy %{proxy} : %{error}"],"Error connecting to %{proxy}: %{error}.":["Erreur de connexion vers %{proxy} : %{error}"],"Unknown interface type, must be one of [%s]":["Type d'interface inconnu, le type doit être un élément de la liste suivante : [%s]"],"My account":["Mon compte"],"Log out":["Déconnexion"],"Administer":["Administrer"],"Locations":["Localisations"],"Organizations":["Organisations"],"LDAP authentication":["Authentification LDAP"],"Users":["Utilisateurs"],"User groups":["Groupes utilisateur"],"Roles":["Rôles"],"Bookmarks":["Marque-pages"],"Settings":["Paramètres"],"About":["À propos"],"Monitor":["Surveiller"],"Dashboard":["Tableau de bord"],"Statistics":["Statistiques"],"Trends":["Tendances"],"Hosts":["Hôtes"],"All hosts":["Tous les hôtes"],"New host":["Nouvel hôte"],"Provisioning Setup":["Configuration du provisionnement"],"Architectures":["Architectures"],"Hardware models":["Modèles de matériel "],"Installation 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ne pouvez pas supprimer %s qui est utilisé par des hôtes ou hérité."],"is alphanumeric and cannot contain spaces":["est alphanumérique et ne peut contenir d'espace"],"is not a valid MAC address":["invalide adresse MAC"],"can't contain spaces.":["ne peut pas contenir des espaces."],"System Status":["Statut du système"],"Smart Proxies":["Smart Proxies"],"Available Providers":["Fournisseurs disponibles"],"Compute Resources":["Ressources d'Ordinateur"],"Plugins":["Greffons"],"No smart proxies to show":["Aucun Smart Proxy à afficher"],"Name":["Nom"],"Features":["Fonctionnalités"],"Status":["Statut"],"Connecting..":["Connexion.."],"Provider":["Fournisseur"],"Installed":["Installé"],"Not Installed":["Non installé"],"To enable a provider, either install the OS package (e.g. foreman-libvirt) or enable the bundler group for development setup (e.g. ovirt).":["Pour activer un fournisseur de ressources d'ordinateur, soit installer le paquet logiciel (p. ex. foreman-libvirt) ou activer le groupe bundler pour les configurations de développement (p. ex. oVirt)"],"No compute resource to show":["Aucune ressource à afficher"],"Type":["Type"],"No plugins found":["Aucun greffon trouvé"],"Description":["Description"],"Author":["Auteur"],"Version":["Version"],"Support":["Support"],"Manual":["Manuel"],"Wiki":["Wiki"],"First use instructions":["Instructions initiales"],"IRC":["IRC"],"You can find The Foreman on the %{freenode} ( network. For general support, please visit #theforeman and for development specific related chat, please visit #theforeman-dev.":["Vous pouvez contacter l'équipe de The Foremann sur le réseau IRC %{freenode} ( Si vous avez besoin de support, merci de visiter #theforeman. Pour la partie développement, veuillez vous rendre sur #theforeman-dev."],"Mailing lists":["Listes de diffusion"],"Mailing lists are available via Google Groups. Much like IRC, we have a general users (support, Q/A, etc) lists and a development list:":["Les listes de diffusion sont accessibles via Google Groups. À l'instar d'IRC, nous fournissons un liste généraliste pour les utilisateurs (support, Q/A,..) et une liste dédiée au développement :"],"Foreman Users":["Utilisateurs de Foreman"],"Foreman Developers":["Développeurs de Foreman"],"Issue tracker":["Traqueur de bogues"],"We use Redmine to report and track bugs and feature requests, which can be found here:":["Nous utilisons Redmine comme traqueur de bogues et des nouvelles fonctionnalités. Il est accessible ici :"],"issue tracker":["traqueur de bogue"],"System Information":["Informations système"],"Version %{version} © 2009-%{year} Paul Kelly and %{author}":["Version %{version} © 2009-%{year} Paul Kelly et %{author}"],"Access denied":["Accès refusé"],"Resource %{resource_name} not found by id '%{id}'":["La ressource %{resource_name} n'a pas été trouvée avec l'id '%{id}'"],"Unable to authenticate user %s":["Impossible d'authentifier l'utilisateur %s"],"'Content-Type: %s' is unsupported in API v2 for POST and PUT requests. Please use 'Content-Type: application/json'.":["'Content-Type: %s' n'est pas supporté en v2 de l'API que ce soit pour les requêtes POST ou PUT. Merci d'utiliser 'Content-Type: application/json'."],"Operating Systems":["Systèmes d'Exploitation"],"Edit Architecture":["Éditer les Architectures"],"New Architecture":["Nouvelle architecture"],"Architecture|Name":["Nom"],"New architecture":["Nouvelle architecture"],"Architecture configuration":["Configuration des Architectures"],"Before you proceed to using Foreman you should provide information about one or more architectures.":["Avant de poursuivre l'utilisation de Foreman, vous devez fournir les informations d'une ou plusieurs architectures"],"Each entries represent a particular hardware architecture, most commonly <b>x86_64</b> or <b>i386</b>. Foreman also supports the Solaris operating system family, which includes <b>sparc</b> based systems.":["Chaque entrée représente une architecture matériel, couramment <b>x86_64</b> ou <b>i386</b>. Foreman supporte aussi la famille de systèmes d'exploitation Solaris qui inclue <b>sparc</b>."],"Each architecture can also be associated with more than one operating system and a selector block is provided to allow you to select valid combinations.":["Chaque architecture peut-être associée à un ou plusieurs systèmes d'exploitation. De plus il est possible de restreindre les combinaisons valides."],"<b>Foreman</b> audit summary":["<b>Foreman</b> Rapports d'audit"],"Displaying %{num_audits} of %{total_audits} audit":["Affichage de %{num_audits} sur %{total_audits} audit","Affichage de %{num_audits} sur %{total_audits} audits"],"No audit changes for this period":["Aucun changent d'audit sur cette période"],"Full audits list":["Liste complète des audits"],"Foreman audit summary":["Rapport d'audits de Foreman"],"Logged-in":["Connecté"],"Host details":["Détails de l'Hôte"],"Template Diff":["Diff du Modème"],"History":["Historique"],"Item":["Item"],"Old":["Anciens"],"New":["Nouveau"],"Value":["Valeur"],"LDAP server":["Serveur LDAP"],"Account":["Compte"],"Attribute mappings":["Correspondance d'attributs"],"Choose a server type":["Sélectionner un type de serveur"],"Server type":["Type de serveur"],"Use this account to authenticate, <i>optional</i>":["Utiliser ce compte pour l'authentification, <i>optionnel</i>"],"Base DN":["Base DN"],"Groups base DN":["Base DN des Groupes"],"Custom LDAP search filter, <i>optional</i>":["Filtre LDAP search spécifique, <i>optionnel</i>"],"LDAP users will have their Foreman account automatically created the first time they log into Foreman":["Les utilisateurs LDAP seront automatiquement crées lors de leur première connexion sur Foreman"],"External user groups will be synced on login, else relies on periodic cronjob to check group membership":["Les groupes d'utilisateurs externes seront synchronisés à l'authentification, ou se baseront sur une synchronisation périodique par cron lors de la vérification de l'appartenance aux groupes"],"e.g. uid":["Ex: uid"],"e.g. givenName":["Ex: givenName"],"e.g. sn":["Ex: sn"],"e.g. mail":["Ex: mail"],"Photo attribute":["Attribut Photo"],"e.g. jpegPhoto":["Par ex. jpegPhoto"],"Edit LDAP Auth Source":["Éditer la source authentification LDAP"],"LDAP Authentication":["Authentification LDAP"],"New LDAP Source":["Nouvelle source LDAP"],"AuthSource|Name":["Nom"],"AuthSource|Host":["Hôte"],"AuthSource|Onthefly register":["Enregistrement à la volée"],"AuthSource|LDAPS":["LDAPS"],"New LDAP Auth Source":["Nouvelle source d'authentification LDAP"],"New authentication source":["Nouvelle source d'authentification"],"Authentication Source Configuration":["Configuration des sources d'authentification"],"Foreman can use LDAP based service for user information and authentication.":["Foreman peut utiliser des services basés sur LDAP pour l'authentification et les informations utilisateur"],"The authentication process currently requires an LDAP provider, such as <em>OpenLDAP</em> or <em>Microsoft's Active Directory</em>.":["Le processus d'authentification requiert un serveur LDAP comme <em>OpenLDAP</em> ou <em>Active Directory de Microsoft</em>."],"Autosign entries for %s":["Autosigner les entrées pour %s"],"New Autosign Entry":["Nouvelle entrée Autosignée"],"Edit Bookmark":["Éditer les Marque-pages"],"Manage Bookmarks":["Gérer les Marques-page"],"Bookmark|Name":["Nom"],"Bookmark|Query":["Requête "],"Bookmark|Controller":["Contrôleur"],"Bookmark|Public":["Public"],"New Bookmark":["Nouveau marque-page"],"Bookmarks configuration":["Configuration des marque-pages"],"Here you can manage bookmarks. Bookmarks are saved search queries.":["La gestion des Marques-page se fait ici. Les Marques-page sont en fait des requêtes de recherche sauvegardées ."],"Permission denied":["Accès interdit"],"You are not authorized to perform this action":["Vous n'êtes pas autorisé à effectuer cette opération"],"Please request the required privileges from a foreman administrator":["Demandez à votre administrateur les droits nécessaires"],"Back":["Retour"],"Not Found":["Non trouvé"],"Please try to update your request":["Merci de mettre votre requête à jour"],"Oops, we're sorry but something went wrong":["Oups, désolé quelque chose s'est mal passé"],"Foreman ticketing system":["le gestionnaire de tickets Foreman"],"If you feel this is an error with Foreman itself, please open a new issue with":["Si vous pensez qu'il s'agisse d'une erreur de Foreman, merci d'ouvrir un ticket avec"],"You would probably need to attach the":["Vous aurez probablement besoin d'attacher la"],"Full trace":["trace complète"],"and relevant log entries.":["et les entrées de log correspondantes."],"None Found":["Rien trouvé"],"Changed environments":["Environnements modifiés"],"Select the changes you want to realize in Foreman":["Sélectionner les changements que vous voulez voir appliqué par Foreman"],"Toggle":["Commuter"],"Check/Uncheck new":["Cocher / Décocher les nouveaux"],"Updated":["Mis à jour"],"Check/Uncheck updated":["Cocher / Décocher les mis à jour "],"Obsolete":["Obsolète"],"Check/Uncheck obsolete":["Cocher / Décocher les obsolètes"],"Check/Uncheck all":["Cocher / Tout décocher"],"Operation":["Opération"],"Puppet Modules":["Modules Puppet"],"Check/Uncheck all %s changes":["Tout Cocher / Décocher les %s changements"],"Add:":["Ajouter:"],"Remove:":["Suppression:"],"Update:":["Mise à jour:"],"Update":["Mise à jour"],"Search":["Rechercher"],"Bookmark this search":["Ajouter cette recherche aux favoris"],"Add Bookmark":["Ajouter un marque-pages"],"Build from OS image":["Construire depuis l'image du système d'exploitation"],"OS Image":["Image du système d'exploitation"],"Architecture":["Architecture"],"Media":["Media"],"Partition table":["Table de partition"],"Scope":["Périmètre"],"Actions":["Actions"],"override":["surcharger"],"Override this value":["Surcharger cette valeur"],"Global":["Global"],"hide":["cacher"],"remove":["supprimer"],"Global Parameters":["Paramètres globaux"],"Add Parameter":["Ajouter un paramètre"],"Puppetclass":["Puppetclass"],"Parameter name":["Nom du paramètre"],"Parameter type":["Type du paramètre"],"Puppet class overrides":["Surcharges dans la classe Puppet"],"Override a Puppetclass Parameter":["Surcharger un paramètre de la classe Puppet"],"Edit Global Parameter":["Éditer les Paramètres Globaux"],"New Parameter":["Nouveau paramètre"],"Parameter|Name":["Nom"],"Parameter|Value":["Valeur"],"New Global Parameter":["Nouveau paramètre global"],"Compute profile":["Profil d'Ordinateur"],"Edit compute profile on %s":["Éditer le profil d'Ordinateur de %s"],"New compute profile on %s":["Nouveau profil d'Ordinateur pour %s"],"Edit Compute profile":["Éditer le profil d'Ordinateur"],"New Compute Profile":["Nouveau Profil d'Ordinateur"],"Rename":["Renommer"],"New Compute profile":["Nouveau profil d'Ordinateur"],"Edit Compute profile: %s":["Éditer le profil d'Ordinateur: %s"],"Click on the link of a compute resource to edit its default VM attributes.":["Cliquer sur le lien d'une ressource d'ordinateur pour éditer les attributs par défaut des VM."],"Compute Resource":["Ressources d'Ordinateur"],"VM Attributes (%s)":["Attributs de machine virtuelle (%s)"],"unspecified":["indéterminé"],"Choose a provider":["Sélectionner un fournisseur "],"Access Key":["Clé d'accès"],"Secret Key":["Clé privée"],"Region":["Région"],"Load Regions":["Charger les régions"],"Test Connection":["Tester la connexion"],"Google Project ID":["ID Projet Google"],"Client Email":["Email Client"],"The file path where your p12 file is located":["Le chemin où se trouve votre fichier p12"],"Certificate path":["Chemin du Certificat"],"Zone":["Zone"],"Load zones":["Zones de charge"],"e.g. qemu://":["Ex: qemu://"],"Display type":["Type d'affichage"],"Console passwords":["Mot de passe console"],"Set a randomly generated password on the display connection":["Définir un mot de passe généré aléatoirement pour la connexion à l'affichage"],"e.g. http://openstack:5000/v2.0/tokens":["Ex: http://openstack:5000/v2.0/tokens"],"Tenant":["Tenant"],"Load Tenants":["Charger les tenants"],"e.g.":["Ex:"],"e.g. admin@internal":["Ex: admin@interne"],"Datacenter":["Centre de données"],"Load Datacenters":["Charger les Centres de données"],"Quota ID":["ID Quota"],"X509 Certification Authorities":["Autorités de certification X509"],"Optionally provide a CA, or a correctly ordered CA chain. If left blank, a self-signed CA will be populated automatically by the server during the first request.":["En option, fournir un CA, ou une chaine de CA correctement ordonnée. Si ce champ est laissé vide, un CA autosigné sera automatiquement créé par le serveur lors de la première requête."],"e.g.":["Ex:"],"API Key":["Clé API"],"VCenter/Server":["VCenter/Serveur"],"Fingerprint":["Empreinte"],"New Compute Resource":["Nouvelle Ressource d'Ordinateur"],"ComputeResource|Name":["Nom"],"New compute resource":["Nouvelle Ressource d'Ordinateur"],"Associate VMs":["Associer les VMs"],"Associate VMs to Foreman hosts":["Associer les VMs à des hôtes Foreman"],"Virtual Machines":["Machines virtuelles"],"Images":["Images"],"Loading virtual machines information ...":["Chargement des informations des machines virtuelles ..."],"New Image":["Nouvelle image"],"Loading Images information":["Charger les informations des images"],"VM Attributes":["Attributs de machine virtuelle"],"URL":["URL"],"Disabled":["Désactivé"],"Enabled":["Activé"],"There was an error listing VMs: %s":["Il y a eu une erreur en listant les VMs : %s"],"Network interfaces":["Interfaces réseau"],"Add 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pont"],"your libvirt host does not support interface listing, please enter here the bridge name (e.g. br0)":["votre hôte Libvirt ne supporte pas le listing d'interface, merci de saisir ici le nom de l'interface pont (par ex. br0)"],"NIC type":["Type d'interface réseau"],"Storage pool":["Pool de stockage"],"Security group":["Groupe de sécurité"],"Internal network":["Réseau interne"],"Floating IP network":["Réseau d'adresses IP flottantes"],"Create new boot volume from image":["Créer un nouveau volume de boot depuis une image"],"Boot from volume":["Démarrage depuis le volume"],"Defaults to image size if left blank":["Si blanc, la taille de l'image est utilisée"],"New boot volume size (GB)":["Taille du nouveau volume de boot (GB)"],"Cluster":["Cluster"],"Select template":["Choisir un modèle"],"oVirt/RHEV template to use":["Modèle oVirt/RHEV à utiliser"],"Template":["Modèle"],"Cores":["Cores"],"Storage domain":["Domaine de Stockage"],"Preallocate disk":["Pré-allocation de disque"],"Uses thin provisioning if unchecked":["Utilise le provisionnement dynamique si coché"],"Only one volume can be bootable":["Un seul volume peut être déclaré pour le démarrage"],"Please Select an Image":["Merci de choisir une image"],"Cores per socket":["Cores par socket"],"Memory (MB)":["Mémoire (Mo)"],"Folder":["Répertoire"],"Guest OS":["Systèmes d'exploitation invités"],"SCSI controller":["Contrôleur SCSI"],"Virtual H/W version":["Version du matériel virtuelle"],"Data store":["Stockage"],"Thin provision":["Allocation granulaire"],"Eager zero":["Provisionné à zero"],"Virtual Machines on %s":["Machines virtuelles sur %s"],"DNS":["DNS"],"State":["État "],"Power":["Alimentation"],"New Virtual Machine":["Nouvelle Machine Virtuelle"],"Create":["Créer"],"Associate VM":["Associer à une VM"],"Associate VM to a Foreman host":["Associer une VM à un hôte Foreman"],"Properties":["Propriétés"],"Machine Type":["Type de machine"],"VCPU(s)":["VCPU(s)"],"UUID":["UUID"],"Allocated":["Alloué"],"Display":["Afficher"],"NIC":["Carte réseau"],"using %{allocation} GB out of %{capacity} GB, %{pool_name} storage pool":["utilise %{allocation} Go sur %{capacity} Go, pool de stockage %{pool_name}"],"Path":["Chemin"],"Running on":["Exécution sur"],"using %s":["utilisation de %s"],"included already from parent":["déjà inclus depuis le parent"],"%s is not in environment":["%s n'est pas dans un environnement"],"Included Config Groups":["Groupes de configurations inclus"],"Available Config Groups":["Groupes de configuration disponibles"],"Edit Config group":["Éditer les Groupes de configuration"],"New Config Group":["Nouveau groupe de configuration"],"New Config group":["Nouveau groupe de configuration"],"Run distribution in the last %s minute":["Répartition des lancements sur la %s dernière minute","Répartition des lancements sur les %s dernières minutes"],"Latest Events":["Dernier évènement"],"No interesting reports received in the last week":["Aucun rapport intéressant reçu cette dernière semaine"],"Host Configuration Chart":["Diagramme de la configuration des hôtes"],"Hosts that had performed modifications without error":["Hôtes qui ont effectué des changements sans erreur"],"Hosts in error state":["Hôtes en erreur"],"Good host reports in the last %s":["Bons rapports dans les derniers %s"],"Hosts that had pending changes":["Hôtes en attente de changements"],"Out of sync hosts":["Hôtes désynchronisés"],"Hosts with no reports":["Hôtes sans aucun rapport"],"Hosts with alerts disabled":["Hôtes dont les alertes sont désactivées"],"Total Hosts: %s":["Nombre d'Hôtes Total: %s"],"Overview":["Vue globale"],"Get default dashboard widgets":["Widgets du tableau de bord par défaut"],"Welcome":["Bienvenue"],"Before you can use Foreman for the first time there are a few tasks that must be performed.":["Avant de pouvoir utiliser Foreman, certaines tâches doivent être accomplies."],"You must decide how you wish to use the software, and update the primary settings file <b>config/settings.yaml</b> and the":["Vous devez décider comment utiliser ce logiciel, et mettre à jour les paramètres du fichier de configuration <b>config/settings.yaml</b> et les"],"settings":["paramètres"],"to indicate your selections.":["selon votre utilisation."],"Operating Mode":["Mode d'opération"],"You may operate Foreman in basic mode, in which it acts as a reporting and external node classifier or you may also turn on unattended mode operation in which Foreman creates and manages the configuration files necessary to completely configure a new host.":["Vous pouvez utiliser Foreman en mode basique, qui fonctionne alors comme un tableau de bord et comme \\\"External Node Classifier\\\", ou vous pouvez aussi utiliser le mode Automatisé. Dans ce cas Foreman créé et gère les fichiers de configuration nécessaires à la configuration complète d'un hôte."],"When operating in unattended mode Foreman will require more information, so expect more questions, but it will be able to automate host installations for Red Hat, Debian, SUSE and Solaris operating systems (and their clones), see":["Lors que le mode opératoire est Unattended, Foreman requerra plus d'informations. Attendez-vous à d'avantages de questions mais Foreman pourra automatiser d'avantage les installations des hôtes pour les systèmes Red Hat, Debian, Suse et Solaris (et leurs dérivés respectifs), voir"],"here":["ici"],"for more details.":["pour plus de détails."],"Create a Smart Proxy":["Créer un Smart Proxy"],"If you're planning to do anything more than just handle reports, you'll be in need of a smart proxy - either on this machine or elsewhere on your network.":["Si vous envisagez de faire plus qu'une simple gestion des rapports, alors vous aurez besoin d'un Smart Proxy, que ce soit sur cette machine ou ailleurs sur le réseau."],"You can find details of how to set up the proxy at":["Vous pouvez trouver des détails sur l'implémentation d'un proxy à"],"Smart-Proxy Installation":["L'installation de Smart-Proxy"],"Important":["Important"],"Once installed you should head over to":["Une fois installé, dirigez-vous vers "],"to point Foreman at it.":["pour diriger Foreman dessus."],"User Authentication":["Authentification utilisateur"],"Foreman, by default, operates in anonymous mode where all operations are performed without reference to the user who is performing the task.":["Par défaut, Foreman opère en mode anonyme, les différentes actions de chaque utilisateur ne sont pas enregistrées."],"If you wish to track the actions of a particular user then it is possible to use an additional authentication stage and provide a user account.":["Si vous souhaitez tracer les actions d'un utilisateur particulier, alors il est possible d'utiliser une authentification en fournissant un compte utilisateur."],"At present, authentication is performed against the internal Database or a LDAP service provided by one or more LDAP servers.":["À l'heure actuelle, l'authentification est réalisée soit via la base de données interne, soit via LDAP à l'aide d'un ou plusieurs serveurs."],"Additionally, you may restrict user permissions based on many criteria, make sure you check the roles settings tab.":["De plus, vous pouvez limiter les permissions utilisateur selon de nombreux critères. Visitez la page Rôles du menu Utilistateurs de l'onglet de configuration."],"For internal Users, simply create a new user at the %s page":["Pour les utilisateurs internes, créer simplement un nouvel utilisateur via la page %s"],"LDAP":["LDAP"],"If you chose to use LDAP authentication then you must provide connection details for your authentication provider on %s page":["Si vous choisissez une authentification LDAP, alors vous devez saisir les informations du fournisseur d'authentification sur la page %s"],"For Roles and permissions, see the %s page":["Pour les rôles et permissions, se reporter à la page %s"],"Notice":["Note"],"You would need to enable login in your settings.yml file first and restart foreman":["Vous voudriez activer l’authentification dans vos paramètres - dans le fichier settings.yml - et redémarrer Foreman"],"The default username and password are <b>admin</b> and <b>changeme</b>":["Le nom et le mot de passe par défaut sont <b>admin</b> et <b>changeme</b>"],"Import your data":["Import de vos données"],"Foreman comes with some importers to ease the burden of entering loads of data about your current installation.":["Foreman fourni des scripts d'import pour faciliter l'ajout massif de données depuis votre installation actuelle."],"If you are already using puppet you should consider using some of the rake tasks that have been provided.":["Si vous utilisez déjà Puppet, vous devriez adopter l'usage de tâches Rake qui sont fournies avec le projet."],"Inventory browser":["Inventaire"],"Importing Puppet Facts":["Import des Puppet facts"],"Puppet External Nodes":["Puppet External Nodes"],"Importing Puppet classes and environments":["Import des classes et environnements Puppet"],"Reporting":["Rapport"],"Puppet Reports integration":["Integration des rapports Puppet"],"Additional steps":["Étapes additionnelles"],"You may optionally wish to generate the online documentation for your puppet classes":["Vous pouvez aussi générer la documentation en ligne pour vos classes Puppet."],"puppet class browser":["Navigateur de classes Puppet"],"After you have decided on the two primary modes of operation and performed any appropriate imports then it would be good idea if you visited some of the other configuration pages to see if additional setup is required under the Additional settings select box on the top right.":["Une fois décidé entre les deux modes opératoires et l'import réalisé, il est conseillé de visiter toutes les pages de configuration pour vous assurer que rien d'autre ne soit requit. Pour ce faire sélectionner Paramètres dans le menu en haut a droite."],"You may also find the":["Vous pouvez aussi trouver la page "],"Howtos":["Howtos"],"useful.":["pratique."],"This page will self destruct once Foreman starts to receive data about your hosts. You can view this information again by clicking on the \\\"First use instructions\\\" link on the %{about} page.":["Cette page va s'autodétruire dès la réception des premières données d'hôtes par Foreman. Vous pouvez revoir ces informations en cliquant sur le lien \\\"Instructions initiales\\\" de la page %{about}."],"Parameters":["Paramètres"],"Full name describing the domain":["Nom complet décrivant le domaine"],"DNS proxy to use within this domain for managing A records, note that PTR records are managed via Subnet DNS proxy":["Proxy DNS à utiliser pour gérer les enregistrements A de cette zone DNS. Notez que les enregistrements PTR sont gérés par le proxy DNS du sous réseau concerné."],"DNS Proxy":["DNS Proxy"],"Edit Domain":["Éditer le Domaine"],"New Domain":["Nouveau Domaine"],"Domain|Fullname":["Nom complet"],"Domain Configuration":["Configuration des domaines"],"Foreman considers a domain and a DNS zone as the same thing. That is, if you are planning to manage a site where all the machines are or the form <i>hostname</i>.<b></b>\\n then the domain is <b></b>. This allows Foreman to associate a puppet variable with a domain/site and automatically append this variable to all external node requests made\\n by machines at that site.":["Foreman considère un domaine et une zone DNS comme étant la même chose. Si vous envisagez de gérer un site où toutes les machines sont de la forme <i>hostname</i>.<b></b>\\n alors le domaine est <b></b>. Cela permet à Foreman d'associer une variable Puppet avec un domaine/site et automatiquement ajouter cette variable à chaque requête à l'ENC des machines de ce site."],"The <b>fullname</b> field is used for human readability in reports and other pages that refer to domains,\\n and also available as an external node parameter":["Le champ <b>nom complet</b> est utilisé dans les rapports pour faciliter la lecture par des humains, dans les pages\\nqui se réfèrent au domaine, et aussi comme paramètre transmis par l'ENC"],"Edit Environment":["Éditer l'Environnement"],"Puppet Environments":["Environnements Puppet"],"Environment|Name":["Nom"],"Classes":["Classes"],"New Environment":["Nouvel environnement "],"Puppet environments configuration":["Configuration des environnements Puppet"],"If you are planning to use Foreman as an external node classifier you should provide information about one or more environments.":["Si vous envisagez d'utiliser Foreman comme external node classifier, vous devriez fournir les informations à propos d'un ou plusieurs environnements."],"This information is commonly imported from a pre-existing puppet configuration by the use of the":["Cette information est habituellement importé depuis la configuration d'un Puppet préexistant, par l'usage de"],"Puppet classes and environment importer":["Importateur des classes et environnements Puppet"],"Environments may be manually created and only require the name of the environment to be declared.":["Les Environnements peuvent être créés manuelement et requièrent un nom pour être déclarés"],"Show %{host} facts":["Montrer les facts de %{host}"],"Show all %{name} facts where they are equal to %{value}":["Afficher tous les facts %{name} quand ils sont égal à %{value}"],"Show distribution chart":["Afficher le diagramme des répartitions"],"Fact Values":["Valeurs des Facts"],"Host":["Hôte"],"FactValue|Value":["Valeur"],"Reported at":["Rapporté le"],"Hosts Inventory":["Inventaires d'Hôtes"],"You don't seem to have any facts yet. If you wish to configure fact pushing, please follow":["Vous ne semblez pas avoir de fact. Si vous souhaitez configurer la remontée de facts, merci de consulter"],"setting up facts":["mise en place des facts"],"This page will self destruct once inventory data comes in.":["Cette page s'autodétruira quand des données d'inventaires arriveront."],"%s Distribution":["Répartition de %s"],"Selected role":["Rôle sélectionné"],"(Miscellaneous)":["(Divers)"],"Permission":["Permission"],"Selected resource type does not support granular filtering, therefore you can't configure granularity":["Le type de ressource sélectionné ne supporte pas de filtrage granulaire, par conséquent vous ne pouvez pas configurer la granularité"],"By unchecking this you can specify filter using Foreman search syntax in search field. If filter remains unlimited (this field is checked) it applies on all resources of the selected type":["En décochant cette case vous pouvez spécifier dans le champ de recherche, le filtre utilisé par Foreman à l'aide de la syntaxe de recherche. Si le filtre reste illimité (la case reste cochée) cela s'applique sur toutes les ressources associées à ce filtre."],"Edit Filter":["Editer le filtre"],"Filters":["Filtres"],"New filter":["Nouveau filtre"],"Role":["Rôle"],"Filter|Resource":["Ressource"],"Filter|Permissions":["Permissions"],"Filter|Unlimited":["Illimité"],"Filter|Search":["Recherche"],"none":["Aucun"],"Delete filter?":["Supprimer le filtre?"],"New Filter":["Nouveau filtre"],"Manage Locations":["Gérer les localisations"],"Manage Organizations":["Gérer les organisations"],"Hostname":["Nom d'hôte"],"<b style=\\\"color: #6bb5df;\\\">%{hosts_sum}</b>\\n <p style=\\\"font-weight: bold; margin: 5px; padding: 0px;\\\">Changed</p>":["<b style=\\\"color: #6bb5df;\\\">%{hosts_sum}</b>\\n<p style=\\\"font-weight: bold; margin: 5px; padding: 0px;\\\">Changé</p>","<b style=\\\"color: #6bb5df;\\\">%{hosts_sum}</b>\\n<p style=\\\"font-weight: bold; margin: 5px; padding: 0px;\\\">Changé</p>"],"<b style=\\\"color: #6bb5df;\\\">%{out_of_sync_sum}</b>\\n <p style=\\\"font-weight: bold; margin: 5px; padding: 0px;\\\">Out of sync</p>":["<b style=\\\"color: #6bb5df;\\\">%{out_of_sync_sum}</b>\\n<p style=\\\"font-weight: bold; margin: 5px; padding: 0px;\\\">Désynchronisé</p>","<b style=\\\"color: #6bb5df;\\\">%{out_of_sync_sum}</b>\\n<p style=\\\"font-weight: bold; margin: 5px; padding: 0px;\\\">Désynchronisés</p>"],"<b style=\\\"color: #6bb5df;\\\">%{disabled_sum}</b>\\n <p style=\\\"font-weight: bold; margin: 5px; padding: 0px;\\\">Disabled</p>":["<b style=\\\"color: #6bb5df;\\\">%{disabled_sum}</b>\\n<p style=\\\"font-weight: bold; margin: 5px; padding: 0px;\\\">Désactivé</p>","<b style=\\\"color: #6bb5df;\\\">%{disabled_sum}</b>\\n<p style=\\\"font-weight: bold; margin: 5px; padding: 0px;\\\">Désactivés</p>"],"Level":["Niveau"],"Resource":["Ressource"],"message":["message"],"No logs to show":["Aucun log à afficher"],"Total of one host":["Un hôte au total","Nombre d'Hôtes Total: %{hosts}"],"None!":["Aucun"],"Last Report":["Dernier rapport"],"<b>Foreman</b> Puppet error report":["<b>Foreman</b> Rapport Puppet en erreur"],"<b>Foreman</b> Build Complete":["<b>Foreman</b> Construction terminée"],"IP":["IP"],"Your host has finished building:":["La construction de votre hôte est terminée :"],"Hostname:":["Nom d'hôte :"],"IP:":["IP :"],"View in Foreman:":["Voir dans Foreman :"],"<b>Foreman</b> Puppet summary":["<b>Foreman</b> Rapport Puppet "],"Summary from %{time} ago to now":["Rapport du %{time} à maintenant"],"Summary report from Foreman server at %{foreman_url}":["Rapport du serveur Foreman hébergé en %{foreman_url}"],"Hosts with interesting values (changed, failures etc)":["Hôtes avec des caractéristiques intéressantes (changements, échecs, etc)"],"Hosts which are currently not running Puppet":["Hôtes qui n'ont pas Puppet de lancé actuellement"],"Hosts which Foreman reporting is disabled":["Hôtes avec les rapports Foreman désactivés"],"Hostgroup":["Groupe d'hôtes"],"Puppet Classes":["Classes Puppet"],"Parent":["Parent"],"Please select an environment first":["Tout d'abord, sélectionner un environnement"],"Password must be 8 characters or more":["Le mot de passe doit faire au moins 8 caractères"],"Puppet classes parameters":["Paramètres des classes Puppet"],"Host group parameters":["Paramètres du groupe d'hôte"],"Host Groups":["Groupe d'Hôtes"],"New Host Group":["Nouveau groupe d'hôtes"],"Hostgroup|Name":["Nom"],"Nest":["Emboîter"],"Host group configuration":["Configuration d'un groupe d'hôtes"],"A host group is in some ways similar to an inherited node declaration, in that it is a high level grouping of classes that can be named and treated as a unit. This is then treated as a template and is selectable during the creation of a new host and ensures that the host is configured in one of your pre-defined states.":["Un groupe d'hôtes est en quelques sorte similaire à de l'héritage de noeud, dans le sens où c'est un regroupement haut niveau de classes qui peut être nommé et traité comme un tout. C'est alors traité comme un modèle et est sélectionnable pendant la phase de création d'un nouvel hôte et assure que l'hôte est configuré dans un de vos états prédéfinis."],"In addition to defining which puppet classes get included when building this host type you are also able to assign variables and provisioning information to a host group to further refine the behavior of the puppet runtime.":["En complément de définir quelle classe Puppet va être incluse lors de l'installation de l'hôte, vous pouvez assigner les variables et provisionner les informations dans un groupe d'hôtes pour d'avantage de souplesse à l'exécution de Puppet."],"The host group's classes and the host group's variables are included in the external node information when the puppetmaster compiles the host's configuration.":["Les classes du groupe d'hôtes et les variables du groupe d'hôte sont incluses dans les informations de l'ENC quand le Puppet Master compile les informations de l'hôte."],"There are two strategies when using host groups.":["Il y a deux stratégies quand on utilise les groupes d'hôtes"],"You may create puppet classes that represent high-level host configurations, for example, a <b>host-type-ldap-server</b> class, which includes all the required functionality from other modules or you may decide to create a host group called <b>host-type-ldap-server</b> and add the required classes into the host group configuration.":["Vous pouvez créer des classes Puppet qui représentent un haut niveau de configuration d'hôte, par exemple, la classe <b>serveur-type-ldap</b> inclue toutes les fonctionnalités requises des autres modules ou vous pouvez décider de créer un groupe d'hôtes <b>serveur-type-ldap</b> et ajouter toutes les classes requises à la configuration de ce groupe d'hôtes."],"These two options are personal decisions and are up to you (where the main difference would be the parameter/variables settings).":["Ces deux options sont des décisions personnelles (la principale différence réside dans la configuration paramètre/variables )"],"Select Hosts":["Choisir les Hôtes"],"Assign Selected Hosts":["Assigner aux Hôtes sélectionnés"],"Create %s":["Créer %s"],"<b class='select_count'>0</b> selected":["<b class='select_count'>0</b> sélectionnée(s)"],"Assign to %s":["Assigner à %s"],"Chassis":["Chassis"],"Boot device":["Périphérique de démarrage"],"Netmask":["Masque réseau"],"MAC":["MAC"],"Gateway":["Passerelle"],"VM editing is not implemented for this provider":["L'édition de VM n'est pas implémenté pour ce fournisseur"],"'%{host}' not found on '%{resource}'":["'%{host}' introuvable pour '%{resource}'"],"'%{host}' could be deleted or '%{resource}' is not responding.":["'%{host}' peut avoir été supprimé ou '%{resource}' ne répond pas."],"Failed connecting to %s":["Échec de connexion à %s"],"Errors: %s":["Erreurs : %s"],"Network interfaces management has been moved to the Interfaces tab. Please set your interfaces there.":["La gestion des interfaces réseau a été déplacée dans l'onglet Interfaces. Merci de définir vos interfaces à cet endroit."],"Conflicts have been detected":["Des conflits ont été détecté"],"The following entries were found conflicting with what foreman wanted to apply.":["Les entrées suivantes rentrent en conflit avec ce que Foreman veut appliquer."],"Please review them carefully, if you are certain that they should be removed, please click on overwrite.":["Merci de relire avec attention. Si vous êtes certain qu'ils doivent être supprimés, cliquez sur écraser."],"ACK":["Accusé"],"DHCP lease conflicts have been detected":["Des conflits sur les réservations DHCP ont été détectés"],"Please correct the error(s) below and submit your changes again.":["Merci de corriger les erreurs suivantes avant de soumettre de nouveau vos changements."],"Interfaces":["Interfaces"],"Virtual Machine":["Machine Virtuelle"],"Additional Information":["Informations additionnelles"],"This value is used also as the host's primary interface name.":["Cette valeur est aussi utilisé pour l'interface primaire de l'hôte."],"Bare Metal":["Bare Metal"],"Deploy on":["Déployer sur"],"Puppet classes Parameters":["Paramètres des classes Puppet"],"Included Parameters via inheritance":["Paramètres inclus par héritage"],"Host Parameters":["Paramètres de l'Hôte"],"select an owner":["sélectionner un propriétaire"],"Owned By":["Attribué à"],"Include this host within Foreman reporting":["Inclure cet hôte dans les rapports Foreman"],"Hardware Model":["Modèle du matériel "],"Some of the interfaces are invalid. Please check the table below.":["Certaines interfaces sont invalides. Merci de vérifier le tableau ci-dessous."],"Identifier":["Identifiant"],"MAC address":["Adresse MAC"],"IP address":["Adresses IP"],"FQDN":["FQDN"],"Ok":["OK"],"Select all items in this page":["Sélectionner tous les éléments de cette page"],"items selected. Uncheck to Clear":["items sélectionnés. Décocher pour Effacer"],"Last report":["Dernier rapport"],"Please Confirm":["Merci de confirmer"],"Report Status":["Statut du rapport"],"Provisioning Method":["Méthode provisionnement"],"Network Based":["Basé sur le réseau"],"Image Based":["Depuis une image"],"Enable this host for provisioning":["Activer le provisionnement pour cet hôte"],"What ever text(or ERB template) you use in here, would be used as your OS disk layout options If you want to use the partition table option, delete all of the text from this field":["Quelque soit le texte (ou le modèle ERB) utilisé dans le cadre ci-dessus, ce contenu sera sélectionné comme table de partition. Si vous souhaitez choisir une table de partition prédéfinie, effacez tout le texte de ce cadre."],"Resolve":["Résoudre"],"Display the templates that will be used to provision this host":["Afficher les modèles qui seront utilisés pour cet hôte"],"in Progress":["En cours"],"Number of Events":["Nombre d'évenements"],"Time in Seconds":["Temps en secondes"],"Fix %s on Mismatch":["Corriger la concordance de %s "],"Fail on Mismatch":["Échec de concordance"],"Assign Hosts to %s":["Assigner les Hôtes à %s"],"Clone Host %s":["Cloner l'Hôte %s"],"Generated %s ago":["Généré il y a %s"],"Back to host":["Retour à l'hôte"],"Console output may be out of date":["La sotie console est peut être trop vieille"],"Ctrl-Alt-Del":["Ctrl-Alt-Del"],"Troubleshooting":["Diagnostiquer le problème"],"New window":["Nouvelle fenêtre"],"Open Spice in a new window":["Ouvrir Spice dans une nouvelle fenêtre"],"Connecting (unencrypted) to: %s":["Connextion (non chiffrée) à : %s"],"Password:":["Mot de passe"],"Canvas not supported.":["Canevas non supporté."],"Unmanage host":["Ne plus gérer l'hôte"],"Manage host":["Gérer l'hôte"],"Disassociate host":["Dissocier l'hôte"],"Provision":["Provisionner"],"these hosts for a build operation on next boot":["ces hôtes pour une installation au prochain redémarrage"],"Warning":["Attention"],"This might take a while, as all hosts, facts and reports will be destroyed as well":["Cette action peut prendre un certain temps, pour tous les hôtes, les rapports et facts vont aussi être supprimés"],"Disable alerts for selected hosts":["Désactiver les alertes pour les hôtes sélectionnés"],"Disassociate the selected hosts from their VMs":["Dissocier les hôtes sélectionnés de leur VMs"],"Enable alerts for selected hosts":["Activer les alertes pour les hôtes sélectionnés"],"Sorry, these hosts do not have parameters assigned to them, you must add them first.":["Désolé, ces hôtes n'ont pas de paramètres leur étant affectés, vous devez d'abord ajouter ces paramètres."],"Run Puppet on the following hosts":["Lancer Puppet sur les hôtes suivants"],"List of hosts which answer to the provided query":["Liste des hôtes qui répondent à la demande du fournisseur"],"The following errors may prevent a successful build:":["Les erreurs suivantes peuvent empêcher le bon déroulement d'une installation :"],"Check again":["Revérifiez"],"Edit Host":["Editer l'hôte"],"Reboot now":["Redémarrer maintenant"],"Select environment":["Choisir l'environnement"],"*Clear environment*":["*Nettoyer l'environnement*"],"*Inherit from host group*":["*hérité d'un groupe d'hôtes*"],"*Clear host group*":["*Effacer le groupe d'hôtes*"],"Select host group":["Choisr le groupe d'hôtes"],"Select Location":["Sélectionner une localisation"],"Select Organization":["Choisir une organisation"],"Metrics":["Métriques"],"VM":["VM"],"NICs":["Cartes réseaux"],"Loading host information ...":["Chargement des informations d'hôtes..."],"No puppet activity for this host in the last %s days":["Aucune activité Puppet pour cet hôte dans les %s dernier jours"],"Loading template information ...":["Chargement des informations des modèles..."],"Loading VM information ...":["Chargement des informations de la machine virtuelle"],"Loading NICs information ...":["Chargement des informations des interfaces réseaux ..."],"Loading BMC information ...":["Chargement des informations BNC ..."],"Loading runtime information ...":["Chargement des informations d'environnement..."],"Resources":["Ressources"],"Loading resources information ...":["Chargement des informations des ressources..."],"Review build status for %s":["Consulter le statut d'installation pour %s"],"Warning: This will delete this host and all of its data!":["Attention : Cette action va supprimer l'hôte et toutes ses données !"],"This host's stored facts and reports will be deleted too.":["Les facts sauvegardés et les rapports de cet hôte vont aussi être supprimés."],"Loading...":["Chargement ..."],"Please wait while your request is being processed":["Merci de patienter pendant le traitement de votre requête"],"All Puppet Classes for %s":["Toutes les Classes Puppet pour %s"],"Class":["Classe"],"The following hosts were updated":["Les hôtes suivants ont été mis à jour"],"The following parameters were skipped as they did not exists on this host:":["Les paramètres suivants ont été omis car ils n'existent pas sur cet hôte:"],"Back to host list":["Retour à la liste d'hôtes"],"You don't seem to have any Hosts, for more information see":["Vous ne semblez pas avoir d'hôte défini, pour plus d'information voir"],"this page":["cette page"],"This page will self destruct once data comes in.":["Cette page va s'autodétruire quand les données parviendront."],"The user that is used to ssh into the instance, normally cloud-user, ec2-user, ubuntu, root etc":["L'utilisateur qui est utilisé pour se connecter en ssh à l'instance. Normalement cloud-user, ec2-user, ubuntu, root, etc"],"Does this image support user data input (e.g. via cloud-init)?":["Cette image supporte-t-elle l'entrée de paramètres utilisateur (p.e. via cloud-init) ?"],"(optional) IAM Role for Fog to use when creating this image.":["(Optionnel) Rôle IAM de Fog lors de la création de cette image."],"Password to authenticate with - used for SSH finish step.":["Mot de passe pour l'authentification SSH lors de l'étape finale."],"Image path":["Chemin de l'image"],"Full path to backing image used to create new volumes.":["Chemin complet de l'image à utiliser pour créer de nouveaux volumes."],"Path to template, relative to datacenter (e.g. My templates/RHEL 6)":["Chemin du modèle relatif au Datacenter (p. e. : My templates/RHEL 6)"],"Image|Name":["Nom"],"Image|Username":["Nom d'utilisateur"],"Image|Uuid":["UUID"],"Image|User data":["Données utilisateur"],"Destroy":["Supprimer"],"You are using an unsupported browser.":["Vous utilisez un navigateur non supporté."],"Location configuration":["Configuration des localisations"],"You must create a location before continuing.":["Vous devez créer une localisation avant de continuer."],"Locations are used to manage and differentiate the physical place where a system managed via Foreman is housed.":["Les localisations sont utilisées pour gérer et differencier les divers emplacements physiques des systèmes gérés par Foreman "],"For example, there might be a data center in London and one in Virginia; these are locations. Locations also work nicely when used in tandem with %{organizations}.":["Par exemple, il pourrait y avoir un centre de données a Roubaix et un à Montreal ; Ceux-ci sont des localisations. Les localisations peuvent aussi être utilisées en tandem avec les %{organizations}."],"organizations":["organisations"],"Remove %s?":["Supprimer %s ?"],"Variable":["Variable"],"Whether the smart variable value is managed by Foreman":["Dépend si la valeur de la smart variable est gérée par Foreman"],"Optional input validator":["Option de validation d'entrée"],"Note that if you use ERB as a value of parameter, value will be validated during ENC evaluation. If value is invalid, ENC evaluation will fail.":["Si vous utilisez ERB comme valeur de paramètre, la valeur résultante va être évaluée pendant l'exécution de l'ENC. Si l'évaluation échoue, l'ENC va échouer."],"If checked, will raise an error if there is no default value and no matcher provide a value.":["Si coché, Foreman va générer une erreur s'il n'y a pas de valeur par défaut et aucune valeur n'est retournée "],"Override merging options":["Surcharger les options de fusion"],"Should the matchers continue to look for matches after first find (only array/hash type). Note: merging overrides ignores all matchers that use Puppet default":["Est ce que les matchers doivent continuer la recherche après le premier élément trouvé (seulement pour les types tableau et hash) ? Remarque : fusionner des surcharges ignore tous les matchers qui utilisent les valeurs par défaut de Puppet."],"Should the matched result avoid duplicate values (only array type).":["Est ce que les résultats doivent cacher les valeurs dupliquées (seulement pour le type tableaux) ?"],"Override value for specific hosts":["Surcharger une valeur pour des hôtes spécifiques"],"Order":["Ordre"],"The order in which matchers keys are processed, first match wins.<br> You may use multiple attributes as a matcher key, for example, an order of <code>host group, environment</code> would expect a matcher such as <code>hostgroup = \\\"web servers\\\", environment = production</code>":["L'ordre dans lequel les clés de Matchers sont parcourues, la première correspondance gagne.<br>Vous pouvez utiliser plusieurs attributs comme clés de Matchers, par exemple, l'ordre suivant <code>host group, environment</code> attend un matcher comme <code>hostgroup = \\\"web servers\\\", environment = production</code>"],"add a new matcher-value pair":["ajouter une nouvelle paire valeur/correspondance"],"Add Matcher-Value":["Ajouter un Matcher"],"Matcher is a combination of an attribute and its value, if they match, the value below would be provided.<br> You may use any attribute foreman knows about, such as facts etc for example: <code> domain = </code> or <code> is_virtual = true</code>":["Un Matcher est une combinaison d'un attribut et de sa valeur, s'il y a correspondance, la valeur ci-dessous sera fournie.<br>Vous pouvez utiliser n'importe quel attribut connu de Foreman, comme les Facts. Par Ex : <code>domain =</code> ou <code>is_virtual = true</code>."],"Explain matchers":["Explication des correspondances"],"Matcher":["Matcher"],"remove value":["supprimer la valeur"],"Edit Smart Variable":["Éditer la Smart Variable"],"Number of values":["Nombre de valeurs"],"The path to the medium, can be a URL or a valid NFS server (exclusive of the architecture).\\n for example <em>$version/os/$arch</em> where <strong>$arch</strong> will be substituted for the host's actual OS architecture and <strong>$version</strong>, <strong>$major</strong> and <strong>$minor</strong> will be substituted for the version of the operating system. Solaris and Debian media may also use <strong>$release</strong>.":["Le chemin vers le medium peut être une URL ou un chemin NFS (spécifique à l'architecture).\\nPar exemple : <em>$version/os/$arch</em> où <strong>$arch</strong> va être remplacé par l'architecture actuelle de l'hôte ; <strong>$version</strong>, <strong>$major</strong> et <strong>$minor</strong>seront remplacés par la version du système d'exploitation. Les médias Solaris et Debian peuvent aussi utiliser la variable <strong>$release</strong>."],"The NFS path to the media.":["Le chemin NFS du média."],"The NFS path to the jumpstart control files.":["Le chemin NFS des fichiers de contrôle jumpstart."],"The NFS path to the image directory.":["Le chemin NFS de stockage des images."],"Choose a family":["Sélectionner une famille"],"Operating system family":["Famille de système d'exploitation"],"Edit Medium":["Éditer le Medium"],"Installation Media":["Média d'installation"],"New Medium":["Nouveau Medium"],"Medium|Name":["Nom"],"Medium|Path":["Chemin"],"Medium|Os family":["Famille de systèmes d'exploitation"],"New installation medium":["Nouveau medium d'installation"],"Installation medium configuration":["Configuration du medium d'installation"],"A medium represents the source of one or more operating system's installation files, accessible via the network.\\n It will probably be a mirror from the internet or a copy of one or more CD or DVDs.":["Un médium représente la source des fichiers utilisés pour l'installation d'un système d'exploitation, accessible depuis le réseau.\\nC'est souvent un mirroir sur internet ou encore une copie de CD ou DVD."],"For example, if you have copied several Red Hat release disks into a directory structure where the disk images are named 5.8 or 6.2, and each contained both x86_64 and i386 binaries, then you\\n could create a single medium entry describing them all.\\n The entry, which could be just named 'Red Hat' could contain a path like this <em>'http://server/redhat/$version/$arch'</em>":["Par exemple, si vous avez copié plusieurs versions des médias d'installation Red Hat dans des répertoires où les noms des images sont 5.8 ou 6.2, et chacun de ces répertoires contiennent les binaires i386 et x86_64,\\n alors vous pouvez définir une seule ligne media.\\nL'entrée, qui peut simplement être nommée 'Red Hat', peut contenir une URL de cette forme : <em>'http://server/redhat/$version/$arch'</em>."],"The keywords <b>$version</b>, <b>$major</b> and <b>$minor</b> will be interpolated back into the path specification to calculate the true URL address.":["Les mots clés <b>$version</b>, <b>$major</b> et <b>$minor</b> seront interprétés dans le chemin spécifié pour calculer les vraies URL."],"You may also associate one or more operating systems with this medium or alternatively set this up later on the %s page.":["Vous pouvez aussi associer un ou plusieurs systèmes d'exploitation à ce médium ou encore, définir ces relations plus tard sur la page %s."],"The class of CPU supplied in this machine. This is primarily used by Sparc Solaris builds and can be left blank for other architectures. The value can be determined on Solaris via uname -m":["Le type de CPU fourni dans cette machine. C'est principalement utilisé par les installations Solaris et peut être laissé vide pour les autres architectures. Cette valeur peut être déterminée sur Solaris avec la commande \\\"uname -m\\\""],"The class of the machine reported by the Open Boot Prom. This is primarily used by Sparc Solaris builds and can be left blank for other architectures. The value can be determined on Solaris via uname -i|cut -f2 -d,":["Le type de machine remonté par Open Boot Prom. C'est utilisé principalement pour les installations Solaris et peut être laissé vide pour les autres architectures. Cette valeur peut être déterminée sous Solaris via la commande \\\"uname -i|cut -f2 -d\\\"."],"General useful description, for example this kind of hardware needs a special BIOS setup":["Description synthétique à des fins pratiques. Par exemple, ce type de matériel a besoin d'une configuration BIOS spécifique."],"Edit Model":["Éditer le Modèle"],"Hardware Models":["Modèles de matériel "],"New Model":["Nouveau modèle"],"Model|Name":["Nom"],"Vendor class":["Famille de produits du fournisseur"],"Model|Hardware model":["Modèle matériel"],"Device identifier":["Identifiant du périphérique"],"Device identifier for this interface. This may be different on various platforms and environments, here are some common examples.<br/><ul><li>Use the basic name for physical interface identifiers, e.g. <strong>eth0</strong> or <strong>em0</strong> with biosdevname.</li><li>For virtual interfaces, use either alias notation (<strong>eth0:1</strong>, name:index) or VLAN notation (<strong>eth0.15</strong>, name.tag).</li><li>For bonds it's common to use <strong>bond0</strong> on Linux, <strong>lagg0</strong> on FreeBSD systems.</li></ul>":["Identifiant du périphérique pour cette interface. Cela varie en fonction des différentes plates-formes et environnements, voici quelques exemples communs.<br/><ul><li>Utilisez le nom basique pour les identifiants physiques, ex: <strong>eth0</strong> ou <strong>em0</strong> avec la nomenclature biosdevname.</li><li>Pour les interfaces virtuelles, utilisez soit la notation alias (<strong>eth0:1</strong>, nom:index) ou la notation VLAN (<strong>eth0.15</strong>, nom.tag).</li><li>Pour les agrégats, Linux utilise souvent le nom <strong>bond0</strong>, <strong>lagg0</strong> sur les systèmes à base de FreeBSD.</li></ul>"],"DNS name":["Nom DNS"],"Primary interface's DNS name and domain define host's FQDN":["Le Nom et domaine DNS positionnés sur l'nterface primaire définissent le FQDN de l'hôte."],"No domains":["Aucun domaine"],"Suggest new":["Nouvelle suggestion"],"IP address auto-suggest":["Adresse IP proposée automatiquement"],"An IP address will be auto-suggested if you have a DHCP-enabled Smart Proxy on the subnet selected above.<br/><br/>The IP address can be left blank when:<br/><ul><li>provisioning tokens are enabled</li><li>the domain does not manage DNS</li><li>the subnet does not manage reverse DNS</li><li>and the subnet does not manage DHCP reservations</li></ul>":["Une adresse IP vous sera suggéré automatiquement si vous avez un Smart Proxy avec l'option DHCP active sur le subnet sélectionné ci-dessus.<br/><br/>Le champ adresse IP peut rester vide dans certains cas :<br/><ul><li>le provisionnement par jetons est activé</li><li>le domaine ne gère pas DNS</li><li>il n'y a pas de gestion de DNS inverse sur le subnet</li><li>enfin il n'y a pas de gestion des réservations DHCP sur le subnet</li></ul>"],"The Primary interface is used for constructing the FQDN of the host":["L'interface primaire est utilisée pour construire le FQDN de l'hôte"],"The Provisioning interface is used for TFTP of PXELinux (or SSH for image-based hosts)":["L'interface de provisionnement est utilisé pour le TFTP de PXELinux (ou pour SSH pour les hôtes basés sur des images)"],"from profile %s":["depuis le profil %s"],"Inherits from subnet VLAN ID if not set":["Hérité de l'ID VLAN du sous réseau si non positionné"],"Identifier of the interface to which this interface belongs, e.g. eth1":["Identifiant de l'interface de rattachement. Ex : eth1"],"comma separated interface identifiers":["Identifiants des interfaces séparés par des virgules"],"space separated options, e.g. miimon=100":["Options séparées par des espaces. Ex : miimon=100"],"Virtual NIC":["NIC virtuelle"],"Enable if this is an alias or VLAN interface, note that alias can be used only with static boot mode subnet":["Cocher si l'interface est une interface alias ou VLAN, à noter qu'une interface alias ne peut être utilisée qu'en mode démarrage statique pour le sous réseau"],"OS name from facter; e.g. RedHat":["Nom du système d'exploitation depuis facter; par exemple RedHat"],"OS major version from facter; e.g. 6":["Version majeur du système d'exploitation; par exemple 6"],"OS minor version from facter; e.g. 5":["Version mineur du système d'exploitation; par exemple 5"],"e.g. RHEL 6.5":["par exemple RHEL 6.5"],"Family":["Famille"],"e.g. karmic, lucid, hw0910 etc":["Ex: karmic, lucid, hw0910, etc"],"Root password hash":["Hash du mot de passe root"],"Hash function to use. Change takes effect for new or updated hosts.":["Fonction de hachage à utiliser. Les changements prendront effet pour les nouveaux hôtes ou les hôtes mis à jour."],"It is not possible to assign provisioning templates at this stage":["À cette étape, il n'est pas possible d'assigner un Modèle de provisionnement"],"Please save the Operating System first and try again.":["Merci de sauver le système d'exploitation avant toute chose et réessayez"],"No templates found!":["Aucun modèle trouvé !"],"you probably need to configure your %s first.":["vous devez probablement d'abord configurer vos %s "],"Edit Operating System":["Éditer le Système d'Exploitation"],"New Operating system":["Nouveau système d'exploitation"],"Operatingsystem|Name":["Nom"],"New Operating System":["Nouveau système d'exploitation"],"Organization configuration":["Configuration de l'Organisation"],"You must create an organization before continuing.":["Vous devez créer une organisation avant de continuer."],"Using the organization system provides a way to group resources together for easy management.":["Utiliser le système d'organisation permet de regrouper les ressources pour faciliter l'administration."],"Organizations are particularly useful for Foreman installations where several customers or business units are managed with a single Foreman install.":["Les organisations sont particulièrement adaptés quand Foreman gère plusieurs clients ou business units depuis une seule instance."],"locations":["Localisations"],"Organizations also work nicely in tandem with %{locations}.":["Les organisations s’accommodent très bien avec les %{locations}."],"Valid host group and environment combinations":["Combinaison valide de groupe d'hôtes et d'environnement"],"Add combination":["Ajout de combinaison"],"Association":["Association"],"Snippet":["Snippet"],"Not relevant for snippet":["Mauvais type de Snippet"],"How templates are determined":["Comment les modèles sont déterminés"],"When editing a Template, you must assign a list of Operating Systems which this Template can be used with. Optionally, you can restrict a template to a list of Hostgroups and/or Environments":["Lors de l'édition d'un modèle, vous devez assigner une liste des systèmes d'exploitation pour lesquels ce modèle peut être utilisé. De manière optionnelle, vous pouvez restreindre un modèle à des groupes d'hôtes et/ou environnements."],"When a Host requests a template (e.g. during provisioning), Foreman will select the best match from the available templates of that type, in the following order:":["Quand un hôte demande un modèle (Par ex. pendant le provisionnement), Foreman va choisir la meilleure correspondance entre les types de modèles existants selon cet ordre :"],"Host group and Environment":["Groupe d'hôtes et Environnement"],"Host group only":["Seulement un groupe d'hôte"],"Environment only":["Seulement un environnement"],"Operating system default":["Système d'Exploitation par défaut"],"The final entry, Operating System default, can be set by editing the %s page.":["La dernière entrée, le système d'exploitation par défaut, peut être défini en éditant la page %s."],"Applicable<br>Operating Systems":["Systèmes d'exploitation<br>possibles"],"Template diff":["diff du Modèle"],"Edit Template":["éditer le modèle"],"Provisioning Templates":["Modèles de provisionnement"],"New Template":["Nouveau Modèle"],"Build PXE Default":["Créer le fichier PXE par défaut"],"You are about to change the default PXE menu on all configured TFTP servers - continue?":["Vous êtes en train de changer le menu PXE par défaut sur tous les serveurs TFTP configurés - continuer ?"],"ProvisioningTemplate|Name":["Nom"],"Host group / Environment":["Groupe d'hôtes / Environnement"],"Kind":["Genre"],"ProvisioningTemplate|Snippet":["Snippet"],"ProvisioningTemplate|Locked":["Verrouillé"],"This template is locked for editing.":["Ce modèle est bloqué en edition"],"Edit Partition Table":["Éditer la table de partition"],"Partition Tables":["Tables de partition"],"New Partition Table":["Nouvelle table de partition"],"Ptable|Name":["Nom"],"Ptable|Os family":["Famille de systèmes d'exploitation"],"Ptable|Snippet":["Snippet"],"Ptable|Locked":["Verrouillé"],"Partition table configuration":["Configuration des tables de partition"],"A partition table entry represents either":["Une table de partition représente soit"],"An explicit layout for the partitions of your hard drive(s). E.G.":["Un partitionnement explicite pour votre(vos) disque(s). Ex. :"],"A script to dynamically calculate the desired sizes. E.G.":["Un script pour calculer dynamiquement la taille désirée. Ex:"],"The inclusion of the keyword string <b>#Dynamic</b> at the start of a line lets Foreman know that this is not an explicit disk layout and must treated as a shell script, executed prior\\n to the install process and that the explicit partition table will be found at <b>/tmp/diskpart.cfg</b> during the build process.":["L'inclusion du mot clé <b>#Dynamic</b>, en début de ligne, signale à Foreman qu'il ne s'agit pas d'une définition de partitionnement fixe mais doit être traité comme un script shell.\\nCe script est exécuté avant la phase d'installation et produit une table de partition qui sera disponible en <b>/tmp/diskpart.cfg</b> pendant le processus d'installation."],"The dynamic partitioning style is currently only available for the Red Hat family of operating systems, all others must provide an explicit list of partitions and sizes.":["Le type de partitionnement dynamique n'est disponible que pour la famille de systèmes Red Hat. Tous les autres doivent fournir un partitionnement explicite."],"You may also associate one or more operating systems with this partition table or alternatively set this up later on the %s page":["Vous pouvez aussi associer un ou plusieurs systèmes d'exploitation à cette table de partition ou encore, définir ces relations plus tard sur la page %s."],"PuppetCA on %s":["Puppet CA sur %s"],"Filter by state: %s":["Filtrer par état : %s"],"Autosign Entries":["Entrées autosignées"],"Valid from":["Valable depuis"],"Expires":["Expire"],"Sign":["Signer"],"Included Classes":["Classes incluses"],"Not authorized to edit classes":["Non autorisé à éditer les classes"],"Available Classes":["Classes disponibles"],"Filter classes":["Filtrer les classes"],"Smart Class Parameter":["Paramètre Smart Class"],"Smart Variables":["Smart Variables"],"Puppet environments":["Environnements Puppet"],"This Puppet class has no parameters in its signature.":["Cette classe Puppet n'a pas de paramètre dans sa signature."],"To update the class signature, go to the Puppet Classes page and select \\\"Import\\\".":["Pour mettre à jour les signatures des classes, allez sur la page Classes Puppet et choisissez \\\"Import depuis ...\\\"."],"Undo remove":["Annuler la suppression"],"Filter by name":["Filtrer par nom"],"Add Variable":["Ajouter une variable"],"Edit Puppet Class %s":["Éditer la classe Puppet %s"],"Puppetclass|Name":["Nom"],"Environments and documentation":["Environnements et documentation"],"Variables":["Variables"],"Override all parameters":["Surcharger tous les paramètres"],"This will set all parameters of the class %s as overridden. Continue?":["Surcharge tous les paramètres de la classe Puppet %s. Continuer ?"],"This will reset parameters of the class %s to their default values. Continue?":["Réinitialisation de tous les paramètres de la classe Puppet %s à leur valeur par défaut. Continuer ?"],"Set parameters to defaults":["Positionner les paramètres aux valeurs par défaut"],"Oops":["Oups"],"Either you didnt generate the puppetdocs (see <a rel=\\\"external\\\" href=\\\"%{url}\\\">here</a>) or the class <strong>%{name}</strong> could not be found in environment <strong>%{environment}</strong><br/> Please ensure that the class <strong>%{name}</strong>s declaration is accessible via the modulepath associated with <strong>%{environment}</strong>.":["Soit vous n'avez pas géneré la puppetdocs (voir <a rel=\\\"external\\\" href=\\\"%{url}\\\">là</a>), soit la classe <strong>%{name}</strong> est introuvable dans l'environnement <strong>%{environment}</strong><br/> Assurez-vous que la déclaration de la classe <strong>%{name}</strong> est accessible par le modulepath associé à <strong>%{environment}</strong>."],"Realm name, e.g. EXAMPLE.COM":["Nom du royaume, p. e. EXAMPLE.COM"],"Type of realm, e.g. FreeIPA":["Type de royaume, p. e. FreeIPA"],"Realm type":["Type de royaume"],"Realm proxy":["Proxy du royaume"],"Realm proxy to use within this realm":["Proxy à utiliser pour ce royaume"],"Edit Realm":["Éditer le royaume"],"New Realm":["Nouveau royaume"],"Realm|Name":["Nom"],"Foreman supports automatically creating realm entries for new hosts. When a realm is selected for a host, Foreman contacts the relevant realm smart proxy to create an entry for the host and retrieve it's one-time registration password.":["Foreman supporte la création automatique des nouveaux hôtes dans le royaume. Quand un royaume est sélectionné pour un hôte, Foreman contacte le smart proxy correspondant au royaume afin de créer l'entrée de l'hôte et récupère son mot de passe d'enrôlement."],"Restart<br>Failures":["Échec<br>Rédémarrages"],"Delete report for %s?":["Supprimer les rapports concernant %s ?"],"Report Metrics":["Métriques du rapport"],"Total":["Total"],"Nothing to show":["Rien à afficher"],"Reported at %s ":["Rapporté le %s"],"Host times seems to be adrift!":["L'heure sur l'Hôte semble en dérive"],"Host reported time is <em>%s</em>":["L'heure renvoyée par l'Hôte est <em>%s</em>"],"Foreman report creation time is <em>%s</em>":["L'heure de création du rapport Foreman est <em>%s</em>"],"Which is an offset of <b>%s</b>":["Qui est un offset de <b>%s</b>"],"Other reports for this host":["Autres rapports pour cet hôte"],"Diff View":["Vue différencielle"],"Puppet Reports":["Rapports Puppet"],"You don't seem to have any reports, if you wish to configure Puppet to forward it reports to Foreman, please follow":["Vous ne semblez pas avoir de rapport, si vous voulez configurer Puppet pour transmettre les rapports à Foreman, merci de consulter"],"setting up reporting":["Configurer les rapports"],"and":["et"],"e-mail reporting":["Rapports par courrier électronique"],"This page will self destruct once a report comes in.":["Cette page va disparaître dès le premier rapport reçu."],"Please save the role first. You can edit it later to add filters":["Merci de d'abord sauver le rôle. Vous pouvez l'éditer plus tard pour ajouter des filtres."],"Loading filters...":["Chargement des filtres..."],"Edit Roles":["Éditer les Rôles"],"New role":["Nouveau rôle"],"Role|Name":["Nom"],"Add filter":["Ajout filtre"],"New Role":["Nouveau rôle"],"Setting|Name":["Nom"],"Setting|Value":["Valeur"],"Setting|Description":["Description"],"Smart Proxy":["Smart Proxy"],"Edit Proxy":["Éditer le Proxy"],"New Smart Proxy":["Nouveau Smart Proxy"],"SmartProxy|Name":["Nom"],"SmartProxy|Url":["URL"],"New Proxy":["Nouveau Proxy"],"Optional: Gateway for this subnet":["Optionnel: Passerelle par défaut pour ce sous-réseau"],"Optional: Primary DNS for this subnet":["Optionnel: DNS primaire pour ce sous-réseau"],"Optional: Secondary DNS for this subnet":["Optionnel: DNS secondaire pour ce sous-réseau"],"IPAM":["IPAM"],"IP Address Management":["Gestion des adresses IP"],"You can select one of three possible IPAM modes:<br/><ul><li><strong>DHCP</strong> - will manage the IP on DHCP through assigned DHCP proxy, auto-suggested IPs come from DHCP</li><li><strong>Internal DB</strong> - use internal DB to auto-suggest free IP based on other interfaces on same subnet respecting range if specified, useful mainly with static boot mode</li><li><strong>None</strong> - leave IP management solely on user, no auto-suggestion</li></ul>":["Vous pouvez choisir l'un des 3 modes IPAM possibles :<br/><ul><li><strong>DHCP</strong> - gère l'adresse IP par DHCP à l'aide du proxy DHCP, les adresses IP proposées automatiquement proviennent de DHCP</li><li><strong>BDD interne</strong> - utilise une base de données interne pour proposer automatiquement une adresse IP disponible en fonction des autres réservations sur ce sous réseau et en prenant en compte une plage IP si définie. Utile principalement pour du provisionnement en boot statique</li><li><strong>Aucun</strong> - laisse la gestion des adresses IP à l'utilisateur et ne propose aucune suggestion</li></ul>"],"Optional: Starting IP Address for IP auto suggestion":["Optionnel: Adresse IP de début pour l'auto-suggestion IP"],"Optional: Ending IP Address for IP auto suggestion":["Optionnel: Adresse IP de fin pour l'auto-suggestion IP"],"Optional: VLAN ID for this subnet":["Optionnel: ID du VLAN pour ce sous-réseau"],"Default boot mode for interfaces assigned to this subnet":["Mode de démarrage par défaut des interfaces assignées à ce sous réseau"],"Proxies":["Proxies"],"DHCP Proxy":["DHCP Proxy"],"TFTP Proxy":["Proxy TFTP"],"DNS Proxy to use within this subnet for managing PTR records, note that A records are managed via Domain DNS proxy":["Proxy DNS à utiliser pour gérer les enregistrements PTR de ce sous réseau. Notez que les enregistrements A sont gérés par le proxy DNS de la zone dns en question."],"Edit Subnet":["Éditer le Sous-Réseau"],"The following subnets have been found":["Les sous-réseaux suivants ont été trouvés"],"New Subnet":["Nouveau sous-réseau"],"Subnet|Name":["Nom"],"Subnet|Network":["Réseau"],"Subnet|Vlanid":["VLAN id"],"Select organizations":["Choisir les organisations"],"Select locations":["Choisir les localisations"],"Default on login":["Valeur par défaut à l'ouverture de session"],"Edit Properties":["Éditer les Propriétés"],"Assigning hosts to %{taxonomy_name} will also update %{taxonomy_name} to include all the resources that the selected hosts are currently using.":["Affecter les hôtes à %{taxonomy_name} va aussi mettre à jour %{taxonomy_name} pour inclure toutes les ressources que les hôtes sélectionnés sont en train d'utiliser."],"Assign All":["Tout assigner"],"Assign the %{count} host with no %{taxonomy_single} to %{taxonomy_name}":["Affecter %{count} hôte avec aucune %{taxonomy_single} à %{taxonomy_name}","Affecter les %{count} hôtes avec aucune %{taxonomy_single} à %{taxonomy_name}"],"Manually Assign":["Assignation manuelle"],"Manually select and assign hosts with no %s":["Sélectionner et assigner manuellement les hôtes sans %s"],"Proceed to Edit":["Passer à l'édition"],"Skip assign hosts and proceed to edit %s settings":["Passer l'assignation des hôtes et procéder à l'édition des paramètres de %s "],"Clone %s":["Cloner %s"],"Fix Mismatches":["Corriger les concordances"],"Mismatches Report":["Rapport sur les erreurs de concordances"],"Notice:":["Note :"],"There is":["Il y a ","Il y a "],"%{count} host with no %{taxonomy_single} assigned":["%{count} hôte avec aucune %{taxonomy_single} assignée","%{count} hôtes avec aucune %{taxonomy_single} assignée"],"Taxonomy|Name":["Nom"],"Select hosts to assign to %s":["Sélectionner les hôtes à affecter à %s"],"Mismatches":["Non-concordance"],"Fix All Mismatches":["Corriger toutes les concordances"],"Location/Organization":["Localisation/Organisation"],"Mismatch Details":["Détails des non-concordances"],"No hosts are mismatched!":["Aucun hôte n'a d'erreur de concordance !"],"All hosts data matches configurations for locations and organizations.":["Toutes les données des hôtes correspondent aux localisations et aux organisations actuelles."],"Warning: This template is locked. You may only change the associations. Please %s it to customize.":["Attention: Ce modèle est verrouillé. Vous pouvez seulement changer les associations. Veuillez le %s pour le personnaliser."],"clone":["clone"],"Useful template functions and macros":["Fonctions et macro utiles pour les modèles"],"Note: %s ":["Note : %s"],"Template editor":["Éditeur de Modèle"],"Code":["Code"],"Diff":[""],"Preview":["Prévisualisation"],"Key Binding":["Mode d'édition"],"Selecting a file will override the editor and load the file instead":["Choisir un fichier va écraser l'éditeur et charger le fichier à la place"],"Audit Comment":["Commentaire d'Audit"],"The Audit Comment field is saved with the template auditing to document the template changes":["Le champ Commentaire d'Audit est sauvé avec l'audit du modèle lors des changements du modèle"],"Revert":["Revenir"],"Show Diff":["Afficher le diff"],"Save something and try again":["Sauvegardez un élément et réessayez"],"No history found":["Aucun historique trouvé"],"Please Select":["Merci de choisir"],"Show Host":["Afficher les hôtes"],"Edit Trend %s":["Éditer la Tendance %s"],"Fact Name":["Nom du 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Are you sure you want to use this one instead?":["Une autre interface est déjà définie comme primaire. Êtes-vous sûrs de vouloir utiliser celle-ci à la place ?"],"Some other interface is already set as provisioning. Are you sure you want to use this one instead?":["Une autre interface est déjà définie pour le provisionnement. Êtes-vous sûrs de vouloir utiliser celle-ci à la place ?"],"virtual attached to %s":["virtuelle attachée à %s"],"virtual":["Virtuel"],"physical":["Physique"],"Reboot and build":["Redémarrage et réinstallation"],"Build":["Construire"],"Select All":["Tout sélectionner"],"All items":["Tous les éléments"],"Filter":["Filtre"],"Deselect All":["Tout désélectionner"],"Selected items":["Eléments sélectionnés"],"Select this since it belongs to a host":["Choix retenu vu qu'il appartient à un hôte"],"This is used by a host":["Utilisé par un hôte"],"This is inherited from parent":["Hérité du parent"],"Parent is already selected":["Le parent est déjà sélectionné"],"new":["nouveau"],"Medium":["Medium"],"Very Strong":["Très fort"],"Normal":["Normal"],"Strong":["Fort"],"Weak":["Faible"],"Your password is too short":["Votre mot de passe est trop court"],"Do not use your email as your password":["N'utilisez pas votre adresse mail comme mot de passe"],"Your password cannot contain your username":["Votre mot de passe ne peut pas contenir votre nom d'utilisateur"],"Use different character classes":["Utilisez différentes classes de caractères"],"Too many repetitions":["Trop de répétitions"],"Your password contains sequences":["Votre mot de passe contient des séquences"],"password match":["le mot de passe correspond"],"passwords do not match":["Les mots de passe ne correspondent pas"],"You are about to override the editor content, are you sure?":["Vous êtes sur le point d'écraser le contenu de l'éditeur, êtes vous sûr ?"],"No changes":["Aucun changement"],"Rendering the template, please wait...":["Application du modèle, merci de patienter..."],"There was an error during rendering, return to the Code tab to edit the template.":["Il y a eu une erreur de rendu du modèle, retournez sur l'onglet Code pour éditer le modèle."],"You are about to override the editor content with a previous version, are you sure?":["Vous êtes sur le point de remplacer le contenu de l'éditeur par une version précédente, êtes vous sûr ?"],"Revert to revision from: %s":["Revenir à la révision depuis : %s"],"View Diff":["Voir le diff"],"Click to edit..":["Cliquer pour éditer"],"Save":["Sauvegarder"],"Cancel":["Annuler"],"must set host and port":["hôte et port doivent être définis"],"Connected (unencrypted) to: %s":["Connecté (non chiffré) à : %s"],"Admin permissions required":["Permissions Admin requises"],"%{param} is not allowed as nested parameter for %{controller_name}. 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Si vous avez absolument besoin de l'API v1, vous pouvez soit passer l'option 'version=1' au Header Accept, soit utiliser api/v1/ dans l'URL d'accès."],"for Libvirt and VMware only":["seulement pour Libvirt et VMware"],"Cannot delete group %{current} because it has nested groups.":["Impossible d'effacer le groupe %{current} car il possède des sous groupes."],"List all architectures":["Lister toutes les architectures"],"List all architectures for operating system":["Liste de toutes les architectures pour le système d'exploitation"],"ID of operating system":["ID du système d'exploitation"],"Show an architecture":["Afficher une architecture"],"Operating system IDs":["IDs des systèmes d'exploitation"],"Create an architecture":["Créer une architecture"],"Update an architecture":["Mise à jour d'une architecture"],"Delete an architecture":["Supprimer une architecture"],"List all audits":["Lister tous les audits"],"List all audits for a given host":["Lister tous les audits d'un hôte"],"Show an audit":["Afficher un audit"],"List all LDAP authentication sources":["Lister toutes les sources d'authentification LDAP"],"Show an LDAP authentication source":["Afficher une source d'authentification LDAP"],"defaults to 389":["par défaut à 389"],"required if onthefly_register is true":["requis si onthefly_register est vrai"],"groups base DN":["base DN des Groupes"],"type of the LDAP server":["Type de serveur LDAP"],"LDAP filter":["Filtre LDAP"],"Create an LDAP authentication source":["Créer une source d'authentification LDAP"],"Update an LDAP authentication source":["Mise à jour d'une source d'authentification LDAP"],"Delete an LDAP authentication source":["Supprimer une souce d'authentification LDAP"],"List all autosign entries":["Lister toutes les entrées auto-signées"],"Foreman API v2 is currently the default API version.":["L'API v2 de Foreman est à présent l'API par défaut."],"paginate results":["paginer les resultats"],"number of entries per request":["nombre d'entier par requête"],"filter results":["filtrer les résultats"],"sort results":["trier les resultats"],"REPLACE locations with given ids":["REMPLACER les localisations qui ont les ID suivant"],"REPLACE organizations with given ids.":["REMPLACER les organisations qui ont les ID suivant"],"Scope by locations":["Tri par localisation"],"Scope by organizations":["Tri par organisation"],"List all bookmarks":["Lister tous les marques pages"],"Show a bookmark":["Afficher un marque page"],"Create a bookmark":["Créer un marque page"],"Update a bookmark":["Mise à jour d'un marque page"],"Delete a bookmark":["Supprimer un marque page"],"List all global parameters.":["Lister les paramètres globaux"],"Show a global parameter":["Afficher un paramètre gobal"],"Create a global parameter":["Créer un paramètre global"],"Update a global parameter":["Mise à jour d'un paramètre global"],"Delete a global parameter":["Supprimer un paramètre global"],"Create a compute attributes set":["Créer un jeu d'attributs pour ressources d'ordinateur"],"Update a compute attributes set":["Mise à jour d'une ressource d'ordinateur d'un profil de ressource d'ordinateur"],"List of compute profiles":["Liste des profils d'ordinateur"],"Show a compute profile":["Afficher un profil d'ordinateur"],"Create a compute profile":["Créer un profil pour ressources d'ordinateur"],"Update a compute profile":["Mise à jour d'un profil d'ordinateur"],"Delete a compute profile":["Supprimer un profil de ressource d'ordinateur"],"List all compute resources":["Lister toutes les ressources d'ordinateur"],"Show a compute resource":["Afficher une ressource d'ordinateur"],"Providers include %{providers}":["Fournisseurs inclue %{providers}"],"URL for Libvirt, oVirt, and OpenStack":["L'URL pour Libvirt, oVirt, ou OpenStack"],"Username for oVirt, EC2, VMware, OpenStack. Access Key for EC2.":["Nom d'utilisateur pour oVirt, EC2, VMware, OpenStack. Clef d'accès pour EC2."],"Password for oVirt, EC2, VMware, OpenStack. Secret key for EC2":["Mot de passe pour oVirt, EC2, VMware, OpenStack. Clef secrète pour EC2."],"for oVirt, VMware Datacenter":["pour oVirt, VMware Datacenter"],"for EC2 only":["Seulement pour EC2"],"for OpenStack only":["seulement pour OpenStack"],"for VMware":["pour VMware"],"Create a compute resource":["Créer une ressource d'ordinateur"],"Update a compute resource":["Mise à jour d'une ressource d'ordinateur"],"Delete a compute resource":["Supprimer une ressource d'ordinateur"],"List available images for a compute resource":["Lister les images disponibles pour une ressource d'ordinateur"],"List available clusters for a compute resource":["Lister les clusters disponibles pour une ressource d'ordinateur"],"List available folders for a compute resource":["Lister les répertoires disponibles sur une ressource d'ordinateur"],"List available networks for a compute resource":["Lister les réseaux disponibles pour une ressource d'ordinateur"],"List available networks for a compute resource cluster":["Lister les réseaux disponibles pour un cluster de ressources d'ordinateur"],"List resource pools for a compute resource cluster":["Lister les pools de ressources d'un cluster de ressources d'ordinateur"],"List storage domains for a compute resource":["Lister les domaines de stockage pour une ressource d'ordinateur"],"List attributes for a given storage domain":["Lister les attributs d'un domaine de stockage"],"Associate VMs to Hosts":["Associer les VM à des hôtes"],"List of config groups":["Liste des groupes de configuration"],"Show a config group":["Afficher un groupe de configuration"],"Create a config group":["Créer un groupe de configuration"],"Update a config group":["Mise à jour d'un groupe de configuration"],"Delete a config group":["Supprimer un group de configuration"],"List provisioning templates":["Lister les modèles de provisionnement"],"List provisioning templates per operating system":["Liste des modèles de provisionnement par système d'exploitation"],"List provisioning templates per location":["Liste des modèles de provisionnement par localisation"],"List provisioning templates per organization":["Liste des modèles de provisionnement par organisation"],"Show provisioning template details":["Afficher les détails des modèles de provisionnement"],"template name":["Nom de modèle"],"not relevant for snippet":["n'est pas applicable pour les snippets"],"Array of template combinations (hostgroup_id, environment_id)":["Tableau des combinaisons de modèles (hostgroup_id, environment_id)"],"Array of operating system IDs to associate with the template":["Tableau des ID de systèmes d'exploitation associés à ce modèle"],"Whether or not the template is locked for editing":["Etat du verrou d'édition du modèle"],"Create a provisioning template":["Créer un modèle de provisionnement"],"Update a provisioning template":["Mise à jour d'un modèle de provisionnement"],"template version":["version de modèle"],"Delete a provisioning template":["Supprimer un modèle de provisionnement"],"Update the default PXE menu on all configured TFTP servers":["Mise à jour du menu PXE par défaut sur tous les serveurs TFTP configurés"],"Clone a provision template":["Cloner un modèle de provisionnement"],"Get dashboard details":["Voir les détails du Dashboard"],"List of domains":["Liste des domaines"],"List of domains per subnet":["Liste des domaines par sous réseau"],"List of domains per location":["Liste des domaines par localisation"],"List of domains per organization":["Liste des domaines par organisation"],"ID of subnet":["ID du sous réseau"],"Show a domain":["Afficher un domaine"],"Numerical ID or domain name":["ID numérique ou nom de domaine"],"The full DNS domain name":["Le nom DNS complet"],"Description of the domain":["Description du domaine"],"DNS proxy to use within this domain":["Proxy DNS à utiliser pour ce domaine"],"Array of parameters (name, value)":["Tableau de paramètres (nom, valeur)"],"Create a domain":["Créer un domaine"],"Update a domain":["Mise à jour d'un domaine"],"Delete a domain":["Supprimer un domaine"],"List all environments":["Lister tous les environnements"],"List environments of Puppet class":["Liste des environnements d'une classe Puppet"],"List environments per location":["Liste des environnements par localisation"],"List environments per organization":["Liste des environnements par organisation"],"ID of Puppet class":["ID de la classe Puppet"],"Show an environment":["Afficher un environnement"],"Create an environment":["Créer un environnement"],"Update an environment":["Mise à jour d'un environnement"],"Delete an environment":["Supprimer un environnement"],"List all external user groups for user group":["lister tous les groupe d'utilisateurs externe pour une groupe d'utilisateurs"],"List all external user groups for LDAP authentication source":["Liste de tous les groupes utilisateur externes pour cette source d'authentification LDAP"],"ID or name of user group":["ID ou nom du groupe d'utilisateurs"],"Show an external user group for user group":["Afficher les goupe d'utilisateurs externe pour un groupe d'utilisateurs"],"Show an external user group for LDAP authentication source":["Afficher un groupe d'utilisateurs d'une source d'authentification LDAP"],"ID or name of external user group":["ID ou nom du groupe d'utilisateurs externe"],"External user group information":["Information du groupe d'utilisateurs externe"],"External user group name":["Nom du groupe d'utilisateurs externe"],"ID of linked authentication source":["ID de la source d'authentification liée"],"Create an external user group linked to a user group":["Creation d'un goupe d'utilisateurs externe lié à un groupe d'utilisateurs"],"Update external user group":["Mettre à jour un groupe d'utilisateur externe"],"Refresh external user group":["Rafraîchir un groupe d'utilisateur externe"],"Delete an external user group":["Supprimer un groupe d'utilisateurs externe"],"ID or name external user group":["ID ou nom d'un groupe d'utilisateurs externe"],"List all fact values":["Lister toutes les valeurs des facts"],"List all fact values of a given host":["Lister toutes les valeurs des facts d'un hôte"],"List all filters":["Lister tous les filtres"],"Show a filter":["Afficher un filtre"],"Create a filter":["Créer un filtre"],"Update a filter":["Mise à jour d'un filtre"],"Delete a filter":["Supprimer un filtre"],"Show available API links":["Afficher les liens disponibles de l'API "],"Show status":["Afficher le statut"],"List all Puppet class IDs for host":["Lister tous les ID des classes puppet pour un hôte"],"Add a Puppet class to host":["Ajout d'une classe Puppet à l'hôte"],"ID of host":["ID de l'hôte"],"Remove a Puppet class from host":["Supprimer une classe Puppet d'un hôte"],"List all Puppet class IDs for host group":["Lister tous les ID des classes puppet pour un groupe d'hôtes"],"Add a Puppet class to host group":["Ajouter un classe Puppet à un groupe d'hôtes"],"ID of host group":["ID du groupe d'hôtes"],"Remove a Puppet class from host group":["Supprimer une classe Puppet d'un groupe d'hôtes"],"List all host groups":["Lister tous les groupes d'hôtes"],"List all host groups for a Puppet class":["Liste de tous les groupes d'hôtes pour une classe Puppet"],"List all host groups per location":["Liste de tous les groupes d'hôtes par localisation"],"List all host groups per organization":["Liste de tous les groupes d'hôtes par organisation"],"Show a host group":["Afficher un groupe d'hôtes"],"Create a host group":["Créer un groupe d'hôtes"],"Update a host group":["Mise à jour d'un groupe d'hôtes"],"Delete a host group":["Supprimer un group d'hôtes"],"Cannot delete group %{current} because it has nested host groups.":["Impossible de supprimer le groupe %{current} parce qu'il possède des groupes imbriqués."],"Clone a host group":["Cloner un groupe d'hôtes"],"List all hosts":["Lister tous les hôtes"],"List all hosts for a host group":["Liste de tous les hôtes d'un groupe d'hôtes"],"List hosts per location":["Liste des hôtes par localisation"],"List hosts per organization":["Liste des hôtes par organisation"],"List hosts per environment":["Liste des hôtes par environnement"],"ID of location":["ID de la localisation"],"ID of organization":["ID de l'organisation"],"ID of environment":["ID de l'environnement"],"Show a host":["Afficher un hôte"],"required if locations are enabled":["requis si les localisations sont activées"],"required if organizations are enabled":["requis si les organisations sont activées"],"required if host is managed and value is not inherited from host group":["requis si l'hôte est géré et la valeur n'est pas héritée d'un groupe d'hôtes"],"not required if using a subnet with DHCP proxy":["n'est pas requis si il s'agit d'un sous réseau avec proxy DHCP"],"required for managed host that is bare metal, not required if it's a virtual machine":["requis pour les hôtes gérés qui sont des serveurs physiques, non requis pour les machines virtuelles"],"required if not imaged based provisioning and host is managed and value is not inherited from host group":["requis si le provisionnement n'est pas basé sur une image que l'hôte est géré et que la valeur n'est pas héritée d'un groupe d'hôtes"],"required if host is managed and custom partition has not been defined":["requis si l'hôte est géré et possède une partition spécifique qui n'a pas été définie"],"nil means host is bare metal":["nil signifie que l'hôte est un serveur physique"],"required if host is managed and value is not inherited from host group or default password in settings":["requis si l'hôte est gérer et la valeur n'est pas héritée d'un groupe d'hôtes ou du mot de passe par défaut défini dans les paramètres généraux"],"Host's owner type":["Type de propriétaire de cet hôte"],"True/False flag whether a host is managed or unmanaged. Note: this value also determines whether several parameters are required or not":["Drapeau True/False pour déterminer si un hôte est géré ou non géré. Note : Cette valeur détermine aussi si certains paramètres sont obligatoires."],"UUID to track orchestration tasks status, GET /api/orchestration/:UUID/tasks":["UUID pour surveiller l'état des tâches d'orchestration : GET /api/orchestration/:UUID/tasks"],"Additional information about this host":["Informations additionnelles sur cet hôte"],"Host's network interfaces.":["Interfaces réseau de cet hôte"],"Additional compute resource specific attributes.":["Autres attributs spécifiques de la ressource d'ordinateur."],"Create a host":["Créer un hôte"],"Update a host":["Mise à jour d'un hôte"],"Delete a host":["Supprimer un hôte"],"Get status of host":["Voir le statut de l'hôte"],"Get vm attributes of host":["Voir les attributs VM de l'hôte"],"Force a Puppet agent run on the host":["Forcer un Puppet agent run sur l'hôte"],"Disassociate the host from a VM":["Dissocier l'hôte d'une VM"],"Run a power operation on host":["Lancer une opération d'alimentation sur l'hôte"],"power action, valid actions are (on/start), (off/stop), (soft/reboot), (cycle/reset), (state/status)":["Action sur l'alimentation. Les actions valides sont : (on/start), (off/stop), (soft/reboot), (cycle/reset), (state/status)."],"Unknown power action: available methods are %s":["Action sur l'alimentation inconnue. Les actions possibles sont %s"],"Boot host from specified device":["Serveur de boot du périphérique spécifié"],"boot device, valid devices are disk, cdrom, pxe, bios":["périphérique de démarrage. Les périphériques valides sont : disk, cdrom, pxe, bios"],"Unknown device: available devices are %s":["Périphérique inconnu : Les périphériques disponibles sont %s"],"Upload facts for a host, creating the host if required":["Télécharge les facts d'un hôte, créé l'hôte si besoin"],"hostname of the host":["Nom d'hôte de l'hôte"],"hash containing the facts for the host":["hash contenant les facts de cet hôte"],"optional: certname of the host":["optionnel : nom de certificat ou nom d'hôte"],"optional: the STI type of host to create":["optionnel : le type STI de l'hôte à créer"],"Invalid type for host creation via facts: %s":["Type invalide pour la création d'hôtes par les facts : %s"],"A problem occurred when detecting host type: %s":["Un problème est survenu lors de la détection du type d'hôte: %s"],"List all images for a compute resource":["Lister toutes les images d'une ressource d'ordinateur"],"List all images for operating system":["Liste de toutes les images par système d'exploitation"],"List all images for architecture":["Liste de toutes les images d'une architecture"],"ID of compute resource":["ID de la ressource d'ordinateur"],"ID of architecture":["ID de l'architecture"],"Show an image":["Afficher une image"],"Create an image":["Créer une image"],"Update an image":["Mise à jour d'une image"],"Delete an image":["Supprimer une image"],"List all interfaces for host":["Lister toutes les interfaces d'un hôte"],"List all interfaces for domain":["Liste de toutes les interfaces par domaine"],"List all interfaces for subnet":["Liste de toutes les interfaces par sous réseau"],"ID or name of host":["ID ou nom d'hôte"],"ID or name of domain":["ID du nom de domaine"],"ID or name of subnet":["ID ou nom du sous réseau"],"Show an interface for host":["Afficher une interface d'un hôte"],"ID or name of interface":["ID ou nom de l'interface"],"MAC address of interface. Required for managed interfaces on bare metal.":["Adresse MAC de l'interface. Requis pour les interfaces gérées des hôtes physiques."],"IP address of interface":["Adresse IP de l'interface"],"Interface type, e.g. bmc. Default is %{default_nic_type}":["Type d'interface , p.e. bmc. Valeur par défaut %{default_nic_type}"],"Interface's DNS name":["Nom DNS de l'interface"],"Foreman subnet ID of interface":["ID du sous réseau Foreman de cette interface"],"Foreman domain ID of interface. Required for primary interfaces on managed hosts.":["Domaine ID Foreman de l'interface. Requis pour les interfaces primaires des hôtes gérés."],"Device identifier, e.g. eth0 or eth1.1":["Identifiant du périphérique. Ex : eth0 ou eth1.1"],"Should this interface be managed via DHCP and DNS smart proxy and should it be configured during provisioning?":["Est ce que cette interface est gérée par les smart proxies DHCP et DNS et doit être configurée pendant le provisionnement ?"],"Should this interface be used for constructing the FQDN of the host? Each managed hosts needs to have one primary interface.":["Cette interface doit-elle être utilisée pour choisir le FQDN de l'hôte ? Chaque hôte géré doit avoir une interface primaire."],"Should this interface be used for TFTP of PXELinux (or SSH for image-based hosts)? Each managed hosts needs to have one provision interface.":["Cette interface doit-elle être utilisée pour les communications TFTP et PXE (ou SSH pour les images d'hôtes) ? Chaque hôte géré doit avoir une interface de provisionnement."],"Only for BMC interfaces.":["Seulement pour les interfaces BMC."],"Interface provider, e.g. IPMI. Only for BMC interfaces.":["Fournisseur de l'interface. Ex. IPMI. Seulement pour les interfaces BMC."],"Alias or VLAN device":["Périphérique Alias ou VLAN"],"VLAN tag, this attribute has precedence over the subnet VLAN ID. Only for virtual interfaces.":["Tag VLAN. Cet attribut a précédence sur l'ID VLAN du sous réseau. Seulement pour les interfaces virtuelles."],"Identifier of the interface to which this interface belongs, e.g. eth1. Only for virtual interfaces.":["Identifiant de l'interface auquel est rattachée cette interface. Ex. eth1. Seulement pour les interfaces virtuelles."],"Bond mode of the interface, e.g. balance-rr. Only for bond interfaces.":["Mode d'agrégat de l'interface. Par ex. balance-rr. Seulement pour les interfaces bond."],"Identifiers of slave interfaces, e.g. `['eth1', 'eth2']`. Only for bond interfaces.":["Identifiants des interfaces esclaves. Par ex. ['eth0', 'eth1']. Seulement pour les interfaces bond."],"Space separated options, e.g. miimon=100. Only for bond interfaces.":["Options séparées par des espaces. Ex : miimon=100. Seulement pour les interfaces bond."],"Additional compute resource specific attributes for the interface.":["Autres attributs pour la ressource d'ordinateur spécifiques à cet interface."],"interface information":["information de l'interface"],"Create an interface on a host":["Créer une interface à un hôte"],"Update a host's interface":["Mise à jour d'une interface d'un hôte"],"ID of interface":["ID de l'interface"],"Delete a host's interface":["Supprimer une interface d'hôte"],"a location":["une localisation"],"List of email notifications":["Liste des notifications par courrier électronique"],"Show an email notification":["Voir une notification par courrier électronique"],"Numerical ID or email notification name":["ID numérique ou nom de la notification par courrier électronique"],"Operating system family, available values: %{operatingsystem_families}":["Famille du système d'exploitation, valeurs disponibles : %{operatingsystem_families}"],"List all installation media":["Lister tous les media d'installation"],"List all media for an operating system":["Liste de tous les media pour un système d'exploitation"],"List all media per location":["Liste de tous les media par localisation"],"List all media per organization":["Liste de tous les media par organisation"],"Show a medium":["Afficher un medium"],"Name of media":["Nom du media"],"Create a medium":["Créer un medium"],"Update a medium":["Mise à jour d'un medium"],"Delete a medium":["Supprimer un medim"],"List all hardware models":["Lister tous les modèles de matériel"],"Show a hardware model":["Afficher un modèle matériel"],"Create a hardware model":["Créer un modèle de matériel"],"Update a hardware model":["Mise à jour d'un modèle de matériel"],"Delete a hardware model":["Supprimer un modèle de matériel"],"List all operating systems":["Lister tous les systèmes d'exploitation"],"List all operating systems for nested architecture":["Liste de tous les systèmes d'exploitation pour les architectures imbriquées"],"List all operating systems for nested medium":["Liste de tous les systèmes d'exploitation pour les media imbriqués"],"List all operating systems for nested partition table":["Liste de tous les systèmes d'exploitation pour les tables de partitions imbriquées"],"List all operating systems for nested provisioning template":["Liste de tous les systèmes d'exploitation pour les modèles de provisionnement imbriqués"],"ID of medium":["ID du medium"],"ID of partition table":["ID de la table de partition"],"ID of template":["ID du modèle"],"Show an operating system":["Afficher un système d'exploitation"],"Root password hash function to use, one of MD5, SHA256, SHA512, Base64":["La fonction de hachage à utiliser pour le mot de passe root. Les fonctions possibles : MD5, SHA256, SHA512, Base64"],"IDs of associated architectures":["IDs des architectures associées"],"IDs of associated provisioning templates":["IDs des modèles de provisionnement associés"],"IDs of associated media":["IDs des médias associés"],"IDs of associated partition tables":["IDs des tables de partitions associées"],"Create an operating system":["Créer un système d'exploitation"],"Update an operating system":["Mettre à jour un système d'exploitation"],"Delete an operating system":["Supprimer un système d'exploitation"],"List boot files for an operating system":["Liste des fichiers de démarrage pour un système d'exploitation"],"an organization":["une organisation"],"List default templates combinations for an operating system":["Lister les combinaisons par défaut des modèles d'un système d'exploitation"],"List operating systems where this template is set as a default":["Liste des systèmes d'exploitation qui ont ce modèle comme modèle par défaut"],"ID of provisioning template":["ID du modèle de provisionnement"],"Show a default template combination for an operating system":["Afficher combinaison de modèle par défaut pour un système d'exploitation"],"Create a default template combination for an operating system":["Créer une combinaison par défaut des modèles pour un système d'exploitation "],"Update a default template combination for an operating system":["Mise à jour de la combinaison de modèles par défaut"],"Delete a default template combination for an operating system":["Supprimer une combinaison de modèle par défaut pour une système d'exploitation"],"List of override values for a specific smart variable":["Liste des valeurs surchargées pour une smart variable"],"List of override values for a specific smart class parameter":["Liste des valeurs surchargées pour un paramètre smart class"],"Show an override value for a specific smart variable":["Afficher une valeur surchargée pour une smart variable"],"Show an override value for a specific smart class parameter":["Afficher une valeur surchargée pour un paramètre smart class spécifique"],"Override match":["Élément conditionnel de surcharge"],"Override value":["Surcharger la valeur"],"Create an override value for a specific smart variable":["Surcharger une valeur pour une variable d'une smart class spécifique"],"Create an override value for a specific smart class parameter":["Surcharger une valeur pour un paramètre d'une smart class spécifique"],"Update an override value for a specific smart variable":["Mise à jour d'une valeur surchargée pour une smart variable"],"Update an override value for a specific smart class parameter":["Mise à jour d'une valeur surchargée pour un paramètre smart class"],"Delete an override value for a specific smart variable":["Supprimer une valeur surchargée pour une smart variable spécifique"],"Delete an override value for a specific smart class parameter":["Supprimer une valeur surchargée pour un paramètre d'une smart class spécifique"],"List all parameters for a host":["Lister tous les paramètres d'un hôte"],"List all parameters for a host group":["Lister tous les paramètres d'un groupe d'hôtes"],"List all parameters for a domain":["Lister tous les paramètres d'un domaine"],"List all parameters for an operating system":["Lister tous les paramètres d'un système d'exploitation"],"List all parameters for a location":["LLister tous les paramètres d'une localisation"],"List all parameters for an organization":["Lister tous les paramètres d'une organisation"],"ID of domain":["ID du domaine"],"Show a nested parameter for a host":["Afficher un paramètre imbriqué pour un hôte"],"Show a nested parameter for a host group":["Afficher un paramètre imbriqué pour un groupe d'hôtes"],"Show a nested parameter for a domain":["Afficher un paramètre imbriqué pour un domaine"],"Show a nested parameter for an operating system":["Afficher un paramètre imbriqué pour un système d'exploitation"],"Show a nested parameter for a 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d'hôtes"],"Update a nested parameter for a domain":["Mise à jour d'un paramètre imbriqué pour un domaine"],"Update a nested parameter for an operating system":["Mise à jour d'un paramètre imbriqué pour un système d'exploitation"],"Update a nested parameter for a location":["Mise à jour d'un paramètre imbriqué pour une localisation"],"Update a nested parameter for an organization":["Mise à jour d'un paramètre imbriqué pour une organisation"],"Delete a nested parameter for a host":["Supprimer une paramètre imbriqué pour un hôte"],"Delete a nested parameter for a host group":["Supprimer un paramètre imbriqué pour un group d'hôtes"],"Delete a nested parameter for a domain":["Supprimer un paramètre imbriqué pour un domaine"],"Delete a nested parameter for an operating system":["Supprimer une paramètre imbriqué pour un système d'exploitation"],"Delete a nested parameter for a location":["Supprimer un paramètre imbriqué pour une localisation"],"Delete a nested parameter for an 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partition tables":["Lister toutes les tables de partition"],"List all partition tables for an operating system":["Liste de toutes les tables de partition pour un système d'exploitation"],"List all partition tables per location":["Liste de toutes les tables de partition d'une localisation"],"List all partition tables per organization":["Liste de toutes les tables de partition par organisation"],"Show a partition table":["Afficher une table de partition"],"Array of operating system IDs to associate with the partition table":["Tableau des ID de systèmes d'exploitation associés à la table de partition"],"Array of host IDs to associate with the partition table":["Tableau des ID des hôtes à associer à la table de partition"],"Array of host group IDs to associate with the partition table":["Tableau des ID des groupes d'hôtes à associer à la table de partition"],"Create a partition table":["Créer une table de partition"],"Update a partition table":["Mise à jour d'une table de partition"],"Delete a partition table":["Supprimer une table de partition"],"Clone a template":["Cloner un modèle"],"List all Puppet classes":["Lister toutes les classes Puppet"],"List all Puppet classes for a host":["Lister toutes les classes Puppet d'un hôte"],"List all Puppet classes for a host group":["Lister toutes les classes Puppet d'un groupe hôtes"],"List all Puppet classes for an environment":["Lister toutes les classes Puppet d'un environnement"],"Show a Puppet class":["Afficher une classe Puppet"],"Show a Puppet class for host":["Afficher une classe Puppet pour un hôte"],"Show a Puppet class for a host group":["Afficher une classe Puppet pour un groupe d'hôtes"],"Show a Puppet class for an environment":["Afficher une classe Puppet pour un environnement"],"Create a Puppet class":["Créer une classe Puppet"],"Update a Puppet class":["Mise à jour d'une classe Puppet"],"Delete a Puppet class":["Supprimer une classe Puppet"],"List of realms":["Liste des royaumes"],"Show a realm":["Afficher un royaume"],"Numerical ID or realm name":["ID numérique ou nom de royaume"],"The realm name, e.g. EXAMPLE.COM":["Le nom du royaume. Ex. : EXAMPLE.COM"],"Proxy to use for this realm":["Proxy à utiliser pour ce royaume"],"Realm type, e.g. FreeIPA or Active Directory":["Type de royaume. Ex : FreeIPA ou Active Directory"],"Create a realm":["Créer un royaume"],"Update a realm":["Mise à jour d'un royaume"],"Delete a realm":["Supprimer un royaume"],"List all reports":["Lister tous les rapports"],"Show a report":["Afficher un rapport"],"Hostname or certname":["Nom d'hôte ou nom du certificat"],"UTC time of report":["Date UTC du rapport"],"Hash of status type totals":["Hash des types de statut Puppet (Ex.: failed/skipped) et des nombres d'items"],"Hash of report metrics, can be just {}":["Hash des métriques de rapport, peut être simplement {}"],"Optional array of log hashes":["Optionnel : tableau de hash des logs"],"Create a report":["Créer un rapport"],"Delete a report":["Supprimer un rapport"],"Show the last report for a host":["Afficher le dernier rapport d'un hôte"],"List all roles":["Lister tous les rôles"],"Show a role":["Afficher un rôle"],"Create a role":["Créer un rôle"],"Update a role":["Mise à jour d'un rôle"],"Delete a role":["Supprimer un rôle"],"List all settings":["Lister tous les paramètres du logiciel"],"Show a setting":["Afficher un paramètre de l'application"],"Update a setting":["Mise à jour d'un paramètre de l'application"],"List all smart class parameters":["Lister tous les paramètres des smart class"],"List of smart class parameters for a specific host":["Liste des paramètres smart class pour un hôte spécifique"],"List of smart class parameters for a specific host group":["Liste des paramètres smart class pour un groupe d'hôtes spécifique"],"List of smart class parameters for a specific Puppet class":["Liste des paramètres smart class pour une classe Puppet spécifique"],"List of smart class parameters for a specific environment":["Liste des paramètres smart class pour un environnement spécifique"],"List of smart class parameters for a specific environment/Puppet class combination":["Liste des paramètres smart class pour une combinaison environnement / classe Puppet spécifique"],"Show a smart class parameter":["Afficher un paramètre de smart class"],"Update a smart class parameter":["Mise à jour d'un paramètre de smart class"],"Whether the smart class parameter value is managed by Foreman":["Dépend si le paramètre smart class est géré par Foreman"],"Description of smart class":["Description de la smart class"],"Value to use when there is no match":["Valeur à utiliser quand il n'y a pas de correspondance"],"Do not send this parameter via the ENC. Puppet will use the value defined in the Puppet manifest for this parameter":["Ne pas transmettre ce paramètre par l'ENC. Puppet utilisera la valeur définie dans le manifest Puppet pour ce paramètre. "],"The order in which values are resolved":["L'ordre dans lequel les valeurs sont interprétés"],"Types of validation values":["Types des valeurs pour la validation"],"Used to enforce certain values for the parameter values":["Utilisé pour forcer certaines valeurs pour les valeurs des paramètres"],"Types of variable values":["Types de variables des valeurs"],"If true, will raise an error if there is no default value and no matcher provide a value":["Si coché, Foreman va générer une erreur s'il n'y a pas de valeur par défaut et aucun matcher ne fournit de valeur"],"Merge all matching values (only array/hash type)":["Fusionner toutes les valeurs qui correspondent (seulement pour les types tableau/hash)"],"Remove duplicate values (only array type)":["Supprime les valeurs dupliquées (seulement pour le type tableau)"],"List all smart proxies":["Lister tous les smart proxies"],"Show a smart proxy":["Afficher un smart proxy"],"Create a smart proxy":["Créer un smart proxy"],"Update a smart proxy":["Mise à jour d'un smart proxy"],"Delete a smart proxy":["Supprimer un smart proxy"],"Refresh smart proxy features":["Rafraichir les fonctions smart proxy"],"List all smart variables":["Lister toutes les smart variables"],"List of smart variables for a specific host":["Liste des smart variables pour un hôte spécifique"],"List of smart variables for a specific host group":["Liste des smart variables pour un groupe d'hôtes spécifique"],"List of smart variables for a specific Puppet class":["Liste des smart variables pour une classe Puppet spécifique"],"Show a smart variable":["Afficher une smart variable"],"Name of variable":["Nom de la variable"],"Puppet class ID":["ID de la classe Puppet"],"Default value of variable":["Valeur par défaut de la variable"],"Description of variable":["Description de la variable"],"Create a smart variable":["Créer une smart variable"],"Update a smart variable":["Mise à jour d'une smart variable"],"Delete a smart variable":["Supprimer une smart variable"],"Get statistics":["Voir les statistiques"],"List of subnets":["Liste des sous réseaux"],"List of subnets for a domain":["Liste des sous réseaux d'un domaine"],"List of subnets per location":["Liste des sous réseaux par localisation"],"List of subnets per organization":["Liste des sous réseaux par organisation"],"Show a subnet":["Afficher un sous réseau"],"Subnet name":["Nom du sous réseau"],"Subnet network":["Réseau du sous réseau"],"Netmask for this subnet":["masque de sous-réseau"],"Primary DNS for this subnet":["DNS primaire pour ce sous réseau"],"Secondary DNS for this subnet":["DNS secondaire pour ce sous réseau"],"IP Address auto suggestion mode for this subnet, valid values are \\\"DHCP\\\", \\\"Internal DB\\\", \\\"None\\\"":["Mode d'autosuggestion d'adresse IP pour ce sous réseau. Les valeurs possibles sont \\\"DHCP\\\", \\\"Internal DB\\\" et \\\"None\\\"."],"Starting IP Address for IP auto suggestion":["Adresse IP de début pour l'auto suggestion d'IP"],"Ending IP Address for IP auto suggestion":["Adresse IP de fin pour l'autosuggestion d'adresse IP"],"VLAN ID for this subnet":["VLAN ID de ce sous réseau"],"Domains in which this subnet is part":["Domaines qui incluent ce sous-réseau"],"DHCP Proxy to use within this subnet":["Proxy DHCP à utiliser avec ce sous réseau"],"TFTP Proxy to use within this subnet":["Proxy TFTP à utiliser pour ce sous-réseau"],"DNS Proxy to use within this subnet":["Proxy DNS à utiliser pour ce subnet"],"Default boot mode for interfaces assigned to this subnet, valid values are \\\"Static\\\", \\\"DHCP\\\"":["Mode de démarrage par défaut pour les interfaces de ce sous réseau. Les valeurs possibles sont \\\"Static\\\" et \\\"DHCP\\\""],"Create a subnet":["Créer un sous réseau"],"Update a subnet":["Mise à jour d'un sous réseau"],"Subnet numeric identifier":["Identifiant numérique du sous réseau"],"Delete a subnet":["Supprimer un sous-réseau"],"List all tasks for a given orchestration event":["Lister toutes les tâches pour un élémennt d'orchestration"],"ID of config template":["ID du modèle de configuration"],"List template combination":["Lister les combinaisons de modèles"],"environment id":["id de l'environnement"],"host group id":["Id du groupe d'hôte"],"Add a template combination":["Ajouter une combinaison de modèle"],"Show template combination":["Afficher la combinaison de modèles"],"Update template combination":["Mise à jour de la combinaison de modèle"],"Delete a template combination":["Supprimer une combinaison de modèle"],"List all template kinds":["Lister tous les types de modèles"],"List all user groups":["Lister tous les groupes d'utilisateurs"],"Show a user group":["Afficher un groupe d'utilisateurs"],"Create a user group":["Créer un groupe d'utilisateurs"],"Update a user group":["Mise à jour d'un groupe d'hôtes"],"Delete a user group":["Supprimer un group d'utilisateurs"],"List all users":["Lister tous les utilisateurs"],"List all users for LDAP authentication source":["Liste de tous les utilisateurs d'une source d'authentification LDAP"],"List all users for user group":["Liste de tous les utilisateurs d'un groupe"],"List all users for role":["Liste de tous les utilisateurs pour un rôle"],"List all users for location":["Liste de tous les utilisateurs d'une localisation"],"List all users for organization":["Liste de tous les utilisateurs d'une organisation"],"ID of LDAP authentication source":["ID de la source d'authentification LDAP"],"ID of user group":["ID du groupe utilisateur"],"ID of role":["ID du rôle"],"Show a user":["Afficher un utilisateur"],"is an admin account":["est un compte administrateur"],"User's timezone":["Fuseau horaire de l'utilisateur"],"User's preferred locale":["Locale préférée de l'utilisateur"],"Create a user":["Créer un utilisateur"],"Update a user":["Mise à jour d'un utilisateur"],"Delete a user":["Supprimer un utilisateur"],"You are trying to delete your own account":["Vous essayez de supprimer votre propre compte"],"Email is Required":["Le champ Mail est requis"],"Invalid query":["Requête invalide"],"Successfully created %s.":["Créé avec succès %s."],"Successfully updated %s.":["Mise à jour avec succès %s."],"Successfully deleted %s.":["Supprimé avec succès %s."],"Unknown action name for success message: %s":["Nom d'action inconnue pour ce message de succès : %s"],"Conflict - %s":["Conflit - %s"],"Failure: %s":["Erreur : %s"],"Organization you had selected as your context has been deleted.":["L'organisation que vous avez sélectionné comme contexte a été effacée."],"Location you had selected as your context has been deleted.":["La localisation que vous avez sélectionnée comme contexte a été effacée."],"You must create at least one location before continuing.":["Vous devez créer au moins une localisation pour continuer."],"You must create at least one organization before continuing.":["Vous devez créer au moins une organisation pour continuer."],"Error":["Erreur"],"OK":["OK"],"Invalid authenticity token":["Jeton d'authenticité invalide"],"Bookmark was successfully created.":["Marque-page créé avec succès. "],"Bookmark was successfully updated.":["Marque-page mis à jour avec succès. "],"%s VM associated to a host":[" %s VM associée à un hôte"," %s VM associées à un hôte"],"VM already associated with a host":["Cette VM est déjà associée à un hôte"],"VM associated to host %s":["Cette VM est associée à l'hôte %s"],"No host found to associate this VM with":["Aucun hôte trouvé à associer à cette VM"],"The virtual machine is being deleted.":["La machine virtuelle est en cours de suppression"],"Failed to set console: %s":["Échec de création de la console : %s"],"%{vm} is now %{vm_state}":["%{vm} est maintenant %{vm_state}"],"failed to %{action} %{vm}":["échec de %{action} %{vm}"],"Error - %{message}":["Erreur - %{message}"],"Import puppet classes from puppet proxy.":["Import des classes Puppet depuis un proxy Puppet"],"Import puppet classes from puppet proxy for an environment":["Import des classes puppet depuis le proxy puppet d'un environnement"],"Optional comma-delimited string containing either 'new', 'updated', or 'obsolete' that is used to limit the imported Puppet classes":["Optionnel : liste de mots séparées par des virgules parmi 'new, updated, obsolete' utilisée pour limiter les classes Puppet importées"],"Failed to update the environments and Puppet classes from the on-disk puppet installation: %s":["Échec de la mise à jour des environnements et classes Puppet depuis l'application Puppet présente sur le disque : %s"],"No proxy found to import classes from, ensure that the smart proxy has the Puppet feature enabled.":["Aucun proxy trouvé pour l'import des classes. Assurez vous qu'un smart proxy ait la fonction Puppet active."],"No changes to your environments detected":["Aucun changement détecté dans vos environnements"],"Puppet class with id '%{id}' was not found":["L'ID de classe Puppet '%{id}' n'a pas été trouvé"],"Environment with id '%{id}' was not found":["L'ID d'environnement '%{id}' n'a pas été trouvé"],"Host with id '%{id}' was not found":["L'ID d'hôte '%{id}' n'a pas été trouvé"],"Hostgroup with id '%{id}' was not found":["L'ID de groupe '%{id}' n'a pas été trouvé"],"User IDs":["IDs des utilisateurs"],"Smart proxy IDs":["IDs des Smart proxies"],"Compute resource IDs":["IDs de ressources d'ordianteur"],"Media IDs":["IDs des media"],"Provisioning template IDs":["IDs des modèles de provisionnement"],"Partition template IDs":["IDs des modèles de partitionnement"],"Domain IDs":["IDs de domaines"],"Realm IDs":["IDs des royaumes"],"Host group IDs":["IDs des groupes"],"Environment IDs":["IDs des environnements"],"Subnet IDs":["IDs des sous-réseaux"],"List all :resource_id":["Tout lister : resource_id"],"Show :a_resource":["Afficher : a_resource"],"Create :a_resource":["Créer : ressource"],"Update :a_resource":["Mise à jour : a_resource"],"Delete :a_resource":["Suppression : ressource"],"Cannot delete %{current} because it has nested %{sti_name}.":["Impossible de supprimer %{current} car cet élément possède des imbrications avec %{sti_name}."],"Operators":["Opérateurs"],"Invalid search query: %s":["Terme recherché invalide: %s"],"No smart proxy was found to import environments from, ensure that at least one smart proxy is registered with the 'puppet' feature.":["Aucun smart proxy n'a été trouvé pour importer les environnements. Assurez vous qu'un smart proxy ait la fonction Puppet active."],"Successfully updated environments and Puppet classes from the on-disk Puppet installation":["Succès : mise à jour des environnements et classes Puppet depuis l'installation Puppet présente sur le disque"],"Failed to update environments and Puppet classes from the on-disk Puppet installation: %s":["Échec de la mise à jour des environnements et classes Puppet depuis l'application Puppet présente sur le disque : %s"],"Your session has expired, please login again":["Votre session a expiré, merci de vous réauthentifier"],"All mismatches between hosts and %s have been fixed":["Toutes les concordances entre hôtes et %s ont été corrigées"],"All mismatches between hosts and locations/organizations have been fixed":["Toutes les concordances entre hôtes et localisation/organisations ont été corrigées."],"All hosts previously with no %{single} are now assigned to %{name}":["Tous les précédents hôtes sans %{single} sont désormais assignés à %{name}"],"Selected hosts are now assigned to %s":["Les hôtes sélectionnés sont maintenant assignés à %s"],"External user group %{name} refreshed":["Groupe d'utilisateur externe %{name} rafraichi"],"External user group %{name} could not be refreshed":["Groupe d'utilisateur externe %{name} ne peut pas être rafraichi"],"The following fields would need reviewing":["Les champs suivants auraient besoin d'une relecture"],"PXE":["PXE"],"BIOS":["BIOS"],"CDROM":["CDROM"],"Disk":["Disque"],"The marked fields will need reviewing":["Les champs marqués ont besoin de relecture"],"Unable to generate output, Check log files":["Impossible de générer une sortie, vérifiez les fichiers de log"],"Successfully executed, check log files for more details":["Succès - Execution. Vérifier les logs pour plus de détails."],"Enabled %s for reboot and rebuild":["%s préparé pour redémarrage et réinstallation"],"Failed to reboot %s.":["Impossible de redémarrer %s"],"Enabled %s for rebuild on next boot":["Activation de %s pour réinstallation au prochain redémarrage"],"Failed to enable %{host} for installation: %{errors}":["Échec d'activation d'installation de %{host} : %{errors}"],"Canceled pending build for %s":["Demande de construction de l'hôte %s annulé"],"Failed to cancel pending build for %s":["Échec de l'annulation de reconstruction pour %s"],"%{host} is about to %{action}":["%{host} est sur ​​le point de %{action}"],"Failed to %{action} %{host}: %{e}":["Impossible de %{action} %{host}: %{e}"],"%{host} now boots from %{device}":["%{host} démarre maintenant de puis %{device}"],"Failed to configure %{host} to boot from %{device}: %{e}":["Erreur de configuration de %{host} pour démarrer depuis %{device}: %{e}"],"Foreman now manages the build cycle for %s":["Foreman gère désormais le cycle d'installation pour %s"],"Foreman now no longer manages the build cycle for %s":["Foreman ne gère plus le cycle d'installation pour %s"],"Failed to modify the build cycle for %s":["Échec de modification du cycle d'installation pour %s "],"Host %s is not associated with a VM":["L'hôte %s n'est associé à aucune VM"],"%s has been disassociated from VM":["%s a été dissocié de la VM"],"No parameters were allocated to the selected hosts, can't mass assign.":["Aucun paramètre n'a été alloué à cet hôte, impossible d'assigner en masse."],"Updated all hosts!":["Tous les hôtes ont été mis à jour !"],"%s Parameters updated, see below for more information":["%s Paramètres mis à jour, voir ci-dessous pour plus d'informations"],"No host group selected!":["Aucun groupe d'hôtes sélectionné !"],"Updated hosts: changed host group":["Mise à jour des hôtes : le groupe d'hôtes a changé"],"No environment selected!":["Aucun environnement sélectionné !"],"Updated hosts: changed environment":["Mise à jour des hôtes : l'environnement a changé"],"The selected hosts will execute a build operation on next reboot":["Les hôtes sélectionnés vont procéder à leur installation au prochain redémarrage"],"The following hosts failed the build operation: %s":["Les hôtes suivants ont échoué à la phase d'installation : %s"],"Destroyed selected hosts":["Hôtes sélectionnés détruits"],"The following hosts were not deleted: %s":["Les hôtes suivants n'ont pas été supprimés : %s"],"Successfully executed, check reports and/or log files for more details":["Succès - Exécution. Vérifier les rapports et/ou les fichiers de logs pour plus de détails"],"Some or all hosts execution failed, Please check log files for more information":["Certains ou tous les hôtes ont échoué à l'exécution. Merci de vérifier les logs pour plus d'information"],"Updated hosts: Disassociated from VM":["Mise à jour des hôtes : Dissociation de leur VM"],"Hosts with errors":["Hôtes avec erreur(s)"],"Active Hosts":["Hôtes actifs"],"Pending Hosts":["Hôtes en cours"],"Hosts which didn't run puppet in the last %s":["Hôtes qui n'ont pas eu de puppet run depuis %s"],"Hosts with notifications disabled":["Hôtes dont les notifications sont désactivées"],"invalid type: %s requested":["type invalide : %s a été demandé"],"Something went wrong while changing host type - %s":["Quelque chose s'est mal passé lors du changement du type d'hôte - %s"],"No hosts were found with that id or name":["Aucun Hôte trouvé avec cet id ou ce nom"],"No hosts selected":["Aucun hôte sélectionné"],"Something went wrong while selecting hosts - %s":["Quelque chose s'est mal passé lors de la sélection des hôtes - %s"],"%s selected hosts":["%s hôtes sélectionnés"],"The following hosts were not %{action}: %{missed_hosts}":["Les hôtes suivants n'ont pas %{action}: %{missed_hosts}"],"Successfully overridden all parameters of Puppet class %s":["Surcharge réussie de tous les paramètres de la classe Puppet %s"],"Successfully reset all parameters of Puppet class %s to their default values":["Réinitialisation réussie de tous les paramètres de la classe Puppet %s à leur valeurs par défaut"],"No parameters to override for Puppet class %s":["Aucun paramètre pour surcharger la classe Puppet %s"],"Successfully deleted report.":["Succès lors de la suppression du rapport."],"Role cloned from role %{old_name}":["Rôle cloné depuis le rôle %{old_name}"],"No changes found when refreshing features from %s.":["Aucun changement trouvé suite au rafraichissement des fonctions de %s"],"Successfully refreshed features from %s.":["Succès - Rafraichissement des fonctions de %s"],"%s core":["%s core","%s cores"],"No new subnets found":["Aucun nouveau sous-réseau trouvé"],"No subnets selected":["Aucun sous-réseau sélectionné"],"Imported Subnets":["Sous-réseaux importés"],"No host could be found for rendering the template":["Aucun hôte trouvé pour créer le rendu du modèle"],"There was an error rendering the %{name} template: %{error}":["Il y a eu une erreur de rendu du modèle %{name} : %{error}"],"Template locked":["Modèle bloqué"],"Template unlocked":["Modèle débloqué"],"Failed to clean any old certificates or add the autosign entry. Terminating the build!":["Échec de netoyage des anciens certificats ou d'ajout d'entrée au fichier autosign. Construction annulée !"],"Failed to get a new realm OTP. Terminating the build!":["Impossible d'obtenir un nouveau OTP du royaume. Fin de l'installation!"],"There was an error rendering the %s template: ":["Il y a eu une erreur de rendu du modèle %s:"],"You cannot delete this user while logged in as this user.":["Vous ne pouvez pas supprimer cette utilisateur temps qu'il est connecté."],"Incorrect username or password":["Utilisateur ou mot de passe incorrect"],"Logged out - See you soon":["Déconnexion - À bientôt"],"Remove Parameter":["Suppression du paramètre"],"Click to remove %s":["Cliquez pour retirer %s"],"Click to add %s":["Cliquez pour ajouter %s"],"Are you sure?":["Êtes vous sûr ?"],"Delete":["Supprimer"],"Help":["Aide"],"Expand the chart":["Étendre le graphique"],"Change your avatar at":["Changer votre avatar sur"],"no value":["Aucune valeur"],"Inherit parent (%s)":["Hérité du parent (%s)"],"Documentation":["Documentation"],"Click to edit":["Cliquez pour éditer"],"N/A":["N/A"],"NA":["N/A"],"Provisioning Template content changed %s":["Le contenu du modèle de provisionnement a changé %s"],"Owner changed to %s":["Propriétaire changé à %s"],"%{name} changed from %{label1} to %{label2}":["%{name} changé de %{label1} pour %{label2}"],"User":["Utilisateur"],"%s ago":["Il y a %s"],"Parameters that would be associated with hosts in this %s":["Les paramètres qui seraient associés aux hôtes dans ce %s"],"<b>Source:</b> %{type} %{name}":["<b>Source:</b> %{type} %{name}"],"Additional info":["Informations additionnelles"],"Use Puppet default":["Utiliser la valeur par défaut de Puppet"],"Explain use Puppet default":["Descrition sur l'utilisation de la valeur par défaut de Puppet"],"Do not send this parameter via the ENC.<br>Puppet will use the value defined in the manifest.":["Ne pas transmettre ce paramètre par l'ENC. <br>Puppet utilisera la valeur définie dans le manifest."],"Paused":["En pause"],"On":["Marche"],"Off":["Arrêt"],"Are you sure you want to power %{act} %{vm}?":["Êtes vous sûr de vouloir %{act} %{vm}?"],"Resume":["Reprise"],"Pause":["Pause"],"Are you sure you want to %{act} %{vm}?":["Voulez-vous %{act} %{vm}?"],"Power%s":["Alimentation : %s"],"Unknown Power State":["État de l'alimentation inconnu"],"Console":["Console"],"%s - Press Shift-F12 to release the cursor.":["%s - Pressez Shift-F12 pour libérer le curseur."],"Physical (Bridge)":["Physique (Pont)"],"Virtual (NAT)":["Virtuelle (NAT)"],"Add to dashboard":["Ajouter au tableau de bord"],"Generated at %s":["Généré à %s"],"Manage dashboard":["Gérer le tableau de bord"],"Save dashboard":["Sauvegarder le tableau de bord"],"Reset to default":["Restauration d'usine"],"Restore widgets":["Restaurer les gadgets"],"Active":["Actif"],"Pending changes":["Changements en cours"],"Out of sync":["Désynchronisé"],"No report":["Aucun rapport"],"Notification disabled":["Notification désactivée"],"Host Configuration Status":["Statut de configuration des hôtes"],"Number Of Clients":["Nombre de clients"],"Minutes Ago":["Minutes auparavant"],"Applied":["Appliqué"],"Applied|A":["A"],"Restarted":["Redémarré"],"Restarted|R":["R"],"Failed|F":["F"],"Failed":["Échoué"],"Failed Restarts|FR":["FR"],"Failed Restarts":["Erreur de redémarrage"],"Skipped|S":["S"],"Skipped":["Omis"],"Pending|P":["P"],"Pending":["En cours"],"New Puppet Environment":["Nouvel environnement Puppet"],"Show all %s children fact values":["Afficher tous les facts pour les enfants de %s"],"Show all %s fact values":["Afficher tous les facts pour %s"],"Expand nested items":["Étendre les éléments imbriqués"],"Show full value":["Afficher la valeur complète"],"Any Context":["Tout contexte"],"This group has nested groups!":["Ce groupe a des groupes emboîtés !"],"Please delete all nested groups before deleting it.":["Merci d'effacer tous les sous-groupes avant d'effacer ce groupe"],"Puppet CA":["Puppet CA"],"Use this puppet server as a CA server":["Utiliser ce Puppet Server comme Serveur CA"],"Puppet Master":["Puppet Master"],"Use this puppet server as an initial Puppet Server or to execute puppet runs":["Utiliser ce serveur Puppet comme serveur Puppet initial ou pour exécuter des puppet runs."],"New Host":["Nouvel hôte"],"View last report details":["Voir les détails du dernier rapport"],"Report Already Deleted":["Rapport déjà supprimé"],"Build|B":["B"],"Disabled|D":["D"],"No reports|N":["N"],"Sync|S":["S"],"Error|E":["E"],"Active|A":["A"],"OK|O":["O"],"Change Group":["Changer le Groupe"],"Change Environment":["Changer l'Environnement"],"Edit Parameters":["Éditer les Paramètres"],"Delete Hosts":["Supprimer ces Hôtes"],"Disable Notifications":["Désactiver les notifications"],"Enable Notifications":["Activer les notifications"],"Disassociate Hosts":["Dissocier les hötes des VM"],"Build Hosts":["Construire les Hôtes"],"Run Puppet":["Lancer Puppet"],"Assign Organization":["Assigner une Organisation"],"Assign Location":["Assigner une Localisation"],"Select Action":["Choisir l'action"],"%s - The following hosts are about to be changed":["%s - les hôtes suivants vont être changés"],"Failed restarts":["Redémarrages échoués"],"Config Retrieval":["Récupération de configuration"],"Runtime":["Exécution"],"Reports from the last %{days} days - %{count} reports found":["Rapports pour les derniers %{days} jours - %{count} rapports trouvés"],"Provisioning Support is disabled or this host is not managed":["Soit la fonction de provisionnement est désactivée pour cet hôte, soit l'hôte n'est pas géré"],"Unable to find templates as this host has no operating system":["Impossible de trouver le modèle de cet hôte qui n'a pas de système d'exploitation"],"No template found":["Aucun modèle trouvé"],"Template Type":["Type de Modèle"],"%s Template":["%s Modèle"],"Edit":["Éditer"],"Review":["Revue"],"Domain":["Domaine"],"Realm":["Royaume"],"IP Address":["Adresses IP"],"MAC Address":["Adresse MAC"],"Puppet Environment":["Environnement Puppet"],"Host Architecture":["Architecture de l'Hôte"],"Operating System":["Système d'Exploitation"],"Host group":["Groupe d'hôtes"],"Location":["Localisation"],"Organization":["Organisation"],"Owner":["Propriétaire"],"Certificate Name":["Nom du certificat"],"Edit your host":["Éditer votre hôte"],"Cancel build":["Annuler la construction"],"Cancel build request for this host":["Annuler la demande de construction de cet hôte"],"Enable rebuild on next host boot":["Activer la reconstruction de l'hôte au prochain redémarrage"],"Loading power state ...":["Récupération de l'état de l'alimentation"],"Run puppet":["Lancer Puppet"],"Trigger a puppetrun on a node; requires that puppet run is enabled":["Lancer une exécution Puppet sur un hôte ; requiert l'activation de puppet run."],"Are you sure you want to delete host %s? This will delete the virtual machine and its disks, and is irreversible.":["Êtes vous sûr de supprimer l'hôte %s ? Cela supprime la machine virtuelle et ses disques, et est irréversible."],"Are you sure you want to delete host %s? This action is irreversible.":["Êtes vous sûr de supprimer l'hôte %s ? Cette action est irréversible."],"Audits":["Audits"],"Host audit entries":["Entrées d'audit de l'Hôte"],"Browse host facts":["Voir les facts de l'hôte"],"Facts":["Facts"],"Reports":["Rapports"],"Browse host reports":["Voir les rapports de l'hôte"],"Puppet external nodes YAML dump":["Dump YAML des Puppet external nodes"],"YAML":["YAML"],"Allocation (GB)":["Allocation (GB)"],"None":["Aucun"],"Full":["Plein"],"Size":["Taille"],"remove network interface":["supprimer l'interface réseau"],"Interface is up":["L'interface est up"],"Interface is down":["L'interface est down"],"Errors occurred, build may fail":["Des erreurs sont survenues, l'installation peut avoir échoué"],"Edit %s":["Éditer %s"],"Image":["Image"],"Image ID as provided by the compute resource, e.g. ami-..":["ID de l'image fournie par les ressouces matérielles, par ex. ami-..."],"Image ID":["ID de l'image"],"Caps lock ON":["Caps lock est activé"],"Submit":["Soumettre"],"Overwrite":["Écraser"],"Unable to save":["Impossible de sauver"],"&laquo;":["&laquo;"],"&raquo;":["&raquo;"],"No entries found":["Aucune entrée trouvée"],"Displaying <b>%{count}</b> entry":["Afficher <b>%{count}</b> entrée","Afficher <b>toutes les %{count}</b> entrées"],"Displaying entries <b>%{from} - %{to}</b> of <b>%{count}</b> in total":["Affichage des entrées <b>%{from} - %{to}</b> sur <b>%{count}</b> au total"],"Warning!":["Attention !"],"Alert":["Alerte"],"Close":["Fermer"],"last %s day":["le %s dernier jour","les %s derniers jours"],"Full screen":["Plein écran"],"Puppet class":["Classe Puppet"],"Puppet Class":["Classe Puppet"],"<dl><dt>String</dt> <dd>Everything is taken as a string.</dd><dt>Boolean</dt> <dd>Common representation of boolean values are accepted.</dd><dt>Integer</dt> <dd>Integer numbers only, can be negative.</dd><dt>Real</dt> <dd>Accept any numerical input.</dd><dt>Array</dt> <dd>A valid JSON or YAML input, that must evaluate to an array.</dd><dt>Hash</dt> <dd>A valid JSON or YAML input, that must evaluate to an object/map/dict/hash.</dd><dt>YAML</dt> <dd>Any valid YAML input.</dd><dt>JSON</dt> <dd>Any valid JSON input.</dd></dl>":["<dl><dt>Chaîne</dt> <dd>Tout est considéré comme une chaîne de caractères.</dd><dt>Booléen</dt> <dd>Les représentations classiques des booléens sont acceptées.</dd><dt>Entier</dt> <dd>Nombre entier uniquement, peut être négatif.</dd><dt>Réel</dt> <dd>Accepte n'importe quelle valeur numérique.</dd><dt>Tableau</dt> <dd>Une entrée JSON ou YAML valide, doit être évaluée en tant que tableau.</dd><dt>Dictionnaire</dt> <dd>Une entrée JSON ou YAML valide, doit être évaluée en tant qu'objet/dictionnaire/Table de hachage.</dd><dt>YAML</dt> <dd>Une entrée YAML valide.</dd><dt>JSON</dt> <dd>Une entrée JSON valide.</dd></dl>"],"Parameter types":["types de paramètre"],"How values are validated":["Détails sur la validation des valeurs"],"<dl><dt>List</dt> <dd>A list of the allowed values, specified in the Validator rule field.</dd><dt>Regexp</dt> <dd>Validates the input with the regular expression in the Validator rule field.</dd></dl>":["<dl><dt>Liste</dt> <dd>Une liste de valeurs autorisées, spécifiées dans le champ de règle de validation.</dd><dt>Regexp</dt> <dd>Valide les entrées à l'aide d'une expression régulière dans le champ de règle de validation.</dd></dl>"],"Validator type":["Type validateur"],"Validation types":["Types de validation"],"<b>Description:</b> %{desc}<br><b>Type:</b> %{type}<br> <b>Matcher:</b> %{matcher}":["<b>Description:</b> %{desc}<br><b>Type:</b> %{type}<br> <b>Matcher:</b> %{matcher}"],"Default value":["Valeur par défaut"],"No value error":["Erreurs, valeur manquante"],"Required parameter without value.<br/><b>Please override!</b> <br><br><b>Description:</b>: %s":["Paramètre requis sans valeur.<br/><b>Merci de surcharger !</b> <br><br><b>Description:</b>: %s"],"No value warning":["Avertissement, valeur manquante"],"Optional parameter without value.<br/><i>Won't be given to Puppet.</i> <br><br><b>Description:</b> %s":["Paramètre optionnel sans valeur.<br/><i>Ne sera pas transmis à Puppet.</i> <br><br><b>Description:</b> %s"],"Default templates are automatically added to new locations":["Les modèles par défaut sont automatiquement ajoutés aux nouvelles localisations"],"Default templates are automatically added to new organizations":["Les modèles par défaut sont automatiquement ajoutés aux nouvelles organisations"],"Default templates are automatically added to new organizations and locations":["Les modèles par défaut sont automatiquement ajoutés aux nouvelles organisations et localisations"],"Clone":["Cloner"],"You are about to unlock a locked template.":["Vous êtes sur le point de déverrouiller un modèle verrouillé."],"This is for every location that uses it.":["Valable pour toute localisation qui utilise ce paramètre."],"This is for every organization that uses it.":["Valable pour toute organisation qui utilise ce paramètre."],"This is for every location and organization that uses it.":["Valable pour toute organisation et localisation qui utilise ce paramètre."],"It is not recommended to unlock this template, as it is provided by %{vendor} and may be overwritten. Please consider cloning it instead.":["Il n'est pas recommandé de déverrouiller ce modèle, car il est maintenu par %{vendor} et peut être écrasé. À la place, veuillez utiliser un clone."],"Continue?":["Continuer ?"],"Unlock":["Déverrouiller"],"Lock":["Verrouiller"],"Delete %s?":["Supprimer %s ?"],"valid":["valide"],"revoked":["révoqué"],"pending":["En attente"],"in %s":["Dans %s"],"Empty environment":["Environnement vide"],"Deleted environment":["Supprimer l'environnement"],"Deleted environment %{env} and %{pcs}":["Supprimer l'environnement %{env} et %{pcs}"],"Import":["Import"],"Import from %s":["Import depuis %s"],"%{name} has %{num_tag} class":["%{name} a %{num_tag} classe","%{name} a %{num_tag} classes"],"%s minute ago":["Il y a %s minute","Il y a %s minutes"],"%s day ago":["Il y a %s jour","Il y a %s jours"],"%s week ago":["Il y a %s semaine","Il y a %s semaines"],"%s month ago":["il y a %s mois","Il y a %s mois"],"All Reports":["Tous les Rapports"],"Select a period":["Choisir une période"],"Show log messages:":["Afficher les messages de log:"],"Notices, warnings and errors":["Remarques, avertissements et erreurs"],"All messages":["Tous les messages"],"Warnings and errors":["Warnings et Erreurs"],"Errors only":["Seulement les Erreurs"],"This setting is defined in the configuration file 'settings.yaml' and is read-only.":["Ce paramètre est défini dans le fichier de configuration 'settings.yaml' et est en lecture seule."],"Certificates":["Certificats"],"Autosign":["Autosign"],"Import subnets":["Importer les sous-réseaux"],"Refresh features":["Rafraichir les fonctions"],"OS Distribution":["Répartition du système d'exploitation"],"Architecture Distribution":["Répartition des architectures"],"Environments Distribution":["Répartition des Environnements"],"Number of CPUs":["Nombre de CPU"],"Hardware":["Matériel"],"Class Distribution":["Répartition des classes"],"used memory":["mémoire utilisée"],"Average memory usage":["Utilisation mémoire moyenne"],"free memory":["mémoire libre"],"used swap":["SWAP utilisé"],"free swap":["SWAP libre"],"Average swap usage":["Utilisation mémoire virtuelle moyenne"],"Any Organization":["Toute Organisation"],"Any Location":["Toute Localisation"],"New Location":["Nouvelle localisation"],"New Organization":["Nouvelle organisation"],"All users":["Tous les utilisateurs"],"Select users":["Choisir les utilisateurs"],"All smart proxies":["Tous les Smart Proxies"],"Select smart proxies":["Choisir les Smart Proxies"],"All subnets":["Tous les sous-réseaux"],"Select subnets":["Choisir les sous-réseaux"],"All compute resources":["Toutes les ressources d'ordinateur"],"Select compute resources":["Choisir les ressources d'ordinateur"],"All media":["Tous les médias"],"Select media":["Choisir les médias"],"Select provisioning templates":["Choisir les modèles de provisionnement"],"All provisioning templates":["Tous les modèles de provisionnement"],"All partition tables":["Toutes les tables de partition"],"Select partition tables":["Choisir les tables de partition"],"Select domains":["Choisir les domaines"],"All domains":["Tous les domaines"],"All realms":["Tous les royaumes"],"Select realms":["Choisir le royaume"],"All environments":["Tous les environnements"],"Select environments":["Choisir les environnements"],"All host groups":["Tous les groupes d'hôtes"],"Select host groups":["Choisir les groupes d'hôtes"],"Environment":["Environnement"],"Operating system":["Système d'exploitation"],"Compute resource":["Ressource d'Ordinateur"],"Model":["Modèle"],"Trend of the last %s days.":["Tendances pour les %s derniers jours."],":foreman_url is not set, please configure in the Foreman Web UI (Administer -> Settings -> General)":[":foreman_url n'est pas définie, merci de configurer cette variable dans l'interface Web de Foreman (Administrer -> paramètres -> Général)"],"Must specify a user with email enabled":["Vous devez spécifier un utilisateur avec l'option mail active"],"Audit summary":["Rapport d'audit"],"Must specify a valid user with email enabled":["Vous devez spécifier un utilisateur valide avec l'option mail active"],"Puppet Summary Report - F:%{failed} R:%{restarted} S:%{skipped} A:%{applied} FR:%{failed_restarts} T:%{total}":["Résumé du rapport Puppet - F:%{failed} R:%{restarted} S:%{skipped} A:%{applied} FR:%{failed_restarts} T:%{total}"],"Puppet error on %s":["Error Puppet pour %s"],"Host %s is built":["L'hôte %s est construit"],"Welcome to Foreman":["Bienvenue sur Foreman"],"Cannot create LDAP configuration for %s without dedicated service account":["Impossible de créer une configuration LDAP pour %s sans compte de service dédié"],"invalid LDAP filter syntax":["Syntaxe du filtre LDAP incorrect"],"%{value} is not a valid controller":["%{value} n'est pas un contrôleur valide"],"%s is an unknown attribute":["%s est un attribut inconnu "],"must provide a provider":["devez saisir un fournisseur"],"unknown provider":["fournisseur inconnu"],"%s console is not supported at this time":["La console %s n'est pas supportée pour le moment."],"Not implemented for %s":["Non implémenté pour %s"],"Not implemented":["Non mis en œuvre"],"cannot be changed":["Impossible à changer"],"Unable to access key":["Impossible d'accéder à la clef"],"Unable to find template %s":["Impossible de trouver le modèle %s"],"VM is not running!":["La VM n'est pas lancée !"],"Unable to change VM display listen address, make sure the display is not attached to localhost only":["Impossible de changer l'adresse d'écoute de l'affichage de la VM, vérifier que l'affichage ne soit pas restreint à localhost."],"At least one volume must be specified for image-based provisioning.":["Au moins un volume doit être choisi pour une installation par image."],"Please specify volume size. You may optionally use suffix 'G' to specify volume size in gigabytes.":["Merci de spécifier une taille de volume. Vous pouvez utiliser le suffixe 'G' pour désigner une taille de volume en gigaoctets."],"Cluster ID is required to list available networks":["L'ID du cluster est requis pour lister les réseaux disponibles"],"The remote system presented a public key signed by an unidentified certificate authority. If you are sure the remote system is authentic, go to the compute resource edit page, press the 'Test Connection' or 'Load Datacenters' button and submit":["Le système distant présenta une clef publique signée par une autorité de certification inconnue. Si vous êtes sûr de l'authenticité du système distant, allez sur la page des Ressources d'Ordinateur, appuyez sur 'Tester la connexion' ou sur 'Charger les Datacenters' puis soumettre les changements."],"Failed to create X509 certificate, error: %s":["Impossible de créer le certificat X509. Erreur : %s"],"Default":["Défaut"],"The remote system presented a public key with hash %s but we're expecting a different hash. If you are sure the remote system is authentic, go to the compute resource edit page, press the 'Test Connection' or 'Load Datacenters' button and submit":["Le système distant a présenté une clé publique avec le hash %s mais Foreman attendait un hash différent. Si vous êtes sûr que l'hôte distant est le bon, allez dans la page d'édition des Ressources d'Ordinateur et cliquez sur un des boutons \\\"Tester la connexion\\\" ou \\\"Charger les Centres de données\\\" puis \\\"Soumettre\\\""],"%{cpus} CPUs and %{memory} memory":["%{cpus} CPUs et %{memory} de mémoire"],"%{cores} Cores and %{memory} memory":["%{cores} Cores et %{memory} de mémoire"],"%{cpus} CPUs and %{memory} MB memory":["%{cpus} CPUs et %{memory} MB de mémoire"],"Cannot find user %s when switching context":["Impossible de trouver l'utilisateur %s lors du changement de contexte"],"is too long (maximum is 1 character)":["est trop long (le max est 1 caractère)","est trop long (le max est %s caractères)"],"%{task} task failed with the following error: %{e}":["La tâche %{task} a échouée avec l'erreur suivante : %{e}"],"Failed to perform rollback on %{task} - %{e}":["Échec de retour arrière sur %{task} - %{e}"],"invalid method %s":["méthode invalide pour %s"],"Render user data template for %s":["Rendu utilisateur depuis le modèle pour %s"],"Set up compute instance %s":["Preparation de l'instance %s"],"Acquire IP address for %s":["Acquisition de l'adresse IP pour %s"],"Query instance details for %s":["Interrogation des détails de l'instance pour %s"],"Power up compute instance %s":["Démarrer l'instance %s"],"Compute resource update for %s":["Ressource d'Ordinateur mise à jour pour %s"],"Removing compute instance %s":["Suppression de l'instance %s"],"Failed to create a compute %{compute_resource} instance %{name}: %{message}\\n ":["Échec de création de l'instance %{name} sur la ressource d'ordinateur %{compute_resource} : %{message}\\n "],"%{image} needs user data, but %{os_link} is not associated to any provisioning template of the kind user_data. Please associate it with a suitable template or uncheck 'User data' for %{compute_resource_image_link}.":["%{image} a besoin de données utilisateur, cependant %{os_link} n'est associé à aucun modèle de provisionnement du type user_data. Merci de faire une association de ce type ou décocher 'Données utilisateur' pour %{compute_resource_image_link}."],"Failed to remove certificates for %{name}: %{e}":["Échec de suppression de certificats pour %{name}: %{e}"],"failed to save %s":["échec de sauvegarde %s"],"Failed to get IP for %{name}: %{e}":["Échec de récupération de l'adresse IP pour %{name}: %{e}"],"Failed to destroy a compute %{compute_resource} instance %{name}: %{e}":["Échec de la destruction de l'instance %{name} de la ressource d'ordinateur %{compute_resource}: %{e}"],"Failed to power up a compute %{compute_resource} instance %{name}: %{e}":["Échec de démarrage de la ressource %{compute_resource} instance %{name}: %{e}"],"Failed to stop compute %{compute_resource} instance %{name}: %{e}":["Échec d'arrêt de la ressource %{compute_resource} instance %{name}: %{e}"],"Failed to update a compute %{compute_resource} instance %{name}: %{e}":["Échec de mise à jour de la ressource %{compute_resource} instance %{name}: %{e}"],"Failed to undo update compute %{compute_resource} instance %{name}: %{e}":["Échec d'annulation de mise à jour de la ressource %{compute_resource} instance %{name}: %{e}"],"Selected image does not belong to %s":["L'image sélectionné n'appartient pas à %s"],"Could not find virtual machine network interface matching %s":["Impossible de trouver une interface réseau de la machine virtuelle correspondant à %s"],"Unable to determine the host's boot server. The DHCP smart proxy failed to provide this information and this subnet is not provided with TFTP services.":["Impossible de déterminer le serveur de démarrage de l'hôte. Le Smart Proxy DHCP n'a pas pu fournir cette information et le sous-réseau n'a pas fourni de service TFTP."],"failed to detect boot server: %s":["échec de détection du serveur de démarrage : %s"],"DHCP not supported for this NIC":["Cette interface réseau ne supporte pas DHCP"],"Create DHCP Settings for %s":["Créer des paramètres DHCP pour %s"],"Remove DHCP Settings for %s":["Suppression des paramètres DHCP pour %s"],"DHCP conflicts removal for %s":["Conflit DHCP pour la suppression de %s"],"does not match selected subnet":["Ne correspond pas au sous réseau sélectionné"],"DHCP records %s already exists":["L'enregistrement DHCP %s existe déjà"],"Create DNS record for %s":["Créer un enregistrement DNS pour %s"],"Create Reverse DNS record for %s":["Créer un enregistrement DNS inverse pour %s"],"Remove DNS record for %s":["Suppression des enregistrements DNS pour %s"],"Remove Reverse DNS record for %s":["Suppression de l'enregistrement DNS inverse pour %s"],"Remove conflicting DNS record for %s":["Suppression des enregistrements DNS conflictuels pour %s"],"Remove conflicting Reverse DNS record for %s":["Suppression des enregistrements DNS inverses conflictuels pour %s"],"DNS A Records %s already exists":["Un enregistrement DNS de type A existe déjà pour %s"],"DNS PTR Records %s already exists":["Un enregistrement DNS de type PTR existe déjà pour %s"],"Failed to initialize the PuppetCA proxy: %s":["Échec d'initialisation du proxy PuppetCA : %s"],"Delete autosign entry for %s":["Supprimer les entrées autosignées pour %s"],"Delete PuppetCA certificates for %s":["Supprimer les certificats PuppetCA pour %s"],"Failed to initialize the realm proxy: %s":["Impossible d'initialiser le proxy du royaume : %s"],"Realm proxy did not return a one-time password":["Le proxy du royaume n'a retourné aucun mot de passe à usage unique"],"Failed to create %{name}'s realm entry: %{e}":["Impossible de créer l'entrée du royaume %{name} : %{e}"],"Create realm entry for %s":["Créer l'entrée du royaume pour %s"],"Update realm entry for %s":["Mise à jour de l'entrée du royaume pour %s"],"Delete realm entry for %s":["Supprimer l'entrée du royaume %s"],"Prepare post installation script for %s":["Préparation du script de post-installation pour %s"],"Wait for %s to come online":["En attente de disponibilité en ligne de %s"],"Enable certificate generation for %s":["Activer la génération de certificat pour %s"],"Configure instance %s via SSH":["Configuration de l'instance %s par SSH"],"Unable to find proper authentication method":["Impossible de trouver correctement une méthode d'authentification "],"Failed to login via SSH to %{name}: %{e}":["Échec d'ouverture de session en SSH à %{name}: %{e}"],"Provision script had a non zero exit, removing instance":["Le script de provisionnement a eu un code d'erreur de sortie non nul, suppression de l'instance"],"Failed to launch script on %{name}: %{e}":["Échec de lancement du script sur %{name} : %{e}"],"No finish templates were found for this host, make sure you define at least one in your %s settings":["Aucun modèle trouvé pour cet hôte, faites en sorte d'en definir au moin un dans les paramètres %s"],"Failed to fetch boot files":["Échec de récupération des fichiers de boot"],"No %{template_kind} templates were found for this host, make sure you define at least one in your %{os} settings":["Aucun modèle %{template_kind} n'a été trouvé pour cet hôte. Assurez-vous de définir au moins un modèle dans les paramètres pour %{os}."],"Failed to generate %{template_kind} template: %{e}":["Échec de génération du modèle %{template_kind} : %{e}"],"TFTP Settings for %s":["Paramètres TFTP pour %s"],"Fetch TFTP boot files for %s":["Récupération des fichiers de boot en TFTP pour %s"],"Remove old TFTP Settings for %s":["Suppression des anciens paramètres TFTP pour %s"],"has already been taken":["a déjà été choisi"],"Please ensure the following parameters name are unique":["Merci de vérifier que les noms des paramètres suivants soient uniques"],"Invalid %s selection, you must select at least one of yours":["Sélection %s invalide, vous devez au moins choisir l'un des votres"],"must be one of [ %s ]":["doit être une des valeurs suivantes [ %s ]"],"Can't find a valid Foreman Proxy with a Puppet feature":["Impossible de trouver un proxy foreman ayant la fonction puppet"],"is not found in the authentication source":["n'est pas trouvé dans la source d'authenfication"],"LDAP error - %{message}":["Erreur LDAP - %{message}"],"is not permitted":["n'est pas permis"],"invalid search query: %s":["Requête de recherche invalide : %s"],"filter for %s role":["filtre pour le rôle %s"],"Permissions must be of same resource type":["Les permissions doivent être du même type de ressource"],"You must select at least one permission":["Vous devez sélectionner au moins une permission"],"You can't assign organizations to this resource":["Vous ne pouvez pas assigner une organisation à cette ressource"],"You can't assign locations to this resource":["Vous ne pouvez pas assigner une localisation à cette ressource"],"Owner type needs to be one of the following: %s":["Le type de propriétaire doit être l'un des suivants: %s "],"host must have one primary interface":["L'hôte doit posséder une interface primaire"],"managed host must have one provision interface":["L'hôte géré doit posséder une interface de provisionnement"],"some interfaces are invalid":["des interfaces sont invalides"],"invalid time range":["intervalle de temps invalide"],"should be 8 characters or more":["devrait être 8 caractères ou plus"],"should not be blank - consider setting a global or host group default":["ne doit pas être vide - songez à définir un groupe d'hôtes global ou un groupe d'hôtes par défaut"],"can't be blank unless a custom partition has been defined":["ne peut être vide à moins qu'un partitionnement spécifique n'ait été défini"],"is unknown":["est inconnu"],"common":["commun"],"domain":["domaine"],"os":["OS"],"Failed to import %{klass} for %{name}: doesn't exists in our database - ignoring":["Échec lors de l'import de %{klass} pour %{name} : l'entrée n'existe pas dans la base de donnée - ignoré"],"no puppet proxy defined - cant continue":["aucun proxy Puppet défini - ne peut continuer"],"failed to execute puppetrun: %s":["échec d'exécution puppetrun : %s"],"Pending Installation":["Installations en cours"],"Alerts disabled":["Alertes désactivées"],"No reports":["Aucun rapports"],"Unknown power management support - can't continue":["Inconnu"],"Some interfaces are invalid":["Certaines interfaces sont invalides"],"%{value} does not belong to %{os} operating system":["%{value} ne fait pas partie du système d'exploitation %{os}"],"%{e} does not belong to the %{environment} environment":["%{e} n'appartient pas à l'environnement %{environment}"],"Unable to find IP address for '%s'":["Impossible de trouver l'adresse IP pour '%s'"],"is an unsupported provisioning method":["est une méthode de provisionnement non supportée"],"can't be updated after host is provisioned":["Ne peut etre modifé après que l'hôte soit provisionné"],"must not include periods":["ne doit pas contenir de caractères point."],"hostgroup":["groupe d'hôtes"],"could not be found in %s":["ne peut être trouvé parmis %s"],"real":["réel"],"boolean":["booléen"],"integer":["entier"],"string":["chaîne"],"json":["json"],"hash":["hash"],"yaml":["yaml"],"array":["tableau"],"regexp":["regexp"],"list":["liste"],"invalid":["invalide"],"Invalid Host":["Hôte invalide"],"invalid path":["chemin invalide"],"is invalid":["est invalide"],"Global variable or class Parameter, not both":["Soit variable globale, soit paramètre de classe, mais pas deux."],"%{default_value} is not one of %{validator_rule}":["%{default_value} n'est pas définie dans %{validator_rule}"],"can only be set for array or hash":["ne peut être positionné que pour un tableau de hash"],"can only be set for arrays that have merge_overrides set to true":["ne peut être positionné que pour des tableaux qui ont l'attribut merge_overrides à vrai"],"is invalid %s":["est invalide %s"],"%{value} is not one of %{rules}":["%{value} n'est pas inclus dans %{rules}"],"%{match} does not match an existing host":["%{match} ne correspond pas à un hôte existant"],"%{match} does not match an existing host group":["%{match} ne correspond pas à un groupe existant"],"Daily":["Quotidien"],"Weekly":["Hebdomadaire"],"Monthly":["Mensuel"],"Only URLs with schema http://, https://, ftp:// or nfs:// are allowed (e.g. nfs://server/vol/dir)":["Seules les URL avec http://, https://, ftp:// ou nfs:// sont permises (Ex: nfs://server/vol/dir)"],"does not appear to be a valid nfs mount path":["n’apparaît pas être un point de montage NFS valide"],"%{record} is used by host in build mode %{what}":["%{record} est utilisé par l'hôte en mode build %{what}"],"can't use the same value as the primary interface":["Impossible d'utiliser les mêmes valeurs que celles de l'interface primaire"],"already in use":["déjà utilisé"],"can't find domain with this id":["impossible de trouver un domaine ayant cet id"],"can't delete primary interface of managed host":["Impossible de supprimer l'interface primaire d'un hôte géré"],"can't delete provision interface of managed host":["Impossible de supprimer l'interface de provisionnement d'un hôte géré"],"host already has primary interface":["L'hôte possède déjà une interface primaire"],"host already has provision interface":["L'hôte possède déjà une interface de provisionnement"],"is not defined for host's location.":["n'est pas défini pour la localisation de l'hôte."],"is not defined for host's organization.":["n'est pas défini pour l'organisation de l'hôte."],"Unable to find a proxy with BMC feature":["Impossible de trouver un proxy avec la fonctionnalité BMC"],"BMC":["BMC"],"There is no proxy with BMC feature set up. Please register a smart proxy with this feature.":["Il n'y a aucun proxy configuré avec la fonctionnalité BMC. Merci de configurer un proxy ayant cette fonctionnalité."],"Bond":["Agrégat"],"Only one bootable interface is allowed":["Une seule interface de démarrage est autorisée à être déclarée"],"Bootable":["Amorçable"],"Can't add or remove `%s` from identifier":["Impossible d'ajouter ou supprimer \\\"%s\\\" de l'identifiant"],"subnet boot mode is not %s":["Le mode de démarrage du sous réseau n'est pas %s"],"Operating System version is required":["La version du Système d'Exploitation est nécessaire "],"Operating system version already exists":["Ce Système d'Exploitation existe déjà"],"Attempting to construct an operating system image filename but %s cannot be built from an image":["Essai de construire le fichier image du système d'exploitation mais %s ne peut être installé depuis une image"],"Invalid medium for %s":["Medium invalide pour %s"],"Invalid architecture for %s":["Architecture invalide pour %s"],"invalid medium for %s":["médium invalide pour %s"],"invalid architecture for %s":["architecture invalide pour %s"],"Function not available for %s":["Fonction non disponible pour %s"],"parameters require an associated domain, operating system, host or host group":["Les paramètres requièrent un domaine assiocié, un système d'exploitation, un hôte ou un groupe d'hôtes"],"You do not have permission to %s this location parameter":["Vous n'avez pas la permission de %s sur ce paramètre de localisation"],"You do not have permission to %s this organization parameter":["Vous n'avez pas la permission de %s sur ce paramètre d'organisation"],"Must provide template kind":["Vous devez fournir un type de modèle"],"Must provide an operating systems":["Vous devez fournir un système d'exploitation"],"No TFTP proxies defined, can't continue":["Aucun proxy TFTP n'a été défini. Impossible de continuer."],"Could not find a Configuration Template with the name \\\"PXELinux global default\\\", please create one.":["Impossible de trouver un Modèle de Configuration avec le nom \\\"PXE global default\\\", merci d'en créer un."],"failed to process template: %s":["échec d'application de modèle : %s"],"There was an error creating the PXE Default file: %s":["Il y a eu une erreur de création du fichier PXE par défaut: %s"],"PXE Default file has been deployed to all Smart Proxies":["Le fichier PXE par défaut a été déployé sur tous les Smart Proxies"],"Unsupported report status format":["Format du statut du rapport d'état incorrect"],"invalid host list":["liste d'hôtes invalide"],"Modified":["Modifié"],"Success":["Succès"],"Unable to create the default user role.":["Impossible de créer le rôle par défaut des utilisateurs"],"Unable to create the anonymous role.":["Impossible de créer le rôle anonyme."],"Role is in use":["Rôle en cours d'utilisation"],"Can't delete built-in role":["Imposible d'effacer les rôles pré-définis"],"must be a valid URI":["doit être une URI valide"],"must be boolean":["doit être un booléen"],"must be integer":["doit être un entier"],"must be an array":["doit être un tableau"],"parsing settings type '%s' from string is not defined":["l'analyse du type de settings %s depuis une chaine n'est pas défini"],"is invalid: %s":["est invalide : %s"],"is not allowed to change":["n'est pas autorisé à être changé"],"Foreman will use OAuth for API authorization":["Foreman utilisera OAuth pour les autorisations de l'API"],"OAuth consumer key":["Clé OAuth consumer"],"OAuth consumer secret":["Secret OAuth consumer"],"Foreman will map users by username in request-header. If this is set to false, OAuth requests will have admin rights.":["Foreman va faire correspondre les utilisateurs au nom d'utilisateur dans le request-header. Si cette option est positionnée sur false, les requêtes OAuth auront les droits administrateur."],"Only known Smart Proxies may access features that use Smart Proxy authentication":["Seuls les Smart Proxies référencés ont accès aux fonctionnalités qui utilisent l'authentification Smart Proxy."],"Client SSL certificates are used to identify Smart Proxies (:require_ssl should also be enabled)":["Les certificats SSL client sont utilisés pour identifier les Smart Proxies (:require_ssl doit être activé)"],"Hosts that will be trusted in addition to Smart Proxies for access to fact/report importers and ENC output":["Hôtes de confiance qui peuvent accéder aux Facts / Rapports / Sortie ENC en plus des Smart Proxies"],"SSL Certificate path that Foreman would use to communicate with its proxies":["Le chemin du Certificat SSL que Foreman utilisera pour communiquer avec ses proxies"],"SSL CA file that Foreman will use to communicate with its proxies":["Le fichier CA SSL que Foreman utilisera pour communiquer avec ses proxies"],"SSL Private Key file that Foreman will use to communicate with its proxies":["Le fichier de la clef privée SSL que Foreman utilisera pour communiquer avec ses proxies"],"Environment variable containing the subject DN from a client SSL certificate":["Variable d'environnement contenant le Subject DN d'un certificat SSL client"],"Environment variable containing the verification status of a client SSL certificate":["Variable d'environnement contenant le statut de vérification d'un certificat SSL client"],"Should Foreman encrypt websockets (VNC console access). Choose on, off or auto.":["Foreman doit-il chiffrer les WebSockets (Accès console VNC) ? Choisir parmi on, off ou auto."],"Private key that Foreman will use to encrypt websockets ":["Clé privée que Foreman utilisera pour chiffrer le websockets"],"Certificate that Foreman will use to encrypt websockets ":["Certificat que Foreman utilisera pour le chiffrement du websockets"],"Redirect your users to this url on logout (authorize_login_delegation should also be enabled)":["Redirige vos utilisateurs sur cette URL à la déconnexion (authorize_login_delegation doit être activé)"],"Name of the external auth source where unknown externally authentication users (see authorize_login_delegation) should be created (keep unset to prevent the autocreation)":["Nom de la source d'authentification externe depuis laquelle les utilisateurs inconnus (voir authorize_login_delegation) doivent être créés (laisser vide pour empêcher l'auto création)"],"Authorize login delegation with REMOTE_USER environment variable":["Permettre la délégation d'authentification avec la variable d'environnement REMOTE_USER"],"Authorize login delegation with REMOTE_USER environment variable for API calls too":["Permettre la délégation d'authentification avec la variable d'environnement REMOTE_USER pour les appels à l'API"],"Log out idle users after a certain number of minutes":["Déconnexion des utilisateurs après un certain nombre de minutes sans activité"],"The default administrator email address":["L'adresse de courrier électronique par défaut de l'administrateur"],"URL where your Foreman instance is reachable (see also Provisioning > unattended_url)":["L'URL utilisée pour joindre l'instance Foreman (voir également Provisionnement > unattended_url)"],"Email reply address for emails that Foreman is sending":["L'adresse courrier électronique de réponse pour les courriers émis par Foreman"],"Prefix to add to all outgoing email":["Préfixe à ajouter à tous les envois de courrier électroniques"],"Send a welcome email including username and URL to new users":["Envoyer un message de bienvenue incluant le nom d'utilisateur et l'URL aux nouveaux utilisateurs"],"Number of records shown per page in Foreman":["Le nombre d'éléments visibles par page dans Foreman"],"Fix DB cache on next Foreman restart":["Correction du cache DB au prochain redémarrage de Foreman"],"Max days for Trends graphs":["Nombre de jours maxi pour les graphes de tendances"],"Foreman will use gravatar to display user icons":["Foreman utilisera gravatar pour afficher les icônes utilisateur"],"Should the `foreman-rake db:migrate` be executed on the next run of the installer modules?":["Est ce que \\\"foreman-rake db:migrate\\\" doit être exécuté lors du prochain lancement de l'installateur de modules ?"],"Should the `foreman-rake db:seed` be executed on the next run of the installer modules?":["Est ce que \\\"foreman-rake db:seed\\\" doit être exécuté lors du prochain lancement de l'installateur de modules ?"],"Max timeout for REST client requests to smart-proxy":["Délai d'expiration pour les requêtes REST des clients vers le Smart-Proxy"],"Default encrypted root password on provisioned hosts":["Mot de passe chiffré par défaut de root pour les machines provisionnées"],"URL hosts will retrieve templates from during build (normally http as many installers don't support https)":["L'URL de récupération de modèles des hôtes durant la phase de construction (normalement en HTTP car beaucoup de programmes d'installation ne supportent pas HTTPS) "],"Enable safe mode config templates rendering (recommended)":["Activer le safe mode pour le rendu des modèles (recommandé)"],"Foreman will automate certificate signing upon provision of new host":["Foreman signera automatiquement les certificats au provisionnement de l'hôte"],"Stop updating IP address and MAC values from Puppet facts (affects all interfaces)":["Ne pas mettre à jour l'adresse IP ni l'adresse MAC depuis les facts Puppet (l'option s'applique à toutes les interfaces)"],"Foreman will query the locally configured resolver instead of the SOA/NS authorities":["Foreman interrogera le resolver local au lieu des champs SOA/NS autoritaires pour la zone"],"If Foreman is running behind Passenger or a remote load balancer, the IP should be set here. This is a regular expression, so it can support several load balancers, i.e: (|":["Si Foreman utilise Passenger ou un mécanisme de répartition de charge, l'adresse IP doit être indiquée ici. C'est une expression régulière, donc compatible avec plusieurs répartiteurs de charge, exemple : (|"],"Time in minutes installation tokens should be valid for, 0 to disable token generation":["Durée de validité en minutes des jetons d'installation, 0 pour désactiver la génération du jeton"],"The IP address that should be used for the console listen address when provisioning new virtual machines via Libvirt":["L'adresse IP d'écoute de la console quand on provisionne une nouvelle machine virtuelle avec LibVirt"],"Foreman will update the host IP with the IP that made the built request":["Foreman remplacera l'adresse IP de l'hôte par l'adresse IP qui a émis la requête d'installation"],"Foreman will use the short hostname instead of the FQDN for creating new virtual machines":["Foreman utilisera le nom court au lieu du FQDN lors de la création des machines virtuelles"],"Puppet interval in minutes":["Intervalle de temps pour Puppet en minutes"],"Duration in minutes after the Puppet interval for servers to be classed as out of sync.":["Durée en minutes consécutives à un intervalle Puppet après laquelle les serveurs sont marqués désynchronisés"],"Foreman will default to this puppet environment if it cannot auto detect one":["L'environnement Puppet par défaut si Foreman n'arrive pas à le détecter automatiquement"],"Foreman will set this as the default Puppet module path if it cannot auto detect one":["L'environnement Puppet par défaut si l'autodétection de Foreman échoue"],"Document root where puppetdoc files should be created":["Racine documentaire pour la création des fichiers issus de puppetdoc"],"Enable puppetrun support":["Activer le support pour les Puppetrun"],"Default Puppet server hostname":["Nom d'hôte du serveur Puppet par défaut"],"Foreman will evaluate host smart variables in this order by default":["Foreman évaluera par défaut les smart variables de l'hôte dans cette ordre "],"Foreman smart variables will be exposed via the ENC yaml output":["Les Smart Variables vont être exposés via la sortie YAML de l'ENC"],"Foreman will use the new (2.6.5+) format for classes in the ENC yaml output":["Foreman utilisera le nouveau format (2.6.5+) pour la description des classes dans la sortie YAML de l'ENC"],"Foreman will parse ERB in parameters value in the ENC output":["Foreman va interpréter le code ERB des paramètres lors de la sortie de l'ENC"],"Foreman will explicitly set the puppet environment in the ENC yaml output. This will avoid conflicts between the environment in puppet.conf and the environment set in Foreman":["Foreman fournira l'environnement Puppet dans la sortie YAML de l'ENC. Cela supprime les incohérences entre l'environnement dans puppet.conf et l'environnement dans l'ENC."],"Foreman will use random UUIDs for certificate signing instead of hostnames":["Foreman utilisera les UUID des certificats plutôt que les noms de machine"],"Foreman will update a host's environment from its facts":["Foreman mettra à jour l'environnement de l'hôte d'après les facts"],"Foreman host group matchers will be inherited by children when evaluating smart class parameters":["Les matchers des groupes d'hôtes Foreman sont hérités par les groupes fils lors de l'évaluation des paramètres des Smart Class"],"Foreman will create the host when new facts are received":["Foreman créé l'hôte à la réception des facts"],"Foreman will create the host when a report is received":["Foreman créera l'hôte à la réception d'un rapport"],"Foreman will truncate hostname to 'puppet' if it starts with puppet":["Foreman va tronquer le nom d'hôte à 'puppet' si ce dernier commence par puppet"],"Hosts created after a puppet run will be placed in the location this fact dictates. The content of this fact should be the full label of the location.":["Les hôtes créés par un puppet run vont être placés dans la localisation décrite par ce fact. Le contenu du fact doit être le label complet de la localisation."],"Hosts created after a puppet run will be placed in the organization this fact dictates. The content of this fact should be the full label of the organization.":["Les hôtes créés par un puppet run vont être placés dans l'organisation décrite par ce fact. Le contenu du fact doit être le label complet de l'organisation."],"Hosts created after a puppet run that did not send a location fact will be placed in this location":["Les hôtes créés par un puppet run et qui n'ont envoyés aucune localisation vont être placés dans cette localisation"],"Hosts created after a puppet run that did not send a organization fact will be placed in this organization":["Les hôtes créés par un puppet run et qui n'ont envoyés aucune organisation vont être placés dans cette organisation"],"is invalid - only http://, https:// are allowed":["est invalide - seuls http://, https:// sont supportés"],"Only one declaration of a proxy is allowed":["Une seule déclaration de proxy est autorisée à être déclarée"],"No features found on this proxy, please make sure you enable at least one feature":["Aucune fonctionnalité n'a été découverte pour ce proxy, faites en sorte d'activer au moins une fonctionnalité"],"Unable to communicate with the proxy: %s":["Impossible de communiquer avec le proxy : %s"],"Please check the proxy is configured and running on the host.":["Merci de vérifier si le proxy est configuré et fonctionnel sur l'hôte."],"DHCP":["DHCP"],"Static":["Statique"],"Internal DB":["Base de données interne"],"is too long (maximum is 15 characters)":["est trop long (15 caractères maximum)"],"invalid IP address":["Adresse IP invalide"],"does not belong to subnet":["n'apparait pas au sous-réseau"],"can't be bigger than to range":["ne peut être plus grand que le scope"],"must be specified if to is defined":["doit être spécifié si À est défini"],"must be specified if from is defined":["doit être spécifié si De est défini"],"location":["Localisation"],"organization":["organisation"],"This template is locked and may not be removed.":["Ce modèle est bloqué et ne peux pas être supprimé"],"You are not authorized to lock templates.":["Vous n'êtes pas autorisé à verrouiller les modèles."],"You are not authorized to make a template default.":["Vous n'êtes pas autorisé à définir un modèle par défaut."],"This template is locked. Please clone it to a new template to customize.":["Ce modèle est verrouillé. Veuillez le cloner vers un nouveau modèle pour personnaliser ce dernier."],"already exists":["existe déjà"],"Anonymous admin user %s is missing, run foreman-rake db:seed":["Utilisateur admin anonyme %s est absent, lancer foreman-rake db:seed"],"A user group already exists with this name":["Un groupe d'utilisateurs portant ce nom existe déjà"],"Can't delete the last admin account":["Impossible de supprimer le dernier compte Admin"],"cannot be removed from the last admin account":["Impossible de supprimer le dernier compte Admin"],"Can't delete internal admin account":["Impossible de supprimer le compte admin interne"],"cannot be removed from an internal protected account":["Impossible de supprimer depuis un compte interne protégé"],"cannot be changed on an internal protected account":["impossible de changer un compte interne protégé"],"you can't assign some of roles you selected":["Vous ne pouvez assigner certains des rôles sélectionnés"],"you can't change administrator flag":["Vous ne pouvez pas changer le flag administrateur"],"cannot be changed by a non-admin user":["ne peut pas être modifié par un utilisateur non-admin"],"default locations need to be user locations first":["Les localisations par défaut doivent déjà être des localisations de l'utilisateur"],"default organizations need to be user organizations first":["Les organisations par défaut doivent déjà être des organisations de l'utilisateur"],"is not valid":["est invalide"],"has this role already":["possède déjà ce rôle"],"is already used by a user account":["est déjà utilisé par un compte utilisateur"],"Can't delete the last admin user group":["Impossible de supprimer le dernier group Admin"],"Status table":["Statut de la table"],"Status chart":["Statut du diagramme"],"Report summary":["Rapports"],"Distribution chart":["Répartition des systèmes d'exploitation"],"Unallowed template for dashboard widget: %s":["Modèle pour widget du tableau de bord non alloué : %s"],"Invalid version format, please enter in x.y (only major version).":["Format de version invalide, merci d'utiliser le format x.y (uniquement la version majeur)"],"%{id} plugin requires Foreman %{matcher} but current is %{current}":["Le plugin %{id} requiert Foreman %{matcher} mais est actuellement %{current}"],"%{id} plugin requires the %{plugin_name} plugin, not found":["Le plugin %{id} requiert le plugin %{plugin_name}, non installé"],"%{id} plugin requires the %{plugin_name} plugin %{matcher} but current is %{plugin_version}":["Le plugin %{id} requiert le plugin %{plugin_name} %{matcher} mais la version actuelle est %{plugin_version}"],"Failed to validate %{host}: %{error}":["Impossible de valider %{host} : %{error}"],"No templates found for this host.":["Aucun modèle trouvé pour cet hôte"],"Template %s is empty.":["Le modèle %s est vide."],"Failure parsing %{template}: %{error}.":["Erreur d'analyse de %{template} : %{error}"],"No smart proxies found.":["Aucun Smart Proxy trouvé."],"Failure deploying via smart proxy %{proxy}: %{error}.":["Impossible de déployer via le Smart Proxy %{proxy} : %{error}"],"Error connecting to %{proxy}: %{error}.":["Erreur de connexion vers %{proxy} : %{error}"],"Unknown interface type, must be one of [%s]":["Type d'interface inconnu, le type doit être un élément de la liste suivante : [%s]"],"My account":["Mon compte"],"Log out":["Déconnexion"],"Administer":["Administrer"],"Locations":["Localisations"],"Organizations":["Organisations"],"LDAP authentication":["Authentification LDAP"],"Users":["Utilisateurs"],"User groups":["Groupes utilisateur"],"Roles":["Rôles"],"Bookmarks":["Marque-pages"],"Settings":["Paramètres"],"About":["À propos"],"Monitor":["Surveiller"],"Dashboard":["Tableau de bord"],"Statistics":["Statistiques"],"Trends":["Tendances"],"Hosts":["Hôtes"],"All hosts":["Tous les hôtes"],"New host":["Nouvel hôte"],"Provisioning Setup":["Configuration du provisionnement"],"Architectures":["Architectures"],"Hardware models":["Modèles de matériel "],"Installation 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ne pouvez pas supprimer %s qui est utilisé par des hôtes ou hérité."],"is alphanumeric and cannot contain spaces":["est alphanumérique et ne peut contenir d'espace"],"is not a valid MAC address":["invalide adresse MAC"],"can't contain spaces.":["ne peut pas contenir des espaces."],"System Status":["Statut du système"],"Smart Proxies":["Smart Proxies"],"Available Providers":["Fournisseurs disponibles"],"Compute Resources":["Ressources d'Ordinateur"],"Plugins":["Greffons"],"No smart proxies to show":["Aucun Smart Proxy à afficher"],"Name":["Nom"],"Features":["Fonctionnalités"],"Status":["Statut"],"Connecting..":["Connexion.."],"Provider":["Fournisseur"],"Installed":["Installé"],"Not Installed":["Non installé"],"To enable a provider, either install the OS package (e.g. foreman-libvirt) or enable the bundler group for development setup (e.g. ovirt).":["Pour activer un fournisseur de ressources d'ordinateur, soit installer le paquet logiciel (p. ex. foreman-libvirt) ou activer le groupe bundler pour les configurations de développement (p. ex. oVirt)"],"No compute resource to show":["Aucune ressource à afficher"],"Type":["Type"],"No plugins found":["Aucun greffon trouvé"],"Description":["Description"],"Author":["Auteur"],"Version":["Version"],"Support":["Support"],"Manual":["Manuel"],"Wiki":["Wiki"],"First use instructions":["Instructions initiales"],"IRC":["IRC"],"You can find The Foreman on the %{freenode} ( network. For general support, please visit #theforeman and for development specific related chat, please visit #theforeman-dev.":["Vous pouvez contacter l'équipe de The Foremann sur le réseau IRC %{freenode} ( Si vous avez besoin de support, merci de visiter #theforeman. Pour la partie développement, veuillez vous rendre sur #theforeman-dev."],"Mailing lists":["Listes de diffusion"],"Mailing lists are available via Google Groups. Much like IRC, we have a general users (support, Q/A, etc) lists and a development list:":["Les listes de diffusion sont accessibles via Google Groups. À l'instar d'IRC, nous fournissons un liste généraliste pour les utilisateurs (support, Q/A,..) et une liste dédiée au développement :"],"Foreman Users":["Utilisateurs de Foreman"],"Foreman Developers":["Développeurs de Foreman"],"Issue tracker":["Traqueur de bogues"],"We use Redmine to report and track bugs and feature requests, which can be found here:":["Nous utilisons Redmine comme traqueur de bogues et des nouvelles fonctionnalités. Il est accessible ici :"],"issue tracker":["traqueur de bogue"],"System Information":["Informations système"],"Version %{version} © 2009-%{year} Paul Kelly and %{author}":["Version %{version} © 2009-%{year} Paul Kelly et %{author}"],"Access denied":["Accès refusé"],"Resource %{resource_name} not found by id '%{id}'":["La ressource %{resource_name} n'a pas été trouvée avec l'id '%{id}'"],"Unable to authenticate user %s":["Impossible d'authentifier l'utilisateur %s"],"'Content-Type: %s' is unsupported in API v2 for POST and PUT requests. Please use 'Content-Type: application/json'.":["'Content-Type: %s' n'est pas supporté en v2 de l'API que ce soit pour les requêtes POST ou PUT. Merci d'utiliser 'Content-Type: application/json'."],"Operating Systems":["Systèmes d'Exploitation"],"Edit Architecture":["Éditer les Architectures"],"New Architecture":["Nouvelle architecture"],"Architecture|Name":["Nom"],"New architecture":["Nouvelle architecture"],"Architecture configuration":["Configuration des Architectures"],"Before you proceed to using Foreman you should provide information about one or more architectures.":["Avant de poursuivre l'utilisation de Foreman, vous devez fournir les informations d'une ou plusieurs architectures"],"Each entries represent a particular hardware architecture, most commonly <b>x86_64</b> or <b>i386</b>. Foreman also supports the Solaris operating system family, which includes <b>sparc</b> based systems.":["Chaque entrée représente une architecture matériel, couramment <b>x86_64</b> ou <b>i386</b>. Foreman supporte aussi la famille de systèmes d'exploitation Solaris qui inclue <b>sparc</b>."],"Each architecture can also be associated with more than one operating system and a selector block is provided to allow you to select valid combinations.":["Chaque architecture peut-être associée à un ou plusieurs systèmes d'exploitation. De plus il est possible de restreindre les combinaisons valides."],"<b>Foreman</b> audit summary":["<b>Foreman</b> Rapports d'audit"],"Displaying %{num_audits} of %{total_audits} audit":["Affichage de %{num_audits} sur %{total_audits} audit","Affichage de %{num_audits} sur %{total_audits} audits"],"No audit changes for this period":["Aucun changent d'audit sur cette période"],"Full audits list":["Liste complète des audits"],"Foreman audit summary":["Rapport d'audits de Foreman"],"Logged-in":["Connecté"],"Host details":["Détails de l'Hôte"],"Template Diff":["Diff du Modème"],"History":["Historique"],"Item":["Item"],"Old":["Anciens"],"New":["Nouveau"],"Value":["Valeur"],"LDAP server":["Serveur LDAP"],"Account":["Compte"],"Attribute mappings":["Correspondance d'attributs"],"Choose a server type":["Sélectionner un type de serveur"],"Server type":["Type de serveur"],"Use this account to authenticate, <i>optional</i>":["Utiliser ce compte pour l'authentification, <i>optionnel</i>"],"Base DN":["Base DN"],"Groups base DN":["Base DN des Groupes"],"Custom LDAP search filter, <i>optional</i>":["Filtre LDAP search spécifique, <i>optionnel</i>"],"LDAP users will have their Foreman account automatically created the first time they log into Foreman":["Les utilisateurs LDAP seront automatiquement crées lors de leur première connexion sur Foreman"],"External user groups will be synced on login, else relies on periodic cronjob to check group membership":["Les groupes d'utilisateurs externes seront synchronisés à l'authentification, ou se baseront sur une synchronisation périodique par cron lors de la vérification de l'appartenance aux groupes"],"e.g. uid":["Ex: uid"],"e.g. givenName":["Ex: givenName"],"e.g. sn":["Ex: sn"],"e.g. mail":["Ex: mail"],"Photo attribute":["Attribut Photo"],"e.g. jpegPhoto":["Par ex. jpegPhoto"],"Edit LDAP Auth Source":["Éditer la source authentification LDAP"],"LDAP Authentication":["Authentification LDAP"],"New LDAP Source":["Nouvelle source LDAP"],"AuthSource|Name":["Nom"],"AuthSource|Host":["Hôte"],"AuthSource|Onthefly register":["Enregistrement à la volée"],"AuthSource|LDAPS":["LDAPS"],"New LDAP Auth Source":["Nouvelle source d'authentification LDAP"],"New authentication source":["Nouvelle source d'authentification"],"Authentication Source Configuration":["Configuration des sources d'authentification"],"Foreman can use LDAP based service for user information and authentication.":["Foreman peut utiliser des services basés sur LDAP pour l'authentification et les informations utilisateur"],"The authentication process currently requires an LDAP provider, such as <em>OpenLDAP</em> or <em>Microsoft's Active Directory</em>.":["Le processus d'authentification requiert un serveur LDAP comme <em>OpenLDAP</em> ou <em>Active Directory de Microsoft</em>."],"Autosign entries for %s":["Autosigner les entrées pour %s"],"New Autosign Entry":["Nouvelle entrée Autosignée"],"Edit Bookmark":["Éditer les Marque-pages"],"Manage Bookmarks":["Gérer les Marques-page"],"Bookmark|Name":["Nom"],"Bookmark|Query":["Requête "],"Bookmark|Controller":["Contrôleur"],"Bookmark|Public":["Public"],"New Bookmark":["Nouveau marque-page"],"Bookmarks configuration":["Configuration des marque-pages"],"Here you can manage bookmarks. Bookmarks are saved search queries.":["La gestion des Marques-page se fait ici. Les Marques-page sont en fait des requêtes de recherche sauvegardées ."],"Permission denied":["Accès interdit"],"You are not authorized to perform this action":["Vous n'êtes pas autorisé à effectuer cette opération"],"Please request the required privileges from a foreman administrator":["Demandez à votre administrateur les droits nécessaires"],"Back":["Retour"],"Not Found":["Non trouvé"],"Please try to update your request":["Merci de mettre votre requête à jour"],"Oops, we're sorry but something went wrong":["Oups, désolé quelque chose s'est mal passé"],"Foreman ticketing system":["le gestionnaire de tickets Foreman"],"If you feel this is an error with Foreman itself, please open a new issue with":["Si vous pensez qu'il s'agisse d'une erreur de Foreman, merci d'ouvrir un ticket avec"],"You would probably need to attach the":["Vous aurez probablement besoin d'attacher la"],"Full trace":["trace complète"],"and relevant log entries.":["et les entrées de log correspondantes."],"None Found":["Rien trouvé"],"Changed environments":["Environnements modifiés"],"Select the changes you want to realize in Foreman":["Sélectionner les changements que vous voulez voir appliqué par Foreman"],"Toggle":["Commuter"],"Check/Uncheck new":["Cocher / Décocher les nouveaux"],"Updated":["Mis à jour"],"Check/Uncheck updated":["Cocher / Décocher les mis à jour "],"Obsolete":["Obsolète"],"Check/Uncheck obsolete":["Cocher / Décocher les obsolètes"],"Check/Uncheck all":["Cocher / Tout décocher"],"Operation":["Opération"],"Puppet Modules":["Modules Puppet"],"Check/Uncheck all %s changes":["Tout Cocher / Décocher les %s changements"],"Add:":["Ajouter:"],"Remove:":["Suppression:"],"Update:":["Mise à jour:"],"Update":["Mise à jour"],"Search":["Rechercher"],"Bookmark this search":["Ajouter cette recherche aux favoris"],"Add Bookmark":["Ajouter un marque-pages"],"Build from OS image":["Construire depuis l'image du système d'exploitation"],"OS Image":["Image du système d'exploitation"],"Architecture":["Architecture"],"Media":["Media"],"Partition table":["Table de partition"],"Scope":["Périmètre"],"Actions":["Actions"],"override":["surcharger"],"Override this value":["Surcharger cette valeur"],"Global":["Global"],"hide":["cacher"],"remove":["supprimer"],"Global Parameters":["Paramètres globaux"],"Add Parameter":["Ajouter un paramètre"],"Puppetclass":["Puppetclass"],"Parameter name":["Nom du paramètre"],"Parameter type":["Type du paramètre"],"Puppet class overrides":["Surcharges dans la classe Puppet"],"Override a Puppetclass Parameter":["Surcharger un paramètre de la classe Puppet"],"Edit Global Parameter":["Éditer les Paramètres Globaux"],"New Parameter":["Nouveau paramètre"],"Parameter|Name":["Nom"],"Parameter|Value":["Valeur"],"New Global Parameter":["Nouveau paramètre global"],"Compute profile":["Profil d'Ordinateur"],"Edit compute profile on %s":["Éditer le profil d'Ordinateur de %s"],"New compute profile on %s":["Nouveau profil d'Ordinateur pour %s"],"Edit Compute profile":["Éditer le profil d'Ordinateur"],"New Compute Profile":["Nouveau Profil d'Ordinateur"],"Rename":["Renommer"],"New Compute profile":["Nouveau profil d'Ordinateur"],"Edit Compute profile: %s":["Éditer le profil d'Ordinateur: %s"],"Click on the link of a compute resource to edit its default VM attributes.":["Cliquer sur le lien d'une ressource d'ordinateur pour éditer les attributs par défaut des VM."],"Compute Resource":["Ressources d'Ordinateur"],"VM Attributes (%s)":["Attributs de machine virtuelle (%s)"],"unspecified":["indéterminé"],"Choose a provider":["Sélectionner un fournisseur "],"Access Key":["Clé d'accès"],"Secret Key":["Clé privée"],"Region":["Région"],"Load Regions":["Charger les régions"],"Test Connection":["Tester la connexion"],"Google Project ID":["ID Projet Google"],"Client Email":["Email Client"],"The file path where your p12 file is located":["Le chemin où se trouve votre fichier p12"],"Certificate path":["Chemin du Certificat"],"Zone":["Zone"],"Load zones":["Zones de charge"],"e.g. qemu://":["Ex: qemu://"],"Display type":["Type d'affichage"],"Console passwords":["Mot de passe console"],"Set a randomly generated password on the display connection":["Définir un mot de passe généré aléatoirement pour la connexion à l'affichage"],"e.g. http://openstack:5000/v2.0/tokens":["Ex: http://openstack:5000/v2.0/tokens"],"Tenant":["Tenant"],"Load Tenants":["Charger les tenants"],"e.g.":["Ex:"],"e.g. admin@internal":["Ex: admin@interne"],"Datacenter":["Centre de données"],"Load Datacenters":["Charger les Centres de données"],"Quota ID":["ID Quota"],"X509 Certification Authorities":["Autorités de certification X509"],"Optionally provide a CA, or a correctly ordered CA chain. If left blank, a self-signed CA will be populated automatically by the server during the first request.":["En option, fournir un CA, ou une chaine de CA correctement ordonnée. Si ce champ est laissé vide, un CA autosigné sera automatiquement créé par le serveur lors de la première requête."],"e.g.":["Ex:"],"API Key":["Clé API"],"VCenter/Server":["VCenter/Serveur"],"Fingerprint":["Empreinte"],"New Compute Resource":["Nouvelle Ressource d'Ordinateur"],"ComputeResource|Name":["Nom"],"New compute resource":["Nouvelle Ressource d'Ordinateur"],"Associate VMs":["Associer les VMs"],"Associate VMs to Foreman hosts":["Associer les VMs à des hôtes Foreman"],"Virtual Machines":["Machines virtuelles"],"Images":["Images"],"Loading virtual machines information ...":["Chargement des informations des machines virtuelles ..."],"New Image":["Nouvelle image"],"Loading Images information":["Charger les informations des images"],"VM Attributes":["Attributs de machine virtuelle"],"URL":["URL"],"Disabled":["Désactivé"],"Enabled":["Activé"],"There was an error listing VMs: %s":["Il y a eu une erreur en listant les VMs : %s"],"Network interfaces":["Interfaces réseau"],"Add 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pont"],"your libvirt host does not support interface listing, please enter here the bridge name (e.g. br0)":["votre hôte Libvirt ne supporte pas le listing d'interface, merci de saisir ici le nom de l'interface pont (par ex. br0)"],"NIC type":["Type d'interface réseau"],"Storage pool":["Pool de stockage"],"Security group":["Groupe de sécurité"],"Internal network":["Réseau interne"],"Floating IP network":["Réseau d'adresses IP flottantes"],"Create new boot volume from image":["Créer un nouveau volume de boot depuis une image"],"Boot from volume":["Démarrage depuis le volume"],"Defaults to image size if left blank":["Si blanc, la taille de l'image est utilisée"],"New boot volume size (GB)":["Taille du nouveau volume de boot (GB)"],"Cluster":["Cluster"],"Select template":["Choisir un modèle"],"oVirt/RHEV template to use":["Modèle oVirt/RHEV à utiliser"],"Template":["Modèle"],"Cores":["Cores"],"Storage domain":["Domaine de Stockage"],"Preallocate disk":["Pré-allocation de disque"],"Uses thin provisioning if unchecked":["Utilise le provisionnement dynamique si coché"],"Only one volume can be bootable":["Un seul volume peut être déclaré pour le démarrage"],"Please Select an Image":["Merci de choisir une image"],"Cores per socket":["Cores par socket"],"Memory (MB)":["Mémoire (Mo)"],"Folder":["Répertoire"],"Guest OS":["Systèmes d'exploitation invités"],"SCSI controller":["Contrôleur SCSI"],"Virtual H/W version":["Version du matériel virtuelle"],"Data store":["Stockage"],"Thin provision":["Allocation granulaire"],"Eager zero":["Provisionné à zero"],"Virtual Machines on %s":["Machines virtuelles sur %s"],"DNS":["DNS"],"State":["État "],"Power":["Alimentation"],"New Virtual Machine":["Nouvelle Machine Virtuelle"],"Create":["Créer"],"Associate VM":["Associer à une VM"],"Associate VM to a Foreman host":["Associer une VM à un hôte Foreman"],"Properties":["Propriétés"],"Machine Type":["Type de machine"],"VCPU(s)":["VCPU(s)"],"UUID":["UUID"],"Allocated":["Alloué"],"Display":["Afficher"],"NIC":["Carte réseau"],"using %{allocation} GB out of %{capacity} GB, %{pool_name} storage pool":["utilise %{allocation} Go sur %{capacity} Go, pool de stockage %{pool_name}"],"Path":["Chemin"],"Running on":["Exécution sur"],"using %s":["utilisation de %s"],"included already from parent":["déjà inclus depuis le parent"],"%s is not in environment":["%s n'est pas dans un environnement"],"Included Config Groups":["Groupes de configurations inclus"],"Available Config Groups":["Groupes de configuration disponibles"],"Edit Config group":["Éditer les Groupes de configuration"],"New Config Group":["Nouveau groupe de configuration"],"New Config group":["Nouveau groupe de configuration"],"Run distribution in the last %s minute":["Répartition des lancements sur la %s dernière minute","Répartition des lancements sur les %s dernières minutes"],"Latest Events":["Dernier évènement"],"No interesting reports received in the last week":["Aucun rapport intéressant reçu cette dernière semaine"],"Host Configuration Chart":["Diagramme de la configuration des hôtes"],"Hosts that had performed modifications without error":["Hôtes qui ont effectué des changements sans erreur"],"Hosts in error state":["Hôtes en erreur"],"Good host reports in the last %s":["Bons rapports dans les derniers %s"],"Hosts that had pending changes":["Hôtes en attente de changements"],"Out of sync hosts":["Hôtes désynchronisés"],"Hosts with no reports":["Hôtes sans aucun rapport"],"Hosts with alerts disabled":["Hôtes dont les alertes sont désactivées"],"Total Hosts: %s":["Nombre d'Hôtes Total: %s"],"Overview":["Vue globale"],"Get default dashboard widgets":["Widgets du tableau de bord par défaut"],"Welcome":["Bienvenue"],"Before you can use Foreman for the first time there are a few tasks that must be performed.":["Avant de pouvoir utiliser Foreman, certaines tâches doivent être accomplies."],"You must decide how you wish to use the software, and update the primary settings file <b>config/settings.yaml</b> and the":["Vous devez décider comment utiliser ce logiciel, et mettre à jour les paramètres du fichier de configuration <b>config/settings.yaml</b> et les"],"settings":["paramètres"],"to indicate your selections.":["selon votre utilisation."],"Operating Mode":["Mode d'opération"],"You may operate Foreman in basic mode, in which it acts as a reporting and external node classifier or you may also turn on unattended mode operation in which Foreman creates and manages the configuration files necessary to completely configure a new host.":["Vous pouvez utiliser Foreman en mode basique, qui fonctionne alors comme un tableau de bord et comme \\\"External Node Classifier\\\", ou vous pouvez aussi utiliser le mode Automatisé. Dans ce cas Foreman créé et gère les fichiers de configuration nécessaires à la configuration complète d'un hôte."],"When operating in unattended mode Foreman will require more information, so expect more questions, but it will be able to automate host installations for Red Hat, Debian, SUSE and Solaris operating systems (and their clones), see":["Lors que le mode opératoire est Unattended, Foreman requerra plus d'informations. Attendez-vous à d'avantages de questions mais Foreman pourra automatiser d'avantage les installations des hôtes pour les systèmes Red Hat, Debian, Suse et Solaris (et leurs dérivés respectifs), voir"],"here":["ici"],"for more details.":["pour plus de détails."],"Create a Smart Proxy":["Créer un Smart Proxy"],"If you're planning to do anything more than just handle reports, you'll be in need of a smart proxy - either on this machine or elsewhere on your network.":["Si vous envisagez de faire plus qu'une simple gestion des rapports, alors vous aurez besoin d'un Smart Proxy, que ce soit sur cette machine ou ailleurs sur le réseau."],"You can find details of how to set up the proxy at":["Vous pouvez trouver des détails sur l'implémentation d'un proxy à"],"Smart-Proxy Installation":["L'installation de Smart-Proxy"],"Important":["Important"],"Once installed you should head over to":["Une fois installé, dirigez-vous vers "],"to point Foreman at it.":["pour diriger Foreman dessus."],"User Authentication":["Authentification utilisateur"],"Foreman, by default, operates in anonymous mode where all operations are performed without reference to the user who is performing the task.":["Par défaut, Foreman opère en mode anonyme, les différentes actions de chaque utilisateur ne sont pas enregistrées."],"If you wish to track the actions of a particular user then it is possible to use an additional authentication stage and provide a user account.":["Si vous souhaitez tracer les actions d'un utilisateur particulier, alors il est possible d'utiliser une authentification en fournissant un compte utilisateur."],"At present, authentication is performed against the internal Database or a LDAP service provided by one or more LDAP servers.":["À l'heure actuelle, l'authentification est réalisée soit via la base de données interne, soit via LDAP à l'aide d'un ou plusieurs serveurs."],"Additionally, you may restrict user permissions based on many criteria, make sure you check the roles settings tab.":["De plus, vous pouvez limiter les permissions utilisateur selon de nombreux critères. Visitez la page Rôles du menu Utilistateurs de l'onglet de configuration."],"For internal Users, simply create a new user at the %s page":["Pour les utilisateurs internes, créer simplement un nouvel utilisateur via la page %s"],"LDAP":["LDAP"],"If you chose to use LDAP authentication then you must provide connection details for your authentication provider on %s page":["Si vous choisissez une authentification LDAP, alors vous devez saisir les informations du fournisseur d'authentification sur la page %s"],"For Roles and permissions, see the %s page":["Pour les rôles et permissions, se reporter à la page %s"],"Notice":["Note"],"You would need to enable login in your settings.yml file first and restart foreman":["Vous voudriez activer l’authentification dans vos paramètres - dans le fichier settings.yml - et redémarrer Foreman"],"The default username and password are <b>admin</b> and <b>changeme</b>":["Le nom et le mot de passe par défaut sont <b>admin</b> et <b>changeme</b>"],"Import your data":["Import de vos données"],"Foreman comes with some importers to ease the burden of entering loads of data about your current installation.":["Foreman fourni des scripts d'import pour faciliter l'ajout massif de données depuis votre installation actuelle."],"If you are already using puppet you should consider using some of the rake tasks that have been provided.":["Si vous utilisez déjà Puppet, vous devriez adopter l'usage de tâches Rake qui sont fournies avec le projet."],"Inventory browser":["Inventaire"],"Importing Puppet Facts":["Import des Puppet facts"],"Puppet External Nodes":["Puppet External Nodes"],"Importing Puppet classes and environments":["Import des classes et environnements Puppet"],"Reporting":["Rapport"],"Puppet Reports integration":["Integration des rapports Puppet"],"Additional steps":["Étapes additionnelles"],"You may optionally wish to generate the online documentation for your puppet classes":["Vous pouvez aussi générer la documentation en ligne pour vos classes Puppet."],"puppet class browser":["Navigateur de classes Puppet"],"After you have decided on the two primary modes of operation and performed any appropriate imports then it would be good idea if you visited some of the other configuration pages to see if additional setup is required under the Additional settings select box on the top right.":["Une fois décidé entre les deux modes opératoires et l'import réalisé, il est conseillé de visiter toutes les pages de configuration pour vous assurer que rien d'autre ne soit requit. Pour ce faire sélectionner Paramètres dans le menu en haut a droite."],"You may also find the":["Vous pouvez aussi trouver la page "],"Howtos":["Howtos"],"useful.":["pratique."],"This page will self destruct once Foreman starts to receive data about your hosts. You can view this information again by clicking on the \\\"First use instructions\\\" link on the %{about} page.":["Cette page va s'autodétruire dès la réception des premières données d'hôtes par Foreman. Vous pouvez revoir ces informations en cliquant sur le lien \\\"Instructions initiales\\\" de la page %{about}."],"Parameters":["Paramètres"],"Full name describing the domain":["Nom complet décrivant le domaine"],"DNS proxy to use within this domain for managing A records, note that PTR records are managed via Subnet DNS proxy":["Proxy DNS à utiliser pour gérer les enregistrements A de cette zone DNS. Notez que les enregistrements PTR sont gérés par le proxy DNS du sous réseau concerné."],"DNS Proxy":["DNS Proxy"],"Edit Domain":["Éditer le Domaine"],"New Domain":["Nouveau Domaine"],"Domain|Fullname":["Nom complet"],"Domain Configuration":["Configuration des domaines"],"Foreman considers a domain and a DNS zone as the same thing. That is, if you are planning to manage a site where all the machines are or the form <i>hostname</i>.<b></b>\\n then the domain is <b></b>. This allows Foreman to associate a puppet variable with a domain/site and automatically append this variable to all external node requests made\\n by machines at that site.":["Foreman considère un domaine et une zone DNS comme étant la même chose. Si vous envisagez de gérer un site où toutes les machines sont de la forme <i>hostname</i>.<b></b>\\n alors le domaine est <b></b>. Cela permet à Foreman d'associer une variable Puppet avec un domaine/site et automatiquement ajouter cette variable à chaque requête à l'ENC des machines de ce site."],"The <b>fullname</b> field is used for human readability in reports and other pages that refer to domains,\\n and also available as an external node parameter":["Le champ <b>nom complet</b> est utilisé dans les rapports pour faciliter la lecture par des humains, dans les pages\\nqui se réfèrent au domaine, et aussi comme paramètre transmis par l'ENC"],"Edit Environment":["Éditer l'Environnement"],"Puppet Environments":["Environnements Puppet"],"Environment|Name":["Nom"],"Classes":["Classes"],"New Environment":["Nouvel environnement "],"Puppet environments configuration":["Configuration des environnements Puppet"],"If you are planning to use Foreman as an external node classifier you should provide information about one or more environments.":["Si vous envisagez d'utiliser Foreman comme external node classifier, vous devriez fournir les informations à propos d'un ou plusieurs environnements."],"This information is commonly imported from a pre-existing puppet configuration by the use of the":["Cette information est habituellement importé depuis la configuration d'un Puppet préexistant, par l'usage de"],"Puppet classes and environment importer":["Importateur des classes et environnements Puppet"],"Environments may be manually created and only require the name of the environment to be declared.":["Les Environnements peuvent être créés manuelement et requièrent un nom pour être déclarés"],"Show %{host} facts":["Montrer les facts de %{host}"],"Show all %{name} facts where they are equal to %{value}":["Afficher tous les facts %{name} quand ils sont égal à %{value}"],"Show distribution chart":["Afficher le diagramme des répartitions"],"Fact Values":["Valeurs des Facts"],"Host":["Hôte"],"FactValue|Value":["Valeur"],"Reported at":["Rapporté le"],"Hosts Inventory":["Inventaires d'Hôtes"],"You don't seem to have any facts yet. If you wish to configure fact pushing, please follow":["Vous ne semblez pas avoir de fact. Si vous souhaitez configurer la remontée de facts, merci de consulter"],"setting up facts":["mise en place des facts"],"This page will self destruct once inventory data comes in.":["Cette page s'autodétruira quand des données d'inventaires arriveront."],"%s Distribution":["Répartition de %s"],"Selected role":["Rôle sélectionné"],"(Miscellaneous)":["(Divers)"],"Permission":["Permission"],"Selected resource type does not support granular filtering, therefore you can't configure granularity":["Le type de ressource sélectionné ne supporte pas de filtrage granulaire, par conséquent vous ne pouvez pas configurer la granularité"],"By unchecking this you can specify filter using Foreman search syntax in search field. If filter remains unlimited (this field is checked) it applies on all resources of the selected type":["En décochant cette case vous pouvez spécifier dans le champ de recherche, le filtre utilisé par Foreman à l'aide de la syntaxe de recherche. Si le filtre reste illimité (la case reste cochée) cela s'applique sur toutes les ressources associées à ce filtre."],"Edit Filter":["Editer le filtre"],"Filters":["Filtres"],"New filter":["Nouveau filtre"],"Role":["Rôle"],"Filter|Resource":["Ressource"],"Filter|Permissions":["Permissions"],"Filter|Unlimited":["Illimité"],"Filter|Search":["Recherche"],"none":["Aucun"],"Delete filter?":["Supprimer le filtre?"],"New Filter":["Nouveau filtre"],"Manage Locations":["Gérer les localisations"],"Manage Organizations":["Gérer les organisations"],"Hostname":["Nom d'hôte"],"<b style=\\\"color: #6bb5df;\\\">%{hosts_sum}</b>\\n <p style=\\\"font-weight: bold; margin: 5px; padding: 0px;\\\">Changed</p>":["<b style=\\\"color: #6bb5df;\\\">%{hosts_sum}</b>\\n<p style=\\\"font-weight: bold; margin: 5px; padding: 0px;\\\">Changé</p>","<b style=\\\"color: #6bb5df;\\\">%{hosts_sum}</b>\\n<p style=\\\"font-weight: bold; margin: 5px; padding: 0px;\\\">Changé</p>"],"<b style=\\\"color: #6bb5df;\\\">%{out_of_sync_sum}</b>\\n <p style=\\\"font-weight: bold; margin: 5px; padding: 0px;\\\">Out of sync</p>":["<b style=\\\"color: #6bb5df;\\\">%{out_of_sync_sum}</b>\\n<p style=\\\"font-weight: bold; margin: 5px; padding: 0px;\\\">Désynchronisé</p>","<b style=\\\"color: #6bb5df;\\\">%{out_of_sync_sum}</b>\\n<p style=\\\"font-weight: bold; margin: 5px; padding: 0px;\\\">Désynchronisés</p>"],"<b style=\\\"color: #6bb5df;\\\">%{disabled_sum}</b>\\n <p style=\\\"font-weight: bold; margin: 5px; padding: 0px;\\\">Disabled</p>":["<b style=\\\"color: #6bb5df;\\\">%{disabled_sum}</b>\\n<p style=\\\"font-weight: bold; margin: 5px; padding: 0px;\\\">Désactivé</p>","<b style=\\\"color: #6bb5df;\\\">%{disabled_sum}</b>\\n<p style=\\\"font-weight: bold; margin: 5px; padding: 0px;\\\">Désactivés</p>"],"Level":["Niveau"],"Resource":["Ressource"],"message":["message"],"No logs to show":["Aucun log à afficher"],"Total of one host":["Un hôte au total","Nombre d'Hôtes Total: %{hosts}"],"None!":["Aucun"],"Last Report":["Dernier rapport"],"<b>Foreman</b> Puppet error report":["<b>Foreman</b> Rapport Puppet en erreur"],"<b>Foreman</b> Build Complete":["<b>Foreman</b> Construction terminée"],"IP":["IP"],"Your host has finished building:":["La construction de votre hôte est terminée :"],"Hostname:":["Nom d'hôte :"],"IP:":["IP :"],"View in Foreman:":["Voir dans Foreman :"],"<b>Foreman</b> Puppet summary":["<b>Foreman</b> Rapport Puppet "],"Summary from %{time} ago to now":["Rapport du %{time} à maintenant"],"Summary report from Foreman server at %{foreman_url}":["Rapport du serveur Foreman hébergé en %{foreman_url}"],"Hosts with interesting values (changed, failures etc)":["Hôtes avec des caractéristiques intéressantes (changements, échecs, etc)"],"Hosts which are currently not running Puppet":["Hôtes qui n'ont pas Puppet de lancé actuellement"],"Hosts which Foreman reporting is disabled":["Hôtes avec les rapports Foreman désactivés"],"Hostgroup":["Groupe d'hôtes"],"Puppet Classes":["Classes Puppet"],"Parent":["Parent"],"Please select an environment first":["Tout d'abord, sélectionner un environnement"],"Password must be 8 characters or more":["Le mot de passe doit faire au moins 8 caractères"],"Puppet classes parameters":["Paramètres des classes Puppet"],"Host group parameters":["Paramètres du groupe d'hôte"],"Host Groups":["Groupe d'Hôtes"],"New Host Group":["Nouveau groupe d'hôtes"],"Hostgroup|Name":["Nom"],"Nest":["Emboîter"],"Host group configuration":["Configuration d'un groupe d'hôtes"],"A host group is in some ways similar to an inherited node declaration, in that it is a high level grouping of classes that can be named and treated as a unit. This is then treated as a template and is selectable during the creation of a new host and ensures that the host is configured in one of your pre-defined states.":["Un groupe d'hôtes est en quelques sorte similaire à de l'héritage de noeud, dans le sens où c'est un regroupement haut niveau de classes qui peut être nommé et traité comme un tout. C'est alors traité comme un modèle et est sélectionnable pendant la phase de création d'un nouvel hôte et assure que l'hôte est configuré dans un de vos états prédéfinis."],"In addition to defining which puppet classes get included when building this host type you are also able to assign variables and provisioning information to a host group to further refine the behavior of the puppet runtime.":["En complément de définir quelle classe Puppet va être incluse lors de l'installation de l'hôte, vous pouvez assigner les variables et provisionner les informations dans un groupe d'hôtes pour d'avantage de souplesse à l'exécution de Puppet."],"The host group's classes and the host group's variables are included in the external node information when the puppetmaster compiles the host's configuration.":["Les classes du groupe d'hôtes et les variables du groupe d'hôte sont incluses dans les informations de l'ENC quand le Puppet Master compile les informations de l'hôte."],"There are two strategies when using host groups.":["Il y a deux stratégies quand on utilise les groupes d'hôtes"],"You may create puppet classes that represent high-level host configurations, for example, a <b>host-type-ldap-server</b> class, which includes all the required functionality from other modules or you may decide to create a host group called <b>host-type-ldap-server</b> and add the required classes into the host group configuration.":["Vous pouvez créer des classes Puppet qui représentent un haut niveau de configuration d'hôte, par exemple, la classe <b>serveur-type-ldap</b> inclue toutes les fonctionnalités requises des autres modules ou vous pouvez décider de créer un groupe d'hôtes <b>serveur-type-ldap</b> et ajouter toutes les classes requises à la configuration de ce groupe d'hôtes."],"These two options are personal decisions and are up to you (where the main difference would be the parameter/variables settings).":["Ces deux options sont des décisions personnelles (la principale différence réside dans la configuration paramètre/variables )"],"Select Hosts":["Choisir les Hôtes"],"Assign Selected Hosts":["Assigner aux Hôtes sélectionnés"],"Create %s":["Créer %s"],"<b class='select_count'>0</b> selected":["<b class='select_count'>0</b> sélectionnée(s)"],"Assign to %s":["Assigner à %s"],"Chassis":["Chassis"],"Boot device":["Périphérique de démarrage"],"Netmask":["Masque réseau"],"MAC":["MAC"],"Gateway":["Passerelle"],"VM editing is not implemented for this provider":["L'édition de VM n'est pas implémenté pour ce fournisseur"],"'%{host}' not found on '%{resource}'":["'%{host}' introuvable pour '%{resource}'"],"'%{host}' could be deleted or '%{resource}' is not responding.":["'%{host}' peut avoir été supprimé ou '%{resource}' ne répond pas."],"Failed connecting to %s":["Échec de connexion à %s"],"Errors: %s":["Erreurs : %s"],"Network interfaces management has been moved to the Interfaces tab. Please set your interfaces there.":["La gestion des interfaces réseau a été déplacée dans l'onglet Interfaces. Merci de définir vos interfaces à cet endroit."],"Conflicts have been detected":["Des conflits ont été détecté"],"The following entries were found conflicting with what foreman wanted to apply.":["Les entrées suivantes rentrent en conflit avec ce que Foreman veut appliquer."],"Please review them carefully, if you are certain that they should be removed, please click on overwrite.":["Merci de relire avec attention. Si vous êtes certain qu'ils doivent être supprimés, cliquez sur écraser."],"ACK":["Accusé"],"DHCP lease conflicts have been detected":["Des conflits sur les réservations DHCP ont été détectés"],"Please correct the error(s) below and submit your changes again.":["Merci de corriger les erreurs suivantes avant de soumettre de nouveau vos changements."],"Interfaces":["Interfaces"],"Virtual Machine":["Machine Virtuelle"],"Additional Information":["Informations additionnelles"],"This value is used also as the host's primary interface name.":["Cette valeur est aussi utilisé pour l'interface primaire de l'hôte."],"Bare Metal":["Bare Metal"],"Deploy on":["Déployer sur"],"Puppet classes Parameters":["Paramètres des classes Puppet"],"Included Parameters via inheritance":["Paramètres inclus par héritage"],"Host Parameters":["Paramètres de l'Hôte"],"select an owner":["sélectionner un propriétaire"],"Owned By":["Attribué à"],"Include this host within Foreman reporting":["Inclure cet hôte dans les rapports Foreman"],"Hardware Model":["Modèle du matériel "],"Some of the interfaces are invalid. Please check the table below.":["Certaines interfaces sont invalides. Merci de vérifier le tableau ci-dessous."],"Identifier":["Identifiant"],"MAC address":["Adresse MAC"],"IP address":["Adresses IP"],"FQDN":["FQDN"],"Ok":["OK"],"Select all items in this page":["Sélectionner tous les éléments de cette page"],"items selected. Uncheck to Clear":["items sélectionnés. Décocher pour Effacer"],"Last report":["Dernier rapport"],"Please Confirm":["Merci de confirmer"],"Report Status":["Statut du rapport"],"Provisioning Method":["Méthode provisionnement"],"Network Based":["Basé sur le réseau"],"Image Based":["Depuis une image"],"Enable this host for provisioning":["Activer le provisionnement pour cet hôte"],"What ever text(or ERB template) you use in here, would be used as your OS disk layout options If you want to use the partition table option, delete all of the text from this field":["Quelque soit le texte (ou le modèle ERB) utilisé dans le cadre ci-dessus, ce contenu sera sélectionné comme table de partition. Si vous souhaitez choisir une table de partition prédéfinie, effacez tout le texte de ce cadre."],"Resolve":["Résoudre"],"Display the templates that will be used to provision this host":["Afficher les modèles qui seront utilisés pour cet hôte"],"in Progress":["En cours"],"Number of Events":["Nombre d'évenements"],"Time in Seconds":["Temps en secondes"],"Fix %s on Mismatch":["Corriger la concordance de %s "],"Fail on Mismatch":["Échec de concordance"],"Assign Hosts to %s":["Assigner les Hôtes à %s"],"Clone Host %s":["Cloner l'Hôte %s"],"Generated %s ago":["Généré il y a %s"],"Back to host":["Retour à l'hôte"],"Console output may be out of date":["La sotie console est peut être trop vieille"],"Ctrl-Alt-Del":["Ctrl-Alt-Del"],"Troubleshooting":["Diagnostiquer le problème"],"New window":["Nouvelle fenêtre"],"Open Spice in a new window":["Ouvrir Spice dans une nouvelle fenêtre"],"Connecting (unencrypted) to: %s":["Connextion (non chiffrée) à : %s"],"Password:":["Mot de passe"],"Canvas not supported.":["Canevas non supporté."],"Unmanage host":["Ne plus gérer l'hôte"],"Manage host":["Gérer l'hôte"],"Disassociate host":["Dissocier l'hôte"],"Provision":["Provisionner"],"these hosts for a build operation on next boot":["ces hôtes pour une installation au prochain redémarrage"],"Warning":["Attention"],"This might take a while, as all hosts, facts and reports will be destroyed as well":["Cette action peut prendre un certain temps, pour tous les hôtes, les rapports et facts vont aussi être supprimés"],"Disable alerts for selected hosts":["Désactiver les alertes pour les hôtes sélectionnés"],"Disassociate the selected hosts from their VMs":["Dissocier les hôtes sélectionnés de leur VMs"],"Enable alerts for selected hosts":["Activer les alertes pour les hôtes sélectionnés"],"Sorry, these hosts do not have parameters assigned to them, you must add them first.":["Désolé, ces hôtes n'ont pas de paramètres leur étant affectés, vous devez d'abord ajouter ces paramètres."],"Run Puppet on the following hosts":["Lancer Puppet sur les hôtes suivants"],"List of hosts which answer to the provided query":["Liste des hôtes qui répondent à la demande du fournisseur"],"The following errors may prevent a successful build:":["Les erreurs suivantes peuvent empêcher le bon déroulement d'une installation :"],"Check again":["Revérifiez"],"Edit Host":["Editer l'hôte"],"Reboot now":["Redémarrer maintenant"],"Select environment":["Choisir l'environnement"],"*Clear environment*":["*Nettoyer l'environnement*"],"*Inherit from host group*":["*hérité d'un groupe d'hôtes*"],"*Clear host group*":["*Effacer le groupe d'hôtes*"],"Select host group":["Choisr le groupe d'hôtes"],"Select Location":["Sélectionner une localisation"],"Select Organization":["Choisir une organisation"],"Metrics":["Métriques"],"VM":["VM"],"NICs":["Cartes réseaux"],"Loading host information ...":["Chargement des informations d'hôtes..."],"No puppet activity for this host in the last %s days":["Aucune activité Puppet pour cet hôte dans les %s dernier jours"],"Loading template information ...":["Chargement des informations des modèles..."],"Loading VM information ...":["Chargement des informations de la machine virtuelle"],"Loading NICs information ...":["Chargement des informations des interfaces réseaux ..."],"Loading BMC information ...":["Chargement des informations BNC ..."],"Loading runtime information ...":["Chargement des informations d'environnement..."],"Resources":["Ressources"],"Loading resources information ...":["Chargement des informations des ressources..."],"Review build status for %s":["Consulter le statut d'installation pour %s"],"Warning: This will delete this host and all of its data!":["Attention : Cette action va supprimer l'hôte et toutes ses données !"],"This host's stored facts and reports will be deleted too.":["Les facts sauvegardés et les rapports de cet hôte vont aussi être supprimés."],"Loading...":["Chargement ..."],"Please wait while your request is being processed":["Merci de patienter pendant le traitement de votre requête"],"All Puppet Classes for %s":["Toutes les Classes Puppet pour %s"],"Class":["Classe"],"The following hosts were updated":["Les hôtes suivants ont été mis à jour"],"The following parameters were skipped as they did not exists on this host:":["Les paramètres suivants ont été omis car ils n'existent pas sur cet hôte:"],"Back to host list":["Retour à la liste d'hôtes"],"You don't seem to have any Hosts, for more information see":["Vous ne semblez pas avoir d'hôte défini, pour plus d'information voir"],"this page":["cette page"],"This page will self destruct once data comes in.":["Cette page va s'autodétruire quand les données parviendront."],"The user that is used to ssh into the instance, normally cloud-user, ec2-user, ubuntu, root etc":["L'utilisateur qui est utilisé pour se connecter en ssh à l'instance. Normalement cloud-user, ec2-user, ubuntu, root, etc"],"Does this image support user data input (e.g. via cloud-init)?":["Cette image supporte-t-elle l'entrée de paramètres utilisateur (p.e. via cloud-init) ?"],"(optional) IAM Role for Fog to use when creating this image.":["(Optionnel) Rôle IAM de Fog lors de la création de cette image."],"Password to authenticate with - used for SSH finish step.":["Mot de passe pour l'authentification SSH lors de l'étape finale."],"Image path":["Chemin de l'image"],"Full path to backing image used to create new volumes.":["Chemin complet de l'image à utiliser pour créer de nouveaux volumes."],"Path to template, relative to datacenter (e.g. My templates/RHEL 6)":["Chemin du modèle relatif au Datacenter (p. e. : My templates/RHEL 6)"],"Image|Name":["Nom"],"Image|Username":["Nom d'utilisateur"],"Image|Uuid":["UUID"],"Image|User data":["Données utilisateur"],"Destroy":["Supprimer"],"You are using an unsupported browser.":["Vous utilisez un navigateur non supporté."],"Location configuration":["Configuration des localisations"],"You must create a location before continuing.":["Vous devez créer une localisation avant de continuer."],"Locations are used to manage and differentiate the physical place where a system managed via Foreman is housed.":["Les localisations sont utilisées pour gérer et differencier les divers emplacements physiques des systèmes gérés par Foreman "],"For example, there might be a data center in London and one in Virginia; these are locations. Locations also work nicely when used in tandem with %{organizations}.":["Par exemple, il pourrait y avoir un centre de données a Roubaix et un à Montreal ; Ceux-ci sont des localisations. Les localisations peuvent aussi être utilisées en tandem avec les %{organizations}."],"organizations":["organisations"],"Remove %s?":["Supprimer %s ?"],"Variable":["Variable"],"Whether the smart variable value is managed by Foreman":["Dépend si la valeur de la smart variable est gérée par Foreman"],"Optional input validator":["Option de validation d'entrée"],"Note that if you use ERB as a value of parameter, value will be validated during ENC evaluation. If value is invalid, ENC evaluation will fail.":["Si vous utilisez ERB comme valeur de paramètre, la valeur résultante va être évaluée pendant l'exécution de l'ENC. Si l'évaluation échoue, l'ENC va échouer."],"If checked, will raise an error if there is no default value and no matcher provide a value.":["Si coché, Foreman va générer une erreur s'il n'y a pas de valeur par défaut et aucune valeur n'est retournée "],"Override merging options":["Surcharger les options de fusion"],"Should the matchers continue to look for matches after first find (only array/hash type). Note: merging overrides ignores all matchers that use Puppet default":["Est ce que les matchers doivent continuer la recherche après le premier élément trouvé (seulement pour les types tableau et hash) ? Remarque : fusionner des surcharges ignore tous les matchers qui utilisent les valeurs par défaut de Puppet."],"Should the matched result avoid duplicate values (only array type).":["Est ce que les résultats doivent cacher les valeurs dupliquées (seulement pour le type tableaux) ?"],"Override value for specific hosts":["Surcharger une valeur pour des hôtes spécifiques"],"Order":["Ordre"],"The order in which matchers keys are processed, first match wins.<br> You may use multiple attributes as a matcher key, for example, an order of <code>host group, environment</code> would expect a matcher such as <code>hostgroup = \\\"web servers\\\", environment = production</code>":["L'ordre dans lequel les clés de Matchers sont parcourues, la première correspondance gagne.<br>Vous pouvez utiliser plusieurs attributs comme clés de Matchers, par exemple, l'ordre suivant <code>host group, environment</code> attend un matcher comme <code>hostgroup = \\\"web servers\\\", environment = production</code>"],"add a new matcher-value pair":["ajouter une nouvelle paire valeur/correspondance"],"Add Matcher-Value":["Ajouter un Matcher"],"Matcher is a combination of an attribute and its value, if they match, the value below would be provided.<br> You may use any attribute foreman knows about, such as facts etc for example: <code> domain = </code> or <code> is_virtual = true</code>":["Un Matcher est une combinaison d'un attribut et de sa valeur, s'il y a correspondance, la valeur ci-dessous sera fournie.<br>Vous pouvez utiliser n'importe quel attribut connu de Foreman, comme les Facts. Par Ex : <code>domain =</code> ou <code>is_virtual = true</code>."],"Explain matchers":["Explication des correspondances"],"Matcher":["Matcher"],"remove value":["supprimer la valeur"],"Edit Smart Variable":["Éditer la Smart Variable"],"Number of values":["Nombre de valeurs"],"The path to the medium, can be a URL or a valid NFS server (exclusive of the architecture).\\n for example <em>$version/os/$arch</em> where <strong>$arch</strong> will be substituted for the host's actual OS architecture and <strong>$version</strong>, <strong>$major</strong> and <strong>$minor</strong> will be substituted for the version of the operating system. Solaris and Debian media may also use <strong>$release</strong>.":["Le chemin vers le medium peut être une URL ou un chemin NFS (spécifique à l'architecture).\\nPar exemple : <em>$version/os/$arch</em> où <strong>$arch</strong> va être remplacé par l'architecture actuelle de l'hôte ; <strong>$version</strong>, <strong>$major</strong> et <strong>$minor</strong>seront remplacés par la version du système d'exploitation. Les médias Solaris et Debian peuvent aussi utiliser la variable <strong>$release</strong>."],"The NFS path to the media.":["Le chemin NFS du média."],"The NFS path to the jumpstart control files.":["Le chemin NFS des fichiers de contrôle jumpstart."],"The NFS path to the image directory.":["Le chemin NFS de stockage des images."],"Choose a family":["Sélectionner une famille"],"Operating system family":["Famille de système d'exploitation"],"Edit Medium":["Éditer le Medium"],"Installation Media":["Média d'installation"],"New Medium":["Nouveau Medium"],"Medium|Name":["Nom"],"Medium|Path":["Chemin"],"Medium|Os family":["Famille de systèmes d'exploitation"],"New installation medium":["Nouveau medium d'installation"],"Installation medium configuration":["Configuration du medium d'installation"],"A medium represents the source of one or more operating system's installation files, accessible via the network.\\n It will probably be a mirror from the internet or a copy of one or more CD or DVDs.":["Un médium représente la source des fichiers utilisés pour l'installation d'un système d'exploitation, accessible depuis le réseau.\\nC'est souvent un mirroir sur internet ou encore une copie de CD ou DVD."],"For example, if you have copied several Red Hat release disks into a directory structure where the disk images are named 5.8 or 6.2, and each contained both x86_64 and i386 binaries, then you\\n could create a single medium entry describing them all.\\n The entry, which could be just named 'Red Hat' could contain a path like this <em>'http://server/redhat/$version/$arch'</em>":["Par exemple, si vous avez copié plusieurs versions des médias d'installation Red Hat dans des répertoires où les noms des images sont 5.8 ou 6.2, et chacun de ces répertoires contiennent les binaires i386 et x86_64,\\n alors vous pouvez définir une seule ligne media.\\nL'entrée, qui peut simplement être nommée 'Red Hat', peut contenir une URL de cette forme : <em>'http://server/redhat/$version/$arch'</em>."],"The keywords <b>$version</b>, <b>$major</b> and <b>$minor</b> will be interpolated back into the path specification to calculate the true URL address.":["Les mots clés <b>$version</b>, <b>$major</b> et <b>$minor</b> seront interprétés dans le chemin spécifié pour calculer les vraies URL."],"You may also associate one or more operating systems with this medium or alternatively set this up later on the %s page.":["Vous pouvez aussi associer un ou plusieurs systèmes d'exploitation à ce médium ou encore, définir ces relations plus tard sur la page %s."],"The class of CPU supplied in this machine. This is primarily used by Sparc Solaris builds and can be left blank for other architectures. The value can be determined on Solaris via uname -m":["Le type de CPU fourni dans cette machine. C'est principalement utilisé par les installations Solaris et peut être laissé vide pour les autres architectures. Cette valeur peut être déterminée sur Solaris avec la commande \\\"uname -m\\\""],"The class of the machine reported by the Open Boot Prom. This is primarily used by Sparc Solaris builds and can be left blank for other architectures. The value can be determined on Solaris via uname -i|cut -f2 -d,":["Le type de machine remonté par Open Boot Prom. C'est utilisé principalement pour les installations Solaris et peut être laissé vide pour les autres architectures. Cette valeur peut être déterminée sous Solaris via la commande \\\"uname -i|cut -f2 -d\\\"."],"General useful description, for example this kind of hardware needs a special BIOS setup":["Description synthétique à des fins pratiques. Par exemple, ce type de matériel a besoin d'une configuration BIOS spécifique."],"Edit Model":["Éditer le Modèle"],"Hardware Models":["Modèles de matériel "],"New Model":["Nouveau modèle"],"Model|Name":["Nom"],"Vendor class":["Famille de produits du fournisseur"],"Model|Hardware model":["Modèle matériel"],"Device identifier":["Identifiant du périphérique"],"Device identifier for this interface. This may be different on various platforms and environments, here are some common examples.<br/><ul><li>Use the basic name for physical interface identifiers, e.g. <strong>eth0</strong> or <strong>em0</strong> with biosdevname.</li><li>For virtual interfaces, use either alias notation (<strong>eth0:1</strong>, name:index) or VLAN notation (<strong>eth0.15</strong>, name.tag).</li><li>For bonds it's common to use <strong>bond0</strong> on Linux, <strong>lagg0</strong> on FreeBSD systems.</li></ul>":["Identifiant du périphérique pour cette interface. Cela varie en fonction des différentes plates-formes et environnements, voici quelques exemples communs.<br/><ul><li>Utilisez le nom basique pour les identifiants physiques, ex: <strong>eth0</strong> ou <strong>em0</strong> avec la nomenclature biosdevname.</li><li>Pour les interfaces virtuelles, utilisez soit la notation alias (<strong>eth0:1</strong>, nom:index) ou la notation VLAN (<strong>eth0.15</strong>, nom.tag).</li><li>Pour les agrégats, Linux utilise souvent le nom <strong>bond0</strong>, <strong>lagg0</strong> sur les systèmes à base de FreeBSD.</li></ul>"],"DNS name":["Nom DNS"],"Primary interface's DNS name and domain define host's FQDN":["Le Nom et domaine DNS positionnés sur l'nterface primaire définissent le FQDN de l'hôte."],"No domains":["Aucun domaine"],"Suggest new":["Nouvelle suggestion"],"IP address auto-suggest":["Adresse IP proposée automatiquement"],"An IP address will be auto-suggested if you have a DHCP-enabled Smart Proxy on the subnet selected above.<br/><br/>The IP address can be left blank when:<br/><ul><li>provisioning tokens are enabled</li><li>the domain does not manage DNS</li><li>the subnet does not manage reverse DNS</li><li>and the subnet does not manage DHCP reservations</li></ul>":["Une adresse IP vous sera suggéré automatiquement si vous avez un Smart Proxy avec l'option DHCP active sur le subnet sélectionné ci-dessus.<br/><br/>Le champ adresse IP peut rester vide dans certains cas :<br/><ul><li>le provisionnement par jetons est activé</li><li>le domaine ne gère pas DNS</li><li>il n'y a pas de gestion de DNS inverse sur le subnet</li><li>enfin il n'y a pas de gestion des réservations DHCP sur le subnet</li></ul>"],"The Primary interface is used for constructing the FQDN of the host":["L'interface primaire est utilisée pour construire le FQDN de l'hôte"],"The Provisioning interface is used for TFTP of PXELinux (or SSH for image-based hosts)":["L'interface de provisionnement est utilisé pour le TFTP de PXELinux (ou pour SSH pour les hôtes basés sur des images)"],"from profile %s":["depuis le profil %s"],"Inherits from subnet VLAN ID if not set":["Hérité de l'ID VLAN du sous réseau si non positionné"],"Identifier of the interface to which this interface belongs, e.g. eth1":["Identifiant de l'interface de rattachement. Ex : eth1"],"comma separated interface identifiers":["Identifiants des interfaces séparés par des virgules"],"space separated options, e.g. miimon=100":["Options séparées par des espaces. Ex : miimon=100"],"Virtual NIC":["NIC virtuelle"],"Enable if this is an alias or VLAN interface, note that alias can be used only with static boot mode subnet":["Cocher si l'interface est une interface alias ou VLAN, à noter qu'une interface alias ne peut être utilisée qu'en mode démarrage statique pour le sous réseau"],"OS name from facter; e.g. RedHat":["Nom du système d'exploitation depuis facter; par exemple RedHat"],"OS major version from facter; e.g. 6":["Version majeur du système d'exploitation; par exemple 6"],"OS minor version from facter; e.g. 5":["Version mineur du système d'exploitation; par exemple 5"],"e.g. RHEL 6.5":["par exemple RHEL 6.5"],"Family":["Famille"],"e.g. karmic, lucid, hw0910 etc":["Ex: karmic, lucid, hw0910, etc"],"Root password hash":["Hash du mot de passe root"],"Hash function to use. Change takes effect for new or updated hosts.":["Fonction de hachage à utiliser. Les changements prendront effet pour les nouveaux hôtes ou les hôtes mis à jour."],"It is not possible to assign provisioning templates at this stage":["À cette étape, il n'est pas possible d'assigner un Modèle de provisionnement"],"Please save the Operating System first and try again.":["Merci de sauver le système d'exploitation avant toute chose et réessayez"],"No templates found!":["Aucun modèle trouvé !"],"you probably need to configure your %s first.":["vous devez probablement d'abord configurer vos %s "],"Edit Operating System":["Éditer le Système d'Exploitation"],"New Operating system":["Nouveau système d'exploitation"],"Operatingsystem|Name":["Nom"],"New Operating System":["Nouveau système d'exploitation"],"Organization configuration":["Configuration de l'Organisation"],"You must create an organization before continuing.":["Vous devez créer une organisation avant de continuer."],"Using the organization system provides a way to group resources together for easy management.":["Utiliser le système d'organisation permet de regrouper les ressources pour faciliter l'administration."],"Organizations are particularly useful for Foreman installations where several customers or business units are managed with a single Foreman install.":["Les organisations sont particulièrement adaptés quand Foreman gère plusieurs clients ou business units depuis une seule instance."],"locations":["Localisations"],"Organizations also work nicely in tandem with %{locations}.":["Les organisations s’accommodent très bien avec les %{locations}."],"Valid host group and environment combinations":["Combinaison valide de groupe d'hôtes et d'environnement"],"Add combination":["Ajout de combinaison"],"Association":["Association"],"Snippet":["Snippet"],"Not relevant for snippet":["Mauvais type de Snippet"],"How templates are determined":["Comment les modèles sont déterminés"],"When editing a Template, you must assign a list of Operating Systems which this Template can be used with. Optionally, you can restrict a template to a list of Hostgroups and/or Environments":["Lors de l'édition d'un modèle, vous devez assigner une liste des systèmes d'exploitation pour lesquels ce modèle peut être utilisé. De manière optionnelle, vous pouvez restreindre un modèle à des groupes d'hôtes et/ou environnements."],"When a Host requests a template (e.g. during provisioning), Foreman will select the best match from the available templates of that type, in the following order:":["Quand un hôte demande un modèle (Par ex. pendant le provisionnement), Foreman va choisir la meilleure correspondance entre les types de modèles existants selon cet ordre :"],"Host group and Environment":["Groupe d'hôtes et Environnement"],"Host group only":["Seulement un groupe d'hôte"],"Environment only":["Seulement un environnement"],"Operating system default":["Système d'Exploitation par défaut"],"The final entry, Operating System default, can be set by editing the %s page.":["La dernière entrée, le système d'exploitation par défaut, peut être défini en éditant la page %s."],"Applicable<br>Operating Systems":["Systèmes d'exploitation<br>possibles"],"Template diff":["diff du Modèle"],"Edit Template":["éditer le modèle"],"Provisioning Templates":["Modèles de provisionnement"],"New Template":["Nouveau Modèle"],"Build PXE Default":["Créer le fichier PXE par défaut"],"You are about to change the default PXE menu on all configured TFTP servers - continue?":["Vous êtes en train de changer le menu PXE par défaut sur tous les serveurs TFTP configurés - continuer ?"],"ProvisioningTemplate|Name":["Nom"],"Host group / Environment":["Groupe d'hôtes / Environnement"],"Kind":["Genre"],"ProvisioningTemplate|Snippet":["Snippet"],"ProvisioningTemplate|Locked":["Verrouillé"],"This template is locked for editing.":["Ce modèle est bloqué en edition"],"Edit Partition Table":["Éditer la table de partition"],"Partition Tables":["Tables de partition"],"New Partition Table":["Nouvelle table de partition"],"Ptable|Name":["Nom"],"Ptable|Os family":["Famille de systèmes d'exploitation"],"Ptable|Snippet":["Snippet"],"Ptable|Locked":["Verrouillé"],"Partition table configuration":["Configuration des tables de partition"],"A partition table entry represents either":["Une table de partition représente soit"],"An explicit layout for the partitions of your hard drive(s). E.G.":["Un partitionnement explicite pour votre(vos) disque(s). Ex. :"],"A script to dynamically calculate the desired sizes. E.G.":["Un script pour calculer dynamiquement la taille désirée. Ex:"],"The inclusion of the keyword string <b>#Dynamic</b> at the start of a line lets Foreman know that this is not an explicit disk layout and must treated as a shell script, executed prior\\n to the install process and that the explicit partition table will be found at <b>/tmp/diskpart.cfg</b> during the build process.":["L'inclusion du mot clé <b>#Dynamic</b>, en début de ligne, signale à Foreman qu'il ne s'agit pas d'une définition de partitionnement fixe mais doit être traité comme un script shell.\\nCe script est exécuté avant la phase d'installation et produit une table de partition qui sera disponible en <b>/tmp/diskpart.cfg</b> pendant le processus d'installation."],"The dynamic partitioning style is currently only available for the Red Hat family of operating systems, all others must provide an explicit list of partitions and sizes.":["Le type de partitionnement dynamique n'est disponible que pour la famille de systèmes Red Hat. Tous les autres doivent fournir un partitionnement explicite."],"You may also associate one or more operating systems with this partition table or alternatively set this up later on the %s page":["Vous pouvez aussi associer un ou plusieurs systèmes d'exploitation à cette table de partition ou encore, définir ces relations plus tard sur la page %s."],"PuppetCA on %s":["Puppet CA sur %s"],"Filter by state: %s":["Filtrer par état : %s"],"Autosign Entries":["Entrées autosignées"],"Valid from":["Valable depuis"],"Expires":["Expire"],"Sign":["Signer"],"Included Classes":["Classes incluses"],"Not authorized to edit classes":["Non autorisé à éditer les classes"],"Available Classes":["Classes disponibles"],"Filter classes":["Filtrer les classes"],"Smart Class Parameter":["Paramètre Smart Class"],"Smart Variables":["Smart Variables"],"Puppet environments":["Environnements Puppet"],"This Puppet class has no parameters in its signature.":["Cette classe Puppet n'a pas de paramètre dans sa signature."],"To update the class signature, go to the Puppet Classes page and select \\\"Import\\\".":["Pour mettre à jour les signatures des classes, allez sur la page Classes Puppet et choisissez \\\"Import depuis ...\\\"."],"Undo remove":["Annuler la suppression"],"Filter by name":["Filtrer par nom"],"Add Variable":["Ajouter une variable"],"Edit Puppet Class %s":["Éditer la classe Puppet %s"],"Puppetclass|Name":["Nom"],"Environments and documentation":["Environnements et documentation"],"Variables":["Variables"],"Override all parameters":["Surcharger tous les paramètres"],"This will set all parameters of the class %s as overridden. Continue?":["Surcharge tous les paramètres de la classe Puppet %s. Continuer ?"],"This will reset parameters of the class %s to their default values. Continue?":["Réinitialisation de tous les paramètres de la classe Puppet %s à leur valeur par défaut. Continuer ?"],"Set parameters to defaults":["Positionner les paramètres aux valeurs par défaut"],"Oops":["Oups"],"Either you didnt generate the puppetdocs (see <a rel=\\\"external\\\" href=\\\"%{url}\\\">here</a>) or the class <strong>%{name}</strong> could not be found in environment <strong>%{environment}</strong><br/> Please ensure that the class <strong>%{name}</strong>s declaration is accessible via the modulepath associated with <strong>%{environment}</strong>.":["Soit vous n'avez pas géneré la puppetdocs (voir <a rel=\\\"external\\\" href=\\\"%{url}\\\">là</a>), soit la classe <strong>%{name}</strong> est introuvable dans l'environnement <strong>%{environment}</strong><br/> Assurez-vous que la déclaration de la classe <strong>%{name}</strong> est accessible par le modulepath associé à <strong>%{environment}</strong>."],"Realm name, e.g. EXAMPLE.COM":["Nom du royaume, p. e. EXAMPLE.COM"],"Type of realm, e.g. FreeIPA":["Type de royaume, p. e. FreeIPA"],"Realm type":["Type de royaume"],"Realm proxy":["Proxy du royaume"],"Realm proxy to use within this realm":["Proxy à utiliser pour ce royaume"],"Edit Realm":["Éditer le royaume"],"New Realm":["Nouveau royaume"],"Realm|Name":["Nom"],"Foreman supports automatically creating realm entries for new hosts. When a realm is selected for a host, Foreman contacts the relevant realm smart proxy to create an entry for the host and retrieve it's one-time registration password.":["Foreman supporte la création automatique des nouveaux hôtes dans le royaume. Quand un royaume est sélectionné pour un hôte, Foreman contacte le smart proxy correspondant au royaume afin de créer l'entrée de l'hôte et récupère son mot de passe d'enrôlement."],"Restart<br>Failures":["Échec<br>Rédémarrages"],"Delete report for %s?":["Supprimer les rapports concernant %s ?"],"Report Metrics":["Métriques du rapport"],"Total":["Total"],"Nothing to show":["Rien à afficher"],"Reported at %s ":["Rapporté le %s"],"Host times seems to be adrift!":["L'heure sur l'Hôte semble en dérive"],"Host reported time is <em>%s</em>":["L'heure renvoyée par l'Hôte est <em>%s</em>"],"Foreman report creation time is <em>%s</em>":["L'heure de création du rapport Foreman est <em>%s</em>"],"Which is an offset of <b>%s</b>":["Qui est un offset de <b>%s</b>"],"Other reports for this host":["Autres rapports pour cet hôte"],"Diff View":["Vue différencielle"],"Puppet Reports":["Rapports Puppet"],"You don't seem to have any reports, if you wish to configure Puppet to forward it reports to Foreman, please follow":["Vous ne semblez pas avoir de rapport, si vous voulez configurer Puppet pour transmettre les rapports à Foreman, merci de consulter"],"setting up reporting":["Configurer les rapports"],"and":["et"],"e-mail reporting":["Rapports par courrier électronique"],"This page will self destruct once a report comes in.":["Cette page va disparaître dès le premier rapport reçu."],"Please save the role first. You can edit it later to add filters":["Merci de d'abord sauver le rôle. Vous pouvez l'éditer plus tard pour ajouter des filtres."],"Loading filters...":["Chargement des filtres..."],"Edit Roles":["Éditer les Rôles"],"New role":["Nouveau rôle"],"Role|Name":["Nom"],"Add filter":["Ajout filtre"],"New Role":["Nouveau rôle"],"Setting|Name":["Nom"],"Setting|Value":["Valeur"],"Setting|Description":["Description"],"Smart Proxy":["Smart Proxy"],"Edit Proxy":["Éditer le Proxy"],"New Smart Proxy":["Nouveau Smart Proxy"],"SmartProxy|Name":["Nom"],"SmartProxy|Url":["URL"],"New Proxy":["Nouveau Proxy"],"Optional: Gateway for this subnet":["Optionnel: Passerelle par défaut pour ce sous-réseau"],"Optional: Primary DNS for this subnet":["Optionnel: DNS primaire pour ce sous-réseau"],"Optional: Secondary DNS for this subnet":["Optionnel: DNS secondaire pour ce sous-réseau"],"IPAM":["IPAM"],"IP Address Management":["Gestion des adresses IP"],"You can select one of three possible IPAM modes:<br/><ul><li><strong>DHCP</strong> - will manage the IP on DHCP through assigned DHCP proxy, auto-suggested IPs come from DHCP</li><li><strong>Internal DB</strong> - use internal DB to auto-suggest free IP based on other interfaces on same subnet respecting range if specified, useful mainly with static boot mode</li><li><strong>None</strong> - leave IP management solely on user, no auto-suggestion</li></ul>":["Vous pouvez choisir l'un des 3 modes IPAM possibles :<br/><ul><li><strong>DHCP</strong> - gère l'adresse IP par DHCP à l'aide du proxy DHCP, les adresses IP proposées automatiquement proviennent de DHCP</li><li><strong>BDD interne</strong> - utilise une base de données interne pour proposer automatiquement une adresse IP disponible en fonction des autres réservations sur ce sous réseau et en prenant en compte une plage IP si définie. Utile principalement pour du provisionnement en boot statique</li><li><strong>Aucun</strong> - laisse la gestion des adresses IP à l'utilisateur et ne propose aucune suggestion</li></ul>"],"Optional: Starting IP Address for IP auto suggestion":["Optionnel: Adresse IP de début pour l'auto-suggestion IP"],"Optional: Ending IP Address for IP auto suggestion":["Optionnel: Adresse IP de fin pour l'auto-suggestion IP"],"Optional: VLAN ID for this subnet":["Optionnel: ID du VLAN pour ce sous-réseau"],"Default boot mode for interfaces assigned to this subnet":["Mode de démarrage par défaut des interfaces assignées à ce sous réseau"],"Proxies":["Proxies"],"DHCP Proxy":["DHCP Proxy"],"TFTP Proxy":["Proxy TFTP"],"DNS Proxy to use within this subnet for managing PTR records, note that A records are managed via Domain DNS proxy":["Proxy DNS à utiliser pour gérer les enregistrements PTR de ce sous réseau. Notez que les enregistrements A sont gérés par le proxy DNS de la zone dns en question."],"Edit Subnet":["Éditer le Sous-Réseau"],"The following subnets have been found":["Les sous-réseaux suivants ont été trouvés"],"New Subnet":["Nouveau sous-réseau"],"Subnet|Name":["Nom"],"Subnet|Network":["Réseau"],"Subnet|Vlanid":["VLAN id"],"Select organizations":["Choisir les organisations"],"Select locations":["Choisir les localisations"],"Default on login":["Valeur par défaut à l'ouverture de session"],"Edit Properties":["Éditer les Propriétés"],"Assigning hosts to %{taxonomy_name} will also update %{taxonomy_name} to include all the resources that the selected hosts are currently using.":["Affecter les hôtes à %{taxonomy_name} va aussi mettre à jour %{taxonomy_name} pour inclure toutes les ressources que les hôtes sélectionnés sont en train d'utiliser."],"Assign All":["Tout assigner"],"Assign the %{count} host with no %{taxonomy_single} to %{taxonomy_name}":["Affecter %{count} hôte avec aucune %{taxonomy_single} à %{taxonomy_name}","Affecter les %{count} hôtes avec aucune %{taxonomy_single} à %{taxonomy_name}"],"Manually Assign":["Assignation manuelle"],"Manually select and assign hosts with no %s":["Sélectionner et assigner manuellement les hôtes sans %s"],"Proceed to Edit":["Passer à l'édition"],"Skip assign hosts and proceed to edit %s settings":["Passer l'assignation des hôtes et procéder à l'édition des paramètres de %s "],"Clone %s":["Cloner %s"],"Fix Mismatches":["Corriger les concordances"],"Mismatches Report":["Rapport sur les erreurs de concordances"],"Notice:":["Note :"],"There is":["Il y a ","Il y a "],"%{count} host with no %{taxonomy_single} assigned":["%{count} hôte avec aucune %{taxonomy_single} assignée","%{count} hôtes avec aucune %{taxonomy_single} assignée"],"Taxonomy|Name":["Nom"],"Select hosts to assign to %s":["Sélectionner les hôtes à affecter à %s"],"Mismatches":["Non-concordance"],"Fix All Mismatches":["Corriger toutes les concordances"],"Location/Organization":["Localisation/Organisation"],"Mismatch Details":["Détails des non-concordances"],"No hosts are mismatched!":["Aucun hôte n'a d'erreur de concordance !"],"All hosts data matches configurations for locations and organizations.":["Toutes les données des hôtes correspondent aux localisations et aux organisations actuelles."],"Warning: This template is locked. You may only change the associations. Please %s it to customize.":["Attention: Ce modèle est verrouillé. Vous pouvez seulement changer les associations. Veuillez le %s pour le personnaliser."],"clone":["clone"],"Useful template functions and macros":["Fonctions et macro utiles pour les modèles"],"Note: %s ":["Note : %s"],"Template editor":["Éditeur de Modèle"],"Code":["Code"],"Diff":["Diff"],"Preview":["Prévisualisation"],"Key Binding":["Mode d'édition"],"Selecting a file will override the editor and load the file instead":["Choisir un fichier va écraser l'éditeur et charger le fichier à la place"],"Audit Comment":["Commentaire d'Audit"],"The Audit Comment field is saved with the template auditing to document the template changes":["Le champ Commentaire d'Audit est sauvé avec l'audit du modèle lors des changements du modèle"],"Revert":["Revenir"],"Show Diff":["Afficher le diff"],"Save something and try again":["Sauvegardez un élément et réessayez"],"No history found":["Aucun historique trouvé"],"Please Select":["Merci de choisir"],"Show Host":["Afficher les hôtes"],"Edit Trend %s":["Éditer la Tendance %s"],"Fact Name":["Nom du 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var locales = locales || {}; locales['sv-SE'] = {"domain":"app","locale_data":{"app":{"":{"Project-Id-Version":"Foreman","Report-Msgid-Bugs-To":"","PO-Revision-Date":"2015-08-07 09:13+0000","Last-Translator":"Lukáš Zapletal","Language-Team":"Swedish (Sweden) (","MIME-Version":"1.0","Content-Type":"text/plain; charset=UTF-8","Content-Transfer-Encoding":"8bit","Language":"sv_SE","Plural-Forms":"nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);","lang":"sv-SE","domain":"app","plural_forms":"nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);"},"Failed to fetch: ":["Misslyckades att hämta:"],"Sorry but no templates were configured.":["Tyvärr, men inga mallar blev konfigurerade."],"Loading ...":["Laddar ..."],"Exit Full Screen":["Lämna Fullskärmsläge"],"Details":["Detaljer"],"Reset zoom":["Återställ zoom"],"Loading":["Laddar"],"%s host":["",""],"Fact distribution chart":[""],"Failed to load chart":[""],"Click to undo adding this class":["Klicka för att ångra adderandet av denna klassen"],"belongs to config group":[""],"Click to remove config group":[""]," Remove":[""],"There was an error listing VMs: %(status)s %(statusText)s":["Fel vid listning av VMs: %(status)s %(statusText)s"],"physical @ NAT %s":[""],"physical @ bridge %s":[""],"Are you sure you want to delete this widget from your dashboard?":[""],"Widget removed from dashboard.":[""],"Error removing widget from dashboard.":[""],"Widget positions successfully saved.":[""],"Failed to save widget positions.":[""],"Nothing to restore":[""],"Loading interfaces information ...":[""],"Error loading interfaces information: %s":[""],"Loading virtual machine information ...":["Laddar information för virtuell maskin ..."],"Error loading virtual machine information: %s":["Fel vid laddning av information för virtuell maskin: %s"],"Loading parameters...":["Laddar parametrar..."],"Please select":["Vänligen välj"],"No subnets":["Inga subnet"],"Error generating IP: %s":[""],"Interface":["Gränssnitt"],"Primary":["Primär"],"Provisioning":["Provisionering"],"Some other interface is already set as primary. Are you sure you want to use this one instead?":[""],"Some other interface is already set as provisioning. 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If you still need to use v1, you may do so by either passing 'version=1' in the Accept Header or using api/v1/ in the URL.":[""],"for Libvirt and VMware only":[""],"Cannot delete group %{current} because it has nested groups.":["Kan inte radera gruppen %{current} eftersom den har nästade grupper."],"List all architectures":[""],"List all architectures for operating system":[""],"ID of operating system":[""],"Show an architecture":[""],"Operating system IDs":[""],"Create an architecture":[""],"Update an architecture":[""],"Delete an architecture":[""],"List all audits":[""],"List all audits for a given host":[""],"Show an audit":[""],"List all LDAP authentication sources":[""],"Show an LDAP authentication source":[""],"defaults to 389":[""],"required if onthefly_register is true":[""],"groups base DN":[""],"type of the LDAP server":[""],"LDAP filter":["Ldap-filter"],"Create an LDAP authentication source":[""],"Update an LDAP authentication source":[""],"Delete an LDAP authentication source":[""],"List all autosign entries":[""],"Foreman API v2 is currently the default API version.":[""],"paginate results":[""],"number of entries per request":[""],"filter results":[""],"sort results":[""],"REPLACE locations with given ids":[""],"REPLACE organizations with given ids.":[""],"Scope by locations":[""],"Scope by organizations":[""],"List all bookmarks":[""],"Show a bookmark":[""],"Create a bookmark":[""],"Update a bookmark":[""],"Delete a bookmark":[""],"List all global parameters.":[""],"Show a global parameter":[""],"Create a global parameter":[""],"Update a global parameter":[""],"Delete a global parameter":[""],"Create a compute attributes set":[""],"Update a compute attributes set":[""],"List of compute profiles":[""],"Show a compute profile":[""],"Create a compute profile":[""],"Update a compute profile":[""],"Delete a compute profile":[""],"List all compute resources":[""],"Show a compute resource":[""],"Providers include %{providers}":[""],"URL for Libvirt, oVirt, and OpenStack":[""],"Username for oVirt, EC2, VMware, OpenStack. 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Only for virtual interfaces.":[""],"Identifier of the interface to which this interface belongs, e.g. eth1. Only for virtual interfaces.":[""],"Bond mode of the interface, e.g. balance-rr. Only for bond interfaces.":[""],"Identifiers of slave interfaces, e.g. `['eth1', 'eth2']`. Only for bond interfaces.":[""],"Space separated options, e.g. miimon=100. 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inom detta subnät"],"Default boot mode for interfaces assigned to this subnet, valid values are \\\"Static\\\", \\\"DHCP\\\"":[""],"Create a subnet":[""],"Update a subnet":[""],"Subnet numeric identifier":[""],"Delete a subnet":[""],"List all tasks for a given orchestration event":[""],"ID of config template":[""],"List template combination":[""],"environment id":[""],"host group id":[""],"Add a template combination":[""],"Show template combination":[""],"Update template combination":[""],"Delete a template combination":[""],"List all template kinds":[""],"List all user groups":[""],"Show a user group":[""],"Create a user group":[""],"Update a user group":[""],"Delete a user group":[""],"List all users":[""],"List all users for LDAP authentication source":[""],"List all users for user group":[""],"List all users for role":[""],"List all users for location":[""],"List all users for organization":[""],"ID of LDAP authentication source":[""],"ID of user group":[""],"ID of role":[""],"Show 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before continuing.":["Du måste kapa minst en organisation innan du fortsätter."],"Error":["Fel"],"OK":["OK"],"Invalid authenticity token":[""],"Bookmark was successfully created.":["Bokmärke har skapats."],"Bookmark was successfully updated.":["Bokmärke har uppdaterats."],"%s VM associated to a host":["%s VM associerad till en värd","%s VM's associerade till värdar"],"VM already associated with a host":["VM redan associerad med en värd"],"VM associated to host %s":["VM associerad till värd %s"],"No host found to associate this VM with":["Ingen värd funnen att associera denna VM med"],"The virtual machine is being deleted.":[""],"Failed to set console: %s":["Misslyckades med att ställa in konsol: %s"],"%{vm} is now %{vm_state}":["%{vm} är nu %{vm_state}"],"failed to %{action} %{vm}":["misslyckades med att %{action} %{vm}"],"Error - %{message}":[""],"Import puppet classes from puppet proxy.":[""],"Import puppet classes from puppet proxy for an environment":[""],"Optional comma-delimited string containing either 'new', 'updated', or 'obsolete' that is used to limit the imported Puppet classes":[""],"Failed to update the environments and Puppet classes from the on-disk puppet installation: %s":[""],"No proxy found to import classes from, ensure that the smart proxy has the Puppet feature enabled.":[""],"No changes to your environments detected":[""],"Puppet class with id '%{id}' was not found":[""],"Environment with id '%{id}' was not found":[""],"Host with id '%{id}' was not found":[""],"Hostgroup with id '%{id}' was not found":[""],"User IDs":[""],"Smart proxy IDs":[""],"Compute resource IDs":[""],"Media IDs":[""],"Provisioning template IDs":[""],"Partition template IDs":[""],"Domain IDs":[""],"Realm IDs":[""],"Host group IDs":[""],"Environment IDs":[""],"Subnet IDs":[""],"List all :resource_id":[""],"Show :a_resource":[""],"Create :a_resource":[""],"Update :a_resource":[""],"Delete :a_resource":[""],"Cannot delete %{current} because it has nested %{sti_name}.":[""],"Operators":[""],"Invalid search query: %s":["Felaktig sökfråga: %s"],"No smart proxy was found to import environments from, ensure that at least one smart proxy is registered with the 'puppet' feature.":[""],"Successfully updated environments and Puppet classes from the on-disk Puppet installation":[""],"Failed to update environments and Puppet classes from the on-disk Puppet installation: %s":[""],"Your session has expired, please login again":["Din session har utgått, var vänlig logga in igen"],"All mismatches between hosts and %s have been fixed":["Alla felaktigheter mellan värdar och %s har åtgärdats"],"All mismatches between hosts and locations/organizations have been fixed":["Alla felaktigheter mellan värdar och platser/organisationer har åtgärdats"],"All hosts previously with no %{single} are now assigned to %{name}":["Alla värdar tidigare utan %{single} tilldelas nu %{name}"],"Selected hosts are now assigned to %s":["Valda värdar är nu tilldelade %s"],"External user group %{name} refreshed":[""],"External user group %{name} could not be refreshed":[""],"The following fields would need reviewing":["Följande fält behöver granskas"],"PXE":["PXE"],"BIOS":["BIOS"],"CDROM":["CDläsare"],"Disk":["Hårddisk"],"The marked fields will need reviewing":["Markerade fält behöver granskas"],"Unable to generate output, Check log files":[""],"Successfully executed, check log files for more details":["Lyckad exekvering, kolla loggefiler för mer detaljer"],"Enabled %s for reboot and rebuild":[""],"Failed to reboot %s.":[""],"Enabled %s for rebuild on next boot":["Aktiverat %s för ombyggning vid nästa värdstart"],"Failed to enable %{host} for installation: %{errors}":["Misslyckades med att aktivera %{host} för installation: %{errors}"],"Canceled pending build for %s":["Avbröt avvaktande bygge för %s"],"Failed to cancel pending build for %s":["Misslyckades att avbryta pågående ombyggning för %s"],"%{host} is about to %{action}":["%{host} kommer att %{action}"],"Failed to %{action} %{host}: %{e}":["Misslyckades med att %{action} %{host}: %{e}"],"%{host} now boots from %{device}":["%{host} starar nu från %{device}"],"Failed to configure %{host} to boot from %{device}: %{e}":["Misslyckades att konfigurera %{host} att starta från %{device}: %{e}"],"Foreman now manages the build cycle for %s":["Foreman hanterar nu byggcykeln för %s"],"Foreman now no longer manages the build cycle for %s":["Foreman hanterar inte längre byggcykeln för %s"],"Failed to modify the build cycle for %s":["Misslyckades att ändra byggcykeln för %s"],"Host %s is not associated with a VM":[""],"%s has been disassociated from VM":[""],"No parameters were allocated to the selected hosts, can't mass assign.":["Inga parametrar blev satta på de valda värdarna, kan inte masseditera."],"Updated all hosts!":["Uppdaterade alla värdar!"],"%s Parameters updated, see below for more information":["%s Parametrar uppdaterade, se nedan för mer information"],"No host group selected!":["Ingen värdgrupp vald!"],"Updated hosts: changed host group":["Uppdaterade värdar: ändrad värdgrupp"],"No environment selected!":["Ingen miljö vald!"],"Updated hosts: changed environment":["Uppdaterade värdar: ändrad miljö"],"The selected hosts will execute a build operation on next reboot":["Valda värdar kommer genomföra en byggoperation vid nästa omstart"],"The following hosts failed the build operation: %s":["Följande värdar misslyckades med byggoperationen: %s"],"Destroyed selected hosts":["Förstör markerade värdar"],"The following hosts were not deleted: %s":["Följande värdar raderades inte: %s"],"Successfully executed, check reports and/or log files for more details":["Lyckad exekvering, kolla rapporter och/eller loggefiler för mer detaljer"],"Some or all hosts execution failed, Please check log files for more information":["Några eller alla värdexekveringar misslyckades. Var vänlig se loggfiler för mer information."],"Updated hosts: Disassociated from VM":[""],"Hosts with errors":["Värdar med fel"],"Active Hosts":["Aktiva värdar"],"Pending Hosts":["Pågående Värdar"],"Hosts which didn't run puppet in the last %s":["Värdar, vilka inte körde puppet den senaste %s"],"Hosts with notifications disabled":["Värdar med inaktiverade notifieringar"],"invalid type: %s requested":["felaktig typ: %s begärd"],"Something went wrong while changing host type - %s":["Något blev fel vid byte av värdtyp - %s"],"No hosts were found with that id or name":["Inga värdar med det idt eller namnet hittades"],"No hosts selected":["Inga värdar markerade"],"Something went wrong while selecting hosts - %s":["Något blev fel vid markering av värdar - %s"],"%s selected hosts":["%s valda värdar"],"The following hosts were not %{action}: %{missed_hosts}":["Följande värdar blev inte %{action}: %{missed_hosts}"],"Successfully overridden all parameters of Puppet class %s":[""],"Successfully reset all parameters of Puppet class %s to their default values":[""],"No parameters to override for Puppet class %s":[""],"Successfully deleted report.":[""],"Role cloned from role %{old_name}":[""],"No changes found when refreshing features from %s.":["Inga ändringar funna vid uppdatering av funktioner från %s."],"Successfully refreshed features from %s.":["Lyckades uppdatera funktioner från %s."],"%s core":["",""],"No new subnets found":["Hittade inga nya subnät"],"No subnets selected":["Inga subnet markerade"],"Imported Subnets":["Importerade Subnät"],"No host could be found for rendering the template":[""],"There was an error rendering the %{name} template: %{error}":[""],"Template locked":[""],"Template unlocked":[""],"Failed to clean any old certificates or add the autosign entry. Terminating the build!":["Misslyckades med att rensa gamla certifikat eller att lägga till autosigneringsvärdet. Avbryter bygget!"],"Failed to get a new realm OTP. Terminating the build!":[""],"There was an error rendering the %s template: ":["Fel vid tolkning av %s mallen:"],"You cannot delete this user while logged in as this user.":[""],"Incorrect username or password":["Felaktigt användarnamn eller lösenord"],"Logged out - See you soon":["Utloggad - Ses snart igen"],"Remove Parameter":["Ta bort Parameter"],"Click to remove %s":["Klicka för att ta bort %s"],"Click to add %s":["Klicka för att lägga till %s"],"Are you sure?":["Är du säker?"],"Delete":["Radera"],"Help":["Hjälp"],"Expand the chart":["Expandera kartan"],"Change your avatar at":["Ändra din avatar hos"],"no value":[""],"Inherit parent (%s)":[""],"Documentation":["Dokumentation"],"Click to edit":["Klicka för att redigera"],"N/A":["N/A"],"NA":["NA"],"Provisioning Template content changed %s":["Provisioneringsmallens innehåll ändrad %s"],"Owner changed to %s":["Ägare ändrad till %s"],"%{name} changed from %{label1} to %{label2}":["%{name} ändrades från %{label1} till %{label2}"],"User":["Användare"],"%s ago":["%s sedan"],"Parameters that would be associated with hosts in this %s":["Parametrar som skulle bli associerade med denna värd i denna %s"],"<b>Source:</b> %{type} %{name}":[""],"Additional info":["Ytterliggare info:"],"Use Puppet default":[""],"Explain use Puppet default":[""],"Do not send this parameter via the ENC.<br>Puppet will use the value defined in the manifest.":[""],"Paused":["Pausad"],"On":["På"],"Off":["Av"],"Are you sure you want to power %{act} %{vm}?":["Är du säker på att du vill starta/stänga %{act} %{vm}?"],"Resume":["Återuppta"],"Pause":["Paus"],"Are you sure you want to %{act} %{vm}?":["Är du säker att du vill %{act} %{vm}?"],"Power%s":["Kraft%s"],"Unknown Power State":["Okänt strömläge"],"Console":["Konsol"],"%s - 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This will delete the virtual machine and its disks, and is irreversible.":[""],"Are you sure you want to delete host %s? This action is irreversible.":[""],"Audits":["Revisioner"],"Host audit entries":["Värdgranskningslogg"],"Browse host facts":["Bläddra värdfakta"],"Facts":["Fakta"],"Reports":["Rapporter"],"Browse host reports":["Bläddra värdrapporter"],"Puppet external nodes YAML dump":["Puppet externa noder YAML-export"],"YAML":["YAML"],"Allocation (GB)":["Allokering(GB)"],"None":["Ingen"],"Full":["Full"],"Size":["Storlek"],"remove network interface":["ta bort nätvärkskort"],"Interface is up":[""],"Interface is down":[""],"Errors occurred, build may fail":[""],"Edit %s":["Redigera %s"],"Image":["Avbildning"],"Image ID as provided by the compute resource, e.g. ami-..":["Avbildsid tillhandahållen från beräkningsresursen, t.ex. ami-.."],"Image ID":["Avbildningsid"],"Caps lock ON":[""],"Submit":["Sänd"],"Overwrite":["Skriv över"],"Unable to save":["Misslyckades med att spara"],"&laquo;":["&laquo;"],"&raquo;":["&raquo;"],"No entries found":["Inga poster funna"],"Displaying <b>%{count}</b> entry":["Visar <b>%{count}</b> post","Visar <b>alla %{count}</b> poster"],"Displaying entries <b>%{from} - %{to}</b> of <b>%{count}</b> in total":["Visar poster <b>%{from} - %{to}</b> av totalt <b>%{count}</b>"],"Warning!":["Varning!"],"Alert":["Varning"],"Close":["Stäng"],"last %s day":["senaste %s dagen","senaste %s dagarna"],"Full screen":["Fullskärmsläge"],"Puppet class":["Puppetklass"],"Puppet Class":["Puppet Klass"],"<dl><dt>String</dt> <dd>Everything is taken as a string.</dd><dt>Boolean</dt> <dd>Common representation of boolean values are accepted.</dd><dt>Integer</dt> <dd>Integer numbers only, can be negative.</dd><dt>Real</dt> <dd>Accept any numerical input.</dd><dt>Array</dt> <dd>A valid JSON or YAML input, that must evaluate to an array.</dd><dt>Hash</dt> <dd>A valid JSON or YAML input, that must evaluate to an object/map/dict/hash.</dd><dt>YAML</dt> <dd>Any valid YAML input.</dd><dt>JSON</dt> <dd>Any valid JSON input.</dd></dl>":["<dl><dt>String</dt> <dd>Allt tolkas som en sträng.</dd><dt>Boolean</dt> <dd>Allmän representation av booleska värden accepteras.</dd><dt>Integer</dt> <dd>Endast heltal. Kan vara negativa.</dd><dt>Real</dt> <dd>Acceptera all numerisk indata.</dd><dt>Array</dt> <dd>Giltig JSON- eller YAML-indata som måste evaluera till en array.</dd><dt>Hash</dt> <dd>Giltig JSON- eller YAML-indata som måste evaluera till object/map/dict/hash.</dd><dt>YAML</dt> <dd>All giltig YAML-indata.</dd><dt>JSON</dt> <dd>All giltig JSON-indata.</dd></dl>"],"Parameter types":[""],"How values are validated":["Hur värden valideras"],"<dl><dt>List</dt> <dd>A list of the allowed values, specified in the Validator rule field.</dd><dt>Regexp</dt> <dd>Validates the input with the regular expression in the Validator rule field.</dd></dl>":["<dl><dt>List</dt> <dd>En lista över tillåtna värden i regelfältet Validator</dd><dt>Regexp</dt> <dd>Validerar inmatningen med det reguljära uttrycket i regelfältet Validator.</dd></dl>"],"Validator type":[""],"Validation types":["Valideringstyper"],"<b>Description:</b> %{desc}<br><b>Type:</b> %{type}<br> <b>Matcher:</b> %{matcher}":["<b>Beskrivning:</b> %{desc}<br><b>Typ:</b> %{type}<br> <b>Matchnyckel:</b> %{matcher}"],"Default value":["Standardvärde"],"No value error":["Fel, inget värde"],"Required parameter without value.<br/><b>Please override!</b> <br><br><b>Description:</b>: %s":["Nödvändig parameter utan värde. <br/><b>Var vänlig och forcera!</b> <br><br><b>Beskrivning:</b>: %s"],"No value warning":["Varning, inget värde"],"Optional parameter without value.<br/><i>Won't be given to Puppet.</i> <br><br><b>Description:</b> %s":["Valfri parameter utan värde. <br/><i>Kommer inte att skickas till Puppet.</i> <br><br><b>Beskrivning:</b> %s"],"Default templates are automatically added to new locations":[""],"Default templates are automatically added to new organizations":[""],"Default templates are automatically added to new organizations and locations":[""],"Clone":["Klona"],"You are about to unlock a locked template.":[""],"This is for every location that uses it.":[""],"This is for every organization that uses it.":[""],"This is for every location and organization that uses it.":[""],"It is not recommended to unlock this template, as it is provided by %{vendor} and may be overwritten. Please consider cloning it instead.":[""],"Continue?":[""],"Unlock":[""],"Lock":[""],"Delete %s?":["Radera %s"],"valid":["giltig"],"revoked":["återkallad"],"pending":["kommande"],"in %s":["i %s"],"Empty environment":["Tom miljö"],"Deleted environment":["Raderad miljö"],"Deleted environment %{env} and %{pcs}":["Raderade miljön %{env} och %{pcs}"],"Import":["Importera"],"Import from %s":["Importera från %s"],"%{name} has %{num_tag} class":["",""],"%s minute ago":["%s minut sedan","%s minuter sedan"],"%s day ago":["%s dag sedan","%s dagar sedan"],"%s week ago":["%s vecka sedan","%s veckor sedan"],"%s month ago":["%s månad sedan","%s månader sedan"],"All Reports":["Alla Rapporter"],"Select a period":["Välj en period"],"Show log messages:":["Visa loggmeddelanden:"],"Notices, warnings and errors":["Notiser, varningar och fel"],"All messages":["Alla meddelanden"],"Warnings and errors":["Varningar och fel"],"Errors only":["Enbart fel"],"This setting is defined in the configuration file 'settings.yaml' and is read-only.":["Denna inställning är definierad i konfigurationsfilen 'settings.yaml' och är skrivskyddad."],"Certificates":["Certifikat"],"Autosign":["Autosignatur"],"Import subnets":["Importera subnät"],"Refresh features":["Uppdatera funktioner"],"OS Distribution":["OS Distribution"],"Architecture Distribution":["Aktitektur-distribution"],"Environments Distribution":["Miljödistribution"],"Number of CPUs":["Antal CPUer"],"Hardware":["Hårdvara"],"Class Distribution":["Klassdistribution"],"used memory":[""],"Average memory usage":["Genomsnittlig minnesanvändning"],"free memory":[""],"used swap":[""],"free swap":[""],"Average swap usage":["Genomsnittlig växlingsanvändning"],"Any Organization":["Alla Organisationer"],"Any Location":["Alla Platser"],"New Location":["Ny Lokation"],"New Organization":["Ny Organisation"],"All users":["Alla användare"],"Select users":["Välj användare"],"All smart proxies":["Alla smarta proxies"],"Select smart proxies":["Välj smarta proxies"],"All subnets":["Alla subnät"],"Select subnets":["Välj subnät"],"All compute resources":["Alla beräkningsresurser"],"Select compute resources":["Välj beräkningsresurser"],"All media":["Alla media"],"Select media":["Välj media"],"Select provisioning templates":[""],"All provisioning templates":[""],"All partition tables":[""],"Select partition tables":[""],"Select domains":["Välj domäner"],"All domains":["Alla domäner"],"All realms":[""],"Select realms":[""],"All environments":["Alla miljöer"],"Select environments":["Välj miljöer"],"All host groups":["Alla värdgrupper"],"Select host groups":["Välj värdgrupper"],"Environment":["Miljö"],"Operating system":["Operativsystem"],"Compute resource":["Beräkningsresurs"],"Model":["Modell"],"Trend of the last %s days.":["Trenden för de senaste %s dagarna."],":foreman_url is not set, please configure in the Foreman Web UI (Administer -> Settings -> General)":[""],"Must specify a user with email enabled":[""],"Audit summary":[""],"Must specify a valid user with email enabled":[""],"Puppet Summary Report - F:%{failed} R:%{restarted} S:%{skipped} A:%{applied} FR:%{failed_restarts} T:%{total}":[""],"Puppet error on %s":["Puppetfel på %s"],"Host %s is built":[""],"Welcome to Foreman":["Välkommen till Foreman"],"Cannot create LDAP configuration for %s without dedicated service account":[""],"invalid LDAP filter syntax":["felaktig syntax för LDAP-filter"],"%{value} is not a valid controller":["%{value} är inte en korrekt kontroller"],"%s is an unknown attribute":["%s är ett okänt attribut"],"must provide a provider":["måste tillhandahålla en leverantör"],"unknown provider":["okänd leverantör"],"%s console is not supported at this time":["%s konsol stöds ej vid denna tidpunkt"],"Not implemented for %s":[""],"Not implemented":["Inte implementerad"],"cannot be changed":[""],"Unable to access key":["Misslyckades med åtkomst till nyckel"],"Unable to find template %s":[""],"VM is not running!":["VM körs ej!"],"Unable to change VM display listen address, make sure the display is not attached to localhost only":["Det gick inte att ändra VMens skärmlyssnaradress, säkerställ att skärmen inte är kopplad till enbart localhost"],"At least one volume must be specified for image-based provisioning.":[""],"Please specify volume size. 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%{message}":[""],"is not permitted":[""],"invalid search query: %s":[""],"filter for %s role":[""],"Permissions must be of same resource type":[""],"You must select at least one permission":[""],"You can't assign organizations to this resource":[""],"You can't assign locations to this resource":[""],"Owner type needs to be one of the following: %s":["Ägartyp måste vara en av följande: %s"],"host must have one primary interface":[""],"managed host must have one provision interface":[""],"some interfaces are invalid":[""],"invalid time range":["felaktig tidsspann"],"should be 8 characters or more":["måste vara minst 8 tecken"],"should not be blank - consider setting a global or host group default":[""],"can't be blank unless a custom partition has been defined":[""],"is unknown":[""],"common":["gemensam"],"domain":["domän"],"os":["os"],"Failed to import %{klass} for %{name}: doesn't exists in our database - ignoring":["Misslyckades med att importera %{klass} på grund av att %{name}: inte existerar i vår databas - ignorerar"],"no puppet proxy defined - cant continue":["ingen puppetproxy är definierad - kan inte fortsätta"],"failed to execute puppetrun: %s":["misslyckades med att köra puppetrun: %s"],"Pending Installation":["Pågående Installation"],"Alerts disabled":["Varningar inaktiverade"],"No reports":["Inga rapporter"],"Unknown power management support - can't continue":["Okänt strömhanteringsstöd - kan inte fortsätta"],"Some interfaces are invalid":[""],"%{value} does not belong to %{os} operating system":["%{value} tillhör inte %{os} operativsystem"],"%{e} does not belong to the %{environment} environment":["%{e} tillhör inte %{environment} miljön"],"Unable to find IP address for '%s'":[""],"is an unsupported provisioning method":[""],"can't be updated after host is provisioned":[""],"must not include periods":["får inte innehålla punkter"],"hostgroup":["värdgrupp"],"could not be found in %s":[""],"real":[""],"boolean":[""],"integer":[""],"string":[""],"json":[""],"hash":[""],"yaml":[""],"array":[""],"regexp":[""],"list":[""],"invalid":["felaktig"],"Invalid Host":["Felaktig Värd"],"invalid path":["felaktig sökväg"],"is invalid":["är felaktig"],"Global variable or class Parameter, not both":["Global variabel eller klassparameter, inte både och"],"%{default_value} is not one of %{validator_rule}":["%{default_value} är inte en av %{validator_rule}"],"can only be set for array or hash":[""],"can only be set for arrays that have merge_overrides set to true":[""],"is invalid %s":["är felaktig %s"],"%{value} is not one of %{rules}":["%{value} är inte en av %{rules}"],"%{match} does not match an existing host":["%{match} matchar inte en existerande värd"],"%{match} does not match an existing host group":["%{match} matchar inte en existerande värdgrupp"],"Daily":[""],"Weekly":[""],"Monthly":[""],"Only URLs with schema http://, https://, ftp:// or nfs:// are allowed (e.g. nfs://server/vol/dir)":["Bara URLer enligt schema http://, https://, ftp:// or nfs:// är tillåtna (t.ex. nfs://server/vol/dir)"],"does not appear to be a valid nfs mount path":["verkar inte vara en korrekt nfsmontering"],"%{record} is used by host in build mode %{what}":[""],"can't use the same value as the primary interface":[""],"already in use":["används redan"],"can't find domain with this id":[""],"can't delete primary interface of managed host":[""],"can't delete provision interface of managed host":[""],"host already has primary interface":[""],"host already has provision interface":[""],"is not defined for host's location.":[""],"is not defined for host's organization.":[""],"Unable to find a proxy with BMC feature":["Kan inte hitta giltig proxy med BMC-funktionen"],"BMC":["BMC"],"There is no proxy with BMC feature set up. Please register a smart proxy with this feature.":[""],"Bond":[""],"Only one bootable interface is allowed":["Endast ett startbart interface är tillåtet"],"Bootable":["Startbar"],"Can't add or remove `%s` from identifier":[""],"subnet boot mode is not %s":[""],"Operating System version is required":["Versionen av Operativsystemet krävs"],"Operating system version already exists":[""],"Attempting to construct an operating system image filename but %s cannot be built from an image":["Försöker att konstruera ett filnamn för operativsystemavbild men %s kan inte byggas från en avbild"],"Invalid medium for %s":[""],"Invalid architecture for %s":[""],"invalid medium for %s":["felaktigt medium för %s"],"invalid architecture for %s":["felaktig arkitektur för %s"],"Function not available for %s":[""],"parameters require an associated domain, operating system, host or host group":[""],"You do not have permission to %s this location parameter":["Du har inte rättigheter att %s denna placeringsparameter"],"You do not have permission to %s this organization parameter":["Du har inte rättigheter att %s denna organisationsparameter"],"Must provide template kind":["Måste tillhandahålla typen template"],"Must provide an operating systems":["Måste tillhandahålla ett operativsystem"],"No TFTP proxies defined, can't continue":["Inga TFPT proxies är definierade, kan inte fortsätta"],"Could not find a Configuration Template with the name \\\"PXELinux global default\\\", please create one.":["Kunde inte hitta en Konfigurationsmall med namnet \\\"PXE Default File\\\", vänligen skapa en."],"failed to process template: %s":["misslyckades med att bearbeta mallen: %s"],"There was an error creating the PXE Default file: %s":["Fel uppstod vid skapandet av standard-PXE filen: %s"],"PXE Default file has been deployed to all Smart Proxies":["PXE Standardfil har laddats upp till alla Smart Proxies"],"Unsupported report status format":["Formatet för rapportstatus stöds ej"],"invalid host list":["felaktig värdlista"],"Modified":["Ändrad"],"Success":["Lyckades"],"Unable to create the default user role.":["Kan inte skapa standardrollen för användare."],"Unable to create the anonymous role.":["Kan inte skapa den anonyma rollen."],"Role is in use":["Rollen används"],"Can't delete built-in role":["Kan inte ta bort inbyggd roll"],"must be a valid URI":["måste vara en giltig URI"],"must be boolean":["måste vara boolesk"],"must be integer":["måste vara heltal"],"must be an array":["måste vara en array"],"parsing settings type '%s' from string is not defined":["tolkning av inställningstyp '%s' från sträng är inte definierad"],"is invalid: %s":["är felaktig: %s"],"is not allowed to change":["tillåts inte att ändras"],"Foreman will use OAuth for API authorization":[""],"OAuth consumer key":["OAuth konsumentnyckel"],"OAuth consumer secret":["OAuth konsumenthemlighet"],"Foreman will map users by username in request-header. If this is set to false, OAuth requests will have admin rights.":[""],"Only known Smart Proxies may access features that use Smart Proxy authentication":[""],"Client SSL certificates are used to identify Smart Proxies (:require_ssl should also be enabled)":[""],"Hosts that will be trusted in addition to Smart Proxies for access to fact/report importers and ENC output":["Värdar, utöver Smarta Proxies, som är betrodda med åtkomst till fakta/rapportimporterare samt ENC utdata."],"SSL Certificate path that Foreman would use to communicate with its proxies":["Sökväg till SSLcertifikat som Foreman skall använda för att kommunicera med dess proxies"],"SSL CA file that Foreman will use to communicate with its proxies":["SSL CA-fil som Foreman kommer använda för kommunikation med dess proxies"],"SSL Private Key file that Foreman will use to communicate with its proxies":["Sökvägen till SSL-certifikatets privata nyckel som Foreman skall använda för att kommunicera med dess proxies"],"Environment variable containing the subject DN from a client SSL certificate":["Miljövariabel innehållande subjekt DN från en klients SSL certifikat"],"Environment variable containing the verification status of a client SSL certificate":["Miljövariabel innehållande verifieringsstatus av en klients SSL certifikat"],"Should Foreman encrypt websockets (VNC console access). Choose on, off or auto.":[""],"Private key that Foreman will use to encrypt websockets ":[""],"Certificate that Foreman will use to encrypt websockets ":[""],"Redirect your users to this url on logout (authorize_login_delegation should also be enabled)":["Omdirigera dina användare till denna url vid utloggning (authorize_login_delegation måste också vara aktiverad)"],"Name of the external auth source where unknown externally authentication users (see authorize_login_delegation) should be created (keep unset to prevent the autocreation)":["Namnet på den externa autentiseringskällan där okända autentiseringsanvändare (se authorize_login_delegation) skall skapas ( behåll tom för att förhindra autoskapande)"],"Authorize login delegation with REMOTE_USER environment variable":["Delegera login till REMOTE_USER miljövariabel"],"Authorize login delegation with REMOTE_USER environment variable for API calls too":["Delegera login till REMOTE_USER miljövariabel även för API-anrop"],"Log out idle users after a certain number of minutes":["Logga ut inaktiva användare efter ett antal minuter"],"The default administrator email address":["Förinställd epostadress för administratören"],"URL where your Foreman instance is reachable (see also Provisioning > unattended_url)":[""],"Email reply address for emails that Foreman is sending":[""],"Prefix to add to all outgoing email":[""],"Send a welcome email including username and URL to new users":[""],"Number of records shown per page in Foreman":[""],"Fix DB cache on next Foreman restart":[""],"Max days for Trends graphs":["Max dagar för trendgrafer"],"Foreman will use gravatar to display user icons":[""],"Should the `foreman-rake db:migrate` be executed on the next run of the installer modules?":[""],"Should the `foreman-rake db:seed` be executed on the next run of the installer modules?":[""],"Max timeout for REST client requests to smart-proxy":[""],"Default encrypted root password on provisioned hosts":[""],"URL hosts will retrieve templates from during build (normally http as many installers don't support https)":[""],"Enable safe mode config templates rendering (recommended)":["Aktivera säkert läge för rendering av konfigurationsmall (rekommenderas)"],"Foreman will automate certificate signing upon provision of new host":[""],"Stop updating IP address and MAC values from Puppet facts (affects all interfaces)":[""],"Foreman will query the locally configured resolver instead of the SOA/NS authorities":[""],"If Foreman is running behind Passenger or a remote load balancer, the IP should be set here. This is a regular expression, so it can support several load balancers, i.e: (|":["Om Foreman körs under Passenger eller bakom en lastbalanserare, fyll i IP-adressen här. Syntaxen är ett reguljärt uttryck för att stödja flera lastbalanserare, exempel: (|"],"Time in minutes installation tokens should be valid for, 0 to disable token generation":[""],"The IP address that should be used for the console listen address when provisioning new virtual machines via Libvirt":["IP-adressen som skall användas för konsolens lyssnaradress vid provisionering av nya maskiner via Libvirt"],"Foreman will update the host IP with the IP that made the built request":[""],"Foreman will use the short hostname instead of the FQDN for creating new virtual machines":[""],"Puppet interval in minutes":["Puppetintervall i minuter"],"Duration in minutes after the Puppet interval for servers to be classed as out of sync.":[""],"Foreman will default to this puppet environment if it cannot auto detect one":[""],"Foreman will set this as the default Puppet module path if it cannot auto detect one":[""],"Document root where puppetdoc files should be created":["Dokumentrot där puppetdoc filerna kommer att skapas"],"Enable puppetrun support":[""],"Default Puppet server hostname":["Standard Puppet-server värdnamn"],"Foreman will evaluate host smart variables in this order by default":[""],"Foreman smart variables will be exposed via the ENC yaml output":[""],"Foreman will use the new (2.6.5+) format for classes in the ENC yaml output":[""],"Foreman will parse ERB in parameters value in the ENC output":[""],"Foreman will explicitly set the puppet environment in the ENC yaml output. This will avoid conflicts between the environment in puppet.conf and the environment set in Foreman":[""],"Foreman will use random UUIDs for certificate signing instead of hostnames":[""],"Foreman will update a host's environment from its facts":[""],"Foreman host group matchers will be inherited by children when evaluating smart class parameters":[""],"Foreman will create the host when new facts are received":["Foreman kommer skapa värden när nya fakta tas emot"],"Foreman will create the host when a report is received":["Foreman kommer skapa värden när en rapport tas emot"],"Foreman will truncate hostname to 'puppet' if it starts with puppet":["Foreman kommer att trunkera värdnamnet till 'puppet' om det startar med puppet"],"Hosts created after a puppet run will be placed in the location this fact dictates. The content of this fact should be the full label of the location.":[""],"Hosts created after a puppet run will be placed in the organization this fact dictates. The content of this fact should be the full label of the organization.":[""],"Hosts created after a puppet run that did not send a location fact will be placed in this location":[""],"Hosts created after a puppet run that did not send a organization fact will be placed in this organization":[""],"is invalid - only http://, https:// are allowed":["är felaktig - enbart http://, https:// är tillåtna"],"Only one declaration of a proxy is allowed":["En proxy kan endast deklareras en gång"],"No features found on this proxy, please make sure you enable at least one feature":["Inga funktioner hittades på denna proxy, säkerställ att du aktiverat minst en funktion"],"Unable to communicate with the proxy: %s":["Kan inte kommunisera med proxyn: %s"],"Please check the proxy is configured and running on the host.":["Vänligen kontrollera att proxyn är konfigurerad och körs på värden."],"DHCP":[""],"Static":[""],"Internal DB":[""],"is too long (maximum is 15 characters)":[""],"invalid IP address":["felaktig ipadress"],"does not belong to subnet":["tillhör inte subnät"],"can't be bigger than to range":["kan inte vara större än till-spannet"],"must be specified if to is defined":["måste anges om till är definierad"],"must be specified if from is defined":["måste anges om från är definierad"],"location":["lokation"],"organization":["organisation"],"This template is locked and may not be removed.":[""],"You are not authorized to lock templates.":[""],"You are not authorized to make a template default.":[""],"This template is locked. Please clone it to a new template to customize.":[""],"already exists":["existerar redan"],"Anonymous admin user %s is missing, run foreman-rake db:seed":[""],"A user group already exists with this name":["En användargrupp finns redan med detta namn"],"Can't delete the last admin account":[""],"cannot be removed from the last admin account":[""],"Can't delete internal admin account":["Kan inte radera interna administratörskontot"],"cannot be removed from an internal protected account":[""],"cannot be changed on an internal protected account":[""],"you can't assign some of roles you selected":[""],"you can't change administrator flag":[""],"cannot be changed by a non-admin user":[""],"default locations need to be user locations first":[""],"default organizations need to be user organizations first":[""],"is not valid":[""],"has this role already":["har redan denna roll"],"is already used by a user account":["används redan av ett användarkonto"],"Can't delete the last admin user group":[""],"Status table":[""],"Status chart":[""],"Report summary":[""],"Distribution chart":[""],"Unallowed template for dashboard widget: %s":[""],"Invalid version format, please enter in x.y (only major version).":[""],"%{id} plugin requires Foreman %{matcher} but current is %{current}":["%{id} insticksmodulen kräver Foreman %{matcher} men är förnärvarande %{current}"],"%{id} plugin requires the %{plugin_name} plugin, not found":["%{id} plugin kräver %{plugin_name} plugin, men den hittas ej"],"%{id} plugin requires the %{plugin_name} plugin %{matcher} but current is %{plugin_version}":["%{id} plugin kräver att %{plugin_name} plugin %{matcher} men är för närvarande %{plugin_version}"],"Failed to validate %{host}: %{error}":[""],"No templates found for this host.":[""],"Template %s is empty.":[""],"Failure parsing %{template}: %{error}.":[""],"No smart proxies found.":[""],"Failure deploying via smart proxy %{proxy}: %{error}.":[""],"Error connecting to %{proxy}: %{error}.":[""],"Unknown interface type, must be one of [%s]":[""],"My account":["Mitt konto"],"Log out":[""],"Administer":["Administrera"],"Locations":["Lokationer"],"Organizations":["Organisationer"],"LDAP authentication":["LDAP autentisering"],"Users":["Användare"],"User groups":["Användargrupper"],"Roles":["Roller"],"Bookmarks":["Bokmärken"],"Settings":["Inställningar"],"About":["Om"],"Monitor":["Övervaka"],"Dashboard":["Instrumentbräda"],"Statistics":["Statistik"],"Trends":["Trender"],"Hosts":["Värdar"],"All hosts":["Alla värdar"],"New host":[""],"Provisioning Setup":["Provisioneringsuppläggning"],"Architectures":["Arkitekturer"],"Hardware models":["Hårdvarumodeller"],"Installation media":["Installationsmedia"],"Operating systems":["Operativsystem"],"Templates":["Mallar"],"Partition tables":["Partitionstabell"],"Provisioning templates":["Provisineringsmallar"],"Configure":["Konfigurera"],"Host groups":["Värdgrupper"],"Global parameters":["Globala 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kommunikation med %{cr}: %{e}"],"Invalid report":["Felaktig rapport"],"Invalid log level: %s":["Felaktig loggnivå: %s"],"invalid type %s":["felaktig typ %s"],"SafeRender#parse_string was passed a %s instead of a string":["SafeRender#parse_string fick %s som argument istället för en sträng"],"Must specify a Smart Proxy to use":["Måste specificera en Smart Proxy att använda"],"unable to sign a non pending certificate":["kan inte signera ett icke pågående certifikat"],"you cannot remove %s that are used by hosts or inherited.":[""],"is alphanumeric and cannot contain spaces":["är alfanumerisk och kan inte innehålla mellanslag / blanksteg"],"is not a valid MAC address":[""],"can't contain spaces.":[""],"System Status":["Systemstatus"],"Smart Proxies":["Smarta Proxies"],"Available Providers":["Tillgänliga Leverantörer"],"Compute Resources":["Beräkningsresurser"],"Plugins":["Plugin"],"No smart proxies to show":["Inga smarta proxies att visa"],"Name":["Namn"],"Features":["Funktioner"],"Status":["Status"],"Connecting..":["Annsluter"],"Provider":["Leverantör"],"Installed":["Installerad"],"Not Installed":["Inte Installerad"],"To enable a provider, either install the OS package (e.g. foreman-libvirt) or enable the bundler group for development setup (e.g. ovirt).":["För att aktivera en leverantör, installera antingen OS-paketet (t.ex. foreman-libvirt) eller aktivera bundlergruppen för utvecklingsuppläggning (t.ex. ovirt)."],"No compute resource to show":["Ingen beräkningsresurs att visa"],"Type":["Typ"],"No plugins found":["Inga plugins hittade"],"Description":["Beskrivning"],"Author":["Författare"],"Version":["Version"],"Support":["Hjälp"],"Manual":["Manual"],"Wiki":["Wiki"],"First use instructions":[""],"IRC":["IRC"],"You can find The Foreman on the %{freenode} ( network. For general support, please visit #theforeman and for development specific related chat, please visit #theforeman-dev.":[""],"Mailing lists":["Epostlistor"],"Mailing lists are available via Google Groups. Much like IRC, we have a general users (support, Q/A, etc) lists and a development list:":["Epostlistor finns via Google Groups. Ungefär som IRC, så har vi listor / grupper för användare ( stöd, Kvalitetssäkring, etc ) samt en lista för utvecklare:"],"Foreman Users":["Foremananvändare"],"Foreman Developers":["Foremanutvecklare"],"Issue tracker":["Problemspårare"],"We use Redmine to report and track bugs and feature requests, which can be found here:":["Vi använder Redmine för att rapportera och följa buggar samt begäran kring utökad funktionalitet, vilken kan hittas här:"],"issue tracker":["Problemspårare"],"System Information":["Systeminformation"],"Version %{version} © 2009-%{year} Paul Kelly and %{author}":["Version %{version} © 2009-%{year} Paul Kelly och %{author}"],"Access denied":[""],"Resource %{resource_name} not found by id '%{id}'":[""],"Unable to authenticate user %s":[""],"'Content-Type: %s' is unsupported in API v2 for POST and PUT requests. Please use 'Content-Type: application/json'.":[""],"Operating Systems":["Operativsystem"],"Edit Architecture":["Redigera arkitektur"],"New Architecture":["Ny Arkitektur"],"Architecture|Name":["Namn"],"New architecture":["Ny arkitektur"],"Architecture configuration":["Arkitektur-konfiguration"],"Before you proceed to using Foreman you should provide information about one or more architectures.":["Innan du börjar använda Foreman bör du mata in information om en eller fler arkitekturer"],"Each entries represent a particular hardware architecture, most commonly <b>x86_64</b> or <b>i386</b>. Foreman also supports the Solaris operating system family, which includes <b>sparc</b> based systems.":["Varje värde representerar en hårdvaruarkitektur, oftast <b>x86_64</b> eller <b>i386</b>. Foreman stödjer även OS-familjen Solaris, vilket även inkluderar <b>sparc</b> system"],"Each architecture can also be associated with more than one operating system and a selector block is provided to allow you to select valid combinations.":["Varje arkitektur kan även vara associerad med mer än ett operativsystem och en lista över alternativ låter dig välja giltiga kombinationer."],"<b>Foreman</b> audit summary":[""],"Displaying %{num_audits} of %{total_audits} audit":["",""],"No audit changes for this period":[""],"Full audits list":[""],"Foreman audit summary":[""],"Logged-in":["Inloggad"],"Host details":["Värddetaljer"],"Template Diff":["Mallskillnad"],"History":["Historik"],"Item":["Post"],"Old":["Gammal"],"New":["Ny"],"Value":["Värde"],"LDAP server":["LDAP-server"],"Account":["Konto"],"Attribute mappings":["Attributmappning"],"Choose a server type":[""],"Server type":[""],"Use this account to authenticate, <i>optional</i>":["Använd följande konto för autentisering, <i>valfritt</i>"],"Base DN":["Base DN"],"Groups base DN":[""],"Custom LDAP search filter, <i>optional</i>":["Eget LDAP sökfilter, <i>optional</i>"],"LDAP users will have their Foreman account automatically created the first time they log into Foreman":["LDAP-användare får sina konton automatiskt skapade första gången dom loggar in i Foreman"],"External user groups will be synced on login, else relies on periodic cronjob to check group membership":[""],"e.g. uid":["t.ex. uid"],"e.g. givenName":["t.ex. givenName"],"e.g. sn":["t.ex. sn"],"e.g. mail":["t.ex. mail"],"Photo attribute":[""],"e.g. jpegPhoto":[""],"Edit LDAP Auth Source":["Redigera LDAP Autenticeringskälla"],"LDAP Authentication":["LDAP Autentisering"],"New LDAP Source":["Ny Ldapkälla"],"AuthSource|Name":["Namn"],"AuthSource|Host":["Värdnamn"],"AuthSource|Onthefly register":["Ögonblicksregistrera"],"AuthSource|LDAPS":[""],"New LDAP Auth Source":["Ny LDAP Autentiseringskälla"],"New authentication source":["Ny autentiseringskälla"],"Authentication Source Configuration":["Konfiguration av Autentiseringskälla"],"Foreman can use LDAP based service for user information and authentication.":["Foreman kan använda LDAP för användarinformation och autentisering"],"The authentication process currently requires an LDAP provider, such as <em>OpenLDAP</em> or <em>Microsoft's Active Directory</em>.":["Autentiseringsprocess kräver för närvarande en LDAP-källa, så som <em>OpenLDAP</em> eller <em>Microsoft's Active Directory</em>."],"Autosign entries for %s":["Autosignera poster för %s"],"New Autosign Entry":["Nytt Autosigneringsvärde"],"Edit Bookmark":["Redigera Bokmärke"],"Manage Bookmarks":["Hantera Bokmärken"],"Bookmark|Name":["Namn"],"Bookmark|Query":["Fråga"],"Bookmark|Controller":["Kontroller"],"Bookmark|Public":["Publik"],"New Bookmark":["Nytt Bokmärke"],"Bookmarks configuration":["Bokmärkeskonfiguration"],"Here you can manage bookmarks. Bookmarks are saved search queries.":["Här kan du managera bokmärken. Bokmärken fungerar som sparade sökningar."],"Permission denied":["Tillåts ej"],"You are not authorized to perform this action":["Du har inte behörighet att utföra detta"],"Please request the required privileges from a foreman administrator":["Var vänlig och begär nödvändiga rättigheter från en Foremanadministratör"],"Back":["Tillbaka"],"Not Found":["Hittade inte"],"Please try to update your request":["Var god och försök uppdatera din begäran"],"Oops, we're sorry but something went wrong":["Hoppsan, vi är ledsna, men något gick fel"],"Foreman ticketing system":["Foreman biljettsystem"],"If you feel this is an error with Foreman itself, please open a new issue with":["Om du tror att detta är ett fel med Foreman, var vänlig öppna en ny bugg med"],"You would probably need to attach the":["Du skulle antagligen behöva ansluta"],"Full trace":["Fullständigt spårning"],"and relevant log entries.":["och relevanta loggrader"],"None Found":["Ingen hittad"],"Changed environments":["Ändrade miljöer"],"Select the changes you want to realize in Foreman":["Markera ändringarna som du vill verkställa i Foreman"],"Toggle":["Skifta"],"Check/Uncheck new":["Markera/Avmarkera nya"],"Updated":["Uppdaterad"],"Check/Uncheck updated":["Markera/Avmarkera uppdaterade"],"Obsolete":["Förlegad"],"Check/Uncheck obsolete":["Markera/Avmarkera förlegade"],"Check/Uncheck all":["Markera/Avmarkera samtliga"],"Operation":["Operation"],"Puppet Modules":["Puppetmoduler"],"Check/Uncheck all %s changes":["Markera/Avmarkera samtliga %s ändringar"],"Add:":["Lägg till:"],"Remove:":["Ta bort:"],"Update:":["Uppdatera:"],"Update":["Uppdatera"],"Search":["Sök"],"Bookmark this search":["Bokmärk denna sökning"],"Add Bookmark":["Lägg till bokmärke"],"Build from OS image":["Bygg från OS-avbild"],"OS Image":["OSAvbildning"],"Architecture":["Arkitektur"],"Media":["Medie"],"Partition table":["Partitionstabell"],"Scope":["Omfattning"],"Actions":["Åtgärder"],"override":["tvinga"],"Override this value":["Tvinga detta värde"],"Global":["Global"],"hide":[""],"remove":["ta bort"],"Global Parameters":["Globala Parametrar"],"Add Parameter":["Lägg till Parameter"],"Puppetclass":["Puppetklass"],"Parameter name":["Parameternamn"],"Parameter type":["Parametertyp"],"Puppet class overrides":[""],"Override a Puppetclass Parameter":["Tvinga en Puppetklassparameter"],"Edit Global Parameter":["Redigera Globala Parametrar"],"New Parameter":["Ny Parameter"],"Parameter|Name":["Name"],"Parameter|Value":["Värde"],"New Global Parameter":["Ny Global Parameter"],"Compute profile":["Beräkningsprofil"],"Edit compute profile on %s":["Redigera beräkningsprofil på %s"],"New compute profile on %s":["Ny beräkningsprofil på %s"],"Edit Compute profile":["Redigera Beräkningsprofil"],"New Compute Profile":["Ny Beräkningsprofil"],"Rename":["Döp om"],"New Compute profile":["Ny Beräkningsprofil"],"Edit Compute profile: %s":["Beräkningsprofil: %s"],"Click on the link of a compute resource to edit its default VM attributes.":["Klicka på länken för en beräkningsresurs för att redigera dess standardattribut för VMs."],"Compute Resource":["Beräkningsresurs"],"VM Attributes (%s)":["VM-Attribut (%s)"],"unspecified":["ospecificerad"],"Choose a provider":["Välj en leverantör"],"Access Key":["Access Key"],"Secret Key":["Hemlig Nyckel"],"Region":["Region"],"Load Regions":["Ladda Regioner"],"Test Connection":["Testa annslutning"],"Google Project ID":["Google Project ID"],"Client Email":["Klientens E-postadress"],"The file path where your p12 file is located":["Sökvägen till p12-filen"],"Certificate path":["Certifikatssökväg"],"Zone":["Zon"],"Load zones":["Ladda zoner"],"e.g. qemu://":["t.ex. qemu://"],"Display type":["Visningstyp"],"Console passwords":["Konsollösenord"],"Set a randomly generated password on the display connection":["Sätt ett slumpgenererat lösenord för skärmanslutningen"],"e.g. http://openstack:5000/v2.0/tokens":["t.ex. http://openstack:5000/v2.0/tokens"],"Tenant":["Innehavare"],"Load Tenants":["Ladda Innehavare"],"e.g.":[""],"e.g. admin@internal":["t.ex. admin@internal"],"Datacenter":["Datacenter"],"Load Datacenters":["Ladda Datacenter"],"Quota ID":["Kvot ID"],"X509 Certification Authorities":[""],"Optionally provide a CA, or a correctly ordered CA chain. If left blank, a self-signed CA will be populated automatically by the server during the first request.":[""],"e.g.":["t.e.x."],"API Key":["API Key"],"VCenter/Server":["VCenter/Server"],"Fingerprint":["Fingeravtryck"],"New Compute Resource":["Ny Beräkningsresurs"],"ComputeResource|Name":["Namn"],"New compute resource":["Ny beräkningsresurs"],"Associate VMs":["Associera VMs"],"Associate VMs to Foreman hosts":["Associera VMs till Foreman värdar"],"Virtual Machines":["Virtuella Maskiner"],"Images":["Avbildningar"],"Loading virtual machines information ...":["Laddar information för virtuella maskiner ..."],"New Image":["Ny Avbildning"],"Loading Images information":["Laddar avbildningsinformation"],"VM Attributes":["VM-Attribut"],"URL":["URL"],"Disabled":["Inaktiverad"],"Enabled":["Aktiverad"],"There was an error listing VMs: %s":["Fel vid listning av VMs: %s"],"Network interfaces":["Nätverkskort"],"Add Interface":["Lägg till nätverksgränssnitt"],"add new network interface":["lägg till nytt närtverkskort"],"No networks found.":[""],"remove storage volume":[""],"Storage":["Lagring"],"add new storage volume":["lägg till ny lagringsvolym"],"Add Volume":["Lägg till Volym"],"Flavor":["Variant"],"Please select an image":["Vänligen välj en avbildning"],"Availability zone":["Tillgänglighetszon"],"No preference":["Ingen preferens"],"EC2":["EC2"],"Subnet":["Subnät"],"Security groups":["Säkerhetsgrupper"],"Public":["Publik"],"Private":["Privat"],"Managed IP":["Managerad IP"],"Machine type":["Maskintyp"],"Network":["Nätverk"],"External IP":["Extern IP"],"Size (GB)":["Storlek (GB)"],"CPUs":["CPUer"],"Memory":["Minne"],"Start":["Start"],"Power ON this machine":["Starta denna maskin"],"Image to use":[""],"Network type":["Nätvärkstyp"],"No networks":["Inga nät"],"No bridges":["Inga bryggor"],"your libvirt host does not support interface listing, please enter here the bridge name (e.g. br0)":["din libvirtvärd stödjer inte nätvärkskortslistning, var vänlig mata in bryggnamnet (t.ex. br0)"],"NIC type":["NIC-typ"],"Storage pool":["Lagringspool"],"Security group":["Säkerhetsgrupp"],"Internal network":[""],"Floating IP network":["Flytande IP-nät"],"Create new boot volume from image":[""],"Boot from volume":[""],"Defaults to image size if left blank":[""],"New boot volume size (GB)":[""],"Cluster":["Kluster"],"Select template":["Välj mall"],"oVirt/RHEV template to use":[""],"Template":["Mall"],"Cores":["Kärnor"],"Storage domain":["Lagringsdomän"],"Preallocate disk":[""],"Uses thin provisioning if unchecked":[""],"Only one volume can be bootable":["Bara en volym kan vara startbar"],"Please Select an Image":["Vänligen välj en avbildning"],"Cores per socket":[""],"Memory (MB)":["Minne (MB)"],"Folder":["Katalog"],"Guest OS":[""],"SCSI controller":[""],"Virtual H/W version":[""],"Data store":["Datalager"],"Thin provision":["Thin provision"],"Eager zero":[""],"Virtual Machines on %s":["Virtuell Maskiner på %s"],"DNS":["DNS"],"State":["Tillstånd"],"Power":["Kraft"],"New Virtual Machine":["Ny Virtuell Maskin"],"Create":[""],"Associate VM":["Associera VM"],"Associate VM to a Foreman host":["Associera VMen till en Foreman värd"],"Properties":["Egenskaper"],"Machine Type":["Maskintyp"],"VCPU(s)":["VCPU(er)"],"UUID":["UUID"],"Allocated":["Tilldelad"],"Display":["Visa"],"NIC":["NIC"],"using %{allocation} GB out of %{capacity} GB, %{pool_name} storage pool":[""],"Path":[""],"Running on":["Körs på"],"using %s":["använder %s"],"included already from parent":[""],"%s is not in environment":[""],"Included Config Groups":[""],"Available Config Groups":[""],"Edit Config group":[""],"New Config Group":[""],"New Config group":[""],"Run distribution in the last %s minute":["Kör distribution den senaste %s minuten","Kör distribution de senaste %s minuterna"],"Latest Events":["Senaste Händelserna"],"No interesting reports received in the last week":["Inga intressanta rapporter togs emot den senaste veckan"],"Host Configuration Chart":[""],"Hosts that had performed modifications without error":["Värdar som hade genomförda ändringar utan fel"],"Hosts in error state":["Värdar med felaktigt tillstånd"],"Good host reports in the last %s":["Bra värdrapporter senaste %s"],"Hosts that had pending changes":["Värdar som hade kommande ändringar"],"Out of sync hosts":[""],"Hosts with no reports":["Värdar som saknar rapporter"],"Hosts with alerts disabled":["Värdar med inaktiverade larm"],"Total Hosts: %s":["Totalt antal Värdar: %s"],"Overview":["Överblick"],"Get default dashboard widgets":[""],"Welcome":["Välkommen"],"Before you can use Foreman for the first time there are a few tasks that must be performed.":["Innan du kan använda Foreman för första gången finns det några uppgifter som måste utföras."],"You must decide how you wish to use the software, and update the primary settings file <b>config/settings.yaml</b> and the":["Du måste bestämma hur du vill använda mjukvaran, uppdatera primära inställningsfilen <b>config/settings.yaml</b> och"],"settings":["inställningar"],"to indicate your selections.":["för att indikera dina val"],"Operating Mode":["Körläge"],"You may operate Foreman in basic mode, in which it acts as a reporting and external node classifier or you may also turn on unattended mode operation in which Foreman creates and manages the configuration files necessary to completely configure a new host.":["Du kan användar Foreman i enkelt läge, i vilket den agerar som extern nodklassifierare eller så aktiverar du obevakat läge i vilket Foreman skapar och hanterar alla konfigurationsfiler som är nödvändiga för att fullständigt konfigurera en ny värd."],"When operating in unattended mode Foreman will require more information, so expect more questions, but it will be able to automate host installations for Red Hat, Debian, SUSE and Solaris operating systems (and their clones), see":["När Foreman körs i obevakat läget krävs mer information, så förvänta dig mer frågor, men Foreman kommer kunna automatisera värdinstallationer för operativsystemen Red Hat, Debian, SUSE och Solaris (samt deras kloner), se"],"here":["här"],"for more details.":["för mer detaljer."],"Create a Smart Proxy":["Skapa en Smart Proxy"],"If you're planning to do anything more than just handle reports, you'll be in need of a smart proxy - either on this machine or elsewhere on your network.":["Om du tänker göra något mer än att bara hantera rapporter kommer du att behöva en smart proxy. Antingen på denna maskinen eller på annan maskin på ditt nätverk."],"You can find details of how to set up the proxy at":["Du kan hitta detaljerna för hur man konfigurerar proxyn vid"],"Smart-Proxy Installation":["Smart-Proxy Installation"],"Important":["Viktig(t)"],"Once installed you should head over to":["Väl installerad borde du kontrollera"],"to point Foreman at it.":["att peka Foreman till den"],"User Authentication":["Användarautentisering"],"Foreman, by default, operates in anonymous mode where all operations are performed without reference to the user who is performing the task.":["Foreman, per förinställt värde, arbetar i anonymnt läge där alla operationer görs utan referens till användaren som utför åtgärden."],"If you wish to track the actions of a particular user then it is possible to use an additional authentication stage and provide a user account.":["Om du vill följa händelserna för en specifik användare så är det möjligt att använda ytterligare ett autentiseringssteg och där kräva ett användarkonto."],"At present, authentication is performed against the internal Database or a LDAP service provided by one or more LDAP servers.":["För närvarande sker autentisering mot den interna databasen eller en LDAP-tjänst som tillhandahålls av en eller flera LDAP-servrar."],"Additionally, you may restrict user permissions based on many criteria, make sure you check the roles settings tab.":["Dessutom kan du begränsa användarnas behörigheter baserat på flertalet kriterier, se till att du kontrollerar fliken för roll-inställningar."],"For internal Users, simply create a new user at the %s page":[""],"LDAP":["LDAP"],"If you chose to use LDAP authentication then you must provide connection details for your authentication provider on %s page":[""],"For Roles and permissions, see the %s page":[""],"Notice":["Notis"],"You would need to enable login in your settings.yml file first and restart foreman":["Då skulle du behöva aktivera login i din settings.yml-fil först och sen starta om foreman"],"The default username and password are <b>admin</b> and <b>changeme</b>":["Förinställt användarnamn och lösenord är <b>admin</b> och <b>changeme</b>"],"Import your data":["Importera ditt data"],"Foreman comes with some importers to ease the burden of entering loads of data about your current installation.":["Foreman inkluderar vissa importerare för att minska bördan av att manuellt mata in information om din nuvarande installation"],"If you are already using puppet you should consider using some of the rake tasks that have been provided.":["Om du redan använder puppet borde du fundera på att använda de rake-funktioner som tillhandahålls."],"Inventory browser":["Inventeringsbläddrare"],"Importing Puppet Facts":["Importerar Puppetfakta"],"Puppet External Nodes":["Puppet Externa Noder"],"Importing Puppet classes and environments":["Importerar Puppetklasser och miljöer"],"Reporting":["Rapportering"],"Puppet Reports integration":["Puppet Rapportintegration"],"Additional steps":["Ytterligare steg"],"You may optionally wish to generate the online documentation for your puppet classes":["Du har även valmöjligheten att generera on-linedokumentationen för dina puppetklasser"],"puppet class browser":["puppetklassbläddrare"],"After you have decided on the two primary modes of operation and performed any appropriate imports then it would be good idea if you visited some of the other configuration pages to see if additional setup is required under the Additional settings select box on the top right.":["Efter att du har bestämt Dig för de två primära driftsformerna och utfört lämplig import är det en bra idé att besöka några av de andra konfigurationssidorna för att se om ytterliggare inställningar behöver göras under \\\"Ytterliggare inställningar\\\" rutan längst upp till höger."],"You may also find the":["Du kan även hitta"],"Howtos":["Hurguider"],"useful.":["användbar."],"This page will self destruct once Foreman starts to receive data about your hosts. You can view this information again by clicking on the \\\"First use instructions\\\" link on the %{about} page.":[""],"Parameters":["Parametrar"],"Full name describing the domain":["Fullständigt namn som beskriver domänen"],"DNS proxy to use within this domain for managing A records, note that PTR records are managed via Subnet DNS proxy":[""],"DNS Proxy":["DNS Proxy"],"Edit Domain":["Redigera Domän"],"New Domain":["Ny Domän"],"Domain|Fullname":["Fullständigt namn"],"Domain Configuration":["Domänkonfiguration"],"Foreman considers a domain and a DNS zone as the same thing. That is, if you are planning to manage a site where all the machines are or the form <i>hostname</i>.<b></b>\\n then the domain is <b></b>. This allows Foreman to associate a puppet variable with a domain/site and automatically append this variable to all external node requests made\\n by machines at that site.":[""],"The <b>fullname</b> field is used for human readability in reports and other pages that refer to domains,\\n and also available as an external node parameter":[""],"Edit Environment":["Redigera Miljö"],"Puppet Environments":["Puppet Miljöer"],"Environment|Name":["Namn"],"Classes":["Klasser"],"New Environment":["Ny Miljö"],"Puppet environments configuration":["Puppetmiljökonfiguration"],"If you are planning to use Foreman as an external node classifier you should provide information about one or more environments.":["Om du plannerar att använda Foreman som en extern nodklassifierare, \\\"ENC\\\", behöver du mata in information om en eller fler miljöer."],"This information is commonly imported from a pre-existing puppet configuration by the use of the":["Denna information är vanligen importerad från en existerande puppetkonfiguration med hjälp av"],"Puppet classes and environment importer":["Puppet klass och miljöimporterare"],"Environments may be manually created and only require the name of the environment to be declared.":["Miljöer kan manuellt skapas och kräver bara att namnet på miljön deklareras"],"Show %{host} facts":[""],"Show all %{name} facts where they are equal to %{value}":["Visa alla %{name} fakta där dom är lika med %{value}"],"Show distribution chart":["Visa distributionskarta"],"Fact Values":["Faktavärden"],"Host":["Värd"],"FactValue|Value":["Värde"],"Reported at":["Rapporterades vid"],"Hosts Inventory":["Värdinventering"],"You don't seem to have any facts yet. If you wish to configure fact pushing, please follow":["Du verkar inte ha några fakta ännu. Om du önskar konfigurera faktauppladdning, var vänlig följ"],"setting up facts":["sätter upp fakta"],"This page will self destruct once inventory data comes in.":["Denna sida kommer automatiskt ersättas så fort inventeringsdata kommer in."],"%s Distribution":["%s Distribution"],"Selected role":[""],"(Miscellaneous)":[""],"Permission":[""],"Selected resource type does not support granular filtering, therefore you can't configure granularity":[""],"By unchecking this you can specify filter using Foreman search syntax in search field. If filter remains unlimited (this field is checked) it applies on all resources of the selected type":[""],"Edit Filter":[""],"Filters":["Filter"],"New filter":[""],"Role":["Roll"],"Filter|Resource":[""],"Filter|Permissions":[""],"Filter|Unlimited":[""],"Filter|Search":[""],"none":[""],"Delete filter?":[""],"New Filter":[""],"Manage Locations":["Hantera Lokationer"],"Manage Organizations":["Hantera Organisationer"],"Hostname":[""],"<b style=\\\"color: #6bb5df;\\\">%{hosts_sum}</b>\\n <p style=\\\"font-weight: bold; margin: 5px; padding: 0px;\\\">Changed</p>":["",""],"<b style=\\\"color: #6bb5df;\\\">%{out_of_sync_sum}</b>\\n <p style=\\\"font-weight: bold; margin: 5px; padding: 0px;\\\">Out of sync</p>":["",""],"<b style=\\\"color: #6bb5df;\\\">%{disabled_sum}</b>\\n <p style=\\\"font-weight: bold; margin: 5px; padding: 0px;\\\">Disabled</p>":["",""],"Level":["Nivå"],"Resource":["Resurs"],"message":["meddelande"],"No logs to show":[""],"Total of one host":["",""],"None!":[""],"Last Report":[""],"<b>Foreman</b> Puppet error report":[""],"<b>Foreman</b> Build Complete":[""],"IP":["IP"],"Your host has finished building:":[""],"Hostname:":[""],"IP:":[""],"View in Foreman:":[""],"<b>Foreman</b> Puppet summary":[""],"Summary from %{time} ago to now":[""],"Summary report from Foreman server at %{foreman_url}":[""],"Hosts with interesting values (changed, failures etc)":[""],"Hosts which are currently not running Puppet":[""],"Hosts which Foreman reporting is disabled":[""],"Hostgroup":["Värdgrupp"],"Puppet Classes":["Puppet Klasser"],"Parent":["Förälder"],"Please select an environment first":["Vänligen välj en miljö först"],"Password must be 8 characters or more":[""],"Puppet classes parameters":["Puppet klassparametrar"],"Host group parameters":["Värdgruppsparametrar"],"Host Groups":["Värdgrupper"],"New Host Group":["Ny Värdgrupp"],"Hostgroup|Name":["Namn"],"Nest":["Nästla"],"Host group configuration":["Värdgruppskonfiguration"],"A host group is in some ways similar to an inherited node declaration, in that it is a high level grouping of classes that can be named and treated as a unit. This is then treated as a template and is selectable during the creation of a new host and ensures that the host is configured in one of your pre-defined states.":["En värdgrupp är på vissa sätt lik en ärvd noddeklaration, en högnivå gruppering av klasser som kan namnas och hanteras som en enhet. Detta hanteras som en mall och är valbar under skapandet av en ny värd vilket säkerställer att värden är konfigurerad enligt ett av dina fördefinierade tillstånd."],"In addition to defining which puppet classes get included when building this host type you are also able to assign variables and provisioning information to a host group to further refine the behavior of the puppet runtime.":["Utöver möjligheten att definiera vilka puppetklasser som blir inkluderade vid byggandet av denna värd, kan du även tilldela variabler och provisioneringsinformation till en värdgrupp för att i mer detalj kunna styra beteendet över puppet."],"The host group's classes and the host group's variables are included in the external node information when the puppetmaster compiles the host's configuration.":["Värdgruppens klasser och variabler är inkluderade i den externa nodinformationen när puppetmästaren kompilerar värdens konfiguration."],"There are two strategies when using host groups.":["Det finns två strategier vid användande av värdgrupper."],"You may create puppet classes that represent high-level host configurations, for example, a <b>host-type-ldap-server</b> class, which includes all the required functionality from other modules or you may decide to create a host group called <b>host-type-ldap-server</b> and add the required classes into the host group configuration.":["Du kan skapa puppetklasser som representerar högnivå värdkonfigurationer, t.ex., en <b>host-type-ldap-server</b>klass, som inkluderar all funktionalitet från andra moduler, alternativt skapar du en värdgrupp <b>host-type-ldap-server</b> och adderar de klasser som krävs till värdgruppen."],"These two options are personal decisions and are up to you (where the main difference would be the parameter/variables settings).":["Dessa två alternativ är personliga val och är upp till dig ( där den huvudsakliga skillnaden är parameter/variabel inställningar )."],"Select Hosts":["Välj Värdar"],"Assign Selected Hosts":["Tilldela Valda Värdar"],"Create %s":["Skapa %s"],"<b class='select_count'>0</b> selected":["<b class='select_count'>0</b> markerad/e"],"Assign to %s":["Tilldela till %s"],"Chassis":["Chassi"],"Boot device":["Startenhet"],"Netmask":["Nätmask"],"MAC":["MAC"],"Gateway":["Nätsluss"],"VM editing is not implemented for this provider":["VM-redigering är inte implementerad för denna leverantör"],"'%{host}' not found on '%{resource}'":["'%{host}' finns inte på '%{resource}'"],"'%{host}' could be deleted or '%{resource}' is not responding.":["'%{host}' kan vara raderad eller så svarar inte '%{resource}'."],"Failed connecting to %s":["Misslyckades att ansluta till %s"],"Errors: %s":["Fel: %s"],"Network interfaces management has been moved to the Interfaces tab. Please set your interfaces there.":[""],"Conflicts have been detected":["Konflikter har hittats"],"The following entries were found conflicting with what foreman wanted to apply.":["Följande värden var i konflikt med vad Foreman ville applicera."],"Please review them carefully, if you are certain that they should be removed, please click on overwrite.":["Granska noggrant, om du är säker på att dom skall tas bort, klicka på skriv över."],"ACK":["ACK"],"DHCP lease conflicts have been detected":[""],"Please correct the error(s) below and submit your changes again.":[""],"Interfaces":[""],"Virtual Machine":["Virtuell Maskin"],"Additional Information":["Ytterliggare information:"],"This value is used also as the host's primary interface name.":[""],"Bare Metal":["Bare Metal"],"Deploy on":["Installera på"],"Puppet classes Parameters":["Puppet klassparametrar"],"Included Parameters via inheritance":["Inkluderade Parametrar via arv"],"Host Parameters":["Värdparametrar"],"select an owner":["välj en ägare"],"Owned By":["Ägd Av"],"Include this host within Foreman reporting":["Inkludera denna värd inom Foremanrapportering"],"Hardware Model":["Hårdvarumodell"],"Some of the interfaces are invalid. Please check the table below.":[""],"Identifier":[""],"MAC address":[""],"IP address":[""],"FQDN":[""],"Ok":[""],"Select all items in this page":["Markera alla valbara på denna sida"],"items selected. Uncheck to Clear":["poster markerade. Avmarkera för att rensa"],"Last report":["Senaste rapport"],"Please Confirm":["Vänligen bekräfta"],"Report Status":["Rapportstatus"],"Provisioning Method":["Provisioneringsmetod"],"Network Based":["Nätverksbaserad"],"Image Based":["Avbildningsbaserad"],"Enable this host for provisioning":["Aktivera denna värd för provisionering"],"What ever text(or ERB template) you use in here, would be used as your OS disk layout options If you want to use the partition table option, delete all of the text from this field":["Den text (eller ERB mall) som du anger här kommer användas som OS disklayout. Om du vill använda alternativet partitionstabell, radera all text från detta fält."],"Resolve":["Slå upp"],"Display the templates that will be used to provision this host":["Visa mallar som används för att provisionera denna värd"],"in Progress":[""],"Number of Events":["Antal Event"],"Time in Seconds":["Tid i sekunder"],"Fix %s on Mismatch":["Rätta %s vid matchningsfel"],"Fail on Mismatch":["Misslyckas vid matchningsfel"],"Assign Hosts to %s":["Tilldela Värdar till %s"],"Clone Host %s":["Klona Värd %s"],"Generated %s ago":["Genererad %s dagar sedan"],"Back to host":["Tillbaka till värd"],"Console output may be out of date":["Konsolutdatan kan vara föråldrad"],"Ctrl-Alt-Del":["Ctrl-Alt-Del"],"Troubleshooting":[""],"New window":["Nytt fönster"],"Open Spice in a new window":["Öppna Spice i ett nytt fönster"],"Connecting (unencrypted) to: %s":["Ansluter (okrypterat) till: %s"],"Password:":[""],"Canvas not supported.":["Canvas stöds inte."],"Unmanage host":["Sluta managera värd"],"Manage host":["Managera värd"],"Disassociate host":[""],"Provision":["Provisionera"],"these hosts for a build operation on next boot":["dessa värdar för en byggoperation vid nästa omstart"],"Warning":["Varning"],"This might take a while, as all hosts, facts and reports will be destroyed as well":["Detta kan dröja då alla värdar, fakta och rapporter också kommer bli förstörda"],"Disable alerts for selected hosts":["Inaktivera Notifieringar"],"Disassociate the selected hosts from their VMs":[""],"Enable alerts for selected hosts":["Aktivera larm för valda värdar"],"Sorry, these hosts do not have parameters assigned to them, you must add them first.":["Förlåt, dessa värdar har inga parametrar tilldelade till sig, du måste lägga till det först."],"Run Puppet on the following hosts":["Kör Puppet på följande värdar"],"List of hosts which answer to the provided query":["Lista på värdar som svarar under den tillhandahållna frågan."],"The following errors may prevent a successful build:":[""],"Check again":[""],"Edit Host":[""],"Reboot now":[""],"Select environment":["Välj miljö"],"*Clear environment*":["*Rensa miljö*"],"*Inherit from host group*":["*Ärv från värdgrupp*"],"*Clear host group*":["*Rensa värdgrupp*"],"Select host group":["Välj värdgrupp"],"Select Location":["Välj Lokation"],"Select Organization":["Välj Organisation"],"Metrics":["Mätvärden"],"VM":["VM"],"NICs":[""],"Loading host information ...":[""],"No puppet activity for this host in the last %s days":["Ingen puppetaktivitet för denna värden de senaste %s dagarna"],"Loading template information ...":[""],"Loading VM information ...":[""],"Loading NICs information ...":[""],"Loading BMC information ...":["Laddar BMC-information ..."],"Loading runtime information ...":[""],"Resources":["Resurser"],"Loading resources information ...":[""],"Review build status for %s":[""],"Warning: This will delete this host and all of its data!":[""],"This host's stored facts and reports will be deleted too.":[""],"Loading...":[""],"Please wait while your request is being processed":[""],"All Puppet Classes for %s":["Alla Puppetklasser för %s"],"Class":[""],"The following hosts were updated":["Följande värdar uppdaterades"],"The following parameters were skipped as they did not exists on this host:":["Följande parametrar skippades eftersom dom inte existerar på denna värd:"],"Back to host list":["Tillbaks till värdlista"],"You don't seem to have any Hosts, for more information see":["Du verkar inte ha några Värdar, för mer information se"],"this page":["denna sida"],"This page will self destruct once data comes in.":["Denna sida kommer automatiskt ersättas så fort data kommer in."],"The user that is used to ssh into the instance, normally cloud-user, ec2-user, ubuntu, root etc":["Användaren som används för att ssha till instansen, normalt cloud-user, ec2-user, ubuntu, root etc"],"Does this image support user data input (e.g. via cloud-init)?":["Stödjer denna bild användardata (såsom via cloud-init)?"],"(optional) IAM Role for Fog to use when creating this image.":["(frivillig) IAM-roll för Fog att använda när avbilden skapas."],"Password to authenticate with - used for SSH finish step.":[""],"Image path":[""],"Full path to backing image used to create new volumes.":[""],"Path to template, relative to datacenter (e.g. My templates/RHEL 6)":[""],"Image|Name":["Namn"],"Image|Username":["Användarnamn"],"Image|Uuid":["Uuid"],"Image|User data":["Användardata"],"Destroy":["Förstör"],"You are using an unsupported browser.":["Du använder en webbläsare som inte stöds"],"Location configuration":["Lokationskonfiguration"],"You must create a location before continuing.":["Du måste skapa en lokation innan du fortsätter."],"Locations are used to manage and differentiate the physical place where a system managed via Foreman is housed.":["Lokationer används för att managera och särskilja på den fysiska placeringen på system som hanteras via Foreman."],"For example, there might be a data center in London and one in Virginia; these are locations. Locations also work nicely when used in tandem with %{organizations}.":[""],"organizations":["organisationer"],"Remove %s?":["Radera %s?"],"Variable":["Variabel"],"Whether the smart variable value is managed by Foreman":[""],"Optional input validator":[""],"Note that if you use ERB as a value of parameter, value will be validated during ENC evaluation. If value is invalid, ENC evaluation will fail.":[""],"If checked, will raise an error if there is no default value and no matcher provide a value.":["Om vald, kommer ett fel att flaggas om det inte finns något standardvärde och ingen matchare tillhandahåller ett värde."],"Override merging options":[""],"Should the matchers continue to look for matches after first find (only array/hash type). Note: merging overrides ignores all matchers that use Puppet default":[""],"Should the matched result avoid duplicate values (only array type).":[""],"Override value for specific hosts":[""],"Order":["Order"],"The order in which matchers keys are processed, first match wins.<br> You may use multiple attributes as a matcher key, for example, an order of <code>host group, environment</code> would expect a matcher such as <code>hostgroup = \\\"web servers\\\", environment = production</code>":["Ordningen i vilken matchnycklar är behandlad är, första träff vinner. <br>Du kan använda multipla attribut som matchnycklar, t.ex. en ordning som <code>värdgrupp, miljö</code> skulle anta en matchare som <code> värdgrupp =\\\"webbservrar\\\", miljö=\\\"produktion\\\"</code>"],"add a new matcher-value pair":["lägg till ett nytt matchvärdepar"],"Add Matcher-Value":["Lägg till Matcher-Value"],"Matcher is a combination of an attribute and its value, if they match, the value below would be provided.<br> You may use any attribute foreman knows about, such as facts etc for example: <code> domain = </code> or <code> is_virtual = true</code>":["Matchare är en kombination av ett attribut och dess värde. Om de matchar, returneras nedan värde. <br> Du kan använda attribut som foreman känner till, så som fakta, etc, till exempel: <code> domain = </code> eller <code> is_virtual = true</code>"],"Explain matchers":[""],"Matcher":["Matchare"],"remove value":["ta bort värde"],"Edit Smart Variable":["Redigera Smart Variabel"],"Number of values":["Antal värden"],"The path to the medium, can be a URL or a valid NFS server (exclusive of the architecture).\\n for example <em>$version/os/$arch</em> where <strong>$arch</strong> will be substituted for the host's actual OS architecture and <strong>$version</strong>, <strong>$major</strong> and <strong>$minor</strong> will be substituted for the version of the operating system. Solaris and Debian media may also use <strong>$release</strong>.":[""],"The NFS path to the media.":["NFS-sökvägen till mediet"],"The NFS path to the jumpstart control files.":["NFS-sökvägen till kontrollfiler för jumpstart"],"The NFS path to the image directory.":["NFS-sökvägen till avbildningsbiblioteket."],"Choose a family":["Välj en familj"],"Operating system family":[""],"Edit Medium":["Redigera Medium"],"Installation Media":["Installationsmedia"],"New Medium":["Nytt Medium"],"Medium|Name":["Namn"],"Medium|Path":["Sökväg"],"Medium|Os family":["Osfamilj"],"New installation medium":["Nytt installationsmedium"],"Installation medium configuration":["Inställningar för installationsmedia"],"A medium represents the source of one or more operating system's installation files, accessible via the network.\\n It will probably be a mirror from the internet or a copy of one or more CD or DVDs.":[""],"For example, if you have copied several Red Hat release disks into a directory structure where the disk images are named 5.8 or 6.2, and each contained both x86_64 and i386 binaries, then you\\n could create a single medium entry describing them all.\\n The entry, which could be just named 'Red Hat' could contain a path like this <em>'http://server/redhat/$version/$arch'</em>":[""],"The keywords <b>$version</b>, <b>$major</b> and <b>$minor</b> will be interpolated back into the path specification to calculate the true URL address.":["Nyckelorden <b>$version</b>, <b>$major</b> och <b>$minor</b> kommer att expanderas och läggas med i sökvägen för att räkna ut den korrekta URL adressen."],"You may also associate one or more operating systems with this medium or alternatively set this up later on the %s page.":["Du kan även associera ett eller flera operativsystem med detta medium alternativt sätter du upp detta senare via sidan %s."],"The class of CPU supplied in this machine. This is primarily used by Sparc Solaris builds and can be left blank for other architectures. The value can be determined on Solaris via uname -m":["Typ av CPU för denna maskin. Detta används primärt av Sparc Solaris och kan lämnas tomt för andra arkitekturer. Värdet kan hämtas från ett Solaris OS via uname -m"],"The class of the machine reported by the Open Boot Prom. This is primarily used by Sparc Solaris builds and can be left blank for other architectures. The value can be determined on Solaris via uname -i|cut -f2 -d,":["Typen av maskin så som rapporterad av Open Boot Prom. Detta används primärt av versioner av Sparc Solaris och kan lämnas blank för andra arkitekturer. Värdet kan hämtas från ett Solaris OS via uname -i|cut -f2 -d,"],"General useful description, for example this kind of hardware needs a special BIOS setup":["Generellt användbar beskrivning, till exempel, denna typ av hårdvara behöver en speciellt BIOS-inställning"],"Edit Model":["Redigera Modell"],"Hardware Models":["Hårdvarumodeller"],"New Model":["Ny Modell"],"Model|Name":["Namn"],"Vendor class":["Leverantörsklass"],"Model|Hardware model":["Hårdvarumodell"],"Device identifier":[""],"Device identifier for this interface. This may be different on various platforms and environments, here are some common examples.<br/><ul><li>Use the basic name for physical interface identifiers, e.g. <strong>eth0</strong> or <strong>em0</strong> with biosdevname.</li><li>For virtual interfaces, use either alias notation (<strong>eth0:1</strong>, name:index) or VLAN notation (<strong>eth0.15</strong>, name.tag).</li><li>For bonds it's common to use <strong>bond0</strong> on Linux, <strong>lagg0</strong> on FreeBSD systems.</li></ul>":[""],"DNS name":["DNS namn"],"Primary interface's DNS name and domain define host's FQDN":[""],"No domains":["Inga domäner"],"Suggest new":[""],"IP address auto-suggest":["Automatiskt föreslå IP-adress"],"An IP address will be auto-suggested if you have a DHCP-enabled Smart Proxy on the subnet selected above.<br/><br/>The IP address can be left blank when:<br/><ul><li>provisioning tokens are enabled</li><li>the domain does not manage DNS</li><li>the subnet does not manage reverse DNS</li><li>and the subnet does not manage DHCP reservations</li></ul>":["En IP-adress kommer att föreslås om du har en DHCP-aktiverad Smart Proxy på subnätet som är valt.<br/><br/>IP-adressen kan lämnas blank när:<br/><ul><li>provisioneringsbevis är aktiverat</li><li>domänen hanterar inte DNS</li><li>subnätet hanterar inte reversibel DNS</li><li>och subnätet hanterar inte DHCP-reservationer</li></ul>"],"The Primary interface is used for constructing the FQDN of the host":[""],"The Provisioning interface is used for TFTP of PXELinux (or SSH for image-based hosts)":[""],"from profile %s":[""],"Inherits from subnet VLAN ID if not set":[""],"Identifier of the interface to which this interface belongs, e.g. eth1":[""],"comma separated interface identifiers":[""],"space separated options, e.g. miimon=100":[""],"Virtual NIC":[""],"Enable if this is an alias or VLAN interface, note that alias can be used only with static boot mode subnet":[""],"OS name from facter; e.g. RedHat":["OS-namn från facter; t.e.x. RedHat"],"OS major version from facter; e.g. 6":["OS stor version från facter; t.e.x. 6"],"OS minor version from facter; e.g. 5":["OS mindre version från facter; t.e.x. 5"],"e.g. RHEL 6.5":["t.ex. RHEL 6.5"],"Family":[""],"e.g. karmic, lucid, hw0910 etc":["t.ex. karmic, lucid, hw0910 etc"],"Root password hash":[""],"Hash function to use. Change takes effect for new or updated hosts.":[""],"It is not possible to assign provisioning templates at this stage":["Det är inte möjligt att tilldela provisioneringssmallar vid detta läge"],"Please save the Operating System first and try again.":["Var vänlig och spara Operativsystemet först, försök sedan igen."],"No templates found!":["Inga mallar hittade!"],"you probably need to configure your %s first.":["du behöver troligvis konfigurera din %s först."],"Edit Operating System":["Redigera Operativsystem"],"New Operating system":["Nytt Operativsystem"],"Operatingsystem|Name":["Namn"],"New Operating System":["Nytt Operativsystem"],"Organization configuration":["Organisationskonfiguration"],"You must create an organization before continuing.":["Du måste skapa en organisation innan du fortsätter."],"Using the organization system provides a way to group resources together for easy management.":["Organisationssystemet erbjuder ett sätt att gruppera resurser för enklare hantering."],"Organizations are particularly useful for Foreman installations where several customers or business units are managed with a single Foreman install.":["Organisationer är särskilt användbara för Foremaninstallationer där flera kunder eller affärsenheter hanteras av samma Foreman installation."],"locations":["lokationer"],"Organizations also work nicely in tandem with %{locations}.":[""],"Valid host group and environment combinations":["Korrekt värdgrupp och miljökombinationer"],"Add combination":["Lägg till kombination"],"Association":["Association"],"Snippet":["Remsa"],"Not relevant for snippet":["Inte relevant för remsa"],"How templates are determined":["Hur mallar fastställs"],"When editing a Template, you must assign a list of Operating Systems which this Template can be used with. Optionally, you can restrict a template to a list of Hostgroups and/or Environments":["Vid redigering av en mall måste en lista med operativsystem anges för vilken denna mall kan användas med. Alternativt kan du begränsa en mall till en lista med Värdgrupper och/eller Miljöer"],"When a Host requests a template (e.g. during provisioning), Foreman will select the best match from the available templates of that type, in the following order:":["När en Värd begär en mall (t.ex under provisionering), kommer Foreman att välja bästa träff, från tillgängliga mallar av den typen, i följande ordning: "],"Host group and Environment":["Värdgrupp och Miljö"],"Host group only":["Enbart värdgrupp"],"Environment only":["Enbart miljö"],"Operating system default":["Standardoperativsystem"],"The final entry, Operating System default, can be set by editing the %s page.":["Sista inlägget, förinställt Operativsystem, kan ställas in genom att editera %s sidan."],"Applicable<br>Operating Systems":["Tillämpliga<br>Operativsystem"],"Template diff":["Mallskillnad"],"Edit Template":["Redigera Mall"],"Provisioning Templates":["Provisioneringsmallar"],"New Template":["Ny Mall"],"Build PXE Default":["Bygg PXE Default"],"You are about to change the default PXE menu on all configured TFTP servers - continue?":[""],"ProvisioningTemplate|Name":[""],"Host group / Environment":["Värdgrupp / Miljö"],"Kind":["Variant"],"ProvisioningTemplate|Snippet":[""],"ProvisioningTemplate|Locked":[""],"This template is locked for editing.":[""],"Edit Partition Table":["Redigera Partitionstabell"],"Partition Tables":["Partitiontabell"],"New Partition Table":["Ny Partitionstabell"],"Ptable|Name":["Namn"],"Ptable|Os family":["OSfamilj"],"Ptable|Snippet":[""],"Ptable|Locked":[""],"Partition table configuration":["Partitiontabellskonfiguration"],"A partition table entry represents either":["En partitionstabellpost representerar antingen"],"An explicit layout for the partitions of your hard drive(s). E.G.":["En uttrycklig layout för partitionerna på din hårddisk(ar). T.ex."],"A script to dynamically calculate the desired sizes. E.G.":["Ett skript för att dynamiskt beräkna önskade storlekar. T.ex."],"The inclusion of the keyword string <b>#Dynamic</b> at the start of a line lets Foreman know that this is not an explicit disk layout and must treated as a shell script, executed prior\\n to the install process and that the explicit partition table will be found at <b>/tmp/diskpart.cfg</b> during the build process.":[""],"The dynamic partitioning style is currently only available for the Red Hat family of operating systems, all others must provide an explicit list of partitions and sizes.":["Det dynamiska partitionsschemat är för närvarande enbart tillgängligt för operativsystem tillhörande redhat familjen. Andra operativsystem måste tillhandahålla en explicit lista med partitioner och storlekar."],"You may also associate one or more operating systems with this partition table or alternatively set this up later on the %s page":["Du kan även associera ett eller flera operativsystem med denna partitionstabell alternativt sätter du upp detta senare via sidan %s."],"PuppetCA on %s":["PuppetCA på %s"],"Filter by state: %s":[""],"Autosign Entries":["Autosignera poster"],"Valid from":["Giltig från"],"Expires":["Utgår"],"Sign":["Signera"],"Included Classes":["Inkluderade Klasser"],"Not authorized to edit classes":["Inte auktoriserad att redigera klasser"],"Available Classes":["Tillgängliga Klasser"],"Filter classes":["Filterklasser"],"Smart Class Parameter":["Smart Klassparameter"],"Smart Variables":["Smarta Variabler"],"Puppet environments":["Puppetmiljöer"],"This Puppet class has no parameters in its signature.":["Denna Puppetklassen har inga parametrar i sin signatur."],"To update the class signature, go to the Puppet Classes page and select \\\"Import\\\".":["För att uppdatera klasssignaturen, gå till Puppetklasser sidan och välj \\\"Importera\\\"."],"Undo remove":["Ångra radering"],"Filter by name":[""],"Add Variable":["Lägg till Variabel"],"Edit Puppet Class %s":["Redigera Puppetklass %s"],"Puppetclass|Name":["Namn"],"Environments and documentation":["Miljöer och dokumentation"],"Variables":[""],"Override all parameters":[""],"This will set all parameters of the class %s as overridden. Continue?":[""],"This will reset parameters of the class %s to their default values. Continue?":[""],"Set parameters to defaults":[""],"Oops":["Hoppsan"],"Either you didnt generate the puppetdocs (see <a rel=\\\"external\\\" href=\\\"%{url}\\\">here</a>) or the class <strong>%{name}</strong> could not be found in environment <strong>%{environment}</strong><br/> Please ensure that the class <strong>%{name}</strong>s declaration is accessible via the modulepath associated with <strong>%{environment}</strong>.":["Antingen så är inte puppetdokumentationen genererad ( se <a rel=\\\"external\\\" href=\\\"%{url}\\\">here</a>) eller så kunde inte klassen <strong>%{name}</strong> hittas i miljön <strong>%{environment}</strong><br/>. Säkerställ att klassen <strong>%{name}</strong>s deklaration är nåbar via modulsökvägen som är associerad med <strong>%{environment}</strong>."],"Realm name, e.g. EXAMPLE.COM":[""],"Type of realm, e.g. FreeIPA":[""],"Realm type":[""],"Realm proxy":[""],"Realm proxy to use within this realm":[""],"Edit Realm":[""],"New Realm":[""],"Realm|Name":[""],"Foreman supports automatically creating realm entries for new hosts. When a realm is selected for a host, Foreman contacts the relevant realm smart proxy to create an entry for the host and retrieve it's one-time registration password.":[""],"Restart<br>Failures":["Omstart<br>Fel"],"Delete report for %s?":["Radera rapport för %s"],"Report Metrics":["Rapportstatistik"],"Total":["Total(t)"],"Nothing to show":["Inget att visa"],"Reported at %s ":["Rapporterades vid %s"],"Host times seems to be adrift!":["Värdtider verkar vara på drift!"],"Host reported time is <em>%s</em>":["Värdens rapporterade tid är <em>%s</em>"],"Foreman report creation time is <em>%s</em>":["Foremans rapporskapningstid är <em>%s</em>"],"Which is an offset of <b>%s</b>":["Vilket är en offset av <b>%s</b>"],"Other reports for this host":["Andra rapporter för denna värd"],"Diff View":["Skillnadsvy"],"Puppet Reports":["Puppetrapporter"],"You don't seem to have any reports, if you wish to configure Puppet to forward it reports to Foreman, please follow":["Du verkar inte ha några rapporter. Om du vill konfigurera Puppet att skicak sina rapporter till Foreman, var vänlig följ"],"setting up reporting":["sätter upp rapportering"],"and":["och"],"e-mail reporting":["e-postrapportering"],"This page will self destruct once a report comes in.":["Denna sida kommer automatiskt ersättas så fort en rapport kommer in."],"Please save the role first. You can edit it later to add filters":[""],"Loading filters...":[""],"Edit Roles":["Redigera Roller"],"New role":["Ny roll"],"Role|Name":["Namn"],"Add filter":[""],"New Role":["Ny Roll"],"Setting|Name":["Namn"],"Setting|Value":["Värde"],"Setting|Description":["Beskrivning"],"Smart Proxy":["Smart Proxy"],"Edit Proxy":["Redigera Proxy"],"New Smart Proxy":["Ny Smart Proxy"],"SmartProxy|Name":["Namn"],"SmartProxy|Url":["Url"],"New Proxy":["Ny Proxy"],"Optional: Gateway for this subnet":["Valfritt: Nätsluss för detta subnet"],"Optional: Primary DNS for this subnet":["Valfritt: Primär DNS för detta subnät"],"Optional: Secondary DNS for this subnet":["Valfritt: Sekundär DNS för detta subnät"],"IPAM":[""],"IP Address Management":[""],"You can select one of three possible IPAM modes:<br/><ul><li><strong>DHCP</strong> - will manage the IP on DHCP through assigned DHCP proxy, auto-suggested IPs come from DHCP</li><li><strong>Internal DB</strong> - use internal DB to auto-suggest free IP based on other interfaces on same subnet respecting range if specified, useful mainly with static boot mode</li><li><strong>None</strong> - leave IP management solely on user, no auto-suggestion</li></ul>":[""],"Optional: Starting IP Address for IP auto suggestion":["Valfritt: Första IPAdress för automatiska förslag"],"Optional: Ending IP Address for IP auto suggestion":["Valfritt: Sista IPAdress för automatiska förslag"],"Optional: VLAN ID for this subnet":["Valfritt: VLANID för detta subnät"],"Default boot mode for interfaces assigned to this subnet":[""],"Proxies":["Proxies"],"DHCP Proxy":["DHCP Proxy"],"TFTP Proxy":["TFTP Proxy"],"DNS Proxy to use within this subnet for managing PTR records, note that A records are managed via Domain DNS proxy":[""],"Edit Subnet":["Redigera Subnät"],"The following subnets have been found":["Följande subnät har hittats"],"New Subnet":["Nytt Subnät"],"Subnet|Name":["Namn"],"Subnet|Network":["Nätverk"],"Subnet|Vlanid":["Vlanid"],"Select organizations":["Välj organisationer"],"Select locations":["Välj lokationer"],"Default on login":[""],"Edit Properties":["Redigera Egenskaper"],"Assigning hosts to %{taxonomy_name} will also update %{taxonomy_name} to include all the resources that the selected hosts are currently using.":["Tilldelning av värdar till %{taxonomy_name} kommer även uppdatera %{taxonomy_name} till att inkludera resurserna som valda värdar för närvarande använder."],"Assign All":["Tilldela Alla"],"Assign the %{count} host with no %{taxonomy_single} to %{taxonomy_name}":["Tilldela %{count} värden som saknar %{taxonomy_single} till %{taxonomy_name}","Tilldela alla %{count} värdar som saknar %{taxonomy_single} till %{taxonomy_name}"],"Manually Assign":["Tilldela Manuellt"],"Manually select and assign hosts with no %s":["Välj manuellt och tilldela värdar utan %s"],"Proceed to Edit":["Gå vidare till redigering"],"Skip assign hosts and proceed to edit %s settings":["Hoppa över tilldelning värdar och fortsätt att redigera %s inställningar"],"Clone %s":["Klona %s"],"Fix Mismatches":["Rätta matchningsfel"],"Mismatches Report":["Rapport för matchningsfel"],"Notice:":["Notis:"],"There is":["Det finns","Det finns"],"%{count} host with no %{taxonomy_single} assigned":["%{count} värd utan %{taxonomy_single} tilldelad","%{count} värdar utan %{taxonomy_single} tilldelade"],"Taxonomy|Name":["Namn"],"Select hosts to assign to %s":["Välj värdar att tilldela till %s"],"Mismatches":["Matchningsfel"],"Fix All Mismatches":["Rätta alla matchningsfel"],"Location/Organization":["Lokation/Organisation"],"Mismatch Details":["Detaljer för matchningsfel"],"No hosts are mismatched!":["Inga värdar har matchningsfel"],"All hosts data matches configurations for locations and organizations.":["Alla värdars data matchar konfigurationer för platser och organisationer."],"Warning: This template is locked. You may only change the associations. Please %s it to customize.":[""],"clone":[""],"Useful template functions and macros":["Användbara mallfunktioner och makron"],"Note: %s ":["Notera: %s"],"Template editor":["Malleditor"],"Code":["Kod"],"Diff":[""],"Preview":["Förhandsgranska"],"Key Binding":["Tangentbordsbindningar"],"Selecting a file will override the editor and load the file instead":["Väljs en fil åsidosätts redigeraren och filen laddas istället"],"Audit Comment":["Revisionskommentar"],"The Audit Comment field is saved with the template auditing to document the template changes":["Fältet för Granskningskommentar sparas tillsammas med mallen för att dokumentera ändringar i mallen"],"Revert":["Återgå"],"Show Diff":["Visa Skillnad"],"Save something and try again":["Spara något och försök igen"],"No history found":["Ingen historik hittad"],"Please Select":["Vänligen välj"],"Show Host":["Visa Värd"],"Edit Trend %s":["Redigera Trend %s"],"Fact Name":["Faktanamn"],"Display Name":["Visningsnamn"],"Add Trend Counter":["Lägg 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Are you sure you want to use this one instead?":[""],"Some other interface is already set as provisioning. Are you sure you want to use this one instead?":[""],"virtual attached to %s":[""],"virtual":[""],"physical":[""],"Reboot and build":["Starta om och bygg"],"Build":["Bygg"],"Select All":["Välj Alla"],"All items":[""],"Filter":["Filter"],"Deselect All":[""],"Selected items":[""],"Select this since it belongs to a host":[""],"This is used by a host":[""],"This is inherited from parent":[""],"Parent is already selected":[""],"new":["ny"],"Medium":["Medium"],"Very Strong":[""],"Normal":[""],"Strong":[""],"Weak":[""],"Your password is too short":["Ditt lösenord är för kort"],"Do not use your email as your password":["Använd inte din email som ditt lösenord"],"Your password cannot contain your username":[""],"Use different character classes":[""],"Too many repetitions":[""],"Your password contains sequences":[""],"password match":[""],"passwords do not match":[""],"You are about to override the editor content, are you sure?":["Du kommer att åsidosätta redigerarens innehåll, är du säker?"],"No changes":["Inga ändringar"],"Rendering the template, please wait...":[""],"There was an error during rendering, return to the Code tab to edit the template.":[""],"You are about to override the editor content with a previous version, are you sure?":["Du kommer att åsidosätta redigerarens innehåll med en tidigare version, är du säker?"],"Revert to revision from: %s":["Återgå till revision från: %s"],"View Diff":["Granska Skillnad"],"Click to edit..":["Klicka för att redigera.."],"Save":["Spara"],"Cancel":["Avbryt"],"must set host and port":["måste ange värd och port"],"Connected (unencrypted) to: %s":["Ansluten (okrypterat) till: %s"],"Admin permissions required":[""],"%{param} is not allowed as nested parameter for %{controller_name}. 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If you still need to use v1, you may do so by either passing 'version=1' in the Accept Header or using api/v1/ in the URL.":[""],"for Libvirt and VMware only":[""],"Cannot delete group %{current} because it has nested groups.":["Kan inte radera gruppen %{current} eftersom den har nästade grupper."],"List all architectures":[""],"List all architectures for operating system":[""],"ID of operating system":[""],"Show an architecture":[""],"Operating system IDs":[""],"Create an architecture":[""],"Update an architecture":[""],"Delete an architecture":[""],"List all audits":[""],"List all audits for a given host":[""],"Show an audit":[""],"List all LDAP authentication sources":[""],"Show an LDAP authentication source":[""],"defaults to 389":[""],"required if onthefly_register is true":[""],"groups base DN":[""],"type of the LDAP server":[""],"LDAP filter":["Ldap-filter"],"Create an LDAP authentication source":[""],"Update an LDAP authentication source":[""],"Delete an LDAP authentication source":[""],"List all autosign entries":[""],"Foreman API v2 is currently the default API version.":[""],"paginate results":[""],"number of entries per request":[""],"filter results":["filtrera resultat"],"sort results":[""],"REPLACE locations with given ids":[""],"REPLACE organizations with given ids.":[""],"Scope by locations":[""],"Scope by organizations":[""],"List all bookmarks":[""],"Show a bookmark":[""],"Create a bookmark":[""],"Update a bookmark":[""],"Delete a bookmark":[""],"List all global parameters.":[""],"Show a global parameter":[""],"Create a global parameter":[""],"Update a global parameter":[""],"Delete a global parameter":[""],"Create a compute attributes set":[""],"Update a compute attributes set":[""],"List of compute profiles":[""],"Show a compute profile":[""],"Create a compute profile":[""],"Update a compute profile":[""],"Delete a compute profile":[""],"List all compute resources":[""],"Show a compute resource":[""],"Providers include %{providers}":[""],"URL for Libvirt, oVirt, and OpenStack":[""],"Username for oVirt, EC2, VMware, OpenStack. 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Only for virtual interfaces.":[""],"Identifier of the interface to which this interface belongs, e.g. eth1. Only for virtual interfaces.":[""],"Bond mode of the interface, e.g. balance-rr. Only for bond interfaces.":[""],"Identifiers of slave interfaces, e.g. `['eth1', 'eth2']`. Only for bond interfaces.":[""],"Space separated options, e.g. miimon=100. 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inom detta subnät"],"Default boot mode for interfaces assigned to this subnet, valid values are \\\"Static\\\", \\\"DHCP\\\"":[""],"Create a subnet":[""],"Update a subnet":[""],"Subnet numeric identifier":[""],"Delete a subnet":[""],"List all tasks for a given orchestration event":[""],"ID of config template":[""],"List template combination":[""],"environment id":[""],"host group id":[""],"Add a template combination":[""],"Show template combination":[""],"Update template combination":[""],"Delete a template combination":[""],"List all template kinds":[""],"List all user groups":[""],"Show a user group":[""],"Create a user group":[""],"Update a user group":[""],"Delete a user group":[""],"List all users":[""],"List all users for LDAP authentication source":[""],"List all users for user group":[""],"List all users for role":[""],"List all users for location":[""],"List all users for organization":[""],"ID of LDAP authentication source":[""],"ID of user group":[""],"ID of role":[""],"Show 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before continuing.":["Du måste kapa minst en organisation innan du fortsätter."],"Error":["Fel"],"OK":["OK"],"Invalid authenticity token":[""],"Bookmark was successfully created.":["Bokmärke har skapats."],"Bookmark was successfully updated.":["Bokmärke har uppdaterats."],"%s VM associated to a host":["%s VM associerad till en värd","%s VM's associerade till värdar"],"VM already associated with a host":["VM redan associerad med en värd"],"VM associated to host %s":["VM associerad till värd %s"],"No host found to associate this VM with":["Ingen värd funnen att associera denna VM med"],"The virtual machine is being deleted.":[""],"Failed to set console: %s":["Misslyckades med att ställa in konsol: %s"],"%{vm} is now %{vm_state}":["%{vm} är nu %{vm_state}"],"failed to %{action} %{vm}":["misslyckades med att %{action} %{vm}"],"Error - %{message}":[""],"Import puppet classes from puppet proxy.":[""],"Import puppet classes from puppet proxy for an environment":[""],"Optional comma-delimited string containing either 'new', 'updated', or 'obsolete' that is used to limit the imported Puppet classes":[""],"Failed to update the environments and Puppet classes from the on-disk puppet installation: %s":[""],"No proxy found to import classes from, ensure that the smart proxy has the Puppet feature enabled.":[""],"No changes to your environments detected":[""],"Puppet class with id '%{id}' was not found":[""],"Environment with id '%{id}' was not found":[""],"Host with id '%{id}' was not found":[""],"Hostgroup with id '%{id}' was not found":[""],"User IDs":[""],"Smart proxy IDs":[""],"Compute resource IDs":[""],"Media IDs":[""],"Provisioning template IDs":[""],"Partition template IDs":[""],"Domain IDs":[""],"Realm IDs":[""],"Host group IDs":[""],"Environment IDs":[""],"Subnet IDs":[""],"List all :resource_id":[""],"Show :a_resource":[""],"Create :a_resource":[""],"Update :a_resource":[""],"Delete :a_resource":[""],"Cannot delete %{current} because it has nested %{sti_name}.":[""],"Operators":[""],"Invalid search query: %s":["Felaktig sökfråga: %s"],"No smart proxy was found to import environments from, ensure that at least one smart proxy is registered with the 'puppet' feature.":[""],"Successfully updated environments and Puppet classes from the on-disk Puppet installation":[""],"Failed to update environments and Puppet classes from the on-disk Puppet installation: %s":[""],"Your session has expired, please login again":["Din session har utgått, var vänlig logga in igen"],"All mismatches between hosts and %s have been fixed":["Alla felaktigheter mellan värdar och %s har åtgärdats"],"All mismatches between hosts and locations/organizations have been fixed":["Alla felaktigheter mellan värdar och platser/organisationer har åtgärdats"],"All hosts previously with no %{single} are now assigned to %{name}":["Alla värdar tidigare utan %{single} tilldelas nu %{name}"],"Selected hosts are now assigned to %s":["Valda värdar är nu tilldelade %s"],"External user group %{name} refreshed":[""],"External user group %{name} could not be refreshed":[""],"The following fields would need reviewing":["Följande fält behöver granskas"],"PXE":["PXE"],"BIOS":["BIOS"],"CDROM":["CDläsare"],"Disk":["Hårddisk"],"The marked fields will need reviewing":["Markerade fält behöver granskas"],"Unable to generate output, Check log files":[""],"Successfully executed, check log files for more details":["Lyckad exekvering, kolla loggefiler för mer detaljer"],"Enabled %s for reboot and rebuild":[""],"Failed to reboot %s.":[""],"Enabled %s for rebuild on next boot":["Aktiverat %s för ombyggning vid nästa värdstart"],"Failed to enable %{host} for installation: %{errors}":["Misslyckades med att aktivera %{host} för installation: %{errors}"],"Canceled pending build for %s":["Avbröt avvaktande bygge för %s"],"Failed to cancel pending build for %s":["Misslyckades att avbryta pågående ombyggning för %s"],"%{host} is about to %{action}":["%{host} kommer att %{action}"],"Failed to %{action} %{host}: %{e}":["Misslyckades med att %{action} %{host}: %{e}"],"%{host} now boots from %{device}":["%{host} starar nu från %{device}"],"Failed to configure %{host} to boot from %{device}: %{e}":["Misslyckades att konfigurera %{host} att starta från %{device}: %{e}"],"Foreman now manages the build cycle for %s":["Foreman hanterar nu byggcykeln för %s"],"Foreman now no longer manages the build cycle for %s":["Foreman hanterar inte längre byggcykeln för %s"],"Failed to modify the build cycle for %s":["Misslyckades att ändra byggcykeln för %s"],"Host %s is not associated with a VM":[""],"%s has been disassociated from VM":[""],"No parameters were allocated to the selected hosts, can't mass assign.":["Inga parametrar blev satta på de valda värdarna, kan inte masseditera."],"Updated all hosts!":["Uppdaterade alla värdar!"],"%s Parameters updated, see below for more information":["%s Parametrar uppdaterade, se nedan för mer information"],"No host group selected!":["Ingen värdgrupp vald!"],"Updated hosts: changed host group":["Uppdaterade värdar: ändrad värdgrupp"],"No environment selected!":["Ingen miljö vald!"],"Updated hosts: changed environment":["Uppdaterade värdar: ändrad miljö"],"The selected hosts will execute a build operation on next reboot":["Valda värdar kommer genomföra en byggoperation vid nästa omstart"],"The following hosts failed the build operation: %s":["Följande värdar misslyckades med byggoperationen: %s"],"Destroyed selected hosts":["Förstör markerade värdar"],"The following hosts were not deleted: %s":["Följande värdar raderades inte: %s"],"Successfully executed, check reports and/or log files for more details":["Lyckad exekvering, kolla rapporter och/eller loggefiler för mer detaljer"],"Some or all hosts execution failed, Please check log files for more information":["Några eller alla värdexekveringar misslyckades. Var vänlig se loggfiler för mer information."],"Updated hosts: Disassociated from VM":[""],"Hosts with errors":["Värdar med fel"],"Active Hosts":["Aktiva värdar"],"Pending Hosts":["Pågående Värdar"],"Hosts which didn't run puppet in the last %s":["Värdar, vilka inte körde puppet den senaste %s"],"Hosts with notifications disabled":["Värdar med inaktiverade notifieringar"],"invalid type: %s requested":["felaktig typ: %s begärd"],"Something went wrong while changing host type - %s":["Något blev fel vid byte av värdtyp - %s"],"No hosts were found with that id or name":["Inga värdar med det idt eller namnet hittades"],"No hosts selected":["Inga värdar markerade"],"Something went wrong while selecting hosts - %s":["Något blev fel vid markering av värdar - %s"],"%s selected hosts":["%s valda värdar"],"The following hosts were not %{action}: %{missed_hosts}":["Följande värdar blev inte %{action}: %{missed_hosts}"],"Successfully overridden all parameters of Puppet class %s":[""],"Successfully reset all parameters of Puppet class %s to their default values":[""],"No parameters to override for Puppet class %s":[""],"Successfully deleted report.":[""],"Role cloned from role %{old_name}":[""],"No changes found when refreshing features from %s.":["Inga ändringar funna vid uppdatering av funktioner från %s."],"Successfully refreshed features from %s.":["Lyckades uppdatera funktioner från %s."],"%s core":["",""],"No new subnets found":["Hittade inga nya subnät"],"No subnets selected":["Inga subnet markerade"],"Imported Subnets":["Importerade Subnät"],"No host could be found for rendering the template":[""],"There was an error rendering the %{name} template: %{error}":[""],"Template locked":[""],"Template unlocked":[""],"Failed to clean any old certificates or add the autosign entry. Terminating the build!":["Misslyckades med att rensa gamla certifikat eller att lägga till autosigneringsvärdet. Avbryter bygget!"],"Failed to get a new realm OTP. Terminating the build!":[""],"There was an error rendering the %s template: ":["Fel vid tolkning av %s mallen:"],"You cannot delete this user while logged in as this user.":[""],"Incorrect username or password":["Felaktigt användarnamn eller lösenord"],"Logged out - See you soon":["Utloggad - Ses snart igen"],"Remove Parameter":["Ta bort Parameter"],"Click to remove %s":["Klicka för att ta bort %s"],"Click to add %s":["Klicka för att lägga till %s"],"Are you sure?":["Är du säker?"],"Delete":["Radera"],"Help":["Hjälp"],"Expand the chart":["Expandera kartan"],"Change your avatar at":["Ändra din avatar hos"],"no value":[""],"Inherit parent (%s)":[""],"Documentation":["Dokumentation"],"Click to edit":["Klicka för att redigera"],"N/A":["N/A"],"NA":["NA"],"Provisioning Template content changed %s":["Provisioneringsmallens innehåll ändrad %s"],"Owner changed to %s":["Ägare ändrad till %s"],"%{name} changed from %{label1} to %{label2}":["%{name} ändrades från %{label1} till %{label2}"],"User":["Användare"],"%s ago":["%s sedan"],"Parameters that would be associated with hosts in this %s":["Parametrar som skulle bli associerade med denna värd i denna %s"],"<b>Source:</b> %{type} %{name}":[""],"Additional info":["Ytterliggare info:"],"Use Puppet default":[""],"Explain use Puppet default":[""],"Do not send this parameter via the ENC.<br>Puppet will use the value defined in the manifest.":[""],"Paused":["Pausad"],"On":["På"],"Off":["Av"],"Are you sure you want to power %{act} %{vm}?":["Är du säker på att du vill starta/stänga %{act} %{vm}?"],"Resume":["Återuppta"],"Pause":["Paus"],"Are you sure you want to %{act} %{vm}?":["Är du säker att du vill %{act} %{vm}?"],"Power%s":["Kraft%s"],"Unknown Power State":["Okänt strömläge"],"Console":["Konsol"],"%s - 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This will delete the virtual machine and its disks, and is irreversible.":[""],"Are you sure you want to delete host %s? This action is irreversible.":[""],"Audits":["Revisioner"],"Host audit entries":["Värdgranskningslogg"],"Browse host facts":["Bläddra värdfakta"],"Facts":["Fakta"],"Reports":["Rapporter"],"Browse host reports":["Bläddra värdrapporter"],"Puppet external nodes YAML dump":["Puppet externa noder YAML-export"],"YAML":["YAML"],"Allocation (GB)":["Allokering(GB)"],"None":["Ingen"],"Full":["Full"],"Size":["Storlek"],"remove network interface":["ta bort nätvärkskort"],"Interface is up":[""],"Interface is down":[""],"Errors occurred, build may fail":[""],"Edit %s":["Redigera %s"],"Image":["Avbildning"],"Image ID as provided by the compute resource, e.g. ami-..":["Avbildsid tillhandahållen från beräkningsresursen, t.ex. ami-.."],"Image ID":["Avbildningsid"],"Caps lock ON":[""],"Submit":["Sänd"],"Overwrite":["Skriv över"],"Unable to save":["Misslyckades med att spara"],"&laquo;":["&laquo;"],"&raquo;":["&raquo;"],"No entries found":["Inga poster funna"],"Displaying <b>%{count}</b> entry":["Visar <b>%{count}</b> post","Visar <b>alla %{count}</b> poster"],"Displaying entries <b>%{from} - %{to}</b> of <b>%{count}</b> in total":["Visar poster <b>%{from} - %{to}</b> av totalt <b>%{count}</b>"],"Warning!":["Varning!"],"Alert":["Varning"],"Close":["Stäng"],"last %s day":["senaste %s dagen","senaste %s dagarna"],"Full screen":["Fullskärmsläge"],"Puppet class":["Puppetklass"],"Puppet Class":["Puppet Klass"],"<dl><dt>String</dt> <dd>Everything is taken as a string.</dd><dt>Boolean</dt> <dd>Common representation of boolean values are accepted.</dd><dt>Integer</dt> <dd>Integer numbers only, can be negative.</dd><dt>Real</dt> <dd>Accept any numerical input.</dd><dt>Array</dt> <dd>A valid JSON or YAML input, that must evaluate to an array.</dd><dt>Hash</dt> <dd>A valid JSON or YAML input, that must evaluate to an object/map/dict/hash.</dd><dt>YAML</dt> <dd>Any valid YAML input.</dd><dt>JSON</dt> <dd>Any valid JSON input.</dd></dl>":["<dl><dt>String</dt> <dd>Allt tolkas som en sträng.</dd><dt>Boolean</dt> <dd>Allmän representation av booleska värden accepteras.</dd><dt>Integer</dt> <dd>Endast heltal. Kan vara negativa.</dd><dt>Real</dt> <dd>Acceptera all numerisk indata.</dd><dt>Array</dt> <dd>Giltig JSON- eller YAML-indata som måste evaluera till en array.</dd><dt>Hash</dt> <dd>Giltig JSON- eller YAML-indata som måste evaluera till object/map/dict/hash.</dd><dt>YAML</dt> <dd>All giltig YAML-indata.</dd><dt>JSON</dt> <dd>All giltig JSON-indata.</dd></dl>"],"Parameter types":[""],"How values are validated":["Hur värden valideras"],"<dl><dt>List</dt> <dd>A list of the allowed values, specified in the Validator rule field.</dd><dt>Regexp</dt> <dd>Validates the input with the regular expression in the Validator rule field.</dd></dl>":["<dl><dt>List</dt> <dd>En lista över tillåtna värden i regelfältet Validator</dd><dt>Regexp</dt> <dd>Validerar inmatningen med det reguljära uttrycket i regelfältet Validator.</dd></dl>"],"Validator type":[""],"Validation types":["Valideringstyper"],"<b>Description:</b> %{desc}<br><b>Type:</b> %{type}<br> <b>Matcher:</b> %{matcher}":["<b>Beskrivning:</b> %{desc}<br><b>Typ:</b> %{type}<br> <b>Matchnyckel:</b> %{matcher}"],"Default value":["Standardvärde"],"No value error":["Fel, inget värde"],"Required parameter without value.<br/><b>Please override!</b> <br><br><b>Description:</b>: %s":["Nödvändig parameter utan värde. <br/><b>Var vänlig och forcera!</b> <br><br><b>Beskrivning:</b>: %s"],"No value warning":["Varning, inget värde"],"Optional parameter without value.<br/><i>Won't be given to Puppet.</i> <br><br><b>Description:</b> %s":["Valfri parameter utan värde. <br/><i>Kommer inte att skickas till Puppet.</i> <br><br><b>Beskrivning:</b> %s"],"Default templates are automatically added to new locations":[""],"Default templates are automatically added to new organizations":[""],"Default templates are automatically added to new organizations and locations":[""],"Clone":["Klona"],"You are about to unlock a locked template.":[""],"This is for every location that uses it.":[""],"This is for every organization that uses it.":[""],"This is for every location and organization that uses it.":[""],"It is not recommended to unlock this template, as it is provided by %{vendor} and may be overwritten. Please consider cloning it instead.":[""],"Continue?":[""],"Unlock":[""],"Lock":[""],"Delete %s?":["Radera %s"],"valid":["giltig"],"revoked":["återkallad"],"pending":["kommande"],"in %s":["i %s"],"Empty environment":["Tom miljö"],"Deleted environment":["Raderad miljö"],"Deleted environment %{env} and %{pcs}":["Raderade miljön %{env} och %{pcs}"],"Import":["Importera"],"Import from %s":["Importera från %s"],"%{name} has %{num_tag} class":["",""],"%s minute ago":["%s minut sedan","%s minuter sedan"],"%s day ago":["%s dag sedan","%s dagar sedan"],"%s week ago":["%s vecka sedan","%s veckor sedan"],"%s month ago":["%s månad sedan","%s månader sedan"],"All Reports":["Alla Rapporter"],"Select a period":["Välj en period"],"Show log messages:":["Visa loggmeddelanden:"],"Notices, warnings and errors":["Notiser, varningar och fel"],"All messages":["Alla meddelanden"],"Warnings and errors":["Varningar och fel"],"Errors only":["Enbart fel"],"This setting is defined in the configuration file 'settings.yaml' and is read-only.":["Denna inställning är definierad i konfigurationsfilen 'settings.yaml' och är skrivskyddad."],"Certificates":["Certifikat"],"Autosign":["Autosignatur"],"Import subnets":["Importera subnät"],"Refresh features":["Uppdatera funktioner"],"OS Distribution":["OS Distribution"],"Architecture Distribution":["Aktitektur-distribution"],"Environments Distribution":["Miljödistribution"],"Number of CPUs":["Antal CPUer"],"Hardware":["Hårdvara"],"Class Distribution":["Klassdistribution"],"used memory":[""],"Average memory usage":["Genomsnittlig minnesanvändning"],"free memory":[""],"used swap":[""],"free swap":[""],"Average swap usage":["Genomsnittlig växlingsanvändning"],"Any Organization":["Alla Organisationer"],"Any Location":["Alla Platser"],"New Location":["Ny Lokation"],"New Organization":["Ny Organisation"],"All users":["Alla användare"],"Select users":["Välj användare"],"All smart proxies":["Alla smarta proxies"],"Select smart proxies":["Välj smarta proxies"],"All subnets":["Alla subnät"],"Select subnets":["Välj subnät"],"All compute resources":["Alla beräkningsresurser"],"Select compute resources":["Välj beräkningsresurser"],"All media":["Alla media"],"Select media":["Välj media"],"Select provisioning templates":[""],"All provisioning templates":[""],"All partition tables":[""],"Select partition tables":[""],"Select domains":["Välj domäner"],"All domains":["Alla domäner"],"All realms":[""],"Select realms":[""],"All environments":["Alla miljöer"],"Select environments":["Välj miljöer"],"All host groups":["Alla värdgrupper"],"Select host groups":["Välj värdgrupper"],"Environment":["Miljö"],"Operating system":["Operativsystem"],"Compute resource":["Beräkningsresurs"],"Model":["Modell"],"Trend of the last %s days.":["Trenden för de senaste %s dagarna."],":foreman_url is not set, please configure in the Foreman Web UI (Administer -> Settings -> General)":[""],"Must specify a user with email enabled":[""],"Audit summary":[""],"Must specify a valid user with email enabled":[""],"Puppet Summary Report - F:%{failed} R:%{restarted} S:%{skipped} A:%{applied} FR:%{failed_restarts} T:%{total}":[""],"Puppet error on %s":["Puppetfel på %s"],"Host %s is built":[""],"Welcome to Foreman":["Välkommen till Foreman"],"Cannot create LDAP configuration for %s without dedicated service account":[""],"invalid LDAP filter syntax":["felaktig syntax för LDAP-filter"],"%{value} is not a valid controller":["%{value} är inte en korrekt kontroller"],"%s is an unknown attribute":["%s är ett okänt attribut"],"must provide a provider":["måste tillhandahålla en leverantör"],"unknown provider":["okänd leverantör"],"%s console is not supported at this time":["%s konsol stöds ej vid denna tidpunkt"],"Not implemented for %s":[""],"Not implemented":["Inte implementerad"],"cannot be changed":[""],"Unable to access key":["Misslyckades med åtkomst till nyckel"],"Unable to find template %s":[""],"VM is not running!":["VM körs ej!"],"Unable to change VM display listen address, make sure the display is not attached to localhost only":["Det gick inte att ändra VMens skärmlyssnaradress, säkerställ att skärmen inte är kopplad till enbart localhost"],"At least one volume must be specified for image-based provisioning.":[""],"Please specify volume size. 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%{message}":[""],"is not permitted":[""],"invalid search query: %s":[""],"filter for %s role":[""],"Permissions must be of same resource type":[""],"You must select at least one permission":[""],"You can't assign organizations to this resource":[""],"You can't assign locations to this resource":[""],"Owner type needs to be one of the following: %s":["Ägartyp måste vara en av följande: %s"],"host must have one primary interface":[""],"managed host must have one provision interface":[""],"some interfaces are invalid":[""],"invalid time range":["felaktig tidsspann"],"should be 8 characters or more":["måste vara minst 8 tecken"],"should not be blank - consider setting a global or host group default":[""],"can't be blank unless a custom partition has been defined":[""],"is unknown":[""],"common":["gemensam"],"domain":["domän"],"os":["os"],"Failed to import %{klass} for %{name}: doesn't exists in our database - ignoring":["Misslyckades med att importera %{klass} på grund av att %{name}: inte existerar i vår databas - ignorerar"],"no puppet proxy defined - cant continue":["ingen puppetproxy är definierad - kan inte fortsätta"],"failed to execute puppetrun: %s":["misslyckades med att köra puppetrun: %s"],"Pending Installation":["Pågående Installation"],"Alerts disabled":["Varningar inaktiverade"],"No reports":["Inga rapporter"],"Unknown power management support - can't continue":["Okänt strömhanteringsstöd - kan inte fortsätta"],"Some interfaces are invalid":[""],"%{value} does not belong to %{os} operating system":["%{value} tillhör inte %{os} operativsystem"],"%{e} does not belong to the %{environment} environment":["%{e} tillhör inte %{environment} miljön"],"Unable to find IP address for '%s'":[""],"is an unsupported provisioning method":[""],"can't be updated after host is provisioned":[""],"must not include periods":["får inte innehålla punkter"],"hostgroup":["värdgrupp"],"could not be found in %s":[""],"real":[""],"boolean":[""],"integer":[""],"string":[""],"json":[""],"hash":[""],"yaml":[""],"array":[""],"regexp":[""],"list":[""],"invalid":["felaktig"],"Invalid Host":["Felaktig Värd"],"invalid path":["felaktig sökväg"],"is invalid":["är felaktig"],"Global variable or class Parameter, not both":["Global variabel eller klassparameter, inte både och"],"%{default_value} is not one of %{validator_rule}":["%{default_value} är inte en av %{validator_rule}"],"can only be set for array or hash":[""],"can only be set for arrays that have merge_overrides set to true":[""],"is invalid %s":["är felaktig %s"],"%{value} is not one of %{rules}":["%{value} är inte en av %{rules}"],"%{match} does not match an existing host":["%{match} matchar inte en existerande värd"],"%{match} does not match an existing host group":["%{match} matchar inte en existerande värdgrupp"],"Daily":[""],"Weekly":[""],"Monthly":[""],"Only URLs with schema http://, https://, ftp:// or nfs:// are allowed (e.g. nfs://server/vol/dir)":["Bara URLer enligt schema http://, https://, ftp:// or nfs:// är tillåtna (t.ex. nfs://server/vol/dir)"],"does not appear to be a valid nfs mount path":["verkar inte vara en korrekt nfsmontering"],"%{record} is used by host in build mode %{what}":[""],"can't use the same value as the primary interface":[""],"already in use":["används redan"],"can't find domain with this id":[""],"can't delete primary interface of managed host":[""],"can't delete provision interface of managed host":[""],"host already has primary interface":[""],"host already has provision interface":[""],"is not defined for host's location.":[""],"is not defined for host's organization.":[""],"Unable to find a proxy with BMC feature":["Kan inte hitta giltig proxy med BMC-funktionen"],"BMC":["BMC"],"There is no proxy with BMC feature set up. Please register a smart proxy with this feature.":[""],"Bond":[""],"Only one bootable interface is allowed":["Endast ett startbart interface är tillåtet"],"Bootable":["Startbar"],"Can't add or remove `%s` from identifier":[""],"subnet boot mode is not %s":[""],"Operating System version is required":["Versionen av Operativsystemet krävs"],"Operating system version already exists":[""],"Attempting to construct an operating system image filename but %s cannot be built from an image":["Försöker att konstruera ett filnamn för operativsystemavbild men %s kan inte byggas från en avbild"],"Invalid medium for %s":[""],"Invalid architecture for %s":[""],"invalid medium for %s":["felaktigt medium för %s"],"invalid architecture for %s":["felaktig arkitektur för %s"],"Function not available for %s":[""],"parameters require an associated domain, operating system, host or host group":[""],"You do not have permission to %s this location parameter":["Du har inte rättigheter att %s denna placeringsparameter"],"You do not have permission to %s this organization parameter":["Du har inte rättigheter att %s denna organisationsparameter"],"Must provide template kind":["Måste tillhandahålla typen template"],"Must provide an operating systems":["Måste tillhandahålla ett operativsystem"],"No TFTP proxies defined, can't continue":["Inga TFPT proxies är definierade, kan inte fortsätta"],"Could not find a Configuration Template with the name \\\"PXELinux global default\\\", please create one.":["Kunde inte hitta en Konfigurationsmall med namnet \\\"PXE Default File\\\", vänligen skapa en."],"failed to process template: %s":["misslyckades med att bearbeta mallen: %s"],"There was an error creating the PXE Default file: %s":["Fel uppstod vid skapandet av standard-PXE filen: %s"],"PXE Default file has been deployed to all Smart Proxies":["PXE Standardfil har laddats upp till alla Smart Proxies"],"Unsupported report status format":["Formatet för rapportstatus stöds ej"],"invalid host list":["felaktig värdlista"],"Modified":["Ändrad"],"Success":["Lyckades"],"Unable to create the default user role.":["Kan inte skapa standardrollen för användare."],"Unable to create the anonymous role.":["Kan inte skapa den anonyma rollen."],"Role is in use":["Rollen används"],"Can't delete built-in role":["Kan inte ta bort inbyggd roll"],"must be a valid URI":["måste vara en giltig URI"],"must be boolean":["måste vara boolesk"],"must be integer":["måste vara heltal"],"must be an array":["måste vara en array"],"parsing settings type '%s' from string is not defined":["tolkning av inställningstyp '%s' från sträng är inte definierad"],"is invalid: %s":["är felaktig: %s"],"is not allowed to change":["tillåts inte att ändras"],"Foreman will use OAuth for API authorization":[""],"OAuth consumer key":["OAuth konsumentnyckel"],"OAuth consumer secret":["OAuth konsumenthemlighet"],"Foreman will map users by username in request-header. If this is set to false, OAuth requests will have admin rights.":[""],"Only known Smart Proxies may access features that use Smart Proxy authentication":[""],"Client SSL certificates are used to identify Smart Proxies (:require_ssl should also be enabled)":[""],"Hosts that will be trusted in addition to Smart Proxies for access to fact/report importers and ENC output":["Värdar, utöver Smarta Proxies, som är betrodda med åtkomst till fakta/rapportimporterare samt ENC utdata."],"SSL Certificate path that Foreman would use to communicate with its proxies":["Sökväg till SSLcertifikat som Foreman skall använda för att kommunicera med dess proxies"],"SSL CA file that Foreman will use to communicate with its proxies":["SSL CA-fil som Foreman kommer använda för kommunikation med dess proxies"],"SSL Private Key file that Foreman will use to communicate with its proxies":["Sökvägen till SSL-certifikatets privata nyckel som Foreman skall använda för att kommunicera med dess proxies"],"Environment variable containing the subject DN from a client SSL certificate":["Miljövariabel innehållande subjekt DN från en klients SSL certifikat"],"Environment variable containing the verification status of a client SSL certificate":["Miljövariabel innehållande verifieringsstatus av en klients SSL certifikat"],"Should Foreman encrypt websockets (VNC console access). Choose on, off or auto.":[""],"Private key that Foreman will use to encrypt websockets ":[""],"Certificate that Foreman will use to encrypt websockets ":[""],"Redirect your users to this url on logout (authorize_login_delegation should also be enabled)":["Omdirigera dina användare till denna url vid utloggning (authorize_login_delegation måste också vara aktiverad)"],"Name of the external auth source where unknown externally authentication users (see authorize_login_delegation) should be created (keep unset to prevent the autocreation)":["Namnet på den externa autentiseringskällan där okända autentiseringsanvändare (se authorize_login_delegation) skall skapas ( behåll tom för att förhindra autoskapande)"],"Authorize login delegation with REMOTE_USER environment variable":["Delegera login till REMOTE_USER miljövariabel"],"Authorize login delegation with REMOTE_USER environment variable for API calls too":["Delegera login till REMOTE_USER miljövariabel även för API-anrop"],"Log out idle users after a certain number of minutes":["Logga ut inaktiva användare efter ett antal minuter"],"The default administrator email address":["Förinställd epostadress för administratören"],"URL where your Foreman instance is reachable (see also Provisioning > unattended_url)":[""],"Email reply address for emails that Foreman is sending":[""],"Prefix to add to all outgoing email":[""],"Send a welcome email including username and URL to new users":[""],"Number of records shown per page in Foreman":[""],"Fix DB cache on next Foreman restart":[""],"Max days for Trends graphs":["Max dagar för trendgrafer"],"Foreman will use gravatar to display user icons":[""],"Should the `foreman-rake db:migrate` be executed on the next run of the installer modules?":[""],"Should the `foreman-rake db:seed` be executed on the next run of the installer modules?":[""],"Max timeout for REST client requests to smart-proxy":[""],"Default encrypted root password on provisioned hosts":[""],"URL hosts will retrieve templates from during build (normally http as many installers don't support https)":[""],"Enable safe mode config templates rendering (recommended)":["Aktivera säkert läge för rendering av konfigurationsmall (rekommenderas)"],"Foreman will automate certificate signing upon provision of new host":[""],"Stop updating IP address and MAC values from Puppet facts (affects all interfaces)":[""],"Foreman will query the locally configured resolver instead of the SOA/NS authorities":[""],"If Foreman is running behind Passenger or a remote load balancer, the IP should be set here. This is a regular expression, so it can support several load balancers, i.e: (|":["Om Foreman körs under Passenger eller bakom en lastbalanserare, fyll i IP-adressen här. Syntaxen är ett reguljärt uttryck för att stödja flera lastbalanserare, exempel: (|"],"Time in minutes installation tokens should be valid for, 0 to disable token generation":[""],"The IP address that should be used for the console listen address when provisioning new virtual machines via Libvirt":["IP-adressen som skall användas för konsolens lyssnaradress vid provisionering av nya maskiner via Libvirt"],"Foreman will update the host IP with the IP that made the built request":[""],"Foreman will use the short hostname instead of the FQDN for creating new virtual machines":[""],"Puppet interval in minutes":["Puppetintervall i minuter"],"Duration in minutes after the Puppet interval for servers to be classed as out of sync.":[""],"Foreman will default to this puppet environment if it cannot auto detect one":[""],"Foreman will set this as the default Puppet module path if it cannot auto detect one":[""],"Document root where puppetdoc files should be created":["Dokumentrot där puppetdoc filerna kommer att skapas"],"Enable puppetrun support":[""],"Default Puppet server hostname":["Standard Puppet-server värdnamn"],"Foreman will evaluate host smart variables in this order by default":[""],"Foreman smart variables will be exposed via the ENC yaml output":[""],"Foreman will use the new (2.6.5+) format for classes in the ENC yaml output":[""],"Foreman will parse ERB in parameters value in the ENC output":[""],"Foreman will explicitly set the puppet environment in the ENC yaml output. This will avoid conflicts between the environment in puppet.conf and the environment set in Foreman":[""],"Foreman will use random UUIDs for certificate signing instead of hostnames":[""],"Foreman will update a host's environment from its facts":[""],"Foreman host group matchers will be inherited by children when evaluating smart class parameters":[""],"Foreman will create the host when new facts are received":["Foreman kommer skapa värden när nya fakta tas emot"],"Foreman will create the host when a report is received":["Foreman kommer skapa värden när en rapport tas emot"],"Foreman will truncate hostname to 'puppet' if it starts with puppet":["Foreman kommer att trunkera värdnamnet till 'puppet' om det startar med puppet"],"Hosts created after a puppet run will be placed in the location this fact dictates. The content of this fact should be the full label of the location.":[""],"Hosts created after a puppet run will be placed in the organization this fact dictates. The content of this fact should be the full label of the organization.":[""],"Hosts created after a puppet run that did not send a location fact will be placed in this location":[""],"Hosts created after a puppet run that did not send a organization fact will be placed in this organization":[""],"is invalid - only http://, https:// are allowed":["är felaktig - enbart http://, https:// är tillåtna"],"Only one declaration of a proxy is allowed":["En proxy kan endast deklareras en gång"],"No features found on this proxy, please make sure you enable at least one feature":["Inga funktioner hittades på denna proxy, säkerställ att du aktiverat minst en funktion"],"Unable to communicate with the proxy: %s":["Kan inte kommunisera med proxyn: %s"],"Please check the proxy is configured and running on the host.":["Vänligen kontrollera att proxyn är konfigurerad och körs på värden."],"DHCP":[""],"Static":[""],"Internal DB":[""],"is too long (maximum is 15 characters)":[""],"invalid IP address":["felaktig ipadress"],"does not belong to subnet":["tillhör inte subnät"],"can't be bigger than to range":["kan inte vara större än till-spannet"],"must be specified if to is defined":["måste anges om till är definierad"],"must be specified if from is defined":["måste anges om från är definierad"],"location":["lokation"],"organization":["organisation"],"This template is locked and may not be removed.":[""],"You are not authorized to lock templates.":[""],"You are not authorized to make a template default.":[""],"This template is locked. Please clone it to a new template to customize.":[""],"already exists":["existerar redan"],"Anonymous admin user %s is missing, run foreman-rake db:seed":[""],"A user group already exists with this name":["En användargrupp finns redan med detta namn"],"Can't delete the last admin account":[""],"cannot be removed from the last admin account":[""],"Can't delete internal admin account":["Kan inte radera interna administratörskontot"],"cannot be removed from an internal protected account":[""],"cannot be changed on an internal protected account":[""],"you can't assign some of roles you selected":[""],"you can't change administrator flag":[""],"cannot be changed by a non-admin user":[""],"default locations need to be user locations first":[""],"default organizations need to be user organizations first":[""],"is not valid":[""],"has this role already":["har redan denna roll"],"is already used by a user account":["används redan av ett användarkonto"],"Can't delete the last admin user group":[""],"Status table":[""],"Status chart":[""],"Report summary":[""],"Distribution chart":[""],"Unallowed template for dashboard widget: %s":[""],"Invalid version format, please enter in x.y (only major version).":[""],"%{id} plugin requires Foreman %{matcher} but current is %{current}":["%{id} insticksmodulen kräver Foreman %{matcher} men är förnärvarande %{current}"],"%{id} plugin requires the %{plugin_name} plugin, not found":["%{id} plugin kräver %{plugin_name} plugin, men den hittas ej"],"%{id} plugin requires the %{plugin_name} plugin %{matcher} but current is %{plugin_version}":["%{id} plugin kräver att %{plugin_name} plugin %{matcher} men är för närvarande %{plugin_version}"],"Failed to validate %{host}: %{error}":[""],"No templates found for this host.":[""],"Template %s is empty.":[""],"Failure parsing %{template}: %{error}.":[""],"No smart proxies found.":[""],"Failure deploying via smart proxy %{proxy}: %{error}.":[""],"Error connecting to %{proxy}: %{error}.":[""],"Unknown interface type, must be one of [%s]":[""],"My account":["Mitt konto"],"Log out":[""],"Administer":["Administrera"],"Locations":["Lokationer"],"Organizations":["Organisationer"],"LDAP authentication":["LDAP autentisering"],"Users":["Användare"],"User groups":["Användargrupper"],"Roles":["Roller"],"Bookmarks":["Bokmärken"],"Settings":["Inställningar"],"About":["Om"],"Monitor":["Övervaka"],"Dashboard":["Instrumentbräda"],"Statistics":["Statistik"],"Trends":["Trender"],"Hosts":["Värdar"],"All hosts":["Alla värdar"],"New host":[""],"Provisioning Setup":["Provisioneringsuppläggning"],"Architectures":["Arkitekturer"],"Hardware models":["Hårdvarumodeller"],"Installation media":["Installationsmedia"],"Operating systems":["Operativsystem"],"Templates":["Mallar"],"Partition tables":["Partitionstabell"],"Provisioning templates":["Provisineringsmallar"],"Configure":["Konfigurera"],"Host groups":["Värdgrupper"],"Global parameters":["Globala 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kommunikation med %{cr}: %{e}"],"Invalid report":["Felaktig rapport"],"Invalid log level: %s":["Felaktig loggnivå: %s"],"invalid type %s":["felaktig typ %s"],"SafeRender#parse_string was passed a %s instead of a string":["SafeRender#parse_string fick %s som argument istället för en sträng"],"Must specify a Smart Proxy to use":["Måste specificera en Smart Proxy att använda"],"unable to sign a non pending certificate":["kan inte signera ett icke pågående certifikat"],"you cannot remove %s that are used by hosts or inherited.":[""],"is alphanumeric and cannot contain spaces":["är alfanumerisk och kan inte innehålla mellanslag / blanksteg"],"is not a valid MAC address":[""],"can't contain spaces.":[""],"System Status":["Systemstatus"],"Smart Proxies":["Smarta Proxies"],"Available Providers":["Tillgänliga Leverantörer"],"Compute Resources":["Beräkningsresurser"],"Plugins":["Plugin"],"No smart proxies to show":["Inga smarta proxies att visa"],"Name":["Namn"],"Features":["Funktioner"],"Status":["Status"],"Connecting..":["Annsluter"],"Provider":["Leverantör"],"Installed":["Installerad"],"Not Installed":["Inte Installerad"],"To enable a provider, either install the OS package (e.g. foreman-libvirt) or enable the bundler group for development setup (e.g. ovirt).":["För att aktivera en leverantör, installera antingen OS-paketet (t.ex. foreman-libvirt) eller aktivera bundlergruppen för utvecklingsuppläggning (t.ex. ovirt)."],"No compute resource to show":["Ingen beräkningsresurs att visa"],"Type":["Typ"],"No plugins found":["Inga plugins hittade"],"Description":["Beskrivning"],"Author":["Författare"],"Version":["Version"],"Support":["Hjälp"],"Manual":["Manual"],"Wiki":["Wiki"],"First use instructions":[""],"IRC":["IRC"],"You can find The Foreman on the %{freenode} ( network. For general support, please visit #theforeman and for development specific related chat, please visit #theforeman-dev.":[""],"Mailing lists":["Epostlistor"],"Mailing lists are available via Google Groups. Much like IRC, we have a general users (support, Q/A, etc) lists and a development list:":["Epostlistor finns via Google Groups. Ungefär som IRC, så har vi listor / grupper för användare ( stöd, Kvalitetssäkring, etc ) samt en lista för utvecklare:"],"Foreman Users":["Foremananvändare"],"Foreman Developers":["Foremanutvecklare"],"Issue tracker":["Problemspårare"],"We use Redmine to report and track bugs and feature requests, which can be found here:":["Vi använder Redmine för att rapportera och följa buggar samt begäran kring utökad funktionalitet, vilken kan hittas här:"],"issue tracker":["Problemspårare"],"System Information":["Systeminformation"],"Version %{version} © 2009-%{year} Paul Kelly and %{author}":["Version %{version} © 2009-%{year} Paul Kelly och %{author}"],"Access denied":[""],"Resource %{resource_name} not found by id '%{id}'":[""],"Unable to authenticate user %s":[""],"'Content-Type: %s' is unsupported in API v2 for POST and PUT requests. Please use 'Content-Type: application/json'.":[""],"Operating Systems":["Operativsystem"],"Edit Architecture":["Redigera arkitektur"],"New Architecture":["Ny Arkitektur"],"Architecture|Name":["Namn"],"New architecture":["Ny arkitektur"],"Architecture configuration":["Arkitektur-konfiguration"],"Before you proceed to using Foreman you should provide information about one or more architectures.":["Innan du börjar använda Foreman bör du mata in information om en eller fler arkitekturer"],"Each entries represent a particular hardware architecture, most commonly <b>x86_64</b> or <b>i386</b>. Foreman also supports the Solaris operating system family, which includes <b>sparc</b> based systems.":["Varje värde representerar en hårdvaruarkitektur, oftast <b>x86_64</b> eller <b>i386</b>. Foreman stödjer även OS-familjen Solaris, vilket även inkluderar <b>sparc</b> system"],"Each architecture can also be associated with more than one operating system and a selector block is provided to allow you to select valid combinations.":["Varje arkitektur kan även vara associerad med mer än ett operativsystem och en lista över alternativ låter dig välja giltiga kombinationer."],"<b>Foreman</b> audit summary":[""],"Displaying %{num_audits} of %{total_audits} audit":["",""],"No audit changes for this period":[""],"Full audits list":[""],"Foreman audit summary":[""],"Logged-in":["Inloggad"],"Host details":["Värddetaljer"],"Template Diff":["Mallskillnad"],"History":["Historik"],"Item":["Post"],"Old":["Gammal"],"New":["Ny"],"Value":["Värde"],"LDAP server":["LDAP-server"],"Account":["Konto"],"Attribute mappings":["Attributmappning"],"Choose a server type":[""],"Server type":[""],"Use this account to authenticate, <i>optional</i>":["Använd följande konto för autentisering, <i>valfritt</i>"],"Base DN":["Base DN"],"Groups base DN":[""],"Custom LDAP search filter, <i>optional</i>":["Eget LDAP sökfilter, <i>optional</i>"],"LDAP users will have their Foreman account automatically created the first time they log into Foreman":["LDAP-användare får sina konton automatiskt skapade första gången dom loggar in i Foreman"],"External user groups will be synced on login, else relies on periodic cronjob to check group membership":[""],"e.g. uid":["t.ex. uid"],"e.g. givenName":["t.ex. givenName"],"e.g. sn":["t.ex. sn"],"e.g. mail":["t.ex. mail"],"Photo attribute":[""],"e.g. jpegPhoto":[""],"Edit LDAP Auth Source":["Redigera LDAP Autenticeringskälla"],"LDAP Authentication":["LDAP Autentisering"],"New LDAP Source":["Ny Ldapkälla"],"AuthSource|Name":["Namn"],"AuthSource|Host":["Värdnamn"],"AuthSource|Onthefly register":["Ögonblicksregistrera"],"AuthSource|LDAPS":[""],"New LDAP Auth Source":["Ny LDAP Autentiseringskälla"],"New authentication source":["Ny autentiseringskälla"],"Authentication Source Configuration":["Konfiguration av Autentiseringskälla"],"Foreman can use LDAP based service for user information and authentication.":["Foreman kan använda LDAP för användarinformation och autentisering"],"The authentication process currently requires an LDAP provider, such as <em>OpenLDAP</em> or <em>Microsoft's Active Directory</em>.":["Autentiseringsprocess kräver för närvarande en LDAP-källa, så som <em>OpenLDAP</em> eller <em>Microsoft's Active Directory</em>."],"Autosign entries for %s":["Autosignera poster för %s"],"New Autosign Entry":["Nytt Autosigneringsvärde"],"Edit Bookmark":["Redigera Bokmärke"],"Manage Bookmarks":["Hantera Bokmärken"],"Bookmark|Name":["Namn"],"Bookmark|Query":["Fråga"],"Bookmark|Controller":["Kontroller"],"Bookmark|Public":["Publik"],"New Bookmark":["Nytt Bokmärke"],"Bookmarks configuration":["Bokmärkeskonfiguration"],"Here you can manage bookmarks. Bookmarks are saved search queries.":["Här kan du managera bokmärken. Bokmärken fungerar som sparade sökningar."],"Permission denied":["Tillåts ej"],"You are not authorized to perform this action":["Du har inte behörighet att utföra detta"],"Please request the required privileges from a foreman administrator":["Var vänlig och begär nödvändiga rättigheter från en Foremanadministratör"],"Back":["Tillbaka"],"Not Found":["Hittade inte"],"Please try to update your request":["Var god och försök uppdatera din begäran"],"Oops, we're sorry but something went wrong":["Hoppsan, vi är ledsna, men något gick fel"],"Foreman ticketing system":["Foreman biljettsystem"],"If you feel this is an error with Foreman itself, please open a new issue with":["Om du tror att detta är ett fel med Foreman, var vänlig öppna en ny bugg med"],"You would probably need to attach the":["Du skulle antagligen behöva ansluta"],"Full trace":["Fullständigt spårning"],"and relevant log entries.":["och relevanta loggrader"],"None Found":["Ingen hittad"],"Changed environments":["Ändrade miljöer"],"Select the changes you want to realize in Foreman":["Markera ändringarna som du vill verkställa i Foreman"],"Toggle":["Skifta"],"Check/Uncheck new":["Markera/Avmarkera nya"],"Updated":["Uppdaterad"],"Check/Uncheck updated":["Markera/Avmarkera uppdaterade"],"Obsolete":["Förlegad"],"Check/Uncheck obsolete":["Markera/Avmarkera förlegade"],"Check/Uncheck all":["Markera/Avmarkera samtliga"],"Operation":["Operation"],"Puppet Modules":["Puppetmoduler"],"Check/Uncheck all %s changes":["Markera/Avmarkera samtliga %s ändringar"],"Add:":["Lägg till:"],"Remove:":["Ta bort:"],"Update:":["Uppdatera:"],"Update":["Uppdatera"],"Search":["Sök"],"Bookmark this search":["Bokmärk denna sökning"],"Add Bookmark":["Lägg till bokmärke"],"Build from OS image":["Bygg från OS-avbild"],"OS Image":["OSAvbildning"],"Architecture":["Arkitektur"],"Media":["Medie"],"Partition table":["Partitionstabell"],"Scope":["Omfattning"],"Actions":["Åtgärder"],"override":["tvinga"],"Override this value":["Tvinga detta värde"],"Global":["Global"],"hide":[""],"remove":["ta bort"],"Global Parameters":["Globala Parametrar"],"Add Parameter":["Lägg till Parameter"],"Puppetclass":["Puppetklass"],"Parameter name":["Parameternamn"],"Parameter type":["Parametertyp"],"Puppet class overrides":[""],"Override a Puppetclass Parameter":["Tvinga en Puppetklassparameter"],"Edit Global Parameter":["Redigera Globala Parametrar"],"New Parameter":["Ny Parameter"],"Parameter|Name":["Name"],"Parameter|Value":["Värde"],"New Global Parameter":["Ny Global Parameter"],"Compute profile":["Beräkningsprofil"],"Edit compute profile on %s":["Redigera beräkningsprofil på %s"],"New compute profile on %s":["Ny beräkningsprofil på %s"],"Edit Compute profile":["Redigera Beräkningsprofil"],"New Compute Profile":["Ny Beräkningsprofil"],"Rename":["Döp om"],"New Compute profile":["Ny Beräkningsprofil"],"Edit Compute profile: %s":["Beräkningsprofil: %s"],"Click on the link of a compute resource to edit its default VM attributes.":["Klicka på länken för en beräkningsresurs för att redigera dess standardattribut för VMs."],"Compute Resource":["Beräkningsresurs"],"VM Attributes (%s)":["VM-Attribut (%s)"],"unspecified":["ospecificerad"],"Choose a provider":["Välj en leverantör"],"Access Key":["Access Key"],"Secret Key":["Hemlig Nyckel"],"Region":["Region"],"Load Regions":["Ladda Regioner"],"Test Connection":["Testa annslutning"],"Google Project ID":["Google Project ID"],"Client Email":["Klientens E-postadress"],"The file path where your p12 file is located":["Sökvägen till p12-filen"],"Certificate path":["Certifikatssökväg"],"Zone":["Zon"],"Load zones":["Ladda zoner"],"e.g. qemu://":["t.ex. qemu://"],"Display type":["Visningstyp"],"Console passwords":["Konsollösenord"],"Set a randomly generated password on the display connection":["Sätt ett slumpgenererat lösenord för skärmanslutningen"],"e.g. http://openstack:5000/v2.0/tokens":["t.ex. http://openstack:5000/v2.0/tokens"],"Tenant":["Innehavare"],"Load Tenants":["Ladda Innehavare"],"e.g.":[""],"e.g. admin@internal":["t.ex. admin@internal"],"Datacenter":["Datacenter"],"Load Datacenters":["Ladda Datacenter"],"Quota ID":["Kvot ID"],"X509 Certification Authorities":[""],"Optionally provide a CA, or a correctly ordered CA chain. If left blank, a self-signed CA will be populated automatically by the server during the first request.":[""],"e.g.":["t.e.x."],"API Key":["API Key"],"VCenter/Server":["VCenter/Server"],"Fingerprint":["Fingeravtryck"],"New Compute Resource":["Ny Beräkningsresurs"],"ComputeResource|Name":["Namn"],"New compute resource":["Ny beräkningsresurs"],"Associate VMs":["Associera VMs"],"Associate VMs to Foreman hosts":["Associera VMs till Foreman värdar"],"Virtual Machines":["Virtuella Maskiner"],"Images":["Avbildningar"],"Loading virtual machines information ...":["Laddar information för virtuella maskiner ..."],"New Image":["Ny Avbildning"],"Loading Images information":["Laddar avbildningsinformation"],"VM Attributes":["VM-Attribut"],"URL":["URL"],"Disabled":["Inaktiverad"],"Enabled":["Aktiverad"],"There was an error listing VMs: %s":["Fel vid listning av VMs: %s"],"Network interfaces":["Nätverkskort"],"Add Interface":["Lägg till nätverksgränssnitt"],"add new network interface":["lägg till nytt närtverkskort"],"No networks found.":[""],"remove storage volume":[""],"Storage":["Lagring"],"add new storage volume":["lägg till ny lagringsvolym"],"Add Volume":["Lägg till Volym"],"Flavor":["Variant"],"Please select an image":["Vänligen välj en avbildning"],"Availability zone":["Tillgänglighetszon"],"No preference":["Ingen preferens"],"EC2":["EC2"],"Subnet":["Subnät"],"Security groups":["Säkerhetsgrupper"],"Public":["Publik"],"Private":["Privat"],"Managed IP":["Managerad IP"],"Machine type":["Maskintyp"],"Network":["Nätverk"],"External IP":["Extern IP"],"Size (GB)":["Storlek (GB)"],"CPUs":["CPUer"],"Memory":["Minne"],"Start":["Start"],"Power ON this machine":["Starta denna maskin"],"Image to use":[""],"Network type":["Nätvärkstyp"],"No networks":["Inga nät"],"No bridges":["Inga bryggor"],"your libvirt host does not support interface listing, please enter here the bridge name (e.g. br0)":["din libvirtvärd stödjer inte nätvärkskortslistning, var vänlig mata in bryggnamnet (t.ex. br0)"],"NIC type":["NIC-typ"],"Storage pool":["Lagringspool"],"Security group":["Säkerhetsgrupp"],"Internal network":[""],"Floating IP network":["Flytande IP-nät"],"Create new boot volume from image":[""],"Boot from volume":[""],"Defaults to image size if left blank":[""],"New boot volume size (GB)":[""],"Cluster":["Kluster"],"Select template":["Välj mall"],"oVirt/RHEV template to use":[""],"Template":["Mall"],"Cores":["Kärnor"],"Storage domain":["Lagringsdomän"],"Preallocate disk":[""],"Uses thin provisioning if unchecked":[""],"Only one volume can be bootable":["Bara en volym kan vara startbar"],"Please Select an Image":["Vänligen välj en avbildning"],"Cores per socket":[""],"Memory (MB)":["Minne (MB)"],"Folder":["Katalog"],"Guest OS":[""],"SCSI controller":[""],"Virtual H/W version":[""],"Data store":["Datalager"],"Thin provision":["Thin provision"],"Eager zero":[""],"Virtual Machines on %s":["Virtuell Maskiner på %s"],"DNS":["DNS"],"State":["Tillstånd"],"Power":["Kraft"],"New Virtual Machine":["Ny Virtuell Maskin"],"Create":[""],"Associate VM":["Associera VM"],"Associate VM to a Foreman host":["Associera VMen till en Foreman värd"],"Properties":["Egenskaper"],"Machine Type":["Maskintyp"],"VCPU(s)":["VCPU(er)"],"UUID":["UUID"],"Allocated":["Tilldelad"],"Display":["Visa"],"NIC":["NIC"],"using %{allocation} GB out of %{capacity} GB, %{pool_name} storage pool":[""],"Path":[""],"Running on":["Körs på"],"using %s":["använder %s"],"included already from parent":[""],"%s is not in environment":[""],"Included Config Groups":[""],"Available Config Groups":[""],"Edit Config group":[""],"New Config Group":[""],"New Config group":[""],"Run distribution in the last %s minute":["Kör distribution den senaste %s minuten","Kör distribution de senaste %s minuterna"],"Latest Events":["Senaste Händelserna"],"No interesting reports received in the last week":["Inga intressanta rapporter togs emot den senaste veckan"],"Host Configuration Chart":[""],"Hosts that had performed modifications without error":["Värdar som hade genomförda ändringar utan fel"],"Hosts in error state":["Värdar med felaktigt tillstånd"],"Good host reports in the last %s":["Bra värdrapporter senaste %s"],"Hosts that had pending changes":["Värdar som hade kommande ändringar"],"Out of sync hosts":[""],"Hosts with no reports":["Värdar som saknar rapporter"],"Hosts with alerts disabled":["Värdar med inaktiverade larm"],"Total Hosts: %s":["Totalt antal Värdar: %s"],"Overview":["Överblick"],"Get default dashboard widgets":[""],"Welcome":["Välkommen"],"Before you can use Foreman for the first time there are a few tasks that must be performed.":["Innan du kan använda Foreman för första gången finns det några uppgifter som måste utföras."],"You must decide how you wish to use the software, and update the primary settings file <b>config/settings.yaml</b> and the":["Du måste bestämma hur du vill använda mjukvaran, uppdatera primära inställningsfilen <b>config/settings.yaml</b> och"],"settings":["inställningar"],"to indicate your selections.":["för att indikera dina val"],"Operating Mode":["Körläge"],"You may operate Foreman in basic mode, in which it acts as a reporting and external node classifier or you may also turn on unattended mode operation in which Foreman creates and manages the configuration files necessary to completely configure a new host.":["Du kan användar Foreman i enkelt läge, i vilket den agerar som extern nodklassifierare eller så aktiverar du obevakat läge i vilket Foreman skapar och hanterar alla konfigurationsfiler som är nödvändiga för att fullständigt konfigurera en ny värd."],"When operating in unattended mode Foreman will require more information, so expect more questions, but it will be able to automate host installations for Red Hat, Debian, SUSE and Solaris operating systems (and their clones), see":["När Foreman körs i obevakat läget krävs mer information, så förvänta dig mer frågor, men Foreman kommer kunna automatisera värdinstallationer för operativsystemen Red Hat, Debian, SUSE och Solaris (samt deras kloner), se"],"here":["här"],"for more details.":["för mer detaljer."],"Create a Smart Proxy":["Skapa en Smart Proxy"],"If you're planning to do anything more than just handle reports, you'll be in need of a smart proxy - either on this machine or elsewhere on your network.":["Om du tänker göra något mer än att bara hantera rapporter kommer du att behöva en smart proxy. Antingen på denna maskinen eller på annan maskin på ditt nätverk."],"You can find details of how to set up the proxy at":["Du kan hitta detaljerna för hur man konfigurerar proxyn vid"],"Smart-Proxy Installation":["Smart-Proxy Installation"],"Important":["Viktig(t)"],"Once installed you should head over to":["Väl installerad borde du kontrollera"],"to point Foreman at it.":["att peka Foreman till den"],"User Authentication":["Användarautentisering"],"Foreman, by default, operates in anonymous mode where all operations are performed without reference to the user who is performing the task.":["Foreman, per förinställt värde, arbetar i anonymnt läge där alla operationer görs utan referens till användaren som utför åtgärden."],"If you wish to track the actions of a particular user then it is possible to use an additional authentication stage and provide a user account.":["Om du vill följa händelserna för en specifik användare så är det möjligt att använda ytterligare ett autentiseringssteg och där kräva ett användarkonto."],"At present, authentication is performed against the internal Database or a LDAP service provided by one or more LDAP servers.":["För närvarande sker autentisering mot den interna databasen eller en LDAP-tjänst som tillhandahålls av en eller flera LDAP-servrar."],"Additionally, you may restrict user permissions based on many criteria, make sure you check the roles settings tab.":["Dessutom kan du begränsa användarnas behörigheter baserat på flertalet kriterier, se till att du kontrollerar fliken för roll-inställningar."],"For internal Users, simply create a new user at the %s page":[""],"LDAP":["LDAP"],"If you chose to use LDAP authentication then you must provide connection details for your authentication provider on %s page":[""],"For Roles and permissions, see the %s page":[""],"Notice":["Notis"],"You would need to enable login in your settings.yml file first and restart foreman":["Då skulle du behöva aktivera login i din settings.yml-fil först och sen starta om foreman"],"The default username and password are <b>admin</b> and <b>changeme</b>":["Förinställt användarnamn och lösenord är <b>admin</b> och <b>changeme</b>"],"Import your data":["Importera ditt data"],"Foreman comes with some importers to ease the burden of entering loads of data about your current installation.":["Foreman inkluderar vissa importerare för att minska bördan av att manuellt mata in information om din nuvarande installation"],"If you are already using puppet you should consider using some of the rake tasks that have been provided.":["Om du redan använder puppet borde du fundera på att använda de rake-funktioner som tillhandahålls."],"Inventory browser":["Inventeringsbläddrare"],"Importing Puppet Facts":["Importerar Puppetfakta"],"Puppet External Nodes":["Puppet Externa Noder"],"Importing Puppet classes and environments":["Importerar Puppetklasser och miljöer"],"Reporting":["Rapportering"],"Puppet Reports integration":["Puppet Rapportintegration"],"Additional steps":["Ytterligare steg"],"You may optionally wish to generate the online documentation for your puppet classes":["Du har även valmöjligheten att generera on-linedokumentationen för dina puppetklasser"],"puppet class browser":["puppetklassbläddrare"],"After you have decided on the two primary modes of operation and performed any appropriate imports then it would be good idea if you visited some of the other configuration pages to see if additional setup is required under the Additional settings select box on the top right.":["Efter att du har bestämt Dig för de två primära driftsformerna och utfört lämplig import är det en bra idé att besöka några av de andra konfigurationssidorna för att se om ytterliggare inställningar behöver göras under \\\"Ytterliggare inställningar\\\" rutan längst upp till höger."],"You may also find the":["Du kan även hitta"],"Howtos":["Hurguider"],"useful.":["användbar."],"This page will self destruct once Foreman starts to receive data about your hosts. You can view this information again by clicking on the \\\"First use instructions\\\" link on the %{about} page.":[""],"Parameters":["Parametrar"],"Full name describing the domain":["Fullständigt namn som beskriver domänen"],"DNS proxy to use within this domain for managing A records, note that PTR records are managed via Subnet DNS proxy":[""],"DNS Proxy":["DNS Proxy"],"Edit Domain":["Redigera Domän"],"New Domain":["Ny Domän"],"Domain|Fullname":["Fullständigt namn"],"Domain Configuration":["Domänkonfiguration"],"Foreman considers a domain and a DNS zone as the same thing. That is, if you are planning to manage a site where all the machines are or the form <i>hostname</i>.<b></b>\\n then the domain is <b></b>. This allows Foreman to associate a puppet variable with a domain/site and automatically append this variable to all external node requests made\\n by machines at that site.":[""],"The <b>fullname</b> field is used for human readability in reports and other pages that refer to domains,\\n and also available as an external node parameter":[""],"Edit Environment":["Redigera Miljö"],"Puppet Environments":["Puppet Miljöer"],"Environment|Name":["Namn"],"Classes":["Klasser"],"New Environment":["Ny Miljö"],"Puppet environments configuration":["Puppetmiljökonfiguration"],"If you are planning to use Foreman as an external node classifier you should provide information about one or more environments.":["Om du plannerar att använda Foreman som en extern nodklassifierare, \\\"ENC\\\", behöver du mata in information om en eller fler miljöer."],"This information is commonly imported from a pre-existing puppet configuration by the use of the":["Denna information är vanligen importerad från en existerande puppetkonfiguration med hjälp av"],"Puppet classes and environment importer":["Puppet klass och miljöimporterare"],"Environments may be manually created and only require the name of the environment to be declared.":["Miljöer kan manuellt skapas och kräver bara att namnet på miljön deklareras"],"Show %{host} facts":[""],"Show all %{name} facts where they are equal to %{value}":["Visa alla %{name} fakta där dom är lika med %{value}"],"Show distribution chart":["Visa distributionskarta"],"Fact Values":["Faktavärden"],"Host":["Värd"],"FactValue|Value":["Värde"],"Reported at":["Rapporterades vid"],"Hosts Inventory":["Värdinventering"],"You don't seem to have any facts yet. If you wish to configure fact pushing, please follow":["Du verkar inte ha några fakta ännu. Om du önskar konfigurera faktauppladdning, var vänlig följ"],"setting up facts":["sätter upp fakta"],"This page will self destruct once inventory data comes in.":["Denna sida kommer automatiskt ersättas så fort inventeringsdata kommer in."],"%s Distribution":["%s Distribution"],"Selected role":[""],"(Miscellaneous)":[""],"Permission":[""],"Selected resource type does not support granular filtering, therefore you can't configure granularity":[""],"By unchecking this you can specify filter using Foreman search syntax in search field. If filter remains unlimited (this field is checked) it applies on all resources of the selected type":[""],"Edit Filter":[""],"Filters":["Filter"],"New filter":[""],"Role":["Roll"],"Filter|Resource":[""],"Filter|Permissions":[""],"Filter|Unlimited":[""],"Filter|Search":[""],"none":[""],"Delete filter?":[""],"New Filter":[""],"Manage Locations":["Hantera Lokationer"],"Manage Organizations":["Hantera Organisationer"],"Hostname":[""],"<b style=\\\"color: #6bb5df;\\\">%{hosts_sum}</b>\\n <p style=\\\"font-weight: bold; margin: 5px; padding: 0px;\\\">Changed</p>":["",""],"<b style=\\\"color: #6bb5df;\\\">%{out_of_sync_sum}</b>\\n <p style=\\\"font-weight: bold; margin: 5px; padding: 0px;\\\">Out of sync</p>":["",""],"<b style=\\\"color: #6bb5df;\\\">%{disabled_sum}</b>\\n <p style=\\\"font-weight: bold; margin: 5px; padding: 0px;\\\">Disabled</p>":["",""],"Level":["Nivå"],"Resource":["Resurs"],"message":["meddelande"],"No logs to show":[""],"Total of one host":["",""],"None!":[""],"Last Report":[""],"<b>Foreman</b> Puppet error report":[""],"<b>Foreman</b> Build Complete":[""],"IP":["IP"],"Your host has finished building:":[""],"Hostname:":[""],"IP:":[""],"View in Foreman:":[""],"<b>Foreman</b> Puppet summary":[""],"Summary from %{time} ago to now":[""],"Summary report from Foreman server at %{foreman_url}":[""],"Hosts with interesting values (changed, failures etc)":[""],"Hosts which are currently not running Puppet":[""],"Hosts which Foreman reporting is disabled":[""],"Hostgroup":["Värdgrupp"],"Puppet Classes":["Puppet Klasser"],"Parent":["Förälder"],"Please select an environment first":["Vänligen välj en miljö först"],"Password must be 8 characters or more":[""],"Puppet classes parameters":["Puppet klassparametrar"],"Host group parameters":["Värdgruppsparametrar"],"Host Groups":["Värdgrupper"],"New Host Group":["Ny Värdgrupp"],"Hostgroup|Name":["Namn"],"Nest":["Nästla"],"Host group configuration":["Värdgruppskonfiguration"],"A host group is in some ways similar to an inherited node declaration, in that it is a high level grouping of classes that can be named and treated as a unit. This is then treated as a template and is selectable during the creation of a new host and ensures that the host is configured in one of your pre-defined states.":["En värdgrupp är på vissa sätt lik en ärvd noddeklaration, en högnivå gruppering av klasser som kan namnas och hanteras som en enhet. Detta hanteras som en mall och är valbar under skapandet av en ny värd vilket säkerställer att värden är konfigurerad enligt ett av dina fördefinierade tillstånd."],"In addition to defining which puppet classes get included when building this host type you are also able to assign variables and provisioning information to a host group to further refine the behavior of the puppet runtime.":["Utöver möjligheten att definiera vilka puppetklasser som blir inkluderade vid byggandet av denna värd, kan du även tilldela variabler och provisioneringsinformation till en värdgrupp för att i mer detalj kunna styra beteendet över puppet."],"The host group's classes and the host group's variables are included in the external node information when the puppetmaster compiles the host's configuration.":["Värdgruppens klasser och variabler är inkluderade i den externa nodinformationen när puppetmästaren kompilerar värdens konfiguration."],"There are two strategies when using host groups.":["Det finns två strategier vid användande av värdgrupper."],"You may create puppet classes that represent high-level host configurations, for example, a <b>host-type-ldap-server</b> class, which includes all the required functionality from other modules or you may decide to create a host group called <b>host-type-ldap-server</b> and add the required classes into the host group configuration.":["Du kan skapa puppetklasser som representerar högnivå värdkonfigurationer, t.ex., en <b>host-type-ldap-server</b>klass, som inkluderar all funktionalitet från andra moduler, alternativt skapar du en värdgrupp <b>host-type-ldap-server</b> och adderar de klasser som krävs till värdgruppen."],"These two options are personal decisions and are up to you (where the main difference would be the parameter/variables settings).":["Dessa två alternativ är personliga val och är upp till dig ( där den huvudsakliga skillnaden är parameter/variabel inställningar )."],"Select Hosts":["Välj Värdar"],"Assign Selected Hosts":["Tilldela Valda Värdar"],"Create %s":["Skapa %s"],"<b class='select_count'>0</b> selected":["<b class='select_count'>0</b> markerad/e"],"Assign to %s":["Tilldela till %s"],"Chassis":["Chassi"],"Boot device":["Startenhet"],"Netmask":["Nätmask"],"MAC":["MAC"],"Gateway":["Nätsluss"],"VM editing is not implemented for this provider":["VM-redigering är inte implementerad för denna leverantör"],"'%{host}' not found on '%{resource}'":["'%{host}' finns inte på '%{resource}'"],"'%{host}' could be deleted or '%{resource}' is not responding.":["'%{host}' kan vara raderad eller så svarar inte '%{resource}'."],"Failed connecting to %s":["Misslyckades att ansluta till %s"],"Errors: %s":["Fel: %s"],"Network interfaces management has been moved to the Interfaces tab. Please set your interfaces there.":[""],"Conflicts have been detected":["Konflikter har hittats"],"The following entries were found conflicting with what foreman wanted to apply.":["Följande värden var i konflikt med vad Foreman ville applicera."],"Please review them carefully, if you are certain that they should be removed, please click on overwrite.":["Granska noggrant, om du är säker på att dom skall tas bort, klicka på skriv över."],"ACK":["ACK"],"DHCP lease conflicts have been detected":[""],"Please correct the error(s) below and submit your changes again.":[""],"Interfaces":[""],"Virtual Machine":["Virtuell Maskin"],"Additional Information":["Ytterliggare information:"],"This value is used also as the host's primary interface name.":[""],"Bare Metal":["Bare Metal"],"Deploy on":["Installera på"],"Puppet classes Parameters":["Puppet klassparametrar"],"Included Parameters via inheritance":["Inkluderade Parametrar via arv"],"Host Parameters":["Värdparametrar"],"select an owner":["välj en ägare"],"Owned By":["Ägd Av"],"Include this host within Foreman reporting":["Inkludera denna värd inom Foremanrapportering"],"Hardware Model":["Hårdvarumodell"],"Some of the interfaces are invalid. Please check the table below.":[""],"Identifier":[""],"MAC address":[""],"IP address":[""],"FQDN":[""],"Ok":[""],"Select all items in this page":["Markera alla valbara på denna sida"],"items selected. Uncheck to Clear":["poster markerade. Avmarkera för att rensa"],"Last report":["Senaste rapport"],"Please Confirm":["Vänligen bekräfta"],"Report Status":["Rapportstatus"],"Provisioning Method":["Provisioneringsmetod"],"Network Based":["Nätverksbaserad"],"Image Based":["Avbildningsbaserad"],"Enable this host for provisioning":["Aktivera denna värd för provisionering"],"What ever text(or ERB template) you use in here, would be used as your OS disk layout options If you want to use the partition table option, delete all of the text from this field":["Den text (eller ERB mall) som du anger här kommer användas som OS disklayout. Om du vill använda alternativet partitionstabell, radera all text från detta fält."],"Resolve":["Slå upp"],"Display the templates that will be used to provision this host":["Visa mallar som används för att provisionera denna värd"],"in Progress":[""],"Number of Events":["Antal Event"],"Time in Seconds":["Tid i sekunder"],"Fix %s on Mismatch":["Rätta %s vid matchningsfel"],"Fail on Mismatch":["Misslyckas vid matchningsfel"],"Assign Hosts to %s":["Tilldela Värdar till %s"],"Clone Host %s":["Klona Värd %s"],"Generated %s ago":["Genererad %s dagar sedan"],"Back to host":["Tillbaka till värd"],"Console output may be out of date":["Konsolutdatan kan vara föråldrad"],"Ctrl-Alt-Del":["Ctrl-Alt-Del"],"Troubleshooting":[""],"New window":["Nytt fönster"],"Open Spice in a new window":["Öppna Spice i ett nytt fönster"],"Connecting (unencrypted) to: %s":["Ansluter (okrypterat) till: %s"],"Password:":[""],"Canvas not supported.":["Canvas stöds inte."],"Unmanage host":["Sluta managera värd"],"Manage host":["Managera värd"],"Disassociate host":[""],"Provision":["Provisionera"],"these hosts for a build operation on next boot":["dessa värdar för en byggoperation vid nästa omstart"],"Warning":["Varning"],"This might take a while, as all hosts, facts and reports will be destroyed as well":["Detta kan dröja då alla värdar, fakta och rapporter också kommer bli förstörda"],"Disable alerts for selected hosts":["Inaktivera Notifieringar"],"Disassociate the selected hosts from their VMs":[""],"Enable alerts for selected hosts":["Aktivera larm för valda värdar"],"Sorry, these hosts do not have parameters assigned to them, you must add them first.":["Förlåt, dessa värdar har inga parametrar tilldelade till sig, du måste lägga till det först."],"Run Puppet on the following hosts":["Kör Puppet på följande värdar"],"List of hosts which answer to the provided query":["Lista på värdar som svarar under den tillhandahållna frågan."],"The following errors may prevent a successful build:":[""],"Check again":[""],"Edit Host":[""],"Reboot now":[""],"Select environment":["Välj miljö"],"*Clear environment*":["*Rensa miljö*"],"*Inherit from host group*":["*Ärv från värdgrupp*"],"*Clear host group*":["*Rensa värdgrupp*"],"Select host group":["Välj värdgrupp"],"Select Location":["Välj Lokation"],"Select Organization":["Välj Organisation"],"Metrics":["Mätvärden"],"VM":["VM"],"NICs":[""],"Loading host information ...":[""],"No puppet activity for this host in the last %s days":["Ingen puppetaktivitet för denna värden de senaste %s dagarna"],"Loading template information ...":[""],"Loading VM information ...":[""],"Loading NICs information ...":[""],"Loading BMC information ...":["Laddar BMC-information ..."],"Loading runtime information ...":[""],"Resources":["Resurser"],"Loading resources information ...":[""],"Review build status for %s":[""],"Warning: This will delete this host and all of its data!":[""],"This host's stored facts and reports will be deleted too.":[""],"Loading...":[""],"Please wait while your request is being processed":[""],"All Puppet Classes for %s":["Alla Puppetklasser för %s"],"Class":[""],"The following hosts were updated":["Följande värdar uppdaterades"],"The following parameters were skipped as they did not exists on this host:":["Följande parametrar skippades eftersom dom inte existerar på denna värd:"],"Back to host list":["Tillbaks till värdlista"],"You don't seem to have any Hosts, for more information see":["Du verkar inte ha några Värdar, för mer information se"],"this page":["denna sida"],"This page will self destruct once data comes in.":["Denna sida kommer automatiskt ersättas så fort data kommer in."],"The user that is used to ssh into the instance, normally cloud-user, ec2-user, ubuntu, root etc":["Användaren som används för att ssha till instansen, normalt cloud-user, ec2-user, ubuntu, root etc"],"Does this image support user data input (e.g. via cloud-init)?":["Stödjer denna bild användardata (såsom via cloud-init)?"],"(optional) IAM Role for Fog to use when creating this image.":["(frivillig) IAM-roll för Fog att använda när avbilden skapas."],"Password to authenticate with - used for SSH finish step.":[""],"Image path":[""],"Full path to backing image used to create new volumes.":[""],"Path to template, relative to datacenter (e.g. My templates/RHEL 6)":[""],"Image|Name":["Namn"],"Image|Username":["Användarnamn"],"Image|Uuid":["Uuid"],"Image|User data":["Användardata"],"Destroy":["Förstör"],"You are using an unsupported browser.":["Du använder en webbläsare som inte stöds"],"Location configuration":["Lokationskonfiguration"],"You must create a location before continuing.":["Du måste skapa en lokation innan du fortsätter."],"Locations are used to manage and differentiate the physical place where a system managed via Foreman is housed.":["Lokationer används för att managera och särskilja på den fysiska placeringen på system som hanteras via Foreman."],"For example, there might be a data center in London and one in Virginia; these are locations. Locations also work nicely when used in tandem with %{organizations}.":[""],"organizations":["organisationer"],"Remove %s?":["Radera %s?"],"Variable":["Variabel"],"Whether the smart variable value is managed by Foreman":[""],"Optional input validator":[""],"Note that if you use ERB as a value of parameter, value will be validated during ENC evaluation. If value is invalid, ENC evaluation will fail.":[""],"If checked, will raise an error if there is no default value and no matcher provide a value.":["Om vald, kommer ett fel att flaggas om det inte finns något standardvärde och ingen matchare tillhandahåller ett värde."],"Override merging options":[""],"Should the matchers continue to look for matches after first find (only array/hash type). Note: merging overrides ignores all matchers that use Puppet default":[""],"Should the matched result avoid duplicate values (only array type).":[""],"Override value for specific hosts":[""],"Order":["Order"],"The order in which matchers keys are processed, first match wins.<br> You may use multiple attributes as a matcher key, for example, an order of <code>host group, environment</code> would expect a matcher such as <code>hostgroup = \\\"web servers\\\", environment = production</code>":["Ordningen i vilken matchnycklar är behandlad är, första träff vinner. <br>Du kan använda multipla attribut som matchnycklar, t.ex. en ordning som <code>värdgrupp, miljö</code> skulle anta en matchare som <code> värdgrupp =\\\"webbservrar\\\", miljö=\\\"produktion\\\"</code>"],"add a new matcher-value pair":["lägg till ett nytt matchvärdepar"],"Add Matcher-Value":["Lägg till Matcher-Value"],"Matcher is a combination of an attribute and its value, if they match, the value below would be provided.<br> You may use any attribute foreman knows about, such as facts etc for example: <code> domain = </code> or <code> is_virtual = true</code>":["Matchare är en kombination av ett attribut och dess värde. Om de matchar, returneras nedan värde. <br> Du kan använda attribut som foreman känner till, så som fakta, etc, till exempel: <code> domain = </code> eller <code> is_virtual = true</code>"],"Explain matchers":[""],"Matcher":["Matchare"],"remove value":["ta bort värde"],"Edit Smart Variable":["Redigera Smart Variabel"],"Number of values":["Antal värden"],"The path to the medium, can be a URL or a valid NFS server (exclusive of the architecture).\\n for example <em>$version/os/$arch</em> where <strong>$arch</strong> will be substituted for the host's actual OS architecture and <strong>$version</strong>, <strong>$major</strong> and <strong>$minor</strong> will be substituted for the version of the operating system. Solaris and Debian media may also use <strong>$release</strong>.":[""],"The NFS path to the media.":["NFS-sökvägen till mediet"],"The NFS path to the jumpstart control files.":["NFS-sökvägen till kontrollfiler för jumpstart"],"The NFS path to the image directory.":["NFS-sökvägen till avbildningsbiblioteket."],"Choose a family":["Välj en familj"],"Operating system family":[""],"Edit Medium":["Redigera Medium"],"Installation Media":["Installationsmedia"],"New Medium":["Nytt Medium"],"Medium|Name":["Namn"],"Medium|Path":["Sökväg"],"Medium|Os family":["Osfamilj"],"New installation medium":["Nytt installationsmedium"],"Installation medium configuration":["Inställningar för installationsmedia"],"A medium represents the source of one or more operating system's installation files, accessible via the network.\\n It will probably be a mirror from the internet or a copy of one or more CD or DVDs.":[""],"For example, if you have copied several Red Hat release disks into a directory structure where the disk images are named 5.8 or 6.2, and each contained both x86_64 and i386 binaries, then you\\n could create a single medium entry describing them all.\\n The entry, which could be just named 'Red Hat' could contain a path like this <em>'http://server/redhat/$version/$arch'</em>":[""],"The keywords <b>$version</b>, <b>$major</b> and <b>$minor</b> will be interpolated back into the path specification to calculate the true URL address.":["Nyckelorden <b>$version</b>, <b>$major</b> och <b>$minor</b> kommer att expanderas och läggas med i sökvägen för att räkna ut den korrekta URL adressen."],"You may also associate one or more operating systems with this medium or alternatively set this up later on the %s page.":["Du kan även associera ett eller flera operativsystem med detta medium alternativt sätter du upp detta senare via sidan %s."],"The class of CPU supplied in this machine. This is primarily used by Sparc Solaris builds and can be left blank for other architectures. The value can be determined on Solaris via uname -m":["Typ av CPU för denna maskin. Detta används primärt av Sparc Solaris och kan lämnas tomt för andra arkitekturer. Värdet kan hämtas från ett Solaris OS via uname -m"],"The class of the machine reported by the Open Boot Prom. This is primarily used by Sparc Solaris builds and can be left blank for other architectures. The value can be determined on Solaris via uname -i|cut -f2 -d,":["Typen av maskin så som rapporterad av Open Boot Prom. Detta används primärt av versioner av Sparc Solaris och kan lämnas blank för andra arkitekturer. Värdet kan hämtas från ett Solaris OS via uname -i|cut -f2 -d,"],"General useful description, for example this kind of hardware needs a special BIOS setup":["Generellt användbar beskrivning, till exempel, denna typ av hårdvara behöver en speciellt BIOS-inställning"],"Edit Model":["Redigera Modell"],"Hardware Models":["Hårdvarumodeller"],"New Model":["Ny Modell"],"Model|Name":["Namn"],"Vendor class":["Leverantörsklass"],"Model|Hardware model":["Hårdvarumodell"],"Device identifier":[""],"Device identifier for this interface. This may be different on various platforms and environments, here are some common examples.<br/><ul><li>Use the basic name for physical interface identifiers, e.g. <strong>eth0</strong> or <strong>em0</strong> with biosdevname.</li><li>For virtual interfaces, use either alias notation (<strong>eth0:1</strong>, name:index) or VLAN notation (<strong>eth0.15</strong>, name.tag).</li><li>For bonds it's common to use <strong>bond0</strong> on Linux, <strong>lagg0</strong> on FreeBSD systems.</li></ul>":[""],"DNS name":["DNS namn"],"Primary interface's DNS name and domain define host's FQDN":[""],"No domains":["Inga domäner"],"Suggest new":[""],"IP address auto-suggest":["Automatiskt föreslå IP-adress"],"An IP address will be auto-suggested if you have a DHCP-enabled Smart Proxy on the subnet selected above.<br/><br/>The IP address can be left blank when:<br/><ul><li>provisioning tokens are enabled</li><li>the domain does not manage DNS</li><li>the subnet does not manage reverse DNS</li><li>and the subnet does not manage DHCP reservations</li></ul>":["En IP-adress kommer att föreslås om du har en DHCP-aktiverad Smart Proxy på subnätet som är valt.<br/><br/>IP-adressen kan lämnas blank när:<br/><ul><li>provisioneringsbevis är aktiverat</li><li>domänen hanterar inte DNS</li><li>subnätet hanterar inte reversibel DNS</li><li>och subnätet hanterar inte DHCP-reservationer</li></ul>"],"The Primary interface is used for constructing the FQDN of the host":[""],"The Provisioning interface is used for TFTP of PXELinux (or SSH for image-based hosts)":[""],"from profile %s":[""],"Inherits from subnet VLAN ID if not set":[""],"Identifier of the interface to which this interface belongs, e.g. eth1":[""],"comma separated interface identifiers":[""],"space separated options, e.g. miimon=100":[""],"Virtual NIC":[""],"Enable if this is an alias or VLAN interface, note that alias can be used only with static boot mode subnet":[""],"OS name from facter; e.g. RedHat":["OS-namn från facter; t.e.x. RedHat"],"OS major version from facter; e.g. 6":["OS stor version från facter; t.e.x. 6"],"OS minor version from facter; e.g. 5":["OS mindre version från facter; t.e.x. 5"],"e.g. RHEL 6.5":["t.ex. RHEL 6.5"],"Family":[""],"e.g. karmic, lucid, hw0910 etc":["t.ex. karmic, lucid, hw0910 etc"],"Root password hash":[""],"Hash function to use. Change takes effect for new or updated hosts.":[""],"It is not possible to assign provisioning templates at this stage":["Det är inte möjligt att tilldela provisioneringssmallar vid detta läge"],"Please save the Operating System first and try again.":["Var vänlig och spara Operativsystemet först, försök sedan igen."],"No templates found!":["Inga mallar hittade!"],"you probably need to configure your %s first.":["du behöver troligvis konfigurera din %s först."],"Edit Operating System":["Redigera Operativsystem"],"New Operating system":["Nytt Operativsystem"],"Operatingsystem|Name":["Namn"],"New Operating System":["Nytt Operativsystem"],"Organization configuration":["Organisationskonfiguration"],"You must create an organization before continuing.":["Du måste skapa en organisation innan du fortsätter."],"Using the organization system provides a way to group resources together for easy management.":["Organisationssystemet erbjuder ett sätt att gruppera resurser för enklare hantering."],"Organizations are particularly useful for Foreman installations where several customers or business units are managed with a single Foreman install.":["Organisationer är särskilt användbara för Foremaninstallationer där flera kunder eller affärsenheter hanteras av samma Foreman installation."],"locations":["lokationer"],"Organizations also work nicely in tandem with %{locations}.":[""],"Valid host group and environment combinations":["Korrekt värdgrupp och miljökombinationer"],"Add combination":["Lägg till kombination"],"Association":["Association"],"Snippet":["Remsa"],"Not relevant for snippet":["Inte relevant för remsa"],"How templates are determined":["Hur mallar fastställs"],"When editing a Template, you must assign a list of Operating Systems which this Template can be used with. Optionally, you can restrict a template to a list of Hostgroups and/or Environments":["Vid redigering av en mall måste en lista med operativsystem anges för vilken denna mall kan användas med. Alternativt kan du begränsa en mall till en lista med Värdgrupper och/eller Miljöer"],"When a Host requests a template (e.g. during provisioning), Foreman will select the best match from the available templates of that type, in the following order:":["När en Värd begär en mall (t.ex under provisionering), kommer Foreman att välja bästa träff, från tillgängliga mallar av den typen, i följande ordning: "],"Host group and Environment":["Värdgrupp och Miljö"],"Host group only":["Enbart värdgrupp"],"Environment only":["Enbart miljö"],"Operating system default":["Standardoperativsystem"],"The final entry, Operating System default, can be set by editing the %s page.":["Sista inlägget, förinställt Operativsystem, kan ställas in genom att editera %s sidan."],"Applicable<br>Operating Systems":["Tillämpliga<br>Operativsystem"],"Template diff":["Mallskillnad"],"Edit Template":["Redigera Mall"],"Provisioning Templates":["Provisioneringsmallar"],"New Template":["Ny Mall"],"Build PXE Default":["Bygg PXE Default"],"You are about to change the default PXE menu on all configured TFTP servers - continue?":[""],"ProvisioningTemplate|Name":[""],"Host group / Environment":["Värdgrupp / Miljö"],"Kind":["Variant"],"ProvisioningTemplate|Snippet":[""],"ProvisioningTemplate|Locked":[""],"This template is locked for editing.":[""],"Edit Partition Table":["Redigera Partitionstabell"],"Partition Tables":["Partitiontabell"],"New Partition Table":["Ny Partitionstabell"],"Ptable|Name":["Namn"],"Ptable|Os family":["OSfamilj"],"Ptable|Snippet":[""],"Ptable|Locked":[""],"Partition table configuration":["Partitiontabellskonfiguration"],"A partition table entry represents either":["En partitionstabellpost representerar antingen"],"An explicit layout for the partitions of your hard drive(s). E.G.":["En uttrycklig layout för partitionerna på din hårddisk(ar). T.ex."],"A script to dynamically calculate the desired sizes. E.G.":["Ett skript för att dynamiskt beräkna önskade storlekar. T.ex."],"The inclusion of the keyword string <b>#Dynamic</b> at the start of a line lets Foreman know that this is not an explicit disk layout and must treated as a shell script, executed prior\\n to the install process and that the explicit partition table will be found at <b>/tmp/diskpart.cfg</b> during the build process.":[""],"The dynamic partitioning style is currently only available for the Red Hat family of operating systems, all others must provide an explicit list of partitions and sizes.":["Det dynamiska partitionsschemat är för närvarande enbart tillgängligt för operativsystem tillhörande redhat familjen. Andra operativsystem måste tillhandahålla en explicit lista med partitioner och storlekar."],"You may also associate one or more operating systems with this partition table or alternatively set this up later on the %s page":["Du kan även associera ett eller flera operativsystem med denna partitionstabell alternativt sätter du upp detta senare via sidan %s."],"PuppetCA on %s":["PuppetCA på %s"],"Filter by state: %s":[""],"Autosign Entries":["Autosignera poster"],"Valid from":["Giltig från"],"Expires":["Utgår"],"Sign":["Signera"],"Included Classes":["Inkluderade Klasser"],"Not authorized to edit classes":["Inte auktoriserad att redigera klasser"],"Available Classes":["Tillgängliga Klasser"],"Filter classes":["Filterklasser"],"Smart Class Parameter":["Smart Klassparameter"],"Smart Variables":["Smarta Variabler"],"Puppet environments":["Puppetmiljöer"],"This Puppet class has no parameters in its signature.":["Denna Puppetklassen har inga parametrar i sin signatur."],"To update the class signature, go to the Puppet Classes page and select \\\"Import\\\".":["För att uppdatera klasssignaturen, gå till Puppetklasser sidan och välj \\\"Importera\\\"."],"Undo remove":["Ångra radering"],"Filter by name":[""],"Add Variable":["Lägg till Variabel"],"Edit Puppet Class %s":["Redigera Puppetklass %s"],"Puppetclass|Name":["Namn"],"Environments and documentation":["Miljöer och dokumentation"],"Variables":[""],"Override all parameters":[""],"This will set all parameters of the class %s as overridden. Continue?":[""],"This will reset parameters of the class %s to their default values. Continue?":[""],"Set parameters to defaults":[""],"Oops":["Hoppsan"],"Either you didnt generate the puppetdocs (see <a rel=\\\"external\\\" href=\\\"%{url}\\\">here</a>) or the class <strong>%{name}</strong> could not be found in environment <strong>%{environment}</strong><br/> Please ensure that the class <strong>%{name}</strong>s declaration is accessible via the modulepath associated with <strong>%{environment}</strong>.":["Antingen så är inte puppetdokumentationen genererad ( se <a rel=\\\"external\\\" href=\\\"%{url}\\\">here</a>) eller så kunde inte klassen <strong>%{name}</strong> hittas i miljön <strong>%{environment}</strong><br/>. Säkerställ att klassen <strong>%{name}</strong>s deklaration är nåbar via modulsökvägen som är associerad med <strong>%{environment}</strong>."],"Realm name, e.g. EXAMPLE.COM":[""],"Type of realm, e.g. FreeIPA":[""],"Realm type":[""],"Realm proxy":[""],"Realm proxy to use within this realm":[""],"Edit Realm":[""],"New Realm":[""],"Realm|Name":[""],"Foreman supports automatically creating realm entries for new hosts. When a realm is selected for a host, Foreman contacts the relevant realm smart proxy to create an entry for the host and retrieve it's one-time registration password.":[""],"Restart<br>Failures":["Omstart<br>Fel"],"Delete report for %s?":["Radera rapport för %s"],"Report Metrics":["Rapportstatistik"],"Total":["Total(t)"],"Nothing to show":["Inget att visa"],"Reported at %s ":["Rapporterades vid %s"],"Host times seems to be adrift!":["Värdtider verkar vara på drift!"],"Host reported time is <em>%s</em>":["Värdens rapporterade tid är <em>%s</em>"],"Foreman report creation time is <em>%s</em>":["Foremans rapporskapningstid är <em>%s</em>"],"Which is an offset of <b>%s</b>":["Vilket är en offset av <b>%s</b>"],"Other reports for this host":["Andra rapporter för denna värd"],"Diff View":["Skillnadsvy"],"Puppet Reports":["Puppetrapporter"],"You don't seem to have any reports, if you wish to configure Puppet to forward it reports to Foreman, please follow":["Du verkar inte ha några rapporter. Om du vill konfigurera Puppet att skicak sina rapporter till Foreman, var vänlig följ"],"setting up reporting":["sätter upp rapportering"],"and":["och"],"e-mail reporting":["e-postrapportering"],"This page will self destruct once a report comes in.":["Denna sida kommer automatiskt ersättas så fort en rapport kommer in."],"Please save the role first. You can edit it later to add filters":[""],"Loading filters...":[""],"Edit Roles":["Redigera Roller"],"New role":["Ny roll"],"Role|Name":["Namn"],"Add filter":[""],"New Role":["Ny Roll"],"Setting|Name":["Namn"],"Setting|Value":["Värde"],"Setting|Description":["Beskrivning"],"Smart Proxy":["Smart Proxy"],"Edit Proxy":["Redigera Proxy"],"New Smart Proxy":["Ny Smart Proxy"],"SmartProxy|Name":["Namn"],"SmartProxy|Url":["Url"],"New Proxy":["Ny Proxy"],"Optional: Gateway for this subnet":["Valfritt: Nätsluss för detta subnet"],"Optional: Primary DNS for this subnet":["Valfritt: Primär DNS för detta subnät"],"Optional: Secondary DNS for this subnet":["Valfritt: Sekundär DNS för detta subnät"],"IPAM":[""],"IP Address Management":[""],"You can select one of three possible IPAM modes:<br/><ul><li><strong>DHCP</strong> - will manage the IP on DHCP through assigned DHCP proxy, auto-suggested IPs come from DHCP</li><li><strong>Internal DB</strong> - use internal DB to auto-suggest free IP based on other interfaces on same subnet respecting range if specified, useful mainly with static boot mode</li><li><strong>None</strong> - leave IP management solely on user, no auto-suggestion</li></ul>":[""],"Optional: Starting IP Address for IP auto suggestion":["Valfritt: Första IPAdress för automatiska förslag"],"Optional: Ending IP Address for IP auto suggestion":["Valfritt: Sista IPAdress för automatiska förslag"],"Optional: VLAN ID for this subnet":["Valfritt: VLANID för detta subnät"],"Default boot mode for interfaces assigned to this subnet":[""],"Proxies":["Proxies"],"DHCP Proxy":["DHCP Proxy"],"TFTP Proxy":["TFTP Proxy"],"DNS Proxy to use within this subnet for managing PTR records, note that A records are managed via Domain DNS proxy":[""],"Edit Subnet":["Redigera Subnät"],"The following subnets have been found":["Följande subnät har hittats"],"New Subnet":["Nytt Subnät"],"Subnet|Name":["Namn"],"Subnet|Network":["Nätverk"],"Subnet|Vlanid":["Vlanid"],"Select organizations":["Välj organisationer"],"Select locations":["Välj lokationer"],"Default on login":[""],"Edit Properties":["Redigera Egenskaper"],"Assigning hosts to %{taxonomy_name} will also update %{taxonomy_name} to include all the resources that the selected hosts are currently using.":["Tilldelning av värdar till %{taxonomy_name} kommer även uppdatera %{taxonomy_name} till att inkludera resurserna som valda värdar för närvarande använder."],"Assign All":["Tilldela Alla"],"Assign the %{count} host with no %{taxonomy_single} to %{taxonomy_name}":["Tilldela %{count} värden som saknar %{taxonomy_single} till %{taxonomy_name}","Tilldela alla %{count} värdar som saknar %{taxonomy_single} till %{taxonomy_name}"],"Manually Assign":["Tilldela Manuellt"],"Manually select and assign hosts with no %s":["Välj manuellt och tilldela värdar utan %s"],"Proceed to Edit":["Gå vidare till redigering"],"Skip assign hosts and proceed to edit %s settings":["Hoppa över tilldelning värdar och fortsätt att redigera %s inställningar"],"Clone %s":["Klona %s"],"Fix Mismatches":["Rätta matchningsfel"],"Mismatches Report":["Rapport för matchningsfel"],"Notice:":["Notis:"],"There is":["Det finns","Det finns"],"%{count} host with no %{taxonomy_single} assigned":["%{count} värd utan %{taxonomy_single} tilldelad","%{count} värdar utan %{taxonomy_single} tilldelade"],"Taxonomy|Name":["Namn"],"Select hosts to assign to %s":["Välj värdar att tilldela till %s"],"Mismatches":["Matchningsfel"],"Fix All Mismatches":["Rätta alla matchningsfel"],"Location/Organization":["Lokation/Organisation"],"Mismatch Details":["Detaljer för matchningsfel"],"No hosts are mismatched!":["Inga värdar har matchningsfel"],"All hosts data matches configurations for locations and organizations.":["Alla värdars data matchar konfigurationer för platser och organisationer."],"Warning: This template is locked. You may only change the associations. Please %s it to customize.":[""],"clone":[""],"Useful template functions and macros":["Användbara mallfunktioner och makron"],"Note: %s ":["Notera: %s"],"Template editor":["Malleditor"],"Code":["Kod"],"Diff":[""],"Preview":["Förhandsgranska"],"Key Binding":["Tangentbordsbindningar"],"Selecting a file will override the editor and load the file instead":["Väljs en fil åsidosätts redigeraren och filen laddas istället"],"Audit Comment":["Revisionskommentar"],"The Audit Comment field is saved with the template auditing to document the template changes":["Fältet för Granskningskommentar sparas tillsammas med mallen för att dokumentera ändringar i mallen"],"Revert":["Återgå"],"Show Diff":["Visa Skillnad"],"Save something and try again":["Spara något och försök igen"],"No history found":["Ingen historik hittad"],"Please Select":["Vänligen välj"],"Show Host":["Visa Värd"],"Edit Trend %s":["Redigera Trend %s"],"Fact Name":["Faktanamn"],"Display Name":["Visningsnamn"],"Add Trend Counter":["Lägg till Trendräknare"],"No trend counter defined.":["Ingen trendräknare definierad."],"To define trend counters, use the Add Trend Counter button.":["För att definiera trendräknare, använd \\\"Lägg till trendräknare\\\" knappen"],"To start collecting trend data, set a cron job to execute 'foreman-rake trends:counter' every Puppet Interval (%s minutes).":[""],"No trend counter found.":["Ingen trendräknare hittad."],"To start collecting trend data, set a cron job to execute <span class='black'>foreman-rake trends:counter</span> every Puppet Interval (%s minutes)":[""],"Action":["Åtgärd"],"Show Trends":["Visa Trender"],"Delete all the trend history for %s?":["Radera all trendhistorik för %s"],"Last updated %s ago":["Senast uppdaterade %s sedan"],"New Trend":["Ny Trend"],"Trends for %s":["Trend för %s"],"Number of Hosts":["Antal Värdar"],"Your Foreman user account has been created:":[""],"Username":["Användarnamn"],"Please login to %{foreman_url} to change your password":[""],"External user group":[""],"User group":[""],"External groups":[""],"User Groups":["Användargrupper"],"Usergroup|Name":["Namn"],"Usergroup|Auth source":[""],"Refresh":[""],"Synchronize group from authentication source":[""],"Show linked external user groups":[""],"Add external user group":[""],"link external user group with this user group":[""],"Edit User group":["Redigera Användargrupp"],"New User group":["Ny Användargrupp"],"Build a query for %{mailer}":[""],"Email Preferences":[""],"Browser locale":["Webbläsarens språkinställning"],"Language":[""],"Browser timezone":[""],"Authorized by":["Godkänd av"],"Password":["Lösenord"],"Verify":["Verifiera"],"General":[""],"Please save the user first before assigning email notifications.":[""],"Notifications":["Notifieringar"],"Subscribe":[""],"No emails":[""],"Edit User":["Redigera Användare"],"Logout":["Logga ut"],"Click to log in again.":["Klicka för att logga in igen."],"Version %{version}":["Version %{version}"],"New User":["Ny Användare"],"User|Login":["Login"],"User|Firstname":["Förnamn"],"User|Lastname":["Efternamn"],"User|Mail":["Epost"],"User|Admin":["Admin"],"User|Last login on":["Sista inloggning "],"Login":["Login"],"Please wait...":["Var vänlig och vänta"],"%{record} is used by %{what}":["%{record} används av %{what}"],"Adding would cause a cycle!":[""],"locale_name":["locale_name"],"Unable to get BMC providers":[""],"Unable to get installed BMC providers":[""],"Unable to perform boot BMC operation":[""],"Unable to perform power BMC operation":[""],"Unable to perform identify BMC operation":[""],"Unable to perform lan BMC operation":[""],"Unable to retrieve DHCP subnets":[""],"Unable to retrieve DHCP subnet":[""],"Unable to retrieve unused IP":[""],"Unable to retrieve DHCP entry for %s":[""],"Unable to set DHCP entry":[""],"Unable to delete DHCP entry for %s":[""],"Unable to set DNS entry":[""],"Unable to delete DNS entry":[""],"Unable to detect features":[""],"for proxy":[""],"Unable to get environments from Puppet":[""],"Unable to get environment from Puppet":[""],"Unable to get classes from Puppet for %s":[""],"Unable to execute Puppet run":[""],"Unable to get PuppetCA autosign":[""],"Unable to set PuppetCA autosign for %s":[""],"Unable to delete PuppetCA autosign for %s":[""],"Unable to sign PuppetCA certificate for %s":[""],"Unable to delete PuppetCA certificate for %s":[""],"Unable to get PuppetCA certificates":[""],"Unable to create realm entry":[""],"Unable to set TFTP boot entry for %s":[""],"Unable to delete TFTP boot entry for %s":[""],"Unable to fetch TFTP boot file":[""],"Unable to detect TFTP boot server":[""],"Unable to create default TFTP boot menu":[""],"No free ports available for websockify, try again later":[""],"No documentation found":[""],"We have not found any documentation for your API.":[""],"Follow %{href} on how to describe your controllers.":[""],"further instructions":[""],"Oops!!":[""],"Resource %{res} not found.":[""],"Method %{method} not found for resource %{resource}.":[""],"Try going to %{href}":[""],"%{app_name} API documentation homepage":[""],"required":[""],"optional":[""],"nil allowed":[""],"Param name":[""],"Params":[""],"Examples":[""],"Metadata":[""],"Errors":[""],"Supported Formats":[""],"Please enable JavaScript to view the %{comments_href}.":[""],"comments powered by %{disqus}":[""],"API documentation":[""],"Architecture|Hostgroups count":[""],"Architecture|Hosts count":[""],"Audited::Adapters::ActiveRecord::Audit|Action":["Åtgärd"],"Audited::Adapters::ActiveRecord::Audit|Associated name":["Associerat namn"],"Audited::Adapters::ActiveRecord::Audit|Associated type":["Associerad typ"],"Audited::Adapters::ActiveRecord::Audit|Auditable name":["Granskningsbart namn"],"Audited::Adapters::ActiveRecord::Audit|Auditable type":["Granskningsbar typ"],"Audited::Adapters::ActiveRecord::Audit|Audited changes":["Granskade ändringar"],"Audited::Adapters::ActiveRecord::Audit|Comment":["Kommentar"],"Audited::Adapters::ActiveRecord::Audit|Remote address":["Fjärradress"],"Audited::Adapters::ActiveRecord::Audit|User type":["Användartyp"],"Audited::Adapters::ActiveRecord::Audit|Username":["Användarnamn"],"Audited::Adapters::ActiveRecord::Audit|Version":["Version"],"Auth source":["Autentiseringskälla"],"AuthSource|Account":["Konto"],"AuthSource|Account password":["Kontolösenord"],"AuthSource|Attr firstname":["Attr förnamn"],"AuthSource|Attr lastname":["Attr efternamn"],"AuthSource|Attr login":["Attr inloggning"],"AuthSource|Attr mail":["Attr mail"],"AuthSource|Attr photo":[""],"AuthSource|Base dn":["Base dn"],"AuthSource|Groups base":[""],"AuthSource|Ldap filter":["Ldapfilter"],"AuthSource|Port":["Port"],"AuthSource|Server type":[""],"AuthSource|Tls":["Tls"],"Bookmark":["Bokmärke"],"Bookmark|Owner type":["Ägartyp"],"Compute attribute":["Beräkningsattribut"],"ComputeAttribute|Name":["Namn"],"ComputeAttribute|Vm attrs":["Vm attrs"],"ComputeProfile|Name":["Namn"],"ComputeResource|Attrs":["Attrs"],"ComputeResource|Description":["Beskrivning"],"ComputeResource|Password":["Lösenord"],"ComputeResource|Url":["Url"],"ComputeResource|User":["Användare"],"ComputeResource|Uuid":["Uuid"],"Config group":[""],"ConfigGroup|Config group classes count":[""],"ConfigGroup|Hostgroups count":[""],"ConfigGroup|Hosts count":[""],"ConfigGroup|Name":[""],"Provisioning template":[""],"ProvisioningTemplate|Default":[""],"ProvisioningTemplate|Template":[""],"ProvisioningTemplate|Vendor":[""],"Domain|Hostgroups count":[""],"Domain|Hosts count":[""],"Domain|Name":["Namn"],"Environment|Hostgroups count":[""],"Environment|Hosts count":[""],"External usergroup":[""],"ExternalUsergroup|Name":[""],"Fact name":["Faktanamn"],"FactName|Ancestry":["Arv"],"FactName|Compose":["Komponera"],"FactName|Name":["Namn"],"FactName|Short name":["Kortnamn"],"Fact value":["Faktavärde"],"Feature":["Funktion"],"Feature|Name":["Namn"],"Filter|Taxonomy search":[""],"Host::Base|Build":["Bygg"],"Host::Base|Certname":["Certifikatnamn"],"Host::Base|Comment":["Kommentar"],"Host::Base|Disk":["Hårddisk"],"Host::Base|Enabled":["Aktiverad"],"Host::Base|Grub pass":[""],"Host::Base|Image file":["Avbildningsfil"],"Host::Base|Installed at":["Installerad vid"],"Host::Base|Ip":["Ip"],"Host::Base|Last compile":["Senaste kompilering"],"Host::Base|Last freshcheck":["Senaste uppdateringskoll"],"Host::Base|Last report":["Senaste rapport"],"Host::Base|Mac":["Mac"],"Host::Base|Managed":["Managerad"],"Host::Base|Name":["Namn"],"Host::Base|Otp":[""],"Host::Base|Owner type":["Ägartyp"],"Host::Base|Primary interface":[""],"Host::Base|Provision method":[""],"Host::Base|Puppet status":["Puppetstatus"],"Host::Base|Root pass":["Rootlösenord"],"Host::Base|Serial":["Serienummer"],"Host::Base|Use image":["Använd avbildning"],"Host::Base|Uuid":["Uuid"],"Host config group":[""],"HostConfigGroup|Host type":[""],"Hostgroup|Ancestry":["Förfäder"],"Hostgroup|Grub pass":[""],"Hostgroup|Image file":["Avbildningsfil"],"Hostgroup|Root pass":["Rootlösenord"],"Hostgroup|Title":[""],"Hostgroup|Use image":["Använd avbildning"],"Hostgroup|Vm defaults":["Vm standardinställningar"],"Image|Iam role":["Iamroll"],"Image|Password":[""],"Key pair":["Nyckelpar"],"KeyPair|Name":["Namn"],"KeyPair|Public":["Publik"],"KeyPair|Secret":["Hemlighet"],"Lookup key":["Söknyckel"],"LookupKey|Avoid duplicates":[""],"LookupKey|Default value":["Standardvärde"],"LookupKey|Description":["Beskrivning"],"LookupKey|Is param":["Är parameter"],"LookupKey|Key":["Nyckel"],"LookupKey|Key type":["Nyckeltyp"],"LookupKey|Lookup values count":["Kontrollera antal värden"],"LookupKey|Merge overrides":[""],"LookupKey|Override":["Åsidosätta"],"LookupKey|Path":["Sökväg"],"LookupKey|Required":["Krävs"],"LookupKey|Validator rule":["Validatorregel"],"LookupKey|Validator type":["Validatortyp"],"Lookup value":["Sökvärde"],"LookupValue|Match":["Matchning"],"LookupValue|Value":["Värde"],"Medium|Config path":["Konfigurationssökväg"],"Medium|Image path":["Avbildningssökväg"],"Medium|Media path":["Mediesökväg"],"Message":["Meddelande"],"Message|Digest":["Sammandrag"],"Message|Value":["Värde"],"Model|Hosts count":[""],"Model|Info":["Information"],"Model|Vendor class":["Vendor class"],"Nic::Base|Attached devices":[""],"Nic::Base|Attached to":[""],"Nic::Base|Attrs":["Attrs"],"Nic::Base|Bond options":[""],"Nic::Base|Identifier":[""],"Nic::Base|Ip":["Ip"],"Nic::Base|Link":[""],"Nic::Base|Mac":["Mac"],"Nic::Base|Managed":[""],"Nic::Base|Mode":[""],"Nic::Base|Name":["Namn"],"Nic::Base|Password":[""],"Nic::Base|Provider":[""],"Nic::Base|Tag":[""],"Nic::Base|Username":[""],"Nic::Base|Virtual":[""],"Operatingsystem":["Operativsystem"],"Operatingsystem|Description":["Beskrivning"],"Operatingsystem|Hostgroups count":[""],"Operatingsystem|Hosts count":[""],"Operatingsystem|Major":["Major"],"Operatingsystem|Minor":["Minor"],"Operatingsystem|Nameindicator":["Namnindikator"],"Operatingsystem|Password hash":[""],"Operatingsystem|Release name":["Namn"],"Operatingsystem|Title":[""],"Parameter":["Parameter"],"Parameter|Hidden value":[""],"Parameter|Priority":["Prioritet"],"Permission|Name":[""],"Permission|Resource type":[""],"Ptable":["Ptable"],"Ptable|Layout":["Layout"],"Puppetclass|Global class params count":[""],"Puppetclass|Hostgroups count":[""],"Puppetclass|Hosts count":[""],"Puppetclass|Lookup keys count":[""],"Realm|Hostgroups count":[""],"Realm|Hosts count":[""],"Realm|Realm type":[""],"Report":["Rapport"],"Report|Metrics":["Mätvärden"],"Report|Reported at":["Rapporterades vid"],"Report|Status":["Status"],"Role|Builtin":["Inbyggd"],"Role|Permissions":["Rättigheter"],"Setting":["Inställning"],"Setting|Category":["Kategori"],"Setting|Default":["Standard"],"Setting|Settings type":["Inställningstyp"],"Smart proxy":["Smart proxy"],"Source":["Källa"],"Source|Digest":["Sammandrag"],"Source|Value":["Värde"],"Subnet|Boot mode":[""],"Subnet|Dns primary":["Primär Dns"],"Subnet|Dns secondary":["Sekundär Dns"],"Subnet|From":["Från"],"Subnet|Gateway":["Nätsluss"],"Subnet|Ipam":[""],"Subnet|Mask":["Mask"],"Subnet|Priority":["Prioritet"],"Subnet|To":["Till"],"Taxable taxonomy":["Beskattningsbar taxonomi"],"TaxableTaxonomy|Taxable type":["Beskattningsbar typ"],"Taxonomy":["Taxonomi"],"Taxonomy|Ancestry":[""],"Taxonomy|Ignore types":["Typer att ignorera"],"Taxonomy|Title":[""],"Template kind":["Malltyp"],"TemplateKind|Name":["Namn"],"Token":["Token"],"Token|Expires":["Utgår"],"Token|Value":["Värde"],"Trend":["Trend"],"Trend|Fact name":["Faktanamn"],"Trend|Fact value":["Faktavärde"],"Trend|Name":["Namn"],"Trend|Trendable type":["Trendbara typer"],"Trend counter":["Trendräknare"],"TrendCounter|Count":["Antal"],"User|Avatar hash":[""],"User|Locale":["Språkinställning"],"User|Lower login":[""],"User|Password hash":["Lösenordshash"],"User|Password salt":["Lösenordssalt"],"User role":[""],"UserRole|Owner type":[""],"Usergroup":["Användargrupp"],"Usergroup|Admin":[""],"Usergroup member":["Användargruppsmedlem"],"UsergroupMember|Member type":["Medlemstyp"]}}};
msgid "Error removing widget from dashboard."
msgstr ""
msgid "Widget added to dashboard."
msgstr ""
msgid "Error adding widget to dashboard."
msgstr ""
msgid "Widget positions successfully saved."
msgstr ""
msgid "physical"
msgstr ""
msgid "Reboot and build"
msgstr ""
msgid "Build"
msgstr ""
msgid "Select All"
msgid "Reboot and build"
msgstr ""
msgid "All items"
msgstr ""
msgid "Select All"
msgstr ""
#. TRANSLATORS: "Table name" or "Table name|Column name" for error messages
msgid "Filter"
msgstr ""
msgid "Medium"
msgstr ""
msgid "Very Strong"
msgid "Weak"
msgstr ""
msgid "Normal"
msgid "Strong"
msgstr ""
msgid "Weak"
msgid "Very Strong"
msgstr ""
msgid "Your password is too short"
msgid "The following fields would need reviewing"
msgstr ""
msgid "PXE"
msgid "CDROM"
msgstr ""
msgid "BIOS"
msgid "PXE"
msgstr ""
msgid "CDROM"
msgid "Disk"
msgstr ""
msgid "Disk"
msgid "BIOS"
msgstr ""
msgid "The marked fields will need reviewing"
msgid "Parameters that would be associated with hosts in this %s"
msgstr ""
msgid "<b>Source:</b> %{type} %{name}"
msgid "Additional info"
msgstr ""
msgid "Additional info"
msgid "<b>Source:</b> %{type} %{name}"
msgstr ""
msgid "Use Puppet default"
msgid "Paused"
msgstr ""
msgid "On"
msgid "Off"
msgstr ""
msgid "Off"
msgid "On"
msgstr ""
msgid "Are you sure you want to power %{act} %{vm}?"
msgstr ""
msgid "Resume"
msgid "Pause"
msgstr ""
msgid "Pause"
msgid "Resume"
msgstr ""
msgid "Are you sure you want to %{act} %{vm}?"
msgid "Restore widgets"
msgstr ""
msgid "Add widgets"
msgstr ""
msgid "Nothing to add"
msgstr ""
msgid "Missing template '%{template}' for widget '%{widget}'."
msgstr ""
msgid "Active"
msgstr ""
msgid "Applied|A"
msgstr ""
msgid "Restarted"
msgstr ""
#. TRANSLATORS: initial character of Restarted
msgid "Restarted|R"
msgstr ""
#. TRANSLATORS: initial character of Failed
msgid "Failed|F"
msgid "Restarted"
msgstr ""
msgid "Failed"
msgstr ""
#. TRANSLATORS: initial character of Failed
msgid "Failed|F"
msgstr ""
#. TRANSLATORS: initial characters of Failed Restarts
msgid "Failed Restarts|FR"
msgstr ""
msgid "Failed Restarts"
msgstr ""
msgid "Skipped"
msgstr ""
#. TRANSLATORS: initial character of Skipped
msgid "Skipped|S"
msgstr ""
msgid "Skipped"
msgid "Pending"
msgstr ""
#. TRANSLATORS: initial character of Pending
msgid "Pending|P"
msgstr ""
msgid "Pending"
msgstr ""
msgid "New Puppet Environment"
msgstr ""
msgid "Failed restarts"
msgstr ""
msgid "Config Retrieval"
msgid "Runtime"
msgstr ""
msgid "Runtime"
msgid "Config Retrieval"
msgstr ""
msgid "Reports from the last %{days} days - %{count} reports found"
msgid "Host audit entries"
msgstr ""
msgid "Browse host facts"
msgstr ""
msgid "Facts"
msgstr ""
msgid "Reports"
msgid "Browse host facts"
msgstr ""
msgid "Browse host reports"
msgstr ""
msgid "Reports"
msgstr ""
msgid "Puppet external nodes YAML dump"
msgstr ""
msgid "Image"
msgstr ""
msgid "Image ID as provided by the compute resource, e.g. ami-.."
msgid "Image ID"
msgstr ""
msgid "Image ID"
msgid "Image ID as provided by the compute resource, e.g. ami-.."
msgstr ""
msgid "Caps lock ON"
msgid "How values are validated"
msgstr ""
msgid "Validator type"
msgstr ""
msgid ""
"<dl><dt>List</dt> <dd>A list of the allowed values, specified in the Validator"
" rule field.</dd><dt>Regexp</dt> <dd>Validates the input with the regular expr"
"ession in the Validator rule field.</dd></dl>"
msgstr ""
msgid "Validator type"
msgstr ""
msgid "Validation types"
msgstr ""
msgid "Default value"
msgstr "Default value"
msgid "No value error"
msgstr ""
msgid ""
"Required parameter without value.<br/><b>Please override!</b> <br><br><b>Descr"
"iption:</b>: %s"
msgstr ""
msgid "No value warning"
msgid "No value error"
msgstr ""
msgid ""
"><b>Description:</b> %s"
msgstr ""
msgid "No value warning"
msgstr ""
msgid "Default templates are automatically added to new locations"
msgstr ""
msgid "free memory"
msgstr ""
msgid "used swap"
msgid "free swap"
msgstr ""
msgid "free swap"
msgid "used swap"
msgstr ""
msgid "Average swap usage"
msgid "Any Location"
msgstr ""
msgid "New Location"
msgid "New Organization"
msgstr ""
msgid "New Organization"
msgid "New Location"
msgstr ""
msgid "All users"
msgid "Select users"
msgstr ""
msgid "All smart proxies"
msgid "Select smart proxies"
msgstr ""
msgid "Select smart proxies"
msgid "All smart proxies"
msgstr ""
msgid "All subnets"
msgid "Select subnets"
msgstr ""
msgid "All compute resources"
msgid "Select compute resources"
msgstr ""
msgid "Select compute resources"
msgid "All compute resources"
msgstr ""
msgid "All media"
msgid "Select media"
msgstr ""
msgid "Select provisioning templates"
msgstr ""
msgid "All provisioning templates"
msgstr ""
msgid "All partition tables"
msgid "Select provisioning templates"
msgstr ""
msgid "Select partition tables"
msgstr ""
msgid "Select domains"
msgid "All partition tables"
msgstr ""
msgid "All domains"
msgstr ""
msgid "All realms"
msgid "Select domains"
msgstr ""
msgid "Select realms"
msgstr ""
msgid "All environments"
msgid "All realms"
msgstr ""
msgid "Select environments"
msgid "All environments"
msgstr ""
msgid "All host groups"
msgid "Select environments"
msgstr ""
msgid "Select host groups"
msgstr ""
#. TRANSLATORS: "Table name" or "Table name|Column name" for error messages
msgid "Environment"
msgid "All host groups"
msgstr ""
#, fuzzy
msgstr "Name"
#. TRANSLATORS: "Table name" or "Table name|Column name" for error messages
msgid "Compute resource"
msgid "Environment"
msgstr ""
#. TRANSLATORS: "Table name" or "Table name|Column name" for error messages
msgid "Model"
msgstr ""
#. TRANSLATORS: "Table name" or "Table name|Column name" for error messages
msgid "Compute resource"
msgstr ""
msgid "Trend of the last %s days."
msgstr ""
msgid "could not be found in %s"
msgstr ""
msgid "real"
msgid "integer"
msgstr ""
msgid "boolean"
msgstr ""
msgid "integer"
msgstr ""
msgid "string"
msgid "real"
msgstr ""
msgid "json"
msgid "array"
msgstr ""
msgid "hash"
msgid "yaml"
msgstr ""
msgid "array"
msgid "string"
msgstr ""
msgid "regexp"
msgid "json"
msgstr ""
msgid "list"
msgstr ""
msgid "regexp"
msgstr ""
msgid "invalid"
msgstr ""
msgid "%{match} does not match an existing host group"
msgstr ""
msgid "Daily"
msgid "Monthly"
msgstr ""
msgid "Weekly"
msgstr ""
msgid "Monthly"
msgid "Daily"
msgstr ""
msgid ""
msgid "Unsupported password hash function '%s'"
msgstr ""
msgid "reboot"
msgid "start"
msgstr ""
msgid "start"
msgid "poweroff"
msgstr ""
msgid "reset"
msgstr ""
msgid "state"
msgid "stop"
msgstr ""
msgid "stop"
msgid "state"
msgstr ""
msgid "poweroff"
msgid "reboot"
msgstr ""
msgid "soft"
msgid "on"
msgstr ""
msgid "status"
msgid "cycle"
msgstr ""
msgid "ready?"
msgstr ""
msgid "cycle"
msgid "status"
msgstr ""
msgid "off"
msgid "e.g. mail"
msgstr ""
msgid "Photo attribute"
msgid "e.g. jpegPhoto"
msgstr ""
msgid "e.g. jpegPhoto"
msgid "Photo attribute"
msgstr ""
msgid "Edit LDAP Auth Source"
msgid "You would probably need to attach the"
msgstr ""
msgid "Full trace"
msgid "and relevant log entries."
msgstr ""
msgid "and relevant log entries."
msgid "Full trace"
msgstr ""
msgid "None Found"
msgid "Check/Uncheck all %s changes"
msgstr ""
msgid "Add:"
msgstr ""
msgid "Remove:"
msgstr ""
msgid "Update:"
msgstr ""
msgid "Add:"
msgstr ""
msgid "Update"
msgstr ""
msgid "Add Bookmark"
msgstr ""
msgid "Build from OS image"
msgid "OS Image"
msgstr ""
msgid "OS Image"
msgid "Build from OS image"
msgstr ""
#. TRANSLATORS: "Table name" or "Table name|Column name" for error messages
msgid "Region"
msgstr ""
msgid "Load Regions"
msgid "Test Connection"
msgstr ""
msgid "Test Connection"
msgid "Load Regions"
msgstr ""
msgid "Google Project ID"
msgid "URL"
msgstr ""
msgid "Disabled"
msgstr ""
#, fuzzy
msgid "Enabled"
msgstr "Partition Table"
msgid "Disabled"
msgstr ""
msgid "There was an error listing VMs: %s"
msgstr ""
msgid "Network interfaces"
msgstr ""
msgid "Add Interface"
msgid "add new network interface"
msgstr ""
msgid "add new network interface"
msgid "Add Interface"
msgstr ""
msgid "No networks found."
msgid "Public"
msgstr ""
msgid "Private"
msgid "Managed IP"
msgstr ""
msgid "Managed IP"
msgid "Private"
msgstr ""
msgid "Machine type"
msgid "Boot from volume"
msgstr ""
msgid "Defaults to image size if left blank"
msgid "New boot volume size (GB)"
msgstr ""
msgid "New boot volume size (GB)"
msgid "Defaults to image size if left blank"
msgstr ""
msgid "Cluster"
msgid "Storage domain"
msgstr ""
msgid "Preallocate disk"
msgid "Uses thin provisioning if unchecked"
msgstr ""
msgid "Uses thin provisioning if unchecked"
msgid "Preallocate disk"
msgstr ""
msgid "Only one volume can be bootable"
msgid "For internal Users, simply create a new user at the %s page"
msgstr ""
msgid "LDAP"
msgstr ""
msgid ""
"If you chose to use LDAP authentication then you must provide connection detai"
"ls for your authentication provider on %s page"
msgstr ""
msgid "LDAP"
msgstr ""
msgid "For Roles and permissions, see the %s page"
msgstr ""
msgid "Full name describing the domain"
msgstr ""
msgid "DNS Proxy"
msgstr ""
msgid ""
"DNS proxy to use within this domain for managing A records, note that PTR reco"
"rds are managed via Subnet DNS proxy"
msgstr ""
msgid "DNS Proxy"
msgstr ""
msgid "Edit Domain"
msgstr ""
msgid "Canvas not supported."
msgstr ""
msgid "Unmanage host"
msgid "Manage host"
msgstr ""
msgid "Manage host"
msgid "Unmanage host"
msgstr ""
msgid "Disassociate host"
msgid "Password to authenticate with - used for SSH finish step."
msgstr ""
msgid "Image path"
msgid "Full path to backing image used to create new volumes."
msgstr ""
msgid "Full path to backing image used to create new volumes."
msgid "Image path"
msgstr ""
msgid "Path to template, relative to datacenter (e.g. My templates/RHEL 6)"
"em managed via Foreman is housed."
msgstr ""
msgid "organizations"
msgstr ""
msgid ""
"For example, there might be a data center in London and one in Virginia; these"
" are locations. Locations also work nicely when used in tandem with %{organiza"
msgstr ""
msgid "organizations"
msgstr ""
msgid "Remove %s?"
msgstr ""
msgid "The NFS path to the image directory."
msgstr ""
msgid "Choose a family"
msgid "Operating system family"
msgstr ""
msgid "Operating system family"
msgid "Choose a family"
msgstr ""
msgid "Edit Medium"
msgid "Please save the Operating System first and try again."
msgstr ""
msgid "No templates found!"
msgid "you probably need to configure your %s first."
msgstr ""
msgid "you probably need to configure your %s first."
msgid "No templates found!"
msgstr ""
msgid "Edit Operating System"
msgid "Variables"
msgstr ""
msgid "Override all parameters"
msgstr ""
msgid "This will set all parameters of the class %s as overridden. Continue?"
msgstr ""
msgid "This will reset parameters of the class %s to their default values. Continue?"
msgid "Override all parameters"
msgstr ""
msgid "Set parameters to defaults"
msgstr ""
msgid "This will reset parameters of the class %s to their default values. Continue?"
msgstr ""
msgid "Oops"
msgstr ""
msgid "Realm name, e.g. EXAMPLE.COM"
msgstr ""
msgid "Type of realm, e.g. FreeIPA"
msgid "Realm type"
msgstr ""
msgid "Realm type"
msgid "Type of realm, e.g. FreeIPA"
msgstr ""
msgid "Realm proxy"
msgid "clone"
msgstr ""
msgid "Useful template functions and macros"
msgid "Note: %s "
msgstr ""
msgid "Note: %s "
msgid "Useful template functions and macros"
msgstr ""
msgid "Template editor"
msgid "Show linked external user groups"
msgstr ""
msgid "Add external user group"
msgid "link external user group with this user group"
msgstr ""
msgid "link external user group with this user group"
msgid "Add external user group"
msgstr ""
msgid "Edit User group"
msgid "Email Preferences"
msgstr ""
msgid "Language"
msgstr ""
#, fuzzy
msgid "Browser locale"
msgstr "Email address"
msgid "Language"
msgstr ""
msgid "Browser timezone"
msgstr ""
msgid "User|Last login on"
msgstr "Last login time"
#. TRANSLATORS: "Table name" or "Table name|Column name" for error messages
msgid "User|Mail enabled"
msgstr "Email enabled"
msgid "Login"
msgstr ""
msgid "User|Password salt"
msgstr "Password salt"
#. TRANSLATORS: "Table name" or "Table name|Column name" for error messages
msgid "User|Mail enabled"
msgstr "Email enabled"
#. TRANSLATORS: "Table name" or "Table name|Column name" for error messages
msgid "User role"
msgstr ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: Foreman\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2015-08-10 07:10+0000\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2015-08-30 02:01+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: Dominic Cleal <>\n"
"Language-Team: English (United Kingdom) ("
#. TRANSLATORS: "Table name" or "Table name|Column name" for error messages
msgid "Message"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Message"
#. TRANSLATORS: "Table name" or "Table name|Column name" for error messages
msgid "Message|Digest"
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: foreman 1.0.0\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2015-08-17 09:23+0100\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2015-08-17 09:23+0100\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2015-09-11 08:40+0100\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2015-09-11 08:40+0100\n"
"Last-Translator: FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS>\n"
"Language-Team: LANGUAGE <>\n"
"Language: \n"
msgid "physical @ bridge %s"
msgstr ""
#: ../app/assets/javascripts/dashboard.js:40
#: ../app/assets/javascripts/dashboard.js:36
msgid "Are you sure you want to delete this widget from your dashboard?"
msgstr ""
#: ../app/assets/javascripts/dashboard.js:45
#: ../app/assets/javascripts/dashboard.js:41
msgid "Widget removed from dashboard."
msgstr ""
#: ../app/assets/javascripts/dashboard.js:49
#: ../app/assets/javascripts/dashboard.js:46
msgid "Error removing widget from dashboard."
msgstr ""
#: ../app/assets/javascripts/dashboard.js:61
#: ../app/assets/javascripts/dashboard.js:58
msgid "Widget added to dashboard."
msgstr ""
#: ../app/assets/javascripts/dashboard.js:62
msgid "Error adding widget to dashboard."
msgstr ""
#: ../app/assets/javascripts/dashboard.js:75
msgid "Widget positions successfully saved."
msgstr ""
#: ../app/assets/javascripts/dashboard.js:64
#: ../app/assets/javascripts/dashboard.js:78
msgid "Failed to save widget positions."
msgstr ""
#: ../app/assets/javascripts/dashboard.js:95
#: ../app/assets/javascripts/dashboard.js:111
msgid "Nothing to restore"
msgstr ""
msgid "No subnets"
msgstr ""
#: ../app/assets/javascripts/host_edit.js:609
#: ../app/assets/javascripts/host_edit.js:610
msgid "Error generating IP: %s"
msgstr ""
msgid "Interface"
msgstr ""
#: ../app/assets/javascripts/host_edit_interfaces.js:170
#: ../app/assets/javascripts/host_edit_interfaces.js:171
#: ../app/views/environments/_form.html.erb:5
#: ../app/views/taxonomies/_form.html.erb:6
msgid "Primary"
msgstr ""
#: ../app/assets/javascripts/host_edit_interfaces.js:171
#: ../app/assets/javascripts/host_edit_interfaces.js:172
msgid "Provisioning"
msgstr ""
#: ../app/assets/javascripts/host_edit_interfaces.js:225
#: ../app/assets/javascripts/host_edit_interfaces.js:226
msgid ""
"Some other interface is already set as primary. Are you sure you want to use t"
"his one instead?"
msgstr ""
#: ../app/assets/javascripts/host_edit_interfaces.js:240
#: ../app/assets/javascripts/host_edit_interfaces.js:241
msgid ""
"Some other interface is already set as provisioning. Are you sure you want to "
"use this one instead?"
msgstr ""
#: ../app/assets/javascripts/host_edit_interfaces.js:280
#: ../app/assets/javascripts/host_edit_interfaces.js:281
msgid "virtual attached to %s"
msgstr ""
#: ../app/assets/javascripts/host_edit_interfaces.js:282
#: ../app/assets/javascripts/host_edit_interfaces.js:283
msgid "virtual"
msgstr ""
#: ../app/assets/javascripts/host_edit_interfaces.js:290
#: ../app/assets/javascripts/host_edit_interfaces.js:291
msgid "physical"
msgstr ""
#: ../app/assets/javascripts/hosts.js:20 ../app/helpers/hosts_helper.rb:293
#: ../app/helpers/hosts_helper.rb:425 ../app/helpers/hosts_helper.rb:427
msgid "Build"
msgstr ""
#: ../app/assets/javascripts/hosts.js:20
msgid "Reboot and build"
msgstr ""
#: ../app/assets/javascripts/hosts.js:20 ../app/helpers/hosts_helper.rb:293
#: ../app/helpers/hosts_helper.rb:425 ../app/helpers/hosts_helper.rb:427
msgid "Build"
#: ../app/assets/javascripts/jquery.multi-select.js:8
msgid "All items"
msgstr ""
#: ../app/assets/javascripts/jquery.multi-select.js:8
msgid "Select All"
msgstr ""
#: ../app/assets/javascripts/jquery.multi-select.js:8
msgid "All items"
msgstr ""
#. TRANSLATORS: "Table name" or "Table name|Column name" for error messages
#: ../app/assets/javascripts/jquery.multi-select.js:8
#: ../app/helpers/layout_helper.rb:150
msgstr ""
#: ../app/assets/javascripts/password_strength.js:46
msgid "Very Strong"
msgid "Weak"
msgstr ""
#: ../app/assets/javascripts/password_strength.js:46
msgstr ""
#: ../app/assets/javascripts/password_strength.js:46
msgid "Weak"
msgid "Very Strong"
msgstr ""
#: ../app/assets/javascripts/password_strength.js:48
msgstr ""
#: ../app/controllers/api/v1/hostgroups_controller.rb:70
#: ../app/controllers/hostgroups_controller.rb:78
#: ../app/controllers/hostgroups_controller.rb:76
msgid "Cannot delete group %{current} because it has nested groups."
msgstr ""
msgstr ""
#: ../app/controllers/application_controller.rb:345
#: ../app/helpers/dashboard_helper.rb:38 ../app/models/host/managed.rb:685
#: ../app/helpers/dashboard_helper.rb:58 ../app/models/host/managed.rb:685
msgid "Error"
msgstr ""
#: ../app/controllers/application_controller.rb:345
#: ../app/helpers/dashboard_helper.rb:39
#: ../app/helpers/dashboard_helper.rb:59
msgid "OK"
msgstr ""
msgid "External user group %{name} could not be refreshed"
msgstr ""
#: ../app/controllers/hostgroups_controller.rb:36
#: ../app/controllers/hostgroups_controller.rb:37
msgid "The following fields would need reviewing"
msgstr ""
#: ../app/controllers/hosts_controller.rb:10
msgid "PXE"
msgstr ""
#: ../app/controllers/hosts_controller.rb:10
msgid "BIOS"
msgid "CDROM"
msgstr ""
#: ../app/controllers/hosts_controller.rb:10
msgid "CDROM"
msgid "PXE"
msgstr ""
#: ../app/controllers/hosts_controller.rb:10
msgid "Disk"
msgstr ""
#: ../app/controllers/hosts_controller.rb:10
msgid "BIOS"
msgstr ""
#: ../app/controllers/hosts_controller.rb:76
#: ../app/controllers/templates_controller.rb:29
msgid "The marked fields will need reviewing"
msgid "No parameters to override for Puppet class %s"
msgstr ""
#: ../app/controllers/reports_controller.rb:27
#: ../app/controllers/reports_controller.rb:23
msgid "Successfully deleted report."
msgstr ""
msgid "Parameters that would be associated with hosts in this %s"
msgstr ""
#: ../app/helpers/common_parameters_helper.rb:18
msgid "<b>Source:</b> %{type} %{name}"
msgstr ""
#: ../app/helpers/common_parameters_helper.rb:18
#: ../app/helpers/lookup_keys_helper.rb:80
#: ../app/helpers/lookup_keys_helper.rb:97
msgid "Additional info"
msgstr ""
#: ../app/helpers/common_parameters_helper.rb:18
msgid "<b>Source:</b> %{type} %{name}"
msgstr ""
#: ../app/helpers/common_parameters_helper.rb:22
#: ../app/views/common_parameters/_puppetclasses_parameters.html.erb:8
#: ../app/views/lookup_keys/_fields.html.erb:17
#: ../app/helpers/compute_resources_helper.rb:12
#: ../app/helpers/compute_resources_helper.rb:17
#: ../app/helpers/hosts_helper.rb:280
msgid "On"
msgid "Off"
msgstr ""
#: ../app/helpers/compute_resources_helper.rb:12
#: ../app/helpers/compute_resources_helper.rb:17
#: ../app/helpers/hosts_helper.rb:280
msgid "Off"
msgid "On"
msgstr ""
#: ../app/helpers/compute_resources_helper.rb:26
msgstr ""
#: ../app/helpers/compute_resources_helper.rb:34
msgid "Resume"
msgid "Pause"
msgstr ""
#: ../app/helpers/compute_resources_helper.rb:34
msgid "Pause"
msgid "Resume"
msgstr ""
#: ../app/helpers/compute_resources_helper.rb:36
msgid "Generated at %s"
msgstr ""
#: ../app/helpers/dashboard_helper.rb:8
#: ../app/helpers/dashboard_helper.rb:9
msgid "Manage dashboard"
msgstr ""
#: ../app/helpers/dashboard_helper.rb:9
#: ../app/helpers/dashboard_helper.rb:10
msgid "Save dashboard"
msgstr ""
#: ../app/helpers/dashboard_helper.rb:10
#: ../app/helpers/dashboard_helper.rb:11
msgid "Reset to default"
msgstr ""
#: ../app/helpers/dashboard_helper.rb:12
#: ../app/helpers/dashboard_helper.rb:13
msgid "Restore widgets"
msgstr ""
#: ../app/helpers/dashboard_helper.rb:37 ../app/models/host/managed.rb:687
#: ../app/helpers/dashboard_helper.rb:15
msgid "Add widgets"
msgstr ""
#: ../app/helpers/dashboard_helper.rb:27
msgid "Nothing to add"
msgstr ""
#: ../app/helpers/dashboard_helper.rb:37
msgid "Missing template '%{template}' for widget '%{widget}'."
msgstr ""
#: ../app/helpers/dashboard_helper.rb:57 ../app/models/host/managed.rb:687
msgid "Active"
msgstr ""
#: ../app/helpers/dashboard_helper.rb:40
#: ../app/helpers/dashboard_helper.rb:60
msgid "Pending changes"
msgstr ""
#: ../app/helpers/dashboard_helper.rb:41 ../app/models/host/managed.rb:683
#: ../app/helpers/dashboard_helper.rb:61 ../app/models/host/managed.rb:683
msgid "Out of sync"
msgstr ""
#: ../app/helpers/dashboard_helper.rb:42
#: ../app/helpers/dashboard_helper.rb:62
msgid "No report"
msgstr ""
#: ../app/helpers/dashboard_helper.rb:43
#: ../app/helpers/dashboard_helper.rb:63
msgid "Notification disabled"
msgstr ""
#: ../app/helpers/dashboard_helper.rb:44
#: ../app/helpers/dashboard_helper.rb:64
#: ../app/views/dashboard/_status_widget.html.erb:2
msgid "Host Configuration Status"
msgstr ""
#: ../app/helpers/dashboard_helper.rb:49
#: ../app/helpers/dashboard_helper.rb:69
msgid "Number Of Clients"
msgstr ""
#: ../app/helpers/dashboard_helper.rb:49
#: ../app/helpers/dashboard_helper.rb:69
msgid "Minutes Ago"
msgstr ""
#: ../app/helpers/dashboard_helper.rb:74 ../app/helpers/hosts_helper.rb:180
#: ../app/helpers/dashboard_helper.rb:94 ../app/helpers/hosts_helper.rb:180
#: ../app/views/reports/_list.html.erb:8
msgid "Applied"
msgstr ""
#. TRANSLATORS: initial character of Applied
#: ../app/helpers/dashboard_helper.rb:74
#: ../app/helpers/dashboard_helper.rb:94
msgid "Applied|A"
msgstr ""
#: ../app/helpers/dashboard_helper.rb:76 ../app/helpers/hosts_helper.rb:184
#: ../app/views/reports/_list.html.erb:9
msgid "Restarted"
msgstr ""
#. TRANSLATORS: initial character of Restarted
#: ../app/helpers/dashboard_helper.rb:76
#: ../app/helpers/dashboard_helper.rb:96
msgid "Restarted|R"
msgstr ""
#. TRANSLATORS: initial character of Failed
#: ../app/helpers/dashboard_helper.rb:78
msgid "Failed|F"
#: ../app/helpers/dashboard_helper.rb:96 ../app/helpers/hosts_helper.rb:184
#: ../app/views/reports/_list.html.erb:9
msgid "Restarted"
msgstr ""
#: ../app/helpers/dashboard_helper.rb:78 ../app/helpers/hosts_helper.rb:181
#: ../app/helpers/dashboard_helper.rb:98 ../app/helpers/hosts_helper.rb:181
#: ../app/models/report.rb:136 ../app/views/reports/_list.html.erb:10
msgid "Failed"
msgstr ""
#. TRANSLATORS: initial character of Failed
#: ../app/helpers/dashboard_helper.rb:98
msgid "Failed|F"
msgstr ""
#. TRANSLATORS: initial characters of Failed Restarts
#: ../app/helpers/dashboard_helper.rb:80
#: ../app/helpers/dashboard_helper.rb:100
msgid "Failed Restarts|FR"
msgstr ""
#: ../app/helpers/dashboard_helper.rb:80
#: ../app/helpers/dashboard_helper.rb:100
msgid "Failed Restarts"
msgstr ""
#: ../app/helpers/dashboard_helper.rb:102 ../app/helpers/hosts_helper.rb:183
#: ../app/views/reports/_list.html.erb:12
msgid "Skipped"
msgstr ""
#. TRANSLATORS: initial character of Skipped
#: ../app/helpers/dashboard_helper.rb:82
#: ../app/helpers/dashboard_helper.rb:102
msgid "Skipped|S"
msgstr ""
#: ../app/helpers/dashboard_helper.rb:82 ../app/helpers/hosts_helper.rb:183
#: ../app/views/reports/_list.html.erb:12
msgid "Skipped"
#: ../app/helpers/dashboard_helper.rb:104 ../app/models/host/managed.rb:689
#: ../app/views/reports/_list.html.erb:13
msgid "Pending"
msgstr ""
#. TRANSLATORS: initial character of Pending
#. TRANSLATORS: host's status: first character of "pending"
#: ../app/helpers/dashboard_helper.rb:84 ../app/helpers/hosts_helper.rb:105
#: ../app/helpers/dashboard_helper.rb:104 ../app/helpers/hosts_helper.rb:105
msgid "Pending|P"
msgstr ""
#: ../app/helpers/dashboard_helper.rb:84 ../app/models/host/managed.rb:689
#: ../app/views/reports/_list.html.erb:13
msgid "Pending"
msgstr ""
#: ../app/helpers/environments_helper.rb:6
msgid "New Puppet Environment"
msgstr ""
msgid "Failed restarts"
msgstr ""
#: ../app/helpers/hosts_helper.rb:193
msgid "Config Retrieval"
msgstr ""
#: ../app/helpers/hosts_helper.rb:193 ../app/views/hosts/show.html.erb:83
msgid "Runtime"
msgstr ""
#: ../app/helpers/hosts_helper.rb:193
msgid "Config Retrieval"
msgstr ""
#: ../app/helpers/hosts_helper.rb:199
msgid "Reports from the last %{days} days - %{count} reports found"
msgstr ""
msgid "Host audit entries"
msgstr ""
#: ../app/helpers/hosts_helper.rb:361
msgid "Browse host facts"
msgstr ""
#: ../app/helpers/hosts_helper.rb:361 ../app/helpers/trends_helper.rb:6
#: ../app/services/menu/loader.rb:48
msgid "Facts"
msgstr ""
#: ../app/helpers/hosts_helper.rb:362 ../app/services/menu/loader.rb:46
#: ../app/views/reports/index.html.erb:1
msgid "Reports"
#: ../app/helpers/hosts_helper.rb:361
msgid "Browse host facts"
msgstr ""
#: ../app/helpers/hosts_helper.rb:362
msgid "Browse host reports"
msgstr ""
#: ../app/helpers/hosts_helper.rb:362 ../app/services/menu/loader.rb:46
#: ../app/views/reports/index.html.erb:1
msgid "Reports"
msgstr ""
#: ../app/helpers/hosts_helper.rb:363
msgid "Puppet external nodes YAML dump"
msgstr ""
msgstr ""
#: ../app/helpers/images_helper.rb:10
msgid "Image ID as provided by the compute resource, e.g. ami-.."
msgid "Image ID"
msgstr ""
#: ../app/helpers/images_helper.rb:10
msgid "Image ID"
msgid "Image ID as provided by the compute resource, e.g. ami-.."
msgstr ""
#: ../app/helpers/layout_helper.rb:60 ../app/views/users/login.html.erb:23
msgid "How values are validated"
msgstr ""
#: ../app/helpers/lookup_keys_helper.rb:67
msgid "Validator type"
msgstr ""
#: ../app/helpers/lookup_keys_helper.rb:67
msgid ""
"<dl><dt>List</dt> <dd>A list of the allowed values, specified in the Validator"
"ession in the Validator rule field.</dd></dl>"
msgstr ""
#: ../app/helpers/lookup_keys_helper.rb:67
msgid "Validator type"
msgstr ""
#: ../app/helpers/lookup_keys_helper.rb:70
msgid "Validation types"
msgstr ""
msgid "Default value"
msgstr ""
#: ../app/helpers/lookup_keys_helper.rb:101
msgid "No value error"
msgstr ""
#: ../app/helpers/lookup_keys_helper.rb:101
msgid ""
"Required parameter without value.<br/><b>Please override!</b> <br><br><b>Descr"
"iption:</b>: %s"
msgstr ""
#: ../app/helpers/lookup_keys_helper.rb:104
msgid "No value warning"
#: ../app/helpers/lookup_keys_helper.rb:101
msgid "No value error"
msgstr ""
#: ../app/helpers/lookup_keys_helper.rb:104
"><b>Description:</b> %s"
msgstr ""
#: ../app/helpers/lookup_keys_helper.rb:104
msgid "No value warning"
msgstr ""
#: ../app/helpers/provisioning_templates_helper.rb:28
msgid "Default templates are automatically added to new locations"
msgstr ""
msgstr ""
#: ../app/helpers/statistics_helper.rb:12
msgid "used swap"
msgid "free swap"
msgstr ""
#: ../app/helpers/statistics_helper.rb:12
msgid "free swap"
msgid "used swap"
msgstr ""
#: ../app/helpers/statistics_helper.rb:12
msgstr ""
#: ../app/helpers/taxonomy_helper.rb:47
#: ../app/views/locations/welcome.html.erb:1
msgid "New Location"
#: ../app/views/organizations/welcome.html.erb:1
msgid "New Organization"
msgstr ""
#: ../app/helpers/taxonomy_helper.rb:47
... This diff was truncated because it exceeds the maximum size that can be displayed.

Also available in: Unified diff