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<% content_for(:title, _("Compute Profiles")) %>
<div class="blank-slate-pf">
<div class="blank-slate-pf-icon">
<%= icon_text("list-alt", "", :kind => "fa") %>
<h1><%= _('Compute Profiles') %></h1>
<p><%= _("A compute profile is a way of expressing a set of defaults for VMs created on a specific compute resource that can be mapped to an operator-defined label. This means an administrator can express, for example, what 'Small', 'Medium' or 'Large' means on all of the individual compute resources present for a given installation.") %></p>
<p><%= link_to _('Learn more about this in the documentation.'), documentation_url("5.2.2UsingComputeProfiles")%></p>
<div class="blank-slate-pf-main-action">
<%= new_link(_("Create Compute Profile"), :class => 'btn-lg') %>