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Revision a4d69f8c

Added by Tomer Brisker almost 8 years ago

Fixes #4477 - Host[group] form only show authorized resources

Previously, most dropdowns in the host and hostgroup edit forms
displayed all of the existing resources, including some that a user may
not have been authorized to view.
This commit makes sure only authorized resources are displayed, with the
exception of the current resource - so that editing a host will not
cause changes to its current associations in case the user is not
allowed to see them. This also includes a refactoring of the code to
reduce duplication.
I have also included a change to `with_taxonomy_scope_override` that
allows its use for relations. This was not previously possible due to
the `.unscoped` which was used to remove the default scope and has been
replaced with `.unscope(:where => :taxonomy)` that only removes any
previous taxonomy scopes.

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