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# You must restart the Rack server after changing either of these values
# because they are cached at startup.
:unattended: true
:login: true
:require_ssl: false
:locations_enabled: false
:organizations_enabled: false
#JSONP or "JSON with padding" is a complement to the base JSON data format.
#It provides a method to request JSON data from a server in a different domain.
:support_jsonp: false
#:puppetconfdir: /etc/puppet
#:puppetvardir: /var/lib/puppet
#:puppetssldir: /var/lib/puppet/ssl

# Mark translated strings with X characters (for developers)
:mark_translated: false

# Local administrative settings for application domain, fqdn, foreman URL,
# administrator email address etc. If you don't have a Puppet provisioning
# system you may want to change to setup your project on your local machine.
:domain: ''
:fqdn: ''

# Log settings for the current environment can be adjusted by adding them
# here. For example, if you want to increase the log level.
# :level: debug

# Individual logging types can be toggled on/off here
# :app:
# :enabled: true
# :ldap:
# :enabled: false
# :permissions:
# :enabled: false
# :sql:
# :enabled: false