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Revision a88d4a3e

Added by Tomer Brisker about 8 years ago

Fixes #14505 - Correct authorization of broken smart proxy actions

Because the controller is named "smart_proxies" but the puppetca and
autosign actions are implemented in seperate controllers,
authorized_via_my_scope fails to find the correct permission.
This also fixes the link to show proxy when viewing as non-admin user.

View differences:

<% for proxy in @smart_proxies %>
<tr class="proxy-show" data-url="<%= ping_smart_proxy_path(proxy) %>">
<td><%= link_to_if_authorized, hash_for_smart_proxy_path(:id => proxy).merge(:auth_object => proxy, :authorizer => authorizer), :title => proxy.url %></td>
<td><%= link_to_if_authorized, {:action => :show, :id => proxy}, :title => proxy.url %></td>
<% unless SETTINGS[:locations_enabled] && SETTINGS[:organizations_enabled] %>
<td class="hidden-sm hidden-xs nbsp ellipsis"><%= proxy.url %></td>
<% end %>
<ul id="proxy-puppetca-tab" class="nav nav-tabs nav-tabs-pf">
<li class="active"><a href="#ca_general"><%= _("General") %></a></li>
<% if authorized_via_my_scope(:smart_proxy, :view_smart_proxies_puppet_ca, @smart_proxy) %>
<% if authorized_for(:permission => :view_smart_proxies_puppetca, :auth_object => @smart_proxy, :authorizer => authorizer) %>
<li><a href="#certificates"><%= _("Certificates") %></a></li>
<% end %>
<% if authorized_via_my_scope(:smart_proxy, :view_smart_proxies_autosign, @smart_proxy) %>
<% if authorized_for(:permission => :view_smart_proxies_autosign, :auth_object => @smart_proxy, :authorizer => authorizer) %>
<li><a href="#autosign"><%= _("Autosign entries") %></a></li>
<% end %>
<div class="container-fluid container-cards-pf">
<div class="row row-cards-pf">
<% if authorized_via_my_scope(:smart_proxy, :view_smart_proxies_puppet_ca, @smart_proxy) %>
<% if authorized_for(:permission => :view_smart_proxies_puppetca, :auth_object => @smart_proxy) %>
<span data-ajax-url="<%= counts_smart_proxy_puppetca_path(:smart_proxy_id => @smart_proxy) %>"><%= spinner%></span>
<span data-ajax-url="<%= expiry_smart_proxy_puppetca_path(:smart_proxy_id => @smart_proxy) %>"><%= spinner%></span>
<% end %>
<% if authorized_via_my_scope(:smart_proxy, :view_smart_proxies_autosign, @smart_proxy) %>
<% if authorized_for(:permission => :view_smart_proxies_autosign, :auth_object => @smart_proxy, :authorizer => authorizer) %>
<span data-ajax-url="<%= counts_smart_proxy_autosign_path(:smart_proxy_id => @smart_proxy) %>"><%= spinner%></span>
<% end %>
<% if authorized_via_my_scope(:smart_proxy, :view_smart_proxies_puppet_ca, @smart_proxy) %>
<% if authorized_for(:permission => :view_smart_proxies_puppetca, :auth_object => @smart_proxy, :authorizer => authorizer) %>
<div class="tab-pane" id="certificates" data-ajax-url="<%= smart_proxy_puppetca_index_path(:smart_proxy_id => @smart_proxy) %>" data-on-complete="certTable"><%= spinner %></div>
<% end %>
<% if authorized_via_my_scope(:smart_proxy, :view_smart_proxies_autosign, @smart_proxy) %>
<% if authorized_for(:permission => :view_smart_proxies_autosign, :auth_object => @smart_proxy, :authorizer => authorizer) %>
<div class="tab-pane" id="autosign" data-ajax-url="<%= smart_proxy_autosign_index_path(:smart_proxy_id => @smart_proxy) %>" data-on-complete="activateDatatables"><%= spinner %></div>
<% if authorized_via_my_scope(:smart_proxy, :create_smart_proxies_autosign, @smart_proxy) %>
<% if authorized_for(:permission => :create_smart_proxies_autosign, :auth_object => @smart_proxy, :authorizer => authorizer) %>
<div data-ajax-url=<%= new_smart_proxy_autosign_path(:smart_proxy_id => @smart_proxy) %>></div>
<% end %>
<% end %>

Also available in: Unified diff