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86007852 Greg Sutcliffe
require 'facter'
class Setting::General < Setting

def self.load_defaults
# Check the table exists
return unless super
8c618ae8 Greg Sutcliffe
protocol=SETTINGS[:require_ssl] ? 'https' : 'http'
86007852 Greg Sutcliffe
self.transaction do
domain = Facter.domain
self.set('administrator', N_("The default administrator email address"), "root@#{domain}"),
ec3a95fb Daniel Lobato
self.set('foreman_url', N_("URL where your Foreman instance is reachable (see also Provisioning > unattended_url)"), "#{protocol}://#{Facter.fqdn}"),
self.set('email_reply_address', N_("Email reply address for emails that Foreman is sending"), "Foreman-noreply@#{domain}"),
self.set('entries_per_page', N_("Number of records shown per page in Foreman"), 20),
acfbc458 Marek Hulan
self.set('fix_db_cache', N_('Fix DB cache on next Foreman restart'),false),
86007852 Greg Sutcliffe
self.set('authorize_login_delegation', N_("Authorize login delegation with REMOTE_USER environment variable"),false),
self.set('authorize_login_delegation_api', N_("Authorize login delegation with REMOTE_USER environment variable for API calls too"),false),
self.set('idle_timeout', N_("Log out idle users after a certain number of minutes"),60),
self.set('max_trend', N_("Max days for Trends graphs"),30),
ec3a95fb Daniel Lobato
self.set('use_gravatar', N_("Foreman will use gravatar to display user icons"),true)
8da68b88 Tomas Strachota
].each { |s| self.create! s.update(:category => "Setting::General")}
86007852 Greg Sutcliffe


