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<% content_for(:title, _("Architectures")) %>
<div class="blank-slate-pf">
<div class="blank-slate-pf-icon">
<%= icon_text("building", "", :kind => "fa") %>
<h1><%= _('Architectures') %></h1>
<%= _("Before you proceed to using Foreman you should provide information about one or more architectures.") %></br>
<%= _("Each entries represent a particular hardware architecture, most commonly <b>x86_64</b> or <b>i386</b>. Foreman also supports the Solaris operating system family, which includes <b>sparc</b> based systems.").html_safe %></br>
<%= _("Each architecture can also be associated with more than one operating system and a selector block is provided to allow you to select valid combinations.") %>
<p><%= link_to _('Learn more about this in the documentation.'), documentation_url("4.4.5Architectures")%></p>
<div class="blank-slate-pf-main-action">
<%= new_link(_("New architecture"), {}, { :class => "btn-lg" }) %>