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<div class="fields">
<%= text_f f, :match, :size => "col-md-8",
:help_block => popover(_("Explain matchers"), _("Matcher is a combination of an attribute and its value, if they match, the value below would be provided.<br> You may use any attribute foreman knows about, such as facts etc for example: <code> domain = </code> or <code> is_virtual = true</code>"),
:title => _("Matcher"))
<%= checkbox_f(f, :use_puppet_default, :label => _('Use Puppet default'),
:help_inline => popover(_("Explain use Puppet default"), _('Do not send this parameter via the ENC. Puppet will use the value defined in the Puppet manifest for this parameter.')),
:onchange=>'toggleUsePuppetDefaultValue(this, "value")') if is_param %>
<%= textarea_f f, :value, :rows => :auto, :value => f.object.value_before_type_cast, :size => "col-md-8",
:disabled => f.object.use_puppet_default,
:help_inline => remove_child_link(icon_text("remove"), f, {:title => _('remove value')}) %>