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kind: snippet
name: bmc_nic_setup
model: ProvisioningTemplate
snippet: true
description: |
This snippet configure BMC interfaces.
At this time, only IPMI provider is supported.
It was tested on some Dell hardware with CentOS 6 - CentOS 7 and should be compatible with respective
upstream RHEL versions.

What this snippet does:
* Configure the networking part of the interface (ipaddr, netmask, ip gateway or dhcp)

* Set the authentication mechanism to 'MD5' for the used privilege level

* Create or Update the provided user with provided privileges level. ADMINISTRATOR privilege level is used by default
because ipmitool utility request ADMINISTRATOR privileges level if no privilege level is provided.
If you want to use a lower level of privileges (like OPERATOR), don't forget to add the privilege level to request
with your ipmi command (eg: ipmitool -I lanplus -L operator -U user1 -H chassis status).

* Enable the user created/updated

What this snippet doesn't do:
* Set/Update the VLAN tag on the BMC interface because this configuration depends on the switch port configuration
and the 'ipmitool lan set <channel> vlan id <off|<id>>' command don't work on all Dell hardware tested.

* bmc_ipmi_priv_level: Privilege level to use for the ipmi user.
'ADMINISTRATOR' is used by default if not provided.
* bmc_ipmi_auth_method: Channel authentication types. Possible values: NONE, MD2, MD4, MD5, PASSWORD.
'MD5' is used by default if not provided.
* bmc_ipmi_channel_id: Channel ID for the IPMI configuration.

How to test configuration result:
* From a remote host that can reach the current IPMI interface, install ipmitool utilities and type the following command:
ipmitool -I <interface> -L <privilege_level> -U <user> -H <host> chassis status
bmc_nic = @host.bmc_nic

privilege_levels = {'ADMINISTRATOR' => 4, 'OPERATOR' => 3}
user_privilege_level = host_param('bmc_ipmi_priv_level') || 'ADMINISTRATOR'
auth_method = host_param('bmc_ipmi_auth_method') || 'MD5'
channel_id = host_param('bmc_ipmi_channel_id') || '1'

os_family =

<% if bmc_nic && bmc_nic.managed? && bmc_nic.provider == "IPMI" && !bmc_nic.username.empty? && !bmc_nic.password.empty? -%>

# Configure BMC interface
<% if os_family == 'Redhat' %>
if [ -f /usr/bin/dnf ]; then
dnf -y install ipmitool
yum -t -y install ipmitool
<% elsif os_family == 'Freebsd' %>
pkg install -y ipmitool
<% elsif os_family == 'Debian' %>
apt-get update
apt-get install -y ipmitool
<% end %>

<% if bmc_nic.subnet.dhcp_boot_mode? -%>
ipmitool lan set <%= channel_id %> ipsrc dhcp
<% else -%>
ipmitool lan set <%= channel_id %> ipsrc static
ipmitool lan set <%= channel_id %> ipaddr <%= bmc_nic.ip %>
ipmitool lan set <%= channel_id %> netmask <%= bmc_nic.subnet.mask %>
ipmitool lan set <%= channel_id %> defgw ipaddr <%= bmc_nic.subnet.gateway %>
<% end -%>

ipmitool lan set <%= channel_id %> auth <%= user_privilege_level %> <%= auth_method %>
ipmitool lan set <%= channel_id %> arp respond on
ipmitool lan set <%= channel_id %> access on

# Provided user exist, get his ID
if ipmitool user list <%= channel_id %> | grep -m 1 -E '[[:blank:]]<%= bmc_nic.username %>[[:blank:]]' >/dev/null 2>&1; then
ipmi_user_id=$(ipmitool user list <%= channel_id %> | grep -m 1 -E '[[:blank:]]<%= bmc_nic.username %>[[:blank:]]' | cut -d ' ' -f1)
# provided user don't exist, get the next free ID and create a new user.
ipmi_user_id=$[$(ipmitool user list <%= channel_id %> | tail -n 1 | cut -d ' ' -f1)+1]
ipmitool user set name ${ipmi_user_id} <%= bmc_nic.username %>

ipmitool user set password ${ipmi_user_id} <%= bmc_nic.password %>
ipmitool channel setaccess <%= channel_id %> ${ipmi_user_id} link=on ipmi=on callin=on privilege=<%= privilege_levels[user_privilege_level] %>
ipmitool user enable ${ipmi_user_id}
<% end -%>