


Download (643 Bytes) Statistics
| Branch: | Tag: | Revision:
8ffd9aee Ohad Levy
<div class="row">
bfbf7ed8 Lukas Zapletal
<% search_bar(_("Generated %s ago") % time_ago_in_words(@console['timestamp'])) %>
bf4a13d3 Walden Raines
<%= title_actions(link_to_if_authorized(_("Back to host"), hash_for_host_path(:id => @host), :title => _("Back to host"), :class => 'btn btn-default')) if @host %>
8ffd9aee Ohad Levy
<% title "#{@console[:name]}" %>
4d4557e9 Joseph Magen
<% if @host && (@host.installed_at.nil? or (@console['timestamp'] - @host.installed_at < 5.minutes)) %>
8ffd9aee Ohad Levy
<div class='alert'>
<a class="close" href="#" data-dismiss="alert">&times;</a>
Console output may be out of date
4d4557e9 Joseph Magen
<% end %>
8ffd9aee Ohad Levy
<pre class="pre-scrollable">
<%= @console['output'] %>