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<%= javascript 'reports', 'ace/ace' %>
<% title "#{}"%>

<p class='ra'> <%= _("Reported at %s ") % @report.reported_at.getlocal %> </p>
<% if @offset > 10 %>
<div class="alert alert-message alert-block alert-error">
<a class="close" href="#" data-dismiss="alert">&times;</a>
<h3><%= _("Host times seems to be adrift!") %></h3>
<%= (_("Host reported time is <em>%s</em>") % @report.reported_at).html_safe %> <br/>
<%= (_("Foreman report creation time is <em>%s</em>") % @report.created_at).html_safe %> <br/>
<%= (_("Which is an offset of <b>%s</b>") % distance_of_time_in_words(@report.reported_at, @report.created_at, true)).html_safe %>
<% end %>

<% content_for(:search_bar) {logs_show} %>

<%= render 'output', :logs => @report.logs%>
<%= render 'metrics', :status => @report.status, :metrics => @report.metrics["time"] if @report.metrics["time"] %>

<%= title_actions link_to(_('Back'), :back),
display_delete_if_authorized(hash_for_report_path(:id => @report), :class=> "btn btn-danger"),
link_to(_("Host details"),,
link_to(_("Other reports for this host"), host_reports_path(

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<button type="button" class="close" data-dismiss="modal" aria-hidden="true">&times;</button>
<h4 class="modal-title"><%= _("Diff View") %></h4>
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