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Revision c310efaa

Added by Daniel Lobato Garcia over 6 years ago

i18n - extracting new, pulling from tx

View differences:

var locales = locales || {}; locales['ca'] = {"domain":"app","locale_data":{"app":{"":{"Project-Id-Version":"Foreman","Report-Msgid-Bugs-To":"","PO-Revision-Date":"2017-08-03 17:20+0000","Last-Translator":"Lukáš Zapletal","Language-Team":"Catalan (","MIME-Version":"1.0","Content-Type":"text/plain; charset=UTF-8","Content-Transfer-Encoding":"8bit","Language":"ca","Plural-Forms":"nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);","lang":"ca","domain":"app","plural_forms":"nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);"}," Remove":["Suprimeix"],"%s - Press Shift-F12 to release the cursor.":[""],"%s - The following hosts are about to be changed":["%s - Els següents amfitrions estan a punt de ser canviats"],"%s Distribution":["Distribució %s"],"%s Parameters updated, see below for more information":[""],"%s Template":[""],"%s VM associated to a host":["",""],"%s active feature":["",""],"%s ago":["fa %s"],"%s console is not supported at this time":[""],"%s core":["%s nucli","%s nuclis"],"%s day ago":["fa %s dia","fa %s dies"],"%s error message":["",""],"%s has been disassociated from VM":[""],"%s host":["%s amfitrió","%s amfitrions"],"%s is an unknown attribute":[""],"%s is not a valid DNS record type":[""],"%s is not in environment":[""],"%s log message":["",""],"%s minute ago":["fa %s minut","fa %s minuts"],"%s month ago":["fa %s mes","fa %s mesos"],"%s selected hosts":["%s amfitrions seleccionats"],"%s warning message":["",""],"%s week ago":["fa %s setmana","fa %s setmanes"],"%s widget loading...":[""],"%{app_name} API documentation homepage":["Pàgina inicial de la documentació de l'API %{app_name}"],"%{config_type} rebuild failed for host: %{host_names}.":["",""],"%{controller}: %{host}'s operating system %{os} has no OS family":[""],"%{controller}: %{host}'s operating system is missing":[""],"%{controller}: unable to find a host that matches the request from %{addr}":[""],"%{cores} Cores and %{memory} memory":["%{cores} nuclis i %{memory} memòria"],"%{count} host with no %{taxonomy_single} assigned":["",""],"%{cpus} CPUs and %{memory} MB memory":["%{cpus} CPU i %{memory} MB de memòria"],"%{cpus} CPUs and %{memory} memory":["%{cpus} CPU i %{memory} memòria"],"%{e} does not belong to the %{environment} environment":[""],"%{host} is about to %{action}":["%{host} està a punt de %{action}"],"%{host} now boots from %{device}":["%{host} ara arrenca des de %{device}"],"%{id} plugin requires Foreman %{matcher} but current is %{current}":["El connector %{id} requereix %{matcher} de Foreman però l'actual és %{current}"],"%{id} plugin requires the %{plugin_name} plugin %{matcher} but current is %{plugin_version}":["El connector %{id} requereix el connector %{plugin_name} %{matcher} però l'actual és %{plugin_version}"],"%{id} plugin requires the %{plugin_name} plugin, not found":[""],"%{image} needs user data, but %{os_link} is not associated to any provisioning template of the kind user_data. Please associate it with a suitable template or uncheck 'User data' for %{compute_resource_image_link}.":[""],"%{key} does not exist in order field":[""],"%{match} does not match an existing host":[""],"%{match} does not match an existing host group":[""],"%{model} with id '%{id}' was not found":[""],"%{name} changed from %{label1} to %{label2}":[""],"%{name} has %{num_tag} class":["",""],"%{os} medium was not set for host '%{host}'":[""],"%{record} is being used by a hidden %{what} resource":[""],"%{record} is used by %{what}":["%{record} s'utilitza amb %{what}"],"%{record} is used by host in build mode %{what}":[""],"%{resource_name} not found by id '%{id}'":["%{resource_name} no s'ha trobat amb l'id. '%{id}'"],"%{task} task failed with the following error: %{e}":[""],"%{taxonomy_type} %{taxonomy_name} has %{count} host that will need to be reassociated after deletion. Delete %{taxonomy_name2}?":["",""],"%{type} %{conflicts} already exists":[""],"%{user} Downloaded %{key} as pem file":[""],"%{value} does not belong to %{os} operating system":[""],"%{value} is not a valid controller":["%{value} no és un controlador vàlid"],"%{value} is not one of %{rules}":["%{value} no és un de %{rules}"],"%{vm} is now %{vm_state}":["%{vm} ara està %{vm_state}"],"&laquo;":["&laquo;"],"&raquo;":["&raquo;"],"'%{host}' could be deleted or '%{resource}' is not responding.":[""],"'%{host}' not found on '%{resource}'":[""],"'%{loader}' is not one of %{loaders}":[""],"'Content-Type: %s' is unsupported in API v2 for POST and PUT requests. Please use 'Content-Type: application/json'.":[""],"(Miscellaneous)":["(Miscel·lani)"],"(optional) IAM Role for Fog to use when creating this image.":[""],"*Clear %s proxy*":[""],"*Clear environment*":["*Neteja l'entorn*"],"*Clear host group*":["*Neteja el grup d'amfitrions*"],"*Inherit from host group*":[""],", relevant log entries, and it is highly recommended to also attach the foreman-debug output.":[""],":foreman_url is not set, please configure in the Foreman Web UI (Administer -> Settings -> General)":[""],"<b class='select_count'>0</b> selected":["<b class='select_count'>0</b> seleccionats"],"<b style=\\\"color: #6bb5df;\\\">%{disabled_sum}</b>\\n <p>Disabled</p>":["",""],"<b style=\\\"color: #6bb5df;\\\">%{hosts_sum}</b>\\n <p>Changed</p>":["",""],"<b style=\\\"color: #6bb5df;\\\">%{out_of_sync_sum}</b>\\n <p>Out of sync</p>":["",""],"<b>Description:</b> %{desc}<br/>\\n <b>Type:</b> %{type}<br/>\\n <b>Matcher:</b> %{matcher}<br/>\\n <b>Inherited value:</b> %{inherited_value}":[""],"<b>Foreman API v1 is deprecated. Please use v2.</b><br />If you still need to use v1, you may do so by either passing 'version=1' in the Accept Header or using api/v1/ in the URL.":[""],"<b>Foreman</b> Build Complete":[""],"<b>Foreman</b> Puppet error report":[""],"<b>Foreman</b> Puppet summary":[""],"<b>Foreman</b> audit summary":["Resum de l'auditoria de <b>Foreman</b> "],"<b>Foreman</b> test email":[""],"<b>Source:</b> %{type} %{name}":["<b>Origen:</b> %{type} %{name}"],"<dl><dt>List</dt> <dd>A list of the allowed values, specified in the Validator rule field.</dd><dt>Regexp</dt> <dd>Validates the input with the regular expression in the Validator rule field.</dd></dl>":[""],"<dl><dt>String</dt> <dd>Everything is taken as a string.</dd><dt>Boolean</dt> <dd>Common representation of boolean values are accepted.</dd><dt>Integer</dt> <dd>Integer numbers only, can be negative.</dd><dt>Real</dt> <dd>Accept any numerical input.</dd><dt>Array</dt> <dd>A valid JSON or YAML input, that must evaluate to an array.</dd><dt>Hash</dt> <dd>A valid JSON or YAML input, that must evaluate to an object/map/dict/hash.</dd><dt>YAML</dt> <dd>Any valid YAML input.</dd><dt>JSON</dt> <dd>Any valid JSON input.</dd></dl>":[""],"A Foreman user group can be associated to a group stored in an LDAP server, so membership of the LDAP group automatically adds the user to the Foreman user group.":[""],"A host group is in some ways similar to an inherited node declaration, in that it is a high level grouping of classes that can be named and treated as a unit. This is then treated as a template and is selectable during the creation of a new host and ensures that the host is configured in one of your pre-defined states.":["Un grup d'amfitrions és en certa manera similar a una declaració d'herència de nodes, ja que és un alt nivell d'agrupació de les classes que es poden anomenar i tractar com una unitat. Això es tracta després com una plantilla i es pot seleccionar durant la creació d'un nou amfitrió, i assegura que l'amfitrió es configura en un dels seus estats predefinits."],"A medium represents the source of one or more operating system's installation files, accessible via the network.\\n It will probably be a mirror from the internet or a copy of one or more CD or DVDs.":["Un mitjà representa l'origen d'un o més fitxers d'instal·lació del sistema operatiu, accessibles a través de la xarxa.\\nProbablement serà una rèplica d'Internet o una còpia d'un o més CD o DVD."],"A partition table entry represents either":[""],"A problem occurred when detecting host type: %s":[""],"A script to dynamically calculate the desired sizes. E.G.":[""],"A user group already exists with this name":[""],"API Key":["Clau de l'API"],"API documentation":["Documentació de l'API"],"About":["Quant a"],"Access Key":["Clau d'accés"],"Access denied":["Accés denegat"],"Access unattended without build":[""],"Account":["Compte"],"Acquire IP addresses for %s":[""],"Action":["Acció"],"Actions":["Accions"],"Active":["Actiu"],"Active Hosts":["Amfitrions actius"],"Active features":[""],"Active key":[""],"Add Autosign entry":[""],"Add Bookmark":["Afegeix l'adreça d'interès"],"Add Interface":["Afegeix una interfície"],"Add Matcher":["Afegeix un classificador"],"Add Parameter":["Afegeix un paràmetre"],"Add Trend Counter":[""],"Add Variable":["Afegeix una variable"],"Add Volume":["Afegeix un volum"],"Add a CD-ROM drive to the virtual machine.":[""],"Add a Puppet class to host":["Afegeix una classe de Puppet a un amfitrió"],"Add a Puppet class to host group":["Afegeix una classe de Puppet a un grup d'amfitrions"],"Add a template combination":["Afegeix una combinació de plantilles"],"Add combination":["Afegeix una combinació"],"Add external user group":["Afegeix el grup d'usuaris externs"],"Add filter":["Afegeix un filtre"],"Add to dashboard":["Afegeix al tauler"],"Add widgets":["Afegeix estris"],"Add:":["Afegeix:"],"Adding would cause a cycle!":["Afegir-ho podria provocar un bucle!"],"Additional Information":["Informació addicional"],"Additional compute resource specific attributes for the interface.":[""],"Additional compute resource specific attributes.":[""],"Additional information about this host":["Informació addicional quant a aquest amfitrió"],"Address to connect to":[""],"Admin permissions required":["Es requereixen permisos d'administrador"],"Administer":["Administra"],"Administrator email address":["Adreça de correu electrònic de l'administrador"],"Administrator user account required":[""],"Alert":["Alerta"],"Alerts disabled":[""],"Alias or VLAN device":["Àlies o dispositiu VLAN"],"All":["Tot"],"All Puppet Classes for %s":["Totes les classes de Puppet per %s"],"All Reports":["Tots els informes"],"All compute resources":["Tots els recursos computacionals"],"All domains":["Tots els dominis"],"All environments":["Tots els entorns"],"All environments - (not filtered)":["Tots els entorns - (sense filtrar)"],"All host groups":["Tots els grups d'amfitrions"],"All hosts":["Tots els amfitrions"],"All hosts data matches configurations for locations and organizations.":[""],"All hosts previously with no %{single} are now assigned to %{name}":[""],"All hosts will show a configuration status even when a Puppet smart proxy is not assigned":[""],"All items":["Tots els ítems"],"All media":["Tots els mitjans"],"All messages":["Tots els missatges"],"All mismatches between hosts and %s have been fixed":[""],"All mismatches between hosts and locations/organizations have been fixed":[""],"All partition tables":["Totes les taules de particions"],"All provisioning templates":["Totes les plantilles d'aprovisionament"],"All realms":["Tots els reialmes"],"All smart proxies":["Tots els servidors intermediaris intel·ligents"],"All subnets":["Totes les subxarxes"],"All users":["Tots els usuaris"],"Allocated":[""],"Allocation (GB)":["Assignació (GB)"],"Allow access to unattended URLs without build mode being used":[""],"Allow external network as main network":[""],"Allowed methods or members":[""],"Always show configuration status":[""],"An IP address will be auto-suggested if you have enabled IPAM on the IPv4 subnet selected above.<br/><br/>The IP address can be left blank when:<br/><ul><li>provisioning tokens are enabled</li><li>the domain does not manage DNS</li><li>the subnet does not manage reverse DNS</li><li>and the subnet does not manage DHCP reservations</li></ul>":[""],"An IP address will be auto-suggested if you have enabled IPAM on the IPv6 subnet selected above.":[""],"An email address is required, please update your account details":[""],"An error occurred while testing the connection: ":[""],"An explicit layout for the partitions of your hard drive(s). E.G.":[""],"An invalid response was received while requesting available features from this proxy":[""],"Annotation Notes":[""],"Annotation notes":[""],"Anonymous admin user %s is missing, run foreman-rake db:seed":[""],"Any Context":["Qualsevol context"],"Any Location":["Qualsevol ubicació"],"Any Organization":["Qualsevol organització"],"Applicable Operating Systems":[""],"Applied":["Aplicat"],"Applied|A":[""],"Architecture":["Arquitectura"],"Architecture Distribution":["Distribució de l'arquitectura"],"Architecture ID":["Id. de l'arquitectura"],"Architectures":["Arquitectures"],"Architecture|Hostgroups count":["Nombre de grups d'amfitrions"],"Architecture|Hosts count":["Nombre d'amfitrions"],"Architecture|Name":["Nom"],"Are you sure you want to %{act} %{vm}?":[""],"Are you sure you want to delete host %s? This action is irreversible.":[""],"Are you sure you want to delete host %s? This will delete the virtual machine and its disks, and is irreversible.":[""],"Are you sure you want to delete this widget from your dashboard?":["Esteu segur que voleu suprimir aquest estri del vostre tauler?"],"Are you sure you want to log out?":[""],"Are you sure you want to power %{act} %{vm}?":[""],"Are you sure?":["Esteu segur?"],"Array of extra information types to include":[""],"Array of host IDs to associate with the partition table":[""],"Array of host group IDs to associate with the partition table":[""],"Array of operating system IDs to associate with the partition table":[""],"Array of operating system IDs to associate with the template":[""],"Array of parameters":[""],"Array of parameters (name, value)":[""],"Array of template combinations (hostgroup_id, environment_id)":[""],"Assign All":["Assigna-ho tot"],"Assign Hosts to %s":["Assigna els amfitrions a %s"],"Assign Location":["Assigna la ubicació"],"Assign Organization":["Assigna l'organització"],"Assign Selected Hosts":["Assigna els amfitrions seleccionats"],"Assign the %{count} host with no %{taxonomy_single} to %{taxonomy_name}":["",""],"Assign to %s":["Assigna a %s"],"Assigning hosts to %{taxonomy_name} will also update %{taxonomy_name} to include all the resources that the selected hosts are currently using.":[""],"Associate VM":["Associa la MV"],"Associate VM to a Foreman host":["Associa la MV a un amfitrió de Foreman"],"Associate VMs":["Associa les MV"],"Associate VMs to Foreman hosts":["Associa les MV als amfitrions de Foreman"],"Associate VMs to Hosts":["Les MV associades als amfitrions"],"Association":["Associació"],"At least one volume must be specified for image-based provisioning.":[""],"Attempting to construct an operating system image filename but %s cannot be built from an image":[""],"Attribute mappings":["Assignacions dels atributs"],"Attribute type":["Tipus d'atribut"],"Audit":[""],"Audit Comment":["Comentari d'auditoria"],"Audit summary":["Resum de l'auditoria"],"Audited::Adapters::ActiveRecord::Audit|Action":["Acció"],"Audited::Adapters::ActiveRecord::Audit|Associated name":["Nom d'associació"],"Audited::Adapters::ActiveRecord::Audit|Associated type":["Tipus d'associació"],"Audited::Adapters::ActiveRecord::Audit|Auditable name":["Nom d'auditoria"],"Audited::Adapters::ActiveRecord::Audit|Auditable type":["Tipus d'auditoria"],"Audited::Adapters::ActiveRecord::Audit|Audited changes":["Canvis auditats"],"Audited::Adapters::ActiveRecord::Audit|Comment":["Comentari"],"Audited::Adapters::ActiveRecord::Audit|Remote address":["Adreça remota"],"Audited::Adapters::ActiveRecord::Audit|User type":["Tipus d'usuari"],"Audited::Adapters::ActiveRecord::Audit|Username":["Nom d'usuari"],"Audited::Adapters::ActiveRecord::Audit|Version":["Versió"],"Audits":["Auditories"],"Auth source":["Origen d'autenticació"],"AuthSource|Account":["Compte"],"AuthSource|Account password":["Contrasenya del compte"],"AuthSource|Attr firstname":["Atribut del nom"],"AuthSource|Attr lastname":["Atribut dels cognoms"],"AuthSource|Attr login":["Atribut del nom d'usuari"],"AuthSource|Attr mail":["Atribut del correu"],"AuthSource|Attr photo":["Atribut de la foto"],"AuthSource|Base dn":["DN base"],"AuthSource|Groups base":[""],"AuthSource|Host":["Amfitrió"],"AuthSource|LDAPS":["LDAPS"],"AuthSource|Ldap filter":["Filtre LDAP"],"AuthSource|Name":["Nom"],"AuthSource|Onthefly register":["Registre al vol"],"AuthSource|Port":["Port"],"AuthSource|Server type":["Tipus de servidor"],"AuthSource|Tls":["TLS"],"Authentication":[""],"Author":["Autor"],"Authorize login delegation":["Autoritza la delegació de l'inici de sessió"],"Authorize login delegation API":["Autoritza l'API de delegació de l'inici de sessió"],"Authorize login delegation auth source user autocreate":["Autoritza l'autocreació dels usuaris de l'origen d'autenticació de la delegació de l'inici de sessió"],"Authorize login delegation with REMOTE_USER environment variable":["Autoritza la delegació de l'inici de sessió amb la variable d'entorn REMOTE_USER"],"Authorize login delegation with REMOTE_USER environment variable for API calls too":["També per a les crides de l'API, autoritza la delegació de l'inici de sessió amb la variable d'entorn REMOTE_USER"],"Authorized by":["Autorització"],"Auto refresh off":["Auto refresc apagat"],"Auto refresh on":["Auto refresc engegat"],"Automatic":[""],"Autosign":[""],"Autosign entries":[""],"Autosign entry name":[""],"Availability zone":[""],"Available Classes":["Classes disponibles"],"Available Config Groups":["Grups de configuracions disponibles"],"Available Providers":["Proveïdors disponibles"],"Average memory usage":["Mitjana d'ús de la memòria"],"Average swap usage":["Mitjana d'ús de l'intercanvi"],"Avoid duplicate values when merging them (only array type)?":[""],"BIOS":["BIOS"],"BMC":["BMC"],"BMC credentials access":[""],"BMC password usage":[""],"Back":["Enrere"],"Back to host":["Torna a l'amfitrió"],"Back to host list":["Torna a la llista dels amfitrions"],"Backtrace":[""],"Bare Metal":[""],"Base DN":["DN base"],"Before you proceed to using Foreman you should provide information about one or more architectures.":[""],"Bond":["Vinculació"],"Bond mode of the interface, e.g. balance-rr. Only for bond interfaces.":[""],"Bookmark":["Adreça d'interès"],"Bookmark this search":["Crea l'adreça d'interès per aquesta cerca"],"Bookmark was successfully created.":["L'adreça d'interès s'ha creat correctament."],"Bookmark was successfully updated.":["L'adreça d'interès s'ha actualitzat correctament."],"Bookmarks":["Adreces d'interès"],"Bookmarks are saved search queries. To save them, click on 'Bookmark this search' on the dropdown next to every search button.":[""],"Bookmark|Controller":["Controlador"],"Bookmark|Name":["Nom"],"Bookmark|Owner type":["Tipus de propietari"],"Bookmark|Public":["Pública"],"Bookmark|Query":["Consulta"],"Boot device":["Dispositiu d'arrencada"],"Boot from volume":["Arrenca des del volum"],"Boot host from specified device":[""],"Bootable":[""],"Bridge":[""],"Browse host config management reports":[""],"Browse host facts":["Navega pels objectes d'interès de l'amfitrió"],"Browser locale":["Idioma del navegador"],"Browser timezone":["Franja horària del navegador"],"Build":["Construeix"],"Build Hosts":["Construeix els amfitrions"],"Build PXE Default":[""],"Build a query for %{mailer}":["Construeix una consulta per %{mailer}"],"Build from OS image":["Construeix des de la imatge del SO"],"By unchecking this you can specify filter using Foreman search syntax in search field. If filter remains <br> unlimited (this field is checked) it applies on all resources of the selected type. When a role is associated <br> with some %s filter is not considered unlimited as it's scoped accordingly.":[""],"CA certificate expiry date":[""],"CD-ROM drive":[""],"CDROM":["CD-ROM"],"CPU hot add":[""],"CPU hot add lets you add CPU resources for a virtual machine while the machine is powered on.":[""],"CPUs":["Nombre de CPU"],"Cache slow calls to VMWare to speed up page rendering":[""],"Caching":[""],"Calling methods on objects":[""],"Can't delete internal admin account":["No es pot suprimir el compte intern d'administració"],"Can't delete the last admin account":["No es pot suprimir l'últim compte d'administració"],"Can't delete the last admin user group":[""],"Can't find a valid Foreman Proxy with a Puppet feature":[""],"Cancel":["Cancel·la"],"Cancel build":["Cancel·la la construcció"],"Cancel build request for this host":["Cancel·la la petició de construcció per a aquest amfitrió"],"Canceled pending build for %s":[""],"Cannot add pagelet with key %s and without mountpoint":[""],"Cannot add pagelet with key %s and without partial":[""],"Cannot continue because some permissions were not found, please run rake db:seed and retry":[""],"Cannot create LDAP configuration for %s without dedicated service account":[""],"Cannot delete %{current} because it has nested %{sti_name}.":[""],"Cannot delete built-in role":[""],"Cannot delete group %{current} because it has nested groups.":["No es pot suprimir el grup %{current} perquè té grups niuats."],"Cannot delete group %{current} because it has nested host groups.":[""],"Cannot find user %s when switching context":[""],"Cannot register compute resource, wrong type supplied":[""],"Canvas not supported.":[""],"Caps lock ON":["Bloq Maj està activat"],"Certificate Name":["Nom del certificat"],"Certificate path":["Camí al certificat"],"Certificate that Foreman will use to encrypt websockets ":["El certificat que utilitzarà Foreman per xifrar els WebSockets"],"Certificates":["Certificats"],"Change Environment":["Canvia l'entorn"],"Change Group":["Canvia el grup"],"Change Owner":[""],"Change Power State":[""],"Change Puppet CA":[""],"Change Puppet Master":[""],"Change the password":["Canvia la contrasenya"],"Change your avatar at":[""],"Changed environments":[""],"Changes to %s will propagate to all inheriting filters":[""],"Chassis":["Xassís"],"Check again":[""],"Check/Uncheck all":[""],"Check/Uncheck all %s changes":[""],"Check/Uncheck new":[""],"Check/Uncheck obsolete":[""],"Check/Uncheck updated":[""],"Choose a family":["Selecciona una família"],"Choose a provider":["Selecciona un proveïdor"],"Choose a server type":["Selecciona un tipus de servidor"],"Class":["Classe"],"Class Distribution":["Distribució de la classe"],"Classes":["Classes"],"Clean up failed deployment":[""],"Click on the link of a compute resource to edit its default VM attributes.":[""],"Click to add %s":["Feu clic per afegir %s"],"Click to log in again.":["Feu clic per tornar a iniciar la sessió."],"Click to mark as read":[""],"Click to remove %s":["Feu clic per suprimir %s"],"Click to remove config group":["Feu clic per suprimir el grup de configuracions"],"Client Email":["Coreu electrònic del client"],"Client SSL certificates are used to identify Smart Proxies (:require_ssl should also be enabled)":["Els certificats SSL de client s'utilitzen per a identificar els servidors intermediaris intel·ligents (:require_ssl també ha d'estar habilitat)"],"Clone":["Clona"],"Clone %s":["Clona %s"],"Clone Host %s":["Clona l'amfitrió %s"],"Clone a host group":["Clona un grup d'amfitrions"],"Clone a provision template":["Clona una plantilla d'aprovisionament"],"Clone a role":[""],"Clone a template":["Clona una plantilla"],"Clone this host":[""],"Close":["Tanca"],"Cluster":["Clúster"],"Cluster ID is required to list available networks":[""],"Comments":[""],"Communication status":[""],"Compute Resource":["Recurs computacional"],"Compute Resource Distribution":[""],"Compute Resources":["Recursos computacionals"],"Compute attribute":["Atribut computacional"],"Compute profile":["Perfil computacional"],"Compute profile ID":["Id. de perfil computacional"],"Compute profiles":["Perfils computacionals"],"Compute resource":["Recurs computacional"],"Compute resource IDs":["Els id. dels recursos computacionals"],"Compute resource update for %s":[""],"Compute resources":["Recursos computacionals"],"ComputeAttribute|Name":["Nom"],"ComputeAttribute|Vm attrs":["Atributs de la MV"],"ComputeProfile|Name":["Nom"],"ComputeResource|Attrs":["Atributs"],"ComputeResource|Description":["Descripció"],"ComputeResource|Name":["Nom"],"ComputeResource|Password":["Contrasenya"],"ComputeResource|Url":["URL"],"ComputeResource|User":["Usuari"],"ComputeResource|Uuid":["UUID"],"Config Retrieval":[""],"Config group":["Grup de configuracions"],"Config groups":["Grups de configuracions"],"Config management":[""],"ConfigGroup|Config group classes count":["Nombre de classes de grup de configuració"],"ConfigGroup|Hostgroups count":["Nombre de grups d'amfitrions"],"ConfigGroup|Hosts count":["Nombre d'amfitrions"],"ConfigGroup|Name":["Nom"],"Configuration":["Configuració"],"Configuration rebuild failed for: %s.":[""],"Configuration successfully rebuilt.":[""],"Configure":["Configura"],"Configure instance %s via SSH":[""],"Conflict - %s":["Conflicte - %s"],"Conflicts have been detected":[""],"Connected (unencrypted) to: %s":["Connectat (sense xifratge) a: %s"],"Connecting (unencrypted) to: %s":["S'està connectant (sense xifratge) a: %s"],"Console":["Consola"],"Console output may be out of date":[""],"Console passwords":["Contrasenyes de consola"],"Consult \\\"Provisioning Templates\\\" page to see what templates are available.":[""],"Continue to look for matches after first find (only array/hash type)? Note: merging overrides ignores all matchers that are omitted.":[""],"Continue?":["Voleu continuar?"],"Cores":["Nuclis"],"Cores per socket":[""],"Could not add permissions to Manager and Viewer roles: %s":[""],"Could not add permissions to Manager role: %s":[""],"Could not add permissions to Organization admin role: %s":[""],"Could not add permissions to Viewer role: %s":[""],"Could not create role '%{name}': %{message}":[""],"Could not delete %s":[""],"Could not extend role '%{name}': %{message}":[""],"Could not find %{association} with name: %{name}":[""],"Could not find a Configuration Template with the name \\\"%s\\\", please create one.":[""],"Could not find network %s on VMWare compute resource":[""],"Could not find virtual machine network interface matching %s":[""],"Could not locate CA certificate.":[""],"Could not recreate a new SSH key":[""],"Create":["Crea"],"Create %s":["Crea %s"],"Create %{type} for %{host}":[""],"Create :a_resource":["Crea :a_resource"],"Create 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entry":[""],"Delete autosign entry for %s":[""],"Delete filter?":["Voleu suprimir el filtre?"],"Delete realm entry for %s":[""],"Delete report for %s?":["Voleu suprimir l'informe per %s?"],"Deleted environment":["Suprimeix l'entorn"],"Deleted environment %{env} and %{pcs}":[""],"Delivery method":[""],"Deploy TFTP %{kind} config for %{host}":[""],"Deploy VM on selected datastore":[""],"Deploy on":["Desplega sobre"],"Deprecated, please use datacenter":[""],"Deprecated, please use omit":[""],"Description":["Descripció"],"Description of smart class":["Descripció de la classe intel·ligent"],"Description of the domain":["Descripció del domini"],"Description of variable":["Descripció de la variable"],"Deselect All":["Desselecciona-ho tot"],"Destroy":["Destrueix"],"Destroyed selected hosts":[""],"Details":["Detalls"],"Device identifier":["Identificador de dispositiu"],"Device identifier for this interface. 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Foreman also supports the Solaris operating system family, which includes <b>sparc</b> based systems.":[""],"Eager zero":[""],"Edit":["Edita"],"Edit %s":["Edita %s"],"Edit Architecture":["Edita l'arquitectura"],"Edit Bookmark":["Edita l'adreça d'interès"],"Edit Compute profile":["Edita el perfil computacional"],"Edit Compute profile: %s":["Edita el perfil computacional: %s"],"Edit Config group":["Edita el grup de configuracions"],"Edit Domain":["Edita el domini"],"Edit Environment":["Edita l'entorn"],"Edit Filter":["Edita el filtre"],"Edit Global Parameter":["Edita els paràmetres globals"],"Edit Host":["Edita l'amfitrió"],"Edit LDAP Auth Source":["Edita l'origen d'autenticació LDAP"],"Edit Medium":["Edita el mitjà"],"Edit Model":["Edita el model"],"Edit Operating System":["Edita el sistema operatiu"],"Edit Parameters":["Edita els paràmetres"],"Edit Partition Table":["Edita la taula de particions"],"Edit Properties":["Edita les propietats"],"Edit Proxy":["Edita el servidor intermediari"],"Edit Puppet Class %s":["Edita la classe de Puppet %s"],"Edit Realm":["Edita el reialme"],"Edit Role":[""],"Edit Smart Variable":["Edita la variable intel·ligent"],"Edit Smart class parameters":["Edita els paràmetres de la classe intel·ligent"],"Edit Subnet":["Edita la subxarxa"],"Edit Template":["Edita la plantilla"],"Edit Trend %s":["Edita la tendència %s"],"Edit User":["Edita l'usuari"],"Edit User group":["Edita el grup d'usuaris"],"Edit compute profile on %s":["Edita el perfil computacional en %s"],"Edit this host":[""],"Email Preferences":["Preferències de correu electrònic"],"Email address is missing":["Falta l'adreça de correu electrònic"],"Email reply address":["Adreça de correu electrònic de resposta"],"Email reply address for emails that Foreman is sending":["L'adreça de correu electrònic de resposta per als correus electrònics que envia Foreman"],"Email subject prefix":["Prefix del tema del correu electrònic"],"Email was sent successfully":["El correu electrònic s'ha enviat correctament"],"Empty environment":["Entorn buit"],"Enable Notifications":["Habilita les notificacions"],"Enable alerts for selected hosts":["Habilita les alertes per als amfitrions seleccionats"],"Enable caching":[""],"Enable certificate generation for %s":[""],"Enable if this is an alias or VLAN interface, note that alias can be used only with static boot mode subnet":[""],"Enable puppetrun support":["Habilita la compatibilitat amb puppetrun"],"Enable rebuild on next host boot":[""],"Enable safe mode config templates rendering (recommended)":["Habilita la renderització en mode segur de les plantilles de configuració (es recomana)"],"Enable smart variables in ENC":["Habilita variables intel·ligents a ENC"],"Enable this host for provisioning":[""],"Enabled":["Habilitada"],"Enabled %s for reboot and rebuild":[""],"Enabled %s for rebuild on next boot":[""],"Enabled %s for rebuild on next boot, but failed to power cycle the host":[""],"Ending IP Address for IP auto suggestion":["Adreça IP final per a l'autosuggestió de la IP"],"Entries per page":["Entrades per pàgina"],"Environment":["Entorn"],"Environment Distribution":[""],"Environment ID":["Id. d'entorn"],"Environment IDs":["Els id. dels entorns"],"Environment only":["Només l'entorn"],"Environment variable containing a client's SSL certificate":[""],"Environment variable containing the subject DN from a client SSL certificate":["La variable d'entorn que conté el DN de l'assumpta a partir del certificat SSL de client"],"Environment variable containing the verification status of a client SSL certificate":["La variable d'entorn que conté l'estat de verificació d'un certificat SSL de client"],"Environments":["Entorns"],"Environment|Hostgroups count":["Nombre de grups d'amfitrions"],"Environment|Hosts count":["Nombre d'amfitrions"],"Environment|Name":["Nom"],"Error":["Error"],"Error - %{message}":["Error - %{message}"],"Error adding widget to dashboard.":["S'ha produït un error en afegir l'estri al tauler."],"Error connecting to %{proxy}: %{error}.":["S'ha produït un error en connectar a %{proxy}: %{error}."],"Error connecting to '%{domain}' domain DNS servers: %{servers} - check query_local_nameservers and dns_conflict_timeout settings":[""],"Error connecting to system DNS server(s) - check /etc/resolv.conf":[""],"Error generating IP: %s":["Error en generar la IP: %s"],"Error has occurred while communicating with %{cr}: %{e}":["S'ha produït un error mentre s'estava comunicant amb %{cr}: %{e}"],"Error loading interfaces information: %s":["S'ha produït un error en carregar la informació de les interfícies: %s"],"Error loading scheduler hint filters information: %s":[""],"Error removing widget from dashboard.":["S'ha produït un error en suprimir l'estri del tauler."],"Errors":["Errors"],"Errors occurred, build may fail":["S'han produïts errors, la construcció pot fallar"],"Errors only":["Únicament els errors"],"Errors: %s":["Errors: %s"],"Examples":["Exemples"],"Exit Full Screen":["Surt de la pantalla completa"],"Expand nested items":["Expandeix els ítems imbricats"],"Expand the chart":["Expandeix la gràfica"],"Expire logs":[""],"Expires":["Venç"],"Explain matchers":["Expandeix els classificadors"],"Export":[""],"Export a partition template to ERB":[""],"Export a provisioning template to ERB":[""],"Export to CSV":[""],"External Groups":[""],"External IP":["IP externa"],"External user group":["Grup d'usuaris externs"],"External user group %{name} could not be refreshed":["No s'ha pogut refrescar el grup d'usuaris externs %{name}"],"External user group %{name} refreshed":["S'ha refrescat el grup d'usuaris externs %{name}"],"External user group information":["informació del grup d'usuaris externs"],"External user group name":["Nom del grup d'usuaris externs"],"External user groups will be synced on login, else relies on periodic cronjob to check group membership":["Els grups d'usuaris externs se sincronitzaran en iniciar la sessió, si no el pes cau en cronjob periòdic que comprova la pertinença dels grups"],"External usergroup":["Grup d'usuaris externs"],"ExternalUsergroup|Name":["Nom"],"FQDN":["FQDN"],"Fact Name":["Nom de l'objecte d'interès"],"Fact Values":["Valors dels objectes d'interès"],"Fact Values | %{host_name}":[""],"Fact distribution chart":["Gràfica de distribució de l'objecte d'interès"],"Fact name":["Nom de l'objecte d'interès"],"Fact value":["Valor de l'objecte d'interès"],"Fact values":[""],"FactName|Ancestry":[""],"FactName|Compose":[""],"FactName|Name":["Nom"],"FactName|Short name":["Nom curt"],"FactValue|Origin":[""],"FactValue|Value":["Valor"],"Facts":["Objectes d'interès"],"Fail on Mismatch":[""],"Failed":["Fallat"],"Failed Restarts":[""],"Failed Restarts|FR":[""],"Failed connecting to %s":["No s'ha pogut connectar a %s"],"Failed features":[""],"Failed features: %s":["",""],"Failed restarts":[""],"Failed to %{action} %{host}: %{e}":["No s'ha pogut %{action} %{host}: %{e}"],"Failed to acquire IP addresses from compute resource for %s":[""],"Failed to cancel pending build for %{hostname} with the following errors: %{errors}":[""],"Failed to clean any old certificates or add the autosign entry. 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Terminating the build!":[""],"Failed to import %{klass} for %{name}: doesn't exists in our database - ignoring":[""],"Failed to initialize the PuppetCA proxy: %s":["No s'ha pogut inicialitzar el servidor intermediari de PuppetCA: %s"],"Failed to initialize the realm proxy: %s":["No s'ha pogut inicialitzar el servidor intermediari de reialme: %s"],"Failed to launch script on %{name}: %{e}":["No s'ha pogut llançar el script a %{name}: %{e}"],"Failed to load chart":["No s'ha pogut carregar el gràfic"],"Failed to login via SSH to %{name}: %{e}":["No s'ha pogut iniciar la sessió a través de SSH a %{name}: %{e}"],"Failed to modify the build cycle for %s":["No s'ha pogut modificar el cicle de construcció per %s"],"Failed to perform rollback on %{task} - %{e}":[""],"Failed to power up a compute %{compute_resource} instance %{name}: %{e}":[""],"Failed to reboot %s.":["No s'ha pogut reiniciar %s."],"Failed to redeploy %s.":[""],"Failed to refresh the cache.":[""],"Failed to remove certificates for %{name}: %{e}":[""],"Failed to retrieve power status for %{host} within %{timeout} second.":["",""],"Failed to save widget positions.":["No s'han pogut desar les posicions de l'estri."],"Failed to set %{proxy_type} proxy for %{host}.":["No s'ha pogut establir el servidor intermediari %{proxy_type} per a %{host}."],"Failed to set IP for %{name}: %{e}":[""],"Failed to set IPs via IPAM for %{name}: %{e}":[""],"Failed to set console: %s":["No s'ha pogut establir la consola: %s"],"Failed to set power state for %s.":[""],"Failed to stop compute %{compute_resource} instance %{name}: %{e}":[""],"Failed to undo update compute %{compute_resource} instance %{name}: %{e}":[""],"Failed to update a compute %{compute_resource} instance %{name}: %{e}":[""],"Failed to update environments and Puppet classes from the on-disk Puppet installation: %s":[""],"Failed to update the environments and Puppet classes from the on-disk puppet installation: %s":[""],"Failed to validate %{host}: %{error}":["No s'ha pogut validar %{host}: %{error}"],"Failed|F":[""],"Failure deploying via smart proxy %{proxy}: %{error}.":["No s'ha pogut desplegar a través del servidor intermediari intel·ligent %{host}: %{error}."],"Failure parsing %{template}: %{error}.":["No s'ha pogut analitzar sintàcticament %{host}: %{error}."],"Failure: %s":["Característica: %s"],"Family":["Família"],"Feature":["Característica"],"Features":["Característiques"],"Features \\\"%s\\\" in this proxy are not recognized by Foreman. If these features come from a Smart Proxy plugin, make sure Foreman has the plugin installed too.":[""],"Feature|Name":["Nom"],"Fetch TFTP boot files for %s":[""],"Filter":["Filtra"],"Filter by level:":[""],"Filter by name":["Filtra amb el nom"],"Filter by state:":[""],"Filter classes":["Filtra les classes"],"Filter overriding has been disabled":[""],"Filters":["Filtres"],"Filters for role %s":[""],"Filters inherit %{orgs_and_locs} from their role by default. If override field is enabled, <br> filter can override the set of its %{orgs_and_locs}. Later role changes will not affect <br> such filter. After disabling override field, role %{orgs_and_locs} apply again.":[""],"Filters overriding has been disabled":[""],"Filter|Override":[""],"Filter|Permissions":["Permisos"],"Filter|Resource":["Recurs"],"Filter|Search":["Cerca"],"Filter|Taxonomy search":[""],"Filter|Unlimited":["Il·limitat"],"Fingerprint":["Empremta"],"Finish template":[""],"Firmware":[""],"Fix %s on Mismatch":[""],"Fix All Mismatches":[""],"Fix DB cache":["Corregeix la memòria cau de la BD"],"Fix DB cache on next Foreman restart":["Corregeix la memòria cau de la BD en el següent reinici"],"Fix Mismatches":[""],"Flavor":["Gust"],"Floating IP network":[""],"Folder":["Carpeta"],"Follow %{href} on how to describe your controllers.":[""],"For example, if you have copied several Red Hat release disks into a directory structure where the disk images are named 5.8 or 6.2, and each contained both x86_64 and i386 binaries, then you\\n could create a single medium entry describing them all.\\n The entry, which could be just named 'Red Hat' could contain a path like this <em>'http://server/redhat/$version/$arch'</em>":["Per exemple, si heu copiat els diversos discs del llançament de Red Hat en una estructura de directori en el qual les imatges de disc s'anomenen 5.8 o 6.2, i cadascun conté ambdós binaris x86_64 i i386, llavors\\n podríeu crear una sola entrada de mitjà que els descrigui a tots.\\n L'entrada, podria anomenar-se simplement com a «Red Hat» i podria contenir un camí similar a aquest <em>'http://server/redhat/$version/$arch'</em>"],"For more info visit our documentation.":[""],"For more information":[""],"Force a Puppet agent run on the host":[""],"Foreman API v2 is currently the default API version.":["La versió 2 de l'API de Foreman és la versió per defecte de l'API."],"Foreman Developers":["Desenvolupadors de Foreman"],"Foreman URL":["URL de Foreman"],"Foreman Users":["Usuaris de Foreman"],"Foreman audit summary":["Resum de l'auditoria de Foreman"],"Foreman can store information about the networking setup of a host that it’s provisioning, which can be used to configure the virtual machine, assign the correct IP addresses and network resources, then configure the OS correctly during the provisioning process.":[""],"Foreman can use LDAP based service for user information and authentication.":["Foreman pot utilitzar serveis que estiguin basats en LDAP per a l'autenticació i la informació dels usuaris."],"Foreman considers a domain and a DNS zone as the same thing.":[""],"Foreman domain ID of interface. Required for primary interfaces on managed hosts.":[""],"Foreman host group matchers will be inherited by children when evaluating smart class parameters":["Els classificadors de grup d'amfitrions de Foreman seran heretats pels descendents en l'avaluació dels paràmetres de les classes intel·ligents"],"Foreman now manages the build cycle for %s":["Foreman ara gestiona el cicle de construcció per a %s"],"Foreman now no longer manages the build cycle for %s":[""],"Foreman report creation time is <em>%s</em>":[""],"Foreman smart variables will be exposed via the ENC yaml output":["Les variables intel·ligents de Foreman s'exposaran a través de la sortida YAML ENC"],"Foreman subnet ID of IPv4 interface":[""],"Foreman subnet ID of IPv6 interface":[""],"Foreman supports automatically creating realm entries for new hosts.":[""],"Foreman supports creating and managing hosts on a number of virtualization and cloud services - referred to as “compute resources” - as well as bare metal hosts.":[""],"Foreman test email":[""],"Foreman ticketing system":[""],"Foreman will automate certificate signing upon provision of new host":[""],"Foreman will create the host when a report is received":["Foreman crearà l'amfitrió quan es rebi un informe"],"Foreman will create the host when new facts are received":["Foreman crearà l'amfitrió quan es rebin nous objectes d'interès"],"Foreman will default to this puppet environment if it cannot auto detect one":["Foreman utilitzarà per defecte aquest entorn de puppet si no en pot detectar automàticament un"],"Foreman will delete virtual machine if provisioning script ends with non zero exit code":[""],"Foreman will evaluate host smart variables in this order by default":["Foreman avaluarà les variables intel·ligents dels amfitrions en aquest ordre per defecte"],"Foreman will explicitly set the puppet environment in the ENC yaml output. This will avoid conflicts between the environment in puppet.conf and the environment set in Foreman":["Foreman establirà explícitament l'entorn de puppet a la sortida YAML ENC. Això evitarà conflictes entre l'entorn establert al puppet.conf i l'entorn establert a Foreman"],"Foreman will map users by username in request-header. If this is set to false, OAuth requests will have admin rights.":["Foreman assignarà els usuaris amb el nom d'usuari a la capçalera de la petició. Si s'estableix a «false», les peticions d'OAuth tindran els drets d'administració."],"Foreman will not send this parameter in classification output, replaces use_puppet_default":[""],"Foreman will not send this parameter in classification output.":[""],"Foreman will not send this parameter in classification output. 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Visit Settings to disable this feature.":[""],"Generated %s ago":["Generat fa %s"],"Generated at %s":["Es va generar el %s"],"Get ENC values of host":[""],"Get configuration status of host":["Obté l'estat de configuració de l'amfitrió"],"Get dashboard details":["Obté els detalls del tauler"],"Get default dashboard widgets":["Obté els estris predeterminats del tauler"],"Get statistics":["Obté les estadístiques"],"Get status of host":["Obté l'estat de l'amfitrió"],"Get vm attributes of host":["Obté els atributs de la MV de l'amfitrió"],"Global":["Global"],"Global Parameters":["Paràmetres globals"],"Global default %s template":[""],"Global default %s template. This template gets deployed to all configured TFTP servers. It will not be affected by upgrades.":[""],"Global functions":[""],"Global methods (functions)":[""],"Global parameters":["Paràmetres globals"],"Global status changed from %{from} to %{to}":[""],"Global variables":[""],"Good host reports in the last %s":["Amfitrions amb bons informes en els últims %s"],"Google Project ID":["Id. de projecte de Google"],"Groups base DN":["DN base dels grups"],"Guest OS":["SO convidat"],"HELO/EHLO domain":[""],"Hardware":["Maquinari"],"Hardware Model":["Model de maquinari"],"Hardware Models":["Models de maquinari"],"Hardware models":["Models de maquinari"],"Hash function to use. Change takes effect for new or updated hosts.":[""],"Hash of report metrics, can be just {}":[""],"Hash of status type totals":[""],"Help":["Ajuda"],"Hidden value":[""],"Hide all values for this parameter.":[""],"Hide this value":[""],"Hint data is missing":[""],"History":["Històric"],"Host":["Amfitrió"],"Host %s is built":[""],"Host %s is not associated with a VM":[""],"Host Configuration Chart":["Gràfica de configuració de l'amfitrió"],"Host Configuration Status":["Estat de configuració dels amfitrions"],"Host Group Distribution":[""],"Host Groups":["Grups d'amfitrions"],"Host audit entries":[""],"Host config group":["Grup de configuracions dels amfitrions"],"Host details":["Detalls de l'amfitrió"],"Host group":["Grup d'amfitrions"],"Host group / Environment":["Grup d'amfitrions / entorn"],"Host group IDs":["Els id. dels grups d'amfitrions"],"Host group and Environment":["Grup d'amfitrions i entorn"],"Host group configuration":["Configuració del grup d'amfitrions"],"Host group matchers inheritance":["Herència dels classificadors de grup d'amfitrions"],"Host group only":["Només el grup d'amfitrions"],"Host group parameters":[""],"Host groups":["Grups d'amfitrions"],"Host owner":[""],"Host owner is invalid":[""],"Host parameters":["Paràmetres de l'amfitrió"],"Host reported time is <em>%s</em>":[""],"Host times seem to be adrift!":[""],"Host's network interfaces.":["Les interfícies de xarxa dels amfitrions."],"Host's owner type":["Tipus de propietari de l'amfitrió"],"Host's parameters (array or indexed hash)":[""],"Host::Base|Build":["Construcció"],"Host::Base|Certname":[""],"Host::Base|Comment":["Comentari"],"Host::Base|Disk":["Disc"],"Host::Base|Enabled":["Habilitat"],"Host::Base|Grub pass":["Contrasenya de grub"],"Host::Base|Image file":["Fitxer de la imatge"],"Host::Base|Installed at":["Instal·lat a"],"Host::Base|Ip":["IP"],"Host::Base|Last compile":["Ultima compilació"],"Host::Base|Last freshcheck":[""],"Host::Base|Last report":["Últim informe"],"Host::Base|Mac":["MAC"],"Host::Base|Managed":["Gestionat"],"Host::Base|Name":["Nom"],"Host::Base|Otp":["OTP"],"Host::Base|Owner type":["Tipus de propietari"],"Host::Base|Primary interface":["Interfície primària"],"Host::Base|Provision method":["Mètode d'aprovisionament"],"Host::Base|Puppet status":["Estat de Puppet"],"Host::Base|Root pass":["Contrasenya de root"],"Host::Base|Serial":["Sèrie"],"Host::Base|Use image":["Utilitza la imatge"],"Host::Base|Uuid":["UUID"],"HostConfigGroup|Host type":["Tipus d'amfitrió"],"Hostgroup":["Grup d'amfitrions"],"Hostgroup|Ancestry":[""],"Hostgroup|Grub pass":["Contrasenya de grub"],"Hostgroup|Image file":["Fitxer de la imatge"],"Hostgroup|Name":["Nom"],"Hostgroup|Root pass":["Contrasenya de root"],"Hostgroup|Title":["Títol"],"Hostgroup|Use image":["Utilitza la imatge"],"Hostgroup|Vm defaults":["Predeterminat de la MV"],"Hostname":["Nom d'amfitrió"],"Hostname or certname":[""],"Hostname:":["Nom d'amfitrió:"],"Hosts":["Amfitrions"],"Hosts created after a puppet run that did not send a location fact will be placed in this location":["Els amfitrions que es creïn després d'una execució de puppet i que no enviïn l'objecte d'interès d'una ubicació es ficaran en aquesta ubicació"],"Hosts created after a puppet run that did not send a organization fact will be placed in this organization":["Els amfitrions que es creïn després d'una execució de puppet i que no enviïn l'objecte d'interès d'una organització es ficaran en aquesta organització"],"Hosts created after a puppet run will be placed in the location this fact dictates. The content of this fact should be the full label of the location.":[""],"Hosts created after a puppet run will be placed in the organization this fact dictates. The content of this fact should be the full label of the organization.":[""],"Hosts in error state":["Amfitrions amb estat d'error"],"Hosts including sub-groups":[""],"Hosts managed":[""],"Hosts managed:":[""],"Hosts that had pending changes":["Amfitrions que tenien canvis pendents"],"Hosts that had pending changes with alerts enabled":[""],"Hosts that had performed modifications without error":["Amfitrions que tenien modificacions realitzades sense errors"],"Hosts that will be trusted in addition to Smart Proxies for access to fact/report importers and ENC output":[""],"Hosts which Foreman reporting is disabled":["Amfitrions que tenen inhabilitat l'enviament d'informes de Foreman"],"Hosts which are currently not running Puppet":[""],"Hosts which are not reporting":[""],"Hosts which didn't run puppet in the last %s":[""],"Hosts which recently applied changes":[""],"Hosts which recently applied changes successfully":[""],"Hosts which recently applied changes successfully with alerts enabled":[""],"Hosts with alerts disabled":["Amfitrions amb alertes inhabilitades"],"Hosts with error state":[""],"Hosts with error state and alerts enabled":[""],"Hosts with errors":["Amfitrions amb errors"],"Hosts with interesting values (changed, failures etc)":[""],"Hosts with no reports":["Amfitrions sense informes"],"Hosts with notifications disabled":[""],"Hosts without changes or errors":[""],"Hosts without changes or errors, with alerts enabled":[""],"Hosts without errors":[""],"Hosts without errors percent":[""],"Hosts without errors, with alerts enabled":[""],"How values are validated":["Com es validen els valors"],"However, if it was deleted externally this page helps you to recreate it":[""],"ID of LDAP authentication source":["Id. de l'origen d'autenticació LDAP"],"ID of Puppet class":["Id. de la classe de Puppet"],"ID of architecture":["Id. d'arquitectura"],"ID of compute resource":["Id. del recurs computacional"],"ID of config template":["Id. de la plantilla de configuració"],"ID of domain":["Id. del domini"],"ID of environment":["id. de l'entorn"],"ID of host":["Id. de l'amfitrió"],"ID of host group":["Id. del grup d'amfitrions"],"ID of interface":["Id. de la interfície"],"ID of linked authentication source":["Id. de l'origen d'autenticació enllaçat"],"ID of location":["id. de la ubicació"],"ID of medium":["Id. del mitjà"],"ID of operating system":["id. del sistema operatiu"],"ID of organization":["id. de l'organització"],"ID of parameter":["Id. del paràmetre"],"ID of partition table":["Id. de la taula de particions"],"ID of provisioning template":["Id. de la plantilla d'aprovisionament"],"ID of role":["Id. del rol"],"ID of subnet":["Id. de subxarxa"],"ID of template":["Id. de la plantilla"],"ID of the user":[""],"ID of user group":["Id. del grup d'usuaris"],"ID or name external user group":["Id. o nom del grup d'usuaris externs"],"ID or name of domain":["Id. o nom del domini"],"ID or name of external user group":["Id. o nom del grup d'usuaris externs"],"ID or name of host":["Id. o nom de l'amfitrió"],"ID or name of interface":["Id. o nom de la interfície"],"ID or name of subnet":["Id. o nom de la subxarxa"],"ID or name of user group":["Id. o nom del grup de l'usuari"],"IDs of associated architectures":["Els id. de les arquitectures associades"],"IDs of associated config groups":[""],"IDs of associated media":["Els id. dels mitjans associats"],"IDs of associated partition tables":["Els id. de les taules de particions associades"],"IDs of associated provisioning templates":["Els id. de les plantilles d'aprovisionament associades"],"INFO or DEBUG":[""],"IP":["IP"],"IP Address":["Adreça IP"],"IP Address Management":["Gestió de l'adreça IP"],"IP Address auto suggestion mode for this subnet, valid values are \\\"DHCP\\\", \\\"Internal DB\\\", \\\"None\\\"":[""],"IP address auto-suggest":[""],"IP addresses that should be excluded from suggestion":[""],"IP:":["IP:"],"IPAM":["IPAM"],"IPv4":[""],"IPv4 Address":[""],"IPv4 DNS record":["",""],"IPv4 Subnet":[""],"IPv4 address":[""],"IPv4 address of interface":[""],"IPv6":[""],"IPv6 Address":[""],"IPv6 DNS record":["",""],"IPv6 Subnet":[""],"IPv6 address":[""],"IPv6 address of interface":[""],"IRC":["IRC"],"Identifier":["Identificador"],"Identifier of the interface to which this interface belongs, e.g. eth1":[""],"Identifier of the interface to which this interface belongs, e.g. eth1. Only for virtual interfaces.":[""],"Identifiers of attached interfaces, e.g. `['eth1', 'eth2']`. For bond interfaces those are the slaves. Only for bond and bridges interfaces.":[""],"Idle timeout":["Temps d'expiració d'inactivitat"],"If ERB is used in a parameter value, the validation of the value will happen during the ENC request. If the value is invalid, the ENC request will fail.":[""],"If Foreman is running behind Passenger or a remote load balancer, the IP should be set here. This is a regular expression, so it can support several load balancers, i.e: (|":[""],"If checked, will raise an error if there is no default value and no matcher provide a value.":["En cas que estigui marcat, es produirà un error si no hi ha cap valor per defecte i no hi ha cap classificador que proporcioni un valor."],"If owner type is specified, owner must be specified too.":[""],"If true, will raise an error if there is no default value and no matcher provide a value":["En cas que sigui cert, es produirà un error si no hi ha cap valor per defecte i no hi ha cap classificador que proporcioni un valor"],"If you are planning to use Foreman as an external node classifier you should provide information about one or more environments. This information is commonly imported from a pre-existing Puppet configuration by the use of the %{link_start}Puppet classes and environment importer%{link_end}.":[""],"If you feel this is an error with Foreman itself, please open a new issue with":[""],"If you wish to configure Puppet to forward it reports to Foreman, please follow":[""],"Ignore Puppet facts for provisioning":["Ignora els objectes d'interès de Puppet per a l'aprovisionament"],"Ignore facts for domain":[""],"Ignore facts for operating system":[""],"Ignore interfaces that match these values during facts importing, you can use * wildcard to match names with indexes e.g. macvtap*":[""],"Ignore interfaces with matching identifier":["Ignora les interfícies que coincideixin amb l'identificador"],"Ignored classes in the environments: %s":[""],"Ignored environment":[""],"Ignored environment names resulting in booleans found. Please quote strings like true/false and yes/no in config/ignored_environments.yml.":[""],"Ignored environments: %s":[""],"Ignored:":[""],"Image":["Imatge"],"Image Based":[""],"Image ID":["id. d'imatge"],"Image ID as provided by the compute resource, e.g. ami-..":[""],"Image path":["Camí a la imatge"],"Image to use":["Imatge a utilitzar"],"Images":["Imatges"],"Image|Iam role":["Rol IAM"],"Image|Name":["Nom"],"Image|Password":["Contrasenya"],"Image|User data":["Dades d'usuari"],"Image|Username":["Nom d'usuari"],"Image|Uuid":["UUID"],"Import":["Importa"],"Import IPv4 subnets":[""],"Import VM %s":[""],"Import classes from %s":[""],"Import environments from %s":[""],"Import of facts failed for host %s":[""],"Import puppet classes from puppet proxy for an environment":[""],"Import puppet classes from puppet proxy.":[""],"Imported IPv4 Subnets":[""],"In addition to defining which puppet classes get included when building this host type you are also able to assign variables and provisioning information to a host group to further refine the behavior of the puppet runtime.":["A part de definir quines classes de puppet queden incloses en la construcció d'aquest tipus d'amfitrió, també podeu assignar variables i la informació d'aprovisionament a un grup d'amfitrions per perfeccionar el comportament del temps d'execució de puppet."],"In order to create the SSH key, the user must be saved first. A 'create_ssh_keys' permission is required too.":[""],"In-line code syntax":[""],"Include default value when merging all matching values":[""],"Include default value when merging all matching values.":[""],"Include this host within Foreman reporting":["Inclou aquest amfitrió dins de l'enviament d'informes de Foreman"],"Included Classes":["Classes incloses"],"Included Config Groups":["Grups de configuracions inclosos"],"Incorrect password":[""],"Incorrect username or password":[""],"Independent - Nonpersistent":[""],"Independent - Persistent":[""],"Infrastructure":["Infraestructura"],"Inherit parent (%s)":[""],"Inherited Classes from %s":[""],"Inherits from subnet VLAN ID if not set":[""],"Input":["Entrada"],"Installation Media":["Mitjans d'instal·lació"],"Installation media":["Mitjans d'instal·lació"],"Installation medium configuration":["Configuració del mitjà d'instal·lació"],"Installed":["Instal·lat"],"Interface":["Interfície"],"Interface is down":["Interfície baixada"],"Interface is up":["Interfície aixecada"],"Interface provider, e.g. IPMI. Only for BMC interfaces.":["Proveïdor de la interfície, p. ex. IPMI. Únicament per a les interfícies BMC."],"Interface type, e.g. bmc. Default is %{default_nic_type}":[""],"Interface's DNS name":["Nom DNS de la interfície"],"Interfaces":["Interfícies"],"Internal DB":["BD interna"],"Internal network":["Xarxa interna"],"Interpolate ERB in parameters":["Interpola ERB als paràmetres"],"Invalid %s selection, you must select at least one of yours":[""],"Invalid Host":[""],"Invalid architecture '%{arch}' for '%{os}'":[""],"Invalid architecture for %s":[""],"Invalid authenticity token":[""],"Invalid log level: %s":[""],"Invalid medium '%{medium}' for '%{os}'":[""],"Invalid medium for %s":[""],"Invalid power state request: %{action}, supported actions are %{supported}":[""],"Invalid proxy selected!":["El servidor intermediari seleccionat no és vàlid!"],"Invalid query":["consulta no vàlida"],"Invalid report":["Informe no vàlid"],"Invalid search query: %s":["La consulta de cerca no és vàlida: %s"],"Invalid smart-proxy id":[""],"Invalid type for host creation via facts: %s":[""],"Invalid version format, please enter in x.y (only major version).":[""],"Is the cron job that executes %s enabled?":[""],"Issue tracker":["Eina de seguiment d'incidències"],"It is not possible to assign provisioning templates at this stage.":[""],"It is not recommended to unlock this template, as it is provided by %{vendor} and may be overwritten. Please consider cloning it instead.":[""],"Item":["Ítem"],"Iterating":[""],"JSON VM listing is not supported for this compute resource.":[""],"JSON object of the scheduler hint":[""],"Keep selected hosts for a future action":[""],"Key Binding":["Vinculació de tecles"],"Key not connected to any compute resource":[""],"Key pair":["Parella de claus"],"Key used with other compute resource":[""],"KeyPair|Name":["Nom"],"KeyPair|Public":["Pública"],"KeyPair|Secret":["Secret"],"Kind":["Tipus"],"LDAP Authentication":["Autenticació LDAP"],"LDAP authentication":["Autenticació LDAP"],"LDAP authentication sources":[""],"LDAP error - %{message}":["Error de LDAP - %{message}"],"LDAP filter":["Filtre LDAP"],"LDAP server":["Servidor LDAP"],"LDAP users will have their Foreman account automatically created the first time they log into Foreman":["Els usuaris de LDAP se'ls hi crearà automàticament el seu compte de Foreman la primera vegada que iniciïn la sessió a Foreman"],"Language":["Idioma"],"Last Report":["Últim informe"],"Last report":["Últim informe"],"Last updated %s ago":["Actualitzat per últim cop fa %s"],"Latest Events":["Últims esdeveniments"],"Learn more about this in the documentation.":[""],"Legacy Puppet hostname":["Nom d'amfitrió del llegat de Puppet"],"Length":[""],"Level":["Nivell"],"Libvirt default console address":["Adreça de la consola per defecte de Libvirt"],"Libvirt, oVirt, OpenStack and Rackspace":[""],"Limit rebuild steps, valid steps are %{host_rebuild_steps}":[""],"List LDAP authentication sources per location":[""],"List LDAP authentication sources per organization":[""],"List all :resource_id":["Llista tots els :resource_id"],"List all LDAP authentication sources":["Llista tots els orígens d'autenticació LDAP"],"List all Puppet class IDs for host":["Llista tots els id. de les classes de Puppet per a l'amfitrió"],"List all Puppet class IDs for host group":["Llista tots els id. de les classes de Puppet per al grup d'amfitrions"],"List all Puppet classes":["Llista totes les classes de Puppet"],"List all Puppet classes for a host":["Llista totes les classes de Puppet per a un amfitrió"],"List all Puppet classes for a host group":["Llista totes les classes de Puppet per a un grup d'amfitrions"],"List all Puppet classes for an environment":["Llista totes les classes de Puppet per a un entorn"],"List all SSH keys for a user":[""],"List all architectures":["Llista totes les arquitectures"],"List all architectures for operating system":["Llista totes les arquitectures per al sistema operatiu"],"List all audits":["Llista totes les auditories"],"List all audits for a given host":["Llista totes les auditories per a un amfitrió donat"],"List all autosign entries":["Llista totes les entrades autosign"],"List all bookmarks":["Llista totes les adreces d'interès"],"List all compute resources":["Llista tots els recursos computacionals"],"List all environments":["Llista tots els entorns"],"List all external user groups for LDAP authentication source":["Llista tots els grups d'usuaris externs per a l'origen d'autenticació LDAP"],"List all external user groups for user group":["Llista tots els grups d'usuaris externs per al grup d'usuaris"],"List all fact values":["Llista tots els valors dels objectes d'interès"],"List all fact values of a given host":["Llista tots els valors dels objectes d'interès d'un amfitrió donat"],"List all filters":["Llista tots els filtres"],"List all global parameters.":["Llista tots els paràmetres globals."],"List all hardware models":["Llista tots els models de maquinari"],"List all host groups":["Llista tots els grups d'amfitrions"],"List all host groups for a Puppet class":["Llista tots els grups d'amfitrions per a una classe de Puppet"],"List all host groups per location":["Llista tots els grups d'amfitrions per ubicació"],"List all host groups per organization":["Llista tots els grups d'amfitrions per organització"],"List all hosts":["Llista tots els amfitrions"],"List all hosts for a host group":["Llista tots els amfitrions per a un grup d'amfitrions"],"List all images for a compute resource":["Llista totes les imatges per a un recurs computacional"],"List all images for architecture":["Llista totes les imatges per a l'arquitectura"],"List all images for operating system":["Llista totes les imatges per al sistema operatiu"],"List all installation media":["Llista tots els mitjans d'instal·lació"],"List all interfaces for domain":["Llista totes les interfícies per al domini"],"List all interfaces for host":["Llista totes les interfícies per a l'amfitrió"],"List all interfaces for subnet":["Llista totes les interfícies per a la subxarxa"],"List all media for an operating system":["Llista tots els mitjans per a un sistema operatiu"],"List all media per location":["Llista tots els mitjans per ubicació"],"List all media per organization":["Llista tots els mitjans per organització"],"List all operating systems":["Llista tots els sistemes operatius"],"List all operating systems for nested architecture":["Llista tots els sistemes operatius per a les arquitectures imbricades"],"List all operating systems for nested medium":["Llista tots els sistemes operatius per als mitjans imbricats"],"List all operating systems for nested partition table":["Llista tots els sistemes operatius per a les taules de particions imbricades"],"List all operating systems for nested provisioning template":["Llista tots els sistemes operatius per a les plantilles d'aprovisionament imbricades"],"List all parameters for a domain":["Llista tots els paràmetres per a un domini"],"List all parameters for a host":["Llista tots els paràmetres per a un amfitrió"],"List all parameters for a host group":["Llista tots els paràmetres per a un grup d'amfitrions"],"List all parameters for a location":["Llista tots els paràmetres per a una ubicació"],"List all parameters for a subnet":[""],"List all parameters for an operating system":["Llista tots els paràmetres per a un sistema operatiu"],"List all parameters for an organization":["Llista tots els paràmetres per a una organització"],"List all partition tables":["Llista totes les taules de particions"],"List all partition tables for an operating system":["Llista totes les taules de particions per a un sistema operatiu"],"List all partition tables per location":["Llista totes les taules de particions per la ubicació"],"List all partition tables per organization":["Llista totes les taules de particions per a l'organització"],"List all permissions":["Llista tots els permisos"],"List all reports":["Llista tots els informes"],"List all roles":["Llista tots els rols"],"List all settings":["Llista tots els ajusts"],"List all smart class parameters":["Llista tots els paràmetres de la classe intel·ligent"],"List all smart proxies":["Llista tots els servidors intermediaris intel·ligents"],"List all smart variables":["Llista totes les variables intel·ligents"],"List all tasks for a given orchestration event":[""],"List all template 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carpetes disponibles per a un recurs computacional"],"List available images for a compute resource":["Llista de les imatges disponibles per a un recurs computacional"],"List available networks for a compute resource":["Llista de les xarxes disponibles per a un recurs computacional"],"List available networks for a compute resource cluster":["Llista de les xarxes disponibles per a un clúster de recursos computacionals"],"List available resource types.":["Llista els tipus de recursos disponibles."],"List available security groups for a compute resource":["Llista dels grups de seguretat disponibles per a un recurs computacional"],"List available zone for a compute resource":["Llista de les zones disponibles per a un recurs computacional"],"List boot files for an operating system":["Llista els fitxers d'arrencada per a un sistema operatiu"],"List default templates combinations for an operating system":["Llista de les combinacions de les plantilles predeterminades per sistema operatiu"],"List environments of Puppet class":["Llista tots els entorns de la classe Puppet"],"List environments per location":["Llista tots els entorns per ubicació"],"List environments per organization":["Llista tots els entorns per organització"],"List hosts per environment":["Llista els entorns per entorn"],"List hosts per location":["Llista els amfitrions per ubicació"],"List hosts per organization":["Llista els amfitrions per organització"],"List installed plugins":["Llista els connectors instal·lats"],"List of compute profiles":["Llista de tots els perfils computacionals"],"List of config groups":["Llista dels grups de configuracions"],"List of domains":["Llista dels dominis"],"List of domains per location":["Llista dels dominis per ubicació"],"List of domains per organization":["Llista dels dominis per organització"],"List of domains per subnet":["Llista dels dominis per subxarxa"],"List of email notifications":["Llista de les notificacions de correu electrònic"],"List of 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els paràmetres de la classe intel·ligent per a un grup d'amfitrions específic"],"List of smart variables for a specific Puppet class":[""],"List of smart variables for a specific host":[""],"List of smart variables for a specific host group":[""],"List of subnets":["Llista de les subxarxes"],"List of subnets for a domain":["Llista de les subxarxes per a un domini"],"List of subnets per location":["Llista de les subxarxes per ubicació"],"List of subnets per organization":["Llista de les subxarxes per organització"],"List operating systems where this template is set as a default":["Llista els sistemes operatius on estigui establerta aquesta plantilla com a predeterminada"],"List provisioning templates":["Llista de les plantilles d'aprovisionament"],"List provisioning templates per location":["Llista de les plantilles d'aprovisionament per ubicació"],"List provisioning templates per operating system":["Llista de les plantilles d'aprovisionament per sistema operatiu"],"List provisioning templates per organization":["Llista de les plantilles d'aprovisionament per organització"],"List resource pools for a compute resource cluster":["Llista de les reserves de recursos per a un clúster de recursos computacionals"],"List storage domains for a compute resource":["Llista els dominis d'emmagatzemament per a un recurs computacional"],"List storage pods for a compute resource":[""],"List template combination":[""],"Load Datacenters":["Carrega centres de dades"],"Load Regions":["Carrega les regions"],"Load Tenants":["Carrega els inquilins"],"Load Zones":[""],"Loading":["S'està carregant"],"Loading ...":["S'està carregant..."],"Loading BMC information ...":["S'està carregant la informació del BMC..."],"Loading NICs information ...":["S'està carregant la informació de les NIC..."],"Loading SSH keys information ...":[""],"Loading VM information ...":["S'està carregant la informació de la MV..."],"Loading filters ...":[""],"Loading host information ...":["S'està carregant la informació de l'amfitrió..."],"Loading images information ...":[""],"Loading interfaces information ...":["S'està carregant la informació de les interfícies..."],"Loading parameters...":["S'estan carregant els paràmetres..."],"Loading power state ...":["S'està carregant l'estat energètic..."],"Loading resources information ...":["S'està carregant la informació dels recursos..."],"Loading runtime information ...":["S'està carregant la informació del temps d'execució..."],"Loading template information ...":["S'està carregant la informació de la plantilla..."],"Loading virtual machine information ...":["S'està carregant la informació de la màquina virtual..."],"Loading virtual machines information ...":["S'està carregant la informació de les màquines virtuals..."],"Local time":[""],"Location":["Ubicació"],"Location Distribution":[""],"Location fact":["Objecte d'interès de la ubicació"],"Location parameters":[""],"Location with id %{id} not found":[""],"Location you had selected as your context has been deleted.":[""],"Location/Organization":[""],"Locations":["Ubicacions"],"Locations also work nicely when used in tandem with %{organizations}.":[""],"Locations are used to manage and differentiate the physical place where a system managed via Foreman is housed. For example, there might be a data center in London and one in Virginia; these are locations.":[""],"Lock":["Bloqueja"],"Log In":[""],"Log entry details":[""],"Log out":["Tanca la sessió"],"Log out idle users after a certain number of minutes":["Tanca la sessió dels usuaris inactius després d'un nombre determinat de minuts"],"Logged out - See you soon":[""],"Logged-in":[""],"Login":["Inicia la sessió"],"Login delegation logout URL":[""],"Login page footer text":[""],"Logout":[""],"Lookup key":[""],"Lookup value":[""],"LookupKey|Avoid duplicates":[""],"LookupKey|Default value":[""],"LookupKey|Description":[""],"LookupKey|Is param":[""],"LookupKey|Key":[""],"LookupKey|Key type":[""],"LookupKey|Merge overrides":[""],"LookupKey|Override":[""],"LookupKey|Path":[""],"LookupKey|Puppetclass lookup key":[""],"LookupKey|Required":[""],"LookupKey|Validator rule":[""],"LookupKey|Validator type":[""],"LookupKey|Variable lookup values count":[""],"LookupValue|Match":[""],"LookupValue|Value":["Valor"],"MAC":["MAC"],"MAC Address":["Adreça MAC"],"MAC address":["Adreça MAC"],"MAC address of interface. 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Igual que en IRC, tenim llistes d'usuaris generals (suport, Q/A, etc.) i una llista de desenvolupament:"],"Manage":["Gestiona"],"Manage Locations":["Gestiona les ubicacions"],"Manage Organizations":["Gestiona les organitzacions"],"Manage PuppetCA":["Gestiona l'AC de Puppet"],"Manage host":["Gestiona l'amfitrió"],"Managed IP":["IP gestionada"],"Manual":["Manual"],"Manually Assign":[""],"Manually select and assign hosts with no %s":[""],"Matcher is a combination of an attribute and its value, if they match, the value below would be provided.<br> You may use any attribute Foreman knows about, such as facts etc for example: <code> domain = </code> or <code> is_virtual = true</code>.":["Un classificador és una combinació d'un atribut i el seu valor, si coincideixen, es proporcionarà el valor que hi ha per sota.<br> Podeu utilitzar qualsevol atribut que conegui Foreman, com ara objectes d'interès, etc., per exemple:\\n <code> domain = </code> or <code> is_virtual = true</code>."],"Max days for Trends graphs":["Nombre màxim de dies per als gràfics de les tendències"],"Max timeout for REST client requests to smart-proxy":["El temps d'expiració màxim per a les peticions de client REST al servidor intermediari intel·ligent"],"Max trends":["Tendències màx."],"Media":["Mitjà"],"Media ID":["Id. de mitjà"],"Media access control address for this interface. 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Most virtualization compute resources (e.g. VMware, oVirt, libvirt) <br/> will overwrite the provided value with new random MAC address.":[""],"Medium":["Mitjà"],"Medium IDs":[""],"Medium|Config path":["Camí a la configuració"],"Medium|Image path":["Camí a la imatge"],"Medium|Media path":["Camí al mitjà"],"Medium|Name":["Nom"],"Medium|Os family":["Família de SO"],"Medium|Path":["Camí"],"Memory":["Memòria"],"Memory (MB)":["Memòria (MB)"],"Memory hot add":[""],"Memory hot add lets you add memory resources for a virtual machine while the machine is powered on.":[""],"Merge all matching values (only array/hash type)":[""],"Message":["Missatge"],"Message|Digest":["Repte"],"Message|Value":["Valor"],"Metadata":["Metadades"],"Method %{method} not found for resource %{resource}.":[""],"Method used to deliver email":[""],"Metrics":["Mètriques"],"Minutes Ago":["Minuts passats"],"Mismatch Details":[""],"Mismatches":[""],"Mismatches Report":[""],"Missing one of the required permissions: %s":[""],"Model":["Model"],"Model|Hardware model":["Model de maquinari"],"Model|Hosts count":["Nombre d'amfitrions"],"Model|Info":["Informació"],"Model|Name":["Nom"],"Model|Vendor class":["Classe del fabricant"],"Modified":["Modificat"],"Module path":["Camí al mòdul"],"Monitor":["Monitor"],"Monthly":["Mensualment"],"Must provide an operating system":[""],"Must provide template kind":["Ha de proporcionar el tipus de plantilla"],"Must specify a user with email enabled":[""],"Must specify a valid user with email enabled":[""],"My account":["El meu compte"],"N/A":["N/D"],"NA":["ND"],"NIC":["NIC"],"NIC type":["Tipus de NIC"],"NICs":["Les NIC"],"Name":["Nom"],"Name of media":["Nom dels mitjans"],"Name of the external auth source where unknown externally authentication users (see authorize_login_delegation) should be created (keep unset to prevent the autocreation)":[""],"Name of the host group":["Nom del grup d'amfitrions"],"Name of the parameter":["Nom del paràmetre"],"Name of variable":["Nom de la variable"],"Nest":[""],"Netmask":["Màscara de xarxa"],"Netmask for this subnet":["Màscara de xarxa per a aquesta subxarxa"],"Network":["Xarxa"],"Network Based":[""],"Network can't be blank":[""],"Network interfaces":["Interfícies de xarxa"],"Network interfaces management has been moved to the Interfaces tab. Please set your interfaces there.":[""],"Network prefix":[""],"Network type":["Tipus de xarxa"],"New":["Nou"],"New Autosign Entry":[""],"New Event":[""],"New Events":[""],"New Hosts":[""],"New Location":["Nova ubicació"],"New Organization":["Nova organització"],"New SSH key":[""],"New Virtual Machine":["Nova màquina virtual"],"New boot volume size (GB)":["Nova mida del volum d'arrencada (GB)"],"New compute profile on %s":["Nou perfil computacional a %s"],"New filter":["Nou filtre"],"New window":["Nova finestra"],"Nic::Base|Attached devices":["Dispositius adjuntats"],"Nic::Base|Attached to":["Adjuntat a"],"Nic::Base|Attrs":["Atributs"],"Nic::Base|Bond options":["Opcions de vinculació"],"Nic::Base|Identifier":["Identificador"],"Nic::Base|Ip":["IP"],"Nic::Base|Link":["Enllaç"],"Nic::Base|Mac":["MAC"],"Nic::Base|Managed":["Gestionada"],"Nic::Base|Mode":["Mode"],"Nic::Base|Name":["Nom"],"Nic::Base|Password":["Contrasenya"],"Nic::Base|Provider":["Proveïdor"],"Nic::Base|Tag":["Etiqueta"],"Nic::Base|Username":["Nom d'usuari"],"Nic::Base|Virtual":["Virtual"],"No %{template_kind} templates were found for this host, make sure you define at least one in your %{os} settings or change PXE loader":[""],"No BMC NIC available for host %s":[""],"No IPv4 subnets selected":[""],"No Notifications":[""],"No TFTP feature":["No hi ha la funcionalitat TFTP"],"No TFTP proxies defined, can't continue":[""],"No audit changes for this period":[""],"No bridges":["Sense ponts"],"No changes":["Sense canvis"],"No changes found when refreshing features from %s.":[""],"No changes to your environments detected":[""],"No compute resource to show":["Sense recursos computacionals a mostrar"],"No data available":[""],"No data for this trend.":["No hi ha dades per aquesta tendència."],"No documentation found":["No s'ha trobat la documentació"],"No domains":["Sense dominis"],"No emails":["Sense correus"],"No entries found":["No s'ha trobat cap entrada"],"No environment selected!":["No hi ha cap entorn seleccionat!"],"No environments found":[""],"No features found on this proxy, please make sure you enable at least one feature":[""],"No finish templates were found for this host, make sure you define at least one in your %s settings":[""],"No free ports available for websockify, try again later":[""],"No history found":["No s'ha trobat cap històric"],"No host could be found for rendering the template":["No es pot trobar cap amfitrió per a la renderització de la plantilla"],"No host found to associate this VM with":[""],"No host group selected!":["No hi ha cap grup d'amfitrions seleccionat!"],"No hosts are mismatched!":[""],"No hosts available.":[""],"No hosts selected":["Cap amfitrió seleccionat"],"No hosts were found with that id, name or query filter":[""],"No interesting reports received in the last week":["En l'última setmana no s'han rebut informes interessants"],"No logs to show":["Sense registres a mostrar"],"No matching server groups found":[""],"No networks":["Sense xarxes"],"No networks found.":["No s'ha trobat cap xarxa."],"No new IPv4 subnets found":[""],"No or invalid power state selected!":[""],"No owner selected!":["No hi ha cap propietari seleccionat!"],"No parameters to override for Puppet class %s":[""],"No parameters were allocated to the selected hosts, can't mass assign.":[""],"No plugins found":["No s'ha trobat cap connector"],"No preference":[""],"No proxy found to import classes from, ensure that the smart proxy has the Puppet feature enabled.":[""],"No proxy selected!":["No hi ha cap servidor intermediari seleccionat!"],"No puppet activity for this host in the last %s days":[""],"No report":["Sense informe"],"No reports":["Sense informes"],"No setting value provided.":[""],"No smart proxies found.":["No s'han trobat cap servidor intermediari intel·ligent."],"No smart proxies to show":["Sense servidors intermediaris intel·ligents a mostrar"],"No smart proxy was found to import environments from, ensure that at least one smart proxy is registered with the 'puppet' feature.":[""],"No subnets":["Sense subxarxes"],"No template with kind %{kind} for %{host}":[""],"No templates found":[""],"No templates found for this host.":["No s'ha trobat cap plantilla per a aquest amfitrió."],"No templates found!":["No s'ha trobat cap plantilla!"],"No trend counter defined":[""],"No trend counter found":[""],"None":["Sense"],"None found":["No se n'ha trobat cap"],"None!":["Sense!"],"Normal":["Normal"],"Normally when setting up a Compute Resource, a key pair (private and public) is created for you automatically.":[""],"Not Installed":["No instal·lat"],"Not authorized to edit classes":["No esteu autoritzat a editar les classes"],"Not implemented":["No està implementat"],"Not implemented for %s":["No està implementat per %s"],"Not relevant for snippet":["No és rellevant per al fragment"],"Nothing to add":["Res a afegir"],"Nothing to show":["Res a mostrar"],"Notice":["Avís"],"Notices, warnings and errors":["Avisos, advertències i errors"],"Notification disabled":[""],"Notifications":["Notificacions"],"Number Of Clients":["Nombre de clients"],"Number of CPUs":["Nombre de CPU"],"Number of Events":["Nombre d'esdeveniments"],"Number of Hosts":["Nombre d'amfitrions"],"Number of classes":[""],"Number of overrides":[""],"Number of records shown per page in Foreman":["El nombre de registres mostrats per pàgina a Foreman"],"Numerical ID or domain name":["Id. numèric o nom de domini"],"Numerical ID or email notification name":[""],"Numerical ID or realm name":["Id. numèric o nom del reialme"],"OAuth active":["OAuth actiu"],"OAuth consumer key":["La clau de consumidor d'OAuth"],"OAuth consumer secret":["El 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RedHat"],"Obsolete":["En desús"],"Off":[""],"Ok":["D'acord"],"Old":["Antic"],"Omit":[""],"Omit from classification output":[""],"Omit parameter from classification":[""],"On":[""],"Only for BMC interfaces.":["Només per a les interfícies BMC."],"Only known Smart Proxies may access features that use Smart Proxy authentication":["Únicament els servidors intermediaris intel·ligents coneguts poden accedir a les característiques que utilitzen l'autenticació dels servidors intermediaris intel·ligents"],"Only one declaration of a proxy is allowed":[""],"Only one volume can be bootable":[""],"Oops!!":["Oops!!"],"Oops, we're sorry but something went wrong":[""],"Open Spice in a new window":["Obre Spice en una nova finestra"],"Operating System":["Sistema operatiu"],"Operating System version is required":["Es requereix la versió del sistema operatiu"],"Operating Systems":["Sistemes operatius"],"Operating system":["Sistema operatiu"],"Operating system ID":["Id. de sistema operatiu"],"Operating system IDs":["Els id. dels sistemes operatius"],"Operating system default":["Sistema operatiu per defecte"],"Operating system family":["Família de sistema operatiu"],"Operating system family, available values: %{operatingsystem_families}":["Família de sistema operatiu, valors disponibles: %{operatingsystem_families}"],"Operating system version already exists":["Ja existeix la versió del sistema operatiu"],"Operating systems":["Sistemes operatius"],"Operating systems API supported?":[""],"Operatingsystem":["Sistema operatiu"],"Operatingsystem|Description":["Descripció"],"Operatingsystem|Hostgroups count":["Nombre de grups d'amfitrions"],"Operatingsystem|Hosts count":["Nombre d'amfitrions"],"Operatingsystem|Major":["Major"],"Operatingsystem|Minor":["Menor"],"Operatingsystem|Name":["Nom"],"Operatingsystem|Nameindicator":["Nom"],"Operatingsystem|Password hash":[""],"Operatingsystem|Release name":["Nom del llançament"],"Operatingsystem|Title":["Títol"],"Operation":["Operació"],"Operators":["Operadors"],"Optional array of log hashes":[""],"Optional comma-delimited string containing either 'new', 'updated', or 'obsolete' that is used to limit the imported Puppet classes":[""],"Optional input validator":["Validador d'entrada opcional"],"Optional parameter without value.<br/><i>Still managed by Foreman, the value will be empty.</i><br/>":[""],"Optional: Ending IP Address for IP auto suggestion":["Opcional: Adreça IP final per a l'autosuggestió de la IP"],"Optional: Gateway for this subnet":["Opcional: Passarel·la per a aquesta subxarxa"],"Optional: Primary DNS for this subnet":["Opcional: DNS primari per a aquesta subxarxa"],"Optional: Secondary DNS for this subnet":["Opcional: DNS secundari per a aquesta subxarxa"],"Optional: Starting IP Address for IP auto suggestion":["Opcional: Adreça IP inicial per a l'autosuggestió de la IP"],"Optional: VLAN ID for this subnet":["Opcional: ID de la VLAN per a aquesta subxarxa"],"Optionally provide a CA, or a correctly ordered CA chain. If left blank, a self-signed CA will be populated automatically by the server during the first request.":[""],"Order":["Ordre"],"Organization":["Organització"],"Organization Distribution":[""],"Organization fact":["Objecte d'interès de l'organització"],"Organization parameters":[""],"Organization with id %{id} not found":[""],"Organization you had selected as your context has been deleted.":[""],"Organizations":["Organitzacions"],"Organizations also work nicely in tandem with %{locations}.":[""],"Original value info":[""],"Other reports for this host":["Altres informes per a aquest amfitrió"],"Out of sync":["Desincronitzat"],"Out of sync hosts":["Amfitrions desincronitzats"],"Out of sync hosts with alerts enabled":[""],"Out of sync interval":["Interval dels desincronitzats"],"Override all parameters":["Sobreescriu tots els paràmetres"],"Override match":["Sobreescriu la coincidència"],"Override the default value of the Puppet class parameter.":[""],"Override this value":["Sobreescriu aquest valor"],"Override value, required if omit is false":[""],"Overview":["Apreciació global"],"Overwrite":["Sobreescriu"],"Owned By":["Propietat de"],"Owner":["Propietari"],"Owner changed to %s":["S'ha canviat el propietari a %s"],"Owner type needs to be one of the following: %s":[""],"POAP PXE template":[""],"PXE":["PXE"],"PXE Loader":[""],"PXE files for templates %s have been deployed to all Smart Proxies":[""],"PXE loader":[""],"PXEGrub template":[""],"PXEGrub2 template":[""],"PXELinux template":[""],"Param name":["Nom del paràmetre"],"Parameter":["Paràmetre"],"Parameter details":["Detalls del paràmetre"],"Parameter value":["Valor del paràmetre"],"Parameterized classes in ENC":["Classes parametritzades a ENC"],"Parameters":["Paràmetres"],"Parameters for host's %s facet":[""],"Parameters that would be associated with hosts in this %s":[""],"Parameter|Hidden value":[""],"Parameter|Name":["Nom"],"Parameter|Priority":["Prioritat"],"Parameter|Value":["Valor"],"Params":["Paràmetres"],"Parent":["Pare"],"Parent ID":[""],"Parent ID of the host group":["Id. del pare del grup d'amfitrions"],"Parent is already selected":["El pare ja està seleccionat"],"Parent parameters":[""],"Partition Tables":["Taules de particions"],"Partition table":["Taula de particions"],"Partition table ID":["Id. de taula de particions"],"Partition table configuration":["Configuració de la taula de particions"],"Partition tables":["Taules de particions"],"Partition template IDs":["Els id. de les plantilles de particions"],"Password":["Contrasenya"],"Password for oVirt, EC2, VMware, OpenStack. 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You can edit it later to add filters":[""],"Please save the user first before assigning mail notifications.":[""],"Please select":["Si us plau, seleccioneu"],"Please select a cluster":[""],"Please select an environment first":["Si us plau, seleccioneu primer un entorn"],"Please select an image":["Si us plau, seleccioneu una imatge"],"Please select hosts to perform action on.":[""],"Please specify volume size. You may optionally use suffix 'G' to specify volume size in gigabytes.":[""],"Please try to update your request":[""],"Please wait while your request is being processed":[""],"Please wait...":["Si us plau, espereu..."],"Plugins":["Connectors"],"Port to connect to":[""],"Power":[""],"Power ON this machine":["Engega aquesta màquina"],"Power operations are not enabled on this host.":[""],"Power up compute instance %s":[""],"Power%s":[""],"Preallocate disk":[""],"Prefix length can't be blank":[""],"Prefix length must be /64 or less to use EUI-64":[""],"Prefix to add to all outgoing email":["El prefix a afegir a tots els correus electrònics de sortida"],"Prepare post installation script for %s":["Prepara el script de post-instal·lació per %s"],"Preview":["Vista prèvia"],"Preview rendered provisioning template content":[""],"Primary":["Primària"],"Primary DNS for this subnet":["DNS primari per a aquesta subxarxa"],"Primary interface's DNS name and domain define host's FQDN":[""],"Printing data":[""],"Prioritize attribute order":[""],"Private":["Privada"],"Private key file that Foreman will use to encrypt websockets ":[""],"Proceed to Edit":[""],"Properties":["Propietats"],"Property":[""],"Protocol":[""],"Provider":["Proveïdor"],"Providers include %{providers}":["Els proveïdors inclouen %{providers}"],"Provides an unused IP address in this subnet":[""],"Provision":["Aprovisionament"],"Provision script had a non zero exit":[""],"Provisioning":["Aprovisionament"],"Provisioning Method":[""],"Provisioning Setup":["Configuració d'aprovisionament"],"Provisioning Template content changed %s":[""],"Provisioning Templates":["Plantilles d'aprovisionament"],"Provisioning template":["Plantilla d'aprovisionament"],"Provisioning template IDs":["Els id. de les plantilles d'aprovisionament"],"Provisioning templates":["Plantilles d'aprovisionament"],"Provisioning templates are generated using the Embedded Ruby (ERB) language.":[""],"ProvisioningTemplate|Default":["Per defecte"],"ProvisioningTemplate|Locked":["Bloquejada"],"ProvisioningTemplate|Name":["Nom"],"ProvisioningTemplate|Snippet":["Fragment"],"ProvisioningTemplate|Template":["Plantilla"],"ProvisioningTemplate|Vendor":["Fabricant"],"Proxies":["Servidors intermediaris"],"Proxy ID to use within this realm":[""],"Proxy request timeout":["Temps d'expiració de sol·licitud de servidor intermediari"],"Ptable":[""],"Ptable|Layout":["Disposició"],"Ptable|Locked":["Bloquejada"],"Ptable|Name":["Nom"],"Ptable|Os family":["Família de SO"],"Ptable|Snippet":["Fragment"],"Public":["Pública"],"Public SSH key":[""],"Puppet":["Puppet"],"Puppet CA":["AC de Puppet"],"Puppet CA proxy ID":["Id. del servidor intermediari de l'AC de Puppet"],"Puppet Class":["Classe de Puppet"],"Puppet Classes":["Classes de Puppet"],"Puppet Environment":["Entorn de Puppet"],"Puppet Environments":["Entorns de Puppet"],"Puppet Master":["Màster de Puppet"],"Puppet Modules":["Mòduls de Puppet"],"Puppet Summary Report - F:%{failed} R:%{restarted} S:%{skipped} A:%{applied} FR:%{failed_restarts} T:%{total}":[""],"Puppet class":["Classe de Puppet"],"Puppet class ID":["ID de la classe de Puppet"],"Puppet class parameters":["Paràmetres de la classe de Puppet"],"Puppet classes":["Classes de Puppet"],"Puppet environments":["Entorns de Puppet"],"Puppet error on %s":["Error de Puppet a %s"],"Puppet external nodes YAML dump":[""],"Puppet interval":["Interval de Puppet"],"Puppet interval in minutes":["L'interval de Puppet en minuts"],"Puppet proxy ID":["Id. de servidor intermediari de Puppet"],"Puppet server":["Servidor de Puppet"],"Puppetclass":["Puppetclass"],"Puppetclass|Global class params count":["Nombre de paràmetres de la classe global"],"Puppetclass|Hostgroups count":["Nombre de grups d'amfitrions"],"Puppetclass|Hosts count":["Nombre d'amfitrions"],"Puppetclass|Lookup keys count":[""],"Puppetclass|Name":["Nom"],"Puppetrun":["Puppetrun"],"Query instance details for %s":[""],"Query local nameservers":["Consulta als servidors de noms locals"],"Quota ID":["Id. de quota"],"REPLACE locations with given ids":["SUBSTITUEIX les ubicacions amb els id. donats"],"REPLACE organizations with given ids.":["SUBSTITUEIX les organitzacions amb els id. donats."],"Random gives unique names, MAC-based are longer but stable (and only works with bare-metal)":[""],"Random-based":[""],"Realm":["Reialme"],"Realm ID":["Id. de reialme"],"Realm IDs":["Els id. dels reialmes"],"Realm name, e.g. EXAMPLE.COM":["Nom de reialme, p. ex. 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this interface be used for TFTP of PXELinux (or SSH for image-based hosts)? 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This feature calls to compute resource providers which may lead to decreased performance on host listing page.":[""],"Show provisioning template details":["Mostra els detalls de la plantilla d'aprovisionament"],"Show status":["Mostra l'estat"],"Show template combination":["Mostra una combinació de plantilles"],"Show the last report for a host":["Mostra l'últim informe per un amfitrió"],"Sign":["Signa"],"Single host on this page is selected.":["",""],"Size":["Mida"],"Size (GB)":["Mida (GB)"],"Skip assign hosts and proceed to edit %s settings":[""],"Skipped":["Omès"],"Skipped|S":[""],"Smart Class Parameter":["Paràmetre de la classe intel·ligent"],"Smart Proxies":["Servidors intermediaris intel·ligents"],"Smart Proxy":["Servidor intermediari intel·ligent"],"Smart Proxy: %s":[""],"Smart Variables":["Variables intel·ligents"],"Smart class parameters":["Paràmetres de la classe intel·ligent"],"Smart proxies":["Servidors intermediaris intel·ligents"],"Smart proxy":["Servidor intermediari intel·ligent"],"Smart proxy IDs":["Els id. dels servidors intermediaris intel·ligents"],"Smart variables":["Variables intel·ligents"],"SmartProxy|Name":["Nom"],"SmartProxy|Url":["URL"],"Snippet":["Fragment"],"Some Puppet Classes are unavailable in the selected environment":[""],"Some imported user account details cannot be saved: %s":[""],"Some interfaces are invalid":["Algunes interfícies no són vàlides"],"Some of the interfaces are invalid. Please check the table below.":[""],"Some or all hosts execution failed, Please check log files for more information":[""],"Some other interface is already set as primary. Are you sure you want to use this one instead?":["Alguna altra interfície ja està configurada com a primària. Esteu segur que voleu utilitzar aquesta en el seu lloc?"],"Some other interface is already set as provisioning. Are you sure you want to use this one instead?":["Alguna altra interfície ja està configurada com a aprovisionament. Esteu segur que voleu utilitzar aquesta en el seu lloc?"],"Something went wrong while changing host type - %s":[""],"Something went wrong while selecting hosts - %s":["Alguna cosa va anar malament mentre se seleccionaven els amfitrions - %s"],"Sorry but no templates were configured.":["Ho sentim, però cap ni una de les plantilles estava configurada."],"Sorry, these hosts do not have parameters assigned to them, you must add them first.":[""],"Source":["Origen"],"Source|Digest":["Repte"],"Source|Value":["Valor"],"Space separated options, e.g. miimon=100. Only for bond interfaces.":[""],"Specified value is higher than recommended maximum":[""],"Specify additional options to sendmail":[""],"Specify authentication type, if required":[""],"Specify matchers":["Especifica els classificadors"],"Start":["Inicia"],"Starting IP Address for IP auto suggestion":["Adreça IP inicial per a l'autosuggestió de la IP"],"State":["Estat"],"Static":["Estàtic"],"Statistics":["Estadístiques"],"Status":["Estat"],"Stop updating IP address and MAC values from Puppet facts (affects all interfaces)":[""],"Stop updating Operating System from facts":[""],"Stop updating domain values from facts":[""],"Storage":["Emmagatzematge"],"Storage domain":["Domini d'emmagatzematge"],"Storage pool":["Reserva d'emmagatzematge"],"Strong":["Fort"],"Submit":["Envia"],"Subnet":["Subxarxa"],"Subnet ID":["Id. de subxarxa"],"Subnet IDs":["Els id. de les subxarxes"],"Subnet name":["Nom de la subxarxa"],"Subnet network":[""],"Subnet numeric identifier":["Identificador numèric de subxarxa"],"Subnets":["Subxarxes"],"Subnet|Boot mode":["Mode d'arrencada"],"Subnet|Dns primary":["DNS principal"],"Subnet|Dns secondary":["DNS secundari"],"Subnet|From":["Des de"],"Subnet|Gateway":["Passarel·la"],"Subnet|Ipam":["IPAM"],"Subnet|Mask":["Màscara"],"Subnet|Name":["Nom"],"Subnet|Network":["Xarxa"],"Subnet|Priority":["Prioritat"],"Subnet|To":["Fins a"],"Subnet|Vlanid":["Id. de VLAN"],"Subscribe":["Subscriu"],"Subscribe to all hosts":[""],"Subscribe to my hosts":[""],"Success":["Correcte"],"Successfully created %s.":["S'ha creat correctament %s."],"Successfully delete %s":[""],"Successfully deleted %s.":["S'ha suprimit correctament %s."],"Successfully deleted report.":["S'ha suprimit correctament l'informe."],"Successfully executed, check log files for more details":[""],"Successfully executed, check reports and/or log files for more details":[""],"Successfully overridden all parameters of Puppet class %s":[""],"Successfully recreated":[""],"Successfully refreshed features from %s.":[""],"Successfully refreshed the cache.":[""],"Successfully reset all parameters of Puppet class %s to their default values":[""],"Successfully updated %s.":["S'ha actualitzat correctament %s."],"Successfully updated environments and Puppet classes from the on-disk Puppet installation":[""],"Suffix or prefix length for this subnet, e.g. 32":[""],"Suggest new":[""],"Summary from %{time} ago to now":["Resum des de fa %{time} fins ara"],"Summary report from Foreman server at %{foreman_url}":[""],"Support":["Suport"],"Supported Formats":["Formats compatibles"],"Synchronize group from authentication source":["Sincronitza el grup des d'un origen d'autenticació"],"Syntax Highlighting":["Ressaltat de sintaxi"],"Syntax error occurred while parsing the template %{template_name}, make sure you have all ERB tags properly closed and the Ruby syntax is valid. The Ruby error: %{message}":[""],"System Information":["Informació del sistema"],"System Status":["Estat del sistema"],"TFTP":["TFTP"],"TFTP Proxy":["Servidor intermediari de TFTP"],"TFTP Proxy ID to use within this subnet":[""],"TFTP Proxy to use within this subnet":["Servidor intermediari de TFTP per utilitzar dins d'aquesta subxarxa"],"TFTP server":[""],"Taxable taxonomy":[""],"TaxableTaxonomy|Taxable type":["Tipus de taxonomia"],"Taxonomy":["Taxonomia"],"Taxonomy|Ancestry":[""],"Taxonomy|Ignore types":["Ignora els tipus"],"Taxonomy|Name":["Nom"],"Taxonomy|Title":["Títol"],"Template":["Plantilla"],"Template %s is empty.":["La plantilla %s està buida."],"Template '%s' is either missing or has an invalid organization or location":[""],"Template '%s' was not found":[""],"Template Diff":[""],"Template Type":["Tipus de plantilla"],"Template diff":[""],"Template editor":["Editor de plantilles"],"Template kind":["Tipus de plantilla"],"Template kinds, available values: %{template_kinds}":[""],"Template locked":["Plantilla bloquejada"],"Template syntax":[""],"Template unlocked":["Plantilla desbloquejada"],"TemplateKind|Name":["Nom"],"Templates":["Plantilles"],"Templates resolved for this operating system":[""],"Tenant":["Inquilí"],"Test Connection":["Prova la connexió"],"Test LDAP connection":["Prova la connexió LDAP"],"Test LDAP connectivity":[""],"Test connection to LDAP server was successful.":[""],"Test connection was successful":[""],"Test email":[""],"Text to be shown in the login-page footer":[""],"That is, if you are planning to manage a site where all the machines are of the form <i>hostname</i>.<b></b>\\n then the domain is <b></b>.":[""],"The %{proxy_type} proxy could not be set for host: %{host_names}.":["",""],"The %{proxy_type} proxy of the selected hosts was cleared.":[""],"The %{proxy_type} proxy of the selected hosts was set to %{proxy_name}.":[""],"The <b>fullname</b> field is used for human readability in reports and other pages that refer to domains,\\n and also available as an external node parameter":[""],"The Audit Comment field is saved with the template auditing to document the template changes":[""],"The BMC password will be used by Foreman to access the host's BMC controller via a BMC-enabled smart proxy, if available.<br/>":[""],"The IP address that should be used for the console listen address when provisioning new virtual machines via Libvirt":[""],"The NFS path to the image directory.":["El camí NFS al directori de la imatge."],"The NFS path to the jumpstart control files.":["El camí NFS als fitxers de control de jumpstart."],"The NFS path to the media.":["El camí NFS al mitjà."],"The Operating systems detail the OSs known to Foreman, and is the central point that the other required components tie into.":[""],"The Primary interface is used for constructing the FQDN of the host":[""],"The Provisioning interface is used for TFTP of PXELinux (or SSH for image-based hosts)":[""],"The authentication process currently requires an LDAP provider, such as <em>FreeIPA</em>,\\n <em>OpenLDAP</em> or <em>Microsoft's Active Directory</em>.":[""],"The class of CPU supplied in this machine. This is primarily used by Sparc Solaris builds and can be left blank for other architectures. The value can be determined on Solaris via uname -m":[""],"The class of the machine reported by the Open Boot Prom. This is primarily used by Sparc Solaris builds and can be left blank for other architectures. The value can be determined on Solaris via uname -i|cut -f2 -d,":[""],"The default administrator email address":["L'adreça de correu electrònic per defecte de l'administrador"],"The dynamic partitioning style is currently only available for the Red Hat family of operating systems, all others must provide an explicit list of partitions and sizes.":[""],"The file path where your p12 file is located":[""],"The final entry, Operating System default, can be set by editing the %s page.":[""],"The following IPv4 subnets have been found. Please review the details before creating them.":[""],"The following entries were found conflicting with what foreman wanted to apply.":[""],"The following errors may prevent a successful build:":[""],"The following fields would need reviewing":[""],"The following hosts failed the build operation: %s":[""],"The following hosts were not %{action}: %{missed_hosts}":[""],"The following hosts were not deleted: %s":[""],"The following hosts were updated":[""],"The following parameters were skipped as they did not exists on this host:":[""],"The following table and example snippet shows global methods, variables and class methods and how to use them.":[""],"The full DNS domain name":["Tot el nom de domini DNS"],"The host group's classes and the host group's variables are included in the external node information when the puppetmaster compiles the host's configuration.":["Les classes del grup d'amfitrions i les variables del grup d'amfitrions s'inclouen en la informació del node extern quan el puppetmaster compila la configuració de l'amfitrió."],"The inclusion of the keyword string <b>#Dynamic</b> at the start of a line lets Foreman know that this is not an explicit disk layout and must treated as a shell script, executed prior\\n to the install process and that the explicit partition table will be found at <b>/tmp/diskpart.cfg</b> during the build process.":[""],"The keys can be used in provisioning templates and are also available for configuration management tools managed by Foreman.":[""],"The keywords <b>$version</b>, <b>$major</b> and <b>$minor</b> will be interpolated back into the path specification to calculate the true URL address.":["Les paraules reservades <b>$version</b>, <b>$major</b> i <b>$minor</b> seran interpolades de nou dins de l'especificació del camí per calcular la veritable adreça URL."],"The list is excluding %{count} %{link_start}physical host%{link_end}.":["",""],"The location of the sendmail executable":[""],"The marked fields will need reviewing":[""],"The method used to provision the host. Possible provision_methods may be %{provision_methods}":[""],"The order in which matchers keys are processed, first match wins.<br> You may use multiple attributes as a matcher key, for example, an order of <code>host group, environment</code> would expect a matcher such as <code>hostgroup = \\\"web servers\\\", environment = production</code>":["L'ordre en el qual es processen les claus del classificador, la primera coincidència guanya.<br> Podeu utilitzar diversos atributs com a part d'una clau del classificador, per exemple, amb un ordre de\\n <code>grup d'amfitrions, entorn</code> esperaria\\n un classificador similar a <code>hostgroup = \\\"web servers\\\", environment = production</code>"],"The order in which values are resolved":[""],"The password will also be accessible to other users via templates and in the ENC YAML output; disable the bmc_credentials_accessible setting to prevent access.":[""],"The password will not be accessible to other users; enable the bmc_credentials_accessible setting to permit access via templates and in the ENC YAML output.":[""],"The path to the medium, can be a URL or a valid NFS server (exclusive of the architecture).\\n for example <em>$version/os/$arch</em> where <strong>$arch</strong> will be substituted for the host's actual OS architecture and <strong>$version</strong>, <strong>$major</strong> and <strong>$minor</strong> will be substituted for the version of the operating system. Solaris and Debian media may also use <strong>$release</strong>.":[""],"The power state of the selected hosts will be set to %s":[""],"The realm name, e.g. EXAMPLE.COM":["El nom del reialme, p. ex. EXAMPLE.COM"],"The remote system presented a public key signed by an unidentified certificate authority. If you are sure the remote system is authentic, go to the compute resource edit page, press the 'Test Connection' or 'Load Datacenters' button and submit":[""],"The remote system presented a public key with hash %s but we're expecting a different hash. If you are sure the remote system is authentic, go to the compute resource edit page, press the 'Test Connection' or 'Load Datacenters' button and submit":[""],"The selected hosts were enabled for reboot and rebuild":[""],"The selected hosts will execute a build operation on next reboot":[""],"The snippet '%{name}' threw an error: %{exc}":[""],"The template is associated to at least one host in build mode. To apply the change, disable and enable build mode on hosts to update the live templates or choose to %s their configuration from 'Select Action' menu":[""],"The user that is used to ssh into the instance, normally cloud-user, ec2-user, ubuntu, root etc":[""],"The virtual machine is being deleted.":[""],"There are migrations pending in the system.":[""],"There are no puppet environments set up on this puppet master. Please check the puppet master configuration.":[""],"There are orchestration modules with methods for configuration rebuild that have identical name: '%s'":[""],"There are two strategies when using host groups.":["Hi ha dues estratègies quan s'utilitzen els grups d'amfitrions."],"There is":["",""],"There is no owner with id %d and type %s":[""],"There is no proxy with BMC feature set up. Please register a smart proxy with this feature.":[""],"There was an error creating the PXE file: %s":[""],"There was an error listing %{listing}: %{errors}":[""],"There was an error listing VMs: %(status)s %(statusText)s":["Hi va haver un error en llistar les MV: %(status)s %(statusText)s"],"There was an error rendering the %s template: ":["Hi va haver un error en la renderització de la plantilla %s:"],"There was an error rendering the %{name} template: %{error}":["Hi va haver un error en la renderització de la plantilla %{name}: %{error}"],"There was no active bridge interface found in libvirt, if it does not support listing, you can enter the bridge name manually (e.g. br0)":[""],"These are guaranteed to work via the safe mode rendering, to ensure a template can do nothing harmful.":[""],"These two options are personal decisions and are up to you (where the main difference would be the parameter/variables settings).":["Decantar-se per una d'aquestes dues opcions és una decisió personal (on la principal diferència recauria en els ajusts dels paràmetres i les variables)."],"Thin provision":[""],"This Puppet class has no parameters in its signature.":[""],"This allows Foreman to associate a puppet variable with a domain/site and automatically append this variable to all external node requests made by machines at that site.":[""],"This group has nested groups!":[""],"This group has no roles":[""],"This host's stored facts and reports will be deleted too.":[""],"This is a test message to confirm that Foreman's email configuration is working.":[""],"This is for every location and organization that uses it.":[""],"This is for every location that uses it.":[""],"This is for every organization that uses it.":[""],"This is inherited from parent":["Això s'hereta dels pares"],"This is used by a host":["Això és utilitzat per un amfitrió"],"This might take a while, as all hosts, facts and reports will be destroyed as well":[""],"This role has been cloned from role %s":[""],"This role is locked for editing.":[""],"This role is locked from being modified by users.":[""],"This setting is defined in the configuration file '%{filename}' and is read-only.":[""],"This template is locked and may not be removed.":[""],"This template is locked for editing.":["Aquesta plantilla està bloquejada per a l'edició."],"This template is locked. Please clone it to a new template to customize.":[""],"This template is locked. You may only change the associations. Please %s it to customize.":[""],"This value is not hidden":[""],"This value is used also as the host's primary interface name.":[""],"This will reset parameters of the class %s to their default values. Continue?":[""],"This will set all parameters of the class %s as overridden. Continue?":[""],"Time":[""],"Time in Seconds":["Temps en segons"],"Time in minutes installation tokens should be valid for, 0 to disable token generation":[""],"Timeout for DNS conflict validation (in seconds)":["El temps d'expiració per a la validació de conflicte DNS (en segons)"],"Timeout has occurred while communicating with %s":[""],"To define trend counters, use the Add Trend Counter button.</br> To start collecting trend data, set a cron job to execute 'foreman-rake trends:counter' every Puppet Interval (%s minutes).":[""],"To enable a provider, either install the OS package (e.g. foreman-libvirt) or enable the bundler group for development setup (e.g. ovirt).":["Per habilitar un proveïdor, instal·leu el paquet del SO (p. ex. foreman-libvirt) o bé habiliteu el grup de l'empaquetador per a la configuració de desenvolupament (p. ex. oVirt)."],"To enable safe mode, navigate to Settings page and enable Safemode rendering option.":[""],"To start collecting trend data, set a cron job to execute <span class='black'>foreman-rake trends:counter</span> every Puppet Interval (%s minutes)":[""],"To update the class signature, go to the Puppet Classes page and select \\\"Import\\\".":[""],"Toggle":[""],"Token":["Testimoni"],"Token duration":["Duració del testimoni"],"Token expired":[""],"Token|Expires":["Venciment"],"Token|Value":["Valor"],"Total":["Total"],"Total Hosts: %s":["Nombre total d'amfitrions: %s"],"Total hosts count":[""],"Total of one host":["Un amfitrió en total","%{hosts} amfitrions en total"],"Trend":["Tendència"],"Trend counter":[""],"Trend of the last %s days.":[""],"TrendCounter|Count":["Nombre"],"Trends":["Tendències"],"Trends for %s":["Tendències per %s"],"Trend|Fact name":["Nom de l'objecte d'interès"],"Trend|Fact value":["Valor de l'objecte d'interès"],"Trend|Name":["Nom"],"Trend|Trendable type":[""],"Trigger a puppetrun on a node; requires that puppet run is enabled":["Dispara un puppetrun sobre un node; cal que puppetrun estigui habilitat"],"Troubleshooting":["Solució de problemes"],"True/False flag whether a host is managed or unmanaged. Note: this value also determines whether several parameters are required or not":[""],"Trusted puppetmaster hosts":[""],"Try going to %{href}":[""],"Type":["Tipus"],"Type of name generator":[""],"Type of realm, e.g. FreeIPA":["Tipus de reialme, p. ex. FreeIPA"],"Type or protocol, IPv4 or IPv6, defaults to IPv4":[""],"Types of validation values":["Tipus de valors de validació"],"Types of variable values":["Tipus de valors de la variable"],"URL":["URL"],"URL for %{providers_requiring_url}":[""],"URL hosts will retrieve templates from during build (normally http as many installers don't support https)":[""],"URL must be valid and schema must be one of %s":[""],"URL where your Foreman instance is reachable (see also Provisioning > unattended_url)":["L'URL on la vostra instància de Foreman és assolible (vegeu també Aprovisionament > unattended_url)"],"UTC time of report":["Hora UTC de l'informe"],"UUID":["UUID"],"UUID to track orchestration tasks status, GET /api/orchestration/:UUID/tasks":[""],"Unable to access key":["No s'ha pogut accedir a la clau"],"Unable to authenticate user %s":["No s'ha pogut autenticar l'usuari %s"],"Unable to change VM display listen address, make sure the display is not attached to localhost only":[""],"Unable to communicate with the proxy: %s":[""],"Unable to connect":[""],"Unable to connect to LDAP server":[""],"Unable to create default TFTP boot menu":[""],"Unable to create realm entry":[""],"Unable to create the default role.":[""],"Unable to delete DHCP entry for %s":[""],"Unable to delete DNS entry":[""],"Unable to delete PuppetCA autosign for %s":[""],"Unable to delete PuppetCA certificate for %s":[""],"Unable to delete TFTP boot entry for %s":[""],"Unable to detect TFTP boot server":[""],"Unable to detect features":[""],"Unable to detect version":[""],"Unable to determine the host's boot server. The DHCP smart proxy failed to provide this information and this subnet is not provided with TFTP services.":[""],"Unable to disable bmc_credentials_accessible when safemode_render is disabled":[""],"Unable to disable safemode_render when bmc_credentials_accessible is disabled":[""],"Unable to execute Puppet run":[""],"Unable to fetch TFTP boot file":[""],"Unable to fetch logs":[""],"Unable to find IP address for '%s'":[""],"Unable to find a proxy with BMC feature":[""],"Unable to find proper authentication method":[""],"Unable to find template %s":["No s'ha pogut trobar la plantilla %s"],"Unable to generate output, Check log files":[""],"Unable to get BMC providers":["No es poden obtenir els proveïdors BMC"],"Unable to get PuppetCA autosign":[""],"Unable to get PuppetCA certificates":[""],"Unable to get classes from Puppet for %s":[""],"Unable to get environment from Puppet":["No s'ha pogut obtenir l'entorn des de Puppet"],"Unable to get environments from Puppet":["No s'han pogut obtenir els entorns des de Puppet"],"Unable to get installed BMC providers":["No es poden obtenir els proveïdors BMC instal·lats"],"Unable to initialize ProxyAPI class %s":[""],"Unable to perform boot BMC operation":[""],"Unable to perform identify BMC operation":[""],"Unable to perform lan BMC operation":[""],"Unable to perform power BMC operation":[""],"Unable to render %{kind} template '%{name}': %{e}":[""],"Unable to render '%{name}' template: %{e}":[""],"Unable to retrieve DHCP entry for %s":[""],"Unable to retrieve DHCP subnet":[""],"Unable to retrieve DHCP subnets":[""],"Unable to retrieve unused IP":[""],"Unable to save":["No s'ha pogut desar"],"Unable to send email, check server logs for more information":["No s'ha pogut enviar el correu electrònic, comproveu els registres del servidor per a més informació"],"Unable to set DHCP entry":[""],"Unable to set DNS entry":[""],"Unable to set PuppetCA autosign for %s":[""],"Unable to set TFTP boot entry for %s":[""],"Unable to sign PuppetCA certificate for %s":[""],"Unable to turn on websockets_encrypt, either websockets_ssl_key or websockets_ssl_cert is missing":["No s'ha pogut engegar websockets_encrypt, falta websockets_ssl_key o websockets_ssl_cert"],"Unable to unset websockets_ssl_cert when websockets_encrypt is on":["No es pot establir de nou websockets_ssl_cert quan websockets_encrypt està engegat"],"Unable to unset websockets_ssl_key when websockets_encrypt is on":["No es pot establir de nou websockets_ssl_key quan websockets_encrypt està engegat"],"Unallowed template for dashboard widget: %s":["Plantilla no permesa per a l'estri del tauler: %s"],"Unattended URL":["URL desatès"],"Undo remove":[""],"Undo selection":[""],"Unhide this value":[""],"Unknown":["Desconegut"],"Unknown IPAM type - can't continue":[""],"Unknown Power State":[""],"Unknown action name for success message: %s":[""],"Unknown build status":[""],"Unknown device: available devices are %s":[""],"Unknown interface type, must be one of [%s]":["Tipus desconegut d'interfície, ha de ser una de [%s]"],"Unknown power action: available methods are %s":[""],"Unknown power management support - can't continue":[""],"Unknown power state":[""],"Unlock":["Desbloqueja"],"Unmanage host":[""],"Unsupported IPAM mode for %s":[""],"Unsupported password hash function '%s'":[""],"Unsupported report status format":[""],"Update":["Actualitza"],"Update :a_resource":["Actualitza :a_resource"],"Update IP from built request":["Actualitza la IP a partir de la petició de construcció"],"Update a Puppet class":["Actualitza una classe de Puppet"],"Update a bookmark":["Actualitza una adreça d'interès"],"Update a compute attributes set":["Actualitza un conjunt d'atributs computacionals"],"Update a compute profile":["Actualitza un perfil computacional"],"Update a compute resource":["Actualitza un recurs computacional"],"Update a config group":["Actualitza un grup de configuracions"],"Update a default template combination for an operating system":["Actualitza una combinació predeterminada de plantilles per a un sistema operatiu"],"Update a domain":["Actualitza un domini"],"Update a filter":["Actualitza un filtre"],"Update a global parameter":["Actualitza un paràmetre global"],"Update a hardware model":["Actualitza un model de maquinari"],"Update a host":["Actualitza un amfitrió"],"Update a host group":["Actualitza un grup d'amfitrions"],"Update a host's interface":["Actualitza la interfície d'un amfitrió"],"Update a medium":["Actualitza un mitjà"],"Update a nested parameter for a domain":["Actualitza un paràmetre niat per un domini"],"Update a nested parameter for a host":["Actualitza un paràmetre niat per a un amfitrió"],"Update a nested parameter for a host group":["Actualitza un paràmetre niat per a un grup d'amfitrions"],"Update a nested parameter for a location":["Actualitza un paràmetre niat per una ubicació"],"Update a nested parameter for a subnet":[""],"Update a nested parameter for an operating system":["Actualitza un paràmetre niat per un sistema operatiu"],"Update a nested parameter for an organization":["Actualitza un paràmetre niat per una organització"],"Update a partition table":["Actualitza una taula de particions"],"Update a provisioning template":["Actualitza una plantilla d'aprovisionament"],"Update a realm":["Actualitza un reialme"],"Update a role":["Actualitza un rol"],"Update a setting":["Actualitza un ajust"],"Update a smart class parameter":["Actualitza un paràmetre de classe intel·ligent"],"Update a smart proxy":["Actualitza un servidor intermediari intel·ligent"],"Update a smart variable":["Actualitza una variable intel·ligent"],"Update a subnet":["Actualitza una subxarxa"],"Update a user":["Actualitza un usuari"],"Update a user group":["Actualitza un grup d'usuaris"],"Update an LDAP authentication source":["Actualitza un origen d'autenticació LDAP"],"Update an architecture":["Actualitza una arquitectura"],"Update an environment":["Actualitza un entorn"],"Update an image":["Actualitza una imatge"],"Update an operating system":["Actualitza un sistema operatiu"],"Update an override value for a specific smart class parameter":[""],"Update an override value for a specific smart variable":[""],"Update environment from facts":["Actualitza l'entorn des dels objectes d'interès"],"Update external user group":["Actualitza el grup d'usuaris externs"],"Update realm entry for %s":[""],"Update subnets from facts":[""],"Update template combination":["Actualitza una combinació de plantilles"],"Update the default PXE menu on all configured TFTP servers":["Actualitza el menú PXE per defecte en tots els servidors TFTP configurats"],"Update:":["Actualitza:"],"Updated":["Actualitzat"],"Updated all hosts!":["S'han actualitzat tots els amfitrions!"],"Updated hosts: Disassociated from VM":[""],"Updated hosts: changed environment":[""],"Updated hosts: changed host group":[""],"Updated hosts: changed owner":[""],"Upload facts for a host, creating the host if required":["Puja els objectes d'interès per a un amfitrió, creant el nou amfitrió si fos necessari"],"Use Gravatar":["Utilitza Gravatar"],"Use UUID for certificates":["Utilitza UUID per als certificats"],"Use short name for VMs":["Utilitza el nom curt per a les MV"],"Use this account to authenticate, <i>optional</i>":["Utilitza aquest compte per autenticar, <i>opcional</i>"],"Use this puppet server as a CA server":[""],"Use this puppet server as an initial Puppet Server or to execute puppet runs":[""],"Used to enforce certain values for the parameter values":[""],"User":["Usuari"],"User Group":[""],"User Groups":["Grups d'usuaris"],"User IDs":["Els id. dels usuaris"],"User data template":[""],"User groups":["Grups d'usuaris"],"User groups enable users to log into Foreman and be automatically granted permissions.":[""],"User role":["Rol d'usuari"],"User's preferred locale":["Configuració regional preferida per l'usuari"],"User's timezone":["Franja horària de l'usuari"],"UserRole|Owner type":["Tipus de propietari"],"Usergroup":["Grup d'usuari"],"Usergroup member":["Membre del grup d'usuaris"],"UsergroupMember|Member type":["Tipus de membre"],"Usergroup|Admin":["Administrador"],"Usergroup|Auth source":["Origen d'autenticació"],"Usergroup|Name":["Nom"],"Username":["Nom d'usuari"],"Username for oVirt, EC2, VMware, OpenStack. Access Key for EC2.":["Nom d'usuari per a oVirt, EC2, VMware i OpenStack. Clau d'accés per a EC2."],"Username to use to authenticate, if required":[""],"Users":["Usuaris"],"User|Admin":["Administrador"],"User|Avatar hash":[""],"User|Firstname":["Nom"],"User|Last login on":["Últim inici de sessió"],"User|Lastname":["Cognoms"],"User|Locale":["Idioma"],"User|Login":["Usuari"],"User|Lower login":[""],"User|Mail":["Correu"],"User|Mail enabled":["Correu habilitat"],"User|Password hash":[""],"User|Password salt":[""],"Uses thin provisioning if unchecked":[""],"Using the organization system provides a way to group resources together for easy management. Organizations are particularly useful for Foreman installations where several customers or business units are managed with a single Foreman install.":[""],"VCPU(s)":[""],"VCenter/Server":[""],"VLAN ID for this subnet":["ID de la VLAN per a aquesta subxarxa"],"VLAN tag, this attribute has precedence over the subnet VLAN ID. Only for virtual interfaces.":[""],"VM":["MV"],"VM Attributes":["Atributs de la MV"],"VM Attributes (%s)":["Atributs de la MV (%s)"],"VM already associated with a host":[""],"VM associated to host %s":[""],"VM is not running!":["La MV no està executant-se!"],"VNC/SPICE websocket proxy console access encryption (websockets_ssl_key/cert setting required)":["El xifratge d'accés de la consola del servidor intermediari de WebSockets de VNC/SPICE (requereix l'establiment de websockets_ssl_key/cert)"],"Valid from":["Vàlid des del"],"Valid host group and environment combinations":[""],"Validation types":["Tipus de validació"],"Value":["Valor"],"Value to use when there is no match":[""],"Value to use when there is no match.":[""],"Variable":["Variable"],"Variable lookup key":[""],"Variables":["Variables"],"Vendor class":["Classe del fabricant"],"Verify":["Verificació"],"Version":["Versió"],"Version %{version}":["Versió %{version}"],"Version %{version} %{copyright} 2009-%{year} Paul Kelly and %{author}":[""],"Very Strong":["Molt fort"],"View Diff":["Visualitza les diferències"],"View in Foreman:":[""],"View last report details":[""],"View list":["Visualitza la llista"],"Virtual (NAT)":["Virtual (NAT)"],"Virtual H/W version":[""],"Virtual Machine":["Màquina virtual"],"Virtual Machines":["Màquines virtuals"],"Virtual Machines on %s":[""],"Virtual NIC":["NIC virtual"],"Virtual machine settings cannot be edited on an existing machine in %s":[""],"WARNING":[""],"Wait for %s to come online":[""],"Warning":["Advertència"],"Warning!":["Advertència!"],"Warning! This will remove %{name} from %{number} user. are you sure?":["",""],"Warning: This will delete this host and all of its data!":["Advertència: Això suprimirà aquest amfitrió i totes les seves dades!"],"Warnings and errors":["Advertències i errors"],"We have not found any documentation for your API.":["No hem trobat cap documentació per a la vostra API."],"We use Redmine to report and track bugs and feature requests, which can be found here:":["Utilitzem Redmine per informar i realitzar el seguiment d'errors i peticions, els quals es poden trobar aquí:"],"Weak":["Dèbil"],"Websockets SSL certificate":["Certificat SSL dels WebSockets"],"Websockets SSL key":["Clau SSL dels WebSockets"],"Websockets encryption":["Xifratge dels WebSockets"],"Weekly":["Setmanalment"],"Welcome to Foreman":["Benvingut a Foreman"],"What ever text(or ERB template) you use in here, would be used as your OS disk layout options If you want to use the partition table option, delete all of the text from this field":[""],"When a Host requests a template (e.g. during provisioning), Foreman will select the best match from the available templates of that type, in the following order:":[""],"When a realm is selected for a host, Foreman contacts the relevant realm smart proxy to create an entry for the host and retrieve it's one-time registration password.":[""],"When editing a template, you must assign a list of operating systems which this template can be used with. Optionally, you can restrict a template to a list of host groups and/or environments.":[""],"When enabled the parameter is hidden in the UI":[""],"When specifying custom value, add 'MB' or 'GB' at the end. Field is not case sensitive and MB is default if unspecified.":[""],"When the role's associated %{taxonomies} are changed,<br> the change will propagate to all inheriting filters.\\n Filters that are set to override <br> will remain untouched. Overriding of role filters can be easily disabled by <br> pressing the \\\"Disable overriding\\\" button.\\n Note that not all filters support <br>%{taxonomies}, so these always remain global.":[""],"When using SSH based provisioning, a special SSH key is created in order to automate the provisioning process.":[""],"When using TLS, you can set how OpenSSL checks the certificate":[""],"Whether or not the image supports user data":[""],"Whether or not the template is locked for editing":["Determina si una plantilla està bloquejada o no per a l'edició"],"Whether the class parameter value is managed by Foreman.":[""],"Whether the smart class parameter value is managed by Foreman":[""],"Which is an offset of <b>%s</b>":[""],"Widget added to dashboard.":["S'ha afegit l'estri al tauler."],"Widget positions successfully saved.":["S'han desat correctament les posicions de l'estri."],"Widget removed from dashboard.":["S'ha suprimit l'estri del tauler."],"Wiki":["Wiki"],"With user groups, you can group your users and assign them roles on a group basis.":[""],"X509 Certification Authorities":["Autoritats de certificació X509"],"YAML":["YAML"],"Yes":[""],"You are about to change the default PXE menu on all configured TFTP servers - continue?":[""],"You are about to override the editor content with a previous version, are you sure?":["Esteu a punt de sobreescriure el contingut de l'editor amb una versió prèvia, esteu segur?"],"You are about to override the editor content, are you sure?":["Esteu a punt de sobreescriure el contingut de l'editor, esteu segur?"],"You are about to unlock a locked template.":[""],"You are not authorized to lock templates.":["No esteu autoritzat a bloquejar les plantilles."],"You are not authorized to make a template default.":[""],"You are not authorized to perform this action.":[""],"You are trying to delete your own account":["Esteu intentant de suprimir el vostre propi compte"],"You are using an unsupported browser.":[""],"You can add SSH public keys to a user in Foreman.":[""],"You can find The Foreman on the %{freenode} ( network. For general support, please visit #theforeman and for development specific related chat, please visit #theforeman-dev.":["Podeu trobar «The Foreman» a la xarxa de %{freenode} ( Per al suport general, si us plau, visiteu #theforeman i per al xat específic de desenvolupament, si us plau, visiteu #theforeman-dev."],"You can select one of the IPAM modes supported by the selected IP protocol:<br/><ul><li><strong>DHCP</strong> - will manage the IP on DHCP through assigned DHCP proxy, auto-suggested IPs come from DHCP <em>(IPv4)</em></li><li><strong>Internal DB</strong> - use internal DB to auto-suggest free IP based on other interfaces on same subnet respecting range if specified, useful mainly with static boot mode <em>(IPv4, IPv6)</em></li><li><strong>EUI-64</strong> - will assign the IPv6 address based on the MAC address of the interface <em>(IPv6)</em></li><li><strong>None</strong> - leave IP management solely on user, no auto-suggestion <em>(IPv4, IPv6)</em></li></ul>":[""],"You can't assign locations to this resource":["No podeu assignar ubicacions a aquest recurs"],"You can't assign organizations to this resource":["No podeu assignar organitzacions a aquest recurs"],"You cannot delete this user while logged in as this user.":[""],"You do not have permission to %s this location parameter":[""],"You do not have permission to %s this organization parameter":[""],"You don't have any visible hosts. 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If you wish to configure fact pushing, please follow the documentation.":[""],"You don't seem to have any reports.":[""],"You have already logged in":[""],"You may also associate one or more operating systems with this medium or alternatively set this up later on the %s page.":["També podeu associar un o més sistemes operatius amb aquest mitjà o bé configurar-ho més endavant a la pàgina dels %s."],"You may also associate one or more operating systems with this partition table or alternatively set this up later on the %s page":[""],"You may create puppet classes that represent high-level host configurations, for example, a <b>host-type-ldap-server</b> class, which includes all the required functionality from other modules or you may decide to create a host group called <b>host-type-ldap-server</b> and add the required classes into the host group configuration.":["Podeu crear classes de puppet que representin configuracions d'amfitrió d'alt nivell, per exemple, una classe <b>host-type-ldap-server</b>, que inclou tota la funcionalitat requerida des d'altres mòduls o podeu optar per la creació d'un grup d'amfitrions anomenat <b>host-type-ldap-server</b> i afegir les classes necessàries dins de la configuració del grup d'amfitrions."],"You must create a location before continuing.":[""],"You must create an organization before continuing.":[""],"You must create at least one location before continuing.":[""],"You must create at least one organization before continuing.":[""],"You must select at least one permission":["Com a mínim heu de seleccionar un permís"],"You probably need to configure your %s first.":[""],"You would probably need to attach the":[""],"Your Foreman user account has been created:":[""],"Your host has finished building:":[""],"Your password is too short":["La vostra contrasenya és massa curta"],"Your password should not contain sequences":[""],"Your password should not contain that many repetitions":[""],"Your password should not contain 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Please associate it with a suitable template or uncheck 'User data' for %{compute_resource_image_link}.":[""],"%{key} does not exist in order field":[""],"%{match} does not match an existing host":[""],"%{match} does not match an existing host group":[""],"%{model} with id '%{id}' was not found":[""],"%{name} changed from %{label1} to %{label2}":[""],"%{name} has %{num_tag} class":["",""],"%{os} medium was not set for host '%{host}'":[""],"%{record} is being used by a hidden %{what} resource":[""],"%{record} is used by %{what}":["%{record} s'utilitza amb %{what}"],"%{record} is used by host in build mode %{what}":[""],"%{resource_name} not found by id '%{id}'":["%{resource_name} no s'ha trobat amb l'id. '%{id}'"],"%{task} task failed with the following error: %{e}":[""],"%{taxonomy_type} %{taxonomy_name} has %{count} host that will need to be reassociated after deletion. Delete %{taxonomy_name2}?":["",""],"%{type} %{conflicts} already exists":[""],"%{user} Downloaded %{key} as pem file":[""],"%{value} does not belong to %{os} operating system":[""],"%{value} is not a valid controller":["%{value} no és un controlador vàlid"],"%{value} is not one of %{rules}":["%{value} no és un de %{rules}"],"%{vm} is now %{vm_state}":["%{vm} ara està %{vm_state}"],"&laquo;":["&laquo;"],"&raquo;":["&raquo;"],"'%{host}' could be deleted or '%{resource}' is not responding.":[""],"'%{host}' not found on '%{resource}'":[""],"'%{loader}' is not one of %{loaders}":[""],"'Content-Type: %s' is unsupported in API v2 for POST and PUT requests. Please use 'Content-Type: application/json'.":[""],"(Miscellaneous)":["(Miscel·lani)"],"(optional) IAM Role for Fog to use when creating this image.":[""],"*Clear %s proxy*":[""],"*Clear environment*":["*Neteja l'entorn*"],"*Clear host group*":["*Neteja el grup d'amfitrions*"],"*Inherit from host group*":[""],", relevant log entries, and it is highly recommended to also attach the foreman-debug output.":[""],":foreman_url is not set, please configure in the Foreman Web UI (Administer -> Settings -> General)":[""],"<b class='select_count'>0</b> selected":["<b class='select_count'>0</b> seleccionats"],"<b style=\\\"color: #6bb5df;\\\">%{disabled_sum}</b>\\n <p>Disabled</p>":["",""],"<b style=\\\"color: #6bb5df;\\\">%{hosts_sum}</b>\\n <p>Changed</p>":["",""],"<b style=\\\"color: #6bb5df;\\\">%{out_of_sync_sum}</b>\\n <p>Out of sync</p>":["",""],"<b>Description:</b> %{desc}<br/>\\n <b>Type:</b> %{type}<br/>\\n <b>Matcher:</b> %{matcher}<br/>\\n <b>Inherited value:</b> %{inherited_value}":[""],"<b>Foreman API v1 is deprecated. Please use v2.</b><br />If you still need to use v1, you may do so by either passing 'version=1' in the Accept Header or using api/v1/ in the URL.":[""],"<b>Foreman</b> Build Complete":[""],"<b>Foreman</b> Puppet error report":[""],"<b>Foreman</b> Puppet summary":[""],"<b>Foreman</b> audit summary":["Resum de l'auditoria de <b>Foreman</b> "],"<b>Foreman</b> test email":[""],"<b>Source:</b> %{type} %{name}":["<b>Origen:</b> %{type} %{name}"],"<dl><dt>List</dt> <dd>A list of the allowed values, specified in the Validator rule field.</dd><dt>Regexp</dt> <dd>Validates the input with the regular expression in the Validator rule field.</dd></dl>":[""],"<dl><dt>String</dt> <dd>Everything is taken as a string.</dd><dt>Boolean</dt> <dd>Common representation of boolean values are accepted.</dd><dt>Integer</dt> <dd>Integer numbers only, can be negative.</dd><dt>Real</dt> <dd>Accept any numerical input.</dd><dt>Array</dt> <dd>A valid JSON or YAML input, that must evaluate to an array.</dd><dt>Hash</dt> <dd>A valid JSON or YAML input, that must evaluate to an object/map/dict/hash.</dd><dt>YAML</dt> <dd>Any valid YAML input.</dd><dt>JSON</dt> <dd>Any valid JSON input.</dd></dl>":[""],"A Foreman user group can be associated to a group stored in an LDAP server, so membership of the LDAP group automatically adds the user to the Foreman user group.":[""],"A host group is in some ways similar to an inherited node declaration, in that it is a high level grouping of classes that can be named and treated as a unit. This is then treated as a template and is selectable during the creation of a new host and ensures that the host is configured in one of your pre-defined states.":["Un grup d'amfitrions és en certa manera similar a una declaració d'herència de nodes, ja que és un alt nivell d'agrupació de les classes que es poden anomenar i tractar com una unitat. Això es tracta després com una plantilla i es pot seleccionar durant la creació d'un nou amfitrió, i assegura que l'amfitrió es configura en un dels seus estats predefinits."],"A medium represents the source of one or more operating system's installation files, accessible via the network.\\n It will probably be a mirror from the internet or a copy of one or more CD or DVDs.":["Un mitjà representa l'origen d'un o més fitxers d'instal·lació del sistema operatiu, accessibles a través de la xarxa.\\nProbablement serà una rèplica d'Internet o una còpia d'un o més CD o DVD."],"A partition table entry represents either":[""],"A problem occurred when detecting host type: %s":[""],"A script to dynamically calculate the desired sizes. E.G.":[""],"A user group already exists with this name":[""],"API Key":["Clau de l'API"],"API documentation":["Documentació de l'API"],"About":["Quant a"],"Access Key":["Clau d'accés"],"Access denied":["Accés denegat"],"Access unattended without build":[""],"Account":["Compte"],"Acquire IP addresses for %s":[""],"Action":["Acció"],"Actions":["Accions"],"Active":["Actiu"],"Active Hosts":["Amfitrions actius"],"Active features":[""],"Active key":[""],"Add Autosign entry":[""],"Add Bookmark":["Afegeix l'adreça d'interès"],"Add Interface":["Afegeix una interfície"],"Add Matcher":["Afegeix un classificador"],"Add Parameter":["Afegeix un paràmetre"],"Add Trend Counter":[""],"Add Variable":["Afegeix una variable"],"Add Volume":["Afegeix un volum"],"Add a CD-ROM drive to the virtual machine.":[""],"Add a Puppet class to host":["Afegeix una classe de Puppet a un amfitrió"],"Add a Puppet class to host group":["Afegeix una classe de Puppet a un grup d'amfitrions"],"Add a template combination":["Afegeix una combinació de plantilles"],"Add combination":["Afegeix una combinació"],"Add external user group":["Afegeix el grup d'usuaris externs"],"Add filter":["Afegeix un filtre"],"Add to dashboard":["Afegeix al tauler"],"Add widgets":["Afegeix estris"],"Add:":["Afegeix:"],"Adding would cause a cycle!":["Afegir-ho podria provocar un bucle!"],"Additional Information":["Informació addicional"],"Additional compute resource specific attributes for the interface.":[""],"Additional compute resource specific attributes.":[""],"Additional information about this host":["Informació addicional quant a aquest amfitrió"],"Address to connect to":[""],"Admin permissions required":["Es requereixen permisos d'administrador"],"Administer":["Administra"],"Administrator email address":["Adreça de correu electrònic de l'administrador"],"Administrator user account required":[""],"Alert":["Alerta"],"Alerts disabled":[""],"Alias or VLAN device":["Àlies o dispositiu VLAN"],"All":["Tot"],"All Puppet Classes for %s":["Totes les classes de Puppet per %s"],"All Reports":["Tots els informes"],"All compute resources":["Tots els recursos computacionals"],"All domains":["Tots els dominis"],"All environments":["Tots els entorns"],"All environments - (not filtered)":["Tots els entorns - (sense filtrar)"],"All host groups":["Tots els grups d'amfitrions"],"All hosts":["Tots els amfitrions"],"All hosts data matches configurations for locations and organizations.":[""],"All hosts previously with no %{single} are now assigned to %{name}":[""],"All hosts will show a configuration status even when a Puppet smart proxy is not assigned":[""],"All items":["Tots els ítems"],"All media":["Tots els mitjans"],"All messages":["Tots els missatges"],"All mismatches between hosts and %s have been fixed":[""],"All mismatches between hosts and locations/organizations have been fixed":[""],"All partition tables":["Totes les taules de particions"],"All provisioning templates":["Totes les plantilles d'aprovisionament"],"All realms":["Tots els reialmes"],"All smart proxies":["Tots els servidors intermediaris intel·ligents"],"All subnets":["Totes les subxarxes"],"All users":["Tots els usuaris"],"Allocated":[""],"Allocation (GB)":["Assignació (GB)"],"Allow access to unattended URLs without build mode being used":[""],"Allow external network as main network":[""],"Allowed methods or members":[""],"Always show configuration status":[""],"An IP address will be auto-suggested if you have enabled IPAM on the IPv4 subnet selected above.<br/><br/>The IP address can be left blank when:<br/><ul><li>provisioning tokens are enabled</li><li>the domain does not manage DNS</li><li>the subnet does not manage reverse DNS</li><li>and the subnet does not manage DHCP reservations</li></ul>":[""],"An IP address will be auto-suggested if you have enabled IPAM on the IPv6 subnet selected above.":[""],"An email address is required, please update your account details":[""],"An error occurred while testing the connection: ":[""],"An explicit layout for the partitions of your hard drive(s). E.G.":[""],"An invalid response was received while requesting available features from this proxy":[""],"Annotation Notes":[""],"Annotation notes":[""],"Anonymous admin user %s is missing, run foreman-rake db:seed":[""],"Any Context":["Qualsevol context"],"Any Location":["Qualsevol ubicació"],"Any Organization":["Qualsevol organització"],"Applicable Operating Systems":[""],"Applied":["Aplicat"],"Applied|A":[""],"Architecture":["Arquitectura"],"Architecture Distribution":["Distribució de l'arquitectura"],"Architecture ID":["Id. de l'arquitectura"],"Architectures":["Arquitectures"],"Architecture|Hostgroups count":["Nombre de grups d'amfitrions"],"Architecture|Hosts count":["Nombre d'amfitrions"],"Architecture|Name":["Nom"],"Are you sure you want to %{act} %{vm}?":[""],"Are you sure you want to delete host %s? This action is irreversible.":[""],"Are you sure you want to delete host %s? This will delete the virtual machine and its disks, and is irreversible.":[""],"Are you sure you want to delete this widget from your dashboard?":["Esteu segur que voleu suprimir aquest estri del vostre tauler?"],"Are you sure you want to log out?":[""],"Are you sure you want to power %{act} %{vm}?":[""],"Are you sure?":["Esteu segur?"],"Array of extra information types to include":[""],"Array of host IDs to associate with the partition table":[""],"Array of host group IDs to associate with the partition table":[""],"Array of operating system IDs to associate with the partition table":[""],"Array of operating system IDs to associate with the template":[""],"Array of parameters":[""],"Array of parameters (name, value)":[""],"Array of template combinations (hostgroup_id, environment_id)":[""],"Assign All":["Assigna-ho tot"],"Assign Hosts to %s":["Assigna els amfitrions a %s"],"Assign Location":["Assigna la ubicació"],"Assign Organization":["Assigna l'organització"],"Assign Selected Hosts":["Assigna els amfitrions seleccionats"],"Assign the %{count} host with no %{taxonomy_single} to %{taxonomy_name}":["",""],"Assign to %s":["Assigna a %s"],"Assigning hosts to %{taxonomy_name} will also update %{taxonomy_name} to include all the resources that the selected hosts are currently using.":[""],"Associate VM":["Associa la MV"],"Associate VM to a Foreman host":["Associa la MV a un amfitrió de Foreman"],"Associate VMs":["Associa les MV"],"Associate VMs to Foreman hosts":["Associa les MV als amfitrions de Foreman"],"Associate VMs to Hosts":["Les MV associades als amfitrions"],"Association":["Associació"],"At least one volume must be specified for image-based provisioning.":[""],"Attempting to construct an operating system image filename but %s cannot be built from an image":[""],"Attribute mappings":["Assignacions dels atributs"],"Attribute type":["Tipus d'atribut"],"Audit":[""],"Audit Comment":["Comentari d'auditoria"],"Audit summary":["Resum de l'auditoria"],"Audited::Adapters::ActiveRecord::Audit|Action":["Acció"],"Audited::Adapters::ActiveRecord::Audit|Associated name":["Nom d'associació"],"Audited::Adapters::ActiveRecord::Audit|Associated type":["Tipus d'associació"],"Audited::Adapters::ActiveRecord::Audit|Auditable name":["Nom d'auditoria"],"Audited::Adapters::ActiveRecord::Audit|Auditable type":["Tipus d'auditoria"],"Audited::Adapters::ActiveRecord::Audit|Audited changes":["Canvis auditats"],"Audited::Adapters::ActiveRecord::Audit|Comment":["Comentari"],"Audited::Adapters::ActiveRecord::Audit|Remote address":["Adreça remota"],"Audited::Adapters::ActiveRecord::Audit|User type":["Tipus d'usuari"],"Audited::Adapters::ActiveRecord::Audit|Username":["Nom d'usuari"],"Audited::Adapters::ActiveRecord::Audit|Version":["Versió"],"Audits":["Auditories"],"Auth source":["Origen d'autenticació"],"AuthSource|Account":["Compte"],"AuthSource|Account password":["Contrasenya del compte"],"AuthSource|Attr firstname":["Atribut del nom"],"AuthSource|Attr lastname":["Atribut dels cognoms"],"AuthSource|Attr login":["Atribut del nom d'usuari"],"AuthSource|Attr mail":["Atribut del correu"],"AuthSource|Attr photo":["Atribut de la foto"],"AuthSource|Base dn":["DN base"],"AuthSource|Groups base":[""],"AuthSource|Host":["Amfitrió"],"AuthSource|LDAPS":["LDAPS"],"AuthSource|Ldap filter":["Filtre LDAP"],"AuthSource|Name":["Nom"],"AuthSource|Onthefly register":["Registre al vol"],"AuthSource|Port":["Port"],"AuthSource|Server type":["Tipus de servidor"],"AuthSource|Tls":["TLS"],"Authentication":[""],"Author":["Autor"],"Authorize login delegation":["Autoritza la delegació de l'inici de sessió"],"Authorize login delegation API":["Autoritza l'API de delegació de l'inici de sessió"],"Authorize login delegation auth source user autocreate":["Autoritza l'autocreació dels usuaris de l'origen d'autenticació de la delegació de l'inici de sessió"],"Authorize login delegation with REMOTE_USER environment variable":["Autoritza la delegació de l'inici de sessió amb la variable d'entorn REMOTE_USER"],"Authorize login delegation with REMOTE_USER environment variable for API calls too":["També per a les crides de l'API, autoritza la delegació de l'inici de sessió amb la variable d'entorn REMOTE_USER"],"Authorized by":["Autorització"],"Auto refresh off":["Auto refresc apagat"],"Auto refresh on":["Auto refresc engegat"],"Automatic":[""],"Autosign":[""],"Autosign entries":[""],"Autosign entry name":[""],"Availability zone":[""],"Available Classes":["Classes disponibles"],"Available Config Groups":["Grups de configuracions disponibles"],"Available Providers":["Proveïdors disponibles"],"Average memory usage":["Mitjana d'ús de la memòria"],"Average swap usage":["Mitjana d'ús de l'intercanvi"],"Avoid duplicate values when merging them (only array type)?":[""],"BIOS":["BIOS"],"BMC":["BMC"],"BMC credentials access":[""],"BMC password usage":[""],"Back":["Enrere"],"Back to host":["Torna a l'amfitrió"],"Back to host list":["Torna a la llista dels amfitrions"],"Backtrace":[""],"Bare Metal":[""],"Base DN":["DN base"],"Before you proceed to using Foreman you should provide information about one or more architectures.":[""],"Bond":["Vinculació"],"Bond mode of the interface, e.g. balance-rr. Only for bond interfaces.":[""],"Bookmark":["Adreça d'interès"],"Bookmark this search":["Crea l'adreça d'interès per aquesta cerca"],"Bookmark was successfully created.":["L'adreça d'interès s'ha creat correctament."],"Bookmark was successfully updated.":["L'adreça d'interès s'ha actualitzat correctament."],"Bookmarks":["Adreces d'interès"],"Bookmarks are saved search queries. To save them, click on 'Bookmark this search' on the dropdown next to every search button.":[""],"Bookmark|Controller":["Controlador"],"Bookmark|Name":["Nom"],"Bookmark|Owner type":["Tipus de propietari"],"Bookmark|Public":["Pública"],"Bookmark|Query":["Consulta"],"Boot device":["Dispositiu d'arrencada"],"Boot from volume":["Arrenca des del volum"],"Boot host from specified device":[""],"Bootable":[""],"Bridge":[""],"Browse host config management reports":[""],"Browse host facts":["Navega pels objectes d'interès de l'amfitrió"],"Browser locale":["Idioma del navegador"],"Browser timezone":["Franja horària del navegador"],"Build":["Construeix"],"Build Hosts":["Construeix els amfitrions"],"Build PXE Default":[""],"Build a query for %{mailer}":["Construeix una consulta per %{mailer}"],"Build from OS image":["Construeix des de la imatge del SO"],"By unchecking this you can specify filter using Foreman search syntax in search field. If filter remains <br> unlimited (this field is checked) it applies on all resources of the selected type. When a role is associated <br> with some %s filter is not considered unlimited as it's scoped accordingly.":[""],"CA certificate expiry date":[""],"CD-ROM drive":[""],"CDROM":["CD-ROM"],"CPU hot add":[""],"CPU hot add lets you add CPU resources for a virtual machine while the machine is powered on.":[""],"CPUs":["Nombre de CPU"],"Cache slow calls to VMWare to speed up page rendering":[""],"Caching":[""],"Calling methods on objects":[""],"Can't delete internal admin account":["No es pot suprimir el compte intern d'administració"],"Can't delete the last admin account":["No es pot suprimir l'últim compte d'administració"],"Can't delete the last admin user group":[""],"Can't find a valid Foreman Proxy with a Puppet feature":[""],"Cancel":["Cancel·la"],"Cancel build":["Cancel·la la construcció"],"Cancel build request for this host":["Cancel·la la petició de construcció per a aquest amfitrió"],"Canceled pending build for %s":[""],"Cannot add pagelet with key %s and without mountpoint":[""],"Cannot add pagelet with key %s and without partial":[""],"Cannot continue because some permissions were not found, please run rake db:seed and retry":[""],"Cannot create LDAP configuration for %s without dedicated service account":[""],"Cannot delete %{current} because it has nested %{sti_name}.":[""],"Cannot delete built-in role":[""],"Cannot delete group %{current} because it has nested groups.":["No es pot suprimir el grup %{current} perquè té grups niuats."],"Cannot delete group %{current} because it has nested host groups.":[""],"Cannot find user %s when switching context":[""],"Cannot register compute resource, wrong type supplied":[""],"Canvas not supported.":[""],"Caps lock ON":["Bloq Maj està activat"],"Certificate Name":["Nom del certificat"],"Certificate path":["Camí al certificat"],"Certificate that Foreman will use to encrypt websockets ":["El certificat que utilitzarà Foreman per xifrar els WebSockets"],"Certificates":["Certificats"],"Change Environment":["Canvia l'entorn"],"Change Group":["Canvia el grup"],"Change Owner":[""],"Change Power State":[""],"Change Puppet CA":[""],"Change Puppet Master":[""],"Change the password":["Canvia la contrasenya"],"Change your avatar at":[""],"Changed environments":[""],"Changes to %s will propagate to all inheriting filters":[""],"Chassis":["Xassís"],"Check again":[""],"Check/Uncheck all":[""],"Check/Uncheck all %s changes":[""],"Check/Uncheck new":[""],"Check/Uncheck obsolete":[""],"Check/Uncheck updated":[""],"Choose a family":["Selecciona una família"],"Choose a provider":["Selecciona un proveïdor"],"Choose a server type":["Selecciona un tipus de servidor"],"Class":["Classe"],"Class Distribution":["Distribució de la classe"],"Classes":["Classes"],"Clean up failed deployment":[""],"Click on the link of a compute resource to edit its default VM attributes.":[""],"Click to add %s":["Feu clic per afegir %s"],"Click to log in again.":["Feu clic per tornar a iniciar la sessió."],"Click to mark as read":[""],"Click to remove %s":["Feu clic per suprimir %s"],"Click to remove config group":["Feu clic per suprimir el grup de configuracions"],"Client Email":["Coreu electrònic del client"],"Client SSL certificates are used to identify Smart Proxies (:require_ssl should also be enabled)":["Els certificats SSL de client s'utilitzen per a identificar els servidors intermediaris intel·ligents (:require_ssl també ha d'estar habilitat)"],"Clone":["Clona"],"Clone %s":["Clona %s"],"Clone Host %s":["Clona l'amfitrió %s"],"Clone a host group":["Clona un grup d'amfitrions"],"Clone a provision template":["Clona una plantilla d'aprovisionament"],"Clone a role":[""],"Clone a template":["Clona una plantilla"],"Clone this host":[""],"Close":["Tanca"],"Cluster":["Clúster"],"Cluster ID is required to list available networks":[""],"Comments":[""],"Communication status":[""],"Compute Resource":["Recurs computacional"],"Compute Resource Distribution":[""],"Compute Resources":["Recursos computacionals"],"Compute attribute":["Atribut computacional"],"Compute profile":["Perfil computacional"],"Compute profile ID":["Id. de perfil computacional"],"Compute profiles":["Perfils computacionals"],"Compute resource":["Recurs computacional"],"Compute resource IDs":["Els id. dels recursos computacionals"],"Compute resource update for %s":[""],"Compute resources":["Recursos computacionals"],"ComputeAttribute|Name":["Nom"],"ComputeAttribute|Vm attrs":["Atributs de la MV"],"ComputeProfile|Name":["Nom"],"ComputeResource|Attrs":["Atributs"],"ComputeResource|Description":["Descripció"],"ComputeResource|Name":["Nom"],"ComputeResource|Password":["Contrasenya"],"ComputeResource|Url":["URL"],"ComputeResource|User":["Usuari"],"ComputeResource|Uuid":["UUID"],"Config Retrieval":[""],"Config group":["Grup de configuracions"],"Config groups":["Grups de configuracions"],"Config management":[""],"ConfigGroup|Config group classes count":["Nombre de classes de grup de configuració"],"ConfigGroup|Hostgroups count":["Nombre de grups d'amfitrions"],"ConfigGroup|Hosts count":["Nombre d'amfitrions"],"ConfigGroup|Name":["Nom"],"Configuration":["Configuració"],"Configuration rebuild failed for: %s.":[""],"Configuration successfully rebuilt.":[""],"Configure":["Configura"],"Configure instance %s via SSH":[""],"Conflict - %s":["Conflicte - %s"],"Conflicts have been detected":[""],"Connected (unencrypted) to: %s":["Connectat (sense xifratge) a: %s"],"Connecting (unencrypted) to: %s":["S'està connectant (sense xifratge) a: %s"],"Console":["Consola"],"Console output may be out of date":[""],"Console passwords":["Contrasenyes de consola"],"Consult \\\"Provisioning Templates\\\" page to see what templates are available.":[""],"Continue to look for matches after first find (only array/hash type)? Note: merging overrides ignores all matchers that are omitted.":[""],"Continue?":["Voleu continuar?"],"Cores":["Nuclis"],"Cores per socket":[""],"Could not add permissions to Manager and Viewer roles: %s":[""],"Could not add permissions to Manager role: %s":[""],"Could not add permissions to Organization admin role: %s":[""],"Could not add permissions to Viewer role: %s":[""],"Could not create role '%{name}': %{message}":[""],"Could not delete %s":[""],"Could not extend role '%{name}': %{message}":[""],"Could not find %{association} with name: %{name}":[""],"Could not find a Configuration Template with the name \\\"%s\\\", please create one.":[""],"Could not find network %s on VMWare compute resource":[""],"Could not find virtual machine network interface matching %s":[""],"Could not locate CA certificate.":[""],"Could not recreate a new SSH key":[""],"Create":["Crea"],"Create %s":["Crea %s"],"Create %{type} for %{host}":[""],"Create :a_resource":["Crea :a_resource"],"Create 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User":[""],"Create User Group":[""],"Create User group":[""],"Create a Puppet class":["Crea una classe de Puppet"],"Create a bookmark":["Crea una adreça d'interès"],"Create a compute attributes set":["Crea un conjunt d'atributs computacionals"],"Create a compute profile":["Crea un perfil computacional"],"Create a compute resource":["Crea un recurs computacional"],"Create a config group":["Crea un grup de configuracions"],"Create a default template combination for an operating system":["Crea una combinació predeterminada de plantilles per a un sistema operatiu"],"Create a domain":["Crea un domini"],"Create a filter":["Crea un filtre"],"Create a global parameter":["Crea un paràmetre global"],"Create a hardware model":["Crea un model de maquinari"],"Create a host":["Crea un amfitrió"],"Create a host group":["Crea un grup d'amfitrions"],"Create a medium":["Crea un mitjà"],"Create a nested parameter for a domain":["Crea un paràmetre niat per un domini"],"Create a nested parameter for a host":["Crea un paràmetre niat per a un amfitrió"],"Create a nested parameter for a host group":["Crea un paràmetre niat per a un grup d'amfitrions"],"Create a nested parameter for a location":["Crea un paràmetre niat per una ubicació"],"Create a nested parameter for a subnet":[""],"Create a nested parameter for an operating system":["Crea un paràmetre niat per un sistema operatiu"],"Create a nested parameter for an organization":["Crea un paràmetre niat per una organització"],"Create a partition table":["Crea una taula de particions"],"Create a provisioning template":["Crea una plantilla d'aprovisionament"],"Create a realm":["Crea un reialme"],"Create a report":["Crea un informe"],"Create a role":["Crea un rol"],"Create a smart proxy":["Crea un servidor intermediari intel·ligent"],"Create a smart variable":["Crea una variable intel·ligent"],"Create a subnet":["Crea una subxarxa"],"Create a user":["Crea un usuari"],"Create a user group":["Crea un grup d'usuaris"],"Create an LDAP 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%s":[""],"Created":[""],"Ctrl-Alt-Del":["Ctrl-Alt-Supr"],"Current password":[""],"Custom LDAP search filter, <i>optional</i>":["Filtre personalitzat de cerca LDAP, <i>opcional</i>"],"DB pending migration":["Migració pendent de la BD"],"DB pending seed":["Població pendent de la BD"],"DHCP":["DHCP"],"DHCP Proxy":["Servidor intermediari de DHCP"],"DHCP Proxy ID to use within this subnet":[""],"DHCP Proxy to use within this subnet":["Servidor intermediari de DHCP per utilitzar dins d'aquesta subxarxa"],"DHCP conflicts removal for %s":[""],"DHCP filename option":[""],"DHCP filename option (Grub2/PXELinux by default)":[""],"DHCP filename option to use. 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are automatically added to new organizations and locations":[""],"Default value":["Valor per defecte"],"Default value of variable":["Valor per defecte de la variable"],"Default variables lookup path":["Camí per defecte de recerca de les variables"],"Default verification mode":[""],"Defaults to image size if left blank":[""],"Delete":["Suprimeix"],"Delete %s?":["Voleu suprimir %s?"],"Delete :a_resource":["Suprimeix :a_resource"],"Delete Hosts":["Suprimeix els amfitrions"],"Delete PuppetCA certificates for %s":[""],"Delete TFTP %{kind} config for %{host}":[""],"Delete a Puppet class":["Suprimeix una classe de Puppet"],"Delete a bookmark":["Suprimeix una adreça d'interès"],"Delete a compute profile":["Suprimeix un perfil computacional"],"Delete a compute resource":["Suprimeix un recurs computacional"],"Delete a config group":["Suprimeix un grup de configuracions"],"Delete a default template combination for an operating system":["Suprimeix una combinació predeterminada de plantilles per a un sistema operatiu"],"Delete a domain":["Suprimeix un domini"],"Delete a filter":["Suprimeix un filtre"],"Delete a global parameter":["Suprimeix un paràmetre global"],"Delete a hardware model":["Suprimeix un model de maquinari"],"Delete a host":["Suprimeix un amfitrió"],"Delete a host group":["Suprimeix un grup d'amfitrions"],"Delete a host's interface":["Suprimeix una interfície de l'amfitrió"],"Delete a medium":["Suprimeix un mitjà"],"Delete a nested parameter for a domain":["Suprimeix un paràmetre niat per un domini"],"Delete a nested parameter for a host":["Suprimeix un paràmetre niat per a un amfitrió"],"Delete a nested parameter for a host group":["Suprimeix un paràmetre niat per a un grup d'amfitrions"],"Delete a nested parameter for a location":["Suprimeix un paràmetre niat per una ubicació"],"Delete a nested parameter for a subnet":[""],"Delete a nested parameter for an operating system":["Suprimeix un paràmetre niat per un sistema operatiu"],"Delete a nested parameter for an 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domini"],"Delete all nested parameters for a host":["Suprimeix tots els paràmetres niats per a un amfitrió"],"Delete all nested parameters for a host group":["Suprimeix tots els paràmetres niats per a un grup d'amfitrions"],"Delete all nested parameters for a subnet":[""],"Delete all nested parameters for an operating system":["Suprimeix tots els paràmetres niats per un sistema operatiu"],"Delete all the trend history for %s?":[""],"Delete an LDAP authentication source":["Suprimeix un origen d'autenticació LDAP"],"Delete an SSH key for a user":[""],"Delete an architecture":["Suprimeix una arquitectura"],"Delete an environment":["Suprimeix un entorn"],"Delete an external user group":["Suprimeix un grup d'usuaris externs"],"Delete an image":["Suprimeix una imatge"],"Delete an operating system":["Suprimeix un sistema operatiu"],"Delete an override value for a specific smart class parameter":[""],"Delete an override value for a specific smart variable":[""],"Delete autosign entry":[""],"Delete autosign entry for %s":[""],"Delete filter?":["Voleu suprimir el filtre?"],"Delete realm entry for %s":[""],"Delete report for %s?":["Voleu suprimir l'informe per %s?"],"Deleted environment":["Suprimeix l'entorn"],"Deleted environment %{env} and %{pcs}":[""],"Delivery method":[""],"Deploy TFTP %{kind} config for %{host}":[""],"Deploy VM on selected datastore":[""],"Deploy on":["Desplega sobre"],"Deprecated, please use datacenter":[""],"Deprecated, please use omit":[""],"Description":["Descripció"],"Description of smart class":["Descripció de la classe intel·ligent"],"Description of the domain":["Descripció del domini"],"Description of variable":["Descripció de la variable"],"Deselect All":["Desselecciona-ho tot"],"Destroy":["Destrueix"],"Destroyed selected hosts":[""],"Details":["Detalls"],"Device identifier":["Identificador de dispositiu"],"Device identifier for this interface. This may be different on various platforms and environments, here are some common examples.<br/><ul><li>Use the basic name for physical interface identifiers, e.g. <strong>eth0</strong> or <strong>em0</strong> with biosdevname.</li><li>For virtual interfaces, use either alias notation (<strong>eth0:1</strong>, name:index) or VLAN notation (<strong>eth0.15</strong>, name.tag).</li><li>For bonds it's common to use <strong>bond0</strong> on Linux, <strong>lagg0</strong> on FreeBSD systems.</li></ul>":[""],"Device identifier, e.g. eth0 or eth1.1":["L'identificador de dispositiu, p. ex. eth0 o eth1.1"],"Diff":["Diferències"],"Diff View":["Visualitza les diferències"],"Disable Notifications":["inhabilita les notificacions"],"Disable alerts for selected hosts":["Inhabilita les alertes per als amfitrions seleccionats"],"Disable all filters overriding":[""],"Disable overriding":[""],"Disabled":["Inhabilitada"],"Disassociate Hosts":[""],"Disassociate host":[""],"Disassociate the host from a VM":[""],"Disassociate the selected hosts from their VMs":[""],"Disk":["Disc"],"Disk mode":[""],"Display":["Monitor"],"Display Name":[""],"Display hidden parameter values":[""],"Display hidden values":[""],"Display the templates that will be used to provision this host":[""],"Display type":["Tipus de monitor"],"Displaying %{num_audits} of %{total_audits} audit":["Es mostra %{num_audits} de %{total_audits} auditoria","Es mostren %{num_audits} de %{total_audits} auditories"],"Displaying <b>%{count}</b> entry":["Es mostra <b>%{count}</b> entrada","Es mostren <b>totes les %{count}</b> entrades"],"Displaying entries <b>%{from} - %{to}</b> of <b>%{count}</b> in total":["Es mostren les entrades <b>%{from} - %{to}</b>, <b>%{count}</b> en total"],"Documentation":["Documentació"],"Does this image support user data input (e.g. via cloud-init)?":[""],"Domain":["Domini"],"Domain ID":["Id. de domini"],"Domain IDs":["Els id. dels dominis"],"Domains":["Dominis"],"Domains in which this subnet is part":["Dominis als quals aquesta subxarxa en forma part"],"Domain|Fullname":["Nom complet"],"Domain|Hostgroups count":["Nombre de grups d'amfitrions"],"Domain|Hosts count":["Nombre d'amfitrions"],"Domain|Name":["Nom"],"Download":[""],"Duration in minutes after the Puppet interval for servers to be classed as out of sync.":[""],"EC2":["EC2"],"EFI":[""],"ENC environment":["Entorn ENC"],"ERROR or FATAL":[""],"EUI-64":[""],"Each architecture can also be associated with more than one operating system and a selector block is provided to allow you to select valid combinations.":[""],"Each entries represent a particular hardware architecture, most commonly <b>x86_64</b> or <b>i386</b>. Foreman also supports the Solaris operating system family, which includes <b>sparc</b> based systems.":[""],"Eager zero":[""],"Edit":["Edita"],"Edit %s":["Edita %s"],"Edit Architecture":["Edita l'arquitectura"],"Edit Bookmark":["Edita l'adreça d'interès"],"Edit Compute profile":["Edita el perfil computacional"],"Edit Compute profile: %s":["Edita el perfil computacional: %s"],"Edit Config group":["Edita el grup de configuracions"],"Edit Domain":["Edita el domini"],"Edit Environment":["Edita l'entorn"],"Edit Filter":["Edita el filtre"],"Edit Global Parameter":["Edita els paràmetres globals"],"Edit Host":["Edita l'amfitrió"],"Edit LDAP Auth Source":["Edita l'origen d'autenticació LDAP"],"Edit Medium":["Edita el mitjà"],"Edit Model":["Edita el model"],"Edit Operating System":["Edita el sistema operatiu"],"Edit Parameters":["Edita els paràmetres"],"Edit Partition Table":["Edita la taula de particions"],"Edit Properties":["Edita les propietats"],"Edit Proxy":["Edita el servidor intermediari"],"Edit Puppet Class %s":["Edita la classe de Puppet %s"],"Edit Realm":["Edita el reialme"],"Edit Role":[""],"Edit Smart Variable":["Edita la variable intel·ligent"],"Edit Smart class parameters":["Edita els paràmetres de la classe intel·ligent"],"Edit Subnet":["Edita la subxarxa"],"Edit Template":["Edita la plantilla"],"Edit Trend %s":["Edita la tendència %s"],"Edit User":["Edita l'usuari"],"Edit User group":["Edita el grup d'usuaris"],"Edit compute profile on %s":["Edita el perfil computacional en %s"],"Edit this host":[""],"Email Preferences":["Preferències de correu electrònic"],"Email address is missing":["Falta l'adreça de correu electrònic"],"Email reply address":["Adreça de correu electrònic de resposta"],"Email reply address for emails that Foreman is sending":["L'adreça de correu electrònic de resposta per als correus electrònics que envia Foreman"],"Email subject prefix":["Prefix del tema del correu electrònic"],"Email was sent successfully":["El correu electrònic s'ha enviat correctament"],"Empty environment":["Entorn buit"],"Enable Notifications":["Habilita les notificacions"],"Enable alerts for selected hosts":["Habilita les alertes per als amfitrions seleccionats"],"Enable caching":[""],"Enable certificate generation for %s":[""],"Enable if this is an alias or VLAN interface, note that alias can be used only with static boot mode subnet":[""],"Enable puppetrun support":["Habilita la compatibilitat amb puppetrun"],"Enable rebuild on next host boot":[""],"Enable safe mode config templates rendering (recommended)":["Habilita la renderització en mode segur de les plantilles de configuració (es recomana)"],"Enable smart variables in ENC":["Habilita variables intel·ligents a ENC"],"Enable this host for provisioning":[""],"Enabled":["Habilitada"],"Enabled %s for reboot and rebuild":[""],"Enabled %s for rebuild on next boot":[""],"Enabled %s for rebuild on next boot, but failed to power cycle the host":[""],"Ending IP Address for IP auto suggestion":["Adreça IP final per a l'autosuggestió de la IP"],"Entries per page":["Entrades per pàgina"],"Environment":["Entorn"],"Environment Distribution":[""],"Environment ID":["Id. d'entorn"],"Environment IDs":["Els id. dels entorns"],"Environment only":["Només l'entorn"],"Environment variable containing a client's SSL certificate":[""],"Environment variable containing the subject DN from a client SSL certificate":["La variable d'entorn que conté el DN de l'assumpta a partir del certificat SSL de client"],"Environment variable containing the verification status of a client SSL certificate":["La variable d'entorn que conté l'estat de verificació d'un certificat SSL de client"],"Environments":["Entorns"],"Environment|Hostgroups count":["Nombre de grups d'amfitrions"],"Environment|Hosts count":["Nombre d'amfitrions"],"Environment|Name":["Nom"],"Error":["Error"],"Error - %{message}":["Error - %{message}"],"Error adding widget to dashboard.":["S'ha produït un error en afegir l'estri al tauler."],"Error connecting to %{proxy}: %{error}.":["S'ha produït un error en connectar a %{proxy}: %{error}."],"Error connecting to '%{domain}' domain DNS servers: %{servers} - check query_local_nameservers and dns_conflict_timeout settings":[""],"Error connecting to system DNS server(s) - check /etc/resolv.conf":[""],"Error generating IP: %s":["Error en generar la IP: %s"],"Error has occurred while communicating with %{cr}: %{e}":["S'ha produït un error mentre s'estava comunicant amb %{cr}: %{e}"],"Error loading interfaces information: %s":["S'ha produït un error en carregar la informació de les interfícies: %s"],"Error loading scheduler hint filters information: %s":[""],"Error removing widget from dashboard.":["S'ha produït un error en suprimir l'estri del tauler."],"Errors":["Errors"],"Errors occurred, build may fail":["S'han produïts errors, la construcció pot fallar"],"Errors only":["Únicament els errors"],"Errors: %s":["Errors: %s"],"Examples":["Exemples"],"Exit Full Screen":["Surt de la pantalla completa"],"Expand nested items":["Expandeix els ítems imbricats"],"Expand the chart":["Expandeix la gràfica"],"Expire logs":[""],"Expires":["Venç"],"Explain matchers":["Expandeix els classificadors"],"Export":[""],"Export a partition template to ERB":[""],"Export a provisioning template to ERB":[""],"Export to CSV":[""],"External Groups":[""],"External IP":["IP externa"],"External user group":["Grup d'usuaris externs"],"External user group %{name} could not be refreshed":["No s'ha pogut refrescar el grup d'usuaris externs %{name}"],"External user group %{name} refreshed":["S'ha refrescat el grup d'usuaris externs %{name}"],"External user group information":["informació del grup d'usuaris externs"],"External user group name":["Nom del grup d'usuaris externs"],"External user groups will be synced on login, else relies on periodic cronjob to check group membership":["Els grups d'usuaris externs se sincronitzaran en iniciar la sessió, si no el pes cau en cronjob periòdic que comprova la pertinença dels grups"],"External usergroup":["Grup d'usuaris externs"],"ExternalUsergroup|Name":["Nom"],"FQDN":["FQDN"],"Fact Name":["Nom de l'objecte d'interès"],"Fact Values":["Valors dels objectes d'interès"],"Fact Values | %{host_name}":[""],"Fact distribution chart":["Gràfica de distribució de l'objecte d'interès"],"Fact name":["Nom de l'objecte d'interès"],"Fact value":["Valor de l'objecte d'interès"],"Fact values":[""],"FactName|Ancestry":[""],"FactName|Compose":[""],"FactName|Name":["Nom"],"FactName|Short name":["Nom curt"],"FactValue|Origin":[""],"FactValue|Value":["Valor"],"Facts":["Objectes d'interès"],"Fail on Mismatch":[""],"Failed":["Fallat"],"Failed Restarts":[""],"Failed Restarts|FR":[""],"Failed connecting to %s":["No s'ha pogut connectar a %s"],"Failed features":[""],"Failed features: %s":["",""],"Failed restarts":[""],"Failed to %{action} %{host}: %{e}":["No s'ha pogut %{action} %{host}: %{e}"],"Failed to acquire IP addresses from compute resource for %s":[""],"Failed to cancel pending build for %{hostname} with the following errors: %{errors}":[""],"Failed to clean any old certificates or add the autosign entry. Terminating the build!":[""],"Failed to configure %{host} to boot from %{device}: %{e}":["No s'ha pogut configurar %{host} per arrencar des de %{device}: %{e}"],"Failed to create %{name}'s realm entry: %{e}":["No s'ha pogut crear l'entrada de reialme del %{name}: %{e}"],"Failed to create X509 certificate, error: %s":["No s'ha pogut crear el certificat X509, error: %s"],"Failed to create a compute %{compute_resource} instance %{name}: %{message}\\n ":[""],"Failed to destroy a compute %{compute_resource} instance %{name}: %{e}":[""],"Failed to enable %{host} for installation: %{errors}":["No s'ha pogut habilitar %{host} per a la instal·lació: %{errors}"],"Failed to fetch a free IP from proxy %{proxy}: %{message}":[""],"Failed to fetch boot files":["No s'han pogut recuperar els fitxers d'arrencada"],"Failed to fetch power status: %s":[""],"Failed to fetch: ":["No s'ha pogut recuperar:"],"Failed to get IP for %{name}: %{e}":["No s'ha pogut obtenir la IP per %{name}: %{e}"],"Failed to get a new realm OTP. Terminating the build!":[""],"Failed to import %{klass} for %{name}: doesn't exists in our database - ignoring":[""],"Failed to initialize the PuppetCA proxy: %s":["No s'ha pogut inicialitzar el servidor intermediari de PuppetCA: %s"],"Failed to initialize the realm proxy: %s":["No s'ha pogut inicialitzar el servidor intermediari de reialme: %s"],"Failed to launch script on %{name}: %{e}":["No s'ha pogut llançar el script a %{name}: %{e}"],"Failed to load chart":["No s'ha pogut carregar el gràfic"],"Failed to login via SSH to %{name}: %{e}":["No s'ha pogut iniciar la sessió a través de SSH a %{name}: %{e}"],"Failed to modify the build cycle for %s":["No s'ha pogut modificar el cicle de construcció per %s"],"Failed to perform rollback on %{task} - %{e}":[""],"Failed to power up a compute %{compute_resource} instance %{name}: %{e}":[""],"Failed to reboot %s.":["No s'ha pogut reiniciar %s."],"Failed to redeploy %s.":[""],"Failed to refresh the cache.":[""],"Failed to remove certificates for %{name}: %{e}":[""],"Failed to retrieve power status for %{host} within %{timeout} second.":["",""],"Failed to save widget positions.":["No s'han pogut desar les posicions de l'estri."],"Failed to set %{proxy_type} proxy for %{host}.":["No s'ha pogut establir el servidor intermediari %{proxy_type} per a %{host}."],"Failed to set IP for %{name}: %{e}":[""],"Failed to set IPs via IPAM for %{name}: %{e}":[""],"Failed to set console: %s":["No s'ha pogut establir la consola: %s"],"Failed to set power state for %s.":[""],"Failed to stop compute %{compute_resource} instance %{name}: %{e}":[""],"Failed to undo update compute %{compute_resource} instance %{name}: %{e}":[""],"Failed to update a compute %{compute_resource} instance %{name}: %{e}":[""],"Failed to update environments and Puppet classes from the on-disk Puppet installation: %s":[""],"Failed to update the environments and Puppet classes from the on-disk puppet installation: %s":[""],"Failed to validate %{host}: %{error}":["No s'ha pogut validar %{host}: %{error}"],"Failed|F":[""],"Failure deploying via smart proxy %{proxy}: %{error}.":["No s'ha pogut desplegar a través del servidor intermediari intel·ligent %{host}: %{error}."],"Failure parsing %{template}: %{error}.":["No s'ha pogut analitzar sintàcticament %{host}: %{error}."],"Failure: %s":["Característica: %s"],"Family":["Família"],"Feature":["Característica"],"Features":["Característiques"],"Features \\\"%s\\\" in this proxy are not recognized by Foreman. If these features come from a Smart Proxy plugin, make sure Foreman has the plugin installed too.":[""],"Feature|Name":["Nom"],"Fetch TFTP boot files for %s":[""],"Filter":["Filtra"],"Filter by level:":[""],"Filter by name":["Filtra amb el nom"],"Filter by state:":[""],"Filter classes":["Filtra les classes"],"Filter overriding has been disabled":[""],"Filters":["Filtres"],"Filters for role %s":[""],"Filters inherit %{orgs_and_locs} from their role by default. If override field is enabled, <br> filter can override the set of its %{orgs_and_locs}. Later role changes will not affect <br> such filter. After disabling override field, role %{orgs_and_locs} apply again.":[""],"Filters overriding has been disabled":[""],"Filter|Override":[""],"Filter|Permissions":["Permisos"],"Filter|Resource":["Recurs"],"Filter|Search":["Cerca"],"Filter|Taxonomy search":[""],"Filter|Unlimited":["Il·limitat"],"Fingerprint":["Empremta"],"Finish template":[""],"Firmware":[""],"Fix %s on Mismatch":[""],"Fix All Mismatches":[""],"Fix DB cache":["Corregeix la memòria cau de la BD"],"Fix DB cache on next Foreman restart":["Corregeix la memòria cau de la BD en el següent reinici"],"Fix Mismatches":[""],"Flavor":["Gust"],"Floating IP network":[""],"Folder":["Carpeta"],"Follow %{href} on how to describe your controllers.":[""],"For example, if you have copied several Red Hat release disks into a directory structure where the disk images are named 5.8 or 6.2, and each contained both x86_64 and i386 binaries, then you\\n could create a single medium entry describing them all.\\n The entry, which could be just named 'Red Hat' could contain a path like this <em>'http://server/redhat/$version/$arch'</em>":["Per exemple, si heu copiat els diversos discs del llançament de Red Hat en una estructura de directori en el qual les imatges de disc s'anomenen 5.8 o 6.2, i cadascun conté ambdós binaris x86_64 i i386, llavors\\n podríeu crear una sola entrada de mitjà que els descrigui a tots.\\n L'entrada, podria anomenar-se simplement com a «Red Hat» i podria contenir un camí similar a aquest <em>'http://server/redhat/$version/$arch'</em>"],"For more info visit our documentation.":[""],"For more information":[""],"Force a Puppet agent run on the host":[""],"Foreman API v2 is currently the default API version.":["La versió 2 de l'API de Foreman és la versió per defecte de l'API."],"Foreman Developers":["Desenvolupadors de Foreman"],"Foreman URL":["URL de Foreman"],"Foreman Users":["Usuaris de Foreman"],"Foreman audit summary":["Resum de l'auditoria de Foreman"],"Foreman can store information about the networking setup of a host that it’s provisioning, which can be used to configure the virtual machine, assign the correct IP addresses and network resources, then configure the OS correctly during the provisioning process.":[""],"Foreman can use LDAP based service for user information and authentication.":["Foreman pot utilitzar serveis que estiguin basats en LDAP per a l'autenticació i la informació dels usuaris."],"Foreman considers a domain and a DNS zone as the same thing.":[""],"Foreman domain ID of interface. Required for primary interfaces on managed hosts.":[""],"Foreman host group matchers will be inherited by children when evaluating smart class parameters":["Els classificadors de grup d'amfitrions de Foreman seran heretats pels descendents en l'avaluació dels paràmetres de les classes intel·ligents"],"Foreman now manages the build cycle for %s":["Foreman ara gestiona el cicle de construcció per a %s"],"Foreman now no longer manages the build cycle for %s":[""],"Foreman report creation time is <em>%s</em>":[""],"Foreman smart variables will be exposed via the ENC yaml output":["Les variables intel·ligents de Foreman s'exposaran a través de la sortida YAML ENC"],"Foreman subnet ID of IPv4 interface":[""],"Foreman subnet ID of IPv6 interface":[""],"Foreman supports automatically creating realm entries for new hosts.":[""],"Foreman supports creating and managing hosts on a number of virtualization and cloud services - referred to as “compute resources” - as well as bare metal hosts.":[""],"Foreman test email":[""],"Foreman ticketing system":[""],"Foreman will automate certificate signing upon provision of new host":[""],"Foreman will create the host when a report is received":["Foreman crearà l'amfitrió quan es rebi un informe"],"Foreman will create the host when new facts are received":["Foreman crearà l'amfitrió quan es rebin nous objectes d'interès"],"Foreman will default to this puppet environment if it cannot auto detect one":["Foreman utilitzarà per defecte aquest entorn de puppet si no en pot detectar automàticament un"],"Foreman will delete virtual machine if provisioning script ends with non zero exit code":[""],"Foreman will evaluate host smart variables in this order by default":["Foreman avaluarà les variables intel·ligents dels amfitrions en aquest ordre per defecte"],"Foreman will explicitly set the puppet environment in the ENC yaml output. This will avoid conflicts between the environment in puppet.conf and the environment set in Foreman":["Foreman establirà explícitament l'entorn de puppet a la sortida YAML ENC. Això evitarà conflictes entre l'entorn establert al puppet.conf i l'entorn establert a Foreman"],"Foreman will map users by username in request-header. If this is set to false, OAuth requests will have admin rights.":["Foreman assignarà els usuaris amb el nom d'usuari a la capçalera de la petició. Si s'estableix a «false», les peticions d'OAuth tindran els drets d'administració."],"Foreman will not send this parameter in classification output, replaces use_puppet_default":[""],"Foreman will not send this parameter in classification output.":[""],"Foreman will not send this parameter in classification output. 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Visit Settings to disable this feature.":[""],"Generated %s ago":["Generat fa %s"],"Generated at %s":["Es va generar el %s"],"Get ENC values of host":[""],"Get configuration status of host":["Obté l'estat de configuració de l'amfitrió"],"Get dashboard details":["Obté els detalls del tauler"],"Get default dashboard widgets":["Obté els estris predeterminats del tauler"],"Get statistics":["Obté les estadístiques"],"Get status of host":["Obté l'estat de l'amfitrió"],"Get vm attributes of host":["Obté els atributs de la MV de l'amfitrió"],"Global":["Global"],"Global Parameters":["Paràmetres globals"],"Global default %s template":[""],"Global default %s template. This template gets deployed to all configured TFTP servers. It will not be affected by upgrades.":[""],"Global functions":[""],"Global methods (functions)":[""],"Global parameters":["Paràmetres globals"],"Global status changed from %{from} to %{to}":[""],"Global variables":[""],"Good host reports in the last %s":["Amfitrions amb bons informes en els últims %s"],"Google Project ID":["Id. de projecte de Google"],"Groups base DN":["DN base dels grups"],"Guest OS":["SO convidat"],"HELO/EHLO domain":[""],"Hardware":["Maquinari"],"Hardware Model":["Model de maquinari"],"Hardware Models":["Models de maquinari"],"Hardware models":["Models de maquinari"],"Hash function to use. Change takes effect for new or updated hosts.":[""],"Hash of report metrics, can be just {}":[""],"Hash of status type totals":[""],"Help":["Ajuda"],"Hidden value":[""],"Hide all values for this parameter.":[""],"Hide this value":[""],"Hint data is missing":[""],"History":["Històric"],"Host":["Amfitrió"],"Host %s is built":[""],"Host %s is not associated with a VM":[""],"Host Configuration Chart":["Gràfica de configuració de l'amfitrió"],"Host Configuration Status":["Estat de configuració dels amfitrions"],"Host Group Distribution":[""],"Host Groups":["Grups d'amfitrions"],"Host audit entries":[""],"Host config group":["Grup de configuracions dels amfitrions"],"Host details":["Detalls de l'amfitrió"],"Host group":["Grup d'amfitrions"],"Host group / Environment":["Grup d'amfitrions / entorn"],"Host group IDs":["Els id. dels grups d'amfitrions"],"Host group and Environment":["Grup d'amfitrions i entorn"],"Host group configuration":["Configuració del grup d'amfitrions"],"Host group matchers inheritance":["Herència dels classificadors de grup d'amfitrions"],"Host group only":["Només el grup d'amfitrions"],"Host group parameters":[""],"Host groups":["Grups d'amfitrions"],"Host owner":[""],"Host owner is invalid":[""],"Host parameters":["Paràmetres de l'amfitrió"],"Host reported time is <em>%s</em>":[""],"Host times seem to be adrift!":[""],"Host's network interfaces.":["Les interfícies de xarxa dels amfitrions."],"Host's owner type":["Tipus de propietari de l'amfitrió"],"Host's parameters (array or indexed hash)":[""],"Host::Base|Build":["Construcció"],"Host::Base|Certname":[""],"Host::Base|Comment":["Comentari"],"Host::Base|Disk":["Disc"],"Host::Base|Enabled":["Habilitat"],"Host::Base|Grub pass":["Contrasenya de grub"],"Host::Base|Image file":["Fitxer de la imatge"],"Host::Base|Installed at":["Instal·lat a"],"Host::Base|Ip":["IP"],"Host::Base|Last compile":["Ultima compilació"],"Host::Base|Last freshcheck":[""],"Host::Base|Last report":["Últim informe"],"Host::Base|Mac":["MAC"],"Host::Base|Managed":["Gestionat"],"Host::Base|Name":["Nom"],"Host::Base|Otp":["OTP"],"Host::Base|Owner type":["Tipus de propietari"],"Host::Base|Primary interface":["Interfície primària"],"Host::Base|Provision method":["Mètode d'aprovisionament"],"Host::Base|Puppet status":["Estat de Puppet"],"Host::Base|Root pass":["Contrasenya de root"],"Host::Base|Serial":["Sèrie"],"Host::Base|Use image":["Utilitza la imatge"],"Host::Base|Uuid":["UUID"],"HostConfigGroup|Host type":["Tipus d'amfitrió"],"Hostgroup":["Grup d'amfitrions"],"Hostgroup|Ancestry":[""],"Hostgroup|Grub pass":["Contrasenya de grub"],"Hostgroup|Image file":["Fitxer de la imatge"],"Hostgroup|Name":["Nom"],"Hostgroup|Root pass":["Contrasenya de root"],"Hostgroup|Title":["Títol"],"Hostgroup|Use image":["Utilitza la imatge"],"Hostgroup|Vm defaults":["Predeterminat de la MV"],"Hostname":["Nom d'amfitrió"],"Hostname or certname":[""],"Hostname:":["Nom d'amfitrió:"],"Hosts":["Amfitrions"],"Hosts created after a puppet run that did not send a location fact will be placed in this location":["Els amfitrions que es creïn després d'una execució de puppet i que no enviïn l'objecte d'interès d'una ubicació es ficaran en aquesta ubicació"],"Hosts created after a puppet run that did not send a organization fact will be placed in this organization":["Els amfitrions que es creïn després d'una execució de puppet i que no enviïn l'objecte d'interès d'una organització es ficaran en aquesta organització"],"Hosts created after a puppet run will be placed in the location this fact dictates. The content of this fact should be the full label of the location.":[""],"Hosts created after a puppet run will be placed in the organization this fact dictates. The content of this fact should be the full label of the organization.":[""],"Hosts in error state":["Amfitrions amb estat d'error"],"Hosts including sub-groups":[""],"Hosts managed":[""],"Hosts managed:":[""],"Hosts that had pending changes":["Amfitrions que tenien canvis pendents"],"Hosts that had pending changes with alerts enabled":[""],"Hosts that had performed modifications without error":["Amfitrions que tenien modificacions realitzades sense errors"],"Hosts that will be trusted in addition to Smart Proxies for access to fact/report importers and ENC output":[""],"Hosts which Foreman reporting is disabled":["Amfitrions que tenen inhabilitat l'enviament d'informes de Foreman"],"Hosts which are currently not running Puppet":[""],"Hosts which are not reporting":[""],"Hosts which didn't run puppet in the last %s":[""],"Hosts which recently applied changes":[""],"Hosts which recently applied changes successfully":[""],"Hosts which recently applied changes successfully with alerts enabled":[""],"Hosts with alerts disabled":["Amfitrions amb alertes inhabilitades"],"Hosts with error state":[""],"Hosts with error state and alerts enabled":[""],"Hosts with errors":["Amfitrions amb errors"],"Hosts with interesting values (changed, failures etc)":[""],"Hosts with no reports":["Amfitrions sense informes"],"Hosts with notifications disabled":[""],"Hosts without changes or errors":[""],"Hosts without changes or errors, with alerts enabled":[""],"Hosts without errors":[""],"Hosts without errors percent":[""],"Hosts without errors, with alerts enabled":[""],"How values are validated":["Com es validen els valors"],"However, if it was deleted externally this page helps you to recreate it":[""],"ID of LDAP authentication source":["Id. de l'origen d'autenticació LDAP"],"ID of Puppet class":["Id. de la classe de Puppet"],"ID of architecture":["Id. d'arquitectura"],"ID of compute resource":["Id. del recurs computacional"],"ID of config template":["Id. de la plantilla de configuració"],"ID of domain":["Id. del domini"],"ID of environment":["id. de l'entorn"],"ID of host":["Id. de l'amfitrió"],"ID of host group":["Id. del grup d'amfitrions"],"ID of interface":["Id. de la interfície"],"ID of linked authentication source":["Id. de l'origen d'autenticació enllaçat"],"ID of location":["id. de la ubicació"],"ID of medium":["Id. del mitjà"],"ID of operating system":["id. del sistema operatiu"],"ID of organization":["id. de l'organització"],"ID of parameter":["Id. del paràmetre"],"ID of partition table":["Id. de la taula de particions"],"ID of provisioning template":["Id. de la plantilla d'aprovisionament"],"ID of role":["Id. del rol"],"ID of subnet":["Id. de subxarxa"],"ID of template":["Id. de la plantilla"],"ID of the user":[""],"ID of user group":["Id. del grup d'usuaris"],"ID or name external user group":["Id. o nom del grup d'usuaris externs"],"ID or name of domain":["Id. o nom del domini"],"ID or name of external user group":["Id. o nom del grup d'usuaris externs"],"ID or name of host":["Id. o nom de l'amfitrió"],"ID or name of interface":["Id. o nom de la interfície"],"ID or name of subnet":["Id. o nom de la subxarxa"],"ID or name of user group":["Id. o nom del grup de l'usuari"],"IDs of associated architectures":["Els id. de les arquitectures associades"],"IDs of associated config groups":[""],"IDs of associated media":["Els id. dels mitjans associats"],"IDs of associated partition tables":["Els id. de les taules de particions associades"],"IDs of associated provisioning templates":["Els id. de les plantilles d'aprovisionament associades"],"INFO or DEBUG":[""],"IP":["IP"],"IP Address":["Adreça IP"],"IP Address Management":["Gestió de l'adreça IP"],"IP Address auto suggestion mode for this subnet, valid values are \\\"DHCP\\\", \\\"Internal DB\\\", \\\"None\\\"":[""],"IP address auto-suggest":[""],"IP addresses that should be excluded from suggestion":[""],"IP:":["IP:"],"IPAM":["IPAM"],"IPv4":[""],"IPv4 Address":[""],"IPv4 DNS record":["",""],"IPv4 Subnet":[""],"IPv4 address":[""],"IPv4 address of interface":[""],"IPv6":[""],"IPv6 Address":[""],"IPv6 DNS record":["",""],"IPv6 Subnet":[""],"IPv6 address":[""],"IPv6 address of interface":[""],"IRC":["IRC"],"Identifier":["Identificador"],"Identifier of the interface to which this interface belongs, e.g. eth1":[""],"Identifier of the interface to which this interface belongs, e.g. eth1. Only for virtual interfaces.":[""],"Identifiers of attached interfaces, e.g. `['eth1', 'eth2']`. For bond interfaces those are the slaves. Only for bond and bridges interfaces.":[""],"Idle timeout":["Temps d'expiració d'inactivitat"],"If ERB is used in a parameter value, the validation of the value will happen during the ENC request. If the value is invalid, the ENC request will fail.":[""],"If Foreman is running behind Passenger or a remote load balancer, the IP should be set here. This is a regular expression, so it can support several load balancers, i.e: (|":[""],"If checked, will raise an error if there is no default value and no matcher provide a value.":["En cas que estigui marcat, es produirà un error si no hi ha cap valor per defecte i no hi ha cap classificador que proporcioni un valor."],"If owner type is specified, owner must be specified too.":[""],"If true, will raise an error if there is no default value and no matcher provide a value":["En cas que sigui cert, es produirà un error si no hi ha cap valor per defecte i no hi ha cap classificador que proporcioni un valor"],"If you are planning to use Foreman as an external node classifier you should provide information about one or more environments. This information is commonly imported from a pre-existing Puppet configuration by the use of the %{link_start}Puppet classes and environment importer%{link_end}.":[""],"If you feel this is an error with Foreman itself, please open a new issue with":[""],"If you wish to configure Puppet to forward it reports to Foreman, please follow":[""],"Ignore Puppet facts for provisioning":["Ignora els objectes d'interès de Puppet per a l'aprovisionament"],"Ignore facts for domain":[""],"Ignore facts for operating system":[""],"Ignore interfaces that match these values during facts importing, you can use * wildcard to match names with indexes e.g. macvtap*":[""],"Ignore interfaces with matching identifier":["Ignora les interfícies que coincideixin amb l'identificador"],"Ignored classes in the environments: %s":[""],"Ignored environment":[""],"Ignored environment names resulting in booleans found. Please quote strings like true/false and yes/no in config/ignored_environments.yml.":[""],"Ignored environments: %s":[""],"Ignored:":[""],"Image":["Imatge"],"Image Based":[""],"Image ID":["id. d'imatge"],"Image ID as provided by the compute resource, e.g. ami-..":[""],"Image path":["Camí a la imatge"],"Image to use":["Imatge a utilitzar"],"Images":["Imatges"],"Image|Iam role":["Rol IAM"],"Image|Name":["Nom"],"Image|Password":["Contrasenya"],"Image|User data":["Dades d'usuari"],"Image|Username":["Nom d'usuari"],"Image|Uuid":["UUID"],"Import":["Importa"],"Import IPv4 subnets":[""],"Import VM %s":[""],"Import classes from %s":[""],"Import environments from %s":[""],"Import of facts failed for host %s":[""],"Import puppet classes from puppet proxy for an environment":[""],"Import puppet classes from puppet proxy.":[""],"Imported IPv4 Subnets":[""],"In addition to defining which puppet classes get included when building this host type you are also able to assign variables and provisioning information to a host group to further refine the behavior of the puppet runtime.":["A part de definir quines classes de puppet queden incloses en la construcció d'aquest tipus d'amfitrió, també podeu assignar variables i la informació d'aprovisionament a un grup d'amfitrions per perfeccionar el comportament del temps d'execució de puppet."],"In order to create the SSH key, the user must be saved first. A 'create_ssh_keys' permission is required too.":[""],"In-line code syntax":[""],"Include default value when merging all matching values":[""],"Include default value when merging all matching values.":[""],"Include this host within Foreman reporting":["Inclou aquest amfitrió dins de l'enviament d'informes de Foreman"],"Included Classes":["Classes incloses"],"Included Config Groups":["Grups de configuracions inclosos"],"Incorrect password":[""],"Incorrect username or password":[""],"Independent - Nonpersistent":[""],"Independent - Persistent":[""],"Infrastructure":["Infraestructura"],"Inherit parent (%s)":[""],"Inherited Classes from %s":[""],"Inherits from subnet VLAN ID if not set":[""],"Input":["Entrada"],"Installation Media":["Mitjans d'instal·lació"],"Installation media":["Mitjans d'instal·lació"],"Installation medium configuration":["Configuració del mitjà d'instal·lació"],"Installed":["Instal·lat"],"Interface":["Interfície"],"Interface is down":["Interfície baixada"],"Interface is up":["Interfície aixecada"],"Interface provider, e.g. IPMI. Only for BMC interfaces.":["Proveïdor de la interfície, p. ex. IPMI. Únicament per a les interfícies BMC."],"Interface type, e.g. bmc. Default is %{default_nic_type}":[""],"Interface's DNS name":["Nom DNS de la interfície"],"Interfaces":["Interfícies"],"Internal DB":["BD interna"],"Internal network":["Xarxa interna"],"Interpolate ERB in parameters":["Interpola ERB als paràmetres"],"Invalid %s selection, you must select at least one of yours":[""],"Invalid Host":[""],"Invalid architecture '%{arch}' for '%{os}'":[""],"Invalid architecture for %s":[""],"Invalid authenticity token":[""],"Invalid log level: %s":[""],"Invalid medium '%{medium}' for '%{os}'":[""],"Invalid medium for %s":[""],"Invalid power state request: %{action}, supported actions are %{supported}":[""],"Invalid proxy selected!":["El servidor intermediari seleccionat no és vàlid!"],"Invalid query":["consulta no vàlida"],"Invalid report":["Informe no vàlid"],"Invalid search query: %s":["La consulta de cerca no és vàlida: %s"],"Invalid smart-proxy id":[""],"Invalid type for host creation via facts: %s":[""],"Invalid version format, please enter in x.y (only major version).":[""],"Is the cron job that executes %s enabled?":[""],"Issue tracker":["Eina de seguiment d'incidències"],"It is not possible to assign provisioning templates at this stage.":[""],"It is not recommended to unlock this template, as it is provided by %{vendor} and may be overwritten. Please consider cloning it instead.":[""],"Item":["Ítem"],"Iterating":[""],"JSON VM listing is not supported for this compute resource.":[""],"JSON object of the scheduler hint":[""],"Keep selected hosts for a future action":[""],"Key Binding":["Vinculació de tecles"],"Key not connected to any compute resource":[""],"Key pair":["Parella de claus"],"Key used with other compute resource":[""],"KeyPair|Name":["Nom"],"KeyPair|Public":["Pública"],"KeyPair|Secret":["Secret"],"Kind":["Tipus"],"LDAP Authentication":["Autenticació LDAP"],"LDAP authentication":["Autenticació LDAP"],"LDAP authentication sources":[""],"LDAP error - %{message}":["Error de LDAP - %{message}"],"LDAP filter":["Filtre LDAP"],"LDAP server":["Servidor LDAP"],"LDAP users will have their Foreman account automatically created the first time they log into Foreman":["Els usuaris de LDAP se'ls hi crearà automàticament el seu compte de Foreman la primera vegada que iniciïn la sessió a Foreman"],"Language":["Idioma"],"Last Report":["Últim informe"],"Last report":["Últim informe"],"Last updated %s ago":["Actualitzat per últim cop fa %s"],"Latest Events":["Últims esdeveniments"],"Learn more about this in the documentation.":[""],"Legacy Puppet hostname":["Nom d'amfitrió del llegat de Puppet"],"Length":[""],"Level":["Nivell"],"Libvirt default console address":["Adreça de la consola per defecte de Libvirt"],"Libvirt, oVirt, OpenStack and Rackspace":[""],"Limit rebuild steps, valid steps are %{host_rebuild_steps}":[""],"List LDAP authentication sources per location":[""],"List LDAP authentication sources per organization":[""],"List all :resource_id":["Llista tots els :resource_id"],"List all LDAP authentication sources":["Llista tots els orígens d'autenticació LDAP"],"List all Puppet class IDs for host":["Llista tots els id. de les classes de Puppet per a l'amfitrió"],"List all Puppet class IDs for host group":["Llista tots els id. de les classes de Puppet per al grup d'amfitrions"],"List all Puppet classes":["Llista totes les classes de Puppet"],"List all Puppet classes for a host":["Llista totes les classes de Puppet per a un amfitrió"],"List all Puppet classes for a host group":["Llista totes les classes de Puppet per a un grup d'amfitrions"],"List all Puppet classes for an environment":["Llista totes les classes de Puppet per a un entorn"],"List all SSH keys for a user":[""],"List all architectures":["Llista totes les arquitectures"],"List all architectures for operating system":["Llista totes les arquitectures per al sistema operatiu"],"List all audits":["Llista totes les auditories"],"List all audits for a given host":["Llista totes les auditories per a un amfitrió donat"],"List all autosign entries":["Llista totes les entrades autosign"],"List all bookmarks":["Llista totes les adreces d'interès"],"List all compute resources":["Llista tots els recursos computacionals"],"List all environments":["Llista tots els entorns"],"List all external user groups for LDAP authentication source":["Llista tots els grups d'usuaris externs per a l'origen d'autenticació LDAP"],"List all external user groups for user group":["Llista tots els grups d'usuaris externs per al grup d'usuaris"],"List all fact values":["Llista tots els valors dels objectes d'interès"],"List all fact values of a given host":["Llista tots els valors dels objectes d'interès d'un amfitrió donat"],"List all filters":["Llista tots els filtres"],"List all global parameters.":["Llista tots els paràmetres globals."],"List all hardware models":["Llista tots els models de maquinari"],"List all host groups":["Llista tots els grups d'amfitrions"],"List all host groups for a Puppet class":["Llista tots els grups d'amfitrions per a una classe de Puppet"],"List all host groups per location":["Llista tots els grups d'amfitrions per ubicació"],"List all host groups per organization":["Llista tots els grups d'amfitrions per organització"],"List all hosts":["Llista tots els amfitrions"],"List all hosts for a host 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operatiu"],"List environments of Puppet class":["Llista tots els entorns de la classe Puppet"],"List environments per location":["Llista tots els entorns per ubicació"],"List environments per organization":["Llista tots els entorns per organització"],"List hosts per environment":["Llista els entorns per entorn"],"List hosts per location":["Llista els amfitrions per ubicació"],"List hosts per organization":["Llista els amfitrions per organització"],"List installed plugins":["Llista els connectors instal·lats"],"List of compute profiles":["Llista de tots els perfils computacionals"],"List of config groups":["Llista dels grups de configuracions"],"List of domains":["Llista dels dominis"],"List of domains per location":["Llista dels dominis per ubicació"],"List of domains per organization":["Llista dels dominis per organització"],"List of domains per subnet":["Llista dels dominis per subxarxa"],"List of email notifications":["Llista de les notificacions de correu electrònic"],"List of 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els paràmetres de la classe intel·ligent per a un grup d'amfitrions específic"],"List of smart variables for a specific Puppet class":[""],"List of smart variables for a specific host":[""],"List of smart variables for a specific host group":[""],"List of subnets":["Llista de les subxarxes"],"List of subnets for a domain":["Llista de les subxarxes per a un domini"],"List of subnets per location":["Llista de les subxarxes per ubicació"],"List of subnets per organization":["Llista de les subxarxes per organització"],"List operating systems where this template is set as a default":["Llista els sistemes operatius on estigui establerta aquesta plantilla com a predeterminada"],"List provisioning templates":["Llista de les plantilles d'aprovisionament"],"List provisioning templates per location":["Llista de les plantilles d'aprovisionament per ubicació"],"List provisioning templates per operating system":["Llista de les plantilles d'aprovisionament per sistema operatiu"],"List provisioning templates per organization":["Llista de les plantilles d'aprovisionament per organització"],"List resource pools for a compute resource cluster":["Llista de les reserves de recursos per a un clúster de recursos computacionals"],"List storage domains for a compute resource":["Llista els dominis d'emmagatzemament per a un recurs computacional"],"List storage pods for a compute resource":[""],"List template combination":[""],"Load Datacenters":["Carrega centres de dades"],"Load Regions":["Carrega les regions"],"Load Tenants":["Carrega els inquilins"],"Load Zones":[""],"Loading":["S'està carregant"],"Loading ...":["S'està carregant..."],"Loading BMC information ...":["S'està carregant la informació del BMC..."],"Loading NICs information ...":["S'està carregant la informació de les NIC..."],"Loading SSH keys information ...":[""],"Loading VM information ...":["S'està carregant la informació de la MV..."],"Loading filters ...":[""],"Loading host information ...":["S'està carregant la informació de l'amfitrió..."],"Loading images information ...":[""],"Loading interfaces information ...":["S'està carregant la informació de les interfícies..."],"Loading parameters...":["S'estan carregant els paràmetres..."],"Loading power state ...":["S'està carregant l'estat energètic..."],"Loading resources information ...":["S'està carregant la informació dels recursos..."],"Loading runtime information ...":["S'està carregant la informació del temps d'execució..."],"Loading template information ...":["S'està carregant la informació de la plantilla..."],"Loading virtual machine information ...":["S'està carregant la informació de la màquina virtual..."],"Loading virtual machines information ...":["S'està carregant la informació de les màquines virtuals..."],"Local boot %s template":[""],"Local time":[""],"Location":["Ubicació"],"Location Distribution":[""],"Location fact":["Objecte d'interès de la ubicació"],"Location parameters":[""],"Location with id %{id} not found":[""],"Location you had selected as your context has been deleted.":[""],"Location/Organization":[""],"Locations":["Ubicacions"],"Locations also work nicely when used in tandem with %{organizations}.":[""],"Locations are used to manage and differentiate the physical place where a system managed via Foreman is housed. 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Igual que en IRC, tenim llistes d'usuaris generals (suport, Q/A, etc.) i una llista de desenvolupament:"],"Manage":["Gestiona"],"Manage Locations":["Gestiona les ubicacions"],"Manage Organizations":["Gestiona les organitzacions"],"Manage PuppetCA":["Gestiona l'AC de Puppet"],"Manage host":["Gestiona l'amfitrió"],"Managed IP":["IP gestionada"],"Manual":["Manual"],"Manually Assign":[""],"Manually select and assign hosts with no %s":[""],"Matcher is a combination of an attribute and its value, if they match, the value below would be provided.<br> You may use any attribute Foreman knows about, such as facts etc for example: <code> domain = </code> or <code> is_virtual = true</code>.":["Un classificador és una combinació d'un atribut i el seu valor, si coincideixen, es proporcionarà el valor que hi ha per sota.<br> Podeu utilitzar qualsevol atribut que conegui Foreman, com ara objectes d'interès, etc., per exemple:\\n <code> domain = </code> or <code> is_virtual = true</code>."],"Max days for Trends graphs":["Nombre màxim de dies per als gràfics de les tendències"],"Max timeout for REST client requests to smart-proxy":["El temps d'expiració màxim per a les peticions de client REST al servidor intermediari intel·ligent"],"Max trends":["Tendències màx."],"Media":["Mitjà"],"Media ID":["Id. de mitjà"],"Media access control address for this interface. Format must be six groups of two hexadecimal digits <br/> separated by colons (:), e.g. 00:11:22:33:44:55. Most virtualization compute resources (e.g. VMware, oVirt, libvirt) <br/> will overwrite the provided value with new random MAC address.":[""],"Medium":["Mitjà"],"Medium IDs":[""],"Medium|Config path":["Camí a la configuració"],"Medium|Image path":["Camí a la imatge"],"Medium|Media path":["Camí al mitjà"],"Medium|Name":["Nom"],"Medium|Os family":["Família de SO"],"Medium|Path":["Camí"],"Memory":["Memòria"],"Memory (MB)":["Memòria (MB)"],"Memory hot add":[""],"Memory hot add lets you add memory resources for a virtual machine while the machine is powered on.":[""],"Merge all matching values (only array/hash type)":[""],"Message":["Missatge"],"Message|Digest":["Repte"],"Message|Value":["Valor"],"Metadata":["Metadades"],"Method %{method} not found for resource %{resource}.":[""],"Method used to deliver email":[""],"Metrics":["Mètriques"],"Minutes Ago":["Minuts passats"],"Mismatch Details":[""],"Mismatches":[""],"Mismatches Report":[""],"Missing one of the required permissions: %s":[""],"Model":["Model"],"Model|Hardware model":["Model de maquinari"],"Model|Hosts count":["Nombre d'amfitrions"],"Model|Info":["Informació"],"Model|Name":["Nom"],"Model|Vendor class":["Classe del fabricant"],"Modified":["Modificat"],"Module path":["Camí al mòdul"],"Monitor":["Monitor"],"Monthly":["Mensualment"],"Must provide an operating system":[""],"Must provide template kind":["Ha de proporcionar el tipus de plantilla"],"Must specify a user with email enabled":[""],"Must specify a valid user with email enabled":[""],"My account":["El meu compte"],"N/A":["N/D"],"NA":["ND"],"NIC":["NIC"],"NIC type":["Tipus de NIC"],"NICs":["Les NIC"],"Name":["Nom"],"Name of media":["Nom dels mitjans"],"Name of the external auth source where unknown externally authentication users (see authorize_login_delegation) should be created (keep unset to prevent the autocreation)":[""],"Name of the host group":["Nom del grup d'amfitrions"],"Name of the parameter":["Nom del paràmetre"],"Name of variable":["Nom de la variable"],"Nest":[""],"Netmask":["Màscara de xarxa"],"Netmask for this subnet":["Màscara de xarxa per a aquesta subxarxa"],"Network":["Xarxa"],"Network Based":[""],"Network can't be blank":[""],"Network interfaces":["Interfícies de xarxa"],"Network interfaces management has been moved to the Interfaces tab. 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mostrar"],"No data available":[""],"No data for this trend.":["No hi ha dades per aquesta tendència."],"No documentation found":["No s'ha trobat la documentació"],"No domains":["Sense dominis"],"No emails":["Sense correus"],"No entries found":["No s'ha trobat cap entrada"],"No environment selected!":["No hi ha cap entorn seleccionat!"],"No environments found":[""],"No features found on this proxy, please make sure you enable at least one feature":[""],"No finish templates were found for this host, make sure you define at least one in your %s settings":[""],"No free ports available for websockify, try again later":[""],"No history found":["No s'ha trobat cap històric"],"No host could be found for rendering the template":["No es pot trobar cap amfitrió per a la renderització de la plantilla"],"No host found to associate this VM with":[""],"No host group selected!":["No hi ha cap grup d'amfitrions seleccionat!"],"No hosts are mismatched!":[""],"No hosts available.":[""],"No hosts selected":["Cap amfitrió seleccionat"],"No hosts were found with that id, name or query filter":[""],"No interesting reports received in the last week":["En l'última setmana no s'han rebut informes interessants"],"No logs to show":["Sense registres a mostrar"],"No matching server groups found":[""],"No networks":["Sense xarxes"],"No networks found.":["No s'ha trobat cap xarxa."],"No new IPv4 subnets found":[""],"No or invalid power state selected!":[""],"No owner selected!":["No hi ha cap propietari seleccionat!"],"No parameters to override for Puppet class %s":[""],"No parameters were allocated to the selected hosts, can't mass assign.":[""],"No plugins found":["No s'ha trobat cap connector"],"No preference":[""],"No proxy found to import classes from, ensure that the smart proxy has the Puppet feature enabled.":[""],"No proxy selected!":["No hi ha cap servidor intermediari seleccionat!"],"No puppet activity for this host in the last %s days":[""],"No report":["Sense informe"],"No reports":["Sense informes"],"No setting value provided.":[""],"No smart proxies found.":["No s'han trobat cap servidor intermediari intel·ligent."],"No smart proxies to show":["Sense servidors intermediaris intel·ligents a mostrar"],"No smart proxy was found to import environments from, ensure that at least one smart proxy is registered with the 'puppet' feature.":[""],"No subnets":["Sense subxarxes"],"No template with kind %{kind} for %{host}":[""],"No templates found":[""],"No templates found for this host.":["No s'ha trobat cap plantilla per a aquest amfitrió."],"No templates found!":["No s'ha trobat cap plantilla!"],"No trend counter defined":[""],"No trend counter found":[""],"None":["Sense"],"None found":["No se n'ha trobat cap"],"None!":["Sense!"],"Normal":["Normal"],"Normally when setting up a Compute Resource, a key pair (private and public) is created for you automatically.":[""],"Not Installed":["No instal·lat"],"Not authorized to edit classes":["No esteu autoritzat a editar les classes"],"Not implemented":["No està implementat"],"Not implemented for %s":["No està implementat per %s"],"Not relevant for snippet":["No és rellevant per al fragment"],"Nothing to add":["Res a afegir"],"Nothing to show":["Res a mostrar"],"Notice":["Avís"],"Notices, warnings and errors":["Avisos, advertències i errors"],"Notification disabled":[""],"Notifications":["Notificacions"],"Number Of Clients":["Nombre de clients"],"Number of CPUs":["Nombre de CPU"],"Number of Events":["Nombre d'esdeveniments"],"Number of Hosts":["Nombre d'amfitrions"],"Number of classes":[""],"Number of overrides":[""],"Number of records shown per page in Foreman":["El nombre de registres mostrats per pàgina a Foreman"],"Numerical ID or domain name":["Id. numèric o nom de domini"],"Numerical ID or email notification name":[""],"Numerical ID or realm name":["Id. numèric o nom del reialme"],"OAuth active":["OAuth actiu"],"OAuth consumer key":["La clau de consumidor d'OAuth"],"OAuth consumer secret":["El secret de consumidor d'OAuth"],"OAuth map users":["OAuth assigna usuaris"],"OK":["D'acord"],"OS Image":["Imatge de SO"],"OS friendly name; e.g. RHEL 6.5":[""],"OS major version from facter; e.g. 6":["Versió major del SO des del facter; p. ex. 6"],"OS minor version from facter; e.g. 5":["Versió menor del SO des del facter; p. ex. 5"],"OS name from facter; e.g. RedHat":["Nom del SO des del facter; p. ex. RedHat"],"Obsolete":["En desús"],"Off":[""],"Ok":["D'acord"],"Old":["Antic"],"Omit":[""],"Omit from classification output":[""],"Omit parameter from classification":[""],"On":[""],"Only for BMC interfaces.":["Només per a les interfícies BMC."],"Only known Smart Proxies may access features that use Smart Proxy authentication":["Únicament els servidors intermediaris intel·ligents coneguts poden accedir a les característiques que utilitzen l'autenticació dels servidors intermediaris intel·ligents"],"Only one declaration of a proxy is allowed":[""],"Only one volume can be bootable":[""],"Oops!!":["Oops!!"],"Oops, we're sorry but something went wrong":[""],"Open Spice in a new window":["Obre Spice en una nova finestra"],"Operating System":["Sistema operatiu"],"Operating System version is required":["Es requereix la versió del sistema operatiu"],"Operating Systems":["Sistemes operatius"],"Operating system":["Sistema operatiu"],"Operating system ID":["Id. de sistema operatiu"],"Operating system IDs":["Els id. dels sistemes operatius"],"Operating system default":["Sistema operatiu per defecte"],"Operating system family":["Família de sistema operatiu"],"Operating system family, available values: %{operatingsystem_families}":["Família de sistema operatiu, valors disponibles: %{operatingsystem_families}"],"Operating system version already exists":["Ja existeix la versió del sistema operatiu"],"Operating systems":["Sistemes operatius"],"Operating systems API supported?":[""],"Operatingsystem":["Sistema operatiu"],"Operatingsystem|Description":["Descripció"],"Operatingsystem|Hostgroups count":["Nombre de grups d'amfitrions"],"Operatingsystem|Hosts count":["Nombre d'amfitrions"],"Operatingsystem|Major":["Major"],"Operatingsystem|Minor":["Menor"],"Operatingsystem|Name":["Nom"],"Operatingsystem|Nameindicator":["Nom"],"Operatingsystem|Password hash":[""],"Operatingsystem|Release name":["Nom del llançament"],"Operatingsystem|Title":["Títol"],"Operation":["Operació"],"Operators":["Operadors"],"Optional array of log hashes":[""],"Optional comma-delimited string containing either 'new', 'updated', or 'obsolete' that is used to limit the imported Puppet classes":[""],"Optional input validator":["Validador d'entrada opcional"],"Optional parameter without value.<br/><i>Still managed by Foreman, the value will be empty.</i><br/>":[""],"Optional: Ending IP Address for IP auto suggestion":["Opcional: Adreça IP final per a l'autosuggestió de la IP"],"Optional: Gateway for this subnet":["Opcional: Passarel·la per a aquesta subxarxa"],"Optional: Primary DNS for this subnet":["Opcional: DNS primari per a aquesta subxarxa"],"Optional: Secondary DNS for this subnet":["Opcional: DNS secundari per a aquesta subxarxa"],"Optional: Starting IP Address for IP auto suggestion":["Opcional: Adreça IP inicial per a l'autosuggestió de la IP"],"Optional: VLAN ID for this subnet":["Opcional: ID de la VLAN per a aquesta subxarxa"],"Optionally provide a CA, or a correctly ordered CA chain. If left blank, a self-signed CA will be populated automatically by the server during the first request.":[""],"Order":["Ordre"],"Organization":["Organització"],"Organization Distribution":[""],"Organization fact":["Objecte d'interès de l'organització"],"Organization parameters":[""],"Organization with id %{id} not found":[""],"Organization you had selected as your context has been deleted.":[""],"Organizations":["Organitzacions"],"Organizations also work nicely in tandem with %{locations}.":[""],"Original value info":[""],"Other reports for this host":["Altres informes per a aquest amfitrió"],"Out of sync":["Desincronitzat"],"Out of sync hosts":["Amfitrions desincronitzats"],"Out of sync hosts with alerts enabled":[""],"Out of sync interval":["Interval dels desincronitzats"],"Override all parameters":["Sobreescriu tots els paràmetres"],"Override match":["Sobreescriu la coincidència"],"Override the default value of the Puppet class parameter.":[""],"Override this value":["Sobreescriu aquest valor"],"Override value, required if omit is false":[""],"Overview":["Apreciació global"],"Overwrite":["Sobreescriu"],"Owned By":["Propietat de"],"Owner":["Propietari"],"Owner changed to %s":["S'ha canviat el propietari a %s"],"Owner type needs to be one of the following: %s":[""],"POAP PXE template":[""],"PXE":["PXE"],"PXE Loader":[""],"PXE files for templates %s have been deployed to all Smart Proxies":[""],"PXE loader":[""],"PXEGrub template":[""],"PXEGrub2 template":[""],"PXELinux template":[""],"Param name":["Nom del paràmetre"],"Parameter":["Paràmetre"],"Parameter details":["Detalls del paràmetre"],"Parameter value":["Valor del paràmetre"],"Parameterized classes in ENC":["Classes parametritzades a ENC"],"Parameters":["Paràmetres"],"Parameters for host's %s facet":[""],"Parameters that would be associated with hosts in this %s":[""],"Parameter|Hidden value":[""],"Parameter|Name":["Nom"],"Parameter|Priority":["Prioritat"],"Parameter|Value":["Valor"],"Params":["Paràmetres"],"Parent":["Pare"],"Parent ID":[""],"Parent ID of the host group":["Id. del pare del grup d'amfitrions"],"Parent is already selected":["El pare ja està seleccionat"],"Parent parameters":[""],"Partition Tables":["Taules de particions"],"Partition table":["Taula de particions"],"Partition table ID":["Id. de taula de particions"],"Partition table configuration":["Configuració de la taula de particions"],"Partition tables":["Taules de particions"],"Partition template IDs":["Els id. de les plantilles de particions"],"Password":["Contrasenya"],"Password for oVirt, EC2, VMware, OpenStack. Secret key for EC2":["Contrasenya per a oVirt, EC2, VMware i OpenStack. Clau secreta per a EC2."],"Password has been changed":[""],"Password must be 8 characters or more":[""],"Password to authenticate with - used for SSH finish step.":[""],"Password to use to authenticate, if required":[""],"Password:":["Contrasenya:"],"Path":["Camí"],"Path to template, relative to datacenter (e.g. My templates/RHEL 6)":[""],"Pause":["Pausa"],"Paused":[""],"Pending":["Pendent"],"Pending Hosts":["Amfitrions pendents"],"Pending changes":["Canvis pendents"],"Pending installation":[""],"Pending|P":[""],"Permission":["Permís"],"Permission denied":["Permís denegat"],"Permission|Name":["Nom"],"Permission|Resource type":["Tipus de recurs"],"Permits access to BMC interface passwords through ENC YAML output and in templates":[""],"Persistent":[""],"Photo attribute":["Atribut de la foto"],"Physical (Bridge)":["Física (pont)"],"Please Confirm":["Si us plau, confirmeu"],"Please Select":["Si us plau, seleccioneu"],"Please Select an Image":["Si us plau, seleccioneu una imatge"],"Please check the proxy is configured and running on the host.":[""],"Please correct the error(s) below and submit your changes again.":[""],"Please delete all nested groups before deleting it.":[""],"Please enable JavaScript to view the %{comments_href}.":[""],"Please ensure the following parameters name are unique":[""],"Please login to %{foreman_url} to change your password":[""],"Please request one of the required permissions listed below from a Foreman administrator:":[""],"Please review them carefully, if you are certain that they should be removed, please click on overwrite.":[""],"Please save the Operating System first and try again.":[""],"Please save the role first. You can edit it later to add filters":[""],"Please save the user first before assigning mail notifications.":[""],"Please select":["Si us plau, seleccioneu"],"Please select a cluster":[""],"Please select an environment first":["Si us plau, seleccioneu primer un entorn"],"Please select an image":["Si us plau, seleccioneu una imatge"],"Please select hosts to perform action on.":[""],"Please specify volume size. You may optionally use suffix 'G' to specify volume size in gigabytes.":[""],"Please try to update your request":[""],"Please wait while your request is being processed":[""],"Please wait...":["Si us plau, espereu..."],"Plugins":["Connectors"],"Port to connect to":[""],"Power":[""],"Power ON this machine":["Engega aquesta màquina"],"Power operations are not enabled on this host.":[""],"Power up compute instance %s":[""],"Power%s":[""],"Preallocate disk":[""],"Prefix length can't be blank":[""],"Prefix length must be /64 or less to use EUI-64":[""],"Prefix to add to all outgoing email":["El prefix a afegir a tots els correus electrònics de sortida"],"Prepare post installation script for %s":["Prepara el script de post-instal·lació per %s"],"Preview":["Vista prèvia"],"Preview rendered provisioning template content":[""],"Primary":["Primària"],"Primary DNS for this subnet":["DNS primari per a aquesta subxarxa"],"Primary interface's DNS name and domain define host's FQDN":[""],"Printing data":[""],"Prioritize attribute order":[""],"Private":["Privada"],"Private key file that Foreman will use to encrypt websockets ":[""],"Proceed to Edit":[""],"Properties":["Propietats"],"Property":[""],"Protocol":[""],"Provider":["Proveïdor"],"Providers include %{providers}":["Els proveïdors inclouen %{providers}"],"Provides an unused IP address in this subnet":[""],"Provision":["Aprovisionament"],"Provision script had a non zero exit":[""],"Provisioning":["Aprovisionament"],"Provisioning Method":[""],"Provisioning Setup":["Configuració d'aprovisionament"],"Provisioning Template content changed %s":[""],"Provisioning Templates":["Plantilles d'aprovisionament"],"Provisioning template":["Plantilla d'aprovisionament"],"Provisioning template IDs":["Els id. de les plantilles d'aprovisionament"],"Provisioning templates":["Plantilles d'aprovisionament"],"Provisioning templates are generated using the Embedded Ruby (ERB) language.":[""],"ProvisioningTemplate|Default":["Per defecte"],"ProvisioningTemplate|Locked":["Bloquejada"],"ProvisioningTemplate|Name":["Nom"],"ProvisioningTemplate|Snippet":["Fragment"],"ProvisioningTemplate|Template":["Plantilla"],"ProvisioningTemplate|Vendor":["Fabricant"],"Proxies":["Servidors intermediaris"],"Proxy ID to use within this realm":[""],"Proxy request timeout":["Temps d'expiració de sol·licitud de servidor intermediari"],"Ptable":[""],"Ptable|Layout":["Disposició"],"Ptable|Locked":["Bloquejada"],"Ptable|Name":["Nom"],"Ptable|Os family":["Família de SO"],"Ptable|Snippet":["Fragment"],"Public":["Pública"],"Public SSH key":[""],"Puppet":["Puppet"],"Puppet CA":["AC de Puppet"],"Puppet CA proxy ID":["Id. del servidor intermediari de l'AC de Puppet"],"Puppet Class":["Classe de Puppet"],"Puppet Classes":["Classes de Puppet"],"Puppet Environment":["Entorn de Puppet"],"Puppet Environments":["Entorns de Puppet"],"Puppet Master":["Màster de Puppet"],"Puppet Modules":["Mòduls de Puppet"],"Puppet Summary Report - F:%{failed} R:%{restarted} S:%{skipped} A:%{applied} FR:%{failed_restarts} T:%{total}":[""],"Puppet class":["Classe de Puppet"],"Puppet class ID":["ID de la classe de Puppet"],"Puppet class parameters":["Paràmetres de la classe de Puppet"],"Puppet classes":["Classes de Puppet"],"Puppet environments":["Entorns de Puppet"],"Puppet error on %s":["Error de Puppet a %s"],"Puppet external nodes YAML dump":[""],"Puppet interval":["Interval de Puppet"],"Puppet interval in minutes":["L'interval de Puppet en minuts"],"Puppet proxy ID":["Id. de servidor intermediari de Puppet"],"Puppet server":["Servidor de Puppet"],"Puppetclass":["Puppetclass"],"Puppetclass|Global class params count":["Nombre de paràmetres de la classe global"],"Puppetclass|Hostgroups count":["Nombre de grups d'amfitrions"],"Puppetclass|Hosts count":["Nombre d'amfitrions"],"Puppetclass|Lookup keys count":[""],"Puppetclass|Name":["Nom"],"Puppetrun":["Puppetrun"],"Query instance details for %s":[""],"Query local nameservers":["Consulta als servidors de noms locals"],"Quota ID":["Id. de quota"],"REPLACE locations with given ids":["SUBSTITUEIX les ubicacions amb els id. donats"],"REPLACE organizations with given ids.":["SUBSTITUEIX les organitzacions amb els id. donats."],"Random gives unique names, MAC-based are longer but stable (and only works with bare-metal)":[""],"Random-based":[""],"Realm":["Reialme"],"Realm ID":["Id. de reialme"],"Realm IDs":["Els id. dels reialmes"],"Realm name, e.g. EXAMPLE.COM":["Nom de reialme, p. ex. EXAMPLE.COM"],"Realm proxy":["Servidor intermediari de reialme"],"Realm proxy did not return a one-time password":[""],"Realm proxy to use within this realm":[""],"Realm type":["Tipus de reialme"],"Realm type, e.g. FreeIPA or Active Directory":["Tipus de reialme, p. ex.. 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":[""],"Reports":["Informes"],"Report|Metrics":["Mètriques"],"Report|Reported at":[""],"Report|Status":["Estat"],"Require SSL for smart proxies":["Requereix SSL per als servidors intermediaris intel·ligents"],"Required parameter without value.<br/><b>Please override!</b><br/>":[""],"Required when user want to change own password":[""],"Reset to default":["Restableix-ho al predeterminat"],"Reset zoom":["Restableix l'ampliació"],"Resolve":["Resol"],"Resource":["Recurs"],"Resource %{resource_name} not found by id '%{id}'":[""],"Resource %{res} not found.":[""],"Resource pool":[""],"Resources":["Recursos"],"Restart<br>Failures":[""],"Restarted":["Reiniciat"],"Restarted|R":[""],"Restrict registered smart proxies":["Restringeix els servidors intermediaris intel·ligents registrats"],"Resume":["Reprèn"],"Returns string representing a host status of a given type":[""],"Reverse DNS Proxy":[""],"Reverse IPv4 DNS record":["",""],"Reverse IPv6 DNS record":["",""],"Revert":["Reverteix"],"Revert to 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string":[""],"Safemode rendering":["Renderització en mode segur"],"Save":["Desa"],"Save positions":[""],"Save something and try again":["Deseu alguna cosa i torneu-ho a intentar"],"Scheduler hint filter":[""],"Scope by locations":["Abast per ubicacions"],"Scope by organizations":["Abast per organitzacions"],"Script template":[""],"Search":["Cerca"],"Secondary DNS for this subnet":["DNS secundari per a aquesta subxarxa"],"Secret Key":["Clau secreta"],"Security group":["Grup de seguretat"],"Security groups":["Grups de seguretat"],"Select Action":["Selecciona l'acció"],"Select All":["Selecciona-ho tot"],"Select Hosts":["Selecciona els amfitrions"],"Select Location":["Selecciona la ubicació"],"Select Organization":["Selecciona l'organització"],"Select a period":[""],"Select all items in this page":["Selecciona tots els ítems en aquesta pàgina"],"Select an owner":[""],"Select compute resources":["Selecciona els recursos computacionals"],"Select desired %s proxy":[""],"Select desired 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users":["Selecciona els usuaris"],"Selected hosts are now assigned to %s":[""],"Selected image does not belong to %s":[""],"Selected items":["Ítems seleccionats"],"Selected resource type does not support granular filtering, therefore you can't configure granularity":[""],"Selected role":["Rol seleccionat"],"Selecting a file will override the editor and load the file instead":[""],"Send a test message to the current user's email address to confirm the configuration is working.":[""],"Send a test message to the user's email address to confirm the configuration is working.":[""],"Send a welcome email including username and URL to new users":["Envia un missatge de benvinguda als nous usuaris que inclou el nom d'usuari i l'URL"],"Send welcome email":["Envia el missatge de benvinguda"],"Sendmail":[""],"Sendmail arguments":[""],"Sendmail location":[""],"Server group":[""],"Server hint data":[""],"Server type":["Tipus de servidor"],"Service unavailable":[""],"Services":[""],"Set IP addresses for %s":[""],"Set a randomly generated password on the display connection":[""],"Set parameters to defaults":["Estableix els paràmetres als valors per defecte"],"Set the order in which values are resolved.":[""],"Set up compute instance %s":[""],"Setting":["Ajust"],"Settings":["Ajusts"],"Setting|Category":["Categoria"],"Setting|Default":["Per defecte"],"Setting|Description":["Descripció"],"Setting|Name":["Nom"],"Setting|Settings type":["Tipus d'ajusts"],"Setting|Value":["Valor"],"Should the `foreman-rake db:migrate` be executed on the next run of the installer modules?":["S'hauria d'executar «foreman-rake db:migrate» en la pròxima execució dels mòduls de l'instal·lador?"],"Should the `foreman-rake db:seed` be executed on the next run of the installer modules?":["S'hauria d'executar «foreman-rake db:seed» en la pròxima execució dels mòduls de l'instal·lador?"],"Should this interface be managed via DHCP and DNS smart proxy and should it be configured during provisioning?":[""],"Should this interface be used for TFTP of PXELinux (or SSH for image-based hosts)? 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Esteu segur que voleu utilitzar aquesta en el seu lloc?"],"Something went wrong while changing host type - %s":[""],"Something went wrong while selecting hosts - %s":["Alguna cosa va anar malament mentre se seleccionaven els amfitrions - %s"],"Sorry but no templates were configured.":["Ho sentim, però cap ni una de les plantilles estava configurada."],"Sorry, these hosts do not have parameters assigned to them, you must add them first.":[""],"Source":["Origen"],"Source|Digest":["Repte"],"Source|Value":["Valor"],"Space separated options, e.g. miimon=100. Only for bond interfaces.":[""],"Specified value is higher than recommended maximum":[""],"Specify additional options to sendmail":[""],"Specify authentication type, if required":[""],"Specify matchers":["Especifica els classificadors"],"Start":["Inicia"],"Starting IP Address for IP auto suggestion":["Adreça IP inicial per a l'autosuggestió de la IP"],"State":["Estat"],"Static":["Estàtic"],"Statistics":["Estadístiques"],"Status":["Estat"],"Stop updating IP address and MAC values from Puppet facts (affects all interfaces)":[""],"Stop updating Operating System from facts":[""],"Stop updating domain values from facts":[""],"Storage":["Emmagatzematge"],"Storage domain":["Domini d'emmagatzematge"],"Storage pool":["Reserva d'emmagatzematge"],"Strong":["Fort"],"Submit":["Envia"],"Subnet":["Subxarxa"],"Subnet ID":["Id. de subxarxa"],"Subnet IDs":["Els id. de les subxarxes"],"Subnet name":["Nom de la subxarxa"],"Subnet network":[""],"Subnet numeric identifier":["Identificador numèric de subxarxa"],"Subnets":["Subxarxes"],"Subnet|Boot mode":["Mode d'arrencada"],"Subnet|Dns primary":["DNS principal"],"Subnet|Dns secondary":["DNS secundari"],"Subnet|From":["Des de"],"Subnet|Gateway":["Passarel·la"],"Subnet|Ipam":["IPAM"],"Subnet|Mask":["Màscara"],"Subnet|Name":["Nom"],"Subnet|Network":["Xarxa"],"Subnet|Priority":["Prioritat"],"Subnet|To":["Fins a"],"Subnet|Vlanid":["Id. de VLAN"],"Subscribe":["Subscriu"],"Subscribe to all hosts":[""],"Subscribe to my hosts":[""],"Success":["Correcte"],"Successfully created %s.":["S'ha creat correctament %s."],"Successfully delete %s":[""],"Successfully deleted %s.":["S'ha suprimit correctament %s."],"Successfully deleted report.":["S'ha suprimit correctament l'informe."],"Successfully executed, check log files for more details":[""],"Successfully executed, check reports and/or log files for more details":[""],"Successfully overridden all parameters of Puppet class %s":[""],"Successfully recreated":[""],"Successfully refreshed features from %s.":[""],"Successfully refreshed the cache.":[""],"Successfully reset all parameters of Puppet class %s to their default values":[""],"Successfully updated %s.":["S'ha actualitzat correctament %s."],"Successfully updated environments and Puppet classes from the on-disk Puppet installation":[""],"Suffix or prefix length for this subnet, e.g. 32":[""],"Suggest new":[""],"Summary from %{time} ago to now":["Resum des de fa %{time} fins ara"],"Summary report from Foreman server at %{foreman_url}":[""],"Support":["Suport"],"Supported Formats":["Formats compatibles"],"Synchronize group from authentication source":["Sincronitza el grup des d'un origen d'autenticació"],"Syntax Highlighting":["Ressaltat de sintaxi"],"Syntax error occurred while parsing the template %{template_name}, make sure you have all ERB tags properly closed and the Ruby syntax is valid. The Ruby error: %{message}":[""],"System Information":["Informació del sistema"],"System Status":["Estat del sistema"],"TFTP":["TFTP"],"TFTP Proxy":["Servidor intermediari de TFTP"],"TFTP Proxy ID to use within this subnet":[""],"TFTP Proxy to use within this subnet":["Servidor intermediari de TFTP per utilitzar dins d'aquesta subxarxa"],"TFTP server":[""],"Taxable taxonomy":[""],"TaxableTaxonomy|Taxable type":["Tipus de taxonomia"],"Taxonomy":["Taxonomia"],"Taxonomy|Ancestry":[""],"Taxonomy|Ignore types":["Ignora els tipus"],"Taxonomy|Name":["Nom"],"Taxonomy|Title":["Títol"],"Template":["Plantilla"],"Template %s is empty.":["La plantilla %s està buida."],"Template '%s' is either missing or has an invalid organization or location":[""],"Template '%s' was not found":[""],"Template Diff":[""],"Template Type":["Tipus de plantilla"],"Template diff":[""],"Template editor":["Editor de plantilles"],"Template kind":["Tipus de plantilla"],"Template kinds, available values: %{template_kinds}":[""],"Template locked":["Plantilla bloquejada"],"Template syntax":[""],"Template that will be selected as %s default for local boot.":[""],"Template unlocked":["Plantilla desbloquejada"],"TemplateKind|Name":["Nom"],"Templates":["Plantilles"],"Templates resolved for this operating system":[""],"Tenant":["Inquilí"],"Test Connection":["Prova la connexió"],"Test LDAP connection":["Prova la connexió LDAP"],"Test LDAP connectivity":[""],"Test connection to LDAP server was successful.":[""],"Test connection was successful":[""],"Test email":[""],"Text to be shown in the login-page footer":[""],"That is, if you are planning to manage a site where all the machines are of the form <i>hostname</i>.<b></b>\\n then the domain is <b></b>.":[""],"The %{proxy_type} proxy could not be set for host: %{host_names}.":["",""],"The %{proxy_type} proxy of the selected hosts was cleared.":[""],"The %{proxy_type} proxy of the selected hosts was set to %{proxy_name}.":[""],"The <b>fullname</b> field is used for human readability in reports and other pages that refer to domains,\\n and also available as an external node parameter":[""],"The Audit Comment field is saved with the template auditing to document the template changes":[""],"The BMC password will be used by Foreman to access the host's BMC controller via a BMC-enabled smart proxy, if available.<br/>":[""],"The IP address that should be used for the console listen address when provisioning new virtual machines via Libvirt":[""],"The NFS path to the image directory.":["El camí NFS al directori de la imatge."],"The NFS path to the jumpstart control files.":["El camí NFS als fitxers de control de jumpstart."],"The NFS path to the media.":["El camí NFS al mitjà."],"The Operating systems detail the OSs known to Foreman, and is the central point that the other required components tie into.":[""],"The Primary interface is used for constructing the FQDN of the host":[""],"The Provisioning interface is used for TFTP of PXELinux (or SSH for image-based hosts)":[""],"The authentication process currently requires an LDAP provider, such as <em>FreeIPA</em>,\\n <em>OpenLDAP</em> or <em>Microsoft's Active Directory</em>.":[""],"The class of CPU supplied in this machine. This is primarily used by Sparc Solaris builds and can be left blank for other architectures. The value can be determined on Solaris via uname -m":[""],"The class of the machine reported by the Open Boot Prom. This is primarily used by Sparc Solaris builds and can be left blank for other architectures. The value can be determined on Solaris via uname -i|cut -f2 -d,":[""],"The default administrator email address":["L'adreça de correu electrònic per defecte de l'administrador"],"The dynamic partitioning style is currently only available for the Red Hat family of operating systems, all others must provide an explicit list of partitions and sizes.":[""],"The file path where your p12 file is located":[""],"The final entry, Operating System default, can be set by editing the %s page.":[""],"The following IPv4 subnets have been found. Please review the details before creating them.":[""],"The following entries were found conflicting with what foreman wanted to apply.":[""],"The following errors may prevent a successful build:":[""],"The following fields would need reviewing":[""],"The following hosts failed the build operation: %s":[""],"The following hosts were not %{action}: %{missed_hosts}":[""],"The following hosts were not deleted: %s":[""],"The following hosts were updated":[""],"The following parameters were skipped as they did not exists on this host:":[""],"The following table and example snippet shows global methods, variables and class methods and how to use them.":[""],"The full DNS domain name":["Tot el nom de domini DNS"],"The host group's classes and the host group's variables are included in the external node information when the puppetmaster compiles the host's configuration.":["Les classes del grup d'amfitrions i les variables del grup d'amfitrions s'inclouen en la informació del node extern quan el puppetmaster compila la configuració de l'amfitrió."],"The inclusion of the keyword string <b>#Dynamic</b> at the start of a line lets Foreman know that this is not an explicit disk layout and must treated as a shell script, executed prior\\n to the install process and that the explicit partition table will be found at <b>/tmp/diskpart.cfg</b> during the build process.":[""],"The keys can be used in provisioning templates and are also available for configuration management tools managed by Foreman.":[""],"The keywords <b>$version</b>, <b>$major</b> and <b>$minor</b> will be interpolated back into the path specification to calculate the true URL address.":["Les paraules reservades <b>$version</b>, <b>$major</b> i <b>$minor</b> seran interpolades de nou dins de l'especificació del camí per calcular la veritable adreça URL."],"The list is excluding %{count} %{link_start}physical host%{link_end}.":["",""],"The location of the sendmail executable":[""],"The marked fields will need reviewing":[""],"The method used to provision the host. Possible provision_methods may be %{provision_methods}":[""],"The order in which matchers keys are processed, first match wins.<br> You may use multiple attributes as a matcher key, for example, an order of <code>host group, environment</code> would expect a matcher such as <code>hostgroup = \\\"web servers\\\", environment = production</code>":["L'ordre en el qual es processen les claus del classificador, la primera coincidència guanya.<br> Podeu utilitzar diversos atributs com a part d'una clau del classificador, per exemple, amb un ordre de\\n <code>grup d'amfitrions, entorn</code> esperaria\\n un classificador similar a <code>hostgroup = \\\"web servers\\\", environment = production</code>"],"The order in which values are resolved":[""],"The password will also be accessible to other users via templates and in the ENC YAML output; disable the bmc_credentials_accessible setting to prevent access.":[""],"The password will not be accessible to other users; enable the bmc_credentials_accessible setting to permit access via templates and in the ENC YAML output.":[""],"The path to the medium, can be a URL or a valid NFS server (exclusive of the architecture).\\n for example <em>$version/os/$arch</em> where <strong>$arch</strong> will be substituted for the host's actual OS architecture and <strong>$version</strong>, <strong>$major</strong> and <strong>$minor</strong> will be substituted for the version of the operating system. Solaris and Debian media may also use <strong>$release</strong>.":[""],"The power state of the selected hosts will be set to %s":[""],"The realm name, e.g. EXAMPLE.COM":["El nom del reialme, p. ex. EXAMPLE.COM"],"The remote system presented a public key signed by an unidentified certificate authority. If you are sure the remote system is authentic, go to the compute resource edit page, press the 'Test Connection' or 'Load Datacenters' button and submit":[""],"The remote system presented a public key with hash %s but we're expecting a different hash. If you are sure the remote system is authentic, go to the compute resource edit page, press the 'Test Connection' or 'Load Datacenters' button and submit":[""],"The selected hosts were enabled for reboot and rebuild":[""],"The selected hosts will execute a build operation on next reboot":[""],"The snippet '%{name}' threw an error: %{exc}":[""],"The template is associated to at least one host in build mode. To apply the change, disable and enable build mode on hosts to update the live templates or choose to %s their configuration from 'Select Action' menu":[""],"The user that is used to ssh into the instance, normally cloud-user, ec2-user, ubuntu, root etc":[""],"The virtual machine is being deleted.":[""],"There are migrations pending in the system.":[""],"There are no puppet environments set up on this puppet master. Please check the puppet master configuration.":[""],"There are orchestration modules with methods for configuration rebuild that have identical name: '%s'":[""],"There are two strategies when using host groups.":["Hi ha dues estratègies quan s'utilitzen els grups d'amfitrions."],"There is":["",""],"There is no owner with id %d and type %s":[""],"There is no proxy with BMC feature set up. Please register a smart proxy with this feature.":[""],"There was an error creating the PXE file: %s":[""],"There was an error listing %{listing}: %{errors}":[""],"There was an error listing VMs: %(status)s %(statusText)s":["Hi va haver un error en llistar les MV: %(status)s %(statusText)s"],"There was an error rendering the %s template: ":["Hi va haver un error en la renderització de la plantilla %s:"],"There was an error rendering the %{name} template: %{error}":["Hi va haver un error en la renderització de la plantilla %{name}: %{error}"],"There was no active bridge interface found in libvirt, if it does not support listing, you can enter the bridge name manually (e.g. br0)":[""],"These are guaranteed to work via the safe mode rendering, to ensure a template can do nothing harmful.":[""],"These two options are personal decisions and are up to you (where the main difference would be the parameter/variables settings).":["Decantar-se per una d'aquestes dues opcions és una decisió personal (on la principal diferència recauria en els ajusts dels paràmetres i les variables)."],"Thin provision":[""],"This Puppet class has no parameters in its signature.":[""],"This allows Foreman to associate a puppet variable with a domain/site and automatically append this variable to all external node requests made by machines at that site.":[""],"This group has nested groups!":[""],"This group has no roles":[""],"This host's stored facts and reports will be deleted too.":[""],"This is a test message to confirm that Foreman's email configuration is working.":[""],"This is for every location and organization that uses it.":[""],"This is for every location that uses it.":[""],"This is for every organization that uses it.":[""],"This is inherited from parent":["Això s'hereta dels pares"],"This is used by a host":["Això és utilitzat per un amfitrió"],"This might take a while, as all hosts, facts and reports will be destroyed as well":[""],"This role has been cloned from role %s":[""],"This role is locked for editing.":[""],"This role is locked from being modified by users.":[""],"This setting is defined in the configuration file '%{filename}' and is read-only.":[""],"This template is locked and may not be removed.":[""],"This template is locked for editing.":["Aquesta plantilla està bloquejada per a l'edició."],"This template is locked. Please clone it to a new template to customize.":[""],"This template is locked. You may only change the associations. Please %s it to customize.":[""],"This value is not hidden":[""],"This value is used also as the host's primary interface name.":[""],"This will reset parameters of the class %s to their default values. Continue?":[""],"This will set all parameters of the class %s as overridden. Continue?":[""],"Time":[""],"Time in Seconds":["Temps en segons"],"Time in minutes installation tokens should be valid for, 0 to disable token generation":[""],"Timeout for DNS conflict validation (in seconds)":["El temps d'expiració per a la validació de conflicte DNS (en segons)"],"Timeout has occurred while communicating with %s":[""],"To define trend counters, use the Add Trend Counter button.</br> To start collecting trend data, set a cron job to execute 'foreman-rake trends:counter' every Puppet Interval (%s minutes).":[""],"To enable a provider, either install the OS package (e.g. foreman-libvirt) or enable the bundler group for development setup (e.g. ovirt).":["Per habilitar un proveïdor, instal·leu el paquet del SO (p. ex. foreman-libvirt) o bé habiliteu el grup de l'empaquetador per a la configuració de desenvolupament (p. ex. oVirt)."],"To enable safe mode, navigate to Settings page and enable Safemode rendering option.":[""],"To start collecting trend data, set a cron job to execute <span class='black'>foreman-rake trends:counter</span> every Puppet Interval (%s minutes)":[""],"To update the class signature, go to the Puppet Classes page and select \\\"Import\\\".":[""],"Toggle":[""],"Token":["Testimoni"],"Token duration":["Duració del testimoni"],"Token expired":[""],"Token|Expires":["Venciment"],"Token|Value":["Valor"],"Total":["Total"],"Total Hosts: %s":["Nombre total d'amfitrions: %s"],"Total hosts count":[""],"Total of one host":["Un amfitrió en total","%{hosts} amfitrions en total"],"Trend":["Tendència"],"Trend counter":[""],"Trend of the last %s days.":[""],"TrendCounter|Count":["Nombre"],"Trends":["Tendències"],"Trends for %s":["Tendències per %s"],"Trend|Fact name":["Nom de l'objecte d'interès"],"Trend|Fact value":["Valor de l'objecte d'interès"],"Trend|Name":["Nom"],"Trend|Trendable type":[""],"Trigger a puppetrun on a node; requires that puppet run is enabled":["Dispara un puppetrun sobre un node; cal que puppetrun estigui habilitat"],"Troubleshooting":["Solució de problemes"],"True/False flag whether a host is managed or unmanaged. Note: this value also determines whether several parameters are required or not":[""],"Trusted puppetmaster hosts":[""],"Try going to %{href}":[""],"Type":["Tipus"],"Type of name generator":[""],"Type of realm, e.g. FreeIPA":["Tipus de reialme, p. ex. FreeIPA"],"Type or protocol, IPv4 or IPv6, defaults to IPv4":[""],"Types of validation values":["Tipus de valors de validació"],"Types of variable values":["Tipus de valors de la variable"],"URL":["URL"],"URL for %{providers_requiring_url}":[""],"URL hosts will retrieve templates from during build (normally http as many installers don't support https)":[""],"URL must be valid and schema must be one of %s":[""],"URL where your Foreman instance is reachable (see also Provisioning > unattended_url)":["L'URL on la vostra instància de Foreman és assolible (vegeu també Aprovisionament > unattended_url)"],"UTC time of report":["Hora UTC de l'informe"],"UUID":["UUID"],"UUID to track orchestration tasks status, GET /api/orchestration/:UUID/tasks":[""],"Unable to access key":["No s'ha pogut accedir a la clau"],"Unable to authenticate user %s":["No s'ha pogut autenticar l'usuari %s"],"Unable to change VM display listen address, make sure the display is not attached to localhost only":[""],"Unable to communicate with the proxy: %s":[""],"Unable to connect":[""],"Unable to connect to LDAP server":[""],"Unable to create default TFTP boot menu":[""],"Unable to create realm entry":[""],"Unable to create the default role.":[""],"Unable to delete DHCP entry for %s":[""],"Unable to delete DNS entry":[""],"Unable to delete PuppetCA autosign for %s":[""],"Unable to delete PuppetCA certificate for %s":[""],"Unable to delete TFTP boot entry for %s":[""],"Unable to detect TFTP boot server":[""],"Unable to detect features":[""],"Unable to detect version":[""],"Unable to determine the host's boot server. The DHCP smart proxy failed to provide this information and this subnet is not provided with TFTP services.":[""],"Unable to disable bmc_credentials_accessible when safemode_render is disabled":[""],"Unable to disable safemode_render when bmc_credentials_accessible is disabled":[""],"Unable to execute Puppet run":[""],"Unable to fetch TFTP boot file":[""],"Unable to fetch logs":[""],"Unable to find IP address for '%s'":[""],"Unable to find a proxy with BMC feature":[""],"Unable to find proper authentication method":[""],"Unable to find template %s":["No s'ha pogut trobar la plantilla %s"],"Unable to generate output, Check log files":[""],"Unable to get BMC providers":["No es poden obtenir els proveïdors BMC"],"Unable to get PuppetCA autosign":[""],"Unable to get PuppetCA certificates":[""],"Unable to get classes from Puppet for %s":[""],"Unable to get environment from Puppet":["No s'ha pogut obtenir l'entorn des de Puppet"],"Unable to get environments from Puppet":["No s'han pogut obtenir els entorns des de Puppet"],"Unable to get installed BMC providers":["No es poden obtenir els proveïdors BMC instal·lats"],"Unable to initialize ProxyAPI class %s":[""],"Unable to perform boot BMC operation":[""],"Unable to perform identify BMC operation":[""],"Unable to perform lan BMC operation":[""],"Unable to perform power BMC operation":[""],"Unable to render %{kind} template '%{name}': %{e}":[""],"Unable to render '%{name}' template: %{e}":[""],"Unable to retrieve DHCP entry for %s":[""],"Unable to retrieve DHCP subnet":[""],"Unable to retrieve DHCP subnets":[""],"Unable to retrieve unused IP":[""],"Unable to save":["No s'ha pogut desar"],"Unable to send email, check server logs for more information":["No s'ha pogut enviar el correu electrònic, comproveu els registres del servidor per a més informació"],"Unable to set DHCP entry":[""],"Unable to set DNS entry":[""],"Unable to set PuppetCA autosign for %s":[""],"Unable to set TFTP boot entry for %s":[""],"Unable to sign PuppetCA certificate for %s":[""],"Unable to turn on websockets_encrypt, either websockets_ssl_key or websockets_ssl_cert is missing":["No s'ha pogut engegar websockets_encrypt, falta websockets_ssl_key o websockets_ssl_cert"],"Unable to unset websockets_ssl_cert when websockets_encrypt is on":["No es pot establir de nou websockets_ssl_cert quan websockets_encrypt està engegat"],"Unable to unset websockets_ssl_key when websockets_encrypt is on":["No es pot establir de nou websockets_ssl_key quan websockets_encrypt està engegat"],"Unallowed template for dashboard widget: %s":["Plantilla no permesa per a l'estri del tauler: %s"],"Unattended URL":["URL desatès"],"Undo remove":[""],"Undo selection":[""],"Unhide this value":[""],"Unknown":["Desconegut"],"Unknown IPAM type - can't continue":[""],"Unknown Power State":[""],"Unknown action name for success message: %s":[""],"Unknown build status":[""],"Unknown device: available devices are %s":[""],"Unknown interface type, must be one of [%s]":["Tipus desconegut d'interfície, ha de ser una de [%s]"],"Unknown power action: available methods are %s":[""],"Unknown power management support - can't continue":[""],"Unknown power state":[""],"Unlock":["Desbloqueja"],"Unmanage host":[""],"Unsupported IPAM mode for %s":[""],"Unsupported password hash function '%s'":[""],"Unsupported report status format":[""],"Update":["Actualitza"],"Update :a_resource":["Actualitza :a_resource"],"Update IP from built request":["Actualitza la IP a partir de la petició de construcció"],"Update a Puppet class":["Actualitza una classe de Puppet"],"Update a bookmark":["Actualitza una adreça d'interès"],"Update a compute attributes set":["Actualitza un conjunt d'atributs computacionals"],"Update a compute profile":["Actualitza un perfil computacional"],"Update a compute resource":["Actualitza un recurs computacional"],"Update a config group":["Actualitza un grup de configuracions"],"Update a default template combination for an operating system":["Actualitza una combinació predeterminada de plantilles per a un sistema operatiu"],"Update a domain":["Actualitza un domini"],"Update a filter":["Actualitza un filtre"],"Update a global parameter":["Actualitza un paràmetre global"],"Update a hardware model":["Actualitza un model de maquinari"],"Update a host":["Actualitza un amfitrió"],"Update a host group":["Actualitza un grup d'amfitrions"],"Update a host's interface":["Actualitza la interfície d'un amfitrió"],"Update a medium":["Actualitza un mitjà"],"Update a nested parameter for a domain":["Actualitza un paràmetre niat per un domini"],"Update a nested parameter for a host":["Actualitza un paràmetre niat per a un amfitrió"],"Update a nested parameter for a host group":["Actualitza un paràmetre niat per a un grup d'amfitrions"],"Update a nested parameter for a location":["Actualitza un paràmetre niat per una ubicació"],"Update a nested parameter for a subnet":[""],"Update a nested parameter for an operating system":["Actualitza un paràmetre niat per un sistema operatiu"],"Update a nested parameter for an organization":["Actualitza un paràmetre niat per una organització"],"Update a partition table":["Actualitza una taula de particions"],"Update a provisioning template":["Actualitza una plantilla d'aprovisionament"],"Update a realm":["Actualitza un reialme"],"Update a role":["Actualitza un rol"],"Update a setting":["Actualitza un ajust"],"Update a smart class parameter":["Actualitza un paràmetre de classe intel·ligent"],"Update a smart proxy":["Actualitza un servidor intermediari intel·ligent"],"Update a smart variable":["Actualitza una variable intel·ligent"],"Update a subnet":["Actualitza una subxarxa"],"Update a user":["Actualitza un usuari"],"Update a user group":["Actualitza un grup d'usuaris"],"Update an LDAP authentication source":["Actualitza un origen d'autenticació LDAP"],"Update an architecture":["Actualitza una arquitectura"],"Update an environment":["Actualitza un entorn"],"Update an image":["Actualitza una imatge"],"Update an operating system":["Actualitza un sistema operatiu"],"Update an override value for a specific smart class parameter":[""],"Update an override value for a specific smart variable":[""],"Update environment from facts":["Actualitza l'entorn des dels objectes d'interès"],"Update external user group":["Actualitza el grup d'usuaris externs"],"Update realm entry for %s":[""],"Update subnets from facts":[""],"Update template combination":["Actualitza una combinació de plantilles"],"Update the default PXE menu on all configured TFTP servers":["Actualitza el menú PXE per defecte en tots els servidors TFTP configurats"],"Update:":["Actualitza:"],"Updated":["Actualitzat"],"Updated all hosts!":["S'han actualitzat tots els amfitrions!"],"Updated hosts: Disassociated from VM":[""],"Updated hosts: changed environment":[""],"Updated hosts: changed host group":[""],"Updated hosts: changed owner":[""],"Upload facts for a host, creating the host if required":["Puja els objectes d'interès per a un amfitrió, creant el nou amfitrió si fos necessari"],"Use Gravatar":["Utilitza Gravatar"],"Use UUID for certificates":["Utilitza UUID per als certificats"],"Use short name for VMs":["Utilitza el nom curt per a les MV"],"Use this account to authenticate, <i>optional</i>":["Utilitza aquest compte per autenticar, <i>opcional</i>"],"Use this puppet server as a CA server":[""],"Use this puppet server as an initial Puppet Server or to execute puppet runs":[""],"Used to enforce certain values for the parameter values":[""],"User":["Usuari"],"User Group":[""],"User Groups":["Grups d'usuaris"],"User IDs":["Els id. dels usuaris"],"User data template":[""],"User groups":["Grups d'usuaris"],"User groups enable users to log into Foreman and be automatically granted permissions.":[""],"User role":["Rol d'usuari"],"User's preferred locale":["Configuració regional preferida per l'usuari"],"User's timezone":["Franja horària de l'usuari"],"UserRole|Owner type":["Tipus de propietari"],"Usergroup":["Grup d'usuari"],"Usergroup member":["Membre del grup d'usuaris"],"UsergroupMember|Member type":["Tipus de membre"],"Usergroup|Admin":["Administrador"],"Usergroup|Auth source":["Origen d'autenticació"],"Usergroup|Name":["Nom"],"Username":["Nom d'usuari"],"Username for oVirt, EC2, VMware, OpenStack. Access Key for EC2.":["Nom d'usuari per a oVirt, EC2, VMware i OpenStack. Clau d'accés per a EC2."],"Username to use to authenticate, if required":[""],"Users":["Usuaris"],"User|Admin":["Administrador"],"User|Avatar hash":[""],"User|Firstname":["Nom"],"User|Last login on":["Últim inici de sessió"],"User|Lastname":["Cognoms"],"User|Locale":["Idioma"],"User|Login":["Usuari"],"User|Lower login":[""],"User|Mail":["Correu"],"User|Mail enabled":["Correu habilitat"],"User|Password hash":[""],"User|Password salt":[""],"Uses thin provisioning if unchecked":[""],"Using the organization system provides a way to group resources together for easy management. Organizations are particularly useful for Foreman installations where several customers or business units are managed with a single Foreman install.":[""],"VCPU(s)":[""],"VCenter/Server":[""],"VLAN ID for this subnet":["ID de la VLAN per a aquesta subxarxa"],"VLAN tag, this attribute has precedence over the subnet VLAN ID. Only for virtual interfaces.":[""],"VM":["MV"],"VM Attributes":["Atributs de la MV"],"VM Attributes (%s)":["Atributs de la MV (%s)"],"VM already associated with a host":[""],"VM associated to host %s":[""],"VM is not running!":["La MV no està executant-se!"],"VNC/SPICE websocket proxy console access encryption (websockets_ssl_key/cert setting required)":["El xifratge d'accés de la consola del servidor intermediari de WebSockets de VNC/SPICE (requereix l'establiment de websockets_ssl_key/cert)"],"Valid from":["Vàlid des del"],"Valid host group and environment combinations":[""],"Validation types":["Tipus de validació"],"Value":["Valor"],"Value to use when there is no match":[""],"Value to use when there is no match.":[""],"Variable":["Variable"],"Variable lookup key":[""],"Variables":["Variables"],"Vendor class":["Classe del fabricant"],"Verify":["Verificació"],"Version":["Versió"],"Version %{version}":["Versió %{version}"],"Version %{version} %{copyright} 2009-%{year} Paul Kelly and %{author}":[""],"Very Strong":["Molt fort"],"View Diff":["Visualitza les diferències"],"View in Foreman:":[""],"View last report details":[""],"View list":["Visualitza la llista"],"Virtual (NAT)":["Virtual (NAT)"],"Virtual H/W version":[""],"Virtual Machine":["Màquina virtual"],"Virtual Machines":["Màquines virtuals"],"Virtual Machines on %s":[""],"Virtual NIC":["NIC virtual"],"Virtual machine settings cannot be edited on an existing machine in %s":[""],"WARNING":[""],"Wait for %s to come online":[""],"Warning":["Advertència"],"Warning!":["Advertència!"],"Warning! 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Optionally, you can restrict a template to a list of host groups and/or environments.":[""],"When enabled the parameter is hidden in the UI":[""],"When specifying custom value, add 'MB' or 'GB' at the end. Field is not case sensitive and MB is default if unspecified.":[""],"When the role's associated %{taxonomies} are changed,<br> the change will propagate to all inheriting filters.\\n Filters that are set to override <br> will remain untouched. Overriding of role filters can be easily disabled by <br> pressing the \\\"Disable overriding\\\" button.\\n Note that not all filters support <br>%{taxonomies}, so these always remain global.":[""],"When using SSH based provisioning, a special SSH key is created in order to automate the provisioning process.":[""],"When using TLS, you can set how OpenSSL checks the certificate":[""],"Whether or not the image supports user data":[""],"Whether or not the template is locked for editing":["Determina si una plantilla està bloquejada o no per a l'edició"],"Whether the class parameter value is managed by Foreman.":[""],"Whether the smart class parameter value is managed by Foreman":[""],"Which is an offset of <b>%s</b>":[""],"Widget added to dashboard.":["S'ha afegit l'estri al tauler."],"Widget positions successfully saved.":["S'han desat correctament les posicions de l'estri."],"Widget removed from dashboard.":["S'ha suprimit l'estri del tauler."],"Wiki":["Wiki"],"With user groups, you can group your users and assign them roles on a group basis.":[""],"X509 Certification Authorities":["Autoritats de certificació X509"],"YAML":["YAML"],"Yes":[""],"You are about to change the default PXE menu on all configured TFTP servers - continue?":[""],"You are about to override the editor content with a previous version, are you sure?":["Esteu a punt de sobreescriure el contingut de l'editor amb una versió prèvia, esteu segur?"],"You are about to override the editor content, are you sure?":["Esteu a punt de sobreescriure el contingut de l'editor, esteu segur?"],"You are about to unlock a locked template.":[""],"You are not authorized to lock templates.":["No esteu autoritzat a bloquejar les plantilles."],"You are not authorized to make a template default.":[""],"You are not authorized to perform this action.":[""],"You are trying to delete your own account":["Esteu intentant de suprimir el vostre propi compte"],"You are using an unsupported browser.":[""],"You can add SSH public keys to a user in Foreman.":[""],"You can find The Foreman on the %{freenode} ( network. For general support, please visit #theforeman and for development specific related chat, please visit #theforeman-dev.":["Podeu trobar «The Foreman» a la xarxa de %{freenode} ( Per al suport general, si us plau, visiteu #theforeman i per al xat específic de desenvolupament, si us plau, visiteu #theforeman-dev."],"You can select one of the IPAM modes supported by the selected IP protocol:<br/><ul><li><strong>DHCP</strong> - will manage the IP on DHCP through assigned DHCP proxy, auto-suggested IPs come from DHCP <em>(IPv4)</em></li><li><strong>Internal DB</strong> - use internal DB to auto-suggest free IP based on other interfaces on same subnet respecting range if specified, useful mainly with static boot mode <em>(IPv4, IPv6)</em></li><li><strong>EUI-64</strong> - will assign the IPv6 address based on the MAC address of the interface <em>(IPv6)</em></li><li><strong>None</strong> - leave IP management solely on user, no auto-suggestion <em>(IPv4, IPv6)</em></li></ul>":[""],"You can't assign locations to this resource":["No podeu assignar ubicacions a aquest recurs"],"You can't assign organizations to this resource":["No podeu assignar organitzacions a aquest recurs"],"You cannot delete this user while logged in as this user.":[""],"You do not have permission to %s this location parameter":[""],"You do not have permission to %s this organization parameter":[""],"You don't have any visible hosts. 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If you wish to configure fact pushing, please follow the documentation.":[""],"You don't seem to have any reports.":[""],"You have already logged in":[""],"You may also associate one or more operating systems with this medium or alternatively set this up later on the %s page.":["També podeu associar un o més sistemes operatius amb aquest mitjà o bé configurar-ho més endavant a la pàgina dels %s."],"You may also associate one or more operating systems with this partition table or alternatively set this up later on the %s page":[""],"You may create puppet classes that represent high-level host configurations, for example, a <b>host-type-ldap-server</b> class, which includes all the required functionality from other modules or you may decide to create a host group called <b>host-type-ldap-server</b> and add the required classes into the host group configuration.":["Podeu crear classes de puppet que representin configuracions d'amfitrió d'alt nivell, per exemple, una classe <b>host-type-ldap-server</b>, que inclou tota la funcionalitat requerida des d'altres mòduls o podeu optar per la creació d'un grup d'amfitrions anomenat <b>host-type-ldap-server</b> i afegir les classes necessàries dins de la configuració del grup d'amfitrions."],"You must create a location before continuing.":[""],"You must create an organization before continuing.":[""],"You must create at least one location before continuing.":[""],"You must create at least one organization before continuing.":[""],"You must select at least one permission":["Com a mínim heu de seleccionar un permís"],"You probably need to configure your %s first.":[""],"You would probably need to attach the":[""],"Your Foreman user account has been created:":[""],"Your host has finished building:":[""],"Your password is too short":["La vostra contrasenya és massa curta"],"Your password should not contain sequences":[""],"Your password should not contain that many repetitions":[""],"Your password should not contain 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Delete %{taxonomy_name2}?":["",""],"%{type} %{conflicts} already exists":["%{type} %{conflicts} bereits vorhanden"],"%{user} Downloaded %{key} as pem file":[""],"%{value} does not belong to %{os} operating system":["%{value} gehört nicht zum Betriebssystem %{os}"],"%{value} is not a valid controller":["%{value} ist kein gültiger Controller"],"%{value} is not one of %{rules}":["%{value} ist nicht Teil von %{rules}"],"%{vm} is now %{vm_state}":["%{vm} ist nun %{vm_state}"],"&laquo;":["&laquo;"],"&raquo;":["&raquo;"],"'%{host}' could be deleted or '%{resource}' is not responding.":["'%{host}' konnte nicht gelöscht werden oder '%{resource}' reagiert nicht."],"'%{host}' not found on '%{resource}'":["'%{host}' wurde nicht unter '%{resource}' gefunden"],"'%{loader}' is not one of %{loaders}":["'%{loader}' ist nicht Teil von %{loaders}"],"'Content-Type: %s' is unsupported in API v2 for POST and PUT requests. Please use 'Content-Type: application/json'.":["'Content-Type: %s' ist in der API v2 für POST- und PUT-Anfragen nicht unterstützt. Bitte verwenden Sie als 'Content-Type: application/json'."],"(Miscellaneous)":["(Verschiedenes)"],"(optional) IAM Role for Fog to use when creating this image.":["(optional) IAM-Rolle für Fog verwenden, wenn das Abbild erstellt wird."],"*Clear %s proxy*":["*%s Proxy löschen*"],"*Clear environment*":["*Lösche Umgebung*"],"*Clear host group*":["*Lösche Hostgruppe*"],"*Inherit from host group*":["*Vererbe von Hostgruppe*"],", relevant log entries, and it is highly recommended to also attach the foreman-debug output.":["relevanten Log-Einträge und auch die empfohlene Foreman-debug Ausgabe anhängen."],":foreman_url is not set, please configure in the Foreman Web UI (Administer -> Settings -> General)":[":foreman_url ist nicht gesetzt, bitte im Foreman Web UI setzen (Administration -> Einstellungen -> Allgemein)"],"<b class='select_count'>0</b> selected":["<b class='select_count'>0</b> ausgewählt"],"<b style=\\\"color: #6bb5df;\\\">%{disabled_sum}</b>\\n <p>Disabled</p>":["",""],"<b style=\\\"color: #6bb5df;\\\">%{hosts_sum}</b>\\n <p>Changed</p>":["",""],"<b style=\\\"color: #6bb5df;\\\">%{out_of_sync_sum}</b>\\n <p>Out of sync</p>":["",""],"<b>Description:</b> %{desc}<br/>\\n <b>Type:</b> %{type}<br/>\\n <b>Matcher:</b> %{matcher}<br/>\\n <b>Inherited value:</b> %{inherited_value}":["<b>Beschreibung:</b> %{desc}<br/>\\n <b>Typ:</b> %{type}<br/>\\n <b>Prüfwert:</b> %{matcher}<br/>\\n <b>Vererbter Wert:</b> %{inherited_value}"],"<b>Foreman API v1 is deprecated. Please use v2.</b><br />If you still need to use v1, you may do so by either passing 'version=1' in the Accept Header or using api/v1/ in the URL.":[""],"<b>Foreman</b> Build Complete":["<b>Foreman</b> Build Complete"],"<b>Foreman</b> Puppet error report":["<b>Foreman</b> Puppet-Fehlerbericht"],"<b>Foreman</b> Puppet summary":["<b>Foreman</b> Puppet-Zusammenfassung"],"<b>Foreman</b> audit summary":["<b>Foreman</b> Auditzusammenfassung"],"<b>Foreman</b> test email":["<b>Foreman</b> Test E-Mail"],"<b>Source:</b> %{type} %{name}":["<b>Quelle:</b> %{type} %{name}"],"<dl><dt>List</dt> <dd>A list of the allowed values, specified in the Validator rule field.</dd><dt>Regexp</dt> <dd>Validates the input with the regular expression in the Validator rule field.</dd></dl>":["<dl><dt>List</dt> <dd>Eine Liste der erlaubten Werte, angegeben im Feld der Prüfungsregel.</dd><dt>Regexp</dt> <dd>Validiert die Eingabe des regulären Ausdrucks im Feld der Prüfungsregel.</dd></dl>"],"<dl><dt>String</dt> <dd>Everything is taken as a string.</dd><dt>Boolean</dt> <dd>Common representation of boolean values are accepted.</dd><dt>Integer</dt> <dd>Integer numbers only, can be negative.</dd><dt>Real</dt> <dd>Accept any numerical input.</dd><dt>Array</dt> <dd>A valid JSON or YAML input, that must evaluate to an array.</dd><dt>Hash</dt> <dd>A valid JSON or YAML input, that must evaluate to an object/map/dict/hash.</dd><dt>YAML</dt> <dd>Any valid YAML input.</dd><dt>JSON</dt> <dd>Any valid JSON input.</dd></dl>":["<dl><dt>String</dt> <dd>Alles wird als Zeichenkette übernommen.</dd><dt>Boolean</dt> <dd>Allgemeine Darstellungsformen von boolschen Werten werden akzeptiert.</dd><dt>Integer</dt> <dd>Nur ganze Zahlen, können auch negativ sein.</dd><dt>Real</dt> <dd>Akzeptiert jede numerische Eingabe.</dd><dt>Array</dt> <dd>Eine gültige JSON- oder YAML-Eingabe, die ein Array darstellt.</dd><dt>Hash</dt> <dd>Eine gültige JSON- oder YAML-Eingabe, die zu einem Objekt/map/dict/hash passt.</dd><dt>YAML</dt> <dd>Jede gültige YAML-Eingabe.</dd><dt>JSON</dt> <dd>Jede gültige JSON-Eingabe.</dd></dl>"],"A Foreman user group can be associated to a group stored in an LDAP server, so membership of the LDAP group automatically adds the user to the Foreman user group.":[""],"A host group is in some ways similar to an inherited node declaration, in that it is a high level grouping of classes that can be named and treated as a unit. This is then treated as a template and is selectable during the creation of a new host and ensures that the host is configured in one of your pre-defined states.":["Eine Hostgruppe ist einer vererbten Knotenangabe ähnlich, weil sie eine Gruppierung von Klassen auf hoher Ebene ist, die als Einheit benannt und behandelt werden kann. Dies wird dann als Vorlage gehandhabt und kann bei der Erstellung eines neuen Hosts ausgewählt werden und stellt darüber hinaus sicher, dass der Host in einem von Ihnen vordefinierten Zustand konfiguriert wird."],"A medium represents the source of one or more operating system's installation files, accessible via the network.\\n It will probably be a mirror from the internet or a copy of one or more CD or DVDs.":["Als Medium bezeichnet man die Quelle von einer oder mehreren Installationsdateien eines Betriebssystems, auf die man über das Netzwerk zugreifen kann.\\n Wahrscheinlich ist dies eine Spiegelung aus dem Internet oder die Kopie einer oder mehrerer CDs oder DVDs."],"A partition table entry represents either":["Ein Eintrag in der Partitionstabelle repäsentiert entweder"],"A problem occurred when detecting host type: %s":["Es trat ein Problem auf bei der Erkennung des Hosttyp: %s"],"A script to dynamically calculate the desired sizes. E.G.":["Ein Skript, das die gewünschten Größen dynamisch ermittelt, z.B."],"A user group already exists with this name":["Eine Gruppe mit diesem Namen existiert bereits"],"API Key":["API-Schlüssel"],"API documentation":["API-Dokumentation"],"About":["Info"],"Access Key":["Zugriffsschlüssel"],"Access denied":["Zugang verweigert"],"Access unattended without build":[""],"Account":["Account"],"Acquire IP addresses for %s":["IP-Adressen für %s erlangen"],"Action":["Aktion"],"Actions":["Aktionen"],"Active":["Aktiv"],"Active Hosts":["Aktive Hosts"],"Active features":["Aktive Funktionen"],"Active key":[""],"Add Autosign entry":["Autosign-Eintrag hinzufügen"],"Add Bookmark":["Lesezeichen hinzufügen"],"Add Interface":["Schnittstelle hinzufügen"],"Add Matcher":["Prüfwert hinzufügen"],"Add Parameter":["Parameter hinzufügen"],"Add Trend Counter":["Trendzähler hinzufügen"],"Add Variable":["Variable hinzufügen"],"Add Volume":["Medium hinzufügen"],"Add a CD-ROM drive to the virtual machine.":["Fügen Sie ein CD-ROM-Laufwerk zur virtuellen Maschine hinzu."],"Add a Puppet class to host":["Puppet-Klasse dem Host zuweisen"],"Add a Puppet class to host group":["Puppet-Klasse der Hostgruppe zuweisen"],"Add a template combination":["Vorlage-Kombination hinzufügen"],"Add combination":["Füge Kombination hinzu"],"Add external user group":["Externe Benutzergruppe hinzufügen"],"Add filter":["Filter hinzufügen"],"Add to dashboard":["Zur Übersichtsseite hinzufügen"],"Add widgets":["Widgets hinzufügen"],"Add:":["Hinzufügen:"],"Adding would cause a cycle!":["Hinzufügen würde einen Kreislauf verursachen!"],"Additional Information":["Zusätzliche Informationen"],"Additional compute resource specific attributes for the interface.":["Zusätzliche Rechenressourcen-spezifische Attribute für die Schnittstelle."],"Additional compute resource specific attributes.":["Zusätzliche Rechenressourcen-spezifische Attribute"],"Additional information about this host":["Weitere Informationen über diesen Host"],"Address to connect to":["Adresse zum Verbinden"],"Admin permissions required":["Administratorberechtigungen erdorderlich"],"Administer":["Verwalten"],"Administrator email address":["Administrator-E-Mail-Adresse"],"Administrator user account required":["Benutzer-Account mit Administratorrechten erforderlich"],"Alert":["Warnung"],"Alerts disabled":["Warnungen deaktiviert"],"Alias or VLAN device":["Alias oder VLAN-Gerät"],"All":["Alle"],"All Puppet Classes for %s":["Alle Puppet-Klassen für %s"],"All Reports":["Alle Berichte"],"All compute resources":["Alle Rechenressourcen"],"All domains":["Alle Domänen"],"All environments":["Alle Umgebungen"],"All environments - (not filtered)":["Alle Umgebungen - (nicht gefiltert)"],"All host groups":["Alle Hostgruppen"],"All hosts":["Alle Hosts"],"All hosts data matches configurations for locations and organizations.":["Alle Host-Daten stimmen mit Konfigurationen für Standorte und Organisationen überein."],"All hosts previously with no %{single} are now assigned to %{name}":["Alle Systeme , die vorher keine %{single} hatten, wurden nun %{name} zugeordnet"],"All hosts will show a configuration status even when a Puppet smart proxy is not assigned":["Alle Hosts zeigen einen Konfigurationsstatus, auch wenn ein Puppet-Smart Proxy nicht zugewiesen ist"],"All items":["Alle Elemente"],"All media":["Alle Medien"],"All messages":["Alle Meldungen"],"All mismatches between hosts and %s have been fixed":["Alle Fehlanpassungen zwischen Hosts und %s wurden gefixed"],"All mismatches between hosts and locations/organizations have been fixed":["Alle Fehlanpassungen zwischen Hosts und Standorten/Organisationen wurden gefixed"],"All partition tables":["Alle Partitionstabellen"],"All provisioning templates":["Alle Bereitstellungsvorlagen"],"All realms":["Alle Realms"],"All smart proxies":["Alle Smart Proxys"],"All subnets":["Alle Subnetze"],"All users":["Alle Benutzer"],"Allocated":["Belegt"],"Allocation (GB)":["Zuweisung (GB)"],"Allow access to unattended URLs without build mode being used":[""],"Allow external network as main network":["Externes Netzwerk als Hauptnetzwerk zulassen"],"Allowed methods or members":["Erlaubte Methoden und Mitglieder"],"Always show configuration status":["Konfigurationsstatus immer anzeigen"],"An IP address will be auto-suggested if you have enabled IPAM on the IPv4 subnet selected above.<br/><br/>The IP address can be left blank when:<br/><ul><li>provisioning tokens are enabled</li><li>the domain does not manage DNS</li><li>the subnet does not manage reverse DNS</li><li>and the subnet does not manage DHCP reservations</li></ul>":[""],"An IP address will be auto-suggested if you have enabled IPAM on the IPv6 subnet selected above.":[""],"An email address is required, please update your account details":["E-Mail-Adresse obligatorisch, bitte Kontodetails ergänzen"],"An error occurred while testing the connection: ":["Beim Test der Verbindung ist ein Fehler aufgetreten:"],"An explicit layout for the partitions of your hard drive(s). E.G.":["Ein spezifisches Layout für die Partitionen Ihrer Festplatte(n), z.B."],"An invalid response was received while requesting available features from this proxy":[""],"Annotation Notes":[""],"Annotation notes":[""],"Anonymous admin user %s is missing, run foreman-rake db:seed":["Anonymer Admin-benutzer %s fehlt, führe foreman-rake db:seed aus"],"Any Context":["Jeder Kontext"],"Any Location":["Jeder Standort"],"Any Organization":["Jede Organisation"],"Applicable Operating Systems":["Passende Betriebssysteme"],"Applied":["Angewendet"],"Applied|A":["A"],"Architecture":["Architektur"],"Architecture Distribution":["Architekturverteilung"],"Architecture ID":["Architekturkennung"],"Architectures":["Architekturen"],"Architecture|Hostgroups count":["Hostgruppen-Anzahl"],"Architecture|Hosts count":["Host-Anzahl"],"Architecture|Name":["Name"],"Are you sure you want to %{act} %{vm}?":["Sind Sie sicher, dass Sie %{vm} %{act} möchten?"],"Are you sure you want to delete host %s? This action is irreversible.":["Sind Sie sicher, dass Sie den Host %s löschen möchten? Diese Aktion ist unwiderruflich."],"Are you sure you want to delete host %s? This will delete the virtual machine and its disks, and is irreversible.":["Sind Sie sicher, dass Sie den Host %s löschen möchten? Dies wird die Virtuelle Maschine und alle Laufwerke unwiderruflich löschen."],"Are you sure you want to delete this widget from your dashboard?":["Sind Sie sicher, dass Sie des Widget aus Ihrer Übersichtsseite löschen möchten?"],"Are you sure you want to log out?":["Sind Sie sicher, dass Sie sich abmelden möchten?"],"Are you sure you want to power %{act} %{vm}?":["Sind Sie sicher, dass Sie %{vm} %{act} möchten?"],"Are you sure?":["Sind Sie sicher?"],"Array of extra information types to include":[""],"Array of host IDs to associate with the partition table":["Abfolge von Host-Kennungen, die der Partitionstabelle zugeordnet werden sollen"],"Array of host group IDs to associate with the partition table":["Abfolge von Hostgruppen-Kennungen, die der Partitionstabelle zugeordnet werden sollen"],"Array of operating system IDs to associate with the partition table":["Abfolge von Betriebssystem-Kennungen, die der Partitionstabelle zugeordnet werden sollen"],"Array of operating system IDs to associate with the template":["Abfolge von Betriebssystem-Kennungen, die der Vorlage zugeordnet werden sollen"],"Array of parameters":[""],"Array of parameters (name, value)":["Abfolge von Parametern (name, value)"],"Array of template combinations (hostgroup_id, environment_id)":["Abfolge von Vorlagenkombinationen (hostgroup_id, environment_id)"],"Assign All":["Alle zuweisen"],"Assign Hosts to %s":["Hosts zu %s zuweisen"],"Assign Location":["Standort zuweisen"],"Assign Organization":["Organisation zuweisen"],"Assign Selected Hosts":["Ausgewählte Hosts zuweisen"],"Assign the %{count} host with no %{taxonomy_single} to %{taxonomy_name}":["Den %{count} Host mit keiner %{taxonomy_single} %{taxonomy_name} zuweisen","Alle %{count} Hosts mit keiner %{taxonomy_single} %{taxonomy_name} zuweisen"],"Assign to %s":["Hinzufügen zu %s"],"Assigning hosts to %{taxonomy_name} will also update %{taxonomy_name} to include all the resources that the selected hosts are currently using.":["Das Zuweisen aller Hosts zu %{taxonomy_name} wird ebenfalls %{taxonomy_name} aktualisieren, um alle Ressourcen aufzunehmen, die derzeit von den ausgewählten Hosts in Gebrauch sind."],"Associate VM":["VM zuweisen"],"Associate VM to a Foreman host":["VM einem Foreman Host zuweisen"],"Associate VMs":["VMs zuweisen"],"Associate VMs to Foreman hosts":["VMs Foreman-Hosts zuweisen"],"Associate VMs to Hosts":["VMs den Hosts zuweisen"],"Association":["Zusammenschluss"],"At least one volume must be specified for image-based provisioning.":["Für abbildbasierte Bereitstellung muss mindestens ein Volume angegeben werden"],"Attempting to construct an operating system image filename but %s cannot be built from an image":["Versuche den Dateinamen eines Betriebssystemabbilds zu erstellen, aber %s kann nicht aus einem Abbild erstellt werden"],"Attribute mappings":["Attributzuweisungen"],"Attribute type":["Attributtyp"],"Audit":[""],"Audit Comment":["Auditkommentar"],"Audit summary":["Auditzusammenfassung"],"Audited::Adapters::ActiveRecord::Audit|Action":["Aktion"],"Audited::Adapters::ActiveRecord::Audit|Associated name":["Zugehöriger Name"],"Audited::Adapters::ActiveRecord::Audit|Associated type":["Zugehöriger Typ"],"Audited::Adapters::ActiveRecord::Audit|Auditable name":["Prüfbarer Name"],"Audited::Adapters::ActiveRecord::Audit|Auditable type":["Prüfbarer Typ"],"Audited::Adapters::ActiveRecord::Audit|Audited changes":["Geprüfte Änderungen"],"Audited::Adapters::ActiveRecord::Audit|Comment":["Kommentar"],"Audited::Adapters::ActiveRecord::Audit|Remote address":["Remote-Adresse"],"Audited::Adapters::ActiveRecord::Audit|User type":["Benutzertyp"],"Audited::Adapters::ActiveRecord::Audit|Username":["Benutzername"],"Audited::Adapters::ActiveRecord::Audit|Version":["Version"],"Audits":["Audits"],"Auth source":["Authentifizierungsquelle"],"AuthSource|Account":["Account"],"AuthSource|Account password":["Zugangskennwort"],"AuthSource|Attr firstname":["Attr. Vorname"],"AuthSource|Attr lastname":["Attr. Nachname"],"AuthSource|Attr login":["Attr. Anmeldung"],"AuthSource|Attr mail":["Attr. Email"],"AuthSource|Attr photo":["Attr. Foto"],"AuthSource|Base dn":["Base DN"],"AuthSource|Groups base":["Gruppen-Base"],"AuthSource|Host":["Host"],"AuthSource|LDAPS":["LDAPs"],"AuthSource|Ldap filter":["LDAP-Filter"],"AuthSource|Name":["Name"],"AuthSource|Onthefly register":["On-the-fly-Anmeldung"],"AuthSource|Port":["Port"],"AuthSource|Server type":["Servertyp"],"AuthSource|Tls":["TLS"],"Authentication":["Authentifizierung"],"Author":["Autor"],"Authorize login delegation":["Anmeldedelegation autorisieren"],"Authorize login delegation API":["Anmeldedelegations-API autorisieren"],"Authorize login delegation auth source user autocreate":["Automatische Erstellung des Benutzers mit Anmeldedelegation autorisieren"],"Authorize login delegation with REMOTE_USER environment variable":["Anmeldedelegation mit der Umgebungsvariable REMOTE_USER autorisieren"],"Authorize login delegation with REMOTE_USER environment variable for API calls too":["Anmeldedelegation mit der REMOTE_USER-Umgebungsvariable auch für API-Aufrufe autorisieren"],"Authorized by":["Autorisiert durch"],"Auto refresh off":["Automatische Aktualisierung aus"],"Auto refresh on":["Automatische Aktualisierung ein"],"Automatic":[""],"Autosign":["Automatisch Signieren"],"Autosign entries":["Autosign-Einträge"],"Autosign entry name":[""],"Availability zone":["Verfügbarkeit Zone"],"Available Classes":["Verfügbare Klassen"],"Available Config Groups":["Verfügbare Konfigurationsgruppen"],"Available Providers":["Verfügbare Anbieter"],"Average memory usage":["Durchschnittliche Speicherauslastung"],"Average swap usage":["Durchschnittliche Swap-Verwendung"],"Avoid duplicate values when merging them (only array type)?":["Doppelte Werte bei der Zusammenführung vermeiden (nur Array Typ)?"],"BIOS":["BIOS"],"BMC":["BMC"],"BMC credentials access":["BMC-Anmeldedatenzugriff"],"BMC password usage":["BMC-Passwortnutzung"],"Back":["Zurück"],"Back to host":["Zurück zu Host"],"Back to host list":["Zurück zur Hostliste"],"Backtrace":["Ablaufverfolgung"],"Bare Metal":["Hardware"],"Base DN":["Base DN"],"Before you proceed to using Foreman you should provide information about one or more architectures.":["Bevor Foreman verwendet werden kann, sollten Informationen über eine oder mehrere Architektur/en bereitgestellt werden."],"Bond":["Bond"],"Bond mode of the interface, e.g. balance-rr. Only for bond interfaces.":["Bond-Modus der Schnittstelle, z.B. balance-rr. Ausschließlich für Bond-Schnittstellen."],"Bookmark":["Lesezeichen"],"Bookmark this search":["Diese Suche als Lesezeichen abspeichern"],"Bookmark was successfully created.":["Das Lesezeichen wurde erfolgreich erstellt."],"Bookmark was successfully updated.":["Das Lesezeichen wurde erfolgreich aktualisiert."],"Bookmarks":["Lesezeichen"],"Bookmarks are saved search queries. To save them, click on 'Bookmark this search' on the dropdown next to every search button.":["Lesezeichen sind gespeicherte Suchanfragen. Zum Speichern klicken Sie auf 'Diese Suche speichern' im Dropdown-Menü neben dem der Schaltfläche 'Suchen'."],"Bookmark|Controller":["Bereich"],"Bookmark|Name":["Name"],"Bookmark|Owner type":["Eigentümertyp"],"Bookmark|Public":["Öffentlich"],"Bookmark|Query":["Abfrage"],"Boot device":["Boot-Device"],"Boot from volume":["Starten von Volumen"],"Boot host from specified device":["Host von angegebenem Gerät starten"],"Bootable":["Bootfähig"],"Bridge":["Brücke"],"Browse host config management reports":["Berichte zur Verwaltung der Host-Konfig durchsuchen"],"Browse host facts":["Systemfakten durchsuchen"],"Browser locale":["Browser-Sprache"],"Browser timezone":["Browser-Zeitzone"],"Build":["Erstellen"],"Build Hosts":["Hosts erstellen"],"Build PXE Default":["PXE-Standard erstellen"],"Build a query for %{mailer}":["Abfrage für %{mailer} erstellen"],"Build from OS image":["Von Betriebssytemabbild erstellen"],"By unchecking this you can specify filter using Foreman search syntax in search field. If filter remains <br> unlimited (this field is checked) it applies on all resources of the selected type. When a role is associated <br> with some %s filter is not considered unlimited as it's scoped accordingly.":[""],"CA certificate expiry date":["Ablaufdatum des ZS-Zertifikats"],"CD-ROM drive":["CD-ROM-Laufwerk"],"CDROM":["CD-ROM"],"CPU hot add":["CPU Hot-Add"],"CPU hot add lets you add CPU resources for a virtual machine while the machine is powered on.":["CPU Hot-Add lässt Sie CPU-Ressourcen für eine virtuelle Maschine hinzufügen, während die Maschine eingeschaltet ist."],"CPUs":["CPUs"],"Cache slow calls to VMWare to speed up page rendering":[""],"Caching":[""],"Calling methods on objects":[""],"Can't delete internal admin account":["Kann den internen Admin-Account nicht löschen"],"Can't delete the last admin account":["Kann den letzten Admin-Account nicht löschen"],"Can't delete the last admin user group":["Konnte die letzten Admin-Gruppe nicht erstellen"],"Can't find a valid Foreman Proxy with a Puppet feature":["Kann keinen gültigen Foreman-Proxy mit Puppet-Unterstützung finden"],"Cancel":["Abbrechen"],"Cancel build":["Erstellung abbrechen"],"Cancel build request for this host":["Erstellungs-Anfrage für diesen Host zurücknehmen"],"Canceled pending build for %s":["Ausstehende Erstellung für %s abgebrochen"],"Cannot add pagelet with key %s and without mountpoint":[""],"Cannot add pagelet with key %s and without partial":[""],"Cannot continue because some permissions were not found, please run rake db:seed and retry":[""],"Cannot create LDAP configuration for %s without dedicated service account":["LDAP Konfiguration für %s kann ohne dedizierten Dienst-Account nicht erstellt werden"],"Cannot delete %{current} because it has nested %{sti_name}.":["%{current} kann nicht gelöscht werden, da es verschachtelte %{sti_name} hat."],"Cannot delete built-in role":["Kann die eingebaute Rolle nicht löschen"],"Cannot delete group %{current} because it has nested groups.":["Gruppe %{current} kann nicht gelöscht werden, da sie verschachtelte Gruppen enthält."],"Cannot delete group %{current} because it has nested host groups.":["Gruppe %{current} kann nicht gelöscht werden, da sie verschachtelte Hostgruppen enthält."],"Cannot find user %s when switching context":["Benutzer %s kann bei Kontextwechsel nicht gefunden werden"],"Cannot register compute resource, wrong type supplied":[""],"Canvas not supported.":["Canvas nicht unterstützt."],"Caps lock ON":["Caps-Lock AN"],"Certificate Name":["Zertifikatsname"],"Certificate path":["Zertifikatspfad"],"Certificate that Foreman will use to encrypt websockets ":["Zertifikat, das Foreman zum Verschlüsseln von WebSockets verwendet"],"Certificates":["Zertifikate"],"Change Environment":["Umgebung ändern"],"Change Group":["Gruppe ändern"],"Change Owner":["Besitzer ändern"],"Change Power State":["Energiezustand ändern"],"Change Puppet CA":["Puppet-CA ändern"],"Change Puppet Master":["Puppet-Master ändern"],"Change the password":["Passwort ändern"],"Change your avatar at":["Avatar kann auf geändert werden"],"Changed environments":["Geänderte Umgebungen"],"Changes to %s will propagate to all inheriting filters":[""],"Chassis":["Chassis"],"Check again":["Erneut überprüfen"],"Check/Uncheck all":["Alle auswählen/abwählen"],"Check/Uncheck all %s changes":["Alle %s Änderungen auswählen/abwählen"],"Check/Uncheck new":["Neue auswählen/abwählen"],"Check/Uncheck obsolete":["Veraltete auswählen/abwählen"],"Check/Uncheck updated":["Aktualisierte auswählen/abwählen"],"Choose a family":["Familie auswählen"],"Choose a provider":["Provider auswählen"],"Choose a server type":["Servertyp auswählen"],"Class":["Klasse"],"Class Distribution":["Klassenverteilung"],"Classes":["Klassen"],"Clean up failed deployment":["Deployment fehlgeschlagen wegen Cleanup"],"Click on the link of a compute resource to edit its default VM attributes.":["Klicken Sie auf den Link einer Rechenressource, um dessen Standard-VM-Attribute zu bearbeiten"],"Click to add %s":["Klicken, um %s hinzuzufügen"],"Click to log in again.":["Klicken um erneut anzumelden."],"Click to mark as read":[""],"Click to remove %s":["Klicken um %s zu entfernen"],"Click to remove config group":["Klicken um Konfigurationsgruppe zu entfernen"],"Client Email":["Client-E-Mail"],"Client SSL certificates are used to identify Smart Proxies (:require_ssl should also be enabled)":["Client-SSL-Zertifikate werden verwendet, um Smart-Proxys zu identifizieren (:require_ssl sollte auch aktiviert sein)"],"Clone":["Klon"],"Clone %s":["%s klonen"],"Clone Host %s":["Klone Host %s"],"Clone a host group":["Hostgruppe klonen"],"Clone a provision template":["Bereitstellungsvorlage klonen"],"Clone a role":[""],"Clone a template":["Vorlage klonen"],"Clone this host":["Diesen Host klonen"],"Close":["Schließen"],"Cluster":["Cluster"],"Cluster ID is required to list available networks":["Cluster-Kennung wird benötigt um verfügbare Netzwerke aufzulisten"],"Comments":["Kommentare"],"Communication status":["Kommunikationsstatus"],"Compute 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templates are available.":[""],"Continue to look for matches after first find (only array/hash type)? 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Anmeldung"],"Default organization":["Standardmäßige Organisation"],"Default owner on provisioned hosts, if empty Foreman will use current user":[""],"Default templates are automatically added to new locations":["Standardvorlagen werden automatisch zu neuen Standorten hinzugefügt."],"Default templates are automatically added to new organizations":["Standardvorlagen werden automatisch zu neuen Organisationen hinzugefügt."],"Default templates are automatically added to new organizations and locations":["Standardvorlagen werden automatisch zu neuen Organisationen und Standorten hinzugefügt."],"Default value":["Standardwert"],"Default value of variable":["Standardwert der Variable"],"Default variables lookup path":["Standardmäßiger variabler Suchpfad"],"Default verification mode":["Standardmäßiger Verifikationsmodus"],"Defaults to image size if left blank":["Standard bei Freilassen ist die Abbildgröße"],"Delete":["Löschen"],"Delete %s?":["%s löschen?"],"Delete :a_resource":[":a_resource 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an LDAP authentication source":["LDAP-Authentifizierungsquelle löschen"],"Delete an SSH key for a user":[""],"Delete an architecture":["Architektur löschen"],"Delete an environment":["Umgebung löschen"],"Delete an external user group":["Externe Benutzergruppe löschen"],"Delete an image":["Abbild löschen"],"Delete an operating system":["Betriebssystem löschen"],"Delete an override value for a specific smart class parameter":["Überschreibungswert für einen bestimmten Smart-Klassenparameter löschen"],"Delete an override value for a specific smart variable":["Überschreibungswert für eine bestimmte Smart-Variable löschen"],"Delete autosign entry":[""],"Delete autosign entry for %s":["Autosign-Eintrag für %s löschen"],"Delete filter?":["Filter löschen?"],"Delete realm entry for %s":["Realm-Eintrag für %s löschen"],"Delete report for %s?":["Bericht von %s löschen?"],"Deleted environment":["Gelöschte Umgebung"],"Deleted environment %{env} and %{pcs}":["Gelöschte Umgebung %{env} und %{pcs}"],"Delivery method":[""],"Deploy TFTP %{kind} config for %{host}":[""],"Deploy VM on selected datastore":["VM auf ausgewähltem Datenspeicher bereitstellen"],"Deploy on":["Ausbringen auf"],"Deprecated, please use datacenter":[""],"Deprecated, please use omit":[""],"Description":["Beschreibung"],"Description of smart class":["Beschreibung der Smart-Klasse"],"Description of the domain":["Beschreibung der Domäne"],"Description of variable":["Beschreibung der Variable"],"Deselect All":["Alle abwählen"],"Destroy":["Löschen"],"Destroyed selected hosts":["Ausgewählte Hosts gelöscht"],"Details":["Details"],"Device identifier":["Gerätebezeichner"],"Device identifier for this interface. 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B. mittels cloud-init)?"],"Domain":["Domäne"],"Domain ID":["Domänenkennung"],"Domain IDs":["Domänen-Kennungen"],"Domains":["Domänen"],"Domains in which this subnet is part":["Domänen, denen dieses Subnetz angehört"],"Domain|Fullname":["Voller Name"],"Domain|Hostgroups count":["Hostgruppen-Anzahl"],"Domain|Hosts count":["Host-Anzahl"],"Domain|Name":["Name"],"Download":[""],"Duration in minutes after the Puppet interval for servers to be classed as out of sync.":["Dauer in Minuten, nach der das Puppet-Intervall für Server als \\\"nicht synchronisiert\\\" klassifiziert wird."],"EC2":["EC2"],"EFI":[""],"ENC environment":["ENC-Umgebung"],"ERROR or FATAL":["FEHLER oder SCHWERWIEGENDER FEHLER"],"EUI-64":["EUI-64"],"Each architecture can also be associated with more than one operating system and a selector block is provided to allow you to select valid combinations.":["Jede Architektur kann mit einem oder mehreren Betriebssytemen verknüpft werden, mittels einer Auswahl können zulässigen Kombinationen ausgewählt werden."],"Each entries represent a particular hardware architecture, most commonly <b>x86_64</b> or <b>i386</b>. Foreman also supports the Solaris operating system family, which includes <b>sparc</b> based systems.":["Jeder Eintrag repräsentiert eine bestimmte Hardwarearchitektur, üblich ist <b>x86_64</b> oder <b>i386</b>. Foreman unterstützt auch die Solaris-Betriebssystemfamilie, die <b>sparc</b>-basierte Systeme beinhaltet."],"Eager zero":["Eager Zero"],"Edit":["Bearbeiten"],"Edit %s":["%s bearbeiten"],"Edit Architecture":["Architektur bearbeiten"],"Edit Bookmark":["Lesezeichen bearbeiten"],"Edit Compute profile":["Rechenprofil bearbeiten"],"Edit Compute profile: %s":["Rechenprofil bearbeiten: %s"],"Edit Config group":["Konfigurationsgruppe bearbeiten"],"Edit Domain":["Domäne bearbeiten"],"Edit Environment":["Umgebung bearbeiten"],"Edit Filter":["Filter Bearbeiten"],"Edit Global Parameter":["Globale Parameter bearbeiten"],"Edit Host":["Host bearbeiten"],"Edit LDAP Auth Source":["LDAP-Authentifizerungsquelle bearbeiten"],"Edit Medium":["Medium bearbeiten"],"Edit Model":["Modell bearbeiten"],"Edit Operating System":["Betriebssystem bearbeiten"],"Edit Parameters":["Parameter bearbeiten"],"Edit Partition Table":["Bearbeite die Partitionstabelle"],"Edit Properties":["Eigenschaften bearbeiten"],"Edit Proxy":["Proxy bearbeiten"],"Edit Puppet Class %s":["Puppet-Klasse %s bearbeiten"],"Edit Realm":["Realm bearbeiten"],"Edit Role":["Rolle bearbeiten"],"Edit Smart Variable":["Smart Variable bearbeiten"],"Edit Smart class parameters":["Smart-Klassenparameter bearbeiten"],"Edit Subnet":["Subnetz bearbeiten"],"Edit Template":["Bearbeite Vorlage"],"Edit Trend %s":["Trend %s bearbeiten"],"Edit User":["Benutzer bearbeiten"],"Edit User group":["Benutzergruppe bearbeiten"],"Edit compute profile on %s":["Rechenprofil auf %s bearbeiten"],"Edit this host":["Diesen Host bearbeiten"],"Email Preferences":["E-Mail-Einstellungen"],"Email address is missing":["E-Mail Adresse fehlt"],"Email reply address":["E-Mail-Antwort-Adresse"],"Email reply address for emails that Foreman is sending":["Die E-Mail-Antwortadresse für E-Mails, die von Foreman versendet werden"],"Email subject prefix":["E-Mail-Betreff-Präfix"],"Email was sent successfully":["E-Mail erfolgreich gesendet"],"Empty environment":["Umgebung leeren"],"Enable Notifications":["Benachrichtigungen aktivieren"],"Enable alerts for selected hosts":["Benachrichtigungen für die ausgewählten Hosts aktivieren"],"Enable caching":[""],"Enable certificate generation for %s":["Aktiviere Zertifikatsgenerierung für %s"],"Enable if this is an alias or VLAN interface, note that alias can be used only with static boot mode subnet":["Aktivieren, wenn dies eine Alias- oder VLAN-Schnittstelle ist. Hinweis: Alias kann nur mit statistischem Boot-Modus-Subnetz verwendet werden. "],"Enable puppetrun support":["Unterstützung für Puppetrun aktivieren"],"Enable rebuild on next host boot":["Neuerstellung beim nächsten Systemstart aktivieren"],"Enable safe mode config templates rendering (recommended)":["Aktiviere safe mode Konfigurationsvorlagenerstellung (empfohlen)"],"Enable smart variables in ENC":["Smart-Variablen in ENC aktivieren"],"Enable this host for provisioning":["Aktiviere diesen Host für Bereitstellung"],"Enabled":["Aktiviert"],"Enabled %s for reboot and rebuild":["%s für Neustart und Neuerstellung aktiviert"],"Enabled %s for rebuild on next boot":["aktiviere %s für Neuerstellung beim nächsten Systemstart"],"Enabled %s for rebuild on next boot, but failed to power cycle the host":[""],"Ending IP Address for IP auto suggestion":["Abschließende IP-Adresse für automatischen IP-Vorschlag"],"Entries per page":["Einträge pro Seite"],"Environment":["Umgebung"],"Environment Distribution":["Verteilung der Umgebung"],"Environment ID":["Umgebungskennung"],"Environment IDs":["Umgebungskennungen"],"Environment only":["Nur für Umgebung"],"Environment variable containing a client's SSL certificate":["Umgebungsvariable, die das SSL-Zertifikat eines Clients enthält"],"Environment variable containing the subject DN from a client SSL certificate":["Umgebungsvariable, die den Betreff-DN eines Client-SSL-Zertifikates enthält"],"Environment variable containing the verification status of a client SSL certificate":["Umgebungsvariable, die den Verifizierungsstatus eines Client-SSL-Zertifikates enthält"],"Environments":["Umgebungen"],"Environment|Hostgroups count":["Hostgruppen-Anzahl"],"Environment|Hosts count":["Host-Anzahl"],"Environment|Name":["Name"],"Error":["Fehler"],"Error - %{message}":["Fehler - %{message}"],"Error adding widget to dashboard.":["Fehler beim Hinzufügen des Widgets zur Übersichtsseite."],"Error connecting to %{proxy}: %{error}.":["Fehler beim Verbinden mit %{proxy}: %{error}."],"Error connecting to '%{domain}' domain DNS servers: %{servers} - check query_local_nameservers and dns_conflict_timeout settings":["Fehler bei der Verbindung mit '%{domain}' Domain DNS-Servern: %{servers} - prüfen Sie die Einstellungen von query_local_nameservers und dns_conflict_timeout"],"Error connecting to system DNS server(s) - check /etc/resolv.conf":["Fehler bei Verbindung mit dem/den System DNS-Server(n) - check /etc/resolv.conf"],"Error generating IP: %s":["Fehler beim Erzeugen der IP: %s"],"Error has occurred while communicating with %{cr}: %{e}":["Bei der Kommunikation mit %{cr} ist ein Fehler aufgetreten: %{e}"],"Error loading interfaces information: %s":["Fehler beim Laden der Schnittstelleninformation: %s"],"Error loading scheduler hint filters information: %s":[""],"Error removing widget from dashboard.":["Fehler beim Entfernen des Widgets aus der Übersichtsseite."],"Errors":["Fehler"],"Errors occurred, build may fail":["Fehler sind aufgetreten, Erstellen kann fehlschlagen"],"Errors only":["Nur Fehler"],"Errors: %s":["Fehler: %s"],"Examples":["Beispiele"],"Exit Full Screen":["Vollbildansicht verlassen"],"Expand nested items":["Verschachtelte Elemente ausklappen"],"Expand the chart":["Diagramm ausklappen"],"Expire logs":["Ablaufprotokolle"],"Expires":["Läuft ab"],"Explain matchers":["Prüfwerte erklären"],"Export":["Export"],"Export a partition template to ERB":["Export als Partitionsvorlage nach ERB"],"Export a provisioning template to ERB":["Export als Provisionierungsvorlage nach ERB"],"Export to CSV":[""],"External Groups":[""],"External IP":["Externe IP"],"External user group":["Externe Benutzergruppe"],"External user group %{name} could not be refreshed":["Externe Benutzergruppe %{name} konnte nicht aktualisiert werden"],"External user group %{name} refreshed":["Externe Benutzergruppe %{name} aktualisiert"],"External user group information":["Externe Benutzergruppeninformation"],"External user group name":["Externer Benutzergruppenname"],"External user groups will be synced on login, else relies on periodic cronjob to check group membership":["Externe Benutzergruppen werden bei Anmeldung synchronisiert. Anderfalls ist dies auf einen periodischen Cronjob angewiesen, um die Gruppenzugehörigkeit zu prüfen."],"External usergroup":["Externe Benutzergruppe"],"ExternalUsergroup|Name":["Name"],"FQDN":["FQDN"],"Fact Name":["Faktname"],"Fact Values":["Faktenwerte"],"Fact Values | %{host_name}":[""],"Fact distribution chart":["Faktendistributionsdiagramm"],"Fact name":["Faktname"],"Fact value":["Faktwert"],"Fact values":["Faktenwerte"],"FactName|Ancestry":["Abstammung"],"FactName|Compose":["Zusammenstellen"],"FactName|Name":["Name"],"FactName|Short name":["Kurzer Name"],"FactValue|Origin":[""],"FactValue|Value":["Wert"],"Facts":["Fakten"],"Fail on Mismatch":["Fehler wg. falscher Zuordnung"],"Failed":["Fehlgeschlagen"],"Failed Restarts":["fehlgeschlagene Neustarts"],"Failed Restarts|FR":["FN"],"Failed connecting to %s":["Konnte nicht zu %s verbinden"],"Failed features":["Fehlgeschlagene Funktionen"],"Failed features: %s":["Fehlgeschlagene Funktionen: %s","Fehlgeschlagene Funktionen: %s"],"Failed restarts":["Fehlgeschlagene Neustarts"],"Failed to %{action} %{host}: %{e}":["Fehler beim %{action} von %{host}: %{e}"],"Failed to acquire IP addresses from compute resource for %s":[""],"Failed to cancel pending build for %{hostname} with the following errors: %{errors}":["Anstehende Installation von %{hostname} konnte wegen folgenden Fehlers nicht abgebrochen werden: %{errors}"],"Failed to clean any old certificates or add the autosign entry. Terminating the build!":["Fehler beim Löschen der alten Zertifikate oder Hinzufügen des Autosign-Eintrages, Erstellung wird abgebrochen!"],"Failed to configure %{host} to boot from %{device}: %{e}":["Fehler beim Konfigurieren von %{host} zum Starten von %{device}: %{e}"],"Failed to create %{name}'s realm entry: %{e}":["Fehler beim erstellen Realm-Eintrag für %{name}: %{e}"],"Failed to create X509 certificate, error: %s":["Fehler beim Erstellen von X509-Zertifikat. Fehler: %s"],"Failed to create a compute %{compute_resource} instance %{name}: %{message}\\n ":["Fehler beim Erstellen einer Rechenressource %{compute_resource} Instanz %{name}: %{message}\\n "],"Failed to destroy a compute %{compute_resource} instance %{name}: %{e}":["Fehler beim Löschen einer Rechenressource %{compute_resource} Instanz %{name}: %{e}"],"Failed to enable %{host} for installation: %{errors}":["Fehler beim Aktivieren des Hosts %{host} für Installation: %{errors}"],"Failed to fetch a free IP from proxy %{proxy}: %{message}":[""],"Failed to fetch boot files":["Fehler beim Laden der Bootdateien"],"Failed to fetch power status: %s":[""],"Failed to fetch: ":["Fehler beim Abrufen:"],"Failed to get IP for %{name}: %{e}":["Konnte IP-Adresse für %{name}: %{e} nicht finden"],"Failed to get a new realm OTP. Terminating the build!":["Fehler beim Abrufen eines neuen Bereichs-OTP. Build wird abgebrochen!"],"Failed to import %{klass} for %{name}: doesn't exists in our database - ignoring":["Fehler beim Importieren der Klasse %{class} for %{name}: existiert nicht in der Datenbank - wird ignoriert"],"Failed to initialize the PuppetCA proxy: %s":["Fehler bei der Initialisierung des Puppet-CA-Proxys: %s"],"Failed to initialize the realm proxy: %s":["Fehler bei der Initialisierung des Realm Proxy: %s"],"Failed to launch script on %{name}: %{e}":["Fehler beim Starten des Skripts auf %{name}: %{e}"],"Failed to load chart":["Fehler beim Laden des Diagramms"],"Failed to login via SSH to %{name}: %{e}":["Fehler bei der SSH-Anmeldung auf %{name}: %{e}"],"Failed to modify the build cycle for %s":["Fehler beim Bearbeiten des Build-Zyklus für %s"],"Failed to perform rollback on %{task} - %{e}":["Fehler beim Wiederherstellen auf %{task} - %{e}"],"Failed to power up a compute %{compute_resource} instance %{name}: %{e}":["Konnte die Recheninstanz %{name} auf %{compute_resource} nicht starten: %{e}"],"Failed to reboot %s.":["Neustart fehlgeschlagen: %s"],"Failed to redeploy %s.":["Erneute Bereitstellung fehlgeschlagen %s."],"Failed to refresh the cache.":[""],"Failed to remove certificates for %{name}: %{e}":["Konnte die Zertifikate für %{name} nicht löschen: %{e}"],"Failed to retrieve power status for %{host} within %{timeout} second.":["",""],"Failed to save widget positions.":["Widget-Positionen konnten nicht gespeichert werden."],"Failed to set %{proxy_type} proxy for %{host}.":["Einstellung von %{proxy_type} Proxy für %{host} fehlgeschlagen."],"Failed to set IP for %{name}: %{e}":[""],"Failed to set IPs via IPAM for %{name}: %{e}":[""],"Failed to set console: %s":["Konnte Konsole nicht setzen: %s"],"Failed to set power state for %s.":["Fehler beim Festlegen des Energiezustands für %s."],"Failed to stop compute %{compute_resource} instance %{name}: %{e}":["Konnte die Recheninstanz %{name} auf %{compute_resource} nicht stoppen: %{e}"],"Failed to undo update compute %{compute_resource} instance %{name}: %{e}":["Konnte die Aktualisierung der Recheninstanz %{name} auf %{compute_resource} nicht widerrufen: %{e}"],"Failed to update a compute %{compute_resource} instance %{name}: %{e}":["Konnte die Recheninstanz %{name} auf %{compute_resource} nicht aktualisieren: %{e} "],"Failed to update environments and Puppet classes from the on-disk Puppet installation: %s":["Fehler beim Aktualisieren von Umgebungen und Puppet-Klassen von der Puppet-Festplatteninstallation: %s"],"Failed to update the environments and Puppet classes from the on-disk puppet installation: %s":["Fehler beim Aktualisieren von Umgebungen und Puppet-Klassen von der Puppet-Festplatteninstallation: %s"],"Failed to validate %{host}: %{error}":["Fehler beim Prüfen von %{host}: %{error}"],"Failed|F":["F"],"Failure deploying via smart proxy %{proxy}: %{error}.":["Fehler beim Verteilen über Smart-Proxy %{proxy}: %{error}."],"Failure parsing %{template}: %{error}.":["Fehler beim Parsen von %{template}: %{error}."],"Failure: %s":["Fehler: %s"],"Family":["Familie"],"Feature":["Eigenschaft"],"Features":["Eigenschaften"],"Features \\\"%s\\\" in this proxy are not recognized by Foreman. If these features come from a Smart Proxy plugin, make sure Foreman has the plugin installed too.":[""],"Feature|Name":["Name"],"Fetch TFTP boot files for %s":["Hole TFTP-Bootdateien für %s"],"Filter":["Filter"],"Filter by level:":["Nach Stufe filtern:"],"Filter by name":["Nach Name filtern"],"Filter by state:":["Nach Status filtern:"],"Filter classes":["Filterklassen"],"Filter overriding has been disabled":["Filterüberschreibung wurde deaktiviert"],"Filters":["Filter"],"Filters for role %s":["Filter für Rolle %s"],"Filters inherit %{orgs_and_locs} from their role by default. If override field is enabled, <br> filter can override the set of its %{orgs_and_locs}. Later role changes will not affect <br> such filter. After disabling override field, role %{orgs_and_locs} apply again.":[""],"Filters overriding has been disabled":[""],"Filter|Override":["Filter|Überschreiben"],"Filter|Permissions":["Berechtigungen"],"Filter|Resource":["Ressource"],"Filter|Search":["Suche"],"Filter|Taxonomy search":["Taxonomiesuche"],"Filter|Unlimited":["Unbegrenzt"],"Fingerprint":["Fingerabdruck"],"Finish template":["Vorlage fertigstellen"],"Firmware":[""],"Fix %s on Mismatch":["Korrigiere %s bei Fehlzuweisung"],"Fix All Mismatches":["Alle Fehlzuweisungen beheben"],"Fix DB cache":["DB-Cache reparieren"],"Fix DB cache on next Foreman restart":["DB-Cache beim nächsten Foreman-Neustart korrigieren"],"Fix Mismatches":["Fehlzuweisungen beheben"],"Flavor":["Variante"],"Floating IP network":["Gleitendes IP-Netzwerk"],"Folder":["Ordner"],"Follow %{href} on how to describe your controllers.":["Beachten Sie %{href} für die Beschreibung von Controllern."],"For example, if you have copied several Red Hat release disks into a directory structure where the disk images are named 5.8 or 6.2, and each contained both x86_64 and i386 binaries, then you\\n could create a single medium entry describing them all.\\n The entry, which could be just named 'Red Hat' could contain a path like this <em>'http://server/redhat/$version/$arch'</em>":["Wenn Sie zum Beispiel mehrere Red Hat-Releasedatenträger in eine Verzeichnisstruktur kopiert haben, in der die Festplatten-Images als 5.8 oder 6.2 bezeichnet werden, und diese jeweils sowohl x86_64, als auch i386 Binärdateien beinhalten, dann könnten Sie\\n einen einzigen Medieneintrag erstellen, der alle beschreibt.\\n Dieser Eintrag, der einfach \\\"Red Hat\\\" heißen kann, könnte einen Pfad wie <em>\\\"http://server/redhat/$version/$arch\\\"</em> beinhalten."],"For more info visit our documentation.":["Zusätzliche Informationen finden Sie in unserer Dokumentation."],"For more information":["Weitere Informationen "],"Force a Puppet agent run on the host":["Puppet-Agent-Lauf auf dem Host erzwingen"],"Foreman API v2 is currently the default API version.":["Foreman API v2 ist zurzeit die Standard-API-Version."],"Foreman Developers":["Foreman Developers"],"Foreman URL":["Foreman-URL"],"Foreman Users":["Foreman Users"],"Foreman audit summary":["Foreman Auditzusammenfassung"],"Foreman can store information about the networking setup of a host that it’s provisioning, which can be used to configure the virtual machine, assign the correct IP addresses and network resources, then configure the OS correctly during the provisioning process.":[""],"Foreman can use LDAP based service for user information and authentication.":["Foreman kann LDAP-basierte Services für Benutzerinformationen und -Authentifizierung nutzen."],"Foreman considers a domain and a DNS zone as the same thing.":["Foreman betrachtet eine Domain und eine DNS-Zone als gleich."],"Foreman domain ID of interface. Required for primary interfaces on managed hosts.":["Foreman-Domänen-Kennung der Schnittstelle. Erforderlich für Primärschnittstellen auf gemanagten Hosts."],"Foreman host group matchers will be inherited by children when evaluating smart class parameters":["Foreman-Hostgruppen-Prüfwerte werden bei der Verarbeitung von Smart-Klassenparametern von untergeordneten Objekten geerbt"],"Foreman now manages the build cycle for %s":["Foreman verwaltet nun den Erstellungsablauf für %s"],"Foreman now no longer manages the build cycle for %s":["Foreman verwaltet nun nicht mehr den Erstellungsablauf für %s"],"Foreman report creation time is <em>%s</em>":["Foreman Berichte werden um <em>%s</em> erzeugt"],"Foreman smart variables will be exposed via the ENC yaml output":["Foreman-Smart-Variablen werden mittels ENC-yaml-Ausgabe bereitgestellt"],"Foreman subnet ID of IPv4 interface":["Foreman-ID des IPv4-Subnetzes zur Schnittstelle"],"Foreman subnet ID of IPv6 interface":["Foreman-ID des IPv6-Subnetzes zur Schnittstelle"],"Foreman supports automatically creating realm entries for new hosts.":["Foreman unterstützt die automatische Erstellung von Realm-Einträgen für neue Hosts."],"Foreman supports creating and managing hosts on a number of virtualization and cloud services - referred to as “compute resources” - as well as bare metal hosts.":[""],"Foreman test email":["Foreman Test-E-Mail"],"Foreman ticketing system":["Foreman Ticket-System"],"Foreman will automate certificate signing upon provision of new host":["Foreman automatisiert die Zertifikatssignierung bei der Bereitstellung eines neuen Hosts"],"Foreman will create the host when a report is received":["Foreman erstellt den Host, wenn ein Bericht erhalten wird"],"Foreman will create the host when new facts are received":["Foreman erstellt den Host, wenn neue Fakten erhalten werden"],"Foreman will default to this puppet environment if it cannot auto detect one":["Foreman nutzt standardmäßig diese Puppet-Umgebung, falls automatisch keine Umgebung gefunden werden kann"],"Foreman will delete virtual machine if provisioning script ends with non zero exit code":["Foreman löscht virtuelle Maschine, wenn Bereitstellungsskript mit Exitcode ungleich-Null endet"],"Foreman will evaluate host smart variables in this order by default":["Foreman prüft Host-Smart-Variablen standardmäßig in dieser Reihenfolge"],"Foreman will explicitly set the puppet environment in the ENC yaml output. This will avoid conflicts between the environment in puppet.conf and the environment set in Foreman":["Foreman legt ausdrücklich die Puppet-Umgebung in der ENC-yaml-Ausgabe fest. Dies vermeidet Konflikte zwischen der Umgebung in der puppet.conf und der in Foreman festgelegten Umgebung"],"Foreman will map users by username in request-header. If this is set to false, OAuth requests will have admin rights.":["Foreman weist Benutzer anhand des Benutzernamens im Anfrageheader zu. Ist dies auf \\\"false\\\" gesetzt, erhalten OAuth-Anfragen Administratorrechte."],"Foreman will not send this parameter in classification output, replaces use_puppet_default":[""],"Foreman will not send this parameter in classification output.":[""],"Foreman will not send this parameter in classification output. Puppet will use the value defined in the Puppet manifest for this parameter":[""],"Foreman will parse ERB in parameters value in the ENC output":["Foreman analysiert ERB in Parameterwerten in der ENC-Ausgabe"],"Foreman will query the locally configured resolver instead of the SOA/NS authorities":["Foreman fragt den lokal konfigurierten Resolver ab anstelle der SOA/NS-Einträge"],"Foreman will set this as the default Puppet module path if it cannot auto detect one":["Foreman legt dies als standardmäßigen Puppet-Modulpfad fest, falls automatisch keiner gefunden werden kann"],"Foreman will truncate hostname to 'puppet' if it starts with puppet":["Foreman kürzt Hostnamen auf \\\"puppet\\\", wenn diese mit \\\"puppet\\\" beginnen"],"Foreman will update a host's environment from its facts":["Foreman aktualisiert die Umgebung eines Hosts basierend auf dessen Fakten"],"Foreman will update a host's subnet from its facts":[""],"Foreman will update the host IP with the IP that made the built request":["Foreman aktualisiert die Host-IP durch die IP, die die Build-Anfrage getätigt hat"],"Foreman will use OAuth for API authorization":["Foreman verwendet OAuth zur API-Authorisierung"],"Foreman will use gravatar to display user icons":["Foreman verwendet gravatar zur Anzeige von Benutzericons"],"Foreman will use random UUIDs for certificate signing instead of hostnames":["Foreman verwendet zufällige UUIDs zur Zertifikatssignierung anstelle von Hostnamen"],"Foreman will use the new (2.6.5+) format for classes in the ENC yaml output":["Foreman verwendet das neue (2.6.5+) Format für Klassen in der ENC-yaml-Ausgabe"],"Foreman will use the short hostname instead of the FQDN for creating new virtual machines":["Foreman verwendet den kurzen Hostnamen anstelle des FQDN zur Erstellung neuer virtueller Maschinen"],"Found %{count} reports from the last %{days} days":["%{count} SystemBerichte aus den letzten %{days} Tagen gefunden"],"Full":["Voll"],"Full audits list":["Komplette Auditübersicht"],"Full name describing the domain":["Voller Name, der die Domäne beschreibt"],"Full path to backing image used to create new volumes.":["Vollständiger Pfad zum übergeordneten Abbild, das zur Erstellung neuer Datenträger verwendet wird."],"Full screen":["Vollbildansicht"],"Full trace":["Vollständige Protokollierung"],"Function not available for %s":["Funktion für %s nicht verfügbar"],"GMT time":["Zeitzone GMT (Greenwich Mean Time)"],"Gateway":["Gateway"],"General":["Allgemein"],"General useful description, for example this kind of hardware needs a special BIOS setup":["Allgemeine nützliche Beschreibung, zum Beispiel, dass diese Art der Hardware ein spezielles BIOS Setup benötigt"],"Generate new random name. Visit Settings to disable this feature.":[""],"Generated %s ago":["Vor %s erstellt"],"Generated at %s":["Erstellungszeitpunkt: %s"],"Get ENC values of host":[""],"Get configuration status of host":["Konfigurationsstatus des Hosts abholen"],"Get dashboard details":["Übersichtsseitendetails abholen"],"Get default dashboard widgets":["Standard-Übersichtsseiten-Widgets abholen"],"Get statistics":["Statistiken abholen"],"Get status of host":["Hoststatus abholen"],"Get vm attributes of host":["VM-Attribute des Hosts abrufen"],"Global":["Global"],"Global Parameters":["Globale Parameter"],"Global default %s template":[""],"Global default %s template. This template gets deployed to all configured TFTP servers. It will not be affected by upgrades.":[""],"Global functions":["Globale Funktionen"],"Global methods (functions)":["Globale Methoden (Funktionen)"],"Global parameters":["Globale Parameter"],"Global status changed from %{from} to %{to}":[""],"Global variables":["Globale Variablen"],"Good host reports in the last %s":["Gute Systemberichte in den letzten %s"],"Google Project ID":["Google Projektkennung"],"Groups base DN":["Gruppiert Base DN"],"Guest OS":["Gast-Betriebssystem"],"HELO/EHLO domain":[""],"Hardware":["Hardware"],"Hardware Model":["Hardwaremodell"],"Hardware Models":["Hardwaremodelle"],"Hardware models":["Hardware-Modelle"],"Hash function to use. Change takes effect for new or updated hosts.":["Zu verwendende Hashfunktion. Änderung wirkt sich auf neue oder aktualisierte Hosts aus."],"Hash of report metrics, can be just {}":["Hash der Berichtmetriken, kann einfach nur {} sein"],"Hash of status type totals":["Hash der Statustypensummen"],"Help":["Hilfe"],"Hidden value":["Verborgener Wert"],"Hide all values for this parameter.":["Alle Werte für diesen Parameter verbergen."],"Hide this value":["Diesen Wert verbergen"],"Hint data is missing":[""],"History":["Verlauf"],"Host":["Host"],"Host %s is built":["Host %s wurde gebaut"],"Host %s is not associated with a VM":["Host %s ist keiner VM zugewiesen"],"Host Configuration Chart":["Hostkonfigurationsdiagramm"],"Host Configuration Status":["Status der Hostkonfiguration"],"Host Group Distribution":[""],"Host Groups":["Hostgruppen"],"Host audit entries":["Hostaudit-Einträge"],"Host config group":["Host-Konfigurationsgruppe"],"Host details":["Host-Details"],"Host group":["Hostgruppe"],"Host group / Environment":["Hostgruppe / Umgebung"],"Host group IDs":["Hostgruppen-Kennungen"],"Host group and Environment":["Hostgruppe und Umgebung"],"Host group configuration":["Hostgruppenkonfiguration"],"Host group matchers inheritance":["Vererbung der Hostgruppen-Prüfwerte"],"Host group only":["nur Hostgruppen"],"Host group parameters":["Hostgruppen-Parameter"],"Host groups":["Hostgruppen"],"Host owner":[""],"Host owner is invalid":[""],"Host parameters":["Hostparameter"],"Host reported time is <em>%s</em>":["Die vom Host gemeldete Zeit ist <em>%s</em>"],"Host times seem to be adrift!":[""],"Host's network interfaces.":["Netzwerkschnittstelle des Hosts"],"Host's owner type":["Eigentümertyp des Hosts"],"Host's parameters (array or indexed hash)":["Hostparameter (Array oder indizierter Hash)"],"Host::Base|Build":["Build"],"Host::Base|Certname":["Zertifikatsname"],"Host::Base|Comment":["Kommentar"],"Host::Base|Disk":["Disk"],"Host::Base|Enabled":["Aktiviert"],"Host::Base|Grub pass":["Grub Pass"],"Host::Base|Image file":["Abbilddatei"],"Host::Base|Installed at":["Installiert am"],"Host::Base|Ip":["IP"],"Host::Base|Last compile":["Letzte Zusammenstellung"],"Host::Base|Last freshcheck":["Letzte Gültigkeitsprüfung"],"Host::Base|Last report":["Letzter Bericht"],"Host::Base|Mac":["MAC"],"Host::Base|Managed":["Verwaltet"],"Host::Base|Name":["Name"],"Host::Base|Otp":["Otp"],"Host::Base|Owner type":["Eigentümerart"],"Host::Base|Primary interface":["Primärschnittstelle"],"Host::Base|Provision method":["Bereitstellungsmethode"],"Host::Base|Puppet status":["Puppet-Status"],"Host::Base|Root pass":["Root-Passwort"],"Host::Base|Serial":["Seriennummer"],"Host::Base|Use image":["Benutze Abbild"],"Host::Base|Uuid":["UUID"],"HostConfigGroup|Host type":["Host-Typ"],"Hostgroup":["Hostgruppe"],"Hostgroup|Ancestry":["Vorfahren"],"Hostgroup|Grub pass":["Grub Pass"],"Hostgroup|Image file":["Abbilddatei"],"Hostgroup|Name":["Name"],"Hostgroup|Root pass":["Root-Passwort"],"Hostgroup|Title":["Titel"],"Hostgroup|Use image":["Benutze Abbild"],"Hostgroup|Vm defaults":["VM-Standards"],"Hostname":["Hostname"],"Hostname or certname":["Hostname oder Zertifikatsname"],"Hostname:":["Hostname:"],"Hosts":["Hosts"],"Hosts created after a puppet run that did not send a location fact will be placed in this location":["Hosts, die nach einem Puppet-Durchlauf erstellt wurden, die keinen Standortfakt sendeten, werden an diesem Standort abgelegt"],"Hosts created after a puppet run that did not send a organization fact will be placed in this organization":["Hosts, die nach einem Puppet-Durchlauf erstellt wurden, die keinen Organisationsfakt sendeten, werden in dieser Organisation abgelegt"],"Hosts created after a puppet run will be placed in the location this fact dictates. The content of this fact should be the full label of the location.":["Hosts, die nach einem Puppet-Durchlauf erstellt wurden, werden an dem vom Fakt vorgegebenen Standort abgelegt. Der Inhalt dieses Fakts sollte die vollständige Kennung des Standorts sein."],"Hosts created after a puppet run will be placed in the organization this fact dictates. The content of this fact should be the full label of the organization.":["Hosts, die nach einem Puppet-Durchlauf erstellt wurden, werden in der vom Fakt vorgegebenen Organisation abgelegt. Der Inhalt dieses Fakts sollte die vollständige Kennung der Organisation sein."],"Hosts in error state":["Systeme im Fehlerzustand"],"Hosts including sub-groups":["Hosts einschließlich Untergruppen"],"Hosts managed":["Verwaltete Hosts"],"Hosts managed:":["Verwaltete Hosts:"],"Hosts that had pending changes":["Hosts, bei denen Änderungen ausstanden"],"Hosts that had pending changes with alerts enabled":["Hosts mit anstehenden Änderungen und aktivierten Alarmen"],"Hosts that had performed modifications without error":["Hosts, die Änderungen ohne Fehler durchgeführt haben"],"Hosts that will be trusted in addition to Smart Proxies for access to fact/report importers and ENC output":["Hosts, denen (zusätzlich zu Smart Proxys) vertraut wird, um Zugriff auf Fakten-/Berichtimportprogramme und ENC-Ausgaben zu ermöglichen"],"Hosts which Foreman reporting is disabled":["Hosts mit deaktiviertem Foreman-Reporting"],"Hosts which are currently not running Puppet":["Hosts, die gerade nicht Puppet ausführen"],"Hosts which are not reporting":["Hosts ohne Bericht"],"Hosts which didn't run puppet in the last %s":["Systeme, die Puppet in den letzten %s nicht ausgeführt haben"],"Hosts which recently applied changes":["Hosts mit kürzlich angebrachten Änderungen"],"Hosts which recently applied changes successfully":["Hosts mit kürzlich erfolgreich angebrachten Änderungen"],"Hosts which recently applied changes successfully with alerts enabled":["Hosts mit kürzlich erfolgreich angebrachten Änderungen und aktivierter Alarmierung"],"Hosts with alerts disabled":["Systeme mit deaktivierten Alarmen"],"Hosts with error state":["Hosts mit Fehlerzustand"],"Hosts with error state and alerts enabled":["Hosts mit Fehlerzustand und aktivierten Alarmen"],"Hosts with errors":["Hosts mit Fehlern"],"Hosts with interesting values (changed, failures etc)":["Host mit interessanten Werten (geändert, Fehler usw.)"],"Hosts with no reports":["Hosts ohne Berichte"],"Hosts with notifications disabled":["Hosts mit deaktivierten Benachrichtigungen"],"Hosts without changes or errors":["Hosts ohne Änderungen oder Fehler"],"Hosts without changes or errors, with alerts enabled":["Hosts ohne Änderungen oder Fehler, aber mit aktivierter Alarmierung"],"Hosts without errors":["Hosts ohne Fehler"],"Hosts without errors percent":["Prozentsatz fehlerfreier Hosts"],"Hosts without errors, with alerts enabled":["Hosts ohne Fehler, aber mit aktivierter Alarmierung"],"How values are validated":["Wie Werte überprüft werden"],"However, if it was deleted externally this page helps you to recreate it":[""],"ID of LDAP authentication source":["Kennung der Authentifizierungsquelle"],"ID of Puppet class":["Kennung der Puppet-Klasse"],"ID of architecture":["Kennung der Architektur"],"ID of compute resource":["Kennung der Rechenressource"],"ID of config template":["Kennung der Konfigurationsvorlage"],"ID of domain":["Kennung der Domäne"],"ID of environment":["Umgebungskennung"],"ID of host":["Hostkennung"],"ID of host group":["Kennung der Hostgruppe"],"ID of interface":["Kennung der Schnittstelle"],"ID of linked authentication source":["Kennung der verknüpften Authentifizierungsquelle"],"ID of location":["Standortkennung"],"ID of medium":["Kennung des Mediums"],"ID of operating system":["Kennung des Betriebssystems"],"ID of organization":["Kennung der Organisation"],"ID of parameter":["Parameterkennung"],"ID of partition table":["Kennung der Partitionstabelle"],"ID of provisioning template":["Kennung der Bereitstellungsvorlage"],"ID of role":["Kennung der Rolle"],"ID of subnet":["Kennung des Subnetzes"],"ID of template":["Kennung der Vorlage"],"ID of the user":[""],"ID of user group":["Kennung der Benutzergruppe"],"ID or name external user group":["Kennung oder Name der externen Benutzergruppe"],"ID or name of domain":["Kennung oder Name der Domäne"],"ID or name of external user group":["Kennung oder Name der externen Benutzergruppe"],"ID or name of host":["Kennung oder Name des Hosts"],"ID or name of interface":["Kennung oder Name der Schnittstelle"],"ID or name of subnet":["Kennung oder Name des Subnetzes"],"ID or name of user group":["Kennung oder Name der Benutzergruppe"],"IDs of associated architectures":["Kennungen von zugehörigen Architekturen"],"IDs of associated config groups":[""],"IDs of associated media":["Kennungen von zugehörigen Medien"],"IDs of associated partition tables":["Kennungen von zugehörigen Partitionstabellen"],"IDs of associated provisioning templates":["Kennungen von zugehörigen Bereitstellungsvorlagen"],"INFO or DEBUG":["INFO oder DEBUG"],"IP":["IP"],"IP Address":["IP-Adresse"],"IP Address Management":["IP-Adressverwaltung"],"IP Address auto suggestion mode for this subnet, valid values are \\\"DHCP\\\", \\\"Internal DB\\\", \\\"None\\\"":["automatischer IP-Adress-Vorschlagsmodus für dieses Subnetz, gültige Werte sind \\\"DHCP\\\", \\\"Interne DB\\\", \\\"Keine\\\""],"IP address auto-suggest":["IP-Adresse automatisch vorschlagen"],"IP addresses that should be excluded from suggestion":["IP-Adressen, die nicht vorgeschlagen werden sollen"],"IP:":["IP:"],"IPAM":["IPAM"],"IPv4":["IPv4"],"IPv4 Address":["IPv4-Adresse"],"IPv4 DNS record":["IPv4-DNS-Eintrag","IPv4-DNS-Einträge"],"IPv4 Subnet":["IPv4-Subnetz"],"IPv4 address":["IPv4-Adresse"],"IPv4 address of interface":["IPv4-Adresse der Schnittstelle"],"IPv6":["IPv6"],"IPv6 Address":["IPv6-Adresse"],"IPv6 DNS record":["IPv6-DNS-Eintrag","IPv6-DNS-Einträge"],"IPv6 Subnet":["IPv6-Subnetz"],"IPv6 address":["IPv6-Adresse"],"IPv6 address of interface":["IPv6-Adresse der Schnittstelle"],"IRC":["IRC"],"Identifier":["Bezeichner"],"Identifier of the interface to which this interface belongs, e.g. eth1":["Kennung der Schnittstelle, zu der diese Schnittstelle gehört, z.B. eth1"],"Identifier of the interface to which this interface belongs, e.g. eth1. Only for virtual interfaces.":["Kennung der Schnittstelle, zu der diese Schnittstelle gehört, z.B. eth1. Nur für virtuelle Schnittstellen."],"Identifiers of attached interfaces, e.g. `['eth1', 'eth2']`. For bond interfaces those are the slaves. Only for bond and bridges interfaces.":["Kennungen von verbundenen Schnittstellen, z.B. `['eth1', 'eth2']`. Für Bond-Schnittstellen sind diese die Slaves. Nur für Bond- und Bridge-Schnittstellen."],"Idle timeout":["Leerlaufzeitlimit"],"If ERB is used in a parameter value, the validation of the value will happen during the ENC request. If the value is invalid, the ENC request will fail.":["Wenn ERB in einem Parameterwert benutzt wird, dann wird die Validierung des Wertes während der ENC-Anfrage erfolgen. Ist der Wert ungültig, so wird die ENC-Anfrage fehlschlagen."],"If Foreman is running behind Passenger or a remote load balancer, the IP should be set here. This is a regular expression, so it can support several load balancers, i.e: (|":["Falls Foreman hinter Passenger oder einem entfernten Lastverteiler ausgeführt wird, sollte die IP hier festgelegt werden. Dies ist ein regulärer Ausdruck, kann also mehrere Lastverteiler unterstützen, d. h.: (|"],"If checked, will raise an error if there is no default value and no matcher provide a value.":["Falls aktiviert, wird dies einen Fehler erzeugen, wenn kein Standardwert vorhanden ist und kein Treffer einen Wert vorschlägt."],"If owner type is specified, owner must be specified too.":[""],"If true, will raise an error if there is no default value and no matcher provide a value":["Falls \\\"True\\\", wird dies einen Fehler erzeugen, wenn es keinen Standardwert gibt und kein Treffer einen Wert liefert"],"If you are planning to use Foreman as an external node classifier you should provide information about one or more environments. This information is commonly imported from a pre-existing Puppet configuration by the use of the %{link_start}Puppet classes and environment importer%{link_end}.":[""],"If you feel this is an error with Foreman itself, please open a new issue with":["Wir bitten Sie eine neue Anfrage zu öffnen, wenn Sie glauben, dass dies ein Fehler von Foreman ist"],"If you wish to configure Puppet to forward it reports to Foreman, please follow":["Falls Sie einrichten möchten, dass Puppet Berichte an Foreman sendet, so folgen Sie bitte den Anweisungen"],"Ignore Puppet facts for provisioning":["Puppet-Fakten für Bereitstellung ignorieren"],"Ignore facts for domain":[""],"Ignore facts for operating system":[""],"Ignore interfaces that match these values during facts importing, you can use * wildcard to match names with indexes e.g. macvtap*":["Schnittstellen ignorieren, die während Faktenimport mit diesen Werten übereinstimmen. Sie können den Platzhalter * verwenden, um Namen und Index abzugleichen, z.B. macvtap*"],"Ignore interfaces with matching identifier":["Schnittstellen mit übereinstimmender Kennung ignorieren"],"Ignored classes in the environments: %s":[""],"Ignored environment":[""],"Ignored environment names resulting in booleans found. Please quote strings like true/false and yes/no in config/ignored_environments.yml.":[""],"Ignored environments: %s":[""],"Ignored:":[""],"Image":["Abbild"],"Image Based":["Abbildbasierend"],"Image ID":["Abbildkennung"],"Image ID as provided by the compute resource, e.g. ami-..":["Abbildkennung, wie von der Rechenressource bereitgestellt, z.B. ami-."],"Image path":["Abbildpfad"],"Image to use":["Zu verwendendes Abbild"],"Images":["Abbilder"],"Image|Iam role":["IAM-Rolle"],"Image|Name":["Name"],"Image|Password":["Passwort"],"Image|User data":["Benutzerdaten"],"Image|Username":["Benutzername"],"Image|Uuid":["UUID"],"Import":["Import"],"Import IPv4 subnets":["IPv4-Subnetze importieren"],"Import VM %s":[""],"Import classes from %s":["Klassen aus %s importieren"],"Import environments from %s":["Umgebungen aus %s importieren"],"Import of facts failed for host %s":["Import von Fakten für Host %s fehlgeschlagen"],"Import puppet classes from puppet proxy for an environment":["Puppet-Klassen von Puppet-Proxy für eine Umgebung importieren"],"Import puppet classes from puppet proxy.":["Puppet-Klassen von Puppet-Proxy importieren"],"Imported IPv4 Subnets":["Importierte IPv4-Subnetze"],"In addition to defining which puppet classes get included when building this host type you are also able to assign variables and provisioning information to a host group to further refine the behavior of the puppet runtime.":["Sie können nicht nur angeben, welche Puppetklassen beim Erstellen des Hosttyps inkludiert werden, sondern auch Variablen und Erstellungsinformationen zu einer Hostgruppe zuweisen, um das Verhalten der Puppet-Laufzeit weiter einzuschränken."],"In order to create the SSH key, the user must be saved first. A 'create_ssh_keys' permission is required too.":[""],"In-line code syntax":[""],"Include default value when merging all matching values":["Standardwert einschließen, wenn alle übereinstimmenden Werte zusammengeführt werden"],"Include default value when merging all matching values.":["Standardwert bei der Zusammenführung aller übereinstimmenden Werte einschließen."],"Include this host within Foreman reporting":["Diesen Host in das Foreman-Reporting aufnehmen"],"Included Classes":["Einbezogene Klassen"],"Included Config Groups":["Einbezogene Konfigurationsklassen"],"Incorrect password":["Falsches Passwort"],"Incorrect username or password":["Falscher Benutzername oder falsches Passwort"],"Independent - Nonpersistent":[""],"Independent - Persistent":[""],"Infrastructure":["Infrastruktur"],"Inherit parent (%s)":["Von übergeordnetem Objekt erben (%s)"],"Inherited Classes from %s":[""],"Inherits from subnet VLAN ID if not set":["Wird von Subnetz-VLAN-Kennung vererbt, wenn nicht gesetzt"],"Input":["Eingabe"],"Installation Media":["Installationsmedien"],"Installation media":["Installationsmedien"],"Installation medium configuration":["Konfiguration der Installationsmedien"],"Installed":["Installiert"],"Interface":["Schnittstelle"],"Interface is down":["Schnittstelle ist inaktiv"],"Interface is up":["Schnittstelle ist aktiv"],"Interface provider, e.g. IPMI. Only for BMC interfaces.":["Schnittstellen-Provider, z.B. IPMI. Nur für BMC-Schnittstellen."],"Interface type, e.g. bmc. Default is %{default_nic_type}":["Schnittstellentyp, z.B. BMC. Standard ist %{default_nic_type}"],"Interface's DNS name":["DNS-Name der Schnittstelle"],"Interfaces":["Schnittstellen"],"Internal DB":["Interne DB"],"Internal network":["Internes Netzwerk"],"Interpolate ERB in parameters":["ERB in Parametern interpolieren"],"Invalid %s selection, you must select at least one of yours":["Ungültige Auswahl von %s. Sie müssen mindestens eine von Ihren auswählen"],"Invalid Host":["Ungültiger Host"],"Invalid architecture '%{arch}' for '%{os}'":["Ungültige Architektur '%{arch}' für '%{os}'"],"Invalid architecture for %s":["Ungültige Architektur für %s"],"Invalid authenticity token":["Ungültiger Authentifizierungs-Token"],"Invalid log level: %s":["Ungültige Protokollstufe: %s"],"Invalid medium '%{medium}' for '%{os}'":["Ungültiges Medium '%{medium}' für '%{os}'"],"Invalid medium for %s":["Ungültiges Medium für %s"],"Invalid power state request: %{action}, supported actions are %{supported}":["Ungültige Energiezustandsanforderung: %{action}, unterstützte Aktionen sind %{supported}"],"Invalid proxy selected!":["Ungültiger Proxy ausgewählt!"],"Invalid query":["Ungültige Anfrage"],"Invalid report":["Ungültiger Bericht"],"Invalid search query: %s":["Ungültige Suchanfrage: %s"],"Invalid smart-proxy id":[""],"Invalid type for host creation via facts: %s":["ungültiger Typ für Hosterstellung mittels Fakten: %s"],"Invalid version format, please enter in x.y (only major version).":["Ungültiges Versionsformat. Bitte im Format x.y (nur Hauptversion) angeben."],"Is the cron job that executes %s enabled?":["Ist der Cron-Job, der %s ausführt, aktiviert?"],"Issue tracker":["Ticketsystem"],"It is not possible to assign provisioning templates at this stage.":["Es ist derzeit nicht möglich, Bereitstellungsvorlagen zuzuweisen."],"It is not recommended to unlock this template, as it is provided by %{vendor} and may be overwritten. Please consider cloning it instead.":["Es wird nicht empfohlen, diese Vorlage zu entsperren, da diese durch %{vendor} bereitgestellt wird und überschrieben werden könnte. Bitte ziehen Sie in Betracht, sie stattdessen zu klonen."],"Item":["Element"],"Iterating":["Iteration"],"JSON VM listing is not supported for this compute resource.":["JSON VM Aufzählung wird für diese Rechenressource nicht unterstützt."],"JSON object of the scheduler hint":[""],"Keep selected hosts for a future action":["Ausgewählte Hosts für eine zukünftige Aktion behalten"],"Key Binding":["Tastaturkürzel"],"Key not connected to any compute resource":[""],"Key pair":["Schlüsselpaar"],"Key used with other compute resource":[""],"KeyPair|Name":["Name"],"KeyPair|Public":["Öffentlich"],"KeyPair|Secret":["Secret"],"Kind":["Art"],"LDAP Authentication":["LDAP-Authentifizierung"],"LDAP authentication":["LDAP-Authentifizierung"],"LDAP authentication sources":["LDAP-Authentifizierungsquellen"],"LDAP error - %{message}":["LDAP-Fehler - %{message}"],"LDAP filter":["LDAP Filter"],"LDAP server":["LDAP-Server"],"LDAP users will have their Foreman account automatically created the first time they log into Foreman":["LDAP-Benutzern wird bei deren ersten Anmeldung bei Foreman automatisch ein Foreman-Account erstellt"],"Language":["Sprache"],"Last Report":["Letzter Bericht"],"Last report":["Letzter Bericht"],"Last updated %s ago":["Zuletzt aktualisiert vor %s"],"Latest Events":["Neueste Ereignisse"],"Learn more about this in the documentation.":["Mehr dazu in der Dokumentation."],"Legacy Puppet hostname":["Veralteter Puppet-Hostname"],"Length":[""],"Level":["Stufe"],"Libvirt default console address":["Standardmäßige Konsolenadresse von Libvirt"],"Libvirt, oVirt, OpenStack and Rackspace":[""],"Limit rebuild steps, valid steps are %{host_rebuild_steps}":[""],"List LDAP authentication sources per location":["Liste der LDAP-Authentisierungsquellen pro Standort"],"List LDAP authentication sources per organization":["Liste der LDAP-Authentisierungsquellen pro Organisation"],"List all :resource_id":["Alle Ressourcen-Kennungen auflisten"],"List all LDAP authentication sources":["Alle LDAP-Authentifizierungsquellen auflisten"],"List all Puppet class IDs for host":["Alle Puppet-Klassen-Kennungen für den Host auflisten"],"List all Puppet class IDs for host group":["Alle Puppet-Klassen-Kennungen für die Hostgruppe auflisten"],"List all Puppet classes":["Alle Puppet-Klassen auflisten"],"List all Puppet classes for a host":["Alle Puppet-Klassen für einen Host auflisten"],"List all Puppet classes for a host group":["Alle Puppet-Klassen für eine Hostgruppe auflisten"],"List all Puppet classes for an environment":["Alle Puppet-Klassen für eine Umgebung auflisten"],"List all SSH keys for a user":[""],"List all architectures":["Liste der Architekturen"],"List all architectures for operating system":["Alle Architekturen für das Betriebssystem auflisten"],"List all audits":["Alle Audits auflisten"],"List all audits for a given host":["Alle Audits für einen angegebenen Host auflisten"],"List all autosign entries":["Alle Autosign-Einträge auflisten"],"List all bookmarks":["Alle Lesezeichen auflisten"],"List all compute resources":["Alle Rechenressourcen auflisten"],"List all environments":["Alle Umgebungen auflisten"],"List all external user groups for LDAP authentication source":["Alle externen Benutzergruppen für die LDAP-Authentifizierungsquelle auflisten"],"List all external user groups for user group":["Alle externen Benutzergruppen für die Benutzergruppe auflisten"],"List all fact values":["Alle Faktwerte auflisten"],"List all fact values of a given host":["Alle Faktwerte eines angegebenen Hosts auflisten"],"List all filters":["Alle Filter auflisten"],"List all global parameters.":["Alle globalen Parameter auflisten"],"List all hardware models":["Alle Hardwaremodelle auflisten"],"List all host groups":["Alle Hostgruppen auflisten"],"List all host groups for a Puppet class":["Alle Hostgruppen für eine Puppet-Klasse auflisten"],"List all host groups per location":["Alle Hostgruppen pro Standort auflisten"],"List all host groups per organization":["Alle 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angegebenes Orchestrierungsereignis auflisten"],"List all template kinds":["Alle Vorlagenarten auflisten"],"List all user groups":["Alle Benutzergruppen auflisten"],"List all users":["Alle Benutzer auflisten"],"List all users for LDAP authentication source":["Aller Benutzer für die LDAP-Authentifizierungsquelle auflisten"],"List all users for location":["Alle Benutzer für den Standort auflisten"],"List all users for organization":["Alle Benutzer für die Organisation auflisten"],"List all users for role":["Alle Benutzer für die Rolle auflisten"],"List all users for user group":["Alle Benutzer für die Benutzergruppe auflisten"],"List attributes for a given storage domain":["Attribute für eine angegebene Speicherdomäne auflisten"],"List attributes for a given storage pod":["Attribute für angegebenen Storage-Pod auflisten"],"List available clusters for a compute resource":["Verfügbare Cluster für eine Rechenressource auflisten"],"List available flavors for a compute resource":["Verfügbare 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Betriebssystem auflisten"],"List environments of Puppet class":["Umgebungen der Puppet-Klasse auflisten"],"List environments per location":["Umgebungen pro Standort auflisten"],"List environments per organization":["Umgebungen pro Organisation auflisten"],"List hosts per environment":["Hosts pro Umgebung auflisten"],"List hosts per location":["Hosts pro Standort auflisten"],"List hosts per organization":["Hosts pro Organisation auflisten"],"List installed plugins":["Installierte Plugins auflisten"],"List of compute profiles":["Liste mit Rechenprofilen"],"List of config groups":["Alle Konfigurationsgruppen auflisten"],"List of domains":["Liste der Domänen"],"List of domains per location":["Liste der Domänen pro Standort"],"List of domains per organization":["Liste der Domänen pro Organisation"],"List of domains per subnet":["Liste der Domänen pro Subnetz"],"List of email notifications":["Lister der E-Mail-Benachrichtigungen"],"List of hosts which answer to the provided query":["Liste von Hosts, die zur Anfrage passen"],"List of override values for a specific smart class parameter":["Liste der Überschreibungswerte für einen bestimmten Smart-Klassenparameter"],"List of override values for a specific smart variable":["Liste der Überschreibungswerte für eine bestimmte Smart-Variable"],"List of realms":["Liste der Realms"],"List of resources types that will be automatically associated":["Liste automatisch zugewiesener Ressourcenarten"],"List of smart class parameters for a specific Puppet class":["Liste der Smart-Klassenparameter für eine bestimmte Puppetklasse"],"List of smart class parameters for a specific environment":["Liste der Smart-Klassenparameter für eine bestimmte Umgebung"],"List of smart class parameters for a specific environment/Puppet class combination":["Liste der Smart-Klassenparameter für eine bestimmte Umgebung/Puppet-Klasse-Kombination"],"List of smart class parameters for a specific host":["Liste der Smart-Klassenparameter für einen bestimmten Host"],"List of smart class parameters for a specific host group":["Liste der Smart-Klassenparameter für eine bestimmte Hostgruppe"],"List of smart variables for a specific Puppet class":["Liste der Smart-Variablen für eine bestimmte Puppet-Klasse"],"List of smart variables for a specific host":["Liste der Smart-Variablen für einen bestimmten Host"],"List of smart variables for a specific host group":["Liste der Smart-Variablen für eine bestimmte Hostgruppe"],"List of subnets":["Liste von Subnetzen"],"List of subnets for a domain":["Liste von Subnetzen für eine Domäne"],"List of subnets per location":["Liste von Subnetzen pro Standort"],"List of subnets per organization":["Liste von Subnetzen pro Organisation"],"List operating systems where this template is set as a default":["Betriebssysteme auflisten, für die diese Vorlage als Standard gesetzt ist"],"List provisioning templates":["Bereitstellungsvorlagen auflisten"],"List provisioning templates per location":["Bereitstellungsvorlagen pro Standort auflisten"],"List provisioning templates per operating system":["Bereitstellungsvorlagen pro Betriebssystem auflisten"],"List provisioning templates per organization":["Bereitstellungsvorlagen pro Organisation auflisten"],"List resource pools for a compute resource cluster":["Ressourcen-Pools für ein Rechenressourcen-Cluster auflisten"],"List storage domains for a compute resource":["Speicherdomänen for Rechenressource auflisten"],"List storage pods for a compute resource":["Storage-Pods für Rechenressource auflisten"],"List template combination":["Vorlagenkombination auflisten"],"Load Datacenters":["Datacenter laden"],"Load Regions":["Lade Regionen"],"Load Tenants":["Lade Mieter"],"Load Zones":["Zonen laden"],"Loading":["Lade"],"Loading ...":["Ladevorgang ..."],"Loading BMC information ...":["Lade BMC Information"],"Loading NICs information ...":["Lade Netzwerkkarten Informationen"],"Loading SSH keys information ...":[""],"Loading VM information ...":["VM-Informationen werden geladen..."],"Loading filters ...":["Filter werden geladen …"],"Loading host information ...":["Hostinformation wird geladen ..."],"Loading images information ...":["Abbildinformationen werden geladen ..."],"Loading interfaces information ...":["Lade Schnittstelleninformationen ..."],"Loading parameters...":["Lade Parameter..."],"Loading power state ...":["Energiezustand wird geladen..."],"Loading resources information ...":["Ressourceninformation wird geladen ..."],"Loading runtime information ...":["Laufzeitinformation wird geladen ..."],"Loading template information ...":["Vorlageninformation wird geladen ..."],"Loading virtual machine information ...":["Lade Informationen über die virtuelle Maschine ..."],"Loading virtual machines information ...":["Lade Informationen über virtuelle Maschinen ...."],"Local time":["Ortszeit"],"Location":["Standort"],"Location Distribution":["Standortverteilung"],"Location fact":["Standort-Fakt"],"Location parameters":["Standortparameter"],"Location with id %{id} not found":["Kein Standort mit id %{id} gefunden"],"Location you had selected as your context has been deleted.":["Der Standort, den Sie als Kontext gewählt hatten, wurde gelöscht."],"Location/Organization":["Standort/Organisation"],"Locations":["Standorte"],"Locations also work nicely when used in tandem with %{organizations}.":["Standorte funktionieren auch gut zusammen mit %{organizations}."],"Locations are used to manage and differentiate the physical place where a system managed via Foreman is housed. For example, there might be a data center in London and one in Virginia; these are locations.":["Standorte dienen zur Verwaltung und Unterscheidung der physischen Orte, die von Foreman administrierte Systeme beherbergen. Zum Beispiel könnte es ein Rechenzentrum in London und eines in Virginia geben; dies wären Standorte."],"Lock":["Sperren"],"Log In":[""],"Log entry details":["Details des Log-Eintrags"],"Log out":["Abmelden"],"Log out idle users after a certain number of minutes":["Benutzer abmelden, wenn sie eine bestimmte Anzahl von Minuten inaktiv waren"],"Logged out - See you soon":["Abgemeldet - Bis bald"],"Logged-in":["Angemeldet"],"Login":["Anmelden"],"Login delegation logout URL":["Abmelde-URL für Anmeldedelegation"],"Login page footer text":["Loginseiten-Fußtext"],"Logout":["Abmelden"],"Lookup key":["Suchschlüssel"],"Lookup value":["Suchwert"],"LookupKey|Avoid duplicates":[""],"LookupKey|Default value":["Standardwert"],"LookupKey|Description":[""],"LookupKey|Is param":[""],"LookupKey|Key":[""],"LookupKey|Key type":[""],"LookupKey|Merge overrides":[""],"LookupKey|Override":[""],"LookupKey|Path":[""],"LookupKey|Puppetclass lookup key":[""],"LookupKey|Required":[""],"LookupKey|Validator rule":[""],"LookupKey|Validator type":[""],"LookupKey|Variable lookup values count":[""],"LookupValue|Match":["Übereinstimmung"],"LookupValue|Value":["Wert"],"MAC":["MAC"],"MAC Address":["MAC-Adresse"],"MAC address":["MAC-Adresse"],"MAC address of interface. Required for managed interfaces on bare metal.":["MAC-Adresse der Schnittstelle. Erforderlich für gemanagte Bare-Metal-Schnittstellen."],"MAC address to reuse the IP for this host":[""],"MAC-based":["MAC-basiert"],"Machine Type":["Systemtyp"],"Machine type":["Maschinen-Typ"],"Mailing lists":["Mailing lists"],"Mailing lists are available via Google Groups. Much like IRC, we have a general users (support, Q/A, etc) lists and a development list:":["Mailing lists sind verfügbar über Google Groups. Ganz wie IRC, haben wir Benutzersupport (support, Q/A, usw.) Listen und eine Entwicklerliste:"],"Manage":["Verwalten"],"Manage Locations":["Standorte verwalten"],"Manage Organizations":["Organisationen verwalten"],"Manage PuppetCA":["PuppetCA verwalten"],"Manage host":["Host verwalten"],"Managed IP":["Verwaltete IP"],"Manual":["Manuell"],"Manually Assign":["Manuell zuweisen"],"Manually select and assign hosts with no %s":["Wähle und weise manuell Systeme ohne %s zu"],"Matcher is a combination of an attribute and its value, if they match, the value below would be provided.<br> You may use any attribute Foreman knows about, such as facts etc for example: <code> domain = </code> or <code> is_virtual = true</code>.":["Ein Prüfwert ist eine Kombination aus einem Attribut und dessen Wert, und falls diese übereinstimmen, wird der Wert unten bereitgestellt.<br> Sie können jedes Attribut verwenden, das Foreman bekannt ist, z. B. Fakten wie: <code> domain = </code> oder <code> is_virtual = true</code>"],"Max days for Trends graphs":["Maximale Anzahl an Tagen für Trendgraphen"],"Max timeout for REST client requests to smart-proxy":["Max Timeout für REST-Client-Anfragen an den Smart-Proxy"],"Max trends":["Maximale Trends"],"Media":["Medien"],"Media ID":["Medienkennung"],"Media access control address for this interface. Format must be six groups of two hexadecimal digits <br/> separated by colons (:), e.g. 00:11:22:33:44:55. Most virtualization compute resources (e.g. VMware, oVirt, libvirt) <br/> will overwrite the provided value with new random MAC address.":[""],"Medium":["Medium"],"Medium IDs":[""],"Medium|Config path":["Konfigurationspfad"],"Medium|Image path":["Abbildspeicherort"],"Medium|Media path":["Medienspeicherort"],"Medium|Name":["Name"],"Medium|Os family":["Betriebssystemfamilie"],"Medium|Path":["Pfad"],"Memory":["Speicher"],"Memory (MB)":["Speicher (MB)"],"Memory hot add":["Hot-Add-Speicher"],"Memory hot add lets you add memory resources for a virtual machine while the machine is powered on.":["Hot-Add-Speicher lässt Sie Speicherressourcen für eine virtuelle Maschine hinzufügen, während die Maschine eingeschaltet ist."],"Merge all matching values (only array/hash type)":["Alle übereinstimmenden Werte (nur vom Typ Array/Hash) zusammenführen"],"Message":["Nachricht"],"Message|Digest":["Kurzfassung"],"Message|Value":["Wert"],"Metadata":["Metadaten"],"Method %{method} not found for resource %{resource}.":["Methode %{method} für Ressource '%{resource} nicht gefunden."],"Method used to deliver email":[""],"Metrics":["Metriken"],"Minutes Ago":["Vergangene Minuten"],"Mismatch Details":["Fehlzuweisungsdetails"],"Mismatches":["Fehlzuweisungen"],"Mismatches Report":["Fehlzuweisungsbericht"],"Missing one of the required permissions: %s":["Eine der erforderlichen Berechtigungen fehlt: %s"],"Model":["Modell"],"Model|Hardware model":["Hardwaremodell"],"Model|Hosts count":["Host-Anzahl"],"Model|Info":["Info"],"Model|Name":["Name"],"Model|Vendor class":["Herstellerklasse"],"Modified":["Geändert"],"Module path":["Modulpfad"],"Monitor":["Überwachen"],"Monthly":["Monatlich"],"Must provide an operating system":["Betriebssystem muss angegeben werden"],"Must provide template kind":["Vorlage muss angegeben werden"],"Must specify a user with email enabled":["Muss einen Benutzer mit aktivierter E-Mail angeben"],"Must specify a valid user with email enabled":["Muss einen gültigen Benutzer mit aktivierter E-Mail angeben"],"My account":["Mein Account"],"N/A":["Nicht verfügbar"],"NA":["Nicht verfügbar"],"NIC":["NIC"],"NIC type":["NIC-Typ"],"NICs":["Netzwerkkarten"],"Name":["Name"],"Name of media":["Name des Mediums"],"Name of the external auth source where unknown externally authentication users (see authorize_login_delegation) should be created (keep unset to prevent the autocreation)":["Name der externen Authentifizierungsquelle, in der unbekannte externe Authentifizierungsbenutzer (siehe authorize_login_delegation) erstellt werden sollen (nicht auswählen, um automatische Erstellung zu verhindern)"],"Name of the host group":["Name der Hostgruppe"],"Name of the parameter":["Name des Parameters"],"Name of variable":["Name der Variable"],"Nest":["Verschachteln"],"Netmask":["Netzmaske"],"Netmask for this subnet":["Netzmaske für dieses Subnetz"],"Network":["Netzwerk"],"Network Based":["Netzwerkbasierend"],"Network can't be blank":["Netzwerk darf nicht leer sein"],"Network interfaces":["Netzwerkschnittstellen"],"Network interfaces management has been moved to the Interfaces tab. Please set your interfaces there.":["Die Netzwerkschnittstellen-Verwaltung ist in die Registerkarte \\\"Schnittstellen\\\" umgezogen. Bitte setzen Sie dort Ihre Schnittstellen."],"Network prefix":["Netzwerkpräfix"],"Network type":["Netzwerktyp"],"New":["Neu"],"New Autosign Entry":["Neuer Autosign-Eintrag"],"New Event":[""],"New Events":[""],"New Hosts":["Neue Hosts"],"New Location":["Neuer Standort"],"New Organization":["Neue Organisation"],"New SSH key":[""],"New Virtual Machine":["Neue virtuelle Maschine"],"New boot volume size (GB)":["Neue Boot Volumen Grösse (GB)"],"New compute profile on %s":["Neues Rechenprofil auf %s"],"New filter":["Neuer Filter"],"New window":["Neues Fenster"],"Nic::Base|Attached devices":["Verbundene Geräte"],"Nic::Base|Attached to":["Verbunden mit"],"Nic::Base|Attrs":["Attribute"],"Nic::Base|Bond options":["Bond-Optionen"],"Nic::Base|Identifier":["Kennung"],"Nic::Base|Ip":["IP"],"Nic::Base|Link":["Verknüpfung"],"Nic::Base|Mac":["MAC"],"Nic::Base|Managed":["Gemanagt"],"Nic::Base|Mode":["Modus"],"Nic::Base|Name":["Name"],"Nic::Base|Password":["Passwort"],"Nic::Base|Provider":["Provider"],"Nic::Base|Tag":["Tag"],"Nic::Base|Username":["Benutzername"],"Nic::Base|Virtual":["Virtuell"],"No %{template_kind} templates were found for this host, make sure you define at least one in your %{os} settings or change PXE loader":[""],"No BMC NIC available for host %s":[""],"No IPv4 subnets selected":["Keine IPv4-Subnetze ausgewählt"],"No Notifications":[""],"No TFTP feature":["Keine TFTP-Funktion"],"No TFTP proxies defined, can't continue":["Keine TFTP-Proxys definiert, kann nicht fortfahren"],"No audit changes for this period":["Keine Auditänderungen für diese Periode"],"No bridges":["Keine Bridges"],"No changes":["Keine Änderungen"],"No changes found when refreshing features from %s.":["Beim Aktualisieren der Funktionen von %s wurden keine Änderungen gefunden"],"No changes to your environments detected":["Keine Änderungen an Ihren Umgebungen entdeckt"],"No compute resource to show":["Keine anzuzeigende Rechenressource"],"No data available":[""],"No data for this trend.":["Keine Daten für diesen Trend."],"No documentation found":["Keine Dokumentation gefunden"],"No domains":["Keine Domänen"],"No emails":["Keine E-Mails"],"No entries found":["Keine Einträge gefunden"],"No environment selected!":["keine Umgebung ausgewählt!"],"No environments found":["Keine Umgebungen gefunden"],"No features found on this proxy, please make sure you enable at least one feature":["Keine Funktionen von diesem Proxy gefunden, bitte stelle sicher, dass mindestens eine Funktion aktiviert ist"],"No finish templates were found for this host, make sure you define at least one in your %s settings":["Es wurden keine Abschlussvorlagen für diesen Host gefunden, bitte stelle sicher, dass mindestens eine Vorlage in Ihren %s-Einstellungen zugewiesen ist"],"No free ports available for websockify, try again later":["Keine freien Ports für Websockify verfügbar. Bitte versuchen Sie es später noch einmal."],"No history found":["Keine Chronik gefunden"],"No host could be found for rendering the template":["Für die Ausführung der Vorlage konnte kein Host gefunden werden."],"No host found to associate this VM with":["Keinen Host für die Zuordnung zu dieser VM gefunden"],"No host group selected!":["keine Hostgruppe ausgewählt!"],"No hosts are mismatched!":["Keine Hosts mit Fehlzuweisungen!"],"No hosts available.":["Keine Hosts verfügbar."],"No hosts selected":["Keine Systeme ausgewählt"],"No hosts were found with that id, name or query filter":[""],"No interesting reports received in the last week":["Keine interessanten Berichte in der letzten Woche erhalten"],"No logs to show":["Keine Logs zum anzeigen"],"No matching server groups found":[""],"No networks":["Keine Netzwerke"],"No networks found.":["Keine Netzwerke gefunden."],"No new IPv4 subnets found":["Keine neuen IPv4-Subnetze gefunden"],"No or invalid power state selected!":["Kein oder ungültiger Energiezustand ausgewählt!"],"No owner selected!":["Kein Besitzer ausgewählt!"],"No parameters to override for Puppet class %s":["Keine Parameter für Puppet-Klasse %s zu überschreiben"],"No parameters were allocated to the selected hosts, can't mass assign.":["Den ausgewählten Hosts wurden keine Parameter zugewiesen, Massenzuweisung kann nicht durchgeführt werden."],"No plugins found":["Keine Plugins gefunden"],"No preference":["Keine Präferenz"],"No proxy found to import classes from, ensure that the smart proxy has the Puppet feature enabled.":["Kein Proxy für den Import von Klassen gefunden. Bitte stellen Sie sicher, dass die Puppet-Funktion für den Smart-Proxy aktiviert ist."],"No proxy selected!":["Kein Proxy ausgewählt!"],"No puppet activity for this host in the last %s days":["Keine Puppet-Aktivitäten dieses Hosts in den letzten %s Tagen"],"No report":["Kein Bericht"],"No reports":["Keine Berichte"],"No setting value provided.":["Kein Einstellungswert geliefert."],"No smart proxies found.":["Keine Smart-Proxys gefunden."],"No smart proxies to show":["Keine Smart Proxys zum Anzeigen"],"No smart proxy was found to import environments from, ensure that at least one smart proxy is registered with the 'puppet' feature.":["Kein Smart-Proxy für den Import von Umgebungen gefunden. Bitte stellen Sie sicher, dass Sie mindestens einen Smart-Proxy bei der \\\"puppet\\\"-Funktion registriert haben."],"No subnets":["Keine Subnetze"],"No template with kind %{kind} for %{host}":["Keine Vorlage der Art %{kind} für %{host}"],"No templates found":["Keine Vorlagen gefunden."],"No templates found for this host.":["Keine Vorlagen für diesen Host gefunden."],"No templates found!":["Keine Vorlagen gefunden!"],"No trend counter defined":["Kein Trendzähler definiert"],"No trend counter found":["Kein Trendzähler gefunden."],"None":["Keine"],"None found":["Keine gefunden"],"None!":["Kein!"],"Normal":["Normal"],"Normally when setting up a Compute Resource, a key pair (private and public) is created for you automatically.":[""],"Not Installed":["Nicht installiert"],"Not authorized to edit classes":["Nicht autorisiert Klassen zu bearbeiten"],"Not implemented":["Nicht implementiert"],"Not implemented for %s":["Nicht für %s implementiert"],"Not relevant for snippet":["Für Snippet nicht wichtig"],"Nothing to add":["Nichts zum Hinzufügen"],"Nothing to show":["Nichts anzuzeigen"],"Notice":["Nachricht"],"Notices, warnings and errors":["Hinweise, Warnungen und Fehler"],"Notification disabled":["Benachrichtigung deaktiviert"],"Notifications":["Benachrichtigungen"],"Number Of Clients":["Anzahl der Clients"],"Number of CPUs":["Anzahl der CPUs"],"Number of Events":["Anzahl der Ereignisse"],"Number of Hosts":["Anzahl der Hosts"],"Number of classes":["Anzahl der Klassen"],"Number of overrides":["Anzahl der Außerkraftsetzungen"],"Number of records shown per page in Foreman":["Anzahl der angezeigten Einträge pro Seite in Foreman"],"Numerical ID or domain name":["Numerische Kennung oder Domänenname"],"Numerical ID or email notification name":["Numerische Kennung oder E-Mail-Benachrichtigungsname"],"Numerical ID or realm name":["Numerische Kennung oder Name des Realms"],"OAuth active":["OAuth aktiv"],"OAuth consumer key":["OAuth-Kundenschlüssel"],"OAuth consumer secret":["OAuth-Kundengeheimnis"],"OAuth map users":["OAuth Map-Benutzer"],"OK":["OK"],"OS Image":["Betriebssystemabbild"],"OS friendly name; e.g. RHEL 6.5":["Name, der vom Betriebssystem unterstützt wird; z.B. RHEL 6.5"],"OS major version from facter; e.g. 6":["Betriebssystem-Hauptrelease von Facter; z. B. 6"],"OS minor version from facter; e.g. 5":["Betriebssystem-Nebenrelease von Facter; z. B. 5"],"OS name from facter; e.g. RedHat":["Betriebssystemname von Facter; z. B. Red Hat"],"Obsolete":["Veraltet"],"Off":["Aus"],"Ok":["OK"],"Old":["Alt"],"Omit":[""],"Omit from classification output":[""],"Omit parameter from classification":[""],"On":["Ein"],"Only for BMC interfaces.":["Nur für BMC-Schnittstellen."],"Only known Smart Proxies may access features that use Smart Proxy authentication":["Nur bekannte Smart-Proxys können auf Funktionen zugreifen, die Smart-Proxy-Authentifizierung verwenden"],"Only one declaration of a proxy is allowed":["Nur eine Angabe eines Proxys erlaubt"],"Only one volume can be bootable":["Nur ein Datenträger kann bootbar sein"],"Oops!!":["Hoppla!!"],"Oops, we're sorry but something went wrong":["Bitte entschuldigen Sie, etwas ist schief gelaufen"],"Open Spice in a new window":["Öffne Spice in einem neuen Fenster"],"Operating System":["Betriebssystem"],"Operating System version is required":["Version des Betriebssystems benötigt"],"Operating Systems":["Betriebssysteme"],"Operating system":["Betriebssystem"],"Operating system ID":["Betriebssystemkennung"],"Operating system IDs":["Betriebssystemkennungen"],"Operating system default":["Betriebssystemvorgabe"],"Operating system family":["Betriebssystemfamilie"],"Operating system family, available values: %{operatingsystem_families}":["Betriebssystemfamilie, verfügbare Werte: %{operatingsystem_families}"],"Operating system version already exists":["Version vom Betriebssystem existiert bereits"],"Operating systems":["Betriebssysteme"],"Operating systems API supported?":["Betriebssystem-API unterstützt?"],"Operatingsystem":["Betriebssystem"],"Operatingsystem|Description":["Beschreibung"],"Operatingsystem|Hostgroups count":["Hostgruppen-Anzahl"],"Operatingsystem|Hosts count":["Host-Anzahl"],"Operatingsystem|Major":["Hauptrelease"],"Operatingsystem|Minor":["Nebenrelease"],"Operatingsystem|Name":["Name"],"Operatingsystem|Nameindicator":["Namensanzeiger"],"Operatingsystem|Password hash":["Passwort-Hash"],"Operatingsystem|Release name":["Veröffentlichungsname"],"Operatingsystem|Title":["Titel"],"Operation":["Vorgang"],"Operators":["Operatoren"],"Optional array of log hashes":["Optionales Array der Log-Hashes"],"Optional comma-delimited string containing either 'new', 'updated', or 'obsolete' that is used to limit the imported Puppet classes":["Optionaler kommaseparierter String, der entweder \\\"neu\\\", \\\"aktualisiert\\\" oder \\\"veraltet\\\" enthält und dazu verwendet wird, die importierten Puppet-Klassen einzuschränken."],"Optional input validator":["Optionaler Eingabe-Validator"],"Optional parameter without value.<br/><i>Still managed by Foreman, the value will be empty.</i><br/>":[""],"Optional: Ending IP Address for IP auto suggestion":["Optional: Abschließende IP-Adresse für automatischen IP-Vorschlag"],"Optional: Gateway for this subnet":["Optional: Gateway für dieses Subnetz"],"Optional: Primary DNS for this subnet":["Optional: Primärer DNS für dieses Subnetz"],"Optional: Secondary DNS for this subnet":["Optional: Sekundärer DNS für dieses Subnetz"],"Optional: Starting IP Address for IP auto suggestion":["Optional: Beginnende IP-Adresse für automatischen IP-Vorschlag"],"Optional: VLAN ID for this subnet":["Optional: VLAN-Kennung für dieses Subnetz"],"Optionally provide a CA, or a correctly ordered CA chain. If left blank, a self-signed CA will be populated automatically by the server during the first request.":["Geben Sie optional eine CA oder eine korrekt sortierte CA-Kette an. Wenn freigelassen, wird während der ersten Anfrage automatisch durch den Server eine selbstsignierte CA eingepflegt"],"Order":["Reihenfolge"],"Organization":["Organisation"],"Organization Distribution":[""],"Organization fact":["Organistations-Fakt"],"Organization parameters":["Organisationsparameter"],"Organization with id %{id} not found":["Keine Organisation mit id %{id} gefunden"],"Organization you had selected as your context has been deleted.":["Die Organisation, die Sie als Kontext gewählt hatten, wurde gelöscht."],"Organizations":["Organisationen"],"Organizations also work nicely in tandem with %{locations}.":["Organisationen funktionieren auch gut zusammen mit %{locations}."],"Original value info":["Information zum Originalwert"],"Other reports for this host":["Weitere Berichte für diesen Host"],"Out of sync":["Nicht synchronisiert"],"Out of sync hosts":["Nicht synchrone Hosts"],"Out of sync hosts with alerts enabled":["Unsynchronisierte Hosts mit aktivierter Alarmierung"],"Out of sync interval":["Aus dem Synchronisierungsintervall"],"Override all parameters":["Alle Parameter überschreiben"],"Override match":["Übereinstimmung überschreiben"],"Override the default value of the Puppet class parameter.":["Standardwert des Puppet-Klassenparameters überschreiben."],"Override this value":["Diesen Wert außer Kraft setzen"],"Override value, required if omit is false":[""],"Overview":["Übersicht"],"Overwrite":["Überschreiben"],"Owned By":["Gehört"],"Owner":["Besitzer"],"Owner changed to %s":["Besitzer zu %s geändert"],"Owner type needs to be one of the following: %s":["Besitzertyp kann einer der folgenden sein: %s"],"POAP PXE template":["POAP-PXE-Vorlage"],"PXE":["PXE"],"PXE Loader":[""],"PXE files for templates %s have been deployed to all Smart Proxies":[""],"PXE loader":["PXE-Ladeprogramm"],"PXEGrub template":["PXEGrub Vorlage"],"PXEGrub2 template":["PXEGrub2-Vorlage"],"PXELinux template":["PXELinux Vorlage"],"Param name":["Parametername"],"Parameter":["Parameter"],"Parameter details":["Parameterdetails"],"Parameter value":["Parameterwert"],"Parameterized classes in ENC":["Parameterisierte Klassen in ENC"],"Parameters":["Parameter"],"Parameters for host's %s facet":["Parameter für %s Facet des Hosts"],"Parameters that would be associated with hosts in this %s":["Parameter, die mit Hosts in dieser %s verknüpft würden"],"Parameter|Hidden value":["Versteckter Wert"],"Parameter|Name":["Name"],"Parameter|Priority":["Priorität"],"Parameter|Value":["Wert"],"Params":["Parameter"],"Parent":["Vorgänger"],"Parent ID":["Übergeordnete ID"],"Parent ID of the host group":["Übergeordnete Kennung der Hostgruppe"],"Parent is already selected":["Übergeordnetes Objekt ist bereits ausgewählt"],"Parent parameters":["Übergeordnete Parameter"],"Partition Tables":["Partitionstabellen"],"Partition table":["Partitionstabelle"],"Partition table ID":["Partitionstabellenkennung"],"Partition table configuration":["Konfiguration der Partitionstabellen"],"Partition tables":["Partitionstabellen"],"Partition template IDs":["Partitionsvorlagenkennungen"],"Password":["Passwort"],"Password for oVirt, EC2, VMware, OpenStack. 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You can edit it later to add filters":["Bitte zuerst Rolle speichern, Filter können später hinzugefügt werden."],"Please save the user first before assigning mail notifications.":["Bitte speichern Sie zuerst den Benutzer, bevor Sie E-Mail-Benachrichtigungen zuweisen."],"Please select":["Bitte auswählen"],"Please select a cluster":["Bitte wählen Sie ein Cluster aus."],"Please select an environment first":["Bitte zuerst eine Umgebung auswählen"],"Please select an image":["bitte ein Abbild auswählen"],"Please select hosts to perform action on.":[""],"Please specify volume size. You may optionally use suffix 'G' to specify volume size in gigabytes.":["Bitte geben Sie die Datenträgergröße an. Sie können optional das Suffix \\\"G\\\" verwenden, um die Datenträgergröße in Gigabytes anzugeben."],"Please try to update your request":["Bitte versuche die Anfrage zu aktualisieren"],"Please wait while your request is being processed":["Bitte auf die Bearbeitung der Anfrage warten"],"Please wait...":["Bitte warten..."],"Plugins":["Plugins"],"Port to connect to":["Port zum Verbinden"],"Power":["Strom"],"Power ON this machine":["System starten"],"Power operations are not enabled on this host.":[""],"Power up compute instance %s":["Die Recheninstanz %s starten"],"Power%s":["Strom %s"],"Preallocate disk":["Festplatte vorbelegen"],"Prefix length can't be blank":["Präfixlänge darf nicht leer sein"],"Prefix length must be /64 or less to use EUI-64":["Für die Verwendung von EUI-64 wird ein Präfix der Länge /64 oder kürzer benötigt"],"Prefix to add to all outgoing email":["Präfix, das allen ausgehenden E-Mails angefügt werden soll"],"Prepare post installation script for %s":["Bereite Nachinstallationsskript für %s vor"],"Preview":["Vorschau"],"Preview rendered provisioning template content":["Inhaltsvorschau der gerenderten Bereitstellungsvorlage"],"Primary":["Primär"],"Primary DNS for this subnet":["Primärer DNS für dieses Subnetz"],"Primary interface's DNS name and domain define host's FQDN":["Der DNS-Name und die Domäne der Primärschnittstelle definieren den FQDN"],"Printing data":[""],"Prioritize attribute order":["Attributreihenfolge priorisieren"],"Private":["Privat"],"Private key file that Foreman will use to encrypt websockets ":[""],"Proceed to Edit":["Zum Ändern fortfahren"],"Properties":["Eigenschaften"],"Property":["Property"],"Protocol":["Protokoll"],"Provider":["Anbieter"],"Providers include %{providers}":["Provider umfassen %{providers}"],"Provides an unused IP address in this subnet":[""],"Provision":["Bereitstellen"],"Provision script had a non zero exit":["Bereitstellungsskript hat Exitcode ungleich-Null"],"Provisioning":["Bereitstellung"],"Provisioning Method":["Bereitstellungsmethode"],"Provisioning Setup":["Bereitstellungs-Setup"],"Provisioning Template content changed %s":["Bereitstellungsvorlage wurde geändert %s"],"Provisioning Templates":["Bereitstellungsvorlagen"],"Provisioning template":["Bereitstellungsvorlage"],"Provisioning template IDs":["Bereitstellungsvorlagen-Kennungen"],"Provisioning templates":["Bereitstellungsvorlagen"],"Provisioning templates are generated using the Embedded Ruby (ERB) language.":["Provisionierungsvorlagen werden in der Sprache Embedded Ruby (ERB) erzeugt."],"ProvisioningTemplate|Default":["Standard"],"ProvisioningTemplate|Locked":["Gesperrt"],"ProvisioningTemplate|Name":["Name"],"ProvisioningTemplate|Snippet":["Snippet"],"ProvisioningTemplate|Template":["Vorlage"],"ProvisioningTemplate|Vendor":["Hersteller"],"Proxies":["Proxys"],"Proxy ID to use within this realm":[""],"Proxy request timeout":["Proxyanfrage-Zeitüberschreitung"],"Ptable":["Ptabelle"],"Ptable|Layout":["Layout"],"Ptable|Locked":["Gesperrt"],"Ptable|Name":["Name"],"Ptable|Os family":["OS-Familie"],"Ptable|Snippet":["Snippet"],"Public":["Öffentlich"],"Public SSH key":[""],"Puppet":["Puppet"],"Puppet CA":["Puppet-CA"],"Puppet CA proxy ID":["Puppet-CA-Proxy-Kennung"],"Puppet Class":["Puppet-Klasse"],"Puppet Classes":["Puppet-Klassen"],"Puppet Environment":["Puppet-Umgebung"],"Puppet Environments":["Puppet-Umgebungen"],"Puppet Master":["Puppet-Master"],"Puppet Modules":["Puppet-Module"],"Puppet Summary Report - 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EXAMPLE.COM"],"Realm proxy":["Realm proxy"],"Realm proxy did not return a one-time password":["Realm proxy hat kein Einmalpasswort zurückgegeben"],"Realm proxy to use within this realm":["Realm Proxy für diesen Realm"],"Realm type":["Art des Realms"],"Realm type, e.g. FreeIPA or Active Directory":["Art des Realms, z.B. 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</strong>":["",""],"Reminder: <strong> One host is selected </strong> for query filter %{query}":["",""],"Remote address":["Entfernte Adresse"],"Remove %s?":["%s entfernen?"],"Remove %{type} for %{host}":["%{type} für %{host} entfernen"],"Remove DHCP Settings for %s":["DHCP-Einstellungen für %s entfernen"],"Remove Parameter":["Parameter entfernen"],"Remove a Puppet class from host":["Puppet-Klasse vom Host entfernen"],"Remove a Puppet class from host group":["Puppet-Klasse von Hostgruppe entfernen"],"Remove conflicting %{type} for %{host}":[""],"Remove duplicate values (only array type)":["Duplikate (nur vom Typ Array) entfernen"],"Remove this override":["Diese Außerkraftsetzung entfernen"],"Remove:":["Entferne:"],"Removing compute instance %s":["Recheninstanz %s wird entfernt"],"Rename":["Umbennenen"],"Render user data template for %s":["Benutzerdatenvorlage rendern für %s"],"Rendering the template, please wait...":["Vorlage wird ausgeführt, bitte warten..."],"Report":["Bericht"],"Report Already Deleted":["Bericht bereits gelöscht"],"Report Metrics":["Berichtmetriken"],"Report Status":["Berichtstatus"],"Reported at":["Berichtet am"],"Reported at %s ":["Berichtet um %s "],"Reports":["Berichte"],"Report|Metrics":["Metriken"],"Report|Reported at":["Berichtet um"],"Report|Status":["Status"],"Require SSL for smart proxies":["SSL für Smart-Proxys erfordern"],"Required parameter without value.<br/><b>Please override!</b><br/>":["Erforderlicher Parameter ohne Wert.<br/><b>Bitte überschreiben!</b><br/>"],"Required when user want to change own password":[""],"Reset to default":["Rücksetzen auf Standardeinstellungen"],"Reset zoom":["Zoom zurücksetzen"],"Resolve":["Auflösen"],"Resource":["Ressource"],"Resource %{resource_name} not found by id '%{id}'":["Ressource %{resource_name} nicht gefunden über Kennung '%{id}'"],"Resource %{res} not found.":["Ressource %{res} nicht gefunden."],"Resource pool":["Ressourcen-Pool 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Benutzers um sicherzustellen, dass die Foreman-E-Mail Konfiguration funktioniert."],"Send a welcome email including username and URL to new users":["Willkommens-E-Mail inklusive Benutzername und URL an neue Benutzer senden"],"Send welcome email":["Willkommens-E-Mail senden"],"Sendmail":["Sendmail"],"Sendmail arguments":["Sendmail-Argumente"],"Sendmail location":["Sendmail-Pfadname"],"Server group":["Servergruppe"],"Server hint data":[""],"Server type":["Servertyp"],"Service unavailable":["Dienst nicht verfügbar"],"Services":["Dienste"],"Set IP addresses for %s":["IP-Adressen für %s festlegen"],"Set a randomly generated password on the display connection":["Zufälliges Passwort für die Verbindung generieren"],"Set parameters to defaults":["Parameter auf Standardeinstellungen festlegen"],"Set the order in which values are resolved.":["Reihenfolge festlegen, in der die Werte aufgelöst werden."],"Set up compute instance %s":["Recheninstanz %s 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Each managed hosts needs to have one provision interface.":["Soll diese Schnittstelle für TFTP von PXELinux (oder SSH für image-basierte Hosts) verwendet werden? Jeder gemanagte Host muss eine Bereitstellungsschnittstelle aufweisen."],"Should this interface be used for constructing the FQDN of the host? Each managed hosts needs to have one primary interface.":["Soll diese Schnittstelle zum Erstellen des FQDN des Hosts verwendet werden? Jeder gemanagte Host muss eine Primärschnittstelle aufweisen."],"Show %s fact values for all hosts":["%s Faktwerte für alle Hosts anzeigen"],"Show :a_resource":[":a_resource anzeigen"],"Show Diff":["Unterschied anzeigen"],"Show Host":["Host anzeigen"],"Show Trends":["Trends anzeigen"],"Show a Puppet class":["Puppet-Klasse anzeigen"],"Show a Puppet class for a host group":["Puppet-Klasse für eine Hostgruppe anzeigen"],"Show a Puppet class for an environment":["Puppet-Klasse für eine Umgebung anzeigen"],"Show a Puppet class for host":["Puppet-Klasse für Host anzeigen"],"Show a bookmark":["Lesezeichen anzeigen"],"Show a compute profile":["Rechenprofilen anzeigen"],"Show a compute resource":["Rechenressource anzeigen"],"Show a config group":["Konfigurationsgruppe anzeigen"],"Show a default template combination for an operating system":["Standardvorlagen-Kombination für ein Betriebssystem anzeigen"],"Show a domain":["Domäne anzeigen"],"Show a filter":["Filter anzeigen"],"Show a global parameter":["Globalen Parameter anzeigen"],"Show a hardware model":["Hardwaremodell anzeigen"],"Show a host":["Host anzeigen"],"Show a host group":["Hostgruppe anzeigen"],"Show a medium":["Datenträger anzeigen"],"Show a nested parameter for a domain":["Verschachtelten Parameter für eine Domäne anzeigen"],"Show a nested parameter for a host":["Verschachtelten Parameter für einen Host anzeigen"],"Show a nested parameter for a host group":["Verschachtelten Parameter für eine Hostgruppe anzeigen"],"Show a nested parameter for a location":["Verschachtelten Parameter für einen Standort anzeigen"],"Show a nested parameter for a subnet":["Verschachtelten Parameter für ein Subnetz anzeigen"],"Show a nested parameter for an operating system":["Verschachtelten Parameter für ein Betriebssystem anzeigen"],"Show a nested parameter for an organization":["Verschachtelten Parameter für eine Organisation anzeigen"],"Show a partition table":["Partitionstabelle anzeigen"],"Show a permission":["Berechtigung anzeigen"],"Show a realm":["Realm anzeigen"],"Show a report":["Bericht anzeigen"],"Show a role":["Rolle anzeigen"],"Show a setting":["Einstellung anzeigen"],"Show a smart class parameter":["Smart-Klassenparameter anzeigen"],"Show a smart proxy":["Smart-Proxy anzeigen"],"Show a smart variable":["Smart-Variable anzeigen"],"Show a subnet":["Subnetz anzeigen"],"Show a user":["Benutzer anzeigen"],"Show a user group":["Benutzergruppe anzeigen"],"Show all %s children fact values":["Alle untergeordneten Faktenwerte für %s anzeigen"],"Show all %s facts with the same value":[""],"Show an LDAP authentication source":["LDAP-Authentifizierungsquelle anzeigen"],"Show an SSH key from a user":[""],"Show an architecture":["Architektur anzeigen"],"Show an audit":["Audit anzeigen"],"Show an email notification":["E-Mail-Benachrichtigung anzeigen"],"Show an environment":["Umgebung anzeigen"],"Show an external user group for LDAP authentication source":["Externe Benutzergruppe für die LDAP-Authentifizierungsquelle anzeigen"],"Show an external user group for user group":["Externe Benutzergruppe für die Benutzergruppe anzeigen"],"Show an image":["Abbild anzeigen"],"Show an interface for host":["Schnittstelle für den Host anzeigen"],"Show an operating system":["Betriebssystem anzeigen"],"Show an override value for a specific smart class parameter":["Überschreibungswert für einen bestimmten Smart-Klassenparameter anzeigen"],"Show an override value for a specific smart variable":["Überschreibungswert für eine bestimmte Smart-Variable anzeigen"],"Show available API links":["Verfügbare API-Verknüpfungen anzeigen"],"Show distribution chart":["Distributionsdiagramm anzeigen"],"Show full value":["Zeige alle Werte"],"Show host power status":[""],"Show linked external user groups":["Verknüpfte externe Benutzergruppen anzeigen"],"Show log messages:":["Protokollmeldungen anzeigen:"],"Show power status on host index page. 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Dieses Feature bewirkt Aufrufe der Compute Resource Provider, was die Performance der Übersichtsseite vermindern kann."],"Show provisioning template details":["Details der Bereitstellungsvorlage anzeigen"],"Show status":["Status anzeigen"],"Show template combination":["Vorlagenkombination anzeigen"],"Show the last report for a host":["Letzten Bericht für einen Host anzeigen"],"Sign":["Signieren"],"Single host on this page is selected.":["",""],"Size":["Größe"],"Size (GB)":["Grösse (GB)"],"Skip assign hosts and proceed to edit %s settings":["Überspringe zugewiesene Hosts und fahre mit dem editieren der Einstellungen von %s fort"],"Skipped":["Übersprungen"],"Skipped|S":["Ü"],"Smart Class Parameter":["Smart-Class-Parameter"],"Smart Proxies":["Smart Proxys"],"Smart Proxy":["Smart Proxy"],"Smart Proxy: %s":["Smart-Proxy: %s"],"Smart Variables":["Smart-Variablen"],"Smart class parameters":["Smart-Klassenparameter"],"Smart proxies":["Smart Proxys"],"Smart proxy":["Smart Proxy"],"Smart proxy IDs":["Smart-Proxy-Kennungen"],"Smart variables":["Smart-Variablen"],"SmartProxy|Name":["Name"],"SmartProxy|Url":["URL"],"Snippet":["Snippet"],"Some Puppet Classes are unavailable in the selected environment":[""],"Some imported user account details cannot be saved: %s":[""],"Some interfaces are invalid":["Einige Schnittstellen sind ungültig"],"Some of the interfaces are invalid. Please check the table below.":["Einige der Schnittstellen sind ungültig. Bitte überprüfen Sie die nachstehende Tabelle."],"Some or all hosts execution failed, Please check log files for more information":["Einige oder alle Systemausführungen sind fehlgeschlagen, für weitere Informationen bitte die Protokolldateien prüfen"],"Some other interface is already set as primary. Are you sure you want to use this one instead?":["Es ist bereits eine andere Schnittstelle als Primärschnittstelle gesetzt. Sind Sie sicher, dass Sie stattdessen diese Schnittstelle verwenden möchten?"],"Some other interface is already set as provisioning. Are you sure you want to use this one instead?":["Es ist bereits eine andere Schnittstelle für die Bereitstellung gesetzt. Sind Sie sicher, dass Sie stattdessen diese Schnittstelle verwenden möchten?"],"Something went wrong while changing host type - %s":["Bei der Änderung des Systemtyps %s ist ein Fehler aufgetreten"],"Something went wrong while selecting hosts - %s":["Bei der Systemauswahl von %s ist ein Fehler aufgetreten"],"Sorry but no templates were configured.":["Es wurden keine Vorlagen konfiguriert."],"Sorry, these hosts do not have parameters assigned to them, you must add them first.":["Entschuldigung, diesen Hosts sind keine Parameter zugewiesen, diese müssen zuerst hinzugefügt werden."],"Source":["Quelle"],"Source|Digest":["Zusammenfassung"],"Source|Value":["Wert"],"Space separated options, e.g. miimon=100. Only for bond interfaces.":["Durch Leerzeichen getrennte Optionen, z.B. miimon=100. Ausschließlich für Bond-Schnittstellen."],"Specified value is higher than recommended maximum":[""],"Specify additional options to sendmail":["Zusätzliche Sendmail-Optionen"],"Specify authentication type, if required":["Art der Authentisierung angeben, wo benötigt"],"Specify matchers":["Prüfwerte angeben"],"Start":["Start"],"Starting IP Address for IP auto suggestion":["Beginnende IP-Adresse für automatischen IP-Vorschlag"],"State":["Status"],"Static":["Statisch"],"Statistics":["Statistiken"],"Status":["Status"],"Stop updating IP address and MAC values from Puppet facts (affects all interfaces)":["Aktualisierung von IP-Adressen und MAC-Werten aus den Puppet-Fakten stoppen (wirkt sich auf alle Schnittstellen aus)"],"Stop updating Operating System from facts":[""],"Stop updating domain values from facts":[""],"Storage":["Speicher"],"Storage domain":["Storage Domäne"],"Storage pool":["Storage Pool"],"Strong":["Stark"],"Submit":["Absenden"],"Subnet":["Subnetz"],"Subnet ID":["Subnetzkennung"],"Subnet IDs":["Subnetzkennungen"],"Subnet name":["Subnetzname"],"Subnet network":["Subnetznetzwerk"],"Subnet numeric identifier":["Numerische Subnetzkennung"],"Subnets":["Subnetze"],"Subnet|Boot mode":["Boot-Modus"],"Subnet|Dns primary":["Primärer DNS"],"Subnet|Dns secondary":["Sekundärer DNS"],"Subnet|From":["Von"],"Subnet|Gateway":["Gateway"],"Subnet|Ipam":["Ipam"],"Subnet|Mask":["Maske"],"Subnet|Name":["Subnetz|Name"],"Subnet|Network":["Subnetz|Netzwerk"],"Subnet|Priority":["Priorität"],"Subnet|To":["Bis"],"Subnet|Vlanid":["Subnetz|Vlan-Kennung"],"Subscribe":["Abonnieren"],"Subscribe to all hosts":[""],"Subscribe to my hosts":[""],"Success":["Erfolg"],"Successfully created %s.":["%s wurde angelegt."],"Successfully delete %s":[""],"Successfully deleted %s.":["%s erfolgreich gelöscht."],"Successfully deleted report.":["Bericht erfolgreich gelöscht."],"Successfully executed, check log files for more details":["Erfolgreich ausgeführt, für weitere Informationen bitte die Protokolldateien prüfen"],"Successfully executed, check reports and/or log files for more details":["Erfolgreich ausgeführt, bitte die Berichte und/oder die Protokolldateien für weitere Details prüfen"],"Successfully overridden all parameters of Puppet class %s":["Alle Parameter von Puppet-Klasse %s erfolgreich überschrieben"],"Successfully recreated":[""],"Successfully refreshed features from %s.":["Funktionen erfolgreich von %s aktualisiert."],"Successfully refreshed the cache.":[""],"Successfully reset all parameters of Puppet class %s to their default values":["Alle Parameter von Puppet-Klasse %s erfolgreich auf ihre Standardwerte zurückgesetzt"],"Successfully updated %s.":["%s wurde aktualisiert."],"Successfully updated environments and Puppet classes from the on-disk Puppet installation":["Umgebungen und Puppet-Klassen wurden erfolgreich von der Puppet-Festplatteninstallation aktualisiert"],"Suffix or prefix length for this subnet, e.g. 32":[""],"Suggest new":["Neu vorschlagen"],"Summary from %{time} ago to now":["Zusammenfassung von %{time} bis jetzt"],"Summary report from Foreman server at %{foreman_url}":["Zusammenfassungbericht vom Foreman-Server unter %{foreman_url}"],"Support":["Unterstützung"],"Supported Formats":["Unterstützte Formate"],"Synchronize group from authentication source":["Gruppe von Authentifizierungsquelle synchronisieren"],"Syntax Highlighting":["Syntaxhervorhebung"],"Syntax error occurred while parsing the template %{template_name}, make sure you have all ERB tags properly closed and the Ruby syntax is valid. The Ruby error: %{message}":[""],"System Information":["Systeminformationen"],"System Status":["Systemstatus"],"TFTP":["TFTP"],"TFTP Proxy":["TFTP-Proxy"],"TFTP Proxy ID to use within this subnet":[""],"TFTP Proxy to use within this subnet":["TFTP-Proxy für dieses Subnetz"],"TFTP server":["TFTP-Server"],"Taxable taxonomy":["Besteuerbare Taxonomie"],"TaxableTaxonomy|Taxable type":["Besteuerbare Typen"],"Taxonomy":["Taxonomie"],"Taxonomy|Ancestry":["Abstammung"],"Taxonomy|Ignore types":["Typen ignorieren"],"Taxonomy|Name":["Name"],"Taxonomy|Title":["Titel"],"Template":["Vorlage"],"Template %s is empty.":["Vorlage %s ist leer."],"Template '%s' is either missing or has an invalid organization or location":["Fehlende/r oder ungültige/r Organisation oder Standort in Vorlage '%s'"],"Template '%s' was not found":["Vorlage '%s' nicht gefunden"],"Template Diff":["Vorlagenabgleich"],"Template Type":["Vorlagentyp"],"Template diff":["Vorlagenabgleich"],"Template editor":["Vorlageneditor"],"Template kind":["Vorlagenart"],"Template kinds, available values: %{template_kinds}":["Vorlagenarten, verfügbare Werte: %{template_kinds}"],"Template locked":["Vorlage gesperrt"],"Template syntax":["Vorlagensyntax"],"Template unlocked":["Vorlage entsperrt"],"TemplateKind|Name":["Name"],"Templates":["Vorlagen"],"Templates resolved for this operating system":["Vorlagen für dieses Betriebssystem aufgelöst"],"Tenant":["Mieter"],"Test Connection":["Verbindung testen"],"Test LDAP connection":["LDAP-Verbindung testen"],"Test LDAP connectivity":["LDAP-Verbindung testen"],"Test connection to LDAP server was successful.":["Testverbindung zum LDAP-Server war erfolgreich."],"Test connection was successful":["Testverbindung war erfolgreich"],"Test email":["Test-E-Mail"],"Text to be shown in the login-page footer":["Text zur Anzeige im Fuß der Login-Seite"],"That is, if you are planning to manage a site where all the machines are of the form <i>hostname</i>.<b></b>\\n then the domain is <b></b>.":["Das bedeutet: Wenn alle Maschinen eines Standorts die Form <i>hostname</i>.<b></b> haben, ist die Domäne <b></b>."],"The %{proxy_type} proxy could not be set for host: %{host_names}.":["",""],"The %{proxy_type} proxy of the selected hosts was cleared.":["Der %{proxy_type} Proxy der ausgewählten Hosts wurde gelöscht."],"The %{proxy_type} proxy of the selected hosts was set to %{proxy_name}.":["Der %{proxy_type} Proxy der ausgewählten Hosts wurde auf %{proxy_name} gesetzt."],"The <b>fullname</b> field is used for human readability in reports and other pages that refer to domains,\\n and also available as an external node parameter":["Das Feld <b>Voller Name</b> wird für einfache Lesbarkeit von Berichten und anderen Seiten benutzt, die auf Domains verweisen,\\n und ist auch verfügbar als externer Knotenparameter "],"The Audit Comment field is saved with the template auditing to document the template changes":["Das Audit-Kommentarfeld wird über Vorlagenauditierung gespeichert, um Vorlagenänderungen zu dokumentieren"],"The BMC password will be used by Foreman to access the host's BMC controller via a BMC-enabled smart proxy, if available.<br/>":[""],"The IP address that should be used for the console listen address when provisioning new virtual machines via Libvirt":["IP Adresse, die für die Konsolen-Lauschadresse bei der Beschaffung neuer virtueller Maschinen mittels Libvirt verwendet wird"],"The NFS path to the image directory.":["Der NFS-Pfad zum Abbildverzeichnis."],"The NFS path to the jumpstart control files.":["Der NFS-Pfad zur Jumpstart-Kontrolldatei."],"The NFS path to the media.":["Der NFS-Pfad zu den Medien."],"The Operating systems detail the OSs known to Foreman, and is the central point that the other required components tie into.":[""],"The Primary interface is used for constructing the FQDN of the host":["Die Primärschnittstelle wird für die Erstellung des FQDNs des Hosts verwendet."],"The Provisioning interface is used for TFTP of PXELinux (or SSH for image-based hosts)":["Die Bereitstellungssschnittstelle wird für das TFTP von PXELinux (oder SSH für image-basierte Hosts) verwendet"],"The authentication process currently requires an LDAP provider, such as <em>FreeIPA</em>,\\n <em>OpenLDAP</em> or <em>Microsoft's Active Directory</em>.":["Der Authentifizierungsprozess erfordert derzeit einen LDAP-Provider, wie <em>FreeIPA</em>,\\n <em>OpenLDAP</em> oder <em>Microsoft's Active Directory</em>."],"The class of CPU supplied in this machine. This is primarily used by Sparc Solaris builds and can be left blank for other architectures. The value can be determined on Solaris via uname -m":["Die CPU Klasse der Maschine. Dies wird primär für Sparc Solaris Builds verwendet und kann für andere Architekturen leer sein. Der Wert kann auf Solaris mittels uname -m ermittelt werden"],"The class of the machine reported by the Open Boot Prom. This is primarily used by Sparc Solaris builds and can be left blank for other architectures. The value can be determined on Solaris via uname -i|cut -f2 -d,":["Die Klasse der Maschine wie von Open Boot Prom ermittelt. Dies wird primär für Sparc Solaris Builds verwendet und kann für andere Architekturen leer sein. Der Wert kann auf Solaris mittels uname -i|cut -f2 -d ermittelt werden."],"The default administrator email address":["Die Emailadresse des standart Administrators"],"The dynamic partitioning style is currently only available for the Red Hat family of operating systems, all others must provide an explicit list of partitions and sizes.":["Die dynamische Partitionierung ist derzeit nur für Red Hat-Betriebssysteme verfügbar, alle anderen Betriebssysteme müssen eine Liste der Partitionen und Größen angeben."],"The file path where your p12 file is located":["Der Dateipfad, an dem sich Ihre p12-Datei befindet"],"The final entry, Operating System default, can be set by editing the %s page.":["Der letzte Eintrag, Betriebssystemvorgabe, kann durch die Seite %s geändert werden."],"The following IPv4 subnets have been found. Please review the details before creating them.":["Folgende IPv4-Subnetze wurden gefunden. Bitte vor dem Erstellen Details überprüfen."],"The following entries were found conflicting with what foreman wanted to apply.":["Die folgenden Einträge stehen in Konflikt mit dem, was Foreman anzuwenden versuchte."],"The following errors may prevent a successful build:":["Die Folgenden Fehler können einen erfolgreichen Build verhindern:"],"The following fields would need reviewing":["Die folgenden Felder müssen nochmals geprüft werden"],"The following hosts failed the build operation: %s":["Die folgenden Systeme schlagen bei der Buildoperation fehl: %s"],"The following hosts were not %{action}: %{missed_hosts}":["Die folgenden Systeme sind nicht %{action}: %{missed_hosts}"],"The following hosts were not deleted: %s":["Die folgende Systeme wurden nicht gelöscht: %s"],"The following hosts were updated":["Die folgenden Systeme werden aktualisiert"],"The following parameters were skipped as they did not exists on this host:":["Die folgenden Parameter wurden übersprungen weil diese auf dem System nicht existieren:"],"The following table and example snippet shows global methods, variables and class methods and how to use them.":[""],"The full DNS domain name":["Der vollständige DNS-Domänenname"],"The host group's classes and the host group's variables are included in the external node information when the puppetmaster compiles the host's configuration.":["Die Klassen und Variablen der Hostgruppe sind in den externen Knoteninformationen enthalten, wenn der Puppet-Master die Konfiguration des Hosts zusammenstellt."],"The inclusion of the keyword string <b>#Dynamic</b> at the start of a line lets Foreman know that this is not an explicit disk layout and must treated as a shell script, executed prior\\n to the install process and that the explicit partition table will be found at <b>/tmp/diskpart.cfg</b> during the build process.":["Ist die Schlüsselwort-Zeichenkette <b>#Dynamic</b> am Anfang einer Zeile einbezogen, so zeigt dies Foreman an, dass es sich nicht um ein explizites Festplattenlayout handelt und als Shellskript behandelt werden muss, das vor \\n dem Installationsprozess auszuführen ist, und dass die explizite Partitionstabelle während des Buildprozesses unter <b>/tmp/diskpart.cfg</b> zu finden ist."],"The keys can be used in provisioning templates and are also available for configuration management tools managed by Foreman.":[""],"The keywords <b>$version</b>, <b>$major</b> and <b>$minor</b> will be interpolated back into the path specification to calculate the true URL address.":["Die Schlüsselworte <b>$version</b>, <b>$major</b> und <b>$minor</b> werden in die Pfadspezifikation eingefügt, um die richtige URL Adresse zu berechnen."],"The list is excluding %{count} %{link_start}physical host%{link_end}.":["",""],"The location of the sendmail executable":["Pfadname des Sendmail-Programms"],"The marked fields will need reviewing":["Die markierten Felder benötigen eine Prüfung"],"The method used to provision the host. Possible provision_methods may be %{provision_methods}":["Methode, die zur Bereitstellung des Hosts verwendet wurde. Mögliche Bereitstellungsmethoden sind %{provision_methods}"],"The order in which matchers keys are processed, first match wins.<br> You may use multiple attributes as a matcher key, for example, an order of <code>host group, environment</code> would expect a matcher such as <code>hostgroup = \\\"web servers\\\", environment = production</code>":["Die Reihenfolge, in der Prüfwertschlüssel verarbeitet werden. Die erste Übereinstimmung ist maßgeblich.<br> Sie können mehrere Attribute als Prüfwertschlüssel verwenden. Beispielsweise würde die Reihenfolge <code>host group, environment</code> einen Prüfwert wie etwa <code>hostgroup = \\\"web servers\\\", environment = production</code> erwarten."],"The order in which values are resolved":["Reihenfolge, in der Werte aufgelöst werden"],"The password will also be accessible to other users via templates and in the ENC YAML output; disable the bmc_credentials_accessible setting to prevent access.":[""],"The password will not be accessible to other users; enable the bmc_credentials_accessible setting to permit access via templates and in the ENC YAML output.":[""],"The path to the medium, can be a URL or a valid NFS server (exclusive of the architecture).\\n for example <em>$version/os/$arch</em> where <strong>$arch</strong> will be substituted for the host's actual OS architecture and <strong>$version</strong>, <strong>$major</strong> and <strong>$minor</strong> will be substituted for the version of the operating system. Solaris and Debian media may also use <strong>$release</strong>.":["Der Pfad zum Medium. Kann eine URL oder ein gültiger NFS-Server sein (exklusive Architektur).\\n Zum Beispiel <em>$version/os/$arch</em> wobei <strong>$arch</strong> durch die Betriebssystemarchitektur des Hosts ersetzt wird und <strong>$version</strong>, <strong>$major</strong> und <strong>$minor</strong> durch die Version des Betriebssystems ersetzt werden. Solaris- und Debian-Medien können auch <strong>$release</strong> verwenden."],"The power state of the selected hosts will be set to %s":["Der Energiezustand des ausgewählten Hosts wird auf %s festgelegt"],"The realm name, e.g. EXAMPLE.COM":["Name des Realms, z.B. EXAMPLE.COM"],"The remote system presented a public key signed by an unidentified certificate authority. If you are sure the remote system is authentic, go to the compute resource edit page, press the 'Test Connection' or 'Load Datacenters' button and submit":["Das entfernte System gab einen öffentlichen Schlüssel an, der von einer unbekannten Zertifizierungsstelle signiert wurde. Falls Sie sich sicher sind, dass das entfernte System legitim ist, gehen Sie zur Bearbeiten-Seite der Rechenressource, klicken Sie auf die Schaltfläche \\\"Verbindung testen\\\" oder \\\"Datacenter laden\\\" und speichern Sie."],"The remote system presented a public key with hash %s but we're expecting a different hash. If you are sure the remote system is authentic, go to the compute resource edit page, press the 'Test Connection' or 'Load Datacenters' button and submit":["Das entfernte System gab einen öffentlichen Schlüssel mit dem Hash %s an, erwartet wurde jedoch ein anderer Hash. Falls Sie sich sicher sind, dass das entfernte System legitim ist, gehen Sie zur Bearbeiten-Seite der Rechenressource, klicken Sie auf die Schaltfläche \\\"Verbindung testen\\\" oder \\\"Datacenter laden\\\" und speichern Sie."],"The selected hosts were enabled for reboot and rebuild":["Die ausgewählten Hosts waren für Neustart und Neuerstellung aktiviert"],"The selected hosts will execute a build operation on next reboot":["Die ausgewählten Systeme werden eine Buildoperation beim nächsten Reboot ausführen"],"The snippet '%{name}' threw an error: %{exc}":[""],"The template is associated to at least one host in build mode. To apply the change, disable and enable build mode on hosts to update the live templates or choose to %s their configuration from 'Select Action' menu":["Die Vorlage ist wenigstens einem Host im Build-Modus zugeordnet. Um die Änderungen anzuwenden, deaktivieren und aktivieren Sie Build-Modus auf Hosts um die aktiven Vorlagen zu aktualisieren, oder %s Sie ihre Konfiguration aus dem Menü 'Aktion auswählen'."],"The user that is used to ssh into the instance, normally cloud-user, ec2-user, ubuntu, root etc":["Der Benutzer für die ssh-Verbindung zur Instanz. Normalerweise cloud-user, ec2-user, ubuntu, root, etc."],"The virtual machine is being deleted.":["Die virtuelle Maschine wird gelöscht"],"There are migrations pending in the system.":[""],"There are no puppet environments set up on this puppet master. Please check the puppet master configuration.":["Auf diesem Puppet-Master sind keine Puppet-Umgebungen eingerichtet. Bitte überprüfen Sie die Konfiguration des Puppet-Master."],"There are orchestration modules with methods for configuration rebuild that have identical name: '%s'":["Es gibt Orchestrierungsmodule mit Methoden zur Konfigurations-Neuerstellung, die identische Namen haben: '%s'"],"There are two strategies when using host groups.":["Bei der Verwendung von Hostgruppen gibt es zwei Strategien."],"There is":["Es ist","Es sind"],"There is no owner with id %d and type %s":[""],"There is no proxy with BMC feature set up. Please register a smart proxy with this feature.":["Es ist kein Proxy mit BMC-Feature aufgesetzt. Bitte registrieren Sie einen Smart-Proxy mit diesem Feature."],"There was an error creating the PXE file: %s":[""],"There was an error listing %{listing}: %{errors}":[""],"There was an error listing VMs: %(status)s %(statusText)s":["Es gab ein Fehler bei der VMs Aufzählung: %(status)s %(statusText)s"],"There was an error rendering the %s template: ":["Es gab einen Fehler beim Ausführen des Templates %s:"],"There was an error rendering the %{name} template: %{error}":["Es gab einen Fehler beim Ausführen der Vorlage %{name}: %{error}"],"There was no active bridge interface found in libvirt, if it does not support listing, you can enter the bridge name manually (e.g. br0)":["Keine aktive Bridge-Schnittstelle in libvirt gefunden, falls Auflistung nicht unterstützt wird, können Sie den Bridgenamen manuell eingeben (z.b. br0)"],"These are guaranteed to work via the safe mode rendering, to ensure a template can do nothing harmful.":[""],"These two options are personal decisions and are up to you (where the main difference would be the parameter/variables settings).":["Die Entscheidung zwischen diesen beiden Optionen liegt bei Ihnen (Hauptunterschiede sind die Parameter/Variablen Einstellungen)."],"Thin provision":["Reduzierte Bereitstellung"],"This Puppet class has no parameters in its signature.":["Diese puppet Klasse hat keine Parameter in ihrer Signatur."],"This allows Foreman to associate a puppet variable with a domain/site and automatically append this variable to all external node requests made by machines at that site.":["Dies ermöglicht Foreman eine Puppetvariable mit einer Domain/Seite zu verbinden und diese Variable automatisch mit allen externen Knotenanfragen von Maschinen auf dieser Seite zu verknüpfen."],"This group has nested groups!":["Diese Gruppe hat Untergruppen!"],"This group has no roles":[""],"This host's stored facts and reports will be deleted too.":["Die gespeicherten Fakten und Berichte zu diesem Host werden ebenfalls gelöscht."],"This is a test message to confirm that Foreman's email configuration is working.":["Dies Mitteilung überprüft, dass die Foreman-E-Mail Konfiguration funktioniert."],"This is for every location and organization that uses it.":["Diese gilt für jeden verwendenden Standort und jede verwendende Organisation."],"This is for every location that uses it.":["Diese gilt für jeden verwendenen Standort."],"This is for every organization that uses it.":["Diese gilt für jede verwendende Organisation."],"This is inherited from parent":["Dies wird von einem Elternelement vererbt."],"This is used by a host":["Dies wird von einem Host verwendet."],"This might take a while, as all hosts, facts and reports will be destroyed as well":["Dies kann eine Weile dauern, weil alle Systeme, Fakten und Berichte auch gelöscht werden"],"This role has been cloned from role %s":[""],"This role is locked for editing.":[""],"This role is locked from being modified by users.":[""],"This setting is defined in the configuration file '%{filename}' and is read-only.":[""],"This template is locked and may not be removed.":["Diese Vorlage ist gesperrt und darf nicht entfernt werden."],"This template is locked for editing.":["Diese Vorlage ist für die Bearbeitung gesperrt ist."],"This template is locked. Please clone it to a new template to customize.":["Diese Vorlage ist gesperrt. Bitte klonen Sie diese zu einer neuen Vorlage, um sie bearbeiten zu können."],"This template is locked. You may only change the associations. Please %s it to customize.":["Diese Vorlage ist gesperrt. Sie können lediglich die Zuweisungen ändern. Bitte zum Anpassen %s."],"This value is not hidden":["Dieser Wert ist nicht versteckt"],"This value is used also as the host's primary interface name.":["Dieser Wert wird auch als Name für die Pirmärschnittstelle des Hosts verwendet."],"This will reset parameters of the class %s to their default values. Continue?":["Hiermit werden alle Parameter der Klasse %s auf ihre Standardwerte zurückgesetzt. Fortfahren?"],"This will set all parameters of the class %s as overridden. Continue?":["Hiermit werden alle Parameter der Klasse %s als \\\"überschrieben\\\" gesetzt. Fortfahren?"],"Time":["Zeit"],"Time in Seconds":["Zeit in Sekunden"],"Time in minutes installation tokens should be valid for, 0 to disable token generation":["Zeit in Minuten, während der Installationstoken gültig sein sollen, 0 zum Deaktivieren der Token-Erzeugung"],"Timeout for DNS conflict validation (in seconds)":["Zeitüberschreitung für DNS-Konfliktbestätigung (in Sekunden)"],"Timeout has occurred while communicating with %s":["Zeitüberschreitung bei der Kommunikation mit %s"],"To define trend counters, use the Add Trend Counter button.</br> To start collecting trend data, set a cron job to execute 'foreman-rake trends:counter' every Puppet Interval (%s minutes).":["Definieren Sie Trendzähler mit der Schaltfläche 'Trendzähler Hinzufügen'.</br> Um mit dem Sammeln von Trenddaten zu beginnen, richten Sie einen Cron-Job zur Ausführung von 'foreman-rake trends:counter' für jedes Puppet-Intervall (%s Minuten) hinzu."],"To enable a provider, either install the OS package (e.g. foreman-libvirt) or enable the bundler group for development setup (e.g. ovirt).":["Um einen Anbieter zu aktivieren, installieren Sie entweder das Betriebssystempaket (z. B. foreman-libvirt) oder aktivieren Sie die entsprechende Gruppe zur Entwicklungseinrichtung (z. B. ovirt)."],"To enable safe mode, navigate to Settings page and enable Safemode rendering option.":[""],"To start collecting trend data, set a cron job to execute <span class='black'>foreman-rake trends:counter</span> every Puppet Interval (%s minutes)":["Um Trenddaten zu sammeln, muss ein Cronjob erstellt werden, der jedes Puppetintervall (%s Minuten) <span class='black'>foreman-rake trends:counter</span> ausführt"],"To update the class signature, go to the Puppet Classes page and select \\\"Import\\\".":["Gehe zu der Puppet Klassen Seite und wähle \\\"Import\\\" aus um die Klassensignatur zu aktualisieren."],"Toggle":["Umschalten"],"Token":["Token"],"Token duration":["Tokendauer"],"Token expired":["Token abgelaufen"],"Token|Expires":["Erlöscht"],"Token|Value":["Wert"],"Total":["Summe"],"Total Hosts: %s":["Hosts gesamt: %s"],"Total hosts count":["Gesamtanzahl Hosts"],"Total of one host":["Insgesamt ein Host","Insgesamt %{hosts} Hosts"],"Trend":["Trend"],"Trend counter":["Trendzähler"],"Trend of the last %s days.":["Trend der letzten %s Tage."],"TrendCounter|Count":["Summe"],"Trends":["Trends"],"Trends for %s":["Trends für %s"],"Trend|Fact name":["Faktenname"],"Trend|Fact value":["Faktenwert"],"Trend|Name":["Name"],"Trend|Trendable type":["Trend-Typen"],"Trigger a puppetrun on a node; requires that puppet run is enabled":["Einen puppetrun auslösen auf einem Knoten; dazu muss puppet run aktiviert sein"],"Troubleshooting":["Fehlerbehebung"],"True/False flag whether a host is managed or unmanaged. Note: this value also determines whether several parameters are required or not":["True/False-Flag, ob ein Host gemanagt oder ungemanagt ist. Hinweis: Dieser Wert bestimmt außerdem, ob mehrere Parameter erforderlich sind oder nicht."],"Trusted puppetmaster hosts":["Vertrauenswürdige Puppetmaster-Hosts"],"Try going to %{href}":["Gehe zu %{href}"],"Type":["Typ"],"Type of name generator":["Typ des Namensgenerators"],"Type of realm, e.g. FreeIPA":["Art des Realms, z.B. FreeIPA"],"Type or protocol, IPv4 or IPv6, defaults to IPv4":["Protokollversion: IPv4 oder IPv6; Standardwert IPv4"],"Types of validation values":["Typen von Validierungswerten"],"Types of variable values":["Typen von Variablenwerten"],"URL":["URL"],"URL for %{providers_requiring_url}":[""],"URL hosts will retrieve templates from during build (normally http as many installers don't support https)":["URL, von der Hosts während des Builds Vorlagen beziehen (in der Regel http, da viele Installationsprogramme kein https unterstützen)"],"URL must be valid and schema must be one of %s":["URL muss gültig sein und Schema muss eines von %s sein"],"URL where your Foreman instance is reachable (see also Provisioning > unattended_url)":["URL, unter der Ihre Foreman-Instanz erreichbar ist (siehe auch Bereitstellung > unattended_url)"],"UTC time of report":["UTC-Zeit des Berichts"],"UUID":["UUID"],"UUID to track orchestration tasks status, GET /api/orchestration/:UUID/tasks":["UUID zum Tracken des Status der Orchestrierungsaufgaben, GET /api/orchestration/:UUID/tasks"],"Unable to access key":["Fehler beim Zugriff auf Schlüssel"],"Unable to authenticate user %s":["User %s kann nicht authentifiziert werden"],"Unable to change VM display listen address, make sure the display is not attached to localhost only":["Überwachungsadresse für VM-Anzeige konnte nicht geändert werden. Stellen Sie sicher, dass die Anzeige nicht nur mit Localhost verbunden ist"],"Unable to communicate with the proxy: %s":["Es konnte nicht mit dem Proxy kommuniziert werden: %s"],"Unable to connect":["Verbindung kann nicht hergestellt werden"],"Unable to connect to LDAP server":["Unfähig mit LDAP-Server zu verbinden"],"Unable to create default TFTP boot menu":["Standard-TFTP-Bootmenü konnte nicht erstellt werden"],"Unable to create realm entry":["Fehler beim erstellen Realm-Eintrag"],"Unable to create the default role.":[""],"Unable to delete DHCP entry for %s":["DHCP-Eintrag für %s konnte nicht gelöscht werden"],"Unable to delete DNS entry":["DNS-Eintrag konnte nicht gelöscht werden"],"Unable to delete PuppetCA autosign for %s":["PuppetCA-Autosign für %s konnte nicht gelöscht werden"],"Unable to delete PuppetCA certificate for %s":["PuppetCA-Zertifikat für %s konnte nicht gelöscht werden"],"Unable to delete TFTP boot entry for %s":["TFTP-Booteintrag für %s konnte nicht gelöscht werden"],"Unable to detect TFTP boot server":["TFTP-Bootserver konnte nicht gefunden werden"],"Unable to detect features":["Funktionen konnten nicht festgestellt werden"],"Unable to detect version":["Version kann nicht gefunden werden"],"Unable to determine the host's boot server. The DHCP smart proxy failed to provide this information and this subnet is not provided with TFTP services.":["Kann den Bootserver des Hosts nicht bestimmen. Der DHCP-Smart Proxy konnte diese Information nicht bereitstellen und dieses Subnetz ist nicht mit TFTP-Diensten ausgestattet."],"Unable to disable bmc_credentials_accessible when safemode_render is disabled":[""],"Unable to disable safemode_render when bmc_credentials_accessible is disabled":[""],"Unable to execute Puppet run":["Puppet-Run konnte nicht ausgeführt werden"],"Unable to fetch TFTP boot file":["TFTP-Bootdatei konnte nicht geladen werden"],"Unable to fetch logs":["Logs konnten nicht abgerufen werden"],"Unable to find IP address for '%s'":["IP-Adresse für \\\"%s\\\" konnte nicht gefunden werden"],"Unable to find a proxy with BMC feature":["Es konnte kein für BMC konfigrierter Smart-Proxy gefunden werden"],"Unable to find proper authentication method":["Kann keine passende Authentifizierungsmethode finden"],"Unable to find template %s":["Vorlage %s konnte nicht gefunden werden"],"Unable to generate output, Check log files":["Kann keine Ausgabe erzeugen. Bitte Logdateien prüfen"],"Unable to get BMC providers":["BMC-Anbieter konnten nicht geladen werden"],"Unable to get PuppetCA autosign":["PuppetCA-Autosign konnte nicht geladen werden"],"Unable to get PuppetCA certificates":["PuppetCA-Zertifikate konnten nicht geladen werden"],"Unable to get classes from Puppet for %s":["Klassen für %s konnten nicht von Puppet geladen werden"],"Unable to get environment from Puppet":["Umgebung konnte nicht von Puppet geladen werden"],"Unable to get environments from Puppet":["Umgebungen konnten nicht von Puppet geladen werden"],"Unable to get installed BMC providers":["Installierte BMC-Anbieter konnten nicht geladen werden"],"Unable to initialize ProxyAPI class %s":["ProxyAPI Klasse %s kann nicht initialisiert werden"],"Unable to perform boot BMC operation":["BMC-Operation \\\"boot\\\" konnte nicht durchgeführt werden"],"Unable to perform identify BMC operation":["BMC-Operation \\\"identify\\\" konnte nicht durchgeführt werden"],"Unable to perform lan BMC operation":["BMC-Operation \\\"lan\\\" konnte nicht durchgeführt werden"],"Unable to perform power BMC operation":["BMC-Operation \\\"power\\\" konnte nicht durchgeführt werden"],"Unable to render %{kind} template '%{name}': %{e}":[""],"Unable to render '%{name}' template: %{e}":[""],"Unable to retrieve DHCP entry for %s":["DHCP-Eintrag für %s konnte nicht abgerufen werden"],"Unable to retrieve DHCP subnet":["DHCP-Subnetz konnte nicht abgerufen werden"],"Unable to retrieve DHCP subnets":["DHCP-Subnetze konnten nicht abgerufen werden"],"Unable to retrieve unused IP":["Ungenutzte IP konnte nicht abgerufen werden"],"Unable to save":["Kann nicht speichern"],"Unable to send email, check server logs for more information":["E-Mail kann nicht gesendet werden, überprüfen Sie die Server-Logdateien für weitere Informationen"],"Unable to set DHCP entry":["DHCP-Eintrag konnte nicht festgelegt werden"],"Unable to set DNS entry":["DNS-Eintrag konnte nicht festgelegt werden"],"Unable to set PuppetCA autosign for %s":["PuppetCA-Autosign für %s konnte nicht festgelegt werden"],"Unable to set TFTP boot entry for %s":["TFTP-Booteintrag für %s konnte nicht festgelegt werden"],"Unable to sign PuppetCA certificate for %s":["PuppetCA-Zertifikat für %s konnte nicht signiert werden"],"Unable to turn on websockets_encrypt, either websockets_ssl_key or websockets_ssl_cert is missing":["websockets_encrypt kann nicht eingeschaltet werden, entweder fehlt websockets_ssl_key oder websockets_ssl_cert"],"Unable to unset websockets_ssl_cert when websockets_encrypt is on":["websockets_ssl_cert kann nicht abgeschaltet werden, wenn websockets_encrypt aktiviert ist"],"Unable to unset websockets_ssl_key when websockets_encrypt is on":["websockets_ssl_key kann nicht abgeschaltet werden, wenn websockets_encrypt aktiviert ist"],"Unallowed template for dashboard widget: %s":["Vorlage %s für das Übersichtsseiten-Widget nicht erlaubt"],"Unattended URL":["Unbeaufsichtigte URL"],"Undo remove":["Löschen rückgängig machen"],"Undo selection":[""],"Unhide this value":["Diesen Wert anzeigen"],"Unknown":["Unbekannt"],"Unknown IPAM type - can't continue":["Unbekannter IPAM-Typ - kann nicht fortfahren"],"Unknown Power State":["Unbekannter Energiezustand"],"Unknown action name for success message: %s":["Unbekannter Aktionsname für Erfolgsnachricht: %s"],"Unknown build status":["Unbekannter Build-Status"],"Unknown device: available devices are %s":["Unbekanntes Gerät: verfügbare Geräte sind %s"],"Unknown interface type, must be one of [%s]":["Unbekannter Schnittstellentyp, muss einer von [%s] sein"],"Unknown power action: available methods are %s":["Unbekannte Power-Aktion: verfügbare Methoden sind %s"],"Unknown power management support - can't continue":["Unbekannte Unterstützung für Stromzustand - Fortfahren nicht möglich"],"Unknown power state":["Unbekannter Energiezustand"],"Unlock":["Entsperren"],"Unmanage host":["System nicht mehr verwalten"],"Unsupported IPAM mode for %s":["Nicht unterstützter IPAM-Modus für %s"],"Unsupported password hash function '%s'":["Passwort Hashfunktion '%s' nicht unterstützt"],"Unsupported report status format":["Statusformat des Berichts nicht unterstützt"],"Update":["Aktualisierung"],"Update :a_resource":[":a_resource aktualisieren"],"Update IP from built request":["IP aus gebauter Anfrage aktualisieren"],"Update a Puppet class":["Puppet-Klasse aktualisieren"],"Update a bookmark":["Lesezeichen Aktualisieren"],"Update a compute attributes set":["Rechenattributset aktualisieren"],"Update a compute profile":["Rechenprofilen aktualisieren"],"Update a compute resource":["Rechenressource aktualisieren"],"Update a config group":["Konfigurationsgruppe Aktualisieren"],"Update a default template combination for an operating system":["Standardvorlagen-Kombination für ein Betriebssystem aktualisieren"],"Update a domain":["Domain Aktualisieren"],"Update a filter":["Filter Aktualisieren"],"Update a global parameter":["Globalen Parameter aktualisieren"],"Update a hardware model":["Hardwaremodell aktualisieren"],"Update a host":["Host Aktualisieren"],"Update a host group":["Hostgruppe aktualisieren"],"Update a host's interface":["Host-Schnittstelle aktualisieren"],"Update a medium":["Medium aktualisieren"],"Update a nested parameter for a domain":["Verschachtelten Parameter für eine Domäne aktualisieren"],"Update a nested parameter for a host":["Verschachtelten Parameter für einen Host aktualisieren"],"Update a nested parameter for a host group":["Verschachtelten Parameter für eine Hostgruppe aktualisieren"],"Update a nested parameter for a location":["Verschachtelten Parameter für einen Standort aktualisieren"],"Update a nested parameter for a subnet":["Verschachtelten Parameter für ein Subnetz aktualisieren"],"Update a nested parameter for an operating system":["Verschachtelten Parameter für ein Betriebssystem aktualisieren"],"Update a nested parameter for an organization":["Verschachtelten Parameter für eine Organisation aktualisieren"],"Update a partition table":["Partitionstabelle aktualisieren"],"Update a provisioning template":["Bereitstellungsvorlage aktualisieren"],"Update a realm":["Realm aktualisieren"],"Update a role":["Rolle aktualisieren"],"Update a setting":["Einstellung aktualisieren"],"Update a smart class parameter":["Smart-Klassenparameter aktualisieren"],"Update a smart proxy":["Smart proxy aktualisieren"],"Update a smart variable":["Smart variable aktualisieren"],"Update a subnet":["Subnetz aktualisieren"],"Update a user":["Benutzer aktualisieren"],"Update a user group":["Benutzergruppe aktualisieren"],"Update an LDAP authentication source":["LDAP-Authentifizierungsquelle aktualisieren"],"Update an architecture":["Architektur aktualisieren"],"Update an environment":["Umgebung aktualisieren"],"Update an image":["Abbild aktualisieren"],"Update an operating system":["Betriebssystem aktualisieren"],"Update an override value for a specific smart class parameter":["Überschreibungswert für einen bestimmten Smart-Klassenparameter aktualisieren"],"Update an override value for a specific smart variable":["Überschreibungswert für eine bestimmte Smart-Variable aktualisieren"],"Update environment from facts":["Umgebung nach Fakten aktualisieren"],"Update external user group":["Externe Benutzergruppe aktualisieren"],"Update realm entry for %s":["Realm-Eintrag wird für %s aktualisiert"],"Update subnets from facts":["Subnetze nach Fakten aktualisieren"],"Update template combination":["Vorlagen-Kombination aktualisieren"],"Update the default PXE menu on all configured TFTP servers":["Standard-PXE-Menü auf allen konfigurierten TFTP-Servern aktualisieren"],"Update:":["Aktualisierung:"],"Updated":["Aktualisiert"],"Updated all hosts!":["Alle Systeme aktualisiert!"],"Updated hosts: Disassociated from VM":["Hosts aktualisiert: von VM gelöst"],"Updated hosts: changed environment":["Hosts aktualisiert: Umgebung geändert"],"Updated hosts: changed host group":["Hosts aktualisiert: Hostgruppe geändert"],"Updated hosts: changed owner":["Hosts aktualisiert: Besitzer geändert"],"Upload facts for a host, creating the host if required":["Fakten für einen Host hochladen mit Erstellung des Hosts, wenn erforderlich"],"Use Gravatar":["Gravatar verwenden"],"Use UUID for certificates":["UUID für Zertifikate verwenden"],"Use short name for VMs":["Kurzen Namen für VMs verwenden"],"Use this account to authenticate, <i>optional</i>":["Benutze diesen Zugang für die Authentifizierung, <i>optional</i>"],"Use this puppet server as a CA server":["Diesen Puppet Server als CA Server verwenden"],"Use this puppet server as an initial Puppet Server or to execute puppet runs":["Diesen Puppet Server als ersten Puppet Server verwenden oder für die Ausführung von Puppet Runs "],"Used to enforce certain values for the parameter values":["Verwendet, um bestimmte Werte für die Parameterwerte umzusetzen"],"User":["Benutzer"],"User Group":[""],"User Groups":["Benutzergruppen"],"User IDs":["Benutzerkennungen"],"User data template":["Benutzerdaten-Vorlage"],"User groups":["Benutzergruppen"],"User groups enable users to log into Foreman and be automatically granted permissions.":[""],"User role":["Benutzerrolle"],"User's preferred locale":["Bevorzugte Regionseinstellung des Benutzers"],"User's timezone":["Zeitzone des Benutzers"],"UserRole|Owner type":["Eigentümertyp"],"Usergroup":["Benutzergruppe"],"Usergroup member":["Benutzergruppenmitglied"],"UsergroupMember|Member type":["Mitgliedstyp"],"Usergroup|Admin":["Admin"],"Usergroup|Auth source":["Authentifizierungsquelle"],"Usergroup|Name":["Name"],"Username":["Benutzername"],"Username for oVirt, EC2, VMware, OpenStack. Access Key for EC2.":["Benutzername für oVirt, EC2, VMware, OpenStack. Access Key für EC2."],"Username to use to authenticate, if required":["Benutzername zur Authentisierung, wo benötigt"],"Users":["Benutzer"],"User|Admin":["Admin"],"User|Avatar hash":["Avatar-Hash"],"User|Firstname":["Vorname"],"User|Last login on":["Letzte Anmeldung am"],"User|Lastname":["Nachname"],"User|Locale":["Locale"],"User|Login":["Benutzername"],"User|Lower login":["Kleinschreibungs-Login"],"User|Mail":["E-Mail"],"User|Mail enabled":["E-Mail aktiviert"],"User|Password hash":["Passwort-Hash"],"User|Password salt":["Passwort-Salt"],"Uses thin provisioning if unchecked":["Verwendet Thin Provisioning, wenn deaktiviert"],"Using the organization system provides a way to group resources together for easy management. Organizations are particularly useful for Foreman installations where several customers or business units are managed with a single Foreman install.":[""],"VCPU(s)":["VCPU(s)"],"VCenter/Server":["VCenter/Server"],"VLAN ID for this subnet":["VLAN-Kennung für dieses Subnetz"],"VLAN tag, this attribute has precedence over the subnet VLAN ID. Only for virtual interfaces.":["VLAN-Tag, dieses Atttribut hat Vorrang vor der Subnetz-VLAN-Kennung. Nur für virtuelle Schnittstellen."],"VM":["VM"],"VM Attributes":["VM-Attribute"],"VM Attributes (%s)":["VM-Attribute (%s)"],"VM already associated with a host":["VM ist bereits einem Host zugeordnet"],"VM associated to host %s":["VM zu Host %s zugeordnet"],"VM is not running!":["VM läuft nicht!"],"VNC/SPICE websocket proxy console access encryption (websockets_ssl_key/cert setting required)":["Verschlüsselter Zugriff auf VNC/SPICE WebSocket Proxy-Konsole (Einstellung der websockets_ssl_key/cert erforderlich)"],"Valid from":["Gültig von"],"Valid host group and environment combinations":["Gültige Hostgruppen- und Umgebungskombinationen"],"Validation types":["Prüftypen"],"Value":["Wert"],"Value to use when there is no match":["Zu verwendender Wert, falls es keine Übereinstimmung gibt"],"Value to use when there is no match.":["Zu verwendender Wert, falls es keine Übereinstimmung gibt"],"Variable":["Variable"],"Variable lookup key":["Variabler Suchschlüssel"],"Variables":["Variablen"],"Vendor class":["Herstellerklassen"],"Verify":["Überprüfen"],"Version":["Version"],"Version %{version}":["Version %{version}"],"Version %{version} %{copyright} 2009-%{year} Paul Kelly and %{author}":[""],"Very Strong":["Sehr stark"],"View Diff":["Unterschied Anzeigen"],"View in Foreman:":["In Foreman anzeigen:"],"View last report details":["Ansicht der letzten Berichtdetails"],"View list":["Liste anzeigen"],"Virtual (NAT)":["Virtuell (NAT)"],"Virtual H/W version":["Virtuelle H/W-Version"],"Virtual Machine":["Virtuelle Maschine"],"Virtual Machines":["Virtuelle Maschinen"],"Virtual Machines on %s":["Virtuelle Maschinen auf %s"],"Virtual NIC":["Virtuelle Netzwerkkarte"],"Virtual machine settings cannot be edited on an existing machine in %s":["Die Einstellungen der VM können nicht auf einem vorhandenen Rechner in %s bearbeitet werden"],"WARNING":["WARNUNG"],"Wait for %s to come online":["Warten, bis %s verfügbar wird"],"Warning":["Warnung"],"Warning!":["Warnung!"],"Warning! This will remove %{name} from %{number} user. are you sure?":["",""],"Warning: This will delete this host and all of its data!":["Achtung: dies wird den Host und alle seine Daten löschen!"],"Warnings and errors":["Warnungen und Fehler"],"We have not found any documentation for your API.":["Es konnte keine Dokumentation für Ihre API gefunden werden."],"We use Redmine to report and track bugs and feature requests, which can be found here:":["Wir verwenden Redmine zur Verwaltung von Fehler -und Feature-Anfragen, die hier erreichbar sind:"],"Weak":["Schwach"],"Websockets SSL certificate":["SSL-Zertifikat der Websockets "],"Websockets SSL key":["SSL-Schlüssel der Websockets"],"Websockets encryption":["Verschlüsselung von WebSockets"],"Weekly":["Wöchentlich"],"Welcome to Foreman":["Willkommen bei Foreman"],"What ever text(or ERB template) you use in here, would be used as your OS disk layout options If you want to use the partition table option, delete all of the text from this field":["Jeder Text (oder ERB Vorlage), den Sie hier angeben, würde als Betriebssystem Disklayout verwendet werden. Wenn Sie die Partitionstabellen Option verwenden möchten, muss jeglicher Text aus diesem Feld gelöscht werden"],"When a Host requests a template (e.g. during provisioning), Foreman will select the best match from the available templates of that type, in the following order:":["Wenn ein Host eine Vorlage anfragt (z. B. während der Bereitstellung), wird Foreman die beste Übereinstimmung aus den verfügbaren Vorlagen dieses Typs auswählen, in dieser Reihenfolge:"],"When a realm is selected for a host, Foreman contacts the relevant realm smart proxy to create an entry for the host and retrieve it's one-time registration password.":["Wenn ein Realm für einen Host ausgewählt wird, kontaktiert Foreman den jeweiligen Realm-Smart-Proxy, um einen Eintrag für den Host zu erstellen und dessen Einmalpasswort zur Registrierung abzurufen."],"When editing a template, you must assign a list of operating systems which this template can be used with. Optionally, you can restrict a template to a list of host groups and/or environments.":[""],"When enabled the parameter is hidden in the UI":["Wenn aktiviert, so ist der Parameter im UI verborgen "],"When specifying custom value, add 'MB' or 'GB' at the end. Field is not case sensitive and MB is default if unspecified.":[""],"When the role's associated %{taxonomies} are changed,<br> the change will propagate to all inheriting filters.\\n Filters that are set to override <br> will remain untouched. Overriding of role filters can be easily disabled by <br> pressing the \\\"Disable overriding\\\" button.\\n Note that not all filters support <br>%{taxonomies}, so these always remain global.":[""],"When using SSH based provisioning, a special SSH key is created in order to automate the provisioning process.":[""],"When using TLS, you can set how OpenSSL checks the certificate":["Bei Verwendung von TLS können Sie angeben, wie OpenSSL Zertifikate überprüfen soll"],"Whether or not the image supports user data":["Ob das Abbild Benutzerdaten unterstützt"],"Whether or not the template is locked for editing":["Ob die Vorlage für die Bearbeitung gesperrt ist oder nicht"],"Whether the class parameter value is managed by Foreman.":["Ob der Klassenparameter von Foreman verwaltet wird."],"Whether the smart class parameter value is managed by Foreman":["Ob der Smart-Klassenparameter von Foreman gemanagt wird"],"Which is an offset of <b>%s</b>":["Was ein Offset von <b>%s</b> bedeutet"],"Widget added to dashboard.":["Widget zur Übersichtsseite hinzugefügt."],"Widget positions successfully saved.":["Widget-Positionen wurden erfolgreich gespeichert."],"Widget removed from dashboard.":["Widget aus der Übersichtsseite entfernt"],"Wiki":["Wiki"],"With user groups, you can group your users and assign them roles on a group basis.":[""],"X509 Certification Authorities":["X509-Zertifizierungsstelle (CA)"],"YAML":["YAML"],"Yes":["Ja."],"You are about to change the default PXE menu on all configured TFTP servers - continue?":["Sie sind im Begriff, das Standard-PXE-Menü auf allen konfigurierten TFTP-Servern zu ändern - fortfahren?"],"You are about to override the editor content with a previous version, are you sure?":["Sie sind im Begriff, den Editorinhalt mit einer früheren Version zu überschreiben. Sind Sie sicher?"],"You are about to override the editor content, are you sure?":["Sie sind im Begriff, den Editorinhalt zu überschreiben. Sind Sie sicher?"],"You are about to unlock a locked template.":["Sie sind im Begriff, eine gesperrte Vorlage zu entsperren."],"You are not authorized to lock templates.":["Sie sind nicht berechtigt, Vorlagen zu sperren."],"You are not authorized to make a template default.":["Sie sind nicht berechtigt, eine Vorlage als Standard zu definieren."],"You are not authorized to perform this action.":["Sie sind nicht berechtigt, diese Aktion durchzuführen."],"You are trying to delete your own account":["Sie versuchen, Ihren eigenen Account zu löschen"],"You are using an unsupported browser.":["Ihr Browser wird nicht unterstützt."],"You can add SSH public keys to a user in Foreman.":[""],"You can find The Foreman on the %{freenode} ( network. For general support, please visit #theforeman and for development specific related chat, please visit #theforeman-dev.":["Sie finden Foreman auf dem %{freenode} ( Netzwerk. Allgemeinen Support erhalten Sie unter #theforeman und Themen rund um die Entwicklung werden unter #theforeman-dev diskutiert."],"You can select one of the IPAM modes supported by the selected IP protocol:<br/><ul><li><strong>DHCP</strong> - will manage the IP on DHCP through assigned DHCP proxy, auto-suggested IPs come from DHCP <em>(IPv4)</em></li><li><strong>Internal DB</strong> - use internal DB to auto-suggest free IP based on other interfaces on same subnet respecting range if specified, useful mainly with static boot mode <em>(IPv4, IPv6)</em></li><li><strong>EUI-64</strong> - will assign the IPv6 address based on the MAC address of the interface <em>(IPv6)</em></li><li><strong>None</strong> - leave IP management solely on user, no auto-suggestion <em>(IPv4, IPv6)</em></li></ul>":["Wählen Sie ein von der jeweiligen IP-Version unterstütztes IPAM-Verfahren:<br/><ul><li><strong>DHCP</strong> - die IP wird über DHCP vom zuständigen DHCP-Proxy vergeben, Adressvorschläge kommen von DHCP <em>(IPv4)</em></li><li><strong>Internal DB</strong> - die interne DB schlägt freie IPs auf der Basis der anderen Interfaces im selben Subnetz und, falls angegeben, unter Beachtung des Adressbereichs vor, primär nützlich bei statischem Bootmodus <em>(IPv4, IPv6)</em></li><li><strong>EUI-64</strong> - die IPv6-Adresse wird anhand der MAC-Address der Schnittstelle berechnet <em>(IPv6)</em></li><li><strong>None</strong> - IP-Vergabe ist Nutzer überlassen, keine Adressvorschläge <em>(IPv4, IPv6)</em></li></ul>"],"You can't assign locations to this resource":["Sie können dieser Ressource keine Standorte zuweisen."],"You can't assign organizations to this resource":["Sie können dieser Ressource keine Organisationen zuweisen."],"You cannot delete this user while logged in as this user.":["Sie können diesen Benutzer nicht löschen, während Sie als dieser Benutzer angemeldet sind."],"You do not have permission to %s this location parameter":["Sie haben keine Berechtigung, diesen Standortparameter zu %s"],"You do not have permission to %s this organization parameter":["Sie haben keine Berechtigung, diesen Organisationsparameter zu %s"],"You don't have any visible hosts. Hosts can be added and provisioned from Foreman, or configured to report to Foreman.":["Sie haben keine sichtbaren Hosts. Hosts können von Foreman hinzugefügt und bereitgestellt werden, oder sie können konfiguriert werden, an Foreman zu berichten."],"You don't seem to have any bookmarks.":["Sie scheinen keine Lesezeichen zu haben."],"You don't seem to have any facts yet. If you wish to configure fact pushing, please follow the documentation.":["Sie scheinen noch keine Fakten zu haben. Falls Sie den Übertragungsvorgang von Fakten konfigurieren möchten, folgen Sie bitte der Dokumentation."],"You don't seem to have any reports.":["Sie haben scheinbar keine Berichte."],"You have already logged in":[""],"You may also associate one or more operating systems with this medium or alternatively set this up later on the %s page.":["Sie können ein oder mehrere Betriebssysteme mit diesem Medium verknüpfen oder alternativ zu einem späteren Zeitpunkt unter %s einrichten."],"You may also associate one or more operating systems with this partition table or alternatively set this up later on the %s page":["Du kannst eines ode mehrere Betriebssysteme mit dieser Partitionstabelle verknüpfen oder alternativ dies später auf der Seite %s einrichten"],"You may create puppet classes that represent high-level host configurations, for example, a <b>host-type-ldap-server</b> class, which includes all the required functionality from other modules or you may decide to create a host group called <b>host-type-ldap-server</b> and add the required classes into the host group configuration.":["Sie können Puppet-Klassen erstellen, die Hostkonfigurationen auf hoher Ebene repräsentieren, z. B. eine Klasse <b>host-type-ldap-server</b>, die alle erforderlichen Funktionalitäten von anderen Modulen beinhaltet, oder Sie können eine Hostgruppe namens <b>host-type-ldap-server</b> erstellen und die erforderlichen Klassen zur Hostgruppenkonfiguration hinzufügen."],"You must create a location before continuing.":["Es muss zuerst ein Standort angelegt werden."],"You must create an organization before continuing.":["Sie müssen zuerst eine Organisation erstellen, bevor Sie fortfahren können."],"You must create at least one location before continuing.":["Sie müssen mindestens einen Standort erstellen, bevor Sie fortfahren können."],"You must create at least one organization before continuing.":["Sie müssen mindestens eine Organisation erstellen, bevor Sie fortfahren können."],"You must select at least one permission":["Zumindest eine Berechtigung auswählen."],"You probably need to configure your %s first.":["Sie müssen vermutlich zuerst %s konfigurieren."],"You would probably need to attach the":["Sie müssen wahrscheinlich die"],"Your Foreman user account has been created:":["Ihr Foreman-Benutzer-Account wurde erstellt:"],"Your host has finished building:":["Ihr Host Build-Prozess ist abgeschlossen für:"],"Your password is too short":["Ihr Passwort ist zu kurz"],"Your password should not contain sequences":["Ihr Passwort sollte keine Folgen enthalten"],"Your password should not contain that many repetitions":["Ihr Passwort sollte weniger Wiederholungen aufweisen"],"Your password should not contain your email":["Ihr Passwort sollte nicht Ihre E-Mail-Adresse enthalten"],"Your password should not contain your username":["Ihr Passwort sollte nicht Ihren Benutzernamen enthalten"],"Your password should use characters from different character classes too":["Ihr Passwort sollte verschiedene Zeichenarten enthalten"],"Your session has expired, please login again":["Ihre Sitzung ist abgelaufen, bitte melde dich erneut an"],"ZTP PXE template":["ZTP-PXE-Vorlage"],"Zone":["Zone"],"[encrypted]":["[verschlüsselt]"],"a location":["ein Standort"],"add a new matcher":["Einen neuen Prüfwert hinzufügen"],"add new network interface":["neue Netzwerkschnittstelle hinzufügen"],"add new storage volume":["neues Speichervolume hinzufügen"],"all":["alle"],"already exists":["existiert bereits"],"an organization":["eine Organisation"],"and":["und"],"array":["Datenfeld"],"belongs to config group":["gehört zur Konfigurationsgruppe"],"boolean":["Boolesch"],"boot device, valid devices are disk, cdrom, pxe, bios":["Boot Device, gültige Geräte sind Festplatte, CD-Rom, PXE, BIOS"],"can only be set for array or hash":["kann nur für Array oder Hash gesetzt werden"],"can only be set for arrays that have merge_overrides set to true":["kann nur für Arrays gesetzt werden, für die merge_overrides auf \\\"true\\\" gesetzt ist"],"can only be set when merge overrides is set":["kann nur eingestellt werden, wenn Überschreibung für Zusammenführung eingestellt ist"],"can't be bigger than to range":["darf nicht grösser sein als Bereich"],"can't be blank":["darf nicht leer sein"],"can't be blank unless a custom partition has been defined":["kann ohne definierte, spezifische Partition nicht leer sein"],"can't be updated after host is provisioned":["kann nach Bereitstellung des Hosts nicht aktualisiert werden"],"can't be updated after subnet is saved":["kann nach Abspeichern des Subnetzes nicht mehr geändert werden"],"can't contain spaces.":["kann keine Leerzeichen enthalten"],"can't delete primary interface of managed host":["Primärschnittstelle des gemanagten Hosts konnte nicht gelöscht werden"],"can't delete provision interface of managed host":["Bereitsstellungsschnittstelle des gemanagten Hosts konnte nicht gelöscht werden"],"can't find domain with this id":["Domäne mit dieser Kennung konnte nicht gefunden werden"],"cannot be changed":["kann nicht geändert werden"],"cannot be changed by a non-admin user":["Kann nicht durch einen Nicht-Admin User geändert werden"],"cannot be changed on an internal protected account":["kann auf einem internen, geschützten Account nicht geändert werden"],"cannot be enabled for an unmanaged host":["kann für nicht verwalteten Host nicht aktiviert sein"],"cannot be removed from an internal protected account":["kann von einem internen, geschützten Account nicht entfernt werden"],"cannot be removed from the last admin account":["kann vom letzten Administrator-Account nicht entfernt werden"],"clone":["klonen"],"comma separated interface identifiers":["Kommagetrennte Schnittstellen-Kennungen"],"comments powered by %{disqus}":["Kommentare betrieben von %{disqus}"],"could not be calculated":[""],"could not be found in %s":["konnte in %s nicht gefunden werden"],"could not be generated":[""],"cycle":["Zyklus"],"default locations need to be user locations first":["Standardmäßige Standorte müssen zunächst BenutzerStandorte sein"],"default organizations need to be user organizations first":["Standardmäßige Organisationen müssen zunächst Benutzerorganisationen sein"],"defaults to 389":["Standardeinstellung ist 389"],"does not appear to be a valid nfs mount path":["scheint kein gültiger NFS-Einhängepfad zu sein"],"does not belong into host's location":["Gehört nicht zum Host-Standort"],"does not belong into host's organization":[""],"does not belong to subnet":["gehört nicht zum Subnetz"],"does not have the %s feature":[""],"does not match selected subnet":["stimmt nicht mit ausgewähltem Subnetz überein"],"domain":["Domäne"],"e-mail reporting":["E-Mail-Berichterstattung"],"e.g. admin@internal":["z.B. admin@internal"],"e.g. givenName":["z.B. givenName"],"e.g. http://openstack:5000/v2.0/tokens":["z.B. http://openstack:5000/v2.0/tokens"],"e.g.":["z.B."],"e.g.":["z. B."],"e.g. jpegPhoto":["z. B. jpegPhoto"],"e.g. karmic, lucid, hw0910 etc":["z.B. karmic, lucid, hw0910 usw."],"e.g. mail":["z.B. mail"],"e.g. qemu://":["z.B. qemu://"],"e.g. sn":["z.B. sn"],"e.g. uid":["z.B. UID"],"enable caching, for VMware only":[""],"environment id":["Umgebungskennung"],"failed to %{action} %{vm}":["scheiterte an %{action} %{vm}"],"failed to detect boot server: %s":["konnte Bootserver nicht erkennen: %s"],"failed to execute puppetrun: %s":["konnte Puppet-Run nicht ausführen: %s"],"failed to save %s":["konnte %s nicht speichern"],"filter for %s role":["filtere nach Rolle %s"],"filter results":["Ergebnisse filtern"],"for EC2 only":["nur für EC2"],"for Libvirt and VMware only":["nur für Libvirt und VMware"],"for Libvirt only":["nur für Libvirt"],"for OpenStack only":["nur für OpenStack"],"for VMware":["für VMware"],"for oVirt, VMware Datacenter":["für oVirt, VMware Datacenter"],"for proxy":["für Proxy"],"free memory":["Freier Speicher"],"from profile %s":["von Profil %s"],"further instructions":["weitere Anweisungen"],"global":["systemweit"],"groups base DN":["gruppiert Base DN"],"has already been taken":["ist bereits ausgewählt"],"has this role already":["hat bereits diese Rolle"],"hash":["Hash"],"hash containing the facts for the host":["Hash, der die Fakten für den Host enthält"],"host":["host"],"host already has primary interface":["Host verfügt bereits über eine Primärschnittstelle"],"host already has provision interface":["Host verfügt bereits über eine Bereitstellungsschnittstelle"],"host group":["Hostgruppe"],"host group id":["Hostgruppenkennung"],"host must have one primary interface":["Host muss eine Primärschnittstelle aufweisen."],"hostname of the host":["Hostname des Hosts"],"iPXE template":["iPXE Vorlage"],"in %s":["in %s"],"in Progress":["in Bearbeitung"],"in progress":["in Bearbeitung"],"included already from parent":["bereits in der Hostgruppe einbegriffen"],"inherit":["erben"],"integer":["Ganzzahl"],"interface information":["Schnittstelleninformation"],"invalid":["ungültig"],"invalid LDAP filter syntax":["ungültige LDAP-Filtersyntax"],"invalid architecture for %s":["ungültige Architektur für %s"],"invalid host list":["ungültige Systemliste"],"invalid medium for %s":["ungültiges Medium für %s"],"invalid method %s":["ungültige Methode %s"],"invalid path":["ungültiger Pfad"],"invalid search query: %s":["ungültige Suchanfrage: %s"],"invalid time range":["ungültiger Zeitraum"],"invalid type %s":["ungültiger Typ %s"],"invalid type: %s requested":["ungültiger Typ: %s angefragt"],"is already used by a user account":["wird bereits von einem Benutzerzugang verwendet"],"is an admin account":["ist ein Administrator-Account"],"is an admin user group":["ist eine Admin-Benutzergruppe"],"is an unsupported provisioning method":["ist eine nicht unterstützte Bereitstellungsmethode"],"is invalid":["ist ungültig"],"is invalid %s":["ist ungültig %s"],"is invalid. No provisioning template with name \\\"%{name}\\\" and kind \\\"%{kind}\\\" found. ":[""],"is invalid: %s":["ist ungültig: %s"],"is locked for user modifications.":[""],"is not a valid MAC address":["ist keine gültige MAC-Adresse"],"is not allowed to change":["ist nicht möglich zu ändern"],"is not defined for host's %s.":[""],"is not found in the authentication source":["wurde in der Authentifzierungsquelle nicht gefunden"],"is not permitted":["ist nicht zulässig"],"is not valid":["ist nicht gültig"],"is too long (maximum is 1 character)":["ist zu lang (höchstens 1 Zeichen)","ist zu lang (höchstens %s Zeichen)"],"is too long (maximum is 254 characters)":["ist zu lang (maximal 254 Zeichen)"],"is unknown":["ist unbekannt"],"issue tracker":["Issue Tracker"],"items selected. Uncheck to Clear":["Elemente ausgewählt. Abwählen um zu Leeren"],"json":["json"],"last %s day":["letzter %s Tag","letzte %s Tage"],"link external user group with this user group":["externe Benutzergruppe mit dieser Benutzergruppe verknüpfen"],"list":["Liste"],"locale_name":["Deutsch"],"location":["Standort"],"locations":["Standorte"],"managed host must have one provision interface":["gemanagter Host muss eine Bereitstellungsschnittstelle aufweisen"],"message":["Nachricht"],"must be a unicast MAC address":[""],"must be a valid regexp":["muss ein gültiger regulärer Ausdruck sein"],"must be an array":["muss ein Array sein"],"must be boolean":["muss ein bool´scher Wert sein"],"must be comma separated":["muss mit Komma getrennt sein"],"must be integer":["muss ganzzahlig sein"],"must be of type Subnet::Ipv4.":["muss vom Typ Subnet::Ipv4 sein."],"must be of type Subnet::Ipv6.":["muss vom Typ Subnet::Ipv6 sein."],"must be one of [ %s ]":["muss eines der Folgenden sein: [ %s ]"],"must be specified if from is defined":["musst angegeben werden falls von definiert ist"],"must be specified if to is defined":["musst angegeben werden falls zu definiert ist"],"must be true to edit the parameter":["muss wahr sein um Parameter zu bearbeiten"],"must contain valid hostnames":["muss gültige Hostnamen enthalten"],"must not include periods":["darf keine Punkte enthalten"],"must only contain alphanumeric or underscore characters":["Darf nur alphanumerische Zeichen und Unterstriche enthalten"],"must provide a provider":["muss einen Provider angeben"],"must set host and port":["muss Host und Port festlegen"],"new":["neu"],"nil allowed":["Null erlaubt"],"nil means host is bare metal":["\\\"nil\\\" bedeutet, dass es sich um einen Bare-Metal-Host handelt"],"no free IP could be found in our DB":["in unserer DB konnte keine freie IP gefunden werden"],"no puppet proxy defined - 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var locales = locales || {}; locales['de'] = {"domain":"app","locale_data":{"app":{"":{"Project-Id-Version":"Foreman","Report-Msgid-Bugs-To":"","PO-Revision-Date":"2017-09-19 16:40+0000","Last-Translator":"Lukáš Zapletal","Language-Team":"German (","MIME-Version":"1.0","Content-Type":"text/plain; charset=UTF-8","Content-Transfer-Encoding":"8bit","Language":"de","Plural-Forms":"nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);","lang":"de","domain":"app","plural_forms":"nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);"}," Remove":["Entfernen"],"%s - Press Shift-F12 to release the cursor.":["%s - Drücke Umschalttaste-F12, um den Cursor freizugeben."],"%s - The following hosts are about to be changed":["%s - Die folgenden Hosts werden geändert"],"%s Distribution":["%s Distribution"],"%s Parameters updated, see below for more information":["%s Parameter aktualisiert, weitere Informationen unten"],"%s Template":["%s Vorlage"],"%s VM associated to a host":["%s VM diesem Host zugeordnet","%s VMs diesem Host zugeordnet"],"%s active feature":["%s aktive Funktion","%s aktive Funktionen"],"%s ago":["vor %s"],"%s console is not supported at this time":["%s Konsole wird zu diesem Zeitpunkt nicht unterstützt"],"%s core":["%s Kern","%s Kerne"],"%s day ago":["vor %s Tag","vor %s Tagen"],"%s error message":["%s Fehlermeldung","%s Fehlermeldungen"],"%s has been disassociated from VM":["%s ist nun nicht mehr der VM zugewiesen"],"%s host":["%s Host","%s Hosts"],"%s is an unknown attribute":["%s ist ein unbekanntes Attribut"],"%s is not a valid DNS record type":["%s ist kein gültiger DNS-Eintragstyp"],"%s is not in environment":["%s befindet sich nicht in der Umgebung"],"%s log message":["%s Protokollmeldung","%s Protokollmeldungen"],"%s minute ago":["vor %s Minute","vor %s Minuten"],"%s month ago":["vor %s Monat","vor %s Monaten"],"%s selected hosts":["%s ausgewählte Hosts"],"%s warning message":["%s Warnmeldung","%s Warnmeldungen"],"%s week ago":["vor %s Woche","vor %s Wochen"],"%s widget loading...":[""],"%{app_name} API documentation homepage":["%{app_name} API-Dokumentations-Startseite"],"%{config_type} rebuild failed for host: %{host_names}.":["",""],"%{controller}: %{host}'s operating system %{os} has no OS family":[""],"%{controller}: %{host}'s operating system is missing":["%{controller}: Fehlendes Betriebssystem für %{host}"],"%{controller}: unable to find a host that matches the request from %{addr}":["%{controller}: Zu einer Anfrage von %{addr} wurde kein passender Host gefunden"],"%{cores} Cores and %{memory} memory":["%{cores} Kerne und %{memory} Speicher"],"%{count} host with no %{taxonomy_single} assigned":["%{count} Host keine %{taxonomy_single} zugewiesen","%{count} Hosts keine %{taxonomy_single} zugewiesen"],"%{cpus} CPUs and %{memory} MB memory":["%{cpus} CPUs und %{memory} MB Speicher"],"%{cpus} CPUs and %{memory} memory":["%{cpus} CPUs und %{memory} Speicher"],"%{e} does not belong to the %{environment} environment":["%{e} gehört nicht zur Umgebung %{environment}"],"%{host} is about to %{action}":["%{host} wird jetzt %{action}"],"%{host} now boots from %{device}":["%{host} startet jetzt von %{device}"],"%{id} plugin requires Foreman %{matcher} but current is %{current}":["%{id} Plugin benötigt Foreman %{matcher}, ist aktuell aber %{current}"],"%{id} plugin requires the %{plugin_name} plugin %{matcher} but current is %{plugin_version}":["%{id} Plugin benötigt das %{plugin_name}-Plugin %{matcher}, ist aktuell aber %{plugin_version}"],"%{id} plugin requires the %{plugin_name} plugin, not found":["%{id} Plugin benötigt das %{plugin_name}-Plugin, wurde aber nicht gefunden"],"%{image} needs user data, but %{os_link} is not associated to any provisioning template of the kind user_data. Please associate it with a suitable template or uncheck 'User data' for %{compute_resource_image_link}.":["%{image} benötigt Benutzerdaten. Jedoch ist %{os_link} keiner Bereitstellungsvorlage der Art user_data zugeordnet. Bitte weisen Sie eine geeignete Vorlage zu, oder deaktivieren sie \\\"Benutzerdaten\\\" für %{compute_resource_image_link}."],"%{key} does not exist in order field":[""],"%{match} does not match an existing host":["%{match} passt zu keinem existierenden Host"],"%{match} does not match an existing host group":["%{match} passt zu keiner existierenden Gruppe"],"%{model} with id '%{id}' was not found":["%{model} mit ID '%{id}' nicht gefunden"],"%{name} changed from %{label1} to %{label2}":["%{name} wurde von %{label1} zu %{label2} geändert"],"%{name} has %{num_tag} class":["%{name} hat %{num_tag} class","%{name} hat %{num_tag} Klassen"],"%{os} medium was not set for host '%{host}'":[""],"%{record} is being used by a hidden %{what} resource":["%{record} wird von einer versteckten Ressource %{what} verwendet"],"%{record} is used by %{what}":["%{record} wird von %{what} benutzt"],"%{record} is used by host in build mode %{what}":["%{record} wird vom Host im Bereitstellungsmodus %{what} verwendet"],"%{resource_name} not found by id '%{id}'":["%{resource_name} nicht gefunden über Kennung '%{id}'"],"%{task} task failed with the following error: %{e}":["Aufgabe %{task} schlug aufgrund des folgenden Fehlers fehl: %{e}"],"%{taxonomy_type} %{taxonomy_name} has %{count} host that will need to be reassociated after deletion. Delete %{taxonomy_name2}?":["",""],"%{type} %{conflicts} already exists":["%{type} %{conflicts} bereits vorhanden"],"%{user} Downloaded %{key} as pem file":[""],"%{value} does not belong to %{os} operating system":["%{value} gehört nicht zum Betriebssystem %{os}"],"%{value} is not a valid controller":["%{value} ist kein gültiger Controller"],"%{value} is not one of %{rules}":["%{value} ist nicht Teil von %{rules}"],"%{vm} is now %{vm_state}":["%{vm} ist nun %{vm_state}"],"&laquo;":["&laquo;"],"&raquo;":["&raquo;"],"'%{host}' could be deleted or '%{resource}' is not responding.":["'%{host}' konnte nicht gelöscht werden oder '%{resource}' reagiert nicht."],"'%{host}' not found on '%{resource}'":["'%{host}' wurde nicht unter '%{resource}' gefunden"],"'%{loader}' is not one of %{loaders}":["'%{loader}' ist nicht Teil von %{loaders}"],"'Content-Type: %s' is unsupported in API v2 for POST and PUT requests. Please use 'Content-Type: application/json'.":["'Content-Type: %s' ist in der API v2 für POST- und PUT-Anfragen nicht unterstützt. Bitte verwenden Sie als 'Content-Type: application/json'."],"(Miscellaneous)":["(Verschiedenes)"],"(optional) IAM Role for Fog to use when creating this image.":["(optional) IAM-Rolle für Fog verwenden, wenn das Abbild erstellt wird."],"*Clear %s proxy*":["*%s Proxy löschen*"],"*Clear environment*":["*Lösche Umgebung*"],"*Clear host group*":["*Lösche Hostgruppe*"],"*Inherit from host group*":["*Vererbe von Hostgruppe*"],", relevant log entries, and it is highly recommended to also attach the foreman-debug output.":["relevanten Log-Einträge und auch die empfohlene Foreman-debug Ausgabe anhängen."],":foreman_url is not set, please configure in the Foreman Web UI (Administer -> Settings -> General)":[":foreman_url ist nicht gesetzt, bitte im Foreman Web UI setzen (Administration -> Einstellungen -> Allgemein)"],"<b class='select_count'>0</b> selected":["<b class='select_count'>0</b> ausgewählt"],"<b style=\\\"color: #6bb5df;\\\">%{disabled_sum}</b>\\n <p>Disabled</p>":["",""],"<b style=\\\"color: #6bb5df;\\\">%{hosts_sum}</b>\\n <p>Changed</p>":["",""],"<b style=\\\"color: #6bb5df;\\\">%{out_of_sync_sum}</b>\\n <p>Out of sync</p>":["",""],"<b>Description:</b> %{desc}<br/>\\n <b>Type:</b> %{type}<br/>\\n <b>Matcher:</b> %{matcher}<br/>\\n <b>Inherited value:</b> %{inherited_value}":["<b>Beschreibung:</b> %{desc}<br/>\\n <b>Typ:</b> %{type}<br/>\\n <b>Prüfwert:</b> %{matcher}<br/>\\n <b>Vererbter Wert:</b> %{inherited_value}"],"<b>Foreman API v1 is deprecated. Please use v2.</b><br />If you still need to use v1, you may do so by either passing 'version=1' in the Accept Header or using api/v1/ in the URL.":[""],"<b>Foreman</b> Build Complete":["<b>Foreman</b> Build Complete"],"<b>Foreman</b> Puppet error report":["<b>Foreman</b> Puppet-Fehlerbericht"],"<b>Foreman</b> Puppet summary":["<b>Foreman</b> Puppet-Zusammenfassung"],"<b>Foreman</b> audit summary":["<b>Foreman</b> Auditzusammenfassung"],"<b>Foreman</b> test email":["<b>Foreman</b> Test E-Mail"],"<b>Source:</b> %{type} %{name}":["<b>Quelle:</b> %{type} %{name}"],"<dl><dt>List</dt> <dd>A list of the allowed values, specified in the Validator rule field.</dd><dt>Regexp</dt> <dd>Validates the input with the regular expression in the Validator rule field.</dd></dl>":["<dl><dt>List</dt> <dd>Eine Liste der erlaubten Werte, angegeben im Feld der Prüfungsregel.</dd><dt>Regexp</dt> <dd>Validiert die Eingabe des regulären Ausdrucks im Feld der Prüfungsregel.</dd></dl>"],"<dl><dt>String</dt> <dd>Everything is taken as a string.</dd><dt>Boolean</dt> <dd>Common representation of boolean values are accepted.</dd><dt>Integer</dt> <dd>Integer numbers only, can be negative.</dd><dt>Real</dt> <dd>Accept any numerical input.</dd><dt>Array</dt> <dd>A valid JSON or YAML input, that must evaluate to an array.</dd><dt>Hash</dt> <dd>A valid JSON or YAML input, that must evaluate to an object/map/dict/hash.</dd><dt>YAML</dt> <dd>Any valid YAML input.</dd><dt>JSON</dt> <dd>Any valid JSON input.</dd></dl>":["<dl><dt>String</dt> <dd>Alles wird als Zeichenkette übernommen.</dd><dt>Boolean</dt> <dd>Allgemeine Darstellungsformen von boolschen Werten werden akzeptiert.</dd><dt>Integer</dt> <dd>Nur ganze Zahlen, können auch negativ sein.</dd><dt>Real</dt> <dd>Akzeptiert jede numerische Eingabe.</dd><dt>Array</dt> <dd>Eine gültige JSON- oder YAML-Eingabe, die ein Array darstellt.</dd><dt>Hash</dt> <dd>Eine gültige JSON- oder YAML-Eingabe, die zu einem Objekt/map/dict/hash passt.</dd><dt>YAML</dt> <dd>Jede gültige YAML-Eingabe.</dd><dt>JSON</dt> <dd>Jede gültige JSON-Eingabe.</dd></dl>"],"A Foreman user group can be associated to a group stored in an LDAP server, so membership of the LDAP group automatically adds the user to the Foreman user group.":[""],"A host group is in some ways similar to an inherited node declaration, in that it is a high level grouping of classes that can be named and treated as a unit. This is then treated as a template and is selectable during the creation of a new host and ensures that the host is configured in one of your pre-defined states.":["Eine Hostgruppe ist einer vererbten Knotenangabe ähnlich, weil sie eine Gruppierung von Klassen auf hoher Ebene ist, die als Einheit benannt und behandelt werden kann. Dies wird dann als Vorlage gehandhabt und kann bei der Erstellung eines neuen Hosts ausgewählt werden und stellt darüber hinaus sicher, dass der Host in einem von Ihnen vordefinierten Zustand konfiguriert wird."],"A medium represents the source of one or more operating system's installation files, accessible via the network.\\n It will probably be a mirror from the internet or a copy of one or more CD or DVDs.":["Als Medium bezeichnet man die Quelle von einer oder mehreren Installationsdateien eines Betriebssystems, auf die man über das Netzwerk zugreifen kann.\\n Wahrscheinlich ist dies eine Spiegelung aus dem Internet oder die Kopie einer oder mehrerer CDs oder DVDs."],"A partition table entry represents either":["Ein Eintrag in der Partitionstabelle repäsentiert entweder"],"A problem occurred when detecting host type: %s":["Es trat ein Problem auf bei der Erkennung des Hosttyp: %s"],"A script to dynamically calculate the desired sizes. E.G.":["Ein Skript, das die gewünschten Größen dynamisch ermittelt, z.B."],"A user group already exists with this name":["Eine Gruppe mit diesem Namen existiert bereits"],"API Key":["API-Schlüssel"],"API documentation":["API-Dokumentation"],"About":["Info"],"Access Key":["Zugriffsschlüssel"],"Access denied":["Zugang verweigert"],"Access unattended without build":[""],"Account":["Account"],"Acquire IP addresses for %s":["IP-Adressen für %s erlangen"],"Action":["Aktion"],"Actions":["Aktionen"],"Active":["Aktiv"],"Active Hosts":["Aktive Hosts"],"Active features":["Aktive Funktionen"],"Active key":[""],"Add Autosign entry":["Autosign-Eintrag hinzufügen"],"Add Bookmark":["Lesezeichen hinzufügen"],"Add Interface":["Schnittstelle hinzufügen"],"Add Matcher":["Prüfwert hinzufügen"],"Add Parameter":["Parameter hinzufügen"],"Add Trend Counter":["Trendzähler hinzufügen"],"Add Variable":["Variable hinzufügen"],"Add Volume":["Medium hinzufügen"],"Add a CD-ROM drive to the virtual machine.":["Fügen Sie ein CD-ROM-Laufwerk zur virtuellen Maschine hinzu."],"Add a Puppet class to host":["Puppet-Klasse dem Host zuweisen"],"Add a Puppet class to host group":["Puppet-Klasse der Hostgruppe zuweisen"],"Add a template combination":["Vorlage-Kombination hinzufügen"],"Add combination":["Füge Kombination hinzu"],"Add external user group":["Externe Benutzergruppe hinzufügen"],"Add filter":["Filter hinzufügen"],"Add to dashboard":["Zur Übersichtsseite hinzufügen"],"Add widgets":["Widgets hinzufügen"],"Add:":["Hinzufügen:"],"Adding would cause a cycle!":["Hinzufügen würde einen Kreislauf verursachen!"],"Additional Information":["Zusätzliche Informationen"],"Additional compute resource specific attributes for the interface.":["Zusätzliche Rechenressourcen-spezifische Attribute für die Schnittstelle."],"Additional compute resource specific attributes.":["Zusätzliche Rechenressourcen-spezifische Attribute"],"Additional information about this host":["Weitere Informationen über diesen Host"],"Address to connect to":["Adresse zum Verbinden"],"Admin permissions required":["Administratorberechtigungen erdorderlich"],"Administer":["Verwalten"],"Administrator email address":["Administrator-E-Mail-Adresse"],"Administrator user account required":["Benutzer-Account mit Administratorrechten erforderlich"],"Alert":["Warnung"],"Alerts disabled":["Warnungen deaktiviert"],"Alias or VLAN device":["Alias oder VLAN-Gerät"],"All":["Alle"],"All Puppet Classes for %s":["Alle Puppet-Klassen für %s"],"All Reports":["Alle Berichte"],"All compute resources":["Alle Rechenressourcen"],"All domains":["Alle Domänen"],"All environments":["Alle Umgebungen"],"All environments - (not filtered)":["Alle Umgebungen - (nicht gefiltert)"],"All host groups":["Alle Hostgruppen"],"All hosts":["Alle Hosts"],"All hosts data matches configurations for locations and organizations.":["Alle Host-Daten stimmen mit Konfigurationen für Standorte und Organisationen überein."],"All hosts previously with no %{single} are now assigned to %{name}":["Alle Systeme , die vorher keine %{single} hatten, wurden nun %{name} zugeordnet"],"All hosts will show a configuration status even when a Puppet smart proxy is not assigned":["Alle Hosts zeigen einen Konfigurationsstatus, auch wenn ein Puppet-Smart Proxy nicht zugewiesen ist"],"All items":["Alle Elemente"],"All media":["Alle Medien"],"All messages":["Alle Meldungen"],"All mismatches between hosts and %s have been fixed":["Alle Fehlanpassungen zwischen Hosts und %s wurden gefixed"],"All mismatches between hosts and locations/organizations have been fixed":["Alle Fehlanpassungen zwischen Hosts und Standorten/Organisationen wurden gefixed"],"All partition tables":["Alle Partitionstabellen"],"All provisioning templates":["Alle Bereitstellungsvorlagen"],"All realms":["Alle Realms"],"All smart proxies":["Alle Smart Proxys"],"All subnets":["Alle Subnetze"],"All users":["Alle Benutzer"],"Allocated":["Belegt"],"Allocation (GB)":["Zuweisung (GB)"],"Allow access to unattended URLs without build mode being used":[""],"Allow external network as main network":["Externes Netzwerk als Hauptnetzwerk zulassen"],"Allowed methods or members":["Erlaubte Methoden und Mitglieder"],"Always show configuration status":["Konfigurationsstatus immer anzeigen"],"An IP address will be auto-suggested if you have enabled IPAM on the IPv4 subnet selected above.<br/><br/>The IP address can be left blank when:<br/><ul><li>provisioning tokens are enabled</li><li>the domain does not manage DNS</li><li>the subnet does not manage reverse DNS</li><li>and the subnet does not manage DHCP reservations</li></ul>":[""],"An IP address will be auto-suggested if you have enabled IPAM on the IPv6 subnet selected above.":[""],"An email address is required, please update your account details":["E-Mail-Adresse obligatorisch, bitte Kontodetails ergänzen"],"An error occurred while testing the connection: ":["Beim Test der Verbindung ist ein Fehler aufgetreten:"],"An explicit layout for the partitions of your hard drive(s). E.G.":["Ein spezifisches Layout für die Partitionen Ihrer Festplatte(n), z.B."],"An invalid response was received while requesting available features from this proxy":[""],"Annotation Notes":[""],"Annotation notes":[""],"Anonymous admin user %s is missing, run foreman-rake db:seed":["Anonymer Admin-benutzer %s fehlt, führe foreman-rake db:seed aus"],"Any Context":["Jeder Kontext"],"Any Location":["Jeder Standort"],"Any Organization":["Jede Organisation"],"Applicable Operating Systems":["Passende Betriebssysteme"],"Applied":["Angewendet"],"Applied|A":["A"],"Architecture":["Architektur"],"Architecture Distribution":["Architekturverteilung"],"Architecture ID":["Architekturkennung"],"Architectures":["Architekturen"],"Architecture|Hostgroups count":["Hostgruppen-Anzahl"],"Architecture|Hosts count":["Host-Anzahl"],"Architecture|Name":["Name"],"Are you sure you want to %{act} %{vm}?":["Sind Sie sicher, dass Sie %{vm} %{act} möchten?"],"Are you sure you want to delete host %s? This action is irreversible.":["Sind Sie sicher, dass Sie den Host %s löschen möchten? Diese Aktion ist unwiderruflich."],"Are you sure you want to delete host %s? This will delete the virtual machine and its disks, and is irreversible.":["Sind Sie sicher, dass Sie den Host %s löschen möchten? Dies wird die Virtuelle Maschine und alle Laufwerke unwiderruflich löschen."],"Are you sure you want to delete this widget from your dashboard?":["Sind Sie sicher, dass Sie des Widget aus Ihrer Übersichtsseite löschen möchten?"],"Are you sure you want to log out?":["Sind Sie sicher, dass Sie sich abmelden möchten?"],"Are you sure you want to power %{act} %{vm}?":["Sind Sie sicher, dass Sie %{vm} %{act} möchten?"],"Are you sure?":["Sind Sie sicher?"],"Array of extra information types to include":[""],"Array of host IDs to associate with the partition table":["Abfolge von Host-Kennungen, die der Partitionstabelle zugeordnet werden sollen"],"Array of host group IDs to associate with the partition table":["Abfolge von Hostgruppen-Kennungen, die der Partitionstabelle zugeordnet werden sollen"],"Array of operating system IDs to associate with the partition table":["Abfolge von Betriebssystem-Kennungen, die der Partitionstabelle zugeordnet werden sollen"],"Array of operating system IDs to associate with the template":["Abfolge von Betriebssystem-Kennungen, die der Vorlage zugeordnet werden sollen"],"Array of parameters":[""],"Array of parameters (name, value)":["Abfolge von Parametern (name, value)"],"Array of template combinations (hostgroup_id, environment_id)":["Abfolge von Vorlagenkombinationen (hostgroup_id, environment_id)"],"Assign All":["Alle zuweisen"],"Assign Hosts to %s":["Hosts zu %s zuweisen"],"Assign Location":["Standort zuweisen"],"Assign Organization":["Organisation zuweisen"],"Assign Selected Hosts":["Ausgewählte Hosts zuweisen"],"Assign the %{count} host with no %{taxonomy_single} to %{taxonomy_name}":["Den %{count} Host mit keiner %{taxonomy_single} %{taxonomy_name} zuweisen","Alle %{count} Hosts mit keiner %{taxonomy_single} %{taxonomy_name} zuweisen"],"Assign to %s":["Hinzufügen zu %s"],"Assigning hosts to %{taxonomy_name} will also update %{taxonomy_name} to include all the resources that the selected hosts are currently using.":["Das Zuweisen aller Hosts zu %{taxonomy_name} wird ebenfalls %{taxonomy_name} aktualisieren, um alle Ressourcen aufzunehmen, die derzeit von den ausgewählten Hosts in Gebrauch sind."],"Associate VM":["VM zuweisen"],"Associate VM to a Foreman host":["VM einem Foreman Host zuweisen"],"Associate VMs":["VMs zuweisen"],"Associate VMs to Foreman hosts":["VMs Foreman-Hosts zuweisen"],"Associate VMs to Hosts":["VMs den Hosts zuweisen"],"Association":["Zusammenschluss"],"At least one volume must be specified for image-based provisioning.":["Für abbildbasierte Bereitstellung muss mindestens ein Volume angegeben werden"],"Attempting to construct an operating system image filename but %s cannot be built from an image":["Versuche den Dateinamen eines Betriebssystemabbilds zu erstellen, aber %s kann nicht aus einem Abbild erstellt werden"],"Attribute mappings":["Attributzuweisungen"],"Attribute type":["Attributtyp"],"Audit":[""],"Audit Comment":["Auditkommentar"],"Audit summary":["Auditzusammenfassung"],"Audited::Adapters::ActiveRecord::Audit|Action":["Aktion"],"Audited::Adapters::ActiveRecord::Audit|Associated name":["Zugehöriger Name"],"Audited::Adapters::ActiveRecord::Audit|Associated type":["Zugehöriger Typ"],"Audited::Adapters::ActiveRecord::Audit|Auditable name":["Prüfbarer Name"],"Audited::Adapters::ActiveRecord::Audit|Auditable type":["Prüfbarer Typ"],"Audited::Adapters::ActiveRecord::Audit|Audited changes":["Geprüfte Änderungen"],"Audited::Adapters::ActiveRecord::Audit|Comment":["Kommentar"],"Audited::Adapters::ActiveRecord::Audit|Remote address":["Remote-Adresse"],"Audited::Adapters::ActiveRecord::Audit|User type":["Benutzertyp"],"Audited::Adapters::ActiveRecord::Audit|Username":["Benutzername"],"Audited::Adapters::ActiveRecord::Audit|Version":["Version"],"Audits":["Audits"],"Auth source":["Authentifizierungsquelle"],"AuthSource|Account":["Account"],"AuthSource|Account password":["Zugangskennwort"],"AuthSource|Attr firstname":["Attr. Vorname"],"AuthSource|Attr lastname":["Attr. Nachname"],"AuthSource|Attr login":["Attr. Anmeldung"],"AuthSource|Attr mail":["Attr. Email"],"AuthSource|Attr photo":["Attr. Foto"],"AuthSource|Base dn":["Base DN"],"AuthSource|Groups base":["Gruppen-Base"],"AuthSource|Host":["Host"],"AuthSource|LDAPS":["LDAPs"],"AuthSource|Ldap filter":["LDAP-Filter"],"AuthSource|Name":["Name"],"AuthSource|Onthefly register":["On-the-fly-Anmeldung"],"AuthSource|Port":["Port"],"AuthSource|Server type":["Servertyp"],"AuthSource|Tls":["TLS"],"Authentication":["Authentifizierung"],"Author":["Autor"],"Authorize login delegation":["Anmeldedelegation autorisieren"],"Authorize login delegation API":["Anmeldedelegations-API autorisieren"],"Authorize login delegation auth source user autocreate":["Automatische Erstellung des Benutzers mit Anmeldedelegation autorisieren"],"Authorize login delegation with REMOTE_USER environment variable":["Anmeldedelegation mit der Umgebungsvariable REMOTE_USER autorisieren"],"Authorize login delegation with REMOTE_USER environment variable for API calls too":["Anmeldedelegation mit der REMOTE_USER-Umgebungsvariable auch für API-Aufrufe autorisieren"],"Authorized by":["Autorisiert durch"],"Auto refresh off":["Automatische Aktualisierung aus"],"Auto refresh on":["Automatische Aktualisierung ein"],"Automatic":[""],"Autosign":["Automatisch Signieren"],"Autosign entries":["Autosign-Einträge"],"Autosign entry name":[""],"Availability zone":["Verfügbarkeit Zone"],"Available Classes":["Verfügbare Klassen"],"Available Config Groups":["Verfügbare Konfigurationsgruppen"],"Available Providers":["Verfügbare Anbieter"],"Average memory usage":["Durchschnittliche Speicherauslastung"],"Average swap usage":["Durchschnittliche Swap-Verwendung"],"Avoid duplicate values when merging them (only array type)?":["Doppelte Werte bei der Zusammenführung vermeiden (nur Array Typ)?"],"BIOS":["BIOS"],"BMC":["BMC"],"BMC credentials access":["BMC-Anmeldedatenzugriff"],"BMC password usage":["BMC-Passwortnutzung"],"Back":["Zurück"],"Back to host":["Zurück zu Host"],"Back to host list":["Zurück zur Hostliste"],"Backtrace":["Ablaufverfolgung"],"Bare Metal":["Hardware"],"Base DN":["Base DN"],"Before you proceed to using Foreman you should provide information about one or more architectures.":["Bevor Foreman verwendet werden kann, sollten Informationen über eine oder mehrere Architektur/en bereitgestellt werden."],"Bond":["Bond"],"Bond mode of the interface, e.g. balance-rr. Only for bond interfaces.":["Bond-Modus der Schnittstelle, z.B. balance-rr. Ausschließlich für Bond-Schnittstellen."],"Bookmark":["Lesezeichen"],"Bookmark this search":["Diese Suche als Lesezeichen abspeichern"],"Bookmark was successfully created.":["Das Lesezeichen wurde erfolgreich erstellt."],"Bookmark was successfully updated.":["Das Lesezeichen wurde erfolgreich aktualisiert."],"Bookmarks":["Lesezeichen"],"Bookmarks are saved search queries. To save them, click on 'Bookmark this search' on the dropdown next to every search button.":["Lesezeichen sind gespeicherte Suchanfragen. Zum Speichern klicken Sie auf 'Diese Suche speichern' im Dropdown-Menü neben dem der Schaltfläche 'Suchen'."],"Bookmark|Controller":["Bereich"],"Bookmark|Name":["Name"],"Bookmark|Owner type":["Eigentümertyp"],"Bookmark|Public":["Öffentlich"],"Bookmark|Query":["Abfrage"],"Boot device":["Boot-Device"],"Boot from volume":["Starten von Volumen"],"Boot host from specified device":["Host von angegebenem Gerät starten"],"Bootable":["Bootfähig"],"Bridge":["Brücke"],"Browse host config management reports":["Berichte zur Verwaltung der Host-Konfig durchsuchen"],"Browse host facts":["Systemfakten durchsuchen"],"Browser locale":["Browser-Sprache"],"Browser timezone":["Browser-Zeitzone"],"Build":["Erstellen"],"Build Hosts":["Hosts erstellen"],"Build PXE Default":["PXE-Standard erstellen"],"Build a query for %{mailer}":["Abfrage für %{mailer} erstellen"],"Build from OS image":["Von Betriebssytemabbild erstellen"],"By unchecking this you can specify filter using Foreman search syntax in search field. If filter remains <br> unlimited (this field is checked) it applies on all resources of the selected type. When a role is associated <br> with some %s filter is not considered unlimited as it's scoped accordingly.":[""],"CA certificate expiry date":["Ablaufdatum des ZS-Zertifikats"],"CD-ROM drive":["CD-ROM-Laufwerk"],"CDROM":["CD-ROM"],"CPU hot add":["CPU Hot-Add"],"CPU hot add lets you add CPU resources for a virtual machine while the machine is powered on.":["CPU Hot-Add lässt Sie CPU-Ressourcen für eine virtuelle Maschine hinzufügen, während die Maschine eingeschaltet ist."],"CPUs":["CPUs"],"Cache slow calls to VMWare to speed up page rendering":[""],"Caching":[""],"Calling methods on objects":[""],"Can't delete internal admin account":["Kann den internen Admin-Account nicht löschen"],"Can't delete the last admin account":["Kann den letzten Admin-Account nicht löschen"],"Can't delete the last admin user group":["Konnte die letzten Admin-Gruppe nicht erstellen"],"Can't find a valid Foreman Proxy with a Puppet feature":["Kann keinen gültigen Foreman-Proxy mit Puppet-Unterstützung finden"],"Cancel":["Abbrechen"],"Cancel build":["Erstellung abbrechen"],"Cancel build request for this host":["Erstellungs-Anfrage für diesen Host zurücknehmen"],"Canceled pending build for %s":["Ausstehende Erstellung für %s abgebrochen"],"Cannot add pagelet with key %s and without mountpoint":[""],"Cannot add pagelet with key %s and without partial":[""],"Cannot continue because some permissions were not found, please run rake db:seed and retry":[""],"Cannot create LDAP configuration for %s without dedicated service account":["LDAP Konfiguration für %s kann ohne dedizierten Dienst-Account nicht erstellt werden"],"Cannot delete %{current} because it has nested %{sti_name}.":["%{current} kann nicht gelöscht werden, da es verschachtelte %{sti_name} hat."],"Cannot delete built-in role":["Kann die eingebaute Rolle nicht löschen"],"Cannot delete group %{current} because it has nested groups.":["Gruppe %{current} kann nicht gelöscht werden, da sie verschachtelte Gruppen enthält."],"Cannot delete group %{current} because it has nested host groups.":["Gruppe %{current} kann nicht gelöscht werden, da sie verschachtelte Hostgruppen enthält."],"Cannot find user %s when switching context":["Benutzer %s kann bei Kontextwechsel nicht gefunden werden"],"Cannot register compute resource, wrong type supplied":[""],"Canvas not supported.":["Canvas nicht unterstützt."],"Caps lock ON":["Caps-Lock AN"],"Certificate Name":["Zertifikatsname"],"Certificate path":["Zertifikatspfad"],"Certificate that Foreman will use to encrypt websockets ":["Zertifikat, das Foreman zum Verschlüsseln von WebSockets verwendet"],"Certificates":["Zertifikate"],"Change Environment":["Umgebung ändern"],"Change Group":["Gruppe ändern"],"Change Owner":["Besitzer ändern"],"Change Power State":["Energiezustand ändern"],"Change Puppet CA":["Puppet-CA ändern"],"Change Puppet Master":["Puppet-Master ändern"],"Change the password":["Passwort ändern"],"Change your avatar at":["Avatar kann auf geändert werden"],"Changed environments":["Geänderte Umgebungen"],"Changes to %s will propagate to all inheriting filters":[""],"Chassis":["Chassis"],"Check again":["Erneut überprüfen"],"Check/Uncheck all":["Alle auswählen/abwählen"],"Check/Uncheck all %s changes":["Alle %s Änderungen auswählen/abwählen"],"Check/Uncheck new":["Neue auswählen/abwählen"],"Check/Uncheck obsolete":["Veraltete auswählen/abwählen"],"Check/Uncheck updated":["Aktualisierte auswählen/abwählen"],"Choose a family":["Familie auswählen"],"Choose a provider":["Provider auswählen"],"Choose a server type":["Servertyp auswählen"],"Class":["Klasse"],"Class Distribution":["Klassenverteilung"],"Classes":["Klassen"],"Clean up failed deployment":["Deployment fehlgeschlagen wegen Cleanup"],"Click on the link of a compute resource to edit its default VM attributes.":["Klicken Sie auf den Link einer Rechenressource, um dessen Standard-VM-Attribute zu bearbeiten"],"Click to add %s":["Klicken, um %s hinzuzufügen"],"Click to log in again.":["Klicken um erneut anzumelden."],"Click to mark as read":[""],"Click to remove %s":["Klicken um %s zu entfernen"],"Click to remove config group":["Klicken um Konfigurationsgruppe zu entfernen"],"Client Email":["Client-E-Mail"],"Client SSL certificates are used to identify Smart Proxies (:require_ssl should also be enabled)":["Client-SSL-Zertifikate werden verwendet, um Smart-Proxys zu identifizieren (:require_ssl sollte auch aktiviert sein)"],"Clone":["Klon"],"Clone %s":["%s klonen"],"Clone Host %s":["Klone Host %s"],"Clone a host group":["Hostgruppe klonen"],"Clone a provision template":["Bereitstellungsvorlage klonen"],"Clone a role":[""],"Clone a template":["Vorlage klonen"],"Clone this host":["Diesen Host klonen"],"Close":["Schließen"],"Cluster":["Cluster"],"Cluster ID is required to list available networks":["Cluster-Kennung wird benötigt um verfügbare Netzwerke aufzulisten"],"Comments":["Anmerkungen"],"Communication status":["Kommunikationsstatus"],"Compute Resource":["Rechenressource"],"Compute Resource Distribution":[""],"Compute Resources":["Rechenressource"],"Compute attribute":["Rechenattribut"],"Compute profile":["Rechenprofil"],"Compute profile ID":["Rechenprofilkennung"],"Compute profiles":["Rechenprofile"],"Compute resource":["Rechenressource"],"Compute resource IDs":["Rechenressourcen-Kennungen"],"Compute resource update for %s":["Rechenessourcenaktualisierung für %s"],"Compute resources":["Rechenressourcen"],"ComputeAttribute|Name":["Name"],"ComputeAttribute|Vm attrs":["VM-Attribute"],"ComputeProfile|Name":["Name"],"ComputeResource|Attrs":["Attribute"],"ComputeResource|Description":["Beschreibung"],"ComputeResource|Name":["Name"],"ComputeResource|Password":["Passwort"],"ComputeResource|Url":["URL"],"ComputeResource|User":["Benutzer"],"ComputeResource|Uuid":["UUID"],"Config Retrieval":["Konfigurationsabfrage"],"Config group":["Konfigurationsgruppe"],"Config groups":["Konfigurationsgruppen"],"Config management":["Konfig-Verwaltung"],"ConfigGroup|Config group classes count":["Konfigurationsgruppen-Klassen-Anzahl"],"ConfigGroup|Hostgroups count":["Hostgruppen-Anzahl"],"ConfigGroup|Hosts count":["Host-Anzahl"],"ConfigGroup|Name":["Name"],"Configuration":["Konfiguration"],"Configuration rebuild failed for: %s.":["Fehler bei Neuerstellung der Konfiguration für: %s."],"Configuration successfully rebuilt.":["Konfiguration erfolgreich neu erstellt."],"Configure":["Konfigurieren"],"Configure instance %s via SSH":["Konfiguriere Instanz %s mittels SSH"],"Conflict - %s":["Konflikt - %s"],"Conflicts have been detected":["Konflikte wurden entdeckt"],"Connected (unencrypted) to: %s":["Verbinde (unverschlüsselt) mit: %s"],"Connecting (unencrypted) to: %s":["Verbinde (unverschlüsselt) mit: %s"],"Console":["Konsole"],"Console output may be out of date":["Konsolen-Ausgabe könnte veraltet sein"],"Console passwords":["Konsolen-Passwörter"],"Consult \\\"Provisioning Templates\\\" page to see what templates are available.":[""],"Continue to look for matches after first find (only array/hash type)? Note: merging overrides ignores all matchers that are omitted.":[""],"Continue?":["Fortfahren?"],"Cores":["Kerne"],"Cores per socket":["Kerne pro Socket"],"Could not add permissions to Manager and Viewer roles: %s":[""],"Could not add permissions to Manager role: %s":[""],"Could not add permissions to Organization admin role: %s":[""],"Could not add permissions to Viewer role: %s":[""],"Could not create role '%{name}': %{message}":[""],"Could not delete %s":[""],"Could not extend role '%{name}': %{message}":[""],"Could not find %{association} with name: %{name}":[""],"Could not find a Configuration Template with the name \\\"%s\\\", please create one.":[""],"Could not find network %s on VMWare compute resource":[""],"Could not find virtual machine network interface matching %s":["Keine Netzwerkschnittstelle der virtuellen Maschine gefunden, die übereinstimmen mit %s"],"Could not locate CA certificate.":["CA-Zertifikat nicht gefunden."],"Could not recreate a new SSH 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filename option (Grub2/PXELinux by default)":["DHCP-Dateinamensoption (Standardmäßig Grub2/PXELinux)"],"DHCP filename option to use. 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Anmeldung"],"Default organization":["Standardmäßige Organisation"],"Default owner on provisioned hosts, if empty Foreman will use current user":[""],"Default templates are automatically added to new locations":["Standardvorlagen werden automatisch zu neuen Standorten hinzugefügt."],"Default templates are automatically added to new organizations":["Standardvorlagen werden automatisch zu neuen Organisationen hinzugefügt."],"Default templates are automatically added to new organizations and locations":["Standardvorlagen werden automatisch zu neuen Organisationen und Standorten hinzugefügt."],"Default value":["Standardwert"],"Default value of variable":["Standardwert der Variable"],"Default variables lookup path":["Standardmäßiger variabler Suchpfad"],"Default verification mode":["Standardmäßiger Verifikationsmodus"],"Defaults to image size if left blank":["Standard bei Freilassen ist die Abbildgröße"],"Delete":["Löschen"],"Delete %s?":["%s löschen?"],"Delete :a_resource":[":a_resource 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an LDAP authentication source":["LDAP-Authentifizierungsquelle löschen"],"Delete an SSH key for a user":[""],"Delete an architecture":["Architektur löschen"],"Delete an environment":["Umgebung löschen"],"Delete an external user group":["Externe Benutzergruppe löschen"],"Delete an image":["Abbild löschen"],"Delete an operating system":["Betriebssystem löschen"],"Delete an override value for a specific smart class parameter":["Überschreibungswert für einen bestimmten Smart-Klassenparameter löschen"],"Delete an override value for a specific smart variable":["Überschreibungswert für eine bestimmte Smart-Variable löschen"],"Delete autosign entry":[""],"Delete autosign entry for %s":["Autosign-Eintrag für %s löschen"],"Delete filter?":["Filter löschen?"],"Delete realm entry for %s":["Realm-Eintrag für %s löschen"],"Delete report for %s?":["Bericht von %s löschen?"],"Deleted environment":["Gelöschte Umgebung"],"Deleted environment %{env} and %{pcs}":["Gelöschte Umgebung %{env} und %{pcs}"],"Delivery method":[""],"Deploy TFTP %{kind} config for %{host}":[""],"Deploy VM on selected datastore":["VM auf ausgewähltem Datenspeicher bereitstellen"],"Deploy on":["Ausbringen auf"],"Deprecated, please use datacenter":[""],"Deprecated, please use omit":[""],"Description":["Beschreibung"],"Description of smart class":["Beschreibung der Smart-Klasse"],"Description of the domain":["Beschreibung der Domäne"],"Description of variable":["Beschreibung der Variable"],"Deselect All":["Alle abwählen"],"Destroy":["Löschen"],"Destroyed selected hosts":["Ausgewählte Hosts gelöscht"],"Details":["Details"],"Device identifier":["Gerätebezeichner"],"Device identifier for this interface. 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Hier sind einige allgemeine Beispiele: <br/><ul><li>Verwenden Sie den grundlegenden Namen für physische Schnittstellenkennungen, z.B. <strong>eth0</strong> oder <strong>em0</strong> mit dem biosdevname.</li><li>Verwenden Sie für virtuelle Schnittstellen entweder eine Aliasbennung (<strong>eth0:1</strong>, name:index) oder eine VLAN-Benennung (<strong>eth0.15</strong>, name.tag).</li><li>Für Bonds verwendet man für gewöhnlich <strong>bond0</strong> auf Linux-, <strong>lagg0</strong> auf FreeBSD-Systemen.</li></ul>"],"Device identifier, e.g. eth0 or eth1.1":["Gerätebezeichner, z.B. eth0 oder eth1.1"],"Diff":["Diff"],"Diff View":["Unterschiede anzeigen"],"Disable Notifications":["Benachrichtigungen deaktivieren"],"Disable alerts for selected hosts":["Benachrichtigungen für ausgewählte Systeme deaktivieren"],"Disable all filters overriding":[""],"Disable overriding":["Überschreiben deaktivieren"],"Disabled":["Deaktiviert"],"Disassociate Hosts":["Hosts lösen"],"Disassociate host":["Host lösen"],"Disassociate the host from a VM":["Host von einer VM lösen"],"Disassociate the selected hosts from their VMs":["Zuweisung der ausgewählten Hosts zu ihren VMs lösen"],"Disk":["Festplatte"],"Disk mode":[""],"Display":["Anzeige"],"Display Name":["Anzeigename"],"Display hidden parameter values":[""],"Display hidden values":[""],"Display the templates that will be used to provision this host":["Vorlagen anzeigen, die für die Bereitstellung des Hosts verwendet werden"],"Display type":["Typ anzeigen"],"Displaying %{num_audits} of %{total_audits} audit":["%{num_audits} von %{total_audits} Prüfungen werden angezeigt","%{num_audits} von %{total_audits} Prüfungen werden angezeigt"],"Displaying <b>%{count}</b> entry":["Angezeigt wird <b>%{count}</b> Eintrag","Angezeigt werden alle <b>%{count}</b> Einträge"],"Displaying entries <b>%{from} - %{to}</b> of <b>%{count}</b> in total":["Zeige Einträge <b>%{from} - %{to}</b> von insgesamt <b>%{count}</b> "],"Documentation":["Dokumentation"],"Does this image support user data input (e.g. via cloud-init)?":["Unterstützt dieses Abbild die Eingabe von Benutzerdaten (z. B. mittels cloud-init)?"],"Domain":["Domäne"],"Domain ID":["Domänenkennung"],"Domain IDs":["Domänen-Kennungen"],"Domains":["Domänen"],"Domains in which this subnet is part":["Domänen, denen dieses Subnetz angehört"],"Domain|Fullname":["Voller Name"],"Domain|Hostgroups count":["Hostgruppen-Anzahl"],"Domain|Hosts count":["Host-Anzahl"],"Domain|Name":["Name"],"Download":[""],"Duration in minutes after the Puppet interval for servers to be classed as out of sync.":["Dauer in Minuten, nach der das Puppet-Intervall für Server als \\\"nicht synchronisiert\\\" klassifiziert wird."],"EC2":["EC2"],"EFI":[""],"ENC environment":["ENC-Umgebung"],"ERROR or FATAL":["FEHLER oder SCHWERWIEGENDER FEHLER"],"EUI-64":["EUI-64"],"Each architecture can also be associated with more than one operating system and a selector block is provided to allow you to select valid combinations.":["Jede Architektur kann mit einem oder mehreren Betriebssytemen verknüpft werden, mittels einer Auswahl können zulässigen Kombinationen ausgewählt werden."],"Each entries represent a particular hardware architecture, most commonly <b>x86_64</b> or <b>i386</b>. Foreman also supports the Solaris operating system family, which includes <b>sparc</b> based systems.":["Jeder Eintrag repräsentiert eine bestimmte Hardwarearchitektur, üblich ist <b>x86_64</b> oder <b>i386</b>. Foreman unterstützt auch die Solaris-Betriebssystemfamilie, die <b>sparc</b>-basierte Systeme beinhaltet."],"Eager zero":["Eager Zero"],"Edit":["Bearbeiten"],"Edit %s":["%s bearbeiten"],"Edit Architecture":["Architektur bearbeiten"],"Edit Bookmark":["Lesezeichen bearbeiten"],"Edit Compute profile":["Rechenprofil bearbeiten"],"Edit Compute profile: %s":["Rechenprofil bearbeiten: %s"],"Edit Config group":["Konfigurationsgruppe bearbeiten"],"Edit Domain":["Domäne bearbeiten"],"Edit Environment":["Umgebung bearbeiten"],"Edit Filter":["Filter Bearbeiten"],"Edit Global Parameter":["Globale Parameter bearbeiten"],"Edit Host":["Host bearbeiten"],"Edit LDAP Auth Source":["LDAP-Authentifizerungsquelle bearbeiten"],"Edit Medium":["Medium bearbeiten"],"Edit Model":["Modell bearbeiten"],"Edit Operating System":["Betriebssystem bearbeiten"],"Edit Parameters":["Parameter bearbeiten"],"Edit Partition Table":["Bearbeite die Partitionstabelle"],"Edit Properties":["Eigenschaften bearbeiten"],"Edit Proxy":["Proxy bearbeiten"],"Edit Puppet Class %s":["Puppet-Klasse %s bearbeiten"],"Edit Realm":["Realm bearbeiten"],"Edit Role":["Rolle bearbeiten"],"Edit Smart Variable":["Smart Variable bearbeiten"],"Edit Smart class parameters":["Smart-Klassenparameter bearbeiten"],"Edit Subnet":["Subnetz bearbeiten"],"Edit Template":["Bearbeite Vorlage"],"Edit Trend %s":["Trend %s bearbeiten"],"Edit User":["Benutzer bearbeiten"],"Edit User group":["Benutzergruppe bearbeiten"],"Edit compute profile on %s":["Rechenprofil auf %s bearbeiten"],"Edit this host":["Diesen Host bearbeiten"],"Email Preferences":["E-Mail-Einstellungen"],"Email address is missing":["E-Mail Adresse fehlt"],"Email reply address":["E-Mail-Antwort-Adresse"],"Email reply address for emails that Foreman is sending":["Die E-Mail-Antwortadresse für E-Mails, die von Foreman versendet werden"],"Email subject prefix":["E-Mail-Betreff-Präfix"],"Email was sent successfully":["E-Mail erfolgreich gesendet"],"Empty environment":["Umgebung leeren"],"Enable Notifications":["Benachrichtigungen aktivieren"],"Enable alerts for selected hosts":["Benachrichtigungen für die ausgewählten Hosts aktivieren"],"Enable caching":[""],"Enable certificate generation for %s":["Aktiviere Zertifikatsgenerierung für %s"],"Enable if this is an alias or VLAN interface, note that alias can be used only with static boot mode subnet":["Aktivieren, wenn dies eine Alias- oder VLAN-Schnittstelle ist. 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"],"Enable puppetrun support":["Unterstützung für Puppetrun aktivieren"],"Enable rebuild on next host boot":["Neuerstellung beim nächsten Systemstart aktivieren"],"Enable safe mode config templates rendering (recommended)":["Aktiviere safe mode Konfigurationsvorlagenerstellung (empfohlen)"],"Enable smart variables in ENC":["Smart-Variablen in ENC aktivieren"],"Enable this host for provisioning":["Aktiviere diesen Host für Bereitstellung"],"Enabled":["Aktiviert"],"Enabled %s for reboot and rebuild":["%s für Neustart und Neuerstellung aktiviert"],"Enabled %s for rebuild on next boot":["aktiviere %s für Neuerstellung beim nächsten Systemstart"],"Enabled %s for rebuild on next boot, but failed to power cycle the host":[""],"Ending IP Address for IP auto suggestion":["Abschließende IP-Adresse für automatischen IP-Vorschlag"],"Entries per page":["Einträge pro Seite"],"Environment":["Umgebung"],"Environment Distribution":["Verteilung der Umgebung"],"Environment ID":["Umgebungskennung"],"Environment IDs":["Umgebungskennungen"],"Environment only":["Nur für Umgebung"],"Environment variable containing a client's SSL certificate":["Umgebungsvariable, die das SSL-Zertifikat eines Clients enthält"],"Environment variable containing the subject DN from a client SSL certificate":["Umgebungsvariable, die den Betreff-DN eines Client-SSL-Zertifikates enthält"],"Environment variable containing the verification status of a client SSL certificate":["Umgebungsvariable, die den Verifizierungsstatus eines Client-SSL-Zertifikates enthält"],"Environments":["Umgebungen"],"Environment|Hostgroups count":["Hostgruppen-Anzahl"],"Environment|Hosts count":["Host-Anzahl"],"Environment|Name":["Name"],"Error":["Fehler"],"Error - %{message}":["Fehler - %{message}"],"Error adding widget to dashboard.":["Fehler beim Hinzufügen des Widgets zur Übersichtsseite."],"Error connecting to %{proxy}: %{error}.":["Fehler beim Verbinden mit %{proxy}: %{error}."],"Error connecting to '%{domain}' domain DNS servers: %{servers} - check query_local_nameservers and dns_conflict_timeout settings":["Fehler bei der Verbindung mit '%{domain}' Domain DNS-Servern: %{servers} - prüfen Sie die Einstellungen von query_local_nameservers und dns_conflict_timeout"],"Error connecting to system DNS server(s) - check /etc/resolv.conf":["Fehler bei Verbindung mit dem/den System DNS-Server(n) - check /etc/resolv.conf"],"Error generating IP: %s":["Fehler beim Erzeugen der IP: %s"],"Error has occurred while communicating with %{cr}: %{e}":["Bei der Kommunikation mit %{cr} ist ein Fehler aufgetreten: %{e}"],"Error loading interfaces information: %s":["Fehler beim Laden der Schnittstelleninformation: %s"],"Error loading scheduler hint filters information: %s":[""],"Error removing widget from dashboard.":["Fehler beim Entfernen des Widgets aus der Übersichtsseite."],"Errors":["Fehler"],"Errors occurred, build may fail":["Fehler sind aufgetreten, Erstellen kann fehlschlagen"],"Errors only":["Nur Fehler"],"Errors: %s":["Fehler: %s"],"Examples":["Beispiele"],"Exit Full Screen":["Vollbildansicht verlassen"],"Expand nested items":["Verschachtelte Elemente ausklappen"],"Expand the chart":["Diagramm ausklappen"],"Expire logs":["Ablaufprotokolle"],"Expires":["Läuft ab"],"Explain matchers":["Prüfwerte erklären"],"Export":["Export"],"Export a partition template to ERB":["Export als Partitionsvorlage nach ERB"],"Export a provisioning template to ERB":["Export als Provisionierungsvorlage nach ERB"],"Export to CSV":[""],"External Groups":[""],"External IP":["Externe IP"],"External user group":["Externe Benutzergruppe"],"External user group %{name} could not be refreshed":["Externe Benutzergruppe %{name} konnte nicht aktualisiert werden"],"External user group %{name} refreshed":["Externe Benutzergruppe %{name} aktualisiert"],"External user group information":["Externe Benutzergruppeninformation"],"External user group name":["Externer Benutzergruppenname"],"External user groups will be synced on login, else relies on periodic cronjob to check group membership":["Externe Benutzergruppen werden bei Anmeldung synchronisiert. 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Terminating the build!":["Fehler beim Löschen der alten Zertifikate oder Hinzufügen des Autosign-Eintrages, Erstellung wird abgebrochen!"],"Failed to configure %{host} to boot from %{device}: %{e}":["Fehler beim Konfigurieren von %{host} zum Starten von %{device}: %{e}"],"Failed to create %{name}'s realm entry: %{e}":["Fehler beim erstellen Realm-Eintrag für %{name}: %{e}"],"Failed to create X509 certificate, error: %s":["Fehler beim Erstellen von X509-Zertifikat. Fehler: %s"],"Failed to create a compute %{compute_resource} instance %{name}: %{message}\\n ":["Fehler beim Erstellen einer Rechenressource %{compute_resource} Instanz %{name}: %{message}\\n "],"Failed to destroy a compute %{compute_resource} instance %{name}: %{e}":["Fehler beim Löschen einer Rechenressource %{compute_resource} Instanz %{name}: %{e}"],"Failed to enable %{host} for installation: %{errors}":["Fehler beim Aktivieren des Hosts %{host} für Installation: %{errors}"],"Failed to fetch a free IP from proxy %{proxy}: %{message}":[""],"Failed to fetch boot files":["Fehler beim Laden der Bootdateien"],"Failed to fetch power status: %s":[""],"Failed to fetch: ":["Fehler beim Abrufen:"],"Failed to get IP for %{name}: %{e}":["Konnte IP-Adresse für %{name}: %{e} nicht finden"],"Failed to get a new realm OTP. Terminating the build!":["Fehler beim Abrufen eines neuen Bereichs-OTP. Build wird abgebrochen!"],"Failed to import %{klass} for %{name}: doesn't exists in our database - ignoring":["Fehler beim Importieren der Klasse %{class} for %{name}: existiert nicht in der Datenbank - wird ignoriert"],"Failed to initialize the PuppetCA proxy: %s":["Fehler bei der Initialisierung des Puppet-CA-Proxys: %s"],"Failed to initialize the realm proxy: %s":["Fehler bei der Initialisierung des Realm Proxy: %s"],"Failed to launch script on %{name}: %{e}":["Fehler beim Starten des Skripts auf %{name}: %{e}"],"Failed to load chart":["Fehler beim Laden des Diagramms"],"Failed to login via SSH to %{name}: %{e}":["Fehler bei der SSH-Anmeldung auf %{name}: %{e}"],"Failed to modify the build cycle for %s":["Fehler beim Bearbeiten des Build-Zyklus für %s"],"Failed to perform rollback on %{task} - %{e}":["Fehler beim Wiederherstellen auf %{task} - %{e}"],"Failed to power up a compute %{compute_resource} instance %{name}: %{e}":["Konnte die Recheninstanz %{name} auf %{compute_resource} nicht starten: %{e}"],"Failed to reboot %s.":["Neustart fehlgeschlagen: %s"],"Failed to redeploy %s.":["Erneute Bereitstellung fehlgeschlagen %s."],"Failed to refresh the cache.":[""],"Failed to remove certificates for %{name}: %{e}":["Konnte die Zertifikate für %{name} nicht löschen: %{e}"],"Failed to retrieve power status for %{host} within %{timeout} second.":["",""],"Failed to save widget positions.":["Widget-Positionen konnten nicht gespeichert werden."],"Failed to set %{proxy_type} proxy for %{host}.":["Einstellung von %{proxy_type} Proxy für %{host} fehlgeschlagen."],"Failed to set IP for %{name}: %{e}":[""],"Failed to set IPs via IPAM for %{name}: %{e}":[""],"Failed to set console: %s":["Konnte Konsole nicht setzen: %s"],"Failed to set power state for %s.":["Fehler beim Festlegen des Energiezustands für %s."],"Failed to stop compute %{compute_resource} instance %{name}: %{e}":["Konnte die Recheninstanz %{name} auf %{compute_resource} nicht stoppen: %{e}"],"Failed to undo update compute %{compute_resource} instance %{name}: %{e}":["Konnte die Aktualisierung der Recheninstanz %{name} auf %{compute_resource} nicht widerrufen: %{e}"],"Failed to update a compute %{compute_resource} instance %{name}: %{e}":["Konnte die Recheninstanz %{name} auf %{compute_resource} nicht aktualisieren: %{e} "],"Failed to update environments and Puppet classes from the on-disk Puppet installation: %s":["Fehler beim Aktualisieren von Umgebungen und Puppet-Klassen von der Puppet-Festplatteninstallation: %s"],"Failed to update the environments and Puppet classes from the on-disk puppet installation: %s":["Fehler beim Aktualisieren von Umgebungen und Puppet-Klassen von der Puppet-Festplatteninstallation: %s"],"Failed to validate %{host}: %{error}":["Fehler beim Prüfen von %{host}: %{error}"],"Failed|F":["F"],"Failure deploying via smart proxy %{proxy}: %{error}.":["Fehler beim Verteilen über Smart-Proxy %{proxy}: %{error}."],"Failure parsing %{template}: %{error}.":["Fehler beim Parsen von %{template}: %{error}."],"Failure: %s":["Fehler: %s"],"Family":["Familie"],"Feature":["Eigenschaft"],"Features":["Eigenschaften"],"Features \\\"%s\\\" in this proxy are not recognized by Foreman. If these features come from a Smart Proxy plugin, make sure Foreman has the plugin installed too.":[""],"Feature|Name":["Name"],"Fetch TFTP boot files for %s":["Hole TFTP-Bootdateien für %s"],"Filter":["Filter"],"Filter by level:":["Nach Stufe filtern:"],"Filter by name":["Nach Name filtern"],"Filter by state:":["Nach Status filtern:"],"Filter classes":["Filterklassen"],"Filter overriding has been disabled":["Filterüberschreibung wurde deaktiviert"],"Filters":["Filter"],"Filters for role %s":["Filter für Rolle %s"],"Filters inherit %{orgs_and_locs} from their role by default. If override field is enabled, <br> filter can override the set of its %{orgs_and_locs}. Later role changes will not affect <br> such filter. After disabling override field, role %{orgs_and_locs} apply again.":[""],"Filters overriding has been disabled":[""],"Filter|Override":["Filter|Überschreiben"],"Filter|Permissions":["Berechtigungen"],"Filter|Resource":["Ressource"],"Filter|Search":["Suche"],"Filter|Taxonomy search":["Taxonomiesuche"],"Filter|Unlimited":["Unbegrenzt"],"Fingerprint":["Fingerabdruck"],"Finish template":["Vorlage fertigstellen"],"Firmware":[""],"Fix %s on Mismatch":["Korrigiere %s bei Fehlzuweisung"],"Fix All Mismatches":["Alle Fehlzuweisungen beheben"],"Fix DB cache":["DB-Cache reparieren"],"Fix DB cache on next Foreman restart":["DB-Cache beim nächsten Foreman-Neustart korrigieren"],"Fix Mismatches":["Fehlzuweisungen beheben"],"Flavor":["Variante"],"Floating IP network":["Gleitendes IP-Netzwerk"],"Folder":["Ordner"],"Follow %{href} on how to describe your controllers.":["Beachten Sie %{href} für die Beschreibung von Controllern."],"For example, if you have copied several Red Hat release disks into a directory structure where the disk images are named 5.8 or 6.2, and each contained both x86_64 and i386 binaries, then you\\n could create a single medium entry describing them all.\\n The entry, which could be just named 'Red Hat' could contain a path like this <em>'http://server/redhat/$version/$arch'</em>":["Wenn Sie zum Beispiel mehrere Red Hat-Releasedatenträger in eine Verzeichnisstruktur kopiert haben, in der die Festplatten-Images als 5.8 oder 6.2 bezeichnet werden, und diese jeweils sowohl x86_64, als auch i386 Binärdateien beinhalten, dann könnten Sie\\n einen einzigen Medieneintrag erstellen, der alle beschreibt.\\n Dieser Eintrag, der einfach \\\"Red Hat\\\" heißen kann, könnte einen Pfad wie <em>\\\"http://server/redhat/$version/$arch\\\"</em> beinhalten."],"For more info visit our documentation.":["Zusätzliche Informationen finden Sie in unserer Dokumentation."],"For more information":["Weitere Informationen "],"Force a Puppet agent run on the host":["Puppet-Agent-Lauf auf dem Host erzwingen"],"Foreman API v2 is currently the default API version.":["Foreman API v2 ist zurzeit die Standard-API-Version."],"Foreman Developers":["Foreman Developers"],"Foreman URL":["Foreman-URL"],"Foreman Users":["Foreman Users"],"Foreman audit summary":["Foreman Auditzusammenfassung"],"Foreman can store information about the networking setup of a host that it’s provisioning, which can be used to configure the virtual machine, assign the correct IP addresses and network resources, then configure the OS correctly during the provisioning process.":[""],"Foreman can use LDAP based service for user information and authentication.":["Foreman kann LDAP-basierte Services für Benutzerinformationen und -Authentifizierung nutzen."],"Foreman considers a domain and a DNS zone as the same thing.":["Foreman betrachtet eine Domain und eine DNS-Zone als gleich."],"Foreman domain ID of interface. Required for primary interfaces on managed hosts.":["Foreman-Domänen-Kennung der Schnittstelle. Erforderlich für Primärschnittstellen auf gemanagten Hosts."],"Foreman host group matchers will be inherited by children when evaluating smart class parameters":["Foreman-Hostgruppen-Prüfwerte werden bei der Verarbeitung von Smart-Klassenparametern von untergeordneten Objekten geerbt"],"Foreman now manages the build cycle for %s":["Foreman verwaltet nun den Erstellungsablauf für %s"],"Foreman now no longer manages the build cycle for %s":["Foreman verwaltet nun nicht mehr den Erstellungsablauf für %s"],"Foreman report creation time is <em>%s</em>":["Foreman Berichte werden um <em>%s</em> erzeugt"],"Foreman smart variables will be exposed via the ENC yaml output":["Foreman-Smart-Variablen werden mittels ENC-yaml-Ausgabe bereitgestellt"],"Foreman subnet ID of IPv4 interface":["Foreman-ID des IPv4-Subnetzes zur Schnittstelle"],"Foreman subnet ID of IPv6 interface":["Foreman-ID des IPv6-Subnetzes zur Schnittstelle"],"Foreman supports automatically creating realm entries for new hosts.":["Foreman unterstützt die automatische Erstellung von Realm-Einträgen für neue Hosts."],"Foreman supports creating and managing hosts on a number of virtualization and cloud services - referred to as “compute resources” - as well as bare metal hosts.":[""],"Foreman test email":["Foreman Test-E-Mail"],"Foreman ticketing system":["Foreman Ticket-System"],"Foreman will automate certificate signing upon provision of new host":["Foreman automatisiert die Zertifikatssignierung bei der Bereitstellung eines neuen Hosts"],"Foreman will create the host when a report is received":["Foreman erstellt den Host, wenn ein Bericht erhalten wird"],"Foreman will create the host when new facts are received":["Foreman erstellt den Host, wenn neue Fakten erhalten werden"],"Foreman will default to this puppet environment if it cannot auto detect one":["Foreman nutzt standardmäßig diese Puppet-Umgebung, falls automatisch keine Umgebung gefunden werden kann"],"Foreman will delete virtual machine if provisioning script ends with non zero exit code":["Foreman löscht virtuelle Maschine, wenn Bereitstellungsskript mit Exitcode ungleich-Null endet"],"Foreman will evaluate host smart variables in this order by default":["Foreman prüft Host-Smart-Variablen standardmäßig in dieser Reihenfolge"],"Foreman will explicitly set the puppet environment in the ENC yaml output. This will avoid conflicts between the environment in puppet.conf and the environment set in Foreman":["Foreman legt ausdrücklich die Puppet-Umgebung in der ENC-yaml-Ausgabe fest. Dies vermeidet Konflikte zwischen der Umgebung in der puppet.conf und der in Foreman festgelegten Umgebung"],"Foreman will map users by username in request-header. If this is set to false, OAuth requests will have admin rights.":["Foreman weist Benutzer anhand des Benutzernamens im Anfrageheader zu. Ist dies auf \\\"false\\\" gesetzt, erhalten OAuth-Anfragen Administratorrechte."],"Foreman will not send this parameter in classification output, replaces use_puppet_default":[""],"Foreman will not send this parameter in classification output.":[""],"Foreman will not send this parameter in classification output. Puppet will use the value defined in the Puppet manifest for this parameter":[""],"Foreman will parse ERB in parameters value in the ENC output":["Foreman analysiert ERB in Parameterwerten in der ENC-Ausgabe"],"Foreman will query the locally configured resolver instead of the SOA/NS authorities":["Foreman fragt den lokal konfigurierten Resolver ab anstelle der SOA/NS-Einträge"],"Foreman will set this as the default Puppet module path if it cannot auto detect one":["Foreman legt dies als standardmäßigen Puppet-Modulpfad fest, falls automatisch keiner gefunden werden kann"],"Foreman will truncate hostname to 'puppet' if it starts with puppet":["Foreman kürzt Hostnamen auf \\\"puppet\\\", wenn diese mit \\\"puppet\\\" beginnen"],"Foreman will update a host's environment from its facts":["Foreman aktualisiert die Umgebung eines Hosts basierend auf dessen Fakten"],"Foreman will update a host's subnet from its facts":[""],"Foreman will update the host IP with the IP that made the built request":["Foreman aktualisiert die Host-IP durch die IP, die die Build-Anfrage getätigt hat"],"Foreman will use OAuth for API authorization":["Foreman verwendet OAuth zur API-Authorisierung"],"Foreman will use gravatar to display user icons":["Foreman verwendet gravatar zur Anzeige von Benutzericons"],"Foreman will use random UUIDs for certificate signing instead of hostnames":["Foreman verwendet zufällige UUIDs zur Zertifikatssignierung anstelle von Hostnamen"],"Foreman will use the new (2.6.5+) format for classes in the ENC yaml output":["Foreman verwendet das neue (2.6.5+) Format für Klassen in der ENC-yaml-Ausgabe"],"Foreman will use the short hostname instead of the FQDN for creating new virtual machines":["Foreman verwendet den kurzen Hostnamen anstelle des FQDN zur Erstellung neuer virtueller Maschinen"],"Found %{count} reports from the last %{days} days":["%{count} SystemBerichte aus den letzten %{days} Tagen gefunden"],"Full":["Voll"],"Full audits list":["Komplette Auditübersicht"],"Full name describing the domain":["Voller Name, der die Domäne beschreibt"],"Full path to backing image used to create new volumes.":["Vollständiger Pfad zum übergeordneten Abbild, das zur Erstellung neuer Datenträger verwendet wird."],"Full screen":["Vollbildansicht"],"Full trace":["Vollständige Protokollierung"],"Function not available for %s":["Funktion für %s nicht verfügbar"],"GMT time":["Zeitzone GMT (Greenwich Mean Time)"],"Gateway":["Gateway"],"General":["Allgemein"],"General useful description, for example this kind of hardware needs a special BIOS setup":["Allgemeine nützliche Beschreibung, zum Beispiel, dass diese Art der Hardware ein spezielles BIOS Setup benötigt"],"Generate new random name. Visit Settings to disable this feature.":[""],"Generated %s ago":["Vor %s erstellt"],"Generated at %s":["Erstellungszeitpunkt: %s"],"Get ENC values of host":[""],"Get configuration status of host":["Konfigurationsstatus des Hosts abholen"],"Get dashboard details":["Übersichtsseitendetails abholen"],"Get default dashboard widgets":["Standard-Übersichtsseiten-Widgets abholen"],"Get statistics":["Statistiken abholen"],"Get status of host":["Hoststatus abholen"],"Get vm attributes of host":["VM-Attribute des Hosts abrufen"],"Global":["Global"],"Global Parameters":["Globale Parameter"],"Global default %s template":[""],"Global default %s template. This template gets deployed to all configured TFTP servers. It will not be affected by upgrades.":[""],"Global functions":["Globale Funktionen"],"Global methods (functions)":["Globale Methoden (Funktionen)"],"Global parameters":["Globale Parameter"],"Global status changed from %{from} to %{to}":[""],"Global variables":["Globale Variablen"],"Good host reports in the last %s":["Gute Systemberichte in den letzten %s"],"Google Project ID":["Google Projektkennung"],"Groups base DN":["Gruppiert Base DN"],"Guest OS":["Gast-Betriebssystem"],"HELO/EHLO domain":[""],"Hardware":["Hardware"],"Hardware Model":["Hardwaremodell"],"Hardware Models":["Hardwaremodelle"],"Hardware models":["Hardware-Modelle"],"Hash function to use. Change takes effect for new or updated hosts.":["Zu verwendende Hashfunktion. Änderung wirkt sich auf neue oder aktualisierte Hosts aus."],"Hash of report metrics, can be just {}":["Hash der Berichtmetriken, kann einfach nur {} sein"],"Hash of status type totals":["Hash der Statustypensummen"],"Help":["Hilfe"],"Hidden value":["Verborgener Wert"],"Hide all values for this parameter.":["Alle Werte für diesen Parameter verbergen."],"Hide this value":["Diesen Wert verbergen"],"Hint data is missing":[""],"History":["Verlauf"],"Host":["Host"],"Host %s is built":["Host %s wurde gebaut"],"Host %s is not associated with a VM":["Host %s ist keiner VM zugewiesen"],"Host Configuration Chart":["Hostkonfigurationsdiagramm"],"Host Configuration Status":["Status der Hostkonfiguration"],"Host Group Distribution":[""],"Host Groups":["Hostgruppen"],"Host audit entries":["Hostaudit-Einträge"],"Host config group":["Host-Konfigurationsgruppe"],"Host details":["Host-Details"],"Host group":["Hostgruppe"],"Host group / Environment":["Hostgruppe / Umgebung"],"Host group IDs":["Hostgruppen-Kennungen"],"Host group and Environment":["Hostgruppe und Umgebung"],"Host group configuration":["Hostgruppenkonfiguration"],"Host group matchers inheritance":["Vererbung der Hostgruppen-Prüfwerte"],"Host group only":["nur Hostgruppen"],"Host group parameters":["Hostgruppen-Parameter"],"Host groups":["Hostgruppen"],"Host owner":[""],"Host owner is invalid":[""],"Host parameters":["Hostparameter"],"Host reported time is <em>%s</em>":["Die vom Host gemeldete Zeit ist <em>%s</em>"],"Host times seem to be adrift!":[""],"Host's network interfaces.":["Netzwerkschnittstelle des Hosts"],"Host's owner type":["Eigentümertyp des Hosts"],"Host's parameters (array or indexed hash)":["Hostparameter (Array oder indizierter Hash)"],"Host::Base|Build":["Build"],"Host::Base|Certname":["Zertifikatsname"],"Host::Base|Comment":["Kommentar"],"Host::Base|Disk":["Disk"],"Host::Base|Enabled":["Aktiviert"],"Host::Base|Grub pass":["Grub Pass"],"Host::Base|Image file":["Abbilddatei"],"Host::Base|Installed at":["Installiert am"],"Host::Base|Ip":["IP"],"Host::Base|Last compile":["Letzte Zusammenstellung"],"Host::Base|Last freshcheck":["Letzte Gültigkeitsprüfung"],"Host::Base|Last report":["Letzter Bericht"],"Host::Base|Mac":["MAC"],"Host::Base|Managed":["Verwaltet"],"Host::Base|Name":["Name"],"Host::Base|Otp":["Otp"],"Host::Base|Owner type":["Eigentümerart"],"Host::Base|Primary interface":["Primärschnittstelle"],"Host::Base|Provision method":["Bereitstellungsmethode"],"Host::Base|Puppet status":["Puppet-Status"],"Host::Base|Root pass":["Root-Passwort"],"Host::Base|Serial":["Seriennummer"],"Host::Base|Use image":["Benutze Abbild"],"Host::Base|Uuid":["UUID"],"HostConfigGroup|Host type":["Host-Typ"],"Hostgroup":["Hostgruppe"],"Hostgroup|Ancestry":["Vorfahren"],"Hostgroup|Grub pass":["Grub Pass"],"Hostgroup|Image file":["Abbilddatei"],"Hostgroup|Name":["Name"],"Hostgroup|Root pass":["Root-Passwort"],"Hostgroup|Title":["Titel"],"Hostgroup|Use image":["Benutze Abbild"],"Hostgroup|Vm defaults":["VM-Standards"],"Hostname":["Hostname"],"Hostname or certname":["Hostname oder Zertifikatsname"],"Hostname:":["Hostname:"],"Hosts":["Hosts"],"Hosts created after a puppet run that did not send a location fact will be placed in this location":["Hosts, die nach einem Puppet-Durchlauf erstellt wurden, die keinen Standortfakt sendeten, werden an diesem Standort abgelegt"],"Hosts created after a puppet run that did not send a organization fact will be placed in this organization":["Hosts, die nach einem Puppet-Durchlauf erstellt wurden, die keinen Organisationsfakt sendeten, werden in dieser Organisation abgelegt"],"Hosts created after a puppet run will be placed in the location this fact dictates. The content of this fact should be the full label of the location.":["Hosts, die nach einem Puppet-Durchlauf erstellt wurden, werden an dem vom Fakt vorgegebenen Standort abgelegt. Der Inhalt dieses Fakts sollte die vollständige Kennung des Standorts sein."],"Hosts created after a puppet run will be placed in the organization this fact dictates. The content of this fact should be the full label of the organization.":["Hosts, die nach einem Puppet-Durchlauf erstellt wurden, werden in der vom Fakt vorgegebenen Organisation abgelegt. Der Inhalt dieses Fakts sollte die vollständige Kennung der Organisation sein."],"Hosts in error state":["Systeme im Fehlerzustand"],"Hosts including sub-groups":["Hosts einschließlich Untergruppen"],"Hosts managed":["Verwaltete Hosts"],"Hosts managed:":["Verwaltete Hosts:"],"Hosts that had pending changes":["Hosts, bei denen Änderungen ausstanden"],"Hosts that had pending changes with alerts enabled":["Hosts mit anstehenden Änderungen und aktivierten Alarmen"],"Hosts that had performed modifications without error":["Hosts, die Änderungen ohne Fehler durchgeführt haben"],"Hosts that will be trusted in addition to Smart Proxies for access to fact/report importers and ENC output":["Hosts, denen (zusätzlich zu Smart Proxys) vertraut wird, um Zugriff auf Fakten-/Berichtimportprogramme und ENC-Ausgaben zu ermöglichen"],"Hosts which Foreman reporting is disabled":["Hosts mit deaktiviertem Foreman-Reporting"],"Hosts which are currently not running Puppet":["Hosts, die gerade nicht Puppet ausführen"],"Hosts which are not reporting":["Hosts ohne Bericht"],"Hosts which didn't run puppet in the last %s":["Systeme, die Puppet in den letzten %s nicht ausgeführt haben"],"Hosts which recently applied changes":["Hosts mit kürzlich angebrachten Änderungen"],"Hosts which recently applied changes successfully":["Hosts mit kürzlich erfolgreich angebrachten Änderungen"],"Hosts which recently applied changes successfully with alerts enabled":["Hosts mit kürzlich erfolgreich angebrachten Änderungen und aktivierter Alarmierung"],"Hosts with alerts disabled":["Systeme mit deaktivierten Alarmen"],"Hosts with error state":["Hosts mit Fehlerzustand"],"Hosts with error state and alerts enabled":["Hosts mit Fehlerzustand und aktivierten Alarmen"],"Hosts with errors":["Hosts mit Fehlern"],"Hosts with interesting values (changed, failures etc)":["Host mit interessanten Werten (geändert, Fehler usw.)"],"Hosts with no reports":["Hosts ohne Berichte"],"Hosts with notifications disabled":["Hosts mit deaktivierten Benachrichtigungen"],"Hosts without changes or errors":["Hosts ohne Änderungen oder Fehler"],"Hosts without changes or errors, with alerts enabled":["Hosts ohne Änderungen oder Fehler, aber mit aktivierter Alarmierung"],"Hosts without errors":["Hosts ohne Fehler"],"Hosts without errors percent":["Prozentsatz fehlerfreier Hosts"],"Hosts without errors, with alerts enabled":["Hosts ohne Fehler, aber mit aktivierter Alarmierung"],"How values are validated":["Wie Werte überprüft werden"],"However, if it was deleted externally this page helps you to recreate it":[""],"ID of LDAP authentication source":["Kennung der Authentifizierungsquelle"],"ID of Puppet class":["Kennung der Puppet-Klasse"],"ID of architecture":["Kennung der Architektur"],"ID of compute resource":["Kennung der Rechenressource"],"ID of config template":["Kennung der Konfigurationsvorlage"],"ID of domain":["Kennung der Domäne"],"ID of environment":["Umgebungskennung"],"ID of host":["Hostkennung"],"ID of host group":["Kennung der Hostgruppe"],"ID of interface":["Kennung der Schnittstelle"],"ID of linked authentication source":["Kennung der verknüpften Authentifizierungsquelle"],"ID of location":["Standortkennung"],"ID of medium":["Kennung des Mediums"],"ID of operating system":["Kennung des Betriebssystems"],"ID of organization":["Kennung der Organisation"],"ID of parameter":["Parameterkennung"],"ID of partition table":["Kennung der Partitionstabelle"],"ID of provisioning template":["Kennung der Bereitstellungsvorlage"],"ID of role":["Kennung der Rolle"],"ID of subnet":["Kennung des Subnetzes"],"ID of template":["Kennung der Vorlage"],"ID of the user":[""],"ID of user group":["Kennung der Benutzergruppe"],"ID or name external user group":["Kennung oder Name der externen Benutzergruppe"],"ID or name of domain":["Kennung oder Name der Domäne"],"ID or name of external user group":["Kennung oder Name der externen Benutzergruppe"],"ID or name of host":["Kennung oder Name des Hosts"],"ID or name of interface":["Kennung oder Name der Schnittstelle"],"ID or name of subnet":["Kennung oder Name des Subnetzes"],"ID or name of user group":["Kennung oder Name der Benutzergruppe"],"IDs of associated architectures":["Kennungen von zugehörigen Architekturen"],"IDs of associated config groups":[""],"IDs of associated media":["Kennungen von zugehörigen Medien"],"IDs of associated partition tables":["Kennungen von zugehörigen Partitionstabellen"],"IDs of associated provisioning templates":["Kennungen von zugehörigen Bereitstellungsvorlagen"],"INFO or DEBUG":["INFO oder DEBUG"],"IP":["IP"],"IP Address":["IP-Adresse"],"IP Address Management":["IP-Adressverwaltung"],"IP Address auto suggestion mode for this subnet, valid values are \\\"DHCP\\\", \\\"Internal DB\\\", \\\"None\\\"":["automatischer IP-Adress-Vorschlagsmodus für dieses Subnetz, gültige Werte sind \\\"DHCP\\\", \\\"Interne DB\\\", \\\"Keine\\\""],"IP address auto-suggest":["IP-Adresse automatisch vorschlagen"],"IP addresses that should be excluded from suggestion":["IP-Adressen, die nicht vorgeschlagen werden sollen"],"IP:":["IP:"],"IPAM":["IPAM"],"IPv4":["IPv4"],"IPv4 Address":["IPv4-Adresse"],"IPv4 DNS record":["IPv4-DNS-Eintrag","IPv4-DNS-Einträge"],"IPv4 Subnet":["IPv4-Subnetz"],"IPv4 address":["IPv4-Adresse"],"IPv4 address of interface":["IPv4-Adresse der Schnittstelle"],"IPv6":["IPv6"],"IPv6 Address":["IPv6-Adresse"],"IPv6 DNS record":["IPv6-DNS-Eintrag","IPv6-DNS-Einträge"],"IPv6 Subnet":["IPv6-Subnetz"],"IPv6 address":["IPv6-Adresse"],"IPv6 address of interface":["IPv6-Adresse der Schnittstelle"],"IRC":["IRC"],"Identifier":["Bezeichner"],"Identifier of the interface to which this interface belongs, e.g. eth1":["Kennung der Schnittstelle, zu der diese Schnittstelle gehört, z.B. eth1"],"Identifier of the interface to which this interface belongs, e.g. eth1. Only for virtual interfaces.":["Kennung der Schnittstelle, zu der diese Schnittstelle gehört, z.B. eth1. Nur für virtuelle Schnittstellen."],"Identifiers of attached interfaces, e.g. `['eth1', 'eth2']`. For bond interfaces those are the slaves. Only for bond and bridges interfaces.":["Kennungen von verbundenen Schnittstellen, z.B. `['eth1', 'eth2']`. Für Bond-Schnittstellen sind diese die Slaves. Nur für Bond- und Bridge-Schnittstellen."],"Idle timeout":["Leerlaufzeitlimit"],"If ERB is used in a parameter value, the validation of the value will happen during the ENC request. If the value is invalid, the ENC request will fail.":["Wenn ERB in einem Parameterwert benutzt wird, dann wird die Validierung des Wertes während der ENC-Anfrage erfolgen. Ist der Wert ungültig, so wird die ENC-Anfrage fehlschlagen."],"If Foreman is running behind Passenger or a remote load balancer, the IP should be set here. This is a regular expression, so it can support several load balancers, i.e: (|":["Falls Foreman hinter Passenger oder einem entfernten Lastverteiler ausgeführt wird, sollte die IP hier festgelegt werden. Dies ist ein regulärer Ausdruck, kann also mehrere Lastverteiler unterstützen, d. h.: (|"],"If checked, will raise an error if there is no default value and no matcher provide a value.":["Falls aktiviert, wird dies einen Fehler erzeugen, wenn kein Standardwert vorhanden ist und kein Treffer einen Wert vorschlägt."],"If owner type is specified, owner must be specified too.":[""],"If true, will raise an error if there is no default value and no matcher provide a value":["Falls \\\"True\\\", wird dies einen Fehler erzeugen, wenn es keinen Standardwert gibt und kein Treffer einen Wert liefert"],"If you are planning to use Foreman as an external node classifier you should provide information about one or more environments. This information is commonly imported from a pre-existing Puppet configuration by the use of the %{link_start}Puppet classes and environment importer%{link_end}.":[""],"If you feel this is an error with Foreman itself, please open a new issue with":["Wir bitten Sie eine neue Anfrage zu öffnen, wenn Sie glauben, dass dies ein Fehler von Foreman ist"],"If you wish to configure Puppet to forward it reports to Foreman, please follow":["Falls Sie einrichten möchten, dass Puppet Berichte an Foreman sendet, so folgen Sie bitte den Anweisungen"],"Ignore Puppet facts for provisioning":["Puppet-Fakten für Bereitstellung ignorieren"],"Ignore facts for domain":[""],"Ignore facts for operating system":[""],"Ignore interfaces that match these values during facts importing, you can use * wildcard to match names with indexes e.g. macvtap*":["Schnittstellen ignorieren, die während Faktenimport mit diesen Werten übereinstimmen. Sie können den Platzhalter * verwenden, um Namen und Index abzugleichen, z.B. macvtap*"],"Ignore interfaces with matching identifier":["Schnittstellen mit übereinstimmender Kennung ignorieren"],"Ignored classes in the environments: %s":[""],"Ignored environment":[""],"Ignored environment names resulting in booleans found. Please quote strings like true/false and yes/no in config/ignored_environments.yml.":[""],"Ignored environments: %s":[""],"Ignored:":[""],"Image":["Abbild"],"Image Based":["Abbildbasierend"],"Image ID":["Abbildkennung"],"Image ID as provided by the compute resource, e.g. ami-..":["Abbildkennung, wie von der Rechenressource bereitgestellt, z.B. ami-."],"Image path":["Abbildpfad"],"Image to use":["Zu verwendendes Abbild"],"Images":["Abbilder"],"Image|Iam role":["IAM-Rolle"],"Image|Name":["Name"],"Image|Password":["Passwort"],"Image|User data":["Benutzerdaten"],"Image|Username":["Benutzername"],"Image|Uuid":["UUID"],"Import":["Import"],"Import IPv4 subnets":["IPv4-Subnetze importieren"],"Import VM %s":[""],"Import classes from %s":["Klassen aus %s importieren"],"Import environments from %s":["Umgebungen aus %s importieren"],"Import of facts failed for host %s":["Import von Fakten für Host %s fehlgeschlagen"],"Import puppet classes from puppet proxy for an environment":["Puppet-Klassen von Puppet-Proxy für eine Umgebung importieren"],"Import puppet classes from puppet proxy.":["Puppet-Klassen von Puppet-Proxy importieren"],"Imported IPv4 Subnets":["Importierte IPv4-Subnetze"],"In addition to defining which puppet classes get included when building this host type you are also able to assign variables and provisioning information to a host group to further refine the behavior of the puppet runtime.":["Sie können nicht nur angeben, welche Puppetklassen beim Erstellen des Hosttyps inkludiert werden, sondern auch Variablen und Erstellungsinformationen zu einer Hostgruppe zuweisen, um das Verhalten der Puppet-Laufzeit weiter einzuschränken."],"In order to create the SSH key, the user must be saved first. A 'create_ssh_keys' permission is required too.":[""],"In-line code syntax":[""],"Include default value when merging all matching values":["Standardwert einschließen, wenn alle übereinstimmenden Werte zusammengeführt werden"],"Include default value when merging all matching values.":["Standardwert bei der Zusammenführung aller übereinstimmenden Werte einschließen."],"Include this host within Foreman reporting":["Diesen Host in das Foreman-Reporting aufnehmen"],"Included Classes":["Einbezogene Klassen"],"Included Config Groups":["Einbezogene Konfigurationsklassen"],"Incorrect password":["Falsches Passwort"],"Incorrect username or password":["Falscher Benutzername oder falsches Passwort"],"Independent - Nonpersistent":[""],"Independent - Persistent":[""],"Infrastructure":["Infrastruktur"],"Inherit parent (%s)":["Von übergeordnetem Objekt erben (%s)"],"Inherited Classes from %s":[""],"Inherits from subnet VLAN ID if not set":["Wird von Subnetz-VLAN-Kennung vererbt, wenn nicht gesetzt"],"Input":["Eingabe"],"Installation Media":["Installationsmedien"],"Installation media":["Installationsmedien"],"Installation medium configuration":["Konfiguration der Installationsmedien"],"Installed":["Installiert"],"Interface":["Schnittstelle"],"Interface is down":["Schnittstelle ist inaktiv"],"Interface is up":["Schnittstelle ist aktiv"],"Interface provider, e.g. IPMI. Only for BMC interfaces.":["Schnittstellen-Provider, z.B. IPMI. Nur für BMC-Schnittstellen."],"Interface type, e.g. bmc. Default is %{default_nic_type}":["Schnittstellentyp, z.B. BMC. Standard ist %{default_nic_type}"],"Interface's DNS name":["DNS-Name der Schnittstelle"],"Interfaces":["Schnittstellen"],"Internal DB":["Interne DB"],"Internal network":["Internes Netzwerk"],"Interpolate ERB in parameters":["ERB in Parametern interpolieren"],"Invalid %s selection, you must select at least one of yours":["Ungültige Auswahl von %s. Sie müssen mindestens eine von Ihren auswählen"],"Invalid Host":["Ungültiger Host"],"Invalid architecture '%{arch}' for '%{os}'":["Ungültige Architektur '%{arch}' für '%{os}'"],"Invalid architecture for %s":["Ungültige Architektur für %s"],"Invalid authenticity token":["Ungültiger Authentifizierungs-Token"],"Invalid log level: %s":["Ungültige Protokollstufe: %s"],"Invalid medium '%{medium}' for '%{os}'":["Ungültiges Medium '%{medium}' für '%{os}'"],"Invalid medium for %s":["Ungültiges Medium für %s"],"Invalid power state request: %{action}, supported actions are %{supported}":["Ungültige Energiezustandsanforderung: %{action}, unterstützte Aktionen sind %{supported}"],"Invalid proxy selected!":["Ungültiger Proxy ausgewählt!"],"Invalid query":["Ungültige Anfrage"],"Invalid report":["Ungültiger Bericht"],"Invalid search query: %s":["Ungültige Suchanfrage: %s"],"Invalid smart-proxy id":[""],"Invalid type for host creation via facts: %s":["ungültiger Typ für Hosterstellung mittels Fakten: %s"],"Invalid version format, please enter in x.y (only major version).":["Ungültiges Versionsformat. Bitte im Format x.y (nur Hauptversion) angeben."],"Is the cron job that executes %s enabled?":["Ist der Cron-Job, der %s ausführt, aktiviert?"],"Issue tracker":["Ticketsystem"],"It is not possible to assign provisioning templates at this stage.":["Es ist derzeit nicht möglich, Bereitstellungsvorlagen zuzuweisen."],"It is not recommended to unlock this template, as it is provided by %{vendor} and may be overwritten. Please consider cloning it instead.":["Es wird nicht empfohlen, diese Vorlage zu entsperren, da diese durch %{vendor} bereitgestellt wird und überschrieben werden könnte. Bitte ziehen Sie in Betracht, sie stattdessen zu klonen."],"Item":["Element"],"Iterating":["Iteration"],"JSON VM listing is not supported for this compute resource.":["JSON VM Aufzählung wird für diese Rechenressource nicht unterstützt."],"JSON object of the scheduler hint":[""],"Keep selected hosts for a future action":["Ausgewählte Hosts für eine zukünftige Aktion behalten"],"Key Binding":["Tastaturkürzel"],"Key not connected to any compute resource":[""],"Key pair":["Schlüsselpaar"],"Key used with other compute resource":[""],"KeyPair|Name":["Name"],"KeyPair|Public":["Öffentlich"],"KeyPair|Secret":["Secret"],"Kind":["Art"],"LDAP Authentication":["LDAP-Authentifizierung"],"LDAP authentication":["LDAP-Authentifizierung"],"LDAP authentication sources":["LDAP-Authentifizierungsquellen"],"LDAP error - %{message}":["LDAP-Fehler - %{message}"],"LDAP filter":["LDAP Filter"],"LDAP server":["LDAP-Server"],"LDAP users will have their Foreman account automatically created the first time they log into Foreman":["LDAP-Benutzern wird bei deren ersten Anmeldung bei Foreman automatisch ein Foreman-Account erstellt"],"Language":["Sprache"],"Last Report":["Letzter Bericht"],"Last report":["Letzter Bericht"],"Last updated %s ago":["Zuletzt aktualisiert vor %s"],"Latest Events":["Neueste Ereignisse"],"Learn more about this in the documentation.":["Mehr dazu in der Dokumentation."],"Legacy Puppet hostname":["Veralteter Puppet-Hostname"],"Length":[""],"Level":["Stufe"],"Libvirt default console address":["Standardmäßige Konsolenadresse von Libvirt"],"Libvirt, oVirt, OpenStack and Rackspace":[""],"Limit rebuild steps, valid steps are %{host_rebuild_steps}":[""],"List LDAP authentication sources per location":["Liste der LDAP-Authentisierungsquellen pro Standort"],"List LDAP authentication sources per organization":["Liste der LDAP-Authentisierungsquellen pro Organisation"],"List all :resource_id":["Alle Ressourcen-Kennungen auflisten"],"List all LDAP authentication sources":["Alle LDAP-Authentifizierungsquellen auflisten"],"List all Puppet class IDs for host":["Alle Puppet-Klassen-Kennungen für den Host auflisten"],"List all Puppet class IDs for host group":["Alle Puppet-Klassen-Kennungen für die Hostgruppe auflisten"],"List all Puppet classes":["Alle Puppet-Klassen auflisten"],"List all Puppet classes for a host":["Alle Puppet-Klassen für einen Host auflisten"],"List all Puppet classes for a host group":["Alle Puppet-Klassen für eine Hostgruppe auflisten"],"List all Puppet classes for an environment":["Alle Puppet-Klassen für eine Umgebung auflisten"],"List all SSH keys for a user":[""],"List all architectures":["Liste der Architekturen"],"List all architectures for operating system":["Alle Architekturen für das Betriebssystem auflisten"],"List all audits":["Alle Audits auflisten"],"List all audits for a given host":["Alle Audits für einen angegebenen Host auflisten"],"List all autosign entries":["Alle Autosign-Einträge auflisten"],"List all bookmarks":["Alle Lesezeichen auflisten"],"List all compute resources":["Alle Rechenressourcen auflisten"],"List all environments":["Alle Umgebungen auflisten"],"List all external user groups for LDAP authentication source":["Alle externen Benutzergruppen für die LDAP-Authentifizierungsquelle auflisten"],"List all external user groups for user group":["Alle externen Benutzergruppen für die Benutzergruppe auflisten"],"List all fact values":["Alle Faktwerte auflisten"],"List all fact values of a given host":["Alle Faktwerte eines angegebenen Hosts auflisten"],"List all filters":["Alle Filter auflisten"],"List all global parameters.":["Alle globalen Parameter auflisten"],"List all hardware models":["Alle Hardwaremodelle auflisten"],"List all host groups":["Alle Hostgruppen auflisten"],"List all host groups for a Puppet class":["Alle Hostgruppen für eine Puppet-Klasse auflisten"],"List all host groups per location":["Alle Hostgruppen pro Standort auflisten"],"List all host groups per organization":["Alle Hostgruppen pro Organisation auflisten"],"List all hosts":["Alle Hosts auflisten"],"List all hosts for a host group":["Alle Hosts für eine Hostgruppe auflisten"],"List all images for a compute resource":["Alle Abbilder für eine Rechenressource auflisten"],"List all images for architecture":["Alle Abbilder für die Architektur auflisten"],"List all images for operating system":["Alle Abbilder für das Betriebssystem auflisten"],"List all installation media":["Alle Installationsmedien auflisten"],"List all interfaces for domain":["Alle Schnittstellen für Domäne auflisten"],"List all interfaces for host":["Alle Host-Schnittstellen auflisten"],"List all interfaces for subnet":["Alle Schnittstellen für das Subnetz auflisten"],"List all media for an operating system":["Alle Medien für ein Betriebssystem auflisten"],"List all media per location":["Alle Medien für einen Standort auflisten"],"List all media per organization":["Alle Medien pro Organisation auflisten"],"List all operating systems":["Alle Betriebssysteme auflisten"],"List all operating systems for nested architecture":["Alle Betriebssysteme für verschachtelte Architektur auflisten"],"List all operating systems for nested medium":["Alle Betriebssysteme für verschachteltes Medium auflisten"],"List all operating systems for nested partition table":["Alle Betriebssysteme für verschachtelte Partitionstabelle auflisten"],"List all operating systems for nested provisioning template":["Alle Betriebssysteme für verschachtelte Bereitstellungsvorlage auflisten"],"List all parameters for a domain":["Alle Parameter für eine Domäne auflisten"],"List all parameters for a host":["Alle Parameter für einen Host auflisten"],"List all parameters for a host group":["Alle Parameter für eine Hostgruppe auflisten"],"List all parameters for a location":["Alle Parameter für einen Standort auflisten"],"List all parameters for a subnet":["Alle Parameter für ein Subnetz auflisten"],"List all parameters for an operating 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angegebenes Orchestrierungsereignis auflisten"],"List all template kinds":["Alle Vorlagenarten auflisten"],"List all user groups":["Alle Benutzergruppen auflisten"],"List all users":["Alle Benutzer auflisten"],"List all users for LDAP authentication source":["Aller Benutzer für die LDAP-Authentifizierungsquelle auflisten"],"List all users for location":["Alle Benutzer für den Standort auflisten"],"List all users for organization":["Alle Benutzer für die Organisation auflisten"],"List all users for role":["Alle Benutzer für die Rolle auflisten"],"List all users for user group":["Alle Benutzer für die Benutzergruppe auflisten"],"List attributes for a given storage domain":["Attribute für eine angegebene Speicherdomäne auflisten"],"List attributes for a given storage pod":["Attribute für angegebenen Storage-Pod auflisten"],"List available clusters for a compute resource":["Verfügbare Cluster für eine Rechenressource auflisten"],"List available flavors for a compute resource":["Verfügbare Varianten für eine Rechenressource auflisten"],"List available folders for a compute resource":["Verfügbare Ordner für eine Rechenressource auflisten"],"List available images for a compute resource":["Verfügbare Abbilder für eine Rechenressource auflisten"],"List available networks for a compute resource":["Verfügbare Netzwerke für eine Rechenressource auflisten"],"List available networks for a compute resource cluster":["Verfügbare Netzwerke für einen Rechenressourcencluster auflisten"],"List available resource types.":["Verfügbare Ressourcentypen auflisten."],"List available security groups for a compute resource":["Verfügbare Sicherheitsgruppen für eine Rechenressource auflisten"],"List available zone for a compute resource":["Verfügbare Zonen für eine Rechenressource auflisten"],"List boot files for an operating system":["Bootdateien für ein Betriebssystem auflisten"],"List default templates combinations for an operating system":["Standardvorlagen-Kombinationen für ein Betriebssystem auflisten"],"List environments of Puppet class":["Umgebungen der Puppet-Klasse auflisten"],"List environments per location":["Umgebungen pro Standort auflisten"],"List environments per organization":["Umgebungen pro Organisation auflisten"],"List hosts per environment":["Hosts pro Umgebung auflisten"],"List hosts per location":["Hosts pro Standort auflisten"],"List hosts per organization":["Hosts pro Organisation auflisten"],"List installed plugins":["Installierte Plugins auflisten"],"List of compute profiles":["Liste mit Rechenprofilen"],"List of config groups":["Alle Konfigurationsgruppen auflisten"],"List of domains":["Liste der Domänen"],"List of domains per location":["Liste der Domänen pro Standort"],"List of domains per organization":["Liste der Domänen pro Organisation"],"List of domains per subnet":["Liste der Domänen pro Subnetz"],"List of email notifications":["Lister der E-Mail-Benachrichtigungen"],"List of hosts which answer to the provided query":["Liste von Hosts, die zur Anfrage passen"],"List of override values for a specific smart class parameter":["Liste der Überschreibungswerte für einen bestimmten Smart-Klassenparameter"],"List of override values for a specific smart variable":["Liste der Überschreibungswerte für eine bestimmte Smart-Variable"],"List of realms":["Liste der Realms"],"List of resources types that will be automatically associated":["Liste automatisch zugewiesener Ressourcenarten"],"List of smart class parameters for a specific Puppet class":["Liste der Smart-Klassenparameter für eine bestimmte Puppetklasse"],"List of smart class parameters for a specific environment":["Liste der Smart-Klassenparameter für eine bestimmte Umgebung"],"List of smart class parameters for a specific environment/Puppet class combination":["Liste der Smart-Klassenparameter für eine bestimmte Umgebung/Puppet-Klasse-Kombination"],"List of smart class parameters for a specific host":["Liste der Smart-Klassenparameter für einen bestimmten Host"],"List of smart class parameters for a specific host group":["Liste der Smart-Klassenparameter für eine bestimmte Hostgruppe"],"List of smart variables for a specific Puppet class":["Liste der Smart-Variablen für eine bestimmte Puppet-Klasse"],"List of smart variables for a specific host":["Liste der Smart-Variablen für einen bestimmten Host"],"List of smart variables for a specific host group":["Liste der Smart-Variablen für eine bestimmte Hostgruppe"],"List of subnets":["Liste von Subnetzen"],"List of subnets for a domain":["Liste von Subnetzen für eine Domäne"],"List of subnets per location":["Liste von Subnetzen pro Standort"],"List of subnets per organization":["Liste von Subnetzen pro Organisation"],"List operating systems where this template is set as a default":["Betriebssysteme auflisten, für die diese Vorlage als Standard gesetzt ist"],"List provisioning templates":["Bereitstellungsvorlagen auflisten"],"List provisioning templates per location":["Bereitstellungsvorlagen pro Standort auflisten"],"List provisioning templates per operating system":["Bereitstellungsvorlagen pro Betriebssystem auflisten"],"List provisioning templates per organization":["Bereitstellungsvorlagen pro Organisation auflisten"],"List resource pools for a compute resource cluster":["Ressourcen-Pools für ein Rechenressourcen-Cluster auflisten"],"List storage domains for a compute resource":["Speicherdomänen for Rechenressource auflisten"],"List storage pods for a compute resource":["Storage-Pods für Rechenressource auflisten"],"List template combination":["Vorlagenkombination auflisten"],"Load Datacenters":["Datacenter laden"],"Load Regions":["Lade Regionen"],"Load Tenants":["Lade Mieter"],"Load Zones":["Zonen laden"],"Loading":["Lade"],"Loading ...":["Ladevorgang ..."],"Loading BMC information ...":["Lade BMC Information"],"Loading NICs information ...":["Lade Netzwerkkarten Informationen"],"Loading SSH keys information ...":[""],"Loading VM information ...":["VM-Informationen werden geladen..."],"Loading filters ...":["Filter werden geladen …"],"Loading host information ...":["Hostinformation wird geladen ..."],"Loading images information ...":["Abbildinformationen werden geladen ..."],"Loading interfaces information ...":["Lade Schnittstelleninformationen ..."],"Loading parameters...":["Lade Parameter..."],"Loading power state ...":["Energiezustand wird geladen..."],"Loading resources information ...":["Ressourceninformation wird geladen ..."],"Loading runtime information ...":["Laufzeitinformation wird geladen ..."],"Loading template information ...":["Vorlageninformation wird geladen ..."],"Loading virtual machine information ...":["Lade Informationen über die virtuelle Maschine ..."],"Loading virtual machines information ...":["Lade Informationen über virtuelle Maschinen ...."],"Local boot %s template":[""],"Local time":["Ortszeit"],"Location":["Standort"],"Location Distribution":["Standortverteilung"],"Location fact":["Standort-Fakt"],"Location parameters":["Standortparameter"],"Location with id %{id} not found":["Kein Standort mit id %{id} gefunden"],"Location you had selected as your context has been deleted.":["Der Standort, den Sie als Kontext gewählt hatten, wurde gelöscht."],"Location/Organization":["Standort/Organisation"],"Locations":["Standorte"],"Locations also work nicely when used in tandem with %{organizations}.":["Standorte funktionieren auch gut zusammen mit %{organizations}."],"Locations are used to manage and differentiate the physical place where a system managed via Foreman is housed. For example, there might be a data center in London and one in Virginia; these are locations.":["Standorte dienen zur Verwaltung und Unterscheidung der physischen Orte, die von Foreman administrierte Systeme beherbergen. Zum Beispiel könnte es ein Rechenzentrum in London und eines in Virginia geben; dies wären Standorte."],"Lock":["Sperren"],"Log In":[""],"Log entry details":["Details des Log-Eintrags"],"Log out":["Abmelden"],"Log out idle users after a certain number of minutes":["Benutzer abmelden, wenn sie eine bestimmte Anzahl von Minuten inaktiv waren"],"Logged out - See you soon":["Abgemeldet - Bis bald"],"Logged-in":["Angemeldet"],"Login":["Anmelden"],"Login delegation logout URL":["Abmelde-URL für Anmeldedelegation"],"Login page footer text":["Loginseiten-Fußtext"],"Logout":["Abmelden"],"Lookup key":["Suchschlüssel"],"Lookup value":["Suchwert"],"LookupKey|Avoid duplicates":[""],"LookupKey|Default value":["Standardwert"],"LookupKey|Description":[""],"LookupKey|Is param":[""],"LookupKey|Key":[""],"LookupKey|Key type":[""],"LookupKey|Merge overrides":[""],"LookupKey|Override":[""],"LookupKey|Path":[""],"LookupKey|Puppetclass lookup key":[""],"LookupKey|Required":[""],"LookupKey|Validator rule":[""],"LookupKey|Validator type":[""],"LookupKey|Variable lookup values count":[""],"LookupValue|Match":["Übereinstimmung"],"LookupValue|Value":["Wert"],"MAC":["MAC"],"MAC Address":["MAC-Adresse"],"MAC address":["MAC-Adresse"],"MAC address of interface. Required for managed interfaces on bare metal.":["MAC-Adresse der Schnittstelle. Erforderlich für gemanagte Bare-Metal-Schnittstellen."],"MAC address to reuse the IP for this host":[""],"MAC-based":["MAC-basiert"],"Machine Type":["Systemtyp"],"Machine type":["Maschinen-Typ"],"Mailing lists":["Mailing lists"],"Mailing lists are available via Google Groups. Much like IRC, we have a general users (support, Q/A, etc) lists and a development list:":["Mailing lists sind verfügbar über Google Groups. Ganz wie IRC, haben wir Benutzersupport (support, Q/A, usw.) Listen und eine Entwicklerliste:"],"Manage":["Verwalten"],"Manage Locations":["Standorte verwalten"],"Manage Organizations":["Organisationen verwalten"],"Manage PuppetCA":["PuppetCA verwalten"],"Manage host":["Host verwalten"],"Managed IP":["Verwaltete IP"],"Manual":["Manuell"],"Manually Assign":["Manuell zuweisen"],"Manually select and assign hosts with no %s":["Wähle und weise manuell Systeme ohne %s zu"],"Matcher is a combination of an attribute and its value, if they match, the value below would be provided.<br> You may use any attribute Foreman knows about, such as facts etc for example: <code> domain = </code> or <code> is_virtual = true</code>.":["Ein Prüfwert ist eine Kombination aus einem Attribut und dessen Wert, und falls diese übereinstimmen, wird der Wert unten bereitgestellt.<br> Sie können jedes Attribut verwenden, das Foreman bekannt ist, z. B. Fakten wie: <code> domain = </code> oder <code> is_virtual = true</code>"],"Max days for Trends graphs":["Maximale Anzahl an Tagen für Trendgraphen"],"Max timeout for REST client requests to smart-proxy":["Max Timeout für REST-Client-Anfragen an den Smart-Proxy"],"Max trends":["Maximale Trends"],"Media":["Medien"],"Media ID":["Medienkennung"],"Media access control address for this interface. Format must be six groups of two hexadecimal digits <br/> separated by colons (:), e.g. 00:11:22:33:44:55. Most virtualization compute resources (e.g. VMware, oVirt, libvirt) <br/> will overwrite the provided value with new random MAC address.":[""],"Medium":["Medium"],"Medium IDs":[""],"Medium|Config path":["Konfigurationspfad"],"Medium|Image path":["Abbildspeicherort"],"Medium|Media path":["Medienspeicherort"],"Medium|Name":["Name"],"Medium|Os family":["Betriebssystemfamilie"],"Medium|Path":["Pfad"],"Memory":["Speicher"],"Memory (MB)":["Speicher (MB)"],"Memory hot add":["Hot-Add-Speicher"],"Memory hot add lets you add memory resources for a virtual machine while the machine is powered on.":["Hot-Add-Speicher lässt Sie Speicherressourcen für eine virtuelle Maschine hinzufügen, während die Maschine eingeschaltet ist."],"Merge all matching values (only array/hash type)":["Alle übereinstimmenden Werte (nur vom Typ Array/Hash) zusammenführen"],"Message":["Nachricht"],"Message|Digest":["Kurzfassung"],"Message|Value":["Wert"],"Metadata":["Metadaten"],"Method %{method} not found for resource %{resource}.":["Methode %{method} für Ressource '%{resource} nicht gefunden."],"Method used to deliver email":[""],"Metrics":["Metriken"],"Minutes Ago":["Vergangene Minuten"],"Mismatch Details":["Fehlzuweisungsdetails"],"Mismatches":["Fehlzuweisungen"],"Mismatches Report":["Fehlzuweisungsbericht"],"Missing one of the required permissions: %s":["Eine der erforderlichen Berechtigungen fehlt: %s"],"Model":["Modell"],"Model|Hardware model":["Hardwaremodell"],"Model|Hosts count":["Host-Anzahl"],"Model|Info":["Info"],"Model|Name":["Name"],"Model|Vendor class":["Herstellerklasse"],"Modified":["Geändert"],"Module path":["Modulpfad"],"Monitor":["Überwachen"],"Monthly":["Monatlich"],"Must provide an operating system":["Betriebssystem muss angegeben werden"],"Must provide template kind":["Vorlage muss angegeben werden"],"Must specify a user with email enabled":["Muss einen Benutzer mit aktivierter E-Mail angeben"],"Must specify a valid user with email enabled":["Muss einen gültigen Benutzer mit aktivierter E-Mail angeben"],"My account":["Mein Account"],"N/A":["Nicht verfügbar"],"NA":["Nicht verfügbar"],"NIC":["NIC"],"NIC type":["NIC-Typ"],"NICs":["Netzwerkkarten"],"Name":["Name"],"Name of media":["Name des Mediums"],"Name of the external auth source where unknown externally authentication users (see authorize_login_delegation) should be created (keep unset to prevent the autocreation)":["Name der externen Authentifizierungsquelle, in der unbekannte externe Authentifizierungsbenutzer (siehe authorize_login_delegation) erstellt werden sollen (nicht auswählen, um automatische Erstellung zu verhindern)"],"Name of the host group":["Name der Hostgruppe"],"Name of the parameter":["Name des Parameters"],"Name of variable":["Name der Variable"],"Nest":["Verschachteln"],"Netmask":["Netzmaske"],"Netmask for this subnet":["Netzmaske für dieses Subnetz"],"Network":["Netzwerk"],"Network Based":["Netzwerkbasierend"],"Network can't be blank":["Netzwerk darf nicht leer sein"],"Network interfaces":["Netzwerkschnittstellen"],"Network interfaces management has been moved to the Interfaces tab. Please set your interfaces there.":["Die Netzwerkschnittstellen-Verwaltung ist in die Registerkarte \\\"Schnittstellen\\\" umgezogen. Bitte setzen Sie dort Ihre Schnittstellen."],"Network prefix":["Netzwerkpräfix"],"Network type":["Netzwerktyp"],"New":["Neu"],"New Autosign Entry":["Neuer Autosign-Eintrag"],"New Event":[""],"New Events":[""],"New Hosts":["Neue Hosts"],"New Location":["Neuer Standort"],"New Organization":["Neue Organisation"],"New SSH key":[""],"New Virtual Machine":["Neue virtuelle Maschine"],"New boot volume size (GB)":["Neue Boot Volumen Grösse (GB)"],"New compute profile on %s":["Neues Rechenprofil auf %s"],"New filter":["Neuer Filter"],"New window":["Neues Fenster"],"Nic::Base|Attached devices":["Verbundene Geräte"],"Nic::Base|Attached to":["Verbunden mit"],"Nic::Base|Attrs":["Attribute"],"Nic::Base|Bond options":["Bond-Optionen"],"Nic::Base|Identifier":["Kennung"],"Nic::Base|Ip":["IP"],"Nic::Base|Link":["Verknüpfung"],"Nic::Base|Mac":["MAC"],"Nic::Base|Managed":["Gemanagt"],"Nic::Base|Mode":["Modus"],"Nic::Base|Name":["Name"],"Nic::Base|Password":["Passwort"],"Nic::Base|Provider":["Provider"],"Nic::Base|Tag":["Tag"],"Nic::Base|Username":["Benutzername"],"Nic::Base|Virtual":["Virtuell"],"No %{template_kind} templates were found for this host, make sure you define at least one in your %{os} settings or change PXE loader":[""],"No BMC NIC available for host %s":[""],"No IPv4 subnets selected":["Keine IPv4-Subnetze ausgewählt"],"No Notifications":[""],"No TFTP feature":["Keine TFTP-Funktion"],"No TFTP proxies defined, can't continue":["Keine TFTP-Proxys definiert, kann nicht fortfahren"],"No audit changes for this period":["Keine Auditänderungen für diese Periode"],"No bridges":["Keine Bridges"],"No changes":["Keine Änderungen"],"No changes found when refreshing features from %s.":["Beim Aktualisieren der Funktionen von %s wurden keine Änderungen gefunden"],"No changes to your environments detected":["Keine Änderungen an Ihren Umgebungen entdeckt"],"No compute resource to show":["Keine anzuzeigende Rechenressource"],"No data available":[""],"No data for this trend.":["Keine Daten für diesen Trend."],"No documentation found":["Keine Dokumentation gefunden"],"No domains":["Keine Domänen"],"No emails":["Keine E-Mails"],"No entries found":["Keine Einträge gefunden"],"No environment selected!":["keine Umgebung ausgewählt!"],"No environments found":["Keine Umgebungen gefunden"],"No features found on this proxy, please make sure you enable at least one feature":["Keine Funktionen von diesem Proxy gefunden, bitte stelle sicher, dass mindestens eine Funktion aktiviert ist"],"No finish templates were found for this host, make sure you define at least one in your %s settings":["Es wurden keine Abschlussvorlagen für diesen Host gefunden, bitte stelle sicher, dass mindestens eine Vorlage in Ihren %s-Einstellungen zugewiesen ist"],"No free ports available for websockify, try again later":["Keine freien Ports für Websockify verfügbar. Bitte versuchen Sie es später noch einmal."],"No history found":["Keine Chronik gefunden"],"No host could be found for rendering the template":["Für die Ausführung der Vorlage konnte kein Host gefunden werden."],"No host found to associate this VM with":["Keinen Host für die Zuordnung zu dieser VM gefunden"],"No host group selected!":["keine Hostgruppe ausgewählt!"],"No hosts are mismatched!":["Keine Hosts mit Fehlzuweisungen!"],"No hosts available.":["Keine Hosts verfügbar."],"No hosts selected":["Keine Systeme ausgewählt"],"No hosts were found with that id, name or query filter":[""],"No interesting reports received in the last week":["Keine interessanten Berichte in der letzten Woche erhalten"],"No logs to show":["Keine Logs zum anzeigen"],"No matching server groups found":[""],"No networks":["Keine Netzwerke"],"No networks found.":["Keine Netzwerke gefunden."],"No new IPv4 subnets found":["Keine neuen IPv4-Subnetze gefunden"],"No or invalid power state selected!":["Kein oder ungültiger Energiezustand ausgewählt!"],"No owner selected!":["Kein Besitzer ausgewählt!"],"No parameters to override for Puppet class %s":["Keine Parameter für Puppet-Klasse %s zu überschreiben"],"No parameters were allocated to the selected hosts, can't mass assign.":["Den ausgewählten Hosts wurden keine Parameter zugewiesen, Massenzuweisung kann nicht durchgeführt werden."],"No plugins found":["Keine Plugins gefunden"],"No preference":["Keine Präferenz"],"No proxy found to import classes from, ensure that the smart proxy has the Puppet feature enabled.":["Kein Proxy für den Import von Klassen gefunden. Bitte stellen Sie sicher, dass die Puppet-Funktion für den Smart-Proxy aktiviert ist."],"No proxy selected!":["Kein Proxy ausgewählt!"],"No puppet activity for this host in the last %s days":["Keine Puppet-Aktivitäten dieses Hosts in den letzten %s Tagen"],"No report":["Kein Bericht"],"No reports":["Keine Berichte"],"No setting value provided.":["Kein Einstellungswert geliefert."],"No smart proxies found.":["Keine Smart-Proxys gefunden."],"No smart proxies to show":["Keine Smart Proxys zum Anzeigen"],"No smart proxy was found to import environments from, ensure that at least one smart proxy is registered with the 'puppet' feature.":["Kein Smart-Proxy für den Import von Umgebungen gefunden. Bitte stellen Sie sicher, dass Sie mindestens einen Smart-Proxy bei der \\\"puppet\\\"-Funktion registriert haben."],"No subnets":["Keine Subnetze"],"No template with kind %{kind} for %{host}":["Keine Vorlage der Art %{kind} für %{host}"],"No templates found":["Keine Vorlagen gefunden."],"No templates found for this host.":["Keine Vorlagen für diesen Host gefunden."],"No templates found!":["Keine Vorlagen gefunden!"],"No trend counter defined":["Kein Trendzähler definiert"],"No trend counter found":["Kein Trendzähler gefunden."],"None":["Keine"],"None found":["Keine gefunden"],"None!":["Kein!"],"Normal":["Normal"],"Normally when setting up a Compute Resource, a key pair (private and public) is created for you automatically.":[""],"Not Installed":["Nicht installiert"],"Not authorized to edit classes":["Nicht autorisiert Klassen zu bearbeiten"],"Not implemented":["Nicht implementiert"],"Not implemented for %s":["Nicht für %s implementiert"],"Not relevant for snippet":["Für Snippet nicht wichtig"],"Nothing to add":["Nichts zum Hinzufügen"],"Nothing to show":["Nichts anzuzeigen"],"Notice":["Nachricht"],"Notices, warnings and errors":["Hinweise, Warnungen und Fehler"],"Notification disabled":["Benachrichtigung deaktiviert"],"Notifications":["Benachrichtigungen"],"Number Of Clients":["Anzahl der Clients"],"Number of CPUs":["Anzahl der CPUs"],"Number of Events":["Anzahl der Ereignisse"],"Number of Hosts":["Anzahl der Hosts"],"Number of classes":["Anzahl der Klassen"],"Number of overrides":["Anzahl der Außerkraftsetzungen"],"Number of records shown per page in Foreman":["Anzahl der angezeigten Einträge pro Seite in Foreman"],"Numerical ID or domain name":["Numerische Kennung oder Domänenname"],"Numerical ID or email notification name":["Numerische Kennung oder E-Mail-Benachrichtigungsname"],"Numerical ID or realm name":["Numerische Kennung oder Name des Realms"],"OAuth active":["OAuth aktiv"],"OAuth consumer key":["OAuth-Kundenschlüssel"],"OAuth consumer secret":["OAuth-Kundengeheimnis"],"OAuth map users":["OAuth Map-Benutzer"],"OK":["OK"],"OS Image":["Betriebssystemabbild"],"OS friendly name; e.g. RHEL 6.5":["Name, der vom Betriebssystem unterstützt wird; z.B. RHEL 6.5"],"OS major version from facter; e.g. 6":["Betriebssystem-Hauptrelease von Facter; z. B. 6"],"OS minor version from facter; e.g. 5":["Betriebssystem-Nebenrelease von Facter; z. B. 5"],"OS name from facter; e.g. RedHat":["Betriebssystemname von Facter; z. B. Red Hat"],"Obsolete":["Veraltet"],"Off":["Aus"],"Ok":["OK"],"Old":["Alt"],"Omit":[""],"Omit from classification output":[""],"Omit parameter from classification":[""],"On":["Ein"],"Only for BMC interfaces.":["Nur für BMC-Schnittstellen."],"Only known Smart Proxies may access features that use Smart Proxy authentication":["Nur bekannte Smart-Proxys können auf Funktionen zugreifen, die Smart-Proxy-Authentifizierung verwenden"],"Only one declaration of a proxy is allowed":["Nur eine Angabe eines Proxys erlaubt"],"Only one volume can be bootable":["Nur ein Datenträger kann bootbar sein"],"Oops!!":["Hoppla!!"],"Oops, we're sorry but something went wrong":["Bitte entschuldigen Sie, etwas ist schief gelaufen"],"Open Spice in a new window":["Öffne Spice in einem neuen Fenster"],"Operating System":["Betriebssystem"],"Operating System version is required":["Version des Betriebssystems benötigt"],"Operating Systems":["Betriebssysteme"],"Operating system":["Betriebssystem"],"Operating system ID":["Betriebssystemkennung"],"Operating system IDs":["Betriebssystemkennungen"],"Operating system default":["Betriebssystemvorgabe"],"Operating system family":["Betriebssystemfamilie"],"Operating system family, available values: %{operatingsystem_families}":["Betriebssystemfamilie, verfügbare Werte: %{operatingsystem_families}"],"Operating system version already exists":["Version vom Betriebssystem existiert bereits"],"Operating systems":["Betriebssysteme"],"Operating systems API supported?":["Betriebssystem-API unterstützt?"],"Operatingsystem":["Betriebssystem"],"Operatingsystem|Description":["Beschreibung"],"Operatingsystem|Hostgroups count":["Hostgruppen-Anzahl"],"Operatingsystem|Hosts count":["Host-Anzahl"],"Operatingsystem|Major":["Hauptrelease"],"Operatingsystem|Minor":["Nebenrelease"],"Operatingsystem|Name":["Name"],"Operatingsystem|Nameindicator":["Namensanzeiger"],"Operatingsystem|Password hash":["Passwort-Hash"],"Operatingsystem|Release name":["Veröffentlichungsname"],"Operatingsystem|Title":["Titel"],"Operation":["Vorgang"],"Operators":["Operatoren"],"Optional array of log hashes":["Optionales Array der Log-Hashes"],"Optional comma-delimited string containing either 'new', 'updated', or 'obsolete' that is used to limit the imported Puppet classes":["Optionaler kommaseparierter String, der entweder \\\"neu\\\", \\\"aktualisiert\\\" oder \\\"veraltet\\\" enthält und dazu verwendet wird, die importierten Puppet-Klassen einzuschränken."],"Optional input validator":["Optionaler Eingabe-Validator"],"Optional parameter without value.<br/><i>Still managed by Foreman, the value will be empty.</i><br/>":[""],"Optional: Ending IP Address for IP auto suggestion":["Optional: Abschließende IP-Adresse für automatischen IP-Vorschlag"],"Optional: Gateway for this subnet":["Optional: Gateway für dieses Subnetz"],"Optional: Primary DNS for this subnet":["Optional: Primärer DNS für dieses Subnetz"],"Optional: Secondary DNS for this subnet":["Optional: Sekundärer DNS für dieses Subnetz"],"Optional: Starting IP Address for IP auto suggestion":["Optional: Beginnende IP-Adresse für automatischen IP-Vorschlag"],"Optional: VLAN ID for this subnet":["Optional: VLAN-Kennung für dieses Subnetz"],"Optionally provide a CA, or a correctly ordered CA chain. If left blank, a self-signed CA will be populated automatically by the server during the first request.":["Geben Sie optional eine CA oder eine korrekt sortierte CA-Kette an. Wenn freigelassen, wird während der ersten Anfrage automatisch durch den Server eine selbstsignierte CA eingepflegt"],"Order":["Reihenfolge"],"Organization":["Organisation"],"Organization Distribution":[""],"Organization fact":["Organistations-Fakt"],"Organization parameters":["Organisationsparameter"],"Organization with id %{id} not found":["Keine Organisation mit id %{id} gefunden"],"Organization you had selected as your context has been deleted.":["Die Organisation, die Sie als Kontext gewählt hatten, wurde gelöscht."],"Organizations":["Organisationen"],"Organizations also work nicely in tandem with %{locations}.":["Organisationen funktionieren auch gut zusammen mit %{locations}."],"Original value info":["Information zum Originalwert"],"Other reports for this host":["Weitere Berichte für diesen Host"],"Out of sync":["Nicht synchronisiert"],"Out of sync hosts":["Nicht synchrone Hosts"],"Out of sync hosts with alerts enabled":["Unsynchronisierte Hosts mit aktivierter Alarmierung"],"Out of sync interval":["Aus dem Synchronisierungsintervall"],"Override all parameters":["Alle Parameter überschreiben"],"Override match":["Übereinstimmung überschreiben"],"Override the default value of the Puppet class parameter.":["Standardwert des Puppet-Klassenparameters überschreiben."],"Override this value":["Diesen Wert außer Kraft setzen"],"Override value, required if omit is false":[""],"Overview":["Übersicht"],"Overwrite":["Überschreiben"],"Owned By":["Gehört"],"Owner":["Besitzer"],"Owner changed to %s":["Besitzer zu %s geändert"],"Owner type needs to be one of the following: %s":["Besitzertyp kann einer der folgenden sein: %s"],"POAP PXE template":["POAP-PXE-Vorlage"],"PXE":["PXE"],"PXE Loader":[""],"PXE files for templates %s have been deployed to all Smart Proxies":[""],"PXE loader":["PXE-Ladeprogramm"],"PXEGrub template":["PXEGrub Vorlage"],"PXEGrub2 template":["PXEGrub2-Vorlage"],"PXELinux template":["PXELinux Vorlage"],"Param name":["Parametername"],"Parameter":["Parameter"],"Parameter details":["Parameterdetails"],"Parameter value":["Parameterwert"],"Parameterized classes in ENC":["Parameterisierte Klassen in ENC"],"Parameters":["Parameter"],"Parameters for host's %s facet":["Parameter für %s Facet des Hosts"],"Parameters that would be associated with hosts in this %s":["Parameter, die mit Hosts in dieser %s verknüpft würden"],"Parameter|Hidden value":["Versteckter Wert"],"Parameter|Name":["Name"],"Parameter|Priority":["Priorität"],"Parameter|Value":["Wert"],"Params":["Parameter"],"Parent":["Vorgänger"],"Parent ID":["Übergeordnete ID"],"Parent ID of the host group":["Übergeordnete Kennung der Hostgruppe"],"Parent is already selected":["Übergeordnetes Objekt ist bereits ausgewählt"],"Parent parameters":["Übergeordnete Parameter"],"Partition Tables":["Partitionstabellen"],"Partition table":["Partitionstabelle"],"Partition table ID":["Partitionstabellenkennung"],"Partition table configuration":["Konfiguration der Partitionstabellen"],"Partition tables":["Partitionstabellen"],"Partition template IDs":["Partitionsvorlagenkennungen"],"Password":["Passwort"],"Password for oVirt, EC2, VMware, OpenStack. 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MeineVorlagen/RHEL 6)"],"Pause":["Pause"],"Paused":["Pausiert"],"Pending":["Ausstehend"],"Pending Hosts":["Ausstehende Hosts"],"Pending changes":["Ausstehende Änderungen"],"Pending installation":["Ausstehende Installation"],"Pending|P":["A"],"Permission":["Berechtigung"],"Permission denied":["Erlaubnis verweigert"],"Permission|Name":["Name"],"Permission|Resource type":["Ressourcentyp"],"Permits access to BMC interface passwords through ENC YAML output and in templates":[""],"Persistent":[""],"Photo attribute":["Fotoattribut"],"Physical (Bridge)":["Physikalische (Bridge)"],"Please Confirm":["Bitte bestätigen"],"Please Select":["Bitte auswählen"],"Please Select an Image":["Bitte ein Abbild auswählen"],"Please check the proxy is configured and running on the host.":["Bitte überprüfe, ob der Proxy konfiguriert ist und auf dem System läuft."],"Please correct the error(s) below and submit your changes again.":["Bitte prüfen Sie die nachstehenden Fehler und schicken Sie Ihre Änderungen erneut ab."],"Please delete all nested groups before deleting it.":["Bitte löschen Sie vorher alle Untergruppen."],"Please enable JavaScript to view the %{comments_href}.":["Zum Anzeigen von %{comments_href} bitte JavaScript aktivieren."],"Please ensure the following parameters name are unique":["Bitte stellen Sie sicher, dass die folgenden Parameter eindeutig sind."],"Please login to %{foreman_url} to change your password":["Bitte melden Sie sich auf %{foreman_url} an, um Ihr Passwort zu ändern"],"Please request one of the required permissions listed below from a Foreman administrator:":["Bitte fordern Sie eine der erforderlichen Berechtigungen unterhalb bei einem Foreman-Administrator an:"],"Please review them carefully, if you are certain that they should be removed, please click on overwrite.":["Bitte sorgfältig überprüfen, ob diese wirklich entfernt werden sollen, falls ja, bitte auf überschreiben klicken."],"Please save the Operating System first and try again.":["Bitte zuerst das Betriebssystem speichern und nochmals probieren."],"Please save the role first. You can edit it later to add filters":["Bitte zuerst Rolle speichern, Filter können später hinzugefügt werden."],"Please save the user first before assigning mail notifications.":["Bitte speichern Sie zuerst den Benutzer, bevor Sie E-Mail-Benachrichtigungen zuweisen."],"Please select":["Bitte auswählen"],"Please select a cluster":["Bitte wählen Sie ein Cluster aus."],"Please select an environment first":["Bitte zuerst eine Umgebung auswählen"],"Please select an image":["bitte ein Abbild auswählen"],"Please select hosts to perform action on.":[""],"Please specify volume size. You may optionally use suffix 'G' to specify volume size in gigabytes.":["Bitte geben Sie die Datenträgergröße an. Sie können optional das Suffix \\\"G\\\" verwenden, um die Datenträgergröße in Gigabytes anzugeben."],"Please try to update your request":["Bitte versuche die Anfrage zu aktualisieren"],"Please wait while your request is being processed":["Bitte auf die Bearbeitung der Anfrage warten"],"Please wait...":["Bitte warten..."],"Plugins":["Plugins"],"Port to connect to":["Port zum Verbinden"],"Power":["Strom"],"Power ON this machine":["System starten"],"Power operations are not enabled on this host.":[""],"Power up compute instance %s":["Die Recheninstanz %s starten"],"Power%s":["Strom %s"],"Preallocate disk":["Festplatte vorbelegen"],"Prefix length can't be blank":["Präfixlänge darf nicht leer sein"],"Prefix length must be /64 or less to use EUI-64":["Für die Verwendung von EUI-64 wird ein Präfix der Länge /64 oder kürzer benötigt"],"Prefix to add to all outgoing email":["Präfix, das allen ausgehenden E-Mails angefügt werden soll"],"Prepare post installation script for %s":["Bereite Nachinstallationsskript für %s vor"],"Preview":["Vorschau"],"Preview rendered provisioning template content":["Inhaltsvorschau der gerenderten Bereitstellungsvorlage"],"Primary":["Primär"],"Primary DNS for this subnet":["Primärer DNS für dieses Subnetz"],"Primary interface's DNS name and domain define host's FQDN":["Der DNS-Name und die Domäne der Primärschnittstelle definieren den FQDN"],"Printing data":[""],"Prioritize attribute order":["Attributreihenfolge priorisieren"],"Private":["Privat"],"Private key file that Foreman will use to encrypt websockets ":[""],"Proceed to Edit":["Zum Ändern fortfahren"],"Properties":["Eigenschaften"],"Property":["Property"],"Protocol":["Protokoll"],"Provider":["Anbieter"],"Providers include %{providers}":["Provider umfassen %{providers}"],"Provides an unused IP address in this subnet":[""],"Provision":["Bereitstellen"],"Provision script had a non zero exit":["Bereitstellungsskript hat Exitcode ungleich-Null"],"Provisioning":["Bereitstellung"],"Provisioning Method":["Bereitstellungsmethode"],"Provisioning Setup":["Bereitstellungs-Setup"],"Provisioning Template content changed %s":["Bereitstellungsvorlage wurde geändert %s"],"Provisioning Templates":["Bereitstellungsvorlagen"],"Provisioning template":["Bereitstellungsvorlage"],"Provisioning template IDs":["Bereitstellungsvorlagen-Kennungen"],"Provisioning templates":["Bereitstellungsvorlagen"],"Provisioning templates are generated using the Embedded Ruby (ERB) language.":["Provisionierungsvorlagen werden in der Sprache Embedded Ruby (ERB) erzeugt."],"ProvisioningTemplate|Default":["Standard"],"ProvisioningTemplate|Locked":["Gesperrt"],"ProvisioningTemplate|Name":["Name"],"ProvisioningTemplate|Snippet":["Snippet"],"ProvisioningTemplate|Template":["Vorlage"],"ProvisioningTemplate|Vendor":["Hersteller"],"Proxies":["Proxys"],"Proxy ID to use within this realm":[""],"Proxy request timeout":["Proxyanfrage-Zeitüberschreitung"],"Ptable":["Ptabelle"],"Ptable|Layout":["Layout"],"Ptable|Locked":["Gesperrt"],"Ptable|Name":["Name"],"Ptable|Os family":["OS-Familie"],"Ptable|Snippet":["Snippet"],"Public":["Öffentlich"],"Public SSH key":[""],"Puppet":["Puppet"],"Puppet CA":["Puppet-CA"],"Puppet CA proxy ID":["Puppet-CA-Proxy-Kennung"],"Puppet Class":["Puppet-Klasse"],"Puppet Classes":["Puppet-Klassen"],"Puppet Environment":["Puppet-Umgebung"],"Puppet Environments":["Puppet-Umgebungen"],"Puppet Master":["Puppet-Master"],"Puppet Modules":["Puppet-Module"],"Puppet Summary Report - 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</strong>":["",""],"Reminder: <strong> One host is selected </strong> for query filter %{query}":["",""],"Remote address":["Entfernte Adresse"],"Remove %s?":["%s entfernen?"],"Remove %{type} for %{host}":["%{type} für %{host} entfernen"],"Remove DHCP Settings for %s":["DHCP-Einstellungen für %s entfernen"],"Remove Parameter":["Parameter entfernen"],"Remove a Puppet class from host":["Puppet-Klasse vom Host entfernen"],"Remove a Puppet class from host group":["Puppet-Klasse von Hostgruppe entfernen"],"Remove conflicting %{type} for %{host}":[""],"Remove duplicate values (only array type)":["Duplikate (nur vom Typ Array) entfernen"],"Remove this override":["Diese Außerkraftsetzung entfernen"],"Remove:":["Entferne:"],"Removing compute instance %s":["Recheninstanz %s wird entfernt"],"Rename":["Umbennenen"],"Render user data template for %s":["Benutzerdatenvorlage rendern für %s"],"Rendering the template, please wait...":["Vorlage wird ausgeführt, bitte 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Benutzers um sicherzustellen, dass die Foreman-E-Mail Konfiguration funktioniert."],"Send a welcome email including username and URL to new users":["Willkommens-E-Mail inklusive Benutzername und URL an neue Benutzer senden"],"Send welcome email":["Willkommens-E-Mail senden"],"Sendmail":["Sendmail"],"Sendmail arguments":["Sendmail-Argumente"],"Sendmail location":["Sendmail-Pfadname"],"Server group":["Servergruppe"],"Server hint data":[""],"Server type":["Servertyp"],"Service unavailable":["Dienst nicht verfügbar"],"Services":["Dienste"],"Set IP addresses for %s":["IP-Adressen für %s festlegen"],"Set a randomly generated password on the display connection":["Zufälliges Passwort für die Verbindung generieren"],"Set parameters to defaults":["Parameter auf Standardeinstellungen festlegen"],"Set the order in which values are resolved.":["Reihenfolge festlegen, in der die Werte aufgelöst werden."],"Set up compute instance %s":["Recheninstanz %s 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Dieses Feature bewirkt Aufrufe der Compute Resource Provider, was die Performance der Übersichtsseite vermindern kann."],"Show provisioning template details":["Details der Bereitstellungsvorlage anzeigen"],"Show status":["Status anzeigen"],"Show template combination":["Vorlagenkombination anzeigen"],"Show the last report for a host":["Letzten Bericht für einen Host anzeigen"],"Sign":["Signieren"],"Single host on this page is selected.":["",""],"Size":["Größe"],"Size (GB)":["Grösse (GB)"],"Skip assign hosts and proceed to edit %s settings":["Überspringe zugewiesene Hosts und fahre mit dem editieren der Einstellungen von %s fort"],"Skipped":["Übersprungen"],"Skipped|S":["Ü"],"Smart Class Parameter":["Smart-Class-Parameter"],"Smart Proxies":["Smart Proxys"],"Smart Proxy":["Smart Proxy"],"Smart Proxy: %s":["Smart-Proxy: %s"],"Smart Variables":["Smart-Variablen"],"Smart class parameters":["Smart-Klassenparameter"],"Smart proxies":["Smart Proxys"],"Smart proxy":["Smart Proxy"],"Smart proxy IDs":["Smart-Proxy-Kennungen"],"Smart variables":["Smart-Variablen"],"SmartProxy|Name":["Name"],"SmartProxy|Url":["URL"],"Snippet":["Snippet"],"Some Puppet Classes are unavailable in the selected environment":[""],"Some imported user account details cannot be saved: %s":[""],"Some interfaces are invalid":["Einige Schnittstellen sind ungültig"],"Some of the interfaces are invalid. 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Sind Sie sicher, dass Sie stattdessen diese Schnittstelle verwenden möchten?"],"Something went wrong while changing host type - %s":["Bei der Änderung des Systemtyps %s ist ein Fehler aufgetreten"],"Something went wrong while selecting hosts - %s":["Bei der Systemauswahl von %s ist ein Fehler aufgetreten"],"Sorry but no templates were configured.":["Es wurden keine Vorlagen konfiguriert."],"Sorry, these hosts do not have parameters assigned to them, you must add them first.":["Entschuldigung, diesen Hosts sind keine Parameter zugewiesen, diese müssen zuerst hinzugefügt werden."],"Source":["Quelle"],"Source|Digest":["Zusammenfassung"],"Source|Value":["Wert"],"Space separated options, e.g. miimon=100. Only for bond interfaces.":["Durch Leerzeichen getrennte Optionen, z.B. miimon=100. Ausschließlich für Bond-Schnittstellen."],"Specified value is higher than recommended maximum":[""],"Specify additional options to sendmail":["Zusätzliche Sendmail-Optionen"],"Specify authentication type, if required":["Art der Authentisierung angeben, wo benötigt"],"Specify matchers":["Prüfwerte angeben"],"Start":["Start"],"Starting IP Address for IP auto suggestion":["Beginnende IP-Adresse für automatischen IP-Vorschlag"],"State":["Status"],"Static":["Statisch"],"Statistics":["Statistiken"],"Status":["Status"],"Stop updating IP address and MAC values from Puppet facts (affects all interfaces)":["Aktualisierung von IP-Adressen und MAC-Werten aus den Puppet-Fakten stoppen (wirkt sich auf alle Schnittstellen aus)"],"Stop updating Operating System from facts":[""],"Stop updating domain values from facts":[""],"Storage":["Speicher"],"Storage domain":["Storage Domäne"],"Storage pool":["Storage Pool"],"Strong":["Stark"],"Submit":["Absenden"],"Subnet":["Subnetz"],"Subnet ID":["Subnetzkennung"],"Subnet IDs":["Subnetz-Kennungen"],"Subnet name":["Subnetzname"],"Subnet network":["Subnetznetzwerk"],"Subnet numeric identifier":["Numerische Subnetzkennung"],"Subnets":["Subnetze"],"Subnet|Boot mode":["Boot-Modus"],"Subnet|Dns primary":["Primärer DNS"],"Subnet|Dns secondary":["Sekundärer DNS"],"Subnet|From":["Von"],"Subnet|Gateway":["Gateway"],"Subnet|Ipam":["Ipam"],"Subnet|Mask":["Maske"],"Subnet|Name":["Subnetz|Name"],"Subnet|Network":["Subnetz|Netzwerk"],"Subnet|Priority":["Priorität"],"Subnet|To":["Bis"],"Subnet|Vlanid":["Subnetz|Vlan-ID"],"Subscribe":["Abonnieren"],"Subscribe to all hosts":[""],"Subscribe to my hosts":[""],"Success":["Erfolg"],"Successfully created %s.":["%s wurde angelegt."],"Successfully delete %s":[""],"Successfully deleted %s.":["%s erfolgreich gelöscht."],"Successfully deleted report.":["Bericht erfolgreich gelöscht."],"Successfully executed, check log files for more details":["Erfolgreich ausgeführt, für weitere Informationen bitte die Protokolldateien prüfen"],"Successfully executed, check reports and/or log files for more details":["Erfolgreich ausgeführt, bitte die Berichte und/oder die Protokolldateien für weitere Details prüfen"],"Successfully overridden all parameters of Puppet class %s":["Alle Parameter von Puppet-Klasse %s erfolgreich überschrieben"],"Successfully recreated":[""],"Successfully refreshed features from %s.":["Funktionen erfolgreich von %s aktualisiert."],"Successfully refreshed the cache.":[""],"Successfully reset all parameters of Puppet class %s to their default values":["Alle Parameter von Puppet-Klasse %s erfolgreich auf ihre Standardwerte zurückgesetzt"],"Successfully updated %s.":["%s wurde aktualisiert."],"Successfully updated environments and Puppet classes from the on-disk Puppet installation":["Umgebungen und Puppet-Klassen wurden erfolgreich von der Puppet-Festplatteninstallation aktualisiert"],"Suffix or prefix length for this subnet, e.g. 32":[""],"Suggest new":["Neu vorschlagen"],"Summary from %{time} ago to now":["Zusammenfassung von %{time} bis jetzt"],"Summary report from Foreman server at %{foreman_url}":["Zusammenfassungbericht vom Foreman-Server unter %{foreman_url}"],"Support":["Unterstützung"],"Supported Formats":["Unterstützte Formate"],"Synchronize group from authentication source":["Gruppe von Authentifizierungsquelle synchronisieren"],"Syntax Highlighting":["Syntaxhervorhebung"],"Syntax error occurred while parsing the template %{template_name}, make sure you have all ERB tags properly closed and the Ruby syntax is valid. The Ruby error: %{message}":[""],"System Information":["Systeminformationen"],"System Status":["Systemstatus"],"TFTP":["TFTP"],"TFTP Proxy":["TFTP-Proxy"],"TFTP Proxy ID to use within this subnet":[""],"TFTP Proxy to use within this subnet":["TFTP-Proxy für dieses Subnetz"],"TFTP server":["TFTP-Server"],"Taxable taxonomy":["Besteuerbare Taxonomie"],"TaxableTaxonomy|Taxable type":["Besteuerbare Typen"],"Taxonomy":["Taxonomie"],"Taxonomy|Ancestry":["Abstammung"],"Taxonomy|Ignore types":["Typen ignorieren"],"Taxonomy|Name":["Name"],"Taxonomy|Title":["Titel"],"Template":["Vorlage"],"Template %s is empty.":["Vorlage %s ist leer."],"Template '%s' is either missing or has an invalid organization or location":["Fehlende/r oder ungültige/r Organisation oder Standort in Vorlage '%s'"],"Template '%s' was not found":["Vorlage '%s' nicht gefunden"],"Template Diff":["Vorlagenabgleich"],"Template Type":["Vorlagentyp"],"Template diff":["Vorlagenabgleich"],"Template editor":["Vorlageneditor"],"Template kind":["Vorlagenart"],"Template kinds, available values: %{template_kinds}":["Vorlagenarten, verfügbare Werte: %{template_kinds}"],"Template locked":["Vorlage gesperrt"],"Template syntax":["Vorlagensyntax"],"Template that will be selected as %s default for local boot.":[""],"Template unlocked":["Vorlage entsperrt"],"TemplateKind|Name":["Name"],"Templates":["Vorlagen"],"Templates resolved for this operating system":["Vorlagen für dieses Betriebssystem aufgelöst"],"Tenant":["Mieter"],"Test Connection":["Verbindung testen"],"Test LDAP connection":["LDAP-Verbindung testen"],"Test LDAP connectivity":["LDAP-Verbindung testen"],"Test connection to LDAP server was successful.":["Testverbindung zum LDAP-Server war erfolgreich."],"Test connection was successful":["Testverbindung war erfolgreich"],"Test email":["Test-E-Mail"],"Text to be shown in the login-page footer":["Text zur Anzeige im Fuß der Login-Seite"],"That is, if you are planning to manage a site where all the machines are of the form <i>hostname</i>.<b></b>\\n then the domain is <b></b>.":["Das bedeutet: Wenn alle Maschinen eines Standorts die Form <i>hostname</i>.<b></b> haben, ist die Domäne <b></b>."],"The %{proxy_type} proxy could not be set for host: %{host_names}.":["",""],"The %{proxy_type} proxy of the selected hosts was cleared.":["Der %{proxy_type} Proxy der ausgewählten Hosts wurde gelöscht."],"The %{proxy_type} proxy of the selected hosts was set to %{proxy_name}.":["Der %{proxy_type} Proxy der ausgewählten Hosts wurde auf %{proxy_name} gesetzt."],"The <b>fullname</b> field is used for human readability in reports and other pages that refer to domains,\\n and also available as an external node parameter":["Das Feld <b>Voller Name</b> wird für einfache Lesbarkeit von Berichten und anderen Seiten benutzt, die auf Domains verweisen,\\n und ist auch verfügbar als externer Knotenparameter "],"The Audit Comment field is saved with the template auditing to document the template changes":["Das Audit-Kommentarfeld wird über Vorlagenauditierung gespeichert, um Vorlagenänderungen zu dokumentieren"],"The BMC password will be used by Foreman to access the host's BMC controller via a BMC-enabled smart proxy, if available.<br/>":[""],"The IP address that should be used for the console listen address when provisioning new virtual machines via Libvirt":["IP Adresse, die für die Konsolen-Lauschadresse bei der Beschaffung neuer virtueller Maschinen mittels Libvirt verwendet wird"],"The NFS path to the image directory.":["Der NFS-Pfad zum Abbildverzeichnis."],"The NFS path to the jumpstart control files.":["Der NFS-Pfad zur Jumpstart-Kontrolldatei."],"The NFS path to the media.":["Der NFS-Pfad zu den Medien."],"The Operating systems detail the OSs known to Foreman, and is the central point that the other required components tie into.":[""],"The Primary interface is used for constructing the FQDN of the host":["Die Primärschnittstelle wird für die Erstellung des FQDNs des Hosts verwendet."],"The Provisioning interface is used for TFTP of PXELinux (or SSH for image-based hosts)":["Die Bereitstellungssschnittstelle wird für das TFTP von PXELinux (oder SSH für image-basierte Hosts) verwendet"],"The authentication process currently requires an LDAP provider, such as <em>FreeIPA</em>,\\n <em>OpenLDAP</em> or <em>Microsoft's Active Directory</em>.":["Der Authentifizierungsprozess erfordert derzeit einen LDAP-Provider, wie <em>FreeIPA</em>,\\n <em>OpenLDAP</em> oder <em>Microsoft's Active Directory</em>."],"The class of CPU supplied in this machine. This is primarily used by Sparc Solaris builds and can be left blank for other architectures. The value can be determined on Solaris via uname -m":["Die CPU Klasse der Maschine. Dies wird primär für Sparc Solaris Builds verwendet und kann für andere Architekturen leer sein. Der Wert kann auf Solaris mittels uname -m ermittelt werden"],"The class of the machine reported by the Open Boot Prom. This is primarily used by Sparc Solaris builds and can be left blank for other architectures. The value can be determined on Solaris via uname -i|cut -f2 -d,":["Die Klasse der Maschine wie von Open Boot Prom ermittelt. Dies wird primär für Sparc Solaris Builds verwendet und kann für andere Architekturen leer sein. Der Wert kann auf Solaris mittels uname -i|cut -f2 -d ermittelt werden."],"The default administrator email address":["Die Emailadresse des standart Administrators"],"The dynamic partitioning style is currently only available for the Red Hat family of operating systems, all others must provide an explicit list of partitions and sizes.":["Die dynamische Partitionierung ist derzeit nur für Red Hat-Betriebssysteme verfügbar, alle anderen Betriebssysteme müssen eine Liste der Partitionen und Größen angeben."],"The file path where your p12 file is located":["Der Dateipfad, an dem sich Ihre p12-Datei befindet"],"The final entry, Operating System default, can be set by editing the %s page.":["Der letzte Eintrag, Betriebssystemvorgabe, kann durch die Seite %s geändert werden."],"The following IPv4 subnets have been found. Please review the details before creating them.":["Folgende IPv4-Subnetze wurden gefunden. Bitte vor dem Erstellen Details überprüfen."],"The following entries were found conflicting with what foreman wanted to apply.":["Die folgenden Einträge stehen in Konflikt mit dem, was Foreman anzuwenden versuchte."],"The following errors may prevent a successful build:":["Die Folgenden Fehler können einen erfolgreichen Build verhindern:"],"The following fields would need reviewing":["Die folgenden Felder müssen nochmals geprüft werden"],"The following hosts failed the build operation: %s":["Die folgenden Systeme schlagen bei der Buildoperation fehl: %s"],"The following hosts were not %{action}: %{missed_hosts}":["Die folgenden Systeme sind nicht %{action}: %{missed_hosts}"],"The following hosts were not deleted: %s":["Die folgende Systeme wurden nicht gelöscht: %s"],"The following hosts were updated":["Die folgenden Systeme werden aktualisiert"],"The following parameters were skipped as they did not exists on this host:":["Die folgenden Parameter wurden übersprungen weil diese auf dem System nicht existieren:"],"The following table and example snippet shows global methods, variables and class methods and how to use them.":[""],"The full DNS domain name":["Der vollständige DNS-Domänenname"],"The host group's classes and the host group's variables are included in the external node information when the puppetmaster compiles the host's configuration.":["Die Klassen und Variablen der Hostgruppe sind in den externen Knoteninformationen enthalten, wenn der Puppet-Master die Konfiguration des Hosts zusammenstellt."],"The inclusion of the keyword string <b>#Dynamic</b> at the start of a line lets Foreman know that this is not an explicit disk layout and must treated as a shell script, executed prior\\n to the install process and that the explicit partition table will be found at <b>/tmp/diskpart.cfg</b> during the build process.":["Ist die Schlüsselwort-Zeichenkette <b>#Dynamic</b> am Anfang einer Zeile einbezogen, so zeigt dies Foreman an, dass es sich nicht um ein explizites Festplattenlayout handelt und als Shellskript behandelt werden muss, das vor \\n dem Installationsprozess auszuführen ist, und dass die explizite Partitionstabelle während des Buildprozesses unter <b>/tmp/diskpart.cfg</b> zu finden ist."],"The keys can be used in provisioning templates and are also available for configuration management tools managed by Foreman.":[""],"The keywords <b>$version</b>, <b>$major</b> and <b>$minor</b> will be interpolated back into the path specification to calculate the true URL address.":["Die Schlüsselworte <b>$version</b>, <b>$major</b> und <b>$minor</b> werden in die Pfadspezifikation eingefügt, um die richtige URL Adresse zu berechnen."],"The list is excluding %{count} %{link_start}physical host%{link_end}.":["",""],"The location of the sendmail executable":["Pfadname des Sendmail-Programms"],"The marked fields will need reviewing":["Die markierten Felder benötigen eine Prüfung"],"The method used to provision the host. Possible provision_methods may be %{provision_methods}":["Methode, die zur Bereitstellung des Hosts verwendet wurde. Mögliche Bereitstellungsmethoden sind %{provision_methods}"],"The order in which matchers keys are processed, first match wins.<br> You may use multiple attributes as a matcher key, for example, an order of <code>host group, environment</code> would expect a matcher such as <code>hostgroup = \\\"web servers\\\", environment = production</code>":["Die Reihenfolge, in der Prüfwertschlüssel verarbeitet werden. Die erste Übereinstimmung ist maßgeblich.<br> Sie können mehrere Attribute als Prüfwertschlüssel verwenden. Beispielsweise würde die Reihenfolge <code>host group, environment</code> einen Prüfwert wie etwa <code>hostgroup = \\\"web servers\\\", environment = production</code> erwarten."],"The order in which values are resolved":["Reihenfolge, in der Werte aufgelöst werden"],"The password will also be accessible to other users via templates and in the ENC YAML output; disable the bmc_credentials_accessible setting to prevent access.":[""],"The password will not be accessible to other users; enable the bmc_credentials_accessible setting to permit access via templates and in the ENC YAML output.":[""],"The path to the medium, can be a URL or a valid NFS server (exclusive of the architecture).\\n for example <em>$version/os/$arch</em> where <strong>$arch</strong> will be substituted for the host's actual OS architecture and <strong>$version</strong>, <strong>$major</strong> and <strong>$minor</strong> will be substituted for the version of the operating system. Solaris and Debian media may also use <strong>$release</strong>.":["Der Pfad zum Medium. Kann eine URL oder ein gültiger NFS-Server sein (exklusive Architektur).\\n Zum Beispiel <em>$version/os/$arch</em> wobei <strong>$arch</strong> durch die Betriebssystemarchitektur des Hosts ersetzt wird und <strong>$version</strong>, <strong>$major</strong> und <strong>$minor</strong> durch die Version des Betriebssystems ersetzt werden. Solaris- und Debian-Medien können auch <strong>$release</strong> verwenden."],"The power state of the selected hosts will be set to %s":["Der Energiezustand des ausgewählten Hosts wird auf %s festgelegt"],"The realm name, e.g. EXAMPLE.COM":["Name des Realms, z.B. EXAMPLE.COM"],"The remote system presented a public key signed by an unidentified certificate authority. If you are sure the remote system is authentic, go to the compute resource edit page, press the 'Test Connection' or 'Load Datacenters' button and submit":["Das entfernte System gab einen öffentlichen Schlüssel an, der von einer unbekannten Zertifizierungsstelle signiert wurde. Falls Sie sich sicher sind, dass das entfernte System legitim ist, gehen Sie zur Bearbeiten-Seite der Rechenressource, klicken Sie auf die Schaltfläche \\\"Verbindung testen\\\" oder \\\"Datacenter laden\\\" und speichern Sie."],"The remote system presented a public key with hash %s but we're expecting a different hash. If you are sure the remote system is authentic, go to the compute resource edit page, press the 'Test Connection' or 'Load Datacenters' button and submit":["Das entfernte System gab einen öffentlichen Schlüssel mit dem Hash %s an, erwartet wurde jedoch ein anderer Hash. Falls Sie sich sicher sind, dass das entfernte System legitim ist, gehen Sie zur Bearbeiten-Seite der Rechenressource, klicken Sie auf die Schaltfläche \\\"Verbindung testen\\\" oder \\\"Datacenter laden\\\" und speichern Sie."],"The selected hosts were enabled for reboot and rebuild":["Die ausgewählten Hosts waren für Neustart und Neuerstellung aktiviert"],"The selected hosts will execute a build operation on next reboot":["Die ausgewählten Systeme werden eine Buildoperation beim nächsten Reboot ausführen"],"The snippet '%{name}' threw an error: %{exc}":[""],"The template is associated to at least one host in build mode. To apply the change, disable and enable build mode on hosts to update the live templates or choose to %s their configuration from 'Select Action' menu":["Die Vorlage ist wenigstens einem Host im Build-Modus zugeordnet. Um die Änderungen anzuwenden, deaktivieren und aktivieren Sie Build-Modus auf Hosts um die aktiven Vorlagen zu aktualisieren, oder %s Sie ihre Konfiguration aus dem Menü 'Aktion auswählen'."],"The user that is used to ssh into the instance, normally cloud-user, ec2-user, ubuntu, root etc":["Der Benutzer für die ssh-Verbindung zur Instanz. Normalerweise cloud-user, ec2-user, ubuntu, root, etc."],"The virtual machine is being deleted.":["Die virtuelle Maschine wird gelöscht"],"There are migrations pending in the system.":[""],"There are no puppet environments set up on this puppet master. Please check the puppet master configuration.":["Auf diesem Puppet-Master sind keine Puppet-Umgebungen eingerichtet. Bitte überprüfen Sie die Konfiguration des Puppet-Master."],"There are orchestration modules with methods for configuration rebuild that have identical name: '%s'":["Es gibt Orchestrierungsmodule mit Methoden zur Konfigurations-Neuerstellung, die identische Namen haben: '%s'"],"There are two strategies when using host groups.":["Bei der Verwendung von Hostgruppen gibt es zwei Strategien."],"There is":["Es ist","Es sind"],"There is no owner with id %d and type %s":[""],"There is no proxy with BMC feature set up. Please register a smart proxy with this feature.":["Es ist kein Proxy mit BMC-Feature aufgesetzt. Bitte registrieren Sie einen Smart-Proxy mit diesem Feature."],"There was an error creating the PXE file: %s":[""],"There was an error listing %{listing}: %{errors}":[""],"There was an error listing VMs: %(status)s %(statusText)s":["Es gab ein Fehler bei der VMs Aufzählung: %(status)s %(statusText)s"],"There was an error rendering the %s template: ":["Es gab einen Fehler beim Ausführen des Templates %s:"],"There was an error rendering the %{name} template: %{error}":["Es gab einen Fehler beim Ausführen der Vorlage %{name}: %{error}"],"There was no active bridge interface found in libvirt, if it does not support listing, you can enter the bridge name manually (e.g. br0)":["Keine aktive Bridge-Schnittstelle in libvirt gefunden, falls Auflistung nicht unterstützt wird, können Sie den Bridgenamen manuell eingeben (z.b. br0)"],"These are guaranteed to work via the safe mode rendering, to ensure a template can do nothing harmful.":[""],"These two options are personal decisions and are up to you (where the main difference would be the parameter/variables settings).":["Die Entscheidung zwischen diesen beiden Optionen liegt bei Ihnen (Hauptunterschiede sind die Parameter/Variablen Einstellungen)."],"Thin provision":["Reduzierte Bereitstellung"],"This Puppet class has no parameters in its signature.":["Diese puppet Klasse hat keine Parameter in ihrer Signatur."],"This allows Foreman to associate a puppet variable with a domain/site and automatically append this variable to all external node requests made by machines at that site.":["Dies ermöglicht Foreman eine Puppetvariable mit einer Domain/Seite zu verbinden und diese Variable automatisch mit allen externen Knotenanfragen von Maschinen auf dieser Seite zu verknüpfen."],"This group has nested groups!":["Diese Gruppe hat Untergruppen!"],"This group has no roles":[""],"This host's stored facts and reports will be deleted too.":["Die gespeicherten Fakten und Berichte zu diesem Host werden ebenfalls gelöscht."],"This is a test message to confirm that Foreman's email configuration is working.":["Dies Mitteilung überprüft, dass die Foreman-E-Mail Konfiguration funktioniert."],"This is for every location and organization that uses it.":["Diese gilt für jeden verwendenden Standort und jede verwendende Organisation."],"This is for every location that uses it.":["Diese gilt für jeden verwendenen Standort."],"This is for every organization that uses it.":["Diese gilt für jede verwendende Organisation."],"This is inherited from parent":["Dies wird von einem Elternelement vererbt."],"This is used by a host":["Dies wird von einem Host verwendet."],"This might take a while, as all hosts, facts and reports will be destroyed as well":["Dies kann eine Weile dauern, weil alle Systeme, Fakten und Berichte auch gelöscht werden"],"This role has been cloned from role %s":[""],"This role is locked for editing.":[""],"This role is locked from being modified by users.":[""],"This setting is defined in the configuration file '%{filename}' and is read-only.":[""],"This template is locked and may not be removed.":["Diese Vorlage ist gesperrt und darf nicht entfernt werden."],"This template is locked for editing.":["Diese Vorlage ist für die Bearbeitung gesperrt ist."],"This template is locked. Please clone it to a new template to customize.":["Diese Vorlage ist gesperrt. Bitte klonen Sie diese zu einer neuen Vorlage, um sie bearbeiten zu können."],"This template is locked. You may only change the associations. Please %s it to customize.":["Diese Vorlage ist gesperrt. Sie können lediglich die Zuweisungen ändern. Bitte zum Anpassen %s."],"This value is not hidden":["Dieser Wert ist nicht versteckt"],"This value is used also as the host's primary interface name.":["Dieser Wert wird auch als Name für die Pirmärschnittstelle des Hosts verwendet."],"This will reset parameters of the class %s to their default values. Continue?":["Hiermit werden alle Parameter der Klasse %s auf ihre Standardwerte zurückgesetzt. Fortfahren?"],"This will set all parameters of the class %s as overridden. Continue?":["Hiermit werden alle Parameter der Klasse %s als \\\"überschrieben\\\" gesetzt. Fortfahren?"],"Time":["Zeit"],"Time in Seconds":["Zeit in Sekunden"],"Time in minutes installation tokens should be valid for, 0 to disable token generation":["Zeit in Minuten, während der Installationstoken gültig sein sollen, 0 zum Deaktivieren der Token-Erzeugung"],"Timeout for DNS conflict validation (in seconds)":["Zeitüberschreitung für DNS-Konfliktbestätigung (in Sekunden)"],"Timeout has occurred while communicating with %s":["Zeitüberschreitung bei der Kommunikation mit %s"],"To define trend counters, use the Add Trend Counter button.</br> To start collecting trend data, set a cron job to execute 'foreman-rake trends:counter' every Puppet Interval (%s minutes).":["Definieren Sie Trendzähler mit der Schaltfläche 'Trendzähler Hinzufügen'.</br> Um mit dem Sammeln von Trenddaten zu beginnen, richten Sie einen Cron-Job zur Ausführung von 'foreman-rake trends:counter' für jedes Puppet-Intervall (%s Minuten) hinzu."],"To enable a provider, either install the OS package (e.g. foreman-libvirt) or enable the bundler group for development setup (e.g. ovirt).":["Um einen Anbieter zu aktivieren, installieren Sie entweder das Betriebssystempaket (z. B. foreman-libvirt) oder aktivieren Sie die entsprechende Gruppe zur Entwicklungseinrichtung (z. B. ovirt)."],"To enable safe mode, navigate to Settings page and enable Safemode rendering option.":[""],"To start collecting trend data, set a cron job to execute <span class='black'>foreman-rake trends:counter</span> every Puppet Interval (%s minutes)":["Um Trenddaten zu sammeln, muss ein Cronjob erstellt werden, der jedes Puppetintervall (%s Minuten) <span class='black'>foreman-rake trends:counter</span> ausführt"],"To update the class signature, go to the Puppet Classes page and select \\\"Import\\\".":["Gehe zu der Puppet Klassen Seite und wähle \\\"Import\\\" aus um die Klassensignatur zu aktualisieren."],"Toggle":["Umschalten"],"Token":["Token"],"Token duration":["Tokendauer"],"Token expired":["Token abgelaufen"],"Token|Expires":["Erlöscht"],"Token|Value":["Wert"],"Total":["Summe"],"Total Hosts: %s":["Hosts gesamt: %s"],"Total hosts count":["Gesamtanzahl Hosts"],"Total of one host":["Insgesamt ein Host","Insgesamt %{hosts} Hosts"],"Trend":["Trend"],"Trend counter":["Trendzähler"],"Trend of the last %s days.":["Trend der letzten %s Tage."],"TrendCounter|Count":["Summe"],"Trends":["Trends"],"Trends for %s":["Trends für %s"],"Trend|Fact name":["Faktenname"],"Trend|Fact value":["Faktenwert"],"Trend|Name":["Name"],"Trend|Trendable type":["Trend-Typen"],"Trigger a puppetrun on a node; requires that puppet run is enabled":["Einen puppetrun auslösen auf einem Knoten; dazu muss puppet run aktiviert sein"],"Troubleshooting":["Fehlerbehebung"],"True/False flag whether a host is managed or unmanaged. Note: this value also determines whether several parameters are required or not":["True/False-Flag, ob ein Host gemanagt oder ungemanagt ist. Hinweis: Dieser Wert bestimmt außerdem, ob mehrere Parameter erforderlich sind oder nicht."],"Trusted puppetmaster hosts":["Vertrauenswürdige Puppetmaster-Hosts"],"Try going to %{href}":["Gehe zu %{href}"],"Type":["Typ"],"Type of name generator":["Typ des Namensgenerators"],"Type of realm, e.g. FreeIPA":["Art des Realms, z.B. FreeIPA"],"Type or protocol, IPv4 or IPv6, defaults to IPv4":["Protokollversion: IPv4 oder IPv6; Standardwert IPv4"],"Types of validation values":["Typen von Validierungswerten"],"Types of variable values":["Typen von Variablenwerten"],"URL":["URL"],"URL for %{providers_requiring_url}":[""],"URL hosts will retrieve templates from during build (normally http as many installers don't support https)":["URL, von der Hosts während des Builds Vorlagen beziehen (in der Regel http, da viele Installationsprogramme kein https unterstützen)"],"URL must be valid and schema must be one of %s":["URL muss gültig sein und Schema muss eines von %s sein"],"URL where your Foreman instance is reachable (see also Provisioning > unattended_url)":["URL, unter der Ihre Foreman-Instanz erreichbar ist (siehe auch Bereitstellung > unattended_url)"],"UTC time of report":["UTC-Zeit des Berichts"],"UUID":["UUID"],"UUID to track orchestration tasks status, GET /api/orchestration/:UUID/tasks":["UUID zum Tracken des Status der Orchestrierungsaufgaben, GET /api/orchestration/:UUID/tasks"],"Unable to access key":["Fehler beim Zugriff auf Schlüssel"],"Unable to authenticate user %s":["User %s kann nicht authentifiziert werden"],"Unable to change VM display listen address, make sure the display is not attached to localhost only":["Überwachungsadresse für VM-Anzeige konnte nicht geändert werden. Stellen Sie sicher, dass die Anzeige nicht nur mit Localhost verbunden ist"],"Unable to communicate with the proxy: %s":["Es konnte nicht mit dem Proxy kommuniziert werden: %s"],"Unable to connect":["Verbindung kann nicht hergestellt werden"],"Unable to connect to LDAP server":["Unfähig mit LDAP-Server zu verbinden"],"Unable to create default TFTP boot menu":["Standard-TFTP-Bootmenü konnte nicht erstellt werden"],"Unable to create realm entry":["Fehler beim erstellen Realm-Eintrag"],"Unable to create the default role.":[""],"Unable to delete DHCP entry for %s":["DHCP-Eintrag für %s konnte nicht gelöscht werden"],"Unable to delete DNS entry":["DNS-Eintrag konnte nicht gelöscht werden"],"Unable to delete PuppetCA autosign for %s":["PuppetCA-Autosign für %s konnte nicht gelöscht werden"],"Unable to delete PuppetCA certificate for %s":["PuppetCA-Zertifikat für %s konnte nicht gelöscht werden"],"Unable to delete TFTP boot entry for %s":["TFTP-Booteintrag für %s konnte nicht gelöscht werden"],"Unable to detect TFTP boot server":["TFTP-Bootserver konnte nicht gefunden werden"],"Unable to detect features":["Funktionen konnten nicht festgestellt werden"],"Unable to detect version":["Version kann nicht gefunden werden"],"Unable to determine the host's boot server. The DHCP smart proxy failed to provide this information and this subnet is not provided with TFTP services.":["Kann den Bootserver des Hosts nicht bestimmen. Der DHCP-Smart Proxy konnte diese Information nicht bereitstellen und dieses Subnetz ist nicht mit TFTP-Diensten ausgestattet."],"Unable to disable bmc_credentials_accessible when safemode_render is disabled":[""],"Unable to disable safemode_render when bmc_credentials_accessible is disabled":[""],"Unable to execute Puppet run":["Puppet-Run konnte nicht ausgeführt werden"],"Unable to fetch TFTP boot file":["TFTP-Bootdatei konnte nicht geladen werden"],"Unable to fetch logs":["Logs konnten nicht abgerufen werden"],"Unable to find IP address for '%s'":["IP-Adresse für \\\"%s\\\" konnte nicht gefunden werden"],"Unable to find a proxy with BMC feature":["Es konnte kein für BMC konfigrierter Smart-Proxy gefunden werden"],"Unable to find proper authentication method":["Kann keine passende Authentifizierungsmethode finden"],"Unable to find template %s":["Vorlage %s konnte nicht gefunden werden"],"Unable to generate output, Check log files":["Kann keine Ausgabe erzeugen. Bitte Logdateien prüfen"],"Unable to get BMC providers":["BMC-Anbieter konnten nicht geladen werden"],"Unable to get PuppetCA autosign":["PuppetCA-Autosign konnte nicht geladen werden"],"Unable to get PuppetCA certificates":["PuppetCA-Zertifikate konnten nicht geladen werden"],"Unable to get classes from Puppet for %s":["Klassen für %s konnten nicht von Puppet geladen werden"],"Unable to get environment from Puppet":["Umgebung konnte nicht von Puppet geladen werden"],"Unable to get environments from Puppet":["Umgebungen konnten nicht von Puppet geladen werden"],"Unable to get installed BMC providers":["Installierte BMC-Anbieter konnten nicht geladen werden"],"Unable to initialize ProxyAPI class %s":["ProxyAPI Klasse %s kann nicht initialisiert werden"],"Unable to perform boot BMC operation":["BMC-Operation \\\"boot\\\" konnte nicht durchgeführt werden"],"Unable to perform identify BMC operation":["BMC-Operation \\\"identify\\\" konnte nicht durchgeführt werden"],"Unable to perform lan BMC operation":["BMC-Operation \\\"lan\\\" konnte nicht durchgeführt werden"],"Unable to perform power BMC operation":["BMC-Operation \\\"power\\\" konnte nicht durchgeführt werden"],"Unable to render %{kind} template '%{name}': %{e}":[""],"Unable to render '%{name}' template: %{e}":[""],"Unable to retrieve DHCP entry for %s":["DHCP-Eintrag für %s konnte nicht abgerufen werden"],"Unable to retrieve DHCP subnet":["DHCP-Subnetz konnte nicht abgerufen werden"],"Unable to retrieve DHCP subnets":["DHCP-Subnetze konnten nicht abgerufen werden"],"Unable to retrieve unused IP":["Ungenutzte IP konnte nicht abgerufen werden"],"Unable to save":["Kann nicht speichern"],"Unable to send email, check server logs for more information":["E-Mail kann nicht gesendet werden, überprüfen Sie die Server-Logdateien für weitere Informationen"],"Unable to set DHCP entry":["DHCP-Eintrag konnte nicht festgelegt werden"],"Unable to set DNS entry":["DNS-Eintrag konnte nicht festgelegt werden"],"Unable to set PuppetCA autosign for %s":["PuppetCA-Autosign für %s konnte nicht festgelegt werden"],"Unable to set TFTP boot entry for %s":["TFTP-Booteintrag für %s konnte nicht festgelegt werden"],"Unable to sign PuppetCA certificate for %s":["PuppetCA-Zertifikat für %s konnte nicht signiert werden"],"Unable to turn on websockets_encrypt, either websockets_ssl_key or websockets_ssl_cert is missing":["websockets_encrypt kann nicht eingeschaltet werden, entweder fehlt websockets_ssl_key oder websockets_ssl_cert"],"Unable to unset websockets_ssl_cert when websockets_encrypt is on":["websockets_ssl_cert kann nicht abgeschaltet werden, wenn websockets_encrypt aktiviert ist"],"Unable to unset websockets_ssl_key when websockets_encrypt is on":["websockets_ssl_key kann nicht abgeschaltet werden, wenn websockets_encrypt aktiviert ist"],"Unallowed template for dashboard widget: %s":["Vorlage %s für das Übersichtsseiten-Widget nicht erlaubt"],"Unattended URL":["Unbeaufsichtigte URL"],"Undo remove":["Löschen rückgängig machen"],"Undo selection":[""],"Unhide this value":["Diesen Wert anzeigen"],"Unknown":["Unbekannt"],"Unknown IPAM type - can't continue":["Unbekannter IPAM-Typ - kann nicht fortfahren"],"Unknown Power State":["Unbekannter Energiezustand"],"Unknown action name for success message: %s":["Unbekannter Aktionsname für Erfolgsnachricht: %s"],"Unknown build status":["Unbekannter Build-Status"],"Unknown device: available devices are %s":["Unbekanntes Gerät: verfügbare Geräte sind %s"],"Unknown interface type, must be one of [%s]":["Unbekannter Schnittstellentyp, muss einer von [%s] sein"],"Unknown power action: available methods are %s":["Unbekannte Power-Aktion: verfügbare Methoden sind %s"],"Unknown power management support - can't continue":["Unbekannte Unterstützung für Stromzustand - Fortfahren nicht möglich"],"Unknown power state":["Unbekannter Energiezustand"],"Unlock":["Entsperren"],"Unmanage host":["System nicht mehr verwalten"],"Unsupported IPAM mode for %s":["Nicht unterstützter IPAM-Modus für %s"],"Unsupported password hash function '%s'":["Passwort Hashfunktion '%s' nicht unterstützt"],"Unsupported report status format":["Statusformat des Berichts nicht unterstützt"],"Update":["Aktualisierung"],"Update :a_resource":[":a_resource aktualisieren"],"Update IP from built request":["IP aus gebauter Anfrage aktualisieren"],"Update a Puppet class":["Puppet-Klasse aktualisieren"],"Update a bookmark":["Lesezeichen Aktualisieren"],"Update a compute attributes set":["Rechenattributset aktualisieren"],"Update a compute profile":["Rechenprofilen aktualisieren"],"Update a compute resource":["Rechenressource aktualisieren"],"Update a config group":["Konfigurationsgruppe Aktualisieren"],"Update a default template combination for an operating system":["Standardvorlagen-Kombination für ein Betriebssystem aktualisieren"],"Update a domain":["Domain Aktualisieren"],"Update a filter":["Filter Aktualisieren"],"Update a global parameter":["Globalen Parameter aktualisieren"],"Update a hardware model":["Hardwaremodell aktualisieren"],"Update a host":["Host Aktualisieren"],"Update a host group":["Hostgruppe aktualisieren"],"Update a host's interface":["Host-Schnittstelle aktualisieren"],"Update a medium":["Medium aktualisieren"],"Update a nested parameter for a domain":["Verschachtelten Parameter für eine Domäne aktualisieren"],"Update a nested parameter for a host":["Verschachtelten Parameter für einen Host aktualisieren"],"Update a nested parameter for a host group":["Verschachtelten Parameter für eine Hostgruppe aktualisieren"],"Update a nested parameter for a location":["Verschachtelten Parameter für einen Standort aktualisieren"],"Update a nested parameter for a subnet":["Verschachtelten Parameter für ein Subnetz aktualisieren"],"Update a nested parameter for an operating system":["Verschachtelten Parameter für ein Betriebssystem aktualisieren"],"Update a nested parameter for an organization":["Verschachtelten Parameter für eine Organisation aktualisieren"],"Update a partition table":["Partitionstabelle aktualisieren"],"Update a provisioning template":["Bereitstellungsvorlage aktualisieren"],"Update a realm":["Realm aktualisieren"],"Update a role":["Rolle aktualisieren"],"Update a setting":["Einstellung aktualisieren"],"Update a smart class parameter":["Smart-Klassenparameter aktualisieren"],"Update a smart proxy":["Smart proxy aktualisieren"],"Update a smart variable":["Smart variable aktualisieren"],"Update a subnet":["Subnet aktualisieren"],"Update a user":["Benutzer aktualisieren"],"Update a user group":["Benutzergruppe aktualisieren"],"Update an LDAP authentication source":["LDAP-Authentifizierungsquelle aktualisieren"],"Update an architecture":["Architektur aktualisieren"],"Update an environment":["Umgebung aktualisieren"],"Update an image":["Abbild aktualisieren"],"Update an operating system":["Betriebssystem aktualisieren"],"Update an override value for a specific smart class parameter":["Überschreibungswert für einen bestimmten Smart-Klassenparameter aktualisieren"],"Update an override value for a specific smart variable":["Überschreibungswert für eine bestimmte Smart-Variable aktualisieren"],"Update environment from facts":["Umgebung nach Fakten aktualisieren"],"Update external user group":["Externe Benutzergruppe aktualisieren"],"Update realm entry for %s":["Realm-Eintrag wird für %s aktualisiert"],"Update subnets from facts":["Subnetze nach Fakten aktualisieren"],"Update template combination":["Vorlagen-Kombination aktualisieren"],"Update the default PXE menu on all configured TFTP servers":["Standard-PXE-Menü auf allen konfigurierten TFTP-Servern aktualisieren"],"Update:":["Aktualisierung:"],"Updated":["Aktualisiert"],"Updated all hosts!":["Alle Systeme aktualisiert!"],"Updated hosts: Disassociated from VM":["Hosts aktualisiert: von VM gelöst"],"Updated hosts: changed environment":["Hosts aktualisiert: Umgebung geändert"],"Updated hosts: changed host group":["Hosts aktualisiert: Hostgruppe geändert"],"Updated hosts: changed owner":["Hosts aktualisiert: Besitzer geändert"],"Upload facts for a host, creating the host if required":["Fakten für einen Host hochladen mit Erstellung des Hosts, wenn erforderlich"],"Use Gravatar":["Gravatar verwenden"],"Use UUID for certificates":["UUID für Zertifikate verwenden"],"Use short name for VMs":["Kurzen Namen für VMs verwenden"],"Use this account to authenticate, <i>optional</i>":["Benutze diesen Zugang für die Authentifizierung, <i>optional</i>"],"Use this puppet server as a CA server":["Diesen Puppet Server als CA Server verwenden"],"Use this puppet server as an initial Puppet Server or to execute puppet runs":["Diesen Puppet Server als ersten Puppet Server verwenden oder für die Ausführung von Puppet Runs "],"Used to enforce certain values for the parameter values":["Verwendet, um bestimmte Werte für die Parameterwerte umzusetzen"],"User":["Benutzer"],"User Group":[""],"User Groups":["Benutzergruppen"],"User IDs":["Benutzerkennungen"],"User data template":["Benutzerdaten-Vorlage"],"User groups":["Benutzergruppen"],"User groups enable users to log into Foreman and be automatically granted permissions.":[""],"User role":["Benutzerrolle"],"User's preferred locale":["Bevorzugte Regionseinstellung des Benutzers"],"User's timezone":["Zeitzone des Benutzers"],"UserRole|Owner type":["Eigentümertyp"],"Usergroup":["Benutzergruppe"],"Usergroup member":["Benutzergruppenmitglied"],"UsergroupMember|Member type":["Mitgliedstyp"],"Usergroup|Admin":["Admin"],"Usergroup|Auth source":["Authentifizierungsquelle"],"Usergroup|Name":["Name"],"Username":["Benutzername"],"Username for oVirt, EC2, VMware, OpenStack. Access Key for EC2.":["Benutzername für oVirt, EC2, VMware, OpenStack. Access Key für EC2."],"Username to use to authenticate, if required":["Benutzername zur Authentisierung, wo benötigt"],"Users":["Benutzer"],"User|Admin":["Admin"],"User|Avatar hash":["Avatar-Hash"],"User|Firstname":["Vorname"],"User|Last login on":["Letzte Anmeldung am"],"User|Lastname":["Nachname"],"User|Locale":["Locale"],"User|Login":["Benutzername"],"User|Lower login":["Kleinschreibungs-Login"],"User|Mail":["E-Mail"],"User|Mail enabled":["E-Mail aktiviert"],"User|Password hash":["Passwort-Hash"],"User|Password salt":["Passwort-Salt"],"Uses thin provisioning if unchecked":["Verwendet Thin Provisioning, wenn deaktiviert"],"Using the organization system provides a way to group resources together for easy management. Organizations are particularly useful for Foreman installations where several customers or business units are managed with a single Foreman install.":[""],"VCPU(s)":["VCPU(s)"],"VCenter/Server":["VCenter/Server"],"VLAN ID for this subnet":["VLAN-Kennung für dieses Subnetz"],"VLAN tag, this attribute has precedence over the subnet VLAN ID. Only for virtual interfaces.":["VLAN-Tag, dieses Atttribut hat Vorrang vor der Subnetz-VLAN-Kennung. Nur für virtuelle Schnittstellen."],"VM":["VM"],"VM Attributes":["VM-Attribute"],"VM Attributes (%s)":["VM-Attribute (%s)"],"VM already associated with a host":["VM ist bereits einem Host zugeordnet"],"VM associated to host %s":["VM zu Host %s zugeordnet"],"VM is not running!":["VM läuft nicht!"],"VNC/SPICE websocket proxy console access encryption (websockets_ssl_key/cert setting required)":["Verschlüsselter Zugriff auf VNC/SPICE WebSocket Proxy-Konsole (Einstellung der websockets_ssl_key/cert erforderlich)"],"Valid from":["Gültig von"],"Valid host group and environment combinations":["Gültige Hostgruppen- und Umgebungskombinationen"],"Validation types":["Prüftypen"],"Value":["Wert"],"Value to use when there is no match":["Zu verwendender Wert, falls es keine Übereinstimmung gibt"],"Value to use when there is no match.":["Zu verwendender Wert, falls es keine Übereinstimmung gibt"],"Variable":["Variable"],"Variable lookup key":["Variabler Suchschlüssel"],"Variables":["Variablen"],"Vendor class":["Herstellerklassen"],"Verify":["Überprüfen"],"Version":["Version"],"Version %{version}":["Version %{version}"],"Version %{version} %{copyright} 2009-%{year} Paul Kelly and %{author}":[""],"Very Strong":["Sehr stark"],"View Diff":["Unterschied Anzeigen"],"View in Foreman:":["In Foreman anzeigen:"],"View last report details":["Ansicht der letzten Berichtdetails"],"View list":["Liste anzeigen"],"Virtual (NAT)":["Virtuell (NAT)"],"Virtual H/W version":["Virtuelle H/W-Version"],"Virtual Machine":["Virtuelle Maschine"],"Virtual Machines":["Virtuelle Maschinen"],"Virtual Machines on %s":["Virtuelle Maschinen auf %s"],"Virtual NIC":["Virtuelle Netzwerkkarte"],"Virtual machine settings cannot be edited on an existing machine in %s":["Die Einstellungen der VM können nicht auf einem vorhandenen Rechner in %s bearbeitet werden"],"WARNING":["WARNUNG"],"Wait for %s to come online":["Warten, bis %s verfügbar wird"],"Warning":["Warnung"],"Warning!":["Warnung!"],"Warning! This will remove %{name} from %{number} user. are you sure?":["",""],"Warning: This will delete this host and all of its data!":["Achtung: dies wird den Host und alle seine Daten löschen!"],"Warnings and errors":["Warnungen und Fehler"],"We have not found any documentation for your API.":["Es konnte keine Dokumentation für Ihre API gefunden werden."],"We use Redmine to report and track bugs and feature requests, which can be found here:":["Wir verwenden Redmine zur Verwaltung von Fehler -und Feature-Anfragen, die hier erreichbar sind:"],"Weak":["Schwach"],"Websockets SSL certificate":["SSL-Zertifikat der Websockets "],"Websockets SSL key":["SSL-Schlüssel der Websockets"],"Websockets encryption":["Verschlüsselung von WebSockets"],"Weekly":["Wöchentlich"],"Welcome to Foreman":["Willkommen bei Foreman"],"What ever text(or ERB template) you use in here, would be used as your OS disk layout options If you want to use the partition table option, delete all of the text from this field":["Jeder Text (oder ERB Vorlage), den Sie hier angeben, würde als Betriebssystem Disklayout verwendet werden. Wenn Sie die Partitionstabellen Option verwenden möchten, muss jeglicher Text aus diesem Feld gelöscht werden"],"When a Host requests a template (e.g. during provisioning), Foreman will select the best match from the available templates of that type, in the following order:":["Wenn ein Host eine Vorlage anfragt (z. B. während der Bereitstellung), wird Foreman die beste Übereinstimmung aus den verfügbaren Vorlagen dieses Typs auswählen, in dieser Reihenfolge:"],"When a realm is selected for a host, Foreman contacts the relevant realm smart proxy to create an entry for the host and retrieve it's one-time registration password.":["Wenn ein Realm für einen Host ausgewählt wird, kontaktiert Foreman den jeweiligen Realm-Smart-Proxy, um einen Eintrag für den Host zu erstellen und dessen Einmalpasswort zur Registrierung abzurufen."],"When editing a template, you must assign a list of operating systems which this template can be used with. Optionally, you can restrict a template to a list of host groups and/or environments.":[""],"When enabled the parameter is hidden in the UI":["Wenn aktiviert, so ist der Parameter im UI verborgen "],"When specifying custom value, add 'MB' or 'GB' at the end. Field is not case sensitive and MB is default if unspecified.":[""],"When the role's associated %{taxonomies} are changed,<br> the change will propagate to all inheriting filters.\\n Filters that are set to override <br> will remain untouched. Overriding of role filters can be easily disabled by <br> pressing the \\\"Disable overriding\\\" button.\\n Note that not all filters support <br>%{taxonomies}, so these always remain global.":[""],"When using SSH based provisioning, a special SSH key is created in order to automate the provisioning process.":[""],"When using TLS, you can set how OpenSSL checks the certificate":["Bei Verwendung von TLS können Sie angeben, wie OpenSSL Zertifikate überprüfen soll"],"Whether or not the image supports user data":["Ob das Abbild Benutzerdaten unterstützt"],"Whether or not the template is locked for editing":["Ob die Vorlage für die Bearbeitung gesperrt ist oder nicht"],"Whether the class parameter value is managed by Foreman.":["Ob der Klassenparameter von Foreman verwaltet wird."],"Whether the smart class parameter value is managed by Foreman":["Ob der Smart-Klassenparameter von Foreman gemanagt wird"],"Which is an offset of <b>%s</b>":["Was ein Offset von <b>%s</b> bedeutet"],"Widget added to dashboard.":["Widget zur Übersichtsseite hinzugefügt."],"Widget positions successfully saved.":["Widget-Positionen wurden erfolgreich gespeichert."],"Widget removed from dashboard.":["Widget aus der Übersichtsseite entfernt"],"Wiki":["Wiki"],"With user groups, you can group your users and assign them roles on a group basis.":[""],"X509 Certification Authorities":["X509-Zertifizierungsstelle (CA)"],"YAML":["YAML"],"Yes":["Ja."],"You are about to change the default PXE menu on all configured TFTP servers - continue?":["Sie sind im Begriff, das Standard-PXE-Menü auf allen konfigurierten TFTP-Servern zu ändern - fortfahren?"],"You are about to override the editor content with a previous version, are you sure?":["Sie sind im Begriff, den Editorinhalt mit einer früheren Version zu überschreiben. Sind Sie sicher?"],"You are about to override the editor content, are you sure?":["Sie sind im Begriff, den Editorinhalt zu überschreiben. Sind Sie sicher?"],"You are about to unlock a locked template.":["Sie sind im Begriff, eine gesperrte Vorlage zu entsperren."],"You are not authorized to lock templates.":["Sie sind nicht berechtigt, Vorlagen zu sperren."],"You are not authorized to make a template default.":["Sie sind nicht berechtigt, eine Vorlage als Standard zu definieren."],"You are not authorized to perform this action.":["Sie sind nicht berechtigt, diese Aktion durchzuführen."],"You are trying to delete your own account":["Sie versuchen, Ihren eigenen Account zu löschen"],"You are using an unsupported browser.":["Ihr Browser wird nicht unterstützt."],"You can add SSH public keys to a user in Foreman.":[""],"You can find The Foreman on the %{freenode} ( network. For general support, please visit #theforeman and for development specific related chat, please visit #theforeman-dev.":["Sie finden Foreman auf dem %{freenode} ( Netzwerk. Allgemeinen Support erhalten Sie unter #theforeman und Themen rund um die Entwicklung werden unter #theforeman-dev diskutiert."],"You can select one of the IPAM modes supported by the selected IP protocol:<br/><ul><li><strong>DHCP</strong> - will manage the IP on DHCP through assigned DHCP proxy, auto-suggested IPs come from DHCP <em>(IPv4)</em></li><li><strong>Internal DB</strong> - use internal DB to auto-suggest free IP based on other interfaces on same subnet respecting range if specified, useful mainly with static boot mode <em>(IPv4, IPv6)</em></li><li><strong>EUI-64</strong> - will assign the IPv6 address based on the MAC address of the interface <em>(IPv6)</em></li><li><strong>None</strong> - leave IP management solely on user, no auto-suggestion <em>(IPv4, IPv6)</em></li></ul>":["Wählen Sie ein von der jeweiligen IP-Version unterstütztes IPAM-Verfahren:<br/><ul><li><strong>DHCP</strong> - die IP wird über DHCP vom zuständigen DHCP-Proxy vergeben, Adressvorschläge kommen von DHCP <em>(IPv4)</em></li><li><strong>Internal DB</strong> - die interne DB schlägt freie IPs auf der Basis der anderen Interfaces im selben Subnetz und, falls angegeben, unter Beachtung des Adressbereichs vor, primär nützlich bei statischem Bootmodus <em>(IPv4, IPv6)</em></li><li><strong>EUI-64</strong> - die IPv6-Adresse wird anhand der MAC-Address der Schnittstelle berechnet <em>(IPv6)</em></li><li><strong>None</strong> - IP-Vergabe ist Nutzer überlassen, keine Adressvorschläge <em>(IPv4, IPv6)</em></li></ul>"],"You can't assign locations to this resource":["Sie können dieser Ressource keine Standorte zuweisen."],"You can't assign organizations to this resource":["Sie können dieser Ressource keine Organisationen zuweisen."],"You cannot delete this user while logged in as this user.":["Sie können diesen Benutzer nicht löschen, während Sie als dieser Benutzer angemeldet sind."],"You do not have permission to %s this location parameter":["Sie haben keine Berechtigung, diesen Standortparameter zu %s"],"You do not have permission to %s this organization parameter":["Sie haben keine Berechtigung, diesen Organisationsparameter zu %s"],"You don't have any visible hosts. Hosts can be added and provisioned from Foreman, or configured to report to Foreman.":["Sie haben keine sichtbaren Hosts. Hosts können von Foreman hinzugefügt und bereitgestellt werden, oder sie können konfiguriert werden, an Foreman zu berichten."],"You don't seem to have any bookmarks.":["Sie scheinen keine Lesezeichen zu haben."],"You don't seem to have any facts yet. If you wish to configure fact pushing, please follow the documentation.":["Sie scheinen noch keine Fakten zu haben. Falls Sie den Übertragungsvorgang von Fakten konfigurieren möchten, folgen Sie bitte der Dokumentation."],"You don't seem to have any reports.":["Sie haben scheinbar keine Berichte."],"You have already logged in":[""],"You may also associate one or more operating systems with this medium or alternatively set this up later on the %s page.":["Sie können ein oder mehrere Betriebssysteme mit diesem Medium verknüpfen oder alternativ zu einem späteren Zeitpunkt unter %s einrichten."],"You may also associate one or more operating systems with this partition table or alternatively set this up later on the %s page":["Du kannst eines ode mehrere Betriebssysteme mit dieser Partitionstabelle verknüpfen oder alternativ dies später auf der Seite %s einrichten"],"You may create puppet classes that represent high-level host configurations, for example, a <b>host-type-ldap-server</b> class, which includes all the required functionality from other modules or you may decide to create a host group called <b>host-type-ldap-server</b> and add the required classes into the host group configuration.":["Sie können Puppet-Klassen erstellen, die Hostkonfigurationen auf hoher Ebene repräsentieren, z. B. eine Klasse <b>host-type-ldap-server</b>, die alle erforderlichen Funktionalitäten von anderen Modulen beinhaltet, oder Sie können eine Hostgruppe namens <b>host-type-ldap-server</b> erstellen und die erforderlichen Klassen zur Hostgruppenkonfiguration hinzufügen."],"You must create a location before continuing.":["Sie müssen zuerst einen Standort erstellen, bevor Sie fortfahren können."],"You must create an organization before continuing.":["Sie müssen zuerst eine Organisation erstellen, bevor Sie fortfahren können."],"You must create at least one location before continuing.":["Sie müssen mindestens einen Standort erstellen, bevor Sie fortfahren können."],"You must create at least one organization before continuing.":["Sie müssen mindestens eine Organisation erstellen, bevor Sie fortfahren können."],"You must select at least one permission":["Zumindest eine Berechtigung auswählen."],"You probably need to configure your %s first.":["Sie müssen vermutlich zuerst %s konfigurieren."],"You would probably need to attach the":["Sie müssen wahrscheinlich die"],"Your Foreman user account has been created:":["Ihr Foreman-Benutzer-Account wurde erstellt:"],"Your host has finished building:":["Ihr Host Build-Prozess ist abgeschlossen für:"],"Your password is too short":["Ihr Passwort ist zu kurz"],"Your password should not contain sequences":["Ihr Passwort sollte keine Folgen enthalten"],"Your password should not contain that many repetitions":["Ihr Passwort sollte weniger Wiederholungen aufweisen"],"Your password should not contain your email":["Ihr Passwort sollte nicht Ihre E-Mail-Adresse enthalten"],"Your password should not contain your username":["Ihr Passwort sollte nicht Ihren Benutzernamen enthalten"],"Your password should use characters from different character classes too":["Ihr Passwort sollte verschiedene Zeichenarten enthalten"],"Your session has expired, please login again":["Ihre Sitzung ist abgelaufen, bitte melde dich erneut an"],"ZTP PXE template":["ZTP-PXE-Vorlage"],"Zone":["Zone"],"[encrypted]":["[verschlüsselt]"],"a location":["ein Standort"],"add a new matcher":["Einen neuen Prüfwert hinzufügen"],"add new network interface":["neue Netzwerkschnittstelle hinzufügen"],"add new storage volume":["neues Speichervolume hinzufügen"],"all":["alle"],"already exists":["existiert bereits"],"an organization":["eine Organisation"],"and":["und"],"array":["Datenfeld"],"belongs to config group":["gehört zur Konfigurationsgruppe"],"boolean":["Boolesch"],"boot device, valid devices are disk, cdrom, pxe, bios":["Boot Device, gültige Geräte sind Festplatte, CD-Rom, PXE, BIOS"],"can only be set for array or hash":["kann nur für Array oder Hash gesetzt werden"],"can only be set for arrays that have merge_overrides set to true":["kann nur für Arrays gesetzt werden, für die merge_overrides auf \\\"true\\\" gesetzt ist"],"can only be set when merge overrides is set":["kann nur eingestellt werden, wenn Überschreibung für Zusammenführung eingestellt ist"],"can't be bigger than to range":["darf nicht grösser sein als Bereich"],"can't be blank":["darf nicht leer sein"],"can't be blank unless a custom partition has been defined":["kann ohne definierte, spezifische Partition nicht leer sein"],"can't be updated after host is provisioned":["kann nach Bereitstellung des Hosts nicht aktualisiert werden"],"can't be updated after subnet is saved":["kann nach Abspeichern des Subnetzes nicht mehr geändert werden"],"can't contain spaces.":["kann keine Leerzeichen enthalten"],"can't delete primary interface of managed host":["Primärschnittstelle des gemanagten Hosts konnte nicht gelöscht werden"],"can't delete provision interface of managed host":["Bereitsstellungsschnittstelle des gemanagten Hosts konnte nicht gelöscht werden"],"can't find domain with this id":["Domäne mit dieser Kennung konnte nicht gefunden werden"],"cannot be changed":["kann nicht geändert werden"],"cannot be changed by a non-admin user":["Kann nicht durch einen Nicht-Admin User geändert werden"],"cannot be changed on an internal protected account":["kann auf einem internen, geschützten Account nicht geändert werden"],"cannot be enabled for an unmanaged host":["kann für nicht verwalteten Host nicht aktiviert sein"],"cannot be removed from an internal protected account":["kann von einem internen, geschützten Account nicht entfernt werden"],"cannot be removed from the last admin account":["kann vom letzten Administrator-Account nicht entfernt werden"],"clone":["klonen"],"comma separated interface identifiers":["Kommagetrennte Schnittstellen-Kennungen"],"comments powered by %{disqus}":["Kommentare betrieben von %{disqus}"],"could not be calculated":[""],"could not be found in %s":["konnte in %s nicht gefunden werden"],"could not be generated":[""],"cycle":["Zyklus"],"default locations need to be user locations first":["Standardmäßige Standorte müssen zunächst BenutzerStandorte sein"],"default organizations need to be user organizations 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B."],"e.g. jpegPhoto":["z. B. jpegPhoto"],"e.g. karmic, lucid, hw0910 etc":["z.B. karmic, lucid, hw0910 usw."],"e.g. mail":["z.B. mail"],"e.g. qemu://":["z.B. qemu://"],"e.g. sn":["z.B. sn"],"e.g. uid":["z.B. UID"],"enable caching, for VMware only":[""],"environment id":["Umgebungskennung"],"failed to %{action} %{vm}":["scheiterte an %{action} %{vm}"],"failed to detect boot server: %s":["konnte Bootserver nicht erkennen: %s"],"failed to execute puppetrun: %s":["konnte Puppet-Run nicht ausführen: %s"],"failed to save %s":["konnte %s nicht speichern"],"filter for %s role":["filtere nach Rolle %s"],"filter results":["Ergebnisse filtern"],"for EC2 only":["nur für EC2"],"for Libvirt and VMware only":["nur für Libvirt und VMware"],"for Libvirt only":["nur für Libvirt"],"for OpenStack only":["nur für OpenStack"],"for VMware":["für VMware"],"for oVirt, VMware Datacenter":["für oVirt, VMware Datacenter"],"for proxy":["für Proxy"],"free memory":["Freier Speicher"],"from profile %s":["von Profil %s"],"further instructions":["weitere Anweisungen"],"global":["systemweit"],"groups base DN":["gruppiert Base DN"],"has already been taken":["ist bereits ausgewählt"],"has this role already":["hat bereits diese Rolle"],"hash":["Hash"],"hash containing the facts for the host":["Hash, der die Fakten für den Host enthält"],"host":["host"],"host already has primary interface":["Host verfügt bereits über eine Primärschnittstelle"],"host already has provision interface":["Host verfügt bereits über eine Bereitstellungsschnittstelle"],"host group":["Hostgruppe"],"host group id":["Hostgruppenkennung"],"host must have one primary interface":["Host muss eine Primärschnittstelle aufweisen."],"hostname of the host":["Hostname des Hosts"],"iPXE template":["iPXE Vorlage"],"in %s":["in %s"],"in Progress":["in Bearbeitung"],"in progress":["in Bearbeitung"],"included already from parent":["bereits in der Hostgruppe einbegriffen"],"inherit":["erben"],"integer":["Ganzzahl"],"interface information":["Schnittstelleninformation"],"invalid":["ungültig"],"invalid LDAP filter syntax":["ungültige LDAP-Filtersyntax"],"invalid architecture for %s":["ungültige Architektur für %s"],"invalid host list":["ungültige Systemliste"],"invalid medium for %s":["ungültiges Medium für %s"],"invalid method %s":["ungültige Methode %s"],"invalid path":["ungültiger Pfad"],"invalid search query: %s":["ungültige Suchanfrage: %s"],"invalid time range":["ungültiger Zeitraum"],"invalid type %s":["ungültiger Typ %s"],"invalid type: %s requested":["ungültiger Typ: %s angefragt"],"is already used by a user account":["wird bereits von einem Benutzerzugang verwendet"],"is an admin account":["ist ein Administrator-Account"],"is an admin user group":["ist eine Admin-Benutzergruppe"],"is an unsupported provisioning method":["ist eine nicht unterstützte Bereitstellungsmethode"],"is invalid":["ist ungültig"],"is invalid %s":["ist ungültig %s"],"is invalid. No provisioning template with name \\\"%{name}\\\" and kind \\\"%{kind}\\\" found. ":[""],"is invalid: %s":["ist ungültig: %s"],"is locked for user modifications.":[""],"is not a valid MAC address":["ist keine gültige MAC-Adresse"],"is not allowed to change":["ist nicht möglich zu ändern"],"is not defined for host's %s.":[""],"is not found in the authentication source":["wurde in der Authentifzierungsquelle nicht gefunden"],"is not permitted":["ist nicht zulässig"],"is not valid":["ist nicht gültig"],"is too long (maximum is 1 character)":["ist zu lang (höchstens 1 Zeichen)","ist zu lang (höchstens %s Zeichen)"],"is too long (maximum is 254 characters)":["ist zu lang (maximal 254 Zeichen)"],"is unknown":["ist unbekannt"],"issue tracker":["Issue Tracker"],"items selected. Uncheck to Clear":["Elemente ausgewählt. Abwählen um zu Leeren"],"json":["json"],"last %s day":["letzter %s Tag","letzte %s Tage"],"link external user group with this user group":["externe Benutzergruppe mit dieser Benutzergruppe verknüpfen"],"list":["Liste"],"locale_name":["Deutsch"],"location":["Standort"],"locations":["Standorte"],"managed host must have one provision interface":["gemanagter Host muss eine Bereitstellungsschnittstelle aufweisen"],"message":["Nachricht"],"must be a unicast MAC address":[""],"must be a valid regexp":["muss ein gültiger regulärer Ausdruck sein"],"must be an array":["muss ein Array sein"],"must be boolean":["muss ein bool´scher Wert sein"],"must be comma separated":["muss mit Komma getrennt sein"],"must be integer":["muss ganzzahlig sein"],"must be of same resource type (%s) - Role (%s)":[""],"must be of type Subnet::Ipv4.":["muss vom Typ Subnet::Ipv4 sein."],"must be of type Subnet::Ipv6.":["muss vom Typ Subnet::Ipv6 sein."],"must be one of [ %s ]":["muss eines der Folgenden sein: [ %s ]"],"must be specified if from is defined":["musst angegeben werden falls von definiert ist"],"must be specified if to is defined":["musst angegeben werden falls zu definiert ist"],"must be true to edit the parameter":["muss wahr sein um Parameter zu bearbeiten"],"must contain valid hostnames":["muss gültige Hostnamen enthalten"],"must not include periods":["darf keine Punkte enthalten"],"must only contain alphanumeric or underscore characters":["Darf nur alphanumerische Zeichen und Unterstriche enthalten"],"must provide a provider":["muss einen Provider angeben"],"must set host and port":["muss Host und Port festlegen"],"new":["neu"],"nil allowed":["Null erlaubt"],"nil means host is bare metal":["\\\"nil\\\" bedeutet, dass es sich um einen Bare-Metal-Host handelt"],"no free IP could be found in our DB":["in unserer DB konnte keine freie IP gefunden werden"],"no puppet proxy defined - 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consider setting a global or host group default":["darf nicht leer sein. Erwägen Sie, einen globalen oder Hostgruppen-Standard festzulegen"],"soft":["soft"],"some interfaces are invalid":["einige Schnittstellen sind ungültig"],"some permissions were not found":[""],"sort results":["Ergebnisse sortieren"],"space separated options, e.g. miimon=100":["durch Leerzeichen getrennte Optionen, z.B. miimon=100"],"start":["Start"],"state":["Status"],"status":["Status"],"status type, can be one of\\n* global\\n* configuration\\n* build\\n":["Statustyp, einer von\\n* Global\\n* Konfiguration\\n* Build\\n"],"stop":["Stop"],"string":["Zeichenkette"],"subnet":["Subnetz"],"subnet boot mode is not %s":["Subnetz-Boot-Modus ist nicht %s"],"sync external user groups on login":["externe Benutzergruppen bei Anmeldung synchronisieren"],"template name":["Vorlagenname"],"template version":["Vorlagenversion"],"these hosts for a build operation on next boot":["Diese Systeme für eine Buildoperation beim nächsten Boot"],"type of the LDAP server":["Typ des LDAP-Servers"],"unable to find %{type} template for %{host} running %{os}":[""],"unable to sign a non pending certificate":["konnte ein nicht ausstehendes Zertifikat nicht signieren"],"unknown network_type":[""],"unknown parent permission for %s":["unbekannte übergeordnete Berechtigung für %s"],"unknown permission %s":["unbekannte Berechtigung %s"],"unknown permission for %s":["unbekannte Berechtigung für %s"],"unknown provider":["unbekannter Anbieter"],"unspecified":["unspezifiziert"],"used memory":["Belegter Speicher"],"using %s":["verwende %s"],"using %{allocation} GB out of %{capacity} GB, %{pool_name} storage pool":["%{allocation} GB von %{capacity} GB werden verwendet, %{pool_name} Storage-Pool"],"valid":["gültig"],"valid or pending":["gültig oder ausstehend"],"virtual":["virtuell"],"virtual attached to %s":["virtuell angeschlossen an %s"],"yaml":["yaml"],"you can't assign some of roles you selected":["Sie können einiger der ausgewählten Rollen nicht zuweisen"],"you can't change administrator flag":["Administrator-Kennzeichen kann nicht geändert werden"],"you cannot remove %s that are used by hosts or inherited.":["%s kann nicht gelöscht werden, da diese von Hosts verwendet werden oder vererbt wurden."]}}};
var locales = locales || {}; locales['en'] = {"domain":"app","locale_data":{"app":{"":{"Project-Id-Version":"version 0.0.1","Report-Msgid-Bugs-To":"","PO-Revision-Date":"2017-01-12 08:26+0000","Last-Translator":"Lukas Zapletal <>","Language-Team":"Foreman Team <>","Language":"en","MIME-Version":"1.0","Content-Type":"text/plain; charset=UTF-8","Content-Transfer-Encoding":"8bit","Plural-Forms":"nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);","lang":"en","domain":"app","plural_forms":"nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);"}," Remove":[""],"%s - Press Shift-F12 to release the cursor.":[""],"%s - The following hosts are about to be changed":[""],"%s Active Feature":["",""],"%s Distribution":[""],"%s Log Message":["",""],"%s Parameters updated, see below for more information":[""],"%s Template":[""],"%s VM associated to a host":["",""],"%s ago":[""],"%s console is not supported at this time":[""],"%s core":["",""],"%s day ago":["",""],"%s error message":["",""],"%s has been disassociated from VM":[""],"%s host":["",""],"%s is an unknown attribute":[""],"%s is not a valid DNS record type":[""],"%s is not in environment":[""],"%s minute ago":["",""],"%s month ago":["",""],"%s selected hosts":[""],"%s warning message":["",""],"%s week ago":["",""],"%s widget loading...":[""],"%{app_name} API documentation homepage":[""],"%{config_type} rebuild failed for host: %{host_names}.":["",""],"%{controller}: %{host}'s operating system %{os} has no OS family":[""],"%{controller}: %{host}'s operating system is missing":[""],"%{controller}: unable to find a host that matches the request from %{addr}":[""],"%{cores} Cores and %{memory} memory":[""],"%{count} host with no %{taxonomy_single} assigned":["",""],"%{cpus} CPUs and %{memory} MB memory":[""],"%{cpus} CPUs and %{memory} memory":[""],"%{e} does not belong to the %{environment} environment":[""],"%{host} is about to %{action}":[""],"%{host} now boots from %{device}":[""],"%{id} plugin requires Foreman %{matcher} but current is %{current}":[""],"%{id} plugin requires the %{plugin_name} plugin %{matcher} but current is %{plugin_version}":[""],"%{id} plugin requires the %{plugin_name} plugin, not found":[""],"%{image} needs user data, but %{os_link} is not associated to any provisioning template of the kind user_data. Please associate it with a suitable template or uncheck 'User data' for %{compute_resource_image_link}.":[""],"%{key} does not exist in order field":[""],"%{match} does not match an existing host":[""],"%{match} does not match an existing host group":[""],"%{model} with id '%{id}' was not found":[""],"%{name} changed from %{label1} to %{label2}":[""],"%{name} has %{num_tag} class":["",""],"%{os} medium was not set for host '%{host}'":[""],"%{record} is being used by a hidden %{what} resource":[""],"%{record} is used by %{what}":[""],"%{record} is used by host in build mode %{what}":[""],"%{resource_name} not found by id '%{id}'":[""],"%{task} task failed with the following error: %{e}":[""],"%{taxonomy_type} %{taxonomy_name} has %{count} host that will need to be reassociated after deletion. Delete %{taxonomy_name2}?":["",""],"%{type} %{conflicts} already exists":[""],"%{user} Downloaded %{key} as pem file":[""],"%{value} does not belong to %{os} operating system":[""],"%{value} is not a valid controller":[""],"%{value} is not one of %{rules}":[""],"%{vm} is now %{vm_state}":[""],"'%{host}' could be deleted or '%{resource}' is not responding.":[""],"'%{host}' not found on '%{resource}'":[""],"'%{loader}' is not one of %{loaders}":[""],"'%{object_name}' is a '%{object_class}', expected a subnet.":[""],"'Content-Type: %s' is unsupported in API v2 for POST and PUT requests. Please use 'Content-Type: application/json'.":[""],"(Miscellaneous)":[""],"(optional) IAM Role for Fog to use when creating this image.":[""],"*Clear %s proxy*":[""],"*Clear environment*":[""],"*Clear host group*":[""],"*Inherit from host group*":[""],", relevant log entries, and it is highly recommended to also attach the foreman-debug output.":[""],":foreman_url is not set, please configure in the Foreman Web UI (Administer -> Settings -> General)":[""],"<b class='select_count'>0</b> selected":[""],"<b style=\\\"color: #6bb5df;\\\">%{disabled_sum}</b>\\n <p>Disabled</p>":["",""],"<b style=\\\"color: #6bb5df;\\\">%{hosts_sum}</b>\\n <p>Changed</p>":["",""],"<b style=\\\"color: #6bb5df;\\\">%{out_of_sync_sum}</b>\\n <p>Out of sync</p>":["",""],"<b>Description:</b> %{desc}<br/>\\n <b>Type:</b> %{type}<br/>\\n <b>Matcher:</b> %{matcher}<br/>\\n <b>Inherited value:</b> %{inherited_value}":[""],"<b>Foreman API v1 is deprecated. Please use v2.</b><br>If you still need to use v1, you may do so by either passing 'version=1' in the Accept Header or using api/v1/ in the URL.":[""],"<b>Foreman</b> Build Complete":[""],"<b>Foreman</b> Configuration Management Error Report":[""],"<b>Foreman</b> Configuration Management Summary":[""],"<b>Foreman</b> audit summary":[""],"<b>Foreman</b> test email":[""],"<b>Source:</b> %{type} %{name}":[""],"<dl><dt>List</dt> <dd>A list of the allowed values, specified in the Validator rule field.</dd><dt>Regexp</dt> <dd>Validates the input with the regular expression in the Validator rule field.</dd></dl>":[""],"<dl><dt>String</dt> <dd>Everything is taken as a string.</dd><dt>Boolean</dt> <dd>Common representation of boolean values are accepted.</dd><dt>Integer</dt> <dd>Integer numbers only, can be negative.</dd><dt>Real</dt> <dd>Accept any numerical input.</dd><dt>Array</dt> <dd>A valid JSON or YAML input, that must evaluate to an array.</dd><dt>Hash</dt> <dd>A valid JSON or YAML input, that must evaluate to an object/map/dict/hash.</dd><dt>YAML</dt> <dd>Any valid YAML input.</dd><dt>JSON</dt> <dd>Any valid JSON input.</dd></dl>":[""],"A Foreman user group can be associated to a group stored in an LDAP server, so membership of the LDAP group automatically adds the user to the Foreman user group.":[""],"A host group is in some ways similar to an inherited node declaration, in that it is a high level grouping of classes that can be named and treated as a unit. This is then treated as a template and is selectable during the creation of a new host and ensures that the host is configured in one of your pre-defined states.":[""],"A medium represents the source of one or more operating system's installation files, accessible via the network.\\n It will probably be a mirror from the internet or a copy of one or more CD or DVDs.":[""],"A partition table entry represents either":[""],"A problem occurred when detecting host type: %s":[""],"A script to dynamically calculate the desired sizes. 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E.G.":[""],"An invalid response was received while requesting available features from this proxy":[""],"Annotation Notes":[""],"Annotation notes":[""],"Anonymous admin user %s is missing, run foreman-rake db:seed":[""],"Any Context":[""],"Any Location":[""],"Any Organization":[""],"Applicable Operating Systems":[""],"Applied":[""],"Applied|A":[""],"Architecture":[""],"Architecture Distribution":[""],"Architecture ID":["Name"],"Architectures":[""],"Architecture|Hostgroups count":[""],"Architecture|Hosts count":[""],"Architecture|Name":["Name"],"Are you sure you want to %{act} %{vm}?":[""],"Are you sure you want to delete host %s? This action is irreversible.":[""],"Are you sure you want to delete host %s? 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If these features come from a Smart Proxy plugin, make sure Foreman has the plugin installed too.":[""],"Feature|Name":["Name"],"Fetch TFTP boot files for %s":[""],"Filter":[""],"Filter by level:":[""],"Filter by name":[""],"Filter by state:":[""],"Filter classes":[""],"Filter overriding has been disabled":[""],"Filters":[""],"Filters for role %s":[""],"Filters inherit %{orgs_and_locs} from their role by default. If override field is enabled, <br> filter can override the set of its %{orgs_and_locs}. Later role changes will not affect <br> such filter. 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Required for primary interfaces on managed hosts.":[""],"Foreman host group matchers will be inherited by children when evaluating smart class parameters":[""],"Foreman now manages the build cycle for %s":[""],"Foreman now no longer manages the build cycle for %s":[""],"Foreman report creation time is <em>%s</em>":[""],"Foreman smart variables will be exposed via the ENC yaml output":[""],"Foreman subnet ID of IPv4 interface":[""],"Foreman subnet ID of IPv6 interface":[""],"Foreman supports automatically creating realm entries for new hosts.":[""],"Foreman supports creating and managing hosts on a number of virtualization and cloud services - referred to as “compute resources” - as well as bare metal hosts.":[""],"Foreman test email":[""],"Foreman ticketing system":[""],"Foreman will automate certificate signing upon provision of new host":[""],"Foreman will create the host when a report is received":[""],"Foreman will create the host when new facts are received":[""],"Foreman will default to this puppet environment if it cannot auto detect one":[""],"Foreman will delete virtual machine if provisioning script ends with non zero exit code":[""],"Foreman will evaluate host smart variables in this order by default":[""],"Foreman will explicitly set the puppet environment in the ENC yaml output. This will avoid conflicts between the environment in puppet.conf and the environment set in Foreman":[""],"Foreman will map users by username in request-header. If this is set to false, OAuth requests will have admin rights.":[""],"Foreman will not send this parameter in classification output, replaces use_puppet_default":[""],"Foreman will not send this parameter in classification output.":[""],"Foreman will not send this parameter in classification output. 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The content of this fact should be the full label of the location.":[""],"Hosts created after a puppet run will be placed in the organization this fact dictates. The content of this fact should be the full label of the organization.":[""],"Hosts in error state":[""],"Hosts including Sub-groups":[""],"Hosts managed":[""],"Hosts managed:":[""],"Hosts that had pending changes":[""],"Hosts that had pending changes with alerts enabled":[""],"Hosts that had performed modifications without error":[""],"Hosts that will be trusted in addition to Smart Proxies for access to fact/report importers and ENC output":[""],"Hosts which Foreman reporting is disabled":[""],"Hosts which are not reporting":[""],"Hosts which didn't run puppet in the last %s":[""],"Hosts which do not have recent reports from configuration management":[""],"Hosts which recently applied changes":[""],"Hosts which recently applied changes successfully":[""],"Hosts which recently applied changes successfully with alerts enabled":[""],"Hosts with alerts disabled":[""],"Hosts with error state":[""],"Hosts with error state and alerts enabled":[""],"Hosts with errors":[""],"Hosts with interesting values (changed, failures etc)":[""],"Hosts with no reports":[""],"Hosts with notifications disabled":[""],"Hosts without changes or errors":[""],"Hosts without changes or errors, with alerts enabled":[""],"Hosts without errors":[""],"Hosts without errors percent":[""],"Hosts without errors, with alerts enabled":[""],"How values are validated":[""],"However, if it was deleted externally this page helps you to recreate it":[""],"ID of LDAP authentication source":[""],"ID of Puppet class":[""],"ID of architecture":[""],"ID of compute resource":[""],"ID of config template":[""],"ID of domain":[""],"ID of environment":[""],"ID of host":[""],"ID of host group":[""],"ID of interface":[""],"ID of linked authentication source":[""],"ID of location":[""],"ID of medium":[""],"ID of operating system":[""],"ID of organization":[""],"ID of parameter":[""],"ID of partition table":[""],"ID of provisioning template":[""],"ID of role":[""],"ID of subnet":[""],"ID of template":[""],"ID of the user":[""],"ID of user group":[""],"ID or name external user group":[""],"ID or name of domain":[""],"ID or name of external user group":[""],"ID or name of host":[""],"ID or name of interface":[""],"ID or name of subnet":[""],"ID or name of user group":[""],"IDs of associated architectures":[""],"IDs of associated config groups":[""],"IDs of associated media":[""],"IDs of associated partition tables":[""],"IDs of associated provisioning templates":[""],"INFO or DEBUG":[""],"IP":[""],"IP Address":[""],"IP Address Management":[""],"IP Address auto suggestion mode for this subnet, valid values are \\\"DHCP\\\", \\\"Internal DB\\\", \\\"None\\\"":[""],"IP address auto-suggest":[""],"IP addresses that should be excluded from suggestion":[""],"IP:":[""],"IPAM":[""],"IPv4":[""],"IPv4 Address":[""],"IPv4 DNS record":["",""],"IPv4 Subnet":[""],"IPv4 address of interface":[""],"IPv6":[""],"IPv6 Address":[""],"IPv6 DNS record":["",""],"IPv6 Subnet":[""],"IPv6 address of interface":[""],"IRC":[""],"Identifier":[""],"Identifier of the interface to which this interface belongs, e.g. eth1":[""],"Identifier of the interface to which this interface belongs, e.g. eth1. Only for virtual interfaces.":[""],"Identifiers of attached interfaces, e.g. `['eth1', 'eth2']`. For bond interfaces those are the slaves. Only for bond and bridges interfaces.":[""],"Idle timeout":[""],"If ERB is used in a parameter value, the validation of the value will happen during the ENC request. If the value is invalid, the ENC request will fail.":[""],"If Foreman is running behind Passenger or a remote load balancer, the IP should be set here. This is a regular expression, so it can support several load balancers, i.e: (|":[""],"If checked, will raise an error if there is no default value and no matcher provide a value.":[""],"If owner type is specified, owner must be specified too.":[""],"If the Managed flag is disabled, none of the services will be configured for this interface, even if it is configured for the subnet and domain.":[""],"If the Managed flag is enabled, external services such as DHCP, DNS, and TFTP will be configured according to the information provided.":[""],"If true, will raise an error if there is no default value and no matcher provide a value":[""],"If you are planning to use Foreman as an external node classifier you should provide information about one or more environments. 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A 'create_ssh_keys' permission is required too.":[""],"In-line code syntax":[""],"Include default value when merging all matching values":[""],"Include default value when merging all matching values.":[""],"Include this host within Foreman reporting":[""],"Included Classes":[""],"Included Config Groups":[""],"Incorrect password":[""],"Incorrect username or password":[""],"Independent - Nonpersistent":[""],"Independent - Persistent":[""],"Infrastructure":[""],"Inherit parent (%s)":[""],"Inherited Classes from %s":[""],"Inherits from subnet VLAN ID if not set":[""],"Input":[""],"Installation Media":[""],"Installation medium configuration":[""],"Installed":[""],"Interface":[""],"Interface is down":[""],"Interface is up":[""],"Interface provider, e.g. IPMI. Only for BMC interfaces.":[""],"Interface type, e.g. bmc. Default is %{default_nic_type}":[""],"Interface's DNS name":[""],"Interfaces":[""],"Internal DB":[""],"Internal Server Error: the server was unable to finish the request. ":[""],"Internal network":[""],"Interpolate ERB in parameters":[""],"Invalid %{assoc} selection, you must select at least one of yours and have '%{perm}' permission.":[""],"Invalid architecture '%{arch}' for '%{os}'":[""],"Invalid architecture for %s":[""],"Invalid authenticity token":[""],"Invalid log level: %s":[""],"Invalid medium '%{medium}' for '%{os}'":[""],"Invalid medium for %s":[""],"Invalid power state request: %{action}, supported actions are %{supported}":[""],"Invalid proxy selected!":[""],"Invalid query":[""],"Invalid report":[""],"Invalid search query: %s":[""],"Invalid smart-proxy id":[""],"Invalid type for host creation via facts: %s":[""],"Invalid version format, please enter in x.y (only major version).":[""],"Is the cron job that executes %s enabled?":[""],"Issue tracker":[""],"It is not possible to assign provisioning templates at this stage.":[""],"It is not recommended to unlock this template, as it is provided by %{vendor} and may be overwritten. Please consider cloning it instead.":[""],"Item":[""],"Iterating":[""],"JSON VM listing is not supported for this compute resource.":[""],"JSON object of the scheduler hint":[""],"Keep selected hosts for a future action":[""],"Key Binding":[""],"Key not connected to any compute resource":[""],"Key pair":[""],"Key used with other compute resource":[""],"KeyPair|Name":["Name"],"KeyPair|Public":[""],"KeyPair|Secret":["Secret"],"Kind":[""],"LDAP Authentication":[""],"LDAP authentication sources":[""],"LDAP error - %{message}":[""],"LDAP filter":[""],"LDAP server":[""],"LDAP users will have their Foreman account automatically created the first time they log into Foreman":[""],"Language":[""],"Last Report":[""],"Last report":[""],"Last updated %s ago":[""],"Latest Events":[""],"Learn more about this in the documentation.":[""],"Legacy Puppet hostname":[""],"Length":[""],"Level":[""],"Libvirt default console address":[""],"Libvirt, oVirt, OpenStack and Rackspace":[""],"Limit rebuild steps, 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resources information ...":[""],"Loading runtime information ...":[""],"Loading template information ...":[""],"Loading virtual machine information ...":[""],"Loading virtual machines information ...":[""],"Local boot %s template":[""],"Local time":[""],"Location":[""],"Location Distribution":[""],"Location fact":[""],"Location parameters":[""],"Location with id %{id} not found":[""],"Location you had selected as your context has been deleted":[""],"Location/Organization":[""],"Locations":[""],"Locations also work nicely when used in tandem with %{organizations}.":[""],"Locations are used to manage and differentiate the physical place where a system managed via Foreman is housed. 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Please check the table below.":[""],"Some or all hosts execution failed, Please check log files for more information":[""],"Some other interface is already set as primary. Are you sure you want to use this one instead?":[""],"Some other interface is already set as provisioning. Are you sure you want to use this one instead?":[""],"Something went wrong while changing host type - %s":[""],"Something went wrong while selecting hosts - %s":[""],"Sorry but no templates were configured.":[""],"Sorry, these hosts do not have parameters assigned to them, you must add them first.":[""],"Source":[""],"Source|Digest":["Digest"],"Source|Value":["Value"],"Space separated options, e.g. miimon=100. Only for bond interfaces.":[""],"Specified value is higher than recommended maximum":[""],"Specify Matchers":[""],"Specify additional options to sendmail":[""],"Specify authentication type, if required":[""],"Start":[""],"Starting IP Address for IP auto suggestion":[""],"State":[""],"Static":[""],"Statistics":[""],"Status":["Status"],"Stop updating IP address and MAC values from Puppet facts (affects all interfaces)":[""],"Stop updating Operating System from facts":[""],"Stop updating domain values from facts":[""],"Storage":[""],"Storage Pod":[""],"Storage domain":[""],"Storage pool":[""],"Strong":[""],"Submit":[""],"Subnet":[""],"Subnet ID":["End of IP range"],"Subnet IDs":[""],"Subnet description":[""],"Subnet name":[""],"Subnet network":[""],"Subnet numeric identifier":[""],"Subnets":[""],"Subnet|Boot mode":[""],"Subnet|Dns primary":["Primary DNS server"],"Subnet|Dns secondary":["Secondary DNS server"],"Subnet|From":["Start of IP range"],"Subnet|Gateway":["Gateway address"],"Subnet|Ipam":[""],"Subnet|Mask":["Network mask"],"Subnet|Name":["Name"],"Subnet|Network":["Network address"],"Subnet|Priority":["Priority"],"Subnet|To":["End of IP range"],"Subnet|Vlanid":["VLAN ID"],"Subscribe":[""],"Subscribe to all hosts":[""],"Subscribe to my hosts":[""],"Success":[""],"Successfully created %s.":[""],"Successfully delete %s":[""],"Successfully deleted %s.":[""],"Successfully deleted report.":[""],"Successfully executed, check log files for more details":[""],"Successfully executed, check reports and/or log files for more details":[""],"Successfully overridden all parameters of Puppet class %s":[""],"Successfully recreated":[""],"Successfully refreshed features from %s.":[""],"Successfully refreshed the cache.":[""],"Successfully reset all parameters of Puppet class %s to their default values":[""],"Successfully updated %s.":[""],"Successfully updated environments and Puppet classes from the on-disk Puppet installation":[""],"Suggest new":[""],"Summary from %{time} ago to now":[""],"Summary report from Foreman server at %{foreman_url}":[""],"Support":[""],"Supported Formats":[""],"Synchronize group from authentication source":[""],"Syntax Highlighting":[""],"Syntax error occurred while parsing the template %{template_name}, make sure you have all ERB tags properly closed and the Ruby syntax is valid. The Ruby error: %{message}":[""],"System Information":[""],"System Status":["Status"],"TFTP":[""],"TFTP Proxy":[""],"TFTP Proxy ID to use within this subnet":[""],"TFTP Proxy to use within this subnet":[""],"TFTP server":[""],"Taxable taxonomy":[""],"TaxableTaxonomy|Taxable type":["Taxable type"],"Taxonomy":[""],"Taxonomy|Ancestry":[""],"Taxonomy|Ignore types":["All objects"],"Taxonomy|Name":["Name"],"Taxonomy|Title":[""],"Template":[""],"Template %s is empty.":[""],"Template '%s' is either missing or has an invalid organization or location":[""],"Template '%s' was not found":[""],"Template Diff":[""],"Template Type":[""],"Template content changed %s":[""],"Template diff":[""],"Template editor":[""],"Template kind":[""],"Template kinds, available values: %{template_kinds}":[""],"Template locked":[""],"Template syntax":[""],"Template that will be selected as %s default for local boot.":[""],"Template unlocked":[""],"TemplateKind|Name":["Name"],"Templates":[""],"Templates resolved for this operating system":[""],"Tenant":[""],"Test Connection":[""],"Test LDAP connection":[""],"Test LDAP connectivity":[""],"Test connection to LDAP server was successful.":[""],"Test connection was successful":[""],"Test email":[""],"Text to be shown in the login-page footer":[""],"That is, if you are planning to manage a site where all the machines are of the form <i>hostname</i>.<b></b>\\n then the domain is <b></b>.":[""],"The %{proxy_type} proxy could not be set for host: %{host_names}.":["",""],"The %{proxy_type} proxy of the selected hosts was cleared":[""],"The %{proxy_type} proxy of the selected hosts was cleared.":[""],"The %{proxy_type} proxy of the selected hosts was set to %{proxy_name}":[""],"The %{proxy_type} proxy of the selected hosts was set to %{proxy_name}.":[""],"The <b>fullname</b> field is used for human readability in reports and other pages that refer to domains,\\n and also available as an external node parameter":[""],"The Audit Comment field is saved with the template auditing to document the template changes":[""],"The BMC password will be used by Foreman to access the host's BMC controller via a BMC-enabled smart proxy, if available.<br/>":[""],"The IP address that should be used for the console listen address when provisioning new virtual machines via Libvirt":[""],"The Managed flag also determines whether the interface should be configured during host provisioning, so that the configuration remains after reboot.":[""],"The NFS path to the image directory.":[""],"The NFS path to the jumpstart control files.":[""],"The NFS path to the media.":[""],"The Operating systems detail the OSs known to Foreman, and is the central point that the other required components tie into.":[""],"The Primary interface is used for constructing the FQDN of the host.":[""],"The Provisioning interface is used for TFTP configuration for PXE boot based on this interface MAC address.":[""],"The authentication process currently requires an LDAP provider, such as <em>FreeIPA</em>,\\n <em>OpenLDAP</em> or <em>Microsoft's Active Directory</em>.":[""],"The class could not be saved because of an error in one of the class parameters.":[""],"The class of CPU supplied in this machine. This is primarily used by Sparc Solaris builds and can be left blank for other architectures. The value can be determined on Solaris via uname -m":[""],"The class of the machine reported by the Open Boot Prom. This is primarily used by Sparc Solaris builds and can be left blank for other architectures. The value can be determined on Solaris via uname -i|cut -f2 -d,":["The class of the machine as reported by the OpenBoot PROM. This is primarily used by Solaris SPARC builds and can be left blank for other architectures. The value can be determined on Solaris via `uname -i|cut -f2 -d`."],"The default administrator email address":[""],"The dynamic partitioning style is currently only available for the Red Hat family of operating systems, all others must provide an explicit list of partitions and sizes.":[""],"The file path where your p12 file is located":[""],"The final entry, Operating System default, can be set by editing the %s page.":[""],"The following IPv4 subnets have been found. Please review the details before creating them.":[""],"The following entries were found conflicting with what foreman wanted to apply.":[""],"The following errors may prevent a successful build:":[""],"The following fields would need reviewing":[""],"The following hosts failed the build operation: %s":[""],"The following hosts were not %{action}: %{missed_hosts}":[""],"The following hosts were not deleted: %s":[""],"The following hosts were updated":[""],"The following parameters were skipped as they did not exists on this host:":[""],"The following table and example snippet shows global methods, variables and class methods and how to use them.":[""],"The full DNS domain name":[""],"The host group's classes and the host group's variables are included in the external node information when the puppetmaster compiles the host's configuration.":[""],"The inclusion of the keyword string <b>#Dynamic</b> at the start of a line lets Foreman know that this is not an explicit disk layout and must treated as a shell script, executed prior\\n to the install process and that the explicit partition table will be found at <b>/tmp/diskpart.cfg</b> during the build process.":[""],"The keys can be used in provisioning templates and are also available for configuration management tools managed by Foreman.":[""],"The keywords <b>$version</b>, <b>$major</b> and <b>$minor</b> will be interpolated back into the path specification to calculate the true URL address.":[""],"The list is excluding %{count} %{link_start}physical host%{link_end}.":["",""],"The location of the sendmail executable":[""],"The marked fields will need reviewing":[""],"The method used to provision the host. Possible provision_methods may be %{provision_methods}":[""],"The order in which matchers keys are processed, first match wins.<br> You may use multiple attributes as a matcher key, for example, an order of <code>host group, environment</code> would expect a matcher such as <code>hostgroup = \\\"web servers\\\", environment = production</code>":[""],"The order in which values are resolved":[""],"The password will also be accessible to other users via templates and in the ENC YAML output; disable the bmc_credentials_accessible setting to prevent access.":[""],"The password will not be accessible to other users; enable the bmc_credentials_accessible setting to permit access via templates and in the ENC YAML output.":[""],"The path to the medium, can be a URL or a valid NFS server (exclusive of the architecture).\\n for example <em>$version/os/$arch</em> where <strong>$arch</strong> will be substituted for the host's actual OS architecture and <strong>$version</strong>, <strong>$major</strong> and <strong>$minor</strong> will be substituted for the version of the operating system. Solaris and Debian media may also use <strong>$release</strong>.":[""],"The power state of the selected hosts will be set to %s":[""],"The realm name, e.g. EXAMPLE.COM":[""],"The remote system presented a public key signed by an unidentified certificate authority. If you are sure the remote system is authentic, go to the compute resource edit page, press the 'Test Connection' or 'Load Datacenters' button and submit":[""],"The remote system presented a public key with hash %s but we're expecting a different hash. If you are sure the remote system is authentic, go to the compute resource edit page, press the 'Test Connection' or 'Load Datacenters' button and submit":[""],"The selected hosts were enabled for reboot and rebuild":[""],"The selected hosts will execute a build operation on next reboot":[""],"The services to be configured are determined by the subnet and domain that are selected for this interface. If you want to manage<br/> only a subset of these services, change the %{subnet} and %{domain} proxies configuration. When a proxy is set to 'None', the corresponding":[""],"The snippet '%{name}' threw an error: %{exc}":[""],"The template is associated to at least one host in build mode. To apply the change, disable and enable build mode on hosts to update the live templates or choose to %s their configuration from 'Select Action' menu":[""],"The user that is used to ssh into the instance, normally cloud-user, ec2-user, ubuntu, root etc":[""],"The virtual machine is being deleted.":[""],"There are migrations pending in the system.":[""],"There are no puppet environments set up on this puppet master. Please check the puppet master configuration.":[""],"There are orchestration modules with methods for configuration rebuild that have identical name: '%s'":[""],"There are two strategies when using host groups.":[""],"There is":["",""],"There is no owner with id %d and type %s":[""],"There is no proxy with BMC feature set up. Please register a smart proxy with this feature.":[""],"There may be more information in the server's logs.":[""],"There was an error creating the PXE file: %s":[""],"There was an error listing %{listing}: %{errors}":[""],"There was an error listing VMs: %(status)s %(statusText)s":[""],"There was an error rendering the %s template: ":[""],"There was an error rendering the %{name} template: %{error}":[""],"There was no active bridge interface found in libvirt, if it does not support listing, you can enter the bridge name manually (e.g. br0)":[""],"These are guaranteed to work via the safe mode rendering, to ensure a template can do nothing harmful.":[""],"These two options are personal decisions and are up to you (where the main difference would be the parameter/variables settings).":[""],"Thin provision":[""],"This Puppet class has no parameters in its signature.":[""],"This allows Foreman to associate a puppet variable with a domain/site and automatically append this variable to all external node requests made by machines at that site.":[""],"This group has nested groups!":[""],"This group has no roles":[""],"This host's stored facts and reports will be deleted too.":[""],"This interface is also used for network communication during provisioning, e.g. downloading installation packages.":[""],"This is a test message to confirm that Foreman's email configuration is working.":[""],"This is for every location and organization that uses it.":[""],"This is for every location that uses it.":[""],"This is for every organization that uses it.":[""],"This is inherited from parent":[""],"This is used by a host":[""],"This may be caused by unavailability of some required service, incorrect API call or a server-side bug. ":[""],"This might take a while, as all hosts, facts and reports will be destroyed as well":[""],"This role has been cloned from role %s":[""],"This role is locked for editing.":[""],"This role is locked from being modified by users.":[""],"This setting is defined in the configuration file '%{filename}' and is read-only.":[""],"This template is locked and may not be removed.":[""],"This template is locked for editing.":[""],"This template is locked. Please clone it to a new template to customize.":[""],"This template is locked. You may only change the associations. Please %s it to customize.":[""],"This value is not hidden":[""],"This value is used also as the host's primary interface name.":[""],"This will reset parameters of the class %s to their default values. Continue?":[""],"This will set all parameters of the class %s as overridden. Continue?":[""],"Time":[""],"Time in Seconds":[""],"Time in minutes installation tokens should be valid for, 0 to disable token generation":[""],"Timeout for DNS conflict validation (in seconds)":[""],"Timeout has occurred while communicating with %s":[""],"To define trend counters, use the Add Trend Counter button.</br> To start collecting trend data, set a cron job to execute 'foreman-rake trends:counter' every Puppet Interval (%s minutes).":[""],"To enable a provider, either install the OS package (e.g. foreman-libvirt) or enable the bundler group for development setup (e.g. ovirt).":[""],"To enable safe mode, navigate to Settings page and enable Safemode rendering option.":[""],"To start collecting trend data, set a cron job to execute <span class='black'>foreman-rake trends:counter</span> every Puppet Interval (%s minutes)":[""],"To update the class signature, go to the Puppet Classes page and select \\\"Import\\\".":[""],"Toggle":[""],"Token":[""],"Token duration":[""],"Token expired":[""],"Token|Expires":["Expires"],"Token|Value":["Value"],"Total":[""],"Total Hosts: %s":[""],"Total hosts count":[""],"Total of one host":["",""],"Trend":[""],"Trend counter":[""],"Trend of the last %s days.":[""],"TrendCounter|Count":["Count"],"Trends":[""],"Trends for %s":[""],"Trend|Fact name":["Fact name"],"Trend|Fact value":["Fact value"],"Trend|Name":["Name"],"Trend|Trendable type":["Trend type"],"Trigger a puppetrun on a node; requires that puppet run is enabled":[""],"Troubleshooting":[""],"True/False flag whether a host is managed or unmanaged. Note: this value also determines whether several parameters are required or not":[""],"Trusted puppetmaster hosts":[""],"Try going to %{href}":[""],"Type":[""],"Type of name generator":[""],"Type of realm, e.g. FreeIPA":[""],"Type or protocol, IPv4 or IPv6, defaults to IPv4":[""],"Types of validation values":[""],"Types of variable values":[""],"URL":[""],"URL for %{providers_requiring_url}":[""],"URL hosts will retrieve templates from during build (normally http as many installers don't support https)":[""],"URL must be valid and schema must be one of %s":[""],"URL where your Foreman instance is reachable (see also Provisioning > unattended_url)":[""],"UTC time of report":[""],"UUID":[""],"UUID to track orchestration tasks status, GET /api/orchestration/:UUID/tasks":[""],"Unable to access key":[""],"Unable to authenticate user %s":[""],"Unable to change VM display listen address, make sure the display is not attached to localhost only":[""],"Unable to communicate with the proxy: %s":[""],"Unable to connect":[""],"Unable to connect to LDAP server":[""],"Unable to create default TFTP boot menu":[""],"Unable to create realm entry":[""],"Unable to create the default role.":[""],"Unable to define volumes:":[""],"Unable to delete DHCP entry for %s":[""],"Unable to delete DNS entry":[""],"Unable to delete PuppetCA autosign for %s":[""],"Unable to delete PuppetCA certificate for %s":[""],"Unable to delete TFTP boot entry for %s":[""],"Unable to detect TFTP boot server":[""],"Unable to detect features":[""],"Unable to detect version":[""],"Unable to determine the host's boot server. The DHCP smart proxy failed to provide this information and this subnet is not provided with TFTP services.":[""],"Unable to disable bmc_credentials_accessible when safemode_render is disabled":[""],"Unable to disable safemode_render when bmc_credentials_accessible is disabled":[""],"Unable to execute Puppet run":[""],"Unable to fetch TFTP boot file":[""],"Unable to fetch logs":[""],"Unable to find IP address for '%s'":[""],"Unable to find a proxy with BMC feature":[""],"Unable to find proper authentication method":[""],"Unable to find template %s":[""],"Unable to generate output, Check log files":[""],"Unable to get BMC providers":[""],"Unable to get PuppetCA autosign":[""],"Unable to get PuppetCA certificates":[""],"Unable to get classes from Puppet for %s":[""],"Unable to get environment from Puppet":[""],"Unable to get environments from Puppet":[""],"Unable to get installed BMC providers":[""],"Unable to initialize ProxyAPI class %s":[""],"Unable to perform boot BMC operation":[""],"Unable to perform identify BMC operation":[""],"Unable to perform lan BMC operation":[""],"Unable to perform power BMC operation":[""],"Unable to render %{kind} template '%{name}': %{e}":[""],"Unable to render '%{name}' template: %{e}":[""],"Unable to retrieve DHCP entry for %s":[""],"Unable to retrieve DHCP subnet":[""],"Unable to retrieve DHCP subnets":[""],"Unable to retrieve unused IP":[""],"Unable to save":[""],"Unable to send email, check server logs for more information":[""],"Unable to set DHCP entry":[""],"Unable to set DNS entry":[""],"Unable to set PuppetCA autosign for %s":[""],"Unable to set TFTP boot entry for %s":[""],"Unable to sign PuppetCA certificate for %s":[""],"Unable to turn on websockets_encrypt, either websockets_ssl_key or websockets_ssl_cert is missing":[""],"Unable to unset websockets_ssl_cert when websockets_encrypt is on":[""],"Unable to unset websockets_ssl_key when websockets_encrypt is on":[""],"Unallowed template for dashboard widget: %s":[""],"Unattended URL":[""],"Undo remove":[""],"Undo selection":[""],"Unhide this value":[""],"Unknown":[""],"Unknown IPAM type - can't continue":[""],"Unknown Power State":[""],"Unknown action name for success message: %s":[""],"Unknown build status":[""],"Unknown device: available devices are %s":[""],"Unknown interface type, must be one of [%s]":[""],"Unknown power action: available methods are %s":[""],"Unknown power management support - can't continue":[""],"Unknown power state":[""],"Unlock":[""],"Unmanage host":[""],"Unsupported IPAM mode for %s":[""],"Unsupported password hash function '%s'":[""],"Unsupported report status format":[""],"Update":[""],"Update :a_resource":[""],"Update IP from built request":[""],"Update a Puppet class":[""],"Update a bookmark":[""],"Update a compute attributes set":[""],"Update a compute profile":[""],"Update a compute resource":[""],"Update a config group":[""],"Update a default template combination for an operating system":[""],"Update a domain":[""],"Update a filter":[""],"Update a global parameter":[""],"Update a hardware model":[""],"Update a host":[""],"Update a host group":[""],"Update a host's interface":[""],"Update a medium":[""],"Update a nested parameter for a domain":[""],"Update a nested parameter for a host":[""],"Update a nested parameter for a host group":[""],"Update a nested parameter for a location":[""],"Update a nested parameter for a subnet":[""],"Update a nested parameter for an operating system":[""],"Update a nested parameter for an organization":[""],"Update a partition table":[""],"Update a provisioning template":[""],"Update a realm":[""],"Update a role":[""],"Update a setting":[""],"Update a smart class parameter":[""],"Update a smart proxy":[""],"Update a smart variable":[""],"Update a subnet":[""],"Update a user":[""],"Update a user group":[""],"Update an LDAP authentication source":[""],"Update an architecture":[""],"Update an environment":[""],"Update an image":[""],"Update an operating system":[""],"Update an override value for a specific smart class parameter":[""],"Update an override value for a specific smart variable":[""],"Update environment from facts":[""],"Update external user group":[""],"Update realm entry for %s":[""],"Update subnets from facts":[""],"Update template combination":[""],"Update the default PXE menu on all configured TFTP servers":[""],"Update:":[""],"Updated":[""],"Updated all hosts!":[""],"Updated hosts: Disassociated from VM":[""],"Updated hosts: changed environment":[""],"Updated hosts: changed host group":[""],"Updated hosts: changed owner":[""],"Upload facts for a host, creating the host if required":[""],"Use Gravatar":[""],"Use NIS netgroups instead of posix groups.":[""],"Use UUID for certificates":[""],"Use short name for VMs":[""],"Use this account to authenticate, <i>optional</i>":[""],"Use this puppet server as a CA server":[""],"Use this puppet server as an initial Puppet Server or to execute puppet runs":[""],"Used to enforce certain values for the parameter values":[""],"User":[""],"User Group":[""],"User Groups":[""],"User IDs":[""],"User data template":[""],"User groups":[""],"User groups enable users to log into Foreman and be automatically granted permissions.":[""],"User role":[""],"User's preferred locale":[""],"User's timezone":[""],"UserRole|Owner type":[""],"Usergroup":[""],"Usergroup member":[""],"UsergroupMember|Member type":["Member type"],"Usergroup|Admin":["Administrator"],"Usergroup|Auth source":[""],"Usergroup|Name":["Name"],"Username":[""],"Username for oVirt, EC2, VMware, OpenStack. Access Key for EC2.":[""],"Username to use to authenticate, if required":[""],"Users":[""],"User|Admin":["Administrator"],"User|Avatar hash":[""],"User|Firstname":["First name"],"User|Last login on":["Last login time"],"User|Lastname":["Surname"],"User|Locale":["Email address"],"User|Login":["Username"],"User|Lower login":[""],"User|Mail":["Email address"],"User|Mail enabled":["First name"],"User|Password hash":["Password hash"],"User|Password salt":["Password salt"],"Uses thin provisioning if unchecked":[""],"Using the organization system provides a way to group resources together for easy management. Organizations are particularly useful for Foreman installations where several customers or business units are managed with a single Foreman install.":[""],"VCPU(s)":[""],"VCenter/Server":[""],"VLAN ID for this subnet":[""],"VLAN tag, this attribute has precedence over the subnet VLAN ID. Only for virtual interfaces.":[""],"VM":[""],"VM Attributes":[""],"VM Attributes (%s)":[""],"VM already associated with a host":[""],"VM associated to host %s":[""],"VM is not running!":[""],"VNC/SPICE websocket proxy console access encryption (websockets_ssl_key/cert setting required)":[""],"Valid Host Group and Environment Combinations":[""],"Valid from":[""],"Validation types":[""],"Value":[""],"Value to use when there is no match":[""],"Value to use when there is no match.":[""],"Variable":[""],"Variable lookup key":[""],"Variables":[""],"Vendor Class":[""],"Verify":[""],"Version":[""],"Version %{version}":[""],"Version %{version} %{copyright} 2009-%{year} Paul Kelly and %{author}":[""],"Very Strong":[""],"View Chart":[""],"View Diff":[""],"View in Foreman:":[""],"View last report details":[""],"View list":[""],"Virtual (NAT)":[""],"Virtual H/W version":[""],"Virtual Machine":[""],"Virtual Machines":[""],"Virtual Machines on %s":[""],"Virtual NIC":[""],"Virtual machine settings cannot be edited on an existing machine in %s":[""],"WARNING":[""],"Wait for %s to come online":[""],"Warning":[""],"Warning!":[""],"Warning! This will remove %{name} from %{number} user. are you sure?":["",""],"Warning: This will delete this host and all of its data!":[""],"Warnings and errors":[""],"We have not found any documentation for your API.":[""],"We use Redmine to report and track bugs and feature requests, which can be found here:":[""],"Weak":[""],"Websockets SSL certificate":[""],"Websockets SSL key":[""],"Websockets encryption":[""],"Weekly":[""],"Welcome to Foreman":[""],"What ever text(or ERB template) you use in here, would be used as your OS disk layout options If you want to use the partition table option, delete all of the text from this field":[""],"When a Host requests a template (e.g. during provisioning), Foreman will select the best match from the available templates of that type, in the following order:":[""],"When a realm is selected for a host, Foreman contacts the relevant realm smart proxy to create an entry for the host and retrieve it's one-time registration password.":[""],"When editing a template, you must assign a list of operating systems which this template can be used with. Optionally, you can restrict a template to a list of host groups and/or environments.":[""],"When enabled the parameter is hidden in the UI":[""],"When specifying custom value, add 'MB' or 'GB' at the end. Field is not case sensitive and MB is default if unspecified.":[""],"When the role's associated %{taxonomies} are changed,<br> the change will propagate to all inheriting filters.\\n Filters that are set to override <br> will remain untouched. Overriding of role filters can be easily disabled by <br> pressing the \\\"Disable overriding\\\" button.\\n Note that not all filters support <br>%{taxonomies}, so these always remain global.":[""],"When using SSH based provisioning, a special SSH key is created in order to automate the provisioning process.":[""],"When using TLS, you can set how OpenSSL checks the certificate":[""],"Whether or not the image supports user data":[""],"Whether or not the template is locked for editing":[""],"Whether the class parameter value is managed by Foreman.":[""],"Whether the smart class parameter value is managed by Foreman":[""],"Which is an offset of <b>%s</b>":[""],"Widget added to dashboard.":[""],"Widget positions successfully saved.":[""],"Widget removed from dashboard.":[""],"Wiki":[""],"With user groups, you can group your users and assign them roles on a group basis.":[""],"X509 Certification Authorities":[""],"YAML":[""],"Yes":[""],"You are about to change the default PXE menu on all configured TFTP servers - continue?":[""],"You are about to override the editor content with a previous version, are you sure?":[""],"You are about to override the editor content, are you sure?":[""],"You are about to unlock a locked template.":[""],"You are not authorized to lock templates.":[""],"You are not authorized to make a template default.":[""],"You are not authorized to perform this action.":[""],"You are trying to delete your own account":[""],"You are using an unsupported browser.":[""],"You can add SSH public keys to a user in Foreman.":[""],"You can find The Foreman on the %{freenode} ( network. For general support, please visit #theforeman and for development specific related chat, please visit #theforeman-dev.":[""],"You can select one of the IPAM modes supported by the selected IP protocol:<br/><ul><li><strong>DHCP</strong> - will manage the IP on DHCP through assigned DHCP proxy, auto-suggested IPs come from DHCP <em>(IPv4)</em></li><li><strong>Internal DB</strong> - use internal DB to auto-suggest free IP based on other interfaces on same subnet respecting range if specified, useful mainly with static boot mode <em>(IPv4, IPv6)</em>, preserves natural ordering</li><li><strong>Random DB</strong> - same as Internal DB but randomizes results to prevent race conditions <em>(IPv4)</em></li><li><strong>EUI-64</strong> - will assign the IPv6 address based on the MAC address of the interface <em>(IPv6)</em></li><li><strong>None</strong> - leave IP management solely on user, no auto-suggestion <em>(IPv4, IPv6)</em></li></ul>":[""],"You can't assign locations to this resource":[""],"You can't assign organizations to this resource":[""],"You cannot delete this user while logged in as this user":[""],"You do not have permission to %s this location parameter":[""],"You do not have permission to %s this organization parameter":[""],"You don't have any visible hosts. Hosts can be added and provisioned from Foreman, or configured to report to Foreman.":[""],"You don't have permission %{name} with attributes that you have specified or you don't have access to specified %{tax_string}":[""],"You don't seem to have any bookmarks.":[""],"You don't seem to have any facts yet. If you wish to configure fact pushing, please follow the documentation.":[""],"You don't seem to have any reports.":[""],"You have already logged in":[""],"You may also associate one or more operating systems with this medium or alternatively set this up later on the %s page.":[""],"You may also associate one or more operating systems with this partition table or alternatively set this up later on the %s page":[""],"You may create puppet classes that represent high-level host configurations, for example, a <b>host-type-ldap-server</b> class, which includes all the required functionality from other modules or you may decide to create a host group called <b>host-type-ldap-server</b> and add the required classes into the host group configuration.":[""],"You must create a location before continuing.":[""],"You must create an organization before continuing.":[""],"You must create at least one location before continuing.":[""],"You must create at least one organization before continuing.":[""],"You must select at least one permission":[""],"You probably need to configure your %s first.":[""],"You would probably need to attach the":[""],"Your Foreman user account has been created:":[""],"Your host has finished building:":[""],"Your password is too short":[""],"Your password should not contain sequences":[""],"Your password should not contain that many repetitions":[""],"Your password should not contain your email":[""],"Your password should not contain your username":[""],"Your password should use characters from different character classes too":[""],"Your session has expired, please login again":[""],"ZTP PXE template":[""],"Zone":[""],"[encrypted]":[""],"a location":[""],"add a new matcher":[""],"add new network interface":[""],"add new storage volume":[""],"all":[""],"already exists":[""],"an organization":[""],"and":[""],"array":[""],"belongs to config group":[""],"boolean":[""],"boot device, valid devices are disk, cdrom, pxe, bios":[""],"can only be 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var locales = locales || {}; locales['en'] = {"domain":"app","locale_data":{"app":{"":{"Project-Id-Version":"version 0.0.1","Report-Msgid-Bugs-To":"","PO-Revision-Date":"2017-01-12 08:26+0000","Last-Translator":"Lukas Zapletal <>","Language-Team":"Foreman Team <>","Language":"en","MIME-Version":"1.0","Content-Type":"text/plain; charset=UTF-8","Content-Transfer-Encoding":"8bit","Plural-Forms":"nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);","lang":"en","domain":"app","plural_forms":"nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);"}," Remove":[""],"%s - Press Shift-F12 to release the cursor.":[""],"%s - The following hosts are about to be changed":[""],"%s Active Feature":["",""],"%s Distribution":[""],"%s Log Message":["",""],"%s Parameters updated, see below for more information":[""],"%s Template":[""],"%s VM associated to a host":["",""],"%s ago":[""],"%s console is not supported at this time":[""],"%s core":["",""],"%s day ago":["",""],"%s error message":["",""],"%s has been disassociated from VM":[""],"%s host":["",""],"%s is an unknown attribute":[""],"%s is not a valid DNS record type":[""],"%s is not in environment":[""],"%s minute ago":["",""],"%s month ago":["",""],"%s selected hosts":[""],"%s warning message":["",""],"%s week ago":["",""],"%s widget loading...":[""],"%{app_name} API documentation homepage":[""],"%{config_type} rebuild failed for host: %{host_names}.":["",""],"%{controller}: %{host}'s operating system %{os} has no OS family":[""],"%{controller}: %{host}'s operating system is missing":[""],"%{controller}: unable to find a host that matches the request from %{addr}":[""],"%{cores} Cores and %{memory} memory":[""],"%{count} host with no %{taxonomy_single} assigned":["",""],"%{cpus} CPUs and %{memory} MB memory":[""],"%{cpus} CPUs and %{memory} memory":[""],"%{e} does not belong to the %{environment} environment":[""],"%{host} is about to %{action}":[""],"%{host} now boots from %{device}":[""],"%{id} plugin requires Foreman %{matcher} but current is %{current}":[""],"%{id} plugin requires the %{plugin_name} plugin %{matcher} but current is %{plugin_version}":[""],"%{id} plugin requires the %{plugin_name} plugin, not found":[""],"%{image} needs user data, but %{os_link} is not associated to any provisioning template of the kind user_data. Please associate it with a suitable template or uncheck 'User data' for %{compute_resource_image_link}.":[""],"%{key} does not exist in order field":[""],"%{match} does not match an existing host":[""],"%{match} does not match an existing host group":[""],"%{model} with id '%{id}' was not found":[""],"%{name} changed from %{label1} to %{label2}":[""],"%{name} has %{num_tag} class":["",""],"%{os} medium was not set for host '%{host}'":[""],"%{record} is being used by a hidden %{what} resource":[""],"%{record} is used by %{what}":[""],"%{record} is used by host in build mode %{what}":[""],"%{resource_name} not found by id '%{id}'":[""],"%{task} task failed with the following error: %{e}":[""],"%{taxonomy_type} %{taxonomy_name} has %{count} host that will need to be reassociated after deletion. Delete %{taxonomy_name2}?":["",""],"%{type} %{conflicts} already exists":[""],"%{user} Downloaded %{key} as pem file":[""],"%{value} does not belong to %{os} operating system":[""],"%{value} is not a valid controller":[""],"%{value} is not one of %{rules}":[""],"%{vm} is now %{vm_state}":[""],"'%{host}' could be deleted or '%{resource}' is not responding.":[""],"'%{host}' not found on '%{resource}'":[""],"'%{loader}' is not one of %{loaders}":[""],"'%{object_name}' is a '%{object_class}', expected a subnet.":[""],"'Content-Type: %s' is unsupported in API v2 for POST and PUT requests. Please use 'Content-Type: application/json'.":[""],"(Miscellaneous)":[""],"(optional) IAM Role for Fog to use when creating this image.":[""],"*Clear %s proxy*":[""],"*Clear environment*":[""],"*Clear host group*":[""],"*Inherit from host group*":[""],", relevant log entries, and it is highly recommended to also attach the foreman-debug output.":[""],":foreman_url is not set, please configure in the Foreman Web UI (Administer -> Settings -> General)":[""],"<b class='select_count'>0</b> selected":[""],"<b style=\\\"color: #6bb5df;\\\">%{disabled_sum}</b>\\n <p>Disabled</p>":["",""],"<b style=\\\"color: #6bb5df;\\\">%{hosts_sum}</b>\\n <p>Changed</p>":["",""],"<b style=\\\"color: #6bb5df;\\\">%{out_of_sync_sum}</b>\\n <p>Out of sync</p>":["",""],"<b>Description:</b> %{desc}<br/>\\n <b>Type:</b> %{type}<br/>\\n <b>Matcher:</b> %{matcher}<br/>\\n <b>Inherited value:</b> %{inherited_value}":[""],"<b>Foreman API v1 is deprecated. Please use v2.</b><br>If you still need to use v1, you may do so by either passing 'version=1' in the Accept Header or using api/v1/ in the URL.":[""],"<b>Foreman</b> Build Complete":[""],"<b>Foreman</b> Configuration Management Error Report":[""],"<b>Foreman</b> Configuration Management Summary":[""],"<b>Foreman</b> audit summary":[""],"<b>Foreman</b> test email":[""],"<b>Source:</b> %{type} %{name}":[""],"<dl><dt>List</dt> <dd>A list of the allowed values, specified in the Validator rule field.</dd><dt>Regexp</dt> <dd>Validates the input with the regular expression in the Validator rule field.</dd></dl>":[""],"<dl><dt>String</dt> <dd>Everything is taken as a string.</dd><dt>Boolean</dt> <dd>Common representation of boolean values are accepted.</dd><dt>Integer</dt> <dd>Integer numbers only, can be negative.</dd><dt>Real</dt> <dd>Accept any numerical input.</dd><dt>Array</dt> <dd>A valid JSON or YAML input, that must evaluate to an array.</dd><dt>Hash</dt> <dd>A valid JSON or YAML input, that must evaluate to an object/map/dict/hash.</dd><dt>YAML</dt> <dd>Any valid YAML input.</dd><dt>JSON</dt> <dd>Any valid JSON input.</dd></dl>":[""],"A Foreman user group can be associated to a group stored in an LDAP server, so membership of the LDAP group automatically adds the user to the Foreman user group.":[""],"A host group is in some ways similar to an inherited node declaration, in that it is a high level grouping of classes that can be named and treated as a unit. This is then treated as a template and is selectable during the creation of a new host and ensures that the host is configured in one of your pre-defined states.":[""],"A medium represents the source of one or more operating system's installation files, accessible via the network.\\n It will probably be a mirror from the internet or a copy of one or more CD or DVDs.":[""],"A partition table entry represents either":[""],"A problem occurred when detecting host type: %s":[""],"A script to dynamically calculate the desired sizes. E.G.":[""],"A user group already exists with this name":[""],"API Key":[""],"API Resources":[""],"API documentation":[""],"About":[""],"Access Key":[""],"Access denied":[""],"Access unattended without build":[""],"Account":[""],"Acquire IP addresses for %s":[""],"Action":[""],"Actions":[""],"Active":[""],"Active Hosts":[""],"Active features":[""],"Active key":[""],"Add Autosign entry":[""],"Add Bookmark":[""],"Add Combination":[""],"Add Controller":[""],"Add Interface":[""],"Add Matcher":[""],"Add Parameter":[""],"Add Trend Counter":[""],"Add Variable":[""],"Add Volume":[""],"Add a CD-ROM drive to the virtual machine.":[""],"Add a Puppet class to host":[""],"Add a Puppet class to host group":[""],"Add a template combination":[""],"Add external user group":[""],"Add filter":[""],"Add to dashboard":[""],"Add volume":[""],"Add widgets":[""],"Add:":[""],"Adding would cause a cycle!":[""],"Additional Information":[""],"Additional compute resource specific attributes for the interface.":[""],"Additional compute resource specific attributes.":[""],"Additional information about this host":[""],"Address to connect to":[""],"Admin permissions required":[""],"Administer":[""],"Administrator email address":[""],"Administrator user account required":[""],"Alert":[""],"Alerts disabled":[""],"Alias or VLAN device":[""],"All":[""],"All Hosts":[""],"All Puppet Classes for %s":[""],"All Reports":[""],"All compute resources":[""],"All domains":[""],"All environments":[""],"All environments - (not filtered)":[""],"All host groups":[""],"All hosts data matches configurations for locations and organizations.":[""],"All hosts previously with no %{single} are now assigned to %{name}":[""],"All hosts will show a configuration status even when a Puppet smart proxy is not assigned":[""],"All items":[""],"All media":[""],"All messages":[""],"All mismatches between hosts and %s have been fixed":[""],"All mismatches between hosts and locations/organizations have been fixed":[""],"All partition tables":[""],"All provisioning templates":[""],"All realms":[""],"All smart proxies":[""],"All subnets":[""],"All users":[""],"Allocated":[""],"Allocation (GB)":[""],"Allow access to unattended URLs without build mode being used":[""],"Allow external network as main network":[""],"Allowed methods or members":[""],"Always show configuration status":[""],"An IP address will be auto-suggested if you have enabled IPAM on the IPv4 subnet selected above.<br/><br/>The IP address can be left blank when:<br/><ul><li>provisioning tokens are enabled</li><li>the domain does not manage DNS</li><li>the subnet does not manage reverse DNS</li><li>and the subnet does not manage DHCP reservations</li></ul>":[""],"An IP address will be auto-suggested if you have enabled IPAM on the IPv6 subnet selected above.":[""],"An email address is required, please update your account details":[""],"An error occurred while testing the connection: ":[""],"An explicit layout for the partitions of your hard drive(s). E.G.":[""],"An invalid response was received while requesting available features from this proxy":[""],"Annotation Notes":[""],"Annotation notes":[""],"Anonymous admin user %s is missing, run foreman-rake db:seed":[""],"Any Context":[""],"Any Location":[""],"Any Organization":[""],"Applicable Operating Systems":[""],"Applied":[""],"Applied|A":[""],"Architecture":[""],"Architecture Distribution":[""],"Architecture ID":["Name"],"Architectures":[""],"Architecture|Hostgroups count":[""],"Architecture|Hosts count":[""],"Architecture|Name":["Name"],"Are you sure you want to %{act} %{vm}?":[""],"Are you sure you want to delete host %s? This action is irreversible.":[""],"Are you sure you want to delete host %s? This will delete the virtual machine and its disks, and is irreversible.":[""],"Are you sure you want to delete this widget from your dashboard?":[""],"Are you sure you want to log out?":[""],"Are you sure you want to power %{act} %{vm}?":[""],"Are you sure?":[""],"Array of extra information types to include":[""],"Array of host IDs to associate with the partition table":[""],"Array of host group IDs to associate with the partition table":[""],"Array of operating system IDs to associate with the partition table":[""],"Array of operating system IDs to associate with the template":[""],"Array of parameters":[""],"Array of parameters (name, value)":[""],"Array of template combinations (hostgroup_id, environment_id)":[""],"Assign All":[""],"Assign Hosts to %s":[""],"Assign Location":[""],"Assign Organization":[""],"Assign Selected Hosts":[""],"Assign the %{count} host with no %{taxonomy_single} to %{taxonomy_name}":["",""],"Assign to %s":[""],"Assigning hosts to %{taxonomy_name} will also update %{taxonomy_name} to include all the resources that the selected hosts are currently using.":[""],"Associate VM":[""],"Associate VM to a Foreman host":[""],"Associate VMs":[""],"Associate VMs to Foreman hosts":[""],"Associate VMs to Hosts":[""],"Association":[""],"At least one volume must be specified for image-based provisioning.":[""],"Attempting to construct an operating system image filename but %s cannot be built from an image":[""],"Attribute mappings":[""],"Attribute type":[""],"Audit":[""],"Audit Comment":[""],"Audit summary":[""],"Audited::Adapters::ActiveRecord::Audit|Action":["Action"],"Audited::Adapters::ActiveRecord::Audit|Associated name":["Associated name"],"Audited::Adapters::ActiveRecord::Audit|Associated type":["Associated type"],"Audited::Adapters::ActiveRecord::Audit|Auditable name":["Auditable name"],"Audited::Adapters::ActiveRecord::Audit|Auditable type":["Auditable type"],"Audited::Adapters::ActiveRecord::Audit|Audited changes":["Audited changes"],"Audited::Adapters::ActiveRecord::Audit|Comment":["Comment"],"Audited::Adapters::ActiveRecord::Audit|Remote address":["Remote address"],"Audited::Adapters::ActiveRecord::Audit|User type":["User type"],"Audited::Adapters::ActiveRecord::Audit|Username":["Username"],"Audited::Adapters::ActiveRecord::Audit|Version":["Version"],"Audits":[""],"Auth source":[""],"AuthSource|Account":["Account username"],"AuthSource|Account password":["Account password"],"AuthSource|Attr firstname":["First name attribute"],"AuthSource|Attr lastname":["Surname attribute"],"AuthSource|Attr login":["Login name attribute"],"AuthSource|Attr mail":["Email address attribute"],"AuthSource|Attr photo":[""],"AuthSource|Base dn":["Base DN"],"AuthSource|Groups base":[""],"AuthSource|Host":["Server"],"AuthSource|LDAPS":[""],"AuthSource|Ldap filter":[""],"AuthSource|Name":["Name"],"AuthSource|Onthefly register":["Automatically create accounts in Foreman"],"AuthSource|Port":["Port"],"AuthSource|Server type":[""],"AuthSource|Tls":["TLS"],"Authentication":[""],"Author":[""],"Authorize login delegation":[""],"Authorize login delegation API":[""],"Authorize login delegation auth source user autocreate":[""],"Authorize login delegation with REMOTE_USER environment variable":[""],"Authorize login delegation with REMOTE_USER environment variable for API calls too":[""],"Authorized by":[""],"Auto refresh off":[""],"Auto refresh on":[""],"Automate Foreman via a simple and powerful API":[""],"Automatic":[""],"Autosign":[""],"Autosign Entries":[""],"Autosign entries":[""],"Autosign entry name":[""],"Availability zone":[""],"Available Classes":[""],"Available Config Groups":[""],"Available Providers":[""],"Average Memory Usage":[""],"Average Swap Usage":[""],"Avoid duplicate values when merging them (only array type)?":[""],"BIOS":[""],"BMC":[""],"BMC credentials access":[""],"BMC password usage":[""],"Back":[""],"Back to host":[""],"Back to host list":[""],"Backtrace":[""],"Bare Metal":[""],"Base DN":[""],"Before you proceed to using Foreman you should provide information about one or more architectures.":[""],"Bond":[""],"Bond mode of the interface, e.g. balance-rr. Only for bond interfaces.":[""],"Bookmark":[""],"Bookmark this search":[""],"Bookmark was successfully created":[""],"Bookmark was successfully updated":[""],"Bookmarks":[""],"Bookmarks are saved search queries. To save them, click on 'Bookmark this search' on the dropdown next to every search button.":[""],"Bookmark|Controller":["Controller"],"Bookmark|Name":["Name"],"Bookmark|Owner type":["Owner type"],"Bookmark|Public":["Public"],"Bookmark|Query":["Search query"],"Boot Mode":[""],"Boot device":[""],"Boot from volume":[""],"Boot host from specified device":[""],"Bootable":[""],"Bridge":[""],"Browse host config management reports":[""],"Browse host facts":[""],"Browser locale":["Email address"],"Browser timezone":[""],"Build":[""],"Build Hosts":[""],"Build PXE Default":[""],"Build from OS image":[""],"By default we map user groups to standard LDAP Group objects. FreeIPA and POSIX LDAP server types supports alternative way of grouping users through Netgroups. 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When a role is associated <br> with some %s filter is not considered unlimited as it's scoped accordingly.":[""],"CA Certificate Expiry Date":[""],"CD-ROM drive":[""],"CDROM":[""],"CPU hot add":[""],"CPU hot add lets you add CPU resources for a virtual machine while the machine is powered on.":[""],"CPUs":[""],"Cache slow calls to VMWare to speed up page rendering":[""],"Caching":[""],"Calling methods on objects":[""],"Can't delete internal admin account":[""],"Can't delete the last admin account":[""],"Can't delete the last admin user group":[""],"Can't find a valid Foreman Proxy with a Puppet feature":[""],"Cancel":[""],"Cancel build":[""],"Cancel build request for this host":[""],"Canceled pending build for %s":[""],"Cannot add pagelet with key %s and without mountpoint":[""],"Cannot add pagelet with key %s and without partial":[""],"Cannot continue because some permissions were not found, please run rake db:seed and retry":[""],"Cannot create LDAP configuration for %s without dedicated service account":[""],"Cannot delete %{current} because it has nested %{sti_name}.":[""],"Cannot delete built-in role":[""],"Cannot delete group %{current} because it has nested groups.":[""],"Cannot delete group %{current} because it has nested host groups.":[""],"Cannot find user %s when switching context":[""],"Cannot register compute resource, wrong type supplied":[""],"Canvas not supported.":[""],"Caps lock ON":[""],"Certificate Name":[""],"Certificate Path":[""],"Certificate that Foreman will use to encrypt websockets ":[""],"Certificates":[""],"Change Environment":[""],"Change Group":[""],"Change Owner":[""],"Change Power State":[""],"Change Puppet CA":[""],"Change Puppet Master":[""],"Change the password":[""],"Change your avatar at":[""],"Changed environments":["Environment"],"Changes to %s will propagate to all inheriting filters":[""],"Chassis":[""],"Check again":[""],"Check/Uncheck all":[""],"Check/Uncheck all %s changes":[""],"Check/Uncheck new":[""],"Check/Uncheck obsolete":[""],"Check/Uncheck updated":[""],"Choose a family":[""],"Choose a provider":[""],"Choose a server type":[""],"Class":[""],"Class Distribution":[""],"Classes":[""],"Clean up failed deployment":[""],"Click on the link of a compute resource to edit its default VM attributes.":[""],"Click to add %s":[""],"Click to log in again.":[""],"Click to mark as read":[""],"Click to remove %s":[""],"Click to remove config group":[""],"Client Email":[""],"Client SSL certificates are used to identify Smart Proxies (:require_ssl should also be enabled)":[""],"Clone":[""],"Clone %s":[""],"Clone Host %s":[""],"Clone a host group":[""],"Clone a provision template":[""],"Clone a role":[""],"Clone a template":[""],"Clone this host":[""],"Close":[""],"Cluster":[""],"Cluster ID is required to list available networks":[""],"Comments":[""],"Communication status":[""],"Compute Profiles":[""],"Compute Resource":[""],"Compute Resource Distribution":[""],"Compute Resources":[""],"Compute attribute":[""],"Compute profile":[""],"Compute profile ID":[""],"Compute profiles":[""],"Compute resource":[""],"Compute resource IDs":[""],"Compute resource update for %s":[""],"ComputeAttribute|Name":[""],"ComputeAttribute|Vm attrs":[""],"ComputeProfile|Name":[""],"ComputeResource|Attrs":["Attributes"],"ComputeResource|Description":["Description"],"ComputeResource|Name":["Name"],"ComputeResource|Password":["Password"],"ComputeResource|Url":["URL"],"ComputeResource|User":["Username"],"ComputeResource|Uuid":["UUID"],"Config Groups":[""],"Config Management":[""],"Config Retrieval":[""],"Config group":[""],"ConfigGroup|Config group classes count":[""],"ConfigGroup|Hostgroups count":[""],"ConfigGroup|Hosts count":[""],"ConfigGroup|Name":[""],"Configuration":[""],"Configuration Management Error on %s":[""],"Configuration Management Summary Report - F:%{failed} R:%{restarted} S:%{skipped} A:%{applied} FR:%{failed_restarts} T:%{total}":[""],"Configuration rebuild failed for: %s.":[""],"Configuration successfully rebuilt":[""],"Configuration successfully rebuilt.":[""],"Configure":[""],"Configure instance %s via SSH":[""],"Conflict - %s":[""],"Conflicts have been detected":[""],"Connected (unencrypted) to: %s":[""],"Connecting (unencrypted) to: %s":[""],"Console":[""],"Console Passwords":[""],"Console output may be out of date":[""],"Console passwords":[""],"Consult \\\"Provisioning Templates\\\" page to see what templates are available.":[""],"Continue to look for matches after first find (only array/hash type)? 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%{message}":[""],"Error adding widget to dashboard.":[""],"Error connecting to %{proxy}: %{error}.":[""],"Error connecting to '%{domain}' domain DNS servers: %{servers} - check query_local_nameservers and dns_conflict_timeout settings":[""],"Error connecting to system DNS server(s) - check /etc/resolv.conf":[""],"Error generating IP: %s":[""],"Error has occurred while communicating with %{cr}: %{e}":[""],"Error loading interfaces information: %s":[""],"Error loading scheduler hint filters information: %s":[""],"Error removing widget from dashboard.":[""],"Error while connecting to '%{name}' LDAP server at '%{url}' during authentication":[""],"Errors":[""],"Errors occurred, build may fail":[""],"Errors only":[""],"Errors: %s":[""],"Example value is <code>CN=Users,DC=example,DC=COM</code>":[""],"Example value is <code>CN=Users,DC=example,DC=com</code>":[""],"Example value is <code>DOMAIN\\\\foreman</code>":[""],"Example value is <code>cn=groups,cn=accounts,dc=example,dc=com</code> or <code>cn=ng,cn=compat,dc=example,dc=com</code> if you use netgroups":[""],"Example value is <code>cn=users,cn=accounts,dc=example,dc=com</code>":[""],"Example value is <code>dc=example,dc=com</code>":[""],"Example value is <code>uid=foreman,cn=users,cn=accounts,dc=example,dc=com</code>":[""],"Example value is <code>uid=foreman,dc=example,dc=com</code>":[""],"Examples":[""],"Exit Full Screen":[""],"Expand nested items":[""],"Expand the chart":[""],"Expire logs":[""],"Expires":[""],"Explain matchers":[""],"Export":[""],"Export a partition template to ERB":[""],"Export a provisioning template to ERB":[""],"Export to CSV":[""],"External Groups":[""],"External IP":[""],"External user group":[""],"External user group %{name} could not be refreshed":[""],"External user group %{name} refreshed":[""],"External user group information":[""],"External user group name":[""],"External user groups will be synced on login, else relies on periodic cronjob to check group membership":[""],"External usergroup":[""],"ExternalUsergroup|Name":[""],"FQDN":[""],"Fact Name":[""],"Fact Values":[""],"Fact Values | %{host_name}":[""],"Fact distribution chart":[""],"Fact name":[""],"Fact value":[""],"FactName|Ancestry":[""],"FactName|Compose":[""],"FactName|Name":["Name"],"FactName|Short name":[""],"FactValue|Origin":[""],"FactValue|Value":["Value"],"Facts":[""],"Fail on Mismatch":[""],"Failed":[""],"Failed Restarts":[""],"Failed Restarts|FR":[""],"Failed connecting to %s":[""],"Failed features":[""],"Failed features: %s":["",""],"Failed restarts":[""],"Failed to %{action} %{host}: %{e}":[""],"Failed to acquire IP addresses from compute resource for %s":[""],"Failed to cancel pending build for %{hostname} with the following errors: %{errors}":[""],"Failed to clean any old certificates or add the autosign entry. 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Required for primary interfaces on managed hosts.":[""],"Foreman host group matchers will be inherited by children when evaluating smart class parameters":[""],"Foreman now manages the build cycle for %s":[""],"Foreman now no longer manages the build cycle for %s":[""],"Foreman report creation time is <em>%s</em>":[""],"Foreman smart variables will be exposed via the ENC yaml output":[""],"Foreman subnet ID of IPv4 interface":[""],"Foreman subnet ID of IPv6 interface":[""],"Foreman supports automatically creating realm entries for new hosts.":[""],"Foreman supports creating and managing hosts on a number of virtualization and cloud services - referred to as “compute resources” - as well as bare metal hosts.":[""],"Foreman test email":[""],"Foreman ticketing system":[""],"Foreman will automate certificate signing upon provision of new host":[""],"Foreman will create the host when a report is received":[""],"Foreman will create the host when new facts are received":[""],"Foreman will default to this puppet environment if it cannot auto detect one":[""],"Foreman will delete virtual machine if provisioning script ends with non zero exit code":[""],"Foreman will evaluate host smart variables in this order by default":[""],"Foreman will explicitly set the puppet environment in the ENC yaml output. 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A 'create_ssh_keys' permission is required too.":[""],"In-line code syntax":[""],"Include default value when merging all matching values":[""],"Include default value when merging all matching values.":[""],"Include this host within Foreman reporting":[""],"Included Classes":[""],"Included Config Groups":[""],"Incorrect password":[""],"Incorrect username or password":[""],"Independent - Nonpersistent":[""],"Independent - Persistent":[""],"Infrastructure":[""],"Inherit parent (%s)":[""],"Inherited Classes from %s":[""],"Inherits from subnet VLAN ID if not set":[""],"Input":[""],"Installation Media":[""],"Installation medium configuration":[""],"Installed":[""],"Interface":[""],"Interface is down":[""],"Interface is up":[""],"Interface provider, e.g. IPMI. Only for BMC interfaces.":[""],"Interface type, e.g. bmc. Default is %{default_nic_type}":[""],"Interface's DNS name":[""],"Interfaces":[""],"Internal DB":[""],"Internal Server Error: the server was unable to finish the request. ":[""],"Internal network":[""],"Interpolate ERB in parameters":[""],"Invalid %{assoc} selection, you must select at least one of yours and have '%{perm}' permission.":[""],"Invalid architecture '%{arch}' for '%{os}'":[""],"Invalid architecture for %s":[""],"Invalid authenticity token":[""],"Invalid log level: %s":[""],"Invalid medium '%{medium}' for '%{os}'":[""],"Invalid medium for %s":[""],"Invalid power state request: %{action}, supported actions are %{supported}":[""],"Invalid proxy selected!":[""],"Invalid query":[""],"Invalid report":[""],"Invalid search query: %s":[""],"Invalid smart-proxy id":[""],"Invalid type for host creation via facts: %s":[""],"Invalid version format, please enter in x.y (only major version).":[""],"Is the cron job that executes %s enabled?":[""],"Issue tracker":[""],"It is not possible to assign provisioning templates at this stage.":[""],"It is not recommended to unlock this template, as it is provided by %{vendor} and may be overwritten. Please consider cloning it instead.":[""],"Item":[""],"Iterating":[""],"JSON VM listing is not supported for this compute resource.":[""],"JSON object of the scheduler hint":[""],"Keep selected hosts for a future action":[""],"Key Binding":[""],"Key not connected to any compute resource":[""],"Key pair":[""],"Key used with other compute resource":[""],"KeyPair|Name":["Name"],"KeyPair|Public":[""],"KeyPair|Secret":["Secret"],"Kind":[""],"LDAP Authentication":[""],"LDAP authentication sources":[""],"LDAP error - %{message}":[""],"LDAP filter":[""],"LDAP server":[""],"LDAP users will have their Foreman account automatically created the first time they log into Foreman":[""],"Language":[""],"Last Report":[""],"Last report":[""],"Last update: %s":[""],"Latest Events":[""],"Learn more about this in the documentation.":[""],"Legacy Puppet hostname":[""],"Length":[""],"Level":[""],"Libvirt default console address":[""],"Libvirt, oVirt, OpenStack and Rackspace":[""],"Limit rebuild steps, valid 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You can edit it later to add filters":[""],"Please save the user first before assigning mail notifications.":[""],"Please select a cluster":[""],"Please select an environment first":[""],"Please select an image":[""],"Please select hosts to perform action on.":[""],"Please specify volume size. You may optionally use suffix 'G' to specify volume size in gigabytes.":[""],"Please try to update your request":[""],"Please wait while your request is being processed":[""],"Please wait...":[""],"Plugins":[""],"Port to connect to":[""],"Power":[""],"Power ON this machine":[""],"Power operations are not enabled on this host.":[""],"Power up compute instance %s":[""],"Power%s":[""],"Preallocate disk":[""],"Prefix length can't be blank":[""],"Prefix length for this subnet, e.g. 24":[""],"Prefix length must be /64 or less to use EUI-64":[""],"Prefix to add to all outgoing email":[""],"Prepare post installation script for %s":[""],"Preview":[""],"Preview rendered provisioning template content":[""],"Primary":[""],"Primary DNS Server":[""],"Primary DNS for this subnet":[""],"Primary interface's DNS name and domain define host's FQDN":[""],"Printing data":[""],"Prioritize Attribute Order":[""],"Private":[""],"Private key file that Foreman will use to encrypt websockets ":[""],"Proceed to 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address":[""],"Remove":[""],"Remove %s?":[""],"Remove %{type} for %{host}":[""],"Remove Combination":[""],"Remove DHCP Settings for %s":[""],"Remove Matcher":[""],"Remove Parameter":[""],"Remove a Puppet class from host":[""],"Remove a Puppet class from host group":[""],"Remove conflicting %{type} for %{host}":[""],"Remove duplicate values (only array type)":[""],"Remove this override":[""],"Remove:":[""],"Removing compute instance %s":[""],"Rename":[""],"Render user data template for %s":[""],"Rendering the template, please wait...":[""],"Report":[""],"Report Metrics":[""],"Report Status":[""],"Reported at":[""],"Reported at %s ":[""],"Reports":[""],"Report|Metrics":["Metrics"],"Report|Reported at":["Report time"],"Report|Status":["Status"],"Require SSL for smart proxies":[""],"Required parameter without value.<br/><b>Please override!</b><br/>":[""],"Required when user want to change own password":[""],"Reset to default":[""],"Reset zoom":[""],"Resolve":[""],"Resource":[""],"Resource 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Each managed hosts needs to have one provision interface.":[""],"Should this interface be used for constructing the FQDN of the host? Each managed hosts needs to have one primary interface.":[""],"Show %s fact values for all hosts":[""],"Show :a_resource":[""],"Show Diff":[""],"Show Host":[""],"Show Trends":[""],"Show a Puppet class":[""],"Show a Puppet class for a host group":[""],"Show a Puppet class for an environment":[""],"Show a Puppet class for host":[""],"Show a bookmark":[""],"Show a compute profile":[""],"Show a compute resource":[""],"Show a config group":[""],"Show a default template combination for an operating system":[""],"Show a domain":[""],"Show a filter":[""],"Show a global parameter":[""],"Show a hardware model":[""],"Show a host":[""],"Show a host group":[""],"Show a medium":[""],"Show a nested parameter for a domain":[""],"Show a nested parameter for a host":[""],"Show a nested parameter for a host group":[""],"Show a nested parameter for a location":[""],"Show a nested parameter for a subnet":[""],"Show a nested parameter for an operating system":[""],"Show a nested parameter for an organization":[""],"Show a partition table":[""],"Show a permission":[""],"Show a realm":[""],"Show a report":[""],"Show a role":[""],"Show a setting":[""],"Show a smart class parameter":[""],"Show a smart proxy":[""],"Show a smart variable":[""],"Show a subnet":[""],"Show a user":[""],"Show a user group":[""],"Show all %s children fact values":[""],"Show all %s facts with the same value":[""],"Show an LDAP authentication source":[""],"Show an SSH key from a user":[""],"Show an architecture":[""],"Show an audit":[""],"Show an email notification":[""],"Show an environment":[""],"Show an external user group for LDAP authentication source":[""],"Show an external user group for user group":[""],"Show an image":[""],"Show an interface for host":[""],"Show an operating system":[""],"Show an override value for a specific smart class parameter":[""],"Show an override value for a specific smart variable":[""],"Show available API links":[""],"Show distribution chart":[""],"Show full value":[""],"Show host power status":[""],"Show linked external user groups":[""],"Show log messages:":[""],"Show power status on host index page. This feature calls to compute resource providers which may lead to decreased performance on host listing page.":[""],"Show provisioning template details":[""],"Show status":[""],"Show template combination":[""],"Show the last report for a host":[""],"Sign":[""],"Single host on this page is selected.":["",""],"Size":[""],"Size (GB)":[""],"Skip assign hosts and proceed to edit %s settings":[""],"Skipped":[""],"Skipped|S":[""],"Smart Class Parameter":[""],"Smart Class Parameters":[""],"Smart Proxies":[""],"Smart Proxy":[""],"Smart Proxy: %s":[""],"Smart Variables":[""],"Smart proxy":[""],"Smart proxy IDs":[""],"SmartProxy|Name":["Name"],"SmartProxy|Url":["URL"],"Snippet":[""],"Some Puppet Classes are unavailable in the selected environment":[""],"Some imported user account details cannot be saved: %s":[""],"Some interfaces are invalid":[""],"Some of the interfaces are invalid. Please check the table below.":[""],"Some or all hosts execution failed, Please check log files for more information":[""],"Some other interface is already set as primary. Are you sure you want to use this one instead?":[""],"Some other interface is already set as provisioning. Are you sure you want to use this one instead?":[""],"Something went wrong while changing host type - %s":[""],"Something went wrong while selecting hosts - %s":[""],"Sorry but no templates were configured.":[""],"Sorry, these hosts do not have parameters assigned to them, you must add them first.":[""],"Source":[""],"Source|Digest":["Digest"],"Source|Value":["Value"],"Space separated options, e.g. miimon=100. Only for bond interfaces.":[""],"Specified value is higher than recommended maximum":[""],"Specify Matchers":[""],"Specify additional options to sendmail":[""],"Specify authentication type, if required":[""],"Start":[""],"Starting IP Address for IP auto suggestion":[""],"State":[""],"Static":[""],"Statistics":[""],"Status":["Status"],"Stop updating IP address and MAC values from Puppet facts (affects all interfaces)":[""],"Stop updating Operating System from facts":[""],"Stop updating domain values from facts":[""],"Storage":[""],"Storage Pod":[""],"Storage domain":[""],"Storage pool":[""],"Strong":[""],"Submit":[""],"Subnet":[""],"Subnet ID":["End of IP range"],"Subnet IDs":[""],"Subnet description":[""],"Subnet name":[""],"Subnet network":[""],"Subnet numeric identifier":[""],"Subnets":[""],"Subnet|Boot mode":[""],"Subnet|Dns primary":["Primary DNS server"],"Subnet|Dns secondary":["Secondary DNS server"],"Subnet|From":["Start of IP range"],"Subnet|Gateway":["Gateway address"],"Subnet|Ipam":[""],"Subnet|Mask":["Network mask"],"Subnet|Name":["Name"],"Subnet|Network":["Network address"],"Subnet|Priority":["Priority"],"Subnet|To":["End of IP range"],"Subnet|Vlanid":["VLAN ID"],"Subscribe":[""],"Subscribe to all hosts":[""],"Subscribe to my hosts":[""],"Success":[""],"Successfully created %s.":[""],"Successfully delete %s":[""],"Successfully deleted %s.":[""],"Successfully deleted report.":[""],"Successfully executed, check log files for more details":[""],"Successfully executed, check reports and/or log files for more details":[""],"Successfully overridden all parameters of Puppet class %s":[""],"Successfully recreated":[""],"Successfully refreshed features from %s.":[""],"Successfully refreshed the cache.":[""],"Successfully reset all parameters of Puppet class %s to their default values":[""],"Successfully updated %s.":[""],"Successfully updated environments and Puppet classes from the on-disk Puppet installation":[""],"Suggest new":[""],"Summary from %{time} ago to now":[""],"Summary report from Foreman server at %{foreman_url}":[""],"Support":[""],"Supported Formats":[""],"Synchronize group from authentication source":[""],"Syntax Highlighting":[""],"Syntax error occurred while parsing the template %{template_name}, make sure you have all ERB tags properly closed and the Ruby syntax is valid. The Ruby error: %{message}":[""],"System Information":[""],"System Status":["Status"],"TFTP":[""],"TFTP Proxy":[""],"TFTP Proxy ID to use within this subnet":[""],"TFTP Proxy to use within this subnet":[""],"TFTP server":[""],"Taxable taxonomy":[""],"TaxableTaxonomy|Taxable type":["Taxable type"],"Taxonomy":[""],"Taxonomy|Ancestry":[""],"Taxonomy|Ignore types":["All objects"],"Taxonomy|Name":["Name"],"Taxonomy|Title":[""],"Template":[""],"Template %s is empty.":[""],"Template '%s' is either missing or has an invalid organization or location":[""],"Template '%s' was not found":[""],"Template Diff":[""],"Template Type":[""],"Template content changed %s":[""],"Template diff":[""],"Template editor":[""],"Template kind":[""],"Template kinds, available values: %{template_kinds}":[""],"Template locked":[""],"Template syntax":[""],"Template that will be selected as %s default for local boot.":[""],"Template unlocked":[""],"TemplateKind|Name":["Name"],"Templates":[""],"Templates resolved for this operating system":[""],"Tenant":[""],"Test Connection":[""],"Test LDAP connection":[""],"Test LDAP connectivity":[""],"Test connection to LDAP server was successful.":[""],"Test connection was successful":[""],"Test email":[""],"Text to be shown in the login-page footer":[""],"That is, if you are planning to manage a site where all the machines are of the form <i>hostname</i>.<b></b>\\n then the domain is <b></b>.":[""],"The %{proxy_type} proxy could not be set for host: %{host_names}.":["",""],"The %{proxy_type} proxy of the selected hosts was cleared":[""],"The %{proxy_type} proxy of the selected hosts was cleared.":[""],"The %{proxy_type} proxy of the selected hosts was set to %{proxy_name}":[""],"The %{proxy_type} proxy of the selected hosts was set to %{proxy_name}.":[""],"The <b>fullname</b> field is used for human readability in reports and other pages that refer to domains,\\n and also available as an external node parameter":[""],"The Audit Comment field is saved with the template auditing to document the template changes":[""],"The BMC password will be used by Foreman to access the host's BMC controller via a BMC-enabled smart proxy, if available.<br/>":[""],"The IP address that should be used for the console listen address when provisioning new virtual machines via Libvirt":[""],"The Managed flag also determines whether the interface should be configured during host provisioning, so that the configuration remains after reboot.":[""],"The NFS path to the image directory.":[""],"The NFS path to the jumpstart control files.":[""],"The NFS path to the media.":[""],"The Operating systems detail the OSs known to Foreman, and is the central point that the other required components tie into.":[""],"The Primary interface is used for constructing the FQDN of the host.":[""],"The Provisioning interface is used for TFTP configuration for PXE boot based on this interface MAC address.":[""],"The authentication process currently requires an LDAP provider, such as <em>FreeIPA</em>,\\n <em>OpenLDAP</em> or <em>Microsoft's Active Directory</em>.":[""],"The class could not be saved because of an error in one of the class parameters.":[""],"The class of CPU supplied in this machine. This is primarily used by Sparc Solaris builds and can be left blank for other architectures. The value can be determined on Solaris via uname -m":[""],"The class of the machine reported by the Open Boot Prom. This is primarily used by Sparc Solaris builds and can be left blank for other architectures. The value can be determined on Solaris via uname -i|cut -f2 -d,":["The class of the machine as reported by the OpenBoot PROM. This is primarily used by Solaris SPARC builds and can be left blank for other architectures. The value can be determined on Solaris via `uname -i|cut -f2 -d`."],"The default administrator email address":[""],"The dynamic partitioning style is currently only available for the Red Hat family of operating systems, all others must provide an explicit list of partitions and sizes.":[""],"The file path where your p12 file is located":[""],"The final entry, Operating System default, can be set by editing the %s page.":[""],"The following IPv4 subnets have been found. Please review the details before creating them.":[""],"The following entries were found conflicting with what foreman wanted to apply.":[""],"The following errors may prevent a successful build:":[""],"The following fields would need reviewing":[""],"The following hosts failed the build operation: %s":[""],"The following hosts were not %{action}: %{missed_hosts}":[""],"The following hosts were not deleted: %s":[""],"The following hosts were updated":[""],"The following parameters were skipped as they did not exists on this host:":[""],"The following table and example snippet shows global methods, variables and class methods and how to use them.":[""],"The full DNS domain name":[""],"The host group's classes and the host group's variables are included in the external node information when the puppetmaster compiles the host's configuration.":[""],"The inclusion of the keyword string <b>#Dynamic</b> at the start of a line lets Foreman know that this is not an explicit disk layout and must treated as a shell script, executed prior\\n to the install process and that the explicit partition table will be found at <b>/tmp/diskpart.cfg</b> during the build process.":[""],"The keys can be used in provisioning templates and are also available for configuration management tools managed by Foreman.":[""],"The keywords <b>$version</b>, <b>$major</b> and <b>$minor</b> will be interpolated back into the path specification to calculate the true URL address.":[""],"The list is excluding %{count} %{link_start}physical host%{link_end}.":["",""],"The location of the sendmail executable":[""],"The marked fields will need reviewing":[""],"The method used to provision the host. Possible provision_methods may be %{provision_methods}":[""],"The order in which matchers keys are processed, first match wins.<br> You may use multiple attributes as a matcher key, for example, an order of <code>host group, environment</code> would expect a matcher such as <code>hostgroup = \\\"web servers\\\", environment = production</code>":[""],"The order in which values are resolved":[""],"The password will also be accessible to other users via templates and in the ENC YAML output; disable the bmc_credentials_accessible setting to prevent access.":[""],"The password will not be accessible to other users; enable the bmc_credentials_accessible setting to permit access via templates and in the ENC YAML output.":[""],"The path to the medium, can be a URL or a valid NFS server (exclusive of the architecture).\\n for example <em>$version/os/$arch</em> where <strong>$arch</strong> will be substituted for the host's actual OS architecture and <strong>$version</strong>, <strong>$major</strong> and <strong>$minor</strong> will be substituted for the version of the operating system. Solaris and Debian media may also use <strong>$release</strong>.":[""],"The power state of the selected hosts will be set to %s":[""],"The realm name, e.g. EXAMPLE.COM":[""],"The remote system presented a public key signed by an unidentified certificate authority. If you are sure the remote system is authentic, go to the compute resource edit page, press the 'Test Connection' or 'Load Datacenters' button and submit":[""],"The remote system presented a public key with hash %s but we're expecting a different hash. If you are sure the remote system is authentic, go to the compute resource edit page, press the 'Test Connection' or 'Load Datacenters' button and submit":[""],"The selected hosts were enabled for reboot and rebuild":[""],"The selected hosts will execute a build operation on next reboot":[""],"The services to be configured are determined by the subnet and domain that are selected for this interface. If you want to manage<br/> only a subset of these services, change the %{subnet} and %{domain} proxies configuration. When a proxy is set to 'None', the corresponding":[""],"The snippet '%{name}' threw an error: %{exc}":[""],"The template is associated to at least one host in build mode. To apply the change, disable and enable build mode on hosts to update the live templates or choose to %s their configuration from 'Select Action' menu":[""],"The user that is used to ssh into the instance, normally cloud-user, ec2-user, ubuntu, root etc":[""],"The virtual machine is being deleted.":[""],"There are migrations pending in the system.":[""],"There are no puppet environments set up on this puppet master. Please check the puppet master configuration.":[""],"There are orchestration modules with methods for configuration rebuild that have identical name: '%s'":[""],"There are two strategies when using host groups.":[""],"There is":["",""],"There is no owner with id %d and type %s":[""],"There is no proxy with BMC feature set up. Please register a smart proxy with this feature.":[""],"There may be more information in the server's logs.":[""],"There was an error creating the PXE file: %s":[""],"There was an error listing %{listing}: %{errors}":[""],"There was an error listing VMs: %(status)s %(statusText)s":[""],"There was an error rendering the %s template: ":[""],"There was an error rendering the %{name} template: %{error}":[""],"There was no active bridge interface found in libvirt, if it does not support listing, you can enter the bridge name manually (e.g. br0)":[""],"These are guaranteed to work via the safe mode rendering, to ensure a template can do nothing harmful.":[""],"These two options are personal decisions and are up to you (where the main difference would be the parameter/variables settings).":[""],"Thin provision":[""],"This Puppet class has no parameters in its signature.":[""],"This allows Foreman to associate a puppet variable with a domain/site and automatically append this variable to all external node requests made by machines at that site.":[""],"This group has nested groups!":[""],"This group has no roles":[""],"This host's stored facts and reports will be deleted too.":[""],"This interface is also used for network communication during provisioning, e.g. downloading installation packages.":[""],"This is a test message to confirm that Foreman's email configuration is working.":[""],"This is for every location and organization that uses it.":[""],"This is for every location that uses it.":[""],"This is for every organization that uses it.":[""],"This is inherited from parent":[""],"This is used by a host":[""],"This may be caused by unavailability of some required service, incorrect API call or a server-side bug. ":[""],"This might take a while, as all hosts, facts and reports will be destroyed as well":[""],"This role has been cloned from role %s":[""],"This role is locked for editing.":[""],"This role is locked from being modified by users.":[""],"This setting is defined in the configuration file '%{filename}' and is read-only.":[""],"This template is locked and may not be removed.":[""],"This template is locked for editing.":[""],"This template is locked. Please clone it to a new template to customize.":[""],"This template is locked. You may only change the associations. Please %s it to customize.":[""],"This value is not hidden":[""],"This value is used also as the host's primary interface name.":[""],"This will reset parameters of the class %s to their default values. Continue?":[""],"This will set all parameters of the class %s as overridden. Continue?":[""],"Time":[""],"Time in Seconds":[""],"Time in minutes installation tokens should be valid for, 0 to disable token generation":[""],"Timeout for DNS conflict validation (in seconds)":[""],"Timeout has occurred while communicating with %s":[""],"To define trend counters, use the Add Trend Counter button.</br> To start collecting trend data, set a cron job to execute 'foreman-rake trends:counter' every Puppet Interval (%s minutes).":[""],"To enable a provider, either install the OS package (e.g. foreman-libvirt) or enable the bundler group for development setup (e.g. ovirt).":[""],"To enable safe mode, navigate to Settings page and enable Safemode rendering option.":[""],"To start collecting trend data, set a cron job to execute <span class='black'>foreman-rake trends:counter</span> every Puppet Interval (%s minutes)":[""],"To update the class signature, go to the Puppet Classes page and select \\\"Import\\\".":[""],"Toggle":[""],"Token":[""],"Token duration":[""],"Token expired":[""],"Token|Expires":["Expires"],"Token|Value":["Value"],"Total":[""],"Total Hosts: %s":[""],"Total hosts count":[""],"Total of one host":["",""],"Trend":[""],"Trend counter":[""],"Trend of the last %s days.":[""],"TrendCounter|Count":["Count"],"Trends":[""],"Trends for %s":[""],"Trend|Fact name":["Fact name"],"Trend|Fact value":["Fact value"],"Trend|Name":["Name"],"Trend|Trendable type":["Trend type"],"Trigger a puppetrun on a node; requires that puppet run is enabled":[""],"Troubleshooting":[""],"True/False flag whether a host is managed or unmanaged. Note: this value also determines whether several parameters are required or not":[""],"Trusted puppetmaster hosts":[""],"Try going to %{href}":[""],"Type":[""],"Type of name generator":[""],"Type of realm, e.g. FreeIPA":[""],"Type or protocol, IPv4 or IPv6, defaults to IPv4":[""],"Types of validation values":[""],"Types of variable values":[""],"URL":[""],"URL for %{providers_requiring_url}":[""],"URL hosts will retrieve templates from during build (normally http as many installers don't support https)":[""],"URL must be valid and schema must be one of %s":[""],"URL where your Foreman instance is reachable (see also Provisioning > unattended_url)":[""],"UTC time of report":[""],"UUID":[""],"UUID to track orchestration tasks status, GET /api/orchestration/:UUID/tasks":[""],"Unable to access key":[""],"Unable to authenticate user %s":[""],"Unable to change VM display listen address, make sure the display is not attached to localhost only":[""],"Unable to communicate with the proxy: %s":[""],"Unable to connect":[""],"Unable to connect to LDAP server":[""],"Unable to create default TFTP boot menu":[""],"Unable to create realm entry":[""],"Unable to create the default role.":[""],"Unable to define volumes:":[""],"Unable to delete DHCP entry for %s":[""],"Unable to delete DNS entry":[""],"Unable to delete PuppetCA autosign for %s":[""],"Unable to delete PuppetCA certificate for %s":[""],"Unable to delete TFTP boot entry for %s":[""],"Unable to detect TFTP boot server":[""],"Unable to detect features":[""],"Unable to detect version":[""],"Unable to determine the host's boot server. The DHCP smart proxy failed to provide this information and this subnet is not provided with TFTP services.":[""],"Unable to disable bmc_credentials_accessible when safemode_render is disabled":[""],"Unable to disable safemode_render when bmc_credentials_accessible is disabled":[""],"Unable to execute Puppet run":[""],"Unable to fetch TFTP boot file":[""],"Unable to fetch logs":[""],"Unable to find IP address for '%s'":[""],"Unable to find a proxy with BMC feature":[""],"Unable to find proper authentication method":[""],"Unable to find template %s":[""],"Unable to generate output, Check log files":[""],"Unable to get BMC providers":[""],"Unable to get PuppetCA autosign":[""],"Unable to get PuppetCA certificates":[""],"Unable to get classes from Puppet for %s":[""],"Unable to get environment from Puppet":[""],"Unable to get environments from Puppet":[""],"Unable to get installed BMC providers":[""],"Unable to initialize ProxyAPI class %s":[""],"Unable to perform boot BMC operation":[""],"Unable to perform identify BMC operation":[""],"Unable to perform lan BMC operation":[""],"Unable to perform power BMC operation":[""],"Unable to render %{kind} template '%{name}': %{e}":[""],"Unable to render '%{name}' template: %{e}":[""],"Unable to retrieve DHCP entry for %s":[""],"Unable to retrieve DHCP subnet":[""],"Unable to retrieve DHCP subnets":[""],"Unable to retrieve unused IP":[""],"Unable to save":[""],"Unable to send email, check server logs for more information":[""],"Unable to set DHCP entry":[""],"Unable to set DNS entry":[""],"Unable to set PuppetCA autosign for %s":[""],"Unable to set TFTP boot entry for %s":[""],"Unable to sign PuppetCA certificate for %s":[""],"Unable to turn on websockets_encrypt, either websockets_ssl_key or websockets_ssl_cert is missing":[""],"Unable to unset websockets_ssl_cert when websockets_encrypt is on":[""],"Unable to unset websockets_ssl_key when websockets_encrypt is on":[""],"Unallowed template for dashboard widget: %s":[""],"Unattended URL":[""],"Undo remove":[""],"Undo selection":[""],"Unhide this value":[""],"Unknown":[""],"Unknown IPAM type - can't continue":[""],"Unknown Power State":[""],"Unknown action name for success message: %s":[""],"Unknown build status":[""],"Unknown device: available devices are %s":[""],"Unknown interface type, must be one of [%s]":[""],"Unknown power action: available methods are %s":[""],"Unknown power management support - can't continue":[""],"Unknown power state":[""],"Unlock":[""],"Unmanage host":[""],"Unsupported IPAM mode for %s":[""],"Unsupported password hash function '%s'":[""],"Unsupported report status format":[""],"Update":[""],"Update :a_resource":[""],"Update IP from built request":[""],"Update a Puppet class":[""],"Update a bookmark":[""],"Update a compute attributes set":[""],"Update a compute profile":[""],"Update a compute resource":[""],"Update a config group":[""],"Update a default template combination for an operating system":[""],"Update a domain":[""],"Update a filter":[""],"Update a global parameter":[""],"Update a hardware model":[""],"Update a host":[""],"Update a host group":[""],"Update a host's interface":[""],"Update a medium":[""],"Update a nested parameter for a domain":[""],"Update a nested parameter for a host":[""],"Update a nested parameter for a host group":[""],"Update a nested parameter for a location":[""],"Update a nested parameter for a subnet":[""],"Update a nested parameter for an operating system":[""],"Update a nested parameter for an organization":[""],"Update a partition table":[""],"Update a provisioning template":[""],"Update a realm":[""],"Update a role":[""],"Update a setting":[""],"Update a smart class parameter":[""],"Update a smart proxy":[""],"Update a smart variable":[""],"Update a subnet":[""],"Update a user":[""],"Update a user group":[""],"Update an LDAP authentication source":[""],"Update an architecture":[""],"Update an environment":[""],"Update an image":[""],"Update an operating system":[""],"Update an override value for a specific smart class parameter":[""],"Update an override value for a specific smart variable":[""],"Update environment from facts":[""],"Update external user group":[""],"Update realm entry for %s":[""],"Update subnets from facts":[""],"Update template combination":[""],"Update the default PXE menu on all configured TFTP servers":[""],"Update:":[""],"Updated":[""],"Updated all hosts!":[""],"Updated hosts: Disassociated from VM":[""],"Updated hosts: changed environment":[""],"Updated hosts: changed host group":[""],"Updated hosts: changed owner":[""],"Upload facts for a host, creating the host if required":[""],"Use Gravatar":[""],"Use NIS netgroups instead of posix groups.":[""],"Use UUID for certificates":[""],"Use short name for VMs":[""],"Use this account to authenticate, <i>optional</i>":[""],"Use this puppet server as a CA server":[""],"Use this puppet server as an initial Puppet Server or to execute puppet runs":[""],"Used to enforce certain values for the parameter values":[""],"User":[""],"User Group":[""],"User Groups":[""],"User IDs":[""],"User data template":[""],"User groups":[""],"User groups enable users to log into Foreman and be automatically granted permissions.":[""],"User role":[""],"User's preferred locale":[""],"User's timezone":[""],"UserRole|Owner type":[""],"Usergroup":[""],"Usergroup member":[""],"UsergroupMember|Member type":["Member type"],"Usergroup|Admin":["Administrator"],"Usergroup|Auth source":[""],"Usergroup|Name":["Name"],"Username":[""],"Username for oVirt, EC2, VMware, OpenStack. Access Key for EC2.":[""],"Username to use to authenticate, if required":[""],"Users":[""],"User|Admin":["Administrator"],"User|Avatar hash":[""],"User|Firstname":["First name"],"User|Last login on":["Last login time"],"User|Lastname":["Surname"],"User|Locale":["Email address"],"User|Login":["Username"],"User|Lower login":[""],"User|Mail":["Email address"],"User|Mail enabled":["First name"],"User|Password hash":["Password hash"],"User|Password salt":["Password salt"],"Uses thin provisioning if unchecked":[""],"Using the organization system provides a way to group resources together for easy management. Organizations are particularly useful for Foreman installations where several customers or business units are managed with a single Foreman install.":[""],"VCPU(s)":[""],"VCenter/Server":[""],"VLAN ID for this subnet":[""],"VLAN tag, this attribute has precedence over the subnet VLAN ID. Only for virtual interfaces.":[""],"VM":[""],"VM Attributes":[""],"VM Attributes (%s)":[""],"VM already associated with a host":[""],"VM associated to host %s":[""],"VM is not running!":[""],"VNC/SPICE websocket proxy console access encryption (websockets_ssl_key/cert setting required)":[""],"Valid Host Group and Environment Combinations":[""],"Valid from":[""],"Validation types":[""],"Value":[""],"Value to use when there is no match":[""],"Value to use when there is no match.":[""],"Variable":[""],"Variable lookup key":[""],"Variables":[""],"Vendor Class":[""],"Verify":[""],"Version":[""],"Version %{version}":[""],"Version %{version} %{copyright} 2009-%{year} Paul Kelly and %{author}":[""],"Very Strong":[""],"View Chart":[""],"View Diff":[""],"View in Foreman:":[""],"View list":[""],"Virtual (NAT)":[""],"Virtual H/W version":[""],"Virtual Machine":[""],"Virtual Machines":[""],"Virtual Machines on %s":[""],"Virtual NIC":[""],"Virtual machine settings cannot be edited on an existing machine in %s":[""],"WARNING":[""],"Wait for %s to come online":[""],"Warning":[""],"Warning!":[""],"Warning! This will remove %{name} from %{number} user. are you sure?":["",""],"Warning: This combination of loader and OS might not be able to boot.":[""],"Warning: This will delete this host and all of its data!":[""],"Warnings and errors":[""],"We have not found any documentation for your API.":[""],"We use Redmine to report and track bugs and feature requests, which can be found here:":[""],"Weak":[""],"Websockets SSL certificate":[""],"Websockets SSL key":[""],"Websockets encryption":[""],"Weekly":[""],"Welcome to Foreman":[""],"What ever text(or ERB template) you use in here, would be used as your OS disk layout options If you want to use the partition table option, delete all of the text from this field":[""],"When a Host requests a template (e.g. during provisioning), Foreman will select the best match from the available templates of that type, in the following order:":[""],"When a realm is selected for a host, Foreman contacts the relevant realm smart proxy to create an entry for the host and retrieve it's one-time registration password.":[""],"When editing a template, you must assign a list of operating systems which this template can be used with. Optionally, you can restrict a template to a list of host groups and/or environments.":[""],"When enabled the parameter is hidden in the UI":[""],"When specifying custom value, add 'MB' or 'GB' at the end. Field is not case sensitive and MB is default if unspecified.":[""],"When the role's associated %{taxonomies} are changed,<br> the change will propagate to all inheriting filters.\\n Filters that are set to override <br> will remain untouched. Overriding of role filters can be easily disabled by <br> pressing the \\\"Disable overriding\\\" button.\\n Note that not all filters support <br>%{taxonomies}, so these always remain global.":[""],"When using SSH based provisioning, a special SSH key is created in order to automate the provisioning process.":[""],"When using TLS, you can set how OpenSSL checks the certificate":[""],"Whether or not the image supports user data":[""],"Whether or not the template is locked for editing":[""],"Whether the class parameter value is managed by Foreman.":[""],"Whether the smart class parameter value is managed by Foreman":[""],"Which is an offset of <b>%s</b>":[""],"Widget added to dashboard.":[""],"Widget positions successfully saved.":[""],"Widget removed from dashboard.":[""],"Wiki":[""],"With user groups, you can group your users and assign them roles on a group basis.":[""],"X509 Certification Authorities":[""],"YAML":[""],"Yes":[""],"You are about to change the default PXE menu on all configured TFTP servers - continue?":[""],"You are about to override the editor content with a previous version, are you sure?":[""],"You are about to override the editor content, are you sure?":[""],"You are about to unlock a locked template.":[""],"You are not authorized to lock templates.":[""],"You are not authorized to make a template default.":[""],"You are not authorized to perform this action.":[""],"You are trying to delete your own account":[""],"You are using an unsupported browser.":[""],"You can add SSH public keys to a user in Foreman.":[""],"You can find The Foreman on the %{freenode} ( network. For general support, please visit #theforeman and for development specific related chat, please visit #theforeman-dev.":[""],"You can select one of the IPAM modes supported by the selected IP protocol:<br/><ul><li><strong>DHCP</strong> - will manage the IP on DHCP through assigned DHCP proxy, auto-suggested IPs come from DHCP <em>(IPv4)</em></li><li><strong>Internal DB</strong> - use internal DB to auto-suggest free IP based on other interfaces on same subnet respecting range if specified, useful mainly with static boot mode <em>(IPv4, IPv6)</em>, preserves natural ordering</li><li><strong>Random DB</strong> - same as Internal DB but randomizes results to prevent race conditions <em>(IPv4)</em></li><li><strong>EUI-64</strong> - will assign the IPv6 address based on the MAC address of the interface <em>(IPv6)</em></li><li><strong>None</strong> - leave IP management solely on user, no auto-suggestion <em>(IPv4, IPv6)</em></li></ul>":[""],"You can't assign locations to this resource":[""],"You can't assign organizations to this resource":[""],"You cannot delete this user while logged in as this user":[""],"You do not have permission to %s this location parameter":[""],"You do not have permission to %s this organization parameter":[""],"You don't have any visible hosts. Hosts can be added and provisioned from Foreman, or configured to report to Foreman.":[""],"You don't have permission %{name} with attributes that you have specified or you don't have access to specified %{tax_string}":[""],"You don't seem to have any bookmarks.":[""],"You don't seem to have any facts yet. If you wish to configure fact pushing, please follow the documentation.":[""],"You don't seem to have any reports.":[""],"You have already logged in":[""],"You may also associate one or more operating systems with this medium or alternatively set this up later on the %s page.":[""],"You may also associate one or more operating systems with this partition table or alternatively set this up later on the %s page":[""],"You may create puppet classes that represent high-level host configurations, for example, a <b>host-type-ldap-server</b> class, which includes all the required functionality from other modules or you may decide to create a host group called <b>host-type-ldap-server</b> and add the required classes into the host group configuration.":[""],"You must create a location before continuing.":[""],"You must create an organization before continuing.":[""],"You must create at least one location before continuing.":[""],"You must create at least one organization before continuing.":[""],"You must select at least one permission":[""],"You probably need to configure your %s first.":[""],"You would probably need to attach the":[""],"Your Foreman user account has been created:":[""],"Your host has finished building:":[""],"Your password is too short":[""],"Your password should not contain sequences":[""],"Your password should not contain that many repetitions":[""],"Your password should not contain your email":[""],"Your password should not contain your username":[""],"Your password should use characters from different character classes too":[""],"Your session has expired, please login again":[""],"ZTP PXE template":[""],"Zone":[""],"[encrypted]":[""],"a location":[""],"add a new matcher":[""],"add new network interface":[""],"add new storage volume":[""],"all":[""],"already exists":[""],"an organization":[""],"and":[""],"array":[""],"belongs to config group":[""],"boolean":[""],"boot device, valid devices are disk, cdrom, pxe, bios":[""],"can only be set for array or hash":[""],"can only be set for arrays that have merge_overrides set to true":[""],"can only be set when merge overrides is set":[""],"can't be bigger than to range":[""],"can't be blank":[""],"can't be blank unless a custom partition has been defined":[""],"can't be updated after host is provisioned":[""],"can't be updated after subnet is saved":[""],"can't contain spaces.":[""],"can't delete primary interface of managed host":[""],"can't delete provision interface of managed host":[""],"can't find domain with this id":[""],"cannot be changed":[""],"cannot be changed by a non-admin user":[""],"cannot be changed on an internal protected account":[""],"cannot be enabled for an unmanaged host":[""],"cannot be removed from an internal protected account":[""],"cannot be removed from the last admin account":[""],"clone":[""],"comma separated interface identifiers":[""],"comments powered by %{disqus}":[""],"could not be calculated":[""],"could not be found in %s":[""],"could not be generated":[""],"cycle":[""],"default locations need to be user locations first":[""],"default organizations need to be user organizations first":[""],"defaults to 389":[""],"does not appear to be a valid nfs mount path":[""],"does not belong into host's location":[""],"does not belong into host's organization":[""],"does not belong to subnet":[""],"does not have the %s feature":[""],"does not match selected subnet":[""],"domain":[""],"e-mail reporting":[""],"e.g. admin@internal":[""],"e.g. givenName":[""],"e.g. http://openstack:5000/v2.0/tokens":[""],"e.g.":[""],"e.g.":[""],"e.g. jpegPhoto":[""],"e.g. karmic, lucid, hw0910 etc":[""],"e.g. mail":[""],"e.g. qemu://":[""],"e.g. sn":[""],"e.g. uid":[""],"enable caching, for VMware only":[""],"environment id":[""],"failed to %{action} %{vm}":[""],"failed to detect boot server: %s":[""],"failed to execute puppetrun: %s":[""],"failed to save %s":[""],"filter for %s role":[""],"filter results":[""],"for EC2 only":[""],"for Libvirt and VMware only":[""],"for Libvirt only":[""],"for OpenStack only":[""],"for VMware":[""],"for oVirt, VMware Datacenter":[""],"for proxy":[""],"free memory":[""],"from profile %s":[""],"further instructions":[""],"global":[""],"groups base DN":[""],"has already been taken":[""],"has this role already":[""],"hash":[""],"hash containing the facts for the host":[""],"host":[""],"host already has primary interface":[""],"host already has provision interface":[""],"host group":[""],"host group id":[""],"host must have one primary interface":[""],"hostname can contain only lowercase letters, numbers, dashes and dots according to RFC921, RFC952 and RFC1123":[""],"hostname of the host":[""],"iPXE template":[""],"in %s":[""],"in Progress":[""],"in progress":[""],"included already from parent":[""],"inherit":[""],"integer":[""],"interface information":[""],"invalid":[""],"invalid LDAP filter syntax":[""],"invalid architecture for %s":[""],"invalid host list":[""],"invalid medium for 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No provisioning template with name \\\"%{name}\\\" and kind \\\"%{kind}\\\" found. ":[""],"is invalid: %s":[""],"is locked for user modifications.":[""],"is not a valid MAC address":[""],"is not allowed to change":[""],"is not defined for host's %s.":[""],"is not found in the authentication source":[""],"is not permitted":[""],"is not valid":[""],"is too long (maximum is 1 character)":["",""],"is too long (maximum is 254 characters)":[""],"is unknown":[""],"issue tracker":[""],"items selected. Uncheck to Clear":[""],"json":[""],"last %s day":["",""],"link external user group with this user group":[""],"list":[""],"locale_name":["English (United States)"],"location":[""],"locations":[""],"managed host must have one provision interface":[""],"message":[""],"must be a unicast MAC address":[""],"must be a valid regexp":[""],"must be an array":[""],"must be boolean":[""],"must be comma separated":[""],"must be integer":[""],"must be of same resource type (%s) - Role (%s)":[""],"must be of type Subnet::Ipv4.":[""],"must be of type Subnet::Ipv6.":[""],"must be one of [ %s ]":[""],"must be specified if from is defined":[""],"must be specified if to is defined":[""],"must be true to edit the parameter":[""],"must contain valid hostnames":[""],"must not include periods":[""],"must only contain alphanumeric or underscore characters":[""],"must provide a provider":[""],"must set host and port":[""],"new":[""],"nil allowed":[""],"nil means host is bare metal":[""],"no free IP could be found in our DB":[""],"no puppet proxy defined - cant continue":[""],"no random free IP could be found in our DB, enlarge subnet range":[""],"no storage pool available on hypervisor":[""],"no value":[""],"none":[""],"not found":[""],"not relevant for snippet":[""],"not required if using a subnet with DHCP proxy":[""],"not supported by this protocol":[""],"number of entries per request":[""],"oVirt/RHEV template to use":[""],"of":[""],"of ":[""],"off":[""],"on":[""],"operating system":[""],"optional":[""],"optional: certname of the host":[""],"optional: the STI type of host to create":[""],"or":[""],"organization":["Organizations and/or"],"organizations":[""],"paginate results":[""],"parsing settings type '%s' from string is not defined":[""],"password match":[""],"passwords do not match":[""],"pending":[""],"per page":[""],"physical":[""],"physical @ NAT %s":[""],"physical @ bridge %s":[""],"power action, valid actions are (on/start), (off/stop), (soft/reboot), (cycle/reset), (state/status)":[""],"poweroff":[""],"ready?":[""],"real":[""],"reboot":[""],"recreate":[""],"regexp":[""],"remove network interface":[""],"remove storage volume":[""],"report already deleted":[""],"required":[""],"required for managed host that is bare metal, not required if it's a virtual machine":[""],"required if host is managed and custom partition has not been defined":[""],"required if host is managed and value is not inherited from host group":[""],"required if host is managed and value is not inherited from host group or default password in settings":[""],"required if locations are enabled":[""],"required if not imaged based provisioning and host is managed and value is not inherited from host group":[""],"required if onthefly_register is true":[""],"required if organizations are enabled":[""],"reset":[""],"revoked":[""],"select an owner":[""],"service configuration will be skipped.":[""],"setting up reporting":[""],"should be 8 characters or more":[""],"should be a single line":[""],"should not be blank - consider setting a global or host group default":[""],"soft":[""],"some interfaces are invalid":[""],"some permissions were not found":[""],"sort results":[""],"space separated options, e.g. miimon=100":[""],"start":[""],"state":[""],"status":[""],"status type, can be one of\\n* global\\n* configuration\\n* build\\n":[""],"stop":[""],"string":[""],"subnet":[""],"subnet boot mode is not %s":[""],"sync external user groups on login":[""],"template name":[""],"template version":[""],"these hosts for a build operation on next boot":[""],"type of the LDAP server":[""],"unable to find %{type} template for %{host} running %{os}":[""],"unable to sign a non pending certificate":[""],"unknown network_type":[""],"unknown parent permission for %s":[""],"unknown permission %s":["Permissions"],"unknown permission for %s":[""],"unknown provider":[""],"unspecified":[""],"use NIS netgroups instead of posix groups, applicable only when server_type is posix or free_ipa":[""],"used memory":[""],"using %s":[""],"using %{allocation} GB out of %{capacity} GB, %{pool_name} storage pool":[""],"valid":[""],"valid or pending":[""],"view last report details":[""],"virtual":[""],"virtual attached to %s":[""],"yaml":[""],"you can't assign some of roles you selected":[""],"you can't change administrator flag":[""],"you cannot remove %s that are used by hosts or inherited.":[""]}}};
var locales = locales || {}; locales['en_GB'] = {"domain":"app","locale_data":{"app":{"":{"Project-Id-Version":"Foreman","Report-Msgid-Bugs-To":"","PO-Revision-Date":"2017-08-03 17:20+0000","Last-Translator":"Lukáš Zapletal","Language-Team":"English (United Kingdom) (","MIME-Version":"1.0","Content-Type":"text/plain; charset=UTF-8","Content-Transfer-Encoding":"8bit","Language":"en_GB","Plural-Forms":"nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);","lang":"en_GB","domain":"app","plural_forms":"nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);"}," Remove":[" Remove"],"%s - Press Shift-F12 to release the cursor.":[""],"%s - The following hosts are about to be changed":["%s - The following hosts are about to be changed"],"%s Distribution":[""],"%s Parameters updated, see below for more information":[""],"%s Template":[""],"%s VM associated to a host":["",""],"%s active feature":["",""],"%s ago":["%s ago"],"%s console is not supported at this time":[""],"%s core":["",""],"%s day ago":["",""],"%s error message":["",""],"%s has been disassociated from VM":[""],"%s host":["",""],"%s is an unknown attribute":[""],"%s is not a valid DNS record type":[""],"%s is not in environment":[""],"%s log message":["",""],"%s minute ago":["",""],"%s month ago":["",""],"%s selected hosts":[""],"%s warning message":["",""],"%s week ago":["",""],"%s widget loading...":[""],"%{app_name} API documentation homepage":[""],"%{config_type} rebuild failed for host: %{host_names}.":["",""],"%{controller}: %{host}'s operating system %{os} has no OS family":[""],"%{controller}: %{host}'s operating system is missing":[""],"%{controller}: unable to find a host that matches the request from %{addr}":[""],"%{cores} Cores and %{memory} memory":[""],"%{count} host with no %{taxonomy_single} assigned":["",""],"%{cpus} CPUs and %{memory} MB memory":[""],"%{cpus} CPUs and %{memory} memory":[""],"%{e} does not belong to the %{environment} environment":[""],"%{host} is about to %{action}":[""],"%{host} now boots from %{device}":[""],"%{id} plugin requires Foreman %{matcher} but current is %{current}":[""],"%{id} plugin requires the %{plugin_name} plugin %{matcher} but current is %{plugin_version}":[""],"%{id} plugin requires the %{plugin_name} plugin, not found":[""],"%{image} needs user data, but %{os_link} is not associated to any provisioning template of the kind user_data. Please associate it with a suitable template or uncheck 'User data' for %{compute_resource_image_link}.":[""],"%{key} does not exist in order field":[""],"%{match} does not match an existing host":[""],"%{match} does not match an existing host group":[""],"%{model} with id '%{id}' was not found":[""],"%{name} changed from %{label1} to %{label2}":[""],"%{name} has %{num_tag} class":["",""],"%{os} medium was not set for host '%{host}'":[""],"%{record} is being used by a hidden %{what} resource":[""],"%{record} is used by %{what}":[""],"%{record} is used by host in build mode %{what}":[""],"%{resource_name} not found by id '%{id}'":[""],"%{task} task failed with the following error: %{e}":[""],"%{taxonomy_type} %{taxonomy_name} has %{count} host that will need to be reassociated after deletion. Delete %{taxonomy_name2}?":["",""],"%{type} %{conflicts} already exists":[""],"%{user} Downloaded %{key} as pem file":[""],"%{value} does not belong to %{os} operating system":[""],"%{value} is not a valid controller":[""],"%{value} is not one of %{rules}":[""],"%{vm} is now %{vm_state}":[""],"&laquo;":[""],"&raquo;":[""],"'%{host}' could be deleted or '%{resource}' is not responding.":[""],"'%{host}' not found on '%{resource}'":[""],"'%{loader}' is not one of %{loaders}":[""],"'Content-Type: %s' is unsupported in API v2 for POST and PUT requests. Please use 'Content-Type: application/json'.":[""],"(Miscellaneous)":[""],"(optional) IAM Role for Fog to use when creating this image.":[""],"*Clear %s proxy*":[""],"*Clear environment*":[""],"*Clear host group*":[""],"*Inherit from host group*":[""],", relevant log entries, and it is highly recommended to also attach the foreman-debug output.":[""],":foreman_url is not set, please configure in the Foreman Web UI (Administer -> Settings -> General)":[""],"<b class='select_count'>0</b> selected":[""],"<b style=\\\"color: #6bb5df;\\\">%{disabled_sum}</b>\\n <p>Disabled</p>":["",""],"<b style=\\\"color: #6bb5df;\\\">%{hosts_sum}</b>\\n <p>Changed</p>":["",""],"<b style=\\\"color: #6bb5df;\\\">%{out_of_sync_sum}</b>\\n <p>Out of sync</p>":["",""],"<b>Description:</b> %{desc}<br/>\\n <b>Type:</b> %{type}<br/>\\n <b>Matcher:</b> %{matcher}<br/>\\n <b>Inherited value:</b> %{inherited_value}":[""],"<b>Foreman API v1 is deprecated. Please use v2.</b><br />If you still need to use v1, you may do so by either passing 'version=1' in the Accept Header or using api/v1/ in the URL.":[""],"<b>Foreman</b> Build Complete":[""],"<b>Foreman</b> Puppet error report":[""],"<b>Foreman</b> Puppet summary":[""],"<b>Foreman</b> audit summary":[""],"<b>Foreman</b> test email":[""],"<b>Source:</b> %{type} %{name}":[""],"<dl><dt>List</dt> <dd>A list of the allowed values, specified in the Validator rule field.</dd><dt>Regexp</dt> <dd>Validates the input with the regular expression in the Validator rule field.</dd></dl>":[""],"<dl><dt>String</dt> <dd>Everything is taken as a string.</dd><dt>Boolean</dt> <dd>Common representation of boolean values are accepted.</dd><dt>Integer</dt> <dd>Integer numbers only, can be negative.</dd><dt>Real</dt> <dd>Accept any numerical input.</dd><dt>Array</dt> <dd>A valid JSON or YAML input, that must evaluate to an array.</dd><dt>Hash</dt> <dd>A valid JSON or YAML input, that must evaluate to an object/map/dict/hash.</dd><dt>YAML</dt> <dd>Any valid YAML input.</dd><dt>JSON</dt> <dd>Any valid JSON input.</dd></dl>":[""],"A Foreman user group can be associated to a group stored in an LDAP server, so membership of the LDAP group automatically adds the user to the Foreman user group.":[""],"A host group is in some ways similar to an inherited node declaration, in that it is a high level grouping of classes that can be named and treated as a unit. This is then treated as a template and is selectable during the creation of a new host and ensures that the host is configured in one of your pre-defined states.":[""],"A medium represents the source of one or more operating system's installation files, accessible via the network.\\n It will probably be a mirror from the internet or a copy of one or more CD or DVDs.":[""],"A partition table entry represents either":[""],"A problem occurred when detecting host type: %s":[""],"A script to dynamically calculate the desired sizes. E.G.":[""],"A user group already exists with this name":[""],"API Key":[""],"API documentation":[""],"About":[""],"Access Key":[""],"Access denied":[""],"Access unattended without build":[""],"Account":[""],"Acquire IP addresses for %s":[""],"Action":[""],"Actions":[""],"Active":[""],"Active Hosts":[""],"Active features":[""],"Active key":[""],"Add Autosign entry":[""],"Add Bookmark":[""],"Add Interface":[""],"Add Matcher":[""],"Add Parameter":[""],"Add Trend Counter":[""],"Add Variable":[""],"Add Volume":[""],"Add a CD-ROM drive to the virtual machine.":[""],"Add a Puppet class to host":[""],"Add a Puppet class to host group":[""],"Add a template combination":[""],"Add combination":[""],"Add external user group":[""],"Add filter":[""],"Add to dashboard":[""],"Add widgets":[""],"Add:":[""],"Adding would cause a cycle!":[""],"Additional Information":[""],"Additional compute resource specific attributes for the interface.":[""],"Additional compute resource specific attributes.":[""],"Additional information about this host":[""],"Address to connect to":[""],"Admin permissions required":[""],"Administer":[""],"Administrator email address":[""],"Administrator user account required":[""],"Alert":[""],"Alerts disabled":[""],"Alias or VLAN device":[""],"All":[""],"All Puppet Classes for %s":[""],"All Reports":[""],"All compute resources":[""],"All domains":[""],"All environments":[""],"All environments - (not filtered)":[""],"All host groups":[""],"All hosts":[""],"All hosts data matches configurations for locations and organizations.":["All hosts data matches configurations for locations and organisations."],"All hosts previously with no %{single} are now assigned to %{name}":[""],"All hosts will show a configuration status even when a Puppet smart proxy is not assigned":[""],"All items":[""],"All media":[""],"All messages":[""],"All mismatches between hosts and %s have been fixed":[""],"All mismatches between hosts and locations/organizations have been fixed":["All mismatches between hosts and locations/organisations have been fixed"],"All partition tables":[""],"All provisioning templates":[""],"All realms":[""],"All smart proxies":[""],"All subnets":[""],"All users":[""],"Allocated":[""],"Allocation (GB)":[""],"Allow access to unattended URLs without build mode being used":[""],"Allow external network as main network":[""],"Allowed methods or members":[""],"Always show configuration status":[""],"An IP address will be auto-suggested if you have enabled IPAM on the IPv4 subnet selected above.<br/><br/>The IP address can be left blank when:<br/><ul><li>provisioning tokens are enabled</li><li>the domain does not manage DNS</li><li>the subnet does not manage reverse DNS</li><li>and the subnet does not manage DHCP reservations</li></ul>":[""],"An IP address will be auto-suggested if you have enabled IPAM on the IPv6 subnet selected above.":[""],"An email address is required, please update your account details":[""],"An error occurred while testing the connection: ":[""],"An explicit layout for the partitions of your hard drive(s). E.G.":[""],"An invalid response was received while requesting available features from this proxy":[""],"Annotation Notes":[""],"Annotation notes":[""],"Anonymous admin user %s is missing, run foreman-rake db:seed":[""],"Any Context":[""],"Any Location":[""],"Any Organization":["Any Organisation"],"Applicable Operating Systems":[""],"Applied":[""],"Applied|A":[""],"Architecture":[""],"Architecture Distribution":[""],"Architecture ID":[""],"Architectures":[""],"Architecture|Hostgroups count":[""],"Architecture|Hosts count":[""],"Architecture|Name":["Name"],"Are you sure you want to %{act} %{vm}?":[""],"Are you sure you want to delete host %s? This action is irreversible.":[""],"Are you sure you want to delete host %s? This will delete the virtual machine and its disks, and is irreversible.":[""],"Are you sure you want to delete this widget from your dashboard?":["Are you sure you want to delete this widget from your dashboard?"],"Are you sure you want to log out?":[""],"Are you sure you want to power %{act} %{vm}?":[""],"Are you sure?":["Are you sure?"],"Array of extra information types to include":[""],"Array of host IDs to associate with the partition table":[""],"Array of host group IDs to associate with the partition table":[""],"Array of operating system IDs to associate with the partition table":[""],"Array of operating system IDs to associate with the template":[""],"Array of parameters":[""],"Array of parameters (name, value)":[""],"Array of template combinations (hostgroup_id, environment_id)":[""],"Assign All":[""],"Assign Hosts to %s":[""],"Assign Location":["Assign Location"],"Assign Organization":["Assign Organisation"],"Assign Selected Hosts":[""],"Assign the %{count} host with no %{taxonomy_single} to %{taxonomy_name}":["",""],"Assign to %s":[""],"Assigning hosts to %{taxonomy_name} will also update %{taxonomy_name} to include all the resources that the selected hosts are currently using.":[""],"Associate VM":[""],"Associate VM to a Foreman host":[""],"Associate VMs":[""],"Associate VMs to Foreman hosts":[""],"Associate VMs to Hosts":[""],"Association":[""],"At least one volume must be specified for image-based provisioning.":[""],"Attempting to construct an operating system image filename but %s cannot be built from an image":[""],"Attribute mappings":[""],"Attribute type":[""],"Audit":[""],"Audit Comment":[""],"Audit summary":[""],"Audited::Adapters::ActiveRecord::Audit|Action":["Action"],"Audited::Adapters::ActiveRecord::Audit|Associated name":["Associated name"],"Audited::Adapters::ActiveRecord::Audit|Associated type":["Associated type"],"Audited::Adapters::ActiveRecord::Audit|Auditable name":["Auditable name"],"Audited::Adapters::ActiveRecord::Audit|Auditable type":["Auditable type"],"Audited::Adapters::ActiveRecord::Audit|Audited changes":["Audited changes"],"Audited::Adapters::ActiveRecord::Audit|Comment":["Comment"],"Audited::Adapters::ActiveRecord::Audit|Remote address":["Remote address"],"Audited::Adapters::ActiveRecord::Audit|User type":["User type"],"Audited::Adapters::ActiveRecord::Audit|Username":["Username"],"Audited::Adapters::ActiveRecord::Audit|Version":["Version"],"Audits":[""],"Auth source":[""],"AuthSource|Account":["Account username"],"AuthSource|Account password":["Account password"],"AuthSource|Attr firstname":["First name attribute"],"AuthSource|Attr lastname":["Surname attribute"],"AuthSource|Attr login":["Login name attribute"],"AuthSource|Attr mail":["Email address attribute"],"AuthSource|Attr photo":[""],"AuthSource|Base dn":["Base DN"],"AuthSource|Groups base":[""],"AuthSource|Host":["Server"],"AuthSource|LDAPS":[""],"AuthSource|Ldap filter":[""],"AuthSource|Name":["Name"],"AuthSource|Onthefly register":["Automatically create accounts in Foreman"],"AuthSource|Port":["Port"],"AuthSource|Server type":[""],"AuthSource|Tls":["TLS"],"Authentication":[""],"Author":[""],"Authorize login delegation":["Authorise login delegation"],"Authorize login delegation API":["Authorise login delegation API"],"Authorize login delegation auth source user autocreate":["Authorise login delegation auth source user autocreate"],"Authorize login delegation with REMOTE_USER environment variable":["Authorise login delegation with REMOTE_USER environment variable"],"Authorize login delegation with REMOTE_USER environment variable for API calls too":["Authorise login delegation with REMOTE_USER environment variable for API calls too"],"Authorized by":["Authorised by"],"Auto refresh off":[""],"Auto refresh on":[""],"Automatic":[""],"Autosign":[""],"Autosign entries":[""],"Autosign entry name":[""],"Availability zone":[""],"Available Classes":[""],"Available Config Groups":[""],"Available Providers":[""],"Average memory usage":[""],"Average swap usage":[""],"Avoid duplicate values when merging them (only array type)?":[""],"BIOS":[""],"BMC":[""],"BMC credentials access":[""],"BMC password usage":[""],"Back":["Back"],"Back to host":[""],"Back to host list":[""],"Backtrace":[""],"Bare Metal":[""],"Base DN":[""],"Before you proceed to using Foreman you should provide information about one or more architectures.":[""],"Bond":[""],"Bond mode of the interface, e.g. balance-rr. Only for bond interfaces.":[""],"Bookmark":[""],"Bookmark this search":[""],"Bookmark was successfully created.":[""],"Bookmark was successfully updated.":[""],"Bookmarks":[""],"Bookmarks are saved search queries. To save them, click on 'Bookmark this search' on the dropdown next to every search button.":[""],"Bookmark|Controller":["Controller"],"Bookmark|Name":["Name"],"Bookmark|Owner type":["Owner type"],"Bookmark|Public":["Public"],"Bookmark|Query":["Search query"],"Boot device":[""],"Boot from volume":[""],"Boot host from specified device":[""],"Bootable":[""],"Bridge":[""],"Browse host config management reports":[""],"Browse host facts":[""],"Browser locale":[""],"Browser timezone":[""],"Build":[""],"Build Hosts":[""],"Build PXE Default":[""],"Build a query for %{mailer}":[""],"Build from OS image":[""],"By unchecking this you can specify filter using Foreman search syntax in search field. If filter remains <br> unlimited (this field is checked) it applies on all resources of the selected type. When a role is associated <br> with some %s filter is not considered unlimited as it's scoped accordingly.":[""],"CA certificate expiry date":[""],"CD-ROM drive":[""],"CDROM":[""],"CPU hot add":[""],"CPU hot add lets you add CPU resources for a virtual machine while the machine is powered on.":[""],"CPUs":["CPUs"],"Cache slow calls to VMWare to speed up page rendering":[""],"Caching":[""],"Calling methods on objects":[""],"Can't delete internal admin account":[""],"Can't delete the last admin account":[""],"Can't delete the last admin user group":[""],"Can't find a valid Foreman Proxy with a Puppet feature":[""],"Cancel":["Cancel"],"Cancel build":[""],"Cancel build request for this host":[""],"Canceled pending build for %s":[""],"Cannot add pagelet with key %s and without mountpoint":[""],"Cannot add pagelet with key %s and without partial":[""],"Cannot continue because some permissions were not found, please run rake db:seed and retry":[""],"Cannot create LDAP configuration for %s without dedicated service account":[""],"Cannot delete %{current} because it has nested %{sti_name}.":[""],"Cannot delete built-in role":[""],"Cannot delete group %{current} because it has nested groups.":[""],"Cannot delete group %{current} because it has nested host groups.":[""],"Cannot find user %s when switching context":[""],"Cannot register compute resource, wrong type supplied":[""],"Canvas not supported.":[""],"Caps lock ON":[""],"Certificate Name":[""],"Certificate path":[""],"Certificate that Foreman will use to encrypt websockets ":[""],"Certificates":[""],"Change Environment":[""],"Change Group":[""],"Change Owner":[""],"Change Power State":[""],"Change Puppet CA":[""],"Change Puppet Master":[""],"Change the password":[""],"Change your avatar at":[""],"Changed environments":[""],"Changes to %s will propagate to all inheriting filters":[""],"Chassis":[""],"Check again":[""],"Check/Uncheck all":[""],"Check/Uncheck all %s changes":[""],"Check/Uncheck new":[""],"Check/Uncheck obsolete":[""],"Check/Uncheck updated":[""],"Choose a family":[""],"Choose a provider":[""],"Choose a server type":[""],"Class":[""],"Class Distribution":[""],"Classes":[""],"Clean up failed deployment":[""],"Click on the link of a compute resource to edit its default VM attributes.":[""],"Click to add %s":[""],"Click to log in again.":[""],"Click to mark as read":[""],"Click to remove %s":["Click to remove %s"],"Click to remove config group":["Click to remove config group"],"Client Email":[""],"Client SSL certificates are used to identify Smart Proxies (:require_ssl should also be enabled)":[""],"Clone":[""],"Clone %s":[""],"Clone Host %s":[""],"Clone a host group":[""],"Clone a provision template":[""],"Clone a role":[""],"Clone a template":[""],"Clone this host":[""],"Close":[""],"Cluster":[""],"Cluster ID is required to list available networks":[""],"Comments":[""],"Communication status":[""],"Compute Resource":[""],"Compute Resource Distribution":[""],"Compute Resources":["Compute Resources"],"Compute attribute":[""],"Compute profile":[""],"Compute profile ID":[""],"Compute profiles":[""],"Compute resource":["Compute resource"],"Compute resource IDs":[""],"Compute resource update for %s":[""],"Compute resources":[""],"ComputeAttribute|Name":[""],"ComputeAttribute|Vm attrs":[""],"ComputeProfile|Name":[""],"ComputeResource|Attrs":["Attributes"],"ComputeResource|Description":["Description"],"ComputeResource|Name":["Name"],"ComputeResource|Password":["Password"],"ComputeResource|Url":["URL"],"ComputeResource|User":["Username"],"ComputeResource|Uuid":["UUID"],"Config Retrieval":[""],"Config group":[""],"Config groups":[""],"Config management":[""],"ConfigGroup|Config group classes count":[""],"ConfigGroup|Hostgroups count":[""],"ConfigGroup|Hosts count":[""],"ConfigGroup|Name":[""],"Configuration":[""],"Configuration rebuild failed for: %s.":[""],"Configuration successfully rebuilt.":[""],"Configure":[""],"Configure instance %s via SSH":[""],"Conflict - %s":[""],"Conflicts have been detected":[""],"Connected (unencrypted) to: %s":[""],"Connecting (unencrypted) to: %s":[""],"Console":[""],"Console output may be out of date":[""],"Console passwords":[""],"Consult \\\"Provisioning Templates\\\" page to see what templates are available.":[""],"Continue to look for matches after first find (only array/hash type)? Note: merging overrides ignores all matchers that are omitted.":[""],"Continue?":[""],"Cores":[""],"Cores per socket":[""],"Could not add permissions to Manager and Viewer roles: %s":[""],"Could not add permissions to Manager role: %s":[""],"Could not add permissions to Organization admin role: %s":[""],"Could not add permissions to Viewer role: %s":[""],"Could not create role '%{name}': %{message}":[""],"Could not delete %s":[""],"Could not extend role '%{name}': %{message}":[""],"Could not find %{association} with name: %{name}":[""],"Could not find a Configuration Template with the name \\\"%s\\\", please create one.":[""],"Could not find network %s on VMWare compute resource":[""],"Could not find virtual machine network interface matching %s":[""],"Could not locate CA certificate.":[""],"Could not recreate a new SSH key":[""],"Create":[""],"Create %s":[""],"Create %{type} for %{host}":[""],"Create :a_resource":[""],"Create Architecture":[""],"Create Authentication Source":[""],"Create Bookmark":[""],"Create Compute Profile":[""],"Create Compute Resource":[""],"Create Config Group":[""],"Create DHCP Settings for %s":[""],"Create Domain":[""],"Create Environment":[""],"Create Filter":[""],"Create Global Parameter":[""],"Create Host":[""],"Create Host Group":[""],"Create Image":[""],"Create Installation Medium":[""],"Create LDAP Auth Source":[""],"Create LDAP Source":[""],"Create Location":[""],"Create Medium":[""],"Create Model":[""],"Create Operating System":[""],"Create Operating system":[""],"Create Organization":["Create Organisation"],"Create Parameter":[""],"Create Partition Table":[""],"Create Proxy":[""],"Create Puppet Environment":[""],"Create Realm":[""],"Create Role":[""],"Create SSH Key":[""],"Create SSH Key for %s":[""],"Create SSH key":[""],"Create Smart Proxy":[""],"Create Smart Variable":[""],"Create Subnet":[""],"Create Template":[""],"Create Trend":[""],"Create User":[""],"Create User Group":[""],"Create User group":[""],"Create a Puppet class":[""],"Create a bookmark":[""],"Create a compute attributes set":[""],"Create a compute profile":[""],"Create a compute resource":[""],"Create a config group":[""],"Create a default template combination for an operating system":[""],"Create a domain":[""],"Create a filter":[""],"Create a global parameter":[""],"Create a hardware model":[""],"Create a host":[""],"Create a host group":[""],"Create a medium":[""],"Create a nested parameter for a domain":[""],"Create a nested parameter for a host":[""],"Create a nested parameter for a host group":[""],"Create a nested parameter for a location":[""],"Create a nested parameter for a subnet":[""],"Create a nested parameter for an operating system":[""],"Create a nested parameter for an organization":["Create a nested parameter for an organisation"],"Create a partition table":[""],"Create a provisioning template":[""],"Create a realm":[""],"Create a report":[""],"Create a role":[""],"Create a smart proxy":[""],"Create a smart variable":[""],"Create a subnet":[""],"Create a user":[""],"Create a user group":[""],"Create an LDAP authentication source":[""],"Create an SSH key for a user":[""],"Create an architecture":[""],"Create an environment":[""],"Create an external user group linked to a user group":[""],"Create an image":[""],"Create an interface on a host":[""],"Create an operating system":[""],"Create an override value for a specific smart class parameter":[""],"Create an override value for a specific smart variable":[""],"Create autosign entry":[""],"Create host":[""],"Create new boot volume from image":[""],"Create new host when facts are uploaded":[""],"Create new host when report is uploaded":[""],"Create realm entry for %s":[""],"Created":[""],"Ctrl-Alt-Del":[""],"Current password":[""],"Custom LDAP search filter, <i>optional</i>":[""],"DB pending migration":[""],"DB pending seed":[""],"DHCP":[""],"DHCP Proxy":[""],"DHCP Proxy ID to use within this subnet":[""],"DHCP Proxy to use within this subnet":[""],"DHCP conflicts removal for %s":[""],"DHCP filename option":[""],"DHCP filename option (Grub2/PXELinux by default)":[""],"DHCP filename option to use. 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This may be different on various platforms and environments, here are some common examples.<br/><ul><li>Use the basic name for physical interface identifiers, e.g. <strong>eth0</strong> or <strong>em0</strong> with biosdevname.</li><li>For virtual interfaces, use either alias notation (<strong>eth0:1</strong>, name:index) or VLAN notation (<strong>eth0.15</strong>, name.tag).</li><li>For bonds it's common to use <strong>bond0</strong> on Linux, <strong>lagg0</strong> on FreeBSD systems.</li></ul>":[""],"Device identifier, e.g. eth0 or eth1.1":[""],"Diff":[""],"Diff View":[""],"Disable Notifications":[""],"Disable alerts for selected hosts":[""],"Disable all filters overriding":[""],"Disable overriding":[""],"Disabled":[""],"Disassociate Hosts":[""],"Disassociate host":[""],"Disassociate the host from a VM":[""],"Disassociate the selected hosts from their VMs":[""],"Disk":[""],"Disk mode":[""],"Display":[""],"Display Name":[""],"Display hidden parameter values":[""],"Display hidden values":[""],"Display the templates that will be used to provision this host":[""],"Display type":[""],"Displaying %{num_audits} of %{total_audits} audit":["",""],"Displaying <b>%{count}</b> entry":["",""],"Displaying entries <b>%{from} - %{to}</b> of <b>%{count}</b> in total":[""],"Documentation":[""],"Does this image support user data input (e.g. via cloud-init)?":[""],"Domain":["Domain"],"Domain ID":[""],"Domain IDs":[""],"Domains":[""],"Domains in which this subnet is part":[""],"Domain|Fullname":["Description"],"Domain|Hostgroups count":[""],"Domain|Hosts count":[""],"Domain|Name":["DNS domain"],"Download":[""],"Duration in minutes after the Puppet interval for servers to be classed as out of sync.":[""],"EC2":[""],"EFI":[""],"ENC environment":[""],"ERROR or FATAL":[""],"EUI-64":[""],"Each architecture can also be associated with more than one operating system and a selector block is provided to allow you to select valid combinations.":[""],"Each entries represent a particular hardware architecture, most commonly <b>x86_64</b> or <b>i386</b>. 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If these features come from a Smart Proxy plugin, make sure Foreman has the plugin installed too.":["Features \\\"%s\\\" in this proxy are not recognised by Foreman. If these features come from a Smart Proxy plugin, make sure Foreman has the plugin installed too."],"Feature|Name":["Name"],"Fetch TFTP boot files for %s":[""],"Filter":[""],"Filter by level:":[""],"Filter by name":[""],"Filter by state:":[""],"Filter classes":[""],"Filter overriding has been disabled":[""],"Filters":[""],"Filters for role %s":[""],"Filters inherit %{orgs_and_locs} from their role by default. If override field is enabled, <br> filter can override the set of its %{orgs_and_locs}. Later role changes will not affect <br> such filter. After disabling override field, role %{orgs_and_locs} apply again.":[""],"Filters overriding has been disabled":[""],"Filter|Override":[""],"Filter|Permissions":[""],"Filter|Resource":[""],"Filter|Search":[""],"Filter|Taxonomy search":[""],"Filter|Unlimited":[""],"Fingerprint":[""],"Finish template":[""],"Firmware":[""],"Fix %s on Mismatch":[""],"Fix All Mismatches":[""],"Fix DB cache":[""],"Fix DB cache on next Foreman restart":[""],"Fix Mismatches":[""],"Flavor":["Flavour"],"Floating IP network":[""],"Folder":[""],"Follow %{href} on how to describe your controllers.":[""],"For example, if you have copied several Red Hat release disks into a directory structure where the disk images are named 5.8 or 6.2, and each contained both x86_64 and i386 binaries, then you\\n could create a single medium entry describing them all.\\n The entry, which could be just named 'Red Hat' could contain a path like this <em>'http://server/redhat/$version/$arch'</em>":[""],"For more info visit our documentation.":[""],"For more information":[""],"Force a Puppet agent run on the host":[""],"Foreman API v2 is currently the default API version.":[""],"Foreman Developers":[""],"Foreman URL":[""],"Foreman Users":[""],"Foreman audit summary":[""],"Foreman can store information about the networking setup of a host that it’s provisioning, which can be used to configure the virtual machine, assign the correct IP addresses and network resources, then configure the OS correctly during the provisioning process.":[""],"Foreman can use LDAP based service for user information and authentication.":[""],"Foreman considers a domain and a DNS zone as the same thing.":[""],"Foreman domain ID of interface. Required for primary interfaces on managed hosts.":[""],"Foreman host group matchers will be inherited by children when evaluating smart class parameters":[""],"Foreman now manages the build cycle for %s":[""],"Foreman now no longer manages the build cycle for %s":[""],"Foreman report creation time is <em>%s</em>":[""],"Foreman smart variables will be exposed via the ENC yaml output":[""],"Foreman subnet ID of IPv4 interface":[""],"Foreman subnet ID of IPv6 interface":[""],"Foreman supports automatically creating realm entries for new hosts.":[""],"Foreman supports creating and managing hosts on a number of virtualization and cloud services - referred to as “compute resources” - as well as bare metal hosts.":["Foreman supports creating and managing hosts on a number of virtualisation and cloud services - referred to as “compute resources” - as well as bare metal hosts."],"Foreman test email":[""],"Foreman ticketing system":[""],"Foreman will automate certificate signing upon provision of new host":[""],"Foreman will create the host when a report is received":[""],"Foreman will create the host when new facts are received":[""],"Foreman will default to this puppet environment if it cannot auto detect one":[""],"Foreman will delete virtual machine if provisioning script ends with non zero exit code":[""],"Foreman will evaluate host smart variables in this order by default":[""],"Foreman will explicitly set the puppet environment in the ENC yaml output. This will avoid conflicts between the environment in puppet.conf and the environment set in Foreman":[""],"Foreman will map users by username in request-header. If this is set to false, OAuth requests will have admin rights.":[""],"Foreman will not send this parameter in classification output, replaces use_puppet_default":[""],"Foreman will not send this parameter in classification output.":[""],"Foreman will not send this parameter in classification output. 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Visit Settings to disable this feature.":[""],"Generated %s ago":[""],"Generated at %s":[""],"Get ENC values of host":[""],"Get configuration status of host":[""],"Get dashboard details":[""],"Get default dashboard widgets":[""],"Get statistics":[""],"Get status of host":[""],"Get vm attributes of host":[""],"Global":[""],"Global Parameters":[""],"Global default %s template":[""],"Global default %s template. This template gets deployed to all configured TFTP servers. It will not be affected by upgrades.":[""],"Global functions":[""],"Global methods (functions)":[""],"Global parameters":[""],"Global status changed from %{from} to %{to}":[""],"Global variables":[""],"Good host reports in the last %s":[""],"Google Project ID":[""],"Groups base DN":[""],"Guest OS":[""],"HELO/EHLO domain":[""],"Hardware":["Hardware"],"Hardware Model":[""],"Hardware Models":[""],"Hardware models":[""],"Hash function to use. Change takes effect for new or updated hosts.":[""],"Hash of report metrics, can be just {}":[""],"Hash of status type totals":[""],"Help":["Help"],"Hidden value":[""],"Hide all values for this parameter.":[""],"Hide this value":[""],"Hint data is missing":[""],"History":[""],"Host":["Host"],"Host %s is built":[""],"Host %s is not associated with a VM":[""],"Host Configuration Chart":[""],"Host Configuration Status":[""],"Host Group Distribution":[""],"Host Groups":[""],"Host audit entries":[""],"Host config group":[""],"Host details":[""],"Host group":["Host group"],"Host group / Environment":[""],"Host group IDs":[""],"Host group and Environment":[""],"Host group configuration":[""],"Host group matchers inheritance":[""],"Host group only":[""],"Host group parameters":[""],"Host groups":[""],"Host owner":[""],"Host owner is invalid":[""],"Host parameters":[""],"Host reported time is <em>%s</em>":[""],"Host times seem to be adrift!":[""],"Host's network interfaces.":[""],"Host's owner type":[""],"Host's parameters (array or indexed hash)":[""],"Host::Base|Build":["Build mode"],"Host::Base|Certname":["Certificate name"],"Host::Base|Comment":["Comment"],"Host::Base|Disk":["Custom partition table"],"Host::Base|Enabled":["Enabled"],"Host::Base|Grub pass":[""],"Host::Base|Image file":["Image filename"],"Host::Base|Installed at":["Installed at"],"Host::Base|Ip":["IP address"],"Host::Base|Last compile":["Last catalog compile time"],"Host::Base|Last freshcheck":["Last fresh check time"],"Host::Base|Last report":["Last report time"],"Host::Base|Mac":["MAC address"],"Host::Base|Managed":["Managed mode"],"Host::Base|Name":["Name"],"Host::Base|Otp":[""],"Host::Base|Owner type":["Owner type"],"Host::Base|Primary interface":[""],"Host::Base|Provision method":[""],"Host::Base|Puppet status":["Puppet status"],"Host::Base|Root pass":["Root password"],"Host::Base|Serial":["Serial number"],"Host::Base|Use image":["Use an image"],"Host::Base|Uuid":["UUID"],"HostConfigGroup|Host type":[""],"Hostgroup":["Host Group"],"Hostgroup|Ancestry":["Ancestry"],"Hostgroup|Grub pass":[""],"Hostgroup|Image file":["Image filename"],"Hostgroup|Name":["Name"],"Hostgroup|Root pass":["Root password"],"Hostgroup|Title":[""],"Hostgroup|Use image":["Use an image"],"Hostgroup|Vm defaults":["Virtual machine defaults"],"Hostname":["Hostname"],"Hostname or certname":[""],"Hostname:":[""],"Hosts":["Hosts"],"Hosts created after a puppet run that did not send a location fact will be placed in this location":[""],"Hosts created after a puppet run that did not send a organization fact will be placed in this organization":["Hosts created after a puppet run that did not send a organisation fact will be placed in this organisation"],"Hosts created after a puppet run will be placed in the location this fact dictates. The content of this fact should be the full label of the location.":[""],"Hosts created after a puppet run will be placed in the organization this fact dictates. The content of this fact should be the full label of the organization.":["Hosts created after a puppet run will be placed in the organisation this fact dictates. 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Please quote strings like true/false and yes/no in config/ignored_environments.yml.":[""],"Ignored environments: %s":[""],"Ignored:":[""],"Image":[""],"Image Based":[""],"Image ID":["Image ID"],"Image ID as provided by the compute resource, e.g. ami-..":[""],"Image path":[""],"Image to use":[""],"Images":[""],"Image|Iam role":["IAM role"],"Image|Name":["Name"],"Image|Password":[""],"Image|User data":[""],"Image|Username":["Username"],"Image|Uuid":["UUID"],"Import":[""],"Import IPv4 subnets":[""],"Import VM %s":[""],"Import classes from %s":[""],"Import environments from %s":[""],"Import of facts failed for host %s":[""],"Import puppet classes from puppet proxy for an environment":[""],"Import puppet classes from puppet proxy.":[""],"Imported IPv4 Subnets":[""],"In addition to defining which puppet classes get included when building this host type you are also able to assign variables and provisioning information to a host group to further refine the behavior of the puppet runtime.":[""],"In order to create the SSH key, the user must be saved first. A 'create_ssh_keys' permission is required too.":[""],"In-line code syntax":[""],"Include default value when merging all matching values":[""],"Include default value when merging all matching values.":[""],"Include this host within Foreman reporting":[""],"Included Classes":[""],"Included Config Groups":[""],"Incorrect password":[""],"Incorrect username or password":[""],"Independent - Nonpersistent":[""],"Independent - Persistent":[""],"Infrastructure":[""],"Inherit parent (%s)":[""],"Inherited Classes from %s":[""],"Inherits from subnet VLAN ID if not set":[""],"Input":[""],"Installation Media":[""],"Installation media":["Installation media"],"Installation medium configuration":[""],"Installed":[""],"Interface":[""],"Interface is down":[""],"Interface is up":[""],"Interface provider, e.g. IPMI. Only for BMC interfaces.":[""],"Interface type, e.g. bmc. 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Please consider cloning it instead.":[""],"Item":[""],"Iterating":[""],"JSON VM listing is not supported for this compute resource.":[""],"JSON object of the scheduler hint":[""],"Keep selected hosts for a future action":[""],"Key Binding":[""],"Key not connected to any compute resource":[""],"Key pair":[""],"Key used with other compute resource":[""],"KeyPair|Name":["Name"],"KeyPair|Public":[""],"KeyPair|Secret":["Secret"],"Kind":[""],"LDAP Authentication":[""],"LDAP authentication":[""],"LDAP authentication sources":[""],"LDAP error - %{message}":[""],"LDAP filter":[""],"LDAP server":[""],"LDAP users will have their Foreman account automatically created the first time they log into Foreman":[""],"Language":[""],"Last Report":["Last Report"],"Last report":["Last report"],"Last updated %s ago":[""],"Latest Events":[""],"Learn more about this in the documentation.":[""],"Legacy Puppet hostname":[""],"Length":[""],"Level":[""],"Libvirt default console address":[""],"Libvirt, oVirt, 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deleted.":[""],"Location/Organization":["Location/Organisation"],"Locations":["Locations"],"Locations also work nicely when used in tandem with %{organizations}.":[""],"Locations are used to manage and differentiate the physical place where a system managed via Foreman is housed. 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would use to communicate with its proxies":[""],"SSL Private Key file that Foreman will use to communicate with its proxies":[""],"SSL certificate":[""],"SSL client DN env":[""],"SSL client cert env":[""],"SSL client verify env":[""],"SSL private key":[""],"Safe mode methods":[""],"Safe mode methods and variables":[""],"SafeRender#parse_string was passed a %s instead of a string":[""],"Safemode rendering":[""],"Save":[""],"Save positions":[""],"Save something and try again":[""],"Scheduler hint filter":[""],"Scope by locations":[""],"Scope by organizations":["Scope by organisations"],"Script template":[""],"Search":["Search"],"Secondary DNS for this subnet":[""],"Secret Key":[""],"Security group":[""],"Security groups":[""],"Select Action":["Select Action"],"Select All":[""],"Select Hosts":[""],"Select Location":[""],"Select Organization":["Select Organisation"],"Select a period":[""],"Select all items in this page":["Select all items in this page"],"Select an owner":[""],"Select compute resources":[""],"Select desired %s proxy":[""],"Select desired state":[""],"Select domains":[""],"Select environment":[""],"Select environments":[""],"Select host group":[""],"Select host groups":[""],"Select hosts to assign to %s":[""],"Select locations":[""],"Select media":[""],"Select organizations":["Select organisations"],"Select partition tables":[""],"Select provisioning templates":[""],"Select realms":[""],"Select smart proxies":[""],"Select subnets":[""],"Select template":[""],"Select the changes you want to apply to Foreman":[""],"Select this host":["",""],"Select this since it belongs to a host":[""],"Select users":[""],"Selected hosts are now assigned to %s":[""],"Selected image does not belong to %s":[""],"Selected items":[""],"Selected resource type does not support granular filtering, therefore you can't configure granularity":[""],"Selected role":[""],"Selecting a file will override the editor and load the file instead":[""],"Send a test message to the current user's email address to confirm the configuration is working.":[""],"Send a test message to the user's email address to confirm the configuration is working.":[""],"Send a welcome email including username and URL to new users":[""],"Send welcome email":[""],"Sendmail":[""],"Sendmail arguments":[""],"Sendmail location":[""],"Server group":[""],"Server hint data":[""],"Server type":[""],"Service unavailable":[""],"Services":[""],"Set IP addresses for %s":[""],"Set a randomly generated password on the display connection":[""],"Set parameters to defaults":[""],"Set the order in which values are resolved.":[""],"Set up compute instance %s":[""],"Setting":[""],"Settings":[""],"Setting|Category":["Category"],"Setting|Default":["Default"],"Setting|Description":["Description"],"Setting|Name":["Name"],"Setting|Settings type":["Settings type"],"Setting|Value":["Value"],"Should the `foreman-rake db:migrate` be executed on the next run of the installer modules?":[""],"Should the `foreman-rake db:seed` be executed on the next run of the installer modules?":[""],"Should this interface be managed via DHCP and DNS smart proxy and should it be configured during provisioning?":[""],"Should this interface be used for TFTP of PXELinux (or SSH for image-based hosts)? Each managed hosts needs to have one provision interface.":[""],"Should this interface be used for constructing the FQDN of the host? Each managed hosts needs to have one primary interface.":[""],"Show %s fact values for all hosts":[""],"Show :a_resource":[""],"Show Diff":[""],"Show Host":[""],"Show Trends":[""],"Show a Puppet class":[""],"Show a Puppet class for a host group":[""],"Show a Puppet class for an environment":[""],"Show a Puppet class for host":[""],"Show a bookmark":[""],"Show a compute profile":[""],"Show a compute resource":[""],"Show a config group":[""],"Show a default template combination for an operating system":[""],"Show a domain":[""],"Show a filter":[""],"Show a global parameter":[""],"Show a hardware model":[""],"Show a host":[""],"Show a host group":[""],"Show a medium":[""],"Show a nested parameter for a domain":[""],"Show a nested parameter for a host":[""],"Show a nested parameter for a host group":[""],"Show a nested parameter for a location":[""],"Show a nested parameter for a subnet":[""],"Show a nested parameter for an operating system":[""],"Show a nested parameter for an organization":["Show a nested parameter for an organisation"],"Show a partition table":[""],"Show a permission":[""],"Show a realm":[""],"Show a report":[""],"Show a role":[""],"Show a setting":[""],"Show a smart class parameter":[""],"Show a smart proxy":[""],"Show a smart variable":[""],"Show a subnet":[""],"Show a user":[""],"Show a user group":[""],"Show all %s children fact values":[""],"Show all %s facts with the same value":[""],"Show an LDAP authentication source":[""],"Show an SSH key from a user":[""],"Show an architecture":[""],"Show an audit":[""],"Show an email notification":[""],"Show an environment":[""],"Show an external user group for LDAP authentication source":[""],"Show an external user group for user group":[""],"Show an image":[""],"Show an interface for host":[""],"Show an operating system":[""],"Show an override value for a specific smart class parameter":[""],"Show an override value for a specific smart variable":[""],"Show available API links":[""],"Show distribution chart":[""],"Show full value":[""],"Show host power status":[""],"Show linked external user groups":[""],"Show log messages:":[""],"Show power status on host index page. This feature calls to compute resource providers which may lead to decreased performance on host listing page.":[""],"Show provisioning template details":[""],"Show status":[""],"Show template combination":[""],"Show the last report for a host":[""],"Sign":[""],"Single host on this page is selected.":["",""],"Size":["Size"],"Size (GB)":[""],"Skip assign hosts and proceed to edit %s settings":[""],"Skipped":[""],"Skipped|S":[""],"Smart Class Parameter":[""],"Smart Proxies":[""],"Smart Proxy":[""],"Smart Proxy: %s":[""],"Smart Variables":[""],"Smart class parameters":[""],"Smart proxies":[""],"Smart proxy":["Smart proxy"],"Smart proxy IDs":[""],"Smart variables":[""],"SmartProxy|Name":["Name"],"SmartProxy|Url":["URL"],"Snippet":[""],"Some Puppet Classes are unavailable in the selected environment":[""],"Some imported user account details cannot be saved: %s":[""],"Some interfaces are invalid":[""],"Some of the interfaces are invalid. Please check the table below.":[""],"Some or all hosts execution failed, Please check log files for more information":[""],"Some other interface is already set as primary. Are you sure you want to use this one instead?":[""],"Some other interface is already set as provisioning. Are you sure you want to use this one instead?":[""],"Something went wrong while changing host type - %s":[""],"Something went wrong while selecting hosts - %s":["Something went wrong while selecting hosts - %s"],"Sorry but no templates were configured.":["Sorry but no templates were configured."],"Sorry, these hosts do not have parameters assigned to them, you must add them first.":[""],"Source":[""],"Source|Digest":["Digest"],"Source|Value":["Value"],"Space separated options, e.g. miimon=100. Only for bond interfaces.":[""],"Specified value is higher than recommended maximum":[""],"Specify additional options to sendmail":[""],"Specify authentication type, if required":[""],"Specify matchers":[""],"Start":[""],"Starting IP Address for IP auto suggestion":[""],"State":[""],"Static":[""],"Statistics":[""],"Status":[""],"Stop updating IP address and MAC values from Puppet facts (affects all interfaces)":[""],"Stop updating Operating System from facts":[""],"Stop updating domain values from facts":[""],"Storage":["Storage"],"Storage domain":[""],"Storage pool":[""],"Strong":[""],"Submit":["Submit"],"Subnet":["Subnet"],"Subnet ID":[""],"Subnet IDs":[""],"Subnet name":[""],"Subnet network":[""],"Subnet numeric identifier":[""],"Subnets":[""],"Subnet|Boot mode":[""],"Subnet|Dns primary":["Primary DNS server"],"Subnet|Dns secondary":["Secondary DNS server"],"Subnet|From":["Start of IP range"],"Subnet|Gateway":["Gateway address"],"Subnet|Ipam":[""],"Subnet|Mask":["Network mask"],"Subnet|Name":["Name"],"Subnet|Network":["Network address"],"Subnet|Priority":["Priority"],"Subnet|To":["End of IP range"],"Subnet|Vlanid":["VLAN ID"],"Subscribe":[""],"Subscribe to all hosts":[""],"Subscribe to my hosts":[""],"Success":["Success"],"Successfully created %s.":[""],"Successfully delete %s":[""],"Successfully deleted %s.":[""],"Successfully deleted report.":[""],"Successfully executed, check log files for more details":[""],"Successfully executed, check reports and/or log files for more details":[""],"Successfully overridden all parameters of Puppet class %s":[""],"Successfully recreated":[""],"Successfully refreshed features from %s.":[""],"Successfully refreshed the cache.":[""],"Successfully reset all parameters of Puppet class %s to their default values":[""],"Successfully updated %s.":[""],"Successfully updated environments and Puppet classes from the on-disk Puppet installation":[""],"Suffix or prefix length for this subnet, e.g. 32":[""],"Suggest new":[""],"Summary from %{time} ago to now":[""],"Summary report from Foreman server at %{foreman_url}":[""],"Support":[""],"Supported Formats":[""],"Synchronize group from authentication source":["Synchronise group from authentication source"],"Syntax Highlighting":[""],"Syntax error occurred while parsing the template %{template_name}, make sure you have all ERB tags properly closed and the Ruby syntax is valid. The Ruby error: %{message}":[""],"System Information":[""],"System Status":[""],"TFTP":[""],"TFTP Proxy":[""],"TFTP Proxy ID to use within this subnet":[""],"TFTP Proxy to use within this subnet":[""],"TFTP server":[""],"Taxable taxonomy":[""],"TaxableTaxonomy|Taxable type":["Taxable type"],"Taxonomy":[""],"Taxonomy|Ancestry":[""],"Taxonomy|Ignore types":["All objects"],"Taxonomy|Name":["Name"],"Taxonomy|Title":[""],"Template":["Template"],"Template %s is empty.":[""],"Template '%s' is either missing or has an invalid organization or location":["Template '%s' is either missing or has an invalid organisation or location"],"Template '%s' was not found":[""],"Template Diff":[""],"Template Type":[""],"Template diff":[""],"Template editor":[""],"Template kind":[""],"Template kinds, available values: %{template_kinds}":[""],"Template locked":[""],"Template syntax":[""],"Template unlocked":[""],"TemplateKind|Name":["Name"],"Templates":[""],"Templates resolved for this operating system":[""],"Tenant":[""],"Test Connection":[""],"Test LDAP connection":[""],"Test LDAP connectivity":[""],"Test connection to LDAP server was successful.":[""],"Test connection was successful":["Test connection was successful"],"Test email":[""],"Text to be shown in the login-page footer":[""],"That is, if you are planning to manage a site where all the machines are of the form <i>hostname</i>.<b></b>\\n then the domain is <b></b>.":[""],"The %{proxy_type} proxy could not be set for host: %{host_names}.":["",""],"The %{proxy_type} proxy of the selected hosts was cleared.":[""],"The %{proxy_type} proxy of the selected hosts was set to %{proxy_name}.":[""],"The <b>fullname</b> field is used for human readability in reports and other pages that refer to domains,\\n and also available as an external node parameter":[""],"The Audit Comment field is saved with the template auditing to document the template changes":[""],"The BMC password will be used by Foreman to access the host's BMC controller via a BMC-enabled smart proxy, if available.<br/>":[""],"The IP address that should be used for the console listen address when provisioning new virtual machines via Libvirt":[""],"The NFS path to the image directory.":[""],"The NFS path to the jumpstart control files.":[""],"The NFS path to the media.":[""],"The Operating systems detail the OSs known to Foreman, and is the central point that the other required components tie into.":[""],"The Primary interface is used for constructing the FQDN of the host":[""],"The Provisioning interface is used for TFTP of PXELinux (or SSH for image-based hosts)":[""],"The authentication process currently requires an LDAP provider, such as <em>FreeIPA</em>,\\n <em>OpenLDAP</em> or <em>Microsoft's Active Directory</em>.":[""],"The class of CPU supplied in this machine. This is primarily used by Sparc Solaris builds and can be left blank for other architectures. The value can be determined on Solaris via uname -m":[""],"The class of the machine reported by the Open Boot Prom. This is primarily used by Sparc Solaris builds and can be left blank for other architectures. The value can be determined on Solaris via uname -i|cut -f2 -d,":["The class of the machine as reported by the OpenBoot PROM. This is primarily used by Solaris SPARC builds and can be left blank for other architectures. The value can be determined on Solaris via `uname -i|cut -f2 -d`."],"The default administrator email address":[""],"The dynamic partitioning style is currently only available for the Red Hat family of operating systems, all others must provide an explicit list of partitions and sizes.":[""],"The file path where your p12 file is located":[""],"The final entry, Operating System default, can be set by editing the %s page.":[""],"The following IPv4 subnets have been found. Please review the details before creating them.":[""],"The following entries were found conflicting with what foreman wanted to apply.":[""],"The following errors may prevent a successful build:":[""],"The following fields would need reviewing":[""],"The following hosts failed the build operation: %s":[""],"The following hosts were not %{action}: %{missed_hosts}":[""],"The following hosts were not deleted: %s":["The following hosts were not deleted: %s"],"The following hosts were updated":[""],"The following parameters were skipped as they did not exists on this host:":[""],"The following table and example snippet shows global methods, variables and class methods and how to use them.":[""],"The full DNS domain name":[""],"The host group's classes and the host group's variables are included in the external node information when the puppetmaster compiles the host's configuration.":[""],"The inclusion of the keyword string <b>#Dynamic</b> at the start of a line lets Foreman know that this is not an explicit disk layout and must treated as a shell script, executed prior\\n to the install process and that the explicit partition table will be found at <b>/tmp/diskpart.cfg</b> during the build process.":[""],"The keys can be used in provisioning templates and are also available for configuration management tools managed by Foreman.":[""],"The keywords <b>$version</b>, <b>$major</b> and <b>$minor</b> will be interpolated back into the path specification to calculate the true URL address.":[""],"The list is excluding %{count} %{link_start}physical host%{link_end}.":["",""],"The location of the sendmail executable":[""],"The marked fields will need reviewing":[""],"The method used to provision the host. Possible provision_methods may be %{provision_methods}":[""],"The order in which matchers keys are processed, first match wins.<br> You may use multiple attributes as a matcher key, for example, an order of <code>host group, environment</code> would expect a matcher such as <code>hostgroup = \\\"web servers\\\", environment = production</code>":[""],"The order in which values are resolved":[""],"The password will also be accessible to other users via templates and in the ENC YAML output; disable the bmc_credentials_accessible setting to prevent access.":[""],"The password will not be accessible to other users; enable the bmc_credentials_accessible setting to permit access via templates and in the ENC YAML output.":[""],"The path to the medium, can be a URL or a valid NFS server (exclusive of the architecture).\\n for example <em>$version/os/$arch</em> where <strong>$arch</strong> will be substituted for the host's actual OS architecture and <strong>$version</strong>, <strong>$major</strong> and <strong>$minor</strong> will be substituted for the version of the operating system. Solaris and Debian media may also use <strong>$release</strong>.":[""],"The power state of the selected hosts will be set to %s":[""],"The realm name, e.g. EXAMPLE.COM":[""],"The remote system presented a public key signed by an unidentified certificate authority. If you are sure the remote system is authentic, go to the compute resource edit page, press the 'Test Connection' or 'Load Datacenters' button and submit":[""],"The remote system presented a public key with hash %s but we're expecting a different hash. If you are sure the remote system is authentic, go to the compute resource edit page, press the 'Test Connection' or 'Load Datacenters' button and submit":[""],"The selected hosts were enabled for reboot and rebuild":[""],"The selected hosts will execute a build operation on next reboot":[""],"The snippet '%{name}' threw an error: %{exc}":[""],"The template is associated to at least one host in build mode. To apply the change, disable and enable build mode on hosts to update the live templates or choose to %s their configuration from 'Select Action' menu":[""],"The user that is used to ssh into the instance, normally cloud-user, ec2-user, ubuntu, root etc":[""],"The virtual machine is being deleted.":[""],"There are migrations pending in the system.":[""],"There are no puppet environments set up on this puppet master. Please check the puppet master configuration.":[""],"There are orchestration modules with methods for configuration rebuild that have identical name: '%s'":[""],"There are two strategies when using host groups.":[""],"There is":["",""],"There is no owner with id %d and type %s":[""],"There is no proxy with BMC feature set up. Please register a smart proxy with this feature.":[""],"There was an error creating the PXE file: %s":[""],"There was an error listing %{listing}: %{errors}":[""],"There was an error listing VMs: %(status)s %(statusText)s":["There was an error listing VMs: %(status)s %(statusText)s"],"There was an error rendering the %s template: ":[""],"There was an error rendering the %{name} template: %{error}":[""],"There was no active bridge interface found in libvirt, if it does not support listing, you can enter the bridge name manually (e.g. br0)":[""],"These are guaranteed to work via the safe mode rendering, to ensure a template can do nothing harmful.":[""],"These two options are personal decisions and are up to you (where the main difference would be the parameter/variables settings).":[""],"Thin provision":[""],"This Puppet class has no parameters in its signature.":[""],"This allows Foreman to associate a puppet variable with a domain/site and automatically append this variable to all external node requests made by machines at that site.":[""],"This group has nested groups!":[""],"This group has no roles":[""],"This host's stored facts and reports will be deleted too.":[""],"This is a test message to confirm that Foreman's email configuration is working.":[""],"This is for every location and organization that uses it.":["This is for every location and organisation that uses it."],"This is for every location that uses it.":[""],"This is for every organization that uses it.":["This is for every organisation that uses it."],"This is inherited from parent":[""],"This is used by a host":[""],"This might take a while, as all hosts, facts and reports will be destroyed as well":["This might take a while, as all hosts, facts and reports will be destroyed as well"],"This role has been cloned from role %s":[""],"This role is locked for editing.":[""],"This role is locked from being modified by users.":[""],"This setting is defined in the configuration file '%{filename}' and is read-only.":[""],"This template is locked and may not be removed.":[""],"This template is locked for editing.":[""],"This template is locked. Please clone it to a new template to customize.":["This template is locked. Please clone it to a new template to customise."],"This template is locked. You may only change the associations. Please %s it to customize.":["This template is locked. You may only change the associations. Please %s it to customise."],"This value is not hidden":[""],"This value is used also as the host's primary interface name.":[""],"This will reset parameters of the class %s to their default values. Continue?":[""],"This will set all parameters of the class %s as overridden. Continue?":[""],"Time":[""],"Time in Seconds":[""],"Time in minutes installation tokens should be valid for, 0 to disable token generation":[""],"Timeout for DNS conflict validation (in seconds)":[""],"Timeout has occurred while communicating with %s":[""],"To define trend counters, use the Add Trend Counter button.</br> To start collecting trend data, set a cron job to execute 'foreman-rake trends:counter' every Puppet Interval (%s minutes).":[""],"To enable a provider, either install the OS package (e.g. foreman-libvirt) or enable the bundler group for development setup (e.g. ovirt).":[""],"To enable safe mode, navigate to Settings page and enable Safemode rendering option.":[""],"To start collecting trend data, set a cron job to execute <span class='black'>foreman-rake trends:counter</span> every Puppet Interval (%s minutes)":[""],"To update the class signature, go to the Puppet Classes page and select \\\"Import\\\".":[""],"Toggle":[""],"Token":[""],"Token duration":[""],"Token expired":[""],"Token|Expires":["Expires"],"Token|Value":["Value"],"Total":[""],"Total Hosts: %s":[""],"Total hosts count":[""],"Total of one host":["",""],"Trend":[""],"Trend counter":[""],"Trend of the last %s days.":[""],"TrendCounter|Count":["Count"],"Trends":[""],"Trends for %s":[""],"Trend|Fact name":["Fact name"],"Trend|Fact value":["Fact value"],"Trend|Name":["Name"],"Trend|Trendable type":["Trend type"],"Trigger a puppetrun on a node; requires that puppet run is enabled":[""],"Troubleshooting":[""],"True/False flag whether a host is managed or unmanaged. Note: this value also determines whether several parameters are required or not":[""],"Trusted puppetmaster hosts":[""],"Try going to %{href}":[""],"Type":["Type"],"Type of name generator":[""],"Type of realm, e.g. FreeIPA":[""],"Type or protocol, IPv4 or IPv6, defaults to IPv4":[""],"Types of validation values":[""],"Types of variable values":[""],"URL":["URL"],"URL for %{providers_requiring_url}":[""],"URL hosts will retrieve templates from during build (normally http as many installers don't support https)":[""],"URL must be valid and schema must be one of %s":[""],"URL where your Foreman instance is reachable (see also Provisioning > unattended_url)":[""],"UTC time of report":[""],"UUID":[""],"UUID to track orchestration tasks status, GET /api/orchestration/:UUID/tasks":["UUID to track orchestration tasks status, GET /api/orchestration/:UUID/tasks"],"Unable to access key":[""],"Unable to authenticate user %s":[""],"Unable to change VM display listen address, make sure the display is not attached to localhost only":[""],"Unable to communicate with the proxy: %s":[""],"Unable to connect":[""],"Unable to connect to LDAP server":[""],"Unable to create default TFTP boot menu":[""],"Unable to create realm entry":[""],"Unable to create the default role.":[""],"Unable to delete DHCP entry for %s":[""],"Unable to delete DNS entry":[""],"Unable to delete PuppetCA autosign for %s":[""],"Unable to delete PuppetCA certificate for %s":[""],"Unable to delete TFTP boot entry for %s":[""],"Unable to detect TFTP boot server":[""],"Unable to detect features":[""],"Unable to detect version":[""],"Unable to determine the host's boot server. The DHCP smart proxy failed to provide this information and this subnet is not provided with TFTP services.":[""],"Unable to disable bmc_credentials_accessible when safemode_render is disabled":[""],"Unable to disable safemode_render when bmc_credentials_accessible is disabled":[""],"Unable to execute Puppet run":[""],"Unable to fetch TFTP boot file":[""],"Unable to fetch logs":[""],"Unable to find IP address for '%s'":[""],"Unable to find a proxy with BMC feature":[""],"Unable to find proper authentication method":[""],"Unable to find template %s":[""],"Unable to generate output, Check log files":[""],"Unable to get BMC providers":[""],"Unable to get PuppetCA autosign":[""],"Unable to get PuppetCA certificates":[""],"Unable to get classes from Puppet for %s":[""],"Unable to get environment from Puppet":[""],"Unable to get environments from Puppet":[""],"Unable to get installed BMC providers":[""],"Unable to initialize ProxyAPI class %s":["Unable to initialise ProxyAPI class %s"],"Unable to perform boot BMC operation":[""],"Unable to perform identify BMC operation":[""],"Unable to perform lan BMC operation":[""],"Unable to perform power BMC operation":[""],"Unable to render %{kind} template '%{name}': %{e}":[""],"Unable to render '%{name}' template: %{e}":[""],"Unable to retrieve DHCP entry for %s":[""],"Unable to retrieve DHCP subnet":[""],"Unable to retrieve DHCP subnets":[""],"Unable to retrieve unused IP":[""],"Unable to save":[""],"Unable to send email, check server logs for more information":[""],"Unable to set DHCP entry":[""],"Unable to set DNS entry":[""],"Unable to set PuppetCA autosign for %s":[""],"Unable to set TFTP boot entry for %s":[""],"Unable to sign PuppetCA certificate for %s":[""],"Unable to turn on websockets_encrypt, either websockets_ssl_key or websockets_ssl_cert is missing":[""],"Unable to unset websockets_ssl_cert when websockets_encrypt is on":[""],"Unable to unset websockets_ssl_key when websockets_encrypt is on":[""],"Unallowed template for dashboard widget: %s":[""],"Unattended URL":[""],"Undo remove":[""],"Undo selection":[""],"Unhide this value":[""],"Unknown":[""],"Unknown IPAM type - can't continue":[""],"Unknown Power State":[""],"Unknown action name for success message: %s":[""],"Unknown build status":[""],"Unknown device: available devices are %s":[""],"Unknown interface type, must be one of [%s]":[""],"Unknown power action: available methods are %s":[""],"Unknown power management support - can't continue":[""],"Unknown power state":[""],"Unlock":[""],"Unmanage host":[""],"Unsupported IPAM mode for %s":[""],"Unsupported password hash function '%s'":[""],"Unsupported report status format":[""],"Update":[""],"Update :a_resource":[""],"Update IP from built request":[""],"Update a Puppet class":[""],"Update a bookmark":[""],"Update a compute attributes set":[""],"Update a compute profile":[""],"Update a compute resource":[""],"Update a config group":[""],"Update a default template combination for an operating system":[""],"Update a domain":[""],"Update a filter":[""],"Update a global parameter":[""],"Update a hardware model":[""],"Update a host":[""],"Update a host group":[""],"Update a host's interface":[""],"Update a medium":[""],"Update a nested parameter for a domain":[""],"Update a nested parameter for a host":[""],"Update a nested parameter for a host group":[""],"Update a nested parameter for a location":[""],"Update a nested parameter for a subnet":[""],"Update a nested parameter for an operating system":[""],"Update a nested parameter for an organization":["Update a nested parameter for an organisation"],"Update a partition table":[""],"Update a provisioning template":[""],"Update a realm":[""],"Update a role":[""],"Update a setting":[""],"Update a smart class parameter":[""],"Update a smart proxy":[""],"Update a smart variable":[""],"Update a subnet":[""],"Update a user":[""],"Update a user group":[""],"Update an LDAP authentication source":[""],"Update an architecture":[""],"Update an environment":[""],"Update an image":[""],"Update an operating system":[""],"Update an override value for a specific smart class parameter":[""],"Update an override value for a specific smart variable":[""],"Update environment from facts":[""],"Update external user group":[""],"Update realm entry for %s":[""],"Update subnets from facts":[""],"Update template combination":[""],"Update the default PXE menu on all configured TFTP servers":[""],"Update:":[""],"Updated":[""],"Updated all hosts!":[""],"Updated hosts: Disassociated from VM":[""],"Updated hosts: changed environment":[""],"Updated hosts: changed host group":[""],"Updated hosts: changed owner":[""],"Upload facts for a host, creating the host if required":["Upload facts for a host, creating the host if required"],"Use Gravatar":[""],"Use UUID for certificates":[""],"Use short name for VMs":[""],"Use this account to authenticate, <i>optional</i>":[""],"Use this puppet server as a CA server":[""],"Use this puppet server as an initial Puppet Server or to execute puppet runs":[""],"Used to enforce certain values for the parameter values":[""],"User":[""],"User Group":[""],"User Groups":[""],"User IDs":[""],"User data template":[""],"User groups":[""],"User groups enable users to log into Foreman and be automatically granted permissions.":[""],"User role":[""],"User's preferred locale":[""],"User's timezone":[""],"UserRole|Owner type":[""],"Usergroup":[""],"Usergroup member":[""],"UsergroupMember|Member type":["Member type"],"Usergroup|Admin":["Administrator"],"Usergroup|Auth source":[""],"Usergroup|Name":["Name"],"Username":[""],"Username for oVirt, EC2, VMware, OpenStack. Access Key for EC2.":[""],"Username to use to authenticate, if required":[""],"Users":[""],"User|Admin":["Administrator"],"User|Avatar hash":[""],"User|Firstname":["First name"],"User|Last login on":["Last login time"],"User|Lastname":["Surname"],"User|Locale":["Language"],"User|Login":["Username"],"User|Lower login":[""],"User|Mail":["Email address"],"User|Mail enabled":[""],"User|Password hash":["Password hash"],"User|Password salt":["Password salt"],"Uses thin provisioning if unchecked":[""],"Using the organization system provides a way to group resources together for easy management. Organizations are particularly useful for Foreman installations where several customers or business units are managed with a single Foreman install.":["Using the organisation system provides a way to group resources together for easy management. Organisations are particularly useful for Foreman installations where several customers or business units are managed with a single Foreman install."],"VCPU(s)":[""],"VCenter/Server":[""],"VLAN ID for this subnet":[""],"VLAN tag, this attribute has precedence over the subnet VLAN ID. Only for virtual interfaces.":[""],"VM":[""],"VM Attributes":[""],"VM Attributes (%s)":[""],"VM already associated with a host":[""],"VM associated to host %s":[""],"VM is not running!":[""],"VNC/SPICE websocket proxy console access encryption (websockets_ssl_key/cert setting required)":[""],"Valid from":[""],"Valid host group and environment combinations":[""],"Validation types":[""],"Value":["Value"],"Value to use when there is no match":[""],"Value to use when there is no match.":[""],"Variable":[""],"Variable lookup key":[""],"Variables":[""],"Vendor class":[""],"Verify":[""],"Version":[""],"Version %{version}":[""],"Version %{version} %{copyright} 2009-%{year} Paul Kelly and %{author}":[""],"Very Strong":[""],"View Diff":[""],"View in Foreman:":[""],"View last report details":[""],"View list":[""],"Virtual (NAT)":[""],"Virtual H/W version":[""],"Virtual Machine":[""],"Virtual Machines":[""],"Virtual Machines on %s":[""],"Virtual NIC":[""],"Virtual machine settings cannot be edited on an existing machine in %s":[""],"WARNING":[""],"Wait for %s to come online":[""],"Warning":["Warning"],"Warning!":[""],"Warning! This will remove %{name} from %{number} user. are you sure?":["",""],"Warning: This will delete this host and all of its data!":[""],"Warnings and errors":[""],"We have not found any documentation for your API.":[""],"We use Redmine to report and track bugs and feature requests, which can be found here:":[""],"Weak":[""],"Websockets SSL certificate":[""],"Websockets SSL key":[""],"Websockets encryption":[""],"Weekly":[""],"Welcome to Foreman":[""],"What ever text(or ERB template) you use in here, would be used as your OS disk layout options If you want to use the partition table option, delete all of the text from this field":[""],"When a Host requests a template (e.g. during provisioning), Foreman will select the best match from the available templates of that type, in the following order:":[""],"When a realm is selected for a host, Foreman contacts the relevant realm smart proxy to create an entry for the host and retrieve it's one-time registration password.":[""],"When editing a template, you must assign a list of operating systems which this template can be used with. Optionally, you can restrict a template to a list of host groups and/or environments.":[""],"When enabled the parameter is hidden in the UI":[""],"When specifying custom value, add 'MB' or 'GB' at the end. Field is not case sensitive and MB is default if unspecified.":[""],"When the role's associated %{taxonomies} are changed,<br> the change will propagate to all inheriting filters.\\n Filters that are set to override <br> will remain untouched. Overriding of role filters can be easily disabled by <br> pressing the \\\"Disable overriding\\\" button.\\n Note that not all filters support <br>%{taxonomies}, so these always remain global.":[""],"When using SSH based provisioning, a special SSH key is created in order to automate the provisioning process.":[""],"When using TLS, you can set how OpenSSL checks the certificate":[""],"Whether or not the image supports user data":[""],"Whether or not the template is locked for editing":[""],"Whether the class parameter value is managed by Foreman.":[""],"Whether the smart class parameter value is managed by Foreman":[""],"Which is an offset of <b>%s</b>":[""],"Widget added to dashboard.":["Widget added to dashboard."],"Widget positions successfully saved.":["Widget positions successfully saved."],"Widget removed from dashboard.":["Widget removed from dashboard."],"Wiki":[""],"With user groups, you can group your users and assign them roles on a group basis.":[""],"X509 Certification Authorities":[""],"YAML":[""],"Yes":[""],"You are about to change the default PXE menu on all configured TFTP servers - continue?":[""],"You are about to override the editor content with a previous version, are you sure?":["You are about to override the editor content with a previous version, are you sure?"],"You are about to override the editor content, are you sure?":["You are about to override the editor content, are you sure?"],"You are about to unlock a locked template.":[""],"You are not authorized to lock templates.":["You are not authorised to lock templates."],"You are not authorized to make a template default.":["You are not authorised to make a template default."],"You are not authorized to perform this action.":["You are not authorised to perform this action."],"You are trying to delete your own account":[""],"You are using an unsupported browser.":[""],"You can add SSH public keys to a user in Foreman.":[""],"You can find The Foreman on the %{freenode} ( network. For general support, please visit #theforeman and for development specific related chat, please visit #theforeman-dev.":[""],"You can select one of the IPAM modes supported by the selected IP protocol:<br/><ul><li><strong>DHCP</strong> - will manage the IP on DHCP through assigned DHCP proxy, auto-suggested IPs come from DHCP <em>(IPv4)</em></li><li><strong>Internal DB</strong> - use internal DB to auto-suggest free IP based on other interfaces on same subnet respecting range if specified, useful mainly with static boot mode <em>(IPv4, IPv6)</em></li><li><strong>EUI-64</strong> - will assign the IPv6 address based on the MAC address of the interface <em>(IPv6)</em></li><li><strong>None</strong> - leave IP management solely on user, no auto-suggestion <em>(IPv4, IPv6)</em></li></ul>":[""],"You can't assign locations to this resource":[""],"You can't assign organizations to this resource":["You can't assign organisations to this resource"],"You cannot delete this user while logged in as this user.":[""],"You do not have permission to %s this location parameter":[""],"You do not have permission to %s this organization parameter":["You do not have permission to %s this organisation parameter"],"You don't have any visible hosts. Hosts can be added and provisioned from Foreman, or configured to report to Foreman.":[""],"You don't seem to have any bookmarks.":[""],"You don't seem to have any facts yet. If you wish to configure fact pushing, please follow the documentation.":[""],"You don't seem to have any reports.":[""],"You have already logged in":[""],"You may also associate one or more operating systems with this medium or alternatively set this up later on the %s page.":[""],"You may also associate one or more operating systems with this partition table or alternatively set this up later on the %s page":[""],"You may create puppet classes that represent high-level host configurations, for example, a <b>host-type-ldap-server</b> class, which includes all the required functionality from other modules or you may decide to create a host group called <b>host-type-ldap-server</b> and add the required classes into the host group configuration.":[""],"You must create a location before continuing.":[""],"You must create an organization before continuing.":["You must create an organisation before continuing."],"You must create at least one location before continuing.":[""],"You must create at least one organization before continuing.":["You must create at least one organisation before continuing."],"You must select at least one permission":[""],"You probably need to configure your %s first.":[""],"You would probably need to attach the":[""],"Your Foreman user account has been created:":[""],"Your host has finished building:":[""],"Your password is too short":[""],"Your password should not contain sequences":[""],"Your password should not contain that many repetitions":[""],"Your password should not contain your email":[""],"Your password should not contain your username":[""],"Your password should use characters from different character classes too":[""],"Your session has expired, please login again":[""],"ZTP PXE template":[""],"Zone":[""],"[encrypted]":[""],"a location":[""],"add a new matcher":[""],"add new network interface":[""],"add new storage volume":[""],"all":[""],"already exists":[""],"an organization":["an organisation"],"and":[""],"array":[""],"belongs to config group":["belongs to config group"],"boolean":[""],"boot device, valid devices are disk, cdrom, pxe, bios":[""],"can only be set for array or hash":[""],"can only be set for arrays that have merge_overrides set to true":[""],"can only be set when merge overrides is set":[""],"can't be bigger than to range":[""],"can't be blank":[""],"can't be blank unless a custom partition has been defined":[""],"can't be updated after host is provisioned":[""],"can't be updated after subnet is saved":[""],"can't contain spaces.":[""],"can't delete primary interface of managed host":[""],"can't delete provision interface of managed host":[""],"can't find domain with this id":[""],"cannot be changed":[""],"cannot be changed by a non-admin user":[""],"cannot be changed on an internal protected account":[""],"cannot be enabled for an unmanaged host":[""],"cannot be removed from an internal protected account":[""],"cannot be removed from the last admin account":[""],"clone":[""],"comma separated interface identifiers":[""],"comments powered by %{disqus}":[""],"could not be calculated":[""],"could not be found in %s":[""],"could not be generated":[""],"cycle":[""],"default locations need to be user locations first":[""],"default organizations need to be user organizations first":["default organisations need to be user organisations first"],"defaults to 389":[""],"does not appear to be a valid nfs mount path":[""],"does not belong into host's location":[""],"does not belong into host's organization":["does not belong into host's organisation"],"does not belong to subnet":[""],"does not have the %s feature":[""],"does not match selected subnet":[""],"domain":[""],"e-mail reporting":[""],"e.g. admin@internal":[""],"e.g. givenName":[""],"e.g. http://openstack:5000/v2.0/tokens":[""],"e.g.":[""],"e.g.":[""],"e.g. jpegPhoto":[""],"e.g. karmic, lucid, hw0910 etc":[""],"e.g. mail":[""],"e.g. qemu://":[""],"e.g. sn":[""],"e.g. uid":[""],"enable caching, for VMware only":[""],"environment id":[""],"failed to %{action} %{vm}":[""],"failed to detect boot server: %s":[""],"failed to execute puppetrun: %s":[""],"failed to save %s":[""],"filter for %s role":[""],"filter results":["filter results"],"for EC2 only":[""],"for Libvirt and VMware only":[""],"for Libvirt only":[""],"for OpenStack only":[""],"for VMware":[""],"for oVirt, VMware Datacenter":[""],"for proxy":[""],"free memory":[""],"from profile %s":[""],"further instructions":[""],"global":[""],"groups base DN":[""],"has already been taken":[""],"has this role already":[""],"hash":[""],"hash containing the facts for the host":[""],"host":[""],"host already has primary interface":[""],"host already has provision interface":[""],"host group":[""],"host group id":[""],"host must have one primary interface":[""],"hostname of the host":[""],"iPXE template":[""],"in %s":[""],"in Progress":[""],"in progress":[""],"included already from parent":[""],"inherit":[""],"integer":[""],"interface information":[""],"invalid":[""],"invalid LDAP filter syntax":[""],"invalid architecture for %s":[""],"invalid host list":[""],"invalid medium for %s":[""],"invalid method %s":[""],"invalid path":[""],"invalid search query: %s":[""],"invalid time range":[""],"invalid type %s":[""],"invalid type: %s requested":[""],"is already used by a user account":[""],"is an admin account":[""],"is an admin user group":[""],"is an unsupported provisioning method":[""],"is invalid":[""],"is invalid %s":[""],"is invalid. No provisioning template with name \\\"%{name}\\\" and kind \\\"%{kind}\\\" found. ":[""],"is invalid: %s":[""],"is locked for user modifications.":[""],"is not a valid MAC address":[""],"is not allowed to change":[""],"is not defined for host's %s.":[""],"is not found in the authentication source":[""],"is not permitted":[""],"is not valid":[""],"is too long (maximum is 1 character)":["",""],"is too long (maximum is 254 characters)":[""],"is unknown":[""],"issue tracker":[""],"items selected. Uncheck to Clear":["items selected. Uncheck to Clear"],"json":[""],"last %s day":["",""],"link external user group with this user group":[""],"list":[""],"locale_name":["English (United Kingdom)"],"location":[""],"locations":[""],"managed host must have one provision interface":[""],"message":[""],"must be a unicast MAC address":[""],"must be a valid regexp":[""],"must be an array":[""],"must be boolean":[""],"must be comma separated":[""],"must be integer":[""],"must be of type Subnet::Ipv4.":[""],"must be of type Subnet::Ipv6.":[""],"must be one of [ %s ]":[""],"must be specified if from is defined":[""],"must be specified if to is defined":[""],"must be true to edit the parameter":[""],"must contain valid hostnames":[""],"must not include periods":[""],"must only contain alphanumeric or underscore characters":[""],"must provide a provider":[""],"must set host and port":[""],"new":[""],"nil allowed":[""],"nil means host is bare metal":[""],"no free IP could be found in our DB":[""],"no puppet proxy defined - cant continue":[""],"no value":[""],"none":[""],"not found":[""],"not relevant for snippet":[""],"not required if using a subnet with DHCP proxy":["not required if using a subnet with DHCP proxy"],"not supported by this protocol":[""],"number of entries per request":["number of entries per request"],"oVirt/RHEV template to use":[""],"off":[""],"on":[""],"operating system":[""],"optional":[""],"optional: certname of the host":[""],"optional: the STI type of host to create":[""],"organization":["organisation"],"organizations":["organisations"],"override":[""],"paginate results":["paginate results"],"parsing settings type '%s' from string is not defined":[""],"password match":[""],"passwords do not match":[""],"pending":[""],"physical":[""],"physical @ NAT %s":["physical @ NAT %s"],"physical @ bridge %s":["physical @ bridge %s"],"power action, valid actions are (on/start), (off/stop), (soft/reboot), (cycle/reset), (state/status)":[""],"poweroff":[""],"ready?":[""],"real":[""],"reboot":[""],"recreate":[""],"regexp":[""],"remove":[""],"remove network interface":[""],"remove storage volume":[""],"required":[""],"required for managed host that is bare metal, not required if it's a virtual machine":[""],"required if host is managed and custom partition has not been defined":[""],"required if host is managed and value is not inherited from host group":[""],"required if host is managed and value is not inherited from host group or default password in settings":[""],"required if locations are enabled":[""],"required if not imaged based provisioning and host is managed and value is not inherited from host group":[""],"required if onthefly_register is true":[""],"required if organizations are enabled":["required if organisations are enabled"],"reset":[""],"revoked":[""],"select an owner":[""],"setting up reporting":[""],"should be 8 characters or more":[""],"should be a single line":[""],"should not be blank - consider setting a global or host group default":[""],"soft":[""],"some interfaces are invalid":[""],"some permissions were not found":[""],"sort results":["sort results"],"space separated options, e.g. miimon=100":[""],"start":[""],"state":[""],"status":[""],"status type, can be one of\\n* global\\n* configuration\\n* build\\n":[""],"stop":[""],"string":[""],"subnet":[""],"subnet boot mode is not %s":[""],"sync external user groups on login":[""],"template name":[""],"template version":[""],"these hosts for a build operation on next boot":[""],"type of the LDAP server":[""],"unable to find %{type} template for %{host} running %{os}":[""],"unable to sign a non pending certificate":[""],"unknown network_type":[""],"unknown parent permission for %s":[""],"unknown permission %s":[""],"unknown permission for %s":[""],"unknown provider":[""],"unspecified":[""],"used memory":[""],"using %s":[""],"using %{allocation} GB out of %{capacity} GB, %{pool_name} storage pool":[""],"valid":[""],"valid or pending":[""],"virtual":[""],"virtual attached to %s":[""],"yaml":[""],"you can't assign some of roles you selected":[""],"you can't change administrator flag":[""],"you cannot remove %s that are used by hosts or inherited.":[""]}}};
var locales = locales || {}; locales['en_GB'] = {"domain":"app","locale_data":{"app":{"":{"Project-Id-Version":"Foreman","Report-Msgid-Bugs-To":"","PO-Revision-Date":"2017-09-19 16:40+0000","Last-Translator":"Lukáš Zapletal","Language-Team":"English (United Kingdom) (","MIME-Version":"1.0","Content-Type":"text/plain; charset=UTF-8","Content-Transfer-Encoding":"8bit","Language":"en_GB","Plural-Forms":"nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);","lang":"en_GB","domain":"app","plural_forms":"nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);"}," Remove":[" Remove"],"%s - Press Shift-F12 to release the cursor.":[""],"%s - The following hosts are about to be changed":["%s - The following hosts are about to be changed"],"%s Distribution":[""],"%s Parameters updated, see below for more information":[""],"%s Template":[""],"%s VM associated to a host":["",""],"%s active feature":["",""],"%s ago":["%s ago"],"%s console is not supported at this time":[""],"%s core":["",""],"%s day ago":["",""],"%s error message":["",""],"%s has been disassociated from VM":[""],"%s host":["",""],"%s is an unknown attribute":[""],"%s is not a valid DNS record type":[""],"%s is not in environment":[""],"%s log message":["",""],"%s minute ago":["",""],"%s month ago":["",""],"%s selected hosts":[""],"%s warning message":["",""],"%s week ago":["",""],"%s widget loading...":[""],"%{app_name} API documentation homepage":[""],"%{config_type} rebuild failed for host: %{host_names}.":["",""],"%{controller}: %{host}'s operating system %{os} has no OS family":[""],"%{controller}: %{host}'s operating system is missing":[""],"%{controller}: unable to find a host that matches the request from %{addr}":[""],"%{cores} Cores and %{memory} memory":[""],"%{count} host with no %{taxonomy_single} assigned":["",""],"%{cpus} CPUs and %{memory} MB memory":[""],"%{cpus} CPUs and %{memory} memory":[""],"%{e} does not belong to the %{environment} environment":[""],"%{host} is about to %{action}":[""],"%{host} now boots from %{device}":[""],"%{id} plugin requires Foreman %{matcher} but current is %{current}":[""],"%{id} plugin requires the %{plugin_name} plugin %{matcher} but current is %{plugin_version}":[""],"%{id} plugin requires the %{plugin_name} plugin, not found":[""],"%{image} needs user data, but %{os_link} is not associated to any provisioning template of the kind user_data. Please associate it with a suitable template or uncheck 'User data' for %{compute_resource_image_link}.":[""],"%{key} does not exist in order field":[""],"%{match} does not match an existing host":[""],"%{match} does not match an existing host group":[""],"%{model} with id '%{id}' was not found":[""],"%{name} changed from %{label1} to %{label2}":[""],"%{name} has %{num_tag} class":["",""],"%{os} medium was not set for host '%{host}'":[""],"%{record} is being used by a hidden %{what} resource":[""],"%{record} is used by %{what}":[""],"%{record} is used by host in build mode %{what}":[""],"%{resource_name} not found by id '%{id}'":[""],"%{task} task failed with the following error: %{e}":[""],"%{taxonomy_type} %{taxonomy_name} has %{count} host that will need to be reassociated after deletion. Delete %{taxonomy_name2}?":["",""],"%{type} %{conflicts} already exists":[""],"%{user} Downloaded %{key} as pem file":[""],"%{value} does not belong to %{os} operating system":[""],"%{value} is not a valid controller":[""],"%{value} is not one of %{rules}":[""],"%{vm} is now %{vm_state}":[""],"&laquo;":[""],"&raquo;":[""],"'%{host}' could be deleted or '%{resource}' is not responding.":[""],"'%{host}' not found on '%{resource}'":[""],"'%{loader}' is not one of %{loaders}":[""],"'Content-Type: %s' is unsupported in API v2 for POST and PUT requests. Please use 'Content-Type: application/json'.":[""],"(Miscellaneous)":[""],"(optional) IAM Role for Fog to use when creating this image.":[""],"*Clear %s proxy*":[""],"*Clear environment*":[""],"*Clear host group*":[""],"*Inherit from host group*":[""],", relevant log entries, and it is highly recommended to also attach the foreman-debug output.":[""],":foreman_url is not set, please configure in the Foreman Web UI (Administer -> Settings -> General)":[""],"<b class='select_count'>0</b> selected":[""],"<b style=\\\"color: #6bb5df;\\\">%{disabled_sum}</b>\\n <p>Disabled</p>":["",""],"<b style=\\\"color: #6bb5df;\\\">%{hosts_sum}</b>\\n <p>Changed</p>":["",""],"<b style=\\\"color: #6bb5df;\\\">%{out_of_sync_sum}</b>\\n <p>Out of sync</p>":["",""],"<b>Description:</b> %{desc}<br/>\\n <b>Type:</b> %{type}<br/>\\n <b>Matcher:</b> %{matcher}<br/>\\n <b>Inherited value:</b> %{inherited_value}":[""],"<b>Foreman API v1 is deprecated. Please use v2.</b><br />If you still need to use v1, you may do so by either passing 'version=1' in the Accept Header or using api/v1/ in the URL.":[""],"<b>Foreman</b> Build Complete":[""],"<b>Foreman</b> Puppet error report":[""],"<b>Foreman</b> Puppet summary":[""],"<b>Foreman</b> audit summary":[""],"<b>Foreman</b> test email":[""],"<b>Source:</b> %{type} %{name}":[""],"<dl><dt>List</dt> <dd>A list of the allowed values, specified in the Validator rule field.</dd><dt>Regexp</dt> <dd>Validates the input with the regular expression in the Validator rule field.</dd></dl>":[""],"<dl><dt>String</dt> <dd>Everything is taken as a string.</dd><dt>Boolean</dt> <dd>Common representation of boolean values are accepted.</dd><dt>Integer</dt> <dd>Integer numbers only, can be negative.</dd><dt>Real</dt> <dd>Accept any numerical input.</dd><dt>Array</dt> <dd>A valid JSON or YAML input, that must evaluate to an array.</dd><dt>Hash</dt> <dd>A valid JSON or YAML input, that must evaluate to an object/map/dict/hash.</dd><dt>YAML</dt> <dd>Any valid YAML input.</dd><dt>JSON</dt> <dd>Any valid JSON input.</dd></dl>":[""],"A Foreman user group can be associated to a group stored in an LDAP server, so membership of the LDAP group automatically adds the user to the Foreman user group.":[""],"A host group is in some ways similar to an inherited node declaration, in that it is a high level grouping of classes that can be named and treated as a unit. This is then treated as a template and is selectable during the creation of a new host and ensures that the host is configured in one of your pre-defined states.":[""],"A medium represents the source of one or more operating system's installation files, accessible via the network.\\n It will probably be a mirror from the internet or a copy of one or more CD or DVDs.":[""],"A partition table entry represents either":[""],"A problem occurred when detecting host type: %s":[""],"A script to dynamically calculate the desired sizes. 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E.G.":[""],"An invalid response was received while requesting available features from this proxy":[""],"Annotation Notes":[""],"Annotation notes":[""],"Anonymous admin user %s is missing, run foreman-rake db:seed":[""],"Any Context":[""],"Any Location":[""],"Any Organization":["Any Organisation"],"Applicable Operating Systems":[""],"Applied":[""],"Applied|A":[""],"Architecture":[""],"Architecture Distribution":[""],"Architecture ID":[""],"Architectures":[""],"Architecture|Hostgroups count":[""],"Architecture|Hosts count":[""],"Architecture|Name":["Name"],"Are you sure you want to %{act} %{vm}?":[""],"Are you sure you want to delete host %s? This action is irreversible.":[""],"Are you sure you want to delete host %s? 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After disabling override field, role %{orgs_and_locs} apply again.":[""],"Filters overriding has been disabled":[""],"Filter|Override":[""],"Filter|Permissions":[""],"Filter|Resource":[""],"Filter|Search":[""],"Filter|Taxonomy search":[""],"Filter|Unlimited":[""],"Fingerprint":[""],"Finish template":[""],"Firmware":[""],"Fix %s on Mismatch":[""],"Fix All Mismatches":[""],"Fix DB cache":[""],"Fix DB cache on next Foreman restart":[""],"Fix Mismatches":[""],"Flavor":["Flavour"],"Floating IP network":[""],"Folder":[""],"Follow %{href} on how to describe your controllers.":[""],"For example, if you have copied several Red Hat release disks into a directory structure where the disk images are named 5.8 or 6.2, and each contained both x86_64 and i386 binaries, then you\\n could create a single medium entry describing them all.\\n The entry, which could be just named 'Red Hat' could contain a path like this <em>'http://server/redhat/$version/$arch'</em>":[""],"For more info visit our documentation.":[""],"For more information":[""],"Force a Puppet agent run on the host":[""],"Foreman API v2 is currently the default API version.":[""],"Foreman Developers":[""],"Foreman URL":[""],"Foreman Users":[""],"Foreman audit summary":[""],"Foreman can store information about the networking setup of a host that it’s provisioning, which can be used to configure the virtual machine, assign the correct IP addresses and network resources, then configure the OS correctly during the provisioning process.":[""],"Foreman can use LDAP based service for user information and authentication.":[""],"Foreman considers a domain and a DNS zone as the same thing.":[""],"Foreman domain ID of interface. Required for primary interfaces on managed hosts.":[""],"Foreman host group matchers will be inherited by children when evaluating smart class parameters":[""],"Foreman now manages the build cycle for %s":[""],"Foreman now no longer manages the build cycle for %s":[""],"Foreman report creation time is <em>%s</em>":[""],"Foreman smart variables will be exposed via the ENC yaml output":[""],"Foreman subnet ID of IPv4 interface":[""],"Foreman subnet ID of IPv6 interface":[""],"Foreman supports automatically creating realm entries for new hosts.":[""],"Foreman supports creating and managing hosts on a number of virtualization and cloud services - referred to as “compute resources” - as well as bare metal hosts.":["Foreman supports creating and managing hosts on a number of virtualisation and cloud services - referred to as “compute resources” - as well as bare metal hosts."],"Foreman test email":[""],"Foreman ticketing system":[""],"Foreman will automate certificate signing upon provision of new host":[""],"Foreman will create the host when a report is received":[""],"Foreman will create the host when new facts are received":[""],"Foreman will default to this puppet environment if it cannot auto detect one":[""],"Foreman will delete virtual machine if provisioning script ends with non zero exit code":[""],"Foreman will evaluate host smart variables in this order by default":[""],"Foreman will explicitly set the puppet environment in the ENC yaml output. This will avoid conflicts between the environment in puppet.conf and the environment set in Foreman":[""],"Foreman will map users by username in request-header. If this is set to false, OAuth requests will have admin rights.":[""],"Foreman will not send this parameter in classification output, replaces use_puppet_default":[""],"Foreman will not send this parameter in classification output.":[""],"Foreman will not send this parameter in classification output. 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Visit Settings to disable this feature.":[""],"Generated %s ago":[""],"Generated at %s":[""],"Get ENC values of host":[""],"Get configuration status of host":[""],"Get dashboard details":[""],"Get default dashboard widgets":[""],"Get statistics":[""],"Get status of host":[""],"Get vm attributes of host":[""],"Global":[""],"Global Parameters":[""],"Global default %s template":[""],"Global default %s template. This template gets deployed to all configured TFTP servers. It will not be affected by upgrades.":[""],"Global functions":[""],"Global methods (functions)":[""],"Global parameters":[""],"Global status changed from %{from} to %{to}":[""],"Global variables":[""],"Good host reports in the last %s":[""],"Google Project ID":[""],"Groups base DN":[""],"Guest OS":[""],"HELO/EHLO domain":[""],"Hardware":["Hardware"],"Hardware Model":[""],"Hardware Models":[""],"Hardware models":[""],"Hash function to use. 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The content of this fact should be the full label of the location.":[""],"Hosts created after a puppet run will be placed in the organization this fact dictates. The content of this fact should be the full label of the organization.":["Hosts created after a puppet run will be placed in the organisation this fact dictates. The content of this fact should be the full label of the organisation."],"Hosts in error state":[""],"Hosts including sub-groups":[""],"Hosts managed":[""],"Hosts managed:":[""],"Hosts that had pending changes":[""],"Hosts that had pending changes with alerts enabled":[""],"Hosts that had performed modifications without error":[""],"Hosts that will be trusted in addition to Smart Proxies for access to fact/report importers and ENC output":[""],"Hosts which Foreman reporting is disabled":[""],"Hosts which are currently not running Puppet":[""],"Hosts which are not reporting":[""],"Hosts which didn't run puppet in the last %s":[""],"Hosts which recently applied changes":[""],"Hosts which recently applied changes successfully":[""],"Hosts which recently applied changes successfully with alerts enabled":[""],"Hosts with alerts disabled":[""],"Hosts with error state":[""],"Hosts with error state and alerts enabled":[""],"Hosts with errors":[""],"Hosts with interesting values (changed, failures etc)":[""],"Hosts with no reports":[""],"Hosts with notifications disabled":[""],"Hosts without changes or errors":[""],"Hosts without changes or errors, with alerts enabled":[""],"Hosts without errors":[""],"Hosts without errors percent":[""],"Hosts without errors, with alerts enabled":[""],"How values are validated":[""],"However, if it was deleted externally this page helps you to recreate it":[""],"ID of LDAP authentication source":[""],"ID of Puppet class":[""],"ID of architecture":[""],"ID of compute resource":[""],"ID of config template":[""],"ID of domain":[""],"ID of environment":[""],"ID of host":[""],"ID of host group":[""],"ID of interface":[""],"ID of linked authentication source":[""],"ID of location":[""],"ID of medium":[""],"ID of operating system":[""],"ID of organization":["ID of organisation"],"ID of parameter":[""],"ID of partition table":[""],"ID of provisioning template":[""],"ID of role":[""],"ID of subnet":[""],"ID of template":[""],"ID of the user":[""],"ID of user group":[""],"ID or name external user group":[""],"ID or name of domain":[""],"ID or name of external user group":[""],"ID or name of host":[""],"ID or name of interface":[""],"ID or name of subnet":[""],"ID or name of user group":[""],"IDs of associated architectures":[""],"IDs of associated config groups":[""],"IDs of associated media":[""],"IDs of associated partition tables":[""],"IDs of associated provisioning templates":[""],"INFO or DEBUG":[""],"IP":["IP"],"IP Address":["IP Address"],"IP Address Management":[""],"IP Address auto suggestion mode for this subnet, valid values are \\\"DHCP\\\", \\\"Internal DB\\\", \\\"None\\\"":[""],"IP address auto-suggest":[""],"IP addresses that should be excluded from suggestion":[""],"IP:":[""],"IPAM":[""],"IPv4":[""],"IPv4 Address":[""],"IPv4 DNS record":["",""],"IPv4 Subnet":[""],"IPv4 address":[""],"IPv4 address of interface":[""],"IPv6":[""],"IPv6 Address":[""],"IPv6 DNS record":["",""],"IPv6 Subnet":[""],"IPv6 address":[""],"IPv6 address of interface":[""],"IRC":[""],"Identifier":["Identifier"],"Identifier of the interface to which this interface belongs, e.g. eth1":[""],"Identifier of the interface to which this interface belongs, e.g. eth1. Only for virtual interfaces.":[""],"Identifiers of attached interfaces, e.g. `['eth1', 'eth2']`. For bond interfaces those are the slaves. Only for bond and bridges interfaces.":[""],"Idle timeout":[""],"If ERB is used in a parameter value, the validation of the value will happen during the ENC request. If the value is invalid, the ENC request will fail.":[""],"If Foreman is running behind Passenger or a remote load balancer, the IP should be set here. This is a regular expression, so it can support several load balancers, i.e: (|":[""],"If checked, will raise an error if there is no default value and no matcher provide a value.":[""],"If owner type is specified, owner must be specified too.":[""],"If true, will raise an error if there is no default value and no matcher provide a value":[""],"If you are planning to use Foreman as an external node classifier you should provide information about one or more environments. 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A 'create_ssh_keys' permission is required too.":[""],"In-line code syntax":[""],"Include default value when merging all matching values":[""],"Include default value when merging all matching values.":[""],"Include this host within Foreman reporting":[""],"Included Classes":[""],"Included Config Groups":[""],"Incorrect password":[""],"Incorrect username or password":[""],"Independent - Nonpersistent":[""],"Independent - Persistent":[""],"Infrastructure":[""],"Inherit parent (%s)":[""],"Inherited Classes from %s":[""],"Inherits from subnet VLAN ID if not set":[""],"Input":[""],"Installation Media":[""],"Installation media":["Installation media"],"Installation medium configuration":[""],"Installed":[""],"Interface":[""],"Interface is down":[""],"Interface is up":[""],"Interface provider, e.g. IPMI. Only for BMC interfaces.":[""],"Interface type, e.g. bmc. 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Please consider cloning it instead.":[""],"Item":[""],"Iterating":[""],"JSON VM listing is not supported for this compute resource.":[""],"JSON object of the scheduler hint":[""],"Keep selected hosts for a future action":[""],"Key Binding":[""],"Key not connected to any compute resource":[""],"Key pair":[""],"Key used with other compute resource":[""],"KeyPair|Name":["Name"],"KeyPair|Public":[""],"KeyPair|Secret":["Secret"],"Kind":[""],"LDAP Authentication":[""],"LDAP authentication":[""],"LDAP authentication sources":[""],"LDAP error - %{message}":[""],"LDAP filter":[""],"LDAP server":[""],"LDAP users will have their Foreman account automatically created the first time they log into Foreman":[""],"Language":[""],"Last Report":["Last Report"],"Last report":["Last report"],"Last updated %s ago":[""],"Latest Events":[""],"Learn more about this in the documentation.":[""],"Legacy Puppet hostname":[""],"Length":[""],"Level":[""],"Libvirt default console address":[""],"Libvirt, oVirt, 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environment/Puppet class combination":[""],"List of smart class parameters for a specific host":[""],"List of smart class parameters for a specific host group":[""],"List of smart variables for a specific Puppet class":[""],"List of smart variables for a specific host":[""],"List of smart variables for a specific host group":[""],"List of subnets":[""],"List of subnets for a domain":[""],"List of subnets per location":[""],"List of subnets per organization":["List of subnets per organisation"],"List operating systems where this template is set as a default":[""],"List provisioning templates":[""],"List provisioning templates per location":[""],"List provisioning templates per operating system":[""],"List provisioning templates per organization":["List provisioning templates per organisation"],"List resource pools for a compute resource cluster":[""],"List storage domains for a compute resource":[""],"List storage pods for a compute resource":[""],"List template combination":[""],"Load 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deleted.":[""],"Location/Organization":["Location/Organisation"],"Locations":["Locations"],"Locations also work nicely when used in tandem with %{organizations}.":[""],"Locations are used to manage and differentiate the physical place where a system managed via Foreman is housed. 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Please check the table below.":[""],"Some or all hosts execution failed, Please check log files for more information":[""],"Some other interface is already set as primary. Are you sure you want to use this one instead?":[""],"Some other interface is already set as provisioning. Are you sure you want to use this one instead?":[""],"Something went wrong while changing host type - %s":[""],"Something went wrong while selecting hosts - %s":["Something went wrong while selecting hosts - %s"],"Sorry but no templates were configured.":["Sorry but no templates were configured."],"Sorry, these hosts do not have parameters assigned to them, you must add them first.":[""],"Source":[""],"Source|Digest":["Digest"],"Source|Value":["Value"],"Space separated options, e.g. miimon=100. Only for bond interfaces.":[""],"Specified value is higher than recommended maximum":[""],"Specify additional options to sendmail":[""],"Specify authentication type, if required":[""],"Specify matchers":[""],"Start":[""],"Starting IP Address for IP auto suggestion":[""],"State":[""],"Static":[""],"Statistics":[""],"Status":[""],"Stop updating IP address and MAC values from Puppet facts (affects all interfaces)":[""],"Stop updating Operating System from facts":[""],"Stop updating domain values from facts":[""],"Storage":["Storage"],"Storage domain":[""],"Storage pool":[""],"Strong":[""],"Submit":["Submit"],"Subnet":["Subnet"],"Subnet ID":[""],"Subnet IDs":[""],"Subnet name":[""],"Subnet network":[""],"Subnet numeric identifier":[""],"Subnets":[""],"Subnet|Boot mode":[""],"Subnet|Dns primary":["Primary DNS server"],"Subnet|Dns secondary":["Secondary DNS server"],"Subnet|From":["Start of IP range"],"Subnet|Gateway":["Gateway address"],"Subnet|Ipam":[""],"Subnet|Mask":["Network mask"],"Subnet|Name":["Name"],"Subnet|Network":["Network address"],"Subnet|Priority":["Priority"],"Subnet|To":["End of IP range"],"Subnet|Vlanid":["VLAN ID"],"Subscribe":[""],"Subscribe to all hosts":[""],"Subscribe to my hosts":[""],"Success":["Success"],"Successfully created %s.":[""],"Successfully delete %s":[""],"Successfully deleted %s.":[""],"Successfully deleted report.":[""],"Successfully executed, check log files for more details":[""],"Successfully executed, check reports and/or log files for more details":[""],"Successfully overridden all parameters of Puppet class %s":[""],"Successfully recreated":[""],"Successfully refreshed features from %s.":[""],"Successfully refreshed the cache.":[""],"Successfully reset all parameters of Puppet class %s to their default values":[""],"Successfully updated %s.":[""],"Successfully updated environments and Puppet classes from the on-disk Puppet installation":[""],"Suffix or prefix length for this subnet, e.g. 32":[""],"Suggest new":[""],"Summary from %{time} ago to now":[""],"Summary report from Foreman server at %{foreman_url}":[""],"Support":[""],"Supported Formats":[""],"Synchronize group from authentication source":["Synchronise group from authentication source"],"Syntax Highlighting":[""],"Syntax error occurred while parsing the template %{template_name}, make sure you have all ERB tags properly closed and the Ruby syntax is valid. The Ruby error: %{message}":[""],"System Information":[""],"System Status":[""],"TFTP":[""],"TFTP Proxy":[""],"TFTP Proxy ID to use within this subnet":[""],"TFTP Proxy to use within this subnet":[""],"TFTP server":[""],"Taxable taxonomy":[""],"TaxableTaxonomy|Taxable type":["Taxable type"],"Taxonomy":[""],"Taxonomy|Ancestry":[""],"Taxonomy|Ignore types":["All objects"],"Taxonomy|Name":["Name"],"Taxonomy|Title":[""],"Template":["Template"],"Template %s is empty.":[""],"Template '%s' is either missing or has an invalid organization or location":["Template '%s' is either missing or has an invalid organisation or location"],"Template '%s' was not found":[""],"Template Diff":[""],"Template Type":[""],"Template diff":[""],"Template editor":[""],"Template kind":[""],"Template kinds, available values: %{template_kinds}":[""],"Template locked":[""],"Template syntax":[""],"Template that will be selected as %s default for local boot.":[""],"Template unlocked":[""],"TemplateKind|Name":["Name"],"Templates":[""],"Templates resolved for this operating system":[""],"Tenant":[""],"Test Connection":[""],"Test LDAP connection":[""],"Test LDAP connectivity":[""],"Test connection to LDAP server was successful.":[""],"Test connection was successful":["Test connection was successful"],"Test email":[""],"Text to be shown in the login-page footer":[""],"That is, if you are planning to manage a site where all the machines are of the form <i>hostname</i>.<b></b>\\n then the domain is <b></b>.":[""],"The %{proxy_type} proxy could not be set for host: %{host_names}.":["",""],"The %{proxy_type} proxy of the selected hosts was cleared.":[""],"The %{proxy_type} proxy of the selected hosts was set to %{proxy_name}.":[""],"The <b>fullname</b> field is used for human readability in reports and other pages that refer to domains,\\n and also available as an external node parameter":[""],"The Audit Comment field is saved with the template auditing to document the template changes":[""],"The BMC password will be used by Foreman to access the host's BMC controller via a BMC-enabled smart proxy, if available.<br/>":[""],"The IP address that should be used for the console listen address when provisioning new virtual machines via Libvirt":[""],"The NFS path to the image directory.":[""],"The NFS path to the jumpstart control files.":[""],"The NFS path to the media.":[""],"The Operating systems detail the OSs known to Foreman, and is the central point that the other required components tie into.":[""],"The Primary interface is used for constructing the FQDN of the host":[""],"The Provisioning interface is used for TFTP of PXELinux (or SSH for image-based hosts)":[""],"The authentication process currently requires an LDAP provider, such as <em>FreeIPA</em>,\\n <em>OpenLDAP</em> or <em>Microsoft's Active Directory</em>.":[""],"The class of CPU supplied in this machine. This is primarily used by Sparc Solaris builds and can be left blank for other architectures. The value can be determined on Solaris via uname -m":[""],"The class of the machine reported by the Open Boot Prom. This is primarily used by Sparc Solaris builds and can be left blank for other architectures. The value can be determined on Solaris via uname -i|cut -f2 -d,":["The class of the machine as reported by the OpenBoot PROM. This is primarily used by Solaris SPARC builds and can be left blank for other architectures. The value can be determined on Solaris via `uname -i|cut -f2 -d`."],"The default administrator email address":[""],"The dynamic partitioning style is currently only available for the Red Hat family of operating systems, all others must provide an explicit list of partitions and sizes.":[""],"The file path where your p12 file is located":[""],"The final entry, Operating System default, can be set by editing the %s page.":[""],"The following IPv4 subnets have been found. Please review the details before creating them.":[""],"The following entries were found conflicting with what foreman wanted to apply.":[""],"The following errors may prevent a successful build:":[""],"The following fields would need reviewing":[""],"The following hosts failed the build operation: %s":[""],"The following hosts were not %{action}: %{missed_hosts}":[""],"The following hosts were not deleted: %s":["The following hosts were not deleted: %s"],"The following hosts were updated":[""],"The following parameters were skipped as they did not exists on this host:":[""],"The following table and example snippet shows global methods, variables and class methods and how to use them.":[""],"The full DNS domain name":[""],"The host group's classes and the host group's variables are included in the external node information when the puppetmaster compiles the host's configuration.":[""],"The inclusion of the keyword string <b>#Dynamic</b> at the start of a line lets Foreman know that this is not an explicit disk layout and must treated as a shell script, executed prior\\n to the install process and that the explicit partition table will be found at <b>/tmp/diskpart.cfg</b> during the build process.":[""],"The keys can be used in provisioning templates and are also available for configuration management tools managed by Foreman.":[""],"The keywords <b>$version</b>, <b>$major</b> and <b>$minor</b> will be interpolated back into the path specification to calculate the true URL address.":[""],"The list is excluding %{count} %{link_start}physical host%{link_end}.":["",""],"The location of the sendmail executable":[""],"The marked fields will need reviewing":[""],"The method used to provision the host. Possible provision_methods may be %{provision_methods}":[""],"The order in which matchers keys are processed, first match wins.<br> You may use multiple attributes as a matcher key, for example, an order of <code>host group, environment</code> would expect a matcher such as <code>hostgroup = \\\"web servers\\\", environment = production</code>":[""],"The order in which values are resolved":[""],"The password will also be accessible to other users via templates and in the ENC YAML output; disable the bmc_credentials_accessible setting to prevent access.":[""],"The password will not be accessible to other users; enable the bmc_credentials_accessible setting to permit access via templates and in the ENC YAML output.":[""],"The path to the medium, can be a URL or a valid NFS server (exclusive of the architecture).\\n for example <em>$version/os/$arch</em> where <strong>$arch</strong> will be substituted for the host's actual OS architecture and <strong>$version</strong>, <strong>$major</strong> and <strong>$minor</strong> will be substituted for the version of the operating system. Solaris and Debian media may also use <strong>$release</strong>.":[""],"The power state of the selected hosts will be set to %s":[""],"The realm name, e.g. EXAMPLE.COM":[""],"The remote system presented a public key signed by an unidentified certificate authority. If you are sure the remote system is authentic, go to the compute resource edit page, press the 'Test Connection' or 'Load Datacenters' button and submit":[""],"The remote system presented a public key with hash %s but we're expecting a different hash. If you are sure the remote system is authentic, go to the compute resource edit page, press the 'Test Connection' or 'Load Datacenters' button and submit":[""],"The selected hosts were enabled for reboot and rebuild":[""],"The selected hosts will execute a build operation on next reboot":[""],"The snippet '%{name}' threw an error: %{exc}":[""],"The template is associated to at least one host in build mode. To apply the change, disable and enable build mode on hosts to update the live templates or choose to %s their configuration from 'Select Action' menu":[""],"The user that is used to ssh into the instance, normally cloud-user, ec2-user, ubuntu, root etc":[""],"The virtual machine is being deleted.":[""],"There are migrations pending in the system.":[""],"There are no puppet environments set up on this puppet master. Please check the puppet master configuration.":[""],"There are orchestration modules with methods for configuration rebuild that have identical name: '%s'":[""],"There are two strategies when using host groups.":[""],"There is":["",""],"There is no owner with id %d and type %s":[""],"There is no proxy with BMC feature set up. Please register a smart proxy with this feature.":[""],"There was an error creating the PXE file: %s":[""],"There was an error listing %{listing}: %{errors}":[""],"There was an error listing VMs: %(status)s %(statusText)s":["There was an error listing VMs: %(status)s %(statusText)s"],"There was an error rendering the %s template: ":[""],"There was an error rendering the %{name} template: %{error}":[""],"There was no active bridge interface found in libvirt, if it does not support listing, you can enter the bridge name manually (e.g. br0)":[""],"These are guaranteed to work via the safe mode rendering, to ensure a template can do nothing harmful.":[""],"These two options are personal decisions and are up to you (where the main difference would be the parameter/variables settings).":[""],"Thin provision":[""],"This Puppet class has no parameters in its signature.":[""],"This allows Foreman to associate a puppet variable with a domain/site and automatically append this variable to all external node requests made by machines at that site.":[""],"This group has nested groups!":[""],"This group has no roles":[""],"This host's stored facts and reports will be deleted too.":[""],"This is a test message to confirm that Foreman's email configuration is working.":[""],"This is for every location and organization that uses it.":["This is for every location and organisation that uses it."],"This is for every location that uses it.":[""],"This is for every organization that uses it.":["This is for every organisation that uses it."],"This is inherited from parent":[""],"This is used by a host":[""],"This might take a while, as all hosts, facts and reports will be destroyed as well":["This might take a while, as all hosts, facts and reports will be destroyed as well"],"This role has been cloned from role %s":[""],"This role is locked for editing.":[""],"This role is locked from being modified by users.":[""],"This setting is defined in the configuration file '%{filename}' and is read-only.":[""],"This template is locked and may not be removed.":[""],"This template is locked for editing.":[""],"This template is locked. Please clone it to a new template to customize.":["This template is locked. Please clone it to a new template to customise."],"This template is locked. You may only change the associations. Please %s it to customize.":["This template is locked. You may only change the associations. Please %s it to customise."],"This value is not hidden":[""],"This value is used also as the host's primary interface name.":[""],"This will reset parameters of the class %s to their default values. Continue?":[""],"This will set all parameters of the class %s as overridden. Continue?":[""],"Time":[""],"Time in Seconds":[""],"Time in minutes installation tokens should be valid for, 0 to disable token generation":[""],"Timeout for DNS conflict validation (in seconds)":[""],"Timeout has occurred while communicating with %s":[""],"To define trend counters, use the Add Trend Counter button.</br> To start collecting trend data, set a cron job to execute 'foreman-rake trends:counter' every Puppet Interval (%s minutes).":[""],"To enable a provider, either install the OS package (e.g. foreman-libvirt) or enable the bundler group for development setup (e.g. ovirt).":[""],"To enable safe mode, navigate to Settings page and enable Safemode rendering option.":[""],"To start collecting trend data, set a cron job to execute <span class='black'>foreman-rake trends:counter</span> every Puppet Interval (%s minutes)":[""],"To update the class signature, go to the Puppet Classes page and select \\\"Import\\\".":[""],"Toggle":[""],"Token":[""],"Token duration":[""],"Token expired":[""],"Token|Expires":["Expires"],"Token|Value":["Value"],"Total":[""],"Total Hosts: %s":[""],"Total hosts count":[""],"Total of one host":["",""],"Trend":[""],"Trend counter":[""],"Trend of the last %s days.":[""],"TrendCounter|Count":["Count"],"Trends":[""],"Trends for %s":[""],"Trend|Fact name":["Fact name"],"Trend|Fact value":["Fact value"],"Trend|Name":["Name"],"Trend|Trendable type":["Trend type"],"Trigger a puppetrun on a node; requires that puppet run is enabled":[""],"Troubleshooting":[""],"True/False flag whether a host is managed or unmanaged. Note: this value also determines whether several parameters are required or not":[""],"Trusted puppetmaster hosts":[""],"Try going to %{href}":[""],"Type":["Type"],"Type of name generator":[""],"Type of realm, e.g. FreeIPA":[""],"Type or protocol, IPv4 or IPv6, defaults to IPv4":[""],"Types of validation values":[""],"Types of variable values":[""],"URL":["URL"],"URL for %{providers_requiring_url}":[""],"URL hosts will retrieve templates from during build (normally http as many installers don't support https)":[""],"URL must be valid and schema must be one of %s":[""],"URL where your Foreman instance is reachable (see also Provisioning > unattended_url)":[""],"UTC time of report":[""],"UUID":[""],"UUID to track orchestration tasks status, GET /api/orchestration/:UUID/tasks":["UUID to track orchestration tasks status, GET /api/orchestration/:UUID/tasks"],"Unable to access key":[""],"Unable to authenticate user %s":[""],"Unable to change VM display listen address, make sure the display is not attached to localhost only":[""],"Unable to communicate with the proxy: %s":[""],"Unable to connect":[""],"Unable to connect to LDAP server":[""],"Unable to create default TFTP boot menu":[""],"Unable to create realm entry":[""],"Unable to create the default role.":[""],"Unable to delete DHCP entry for %s":[""],"Unable to delete DNS entry":[""],"Unable to delete PuppetCA autosign for %s":[""],"Unable to delete PuppetCA certificate for %s":[""],"Unable to delete TFTP boot entry for %s":[""],"Unable to detect TFTP boot server":[""],"Unable to detect features":[""],"Unable to detect version":[""],"Unable to determine the host's boot server. The DHCP smart proxy failed to provide this information and this subnet is not provided with TFTP services.":[""],"Unable to disable bmc_credentials_accessible when safemode_render is disabled":[""],"Unable to disable safemode_render when bmc_credentials_accessible is disabled":[""],"Unable to execute Puppet run":[""],"Unable to fetch TFTP boot file":[""],"Unable to fetch logs":[""],"Unable to find IP address for '%s'":[""],"Unable to find a proxy with BMC feature":[""],"Unable to find proper authentication method":[""],"Unable to find template %s":[""],"Unable to generate output, Check log files":[""],"Unable to get BMC providers":[""],"Unable to get PuppetCA autosign":[""],"Unable to get PuppetCA certificates":[""],"Unable to get classes from Puppet for %s":[""],"Unable to get environment from Puppet":[""],"Unable to get environments from Puppet":[""],"Unable to get installed BMC providers":[""],"Unable to initialize ProxyAPI class %s":["Unable to initialise ProxyAPI class %s"],"Unable to perform boot BMC operation":[""],"Unable to perform identify BMC operation":[""],"Unable to perform lan BMC operation":[""],"Unable to perform power BMC operation":[""],"Unable to render %{kind} template '%{name}': %{e}":[""],"Unable to render '%{name}' template: %{e}":[""],"Unable to retrieve DHCP entry for %s":[""],"Unable to retrieve DHCP subnet":[""],"Unable to retrieve DHCP subnets":[""],"Unable to retrieve unused IP":[""],"Unable to save":[""],"Unable to send email, check server logs for more information":[""],"Unable to set DHCP entry":[""],"Unable to set DNS entry":[""],"Unable to set PuppetCA autosign for %s":[""],"Unable to set TFTP boot entry for %s":[""],"Unable to sign PuppetCA certificate for %s":[""],"Unable to turn on websockets_encrypt, either websockets_ssl_key or websockets_ssl_cert is missing":[""],"Unable to unset websockets_ssl_cert when websockets_encrypt is on":[""],"Unable to unset websockets_ssl_key when websockets_encrypt is on":[""],"Unallowed template for dashboard widget: %s":[""],"Unattended URL":[""],"Undo remove":[""],"Undo selection":[""],"Unhide this value":[""],"Unknown":[""],"Unknown IPAM type - can't continue":[""],"Unknown Power State":[""],"Unknown action name for success message: %s":[""],"Unknown build status":[""],"Unknown device: available devices are %s":[""],"Unknown interface type, must be one of [%s]":[""],"Unknown power action: available methods are %s":[""],"Unknown power management support - can't continue":[""],"Unknown power state":[""],"Unlock":[""],"Unmanage host":[""],"Unsupported IPAM mode for %s":[""],"Unsupported password hash function '%s'":[""],"Unsupported report status format":[""],"Update":[""],"Update :a_resource":[""],"Update IP from built request":[""],"Update a Puppet class":[""],"Update a bookmark":[""],"Update a compute attributes set":[""],"Update a compute profile":[""],"Update a compute resource":[""],"Update a config group":[""],"Update a default template combination for an operating system":[""],"Update a domain":[""],"Update a filter":[""],"Update a global parameter":[""],"Update a hardware model":[""],"Update a host":[""],"Update a host group":[""],"Update a host's interface":[""],"Update a medium":[""],"Update a nested parameter for a domain":[""],"Update a nested parameter for a host":[""],"Update a nested parameter for a host group":[""],"Update a nested parameter for a location":[""],"Update a nested parameter for a subnet":[""],"Update a nested parameter for an operating system":[""],"Update a nested parameter for an organization":["Update a nested parameter for an organisation"],"Update a partition table":[""],"Update a provisioning template":[""],"Update a realm":[""],"Update a role":[""],"Update a setting":[""],"Update a smart class parameter":[""],"Update a smart proxy":[""],"Update a smart variable":[""],"Update a subnet":[""],"Update a user":[""],"Update a user group":[""],"Update an LDAP authentication source":[""],"Update an architecture":[""],"Update an environment":[""],"Update an image":[""],"Update an operating system":[""],"Update an override value for a specific smart class parameter":[""],"Update an override value for a specific smart variable":[""],"Update environment from facts":[""],"Update external user group":[""],"Update realm entry for %s":[""],"Update subnets from facts":[""],"Update template combination":[""],"Update the default PXE menu on all configured TFTP servers":[""],"Update:":[""],"Updated":[""],"Updated all hosts!":[""],"Updated hosts: Disassociated from VM":[""],"Updated hosts: changed environment":[""],"Updated hosts: changed host group":[""],"Updated hosts: changed owner":[""],"Upload facts for a host, creating the host if required":["Upload facts for a host, creating the host if required"],"Use Gravatar":[""],"Use UUID for certificates":[""],"Use short name for VMs":[""],"Use this account to authenticate, <i>optional</i>":[""],"Use this puppet server as a CA server":[""],"Use this puppet server as an initial Puppet Server or to execute puppet runs":[""],"Used to enforce certain values for the parameter values":[""],"User":[""],"User Group":[""],"User Groups":[""],"User IDs":[""],"User data template":[""],"User groups":[""],"User groups enable users to log into Foreman and be automatically granted permissions.":[""],"User role":[""],"User's preferred locale":[""],"User's timezone":[""],"UserRole|Owner type":[""],"Usergroup":[""],"Usergroup member":[""],"UsergroupMember|Member type":["Member type"],"Usergroup|Admin":["Administrator"],"Usergroup|Auth source":[""],"Usergroup|Name":["Name"],"Username":[""],"Username for oVirt, EC2, VMware, OpenStack. Access Key for EC2.":[""],"Username to use to authenticate, if required":[""],"Users":[""],"User|Admin":["Administrator"],"User|Avatar hash":[""],"User|Firstname":["First name"],"User|Last login on":["Last login time"],"User|Lastname":["Surname"],"User|Locale":["Language"],"User|Login":["Username"],"User|Lower login":[""],"User|Mail":["Email address"],"User|Mail enabled":[""],"User|Password hash":["Password hash"],"User|Password salt":["Password salt"],"Uses thin provisioning if unchecked":[""],"Using the organization system provides a way to group resources together for easy management. Organizations are particularly useful for Foreman installations where several customers or business units are managed with a single Foreman install.":["Using the organisation system provides a way to group resources together for easy management. Organisations are particularly useful for Foreman installations where several customers or business units are managed with a single Foreman install."],"VCPU(s)":[""],"VCenter/Server":[""],"VLAN ID for this subnet":[""],"VLAN tag, this attribute has precedence over the subnet VLAN ID. Only for virtual interfaces.":[""],"VM":[""],"VM Attributes":[""],"VM Attributes (%s)":[""],"VM already associated with a host":[""],"VM associated to host %s":[""],"VM is not running!":[""],"VNC/SPICE websocket proxy console access encryption (websockets_ssl_key/cert setting required)":[""],"Valid from":[""],"Valid host group and environment combinations":[""],"Validation types":[""],"Value":["Value"],"Value to use when there is no match":[""],"Value to use when there is no match.":[""],"Variable":[""],"Variable lookup key":[""],"Variables":[""],"Vendor class":[""],"Verify":[""],"Version":[""],"Version %{version}":[""],"Version %{version} %{copyright} 2009-%{year} Paul Kelly and %{author}":[""],"Very Strong":[""],"View Diff":[""],"View in Foreman:":[""],"View last report details":[""],"View list":[""],"Virtual (NAT)":[""],"Virtual H/W version":[""],"Virtual Machine":[""],"Virtual Machines":[""],"Virtual Machines on %s":[""],"Virtual NIC":[""],"Virtual machine settings cannot be edited on an existing machine in %s":[""],"WARNING":[""],"Wait for %s to come online":[""],"Warning":["Warning"],"Warning!":[""],"Warning! This will remove %{name} from %{number} user. are you sure?":["",""],"Warning: This will delete this host and all of its data!":[""],"Warnings and errors":[""],"We have not found any documentation for your API.":[""],"We use Redmine to report and track bugs and feature requests, which can be found here:":[""],"Weak":[""],"Websockets SSL certificate":[""],"Websockets SSL key":[""],"Websockets encryption":[""],"Weekly":[""],"Welcome to Foreman":[""],"What ever text(or ERB template) you use in here, would be used as your OS disk layout options If you want to use the partition table option, delete all of the text from this field":[""],"When a Host requests a template (e.g. during provisioning), Foreman will select the best match from the available templates of that type, in the following order:":[""],"When a realm is selected for a host, Foreman contacts the relevant realm smart proxy to create an entry for the host and retrieve it's one-time registration password.":[""],"When editing a template, you must assign a list of operating systems which this template can be used with. Optionally, you can restrict a template to a list of host groups and/or environments.":[""],"When enabled the parameter is hidden in the UI":[""],"When specifying custom value, add 'MB' or 'GB' at the end. Field is not case sensitive and MB is default if unspecified.":[""],"When the role's associated %{taxonomies} are changed,<br> the change will propagate to all inheriting filters.\\n Filters that are set to override <br> will remain untouched. Overriding of role filters can be easily disabled by <br> pressing the \\\"Disable overriding\\\" button.\\n Note that not all filters support <br>%{taxonomies}, so these always remain global.":[""],"When using SSH based provisioning, a special SSH key is created in order to automate the provisioning process.":[""],"When using TLS, you can set how OpenSSL checks the certificate":[""],"Whether or not the image supports user data":[""],"Whether or not the template is locked for editing":[""],"Whether the class parameter value is managed by Foreman.":[""],"Whether the smart class parameter value is managed by Foreman":[""],"Which is an offset of <b>%s</b>":[""],"Widget added to dashboard.":["Widget added to dashboard."],"Widget positions successfully saved.":["Widget positions successfully saved."],"Widget removed from dashboard.":["Widget removed from dashboard."],"Wiki":[""],"With user groups, you can group your users and assign them roles on a group basis.":[""],"X509 Certification Authorities":[""],"YAML":[""],"Yes":[""],"You are about to change the default PXE menu on all configured TFTP servers - continue?":[""],"You are about to override the editor content with a previous version, are you sure?":["You are about to override the editor content with a previous version, are you sure?"],"You are about to override the editor content, are you sure?":["You are about to override the editor content, are you sure?"],"You are about to unlock a locked template.":[""],"You are not authorized to lock templates.":["You are not authorised to lock templates."],"You are not authorized to make a template default.":["You are not authorised to make a template default."],"You are not authorized to perform this action.":["You are not authorised to perform this action."],"You are trying to delete your own account":[""],"You are using an unsupported browser.":[""],"You can add SSH public keys to a user in Foreman.":[""],"You can find The Foreman on the %{freenode} ( network. For general support, please visit #theforeman and for development specific related chat, please visit #theforeman-dev.":[""],"You can select one of the IPAM modes supported by the selected IP protocol:<br/><ul><li><strong>DHCP</strong> - will manage the IP on DHCP through assigned DHCP proxy, auto-suggested IPs come from DHCP <em>(IPv4)</em></li><li><strong>Internal DB</strong> - use internal DB to auto-suggest free IP based on other interfaces on same subnet respecting range if specified, useful mainly with static boot mode <em>(IPv4, IPv6)</em></li><li><strong>EUI-64</strong> - will assign the IPv6 address based on the MAC address of the interface <em>(IPv6)</em></li><li><strong>None</strong> - leave IP management solely on user, no auto-suggestion <em>(IPv4, IPv6)</em></li></ul>":[""],"You can't assign locations to this resource":[""],"You can't assign organizations to this resource":["You can't assign organisations to this resource"],"You cannot delete this user while logged in as this user.":[""],"You do not have permission to %s this location parameter":[""],"You do not have permission to %s this organization parameter":["You do not have permission to %s this organisation parameter"],"You don't have any visible hosts. Hosts can be added and provisioned from Foreman, or configured to report to Foreman.":[""],"You don't seem to have any bookmarks.":[""],"You don't seem to have any facts yet. If you wish to configure fact pushing, please follow the documentation.":[""],"You don't seem to have any reports.":[""],"You have already logged in":[""],"You may also associate one or more operating systems with this medium or alternatively set this up later on the %s page.":[""],"You may also associate one or more operating systems with this partition table or alternatively set this up later on the %s page":[""],"You may create puppet classes that represent high-level host configurations, for example, a <b>host-type-ldap-server</b> class, which includes all the required functionality from other modules or you may decide to create a host group called <b>host-type-ldap-server</b> and add the required classes into the host group configuration.":[""],"You must create a location before continuing.":[""],"You must create an organization before continuing.":["You must create an organisation before continuing."],"You must create at least one location before continuing.":[""],"You must create at least one organization before continuing.":["You must create at least one organisation before continuing."],"You must select at least one permission":[""],"You probably need to configure your %s first.":[""],"You would probably need to attach the":[""],"Your Foreman user account has been created:":[""],"Your host has finished building:":[""],"Your password is too short":[""],"Your password should not contain sequences":[""],"Your password should not contain that many repetitions":[""],"Your password should not contain your email":[""],"Your password should not contain your username":[""],"Your password should use characters from different character classes too":[""],"Your session has expired, please login again":[""],"ZTP PXE template":[""],"Zone":[""],"[encrypted]":[""],"a location":[""],"add a new matcher":[""],"add new network interface":[""],"add new storage volume":[""],"all":[""],"already exists":[""],"an organization":["an 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admin account":[""],"clone":[""],"comma separated interface identifiers":[""],"comments powered by %{disqus}":[""],"could not be calculated":[""],"could not be found in %s":[""],"could not be generated":[""],"cycle":[""],"default locations need to be user locations first":[""],"default organizations need to be user organizations first":["default organisations need to be user organisations first"],"defaults to 389":[""],"does not appear to be a valid nfs mount path":[""],"does not belong into host's location":[""],"does not belong into host's organization":["does not belong into host's organisation"],"does not belong to subnet":[""],"does not have the %s feature":[""],"does not match selected subnet":[""],"domain":[""],"e-mail reporting":[""],"e.g. admin@internal":[""],"e.g. givenName":[""],"e.g. http://openstack:5000/v2.0/tokens":[""],"e.g.":[""],"e.g.":[""],"e.g. jpegPhoto":[""],"e.g. karmic, lucid, hw0910 etc":[""],"e.g. mail":[""],"e.g. qemu://":[""],"e.g. sn":[""],"e.g. uid":[""],"enable caching, for VMware only":[""],"environment id":[""],"failed to %{action} %{vm}":[""],"failed to detect boot server: %s":[""],"failed to execute puppetrun: %s":[""],"failed to save %s":[""],"filter for %s role":[""],"filter results":["filter results"],"for EC2 only":[""],"for Libvirt and VMware only":[""],"for Libvirt only":[""],"for OpenStack only":[""],"for VMware":[""],"for oVirt, VMware Datacenter":[""],"for proxy":[""],"free memory":[""],"from profile %s":[""],"further instructions":[""],"global":[""],"groups base DN":[""],"has already been taken":[""],"has this role already":[""],"hash":[""],"hash containing the facts for the host":[""],"host":[""],"host already has primary interface":[""],"host already has provision interface":[""],"host group":[""],"host group id":[""],"host must have one primary interface":[""],"hostname of the host":[""],"iPXE template":[""],"in %s":[""],"in Progress":[""],"in progress":[""],"included already from parent":[""],"inherit":[""],"integer":[""],"interface information":[""],"invalid":[""],"invalid LDAP filter syntax":[""],"invalid architecture for %s":[""],"invalid host list":[""],"invalid medium for %s":[""],"invalid method %s":[""],"invalid path":[""],"invalid search query: %s":[""],"invalid time range":[""],"invalid type %s":[""],"invalid type: %s requested":[""],"is already used by a user account":[""],"is an admin account":[""],"is an admin user group":[""],"is an unsupported provisioning method":[""],"is invalid":[""],"is invalid %s":[""],"is invalid. No provisioning template with name \\\"%{name}\\\" and kind \\\"%{kind}\\\" found. ":[""],"is invalid: %s":[""],"is locked for user modifications.":[""],"is not a valid MAC address":[""],"is not allowed to change":[""],"is not defined for host's %s.":[""],"is not found in the authentication source":[""],"is not permitted":[""],"is not valid":[""],"is too long (maximum is 1 character)":["",""],"is too long (maximum is 254 characters)":[""],"is unknown":[""],"issue tracker":[""],"items selected. Uncheck to Clear":["items selected. Uncheck to Clear"],"json":[""],"last %s day":["",""],"link external user group with this user group":[""],"list":[""],"locale_name":["English (United Kingdom)"],"location":[""],"locations":[""],"managed host must have one provision interface":[""],"message":[""],"must be a unicast MAC address":[""],"must be a valid regexp":[""],"must be an array":[""],"must be boolean":[""],"must be comma separated":[""],"must be integer":[""],"must be of same resource type (%s) - Role (%s)":[""],"must be of type Subnet::Ipv4.":[""],"must be of type Subnet::Ipv6.":[""],"must be one of [ %s ]":[""],"must be specified if from is defined":[""],"must be specified if to is defined":[""],"must be true to edit the parameter":[""],"must contain valid hostnames":[""],"must not include periods":[""],"must only contain alphanumeric or underscore characters":[""],"must provide a provider":[""],"must set host and port":[""],"new":[""],"nil allowed":[""],"nil means host is bare metal":[""],"no free IP could be found in our DB":[""],"no puppet proxy defined - cant continue":[""],"no value":[""],"none":[""],"not found":[""],"not relevant for snippet":[""],"not required if using a subnet with DHCP proxy":["not required if using a subnet with DHCP proxy"],"not supported by this protocol":[""],"number of entries per request":["number of entries per request"],"oVirt/RHEV template to use":[""],"off":[""],"on":[""],"operating system":[""],"optional":[""],"optional: certname of the host":[""],"optional: the STI type of host to create":[""],"organization":["organisation"],"organizations":["organisations"],"override":[""],"paginate results":["paginate results"],"parsing settings type '%s' from string is not defined":[""],"password match":[""],"passwords do not match":[""],"pending":[""],"physical":[""],"physical @ NAT %s":["physical @ NAT %s"],"physical @ bridge %s":["physical @ bridge %s"],"power action, valid actions are (on/start), (off/stop), (soft/reboot), (cycle/reset), (state/status)":[""],"poweroff":[""],"ready?":[""],"real":[""],"reboot":[""],"recreate":[""],"regexp":[""],"remove":[""],"remove network interface":[""],"remove storage volume":[""],"required":[""],"required for managed host that is bare metal, not required if it's a virtual machine":[""],"required if host is managed and custom partition has not been defined":[""],"required if host is managed and value is not inherited from host group":[""],"required if host is managed and value is not inherited from host group or default password in settings":[""],"required if locations are enabled":[""],"required if not imaged based provisioning and host is managed and value is not inherited from host group":[""],"required if onthefly_register is true":[""],"required if organizations are enabled":["required if organisations are enabled"],"reset":[""],"revoked":[""],"select an owner":[""],"setting up reporting":[""],"should be 8 characters or more":[""],"should be a single line":[""],"should not be blank - consider setting a global or host group default":[""],"soft":[""],"some interfaces are invalid":[""],"some permissions were not found":[""],"sort results":["sort results"],"space separated options, e.g. miimon=100":[""],"start":[""],"state":[""],"status":[""],"status type, can be one of\\n* global\\n* configuration\\n* build\\n":[""],"stop":[""],"string":[""],"subnet":[""],"subnet boot mode is not %s":[""],"sync external user groups on login":[""],"template name":[""],"template version":[""],"these hosts for a build operation on next boot":[""],"type of the LDAP server":[""],"unable to find %{type} template for %{host} running %{os}":[""],"unable to sign a non pending certificate":[""],"unknown network_type":[""],"unknown parent permission for %s":[""],"unknown permission %s":[""],"unknown permission for %s":[""],"unknown provider":[""],"unspecified":[""],"used memory":[""],"using %s":[""],"using %{allocation} GB out of %{capacity} GB, %{pool_name} storage pool":[""],"valid":[""],"valid or pending":[""],"virtual":[""],"virtual attached to %s":[""],"yaml":[""],"you can't assign some of roles you selected":[""],"you can't change administrator flag":[""],"you cannot remove %s that are used by hosts or inherited.":[""]}}};
var locales = locales || {}; locales['es'] = {"domain":"app","locale_data":{"app":{"":{"Project-Id-Version":"Foreman","Report-Msgid-Bugs-To":"","PO-Revision-Date":"2017-08-03 17:21+0000","Last-Translator":"Lukáš Zapletal","Language-Team":"Spanish (","MIME-Version":"1.0","Content-Type":"text/plain; charset=UTF-8","Content-Transfer-Encoding":"8bit","Language":"es","Plural-Forms":"nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);","lang":"es","domain":"app","plural_forms":"nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);"}," Remove":["Quitar"],"%s - Press Shift-F12 to release the cursor.":["%s - Pulse Shift-F12 para liberar el cursor."],"%s - The following hosts are about to be changed":["%s - Los siguientes hosts están a punto de ser modificados"],"%s Distribution":["%s Distribución"],"%s Parameters updated, see below for more information":["%s Parámetros actualizados, ver a continuación para más información"],"%s Template":["%s Plantilla"],"%s VM associated to a host":["Asociada %s Máquina Virtual a equipo","%s Máquinas Virtuales asociadas a equipos"],"%s active feature":["",""],"%s ago":["Hace %s"],"%s console is not supported at this time":["Terminal de %s aún no recibe soporte"],"%s core":["%s núcleo","%s núcleos"],"%s day ago":["Hace %s día","Hace %s días"],"%s error message":["",""],"%s has been disassociated from VM":["%s ya no está asociado a la máquina virtual"],"%s host":["%s host","%s hosts"],"%s is an unknown attribute":["%s es un atributo desconocido"],"%s is not a valid DNS record type":[""],"%s is not in environment":["%s no está en el entorno"],"%s log message":["",""],"%s minute ago":["Hace %s minuto","Hace %s minutos"],"%s month ago":["Hace %s mes","Hace %s meses"],"%s selected hosts":["%s hosts seleccionados"],"%s warning message":["",""],"%s week ago":["Hace %s semana","Hace %s semanas"],"%s widget loading...":[""],"%{app_name} API documentation homepage":["Página de documentación de la API de %{app_name}"],"%{config_type} rebuild failed for host: %{host_names}.":["",""],"%{controller}: %{host}'s operating system %{os} has no OS family":[""],"%{controller}: %{host}'s operating system is missing":[""],"%{controller}: unable to find a host that matches the request from %{addr}":[""],"%{cores} Cores and %{memory} memory":["%{cores} Núcleos y %{memory} memoria"],"%{count} host with no %{taxonomy_single} assigned":["Existe %{count} equipo sin %{taxonomy_single} asignada","Existen %{count} equipos sin %{taxonomy_single} asignada"],"%{cpus} CPUs and %{memory} MB memory":["%{cpus} CPUs y %{memory} MB de memoria"],"%{cpus} CPUs and %{memory} memory":["%{cpus} CPUs y %{memory} de memoria"],"%{e} does not belong to the %{environment} environment":["%{e} no pertenece al entorno %{environment}"],"%{host} is about to %{action}":["%{host} a punto de %{action}"],"%{host} now boots from %{device}":["%{host} ahora arranca desde %{device}"],"%{id} plugin requires Foreman %{matcher} but current is %{current}":["El complemento %{id} requiere la versión de Foreman %{matcher}, pero la actual es %{current}"],"%{id} plugin requires the %{plugin_name} plugin %{matcher} but current is %{plugin_version}":["El complemento %{id} requiere el complemento %{plugin_name} versión %{matcher}, pero la actual es %{plugin_version}"],"%{id} plugin requires the %{plugin_name} plugin, not found":["El complemento %{id} requiere el complemento %{plugin_name}, no se encontró."],"%{image} needs user data, but %{os_link} is not associated to any provisioning template of the kind user_data. Please associate it with a suitable template or uncheck 'User data' for %{compute_resource_image_link}.":["%{image} requiere datos de usuario, pero %{os_link} no está asociado a ninguna plantilla de aprovisionamiento del tipo user_data. Asócielo a una plantilla apropiada o desmarque 'Datos de usuario' para %{compute_resource_image_link}."],"%{key} does not exist in order field":[""],"%{match} does not match an existing host":["%{match} no coincide con un host existente"],"%{match} does not match an existing host group":["%{match} no coincide con un grupo de host"],"%{model} with id '%{id}' was not found":["No se encontró %{model} con id '%{id}'."],"%{name} changed from %{label1} to %{label2}":["%{name} ha cambiado de %{label1} a %{label2}"],"%{name} has %{num_tag} class":["%{name} tiene %{num_tag} clase","%{name} tiene %{num_tag} clases"],"%{os} medium was not set for host '%{host}'":[""],"%{record} is being used by a hidden %{what} resource":["%{record} está siendo utilizado por un recurso %{what} oculto."],"%{record} is used by %{what}":["%{record} es utilizado por %{what}"],"%{record} is used by host in build mode %{what}":[" %{record} es utilizado por host en modo de construcción %{what}"],"%{resource_name} not found by id '%{id}'":["%{resource_name} no encontrado por ID '%{id}'"],"%{task} task failed with the following error: %{e}":["%{task} tareas han fallado con el error: %{e}"],"%{taxonomy_type} %{taxonomy_name} has %{count} host that will need to be reassociated after deletion. Delete %{taxonomy_name2}?":["",""],"%{type} %{conflicts} already exists":[""],"%{user} Downloaded %{key} as pem file":[""],"%{value} does not belong to %{os} operating system":["%{value} no pertenece al sistema operativo %{os}"],"%{value} is not a valid controller":["%{value} no es un controlador válido"],"%{value} is not one of %{rules}":["%{value} no es una de %{rules}"],"%{vm} is now %{vm_state}":["%{vm} ahora está %{vm_state}"],"&laquo;":["&laquo;"],"&raquo;":["&raquo;"],"'%{host}' could be deleted or '%{resource}' is not responding.":["'%{host}' no se pudo eliminar o '%{resource}' no está respondiendo."],"'%{host}' not found on '%{resource}'":["'%{host}' no se encontró en '%{resource}'"],"'%{loader}' is not one of %{loaders}":[""],"'Content-Type: %s' is unsupported in API v2 for POST and PUT requests. Please use 'Content-Type: application/json'.":["'Tipo de contenido: %s' no recibe soporte en la API v2 para solicitudes POST y PUT. Use 'Content-Type: application/json'."],"(Miscellaneous)":["(Varios)"],"(optional) IAM Role for Fog to use when creating this image.":["(opcional) Rol IAM para que Fog utilice al crear esta imagen"],"*Clear %s proxy*":["*Eliminar proxy %s*"],"*Clear environment*":["*Limpiar entorno*"],"*Clear host group*":["*Limpiar grupo de hosts*"],"*Inherit from host group*":["*Heredar del grupo de hosts*"],", relevant log entries, and it is highly recommended to also attach the foreman-debug output.":[", entradas de registro relevantes, y se recomienda enfáticamente adjuntar también la salida foreman-debug."],":foreman_url is not set, please configure in the Foreman Web UI (Administer -> Settings -> General)":[":foreman_url no está configurada, configúrela en la UI de la Web de Foreman (Administración -> Configuración -> General)"],"<b class='select_count'>0</b> selected":["<b class='select_count'>0</b> seleccionados"],"<b style=\\\"color: #6bb5df;\\\">%{disabled_sum}</b>\\n <p>Disabled</p>":["",""],"<b style=\\\"color: #6bb5df;\\\">%{hosts_sum}</b>\\n <p>Changed</p>":["",""],"<b style=\\\"color: #6bb5df;\\\">%{out_of_sync_sum}</b>\\n <p>Out of sync</p>":["",""],"<b>Description:</b> %{desc}<br/>\\n <b>Type:</b> %{type}<br/>\\n <b>Matcher:</b> %{matcher}<br/>\\n <b>Inherited value:</b> %{inherited_value}":["<b>Descripción:</b> %{desc}<br/>\\n <b>Tipo:</b> %{type}<br/>\\n <b>Concordancia:</b> %{matcher}<br/>\\n <b>Valor heredado:</b> %{inherited_value}"],"<b>Foreman API v1 is deprecated. Please use v2.</b><br />If you still need to use v1, you may do so by either passing 'version=1' in the Accept Header or using api/v1/ in the URL.":[""],"<b>Foreman</b> Build Complete":["Construcción <b>Foreman</b> completa"],"<b>Foreman</b> Puppet error report":["<b>Foreman</b> Reporte de error Puppet"],"<b>Foreman</b> Puppet summary":["Resumen de Puppet de <b>Foreman</b>"],"<b>Foreman</b> audit summary":["Resumen de auditoría de <b>Foreman</b>"],"<b>Foreman</b> test email":["Correo electrónico de prueba de <b>Foreman</b>"],"<b>Source:</b> %{type} %{name}":["<b>Origen:</b> %{type} %{name}"],"<dl><dt>List</dt> <dd>A list of the allowed values, specified in the Validator rule field.</dd><dt>Regexp</dt> <dd>Validates the input with the regular expression in the Validator rule field.</dd></dl>":["<dl><dt>Lista</dt> <dd>Una lista de los valores permitidos, especificados en el campo de reglas de validación.</dd><dt>Regexp</dt> <dd>Valida la entrada con la expresión regular del campo de reglas de validación.</dd></dl>"],"<dl><dt>String</dt> <dd>Everything is taken as a string.</dd><dt>Boolean</dt> <dd>Common representation of boolean values are accepted.</dd><dt>Integer</dt> <dd>Integer numbers only, can be negative.</dd><dt>Real</dt> <dd>Accept any numerical input.</dd><dt>Array</dt> <dd>A valid JSON or YAML input, that must evaluate to an array.</dd><dt>Hash</dt> <dd>A valid JSON or YAML input, that must evaluate to an object/map/dict/hash.</dd><dt>YAML</dt> <dd>Any valid YAML input.</dd><dt>JSON</dt> <dd>Any valid JSON input.</dd></dl>":["<dl><dt>Cadena</dt> <dd>Todo es tratado como una cadena.</dd><dt>Booleano</dt> <dd>La representación usual de las variables booleanas está permitida.</dd><dt>Entero</dt> <dd>Solo números enteros, puede ser negativo.</dd><dt>Real</dt> <dd>Acepta cualquier valor numérico.</dd><dt>Array</dt> <dd>Una entrada válida de YAML o JSON, que debe resultar en una colección.</dd><dt>Hash</dt> <dd>Una entrada válida de YAML o JSON, que debe resultar en un objeto/mapa/dict/hash.</dd><dt>YAML</dt> <dd>Cualquier entrada YAML válida.</dd><dt>JSON</dt> <dd>Cualquier entrada JSON válida.</dd></dl>"],"A Foreman user group can be associated to a group stored in an LDAP server, so membership of the LDAP group automatically adds the user to the Foreman user group.":[""],"A host group is in some ways similar to an inherited node declaration, in that it is a high level grouping of classes that can be named and treated as a unit. This is then treated as a template and is selectable during the creation of a new host and ensures that the host is configured in one of your pre-defined states.":["Un grupo de hosts es similar a una declaración de nodo heredada, en que es un grupo de clases de alto nivel que se puede denominar y tratar como una unidad. Se utiliza como una plantilla que se selecciona durante la creación de un host, y garantiza que el host se configure en alguno de los estados predefinidos."],"A medium represents the source of one or more operating system's installation files, accessible via the network.\\n It will probably be a mirror from the internet or a copy of one or more CD or DVDs.":["Un medio representa la fuente de uno o más archivos de instalación del sistema operativo, a los que se puede acceder a través de la red.\\n Probablemente será un espejo obtenido de Internet o será una copia de uno o más CD o DVD."],"A partition table entry represents either":["Una entrada en la tabla de particiones representa cualquiera de los dos."],"A problem occurred when detecting host type: %s":["Ha ocurrido un problema al detectar el tipo de host: %s"],"A script to dynamically calculate the desired sizes. E.G.":["Un script para calcular dinámicamente los tamaños deseados. P. e.j."],"A user group already exists with this name":["Ya existe un grupo con este nombre"],"API Key":["Llave de la API"],"API documentation":["Documentación de la API"],"About":["Acerca de"],"Access Key":["Llave de Acceso"],"Access denied":["Acceso denegado"],"Access unattended without build":[""],"Account":["Cuenta"],"Acquire IP addresses for %s":[""],"Action":["Acción"],"Actions":["Acciones"],"Active":["Activo"],"Active Hosts":["Hosts activos"],"Active features":["Funcionalidades activas"],"Active key":[""],"Add Autosign entry":["Añadir entrada autofirmada"],"Add Bookmark":["Añadir Marcador"],"Add Interface":["Añadir interfaz"],"Add Matcher":["Añadir concordancia"],"Add Parameter":["Añadir Parámetro"],"Add Trend Counter":["Añadir contador de tendencia"],"Add Variable":["Añadir variable"],"Add Volume":["Añadir Volumen"],"Add a CD-ROM drive to the virtual machine.":[""],"Add a Puppet class to host":["Añadir una clase Puppet al host"],"Add a Puppet class to host group":["Añadir una clase Puppet al grupo de hosts"],"Add a template combination":["Añadir una combinación de plantillas"],"Add combination":["Añadir combinación"],"Add external user group":["Añadir grupo de usuarios externo"],"Add filter":["Añadir filtro"],"Add to dashboard":["Añadir al tablero"],"Add widgets":["Añadir asistentes"],"Add:":["Añadir:"],"Adding would cause a cycle!":["¡La adición forzará un ciclo!"],"Additional Information":["Información adicional"],"Additional compute resource specific attributes for the interface.":["Atributos adicionales específicos del recurso de computación para la interfaz."],"Additional compute resource specific attributes.":["Atributos adicionales específicos del recurso de computación"],"Additional information about this host":["Información adicional sobre este host"],"Address to connect to":[""],"Admin permissions required":["Se necesitan permisos de administración"],"Administer":["Administrar"],"Administrator email address":["Dirección de correo electrónico del administrador"],"Administrator user account required":["La cuenta del usuario administrador es obligatoria."],"Alert":["Alerta"],"Alerts disabled":["Alertas inhabilitadas"],"Alias or VLAN device":["Dispositivo VLAN o alias"],"All":["todos"],"All Puppet Classes for %s":["Todas las clases Puppet para %s"],"All Reports":["Todos los Informes"],"All compute resources":["Todos los recursos de cómputo"],"All domains":["Todos los dominios"],"All environments":["Todos los entornos"],"All environments - (not filtered)":["Todos los entornos - (no filtrados)"],"All host groups":["Todos los grupos de hosts"],"All hosts":["Todos los hosts"],"All hosts data matches configurations for locations and organizations.":["Toda la información de los hosts coincide con la configuración de ubicaciones y organizaciones."],"All hosts previously with no %{single} are now assigned to %{name}":["Todos los hosts previamente sin %{single} ahora se asignan a %{name}"],"All hosts will show a configuration status even when a Puppet smart proxy is not assigned":["Todos los hosts mostrarán un estado de configuración incluso cuando no se haya asignado un proxy inteligente de Puppet."],"All items":["Todos los elementos"],"All media":["Todos los medios"],"All messages":["Todos los mensajes"],"All mismatches between hosts and %s have been fixed":["Todas las discordancias entre hosts y %s han sido corregidas"],"All mismatches between hosts and locations/organizations have been fixed":["Todas las discordancias entre hosts y lugares/organizaciones han sido corregidas"],"All partition tables":["Todas las tablas de particiones"],"All provisioning templates":["Todas las plantillas de aprovisionamiento"],"All realms":["Todos los reinos"],"All smart proxies":["Todos los \\\"proxis\\\" inteligentes"],"All subnets":["Todas las subredes"],"All users":["Todos los usuarios"],"Allocated":["Asignado"],"Allocation (GB)":["Asignados (GB)"],"Allow access to unattended URLs without build mode being used":[""],"Allow external network as main network":["Permitir la red externa como red principal"],"Allowed methods or members":[""],"Always show configuration status":["Mostrar siempre el estado de la configuración"],"An IP address will be auto-suggested if you have enabled IPAM on the IPv4 subnet selected above.<br/><br/>The IP address can be left blank when:<br/><ul><li>provisioning tokens are enabled</li><li>the domain does not manage DNS</li><li>the subnet does not manage reverse DNS</li><li>and the subnet does not manage DHCP reservations</li></ul>":[""],"An IP address will be auto-suggested if you have enabled IPAM on the IPv6 subnet selected above.":[""],"An email address is required, please update your account details":[""],"An error occurred while testing the connection: ":[""],"An explicit layout for the partitions of your hard drive(s). E.G.":["Un esquema explícito de particiones del disco(s), como por ejemplo"],"An invalid response was received while requesting available features from this proxy":[""],"Annotation Notes":[""],"Annotation notes":[""],"Anonymous admin user %s is missing, run foreman-rake db:seed":["Falta usuario de administración anónimo r %s, ejecute foreman-rake db:seed"],"Any Context":["Cualquier Contexto"],"Any Location":["Cualquier Lugar"],"Any Organization":["Cualquier organización"],"Applicable Operating Systems":[""],"Applied":["Aplicado"],"Applied|A":["A"],"Architecture":["Arquitectura"],"Architecture Distribution":["Distribución de Arquitectura"],"Architecture ID":["ID de arquitectura"],"Architectures":["Arquitecturas"],"Architecture|Hostgroups count":["Conteo de Hostgroups"],"Architecture|Hosts count":["Conteo de hosts"],"Architecture|Name":["Nombre"],"Are you sure you want to %{act} %{vm}?":["¿Seguro de que: %{act} %{vm}?"],"Are you sure you want to delete host %s? This action is irreversible.":["¿Está seguro de que desea eliminar el host %s? Esta acción es irreversible."],"Are you sure you want to delete host %s? This will delete the virtual machine and its disks, and is irreversible.":["¿Está seguro de que desea eliminar el host %s? Esto eliminará la máquina virtual y sus discos, y es irreversible."],"Are you sure you want to delete this widget from your dashboard?":["¿Esta seguro de que desea eliminar este asistente de su tablero?"],"Are you sure you want to log out?":[""],"Are you sure you want to power %{act} %{vm}?":["¿Seguro de que: %{act} %{vm}?"],"Are you sure?":["¿Está seguro?"],"Array of extra information types to include":[""],"Array of host IDs to associate with the partition table":["Selección de ID de host a asociar con la tabla de particiones"],"Array of host group IDs to associate with the partition table":["Selección de ID de grupo de host a asociar con la tabla de particiones"],"Array of operating system IDs to associate with the partition table":["Selección de ID de sistemas operativos a asociar con la tabla de particiones"],"Array of operating system IDs to associate with the template":["Array de ID de sistemas operativos a asociar con la plantilla"],"Array of parameters":[""],"Array of 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máquina virtual"],"Associate VM to a Foreman host":["Asociar máquina virtual a host Foreman"],"Associate VMs":["Asociar Máquinas Virtuales"],"Associate VMs to Foreman hosts":["Asociar máquinas virtuales a hosts de Foreman"],"Associate VMs to Hosts":["Asociar máquinas virtuales a hosts"],"Association":["Asociación"],"At least one volume must be specified for image-based provisioning.":["Debe especificar al menos un volumen para aprovisionamiento basado en imágenes"],"Attempting to construct an operating system image filename but %s cannot be built from an image":["Se ha intentado generar un archivo con la imagen del sistema operativo pero %s no permite su creación desde una imagen."],"Attribute mappings":["Asignación de atributos"],"Attribute type":["Tipo de atributo"],"Audit":[""],"Audit Comment":["Comentario de auditoría"],"Audit summary":["Resumen de auditoría"],"Audited::Adapters::ActiveRecord::Audit|Action":["Acción"],"Audited::Adapters::ActiveRecord::Audit|Associated name":["Nombre asociado"],"Audited::Adapters::ActiveRecord::Audit|Associated type":["Tipo asociado"],"Audited::Adapters::ActiveRecord::Audit|Auditable name":["Nombre auditable"],"Audited::Adapters::ActiveRecord::Audit|Auditable type":["Tipo auditable"],"Audited::Adapters::ActiveRecord::Audit|Audited changes":["Cambios auditados"],"Audited::Adapters::ActiveRecord::Audit|Comment":["Comentario"],"Audited::Adapters::ActiveRecord::Audit|Remote address":["Dirección remota"],"Audited::Adapters::ActiveRecord::Audit|User type":["Tipo de usuario"],"Audited::Adapters::ActiveRecord::Audit|Username":["Nombre de usuario"],"Audited::Adapters::ActiveRecord::Audit|Version":["Versión"],"Audits":["Auditoría"],"Auth source":["Fuente de autenticación"],"AuthSource|Account":["Cuenta"],"AuthSource|Account password":["Contraseña"],"AuthSource|Attr firstname":["Atributo Nombre"],"AuthSource|Attr lastname":["Atributo Apellido"],"AuthSource|Attr login":["Atributo Nombre de usuario"],"AuthSource|Attr 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environment variable for API calls too":["Autorizar delegación de usuario con la variable de entorno REMOTE_USER también para llamadas de la API."],"Authorized by":["Autorizado por"],"Auto refresh off":["Desactivar actualización automática"],"Auto refresh on":["Activar actualización automática"],"Automatic":[""],"Autosign":["Autofirmado"],"Autosign entries":["Autofirmado de entradas"],"Autosign entry name":[""],"Availability zone":["Zona de disponibilidad"],"Available Classes":["Clases disponibles"],"Available Config Groups":["Grupos de configuración disponibles"],"Available Providers":["Proveedores disponibles"],"Average memory usage":["Promedio del uso de memoria"],"Average swap usage":["Promedio del uso de memoria swap"],"Avoid duplicate values when merging them (only array type)?":["¿Evitar valores duplicados al combinarlos (solo tipo array)?"],"BIOS":["BIOS"],"BMC":["BMC"],"BMC credentials access":[""],"BMC password usage":[""],"Back":["Atrás"],"Back to host":["Volver a host"],"Back to host list":["Volver a lista de hosts"],"Backtrace":["Seguimiento hacia atrás"],"Bare Metal":["En vacío"],"Base DN":["DN base"],"Before you proceed to using Foreman you should provide information about one or more architectures.":["Antes de empezar a usar Foreman debe proporcionar información sobre una o más arquitecturas."],"Bond":["Vínculo"],"Bond mode of the interface, e.g. balance-rr. Only for bond interfaces.":["Modo de vinculación de la interfaz, p. ej,. balance-rr. Solo para interfaces de vínculo."],"Bookmark":["Marcador"],"Bookmark this search":["Guardar esta búsqueda en marcadores"],"Bookmark was successfully created.":["El marcador fue creado correctamente."],"Bookmark was successfully updated.":["El marcador se ha actualizado correctamente."],"Bookmarks":["Marcadores"],"Bookmarks are saved search queries. To save them, click on 'Bookmark this search' on the dropdown next to every search button.":["Los marcadores se guardan como consultas. Para guardarlos, haga clic en 'Guardar esta búsqueda en marcadores' en el menú desplegable junto a cada botón de búsqueda."],"Bookmark|Controller":["Controlador"],"Bookmark|Name":["Nombre"],"Bookmark|Owner type":["Tipo de propietario"],"Bookmark|Public":["Público"],"Bookmark|Query":["Consulta"],"Boot device":["Dispositivo de arranque"],"Boot from volume":["Iniciar desde volumen"],"Boot host from specified device":["Iniciar el host desde el dispositivo especificado"],"Bootable":["Arrancable"],"Bridge":["Puente"],"Browse host config management reports":["Explorar informes de administración de configuración del host"],"Browse host facts":["Explorar eventos de host"],"Browser locale":["Elegir idioma"],"Browser timezone":["Zona horaria del explorador"],"Build":["Construir"],"Build Hosts":["Construir hosts"],"Build PXE Default":["Generar 'PXE predeterminado'"],"Build a query for %{mailer}":["Crear una consulta para %{mailer}"],"Build from OS image":["Crear desde imagen de SO"],"By unchecking this you can specify filter using Foreman search syntax in search field. If filter remains <br> unlimited (this field is checked) it applies on all resources of the selected type. When a role is associated <br> with some %s filter is not considered unlimited as it's scoped accordingly.":[""],"CA certificate expiry date":["Fecha de vencimiento del certificado de CA"],"CD-ROM drive":["CD-ROM drive"],"CDROM":["CDROM"],"CPU hot add":["Función de agregado en caliente de la CPU"],"CPU hot add lets you add CPU resources for a virtual machine while the machine is powered on.":["La función de agregado en caliente de la CPU le permite añadir recursos de la CPU para una máquina virtual mientras la máquina se enciende."],"CPUs":["Procesadores"],"Cache slow calls to VMWare to speed up page rendering":[""],"Caching":[""],"Calling methods on objects":[""],"Can't delete internal admin account":["No se puede eliminar la cuenta de administración interna"],"Can't delete the last admin account":["No se puede borrar la última cuenta de administración"],"Can't delete the last admin user group":["No se puede borrar el último grupo de usuarios de administración"],"Can't find a valid 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porque tiene grupos anidados."],"Cannot delete group %{current} because it has nested host groups.":["No se puede borrar el grupo %{current} porque tiene grupos de hosts anidados."],"Cannot find user %s when switching context":["No se pudo encontrar el usuario %s cuando se cambió el contexto"],"Cannot register compute resource, wrong type supplied":[""],"Canvas not supported.":["Bordes no soportados"],"Caps lock ON":["Bloqueo mayúsculas activado"],"Certificate Name":["Nombre del certificado"],"Certificate path":["Ruta de certificado"],"Certificate that Foreman will use to encrypt websockets ":["Certificado usado por Foreman para encriptar websockets"],"Certificates":["Certificados"],"Change Environment":["Cambiar entorno"],"Change Group":["Cambiar grupo"],"Change Owner":["Cambiar propietario"],"Change Power State":["Cambiar estado de energía"],"Change Puppet CA":["Cambiar Puppet CA"],"Change Puppet Master":["Cambiar Puppetmaster"],"Change the password":["Cambiar la contraseña"],"Change your avatar at":["Cambie su avatar en"],"Changed environments":["Entornos modificados"],"Changes to %s will propagate to all inheriting filters":[""],"Chassis":["Chasis"],"Check again":["Comprobar de nuevo"],"Check/Uncheck all":["Marcar/Desmarcar todos"],"Check/Uncheck all %s changes":["Marcar/Desmarcar todos los cambios %s"],"Check/Uncheck new":["Marcar/Desmarcar nuevos"],"Check/Uncheck obsolete":["Marcar/Desmarcar obsoletos"],"Check/Uncheck updated":["Marcar/Desmarcar actualizados"],"Choose a family":["Elegir una familia"],"Choose a provider":["Elegir un proveedor"],"Choose a server type":["Elegir un tipo de servidor"],"Class":["Clase"],"Class Distribution":["Distribución de Clases"],"Classes":["Clases"],"Clean up failed deployment":["Eliminar la implementación fallida"],"Click on the link of a compute resource to edit its default VM attributes.":["Haga clic en el enlace de un recurso de cómputo para editar los atributos predeterminados para las máquinas virtuales.."],"Click to add %s":["Haga clic para añadir %s"],"Click to log in again.":["Haga para reingresar"],"Click to mark as read":[""],"Click to remove %s":["Haga clic para eliminar %s"],"Click to remove config group":["Haga clic para eliminar el grupo de configuración"],"Client Email":["Cliente de correo-e"],"Client SSL certificates are used to identify Smart Proxies (:require_ssl should also be enabled)":["Los certificados SSL de cliente se utilizan para identificar los proxy inteligentes (:require_ssl también debe estar habilitado)."],"Clone":["Clonar"],"Clone %s":["Clonar %s"],"Clone Host %s":["Clonar Host %s"],"Clone a host group":["Clonar un grupo de hosts"],"Clone a provision template":["Clonar una plantilla de aprovisionamiento"],"Clone a role":[""],"Clone a template":["Clonar una plantilla"],"Clone this host":[""],"Close":["Cerrar"],"Cluster":["Clúster"],"Cluster ID is required to list available networks":["Necesita un ID de Cluster para mostrar la lista de redes 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instancia %s vía SSH"],"Conflict - %s":["Conflicto - %s"],"Conflicts have been detected":["Se han detectado conflictos"],"Connected (unencrypted) to: %s":["Conectado (sin cifrar) a: %s"],"Connecting (unencrypted) to: %s":["Conexión (sin cifrar) a: %s"],"Console":["Terminal"],"Console output may be out of date":["La salida de la consola podría estar desactualizada"],"Console passwords":["Contraseñas de terminal"],"Consult \\\"Provisioning Templates\\\" page to see what templates are available.":[""],"Continue to look for matches after first find (only array/hash type)? 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un medio"],"Create a nested parameter for a domain":["Crear un parámetro anidado para un dominio"],"Create a nested parameter for a host":["Crear un parámetro anidado para un host"],"Create a nested parameter for a host group":["Crear un parámetro anidado para un grupo de hosts"],"Create a nested parameter for a location":["Crear un parámetro anidado para una ubicación"],"Create a nested parameter for a subnet":[""],"Create a nested parameter for an operating system":["Crear un parámetro anidado para un sistema operativo"],"Create a nested parameter for an organization":["Crear un parámetro anidado para una organización"],"Create a partition table":["Crear una tabla de particiones"],"Create a provisioning template":["Crear una plantilla de aprovisionamiento"],"Create a realm":["Crear un reino"],"Create a report":["Crear un informe"],"Create a role":["Crear un rol"],"Create a smart proxy":["Crear un proxy inteligente"],"Create a smart variable":["Crear una variable inteligente"],"Create 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current user":[""],"Default templates are automatically added to new locations":["Las plantillas predeterminadas se añaden automáticamente a nuevas ubicaciones."],"Default templates are automatically added to new organizations":["Las plantillas predeterminadas se añaden automáticamente a nuevas organizaciones."],"Default templates are automatically added to new organizations and locations":["Las plantillas predeterminadas se añaden automáticamente a nuevas organizaciones y ubicaciones."],"Default value":["Valor predeterminado"],"Default value of variable":["Valor predeterminado de la variable"],"Default variables lookup path":["Ruta de búsqueda de variables predeterminadas"],"Default verification mode":[""],"Defaults to image size if left blank":["El valor predeterminado del tamaño de la imagen está en blanco."],"Delete":["Borrar"],"Delete %s?":["¿Borrar %s?"],"Delete :a_resource":["Borrar :a_resource"],"Delete Hosts":["Borrar hosts"],"Delete PuppetCA certificates for %s":["Borrar certificados PuppetCA para %s"],"Delete TFTP %{kind} config for %{host}":[""],"Delete a Puppet class":["Borrar una clase Puppet"],"Delete a bookmark":["Borrar un marcador"],"Delete a compute profile":["Borrar un perfil de computación"],"Delete a compute resource":["Borrar un recurso de cómputo"],"Delete a config group":["Borrar un grupo de configuración"],"Delete a default template combination for an operating system":["Borrar una combinación de plantilla prederterminada para un sistema operativo"],"Delete a domain":["Borrar un dominio"],"Delete a filter":["Borrar un filtro"],"Delete a global parameter":["Borrar un parámetro global"],"Delete a hardware model":["Borrar un modelo de hardware"],"Delete a host":["Borrar un host"],"Delete a host group":["Borrar un grupo de hosts"],"Delete a host's interface":["Borrar una interfaz de host"],"Delete a medium":["Borrar un medio"],"Delete a nested parameter for a domain":["Borrar un parámetro anidado para un dominio"],"Delete a nested parameter for a host":["Borrar un parámetro anidado para un host"],"Delete a nested parameter for a host group":["Borrar un parámetro anidado para un grupo de hosts"],"Delete a nested parameter for a location":["Borrar un parámetro anidado para una ubicación"],"Delete a nested parameter for a subnet":[""],"Delete a nested parameter for an operating system":["Borrar un parámetro anidado para un sistema operativo"],"Delete a nested parameter for an organization":["Borrar un parámetro anidado para una organización"],"Delete a partition table":["Borrar una tabla de particiones"],"Delete a provisioning template":["Borrar una plantilla de aprovisionamiento"],"Delete a realm":["Borrar un reino"],"Delete a report":["Borrar un informe"],"Delete a role":["Borrar un rol"],"Delete a smart proxy":["Borrar un proxy inteligente"],"Delete a smart variable":["Borrar una variable inteligente"],"Delete a subnet":["Borrar una subred"],"Delete a template combination":["Borrar una combinación de plantillas"],"Delete a user":["Borrar un usuario"],"Delete a user group":["Borrar un grupo de usuarios"],"Delete all nested parameter for a location":["Borrar todos los parámetros anidados para una ubicación"],"Delete all nested parameter for an organization":["Borrar todos los parámetros anidados para una organización"],"Delete all nested parameters for a domain":["Borrar todos los parámetros anidados para un dominio"],"Delete all nested parameters for a host":["Borrar todos los parámetros anidados para un host"],"Delete all nested parameters for a host group":["Borrar todos los parámetros anidados para un grupo de hosts"],"Delete all nested parameters for a subnet":[""],"Delete all nested parameters for an operating system":["Borrar todos los parámetros anidados para un sistema operativo"],"Delete all the trend history for %s?":["¿Eliminar todo el historial de tendencias para %s?"],"Delete an LDAP authentication source":["Borrar una fuente de autenticación LDAP"],"Delete an SSH key for a user":[""],"Delete an architecture":["Borrar una arquitectura"],"Delete an environment":["Borrar un entorno"],"Delete an external user group":["Borrar un grupo de usuarios externo"],"Delete an image":["Borrar una imagen"],"Delete an operating system":["Borrar un sistema operativo"],"Delete an override value for a specific smart class parameter":["Borrar un valor de sobrescritura para un parámetro de clase inteligente específico"],"Delete an override value for a specific smart variable":["Borrar un valor de sobrescritura para una variable inteligente específica"],"Delete autosign entry":[""],"Delete autosign entry for %s":["Borrar entrada de autofirmado para %s"],"Delete filter?":["¿Borrar el filtro?"],"Delete realm entry for %s":["Borrar entrada de reino para %s"],"Delete report for %s?":["¿Borrar informe de %s?"],"Deleted environment":["Entorno eliminado"],"Deleted environment %{env} and %{pcs}":["Eliminado entorno %{env} y %{pcs}"],"Delivery method":[""],"Deploy TFTP %{kind} config for %{host}":[""],"Deploy VM on selected datastore":["Implementar la VM en el almacén de datos seleccionado"],"Deploy on":["Desplegar en"],"Deprecated, please use datacenter":[""],"Deprecated, please use omit":[""],"Description":["Descripción"],"Description of smart class":["Descripción de clase inteligente"],"Description of the domain":["Descripción del dominio"],"Description of variable":["Descripción de la variable"],"Deselect All":["Desmarcar todas"],"Destroy":["Destruir"],"Destroyed selected hosts":["Se eliminó los hosts seleccionados"],"Details":["Información"],"Device identifier":["Identificador de dispositivo"],"Device identifier for this interface. This may be different on various platforms and environments, here are some common examples.<br/><ul><li>Use the basic name for physical interface identifiers, e.g. <strong>eth0</strong> or <strong>em0</strong> with biosdevname.</li><li>For virtual interfaces, use either alias notation (<strong>eth0:1</strong>, name:index) or VLAN notation (<strong>eth0.15</strong>, name.tag).</li><li>For bonds it's common to use <strong>bond0</strong> on Linux, <strong>lagg0</strong> on FreeBSD systems.</li></ul>":["Identificador de dispositivo para esta interfaz. Pueden ser diferente en varias plataformas y entornos, aquí presentamos algunos ejemplos comunes. <br/><ul><li>Use el nombre básico para identificadores de interfaz físicos, p.ej., <strong>eth0</strong> o <strong>em0</strong> con biosdevname.</li><li>Para interfaces virtuales, use la anotación de alias (<strong>eth0:1</strong>, name:index) o la anotación de VLAN (<strong>eth0.15</strong>, name.tag).</li><li>Para vínculos es común utilizar <strong>bond0</strong> on Linux, <strong>lagg0</strong> en sistemas FreeBSD.</li></ul>"],"Device identifier, e.g. eth0 or eth1.1":["Identificador de dispositivo, p.ej. eth0 o eth1.1"],"Diff":["Dif"],"Diff View":["Vista Diff"],"Disable Notifications":["Inhabilitar Notificaciones"],"Disable alerts for selected hosts":["Inhabilitar alertas para los hosts seleccionados"],"Disable all filters overriding":[""],"Disable overriding":[""],"Disabled":["Inhabilitado"],"Disassociate Hosts":["Disociar Hosts"],"Disassociate host":["Disociar host"],"Disassociate the host from a VM":["Disociar el host de una máquinas virtuales"],"Disassociate the selected hosts from their VMs":["Disociar los hosts seleccionados de sus máquinas virtuales."],"Disk":["Disco"],"Disk mode":[""],"Display":["Pantalla"],"Display Name":["Nombre para mostrar"],"Display hidden parameter values":[""],"Display hidden values":[""],"Display the templates that will be used to provision this host":["Mostrar las plantillas que se van a utilizar para aprovisionar este host"],"Display type":["Mostrar tipo"],"Displaying %{num_audits} of %{total_audits} audit":["Mostrando %{num_audits} de auditoría %{total_audits} ","Mostrando %{num_audits} de auditorías %{total_audits} "],"Displaying <b>%{count}</b> entry":["Mostrando entrada <b>%{count}</b>","Mostrando entradas <b>%{count}</b>"],"Displaying entries <b>%{from} - %{to}</b> of <b>%{count}</b> in total":["Mostrando <b>%{from} - %{to}</b> entradas de <b>%{count}</b> en total"],"Documentation":["Documentación"],"Does this image support user data input (e.g. via cloud-init)?":["¿Esta imágen supporta inserción de datos de usuario (p.e. vía could-init)?"],"Domain":["Dominio"],"Domain ID":["ID de dominio"],"Domain IDs":["ID de dominio"],"Domains":["Dominios"],"Domains in which this subnet is part":["Dominios a los que pertenece esta subred"],"Domain|Fullname":["Nombre completo"],"Domain|Hostgroups count":["Conteo de Hostgroups"],"Domain|Hosts count":["Conteo de hosts"],"Domain|Name":["Nombre"],"Download":[""],"Duration in minutes after the Puppet interval for servers to be classed as out of sync.":["Duración en minutos luego del intervalo Puppet para que los servidores se clasifiquen como fuera de sincronización."],"EC2":["EC2"],"EFI":[""],"ENC environment":["Entorno ENC"],"ERROR or FATAL":["ERROR o FATAL"],"EUI-64":[""],"Each architecture can also be associated with more than one operating system and a selector block is provided to allow you to select valid combinations.":["Cada arquitectura puede ser asociada con más de un sistema operativo. Además, se proporciona un bloque selector que permite hacer varias combinaciones válidas."],"Each entries represent a particular hardware architecture, most commonly <b>x86_64</b> or <b>i386</b>. Foreman also supports the Solaris operating system family, which includes <b>sparc</b> based systems.":["Cada entrada representa una arquitectura de hardware, las más comunes son <b>x86_64</b> o <b>i386</b> . Foreman también soporta la familia de sistemas operativos Solaris, que incluye sistemas basados en <b>sparc</b>."],"Eager zero":["Eager zero"],"Edit":["Editar"],"Edit %s":["Editar %s"],"Edit Architecture":["Editar arquitectura"],"Edit Bookmark":["Editar marcador"],"Edit Compute profile":["Editar perfil de cómputo"],"Edit Compute profile: %s":["Editar perfil de cómputo: %s"],"Edit Config group":["Modificar grupo de configuración"],"Edit Domain":["Editar dominio"],"Edit Environment":["Editar entorno"],"Edit Filter":["Modificar filtro"],"Edit Global Parameter":["Editar parámetro global"],"Edit Host":["Editar servidor"],"Edit LDAP Auth Source":["Editar fuente de autorización LDAP"],"Edit Medium":["Editar medio"],"Edit Model":["Editar modelo"],"Edit Operating System":["Editar sistema operativo"],"Edit Parameters":["Editar parámetros"],"Edit Partition Table":["Editar tabla de particiones"],"Edit Properties":["Editar propiedades"],"Edit Proxy":["Editar Proxy"],"Edit Puppet Class %s":["Editar clase Puppet %s"],"Edit Realm":["Editar reino"],"Edit Role":[""],"Edit Smart Variable":["Editar variable inteligente"],"Edit Smart class parameters":["Editar parámetros de clase inteligente"],"Edit Subnet":["Editar subred"],"Edit Template":["Editar plantilla"],"Edit Trend %s":["Editar tendencia %s"],"Edit User":["Editar usuario"],"Edit User group":["Editar grupo de usuarios"],"Edit compute profile on %s":["Editar perfil de cómputo en %s"],"Edit this host":[""],"Email Preferences":["Preferencias de correo electrónico"],"Email address is missing":["Falta la dirección de correo electrónico."],"Email reply address":["Dirección de respuesta de correo electrónico"],"Email reply address for emails that Foreman is sending":["Dirección de respuesta para los correo-e enviados por Foreman"],"Email subject prefix":["Prefijo del asunto de correo electrónico"],"Email was sent successfully":["El correo electrónico se envió correctamente."],"Empty environment":["Entorno vacío"],"Enable Notifications":["Habilitar notificaciones"],"Enable alerts for selected hosts":["Habilitar alertas para los hosts seleccionados"],"Enable caching":[""],"Enable certificate generation for %s":["Habilitar generación de certificado para %s"],"Enable if this is an alias or VLAN interface, note that alias can be used only with static boot mode subnet":["Habilitar si es un alias o una interfaz VLAN, tenga en cuenta que el alias solo se puede utilizar con la subred de modo de inicio estático."],"Enable puppetrun support":["Activar soporte para puppetrun"],"Enable rebuild on next host boot":["Habilitar reconstrucción en el siguiente arranque"],"Enable safe mode config templates rendering (recommended)":["Habilitar el modo seguro de renderizado de plantillas de configuración (recomendado)"],"Enable smart variables in ENC":["Habilitar variables inteligentes en ENC"],"Enable this host for provisioning":["Habilita este host para aprovisionamiento"],"Enabled":["Habilitado"],"Enabled %s for reboot and rebuild":["Habilitado %s para reiniciar y reconstruir"],"Enabled %s for rebuild on next boot":["%s habilitado para ser reconstruido en el siguiente arranque"],"Enabled %s for rebuild on next boot, but failed to power cycle the host":[""],"Ending IP Address for IP auto suggestion":["Dirección IP final para sugerencias"],"Entries per page":["Entradas por página"],"Environment":["Entorno"],"Environment Distribution":[""],"Environment ID":["ID de entorno"],"Environment IDs":["ID de entorno"],"Environment only":["Solo entorno"],"Environment variable containing a client's SSL certificate":["Variable de entorno que contiene un certificado SSL de cliente"],"Environment variable containing the subject DN from a client SSL certificate":["Variable de entorno que contiene el sujeto DN de un certificado SSL"],"Environment variable containing the verification status of a client SSL certificate":["Variable de entorno que contiene la verificación del estado de un certificado SSL de cliente"],"Environments":["Entornos"],"Environment|Hostgroups count":["Conteo de Hostgroups"],"Environment|Hosts count":["Conteo de hosts"],"Environment|Name":["Nombre"],"Error":["Error"],"Error - %{message}":["Error - %{message}"],"Error adding widget to dashboard.":["Error al añadir el asistente al tablero"],"Error connecting to %{proxy}: %{error}.":["Error al conectar a %{proxy}: %{error}."],"Error connecting to '%{domain}' domain DNS servers: %{servers} - check query_local_nameservers and dns_conflict_timeout settings":["Error al conectarse a los servidores DNS del dominio '%{domain}': %{servers} - verificar la configuración de query_local_nameservers y dns_conflict_timeout"],"Error connecting to system DNS server(s) - check /etc/resolv.conf":["Error al conectarse a los servidores DNS del sistema - verificar /etc/resolv.conf"],"Error generating IP: %s":["Error al generar IP: %s"],"Error has occurred while communicating with %{cr}: %{e}":["Ha ocurrido un error durante la comunicación con %{cr}: %{e}"],"Error loading interfaces information: %s":["Error al cargar la información de las interfaces: %s"],"Error loading scheduler hint filters information: %s":[""],"Error removing widget from dashboard.":["Error al eliminar el asistente del tablero"],"Errors":["Errores"],"Errors occurred, build may fail":["Ha habido errores, la compilación podría fallar"],"Errors only":["Solo errores"],"Errors: %s":["Errores: %s"],"Examples":["Ejemplos"],"Exit Full Screen":["Salir de pantalla completa"],"Expand nested items":["Expandir elementos anidados"],"Expand the chart":["Expandir la gráfica"],"Expire logs":["Registros caducados"],"Expires":["Expira"],"Explain matchers":["Explicar concordancias"],"Export":["Exportar"],"Export a partition template to ERB":[""],"Export a provisioning template to ERB":[""],"Export to CSV":[""],"External Groups":[""],"External IP":["IP externa"],"External user group":["Grupo de usuarios externos"],"External user group %{name} could not be refreshed":["No se pudo actualizar el grupo de usuario %{name}"],"External user group %{name} refreshed":["Grupo de usuario %{name} ha sido actualizado"],"External user group information":["Información sobre grupo de usuarios externos"],"External user group name":["Nombre del grupo de usuarios externos"],"External user groups will be synced on login, else relies on periodic cronjob to check group membership":["Los grupos de usuarios externos se sincronizarán durante el inicio de sesión, el resto depende de que la tarea programada (cronjob) periódica verifique la afiliación del grupo."],"External usergroup":["Grupo de usuario externo"],"ExternalUsergroup|Name":["Nombre"],"FQDN":["FQDN"],"Fact Name":["Nombre de eventos"],"Fact Values":["Valores de eventos"],"Fact Values | %{host_name}":[""],"Fact distribution chart":["Cuadro de distribución de eventos"],"Fact name":["Nombre de eventos"],"Fact value":["Valor de evento"],"Fact values":["Valores de eventos"],"FactName|Ancestry":["Ascendencia"],"FactName|Compose":["Componer"],"FactName|Name":["Nombre"],"FactName|Short name":["Nombre corto"],"FactValue|Origin":[""],"FactValue|Value":["Valor"],"Facts":["Eventos"],"Fail on Mismatch":["Error en discordancia"],"Failed":["Errores"],"Failed Restarts":["Reinicios fallidos"],"Failed Restarts|FR":["RF"],"Failed connecting to %s":["Ha fallado la conexión %s"],"Failed features":["Funcionalidades con error"],"Failed features: %s":["",""],"Failed restarts":["Reinicios fallidos"],"Failed to %{action} %{host}: %{e}":["Ha fallado al %{action} %{host}: %{e}"],"Failed to acquire IP addresses from compute resource for %s":[""],"Failed to cancel pending build for %{hostname} with the following errors: %{errors}":[""],"Failed to clean any old certificates or add the autosign entry. Terminating the build!":["Falló al limpiar certificados antiguos o al añadir la llave de autofirmado. ¡Finalizando la instalación!"],"Failed to configure %{host} to boot from %{device}: %{e}":["Ha fallado la configuración de %{host} para arrancar desde %{device}: %{e}"],"Failed to create %{name}'s realm entry: %{e}":["No se pudo crear entrada de reino %{name}'s: %{e}"],"Failed to create X509 certificate, error: %s":["Error al crear certificado X509, error: %s"],"Failed to create a compute %{compute_resource} instance %{name}: %{message}\\n ":["Error al crear una instancia %{name} de computación %{compute_resource}: %{message}\\n "],"Failed to destroy a compute %{compute_resource} instance %{name}: %{e}":["Falló al destruir una instancia de cómputo %{compute_resource} con el nombre %{name}: %{e}"],"Failed to enable %{host} for installation: %{errors}":["Falló al habilitar la instalación para %{host}: %{errors}"],"Failed to fetch a free IP from proxy %{proxy}: %{message}":[""],"Failed to fetch boot files":["Falló al extraer los archivos de arranque"],"Failed to fetch power status: %s":[""],"Failed to fetch: ":["Falló al extraer: "],"Failed to get IP for %{name}: %{e}":["Falló al asignar la IP de %{name}: %{e}"],"Failed to get a new realm OTP. Terminating the build!":["Error al obtener un nuevo sector OTP. ¡Terminando la compilación!"],"Failed to import %{klass} for %{name}: doesn't exists in our database - ignoring":["Falló al importar %{klass} para %{name}: no existe en la base de datos - se ignora."],"Failed to initialize the PuppetCA proxy: %s":["Falló al inicializar el proxy PuppetCA: %s"],"Failed to initialize the realm proxy: %s":["Error al iniciar el proxy de reino: %s"],"Failed to launch script on %{name}: %{e}":["Falló al ejecutar script en %{name}: %{e}"],"Failed to load chart":["No se pudo cargar el gráfico"],"Failed to login via SSH to %{name}: %{e}":["Falló al iniciar sesión SSH en %{name}: %{e}"],"Failed to modify the build cycle for %s":["Falló al modificar el ciclo de construcción para %s"],"Failed to perform rollback on %{task} - %{e}":["Falló al recuperar %{task} - %{e}"],"Failed to power up a compute %{compute_resource} instance %{name}: %{e}":["Falló al iniciar una instancia %{compute_resource} con el nombre %{name}: %{e}"],"Failed to reboot %s.":["No se pudo reiniciar %s."],"Failed to redeploy %s.":["No se pudo volver a implementar %s."],"Failed to refresh the cache.":[""],"Failed to remove certificates for %{name}: %{e}":["Falló al retirar certificados de %{name}: %{e}"],"Failed to retrieve power status for %{host} within %{timeout} second.":["",""],"Failed to save widget positions.":["No se pudieron guardar las posiciones del asistente."],"Failed to set %{proxy_type} proxy for %{host}.":["No se pudo establecer el proxy %{proxy_type} para %{host}."],"Failed to set IP for %{name}: %{e}":[""],"Failed to set IPs via IPAM for %{name}: %{e}":[""],"Failed to set console: %s":["Falló al configurar consola: %s"],"Failed to set power state for %s.":["No se pudo establecer el estado de energía para %s."],"Failed to stop compute %{compute_resource} instance %{name}: %{e}":["Falló al detener la instancia %{compute_resource} con el nombre %{name}: %{e}"],"Failed to undo update compute %{compute_resource} instance %{name}: %{e}":["Error deshaciendo la actualización del recurso %{compute_resource} en la instancia %{name}: %{e}"],"Failed to update a compute %{compute_resource} instance %{name}: %{e}":["Error actualizando la actualización del recurso %{compute_resource} en la instancia %{name}: %{e}"],"Failed to update environments and Puppet classes from the on-disk Puppet installation: %s":["Error al actualizar los entornos y las clases Puppet en la instalación de Puppet desde disco: %s"],"Failed to update the environments and Puppet classes from the on-disk puppet installation: %s":["Error al actualizar los entornos y clases Puppet desde el disco de instalación de puppet: %s"],"Failed to validate %{host}: %{error}":["No se pudo validar %{host}: %{error}"],"Failed|F":["F"],"Failure deploying via smart proxy %{proxy}: %{error}.":["No se pudo desplegar mediante el proxy inteligente %{proxy}: %{error}."],"Failure parsing %{template}: %{error}.":["No se pudo analizar %{template}: %{error}."],"Failure: %s":["Error: %s"],"Family":["Familia"],"Feature":["Característica"],"Features":["Características"],"Features \\\"%s\\\" in this proxy are not recognized by Foreman. If these features come from a Smart Proxy plugin, make sure Foreman has the plugin installed too.":[""],"Feature|Name":["Nombre"],"Fetch TFTP boot files for %s":["Recolectar archivos de arranque TFTP para %s"],"Filter":["Filtro"],"Filter by level:":["Filtrar por nivel:"],"Filter by name":["Filtrar por nombre"],"Filter by state:":["Filtrar por estado:"],"Filter classes":["Clases de filtro"],"Filter overriding has been disabled":[""],"Filters":["Filtros"],"Filters for role %s":["Filtros para el rol %s"],"Filters inherit %{orgs_and_locs} from their role by default. If override field is enabled, <br> filter can override the set of its %{orgs_and_locs}. Later role changes will not affect <br> such filter. After disabling override field, role %{orgs_and_locs} apply again.":[""],"Filters overriding has been disabled":[""],"Filter|Override":[""],"Filter|Permissions":["Permisos"],"Filter|Resource":["Recurso"],"Filter|Search":["Buscar"],"Filter|Taxonomy search":["Búsqueda taxonómica"],"Filter|Unlimited":["Ilimitado"],"Fingerprint":["Huella"],"Finish template":["Finalizar plantilla"],"Firmware":[""],"Fix %s on Mismatch":["Corregir %s en discordancias"],"Fix All Mismatches":["Arreglar todas las discordancias"],"Fix DB cache":["Corregir caché de la base de datos"],"Fix DB cache on next Foreman restart":["Arreglar la caché de la base de datos en el próximo reinicio de Foreman"],"Fix Mismatches":["Arreglar discordancias"],"Flavor":["Sabor"],"Floating IP network":["Red IP flotante"],"Folder":["Carpeta"],"Follow %{href} on how to describe your controllers.":["Más información sobre como describir sus controladores en %{href}."],"For example, if you have copied several Red Hat release disks into a directory structure where the disk images are named 5.8 or 6.2, and each contained both x86_64 and i386 binaries, then you\\n could create a single medium entry describing them all.\\n The entry, which could be just named 'Red Hat' could contain a path like this <em>'http://server/redhat/$version/$arch'</em>":["Por ejemplo, si ha copiado varios discos de versión Red Hat en una estructura de directorio en donde las imágenes de disco se llaman 5.8 o 6.2, y cada una contiene binarios de x86_64 e i386, entonces usted podría crear una única entrada del medio que los describa a todos.\\n La entrada, que podría llamarse 'Red Hat' podría contener una ruta como esta <em>'http://server/redhat/$version/$arch'</em>."],"For more info visit our documentation.":[""],"For more information":["Para obtener más información"],"Force a Puppet agent run on the host":["Forzar una ejecución del agente Puppet en el host"],"Foreman API v2 is currently the default API version.":["La versión 2 de la API de Foreman es actualmente la versión de la API predeterminada."],"Foreman Developers":["Desarrolladores de Foreman"],"Foreman URL":["URL de Foreman"],"Foreman Users":["Usuarios de Foreman"],"Foreman audit summary":["Resumen de auditoría de Foreman"],"Foreman can store information about the networking setup of a host that it’s provisioning, which can be used to configure the virtual machine, assign the correct IP addresses and network resources, then configure the OS correctly during the provisioning process.":[""],"Foreman can use LDAP based service for user information and authentication.":["Foreman puede usar un servicio LDAP para autenticación e información de usuarios."],"Foreman considers a domain and a DNS zone as the same thing.":["Foreman considera que un dominio y una zona DNS son lo mismo."],"Foreman domain ID of interface. Required for primary interfaces on managed hosts.":["ID del dominio de Foreman de la interfaz. Requerida para interfaces principales en hosts administrados."],"Foreman host group matchers will be inherited by children when evaluating smart class parameters":["Las concordancias de grupos de hosts Foreman serán heredados por sus hijos cuando se evalúen los parámetros de clases inteligentes"],"Foreman now manages the build cycle for %s":["Foreman ahora controla el ciclo de vida de %s"],"Foreman now no longer manages the build cycle for %s":["Foreman ha dejado de controlar el ciclo de vida de %s"],"Foreman report creation time is <em>%s</em>":["El tiempo de creación del informe de Foreman es <em>%s</em>"],"Foreman smart variables will be exposed via the ENC yaml output":["Las variables inteligentes de Foreman serán expuestas vía la salida yaml de ENC"],"Foreman subnet ID of IPv4 interface":[""],"Foreman subnet ID of IPv6 interface":[""],"Foreman supports automatically creating realm entries for new hosts.":["Foreman admite automáticamente la creación de entradas de reino para nuevos hosts."],"Foreman supports creating and managing hosts on a number of virtualization and cloud services - referred to as “compute resources” - as well as bare metal hosts.":[""],"Foreman test email":["Correo electrónico de prueba de Foreman"],"Foreman ticketing system":["Sistema de tiquetes Foreman"],"Foreman will automate certificate signing upon provision of new host":["Foreman automatizará la firma de certificados tras el aprovisionamiento de un nuevo host"],"Foreman will create the host when a report is received":["Foreman creará el host cuando se reciba un reporte"],"Foreman will create the host when new facts are received":["Foreman creará el host cuando se reciban los nuevos eventos"],"Foreman will default to this puppet environment if it cannot auto detect one":["Foreman usará este entorno Puppet si no puede detectar uno automáticamente"],"Foreman will delete virtual machine if provisioning script ends with non zero exit code":["Foreman eliminará la máquina virtual si el script de aprovisionamiento termina con un código de salida distinto de cero."],"Foreman will evaluate host smart variables in this order by default":["Foreman evaluará por defecto en este orden las variables inteligentes del host"],"Foreman will explicitly set the puppet environment in the ENC yaml output. This will avoid conflicts between the environment in puppet.conf and the environment set in Foreman":["Foreman establecerá explícitamente el entorno puppet en las salida yaml de ENC. Esto evitará conflictos entre el entorno de puppet.conf y el establecido en Foreman"],"Foreman will map users by username in request-header. If this is set to false, OAuth requests will have admin rights.":["Foreman mapeará los usuarios por nombre de usuario en la cabecera de la solicitud. Si se establece como falso, las peticiones de OAuth tendrán privilegios administrativos."],"Foreman will not send this parameter in classification output, replaces use_puppet_default":[""],"Foreman will not send this parameter in classification output.":[""],"Foreman will not send this parameter in classification output. Puppet will use the value defined in the Puppet manifest for this parameter":[""],"Foreman will parse ERB in parameters value in the ENC output":["Foreman analizará ERB en los valores de los parámetros de la salida ENC"],"Foreman will query the locally configured resolver instead of the SOA/NS authorities":["Foreman preguntará al servidor de nombres local en lugar de a las autoridades SOA/NS"],"Foreman will set this as the default Puppet module path if it cannot auto detect one":["Foreman establecerá este como "],"Foreman will truncate hostname to 'puppet' if it starts with puppet":["Foreman cambiará el nombre de equipo a 'puppet' si éste empieza con puppet"],"Foreman will update a host's environment from its facts":["Foreman actualizará el entorno del host mediante eventos"],"Foreman will update a host's subnet from its facts":[""],"Foreman will update the host IP with the IP that made the built request":["Foreman actualizará la IP del host con la IP que hizo la solicitud"],"Foreman will use OAuth for API authorization":["Foreman utilizará OAuth como API de autorización"],"Foreman will use gravatar to display user icons":["Foreman usará gravatar para mostrar iconos de usuarios"],"Foreman will use random UUIDs for certificate signing instead of hostnames":["Foreman usará UUID aleatorios para la firma de certificados en lugar de los nombres de host"],"Foreman will use the new (2.6.5+) format for classes in the ENC yaml output":["Foreman usará el formato nuevo (2.6.5+) para las clases en la salida yaml ENC"],"Foreman will use the short hostname instead of the FQDN for creating new virtual machines":["Foreman usará el nombre corto en lugar del FQDN para crear máquinas virtuales"],"Found %{count} reports from the last %{days} days":["Se encontraron %{count} informes en los últimos %{days} días."],"Full":["Lleno"],"Full audits list":["Lista completa de auditorías"],"Full name describing the domain":["Nombre completo que describe el dominio"],"Full path to backing image used to create new volumes.":["Ruta completa a la imagen de respaldo que se usa para crear nuevos volúmenes."],"Full screen":["Pantalla completa"],"Full trace":["Mensaje completo"],"Function not available for %s":["Función no disponible para %s"],"GMT time":["Hora GMT"],"Gateway":["Puerta de Enlace"],"General":["General"],"General useful description, for example this kind of hardware needs a special BIOS setup":["Descripción general de utilidad, por ejemplo este tipo de hardware necesita una configuración especial de BIOS"],"Generate new random name. Visit Settings to disable this feature.":[""],"Generated %s ago":["Generado hace %s"],"Generated at %s":["Generado a las %s"],"Get ENC values of host":[""],"Get configuration status of host":["Obtener el estado de configuración del host"],"Get dashboard details":["Detalles del tablero de mandos"],"Get default dashboard widgets":["Obtener asistentes de tablero predeterminados"],"Get statistics":["Estadísticas"],"Get status of host":["Estado del host"],"Get vm attributes of host":["Obtener atributos de vm del host"],"Global":["Global"],"Global Parameters":["Parámetros globales"],"Global default %s template":[""],"Global default %s template. This template gets deployed to all configured TFTP servers. It will not be affected by upgrades.":[""],"Global functions":[""],"Global methods (functions)":[""],"Global parameters":["Parámetros globales"],"Global status changed from %{from} to %{to}":[""],"Global variables":[""],"Good host reports in the last %s":["Informes satisfactorios en los últimos %s"],"Google Project ID":["ID de Google Project"],"Groups base DN":["DN base para grupos"],"Guest OS":["SO guest"],"HELO/EHLO domain":[""],"Hardware":["Hardware"],"Hardware Model":["Modelo de Hardware"],"Hardware Models":["Modelos de hardware"],"Hardware models":["Modelos de hardware"],"Hash function to use. Change takes effect for new or updated hosts.":["Función hash a utilizar. Los cambios se efectúan en hosts nuevos o actualizados."],"Hash of report metrics, can be just {}":["Hash de metricas del informe, puede ser solo {}"],"Hash of status type totals":["Hash de los tipos de estado totales"],"Help":["Ayuda"],"Hidden value":["Valor oculto"],"Hide all values for this parameter.":["Ocultar todos los valores para este parámetro"],"Hide this value":["Ocultar este valor"],"Hint data is missing":[""],"History":["Historial"],"Host":["host"],"Host %s is built":["El host %s está construido."],"Host %s is not associated with a VM":["El host %s no está asociado con una máquinas virtual"],"Host Configuration Chart":["Cuadro de configuración de host"],"Host Configuration Status":["Estado de configuración del host"],"Host Group Distribution":[""],"Host Groups":["Grupo del host"],"Host audit entries":["Registros de auditoría de host"],"Host config group":["Group de configuración de hosts"],"Host details":["Información de host"],"Host group":["Grupo de hosts"],"Host group / Environment":["Grupo del host / Entorno"],"Host group IDs":["ID de grupos de host"],"Host group and Environment":["Grupo del host y Entorno"],"Host group configuration":["Configuración de Grupo del host"],"Host group matchers inheritance":["Herencia de las concordancias de grupo de hosts"],"Host group only":["Solo Grupo del host"],"Host group parameters":["Parámetros de Grupo de Hosts"],"Host groups":["Grupo del host"],"Host owner":[""],"Host owner is invalid":[""],"Host parameters":["Paramétros de host"],"Host reported time is <em>%s</em>":["El tiempo de informe de host es <em>%s</em>"],"Host times seem to be adrift!":[""],"Host's network interfaces.":["Interfaces de red del host"],"Host's owner type":["Tipo de propietario de host"],"Host's parameters (array or indexed hash)":["Parámetros del host (array o hash indexado)"],"Host::Base|Build":["Construir"],"Host::Base|Certname":["Nombre de Certificado"],"Host::Base|Comment":["Comentario"],"Host::Base|Disk":["Disco"],"Host::Base|Enabled":["Habilitado"],"Host::Base|Grub pass":["Llave de Grub"],"Host::Base|Image file":["Archivo de imagen"],"Host::Base|Installed at":["Instalado en"],"Host::Base|Ip":["Dirección IP"],"Host::Base|Last compile":["Última compilación"],"Host::Base|Last freshcheck":["Último refresco"],"Host::Base|Last report":["Último informe"],"Host::Base|Mac":["Dirección MAC"],"Host::Base|Managed":["Gestionado"],"Host::Base|Name":["Nombre"],"Host::Base|Otp":["OTP"],"Host::Base|Owner type":["Tipo de propietario"],"Host::Base|Primary interface":["Interfaz primaria"],"Host::Base|Provision method":["Método de aprovisionamiento"],"Host::Base|Puppet status":["Estado de Puppet"],"Host::Base|Root pass":["Contraseña de Root"],"Host::Base|Serial":["Número de serie"],"Host::Base|Use image":["Usar imagen"],"Host::Base|Uuid":["Uuid"],"HostConfigGroup|Host type":["Tipo de host"],"Hostgroup":["GrupoDeHost"],"Hostgroup|Ancestry":["Ascendencia"],"Hostgroup|Grub pass":["Llave de Grub"],"Hostgroup|Image file":["Archivo de imagen"],"Hostgroup|Name":["Nombre"],"Hostgroup|Root pass":["Contraseña de Root"],"Hostgroup|Title":["Título"],"Hostgroup|Use image":["Usar imagen"],"Hostgroup|Vm defaults":["Predeterminados de máquinas virtuales"],"Hostname":["Nombre de host"],"Hostname or certname":["Nombre de host o nombre de certificado"],"Hostname:":["Nombre de equipo:"],"Hosts":["Hosts"],"Hosts created after a puppet run that did not send a location fact will be placed in this location":["Los hosts creados tras una ejecución de Puppet que no envió eventos de ubicación serán almacenados aquí. "],"Hosts created after a puppet run that did not send a organization fact will be placed in this organization":["Se incluirán aquí los hosts creados tras una ejecución de Puppet sin eventos de organización."],"Hosts created after a puppet run will be placed in the location this fact dictates. The content of this fact should be the full label of the location.":["Los hosts creados tras una ejecución de Puppet se colocarán en la ubicación que dicta este evento. El contenido de este evento debe ser la etiqueta completa de ubicación."],"Hosts created after a puppet run will be placed in the organization this fact dictates. The content of this fact should be the full label of the organization.":["Los hosts creados tras una ejecución de Puppet se colocarán en la organización descrita en este evento. El contenido de este evento debe ser la etiqueta completa de organización."],"Hosts in error state":["Hosts con estado error"],"Hosts including sub-groups":["Hosts que incluyen subgrupos"],"Hosts managed":["Hosts administrados"],"Hosts managed:":["Hosts administrados:"],"Hosts that had pending changes":["Hosts que tenían cambios pendientes"],"Hosts that had pending changes with alerts enabled":[""],"Hosts that had performed modifications without error":["Hosts que han realizado modificaciones sin errores"],"Hosts that will be trusted in addition to Smart Proxies for access to fact/report importers and ENC output":["Hosts de confianza, aparte de Smart Proxy para acceder a importadores de eventos/informes y salida ENC"],"Hosts which Foreman reporting is disabled":["Hosts en los que los informes de Foreman están deshabilitados"],"Hosts which are currently not running Puppet":["Hosts que actualmente no ejecutan Puppet"],"Hosts which are not reporting":[""],"Hosts which didn't run puppet in the last %s":["Hosts que no han ejecutado puppet en los últimos %s"],"Hosts which recently applied changes":[""],"Hosts which recently applied changes successfully":[""],"Hosts which recently applied changes successfully with alerts enabled":[""],"Hosts with alerts disabled":["Hosts con alertas inhabilitadas"],"Hosts with error state":[""],"Hosts with error state and alerts enabled":[""],"Hosts with errors":["Hosts con errores"],"Hosts with interesting values (changed, failures etc)":["Hosts con valores interesantes (modificados, fallas, etc.)"],"Hosts with no reports":["Hosts sin informes"],"Hosts with notifications disabled":["Hosts con notificaciones inhabilitadas"],"Hosts without changes or errors":[""],"Hosts without changes or errors, with alerts enabled":[""],"Hosts without errors":["Hosts sin errores."],"Hosts without errors percent":[""],"Hosts without errors, with alerts enabled":[""],"How values are validated":["Cómo se validan valores"],"However, if it was deleted externally this page helps you to recreate it":[""],"ID of LDAP authentication source":["ID de la fuente de identificación LDAP"],"ID of Puppet class":["ID de la clase Puppet"],"ID of architecture":["ID de la arquitectura"],"ID of compute resource":["ID del recurso de cómputo"],"ID of config template":["ID de la plantilla de configuración"],"ID of domain":["ID del dominio"],"ID of environment":["ID del entorno"],"ID of host":["ID del host"],"ID of host group":["ID del grupo de hosts"],"ID of interface":["ID de la interfaz"],"ID of linked authentication source":["ID de la fuente de autenticación enlazada"],"ID of location":["ID de la ubicación"],"ID of medium":["ID del medio"],"ID of operating system":["ID del sistema operativo"],"ID of organization":["ID de la organización"],"ID of parameter":["ID del parámetro"],"ID of partition table":["ID de la tabla de particiones"],"ID of provisioning template":["IP de la plantilla de aprovisionamiento"],"ID of role":["ID del rol"],"ID of subnet":["ID de la subred"],"ID of template":["ID de la plantilla"],"ID of the user":[""],"ID of user group":["ID del grupo de usuario"],"ID or name external user group":["ID o nombre del grupo de usuarios externo"],"ID or name of domain":["ID del nombre de dominio"],"ID or name of external user group":["ID o nombre del grupo de usuarios externos"],"ID or name of host":["ID o nombre del host"],"ID or name of interface":["ID o nombre de la interfaz"],"ID or name of subnet":["ID o nombre de subred"],"ID or name of user group":["Id o nombre del grupo de usuarios"],"IDs of associated architectures":["ID de arquitecturas asociadas"],"IDs of associated config groups":[""],"IDs of associated media":["ID de medios asociados"],"IDs of associated partition tables":["ID de tablas de particiones asociadas"],"IDs of associated provisioning templates":["ID de plantillas de aprovisionamiento asociadas"],"INFO or DEBUG":["INFORMACIÓN o DEPURAR"],"IP":["IP"],"IP Address":["Dirección IP"],"IP Address Management":["Administración de dirección IP"],"IP Address auto suggestion mode for this subnet, valid values are \\\"DHCP\\\", \\\"Internal DB\\\", \\\"None\\\"":["Método por el que se sugiere la dirección IP en esta subred, valores válidos son \\\"DHCP\\\", \\\"Internal DB\\\", \\\"None\\\""],"IP address auto-suggest":["Dirección IP autosugerida"],"IP addresses that should be excluded from suggestion":[""],"IP:":["IP:"],"IPAM":["IPAM"],"IPv4":["IPv4"],"IPv4 Address":["Dirección IPv4"],"IPv4 DNS record":["",""],"IPv4 Subnet":[""],"IPv4 address":[""],"IPv4 address of interface":[""],"IPv6":["IPv6"],"IPv6 Address":["Dirección IPv6"],"IPv6 DNS record":["",""],"IPv6 Subnet":[""],"IPv6 address":[""],"IPv6 address of interface":[""],"IRC":["IRC"],"Identifier":["Identificador"],"Identifier of the interface to which this interface belongs, e.g. eth1":["Identificador de la interfaz a la que pertenece esta interfaz, p.ej., eth1"],"Identifier of the interface to which this interface belongs, e.g. eth1. Only for virtual interfaces.":["Identificador de la interfaz a la que pertenece esta interfaz, p.ej., eth1. Solo para interfaces virtuales."],"Identifiers of attached interfaces, e.g. `['eth1', 'eth2']`. For bond interfaces those are the slaves. Only for bond and bridges interfaces.":["Identificadores de interfaces adjuntas, por ejemplo: `['eth1', 'eth2']`. Para las interfaces vinculadas son esclavos. Solo para interfaces vinculadas y puentes."],"Idle timeout":["Tiempo de espera de inactividad"],"If ERB is used in a parameter value, the validation of the value will happen during the ENC request. If the value is invalid, the ENC request will fail.":["Si ERB se utiliza en un valor de parámetro, la validación del valor ocurrirá durante la solicitud de ENC. Si el valor no es válido, la solicitud de ENC fallará."],"If Foreman is running behind Passenger or a remote load balancer, the IP should be set here. This is a regular expression, so it can support several load balancers, i.e: (|":["Si Foreman se está ejecutando con Passenger o un balanceador de carga remoto, la IP debe ser configurada aquí. Ésta es una expresión regular, así que permite múltiples balanceadores de carga, ej: (|"],"If checked, will raise an error if there is no default value and no matcher provide a value.":["Al seleccionarlo, aparecerá un error si no existe un valor predeterminado y no existe ningún comparador que pueda proporcionar el valor."],"If owner type is specified, owner must be specified too.":[""],"If true, will raise an error if there is no default value and no matcher provide a value":["Si es así, se mostrará un error si no existe un valor predeterminado y no existe ninguna concordancia que pueda proporcionar un valor"],"If you are planning to use Foreman as an external node classifier you should provide information about one or more environments. This information is commonly imported from a pre-existing Puppet configuration by the use of the %{link_start}Puppet classes and environment importer%{link_end}.":[""],"If you feel this is an error with Foreman itself, please open a new issue with":["Si cree que esto es un error de Foreman, por favor, reporte una incidencia con"],"If you wish to configure Puppet to forward it reports to Foreman, please follow":["Si desea configurar Puppet para reenviar los informes a Foreman, vaya a"],"Ignore Puppet facts for provisioning":["Ignorar eventos Puppet para aprovisionamiento"],"Ignore facts for domain":[""],"Ignore facts for operating system":[""],"Ignore interfaces that match these values during facts importing, you can use * wildcard to match names with indexes e.g. macvtap*":["Ignorar interfaces que coincidan con estos valores durante la importación de eventos, puede utilizar el comodín * para coincidir con los nombres con índices, por ejemplo, macvtap*"],"Ignore interfaces with matching identifier":["Ignorar interfaces con identificador de coincidencias"],"Ignored classes in the environments: %s":[""],"Ignored environment":[""],"Ignored environment names resulting in booleans found. Please quote strings like true/false and yes/no in config/ignored_environments.yml.":[""],"Ignored environments: %s":[""],"Ignored:":[""],"Image":["Imagen"],"Image Based":["Basado en Imagen"],"Image ID":["ID imagen"],"Image ID as provided by the compute resource, e.g. ami-..":["ID de la imagen facilitado por el recurso de cómputo, ejemplo: ami-.."],"Image path":["Ruta de la imagen"],"Image to use":["Imagen elegida"],"Images":["Imágenes"],"Image|Iam role":["Yosoy rol"],"Image|Name":["Nombre"],"Image|Password":["Contraseña"],"Image|User data":["Datos de usuario"],"Image|Username":["Usuario"],"Image|Uuid":["Uuid"],"Import":["Importar"],"Import IPv4 subnets":[""],"Import VM %s":[""],"Import classes from %s":[""],"Import environments from %s":[""],"Import of facts failed for host %s":["No se pudieron importar los eventos para host %s"],"Import puppet classes from puppet proxy for an environment":["Importar clases puppet desde el proxy puppet de un entorno"],"Import puppet classes from puppet proxy.":["Importar clases puppet desde el proxy puppet."],"Imported IPv4 Subnets":[""],"In addition to defining which puppet classes get included when building this host type you are also able to assign variables and provisioning information to a host group to further refine the behavior of the puppet runtime.":["Además de definir qué clases de Puppet se incluirán al construir este tipo de host, también puede asignar variables e información de aprovisionamiento a un grupo de hosts y así refinar el comportamiento del tiempo de ejecución de Puppet."],"In order to create the SSH key, the user must be saved first. A 'create_ssh_keys' permission is required too.":[""],"In-line code syntax":[""],"Include default value when merging all matching values":["Incluir el valor predeterminado al combinar todos los valores que coinciden"],"Include default value when merging all matching values.":["Incluir valor predeterminado al combinar todos los valores que coinciden"],"Include this host within Foreman reporting":["Incluir este host en el informe de Foreman"],"Included Classes":["Clases incluidas"],"Included Config Groups":["Grupos de configuración Incluidos"],"Incorrect password":["Contraseña incorrecta"],"Incorrect username or password":["Nombre de usuario o contraseña incorrectos"],"Independent - Nonpersistent":[""],"Independent - Persistent":[""],"Infrastructure":["Infraestructura"],"Inherit parent (%s)":["Heredar padre (%s)"],"Inherited Classes from %s":[""],"Inherits from subnet VLAN ID if not set":["Hereda del ID de VLAN de la subred si no está establecido"],"Input":["Entrada"],"Installation Media":["Medio de Instalación"],"Installation media":["Medio de Instalación"],"Installation medium configuration":["Configuración del medio de instalación"],"Installed":["Instalado"],"Interface":["Interfaz"],"Interface is down":["La interfaz está inactiva."],"Interface is up":["La interfaz está activa."],"Interface provider, e.g. IPMI. Only for BMC interfaces.":["Proveedor de interfaz, p.ej., IPMI. Solo para interfaces BMC."],"Interface type, e.g. bmc. Default is %{default_nic_type}":["Tipo de interfaz, por ejemplo, bmc. El tipo predeterminado es %{default_nic_type}"],"Interface's DNS name":["Nombre de DNS de la interfaz"],"Interfaces":["Interfaces"],"Internal DB":["Base de datos interna"],"Internal network":["Red interna"],"Interpolate ERB in parameters":["Interpolar ERB en parámetros"],"Invalid %s selection, you must select at least one of yours":["Selección %s no válida, debe seleccionar al menos uno de los suyos"],"Invalid Host":["Host no válido"],"Invalid architecture '%{arch}' for '%{os}'":[""],"Invalid architecture for %s":["Arquitectura no válida para %s"],"Invalid authenticity token":["Token de autenticación no válido"],"Invalid log level: %s":["Nivel de registro no válido: %s"],"Invalid medium '%{medium}' for '%{os}'":[""],"Invalid medium for %s":["Medio no válido para %s"],"Invalid power state request: %{action}, supported actions are %{supported}":["Solicitud de estado de energía no es válida: %{action}, las acciones %{supported} son ${supported}"],"Invalid proxy selected!":["¡El proxy seleccionado no es válido!"],"Invalid query":["Consulta no válida"],"Invalid report":["Informe no válido"],"Invalid search query: %s":["Consulta de búsqueda no válida: %s"],"Invalid smart-proxy id":[""],"Invalid type for host creation via facts: %s":["Tipo no válido para la creación de host mediante eventos: %s"],"Invalid version format, please enter in x.y (only major version).":["Formato de versión no válido, ingrese x.y (solo versión principal)."],"Is the cron job that executes %s enabled?":["¿Está habilitada la tarea programada que ejecuta %s?"],"Issue tracker":["Seguimiento de incidencias"],"It is not possible to assign provisioning templates at this stage.":["No es posible asignar plantillas de aprovisionamiento en esta etapa."],"It is not recommended to unlock this template, as it is provided by %{vendor} and may be overwritten. Please consider cloning it instead.":["No se recomienda desbloquear esta plantilla, ya que la proporciona %{vendor} y es posible que se sobrescriba. Considere clonarla, en cambio."],"Item":["Elemento"],"Iterating":[""],"JSON VM listing is not supported for this compute resource.":["La lista JSON VM no se admite en este recurso de computación."],"JSON object of the scheduler hint":[""],"Keep selected hosts for a future action":["Conservar los host seleccionados para una acción futura"],"Key Binding":["Combinación de teclas"],"Key not connected to any compute resource":[""],"Key pair":["Par de llaves"],"Key used with other compute resource":[""],"KeyPair|Name":["Nombre"],"KeyPair|Public":["Pública"],"KeyPair|Secret":["Secreta"],"Kind":["Clase"],"LDAP Authentication":["Autenticación LDAP"],"LDAP authentication":["Autenticación LDAP"],"LDAP authentication sources":["Fuentes de autenticación LDAP"],"LDAP error - %{message}":["Error LDAP - %{message}"],"LDAP filter":["Filtro LDAP"],"LDAP server":["Servidor LDAP"],"LDAP users will have their Foreman account automatically created the first time they log into Foreman":["Los usuarios LDAP dispondrán de su cuenta Foreman que se crea automáticamente la primera vez que ingresen a Foreman"],"Language":["Idioma"],"Last Report":["Último informe"],"Last report":["Último informe"],"Last updated %s ago":["Última actualización hace %s"],"Latest Events":["Últimos eventos"],"Learn more about this in the documentation.":["Obtener más información acerca de esto en la documentación."],"Legacy Puppet hostname":["Nombre de host del Puppet legado"],"Length":[""],"Level":["Nivel"],"Libvirt default console address":["Dirección de la consola predeterminada de Libvirt"],"Libvirt, oVirt, OpenStack and Rackspace":[""],"Limit rebuild steps, valid steps are %{host_rebuild_steps}":[""],"List LDAP authentication sources per location":[""],"List LDAP authentication sources per organization":[""],"List all :resource_id":["Listar todo :resource_id"],"List all LDAP authentication sources":["Listar todas las fuentes de autenticación LDAP"],"List all Puppet class IDs for host":["Listar todos los ID de clases Puppet para host"],"List all Puppet class IDs for host group":["Listar todos los ID de clases Puppet del grupo de hosts"],"List all Puppet classes":["Listar todas las clases Puppet"],"List all Puppet classes for a host":["Listar todas las clases Puppet de un host"],"List all Puppet classes for a host group":["Listar todas las clases Puppet de un grupo de hosts"],"List all Puppet classes for an environment":["Listar todas las clases Puppet de un entorno"],"List all SSH keys for a user":[""],"List all architectures":["Listar todas las arquitecturas"],"List all architectures for operating system":["Listar las arquitecturas por sistema operativo"],"List all audits":["Listar todas las auditorías"],"List all audits for a given host":["Listar todas las auditorías de un host determinado"],"List all autosign entries":["Listar todas las entradas autofirmadas"],"List all bookmarks":["Listar todos los marcadores"],"List all compute resources":["Listar todos los recursos de cómputo"],"List all environments":["Listar todos los entornos"],"List all external user groups for LDAP authentication source":["Listar los grupos de usuarios externos para la fuente de autenticación LDAP"],"List all external user groups for user group":["Listar todos los grupos de usuarios externos para el grupo de usuarios"],"List all fact values":["Listar todos los valores de eventos"],"List all fact values of a given host":["Listar todos los valores de eventos de un host determinado"],"List all filters":["Listar todos los filtros"],"List all global parameters.":["Listar todos los parámetros globales."],"List all hardware models":["Listar todos los modelos de hardware"],"List all host groups":["Listar todos los grupos de hosts"],"List all host groups for a Puppet class":["Listarr los grupos de hosts para una clase Puppet"],"List all host groups per location":["Listar los grupos de hosts por ubicación"],"List all host groups per organization":["Listar todos los grupos de hosts por 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combinations for an operating system":["Listar las combinaciones de plantillas predeterminadas para un sistema operativo"],"List environments of Puppet class":["Listar entornos de clase Puppet"],"List environments per location":["Listar entornos por ubicación"],"List environments per organization":["Listar entornos por organización"],"List hosts per environment":["Listar hosts por entorno"],"List hosts per location":["Listar hosts por ubicación"],"List hosts per organization":["Listar hosts por organización"],"List installed plugins":["Listar complementos instalados"],"List of compute profiles":["Listar perfiles de computación"],"List of config groups":["Lista de grupos de computación"],"List of domains":["Lista de dominios"],"List of domains per location":["Listar dominios por ubicación"],"List of domains per organization":["Listar dominios por organización"],"List of domains per subnet":["Lista de dominios por subred"],"List of email notifications":["Lista de notificaciones por correo electrónico"],"List of hosts which answer to the provided query":["Lista de hosts que han respondido a la búsqueda"],"List of override values for a specific smart class parameter":["Lista de valores de sobrescritura para un parámetro específico de clase inteligente"],"List of override values for a specific smart variable":["Lista de valores sobrescritos para una variable inteligente específica"],"List of realms":["Lista de reinos"],"List of resources types that will be automatically associated":[""],"List of smart class parameters for a specific Puppet class":["Lista de parámetros de clase inteligentes para una clase Puppet específica"],"List of smart class parameters for a specific environment":["Lista de parámetros de clase inteligentes para un entorno determinado"],"List of smart class parameters for a specific environment/Puppet class combination":["Lista de parámetros de clase inteligentes para una combinación determinada entorno/clase Puppet"],"List of smart class parameters for a specific host":["Lista de parámetros de clase inteligentes para un host determinado"],"List of smart class parameters for a specific host group":["Lista de parámetros de clase inteligentes para un grupo de hosts determinado"],"List of smart variables for a specific Puppet class":["Lista de parámetros de clase inteligentes para una clase Puppet determinada"],"List of smart variables for a specific host":["Lista de parámetros de clase inteligentes para un host determinado"],"List of smart variables for a specific host group":["Lista de parámetros de clase inteligentes para un grupo de hosts determinado"],"List of subnets":["Lista de subredes"],"List of subnets for a domain":["Listarr subredes para un dominio"],"List of subnets per location":["Lista de subredes por ubicación"],"List of subnets per organization":["Lista de subredes por organización"],"List operating systems where this template is set as a default":["Lista de sistemas operativos en donde esta plantilla se establece de forma predeterminada"],"List provisioning templates":["Listar plantillas de aprovisionamiento"],"List provisioning templates per location":["Listar plantillas de aprovisionamiento por ubicación"],"List provisioning templates per operating system":["Listar plantillas de aprovisionamiento por sistema operativo"],"List provisioning templates per organization":["Listar plantillas de aprovisionamiento por organización"],"List resource pools for a compute resource cluster":["Listar grupos de recursos para un clúster de recursos de cómputo"],"List storage domains for a compute resource":["Listar dominios de almacenamiento de un recurso de cómputo"],"List storage pods for a compute resource":["Listar dominios de almacenamiento de un recurso de computación"],"List template combination":["Listar combinaciones de plantillas"],"Load Datacenters":["Cargar centros de datos"],"Load Regions":["Cargar regiones"],"Load Tenants":["Cargar inquilinos"],"Load Zones":[""],"Loading":["Carga"],"Loading ...":["Cargando..."],"Loading BMC information ...":["Cargando información BMC..."],"Loading NICs information ...":["Cargando información NIC..."],"Loading SSH keys information ...":[""],"Loading VM information ...":["Cargando información de máquina virtual"],"Loading filters ...":["Cargando filtros ..."],"Loading host information ...":["Cargando información de host..."],"Loading images information ...":["Cargando información de imágenes..."],"Loading interfaces information ...":["Cargando información de interfaces..."],"Loading parameters...":["Cargando parámetros..."],"Loading power state ...":["Cargando estado de energía ..."],"Loading resources information ...":["Cargando información de recursos..."],"Loading runtime information ...":["Cargando información de tiempo de ejecución..."],"Loading template information ...":["Cargando información de plantillas..."],"Loading virtual machine information ...":["Cargando información de máquina virtual..."],"Loading virtual machines information ...":["Cargando información de máquinas virtuales..."],"Local time":["Hora local"],"Location":["Ubicación"],"Location Distribution":[""],"Location fact":["Evento de la ubicación"],"Location parameters":["Parámetros de la ubicación"],"Location with id %{id} not found":[""],"Location you had selected as your context has been deleted.":["La ubicación seleccionada como contexto ha sido eliminada."],"Location/Organization":["Ubicación/Organización"],"Locations":["Ubicaciones"],"Locations also work nicely when used in tandem with %{organizations}.":["Las ubicaciones también funcionan bien cuando se utilizan en conjunto con %{organizations}."],"Locations are used to manage and differentiate the physical place where a system managed via Foreman is housed. For example, there might be a data center in London and one in Virginia; these are locations.":[""],"Lock":["Bloqueo"],"Log In":[""],"Log entry details":["Detalles de la entrada de registro"],"Log out":["Cerrar sesión"],"Log out idle users after a certain number of minutes":["Cerrar sesión de los usuarios inactivos después de un número concreto de minutos"],"Logged out - See you soon":["Sesión cerrada - Hasta pronto'"],"Logged-in":["Conectados"],"Login":["Ingreso"],"Login delegation logout URL":["URL de desconexión de delegación de inicio de sesión"],"Login page footer text":[""],"Logout":["Salida"],"Lookup key":["Llave de búsqueda"],"Lookup value":["Valor de búsqueda"],"LookupKey|Avoid duplicates":[""],"LookupKey|Default value":["Valor predeterminado"],"LookupKey|Description":[""],"LookupKey|Is param":[""],"LookupKey|Key":[""],"LookupKey|Key type":[""],"LookupKey|Merge overrides":[""],"LookupKey|Override":[""],"LookupKey|Path":[""],"LookupKey|Puppetclass lookup key":[""],"LookupKey|Required":[""],"LookupKey|Validator rule":[""],"LookupKey|Validator type":[""],"LookupKey|Variable lookup values count":[""],"LookupValue|Match":["Concordancia"],"LookupValue|Value":["Valor"],"MAC":["MAC"],"MAC Address":["Dirección MAC"],"MAC address":["Dirección MAC"],"MAC address of interface. 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Como en IRC, tenemos listas generales de usuarios (soporte, Q/A, etc) y listas de desarrollo:"],"Manage":["Administrar"],"Manage Locations":["Administrar ubicaciones"],"Manage Organizations":["Administrar organizaciones"],"Manage PuppetCA":["Administrar PuppetCA"],"Manage host":["Administrar host"],"Managed IP":["IP administrada"],"Manual":["Manual"],"Manually Assign":["Asignar manualmente"],"Manually select and assign hosts with no %s":["Seleccionar de forma manual y asignar hosts sin %s"],"Matcher is a combination of an attribute and its value, if they match, the value below would be provided.<br> You may use any attribute Foreman knows about, such as facts etc for example: <code> domain = </code> or <code> is_virtual = true</code>.":["La concordancia es la combinación de un atributo y su valor; si coinciden, se proporcionará el valor a continuación.<br> Puede utilizar cualquier atributo que Foreman conozca, como eventos, etc., por ejemplo: <code> domain = </code> o <code> is_virtual = true</code>."],"Max days for Trends graphs":["Número de días máximo para los gráficos de tendencia"],"Max timeout for REST client requests to smart-proxy":["Tiempo de espera máximo para solicitudes de cliente REST a Smart-Proxy"],"Max trends":["Tendencias máx."],"Media":["Medios"],"Media ID":["ID de medios"],"Media access control address for this interface. 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Most virtualization compute resources (e.g. VMware, oVirt, libvirt) <br/> will overwrite the provided value with new random MAC address.":[""],"Medium":["Medio"],"Medium IDs":[""],"Medium|Config path":["Directorio de configuración"],"Medium|Image path":["Ruta de imágenes"],"Medium|Media path":["Ruta de medios"],"Medium|Name":["Nombre"],"Medium|Os family":["Familia de sistema operativo"],"Medium|Path":["Ruta"],"Memory":["Memoria"],"Memory (MB)":["Memoria (MB)"],"Memory hot add":["Función de agregado en caliente de la memoria"],"Memory hot add lets you add memory resources for a virtual machine while the machine is powered on.":["La función de agregado en caliente de la memoria permite añadir recursos de memoria para una máquina virtual mientras la máquina se enciende."],"Merge all matching values (only array/hash type)":["Combinar todos los valores que coinciden (solo tipo array/hash)"],"Message":["Mensaje"],"Message|Digest":["Asimilar"],"Message|Value":["Valor"],"Metadata":["Metadados"],"Method %{method} not found for resource %{resource}.":["Método %{method} no encontrado para el recurso %{resource}."],"Method used to deliver email":[""],"Metrics":["Métrica"],"Minutes Ago":["Hace minutos"],"Mismatch Details":["Detalles de la discordancia"],"Mismatches":["Discordancias"],"Mismatches Report":["Informe de discordancias"],"Missing one of the required permissions: %s":["Falta uno de los permisos requeridos: %s."],"Model":["Modelo"],"Model|Hardware model":["Modelo de hardware"],"Model|Hosts count":["Conteo de hosts"],"Model|Info":["Información"],"Model|Name":["Nombre"],"Model|Vendor class":["Tipo de vendedor"],"Modified":["Modificado"],"Module path":["Ruta del módulo"],"Monitor":["Monitor"],"Monthly":["Mensualmente"],"Must provide an operating system":[""],"Must provide template kind":["Se debe especificar el tipo de plantilla"],"Must specify a user with email enabled":["Debe especificar un usuario con el correo-e habilitado"],"Must specify a valid user with email enabled":["Debe especificar un usuario válido con el correo-e habilitado"],"My account":["Mi cuenta"],"N/A":["N/D"],"NA":["ND"],"NIC":["NIC"],"NIC type":["Tipo NIC"],"NICs":["NIC"],"Name":["Nombre"],"Name of media":["Nombre de medio"],"Name of the external auth source where unknown externally authentication users (see authorize_login_delegation) should be created (keep unset to prevent the autocreation)":["Nombre de la fuente de autenticación externa donde se deben crear los usuarios externos desconocidos (ver authorize_login_delegation), (mantenerlo no asignado para evitar la creación automática)"],"Name of the host group":["Nombre del grupo de hosts"],"Name of the parameter":["Nombre del parámetro"],"Name of variable":["Nombre de la variable"],"Nest":["Anidar"],"Netmask":["Mascara de red"],"Netmask for this subnet":["Máscara para esta subred"],"Network":["Red"],"Network Based":["Basado en red"],"Network can't be blank":[""],"Network interfaces":["Interfaces de red"],"Network interfaces management has been moved to the Interfaces tab. Please set your interfaces there.":["La administración de las interfaces de red se ha movido a la pestaña Interfaces. Configure sus interfaces allí."],"Network prefix":[""],"Network type":["Tipo de red"],"New":["nuevo"],"New Autosign Entry":["Nueva entrada autofirmado"],"New Event":[""],"New Events":[""],"New Hosts":[""],"New Location":["Nueva ubicación"],"New Organization":["Nueva organización"],"New SSH key":[""],"New Virtual Machine":["Nueva máquina virtual"],"New boot volume size (GB)":["Nuevo tamaño de volumen de inicio (GB)"],"New compute profile on %s":["Nuevo perfil de cómputo en %s"],"New filter":["Nuevo filtro"],"New window":["Nueva ventana"],"Nic::Base|Attached devices":["Dispositivos vinculados"],"Nic::Base|Attached to":["Vinculado a"],"Nic::Base|Attrs":["Atributos"],"Nic::Base|Bond options":["Opciones de vínculo"],"Nic::Base|Identifier":["Identificador"],"Nic::Base|Ip":["IP"],"Nic::Base|Link":["Enlace"],"Nic::Base|Mac":["Mac"],"Nic::Base|Managed":["Administrado"],"Nic::Base|Mode":["Modo"],"Nic::Base|Name":["Nombre"],"Nic::Base|Password":["Contraseña"],"Nic::Base|Provider":["Proveedor"],"Nic::Base|Tag":["Etiqueta"],"Nic::Base|Username":["Nombre de usuario"],"Nic::Base|Virtual":["Virtual"],"No %{template_kind} templates were found for this host, make sure you define at least one in your %{os} settings or change PXE loader":[""],"No BMC NIC available for host %s":[""],"No IPv4 subnets selected":[""],"No Notifications":[""],"No TFTP feature":["Ninguna funcionalidad TFTP"],"No TFTP proxies defined, can't continue":["No se han definido proxis TFTP, no puede continuar"],"No audit changes for this period":["No hay cambios de auditoría para este período"],"No bridges":["Ningún puente"],"No changes":["Sin cambios"],"No changes found when refreshing features from %s.":["No se encontraron cambios durante la actualización de funcionalidades desde %s"],"No changes to your environments detected":["No se detectaron cambios en sus entornos"],"No compute resource to show":["No hay recursos de cómputo para mostrar"],"No data available":[""],"No data for this trend.":["No hay datos para esta tendencia."],"No documentation found":["No se encontró la documentación"],"No domains":["Sin dominios"],"No emails":["No correo-e"],"No entries found":["No se encontraron entradas"],"No environment selected!":["¡Ningún entorno seleccionado!"],"No environments found":["No se encontraron entornos"],"No features found on this proxy, please make sure you enable at least one feature":["No se han encontrado funciones en este proxy, por favor asegúrese de que haya por lo menos una función habilitada"],"No finish templates were found for this host, make sure you define at least one in your %s settings":["No se han encontrado plantillas de finalizado para este host, asegúrese de que exista por lo menos una plantilla definida en los parámetros %s"],"No free ports available for websockify, try again later":["No hay puertos libres disponibles para websockify, intente de nuevo más tarde."],"No history found":["No se encontró historial"],"No host could be found for rendering the template":["No se pudo encontrar ningún host para reproducir la plantilla."],"No host found to associate this VM with":["No se encontró ningún host a asociar con esta máquina virtual"],"No host group selected!":["¡No se ha seleccionado un grupo de hosts!"],"No hosts are mismatched!":["¡Ningún hosts es discordante!"],"No hosts available.":[""],"No hosts selected":["Ningún host seleccionado"],"No hosts were found with that id, name or query filter":[""],"No interesting reports received in the last week":["No se han recibido informes interesantes en la última semana"],"No logs to show":["No hay registros para mostrar"],"No matching server groups found":[""],"No networks":["No hay redes"],"No networks found.":["No se encontraron redes."],"No new IPv4 subnets found":[""],"No or invalid power state selected!":["¡No se seleccionó un estado de energía o el estado seleccionado no es válido!"],"No owner selected!":["¡No se seleccionó ningún propietario!"],"No parameters to override for Puppet class %s":["No hay parámetros para sobrescribir la clase Puppet %s"],"No parameters were allocated to the selected hosts, can't mass assign.":["No se asignaron parámetros a los hosts seleccionados, no se puede realizar una asignación masiva."],"No plugins found":["No se encontraron complementos"],"No preference":["Sin preferencia"],"No proxy found to import classes from, ensure that the smart proxy has the Puppet feature enabled.":["No se encontró el Proxy para importar clases, asegúrese de que el proxy inteligente tenga la funcionalidad Puppet habilitada."],"No proxy selected!":["¡No se seleccionó ningún proxy!"],"No puppet activity for this host in the last %s days":["No ha habido actividad de Puppet en este host en los últimos %s días"],"No report":["No hay informe"],"No reports":["No hay informes"],"No setting value provided.":["No hay ningún valor de configuración."],"No smart proxies found.":["No se encontraron proxis inteligentes."],"No smart proxies to show":["No hay proxis inteligentes para mostrar"],"No smart proxy was found to import environments from, ensure that at least one smart proxy is registered with the 'puppet' feature.":["No se encontró un Smart Proxy desde el cual importar entornos, asegúrese de que al menos se haya registrado uno con la funcionalidad 'puppet'."],"No subnets":["No hay subredes"],"No template with kind %{kind} for %{host}":["No hay ninguna plantilla con tipo %{kind} para %{host}."],"No templates found":["No se encontraron plantillas"],"No templates found for this host.":["No se encontraron plantillas para este host."],"No templates found!":["¡No se han encontrado plantillas!"],"No trend counter defined":["No hay ningún contador de tendencias definido."],"No trend counter found":["No se encontró ningún contador de tendencias."],"None":["Ninguno"],"None found":["No se encontró ninguno."],"None!":["Ninguno"],"Normal":["Normal"],"Normally when setting up a Compute Resource, a key pair (private and public) is created for you automatically.":[""],"Not Installed":["No instalado"],"Not authorized to edit classes":["No autorizado para editar clases"],"Not implemented":["No implementado"],"Not implemented for %s":["No implementado para %s"],"Not relevant for snippet":["no es relevante para 'snippet'"],"Nothing to add":["Nada que añadir"],"Nothing to show":["Nada que mostrar"],"Notice":["Aviso"],"Notices, warnings and errors":["Avisos, advertencias y errores"],"Notification disabled":["Notificaciones inhabilitadas"],"Notifications":["Notificaciones"],"Number Of Clients":["Número de clientes"],"Number of CPUs":["Número de CPU"],"Number of Events":["Número de eventos"],"Number of Hosts":["Número de hosts"],"Number of classes":["Cantidad de clases"],"Number of overrides":["Cantidad de sustituciones"],"Number of records shown per page in Foreman":["Número de elementos por página mostrados en Foreman"],"Numerical ID or domain name":["ID numérico o nombre de dominio"],"Numerical ID or email notification name":["ID numérica o nombre de la notificación por correo electrónico"],"Numerical ID or realm name":["ID numérico o nombre del reino"],"OAuth active":["OAuth activa"],"OAuth consumer key":["Llave de consumidor OAuth"],"OAuth consumer secret":["Llave secreta de consumidor OAuth "],"OAuth map users":["OAuth mapea usuarios"],"OK":["Aceptar"],"OS Image":["Imagen SO"],"OS friendly name; e.g. RHEL 6.5":["nombre descriptivo del sistema operativo; por ejemplo, RHEL 6.5"],"OS major version from facter; e.g. 6":["Versión mayor del SO procedente de facter. P.ej., 6"],"OS minor version from facter; e.g. 5":["Versión mayor del SO procedente de facter. P.e.j., 5"],"OS name from facter; e.g. RedHat":["Nombre del SO procedente de facter; p. e.j., RedHat"],"Obsolete":["Obsoleto"],"Off":["Apagado"],"Ok":["Aceptar"],"Old":["Viejo"],"Omit":[""],"Omit from classification output":[""],"Omit parameter from classification":[""],"On":["Encendido"],"Only for BMC interfaces.":["Solamente para interfaces BMC."],"Only known Smart Proxies may access features that use Smart Proxy authentication":["Solo los Proxy inteligentes conocidos pueden acceder a las funcionalidades que utilizan la autenticación de Proxy inteligente"],"Only one declaration of a proxy is allowed":["Solo se permite una declaración"],"Only one volume can be bootable":["Solo un volumen puede ser arrancable"],"Oops!!":["¡Error!"],"Oops, we're sorry but something went wrong":["Lo sentimos algo ha salido mal"],"Open Spice in a new window":["Abrir Spice en una nueva ventana"],"Operating System":["Sistema operativo"],"Operating System version is required":["Se requiere la versión del sistema operativo"],"Operating Systems":["Sistemas operativos"],"Operating system":["Sistema operativo"],"Operating system ID":["ID del sistema operativo"],"Operating system IDs":["ID de sistemas operativos"],"Operating system default":["Sistema operativo predeterminado"],"Operating system family":["Familia del sistema operativo"],"Operating system family, available values: %{operatingsystem_families}":["Familia de sistema operativo, valores disponibles: %{operatingsystem_families}"],"Operating system version already exists":["La versión del sistema operativo ya existe."],"Operating systems":["Sistemas operativos"],"Operating systems API supported?":[""],"Operatingsystem":["Sistema operativo"],"Operatingsystem|Description":["Descripción"],"Operatingsystem|Hostgroups count":["Conteo de Hostgroups"],"Operatingsystem|Hosts count":["Conteo de hosts"],"Operatingsystem|Major":["Principal"],"Operatingsystem|Minor":["Secundario"],"Operatingsystem|Name":["Nombre"],"Operatingsystem|Nameindicator":["Indicador de nombre"],"Operatingsystem|Password hash":["Hash de contraseña"],"Operatingsystem|Release name":["Nombre de lanzamiento"],"Operatingsystem|Title":["Título"],"Operation":["Operación"],"Operators":["Operadores"],"Optional array of log hashes":["Array opcional de hash de registro"],"Optional comma-delimited string containing either 'new', 'updated', or 'obsolete' that is used to limit the imported Puppet classes":["Cadena opcional delimitada por comas, que contiene 'nuevo', 'actualizado' u 'obsoleto', utilizada para limitar las clases Puppet importadas."],"Optional input validator":["Validador de entrada opcional"],"Optional parameter without value.<br/><i>Still managed by Foreman, the value will be empty.</i><br/>":[""],"Optional: Ending IP Address for IP auto suggestion":["Opcional: Última dirección para autosugerencia de IP"],"Optional: Gateway for this subnet":["Opcional: Puerta de enlace para esta subred"],"Optional: Primary DNS for this subnet":["Opcional: DNS primario para esta subred"],"Optional: Secondary DNS for this subnet":["Opcional: DNS secundario para esta subred"],"Optional: Starting IP Address for IP auto suggestion":["Opcional: Primera dirección para autosugerencia de IP"],"Optional: VLAN ID for this subnet":["Opcional: ID de VLAN para esta subred"],"Optionally provide a CA, or a correctly ordered CA chain. If left blank, a self-signed CA will be populated automatically by the server during the first request.":["Como opción proporcione una CA, o una cadena de CA correctamente ordenada. Si se deja en blanco, el servidor rellenará automáticamente una CA autofirmada durante la primera solicitud. "],"Order":["Orden"],"Organization":["Organización"],"Organization Distribution":[""],"Organization fact":["Evento de la organización"],"Organization parameters":["Parámetros de la organización"],"Organization with id %{id} not found":[""],"Organization you had selected as your context has been deleted.":["La organización seleccionada como contexto ha sido eliminada."],"Organizations":["Organizaciones"],"Organizations also work nicely in tandem with %{locations}.":["Las organizaciones también funcionan bien en conjunto con %{locations}."],"Original value info":["Información del valor original"],"Other reports for this host":["Otros informes paraeste host"],"Out of sync":["Fuera de sincronía"],"Out of sync hosts":["Hosts desincronizados"],"Out of sync hosts with alerts enabled":[""],"Out of sync interval":["Intervalo fuera de sincronización"],"Override all parameters":["Sobrescribir todos los parámetros"],"Override match":["Sustituir coincidencia"],"Override the default value of the Puppet class parameter.":["Sustituir el valor predeterminado del parámetro de clase Puppet"],"Override this value":["Sobrescribir este valor"],"Override value, required if omit is false":[""],"Overview":["Visión general"],"Overwrite":["Sobrescribir"],"Owned By":["Propiedad de"],"Owner":["Propietario"],"Owner changed to %s":["Propietario cambiado a %s"],"Owner type needs to be one of the following: %s":["El tipo de dueño debe ser uno de los siguientes: %s"],"POAP PXE template":[""],"PXE":["PXE"],"PXE Loader":[""],"PXE files for templates %s have been deployed to all Smart Proxies":[""],"PXE loader":[""],"PXEGrub template":["Plantilla PXEGrub"],"PXEGrub2 template":[""],"PXELinux template":["Plantilla PXELinux "],"Param name":["Nombre de parámetro"],"Parameter":["Parámetro"],"Parameter details":["Detalles del parámetro"],"Parameter value":["Valor del parámetro"],"Parameterized classes in ENC":["Clases parametrizadas en ENC"],"Parameters":["Parámetros"],"Parameters for host's %s facet":["Parámetros para la faceta %s del host"],"Parameters that would be associated with hosts in this %s":["Parámetros que serían asociados con hosts en este %s"],"Parameter|Hidden value":["Valor oculto"],"Parameter|Name":["Nombre"],"Parameter|Priority":["Prioridad"],"Parameter|Value":["Valor"],"Params":["Parámetros"],"Parent":["Padre"],"Parent ID":["ID de padre"],"Parent ID of the host group":["ID padre del grupo de hosts"],"Parent is already selected":["El padre ya está seleccionado"],"Parent parameters":["Parámetros padre"],"Partition Tables":["Tablas de particiones"],"Partition table":["Tabla de particiones"],"Partition table ID":["ID de la tabla de particiones"],"Partition table configuration":["Configuración de la tabla de particiones"],"Partition tables":["Tablas de particiones"],"Partition template IDs":["ID de la plantilla de partición"],"Password":["Contraseña"],"Password for oVirt, EC2, VMware, OpenStack. 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Llave secreta para EC2"],"Password has been changed":[""],"Password must be 8 characters or more":["La contraseña debe tener al menos 8 caracteres"],"Password to authenticate with - used for SSH finish step.":["Contraseña de autenticación - usada para el paso final de SSH"],"Password to use to authenticate, if required":[""],"Password:":["Contraseña:"],"Path":["Ruta"],"Path to template, relative to datacenter (e.g. My templates/RHEL 6)":["Ruta de la plantilla, relativo al centro de datos (p. ej., Mis plantillas/RHEL 6)"],"Pause":["Pausar"],"Paused":["En pausa"],"Pending":["pendiente"],"Pending Hosts":["Hosts pendientes"],"Pending changes":["Cambios pendientes"],"Pending installation":["Instalación pendiente"],"Pending|P":["P"],"Permission":["Permiso"],"Permission denied":["Permiso denegado"],"Permissions must be of same resource type":["Los permisos deben ser del mismo tipo de recursos"],"Permission|Name":["Nombre"],"Permission|Resource type":["Tipo de recursos"],"Permits access to BMC interface passwords through ENC YAML output and in templates":[""],"Persistent":[""],"Photo attribute":["Atributo de foto"],"Physical (Bridge)":["Físico (Puente)"],"Please Confirm":["Confirmar"],"Please Select":["Seleccione"],"Please Select an Image":["Seleccione una imagen"],"Please check the proxy is configured and running on the host.":["Verificar si el Proxy está configurado y ejecutándose en el host."],"Please correct the error(s) below and submit your changes again.":["Corrija los siguientes errores y reenvíe los cambios."],"Please delete all nested groups before deleting it.":["Borre los grupos anidados antes de borrarlo."],"Please enable JavaScript to view the %{comments_href}.":["Active Javascript para visualizar %{comments_href}."],"Please ensure the following parameters name are unique":["Asegúrese de que los siguientes nombres de parámetros sean únicos"],"Please login to %{foreman_url} to change your password":["Ingrese a %{foreman_url} para cambiar la contraseña"],"Please request one of the required permissions listed below from a Foreman administrator:":["Solicite uno de los permisos requeridos que aparecen a continuación a un administrador de Foreman:"],"Please review them carefully, if you are certain that they should be removed, please click on overwrite.":["Revíselo detenidamente, si está seguro de que deben ser borrados, haga clic en sobrescribir."],"Please save the Operating System first and try again.":["Guarde el valor del sistema operativo e intente de nuevo."],"Please save the role first. You can edit it later to add filters":["Guarde el rol. Puede modificarlo más adelante para agregar filtros"],"Please save the user first before assigning mail notifications.":["Guarde el usuario antes de asignar notificaciones de correo-e"],"Please select":["Seleccione"],"Please select a cluster":["Seleccione un clúster."],"Please select an environment first":["Seleccione primero un entorno"],"Please select an image":["Seleccione una imagen"],"Please select hosts to perform action on.":[""],"Please specify volume size. You may optionally use suffix 'G' to specify volume size in gigabytes.":["Por favor especifique el tamaño de volumen. También puede usar el sufijo 'G' para especificar el tamaño del volumen en gigabytes."],"Please try to update your request":["Por favor, intente actualizar su solicitud."],"Please wait while your request is being processed":["Espere mientras se procesa su solicitud."],"Please wait...":["Por favor, espere..."],"Plugins":["Complementos"],"Port to connect to":[""],"Power":["Energía"],"Power ON this machine":["Encienda la máquina"],"Power operations are not enabled on this host.":[""],"Power up compute instance %s":["Encienda la instancia %s"],"Power%s":["Encienda %s"],"Preallocate disk":["Preasigne disco"],"Prefix length can't be blank":[""],"Prefix length must be /64 or less to use EUI-64":[""],"Prefix to add to all outgoing email":["Prefijo a añadir para todo el correo saliente"],"Prepare post installation script for %s":["Prepare script de posinstalación para %s"],"Preview":["Vista previa"],"Preview rendered provisioning template content":["Vista previa del contenido producido de la plantilla de aprovisionamiento"],"Primary":["Primaria"],"Primary DNS for this subnet":["DNS primaria para esta subred"],"Primary interface's DNS name and domain define host's FQDN":["El nombre y el dominio DNS de la interfaz principal definen el FQDN del host."],"Printing data":[""],"Prioritize attribute order":["Priorizar orden de atributos"],"Private":["Privado"],"Private key file that Foreman will use to encrypt websockets ":[""],"Proceed to Edit":["Proceder a editar"],"Properties":["Propiedades"],"Property":["Propiedad"],"Protocol":["Protocolo"],"Provider":["Proveedor"],"Providers include %{providers}":["Los proveedores incluyen %{providers}"],"Provides an unused IP address in this subnet":[""],"Provision":["Aprovisionamiento"],"Provision script had a non zero exit":["El script de aprovisionamiento tenía una salida distinta de cero."],"Provisioning":["Aprovisionamiento"],"Provisioning Method":["Sistema de aprovisionamiento"],"Provisioning Setup":["Configuración de aprovisionamiento"],"Provisioning Template content changed %s":["El contenido de la plantilla de aprovisionamiento ha cambiado %s"],"Provisioning Templates":["Plantillas de aprovisionamiento"],"Provisioning template":["Plantilla de aprovisionamiento"],"Provisioning template IDs":["ID de plantilla de aprovisionamiento"],"Provisioning templates":["Plantillas de aprovisionamiento"],"Provisioning templates are generated using the Embedded Ruby (ERB) language.":[""],"ProvisioningTemplate|Default":["Plantilla de aprovisionamiento|Predeterminada"],"ProvisioningTemplate|Locked":["Plantilla de aprovisionamiento|Bloqueada"],"ProvisioningTemplate|Name":["Plantilla de aprovisionamiento|Nombre"],"ProvisioningTemplate|Snippet":["Plantilla de aprovisionamiento|Snippet"],"ProvisioningTemplate|Template":["Plantilla de aprovisionamiento|Plantilla"],"ProvisioningTemplate|Vendor":["Plantilla de aprovisionamiento|Proveedor"],"Proxies":["Proxis"],"Proxy ID to use within this realm":[""],"Proxy request timeout":["Tiempo de espera de la solicitud de proxy"],"Ptable":["Ptable"],"Ptable|Layout":["Distribución"],"Ptable|Locked":["Ptable|Bloqueada"],"Ptable|Name":["Nombre"],"Ptable|Os family":["Familia de sistema operativo"],"Ptable|Snippet":["Ptable|Snippet"],"Public":["Público"],"Public SSH key":[""],"Puppet":["Puppet"],"Puppet CA":["CA Puppet"],"Puppet CA proxy ID":["ID del Proxy Puppet CA"],"Puppet Class":["Clase Puppet"],"Puppet Classes":["Clases Puppet"],"Puppet Environment":["Entorno de Puppet"],"Puppet Environments":["Entornos Puppet"],"Puppet Master":["Maestro Puppet"],"Puppet Modules":["Módulos Puppet"],"Puppet Summary Report - 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inteligente"],"Region":["Región"],"Reminder: <strong> One host is selected </strong>":["",""],"Reminder: <strong> One host is selected </strong> for query filter %{query}":["",""],"Remote address":["Dirección remota"],"Remove %s?":["Borrar %s?"],"Remove %{type} for %{host}":[""],"Remove DHCP Settings for %s":["Borrar ajustes DHCP para %s"],"Remove Parameter":["Borrar parámetro"],"Remove a Puppet class from host":["Eliminar clase Puppet desde host"],"Remove a Puppet class from host group":["Eliminar clase Puppet de grupo de hosts"],"Remove conflicting %{type} for %{host}":[""],"Remove duplicate values (only array type)":["Eliminar valores duplicados (solo tipo array)"],"Remove this override":["Eliminar esta sustitución"],"Remove:":["Eliminar:"],"Removing compute instance %s":["Borrar instancia %s"],"Rename":["Renombrar"],"Render user data template for %s":["Interpretar plantilla de datos de usuario para %s"],"Rendering the template, please wait...":["Reproduciendo la plantilla, 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bienvenida que incluya el nombre de usuario y la URL para nuevos usuarios"],"Send welcome email":["Enviar correo electrónico de bienvenida"],"Sendmail":["Sendmail"],"Sendmail arguments":[""],"Sendmail location":[""],"Server group":[""],"Server hint data":[""],"Server type":["Tipo de servidor"],"Service unavailable":["Servicio no disponible"],"Services":["Servicios"],"Set IP addresses for %s":[""],"Set a randomly generated password on the display connection":["Configurar una contraseña generada en forma aleatoria en la conexión de la pantalla"],"Set parameters to defaults":["Restablecer los parámetros predeterminados"],"Set the order in which values are resolved.":["Establecer el orden en el cual se resuelven los valores"],"Set up compute instance %s":["Configurar instancia de cómputo %s"],"Setting":["Parámetro"],"Settings":["Parámetros"],"Setting|Category":["Categoría"],"Setting|Default":["Predeterminado"],"Setting|Description":["Descripción"],"Setting|Name":["Nombre"],"Setting|Settings type":["Tipo de parámetros"],"Setting|Value":["Valor"],"Should the `foreman-rake db:migrate` be executed on the next run of the installer modules?":["¿Debe`foreman-rake db:migrate`ejecutarse la próxima vez que se ejecuten los módulos del instalador?"],"Should the `foreman-rake db:seed` be executed on the next run of the installer modules?":["¿Debería ejecutarse `foreman-rake db:seed` la próxima vez que se ejecuten los módulos del instalador?"],"Should this interface be managed via DHCP and DNS smart proxy and should it be configured during provisioning?":["¿Debería esta interfaz ser administrada vía proxy inteligente DHCP y DNS y configurarse durante el aprovisionamiento?"],"Should this interface be used for TFTP of PXELinux (or SSH for image-based hosts)? 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Please check the table below.":["Algunas de las interfaces no son válidas. Por favor verifique la tabla de abajo."],"Some or all hosts execution failed, Please check log files for more information":["Algunas o todas las ejecuciones de los hosts fallaron. Compruebe los archivos de registro para más información"],"Some other interface is already set as primary. Are you sure you want to use this one instead?":["Hay otra interfaz establecida como principal. ¿Está seguro de que desea utilizar esta en cambio?"],"Some other interface is already set as provisioning. Are you sure you want to use this one instead?":["Hay otra interfaz establecida como de aprovisionamiento. ¿Está seguro de que desea utilizar esta en cambio?"],"Something went wrong while changing host type - %s":["Algo ha fallado al cambiar el tipo de host - %s"],"Something went wrong while selecting hosts - %s":["Algo ha fallado al seleccionar hosts - %s"],"Sorry but no templates were configured.":["No se ha configurado ninguna plantilla"],"Sorry, these hosts do not have parameters assigned to them, you must add them first.":["Estos hosts no tienen parámetros asignados. Debe añadírselos primero."],"Source":["Fuente"],"Source|Digest":["Asimilar"],"Source|Value":["Valor"],"Space separated options, e.g. miimon=100. Only for bond interfaces.":["Opciones separadas por espacios, p.ej miimon=100. Solo para interfaces de vínculo."],"Specified value is higher than recommended maximum":[""],"Specify additional options to sendmail":[""],"Specify authentication type, if required":[""],"Specify matchers":["Especificar concordancias"],"Start":["inicio"],"Starting IP Address for IP auto suggestion":["Dirección IP de inicio para autosugerencia de IP"],"State":["Estado"],"Static":["Estático"],"Statistics":["Estadísticas"],"Status":["Estatus"],"Stop updating IP address and MAC values from Puppet facts (affects all interfaces)":["Detener la actualización de la dirección IP y de los valores MAC de los eventos de Puppet (afecta a todas las interfaces)"],"Stop updating Operating System from facts":[""],"Stop updating domain values from facts":[""],"Storage":["Almacenamiento"],"Storage domain":["Dominio de almacenamiento"],"Storage pool":["Grupo de almacenamiento"],"Strong":["Fuerte"],"Submit":["Enviar"],"Subnet":["Subred"],"Subnet ID":["ID de subred"],"Subnet IDs":["ID de subred"],"Subnet name":["Nombre de subred"],"Subnet network":["Red de subred"],"Subnet numeric identifier":["Identificador numérico de subred"],"Subnets":["Subredes"],"Subnet|Boot mode":["Modo de arranque"],"Subnet|Dns primary":["DNS Primario"],"Subnet|Dns secondary":["DNS Secundario"],"Subnet|From":["Desde"],"Subnet|Gateway":["Puerta de Enlace"],"Subnet|Ipam":["IPAM"],"Subnet|Mask":["Máscara de red"],"Subnet|Name":["Nombre"],"Subnet|Network":["Red"],"Subnet|Priority":["Prioridad"],"Subnet|To":["Hasta"],"Subnet|Vlanid":["VLANid"],"Subscribe":["Suscribir"],"Subscribe to all hosts":[""],"Subscribe to my hosts":[""],"Success":["Éxito"],"Successfully created %s.":["Se ha creado correctamente %s."],"Successfully delete %s":[""],"Successfully deleted %s.":["Se ha eliminado correctamente %s."],"Successfully deleted report.":["El informe se ha eliminado correctamente."],"Successfully executed, check log files for more details":["Ejecutado correctamente, revise los archivos de registros para más información."],"Successfully executed, check reports and/or log files for more details":["Ejecutado correctamente, revise los informes y/o archivos de registro para más información."],"Successfully overridden all parameters of Puppet class %s":["Se han sobrescrito con éxito todos los parámetros de clase Puppet %s"],"Successfully recreated":[""],"Successfully refreshed features from %s.":["Se actualizaron con éxito las funcionalidades %s."],"Successfully refreshed the cache.":[""],"Successfully reset all parameters of Puppet class %s to their default values":["Se han restablecido con éxito todos los parámetros de la clase Puppet %s a sus valores predeterminados"],"Successfully updated %s.":["Se ha actualizado correctamente %s."],"Successfully updated environments and Puppet classes from the on-disk Puppet installation":["Se actualizaron los entornos y clases Puppet con éxito desde la instalación de Puppet en disco"],"Suffix or prefix length for this subnet, e.g. 32":[""],"Suggest new":["Sugerir nuevo"],"Summary from %{time} ago to now":["Resumen de hace %{time} hasta el presente"],"Summary report from Foreman server at %{foreman_url}":["Informe resumen del servidor Foreman en %{foreman_url}"],"Support":["Soporte"],"Supported Formats":["Formatos soportados"],"Synchronize group from authentication source":["Sincronizar grupo desde fuente de autenticación"],"Syntax Highlighting":["Resaltado de sintaxis"],"Syntax error occurred while parsing the template %{template_name}, make sure you have all ERB tags properly closed and the Ruby syntax is valid. The Ruby error: %{message}":[""],"System Information":["Información del sistema"],"System Status":["Estado del sistema"],"TFTP":["TFTP"],"TFTP Proxy":["Proxy TFTP"],"TFTP Proxy ID to use within this subnet":[""],"TFTP Proxy to use within this subnet":["Proxy TFTP para usar en esta subred"],"TFTP server":["Servidor TFTP"],"Taxable taxonomy":["Taxonomía gravable"],"TaxableTaxonomy|Taxable type":["Tipo de Taxonomía"],"Taxonomy":["Taxonomía"],"Taxonomy|Ancestry":["Ascendencia"],"Taxonomy|Ignore types":["Ignorar tipos"],"Taxonomy|Name":["Nombre"],"Taxonomy|Title":["Título"],"Template":["Plantilla"],"Template %s is empty.":["La plantilla %s está vacía."],"Template '%s' is either missing or has an invalid organization or location":[""],"Template '%s' was not found":[""],"Template Diff":["Diferencias entre plantillas"],"Template Type":["Tipo de plantillas"],"Template diff":["Diferencias entre plantillas"],"Template editor":["Editor de Plantilla"],"Template kind":["Tipo de plantilla"],"Template kinds, available values: %{template_kinds}":["Tipos de plantilla, valores disponibles: %{template_kinds}"],"Template locked":["Plantilla bloqueada"],"Template syntax":[""],"Template unlocked":["Plantilla desbloqueada"],"TemplateKind|Name":["Nombre"],"Templates":["Plantillas"],"Templates resolved for this operating system":["Plantillas resueltas para este sistema operativo"],"Tenant":["Inquilino"],"Test Connection":["Probar conexión"],"Test LDAP connection":["Probar conexión LDAP"],"Test LDAP connectivity":["Probar conectividad LDAP"],"Test connection to LDAP server was successful.":["La conexión de prueba al servidor LDAP se realizó correctamente."],"Test connection was successful":["La conexión de prueba se realizó correctamente."],"Test email":["Correo electrónico de prueba"],"Text to be shown in the login-page footer":[""],"That is, if you are planning to manage a site where all the machines are of the form <i>hostname</i>.<b></b>\\n then the domain is <b></b>.":[""],"The %{proxy_type} proxy could not be set for host: %{host_names}.":["",""],"The %{proxy_type} proxy of the selected hosts was cleared.":["Se borró el proxy %{proxy_type} de los hosts seleccionados."],"The %{proxy_type} proxy of the selected hosts was set to %{proxy_name}.":["El proxy %{proxy_type} del host seleccionado se estableció como %{proxy_name}."],"The <b>fullname</b> field is used for human readability in reports and other pages that refer to domains,\\n and also available as an external node parameter":["El campo <b>fullname</b> se utiliza para legibilidad humana en informes y otras páginas que hacen referencia a dominios,\\n y también está disponible como un parámetro de nodo externo."],"The Audit Comment field is saved with the template auditing to document the template changes":["El campo de comentario de auditoría se guarda con la auditoría de plantilla para registrar los cambios de plantilla"],"The BMC password will be used by Foreman to access the host's BMC controller via a BMC-enabled smart proxy, if available.<br/>":[""],"The IP address that should be used for the console listen address when provisioning new virtual machines via Libvirt":["La dirección IP que debe utilizarse para la dirección de escucha de la terminal al aprovisionar una nueva máquina virtual a través Libvirt"],"The NFS path to the image directory.":["La ruta NFS al directorio de imágenes."],"The NFS path to the jumpstart control files.":["La ruta NFS para alojar los archivos de control de 'jumpstart'"],"The NFS path to the media.":["La ruta NFS al medio de instalación"],"The Operating systems detail the OSs known to Foreman, and is the central point that the other required components tie into.":[""],"The Primary interface is used for constructing the FQDN of the host":["La interfaz principal se utiliza para crear el FQDN del host."],"The Provisioning interface is used for TFTP of PXELinux (or SSH for image-based hosts)":["La interfaz de aprovisionamiento se utiliza para TFTP o PXELinux (o SSH para hosts basados en imagen)."],"The authentication process currently requires an LDAP provider, such as <em>FreeIPA</em>,\\n <em>OpenLDAP</em> or <em>Microsoft's Active Directory</em>.":["El proceso de autenticación actualmente requiere de un proveedor LDAP, como <em>FreeIPA</em>,\\n <em>OpenLDAP</em> o <em>Active Directory de Microsoft</em>."],"The class of CPU supplied in this machine. This is primarily used by Sparc Solaris builds and can be left blank for other architectures. The value can be determined on Solaris via uname -m":["La clase de CPU suministrada en esta máquina. Se utiliza principalmente para arquitecturas Sparc Solaris y se puede dejar en blanco para otras arquitecturas. Se puede consultar este valor en Solaris con el comando uname -m"],"The class of the machine reported by the Open Boot Prom. This is primarily used by Sparc Solaris builds and can be left blank for other architectures. The value can be determined on Solaris via uname -i|cut -f2 -d,":["La clase de la máquina reportada por el Open Boot Prom. Se utiliza principalmente para arquitecturas Sparc Solaris y se puede dejar en blanco para otras arquitecturas. El valor puede determinarse en Solaris con el comando uname -i|cut -f2 -d"],"The default administrator email address":["La dirección de correo electrónico predeterminada del administrador"],"The dynamic partitioning style is currently only available for the Red Hat family of operating systems, all others must provide an explicit list of partitions and sizes.":["El sistema de particionamiento dinámico solo está disponible para sistemas operativos basados en Red Hat. Para el resto de sistemas se debe establecer explícitamente una lista de particiones y tamaños."],"The file path where your p12 file is located":["La ruta donde está ubicado el archivo p12"],"The final entry, Operating System default, can be set by editing the %s page.":["La última entrada, sistema operativo predeterminado, puede configurarse al editar la página %s."],"The following IPv4 subnets have been found. Please review the details before creating them.":[""],"The following entries were found conflicting with what foreman wanted to apply.":["Las siguientes entradas están en conflicto con lo que Foreman intenta aplicar."],"The following errors may prevent a successful build:":["Los siguientes errores pueden impedir el éxito de la compilación:"],"The following fields would need reviewing":["Los siguientes campos necesitan revisión"],"The following hosts failed the build operation: %s":["Los siguientes hosts fallaron en la compilación: %s"],"The following hosts were not %{action}: %{missed_hosts}":["Los siguientes hosts no estaban %{action}: %{missed_hosts}"],"The following hosts were not deleted: %s":["Los siguientes hosts no han sido eliminados: %s"],"The following hosts were updated":["Se actualizaron los siguientes hosts"],"The following parameters were skipped as they did not exists on this host:":["Los siguientes parámetros se han omitido, ya que no existen en este host:"],"The following table and example snippet shows global methods, variables and class methods and how to use them.":[""],"The full DNS domain name":["Nombre completo del dominio DNS"],"The host group's classes and the host group's variables are included in the external node information when the puppetmaster compiles the host's configuration.":["Las clases y variables de grupos de usuarios se incluyen en la información del nodo externo cuando el puppetmaster compila la configuración de host."],"The inclusion of the keyword string <b>#Dynamic</b> at the start of a line lets Foreman know that this is not an explicit disk layout and must treated as a shell script, executed prior\\n to the install process and that the explicit partition table will be found at <b>/tmp/diskpart.cfg</b> during the build process.":["La inclusión de la cadena de palabras clave <b>#Dynamic</b> al comienzo de una línea permite que Foreman sepa que no se trata de un diseño de disco explícito y debe tratarse como un script de shell, ejecutado antes del proceso de instalación y que la tabla de particiones explícita se encontrará en <b>/tmp/diskpart.cfg</b> durante el proceso de construcción."],"The keys can be used in provisioning templates and are also available for configuration management tools managed by Foreman.":[""],"The keywords <b>$version</b>, <b>$major</b> and <b>$minor</b> will be interpolated back into the path specification to calculate the true URL address.":["Las palabras clave <b>$version</b>, <b>$major</b> y <b>$minor</b> serán interpoladas de nuevo a la ruta de especificación para calcular la dirección URL real."],"The list is excluding %{count} %{link_start}physical host%{link_end}.":["",""],"The location of the sendmail executable":[""],"The marked fields will need reviewing":["Los campos marcados deben ser revisados"],"The method used to provision the host. Possible provision_methods may be %{provision_methods}":["El método utilizado para aprovisionar el host. Entre los posibles métodos de aprovisionamiento se pueden encontrar los siguientes: %{provision_methods}"],"The order in which matchers keys are processed, first match wins.<br> You may use multiple attributes as a matcher key, for example, an order of <code>host group, environment</code> would expect a matcher such as <code>hostgroup = \\\"web servers\\\", environment = production</code>":["El orden en que se procesan las llaves de concordancia, la primera concordancia gana.<br> Se pueden usar múltiples atributos como llave de concordancia, por ejemplo, con una orden de <code>host group, environment</code> se esperaría una comparación como <code>hostgroup = \\\"web servers\\\", environment = production</code>"],"The order in which values are resolved":["El orden en el cual se resuelven los valores"],"The password will also be accessible to other users via templates and in the ENC YAML output; disable the bmc_credentials_accessible setting to prevent access.":[""],"The password will not be accessible to other users; enable the bmc_credentials_accessible setting to permit access via templates and in the ENC YAML output.":[""],"The path to the medium, can be a URL or a valid NFS server (exclusive of the architecture).\\n for example <em>$version/os/$arch</em> where <strong>$arch</strong> will be substituted for the host's actual OS architecture and <strong>$version</strong>, <strong>$major</strong> and <strong>$minor</strong> will be substituted for the version of the operating system. Solaris and Debian media may also use <strong>$release</strong>.":["La ruta al medio puede ser una URL o un servidor NFS válido (exclusivo de la arquitectura),\\n por ejemplo, <em>$version/os/$arch</em> donde <strong>$arch</strong> será sustituido por la arquitectura del sistema operativo real del host y <strong>$version</strong>, <strong>$major</strong> y <strong>$minor</strong> serán sustituidos por la versión del sistema operativo. Es posible que los medios Solaris y Debian también utilicen <strong>$release</strong>."],"The power state of the selected hosts will be set to %s":["El estado de energía de los hosts seleccionados se establecerá en %s."],"The realm name, e.g. EXAMPLE.COM":["Nombre de reino, p. ej., EXAMPLE.COM"],"The remote system presented a public key signed by an unidentified certificate authority. If you are sure the remote system is authentic, go to the compute resource edit page, press the 'Test Connection' or 'Load Datacenters' button and submit":["El sistema remoto presentó una llave pública firmada por una autoridad de certificación desconocida. Si está seguro de que el sistema remoto es auténtico, vaya a la página de edición de los recursos de cómputo, presione los botones 'Probar conexión' o 'Cargar centros de datos' y envíelo."],"The remote system presented a public key with hash %s but we're expecting a different hash. If you are sure the remote system is authentic, go to the compute resource edit page, press the 'Test Connection' or 'Load Datacenters' button and submit":["El sistema remoto ha presentado una clave pública con hash %s pero se estaba esperando un hash diferente. Si está seguro de que el sistema remoto es auténtico, vaya a la página de edición del recurso de cómputo , presione el botón de 'Probar Conexión' o 'Cargar centros de Datos' y envíelo. "],"The selected hosts were enabled for reboot and rebuild":["Los hosts seleccionados se habilitaron para reinicio y reconstrucción."],"The selected hosts will execute a build operation on next reboot":["Los hosts seleccionados ejecutarán una operación de creación el próximo reinicio"],"The snippet '%{name}' threw an error: %{exc}":[""],"The template is associated to at least one host in build mode. To apply the change, disable and enable build mode on hosts to update the live templates or choose to %s their configuration from 'Select Action' menu":["La plantilla está asociada a al menos un host en modo de construcción. Para aplicar el cambio, deshabilite y habilite el modo de construcción en los hosts para actualizar las plantillas activas o seleccione %s su configuración en el menú 'Seleccionar acción'."],"The user that is used to ssh into the instance, normally cloud-user, ec2-user, ubuntu, root etc":["El usuario utilizado para conectar por ssh en la instancia, por lo general: cloud-user, ec2-user, ubuntu, o root."],"The virtual machine is being deleted.":["Se borrará la máquina virtual"],"There are migrations pending in the system.":[""],"There are no puppet environments set up on this puppet master. Please check the puppet master configuration.":["No hay entornos Puppet configurados en este puppetmaster. Verifique la configuración de puppetmaster."],"There are orchestration modules with methods for configuration rebuild that have identical name: '%s'":["Hay módulos de orquestación con métodos para reconstrucción de la configuración que tienen el mismo nombre: '%s'."],"There are two strategies when using host groups.":["Existen dos estrategias para utilizar con los grupos de hosts."],"There is":["Hay","Hay"],"There is no owner with id %d and type %s":[""],"There is no proxy with BMC feature set up. Please register a smart proxy with this feature.":["No hay un proxy con funcionalidad BMC configurado. Registre un proxy inteligente con esta funcionalidad."],"There was an error creating the PXE file: %s":[""],"There was an error listing %{listing}: %{errors}":[""],"There was an error listing VMs: %(status)s %(statusText)s":["Ha habido un error al listar las máquinas virtuales: %(status)s %(statusText)s"],"There was an error rendering the %s template: ":["Ocurrió un error al reproducir la plantilla: %s"],"There was an error rendering the %{name} template: %{error}":["Ocurrió un error al reproducir la plantilla %{name}: %{error}."],"There was no active bridge interface found in libvirt, if it does not support listing, you can enter the bridge name manually (e.g. br0)":["No había ninguna interfaz de puente activa en libvirt, si no soporta el listado, puede ingresar el nombre del puente de forma manual (e.g. br0)"],"These are guaranteed to work via the safe mode rendering, to ensure a template can do nothing harmful.":[""],"These two options are personal decisions and are up to you (where the main difference would be the parameter/variables settings).":["Estas dos opciones son decisiones personales. (La diferencia principal reside en la configuración de parámetros/variables)."],"Thin provision":["Aprovisionamiento fino"],"This Puppet class has no parameters in its signature.":["Esta clase Puppet no tiene parámetros en su firma."],"This allows Foreman to associate a puppet variable with a domain/site and automatically append this variable to all external node requests made by machines at that site.":["Esto permite que Foreman asocie una variable de Puppet con un dominio/sitio y automáticamente adjunte esta variable a todas las solicitudes externas de nodo realizadas por las máquinas en el sitio."],"This group has nested groups!":["¡Este grupo contiene grupos anidados!"],"This group has no roles":[""],"This host's stored facts and reports will be deleted too.":["Los eventos e informes del host almacenados también se borrarán."],"This is a test message to confirm that Foreman's email configuration is working.":["Este es un mensaje de prueba para confirmar que la configuración de correo electrónico de Foreman funciona."],"This is for every location and organization that uses it.":["Esto es para cada ubicación y organización que la utiliza."],"This is for every location that uses it.":["Esto es para cada ubicación que la utiliza."],"This is for every organization that uses it.":["Esto es para cada organización que la utiliza."],"This is inherited from parent":["Se ha heredado del padre"],"This is used by a host":["Un host está utilizándolo"],"This might take a while, as all hosts, facts and reports will be destroyed as well":["Esta acción puede tardar un rato, ya que se destruirán todos los hosts, eventos e informes."],"This role has been cloned from role %s":[""],"This role is locked for editing.":[""],"This role is locked from being modified by users.":[""],"This setting is defined in the configuration file '%{filename}' and is read-only.":[""],"This template is locked and may not be removed.":["La plantilla está bloqueada y no puede eliminarse"],"This template is locked for editing.":["La edición de la plantilla está bloqueada."],"This template is locked. Please clone it to a new template to customize.":["La plantilla está bloqueada. Cópiela en una nueva para personalizarla."],"This template is locked. You may only change the associations. Please %s it to customize.":["Esta plantilla está bloqueada. Es posible que solo pueda modificar las asociaciones. %s para personalizar."],"This value is not hidden":[""],"This value is used also as the host's primary interface name.":["Este valor se utiliza también como el nombre de la interfaz principal del host."],"This will reset parameters of the class %s to their default values. Continue?":["Esto restablecerá los parámetros de la clase %s a los valores predeterminados. ¿Continuar?"],"This will set all parameters of the class %s as overridden. Continue?":["Se establecerán todos los parámetros de la clase %s. ¿Continuar?"],"Time":["Hora"],"Time in Seconds":["Tiempo en segundos"],"Time in minutes installation tokens should be valid for, 0 to disable token generation":["Los símbolos de instalación de tiempo en minutos deben ser válidos para, 0 para deshabilitar la generación de símbolos"],"Timeout for DNS conflict validation (in seconds)":["Tiempo de espera para la validación de conflictos de DNS (en segundos)"],"Timeout has occurred while communicating with %s":["Se ha excedido el tiempo de espera en la conexión con %s"],"To define trend counters, use the Add Trend Counter button.</br> To start collecting trend data, set a cron job to execute 'foreman-rake trends:counter' every Puppet Interval (%s minutes).":["Para definir contadores de tendencia, utilice el botón Añadir contador de tendencia.</br> Para comenzar a recopilar datos de tendencias, establezca una tarea programada para que ejecute 'foreman-rake trends:counter' en cada intervalo Puppet (%s minutos)."],"To enable a provider, either install the OS package (e.g. foreman-libvirt) or enable the bundler group for development setup (e.g. ovirt).":["Para activar un proveedor, instalar el paquete del SO (p.e. foreman-libvirt) o activar el grupo bundler para la configuración de desarrollo (p.e. ovirt)."],"To enable safe mode, navigate to Settings page and enable Safemode rendering option.":[""],"To start collecting trend data, set a cron job to execute <span class='black'>foreman-rake trends:counter</span> every Puppet Interval (%s minutes)":["Para comenzar a almacenar datos de tendencias, establezca una tarea cron para ejecutar <span class='black'>foreman-rake trends:counter</span> cada intervalo de Puppet (%s minutos)."],"To update the class signature, go to the Puppet Classes page and select \\\"Import\\\".":["Para actualizar la firma de clase, seleccione \\\"Importar\\\" en la página de clases Puppet."],"Toggle":["Alternar"],"Token":["Muestra"],"Token duration":["Duración del símbolo"],"Token expired":[""],"Token|Expires":["Caduca"],"Token|Value":["Valor"],"Total":["Total"],"Total Hosts: %s":["Hosts en total: %s"],"Total hosts count":[""],"Total of one host":["En total un host","En total %{hosts} hosts"],"Trend":["Tendencia"],"Trend counter":["Contador de Tendencias"],"Trend of the last %s days.":["Tendencia de los últimos %s días"],"TrendCounter|Count":["Contador"],"Trends":["Tendencias"],"Trends for %s":["Tendencias para %s"],"Trend|Fact name":["Nombre de evento"],"Trend|Fact value":["Valor de evento"],"Trend|Name":["Nombre"],"Trend|Trendable type":["Tipo de tendencia"],"Trigger a puppetrun on a node; requires that puppet run is enabled":["Desencadena una ejecución de Puppet en un nodo. Es necesario que \\\"Puppet run\\\" esté habilitado."],"Troubleshooting":["Resolución de problemas"],"True/False flag whether a host is managed or unmanaged. Note: this value also determines whether several parameters are required or not":["Indicador verdadero/falso que indica si el host es administradoo no. Nota: este valor también determina si ciertos parámetros son obligatorios."],"Trusted puppetmaster hosts":["Hosts puppetmaster confiables"],"Try going to %{href}":["Intente ir a %{href}"],"Type":["Tipo"],"Type of name generator":[""],"Type of realm, e.g. FreeIPA":["Tipo de reino, p. ej., FreeIPA"],"Type or protocol, IPv4 or IPv6, defaults to IPv4":[""],"Types of validation values":["Tipos de valores de validación"],"Types of variable values":["Tipos de valores de variable"],"URL":["URL"],"URL for %{providers_requiring_url}":[""],"URL hosts will retrieve templates from during build (normally http as many installers don't support https)":["URL desde donde los hosts recuperarán las plantillas durante la compilación (normalmente http dado que muchos instaladores no soportan https)"],"URL must be valid and schema must be one of %s":["La URL debe ser válida y el diagrama debe ser uno de %s."],"URL where your Foreman instance is reachable (see also Provisioning > unattended_url)":["URL de la instancia Foreman (vea también aprovisionamiento > unattened_url)"],"UTC time of report":["Hora UTC del informe"],"UUID":["UUID"],"UUID to track orchestration tasks status, GET /api/orchestration/:UUID/tasks":["UUID para seguir el estado de la tarea de orquestación, GET /api/orchestration/:UUID/tasks"],"Unable to access key":["No es posible acceder a la llave"],"Unable to authenticate user %s":["No se ha podido identificar al usuario %s"],"Unable to change VM display listen address, make sure the display is not attached to localhost only":["No es posible cambiar la dirección de escucha de la pantalla de la máquina virtual, compruebe que la pantalla no esté conectada a un localhost, "],"Unable to communicate with the proxy: %s":["No ha sido posible establecer una comunicación con el proxy: %s"],"Unable to connect":["No se pudo conectar"],"Unable to connect to LDAP server":["No se pudo conectar al servidor LDAP."],"Unable to create default TFTP boot menu":["Ha sido imposible crear el menú de arranque para TFTP predeterminado"],"Unable to create realm entry":["No puedo crear la entrada de reino"],"Unable to create the default role.":[""],"Unable to delete DHCP entry for %s":["Ha sido imposible borrar la entrada en el DHCP para %s"],"Unable to delete DNS entry":["Ha sido imposible borrar la entrada DNS"],"Unable to delete PuppetCA autosign for %s":["Ha sido imposible borrar la autofirma PuppetCA para %s"],"Unable to delete PuppetCA certificate for %s":["Ha sido imposible borrar el certificado PuppetCA para %s"],"Unable to delete TFTP boot entry for %s":["Ha sido imposible borrar la entrada de arranque TFTP para %s"],"Unable to detect TFTP boot server":["No ha sido posible detectar el servidor TFTP de arranque"],"Unable to detect features":["Ha sido imposible detectar la funcionalidad"],"Unable to detect version":["No se pudo detectar la versión."],"Unable to determine the host's boot server. The DHCP smart proxy failed to provide this information and this subnet is not provided with TFTP services.":["No ha sido posible determinar el servidor del host de arranque. El proxy inteligente DHCP no ha podido proporcionar esta información y la subred no cuenta con servicios TFTP."],"Unable to disable bmc_credentials_accessible when safemode_render is disabled":[""],"Unable to disable safemode_render when bmc_credentials_accessible is disabled":[""],"Unable to execute Puppet run":["Ha sido imposible ejecutar Puppet"],"Unable to fetch TFTP boot file":["Ha sido imposible obtener el archivo TFTP de arranque"],"Unable to fetch logs":["No se pudieron extraer los registros."],"Unable to find IP address for '%s'":["No se encontró la dirección IP de '%s'"],"Unable to find a proxy with BMC feature":["No se ha encontrado ningún proxy con la funcionalidad BCM"],"Unable to find proper authentication method":["No se ha podido encontrar un método de autenticación"],"Unable to find template %s":["No se encontró la plantilla %s"],"Unable to generate output, Check log files":["No es posible generar salida, verifique los archivos de registro."],"Unable to get BMC providers":["No se pueden obtener los proveedores BMC"],"Unable to get PuppetCA autosign":["No se puede recuperar autofirma PuppetCA"],"Unable to get PuppetCA certificates":["No se pueden obtener los certificados PuppetCA"],"Unable to get classes from Puppet for %s":["No se pueden obtener las clases Puppet para %s"],"Unable to get environment from Puppet":["No se puede obtener el entorno desde Puppet"],"Unable to get environments from Puppet":["No se pueden obtener los entornos desde Puppet"],"Unable to get installed BMC providers":["No se pueden obtener los proveedores BMC instalados"],"Unable to initialize ProxyAPI class %s":["No es posible inicializar clase ProxyAPI %s."],"Unable to perform boot BMC operation":["No se puede realizar la operación de arranque BMC"],"Unable to perform identify BMC operation":["No se puede realizar la operación de identidad BMC"],"Unable to perform lan BMC operation":["No se puede realizar la operación BMC lan"],"Unable to perform power BMC operation":["No puedo realizar la operación BMC de alimentación"],"Unable to render %{kind} template '%{name}': %{e}":[""],"Unable to render '%{name}' template: %{e}":[""],"Unable to retrieve DHCP entry for %s":["No puedo conseguir la entrada DHCP para %s"],"Unable to retrieve DHCP subnet":["No puedo conseguir la subred DHCP"],"Unable to retrieve DHCP subnets":["Ha sido imposible obtener las subredes DHCP"],"Unable to retrieve unused IP":["Ha sido imposible obtener una IP sin usar"],"Unable to save":["No se ha podido guardar"],"Unable to send email, check server logs for more information":["No se puede enviar el correo electrónico, consulte los registros del servidor para obtener más información."],"Unable to set DHCP entry":["No se ha podido establecer la entrada DHCP"],"Unable to set DNS entry":["No se puede establecer la entrada DNS"],"Unable to set PuppetCA autosign for %s":["No se puede establecer autofirma PuppetCA para %s"],"Unable to set TFTP boot entry for %s":["No se puede establecer la entrada de arranque TFTP para %s"],"Unable to sign PuppetCA certificate for %s":["No se puede firmar el certificado PuppetCA para %s"],"Unable to turn on websockets_encrypt, either websockets_ssl_key or websockets_ssl_cert is missing":["No se puede activar websockets_encrypt, falta websockets_ssl_key o websockets_ssl_cert"],"Unable to unset websockets_ssl_cert when websockets_encrypt is on":["No se puede no asignar websockets_ssl_cert cuando websockets_encrypt está activado."],"Unable to unset websockets_ssl_key when websockets_encrypt is on":["No se puede no asignar websockets_ssl_key cuando websockets_encrypt está activo."],"Unallowed template for dashboard widget: %s":["Plantilla no permitida para el asistente del tablero: %s"],"Unattended URL":["URL desatendida"],"Undo remove":["Deshacer borrado"],"Undo selection":[""],"Unhide this value":["Mostrar este valor"],"Unknown":["Desconocido"],"Unknown IPAM type - can't continue":[""],"Unknown Power State":["Estado de energía desconocido"],"Unknown action name for success message: %s":["Nombre de acción desconocido para mensaje de ejecución correcto: %s"],"Unknown build status":["Estado de construcción desconocido"],"Unknown device: available devices are %s":["Dispositivo desconocido: los disponibles son %s"],"Unknown interface type, must be one of [%s]":["Tipo de interfaz desconocido, debe ser uno de [%s]"],"Unknown power action: available methods are %s":["Acción de encendido desconocida: las disponibles son %s"],"Unknown power management support - can't continue":["Soporte de administración de energía desconocido - No se puede continuar"],"Unknown power state":[""],"Unlock":["Desbloquear"],"Unmanage host":["Host sin administrar"],"Unsupported IPAM mode for %s":[""],"Unsupported password hash function '%s'":["Función hash '%s' de contraseña no tiene soporte"],"Unsupported report status format":["Formato de estatus de informe no tiene soporte"],"Update":["Actualizar"],"Update :a_resource":["Actualizar :a_resource"],"Update IP from built request":["Actualizar IP desde la solicitud de construcción"],"Update a Puppet class":["Actualizar una clase Puppet"],"Update a bookmark":["Actualizar un marcador"],"Update a compute attributes set":["Actualizar un grupo de atributos de computación"],"Update a compute profile":["Actualizar un perfil de computación"],"Update a compute resource":["Actualizar un recurso de cómputo"],"Update a config group":["Actualizar un grupo de configuración"],"Update a default template combination for an operating system":["Actualizar una combinación de plantilla predeterminada para un sistema operativo"],"Update a domain":["Actualizar un dominio"],"Update a filter":["Actualizar un filtro"],"Update a global parameter":["Actualizar un parámetro global"],"Update a hardware model":["Actualizar un modelo de hardware"],"Update a host":["Actualizar un host"],"Update a host group":["Actualizar un grupo de hosts"],"Update a host's interface":["Actualizar una interfaz de host"],"Update a medium":["Actualizar un medio"],"Update a nested parameter for a domain":["Actualizar un parámetro anidado para un dominio"],"Update a nested parameter for a host":["Actualizar un parámetro anidado para un host"],"Update a nested parameter for a host group":["Actualizar un parámetro anidado para un grupo de hosts"],"Update a nested parameter for a location":["Actualizar un parámetro anidado para una ubicación"],"Update a nested parameter for a subnet":[""],"Update a nested parameter for an operating system":["Actualizar un parámetro anidado para un sistema operativo"],"Update a nested parameter for an organization":["Actualizar un parámetro anidado para una organización"],"Update a partition table":["Actualizar una tabla de particiones"],"Update a provisioning template":["Actualizar una plantilla de aprovisionamiento"],"Update a realm":["Actualizar un reino"],"Update a role":["Actualizar un rol"],"Update a setting":["Actualizar un parámetro"],"Update a smart class parameter":["Actualizar un parámetro de clase inteligente"],"Update a smart proxy":["Actualizar un proxy inteligente"],"Update a smart variable":["Actualizar una variable inteligente"],"Update a subnet":["Actualizar una subred"],"Update a user":["Actualizar un usuario"],"Update a user group":["Actualizar un grupo de usuarios"],"Update an LDAP authentication source":["Actualizar una fuente de autenticación LDAP"],"Update an architecture":["Actualizar una arquitectura"],"Update an environment":["Actualizar un entorno"],"Update an image":["Actualizar una imagen"],"Update an operating system":["Actualizar un sistema operativo"],"Update an override value for a specific smart class parameter":["Actualizar un valor de sobrescritura para un parámetro específico de clase inteligente"],"Update an override value for a specific smart variable":["Actualizar un valor de sobrescritura para una variable inteligente específica"],"Update environment from facts":["Actualizar el entorno a partir de los eventos"],"Update external user group":["Actualizar grupo de usuarios externos"],"Update realm entry for %s":["Actualizar entrada de reino para %s"],"Update subnets from facts":[""],"Update template combination":["Actualizar la combinación de plantillas"],"Update the default PXE menu on all configured TFTP servers":["Actualizar el menú PXE predeterminado en todos los servidores TFTP configurados"],"Update:":["Actualizar:"],"Updated":["Actualizado"],"Updated all hosts!":["¡Todos los hosts han sido actualizados!"],"Updated hosts: Disassociated from VM":["Hosts actualizados: Disociados de las máquinas virtuales"],"Updated hosts: changed environment":["Hosts actualizados: se cambió el entorno"],"Updated hosts: changed host group":["Hosts actualizados: se cambió grupo de hosts"],"Updated hosts: changed owner":["Hosts actualizados: se cambió el propietario."],"Upload facts for a host, creating the host if required":["Subir eventos para un host, si es necesario cree el host."],"Use Gravatar":["Usar Gravatar"],"Use UUID for certificates":["Usar UUID para certificados"],"Use short name for VMs":["Utilizar nombre corto para VM"],"Use this account to authenticate, <i>optional</i>":["Usar esta cuenta para autenticación, <i>optional</i>"],"Use this puppet server as a CA server":["Usar este servidor Puppet como servidor CA"],"Use this puppet server as an initial Puppet Server or to execute puppet runs":["Usar este servidor Puppet como servidor Puppet inicial o para ejecutar \\\"Puppet run\\\""],"Used to enforce certain values for the parameter values":["Utilizado para imponer ciertos valores para los valores del parámetro"],"User":["Usuario"],"User Group":[""],"User Groups":["Grupos de usuarios"],"User IDs":["ID de usuario"],"User data template":["Plantilla de datos de usuario"],"User groups":["Grupos de usuarios"],"User groups enable users to log into Foreman and be automatically granted permissions.":[""],"User role":["Rol de usuario"],"User's preferred locale":["Idioma preferido del usuario"],"User's timezone":["Zona horaria del usuario"],"UserRole|Owner type":["Tipo de propietario"],"Usergroup":["Grupo de usuarios"],"Usergroup member":["Miembro de grupo de usuarios"],"UsergroupMember|Member type":["Tipo de miembro"],"Usergroup|Admin":["Administrar"],"Usergroup|Auth source":["Fuente de autenticación"],"Usergroup|Name":["Nombre"],"Username":["Nombre de usuario"],"Username for oVirt, EC2, VMware, OpenStack. Access Key for EC2.":["Nombre de usuario para oVirt, EC2, VMware, OpenStack. Llave de acceso para EC2."],"Username to use to authenticate, if required":[""],"Users":["Usuarios"],"User|Admin":["Administrador"],"User|Avatar hash":["Hash de avatar"],"User|Firstname":["Nombre"],"User|Last login on":["Última conexión"],"User|Lastname":["Apellido"],"User|Locale":["Idioma"],"User|Login":["Inicio de sesión"],"User|Lower login":["Nombre de usuario"],"User|Mail":["Correo"],"User|Mail enabled":["Correo-e habilitado"],"User|Password hash":["Hash de contraseña"],"User|Password salt":["Contraseña de Salt"],"Uses thin provisioning if unchecked":["Utilizar aprovisionamiento fino si no está seleccionado"],"Using the organization system provides a way to group resources together for easy management. Organizations are particularly useful for Foreman installations where several customers or business units are managed with a single Foreman install.":[""],"VCPU(s)":["CPU(s) virtuales"],"VCenter/Server":["VCenter/Servidor"],"VLAN ID for this subnet":["ID de VLAN para esta subred"],"VLAN tag, this attribute has precedence over the subnet VLAN ID. Only for virtual interfaces.":["Etiqueta VLAN, este atributo tiene precedencia sobre la ID de subred VLAN. Solo para interfaces virtuales."],"VM":["Máquina virtual"],"VM Attributes":["Atributos de máquina virtual"],"VM Attributes (%s)":["Atributos de máquina virtual (%s)"],"VM already associated with a host":["La máquina virtual ya está asociada a este host"],"VM associated to host %s":["Máquinas virtuales asociadas al host %s"],"VM is not running!":["¡La máquina virtual no se está ejecutando!"],"VNC/SPICE websocket proxy console access encryption (websockets_ssl_key/cert setting required)":["Cifrado de acceso a la consola de proxy de websocket VNC/SPICE (se requiere configurar websockets_ssl_key/cert)"],"Valid from":["Válido desde"],"Valid host group and environment combinations":["Combinaciones válidas de grupos de hosts y entornos"],"Validation types":["Tipos de validación"],"Value":["Valor"],"Value to use when there is no match":["Valor a utilizar cuando no existen coincidencias"],"Value to use when there is no match.":["Valor a utilizar cuando no existen coincidencias"],"Variable":["Variable"],"Variable lookup key":["Llave de búsqueda variable"],"Variables":["Variables"],"Vendor class":["Clase de proveedor"],"Verify":["Verificar"],"Version":["Versión"],"Version %{version}":["Versión %{version}"],"Version %{version} %{copyright} 2009-%{year} Paul Kelly and %{author}":[""],"Very Strong":["Muy fuerte"],"View Diff":["Vista diferencial"],"View in Foreman:":["Ver en Foreman:"],"View last report details":["Ver detalles del último informe"],"View list":["Ver lista"],"Virtual (NAT)":["Virtual (NAT)"],"Virtual H/W version":["Versión de H/W virtual"],"Virtual Machine":["Maquina virtual"],"Virtual Machines":["Máquinas virtuales"],"Virtual Machines on %s":["Máquinas virtuales en %s"],"Virtual NIC":["NIC virtual"],"Virtual machine settings cannot be edited on an existing machine in %s":["La configuración de la máquina virtual no se puede editar en una máquina existente en %s."],"WARNING":["Advertencia"],"Wait for %s to come online":["Esperar a que %s esté en línea"],"Warning":["Advertencia"],"Warning!":["¡Advertencia!"],"Warning! This will remove %{name} from %{number} user. are you sure?":["",""],"Warning: This will delete this host and all of its data!":["Advertencia: ¡esta acción borrará este host y todos sus datos!"],"Warnings and errors":["Advertencias y errores"],"We have not found any documentation for your API.":["No hemos encontrado documentación para su API."],"We use Redmine to report and track bugs and feature requests, which can be found here:":["Usamos Redmine para reportar y rastrear errores y solicitudes de funcionalidades. Se puede acceder aquí:"],"Weak":["Débil"],"Websockets SSL certificate":["Certificado SSL websockets"],"Websockets SSL key":["Llave SSL websockets"],"Websockets encryption":["Cifrado de websockets"],"Weekly":["Semanal"],"Welcome to Foreman":["Bienvenido a Foreman"],"What ever text(or ERB template) you use in here, would be used as your OS disk layout options If you want to use the partition table option, delete all of the text from this field":["Cualquier texto (o plantilla ERB) que se utilice aquí será usado como modelo para particionar el disco. Si prefiere usar la opción de tabla de particiones, borre todo el texto de este campo."],"When a Host requests a template (e.g. during provisioning), Foreman will select the best match from the available templates of that type, in the following order:":["Cuando un host solicita una plantilla (por ejemplo, durante el aprovisionamiento), Foreman selecciona las mejores coincidencias en las plantillas disponibles de ese tipo, en el siguiente orden:"],"When a realm is selected for a host, Foreman contacts the relevant realm smart proxy to create an entry for the host and retrieve it's one-time registration password.":["Cuando se selecciona un reino para un host, Foreman se comunica con el proxy inteligente del reino relevante para crear una entrada para el host y recuperar la contraseña de registro único."],"When editing a template, you must assign a list of operating systems which this template can be used with. Optionally, you can restrict a template to a list of host groups and/or environments.":[""],"When enabled the parameter is hidden in the UI":["Al habilitarse, el parámetro está oculto en la UI."],"When specifying custom value, add 'MB' or 'GB' at the end. Field is not case sensitive and MB is default if unspecified.":[""],"When the role's associated %{taxonomies} are changed,<br> the change will propagate to all inheriting filters.\\n Filters that are set to override <br> will remain untouched. Overriding of role filters can be easily disabled by <br> pressing the \\\"Disable overriding\\\" button.\\n Note that not all filters support <br>%{taxonomies}, so these always remain global.":[""],"When using SSH based provisioning, a special SSH key is created in order to automate the provisioning process.":[""],"When using TLS, you can set how OpenSSL checks the certificate":[""],"Whether or not the image supports user data":["Independientemente de si la imagen admite los datos del usuario"],"Whether or not the template is locked for editing":["Si la plantilla está bloqueada o no para edición"],"Whether the class parameter value is managed by Foreman.":["Independientemente de que el valor del parámetro de la clase sea administrado por Foreman"],"Whether the smart class parameter value is managed by Foreman":["Si el valor del parámetro de clase inteligente es administrado por Foreman"],"Which is an offset of <b>%s</b>":["El cual es un offset de <b>%s</b>"],"Widget added to dashboard.":["Se añadió el asistente al tablero."],"Widget positions successfully saved.":["Las posiciones del asistente se guardaron correctamente."],"Widget removed from dashboard.":["Se eliminó el asistente del tablero."],"Wiki":["Wiki"],"With user groups, you can group your users and assign them roles on a group basis.":[""],"X509 Certification Authorities":["Autoridades de certificación X509"],"YAML":["YAML"],"Yes":["sí "],"You are about to change the default PXE menu on all configured TFTP servers - continue?":["Está por modificar el menú PXE predeterminado en todos los servidores TFTP configurados, ¿desea continuar?"],"You are about to override the editor content with a previous version, are you sure?":["Está a punto de sustituir el contenido del editor por una versión previa, ¿Está seguro?"],"You are about to override the editor content, are you sure?":["Está a punto de sustituir el contenido del editor, ¿Está seguro?"],"You are about to unlock a locked template.":["Está por desbloquear una plantilla bloqueada."],"You are not authorized to lock templates.":["No tiene autorización para bloquear plantillas."],"You are not authorized to make a template default.":["No tiene autorización para realizar una plantilla predeterminada."],"You are not authorized to perform this action.":["No está autorizado para realizar esta acción."],"You are trying to delete your own account":["Está intentando borrar su propia cuenta"],"You are using an unsupported browser.":["Está usando un navegador no compatible."],"You can add SSH public keys to a user in Foreman.":[""],"You can find The Foreman on the %{freenode} ( network. For general support, please visit #theforeman and for development specific related chat, please visit #theforeman-dev.":["Puede encontrar Foreman en la red %{freenode} ( Para soporte básico, visite #theforeman y para un chat específico de desarrollo, visite #theforeman-dev."],"You can select one of the IPAM modes supported by the selected IP protocol:<br/><ul><li><strong>DHCP</strong> - will manage the IP on DHCP through assigned DHCP proxy, auto-suggested IPs come from DHCP <em>(IPv4)</em></li><li><strong>Internal DB</strong> - use internal DB to auto-suggest free IP based on other interfaces on same subnet respecting range if specified, useful mainly with static boot mode <em>(IPv4, IPv6)</em></li><li><strong>EUI-64</strong> - will assign the IPv6 address based on the MAC address of the interface <em>(IPv6)</em></li><li><strong>None</strong> - leave IP management solely on user, no auto-suggestion <em>(IPv4, IPv6)</em></li></ul>":[""],"You can't assign locations to this resource":["No puede asignar ubicaciones a este recurso"],"You can't assign organizations to this resource":["No puede asignar organizaciones a este recurso"],"You cannot delete this user while logged in as this user.":["No puede borrar este usuario mientras lo usa para identificarse."],"You do not have permission to %s this location parameter":["No tiene permiso para %s este parámetro de localización"],"You do not have permission to %s this organization parameter":["No tiene permiso para %s este parámetro de organización"],"You don't have any visible hosts. Hosts can be added and provisioned from Foreman, or configured to report to Foreman.":["No tiene hosts visibles. Los hosts se pueden añadir y aprovisionar desde Foreman, o configurarse para informar a Foreman."],"You don't seem to have any bookmarks.":["No parece tener marcadores."],"You don't seem to have any facts yet. If you wish to configure fact pushing, please follow the documentation.":["No parece tener ningún evento aún. Si desea configurar la introducción de eventos, siga la documentación."],"You don't seem to have any reports.":["No parece tener informes."],"You have already logged in":[""],"You may also associate one or more operating systems with this medium or alternatively set this up later on the %s page.":["Se puede asociar uno o más sistemas operativos con este medio o configurarlo más tarde como alternativa en la página %s"],"You may also associate one or more operating systems with this partition table or alternatively set this up later on the %s page":["Se puede asociar uno o más sistemas operativos con esta tabla de particiones o configurarlo más tarde como alternativa en la página %s"],"You may create puppet classes that represent high-level host configurations, for example, a <b>host-type-ldap-server</b> class, which includes all the required functionality from other modules or you may decide to create a host group called <b>host-type-ldap-server</b> and add the required classes into the host group configuration.":["Puede crear clases Puppet que representen configuraciones de alto nivel para hosts. Por ejemplo, puede crear la clase <b>host-type-ldap-server</b>, la cual incluye toda la funcionalidad requerida por otros módulos, o puede crear un grupo de hosts denominado <b>host-type-ldap-server</b> y añadirle las clases requeridas dentro de la configuración del grupo de hosts."],"You must create a location before continuing.":["Debe crear un lugar antes de continuar."],"You must create an organization before continuing.":["Debe crear una organización antes de continuar."],"You must create at least one location before continuing.":["Debe crear al menos una ubicación antes de continuar."],"You must create at least one organization before continuing.":["Se debe crear al menos una organización antes de continuar."],"You must select at least one permission":["Debe seleccionar al menos un permiso"],"You probably need to configure your %s first.":["Probablemente deba configurar su %s primero."],"You would probably need to attach the":["Probablemente sea necesario añadir el"],"Your Foreman user account has been created:":["Se ha creado su cuenta de usuario de Foreman:"],"Your host has finished building:":["Su host ha terminado de construirse:"],"Your password is too short":["Su contraseña es muy corta"],"Your password should not contain sequences":[""],"Your password should not contain that many repetitions":[""],"Your password should not contain your email":[""],"Your password should not contain your username":[""],"Your password should use characters from different character classes too":[""],"Your session has expired, please login again":["La sesión ha expirado, por favor, reconéctese"],"ZTP PXE template":[""],"Zone":["Zona"],"[encrypted]":[""],"a location":["una ubicación"],"add a new matcher":["añadir una nueva concordancia"],"add new network interface":["añadir una nueva interfaz de red"],"add new storage volume":["añadir un nuevo volumen de almacenamiento"],"all":["todos"],"already exists":["ya existe"],"an organization":["una 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host ha sido aprovisionado"],"can't be updated after subnet is saved":[""],"can't contain spaces.":["no pueden contener espacios."],"can't delete primary interface of managed host":["no se puede eliminar la interfaz principal del host administrado"],"can't delete provision interface of managed host":["no se puede eliminar la interfaz de aprovisionamiento del host administrado"],"can't find domain with this id":["no se puede encontrar el dominio con este ID"],"cannot be changed":["no puede cambiarse"],"cannot be changed by a non-admin user":["no puede ser modificado por un usuario que no sea administrador"],"cannot be changed on an internal protected account":["no se puede cambiar en una cuenta interna protegida"],"cannot be enabled for an unmanaged host":["No se puede habilitar para un host sin gestión"],"cannot be removed from an internal protected account":["no se puede quitar de una cuenta protegida interna"],"cannot be removed from the last admin account":["no se puede quitar de la última cuenta de administración"],"clone":["Clonar"],"comma separated interface identifiers":["lista separadas por comas de identificadores de interfaz"],"comments powered by %{disqus}":["comentarios por %{disqus}"],"could not be calculated":[""],"could not be found in %s":["no se pudo encontrar en %s"],"could not be generated":[""],"cycle":["Ciclo"],"default locations need to be user locations first":["las ubicaciones predeterminadas primero deben ser ubicaciones de usuario"],"default organizations need to be user organizations first":["las organizaciones predeterminadas primero deben ser organizaciones de usuario"],"defaults to 389":["se predetermina a 389"],"does not appear to be a valid nfs mount path":["parece que no se ha configurado una ruta válida para montar el recurso NFS"],"does not belong into host's location":[""],"does not belong into host's organization":[""],"does not belong to subnet":["no pertenece a la subred"],"does not have the %s feature":[""],"does not match selected subnet":["no coincide con la subred seleccionada"],"domain":["Dominio"],"e-mail reporting":["informes por correo- e"],"e.g. admin@internal":["p. ej admin@internal"],"e.g. givenName":["Por ejemplo: givenName"],"e.g. http://openstack:5000/v2.0/tokens":["p. ej. : http://openstack:5000/v2.0/tokens"],"e.g.":["p. ej. :"],"e.g.":["p.ej, :"],"e.g. jpegPhoto":[" p. ej., jpegPhoto"],"e.g. karmic, lucid, hw0910 etc":["p. ej., karmic, lucid, hw0910 etc"],"e.g. mail":["p. ej., mail"],"e.g. qemu://":["p. ej., qemu://"],"e.g. sn":["p. ej., sn"],"e.g. uid":["p. ej., uid"],"enable caching, for VMware only":[""],"environment id":["ID de entorno"],"failed to %{action} %{vm}":["Falló al %{action} %{vm}"],"failed to detect boot server: %s":["Falló al detectar servidor de arranque: %s"],"failed to execute puppetrun: %s":["Falló al ejecutar puppetrun: %s"],"failed to save %s":["No se ha podido guardar %s"],"filter for %s role":["filtro para rol %s"],"filter results":["filtrar resultados"],"for EC2 only":["solo para EC2"],"for Libvirt and VMware only":["solo para Libvirt y VMware"],"for Libvirt only":["solo para Libvirt"],"for OpenStack only":["solo para OpenStack"],"for VMware":["para VMware"],"for oVirt, VMware Datacenter":["para oVirt, VMware Datacenter"],"for proxy":["de proxy"],"free memory":["memoria disponible"],"from profile %s":["del perfil %s"],"further instructions":["más instrucciones"],"global":["Global"],"groups base DN":["DN base para grupos"],"has already been taken":["ya está en uso"],"has this role already":["ya tiene este rol"],"hash":["hash"],"hash containing the facts for the host":["hash con los eventos para el host"],"host":["host"],"host already has primary interface":["el host ya tiene una interfaz principal"],"host already has provision interface":["el host ya tiene una interfaz de aprovisionamiento"],"host group":["Grupo de hosts"],"host group id":["ID de grupo de hosts"],"host must have one primary interface":["el host debe tener una interfaz principal"],"hostname of the host":["nombre de host del host"],"iPXE template":["Plantilla iPXE "],"in %s":["en %s"],"in Progress":["en curso"],"in progress":["en curso"],"included already from parent":["incluidos previamente por el padre"],"inherit":["heredar"],"integer":["entero"],"interface information":["información de interfaz"],"invalid":["no válido"],"invalid LDAP filter syntax":["Sintaxis no válida del filtro LDAP"],"invalid architecture for %s":["Arquitectura no válida para %s"],"invalid host list":["La lista de hosts no es válida"],"invalid medium for %s":["Medio no válido para %s"],"invalid method %s":["Método no válido %s"],"invalid path":["Ruta no válida"],"invalid search query: %s":["Consulta de búsqueda no válida: %s"],"invalid time range":["Rango de tiempo no válido"],"invalid type %s":["Tipo %s no válido"],"invalid type: %s requested":["Tipo no válido: requerido %s"],"is already used by a user account":["ya se está utilizando en una cuenta de usuario"],"is an admin account":["es una cuenta de administrador"],"is an admin user group":[""],"is an unsupported provisioning method":["es un método de aprovisionamiento no soportado"],"is invalid":["no es válido"],"is invalid %s":["no es válido %s"],"is invalid. No provisioning template with name \\\"%{name}\\\" and kind \\\"%{kind}\\\" found. ":[""],"is invalid: %s":["%s es inválido"],"is locked for user modifications.":[""],"is not a valid MAC address":["no es una dirección MAC válida"],"is not allowed to change":["no se permite modificar"],"is not defined for host's %s.":[""],"is not found in the authentication source":["no se encontró en la fuente de autenticación"],"is not permitted":["no está permitido"],"is not valid":["no es válido"],"is too long (maximum is 1 character)":["es muy largo (el máximo es 1 carácter)","es muy largo (máximo %s caracteres)"],"is too long (maximum is 254 characters)":[""],"is unknown":["desconocido"],"issue tracker":["Seguimiento de incidencias"],"items selected. Uncheck to Clear":["objetos seleccionados. Desactivar para limpiar"],"json":["json"],"last %s day":["último %s día","últimos %s días"],"link external user group with this user group":["enlazar grupo de usuarios externos con este grupo de usuario"],"list":["lista"],"locale_name":["Español"],"location":["Ubicación"],"locations":["Ubicaciones"],"managed host must have one provision interface":["el host administrado debe tener una interfaz de aprovisionamiento"],"message":["Mensaje"],"must be a unicast MAC address":[""],"must be a valid regexp":[""],"must be an array":["debe ser un array"],"must be boolean":["debe ser booleano"],"must be comma separated":["Debe ir separado por comas"],"must be integer":["debe ser un entero"],"must be of type Subnet::Ipv4.":[""],"must be of type Subnet::Ipv6.":[""],"must be one of [ %s ]":["debe ser una de [ %s ]"],"must be specified if from is defined":["debe especificar si 'desde' está definido"],"must be specified if to is defined":["debe especificar si 'a' está definido"],"must be true to edit the parameter":["Debe ser verdadero para modificar el parámetro"],"must contain valid hostnames":[""],"must not include periods":["no debe incluir puntos"],"must only contain alphanumeric or underscore characters":[""],"must provide a provider":[" debe proporcionar un proveedor"],"must set host and port":[" debe configurar un host y un puerto"],"new":["nuevo"],"nil allowed":["nil permitido"],"nil means host is bare metal":["nil implica que el host es bare metal"],"no free IP could be found in our DB":[""],"no puppet proxy defined - cant continue":["no se ha definido un proxy de puppet - no se puede continuar"],"no value":["sin valor"],"none":["Ninguno"],"not found":["no se encuentra"],"not relevant for snippet":["no es relevante para 'snippet'"],"not required if using a subnet with DHCP proxy":["no es necesario si se usa una subred con un proxy DHCP"],"not supported by this protocol":[""],"number of entries per request":["número de entradas por solicitud"],"oVirt/RHEV template to use":["Plantilla oVirt/RHEV que se debe utilizar"],"off":["Apagado"],"on":["Encendido"],"operating system":["Sistema operativo"],"optional":["opcional"],"optional: certname of the host":["opcional: nombre de certificado del host"],"optional: the STI type of host to create":["opcional: el tipo STI de host a crear"],"organization":["Organización"],"organizations":["Organizaciones"],"override":["sobrescribir"],"paginate results":["paginar resultados"],"parsing settings type '%s' from string is not defined":["analizando tipo de parámetros '%s' desde una cadena en caso de que no se defina"],"password match":["Coincidencia de contraseña"],"passwords do not match":["Contraseñas no coinciden"],"pending":["pendiente"],"physical":["Físicos"],"physical @ NAT %s":["físico en NAT %s"],"physical @ bridge %s":["físico en puente %s"],"power action, valid actions are (on/start), (off/stop), (soft/reboot), (cycle/reset), (state/status)":["acción de encendido, las acciones válidas incluyen (on/start), (off/stop), (soft/reboot), (cycle/reset), (state/status)"],"poweroff":["apagar"],"ready?":["¿listo?"],"real":["real"],"reboot":["reiniciar"],"recreate":["recrear"],"regexp":["regexp"],"remove":["Borrar"],"remove network interface":["eliminar interfaz de red"],"remove storage volume":["eliminar volumen de almacenamiento"],"required":["obligatorio"],"required for managed host that is bare metal, not required if it's a virtual machine":["obligatorio para hosts administrados bare metal, no se requiere para máquinas virtuales"],"required if host is managed and custom partition has not been defined":["obligatorio si el host está administrado y no se han definido particiones personalizadas"],"required if host is managed and value is not inherited from host group":["obligatorio si los hosts están administrados y el valor no se ha heredado de un grupo de hosts"],"required if host is managed and value is not inherited from host group or default password in settings":["obligatorio si el host está administrado y el valor no se hereda de un grupo de hosts o contraseñas predeterminadas en parámetros"],"required if locations are enabled":["obligatorio si las ubicaciones están activadas"],"required if not imaged based provisioning and host is managed and value is not inherited from host group":["obligatorio si el aprovisionamiento no se basa en imágenes, el host está administrado y el valor no se hereda de un grupo de hosts"],"required if onthefly_register is true":["obligatorio si onthefly_register es verdadero"],"required if organizations are enabled":["obligatorio si las organizaciones están activadas"],"reset":["reiniciar"],"revoked":["revocados"],"select an owner":["seleccionar un propietario"],"setting up reporting":["configurar informes"],"should be 8 characters or more":["debe ser de 8 o más caracteres"],"should be a single line":[""],"should not be blank - consider setting a global or host group default":["no puede quedar en blanco - considere configurar un grupo global o de host predeterminado"],"soft":["blando"],"some interfaces are invalid":["algunas interfaces no son válidas"],"some permissions were not found":[""],"sort results":["organizar resultados"],"space separated options, e.g. miimon=100":["opciones separadas por espacios, p.ej. miimon=100"],"start":["inicio"],"state":["Estado"],"status":["Estatus"],"status type, can be one of\\n* global\\n* configuration\\n* build\\n":["tipo de estado, se puede hacer\\n* global\\n* configuración\\n* construir\\n"],"stop":["parar"],"string":["cadena"],"subnet":["Subred"],"subnet boot mode is not %s":["el modo de encendido de la subred no es %s"],"sync external user groups on login":["sincronizar los grupos de usuarios externos durante el inicio de sesión"],"template name":["nombre de plantilla"],"template version":["versión de plantilla"],"these hosts for a build operation on next boot":["estos hosts para construir en el siguiente arranque"],"type of the LDAP server":["tipo de servidor LDAP"],"unable to find %{type} template for %{host} running %{os}":[""],"unable to sign a non pending certificate":["no se ha podido firmar un certificado no-pendiente"],"unknown network_type":[""],"unknown parent permission for %s":["permiso padre desconocido para %s"],"unknown permission %s":["permiso desconocido %s"],"unknown permission for %s":["permisos desconocidos para %s"],"unknown provider":["proveedor desconocido"],"unspecified":["sin especificar"],"used memory":["memoria utilizada"],"using %s":["usando %s"],"using %{allocation} GB out of %{capacity} GB, %{pool_name} storage pool":["usando %{allocation} GB de %{capacity} GB en el grupo de almacenamiento %{pool_name}"],"valid":["válido"],"valid or pending":["válida o pendiente"],"virtual":["Virtual"],"virtual attached to %s":["virtual adjunto a %s"],"yaml":["YAML"],"you can't assign some of roles you selected":["no se pueden asignar algunos de los roles seleccionados"],"you can't change administrator flag":[" no se puede cambiar el indicador de administrador"],"you cannot remove %s that are used by hosts or inherited.":["no se pueden eliminar %s utilizados por hosts o heredados"]}}};
var locales = locales || {}; locales['es'] = {"domain":"app","locale_data":{"app":{"":{"Project-Id-Version":"Foreman","Report-Msgid-Bugs-To":"","PO-Revision-Date":"2017-09-19 16:40+0000","Last-Translator":"Lukáš Zapletal","Language-Team":"Spanish (","MIME-Version":"1.0","Content-Type":"text/plain; charset=UTF-8","Content-Transfer-Encoding":"8bit","Language":"es","Plural-Forms":"nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);","lang":"es","domain":"app","plural_forms":"nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);"}," Remove":["Quitar"],"%s - Press Shift-F12 to release the cursor.":["%s - Pulse Shift-F12 para liberar el cursor."],"%s - The following hosts are about to be changed":["%s - Los siguientes hosts están a punto de ser modificados"],"%s Distribution":["%s Distribución"],"%s Parameters updated, see below for more information":["%s Parámetros actualizados, ver a continuación para más información"],"%s Template":["%s Plantilla"],"%s VM associated to a host":["Asociada %s Máquina Virtual a equipo","%s Máquinas Virtuales asociadas a equipos"],"%s active feature":["",""],"%s ago":["Hace %s"],"%s console is not supported at this time":["Terminal de %s aún no recibe soporte"],"%s core":["%s núcleo","%s núcleos"],"%s day ago":["Hace %s día","Hace %s días"],"%s error message":["",""],"%s has been disassociated from VM":["%s ya no está asociado a la máquina virtual"],"%s host":["%s host","%s hosts"],"%s is an unknown attribute":["%s es un atributo desconocido"],"%s is not a valid DNS record type":["%s no es un tipo de registro DNS válido"],"%s is not in environment":["%s no está en el entorno"],"%s log message":["",""],"%s minute ago":["Hace %s minuto","Hace %s minutos"],"%s month ago":["Hace %s mes","Hace %s meses"],"%s selected hosts":["%s hosts seleccionados"],"%s warning message":["",""],"%s week ago":["Hace %s semana","Hace %s semanas"],"%s widget loading...":["Cargando widget %s…"],"%{app_name} API documentation homepage":["Página de documentación de la API de %{app_name}"],"%{config_type} rebuild failed for host: %{host_names}.":["",""],"%{controller}: %{host}'s operating system %{os} has no OS family":["%{controller}: el sistema operativo %{os} de %{host} no tiene familia de SO"],"%{controller}: %{host}'s operating system is missing":["%{controller}: falta el sistema operativo de %{host}"],"%{controller}: unable to find a host that matches the request from %{addr}":["%{controller}: no se pudo encontrar un host que coincida con la solicitud de %{addr}"],"%{cores} Cores and %{memory} memory":["%{cores} Núcleos y %{memory} memoria"],"%{count} host with no %{taxonomy_single} assigned":["Existe %{count} equipo sin %{taxonomy_single} asignada","Existen %{count} equipos sin %{taxonomy_single} asignada"],"%{cpus} CPUs and %{memory} MB memory":["%{cpus} CPUs y %{memory} MB de memoria"],"%{cpus} CPUs and %{memory} memory":["%{cpus} CPUs y %{memory} de memoria"],"%{e} does not belong to the %{environment} environment":["%{e} no pertenece al entorno %{environment}"],"%{host} is about to %{action}":["%{host} a punto de %{action}"],"%{host} now boots from %{device}":["%{host} ahora arranca desde %{device}"],"%{id} plugin requires Foreman %{matcher} but current is %{current}":["El complemento %{id} requiere la versión de Foreman %{matcher}, pero la actual es %{current}"],"%{id} plugin requires the %{plugin_name} plugin %{matcher} but current is %{plugin_version}":["El complemento %{id} requiere el complemento %{plugin_name} versión %{matcher}, pero la actual es %{plugin_version}"],"%{id} plugin requires the %{plugin_name} plugin, not found":["El complemento %{id} requiere el complemento %{plugin_name}, no se encontró."],"%{image} needs user data, but %{os_link} is not associated to any provisioning template of the kind user_data. Please associate it with a suitable template or uncheck 'User data' for %{compute_resource_image_link}.":["%{image} requiere datos de usuario, pero %{os_link} no está asociado a ninguna plantilla de aprovisionamiento del tipo user_data. Asócielo a una plantilla apropiada o desmarque 'Datos de usuario' para %{compute_resource_image_link}."],"%{key} does not exist in order field":["%{key} no existe en el campo de orden"],"%{match} does not match an existing host":["%{match} no coincide con un host existente"],"%{match} does not match an existing host group":["%{match} no coincide con un grupo de host"],"%{model} with id '%{id}' was not found":["No se encontró %{model} con id '%{id}'."],"%{name} changed from %{label1} to %{label2}":["%{name} ha cambiado de %{label1} a %{label2}"],"%{name} has %{num_tag} class":["%{name} tiene %{num_tag} clase","%{name} tiene %{num_tag} clases"],"%{os} medium was not set for host '%{host}'":["No se configuró el medio %{os} para el host '%{host}'"],"%{record} is being used by a hidden %{what} resource":["%{record} está siendo utilizado por un recurso %{what} oculto."],"%{record} is used by %{what}":["%{record} es utilizado por %{what}"],"%{record} is used by host in build mode %{what}":[" %{record} es utilizado por host en modo de construcción %{what}"],"%{resource_name} not found by id '%{id}'":["%{resource_name} no encontrado por ID '%{id}'"],"%{task} task failed with the following error: %{e}":["%{task} tareas han fallado con el error: %{e}"],"%{taxonomy_type} %{taxonomy_name} has %{count} host that will need to be reassociated after deletion. Delete %{taxonomy_name2}?":["",""],"%{type} %{conflicts} already exists":["%{type} %{conflicts} ya existe"],"%{user} Downloaded %{key} as pem file":[""],"%{value} does not belong to %{os} operating system":["%{value} no pertenece al sistema operativo %{os}"],"%{value} is not a valid controller":["%{value} no es un controlador válido"],"%{value} is not one of %{rules}":["%{value} no es una de %{rules}"],"%{vm} is now %{vm_state}":["%{vm} ahora está %{vm_state}"],"&laquo;":["&laquo;"],"&raquo;":["&raquo;"],"'%{host}' could be deleted or '%{resource}' is not responding.":["'%{host}' no se pudo eliminar o '%{resource}' no está respondiendo."],"'%{host}' not found on '%{resource}'":["'%{host}' no se encontró en '%{resource}'"],"'%{loader}' is not one of %{loaders}":["'%{loader}' no es uno de %{loaders}"],"'Content-Type: %s' is unsupported in API v2 for POST and PUT requests. Please use 'Content-Type: application/json'.":["'Tipo de contenido: %s' no recibe soporte en la API v2 para solicitudes POST y PUT. Use 'Content-Type: application/json'."],"(Miscellaneous)":["(Varios)"],"(optional) IAM Role for Fog to use when creating this image.":["(opcional) Rol IAM para que Fog utilice al crear esta imagen"],"*Clear %s proxy*":["*Eliminar proxy %s*"],"*Clear environment*":["*Limpiar entorno*"],"*Clear host group*":["*Limpiar grupo de hosts*"],"*Inherit from host group*":["*Heredar del grupo de hosts*"],", relevant log entries, and it is highly recommended to also attach the foreman-debug output.":[", entradas de registro relevantes, y se recomienda enfáticamente adjuntar también la salida foreman-debug."],":foreman_url is not set, please configure in the Foreman Web UI (Administer -> Settings -> General)":[":foreman_url no está configurada, configúrela en la UI de la Web de Foreman (Administración -> Configuración -> General)"],"<b class='select_count'>0</b> selected":["<b class='select_count'>0</b> seleccionados"],"<b style=\\\"color: #6bb5df;\\\">%{disabled_sum}</b>\\n <p>Disabled</p>":["",""],"<b style=\\\"color: #6bb5df;\\\">%{hosts_sum}</b>\\n <p>Changed</p>":["",""],"<b style=\\\"color: #6bb5df;\\\">%{out_of_sync_sum}</b>\\n <p>Out of sync</p>":["",""],"<b>Description:</b> %{desc}<br/>\\n <b>Type:</b> %{type}<br/>\\n <b>Matcher:</b> %{matcher}<br/>\\n <b>Inherited value:</b> %{inherited_value}":["<b>Descripción:</b> %{desc}<br/>\\n <b>Tipo:</b> %{type}<br/>\\n <b>Concordancia:</b> %{matcher}<br/>\\n <b>Valor heredado:</b> %{inherited_value}"],"<b>Foreman API v1 is deprecated. Please use v2.</b><br />If you still need to use v1, you may do so by either passing 'version=1' in the Accept Header or using api/v1/ in the URL.":[""],"<b>Foreman</b> Build Complete":["Construcción <b>Foreman</b> completa"],"<b>Foreman</b> Puppet error report":["<b>Foreman</b> Reporte de error Puppet"],"<b>Foreman</b> Puppet summary":["Resumen de Puppet de <b>Foreman</b>"],"<b>Foreman</b> audit summary":["Resumen de auditoría de <b>Foreman</b>"],"<b>Foreman</b> test email":["Correo electrónico de prueba de <b>Foreman</b>"],"<b>Source:</b> %{type} %{name}":["<b>Origen:</b> %{type} %{name}"],"<dl><dt>List</dt> <dd>A list of the allowed values, specified in the Validator rule field.</dd><dt>Regexp</dt> <dd>Validates the input with the regular expression in the Validator rule field.</dd></dl>":["<dl><dt>Lista</dt> <dd>Una lista de los valores permitidos, especificados en el campo de reglas de validación.</dd><dt>Regexp</dt> <dd>Valida la entrada con la expresión regular del campo de reglas de validación.</dd></dl>"],"<dl><dt>String</dt> <dd>Everything is taken as a string.</dd><dt>Boolean</dt> <dd>Common representation of boolean values are accepted.</dd><dt>Integer</dt> <dd>Integer numbers only, can be negative.</dd><dt>Real</dt> <dd>Accept any numerical input.</dd><dt>Array</dt> <dd>A valid JSON or YAML input, that must evaluate to an array.</dd><dt>Hash</dt> <dd>A valid JSON or YAML input, that must evaluate to an object/map/dict/hash.</dd><dt>YAML</dt> <dd>Any valid YAML input.</dd><dt>JSON</dt> <dd>Any valid JSON input.</dd></dl>":["<dl><dt>Cadena</dt> <dd>Todo es tratado como una cadena.</dd><dt>Booleano</dt> <dd>La representación usual de las variables booleanas está permitida.</dd><dt>Entero</dt> <dd>Solo números enteros, puede ser negativo.</dd><dt>Real</dt> <dd>Acepta cualquier valor numérico.</dd><dt>Array</dt> <dd>Una entrada válida de YAML o JSON, que debe resultar en una colección.</dd><dt>Hash</dt> <dd>Una entrada válida de YAML o JSON, que debe resultar en un objeto/mapa/dict/hash.</dd><dt>YAML</dt> <dd>Cualquier entrada YAML válida.</dd><dt>JSON</dt> <dd>Cualquier entrada JSON válida.</dd></dl>"],"A Foreman user group can be associated to a group stored in an LDAP server, so membership of the LDAP group automatically adds the user to the Foreman user group.":[""],"A host group is in some ways similar to an inherited node declaration, in that it is a high level grouping of classes that can be named and treated as a unit. This is then treated as a template and is selectable during the creation of a new host and ensures that the host is configured in one of your pre-defined states.":["Un grupo de hosts es similar a una declaración de nodo heredada, en que es un grupo de clases de alto nivel que se puede denominar y tratar como una unidad. Se utiliza como una plantilla que se selecciona durante la creación de un host, y garantiza que el host se configure en alguno de los estados predefinidos."],"A medium represents the source of one or more operating system's installation files, accessible via the network.\\n It will probably be a mirror from the internet or a copy of one or more CD or DVDs.":["Un medio representa la fuente de uno o más archivos de instalación del sistema operativo, a los que se puede acceder a través de la red.\\n Probablemente será un espejo obtenido de Internet o será una copia de uno o más CD o DVD."],"A partition table entry represents either":["Una entrada en la tabla de particiones representa cualquiera de los dos."],"A problem occurred when detecting host type: %s":["Ha ocurrido un problema al detectar el tipo de host: %s"],"A script to dynamically calculate the desired sizes. E.G.":["Un script para calcular dinámicamente los tamaños deseados. P. e.j."],"A user group already exists with this name":["Ya existe un grupo con este nombre"],"API Key":["Llave de la API"],"API documentation":["Documentación de la API"],"About":["Acerca de"],"Access Key":["Llave de Acceso"],"Access denied":["Acceso denegado"],"Access unattended without build":["Acceso sin supervisión y sin compilación"],"Account":["Cuenta"],"Acquire IP addresses for %s":["Adquirir direcciones IP para %s"],"Action":["Acción"],"Actions":["Acciones"],"Active":["Activo"],"Active Hosts":["Hosts activos"],"Active features":["Funcionalidades activas"],"Active key":[""],"Add Autosign entry":["Añadir entrada autofirmada"],"Add Bookmark":["Añadir Marcador"],"Add Interface":["Añadir interfaz"],"Add Matcher":["Añadir concordancia"],"Add Parameter":["Añadir Parámetro"],"Add Trend Counter":["Añadir contador de tendencia"],"Add Variable":["Añadir variable"],"Add Volume":["Añadir Volumen"],"Add a CD-ROM drive to the virtual machine.":["Agregue una unidad de CD-ROM a la máquina virtual."],"Add a Puppet class to host":["Añadir una clase Puppet al host"],"Add a Puppet class to host group":["Añadir una clase Puppet al grupo de hosts"],"Add a template combination":["Añadir una combinación de plantillas"],"Add combination":["Añadir combinación"],"Add external user group":["Añadir grupo de usuarios externo"],"Add filter":["Añadir filtro"],"Add to dashboard":["Añadir al tablero"],"Add widgets":["Añadir asistentes"],"Add:":["Añadir:"],"Adding would cause a cycle!":["¡La adición forzará un ciclo!"],"Additional Information":["Información adicional"],"Additional compute resource specific attributes for the interface.":["Atributos adicionales específicos del recurso de computación para la interfaz."],"Additional compute resource specific attributes.":["Atributos adicionales específicos del recurso de computación"],"Additional information about this host":["Información adicional sobre este host"],"Address to connect to":["Dirección para conectarse con"],"Admin permissions required":["Se necesitan permisos de administración"],"Administer":["Administrar"],"Administrator email address":["Dirección de correo electrónico del administrador"],"Administrator user account required":["La cuenta del usuario administrador es obligatoria."],"Alert":["Alerta"],"Alerts disabled":["Alertas inhabilitadas"],"Alias or VLAN device":["Dispositivo VLAN o alias"],"All":["todos"],"All Puppet Classes for %s":["Todas las clases Puppet para %s"],"All Reports":["Todos los Informes"],"All compute resources":["Todos los recursos de cómputo"],"All domains":["Todos los dominios"],"All environments":["Todos los entornos"],"All environments - (not filtered)":["Todos los entornos - (no filtrados)"],"All host groups":["Todos los grupos de hosts"],"All hosts":["Todos los hosts"],"All hosts data matches configurations for locations and organizations.":["Toda la información de los hosts coincide con la configuración de ubicaciones y organizaciones."],"All hosts previously with no %{single} are now assigned to %{name}":["Todos los hosts previamente sin %{single} ahora se asignan a %{name}"],"All hosts will show a configuration status even when a Puppet smart proxy is not assigned":["Todos los hosts mostrarán un estado de configuración incluso cuando no se haya asignado un proxy inteligente de Puppet."],"All items":["Todos los elementos"],"All media":["Todos los medios"],"All messages":["Todos los mensajes"],"All mismatches between hosts and %s have been fixed":["Todas las discordancias entre hosts y %s han sido corregidas"],"All mismatches between hosts and locations/organizations have been fixed":["Todas las discordancias entre hosts y lugares/organizaciones han sido corregidas"],"All partition tables":["Todas las tablas de particiones"],"All provisioning templates":["Todas las plantillas de aprovisionamiento"],"All realms":["Todos los reinos"],"All smart proxies":["Todos los \\\"proxis\\\" inteligentes"],"All subnets":["Todas las subredes"],"All users":["Todos los usuarios"],"Allocated":["Asignado"],"Allocation (GB)":["Asignados (GB)"],"Allow access to unattended URLs without build mode being used":["Permitir el acceso a URL sin supervisión sin el uso del modo de compilación"],"Allow external network as main network":["Permitir la red externa como red principal"],"Allowed methods or members":["Miembros o métodos permitidos"],"Always show configuration status":["Mostrar siempre el estado de la configuración"],"An IP address will be auto-suggested if you have enabled IPAM on the IPv4 subnet selected above.<br/><br/>The IP address can be left blank when:<br/><ul><li>provisioning tokens are enabled</li><li>the domain does not manage DNS</li><li>the subnet does not manage reverse DNS</li><li>and the subnet does not manage DHCP reservations</li></ul>":["Se sugerirá automáticamente una dirección IP si tiene IPAM habilitado en la subred de IPv4 seleccionada arriba.<br/><br/>La dirección IP puede dejarse en blanco cuando:<br/><ul><li>los tokens de aprovisionamiento están habilitados</li><li>el dominio no administra DNS</li><li>la subred no administra DNS inverso</li><li>y la subred no administra reservas de DHCP</li></ul>"],"An IP address will be auto-suggested if you have enabled IPAM on the IPv6 subnet selected above.":["Se sugerirá automáticamente una dirección IP si tiene IPAM habilitado en la subred de IPv6 seleccionada arriba."],"An email address is required, please update your account details":["Se requiere una dirección de correo electrónico; actualice los detalles de su cuenta"],"An error occurred while testing the connection: ":["Ocurrió un error al probar la conexión:"],"An explicit layout for the partitions of your hard drive(s). E.G.":["Un esquema explícito de particiones del disco(s), como por ejemplo"],"An invalid response was received while requesting available features from this proxy":["Se recibió una respuesta no válida mientras se solicitaban funciones disponibles de este proxy"],"Annotation Notes":["Anotaciones"],"Annotation notes":["Anotaciones"],"Anonymous admin user %s is missing, run foreman-rake db:seed":["Falta usuario de administración anónimo r %s, ejecute foreman-rake db:seed"],"Any Context":["Cualquier Contexto"],"Any Location":["Cualquier Lugar"],"Any Organization":["Cualquier organización"],"Applicable Operating Systems":["Sistemas operativos aplicables"],"Applied":["Aplicado"],"Applied|A":["A"],"Architecture":["Arquitectura"],"Architecture Distribution":["Distribución de Arquitectura"],"Architecture ID":["ID de arquitectura"],"Architectures":["Arquitecturas"],"Architecture|Hostgroups count":["Conteo de Hostgroups"],"Architecture|Hosts count":["Conteo de hosts"],"Architecture|Name":["Nombre"],"Are you sure you want to %{act} %{vm}?":["¿Seguro de que: %{act} %{vm}?"],"Are you sure you want to delete host %s? This action is irreversible.":["¿Está seguro de que desea eliminar el host %s? Esta acción es irreversible."],"Are you sure you want to delete host %s? This will delete the virtual machine and its disks, and is irreversible.":["¿Está seguro de que desea eliminar el host %s? Esto eliminará la máquina virtual y sus discos, y es irreversible."],"Are you sure you want to delete this widget from your dashboard?":["¿Esta seguro de que desea eliminar este asistente de su tablero?"],"Are you sure you want to log out?":["¿Está seguro de que desea cerrar sesión?"],"Are you sure you want to power %{act} %{vm}?":["¿Seguro de que: %{act} %{vm}?"],"Are you sure?":["¿Está seguro?"],"Array of extra information types to include":["Serie de tipos de información adicionales para incluir"],"Array of host IDs to associate with the partition table":["Selección de ID de host a asociar con la tabla de particiones"],"Array of host group IDs to associate with the partition table":["Selección de ID de grupo de host a asociar con la tabla de particiones"],"Array of operating system IDs to associate with the partition table":["Selección de ID de sistemas operativos a asociar con la tabla de particiones"],"Array of operating system IDs to associate with the template":["Array de ID de sistemas operativos a asociar con la plantilla"],"Array of parameters":["Array de parámetros"],"Array of parameters (name, value)":["Array de parámetros (nombre, valor)"],"Array of template combinations (hostgroup_id, environment_id)":["Array de combinaciones de plantillas (hostgroup_id, environment_id)"],"Assign All":["Asignar a todos"],"Assign Hosts to %s":["Asignar hosts a %s"],"Assign Location":["Asignar Lugar"],"Assign Organization":["Asignar Organización"],"Assign Selected Hosts":["Asignar hosts seleccionados"],"Assign the %{count} host with no %{taxonomy_single} to %{taxonomy_name}":["Asignar el equipo %{count} sin %{taxonomy_single} a %{taxonomy_name}","Asignar los equipos %{count} sin %{taxonomy_single} a %{taxonomy_name}"],"Assign to %s":["Asignar a %s"],"Assigning hosts to %{taxonomy_name} will also update %{taxonomy_name} to include all the resources that the selected hosts are currently using.":["Al asignar hosts a %{taxonomy_name} también actualizará %{taxonomy_name} para incluir todos los recursos que están utilizando los hosts seleccionados."],"Associate VM":["Asociar máquina virtual"],"Associate VM to a Foreman host":["Asociar máquina virtual a host Foreman"],"Associate VMs":["Asociar Máquinas Virtuales"],"Associate VMs to Foreman hosts":["Asociar máquinas virtuales a hosts de Foreman"],"Associate VMs to Hosts":["Asociar máquinas virtuales a hosts"],"Association":["Asociación"],"At least one volume must be specified for image-based provisioning.":["Debe especificar al menos un volumen para aprovisionamiento basado en imágenes"],"Attempting to construct an operating system image filename but %s cannot be built from an image":["Se ha intentado generar un archivo con la imagen del sistema operativo pero %s no permite su creación desde una imagen."],"Attribute mappings":["Asignación de atributos"],"Attribute type":["Tipo de atributo"],"Audit":[""],"Audit Comment":["Comentario de auditoría"],"Audit summary":["Resumen de 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variable":["Autorizar la delegación de usuario con la variable de entorno REMOTE_USER"],"Authorize login delegation with REMOTE_USER environment variable for API calls too":["Autorizar delegación de usuario con la variable de entorno REMOTE_USER también para llamadas de la API."],"Authorized by":["Autorizado por"],"Auto refresh off":["Desactivar actualización automática"],"Auto refresh on":["Activar actualización automática"],"Automatic":["Automático"],"Autosign":["Autofirmado"],"Autosign entries":["Autofirmado de entradas"],"Autosign entry name":[""],"Availability zone":["Zona de disponibilidad"],"Available Classes":["Clases disponibles"],"Available Config Groups":["Grupos de configuración disponibles"],"Available Providers":["Proveedores disponibles"],"Average memory usage":["Promedio del uso de memoria"],"Average swap usage":["Promedio del uso de memoria swap"],"Avoid duplicate values when merging them (only array type)?":["¿Evitar valores duplicados al combinarlos (solo tipo array)?"],"BIOS":["BIOS"],"BMC":["BMC"],"BMC credentials access":["Acceso a credenciales BMC"],"BMC password usage":["Uso de la contraseña BMC"],"Back":["Atrás"],"Back to host":["Volver a host"],"Back to host list":["Volver a lista de hosts"],"Backtrace":["Seguimiento hacia atrás"],"Bare Metal":["En vacío"],"Base DN":["DN base"],"Before you proceed to using Foreman you should provide information about one or more architectures.":["Antes de empezar a usar Foreman debe proporcionar información sobre una o más arquitecturas."],"Bond":["Vínculo"],"Bond mode of the interface, e.g. balance-rr. Only for bond interfaces.":["Modo de vinculación de la interfaz, p. ej,. balance-rr. Solo para interfaces de vínculo."],"Bookmark":["Marcador"],"Bookmark this search":["Guardar esta búsqueda en marcadores"],"Bookmark was successfully created.":["El marcador fue creado correctamente."],"Bookmark was successfully updated.":["El marcador se ha actualizado correctamente."],"Bookmarks":["Marcadores"],"Bookmarks are saved search queries. To save them, click on 'Bookmark this search' on the dropdown next to every search button.":["Los marcadores se guardan como consultas. Para guardarlos, haga clic en 'Guardar esta búsqueda en marcadores' en el menú desplegable junto a cada botón de búsqueda."],"Bookmark|Controller":["Controlador"],"Bookmark|Name":["Nombre"],"Bookmark|Owner type":["Tipo de propietario"],"Bookmark|Public":["Público"],"Bookmark|Query":["Consulta"],"Boot device":["Dispositivo de arranque"],"Boot from volume":["Iniciar desde volumen"],"Boot host from specified device":["Iniciar el host desde el dispositivo especificado"],"Bootable":["Arrancable"],"Bridge":["Puente"],"Browse host config management reports":["Explorar informes de administración de configuración del host"],"Browse host facts":["Explorar eventos de host"],"Browser locale":["Elegir idioma"],"Browser timezone":["Zona horaria del explorador"],"Build":["Construir"],"Build Hosts":["Construir hosts"],"Build PXE Default":["Generar 'PXE predeterminado'"],"Build a query for %{mailer}":["Crear una consulta para %{mailer}"],"Build from OS image":["Crear desde imagen de SO"],"By unchecking this you can specify filter using Foreman search syntax in search field. If filter remains <br> unlimited (this field is checked) it applies on all resources of the selected type. When a role is associated <br> with some %s filter is not considered unlimited as it's scoped accordingly.":["Al desmarcar esto, puede especificar el filtro con la sintaxis de búsqueda de Foreman en el campo de búsqueda. Si el filtro permanece <br> ilimitado (este campo está seleccionado), se aplica a todos los recursos del tipo seleccionado. Cuando se asocia un rol <br> con algún filtro %s, no es considerado ilimitado ya que tiene un alcance adecuado."],"CA certificate expiry date":["Fecha de vencimiento del certificado de CA"],"CD-ROM drive":["CD-ROM drive"],"CDROM":["CDROM"],"CPU hot add":["Función de agregado en caliente de la CPU"],"CPU hot add lets you add CPU resources for a virtual machine while the machine is powered on.":["La función de agregado en caliente de la CPU le permite añadir recursos de la CPU para una máquina virtual mientras la máquina se enciende."],"CPUs":["Procesadores"],"Cache slow calls to VMWare to speed up page rendering":[""],"Caching":[""],"Calling methods on objects":["Métodos de llamada sobre objetos"],"Can't delete internal admin account":["No se puede eliminar la cuenta de administración interna"],"Can't delete the last admin account":["No se puede borrar la última cuenta de administración"],"Can't delete the last admin user group":["No se puede borrar el último grupo de usuarios de administración"],"Can't find a valid Foreman Proxy with a Puppet feature":["No se encuentra un Proxy Foreman con características de Puppet habilitadas"],"Cancel":["Cancelar"],"Cancel build":["Cancelar la compilación"],"Cancel build request for this host":["Cancelar solicitud de construcción para este host"],"Canceled pending build for %s":["Cancelar construcción pendiente para %s"],"Cannot add pagelet with key %s and without mountpoint":["No se puede agregar pagelet con la clave %s y sin punto de montaje"],"Cannot add pagelet with key %s and without partial":["No se puede agregar pagelet con la clave %s y sin parcial"],"Cannot continue because some permissions were not found, please run rake db:seed and retry":[""],"Cannot create LDAP configuration for %s without dedicated service account":["No se puede crear la configuración LDAP para %s sin una cuenta de servicio dedicada"],"Cannot delete %{current} because it has nested %{sti_name}.":["No se puede borrar %{current} porque tiene %{sti_name} anidado."],"Cannot delete built-in role":["No se puede eliminar el rol integrado"],"Cannot delete group %{current} because it has nested groups.":["No puedo borrar el grupo %{current} porque tiene grupos anidados."],"Cannot delete group %{current} because it has nested host groups.":["No se puede borrar el grupo %{current} porque tiene grupos de hosts anidados."],"Cannot find user %s when switching context":["No se pudo encontrar el usuario %s cuando se cambió el contexto"],"Cannot register compute resource, wrong type supplied":["No se puede registrar el recurso de cómputo; tipo incorrecto proporcionado"],"Canvas not supported.":["Bordes no soportados"],"Caps lock ON":["Bloqueo mayúsculas activado"],"Certificate Name":["Nombre del certificado"],"Certificate path":["Ruta de certificado"],"Certificate that Foreman will use to encrypt websockets ":["Certificado usado por Foreman para encriptar websockets"],"Certificates":["Certificados"],"Change Environment":["Cambiar entorno"],"Change Group":["Cambiar grupo"],"Change Owner":["Cambiar propietario"],"Change Power State":["Cambiar estado de energía"],"Change Puppet CA":["Cambiar Puppet CA"],"Change Puppet Master":["Cambiar Puppetmaster"],"Change the password":["Cambiar la contraseña"],"Change your avatar at":["Cambie su avatar en"],"Changed environments":["Entornos modificados"],"Changes to %s will propagate to all inheriting filters":[""],"Chassis":["Chasis"],"Check again":["Comprobar de nuevo"],"Check/Uncheck all":["Marcar/Desmarcar todos"],"Check/Uncheck all %s changes":["Marcar/Desmarcar todos los cambios %s"],"Check/Uncheck new":["Marcar/Desmarcar nuevos"],"Check/Uncheck obsolete":["Marcar/Desmarcar obsoletos"],"Check/Uncheck updated":["Marcar/Desmarcar actualizados"],"Choose a family":["Elegir una familia"],"Choose a provider":["Elegir un proveedor"],"Choose a server type":["Elegir un tipo de servidor"],"Class":["Clase"],"Class Distribution":["Distribución de Clases"],"Classes":["Clases"],"Clean up failed deployment":["Eliminar la implementación fallida"],"Click on the link of a compute resource to edit its default VM attributes.":["Haga clic en el enlace de un recurso de cómputo para editar los atributos predeterminados para las máquinas virtuales.."],"Click to add %s":["Haga clic para añadir %s"],"Click to log in again.":["Haga para reingresar"],"Click to mark as read":[""],"Click to remove %s":["Haga clic para eliminar %s"],"Click to remove config group":["Haga clic para eliminar el grupo de configuración"],"Client Email":["Cliente de correo-e"],"Client SSL certificates are used to identify Smart Proxies (:require_ssl should also be enabled)":["Los certificados SSL de cliente se utilizan para identificar los proxy inteligentes (:require_ssl también debe estar habilitado)."],"Clone":["Clonar"],"Clone %s":["Clonar %s"],"Clone Host %s":["Clonar Host %s"],"Clone a host group":["Clonar un grupo de hosts"],"Clone a provision template":["Clonar una plantilla de aprovisionamiento"],"Clone a role":["Clonar rol"],"Clone a template":["Clonar una plantilla"],"Clone this host":["Clonar este host"],"Close":["Cerrar"],"Cluster":["Clúster"],"Cluster ID is required to list available networks":["Necesita un ID de Cluster para mostrar la lista de redes disponibles"],"Comments":["Comentarios"],"Communication status":["Estado de la comunicación"],"Compute Resource":["Recurso de cómputo"],"Compute Resource Distribution":["Distribución de recursos de cómputo"],"Compute Resources":["Recursos de cómputo"],"Compute attribute":["Atributo de cómputo"],"Compute profile":["Perfil de cómputo"],"Compute profile ID":["ID del perfil de computación"],"Compute profiles":["Perfiles de cómputo"],"Compute resource":["Recurso de cómputo"],"Compute resource IDs":["ID de recursos de cómputo"],"Compute resource update for %s":["Actualizado el recurso de cómputo de %s"],"Compute resources":["Recursos de cómputo"],"ComputeAttribute|Name":["Nombre"],"ComputeAttribute|Vm attrs":["Atributo de máquina virtual"],"ComputeProfile|Name":["Nombre"],"ComputeResource|Attrs":["Atributos"],"ComputeResource|Description":["Descripción"],"ComputeResource|Name":["Nombre"],"ComputeResource|Password":["Contraseña"],"ComputeResource|Url":["URL"],"ComputeResource|User":["Usuario"],"ComputeResource|Uuid":["Uuid"],"Config Retrieval":["Recuperar configuración"],"Config group":["Grupo de configuración"],"Config groups":["Grupos de configuración"],"Config management":["Administración de configuración"],"ConfigGroup|Config group classes count":["Conteo de clases de grupos de configuración"],"ConfigGroup|Hostgroups count":["Conteo de Hostgroups"],"ConfigGroup|Hosts count":["Conteo de hosts"],"ConfigGroup|Name":["Nombre"],"Configuration":["Configuración"],"Configuration rebuild failed for: %s.":["La reconstrucción de la configuración falló para: %s."],"Configuration successfully rebuilt.":["La configuración se reconstruyó con éxito."],"Configure":["Configurar"],"Configure instance %s via SSH":["Configurar instancia %s vía SSH"],"Conflict - %s":["Conflicto - %s"],"Conflicts have been detected":["Se han detectado conflictos"],"Connected (unencrypted) to: %s":["Conectado (sin cifrar) a: %s"],"Connecting (unencrypted) to: %s":["Conexión (sin cifrar) a: %s"],"Console":["Terminal"],"Console output may be out of date":["La salida de la consola podría estar desactualizada"],"Console passwords":["Contraseñas de terminal"],"Consult \\\"Provisioning Templates\\\" page to see what templates are available.":[""],"Continue to look for matches after first find (only array/hash type)? Note: merging overrides ignores all matchers that are omitted.":["¿Desea continuar buscando coincidencias después del primer resultado (solo tipo array/hash)? Nota: Fusionar las anulaciones ignora todos los comparadores que están omitidos."],"Continue?":["¿Continuar?"],"Cores":["Núcleos"],"Cores per socket":["Núcleos por socket"],"Could not add permissions to Manager and Viewer roles: %s":[""],"Could not add permissions to Manager role: %s":[""],"Could not add permissions to Organization admin role: %s":[""],"Could not add permissions to Viewer role: %s":[""],"Could not create role '%{name}': %{message}":[""],"Could not delete %s":["No se pudo borrar %s"],"Could not extend role '%{name}': %{message}":[""],"Could not find %{association} with name: %{name}":["No se pudo encontrar %{association} con el nombre: %{name}"],"Could not find a Configuration Template with the name \\\"%s\\\", please create one.":[""],"Could not find network %s on VMWare compute resource":[""],"Could not find virtual machine network interface matching %s":["No se pudo encontrar la coincidencia de la interfaz de red de la máquina virtual %s."],"Could not locate CA certificate.":["No se pudo ubicar el certificado CA."],"Could not recreate a new SSH key":[""],"Create":["Crear"],"Create %s":["Crear %s"],"Create %{type} for %{host}":["Crear %{type} para %{host}"],"Create :a_resource":["Crear :a_resource"],"Create Architecture":[""],"Create Authentication Source":[""],"Create Bookmark":[""],"Create Compute Profile":[""],"Create Compute Resource":[""],"Create Config Group":[""],"Create DHCP Settings for %s":["Crear Parámetros DHCP para %s"],"Create Domain":[""],"Create Environment":[""],"Create Filter":[""],"Create Global Parameter":[""],"Create Host":["Crear Host"],"Create Host Group":[""],"Create Image":[""],"Create Installation Medium":[""],"Create LDAP Auth Source":[""],"Create LDAP Source":[""],"Create Location":[""],"Create Medium":[""],"Create Model":[""],"Create Operating System":[""],"Create Operating system":[""],"Create Organization":[""],"Create Parameter":[""],"Create Partition Table":[""],"Create Proxy":[""],"Create Puppet 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reino"],"Create a report":["Crear un informe"],"Create a role":["Crear un rol"],"Create a smart proxy":["Crear un proxy inteligente"],"Create a smart variable":["Crear una variable inteligente"],"Create a subnet":["Crear una subred"],"Create a user":["Crear un usuario"],"Create a user group":["Crear un grupo de usuarios"],"Create an LDAP authentication source":["Crear una fuente de autenticación LDAP"],"Create an SSH key for a user":[""],"Create an architecture":["Crear una arquitectura"],"Create an environment":["Crear un entorno"],"Create an external user group linked to a user group":["Crear un grupo de usuarios externos vinculado a un grupo de usuarios"],"Create an image":["Crear una imagen"],"Create an interface on a host":["Crear una interfaz en un host"],"Create an operating system":["Crear un sistema operativo"],"Create an override value for a specific smart class parameter":["Crear un valor de sobrescritura para un parámetro específico de clase inteligente"],"Create an override value for a specific smart variable":["Crear un valor de sobrescritura para una variable inteligente específica"],"Create autosign entry":["Crear entrada autofirmada"],"Create host":[""],"Create new boot volume from image":["Crear nuevo volumen de inicio desde la imagen"],"Create new host when facts are uploaded":["Crear nuevo host al cargar eventos"],"Create new host when report is uploaded":["Crear nuevo host al cargar el informe"],"Create realm entry for %s":["Crear entrada de reino para %s"],"Created":["Creado"],"Ctrl-Alt-Del":["Ctrl-Alt-Del"],"Current password":["Contraseña actual"],"Custom LDAP search filter, <i>optional</i>":["Filtro de búsqueda personalizado de LDAP, <i>opcional</i>"],"DB pending migration":["Migración pendiente de la base de datos"],"DB pending seed":["Valor de inicialización pendiente de la base de datos"],"DHCP":["DHCP"],"DHCP Proxy":["Proxy DHCP"],"DHCP Proxy ID to use within this subnet":["ID de proxy DHCP para usar con esta subred"],"DHCP Proxy to use within this subnet":["Proxy DHCP para usar con esta subred"],"DHCP conflicts removal for %s":["Eliminar conflictos DHCP para %s"],"DHCP filename option":["Opción de nombre de archivo DHCP"],"DHCP filename option (Grub2/PXELinux by default)":["Opción de nombre de archivo DHCP (Grub2/PXELinux por defecto)"],"DHCP filename option to use. 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Tenga en cuenta que los registros A y AAAA se administran a través del proxy DNS de dominio"],"DNS conflict timeout":["Tiempo de espera del conflicto de DNS"],"DNS name":["Nombre DNS"],"DNS proxy ID to use within this domain":["ID de proxy DNS a utilizar dentro de este dominio"],"DNS proxy to use within this domain for managing A records, note that PTR records are managed via Subnet DNS proxy":["Proxy DNS a utilizar en esta subred para administrar registros PTR, observe que los registros A se gestionan en el proxy de subred DNS "],"Daily":["A diario"],"Dashboard":["Tablero de mandos"],"Data store":["Almacén de datos"],"Datacenter":["Centro de datos"],"Datastore Cluster":["Clúster del almacén de datos"],"Default":["Predeterminado"],"Default Puppet environment":["Entorno Puppet predeterminado"],"Default Puppet server hostname":["Nombre de servidor Puppet predeterminado"],"Default behavior":["Comportamiento predeterminado"],"Default boot mode for interfaces assigned to this subnet, applied to hosts from provisioning templates":["Modo de reinicio predeterminado para las interfaces asignado a esta subred, aplicado a los hosts desde las plantillas de aprovisionamiento"],"Default boot mode for interfaces assigned to this subnet, valid values are \\\"Static\\\", \\\"DHCP\\\"":["Modo de arranque predeterminado para interfaces asignadas a esta subred, son válidos \\\"Static\\\", \\\"DHCP\\\""],"Default encrypted root password on provisioned hosts":["Contraseña root cifrada predeterminada en hosts aprovisionados"],"Default location":["Ubicación por defecto"],"Default on login":["Se predetermina en el inicio de sesión"],"Default organization":["Organización por defecto"],"Default owner on provisioned hosts, if empty Foreman will use current user":[""],"Default templates are automatically added to new locations":["Las plantillas predeterminadas se añaden automáticamente a nuevas ubicaciones."],"Default templates are automatically added to new organizations":["Las plantillas predeterminadas se añaden automáticamente a nuevas organizaciones."],"Default templates are automatically added to new organizations and locations":["Las plantillas predeterminadas se añaden automáticamente a nuevas organizaciones y ubicaciones."],"Default value":["Valor predeterminado"],"Default value of variable":["Valor predeterminado de la variable"],"Default variables lookup path":["Ruta de búsqueda de variables predeterminadas"],"Default verification mode":["Modo de verificación predeterminado"],"Defaults to image size if left blank":["El valor predeterminado del tamaño de la imagen está en blanco."],"Delete":["Borrar"],"Delete %s?":["¿Borrar %s?"],"Delete :a_resource":["Borrar :a_resource"],"Delete Hosts":["Borrar hosts"],"Delete PuppetCA certificates for %s":["Borrar certificados PuppetCA para %s"],"Delete TFTP %{kind} config for %{host}":["Eliminar configuración TFTP %{kind} para %{host}"],"Delete a Puppet class":["Borrar una clase Puppet"],"Delete a bookmark":["Borrar un marcador"],"Delete a compute profile":["Borrar un perfil de computación"],"Delete a compute resource":["Borrar un recurso de cómputo"],"Delete a config group":["Borrar un grupo de configuración"],"Delete a default template combination for an operating system":["Borrar una combinación de plantilla prederterminada para un sistema operativo"],"Delete a domain":["Borrar un dominio"],"Delete a filter":["Borrar un filtro"],"Delete a global parameter":["Borrar un parámetro global"],"Delete a hardware model":["Borrar un modelo de hardware"],"Delete a host":["Borrar un host"],"Delete a host group":["Borrar un grupo de hosts"],"Delete a host's interface":["Borrar una interfaz de host"],"Delete a medium":["Borrar un medio"],"Delete a nested parameter for a domain":["Borrar un parámetro anidado para un dominio"],"Delete a nested parameter for a host":["Borrar un parámetro anidado para un host"],"Delete a nested parameter for a host group":["Borrar un parámetro anidado para un 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arquitectura"],"Delete an environment":["Borrar un entorno"],"Delete an external user group":["Borrar un grupo de usuarios externo"],"Delete an image":["Borrar una imagen"],"Delete an operating system":["Borrar un sistema operativo"],"Delete an override value for a specific smart class parameter":["Borrar un valor de sobrescritura para un parámetro de clase inteligente específico"],"Delete an override value for a specific smart variable":["Borrar un valor de sobrescritura para una variable inteligente específica"],"Delete autosign entry":["Borrar entrada autofirmada"],"Delete autosign entry for %s":["Borrar entrada de autofirmado para %s"],"Delete filter?":["¿Borrar el filtro?"],"Delete realm entry for %s":["Borrar entrada de reino para %s"],"Delete report for %s?":["¿Borrar informe de %s?"],"Deleted environment":["Entorno eliminado"],"Deleted environment %{env} and %{pcs}":["Eliminado entorno %{env} y %{pcs}"],"Delivery method":["Método de envío"],"Deploy TFTP %{kind} config for %{host}":["Implementar configuración TFTP %{kind} para %{host}"],"Deploy VM on selected datastore":["Implementar la VM en el almacén de datos seleccionado"],"Deploy on":["Desplegar en"],"Deprecated, please use datacenter":["Obsoleto. Use el centro de datos"],"Deprecated, please use omit":["Obsoleto. Use omit"],"Description":["Descripción"],"Description of smart class":["Descripción de clase inteligente"],"Description of the domain":["Descripción del dominio"],"Description of variable":["Descripción de la variable"],"Deselect All":["Desmarcar todas"],"Destroy":["Destruir"],"Destroyed selected hosts":["Se eliminó los hosts seleccionados"],"Details":["Información"],"Device identifier":["Identificador de dispositivo"],"Device identifier for this interface. This may be different on various platforms and environments, here are some common examples.<br/><ul><li>Use the basic name for physical interface identifiers, e.g. <strong>eth0</strong> or <strong>em0</strong> with biosdevname.</li><li>For virtual interfaces, use either alias notation (<strong>eth0:1</strong>, name:index) or VLAN notation (<strong>eth0.15</strong>, name.tag).</li><li>For bonds it's common to use <strong>bond0</strong> on Linux, <strong>lagg0</strong> on FreeBSD systems.</li></ul>":["Identificador de dispositivo para esta interfaz. Pueden ser diferente en varias plataformas y entornos, aquí presentamos algunos ejemplos comunes. <br/><ul><li>Use el nombre básico para identificadores de interfaz físicos, p.ej., <strong>eth0</strong> o <strong>em0</strong> con biosdevname.</li><li>Para interfaces virtuales, use la anotación de alias (<strong>eth0:1</strong>, name:index) o la anotación de VLAN (<strong>eth0.15</strong>, name.tag).</li><li>Para vínculos es común utilizar <strong>bond0</strong> on Linux, <strong>lagg0</strong> en sistemas FreeBSD.</li></ul>"],"Device identifier, e.g. eth0 or eth1.1":["Identificador de dispositivo, p.ej. eth0 o eth1.1"],"Diff":["Dif"],"Diff View":["Vista Diff"],"Disable Notifications":["Inhabilitar Notificaciones"],"Disable alerts for selected hosts":["Inhabilitar alertas para los hosts seleccionados"],"Disable all filters overriding":["Deshabilitar todas las anulaciones de filtro"],"Disable overriding":["Deshabilitar anulación"],"Disabled":["Inhabilitado"],"Disassociate Hosts":["Disociar Hosts"],"Disassociate host":["Disociar host"],"Disassociate the host from a VM":["Disociar el host de una máquinas virtuales"],"Disassociate the selected hosts from their VMs":["Disociar los hosts seleccionados de sus máquinas virtuales."],"Disk":["Disco"],"Disk mode":[""],"Display":["Pantalla"],"Display Name":["Nombre para mostrar"],"Display hidden parameter values":["Mostrar valores de parámetros ocultos"],"Display hidden values":["Mostrar valores ocultos"],"Display the templates that will be used to provision this host":["Mostrar las plantillas que se van a utilizar para aprovisionar este host"],"Display type":["Mostrar tipo"],"Displaying %{num_audits} of %{total_audits} audit":["Mostrando %{num_audits} de auditoría %{total_audits} ","Mostrando %{num_audits} de auditorías %{total_audits} "],"Displaying <b>%{count}</b> entry":["Mostrando entrada <b>%{count}</b>","Mostrando entradas <b>%{count}</b>"],"Displaying entries <b>%{from} - %{to}</b> of <b>%{count}</b> in total":["Mostrando <b>%{from} - %{to}</b> entradas de <b>%{count}</b> en total"],"Documentation":["Documentación"],"Does this image support user data input (e.g. via cloud-init)?":["¿Esta imágen supporta inserción de datos de usuario (p.e. vía could-init)?"],"Domain":["Dominio"],"Domain ID":["ID de dominio"],"Domain IDs":["ID de dominio"],"Domains":["Dominios"],"Domains in which this subnet is part":["Dominios a los que pertenece esta subred"],"Domain|Fullname":["Nombre completo"],"Domain|Hostgroups count":["Conteo de Hostgroups"],"Domain|Hosts count":["Conteo de hosts"],"Domain|Name":["Nombre"],"Download":[""],"Duration in minutes after the Puppet interval for servers to be classed as out of sync.":["Duración en minutos luego del intervalo Puppet para que los servidores se clasifiquen como fuera de sincronización."],"EC2":["EC2"],"EFI":["EFI"],"ENC environment":["Entorno ENC"],"ERROR or FATAL":["ERROR o FATAL"],"EUI-64":["EUI-64"],"Each architecture can also be associated with more than one operating system and a selector block is provided to allow you to select valid combinations.":["Cada arquitectura puede ser asociada con más de un sistema operativo. Además, se proporciona un bloque selector que permite hacer varias combinaciones válidas."],"Each entries represent a particular hardware architecture, most commonly <b>x86_64</b> or <b>i386</b>. Foreman also supports the Solaris operating system family, which includes <b>sparc</b> based systems.":["Cada entrada representa una arquitectura de hardware, las más comunes son <b>x86_64</b> o <b>i386</b> . Foreman también soporta la familia de sistemas operativos Solaris, que incluye sistemas basados en <b>sparc</b>."],"Eager zero":["Eager zero"],"Edit":["Editar"],"Edit %s":["Editar %s"],"Edit Architecture":["Editar arquitectura"],"Edit Bookmark":["Editar marcador"],"Edit Compute profile":["Editar perfil de cómputo"],"Edit Compute profile: %s":["Editar perfil de cómputo: %s"],"Edit Config group":["Modificar grupo de configuración"],"Edit Domain":["Editar dominio"],"Edit Environment":["Editar entorno"],"Edit Filter":["Modificar filtro"],"Edit Global Parameter":["Editar parámetro global"],"Edit Host":["Editar servidor"],"Edit LDAP Auth Source":["Editar fuente de autorización LDAP"],"Edit Medium":["Editar medio"],"Edit Model":["Editar modelo"],"Edit Operating System":["Editar sistema operativo"],"Edit Parameters":["Editar parámetros"],"Edit Partition Table":["Editar tabla de particiones"],"Edit Properties":["Editar propiedades"],"Edit Proxy":["Editar Proxy"],"Edit Puppet Class %s":["Editar clase Puppet %s"],"Edit Realm":["Editar reino"],"Edit Role":["Editar rol"],"Edit Smart Variable":["Editar variable inteligente"],"Edit Smart class parameters":["Editar parámetros de clase inteligente"],"Edit Subnet":["Editar subred"],"Edit Template":["Editar plantilla"],"Edit Trend %s":["Editar tendencia %s"],"Edit User":["Editar usuario"],"Edit User group":["Editar grupo de usuarios"],"Edit compute profile on %s":["Editar perfil de cómputo en %s"],"Edit this host":["Editar este host"],"Email Preferences":["Preferencias de correo electrónico"],"Email address is missing":["Falta la dirección de correo electrónico."],"Email reply address":["Dirección de respuesta de correo electrónico"],"Email reply address for emails that Foreman is sending":["Dirección de respuesta para los correo-e enviados por Foreman"],"Email subject prefix":["Prefijo del asunto de correo electrónico"],"Email was sent successfully":["El correo electrónico se envió correctamente."],"Empty environment":["Entorno vacío"],"Enable Notifications":["Habilitar notificaciones"],"Enable alerts for selected hosts":["Habilitar alertas para los hosts seleccionados"],"Enable caching":[""],"Enable certificate generation for %s":["Habilitar generación de certificado para %s"],"Enable if this is an alias or VLAN interface, note that alias can be used only with static boot mode subnet":["Habilitar si es un alias o una interfaz VLAN, tenga en cuenta que el alias solo se puede utilizar con la subred de modo de inicio estático."],"Enable puppetrun support":["Activar soporte para puppetrun"],"Enable rebuild on next host boot":["Habilitar reconstrucción en el siguiente arranque"],"Enable safe mode config templates rendering (recommended)":["Habilitar el modo seguro de renderizado de plantillas de configuración (recomendado)"],"Enable smart variables in ENC":["Habilitar variables inteligentes en ENC"],"Enable this host for provisioning":["Habilita este host para aprovisionamiento"],"Enabled":["Habilitado"],"Enabled %s for reboot and rebuild":["Habilitado %s para reiniciar y reconstruir"],"Enabled %s for rebuild on next boot":["%s habilitado para ser reconstruido en el siguiente arranque"],"Enabled %s for rebuild on next boot, but failed to power cycle the host":["%s habilitado para ser reconstruido en el siguiente arranque, pero no se pudo reiniciar el host"],"Ending IP Address for IP auto suggestion":["Dirección IP final para sugerencias"],"Entries per page":["Entradas por página"],"Environment":["Entorno"],"Environment Distribution":["Distribución de entornos"],"Environment ID":["ID de entorno"],"Environment IDs":["ID de entorno"],"Environment only":["Solo entorno"],"Environment variable containing a client's SSL certificate":["Variable de entorno que contiene un certificado SSL de cliente"],"Environment variable containing the subject DN from a client SSL certificate":["Variable de entorno que contiene el sujeto DN de un certificado SSL"],"Environment variable containing the verification status of a client SSL certificate":["Variable de entorno que contiene la verificación del estado de un certificado SSL de cliente"],"Environments":["Entornos"],"Environment|Hostgroups count":["Conteo de Hostgroups"],"Environment|Hosts count":["Conteo de hosts"],"Environment|Name":["Nombre"],"Error":["Error"],"Error - %{message}":["Error - %{message}"],"Error adding widget to dashboard.":["Error al añadir el asistente al tablero"],"Error connecting to %{proxy}: %{error}.":["Error al conectar a %{proxy}: %{error}."],"Error connecting to '%{domain}' domain DNS servers: %{servers} - check query_local_nameservers and dns_conflict_timeout settings":["Error al conectarse a los servidores DNS del dominio '%{domain}': %{servers} - verificar la configuración de query_local_nameservers y dns_conflict_timeout"],"Error connecting to system DNS server(s) - check /etc/resolv.conf":["Error al conectarse a los servidores DNS del sistema - verificar /etc/resolv.conf"],"Error generating IP: %s":["Error al generar IP: %s"],"Error has occurred while communicating with %{cr}: %{e}":["Ha ocurrido un error durante la comunicación con %{cr}: %{e}"],"Error loading interfaces information: %s":["Error al cargar la información de las interfaces: %s"],"Error loading scheduler hint filters information: %s":["Error al cargar la información de los filtros de indicación del programador: %s"],"Error removing widget from dashboard.":["Error al eliminar el asistente del tablero"],"Errors":["Errores"],"Errors occurred, build may fail":["Ha habido errores, la compilación podría fallar"],"Errors only":["Solo errores"],"Errors: %s":["Errores: %s"],"Examples":["Ejemplos"],"Exit Full Screen":["Salir de pantalla completa"],"Expand nested items":["Expandir elementos anidados"],"Expand the chart":["Expandir la gráfica"],"Expire logs":["Registros caducados"],"Expires":["Expira"],"Explain matchers":["Explicar concordancias"],"Export":["Exportar"],"Export a partition template to ERB":["Exportar una plantilla de partición a ERB"],"Export a provisioning template to ERB":["Exportar una plantilla de aprovisionamiento a ERB"],"Export to CSV":["Exportar a CSV"],"External Groups":[""],"External IP":["IP externa"],"External user group":["Grupo de usuarios externos"],"External user group %{name} could not be refreshed":["No se pudo actualizar el grupo de usuario %{name}"],"External user group %{name} refreshed":["Grupo de usuario %{name} ha sido actualizado"],"External user group information":["Información sobre grupo de usuarios externos"],"External user group name":["Nombre del grupo de usuarios externos"],"External user groups will be synced on login, else relies on periodic cronjob to check group membership":["Los grupos de usuarios externos se sincronizarán durante el inicio de sesión, el resto depende de que la tarea programada (cronjob) periódica verifique la afiliación del grupo."],"External usergroup":["Grupo de usuario externo"],"ExternalUsergroup|Name":["Nombre"],"FQDN":["FQDN"],"Fact Name":["Nombre de eventos"],"Fact Values":["Valores de eventos"],"Fact Values | %{host_name}":["Valores de eventos | %{host_name}"],"Fact distribution chart":["Cuadro de distribución de eventos"],"Fact name":["Nombre de eventos"],"Fact value":["Valor de evento"],"Fact values":["Valores de eventos"],"FactName|Ancestry":["Ascendencia"],"FactName|Compose":["Componer"],"FactName|Name":["Nombre"],"FactName|Short name":["Nombre corto"],"FactValue|Origin":["Valor de evento|Origen"],"FactValue|Value":["Valor"],"Facts":["Eventos"],"Fail on Mismatch":["Error en discordancia"],"Failed":["Errores"],"Failed Restarts":["Reinicios fallidos"],"Failed Restarts|FR":["RF"],"Failed connecting to %s":["Ha fallado la conexión %s"],"Failed features":["Funcionalidades con error"],"Failed features: %s":["",""],"Failed restarts":["Reinicios fallidos"],"Failed to %{action} %{host}: %{e}":["Ha fallado al %{action} %{host}: %{e}"],"Failed to acquire IP addresses from compute resource for %s":["No se pudieron adquirir las direcciones IP del recurso de cómputo para %s"],"Failed to cancel pending build for %{hostname} with the following errors: %{errors}":["Error al cancelar la versión pendiente de %{hostname} con los siguientes errores: %{errors}"],"Failed to clean any old certificates or add the autosign entry. Terminating the build!":["Falló al limpiar certificados antiguos o al añadir la llave de autofirmado. ¡Finalizando la instalación!"],"Failed to configure %{host} to boot from %{device}: %{e}":["Ha fallado la configuración de %{host} para arrancar desde %{device}: %{e}"],"Failed to create %{name}'s realm entry: %{e}":["No se pudo crear entrada de reino %{name}'s: %{e}"],"Failed to create X509 certificate, error: %s":["Error al crear certificado X509, error: %s"],"Failed to create a compute %{compute_resource} instance %{name}: %{message}\\n ":["Error al crear una instancia %{name} de computación %{compute_resource}: %{message}\\n "],"Failed to destroy a compute %{compute_resource} instance %{name}: %{e}":["Falló al destruir una instancia de cómputo %{compute_resource} con el nombre %{name}: %{e}"],"Failed to enable %{host} for installation: %{errors}":["Falló al habilitar la instalación para %{host}: %{errors}"],"Failed to fetch a free IP from proxy %{proxy}: %{message}":["No se pudo buscar una IP libre desde el proxy %{proxy}: %{message}"],"Failed to fetch boot files":["Falló al extraer los archivos de arranque"],"Failed to fetch power status: %s":["Error al buscar el estado de encendido: %s"],"Failed to fetch: ":["Falló al extraer: "],"Failed to get IP for %{name}: %{e}":["Falló al asignar la IP de %{name}: %{e}"],"Failed to get a new realm OTP. Terminating the build!":["Error al obtener un nuevo sector OTP. ¡Terminando la compilación!"],"Failed to import %{klass} for %{name}: doesn't exists in our database - ignoring":["Falló al importar %{klass} para %{name}: no existe en la base de datos - se ignora."],"Failed to initialize the PuppetCA proxy: %s":["Falló al inicializar el proxy PuppetCA: %s"],"Failed to initialize the realm proxy: %s":["Error al iniciar el proxy de reino: %s"],"Failed to launch script on %{name}: %{e}":["Falló al ejecutar script en %{name}: %{e}"],"Failed to load chart":["No se pudo cargar el gráfico"],"Failed to login via SSH to %{name}: %{e}":["Falló al iniciar sesión SSH en %{name}: %{e}"],"Failed to modify the build cycle for %s":["Falló al modificar el ciclo de construcción para %s"],"Failed to perform rollback on %{task} - %{e}":["Falló al recuperar %{task} - %{e}"],"Failed to power up a compute %{compute_resource} instance %{name}: %{e}":["Falló al iniciar una instancia %{compute_resource} con el nombre %{name}: %{e}"],"Failed to reboot %s.":["No se pudo reiniciar %s."],"Failed to redeploy %s.":["No se pudo volver a implementar %s."],"Failed to refresh the cache.":["Fallo al actualizar la caché."],"Failed to remove certificates for %{name}: %{e}":["Falló al retirar certificados de %{name}: %{e}"],"Failed to retrieve power status for %{host} within %{timeout} second.":["",""],"Failed to save widget positions.":["No se pudieron guardar las posiciones del asistente."],"Failed to set %{proxy_type} proxy for %{host}.":["No se pudo establecer el proxy %{proxy_type} para %{host}."],"Failed to set IP for %{name}: %{e}":["No se pudo configurar IP para %{name}: %{e}"],"Failed to set IPs via IPAM for %{name}: %{e}":["No se pudieron configurar las IP a través de IPAM para %{name}: %{e}"],"Failed to set console: %s":["Falló al configurar consola: %s"],"Failed to set power state for %s.":["No se pudo establecer el estado de energía para %s."],"Failed to stop compute %{compute_resource} instance %{name}: %{e}":["Falló al detener la instancia %{compute_resource} con el nombre %{name}: %{e}"],"Failed to undo update compute %{compute_resource} instance %{name}: %{e}":["Error deshaciendo la actualización del recurso %{compute_resource} en la instancia %{name}: %{e}"],"Failed to update a compute %{compute_resource} instance %{name}: %{e}":["Error actualizando la actualización del recurso %{compute_resource} en la instancia %{name}: %{e}"],"Failed to update environments and Puppet classes from the on-disk Puppet installation: %s":["Error al actualizar los entornos y las clases Puppet en la instalación de Puppet desde disco: %s"],"Failed to update the environments and Puppet classes from the on-disk puppet installation: %s":["Error al actualizar los entornos y clases Puppet desde el disco de instalación de puppet: %s"],"Failed to validate %{host}: %{error}":["No se pudo validar %{host}: %{error}"],"Failed|F":["F"],"Failure deploying via smart proxy %{proxy}: %{error}.":["No se pudo desplegar mediante el proxy inteligente %{proxy}: %{error}."],"Failure parsing %{template}: %{error}.":["No se pudo analizar %{template}: %{error}."],"Failure: %s":["Error: %s"],"Family":["Familia"],"Feature":["Característica"],"Features":["Características"],"Features \\\"%s\\\" in this proxy are not recognized by Foreman. If these features come from a Smart Proxy plugin, make sure Foreman has the plugin installed too.":["Foreman no reconoce las funciones “%s” en este proxy. Si estas funciones provienen de un complemento de proxy inteligente, asegúrese de que Foreman también tenga el complemento instalado."],"Feature|Name":["Nombre"],"Fetch TFTP boot files for %s":["Recolectar archivos de arranque TFTP para %s"],"Filter":["Filtro"],"Filter by level:":["Filtrar por nivel:"],"Filter by name":["Filtrar por nombre"],"Filter by state:":["Filtrar por estado:"],"Filter classes":["Clases de filtro"],"Filter overriding has been disabled":["Se deshabilitó la anulación de filtros"],"Filters":["Filtros"],"Filters for role %s":["Filtros para el rol %s"],"Filters inherit %{orgs_and_locs} from their role by default. If override field is enabled, <br> filter can override the set of its %{orgs_and_locs}. Later role changes will not affect <br> such filter. After disabling override field, role %{orgs_and_locs} apply again.":["Los filtros heredan %{orgs_and_locs} de su rol de manera predeterminada. Si se habilita el campo de anulación, <br> el filtro puede anular el conjunto de sus %{orgs_and_locs}. Los cambios de rol posteriores no afectarán <br> dicho filtro. Después de deshabilitar el campo de anulación, se aplica el rol %{orgs_and_locs} nuevamente."],"Filters overriding has been disabled":["Se deshabilitó la anulación de filtros"],"Filter|Override":["Filtro|Anular"],"Filter|Permissions":["Permisos"],"Filter|Resource":["Recurso"],"Filter|Search":["Buscar"],"Filter|Taxonomy search":["Búsqueda taxonómica"],"Filter|Unlimited":["Ilimitado"],"Fingerprint":["Huella"],"Finish template":["Finalizar plantilla"],"Firmware":[""],"Fix %s on Mismatch":["Corregir %s en discordancias"],"Fix All Mismatches":["Arreglar todas las discordancias"],"Fix DB cache":["Corregir caché de la base de datos"],"Fix DB cache on next Foreman restart":["Arreglar la caché de la base de datos en el próximo reinicio de Foreman"],"Fix Mismatches":["Arreglar discordancias"],"Flavor":["Sabor"],"Floating IP network":["Red IP flotante"],"Folder":["Carpeta"],"Follow %{href} on how to describe your controllers.":["Más información sobre como describir sus controladores en %{href}."],"For example, if you have copied several Red Hat release disks into a directory structure where the disk images are named 5.8 or 6.2, and each contained both x86_64 and i386 binaries, then you\\n could create a single medium entry describing them all.\\n The entry, which could be just named 'Red Hat' could contain a path like this <em>'http://server/redhat/$version/$arch'</em>":["Por ejemplo, si ha copiado varios discos de versión Red Hat en una estructura de directorio en donde las imágenes de disco se llaman 5.8 o 6.2, y cada una contiene binarios de x86_64 e i386, entonces usted podría crear una única entrada del medio que los describa a todos.\\n La entrada, que podría llamarse 'Red Hat' podría contener una ruta como esta <em>'http://server/redhat/$version/$arch'</em>."],"For more info visit our documentation.":["Visite nuestros documentos para obtener más información."],"For more information":["Para obtener más información"],"Force a Puppet agent run on the host":["Forzar una ejecución del agente Puppet en el host"],"Foreman API v2 is currently the default API version.":["La versión 2 de la API de Foreman es actualmente la versión de la API predeterminada."],"Foreman Developers":["Desarrolladores de Foreman"],"Foreman URL":["URL de Foreman"],"Foreman Users":["Usuarios de Foreman"],"Foreman audit summary":["Resumen de auditoría de Foreman"],"Foreman can store information about the networking setup of a host that it’s provisioning, which can be used to configure the virtual machine, assign the correct IP addresses and network resources, then configure the OS correctly during the provisioning process.":[""],"Foreman can use LDAP based service for user information and authentication.":["Foreman puede usar un servicio LDAP para autenticación e información de usuarios."],"Foreman considers a domain and a DNS zone as the same thing.":["Foreman considera que un dominio y una zona DNS son lo mismo."],"Foreman domain ID of interface. Required for primary interfaces on managed hosts.":["ID del dominio de Foreman de la interfaz. Requerida para interfaces principales en hosts administrados."],"Foreman host group matchers will be inherited by children when evaluating smart class parameters":["Las concordancias de grupos de hosts Foreman serán heredados por sus hijos cuando se evalúen los parámetros de clases inteligentes"],"Foreman now manages the build cycle for %s":["Foreman ahora controla el ciclo de vida de %s"],"Foreman now no longer manages the build cycle for %s":["Foreman ha dejado de controlar el ciclo de vida de %s"],"Foreman report creation time is <em>%s</em>":["El tiempo de creación del informe de Foreman es <em>%s</em>"],"Foreman smart variables will be exposed via the ENC yaml output":["Las variables inteligentes de Foreman serán expuestas vía la salida yaml de ENC"],"Foreman subnet ID of IPv4 interface":["ID de subred Foreman de la interfaz IPv4"],"Foreman subnet ID of IPv6 interface":["ID de subred Foreman de la interfaz IPv6"],"Foreman supports automatically creating realm entries for new hosts.":["Foreman admite automáticamente la creación de entradas de reino para nuevos hosts."],"Foreman supports creating and managing hosts on a number of virtualization and cloud services - referred to as “compute resources” - as well as bare metal hosts.":[""],"Foreman test email":["Correo electrónico de prueba de Foreman"],"Foreman ticketing system":["Sistema de tiquetes Foreman"],"Foreman will automate certificate signing upon provision of new host":["Foreman automatizará la firma de certificados tras el aprovisionamiento de un nuevo host"],"Foreman will create the host when a report is received":["Foreman creará el host cuando se reciba un reporte"],"Foreman will create the host when new facts are received":["Foreman creará el host cuando se reciban los nuevos eventos"],"Foreman will default to this puppet environment if it cannot auto detect one":["Foreman usará este entorno Puppet si no puede detectar uno automáticamente"],"Foreman will delete virtual machine if provisioning script ends with non zero exit code":["Foreman eliminará la máquina virtual si el script de aprovisionamiento termina con un código de salida distinto de cero."],"Foreman will evaluate host smart variables in this order by default":["Foreman evaluará por defecto en este orden las variables inteligentes del host"],"Foreman will explicitly set the puppet environment in the ENC yaml output. This will avoid conflicts between the environment in puppet.conf and the environment set in Foreman":["Foreman establecerá explícitamente el entorno puppet en las salida yaml de ENC. Esto evitará conflictos entre el entorno de puppet.conf y el establecido en Foreman"],"Foreman will map users by username in request-header. If this is set to false, OAuth requests will have admin rights.":["Foreman mapeará los usuarios por nombre de usuario en la cabecera de la solicitud. Si se establece como falso, las peticiones de OAuth tendrán privilegios administrativos."],"Foreman will not send this parameter in classification output, replaces use_puppet_default":["Foreman no enviará este parámetro en el resultado de clasificación, reemplaza use_puppet_default"],"Foreman will not send this parameter in classification output.":["Foreman no enviará este parámetro en el resultado de clasificación."],"Foreman will not send this parameter in classification output. Puppet will use the value defined in the Puppet manifest for this parameter":["Foreman no enviará este parámetro en el resultado de clasificación. Puppet usará el valor definido en el manifiesto de Puppet para este parámetro."],"Foreman will parse ERB in parameters value in the ENC output":["Foreman analizará ERB en los valores de los parámetros de la salida ENC"],"Foreman will query the locally configured resolver instead of the SOA/NS authorities":["Foreman preguntará al servidor de nombres local en lugar de a las autoridades SOA/NS"],"Foreman will set this as the default Puppet module path if it cannot auto detect one":["Foreman establecerá este como "],"Foreman will truncate hostname to 'puppet' if it starts with puppet":["Foreman cambiará el nombre de equipo a 'puppet' si éste empieza con puppet"],"Foreman will update a host's environment from its facts":["Foreman actualizará el entorno del host mediante eventos"],"Foreman will update a host's subnet from its facts":["Foreman actualizará una subred de host desde sus eventos"],"Foreman will update the host IP with the IP that made the built request":["Foreman actualizará la IP del host con la IP que hizo la solicitud"],"Foreman will use OAuth for API authorization":["Foreman utilizará OAuth como API de autorización"],"Foreman will use gravatar to display user icons":["Foreman usará gravatar para mostrar iconos de usuarios"],"Foreman will use random UUIDs for certificate signing instead of hostnames":["Foreman usará UUID aleatorios para la firma de certificados en lugar de los nombres de host"],"Foreman will use the new (2.6.5+) format for classes in the ENC yaml output":["Foreman usará el formato nuevo (2.6.5+) para las clases en la salida yaml ENC"],"Foreman will use the short hostname instead of the FQDN for creating new virtual machines":["Foreman usará el nombre corto en lugar del FQDN para crear máquinas virtuales"],"Found %{count} reports from the last %{days} days":["Se encontraron %{count} informes en los últimos %{days} días."],"Full":["Lleno"],"Full audits list":["Lista completa de auditorías"],"Full name describing the domain":["Nombre completo que describe el dominio"],"Full path to backing image used to create new volumes.":["Ruta completa a la imagen de respaldo que se usa para crear nuevos volúmenes."],"Full screen":["Pantalla completa"],"Full trace":["Mensaje completo"],"Function not available for %s":["Función no disponible para %s"],"GMT time":["Hora GMT"],"Gateway":["Puerta de Enlace"],"General":["General"],"General useful description, for example this kind of hardware needs a special BIOS setup":["Descripción general de utilidad, por ejemplo este tipo de hardware necesita una configuración especial de BIOS"],"Generate new random name. Visit Settings to disable this feature.":["Genere un nuevo valor aleatorio. Visite Configuración para deshabilitar esta función."],"Generated %s ago":["Generado hace %s"],"Generated at %s":["Generado a las %s"],"Get ENC values of host":["Obtener valores ENC del host"],"Get configuration status of host":["Obtener el estado de configuración del host"],"Get dashboard details":["Detalles del tablero de mandos"],"Get default dashboard widgets":["Obtener asistentes de tablero predeterminados"],"Get statistics":["Estadísticas"],"Get status of host":["Estado del host"],"Get vm attributes of host":["Obtener atributos de vm del host"],"Global":["Global"],"Global Parameters":["Parámetros globales"],"Global default %s template":[""],"Global default %s template. This template gets deployed to all configured TFTP servers. It will not be affected by upgrades.":[""],"Global functions":["Funciones globales"],"Global methods (functions)":["Métodos globales (funciones)"],"Global parameters":["Parámetros globales"],"Global status changed from %{from} to %{to}":["El estado global cambió de %{from} a %{to}"],"Global variables":["Variables globales"],"Good host reports in the last %s":["Informes satisfactorios en los últimos %s"],"Google Project ID":["ID de Google Project"],"Groups base DN":["DN base para grupos"],"Guest OS":["SO guest"],"HELO/EHLO domain":["Dominio HELO/EHLO"],"Hardware":["Hardware"],"Hardware Model":["Modelo de Hardware"],"Hardware Models":["Modelos de hardware"],"Hardware models":["Modelos de hardware"],"Hash function to use. Change takes effect for new or updated hosts.":["Función hash a utilizar. Los cambios se efectúan en hosts nuevos o actualizados."],"Hash of report metrics, can be just {}":["Hash de metricas del informe, puede ser solo {}"],"Hash of status type totals":["Hash de los tipos de estado totales"],"Help":["Ayuda"],"Hidden value":["Valor oculto"],"Hide all values for this parameter.":["Ocultar todos los valores para este parámetro"],"Hide this value":["Ocultar este valor"],"Hint data is missing":["Faltan datos de indicaciones"],"History":["Historial"],"Host":["host"],"Host %s is built":["El host %s está construido."],"Host %s is not associated with a VM":["El host %s no está asociado con una máquinas virtual"],"Host Configuration Chart":["Cuadro de configuración de host"],"Host Configuration Status":["Estado de configuración del host"],"Host Group Distribution":["Distribución de grupos de hosts"],"Host Groups":["Grupo del host"],"Host audit entries":["Registros de auditoría de host"],"Host config group":["Group de configuración de hosts"],"Host details":["Información de host"],"Host group":["Grupo de hosts"],"Host group / Environment":["Grupo del host / Entorno"],"Host group IDs":["ID de grupos de host"],"Host group and Environment":["Grupo del host y Entorno"],"Host group configuration":["Configuración de Grupo del host"],"Host group matchers inheritance":["Herencia de las concordancias de grupo de hosts"],"Host group only":["Solo Grupo del host"],"Host group parameters":["Parámetros de Grupo de Hosts"],"Host groups":["Grupo del host"],"Host owner":[""],"Host owner is invalid":[""],"Host parameters":["Paramétros de host"],"Host reported time is <em>%s</em>":["El tiempo de informe de host es <em>%s</em>"],"Host times seem to be adrift!":[""],"Host's network interfaces.":["Interfaces de red del host"],"Host's owner type":["Tipo de propietario de host"],"Host's parameters (array or indexed hash)":["Parámetros del host (array o hash indexado)"],"Host::Base|Build":["Construir"],"Host::Base|Certname":["Nombre de Certificado"],"Host::Base|Comment":["Comentario"],"Host::Base|Disk":["Disco"],"Host::Base|Enabled":["Habilitado"],"Host::Base|Grub pass":["Llave de Grub"],"Host::Base|Image file":["Archivo de imagen"],"Host::Base|Installed at":["Instalado en"],"Host::Base|Ip":["Dirección IP"],"Host::Base|Last compile":["Última compilación"],"Host::Base|Last freshcheck":["Último refresco"],"Host::Base|Last report":["Último informe"],"Host::Base|Mac":["Dirección MAC"],"Host::Base|Managed":["Gestionado"],"Host::Base|Name":["Nombre"],"Host::Base|Otp":["OTP"],"Host::Base|Owner type":["Tipo de propietario"],"Host::Base|Primary interface":["Interfaz primaria"],"Host::Base|Provision method":["Método de aprovisionamiento"],"Host::Base|Puppet status":["Estado de Puppet"],"Host::Base|Root pass":["Contraseña de Root"],"Host::Base|Serial":["Número de serie"],"Host::Base|Use image":["Usar imagen"],"Host::Base|Uuid":["Uuid"],"HostConfigGroup|Host type":["Tipo de host"],"Hostgroup":["GrupoDeHost"],"Hostgroup|Ancestry":["Ascendencia"],"Hostgroup|Grub pass":["Llave de Grub"],"Hostgroup|Image file":["Archivo de imagen"],"Hostgroup|Name":["Nombre"],"Hostgroup|Root pass":["Contraseña de Root"],"Hostgroup|Title":["Título"],"Hostgroup|Use image":["Usar imagen"],"Hostgroup|Vm defaults":["Predeterminados de máquinas virtuales"],"Hostname":["Nombre de host"],"Hostname or certname":["Nombre de host o nombre de certificado"],"Hostname:":["Nombre de equipo:"],"Hosts":["Hosts"],"Hosts created after a puppet run that did not send a location fact will be placed in this location":["Los hosts creados tras una ejecución de Puppet que no envió eventos de ubicación serán almacenados aquí. "],"Hosts created after a puppet run that did not send a organization fact will be placed in this organization":["Se incluirán aquí los hosts creados tras una ejecución de Puppet sin eventos de organización."],"Hosts created after a puppet run will be placed in the location this fact dictates. The content of this fact should be the full label of the location.":["Los hosts creados tras una ejecución de Puppet se colocarán en la ubicación que dicta este evento. El contenido de este evento debe ser la etiqueta completa de ubicación."],"Hosts created after a puppet run will be placed in the organization this fact dictates. The content of this fact should be the full label of the organization.":["Los hosts creados tras una ejecución de Puppet se colocarán en la organización descrita en este evento. El contenido de este evento debe ser la etiqueta completa de organización."],"Hosts in error state":["Hosts con estado error"],"Hosts including sub-groups":["Hosts que incluyen subgrupos"],"Hosts managed":["Hosts administrados"],"Hosts managed:":["Hosts administrados:"],"Hosts that had pending changes":["Hosts que tenían cambios pendientes"],"Hosts that had pending changes with alerts enabled":["Hosts que tenían cambios pendientes con alertas habilitadas"],"Hosts that had performed modifications without error":["Hosts que han realizado modificaciones sin errores"],"Hosts that will be trusted in addition to Smart Proxies for access to fact/report importers and ENC output":["Hosts de confianza, aparte de Smart Proxy para acceder a importadores de eventos/informes y salida ENC"],"Hosts which Foreman reporting is disabled":["Hosts en los que los informes de Foreman están deshabilitados"],"Hosts which are currently not running Puppet":["Hosts que actualmente no ejecutan Puppet"],"Hosts which are not reporting":["Hosts que no generan informes"],"Hosts which didn't run puppet in the last %s":["Hosts que no han ejecutado puppet en los últimos %s"],"Hosts which recently applied changes":["Hosts con cambios recientemente aplicados"],"Hosts which recently applied changes successfully":["Hosts con cambios recientemente aplicados de manera correcta"],"Hosts which recently applied changes successfully with alerts enabled":["Hosts con cambios recientemente aplicados de manera correcta con alertas habilitadas"],"Hosts with alerts disabled":["Hosts con alertas inhabilitadas"],"Hosts with error state":["Hosts con estado de error"],"Hosts with error state and alerts enabled":["Hosts con estado de error y alertas habilitadas"],"Hosts with errors":["Hosts con errores"],"Hosts with interesting values (changed, failures etc)":["Hosts con valores interesantes (modificados, fallas, etc.)"],"Hosts with no reports":["Hosts sin informes"],"Hosts with notifications disabled":["Hosts con notificaciones inhabilitadas"],"Hosts without changes or errors":["Hosts sin cambios ni errores"],"Hosts without changes or errors, with alerts enabled":["Hosts sin cambios ni errores, con alertas habilitadas"],"Hosts without errors":["Hosts sin errores."],"Hosts without errors percent":["Hosts sin porcentaje de errores"],"Hosts without errors, with alerts enabled":["Hosts sin errores, con alertas habilitadas"],"How values are validated":["Cómo se validan valores"],"However, if it was deleted externally this page helps you to recreate it":[""],"ID of LDAP authentication source":["ID de la fuente de identificación LDAP"],"ID of Puppet class":["ID de la clase Puppet"],"ID of architecture":["ID de la arquitectura"],"ID of compute resource":["ID del recurso de cómputo"],"ID of config template":["ID de la plantilla de configuración"],"ID of domain":["ID del dominio"],"ID of environment":["ID del entorno"],"ID of host":["ID del host"],"ID of host group":["ID del grupo de hosts"],"ID of interface":["ID de la interfaz"],"ID of linked authentication source":["ID de la fuente de autenticación enlazada"],"ID of location":["ID de la ubicación"],"ID of medium":["ID del medio"],"ID of operating system":["ID del sistema operativo"],"ID of organization":["ID de la organización"],"ID of parameter":["ID del parámetro"],"ID of partition table":["ID de la tabla de particiones"],"ID of provisioning template":["IP de la plantilla de aprovisionamiento"],"ID of role":["ID del rol"],"ID of subnet":["ID de la subred"],"ID of template":["ID de la plantilla"],"ID of the user":["ID del usuario"],"ID of user group":["ID del grupo de usuario"],"ID or name external user group":["ID o nombre del grupo de usuarios externo"],"ID or name of domain":["ID del nombre de dominio"],"ID or name of external user group":["ID o nombre del grupo de usuarios externos"],"ID or name of host":["ID o nombre del host"],"ID or name of interface":["ID o nombre de la interfaz"],"ID or name of subnet":["ID o nombre de subred"],"ID or name of user group":["Id o nombre del grupo de usuarios"],"IDs of associated architectures":["ID de arquitecturas asociadas"],"IDs of associated config groups":[""],"IDs of associated media":["ID de medios asociados"],"IDs of associated partition tables":["ID de tablas de particiones asociadas"],"IDs of associated provisioning templates":["ID de plantillas de aprovisionamiento asociadas"],"INFO or DEBUG":["INFORMACIÓN o DEPURAR"],"IP":["IP"],"IP Address":["Dirección IP"],"IP Address Management":["Administración de dirección IP"],"IP Address auto suggestion mode for this subnet, valid values are \\\"DHCP\\\", \\\"Internal DB\\\", \\\"None\\\"":["Método por el que se sugiere la dirección IP en esta subred, valores válidos son \\\"DHCP\\\", \\\"Internal DB\\\", \\\"None\\\""],"IP address auto-suggest":["Dirección IP autosugerida"],"IP addresses that should be excluded from suggestion":["Direcciones IP que deben excluirse de la sugerencia"],"IP:":["IP:"],"IPAM":["IPAM"],"IPv4":["IPv4"],"IPv4 Address":["Dirección IPv4"],"IPv4 DNS record":["",""],"IPv4 Subnet":["Subred de IPv4"],"IPv4 address":["Dirección IPv4"],"IPv4 address of interface":["Dirección IPv4 de la interfaz"],"IPv6":["IPv6"],"IPv6 Address":["Dirección IPv6"],"IPv6 DNS record":["",""],"IPv6 Subnet":["Subred de IPv6"],"IPv6 address":["Dirección IPv6"],"IPv6 address of interface":["Dirección IPv6 de la interfaz"],"IRC":["IRC"],"Identifier":["Identificador"],"Identifier of the interface to which this interface belongs, e.g. eth1":["Identificador de la interfaz a la que pertenece esta interfaz, p.ej., eth1"],"Identifier of the interface to which this interface belongs, e.g. eth1. Only for virtual interfaces.":["Identificador de la interfaz a la que pertenece esta interfaz, p.ej., eth1. Solo para interfaces virtuales."],"Identifiers of attached interfaces, e.g. `['eth1', 'eth2']`. For bond interfaces those are the slaves. Only for bond and bridges interfaces.":["Identificadores de interfaces adjuntas, por ejemplo: `['eth1', 'eth2']`. Para las interfaces vinculadas son esclavos. Solo para interfaces vinculadas y puentes."],"Idle timeout":["Tiempo de espera de inactividad"],"If ERB is used in a parameter value, the validation of the value will happen during the ENC request. If the value is invalid, the ENC request will fail.":["Si ERB se utiliza en un valor de parámetro, la validación del valor ocurrirá durante la solicitud de ENC. Si el valor no es válido, la solicitud de ENC fallará."],"If Foreman is running behind Passenger or a remote load balancer, the IP should be set here. This is a regular expression, so it can support several load balancers, i.e: (|":["Si Foreman se está ejecutando con Passenger o un balanceador de carga remoto, la IP debe ser configurada aquí. Ésta es una expresión regular, así que permite múltiples balanceadores de carga, ej: (|"],"If checked, will raise an error if there is no default value and no matcher provide a value.":["Al seleccionarlo, aparecerá un error si no existe un valor predeterminado y no existe ningún comparador que pueda proporcionar el valor."],"If owner type is specified, owner must be specified too.":["Si se especifica el tipo de propietario, también debe especificarse el propietario."],"If true, will raise an error if there is no default value and no matcher provide a value":["Si es así, se mostrará un error si no existe un valor predeterminado y no existe ninguna concordancia que pueda proporcionar un valor"],"If you are planning to use Foreman as an external node classifier you should provide information about one or more environments. This information is commonly imported from a pre-existing Puppet configuration by the use of the %{link_start}Puppet classes and environment importer%{link_end}.":["Si tiene pensado usar Foreman como un clasificador de nodo externo, debe proporcionar información acerca de uno o más entornos. Por lo general, esta información se importa de una configuración Puppet preexistente a través del uso del %{link_start}importador de entornos y clases de Puppet%{link_end}."],"If you feel this is an error with Foreman itself, please open a new issue with":["Si cree que esto es un error de Foreman, por favor, reporte una incidencia con"],"If you wish to configure Puppet to forward it reports to Foreman, please follow":["Si desea configurar Puppet para reenviar los informes a Foreman, vaya a"],"Ignore Puppet facts for provisioning":["Ignorar eventos Puppet para aprovisionamiento"],"Ignore facts for domain":[""],"Ignore facts for operating system":[""],"Ignore interfaces that match these values during facts importing, you can use * wildcard to match names with indexes e.g. macvtap*":["Ignorar interfaces que coincidan con estos valores durante la importación de eventos, puede utilizar el comodín * para coincidir con los nombres con índices, por ejemplo, macvtap*"],"Ignore interfaces with matching identifier":["Ignorar interfaces con identificador de coincidencias"],"Ignored classes in the environments: %s":["Clases ignoradas en los entornos: %s"],"Ignored environment":["Entorno ignorado"],"Ignored environment names resulting in booleans found. Please quote strings like true/false and yes/no in config/ignored_environments.yml.":[""],"Ignored environments: %s":["Entornos ignorados: %s"],"Ignored:":[""],"Image":["Imagen"],"Image Based":["Basado en Imagen"],"Image ID":["ID imagen"],"Image ID as provided by the compute resource, e.g. ami-..":["ID de la imagen facilitado por el recurso de cómputo, ejemplo: ami-.."],"Image path":["Ruta de la imagen"],"Image to use":["Imagen elegida"],"Images":["Imágenes"],"Image|Iam role":["Yosoy rol"],"Image|Name":["Nombre"],"Image|Password":["Contraseña"],"Image|User data":["Datos de usuario"],"Image|Username":["Usuario"],"Image|Uuid":["Uuid"],"Import":["Importar"],"Import IPv4 subnets":["Importar subredes de IPv4"],"Import VM %s":[""],"Import classes from %s":["Importar clases desde %s"],"Import environments from %s":["Importar entornos desde %s"],"Import of facts failed for host %s":["No se pudieron importar los eventos para host %s"],"Import puppet classes from puppet proxy for an environment":["Importar clases puppet desde el proxy puppet de un entorno"],"Import puppet classes from puppet proxy.":["Importar clases puppet desde el proxy puppet."],"Imported IPv4 Subnets":["Subredes de IPv4 importadas"],"In addition to defining which puppet classes get included when building this host type you are also able to assign variables and provisioning information to a host group to further refine the behavior of the puppet runtime.":["Además de definir qué clases de Puppet se incluirán al construir este tipo de host, también puede asignar variables e información de aprovisionamiento a un grupo de hosts y así refinar el comportamiento del tiempo de ejecución de Puppet."],"In order to create the SSH key, the user must be saved first. A 'create_ssh_keys' permission is required too.":[""],"In-line code syntax":["Sintaxis de código en línea"],"Include default value when merging all matching values":["Incluir el valor predeterminado al combinar todos los valores que coinciden"],"Include default value when merging all matching values.":["Incluir valor predeterminado al combinar todos los valores que coinciden"],"Include this host within Foreman reporting":["Incluir este host en el informe de Foreman"],"Included Classes":["Clases incluidas"],"Included Config Groups":["Grupos de configuración Incluidos"],"Incorrect password":["Contraseña incorrecta"],"Incorrect username or password":["Nombre de usuario o contraseña incorrectos"],"Independent - Nonpersistent":[""],"Independent - Persistent":[""],"Infrastructure":["Infraestructura"],"Inherit parent (%s)":["Heredar padre (%s)"],"Inherited Classes from %s":[""],"Inherits from subnet VLAN ID if not set":["Hereda del ID de VLAN de la subred si no está establecido"],"Input":["Entrada"],"Installation Media":["Medio de Instalación"],"Installation media":["Medio de Instalación"],"Installation medium configuration":["Configuración del medio de instalación"],"Installed":["Instalado"],"Interface":["Interfaz"],"Interface is down":["La interfaz está inactiva."],"Interface is up":["La interfaz está activa."],"Interface provider, e.g. IPMI. Only for BMC interfaces.":["Proveedor de interfaz, p.ej., IPMI. Solo para interfaces BMC."],"Interface type, e.g. bmc. Default is %{default_nic_type}":["Tipo de interfaz, por ejemplo, bmc. El tipo predeterminado es %{default_nic_type}"],"Interface's DNS name":["Nombre de DNS de la interfaz"],"Interfaces":["Interfaces"],"Internal DB":["Base de datos interna"],"Internal network":["Red interna"],"Interpolate ERB in parameters":["Interpolar ERB en parámetros"],"Invalid %s selection, you must select at least one of yours":["Selección %s no válida, debe seleccionar al menos uno de los suyos"],"Invalid Host":["Host no válido"],"Invalid architecture '%{arch}' for '%{os}'":["Arquitectura '%{arch}' no válida para '%{os}'"],"Invalid architecture for %s":["Arquitectura no válida para %s"],"Invalid authenticity token":["Token de autenticación no válido"],"Invalid log level: %s":["Nivel de registro no válido: %s"],"Invalid medium '%{medium}' for '%{os}'":["Medio '%{medium}' no válido para '%{os}'"],"Invalid medium for %s":["Medio no válido para %s"],"Invalid power state request: %{action}, supported actions are %{supported}":["Solicitud de estado de energía no es válida: %{action}, las acciones %{supported} son ${supported}"],"Invalid proxy selected!":["¡El proxy seleccionado no es válido!"],"Invalid query":["Consulta no válida"],"Invalid report":["Informe no válido"],"Invalid search query: %s":["Consulta de búsqueda no válida: %s"],"Invalid smart-proxy id":["Id de smart-proxy inválido"],"Invalid type for host creation via facts: %s":["Tipo no válido para la creación de host mediante eventos: %s"],"Invalid version format, please enter in x.y (only major version).":["Formato de versión no válido, ingrese x.y (solo versión principal)."],"Is the cron job that executes %s enabled?":["¿Está habilitada la tarea programada que ejecuta %s?"],"Issue tracker":["Seguimiento de incidencias"],"It is not possible to assign provisioning templates at this stage.":["No es posible asignar plantillas de aprovisionamiento en esta etapa."],"It is not recommended to unlock this template, as it is provided by %{vendor} and may be overwritten. Please consider cloning it instead.":["No se recomienda desbloquear esta plantilla, ya que la proporciona %{vendor} y es posible que se sobrescriba. Considere clonarla, en cambio."],"Item":["Elemento"],"Iterating":["Reiterando"],"JSON VM listing is not supported for this compute resource.":["La lista JSON VM no se admite en este recurso de computación."],"JSON object of the scheduler hint":["Objeto JSON del indicador de programador"],"Keep selected hosts for a future action":["Conservar los host seleccionados para una acción futura"],"Key Binding":["Combinación de teclas"],"Key not connected to any compute resource":[""],"Key pair":["Par de llaves"],"Key used with other compute resource":[""],"KeyPair|Name":["Nombre"],"KeyPair|Public":["Pública"],"KeyPair|Secret":["Secreta"],"Kind":["Clase"],"LDAP Authentication":["Autenticación LDAP"],"LDAP authentication":["Autenticación LDAP"],"LDAP authentication sources":["Fuentes de autenticación LDAP"],"LDAP error - %{message}":["Error LDAP - %{message}"],"LDAP filter":["Filtro LDAP"],"LDAP server":["Servidor LDAP"],"LDAP users will have their Foreman account automatically created the first time they log into Foreman":["Los usuarios LDAP dispondrán de su cuenta Foreman que se crea automáticamente la primera vez que ingresen a Foreman"],"Language":["Idioma"],"Last Report":["Último informe"],"Last report":["Último informe"],"Last updated %s ago":["Última actualización hace %s"],"Latest Events":["Últimos eventos"],"Learn more about this in the documentation.":["Obtener más información acerca de esto en la documentación."],"Legacy Puppet hostname":["Nombre de host del Puppet legado"],"Length":[""],"Level":["Nivel"],"Libvirt default console address":["Dirección de la consola predeterminada de Libvirt"],"Libvirt, oVirt, OpenStack and Rackspace":["Libvirt, oVirt, OpenStack y Rackspace"],"Limit rebuild steps, valid steps are %{host_rebuild_steps}":[""],"List LDAP authentication sources per location":["Enumerar las fuentes de autenticación LDAP por ubicación"],"List LDAP authentication sources per organization":["Enumerar las fuentes de autenticación LDAP por organización"],"List all :resource_id":["Listar todo :resource_id"],"List all LDAP authentication sources":["Listar todas las fuentes de autenticación LDAP"],"List all Puppet class IDs for host":["Listar todos los ID de clases Puppet para host"],"List all Puppet class IDs for host group":["Listar todos los ID de clases Puppet del grupo de hosts"],"List all Puppet classes":["Listar todas las clases Puppet"],"List all Puppet classes for a host":["Listar todas las clases Puppet de un host"],"List all Puppet classes for a host group":["Listar todas las clases Puppet de un grupo de hosts"],"List all Puppet classes for an environment":["Listar todas las clases Puppet de un entorno"],"List all SSH keys for a user":["Enumerar todas las llaves SSH para un usuario"],"List all architectures":["Listar todas las arquitecturas"],"List all architectures for operating system":["Listar las arquitecturas por sistema operativo"],"List all audits":["Listar todas las auditorías"],"List all audits for a given host":["Listar todas las auditorías de un host determinado"],"List all autosign entries":["Listar todas las entradas autofirmadas"],"List all bookmarks":["Listar todos los marcadores"],"List all compute resources":["Listar todos los recursos de cómputo"],"List all environments":["Listar todos los entornos"],"List all external user groups for LDAP authentication source":["Listar los grupos de usuarios externos para la fuente de autenticación LDAP"],"List all external user groups for user group":["Listar todos los grupos de usuarios externos para el grupo de usuarios"],"List all fact values":["Listar todos los valores de eventos"],"List all fact values of a given host":["Listar todos los valores de eventos de un host determinado"],"List all filters":["Listar todos los filtros"],"List all global parameters.":["Listar todos los parámetros globales."],"List all hardware models":["Listar todos los modelos de hardware"],"List all host groups":["Listar todos los grupos de hosts"],"List all host groups for a Puppet class":["Listarr los grupos de hosts para una clase Puppet"],"List all host groups per location":["Listar los grupos de hosts por ubicación"],"List all host groups per organization":["Listar todos los grupos de hosts por organización"],"List all hosts":["Listar todos los hosts"],"List all hosts for a host group":["Listar todos los hosts para un grupo de hosts"],"List all images for a compute resource":["Listar todas las imágenes de un recurso de cómputo"],"List all images for architecture":["Listar todas las imágenes para arquitectura"],"List all images for operating system":["Listar todas las imágenes para el sistema operativo"],"List all installation media":["Listar todos los medios de instalación"],"List all interfaces for domain":["Listar todas las interfaces por dominio"],"List all interfaces for host":["Listar todas las interfaces por host"],"List all interfaces for subnet":["Listar todas las interfaces por subred"],"List all media for an operating system":["Listar todos los medios para un sistema operativo"],"List all media per location":["Listar todos los medios por ubicación"],"List all media per organization":["Listar todos los medios por organización"],"List all operating systems":["Listar todos los sistemas operativos"],"List all operating systems for nested architecture":["Listar todos los sistemas operativos por arquitectura anidada"],"List all operating systems for nested medium":["Listar todos los sistemas operativos por medios anidados"],"List all operating systems for nested partition table":["Listar todos los sistemas operativos por tablas de particiones anidadas"],"List all operating systems for nested provisioning template":["Listar todos los sistemas operativos por plantilla de aprovisionamiento anidada"],"List all parameters for a domain":["Listar todos los parámetros de un dominio"],"List all parameters for a host":["Listar todos los parámetros de un host"],"List all parameters for a host group":["Listar todos los parámetros de un grupo de hosts"],"List all parameters for a location":["Listar todos los parámetros de una ubicación"],"List all parameters for a subnet":["Enumerar todos los parámetros para una subred"],"List all parameters for an operating system":["Listar todos los parámetros de un sistema operativo"],"List all parameters for an organization":["Listar todos los parámetros de una organización"],"List all partition tables":["Listar todas las tablas de particiones"],"List all partition tables for an operating system":["Listar todas las tablas de particiones para un sistema operativo"],"List all partition tables per location":["Listar todas las tablas de partición por ubicación"],"List all partition tables per organization":["Listar todas las tablas de partición por organización"],"List all permissions":["Listar todos los permisos"],"List all reports":["Listar todos los informes"],"List all roles":["Listar todos los roles"],"List all settings":["Listar todos los parámetros"],"List all smart class parameters":["Listar todos los parámetros de clase inteligentes"],"List all smart proxies":["Listar todos los proxis inteligentes"],"List all smart variables":["Listar todas las variables inteligentes"],"List all tasks for a given orchestration event":["Listar todas las tareas para un evento de orquestación determinado"],"List all template kinds":["Listar todas las clases de plantillas"],"List all user groups":["Listar todos los grupos de usuarios"],"List all users":["Listar todos los usuarios"],"List all users for LDAP authentication source":["Listar los usuarios por fuente de autenticación LDAP"],"List all users for location":["Listar todos los usuarios por ubicación"],"List all users for organization":["Listar todos los usuarios por organización"],"List all users for role":["Listar todos los usuarios por rol"],"List all users for user group":["Listar todos los usuarios por grupo de usuarios"],"List attributes for a given storage domain":["Listar atributos para un dominio de almacenamiento determinado"],"List attributes for a given storage pod":["Listar atributos para un dominio de almacenamiento determinado"],"List available clusters for a compute resource":["Listar todos los clústeres disponibles para un recurso de cómputo"],"List available flavors for a compute resource":["Listar tipos disponibles para un recurso de computación"],"List available folders for a compute resource":["Listar carpetas disponibles de un recurso de cómputo"],"List available images for a compute resource":["Listar todas las imágenes disponibles para un recurso de cómputo"],"List available networks for a compute resource":["Listar todas las redes disponibles para un recurso de cómputo"],"List available networks for a compute resource cluster":["Listar todas las redes para un clúster de recursos de cómputo"],"List available resource types.":["Listar todos los tipos de recursos disponibles."],"List available security groups for a compute resource":["Listar los grupos de seguridad disponibles para un recurso de computación"],"List available zone for a compute resource":["Listar zonas disponibles para un recurso de computación"],"List boot files for an operating system":["Listar archivos de arranque para un sistema operativo"],"List default templates combinations for an operating system":["Listar las combinaciones de plantillas predeterminadas para un sistema operativo"],"List environments of Puppet class":["Listar entornos de clase Puppet"],"List environments per location":["Listar entornos por ubicación"],"List environments per organization":["Listar entornos por organización"],"List hosts per environment":["Listar hosts por entorno"],"List hosts per location":["Listar hosts por ubicación"],"List hosts per organization":["Listar hosts por organización"],"List installed plugins":["Listar complementos instalados"],"List of compute profiles":["Listar perfiles de computación"],"List of config groups":["Lista de grupos de computación"],"List of domains":["Lista de dominios"],"List of domains per location":["Listar dominios por ubicación"],"List of domains per organization":["Listar dominios por organización"],"List of domains per subnet":["Lista de dominios por subred"],"List of email notifications":["Lista de notificaciones por correo electrónico"],"List of hosts which answer to the provided query":["Lista de hosts que han respondido a la búsqueda"],"List of override values for a specific smart class parameter":["Lista de valores de sobrescritura para un parámetro específico de clase inteligente"],"List of override values for a specific smart variable":["Lista de valores sobrescritos para una variable inteligente específica"],"List of realms":["Lista de reinos"],"List of resources types that will be automatically associated":["Lista de tipos de recurso que se asociarán automáticamente"],"List of smart class parameters for a specific Puppet class":["Lista de parámetros de clase inteligentes para una clase Puppet específica"],"List of smart class parameters for a specific environment":["Lista de parámetros de clase inteligentes para un entorno determinado"],"List of smart class parameters for a specific environment/Puppet class combination":["Lista de parámetros de clase inteligentes para una combinación determinada entorno/clase Puppet"],"List of smart class parameters for a specific host":["Lista de parámetros de clase inteligentes para un host determinado"],"List of smart class parameters for a specific host group":["Lista de parámetros de clase inteligentes para un grupo de hosts determinado"],"List of smart variables for a specific Puppet class":["Lista de parámetros de clase inteligentes para una clase Puppet determinada"],"List of smart variables for a specific host":["Lista de parámetros de clase inteligentes para un host determinado"],"List of smart variables for a specific host group":["Lista de parámetros de clase inteligentes para un grupo de hosts determinado"],"List of subnets":["Lista de subredes"],"List of subnets for a domain":["Listarr subredes para un dominio"],"List of subnets per location":["Lista de subredes por ubicación"],"List of subnets per organization":["Lista de subredes por organización"],"List operating systems where this template is set as a default":["Lista de sistemas operativos en donde esta plantilla se establece de forma predeterminada"],"List provisioning templates":["Listar plantillas de aprovisionamiento"],"List provisioning templates per location":["Listar plantillas de aprovisionamiento por ubicación"],"List provisioning templates per operating system":["Listar plantillas de aprovisionamiento por sistema operativo"],"List provisioning templates per organization":["Listar plantillas de aprovisionamiento por organización"],"List resource pools for a compute resource cluster":["Listar grupos de recursos para un clúster de recursos de cómputo"],"List storage domains for a compute resource":["Listar dominios de almacenamiento de un recurso de cómputo"],"List storage pods for a compute resource":["Listar dominios de almacenamiento de un recurso de computación"],"List template combination":["Listar combinaciones de plantillas"],"Load Datacenters":["Cargar centros de datos"],"Load Regions":["Cargar regiones"],"Load Tenants":["Cargar inquilinos"],"Load Zones":["Cargar zonas"],"Loading":["Carga"],"Loading ...":["Cargando..."],"Loading BMC information ...":["Cargando información BMC..."],"Loading NICs information ...":["Cargando información NIC..."],"Loading SSH keys information ...":[""],"Loading VM information ...":["Cargando información de máquina virtual"],"Loading filters ...":["Cargando filtros ..."],"Loading host information ...":["Cargando información de host..."],"Loading images information ...":["Cargando información de imágenes..."],"Loading interfaces information ...":["Cargando información de interfaces..."],"Loading parameters...":["Cargando parámetros..."],"Loading power state ...":["Cargando estado de energía ..."],"Loading resources information ...":["Cargando información de recursos..."],"Loading runtime information ...":["Cargando información de tiempo de ejecución..."],"Loading template information ...":["Cargando información de plantillas..."],"Loading virtual machine information ...":["Cargando información de máquina virtual..."],"Loading virtual machines information ...":["Cargando información de máquinas virtuales..."],"Local boot %s template":[""],"Local time":["Hora local"],"Location":["Ubicación"],"Location Distribution":["Distribución de ubicaciones"],"Location fact":["Evento de la ubicación"],"Location parameters":["Parámetros de la ubicación"],"Location with id %{id} not found":["No se encontró ubicación con ID %{id}"],"Location you had selected as your context has been deleted.":["La ubicación seleccionada como contexto ha sido eliminada."],"Location/Organization":["Ubicación/Organización"],"Locations":["Ubicaciones"],"Locations also work nicely when used in tandem with %{organizations}.":["Las ubicaciones también funcionan bien cuando se utilizan en conjunto con %{organizations}."],"Locations are used to manage and differentiate the physical place where a system managed via Foreman is housed. For example, there might be a data center in London and one in Virginia; these are locations.":["Las ubicaciones se usan para administrar y diferenciar el lugar físico donde se almacena un sistema administrado a través de Foreman. Por ejemplo, puede haber un centro de datos en Londres y otro en Virginia; estas son ubicaciones."],"Lock":["Bloqueo"],"Log In":[""],"Log entry details":["Detalles de la entrada de registro"],"Log out":["Cerrar sesión"],"Log out idle users after a certain number of minutes":["Cerrar sesión de los usuarios inactivos después de un número concreto de minutos"],"Logged out - See you soon":["Sesión cerrada - Hasta pronto'"],"Logged-in":["Conectados"],"Login":["Ingreso"],"Login delegation logout URL":["URL de desconexión de delegación de inicio de sesión"],"Login page footer text":["Texto del pie de la página de inicio de sesión"],"Logout":["Salida"],"Lookup key":["Llave de búsqueda"],"Lookup value":["Valor de búsqueda"],"LookupKey|Avoid duplicates":[""],"LookupKey|Default value":["Valor predeterminado"],"LookupKey|Description":[""],"LookupKey|Is param":[""],"LookupKey|Key":[""],"LookupKey|Key type":[""],"LookupKey|Merge overrides":[""],"LookupKey|Override":[""],"LookupKey|Path":[""],"LookupKey|Puppetclass lookup key":[""],"LookupKey|Required":[""],"LookupKey|Validator rule":[""],"LookupKey|Validator type":[""],"LookupKey|Variable lookup values count":[""],"LookupValue|Match":["Concordancia"],"LookupValue|Value":["Valor"],"MAC":["MAC"],"MAC Address":["Dirección MAC"],"MAC address":["Dirección MAC"],"MAC address of interface. Required for managed interfaces on bare metal.":["Dirección MAC de la interfaz. Requerida para interfaces administradas bare metal."],"MAC address to reuse the IP for this host":["Dirección MAC para reutilizar la IP de este host"],"MAC-based":["Basado en MAC"],"Machine Type":["Tipo de máquina"],"Machine type":["Tipo de máquina"],"Mailing lists":["Listas de distribución"],"Mailing lists are available via Google Groups. Much like IRC, we have a general users (support, Q/A, etc) lists and a development list:":["Hay listas de correo disponibles vía Google Groups. Como en IRC, tenemos listas generales de usuarios (soporte, Q/A, etc) y listas de desarrollo:"],"Manage":["Administrar"],"Manage Locations":["Administrar ubicaciones"],"Manage Organizations":["Administrar organizaciones"],"Manage PuppetCA":["Administrar PuppetCA"],"Manage host":["Administrar host"],"Managed IP":["IP administrada"],"Manual":["Manual"],"Manually Assign":["Asignar manualmente"],"Manually select and assign hosts with no %s":["Seleccionar de forma manual y asignar hosts sin %s"],"Matcher is a combination of an attribute and its value, if they match, the value below would be provided.<br> You may use any attribute Foreman knows about, such as facts etc for example: <code> domain = </code> or <code> is_virtual = true</code>.":["La concordancia es la combinación de un atributo y su valor; si coinciden, se proporcionará el valor a continuación.<br> Puede utilizar cualquier atributo que Foreman conozca, como eventos, etc., por ejemplo: <code> domain = </code> o <code> is_virtual = true</code>."],"Max days for Trends graphs":["Número de días máximo para los gráficos de tendencia"],"Max timeout for REST client requests to smart-proxy":["Tiempo de espera máximo para solicitudes de cliente REST a Smart-Proxy"],"Max trends":["Tendencias máx."],"Media":["Medios"],"Media ID":["ID de medios"],"Media access control address for this interface. Format must be six groups of two hexadecimal digits <br/> separated by colons (:), e.g. 00:11:22:33:44:55. Most virtualization compute resources (e.g. VMware, oVirt, libvirt) <br/> will overwrite the provided value with new random MAC address.":[""],"Medium":["Medio"],"Medium IDs":["ID de medio"],"Medium|Config path":["Directorio de configuración"],"Medium|Image path":["Ruta de imágenes"],"Medium|Media path":["Ruta de medios"],"Medium|Name":["Nombre"],"Medium|Os family":["Familia de sistema operativo"],"Medium|Path":["Ruta"],"Memory":["Memoria"],"Memory (MB)":["Memoria (MB)"],"Memory hot add":["Función de agregado en caliente de la memoria"],"Memory hot add lets you add memory resources for a virtual machine while the machine is powered on.":["La función de agregado en caliente de la memoria permite añadir recursos de memoria para una máquina virtual mientras la máquina se enciende."],"Merge all matching values (only array/hash type)":["Combinar todos los valores que coinciden (solo tipo array/hash)"],"Message":["Mensaje"],"Message|Digest":["Asimilar"],"Message|Value":["Valor"],"Metadata":["Metadados"],"Method %{method} not found for resource %{resource}.":["Método %{method} no encontrado para el recurso %{resource}."],"Method used to deliver email":["Método utilizado para enviar correo electrónico"],"Metrics":["Métrica"],"Minutes Ago":["Hace minutos"],"Mismatch Details":["Detalles de la discordancia"],"Mismatches":["Discordancias"],"Mismatches Report":["Informe de discordancias"],"Missing one of the required permissions: %s":["Falta uno de los permisos requeridos: %s."],"Model":["Modelo"],"Model|Hardware model":["Modelo de hardware"],"Model|Hosts count":["Conteo de hosts"],"Model|Info":["Información"],"Model|Name":["Nombre"],"Model|Vendor class":["Tipo de vendedor"],"Modified":["Modificado"],"Module path":["Ruta del módulo"],"Monitor":["Monitor"],"Monthly":["Mensualmente"],"Must provide an operating system":["Debe proporcionar un sistema operativo"],"Must provide template kind":["Se debe especificar el tipo de plantilla"],"Must specify a user with email enabled":["Debe especificar un usuario con el correo-e habilitado"],"Must specify a valid user with email enabled":["Debe especificar un usuario válido con el correo-e habilitado"],"My account":["Mi cuenta"],"N/A":["N/D"],"NA":["ND"],"NIC":["NIC"],"NIC type":["Tipo NIC"],"NICs":["NIC"],"Name":["Nombre"],"Name of media":["Nombre de medio"],"Name of the external auth source where unknown externally authentication users (see authorize_login_delegation) should be created (keep unset to prevent the autocreation)":["Nombre de la fuente de autenticación externa donde se deben crear los usuarios externos desconocidos (ver authorize_login_delegation), (mantenerlo no asignado para evitar la creación automática)"],"Name of the host group":["Nombre del grupo de hosts"],"Name of the parameter":["Nombre del parámetro"],"Name of variable":["Nombre de la variable"],"Nest":["Anidar"],"Netmask":["Mascara de red"],"Netmask for this subnet":["Máscara para esta subred"],"Network":["Red"],"Network Based":["Basado en red"],"Network can't be blank":["La red no puede estar en blanco"],"Network interfaces":["Interfaces de red"],"Network interfaces management has been moved to the Interfaces tab. Please set your interfaces there.":["La administración de las interfaces de red se ha movido a la pestaña Interfaces. Configure sus interfaces allí."],"Network prefix":["Prefijo de red"],"Network type":["Tipo de red"],"New":["nuevo"],"New Autosign Entry":["Nueva entrada autofirmado"],"New Event":[""],"New Events":[""],"New Hosts":["Nuevos hosts"],"New Location":["Nueva ubicación"],"New Organization":["Nueva organización"],"New SSH key":[""],"New Virtual Machine":["Nueva máquina virtual"],"New boot volume size (GB)":["Nuevo tamaño de volumen de inicio (GB)"],"New compute profile on %s":["Nuevo perfil de cómputo en %s"],"New filter":["Nuevo filtro"],"New window":["Nueva ventana"],"Nic::Base|Attached devices":["Dispositivos vinculados"],"Nic::Base|Attached to":["Vinculado a"],"Nic::Base|Attrs":["Atributos"],"Nic::Base|Bond options":["Opciones de vínculo"],"Nic::Base|Identifier":["Identificador"],"Nic::Base|Ip":["IP"],"Nic::Base|Link":["Enlace"],"Nic::Base|Mac":["Mac"],"Nic::Base|Managed":["Administrado"],"Nic::Base|Mode":["Modo"],"Nic::Base|Name":["Nombre"],"Nic::Base|Password":["Contraseña"],"Nic::Base|Provider":["Proveedor"],"Nic::Base|Tag":["Etiqueta"],"Nic::Base|Username":["Nombre de usuario"],"Nic::Base|Virtual":["Virtual"],"No %{template_kind} templates were found for this host, make sure you define at least one in your %{os} settings or change PXE loader":["No se encontraron plantillas %{template_kind} para este host; asegúrese de definir al menos una en la configuración de su %{os} o cambie el cargador PXE"],"No BMC NIC available for host %s":["No hay NIC del BMC disponible para el host %s"],"No IPv4 subnets selected":["No se seleccionaron subredes de IPv4"],"No Notifications":[""],"No TFTP feature":["Ninguna funcionalidad TFTP"],"No TFTP proxies defined, can't continue":["No se han definido proxis TFTP, no puede continuar"],"No audit changes for this period":["No hay cambios de auditoría para este período"],"No bridges":["Ningún puente"],"No changes":["Sin cambios"],"No changes found when refreshing features from %s.":["No se encontraron cambios durante la actualización de funcionalidades desde %s"],"No changes to your environments detected":["No se detectaron cambios en sus entornos"],"No compute resource to show":["No hay recursos de cómputo para mostrar"],"No data available":[""],"No data for this trend.":["No hay datos para esta tendencia."],"No documentation found":["No se encontró la documentación"],"No domains":["Sin dominios"],"No emails":["No correo-e"],"No entries found":["No se encontraron entradas"],"No environment selected!":["¡Ningún entorno seleccionado!"],"No environments found":["No se encontraron entornos"],"No features found on this proxy, please make sure you enable at least one feature":["No se han encontrado funciones en este proxy, por favor asegúrese de que haya por lo menos una función habilitada"],"No finish templates were found for this host, make sure you define at least one in your %s settings":["No se han encontrado plantillas de finalizado para este host, asegúrese de que exista por lo menos una plantilla definida en los parámetros %s"],"No free ports available for websockify, try again later":["No hay puertos libres disponibles para websockify, intente de nuevo más tarde."],"No history found":["No se encontró historial"],"No host could be found for rendering the template":["No se pudo encontrar ningún host para reproducir la plantilla."],"No host found to associate this VM with":["No se encontró ningún host a asociar con esta máquina virtual"],"No host group selected!":["¡No se ha seleccionado un grupo de hosts!"],"No hosts are mismatched!":["¡Ningún hosts es discordante!"],"No hosts available.":["No hay hosts disponibles."],"No hosts selected":["Ningún host seleccionado"],"No hosts were found with that id, name or query filter":[""],"No interesting reports received in the last week":["No se han recibido informes interesantes en la última semana"],"No logs to show":["No hay registros para mostrar"],"No matching server groups found":["No se encontraron grupos de servidores que coincidan"],"No networks":["No hay redes"],"No networks found.":["No se encontraron redes."],"No new IPv4 subnets found":["No se encontraron subredes de IPv4 nuevas"],"No or invalid power state selected!":["¡No se seleccionó un estado de energía o el estado seleccionado no es válido!"],"No owner selected!":["¡No se seleccionó ningún propietario!"],"No parameters to override for Puppet class %s":["No hay parámetros para sobrescribir la clase Puppet %s"],"No parameters were allocated to the selected hosts, can't mass assign.":["No se asignaron parámetros a los hosts seleccionados, no se puede realizar una asignación masiva."],"No plugins found":["No se encontraron complementos"],"No preference":["Sin preferencia"],"No proxy found to import classes from, ensure that the smart proxy has the Puppet feature enabled.":["No se encontró el Proxy para importar clases, asegúrese de que el proxy inteligente tenga la funcionalidad Puppet habilitada."],"No proxy selected!":["¡No se seleccionó ningún proxy!"],"No puppet activity for this host in the last %s days":["No ha habido actividad de Puppet en este host en los últimos %s días"],"No report":["No hay informe"],"No reports":["No hay informes"],"No setting value provided.":["No hay ningún valor de configuración."],"No smart proxies found.":["No se encontraron proxis inteligentes."],"No smart proxies to show":["No hay proxis inteligentes para mostrar"],"No smart proxy was found to import environments from, ensure that at least one smart proxy is registered with the 'puppet' feature.":["No se encontró un Smart Proxy desde el cual importar entornos, asegúrese de que al menos se haya registrado uno con la funcionalidad 'puppet'."],"No subnets":["No hay subredes"],"No template with kind %{kind} for %{host}":["No hay ninguna plantilla con tipo %{kind} para %{host}."],"No templates found":["No se encontraron plantillas"],"No templates found for this host.":["No se encontraron plantillas para este host."],"No templates found!":["¡No se han encontrado plantillas!"],"No trend counter defined":["No hay ningún contador de tendencias definido."],"No trend counter found":["No se encontró ningún contador de tendencias."],"None":["Ninguno"],"None found":["No se encontró ninguno."],"None!":["Ninguno"],"Normal":["Normal"],"Normally when setting up a Compute Resource, a key pair (private and public) is created for you automatically.":[""],"Not Installed":["No instalado"],"Not authorized to edit classes":["No autorizado para editar clases"],"Not implemented":["No implementado"],"Not implemented for %s":["No implementado para %s"],"Not relevant for snippet":["no es relevante para 'snippet'"],"Nothing to add":["Nada que añadir"],"Nothing to show":["Nada que mostrar"],"Notice":["Aviso"],"Notices, warnings and errors":["Avisos, advertencias y errores"],"Notification disabled":["Notificaciones inhabilitadas"],"Notifications":["Notificaciones"],"Number Of Clients":["Número de clientes"],"Number of CPUs":["Número de CPU"],"Number of Events":["Número de eventos"],"Number of Hosts":["Número de hosts"],"Number of classes":["Cantidad de clases"],"Number of overrides":["Cantidad de sustituciones"],"Number of records shown per page in Foreman":["Número de elementos por página mostrados en Foreman"],"Numerical ID or domain name":["ID numérico o nombre de dominio"],"Numerical ID or email notification name":["ID numérica o nombre de la notificación por correo electrónico"],"Numerical ID or realm name":["ID numérico o nombre del reino"],"OAuth active":["OAuth activa"],"OAuth consumer key":["Llave de consumidor OAuth"],"OAuth consumer secret":["Llave secreta de consumidor OAuth "],"OAuth map users":["OAuth mapea usuarios"],"OK":["Aceptar"],"OS 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P.ej., 6"],"OS minor version from facter; e.g. 5":["Versión mayor del SO procedente de facter. P.e.j., 5"],"OS name from facter; e.g. RedHat":["Nombre del SO procedente de facter; p. e.j., RedHat"],"Obsolete":["Obsoleto"],"Off":["Apagado"],"Ok":["Aceptar"],"Old":["Viejo"],"Omit":["Omitir"],"Omit from classification output":["Omitir del resultado de clasificación"],"Omit parameter from classification":["Omitir parámetro de la clasificación"],"On":["Encendido"],"Only for BMC interfaces.":["Solamente para interfaces BMC."],"Only known Smart Proxies may access features that use Smart Proxy authentication":["Solo los Proxy inteligentes conocidos pueden acceder a las funcionalidades que utilizan la autenticación de Proxy inteligente"],"Only one declaration of a proxy is allowed":["Solo se permite una declaración"],"Only one volume can be bootable":["Solo un volumen puede ser arrancable"],"Oops!!":["¡Error!"],"Oops, we're sorry but something went wrong":["Lo sentimos algo ha salido mal"],"Open Spice in a new window":["Abrir Spice en una nueva ventana"],"Operating System":["Sistema operativo"],"Operating System version is required":["Se requiere la versión del sistema operativo"],"Operating Systems":["Sistemas operativos"],"Operating system":["Sistema operativo"],"Operating system ID":["ID del sistema operativo"],"Operating system IDs":["ID de sistemas operativos"],"Operating system default":["Sistema operativo predeterminado"],"Operating system family":["Familia del sistema operativo"],"Operating system family, available values: %{operatingsystem_families}":["Familia de sistema operativo, valores disponibles: %{operatingsystem_families}"],"Operating system version already exists":["La versión del sistema operativo ya existe."],"Operating systems":["Sistemas operativos"],"Operating systems API supported?":["¿API de sistemas operativos compatible?"],"Operatingsystem":["Sistema operativo"],"Operatingsystem|Description":["Descripción"],"Operatingsystem|Hostgroups count":["Conteo de Hostgroups"],"Operatingsystem|Hosts count":["Conteo de hosts"],"Operatingsystem|Major":["Principal"],"Operatingsystem|Minor":["Secundario"],"Operatingsystem|Name":["Nombre"],"Operatingsystem|Nameindicator":["Indicador de nombre"],"Operatingsystem|Password hash":["Hash de contraseña"],"Operatingsystem|Release name":["Nombre de lanzamiento"],"Operatingsystem|Title":["Título"],"Operation":["Operación"],"Operators":["Operadores"],"Optional array of log hashes":["Array opcional de hash de registro"],"Optional comma-delimited string containing either 'new', 'updated', or 'obsolete' that is used to limit the imported Puppet classes":["Cadena opcional delimitada por comas, que contiene 'nuevo', 'actualizado' u 'obsoleto', utilizada para limitar las clases Puppet importadas."],"Optional input validator":["Validador de entrada opcional"],"Optional parameter without value.<br/><i>Still managed by Foreman, the value will be empty.</i><br/>":["Parámetro opcional sin valor.<br/><i>Aún administrado por Foreman, el valor estará vacío.</i><br/>"],"Optional: Ending IP Address for IP auto suggestion":["Opcional: Última dirección para autosugerencia de IP"],"Optional: Gateway for this subnet":["Opcional: Puerta de enlace para esta subred"],"Optional: Primary DNS for this subnet":["Opcional: DNS primario para esta subred"],"Optional: Secondary DNS for this subnet":["Opcional: DNS secundario para esta subred"],"Optional: Starting IP Address for IP auto suggestion":["Opcional: Primera dirección para autosugerencia de IP"],"Optional: VLAN ID for this subnet":["Opcional: ID de VLAN para esta subred"],"Optionally provide a CA, or a correctly ordered CA chain. If left blank, a self-signed CA will be populated automatically by the server during the first request.":["Como opción proporcione una CA, o una cadena de CA correctamente ordenada. Si se deja en blanco, el servidor rellenará automáticamente una CA autofirmada durante la primera solicitud. "],"Order":["Orden"],"Organization":["Organización"],"Organization Distribution":["Distribución de organizaciones"],"Organization fact":["Evento de la organización"],"Organization parameters":["Parámetros de la organización"],"Organization with id %{id} not found":["No se encontró organización con ID %{id}"],"Organization you had selected as your context has been deleted.":["La organización seleccionada como contexto ha sido eliminada."],"Organizations":["Organizaciones"],"Organizations also work nicely in tandem with %{locations}.":["Las organizaciones también funcionan bien en conjunto con %{locations}."],"Original value info":["Información del valor original"],"Other reports for this host":["Otros informes paraeste host"],"Out of sync":["Fuera de sincronía"],"Out of sync hosts":["Hosts desincronizados"],"Out of sync hosts with alerts enabled":["Hosts no sincronizados con alertas habilitadas"],"Out of sync interval":["Intervalo fuera de sincronización"],"Override all parameters":["Sobrescribir todos los parámetros"],"Override match":["Sustituir coincidencia"],"Override the default value of the Puppet class parameter.":["Sustituir el valor predeterminado del parámetro de clase Puppet"],"Override this value":["Sobrescribir este valor"],"Override value, required if omit is false":["Sobrescribir valor; obligatorio si omit es false"],"Overview":["Visión general"],"Overwrite":["Sobrescribir"],"Owned By":["Propiedad de"],"Owner":["Propietario"],"Owner changed to %s":["Propietario cambiado a %s"],"Owner type needs to be one of the following: %s":["El tipo de dueño debe ser uno de los siguientes: %s"],"POAP PXE template":["Plantilla PXE POAP"],"PXE":["PXE"],"PXE Loader":["Cargador de PXE"],"PXE files for templates %s have been deployed to all Smart Proxies":[""],"PXE loader":["Cargador PXE"],"PXEGrub template":["Plantilla PXEGrub"],"PXEGrub2 template":["Plantilla PXEGrub2"],"PXELinux template":["Plantilla PXELinux "],"Param name":["Nombre de parámetro"],"Parameter":["Parámetro"],"Parameter details":["Detalles del parámetro"],"Parameter value":["Valor del parámetro"],"Parameterized classes in ENC":["Clases parametrizadas en ENC"],"Parameters":["Parámetros"],"Parameters for host's %s facet":["Parámetros para la faceta %s del host"],"Parameters that would be associated with hosts in this %s":["Parámetros que serían asociados con hosts en este %s"],"Parameter|Hidden value":["Valor oculto"],"Parameter|Name":["Nombre"],"Parameter|Priority":["Prioridad"],"Parameter|Value":["Valor"],"Params":["Parámetros"],"Parent":["Padre"],"Parent ID":["ID de padre"],"Parent ID of the host group":["ID padre del grupo de hosts"],"Parent is already selected":["El padre ya está seleccionado"],"Parent parameters":["Parámetros padre"],"Partition Tables":["Tablas de particiones"],"Partition table":["Tabla de particiones"],"Partition table ID":["ID de la tabla de particiones"],"Partition table configuration":["Configuración de la tabla de particiones"],"Partition tables":["Tablas de particiones"],"Partition template IDs":["ID de la plantilla de partición"],"Password":["Contraseña"],"Password for oVirt, EC2, VMware, OpenStack. 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Llave secreta para EC2"],"Password has been changed":["La contraseña ha sido cambiada"],"Password must be 8 characters or more":["La contraseña debe tener al menos 8 caracteres"],"Password to authenticate with - used for SSH finish step.":["Contraseña de autenticación - usada para el paso final de SSH"],"Password to use to authenticate, if required":["Contraseña que se utilizará para la autenticación, si es requerida"],"Password:":["Contraseña:"],"Path":["Ruta"],"Path to template, relative to datacenter (e.g. My templates/RHEL 6)":["Ruta de la plantilla, relativo al centro de datos (p. ej., Mis plantillas/RHEL 6)"],"Pause":["Pausar"],"Paused":["En pausa"],"Pending":["pendiente"],"Pending Hosts":["Hosts pendientes"],"Pending changes":["Cambios pendientes"],"Pending installation":["Instalación pendiente"],"Pending|P":["P"],"Permission":["Permiso"],"Permission denied":["Permiso denegado"],"Permission|Name":["Nombre"],"Permission|Resource type":["Tipo de recursos"],"Permits access to BMC interface passwords through ENC YAML output and in templates":["Permite el acceso a las contraseñas de la interfaz BMC a través de la salida YAML ENC y en plantillas"],"Persistent":["Persistente"],"Photo attribute":["Atributo de foto"],"Physical (Bridge)":["Físico (Puente)"],"Please Confirm":["Confirmar"],"Please Select":["Seleccione"],"Please Select an Image":["Seleccione una imagen"],"Please check the proxy is configured and running on the host.":["Verificar si el Proxy está configurado y ejecutándose en el host."],"Please correct the error(s) below and submit your changes again.":["Corrija los siguientes errores y reenvíe los cambios."],"Please delete all nested groups before deleting it.":["Borre los grupos anidados antes de borrarlo."],"Please enable JavaScript to view the %{comments_href}.":["Active Javascript para visualizar %{comments_href}."],"Please ensure the following parameters name are unique":["Asegúrese de que los siguientes nombres de parámetros sean únicos"],"Please login to %{foreman_url} to change your password":["Ingrese a %{foreman_url} para cambiar la contraseña"],"Please request one of the required permissions listed below from a Foreman administrator:":["Solicite uno de los permisos requeridos que aparecen a continuación a un administrador de Foreman:"],"Please review them carefully, if you are certain that they should be removed, please click on overwrite.":["Revíselo detenidamente, si está seguro de que deben ser borrados, haga clic en sobrescribir."],"Please save the Operating System first and try again.":["Guarde el valor del sistema operativo e intente de nuevo."],"Please save the role first. You can edit it later to add filters":["Guarde el rol. Puede modificarlo más adelante para agregar filtros"],"Please save the user first before assigning mail notifications.":["Guarde el usuario antes de asignar notificaciones de correo-e"],"Please select":["Seleccione"],"Please select a cluster":["Seleccione un clúster."],"Please select an environment first":["Seleccione primero un entorno"],"Please select an image":["Seleccione una imagen"],"Please select hosts to perform action on.":[""],"Please specify volume size. You may optionally use suffix 'G' to specify volume size in gigabytes.":["Por favor especifique el tamaño de volumen. También puede usar el sufijo 'G' para especificar el tamaño del volumen en gigabytes."],"Please try to update your request":["Por favor, intente actualizar su solicitud."],"Please wait while your request is being processed":["Espere mientras se procesa su solicitud."],"Please wait...":["Por favor, espere..."],"Plugins":["Complementos"],"Port to connect to":["Puerto para conectarse con"],"Power":["Energía"],"Power ON this machine":["Encienda la máquina"],"Power operations are not enabled on this host.":["Las operaciones de encendido no están habilitadas en este host."],"Power up compute instance %s":["Encienda la instancia %s"],"Power%s":["Encienda %s"],"Preallocate disk":["Preasigne disco"],"Prefix length can't be blank":["La longitud del prefijo no puede estar en blanco"],"Prefix length must be /64 or less to use EUI-64":["La longitud del prefijo debe ser de /64 o menos para usar EUI-64"],"Prefix to add to all outgoing email":["Prefijo a añadir para todo el correo saliente"],"Prepare post installation script for %s":["Prepare script de posinstalación para %s"],"Preview":["Vista previa"],"Preview rendered provisioning template content":["Vista previa del contenido producido de la plantilla de aprovisionamiento"],"Primary":["Primaria"],"Primary DNS for this subnet":["DNS primaria para esta subred"],"Primary interface's DNS name and domain define host's FQDN":["El nombre y el dominio DNS de la interfaz principal definen el FQDN del host."],"Printing data":["Imprimiendo datos"],"Prioritize attribute order":["Priorizar orden de atributos"],"Private":["Privado"],"Private key file that Foreman will use to encrypt websockets ":["Archivo de clave privada que Foreman utilizará para cifrar websockets"],"Proceed to Edit":["Proceder a editar"],"Properties":["Propiedades"],"Property":["Propiedad"],"Protocol":["Protocolo"],"Provider":["Proveedor"],"Providers include %{providers}":["Los proveedores incluyen %{providers}"],"Provides an unused IP address in this subnet":["Proporciona una dirección IP no utilizada en esta subred"],"Provision":["Aprovisionamiento"],"Provision script had a non zero exit":["El script de aprovisionamiento tenía una salida distinta de cero."],"Provisioning":["Aprovisionamiento"],"Provisioning Method":["Sistema de aprovisionamiento"],"Provisioning Setup":["Configuración de aprovisionamiento"],"Provisioning Template content changed %s":["El contenido de la plantilla de aprovisionamiento ha cambiado %s"],"Provisioning Templates":["Plantillas de aprovisionamiento"],"Provisioning template":["Plantilla de aprovisionamiento"],"Provisioning template IDs":["ID de plantilla de aprovisionamiento"],"Provisioning templates":["Plantillas de aprovisionamiento"],"Provisioning templates are generated using the Embedded Ruby (ERB) language.":["Las plantillas de aprovisionamiento se generan con el idioma Embedded Ruby (ERB)."],"ProvisioningTemplate|Default":["Plantilla de aprovisionamiento|Predeterminada"],"ProvisioningTemplate|Locked":["Plantilla de aprovisionamiento|Bloqueada"],"ProvisioningTemplate|Name":["Plantilla de aprovisionamiento|Nombre"],"ProvisioningTemplate|Snippet":["Plantilla de aprovisionamiento|Snippet"],"ProvisioningTemplate|Template":["Plantilla de aprovisionamiento|Plantilla"],"ProvisioningTemplate|Vendor":["Plantilla de aprovisionamiento|Proveedor"],"Proxies":["Proxis"],"Proxy ID to use within this realm":["ID de proxy que se utilizará dentro de este dominio"],"Proxy request timeout":["Tiempo de espera de la solicitud de proxy"],"Ptable":["Ptable"],"Ptable|Layout":["Distribución"],"Ptable|Locked":["Ptable|Bloqueada"],"Ptable|Name":["Nombre"],"Ptable|Os family":["Familia de sistema operativo"],"Ptable|Snippet":["Ptable|Snippet"],"Public":["Público"],"Public SSH key":["Clave pública SSH"],"Puppet":["Puppet"],"Puppet CA":["CA Puppet"],"Puppet CA proxy ID":["ID del Proxy Puppet CA"],"Puppet Class":["Clase Puppet"],"Puppet Classes":["Clases Puppet"],"Puppet Environment":["Entorno de Puppet"],"Puppet Environments":["Entornos Puppet"],"Puppet Master":["Maestro Puppet"],"Puppet Modules":["Módulos Puppet"],"Puppet Summary Report - 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inteligente"],"Region":["Región"],"Reminder: <strong> One host is selected </strong>":["",""],"Reminder: <strong> One host is selected </strong> for query filter %{query}":["",""],"Remote address":["Dirección remota"],"Remove %s?":["Borrar %s?"],"Remove %{type} for %{host}":["Eliminar %{type} para %{host}"],"Remove DHCP Settings for %s":["Borrar ajustes DHCP para %s"],"Remove Parameter":["Borrar parámetro"],"Remove a Puppet class from host":["Eliminar clase Puppet desde host"],"Remove a Puppet class from host group":["Eliminar clase Puppet de grupo de hosts"],"Remove conflicting %{type} for %{host}":["Eliminar %{type} en conflicto para %{host}"],"Remove duplicate values (only array type)":["Eliminar valores duplicados (solo tipo array)"],"Remove this override":["Eliminar esta sustitución"],"Remove:":["Eliminar:"],"Removing compute instance %s":["Borrar instancia %s"],"Rename":["Renombrar"],"Render user data template for %s":["Interpretar plantilla de datos de usuario para %s"],"Rendering the template, please wait...":["Reproduciendo la plantilla, espere..."],"Report":["Informe"],"Report Already Deleted":["Informe ya eliminado"],"Report Metrics":["Métrica de informe"],"Report Status":["Estado de informe"],"Reported at":["Reportado en"],"Reported at %s ":["Reportado en %s"],"Reports":["Informes"],"Report|Metrics":["Métrica"],"Report|Reported at":["Generado Informe en"],"Report|Status":["Estado"],"Require SSL for smart proxies":["Requiere SSL para proxy inteligentes"],"Required parameter without value.<br/><b>Please override!</b><br/>":["Parámetro requerido sin valor.<br/><b>¡Sustituir!</b><br/>"],"Required when user want to change own password":[""],"Reset to default":["Restablecer valores predeterminados"],"Reset zoom":["Reiniciar zoom"],"Resolve":["Resolver"],"Resource":["Recurso"],"Resource %{resource_name} not found by id '%{id}'":["No se encontró el recurso %{resource_name} con ID '%{id}'"],"Resource %{res} not found.":["No se encontró recurso %{res}"],"Resource pool":["Grupo de recursos"],"Resources":["Recursos"],"Restart<br>Failures":["Reiniciar<br>Fallos"],"Restarted":["Reiniciado"],"Restarted|R":["R"],"Restrict registered smart proxies":["Restringir los proxy inteligentes registrados"],"Resume":["Continuar"],"Returns string representing a host status of a given type":["Devuelve cadenas que representan el estado de un host de un tipo determinado"],"Reverse DNS Proxy":["Invertir Proxy DNS"],"Reverse IPv4 DNS record":["",""],"Reverse IPv6 DNS record":["",""],"Revert":["Revertir"],"Revert to revision from: %s":["Revertir a revisión desde: %s"],"Review":["Revisar"],"Review build status for %s":["Revisar el estado de compilación por %s"],"Revoke":["Revocar"],"Role":["Rol"],"Role description":["Descripción del rol"],"Role locations":[""],"Role organizations":[""],"Roles":["Roles"],"Roles from user groups":["Roles de grupos de 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cert env":["env cert de cliente SSL"],"SSL client verify env":["env verificar cliente SSL"],"SSL private key":["Llave privada SSL"],"Safe mode methods":["Métodos de modo seguro"],"Safe mode methods and variables":["Variables y métodos de modo seguro"],"SafeRender#parse_string was passed a %s instead of a string":["Se ha leído SafeRender#parse_string como %s en lugar de como una cadena"],"Safemode rendering":["Reproducción de modo seguro"],"Save":["Guardar"],"Save positions":["Guardar posiciones"],"Save something and try again":["Guarde algo y reinténtelo"],"Scheduler hint filter":["Filtro de indicador de programador"],"Scope by locations":["Alcance por ubicación"],"Scope by organizations":["Alcance por organización"],"Script template":["Plantilla de script"],"Search":["Buscar"],"Secondary DNS for this subnet":["DNS secundaria para esta subred"],"Secret Key":["Llave secreta"],"Security group":["Grupo de seguridad"],"Security groups":["Grupos de Seguridad"],"Select Action":["Seleccionar 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de particiones"],"Select provisioning templates":["Seleccionar plantillas de aprovisionamiento"],"Select realms":["Seleccione reinos"],"Select smart proxies":["Seleccionar proxy inteligente"],"Select subnets":["Seleccionar subredes"],"Select template":["Selecciona plantilla"],"Select the changes you want to apply to Foreman":["Seleccione los cambios que desea aplicar a Foreman"],"Select this host":["",""],"Select this since it belongs to a host":["Seleccionar esto, ya que pertenece a un host"],"Select users":["Seleccionar usuarios"],"Selected hosts are now assigned to %s":["Los hosts seleccionados han sido asignados a %s"],"Selected image does not belong to %s":["Imagen seleccionada no pertenece a %s"],"Selected items":["Elementos seleccionados"],"Selected resource type does not support granular filtering, therefore you can't configure granularity":["El tipo de recurso seleccionado no soporta filtrado granular, por lo tanto, no puede configurar la granularidad"],"Selected role":["Rol elegido"],"Selecting a file will override the editor and load the file instead":["La carga de un archivo sobrescribirá el editor y cargará el contenido del archivo"],"Send a test message to the current user's email address to confirm the configuration is working.":["Envíe un mensaje de prueba a la dirección de correo electrónico del usuario actual para confirmar que la configuración funcione."],"Send a test message to the user's email address to confirm the configuration is working.":["Envíe un mensaje de prueba a la dirección de correo electrónico del usuario para confirmar que la configuración funciona."],"Send a welcome email including username and URL to new users":["Enviar un correo electrónico de bienvenida que incluya el nombre de usuario y la URL para nuevos usuarios"],"Send welcome email":["Enviar correo electrónico de bienvenida"],"Sendmail":["Sendmail"],"Sendmail arguments":["Argumentos de sendmail"],"Sendmail location":["Ubicación de sendmail"],"Server group":["Grupo de 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modules?":["¿Debe`foreman-rake db:migrate`ejecutarse la próxima vez que se ejecuten los módulos del instalador?"],"Should the `foreman-rake db:seed` be executed on the next run of the installer modules?":["¿Debería ejecutarse `foreman-rake db:seed` la próxima vez que se ejecuten los módulos del instalador?"],"Should this interface be managed via DHCP and DNS smart proxy and should it be configured during provisioning?":["¿Debería esta interfaz ser administrada vía proxy inteligente DHCP y DNS y configurarse durante el aprovisionamiento?"],"Should this interface be used for TFTP of PXELinux (or SSH for image-based hosts)? 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Cada host gestionado necesita tener una interfaz primaria."],"Show %s fact values for all hosts":["Mostrar todos los valores de eventos %s para todos los hosts"],"Show :a_resource":["Mostrar :a_resource"],"Show Diff":["Mostrar diferencias"],"Show Host":["Mostrar host"],"Show Trends":["Mostrar tendencias"],"Show a Puppet class":["Mostrar una clase Puppet"],"Show a Puppet class for a host group":["Mostrar una clase Puppet para un grupo de hosts"],"Show a Puppet class for an environment":["Mostrar una clase Puppet para un entorno"],"Show a Puppet class for host":["Mostrar una clase Puppet para un host"],"Show a bookmark":["Mostrar un marcador"],"Show a compute profile":["Mostrar un perfil de computación"],"Show a compute resource":["Mostrar un recurso de computación"],"Show a config group":["Mostrar un grupo de configuración"],"Show a default template combination for an operating system":["Mostrar una combinación de plantilla predeterminada para un sistema operativo"],"Show a domain":["Mostrar un dominio"],"Show a filter":["Mostrar un filtro"],"Show a global parameter":["Mostrar un parámetro global"],"Show a hardware model":["Mostrar un modelo de hardware"],"Show a host":["Mostrar un host"],"Show a host group":["Mostrar un grupo de hosts"],"Show a medium":["Mostrar un medio"],"Show a nested parameter for a domain":["Mostrar un parámetro anidado para un dominio"],"Show a nested parameter for a host":["Mostrar un parámetro anidado para un host"],"Show a nested parameter for a host group":["Mostrar un parámetro anidado para un grupo de hosts"],"Show a nested parameter for a location":["Mostrar un parámetro anidado para una ubicación"],"Show a nested parameter for a subnet":["Mostrar un parámetro anidado para una subred"],"Show a nested parameter for an operating system":["Mostrar un parámetro anidado para un sistema operativo"],"Show a nested parameter for an organization":["Mostrar un parámetro anidado para una organización"],"Show a partition table":["Mostrar una tabla de particiones"],"Show a permission":["Mostrar un permiso"],"Show a realm":["Mostrar un reino"],"Show a report":["Mostrar un informe"],"Show a role":["Mostrar un rol"],"Show a setting":["Mostrar una preferencia"],"Show a smart class parameter":["Mostrar un parametro de clase inteligente"],"Show a smart proxy":["Mostrar un proxy inteligente"],"Show a smart variable":["Mostrar una variable inteligente"],"Show a subnet":["Mostrar una subred"],"Show a user":["Mostrar un usuario"],"Show a user group":["Mostrar un grupo de usuarios"],"Show all %s children fact values":["Mostrar todos los valores de eventos de hijos de %s"],"Show all %s facts with the same value":["Mostrar todos los eventos %s con el mismo valor"],"Show an LDAP authentication source":["Mostrar una fuente de autenticación LDAP"],"Show an SSH key from a user":["Mostrar clave SSH de un usuario"],"Show an architecture":["Mostrar una arquitectura"],"Show an audit":["Mostrar un registro de auditoría"],"Show an email notification":["Mostrar una notificación por correo electrónico"],"Show an environment":["Mostrar un entorno"],"Show an external user group for LDAP authentication source":["Mostrar un grupo de usuarios externo por fuente de autenticación LDAP"],"Show an external user group for user group":["Mostrar un grupo de usuarios externo para un grupo de usuarios"],"Show an image":["Mostrar una imagen"],"Show an interface for host":["Mostrar una interfaz para host"],"Show an operating system":["Mostrar un sistema operativo"],"Show an override value for a specific smart class parameter":["Mostrar un valor de sobrescritura para un parámetro específico de clase inteligente"],"Show an override value for a specific smart variable":["Mostrar un valor de sobrescritura para una variable inteligente específica"],"Show available API links":["Mostrar enlaces disponibles del API"],"Show distribution chart":["Mostrar cuadro de distribución"],"Show full value":["Mostrar valor completo"],"Show host power status":["Mostrar estado de encendido del host"],"Show linked external user groups":["Mostrar grupos de usuarios externos enlazados"],"Show log messages:":["Mostrar registro de mensajes:"],"Show power status on host index page. 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Esta función denomina proveedores de recursos de cómputo, lo que puede generar un menor rendimiento en la página de listado de hosts."],"Show provisioning template details":["Mostrar detalles de la plantilla de aprovisionamiento"],"Show status":["Mostrar estado"],"Show template combination":["Mostrar combinación de plantilla"],"Show the last report for a host":["Mostrar ultimo reporte de un host"],"Sign":["Registrar"],"Single host on this page is selected.":["",""],"Size":["Tamaño"],"Size (GB)":["Tamaño (GB)"],"Skip assign hosts and proceed to edit %s settings":["Saltar el paso de asignación de hosts y proceder a editar las preferencias %s"],"Skipped":["Omitido"],"Skipped|S":["O"],"Smart Class Parameter":["Parámetro de clase Inteligente"],"Smart Proxies":["Proxis inteligentes"],"Smart Proxy":["Proxy Inteligente"],"Smart Proxy: %s":["Proxy inteligente: %s"],"Smart Variables":["Variables inteligentes"],"Smart class parameters":["Parámetros de clase inteligentes"],"Smart proxies":["Proxis inteligentes"],"Smart proxy":["Proxy Inteligente"],"Smart proxy IDs":["ID de proxy inteligente"],"Smart variables":["Variables inteligentes"],"SmartProxy|Name":["Nombre"],"SmartProxy|Url":["Url"],"Snippet":["Snippet"],"Some Puppet Classes are unavailable in the selected environment":[""],"Some imported user account details cannot be saved: %s":["No se pueden guardar algunos detalles de la cuenta de usuario importada: %s"],"Some interfaces are invalid":["algunas interfaces no son válidas"],"Some of the interfaces are invalid. Please check the table below.":["Algunas de las interfaces no son válidas. Por favor verifique la tabla de abajo."],"Some or all hosts execution failed, Please check log files for more information":["Algunas o todas las ejecuciones de los hosts fallaron. Compruebe los archivos de registro para más información"],"Some other interface is already set as primary. Are you sure you want to use this one instead?":["Hay otra interfaz establecida como principal. ¿Está seguro de que desea utilizar esta en cambio?"],"Some other interface is already set as provisioning. Are you sure you want to use this one instead?":["Hay otra interfaz establecida como de aprovisionamiento. ¿Está seguro de que desea utilizar esta en cambio?"],"Something went wrong while changing host type - %s":["Algo ha fallado al cambiar el tipo de host - %s"],"Something went wrong while selecting hosts - %s":["Algo ha fallado al seleccionar hosts - %s"],"Sorry but no templates were configured.":["No se ha configurado ninguna plantilla"],"Sorry, these hosts do not have parameters assigned to them, you must add them first.":["Estos hosts no tienen parámetros asignados. Debe añadírselos primero."],"Source":["Fuente"],"Source|Digest":["Asimilar"],"Source|Value":["Valor"],"Space separated options, e.g. miimon=100. Only for bond interfaces.":["Opciones separadas por espacios, p.ej miimon=100. Solo para interfaces de vínculo."],"Specified value is higher than recommended maximum":["El valor especificado es superior al máximo recomendado"],"Specify additional options to sendmail":["Especificar opciones adicionales para sendmail"],"Specify authentication type, if required":["Especificar tipo de autenticación, si es requerido"],"Specify matchers":["Especificar concordancias"],"Start":["inicio"],"Starting IP Address for IP auto suggestion":["Dirección IP de inicio para autosugerencia de IP"],"State":["Estado"],"Static":["Estático"],"Statistics":["Estadísticas"],"Status":["Estatus"],"Stop updating IP address and MAC values from Puppet facts (affects all interfaces)":["Detener la actualización de la dirección IP y de los valores MAC de los eventos de Puppet (afecta a todas las interfaces)"],"Stop updating Operating System from facts":[""],"Stop updating domain values from facts":[""],"Storage":["Almacenamiento"],"Storage domain":["Dominio de almacenamiento"],"Storage pool":["Grupo de almacenamiento"],"Strong":["Fuerte"],"Submit":["Enviar"],"Subnet":["Subred"],"Subnet ID":["ID de subred"],"Subnet IDs":["ID de subred"],"Subnet name":["Nombre de subred"],"Subnet network":["Red de subred"],"Subnet numeric identifier":["Identificador numérico de subred"],"Subnets":["Subredes"],"Subnet|Boot mode":["Modo de arranque"],"Subnet|Dns primary":["DNS Primario"],"Subnet|Dns secondary":["DNS Secundario"],"Subnet|From":["Desde"],"Subnet|Gateway":["Puerta de Enlace"],"Subnet|Ipam":["IPAM"],"Subnet|Mask":["Máscara de red"],"Subnet|Name":["Nombre"],"Subnet|Network":["Red"],"Subnet|Priority":["Prioridad"],"Subnet|To":["Hasta"],"Subnet|Vlanid":["VLANid"],"Subscribe":["Suscribir"],"Subscribe to all hosts":["Suscribirse a todos los hosts"],"Subscribe to my hosts":["Suscribirse a mis hosts"],"Success":["Éxito"],"Successfully created %s.":["Se ha creado correctamente %s."],"Successfully delete %s":["Borrado exitosamente %s"],"Successfully deleted %s.":["Se ha eliminado correctamente %s."],"Successfully deleted report.":["El informe se ha eliminado correctamente."],"Successfully executed, check log files for more details":["Ejecutado correctamente, revise los archivos de registros para más información."],"Successfully executed, check reports and/or log files for more details":["Ejecutado correctamente, revise los informes y/o archivos de registro para más información."],"Successfully overridden all parameters of Puppet class %s":["Se han sobrescrito con éxito todos los parámetros de clase Puppet %s"],"Successfully recreated":["Recreado exitosamente"],"Successfully refreshed features from %s.":["Se actualizaron con éxito las funcionalidades %s."],"Successfully refreshed the cache.":["Caché actualizada exitosamente."],"Successfully reset all parameters of Puppet class %s to their default values":["Se han restablecido con éxito todos los parámetros de la clase Puppet %s a sus valores predeterminados"],"Successfully updated %s.":["Se ha actualizado correctamente %s."],"Successfully updated environments and Puppet classes from the on-disk Puppet installation":["Se actualizaron los entornos y clases Puppet con éxito desde la instalación de Puppet en disco"],"Suffix or prefix length for this subnet, e.g. 32":["Longitud de prefijo o sufijo para esta subred. P. ej.: 32"],"Suggest new":["Sugerir nuevo"],"Summary from %{time} ago to now":["Resumen de hace %{time} hasta el presente"],"Summary report from Foreman server at %{foreman_url}":["Informe resumen del servidor Foreman en %{foreman_url}"],"Support":["Soporte"],"Supported Formats":["Formatos soportados"],"Synchronize group from authentication source":["Sincronizar grupo desde fuente de autenticación"],"Syntax Highlighting":["Resaltado de sintaxis"],"Syntax error occurred while parsing the template %{template_name}, make sure you have all ERB tags properly closed and the Ruby syntax is valid. The Ruby error: %{message}":[""],"System Information":["Información del sistema"],"System Status":["Estado del sistema"],"TFTP":["TFTP"],"TFTP Proxy":["Proxy TFTP"],"TFTP Proxy ID to use within this subnet":["ID de proxy TFTP para usar con esta subred"],"TFTP Proxy to use within this subnet":["Proxy TFTP para usar en esta subred"],"TFTP server":["Servidor TFTP"],"Taxable taxonomy":["Taxonomía gravable"],"TaxableTaxonomy|Taxable type":["Tipo de Taxonomía"],"Taxonomy":["Taxonomía"],"Taxonomy|Ancestry":["Ascendencia"],"Taxonomy|Ignore types":["Ignorar tipos"],"Taxonomy|Name":["Nombre"],"Taxonomy|Title":["Título"],"Template":["Plantilla"],"Template %s is empty.":["La plantilla %s está vacía."],"Template '%s' is either missing or has an invalid organization or location":["La plantilla '%s' no se encuentra o tiene una ubicación u organización no válida"],"Template '%s' was not found":["No se encontró la plantilla '%s'"],"Template Diff":["Diferencias entre plantillas"],"Template Type":["Tipo de plantillas"],"Template diff":["Diferencias entre plantillas"],"Template editor":["Editor de Plantilla"],"Template kind":["Tipo de plantilla"],"Template kinds, available values: %{template_kinds}":["Tipos de plantilla, valores disponibles: %{template_kinds}"],"Template locked":["Plantilla bloqueada"],"Template syntax":["Sintaxis de la plantilla"],"Template that will be selected as %s default for local boot.":[""],"Template unlocked":["Plantilla desbloqueada"],"TemplateKind|Name":["Nombre"],"Templates":["Plantillas"],"Templates resolved for this operating system":["Plantillas resueltas para este sistema operativo"],"Tenant":["Inquilino"],"Test Connection":["Probar conexión"],"Test LDAP connection":["Probar conexión LDAP"],"Test LDAP connectivity":["Probar conectividad LDAP"],"Test connection to LDAP server was successful.":["La conexión de prueba al servidor LDAP se realizó correctamente."],"Test connection was successful":["La conexión de prueba se realizó correctamente."],"Test email":["Correo electrónico de prueba"],"Text to be shown in the login-page footer":["Texto que se mostrará en el pie de la página de inicio de sesión"],"That is, if you are planning to manage a site where all the machines are of the form <i>hostname</i>.<b></b>\\n then the domain is <b></b>.":["Es decir, si tiene pensado administrar un sitio donde todas las máquinas tengan la forma <i>nombredehost</i>.<b></b>,\\n el dominio es <b></b>."],"The %{proxy_type} proxy could not be set for host: %{host_names}.":["",""],"The %{proxy_type} proxy of the selected hosts was cleared.":["Se borró el proxy %{proxy_type} de los hosts seleccionados."],"The %{proxy_type} proxy of the selected hosts was set to %{proxy_name}.":["El proxy %{proxy_type} del host seleccionado se estableció como %{proxy_name}."],"The <b>fullname</b> field is used for human readability in reports and other pages that refer to domains,\\n and also available as an external node parameter":["El campo <b>fullname</b> se utiliza para legibilidad humana en informes y otras páginas que hacen referencia a dominios,\\n y también está disponible como un parámetro de nodo externo."],"The Audit Comment field is saved with the template auditing to document the template changes":["El campo de comentario de auditoría se guarda con la auditoría de plantilla para registrar los cambios de plantilla"],"The BMC password will be used by Foreman to access the host's BMC controller via a BMC-enabled smart proxy, if available.<br/>":[""],"The IP address that should be used for the console listen address when provisioning new virtual machines via Libvirt":["La dirección IP que debe utilizarse para la dirección de escucha de la terminal al aprovisionar una nueva máquina virtual a través Libvirt"],"The NFS path to the image directory.":["La ruta NFS al directorio de imágenes."],"The NFS path to the jumpstart control files.":["La ruta NFS para alojar los archivos de control de 'jumpstart'"],"The NFS path to the media.":["La ruta NFS al medio de instalación"],"The Operating systems detail the OSs known to Foreman, and is the central point that the other required components tie into.":[""],"The Primary interface is used for constructing the FQDN of the host":["La interfaz principal se utiliza para crear el FQDN del host."],"The Provisioning interface is used for TFTP of PXELinux (or SSH for image-based hosts)":["La interfaz de aprovisionamiento se utiliza para TFTP o PXELinux (o SSH para hosts basados en imagen)."],"The authentication process currently requires an LDAP provider, such as <em>FreeIPA</em>,\\n <em>OpenLDAP</em> or <em>Microsoft's Active Directory</em>.":["El proceso de autenticación actualmente requiere de un proveedor LDAP, como <em>FreeIPA</em>,\\n <em>OpenLDAP</em> o <em>Active Directory de Microsoft</em>."],"The class of CPU supplied in this machine. This is primarily used by Sparc Solaris builds and can be left blank for other architectures. The value can be determined on Solaris via uname -m":["La clase de CPU suministrada en esta máquina. Se utiliza principalmente para arquitecturas Sparc Solaris y se puede dejar en blanco para otras arquitecturas. Se puede consultar este valor en Solaris con el comando uname -m"],"The class of the machine reported by the Open Boot Prom. This is primarily used by Sparc Solaris builds and can be left blank for other architectures. The value can be determined on Solaris via uname -i|cut -f2 -d,":["La clase de la máquina reportada por el Open Boot Prom. Se utiliza principalmente para arquitecturas Sparc Solaris y se puede dejar en blanco para otras arquitecturas. El valor puede determinarse en Solaris con el comando uname -i|cut -f2 -d"],"The default administrator email address":["La dirección de correo electrónico predeterminada del administrador"],"The dynamic partitioning style is currently only available for the Red Hat family of operating systems, all others must provide an explicit list of partitions and sizes.":["El sistema de particionamiento dinámico solo está disponible para sistemas operativos basados en Red Hat. Para el resto de sistemas se debe establecer explícitamente una lista de particiones y tamaños."],"The file path where your p12 file is located":["La ruta donde está ubicado el archivo p12"],"The final entry, Operating System default, can be set by editing the %s page.":["La última entrada, sistema operativo predeterminado, puede configurarse al editar la página %s."],"The following IPv4 subnets have been found. Please review the details before creating them.":["Se encontraron las siguientes subredes de IPv4. Examine los detalles antes de crearlas."],"The following entries were found conflicting with what foreman wanted to apply.":["Las siguientes entradas están en conflicto con lo que Foreman intenta aplicar."],"The following errors may prevent a successful build:":["Los siguientes errores pueden impedir el éxito de la compilación:"],"The following fields would need reviewing":["Los siguientes campos necesitan revisión"],"The following hosts failed the build operation: %s":["Los siguientes hosts fallaron en la compilación: %s"],"The following hosts were not %{action}: %{missed_hosts}":["Los siguientes hosts no estaban %{action}: %{missed_hosts}"],"The following hosts were not deleted: %s":["Los siguientes hosts no han sido eliminados: %s"],"The following hosts were updated":["Se actualizaron los siguientes hosts"],"The following parameters were skipped as they did not exists on this host:":["Los siguientes parámetros se han omitido, ya que no existen en este host:"],"The following table and example snippet shows global methods, variables and class methods and how to use them.":["En la siguiente tabla y el snippet de ejemplo se muestran los métodos globales, las variables y los métodos de clase, y cómo utilizarlos."],"The full DNS domain name":["Nombre completo del dominio DNS"],"The host group's classes and the host group's variables are included in the external node information when the puppetmaster compiles the host's configuration.":["Las clases y variables de grupos de usuarios se incluyen en la información del nodo externo cuando el puppetmaster compila la configuración de host."],"The inclusion of the keyword string <b>#Dynamic</b> at the start of a line lets Foreman know that this is not an explicit disk layout and must treated as a shell script, executed prior\\n to the install process and that the explicit partition table will be found at <b>/tmp/diskpart.cfg</b> during the build process.":["La inclusión de la cadena de palabras clave <b>#Dynamic</b> al comienzo de una línea permite que Foreman sepa que no se trata de un diseño de disco explícito y debe tratarse como un script de shell, ejecutado antes del proceso de instalación y que la tabla de particiones explícita se encontrará en <b>/tmp/diskpart.cfg</b> durante el proceso de construcción."],"The keys can be used in provisioning templates and are also available for configuration management tools managed by Foreman.":[""],"The keywords <b>$version</b>, <b>$major</b> and <b>$minor</b> will be interpolated back into the path specification to calculate the true URL address.":["Las palabras clave <b>$version</b>, <b>$major</b> y <b>$minor</b> serán interpoladas de nuevo a la ruta de especificación para calcular la dirección URL real."],"The list is excluding %{count} %{link_start}physical host%{link_end}.":["",""],"The location of the sendmail executable":["La ubicación de sendmail ejecutable"],"The marked fields will need reviewing":["Los campos marcados deben ser revisados"],"The method used to provision the host. Possible provision_methods may be %{provision_methods}":["El método utilizado para aprovisionar el host. Entre los posibles métodos de aprovisionamiento se pueden encontrar los siguientes: %{provision_methods}"],"The order in which matchers keys are processed, first match wins.<br> You may use multiple attributes as a matcher key, for example, an order of <code>host group, environment</code> would expect a matcher such as <code>hostgroup = \\\"web servers\\\", environment = production</code>":["El orden en que se procesan las llaves de concordancia, la primera concordancia gana.<br> Se pueden usar múltiples atributos como llave de concordancia, por ejemplo, con una orden de <code>host group, environment</code> se esperaría una comparación como <code>hostgroup = \\\"web servers\\\", environment = production</code>"],"The order in which values are resolved":["El orden en el cual se resuelven los valores"],"The password will also be accessible to other users via templates and in the ENC YAML output; disable the bmc_credentials_accessible setting to prevent access.":["Otros usuarios también podrán acceder a la contraseña a través de plantillas y en el resultado YAML ENC; deshabilite la configuración de bmc_credentials_accessible para impedir el acceso."],"The password will not be accessible to other users; enable the bmc_credentials_accessible setting to permit access via templates and in the ENC YAML output.":["Otros usuarios no podrán acceder a la contraseña; habilite la configuración de bmc_credentials_accessible para permitir el acceso a través de plantillas y en el resultado YAML ENC."],"The path to the medium, can be a URL or a valid NFS server (exclusive of the architecture).\\n for example <em>$version/os/$arch</em> where <strong>$arch</strong> will be substituted for the host's actual OS architecture and <strong>$version</strong>, <strong>$major</strong> and <strong>$minor</strong> will be substituted for the version of the operating system. Solaris and Debian media may also use <strong>$release</strong>.":["La ruta al medio puede ser una URL o un servidor NFS válido (exclusivo de la arquitectura),\\n por ejemplo, <em>$version/os/$arch</em> donde <strong>$arch</strong> será sustituido por la arquitectura del sistema operativo real del host y <strong>$version</strong>, <strong>$major</strong> y <strong>$minor</strong> serán sustituidos por la versión del sistema operativo. Es posible que los medios Solaris y Debian también utilicen <strong>$release</strong>."],"The power state of the selected hosts will be set to %s":["El estado de energía de los hosts seleccionados se establecerá en %s."],"The realm name, e.g. EXAMPLE.COM":["Nombre de reino, p. ej., EXAMPLE.COM"],"The remote system presented a public key signed by an unidentified certificate authority. If you are sure the remote system is authentic, go to the compute resource edit page, press the 'Test Connection' or 'Load Datacenters' button and submit":["El sistema remoto presentó una llave pública firmada por una autoridad de certificación desconocida. Si está seguro de que el sistema remoto es auténtico, vaya a la página de edición de los recursos de cómputo, presione los botones 'Probar conexión' o 'Cargar centros de datos' y envíelo."],"The remote system presented a public key with hash %s but we're expecting a different hash. If you are sure the remote system is authentic, go to the compute resource edit page, press the 'Test Connection' or 'Load Datacenters' button and submit":["El sistema remoto ha presentado una clave pública con hash %s pero se estaba esperando un hash diferente. Si está seguro de que el sistema remoto es auténtico, vaya a la página de edición del recurso de cómputo , presione el botón de 'Probar Conexión' o 'Cargar centros de Datos' y envíelo. "],"The selected hosts were enabled for reboot and rebuild":["Los hosts seleccionados se habilitaron para reinicio y reconstrucción."],"The selected hosts will execute a build operation on next reboot":["Los hosts seleccionados ejecutarán una operación de creación el próximo reinicio"],"The snippet '%{name}' threw an error: %{exc}":[""],"The template is associated to at least one host in build mode. To apply the change, disable and enable build mode on hosts to update the live templates or choose to %s their configuration from 'Select Action' menu":["La plantilla está asociada a al menos un host en modo de construcción. Para aplicar el cambio, deshabilite y habilite el modo de construcción en los hosts para actualizar las plantillas activas o seleccione %s su configuración en el menú 'Seleccionar acción'."],"The user that is used to ssh into the instance, normally cloud-user, ec2-user, ubuntu, root etc":["El usuario utilizado para conectar por ssh en la instancia, por lo general: cloud-user, ec2-user, ubuntu, o root."],"The virtual machine is being deleted.":["Se borrará la máquina virtual"],"There are migrations pending in the system.":["Hay migraciones pendientes en el sistema."],"There are no puppet environments set up on this puppet master. Please check the puppet master configuration.":["No hay entornos Puppet configurados en este puppetmaster. Verifique la configuración de puppetmaster."],"There are orchestration modules with methods for configuration rebuild that have identical name: '%s'":["Hay módulos de orquestación con métodos para reconstrucción de la configuración que tienen el mismo nombre: '%s'."],"There are two strategies when using host groups.":["Existen dos estrategias para utilizar con los grupos de hosts."],"There is":["Hay","Hay"],"There is no owner with id %d and type %s":["No hay un propietario con el ID %d y tipo %s"],"There is no proxy with BMC feature set up. Please register a smart proxy with this feature.":["No hay un proxy con funcionalidad BMC configurado. Registre un proxy inteligente con esta funcionalidad."],"There was an error creating the PXE file: %s":[""],"There was an error listing %{listing}: %{errors}":[""],"There was an error listing VMs: %(status)s %(statusText)s":["Ha habido un error al listar las máquinas virtuales: %(status)s %(statusText)s"],"There was an error rendering the %s template: ":["Ocurrió un error al reproducir la plantilla: %s"],"There was an error rendering the %{name} template: %{error}":["Ocurrió un error al reproducir la plantilla %{name}: %{error}."],"There was no active bridge interface found in libvirt, if it does not support listing, you can enter the bridge name manually (e.g. br0)":["No había ninguna interfaz de puente activa en libvirt, si no soporta el listado, puede ingresar el nombre del puente de forma manual (e.g. br0)"],"These are guaranteed to work via the safe mode rendering, to ensure a template can do nothing harmful.":["Se garantiza que funcionan a través de la representación de modo seguro para asegurarse de que una plantilla no pueda hacer nada perjudicial."],"These two options are personal decisions and are up to you (where the main difference would be the parameter/variables settings).":["Estas dos opciones son decisiones personales. (La diferencia principal reside en la configuración de parámetros/variables)."],"Thin provision":["Aprovisionamiento fino"],"This Puppet class has no parameters in its signature.":["Esta clase Puppet no tiene parámetros en su firma."],"This allows Foreman to associate a puppet variable with a domain/site and automatically append this variable to all external node requests made by machines at that site.":["Esto permite que Foreman asocie una variable de Puppet con un dominio/sitio y automáticamente adjunte esta variable a todas las solicitudes externas de nodo realizadas por las máquinas en el sitio."],"This group has nested groups!":["¡Este grupo contiene grupos anidados!"],"This group has no roles":["Este grupo no tiene roles"],"This host's stored facts and reports will be deleted too.":["Los eventos e informes del host almacenados también se borrarán."],"This is a test message to confirm that Foreman's email configuration is working.":["Este es un mensaje de prueba para confirmar que la configuración de correo electrónico de Foreman funciona."],"This is for every location and organization that uses it.":["Esto es para cada ubicación y organización que la utiliza."],"This is for every location that uses it.":["Esto es para cada ubicación que la utiliza."],"This is for every organization that uses it.":["Esto es para cada organización que la utiliza."],"This is inherited from parent":["Se ha heredado del padre"],"This is used by a host":["Un host está utilizándolo"],"This might take a while, as all hosts, facts and reports will be destroyed as well":["Esta acción puede tardar un rato, ya que se destruirán todos los hosts, eventos e informes."],"This role has been cloned from role %s":[""],"This role is locked for editing.":[""],"This role is locked from being modified by users.":[""],"This setting is defined in the configuration file '%{filename}' and is read-only.":["Esta configuración se define en el archivo de configuración '%{filename}' y es de solo lectura."],"This template is locked and may not be removed.":["La plantilla está bloqueada y no puede eliminarse"],"This template is locked for editing.":["La edición de la plantilla está bloqueada."],"This template is locked. Please clone it to a new template to customize.":["La plantilla está bloqueada. Cópiela en una nueva para personalizarla."],"This template is locked. You may only change the associations. Please %s it to customize.":["Esta plantilla está bloqueada. Es posible que solo pueda modificar las asociaciones. %s para personalizar."],"This value is not hidden":["Este valor no está oculto"],"This value is used also as the host's primary interface name.":["Este valor se utiliza también como el nombre de la interfaz principal del host."],"This will reset parameters of the class %s to their default values. Continue?":["Esto restablecerá los parámetros de la clase %s a los valores predeterminados. ¿Continuar?"],"This will set all parameters of the class %s as overridden. Continue?":["Se establecerán todos los parámetros de la clase %s. ¿Continuar?"],"Time":["Hora"],"Time in Seconds":["Tiempo en segundos"],"Time in minutes installation tokens should be valid for, 0 to disable token generation":["Los símbolos de instalación de tiempo en minutos deben ser válidos para, 0 para deshabilitar la generación de símbolos"],"Timeout for DNS conflict validation (in seconds)":["Tiempo de espera para la validación de conflictos de DNS (en segundos)"],"Timeout has occurred while communicating with %s":["Se ha excedido el tiempo de espera en la conexión con %s"],"To define trend counters, use the Add Trend Counter button.</br> To start collecting trend data, set a cron job to execute 'foreman-rake trends:counter' every Puppet Interval (%s minutes).":["Para definir contadores de tendencia, utilice el botón Añadir contador de tendencia.</br> Para comenzar a recopilar datos de tendencias, establezca una tarea programada para que ejecute 'foreman-rake trends:counter' en cada intervalo Puppet (%s minutos)."],"To enable a provider, either install the OS package (e.g. foreman-libvirt) or enable the bundler group for development setup (e.g. ovirt).":["Para activar un proveedor, instalar el paquete del SO (p.e. foreman-libvirt) o activar el grupo bundler para la configuración de desarrollo (p.e. ovirt)."],"To enable safe mode, navigate to Settings page and enable Safemode rendering option.":["Para habilitar el modo seguro, diríjase a la página Configuración y habilite la opción de representación de modo seguro."],"To start collecting trend data, set a cron job to execute <span class='black'>foreman-rake trends:counter</span> every Puppet Interval (%s minutes)":["Para comenzar a almacenar datos de tendencias, establezca una tarea cron para ejecutar <span class='black'>foreman-rake trends:counter</span> cada intervalo de Puppet (%s minutos)."],"To update the class signature, go to the Puppet Classes page and select \\\"Import\\\".":["Para actualizar la firma de clase, seleccione \\\"Importar\\\" en la página de clases Puppet."],"Toggle":["Alternar"],"Token":["Muestra"],"Token duration":["Duración del símbolo"],"Token expired":["Token caducado"],"Token|Expires":["Caduca"],"Token|Value":["Valor"],"Total":["Total"],"Total Hosts: %s":["Hosts en total: %s"],"Total hosts count":["Conteo total de hosts"],"Total of one host":["En total un host","En total %{hosts} hosts"],"Trend":["Tendencia"],"Trend counter":["Contador de Tendencias"],"Trend of the last %s days.":["Tendencia de los últimos %s días"],"TrendCounter|Count":["Contador"],"Trends":["Tendencias"],"Trends for %s":["Tendencias para %s"],"Trend|Fact name":["Nombre de evento"],"Trend|Fact value":["Valor de evento"],"Trend|Name":["Nombre"],"Trend|Trendable type":["Tipo de tendencia"],"Trigger a puppetrun on a node; requires that puppet run is enabled":["Desencadena una ejecución de Puppet en un nodo. Es necesario que \\\"Puppet run\\\" esté habilitado."],"Troubleshooting":["Resolución de problemas"],"True/False flag whether a host is managed or unmanaged. Note: this value also determines whether several parameters are required or not":["Indicador verdadero/falso que indica si el host es administradoo no. Nota: este valor también determina si ciertos parámetros son obligatorios."],"Trusted puppetmaster hosts":["Hosts puppetmaster confiables"],"Try going to %{href}":["Intente ir a %{href}"],"Type":["Tipo"],"Type of name generator":["Tipo de generador de nombre"],"Type of realm, e.g. FreeIPA":["Tipo de reino, p. ej., FreeIPA"],"Type or protocol, IPv4 or IPv6, defaults to IPv4":["Tipo o protocolo, IPv4 o IPv6, se predetermina en IPv4"],"Types of validation values":["Tipos de valores de validación"],"Types of variable values":["Tipos de valores de variable"],"URL":["URL"],"URL for %{providers_requiring_url}":["URL para %{providers_requiring_url}"],"URL hosts will retrieve templates from during build (normally http as many installers don't support https)":["URL desde donde los hosts recuperarán las plantillas durante la compilación (normalmente http dado que muchos instaladores no soportan https)"],"URL must be valid and schema must be one of %s":["La URL debe ser válida y el diagrama debe ser uno de %s."],"URL where your Foreman instance is reachable (see also Provisioning > unattended_url)":["URL de la instancia Foreman (vea también aprovisionamiento > unattened_url)"],"UTC time of report":["Hora UTC del informe"],"UUID":["UUID"],"UUID to track orchestration tasks status, GET /api/orchestration/:UUID/tasks":["UUID para seguir el estado de la tarea de orquestación, GET /api/orchestration/:UUID/tasks"],"Unable to access key":["No es posible acceder a la llave"],"Unable to authenticate user %s":["No se ha podido identificar al usuario %s"],"Unable to change VM display listen address, make sure the display is not attached to localhost only":["No es posible cambiar la dirección de escucha de la pantalla de la máquina virtual, compruebe que la pantalla no esté conectada a un localhost, "],"Unable to communicate with the proxy: %s":["No ha sido posible establecer una comunicación con el proxy: %s"],"Unable to connect":["No se pudo conectar"],"Unable to connect to LDAP server":["No se pudo conectar al servidor LDAP."],"Unable to create default TFTP boot menu":["Ha sido imposible crear el menú de arranque para TFTP predeterminado"],"Unable to create realm entry":["No puedo crear la entrada de reino"],"Unable to create the default role.":["No se puede crear el rol predeterminado."],"Unable to delete DHCP entry for %s":["Ha sido imposible borrar la entrada en el DHCP para %s"],"Unable to delete DNS entry":["Ha sido imposible borrar la entrada DNS"],"Unable to delete PuppetCA autosign for %s":["Ha sido imposible borrar la autofirma PuppetCA para %s"],"Unable to delete PuppetCA certificate for %s":["Ha sido imposible borrar el certificado PuppetCA para %s"],"Unable to delete TFTP boot entry for %s":["Ha sido imposible borrar la entrada de arranque TFTP para %s"],"Unable to detect TFTP boot server":["No ha sido posible detectar el servidor TFTP de arranque"],"Unable to detect features":["Ha sido imposible detectar la funcionalidad"],"Unable to detect version":["No se pudo detectar la versión."],"Unable to determine the host's boot server. The DHCP smart proxy failed to provide this information and this subnet is not provided with TFTP services.":["No ha sido posible determinar el servidor del host de arranque. El proxy inteligente DHCP no ha podido proporcionar esta información y la subred no cuenta con servicios TFTP."],"Unable to disable bmc_credentials_accessible when safemode_render is disabled":["No se puede deshabilitar bmc_credentials_accessible cuando safemode_render está deshabilitado"],"Unable to disable safemode_render when bmc_credentials_accessible is disabled":["No se puede deshabilitar safemode_render cuando bmc_credentials_accessible está deshabilitado"],"Unable to execute Puppet run":["Ha sido imposible ejecutar Puppet"],"Unable to fetch TFTP boot file":["Ha sido imposible obtener el archivo TFTP de arranque"],"Unable to fetch logs":["No se pudieron extraer los registros."],"Unable to find IP address for '%s'":["No se encontró la dirección IP de '%s'"],"Unable to find a proxy with BMC feature":["No se ha encontrado ningún proxy con la funcionalidad BCM"],"Unable to find proper authentication method":["No se ha podido encontrar un método de autenticación"],"Unable to find template %s":["No se encontró la plantilla %s"],"Unable to generate output, Check log files":["No es posible generar salida, verifique los archivos de registro."],"Unable to get BMC providers":["No se pueden obtener los proveedores BMC"],"Unable to get PuppetCA autosign":["No se puede recuperar autofirma PuppetCA"],"Unable to get PuppetCA certificates":["No se pueden obtener los certificados PuppetCA"],"Unable to get classes from Puppet for %s":["No se pueden obtener las clases Puppet para %s"],"Unable to get environment from Puppet":["No se puede obtener el entorno desde Puppet"],"Unable to get environments from Puppet":["No se pueden obtener los entornos desde Puppet"],"Unable to get installed BMC providers":["No se pueden obtener los proveedores BMC instalados"],"Unable to initialize ProxyAPI class %s":["No es posible inicializar clase ProxyAPI %s."],"Unable to perform boot BMC operation":["No se puede realizar la operación de arranque BMC"],"Unable to perform identify BMC operation":["No se puede realizar la operación de identidad BMC"],"Unable to perform lan BMC operation":["No se puede realizar la operación BMC lan"],"Unable to perform power BMC operation":["No puedo realizar la operación BMC de alimentación"],"Unable to render %{kind} template '%{name}': %{e}":["No se puede mostrar la plantilla %{kind} '%{name}': %{e}"],"Unable to render '%{name}' template: %{e}":["No se puede mostrar la plantilla '%{name}': %{e}"],"Unable to retrieve DHCP entry for %s":["No puedo conseguir la entrada DHCP para %s"],"Unable to retrieve DHCP subnet":["No puedo conseguir la subred DHCP"],"Unable to retrieve DHCP subnets":["Ha sido imposible obtener las subredes DHCP"],"Unable to retrieve unused IP":["Ha sido imposible obtener una IP sin usar"],"Unable to save":["No se ha podido guardar"],"Unable to send email, check server logs for more information":["No se puede enviar el correo electrónico, consulte los registros del servidor para obtener más información."],"Unable to set DHCP entry":["No se ha podido establecer la entrada DHCP"],"Unable to set DNS entry":["No se puede establecer la entrada DNS"],"Unable to set PuppetCA autosign for %s":["No se puede establecer autofirma PuppetCA para %s"],"Unable to set TFTP boot entry for %s":["No se puede establecer la entrada de arranque TFTP para %s"],"Unable to sign PuppetCA certificate for %s":["No se puede firmar el certificado PuppetCA para %s"],"Unable to turn on websockets_encrypt, either websockets_ssl_key or websockets_ssl_cert is missing":["No se puede activar websockets_encrypt, falta websockets_ssl_key o websockets_ssl_cert"],"Unable to unset websockets_ssl_cert when websockets_encrypt is on":["No se puede no asignar websockets_ssl_cert cuando websockets_encrypt está activado."],"Unable to unset websockets_ssl_key when websockets_encrypt is on":["No se puede no asignar websockets_ssl_key cuando websockets_encrypt está activo."],"Unallowed template for dashboard widget: %s":["Plantilla no permitida para el asistente del tablero: %s"],"Unattended URL":["URL desatendida"],"Undo remove":["Deshacer borrado"],"Undo selection":["Deshacer selección"],"Unhide this value":["Mostrar este valor"],"Unknown":["Desconocido"],"Unknown IPAM type - can't continue":["Tipo de IPAM desconocido; no se puede continuar"],"Unknown Power State":["Estado de energía desconocido"],"Unknown action name for success message: %s":["Nombre de acción desconocido para mensaje de ejecución correcto: %s"],"Unknown build status":["Estado de construcción desconocido"],"Unknown device: available devices are %s":["Dispositivo desconocido: los disponibles son %s"],"Unknown interface type, must be one of [%s]":["Tipo de interfaz desconocido, debe ser uno de [%s]"],"Unknown power action: available methods are %s":["Acción de encendido desconocida: las disponibles son %s"],"Unknown power management support - can't continue":["Soporte de administración de energía desconocido - No se puede continuar"],"Unknown power state":["Estado de encendido desconocido"],"Unlock":["Desbloquear"],"Unmanage host":["Host sin administrar"],"Unsupported IPAM mode for %s":["Modo IPAM no compatible para %s"],"Unsupported password hash function '%s'":["Función hash '%s' de contraseña no tiene soporte"],"Unsupported report status format":["Formato de estatus de informe no tiene soporte"],"Update":["Actualizar"],"Update :a_resource":["Actualizar :a_resource"],"Update IP from built request":["Actualizar IP desde la solicitud de construcción"],"Update a Puppet class":["Actualizar una clase Puppet"],"Update a bookmark":["Actualizar un marcador"],"Update a compute attributes set":["Actualizar un grupo de atributos de computación"],"Update a compute profile":["Actualizar un perfil de computación"],"Update a compute resource":["Actualizar un recurso de cómputo"],"Update a config group":["Actualizar un grupo de configuración"],"Update a default template combination for an operating system":["Actualizar una combinación de plantilla predeterminada para un sistema operativo"],"Update a domain":["Actualizar un dominio"],"Update a filter":["Actualizar un filtro"],"Update a global parameter":["Actualizar un parámetro global"],"Update a hardware model":["Actualizar un modelo de hardware"],"Update a host":["Actualizar un host"],"Update a host group":["Actualizar un grupo de hosts"],"Update a host's interface":["Actualizar una interfaz de host"],"Update a medium":["Actualizar un medio"],"Update a nested parameter for a domain":["Actualizar un parámetro anidado para un dominio"],"Update a nested parameter for a host":["Actualizar un parámetro anidado para un host"],"Update a nested parameter for a host group":["Actualizar un parámetro anidado para un grupo de hosts"],"Update a nested parameter for a location":["Actualizar un parámetro anidado para una ubicación"],"Update a nested parameter for a subnet":["Actualizar un parámetro anidado para una subred"],"Update a nested parameter for an operating system":["Actualizar un parámetro anidado para un sistema operativo"],"Update a nested parameter for an organization":["Actualizar un parámetro anidado para una organización"],"Update a partition table":["Actualizar una tabla de particiones"],"Update a provisioning template":["Actualizar una plantilla de aprovisionamiento"],"Update a realm":["Actualizar un reino"],"Update a role":["Actualizar un rol"],"Update a setting":["Actualizar un parámetro"],"Update a smart class parameter":["Actualizar un parámetro de clase inteligente"],"Update a smart proxy":["Actualizar un proxy inteligente"],"Update a smart variable":["Actualizar una variable inteligente"],"Update a subnet":["Actualizar una subred"],"Update a user":["Actualizar un usuario"],"Update a user group":["Actualizar un grupo de usuarios"],"Update an LDAP authentication source":["Actualizar una fuente de autenticación LDAP"],"Update an architecture":["Actualizar una arquitectura"],"Update an environment":["Actualizar un entorno"],"Update an image":["Actualizar una imagen"],"Update an operating system":["Actualizar un sistema operativo"],"Update an override value for a specific smart class parameter":["Actualizar un valor de sobrescritura para un parámetro específico de clase inteligente"],"Update an override value for a specific smart variable":["Actualizar un valor de sobrescritura para una variable inteligente específica"],"Update environment from facts":["Actualizar el entorno a partir de los eventos"],"Update external user group":["Actualizar grupo de usuarios externos"],"Update realm entry for %s":["Actualizar entrada de reino para %s"],"Update subnets from facts":["Actualizar subredes desde eventos"],"Update template combination":["Actualizar la combinación de plantillas"],"Update the default PXE menu on all configured TFTP servers":["Actualizar el menú PXE predeterminado en todos los servidores TFTP configurados"],"Update:":["Actualizar:"],"Updated":["Actualizado"],"Updated all hosts!":["¡Todos los hosts han sido actualizados!"],"Updated hosts: Disassociated from VM":["Hosts actualizados: Disociados de las máquinas virtuales"],"Updated hosts: changed environment":["Hosts actualizados: se cambió el entorno"],"Updated hosts: changed host group":["Hosts actualizados: se cambió grupo de hosts"],"Updated hosts: changed owner":["Hosts actualizados: se cambió el propietario."],"Upload facts for a host, creating the host if required":["Subir eventos para un host, si es necesario cree el host."],"Use Gravatar":["Usar Gravatar"],"Use UUID for certificates":["Usar UUID para certificados"],"Use short name for VMs":["Utilizar nombre corto para VM"],"Use this account to authenticate, <i>optional</i>":["Usar esta cuenta para autenticación, <i>optional</i>"],"Use this puppet server as a CA server":["Usar este servidor Puppet como servidor CA"],"Use this puppet server as an initial Puppet Server or to execute puppet runs":["Usar este servidor Puppet como servidor Puppet inicial o para ejecutar \\\"Puppet run\\\""],"Used to enforce certain values for the parameter values":["Utilizado para imponer ciertos valores para los valores del parámetro"],"User":["Usuario"],"User Group":[""],"User Groups":["Grupos de usuarios"],"User IDs":["ID de usuario"],"User data template":["Plantilla de datos de usuario"],"User groups":["Grupos de usuarios"],"User groups enable users to log into Foreman and be automatically granted permissions.":[""],"User role":["Rol de usuario"],"User's preferred locale":["Idioma preferido del usuario"],"User's timezone":["Zona horaria del usuario"],"UserRole|Owner type":["Tipo de propietario"],"Usergroup":["Grupo de usuarios"],"Usergroup member":["Miembro de grupo de usuarios"],"UsergroupMember|Member type":["Tipo de miembro"],"Usergroup|Admin":["Administrar"],"Usergroup|Auth source":["Fuente de autenticación"],"Usergroup|Name":["Nombre"],"Username":["Nombre de usuario"],"Username for oVirt, EC2, VMware, OpenStack. Access Key for EC2.":["Nombre de usuario para oVirt, EC2, VMware, OpenStack. Llave de acceso para EC2."],"Username to use to authenticate, if required":["Nombre de usuario que se utilizará para la autenticación, si es requerido"],"Users":["Usuarios"],"User|Admin":["Administrador"],"User|Avatar hash":["Hash de avatar"],"User|Firstname":["Nombre"],"User|Last login on":["Última conexión"],"User|Lastname":["Apellido"],"User|Locale":["Idioma"],"User|Login":["Inicio de sesión"],"User|Lower login":["Nombre de usuario"],"User|Mail":["Correo"],"User|Mail enabled":["Correo-e habilitado"],"User|Password hash":["Hash de contraseña"],"User|Password salt":["Contraseña de Salt"],"Uses thin provisioning if unchecked":["Utilizar aprovisionamiento fino si no está seleccionado"],"Using the organization system provides a way to group resources together for easy management. Organizations are particularly useful for Foreman installations where several customers or business units are managed with a single Foreman install.":["Usar el sistema de la organización proporciona una manera de agrupar recursos para una administración simple. Las organizaciones son particularmente útiles para las instalaciones de Foreman donde se administran varios clientes o unidades comerciales con una única instalación de Foreman."],"VCPU(s)":["CPU(s) virtuales"],"VCenter/Server":["VCenter/Servidor"],"VLAN ID for this subnet":["ID de VLAN para esta subred"],"VLAN tag, this attribute has precedence over the subnet VLAN ID. Only for virtual interfaces.":["Etiqueta VLAN, este atributo tiene precedencia sobre la ID de subred VLAN. Solo para interfaces virtuales."],"VM":["Máquina virtual"],"VM Attributes":["Atributos de máquina virtual"],"VM Attributes (%s)":["Atributos de máquina virtual (%s)"],"VM already associated with a host":["La máquina virtual ya está asociada a este host"],"VM associated to host %s":["Máquinas virtuales asociadas al host %s"],"VM is not running!":["¡La máquina virtual no se está ejecutando!"],"VNC/SPICE websocket proxy console access encryption (websockets_ssl_key/cert setting required)":["Cifrado de acceso a la consola de proxy de websocket VNC/SPICE (se requiere configurar websockets_ssl_key/cert)"],"Valid from":["Válido desde"],"Valid host group and environment combinations":["Combinaciones válidas de grupos de hosts y entornos"],"Validation types":["Tipos de validación"],"Value":["Valor"],"Value to use when there is no match":["Valor a utilizar cuando no existen coincidencias"],"Value to use when there is no match.":["Valor a utilizar cuando no existen coincidencias"],"Variable":["Variable"],"Variable lookup key":["Llave de búsqueda variable"],"Variables":["Variables"],"Vendor class":["Clase de proveedor"],"Verify":["Verificar"],"Version":["Versión"],"Version %{version}":["Versión %{version}"],"Version %{version} %{copyright} 2009-%{year} Paul Kelly and %{author}":["Versión %{version} %{copyright} 2009-%{year} Paul Kelly y %{author}"],"Very Strong":["Muy fuerte"],"View Diff":["Vista diferencial"],"View in Foreman:":["Ver en Foreman:"],"View last report details":["Ver detalles del último informe"],"View list":["Ver lista"],"Virtual (NAT)":["Virtual (NAT)"],"Virtual H/W version":["Versión de H/W virtual"],"Virtual Machine":["Maquina virtual"],"Virtual Machines":["Máquinas virtuales"],"Virtual Machines on %s":["Máquinas virtuales en %s"],"Virtual NIC":["NIC virtual"],"Virtual machine settings cannot be edited on an existing machine in %s":["La configuración de la máquina virtual no se puede editar en una máquina existente en %s."],"WARNING":["Advertencia"],"Wait for %s to come online":["Esperar a que %s esté en línea"],"Warning":["Advertencia"],"Warning!":["¡Advertencia!"],"Warning! This will remove %{name} from %{number} user. are you sure?":["",""],"Warning: This will delete this host and all of its data!":["Advertencia: ¡esta acción borrará este host y todos sus datos!"],"Warnings and errors":["Advertencias y errores"],"We have not found any documentation for your API.":["No hemos encontrado documentación para su API."],"We use Redmine to report and track bugs and feature requests, which can be found here:":["Usamos Redmine para reportar y rastrear errores y solicitudes de funcionalidades. Se puede acceder aquí:"],"Weak":["Débil"],"Websockets SSL certificate":["Certificado SSL websockets"],"Websockets SSL key":["Llave SSL websockets"],"Websockets encryption":["Cifrado de websockets"],"Weekly":["Semanal"],"Welcome to Foreman":["Bienvenido a Foreman"],"What ever text(or ERB template) you use in here, would be used as your OS disk layout options If you want to use the partition table option, delete all of the text from this field":["Cualquier texto (o plantilla ERB) que se utilice aquí será usado como modelo para particionar el disco. Si prefiere usar la opción de tabla de particiones, borre todo el texto de este campo."],"When a Host requests a template (e.g. during provisioning), Foreman will select the best match from the available templates of that type, in the following order:":["Cuando un host solicita una plantilla (por ejemplo, durante el aprovisionamiento), Foreman selecciona las mejores coincidencias en las plantillas disponibles de ese tipo, en el siguiente orden:"],"When a realm is selected for a host, Foreman contacts the relevant realm smart proxy to create an entry for the host and retrieve it's one-time registration password.":["Cuando se selecciona un reino para un host, Foreman se comunica con el proxy inteligente del reino relevante para crear una entrada para el host y recuperar la contraseña de registro único."],"When editing a template, you must assign a list of operating systems which this template can be used with. Optionally, you can restrict a template to a list of host groups and/or environments.":["Cuando edita una plantilla, debe asignar una lista de sistemas operativos con los que se puede usar esta plantilla. De manera opcional, puede restringir una plantilla a una lista de grupos de hosts o entornos."],"When enabled the parameter is hidden in the UI":["Al habilitarse, el parámetro está oculto en la UI."],"When specifying custom value, add 'MB' or 'GB' at the end. Field is not case sensitive and MB is default if unspecified.":["Cuando especifica un valor personalizado, agregue “MB” o “GB” al final. El campo no distingue mayúsculas y minúsculas y MB es el valor predeterminado si no se especifica uno."],"When the role's associated %{taxonomies} are changed,<br> the change will propagate to all inheriting filters.\\n Filters that are set to override <br> will remain untouched. Overriding of role filters can be easily disabled by <br> pressing the \\\"Disable overriding\\\" button.\\n Note that not all filters support <br>%{taxonomies}, so these always remain global.":[""],"When using SSH based provisioning, a special SSH key is created in order to automate the provisioning process.":[""],"When using TLS, you can set how OpenSSL checks the certificate":["Cuando usa TLS, puede configurar cómo OpenSSL verifica el certificado"],"Whether or not the image supports user data":["Independientemente de si la imagen admite los datos del usuario"],"Whether or not the template is locked for editing":["Si la plantilla está bloqueada o no para edición"],"Whether the class parameter value is managed by Foreman.":["Independientemente de que el valor del parámetro de la clase sea administrado por Foreman"],"Whether the smart class parameter value is managed by Foreman":["Si el valor del parámetro de clase inteligente es administrado por Foreman"],"Which is an offset of <b>%s</b>":["El cual es un offset de <b>%s</b>"],"Widget added to dashboard.":["Se añadió el asistente al tablero."],"Widget positions successfully saved.":["Las posiciones del asistente se guardaron correctamente."],"Widget removed from dashboard.":["Se eliminó el asistente del tablero."],"Wiki":["Wiki"],"With user groups, you can group your users and assign them roles on a group basis.":[""],"X509 Certification Authorities":["Autoridades de certificación X509"],"YAML":["YAML"],"Yes":["sí "],"You are about to change the default PXE menu on all configured TFTP servers - continue?":["Está por modificar el menú PXE predeterminado en todos los servidores TFTP configurados, ¿desea continuar?"],"You are about to override the editor content with a previous version, are you sure?":["Está a punto de sustituir el contenido del editor por una versión previa, ¿Está seguro?"],"You are about to override the editor content, are you sure?":["Está a punto de sustituir el contenido del editor, ¿Está seguro?"],"You are about to unlock a locked template.":["Está por desbloquear una plantilla bloqueada."],"You are not authorized to lock templates.":["No tiene autorización para bloquear plantillas."],"You are not authorized to make a template default.":["No tiene autorización para realizar una plantilla predeterminada."],"You are not authorized to perform this action.":["No está autorizado para realizar esta acción."],"You are trying to delete your own account":["Está intentando borrar su propia cuenta"],"You are using an unsupported browser.":["Está usando un navegador no compatible."],"You can add SSH public keys to a user in Foreman.":[""],"You can find The Foreman on the %{freenode} ( network. For general support, please visit #theforeman and for development specific related chat, please visit #theforeman-dev.":["Puede encontrar Foreman en la red %{freenode} ( Para soporte básico, visite #theforeman y para un chat específico de desarrollo, visite #theforeman-dev."],"You can select one of the IPAM modes supported by the selected IP protocol:<br/><ul><li><strong>DHCP</strong> - will manage the IP on DHCP through assigned DHCP proxy, auto-suggested IPs come from DHCP <em>(IPv4)</em></li><li><strong>Internal DB</strong> - use internal DB to auto-suggest free IP based on other interfaces on same subnet respecting range if specified, useful mainly with static boot mode <em>(IPv4, IPv6)</em></li><li><strong>EUI-64</strong> - will assign the IPv6 address based on the MAC address of the interface <em>(IPv6)</em></li><li><strong>None</strong> - leave IP management solely on user, no auto-suggestion <em>(IPv4, IPv6)</em></li></ul>":["Puede seleccionar uno de los modos IPAM admitidos por el protocolo IP seleccionado:<br/><ul><li><strong>DHCP</strong> - administrará la IP en DHCP a través de un proxy DHCP asignado; las IP sugeridas automáticamente provienen de DHCP <em>(IPv4)</em></li><li><strong>Base de datos interna</strong> - usa una base de datos interna para sugerir automáticamente IP libres según otras interfaces de la misma subred que respetan el rango, si está especificado. Es útil principalmente con el modo de reinicio estático <em>(IPv4, IPv6)</em></li><li><strong>EUI-64</strong> - asignará la dirección IPv6 según la dirección MAC de la interfaz<em>(IPv6)</em></li><li><strong>Ninguno</strong> - la administración de IP es exclusiva del usuario; no hay sugerencias automáticas<em>(IPv4, IPv6)</em></li></ul>"],"You can't assign locations to this resource":["No puede asignar ubicaciones a este recurso"],"You can't assign organizations to this resource":["No puede asignar organizaciones a este recurso"],"You cannot delete this user while logged in as this user.":["No puede borrar este usuario mientras lo usa para identificarse."],"You do not have permission to %s this location parameter":["No tiene permiso para %s este parámetro de localización"],"You do not have permission to %s this organization parameter":["No tiene permiso para %s este parámetro de organización"],"You don't have any visible hosts. 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Si desea configurar la introducción de eventos, siga la documentación."],"You don't seem to have any reports.":["No parece tener informes."],"You have already logged in":["Ya ha iniciado sesión"],"You may also associate one or more operating systems with this medium or alternatively set this up later on the %s page.":["Se puede asociar uno o más sistemas operativos con este medio o configurarlo más tarde como alternativa en la página %s"],"You may also associate one or more operating systems with this partition table or alternatively set this up later on the %s page":["Se puede asociar uno o más sistemas operativos con esta tabla de particiones o configurarlo más tarde como alternativa en la página %s"],"You may create puppet classes that represent high-level host configurations, for example, a <b>host-type-ldap-server</b> class, which includes all the required functionality from other modules or you may decide to create a host group called <b>host-type-ldap-server</b> and add the required classes into the host group configuration.":["Puede crear clases Puppet que representen configuraciones de alto nivel para hosts. Por ejemplo, puede crear la clase <b>host-type-ldap-server</b>, la cual incluye toda la funcionalidad requerida por otros módulos, o puede crear un grupo de hosts denominado <b>host-type-ldap-server</b> y añadirle las clases requeridas dentro de la configuración del grupo de hosts."],"You must create a location before continuing.":["Debe crear un lugar antes de continuar."],"You must create an organization before continuing.":["Debe crear una organización antes de continuar."],"You must create at least one location before continuing.":["Debe crear al menos una ubicación antes de continuar."],"You must create at least one organization before continuing.":["Se debe crear al menos una organización antes de continuar."],"You must select at least one permission":["Debe seleccionar al menos un permiso"],"You probably need to configure your %s first.":["Probablemente deba configurar su %s primero."],"You would probably need to attach the":["Probablemente sea necesario añadir el"],"Your 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Delete %{taxonomy_name2}?":["",""],"%{type} %{conflicts} already exists":["%{type} %{conflicts} existe déjà"],"%{user} Downloaded %{key} as pem file":[""],"%{value} does not belong to %{os} operating system":["%{value} ne fait pas partie du système d'exploitation %{os}"],"%{value} is not a valid controller":["%{value} n'est pas un contrôleur valide"],"%{value} is not one of %{rules}":["%{value} n'est pas inclus dans %{rules}"],"%{vm} is now %{vm_state}":["%{vm} est maintenant %{vm_state}"],"&laquo;":["&laquo;"],"&raquo;":["&raquo;"],"'%{host}' could be deleted or '%{resource}' is not responding.":["'%{host}' peut avoir été supprimé ou '%{resource}' ne répond pas."],"'%{host}' not found on '%{resource}'":["'%{host}' introuvable pour '%{resource}'"],"'%{loader}' is not one of %{loaders}":["'%{loader}' n'est pas inclus dans %{loaders}"],"'Content-Type: %s' is unsupported in API v2 for POST and PUT requests. Please use 'Content-Type: application/json'.":["'Content-Type: %s' n'est pas pris en charge en v2 de l'API que ce soit pour les requêtes POST ou PUT. Merci d'utiliser 'Content-Type: application/json'."],"(Miscellaneous)":["(Divers)"],"(optional) IAM Role for Fog to use when creating this image.":["(Facultatif) Rôle IAM de Fog lors de la création de cette image."],"*Clear %s proxy*":["*Effacer le proxy %s*"],"*Clear environment*":["*Nettoyer l'environnement*"],"*Clear host group*":["*Effacer le groupe d'hôtes*"],"*Inherit from host group*":["*hérité d'un groupe d'hôtes*"],", relevant log entries, and it is highly recommended to also attach the foreman-debug output.":[", lignes correspondantes des fichiers journaux, et il est fortement recommandé d'attacher la sortie écran de la commande foreman-debug."],":foreman_url is not set, please configure in the Foreman Web UI (Administer -> Settings -> General)":[":foreman_url n'est pas définie, merci de configurer cette variable dans l'interface Web de Foreman (Administrer -> paramètres -> Général)"],"<b class='select_count'>0</b> selected":["<b class='select_count'>0</b> sélectionnée(s)"],"<b style=\\\"color: #6bb5df;\\\">%{disabled_sum}</b>\\n <p>Disabled</p>":["",""],"<b style=\\\"color: #6bb5df;\\\">%{hosts_sum}</b>\\n <p>Changed</p>":["",""],"<b style=\\\"color: #6bb5df;\\\">%{out_of_sync_sum}</b>\\n <p>Out of sync</p>":["",""],"<b>Description:</b> %{desc}<br/>\\n <b>Type:</b> %{type}<br/>\\n <b>Matcher:</b> %{matcher}<br/>\\n <b>Inherited value:</b> %{inherited_value}":["<b>Description :</b> %{desc}<br/>\\n<b>Type :</b> %{type}<br/>\\n<b>Matcher :</b> %{matcher}<br/>\\n<b>Valeur héritée :</b> %{inherited_value}"],"<b>Foreman API v1 is deprecated. Please use v2.</b><br />If you still need to use v1, you may do so by either passing 'version=1' in the Accept Header or using api/v1/ in the URL.":["<b>L'API v1 de Foreman est obsolète. Merci d'utiliser l'API v2.</b><br />Si vous avez absolument besoin de l'API v1, vous pouvez soit passer l'option 'version=1' au Header Accept, soit utiliser api/v1/ dans l'URL d'accès."],"<b>Foreman</b> Build Complete":["<b>Foreman</b> Construction terminée"],"<b>Foreman</b> Puppet error report":["<b>Foreman</b> Rapport d'erreur Puppet"],"<b>Foreman</b> Puppet summary":["<b>Foreman</b> Rapport Puppet "],"<b>Foreman</b> audit summary":["<b>Foreman</b> Rapports d'audit"],"<b>Foreman</b> test email":["Courrier de test de <b>Foreman</b>"],"<b>Source:</b> %{type} %{name}":["<b>Source :</b> %{type} %{name}"],"<dl><dt>List</dt> <dd>A list of the allowed values, specified in the Validator rule field.</dd><dt>Regexp</dt> <dd>Validates the input with the regular expression in the Validator rule field.</dd></dl>":["<dl><dt>Liste</dt> <dd>Une liste de valeurs autorisées, spécifiées dans le champ de règle de validation.</dd><dt>Regexp</dt> <dd>Valide les entrées à l'aide d'une expression régulière dans le champ de règle de validation.</dd></dl>"],"<dl><dt>String</dt> <dd>Everything is taken as a string.</dd><dt>Boolean</dt> <dd>Common representation of boolean values are accepted.</dd><dt>Integer</dt> <dd>Integer numbers only, can be negative.</dd><dt>Real</dt> <dd>Accept any numerical input.</dd><dt>Array</dt> <dd>A valid JSON or YAML input, that must evaluate to an array.</dd><dt>Hash</dt> <dd>A valid JSON or YAML input, that must evaluate to an object/map/dict/hash.</dd><dt>YAML</dt> <dd>Any valid YAML input.</dd><dt>JSON</dt> <dd>Any valid JSON input.</dd></dl>":["<dl><dt>Chaîne</dt> <dd>Tout est considéré comme une chaîne de caractères.</dd><dt>Booléen</dt> <dd>Les représentations classiques des booléens sont acceptées.</dd><dt>Entier</dt> <dd>Nombre entier uniquement, peut être négatif.</dd><dt>Réel</dt> <dd>Accepte n'importe quelle valeur numérique.</dd><dt>Tableau</dt> <dd>Une entrée JSON ou YAML valide, doit être évaluée en tant que tableau.</dd><dt>Dictionnaire</dt> <dd>Une entrée JSON ou YAML valide, doit être évaluée en tant qu'objet/dictionnaire/Table de hachage.</dd><dt>YAML</dt> <dd>Une entrée YAML valide.</dd><dt>JSON</dt> <dd>Une entrée JSON valide.</dd></dl>"],"A Foreman user group can be associated to a group stored in an LDAP server, so membership of the LDAP group automatically adds the user to the Foreman user group.":[""],"A host group is in some ways similar to an inherited node declaration, in that it is a high level grouping of classes that can be named and treated as a unit. This is then treated as a template and is selectable during the creation of a new host and ensures that the host is configured in one of your pre-defined states.":["Un groupe d'hôtes est en quelques sorte similaire à de l'héritage de noeud, dans le sens où c'est un regroupement haut niveau de classes qui peut être nommé et traité comme un tout. C'est alors traité comme un modèle et est sélectionnable pendant la phase de création d'un nouvel hôte et assure que l'hôte est configuré dans un de vos états prédéfinis."],"A medium represents the source of one or more operating system's installation files, accessible via the network.\\n It will probably be a mirror from the internet or a copy of one or more CD or DVDs.":["Un médium représente la source des fichiers utilisés pour l'installation d'un système d'exploitation, accessible depuis le réseau.\\nC'est souvent un mirroir sur internet ou encore une copie de CD ou DVD."],"A partition table entry represents either":["Une table de partition représente soit"],"A problem occurred when detecting host type: %s":["Un problème est survenu lors de la détection du type d'hôte : %s"],"A script to dynamically calculate the desired sizes. E.G.":["Un script pour calculer dynamiquement la taille désirée. Ex :"],"A user group already exists with this name":["Un groupe d'utilisateurs portant ce nom existe déjà"],"API Key":["Clé API"],"API documentation":["Documentation de l'API"],"About":["À propos"],"Access Key":["Clé d'accès"],"Access denied":["Accès refusé"],"Access unattended without build":[""],"Account":["Compte"],"Acquire IP addresses for %s":[""],"Action":["Action"],"Actions":["Actions"],"Active":["Actif"],"Active Hosts":["Hôtes actifs"],"Active features":["Fonctions actives"],"Active key":[""],"Add Autosign entry":["Ajouter une entrée à signer automatiquement"],"Add Bookmark":["Ajouter un marque-pages"],"Add Interface":["Ajouter une interface"],"Add Matcher":["Ajouter un Matcher"],"Add Parameter":["Ajouter un paramètre"],"Add Trend Counter":["Ajouter un compteur de tendance"],"Add Variable":["Ajouter une variable"],"Add Volume":["Ajouter un volume"],"Add a CD-ROM drive to the virtual machine.":["Ajouter un lecteur de CD-ROM à la machine virtuelle"],"Add a Puppet class to host":["Ajout d'une classe Puppet à l'hôte"],"Add a Puppet class to host group":["Ajouter une classe Puppet à un groupe d'hôtes"],"Add a template combination":["Ajouter une combinaison de modèle"],"Add combination":["Ajout de combinaison"],"Add external user group":["Ajouter un groupe d'utilisateur externe"],"Add filter":["Ajout filtre"],"Add to dashboard":["Ajouter au tableau de bord"],"Add widgets":["Ajouter des modules"],"Add:":["Ajouter :"],"Adding would cause a cycle!":["L'ajout provoquerait une dépendance circulaire"],"Additional Information":["Informations additionnelles"],"Additional compute resource specific attributes for the interface.":["Autres attributs pour la ressource de calcul spécifiques à cet interface."],"Additional compute resource specific attributes.":["Autres attributs spécifiques de la ressource de calcul."],"Additional information about this host":["Informations additionnelles sur cet hôte"],"Address to connect to":[""],"Admin permissions required":["Permissions Admin requises"],"Administer":["Administrer"],"Administrator email address":["L'adresse de courrier électronique de l'administrateur"],"Administrator user account required":["Un compte administrateur est requis"],"Alert":["Alerte"],"Alerts disabled":["Alertes désactivées"],"Alias or VLAN device":["Périphérique Alias ou VLAN"],"All":["Tout"],"All Puppet Classes for %s":["Toutes les Classes Puppet pour %s"],"All Reports":["Tous les Rapports"],"All compute resources":["Toutes les ressources de calcul"],"All domains":["Tous les domaines"],"All environments":["Tous les environnements"],"All environments - (not filtered)":["Tous les environnements - (non filtrés)"],"All host groups":["Tous les groupes d'hôtes"],"All hosts":["Tous les hôtes"],"All hosts data matches configurations for locations and organizations.":["Toutes les données des hôtes correspondent aux emplacements et aux organisations actuels."],"All hosts previously with no %{single} are now assigned to %{name}":["Tous les précédents hôtes sans %{single} sont désormais attribués à %{name}"],"All hosts will show a configuration status even when a Puppet smart proxy is not assigned":["Tous les hôtes vont montrer un statut de configuration même lorsqu'un smart proxy Puppet n'est pas défini"],"All items":["Tous les éléments"],"All media":["Tous les médias"],"All messages":["Tous les messages"],"All mismatches between hosts and %s have been fixed":["Toutes les erreurs de correspondance entre hôtes et %s ont été corrigées"],"All mismatches between hosts and locations/organizations have been fixed":["Toutes les erreurs de correspondance entre hôtes et emplacements/organisations ont été corrigées."],"All partition tables":["Toutes les tables de partition"],"All provisioning templates":["Tous les modèles de provisioning"],"All realms":["Tous les royaumes"],"All smart proxies":["Tous les Smart Proxies"],"All subnets":["Tous les sous-réseaux"],"All users":["Tous les utilisateurs"],"Allocated":["Alloué"],"Allocation (GB)":["Allocation (GB)"],"Allow access to unattended URLs without build mode being used":[""],"Allow external network as main network":["Autoriser un réseau externe comme réseau principal"],"Allowed methods or members":[""],"Always show configuration status":["Toujours afficher le statut de configuration"],"An IP address will be auto-suggested if you have enabled IPAM on the IPv4 subnet selected above.<br/><br/>The IP address can be left blank when:<br/><ul><li>provisioning tokens are enabled</li><li>the domain does not manage DNS</li><li>the subnet does not manage reverse DNS</li><li>and the subnet does not manage DHCP reservations</li></ul>":[""],"An IP address will be auto-suggested if you have enabled IPAM on the IPv6 subnet selected above.":[""],"An email address is required, please update your account details":["Une adresse email est nécéssaire, merci de mettre à jour vos details de compte"],"An error occurred while testing the connection: ":[""],"An explicit layout for the partitions of your hard drive(s). E.G.":["Un partitionnement explicite pour votre(vos) disque(s). Ex. :"],"An invalid response was received while requesting available features from this proxy":[""],"Annotation Notes":["Annotations"],"Annotation notes":["Annotations"],"Anonymous admin user %s is missing, run foreman-rake db:seed":["Utilisateur admin anonyme %s est absent, lancer foreman-rake db:seed"],"Any Context":["Tout contexte"],"Any Location":["Tout emplacement"],"Any Organization":["Toute Organisation"],"Applicable Operating Systems":["Systèmes d'exploitation possibles"],"Applied":["Appliqué"],"Applied|A":["A"],"Architecture":["Architecture"],"Architecture Distribution":["Répartition des architectures"],"Architecture ID":["ID de l'architecture"],"Architectures":["Architectures"],"Architecture|Hostgroups count":["Nombre de groupes d'hôtes"],"Architecture|Hosts count":["Nombre d'hôtes"],"Architecture|Name":["Nom"],"Are you sure you want to %{act} %{vm}?":["Êtes-vous sûr de vouloir %{act} %{vm} ?"],"Are you sure you want to delete host %s? This action is irreversible.":["Êtes-vous sûr de supprimer l'hôte %s ? Cette action est irréversible."],"Are you sure you want to delete host %s? This will delete the virtual machine and its disks, and is irreversible.":["Êtes-vous sûr de supprimer l'hôte %s ? Cela supprime la machine virtuelle et ses disques, et est irréversible."],"Are you sure you want to delete this widget from your dashboard?":["Êtes-vous sur de supprimer ce widget de votre tableau de bord ?"],"Are you sure you want to log out?":["Etes-vous certain de vouloir vous déconnecter ?"],"Are you sure you want to power %{act} %{vm}?":["Êtes-vous sûr de vouloir %{act} %{vm} ?"],"Are you sure?":["Êtes-vous sûr ?"],"Array of extra information types to include":[""],"Array of host IDs to associate with the partition table":["Tableau des ID des hôtes à associer à la table de partition"],"Array of host group IDs to associate with the partition table":["Tableau des ID des groupes d'hôtes à associer à la table de partition"],"Array of operating system IDs to associate with the partition table":["Tableau des ID de systèmes d'exploitation associés à la table de partition"],"Array of operating system IDs to associate with the template":["Tableau des ID de systèmes d'exploitation associés à ce modèle"],"Array of parameters":["Tableau de paramètres"],"Array of parameters (name, value)":["Tableau de paramètres (nom, valeur)"],"Array of template combinations (hostgroup_id, environment_id)":["Tableau des combinaisons de modèles (hostgroup_id, environment_id)"],"Assign All":["Tout attribuer"],"Assign Hosts to %s":["Attribuer les hôtes à %s"],"Assign Location":["Attribuer un emplacement"],"Assign Organization":["Attribuer une Organisation"],"Assign Selected Hosts":["Attribuer aux hôtes sélectionnés"],"Assign the %{count} host with no %{taxonomy_single} to %{taxonomy_name}":["Affecter %{count} hôte avec aucune %{taxonomy_single} à %{taxonomy_name}","Affecter les %{count} hôtes avec aucune %{taxonomy_single} à %{taxonomy_name}"],"Assign to %s":["Attribuer à %s"],"Assigning hosts to %{taxonomy_name} will also update %{taxonomy_name} to include all the resources that the selected hosts are currently using.":["L'attribution des hôtes à %{taxonomy_name} mettra également à jour %{taxonomy_name} pour inclure toutes les ressources que les hôtes sélectionnés sont en train d'utiliser."],"Associate VM":["Associer à une VM"],"Associate VM to a Foreman host":["Associer une VM à un hôte Foreman"],"Associate VMs":["Associer les VMs"],"Associate VMs to Foreman hosts":["Associer les VMs à des hôtes Foreman"],"Associate VMs to Hosts":["Associer les VM à des hôtes"],"Association":["Association"],"At least one volume must be specified for image-based provisioning.":["Au moins un volume doit être choisi pour un provisioning par image."],"Attempting to construct an operating system image filename but %s cannot be built from an image":["Tentative de construction d'un nom de fichier image du système d'exploitation mais %s ne peut être installé depuis une image"],"Attribute mappings":["Correspondance d'attributs"],"Attribute type":["Type de l'attribut"],"Audit":[""],"Audit Comment":["Commentaire d'Audit"],"Audit summary":["Rapport d'audit"],"Audited::Adapters::ActiveRecord::Audit|Action":["Action"],"Audited::Adapters::ActiveRecord::Audit|Associated name":["Nom associé"],"Audited::Adapters::ActiveRecord::Audit|Associated type":["Type associé"],"Audited::Adapters::ActiveRecord::Audit|Auditable name":["Nom d'audit"],"Audited::Adapters::ActiveRecord::Audit|Auditable type":["Type d'audit"],"Audited::Adapters::ActiveRecord::Audit|Audited changes":["Changements audités"],"Audited::Adapters::ActiveRecord::Audit|Comment":["Commentaires"],"Audited::Adapters::ActiveRecord::Audit|Remote address":["Adresse distante"],"Audited::Adapters::ActiveRecord::Audit|User type":["Type d'utilisateur"],"Audited::Adapters::ActiveRecord::Audit|Username":["Nom d'utilisateur"],"Audited::Adapters::ActiveRecord::Audit|Version":["Version"],"Audits":["Audits"],"Auth source":["Auth source"],"AuthSource|Account":["Compte"],"AuthSource|Account password":["Mot de passe"],"AuthSource|Attr firstname":["Attribut Prénom"],"AuthSource|Attr lastname":["Attribut Nom de famille"],"AuthSource|Attr login":["Attribut login"],"AuthSource|Attr mail":["Attribut adresse électronique"],"AuthSource|Attr photo":["Attribut photo"],"AuthSource|Base dn":["Base DN"],"AuthSource|Groups base":["Groupes base"],"AuthSource|Host":["Hôte"],"AuthSource|LDAPS":["LDAPS"],"AuthSource|Ldap filter":["Filtre LDAP"],"AuthSource|Name":["Nom"],"AuthSource|Onthefly register":["Enregistrement à la volée"],"AuthSource|Port":["Port"],"AuthSource|Server type":["Type de serveur"],"AuthSource|Tls":["TLS"],"Authentication":["Authentification"],"Author":["Auteur"],"Authorize login delegation":["Autoriser la délégation d'authentification"],"Authorize login delegation API":["Autoriser la délégation de l'API d'authentification"],"Authorize login delegation auth source user autocreate":["Autoriser la création automatique d'utilisateurs avec la délégation d'authentification "],"Authorize login delegation with REMOTE_USER environment variable":["Permettre la délégation d'authentification avec la variable d'environnement REMOTE_USER"],"Authorize login delegation with REMOTE_USER environment variable for API calls too":["Permettre la délégation d'authentification avec la variable d'environnement REMOTE_USER pour les appels à l'API"],"Authorized by":["Autorisé par"],"Auto refresh off":["Rafraichissement automatique désactivé"],"Auto refresh on":["Rafraichissement automatique activé"],"Automatic":[""],"Autosign":["Signature automatique"],"Autosign entries":["Entrées de signature automatique"],"Autosign entry name":[""],"Availability zone":["Zone d'accessibilité"],"Available Classes":["Classes disponibles"],"Available Config Groups":["Groupes de configuration disponibles"],"Available Providers":["Fournisseurs disponibles"],"Average memory usage":["Utilisation mémoire moyenne"],"Average swap usage":["Utilisation mémoire virtuelle moyenne"],"Avoid duplicate values when merging them (only array type)?":["Éviter les doublons lors des fusions (seulement pour les tableaux) ?"],"BIOS":["BIOS"],"BMC":["BMC"],"BMC credentials access":[""],"BMC password usage":[""],"Back":["Retour"],"Back to host":["Retour à l'hôte"],"Back to host list":["Retour à la liste d'hôtes"],"Backtrace":["Trace de débogage"],"Bare Metal":["Bare Metal"],"Base DN":["Base DN"],"Before you proceed to using Foreman you should provide information about one or more architectures.":["Avant de poursuivre l'utilisation de Foreman, vous devez fournir les informations d'une ou plusieurs architectures"],"Bond":["Agrégat"],"Bond mode of the interface, e.g. balance-rr. Only for bond interfaces.":["Mode d'agrégat de l'interface. Par exemple balance-rr. Seulement pour les interfaces bond."],"Bookmark":["Marque-pages"],"Bookmark this search":["Ajouter cette recherche aux favoris"],"Bookmark was successfully created.":["Création du marque-page réussie. "],"Bookmark was successfully updated.":["Mise à jour du marque-page réussie."],"Bookmarks":["Marque-pages"],"Bookmarks are saved search queries. To save them, click on 'Bookmark this search' on the dropdown next to every search button.":["Les marques-pages sont des recherches sauvegardées. Pour sauver une recherche, cliquer sur \\\"Ajouter cette recherche aux favoris\\\" sur le menu déroulant à coté de chaque bouton de recherche."],"Bookmark|Controller":["Contrôleur"],"Bookmark|Name":["Nom"],"Bookmark|Owner type":["Type de propriétaire"],"Bookmark|Public":["Public"],"Bookmark|Query":["Requête"],"Boot device":["Périphérique de démarrage"],"Boot from volume":["Démarrage depuis le volume"],"Boot host from specified device":["Serveur de boot du périphérique spécifié"],"Bootable":["Amorçable"],"Bridge":["Pont"],"Browse host config management reports":["Voir les rapports de gestion de configuration de l'hôte"],"Browse host facts":["Voir les facts de l'hôte"],"Browser locale":["Langue du navigateur (Locale)"],"Browser timezone":["Fuseau horaire du navigateur"],"Build":["Construire"],"Build Hosts":["Construire les Hôtes"],"Build PXE Default":["Créer le fichier PXE par défaut"],"Build a query for %{mailer}":["Construire une requête pour %{mailer}"],"Build from OS image":["Construire depuis l'image du système d'exploitation"],"By unchecking this you can specify filter using Foreman search syntax in search field. If filter remains <br> unlimited (this field is checked) it applies on all resources of the selected type. When a role is associated <br> with some %s filter is not considered unlimited as it's scoped accordingly.":[""],"CA certificate expiry date":["Date d'expiration du certificat du CA"],"CD-ROM drive":["Lecteur de CD-ROM"],"CDROM":["CDROM"],"CPU hot add":["Ajout de CPU à chaud"],"CPU hot add lets you add CPU resources for a virtual machine while the machine is powered on.":["Ajout de CPU à chaud vous permet d'ajouter des ressources CPU à une machine virtuelle en fonctionnement."],"CPUs":["CPU"],"Cache slow calls to VMWare to speed up page rendering":[""],"Caching":[""],"Calling methods on objects":[""],"Can't delete internal admin account":["Impossible de supprimer le compte admin interne"],"Can't delete the last admin account":["Impossible de supprimer le dernier compte Admin"],"Can't delete the last admin user group":["Impossible de supprimer le dernier group Admin"],"Can't find a valid Foreman Proxy with a Puppet feature":["Impossible de trouver un proxy foreman ayant la fonction puppet"],"Cancel":["Annuler"],"Cancel build":["Annuler la construction"],"Cancel build request for this host":["Annuler la demande de construction de cet hôte"],"Canceled pending build for %s":["Demande de construction de l'hôte %s annulée"],"Cannot add pagelet with key %s and without mountpoint":[""],"Cannot add pagelet with key %s and without partial":[""],"Cannot continue because some permissions were not found, please run rake db:seed and retry":[""],"Cannot create LDAP configuration for %s without dedicated service account":["Impossible de créer une configuration LDAP pour %s sans compte de service dédié"],"Cannot delete %{current} because it has nested %{sti_name}.":["Impossible de supprimer %{current} car cet élément possède des imbrications avec %{sti_name}."],"Cannot delete built-in role":["Impossible de supprimer les rôles pré-définis"],"Cannot delete group %{current} because it has nested groups.":["Impossible d'effacer le groupe %{current} car il possède des sous groupes."],"Cannot delete group %{current} because it has nested host groups.":["Impossible de supprimer le groupe %{current} parce qu'il possède des groupes imbriqués."],"Cannot find user %s when switching context":["Impossible de trouver l'utilisateur %s lors du changement de contexte"],"Cannot register compute resource, wrong type supplied":["Impossible d'enregistrer la ressource de calcul, mauvais type fourni"],"Canvas not supported.":["Canevas non pris en charge."],"Caps lock ON":["Caps lock est activé"],"Certificate Name":["Nom du certificat"],"Certificate path":["Chemin du Certificat"],"Certificate that Foreman will use to encrypt websockets ":["Certificat que Foreman utilisera pour le chiffrement du websockets"],"Certificates":["Certificats"],"Change Environment":["Changer l'Environnement"],"Change Group":["Changer le Groupe"],"Change Owner":["Changer le propriétaire"],"Change Power State":["Changement de l'état d'alimentation"],"Change Puppet CA":["Changer le Puppet CA"],"Change Puppet Master":["Changer le Puppet Master"],"Change the password":["Changer le mot de passe"],"Change your avatar at":["Changer votre avatar sur"],"Changed environments":["Environnements modifiés"],"Changes to %s will propagate to all inheriting filters":[""],"Chassis":["Chassis"],"Check again":["Revérifiez"],"Check/Uncheck all":["Cocher / Tout décocher"],"Check/Uncheck all %s changes":["Tout Cocher / Décocher les %s changements"],"Check/Uncheck new":["Cocher / Décocher les nouveaux"],"Check/Uncheck obsolete":["Cocher / Décocher les obsolètes"],"Check/Uncheck updated":["Cocher / Décocher les mis à jour "],"Choose a family":["Sélectionner une famille"],"Choose a provider":["Sélectionner un fournisseur "],"Choose a server type":["Sélectionner un type de serveur"],"Class":["Classe"],"Class Distribution":["Répartition des classes"],"Classes":["Classes"],"Clean up failed deployment":["Échec du nettoyage du déploiement"],"Click on the link of a compute resource to edit its default VM attributes.":["Cliquer sur le lien d'une ressource de calcul pour modifier les attributs par défaut des VM."],"Click to add %s":["Cliquez pour ajouter %s"],"Click to log in again.":["Cliquer pour ouvrir à nouveau la session"],"Click to mark as read":[""],"Click to remove %s":["Cliquez pour supprimer %s"],"Click to remove config group":["Cliquez pour supprimer le groupe de configuration"],"Client Email":["Adresse électronique du Client"],"Client SSL certificates are used to identify Smart Proxies (:require_ssl should also be enabled)":["Les certificats SSL client sont utilisés pour identifier les Smart Proxies (:require_ssl doit être activé)"],"Clone":["Cloner"],"Clone %s":["Cloner %s"],"Clone Host %s":["Cloner l'Hôte %s"],"Clone a host group":["Cloner un groupe d'hôtes"],"Clone a provision template":["Cloner un modèle de provisioning"],"Clone a role":["Cloner un rôle"],"Clone a template":["Cloner un modèle"],"Clone this host":["Cloner cet hôte"],"Close":["Fermer"],"Cluster":["Cluster"],"Cluster ID is required to list available networks":["L'ID du cluster est requis pour afficher les réseaux disponibles"],"Comments":["Commentaires"],"Communication status":["Statut de la communication"],"Compute Resource":["Ressource de calcul"],"Compute Resource Distribution":[""],"Compute Resources":["Ressources de calcul"],"Compute attribute":["Attribut de calcul"],"Compute profile":["Profil de calcul"],"Compute profile ID":["ID du profil de calcul"],"Compute profiles":["Profils de calcul"],"Compute resource":["Ressource de calcul"],"Compute resource IDs":["ID de ressources de calcul"],"Compute resource update for %s":["Ressource de calcul mise à jour pour %s"],"Compute resources":["Ressources de calcul"],"ComputeAttribute|Name":["Nom"],"ComputeAttribute|Vm attrs":["Attributs machines virtuelles"],"ComputeProfile|Name":["Nom"],"ComputeResource|Attrs":["Attributs"],"ComputeResource|Description":["Description"],"ComputeResource|Name":["Nom"],"ComputeResource|Password":["Mot de passe"],"ComputeResource|Url":["URL"],"ComputeResource|User":["Utilisateur"],"ComputeResource|Uuid":["UUID"],"Config Retrieval":["Récupération de configuration"],"Config group":["Groupe de configuration"],"Config groups":["Groupes de configuration"],"Config management":["Gestion de configuration"],"ConfigGroup|Config group classes count":["Nombre de classes des groupes de configuration"],"ConfigGroup|Hostgroups count":["Nombre de groupes d'hôtes"],"ConfigGroup|Hosts count":["Nombre d'hôtes"],"ConfigGroup|Name":["Nom"],"Configuration":["Configuration"],"Configuration rebuild failed for: %s.":["Échec de la reconstruction de la configuration pour : %s. "],"Configuration successfully rebuilt.":["Reconstruction de la configuration réussie."],"Configure":["Configurer"],"Configure instance %s via SSH":["Configuration de l'instance %s par SSH"],"Conflict - %s":["Conflit - %s"],"Conflicts have been detected":["Des conflits ont été détectés"],"Connected (unencrypted) to: %s":["Connecté (non chiffré) à : %s"],"Connecting (unencrypted) to: %s":["Connexion (non chiffrée) à : %s"],"Console":["Console"],"Console output may be out of date":["La sortie console est peut être trop vieille"],"Console passwords":["Mots de passe console"],"Consult \\\"Provisioning Templates\\\" page to see what templates are available.":[""],"Continue to look for matches after first find (only array/hash type)? Note: merging overrides ignores all matchers that are omitted.":[""],"Continue?":["Continuer ?"],"Cores":["Cores"],"Cores per socket":["Cores par socket"],"Could not add permissions to Manager and Viewer roles: %s":[""],"Could not add permissions to Manager role: %s":[""],"Could not add permissions to Organization admin role: %s":[""],"Could not add permissions to Viewer role: %s":[""],"Could not create role '%{name}': %{message}":[""],"Could not delete %s":[""],"Could not extend role '%{name}': %{message}":[""],"Could not find %{association} with name: %{name}":[""],"Could not find a Configuration Template with the name \\\"%s\\\", please create one.":["Impossible de trouve un modèle de configuration avec le nom \\\"%s\\\", merci d'en créer un."],"Could not find network %s on VMWare compute resource":[""],"Could not find virtual machine network interface matching %s":["Impossible de trouver une interface réseau de la machine virtuelle correspondant à %s"],"Could not locate CA certificate.":["Impossible de trouver le certificat de la CA."],"Could not recreate a new SSH key":[""],"Create":["Créer"],"Create %s":["Créer %s"],"Create %{type} for %{host}":["Créer %{type} pour %{host}"],"Create :a_resource":["Créer : a_resource"],"Create Architecture":[""],"Create Authentication Source":[""],"Create Bookmark":[""],"Create Compute Profile":["Créer un profil de calcul"],"Create Compute Resource":["Créer une ressource de calcul"],"Create Config Group":[""],"Create DHCP Settings for %s":["Créer des paramètres DHCP pour %s"],"Create Domain":[""],"Create Environment":[""],"Create Filter":[""],"Create Global Parameter":[""],"Create Host":[""],"Create Host Group":[""],"Create Image":[""],"Create Installation Medium":[""],"Create LDAP Auth Source":[""],"Create LDAP Source":[""],"Create Location":[""],"Create Medium":[""],"Create Model":[""],"Create Operating System":[""],"Create Operating system":[""],"Create Organization":[""],"Create Parameter":["Créer un 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Notez que les enregistrements PTR sont gérés par le proxy DNS du sous-réseau concerné."],"Daily":["Quotidien"],"Dashboard":["Tableau de bord"],"Data store":["Stockage"],"Datacenter":["Centre de données"],"Datastore Cluster":["Cluster de banque de données"],"Default":["Défaut"],"Default Puppet environment":["Environnements Puppet par défaut"],"Default Puppet server hostname":["Nom d'hôte du serveur Puppet par défaut"],"Default behavior":["Fonctionnement par défaut"],"Default boot mode for interfaces assigned to this subnet, applied to hosts from provisioning templates":["Mode de démarrage par défaut des interfaces attribués à ce sous-réseau, appliqué aux hôtes par les modèles de provisioning"],"Default boot mode for interfaces assigned to this subnet, valid values are \\\"Static\\\", \\\"DHCP\\\"":["Mode de démarrage par défaut pour les interfaces de ce sous-réseau. 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d'exploitation"],"Delete a nested parameter for an organization":["Supprimer un paramètre imbriqué pour une organisation"],"Delete a partition table":["Supprimer une table de partition"],"Delete a provisioning template":["Supprimer un modèle de provisioning"],"Delete a realm":["Supprimer un royaume"],"Delete a report":["Supprimer un rapport"],"Delete a role":["Supprimer un rôle"],"Delete a smart proxy":["Supprimer un smart proxy"],"Delete a smart variable":["Supprimer une smart variable"],"Delete a subnet":["Supprimer un sous-réseau"],"Delete a template combination":["Supprimer une combinaison de modèle"],"Delete a user":["Supprimer un utilisateur"],"Delete a user group":["Supprimer un group d'utilisateurs"],"Delete all nested parameter for a location":["Supprimer tous les paramètres imbriqués pour un emplacement"],"Delete all nested parameter for an organization":["Supprimer tous les paramètres imbriqués pour une organisation"],"Delete all nested parameters for a domain":["Supprimer tous les paramètres imbriqués pour un domaine"],"Delete all nested parameters for a host":["Supprimer tous les paramètres imbriqués pour un hôte"],"Delete all nested parameters for a host group":["Supprimer tous les paramètres imbriqués pour un groupe d'hôtes"],"Delete all nested parameters for a subnet":["Supprimer tous les paramètres imbriqués pour un sous-réseaux"],"Delete all nested parameters for an operating system":["Supprimer tous les paramètres imbriqués pour un système d'exploitation"],"Delete all the trend history for %s?":["Supprimer l'historique des tendances pour %s?"],"Delete an LDAP authentication source":["Supprimer une souce d'authentification LDAP"],"Delete an SSH key for a user":[""],"Delete an architecture":["Supprimer une architecture"],"Delete an environment":["Supprimer un environnement"],"Delete an external user group":["Supprimer un groupe d'utilisateurs externe"],"Delete an image":["Supprimer une image"],"Delete an operating system":["Supprimer un système d'exploitation"],"Delete an override value for a specific smart class parameter":["Supprimer une valeur de substitution pour un paramètre d'une smart class spécifique"],"Delete an override value for a specific smart variable":["Supprimer une valeur de substitution pour une smart variable spécifique"],"Delete autosign entry":[""],"Delete autosign entry for %s":["Supprimer les entrées signées automatiquement pour %s"],"Delete filter?":["Supprimer le filtre ?"],"Delete realm entry for %s":["Supprimer l'entrée du royaume %s"],"Delete report for %s?":["Supprimer les rapports concernant %s ?"],"Deleted environment":["Supprimer l'environnement"],"Deleted environment %{env} and %{pcs}":["Supprimer l'environnement %{env} et %{pcs}"],"Delivery method":[""],"Deploy TFTP %{kind} config for %{host}":["Deployer TFTP %{king} configuration pour %{host}"],"Deploy VM on selected datastore":["Déployer une VM sur la banque de données choisie"],"Deploy on":["Déployer sur"],"Deprecated, please use datacenter":["Déprécier, merci d'utiliser le centre de donnée"],"Deprecated, please use omit":["Déprécier, merci d'utiliser \\\"omit\\\""],"Description":["Description"],"Description of smart class":["Description de la smart class"],"Description of the domain":["Description du domaine"],"Description of variable":["Description de la variable"],"Deselect All":["Tout désélectionner"],"Destroy":["Supprimer"],"Destroyed selected hosts":["Hôtes sélectionnés détruits"],"Details":["Détails"],"Device identifier":["Identifiant du périphérique"],"Device identifier for this interface. 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En voici quelques exemples courants : <br/><ul><li>Utilisez le nom de base pour les identifiants d'interfaces physiques, par exemple : <strong>eth0</strong> ou <strong>em0</strong> avec biosdevname.</li><li>Pour les interfaces virtuelles, utilisez soit la notation alias (<strong>eth0:1</strong>, nom:index) ou une notation VLAN (<strong>eth0.15</strong>, nom.tag).</li><li>Pour les agrégats, Linux utilise souvent le nom <strong>bond0</strong>, <strong>lagg0</strong> sur les systèmes à base de FreeBSD.</li></ul>"],"Device identifier, e.g. eth0 or eth1.1":["Identifiant du périphérique. Ex : eth0 ou eth1.1"],"Diff":["Diff"],"Diff View":["Vue différencielle"],"Disable Notifications":["Désactiver les notifications"],"Disable alerts for selected hosts":["Désactiver les alertes pour les hôtes sélectionnés"],"Disable all filters overriding":["Désactiver tous les filtres surchargés"],"Disable overriding":[""],"Disabled":["Désactivé"],"Disassociate Hosts":["Dissocier les hötes des VM"],"Disassociate host":["Dissocier l'hôte"],"Disassociate the host from a VM":["Dissocier l'hôte d'une VM"],"Disassociate the selected hosts from their VMs":["Dissocier les hôtes sélectionnés de leur VMs"],"Disk":["Disque"],"Disk mode":[""],"Display":["Afficher"],"Display Name":["Nom affiché"],"Display hidden parameter values":["Afficher les valeurs des paramètres cachés"],"Display hidden values":["Afficher les valeurs cachée"],"Display the templates that will be used to provision this host":["Afficher les modèles qui seront utilisés pour le provisioning de cet hôte"],"Display type":["Type d'affichage"],"Displaying %{num_audits} of %{total_audits} audit":["Affichage de %{num_audits} sur %{total_audits} audit","Affichage de %{num_audits} sur %{total_audits} audits"],"Displaying <b>%{count}</b> entry":["Afficher <b>%{count}</b> entrée","Afficher <b>toutes les %{count}</b> entrées"],"Displaying entries <b>%{from} - %{to}</b> of <b>%{count}</b> in total":["Affichage des entrées <b>%{from} - %{to}</b> sur <b>%{count}</b> au total"],"Documentation":["Documentation"],"Does this image support user data input (e.g. via cloud-init)?":["Cette image prend-t-elle en charge l'entrée de paramètres utilisateur (p.e. via cloud-init) ?"],"Domain":["Domaine"],"Domain ID":["ID du domaine"],"Domain IDs":["ID de domaines"],"Domains":["Domaines"],"Domains in which this subnet is part":["Domaines qui incluent ce sous-réseau"],"Domain|Fullname":["Nom complet"],"Domain|Hostgroups count":["Nombre de groupes d'hôtes"],"Domain|Hosts count":["Nombre d'hôtes"],"Domain|Name":["Nom de domaine"],"Download":[""],"Duration in minutes after the Puppet interval for servers to be classed as out of sync.":["Durée en minutes consécutives à un intervalle Puppet après laquelle les serveurs sont marqués désynchronisés"],"EC2":["EC2"],"EFI":[""],"ENC environment":["Environnement de l'ENC"],"ERROR or FATAL":["ERROR ou FATAL"],"EUI-64":["EUI-64"],"Each architecture can also be associated with more than one operating system and a selector block is provided to allow you to select valid combinations.":["Chaque architecture peut-être associée à un ou plusieurs systèmes d'exploitation. De plus il est possible de restreindre les combinaisons valides."],"Each entries represent a particular hardware architecture, most commonly <b>x86_64</b> or <b>i386</b>. Foreman also supports the Solaris operating system family, which includes <b>sparc</b> based systems.":["Chaque entrée représente une architecture matériel, couramment <b>x86_64</b> ou <b>i386</b>. Foreman supporte aussi la famille de systèmes d'exploitation Solaris qui inclue <b>sparc</b>."],"Eager zero":["Provisionné à zero"],"Edit":["Modifier"],"Edit %s":["Modifier %s"],"Edit Architecture":["Modifier les Architectures"],"Edit Bookmark":["Modifier les Marque-pages"],"Edit Compute profile":["Modifier le profil de calcul"],"Edit Compute profile: %s":["Modifier le profil de calcul : %s"],"Edit Config group":["Modifier les Groupes de configuration"],"Edit Domain":["Modifier le Domaine"],"Edit Environment":["Modifier l'Environnement"],"Edit Filter":["Modifier le filtre"],"Edit Global Parameter":["Modifier les Paramètres Globaux"],"Edit Host":["Modifier l'hôte"],"Edit LDAP Auth Source":["Modifier la source authentification LDAP"],"Edit Medium":["Modifier le Medium"],"Edit Model":["Modifier le Modèle"],"Edit Operating System":["Modifier le Système d'Exploitation"],"Edit Parameters":["Modifier les Paramètres"],"Edit Partition Table":["Modifier la table de partition"],"Edit Properties":["Modifier les Propriétés"],"Edit Proxy":["Modifier le Proxy"],"Edit Puppet Class %s":["Modifier la classe Puppet %s"],"Edit Realm":["Modifier le royaume"],"Edit Role":["Modifier le Rôle"],"Edit Smart Variable":["Modifier la Smart Variable"],"Edit Smart class parameters":["Modifier les paramètres smart class"],"Edit Subnet":["Modifier le Sous-réseau"],"Edit Template":["Éditer le modèle"],"Edit Trend %s":["Modifier la Tendance %s"],"Edit User":["Modifier l'Utilisateur"],"Edit User group":["Modifier les Groupes Utilisateur"],"Edit compute profile on %s":["Modifier le profil de calcul de %s"],"Edit this host":["Editer cet hôte"],"Email Preferences":["Préférences de messagerie"],"Email address is missing":["L'adresse courrier électronique est manquante"],"Email reply address":["L'adresse de courrier de retour"],"Email reply address for emails that Foreman is sending":["L'adresse courrier électronique de réponse pour les courriers émis par Foreman"],"Email subject prefix":["Préfixe pour le sujet du courrier"],"Email was sent successfully":["Envoi de courrier réussi"],"Empty environment":["Environnement vide"],"Enable Notifications":["Activer les notifications"],"Enable alerts for selected hosts":["Activer les alertes pour les hôtes sélectionnés"],"Enable caching":[""],"Enable certificate generation for %s":["Activer la génération de certificat pour %s"],"Enable if this is an alias or VLAN interface, note that alias can be used only with static boot mode subnet":["Cocher si l'interface est une interface alias ou VLAN, à noter qu'une interface alias ne peut être utilisée qu'en mode démarrage statique pour le sous-réseau"],"Enable puppetrun support":["Activer le support pour les Puppetrun"],"Enable rebuild on next host boot":["Activer la reconstruction de l'hôte au prochain redémarrage"],"Enable safe mode config templates rendering (recommended)":["Activer le safe mode pour le rendu des modèles (recommandé)"],"Enable smart variables in ENC":["Activation des smart variables dans l'ENC"],"Enable this host for provisioning":["Activer le provisioning pour cet hôte"],"Enabled":["Activé"],"Enabled %s for reboot and rebuild":["%s préparé pour redémarrage et réinstallation"],"Enabled %s for rebuild on next boot":["Activation de %s pour réinstallation au prochain redémarrage"],"Enabled %s for rebuild on next boot, but failed to power cycle the host":[""],"Ending IP Address for IP auto suggestion":["Adresse IP de fin pour l'autosuggestion d'adresse IP"],"Entries per page":["Entrées par page"],"Environment":["Environnement"],"Environment Distribution":[""],"Environment ID":["ID de l'environnement"],"Environment IDs":["ID des environnements"],"Environment only":["Seulement un environnement"],"Environment variable containing a client's SSL certificate":["Variable d'environnement contenant le certificat SSL client"],"Environment variable containing the subject DN from a client SSL certificate":["Variable d'environnement contenant le Subject DN d'un certificat SSL client"],"Environment variable containing the verification status of a client SSL certificate":["Variable d'environnement contenant le statut de vérification d'un certificat SSL client"],"Environments":["Environnements"],"Environment|Hostgroups count":["Nombre de groupes d'hôtes"],"Environment|Hosts count":["Nombre d'hôtes"],"Environment|Name":["Nom"],"Error":["Erreur"],"Error - %{message}":["Erreur - %{message}"],"Error adding widget to dashboard.":["Erreur d'ajout du module au tableau de bord."],"Error connecting to %{proxy}: %{error}.":["Erreur de connexion vers %{proxy} : %{error}"],"Error connecting to '%{domain}' domain DNS servers: %{servers} - check query_local_nameservers and dns_conflict_timeout settings":["Erreur de connexion au domaine '%{domain}' sur les serveurs DNS %{servers} - vérifier les paramètres query_local_nameservers et dns_conflict_timeout."],"Error connecting to system DNS server(s) - check /etc/resolv.conf":["Erreur de connexion au(x) serveur(s) DNS - vérifier /etc/resolv.conf"],"Error generating IP: %s":["Erreur de génération de l'adresse IP : %s"],"Error has occurred while communicating with %{cr}: %{e}":["Une erreur est survenue lors de la communication avec %{cr}: %{e}"],"Error loading interfaces information: %s":["Erreur de chargement des informations des interfaces : %s"],"Error loading scheduler hint filters information: %s":[""],"Error removing widget from dashboard.":["Erreur de suppression du widget du tableau de bord."],"Errors":["Erreurs"],"Errors occurred, build may fail":["Des erreurs sont survenues, l'installation peut avoir échoué"],"Errors only":["Seulement les Erreurs"],"Errors: %s":["Erreurs : %s"],"Examples":["Exemples"],"Exit Full Screen":["Quitter le mode plein écran"],"Expand nested items":["Étendre les éléments imbriqués"],"Expand the chart":["Étendre le graphique"],"Expire logs":["Journaux expirés"],"Expires":["Expire"],"Explain matchers":["Explication des correspondances"],"Export":["Export"],"Export a partition template to ERB":[""],"Export a provisioning template to ERB":[""],"Export to CSV":[""],"External Groups":[""],"External IP":["IP Externe"],"External user group":["Groupe d'utilisateur externe"],"External user group %{name} could not be refreshed":["Groupe d'utilisateur externe %{name} ne peut pas être rafraichi"],"External user group %{name} refreshed":["Groupe d'utilisateur externe %{name} rafraichi"],"External user group information":["Information du groupe d'utilisateurs externe"],"External user group name":["Nom du groupe d'utilisateurs externe"],"External user groups will be synced on login, else relies on periodic cronjob to check group membership":["Les groupes d'utilisateurs externes seront synchronisés à l'authentification, ou se baseront sur une synchronisation périodique par cron lors de la vérification de l'appartenance aux groupes"],"External usergroup":["Groupe d'utilisateur externe"],"ExternalUsergroup|Name":["Nom"],"FQDN":["FQDN"],"Fact Name":["Nom du fact"],"Fact Values":["Valeurs des Facts"],"Fact Values | %{host_name}":["%{host_name}"],"Fact distribution chart":["Diagramme de répartition des facts"],"Fact name":["Nom du fact"],"Fact value":["Valeur du Fact"],"Fact values":["Valeurs des Facts"],"FactName|Ancestry":["Ancêtre"],"FactName|Compose":["Composer"],"FactName|Name":["Nom"],"FactName|Short name":["Nom court"],"FactValue|Origin":[""],"FactValue|Value":["Valeur"],"Facts":["Facts"],"Fail on Mismatch":["Échec de concordance"],"Failed":["Échoué"],"Failed Restarts":["Erreur de redémarrage"],"Failed Restarts|FR":["FR"],"Failed connecting to %s":["Échec de connexion à %s"],"Failed features":["Fonctions échouées"],"Failed features: %s":["Fonction échouée : %s","Fonctions échouées : %s"],"Failed restarts":["Redémarrages échoués"],"Failed to %{action} %{host}: %{e}":["Impossible de %{action} %{host}: %{e}"],"Failed to acquire IP addresses from compute resource for %s":[""],"Failed to cancel pending build for %{hostname} with the following errors: %{errors}":["Echec de l'annulation en cours de construction pour %{hostname} avec les erreurs suivantes : %{errors}"],"Failed to clean any old certificates or add the autosign entry. Terminating the build!":["Échec de nettoyage des anciens certificats ou d'ajout d'entrée au fichier de signature automatique. Construction annulée."],"Failed to configure %{host} to boot from %{device}: %{e}":["Erreur de configuration de %{host} pour démarrer depuis %{device}: %{e}"],"Failed to create %{name}'s realm entry: %{e}":["Impossible de créer l'entrée du royaume %{name} : %{e}"],"Failed to create X509 certificate, error: %s":["Impossible de créer le certificat X509. Erreur : %s"],"Failed to create a compute %{compute_resource} instance %{name}: %{message}\\n ":["Échec de création de l'instance %{name} sur la ressource de calcul %{compute_resource} : %{message}"],"Failed to destroy a compute %{compute_resource} instance %{name}: %{e}":["Échec de la destruction de l'instance %{name} de la ressource de calcul %{compute_resource}: %{e}"],"Failed to enable %{host} for installation: %{errors}":["Échec d'activation d'installation de %{host} : %{errors}"],"Failed to fetch a free IP from proxy %{proxy}: %{message}":[""],"Failed to fetch boot files":["Échec de récupération des fichiers de boot"],"Failed to fetch power status: %s":[""],"Failed to fetch: ":["Erreur de récupération :"],"Failed to get IP for %{name}: %{e}":["Échec de récupération de l'adresse IP pour %{name}: %{e}"],"Failed to get a new realm OTP. Terminating the build!":["Impossible d'obtenir un nouveau OTP du royaume. Fin de l'installation!"],"Failed to import %{klass} for %{name}: doesn't exists in our database - ignoring":["Échec lors de l'import de %{klass} pour %{name} : l'entrée n'existe pas dans la base de donnée - ignoré"],"Failed to initialize the PuppetCA proxy: %s":["Échec d'initialisation du proxy PuppetCA : %s"],"Failed to initialize the realm proxy: %s":["Impossible d'initialiser le proxy du royaume : %s"],"Failed to launch script on %{name}: %{e}":["Échec de lancement du script sur %{name} : %{e}"],"Failed to load chart":["Impossible de charger le graphique"],"Failed to login via SSH to %{name}: %{e}":["Échec d'ouverture de session en SSH à %{name}: %{e}"],"Failed to modify the build cycle for %s":["Échec de modification du cycle d'installation pour %s "],"Failed to perform rollback on %{task} - %{e}":["Échec de retour arrière sur %{task} - %{e}"],"Failed to power up a compute %{compute_resource} instance %{name}: %{e}":["Échec de démarrage de la ressource %{compute_resource} instance %{name}: %{e}"],"Failed to reboot %s.":["Impossible de redémarrer %s"],"Failed to redeploy %s.":["Échec du redéploiement de %s."],"Failed to refresh the cache.":["Échec d'actualisation du cache."],"Failed to remove certificates for %{name}: %{e}":["Échec de suppression de certificats pour %{name}: %{e}"],"Failed to retrieve power status for %{host} within %{timeout} second.":["",""],"Failed to save widget positions.":["Impossible de sauver les emplacements des widgets."],"Failed to set %{proxy_type} proxy for %{host}.":["Échec de l'affectation du proxy %{proxy_type} pour l'hôte %{host}."],"Failed to set IP for %{name}: %{e}":[""],"Failed to set IPs via IPAM for %{name}: %{e}":[""],"Failed to set console: %s":["Échec de création de la console : %s"],"Failed to set power state for %s.":["Échec du changement d'état électrique pour %s."],"Failed to stop compute %{compute_resource} instance %{name}: %{e}":["Échec d'arrêt de la ressource %{compute_resource} instance %{name}: %{e}"],"Failed to undo update compute %{compute_resource} instance %{name}: %{e}":["Échec d'annulation de mise à jour de la ressource %{compute_resource} instance %{name}: %{e}"],"Failed to update a compute %{compute_resource} instance %{name}: %{e}":["Échec de mise à jour de la ressource %{compute_resource} instance %{name}: %{e}"],"Failed to update environments and Puppet classes from the on-disk Puppet installation: %s":["Échec de la mise à jour des environnements et classes Puppet depuis l'application Puppet présente sur le disque : %s"],"Failed to update the environments and Puppet classes from the on-disk puppet installation: %s":["Échec de la mise à jour des environnements et classes Puppet depuis l'application Puppet présente sur le disque : %s"],"Failed to validate %{host}: %{error}":["Impossible de valider %{host} : %{error}"],"Failed|F":["F"],"Failure deploying via smart proxy %{proxy}: %{error}.":["Impossible de déployer via le Smart Proxy %{proxy} : %{error}"],"Failure parsing %{template}: %{error}.":["Erreur d'analyse de %{template} : %{error}"],"Failure: %s":["Erreur : %s"],"Family":["Famille"],"Feature":["Feature"],"Features":["Fonctionnalités"],"Features \\\"%s\\\" in this proxy are not recognized by Foreman. If these features come from a Smart Proxy plugin, make sure Foreman has the plugin installed too.":[""],"Feature|Name":["Nom"],"Fetch TFTP boot files for %s":["Récupération des fichiers de boot en TFTP pour %s"],"Filter":["Filtre"],"Filter by level:":["Filtrer par niveau :"],"Filter by name":["Filtrer par nom"],"Filter by state:":["Filtrer par état :"],"Filter classes":["Filtrer les classes"],"Filter overriding has been disabled":[""],"Filters":["Filtres"],"Filters for role %s":["Filtres pour le rôle %s"],"Filters inherit %{orgs_and_locs} from their role by default. If override field is enabled, <br> filter can override the set of its %{orgs_and_locs}. Later role changes will not affect <br> such filter. After disabling override field, role %{orgs_and_locs} apply again.":[""],"Filters overriding has been disabled":[""],"Filter|Override":[""],"Filter|Permissions":["Permissions"],"Filter|Resource":["Ressource"],"Filter|Search":["Recherche"],"Filter|Taxonomy search":["Recherche taxonomie"],"Filter|Unlimited":["Illimité"],"Fingerprint":["Empreinte"],"Finish template":["Modèle terminé"],"Firmware":[""],"Fix %s on Mismatch":["Corriger la concordance de %s "],"Fix All Mismatches":["Corriger toutes les erreurs de correspondance"],"Fix DB cache":["Correction cache DB"],"Fix DB cache on next Foreman restart":["Correction du cache DB au prochain redémarrage de Foreman"],"Fix Mismatches":["Corriger les erreurs de correspondance"],"Flavor":["Saveur"],"Floating IP network":["Réseau d'adresses IP flottantes"],"Folder":["Répertoire"],"Follow %{href} on how to describe your controllers.":["Suivre %{href} pour savoir comment décrire vos contrôleurs."],"For example, if you have copied several Red Hat release disks into a directory structure where the disk images are named 5.8 or 6.2, and each contained both x86_64 and i386 binaries, then you\\n could create a single medium entry describing them all.\\n The entry, which could be just named 'Red Hat' could contain a path like this <em>'http://server/redhat/$version/$arch'</em>":["Par exemple, si vous avez copié plusieurs versions des médias d'installation Red Hat dans des répertoires où les noms des images sont 5.8 ou 6.2, et chacun de ces répertoires contiennent les binaires i386 et x86_64,\\n alors vous pouvez définir une seule ligne media.\\nL'entrée, qui peut simplement être nommée 'Red Hat', peut contenir une URL de cette forme : <em>'http://server/redhat/$version/$arch'</em>."],"For more info visit our documentation.":[""],"For more information":["Pour des informations commplémentaires"],"Force a Puppet agent run on the host":["Forcer un Puppet agent à s'exécuter sur l'hôte"],"Foreman API v2 is currently the default API version.":["L'API v2 de Foreman est à présent l'API par défaut."],"Foreman Developers":["Développeurs de Foreman"],"Foreman URL":["URL de Foreman"],"Foreman Users":["Utilisateurs de Foreman"],"Foreman audit summary":["Rapport d'audits de Foreman"],"Foreman can store information about the networking setup of a host that it’s provisioning, which can be used to configure the virtual machine, assign the correct IP addresses and network resources, then configure the OS correctly during the provisioning process.":[""],"Foreman can use LDAP based service for user information and authentication.":["Foreman peut utiliser des services basés sur LDAP pour l'authentification et les informations utilisateur"],"Foreman considers a domain and a DNS zone as the same thing.":["Foreman considère un domaine et une zone DNS comme étant la même chose."],"Foreman domain ID of interface. Required for primary interfaces on managed hosts.":["Domaine ID Foreman de l'interface. Requis pour les interfaces primaires des hôtes gérés."],"Foreman host group matchers will be inherited by children when evaluating smart class parameters":["Les matchers des groupes d'hôtes Foreman sont hérités par les groupes enfants lors de l'évaluation des paramètres des Smart Class"],"Foreman now manages the build cycle for %s":["Foreman gère désormais le cycle d'installation pour %s"],"Foreman now no longer manages the build cycle for %s":["Foreman ne gère plus le cycle d'installation pour %s"],"Foreman report creation time is <em>%s</em>":["L'heure de création du rapport Foreman est <em>%s</em>"],"Foreman smart variables will be exposed via the ENC yaml output":["Les Smart Variables vont être exposés via la sortie YAML de l'ENC"],"Foreman subnet ID of IPv4 interface":[""],"Foreman subnet ID of IPv6 interface":[""],"Foreman supports automatically creating realm entries for new hosts.":["Foreman supporte la création automatique des entrées de Royaume pour les nouveaux hôtes."],"Foreman supports creating and managing hosts on a number of virtualization and cloud services - referred to as “compute resources” - as well as bare metal hosts.":[""],"Foreman test email":["Courrier de test de Foreman"],"Foreman ticketing system":["le gestionnaire de tickets Foreman"],"Foreman will automate certificate signing upon provision of new host":["Foreman signera automatiquement les certificats au provisioning de l'hôte"],"Foreman will create the host when a report is received":["Foreman créera l'hôte à la réception d'un rapport"],"Foreman will create the host when new facts are received":["Foreman créé l'hôte à la réception des facts"],"Foreman will default to this puppet environment if it cannot auto detect one":["L'environnement Puppet par défaut si Foreman n'arrive pas à le détecter automatiquement"],"Foreman will delete virtual machine if provisioning script ends with non zero exit code":["Foreman va supprimer la machine virtuelle si le script de provisioning renvoie un code d'erreur de sortie non nul"],"Foreman will evaluate host smart variables in this order by default":["Foreman évaluera par défaut les smart variables de l'hôte dans cette ordre "],"Foreman will explicitly set the puppet environment in the ENC yaml output. This will avoid conflicts between the environment in puppet.conf and the environment set in Foreman":["Foreman fournira l'environnement Puppet dans la sortie YAML de l'ENC. Cela supprime les incohérences entre l'environnement dans puppet.conf et l'environnement dans l'ENC."],"Foreman will map users by username in request-header. If this is set to false, OAuth requests will have admin rights.":["Foreman va faire correspondre les utilisateurs au nom d'utilisateur dans le request-header. Si cette option est positionnée sur false, les requêtes OAuth auront les droits administrateur."],"Foreman will not send this parameter in classification output, replaces use_puppet_default":[""],"Foreman will not send this parameter in classification output.":[""],"Foreman will not send this parameter in classification output. Puppet will use the value defined in the Puppet manifest for this parameter":[""],"Foreman will parse ERB in parameters value in the ENC output":["Foreman va interpréter le code ERB des paramètres lors de la sortie de l'ENC"],"Foreman will query the locally configured resolver instead of the SOA/NS authorities":["Foreman interrogera le resolver local au lieu des champs SOA/NS autoritaires pour la zone"],"Foreman will set this as the default Puppet module path if it cannot auto detect one":["L'environnement Puppet par défaut si l'autodétection de Foreman échoue"],"Foreman will truncate hostname to 'puppet' if it starts with puppet":["Foreman va tronquer le nom d'hôte à 'puppet' si ce dernier commence par puppet"],"Foreman will update a host's environment from its facts":["Foreman mettra à jour l'environnement de l'hôte d'après les facts"],"Foreman will update a host's subnet from its facts":[""],"Foreman will update the host IP with the IP that made the built request":["Foreman remplacera l'adresse IP de l'hôte par l'adresse IP qui a émis la requête d'installation"],"Foreman will use OAuth for API authorization":["Foreman utilisera OAuth pour les autorisations de l'API"],"Foreman will use gravatar to display user icons":["Foreman utilisera gravatar pour afficher les icônes utilisateur"],"Foreman will use random UUIDs for certificate signing instead of hostnames":["Foreman utilisera les UUID des certificats plutôt que les noms de machine"],"Foreman will use the new (2.6.5+) format for classes in the ENC yaml output":["Foreman utilisera le nouveau format (2.6.5+) pour la description des classes dans la sortie YAML de l'ENC"],"Foreman will use the short hostname instead of the FQDN for creating new virtual machines":["Foreman utilisera le nom court au lieu du FQDN lors de la création des machines virtuelles"],"Found %{count} reports from the last %{days} days":["%{count} rapports trouvés pour les %{days} derniers jours"],"Full":["Plein"],"Full audits list":["Liste complète des audits"],"Full name describing the domain":["Nom complet décrivant le domaine"],"Full path to backing image used to create new volumes.":["Chemin complet de l'image à utiliser pour créer de nouveaux volumes."],"Full screen":["Plein écran"],"Full trace":["trace complète"],"Function not available for %s":["Fonction non disponible pour %s"],"GMT time":["Heure UTC"],"Gateway":["Passerelle"],"General":["Général"],"General useful description, for example this kind of hardware needs a special BIOS setup":["Description synthétique à des fins pratiques. Par exemple, ce type de matériel a besoin d'une configuration BIOS spécifique."],"Generate new random name. Visit Settings to disable this feature.":["Generation de nouveau nom aléatoire. Regarder les configurations pour desactiver cette fonction."],"Generated %s ago":["Généré il y a %s"],"Generated at %s":["Généré le %s"],"Get ENC values of host":[""],"Get configuration status of host":["Statut de configuration de l'hôte"],"Get dashboard details":["Voir les détails du Dashboard"],"Get default dashboard widgets":["Widgets du tableau de bord par défaut"],"Get statistics":["Voir les statistiques"],"Get status of host":["Voir le statut de l'hôte"],"Get vm attributes of host":["Voir les attributs VM de l'hôte"],"Global":["Global"],"Global Parameters":["Paramètres globaux"],"Global default %s template":[""],"Global default %s template. This template gets deployed to all configured TFTP servers. It will not be affected by upgrades.":[""],"Global functions":[""],"Global methods (functions)":[""],"Global parameters":["Paramètres globaux"],"Global status changed from %{from} to %{to}":["Le status global a changé de %{from} à %{to}"],"Global variables":[""],"Good host reports in the last %s":["Bons rapports dans les derniers %s"],"Google Project ID":["ID Projet Google"],"Groups base DN":["Base DN des Groupes"],"Guest OS":["Systèmes d'exploitation invités"],"HELO/EHLO domain":[""],"Hardware":["Matériel"],"Hardware Model":["Modèle du matériel "],"Hardware Models":["Modèles de matériel "],"Hardware models":["Modèles de matériel "],"Hash function to use. Change takes effect for new or updated hosts.":["Fonction de hachage à utiliser. Les changements prendront effet pour les nouveaux hôtes ou les hôtes mis à jour."],"Hash of report metrics, can be just {}":["Hash des métriques de rapport, peut être simplement {}"],"Hash of status type totals":["Hash des types de statut Puppet (Ex.: failed/skipped) et des nombres d'items"],"Help":["Aide"],"Hidden value":["Valeur cachée"],"Hide all values for this parameter.":["Cacher toutes les valeurs de ce paramètre."],"Hide this value":["Cacher cette valeur"],"Hint data is missing":["Donnée de conseil manquante"],"History":["Historique"],"Host":["Hôte"],"Host %s is built":["L'hôte %s est construit"],"Host %s is not associated with a VM":["L'hôte %s n'est associé à aucune VM"],"Host Configuration Chart":["Diagramme de la configuration des hôtes"],"Host Configuration Status":["Statut de configuration des hôtes"],"Host Group Distribution":[""],"Host Groups":["Groupe d'Hôtes"],"Host audit entries":["Entrées d'audit de l'Hôte"],"Host config group":["Groupe de configuration de l'hôte"],"Host details":["Détails de l'Hôte"],"Host group":["Groupe d'hôtes"],"Host group / Environment":["Groupe d'hôtes / Environnement"],"Host group IDs":["ID des groupes"],"Host group and Environment":["Groupe d'hôtes et Environnement"],"Host group configuration":["Configuration d'un groupe d'hôtes"],"Host group matchers inheritance":["Héritage des matchers des groupes d'hôtes"],"Host group only":["Seulement un groupe d'hôte"],"Host group parameters":["Paramètres du groupe d'hôte"],"Host groups":["Groupes d'hôtes"],"Host owner":[""],"Host owner is invalid":["Le propriétaire de l'hôte est invalide"],"Host parameters":["Paramètres de l'hôte"],"Host reported time is <em>%s</em>":["L'heure renvoyée par l'Hôte est <em>%s</em>"],"Host times seem to be adrift!":[""],"Host's network interfaces.":["Interfaces réseau de cet hôte"],"Host's owner type":["Type de propriétaire de l'hôte"],"Host's parameters (array or indexed hash)":["Paramètres de l'hôte (tableau ou hash indexé)"],"Host::Base|Build":["Mode Installation"],"Host::Base|Certname":["Nom du Certificat"],"Host::Base|Comment":["Commentaire"],"Host::Base|Disk":["Table de partition spécifique"],"Host::Base|Enabled":["Activé"],"Host::Base|Grub pass":["Mot de passe Grub"],"Host::Base|Image file":["Fichier image"],"Host::Base|Installed at":["Installé le"],"Host::Base|Ip":["Adresse IP"],"Host::Base|Last compile":["Dernière compilation"],"Host::Base|Last freshcheck":["Dernière vérification"],"Host::Base|Last report":["Dernier rapport"],"Host::Base|Mac":["Adresse MAC"],"Host::Base|Managed":["Hôte géré"],"Host::Base|Name":["Nom"],"Host::Base|Otp":["OTP"],"Host::Base|Owner type":["Type de propriétaire"],"Host::Base|Primary interface":["Interface primaire"],"Host::Base|Provision method":["Méthode de provisioning"],"Host::Base|Puppet status":["Statut Puppet"],"Host::Base|Root pass":["Mot de passe root"],"Host::Base|Serial":["Numéro de série"],"Host::Base|Use image":["Utiliser l'image"],"Host::Base|Uuid":["UUID"],"HostConfigGroup|Host type":["Type d'hôte"],"Hostgroup":["Groupe d'hôtes"],"Hostgroup|Ancestry":["Ancètre "],"Hostgroup|Grub pass":["Mot de passe Grub"],"Hostgroup|Image file":["Fichier image"],"Hostgroup|Name":["Nom"],"Hostgroup|Root pass":["Mot de passe root"],"Hostgroup|Title":["Titre"],"Hostgroup|Use image":["Utiliser l'image"],"Hostgroup|Vm defaults":["Paramètres par défaut de la VM"],"Hostname":["Nom d'hôte"],"Hostname or certname":["Nom d'hôte ou nom du certificat"],"Hostname:":["Nom d'hôte :"],"Hosts":["Hôtes"],"Hosts created after a puppet run that did not send a location fact will be placed in this location":["Les hôtes créés par un puppet run et qui n'ont envoyés aucun fact d'emplacement vont être placés dans cet emplacement"],"Hosts created after a puppet run that did not send a organization fact will be placed in this organization":["Les hôtes créés par un puppet run et qui n'ont envoyés aucune organisation vont être placés dans cette organisation"],"Hosts created after a puppet run will be placed in the location this fact dictates. The content of this fact should be the full label of the location.":["Les hôtes créés par un puppet run vont être placés dans l'emplacement décrit par ce fact. Le contenu du fact doit être le label complet de l'emplacement."],"Hosts created after a puppet run will be placed in the organization this fact dictates. The content of this fact should be the full label of the organization.":["Les hôtes créés par un puppet run vont être placés dans l'organisation décrite par ce fact. Le contenu du fact doit être le label complet de l'organisation."],"Hosts in error state":["Hôtes en erreur"],"Hosts including sub-groups":["Hôtes incluant des sous-groupes"],"Hosts managed":["Hôtes gérés"],"Hosts managed:":["Hôtes gérés :"],"Hosts that had pending changes":["Hôtes en attente de changements"],"Hosts that had pending changes with alerts enabled":["Hôtes avec des changements en attentes avec des alertes activées"],"Hosts that had performed modifications without error":["Hôtes qui ont effectué des changements sans erreur"],"Hosts that will be trusted in addition to Smart Proxies for access to fact/report importers and ENC output":["Hôtes de confiance qui peuvent accéder aux Facts / Rapports / Sortie ENC en plus des Smart Proxies"],"Hosts which Foreman reporting is disabled":["Hôtes avec les rapports Foreman désactivés"],"Hosts which are currently not running Puppet":["Hôtes qui n'ont pas Puppet de lancé actuellement"],"Hosts which are not reporting":["Hôtes qui n'ont pas de rapport"],"Hosts which didn't run puppet in the last %s":["Hôtes qui n'ont pas eu de puppet run depuis %s"],"Hosts which recently applied changes":["Hôtes avec des changements appliqués récemments"],"Hosts which recently applied changes successfully":["Hôtes avec des changements appliqués récemments avec succès"],"Hosts which recently applied changes successfully with alerts enabled":["Hôtes avec des changements appliqués récemments avec des alertes activées"],"Hosts with alerts disabled":["Hôtes dont les alertes sont désactivées"],"Hosts with error state":["Hôte avec un état d'erreur"],"Hosts with error state and alerts enabled":["Hôte avec un état d'erreur et alertes activées"],"Hosts with errors":["Hôtes avec erreur(s)"],"Hosts with interesting values (changed, failures etc)":["Hôtes avec des caractéristiques intéressantes (changements, échecs, etc)"],"Hosts with no reports":["Hôtes sans aucun rapport"],"Hosts with notifications disabled":["Hôtes dont les notifications sont désactivées"],"Hosts without changes or errors":["Hôtes sans changements ou erreurs"],"Hosts without changes or errors, with alerts enabled":["Hôtes sans changements ou erreurs, avec des alertes activées"],"Hosts without errors":["Hôtes sans erreurs"],"Hosts without errors percent":["Hôtes sans erreurs de pourcentage"],"Hosts without errors, with alerts enabled":["Hôtes sans erreurs, avec des alertes activées"],"How values are validated":["Détails sur la validation des valeurs"],"However, if it was deleted externally this page helps you to recreate it":[""],"ID of LDAP authentication source":["ID de la source d'authentification LDAP"],"ID of Puppet class":["ID de la classe Puppet"],"ID of architecture":["ID de l'architecture"],"ID of compute resource":["ID de la ressource de calcul"],"ID of config template":["ID du modèle de configuration"],"ID of domain":["ID du domaine"],"ID of environment":["ID de l'environnement"],"ID of host":["ID de l'hôte"],"ID of host group":["ID du groupe d'hôtes"],"ID of interface":["ID de l'interface"],"ID of linked authentication source":["ID de la source d'authentification liée"],"ID of location":["ID de l'emplacement"],"ID of medium":["ID du medium"],"ID of operating system":["ID du système d'exploitation"],"ID of organization":["ID de l'organisation"],"ID of parameter":["ID du paramêtre"],"ID of partition table":["ID de la table de partition"],"ID of provisioning template":["ID du modèle de provisioning"],"ID of role":["ID du rôle"],"ID of subnet":["ID du sous-réseau"],"ID of template":["ID du modèle"],"ID of the user":["ID du utilisateur"],"ID of user group":["ID du groupe utilisateur"],"ID or name external user group":["ID ou nom d'un groupe d'utilisateurs externe"],"ID or name of domain":["ID du nom de domaine"],"ID or name of external user group":["ID ou nom du groupe d'utilisateurs externe"],"ID or name of host":["ID ou nom d'hôte"],"ID or name of interface":["ID ou nom de l'interface"],"ID or name of subnet":["ID ou nom du sous réseau"],"ID or name of user group":["ID ou nom du groupe d'utilisateurs"],"IDs of associated architectures":["ID des architectures associées"],"IDs of associated config groups":["IDs des groupes de configurations associés"],"IDs of associated media":["ID des médias associés"],"IDs of associated partition tables":["ID des tables de partitions associées"],"IDs of associated provisioning templates":["ID des modèles de provisioning associés"],"INFO or DEBUG":["INFO ou DEBUG"],"IP":["IP"],"IP Address":["Adresses IP"],"IP Address Management":["Gestion des adresses IP"],"IP Address auto suggestion mode for this subnet, valid values are \\\"DHCP\\\", \\\"Internal DB\\\", \\\"None\\\"":["Mode d'autosuggestion d'adresse IP pour ce sous-réseau. Les valeurs possibles sont \\\"DHCP\\\", \\\"Internal DB\\\" et \\\"None\\\"."],"IP address auto-suggest":["Adresse IP proposée automatiquement"],"IP addresses that should be excluded from suggestion":["Les adresses IP qui devraient être exclues des suggestions."],"IP:":["IP :"],"IPAM":["IPAM"],"IPv4":["IPv4"],"IPv4 Address":["adresse IPv4"],"IPv4 DNS record":["Enregistrement DNS IPv4","Enregistrements DNS IPv4"],"IPv4 Subnet":["Sous-réseau IPv4"],"IPv4 address":["adresse IPv4"],"IPv4 address of interface":["interface de l'adresse IPv4"],"IPv6":["IPv6"],"IPv6 Address":["adresse IPv6"],"IPv6 DNS record":["Enregistrement DNS IPv6","Enregistrements DNS IPv6"],"IPv6 Subnet":["Sous-réseau IPv6"],"IPv6 address":["adresse IPv6"],"IPv6 address of interface":["interface de l'adresse IPv6"],"IRC":["IRC"],"Identifier":["Identifiant"],"Identifier of the interface to which this interface belongs, e.g. eth1":["Identifiant de l'interface de rattachement. Ex : eth1"],"Identifier of the interface to which this interface belongs, e.g. eth1. Only for virtual interfaces.":["Identifiant de l'interface auquel est rattachée cette interface. Ex. eth1. Seulement pour les interfaces virtuelles."],"Identifiers of attached interfaces, e.g. `['eth1', 'eth2']`. For bond interfaces those are the slaves. Only for bond and bridges interfaces.":["Identifiants des interfaces rattachées. Par ex. ['eth0', 'eth1']. Pour les interfaces bond, il s'agit des esclaves. Seulement pour les interfaces de type bond ou bridge."],"Idle timeout":["Durée d'inactivité"],"If ERB is used in a parameter value, the validation of the value will happen during the ENC request. If the value is invalid, the ENC request will fail.":["Si vous utilisez ERB en valeur de paramètre, la valeur résultante va être évaluée pendant l'exécution de l'ENC. Si l'évaluation échoue, l'ENC va échouer."],"If Foreman is running behind Passenger or a remote load balancer, the IP should be set here. This is a regular expression, so it can support several load balancers, i.e: (|":["Si Foreman utilise Passenger ou un mécanisme de répartition de charge, l'adresse IP doit être indiquée ici. C'est une expression régulière, donc compatible avec plusieurs répartiteurs de charge, exemple : (|"],"If checked, will raise an error if there is no default value and no matcher provide a value.":["Si coché, Foreman va générer une erreur s'il n'y a pas de valeur par défaut et aucune valeur n'est retournée "],"If owner type is specified, owner must be specified too.":[""],"If true, will raise an error if there is no default value and no matcher provide a value":["Si coché, Foreman va générer une erreur s'il n'y a pas de valeur par défaut et aucun matcher ne fournit de valeur"],"If you are planning to use Foreman as an external node classifier you should provide information about one or more environments. This information is commonly imported from a pre-existing Puppet configuration by the use of the %{link_start}Puppet classes and environment importer%{link_end}.":["Si vous envisagez d'utiliser Foreman comme external node classifier, vous devriez fournir les informations à propos d'un ou plusieurs environnements. Ces informations sont généralement importées depuis un environnement Puppet existant, par l'usage de %{link_start}l'import des classes et environnement Puppet%{link_end}."],"If you feel this is an error with Foreman itself, please open a new issue with":["Si vous pensez qu'il s'agisse d'une erreur de Foreman, merci d'ouvrir un ticket avec"],"If you wish to configure Puppet to forward it reports to Foreman, please follow":["Si vous voulez configurer Puppet pour transmettre les rapports à Foreman, merci de consulter"],"Ignore Puppet facts for provisioning":["Ignorer les faits Puppet lors du provisionnement"],"Ignore facts for domain":[""],"Ignore facts for operating system":[""],"Ignore interfaces that match these values during facts importing, you can use * wildcard to match names with indexes e.g. macvtap*":["Ignorer les interfaces qui correspondent aux valeurs suivantes pendant l'import des facts. Vous pouvez utiliser * pour faire correspondre des noms d'interfaces avec index. Par ex. macvtap*"],"Ignore interfaces with matching identifier":["Ignorer les interfaces avec ces identifiants"],"Ignored classes in the environments: %s":[""],"Ignored environment":[""],"Ignored environment names resulting in booleans found. Please quote strings like true/false and yes/no in config/ignored_environments.yml.":[""],"Ignored environments: %s":[""],"Ignored:":[""],"Image":["Image"],"Image Based":["Depuis une image"],"Image ID":["ID de l'image"],"Image ID as provided by the compute resource, e.g. ami-..":["ID de l'image fournie par les ressouces matérielles, par ex. ami-..."],"Image path":["Chemin de l'image"],"Image to use":["I'image à utiliser"],"Images":["Images"],"Image|Iam role":["Rôle IAM"],"Image|Name":["Nom"],"Image|Password":["Mot de passe"],"Image|User data":["Données utilisateur"],"Image|Username":["Nom d'utilisateur"],"Image|Uuid":["UUID"],"Import":["Import"],"Import IPv4 subnets":["Importer sous-réseaux IPv4"],"Import VM %s":[""],"Import classes from %s":[""],"Import environments from %s":[""],"Import of facts failed for host %s":["Import de facts échoués pour l'hôte %s"],"Import puppet classes from puppet proxy for an environment":["Import des classes puppet depuis le proxy puppet d'un environnement"],"Import puppet classes from puppet proxy.":["Import des classes Puppet depuis un proxy Puppet"],"Imported IPv4 Subnets":["Sous-réseau IPv4 importé"],"In addition to defining which puppet classes get included when building this host type you are also able to assign variables and provisioning information to a host group to further refine the behavior of the puppet runtime.":["En plus de définir quelle classe Puppet va être incluse lors de l'installation de l'hôte, vous pouvez attribuer les variables et informations de provisioning dans un groupe d'hôtes pour d'avantage de souplesse à l'exécution de Puppet."],"In order to create the SSH key, the user must be saved first. A 'create_ssh_keys' permission is required too.":[""],"In-line code syntax":[""],"Include default value when merging all matching values":["Inclus la valeur par défaut lors qu'on fusionne les valeurs de concordance"],"Include default value when merging all matching values.":["Inclus la valeur par défaut lors qu'on fusionne les valeurs de concordance."],"Include this host within Foreman reporting":["Inclure cet hôte dans les rapports Foreman"],"Included Classes":["Classes incluses"],"Included Config Groups":["Groupes de configurations inclus"],"Incorrect password":["Mot de passe incorrect."],"Incorrect username or password":["Utilisateur ou mot de passe incorrect"],"Independent - Nonpersistent":[""],"Independent - Persistent":[""],"Infrastructure":["Infrastructure"],"Inherit parent (%s)":["Hérité du parent (%s)"],"Inherited Classes from %s":[""],"Inherits from subnet VLAN ID if not set":["Hérité de l'ID VLAN du sous-réseau si non positionné"],"Input":["Entrée"],"Installation Media":["Média d'installation"],"Installation media":["Média d'installation"],"Installation medium configuration":["Configuration du medium d'installation"],"Installed":["Installé"],"Interface":["Interface"],"Interface is down":["L'interface est down"],"Interface is up":["L'interface est up"],"Interface provider, e.g. IPMI. Only for BMC interfaces.":["Fournisseur de l'interface. Ex. IPMI. Seulement pour les interfaces BMC."],"Interface type, e.g. bmc. Default is %{default_nic_type}":["Type d'interface , p.e. bmc. Valeur par défaut %{default_nic_type}"],"Interface's DNS name":["Nom DNS de l'interface"],"Interfaces":["Interfaces"],"Internal DB":["Base de données interne"],"Internal network":["Réseau interne"],"Interpolate ERB in parameters":["Interpréter ERB dans les paramètres"],"Invalid %s selection, you must select at least one of yours":["Sélection %s invalide, vous devez au moins choisir l'un des votres"],"Invalid Host":["Hôte invalide"],"Invalid architecture '%{arch}' for '%{os}'":["Architecture invalide '%{arch}' pour '%{os}'"],"Invalid architecture for %s":["Architecture invalide pour %s"],"Invalid authenticity token":["Jeton d'authenticité invalide"],"Invalid log level: %s":["Niveau de log invalide : %s"],"Invalid medium '%{medium}' for '%{os}'":["Medium invalide '%{medium}' pour '%{os}'"],"Invalid medium for %s":["Medium invalide pour %s"],"Invalid power state request: %{action}, supported actions are %{supported}":["Requête d'alimentation électrique invalide: %{action}, les actions prises en charge sont %{supported}"],"Invalid proxy selected!":["Un proxy invalide a été sélectionné !"],"Invalid query":["Requête invalide"],"Invalid report":["Rapport invalide"],"Invalid search query: %s":["Terme recherché invalide: %s"],"Invalid smart-proxy id":[""],"Invalid type for host creation via facts: %s":["Type invalide pour la création d'hôtes par les facts : %s"],"Invalid version format, please enter in x.y (only major version).":["Format de version invalide, merci d'utiliser le format x.y (uniquement la version majeur)"],"Is the cron job that executes %s enabled?":["Est-ce que le programme en cron qui exécute %s est activé ?"],"Issue tracker":["Traqueur de bogues"],"It is not possible to assign provisioning templates at this stage.":["À ce stade, il n'est pas encore possible d'attribuer un Modèle de provisioning."],"It is not recommended to unlock this template, as it is provided by %{vendor} and may be overwritten. Please consider cloning it instead.":["Il n'est pas recommandé de déverrouiller ce modèle, car il est maintenu par %{vendor} et peut être écrasé. À la place, veuillez utiliser un clone."],"Item":["Item"],"Iterating":[""],"JSON VM listing is not supported for this compute resource.":["L'affichage de la liste des VM en JSON n'est pas supporté pour cette ressource de calcul."],"JSON object of the scheduler hint":[""],"Keep selected hosts for a future action":["Conserver la sélection des hôtes pour une action future"],"Key Binding":["Combinaison de touches"],"Key not connected to any compute resource":[""],"Key pair":["Key pair"],"Key used with other compute resource":[""],"KeyPair|Name":["Nom"],"KeyPair|Public":["Public"],"KeyPair|Secret":["Secret"],"Kind":["Genre"],"LDAP Authentication":["Authentification LDAP"],"LDAP authentication":["Authentification LDAP"],"LDAP authentication sources":["Sources d'authentification LDAP"],"LDAP error - %{message}":["Erreur LDAP - %{message}"],"LDAP filter":["Filtre LDAP"],"LDAP server":["Serveur LDAP"],"LDAP users will have their Foreman account automatically created the first time they log into Foreman":["Les utilisateurs LDAP seront automatiquement crées lors de leur première connexion sur Foreman"],"Language":["Langue"],"Last Report":["Dernier rapport"],"Last report":["Dernier rapport"],"Last updated %s ago":["Dernière mise à jour il y a %s"],"Latest Events":["Dernier évènement"],"Learn more about this in the documentation.":["Approfondissez ce sujet dans la documentation."],"Legacy Puppet hostname":["Nom d'hôte du serveur Puppet"],"Length":[""],"Level":["Niveau"],"Libvirt default console address":["Adresse par défaut pour la console Libvirt"],"Libvirt, oVirt, OpenStack and Rackspace":[""],"Limit rebuild steps, valid steps are %{host_rebuild_steps}":[""],"List LDAP authentication sources per location":["List des sources d'authentification LDAP par emplacement"],"List LDAP authentication sources per organization":["List des sources d'authentification LDAP par organisation"],"List all :resource_id":["Tout afficher : resource_id"],"List all LDAP authentication sources":["Afficher toutes les sources d'authentification LDAP"],"List all Puppet class IDs for host":["Afficher tous les ID des classes Puppet pour un hôte"],"List all Puppet class IDs for host group":["Afficher tous les ID des classes Puppet pour un groupe d'hôtes"],"List all Puppet classes":["Afficher toutes les classes Puppet"],"List all Puppet classes for a host":["Afficher toutes les classes Puppet d'un hôte"],"List all Puppet classes for a host group":["Afficher toutes les classes Puppet d'un groupe hôtes"],"List all Puppet classes for an environment":["Afficher toutes les classes Puppet d'un environnement"],"List all SSH keys for a user":[""],"List all architectures":["Afficher toutes les architectures"],"List all architectures for operating system":["Afficher toutes les architectures pour le système d'exploitation"],"List all audits":["Afficher tous les audits"],"List all audits for a given host":["Afficher tous les audits d'un hôte"],"List all autosign entries":["Afficher toutes les entrées signées automatiquement"],"List all bookmarks":["Afficher tous les marques pages"],"List all compute resources":["Afficher toutes les ressources de calcul"],"List all environments":["Afficher tous les environnements"],"List all external user groups for LDAP authentication source":["Afficher de tous les groupes utilisateur externes pour cette source d'authentification LDAP"],"List all external user groups for user group":["Afficher tous les groupe d'utilisateurs externe pour une groupe d'utilisateurs"],"List all fact values":["Afficher toutes les valeurs des facts"],"List all fact values of a given host":["Afficher toutes les valeurs des facts d'un hôte"],"List all filters":["Afficher tous les filtres"],"List all global parameters.":["Afficher les paramètres globaux"],"List all hardware models":["Afficher tous les modèles de matériel"],"List all host groups":["Afficher tous les groupes d'hôtes"],"List all host groups for a Puppet class":["Afficher tous les groupes 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utilisateurs d'un groupe"],"List attributes for a given storage domain":["Afficher les attributs d'un domaine de stockage"],"List attributes for a given storage pod":["Afficher les attributs d'un groupe de stockage"],"List available clusters for a compute resource":["Afficher les clusters disponibles pour une ressource de calcul"],"List available flavors for a compute resource":["Afficher les saveurs disponibles pour une ressource de calcul"],"List available folders for a compute resource":["Afficher les répertoires disponibles sur une ressource de calcul"],"List available images for a compute resource":["Afficher les images disponibles pour une ressource de calcul"],"List available networks for a compute resource":["Afficher les réseaux disponibles pour une ressource de calcul"],"List available networks for a compute resource cluster":["Afficher les réseaux disponibles pour un cluster de ressources de calcul"],"List available resource types.":["Lister les types de ressources disponibles"],"List available security groups for a compute resource":["Afficher les groupes de sécurité disponibles sur une ressource de calcul"],"List available zone for a compute resource":["Afficher les zones disponibles pour une ressource de calcul"],"List boot files for an operating system":["Liste des fichiers de démarrage pour un système d'exploitation"],"List default templates combinations for an operating system":["Lister les combinaisons par défaut des modèles d'un système d'exploitation"],"List environments of Puppet class":["Liste des environnements d'une classe Puppet"],"List environments per location":["Liste des environnements par emplacement"],"List environments per organization":["Liste des environnements par organisation"],"List hosts per environment":["Liste des hôtes par environnement"],"List hosts per location":["Liste des hôtes par emplacement"],"List hosts per organization":["Liste des hôtes par organisation"],"List installed plugins":["Afficher les greffons installés"],"List of compute profiles":["Liste des profils de calcul"],"List of config groups":["Liste des groupes de configuration"],"List of domains":["Liste des domaines"],"List of domains per location":["Liste des domaines par emplacement"],"List of domains per organization":["Liste des domaines par organisation"],"List of domains per subnet":["Liste des domaines par sous-réseau"],"List of email notifications":["Liste des notifications par courrier électronique"],"List of hosts which answer to the provided query":["Liste des hôtes qui répondent à la demande du fournisseur"],"List of override values for a specific smart class parameter":["Liste des valeurs de substitution pour un paramètre smart class"],"List of override values for a specific smart variable":["Liste des valeurs de substitution pour une smart variable"],"List of realms":["Liste des royaumes"],"List of resources types that will be automatically associated":[""],"List of smart class parameters for a specific Puppet class":["Liste des paramètres smart class pour une classe Puppet spécifique"],"List of smart class parameters for a specific environment":["Liste des paramètres smart class pour un environnement spécifique"],"List of smart class parameters for a specific environment/Puppet class combination":["Liste des paramètres smart class pour une combinaison environnement / classe Puppet spécifique"],"List of smart class parameters for a specific host":["Liste des paramètres smart class pour un hôte spécifique"],"List of smart class parameters for a specific host group":["Liste des paramètres smart class pour un groupe d'hôtes spécifique"],"List of smart variables for a specific Puppet class":["Liste des smart variables pour une classe Puppet spécifique"],"List of smart variables for a specific host":["Liste des smart variables pour un hôte spécifique"],"List of smart variables for a specific host group":["Liste des smart variables pour un groupe d'hôtes spécifique"],"List of subnets":["Liste des sous-réseaux"],"List of subnets for a domain":["Liste des sous-réseaux d'un domaine"],"List of subnets per location":["Liste des sous-réseaux par emplacement"],"List of subnets per organization":["Liste des sous-réseaux par organisation"],"List operating systems where this template is set as a default":["Liste des systèmes d'exploitation qui ont ce modèle comme modèle par défaut"],"List provisioning templates":["Afficher les modèles de provisioning"],"List provisioning templates per location":["Liste des modèles de provisioning par emplacement"],"List provisioning templates per operating system":["Liste des modèles de provisioning par système d'exploitation"],"List provisioning templates per organization":["Liste des modèles de provisioning par organisation"],"List resource pools for a compute resource cluster":["Afficher les pools de ressources d'un cluster de ressources de calcul"],"List storage domains for a compute resource":["Afficher les domaines de stockage pour une ressource de calcul"],"List storage pods for a compute resource":["Afficher les groupes de stockage pour une ressource de calcul"],"List template combination":["Lister les combinaisons de modèles"],"Load Datacenters":["Charger les Centres de données"],"Load Regions":["Charger les régions"],"Load Tenants":["Charger les tenants"],"Load Zones":["Zones de charge"],"Loading":["Chargement"],"Loading ...":["Chargement ..."],"Loading BMC information ...":["Chargement des informations BNC ..."],"Loading NICs information ...":["Chargement des informations des interfaces réseaux ..."],"Loading SSH keys information ...":[""],"Loading VM information ...":["Chargement des informations de la machine virtuelle"],"Loading filters ...":["Chargement des filtres..."],"Loading host information ...":["Chargement des informations d'hôtes..."],"Loading images information ...":["Chargement des informations des images ..."],"Loading interfaces information ...":["Chargement des informations des interfaces ..."],"Loading parameters...":["Chargement des paramètres ..."],"Loading power state ...":["Récupération de l'état de l'alimentation"],"Loading resources information ...":["Chargement des informations des ressources..."],"Loading runtime information ...":["Chargement des informations d'environnement..."],"Loading template information ...":["Chargement des informations des modèles..."],"Loading virtual machine information ...":["Chargement des informations de la machine virtuelle ..."],"Loading virtual machines information ...":["Chargement des informations des machines virtuelles ..."],"Local time":["Heure locale"],"Location":["Emplacement"],"Location Distribution":[""],"Location fact":["Fact d'emplacement"],"Location parameters":["Paramètres d'emplacement"],"Location with id %{id} not found":["L'emplacement avec l'ID %{id} n'a pas été trouvé"],"Location you had selected as your context has been deleted.":["L'emplacement que vous avez sélectionné comme contexte a été effacé."],"Location/Organization":["Emplacement/Organisation"],"Locations":["Emplacements"],"Locations also work nicely when used in tandem with %{organizations}.":["Les emplacements s’accommodent très bien avec les %{organizations}."],"Locations are used to manage and differentiate the physical place where a system managed via Foreman is housed. For example, there might be a data center in London and one in Virginia; these are locations.":["Les emplacement sont utilisés pour gérer et différencier les divers endroits physiques des systèmes gérés par Foreman. Par exemple, il pourrait y avoir un centre de données a Roubaix et un à Montréal ; ceux-ci sont des emplacements. "],"Lock":["Verrouiller"],"Log In":[""],"Log entry details":["Détail de l'entrée du journal"],"Log out":["Déconnexion"],"Log out idle users after a certain number of minutes":["Déconnexion des utilisateurs après un certain nombre de minutes sans activité"],"Logged out - See you soon":["Déconnexion - À bientôt"],"Logged-in":["Connecté"],"Login":["Login"],"Login delegation logout URL":["Délégation de l'URL de déconnexion"],"Login page footer text":[""],"Logout":["Déconnexion"],"Lookup key":["Clé de recherche"],"Lookup value":["Lookup value"],"LookupKey|Avoid duplicates":[""],"LookupKey|Default value":["Valeur par défaut"],"LookupKey|Description":[""],"LookupKey|Is param":[""],"LookupKey|Key":[""],"LookupKey|Key type":[""],"LookupKey|Merge overrides":[""],"LookupKey|Override":[""],"LookupKey|Path":[""],"LookupKey|Puppetclass lookup key":[""],"LookupKey|Required":[""],"LookupKey|Validator rule":[""],"LookupKey|Validator type":[""],"LookupKey|Variable lookup values count":[""],"LookupValue|Match":["Matcher"],"LookupValue|Value":["Valeur"],"MAC":["MAC"],"MAC Address":["Adresse MAC"],"MAC address":["Adresse MAC"],"MAC address of interface. Required for managed interfaces on bare metal.":["Adresse MAC de l'interface. Requis pour les interfaces gérées des hôtes physiques."],"MAC address to reuse the IP for this host":[""],"MAC-based":[""],"Machine Type":["Type de machine"],"Machine type":["Type de machine"],"Mailing lists":["Listes de diffusion"],"Mailing lists are available via Google Groups. Much like IRC, we have a general users (support, Q/A, etc) lists and a development list:":["Les listes de diffusion sont accessibles via Google Groups. À l'instar d'IRC, nous fournissons un liste généraliste pour les utilisateurs (support, Q/A,..) et une liste dédiée au développement :"],"Manage":["Gérer"],"Manage Locations":["Gérer les emplacements"],"Manage Organizations":["Gérer les organisations"],"Manage PuppetCA":["Gestion du Puppet CA"],"Manage host":["Gérer l'hôte"],"Managed IP":["IP gérée"],"Manual":["Manuel"],"Manually Assign":["Affectation manuelle"],"Manually select and assign hosts with no %s":["Sélectionner et affecter manuellement les hôtes sans %s"],"Matcher is a combination of an attribute and its value, if they match, the value below would be provided.<br> You may use any attribute Foreman knows about, such as facts etc for example: <code> domain = </code> or <code> is_virtual = true</code>.":["Un Matcher est une combinaison d'un attribut et de sa valeur, s'il y a correspondance, la valeur ci-dessous sera fournie.<br>Vous pouvez utiliser n'importe quel attribut connu de Foreman, comme les Facts. Par Ex : <code>domain =</code> ou <code>is_virtual = true</code>."],"Max days for Trends graphs":["Nombre de jours maxi pour les graphes de tendances"],"Max timeout for REST client requests to smart-proxy":["Délai d'expiration pour les requêtes REST des clients vers le Smart-Proxy"],"Max trends":["Tendances max"],"Media":["Media"],"Media ID":["ID du media"],"Media access control address for this interface. Format must be six groups of two hexadecimal digits <br/> separated by colons (:), e.g. 00:11:22:33:44:55. Most virtualization compute resources (e.g. VMware, oVirt, libvirt) <br/> will overwrite the provided value with new random MAC address.":[""],"Medium":["Medium"],"Medium IDs":[""],"Medium|Config path":["Chemin de Configuration"],"Medium|Image path":["Chemin d'image"],"Medium|Media path":["Chemin du média"],"Medium|Name":["Nom"],"Medium|Os family":["Famille de systèmes d'exploitation"],"Medium|Path":["Chemin"],"Memory":["Mémoire"],"Memory (MB)":["Mémoire (Mo)"],"Memory hot add":["Ajout de mémoire à chaud"],"Memory hot add lets you add memory resources for a virtual machine while the machine is powered on.":["Ajout de mémoire à chaud vous permet d'ajouter de la mémoire à une machine virtuelle en fonctionnement."],"Merge all matching values (only array/hash type)":["Fusionner toutes les valeurs qui correspondent (seulement pour les types tableau/hash)"],"Message":["Message"],"Message|Digest":["Digest"],"Message|Value":["Valeur"],"Metadata":["Métadonnée"],"Method %{method} not found for resource %{resource}.":["La méthode %{method} est introuvable pour la ressource %{resource}."],"Method used to deliver email":[""],"Metrics":["Métriques"],"Minutes Ago":["Minutes auparavant"],"Mismatch Details":["Détails des erreurs de correspondance"],"Mismatches":["Non-concordance"],"Mismatches Report":["Rapport sur les erreurs de correspondance "],"Missing one of the required permissions: %s":["Il manque une des permissions requises : %s"],"Model":["Modèle"],"Model|Hardware model":["Modèle matériel"],"Model|Hosts count":["Nombre d'hôtes"],"Model|Info":["Information"],"Model|Name":["Nom"],"Model|Vendor class":["Famille de produits du fournisseur"],"Modified":["Modifié"],"Module path":["Chemin des modules"],"Monitor":["Surveiller"],"Monthly":["Mensuel"],"Must provide an operating system":["Vous devez fournir un système d'exploitation"],"Must provide template kind":["Vous devez fournir un type de modèle"],"Must specify a user with email enabled":["Vous devez spécifier un utilisateur avec l'option mail active"],"Must specify a valid user with email enabled":["Vous devez spécifier un utilisateur valide avec l'option courrier électronique active"],"My account":["Mon compte"],"N/A":["N/A"],"NA":["N/A"],"NIC":["Carte réseau"],"NIC type":["Type d'interface réseau"],"NICs":["Cartes réseaux"],"Name":["Nom"],"Name of media":["Nom du media"],"Name of the external auth source where unknown externally authentication users (see authorize_login_delegation) should be created (keep unset to prevent the autocreation)":["Nom de la source d'authentification externe depuis laquelle les utilisateurs inconnus (voir authorize_login_delegation) doivent être créés (laisser vide pour empêcher l'auto création)"],"Name of the host group":["Nom du groupe d'hôtes"],"Name of the parameter":["Nom du paramêtre"],"Name of variable":["Nom de la variable"],"Nest":["Emboîter"],"Netmask":["Masque réseau"],"Netmask for this subnet":["masque de sous-réseau"],"Network":["Réseau"],"Network Based":["Basé sur le réseau"],"Network can't be blank":["Le réseau ne peut être vide"],"Network interfaces":["Interfaces réseau"],"Network interfaces management has been moved to the Interfaces tab. Please set your interfaces there.":["La gestion des interfaces réseau a été déplacée dans l'onglet Interfaces. Merci de définir vos interfaces à cet endroit."],"Network prefix":["Préfixe réseau"],"Network type":["Type de réseau"],"New":["Nouveau"],"New Autosign Entry":["Nouvelle entrée de signature automatique"],"New Event":[""],"New Events":[""],"New Hosts":[""],"New Location":["Nouvel emplacement"],"New Organization":["Nouvelle organisation"],"New SSH key":[""],"New Virtual Machine":["Nouvelle Machine Virtuelle"],"New boot volume size (GB)":["Taille du nouveau volume de boot (GB)"],"New compute profile on %s":["Nouveau profil de calcul pour %s"],"New filter":["Nouveau filtre"],"New window":["Nouvelle fenêtre"],"Nic::Base|Attached devices":["Périphériques attachés"],"Nic::Base|Attached to":["Attaché à"],"Nic::Base|Attrs":["Attributs"],"Nic::Base|Bond options":["Options de l'aggrégat"],"Nic::Base|Identifier":["Identifiant"],"Nic::Base|Ip":["IP"],"Nic::Base|Link":["Lien"],"Nic::Base|Mac":["MAC"],"Nic::Base|Managed":["Géré"],"Nic::Base|Mode":["Mode"],"Nic::Base|Name":["Nom"],"Nic::Base|Password":["Mot de passe"],"Nic::Base|Provider":["Fournisseur"],"Nic::Base|Tag":["Tag"],"Nic::Base|Username":["Utilisateur"],"Nic::Base|Virtual":["Virtuel"],"No %{template_kind} templates were found for this host, make sure you define at least one in your %{os} settings or change PXE loader":[""],"No BMC NIC available for host %s":[""],"No IPv4 subnets selected":["Aucun sous-réseau IPv4 selectionné"],"No Notifications":[""],"No TFTP feature":["Aucune fonction TFTP"],"No TFTP proxies defined, can't continue":["Aucun proxy TFTP n'a été défini. Impossible de continuer."],"No audit changes for this period":["Aucun changent d'audit sur cette période"],"No bridges":["Aucun pont"],"No changes":["Aucun changement"],"No changes found when refreshing features from %s.":["Aucun changement trouvé suite au rafraichissement des fonctions de %s"],"No changes to your environments detected":["Aucun changement détecté dans vos environnements"],"No compute resource to show":["Aucune ressource à afficher"],"No data available":[""],"No data for this trend.":["Pas de changement sur cette tendance "],"No documentation found":["Aucune documentation trouvée"],"No domains":["Aucun domaine"],"No emails":["Aucun courrier électronique"],"No entries found":["Aucune entrée trouvée"],"No environment selected!":["Aucun environnement sélectionné !"],"No environments found":["Aucun environnement trouvé"],"No features found on this proxy, please make sure you enable at least one feature":["Aucune fonctionnalité n'a été découverte pour ce proxy, faites en sorte d'activer au moins une fonctionnalité"],"No finish templates were found for this host, make sure you define at least one in your %s settings":["Aucun modèle trouvé pour cet hôte, faites en sorte d'en definir au moin un dans les paramètres %s"],"No free ports available for websockify, try again later":["Aucun port disponible pour websockify, veuillez réessayer ultérieurement"],"No history found":["Aucun historique trouvé"],"No host could be found for rendering the template":["Aucun hôte trouvé pour créer le rendu du modèle"],"No host found to associate this VM with":["Aucun hôte trouvé à associer à cette VM"],"No host group selected!":["Aucun groupe d'hôtes sélectionné !"],"No hosts are mismatched!":["Aucun hôte n'a d'erreur de concordance !"],"No hosts available.":[""],"No hosts selected":["Aucun hôte sélectionné"],"No hosts were found with that id, name or query filter":[""],"No interesting reports received in the last week":["Aucun rapport pertinent reçu cette dernière semaine"],"No logs to show":["Aucun journal à afficher"],"No matching server groups found":["Aucun groupe de sever correspondant trouvé"],"No networks":["Aucun réseau"],"No networks found.":["Aucun réseau trouvé."],"No new IPv4 subnets found":["Aucun nouveau sous-réseau IPv4 trouvé"],"No or invalid power state selected!":["Aucun état ou un état électrique invalide a été choisi !"],"No owner selected!":["Aucun propriétaire sélectionné!"],"No parameters to override for Puppet class %s":["Aucun paramètre à remplacer pour la classe Puppet %s"],"No parameters were allocated to the selected hosts, can't mass assign.":["Aucun paramètre n'a été alloué à cet hôte, impossible d'attribuer en masse."],"No plugins found":["Aucun greffon trouvé"],"No preference":["Aucune préférence"],"No proxy found to import classes from, ensure that the smart proxy has the Puppet feature enabled.":["Aucun proxy trouvé pour l'import des classes. Assurez vous qu'un smart proxy ait la fonction Puppet active."],"No proxy selected!":["Aucun proxy sélectionné !"],"No puppet activity for this host in the last %s days":["Aucune activité Puppet pour cet hôte dans les %s dernier jours"],"No report":["Aucun rapport"],"No reports":["Aucun rapports"],"No setting value provided.":["Aucune valeur de configuration fournie."],"No smart proxies found.":["Aucun Smart Proxy trouvé."],"No smart proxies to show":["Aucun Smart Proxy à afficher"],"No smart proxy was found to import environments from, ensure that at least one smart proxy is registered with the 'puppet' feature.":["Aucun smart proxy n'a été trouvé pour importer les environnements. Assurez vous qu'un smart proxy ait la fonction Puppet active."],"No subnets":["Aucun sous-réseau"],"No template with kind %{kind} for %{host}":["Aucun modèle du type %{kind} pour %{host}"],"No templates found":["Aucun modèle trouvé"],"No templates found for this host.":["Aucun modèle trouvé pour cet hôte"],"No templates found!":["Aucun modèle trouvé !"],"No trend counter defined":["Aucun compteur de tendance défini"],"No trend counter found":["Aucun compteur de tendance trouvé"],"None":["Aucun"],"None found":["Rien trouvé"],"None!":["Aucun"],"Normal":["Normal"],"Normally when setting up a Compute Resource, a key pair (private and public) is created for you automatically.":[""],"Not Installed":["Non installé"],"Not authorized to edit classes":["Non autorisé à modifier les classes"],"Not implemented":["Non mis en œuvre"],"Not implemented for %s":["Non implémenté pour %s"],"Not relevant for snippet":["Mauvais type de Snippet"],"Nothing to add":["rien à ajouter"],"Nothing to show":["Rien à afficher"],"Notice":["Note"],"Notices, warnings and errors":["Remarques, avertissements et erreurs"],"Notification disabled":["Notification désactivée"],"Notifications":["Notifications"],"Number Of Clients":["Nombre de clients"],"Number of CPUs":["Nombre de CPU"],"Number of Events":["Nombre d'évenements"],"Number of Hosts":["Nombre d'hôtes"],"Number of classes":["Nombre de classes"],"Number of overrides":["Nombre de valeurs de remplacement"],"Number of records shown per page in Foreman":["Le nombre d'éléments visibles par page dans Foreman"],"Numerical ID or domain name":["ID numérique ou nom de domaine"],"Numerical ID or email notification name":["ID numérique ou nom de la notification par courrier électronique"],"Numerical ID or realm name":["ID numérique ou nom de royaume"],"OAuth active":["OAuth actif"],"OAuth consumer key":["Clé OAuth consumer"],"OAuth consumer secret":["Secret OAuth consumer"],"OAuth map users":["map OAuth utilisateurs"],"OK":["Validé"],"OS Image":["Image du système d'exploitation"],"OS friendly name; e.g. RHEL 6.5":["Nom court pour l'OS ; Par ex. RHEL 6.5"],"OS major version from facter; e.g. 6":["Version majeur du système d'exploitation; par exemple 6"],"OS minor version from facter; e.g. 5":["Version mineur du système d'exploitation; par exemple 5"],"OS name from facter; e.g. RedHat":["Nom du système d'exploitation depuis facter; par exemple RedHat"],"Obsolete":["Obsolète"],"Off":["Arrêt"],"Ok":["Validé"],"Old":["Anciens"],"Omit":[""],"Omit from classification output":[""],"Omit parameter from classification":[""],"On":["Marche"],"Only for BMC interfaces.":["Seulement pour les interfaces BMC."],"Only known Smart Proxies may access features that use Smart Proxy authentication":["Seuls les Smart Proxies référencés ont accès aux fonctionnalités qui utilisent l'authentification Smart Proxy."],"Only one declaration of a proxy is allowed":["Une seule déclaration de proxy est autorisée à être déclarée"],"Only one volume can be bootable":["Un seul volume peut être déclaré pour le démarrage"],"Oops!!":["Oups !"],"Oops, we're sorry but something went wrong":["Oups, désolé quelque chose s'est mal passé"],"Open Spice in a new window":["Ouvrir Spice dans une nouvelle fenêtre"],"Operating System":["Système d'Exploitation"],"Operating System version is required":["La version du Système d'Exploitation est nécessaire "],"Operating Systems":["Systèmes d'Exploitation"],"Operating system":["Système d'exploitation"],"Operating system ID":["ID du système d'exploitation"],"Operating system IDs":["ID des systèmes d'exploitation"],"Operating system default":["Système d'Exploitation par défaut"],"Operating system family":["Famille de système d'exploitation"],"Operating system family, available values: %{operatingsystem_families}":["Famille du système d'exploitation, valeurs disponibles : %{operatingsystem_families}"],"Operating system version already exists":["Ce Système d'Exploitation existe déjà"],"Operating systems":["Systèmes d'exploitation"],"Operating systems API supported?":["Support API des systèmes d'exploitations ?"],"Operatingsystem":["Operatingsystem"],"Operatingsystem|Description":["Description"],"Operatingsystem|Hostgroups count":["Nombre de groupes d'hôtes"],"Operatingsystem|Hosts count":["Nombre d'hôtes"],"Operatingsystem|Major":["Majeur"],"Operatingsystem|Minor":["Mineur"],"Operatingsystem|Name":["Nom"],"Operatingsystem|Nameindicator":["Indicateur du Nom"],"Operatingsystem|Password hash":["Hash du mot de passe"],"Operatingsystem|Release name":["Nom de la version"],"Operatingsystem|Title":["Titre"],"Operation":["Opération"],"Operators":["Opérateurs"],"Optional array of log hashes":["Facultatif : tableau de hash des logs"],"Optional comma-delimited string containing either 'new', 'updated', or 'obsolete' that is used to limit the imported Puppet classes":["Facultatif : liste de mots séparées par des virgules parmi 'new, updated, obsolete' utilisée pour limiter les classes Puppet importées"],"Optional input validator":["Option de validation d'entrée"],"Optional parameter without value.<br/><i>Still managed by Foreman, the value will be empty.</i><br/>":[""],"Optional: Ending IP Address for IP auto suggestion":["Facultatif : Adresse IP de fin pour l'auto-suggestion IP"],"Optional: Gateway for this subnet":["Facultatif : passerelle par défaut pour ce sous-réseau"],"Optional: Primary DNS for this subnet":["Facultatif : DNS primaire pour ce sous-réseau"],"Optional: Secondary DNS for this subnet":["Facultatif : DNS secondaire pour ce sous-réseau"],"Optional: Starting IP Address for IP auto suggestion":["Facultatif : Adresse IP de début pour l'auto-suggestion IP"],"Optional: VLAN ID for this subnet":["Facultatif : ID du VLAN pour ce sous-réseau"],"Optionally provide a CA, or a correctly ordered CA chain. If left blank, a self-signed CA will be populated automatically by the server during the first request.":["En option, fournir un CA, ou une chaine de CA correctement ordonnée. Si ce champ est laissé vide, un CA signé automatiquement sera automatiquement créé par le serveur lors de la première requête."],"Order":["Ordre"],"Organization":["Organisation"],"Organization Distribution":[""],"Organization fact":["Fact d'organisation"],"Organization parameters":["Paramètres d'organisation"],"Organization with id %{id} not found":["L'organisation avec l'ID %{id} n'a pas été trouvé"],"Organization you had selected as your context has been deleted.":["L'organisation que vous avez sélectionné comme contexte a été effacée."],"Organizations":["Organisations"],"Organizations also work nicely in tandem with %{locations}.":["Les organisations s’accommodent très bien avec les %{locations}."],"Original value info":["Information sur la valeur originelle"],"Other reports for this host":["Autres rapports pour cet hôte"],"Out of sync":["Désynchronisé"],"Out of sync hosts":["Hôtes désynchronisés"],"Out of sync hosts with alerts enabled":["Hôtes désynchronisés avec des alertes activées"],"Out of sync interval":["Intervalle de désynchronisation"],"Override all parameters":["Remplacer tous les paramètres"],"Override match":["Élément conditionnel de remplacement"],"Override the default value of the Puppet class parameter.":["Remplacer la valeur par défaut du paramètre de la classe Puppet."],"Override this value":["Remplacer cette valeur"],"Override value, required if omit is false":[""],"Overview":["Vue globale"],"Overwrite":["Écraser"],"Owned By":["Attribué à"],"Owner":["Propriétaire"],"Owner changed to %s":["Propriétaire changé à %s"],"Owner type needs to be one of the following: %s":["Le type de propriétaire doit être l'un des suivants: %s "],"POAP PXE template":["Modèle POAP PXE"],"PXE":["PXE"],"PXE Loader":["Chargeur PXE"],"PXE files for templates %s have been deployed to all Smart Proxies":[""],"PXE loader":["Chargeur PXE"],"PXEGrub template":["Modèle PXEGrub"],"PXEGrub2 template":["Modèle PXEGrub2"],"PXELinux template":["Modèle PXELinux"],"Param name":["Nom du paramètre"],"Parameter":["Paramètre"],"Parameter details":["Détail du paramètre"],"Parameter value":["Valeur du paramètre"],"Parameterized classes in ENC":["Classes avec paramètres dans l'ENC"],"Parameters":["Paramètres"],"Parameters for host's %s facet":["Paramètres pour les facets de l'hôte"],"Parameters that would be associated with hosts in this %s":["Les paramètres qui seraient associés aux hôtes dans ce %s"],"Parameter|Hidden value":["Valeur cachée"],"Parameter|Name":["Nom"],"Parameter|Priority":["Priorité"],"Parameter|Value":["Valeur"],"Params":["Paramètres"],"Parent":["Parent"],"Parent ID":["ID du parent"],"Parent ID of the host group":["ID du groupe d'hôtes parent"],"Parent is already selected":["Le parent est déjà sélectionné"],"Parent parameters":["Paramètres parent"],"Partition Tables":["Tables de partition"],"Partition table":["Table de partition"],"Partition table ID":["ID de la table de partition"],"Partition table configuration":["Configuration des tables de partition"],"Partition tables":["Tables de partition"],"Partition template IDs":["ID des modèles de partitionnement"],"Password":["Mot de passe"],"Password for oVirt, EC2, VMware, OpenStack. 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Clef secrète pour EC2."],"Password has been changed":[""],"Password must be 8 characters or more":["Le mot de passe doit faire au moins 8 caractères"],"Password to authenticate with - used for SSH finish step.":["Mot de passe pour l'authentification SSH lors de l'étape finale."],"Password to use to authenticate, if required":[""],"Password:":["Mot de passe"],"Path":["Chemin"],"Path to template, relative to datacenter (e.g. My templates/RHEL 6)":["Chemin du modèle relatif au centre de données (p. e. : My templates/RHEL 6)"],"Pause":["Pause"],"Paused":["En pause"],"Pending":["En cours"],"Pending Hosts":["Hôtes en cours"],"Pending changes":["Changements en cours"],"Pending installation":["Installation en attente"],"Pending|P":["P"],"Permission":["Permission"],"Permission denied":["Accès interdit"],"Permissions must be of same resource type":["Les permissions doivent être du même type de ressource"],"Permission|Name":["Nom"],"Permission|Resource type":["Type de ressource"],"Permits access to BMC interface passwords through ENC YAML output and in templates":[""],"Persistent":[""],"Photo attribute":["Attribut Photo"],"Physical (Bridge)":["Physique (Pont)"],"Please Confirm":["Merci de confirmer"],"Please Select":["Merci de choisir"],"Please Select an Image":["Merci de choisir une image"],"Please check the proxy is configured and running on the host.":["Merci de vérifier si le proxy est configuré et fonctionnel sur l'hôte."],"Please correct the error(s) below and submit your changes again.":["Merci de corriger les erreurs suivantes avant de valider vos changements à nouveau."],"Please delete all nested groups before deleting it.":["Merci d'effacer tous les sous-groupes avant d'effacer ce groupe"],"Please enable JavaScript to view the %{comments_href}.":["Merci d'activer JavaScript pour voir %{comments_href}."],"Please ensure the following parameters name are unique":["Merci de vérifier que les noms des paramètres suivants soient uniques"],"Please login to %{foreman_url} to change your password":["Merci de vous connecter sur %{foreman_url} pour changer votre mot de passe"],"Please request one of the required permissions listed below from a Foreman administrator:":["Merci de demander une des permissions requises listées ci-dessous à un administrateur de Foreman :"],"Please review them carefully, if you are certain that they should be removed, please click on overwrite.":["Merci de relire avec attention. Si vous êtes certain qu'ils doivent être supprimés, cliquez sur écraser."],"Please save the Operating System first and try again.":["Merci d'enregistrer le système d'exploitation avant toute chose et réessayez"],"Please save the role first. You can edit it later to add filters":["Merci d'enregistrer d'abord le rôle. Vous pouvez le modifier plus tard pour ajouter des filtres."],"Please save the user first before assigning mail notifications.":["Merci de sauver l'utilisateur avant de lui assigner des notifications de messagerie."],"Please select":["Merci de choisir"],"Please select a cluster":["Merci de choisir un cluster"],"Please select an environment first":["Tout d'abord, sélectionner un environnement"],"Please select an image":["Merci de choisir une image"],"Please select hosts to perform action on.":[""],"Please specify volume size. You may optionally use suffix 'G' to specify volume size in gigabytes.":["Merci de spécifier une taille de volume. Vous pouvez utiliser le suffixe 'G' pour désigner une taille de volume en gigaoctets."],"Please try to update your request":["Merci de mettre votre requête à jour"],"Please wait while your request is being processed":["Merci de patienter pendant le traitement de votre requête"],"Please wait...":["Patientez s'il vous plaît ..."],"Plugins":["Greffons"],"Port to connect to":[""],"Power":["Alimentation"],"Power ON this machine":["Démarrer cette machine"],"Power operations are not enabled on this host.":[""],"Power up compute instance %s":["Démarrer l'instance %s"],"Power%s":["Alimentation : %s"],"Preallocate disk":["Pré-allocation de disque"],"Prefix length can't be blank":[""],"Prefix length must be /64 or less to use EUI-64":["La longueur du préfixe doit être égale ou inférieure à /64 pour utiliser EUI-64"],"Prefix to add to all outgoing email":["Le préfixe à ajouter à tous les e-mails sortants"],"Prepare post installation script for %s":["Préparation du script de post-installation pour %s"],"Preview":["Prévisualisation"],"Preview rendered provisioning template content":["Aperçu du rendu du contenu du modèle de provisioning"],"Primary":["Principal"],"Primary DNS for this subnet":["DNS primaire pour ce sous-réseau"],"Primary interface's DNS name and domain define host's FQDN":["Le Nom et domaine DNS positionnés sur l'nterface primaire définissent le FQDN de l'hôte."],"Printing data":[""],"Prioritize attribute order":["Prioriser l'ordre des attributs"],"Private":["Privé"],"Private key file that Foreman will use to encrypt websockets ":[""],"Proceed to Edit":["Passer à la modification"],"Properties":["Propriétés"],"Property":["Propriété"],"Protocol":["Protocol"],"Provider":["Fournisseur"],"Providers include %{providers}":["Fournisseurs inclue %{providers}"],"Provides an unused IP address in this subnet":["Fournir une adresse IP non utilisée dans le sous-réseaux"],"Provision":["Provisionner"],"Provision script had a non zero exit":["Le script de provisioning a eu un code d'erreur de sortie non nul"],"Provisioning":["Provisioning"],"Provisioning Method":["Méthode provisioning"],"Provisioning Setup":["Configuration du provisioning"],"Provisioning Template content changed %s":["Le contenu du modèle de provisioning a changé %s"],"Provisioning Templates":["Modèles de provisioning"],"Provisioning template":["Modèle de provisioning"],"Provisioning template IDs":["ID des modèles de provisioning"],"Provisioning templates":["Modèles de provisioning"],"Provisioning templates are generated using the Embedded Ruby (ERB) language.":[""],"ProvisioningTemplate|Default":["Défaut"],"ProvisioningTemplate|Locked":["Verrouillé"],"ProvisioningTemplate|Name":["Nom"],"ProvisioningTemplate|Snippet":["Snippet"],"ProvisioningTemplate|Template":["Modèle"],"ProvisioningTemplate|Vendor":["Vendeur"],"Proxies":["Proxies"],"Proxy ID to use within this realm":[""],"Proxy request timeout":["Timeout sur l'interrogation du proxy"],"Ptable":["Ptable"],"Ptable|Layout":["Agencement"],"Ptable|Locked":["Verrouillé"],"Ptable|Name":["Nom"],"Ptable|Os family":["Famille de systèmes d'exploitation"],"Ptable|Snippet":["Snippet"],"Public":["Public"],"Public SSH key":[""],"Puppet":["Puppet"],"Puppet CA":["Puppet CA"],"Puppet CA proxy ID":["ID du Proxy Puppet CA"],"Puppet Class":["Classe Puppet"],"Puppet Classes":["Classes Puppet"],"Puppet Environment":["Environnement Puppet"],"Puppet Environments":["Environnements Puppet"],"Puppet Master":["Puppet Master"],"Puppet Modules":["Modules Puppet"],"Puppet Summary Report - 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avec ses proxies"],"SSL Certificate path that Foreman would use to communicate with its proxies":["Le chemin du Certificat SSL que Foreman utilisera pour communiquer avec ses proxies"],"SSL Private Key file that Foreman will use to communicate with its proxies":["Le fichier de la clef privée SSL que Foreman utilisera pour communiquer avec ses proxies"],"SSL certificate":["Certificat SSL"],"SSL client DN env":["Env DN client SSL"],"SSL client cert env":["Env cert client SSL"],"SSL client verify env":["Env verify du client SSL"],"SSL private key":["Clef privée SSL"],"Safe mode methods":[""],"Safe mode methods and variables":[""],"SafeRender#parse_string was passed a %s instead of a string":["SafeRender#parse_string a transmis un %s au lieu d'une chaine de caractères"],"Safemode rendering":["Rendu avec Safemode"],"Save":["Sauvegarder"],"Save positions":[""],"Save something and try again":["Sauvegardez un élément et réessayez"],"Scheduler hint filter":[""],"Scope by locations":["Tri par 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pas à %s"],"Selected items":["Eléments sélectionnés"],"Selected resource type does not support granular filtering, therefore you can't configure granularity":["Le type de ressource sélectionné ne prend pas en charge de filtrage granulaire, par conséquent vous ne pouvez pas configurer la granularité"],"Selected role":["Rôle sélectionné"],"Selecting a file will override the editor and load the file instead":["La sélection d'un fichier remplacera le contenu de l'éditeur et chargera le fichier à la place"],"Send a test message to the current user's email address to confirm the configuration is working.":[""],"Send a test message to the user's email address to confirm the configuration is working.":["Envoyer un message de test aux utilisateurs pour valider la configuration de la messagerie Foreman."],"Send a welcome email including username and URL to new users":["Envoyer un message de bienvenue incluant le nom d'utilisateur et l'URL aux nouveaux utilisateurs"],"Send welcome email":["Envoi 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next run of the installer modules?":["Est-ce que \\\"foreman-rake db:migrate\\\" doit être exécuté lors du prochain lancement de l'installateur de modules ?"],"Should the `foreman-rake db:seed` be executed on the next run of the installer modules?":["Est-ce que \\\"foreman-rake db:seed\\\" doit être exécuté lors du prochain lancement de l'installateur de modules ?"],"Should this interface be managed via DHCP and DNS smart proxy and should it be configured during provisioning?":["Cette interface doit-elle être gérée par les smart proxies DHCP et DNS et être configurée pendant le provisioning ?"],"Should this interface be used for TFTP of PXELinux (or SSH for image-based hosts)? Each managed hosts needs to have one provision interface.":["Cette interface doit-elle être utilisée pour les communications TFTP et PXE (ou SSH pour les images d'hôtes) ? Chaque hôte géré doit avoir une interface de provisioning."],"Should this interface be used for constructing the FQDN of the host? Each managed hosts needs to have one primary interface.":["Cette interface doit-elle être utilisée pour choisir le FQDN de l'hôte ? Chaque hôte géré doit avoir une interface primaire."],"Show %s fact values for all hosts":["Affocjer %s valeurs de fact pour tous les hôtes"],"Show :a_resource":["Afficher : a_resource"],"Show Diff":["Afficher le diff"],"Show Host":["Afficher les hôtes"],"Show Trends":["Afficher les tendances"],"Show a Puppet class":["Afficher une classe Puppet"],"Show a Puppet class for a host group":["Afficher une classe Puppet pour un groupe d'hôtes"],"Show a Puppet class for an environment":["Afficher une classe Puppet pour un environnement"],"Show a Puppet class for host":["Afficher une classe Puppet pour un hôte"],"Show a bookmark":["Afficher un marque page"],"Show a compute profile":["Afficher un profil de calcul"],"Show a compute resource":["Afficher une ressource de calcul"],"Show a config group":["Afficher un groupe de configuration"],"Show a default template combination for an operating system":["Afficher combinaison de modèle par défaut pour un système d'exploitation"],"Show a domain":["Afficher un domaine"],"Show a filter":["Afficher un filtre"],"Show a global parameter":["Afficher un paramètre gobal"],"Show a hardware model":["Afficher un modèle matériel"],"Show a host":["Afficher un hôte"],"Show a host group":["Afficher un groupe d'hôtes"],"Show a medium":["Afficher un medium"],"Show a nested parameter for a domain":["Afficher un paramètre imbriqué pour un domaine"],"Show a nested parameter for a host":["Afficher un paramètre imbriqué pour un hôte"],"Show a nested parameter for a host group":["Afficher un paramètre imbriqué pour un groupe d'hôtes"],"Show a nested parameter for a location":["Afficher un paramètre imbriqué pour une emplacement"],"Show a nested parameter for a subnet":["Afficher un paramètre imbriqué pour un sous-réseaux"],"Show a nested parameter for an operating system":["Afficher un paramètre imbriqué pour un système d'exploitation"],"Show a nested parameter for an organization":["Afficher un paramètre imbriqué pour une organisation"],"Show a partition table":["Afficher une table de partition"],"Show a permission":["Afficher une permission"],"Show a realm":["Afficher un royaume"],"Show a report":["Afficher un rapport"],"Show a role":["Afficher un rôle"],"Show a setting":["Afficher un paramètre de l'application"],"Show a smart class parameter":["Afficher un paramètre de smart class"],"Show a smart proxy":["Afficher un smart proxy"],"Show a smart variable":["Afficher une smart variable"],"Show a subnet":["Afficher un sous-réseau"],"Show a user":["Afficher un utilisateur"],"Show a user group":["Afficher un groupe d'utilisateurs"],"Show all %s children fact values":["Afficher tous les facts pour les enfants de %s"],"Show all %s facts with the same value":["Afficher tous les %s facts qui ont la même valeur"],"Show an LDAP authentication source":["Afficher une source d'authentification LDAP"],"Show an SSH key from a user":[""],"Show an architecture":["Afficher une architecture"],"Show an audit":["Afficher un audit"],"Show an email notification":["Voir une notification par courrier électronique"],"Show an environment":["Afficher un environnement"],"Show an external user group for LDAP authentication source":["Afficher un groupe d'utilisateurs d'une source d'authentification LDAP"],"Show an external user group for user group":["Afficher les groupes d'utilisateurs externe pour un groupe d'utilisateurs"],"Show an image":["Afficher une image"],"Show an interface for host":["Afficher une interface d'un hôte"],"Show an operating system":["Afficher un système d'exploitation"],"Show an override value for a specific smart class parameter":["Afficher une valeur de substitution pour un paramètre smart class spécifique"],"Show an override value for a specific smart variable":["Afficher une valeur de substitution pour une smart variable"],"Show available API links":["Afficher les liens disponibles de l'API "],"Show distribution chart":["Afficher le diagramme des répartitions"],"Show full value":["Afficher la valeur complète"],"Show host power status":[""],"Show linked external user groups":["Afficher les groupes d'utilisateurs externes qui sont liés"],"Show log messages:":["Afficher les messages de log:"],"Show power status on host index page. This feature calls to compute resource providers which may lead to decreased performance on host listing page.":[""],"Show provisioning template details":["Afficher les détails des modèles de provisioning"],"Show status":["Afficher le statut"],"Show template combination":["Afficher la combinaison de modèles"],"Show the last report for a host":["Afficher le dernier rapport d'un hôte"],"Sign":["Signer"],"Single host on this page is selected.":["",""],"Size":["Taille"],"Size (GB)":["Taille (Go)"],"Skip assign hosts and proceed to edit %s settings":["Passer l'affectation des hôtes et poursuivre vers la modification des paramètres de %s"],"Skipped":["Omis"],"Skipped|S":["S"],"Smart Class Parameter":["Paramètre Smart Class"],"Smart Proxies":["Smart Proxies"],"Smart Proxy":["Smart Proxy"],"Smart Proxy: %s":["Smart proxy : %s"],"Smart Variables":["Smart Variables"],"Smart class parameters":["Paramètres smart class"],"Smart proxies":["Smart Proxies"],"Smart proxy":["Smart proxy"],"Smart proxy IDs":["ID des Smart proxies"],"Smart variables":["Smart variables"],"SmartProxy|Name":["Nom"],"SmartProxy|Url":["URL"],"Snippet":["Snippet"],"Some Puppet Classes are unavailable in the selected environment":[""],"Some imported user account details cannot be saved: %s":["Quelques comptes utilisateurs importés ne peuvent pas être sauvegardés : %s"],"Some interfaces are invalid":["Certaines interfaces sont invalides"],"Some of the interfaces are invalid. Please check the table below.":["Certaines interfaces ne sont pas valides. Veuillez vérifier le tableau ci-dessous."],"Some or all hosts execution failed, Please check log files for more information":["Certains ou tous les hôtes ont échoué à l'exécution. Merci de vérifier les logs pour plus d'information"],"Some other interface is already set as primary. Are you sure you want to use this one instead?":["Une autre interface est déjà définie comme primaire. Êtes-vous sûrs de vouloir utiliser celle-ci à la place ?"],"Some other interface is already set as provisioning. Are you sure you want to use this one instead?":["Une autre interface est déjà définie pour le provisioning. Êtes-vous sûrs de vouloir utiliser celle-ci à la place ?"],"Something went wrong while changing host type - %s":["Quelque chose s'est mal passé lors du changement du type d'hôte - %s"],"Something went wrong while selecting hosts - %s":["Quelque chose s'est mal passé lors de la sélection des hôtes - %s"],"Sorry but no templates were configured.":["Désolé mais aucun modèle n'a été configuré."],"Sorry, these hosts do not have parameters assigned to them, you must add them first.":["Désolé, ces hôtes n'ont pas de paramètres leur étant attribués, vous devez d'abord ajouter ces paramètres."],"Source":["Source"],"Source|Digest":["Digest"],"Source|Value":["Valeur"],"Space separated options, e.g. miimon=100. Only for bond interfaces.":["Options séparées par des espaces. Ex : miimon=100. Seulement pour les interfaces bond."],"Specified value is higher than recommended maximum":[""],"Specify additional options to sendmail":[""],"Specify authentication type, if required":[""],"Specify matchers":["Spécifier des matchers"],"Start":["Démarrer"],"Starting IP Address for IP auto suggestion":["Adresse IP de début pour l'auto suggestion d'IP"],"State":["État "],"Static":["Statique"],"Statistics":["Statistiques"],"Status":["Statut"],"Stop updating IP address and MAC values from Puppet facts (affects all interfaces)":["Ne pas mettre à jour l'adresse IP ni l'adresse MAC depuis les facts Puppet (l'option s'applique à toutes les interfaces)"],"Stop updating Operating System from facts":[""],"Stop updating domain values from facts":[""],"Storage":["Stockage"],"Storage domain":["Domaine de Stockage"],"Storage pool":["Pool de stockage"],"Strong":["Fort"],"Submit":["Valider"],"Subnet":["Sous-réseau"],"Subnet ID":["ID du sous-réseau"],"Subnet IDs":["ID des sous-réseaux"],"Subnet name":["Nom du sous-réseau"],"Subnet network":["Réseau du sous-réseau"],"Subnet numeric identifier":["Identifiant numérique du sous-réseau"],"Subnets":["Sous-réseaux"],"Subnet|Boot mode":["Mode de démarrage"],"Subnet|Dns primary":["DNS Primaire"],"Subnet|Dns secondary":["DNS Secondaire"],"Subnet|From":["De"],"Subnet|Gateway":["Passerelle"],"Subnet|Ipam":["IPAM"],"Subnet|Mask":["Masque"],"Subnet|Name":["Nom"],"Subnet|Network":["Réseau"],"Subnet|Priority":["Priorité"],"Subnet|To":["À"],"Subnet|Vlanid":["VLAN id"],"Subscribe":["S'abonner"],"Subscribe to all hosts":["Souscrire à tous les hôtes"],"Subscribe to my hosts":["Souscrire à mes hôtes"],"Success":["Réussi"],"Successfully created %s.":["Création de %s réussie."],"Successfully delete %s":[""],"Successfully deleted %s.":["Suppression de %s réussie."],"Successfully deleted report.":["Suppression du rapport réussi."],"Successfully executed, check log files for more details":["Exécution réussie. Vérifier les fichiers journaux pour plus de détails."],"Successfully executed, check reports and/or log files for more details":["Exécution réussie. Vérifier les rapports et/ou les fichiers journaux pour plus de détails"],"Successfully overridden all parameters of Puppet class %s":["Substitution de tous les paramètres de la classe Puppet %s réussie"],"Successfully recreated":[""],"Successfully refreshed features from %s.":["Actualisation des fonctions de %s réussie."],"Successfully refreshed the cache.":["Actualisation du cache réussie."],"Successfully reset all parameters of Puppet class %s to their default values":["Réinitialisation réussie de tous les paramètres de la classe Puppet %s à leur valeurs par défaut"],"Successfully updated %s.":["Mise à jour de %s réussie."],"Successfully updated environments and Puppet classes from the on-disk Puppet installation":["Mise à jour réussie des environnements et classes Puppet depuis l'installation Puppet présente sur le disque"],"Suffix or prefix length for this subnet, e.g. 32":[""],"Suggest new":["Nouvelle suggestion"],"Summary from %{time} ago to now":["Rapport du %{time} à maintenant"],"Summary report from Foreman server at %{foreman_url}":["Rapport de synthèse de Foreman hébergé en %{foreman_url}"],"Support":["Support"],"Supported Formats":["Formats pris en charge"],"Synchronize group from authentication source":["Synchroniser le group depuis la source d'authentification"],"Syntax Highlighting":["Colorisation syntaxique"],"Syntax error occurred while parsing the template %{template_name}, make sure you have all ERB tags properly closed and the Ruby syntax is valid. The Ruby error: %{message}":[""],"System Information":["Informations système"],"System Status":["Statut du système"],"TFTP":["TFTP"],"TFTP Proxy":["Proxy TFTP"],"TFTP Proxy ID to use within this subnet":[""],"TFTP Proxy to use within this subnet":["Proxy TFTP à utiliser pour ce sous-réseau"],"TFTP server":["Serveur TFTP"],"Taxable taxonomy":["Classification taxinomique"],"TaxableTaxonomy|Taxable type":["Type de classification"],"Taxonomy":["Taxinomie"],"Taxonomy|Ancestry":["Ancêtre"],"Taxonomy|Ignore types":["Types ignorés"],"Taxonomy|Name":["Nom"],"Taxonomy|Title":["Titre"],"Template":["Modèle"],"Template %s is empty.":["Le modèle %s est vide."],"Template '%s' is either missing or has an invalid organization or location":["Le modèle '%s' est absent ou possède une organisation ou emplacement invalide."],"Template '%s' was not found":["Le modèle '%s' n'a pas été trouvé"],"Template Diff":["Diff du Modème"],"Template Type":["Type de Modèle"],"Template diff":["diff du Modèle"],"Template editor":["Éditeur de Modèle"],"Template kind":["Template kind"],"Template kinds, available values: %{template_kinds}":["Types de modèles, valeurs possibles : %{template_kinds}"],"Template locked":["Modèle verrouillé"],"Template syntax":[""],"Template unlocked":["Modèle déverrouillé"],"TemplateKind|Name":["Nom"],"Templates":["Modèles"],"Templates resolved for this operating system":["Modèles valides pour ce système d'exploitation"],"Tenant":["Tenant"],"Test Connection":["Tester la connexion"],"Test LDAP connection":["Tester la connexion LDAP"],"Test LDAP connectivity":["Tester la connexion LDAP"],"Test connection to LDAP server was successful.":["Le test de connexion vers le serveur LDAP a réussi."],"Test connection was successful":["Le test de connexion a réussi"],"Test email":["Courrier de test"],"Text to be shown in the login-page footer":[""],"That is, if you are planning to manage a site where all the machines are of the form <i>hostname</i>.<b></b>\\n then the domain is <b></b>.":[""],"The %{proxy_type} proxy could not be set for host: %{host_names}.":["Le proxy puppet ca %{proxy_type} ne peut pas être configuré pour l'hôte : %{proxy_name}.","Le proxy puppet ca %{proxy_type} ne peut pas être configuré pour les hôtes : %{proxy_name}."],"The %{proxy_type} proxy of the selected hosts was cleared.":["Le proxy %{proxy_type} pour les hôtes sélectionnés a été effacé."],"The %{proxy_type} proxy of the selected hosts was set to %{proxy_name}.":["Le proxy %{proxy_type} des hôtes sélectionnés a été positionné à %{proxy_name}."],"The <b>fullname</b> field is used for human readability in reports and other pages that refer to domains,\\n and also available as an external node parameter":["Le champ <b>nom complet</b> est utilisé pour faciliter la lecture humaine des rapports, dans d'autres pages\\nqui se réfèrent au domaine, et aussi comme paramètre transmis par l'ENC"],"The Audit Comment field is saved with the template auditing to document the template changes":["Le champ Commentaire d'Audit est sauvé avec l'audit du modèle lors des changements du modèle"],"The BMC password will be used by Foreman to access the host's BMC controller via a BMC-enabled smart proxy, if available.<br/>":[""],"The IP address that should be used for the console listen address when provisioning new virtual machines via Libvirt":["L'adresse IP d'écoute de la console lors du provisioning de nouvelles machines virtuelles avec LibVirt"],"The NFS path to the image directory.":["Le chemin NFS de stockage des images."],"The NFS path to the jumpstart control files.":["Le chemin NFS des fichiers de contrôle jumpstart."],"The NFS path to the media.":["Le chemin NFS du média."],"The Operating systems detail the OSs known to Foreman, and is the central point that the other required components tie into.":[""],"The Primary interface is used for constructing the FQDN of the host":["L'interface primaire est utilisée pour construire le FQDN de l'hôte"],"The Provisioning interface is used for TFTP of PXELinux (or SSH for image-based hosts)":["L'interface de provisioning est utilisée pour le TFTP de PXELinux (ou pour SSH pour les hôtes basés sur des images)"],"The authentication process currently requires an LDAP provider, such as <em>FreeIPA</em>,\\n <em>OpenLDAP</em> or <em>Microsoft's Active Directory</em>.":["Le processus d'authentification requiert un service LDAP comme <em>FreeIPA</em>, <em>OpenLDAP</em> ou <em>Active Directory de Microsoft</em>."],"The class of CPU supplied in this machine. This is primarily used by Sparc Solaris builds and can be left blank for other architectures. The value can be determined on Solaris via uname -m":["Le type de CPU fourni dans cette machine. C'est principalement utilisé par les installations Solaris et peut être laissé vide pour les autres architectures. Cette valeur peut être déterminée sur Solaris avec la commande \\\"uname -m\\\""],"The class of the machine reported by the Open Boot Prom. This is primarily used by Sparc Solaris builds and can be left blank for other architectures. The value can be determined on Solaris via uname -i|cut -f2 -d,":["Le type de machine remonté par Open Boot Prom. C'est utilisé principalement pour les installations Solaris et peut être laissé vide pour les autres architectures. Cette valeur peut être déterminée sous Solaris via la commande \\\"uname -i|cut -f2 -d\\\"."],"The default administrator email address":["L'adresse de courrier électronique par défaut de l'administrateur"],"The dynamic partitioning style is currently only available for the Red Hat family of operating systems, all others must provide an explicit list of partitions and sizes.":["Le type de partitionnement dynamique n'est disponible que pour la famille de systèmes Red Hat. Tous les autres doivent fournir un partitionnement explicite."],"The file path where your p12 file is located":["Le chemin où se trouve votre fichier p12"],"The final entry, Operating System default, can be set by editing the %s page.":["La dernière entrée, le système d'exploitation par défaut, peut être défini en modifiant la page %s."],"The following IPv4 subnets have been found. Please review the details before creating them.":[""],"The following entries were found conflicting with what foreman wanted to apply.":["Les entrées suivantes rentrent en conflit avec ce que Foreman veut appliquer."],"The following errors may prevent a successful build:":["Les erreurs suivantes peuvent empêcher le bon déroulement d'une installation :"],"The following fields would need reviewing":["Les champs suivants auraient besoin d'une relecture"],"The following hosts failed the build operation: %s":["Les hôtes suivants ont échoué à la phase d'installation : %s"],"The following hosts were not %{action}: %{missed_hosts}":["Les hôtes suivants n'ont pas %{action}: %{missed_hosts}"],"The following hosts were not deleted: %s":["Les hôtes suivants n'ont pas été supprimés : %s"],"The following hosts were updated":["Les hôtes suivants ont été mis à jour"],"The following parameters were skipped as they did not exists on this host:":["Les paramètres suivants ont été omis car ils n'existent pas sur cet hôte:"],"The following table and example snippet shows global methods, variables and class methods and how to use them.":[""],"The full DNS domain name":["Le nom DNS complet"],"The host group's classes and the host group's variables are included in the external node information when the puppetmaster compiles the host's configuration.":["Les classes du groupe d'hôtes et les variables du groupe d'hôte sont incluses dans les informations de l'ENC quand le Puppet Master compile les informations de l'hôte."],"The inclusion of the keyword string <b>#Dynamic</b> at the start of a line lets Foreman know that this is not an explicit disk layout and must treated as a shell script, executed prior\\n to the install process and that the explicit partition table will be found at <b>/tmp/diskpart.cfg</b> during the build process.":["L'inclusion du mot clé <b>#Dynamic</b>, en début de ligne, signale à Foreman qu'il ne s'agit pas d'une définition de partitionnement fixe mais doit être traité comme un script shell.\\nCe script est exécuté avant la phase d'installation et produit une table de partition qui sera disponible en <b>/tmp/diskpart.cfg</b> pendant le processus d'installation."],"The keys can be used in provisioning templates and are also available for configuration management tools managed by Foreman.":[""],"The keywords <b>$version</b>, <b>$major</b> and <b>$minor</b> will be interpolated back into the path specification to calculate the true URL address.":["Les mots clés <b>$version</b>, <b>$major</b> et <b>$minor</b> seront interprétés dans le chemin spécifié pour calculer les vraies URL."],"The list is excluding %{count} %{link_start}physical host%{link_end}.":["La liste exclue %{count} %{link_start}hôte physique%{link_end}.","La liste exclue %{count} %{link_start}hôtes physiques%{link_end}."],"The location of the sendmail executable":[""],"The marked fields will need reviewing":["Les champs marqués ont besoin de relecture"],"The method used to provision the host. Possible provision_methods may be %{provision_methods}":["La méthode utilisée pour le provisioning de l'hôte. Les méthodes possibles peuvent être %{provision_methods}"],"The order in which matchers keys are processed, first match wins.<br> You may use multiple attributes as a matcher key, for example, an order of <code>host group, environment</code> would expect a matcher such as <code>hostgroup = \\\"web servers\\\", environment = production</code>":["L'ordre dans lequel les clés de Matchers sont parcourues, la première correspondance gagne.<br>Vous pouvez utiliser plusieurs attributs comme clés de Matchers, par exemple, l'ordre suivant <code>host group, environment</code> attend un matcher comme <code>hostgroup = \\\"web servers\\\", environment = production</code>"],"The order in which values are resolved":["L'ordre dans lequel les valeurs sont interprétés"],"The password will also be accessible to other users via templates and in the ENC YAML output; disable the bmc_credentials_accessible setting to prevent access.":[""],"The password will not be accessible to other users; enable the bmc_credentials_accessible setting to permit access via templates and in the ENC YAML output.":[""],"The path to the medium, can be a URL or a valid NFS server (exclusive of the architecture).\\n for example <em>$version/os/$arch</em> where <strong>$arch</strong> will be substituted for the host's actual OS architecture and <strong>$version</strong>, <strong>$major</strong> and <strong>$minor</strong> will be substituted for the version of the operating system. Solaris and Debian media may also use <strong>$release</strong>.":["Le chemin vers le medium peut être une URL ou un chemin NFS (spécifique à l'architecture).\\nPar exemple : <em>$version/os/$arch</em> où <strong>$arch</strong> va être remplacé par l'architecture actuelle de l'hôte ; <strong>$version</strong>, <strong>$major</strong> et <strong>$minor</strong>seront remplacés par la version du système d'exploitation. Les médias Solaris et Debian peuvent aussi utiliser la variable <strong>$release</strong>."],"The power state of the selected hosts will be set to %s":["L'état électrique des hôtes sélectionnés va être positionné à %s"],"The realm name, e.g. EXAMPLE.COM":["Le nom du royaume. Ex. : EXAMPLE.COM"],"The remote system presented a public key signed by an unidentified certificate authority. If you are sure the remote system is authentic, go to the compute resource edit page, press the 'Test Connection' or 'Load Datacenters' button and submit":["Le système distant a présenté une clef publique signée par une autorité de certification inconnue. Si vous êtes sûr de l'authenticité du système distant, rendez-vous sur la page de modification des Ressources de calcul, cliquez sur « Tester la connexion » ou « Charger les centres de données » puis validez."],"The remote system presented a public key with hash %s but we're expecting a different hash. If you are sure the remote system is authentic, go to the compute resource edit page, press the 'Test Connection' or 'Load Datacenters' button and submit":["Le système distant a présenté une clé publique avec le hash %s mais Foreman attendait un hash différent. Si vous êtes sûr de l'authenticité du système distant, rendez-vous sur la page de modification des Ressources de calcul, cliquez sur « Tester la connexion » ou « Charger les centres de données » puis validez."],"The selected hosts were enabled for reboot and rebuild":["Les hôtes sélectionnés ont été choisi pour redémarrer et être réinstallés"],"The selected hosts will execute a build operation on next reboot":["Les hôtes sélectionnés vont procéder à leur installation au prochain redémarrage"],"The snippet '%{name}' threw an error: %{exc}":[""],"The template is associated to at least one host in build mode. To apply the change, disable and enable build mode on hosts to update the live templates or choose to %s their configuration from 'Select Action' menu":["Le modèle est associé avec au moins un hôte en mode construction. Pour appliquer ce changement, désactiver puis réactiver le mode construction sur les hôtes pour mettre à jour les modèles dynamiques ou choisir de %s leur configuration depuis le menu 'Choisir une action'"],"The user that is used to ssh into the instance, normally cloud-user, ec2-user, ubuntu, root etc":["L'utilisateur qui est utilisé pour se connecter en ssh à l'instance. Normalement cloud-user, ec2-user, ubuntu, root, etc"],"The virtual machine is being deleted.":["La machine virtuelle est en cours de suppression"],"There are migrations pending in the system.":["Il y a des migrations en attente dans le système"],"There are no puppet environments set up on this puppet master. Please check the puppet master configuration.":["Il n'y a aucun environnement Puppet défini pour ce Puppet Master. Veuillez vérifier la configuration de votre Puppet Master."],"There are orchestration modules with methods for configuration rebuild that have identical name: '%s'":["Des modules d'orchestration avec les méthodes de reconstruction de configuration ont un nom identique : '%s'"],"There are two strategies when using host groups.":["Il y a deux stratégies quand on utilise les groupes d'hôtes"],"There is":["Il y a ","Il y a "],"There is no owner with id %d and type %s":["Il n'y a un utilisateur avec l'ID %d et le type %s"],"There is no proxy with BMC feature set up. Please register a smart proxy with this feature.":["Il n'y a aucun proxy configuré avec la fonctionnalité BMC. Merci de configurer un proxy ayant cette fonctionnalité."],"There was an error creating the PXE file: %s":[""],"There was an error listing %{listing}: %{errors}":[""],"There was an error listing VMs: %(status)s %(statusText)s":["Il y a eu une erreur en listant les VMs : %(status)s %(statusText)s"],"There was an error rendering the %s template: ":["Il y a eu une erreur de rendu du modèle %s:"],"There was an error rendering the %{name} template: %{error}":["Il y a eu une erreur de rendu du modèle %{name} : %{error}"],"There was no active bridge interface found in libvirt, if it does not support listing, you can enter the bridge name manually (e.g. br0)":["Aucune interface pont active trouvée avec libvirt, si le listing n'est pas supporté, vous pouvez définir le nom du pont manuellement (par ex. br0)"],"These are guaranteed to work via the safe mode rendering, to ensure a template can do nothing harmful.":[""],"These two options are personal decisions and are up to you (where the main difference would be the parameter/variables settings).":["Ces deux options sont des décisions personnelles (la principale différence réside dans la configuration paramètre/variables )"],"Thin provision":["Allocation granulaire"],"This Puppet class has no parameters in its signature.":["Cette classe Puppet n'a pas de paramètre dans sa signature."],"This allows Foreman to associate a puppet variable with a domain/site and automatically append this variable to all external node requests made by machines at that site.":["Cette action autorise Foreman à associer une variable Puppet avec un nom de domaine ou un site et automatiquement ajouter cette variable à toutes les requêtes à l'external node classifier faites par les machines de ce site."],"This group has nested groups!":["Ce groupe a des groupes emboîtés !"],"This group has no roles":[""],"This host's stored facts and reports will be deleted too.":["Les facts sauvegardés et les rapports de cet hôte vont aussi être supprimés."],"This is a test message to confirm that Foreman's email configuration is working.":["Ce message de test valide la configuration de la messagerie Foreman."],"This is for every location and organization that uses it.":["Valable pour tout emplacement et organisation qui utilise ce paramètre."],"This is for every location that uses it.":["Valable pour tout emplacement qui utilise ce paramètre."],"This is for every organization that uses it.":["Valable pour toute organisation qui utilise ce paramètre."],"This is inherited from parent":["Hérité du parent"],"This is used by a host":["Utilisé par un hôte"],"This might take a while, as all hosts, facts and reports will be destroyed as well":["Cette action peut prendre un certain temps, pour tous les hôtes, les rapports et facts vont aussi être supprimés"],"This role has been cloned from role %s":[""],"This role is locked for editing.":[""],"This role is locked from being modified by users.":["Ce rôle est verrouillé contre les modifications d'un utilisateur."],"This setting is defined in the configuration file '%{filename}' and is read-only.":[""],"This template is locked and may not be removed.":["Ce modèle est verrouillé et ne peux pas être supprimé."],"This template is locked for editing.":["Ce modèle est verrouillé contre les modifications."],"This template is locked. Please clone it to a new template to customize.":["Ce modèle est verrouillé. Veuillez le cloner vers un nouveau modèle pour personnaliser ce dernier."],"This template is locked. You may only change the associations. Please %s it to customize.":["Ce modèle est verrouillé. Vous ne pouvez changer que ses associations. Merci de le %s pour le modifier."],"This value is not hidden":["La valeur n'est pas cachée"],"This value is used also as the host's primary interface name.":["Cette valeur est aussi utilisé pour l'interface primaire de l'hôte."],"This will reset parameters of the class %s to their default values. Continue?":["Réinitialisation de tous les paramètres de la classe Puppet %s à leur valeur par défaut. Continuer ?"],"This will set all parameters of the class %s as overridden. Continue?":["Cela définira tous les paramètres de la classe %s comme remplacés. Continuer ?"],"Time":["Date"],"Time in Seconds":["Temps en secondes"],"Time in minutes installation tokens should be valid for, 0 to disable token generation":["Durée de validité en minutes des jetons d'installation, 0 pour désactiver la génération du jeton"],"Timeout for DNS conflict validation (in seconds)":["Durée d'expiration pour les validations de conflit DNS (en secondes)"],"Timeout has occurred while communicating with %s":["Un timeout est arrivé en communiquant avec %s"],"To define trend counters, use the Add Trend Counter button.</br> To start collecting trend data, set a cron job to execute 'foreman-rake trends:counter' every Puppet Interval (%s minutes).":["Pour créer un compteur de tendance, cliquez sur Ajouter un compteur de tendance.</br> Pour collecter les données de tendances, positionner un travail en cron qui exécute \\\"foreman-rake trends:counter\\\" à chaque lancement de Puppet (toutes les %s minutes)."],"To enable a provider, either install the OS package (e.g. foreman-libvirt) or enable the bundler group for development setup (e.g. ovirt).":["Pour activer un fournisseur de ressources de calcul, soit installer le paquet logiciel (p. ex. foreman-libvirt) ou activer le groupe bundler pour les configurations de développement (p. ex. oVirt)"],"To enable safe mode, navigate to Settings page and enable Safemode rendering option.":[""],"To start collecting trend data, set a cron job to execute <span class='black'>foreman-rake trends:counter</span> every Puppet Interval (%s minutes)":["Pour collecter les données de tendances, positionner un travail en cron qui exécute <span class='black'>foreman-rake trends:counter</span> à chaque lancement de Puppet (toutes les %s minutes)."],"To update the class signature, go to the Puppet Classes page and select \\\"Import\\\".":["Pour mettre à jour les signatures des classes, allez sur la page Classes Puppet et choisissez \\\"Import depuis ...\\\"."],"Toggle":["Commuter"],"Token":["Token"],"Token duration":["Durée du token"],"Token expired":["Token expiré"],"Token|Expires":["Expire"],"Token|Value":["Valeur"],"Total":["Total"],"Total Hosts: %s":["Nombre d'Hôtes Total: %s"],"Total hosts count":["Nombre d'hôtes total"],"Total of one host":["Un hôte au total","Nombre d'Hôtes Total: %{hosts}"],"Trend":["Tendance"],"Trend counter":["Compteur de tendance"],"Trend of the last %s days.":["Tendances pour les %s derniers jours."],"TrendCounter|Count":["Nombre"],"Trends":["Tendances"],"Trends for %s":["Tendances pour %s"],"Trend|Fact name":["Nom du fact"],"Trend|Fact value":["Valeur du fact"],"Trend|Name":["Nom"],"Trend|Trendable type":["Type de tendance"],"Trigger a puppetrun on a node; requires that puppet run is enabled":["Lancer une exécution Puppet sur un hôte ; requiert l'activation de puppet run."],"Troubleshooting":["Diagnostiquer le problème"],"True/False flag whether a host is managed or unmanaged. Note: this value also determines whether several parameters are required or not":["Drapeau True/False pour déterminer si un hôte est géré ou non géré. Note : Cette valeur détermine aussi si certains paramètres sont obligatoires."],"Trusted puppetmaster hosts":["Hôtes puppetmasters de confiance"],"Try going to %{href}":["Essai de l'adresse %{href}"],"Type":["Type"],"Type of name generator":["Générateur type de nom"],"Type of realm, e.g. FreeIPA":["Type de royaume, p. e. FreeIPA"],"Type or protocol, IPv4 or IPv6, defaults to IPv4":[""],"Types of validation values":["Types des valeurs pour la validation"],"Types of variable values":["Types de variables des valeurs"],"URL":["URL"],"URL for %{providers_requiring_url}":["URL pour %{providers_requiring_url}"],"URL hosts will retrieve templates from during build (normally http as many installers don't support https)":["L'URL de récupération de modèles des hôtes durant la phase de construction (normalement en HTTP car beaucoup de programmes d'installation ne prennent pas en charge HTTPS) "],"URL must be valid and schema must be one of %s":["L'URL doit être valide et le schéma doit être parmi ceux-ci %s"],"URL where your Foreman instance is reachable (see also Provisioning > unattended_url)":["L'URL utilisée pour joindre l'instance Foreman (voir également Provisioning> unattended_url)"],"UTC time of report":["Date UTC du rapport"],"UUID":["UUID"],"UUID to track orchestration tasks status, GET /api/orchestration/:UUID/tasks":["UUID pour surveiller l'état des tâches d'orchestration : GET /api/orchestration/:UUID/tasks"],"Unable to access key":["Impossible d'accéder à la clef"],"Unable to authenticate user %s":["Impossible d'authentifier l'utilisateur %s"],"Unable to change VM display listen address, make sure the display is not attached to localhost only":["Impossible de changer l'adresse d'écoute de l'affichage de la VM, vérifier que l'affichage ne soit pas restreint à localhost."],"Unable to communicate with the proxy: %s":["Impossible de communiquer avec le proxy : %s"],"Unable to connect":["Impossible de se connecter"],"Unable to connect to LDAP server":["Impossible de se connecter au serveur LDAP"],"Unable to create default TFTP boot menu":["Impossible de créer le menu par défaut TFTP"],"Unable to create realm entry":["Impossible de créer l'entrée du royaume"],"Unable to create the default role.":["Impossible de créer un role par défaut."],"Unable to delete DHCP entry for %s":["Impossible de supprimer l'entrée DHCP pour %s"],"Unable to delete DNS entry":["Impossible de supprimer l'entrée DNS"],"Unable to delete PuppetCA autosign for %s":["Impossible de supprimer la signature automatique PuppetCA pour %s"],"Unable to delete PuppetCA certificate for %s":["Impossible de supprimer le certificat PuppetCA pour %s"],"Unable to delete TFTP boot entry for %s":["Impossible de supprimer l'entrée du menu TFTP pour %s"],"Unable to detect TFTP boot server":["Impossible de détecter le serveur de boot TFTP"],"Unable to detect features":["Impossible de détecter les capacités"],"Unable to detect version":["Impossible de détecter la version"],"Unable to determine the host's boot server. The DHCP smart proxy failed to provide this information and this subnet is not provided with TFTP services.":["Impossible de déterminer le serveur de démarrage de l'hôte. Le Smart Proxy DHCP n'a pas pu fournir cette information et le sous-réseau n'a pas fourni de service TFTP."],"Unable to disable bmc_credentials_accessible when safemode_render is disabled":[""],"Unable to disable safemode_render when bmc_credentials_accessible is disabled":[""],"Unable to execute Puppet run":["Impossible d'exécuter Puppet run"],"Unable to fetch TFTP boot file":["Impossible de récupérer le fichier de boot TFTP"],"Unable to fetch logs":["Impossible de récupérer les journaux"],"Unable to find IP address for '%s'":["Impossible de trouver l'adresse IP pour '%s'"],"Unable to find a proxy with BMC feature":["Impossible de trouver un proxy avec la fonctionnalité BMC"],"Unable to find proper authentication method":["Impossible de trouver correctement une méthode d'authentification "],"Unable to find template %s":["Impossible de trouver le modèle %s"],"Unable to generate output, Check log files":["Impossible de générer une sortie, vérifiez les fichiers de log"],"Unable to get BMC providers":["Impossible d'obtenir les fournisseurs BMC"],"Unable to get PuppetCA autosign":["Impossible d'obtenir la signature automatique PuppetCA"],"Unable to get PuppetCA certificates":["Impossible d'obtenir les certificats PuppetCA"],"Unable to get classes from Puppet for %s":["Impossible d'obtenir les classes Puppet pour %s"],"Unable to get environment from Puppet":["Impossible d'obtenir l'environnement Puppet"],"Unable to get environments from Puppet":["Impossible d'obtenir les environnements Puppet"],"Unable to get installed BMC providers":["Impossible d'obtenir les fournisseurs BMC"],"Unable to initialize ProxyAPI class %s":["Impossible d'initialiser la classe ProxyAPI %s"],"Unable to perform boot BMC operation":["Impossible de réaliser l'opération de démarrage BMC"],"Unable to perform identify BMC operation":["Impossible de réaliser l'opération d'identification BMC"],"Unable to perform lan BMC operation":["Impossible de réaliser l'opération lan BMC"],"Unable to perform power BMC operation":["Impossible de réaliser l'opération d'arrêt/démarrage BMC "],"Unable to render %{kind} template '%{name}': %{e}":[""],"Unable to render '%{name}' template: %{e}":[""],"Unable to retrieve DHCP entry for %s":["Impossible de récupérer l'entrée DHCP pour %s"],"Unable to retrieve DHCP subnet":["Impossible de récupérer le sous-réseau DHCP"],"Unable to retrieve DHCP subnets":["Impossible de récupérer les sous-réseaux DHCP"],"Unable to retrieve unused IP":["Impossible de récupérer une adresse IP disponible"],"Unable to save":["Impossible d'enregistrer"],"Unable to send email, check server logs for more information":["Impossible d'envoyer un courrier, vérifiez les journaux du serveur pour plus d'information"],"Unable to set DHCP entry":["Impossible de positioner l'entrée DHCP"],"Unable to set DNS entry":["Impossible de positionner l'entrée DNS"],"Unable to set PuppetCA autosign for %s":["Impossible de positionner la signature automatique PuppetCA pour %s"],"Unable to set TFTP boot entry for %s":["Impossible de définir l'entrée de boot TFTP pour %s"],"Unable to sign PuppetCA certificate for %s":["Impossible de signer le certificat PuppetCA pour %s"],"Unable to turn on websockets_encrypt, either websockets_ssl_key or websockets_ssl_cert is missing":["Impossible d'activer websockets_encrypt, websockets_ssl_key ou websockets_ssl sont manquants"],"Unable to unset websockets_ssl_cert when websockets_encrypt is on":["Impossible de désactiver websockets_ssl_cert avec le paramètre websockets_encrypt activé"],"Unable to unset websockets_ssl_key when websockets_encrypt is on":["Impossible de désactiver websockets_ssl_key avec le paramètre websockets_encrypt activé"],"Unallowed template for dashboard widget: %s":["Modèle pour widget du tableau de bord non alloué : %s"],"Unattended URL":["URL provisioning sans intervention"],"Undo remove":["Annuler la suppression"],"Undo selection":[""],"Unhide this value":["Réafficher cette valeur"],"Unknown":["Inconnu"],"Unknown IPAM type - can't continue":["Type IPAM inconnu - impossible de continuer"],"Unknown Power State":["État de l'alimentation inconnu"],"Unknown action name for success message: %s":["Nom d'action inconnue pour ce message de réussite : %s"],"Unknown build status":["État de construction inconnu"],"Unknown device: available devices are %s":["Périphérique inconnu : Les périphériques disponibles sont %s"],"Unknown interface type, must be one of [%s]":["Type d'interface inconnu, le type doit être un élément de la liste suivante : [%s]"],"Unknown power action: available methods are %s":["Action sur l'alimentation inconnue. Les actions possibles sont %s"],"Unknown power management support - can't continue":["Inconnu"],"Unknown power state":["État de l'alimentation inconnu"],"Unlock":["Déverrouiller"],"Unmanage host":["Ne plus gérer l'hôte"],"Unsupported IPAM mode for %s":["mode IPAM non supporté pour %s"],"Unsupported password hash function '%s'":["Fonction de hachage non prise en charge '%s'"],"Unsupported report status format":["Format du statut du rapport d'état incorrect"],"Update":["Mise à jour"],"Update :a_resource":["Mise à jour : a_resource"],"Update IP from built request":["Mise à jour de l'IP à la réception de fin de construction"],"Update a Puppet class":["Mise à jour d'une classe Puppet"],"Update a bookmark":["Mise à jour d'un marque page"],"Update a compute attributes set":["Mise à jour d'une ressource de calcul d'un profil de ressource de calcul"],"Update a compute profile":["Mise à jour d'un profil de calcul"],"Update a compute resource":["Mise à jour d'une ressource de calcul"],"Update a config group":["Mise à jour d'un groupe de configuration"],"Update a default template combination for an operating system":["Mise à jour de la combinaison de modèles par défaut"],"Update a domain":["Mise à jour d'un domaine"],"Update a filter":["Mise à jour d'un filtre"],"Update a global parameter":["Mise à jour d'un paramètre global"],"Update a hardware model":["Mise à jour d'un modèle de matériel"],"Update a host":["Mise à jour d'un hôte"],"Update a host group":["Mise à jour d'un groupe d'hôtes"],"Update a host's interface":["Mise à jour d'une interface d'un hôte"],"Update a medium":["Mise à jour d'un medium"],"Update a nested parameter for a domain":["Mise à jour d'un paramètre imbriqué pour un domaine"],"Update a nested parameter for a host":["Mise à jour d'un paramètre imbriqué pour un hôte"],"Update a nested parameter for a host group":["Mise à jour d'un paramètre imbriqué pour un groupe d'hôtes"],"Update a nested parameter for a location":["Mise à jour d'un paramètre imbriqué pour un emplacement"],"Update a nested parameter for a subnet":["Mettre à jour un paramètre imbriqué pour un sous-réseaux"],"Update a nested parameter for an operating system":["Mise à jour d'un paramètre imbriqué pour un système d'exploitation"],"Update a nested parameter for an organization":["Mise à jour d'un paramètre imbriqué pour une organisation"],"Update a partition table":["Mise à jour d'une table de partition"],"Update a provisioning template":["Mise à jour d'un modèle de provisioning"],"Update a realm":["Mise à jour d'un royaume"],"Update a role":["Mise à jour d'un rôle"],"Update a setting":["Mise à jour d'un paramètre de l'application"],"Update a smart class parameter":["Mise à jour d'un paramètre de smart class"],"Update a smart proxy":["Mise à jour d'un smart proxy"],"Update a smart variable":["Mise à jour d'une smart variable"],"Update a subnet":["Mise à jour d'un sous-réseau"],"Update a user":["Mise à jour d'un utilisateur"],"Update a user group":["Mise à jour d'un groupe d'hôtes"],"Update an LDAP authentication source":["Mise à jour d'une source d'authentification LDAP"],"Update an architecture":["Mise à jour d'une architecture"],"Update an environment":["Mise à jour d'un environnement"],"Update an image":["Mise à jour d'une image"],"Update an operating system":["Mettre à jour un système d'exploitation"],"Update an override value for a specific smart class parameter":["Mise à jour d'une valeur de substitution pour un paramètre smart class"],"Update an override value for a specific smart variable":["Mise à jour d'une valeur de substitution pour une smart variable"],"Update environment from facts":["Mise à jour de l'environnement depuis les facts"],"Update external user group":["Mettre à jour un groupe d'utilisateur externe"],"Update realm entry for %s":["Mise à jour de l'entrée du royaume pour %s"],"Update subnets from facts":[""],"Update template combination":["Mise à jour de la combinaison de modèle"],"Update the default PXE menu on all configured TFTP servers":["Mise à jour du menu PXE par défaut sur tous les serveurs TFTP configurés"],"Update:":["Mise à jour:"],"Updated":["Mis à jour"],"Updated all hosts!":["Tous les hôtes ont été mis à jour !"],"Updated hosts: Disassociated from VM":["Mise à jour des hôtes : Dissociation de leur VM"],"Updated hosts: changed environment":["Mise à jour des hôtes : l'environnement a changé"],"Updated hosts: changed host group":["Mise à jour des hôtes : le groupe d'hôtes a changé"],"Updated hosts: changed owner":["Mise à jour des hôtes : le propriétaire a changé"],"Upload facts for a host, creating the host if required":["Télécharge les facts d'un hôte, créé l'hôte si besoin"],"Use Gravatar":["Utilisation de Gravatar"],"Use UUID for certificates":["Utilisation des UUID des certificats"],"Use short name for VMs":["Nom court pour les VM"],"Use this account to authenticate, <i>optional</i>":["Utiliser ce compte pour l'authentification, <i>facultatif</i>"],"Use this puppet server as a CA server":["Utiliser ce Puppet Server comme Serveur CA"],"Use this puppet server as an initial Puppet Server or to execute puppet runs":["Utiliser ce serveur Puppet comme serveur Puppet initial ou pour exécuter des puppet runs."],"Used to enforce certain values for the parameter values":["Utilisé pour forcer certaines valeurs pour les valeurs des paramètres"],"User":["Utilisateur"],"User Group":[""],"User Groups":["Groupes utilisateurs"],"User IDs":["ID des utilisateurs"],"User data template":["Modèle de donnée utilisateur"],"User groups":["Groupes utilisateur"],"User groups enable users to log into Foreman and be automatically granted permissions.":[""],"User role":["User role"],"User's preferred locale":["Locale préférée de l'utilisateur"],"User's timezone":["Fuseau horaire de l'utilisateur"],"UserRole|Owner type":["Type de propriétaire"],"Usergroup":["Usergroup"],"Usergroup member":["Usergroup member"],"UsergroupMember|Member type":["Type de membre"],"Usergroup|Admin":["Admin"],"Usergroup|Auth source":["Source d'authentification"],"Usergroup|Name":["Nom"],"Username":["Nom d'utilisateur"],"Username for oVirt, EC2, VMware, OpenStack. Access Key for EC2.":["Nom d'utilisateur pour oVirt, EC2, VMware, OpenStack. Clef d'accès pour EC2."],"Username to use to authenticate, if required":[""],"Users":["Utilisateurs"],"User|Admin":["Administrateur"],"User|Avatar hash":["Hash de l'avatar"],"User|Firstname":["Prénom"],"User|Last login on":["Dernière connexion le"],"User|Lastname":["Nom"],"User|Locale":["Locale"],"User|Login":["Nom d'utilisateur"],"User|Lower login":["Nom d'utilisateur en minuscules"],"User|Mail":["Adresse électronique"],"User|Mail enabled":["Adresse électronique activé"],"User|Password hash":["Hash du Mot de passe"],"User|Password salt":["Sel du mot de passe"],"Uses thin provisioning if unchecked":["Utilise l'allocation granulaire si décoché"],"Using the organization system provides a way to group resources together for easy management. Organizations are particularly useful for Foreman installations where several customers or business units are managed with a single Foreman install.":["L'usage des organisations fournit un moyen de gérer des groupes de ressources plus simplement. Les organisations sont particulièrement adaptées quand Foreman gère plusieurs clients ou business units depuis une seule instance Foreman."],"VCPU(s)":["VCPU(s)"],"VCenter/Server":["VCenter/Serveur"],"VLAN ID for this subnet":["VLAN ID de ce sous-réseau"],"VLAN tag, this attribute has precedence over the subnet VLAN ID. Only for virtual interfaces.":["Tag VLAN. Cet attribut a précédence sur l'ID VLAN du sous-réseau. Seulement pour les interfaces virtuelles."],"VM":["VM"],"VM Attributes":["Attributs de machine virtuelle"],"VM Attributes (%s)":["Attributs de machine virtuelle (%s)"],"VM already associated with a host":["Cette VM est déjà associée à un hôte"],"VM associated to host %s":["Cette VM est associée à l'hôte %s"],"VM is not running!":["La VM n'est pas lancée !"],"VNC/SPICE websocket proxy console access encryption (websockets_ssl_key/cert setting required)":["Chiffrement des accès console VNC/SPICE websocket proxifiées (paramètres websockets_ssl_key/cert requis)"],"Valid from":["Valable depuis"],"Valid host group and environment combinations":["Combinaison valide de groupe d'hôtes et d'environnement"],"Validation types":["Types de validation"],"Value":["Valeur"],"Value to use when there is no match":["Valeur à utiliser quand il n'y a pas de correspondance"],"Value to use when there is no match.":["Valeur à utiliser quand il n'y a pas de correspondance."],"Variable":["Variable"],"Variable lookup key":["Variable de clé de recherche"],"Variables":["Variables"],"Vendor class":["Famille de produits du fournisseur"],"Verify":["Vérifier"],"Version":["Version"],"Version %{version}":["Version %{version}"],"Version %{version} %{copyright} 2009-%{year} Paul Kelly and %{author}":[""],"Very Strong":["Très fort"],"View Diff":["Voir le diff"],"View in Foreman:":["Voir dans Foreman :"],"View last report details":["Voir les détails du dernier rapport"],"View list":["Afficher la liste"],"Virtual (NAT)":["Virtuelle (NAT)"],"Virtual H/W version":["Version du matériel virtuelle"],"Virtual Machine":["Machine Virtuelle"],"Virtual Machines":["Machines virtuelles"],"Virtual Machines on %s":["Machines virtuelles sur %s"],"Virtual NIC":["NIC virtuelle"],"Virtual machine settings cannot be edited on an existing machine in %s":["Les paramètres d'une machine virtuelle ne peuvent être édités sur une machine existante en %s"],"WARNING":["WARNING"],"Wait for %s to come online":["En attente de disponibilité en ligne de %s"],"Warning":["Attention"],"Warning!":["Attention !"],"Warning! This will remove %{name} from %{number} user. are you sure?":["",""],"Warning: This will delete this host and all of its data!":["Attention : Cette action va supprimer l'hôte et toutes ses données !"],"Warnings and errors":["Warnings et Erreurs"],"We have not found any documentation for your API.":["Nous n'avons pas trouvé de documentation pour votre API."],"We use Redmine to report and track bugs and feature requests, which can be found here:":["Nous utilisons Redmine comme traqueur de bogues et des nouvelles fonctionnalités. Il est accessible ici :"],"Weak":["Faible"],"Websockets SSL certificate":["Certificat SSL Websockets"],"Websockets SSL key":["Clef SSL Websockets"],"Websockets encryption":["Chiffrement Websockets"],"Weekly":["Hebdomadaire"],"Welcome to Foreman":["Bienvenue sur Foreman"],"What ever text(or ERB template) you use in here, would be used as your OS disk layout options If you want to use the partition table option, delete all of the text from this field":["Quelque soit le texte (ou le modèle ERB) utilisé dans le cadre ci-dessus, ce contenu sera sélectionné comme table de partition. Si vous souhaitez choisir une table de partition prédéfinie, effacez tout le texte de ce cadre."],"When a Host requests a template (e.g. during provisioning), Foreman will select the best match from the available templates of that type, in the following order:":["Quand un hôte demande un modèle (Par ex. pendant le provisioning), Foreman va choisir la meilleure correspondance entre les types de modèles existants selon cet ordre :"],"When a realm is selected for a host, Foreman contacts the relevant realm smart proxy to create an entry for the host and retrieve it's one-time registration password.":["Quand un royaume est sélectionné pour un hôte, Foreman contacte le smart proxy correspondant au royaume afin de créer l'entrée de l'hôte et récupère son mot de passe d'enrôlement."],"When editing a template, you must assign a list of operating systems which this template can be used with. Optionally, you can restrict a template to a list of host groups and/or environments.":["Lors de la modification d'un modèle, vous devez attribuer une liste de systèmes d'exploitation qui peuvent utiliser ce modèle. Vous pouvez également restreindre un modèle à un groupe d'hôtes et/ou des environnements."],"When enabled the parameter is hidden in the UI":["Quand activé, le paramètre est caché dans l'interface"],"When specifying custom value, add 'MB' or 'GB' at the end. Field is not case sensitive and MB is default if unspecified.":[""],"When the role's associated %{taxonomies} are changed,<br> the change will propagate to all inheriting filters.\\n Filters that are set to override <br> will remain untouched. Overriding of role filters can be easily disabled by <br> pressing the \\\"Disable overriding\\\" button.\\n Note that not all filters support <br>%{taxonomies}, so these always remain global.":[""],"When using SSH based provisioning, a special SSH key is created in order to automate the provisioning process.":[""],"When using TLS, you can set how OpenSSL checks the certificate":[""],"Whether or not the image supports user data":["Indique si l'image supporte les données utilisateur"],"Whether or not the template is locked for editing":["Indique si le modèle peut être modifié"],"Whether the class parameter value is managed by Foreman.":["Dépend si la valeur du paramètre de classe est géré par Foreman."],"Whether the smart class parameter value is managed by Foreman":["Dépend si le paramètre smart class est géré par Foreman"],"Which is an offset of <b>%s</b>":["Qui est un offset de <b>%s</b>"],"Widget added to dashboard.":["Le module a été ajouté au tableau de bord."],"Widget positions successfully saved.":["Sauvegarde des emplacements des widgets réussie."],"Widget removed from dashboard.":["Le widget a été supprimé du tableau de bord."],"Wiki":["Wiki"],"With user groups, you can group your users and assign them roles on a group basis.":[""],"X509 Certification Authorities":["Autorités de certification X509"],"YAML":["YAML"],"Yes":["Oui"],"You are about to change the default PXE menu on all configured TFTP servers - continue?":["Vous êtes en train de changer le menu PXE par défaut sur tous les serveurs TFTP configurés - continuer ?"],"You are about to override the editor content with a previous version, are you sure?":["Vous êtes sur le point de remplacer le contenu de l'éditeur par une version précédente, êtes-vous sûr de vouloir continuer ?"],"You are about to override the editor content, are you sure?":["Vous êtes sur le point de remplacer le contenu de l'éditeur, êtes-vous sûr de vouloir continuer ?"],"You are about to unlock a locked template.":["Vous êtes sur le point de déverrouiller un modèle verrouillé."],"You are not authorized to lock templates.":["Vous n'êtes pas autorisé à verrouiller les modèles."],"You are not authorized to make a template default.":["Vous n'êtes pas autorisé à définir un modèle par défaut."],"You are not authorized to perform this action.":["Vous n'êtes pas autorisé à effectuer cette action."],"You are trying to delete your own account":["Vous essayez de supprimer votre propre compte"],"You are using an unsupported browser.":["Vous utilisez un navigateur non pris en charge."],"You can add SSH public keys to a user in Foreman.":[""],"You can find The Foreman on the %{freenode} ( network. For general support, please visit #theforeman and for development specific related chat, please visit #theforeman-dev.":["Vous pouvez contacter l'équipe de The Foremann sur le réseau IRC %{freenode} ( Si vous avez besoin de support, merci de visiter #theforeman. Pour la partie développement, veuillez vous rendre sur #theforeman-dev."],"You can select one of the IPAM modes supported by the selected IP protocol:<br/><ul><li><strong>DHCP</strong> - will manage the IP on DHCP through assigned DHCP proxy, auto-suggested IPs come from DHCP <em>(IPv4)</em></li><li><strong>Internal DB</strong> - use internal DB to auto-suggest free IP based on other interfaces on same subnet respecting range if specified, useful mainly with static boot mode <em>(IPv4, IPv6)</em></li><li><strong>EUI-64</strong> - will assign the IPv6 address based on the MAC address of the interface <em>(IPv6)</em></li><li><strong>None</strong> - leave IP management solely on user, no auto-suggestion <em>(IPv4, IPv6)</em></li></ul>":[""],"You can't assign locations to this resource":["Vous ne pouvez pas attribuer un emplacement à cette ressource"],"You can't assign organizations to this resource":["Vous ne pouvez pas attribuer une organisation à cette ressource"],"You cannot delete this user while logged in as this user.":["Vous ne pouvez pas supprimer cette utilisateur temps qu'il est connecté."],"You do not have permission to %s this location parameter":["Vous n'avez pas la permission de %s sur ce paramètre d'emplacement"],"You do not have permission to %s this organization parameter":["Vous n'avez pas la permission de %s sur ce paramètre d'organisation"],"You don't have any visible hosts. Hosts can be added and provisioned from Foreman, or configured to report to Foreman.":["Vous n'avez aucun hôte visible. Les hôtes peuvent être ajoutés et installés par Foreman, ou configurés pour transmettre les rapports à Foreman."],"You don't seem to have any bookmarks.":["Vous ne semblez pas avoir défini de marque-page."],"You don't seem to have any facts yet. If you wish to configure fact pushing, please follow the documentation.":["Vous ne semblez pas avoir encore de fact. Si vous souhaitez configurer la remontée de facts, merci de consulter la documentation."],"You don't seem to have any reports.":["Vous ne semblez pas avoir de rapport."],"You have already logged in":[""],"You may also associate one or more operating systems with this medium or alternatively set this up later on the %s page.":["Vous pouvez aussi associer un ou plusieurs systèmes d'exploitation à ce médium ou encore, définir ces relations plus tard sur la page %s."],"You may also associate one or more operating systems with this partition table or alternatively set this up later on the %s page":["Vous pouvez aussi associer un ou plusieurs systèmes d'exploitation à cette table de partition ou encore, définir ces relations plus tard sur la page %s."],"You may create puppet classes that represent high-level host configurations, for example, a <b>host-type-ldap-server</b> class, which includes all the required functionality from other modules or you may decide to create a host group called <b>host-type-ldap-server</b> and add the required classes into the host group configuration.":["Vous pouvez créer des classes Puppet qui représentent un haut niveau de configuration d'hôte, par exemple, la classe <b>serveur-type-ldap</b> inclue toutes les fonctionnalités requises des autres modules ou vous pouvez décider de créer un groupe d'hôtes <b>serveur-type-ldap</b> et ajouter toutes les classes requises à la configuration de ce groupe d'hôtes."],"You must create a location before continuing.":["Vous devez créer un emplacement avant de continuer."],"You must create an organization before continuing.":["Vous devez créer une organisation avant de continuer."],"You must create at least one location before continuing.":["Vous devez créer au moins un emplacement pour continuer."],"You must create at least one organization before continuing.":["Vous devez créer au moins une organisation pour continuer."],"You must select at least one permission":["Vous devez sélectionner au moins une permission"],"You probably need to configure your %s first.":["Vous devez probablement d'abord configurer vos %s."],"You would probably need to attach the":["Vous aurez probablement besoin d'attacher la"],"Your Foreman user account has been created:":["Votre compte utilisateur Foreman a été créé :"],"Your host has finished building:":["La construction de votre hôte est terminée :"],"Your password is too short":["Votre mot de passe est trop court"],"Your password should not contain sequences":["Votre mot de passe ne doit pas contenir de sequence"],"Your password should not contain that many repetitions":["Votre mot de passe ne doit pas contenir trop de repetition"],"Your password should not contain your email":["Votre mot de pas ne doit pas contenir contenir votre courriel"],"Your password should not contain your username":["Votre mot de passe ne doit pas contenir votre nom d'utilisateur"],"Your password should use characters from different character classes too":[""],"Your session has expired, please login again":["Votre session a expiré, merci de vous reconnecter"],"ZTP PXE template":["Modèle ZTP PXE"],"Zone":["Zone"],"[encrypted]":[""],"a location":["un emplacement"],"add a new matcher":["Ajouter un nouveau matcher"],"add new network interface":["Ajouter une nouvelle interface réseau"],"add new storage volume":["Ajouter un nouveau volume de stockage"],"all":["tout"],"already exists":["existe déjà"],"an organization":["une organisation"],"and":["et"],"array":["tableau"],"belongs to config group":["appartient au groupe de configuration"],"boolean":["booléen"],"boot device, valid devices are disk, cdrom, pxe, bios":["périphérique de démarrage. 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interface of managed host":["Impossible de supprimer l'interface primaire d'un hôte géré"],"can't delete provision interface of managed host":["Impossible de supprimer l'interface de provisioning d'un hôte géré"],"can't find domain with this id":["impossible de trouver un domaine ayant cet id"],"cannot be changed":["Impossible à changer"],"cannot be changed by a non-admin user":["ne peut pas être modifié par un utilisateur non-admin"],"cannot be changed on an internal protected account":["impossible de changer un compte interne protégé"],"cannot be enabled for an unmanaged host":["ne peut pas être activé pour un hôte non managé"],"cannot be removed from an internal protected account":["Impossible de supprimer depuis un compte interne protégé"],"cannot be removed from the last admin account":["Impossible de supprimer le dernier compte Admin"],"clone":["clone"],"comma separated interface identifiers":["Identifiants des interfaces séparés par des virgules"],"comments powered by %{disqus}":["commentaires crées par %{disqus}"],"could not be calculated":[""],"could not be found in %s":["ne peut être trouvé parmis %s"],"could not be generated":[""],"cycle":["cycle"],"default locations need to be user locations first":["Les emplacements par défaut doivent déjà être des emplacements de l'utilisateur"],"default organizations need to be user organizations first":["Les organisations par défaut doivent déjà être des organisations de l'utilisateur"],"defaults to 389":["par défaut à 389"],"does not appear to be a valid nfs mount path":["n’apparaît pas être un point de montage NFS valide"],"does not belong into host's location":[""],"does not belong into host's organization":["ne fait pas partie de l'organisation de l'hôte"],"does not belong to subnet":["n'apparait pas au sous-réseau"],"does not have the %s feature":[""],"does not match selected subnet":["Ne correspond pas au sous-réseau sélectionné"],"domain":["domaine"],"e-mail reporting":["Rapports par courrier 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Les actions valides sont : (on/start), (off/stop), (soft/reboot), (cycle/reset), (state/status)."],"poweroff":["éteindre"],"ready?":["Prêt ?"],"real":["réel"],"reboot":["redémarrer"],"recreate":["Re-créer"],"regexp":["regexp"],"remove":["supprimer"],"remove network interface":["supprimer l'interface réseau"],"remove storage volume":["supprimer le volume de stockage"],"required":["requis"],"required for managed host that is bare metal, not required if it's a virtual machine":["requis pour les hôtes gérés qui sont des serveurs physiques, non requis pour les machines virtuelles"],"required if host is managed and custom partition has not been defined":["requis si l'hôte est géré et possède une partition spécifique qui n'a pas été définie"],"required if host is managed and value is not inherited from host group":["requis si l'hôte est géré et la valeur n'est pas héritée d'un groupe d'hôtes"],"required if host is managed and value is not inherited from host group or default password in settings":["requis si l'hôte est gérer et la valeur n'est pas héritée d'un groupe d'hôtes ou du mot de passe par défaut défini dans les paramètres généraux"],"required if locations are enabled":["requis si les emplacements sont activés"],"required if not imaged based provisioning and host is managed and value is not inherited from host group":["requis si le provisioningn'est pas basé sur une image que l'hôte est géré et que la valeur n'est pas héritée d'un groupe d'hôtes"],"required if onthefly_register is true":["requis si onthefly_register est vrai"],"required if organizations are enabled":["requis si les organisations sont activées"],"reset":["reset"],"revoked":["révoqué"],"select an owner":["sélectionner un propriétaire"],"setting up reporting":["Configurer les rapports"],"should be 8 characters or more":["devrait être 8 caractères ou plus"],"should be a single line":[""],"should not be blank - consider setting a global or host group default":["ne doit pas être vide - songez à définir un groupe d'hôtes global ou un groupe d'hôtes par défaut"],"soft":["logiciel"],"some interfaces are invalid":["des interfaces sont invalides"],"some permissions were not found":[""],"sort results":["trier les resultats"],"space separated options, e.g. miimon=100":["Options séparées par des espaces. Ex : miimon=100"],"start":["Démarrage"],"state":["État "],"status":["status"],"status type, can be one of\\n* global\\n* configuration\\n* build\\n":["le type de statut est l'un de ceux-ci :\\n* global\\n* configuration\\n* build\\n"],"stop":["Arrêt"],"string":["chaîne"],"subnet":["sous-réseau"],"subnet boot mode is not %s":["Le mode de démarrage du sous-réseau n'est pas %s"],"sync external user groups on login":["Synchroniser les groupes externes à la connexion"],"template name":["Nom de modèle"],"template version":["version de modèle"],"these hosts for a build operation on next boot":["ces hôtes pour une installation au prochain redémarrage"],"type of the LDAP server":["Type de serveur LDAP"],"unable to find %{type} template for %{host} running %{os}":["impossible de trouver le modèle %{type} pour %{host} fonctionnant avec %{os}"],"unable to sign a non pending certificate":["Impossible de signer un certificat qui n'est pas en attente"],"unknown network_type":["network_type inconnu"],"unknown parent permission for %s":["Permission parent inconnue pour %s"],"unknown permission %s":["Permission %s inconnue"],"unknown permission for %s":["Permission inconnue pour %s"],"unknown provider":["fournisseur inconnu"],"unspecified":["indéterminé"],"used memory":["mémoire utilisée"],"using %s":["utilisation de %s"],"using %{allocation} GB out of %{capacity} GB, %{pool_name} storage pool":["utilise %{allocation} Go sur %{capacity} Go, pool de stockage %{pool_name}"],"valid":["valide"],"valid or pending":["valide ou en attente"],"virtual":["Virtuel"],"virtual attached to %s":["virtuelle attachée à %s"],"yaml":["yaml"],"you can't assign some of roles you selected":["Vous ne pouvez attribuer certains des rôles sélectionnés"],"you can't change administrator flag":["Vous ne pouvez pas changer le flag administrateur"],"you cannot remove %s that are used by hosts or inherited.":["Vous ne pouvez pas supprimer %s qui est utilisé par des hôtes ou hérité."]}}};
var locales = locales || {}; locales['fr'] = {"domain":"app","locale_data":{"app":{"":{"Project-Id-Version":"Foreman","Report-Msgid-Bugs-To":"","PO-Revision-Date":"2017-09-19 16:40+0000","Last-Translator":"Lukáš Zapletal","Language-Team":"French (","MIME-Version":"1.0","Content-Type":"text/plain; charset=UTF-8","Content-Transfer-Encoding":"8bit","Language":"fr","Plural-Forms":"nplurals=2; plural=(n > 1);","lang":"fr","domain":"app","plural_forms":"nplurals=2; plural=(n > 1);"}," Remove":["Supprimer"],"%s - Press Shift-F12 to release the cursor.":["%s - Appuyez sur Shift-F12 pour libérer le curseur."],"%s - The following hosts are about to be changed":["%s - les hôtes suivants vont être changés"],"%s Distribution":["Répartition de %s"],"%s Parameters updated, see below for more information":["%s Paramètres mis à jour, voir ci-dessous pour plus d'informations"],"%s Template":["%s Modèle"],"%s VM associated to a host":[" %s VM associée à un hôte"," %s VM associées à un hôte"],"%s active feature":["%s fonction active","%s fonctions actives"],"%s ago":["Il y a %s"],"%s console is not supported at this time":["La console %s n'est pas prise en charge pour le moment."],"%s core":["%s core","%s cores"],"%s day ago":["Il y a %s jour","Il y a %s jours"],"%s error message":["%s message d'erreur","%s messages d'erreur"],"%s has been disassociated from VM":["%s a été dissocié de la VM"],"%s host":["%s hôte","%s hôtes"],"%s is an unknown attribute":["%s est un attribut inconnu "],"%s is not a valid DNS record type":["%s n'est pas un type d'enregistrement DNS valide"],"%s is not in environment":["%s n'est pas dans un environnement"],"%s log message":["%s message du journal","%s messages du journal"],"%s minute ago":["Il y a %s minute","Il y a %s minutes"],"%s month ago":["il y a %s mois","Il y a %s mois"],"%s selected hosts":["%s hôtes sélectionnés"],"%s warning message":["%s message d'avertissement","%s messages d'avertissement"],"%s week ago":["Il y a %s semaine","Il y a %s semaines"],"%s widget loading...":["%s widget en chargement ..."],"%{app_name} API documentation homepage":["%{app_name} Page principale de la documentation de l'API"],"%{config_type} rebuild failed for host: %{host_names}.":["La reconstruction de %{config_type} a échoué pour l'hôte : %{host_names}.","La reconstruction de %{config_type} a échoué pour les hôtes : %{host_names}."],"%{controller}: %{host}'s operating system %{os} has no OS family":["%{controller}: le système d'exploitation %{os} de %{host} n'a pas de famille d'OS"],"%{controller}: %{host}'s operating system is missing":["%{controller}: Le système d'exploitation de %{host} est manquant"],"%{controller}: unable to find a host that matches the request from %{addr}":["%{controller}: impossible de trouver l'hôte correspondant à la requête venant de %{addr}"],"%{cores} Cores and %{memory} memory":["%{cores} Cores et %{memory} de mémoire"],"%{count} host with no %{taxonomy_single} assigned":["%{count} hôte avec aucune %{taxonomy_single} assignée","%{count} hôtes avec aucune %{taxonomy_single} attribuée"],"%{cpus} CPUs and %{memory} MB memory":["%{cpus} CPU et %{memory} MB de mémoire"],"%{cpus} CPUs and %{memory} memory":["%{cpus} CPU et %{memory} de mémoire"],"%{e} does not belong to the %{environment} environment":["%{e} n'appartient pas à l'environnement %{environment}"],"%{host} is about to %{action}":["%{host} est sur ​​le point de %{action}"],"%{host} now boots from %{device}":["%{host} démarre maintenant à partir de %{device}"],"%{id} plugin requires Foreman %{matcher} but current is %{current}":["Le plugin %{id} requiert Foreman %{matcher} mais est actuellement %{current}"],"%{id} plugin requires the %{plugin_name} plugin %{matcher} but current is %{plugin_version}":["Le plugin %{id} requiert le plugin %{plugin_name} %{matcher} mais la version actuelle est %{plugin_version}"],"%{id} plugin requires the %{plugin_name} plugin, not found":["Le plugin %{id} requiert le plugin %{plugin_name}, introuvable"],"%{image} needs user data, but %{os_link} is not associated to any provisioning template of the kind user_data. Please associate it with a suitable template or uncheck 'User data' for %{compute_resource_image_link}.":["%{image} a besoin de données utilisateur, cependant %{os_link} n'est associé à aucun modèle de provisioning du type user_data. Merci de faire une association de ce type ou décocher 'Données utilisateur' pour %{compute_resource_image_link}."],"%{key} does not exist in order field":["%{key} n'existe pas dans le champ d'ordonancement"],"%{match} does not match an existing host":["%{match} ne correspond pas à un hôte existant"],"%{match} does not match an existing host group":["%{match} ne correspond pas à un groupe d'hôtes existant"],"%{model} with id '%{id}' was not found":["%{model} avec l'ID '%{id}' n'a pas été trouvé"],"%{name} changed from %{label1} to %{label2}":["%{name} changé de %{label1} pour %{label2}"],"%{name} has %{num_tag} class":["%{name} a %{num_tag} classe","%{name} a %{num_tag} classes"],"%{os} medium was not set for host '%{host}'":["Medium %{os} non défini pour l'hôte '%{host}'"],"%{record} is being used by a hidden %{what} resource":["%{record} est utilisé par la ressource %{what} cachée"],"%{record} is used by %{what}":["%{record} est utilisé par %{what}"],"%{record} is used by host in build mode %{what}":["%{record} est utilisé par l'hôte en mode build %{what}"],"%{resource_name} not found by id '%{id}'":["%{resource_name} avec l'id '%{id}' non trouvé "],"%{task} task failed with the following error: %{e}":["La tâche %{task} a échoué avec l'erreur suivante : %{e}"],"%{taxonomy_type} %{taxonomy_name} has %{count} host that will need to be reassociated after deletion. Delete %{taxonomy_name2}?":["",""],"%{type} %{conflicts} already exists":["%{type} %{conflicts} existe déjà"],"%{user} Downloaded %{key} as pem file":[""],"%{value} does not belong to %{os} operating system":["%{value} ne fait pas partie du système d'exploitation %{os}"],"%{value} is not a valid controller":["%{value} n'est pas un contrôleur valide"],"%{value} is not one of %{rules}":["%{value} n'est pas inclus dans %{rules}"],"%{vm} is now %{vm_state}":["%{vm} est maintenant %{vm_state}"],"&laquo;":["&laquo;"],"&raquo;":["&raquo;"],"'%{host}' could be deleted or '%{resource}' is not responding.":["'%{host}' peut avoir été supprimé ou '%{resource}' ne répond pas."],"'%{host}' not found on '%{resource}'":["'%{host}' introuvable pour '%{resource}'"],"'%{loader}' is not one of %{loaders}":["'%{loader}' n'est pas inclus dans %{loaders}"],"'Content-Type: %s' is unsupported in API v2 for POST and PUT requests. Please use 'Content-Type: application/json'.":["'Content-Type: %s' n'est pas pris en charge en v2 de l'API que ce soit pour les requêtes POST ou PUT. Merci d'utiliser 'Content-Type: application/json'."],"(Miscellaneous)":["(Divers)"],"(optional) IAM Role for Fog to use when creating this image.":["(Facultatif) Rôle IAM de Fog lors de la création de cette image."],"*Clear %s proxy*":["*Effacer le proxy %s*"],"*Clear environment*":["*Nettoyer l'environnement*"],"*Clear host group*":["*Effacer le groupe d'hôtes*"],"*Inherit from host group*":["*hérité d'un groupe d'hôtes*"],", relevant log entries, and it is highly recommended to also attach the foreman-debug output.":[", lignes correspondantes des fichiers journaux, et il est fortement recommandé d'attacher la sortie écran de la commande foreman-debug."],":foreman_url is not set, please configure in the Foreman Web UI (Administer -> Settings -> General)":[":foreman_url n'est pas définie, merci de configurer cette variable dans l'interface Web de Foreman (Administrer -> paramètres -> Général)"],"<b class='select_count'>0</b> selected":["<b class='select_count'>0</b> sélectionnée(s)"],"<b style=\\\"color: #6bb5df;\\\">%{disabled_sum}</b>\\n <p>Disabled</p>":["",""],"<b style=\\\"color: #6bb5df;\\\">%{hosts_sum}</b>\\n <p>Changed</p>":["",""],"<b style=\\\"color: #6bb5df;\\\">%{out_of_sync_sum}</b>\\n <p>Out of sync</p>":["",""],"<b>Description:</b> %{desc}<br/>\\n <b>Type:</b> %{type}<br/>\\n <b>Matcher:</b> %{matcher}<br/>\\n <b>Inherited value:</b> %{inherited_value}":["<b>Description :</b> %{desc}<br/>\\n<b>Type :</b> %{type}<br/>\\n<b>Matcher :</b> %{matcher}<br/>\\n<b>Valeur héritée :</b> %{inherited_value}"],"<b>Foreman API v1 is deprecated. Please use v2.</b><br />If you still need to use v1, you may do so by either passing 'version=1' in the Accept Header or using api/v1/ in the URL.":["<b>L'API v1 de Foreman est obsolète. Merci d'utiliser l'API v2.</b><br />Si vous avez absolument besoin de l'API v1, vous pouvez soit passer l'option 'version=1' au Header Accept, soit utiliser api/v1/ dans l'URL d'accès."],"<b>Foreman</b> Build Complete":["<b>Foreman</b> Construction terminée"],"<b>Foreman</b> Puppet error report":["<b>Foreman</b> Rapport d'erreur Puppet"],"<b>Foreman</b> Puppet summary":["<b>Foreman</b> Rapport Puppet "],"<b>Foreman</b> audit summary":["<b>Foreman</b> Rapports d'audit"],"<b>Foreman</b> test email":["Courrier de test de <b>Foreman</b>"],"<b>Source:</b> %{type} %{name}":["<b>Source :</b> %{type} %{name}"],"<dl><dt>List</dt> <dd>A list of the allowed values, specified in the Validator rule field.</dd><dt>Regexp</dt> <dd>Validates the input with the regular expression in the Validator rule field.</dd></dl>":["<dl><dt>Liste</dt> <dd>Une liste de valeurs autorisées, spécifiées dans le champ de règle de validation.</dd><dt>Regexp</dt> <dd>Valide les entrées à l'aide d'une expression régulière dans le champ de règle de validation.</dd></dl>"],"<dl><dt>String</dt> <dd>Everything is taken as a string.</dd><dt>Boolean</dt> <dd>Common representation of boolean values are accepted.</dd><dt>Integer</dt> <dd>Integer numbers only, can be negative.</dd><dt>Real</dt> <dd>Accept any numerical input.</dd><dt>Array</dt> <dd>A valid JSON or YAML input, that must evaluate to an array.</dd><dt>Hash</dt> <dd>A valid JSON or YAML input, that must evaluate to an object/map/dict/hash.</dd><dt>YAML</dt> <dd>Any valid YAML input.</dd><dt>JSON</dt> <dd>Any valid JSON input.</dd></dl>":["<dl><dt>Chaîne</dt> <dd>Tout est considéré comme une chaîne de caractères.</dd><dt>Booléen</dt> <dd>Les représentations classiques des booléens sont acceptées.</dd><dt>Entier</dt> <dd>Nombre entier uniquement, peut être négatif.</dd><dt>Réel</dt> <dd>Accepte n'importe quelle valeur numérique.</dd><dt>Tableau</dt> <dd>Une entrée JSON ou YAML valide, doit être évaluée en tant que tableau.</dd><dt>Dictionnaire</dt> <dd>Une entrée JSON ou YAML valide, doit être évaluée en tant qu'objet/dictionnaire/Table de hachage.</dd><dt>YAML</dt> <dd>Une entrée YAML valide.</dd><dt>JSON</dt> <dd>Une entrée JSON valide.</dd></dl>"],"A Foreman user group can be associated to a group stored in an LDAP server, so membership of the LDAP group automatically adds the user to the Foreman user group.":[""],"A host group is in some ways similar to an inherited node declaration, in that it is a high level grouping of classes that can be named and treated as a unit. This is then treated as a template and is selectable during the creation of a new host and ensures that the host is configured in one of your pre-defined states.":["Un groupe d'hôtes est en quelques sorte similaire à de l'héritage de noeud, dans le sens où c'est un regroupement haut niveau de classes qui peut être nommé et traité comme un tout. C'est alors traité comme un modèle et est sélectionnable pendant la phase de création d'un nouvel hôte et assure que l'hôte est configuré dans un de vos états prédéfinis."],"A medium represents the source of one or more operating system's installation files, accessible via the network.\\n It will probably be a mirror from the internet or a copy of one or more CD or DVDs.":["Un médium représente la source des fichiers utilisés pour l'installation d'un système d'exploitation, accessible depuis le réseau.\\nC'est souvent un mirroir sur internet ou encore une copie de CD ou DVD."],"A partition table entry represents either":["Une table de partition représente soit"],"A problem occurred when detecting host type: %s":["Un problème est survenu lors de la détection du type d'hôte : %s"],"A script to dynamically calculate the desired sizes. E.G.":["Un script pour calculer dynamiquement la taille désirée. Ex :"],"A user group already exists with this name":["Un groupe d'utilisateurs portant ce nom existe déjà"],"API Key":["Clé API"],"API documentation":["Documentation de l'API"],"About":["À propos"],"Access Key":["Clé d'accès"],"Access denied":["Accès refusé"],"Access unattended without build":["Accès sans assistance sans build"],"Account":["Compte"],"Acquire IP addresses for %s":["Obtenir adresses IP pour %s"],"Action":["Action"],"Actions":["Actions"],"Active":["Actif"],"Active Hosts":["Hôtes actifs"],"Active features":["Fonctions actives"],"Active key":[""],"Add Autosign entry":["Ajouter une entrée à signer automatiquement"],"Add Bookmark":["Ajouter un marque-pages"],"Add Interface":["Ajouter une interface"],"Add Matcher":["Ajouter un Matcher"],"Add Parameter":["Ajouter un paramètre"],"Add Trend Counter":["Ajouter un compteur de tendance"],"Add Variable":["Ajouter une variable"],"Add Volume":["Ajouter un volume"],"Add a CD-ROM drive to the virtual machine.":["Ajouter un lecteur de CD-ROM à la machine virtuelle"],"Add a Puppet class to host":["Ajout d'une classe Puppet à l'hôte"],"Add a Puppet class to host group":["Ajouter une classe Puppet à un groupe d'hôtes"],"Add a template combination":["Ajouter une combinaison de modèle"],"Add combination":["Ajout de combinaison"],"Add external user group":["Ajouter un groupe d'utilisateur externe"],"Add filter":["Ajout filtre"],"Add to dashboard":["Ajouter au tableau de bord"],"Add widgets":["Ajouter des modules"],"Add:":["Ajouter :"],"Adding would cause a cycle!":["L'ajout provoquerait une dépendance circulaire"],"Additional Information":["Informations additionnelles"],"Additional compute resource specific attributes for the interface.":["Autres attributs pour la ressource de calcul spécifiques à cet interface."],"Additional compute resource specific attributes.":["Autres attributs spécifiques de la ressource de calcul."],"Additional information about this host":["Informations additionnelles sur cet hôte"],"Address to connect to":["Adresse à laquelle se connecter"],"Admin permissions required":["Permissions Admin requises"],"Administer":["Administrer"],"Administrator email address":["L'adresse de courrier électronique de l'administrateur"],"Administrator user account required":["Un compte administrateur est requis"],"Alert":["Alerte"],"Alerts disabled":["Alertes désactivées"],"Alias or VLAN device":["Périphérique Alias ou VLAN"],"All":["Tout"],"All Puppet Classes for %s":["Toutes les Classes Puppet pour %s"],"All Reports":["Tous les Rapports"],"All compute resources":["Toutes les ressources de calcul"],"All domains":["Tous les domaines"],"All environments":["Tous les environnements"],"All environments - (not filtered)":["Tous les environnements - (non filtrés)"],"All host groups":["Tous les groupes d'hôtes"],"All hosts":["Tous les hôtes"],"All hosts data matches configurations for locations and organizations.":["Toutes les données des hôtes correspondent aux emplacements et aux organisations actuels."],"All hosts previously with no %{single} are now assigned to %{name}":["Tous les précédents hôtes sans %{single} sont désormais attribués à %{name}"],"All hosts will show a configuration status even when a Puppet smart proxy is not assigned":["Tous les hôtes vont montrer un statut de configuration même lorsqu'un smart proxy Puppet n'est pas défini"],"All items":["Tous les éléments"],"All media":["Tous les médias"],"All messages":["Tous les messages"],"All mismatches between hosts and %s have been fixed":["Toutes les erreurs de correspondance entre hôtes et %s ont été corrigées"],"All mismatches between hosts and locations/organizations have been fixed":["Toutes les erreurs de correspondance entre hôtes et emplacements/organisations ont été corrigées."],"All partition tables":["Toutes les tables de partition"],"All provisioning templates":["Tous les modèles de provisioning"],"All realms":["Tous les royaumes"],"All smart proxies":["Tous les Smart Proxies"],"All subnets":["Tous les sous-réseaux"],"All users":["Tous les utilisateurs"],"Allocated":["Alloué"],"Allocation (GB)":["Allocation (GB)"],"Allow access to unattended URLs without build mode being used":["Autoriser l'accès à des URL sans assistance sans utiliser mode build"],"Allow external network as main network":["Autoriser un réseau externe comme réseau principal"],"Allowed methods or members":["Autoriser méthodes ou membres"],"Always show configuration status":["Toujours afficher le statut de configuration"],"An IP address will be auto-suggested if you have enabled IPAM on the IPv4 subnet selected above.<br/><br/>The IP address can be left blank when:<br/><ul><li>provisioning tokens are enabled</li><li>the domain does not manage DNS</li><li>the subnet does not manage reverse DNS</li><li>and the subnet does not manage DHCP reservations</li></ul>":["Une adresse IP sera auto-suggérée si vous avez activé l’IPAM sur le sous-réseau IPv4 sélectionné ci-dessus. <br/> <br/> L’adresse IP peut être laissée vide quand : <br/> <ul><li>les jetons de provisionnement sont activés</li> <li>le domaine ne parvient à gérer le DNS</li> <li>le sous-réseau ne gère pas de reverse DNS</li> <li>et le sous-réseau ne gère pas les réservations DHCP</li></ul>"],"An IP address will be auto-suggested if you have enabled IPAM on the IPv6 subnet selected above.":["Une adresse IP sera auto-suggérée si vous avez activé l’IPAM sur le sous-réseau IPv4 sélectionné ci-dessus. "],"An email address is required, please update your account details":["Une adresse email est nécéssaire, merci de mettre à jour vos details de compte"],"An error occurred while testing the connection: ":["Une erreur s’est produite quand on a testé la connexion"],"An explicit layout for the partitions of your hard drive(s). E.G.":["Un partitionnement explicite pour votre(vos) disque(s). Ex. :"],"An invalid response was received while requesting available features from this proxy":["Réponse non valide reçue lors de la demande de fonctionnalités disponibles de ce proxy"],"Annotation Notes":["Annotations"],"Annotation notes":["Annotations"],"Anonymous admin user %s is missing, run foreman-rake db:seed":["Utilisateur admin anonyme %s est absent, lancer foreman-rake db:seed"],"Any Context":["Tout contexte"],"Any Location":["Tout emplacement"],"Any Organization":["Toute Organisation"],"Applicable Operating Systems":["Systèmes d'exploitation possibles"],"Applied":["Appliqué"],"Applied|A":["A"],"Architecture":["Architecture"],"Architecture Distribution":["Répartition des architectures"],"Architecture ID":["ID de l'architecture"],"Architectures":["Architectures"],"Architecture|Hostgroups count":["Nombre de groupes d'hôtes"],"Architecture|Hosts count":["Nombre d'hôtes"],"Architecture|Name":["Nom"],"Are you sure you want to %{act} %{vm}?":["Êtes-vous sûr de vouloir %{act} %{vm} ?"],"Are you sure you want to delete host %s? This action is irreversible.":["Êtes-vous sûr de supprimer l'hôte %s ? Cette action est irréversible."],"Are you sure you want to delete host %s? This will delete the virtual machine and its disks, and is irreversible.":["Êtes-vous sûr de supprimer l'hôte %s ? Cela supprime la machine virtuelle et ses disques, et est irréversible."],"Are you sure you want to delete this widget from your dashboard?":["Êtes-vous sur de supprimer ce widget de votre tableau de bord ?"],"Are you sure you want to log out?":["Etes-vous certain de vouloir vous déconnecter ?"],"Are you sure you want to power %{act} %{vm}?":["Êtes-vous sûr de vouloir %{act} %{vm} ?"],"Are you sure?":["Êtes-vous sûr ?"],"Array of extra information types to include":["Tableau de types d'informations supplémentaires à ajouter"],"Array of host IDs to associate with the partition table":["Tableau des ID des hôtes à associer à la table de partition"],"Array of host group IDs to associate with the partition table":["Tableau des ID des groupes d'hôtes à associer à la table de partition"],"Array of operating system IDs to associate with the partition table":["Tableau des ID de systèmes d'exploitation associés à la table de partition"],"Array of operating system IDs to associate with the template":["Tableau des ID de systèmes d'exploitation associés à ce modèle"],"Array of parameters":["Tableau de paramètres"],"Array of parameters (name, value)":["Tableau de paramètres (nom, valeur)"],"Array of template combinations (hostgroup_id, environment_id)":["Tableau des combinaisons de modèles (hostgroup_id, environment_id)"],"Assign All":["Tout attribuer"],"Assign Hosts to %s":["Attribuer les hôtes à %s"],"Assign Location":["Attribuer un emplacement"],"Assign Organization":["Attribuer une Organisation"],"Assign Selected Hosts":["Attribuer aux hôtes sélectionnés"],"Assign the %{count} host with no %{taxonomy_single} to %{taxonomy_name}":["Affecter %{count} hôte avec aucune %{taxonomy_single} à %{taxonomy_name}","Affecter les %{count} hôtes avec aucune %{taxonomy_single} à %{taxonomy_name}"],"Assign to %s":["Attribuer à %s"],"Assigning hosts to %{taxonomy_name} will also update %{taxonomy_name} to include all the resources that the selected hosts are currently using.":["L'attribution des hôtes à %{taxonomy_name} mettra également à jour %{taxonomy_name} pour inclure toutes les ressources que les hôtes sélectionnés sont en train d'utiliser."],"Associate VM":["Associer à une VM"],"Associate VM to a Foreman host":["Associer une VM à un hôte Foreman"],"Associate VMs":["Associer les VMs"],"Associate VMs to Foreman hosts":["Associer les VMs à des hôtes Foreman"],"Associate VMs to Hosts":["Associer les VM à des hôtes"],"Association":["Association"],"At least one volume must be specified for image-based provisioning.":["Au moins un volume doit être choisi pour un provisioning par image."],"Attempting to construct an operating system image filename but %s cannot be built from an image":["Tentative de construction d'un nom de fichier image du système d'exploitation mais %s ne peut être installé depuis une image"],"Attribute mappings":["Correspondance d'attributs"],"Attribute type":["Type de l'attribut"],"Audit":[""],"Audit Comment":["Commentaire d'Audit"],"Audit summary":["Rapport d'audit"],"Audited::Adapters::ActiveRecord::Audit|Action":["Action"],"Audited::Adapters::ActiveRecord::Audit|Associated name":["Nom associé"],"Audited::Adapters::ActiveRecord::Audit|Associated type":["Type associé"],"Audited::Adapters::ActiveRecord::Audit|Auditable name":["Nom d'audit"],"Audited::Adapters::ActiveRecord::Audit|Auditable type":["Type d'audit"],"Audited::Adapters::ActiveRecord::Audit|Audited changes":["Changements audités"],"Audited::Adapters::ActiveRecord::Audit|Comment":["Commentaires"],"Audited::Adapters::ActiveRecord::Audit|Remote address":["Adresse distante"],"Audited::Adapters::ActiveRecord::Audit|User type":["Type d'utilisateur"],"Audited::Adapters::ActiveRecord::Audit|Username":["Nom d'utilisateur"],"Audited::Adapters::ActiveRecord::Audit|Version":["Version"],"Audits":["Audits"],"Auth source":["Auth source"],"AuthSource|Account":["Compte"],"AuthSource|Account password":["Mot de passe"],"AuthSource|Attr firstname":["Attribut 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variable":["Permettre la délégation d'authentification avec la variable d'environnement REMOTE_USER"],"Authorize login delegation with REMOTE_USER environment variable for API calls too":["Permettre la délégation d'authentification avec la variable d'environnement REMOTE_USER pour les appels à l'API"],"Authorized by":["Autorisé par"],"Auto refresh off":["Rafraichissement automatique désactivé"],"Auto refresh on":["Rafraichissement automatique activé"],"Automatic":[""],"Autosign":["Signature automatique"],"Autosign entries":["Entrées de signature automatique"],"Autosign entry name":[""],"Availability zone":["Zone d'accessibilité"],"Available Classes":["Classes disponibles"],"Available Config Groups":["Groupes de configuration disponibles"],"Available Providers":["Fournisseurs disponibles"],"Average memory usage":["Utilisation mémoire moyenne"],"Average swap usage":["Utilisation mémoire virtuelle moyenne"],"Avoid duplicate values when merging them (only array type)?":["Éviter les doublons lors des fusions (seulement pour les tableaux) ?"],"BIOS":["BIOS"],"BMC":["BMC"],"BMC credentials access":["Accès identifiants BMC"],"BMC password usage":["Utilisation du mot de passe BMC"],"Back":["Retour"],"Back to host":["Retour à l'hôte"],"Back to host list":["Retour à la liste d'hôtes"],"Backtrace":["Trace de débogage"],"Bare Metal":["Bare Metal"],"Base DN":["Base DN"],"Before you proceed to using Foreman you should provide information about one or more architectures.":["Avant de poursuivre l'utilisation de Foreman, vous devez fournir les informations d'une ou plusieurs architectures"],"Bond":["Agrégat"],"Bond mode of the interface, e.g. balance-rr. Only for bond interfaces.":["Mode d'agrégat de l'interface. Par exemple balance-rr. Seulement pour les interfaces bond."],"Bookmark":["Marque-pages"],"Bookmark this search":["Ajouter cette recherche aux favoris"],"Bookmark was successfully created.":["Création du marque-page réussie. "],"Bookmark was successfully updated.":["Mise à jour du marque-page réussie."],"Bookmarks":["Marque-pages"],"Bookmarks are saved search queries. To save them, click on 'Bookmark this search' on the dropdown next to every search button.":["Les marques-pages sont des recherches sauvegardées. Pour sauver une recherche, cliquer sur \\\"Ajouter cette recherche aux favoris\\\" sur le menu déroulant à coté de chaque bouton de recherche."],"Bookmark|Controller":["Contrôleur"],"Bookmark|Name":["Nom"],"Bookmark|Owner type":["Type de propriétaire"],"Bookmark|Public":["Public"],"Bookmark|Query":["Requête"],"Boot device":["Périphérique de démarrage"],"Boot from volume":["Démarrage depuis le volume"],"Boot host from specified device":["Serveur de boot du périphérique spécifié"],"Bootable":["Amorçable"],"Bridge":["Pont"],"Browse host config management reports":["Voir les rapports de gestion de configuration de l'hôte"],"Browse host facts":["Voir les facts de l'hôte"],"Browser locale":["Langue du navigateur (Locale)"],"Browser timezone":["Fuseau horaire du navigateur"],"Build":["Construire"],"Build Hosts":["Construire les Hôtes"],"Build PXE Default":["Créer le fichier PXE par défaut"],"Build a query for %{mailer}":["Construire une requête pour %{mailer}"],"Build from OS image":["Construire depuis l'image du système d'exploitation"],"By unchecking this you can specify filter using Foreman search syntax in search field. If filter remains <br> unlimited (this field is checked) it applies on all resources of the selected type. When a role is associated <br> with some %s filter is not considered unlimited as it's scoped accordingly.":["En décochant cette case vous pouvez spécifier le filtre à l’aide de la syntaxe de recherche Foreman dans le champ de recherche. Si le filtre reste <br> illimité (ce champ est activé) il s’applique à toutes les ressources du type sélectionné. Lorsqu’un rôle est associé <br>avec certains %s le filtre n’est pas considéré comme illimité il est défini en conséquence."],"CA certificate expiry date":["Date d'expiration du certificat du CA"],"CD-ROM drive":["Lecteur de CD-ROM"],"CDROM":["CDROM"],"CPU hot add":["Ajout de CPU à chaud"],"CPU hot add lets you add CPU resources for a virtual machine while the machine is powered on.":["Ajout de CPU à chaud vous permet d'ajouter des ressources CPU à une machine virtuelle en fonctionnement."],"CPUs":["CPU"],"Cache slow calls to VMWare to speed up page rendering":[""],"Caching":[""],"Calling methods on objects":["Appliquer méthodes sur objets"],"Can't delete internal admin account":["Impossible de supprimer le compte admin interne"],"Can't delete the last admin account":["Impossible de supprimer le dernier compte Admin"],"Can't delete the last admin user group":["Impossible de supprimer le dernier group Admin"],"Can't find a valid Foreman Proxy with a Puppet feature":["Impossible de trouver un proxy foreman ayant la fonction puppet"],"Cancel":["Annuler"],"Cancel build":["Annuler la construction"],"Cancel build request for this host":["Annuler la demande de construction de cet hôte"],"Canceled pending build for %s":["Demande de construction de l'hôte %s annulée"],"Cannot add pagelet with key %s and without mountpoint":["Ne peut accéder au pagelet sans clé %s et sans point de montage"],"Cannot add pagelet with key %s and without partial":["Ne peut accéder au pagelet sans clé %s et sans partiel"],"Cannot continue because some permissions were not found, please run rake db:seed and retry":[""],"Cannot create LDAP configuration for %s without dedicated service account":["Impossible de créer une configuration LDAP pour %s sans compte de service dédié"],"Cannot delete %{current} because it has nested %{sti_name}.":["Impossible de supprimer %{current} car cet élément possède des imbrications avec %{sti_name}."],"Cannot delete built-in role":["Impossible de supprimer les rôles pré-définis"],"Cannot delete group %{current} because it has nested groups.":["Impossible d'effacer le groupe %{current} car il possède des sous groupes."],"Cannot delete group %{current} because it has nested host groups.":["Impossible de supprimer le groupe %{current} parce qu'il possède des groupes imbriqués."],"Cannot find user %s when switching context":["Impossible de trouver l'utilisateur %s lors du changement de contexte"],"Cannot register compute resource, wrong type supplied":["Impossible d'enregistrer la ressource de calcul, mauvais type fourni"],"Canvas not supported.":["Canevas non pris en charge."],"Caps lock ON":["Caps lock est activé"],"Certificate Name":["Nom du certificat"],"Certificate path":["Chemin du Certificat"],"Certificate that Foreman will use to encrypt websockets ":["Certificat que Foreman utilisera pour le chiffrement du websockets"],"Certificates":["Certificats"],"Change Environment":["Changer l'Environnement"],"Change Group":["Changer le 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classes"],"Classes":["Classes"],"Clean up failed deployment":["Échec du nettoyage du déploiement"],"Click on the link of a compute resource to edit its default VM attributes.":["Cliquer sur le lien d'une ressource de calcul pour modifier les attributs par défaut des VM."],"Click to add %s":["Cliquez pour ajouter %s"],"Click to log in again.":["Cliquer pour ouvrir à nouveau la session"],"Click to mark as read":[""],"Click to remove %s":["Cliquez pour supprimer %s"],"Click to remove config group":["Cliquez pour supprimer le groupe de configuration"],"Client Email":["Adresse électronique du Client"],"Client SSL certificates are used to identify Smart Proxies (:require_ssl should also be enabled)":["Les certificats SSL client sont utilisés pour identifier les Smart Proxies (:require_ssl doit être activé)"],"Clone":["Cloner"],"Clone %s":["Cloner %s"],"Clone Host %s":["Cloner l'Hôte %s"],"Clone a host group":["Cloner un groupe d'hôtes"],"Clone a provision template":["Cloner un modèle de provisioning"],"Clone a role":["Cloner un rôle"],"Clone a template":["Cloner un modèle"],"Clone this host":["Cloner cet hôte"],"Close":["Fermer"],"Cluster":["Cluster"],"Cluster ID is required to list available networks":["L'ID du cluster est requis pour afficher les réseaux disponibles"],"Comments":["Commentaires"],"Communication status":["Statut de la communication"],"Compute Resource":["Ressource de calcul"],"Compute Resource Distribution":["Distribution Ressource de calcul"],"Compute Resources":["Ressources de calcul"],"Compute attribute":["Attribut de calcul"],"Compute profile":["Profil de calcul"],"Compute profile ID":["ID du profil de calcul"],"Compute profiles":["Profils de calcul"],"Compute resource":["Ressource de calcul"],"Compute resource IDs":["ID de ressources de calcul"],"Compute resource update for %s":["Ressource de calcul mise à jour pour %s"],"Compute resources":["Ressources de calcul"],"ComputeAttribute|Name":["Nom"],"ComputeAttribute|Vm attrs":["Attributs machines virtuelles"],"ComputeProfile|Name":["Nom"],"ComputeResource|Attrs":["Attributs"],"ComputeResource|Description":["Description"],"ComputeResource|Name":["Nom"],"ComputeResource|Password":["Mot de passe"],"ComputeResource|Url":["URL"],"ComputeResource|User":["Utilisateur"],"ComputeResource|Uuid":["UUID"],"Config Retrieval":["Récupération de configuration"],"Config group":["Groupe de configuration"],"Config groups":["Groupes de configuration"],"Config management":["Gestion de configuration"],"ConfigGroup|Config group classes count":["Nombre de classes des groupes de configuration"],"ConfigGroup|Hostgroups count":["Nombre de groupes d'hôtes"],"ConfigGroup|Hosts count":["Nombre d'hôtes"],"ConfigGroup|Name":["Nom"],"Configuration":["Configuration"],"Configuration rebuild failed for: %s.":["Échec de la reconstruction de la configuration pour : %s. "],"Configuration successfully rebuilt.":["Reconstruction de la configuration réussie."],"Configure":["Configurer"],"Configure instance %s via SSH":["Configuration de l'instance %s par SSH"],"Conflict - %s":["Conflit - %s"],"Conflicts have been detected":["Des conflits ont été détectés"],"Connected (unencrypted) to: %s":["Connecté (non chiffré) à : %s"],"Connecting (unencrypted) to: %s":["Connexion (non chiffrée) à : %s"],"Console":["Console"],"Console output may be out of date":["La sortie console est peut être trop vieille"],"Console passwords":["Mots de passe console"],"Consult \\\"Provisioning Templates\\\" page to see what templates are available.":[""],"Continue to look for matches after first find (only array/hash type)? Note: merging overrides ignores all matchers that are omitted.":["Continuer à chercher les valeurs correspondantes après une première recherche (type tableau ou hachage uniquement) ? Noter : la fusion ignore toutes les valeurs correspondantes omises."],"Continue?":["Continuer ?"],"Cores":["Cores"],"Cores per socket":["Cores par socket"],"Could not add permissions to Manager and Viewer roles: %s":[""],"Could not add permissions to Manager role: %s":[""],"Could not add permissions to Organization admin role: %s":[""],"Could not add permissions to Viewer role: %s":[""],"Could not create role '%{name}': %{message}":[""],"Could not delete %s":[""],"Could not extend role '%{name}': %{message}":[""],"Could not find %{association} with name: %{name}":["Impossible de trouver %{association} avec le nom : %{name}"],"Could not find a Configuration Template with the name \\\"%s\\\", please create one.":["Impossible de trouve un modèle de configuration avec le nom \\\"%s\\\", merci d'en créer un."],"Could not find network %s on VMWare compute resource":[""],"Could not find virtual machine network interface matching %s":["Impossible de trouver une interface réseau de la machine virtuelle correspondant à %s"],"Could not locate CA certificate.":["Impossible de trouver le certificat de la CA."],"Could not recreate a new SSH key":[""],"Create":["Créer"],"Create %s":["Créer %s"],"Create %{type} for %{host}":["Créer %{type} pour %{host}"],"Create :a_resource":["Créer : a_resource"],"Create Architecture":[""],"Create Authentication Source":[""],"Create Bookmark":[""],"Create Compute Profile":["Créer un profil de calcul"],"Create Compute Resource":["Créer une ressource de calcul"],"Create Config Group":[""],"Create DHCP Settings for %s":["Créer des paramètres DHCP pour %s"],"Create Domain":[""],"Create Environment":[""],"Create Filter":[""],"Create Global Parameter":[""],"Create Host":[""],"Create Host Group":[""],"Create Image":[""],"Create Installation Medium":[""],"Create LDAP Auth Source":[""],"Create LDAP Source":[""],"Create Location":[""],"Create Medium":[""],"Create Model":[""],"Create Operating System":[""],"Create Operating system":[""],"Create 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attente"],"DHCP":["DHCP"],"DHCP Proxy":["DHCP Proxy"],"DHCP Proxy ID to use within this subnet":["ID Proxy DHCP à utiliser avec ce sous-réseau"],"DHCP Proxy to use within this subnet":["Proxy DHCP à utiliser avec ce sous-réseau"],"DHCP conflicts removal for %s":["Conflit DHCP pour la suppression de %s"],"DHCP filename option":["option nom de fichier DHCP"],"DHCP filename option (Grub2/PXELinux by default)":["option nom de fichier DHCP (Grub2/PXELinux par defaut)"],"DHCP filename option to use. 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Notez que les enregistrements A et AAAA sont gérés par le proxy DNS du domaine."],"DNS conflict timeout":["Durée d'expiration des conflits DNS"],"DNS name":["Nom DNS"],"DNS proxy ID to use within this domain":["ID proxy DNS à utiliser dans ce domaine"],"DNS proxy to use within this domain for managing A records, note that PTR records are managed via Subnet DNS proxy":["Proxy DNS à utiliser pour gérer les enregistrements A de cette zone DNS. 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variable"],"Default variables lookup path":["Chemin de recherche par défaut des variables"],"Default verification mode":["Mode de vérification par défaut"],"Defaults to image size if left blank":["Si blanc, la taille de l'image est utilisée"],"Delete":["Supprimer"],"Delete %s?":["Supprimer %s ?"],"Delete :a_resource":["Suppression : a_resource"],"Delete Hosts":["Supprimer ces Hôtes"],"Delete PuppetCA certificates for %s":["Supprimer les certificats PuppetCA pour %s"],"Delete TFTP %{kind} config for %{host}":["Supression TFTP %{king} configuration pour %{host}"],"Delete a Puppet class":["Supprimer une classe Puppet"],"Delete a bookmark":["Supprimer un marque page"],"Delete a compute profile":["Supprimer un profil de ressource de calcul"],"Delete a compute resource":["Supprimer une ressource de calcul"],"Delete a config group":["Supprimer un group de configuration"],"Delete a default template combination for an operating system":["Supprimer une combinaison de modèle par défaut pour une 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pour un système d'exploitation"],"Delete a nested parameter for an organization":["Supprimer un paramètre imbriqué pour une organisation"],"Delete a partition table":["Supprimer une table de partition"],"Delete a provisioning template":["Supprimer un modèle de provisioning"],"Delete a realm":["Supprimer un royaume"],"Delete a report":["Supprimer un rapport"],"Delete a role":["Supprimer un rôle"],"Delete a smart proxy":["Supprimer un smart proxy"],"Delete a smart variable":["Supprimer une smart variable"],"Delete a subnet":["Supprimer un sous-réseau"],"Delete a template combination":["Supprimer une combinaison de modèle"],"Delete a user":["Supprimer un utilisateur"],"Delete a user group":["Supprimer un group d'utilisateurs"],"Delete all nested parameter for a location":["Supprimer tous les paramètres imbriqués pour un emplacement"],"Delete all nested parameter for an organization":["Supprimer tous les paramètres imbriqués pour une organisation"],"Delete all nested parameters for a domain":["Supprimer tous les paramètres imbriqués pour un domaine"],"Delete all nested parameters for a host":["Supprimer tous les paramètres imbriqués pour un hôte"],"Delete all nested parameters for a host group":["Supprimer tous les paramètres imbriqués pour un groupe d'hôtes"],"Delete all nested parameters for a subnet":["Supprimer tous les paramètres imbriqués pour un sous-réseaux"],"Delete all nested parameters for an operating system":["Supprimer tous les paramètres imbriqués pour un système d'exploitation"],"Delete all the trend history for %s?":["Supprimer l'historique des tendances pour %s?"],"Delete an LDAP authentication source":["Supprimer une souce d'authentification LDAP"],"Delete an SSH key for a user":[""],"Delete an architecture":["Supprimer une architecture"],"Delete an environment":["Supprimer un environnement"],"Delete an external user group":["Supprimer un groupe d'utilisateurs externe"],"Delete an image":["Supprimer une image"],"Delete an operating system":["Supprimer un système d'exploitation"],"Delete an override value for a specific smart class parameter":["Supprimer une valeur de substitution pour un paramètre d'une smart class spécifique"],"Delete an override value for a specific smart variable":["Supprimer une valeur de substitution pour une smart variable spécifique"],"Delete autosign entry":[""],"Delete autosign entry for %s":["Supprimer les entrées signées automatiquement pour %s"],"Delete filter?":["Supprimer le filtre ?"],"Delete realm entry for %s":["Supprimer l'entrée du royaume %s"],"Delete report for %s?":["Supprimer les rapports concernant %s ?"],"Deleted environment":["Supprimer l'environnement"],"Deleted environment %{env} and %{pcs}":["Supprimer l'environnement %{env} et %{pcs}"],"Delivery method":["Méthode de remise"],"Deploy TFTP %{kind} config for %{host}":["Deployer TFTP %{king} configuration pour %{host}"],"Deploy VM on selected datastore":["Déployer une VM sur la banque de données choisie"],"Deploy on":["Déployer sur"],"Deprecated, please use datacenter":["Déprécier, merci d'utiliser le centre de donnée"],"Deprecated, please use omit":["Déprécier, merci d'utiliser \\\"omit\\\""],"Description":["Description"],"Description of smart class":["Description de la smart class"],"Description of the domain":["Description du domaine"],"Description of variable":["Description de la variable"],"Deselect All":["Tout désélectionner"],"Destroy":["Supprimer"],"Destroyed selected hosts":["Hôtes sélectionnés détruits"],"Details":["Détails"],"Device identifier":["Identifiant du périphérique"],"Device identifier for this interface. This may be different on various platforms and environments, here are some common examples.<br/><ul><li>Use the basic name for physical interface identifiers, e.g. <strong>eth0</strong> or <strong>em0</strong> with biosdevname.</li><li>For virtual interfaces, use either alias notation (<strong>eth0:1</strong>, name:index) or VLAN notation (<strong>eth0.15</strong>, name.tag).</li><li>For bonds it's common to use <strong>bond0</strong> on Linux, <strong>lagg0</strong> on FreeBSD systems.</li></ul>":["L'identifiant de périphérique pour cette interface. Il peut varier selon les plateformes et environnements. En voici quelques exemples courants : <br/><ul><li>Utilisez le nom de base pour les identifiants d'interfaces physiques, par exemple : <strong>eth0</strong> ou <strong>em0</strong> avec biosdevname.</li><li>Pour les interfaces virtuelles, utilisez soit la notation alias (<strong>eth0:1</strong>, nom:index) ou une notation VLAN (<strong>eth0.15</strong>, nom.tag).</li><li>Pour les agrégats, Linux utilise souvent le nom <strong>bond0</strong>, <strong>lagg0</strong> sur les systèmes à base de FreeBSD.</li></ul>"],"Device identifier, e.g. eth0 or eth1.1":["Identifiant du périphérique. Ex : eth0 ou eth1.1"],"Diff":["Diff"],"Diff View":["Vue différencielle"],"Disable Notifications":["Désactiver les notifications"],"Disable alerts for selected hosts":["Désactiver les alertes pour les hôtes sélectionnés"],"Disable all filters overriding":["Désactiver tous les filtres surchargés"],"Disable overriding":["Supprimer Remplacement"],"Disabled":["Désactivé"],"Disassociate Hosts":["Dissocier les hötes des VM"],"Disassociate host":["Dissocier l'hôte"],"Disassociate the host from a VM":["Dissocier l'hôte d'une VM"],"Disassociate the selected hosts from their VMs":["Dissocier les hôtes sélectionnés de leur VMs"],"Disk":["Disque"],"Disk mode":[""],"Display":["Afficher"],"Display Name":["Nom affiché"],"Display hidden parameter values":["Afficher les valeurs des paramètres cachés"],"Display hidden values":["Afficher les valeurs cachée"],"Display the templates that will be used to provision this host":["Afficher les modèles qui seront utilisés pour le provisioning de cet hôte"],"Display type":["Type d'affichage"],"Displaying %{num_audits} of %{total_audits} audit":["Affichage de %{num_audits} sur %{total_audits} audit","Affichage de %{num_audits} sur %{total_audits} audits"],"Displaying <b>%{count}</b> entry":["Afficher <b>%{count}</b> entrée","Afficher <b>toutes les %{count}</b> entrées"],"Displaying entries <b>%{from} - %{to}</b> of <b>%{count}</b> in total":["Affichage des entrées <b>%{from} - %{to}</b> sur <b>%{count}</b> au total"],"Documentation":["Documentation"],"Does this image support user data input (e.g. via cloud-init)?":["Cette image prend-t-elle en charge l'entrée de paramètres utilisateur (p.e. via cloud-init) ?"],"Domain":["Domaine"],"Domain ID":["ID du domaine"],"Domain IDs":["ID de domaines"],"Domains":["Domaines"],"Domains in which this subnet is part":["Domaines qui incluent ce sous-réseau"],"Domain|Fullname":["Nom complet"],"Domain|Hostgroups count":["Nombre de groupes d'hôtes"],"Domain|Hosts count":["Nombre d'hôtes"],"Domain|Name":["Nom de domaine"],"Download":[""],"Duration in minutes after the Puppet interval for servers to be classed as out of sync.":["Durée en minutes consécutives à un intervalle Puppet après laquelle les serveurs sont marqués désynchronisés"],"EC2":["EC2"],"EFI":[""],"ENC environment":["Environnement de l'ENC"],"ERROR or FATAL":["ERROR ou FATAL"],"EUI-64":["EUI-64"],"Each architecture can also be associated with more than one operating system and a selector block is provided to allow you to select valid combinations.":["Chaque architecture peut-être associée à un ou plusieurs systèmes d'exploitation. De plus il est possible de restreindre les combinaisons valides."],"Each entries represent a particular hardware architecture, most commonly <b>x86_64</b> or <b>i386</b>. Foreman also supports the Solaris operating system family, which includes <b>sparc</b> based systems.":["Chaque entrée représente une architecture matériel, couramment <b>x86_64</b> ou <b>i386</b>. Foreman supporte aussi la famille de systèmes d'exploitation Solaris qui inclue <b>sparc</b>."],"Eager zero":["Provisionné à zero"],"Edit":["Modifier"],"Edit %s":["Modifier %s"],"Edit Architecture":["Modifier les Architectures"],"Edit Bookmark":["Modifier les Marque-pages"],"Edit Compute profile":["Modifier le profil de calcul"],"Edit Compute profile: %s":["Modifier le profil de calcul : %s"],"Edit Config group":["Modifier les Groupes de configuration"],"Edit Domain":["Modifier le Domaine"],"Edit Environment":["Modifier l'Environnement"],"Edit Filter":["Modifier le filtre"],"Edit Global Parameter":["Modifier les Paramètres Globaux"],"Edit Host":["Modifier l'hôte"],"Edit LDAP Auth Source":["Modifier la source authentification LDAP"],"Edit Medium":["Modifier le Medium"],"Edit Model":["Modifier le Modèle"],"Edit Operating System":["Modifier le Système d'Exploitation"],"Edit Parameters":["Modifier les Paramètres"],"Edit Partition Table":["Modifier la table de partition"],"Edit Properties":["Modifier les Propriétés"],"Edit Proxy":["Modifier le Proxy"],"Edit Puppet Class %s":["Modifier la classe Puppet %s"],"Edit Realm":["Modifier le royaume"],"Edit Role":["Modifier le Rôle"],"Edit Smart Variable":["Modifier la Smart Variable"],"Edit Smart class parameters":["Modifier les paramètres smart class"],"Edit Subnet":["Modifier le Sous-réseau"],"Edit Template":["Éditer le modèle"],"Edit Trend %s":["Modifier la Tendance %s"],"Edit User":["Modifier l'Utilisateur"],"Edit User group":["Modifier les Groupes Utilisateur"],"Edit compute profile on %s":["Modifier le profil de calcul de %s"],"Edit this host":["Editer cet hôte"],"Email Preferences":["Préférences de messagerie"],"Email address is missing":["L'adresse courrier électronique est manquante"],"Email reply address":["L'adresse de courrier de retour"],"Email reply address for emails that Foreman is sending":["L'adresse courrier électronique de réponse pour les courriers émis par Foreman"],"Email subject prefix":["Préfixe pour le sujet du courrier"],"Email was sent successfully":["Envoi de courrier réussi"],"Empty environment":["Environnement vide"],"Enable Notifications":["Activer les notifications"],"Enable alerts for selected hosts":["Activer les alertes pour les hôtes sélectionnés"],"Enable caching":[""],"Enable certificate generation for %s":["Activer la génération de certificat pour %s"],"Enable if this is an alias or VLAN interface, note that alias can be used only with static boot mode subnet":["Cocher si l'interface est une interface alias ou VLAN, à noter qu'une interface alias ne peut être utilisée qu'en mode démarrage statique pour le sous-réseau"],"Enable puppetrun support":["Activer le support pour les Puppetrun"],"Enable rebuild on next host boot":["Activer la reconstruction de l'hôte au prochain redémarrage"],"Enable safe mode config templates rendering (recommended)":["Activer le safe mode pour le rendu des modèles (recommandé)"],"Enable smart variables in ENC":["Activation des smart variables dans l'ENC"],"Enable this host for provisioning":["Activer le provisioning pour cet hôte"],"Enabled":["Activé"],"Enabled %s for reboot and rebuild":["%s préparé pour redémarrage et réinstallation"],"Enabled %s for rebuild on next boot":["Activation de %s pour réinstallation au prochain redémarrage"],"Enabled %s for rebuild on next boot, but failed to power cycle the host":["Activation de %s pour réinstallation au prochain redémarrage, mais n'a pas pu allumer l'hôte."],"Ending IP Address for IP auto suggestion":["Adresse IP de fin pour l'autosuggestion d'adresse IP"],"Entries per page":["Entrées par page"],"Environment":["Environnement"],"Environment Distribution":["Distribution de l'environnement"],"Environment ID":["ID de l'environnement"],"Environment IDs":["ID des environnements"],"Environment only":["Seulement un environnement"],"Environment variable containing a client's SSL certificate":["Variable d'environnement contenant le certificat SSL client"],"Environment variable containing the subject DN from a client SSL certificate":["Variable d'environnement contenant le Subject DN d'un certificat SSL client"],"Environment variable containing the verification status of a client SSL certificate":["Variable d'environnement contenant le statut de vérification d'un certificat SSL client"],"Environments":["Environnements"],"Environment|Hostgroups count":["Nombre de groupes d'hôtes"],"Environment|Hosts count":["Nombre d'hôtes"],"Environment|Name":["Nom"],"Error":["Erreur"],"Error - %{message}":["Erreur - %{message}"],"Error adding widget to dashboard.":["Erreur d'ajout du module au tableau de bord."],"Error connecting to %{proxy}: %{error}.":["Erreur de connexion vers %{proxy} : %{error}"],"Error connecting to '%{domain}' domain DNS servers: %{servers} - check query_local_nameservers and dns_conflict_timeout settings":["Erreur de connexion au domaine '%{domain}' sur les serveurs DNS %{servers} - vérifier les paramètres query_local_nameservers et dns_conflict_timeout."],"Error connecting to system DNS server(s) - check /etc/resolv.conf":["Erreur de connexion au(x) serveur(s) DNS - vérifier /etc/resolv.conf"],"Error generating IP: %s":["Erreur de génération de l'adresse IP : %s"],"Error has occurred while communicating with %{cr}: %{e}":["Une erreur est survenue lors de la communication avec %{cr}: %{e}"],"Error loading interfaces information: %s":["Erreur de chargement des informations des interfaces : %s"],"Error loading scheduler hint filters information: %s":["Erreur de chargement des informations de filtrage du programme : %s"],"Error removing widget from dashboard.":["Erreur de suppression du widget du tableau de bord."],"Errors":["Erreurs"],"Errors occurred, build may fail":["Des erreurs sont survenues, l'installation peut avoir échoué"],"Errors only":["Seulement les Erreurs"],"Errors: %s":["Erreurs : %s"],"Examples":["Exemples"],"Exit Full Screen":["Quitter le mode plein écran"],"Expand nested items":["Étendre les éléments imbriqués"],"Expand the chart":["Étendre le graphique"],"Expire logs":["Journaux expirés"],"Expires":["Expire"],"Explain matchers":["Explication des correspondances"],"Export":["Export"],"Export a partition template to ERB":["Exporter un modèle de partition vers ERB"],"Export a provisioning template to ERB":["Exporter un modèle de provisioning vers ERB"],"Export to CSV":[""],"External Groups":[""],"External IP":["IP Externe"],"External user group":["Groupe d'utilisateur externe"],"External user group %{name} could not be refreshed":["Groupe d'utilisateur externe %{name} ne peut pas être rafraichi"],"External user group %{name} refreshed":["Groupe d'utilisateur externe %{name} rafraichi"],"External user group information":["Information du groupe d'utilisateurs externe"],"External user group name":["Nom du groupe d'utilisateurs externe"],"External user groups will be synced on login, else relies on periodic cronjob to check group membership":["Les groupes d'utilisateurs externes seront synchronisés à l'authentification, ou se baseront sur une synchronisation périodique par cron lors de la vérification de l'appartenance aux groupes"],"External usergroup":["Groupe d'utilisateur externe"],"ExternalUsergroup|Name":["Nom"],"FQDN":["FQDN"],"Fact Name":["Nom du fact"],"Fact Values":["Valeurs des Facts"],"Fact Values | %{host_name}":["%{host_name}"],"Fact distribution chart":["Diagramme de répartition des facts"],"Fact name":["Nom du fact"],"Fact value":["Valeur du Fact"],"Fact values":["Valeurs des Facts"],"FactName|Ancestry":["Ancêtre"],"FactName|Compose":["Composer"],"FactName|Name":["Nom"],"FactName|Short name":["Nom court"],"FactValue|Origin":["Origine"],"FactValue|Value":["Valeur"],"Facts":["Facts"],"Fail on Mismatch":["Échec de concordance"],"Failed":["Échoué"],"Failed Restarts":["Erreur de redémarrage"],"Failed Restarts|FR":["FR"],"Failed connecting to %s":["Échec de connexion à %s"],"Failed features":["Fonctions échouées"],"Failed features: %s":["Fonction échouée : %s","Fonctions échouées : %s"],"Failed restarts":["Redémarrages échoués"],"Failed to %{action} %{host}: %{e}":["Impossible de %{action} %{host}: %{e}"],"Failed to acquire IP addresses from compute resource for %s":["N'a pas pu obtenir les adresses IP de la ressource de calcul pour %s"],"Failed to cancel pending build for %{hostname} with the following errors: %{errors}":["Echec de l'annulation en cours de construction pour %{hostname} avec les erreurs suivantes : %{errors}"],"Failed to clean any old certificates or add the autosign entry. Terminating the build!":["Échec de nettoyage des anciens certificats ou d'ajout d'entrée au fichier de signature automatique. Construction annulée."],"Failed to configure %{host} to boot from %{device}: %{e}":["Erreur de configuration de %{host} pour démarrer depuis %{device}: %{e}"],"Failed to create %{name}'s realm entry: %{e}":["Impossible de créer l'entrée du royaume %{name} : %{e}"],"Failed to create X509 certificate, error: %s":["Impossible de créer le certificat X509. Erreur : %s"],"Failed to create a compute %{compute_resource} instance %{name}: %{message}\\n ":["Échec de création de l'instance %{name} sur la ressource de calcul %{compute_resource} : %{message}"],"Failed to destroy a compute %{compute_resource} instance %{name}: %{e}":["Échec de la destruction de l'instance %{name} de la ressource de calcul %{compute_resource}: %{e}"],"Failed to enable %{host} for installation: %{errors}":["Échec d'activation d'installation de %{host} : %{errors}"],"Failed to fetch a free IP from proxy %{proxy}: %{message}":["N'a pas pu récupérer un IP disponible du proxy %{proxy}: %{message}"],"Failed to fetch boot files":["Échec de récupération des fichiers de boot"],"Failed to fetch power status: %s":["N'a pas pu obtenir statut d'alimentation : %s"],"Failed to fetch: ":["Erreur de récupération :"],"Failed to get IP for %{name}: %{e}":["Échec de récupération de l'adresse IP pour %{name}: %{e}"],"Failed to get a new realm OTP. Terminating the build!":["Impossible d'obtenir un nouveau OTP du royaume. Fin de l'installation!"],"Failed to import %{klass} for %{name}: doesn't exists in our database - ignoring":["Échec lors de l'import de %{klass} pour %{name} : l'entrée n'existe pas dans la base de donnée - ignoré"],"Failed to initialize the PuppetCA proxy: %s":["Échec d'initialisation du proxy PuppetCA : %s"],"Failed to initialize the realm proxy: %s":["Impossible d'initialiser le proxy du royaume : %s"],"Failed to launch script on %{name}: %{e}":["Échec de lancement du script sur %{name} : %{e}"],"Failed to load chart":["Impossible de charger le graphique"],"Failed to login via SSH to %{name}: %{e}":["Échec d'ouverture de session en SSH à %{name}: %{e}"],"Failed to modify the build cycle for %s":["Échec de modification du cycle d'installation pour %s "],"Failed to perform rollback on %{task} - %{e}":["Échec de retour arrière sur %{task} - %{e}"],"Failed to power up a compute %{compute_resource} instance %{name}: %{e}":["Échec de démarrage de la ressource %{compute_resource} instance %{name}: %{e}"],"Failed to reboot %s.":["Impossible de redémarrer %s"],"Failed to redeploy %s.":["Échec du redéploiement de %s."],"Failed to refresh the cache.":["Échec d'actualisation du cache."],"Failed to remove certificates for %{name}: %{e}":["Échec de suppression de certificats pour %{name}: %{e}"],"Failed to retrieve power status for %{host} within %{timeout} second.":["",""],"Failed to save widget positions.":["Impossible de sauver les emplacements des widgets."],"Failed to set %{proxy_type} proxy for %{host}.":["Échec de l'affectation du proxy %{proxy_type} pour l'hôte %{host}."],"Failed to set IP for %{name}: %{e}":["Échec de récupération de l'adresse IP pour %{name}: %{e}"],"Failed to set IPs via IPAM for %{name}: %{e}":["N'a pas pu définir les IP via IPAM pour %{name}: %{e}"],"Failed to set console: %s":["Échec de création de la console : %s"],"Failed to set power state for %s.":["Échec du changement d'état électrique pour %s."],"Failed to stop compute %{compute_resource} instance %{name}: %{e}":["Échec d'arrêt de la ressource %{compute_resource} instance %{name}: %{e}"],"Failed to undo update compute %{compute_resource} instance %{name}: %{e}":["Échec d'annulation de mise à jour de la ressource %{compute_resource} instance %{name}: %{e}"],"Failed to update a compute %{compute_resource} instance %{name}: %{e}":["Échec de mise à jour de la ressource %{compute_resource} instance %{name}: %{e}"],"Failed to update environments and Puppet classes from the on-disk Puppet installation: %s":["Échec de la mise à jour des environnements et classes Puppet depuis l'application Puppet présente sur le disque : %s"],"Failed to update the environments and Puppet classes from the on-disk puppet installation: %s":["Échec de la mise à jour des environnements et classes Puppet depuis l'application Puppet présente sur le disque : %s"],"Failed to validate %{host}: %{error}":["Impossible de valider %{host} : %{error}"],"Failed|F":["F"],"Failure deploying via smart proxy %{proxy}: %{error}.":["Impossible de déployer via le Smart Proxy %{proxy} : %{error}"],"Failure parsing %{template}: %{error}.":["Erreur d'analyse de %{template} : %{error}"],"Failure: %s":["Erreur : %s"],"Family":["Famille"],"Feature":["Feature"],"Features":["Fonctionnalités"],"Features \\\"%s\\\" in this proxy are not recognized by Foreman. If these features come from a Smart Proxy plugin, make sure Foreman has the plugin installed too.":["Les fonctionnalités \\\"%s\\\" de ce proxy ne sont pas reconnues par Foreman. Si ces fonctionnalités viennent d'un plugin de Smart Proxy, assurez-vous bien que Foreman ait ce plugin installé également."],"Feature|Name":["Nom"],"Fetch TFTP boot files for %s":["Récupération des fichiers de boot en TFTP pour %s"],"Filter":["Filtre"],"Filter by level:":["Filtrer par niveau :"],"Filter by name":["Filtrer par nom"],"Filter by state:":["Filtrer par état :"],"Filter classes":["Filtrer les classes"],"Filter overriding has been disabled":["Remplacement des valeurs de filtre désactivé"],"Filters":["Filtres"],"Filters for role %s":["Filtres pour le rôle %s"],"Filters inherit %{orgs_and_locs} from their role by default. If override field is enabled, <br> filter can override the set of its %{orgs_and_locs}. Later role changes will not affect <br> such filter. After disabling override field, role %{orgs_and_locs} apply again.":["Les filtres héritent des %{orgs_and_locs} par leur rôle par défaut. Si le champ de remplacement est activé, <br> le filtre peut remplacer l'ensemble de ses %{orgs_and_locs}. Les prochains changements de rôle n'affecteront pas<br> un tel filtre. Une fois que le champ de remplacement est désactivé, le rôle %{orgs_and_locs} s'appliquera à nouveau."],"Filters overriding has been disabled":["Remplacement des valeurs de filtre désactivé"],"Filter|Override":["Remplacement"],"Filter|Permissions":["Permissions"],"Filter|Resource":["Ressource"],"Filter|Search":["Recherche"],"Filter|Taxonomy search":["Recherche taxonomie"],"Filter|Unlimited":["Illimité"],"Fingerprint":["Empreinte"],"Finish template":["Modèle terminé"],"Firmware":[""],"Fix %s on Mismatch":["Corriger la concordance de %s "],"Fix All Mismatches":["Corriger toutes les erreurs de correspondance"],"Fix DB cache":["Correction cache DB"],"Fix DB cache on next Foreman restart":["Correction du cache DB au prochain redémarrage de Foreman"],"Fix Mismatches":["Corriger les erreurs de correspondance"],"Flavor":["Saveur"],"Floating IP network":["Réseau d'adresses IP flottantes"],"Folder":["Répertoire"],"Follow %{href} on how to describe your controllers.":["Suivre %{href} pour savoir comment décrire vos contrôleurs."],"For example, if you have copied several Red Hat release disks into a directory structure where the disk images are named 5.8 or 6.2, and each contained both x86_64 and i386 binaries, then you\\n could create a single medium entry describing them all.\\n The entry, which could be just named 'Red Hat' could contain a path like this <em>'http://server/redhat/$version/$arch'</em>":["Par exemple, si vous avez copié plusieurs versions des médias d'installation Red Hat dans des répertoires où les noms des images sont 5.8 ou 6.2, et chacun de ces répertoires contiennent les binaires i386 et x86_64,\\n alors vous pouvez définir une seule ligne media.\\nL'entrée, qui peut simplement être nommée 'Red Hat', peut contenir une URL de cette forme : <em>'http://server/redhat/$version/$arch'</em>."],"For more info visit our documentation.":["Approfondissez ce sujet dans la documentation."],"For more information":["Pour des informations commplémentaires"],"Force a Puppet agent run on the host":["Forcer un Puppet agent à s'exécuter sur l'hôte"],"Foreman API v2 is currently the default API version.":["L'API v2 de Foreman est à présent l'API par défaut."],"Foreman Developers":["Développeurs de Foreman"],"Foreman URL":["URL de Foreman"],"Foreman Users":["Utilisateurs de Foreman"],"Foreman audit summary":["Rapport d'audits de Foreman"],"Foreman can store information about the networking setup of a host that it’s provisioning, which can be used to configure the virtual machine, assign the correct IP addresses and network resources, then configure the OS correctly during the provisioning process.":[""],"Foreman can use LDAP based service for user information and authentication.":["Foreman peut utiliser des services basés sur LDAP pour l'authentification et les informations utilisateur"],"Foreman considers a domain and a DNS zone as the same thing.":["Foreman considère un domaine et une zone DNS comme étant la même chose."],"Foreman domain ID of interface. Required for primary interfaces on managed hosts.":["Domaine ID Foreman de l'interface. Requis pour les interfaces primaires des hôtes gérés."],"Foreman host group matchers will be inherited by children when evaluating smart class parameters":["Les matchers des groupes d'hôtes Foreman sont hérités par les groupes enfants lors de l'évaluation des paramètres des Smart Class"],"Foreman now manages the build cycle for %s":["Foreman gère désormais le cycle d'installation pour %s"],"Foreman now no longer manages the build cycle for %s":["Foreman ne gère plus le cycle d'installation pour %s"],"Foreman report creation time is <em>%s</em>":["L'heure de création du rapport Foreman est <em>%s</em>"],"Foreman smart variables will be exposed via the ENC yaml output":["Les Smart Variables vont être exposés via la sortie YAML de l'ENC"],"Foreman subnet ID of IPv4 interface":["ID du sous-réseau Foreman de l'interface IPv4"],"Foreman subnet ID of IPv6 interface":["ID du sous-réseau Foreman de l'interface IPv6"],"Foreman supports automatically creating realm entries for new hosts.":["Foreman supporte la création automatique des entrées de Royaume pour les nouveaux hôtes."],"Foreman supports creating and managing hosts on a number of virtualization and cloud services - referred to as “compute resources” - as well as bare metal hosts.":[""],"Foreman test email":["Courrier de test de Foreman"],"Foreman ticketing system":["le gestionnaire de tickets Foreman"],"Foreman will automate certificate signing upon provision of new host":["Foreman signera automatiquement les certificats au provisioning de l'hôte"],"Foreman will create the host when a report is received":["Foreman créera l'hôte à la réception d'un rapport"],"Foreman will create the host when new facts are received":["Foreman créé l'hôte à la réception des facts"],"Foreman will default to this puppet environment if it cannot auto detect one":["L'environnement Puppet par défaut si Foreman n'arrive pas à le détecter automatiquement"],"Foreman will delete virtual machine if provisioning script ends with non zero exit code":["Foreman va supprimer la machine virtuelle si le script de provisioning renvoie un code d'erreur de sortie non nul"],"Foreman will evaluate host smart variables in this order by default":["Foreman évaluera par défaut les smart variables de l'hôte dans cette ordre "],"Foreman will explicitly set the puppet environment in the ENC yaml output. This will avoid conflicts between the environment in puppet.conf and the environment set in Foreman":["Foreman fournira l'environnement Puppet dans la sortie YAML de l'ENC. Cela supprime les incohérences entre l'environnement dans puppet.conf et l'environnement dans l'ENC."],"Foreman will map users by username in request-header. If this is set to false, OAuth requests will have admin rights.":["Foreman va faire correspondre les utilisateurs au nom d'utilisateur dans le request-header. Si cette option est positionnée sur false, les requêtes OAuth auront les droits administrateur."],"Foreman will not send this parameter in classification output, replaces use_puppet_default":["Foreman n'enverra pas ce paramètre dans la sortie de la classification, remplace use_puppet_default"],"Foreman will not send this parameter in classification output.":["Foreman n'enverra pas ce paramètre dans la sortie de la classification."],"Foreman will not send this parameter in classification output. Puppet will use the value defined in the Puppet manifest for this parameter":["Foreman n'enverra pas ce paramètre dans la sortie de la classification. Puppet utilisera la valeur définie dans le manifeste de Puppet pour ce paramètre"],"Foreman will parse ERB in parameters value in the ENC output":["Foreman va interpréter le code ERB des paramètres lors de la sortie de l'ENC"],"Foreman will query the locally configured resolver instead of the SOA/NS authorities":["Foreman interrogera le resolver local au lieu des champs SOA/NS autoritaires pour la zone"],"Foreman will set this as the default Puppet module path if it cannot auto detect one":["L'environnement Puppet par défaut si l'autodétection de Foreman échoue"],"Foreman will truncate hostname to 'puppet' if it starts with puppet":["Foreman va tronquer le nom d'hôte à 'puppet' si ce dernier commence par puppet"],"Foreman will update a host's environment from its facts":["Foreman mettra à jour l'environnement de l'hôte d'après les facts"],"Foreman will update a host's subnet from its facts":["Foreman mettra à jour le sous-réseau de l'hôte d'après les facts"],"Foreman will update the host IP with the IP that made the built request":["Foreman remplacera l'adresse IP de l'hôte par l'adresse IP qui a émis la requête d'installation"],"Foreman will use OAuth for API authorization":["Foreman utilisera OAuth pour les autorisations de l'API"],"Foreman will use gravatar to display user icons":["Foreman utilisera gravatar pour afficher les icônes utilisateur"],"Foreman will use random UUIDs for certificate signing instead of hostnames":["Foreman utilisera les UUID des certificats plutôt que les noms de machine"],"Foreman will use the new (2.6.5+) format for classes in the ENC yaml output":["Foreman utilisera le nouveau format (2.6.5+) pour la description des classes dans la sortie YAML de l'ENC"],"Foreman will use the short hostname instead of the FQDN for creating new virtual machines":["Foreman utilisera le nom court au lieu du FQDN lors de la création des machines virtuelles"],"Found %{count} reports from the last %{days} days":["%{count} rapports trouvés pour les %{days} derniers jours"],"Full":["Plein"],"Full audits list":["Liste complète des audits"],"Full name describing the domain":["Nom complet décrivant le domaine"],"Full path to backing image used to create new volumes.":["Chemin complet de l'image à utiliser pour créer de nouveaux volumes."],"Full screen":["Plein écran"],"Full trace":["trace complète"],"Function not available for %s":["Fonction non disponible pour %s"],"GMT time":["Heure UTC"],"Gateway":["Passerelle"],"General":["Général"],"General useful description, for example this kind of hardware needs a special BIOS setup":["Description synthétique à des fins pratiques. Par exemple, ce type de matériel a besoin d'une configuration BIOS spécifique."],"Generate new random name. Visit Settings to disable this feature.":["Generation de nouveau nom aléatoire. Regarder les configurations pour desactiver cette fonction."],"Generated %s ago":["Généré il y a %s"],"Generated at %s":["Généré le %s"],"Get ENC values of host":["Obtenir les valeurs ENC de l'hôte"],"Get configuration status of host":["Statut de configuration de l'hôte"],"Get dashboard details":["Voir les détails du Dashboard"],"Get default dashboard widgets":["Widgets du tableau de bord par défaut"],"Get statistics":["Voir les statistiques"],"Get status of host":["Voir le statut de l'hôte"],"Get vm attributes of host":["Voir les attributs VM de l'hôte"],"Global":["Global"],"Global Parameters":["Paramètres globaux"],"Global default %s template":[""],"Global default %s template. This template gets deployed to all configured TFTP servers. It will not be affected by upgrades.":[""],"Global functions":["Fonctions globales"],"Global methods (functions)":["Méthodes globales (fonctions)"],"Global parameters":["Paramètres globaux"],"Global status changed from %{from} to %{to}":["Le status global a changé de %{from} à %{to}"],"Global variables":["Variables globales"],"Good host reports in the last %s":["Bons rapports dans les derniers %s"],"Google Project ID":["ID Projet Google"],"Groups base DN":["Base DN des Groupes"],"Guest OS":["Systèmes d'exploitation invités"],"HELO/EHLO domain":["Domaine HELO/EHLO"],"Hardware":["Matériel"],"Hardware Model":["Modèle du matériel "],"Hardware Models":["Modèles de matériel "],"Hardware models":["Modèles de matériel "],"Hash function to use. Change takes effect for new or updated hosts.":["Fonction de hachage à utiliser. Les changements prendront effet pour les nouveaux hôtes ou les hôtes mis à jour."],"Hash of report metrics, can be just {}":["Hash des métriques de rapport, peut être simplement {}"],"Hash of status type totals":["Hash des types de statut Puppet (Ex.: failed/skipped) et des nombres d'items"],"Help":["Aide"],"Hidden value":["Valeur cachée"],"Hide all values for this parameter.":["Cacher toutes les valeurs de ce paramètre."],"Hide this value":["Cacher cette valeur"],"Hint data is missing":["Donnée de conseil manquante"],"History":["Historique"],"Host":["Hôte"],"Host %s is built":["L'hôte %s est construit"],"Host %s is not associated with a VM":["L'hôte %s n'est associé à aucune VM"],"Host Configuration Chart":["Diagramme de la configuration des hôtes"],"Host Configuration Status":["Statut de configuration des hôtes"],"Host Group Distribution":["Distribution Groupe d'hôte"],"Host Groups":["Groupe d'Hôtes"],"Host audit entries":["Entrées d'audit de l'Hôte"],"Host config group":["Groupe de configuration de l'hôte"],"Host details":["Détails de l'Hôte"],"Host group":["Groupe d'hôtes"],"Host group / Environment":["Groupe d'hôtes / Environnement"],"Host group IDs":["ID des groupes"],"Host group and Environment":["Groupe d'hôtes et Environnement"],"Host group configuration":["Configuration d'un groupe d'hôtes"],"Host group matchers inheritance":["Héritage des matchers des groupes d'hôtes"],"Host group only":["Seulement un groupe d'hôte"],"Host group parameters":["Paramètres du groupe d'hôte"],"Host groups":["Groupes d'hôtes"],"Host owner":[""],"Host owner is invalid":["Le propriétaire de l'hôte est invalide"],"Host parameters":["Paramètres de l'hôte"],"Host reported time is <em>%s</em>":["L'heure renvoyée par l'Hôte est <em>%s</em>"],"Host times seem to be adrift!":[""],"Host's network interfaces.":["Interfaces réseau de cet hôte"],"Host's owner type":["Type de propriétaire de l'hôte"],"Host's parameters (array or indexed hash)":["Paramètres de l'hôte (tableau ou hash indexé)"],"Host::Base|Build":["Mode Installation"],"Host::Base|Certname":["Nom du Certificat"],"Host::Base|Comment":["Commentaire"],"Host::Base|Disk":["Table de partition spécifique"],"Host::Base|Enabled":["Activé"],"Host::Base|Grub pass":["Mot de passe Grub"],"Host::Base|Image file":["Fichier image"],"Host::Base|Installed at":["Installé le"],"Host::Base|Ip":["Adresse IP"],"Host::Base|Last compile":["Dernière compilation"],"Host::Base|Last freshcheck":["Dernière vérification"],"Host::Base|Last report":["Dernier rapport"],"Host::Base|Mac":["Adresse MAC"],"Host::Base|Managed":["Hôte géré"],"Host::Base|Name":["Nom"],"Host::Base|Otp":["OTP"],"Host::Base|Owner type":["Type de propriétaire"],"Host::Base|Primary interface":["Interface primaire"],"Host::Base|Provision method":["Méthode de provisioning"],"Host::Base|Puppet status":["Statut Puppet"],"Host::Base|Root pass":["Mot de passe root"],"Host::Base|Serial":["Numéro de série"],"Host::Base|Use image":["Utiliser l'image"],"Host::Base|Uuid":["UUID"],"HostConfigGroup|Host type":["Type d'hôte"],"Hostgroup":["Groupe d'hôtes"],"Hostgroup|Ancestry":["Ancètre "],"Hostgroup|Grub pass":["Mot de passe Grub"],"Hostgroup|Image file":["Fichier image"],"Hostgroup|Name":["Nom"],"Hostgroup|Root pass":["Mot de passe root"],"Hostgroup|Title":["Titre"],"Hostgroup|Use image":["Utiliser l'image"],"Hostgroup|Vm defaults":["Paramètres par défaut de la VM"],"Hostname":["Nom d'hôte"],"Hostname or certname":["Nom d'hôte ou nom du certificat"],"Hostname:":["Nom d'hôte :"],"Hosts":["Hôtes"],"Hosts created after a puppet run that did not send a location fact will be placed in this location":["Les hôtes créés par un puppet run et qui n'ont envoyés aucun fact d'emplacement vont être placés dans cet emplacement"],"Hosts created after a puppet run that did not send a organization fact will be placed in this organization":["Les hôtes créés par un puppet run et qui n'ont envoyés aucune organisation vont être placés dans cette organisation"],"Hosts created after a puppet run will be placed in the location this fact dictates. The content of this fact should be the full label of the location.":["Les hôtes créés par un puppet run vont être placés dans l'emplacement décrit par ce fact. Le contenu du fact doit être le label complet de l'emplacement."],"Hosts created after a puppet run will be placed in the organization this fact dictates. The content of this fact should be the full label of the organization.":["Les hôtes créés par un puppet run vont être placés dans l'organisation décrite par ce fact. Le contenu du fact doit être le label complet de l'organisation."],"Hosts in error state":["Hôtes en erreur"],"Hosts including sub-groups":["Hôtes incluant des sous-groupes"],"Hosts managed":["Hôtes gérés"],"Hosts managed:":["Hôtes gérés :"],"Hosts that had pending changes":["Hôtes en attente de changements"],"Hosts that had pending changes with alerts enabled":["Hôtes avec des changements en attentes avec des alertes activées"],"Hosts that had performed modifications without error":["Hôtes qui ont effectué des changements sans erreur"],"Hosts that will be trusted in addition to Smart Proxies for access to fact/report importers and ENC output":["Hôtes de confiance qui peuvent accéder aux Facts / Rapports / Sortie ENC en plus des Smart Proxies"],"Hosts which Foreman reporting is disabled":["Hôtes avec les rapports Foreman désactivés"],"Hosts which are currently not running Puppet":["Hôtes qui n'ont pas Puppet de lancé actuellement"],"Hosts which are not reporting":["Hôtes qui n'ont pas de rapport"],"Hosts which didn't run puppet in the last %s":["Hôtes qui n'ont pas eu de puppet run depuis %s"],"Hosts which recently applied changes":["Hôtes avec des changements appliqués récemments"],"Hosts which recently applied changes successfully":["Hôtes avec des changements appliqués récemments avec succès"],"Hosts which recently applied changes successfully with alerts enabled":["Hôtes avec des changements appliqués récemments avec des alertes activées"],"Hosts with alerts disabled":["Hôtes dont les alertes sont désactivées"],"Hosts with error state":["Hôte avec un état d'erreur"],"Hosts with error state and alerts enabled":["Hôte avec un état d'erreur et alertes activées"],"Hosts with errors":["Hôtes avec erreur(s)"],"Hosts with interesting values (changed, failures etc)":["Hôtes avec des caractéristiques intéressantes (changements, échecs, etc)"],"Hosts with no reports":["Hôtes sans aucun rapport"],"Hosts with notifications disabled":["Hôtes dont les notifications sont désactivées"],"Hosts without changes or errors":["Hôtes sans changements ou erreurs"],"Hosts without changes or errors, with alerts enabled":["Hôtes sans changements ou erreurs, avec des alertes activées"],"Hosts without errors":["Hôtes sans erreurs"],"Hosts without errors percent":["Hôtes sans erreurs de pourcentage"],"Hosts without errors, with alerts enabled":["Hôtes sans erreurs, avec des alertes activées"],"How values are validated":["Détails sur la validation des valeurs"],"However, if it was deleted externally this page helps you to recreate it":[""],"ID of LDAP authentication source":["ID de la source d'authentification LDAP"],"ID of Puppet class":["ID de la classe Puppet"],"ID of architecture":["ID de l'architecture"],"ID of compute resource":["ID de la ressource de calcul"],"ID of config template":["ID du modèle de configuration"],"ID of domain":["ID du domaine"],"ID of environment":["ID de l'environnement"],"ID of host":["ID de l'hôte"],"ID of host group":["ID du groupe d'hôtes"],"ID of interface":["ID de l'interface"],"ID of linked authentication source":["ID de la source d'authentification liée"],"ID of location":["ID de l'emplacement"],"ID of medium":["ID du medium"],"ID of operating system":["ID du système d'exploitation"],"ID of organization":["ID de l'organisation"],"ID of parameter":["ID du paramêtre"],"ID of partition table":["ID de la table de partition"],"ID of provisioning template":["ID du modèle de provisioning"],"ID of role":["ID du rôle"],"ID of subnet":["ID du sous-réseau"],"ID of template":["ID du modèle"],"ID of the user":["ID du utilisateur"],"ID of user group":["ID du groupe utilisateur"],"ID or name external user group":["ID ou nom d'un groupe d'utilisateurs externe"],"ID or name of domain":["ID du nom de domaine"],"ID or name of external user group":["ID ou nom du groupe d'utilisateurs externe"],"ID or name of host":["ID ou nom d'hôte"],"ID or name of interface":["ID ou nom de l'interface"],"ID or name of subnet":["ID ou nom du sous réseau"],"ID or name of user group":["ID ou nom du groupe d'utilisateurs"],"IDs of associated architectures":["ID des architectures associées"],"IDs of associated config groups":["IDs des groupes de configurations associés"],"IDs of associated media":["ID des médias associés"],"IDs of associated partition tables":["ID des tables de partitions associées"],"IDs of associated provisioning templates":["ID des modèles de provisioning associés"],"INFO or DEBUG":["INFO ou DEBUG"],"IP":["IP"],"IP Address":["Adresses IP"],"IP Address Management":["Gestion des adresses IP"],"IP Address auto suggestion mode for this subnet, valid values are \\\"DHCP\\\", \\\"Internal DB\\\", \\\"None\\\"":["Mode d'autosuggestion d'adresse IP pour ce sous-réseau. Les valeurs possibles sont \\\"DHCP\\\", \\\"Internal DB\\\" et \\\"None\\\"."],"IP address auto-suggest":["Adresse IP proposée automatiquement"],"IP addresses that should be excluded from suggestion":["Les adresses IP qui devraient être exclues des suggestions."],"IP:":["IP :"],"IPAM":["IPAM"],"IPv4":["IPv4"],"IPv4 Address":["adresse IPv4"],"IPv4 DNS record":["Enregistrement DNS IPv4","Enregistrements DNS IPv4"],"IPv4 Subnet":["Sous-réseau IPv4"],"IPv4 address":["adresse IPv4"],"IPv4 address of interface":["interface de l'adresse IPv4"],"IPv6":["IPv6"],"IPv6 Address":["adresse IPv6"],"IPv6 DNS record":["Enregistrement DNS IPv6","Enregistrements DNS IPv6"],"IPv6 Subnet":["Sous-réseau IPv6"],"IPv6 address":["adresse IPv6"],"IPv6 address of interface":["interface de l'adresse IPv6"],"IRC":["IRC"],"Identifier":["Identifiant"],"Identifier of the interface to which this interface belongs, e.g. eth1":["Identifiant de l'interface de rattachement. Ex : eth1"],"Identifier of the interface to which this interface belongs, e.g. eth1. Only for virtual interfaces.":["Identifiant de l'interface auquel est rattachée cette interface. Ex. eth1. Seulement pour les interfaces virtuelles."],"Identifiers of attached interfaces, e.g. `['eth1', 'eth2']`. For bond interfaces those are the slaves. Only for bond and bridges interfaces.":["Identifiants des interfaces rattachées. Par ex. ['eth0', 'eth1']. Pour les interfaces bond, il s'agit des esclaves. Seulement pour les interfaces de type bond ou bridge."],"Idle timeout":["Durée d'inactivité"],"If ERB is used in a parameter value, the validation of the value will happen during the ENC request. If the value is invalid, the ENC request will fail.":["Si vous utilisez ERB en valeur de paramètre, la valeur résultante va être évaluée pendant l'exécution de l'ENC. Si l'évaluation échoue, l'ENC va échouer."],"If Foreman is running behind Passenger or a remote load balancer, the IP should be set here. This is a regular expression, so it can support several load balancers, i.e: (|":["Si Foreman utilise Passenger ou un mécanisme de répartition de charge, l'adresse IP doit être indiquée ici. C'est une expression régulière, donc compatible avec plusieurs répartiteurs de charge, exemple : (|"],"If checked, will raise an error if there is no default value and no matcher provide a value.":["Si coché, Foreman va générer une erreur s'il n'y a pas de valeur par défaut et aucune valeur n'est retournée "],"If owner type is specified, owner must be specified too.":["Si le type de propriétaire est spécifié, le propriétaire doit être spécifié également."],"If true, will raise an error if there is no default value and no matcher provide a value":["Si coché, Foreman va générer une erreur s'il n'y a pas de valeur par défaut et aucun matcher ne fournit de valeur"],"If you are planning to use Foreman as an external node classifier you should provide information about one or more environments. This information is commonly imported from a pre-existing Puppet configuration by the use of the %{link_start}Puppet classes and environment importer%{link_end}.":["Si vous envisagez d'utiliser Foreman comme external node classifier, vous devriez fournir les informations à propos d'un ou plusieurs environnements. Ces informations sont généralement importées depuis un environnement Puppet existant, par l'usage de %{link_start}l'import des classes et environnement Puppet%{link_end}."],"If you feel this is an error with Foreman itself, please open a new issue with":["Si vous pensez qu'il s'agisse d'une erreur de Foreman, merci d'ouvrir un ticket avec"],"If you wish to configure Puppet to forward it reports to Foreman, please follow":["Si vous voulez configurer Puppet pour transmettre les rapports à Foreman, merci de consulter"],"Ignore Puppet facts for provisioning":["Ignorer les faits Puppet lors du provisionnement"],"Ignore facts for domain":[""],"Ignore facts for operating system":[""],"Ignore interfaces that match these values during facts importing, you can use * wildcard to match names with indexes e.g. macvtap*":["Ignorer les interfaces qui correspondent aux valeurs suivantes pendant l'import des facts. Vous pouvez utiliser * pour faire correspondre des noms d'interfaces avec index. Par ex. macvtap*"],"Ignore interfaces with matching identifier":["Ignorer les interfaces avec ces identifiants"],"Ignored classes in the environments: %s":[""],"Ignored environment":[""],"Ignored environment names resulting in booleans found. Please quote strings like true/false and yes/no in config/ignored_environments.yml.":[""],"Ignored environments: %s":[""],"Ignored:":[""],"Image":["Image"],"Image Based":["Depuis une image"],"Image ID":["ID de l'image"],"Image ID as provided by the compute resource, e.g. ami-..":["ID de l'image fournie par les ressouces matérielles, par ex. ami-..."],"Image path":["Chemin de l'image"],"Image to use":["I'image à utiliser"],"Images":["Images"],"Image|Iam role":["Rôle IAM"],"Image|Name":["Nom"],"Image|Password":["Mot de passe"],"Image|User data":["Données utilisateur"],"Image|Username":["Nom d'utilisateur"],"Image|Uuid":["UUID"],"Import":["Import"],"Import IPv4 subnets":["Importer sous-réseaux IPv4"],"Import VM %s":[""],"Import classes from %s":["Importer classes de %s"],"Import environments from %s":["Importer environnements de %s"],"Import of facts failed for host %s":["Import de facts échoués pour l'hôte %s"],"Import puppet classes from puppet proxy for an environment":["Import des classes puppet depuis le proxy puppet d'un environnement"],"Import puppet classes from puppet proxy.":["Import des classes Puppet depuis un proxy Puppet"],"Imported IPv4 Subnets":["Sous-réseau IPv4 importé"],"In addition to defining which puppet classes get included when building this host type you are also able to assign variables and provisioning information to a host group to further refine the behavior of the puppet runtime.":["En plus de définir quelle classe Puppet va être incluse lors de l'installation de l'hôte, vous pouvez attribuer les variables et informations de provisioning dans un groupe d'hôtes pour d'avantage de souplesse à l'exécution de Puppet."],"In order to create the SSH key, the user must be saved first. A 'create_ssh_keys' permission is required too.":[""],"In-line code syntax":["Syntaxe de code en ligne"],"Include default value when merging all matching values":["Inclus la valeur par défaut lors qu'on fusionne les valeurs de concordance"],"Include default value when merging all matching values.":["Inclus la valeur par défaut lors qu'on fusionne les valeurs de concordance."],"Include this host within Foreman reporting":["Inclure cet hôte dans les rapports Foreman"],"Included Classes":["Classes incluses"],"Included Config Groups":["Groupes de configurations inclus"],"Incorrect password":["Mot de passe incorrect."],"Incorrect username or password":["Utilisateur ou mot de passe incorrect"],"Independent - Nonpersistent":[""],"Independent - Persistent":[""],"Infrastructure":["Infrastructure"],"Inherit parent (%s)":["Hérité du parent (%s)"],"Inherited Classes from %s":[""],"Inherits from subnet VLAN ID if not set":["Hérité de l'ID VLAN du sous-réseau si non positionné"],"Input":["Entrée"],"Installation Media":["Média d'installation"],"Installation media":["Média d'installation"],"Installation medium configuration":["Configuration du medium d'installation"],"Installed":["Installé"],"Interface":["Interface"],"Interface is down":["L'interface est down"],"Interface is up":["L'interface est up"],"Interface provider, e.g. IPMI. Only for BMC interfaces.":["Fournisseur de l'interface. Ex. IPMI. Seulement pour les interfaces BMC."],"Interface type, e.g. bmc. Default is %{default_nic_type}":["Type d'interface , p.e. bmc. Valeur par défaut %{default_nic_type}"],"Interface's DNS name":["Nom DNS de l'interface"],"Interfaces":["Interfaces"],"Internal DB":["Base de données interne"],"Internal network":["Réseau interne"],"Interpolate ERB in parameters":["Interpréter ERB dans les paramètres"],"Invalid %s selection, you must select at least one of yours":["Sélection %s invalide, vous devez au moins choisir l'un des votres"],"Invalid Host":["Hôte invalide"],"Invalid architecture '%{arch}' for '%{os}'":["Architecture invalide '%{arch}' pour '%{os}'"],"Invalid architecture for %s":["Architecture invalide pour %s"],"Invalid authenticity token":["Jeton d'authenticité invalide"],"Invalid log level: %s":["Niveau de log invalide : %s"],"Invalid medium '%{medium}' for '%{os}'":["Medium invalide '%{medium}' pour '%{os}'"],"Invalid medium for %s":["Medium invalide pour %s"],"Invalid power state request: %{action}, supported actions are %{supported}":["Requête d'alimentation électrique invalide: %{action}, les actions prises en charge sont %{supported}"],"Invalid proxy selected!":["Un proxy invalide a été sélectionné !"],"Invalid query":["Requête invalide"],"Invalid report":["Rapport invalide"],"Invalid search query: %s":["Terme recherché invalide: %s"],"Invalid smart-proxy id":[""],"Invalid type for host creation via facts: %s":["Type invalide pour la création d'hôtes par les facts : %s"],"Invalid version format, please enter in x.y (only major version).":["Format de version invalide, merci d'utiliser le format x.y (uniquement la version majeur)"],"Is the cron job that executes %s enabled?":["Est-ce que le programme en cron qui exécute %s est activé ?"],"Issue tracker":["Traqueur de bogues"],"It is not possible to assign provisioning templates at this stage.":["À ce stade, il n'est pas encore possible d'attribuer un Modèle de provisioning."],"It is not recommended to unlock this template, as it is provided by %{vendor} and may be overwritten. Please consider cloning it instead.":["Il n'est pas recommandé de déverrouiller ce modèle, car il est maintenu par %{vendor} et peut être écrasé. À la place, veuillez utiliser un clone."],"Item":["Item"],"Iterating":["Itération"],"JSON VM listing is not supported for this compute resource.":["L'affichage de la liste des VM en JSON n'est pas supporté pour cette ressource de calcul."],"JSON object of the scheduler hint":["Objet JSON d'informations hint du programme"],"Keep selected hosts for a future action":["Conserver la sélection des hôtes pour une action future"],"Key Binding":["Combinaison de touches"],"Key not connected to any compute resource":[""],"Key pair":["Key pair"],"Key used with other compute resource":[""],"KeyPair|Name":["Nom"],"KeyPair|Public":["Public"],"KeyPair|Secret":["Secret"],"Kind":["Genre"],"LDAP Authentication":["Authentification LDAP"],"LDAP authentication":["Authentification LDAP"],"LDAP authentication sources":["Sources d'authentification LDAP"],"LDAP error - %{message}":["Erreur LDAP - %{message}"],"LDAP filter":["Filtre LDAP"],"LDAP server":["Serveur LDAP"],"LDAP users will have their Foreman account automatically created the first time they log into Foreman":["Les utilisateurs LDAP seront automatiquement crées lors de leur première connexion sur Foreman"],"Language":["Langue"],"Last Report":["Dernier rapport"],"Last report":["Dernier rapport"],"Last updated %s ago":["Dernière mise à jour il y a %s"],"Latest Events":["Dernier évènement"],"Learn more about this in the documentation.":["Approfondissez ce sujet dans la documentation."],"Legacy Puppet hostname":["Nom d'hôte du serveur Puppet"],"Length":[""],"Level":["Niveau"],"Libvirt default console address":["Adresse par défaut pour la console Libvirt"],"Libvirt, oVirt, OpenStack and Rackspace":[""],"Limit rebuild steps, valid steps are %{host_rebuild_steps}":[""],"List LDAP authentication sources per location":["List des sources d'authentification LDAP par emplacement"],"List LDAP authentication sources per organization":["List des sources d'authentification LDAP par organisation"],"List all :resource_id":["Tout afficher : resource_id"],"List all LDAP authentication sources":["Afficher toutes les sources d'authentification LDAP"],"List all Puppet class IDs for host":["Afficher tous les ID des classes Puppet pour un hôte"],"List all Puppet class IDs for host group":["Afficher tous les ID des classes Puppet pour un groupe d'hôtes"],"List all Puppet classes":["Afficher toutes les classes Puppet"],"List all Puppet classes for a host":["Afficher toutes les classes Puppet d'un hôte"],"List all Puppet classes for a host group":["Afficher toutes les classes Puppet d'un groupe hôtes"],"List all Puppet classes for an environment":["Afficher toutes les classes Puppet d'un environnement"],"List all SSH keys for a user":[""],"List all architectures":["Afficher toutes les architectures"],"List all architectures for operating system":["Afficher toutes les architectures pour le système d'exploitation"],"List all audits":["Afficher tous les audits"],"List all audits for a given host":["Afficher tous les audits d'un hôte"],"List all autosign entries":["Afficher toutes les entrées signées automatiquement"],"List all bookmarks":["Afficher tous les marques pages"],"List all compute resources":["Afficher toutes les ressources de calcul"],"List all environments":["Afficher tous les environnements"],"List all external user groups for LDAP authentication source":["Afficher de tous les groupes utilisateur externes pour cette source d'authentification LDAP"],"List all external user groups for user group":["Afficher tous les groupe d'utilisateurs externe pour une groupe d'utilisateurs"],"List all fact values":["Afficher toutes les valeurs des facts"],"List all fact values of a given host":["Afficher toutes les valeurs des facts d'un hôte"],"List all filters":["Afficher tous les filtres"],"List all global parameters.":["Afficher les paramètres globaux"],"List all hardware models":["Afficher tous les modèles de matériel"],"List all host groups":["Afficher tous les groupes d'hôtes"],"List all host groups for a 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d'un hôte"],"List all parameters for a host group":["Afficher tous les paramètres d'un groupe d'hôtes"],"List all parameters for a location":["Afficher tous les paramètres d'un emplacement"],"List all parameters for a subnet":["Lister tous les paramètres pour le sous-réseaux"],"List all parameters for an operating system":["Afficher tous les paramètres d'un système d'exploitation"],"List all parameters for an organization":["Afficher tous les paramètres d'une organisation"],"List all partition tables":["Afficher toutes les tables de partition"],"List all partition tables for an operating system":["Afficher toutes les tables de partition pour un système d'exploitation"],"List all partition tables per location":["Afficher toutes les tables de partition d'un emplacement"],"List all partition tables per organization":["Afficher toutes les tables de partition par organisation"],"List all permissions":["Afficher toutes les permissions"],"List all reports":["Afficher tous les rapports"],"List all roles":["Afficher tous les rôles"],"List all settings":["Afficher tous les paramètres du logiciel"],"List all smart class parameters":["Afficher tous les paramètres des smart class"],"List all smart proxies":["Afficher tous les smart proxies"],"List all smart variables":["Afficher toutes les smart variables"],"List all tasks for a given orchestration event":["Afficher toutes les tâches pour un élémennt d'orchestration"],"List all template kinds":["Afficher tous les types de modèles"],"List all user groups":["Afficher tous les groupes d'utilisateurs"],"List all users":["Afficher tous les utilisateurs"],"List all users for LDAP authentication source":["Afficher tous les utilisateurs d'une source d'authentification LDAP"],"List all users for location":["Afficher tous les utilisateurs d'un emplacement"],"List all users for organization":["Afficher tous les utilisateurs d'une organisation"],"List all users for role":["Afficher tous les utilisateurs pour un rôle"],"List all users for 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les types de ressources disponibles"],"List available security groups for a compute resource":["Afficher les groupes de sécurité disponibles sur une ressource de calcul"],"List available zone for a compute resource":["Afficher les zones disponibles pour une ressource de calcul"],"List boot files for an operating system":["Liste des fichiers de démarrage pour un système d'exploitation"],"List default templates combinations for an operating system":["Lister les combinaisons par défaut des modèles d'un système d'exploitation"],"List environments of Puppet class":["Liste des environnements d'une classe Puppet"],"List environments per location":["Liste des environnements par emplacement"],"List environments per organization":["Liste des environnements par organisation"],"List hosts per environment":["Liste des hôtes par environnement"],"List hosts per location":["Liste des hôtes par emplacement"],"List hosts per organization":["Liste des hôtes par organisation"],"List installed plugins":["Afficher les greffons installés"],"List of compute profiles":["Liste des profils de calcul"],"List of config groups":["Liste des groupes de configuration"],"List of domains":["Liste des domaines"],"List of domains per location":["Liste des domaines par emplacement"],"List of domains per organization":["Liste des domaines par organisation"],"List of domains per subnet":["Liste des domaines par sous-réseau"],"List of email notifications":["Liste des notifications par courrier électronique"],"List of hosts which answer to the provided query":["Liste des hôtes qui répondent à la demande du fournisseur"],"List of override values for a specific smart class parameter":["Liste des valeurs de substitution pour un paramètre smart class"],"List of override values for a specific smart variable":["Liste des valeurs de substitution pour une smart variable"],"List of realms":["Liste des royaumes"],"List of resources types that will be automatically associated":["Lister les types de ressources qui seront associées automatiquement"],"List of smart class parameters for a specific Puppet class":["Liste des paramètres smart class pour une classe Puppet spécifique"],"List of smart class parameters for a specific environment":["Liste des paramètres smart class pour un environnement spécifique"],"List of smart class parameters for a specific environment/Puppet class combination":["Liste des paramètres smart class pour une combinaison environnement / classe Puppet spécifique"],"List of smart class parameters for a specific host":["Liste des paramètres smart class pour un hôte spécifique"],"List of smart class parameters for a specific host group":["Liste des paramètres smart class pour un groupe d'hôtes spécifique"],"List of smart variables for a specific Puppet class":["Liste des smart variables pour une classe Puppet spécifique"],"List of smart variables for a specific host":["Liste des smart variables pour un hôte spécifique"],"List of smart variables for a specific host group":["Liste des smart variables pour un groupe d'hôtes spécifique"],"List of subnets":["Liste des sous-réseaux"],"List of subnets for a domain":["Liste des sous-réseaux d'un domaine"],"List of subnets per location":["Liste des sous-réseaux par emplacement"],"List of subnets per organization":["Liste des sous-réseaux par organisation"],"List operating systems where this template is set as a default":["Liste des systèmes d'exploitation qui ont ce modèle comme modèle par défaut"],"List provisioning templates":["Afficher les modèles de provisioning"],"List provisioning templates per location":["Liste des modèles de provisioning par emplacement"],"List provisioning templates per operating system":["Liste des modèles de provisioning par système d'exploitation"],"List provisioning templates per organization":["Liste des modèles de provisioning par organisation"],"List resource pools for a compute resource cluster":["Afficher les pools de ressources d'un cluster de ressources de calcul"],"List storage domains for a compute resource":["Afficher les domaines de stockage pour une ressource de calcul"],"List storage pods for a compute resource":["Afficher les groupes de stockage pour une ressource de calcul"],"List template combination":["Lister les combinaisons de modèles"],"Load Datacenters":["Charger les Centres de données"],"Load Regions":["Charger les régions"],"Load Tenants":["Charger les tenants"],"Load Zones":["Zones de charge"],"Loading":["Chargement"],"Loading ...":["Chargement ..."],"Loading BMC information ...":["Chargement des informations BNC ..."],"Loading NICs information ...":["Chargement des informations des interfaces réseaux ..."],"Loading SSH keys information ...":[""],"Loading VM information ...":["Chargement des informations de la machine virtuelle"],"Loading filters ...":["Chargement des filtres..."],"Loading host information ...":["Chargement des informations d'hôtes..."],"Loading images information ...":["Chargement des informations des images ..."],"Loading interfaces information ...":["Chargement des informations des interfaces ..."],"Loading parameters...":["Chargement des paramètres ..."],"Loading power state ...":["Récupération de l'état de l'alimentation"],"Loading resources information ...":["Chargement des informations des ressources..."],"Loading runtime information ...":["Chargement des informations d'environnement..."],"Loading template information ...":["Chargement des informations des modèles..."],"Loading virtual machine information ...":["Chargement des informations de la machine virtuelle ..."],"Loading virtual machines information ...":["Chargement des informations des machines virtuelles ..."],"Local boot %s template":[""],"Local time":["Heure locale"],"Location":["Emplacement"],"Location Distribution":["Distribution Emplacement"],"Location fact":["Fact d'emplacement"],"Location parameters":["Paramètres d'emplacement"],"Location with id %{id} not found":["L'emplacement avec l'ID %{id} n'a pas été trouvé"],"Location you had selected as your context has been deleted.":["L'emplacement que vous avez sélectionné comme contexte a été effacé."],"Location/Organization":["Emplacement/Organisation"],"Locations":["Emplacements"],"Locations also work nicely when used in tandem with %{organizations}.":["Les emplacements s’accommodent très bien avec les %{organizations}."],"Locations are used to manage and differentiate the physical place where a system managed via Foreman is housed. For example, there might be a data center in London and one in Virginia; these are locations.":["Les emplacement sont utilisés pour gérer et différencier les divers endroits physiques des systèmes gérés par Foreman. Par exemple, il pourrait y avoir un centre de données a Roubaix et un à Montréal ; ceux-ci sont des emplacements. "],"Lock":["Verrouiller"],"Log In":[""],"Log entry details":["Détail de l'entrée du journal"],"Log out":["Déconnexion"],"Log out idle users after a certain number of minutes":["Déconnexion des utilisateurs après un certain nombre de minutes sans activité"],"Logged out - See you soon":["Déconnexion - À bientôt"],"Logged-in":["Connecté"],"Login":["Login"],"Login delegation logout URL":["Délégation de l'URL de déconnexion"],"Login page footer text":["Texte pied de page page de connexion"],"Logout":["Déconnexion"],"Lookup key":["Clé de recherche"],"Lookup value":["Lookup value"],"LookupKey|Avoid duplicates":[""],"LookupKey|Default value":["Valeur par défaut"],"LookupKey|Description":[""],"LookupKey|Is param":[""],"LookupKey|Key":[""],"LookupKey|Key type":[""],"LookupKey|Merge overrides":[""],"LookupKey|Override":[""],"LookupKey|Path":[""],"LookupKey|Puppetclass lookup key":[""],"LookupKey|Required":[""],"LookupKey|Validator rule":[""],"LookupKey|Validator type":[""],"LookupKey|Variable lookup values count":[""],"LookupValue|Match":["Matcher"],"LookupValue|Value":["Valeur"],"MAC":["MAC"],"MAC Address":["Adresse MAC"],"MAC address":["Adresse MAC"],"MAC address of interface. Required for managed interfaces on bare metal.":["Adresse MAC de l'interface. Requis pour les interfaces gérées des hôtes physiques."],"MAC address to reuse the IP for this host":["Adresse MAC pour réutiliser l'IP de cet hôte"],"MAC-based":["Basé MAC"],"Machine Type":["Type de machine"],"Machine type":["Type de machine"],"Mailing lists":["Listes de diffusion"],"Mailing lists are available via Google Groups. Much like IRC, we have a general users (support, Q/A, etc) lists and a development list:":["Les listes de diffusion sont accessibles via Google Groups. À l'instar d'IRC, nous fournissons un liste généraliste pour les utilisateurs (support, Q/A,..) et une liste dédiée au développement :"],"Manage":["Gérer"],"Manage Locations":["Gérer les emplacements"],"Manage Organizations":["Gérer les organisations"],"Manage PuppetCA":["Gestion du Puppet CA"],"Manage host":["Gérer l'hôte"],"Managed IP":["IP gérée"],"Manual":["Manuel"],"Manually Assign":["Affectation manuelle"],"Manually select and assign hosts with no %s":["Sélectionner et affecter manuellement les hôtes sans %s"],"Matcher is a combination of an attribute and its value, if they match, the value below would be provided.<br> You may use any attribute Foreman knows about, such as facts etc for example: <code> domain = </code> or <code> is_virtual = true</code>.":["Un Matcher est une combinaison d'un attribut et de sa valeur, s'il y a correspondance, la valeur ci-dessous sera fournie.<br>Vous pouvez utiliser n'importe quel attribut connu de Foreman, comme les Facts. Par Ex : <code>domain =</code> ou <code>is_virtual = true</code>."],"Max days for Trends graphs":["Nombre de jours maxi pour les graphes de tendances"],"Max timeout for REST client requests to smart-proxy":["Délai d'expiration pour les requêtes REST des clients vers le Smart-Proxy"],"Max trends":["Tendances max"],"Media":["Media"],"Media ID":["ID du media"],"Media access control address for this interface. Format must be six groups of two hexadecimal digits <br/> separated by colons (:), e.g. 00:11:22:33:44:55. Most virtualization compute resources (e.g. VMware, oVirt, libvirt) <br/> will overwrite the provided value with new random MAC address.":[""],"Medium":["Medium"],"Medium IDs":["ID Medium"],"Medium|Config path":["Chemin de Configuration"],"Medium|Image path":["Chemin d'image"],"Medium|Media path":["Chemin du média"],"Medium|Name":["Nom"],"Medium|Os family":["Famille de systèmes d'exploitation"],"Medium|Path":["Chemin"],"Memory":["Mémoire"],"Memory (MB)":["Mémoire (Mo)"],"Memory hot add":["Ajout de mémoire à chaud"],"Memory hot add lets you add memory resources for a virtual machine while the machine is powered on.":["Ajout de mémoire à chaud vous permet d'ajouter de la mémoire à une machine virtuelle en fonctionnement."],"Merge all matching values (only array/hash type)":["Fusionner toutes les valeurs qui correspondent (seulement pour les types tableau/hash)"],"Message":["Message"],"Message|Digest":["Digest"],"Message|Value":["Valeur"],"Metadata":["Métadonnée"],"Method %{method} not found for resource %{resource}.":["La méthode %{method} est introuvable pour la ressource %{resource}."],"Method used to deliver email":["Méthode utilisée pour la remise d'email"],"Metrics":["Métriques"],"Minutes Ago":["Minutes auparavant"],"Mismatch Details":["Détails des erreurs de correspondance"],"Mismatches":["Non-concordance"],"Mismatches Report":["Rapport sur les erreurs de correspondance "],"Missing one of the required permissions: %s":["Il manque une des permissions requises : %s"],"Model":["Modèle"],"Model|Hardware model":["Modèle matériel"],"Model|Hosts count":["Nombre d'hôtes"],"Model|Info":["Information"],"Model|Name":["Nom"],"Model|Vendor class":["Famille de produits du fournisseur"],"Modified":["Modifié"],"Module path":["Chemin des modules"],"Monitor":["Surveiller"],"Monthly":["Mensuel"],"Must provide an operating system":["Vous devez fournir un système d'exploitation"],"Must provide template kind":["Vous devez fournir un type de modèle"],"Must specify a user with email enabled":["Vous devez spécifier un utilisateur avec l'option mail active"],"Must specify a valid user with email enabled":["Vous devez spécifier un utilisateur valide avec l'option courrier électronique active"],"My account":["Mon compte"],"N/A":["N/A"],"NA":["N/A"],"NIC":["Carte réseau"],"NIC type":["Type d'interface réseau"],"NICs":["Cartes réseaux"],"Name":["Nom"],"Name of media":["Nom du media"],"Name of the external auth source where unknown externally authentication users (see authorize_login_delegation) should be created (keep unset to prevent the autocreation)":["Nom de la source d'authentification externe depuis laquelle les utilisateurs inconnus (voir authorize_login_delegation) doivent être créés (laisser vide pour empêcher l'auto création)"],"Name of the host group":["Nom du groupe d'hôtes"],"Name of the parameter":["Nom du paramêtre"],"Name of variable":["Nom de la variable"],"Nest":["Emboîter"],"Netmask":["Masque réseau"],"Netmask for this subnet":["masque de sous-réseau"],"Network":["Réseau"],"Network Based":["Basé sur le réseau"],"Network can't be blank":["Le réseau ne peut être vide"],"Network interfaces":["Interfaces réseau"],"Network interfaces management has been moved to the Interfaces tab. Please set your interfaces there.":["La gestion des interfaces réseau a été déplacée dans l'onglet Interfaces. Merci de définir vos interfaces à cet endroit."],"Network prefix":["Préfixe réseau"],"Network type":["Type de réseau"],"New":["Nouveau"],"New Autosign Entry":["Nouvelle entrée de signature automatique"],"New Event":[""],"New Events":[""],"New Hosts":["Nouveaux hôtes"],"New Location":["Nouvel emplacement"],"New Organization":["Nouvelle organisation"],"New SSH key":[""],"New Virtual Machine":["Nouvelle Machine Virtuelle"],"New boot volume size (GB)":["Taille du nouveau volume de boot (GB)"],"New compute profile on %s":["Nouveau profil de calcul pour %s"],"New filter":["Nouveau filtre"],"New window":["Nouvelle fenêtre"],"Nic::Base|Attached devices":["Périphériques attachés"],"Nic::Base|Attached to":["Attaché à"],"Nic::Base|Attrs":["Attributs"],"Nic::Base|Bond options":["Options de l'aggrégat"],"Nic::Base|Identifier":["Identifiant"],"Nic::Base|Ip":["IP"],"Nic::Base|Link":["Lien"],"Nic::Base|Mac":["MAC"],"Nic::Base|Managed":["Géré"],"Nic::Base|Mode":["Mode"],"Nic::Base|Name":["Nom"],"Nic::Base|Password":["Mot de passe"],"Nic::Base|Provider":["Fournisseur"],"Nic::Base|Tag":["Tag"],"Nic::Base|Username":["Utilisateur"],"Nic::Base|Virtual":["Virtuel"],"No %{template_kind} templates were found for this host, make sure you define at least one in your %{os} settings or change PXE loader":["Aucun modèle %{template_kind} n'a été trouvé pour cet hôte, veiller à définir un des paramètres de configuration de votre %{os} ou bien modifier le chargeur PXE"],"No BMC NIC available for host %s":["Aucun NIC BMC disponible pour l'hôte %s"],"No IPv4 subnets selected":["Aucun sous-réseau IPv4 selectionné"],"No Notifications":[""],"No TFTP feature":["Aucune fonction TFTP"],"No TFTP proxies defined, can't continue":["Aucun proxy TFTP n'a été défini. Impossible de continuer."],"No audit changes for this period":["Aucun changent d'audit sur cette période"],"No bridges":["Aucun pont"],"No changes":["Aucun changement"],"No changes found when refreshing features from %s.":["Aucun changement trouvé suite au rafraichissement des fonctions de %s"],"No changes to your environments detected":["Aucun changement détecté dans vos environnements"],"No compute resource to show":["Aucune ressource à afficher"],"No data available":[""],"No data for this trend.":["Pas de changement sur cette tendance "],"No documentation found":["Aucune documentation trouvée"],"No domains":["Aucun domaine"],"No emails":["Aucun courrier électronique"],"No entries found":["Aucune entrée trouvée"],"No environment selected!":["Aucun environnement sélectionné !"],"No environments found":["Aucun environnement trouvé"],"No features found on this proxy, please make sure you enable at least one feature":["Aucune fonctionnalité n'a été découverte pour ce proxy, faites en sorte d'activer au moins une fonctionnalité"],"No finish templates were found for this host, make sure you define at least one in your %s settings":["Aucun modèle trouvé pour cet hôte, faites en sorte d'en definir au moin un dans les paramètres %s"],"No free ports available for websockify, try again later":["Aucun port disponible pour websockify, veuillez réessayer ultérieurement"],"No history found":["Aucun historique trouvé"],"No host could be found for rendering the template":["Aucun hôte trouvé pour créer le rendu du modèle"],"No host found to associate this VM with":["Aucun hôte trouvé à associer à cette VM"],"No host group selected!":["Aucun groupe d'hôtes sélectionné !"],"No hosts are mismatched!":["Aucun hôte n'a d'erreur de concordance !"],"No hosts available.":["Aucun hôte disponible"],"No hosts selected":["Aucun hôte sélectionné"],"No hosts were found with that id, name or query filter":[""],"No interesting reports received in the last week":["Aucun rapport pertinent reçu cette dernière semaine"],"No logs to show":["Aucun journal à afficher"],"No matching server groups found":["Aucun groupe de sever correspondant trouvé"],"No networks":["Aucun réseau"],"No networks found.":["Aucun réseau trouvé."],"No new IPv4 subnets found":["Aucun nouveau sous-réseau IPv4 trouvé"],"No or invalid power state selected!":["Aucun état ou un état électrique invalide a été choisi !"],"No owner selected!":["Aucun propriétaire sélectionné!"],"No parameters to override for Puppet class %s":["Aucun paramètre à remplacer pour la classe Puppet %s"],"No parameters were allocated to the selected hosts, can't mass assign.":["Aucun paramètre n'a été alloué à cet hôte, impossible d'attribuer en masse."],"No plugins found":["Aucun greffon trouvé"],"No preference":["Aucune préférence"],"No proxy found to import classes from, ensure that the smart proxy has the Puppet feature enabled.":["Aucun proxy trouvé pour l'import des classes. Assurez vous qu'un smart proxy ait la fonction Puppet active."],"No proxy selected!":["Aucun proxy sélectionné !"],"No puppet activity for this host in the last %s days":["Aucune activité Puppet pour cet hôte dans les %s dernier jours"],"No report":["Aucun rapport"],"No reports":["Aucun rapports"],"No setting value provided.":["Aucune valeur de configuration fournie."],"No smart proxies found.":["Aucun Smart Proxy trouvé."],"No smart proxies to show":["Aucun Smart Proxy à afficher"],"No smart proxy was found to import environments from, ensure that at least one smart proxy is registered with the 'puppet' feature.":["Aucun smart proxy n'a été trouvé pour importer les environnements. Assurez vous qu'un smart proxy ait la fonction Puppet active."],"No subnets":["Aucun sous-réseau"],"No template with kind %{kind} for %{host}":["Aucun modèle du type %{kind} pour %{host}"],"No templates found":["Aucun modèle trouvé"],"No templates found for this host.":["Aucun modèle trouvé pour cet hôte"],"No templates found!":["Aucun modèle trouvé !"],"No trend counter defined":["Aucun compteur de tendance défini"],"No trend counter found":["Aucun compteur de tendance trouvé"],"None":["Aucun"],"None found":["Rien trouvé"],"None!":["Aucun"],"Normal":["Normal"],"Normally when setting up a Compute Resource, a key pair (private and public) is created for you automatically.":[""],"Not Installed":["Non installé"],"Not authorized to edit classes":["Non autorisé à modifier les classes"],"Not implemented":["Non mis en œuvre"],"Not implemented for %s":["Non implémenté pour %s"],"Not relevant for snippet":["Mauvais type de Snippet"],"Nothing to add":["rien à ajouter"],"Nothing to show":["Rien à afficher"],"Notice":["Note"],"Notices, warnings and errors":["Remarques, avertissements et erreurs"],"Notification disabled":["Notification désactivée"],"Notifications":["Notifications"],"Number Of Clients":["Nombre de clients"],"Number of CPUs":["Nombre de CPU"],"Number of Events":["Nombre d'évenements"],"Number of Hosts":["Nombre d'hôtes"],"Number of classes":["Nombre de classes"],"Number of overrides":["Nombre de valeurs de remplacement"],"Number of records shown per page in Foreman":["Le nombre d'éléments visibles par page dans Foreman"],"Numerical ID or domain name":["ID numérique ou nom de domaine"],"Numerical ID or email notification name":["ID numérique ou nom de la notification par courrier électronique"],"Numerical ID or realm name":["ID numérique ou nom de royaume"],"OAuth active":["OAuth actif"],"OAuth consumer key":["Clé OAuth consumer"],"OAuth consumer secret":["Secret OAuth consumer"],"OAuth map users":["map OAuth utilisateurs"],"OK":["Validé"],"OS Image":["Image du système d'exploitation"],"OS friendly name; e.g. RHEL 6.5":["Nom court pour l'OS ; Par ex. RHEL 6.5"],"OS major version from facter; e.g. 6":["Version majeur du système d'exploitation; par exemple 6"],"OS minor version from facter; e.g. 5":["Version mineur du système d'exploitation; par exemple 5"],"OS name from facter; e.g. RedHat":["Nom du système d'exploitation depuis facter; par exemple RedHat"],"Obsolete":["Obsolète"],"Off":["Arrêt"],"Ok":["Validé"],"Old":["Anciens"],"Omit":["Omettre"],"Omit from classification output":["Omettre de la sortie de classification"],"Omit parameter from classification":["Omettre paramètre de la classification"],"On":["Marche"],"Only for BMC interfaces.":["Seulement pour les interfaces BMC."],"Only known Smart Proxies may access features that use Smart Proxy authentication":["Seuls les Smart Proxies référencés ont accès aux fonctionnalités qui utilisent l'authentification Smart Proxy."],"Only one declaration of a proxy is allowed":["Une seule déclaration de proxy est autorisée à être déclarée"],"Only one volume can be bootable":["Un seul volume peut être déclaré pour le démarrage"],"Oops!!":["Oups !"],"Oops, we're sorry but something went wrong":["Oups, désolé quelque chose s'est mal passé"],"Open Spice in a new window":["Ouvrir Spice dans une nouvelle fenêtre"],"Operating System":["Système d'Exploitation"],"Operating System version is required":["La version du Système d'Exploitation est nécessaire "],"Operating Systems":["Systèmes d'Exploitation"],"Operating system":["Système d'exploitation"],"Operating system ID":["ID du système d'exploitation"],"Operating system IDs":["ID des systèmes d'exploitation"],"Operating system default":["Système d'Exploitation par défaut"],"Operating system family":["Famille de système d'exploitation"],"Operating system family, available values: %{operatingsystem_families}":["Famille du système d'exploitation, valeurs disponibles : %{operatingsystem_families}"],"Operating system version already exists":["Ce Système d'Exploitation existe déjà"],"Operating systems":["Systèmes d'exploitation"],"Operating systems API supported?":["Support API des systèmes d'exploitations ?"],"Operatingsystem":["Operatingsystem"],"Operatingsystem|Description":["Description"],"Operatingsystem|Hostgroups count":["Nombre de groupes d'hôtes"],"Operatingsystem|Hosts count":["Nombre d'hôtes"],"Operatingsystem|Major":["Majeur"],"Operatingsystem|Minor":["Mineur"],"Operatingsystem|Name":["Nom"],"Operatingsystem|Nameindicator":["Indicateur du Nom"],"Operatingsystem|Password hash":["Hash du mot de passe"],"Operatingsystem|Release name":["Nom de la version"],"Operatingsystem|Title":["Titre"],"Operation":["Opération"],"Operators":["Opérateurs"],"Optional array of log hashes":["Facultatif : tableau de hash des logs"],"Optional comma-delimited string containing either 'new', 'updated', or 'obsolete' that is used to limit the imported Puppet classes":["Facultatif : liste de mots séparées par des virgules parmi 'new, updated, obsolete' utilisée pour limiter les classes Puppet importées"],"Optional input validator":["Option de validation d'entrée"],"Optional parameter without value.<br/><i>Still managed by Foreman, the value will be empty.</i><br/>":["Paramètre en option sans valeur.<br/><i>Toujours géré par Foreman, la valeur sera vide.</i><br/>"],"Optional: Ending IP Address for IP auto suggestion":["Facultatif : Adresse IP de fin pour l'auto-suggestion IP"],"Optional: Gateway for this subnet":["Facultatif : passerelle par défaut pour ce sous-réseau"],"Optional: Primary DNS for this subnet":["Facultatif : DNS primaire pour ce sous-réseau"],"Optional: Secondary DNS for this subnet":["Facultatif : DNS secondaire pour ce sous-réseau"],"Optional: Starting IP Address for IP auto suggestion":["Facultatif : Adresse IP de début pour l'auto-suggestion IP"],"Optional: VLAN ID for this subnet":["Facultatif : ID du VLAN pour ce sous-réseau"],"Optionally provide a CA, or a correctly ordered CA chain. If left blank, a self-signed CA will be populated automatically by the server during the first request.":["En option, fournir un CA, ou une chaine de CA correctement ordonnée. Si ce champ est laissé vide, un CA signé automatiquement sera automatiquement créé par le serveur lors de la première requête."],"Order":["Ordre"],"Organization":["Organisation"],"Organization Distribution":["Distribution Organisation"],"Organization fact":["Fact d'organisation"],"Organization parameters":["Paramètres d'organisation"],"Organization with id %{id} not found":["L'organisation avec l'ID %{id} n'a pas été trouvé"],"Organization you had selected as your context has been deleted.":["L'organisation que vous avez sélectionné comme contexte a été effacée."],"Organizations":["Organisations"],"Organizations also work nicely in tandem with %{locations}.":["Les organisations s’accommodent très bien avec les %{locations}."],"Original value info":["Information sur la valeur originelle"],"Other reports for this host":["Autres rapports pour cet hôte"],"Out of sync":["Désynchronisé"],"Out of sync hosts":["Hôtes désynchronisés"],"Out of sync hosts with alerts enabled":["Hôtes désynchronisés avec des alertes activées"],"Out of sync interval":["Intervalle de désynchronisation"],"Override all parameters":["Remplacer tous les paramètres"],"Override match":["Élément conditionnel de remplacement"],"Override the default value of the Puppet class parameter.":["Remplacer la valeur par défaut du paramètre de la classe Puppet."],"Override this value":["Remplacer cette valeur"],"Override value, required if omit is false":["Remplace la valeur, requis si Omettre est sur false"],"Overview":["Vue globale"],"Overwrite":["Écraser"],"Owned By":["Attribué à"],"Owner":["Propriétaire"],"Owner changed to %s":["Propriétaire changé à %s"],"Owner type needs to be one of the following: %s":["Le type de propriétaire doit être l'un des suivants: %s "],"POAP PXE template":["Modèle POAP PXE"],"PXE":["PXE"],"PXE Loader":["Chargeur PXE"],"PXE files for templates %s have been deployed to all Smart Proxies":[""],"PXE loader":["Chargeur PXE"],"PXEGrub template":["Modèle PXEGrub"],"PXEGrub2 template":["Modèle PXEGrub2"],"PXELinux template":["Modèle PXELinux"],"Param name":["Nom du paramètre"],"Parameter":["Paramètre"],"Parameter details":["Détail du paramètre"],"Parameter value":["Valeur du paramètre"],"Parameterized classes in ENC":["Classes avec paramètres dans l'ENC"],"Parameters":["Paramètres"],"Parameters for host's %s facet":["Paramètres pour les facets de l'hôte"],"Parameters that would be associated with hosts in this %s":["Les paramètres qui seraient associés aux hôtes dans ce %s"],"Parameter|Hidden value":["Valeur cachée"],"Parameter|Name":["Nom"],"Parameter|Priority":["Priorité"],"Parameter|Value":["Valeur"],"Params":["Paramètres"],"Parent":["Parent"],"Parent ID":["ID du parent"],"Parent ID of the host group":["ID du groupe d'hôtes parent"],"Parent is already selected":["Le parent est déjà sélectionné"],"Parent parameters":["Paramètres parent"],"Partition Tables":["Tables de partition"],"Partition table":["Table de partition"],"Partition table ID":["ID de la table de partition"],"Partition table configuration":["Configuration des tables de partition"],"Partition tables":["Tables de partition"],"Partition template IDs":["ID des modèles de partitionnement"],"Password":["Mot de passe"],"Password for oVirt, EC2, VMware, OpenStack. 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Clef secrète pour EC2."],"Password has been changed":[""],"Password must be 8 characters or more":["Le mot de passe doit faire au moins 8 caractères"],"Password to authenticate with - used for SSH finish step.":["Mot de passe pour l'authentification SSH lors de l'étape finale."],"Password to use to authenticate, if required":["Mot de passe à utiliser pour s'authentifier, si besoin est"],"Password:":["Mot de passe"],"Path":["Chemin"],"Path to template, relative to datacenter (e.g. My templates/RHEL 6)":["Chemin du modèle relatif au centre de données (p. e. : My templates/RHEL 6)"],"Pause":["Pause"],"Paused":["En pause"],"Pending":["En cours"],"Pending Hosts":["Hôtes en cours"],"Pending changes":["Changements en cours"],"Pending installation":["Installation en attente"],"Pending|P":["P"],"Permission":["Permission"],"Permission denied":["Accès interdit"],"Permission|Name":["Nom"],"Permission|Resource type":["Type de ressource"],"Permits access to BMC interface passwords through ENC YAML output and in templates":["Autorise l'accès aux mots de passe de l'interface BMC via la sortie ENC YAML et dans les modèles"],"Persistent":[""],"Photo attribute":["Attribut Photo"],"Physical (Bridge)":["Physique (Pont)"],"Please Confirm":["Merci de confirmer"],"Please Select":["Merci de choisir"],"Please Select an Image":["Merci de choisir une image"],"Please check the proxy is configured and running on the host.":["Merci de vérifier si le proxy est configuré et fonctionnel sur l'hôte."],"Please correct the error(s) below and submit your changes again.":["Merci de corriger les erreurs suivantes avant de valider vos changements à nouveau."],"Please delete all nested groups before deleting it.":["Merci d'effacer tous les sous-groupes avant d'effacer ce groupe"],"Please enable JavaScript to view the %{comments_href}.":["Merci d'activer JavaScript pour voir %{comments_href}."],"Please ensure the following parameters name are unique":["Merci de vérifier que les noms des paramètres suivants soient uniques"],"Please login to %{foreman_url} to change your password":["Merci de vous connecter sur %{foreman_url} pour changer votre mot de passe"],"Please request one of the required permissions listed below from a Foreman administrator:":["Merci de demander une des permissions requises listées ci-dessous à un administrateur de Foreman :"],"Please review them carefully, if you are certain that they should be removed, please click on overwrite.":["Merci de relire avec attention. Si vous êtes certain qu'ils doivent être supprimés, cliquez sur écraser."],"Please save the Operating System first and try again.":["Merci d'enregistrer le système d'exploitation avant toute chose et réessayez"],"Please save the role first. You can edit it later to add filters":["Merci d'enregistrer d'abord le rôle. Vous pouvez le modifier plus tard pour ajouter des filtres."],"Please save the user first before assigning mail notifications.":["Merci de sauver l'utilisateur avant de lui assigner des notifications de messagerie."],"Please select":["Merci de choisir"],"Please select a cluster":["Merci de choisir un cluster"],"Please select an environment first":["Tout d'abord, sélectionner un environnement"],"Please select an image":["Merci de choisir une image"],"Please select hosts to perform action on.":[""],"Please specify volume size. You may optionally use suffix 'G' to specify volume size in gigabytes.":["Merci de spécifier une taille de volume. Vous pouvez utiliser le suffixe 'G' pour désigner une taille de volume en gigaoctets."],"Please try to update your request":["Merci de mettre votre requête à jour"],"Please wait while your request is being processed":["Merci de patienter pendant le traitement de votre requête"],"Please wait...":["Patientez s'il vous plaît ..."],"Plugins":["Greffons"],"Port to connect to":["Ports auxquels se connecter"],"Power":["Alimentation"],"Power ON this machine":["Démarrer cette machine"],"Power operations are not enabled on this host.":["Les opérations d'alimentation ne sont pas autorisées sur cet hôte."],"Power up compute instance %s":["Démarrer l'instance %s"],"Power%s":["Alimentation : %s"],"Preallocate disk":["Pré-allocation de disque"],"Prefix length can't be blank":["La longueur du préfixe ne peut être vide"],"Prefix length must be /64 or less to use EUI-64":["La longueur du préfixe doit être égale ou inférieure à /64 pour utiliser EUI-64"],"Prefix to add to all outgoing email":["Le préfixe à ajouter à tous les e-mails sortants"],"Prepare post installation script for %s":["Préparation du script de post-installation pour %s"],"Preview":["Prévisualisation"],"Preview rendered provisioning template content":["Aperçu du rendu du contenu du modèle de provisioning"],"Primary":["Principal"],"Primary DNS for this subnet":["DNS primaire pour ce sous-réseau"],"Primary interface's DNS name and domain define host's FQDN":["Le Nom et domaine DNS positionnés sur l'nterface primaire définissent le FQDN de l'hôte."],"Printing data":["Afficher données"],"Prioritize attribute order":["Prioriser l'ordre des attributs"],"Private":["Privé"],"Private key file that Foreman will use to encrypt websockets ":["Fichier de clé privée utilisée par Foreman pour encoder les websockets"],"Proceed to Edit":["Passer à la modification"],"Properties":["Propriétés"],"Property":["Propriété"],"Protocol":["Protocol"],"Provider":["Fournisseur"],"Providers include %{providers}":["Fournisseurs inclue %{providers}"],"Provides an unused IP address in this subnet":["Fournir une adresse IP non utilisée dans le sous-réseaux"],"Provision":["Provisionner"],"Provision script had a non zero exit":["Le script de provisioning a eu un code d'erreur de sortie non nul"],"Provisioning":["Provisioning"],"Provisioning Method":["Méthode provisioning"],"Provisioning Setup":["Configuration du provisioning"],"Provisioning Template content changed %s":["Le contenu du modèle de provisioning a changé %s"],"Provisioning Templates":["Modèles de provisioning"],"Provisioning template":["Modèle de provisioning"],"Provisioning template IDs":["ID des modèles de provisioning"],"Provisioning templates":["Modèles de provisioning"],"Provisioning templates are generated using the Embedded Ruby (ERB) language.":["Les modèles d’approvisionnement sont générés en utilisant le langage Ruby Embedded (ERB)."],"ProvisioningTemplate|Default":["Défaut"],"ProvisioningTemplate|Locked":["Verrouillé"],"ProvisioningTemplate|Name":["Nom"],"ProvisioningTemplate|Snippet":["Snippet"],"ProvisioningTemplate|Template":["Modèle"],"ProvisioningTemplate|Vendor":["Vendeur"],"Proxies":["Proxies"],"Proxy ID to use within this realm":["ID Proxy à utiliser dans ce domaine"],"Proxy request timeout":["Timeout sur l'interrogation du proxy"],"Ptable":["Ptable"],"Ptable|Layout":["Agencement"],"Ptable|Locked":["Verrouillé"],"Ptable|Name":["Nom"],"Ptable|Os family":["Famille de systèmes d'exploitation"],"Ptable|Snippet":["Snippet"],"Public":["Public"],"Public SSH key":[""],"Puppet":["Puppet"],"Puppet CA":["Puppet CA"],"Puppet CA proxy ID":["ID du Proxy Puppet CA"],"Puppet Class":["Classe Puppet"],"Puppet Classes":["Classes Puppet"],"Puppet Environment":["Environnement Puppet"],"Puppet Environments":["Environnements Puppet"],"Puppet Master":["Puppet Master"],"Puppet Modules":["Modules Puppet"],"Puppet Summary Report - 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string":["SafeRender#parse_string a transmis un %s au lieu d'une chaine de caractères"],"Safemode rendering":["Rendu avec Safemode"],"Save":["Sauvegarder"],"Save positions":[""],"Save something and try again":["Sauvegardez un élément et réessayez"],"Scheduler hint filter":["Filtre d'informations du programme"],"Scope by locations":["Tri par emplacement"],"Scope by organizations":["Tri par organisation"],"Script template":["Modèle de script"],"Search":["Rechercher"],"Secondary DNS for this subnet":["DNS secondaire pour ce sous-réseau"],"Secret Key":["Clé privée"],"Security group":["Groupe de sécurité"],"Security groups":["Groupes de sécurité"],"Select Action":["Choisir l'action"],"Select All":["Tout sélectionner"],"Select Hosts":["Choisir les Hôtes"],"Select Location":["Sélectionner un emplacement"],"Select Organization":["Choisir une organisation"],"Select a period":["Choisir une période"],"Select all items in this page":["Sélectionner tous les éléments de cette page"],"Select an owner":[""],"Select compute resources":["Choisir les ressources de calcul"],"Select desired %s proxy":["Choisir le proxy %s voulu"],"Select desired state":["Choisir l'état désiré"],"Select domains":["Choisir les domaines"],"Select environment":["Choisir l'environnement"],"Select environments":["Choisir les environnements"],"Select host group":["Choisr le groupe d'hôtes"],"Select host groups":["Choisir les groupes d'hôtes"],"Select hosts to assign to %s":["Sélectionner les hôtes à affecter à %s"],"Select locations":["Choisir les emplacements"],"Select media":["Choisir les médias"],"Select organizations":["Choisir les organisations"],"Select partition tables":["Choisir les tables de partition"],"Select provisioning templates":["Choisir les modèles de provisioning"],"Select realms":["Choisir le royaume"],"Select smart proxies":["Choisir les Smart Proxies"],"Select subnets":["Choisir les sous-réseaux"],"Select template":["Choisir un modèle"],"Select the changes you want to apply to Foreman":["Sélectionner les changements que vous souhaitez appliquer à Foreman"],"Select this host":["",""],"Select this since it belongs to a host":["Choix retenu vu qu'il appartient à un hôte"],"Select users":["Choisir les utilisateurs"],"Selected hosts are now assigned to %s":["Les hôtes sélectionnés sont maintenant attribués à %s"],"Selected image does not belong to %s":["L'image sélectionné n'appartient pas à %s"],"Selected items":["Eléments sélectionnés"],"Selected resource type does not support granular filtering, therefore you can't configure granularity":["Le type de ressource sélectionné ne prend pas en charge de filtrage granulaire, par conséquent vous ne pouvez pas configurer la granularité"],"Selected role":["Rôle sélectionné"],"Selecting a file will override the editor and load the file instead":["La sélection d'un fichier remplacera le contenu de l'éditeur et chargera le fichier à la place"],"Send a test message to the current user's email address to confirm the configuration is working.":["Envoyer un message de test aux utilisateurs pour confirmer que la configuration fonctionne bien."],"Send a test message to the user's email address to confirm the configuration is working.":["Envoyer un message de test aux utilisateurs pour valider la configuration de la messagerie Foreman."],"Send a welcome email including username and URL to new users":["Envoyer un message de bienvenue incluant le nom d'utilisateur et l'URL aux nouveaux utilisateurs"],"Send welcome email":["Envoi du courrier de bienvenue"],"Sendmail":["Sendmail"],"Sendmail arguments":["Arguments sendmail"],"Sendmail location":["Emplacement sendmail"],"Server group":["Groupe de serveur"],"Server hint data":["Données hint du serveur"],"Server type":["Type de serveur"],"Service unavailable":["Service indisponible"],"Services":["Services"],"Set IP addresses for %s":["Définir adresses IP pour %s"],"Set a randomly generated password on the display connection":["Définir un mot de passe généré aléatoirement pour la connexion à l'affichage"],"Set parameters to defaults":["Positionner les paramètres aux valeurs par défaut"],"Set the order in which values are resolved.":["Définir l'ordre dans lequel les valeurs sont interprétées."],"Set up compute instance %s":["Preparation de l'instance %s"],"Setting":["Paramètre"],"Settings":["Paramètres"],"Setting|Category":["Catégorie"],"Setting|Default":["Défaut"],"Setting|Description":["Description"],"Setting|Name":["Nom"],"Setting|Settings type":["Type de paramètres"],"Setting|Value":["Valeur"],"Should the `foreman-rake db:migrate` be executed on the next run of the installer modules?":["Est-ce que \\\"foreman-rake db:migrate\\\" doit être exécuté lors du prochain lancement de l'installateur de modules ?"],"Should the `foreman-rake db:seed` be executed on the next run of the installer modules?":["Est-ce que \\\"foreman-rake db:seed\\\" doit être exécuté lors du prochain lancement de l'installateur de modules ?"],"Should this interface be managed via DHCP and DNS smart proxy and should it be configured during provisioning?":["Cette interface doit-elle être gérée par les smart proxies DHCP et DNS et être configurée pendant le provisioning ?"],"Should this interface be used for TFTP of PXELinux (or SSH for image-based hosts)? Each managed hosts needs to have one provision interface.":["Cette interface doit-elle être utilisée pour les communications TFTP et PXE (ou SSH pour les images d'hôtes) ? Chaque hôte géré doit avoir une interface de provisioning."],"Should this interface be used for constructing the FQDN of the host? Each managed hosts needs to have one primary interface.":["Cette interface doit-elle être utilisée pour choisir le FQDN de l'hôte ? Chaque hôte géré doit avoir une interface primaire."],"Show %s fact values for all hosts":["Affocjer %s valeurs de fact pour tous les hôtes"],"Show :a_resource":["Afficher : a_resource"],"Show Diff":["Afficher le diff"],"Show Host":["Afficher les hôtes"],"Show Trends":["Afficher les tendances"],"Show a Puppet class":["Afficher une classe Puppet"],"Show a Puppet class for a host group":["Afficher une classe Puppet pour un groupe d'hôtes"],"Show a Puppet class for an environment":["Afficher une classe Puppet pour un environnement"],"Show a Puppet class for host":["Afficher une classe Puppet pour un hôte"],"Show a bookmark":["Afficher un marque page"],"Show a compute profile":["Afficher un profil de calcul"],"Show a compute resource":["Afficher une ressource de calcul"],"Show a config group":["Afficher un groupe de configuration"],"Show a default template combination for an operating system":["Afficher combinaison de modèle par défaut pour un système d'exploitation"],"Show a domain":["Afficher un domaine"],"Show a filter":["Afficher un filtre"],"Show a global parameter":["Afficher un paramètre gobal"],"Show a hardware model":["Afficher un modèle matériel"],"Show a host":["Afficher un hôte"],"Show a host group":["Afficher un groupe d'hôtes"],"Show a medium":["Afficher un medium"],"Show a nested parameter for a domain":["Afficher un paramètre imbriqué pour un domaine"],"Show a nested parameter for a host":["Afficher un paramètre imbriqué pour un hôte"],"Show a nested parameter for a host group":["Afficher un paramètre imbriqué pour un groupe d'hôtes"],"Show a nested parameter for a location":["Afficher un paramètre imbriqué pour une emplacement"],"Show a nested parameter for a subnet":["Afficher un paramètre imbriqué pour un sous-réseaux"],"Show a nested parameter for an operating system":["Afficher un paramètre imbriqué pour un système d'exploitation"],"Show a nested parameter for an organization":["Afficher un paramètre imbriqué pour une organisation"],"Show a partition table":["Afficher une table de partition"],"Show a permission":["Afficher une permission"],"Show a realm":["Afficher un royaume"],"Show a report":["Afficher un rapport"],"Show a role":["Afficher un rôle"],"Show a setting":["Afficher un paramètre de l'application"],"Show a smart class parameter":["Afficher un paramètre de smart class"],"Show a smart proxy":["Afficher un smart proxy"],"Show a smart variable":["Afficher une smart variable"],"Show a subnet":["Afficher un sous-réseau"],"Show a user":["Afficher un utilisateur"],"Show a user group":["Afficher un groupe d'utilisateurs"],"Show all %s children fact values":["Afficher tous les facts pour les enfants de %s"],"Show all %s facts with the same value":["Afficher tous les %s facts qui ont la même valeur"],"Show an LDAP authentication source":["Afficher une source d'authentification LDAP"],"Show an SSH key from a user":[""],"Show an architecture":["Afficher une architecture"],"Show an audit":["Afficher un audit"],"Show an email notification":["Voir une notification par courrier électronique"],"Show an environment":["Afficher un environnement"],"Show an external user group for LDAP authentication source":["Afficher un groupe d'utilisateurs d'une source d'authentification LDAP"],"Show an external user group for user group":["Afficher les groupes d'utilisateurs externe pour un groupe d'utilisateurs"],"Show an image":["Afficher une image"],"Show an interface for host":["Afficher une interface d'un hôte"],"Show an operating system":["Afficher un système d'exploitation"],"Show an override value for a specific smart class parameter":["Afficher une valeur de substitution pour un paramètre smart class spécifique"],"Show an override value for a specific smart variable":["Afficher une valeur de substitution pour une smart variable"],"Show available API links":["Afficher les liens disponibles de l'API "],"Show distribution chart":["Afficher le diagramme des répartitions"],"Show full value":["Afficher la valeur complète"],"Show host power status":["Afficher le statut d'alimentation de l'hôte"],"Show linked external user groups":["Afficher les groupes d'utilisateurs externes qui sont liés"],"Show log messages:":["Afficher les messages de log:"],"Show power status on host index page. This feature calls to compute resource providers which may lead to decreased performance on host listing page.":["Afficher le statut d'alimentation sur la page d'index de l'hôte. Cette fonctionnalité fait appel aux fournisseurs de ressources de calcul, ce qui peut diminuer la performance sur les pages de listing d'hôtes."],"Show provisioning template details":["Afficher les détails des modèles de provisioning"],"Show status":["Afficher le statut"],"Show template combination":["Afficher la combinaison de modèles"],"Show the last report for a host":["Afficher le dernier rapport d'un hôte"],"Sign":["Signer"],"Single host on this page is selected.":["",""],"Size":["Taille"],"Size (GB)":["Taille (Go)"],"Skip assign hosts and proceed to edit %s settings":["Passer l'affectation des hôtes et poursuivre vers la modification des paramètres de %s"],"Skipped":["Omis"],"Skipped|S":["S"],"Smart Class Parameter":["Paramètre Smart Class"],"Smart Proxies":["Smart Proxies"],"Smart Proxy":["Smart Proxy"],"Smart Proxy: %s":["Smart proxy : %s"],"Smart Variables":["Smart Variables"],"Smart class parameters":["Paramètres smart class"],"Smart proxies":["Smart Proxies"],"Smart proxy":["Smart proxy"],"Smart proxy IDs":["ID des Smart proxies"],"Smart variables":["Smart variables"],"SmartProxy|Name":["Nom"],"SmartProxy|Url":["URL"],"Snippet":["Snippet"],"Some Puppet Classes are unavailable in the selected environment":[""],"Some imported user account details cannot be saved: %s":["Quelques comptes utilisateurs importés ne peuvent pas être sauvegardés : %s"],"Some interfaces are invalid":["Certaines interfaces sont invalides"],"Some of the interfaces are invalid. Please check the table below.":["Certaines interfaces ne sont pas valides. Veuillez vérifier le tableau ci-dessous."],"Some or all hosts execution failed, Please check log files for more information":["Certains ou tous les hôtes ont échoué à l'exécution. Merci de vérifier les logs pour plus d'information"],"Some other interface is already set as primary. Are you sure you want to use this one instead?":["Une autre interface est déjà définie comme primaire. Êtes-vous sûrs de vouloir utiliser celle-ci à la place ?"],"Some other interface is already set as provisioning. Are you sure you want to use this one instead?":["Une autre interface est déjà définie pour le provisioning. Êtes-vous sûrs de vouloir utiliser celle-ci à la place ?"],"Something went wrong while changing host type - %s":["Quelque chose s'est mal passé lors du changement du type d'hôte - %s"],"Something went wrong while selecting hosts - %s":["Quelque chose s'est mal passé lors de la sélection des hôtes - %s"],"Sorry but no templates were configured.":["Désolé mais aucun modèle n'a été configuré."],"Sorry, these hosts do not have parameters assigned to them, you must add them first.":["Désolé, ces hôtes n'ont pas de paramètres leur étant attribués, vous devez d'abord ajouter ces paramètres."],"Source":["Source"],"Source|Digest":["Digest"],"Source|Value":["Valeur"],"Space separated options, e.g. miimon=100. Only for bond interfaces.":["Options séparées par des espaces. Ex : miimon=100. Seulement pour les interfaces bond."],"Specified value is higher than recommended maximum":["La valeur spécifiée est supérieure à la valeur maximum recommandée"],"Specify additional options to sendmail":["Indiquer options supplémentaires sendmail"],"Specify authentication type, if required":["Indiquer le type d'authentification, si besoin est"],"Specify matchers":["Spécifier des matchers"],"Start":["Démarrer"],"Starting IP Address for IP auto suggestion":["Adresse IP de début pour l'auto suggestion d'IP"],"State":["État "],"Static":["Statique"],"Statistics":["Statistiques"],"Status":["Statut"],"Stop updating IP address and MAC values from Puppet facts (affects all interfaces)":["Ne pas mettre à jour l'adresse IP ni l'adresse MAC depuis les facts Puppet (l'option s'applique à toutes les interfaces)"],"Stop updating Operating System from facts":[""],"Stop updating domain values from facts":[""],"Storage":["Stockage"],"Storage domain":["Domaine de Stockage"],"Storage pool":["Pool de stockage"],"Strong":["Fort"],"Submit":["Valider"],"Subnet":["Sous-réseau"],"Subnet ID":["ID du sous-réseau"],"Subnet IDs":["ID des sous-réseaux"],"Subnet name":["Nom du sous-réseau"],"Subnet network":["Réseau du sous-réseau"],"Subnet numeric identifier":["Identifiant numérique du sous-réseau"],"Subnets":["Sous-réseaux"],"Subnet|Boot mode":["Mode de démarrage"],"Subnet|Dns primary":["DNS Primaire"],"Subnet|Dns secondary":["DNS Secondaire"],"Subnet|From":["De"],"Subnet|Gateway":["Passerelle"],"Subnet|Ipam":["IPAM"],"Subnet|Mask":["Masque"],"Subnet|Name":["Nom"],"Subnet|Network":["Réseau"],"Subnet|Priority":["Priorité"],"Subnet|To":["À"],"Subnet|Vlanid":["VLAN id"],"Subscribe":["S'abonner"],"Subscribe to all hosts":["Souscrire à tous les hôtes"],"Subscribe to my hosts":["Souscrire à mes hôtes"],"Success":["Réussi"],"Successfully created %s.":["Création de %s réussie."],"Successfully delete %s":[""],"Successfully deleted %s.":["Suppression de %s réussie."],"Successfully deleted report.":["Suppression du rapport réussi."],"Successfully executed, check log files for more details":["Exécution réussie. Vérifier les fichiers journaux pour plus de détails."],"Successfully executed, check reports and/or log files for more details":["Exécution réussie. Vérifier les rapports et/ou les fichiers journaux pour plus de détails"],"Successfully overridden all parameters of Puppet class %s":["Substitution de tous les paramètres de la classe Puppet %s réussie"],"Successfully recreated":[""],"Successfully refreshed features from %s.":["Actualisation des fonctions de %s réussie."],"Successfully refreshed the cache.":["Actualisation du cache réussie."],"Successfully reset all parameters of Puppet class %s to their default values":["Réinitialisation réussie de tous les paramètres de la classe Puppet %s à leur valeurs par défaut"],"Successfully updated %s.":["Mise à jour de %s réussie."],"Successfully updated environments and Puppet classes from the on-disk Puppet installation":["Mise à jour réussie des environnements et classes Puppet depuis l'installation Puppet présente sur le disque"],"Suffix or prefix length for this subnet, e.g. 32":["Suffixe ou longueur du préfixe de ce sous-réseau, par ex. 32"],"Suggest new":["Nouvelle suggestion"],"Summary from %{time} ago to now":["Rapport du %{time} à maintenant"],"Summary report from Foreman server at %{foreman_url}":["Rapport de synthèse de Foreman hébergé en %{foreman_url}"],"Support":["Support"],"Supported Formats":["Formats pris en charge"],"Synchronize group from authentication source":["Synchroniser le group depuis la source d'authentification"],"Syntax Highlighting":["Colorisation syntaxique"],"Syntax error occurred while parsing the template %{template_name}, make sure you have all ERB tags properly closed and the Ruby syntax is valid. The Ruby error: %{message}":[""],"System Information":["Informations système"],"System Status":["Statut du système"],"TFTP":["TFTP"],"TFTP Proxy":["Proxy TFTP"],"TFTP Proxy ID to use within this subnet":["ID Proxy TFTP à utiliser pour ce sous-réseau"],"TFTP Proxy to use within this subnet":["Proxy TFTP à utiliser pour ce sous-réseau"],"TFTP server":["Serveur TFTP"],"Taxable taxonomy":["Classification taxinomique"],"TaxableTaxonomy|Taxable type":["Type de classification"],"Taxonomy":["Taxinomie"],"Taxonomy|Ancestry":["Ancêtre"],"Taxonomy|Ignore types":["Types ignorés"],"Taxonomy|Name":["Nom"],"Taxonomy|Title":["Titre"],"Template":["Modèle"],"Template %s is empty.":["Le modèle %s est vide."],"Template '%s' is either missing or has an invalid organization or location":["Le modèle '%s' est absent ou possède une organisation ou emplacement invalide."],"Template '%s' was not found":["Le modèle '%s' n'a pas été trouvé"],"Template Diff":["Diff du Modème"],"Template Type":["Type de Modèle"],"Template diff":["diff du Modèle"],"Template editor":["Éditeur de Modèle"],"Template kind":["Template kind"],"Template kinds, available values: %{template_kinds}":["Types de modèles, valeurs possibles : %{template_kinds}"],"Template locked":["Modèle verrouillé"],"Template syntax":["Syntaxe du modèle"],"Template that will be selected as %s default for local boot.":[""],"Template unlocked":["Modèle déverrouillé"],"TemplateKind|Name":["Nom"],"Templates":["Modèles"],"Templates resolved for this operating system":["Modèles valides pour ce système d'exploitation"],"Tenant":["Tenant"],"Test Connection":["Tester la connexion"],"Test LDAP connection":["Tester la connexion LDAP"],"Test LDAP connectivity":["Tester la connexion LDAP"],"Test connection to LDAP server was successful.":["Le test de connexion vers le serveur LDAP a réussi."],"Test connection was successful":["Le test de connexion a réussi"],"Test email":["Courrier de test"],"Text to be shown in the login-page footer":["Texte qui doit s'afficher sans le pied de page de la page de connexion"],"That is, if you are planning to manage a site where all the machines are of the form <i>hostname</i>.<b></b>\\n then the domain is <b></b>.":["C'est à dire que, si vous souhaitez gérer un site où toutes les machines sont sous la forme <i>hostname</i>.<b></b>\\n alors le domaine sera <b></b>."],"The %{proxy_type} proxy could not be set for host: %{host_names}.":["Le proxy puppet ca %{proxy_type} ne peut pas être configuré pour l'hôte : %{proxy_name}.","Le proxy puppet ca %{proxy_type} ne peut pas être configuré pour les hôtes : %{proxy_name}."],"The %{proxy_type} proxy of the selected hosts was cleared.":["Le proxy %{proxy_type} pour les hôtes sélectionnés a été effacé."],"The %{proxy_type} proxy of the selected hosts was set to %{proxy_name}.":["Le proxy %{proxy_type} des hôtes sélectionnés a été positionné à %{proxy_name}."],"The <b>fullname</b> field is used for human readability in reports and other pages that refer to domains,\\n and also available as an external node parameter":["Le champ <b>nom complet</b> est utilisé pour faciliter la lecture humaine des rapports, dans d'autres pages\\nqui se réfèrent au domaine, et aussi comme paramètre transmis par l'ENC"],"The Audit Comment field is saved with the template auditing to document the template changes":["Le champ Commentaire d'Audit est sauvé avec l'audit du modèle lors des changements du modèle"],"The BMC password will be used by Foreman to access the host's BMC controller via a BMC-enabled smart proxy, if available.<br/>":[""],"The IP address that should be used for the console listen address when provisioning new virtual machines via Libvirt":["L'adresse IP d'écoute de la console lors du provisioning de nouvelles machines virtuelles avec LibVirt"],"The NFS path to the image directory.":["Le chemin NFS de stockage des images."],"The NFS path to the jumpstart control files.":["Le chemin NFS des fichiers de contrôle jumpstart."],"The NFS path to the media.":["Le chemin NFS du média."],"The Operating systems detail the OSs known to Foreman, and is the central point that the other required components tie into.":[""],"The Primary interface is used for constructing the FQDN of the host":["L'interface primaire est utilisée pour construire le FQDN de l'hôte"],"The Provisioning interface is used for TFTP of PXELinux (or SSH for image-based hosts)":["L'interface de provisioning est utilisée pour le TFTP de PXELinux (ou pour SSH pour les hôtes basés sur des images)"],"The authentication process currently requires an LDAP provider, such as <em>FreeIPA</em>,\\n <em>OpenLDAP</em> or <em>Microsoft's Active Directory</em>.":["Le processus d'authentification requiert un service LDAP comme <em>FreeIPA</em>, <em>OpenLDAP</em> ou <em>Active Directory de Microsoft</em>."],"The class of CPU supplied in this machine. This is primarily used by Sparc Solaris builds and can be left blank for other architectures. The value can be determined on Solaris via uname -m":["Le type de CPU fourni dans cette machine. C'est principalement utilisé par les installations Solaris et peut être laissé vide pour les autres architectures. Cette valeur peut être déterminée sur Solaris avec la commande \\\"uname -m\\\""],"The class of the machine reported by the Open Boot Prom. This is primarily used by Sparc Solaris builds and can be left blank for other architectures. The value can be determined on Solaris via uname -i|cut -f2 -d,":["Le type de machine remonté par Open Boot Prom. C'est utilisé principalement pour les installations Solaris et peut être laissé vide pour les autres architectures. Cette valeur peut être déterminée sous Solaris via la commande \\\"uname -i|cut -f2 -d\\\"."],"The default administrator email address":["L'adresse de courrier électronique par défaut de l'administrateur"],"The dynamic partitioning style is currently only available for the Red Hat family of operating systems, all others must provide an explicit list of partitions and sizes.":["Le type de partitionnement dynamique n'est disponible que pour la famille de systèmes Red Hat. Tous les autres doivent fournir un partitionnement explicite."],"The file path where your p12 file is located":["Le chemin où se trouve votre fichier p12"],"The final entry, Operating System default, can be set by editing the %s page.":["La dernière entrée, le système d'exploitation par défaut, peut être défini en modifiant la page %s."],"The following IPv4 subnets have been found. Please review the details before creating them.":["Les sous-réseaux IPv4 suivants ont été trouvés. Veuiller examiner les détails avant de les créer."],"The following entries were found conflicting with what foreman wanted to apply.":["Les entrées suivantes rentrent en conflit avec ce que Foreman veut appliquer."],"The following errors may prevent a successful build:":["Les erreurs suivantes peuvent empêcher le bon déroulement d'une installation :"],"The following fields would need reviewing":["Les champs suivants auraient besoin d'une relecture"],"The following hosts failed the build operation: %s":["Les hôtes suivants ont échoué à la phase d'installation : %s"],"The following hosts were not %{action}: %{missed_hosts}":["Les hôtes suivants n'ont pas %{action}: %{missed_hosts}"],"The following hosts were not deleted: %s":["Les hôtes suivants n'ont pas été supprimés : %s"],"The following hosts were updated":["Les hôtes suivants ont été mis à jour"],"The following parameters were skipped as they did not exists on this host:":["Les paramètres suivants ont été omis car ils n'existent pas sur cet hôte:"],"The following table and example snippet shows global methods, variables and class methods and how to use them.":["L’extrait et l’exemple suivant illustrent des méthodes globales, des variables et des méthodes de classe et comment les utiliser."],"The full DNS domain name":["Le nom DNS complet"],"The host group's classes and the host group's variables are included in the external node information when the puppetmaster compiles the host's configuration.":["Les classes du groupe d'hôtes et les variables du groupe d'hôte sont incluses dans les informations de l'ENC quand le Puppet Master compile les informations de l'hôte."],"The inclusion of the keyword string <b>#Dynamic</b> at the start of a line lets Foreman know that this is not an explicit disk layout and must treated as a shell script, executed prior\\n to the install process and that the explicit partition table will be found at <b>/tmp/diskpart.cfg</b> during the build process.":["L'inclusion du mot clé <b>#Dynamic</b>, en début de ligne, signale à Foreman qu'il ne s'agit pas d'une définition de partitionnement fixe mais doit être traité comme un script shell.\\nCe script est exécuté avant la phase d'installation et produit une table de partition qui sera disponible en <b>/tmp/diskpart.cfg</b> pendant le processus d'installation."],"The keys can be used in provisioning templates and are also available for configuration management tools managed by Foreman.":[""],"The keywords <b>$version</b>, <b>$major</b> and <b>$minor</b> will be interpolated back into the path specification to calculate the true URL address.":["Les mots clés <b>$version</b>, <b>$major</b> et <b>$minor</b> seront interprétés dans le chemin spécifié pour calculer les vraies URL."],"The list is excluding %{count} %{link_start}physical host%{link_end}.":["La liste exclue %{count} %{link_start}hôte physique%{link_end}.","La liste exclue %{count} %{link_start}hôtes physiques%{link_end}."],"The location of the sendmail executable":["Emplacement de l'exécutable sendmail"],"The marked fields will need reviewing":["Les champs marqués ont besoin de relecture"],"The method used to provision the host. Possible provision_methods may be %{provision_methods}":["La méthode utilisée pour le provisioning de l'hôte. Les méthodes possibles peuvent être %{provision_methods}"],"The order in which matchers keys are processed, first match wins.<br> You may use multiple attributes as a matcher key, for example, an order of <code>host group, environment</code> would expect a matcher such as <code>hostgroup = \\\"web servers\\\", environment = production</code>":["L'ordre dans lequel les clés de Matchers sont parcourues, la première correspondance gagne.<br>Vous pouvez utiliser plusieurs attributs comme clés de Matchers, par exemple, l'ordre suivant <code>host group, environment</code> attend un matcher comme <code>hostgroup = \\\"web servers\\\", environment = production</code>"],"The order in which values are resolved":["L'ordre dans lequel les valeurs sont interprétés"],"The password will also be accessible to other users via templates and in the ENC YAML output; disable the bmc_credentials_accessible setting to prevent access.":["Le mot de passe sera également accessible aux autres utilisateurs par l’intermédiaire de modèles et dans la sortie de l’ENC YAML. Désactivez le paramètre bmc_credentials_accessible pour empêcher l’accès."],"The password will not be accessible to other users; enable the bmc_credentials_accessible setting to permit access via templates and in the ENC YAML output.":["Le mot de passe ne sera pas accessible aux autres utilisateurs ; activez le paramètre bmc_credentials_accessible pour permettre l’accès via modèles et à la sortie de l’ENC YAML."],"The path to the medium, can be a URL or a valid NFS server (exclusive of the architecture).\\n for example <em>$version/os/$arch</em> where <strong>$arch</strong> will be substituted for the host's actual OS architecture and <strong>$version</strong>, <strong>$major</strong> and <strong>$minor</strong> will be substituted for the version of the operating system. Solaris and Debian media may also use <strong>$release</strong>.":["Le chemin vers le medium peut être une URL ou un chemin NFS (spécifique à l'architecture).\\nPar exemple : <em>$version/os/$arch</em> où <strong>$arch</strong> va être remplacé par l'architecture actuelle de l'hôte ; <strong>$version</strong>, <strong>$major</strong> et <strong>$minor</strong>seront remplacés par la version du système d'exploitation. Les médias Solaris et Debian peuvent aussi utiliser la variable <strong>$release</strong>."],"The power state of the selected hosts will be set to %s":["L'état électrique des hôtes sélectionnés va être positionné à %s"],"The realm name, e.g. EXAMPLE.COM":["Le nom du royaume. Ex. : EXAMPLE.COM"],"The remote system presented a public key signed by an unidentified certificate authority. If you are sure the remote system is authentic, go to the compute resource edit page, press the 'Test Connection' or 'Load Datacenters' button and submit":["Le système distant a présenté une clef publique signée par une autorité de certification inconnue. Si vous êtes sûr de l'authenticité du système distant, rendez-vous sur la page de modification des Ressources de calcul, cliquez sur « Tester la connexion » ou « Charger les centres de données » puis validez."],"The remote system presented a public key with hash %s but we're expecting a different hash. If you are sure the remote system is authentic, go to the compute resource edit page, press the 'Test Connection' or 'Load Datacenters' button and submit":["Le système distant a présenté une clé publique avec le hash %s mais Foreman attendait un hash différent. Si vous êtes sûr de l'authenticité du système distant, rendez-vous sur la page de modification des Ressources de calcul, cliquez sur « Tester la connexion » ou « Charger les centres de données » puis validez."],"The selected hosts were enabled for reboot and rebuild":["Les hôtes sélectionnés ont été choisi pour redémarrer et être réinstallés"],"The selected hosts will execute a build operation on next reboot":["Les hôtes sélectionnés vont procéder à leur installation au prochain redémarrage"],"The snippet '%{name}' threw an error: %{exc}":[""],"The template is associated to at least one host in build mode. To apply the change, disable and enable build mode on hosts to update the live templates or choose to %s their configuration from 'Select Action' menu":["Le modèle est associé avec au moins un hôte en mode construction. Pour appliquer ce changement, désactiver puis réactiver le mode construction sur les hôtes pour mettre à jour les modèles dynamiques ou choisir de %s leur configuration depuis le menu 'Choisir une action'"],"The user that is used to ssh into the instance, normally cloud-user, ec2-user, ubuntu, root etc":["L'utilisateur qui est utilisé pour se connecter en ssh à l'instance. Normalement cloud-user, ec2-user, ubuntu, root, etc"],"The virtual machine is being deleted.":["La machine virtuelle est en cours de suppression"],"There are migrations pending in the system.":["Il y a des migrations en attente dans le système"],"There are no puppet environments set up on this puppet master. Please check the puppet master configuration.":["Il n'y a aucun environnement Puppet défini pour ce Puppet Master. Veuillez vérifier la configuration de votre Puppet Master."],"There are orchestration modules with methods for configuration rebuild that have identical name: '%s'":["Des modules d'orchestration avec les méthodes de reconstruction de configuration ont un nom identique : '%s'"],"There are two strategies when using host groups.":["Il y a deux stratégies quand on utilise les groupes d'hôtes"],"There is":["Il y a ","Il y a "],"There is no owner with id %d and type %s":["Il n'y a un utilisateur avec l'ID %d et le type %s"],"There is no proxy with BMC feature set up. Please register a smart proxy with this feature.":["Il n'y a aucun proxy configuré avec la fonctionnalité BMC. Merci de configurer un proxy ayant cette fonctionnalité."],"There was an error creating the PXE file: %s":[""],"There was an error listing %{listing}: %{errors}":[""],"There was an error listing VMs: %(status)s %(statusText)s":["Il y a eu une erreur en listant les VMs : %(status)s %(statusText)s"],"There was an error rendering the %s template: ":["Il y a eu une erreur de rendu du modèle %s:"],"There was an error rendering the %{name} template: %{error}":["Il y a eu une erreur de rendu du modèle %{name} : %{error}"],"There was no active bridge interface found in libvirt, if it does not support listing, you can enter the bridge name manually (e.g. br0)":["Aucune interface pont active trouvée avec libvirt, si le listing n'est pas supporté, vous pouvez définir le nom du pont manuellement (par ex. br0)"],"These are guaranteed to work via the safe mode rendering, to ensure a template can do nothing harmful.":["Elles fonctionnent en mode de sécurité, pour assurer qu'un modèle ne peut en rien être nuisible."],"These two options are personal decisions and are up to you (where the main difference would be the parameter/variables settings).":["Ces deux options sont des décisions personnelles (la principale différence réside dans la configuration paramètre/variables )"],"Thin provision":["Allocation granulaire"],"This Puppet class has no parameters in its signature.":["Cette classe Puppet n'a pas de paramètre dans sa signature."],"This allows Foreman to associate a puppet variable with a domain/site and automatically append this variable to all external node requests made by machines at that site.":["Cette action autorise Foreman à associer une variable Puppet avec un nom de domaine ou un site et automatiquement ajouter cette variable à toutes les requêtes à l'external node classifier faites par les machines de ce site."],"This group has nested groups!":["Ce groupe a des groupes emboîtés !"],"This group has no roles":["Ce groupe n'a aucun rôle"],"This host's stored facts and reports will be deleted too.":["Les facts sauvegardés et les rapports de cet hôte vont aussi être supprimés."],"This is a test message to confirm that Foreman's email configuration is working.":["Ce message de test valide la configuration de la messagerie Foreman."],"This is for every location and organization that uses it.":["Valable pour tout emplacement et organisation qui utilise ce paramètre."],"This is for every location that uses it.":["Valable pour tout emplacement qui utilise ce paramètre."],"This is for every organization that uses it.":["Valable pour toute organisation qui utilise ce paramètre."],"This is inherited from parent":["Hérité du parent"],"This is used by a host":["Utilisé par un hôte"],"This might take a while, as all hosts, facts and reports will be destroyed as well":["Cette action peut prendre un certain temps, pour tous les hôtes, les rapports et facts vont aussi être supprimés"],"This role has been cloned from role %s":[""],"This role is locked for editing.":[""],"This role is locked from being modified by users.":["Ce rôle est verrouillé contre les modifications d'un utilisateur."],"This setting is defined in the configuration file '%{filename}' and is read-only.":["Ce paramètre est défini dans le fichier de configuration '%{filename}' est en lecture-seule."],"This template is locked and may not be removed.":["Ce modèle est verrouillé et ne peux pas être supprimé."],"This template is locked for editing.":["Ce modèle est verrouillé contre les modifications."],"This template is locked. Please clone it to a new template to customize.":["Ce modèle est verrouillé. Veuillez le cloner vers un nouveau modèle pour personnaliser ce dernier."],"This template is locked. You may only change the associations. Please %s it to customize.":["Ce modèle est verrouillé. Vous ne pouvez changer que ses associations. Merci de le %s pour le modifier."],"This value is not hidden":["La valeur n'est pas cachée"],"This value is used also as the host's primary interface name.":["Cette valeur est aussi utilisé pour l'interface primaire de l'hôte."],"This will reset parameters of the class %s to their default values. Continue?":["Réinitialisation de tous les paramètres de la classe Puppet %s à leur valeur par défaut. Continuer ?"],"This will set all parameters of the class %s as overridden. Continue?":["Cela définira tous les paramètres de la classe %s comme remplacés. Continuer ?"],"Time":["Date"],"Time in Seconds":["Temps en secondes"],"Time in minutes installation tokens should be valid for, 0 to disable token generation":["Durée de validité en minutes des jetons d'installation, 0 pour désactiver la génération du jeton"],"Timeout for DNS conflict validation (in seconds)":["Durée d'expiration pour les validations de conflit DNS (en secondes)"],"Timeout has occurred while communicating with %s":["Un timeout est arrivé en communiquant avec %s"],"To define trend counters, use the Add Trend Counter button.</br> To start collecting trend data, set a cron job to execute 'foreman-rake trends:counter' every Puppet Interval (%s minutes).":["Pour créer un compteur de tendance, cliquez sur Ajouter un compteur de tendance.</br> Pour collecter les données de tendances, positionner un travail en cron qui exécute \\\"foreman-rake trends:counter\\\" à chaque lancement de Puppet (toutes les %s minutes)."],"To enable a provider, either install the OS package (e.g. foreman-libvirt) or enable the bundler group for development setup (e.g. ovirt).":["Pour activer un fournisseur de ressources de calcul, soit installer le paquet logiciel (p. ex. foreman-libvirt) ou activer le groupe bundler pour les configurations de développement (p. ex. oVirt)"],"To enable safe mode, navigate to Settings page and enable Safemode rendering option.":["Pour activer le mode sécurité, naviguez sur la page de configuration, et activer l'option de rendu en « safemode »."],"To start collecting trend data, set a cron job to execute <span class='black'>foreman-rake trends:counter</span> every Puppet Interval (%s minutes)":["Pour collecter les données de tendances, positionner un travail en cron qui exécute <span class='black'>foreman-rake trends:counter</span> à chaque lancement de Puppet (toutes les %s minutes)."],"To update the class signature, go to the Puppet Classes page and select \\\"Import\\\".":["Pour mettre à jour les signatures des classes, allez sur la page Classes Puppet et choisissez \\\"Import depuis ...\\\"."],"Toggle":["Commuter"],"Token":["Token"],"Token duration":["Durée du token"],"Token expired":["Token expiré"],"Token|Expires":["Expire"],"Token|Value":["Valeur"],"Total":["Total"],"Total Hosts: %s":["Nombre d'Hôtes Total: %s"],"Total hosts count":["Nombre d'hôtes total"],"Total of one host":["Un hôte au total","Nombre d'Hôtes Total: %{hosts}"],"Trend":["Tendance"],"Trend counter":["Compteur de tendance"],"Trend of the last %s days.":["Tendances pour les %s derniers jours."],"TrendCounter|Count":["Nombre"],"Trends":["Tendances"],"Trends for %s":["Tendances pour %s"],"Trend|Fact name":["Nom du fact"],"Trend|Fact value":["Valeur du fact"],"Trend|Name":["Nom"],"Trend|Trendable type":["Type de tendance"],"Trigger a puppetrun on a node; requires that puppet run is enabled":["Lancer une exécution Puppet sur un hôte ; requiert l'activation de puppet run."],"Troubleshooting":["Diagnostiquer le problème"],"True/False flag whether a host is managed or unmanaged. Note: this value also determines whether several parameters are required or not":["Drapeau True/False pour déterminer si un hôte est géré ou non géré. Note : Cette valeur détermine aussi si certains paramètres sont obligatoires."],"Trusted puppetmaster hosts":["Hôtes puppetmasters de confiance"],"Try going to %{href}":["Essai de l'adresse %{href}"],"Type":["Type"],"Type of name generator":["Générateur type de nom"],"Type of realm, e.g. FreeIPA":["Type de royaume, p. e. FreeIPA"],"Type or protocol, IPv4 or IPv6, defaults to IPv4":["Type ou protocole, IPv4 ou IPv6, par défaut IPv4"],"Types of validation values":["Types des valeurs pour la validation"],"Types of variable values":["Types de variables des valeurs"],"URL":["URL"],"URL for %{providers_requiring_url}":["URL pour %{providers_requiring_url}"],"URL hosts will retrieve templates from during build (normally http as many installers don't support https)":["L'URL de récupération de modèles des hôtes durant la phase de construction (normalement en HTTP car beaucoup de programmes d'installation ne prennent pas en charge HTTPS) "],"URL must be valid and schema must be one of %s":["L'URL doit être valide et le schéma doit être parmi ceux-ci %s"],"URL where your Foreman instance is reachable (see also Provisioning > unattended_url)":["L'URL utilisée pour joindre l'instance Foreman (voir également Provisioning> unattended_url)"],"UTC time of report":["Date UTC du rapport"],"UUID":["UUID"],"UUID to track orchestration tasks status, GET /api/orchestration/:UUID/tasks":["UUID pour surveiller l'état des tâches d'orchestration : GET /api/orchestration/:UUID/tasks"],"Unable to access key":["Impossible d'accéder à la clef"],"Unable to authenticate user %s":["Impossible d'authentifier l'utilisateur %s"],"Unable to change VM display listen address, make sure the display is not attached to localhost only":["Impossible de changer l'adresse d'écoute de l'affichage de la VM, vérifier que l'affichage ne soit pas restreint à localhost."],"Unable to communicate with the proxy: %s":["Impossible de communiquer avec le proxy : %s"],"Unable to connect":["Impossible de se connecter"],"Unable to connect to LDAP server":["Impossible de se connecter au serveur LDAP"],"Unable to create default TFTP boot menu":["Impossible de créer le menu par défaut TFTP"],"Unable to create realm entry":["Impossible de créer l'entrée du royaume"],"Unable to create the default role.":["Impossible de créer un role par défaut."],"Unable to delete DHCP entry for %s":["Impossible de supprimer l'entrée DHCP pour %s"],"Unable to delete DNS entry":["Impossible de supprimer l'entrée DNS"],"Unable to delete PuppetCA autosign for %s":["Impossible de supprimer la signature automatique PuppetCA pour %s"],"Unable to delete PuppetCA certificate for %s":["Impossible de supprimer le certificat PuppetCA pour %s"],"Unable to delete TFTP boot entry for %s":["Impossible de supprimer l'entrée du menu TFTP pour %s"],"Unable to detect TFTP boot server":["Impossible de détecter le serveur de boot TFTP"],"Unable to detect features":["Impossible de détecter les capacités"],"Unable to detect version":["Impossible de détecter la version"],"Unable to determine the host's boot server. The DHCP smart proxy failed to provide this information and this subnet is not provided with TFTP services.":["Impossible de déterminer le serveur de démarrage de l'hôte. Le Smart Proxy DHCP n'a pas pu fournir cette information et le sous-réseau n'a pas fourni de service TFTP."],"Unable to disable bmc_credentials_accessible when safemode_render is disabled":["N'a pas pu désactiver bmc_credentials_accessible quand safemode_render est désactivé"],"Unable to disable safemode_render when bmc_credentials_accessible is disabled":["N'a pas pu désactiver safemode_render quand bmc_credentials_accessible est désactivé"],"Unable to execute Puppet run":["Impossible d'exécuter Puppet run"],"Unable to fetch TFTP boot file":["Impossible de récupérer le fichier de boot TFTP"],"Unable to fetch logs":["Impossible de récupérer les journaux"],"Unable to find IP address for '%s'":["Impossible de trouver l'adresse IP pour '%s'"],"Unable to find a proxy with BMC feature":["Impossible de trouver un proxy avec la fonctionnalité BMC"],"Unable to find proper authentication method":["Impossible de trouver correctement une méthode d'authentification "],"Unable to find template %s":["Impossible de trouver le modèle %s"],"Unable to generate output, Check log files":["Impossible de générer une sortie, vérifiez les fichiers de log"],"Unable to get BMC providers":["Impossible d'obtenir les fournisseurs BMC"],"Unable to get PuppetCA autosign":["Impossible d'obtenir la signature automatique PuppetCA"],"Unable to get PuppetCA certificates":["Impossible d'obtenir les certificats PuppetCA"],"Unable to get classes from Puppet for %s":["Impossible d'obtenir les classes Puppet pour %s"],"Unable to get environment from Puppet":["Impossible d'obtenir l'environnement Puppet"],"Unable to get environments from Puppet":["Impossible d'obtenir les environnements Puppet"],"Unable to get installed BMC providers":["Impossible d'obtenir les fournisseurs BMC"],"Unable to initialize ProxyAPI class %s":["Impossible d'initialiser la classe ProxyAPI %s"],"Unable to perform boot BMC operation":["Impossible de réaliser l'opération de démarrage BMC"],"Unable to perform identify BMC operation":["Impossible de réaliser l'opération d'identification BMC"],"Unable to perform lan BMC operation":["Impossible de réaliser l'opération lan BMC"],"Unable to perform power BMC operation":["Impossible de réaliser l'opération d'arrêt/démarrage BMC "],"Unable to render %{kind} template '%{name}': %{e}":["Impossible de produire modèle %{kind} '%{name}': %{e}"],"Unable to render '%{name}' template: %{e}":["Impossible de produire modèle '%{name}' : %{e}"],"Unable to retrieve DHCP entry for %s":["Impossible de récupérer l'entrée DHCP pour %s"],"Unable to retrieve DHCP subnet":["Impossible de récupérer le sous-réseau DHCP"],"Unable to retrieve DHCP subnets":["Impossible de récupérer les sous-réseaux DHCP"],"Unable to retrieve unused IP":["Impossible de récupérer une adresse IP disponible"],"Unable to save":["Impossible d'enregistrer"],"Unable to send email, check server logs for more information":["Impossible d'envoyer un courrier, vérifiez les journaux du serveur pour plus d'information"],"Unable to set DHCP entry":["Impossible de positioner l'entrée DHCP"],"Unable to set DNS entry":["Impossible de positionner l'entrée DNS"],"Unable to set PuppetCA autosign for %s":["Impossible de positionner la signature automatique PuppetCA pour %s"],"Unable to set TFTP boot entry for %s":["Impossible de définir l'entrée de boot TFTP pour %s"],"Unable to sign PuppetCA certificate for %s":["Impossible de signer le certificat PuppetCA pour %s"],"Unable to turn on websockets_encrypt, either websockets_ssl_key or websockets_ssl_cert is missing":["Impossible d'activer websockets_encrypt, websockets_ssl_key ou websockets_ssl sont manquants"],"Unable to unset websockets_ssl_cert when websockets_encrypt is on":["Impossible de désactiver websockets_ssl_cert avec le paramètre websockets_encrypt activé"],"Unable to unset websockets_ssl_key when websockets_encrypt is on":["Impossible de désactiver websockets_ssl_key avec le paramètre websockets_encrypt activé"],"Unallowed template for dashboard widget: %s":["Modèle pour widget du tableau de bord non alloué : %s"],"Unattended URL":["URL provisioning sans intervention"],"Undo remove":["Annuler la suppression"],"Undo selection":[""],"Unhide this value":["Réafficher cette valeur"],"Unknown":["Inconnu"],"Unknown IPAM type - can't continue":["Type IPAM inconnu - impossible de continuer"],"Unknown Power State":["État de l'alimentation inconnu"],"Unknown action name for success message: %s":["Nom d'action inconnue pour ce message de réussite : %s"],"Unknown build status":["État de construction inconnu"],"Unknown device: available devices are %s":["Périphérique inconnu : Les périphériques disponibles sont %s"],"Unknown interface type, must be one of [%s]":["Type d'interface inconnu, le type doit être un élément de la liste suivante : [%s]"],"Unknown power action: available methods are %s":["Action sur l'alimentation inconnue. Les actions possibles sont %s"],"Unknown power management support - can't continue":["Inconnu"],"Unknown power state":["État de l'alimentation inconnu"],"Unlock":["Déverrouiller"],"Unmanage host":["Ne plus gérer l'hôte"],"Unsupported IPAM mode for %s":["mode IPAM non supporté pour %s"],"Unsupported password hash function '%s'":["Fonction de hachage non prise en charge '%s'"],"Unsupported report status format":["Format du statut du rapport d'état incorrect"],"Update":["Mise à jour"],"Update :a_resource":["Mise à jour : a_resource"],"Update IP from built request":["Mise à jour de l'IP à la réception de fin de construction"],"Update a Puppet class":["Mise à jour d'une classe Puppet"],"Update a bookmark":["Mise à jour d'un marque page"],"Update a compute attributes set":["Mise à jour d'une ressource de calcul d'un profil de ressource de calcul"],"Update a compute profile":["Mise à jour d'un profil de calcul"],"Update a compute resource":["Mise à jour d'une ressource de calcul"],"Update a config group":["Mise à jour d'un groupe de configuration"],"Update a default template combination for an operating system":["Mise à jour de la combinaison de modèles par défaut"],"Update a domain":["Mise à jour d'un domaine"],"Update a filter":["Mise à jour d'un filtre"],"Update a global parameter":["Mise à jour d'un paramètre global"],"Update a hardware model":["Mise à jour d'un modèle de matériel"],"Update a host":["Mise à jour d'un hôte"],"Update a host group":["Mise à jour d'un groupe d'hôtes"],"Update a host's interface":["Mise à jour d'une interface d'un hôte"],"Update a medium":["Mise à jour d'un medium"],"Update a nested parameter for a domain":["Mise à jour d'un paramètre imbriqué pour un domaine"],"Update a nested parameter for a host":["Mise à jour d'un paramètre imbriqué pour un hôte"],"Update a nested parameter for a host group":["Mise à jour d'un paramètre imbriqué pour un groupe d'hôtes"],"Update a nested parameter for a location":["Mise à jour d'un paramètre imbriqué pour un emplacement"],"Update a nested parameter for a subnet":["Mettre à jour un paramètre imbriqué pour un sous-réseaux"],"Update a nested parameter for an operating system":["Mise à jour d'un paramètre imbriqué pour un système d'exploitation"],"Update a nested parameter for an organization":["Mise à jour d'un paramètre imbriqué pour une organisation"],"Update a partition table":["Mise à jour d'une table de partition"],"Update a provisioning template":["Mise à jour d'un modèle de provisioning"],"Update a realm":["Mise à jour d'un royaume"],"Update a role":["Mise à jour d'un rôle"],"Update a setting":["Mise à jour d'un paramètre de l'application"],"Update a smart class parameter":["Mise à jour d'un paramètre de smart class"],"Update a smart proxy":["Mise à jour d'un smart proxy"],"Update a smart variable":["Mise à jour d'une smart variable"],"Update a subnet":["Mise à jour d'un sous-réseau"],"Update a user":["Mise à jour d'un utilisateur"],"Update a user group":["Mise à jour d'un groupe d'hôtes"],"Update an LDAP authentication source":["Mise à jour d'une source d'authentification LDAP"],"Update an architecture":["Mise à jour d'une architecture"],"Update an environment":["Mise à jour d'un environnement"],"Update an image":["Mise à jour d'une image"],"Update an operating system":["Mettre à jour un système d'exploitation"],"Update an override value for a specific smart class parameter":["Mise à jour d'une valeur de substitution pour un paramètre smart class"],"Update an override value for a specific smart variable":["Mise à jour d'une valeur de substitution pour une smart variable"],"Update environment from facts":["Mise à jour de l'environnement depuis les facts"],"Update external user group":["Mettre à jour un groupe d'utilisateur externe"],"Update realm entry for %s":["Mise à jour de l'entrée du royaume pour %s"],"Update subnets from facts":["Mise à jour des sous-réseaux depuis les facts"],"Update template combination":["Mise à jour de la combinaison de modèle"],"Update the default PXE menu on all configured TFTP servers":["Mise à jour du menu PXE par défaut sur tous les serveurs TFTP configurés"],"Update:":["Mise à jour:"],"Updated":["Mis à jour"],"Updated all hosts!":["Tous les hôtes ont été mis à jour !"],"Updated hosts: Disassociated from VM":["Mise à jour des hôtes : Dissociation de leur VM"],"Updated hosts: changed environment":["Mise à jour des hôtes : l'environnement a changé"],"Updated hosts: changed host group":["Mise à jour des hôtes : le groupe d'hôtes a changé"],"Updated hosts: changed owner":["Mise à jour des hôtes : le propriétaire a changé"],"Upload facts for a host, creating the host if required":["Télécharge les facts d'un hôte, créé l'hôte si besoin"],"Use Gravatar":["Utilisation de Gravatar"],"Use UUID for certificates":["Utilisation des UUID des certificats"],"Use short name for VMs":["Nom court pour les VM"],"Use this account to authenticate, <i>optional</i>":["Utiliser ce compte pour l'authentification, <i>facultatif</i>"],"Use this puppet server as a CA server":["Utiliser ce Puppet Server comme Serveur CA"],"Use this puppet server as an initial Puppet Server or to execute puppet runs":["Utiliser ce serveur Puppet comme serveur Puppet initial ou pour exécuter des puppet runs."],"Used to enforce certain values for the parameter values":["Utilisé pour forcer certaines valeurs pour les valeurs des paramètres"],"User":["Utilisateur"],"User Group":[""],"User Groups":["Groupes utilisateurs"],"User IDs":["ID des utilisateurs"],"User data template":["Modèle de donnée utilisateur"],"User groups":["Groupes utilisateur"],"User groups enable users to log into Foreman and be automatically granted permissions.":[""],"User role":["User role"],"User's preferred locale":["Locale préférée de l'utilisateur"],"User's timezone":["Fuseau horaire de l'utilisateur"],"UserRole|Owner type":["Type de propriétaire"],"Usergroup":["Usergroup"],"Usergroup member":["Usergroup member"],"UsergroupMember|Member type":["Type de membre"],"Usergroup|Admin":["Admin"],"Usergroup|Auth source":["Source d'authentification"],"Usergroup|Name":["Nom"],"Username":["Nom d'utilisateur"],"Username for oVirt, EC2, VMware, OpenStack. Access Key for EC2.":["Nom d'utilisateur pour oVirt, EC2, VMware, OpenStack. Clef d'accès pour EC2."],"Username to use to authenticate, if required":["Nom d'utilisateur pour s'authentifier, si besoin est"],"Users":["Utilisateurs"],"User|Admin":["Administrateur"],"User|Avatar hash":["Hash de l'avatar"],"User|Firstname":["Prénom"],"User|Last login on":["Dernière connexion le"],"User|Lastname":["Nom"],"User|Locale":["Locale"],"User|Login":["Nom d'utilisateur"],"User|Lower login":["Nom d'utilisateur en minuscules"],"User|Mail":["Adresse électronique"],"User|Mail enabled":["Adresse électronique activé"],"User|Password hash":["Hash du Mot de passe"],"User|Password salt":["Sel du mot de passe"],"Uses thin provisioning if unchecked":["Utilise l'allocation granulaire si décoché"],"Using the organization system provides a way to group resources together for easy management. Organizations are particularly useful for Foreman installations where several customers or business units are managed with a single Foreman install.":["L'usage des organisations fournit un moyen de gérer des groupes de ressources plus simplement. Les organisations sont particulièrement adaptées quand Foreman gère plusieurs clients ou business units depuis une seule instance Foreman."],"VCPU(s)":["VCPU(s)"],"VCenter/Server":["VCenter/Serveur"],"VLAN ID for this subnet":["VLAN ID de ce sous-réseau"],"VLAN tag, this attribute has precedence over the subnet VLAN ID. Only for virtual interfaces.":["Tag VLAN. Cet attribut a précédence sur l'ID VLAN du sous-réseau. Seulement pour les interfaces virtuelles."],"VM":["VM"],"VM Attributes":["Attributs de machine virtuelle"],"VM Attributes (%s)":["Attributs de machine virtuelle (%s)"],"VM already associated with a host":["Cette VM est déjà associée à un hôte"],"VM associated to host %s":["Cette VM est associée à l'hôte %s"],"VM is not running!":["La VM n'est pas lancée !"],"VNC/SPICE websocket proxy console access encryption (websockets_ssl_key/cert setting required)":["Chiffrement des accès console VNC/SPICE websocket proxifiées (paramètres websockets_ssl_key/cert requis)"],"Valid from":["Valable depuis"],"Valid host group and environment combinations":["Combinaison valide de groupe d'hôtes et d'environnement"],"Validation types":["Types de validation"],"Value":["Valeur"],"Value to use when there is no match":["Valeur à utiliser quand il n'y a pas de correspondance"],"Value to use when there is no match.":["Valeur à utiliser quand il n'y a pas de correspondance."],"Variable":["Variable"],"Variable lookup key":["Variable de clé de recherche"],"Variables":["Variables"],"Vendor class":["Famille de produits du fournisseur"],"Verify":["Vérifier"],"Version":["Version"],"Version %{version}":["Version %{version}"],"Version %{version} %{copyright} 2009-%{year} Paul Kelly and %{author}":["Version %{version} %{copyright} 2009-%{year} Paul Kelly et %{author}"],"Very Strong":["Très fort"],"View Diff":["Voir le diff"],"View in Foreman:":["Voir dans Foreman :"],"View last report details":["Voir les détails du dernier rapport"],"View list":["Afficher la liste"],"Virtual (NAT)":["Virtuelle (NAT)"],"Virtual H/W version":["Version du matériel virtuelle"],"Virtual Machine":["Machine Virtuelle"],"Virtual Machines":["Machines virtuelles"],"Virtual Machines on %s":["Machines virtuelles sur %s"],"Virtual NIC":["NIC virtuelle"],"Virtual machine settings cannot be edited on an existing machine in %s":["Les paramètres d'une machine virtuelle ne peuvent être édités sur une machine existante en %s"],"WARNING":["WARNING"],"Wait for %s to come online":["En attente de disponibilité en ligne de %s"],"Warning":["Attention"],"Warning!":["Attention !"],"Warning! This will remove %{name} from %{number} user. are you sure?":["",""],"Warning: This will delete this host and all of its data!":["Attention : Cette action va supprimer l'hôte et toutes ses données !"],"Warnings and errors":["Warnings et Erreurs"],"We have not found any documentation for your API.":["Nous n'avons pas trouvé de documentation pour votre API."],"We use Redmine to report and track bugs and feature requests, which can be found here:":["Nous utilisons Redmine comme traqueur de bogues et des nouvelles fonctionnalités. Il est accessible ici :"],"Weak":["Faible"],"Websockets SSL certificate":["Certificat SSL Websockets"],"Websockets SSL key":["Clef SSL Websockets"],"Websockets encryption":["Chiffrement Websockets"],"Weekly":["Hebdomadaire"],"Welcome to Foreman":["Bienvenue sur Foreman"],"What ever text(or ERB template) you use in here, would be used as your OS disk layout options If you want to use the partition table option, delete all of the text from this field":["Quelque soit le texte (ou le modèle ERB) utilisé dans le cadre ci-dessus, ce contenu sera sélectionné comme table de partition. Si vous souhaitez choisir une table de partition prédéfinie, effacez tout le texte de ce cadre."],"When a Host requests a template (e.g. during provisioning), Foreman will select the best match from the available templates of that type, in the following order:":["Quand un hôte demande un modèle (Par ex. pendant le provisioning), Foreman va choisir la meilleure correspondance entre les types de modèles existants selon cet ordre :"],"When a realm is selected for a host, Foreman contacts the relevant realm smart proxy to create an entry for the host and retrieve it's one-time registration password.":["Quand un royaume est sélectionné pour un hôte, Foreman contacte le smart proxy correspondant au royaume afin de créer l'entrée de l'hôte et récupère son mot de passe d'enrôlement."],"When editing a template, you must assign a list of operating systems which this template can be used with. Optionally, you can restrict a template to a list of host groups and/or environments.":["Lors de la modification d'un modèle, vous devez attribuer une liste de systèmes d'exploitation qui peuvent utiliser ce modèle. Vous pouvez également restreindre un modèle à un groupe d'hôtes et/ou des environnements."],"When enabled the parameter is hidden in the UI":["Quand activé, le paramètre est caché dans l'interface"],"When specifying custom value, add 'MB' or 'GB' at the end. Field is not case sensitive and MB is default if unspecified.":["Quand on spécifie une valeur personnalisée, ajouter 'Mo' ou Go' à la fin. Le champ n'est pas sensible à la casse, et Mo est la valeur par défaut si non spécifiée."],"When the role's associated %{taxonomies} are changed,<br> the change will propagate to all inheriting filters.\\n Filters that are set to override <br> will remain untouched. Overriding of role filters can be easily disabled by <br> pressing the \\\"Disable overriding\\\" button.\\n Note that not all filters support <br>%{taxonomies}, so these always remain global.":[""],"When using SSH based provisioning, a special SSH key is created in order to automate the provisioning process.":[""],"When using TLS, you can set how OpenSSL checks the certificate":["Quand on utilise TLS, on peut définir la façon dont OpenSSL vérifie le certificat"],"Whether or not the image supports user data":["Indique si l'image supporte les données utilisateur"],"Whether or not the template is locked for editing":["Indique si le modèle peut être modifié"],"Whether the class parameter value is managed by Foreman.":["Dépend si la valeur du paramètre de classe est géré par Foreman."],"Whether the smart class parameter value is managed by Foreman":["Dépend si le paramètre smart class est géré par Foreman"],"Which is an offset of <b>%s</b>":["Qui est un offset de <b>%s</b>"],"Widget added to dashboard.":["Le module a été ajouté au tableau de bord."],"Widget positions successfully saved.":["Sauvegarde des emplacements des widgets réussie."],"Widget removed from dashboard.":["Le widget a été supprimé du tableau de bord."],"Wiki":["Wiki"],"With user groups, you can group your users and assign them roles on a group basis.":[""],"X509 Certification Authorities":["Autorités de certification X509"],"YAML":["YAML"],"Yes":["Oui"],"You are about to change the default PXE menu on all configured TFTP servers - continue?":["Vous êtes en train de changer le menu PXE par défaut sur tous les serveurs TFTP configurés - continuer ?"],"You are about to override the editor content with a previous version, are you sure?":["Vous êtes sur le point de remplacer le contenu de l'éditeur par une version précédente, êtes-vous sûr de vouloir continuer ?"],"You are about to override the editor content, are you sure?":["Vous êtes sur le point de remplacer le contenu de l'éditeur, êtes-vous sûr de vouloir continuer ?"],"You are about to unlock a locked template.":["Vous êtes sur le point de déverrouiller un modèle verrouillé."],"You are not authorized to lock templates.":["Vous n'êtes pas autorisé à verrouiller les modèles."],"You are not authorized to make a template default.":["Vous n'êtes pas autorisé à définir un modèle par défaut."],"You are not authorized to perform this action.":["Vous n'êtes pas autorisé à effectuer cette action."],"You are trying to delete your own account":["Vous essayez de supprimer votre propre compte"],"You are using an unsupported browser.":["Vous utilisez un navigateur non pris en charge."],"You can add SSH public keys to a user in Foreman.":[""],"You can find The Foreman on the %{freenode} ( network. For general support, please visit #theforeman and for development specific related chat, please visit #theforeman-dev.":["Vous pouvez contacter l'équipe de The Foremann sur le réseau IRC %{freenode} ( Si vous avez besoin de support, merci de visiter #theforeman. Pour la partie développement, veuillez vous rendre sur #theforeman-dev."],"You can select one of the IPAM modes supported by the selected IP protocol:<br/><ul><li><strong>DHCP</strong> - will manage the IP on DHCP through assigned DHCP proxy, auto-suggested IPs come from DHCP <em>(IPv4)</em></li><li><strong>Internal DB</strong> - use internal DB to auto-suggest free IP based on other interfaces on same subnet respecting range if specified, useful mainly with static boot mode <em>(IPv4, IPv6)</em></li><li><strong>EUI-64</strong> - will assign the IPv6 address based on the MAC address of the interface <em>(IPv6)</em></li><li><strong>None</strong> - leave IP management solely on user, no auto-suggestion <em>(IPv4, IPv6)</em></li></ul>":["Vous pouvez choisir entre les modes de l’IPAM pris en charge par le protocole IP sélectionné : <br/> <ul><li><strong>DHCP</strong> - gérera l’adresse IP DHCP via proxy DHCP assigné, IP automatique ex DHCP <em>(IPv4)</em></li> <li><strong>DB Interne</strong> - utilisez DB interne pour auto-suggérer des IP libres basés sur d’autres interfaces sur le même sous-réseau respectant la gamme si spécifié, utile principalement avec boot en mode statique <em>(IPv4, IPv6)</em></li> <li><strong>EUI-64</strong> - assignera l’adresse IPv6 basée sur l’adresse MAC de l’interface <em>(IPv6)</em></li> <li><strong>None</strong> - quitter gestion IP uniquement sur l'utilisateur, pas d’autosuggestion <em>(IPv4, IPv6)</em></li></ul>"],"You can't assign locations to this resource":["Vous ne pouvez pas attribuer un emplacement à cette ressource"],"You can't assign organizations to this resource":["Vous ne pouvez pas attribuer une organisation à cette ressource"],"You cannot delete this user while logged in as this user.":["Vous ne pouvez pas supprimer cette utilisateur temps qu'il est connecté."],"You do not have permission to %s this location parameter":["Vous n'avez pas la permission de %s sur ce paramètre d'emplacement"],"You do not have permission to %s this organization parameter":["Vous n'avez pas la permission de %s sur ce paramètre d'organisation"],"You don't have any visible hosts. Hosts can be added and provisioned from Foreman, or configured to report to Foreman.":["Vous n'avez aucun hôte visible. Les hôtes peuvent être ajoutés et installés par Foreman, ou configurés pour transmettre les rapports à Foreman."],"You don't seem to have any bookmarks.":["Vous ne semblez pas avoir défini de marque-page."],"You don't seem to have any facts yet. If you wish to configure fact pushing, please follow the documentation.":["Vous ne semblez pas avoir encore de fact. Si vous souhaitez configurer la remontée de facts, merci de consulter la documentation."],"You don't seem to have any reports.":["Vous ne semblez pas avoir de rapport."],"You have already logged in":["Vous êtes déjà connecté"],"You may also associate one or more operating systems with this medium or alternatively set this up later on the %s page.":["Vous pouvez aussi associer un ou plusieurs systèmes d'exploitation à ce médium ou encore, définir ces relations plus tard sur la page %s."],"You may also associate one or more operating systems with this partition table or alternatively set this up later on the %s page":["Vous pouvez aussi associer un ou plusieurs systèmes d'exploitation à cette table de partition ou encore, définir ces relations plus tard sur la page %s."],"You may create puppet classes that represent high-level host configurations, for example, a <b>host-type-ldap-server</b> class, which includes all the required functionality from other modules or you may decide to create a host group called <b>host-type-ldap-server</b> and add the required classes into the host group configuration.":["Vous pouvez créer des classes Puppet qui représentent un haut niveau de configuration d'hôte, par exemple, la classe <b>serveur-type-ldap</b> inclue toutes les fonctionnalités requises des autres modules ou vous pouvez décider de créer un groupe d'hôtes <b>serveur-type-ldap</b> et ajouter toutes les classes requises à la configuration de ce groupe d'hôtes."],"You must create a location before continuing.":["Vous devez créer un emplacement avant de continuer."],"You must create an organization before continuing.":["Vous devez créer une organisation avant de continuer."],"You must create at least one location before continuing.":["Vous devez créer au moins un emplacement pour continuer."],"You must create at least one organization before continuing.":["Vous devez créer au moins une organisation pour continuer."],"You must select at least one permission":["Vous devez sélectionner au moins une permission"],"You probably need to configure your %s first.":["Vous devez probablement d'abord configurer vos %s."],"You would probably need to attach the":["Vous aurez probablement besoin d'attacher la"],"Your Foreman user account has been created:":["Votre compte utilisateur Foreman a été créé :"],"Your host has finished building:":["La construction de votre hôte est terminée :"],"Your password is too short":["Votre mot de passe est trop court"],"Your password should not contain sequences":["Votre mot de passe ne doit pas contenir de sequence"],"Your password should not contain that many repetitions":["Votre mot de passe ne doit pas contenir trop de repetition"],"Your password should not contain your email":["Votre mot de pas ne doit pas contenir contenir votre courriel"],"Your password should not contain your username":["Votre mot de passe ne doit pas contenir votre nom d'utilisateur"],"Your password should use characters from different character classes too":["Votre mot de passe doit comporter des caractères issus de différentes classes de caractères également"],"Your session has expired, please login again":["Votre session a expiré, merci de vous reconnecter"],"ZTP PXE template":["Modèle ZTP PXE"],"Zone":["Zone"],"[encrypted]":["[encrypted]"],"a location":["un emplacement"],"add a new matcher":["Ajouter un nouveau matcher"],"add new network interface":["Ajouter une nouvelle interface réseau"],"add new storage volume":["Ajouter un nouveau volume de stockage"],"all":["tout"],"already exists":["existe déjà"],"an organization":["une organisation"],"and":["et"],"array":["tableau"],"belongs to config group":["appartient au groupe de configuration"],"boolean":["booléen"],"boot device, valid devices are disk, cdrom, pxe, bios":["périphérique de démarrage. 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interface of managed host":["Impossible de supprimer l'interface primaire d'un hôte géré"],"can't delete provision interface of managed host":["Impossible de supprimer l'interface de provisioning d'un hôte géré"],"can't find domain with this id":["impossible de trouver un domaine ayant cet id"],"cannot be changed":["Impossible à changer"],"cannot be changed by a non-admin user":["ne peut pas être modifié par un utilisateur non-admin"],"cannot be changed on an internal protected account":["impossible de changer un compte interne protégé"],"cannot be enabled for an unmanaged host":["ne peut pas être activé pour un hôte non managé"],"cannot be removed from an internal protected account":["Impossible de supprimer depuis un compte interne protégé"],"cannot be removed from the last admin account":["Impossible de supprimer le dernier compte Admin"],"clone":["clone"],"comma separated interface identifiers":["Identifiants des interfaces séparés par des virgules"],"comments powered by %{disqus}":["commentaires crées par %{disqus}"],"could not be calculated":[""],"could not be found in %s":["ne peut être trouvé parmis %s"],"could not be generated":[""],"cycle":["cycle"],"default locations need to be user locations first":["Les emplacements par défaut doivent déjà être des emplacements de l'utilisateur"],"default organizations need to be user organizations first":["Les organisations par défaut doivent déjà être des organisations de l'utilisateur"],"defaults to 389":["par défaut à 389"],"does not appear to be a valid nfs mount path":["n’apparaît pas être un point de montage NFS valide"],"does not belong into host's location":["n'appartient pas à l'emplacement de l'hôte"],"does not belong into host's organization":["ne fait pas partie de l'organisation de l'hôte"],"does not belong to subnet":["n'apparait pas au sous-réseau"],"does not have the %s feature":["n'a pas la fonctionnalité %s"],"does not match selected subnet":["Ne correspond pas au sous-réseau 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only":["seulement pour Libvirt et VMware"],"for Libvirt only":["Pour Libvirt seulement"],"for OpenStack only":["seulement pour OpenStack"],"for VMware":["pour VMware"],"for oVirt, VMware Datacenter":["pour oVirt, VMware Datacenter"],"for proxy":["pour le proxy"],"free memory":["mémoire libre"],"from profile %s":["depuis le profil %s"],"further instructions":["instructions complémentaires"],"global":["global"],"groups base DN":["base DN des Groupes"],"has already been taken":["a déjà été choisi"],"has this role already":["possède déjà ce rôle"],"hash":["hash"],"hash containing the facts for the host":["hash contenant les facts de cet hôte"],"host":["hôte"],"host already has primary interface":["L'hôte possède déjà une interface primaire"],"host already has provision interface":["L'hôte possède déjà une interface de provisioning"],"host group":["groupe d'hôtes"],"host group id":["Id du groupe d'hôte"],"host must have one primary interface":["L'hôte doit posséder une interface primaire"],"hostname of the host":["Nom d'hôte de l'hôte"],"iPXE template":["Modèle iPXE"],"in %s":["Dans %s"],"in Progress":["En cours"],"in progress":["en cours"],"included already from parent":["déjà inclus depuis le parent"],"inherit":["hérite"],"integer":["entier"],"interface information":["information de l'interface"],"invalid":["invalide"],"invalid LDAP filter syntax":["Syntaxe du filtre LDAP incorrect"],"invalid architecture for %s":["architecture invalide pour %s"],"invalid host list":["liste d'hôtes invalide"],"invalid medium for %s":["médium invalide pour %s"],"invalid method %s":["méthode invalide pour %s"],"invalid path":["chemin invalide"],"invalid search query: %s":["Requête de recherche invalide : %s"],"invalid time range":["intervalle de temps invalide"],"invalid type %s":["type %s invalide"],"invalid type: %s requested":["type invalide : %s a été demandé"],"is already used by a user account":["est déjà utilisé par un compte utilisateur"],"is an admin account":["est un 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No provisioning template with name \\\"%{name}\\\" and kind \\\"%{kind}\\\" found. ":[""],"is invalid: %s":["est invalide : %s"],"is locked for user modifications.":["est verrouillé contre les modifications d'un utilisateur"],"is not a valid MAC address":["invalide adresse MAC"],"is not allowed to change":["n'est pas autorisé à être changé"],"is not defined for host's %s.":["non défini par %s de l'hôte."],"is not found in the authentication source":["n'est pas trouvé dans la source d'authenfication"],"is not permitted":["n'est pas permis"],"is not valid":["est invalide"],"is too long (maximum is 1 character)":["est trop long (le max est 1 caractère)","est trop long (le max est %s caractères)"],"is too long (maximum is 254 characters)":["est trop long (254 caractères maximum)"],"is unknown":["est inconnu"],"issue tracker":["traqueur de bogue"],"items selected. Uncheck to Clear":["items sélectionnés. Décocher pour Effacer"],"json":["json"],"last %s day":["le %s dernier jour","les %s derniers jours"],"link external user group with this user group":["joindre un group d'utilisateur externe avec ce groupe d'utilisateur"],"list":["liste"],"locale_name":["Français"],"location":["emplacement"],"locations":["emplacements"],"managed host must have one provision interface":["L'hôte géré doit posséder une interface de provisioning"],"message":["message"],"must be a unicast MAC address":["doit correspondre à une adresse MAC unicast"],"must be a valid regexp":["doit etre une expression régulière valide"],"must be an array":["doit être un tableau"],"must be boolean":["doit être un booléen"],"must be comma separated":["doit être séparé par des virgules"],"must be integer":["doit être un entier"],"must be of same resource type (%s) - Role (%s)":[""],"must be of type Subnet::Ipv4.":["doit être du type Subnet::Ipv4."],"must be of type Subnet::Ipv6.":["doit être du type Subnet::Ipv6."],"must be one of [ %s ]":["doit être une des valeurs suivantes [ %s ]"],"must be specified if from is defined":["doit être spécifié si De est défini"],"must be specified if to is defined":["doit être spécifié si À est défini"],"must be true to edit the parameter":["Doit être vrai pour éditer le paramètre"],"must contain valid hostnames":["doit contenir des noms d'hôte valides"],"must not include periods":["ne doit pas contenir de caractères point."],"must only contain alphanumeric or underscore characters":["ne doit contenir que des caractères alphanumériques ou des traits de soulignement"],"must provide a provider":["devez saisir un fournisseur"],"must set host and port":["hôte et port doivent être définis"],"new":["nouveau"],"nil allowed":["nil est autorisé"],"nil means host is bare metal":["nil signifie que l'hôte est un serveur physique"],"no free IP could be found in our DB":["aucune IP libre trouvée dans notre DB"],"no puppet proxy defined - cant continue":["aucun proxy Puppet défini - ne peut continuer"],"no value":["Aucune valeur"],"none":["Aucun"],"not found":["non trouvé"],"not relevant for snippet":["n'est pas applicable pour les snippets"],"not required if using a subnet with DHCP proxy":["n'est pas requis si il s'agit d'un sous-réseau avec proxy DHCP"],"not supported by this protocol":["non supporté par ce protocol"],"number of entries per request":["nombre d'entier par requête"],"oVirt/RHEV template to use":["Modèle oVirt/RHEV à utiliser"],"off":["Arrêt"],"on":["Démarré"],"operating system":["système d'exploitation"],"optional":["facultatif"],"optional: certname of the host":["facultatif : nom de certificat de l'hôte"],"optional: the STI type of host to create":["facultatif : le type STI de l'hôte à créer"],"organization":["organisation"],"organizations":["organisations"],"override":["remplacer"],"paginate results":["paginer les résultats"],"parsing settings type '%s' from string is not defined":["l'analyse du type de settings %s depuis une chaine n'est pas défini"],"password match":["le mot de passe correspond"],"passwords do not match":["Les mots de passe ne correspondent pas"],"pending":["En attente"],"physical":["Physique"],"physical @ NAT %s":["physique associée au NAT %s"],"physical @ bridge %s":["physique associée au pont %s"],"power action, valid actions are (on/start), (off/stop), (soft/reboot), (cycle/reset), (state/status)":["Action sur l'alimentation. Les actions valides sont : (on/start), (off/stop), (soft/reboot), (cycle/reset), (state/status)."],"poweroff":["éteindre"],"ready?":["Prêt ?"],"real":["réel"],"reboot":["redémarrer"],"recreate":["Re-créer"],"regexp":["regexp"],"remove":["supprimer"],"remove network interface":["supprimer l'interface réseau"],"remove storage volume":["supprimer le volume de stockage"],"required":["requis"],"required for managed host that is bare metal, not required if it's a virtual machine":["requis pour les hôtes gérés qui sont des serveurs physiques, non requis pour les machines virtuelles"],"required if host is managed and custom partition has not been defined":["requis si l'hôte est géré et possède une partition spécifique qui n'a pas été définie"],"required if host is managed and value is not inherited from host group":["requis si l'hôte est géré et la valeur n'est pas héritée d'un groupe d'hôtes"],"required if host is managed and value is not inherited from host group or default password in settings":["requis si l'hôte est gérer et la valeur n'est pas héritée d'un groupe d'hôtes ou du mot de passe par défaut défini dans les paramètres généraux"],"required if locations are enabled":["requis si les emplacements sont activés"],"required if not imaged based provisioning and host is managed and value is not inherited from host group":["requis si le provisioningn'est pas basé sur une image que l'hôte est géré et que la valeur n'est pas héritée d'un groupe d'hôtes"],"required if onthefly_register is true":["requis si onthefly_register est vrai"],"required if organizations are enabled":["requis si les organisations sont activées"],"reset":["reset"],"revoked":["révoqué"],"select an owner":["sélectionner un propriétaire"],"setting up reporting":["Configurer les rapports"],"should be 8 characters or more":["devrait être 8 caractères ou plus"],"should be a single line":[""],"should not be blank - consider setting a global or host group default":["ne doit pas être vide - songez à définir un groupe d'hôtes global ou un groupe d'hôtes par défaut"],"soft":["logiciel"],"some interfaces are invalid":["des interfaces sont invalides"],"some permissions were not found":[""],"sort results":["trier les resultats"],"space separated options, e.g. miimon=100":["Options séparées par des espaces. Ex : miimon=100"],"start":["Démarrage"],"state":["État "],"status":["status"],"status type, can be one of\\n* global\\n* configuration\\n* build\\n":["le type de statut est l'un de ceux-ci :\\n* global\\n* configuration\\n* build\\n"],"stop":["Arrêt"],"string":["chaîne"],"subnet":["sous-réseau"],"subnet boot mode is not %s":["Le mode de démarrage du sous-réseau n'est pas %s"],"sync external user groups on login":["Synchroniser les groupes externes à la connexion"],"template name":["Nom de modèle"],"template version":["version de modèle"],"these hosts for a build operation on next boot":["ces hôtes pour une installation au prochain redémarrage"],"type of the LDAP server":["Type de serveur LDAP"],"unable to find %{type} template for %{host} running %{os}":["impossible de trouver le modèle %{type} pour %{host} fonctionnant avec %{os}"],"unable to sign a non pending certificate":["Impossible de signer un certificat qui n'est pas en attente"],"unknown network_type":["network_type inconnu"],"unknown parent permission for %s":["Permission parent inconnue pour %s"],"unknown permission %s":["Permission %s inconnue"],"unknown permission for %s":["Permission inconnue pour %s"],"unknown provider":["fournisseur inconnu"],"unspecified":["indéterminé"],"used memory":["mémoire utilisée"],"using %s":["utilisation de %s"],"using %{allocation} GB out of %{capacity} GB, %{pool_name} storage pool":["utilise %{allocation} Go sur %{capacity} Go, pool de stockage %{pool_name}"],"valid":["valide"],"valid or pending":["valide ou en attente"],"virtual":["Virtuel"],"virtual attached to %s":["virtuelle attachée à %s"],"yaml":["yaml"],"you can't assign some of roles you selected":["Vous ne pouvez attribuer certains des rôles sélectionnés"],"you can't change administrator flag":["Vous ne pouvez pas changer le flag administrateur"],"you cannot remove %s that are used by hosts or inherited.":["Vous ne pouvez pas supprimer %s qui est utilisé par des hôtes ou hérité."]}}};
var locales = locales || {}; locales['gl'] = {"domain":"app","locale_data":{"app":{"":{"Project-Id-Version":"Foreman","Report-Msgid-Bugs-To":"","PO-Revision-Date":"2017-08-03 17:20+0000","Last-Translator":"Lukáš Zapletal","Language-Team":"Galician (","MIME-Version":"1.0","Content-Type":"text/plain; charset=UTF-8","Content-Transfer-Encoding":"8bit","Language":"gl","Plural-Forms":"nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);","lang":"gl","domain":"app","plural_forms":"nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);"}," Remove":["Eliminar"],"%s - Press Shift-F12 to release the cursor.":["%s - Presione Shift-F12 para libera-lo cursor."],"%s - The following hosts are about to be changed":["%s - Os seguintes equipos están a piques de ser modificados"],"%s Distribution":["%s Distribución"],"%s Parameters updated, see below for more information":["%s Parámetros actualizados, mira a continuación para máis información"],"%s Template":["%s Plantilla"],"%s VM associated to a host":["",""],"%s active feature":["",""],"%s ago":["Fai %s"],"%s console is not supported at this time":["Terminal de %s non está soportada polo de agora"],"%s core":["",""],"%s day ago":["Fai %s día","Fai %s días"],"%s error message":["",""],"%s has been disassociated from VM":[""],"%s host":["",""],"%s is an unknown attribute":[""],"%s is not a valid DNS record type":[""],"%s is not in environment":[""],"%s log message":["",""],"%s minute ago":["Fai %s minuto","Fai %s minutos"],"%s month ago":["Fai %s mes","Fai %s meses"],"%s selected hosts":["%s equipos seleccionados"],"%s warning message":["",""],"%s week ago":["Fai %s semana","Fai %s semanas"],"%s widget loading...":[""],"%{app_name} API documentation homepage":[""],"%{config_type} rebuild failed for host: %{host_names}.":["",""],"%{controller}: %{host}'s operating system %{os} has no OS family":[""],"%{controller}: %{host}'s operating system is missing":[""],"%{controller}: unable to find a host that matches the request from %{addr}":[""],"%{cores} Cores and %{memory} memory":[""],"%{count} host with no %{taxonomy_single} assigned":["%{count} equipo sen %{taxonomy_single} asignada","%{count} equipos sen %{taxonomy_single} asignada"],"%{cpus} CPUs and %{memory} MB memory":[""],"%{cpus} CPUs and %{memory} memory":[""],"%{e} does not belong to the %{environment} environment":[""],"%{host} is about to %{action}":[""],"%{host} now boots from %{device}":["%{host} agora arranca dende %{device}"],"%{id} plugin requires Foreman %{matcher} but current is %{current}":[""],"%{id} plugin requires the %{plugin_name} plugin %{matcher} but current is %{plugin_version}":[""],"%{id} plugin requires the %{plugin_name} plugin, not found":[""],"%{image} needs user data, but %{os_link} is not associated to any provisioning template of the kind user_data. Please associate it with a suitable template or uncheck 'User data' for %{compute_resource_image_link}.":[""],"%{key} does not exist in order field":[""],"%{match} does not match an existing host":[""],"%{match} does not match an existing host group":[""],"%{model} with id '%{id}' was not found":[""],"%{name} changed from %{label1} to %{label2}":["%{name} cambiou de %{label1} a %{label2}"],"%{name} has %{num_tag} class":["",""],"%{os} medium was not set for host '%{host}'":[""],"%{record} is being used by a hidden %{what} resource":[""],"%{record} is used by %{what}":[""],"%{record} is used by host in build mode %{what}":[""],"%{resource_name} not found by id '%{id}'":[""],"%{task} task failed with the following error: %{e}":["Fallaron %{task} tareas co erro: %{e}"],"%{taxonomy_type} %{taxonomy_name} has %{count} host that will need to be reassociated after deletion. Delete %{taxonomy_name2}?":["",""],"%{type} %{conflicts} already exists":[""],"%{user} Downloaded %{key} as pem file":[""],"%{value} does not belong to %{os} operating system":["%{value} non pertence ó sistema operativo %{os}"],"%{value} is not a valid controller":["%{value} non é un controlador válido"],"%{value} is not one of %{rules}":["%{value} non é unha de %{rules}"],"%{vm} is now %{vm_state}":["%{vm} agora está %{vm_state}"],"&laquo;":[""],"&raquo;":[""],"'%{host}' could be deleted or '%{resource}' is not responding.":["'%{host}' puido ser eliminado ou '%{resource}' non está respondendo."],"'%{host}' not found on '%{resource}'":["'%{host}' non atopado en '%{resource}'"],"'%{loader}' is not one of %{loaders}":[""],"'Content-Type: %s' is unsupported in API v2 for POST and PUT requests. Please use 'Content-Type: application/json'.":[""],"(Miscellaneous)":[""],"(optional) IAM Role for Fog to use when creating this image.":["(opcional) Rol IAM para Fog para utilizar cando se crea esta imaxe"],"*Clear %s proxy*":[""],"*Clear environment*":["*Limpar entorno*"],"*Clear host group*":["*Limpar grupo de equipos*"],"*Inherit from host group*":["*Herdado dende grupo de equipos*"],", relevant log entries, and it is highly recommended to also attach the foreman-debug output.":[""],":foreman_url is not set, please configure in the Foreman Web UI (Administer -> Settings -> General)":[""],"<b class='select_count'>0</b> selected":["<b class='select_count'>0</b> seleccionados"],"<b style=\\\"color: #6bb5df;\\\">%{disabled_sum}</b>\\n <p>Disabled</p>":["",""],"<b style=\\\"color: #6bb5df;\\\">%{hosts_sum}</b>\\n <p>Changed</p>":["",""],"<b style=\\\"color: #6bb5df;\\\">%{out_of_sync_sum}</b>\\n <p>Out of sync</p>":["",""],"<b>Description:</b> %{desc}<br/>\\n <b>Type:</b> %{type}<br/>\\n <b>Matcher:</b> %{matcher}<br/>\\n <b>Inherited value:</b> %{inherited_value}":[""],"<b>Foreman API v1 is deprecated. Please use v2.</b><br />If you still need to use v1, you may do so by either passing 'version=1' in the Accept Header or using api/v1/ in the URL.":[""],"<b>Foreman</b> Build Complete":[""],"<b>Foreman</b> Puppet error report":[""],"<b>Foreman</b> Puppet summary":[""],"<b>Foreman</b> audit summary":[""],"<b>Foreman</b> test email":[""],"<b>Source:</b> %{type} %{name}":[""],"<dl><dt>List</dt> <dd>A list of the allowed values, specified in the Validator rule field.</dd><dt>Regexp</dt> <dd>Validates the input with the regular expression in the Validator rule field.</dd></dl>":["<dl><dt>Lista</dt> <dd>Unha lista dos valores permitidos, especificados no Campo de regras de validación.</dd><dt>Regexp</dt> <dd>Valida a entrada coa expresión regular do campo de regras de validación.</dd></dl>"],"<dl><dt>String</dt> <dd>Everything is taken as a string.</dd><dt>Boolean</dt> <dd>Common representation of boolean values are accepted.</dd><dt>Integer</dt> <dd>Integer numbers only, can be negative.</dd><dt>Real</dt> <dd>Accept any numerical input.</dd><dt>Array</dt> <dd>A valid JSON or YAML input, that must evaluate to an array.</dd><dt>Hash</dt> <dd>A valid JSON or YAML input, that must evaluate to an object/map/dict/hash.</dd><dt>YAML</dt> <dd>Any valid YAML input.</dd><dt>JSON</dt> <dd>Any valid JSON input.</dd></dl>":["<dl><dt>Cadena</dt> <dd>Todo é tratado coma unha cadena.</dd><dt>Booleano</dt> <dd>A representación común das variables booleanas está permitida.</dd><dt>Integer</dt> <dd>Solamente números enteiros poden ser negativos.</dd><dt>Real</dt> <dd>Acepta calquer valor numérico.</dd><dt>Arreglo</dt> <dd>Unha entrada válida de YAML ou JSON, debe ser evaluada para introducir en un arreglo.</dd><dt>Hash</dt> <dd>Unha entrada válida de YAML ou JSON, debe ser evaluada para introducir nun obxeto/mapa/dict/hash.</dd><dt>YAML</dt> <dd>Calquer entrada YAML válida.</dd><dt>JSON</dt> <dd>Calquer entrada JSON válida.</dd></dl>"],"A Foreman user group can be associated to a group stored in an LDAP server, so membership of the LDAP group automatically adds the user to the Foreman user group.":[""],"A host group is in some ways similar to an inherited node declaration, in that it is a high level grouping of classes that can be named and treated as a unit. This is then treated as a template and is selectable during the creation of a new host and ensures that the host is configured in one of your pre-defined states.":["Un grupo de equipos é, dalgunha forma, similar a unha declaración de nodo heredada, este é un grupo de alto nivel de clases que poden ser chamadas e tratadas coma unha unidade. Entón trátase coma unha plantilla e pódese seleccionar durante a creación dun novo equipo e asegúrase de que ou equipo se configura nun dos estados predefinidos."],"A medium represents the source of one or more operating system's installation files, accessible via the network.\\n It will probably be a mirror from the internet or a copy of one or more CD or DVDs.":[""],"A partition table entry represents either":["Unha entrada na tabla de particións representa ambos"],"A problem occurred when detecting host type: %s":["Ocorreu un problema detectando ou tipo de equipo: %s"],"A script to dynamically calculate the desired sizes. E.G.":["Un script para calcular dinámicamente os tamaños desexados. Exemplo"],"A user group already exists with this name":["Xa existe un grupo con este nome"],"API Key":["Chave API"],"API documentation":[""],"About":["Acerca de"],"Access Key":["Chave de Acceso"],"Access denied":[""],"Access unattended without build":[""],"Account":[""],"Acquire IP addresses for %s":[""],"Action":["Acción"],"Actions":["Accións"],"Active":["Activo"],"Active Hosts":["Equipos Activos"],"Active features":[""],"Active key":[""],"Add Autosign entry":[""],"Add Bookmark":["Engadir Marcador"],"Add Interface":["Engadir Interfaz"],"Add Matcher":[""],"Add Parameter":["Engadir Parámetro"],"Add Trend Counter":["Engadir Contador de Tendencia"],"Add Variable":["Engadir Variable"],"Add Volume":["Engadir Volume"],"Add a CD-ROM drive to the virtual machine.":[""],"Add a Puppet class to host":[""],"Add a Puppet class to host group":[""],"Add a template combination":[""],"Add combination":["Engadir combinación"],"Add external user group":[""],"Add filter":[""],"Add to dashboard":[""],"Add widgets":[""],"Add:":["Engadir:"],"Adding would cause a cycle!":[""],"Additional Information":["Información adicional"],"Additional compute resource specific attributes for the interface.":[""],"Additional compute resource specific attributes.":[""],"Additional information about this host":["Información adicional deste equipo"],"Address to connect to":[""],"Admin permissions required":[""],"Administer":[""],"Administrator email address":[""],"Administrator user account required":[""],"Alert":["Alerta"],"Alerts disabled":["Alertas deshabilitadas"],"Alias or VLAN device":[""],"All":[""],"All Puppet Classes for %s":["Tódalas Clases Puppet para %s"],"All Reports":["Tódolos Informes"],"All compute resources":[""],"All domains":[""],"All environments":[""],"All environments - (not filtered)":[""],"All host groups":[""],"All hosts":[""],"All hosts data matches configurations for locations and organizations.":["Toda a información dos equipos coincide coa configuración de ubicacións e organizacións."],"All hosts previously with no %{single} are now assigned to %{name}":["Tódolos equipos previamente sen %{single} foron agora asignados a %{name}"],"All hosts will show a configuration status even when a Puppet smart proxy is not assigned":[""],"All items":["Tódolos elementos"],"All media":[""],"All messages":["Tódalas mensaxes"],"All mismatches between hosts and %s have been fixed":["Tódalas discordancias entre equipos e %s foron arranxadas"],"All mismatches between hosts and locations/organizations have been fixed":["Tódalas discordancias entre equipos e lugares/organizacións foron arranxadas"],"All partition tables":[""],"All provisioning templates":[""],"All realms":[""],"All smart proxies":[""],"All subnets":[""],"All users":[""],"Allocated":["Asignado"],"Allocation (GB)":[""],"Allow access to unattended URLs without build mode being used":[""],"Allow external network as main network":[""],"Allowed methods or members":[""],"Always show configuration status":[""],"An IP address will be auto-suggested if you have enabled IPAM on the IPv4 subnet selected above.<br/><br/>The IP address can be left blank when:<br/><ul><li>provisioning tokens are enabled</li><li>the domain does not manage DNS</li><li>the subnet does not manage reverse DNS</li><li>and the subnet does not manage DHCP reservations</li></ul>":[""],"An IP address will be auto-suggested if you have enabled IPAM on the IPv6 subnet selected above.":[""],"An email address is required, please update your account details":[""],"An error occurred while testing the connection: ":[""],"An explicit layout for the partitions of your hard drive(s). E.G.":["Un esquema explícito de particións do disco(s), como por exemplo"],"An invalid response was received while requesting available features from this proxy":[""],"Annotation Notes":[""],"Annotation notes":[""],"Anonymous admin user %s is missing, run foreman-rake db:seed":[""],"Any Context":["Calquer Contexto"],"Any Location":["Calquer Lugar"],"Any Organization":["Calquer Organización"],"Applicable Operating Systems":[""],"Applied":["Aplicado"],"Applied|A":["A"],"Architecture":["Arquitectura"],"Architecture Distribution":["Distribución de Arquitectura"],"Architecture ID":[""],"Architectures":["Arquitecturas"],"Architecture|Hostgroups count":[""],"Architecture|Hosts count":[""],"Architecture|Name":["Nome"],"Are you sure you want to %{act} %{vm}?":[""],"Are you sure you want to delete host %s? This action is irreversible.":[""],"Are you sure you want to delete host %s? This will delete the virtual machine and its disks, and is irreversible.":[""],"Are you sure you want to delete this widget from your dashboard?":[""],"Are you sure you want to log out?":[""],"Are you sure you want to power %{act} %{vm}?":[""],"Are you sure?":["¿Estás seguro?"],"Array of extra information types to include":[""],"Array of host IDs to associate with the partition table":[""],"Array of host group IDs to associate with the partition table":[""],"Array of operating system IDs to associate with the partition table":[""],"Array of operating system IDs to associate with the template":[""],"Array of parameters":[""],"Array of parameters (name, value)":[""],"Array of template combinations (hostgroup_id, environment_id)":[""],"Assign All":["Asignar a todos"],"Assign Hosts to %s":["Asignar equipos a %s"],"Assign Location":["Asignar Lugar"],"Assign Organization":["Asignar Organización"],"Assign Selected Hosts":["Asignar Equipos Seleccionados"],"Assign the %{count} host with no %{taxonomy_single} to %{taxonomy_name}":["Asignar %{count} equipo sen %{taxonomy_single} a %{taxonomy_name)","Asignar %{count} equipo sen %{taxonomy_single} a %{taxonomy_name)"],"Assign to %s":["Asignar a %s"],"Assigning hosts to %{taxonomy_name} will also update %{taxonomy_name} to include all the resources that the selected hosts are currently using.":["Asignando equipos a %{taxonomy_name} tamén actualizará %{taxonomy_name} para incluir tódolos recursos que están utilizando actualmente os equipos seleccionados."],"Associate VM":[""],"Associate VM to a Foreman host":[""],"Associate VMs":[""],"Associate VMs to Foreman hosts":[""],"Associate VMs to Hosts":[""],"Association":["Asociación"],"At least one volume must be specified for image-based provisioning.":[""],"Attempting to construct an operating system image filename but %s cannot be built from an image":["Intentouse xenerar un arquivo coa imaxe do sistema operativo pero %s non permite a súa creación dende unha imaxe."],"Attribute mappings":[""],"Attribute type":[""],"Audit":[""],"Audit Comment":["Comentario de auditoría"],"Audit summary":[""],"Audited::Adapters::ActiveRecord::Audit|Action":["Acción"],"Audited::Adapters::ActiveRecord::Audit|Associated name":["Nome asociado"],"Audited::Adapters::ActiveRecord::Audit|Associated type":["Tipo asociado"],"Audited::Adapters::ActiveRecord::Audit|Auditable name":["Nome auditable"],"Audited::Adapters::ActiveRecord::Audit|Auditable type":["Tipo auditable"],"Audited::Adapters::ActiveRecord::Audit|Audited changes":["Cambios auditados"],"Audited::Adapters::ActiveRecord::Audit|Comment":["Comentario"],"Audited::Adapters::ActiveRecord::Audit|Remote address":["Dirección remota"],"Audited::Adapters::ActiveRecord::Audit|User type":["Tipo de usuario"],"Audited::Adapters::ActiveRecord::Audit|Username":["Nome de usuario"],"Audited::Adapters::ActiveRecord::Audit|Version":["Versión"],"Audits":["Auditoría"],"Auth source":["Fonte de 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too":["Autoriza-la delegación de login coa variable de entorno REMOTE_USER para chamadas da API tamén."],"Authorized by":["Autorizado por"],"Auto refresh off":[""],"Auto refresh on":[""],"Automatic":[""],"Autosign":["Autofirmado"],"Autosign entries":[""],"Autosign entry name":[""],"Availability zone":[""],"Available Classes":["Clases disponibles"],"Available Config Groups":[""],"Available Providers":[""],"Average memory usage":["Promedio do uso de memoria"],"Average swap usage":["Promedio de uso da memoria de intercambio"],"Avoid duplicate values when merging them (only array type)?":[""],"BIOS":["BIOS"],"BMC":["BMC"],"BMC credentials access":[""],"BMC password usage":[""],"Back":["Atrás"],"Back to host":["Volver a equipo"],"Back to host list":["Volver a lista de equipos"],"Backtrace":[""],"Bare Metal":["Servidor Físico"],"Base DN":[""],"Before you proceed to using Foreman you should provide information about one or more architectures.":["Antes de empezar a usar Foreman débese insertar información acerca dunha ou máis arquitecturas."],"Bond":[""],"Bond mode of the interface, e.g. balance-rr. Only for bond interfaces.":[""],"Bookmark":["Marcador"],"Bookmark this search":["Gardar esta búsqueda en marcadores"],"Bookmark was successfully created.":["O marcador creouse correctamente."],"Bookmark was successfully updated.":["O marcador actualizouse correctamente."],"Bookmarks":["Marcadores"],"Bookmarks are saved search queries. 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Foreman also supports the Solaris operating system family, which includes <b>sparc</b> based systems.":["Cada entrada representa unha arquitectura de hardware, as máis comúns son <b>x86_64</b> ou <br>i386</b>. 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If these features come from a Smart Proxy plugin, make sure Foreman has the plugin installed too.":[""],"Feature|Name":["Nome"],"Fetch TFTP boot files for %s":["Recolectar arquivos de arranque TFTP para %s"],"Filter":["Filtro"],"Filter by level:":[""],"Filter by name":[""],"Filter by state:":[""],"Filter classes":["Clases de filtro"],"Filter overriding has been disabled":[""],"Filters":["Filtros"],"Filters for role %s":[""],"Filters inherit %{orgs_and_locs} from their role by default. If override field is enabled, <br> filter can override the set of its %{orgs_and_locs}. Later role changes will not affect <br> such filter. After disabling override field, role %{orgs_and_locs} apply again.":[""],"Filters overriding has been disabled":[""],"Filter|Override":[""],"Filter|Permissions":[""],"Filter|Resource":[""],"Filter|Search":[""],"Filter|Taxonomy search":[""],"Filter|Unlimited":[""],"Fingerprint":["Huella"],"Finish template":[""],"Firmware":[""],"Fix %s on Mismatch":["Correxir %s en discordancias"],"Fix All Mismatches":["Arreglar tódalas discordancias"],"Fix DB cache":[""],"Fix DB cache on next Foreman restart":[""],"Fix Mismatches":["Arreglar discordancias"],"Flavor":["Sabor"],"Floating IP network":["Rede IP flotante"],"Folder":[""],"Follow %{href} on how to describe your controllers.":[""],"For example, if you have copied several Red Hat release disks into a directory structure where the disk images are named 5.8 or 6.2, and each contained both x86_64 and i386 binaries, then you\\n could create a single medium entry describing them all.\\n The entry, which could be just named 'Red Hat' could contain a path like this <em>'http://server/redhat/$version/$arch'</em>":[""],"For more info visit our documentation.":[""],"For more information":[""],"Force a Puppet agent run on the host":[""],"Foreman API v2 is currently the default API version.":[""],"Foreman Developers":["Desenroladores de Foreman"],"Foreman URL":[""],"Foreman Users":["Usuarios de Foreman"],"Foreman audit summary":[""],"Foreman can store information about the networking setup of a host that it’s provisioning, which can be used to configure the virtual machine, assign the correct IP addresses and network resources, then configure the OS correctly during the provisioning process.":[""],"Foreman can use LDAP based service for user information and authentication.":["Foreman pode usar un servicio LDAP para autenticación e información de usuarios."],"Foreman considers a domain and a DNS zone as the same thing.":[""],"Foreman domain ID of interface. Required for primary interfaces on managed hosts.":[""],"Foreman host group matchers will be inherited by children when evaluating smart class parameters":[""],"Foreman now manages the build cycle for %s":["Foreman agora controla ou ciclo de vida de %s"],"Foreman now no longer manages the build cycle for %s":["Foreman xa non xestiona o ciclo de creación para %s"],"Foreman report creation time is <em>%s</em>":["O tempo de creación do informe de Foreman é <em>%s</em>"],"Foreman smart variables will be exposed via the ENC yaml output":[""],"Foreman subnet ID of IPv4 interface":[""],"Foreman subnet ID of IPv6 interface":[""],"Foreman supports automatically creating realm entries for new hosts.":[""],"Foreman supports creating and managing hosts on a number of virtualization and cloud services - referred to as “compute resources” - as well as bare metal hosts.":[""],"Foreman test email":[""],"Foreman ticketing system":["Sistema de tickets de Foreman"],"Foreman will automate certificate signing upon provision of new host":[""],"Foreman will create the host when a report is received":[""],"Foreman will create the host when new facts are received":[""],"Foreman will default to this puppet environment if it cannot auto detect one":[""],"Foreman will delete virtual machine if provisioning script ends with non zero exit code":[""],"Foreman will evaluate host smart variables in this order by default":[""],"Foreman will explicitly set the puppet environment in the ENC yaml output. This will avoid conflicts between the environment in puppet.conf and the environment set in Foreman":[""],"Foreman will map users by username in request-header. If this is set to false, OAuth requests will have admin rights.":[""],"Foreman will not send this parameter in classification output, replaces use_puppet_default":[""],"Foreman will not send this parameter in classification output.":[""],"Foreman will not send this parameter in classification output. 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Visit Settings to disable this feature.":[""],"Generated %s ago":["Xerado fai %s"],"Generated at %s":["Xerado ás %s"],"Get ENC values of host":[""],"Get configuration status of host":[""],"Get dashboard details":[""],"Get default dashboard widgets":[""],"Get statistics":[""],"Get status of host":[""],"Get vm attributes of host":[""],"Global":["Global"],"Global Parameters":["Parámetros Globais"],"Global default %s template":[""],"Global default %s template. This template gets deployed to all configured TFTP servers. It will not be affected by upgrades.":[""],"Global functions":[""],"Global methods (functions)":[""],"Global parameters":[""],"Global status changed from %{from} to %{to}":[""],"Global variables":[""],"Good host reports in the last %s":["Informes satisfactorios nos últimos %s"],"Google Project ID":[""],"Groups base DN":[""],"Guest OS":[""],"HELO/EHLO domain":[""],"Hardware":["Hardware"],"Hardware Model":["Modelo de Hardware"],"Hardware Models":["Modelos de Hardware"],"Hardware models":[""],"Hash function to use. Change takes effect for new or updated hosts.":[""],"Hash of report metrics, can be just {}":[""],"Hash of status type totals":[""],"Help":["Axuda"],"Hidden value":[""],"Hide all values for this parameter.":[""],"Hide this value":[""],"Hint data is missing":[""],"History":["Historial"],"Host":["Equipo"],"Host %s is built":[""],"Host %s is not associated with a VM":[""],"Host Configuration Chart":[""],"Host Configuration Status":["Estado de Configuración do Equipo"],"Host Group Distribution":[""],"Host Groups":["Grupos de Equipos"],"Host audit entries":["Rexistros de auditoría de Equipo"],"Host config group":[""],"Host details":["Detalles do Equipo"],"Host group":["Grupo de Equipos"],"Host group / Environment":["Grupo de Equipos / Entorno"],"Host group IDs":[""],"Host group and Environment":["Grupo de Equipos e Entorno"],"Host group configuration":["Configuración de Grupo de Equipos"],"Host group matchers inheritance":[""],"Host group only":["Solo Grupo de Equipos"],"Host group parameters":["Parámetros de Grupo de Equipos"],"Host groups":["Grupo de Equipos"],"Host owner":[""],"Host owner is invalid":[""],"Host parameters":[""],"Host reported time is <em>%s</em>":["O tempo de informe do equipo é <em>%s</em>"],"Host times seem to be adrift!":[""],"Host's network interfaces.":[""],"Host's owner type":[""],"Host's parameters (array or indexed hash)":[""],"Host::Base|Build":["Construir"],"Host::Base|Certname":["Nome de Certificado"],"Host::Base|Comment":["Comentario"],"Host::Base|Disk":["Disco"],"Host::Base|Enabled":["Habilitado"],"Host::Base|Grub pass":[""],"Host::Base|Image file":["Arquivo de imaxe"],"Host::Base|Installed at":["Instalado en"],"Host::Base|Ip":["Dirección IP"],"Host::Base|Last compile":["Última compilación"],"Host::Base|Last freshcheck":["Último refresco"],"Host::Base|Last report":["Último informe"],"Host::Base|Mac":["Dirección MAC"],"Host::Base|Managed":["Xestionado"],"Host::Base|Name":["Nome"],"Host::Base|Otp":[""],"Host::Base|Owner type":["Tipo de propietario"],"Host::Base|Primary interface":[""],"Host::Base|Provision method":[""],"Host::Base|Puppet status":["Estado de Puppet"],"Host::Base|Root pass":["Contrasinal de Root"],"Host::Base|Serial":["Número de serie"],"Host::Base|Use image":["Usar imaxe"],"Host::Base|Uuid":["Uuid"],"HostConfigGroup|Host type":[""],"Hostgroup":["Grupo de Equipos"],"Hostgroup|Ancestry":["Ascendencia"],"Hostgroup|Grub pass":[""],"Hostgroup|Image file":["Arquivo de imaxe"],"Hostgroup|Name":["Nome"],"Hostgroup|Root pass":["Contrasinal de Root"],"Hostgroup|Title":[""],"Hostgroup|Use image":["Usar imaxe"],"Hostgroup|Vm defaults":["Máquinas Virtuais predeterminadas"],"Hostname":[""],"Hostname or certname":[""],"Hostname:":[""],"Hosts":["Equipos"],"Hosts created after a puppet run that did not send a location fact will be placed in this location":[""],"Hosts created after a puppet run that did not send a organization fact will be placed in this organization":[""],"Hosts created after a puppet run will be placed in the location this fact dictates. 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Only for virtual interfaces.":[""],"Identifiers of attached interfaces, e.g. `['eth1', 'eth2']`. For bond interfaces those are the slaves. Only for bond and bridges interfaces.":[""],"Idle timeout":[""],"If ERB is used in a parameter value, the validation of the value will happen during the ENC request. If the value is invalid, the ENC request will fail.":[""],"If Foreman is running behind Passenger or a remote load balancer, the IP should be set here. This is a regular expression, so it can support several load balancers, i.e: (|":[""],"If checked, will raise an error if there is no default value and no matcher provide a value.":["Se está seleccionado, mostrará un erro se non existe valor predeterminado e ningún 'matcher' proporciona un valor."],"If owner type is specified, owner must be specified too.":[""],"If true, will raise an error if there is no default value and no matcher provide a value":[""],"If you are planning to use Foreman as an external node classifier you should provide information about one or more environments. 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Please quote strings like true/false and yes/no in config/ignored_environments.yml.":[""],"Ignored environments: %s":[""],"Ignored:":[""],"Image":["Imaxe"],"Image Based":["Basado en Imaxe"],"Image ID":["ID imaxe"],"Image ID as provided by the compute resource, e.g. ami-..":["ID da imaxe facilitado pola instancia, exemplo: ami-..."],"Image path":[""],"Image to use":[""],"Images":["Imaxes"],"Image|Iam role":["Eu son rol"],"Image|Name":["Nome"],"Image|Password":[""],"Image|User data":[""],"Image|Username":["Usuario"],"Image|Uuid":["Uuid"],"Import":["Importar"],"Import IPv4 subnets":[""],"Import VM %s":[""],"Import classes from %s":[""],"Import environments from %s":[""],"Import of facts failed for host %s":[""],"Import puppet classes from puppet proxy for an environment":[""],"Import puppet classes from puppet proxy.":[""],"Imported IPv4 Subnets":[""],"In addition to defining which puppet classes get included when building this host type you are also able to assign variables and provisioning information to a host group to further refine the behavior of the puppet runtime.":["Ademáis de definir que clases de Puppet se incluirán ao construir este tipo de equipo, tamén se poden asignar variables e información de aprovisionamento para un grupo de equipos para ademáis refinar o comportamiento do tempo de execución de Puppet."],"In order to create the SSH key, the user must be saved first. A 'create_ssh_keys' permission is required too.":[""],"In-line code syntax":[""],"Include default value when merging all matching values":[""],"Include default value when merging all matching values.":[""],"Include this host within Foreman reporting":["Inclúe este equipo non informe de Foreman"],"Included Classes":["Clases incluidas"],"Included Config Groups":[""],"Incorrect password":[""],"Incorrect username or password":["Nome de usuario ou contrasinal incorrectos"],"Independent - Nonpersistent":[""],"Independent - Persistent":[""],"Infrastructure":[""],"Inherit parent (%s)":[""],"Inherited Classes from %s":[""],"Inherits from subnet VLAN ID if not set":[""],"Input":[""],"Installation Media":["Medio de Instalación"],"Installation media":["Medio de Instalación"],"Installation medium configuration":["Configuración do Medio de Instalación"],"Installed":[""],"Interface":["Interface"],"Interface is down":[""],"Interface is up":[""],"Interface provider, e.g. IPMI. Only for BMC interfaces.":[""],"Interface type, e.g. bmc. 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Please consider cloning it instead.":[""],"Item":["Artigo"],"Iterating":[""],"JSON VM listing is not supported for this compute resource.":[""],"JSON object of the scheduler hint":[""],"Keep selected hosts for a future action":[""],"Key Binding":["Combinación de teclas"],"Key not connected to any compute resource":[""],"Key pair":["Par de chaves"],"Key used with other compute resource":[""],"KeyPair|Name":["Nome"],"KeyPair|Public":[""],"KeyPair|Secret":["Contrasinal"],"Kind":["Clase"],"LDAP Authentication":["Autenticación LDAP"],"LDAP authentication":[""],"LDAP authentication sources":[""],"LDAP error - %{message}":[""],"LDAP filter":[""],"LDAP server":[""],"LDAP users will have their Foreman account automatically created the first time they log into Foreman":[""],"Language":[""],"Last Report":[""],"Last report":["Último informe"],"Last updated %s ago":["Última actualización fai %s"],"Latest Events":["Últimos Eventos"],"Learn more about this in the documentation.":[""],"Legacy Puppet 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source":[""],"List all external user groups for user group":[""],"List all fact values":[""],"List all fact values of a given host":[""],"List all filters":[""],"List all global parameters.":[""],"List all hardware models":[""],"List all host groups":[""],"List all host groups for a Puppet class":[""],"List all host groups per location":[""],"List all host groups per organization":[""],"List all hosts":[""],"List all hosts for a host group":[""],"List all images for a compute resource":[""],"List all images for architecture":[""],"List all images for operating system":[""],"List all installation media":[""],"List all interfaces for domain":[""],"List all interfaces for host":[""],"List all interfaces for subnet":[""],"List all media for an operating system":[""],"List all media per location":[""],"List all media per organization":[""],"List all operating systems":[""],"List all operating systems for nested architecture":[""],"List all operating systems for nested medium":[""],"List all 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%{organizations}.":[""],"Locations are used to manage and differentiate the physical place where a system managed via Foreman is housed. For example, there might be a data center in London and one in Virginia; these are locations.":[""],"Lock":[""],"Log In":[""],"Log entry details":[""],"Log out":[""],"Log out idle users after a certain number of minutes":["Cerrar sesión dos usuarios inactivos despois dun número concreto de minutos"],"Logged out - See you soon":["Sesión cerrada - Deica logo'"],"Logged-in":["Conectados"],"Login":["Conectar"],"Login delegation logout URL":[""],"Login page footer text":[""],"Logout":[""],"Lookup key":["Chave de búsqueda"],"Lookup value":["Valor de búsqueda"],"LookupKey|Avoid duplicates":[""],"LookupKey|Default value":["Valor predeterminado"],"LookupKey|Description":[""],"LookupKey|Is param":[""],"LookupKey|Key":[""],"LookupKey|Key type":[""],"LookupKey|Merge overrides":[""],"LookupKey|Override":[""],"LookupKey|Path":[""],"LookupKey|Puppetclass lookup key":[""],"LookupKey|Required":[""],"LookupKey|Validator rule":[""],"LookupKey|Validator type":[""],"LookupKey|Variable lookup values count":[""],"LookupValue|Match":["Concordancia"],"LookupValue|Value":["Valor"],"MAC":["Dirección MAC"],"MAC Address":["Dirección MAC"],"MAC address":[""],"MAC address of interface. 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language.":[""],"ProvisioningTemplate|Default":[""],"ProvisioningTemplate|Locked":[""],"ProvisioningTemplate|Name":[""],"ProvisioningTemplate|Snippet":[""],"ProvisioningTemplate|Template":[""],"ProvisioningTemplate|Vendor":[""],"Proxies":["Proxies"],"Proxy ID to use within this realm":[""],"Proxy request timeout":[""],"Ptable":["TablaP"],"Ptable|Layout":["Saída"],"Ptable|Locked":[""],"Ptable|Name":["Nome"],"Ptable|Os family":["Familia do Sistema operativo"],"Ptable|Snippet":[""],"Public":[""],"Public SSH key":[""],"Puppet":[""],"Puppet CA":["CA Puppet"],"Puppet CA proxy ID":[""],"Puppet Class":["Clase de Puppet"],"Puppet Classes":["Clases de Puppet"],"Puppet Environment":["Entorno Puppet"],"Puppet Environments":["Entornos Puppet"],"Puppet Master":["Maestro Puppet"],"Puppet Modules":["Módulos Puppet"],"Puppet Summary Report - F:%{failed} R:%{restarted} S:%{skipped} A:%{applied} FR:%{failed_restarts} T:%{total}":[""],"Puppet class":["Clase Puppet"],"Puppet class ID":[""],"Puppet class 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Each managed hosts needs to have one provision interface.":[""],"Should this interface be used for constructing the FQDN of the host? Each managed hosts needs to have one primary interface.":[""],"Show %s fact values for all hosts":[""],"Show :a_resource":[""],"Show Diff":["Mostrar diferencias"],"Show Host":["Mostrar Equipo"],"Show Trends":["Mostrar Tendencias"],"Show a Puppet class":[""],"Show a Puppet class for a host group":[""],"Show a Puppet class for an environment":[""],"Show a Puppet class for host":[""],"Show a bookmark":[""],"Show a compute profile":[""],"Show a compute resource":[""],"Show a config group":[""],"Show a default template combination for an operating system":[""],"Show a domain":[""],"Show a filter":[""],"Show a global parameter":[""],"Show a hardware model":[""],"Show a host":[""],"Show a host group":[""],"Show a medium":[""],"Show a nested parameter for a domain":[""],"Show a nested parameter for a host":[""],"Show a nested parameter for a host group":[""],"Show a nested parameter for a location":[""],"Show a nested parameter for a subnet":[""],"Show a nested parameter for an operating system":[""],"Show a nested parameter for an organization":[""],"Show a partition table":[""],"Show a permission":[""],"Show a realm":[""],"Show a report":[""],"Show a role":[""],"Show a setting":[""],"Show a smart class parameter":[""],"Show a smart proxy":[""],"Show a smart variable":[""],"Show a subnet":[""],"Show a user":[""],"Show a user group":[""],"Show all %s children fact values":[""],"Show all %s facts with the same value":[""],"Show an LDAP authentication source":[""],"Show an SSH key from a user":[""],"Show an architecture":[""],"Show an audit":[""],"Show an email notification":[""],"Show an environment":[""],"Show an external user group for LDAP authentication source":[""],"Show an external user group for user group":[""],"Show an image":[""],"Show an interface for host":[""],"Show an operating system":[""],"Show an override value for a specific smart class parameter":[""],"Show an override value for a specific smart variable":[""],"Show available API links":[""],"Show distribution chart":["Mostrar cadro de distribución"],"Show full value":[""],"Show host power status":[""],"Show linked external user groups":[""],"Show log messages:":["Mostrar rexistro de mensaxes:"],"Show power status on host index page. This feature calls to compute resource providers which may lead to decreased performance on host listing page.":[""],"Show provisioning template details":[""],"Show status":[""],"Show template combination":[""],"Show the last report for a host":[""],"Sign":["Rexistrar"],"Single host on this page is selected.":["",""],"Size":[""],"Size (GB)":["Tamaño (GB)"],"Skip assign hosts and proceed to edit %s settings":["Saltar o paso de asignación de equipos e proceder a editar as preferencias %s"],"Skipped":["Omitido"],"Skipped|S":["O"],"Smart Class Parameter":["Parámetro de Clase Intelixente"],"Smart Proxies":["Proxies intelixentes"],"Smart Proxy":["Proxy Intelixente"],"Smart Proxy: %s":[""],"Smart Variables":["Variables Intelixentes"],"Smart class parameters":[""],"Smart proxies":[""],"Smart proxy":["Proxy intelixente"],"Smart proxy IDs":[""],"Smart variables":["Variables intelixentes"],"SmartProxy|Name":["Nome"],"SmartProxy|Url":["Url"],"Snippet":[""],"Some Puppet Classes are unavailable in the selected environment":[""],"Some imported user account details cannot be saved: %s":[""],"Some interfaces are invalid":[""],"Some of the interfaces are invalid. Please check the table below.":[""],"Some or all hosts execution failed, Please check log files for more information":["Algunhas ou tódalas execucións dos equipos fallaron. Por favor, comproba os arquivos de rexistros para máis información"],"Some other interface is already set as primary. Are you sure you want to use this one instead?":["Xa existe outra interface definida como primaria. Estás seguro de que queres sustituila por esta outra interface?"],"Some other interface is already set as provisioning. Are you sure you want to use this one instead?":[""],"Something went wrong while changing host type - %s":["Algo fallou ao cambiar o tipo de equipo - %s"],"Something went wrong while selecting hosts - %s":["Algo fallou ao seleccionar equipos - %s"],"Sorry but no templates were configured.":["Desculpe pero non se configurou ningunha plantilla."],"Sorry, these hosts do not have parameters assigned to them, you must add them first.":["Sentímolo, estos equipos non teñen parámetros asignados. Deberías engadirllos primeiro."],"Source":["Orixe"],"Source|Digest":["Asimilar"],"Source|Value":["Valor"],"Space separated options, e.g. miimon=100. Only for bond interfaces.":[""],"Specified value is higher than recommended maximum":[""],"Specify additional options to sendmail":[""],"Specify authentication type, if required":[""],"Specify matchers":[""],"Start":[""],"Starting IP Address for IP auto suggestion":[""],"State":["Estado"],"Static":[""],"Statistics":["Estadísticas"],"Status":["Estado"],"Stop updating IP address and MAC values from Puppet facts (affects all interfaces)":[""],"Stop updating Operating System from facts":[""],"Stop updating domain values from facts":[""],"Storage":["Almacenamento"],"Storage domain":[""],"Storage pool":[""],"Strong":["Forte"],"Submit":["Introducir"],"Subnet":["Subrede"],"Subnet ID":[""],"Subnet IDs":[""],"Subnet name":[""],"Subnet network":[""],"Subnet numeric identifier":[""],"Subnets":["Subredes"],"Subnet|Boot mode":[""],"Subnet|Dns primary":["DNS Primario"],"Subnet|Dns secondary":["DNS Secundario"],"Subnet|From":["Dende"],"Subnet|Gateway":["Porta de Enlace"],"Subnet|Ipam":[""],"Subnet|Mask":["Máscara de rede"],"Subnet|Name":["Nome"],"Subnet|Network":["Rede"],"Subnet|Priority":["Prioridad"],"Subnet|To":["Hasta"],"Subnet|Vlanid":["VLANid"],"Subscribe":[""],"Subscribe to all hosts":[""],"Subscribe to my hosts":[""],"Success":["Éxito"],"Successfully created %s.":["Creouse Correctamente %s."],"Successfully delete %s":[""],"Successfully deleted %s.":["Eliminouse correctamente %s."],"Successfully deleted report.":[""],"Successfully executed, check log files for more details":["Executado correctamente, comproba os arquivos de rexistros para máis detalles."],"Successfully executed, check reports and/or log files for more details":["Executado correctamente, comproba os informes e/ou arquivos de rexistros para máis detalles"],"Successfully overridden all parameters of Puppet class %s":[""],"Successfully recreated":[""],"Successfully refreshed features from %s.":[""],"Successfully refreshed the cache.":[""],"Successfully reset all parameters of Puppet class %s to their default values":[""],"Successfully updated %s.":["Actualizouse correctamente %s."],"Successfully updated environments and Puppet classes from the on-disk Puppet installation":[""],"Suffix or prefix length for this subnet, e.g. 32":[""],"Suggest new":[""],"Summary from %{time} ago to now":[""],"Summary report from Foreman server at %{foreman_url}":[""],"Support":["Soporte"],"Supported Formats":[""],"Synchronize group from authentication source":[""],"Syntax Highlighting":[""],"Syntax error occurred while parsing the template %{template_name}, make sure you have all ERB tags properly closed and the Ruby syntax is valid. The Ruby error: %{message}":[""],"System Information":["Información do Sistema"],"System Status":["Estado do Sistema"],"TFTP":[""],"TFTP Proxy":["Proxy TFTP"],"TFTP Proxy ID to use within this subnet":[""],"TFTP Proxy to use within this subnet":["Proxy TFTP para usar nesta subrede"],"TFTP server":[""],"Taxable taxonomy":["Taxonomía imponible"],"TaxableTaxonomy|Taxable type":["Tipo de Taxonomía"],"Taxonomy":["Taxonomía"],"Taxonomy|Ancestry":[""],"Taxonomy|Ignore types":["Ignorar tipos"],"Taxonomy|Name":["Nome"],"Taxonomy|Title":[""],"Template":[""],"Template %s is empty.":[""],"Template '%s' is either missing or has an invalid organization or location":[""],"Template '%s' was not found":[""],"Template Diff":["Diferencias entre Plantilla"],"Template Type":["Tipo de Plantilla"],"Template diff":["Plantilla diff"],"Template editor":["Editor de Plantilla"],"Template kind":["Tipo de plantilla"],"Template kinds, available values: %{template_kinds}":[""],"Template locked":[""],"Template syntax":[""],"Template unlocked":[""],"TemplateKind|Name":["Nome"],"Templates":["Plantillas"],"Templates resolved for this operating system":[""],"Tenant":["Inquilino"],"Test Connection":["Probar conexión"],"Test LDAP connection":[""],"Test LDAP connectivity":[""],"Test connection to LDAP server was successful.":[""],"Test connection was successful":[""],"Test email":[""],"Text to be shown in the login-page footer":[""],"That is, if you are planning to manage a site where all the machines are of the form <i>hostname</i>.<b></b>\\n then the domain is <b></b>.":[""],"The %{proxy_type} proxy could not be set for host: %{host_names}.":["",""],"The %{proxy_type} proxy of the selected hosts was cleared.":[""],"The %{proxy_type} proxy of the selected hosts was set to %{proxy_name}.":[""],"The <b>fullname</b> field is used for human readability in reports and other pages that refer to domains,\\n and also available as an external node parameter":[""],"The Audit Comment field is saved with the template auditing to document the template changes":["O campo de Comentario de Auditoría é gardado coa auditoría de plantilla no documento de cambios de plantilla"],"The BMC password will be used by Foreman to access the host's BMC controller via a BMC-enabled smart proxy, if available.<br/>":[""],"The IP address that should be used for the console listen address when provisioning new virtual machines via Libvirt":["A dirección IP que debería utilizarse para a dirección de escoita da terminal cando se aprovisiona unha nova máquina virtual via Libvirt"],"The NFS path to the image directory.":["A ruta NFS ao directorio de imaxes."],"The NFS path to the jumpstart control files.":["A ruta NFS para aloxa-los arquivos de control de 'jumpstart'"],"The NFS path to the media.":["A ruta NFS ao medio de instalación"],"The Operating systems detail the OSs known to Foreman, and is the central point that the other required components tie into.":[""],"The Primary interface is used for constructing the FQDN of the host":[""],"The Provisioning interface is used for TFTP of PXELinux (or SSH for image-based hosts)":[""],"The authentication process currently requires an LDAP provider, such as <em>FreeIPA</em>,\\n <em>OpenLDAP</em> or <em>Microsoft's Active Directory</em>.":[""],"The class of CPU supplied in this machine. This is primarily used by Sparc Solaris builds and can be left blank for other architectures. The value can be determined on Solaris via uname -m":["A clase de CPU suministrada nesta máquina. Utilíxase principalmente para arquitecturas Sparc Solaris e pódese deixar en branco para outras arquitecturas. Pódese consultar este valor en Solaris co comando uname -m"],"The class of the machine reported by the Open Boot Prom. This is primarily used by Sparc Solaris builds and can be left blank for other architectures. The value can be determined on Solaris via uname -i|cut -f2 -d,":["A clase da máquina reportada polo Open Boot Prom. Utilízase principalmente para arquitecturas Sparc Solaris e pódese deixar en branco para outras arquitecturas. Pódese consultar este valor en Solaris co comando uname -i|cut -f2 -d"],"The default administrator email address":["A dirección de correo electrónico predeterminada do administrador"],"The dynamic partitioning style is currently only available for the Red Hat family of operating systems, all others must provide an explicit list of partitions and sizes.":[""],"The file path where your p12 file is located":[""],"The final entry, Operating System default, can be set by editing the %s page.":["A última entrada, Sistema Operativo predeterminado, pódese configurar editando a páxina %s."],"The following IPv4 subnets have been found. Please review the details before creating them.":[""],"The following entries were found conflicting with what foreman wanted to apply.":["As seguintes entradas teñen conflictos co que Foreman intenta aplicar."],"The following errors may prevent a successful build:":[""],"The following fields would need reviewing":["Os seguintes campos necesitan ser revisados"],"The following hosts failed the build operation: %s":["Os seguintes equipos fallaron á hora de crearse: %s"],"The following hosts were not %{action}: %{missed_hosts}":["Os seguintes equipos non estaban %{action}: %{missed_hosts}"],"The following hosts were not deleted: %s":["Os seguintes equipos non foron eliminados: %s"],"The following hosts were updated":["Actualizánronse os seguintes equipos"],"The following parameters were skipped as they did not exists on this host:":["Os seguintes parámetros foron omitidos xa que non existen neste equipo:"],"The following table and example snippet shows global methods, variables and class methods and how to use them.":[""],"The full DNS domain name":[""],"The host group's classes and the host group's variables are included in the external node information when the puppetmaster compiles the host's configuration.":["As clases e variables dos grupos de usuarios están incluidas na información do nodo externo cando o puppetmaster compila a configuración do equipo."],"The inclusion of the keyword string <b>#Dynamic</b> at the start of a line lets Foreman know that this is not an explicit disk layout and must treated as a shell script, executed prior\\n to the install process and that the explicit partition table will be found at <b>/tmp/diskpart.cfg</b> during the build process.":[""],"The keys can be used in provisioning templates and are also available for configuration management tools managed by Foreman.":[""],"The keywords <b>$version</b>, <b>$major</b> and <b>$minor</b> will be interpolated back into the path specification to calculate the true URL address.":["As palabras clave <b>$version</b>, <b>$major</b> e <b>$minor</b> serán interpoladas de novo á ruta de especificación para calcular a dirección URL real."],"The list is excluding %{count} %{link_start}physical host%{link_end}.":["",""],"The location of the sendmail executable":[""],"The marked fields will need reviewing":["Os campos marcados necesitan ser revisados"],"The method used to provision the host. Possible provision_methods may be %{provision_methods}":[""],"The order in which matchers keys are processed, first match wins.<br> You may use multiple attributes as a matcher key, for example, an order of <code>host group, environment</code> would expect a matcher such as <code>hostgroup = \\\"web servers\\\", environment = production</code>":["A orde en que se procesan as chaves de concordancia, a primera concordancia gana.<br> Pódense usar múles atributos como clave de concordancia, por exemplo, cunha orde de <code>grupo de equipos, environment</code> esperamos unha concordancia como <code>hostgroup = \\\"web servers\\\", environment = production</code>"],"The order in which values are resolved":["A orde na cual se resolven os valores"],"The password will also be accessible to other users via templates and in the ENC YAML output; disable the bmc_credentials_accessible setting to prevent access.":[""],"The password will not be accessible to other users; enable the bmc_credentials_accessible setting to permit access via templates and in the ENC YAML output.":[""],"The path to the medium, can be a URL or a valid NFS server (exclusive of the architecture).\\n for example <em>$version/os/$arch</em> where <strong>$arch</strong> will be substituted for the host's actual OS architecture and <strong>$version</strong>, <strong>$major</strong> and <strong>$minor</strong> will be substituted for the version of the operating system. Solaris and Debian media may also use <strong>$release</strong>.":[""],"The power state of the selected hosts will be set to %s":[""],"The realm name, e.g. EXAMPLE.COM":[""],"The remote system presented a public key signed by an unidentified certificate authority. If you are sure the remote system is authentic, go to the compute resource edit page, press the 'Test Connection' or 'Load Datacenters' button and submit":[""],"The remote system presented a public key with hash %s but we're expecting a different hash. If you are sure the remote system is authentic, go to the compute resource edit page, press the 'Test Connection' or 'Load Datacenters' button and submit":["O sistema remoto presentou unha clave pública con hash %s pero estábase esperando un hash diferente. Se estás seguro de que o sistema remoto é auténtico, vai á páxina de edición do recurso de computación e presiona o botón de 'Probar Conexión' ou 'Cargar Centros de Datos'"],"The selected hosts were enabled for reboot and rebuild":[""],"The selected hosts will execute a build operation on next reboot":["Os equipos seleccionados executarán unha operación de creación no próximo reinicio"],"The snippet '%{name}' threw an error: %{exc}":[""],"The template is associated to at least one host in build mode. To apply the change, disable and enable build mode on hosts to update the live templates or choose to %s their configuration from 'Select Action' menu":[""],"The user that is used to ssh into the instance, normally cloud-user, ec2-user, ubuntu, root etc":[""],"The virtual machine is being deleted.":[""],"There are migrations pending in the system.":[""],"There are no puppet environments set up on this puppet master. Please check the puppet master configuration.":[""],"There are orchestration modules with methods for configuration rebuild that have identical name: '%s'":[""],"There are two strategies when using host groups.":["Existen dúas estratexias para utilizar cos grupos de equipos"],"There is":["Hai","Hai"],"There is no owner with id %d and type %s":[""],"There is no proxy with BMC feature set up. Please register a smart proxy with this feature.":[""],"There was an error creating the PXE file: %s":[""],"There was an error listing %{listing}: %{errors}":[""],"There was an error listing VMs: %(status)s %(statusText)s":["Houbo un erro listando máquinas Virtuais: %(status)s %(statusText)s"],"There was an error rendering the %s template: ":["Houbo un erro reproducindo a plantilla: %s"],"There was an error rendering the %{name} template: %{error}":[""],"There was no active bridge interface found in libvirt, if it does not support listing, you can enter the bridge name manually (e.g. br0)":[""],"These are guaranteed to work via the safe mode rendering, to ensure a template can do nothing harmful.":[""],"These two options are personal decisions and are up to you (where the main difference would be the parameter/variables settings).":["Estas dúas opcións son decisións personais e dependen de ti (onde a principal diferencia serán as configuracións de parámetros/variables)."],"Thin provision":[""],"This Puppet class has no parameters in its signature.":["Esta clase de Puppet non ten parámetros na súa firma."],"This allows Foreman to associate a puppet variable with a domain/site and automatically append this variable to all external node requests made by machines at that site.":[""],"This group has nested groups!":["Este grupo contén grupos anidados!"],"This group has no roles":[""],"This host's stored facts and reports will be deleted too.":[""],"This is a test message to confirm that Foreman's email configuration is working.":[""],"This is for every location and organization that uses it.":[""],"This is for every location that uses it.":[""],"This is for every organization that uses it.":[""],"This is inherited from parent":[""],"This is used by a host":[""],"This might take a while, as all hosts, facts and reports will be destroyed as well":["Esta acción pode tardar un anaco, xa que se eliminarán tódolos equipos, datos e informes."],"This role has been cloned from role %s":[""],"This role is locked for editing.":[""],"This role is locked from being modified by users.":[""],"This setting is defined in the configuration file '%{filename}' and is read-only.":[""],"This template is locked and may not be removed.":[""],"This template is locked for editing.":[""],"This template is locked. Please clone it to a new template to customize.":[""],"This template is locked. You may only change the associations. Please %s it to customize.":[""],"This value is not hidden":[""],"This value is used also as the host's primary interface name.":[""],"This will reset parameters of the class %s to their default values. Continue?":[""],"This will set all parameters of the class %s as overridden. Continue?":[""],"Time":[""],"Time in Seconds":["Tempo en Segundos"],"Time in minutes installation tokens should be valid for, 0 to disable token generation":[""],"Timeout for DNS conflict validation (in seconds)":[""],"Timeout has occurred while communicating with %s":["Excedeuse o tempo de espera na conexión con %s"],"To define trend counters, use the Add Trend Counter button.</br> To start collecting trend data, set a cron job to execute 'foreman-rake trends:counter' every Puppet Interval (%s minutes).":[""],"To enable a provider, either install the OS package (e.g. foreman-libvirt) or enable the bundler group for development setup (e.g. ovirt).":[""],"To enable safe mode, navigate to Settings page and enable Safemode rendering option.":[""],"To start collecting trend data, set a cron job to execute <span class='black'>foreman-rake trends:counter</span> every Puppet Interval (%s minutes)":[""],"To update the class signature, go to the Puppet Classes page and select \\\"Import\\\".":["Para actualiza-la firma de clase, selecciona \\\"Importar\\\" na páxina de Clases de Puppet."],"Toggle":[""],"Token":["Mostra"],"Token duration":[""],"Token expired":[""],"Token|Expires":["Caduca"],"Token|Value":["Valor"],"Total":["Total"],"Total Hosts: %s":["Equipos totales: %s"],"Total hosts count":[""],"Total of one host":["",""],"Trend":["Tendencia"],"Trend counter":["Contador de Tendencias"],"Trend of the last %s days.":["Tendencia dos últimos %s días"],"TrendCounter|Count":["Contador"],"Trends":["Tendencias"],"Trends for %s":["Tendencias para %s"],"Trend|Fact name":["Nome de Dato (Fact)"],"Trend|Fact value":["Valor de Dato (Fact)"],"Trend|Name":["Nome"],"Trend|Trendable type":["Tipo de Tendencia"],"Trigger a puppetrun on a node; requires that puppet run is enabled":["Desencadena unha execución de Puppet nun nodo. É necesario que \\\"Puppet run\\\" esté habilitado."],"Troubleshooting":[""],"True/False flag whether a host is managed or unmanaged. Note: this value also determines whether several parameters are required or not":[""],"Trusted puppetmaster hosts":[""],"Try going to %{href}":[""],"Type":["Tipo"],"Type of name generator":[""],"Type of realm, e.g. FreeIPA":[""],"Type or protocol, IPv4 or IPv6, defaults to IPv4":[""],"Types of validation values":[""],"Types of variable values":[""],"URL":["URL"],"URL for %{providers_requiring_url}":[""],"URL hosts will retrieve templates from during build (normally http as many installers don't support https)":[""],"URL must be valid and schema must be one of %s":[""],"URL where your Foreman instance is reachable (see also Provisioning > unattended_url)":[""],"UTC time of report":[""],"UUID":["UUID"],"UUID to track orchestration tasks status, GET /api/orchestration/:UUID/tasks":[""],"Unable to access key":[""],"Unable to authenticate user %s":[""],"Unable to change VM display listen address, make sure the display is not attached to localhost only":[""],"Unable to communicate with the proxy: %s":["Non foi posible establecer unha comunicación co proxy: %s"],"Unable to connect":[""],"Unable to connect to LDAP server":[""],"Unable to create default TFTP boot menu":[""],"Unable to create realm entry":[""],"Unable to create the default role.":[""],"Unable to delete DHCP entry for %s":[""],"Unable to delete DNS entry":[""],"Unable to delete PuppetCA autosign for %s":[""],"Unable to delete PuppetCA certificate for %s":[""],"Unable to delete TFTP boot entry for %s":[""],"Unable to detect TFTP boot server":[""],"Unable to detect features":[""],"Unable to detect version":[""],"Unable to determine the host's boot server. The DHCP smart proxy failed to provide this information and this subnet is not provided with TFTP services.":["Non foi posible determina-lo servidor de equipo de arranque. O proxy intelixente de DHCP non puido proporcionar esta información e esta subrede non conta con servicios TFTP."],"Unable to disable bmc_credentials_accessible when safemode_render is disabled":[""],"Unable to disable safemode_render when bmc_credentials_accessible is disabled":[""],"Unable to execute Puppet run":[""],"Unable to fetch TFTP boot file":[""],"Unable to fetch logs":[""],"Unable to find IP address for '%s'":[""],"Unable to find a proxy with BMC feature":["Non se atopou ningún proxy coa característica BCM"],"Unable to find proper authentication method":["Non se puido atopar un método de autenticación"],"Unable to find template %s":[""],"Unable to generate output, Check log files":[""],"Unable to get BMC providers":[""],"Unable to get PuppetCA autosign":[""],"Unable to get PuppetCA certificates":[""],"Unable to get classes from Puppet for %s":[""],"Unable to get environment from Puppet":[""],"Unable to get environments from Puppet":[""],"Unable to get installed BMC providers":[""],"Unable to initialize ProxyAPI class %s":[""],"Unable to perform boot BMC operation":[""],"Unable to perform identify BMC operation":[""],"Unable to perform lan BMC operation":[""],"Unable to perform power BMC operation":[""],"Unable to render %{kind} template '%{name}': %{e}":[""],"Unable to render '%{name}' template: %{e}":[""],"Unable to retrieve DHCP entry for %s":[""],"Unable to retrieve DHCP subnet":[""],"Unable to retrieve DHCP subnets":[""],"Unable to retrieve unused IP":[""],"Unable to save":["Non puido gardar"],"Unable to send email, check server logs for more information":[""],"Unable to set DHCP entry":[""],"Unable to set DNS entry":[""],"Unable to set PuppetCA autosign for %s":[""],"Unable to set TFTP boot entry for %s":[""],"Unable to sign PuppetCA certificate for %s":[""],"Unable to turn on websockets_encrypt, either websockets_ssl_key or websockets_ssl_cert is missing":[""],"Unable to unset websockets_ssl_cert when websockets_encrypt is on":[""],"Unable to unset websockets_ssl_key when websockets_encrypt is on":[""],"Unallowed template for dashboard widget: %s":[""],"Unattended URL":[""],"Undo remove":["Desfacer borrado"],"Undo selection":[""],"Unhide this value":[""],"Unknown":["Desconocido"],"Unknown IPAM type - can't continue":[""],"Unknown Power State":["Sistema de enerxía en estado desconocido"],"Unknown action name for success message: %s":["Non se definiu un nome para as mensaxes de execución correcta: %s"],"Unknown build status":[""],"Unknown device: available devices are %s":[""],"Unknown interface type, must be one of [%s]":[""],"Unknown power action: available methods are %s":[""],"Unknown power management support - can't continue":["Soporte de xestión de enerxía desconocido - Non se pode continuar"],"Unknown power state":[""],"Unlock":[""],"Unmanage host":["Equipo sen xestionar"],"Unsupported IPAM mode for %s":[""],"Unsupported password hash function '%s'":[""],"Unsupported report status format":[""],"Update":["Actualizar"],"Update :a_resource":[""],"Update IP from built request":[""],"Update a Puppet class":[""],"Update a bookmark":[""],"Update a compute attributes set":[""],"Update a compute profile":[""],"Update a compute resource":[""],"Update a config group":[""],"Update a default template combination for an operating system":[""],"Update a domain":[""],"Update a filter":[""],"Update a global parameter":[""],"Update a hardware model":[""],"Update a host":[""],"Update a host group":[""],"Update a host's interface":[""],"Update a medium":[""],"Update a nested parameter for a domain":[""],"Update a nested parameter for a host":[""],"Update a nested parameter for a host group":[""],"Update a nested parameter for a location":[""],"Update a nested parameter for a subnet":[""],"Update a nested parameter for an operating system":[""],"Update a nested parameter for an organization":[""],"Update a partition table":[""],"Update a provisioning template":[""],"Update a realm":[""],"Update a role":[""],"Update a setting":[""],"Update a smart class parameter":[""],"Update a smart proxy":[""],"Update a smart variable":[""],"Update a subnet":[""],"Update a user":[""],"Update a user group":[""],"Update an LDAP authentication source":[""],"Update an architecture":[""],"Update an environment":[""],"Update an image":[""],"Update an operating system":[""],"Update an override value for a specific smart class parameter":[""],"Update an override value for a specific smart variable":[""],"Update environment from facts":[""],"Update external user group":[""],"Update realm entry for %s":[""],"Update subnets from facts":[""],"Update template combination":[""],"Update the default PXE menu on all configured TFTP servers":[""],"Update:":["Actualizar:"],"Updated":[""],"Updated all hosts!":["¡Tódolos equipos actualizados!"],"Updated hosts: Disassociated from VM":[""],"Updated hosts: changed environment":["Equipos actualizados: cambiado o entorno"],"Updated hosts: changed host group":["Equipos actualizados: cambiado o grupo de equipos"],"Updated hosts: changed owner":[""],"Upload facts for a host, creating the host if required":[""],"Use Gravatar":[""],"Use UUID for certificates":[""],"Use short name for VMs":[""],"Use this account to authenticate, <i>optional</i>":["Usa esta conta para autenticarte, <i>optional</i>"],"Use this puppet server as a CA server":["Usa este servidor Puppet como servidor CA"],"Use this puppet server as an initial Puppet Server or to execute puppet runs":["Usa este servidor Puppet como Servidor Puppet inicial ou para executar \\\"Puppet run\\\""],"Used to enforce certain values for the parameter values":[""],"User":["Usuario"],"User Group":[""],"User Groups":["Grupos de Usuarios"],"User IDs":[""],"User data template":[""],"User groups":[""],"User groups enable users to log into Foreman and be automatically granted permissions.":[""],"User role":["Rol de usuario"],"User's preferred locale":[""],"User's timezone":[""],"UserRole|Owner type":[""],"Usergroup":["Usergroup"],"Usergroup member":["Membro de Grupo de Usuarios"],"UsergroupMember|Member type":["Tipo de Membro"],"Usergroup|Admin":[""],"Usergroup|Auth source":[""],"Usergroup|Name":["Nome"],"Username":["Nome de usuario"],"Username for oVirt, EC2, VMware, OpenStack. 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Se se prefire usa-la opción de tabla de particionado, é necesario borrar todo o texto deste campo."],"When a Host requests a template (e.g. during provisioning), Foreman will select the best match from the available templates of that type, in the following order:":[""],"When a realm is selected for a host, Foreman contacts the relevant realm smart proxy to create an entry for the host and retrieve it's one-time registration password.":[""],"When editing a template, you must assign a list of operating systems which this template can be used with. Optionally, you can restrict a template to a list of host groups and/or environments.":[""],"When enabled the parameter is hidden in the UI":[""],"When specifying custom value, add 'MB' or 'GB' at the end. Field is not case sensitive and MB is default if unspecified.":[""],"When the role's associated %{taxonomies} are changed,<br> the change will propagate to all inheriting filters.\\n Filters that are set to override <br> will remain untouched. Overriding of role filters can be easily disabled by <br> pressing the \\\"Disable overriding\\\" button.\\n Note that not all filters support <br>%{taxonomies}, so these always remain global.":[""],"When using SSH based provisioning, a special SSH key is created in order to automate the provisioning process.":[""],"When using TLS, you can set how OpenSSL checks the certificate":[""],"Whether or not the image supports user data":[""],"Whether or not the template is locked for editing":[""],"Whether the class parameter value is managed by Foreman.":[""],"Whether the smart class parameter value is managed by Foreman":[""],"Which is an offset of <b>%s</b>":["O cal é un offset de <b>%s</b>"],"Widget added to dashboard.":[""],"Widget positions successfully saved.":[""],"Widget removed from dashboard.":[""],"Wiki":["Wiki"],"With user groups, you can group your users and assign them roles on a group basis.":[""],"X509 Certification Authorities":[""],"YAML":["YAML"],"Yes":[""],"You are about to change the default PXE menu on all configured TFTP servers - continue?":[""],"You are about to override the editor content with a previous version, are you sure?":["Estás a piques de sustituir o contido do editor cunha versión previa, estás seguro?"],"You are about to override the editor content, are you sure?":["Estás a piques de sustituir o contido do editor, estás seguro?"],"You are about to unlock a locked template.":[""],"You are not authorized to lock templates.":[""],"You are not authorized to make a template default.":[""],"You are not authorized to perform this action.":[""],"You are trying to delete your own account":[""],"You are using an unsupported browser.":[""],"You can add SSH public keys to a user in Foreman.":[""],"You can find The Foreman on the %{freenode} ( network. For general support, please visit #theforeman and for development specific related chat, please visit #theforeman-dev.":[""],"You can select one of the IPAM modes supported by the selected IP protocol:<br/><ul><li><strong>DHCP</strong> - will manage the IP on DHCP through assigned DHCP proxy, auto-suggested IPs come from DHCP <em>(IPv4)</em></li><li><strong>Internal DB</strong> - use internal DB to auto-suggest free IP based on other interfaces on same subnet respecting range if specified, useful mainly with static boot mode <em>(IPv4, IPv6)</em></li><li><strong>EUI-64</strong> - will assign the IPv6 address based on the MAC address of the interface <em>(IPv6)</em></li><li><strong>None</strong> - leave IP management solely on user, no auto-suggestion <em>(IPv4, IPv6)</em></li></ul>":[""],"You can't assign locations to this resource":[""],"You can't assign organizations to this resource":[""],"You cannot delete this user while logged in as this user.":[""],"You do not have permission to %s this location parameter":[""],"You do not have permission to %s this organization parameter":[""],"You don't have any visible hosts. 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If you wish to configure fact pushing, please follow the documentation.":[""],"You don't seem to have any reports.":[""],"You have already logged in":[""],"You may also associate one or more operating systems with this medium or alternatively set this up later on the %s page.":["Pódese asociar un ou máis sistemas operativos con este medio ou configuralo máis tarde como alternativa na páxina %s"],"You may also associate one or more operating systems with this partition table or alternatively set this up later on the %s page":["Pódese asociar un ou máis sistemas operativos con esta tabla de particións ou configuralo máis tarde como alternativa na páxina %s"],"You may create puppet classes that represent high-level host configurations, for example, a <b>host-type-ldap-server</b> class, which includes all the required functionality from other modules or you may decide to create a host group called <b>host-type-ldap-server</b> and add the required classes into the host group configuration.":["Pódense crear clases de puppet que representen configuracións de alto nivel para equipos, como por exemplo a clase <b>host-type-ldap-server</b>, a cual inclúe toda a funcionalidade requerida por outros módulos, ou podes decidir crear un grupo de equipos chamado <b>host-type-ldap-server</b> e engadirlle as clases requeridas na configuración do mesmo."],"You must create a location before continuing.":[""],"You must create an organization before continuing.":[""],"You must create at least one location before continuing.":["Débese crear polo menos un lugar antes de continuar."],"You must create at least one organization before continuing.":["Débese crear polo menos unha organización antes de continuar."],"You must select at least one permission":[""],"You probably need to configure your %s first.":[""],"You would probably need to attach the":["Probablemente sexa necesario engadir o"],"Your Foreman user account has been created:":[""],"Your host has finished 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var locales = locales || {}; locales['gl'] = {"domain":"app","locale_data":{"app":{"":{"Project-Id-Version":"Foreman","Report-Msgid-Bugs-To":"","PO-Revision-Date":"2017-09-19 17:56+0000","Last-Translator":"Lukáš Zapletal","Language-Team":"Galician (","MIME-Version":"1.0","Content-Type":"text/plain; charset=UTF-8","Content-Transfer-Encoding":"8bit","Language":"gl","Plural-Forms":"nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);","lang":"gl","domain":"app","plural_forms":"nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);"}," Remove":["Eliminar"],"%s - Press Shift-F12 to release the cursor.":["%s - Presione Shift-F12 para libera-lo cursor."],"%s - The following hosts are about to be changed":["%s - Os seguintes equipos están a piques de ser modificados"],"%s Distribution":["%s Distribución"],"%s Parameters updated, see below for more information":["%s Parámetros actualizados, mira a continuación para máis información"],"%s Template":["%s Plantilla"],"%s VM associated to a host":["",""],"%s active feature":["",""],"%s ago":["Fai %s"],"%s console is not supported at this time":["Terminal de %s non está soportada polo de agora"],"%s core":["",""],"%s day ago":["Fai %s día","Fai %s días"],"%s error message":["",""],"%s has been disassociated from VM":[""],"%s host":["",""],"%s is an unknown attribute":[""],"%s is not a valid DNS record type":[""],"%s is not in environment":[""],"%s log message":["",""],"%s minute ago":["Fai %s minuto","Fai %s minutos"],"%s month ago":["Fai %s mes","Fai %s meses"],"%s selected hosts":["%s equipos seleccionados"],"%s warning message":["",""],"%s week ago":["Fai %s semana","Fai %s semanas"],"%s widget loading...":[""],"%{app_name} API documentation homepage":[""],"%{config_type} rebuild failed for host: %{host_names}.":["",""],"%{controller}: %{host}'s operating system %{os} has no OS family":[""],"%{controller}: %{host}'s operating system is missing":[""],"%{controller}: unable to find a host that matches the request from %{addr}":[""],"%{cores} Cores and %{memory} memory":[""],"%{count} host with no %{taxonomy_single} assigned":["%{count} equipo sen %{taxonomy_single} asignada","%{count} equipos sen %{taxonomy_single} asignada"],"%{cpus} CPUs and %{memory} MB memory":[""],"%{cpus} CPUs and %{memory} memory":[""],"%{e} does not belong to the %{environment} environment":[""],"%{host} is about to %{action}":[""],"%{host} now boots from %{device}":["%{host} agora arranca dende %{device}"],"%{id} plugin requires Foreman %{matcher} but current is %{current}":[""],"%{id} plugin requires the %{plugin_name} plugin %{matcher} but current is %{plugin_version}":[""],"%{id} plugin requires the %{plugin_name} plugin, not found":[""],"%{image} needs user data, but %{os_link} is not associated to any provisioning template of the kind user_data. Please associate it with a suitable template or uncheck 'User data' for %{compute_resource_image_link}.":[""],"%{key} does not exist in order field":[""],"%{match} does not match an existing host":[""],"%{match} does not match an existing host group":[""],"%{model} with id '%{id}' was not found":[""],"%{name} changed from %{label1} to %{label2}":["%{name} cambiou de %{label1} a %{label2}"],"%{name} has %{num_tag} class":["",""],"%{os} medium was not set for host '%{host}'":[""],"%{record} is being used by a hidden %{what} resource":[""],"%{record} is used by %{what}":[""],"%{record} is used by host in build mode %{what}":[""],"%{resource_name} not found by id '%{id}'":[""],"%{task} task failed with the following error: %{e}":["Fallaron %{task} tareas co erro: %{e}"],"%{taxonomy_type} %{taxonomy_name} has %{count} host that will need to be reassociated after deletion. Delete %{taxonomy_name2}?":["",""],"%{type} %{conflicts} already exists":[""],"%{user} Downloaded %{key} as pem file":[""],"%{value} does not belong to %{os} operating system":["%{value} non pertence ó sistema operativo %{os}"],"%{value} is not a valid controller":["%{value} non é un controlador válido"],"%{value} is not one of %{rules}":["%{value} non é unha de %{rules}"],"%{vm} is now %{vm_state}":["%{vm} agora está %{vm_state}"],"&laquo;":[""],"&raquo;":[""],"'%{host}' could be deleted or '%{resource}' is not responding.":["'%{host}' puido ser eliminado ou '%{resource}' non está respondendo."],"'%{host}' not found on '%{resource}'":["'%{host}' non atopado en '%{resource}'"],"'%{loader}' is not one of %{loaders}":[""],"'Content-Type: %s' is unsupported in API v2 for POST and PUT requests. Please use 'Content-Type: application/json'.":[""],"(Miscellaneous)":[""],"(optional) IAM Role for Fog to use when creating this image.":["(opcional) Rol IAM para Fog para utilizar cando se crea esta imaxe"],"*Clear %s proxy*":[""],"*Clear environment*":["*Limpar entorno*"],"*Clear host group*":["*Limpar grupo de equipos*"],"*Inherit from host group*":["*Herdado dende grupo de equipos*"],", relevant log entries, and it is highly recommended to also attach the foreman-debug output.":[""],":foreman_url is not set, please configure in the Foreman Web UI (Administer -> Settings -> General)":[""],"<b class='select_count'>0</b> selected":["<b class='select_count'>0</b> seleccionados"],"<b style=\\\"color: #6bb5df;\\\">%{disabled_sum}</b>\\n <p>Disabled</p>":["",""],"<b style=\\\"color: #6bb5df;\\\">%{hosts_sum}</b>\\n <p>Changed</p>":["",""],"<b style=\\\"color: #6bb5df;\\\">%{out_of_sync_sum}</b>\\n <p>Out of sync</p>":["",""],"<b>Description:</b> %{desc}<br/>\\n <b>Type:</b> %{type}<br/>\\n <b>Matcher:</b> %{matcher}<br/>\\n <b>Inherited value:</b> %{inherited_value}":[""],"<b>Foreman API v1 is deprecated. Please use v2.</b><br />If you still need to use v1, you may do so by either passing 'version=1' in the Accept Header or using api/v1/ in the URL.":[""],"<b>Foreman</b> Build Complete":[""],"<b>Foreman</b> Puppet error report":[""],"<b>Foreman</b> Puppet summary":[""],"<b>Foreman</b> audit summary":[""],"<b>Foreman</b> test email":[""],"<b>Source:</b> %{type} %{name}":[""],"<dl><dt>List</dt> <dd>A list of the allowed values, specified in the Validator rule field.</dd><dt>Regexp</dt> <dd>Validates the input with the regular expression in the Validator rule field.</dd></dl>":["<dl><dt>Lista</dt> <dd>Unha lista dos valores permitidos, especificados no Campo de regras de validación.</dd><dt>Regexp</dt> <dd>Valida a entrada coa expresión regular do campo de regras de validación.</dd></dl>"],"<dl><dt>String</dt> <dd>Everything is taken as a string.</dd><dt>Boolean</dt> <dd>Common representation of boolean values are accepted.</dd><dt>Integer</dt> <dd>Integer numbers only, can be negative.</dd><dt>Real</dt> <dd>Accept any numerical input.</dd><dt>Array</dt> <dd>A valid JSON or YAML input, that must evaluate to an array.</dd><dt>Hash</dt> <dd>A valid JSON or YAML input, that must evaluate to an object/map/dict/hash.</dd><dt>YAML</dt> <dd>Any valid YAML input.</dd><dt>JSON</dt> <dd>Any valid JSON input.</dd></dl>":["<dl><dt>Cadena</dt> <dd>Todo é tratado coma unha cadena.</dd><dt>Booleano</dt> <dd>A representación común das variables booleanas está permitida.</dd><dt>Integer</dt> <dd>Solamente números enteiros poden ser negativos.</dd><dt>Real</dt> <dd>Acepta calquer valor numérico.</dd><dt>Arreglo</dt> <dd>Unha entrada válida de YAML ou JSON, debe ser evaluada para introducir en un arreglo.</dd><dt>Hash</dt> <dd>Unha entrada válida de YAML ou JSON, debe ser evaluada para introducir nun obxeto/mapa/dict/hash.</dd><dt>YAML</dt> <dd>Calquer entrada YAML válida.</dd><dt>JSON</dt> <dd>Calquer entrada JSON válida.</dd></dl>"],"A Foreman user group can be associated to a group stored in an LDAP server, so membership of the LDAP group automatically adds the user to the Foreman user group.":[""],"A host group is in some ways similar to an inherited node declaration, in that it is a high level grouping of classes that can be named and treated as a unit. This is then treated as a template and is selectable during the creation of a new host and ensures that the host is configured in one of your pre-defined states.":["Un grupo de equipos é, dalgunha forma, similar a unha declaración de nodo heredada, este é un grupo de alto nivel de clases que poden ser chamadas e tratadas coma unha unidade. Entón trátase coma unha plantilla e pódese seleccionar durante a creación dun novo equipo e asegúrase de que ou equipo se configura nun dos estados predefinidos."],"A medium represents the source of one or more operating system's installation files, accessible via the network.\\n It will probably be a mirror from the internet or a copy of one or more CD or DVDs.":[""],"A partition table entry represents either":["Unha entrada na tabla de particións representa ambos"],"A problem occurred when detecting host type: %s":["Ocorreu un problema detectando ou tipo de equipo: %s"],"A script to dynamically calculate the desired sizes. E.G.":["Un script para calcular dinámicamente os tamaños desexados. Exemplo"],"A user group already exists with this name":["Xa existe un grupo con este nome"],"API Key":["Chave API"],"API documentation":[""],"About":["Acerca de"],"Access Key":["Chave de Acceso"],"Access denied":[""],"Access unattended without build":[""],"Account":[""],"Acquire IP addresses for %s":[""],"Action":["Acción"],"Actions":["Accións"],"Active":["Activo"],"Active Hosts":["Equipos Activos"],"Active features":[""],"Active key":[""],"Add Autosign entry":[""],"Add Bookmark":["Engadir Marcador"],"Add Interface":["Engadir Interfaz"],"Add Matcher":[""],"Add Parameter":["Engadir Parámetro"],"Add Trend Counter":["Engadir Contador de Tendencia"],"Add Variable":["Engadir Variable"],"Add Volume":["Engadir Volume"],"Add a CD-ROM drive to the virtual machine.":[""],"Add a Puppet class to host":[""],"Add a Puppet class to host group":[""],"Add a template combination":[""],"Add combination":["Engadir combinación"],"Add external user group":[""],"Add filter":[""],"Add to dashboard":[""],"Add widgets":[""],"Add:":["Engadir:"],"Adding would cause a cycle!":[""],"Additional Information":["Información adicional"],"Additional compute resource specific attributes for the interface.":[""],"Additional compute resource specific attributes.":[""],"Additional information about this host":["Información adicional deste equipo"],"Address to connect to":[""],"Admin permissions required":[""],"Administer":[""],"Administrator email address":[""],"Administrator user account required":[""],"Alert":["Alerta"],"Alerts disabled":["Alertas deshabilitadas"],"Alias or VLAN device":[""],"All":[""],"All Puppet Classes for %s":["Tódalas Clases Puppet para %s"],"All Reports":["Tódolos Informes"],"All compute resources":[""],"All domains":[""],"All environments":[""],"All environments - (not filtered)":[""],"All host groups":[""],"All hosts":[""],"All hosts data matches configurations for locations and organizations.":["Toda a información dos equipos coincide coa configuración de ubicacións e organizacións."],"All hosts previously with no %{single} are now assigned to %{name}":["Tódolos equipos previamente sen %{single} foron agora asignados a %{name}"],"All hosts will show a configuration status even when a Puppet smart proxy is not assigned":[""],"All items":["Tódolos elementos"],"All media":[""],"All messages":["Tódalas mensaxes"],"All mismatches between hosts and %s have been fixed":["Tódalas discordancias entre equipos e %s foron arranxadas"],"All mismatches between hosts and locations/organizations have been fixed":["Tódalas discordancias entre equipos e lugares/organizacións foron arranxadas"],"All partition tables":[""],"All provisioning templates":[""],"All realms":[""],"All smart proxies":[""],"All subnets":[""],"All users":[""],"Allocated":["Asignado"],"Allocation (GB)":[""],"Allow access to unattended URLs without build mode being used":[""],"Allow external network as main network":[""],"Allowed methods or members":[""],"Always show configuration status":[""],"An IP address will be auto-suggested if you have enabled IPAM on the IPv4 subnet selected above.<br/><br/>The IP address can be left blank when:<br/><ul><li>provisioning tokens are enabled</li><li>the domain does not manage DNS</li><li>the subnet does not manage reverse DNS</li><li>and the subnet does not manage DHCP reservations</li></ul>":[""],"An IP address will be auto-suggested if you have enabled IPAM on the IPv6 subnet selected above.":[""],"An email address is required, please update your account details":[""],"An error occurred while testing the connection: ":[""],"An explicit layout for the partitions of your hard drive(s). E.G.":["Un esquema explícito de particións do disco(s), como por exemplo"],"An invalid response was received while requesting available features from this proxy":[""],"Annotation Notes":[""],"Annotation notes":[""],"Anonymous admin user %s is missing, run foreman-rake db:seed":[""],"Any Context":["Calquer Contexto"],"Any Location":["Calquer Lugar"],"Any Organization":["Calquer Organización"],"Applicable Operating Systems":[""],"Applied":["Aplicado"],"Applied|A":["A"],"Architecture":["Arquitectura"],"Architecture Distribution":["Distribución de Arquitectura"],"Architecture ID":[""],"Architectures":["Arquitecturas"],"Architecture|Hostgroups count":[""],"Architecture|Hosts count":[""],"Architecture|Name":["Nome"],"Are you sure you want to %{act} %{vm}?":[""],"Are you sure you want to delete host %s? This action is irreversible.":[""],"Are you sure you want to delete host %s? This will delete the virtual machine and its disks, and is irreversible.":[""],"Are you sure you want to delete this widget from your dashboard?":[""],"Are you sure you want to log out?":[""],"Are you sure you want to power %{act} %{vm}?":[""],"Are you sure?":["¿Estás seguro?"],"Array of extra information types to include":[""],"Array of host IDs to associate with the partition table":[""],"Array of host group IDs to associate with the partition table":[""],"Array of operating system IDs to associate with the partition table":[""],"Array of operating system IDs to associate with the template":[""],"Array of parameters":[""],"Array of parameters (name, value)":[""],"Array of template combinations (hostgroup_id, environment_id)":[""],"Assign All":["Asignar a todos"],"Assign Hosts to %s":["Asignar equipos a %s"],"Assign Location":["Asignar Lugar"],"Assign Organization":["Asignar Organización"],"Assign Selected Hosts":["Asignar Equipos Seleccionados"],"Assign the %{count} host with no %{taxonomy_single} to %{taxonomy_name}":["Asignar %{count} equipo sen %{taxonomy_single} a %{taxonomy_name)","Asignar %{count} equipo sen %{taxonomy_single} a %{taxonomy_name)"],"Assign to %s":["Asignar a %s"],"Assigning hosts to %{taxonomy_name} will also update %{taxonomy_name} to include all the resources that the selected hosts are currently using.":["Asignando equipos a %{taxonomy_name} tamén actualizará %{taxonomy_name} para incluir tódolos recursos que están utilizando actualmente os equipos seleccionados."],"Associate VM":[""],"Associate VM to a Foreman host":[""],"Associate VMs":[""],"Associate VMs to Foreman hosts":[""],"Associate VMs to Hosts":[""],"Association":["Asociación"],"At least one volume must be specified for image-based provisioning.":[""],"Attempting to construct an operating system image filename but %s cannot be built from an image":["Intentouse xenerar un arquivo coa imaxe do sistema operativo pero %s non permite a súa creación dende unha imaxe."],"Attribute mappings":[""],"Attribute type":[""],"Audit":[""],"Audit Comment":["Comentario de auditoría"],"Audit summary":[""],"Audited::Adapters::ActiveRecord::Audit|Action":["Acción"],"Audited::Adapters::ActiveRecord::Audit|Associated name":["Nome asociado"],"Audited::Adapters::ActiveRecord::Audit|Associated type":["Tipo asociado"],"Audited::Adapters::ActiveRecord::Audit|Auditable name":["Nome auditable"],"Audited::Adapters::ActiveRecord::Audit|Auditable type":["Tipo auditable"],"Audited::Adapters::ActiveRecord::Audit|Audited changes":["Cambios auditados"],"Audited::Adapters::ActiveRecord::Audit|Comment":["Comentario"],"Audited::Adapters::ActiveRecord::Audit|Remote address":["Dirección remota"],"Audited::Adapters::ActiveRecord::Audit|User type":["Tipo de usuario"],"Audited::Adapters::ActiveRecord::Audit|Username":["Nome de usuario"],"Audited::Adapters::ActiveRecord::Audit|Version":["Versión"],"Audits":["Auditoría"],"Auth source":["Fonte de 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too":["Autoriza-la delegación de login coa variable de entorno REMOTE_USER para chamadas da API tamén."],"Authorized by":["Autorizado por"],"Auto refresh off":[""],"Auto refresh on":[""],"Automatic":[""],"Autosign":["Autofirmado"],"Autosign entries":[""],"Autosign entry name":[""],"Availability zone":[""],"Available Classes":["Clases disponibles"],"Available Config Groups":[""],"Available Providers":[""],"Average memory usage":["Promedio do uso de memoria"],"Average swap usage":["Promedio de uso da memoria de intercambio"],"Avoid duplicate values when merging them (only array type)?":[""],"BIOS":["BIOS"],"BMC":["BMC"],"BMC credentials access":[""],"BMC password usage":[""],"Back":["Atrás"],"Back to host":["Volver a equipo"],"Back to host list":["Volver a lista de equipos"],"Backtrace":[""],"Bare Metal":["Servidor Físico"],"Base DN":[""],"Before you proceed to using Foreman you should provide information about one or more architectures.":["Antes de empezar a usar Foreman débese insertar información acerca dunha ou máis arquitecturas."],"Bond":[""],"Bond mode of the interface, e.g. balance-rr. Only for bond interfaces.":[""],"Bookmark":["Marcador"],"Bookmark this search":["Gardar esta búsqueda en marcadores"],"Bookmark was successfully created.":["O marcador creouse correctamente."],"Bookmark was successfully updated.":["O marcador actualizouse correctamente."],"Bookmarks":["Marcadores"],"Bookmarks are saved search queries. To save them, click on 'Bookmark this search' on the dropdown next to every search button.":[""],"Bookmark|Controller":["Controlador"],"Bookmark|Name":["Nome"],"Bookmark|Owner type":["Tipo de propietario"],"Bookmark|Public":["Público"],"Bookmark|Query":["Consulta"],"Boot device":["Dispositivo de arranque"],"Boot from volume":[""],"Boot host from specified device":[""],"Bootable":["Arrancable"],"Bridge":[""],"Browse host config management reports":[""],"Browse host facts":["Explorar datos de equipos"],"Browser locale":["Elexir idioma"],"Browser timezone":[""],"Build":["Construir"],"Build Hosts":["Construir Equipos"],"Build PXE Default":["Xenera 'PXE Predeterminado'"],"Build a query for %{mailer}":[""],"Build from OS image":["Crear dende imaxe de SO"],"By unchecking this you can specify filter using Foreman search syntax in search field. If filter remains <br> unlimited (this field is checked) it applies on all resources of the selected type. When a role is associated <br> with some %s filter is not considered unlimited as it's scoped accordingly.":[""],"CA certificate expiry date":[""],"CD-ROM drive":[""],"CDROM":["CDROM"],"CPU hot add":[""],"CPU hot add lets you add CPU resources for a virtual machine while the machine is powered on.":[""],"CPUs":["Procesadores"],"Cache slow calls to VMWare to speed up page rendering":[""],"Caching":[""],"Calling methods on objects":[""],"Can't delete internal admin account":[""],"Can't delete the last admin account":[""],"Can't delete the last admin user group":[""],"Can't find a valid Foreman Proxy with a Puppet feature":["Non se atopa un Proxy Foreman con características de Puppet habilitadas"],"Cancel":["Cancelar"],"Cancel build":[""],"Cancel build request for this host":["Cancelar petición de construcción para este equipo"],"Canceled pending build for %s":["Cancelar construcción pendente para %s"],"Cannot add pagelet with key %s and without mountpoint":[""],"Cannot add pagelet with key %s and without partial":[""],"Cannot continue because some permissions were not found, please run rake db:seed and retry":[""],"Cannot create LDAP configuration for %s without dedicated service account":[""],"Cannot delete %{current} because it has nested %{sti_name}.":[""],"Cannot delete built-in role":[""],"Cannot delete group %{current} because it has nested groups.":[""],"Cannot delete group %{current} because it has nested host groups.":[""],"Cannot find user %s when switching context":[""],"Cannot register compute resource, wrong type supplied":[""],"Canvas not supported.":["Bordes non soportados"],"Caps lock ON":[""],"Certificate Name":["Nome do Certificado"],"Certificate path":[""],"Certificate that Foreman will use to encrypt websockets ":[""],"Certificates":["Certificados"],"Change Environment":["Cambiar Entorno"],"Change Group":["Cambiar Grupo"],"Change Owner":[""],"Change Power State":[""],"Change Puppet CA":[""],"Change Puppet Master":[""],"Change the password":[""],"Change your avatar at":["Cambia ou teu avatar en"],"Changed environments":[""],"Changes to %s will propagate to all inheriting filters":[""],"Chassis":["Chasis"],"Check again":[""],"Check/Uncheck all":[""],"Check/Uncheck all %s changes":[""],"Check/Uncheck new":[""],"Check/Uncheck obsolete":[""],"Check/Uncheck updated":[""],"Choose a family":["Elexir unha familia"],"Choose a provider":["Elexir un proveedor"],"Choose a server type":[""],"Class":[""],"Class Distribution":["Distribución de Clases"],"Classes":["Clases"],"Clean up failed deployment":[""],"Click on the link of a compute resource to edit its default VM attributes.":[""],"Click to add %s":["Click para engadir %s"],"Click to log in again.":[""],"Click to mark as read":[""],"Click to remove %s":["Click para eliminar %s"],"Click to remove config group":[""],"Client Email":[""],"Client SSL certificates are used to identify Smart Proxies (:require_ssl should also be enabled)":[""],"Clone":["Clonar"],"Clone %s":["Clonar %s"],"Clone Host %s":[""],"Clone a host group":[""],"Clone a provision template":[""],"Clone a role":[""],"Clone a template":[""],"Clone this host":[""],"Close":["Pechar"],"Cluster":[""],"Cluster ID is required to list available networks":[""],"Comments":[""],"Communication status":[""],"Compute Resource":["Recurso de Computación"],"Compute Resource Distribution":[""],"Compute Resources":["Recursos de Computación"],"Compute attribute":[""],"Compute profile":[""],"Compute profile ID":[""],"Compute profiles":[""],"Compute resource":["Recurso de computación"],"Compute resource IDs":[""],"Compute resource update for %s":["Recurso de computación de %s actualizado"],"Compute resources":["Recursos de computación"],"ComputeAttribute|Name":[""],"ComputeAttribute|Vm attrs":[""],"ComputeProfile|Name":[""],"ComputeResource|Attrs":["Atributos"],"ComputeResource|Description":["Descripción"],"ComputeResource|Name":["Nome"],"ComputeResource|Password":["Contrasinal"],"ComputeResource|Url":["URL"],"ComputeResource|User":["Usuario"],"ComputeResource|Uuid":["Uuid"],"Config Retrieval":["Recuperar configuración"],"Config group":[""],"Config groups":[""],"Config management":[""],"ConfigGroup|Config group classes count":[""],"ConfigGroup|Hostgroups count":[""],"ConfigGroup|Hosts count":[""],"ConfigGroup|Name":[""],"Configuration":[""],"Configuration rebuild failed for: %s.":[""],"Configuration successfully rebuilt.":[""],"Configure":[""],"Configure instance %s via SSH":[""],"Conflict - %s":["Conflicto - %s"],"Conflicts have been detected":[""],"Connected (unencrypted) to: %s":["Conectado (sen cifrar) a: %s"],"Connecting (unencrypted) to: %s":["Conexión (sen cifrar) a: %s"],"Console":["Terminal"],"Console output may be out of date":[""],"Console passwords":[""],"Consult \\\"Provisioning Templates\\\" page to see what templates are available.":[""],"Continue to look for matches after first find (only array/hash type)? Note: merging overrides ignores all matchers that are omitted.":[""],"Continue?":[""],"Cores":[""],"Cores per socket":[""],"Could not add permissions to Manager and Viewer roles: %s":[""],"Could not add permissions to Manager role: %s":[""],"Could not add permissions to Organization admin role: %s":[""],"Could not add permissions to Viewer role: %s":[""],"Could not create role '%{name}': %{message}":[""],"Could not delete %s":[""],"Could not extend role '%{name}': %{message}":[""],"Could not find %{association} with name: %{name}":[""],"Could not find a Configuration Template with the name \\\"%s\\\", please create one.":[""],"Could not find network %s on VMWare compute resource":[""],"Could not find virtual machine network interface matching %s":[""],"Could not locate CA certificate.":[""],"Could not recreate a new SSH key":[""],"Create":[""],"Create %s":["Crear %s"],"Create %{type} for %{host}":[""],"Create :a_resource":[""],"Create Architecture":[""],"Create Authentication Source":[""],"Create Bookmark":[""],"Create Compute Profile":[""],"Create Compute Resource":[""],"Create Config Group":[""],"Create DHCP Settings for %s":["Crear Parámetros DHCP para %s"],"Create Domain":[""],"Create Environment":[""],"Create Filter":[""],"Create Global Parameter":[""],"Create Host":[""],"Create Host Group":[""],"Create Image":[""],"Create Installation Medium":[""],"Create LDAP Auth Source":[""],"Create LDAP Source":[""],"Create Location":[""],"Create Medium":[""],"Create Model":[""],"Create Operating System":[""],"Create Operating system":[""],"Create Organization":[""],"Create Parameter":[""],"Create Partition Table":[""],"Create Proxy":[""],"Create Puppet Environment":[""],"Create Realm":[""],"Create Role":[""],"Create SSH Key":[""],"Create SSH Key for %s":[""],"Create SSH key":[""],"Create Smart Proxy":[""],"Create Smart Variable":[""],"Create Subnet":[""],"Create Template":[""],"Create Trend":[""],"Create User":[""],"Create User Group":[""],"Create User group":[""],"Create a Puppet class":[""],"Create a bookmark":[""],"Create a compute attributes set":[""],"Create a compute profile":[""],"Create a compute resource":[""],"Create a config group":[""],"Create a default template combination for an operating system":[""],"Create a domain":[""],"Create a filter":[""],"Create a global parameter":[""],"Create a hardware model":[""],"Create a host":[""],"Create a host group":[""],"Create a medium":[""],"Create a nested parameter for a domain":[""],"Create a nested parameter for a host":[""],"Create a nested parameter for a host group":[""],"Create a nested parameter for a location":[""],"Create a nested parameter for a subnet":[""],"Create a nested parameter for an operating system":[""],"Create a nested parameter for an organization":[""],"Create a partition table":[""],"Create a provisioning template":[""],"Create a realm":[""],"Create a report":[""],"Create a role":[""],"Create a smart proxy":[""],"Create a smart variable":[""],"Create a subnet":[""],"Create a user":[""],"Create a user group":[""],"Create an LDAP authentication source":[""],"Create an SSH key for a user":[""],"Create an architecture":[""],"Create an environment":[""],"Create an external user group linked to a user group":[""],"Create an image":[""],"Create an interface on a host":[""],"Create an operating system":[""],"Create an override value for a specific smart class parameter":[""],"Create an override value for a specific smart variable":[""],"Create autosign entry":[""],"Create host":[""],"Create new boot volume from image":[""],"Create new host when facts are uploaded":[""],"Create new host when report is uploaded":[""],"Create realm entry for %s":[""],"Created":[""],"Ctrl-Alt-Del":["Ctrl-Alt-Del"],"Current password":[""],"Custom LDAP search filter, <i>optional</i>":[""],"DB pending migration":[""],"DB pending seed":[""],"DHCP":[""],"DHCP Proxy":["Proxy DHCP"],"DHCP Proxy ID to use within this subnet":[""],"DHCP Proxy to use within this subnet":["Proxy DHCP para usar con esta subrede"],"DHCP conflicts removal for %s":["Eliminar conflictos DHCP para %s"],"DHCP filename option":[""],"DHCP filename option (Grub2/PXELinux by default)":[""],"DHCP filename option to use. 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Foreman also supports the Solaris operating system family, which includes <b>sparc</b> based systems.":["Cada entrada representa unha arquitectura de hardware, as máis comúns son <b>x86_64</b> ou <br>i386</b>. 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After disabling override field, role %{orgs_and_locs} apply again.":[""],"Filters overriding has been disabled":[""],"Filter|Override":[""],"Filter|Permissions":[""],"Filter|Resource":[""],"Filter|Search":[""],"Filter|Taxonomy search":[""],"Filter|Unlimited":[""],"Fingerprint":["Huella"],"Finish template":[""],"Firmware":[""],"Fix %s on Mismatch":["Correxir %s en discordancias"],"Fix All Mismatches":["Arreglar tódalas discordancias"],"Fix DB cache":[""],"Fix DB cache on next Foreman restart":[""],"Fix Mismatches":["Arreglar discordancias"],"Flavor":["Sabor"],"Floating IP network":["Rede IP flotante"],"Folder":[""],"Follow %{href} on how to describe your controllers.":[""],"For example, if you have copied several Red Hat release disks into a directory structure where the disk images are named 5.8 or 6.2, and each contained both x86_64 and i386 binaries, then you\\n could create a single medium entry describing them all.\\n The entry, which could be just named 'Red Hat' could contain a path like this <em>'http://server/redhat/$version/$arch'</em>":[""],"For more info visit our documentation.":[""],"For more information":[""],"Force a Puppet agent run on the host":[""],"Foreman API v2 is currently the default API version.":[""],"Foreman Developers":["Desenroladores de Foreman"],"Foreman URL":[""],"Foreman Users":["Usuarios de Foreman"],"Foreman audit summary":[""],"Foreman can store information about the networking setup of a host that it’s provisioning, which can be used to configure the virtual machine, assign the correct IP addresses and network resources, then configure the OS correctly during the provisioning process.":[""],"Foreman can use LDAP based service for user information and authentication.":["Foreman pode usar un servicio LDAP para autenticación e información de usuarios."],"Foreman considers a domain and a DNS zone as the same thing.":[""],"Foreman domain ID of interface. 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A 'create_ssh_keys' permission is required too.":[""],"In-line code syntax":[""],"Include default value when merging all matching values":[""],"Include default value when merging all matching values.":[""],"Include this host within Foreman reporting":["Inclúe este equipo non informe de Foreman"],"Included Classes":["Clases incluidas"],"Included Config Groups":[""],"Incorrect password":[""],"Incorrect username or password":["Nome de usuario ou contrasinal incorrectos"],"Independent - Nonpersistent":[""],"Independent - Persistent":[""],"Infrastructure":[""],"Inherit parent (%s)":[""],"Inherited Classes from %s":[""],"Inherits from subnet VLAN ID if not set":[""],"Input":[""],"Installation Media":["Medio de Instalación"],"Installation media":["Medio de Instalación"],"Installation medium configuration":["Configuración do Medio de Instalación"],"Installed":[""],"Interface":["Interface"],"Interface is down":[""],"Interface is up":[""],"Interface provider, e.g. IPMI. 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Please consider cloning it instead.":[""],"Item":["Artigo"],"Iterating":[""],"JSON VM listing is not supported for this compute resource.":[""],"JSON object of the scheduler hint":[""],"Keep selected hosts for a future action":[""],"Key Binding":["Combinación de teclas"],"Key not connected to any compute resource":[""],"Key pair":["Par de chaves"],"Key used with other compute resource":[""],"KeyPair|Name":["Nome"],"KeyPair|Public":[""],"KeyPair|Secret":["Contrasinal"],"Kind":["Clase"],"LDAP Authentication":["Autenticación LDAP"],"LDAP authentication":[""],"LDAP authentication sources":[""],"LDAP error - %{message}":[""],"LDAP filter":[""],"LDAP server":[""],"LDAP users will have their Foreman account automatically created the first time they log into Foreman":[""],"Language":[""],"Last Report":[""],"Last report":["Último informe"],"Last updated %s ago":["Última actualización fai %s"],"Latest Events":["Últimos Eventos"],"Learn more about this in the documentation.":[""],"Legacy Puppet 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source":[""],"List all external user groups for user group":[""],"List all fact values":[""],"List all fact values of a given host":[""],"List all filters":[""],"List all global parameters.":[""],"List all hardware models":[""],"List all host groups":[""],"List all host groups for a Puppet class":[""],"List all host groups per location":[""],"List all host groups per organization":[""],"List all hosts":[""],"List all hosts for a host group":[""],"List all images for a compute resource":[""],"List all images for architecture":[""],"List all images for operating system":[""],"List all installation media":[""],"List all interfaces for domain":[""],"List all interfaces for host":[""],"List all interfaces for subnet":[""],"List all media for an operating system":[""],"List all media per location":[""],"List all media per organization":[""],"List all operating systems":[""],"List all operating systems for nested architecture":[""],"List all operating systems for nested medium":[""],"List all 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This feature calls to compute resource providers which may lead to decreased performance on host listing page.":[""],"Show provisioning template details":[""],"Show status":[""],"Show template combination":[""],"Show the last report for a host":[""],"Sign":["Rexistrar"],"Single host on this page is selected.":["",""],"Size":[""],"Size (GB)":["Tamaño (GB)"],"Skip assign hosts and proceed to edit %s settings":["Saltar o paso de asignación de equipos e proceder a editar as preferencias %s"],"Skipped":["Omitido"],"Skipped|S":["O"],"Smart Class Parameter":["Parámetro de Clase Intelixente"],"Smart Proxies":["Proxies intelixentes"],"Smart Proxy":["Proxy Intelixente"],"Smart Proxy: %s":[""],"Smart Variables":["Variables Intelixentes"],"Smart class parameters":[""],"Smart proxies":[""],"Smart proxy":["Proxy intelixente"],"Smart proxy IDs":[""],"Smart variables":["Variables intelixentes"],"SmartProxy|Name":["Nome"],"SmartProxy|Url":["Url"],"Snippet":[""],"Some Puppet Classes are unavailable in the selected environment":[""],"Some imported user account details cannot be saved: %s":[""],"Some interfaces are invalid":[""],"Some of the interfaces are invalid. Please check the table below.":[""],"Some or all hosts execution failed, Please check log files for more information":["Algunhas ou tódalas execucións dos equipos fallaron. Por favor, comproba os arquivos de rexistros para máis información"],"Some other interface is already set as primary. Are you sure you want to use this one instead?":["Xa existe outra interface definida como primaria. Estás seguro de que queres sustituila por esta outra interface?"],"Some other interface is already set as provisioning. Are you sure you want to use this one instead?":[""],"Something went wrong while changing host type - %s":["Algo fallou ao cambiar o tipo de equipo - %s"],"Something went wrong while selecting hosts - %s":["Algo fallou ao seleccionar equipos - %s"],"Sorry but no templates were configured.":["Desculpe pero non se configurou ningunha plantilla."],"Sorry, these hosts do not have parameters assigned to them, you must add them first.":["Sentímolo, estos equipos non teñen parámetros asignados. Deberías engadirllos primeiro."],"Source":["Orixe"],"Source|Digest":["Asimilar"],"Source|Value":["Valor"],"Space separated options, e.g. miimon=100. Only for bond interfaces.":[""],"Specified value is higher than recommended maximum":[""],"Specify additional options to sendmail":[""],"Specify authentication type, if required":[""],"Specify matchers":[""],"Start":[""],"Starting IP Address for IP auto suggestion":[""],"State":["Estado"],"Static":[""],"Statistics":["Estadísticas"],"Status":["Estado"],"Stop updating IP address and MAC values from Puppet facts (affects all interfaces)":[""],"Stop updating Operating System from facts":[""],"Stop updating domain values from facts":[""],"Storage":["Almacenamento"],"Storage domain":[""],"Storage pool":[""],"Strong":["Forte"],"Submit":["Introducir"],"Subnet":["Subrede"],"Subnet ID":[""],"Subnet IDs":[""],"Subnet name":[""],"Subnet network":[""],"Subnet numeric identifier":[""],"Subnets":["Subredes"],"Subnet|Boot mode":[""],"Subnet|Dns primary":["DNS Primario"],"Subnet|Dns secondary":["DNS Secundario"],"Subnet|From":["Dende"],"Subnet|Gateway":["Porta de Enlace"],"Subnet|Ipam":[""],"Subnet|Mask":["Máscara de rede"],"Subnet|Name":["Nome"],"Subnet|Network":["Rede"],"Subnet|Priority":["Prioridad"],"Subnet|To":["Hasta"],"Subnet|Vlanid":["VLANid"],"Subscribe":[""],"Subscribe to all hosts":[""],"Subscribe to my hosts":[""],"Success":["Éxito"],"Successfully created %s.":["Creouse Correctamente %s."],"Successfully delete %s":[""],"Successfully deleted %s.":["Eliminouse correctamente %s."],"Successfully deleted report.":[""],"Successfully executed, check log files for more details":["Executado correctamente, comproba os arquivos de rexistros para máis detalles."],"Successfully executed, check reports and/or log files for more details":["Executado correctamente, comproba os informes e/ou arquivos de rexistros para máis detalles"],"Successfully overridden all parameters of Puppet class %s":[""],"Successfully recreated":[""],"Successfully refreshed features from %s.":[""],"Successfully refreshed the cache.":[""],"Successfully reset all parameters of Puppet class %s to their default values":[""],"Successfully updated %s.":["Actualizouse correctamente %s."],"Successfully updated environments and Puppet classes from the on-disk Puppet installation":[""],"Suffix or prefix length for this subnet, e.g. 32":[""],"Suggest new":[""],"Summary from %{time} ago to now":[""],"Summary report from Foreman server at %{foreman_url}":[""],"Support":["Soporte"],"Supported Formats":[""],"Synchronize group from authentication source":[""],"Syntax Highlighting":[""],"Syntax error occurred while parsing the template %{template_name}, make sure you have all ERB tags properly closed and the Ruby syntax is valid. The Ruby error: %{message}":[""],"System Information":["Información do Sistema"],"System Status":["Estado do Sistema"],"TFTP":[""],"TFTP Proxy":["Proxy TFTP"],"TFTP Proxy ID to use within this subnet":[""],"TFTP Proxy to use within this subnet":["Proxy TFTP para usar nesta subrede"],"TFTP server":[""],"Taxable taxonomy":["Taxonomía imponible"],"TaxableTaxonomy|Taxable type":["Tipo de Taxonomía"],"Taxonomy":["Taxonomía"],"Taxonomy|Ancestry":[""],"Taxonomy|Ignore types":["Ignorar tipos"],"Taxonomy|Name":["Nome"],"Taxonomy|Title":[""],"Template":[""],"Template %s is empty.":[""],"Template '%s' is either missing or has an invalid organization or location":[""],"Template '%s' was not found":[""],"Template Diff":["Diferencias entre Plantilla"],"Template Type":["Tipo de Plantilla"],"Template diff":["Plantilla diff"],"Template editor":["Editor de Plantilla"],"Template kind":["Tipo de plantilla"],"Template kinds, available values: %{template_kinds}":[""],"Template locked":[""],"Template syntax":[""],"Template that will be selected as %s default for local boot.":[""],"Template unlocked":[""],"TemplateKind|Name":["Nome"],"Templates":["Plantillas"],"Templates resolved for this operating system":[""],"Tenant":["Inquilino"],"Test Connection":["Probar conexión"],"Test LDAP connection":[""],"Test LDAP connectivity":[""],"Test connection to LDAP server was successful.":[""],"Test connection was successful":[""],"Test email":[""],"Text to be shown in the login-page footer":[""],"That is, if you are planning to manage a site where all the machines are of the form <i>hostname</i>.<b></b>\\n then the domain is <b></b>.":[""],"The %{proxy_type} proxy could not be set for host: %{host_names}.":["",""],"The %{proxy_type} proxy of the selected hosts was cleared.":[""],"The %{proxy_type} proxy of the selected hosts was set to %{proxy_name}.":[""],"The <b>fullname</b> field is used for human readability in reports and other pages that refer to domains,\\n and also available as an external node parameter":[""],"The Audit Comment field is saved with the template auditing to document the template changes":["O campo de Comentario de Auditoría é gardado coa auditoría de plantilla no documento de cambios de plantilla"],"The BMC password will be used by Foreman to access the host's BMC controller via a BMC-enabled smart proxy, if available.<br/>":[""],"The IP address that should be used for the console listen address when provisioning new virtual machines via Libvirt":["A dirección IP que debería utilizarse para a dirección de escoita da terminal cando se aprovisiona unha nova máquina virtual via Libvirt"],"The NFS path to the image directory.":["A ruta NFS ao directorio de imaxes."],"The NFS path to the jumpstart control files.":["A ruta NFS para aloxa-los arquivos de control de 'jumpstart'"],"The NFS path to the media.":["A ruta NFS ao medio de instalación"],"The Operating systems detail the OSs known to Foreman, and is the central point that the other required components tie into.":[""],"The Primary interface is used for constructing the FQDN of the host":[""],"The Provisioning interface is used for TFTP of PXELinux (or SSH for image-based hosts)":[""],"The authentication process currently requires an LDAP provider, such as <em>FreeIPA</em>,\\n <em>OpenLDAP</em> or <em>Microsoft's Active Directory</em>.":[""],"The class of CPU supplied in this machine. This is primarily used by Sparc Solaris builds and can be left blank for other architectures. The value can be determined on Solaris via uname -m":["A clase de CPU suministrada nesta máquina. Utilíxase principalmente para arquitecturas Sparc Solaris e pódese deixar en branco para outras arquitecturas. Pódese consultar este valor en Solaris co comando uname -m"],"The class of the machine reported by the Open Boot Prom. This is primarily used by Sparc Solaris builds and can be left blank for other architectures. The value can be determined on Solaris via uname -i|cut -f2 -d,":["A clase da máquina reportada polo Open Boot Prom. Utilízase principalmente para arquitecturas Sparc Solaris e pódese deixar en branco para outras arquitecturas. Pódese consultar este valor en Solaris co comando uname -i|cut -f2 -d"],"The default administrator email address":["A dirección de correo electrónico predeterminada do administrador"],"The dynamic partitioning style is currently only available for the Red Hat family of operating systems, all others must provide an explicit list of partitions and sizes.":[""],"The file path where your p12 file is located":[""],"The final entry, Operating System default, can be set by editing the %s page.":["A última entrada, Sistema Operativo predeterminado, pódese configurar editando a páxina %s."],"The following IPv4 subnets have been found. Please review the details before creating them.":[""],"The following entries were found conflicting with what foreman wanted to apply.":["As seguintes entradas teñen conflictos co que Foreman intenta aplicar."],"The following errors may prevent a successful build:":[""],"The following fields would need reviewing":["Os seguintes campos necesitan ser revisados"],"The following hosts failed the build operation: %s":["Os seguintes equipos fallaron á hora de crearse: %s"],"The following hosts were not %{action}: %{missed_hosts}":["Os seguintes equipos non estaban %{action}: %{missed_hosts}"],"The following hosts were not deleted: %s":["Os seguintes equipos non foron eliminados: %s"],"The following hosts were updated":["Actualizánronse os seguintes equipos"],"The following parameters were skipped as they did not exists on this host:":["Os seguintes parámetros foron omitidos xa que non existen neste equipo:"],"The following table and example snippet shows global methods, variables and class methods and how to use them.":[""],"The full DNS domain name":[""],"The host group's classes and the host group's variables are included in the external node information when the puppetmaster compiles the host's configuration.":["As clases e variables dos grupos de usuarios están incluidas na información do nodo externo cando o puppetmaster compila a configuración do equipo."],"The inclusion of the keyword string <b>#Dynamic</b> at the start of a line lets Foreman know that this is not an explicit disk layout and must treated as a shell script, executed prior\\n to the install process and that the explicit partition table will be found at <b>/tmp/diskpart.cfg</b> during the build process.":[""],"The keys can be used in provisioning templates and are also available for configuration management tools managed by Foreman.":[""],"The keywords <b>$version</b>, <b>$major</b> and <b>$minor</b> will be interpolated back into the path specification to calculate the true URL address.":["As palabras clave <b>$version</b>, <b>$major</b> e <b>$minor</b> serán interpoladas de novo á ruta de especificación para calcular a dirección URL real."],"The list is excluding %{count} %{link_start}physical host%{link_end}.":["",""],"The location of the sendmail executable":[""],"The marked fields will need reviewing":["Os campos marcados necesitan ser revisados"],"The method used to provision the host. Possible provision_methods may be %{provision_methods}":[""],"The order in which matchers keys are processed, first match wins.<br> You may use multiple attributes as a matcher key, for example, an order of <code>host group, environment</code> would expect a matcher such as <code>hostgroup = \\\"web servers\\\", environment = production</code>":["A orde en que se procesan as chaves de concordancia, a primera concordancia gana.<br> Pódense usar múles atributos como clave de concordancia, por exemplo, cunha orde de <code>grupo de equipos, environment</code> esperamos unha concordancia como <code>hostgroup = \\\"web servers\\\", environment = production</code>"],"The order in which values are resolved":["A orde na cual se resolven os valores"],"The password will also be accessible to other users via templates and in the ENC YAML output; disable the bmc_credentials_accessible setting to prevent access.":[""],"The password will not be accessible to other users; enable the bmc_credentials_accessible setting to permit access via templates and in the ENC YAML output.":[""],"The path to the medium, can be a URL or a valid NFS server (exclusive of the architecture).\\n for example <em>$version/os/$arch</em> where <strong>$arch</strong> will be substituted for the host's actual OS architecture and <strong>$version</strong>, <strong>$major</strong> and <strong>$minor</strong> will be substituted for the version of the operating system. Solaris and Debian media may also use <strong>$release</strong>.":[""],"The power state of the selected hosts will be set to %s":[""],"The realm name, e.g. EXAMPLE.COM":[""],"The remote system presented a public key signed by an unidentified certificate authority. If you are sure the remote system is authentic, go to the compute resource edit page, press the 'Test Connection' or 'Load Datacenters' button and submit":[""],"The remote system presented a public key with hash %s but we're expecting a different hash. If you are sure the remote system is authentic, go to the compute resource edit page, press the 'Test Connection' or 'Load Datacenters' button and submit":["O sistema remoto presentou unha clave pública con hash %s pero estábase esperando un hash diferente. Se estás seguro de que o sistema remoto é auténtico, vai á páxina de edición do recurso de computación e presiona o botón de 'Probar Conexión' ou 'Cargar Centros de Datos'"],"The selected hosts were enabled for reboot and rebuild":[""],"The selected hosts will execute a build operation on next reboot":["Os equipos seleccionados executarán unha operación de creación no próximo reinicio"],"The snippet '%{name}' threw an error: %{exc}":[""],"The template is associated to at least one host in build mode. To apply the change, disable and enable build mode on hosts to update the live templates or choose to %s their configuration from 'Select Action' menu":[""],"The user that is used to ssh into the instance, normally cloud-user, ec2-user, ubuntu, root etc":[""],"The virtual machine is being deleted.":[""],"There are migrations pending in the system.":[""],"There are no puppet environments set up on this puppet master. Please check the puppet master configuration.":[""],"There are orchestration modules with methods for configuration rebuild that have identical name: '%s'":[""],"There are two strategies when using host groups.":["Existen dúas estratexias para utilizar cos grupos de equipos"],"There is":["Hai","Hai"],"There is no owner with id %d and type %s":[""],"There is no proxy with BMC feature set up. Please register a smart proxy with this feature.":[""],"There was an error creating the PXE file: %s":[""],"There was an error listing %{listing}: %{errors}":[""],"There was an error listing VMs: %(status)s %(statusText)s":["Houbo un erro listando máquinas Virtuais: %(status)s %(statusText)s"],"There was an error rendering the %s template: ":["Houbo un erro reproducindo a plantilla: %s"],"There was an error rendering the %{name} template: %{error}":[""],"There was no active bridge interface found in libvirt, if it does not support listing, you can enter the bridge name manually (e.g. br0)":[""],"These are guaranteed to work via the safe mode rendering, to ensure a template can do nothing harmful.":[""],"These two options are personal decisions and are up to you (where the main difference would be the parameter/variables settings).":["Estas dúas opcións son decisións personais e dependen de ti (onde a principal diferencia serán as configuracións de parámetros/variables)."],"Thin provision":[""],"This Puppet class has no parameters in its signature.":["Esta clase de Puppet non ten parámetros na súa firma."],"This allows Foreman to associate a puppet variable with a domain/site and automatically append this variable to all external node requests made by machines at that site.":[""],"This group has nested groups!":["Este grupo contén grupos anidados!"],"This group has no roles":[""],"This host's stored facts and reports will be deleted too.":[""],"This is a test message to confirm that Foreman's email configuration is working.":[""],"This is for every location and organization that uses it.":[""],"This is for every location that uses it.":[""],"This is for every organization that uses it.":[""],"This is inherited from parent":[""],"This is used by a host":[""],"This might take a while, as all hosts, facts and reports will be destroyed as well":["Esta acción pode tardar un anaco, xa que se eliminarán tódolos equipos, datos e informes."],"This role has been cloned from role %s":[""],"This role is locked for editing.":[""],"This role is locked from being modified by users.":[""],"This setting is defined in the configuration file '%{filename}' and is read-only.":[""],"This template is locked and may not be removed.":[""],"This template is locked for editing.":[""],"This template is locked. Please clone it to a new template to customize.":[""],"This template is locked. You may only change the associations. Please %s it to customize.":[""],"This value is not hidden":[""],"This value is used also as the host's primary interface name.":[""],"This will reset parameters of the class %s to their default values. Continue?":[""],"This will set all parameters of the class %s as overridden. Continue?":[""],"Time":[""],"Time in Seconds":["Tempo en Segundos"],"Time in minutes installation tokens should be valid for, 0 to disable token generation":[""],"Timeout for DNS conflict validation (in seconds)":[""],"Timeout has occurred while communicating with %s":["Excedeuse o tempo de espera na conexión con %s"],"To define trend counters, use the Add Trend Counter button.</br> To start collecting trend data, set a cron job to execute 'foreman-rake trends:counter' every Puppet Interval (%s minutes).":[""],"To enable a provider, either install the OS package (e.g. foreman-libvirt) or enable the bundler group for development setup (e.g. ovirt).":[""],"To enable safe mode, navigate to Settings page and enable Safemode rendering option.":[""],"To start collecting trend data, set a cron job to execute <span class='black'>foreman-rake trends:counter</span> every Puppet Interval (%s minutes)":[""],"To update the class signature, go to the Puppet Classes page and select \\\"Import\\\".":["Para actualiza-la firma de clase, selecciona \\\"Importar\\\" na páxina de Clases de Puppet."],"Toggle":[""],"Token":["Mostra"],"Token duration":[""],"Token expired":[""],"Token|Expires":["Caduca"],"Token|Value":["Valor"],"Total":["Total"],"Total Hosts: %s":["Equipos totales: %s"],"Total hosts count":[""],"Total of one host":["",""],"Trend":["Tendencia"],"Trend counter":["Contador de Tendencias"],"Trend of the last %s days.":["Tendencia dos últimos %s días"],"TrendCounter|Count":["Contador"],"Trends":["Tendencias"],"Trends for %s":["Tendencias para %s"],"Trend|Fact name":["Nome de Dato (Fact)"],"Trend|Fact value":["Valor de Dato (Fact)"],"Trend|Name":["Nome"],"Trend|Trendable type":["Tipo de Tendencia"],"Trigger a puppetrun on a node; requires that puppet run is enabled":["Desencadena unha execución de Puppet nun nodo. É necesario que \\\"Puppet run\\\" esté habilitado."],"Troubleshooting":[""],"True/False flag whether a host is managed or unmanaged. Note: this value also determines whether several parameters are required or not":[""],"Trusted puppetmaster hosts":[""],"Try going to %{href}":[""],"Type":["Tipo"],"Type of name generator":[""],"Type of realm, e.g. FreeIPA":[""],"Type or protocol, IPv4 or IPv6, defaults to IPv4":[""],"Types of validation values":[""],"Types of variable values":[""],"URL":["URL"],"URL for %{providers_requiring_url}":[""],"URL hosts will retrieve templates from during build (normally http as many installers don't support https)":[""],"URL must be valid and schema must be one of %s":[""],"URL where your Foreman instance is reachable (see also Provisioning > unattended_url)":[""],"UTC time of report":[""],"UUID":["UUID"],"UUID to track orchestration tasks status, GET /api/orchestration/:UUID/tasks":[""],"Unable to access key":[""],"Unable to authenticate user %s":[""],"Unable to change VM display listen address, make sure the display is not attached to localhost only":[""],"Unable to communicate with the proxy: %s":["Non foi posible establecer unha comunicación co proxy: %s"],"Unable to connect":[""],"Unable to connect to LDAP server":[""],"Unable to create default TFTP boot menu":[""],"Unable to create realm entry":[""],"Unable to create the default role.":[""],"Unable to delete DHCP entry for %s":[""],"Unable to delete DNS entry":[""],"Unable to delete PuppetCA autosign for %s":[""],"Unable to delete PuppetCA certificate for %s":[""],"Unable to delete TFTP boot entry for %s":[""],"Unable to detect TFTP boot server":[""],"Unable to detect features":[""],"Unable to detect version":[""],"Unable to determine the host's boot server. The DHCP smart proxy failed to provide this information and this subnet is not provided with TFTP services.":["Non foi posible determina-lo servidor de equipo de arranque. O proxy intelixente de DHCP non puido proporcionar esta información e esta subrede non conta con servicios TFTP."],"Unable to disable bmc_credentials_accessible when safemode_render is disabled":[""],"Unable to disable safemode_render when bmc_credentials_accessible is disabled":[""],"Unable to execute Puppet run":[""],"Unable to fetch TFTP boot file":[""],"Unable to fetch logs":[""],"Unable to find IP address for '%s'":[""],"Unable to find a proxy with BMC feature":["Non se atopou ningún proxy coa característica BCM"],"Unable to find proper authentication method":["Non se puido atopar un método de autenticación"],"Unable to find template %s":[""],"Unable to generate output, Check log files":[""],"Unable to get BMC providers":[""],"Unable to get PuppetCA autosign":[""],"Unable to get PuppetCA certificates":[""],"Unable to get classes from Puppet for %s":[""],"Unable to get environment from Puppet":[""],"Unable to get environments from Puppet":[""],"Unable to get installed BMC providers":[""],"Unable to initialize ProxyAPI class %s":[""],"Unable to perform boot BMC operation":[""],"Unable to perform identify BMC operation":[""],"Unable to perform lan BMC operation":[""],"Unable to perform power BMC operation":[""],"Unable to render %{kind} template '%{name}': %{e}":[""],"Unable to render '%{name}' template: %{e}":[""],"Unable to retrieve DHCP entry for %s":[""],"Unable to retrieve DHCP subnet":[""],"Unable to retrieve DHCP subnets":[""],"Unable to retrieve unused IP":[""],"Unable to save":["Non puido gardar"],"Unable to send email, check server logs for more information":[""],"Unable to set DHCP entry":[""],"Unable to set DNS entry":[""],"Unable to set PuppetCA autosign for %s":[""],"Unable to set TFTP boot entry for %s":[""],"Unable to sign PuppetCA certificate for %s":[""],"Unable to turn on websockets_encrypt, either websockets_ssl_key or websockets_ssl_cert is missing":[""],"Unable to unset websockets_ssl_cert when websockets_encrypt is on":[""],"Unable to unset websockets_ssl_key when websockets_encrypt is on":[""],"Unallowed template for dashboard widget: %s":[""],"Unattended URL":[""],"Undo remove":["Desfacer borrado"],"Undo selection":[""],"Unhide this value":[""],"Unknown":["Desconocido"],"Unknown IPAM type - can't continue":[""],"Unknown Power State":["Sistema de enerxía en estado desconocido"],"Unknown action name for success message: %s":["Non se definiu un nome para as mensaxes de execución correcta: %s"],"Unknown build status":[""],"Unknown device: available devices are %s":[""],"Unknown interface type, must be one of [%s]":[""],"Unknown power action: available methods are %s":[""],"Unknown power management support - can't continue":["Soporte de xestión de enerxía desconocido - Non se pode continuar"],"Unknown power state":[""],"Unlock":[""],"Unmanage host":["Equipo sen xestionar"],"Unsupported IPAM mode for %s":[""],"Unsupported password hash function '%s'":[""],"Unsupported report status format":[""],"Update":["Actualizar"],"Update :a_resource":[""],"Update IP from built request":[""],"Update a Puppet class":[""],"Update a bookmark":[""],"Update a compute attributes set":[""],"Update a compute profile":[""],"Update a compute resource":[""],"Update a config group":[""],"Update a default template combination for an operating system":[""],"Update a domain":[""],"Update a filter":[""],"Update a global parameter":[""],"Update a hardware model":[""],"Update a host":[""],"Update a host group":[""],"Update a host's interface":[""],"Update a medium":[""],"Update a nested parameter for a domain":[""],"Update a nested parameter for a host":[""],"Update a nested parameter for a host group":[""],"Update a nested parameter for a location":[""],"Update a nested parameter for a subnet":[""],"Update a nested parameter for an operating system":[""],"Update a nested parameter for an organization":[""],"Update a partition table":[""],"Update a provisioning template":[""],"Update a realm":[""],"Update a role":[""],"Update a setting":[""],"Update a smart class parameter":[""],"Update a smart proxy":[""],"Update a smart variable":[""],"Update a subnet":[""],"Update a user":[""],"Update a user group":[""],"Update an LDAP authentication source":[""],"Update an architecture":[""],"Update an environment":[""],"Update an image":[""],"Update an operating system":[""],"Update an override value for a specific smart class parameter":[""],"Update an override value for a specific smart variable":[""],"Update environment from facts":[""],"Update external user group":[""],"Update realm entry for %s":[""],"Update subnets from facts":[""],"Update template combination":[""],"Update the default PXE menu on all configured TFTP servers":[""],"Update:":["Actualizar:"],"Updated":[""],"Updated all hosts!":["¡Tódolos equipos actualizados!"],"Updated hosts: Disassociated from VM":[""],"Updated hosts: changed environment":["Equipos actualizados: cambiado o entorno"],"Updated hosts: changed host group":["Equipos actualizados: cambiado o grupo de equipos"],"Updated hosts: changed owner":[""],"Upload facts for a host, creating the host if required":[""],"Use Gravatar":[""],"Use UUID for certificates":[""],"Use short name for VMs":[""],"Use this account to authenticate, <i>optional</i>":["Usa esta conta para autenticarte, <i>optional</i>"],"Use this puppet server as a CA server":["Usa este servidor Puppet como servidor CA"],"Use this puppet server as an initial Puppet Server or to execute puppet runs":["Usa este servidor Puppet como Servidor Puppet inicial ou para executar \\\"Puppet run\\\""],"Used to enforce certain values for the parameter values":[""],"User":["Usuario"],"User Group":[""],"User Groups":["Grupos de Usuarios"],"User IDs":[""],"User data template":[""],"User groups":[""],"User groups enable users to log into Foreman and be automatically granted permissions.":[""],"User role":["Rol de usuario"],"User's preferred locale":[""],"User's timezone":[""],"UserRole|Owner type":[""],"Usergroup":["Usergroup"],"Usergroup member":["Membro de Grupo de Usuarios"],"UsergroupMember|Member type":["Tipo de Membro"],"Usergroup|Admin":[""],"Usergroup|Auth source":[""],"Usergroup|Name":["Nome"],"Username":["Nome de usuario"],"Username for oVirt, EC2, VMware, OpenStack. 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Se se prefire usa-la opción de tabla de particionado, é necesario borrar todo o texto deste campo."],"When a Host requests a template (e.g. during provisioning), Foreman will select the best match from the available templates of that type, in the following order:":[""],"When a realm is selected for a host, Foreman contacts the relevant realm smart proxy to create an entry for the host and retrieve it's one-time registration password.":[""],"When editing a template, you must assign a list of operating systems which this template can be used with. Optionally, you can restrict a template to a list of host groups and/or environments.":[""],"When enabled the parameter is hidden in the UI":[""],"When specifying custom value, add 'MB' or 'GB' at the end. Field is not case sensitive and MB is default if unspecified.":[""],"When the role's associated %{taxonomies} are changed,<br> the change will propagate to all inheriting filters.\\n Filters that are set to override <br> will remain untouched. Overriding of role filters can be easily disabled by <br> pressing the \\\"Disable overriding\\\" button.\\n Note that not all filters support <br>%{taxonomies}, so these always remain global.":[""],"When using SSH based provisioning, a special SSH key is created in order to automate the provisioning process.":[""],"When using TLS, you can set how OpenSSL checks the certificate":[""],"Whether or not the image supports user data":[""],"Whether or not the template is locked for editing":[""],"Whether the class parameter value is managed by Foreman.":[""],"Whether the smart class parameter value is managed by Foreman":[""],"Which is an offset of <b>%s</b>":["O cal é un offset de <b>%s</b>"],"Widget added to dashboard.":[""],"Widget positions successfully saved.":[""],"Widget removed from dashboard.":[""],"Wiki":["Wiki"],"With user groups, you can group your users and assign them roles on a group basis.":[""],"X509 Certification Authorities":[""],"YAML":["YAML"],"Yes":[""],"You are about to change the default PXE menu on all configured TFTP servers - continue?":[""],"You are about to override the editor content with a previous version, are you sure?":["Estás a piques de sustituir o contido do editor cunha versión previa, estás seguro?"],"You are about to override the editor content, are you sure?":["Estás a piques de sustituir o contido do editor, estás seguro?"],"You are about to unlock a locked template.":[""],"You are not authorized to lock templates.":[""],"You are not authorized to make a template default.":[""],"You are not authorized to perform this action.":[""],"You are trying to delete your own account":[""],"You are using an unsupported browser.":[""],"You can add SSH public keys to a user in Foreman.":[""],"You can find The Foreman on the %{freenode} ( network. For general support, please visit #theforeman and for development specific related chat, please visit #theforeman-dev.":[""],"You can select one of the IPAM modes supported by the selected IP protocol:<br/><ul><li><strong>DHCP</strong> - will manage the IP on DHCP through assigned DHCP proxy, auto-suggested IPs come from DHCP <em>(IPv4)</em></li><li><strong>Internal DB</strong> - use internal DB to auto-suggest free IP based on other interfaces on same subnet respecting range if specified, useful mainly with static boot mode <em>(IPv4, IPv6)</em></li><li><strong>EUI-64</strong> - will assign the IPv6 address based on the MAC address of the interface <em>(IPv6)</em></li><li><strong>None</strong> - leave IP management solely on user, no auto-suggestion <em>(IPv4, IPv6)</em></li></ul>":[""],"You can't assign locations to this resource":[""],"You can't assign organizations to this resource":[""],"You cannot delete this user while logged in as this user.":[""],"You do not have permission to %s this location parameter":[""],"You do not have permission to %s this organization parameter":[""],"You don't have any visible hosts. 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configuration.":["Pódense crear clases de puppet que representen configuracións de alto nivel para equipos, como por exemplo a clase <b>host-type-ldap-server</b>, a cual inclúe toda a funcionalidade requerida por outros módulos, ou podes decidir crear un grupo de equipos chamado <b>host-type-ldap-server</b> e engadirlle as clases requeridas na configuración do mesmo."],"You must create a location before continuing.":[""],"You must create an organization before continuing.":[""],"You must create at least one location before continuing.":["Débese crear polo menos un lugar antes de continuar."],"You must create at least one organization before continuing.":["Débese crear polo menos unha organización antes de continuar."],"You must select at least one permission":[""],"You probably need to configure your %s first.":[""],"You would probably need to attach the":["Probablemente sexa necesario engadir o"],"Your Foreman user account has been created:":[""],"Your host has finished 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var locales = locales || {}; locales['it'] = {"domain":"app","locale_data":{"app":{"":{"Project-Id-Version":"Foreman","Report-Msgid-Bugs-To":"","PO-Revision-Date":"2017-08-03 17:20+0000","Last-Translator":"Lukáš Zapletal","Language-Team":"Italian (","MIME-Version":"1.0","Content-Type":"text/plain; charset=UTF-8","Content-Transfer-Encoding":"8bit","Language":"it","Plural-Forms":"nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);","lang":"it","domain":"app","plural_forms":"nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);"}," Remove":[" Rimuovi"],"%s - Press Shift-F12 to release the cursor.":["%s - Premere Shift-F12 per rilasciare il cursore."],"%s - The following hosts are about to be changed":["%s - I seguenti host stanno per essere modificati"],"%s Distribution":["Distribuzione %s"],"%s Parameters updated, see below for more information":["I parametri %s sono stati aggiornati, consultare le informazioni riportate qui di seguito"],"%s Template":["Modello %s"],"%s VM associated to a host":["",""],"%s active feature":["",""],"%s ago":["%s fa"],"%s console is not supported at this time":["%s console non è supportata"],"%s core":["",""],"%s day ago":["%s giorno fa","%s giorni fa"],"%s error message":["",""],"%s has been disassociated from VM":["rimossa l'associazione di %s dalla VM"],"%s host":["",""],"%s is an unknown attribute":["%s è un attributo sconosciuto"],"%s is not a valid DNS record type":[""],"%s is not in environment":["%s non è presente nell'ambiente"],"%s log message":["",""],"%s minute ago":["%s minuto fa","%s minuti fa"],"%s month ago":["%s mese fa","%s mesi fa"],"%s selected hosts":["%s host selezionato"],"%s warning message":["",""],"%s week ago":["",""],"%s widget loading...":[""],"%{app_name} API documentation homepage":["Homepage per la documentazione di %{app_name} API"],"%{config_type} rebuild failed for host: %{host_names}.":["",""],"%{controller}: %{host}'s operating system %{os} has no OS family":[""],"%{controller}: %{host}'s operating system is missing":[""],"%{controller}: unable to find a host that matches the request from %{addr}":[""],"%{cores} Cores and %{memory} memory":["%{cores} Core e %{memory} di memoria"],"%{count} host with no %{taxonomy_single} assigned":["",""],"%{cpus} CPUs and %{memory} MB memory":["%{cpus} CPU e %{memory} MB di memoria"],"%{cpus} CPUs and %{memory} memory":["%{cpus} CPU e %{memory} di memoria"],"%{e} does not belong to the %{environment} environment":["%{e} non appartiene all'ambiente %{environment}"],"%{host} is about to %{action}":["%{host} sta per eseguire %{action}"],"%{host} now boots from %{device}":["%{host} ora esegue l'avvio da %{device}"],"%{id} plugin requires Foreman %{matcher} but current is %{current}":["Il plugin %{id} ha bisogno del Foreman %{matcher}, ma quello attuale è %{current}"],"%{id} plugin requires the %{plugin_name} plugin %{matcher} but current is %{plugin_version}":["Il plugin %{id} ha bisogno di %{plugin_name} %{matcher}, ma quello attuale è %{plugin_version}"],"%{id} plugin requires the %{plugin_name} plugin, not found":["Il plugin %{id} ha bisogno di %{plugin_name}, quest'ultimo non è stato trovato"],"%{image} needs user data, but %{os_link} is not associated to any provisioning template of the kind user_data. Please associate it with a suitable template or uncheck 'User data' for %{compute_resource_image_link}.":[""],"%{key} does not exist in order field":[""],"%{match} does not match an existing host":["%{match} non corrisponde all'host esistente"],"%{match} does not match an existing host group":["%{match} non corrisponde a un gruppo di host esistente"],"%{model} with id '%{id}' was not found":[""],"%{name} changed from %{label1} to %{label2}":["%{name} è stato modificato da %{label1} a %{label2}"],"%{name} has %{num_tag} class":["",""],"%{os} medium was not set for host '%{host}'":[""],"%{record} is being used by a hidden %{what} resource":[""],"%{record} is used by %{what}":["%{record} viene usato da %{what}"],"%{record} is used by host in build mode %{what}":["%{record} viene usato dall'host in modalità di compilazione %{what}"],"%{resource_name} not found by id '%{id}'":["%{resource_name} non trovato usando id '%{id}'"],"%{task} task failed with the following error: %{e}":["Il compito %{task} è fallito con il seguente errore: %{e}"],"%{taxonomy_type} %{taxonomy_name} has %{count} host that will need to be reassociated after deletion. Delete %{taxonomy_name2}?":["",""],"%{type} %{conflicts} already exists":[""],"%{user} Downloaded %{key} as pem file":[""],"%{value} does not belong to %{os} operating system":["%{value} non appartiene al sistema operativo %{os}"],"%{value} is not a valid controller":["%{value} non è un controller valido"],"%{value} is not one of %{rules}":["%{value} non è uno di %{rules}"],"%{vm} is now %{vm_state}":["%{vm} è ora %{vm_state}"],"&laquo;":["&laquo;"],"&raquo;":["&raquo;"],"'%{host}' could be deleted or '%{resource}' is not responding.":["'%{host}' può essere stato cancellato o '%{resource}' non risponde."],"'%{host}' not found on '%{resource}'":["Impossibile trovare '%{host}' su '%{resource}'"],"'%{loader}' is not one of %{loaders}":[""],"'Content-Type: %s' is unsupported in API v2 for POST and PUT requests. Please use 'Content-Type: application/json'.":["'Content-Type: %s' non è supportato in API v2 per le richieste POST e PUT. Usare 'Content-Type: application/json'."],"(Miscellaneous)":["(Altro)"],"(optional) IAM Role for Fog to use when creating this image.":["(facoltativo) Ruolo IAM di Fog da usare durante la creazione di questa immagine."],"*Clear %s proxy*":[""],"*Clear environment*":["*Annulla ambiente*"],"*Clear host group*":["*Annulla gruppo di host*"],"*Inherit from host group*":["*Eredita dal gruppo di host*"],", relevant log entries, and it is highly recommended to also attach the foreman-debug output.":[""],":foreman_url is not set, please configure in the Foreman Web UI (Administer -> Settings -> General)":[""],"<b class='select_count'>0</b> selected":["<b class='select_count'>0</b> selezionato"],"<b style=\\\"color: #6bb5df;\\\">%{disabled_sum}</b>\\n <p>Disabled</p>":["",""],"<b style=\\\"color: #6bb5df;\\\">%{hosts_sum}</b>\\n <p>Changed</p>":["",""],"<b style=\\\"color: #6bb5df;\\\">%{out_of_sync_sum}</b>\\n <p>Out of sync</p>":["",""],"<b>Description:</b> %{desc}<br/>\\n <b>Type:</b> %{type}<br/>\\n <b>Matcher:</b> %{matcher}<br/>\\n <b>Inherited value:</b> %{inherited_value}":[""],"<b>Foreman API v1 is deprecated. Please use v2.</b><br />If you still need to use v1, you may do so by either passing 'version=1' in the Accept Header or using api/v1/ in the URL.":[""],"<b>Foreman</b> Build Complete":[""],"<b>Foreman</b> Puppet error report":["<b>Foreman</b> Notifica errore Puppet"],"<b>Foreman</b> Puppet summary":[""],"<b>Foreman</b> audit summary":[""],"<b>Foreman</b> test email":[""],"<b>Source:</b> %{type} %{name}":["<b>Source:</b> %{type} %{name}"],"<dl><dt>List</dt> <dd>A list of the allowed values, specified in the Validator rule field.</dd><dt>Regexp</dt> <dd>Validates the input with the regular expression in the Validator rule field.</dd></dl>":["<dl><dt>Elenco</dt> <dd>Un elenco di valori accettati, specificati nel campo Convalidatore regola.</dd><dt>Regexp</dt> <dd>Convalida l'input con l'espressione regolare nel campo Convalidatore regola.</dd></dl>"],"<dl><dt>String</dt> <dd>Everything is taken as a string.</dd><dt>Boolean</dt> <dd>Common representation of boolean values are accepted.</dd><dt>Integer</dt> <dd>Integer numbers only, can be negative.</dd><dt>Real</dt> <dd>Accept any numerical input.</dd><dt>Array</dt> <dd>A valid JSON or YAML input, that must evaluate to an array.</dd><dt>Hash</dt> <dd>A valid JSON or YAML input, that must evaluate to an object/map/dict/hash.</dd><dt>YAML</dt> <dd>Any valid YAML input.</dd><dt>JSON</dt> <dd>Any valid JSON input.</dd></dl>":["<dl><dt>Stringa</dt> <dd>Qualsiasi input viene accettato come stringa.</dd><dt>Booleano</dt> <dd>Viene accettata una rappresentazione comune dei valori booleani.</dd><dt>Intero</dt> <dd>È possibile usare solo valori interi, anche negativi.</dd><dt>Reale</dt> <dd>Accetta qualsiasi input numerico.</dd><dt>Array</dt> <dd>Un input JSON o YAML valido, che restituisca un array.</dd><dt>Hash</dt> <dd>Un input JSON o YAML valido, che restituisca un oggetto/mappa/dict/hash.</dd><dt>YAML</dt> <dd>Qualsiasi input YAML valido.</dd><dt>JSON</dt> <dd>Qualsiasi input JSON valido.</dd></dl>"],"A Foreman user group can be associated to a group stored in an LDAP server, so membership of the LDAP group automatically adds the user to the Foreman user group.":[""],"A host group is in some ways similar to an inherited node declaration, in that it is a high level grouping of classes that can be named and treated as a unit. This is then treated as a template and is selectable during the creation of a new host and ensures that the host is configured in one of your pre-defined states.":["Un gruppo di host può essere simile a una dichiarazione di nodo ereditato, e cioè un raggruppamento di classi di alto livello al quale conferire un nome e trattato come unità, utilizzabile come modello e selezionabile durante la creazione di un nuovo host. Così facendo l'host potrà essere configurato in uno degli stati predefiniti."],"A medium represents the source of one or more operating system's installation files, accessible via the network.\\n It will probably be a mirror from the internet or a copy of one or more CD or DVDs.":[""],"A partition table entry represents either":["Una voce per la tabella delle partizioni può rappresentare"],"A problem occurred when detecting host type: %s":["Si è verificato un errore durante il rilevamento del tipo di host: %s"],"A script to dynamically calculate the desired sizes. E.G.":["Uno script per calcolare dinamicamente le dimensioni desiderate. E.G."],"A user group already exists with this name":["Esiste già un gruppo utenti con questo nome"],"API Key":["API Key"],"API documentation":["Documentazione API"],"About":["Informazioni"],"Access Key":["Chiave d'accesso"],"Access denied":["Accesso negato"],"Access unattended without build":[""],"Account":["Account"],"Acquire IP addresses for %s":[""],"Action":["Azione"],"Actions":["Azioni"],"Active":["Attivo"],"Active Hosts":["Host attivi"],"Active features":[""],"Active key":[""],"Add Autosign entry":[""],"Add Bookmark":["Aggiungi segnalibro"],"Add Interface":["Aggiungi interfaccia"],"Add Matcher":[""],"Add Parameter":["Aggiungi parametro"],"Add Trend Counter":["Aggiungi contatore tendenza"],"Add Variable":["Aggiungi variabile"],"Add Volume":["Aggiungi volume"],"Add a CD-ROM drive to the virtual machine.":[""],"Add a Puppet class to host":["Aggiungi una classe Puppet all'host"],"Add a Puppet class to host group":["Aggiungi una classe Puppet al gruppo di host"],"Add a template combination":["Aggiungi una combinazione di template"],"Add combination":["Aggiungi combinazione"],"Add external user group":["Aggiungi gruppo di utenti esterno"],"Add filter":["Aggiungi filtro"],"Add to dashboard":[""],"Add widgets":[""],"Add:":["Aggiungi:"],"Adding would cause a cycle!":["L'aggiunta potrebbe causare un ciclo!"],"Additional Information":["Informazioni aggiuntive"],"Additional compute resource specific attributes for the interface.":[""],"Additional compute resource specific attributes.":[""],"Additional information about this host":["Informazioni aggiuntive su questo host"],"Address to connect to":[""],"Admin permissions required":["Sono necessari i permessi di amministrazione"],"Administer":["Amministra"],"Administrator email address":[""],"Administrator user account required":[""],"Alert":["Allerta"],"Alerts disabled":["Avvisi disabilitati"],"Alias or VLAN device":["Dispositivo VLAN o Alias"],"All":["Tutte"],"All Puppet Classes for %s":["Tutte le classi Puppet per %s"],"All Reports":["Tutti i riporti"],"All compute resources":["Tutte le risorse di calcolo"],"All domains":["Tutti i domini"],"All environments":["Tutti gli ambienti"],"All environments - (not filtered)":[""],"All host groups":["Tutti i gruppi host"],"All hosts":["Tutti gli host"],"All hosts data matches configurations for locations and organizations.":["Tutti i dati degli host corrispondono alle configurazioni per le posizioni e le organizzazioni."],"All hosts previously with no %{single} are now assigned to %{name}":["Tutti gli host in precedenza senza %{single} sono ora assegnati a %{name}"],"All hosts will show a configuration status even when a Puppet smart proxy is not assigned":[""],"All items":["Tutti gli elementi"],"All media":["Tutti i dispositivi"],"All messages":["Tutti i messaggi"],"All mismatches between hosts and %s have been fixed":["Tutte le corrispondenze errate tra gli host e %s sono state corrette"],"All mismatches between hosts and locations/organizations have been fixed":["Tutte le corrispondenze errate tra host e posizioni/organizzazioni sono state corrette"],"All partition tables":[""],"All provisioning templates":[""],"All realms":["Tutte le aree di autenticazione"],"All smart proxies":["Tutti gli smart proxy"],"All subnets":["Tutte le sottoreti"],"All users":["Tutti gli utenti"],"Allocated":["Assegnati"],"Allocation (GB)":["Assegnazione (GB)"],"Allow access to unattended URLs without build mode being used":[""],"Allow external network as main network":[""],"Allowed methods or members":[""],"Always show configuration status":[""],"An IP address will be auto-suggested if you have enabled IPAM on the IPv4 subnet selected above.<br/><br/>The IP address can be left blank when:<br/><ul><li>provisioning tokens are enabled</li><li>the domain does not manage DNS</li><li>the subnet does not manage reverse DNS</li><li>and the subnet does not manage DHCP reservations</li></ul>":[""],"An IP address will be auto-suggested if you have enabled IPAM on the IPv6 subnet selected above.":[""],"An email address is required, please update your account details":[""],"An error occurred while testing the connection: ":[""],"An explicit layout for the partitions of your hard drive(s). E.G.":["Disposizione esplicita per le partizioni del disco fisso. E.G."],"An invalid response was received while requesting available features from this proxy":[""],"Annotation Notes":[""],"Annotation notes":[""],"Anonymous admin user %s is missing, run foreman-rake db:seed":["Utente admin anonimo %s mancante, eseguire foreman-rake db:seed"],"Any Context":["Qualsiasi contesto"],"Any Location":["Qualsiasi posizione"],"Any Organization":["Qualsiasi organizzazione"],"Applicable Operating Systems":[""],"Applied":["Applicato"],"Applied|A":["A"],"Architecture":["Architettura"],"Architecture Distribution":["Distribuzione architettura"],"Architecture ID":[""],"Architectures":["Architetture"],"Architecture|Hostgroups count":["Architettura|Conteggio Hostgroups"],"Architecture|Hosts count":["Architecture|Conteggio host"],"Architecture|Name":["Nome"],"Are you sure you want to %{act} %{vm}?":["Sei sicuro di voler %{act} %{vm}?"],"Are you sure you want to delete host %s? This action is irreversible.":[""],"Are you sure you want to delete host %s? This will delete the virtual machine and its disks, and is irreversible.":[""],"Are you sure you want to delete this widget from your dashboard?":[""],"Are you sure you want to log out?":[""],"Are you sure you want to power %{act} %{vm}?":["Sei sicuro di voler attivare %{act} %{vm}?"],"Are you sure?":["Sei sicuro?"],"Array of extra information types to include":[""],"Array of host IDs to associate with the partition table":[""],"Array of host group IDs to associate with the partition table":[""],"Array of operating system IDs to associate with the partition table":[""],"Array of operating system IDs to associate with the template":["Insiemi di IP del sistema operativo da associare con il template"],"Array of parameters":[""],"Array of parameters (name, value)":["Insieme di parametri (nome, valore)"],"Array of template combinations (hostgroup_id, environment_id)":["Insieme di combinazioni template (hostgroup_id, environment_id)"],"Assign All":["Assegna tutti"],"Assign Hosts to %s":["Assegna gli host a %s"],"Assign Location":["Assegna posizione"],"Assign Organization":["Assegna organizzazione"],"Assign Selected Hosts":["Assegna host selezionati"],"Assign the %{count} host with no %{taxonomy_single} to %{taxonomy_name}":["",""],"Assign to %s":["Assegna a %s"],"Assigning hosts to %{taxonomy_name} will also update %{taxonomy_name} to include all the resources that the selected hosts are currently using.":["Assegnando gli host a %{taxonomy_name} verrà aggiornato %{taxonomy_name}, così facendo verranno incluse tutte le risorse usate dagli host selezionati."],"Associate VM":["Associare la VM"],"Associate VM to a Foreman host":["Associare la VM a un host Foreman"],"Associate VMs":["Associare le VM"],"Associate VMs to Foreman hosts":["Associare le VM agli host Foreman"],"Associate VMs to Hosts":["Associa VM con gli host"],"Association":["Associazione"],"At least one volume must be specified for image-based provisioning.":["È necessario specificare almeno un volume per il provisioning basato sull'immagine."],"Attempting to construct an operating system image filename but %s cannot be built from an image":["Tentativo di compilazione di un filename per l'immagine del sistema operativo in corso, ma %s non è in grado di eseguire la compilazione da una immagine."],"Attribute mappings":["Mappature degli attributi"],"Attribute type":[""],"Audit":[""],"Audit Comment":["Verifica commento"],"Audit summary":[""],"Audited::Adapters::ActiveRecord::Audit|Action":["Action"],"Audited::Adapters::ActiveRecord::Audit|Associated name":["Associated name"],"Audited::Adapters::ActiveRecord::Audit|Associated type":["Tipo associato"],"Audited::Adapters::ActiveRecord::Audit|Auditable name":["Nome verificabile"],"Audited::Adapters::ActiveRecord::Audit|Auditable type":["Tipo verificabile"],"Audited::Adapters::ActiveRecord::Audit|Audited changes":["Modifiche verificate"],"Audited::Adapters::ActiveRecord::Audit|Comment":["Commento"],"Audited::Adapters::ActiveRecord::Audit|Remote address":["Indirizzo remoto"],"Audited::Adapters::ActiveRecord::Audit|User type":["Tipo di utente"],"Audited::Adapters::ActiveRecord::Audit|Username":["Nome utente"],"Audited::Adapters::ActiveRecord::Audit|Version":["Versione"],"Audits":["Verifiche"],"Auth source":["Sorgente di autenticazione"],"AuthSource|Account":["Account"],"AuthSource|Account password":["Password account"],"AuthSource|Attr firstname":["Nome"],"AuthSource|Attr lastname":["Cognome"],"AuthSource|Attr login":["Registrazione"],"AuthSource|Attr mail":["Email"],"AuthSource|Attr photo":["Foto"],"AuthSource|Base dn":["DN di base"],"AuthSource|Groups base":["AuthSource|Gruppi di base"],"AuthSource|Host":["Host"],"AuthSource|LDAPS":["AuthSource|LDAPS"],"AuthSource|Ldap filter":["Filtro Ldap"],"AuthSource|Name":["Nome"],"AuthSource|Onthefly register":["Registrazione Onthefly"],"AuthSource|Port":["Porta"],"AuthSource|Server type":["AuthSource|Tipo di server"],"AuthSource|Tls":["Tls"],"Authentication":["Autenticazione"],"Author":["Autore"],"Authorize login delegation":[""],"Authorize login delegation API":[""],"Authorize login delegation auth source user autocreate":[""],"Authorize login delegation with REMOTE_USER environment variable":["Autorizzazione delega accesso con la variabile d'ambiente REMOTE_USER"],"Authorize login delegation with REMOTE_USER environment variable for API calls too":["Autorizzazione delega accesso con la variabile d'ambiente REMOTE_USER anche per le chiamate API"],"Authorized by":["Autorizzato da"],"Auto refresh off":[""],"Auto refresh on":[""],"Automatic":[""],"Autosign":["Autosign"],"Autosign entries":[""],"Autosign entry name":[""],"Availability zone":["Area disponibilità"],"Available Classes":["Classi disponibili"],"Available Config Groups":["Gruppi configurazione disponibili"],"Available Providers":["Provider disponibili"],"Average memory usage":["Utilizzo medio della memoria"],"Average swap usage":["Utilizzo medio di swap"],"Avoid duplicate values when merging them (only array type)?":[""],"BIOS":["BIOS"],"BMC":["BMC"],"BMC credentials access":[""],"BMC password usage":[""],"Back":["Indietro"],"Back to host":["Torna all'host"],"Back to host list":["Torna all'elenco di host"],"Backtrace":[""],"Bare Metal":["Bare Metal"],"Base DN":["DN di base"],"Before you proceed to using Foreman you should provide information about one or more architectures.":["Per usare Foreman fornire prima le informazioni relative a una o più architetture."],"Bond":["Aggregata"],"Bond mode of the interface, e.g. balance-rr. Only for bond interfaces.":["Modalità associazione dell'interfaccia, es balance-rr. Solo per interfacce di aggregazione."],"Bookmark":["Segnalibro"],"Bookmark this search":["Inserire nel segnalibro questa ricerca"],"Bookmark was successfully created.":["Il segnalibro è stato creato con successo."],"Bookmark was successfully updated.":["Il segnalibro è stato aggiornato con successo."],"Bookmarks":["Preferiti"],"Bookmarks are saved search queries. To save them, click on 'Bookmark this search' on the dropdown next to every search button.":[""],"Bookmark|Controller":["Controller"],"Bookmark|Name":["Nome"],"Bookmark|Owner type":["Tipo di proprietario"],"Bookmark|Public":["Pubblico"],"Bookmark|Query":["Interrogazione"],"Boot device":["Dispositivo d'avvio"],"Boot from volume":[""],"Boot host from specified device":["Avvia host dal dispositivo specificato"],"Bootable":["Avviabile"],"Bridge":["Bridge"],"Browse host config management reports":[""],"Browse host facts":["Sfoglia eventi host"],"Browser locale":["Sfoglia locale"],"Browser timezone":[""],"Build":["Genera"],"Build Hosts":["Creazione host"],"Build PXE Default":["Creazione PXE predefinito"],"Build a query for %{mailer}":[""],"Build from OS image":["Creazione da una immagine OS"],"By unchecking this you can specify filter using Foreman search syntax in search field. If filter remains <br> unlimited (this field is checked) it applies on all resources of the selected type. When a role is associated <br> with some %s filter is not considered unlimited as it's scoped accordingly.":[""],"CA certificate expiry date":[""],"CD-ROM drive":[""],"CDROM":["CDROM"],"CPU hot add":[""],"CPU hot add lets you add CPU resources for a virtual machine while the machine is powered on.":[""],"CPUs":["CPU"],"Cache slow calls to VMWare to speed up page rendering":[""],"Caching":[""],"Calling methods on objects":[""],"Can't delete internal admin account":["Impossibile rimuovere l'account di amministrazione interno"],"Can't delete the last admin account":["Impossibile rimuovere l'ultimo account di amministrazione"],"Can't delete the last admin user group":["Impossibile rimuovere l'ultimo gruppo di utenti di amministrazione"],"Can't find a valid Foreman Proxy with a Puppet feature":["Impossibile trovare un proxy Foreman valido con una funzione Puppet"],"Cancel":["Cancella"],"Cancel build":["Cancella compilazione"],"Cancel build request for this host":["Cancella la richiesta di 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Note: merging overrides ignores all matchers that are omitted.":[""],"Continue?":[""],"Cores":["Core"],"Cores per socket":["Core per socket"],"Could not add permissions to Manager and Viewer roles: %s":[""],"Could not add permissions to Manager role: %s":[""],"Could not add permissions to Organization admin role: %s":[""],"Could not add permissions to Viewer role: %s":[""],"Could not create role '%{name}': %{message}":[""],"Could not delete %s":[""],"Could not extend role '%{name}': %{message}":[""],"Could not find %{association} with name: %{name}":[""],"Could not find a Configuration Template with the name \\\"%s\\\", please create one.":[""],"Could not find network %s on VMWare compute resource":[""],"Could not find virtual machine network interface matching %s":[""],"Could not locate CA certificate.":[""],"Could not recreate a new SSH key":[""],"Create":["Crea"],"Create %s":["Crea %s"],"Create %{type} for %{host}":[""],"Create :a_resource":["Crea :a_resource"],"Create 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specifico"],"Delete an override value for a specific smart variable":["Cancella un valore override per una variabile smart specifica"],"Delete autosign entry":[""],"Delete autosign entry for %s":["Rimuovere la voce autosign per %s"],"Delete filter?":["Cancella filtro?"],"Delete realm entry for %s":["Rimuovi la voce dell'area di autenticazione per %s"],"Delete report for %s?":["Cancellare il riporto per %s?"],"Deleted environment":["Ambiente rimosso"],"Deleted environment %{env} and %{pcs}":["%{pcs} e ambiente %{env} rimossi"],"Delivery method":[""],"Deploy TFTP %{kind} config for %{host}":[""],"Deploy VM on selected datastore":[""],"Deploy on":["Implementare su"],"Deprecated, please use datacenter":[""],"Deprecated, please use omit":[""],"Description":["Descrizione"],"Description of smart class":[""],"Description of the domain":["Descrizione del dominio"],"Description of variable":[""],"Deselect All":["Deseleziona tutti"],"Destroy":["Elimina"],"Destroyed selected hosts":["Host selezionati annullati"],"Details":["Dettagli"],"Device identifier":["Indetificatore del dispositivo"],"Device identifier for this interface. 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Può essere diverso su varie piattaforme e ambienti, di seguito vengono riportati alcuni esempi.<br/><ul><li>Usare il nome di base per gli identificatori delle interfacce fisiche, es. <strong>eth0</strong> o <strong>em0</strong> con biosdevname.</li><li>Per interfacce virtuali, usare una notazione alias (<strong>eth0:1</strong>, name:index) o VLAN (<strong>eth0.15</strong>, name.tag).</li><li>Per le associazioni generalmente vengono usate <strong>bond0</strong> su sistemi Linux, <strong>lagg0</strong> su FreeBSD.</li></ul>"],"Device identifier, e.g. eth0 or eth1.1":["Identificatore del dispositivo, es. eth0 o eth1.1"],"Diff":["Diff"],"Diff View":["Visualizza diff"],"Disable Notifications":["Disabilita notifiche"],"Disable alerts for selected hosts":["Disabilita gli avvisi per host selezionati"],"Disable all filters overriding":[""],"Disable overriding":[""],"Disabled":["Disabilitato"],"Disassociate Hosts":["Rimuovere associazione host"],"Disassociate host":["Rimuovere associazione host"],"Disassociate the host from a VM":["Rimuovi associazione host da una VM"],"Disassociate the selected hosts from their VMs":["Rimuovere associazione degli host selezionati dalle rispettive VM"],"Disk":["Disco"],"Disk mode":[""],"Display":["Display"],"Display Name":["Mostra nome"],"Display hidden parameter values":[""],"Display hidden values":[""],"Display the templates that will be used to provision this host":["Mostra i modelli che verranno usati per la preparazione di questo host"],"Display type":["Mostra tipo"],"Displaying %{num_audits} of %{total_audits} audit":["",""],"Displaying <b>%{count}</b> entry":["",""],"Displaying entries <b>%{from} - %{to}</b> of <b>%{count}</b> in total":["Visualizzazione voci <b>%{from} - %{to}</b> di <b>%{count}</b> totale"],"Documentation":["Documentazione"],"Does this image support user data input (e.g. via cloud-init)?":["Questa immagine supporta l'input dei dati utente (es. tramite cloud-init)?"],"Domain":["Dominio"],"Domain ID":[""],"Domain IDs":["ID del dominio"],"Domains":["Domini"],"Domains in which this subnet is part":["Domini di appartenenza di questa sottorete"],"Domain|Fullname":["Nome completo"],"Domain|Hostgroups count":["Domain|Conteggio Hostgroup"],"Domain|Hosts count":["Domain|Conteggio host"],"Domain|Name":["Nome"],"Download":[""],"Duration in minutes after the Puppet interval for servers to be classed as out of sync.":[""],"EC2":["EC2"],"EFI":[""],"ENC environment":[""],"ERROR or FATAL":[""],"EUI-64":[""],"Each architecture can also be associated with more than one operating system and a selector block is provided to allow you to select valid combinations.":["Ogni architettura può essere associata con più di un sistema operativo, viene altresì fornito un blocco di selezione per permettere all'utente di selezionare le combinazioni valide."],"Each entries represent a particular hardware architecture, most commonly <b>x86_64</b> or <b>i386</b>. Foreman also supports the Solaris operating system family, which includes <b>sparc</b> based systems.":["Ogni voce rappresenta un'architettura hardware particolare, e più comunemente <b>x86_64</b> o <b>i386</b>. Foreman supporta anche la famiglia di sistemi operativi Solaris, incluso il sistema basato su <b>sparc</b>."],"Eager zero":["Eager zero"],"Edit":["Modifica"],"Edit %s":["Modifica %s"],"Edit Architecture":["Modifica architettura"],"Edit Bookmark":["Modificare Preferiti"],"Edit Compute profile":["Modifica profilo di calcolo"],"Edit Compute profile: %s":["Modifica profilo di calcolo: %s"],"Edit Config group":["Modifica gruppo di configurazioni"],"Edit Domain":["Modifica dominio"],"Edit Environment":["Modifica ambiente"],"Edit Filter":["Modifica filtro"],"Edit Global Parameter":["Modifica parametro globale"],"Edit Host":["Modifica host"],"Edit LDAP Auth Source":["Modifica sorgente di autorizzazione LDAP"],"Edit Medium":["Modifica supporto"],"Edit Model":["Modifica modello"],"Edit Operating System":["Modifica sistema operativo"],"Edit Parameters":["Modifica parametri"],"Edit Partition Table":["Modifica tabella parametri"],"Edit Properties":["Modifica proprietà"],"Edit Proxy":["Modifica proxy"],"Edit Puppet Class %s":["Modifica classe Puppet %s"],"Edit Realm":["Modifica area di autenticazione"],"Edit Role":[""],"Edit Smart Variable":["Modifica variabile smart"],"Edit Smart class parameters":[""],"Edit Subnet":["Modifica sottorete"],"Edit Template":["Modifica modello"],"Edit Trend %s":["Modifica trend %s"],"Edit User":["Modifica utente"],"Edit User group":["Modifica gruppo utenti"],"Edit compute profile on %s":["Modifica profilo di calcolo su %s"],"Edit this host":[""],"Email Preferences":[""],"Email address is missing":[""],"Email reply address":[""],"Email reply address for emails that Foreman is sending":["Indirizzo email di risposta per le email inviate da Foreman"],"Email subject prefix":[""],"Email was sent successfully":[""],"Empty environment":["Ambiente vuoto"],"Enable Notifications":["Abilita le notifiche"],"Enable alerts for selected hosts":["Abilita gli avvisi per gli host selezionati"],"Enable caching":[""],"Enable certificate generation for %s":["Abilita la generazione del certificato per %s"],"Enable if this is an alias or VLAN interface, note that alias can be used only with static boot mode subnet":[""],"Enable puppetrun support":["Abilita il supporto puppetrun"],"Enable rebuild on next host boot":["Abilita processo di ricompilazione al prossimo riavvio dell'host"],"Enable safe mode config templates rendering (recommended)":["Abilita la modalità sicura per la riproduzione dei modelli di configurazione (consigliato)"],"Enable smart variables in ENC":[""],"Enable this host for provisioning":["Abilita questo host al provisioning"],"Enabled":["Abilitato"],"Enabled %s for reboot and rebuild":["Abilitato %s alla ricompilazione al riavvio"],"Enabled %s for rebuild on next boot":["Abilitato %s alla ricompilazione al riavvio successivo"],"Enabled %s for rebuild on next boot, but failed to power cycle the host":[""],"Ending IP Address for IP auto suggestion":["Indirizzo IP finale per il suggerimento automatico degli IP"],"Entries per page":[""],"Environment":["Ambiente"],"Environment Distribution":[""],"Environment ID":[""],"Environment IDs":["ID ambiente"],"Environment only":["Solo ambiente"],"Environment variable containing a client's SSL certificate":[""],"Environment variable containing the subject DN from a client SSL certificate":["Variabile d'ambiente contentente il DN dell'oggetto di un certificato SSL del client"],"Environment variable containing the verification status of a client SSL certificate":["Variabile d'ambiente contentente lo stato di verifica di un certificato SSL del client"],"Environments":["Ambienti"],"Environment|Hostgroups count":["Conteggio hostgroup"],"Environment|Hosts count":["Conteggio host"],"Environment|Name":["Nome"],"Error":["Errore"],"Error - 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Interruzione compilazione in corso!"],"Failed to configure %{host} to boot from %{device}: %{e}":["Impossibile configurare %{host} all'avvio da %{device}: %{e}"],"Failed to create %{name}'s realm entry: %{e}":["Creazione voce area di autenticazione di %{name} fallita: %{e}"],"Failed to create X509 certificate, error: %s":["Impossibile creare il certificato X509, errore: %s"],"Failed to create a compute %{compute_resource} instance %{name}: %{message}\\n ":[""],"Failed to destroy a compute %{compute_resource} instance %{name}: %{e}":["Impossibile eliminare una istanza %{compute_resource} di calcolo %{name}: %{e}"],"Failed to enable %{host} for installation: %{errors}":["Impossibile abilitare %{host} all'installazione: %{errors}"],"Failed to fetch a free IP from proxy %{proxy}: %{message}":[""],"Failed to fetch boot files":["Impossibile recuperare i file per l'avvio"],"Failed to fetch power status: %s":[""],"Failed to fetch: ":["Recupero fallito:"],"Failed to get IP for %{name}: %{e}":["Impossibile ottenere l'IP per %{name}: %{e}"],"Failed to get a new realm OTP. Terminating the build!":["Impossibile ottenere un nuovo OTP dell'area di autenticazione. Interruzione della compilazione in corso!"],"Failed to import %{klass} for %{name}: doesn't exists in our database - ignoring":["Impossibile importare %{klass} per %{name}: non è presente non nostro database - operazione ignorata"],"Failed to initialize the PuppetCA proxy: %s":["Impossibile inizializzare il proxy PuppetCA: %s"],"Failed to initialize the realm proxy: %s":["Impossibile inizializzare il proxy dell'area di autenticazione: %s"],"Failed to launch script on %{name}: %{e}":["Impossibile lanciare lo script su %{name}: %{e}"],"Failed to load chart":["Caricamento grafico fallito"],"Failed to login via SSH to %{name}: %{e}":["Impossibile eseguire un accesso SSH su %{name}: %{e}"],"Failed to modify the build cycle for %s":["Impossibile modificare il ciclo di compilazione per %s"],"Failed to perform rollback on %{task} - %{e}":["Impossibile eseguire il rollback su %{task} - %{e}"],"Failed to power up a compute %{compute_resource} instance %{name}: %{e}":["Attivazione istanza %{compute_resource} di calcolo %{name} fallita: %{e}"],"Failed to reboot %s.":["Riavvio %s fallito."],"Failed to redeploy %s.":[""],"Failed to refresh the cache.":[""],"Failed to remove certificates for %{name}: %{e}":["Impossibile rimuovere i certificati per %{name}: %{e}"],"Failed to retrieve power status for %{host} within %{timeout} second.":["",""],"Failed to save widget positions.":[""],"Failed to set %{proxy_type} proxy for %{host}.":[""],"Failed to set IP for %{name}: %{e}":[""],"Failed to set IPs via IPAM for %{name}: %{e}":[""],"Failed to set console: %s":["Impossibile impostare la console: %s"],"Failed to set power state for %s.":[""],"Failed to stop compute %{compute_resource} instance %{name}: %{e}":["Arresto istanza %{compute_resource} di calcolo %{name} fallito: %{e}"],"Failed to undo update compute %{compute_resource} instance %{name}: %{e}":["IMpossibile annullare aggiornamento dell'istanza %{compute_resource} di calcolo %{name}: %{e}"],"Failed to update a compute %{compute_resource} instance %{name}: %{e}":["Impossibile aggiornare l'istanza %{compute_resource} di calcolo %{name}: %{e}"],"Failed to update environments and Puppet classes from the on-disk Puppet installation: %s":["Impossibile aggiornare le classi del puppet e gli ambienti dall'installazione puppet su-disco: %s"],"Failed to update the environments and Puppet classes from the on-disk puppet installation: %s":["Impossibile aggiornare le classi del puppet e gli ambienti dall'installazione puppet su-disco: %s"],"Failed to validate %{host}: %{error}":["Impossibile convalidare %{host}: %{error}"],"Failed|F":["F"],"Failure deploying via smart proxy %{proxy}: %{error}.":["Implementazione tramite smart proxy %{proxy} fallita: %{error}."],"Failure parsing %{template}: %{error}.":["Analisi %{template} fallita: %{error}."],"Failure: %s":["Fallimento: %s"],"Family":["Famiglia"],"Feature":["Funzionalità"],"Features":["Funzionalità"],"Features \\\"%s\\\" in this proxy are not recognized by Foreman. If these features come from a Smart Proxy plugin, make sure Foreman has the plugin installed too.":[""],"Feature|Name":["Nome"],"Fetch TFTP boot files for %s":["Recupero file d'avvio TFTP per %s"],"Filter":["Filtro"],"Filter by level:":[""],"Filter by name":["Filtra per nome"],"Filter by state:":[""],"Filter classes":["Classi del filtro"],"Filter overriding has been disabled":[""],"Filters":["Filtri"],"Filters for role %s":[""],"Filters inherit %{orgs_and_locs} from their role by default. If override field is enabled, <br> filter can override the set of its %{orgs_and_locs}. Later role changes will not affect <br> such filter. After disabling override field, role %{orgs_and_locs} apply again.":[""],"Filters overriding has been disabled":[""],"Filter|Override":[""],"Filter|Permissions":["Permessi"],"Filter|Resource":["Risorsa"],"Filter|Search":["Cerca"],"Filter|Taxonomy search":["Ricerca sistematica"],"Filter|Unlimited":["Illimitato"],"Fingerprint":["Firma digitale"],"Finish template":[""],"Firmware":[""],"Fix %s on Mismatch":["Correggi %s previa corrispondenza errata"],"Fix All Mismatches":["Correggi tutte le corrispondenze errate"],"Fix DB cache":[""],"Fix DB cache on next Foreman restart":["Correggi DB cache al riavvio successivo di Foreman"],"Fix Mismatches":["Correggi le corrispondenze errate"],"Flavor":["Tipo di istanza"],"Floating IP network":["Rete IP floating"],"Folder":["Cartella"],"Follow %{href} on how to describe your controllers.":["Segui %{href} su come descrivere i controller."],"For example, if you have copied several Red Hat release disks into a directory structure where the disk images are named 5.8 or 6.2, and each contained both x86_64 and i386 binaries, then you\\n could create a single medium entry describing them all.\\n The entry, which could be just named 'Red Hat' could contain a path like this <em>'http://server/redhat/$version/$arch'</em>":[""],"For more info visit our documentation.":[""],"For more information":[""],"Force a Puppet agent run on the host":["Forza l'esecuzione di un Puppet agent su un host"],"Foreman API v2 is currently the default API version.":[""],"Foreman Developers":["Sviluppatori Foreman"],"Foreman URL":[""],"Foreman Users":["Utenti Foreman"],"Foreman audit summary":[""],"Foreman can store information about the networking setup of a host that it’s provisioning, which can be used to configure the virtual machine, assign the correct IP addresses and network resources, then configure the OS correctly during the provisioning process.":[""],"Foreman can use LDAP based service for user information and authentication.":["Foreman è in grado di usare un servizio basato su LDAP per le informaioni e autenticazione."],"Foreman considers a domain and a DNS zone as the same thing.":[""],"Foreman domain ID of interface. Required for primary interfaces on managed hosts.":[""],"Foreman host group matchers will be inherited by children when evaluating smart class parameters":["I dispositivi di confronto del gruppo di host Foreman verranno ereditati dai figli durante la valutazione dei parametri smart class"],"Foreman now manages the build cycle for %s":["Foreman gestisce ora il ciclo di compilazione per %s"],"Foreman now no longer manages the build cycle for %s":["Foreman non gestisce più il ciclo di compilazione per %s"],"Foreman report creation time is <em>%s</em>":["L'orario di creazione del riporto di Foreman è <em>%s</em>"],"Foreman smart variables will be exposed via the ENC yaml output":["Le variabili smart di Foreman verranno esposte tramite l'output yalm ENC"],"Foreman subnet ID of IPv4 interface":[""],"Foreman subnet ID of IPv6 interface":[""],"Foreman supports automatically creating realm entries for new hosts.":[""],"Foreman supports creating and managing hosts on a number of virtualization and cloud services - referred to as “compute resources” - as well as bare metal hosts.":[""],"Foreman test email":[""],"Foreman ticketing system":["Sistema di creazione ticket di Foreman"],"Foreman will automate certificate signing upon provision of new host":["Foreman automatizzerà la firma dei certificati previa presenza di un nuovo host "],"Foreman will create the host when a report is received":["Foreman creerà un host previa ricezione di un riporto"],"Foreman will create the host when new facts are received":["Foreman creerà un host previa ricezione di un nuovo evento"],"Foreman will default to this puppet environment if it cannot auto detect one":["Foreman eseguirà il default su questo ambiente puppet se non è in grado di rilevarne uno"],"Foreman will delete virtual machine if provisioning script ends with non zero exit code":[""],"Foreman will evaluate host smart variables in this order by default":["Per impostazione predefinita, Foreman valuterà le variabili smart dell'host seguendo questo ordine"],"Foreman will explicitly set the puppet environment in the ENC yaml output. This will avoid conflicts between the environment in puppet.conf and the environment set in Foreman":["Foreman imposterà in modo esplicito l'ambiente puppet all'interno dell'output yalm ENC. Ciò eviterà di avere dei conflitti con l'ambiente puppet.conf e quello impostato in Foreman"],"Foreman will map users by username in request-header. If this is set to false, OAuth requests will have admin rights.":["Foreman mapperà gli utenti per nome utente in intestazione-richiesta. Se impostato su falso, le richieste OAuth avranno i permessi di amministrazione."],"Foreman will not send this parameter in classification output, replaces use_puppet_default":[""],"Foreman will not send this parameter in classification output.":[""],"Foreman will not send this parameter in classification output. 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Visit Settings to disable this feature.":[""],"Generated %s ago":["Generato %s fa"],"Generated at %s":["Generato %s"],"Get ENC values of host":[""],"Get configuration status of host":[""],"Get dashboard details":["Acquisisci i dettali della dashboard"],"Get default dashboard widgets":[""],"Get statistics":["Acquisisci le statistiche"],"Get status of host":["Acquisisci stato dell'host"],"Get vm attributes of host":[""],"Global":["Globale"],"Global Parameters":["Parametri globali"],"Global default %s template":[""],"Global default %s template. This template gets deployed to all configured TFTP servers. It will not be affected by upgrades.":[""],"Global functions":[""],"Global methods (functions)":[""],"Global parameters":["Parametri globali"],"Global status changed from %{from} to %{to}":[""],"Global variables":[""],"Good host reports in the last %s":["Riporti host corretti negli ultimi %s"],"Google Project ID":["Google Project ID"],"Groups base DN":["DN di base dei gruppi"],"Guest OS":["OS del guest"],"HELO/EHLO domain":[""],"Hardware":["Hardware"],"Hardware Model":["Modello hardware"],"Hardware Models":["Modelli hardware"],"Hardware models":["Modelli hardware"],"Hash function to use. Change takes effect for new or updated hosts.":["Funzione hash da usare. Le modifiche verranno implementate per host nuovi o per quelli aggiornati."],"Hash of report metrics, can be just {}":["Hash per le metriche della notifica, può essere solo {}"],"Hash of status type totals":["Hash dei totali del tipo di stato"],"Help":["Aiuto"],"Hidden value":[""],"Hide all values for this parameter.":[""],"Hide this value":[""],"Hint data is missing":[""],"History":["Cronologia"],"Host":["Host"],"Host %s is built":[""],"Host %s is not associated with a VM":["Host %s non è associato con una VM"],"Host Configuration Chart":["Grafico configurazione host"],"Host Configuration Status":["Stato configurazione host"],"Host Group Distribution":[""],"Host Groups":["Gruppi host"],"Host audit entries":["Voci per la verifica dell'host"],"Host config group":["Gruppo di configurazioni dell'host"],"Host details":["Informazioni host"],"Host group":["Gruppo di host"],"Host group / Environment":["Gruppo di host / Ambiente"],"Host group IDs":["ID gruppo di host"],"Host group and Environment":["Gruppo di host e Ambiente"],"Host group configuration":["Configurazione gruppo di host"],"Host group matchers inheritance":[""],"Host group only":["Solo gruppo di host"],"Host group parameters":["Parametri del gruppo di host"],"Host groups":["Gruppi di host"],"Host owner":[""],"Host owner is invalid":[""],"Host parameters":["Parametri dell'host"],"Host reported time is <em>%s</em>":["L'ora riportata dall'host è <em>%s</em>"],"Host times seem to be adrift!":[""],"Host's network interfaces.":[""],"Host's owner type":["Tipo di proprietario dell'host"],"Host's parameters (array or indexed hash)":[""],"Host::Base|Build":["Compilazione"],"Host::Base|Certname":["Nome certificato"],"Host::Base|Comment":["Commento"],"Host::Base|Disk":["Disco"],"Host::Base|Enabled":["Abilitato"],"Host::Base|Grub pass":["Host::Base|Grub pass"],"Host::Base|Image file":["File immagine"],"Host::Base|Installed at":["Installato"],"Host::Base|Ip":["Ip"],"Host::Base|Last compile":["Ultima compilazione"],"Host::Base|Last freshcheck":["Ultima verifica"],"Host::Base|Last report":["Ultimo riporto"],"Host::Base|Mac":["Mac"],"Host::Base|Managed":["Gestito"],"Host::Base|Name":["Nome"],"Host::Base|Otp":["Otp"],"Host::Base|Owner type":["Tipo di proprietario"],"Host::Base|Primary interface":["Host::Base|Interfaccia primaria"],"Host::Base|Provision method":["Metodo per il provisioning"],"Host::Base|Puppet status":["Stato del puppet"],"Host::Base|Root pass":["Password root"],"Host::Base|Serial":["Seriale"],"Host::Base|Use image":["Usa immagine"],"Host::Base|Uuid":["Uuid"],"HostConfigGroup|Host type":["Tipo di host"],"Hostgroup":["Hostgroup"],"Hostgroup|Ancestry":["Ascendenza"],"Hostgroup|Grub pass":["Hostgroup|Grub pass"],"Hostgroup|Image file":["File immagine"],"Hostgroup|Name":["Nome"],"Hostgroup|Root pass":["Password root"],"Hostgroup|Title":["Titolo"],"Hostgroup|Use image":["Usa immagine"],"Hostgroup|Vm defaults":["Default della Vm"],"Hostname":["Nome host"],"Hostname or certname":["Hostname o certname"],"Hostname:":["Nome host:"],"Hosts":["Hosts"],"Hosts created after a puppet run that did not send a location fact will be placed in this location":["Gli host creati dopo l'esecuzione del puppet che non hanno inviato alcuna informazione sulla posizione, verranno archiviati in questa posizione"],"Hosts created after a puppet run that did not send a organization fact will be placed in this organization":["Gli host creati dopo l'esecuzione del puppet che non hanno inviato alcuna informazione sull'organizzazione, verranno archiviati in questa organizzazione"],"Hosts created after a puppet run will be placed in the location this fact dictates. The content of this fact should be the full label of the location.":["Gli host creati dopo l'esecuzione di un puppet verranno archiviati in una posizione indicata dalle informazioni fornite. Il contenuto delle informazioni deve rappresentare l'etichetta completa della posizione."],"Hosts created after a puppet run will be placed in the organization this fact dictates. The content of this fact should be the full label of the organization.":["Gli host creati dopo l'esecuzione di un puppet verranno archiviati in una organizzazione indicata dalle informazioni fornite. Il contenuto delle informazioni deve rappresentare l'etichetta completa dell'organizzazione."],"Hosts in error state":["Host con uno stato d'errore"],"Hosts including sub-groups":[""],"Hosts managed":[""],"Hosts managed:":[""],"Hosts that had pending changes":["Host con modifiche in sospeso"],"Hosts that had pending changes with alerts enabled":[""],"Hosts that had performed modifications without error":["Host che hanno eseguito delle modifiche senza alcun errore"],"Hosts that will be trusted in addition to Smart Proxies for access to fact/report importers and ENC output":["Host che verranno considerati fidati insieme agli Smart Proxy, per l'accesso agli importer di riporti/eventi e ouput ENC"],"Hosts which Foreman reporting is disabled":[""],"Hosts which are currently not running Puppet":[""],"Hosts which are not reporting":[""],"Hosts which didn't run puppet in the last %s":["Host che non hanno eseguito puppet negli ultimi %s"],"Hosts which recently applied changes":[""],"Hosts which recently applied changes successfully":[""],"Hosts which recently applied changes successfully with alerts enabled":[""],"Hosts with alerts disabled":["Host con avvisi disabilitati"],"Hosts with error state":[""],"Hosts with error state and alerts enabled":[""],"Hosts with errors":["Host con errori"],"Hosts with interesting values (changed, failures etc)":[""],"Hosts with no reports":["Host senza alcun riporto"],"Hosts with notifications disabled":["Host con notifiche disabilitate"],"Hosts without changes or errors":[""],"Hosts without changes or errors, with alerts enabled":[""],"Hosts without errors":[""],"Hosts without errors percent":[""],"Hosts without errors, with alerts enabled":[""],"How values are validated":["Come convelidare i valori"],"However, if it was deleted externally this page helps you to recreate it":[""],"ID of LDAP authentication source":["ID del sorgente di autenticazione LDAP"],"ID of Puppet class":["ID della classe del puppet"],"ID of architecture":["ID dell'architettura"],"ID of compute resource":["ID della risorsa di calcolo"],"ID of config template":[""],"ID of domain":["ID del dominio"],"ID of environment":["ID dell'ambiente"],"ID of host":["ID host"],"ID of host group":["ID gruppo di host"],"ID of interface":["ID interfaccia"],"ID of linked authentication source":["ID del sorgente di autenticazione assegnato"],"ID of location":["ID posizione"],"ID of medium":["ID supporto"],"ID of operating system":["ID del sistema operativo"],"ID of organization":["ID organizzazione"],"ID of parameter":["ID del parametro"],"ID of partition table":["ID tabella delle partizioni"],"ID of provisioning template":["ID del template di provisioning"],"ID of role":["ID ruolo"],"ID of subnet":["ID della sottorete"],"ID of template":["ID template"],"ID of the user":[""],"ID of user group":["ID gruppo di utenti"],"ID or name external user group":["ID o nome del gruppo di utenti esterno"],"ID or name of domain":["ID o nome del dominio"],"ID or name of external user group":["ID o nome del gruppo di utenti esterno"],"ID or name of host":["ID o nome dell'host"],"ID or name of interface":["ID o nome dell'interfaccia"],"ID or name of subnet":["ID o nome della sottorete"],"ID or name of user group":["ID o nome del gruppo di utenti"],"IDs of associated architectures":["ID delle architetture associate"],"IDs of associated config groups":[""],"IDs of associated media":["ID dei dispositivi associati"],"IDs of associated partition tables":["ID delle tabelle di partizioni associate"],"IDs of associated provisioning templates":["ID dei template per il provisioning associati"],"INFO or DEBUG":[""],"IP":["IP"],"IP Address":["IP Address"],"IP Address Management":["Gestione indirizzi IP"],"IP Address auto suggestion mode for this subnet, valid values are \\\"DHCP\\\", \\\"Internal DB\\\", \\\"None\\\"":["Modalità per il suggerimento automatico dell'indirizzo IP per questa sottorete, i valori validi sono \\\"DHCP\\\", \\\"Internal DB\\\", \\\"None\\\""],"IP address auto-suggest":["suggerisci automaticamente l'indirizzo IP"],"IP addresses that should be excluded from suggestion":[""],"IP:":[""],"IPAM":["IPAM"],"IPv4":["IPv4"],"IPv4 Address":["Indirizzo IPv4"],"IPv4 DNS record":["",""],"IPv4 Subnet":[""],"IPv4 address":[""],"IPv4 address of interface":[""],"IPv6":["IPv6"],"IPv6 Address":["Indirizzo IPv6"],"IPv6 DNS record":["",""],"IPv6 Subnet":[""],"IPv6 address":[""],"IPv6 address of interface":[""],"IRC":["IRC"],"Identifier":["Indetificatore"],"Identifier of the interface to which this interface belongs, e.g. eth1":["Identificatore dell'interfaccia alla quale appartiene questa interfaccia, es. eth1"],"Identifier of the interface to which this interface belongs, e.g. eth1. Only for virtual interfaces.":["Identificatore dell'interfaccia alla quale appartiene questa interfaccia, es. eth1. Solo per interfacce virtuali."],"Identifiers of attached interfaces, e.g. `['eth1', 'eth2']`. For bond interfaces those are the slaves. Only for bond and bridges interfaces.":[""],"Idle timeout":[""],"If ERB is used in a parameter value, the validation of the value will happen during the ENC request. If the value is invalid, the ENC request will fail.":[""],"If Foreman is running behind Passenger or a remote load balancer, the IP should be set here. This is a regular expression, so it can support several load balancers, i.e: (|":["Se Foreman è in esecuzione dietro Passenger o un bilanciatore di carico remoto, è necessario impostare qui l'IP. Questa è una espressione regolare ed è in grado di supportare numerosi bilanciatori di carico, es: (|"],"If checked, will raise an error if there is no default value and no matcher provide a value.":["Se selezionato, verrà generato un errore se nessun valore predefinito è stato impostato, o se nessun dispositivo di confronto fornisce un valore. "],"If owner type is specified, owner must be specified too.":[""],"If true, will raise an error if there is no default value and no matcher provide a value":[""],"If you are planning to use Foreman as an external node classifier you should provide information about one or more environments. This information is commonly imported from a pre-existing Puppet configuration by the use of the %{link_start}Puppet classes and environment importer%{link_end}.":[""],"If you feel this is an error with Foreman itself, please open a new issue with":["Se credi che questo sia un errore di Foreman, apri un nuovo caso con"],"If you wish to configure Puppet to forward it reports to Foreman, please follow":[""],"Ignore Puppet facts for provisioning":[""],"Ignore facts for domain":[""],"Ignore facts for operating system":[""],"Ignore interfaces that match these values during facts importing, you can use * wildcard to match names with indexes e.g. macvtap*":[""],"Ignore interfaces with matching identifier":[""],"Ignored classes in the environments: %s":[""],"Ignored environment":[""],"Ignored environment names resulting in booleans found. Please quote strings like true/false and yes/no in config/ignored_environments.yml.":[""],"Ignored environments: %s":[""],"Ignored:":[""],"Image":["Immagine"],"Image Based":["Immagine basata"],"Image ID":["ID immagine"],"Image ID as provided by the compute resource, e.g. ami-..":["ID dell'immagine come fornita dalla risorsa di calcolo, es ami-.."],"Image path":["Percorso immagine"],"Image to use":["Immagine da usare"],"Images":["Immagini"],"Image|Iam role":["Ruolo IAM"],"Image|Name":["Nome"],"Image|Password":["Password"],"Image|User data":["Dati utente"],"Image|Username":["Nome utente"],"Image|Uuid":["Uuid"],"Import":["Importa"],"Import IPv4 subnets":[""],"Import VM %s":[""],"Import classes from %s":[""],"Import environments from %s":[""],"Import of facts failed for host %s":[""],"Import puppet classes from puppet proxy for an environment":["Importa le classi del puppet dal puppet proxy per un ambiente"],"Import puppet classes from puppet proxy.":["Importa le classi del puppet dal puppet proxy."],"Imported IPv4 Subnets":[""],"In addition to defining which puppet classes get included when building this host type you are also able to assign variables and provisioning information to a host group to further refine the behavior of the puppet runtime.":["Oltre a poter definire le classi del puppet incluse durante la creazione di questo tipo di host, sarà possibile anche assegnare le variabili e le informazioni sul provisioning ad un gruppo di host, così facendo si avrà un comportamento più mirato durante il runtime del puppet."],"In order to create the SSH key, the user must be saved first. A 'create_ssh_keys' permission is required too.":[""],"In-line code syntax":[""],"Include default value when merging all matching values":[""],"Include default value when merging all matching values.":[""],"Include this host within Foreman reporting":["Includi questo host all'interno del riporto di Foreman"],"Included Classes":["Classi incluse"],"Included Config Groups":["Gruppi di configurazioni inclusi"],"Incorrect password":["Password non corretta"],"Incorrect username or password":["Password o nome utente non corretti"],"Independent - Nonpersistent":[""],"Independent - Persistent":[""],"Infrastructure":["Infrastruttura"],"Inherit parent (%s)":["Eredita valore genitore (%s)"],"Inherited Classes from %s":[""],"Inherits from subnet VLAN ID if not set":["Eredita dalla sottorete VLAN ID se non impostato"],"Input":["Ingresso"],"Installation Media":["Dispositivo d'installazione"],"Installation media":["Dispositivo d'installazione"],"Installation medium configuration":["Configurazione supporto di installazione"],"Installed":["Installato"],"Interface":["Interfaccia"],"Interface is down":[""],"Interface is up":[""],"Interface provider, e.g. IPMI. Only for BMC interfaces.":["Provider dell'interfaccia, es IPMI. Solo per le interfacce BMC."],"Interface type, e.g. bmc. Default is %{default_nic_type}":[""],"Interface's DNS name":[""],"Interfaces":["Interfacce"],"Internal DB":["DB interno"],"Internal network":["Rete interna"],"Interpolate ERB in parameters":[""],"Invalid %s selection, you must select at least one of yours":["Selezione %s non valida, è necessario selezionare una di quelle in possesso"],"Invalid Host":["Host non valido"],"Invalid architecture '%{arch}' for '%{os}'":[""],"Invalid architecture for %s":[""],"Invalid authenticity token":["Token di autenticità non valido"],"Invalid log level: %s":["Livello registrazione non valido: %s"],"Invalid medium '%{medium}' for '%{os}'":[""],"Invalid medium for %s":[""],"Invalid power state request: %{action}, supported actions are %{supported}":["Richiesta stato alimentazione non valido: %{action}, le azioni supportate sono %{supported}"],"Invalid proxy selected!":[""],"Invalid query":["Interrogazione non valida"],"Invalid report":["Riporto non valido"],"Invalid search query: %s":["Interrogazione ricerca non valida: %s"],"Invalid smart-proxy id":[""],"Invalid type for host creation via facts: %s":["Tipologia non valida per la creazione dell'host tramite gli eventi: %s"],"Invalid version format, please enter in x.y (only major version).":[""],"Is the cron job that executes %s enabled?":[""],"Issue tracker":["Emetti tracker"],"It is not possible to assign provisioning templates at this stage.":[""],"It is not recommended to unlock this template, as it is provided by %{vendor} and may be overwritten. Please consider cloning it instead.":[""],"Item":["Elemento"],"Iterating":[""],"JSON VM listing is not supported for this compute resource.":[""],"JSON object of the scheduler hint":[""],"Keep selected hosts for a future action":[""],"Key Binding":["Associazione di tasti"],"Key not connected to any compute resource":[""],"Key pair":["Coppia di chiavi"],"Key used with other compute resource":[""],"KeyPair|Name":["NOme"],"KeyPair|Public":["Pubblica"],"KeyPair|Secret":["Segreta"],"Kind":["Tipo"],"LDAP Authentication":["Autenticazione LDAP"],"LDAP authentication":["Autenticazione LDAP"],"LDAP authentication sources":[""],"LDAP error - %{message}":["Errore LDAP - %{message}"],"LDAP filter":["Filtro LDAP"],"LDAP server":["Server LDAP"],"LDAP users will have their Foreman account automatically created the first time they log into Foreman":["Gli utente LDAP avranno un account Foreman creato automaticamente durante il loro primo login con Foreman"],"Language":["Lingua"],"Last Report":["Ultima notifica"],"Last report":["Ultimo riporto"],"Last updated %s ago":["Ultimo aggiornamento %s fa"],"Latest Events":["Ultimissimi eventi"],"Learn more about this in the documentation.":[""],"Legacy Puppet hostname":[""],"Length":[""],"Level":["Livello"],"Libvirt default console address":[""],"Libvirt, oVirt, OpenStack and Rackspace":[""],"Limit rebuild steps, valid steps are %{host_rebuild_steps}":[""],"List LDAP authentication sources per location":[""],"List LDAP authentication sources per organization":[""],"List all :resource_id":["Elenca tutte le :resource_id"],"List all LDAP authentication sources":["Elenca tutti i sorgenti di atutenticazione LDAP"],"List all Puppet class IDs for host":["Elenca tutti gli ID delle classi puppet per l'host"],"List all Puppet class IDs for host group":["Elenca tutti gli ID delle classi puppet per il gruppo di host"],"List all Puppet classes":["Elenca tutti gli ID delle classi puppet"],"List all Puppet classes for a host":["Elenca tutte le classi puppet per un host"],"List all Puppet classes for a host group":["Elenca tutte le classi puppet per un gruppo di host"],"List all Puppet classes for an environment":["Elenca tutte le classi puppet per un ambiente"],"List all SSH keys for a user":[""],"List all architectures":["Elenca tutte le architetture"],"List all architectures for operating system":["Elenca tutte le architetture per il sistema operativo"],"List all audits":["Elenca tutte le verifiche"],"List all audits for a given host":["Elenca tutte le verifiche per un dato host"],"List all autosign entries":["Elenca tutte le voci autosign"],"List all bookmarks":["Elenca tutti i segnalibri"],"List all compute resources":["Elenca tutte le risorse di calcolo"],"List all environments":["Elenca gli ambienti"],"List all external user groups for LDAP authentication source":["Elenca tutti i gruppi di utenti esterni per il sorgente di autenticazione LDAP"],"List all external user groups for user group":["Elenca tutti i gruppi di utenti esterni per il gruppo di utenti"],"List all fact values":["Elenca tutti i valori degli eventi"],"List all fact values of a given host":["Elenca tutti i valori degli eventi per un dato host"],"List all filters":["Elenca tutti filtri"],"List all global parameters.":["Elenca tutti i parametri globali"],"List all hardware models":["Elenca tutti i modelli hardware"],"List all host groups":["Elenca tutti i gruppi di host"],"List all host groups for a Puppet class":["Elenca tutti i gruppi di host per una classe del puppet"],"List all host groups per location":["Elenca tutti i gruppi di host per posizione"],"List all host groups per organization":["Elenca tutti i gruppi di host per organizzazione"],"List all hosts":["Elenca tutti gli host"],"List all hosts for a host group":["Elenca tutti gli host per un gruppo"],"List all images for a compute resource":["Elenca tutte le immagini per una risorsa di calcolo"],"List all images for architecture":["Elenca tutte le immagini per architettura"],"List all images for operating system":["Elenca tutte le immagini per sistema operativo"],"List all installation media":["Elenca tutti i dispositivi di installazione"],"List all interfaces for domain":["Elenca tutte le interfacce per dominio"],"List all interfaces for host":["Elenca tutte le interfacce per host"],"List all interfaces for subnet":["Elenca tutte le interfacce per sottorete"],"List all media for an operating system":["Elenca tutti i dispositivi per un sistema operativo"],"List all media per location":["Elenca tutti i dispositivi per posizione"],"List all media per organization":["Elenca tutti i dispositivi per organizzazione"],"List all operating systems":["Elenca tutti i sistemi operativi"],"List all operating systems for nested architecture":["Elenca tutti i sistemi operativi per le architetture nidificate"],"List all operating systems for nested medium":["Elenca tutti i sistemi operativi per i supporti nidificati"],"List all operating systems for nested partition table":["Elenca tutti i sistemi operativi per la tabella delle partizioni nidificate"],"List all operating systems for nested provisioning template":["Elenca tutti i sistemi operativi per i template di provisioning nidificati"],"List all parameters for a domain":["Elenca tutti i parametri per un dominio"],"List all parameters for a host":["Elenca tutti i parametri per un host"],"List all parameters for a host group":["Elenca tutti i parametri per un gruppo di host"],"List all parameters for a location":["Elenca tutti i parametri per una posizione"],"List all parameters for a subnet":[""],"List all parameters for an operating system":["Elenca tutti i parametri per un sistema operativo"],"List all parameters for an organization":["Elenca tutti i parametri per una organizzazione"],"List all partition tables":["Elenca tutte le tabelle delle partizioni"],"List all partition tables for an operating system":["Elenca tutte le tabelle delle partizioni per un sistema operativo"],"List all partition tables per 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l'organizzazione"],"List all users for role":["Elenca tutti gli utenti per il ruolo"],"List all users for user group":["Elenca tutti gli utenti per gruppo"],"List attributes for a given storage domain":["Elenca gli attributi per un dominio di archiviazione dato"],"List attributes for a given storage pod":[""],"List available clusters for a compute resource":["Elenca i cluster disponibili per una risorsa di calcolo"],"List available flavors for a compute resource":[""],"List available folders for a compute resource":["Elenca le cartelle disponibili per una risorsa di calcolo"],"List available images for a compute resource":["Elenca le immagini disponibili per una risorsa di calcolo"],"List available networks for a compute resource":["Elenca le reti disponibili per una risorsa di calcolo"],"List available networks for a compute resource cluster":["Elenca le reti disponibili per un cluster di risorse di calcolo"],"List available resource types.":["Elenca i tipi di risorse disponibili"],"List available security groups for a compute resource":[""],"List available zone for a compute resource":[""],"List boot files for an operating system":["Elenca i file boot per un sistema operativo"],"List default templates combinations for an operating system":["Elenca le combinazioni di template predefiniti per un sistema operativo"],"List environments of Puppet class":["Elenca ambienti della classe puppet"],"List environments per location":["Elenca ambienti per posizione"],"List environments per organization":["Elenca gli ambienti per organizzazione"],"List hosts per environment":["Elenca host per ambiente"],"List hosts per location":["Elenca host per posizione"],"List hosts per organization":["Elenca host per organizzazione"],"List installed plugins":["Elenca plugin installati"],"List of compute profiles":["Elenco dei profili di calcolo"],"List of config groups":["Elenco gruppi di configurazioni"],"List of domains":["Elenco dei domini"],"List of domains per location":["Elenco di domini per posizione"],"List of domains per organization":["Elenco di domini per organizzazione"],"List of domains per subnet":["Elenco di domini per sottorete"],"List of email notifications":[""],"List of hosts which answer to the provided query":["Elenco di host che rispondono all'interrogazione fornita"],"List of override values for a specific smart class parameter":["Elenco di valori di override per un parametro di classe smart specifico"],"List of override values for a specific smart variable":["Elenco di valori override per una variabile smart specifica"],"List of realms":["Elenco di realm"],"List of resources types that will be automatically associated":[""],"List of smart class parameters for a specific Puppet class":["Elenco parametri di classe smart per una classe puppet specifica"],"List of smart class parameters for a specific environment":["Elenco parametri di classe smart per un ambiente specifico"],"List of smart class parameters for a specific environment/Puppet class combination":["Elenco parametri di classe smart per una combinazione classe puppet/ambiente specifica"],"List of smart class parameters for a specific host":["Elenco parametri di classe smart per un host specifico"],"List of smart class parameters for a specific host group":["Elenco parametri di classe smart per un gruppo di host specifico"],"List of smart variables for a specific Puppet class":["Elenco di variabili smart per una classe puppet specifica"],"List of smart variables for a specific host":["Elenco di variabili smart per un host specifico"],"List of smart variables for a specific host group":["Elenco variabili smart per un gruppo di host specifico"],"List of subnets":["Elenco di sottoreti"],"List of subnets for a domain":["Elenco di sottoreti per un dominio"],"List of subnets per location":["Elenco di sottoreti per posizione"],"List of subnets per organization":["Elenco di sottoreti per organizzazione"],"List operating systems where this template is set as a default":["Elenca i sistemi operativi dove questo template è impostato per impostazione predefinita"],"List provisioning templates":["Elenca i template di provisioning"],"List provisioning templates per location":["Elenca i template di provisioning per posizione"],"List provisioning templates per operating system":["Elenca i template di provisioning per sistema operativo"],"List provisioning templates per organization":["Elenca i template di provisioning per organizzazione"],"List resource pools for a compute resource cluster":["Elenca i pool di risorse per un cluster di risorse di calcolo"],"List storage domains for a compute resource":["Elenca i domini di archiviazione per una risorsa di calcolo"],"List storage pods for a compute resource":[""],"List template combination":["Elenca combinazione del template"],"Load Datacenters":["Carica centro dati"],"Load Regions":["Carica le Regioni"],"Load Tenants":["Carica i titolari"],"Load Zones":[""],"Loading":["Caricamento in corso"],"Loading ...":["Caricamento in corso..."],"Loading BMC information ...":["Caricamento informazioni BMC in corso..."],"Loading NICs information ...":[""],"Loading SSH keys information ...":[""],"Loading VM information ...":["Caricamento informazioni VM in corso..."],"Loading filters ...":[""],"Loading host information ...":["Caricamento informazioni host in corso..."],"Loading images information ...":[""],"Loading interfaces information ...":[""],"Loading parameters...":["Caricamento parametri in corso..."],"Loading power state ...":["Caricamento stato alimentazione in corso... "],"Loading resources information ...":["Caricamento informazioni delle risorse in corso..."],"Loading runtime information ...":["Caricamento informazioni di runtime in corso..."],"Loading template information ...":["Caricamento informazioni sul template in corso..."],"Loading virtual machine information ...":["Caricamento informazioni macchina virutuale in corso..."],"Loading virtual machines information ...":["Caricamento informazioni macchine virutuali in corso..."],"Local time":[""],"Location":["Posizione"],"Location Distribution":[""],"Location fact":[""],"Location parameters":[""],"Location with id %{id} not found":[""],"Location you had selected as your context has been deleted.":["La posizione selezionata come contesto è stata rimossa."],"Location/Organization":["Posizione/Organizzazione"],"Locations":["Posizioni"],"Locations also work nicely when used in tandem with %{organizations}.":[""],"Locations are used to manage and differentiate the physical place where a system managed via Foreman is housed. For example, there might be a data center in London and one in Virginia; these are locations.":[""],"Lock":["Blocca"],"Log In":[""],"Log entry details":[""],"Log out":["Termina la sessione"],"Log out idle users after a certain number of minutes":["Scollega gli utenti inattivi dopo un certo numero di minuti"],"Logged out - See you soon":["Scollegato - Buona giornata"],"Logged-in":["Collegato"],"Login":["Accedi"],"Login delegation logout URL":[""],"Login page footer text":[""],"Logout":["Esci"],"Lookup key":["Cerca chiave"],"Lookup value":["Cerca valore"],"LookupKey|Avoid duplicates":[""],"LookupKey|Default value":["Valore predefinito"],"LookupKey|Description":[""],"LookupKey|Is param":[""],"LookupKey|Key":[""],"LookupKey|Key type":[""],"LookupKey|Merge overrides":[""],"LookupKey|Override":[""],"LookupKey|Path":[""],"LookupKey|Puppetclass lookup key":[""],"LookupKey|Required":[""],"LookupKey|Validator rule":[""],"LookupKey|Validator type":[""],"LookupKey|Variable lookup values count":[""],"LookupValue|Match":["Corrispondenza"],"LookupValue|Value":["Valore"],"MAC":["MAC"],"MAC Address":["Indirizzo MAC"],"MAC address":["Indirizzo MAC"],"MAC address of interface. Required for managed interfaces on bare metal.":[""],"MAC address to reuse the IP for this host":[""],"MAC-based":[""],"Machine Type":["Tipo di macchina"],"Machine type":["Tipo di macchina"],"Mailing lists":["Mailing list"],"Mailing lists are available via Google Groups. Much like IRC, we have a general users (support, Q/A, etc) lists and a development list:":["Le Mailing list sono disponibili tramite i Gruppi di Google. In modo simile a IRC, sono presenti elenchi per utenti generici, (supporto, Q/A, ecc) ed elenchi per lo sviluppo:"],"Manage":["Gestisci"],"Manage Locations":["Gestisci le posizioni"],"Manage Organizations":["Gestisci le organizzazioni"],"Manage PuppetCA":[""],"Manage host":["Gestisci gli host"],"Managed IP":["IP gestito"],"Manual":["Manuale "],"Manually Assign":["Assegna manualmente"],"Manually select and assign hosts with no %s":["Seleziona e assegna manualmente gli host senza %s"],"Matcher is a combination of an attribute and its value, if they match, the value below would be provided.<br> You may use any attribute Foreman knows about, such as facts etc for example: <code> domain = </code> or <code> is_virtual = true</code>.":[""],"Max days for Trends graphs":["Numero massimo di giorni per i diagrammi di Trend"],"Max timeout for REST client requests to smart-proxy":["Scadenza massima per le richieste del client REST per smart-proxy"],"Max trends":[""],"Media":["Dispositivo"],"Media ID":[""],"Media access control address for this interface. Format must be six groups of two hexadecimal digits <br/> separated by colons (:), e.g. 00:11:22:33:44:55. Most virtualization compute resources (e.g. VMware, oVirt, libvirt) <br/> will overwrite the provided value with new random MAC address.":[""],"Medium":["Supporto"],"Medium IDs":[""],"Medium|Config path":["Percorso di configurazione"],"Medium|Image path":["Percorso immagine"],"Medium|Media path":["Percorso dispositivo"],"Medium|Name":["Nome"],"Medium|Os family":["Famiglia OS"],"Medium|Path":["Percorso"],"Memory":["Memoria"],"Memory (MB)":["Memoria (MB)"],"Memory hot add":[""],"Memory hot add lets you add memory resources for a virtual machine while the machine is powered on.":[""],"Merge all matching values (only array/hash type)":[""],"Message":["Messaggio"],"Message|Digest":["Digest"],"Message|Value":["Valore"],"Metadata":["Metadati"],"Method %{method} not found for resource %{resource}.":["Metodo %{method} non trovato per la risorsa %{resource}."],"Method used to deliver email":[""],"Metrics":["Metriche"],"Minutes Ago":["Minuti fa"],"Mismatch Details":["Dettagli corrispondenze errate"],"Mismatches":["Corrispondenze errate"],"Mismatches Report":["Riporto corrispondenze errate"],"Missing one of the required permissions: %s":[""],"Model":["Modello"],"Model|Hardware model":["Modello hardware"],"Model|Hosts count":["Numero di host"],"Model|Info":["Informazioni"],"Model|Name":["Nome"],"Model|Vendor class":["Classe rivenditore"],"Modified":["Modificati"],"Module path":[""],"Monitor":["Monitoraggio"],"Monthly":["Mensilmente"],"Must provide an operating system":[""],"Must provide template kind":["Fornire il tipo di modello"],"Must specify a user with email enabled":["Specificare un utente con una email abilitata"],"Must specify a valid user with email enabled":["Specificare un utente valido con una email abilitata"],"My account":["Account"],"N/A":["N/A"],"NA":["NA"],"NIC":["NIC"],"NIC type":["Tipo di NIC"],"NICs":[""],"Name":["Nome"],"Name of media":["Nome del dispositivo"],"Name of the external auth source where unknown externally authentication users (see authorize_login_delegation) should be created (keep unset to prevent the autocreation)":["Nome del sorgente di autenticazione esterno dove creare gli utenti sconosciuti (consultare authorize_login_delegation) per una autenticazione esterna (mantieni non impostato per impedire una creazione automatica)"],"Name of the host group":[""],"Name of the parameter":[""],"Name of variable":[""],"Nest":["Nido"],"Netmask":["Netmask"],"Netmask for this subnet":["Maschera di rete per questa sottorete"],"Network":["Rete"],"Network Based":["Basato sulla rete"],"Network can't be blank":[""],"Network interfaces":["Interfaccia di rete"],"Network interfaces management has been moved to the Interfaces tab. 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"],"No hosts available.":[""],"No hosts selected":["Nessun host selezionato"],"No hosts were found with that id, name or query filter":[""],"No interesting reports received in the last week":["Nessun riporto di rilievo ricevuto durante la scorsa settimana"],"No logs to show":["Nessun log da mostrare"],"No matching server groups found":[""],"No networks":["Nessuna rete"],"No networks found.":[""],"No new IPv4 subnets found":[""],"No or invalid power state selected!":[""],"No owner selected!":[""],"No parameters to override for Puppet class %s":["Nessun parametro da sovrascrivere per la classe puppet %s"],"No parameters were allocated to the selected hosts, can't mass assign.":["Nessun parametro è stato assegnato agli host selezionati, impossibile eseguire una assegnazione di gruppo."],"No plugins found":["Nessun plugin trovato"],"No preference":["Nessuna preferenza"],"No proxy found to import classes from, ensure that the smart proxy has the Puppet feature enabled.":["Nessun proxy trovato dal quale importare le classi, assicurati di aver abilitato la funzione Puppet in smart proxy."],"No proxy selected!":[""],"No puppet activity for this host in the last %s days":["Nessuna attività del puppet per questo host negli ultimi %s giorni"],"No report":["Nessun riporto"],"No reports":["Nessun riporto"],"No setting value provided.":[""],"No smart proxies found.":["Nessuno smart proxy trovato."],"No smart proxies to show":["Nessuno smart proxy da visualizzare"],"No smart proxy was found to import environments from, ensure that at least one smart proxy is registered with the 'puppet' feature.":["Nessun smart proxy disponibile dal quale importare gli ambienti, registrare almeno uno smart proxy con la funzione 'puppet'."],"No subnets":["Nessuna rete secondaria"],"No template with kind %{kind} for %{host}":[""],"No templates found":[""],"No templates found for this host.":["Nessun template trovato per questo host."],"No templates found!":["Nessun modello trovato!"],"No trend counter defined":[""],"No trend counter found":[""],"None":["Nessuno"],"None found":[""],"None!":[""],"Normal":["Normale"],"Normally when setting up a Compute Resource, a key pair (private and public) is created for you automatically.":[""],"Not Installed":["Non installate"],"Not authorized to edit classes":["Non autorizzato per la modifica delle classi"],"Not implemented":["Non implementato"],"Not implemented for %s":["Non implementato per %s"],"Not relevant for snippet":["Non rilevante per lo snippet"],"Nothing to add":[""],"Nothing to show":["Niente da visualizzare"],"Notice":["Nota"],"Notices, warnings and errors":["Note, avvertimenti ed errori"],"Notification disabled":["Notifiche disabilitate"],"Notifications":["Notifiche"],"Number Of Clients":["Numero di client"],"Number of CPUs":["Numero di CPU"],"Number of Events":["Numero di eventi"],"Number of Hosts":["Numero di host"],"Number of classes":[""],"Number of overrides":[""],"Number of records shown per page in Foreman":["Numero di recod mostrati per pagina in Foreman"],"Numerical ID or domain name":["ID numerico o nome del dominio"],"Numerical ID or email notification name":[""],"Numerical ID or realm name":["ID numerico o nome del realm"],"OAuth active":[""],"OAuth consumer key":["Chiave utenza OAuth"],"OAuth consumer secret":["Segreto utenza OAuth"],"OAuth map users":[""],"OK":["OK"],"OS Image":["ImmagineOS"],"OS friendly name; e.g. RHEL 6.5":[""],"OS major version from facter; e.g. 6":["Versione maggiore OS di Facter; es. 6"],"OS minor version from facter; e.g. 5":["Versione minore OS di Facter; es. 5"],"OS name from facter; e.g. RedHat":["Nome OS di Facter; es. 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If left blank, a self-signed CA will be populated automatically by the server during the first request.":["Facoltativamente fornire un CA o una catena CA con un ordine corretto. Se lasciato vuoto, un CA auto-firmato verrà popolato automaticamente dal server durante la prima richiesta."],"Order":["Ordine"],"Organization":["Organizzazione"],"Organization Distribution":[""],"Organization fact":[""],"Organization parameters":[""],"Organization with id %{id} not found":[""],"Organization you had selected as your context has been deleted.":["L'organizzazione selezionata come contesto è stata rimossa."],"Organizations":["Organizzazioni"],"Organizations also work nicely in tandem with %{locations}.":[""],"Original value info":[""],"Other reports for this host":["Altri riporti per questo host"],"Out of sync":["Non sincronizzato"],"Out of sync hosts":["Host non sincronizzati"],"Out of sync hosts with alerts enabled":[""],"Out of sync interval":[""],"Override all parameters":["Sovrascrivi tutti i parametri"],"Override match":[""],"Override the default value of the Puppet class parameter.":[""],"Override this value":["Sovrascrivi questo valore"],"Override value, required if omit is false":[""],"Overview":["Panoramica"],"Overwrite":["Sovrascrivi"],"Owned By":["Posseduto da"],"Owner":["Proprietario"],"Owner changed to %s":["Proprietario cambiato a %s"],"Owner type needs to be one of the following: %s":["Il tipo di proprietario deve essere uno dei seguenti: %s"],"POAP PXE template":[""],"PXE":["PXE"],"PXE Loader":[""],"PXE files for templates %s have been deployed to all Smart Proxies":[""],"PXE loader":[""],"PXEGrub template":[""],"PXEGrub2 template":[""],"PXELinux template":[""],"Param name":["Nome param"],"Parameter":["Parametro"],"Parameter details":[""],"Parameter value":[""],"Parameterized classes in ENC":[""],"Parameters":["Parametri"],"Parameters for host's %s facet":[""],"Parameters that would be associated with hosts in this %s":["Parametri da associare con questi host in %s"],"Parameter|Hidden value":["Parameter|Valore nascosto"],"Parameter|Name":["Nome"],"Parameter|Priority":["Priorità"],"Parameter|Value":["Valore"],"Params":["Param"],"Parent":["Genitore"],"Parent ID":[""],"Parent ID of the host group":[""],"Parent is already selected":["Il genitore è stato già selezionato"],"Parent parameters":[""],"Partition Tables":["Tabelle di partizioni"],"Partition table":["Tabella delle partizione"],"Partition table ID":[""],"Partition table configuration":["Configurazione tabella delle partizioni"],"Partition tables":["Tabelle delle partizioni"],"Partition template IDs":[""],"Password":["Password"],"Password for oVirt, EC2, VMware, OpenStack. 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You can edit it later to add filters":["Salvare prima il ruolo. È possibile eseguire la sua modifica più avanti e aggiungere i filtri"],"Please save the user first before assigning mail notifications.":["Salvare l'utente prima di assegnare le notifiche di posta."],"Please select":["Selezionare"],"Please select a cluster":[""],"Please select an environment first":["Prima selezionare un ambiente"],"Please select an image":["Selezionare una immagine"],"Please select hosts to perform action on.":[""],"Please specify volume size. You may optionally use suffix 'G' to specify volume size in gigabytes.":["Specificare la dimensione del volume. 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che Foreman utilizza per comunicare con i propri proxy"],"SSL Private Key file that Foreman will use to communicate with its proxies":["File chiave privata SSL che Foreman dovrà usare per comunicare con i propri proxy"],"SSL certificate":[""],"SSL client DN env":[""],"SSL client cert env":[""],"SSL client verify env":[""],"SSL private key":[""],"Safe mode methods":[""],"Safe mode methods and variables":[""],"SafeRender#parse_string was passed a %s instead of a string":["SafeRender#parse_string è stata inviata a %s al posto di una stringa"],"Safemode rendering":[""],"Save":["Salva"],"Save positions":[""],"Save something and try again":["Salva qualcosa e riprova"],"Scheduler hint filter":[""],"Scope by locations":["Scopo per posizioni"],"Scope by organizations":["Scopo per organizzazioni"],"Script template":[""],"Search":["Cerca"],"Secondary DNS for this subnet":["DNS secondario per questa sottorete"],"Secret Key":["Chiave segreta"],"Security group":["Gruppo di sicurezza"],"Security groups":["Gruppi di sicurezza"],"Select Action":["Seleziona azione"],"Select All":["Seleziona tutto"],"Select Hosts":["Selezionare Host"],"Select Location":["Seleziona posizione"],"Select Organization":["Seleziona organizzazione"],"Select a period":["Seleziona un periodo"],"Select all items in this page":["Seleziona tutti gli elementi in questa pagina"],"Select an owner":[""],"Select compute resources":["Selezione risorse di calcolo"],"Select desired %s proxy":[""],"Select desired state":[""],"Select domains":["Seleziona dominio"],"Select environment":["Seleziona ambiente"],"Select environments":["Seleziona ambienti"],"Select host group":["Seleziona gruppo host"],"Select host groups":["Seleziona gruppi host"],"Select hosts to assign to %s":["Seleziona host da assegnare a %s"],"Select locations":["Seleziona posizioni"],"Select media":["Seleziona dispositivo"],"Select organizations":["Seleziona organizzazioni"],"Select partition tables":[""],"Select provisioning templates":[""],"Select realms":["Seleziona aree di autenticazione"],"Select smart proxies":["Seleziona smart proxy"],"Select subnets":["Seleziona sottoreti"],"Select template":["Seleziona modello"],"Select the changes you want to apply to Foreman":[""],"Select this host":["",""],"Select this since it belongs to a host":["Selezionarlo poichè appartiene ad un host"],"Select users":["Seleziona utenti"],"Selected hosts are now assigned to %s":["Gli host selezionati sono ora assegnati a %s"],"Selected image does not belong to %s":["L'immagine selezionata non appartiene a %s"],"Selected items":["Elementi selezionati"],"Selected resource type does not support granular filtering, therefore you can't configure granularity":["Il tipo di risorsa selezionata non supporta un filtraggio dettagliato, per questo motivo non è possibile configurare la granularità"],"Selected role":["Ruolo selezionato"],"Selecting a file will override the editor and load the file instead":["La selezione di un file sovrascriverà l'editor e caricherà il file"],"Send a test message to the current user's email address to confirm the configuration is working.":[""],"Send a test message to the user's email address to confirm the configuration is working.":[""],"Send a welcome email including username and URL to new users":[""],"Send welcome email":[""],"Sendmail":["Sendmail"],"Sendmail arguments":[""],"Sendmail location":[""],"Server group":[""],"Server hint data":[""],"Server type":["Tipo di server"],"Service unavailable":["Servizio non disponibile"],"Services":["Servizi"],"Set IP addresses for %s":[""],"Set a randomly generated password on the display connection":["Imposta una password generata randomicamente sulla connessione del display"],"Set parameters to defaults":["Imposta i parametri su valori predefiniti"],"Set the order in which values are resolved.":[""],"Set up compute instance %s":["Impostazione istanza di calcolo %s"],"Setting":["Impostazione"],"Settings":["Impostazioni"],"Setting|Category":["Categoria"],"Setting|Default":["Default"],"Setting|Description":["Descrizione"],"Setting|Name":["Nome"],"Setting|Settings type":["Tipo di impostazione"],"Setting|Value":["Valore"],"Should the `foreman-rake db:migrate` be executed on the next run of the installer modules?":["Eseguire `foreman-rake db:migrate`durante l'esecuzione successiva dei moduli dell'installer?"],"Should the `foreman-rake db:seed` be executed on the next run of the installer modules?":["Eseguire `foreman-rake db:seed` durante l'esecuzione successiva dei moduli dell'installer?"],"Should this interface be managed via DHCP and DNS smart proxy and should it be configured during provisioning?":["L'interfaccia deve essere gestita tramite DHCP e DNS smart proxy e può essere configurarta durante il provisioning?"],"Should this interface be used for TFTP of PXELinux (or SSH for image-based hosts)? Each managed hosts needs to have one provision interface.":[""],"Should this interface be used for constructing the FQDN of the host? Each managed hosts needs to have one primary interface.":[""],"Show %s fact values for all hosts":[""],"Show :a_resource":["Mostra :a_resource"],"Show Diff":["Mostra le differenze"],"Show Host":["Mostra l'host"],"Show Trends":["Mostra i trend"],"Show a Puppet class":["Mostra una classe puppet"],"Show a Puppet class for a host group":["Mostra una classe Puppet per un gruppo di host"],"Show a Puppet class for an environment":["Mostra una classe puppet per un ambiente"],"Show a Puppet class for host":["Mostra una classe Puppet per un host"],"Show a bookmark":["Mostra un segnalibro"],"Show a compute profile":["Mostra profilo di calcolo"],"Show a compute resource":["Mostra una risorsa di calcolo"],"Show a config group":["Mostra un gruppo di configurazione"],"Show a default template combination for an operating system":["MOstra una combinazione del template predefinito per un sistema operativo"],"Show a domain":["Mostra un dominio"],"Show a filter":["Mostra un filtro"],"Show a global parameter":["Mostra un parametro globale"],"Show a hardware model":["Mostra un modello hardware"],"Show a host":["Mostra un host"],"Show a host group":["Mostra un gruppo di host"],"Show a medium":["Mostra un supporto"],"Show a nested parameter for a domain":["Mostra un parametro nidificato per un dominio"],"Show a nested parameter for a host":["Mostra un parametro nidificato per un host"],"Show a nested parameter for a host group":["Mostra un parametro nidificato per un gruppo di host"],"Show a nested parameter for a location":["Mostra un parametro nidificato per una posizione"],"Show a nested parameter for a subnet":[""],"Show a nested parameter for an operating system":["Mostra un parametro nidificato per un sistema operativo"],"Show a nested parameter for an organization":["Mostra un parametro nidificato per una organizzazione"],"Show a partition table":["Mostra una tabella delle partizioni"],"Show a permission":["Mostra un permesso"],"Show a realm":["Mostra un realm"],"Show a report":["Mostra una notifica"],"Show a role":["Mostra un ruolo"],"Show a setting":["Mostra una impostazione"],"Show a smart class parameter":["Mostra un parametro di classe smart"],"Show a smart proxy":["Mostra uno smart proxy"],"Show a smart variable":["Mostra una variabile smart"],"Show a subnet":["Mostra una sottorete"],"Show a user":["Mostra un utente"],"Show a user group":["Mostra un gruppo di utenti"],"Show all %s children fact values":["Mostra tutti i valori degli eventi figlio %s"],"Show all %s facts with the same value":[""],"Show an LDAP authentication source":["Mostra un sorgente di autenticazione LDAP"],"Show an SSH key from a user":[""],"Show an architecture":["Mostra una architettura"],"Show an audit":["Mostra una verifica"],"Show an email notification":[""],"Show an environment":["Mostra un ambiente"],"Show an external user group for LDAP authentication source":["Mostra un gruppo di utenti esterni per il sorgente di autenticazione LDAP"],"Show an external user group for user group":["Mostra un gruppo di utenti esterno per il gruppo di utenti"],"Show an image":["Mostra una immagine"],"Show an interface for host":["Mostra una interfaccia per l'host"],"Show an operating system":["Mostra un sistema operativo"],"Show an override value for a specific smart class parameter":["Mostra un valore override per un parametro di classe smart specifico"],"Show an override value for a specific smart variable":["Mostra un valore override per una variabile smart specifica"],"Show available API links":["Mostra i link API disponibili"],"Show distribution chart":["Mostra grafico di distribuzione"],"Show full value":[""],"Show host power status":[""],"Show linked external user groups":["Mostra i gruppi di utenti esterni collegati"],"Show log messages:":["Mostra i messaggi di log:"],"Show power status on host index page. This feature calls to compute resource providers which may lead to decreased performance on host listing page.":[""],"Show provisioning template details":["Mostra informazioni template di provisioning"],"Show status":["Mostra stato"],"Show template combination":["Mostra combinazione template"],"Show the last report for a host":["Mostra l'ultima notifica per un host"],"Sign":["Accedi"],"Single host on this page is selected.":["",""],"Size":["Dimensione"],"Size (GB)":["Dimensione (GB)"],"Skip assign hosts and proceed to edit %s settings":["Salta l'assegnazione degli host e procedi alla modifica delle impostazioni %s"],"Skipped":["Saltato"],"Skipped|S":["S"],"Smart Class Parameter":["Parametro classe smart"],"Smart Proxies":["Smart proxy"],"Smart Proxy":["Smart Proxy"],"Smart Proxy: %s":[""],"Smart Variables":["Variabili smart"],"Smart class parameters":["Parametri classe smart"],"Smart proxies":["Smart proxy"],"Smart proxy":["Smart proxy"],"Smart proxy IDs":["ID Smart proxy"],"Smart variables":["Variabili smart"],"SmartProxy|Name":["Nome"],"SmartProxy|Url":["Url"],"Snippet":["Snippet"],"Some Puppet Classes are unavailable in the selected environment":[""],"Some imported user account details cannot be saved: %s":[""],"Some interfaces are invalid":[""],"Some of the interfaces are invalid. Please check the table below.":["Alcune interfacce non sono valide. Controllare la tabella di seguito riportata."],"Some or all hosts execution failed, Please check log files for more information":["Alcune o tutte le esecuzioni degli host sono fallite, controllare i file di log per maggiori informazioni"],"Some other interface is already set as primary. Are you sure you want to use this one instead?":[""],"Some other interface is already set as provisioning. Are you sure you want to use this one instead?":[""],"Something went wrong while changing host type - %s":["Si è verificato un errore durante la modifica del tipo di host - %s"],"Something went wrong while selecting hosts - %s":["Si è verificato un errore durante la selezione degli host - %s"],"Sorry but no templates were configured.":["Spiacenti ma non è stato fornito alcun modello."],"Sorry, these hosts do not have parameters assigned to them, you must add them first.":["Spiacenti, non è stato assegnato alcun parametro ai suddetti host, è necessario prima aggiungerli"],"Source":["Origine"],"Source|Digest":["Digest"],"Source|Value":["Valore"],"Space separated options, e.g. miimon=100. Only for bond interfaces.":["Opzioni separate da spazi, es. miimon=100. Solo per interfacce di aggregazione."],"Specified value is higher than recommended maximum":[""],"Specify additional options to sendmail":[""],"Specify authentication type, if required":[""],"Specify matchers":[""],"Start":["Inizio"],"Starting IP Address for IP auto suggestion":["Indirizzo IP iniziale per il suggerimento automatico degli IP"],"State":["Stato"],"Static":["Statico"],"Statistics":["Statistiche"],"Status":["Stato"],"Stop updating IP address and MAC values from Puppet facts (affects all interfaces)":[""],"Stop updating Operating System from facts":[""],"Stop updating domain values from facts":[""],"Storage":["Storage"],"Storage domain":["Dominio di archiviazione"],"Storage pool":["Pool di archiviazione"],"Strong":["Forte"],"Submit":["Invia"],"Subnet":["Sottorete"],"Subnet ID":[""],"Subnet IDs":["ID sottoreti"],"Subnet name":["Nome sottorete"],"Subnet network":["Rete della sottorete"],"Subnet numeric identifier":["idenificatore numerico della sottorete"],"Subnets":["Sottoreti"],"Subnet|Boot mode":["Subnet|Modalità d'avvio"],"Subnet|Dns primary":["Dns primario"],"Subnet|Dns secondary":["Dns secondario"],"Subnet|From":["Da"],"Subnet|Gateway":["Gateway"],"Subnet|Ipam":["Subnet|Ipam"],"Subnet|Mask":["Maschera"],"Subnet|Name":["Nome"],"Subnet|Network":["Rete"],"Subnet|Priority":["Priorità"],"Subnet|To":["A"],"Subnet|Vlanid":["Vlanid"],"Subscribe":["Sottoscrivi"],"Subscribe to all hosts":[""],"Subscribe to my hosts":[""],"Success":["Successo"],"Successfully created %s.":["%s creato con successo."],"Successfully delete %s":[""],"Successfully deleted %s.":["%s rimosso con successo."],"Successfully deleted report.":[""],"Successfully executed, check log files for more details":["Eseguito con successo, controllare i file di log per maggiori informazioni"],"Successfully executed, check reports and/or log files for more details":["Eseguito con successo, controllare i riporti e/o i file di log per maggiori informazioni"],"Successfully overridden all parameters of Puppet class %s":["Sovrascritti con successo tutti i parametri della classe puppet %s"],"Successfully recreated":[""],"Successfully refreshed features from %s.":["Funzionalità aggiornate con successo da %s."],"Successfully refreshed the cache.":[""],"Successfully reset all parameters of Puppet class %s to their default values":["Resettati con successo tutti i parametri della classe puppet %s sui rispettivi valori predefiniti"],"Successfully updated %s.":["%s aggiornato con successo."],"Successfully updated environments and Puppet classes from the on-disk Puppet installation":["Classi del puppet e ambienti aggiornati con successo dal dischetto d'installazione del puppet"],"Suffix or prefix length for this subnet, e.g. 32":[""],"Suggest new":["Suggerisci nuovo"],"Summary from %{time} ago to now":[""],"Summary report from Foreman server at %{foreman_url}":[""],"Support":["Supporto"],"Supported Formats":["Formati supportati"],"Synchronize group from authentication source":["Sincronizza gruppo dal sorgente di autenticazione"],"Syntax Highlighting":["Evidenziazione sintassi"],"Syntax error occurred while parsing the template %{template_name}, make sure you have all ERB tags properly closed and the Ruby syntax is valid. The Ruby error: %{message}":[""],"System Information":["Informazioni sul sistema"],"System Status":["Stato del sistema"],"TFTP":["TFTP"],"TFTP Proxy":["TFTP Proxy"],"TFTP Proxy ID to use within this subnet":[""],"TFTP Proxy to use within this subnet":["TFTP Proxy da usare all'interno di questa sottorete"],"TFTP server":[""],"Taxable taxonomy":["..."],"TaxableTaxonomy|Taxable type":["Tipo di tassonomia"],"Taxonomy":["Tassonomia"],"Taxonomy|Ancestry":["Ascendenza"],"Taxonomy|Ignore types":["Ignora tipi"],"Taxonomy|Name":["Nome"],"Taxonomy|Title":["Titolo"],"Template":["Modello"],"Template %s is empty.":["Il template %s è vuoto."],"Template '%s' is either missing or has an invalid organization or location":[""],"Template '%s' was not found":[""],"Template Diff":["Diff del modello"],"Template Type":["Tipo di modello"],"Template diff":["Diff del modello"],"Template editor":["Editor del modello"],"Template kind":["Tipo di modello"],"Template kinds, available values: %{template_kinds}":[""],"Template locked":["Template bloccato"],"Template syntax":[""],"Template unlocked":["Template sbloccato"],"TemplateKind|Name":["Nome"],"Templates":["Modelli"],"Templates resolved for this operating system":[""],"Tenant":["Titolare"],"Test Connection":["Connessione test"],"Test LDAP connection":[""],"Test LDAP connectivity":[""],"Test connection to LDAP server was successful.":[""],"Test connection was successful":[""],"Test email":[""],"Text to be shown in the login-page footer":[""],"That is, if you are planning to manage a site where all the machines are of the form <i>hostname</i>.<b></b>\\n then the domain is <b></b>.":[""],"The %{proxy_type} proxy could not be set for host: %{host_names}.":["",""],"The %{proxy_type} proxy of the selected hosts was cleared.":[""],"The %{proxy_type} proxy of the selected hosts was set to %{proxy_name}.":[""],"The <b>fullname</b> field is used for human readability in reports and other pages that refer to domains,\\n and also available as an external node parameter":[""],"The Audit Comment field is saved with the template auditing to document the template changes":["Il campo Verifica commento viene salvato con il modello di revisione per documentare le modifiche"],"The BMC password will be used by Foreman to access the host's BMC controller via a BMC-enabled smart proxy, if available.<br/>":[""],"The IP address that should be used for the console listen address when provisioning new virtual machines via Libvirt":["L'indirizzo IP da usare per la console durante il provisioning di nuove macchine virtuali tramite Libvirt"],"The NFS path to the image directory.":["Il percorso NFS per la directory delle immagini."],"The NFS path to the jumpstart control files.":["Il percorso NFS per i file di controllo di jumpstart."],"The NFS path to the media.":["Il percorso NFS per il dispositivo."],"The Operating systems detail the OSs known to Foreman, and is the central point that the other required components tie into.":[""],"The Primary interface is used for constructing the FQDN of the host":[""],"The Provisioning interface is used for TFTP of PXELinux (or SSH for image-based hosts)":[""],"The authentication process currently requires an LDAP provider, such as <em>FreeIPA</em>,\\n <em>OpenLDAP</em> or <em>Microsoft's Active Directory</em>.":[""],"The class of CPU supplied in this machine. This is primarily used by Sparc Solaris builds and can be left blank for other architectures. The value can be determined on Solaris via uname -m":["La classe della CPU presente in questa macchina. Principalmente usata da Sparc Solaris, può essere lasciata vuota per altre architetture. Il valore può essere determinato su Solaris tramite uname -m"],"The class of the machine reported by the Open Boot Prom. This is primarily used by Sparc Solaris builds and can be left blank for other architectures. The value can be determined on Solaris via uname -i|cut -f2 -d,":["La classe della macchina riportata da Open Boot Prom. Principalmente usata da Sparc Solaris, può essere lasciata vuota per altre architetture. Il valore può essere determinato su Solaris tramite uname -i|cut -f2 -d,"],"The default administrator email address":["L'indirizzo email predefinito dell'amministratore"],"The dynamic partitioning style is currently only available for the Red Hat family of operating systems, all others must provide an explicit list of partitions and sizes.":["Il tipo di partizionamento dinamico è attualmente disponibile solo per la famiglia di sistemi operativi di Red Hat, tutti gli altri devono fornire un elenco esplicito di partizioni e dimensioni."],"The file path where your p12 file is located":["Il percorso del file dove viene posizionato il file p12"],"The final entry, Operating System default, can be set by editing the %s page.":["La voce finale, impostazione predefinita del sistema operativo, può essere impostata modificando la pagina %s."],"The following IPv4 subnets have been found. Please review the details before creating them.":[""],"The following entries were found conflicting with what foreman wanted to apply.":["Le seguenti voci sono in conflitto con il contenuto che Foreman desidera applicare."],"The following errors may prevent a successful build:":["I seguenti errori possono impedire il verificarsi di un processo di compilazione:"],"The following fields would need reviewing":["Ricontrollare i seguenti campi"],"The following hosts failed the build operation: %s":["L'operazione di compilazione è fallita sui seguenti host: %s"],"The following hosts were not %{action}: %{missed_hosts}":["I seguenti host non sono stati %{action}: %{missed_hosts}"],"The following hosts were not deleted: %s":["I seguenti host non sono stati cancellati %s"],"The following hosts were updated":["I seguenti host sono stati aggiornati"],"The following parameters were skipped as they did not exists on this host:":["I seguenti parametri sono stati saltati poichè non erano presenti su questo host:"],"The following table and example snippet shows global methods, variables and class methods and how to use them.":[""],"The full DNS domain name":["Il nome del dominio DNS completo"],"The host group's classes and the host group's variables are included in the external node information when the puppetmaster compiles the host's configuration.":["Le classi del gruppo di host e le variabili sono incluse nelle informazioni sul nodo esterno quando puppetmaster compila la configurazione dell'host."],"The inclusion of the keyword string <b>#Dynamic</b> at the start of a line lets Foreman know that this is not an explicit disk layout and must treated as a shell script, executed prior\\n to the install process and that the explicit partition table will be found at <b>/tmp/diskpart.cfg</b> during the build process.":[""],"The keys can be used in provisioning templates and are also available for configuration management tools managed by Foreman.":[""],"The keywords <b>$version</b>, <b>$major</b> and <b>$minor</b> will be interpolated back into the path specification to calculate the true URL address.":["<b>$version</b>, <b>$major</b> e <b>$minor</b> verranno usate nelle specifiche del percorso per calcolare il vero indirizzo URL."],"The list is excluding %{count} %{link_start}physical host%{link_end}.":["",""],"The location of the sendmail executable":[""],"The marked fields will need reviewing":["Ricontrollare i campi contrassegnati"],"The method used to provision the host. Possible provision_methods may be %{provision_methods}":[""],"The order in which matchers keys are processed, first match wins.<br> You may use multiple attributes as a matcher key, for example, an order of <code>host group, environment</code> would expect a matcher such as <code>hostgroup = \\\"web servers\\\", environment = production</code>":["L'ordine con il quale vengono processate le chiavi per la corrispondenza, a tale scopo viene utilizzata la prima corrispondenza.<br> È possibile usare attributi multipli, per esempio l'ordine <code>host group, environment</code> prevede una corrispondenza del tipo <code>hostgroup = \\\"web servers\\\", environment = production</code>"],"The order in which values are resolved":["L'ordine attraverso il quale vengono risolti i valori"],"The password will also be accessible to other users via templates and in the ENC YAML output; disable the bmc_credentials_accessible setting to prevent access.":[""],"The password will not be accessible to other users; enable the bmc_credentials_accessible setting to permit access via templates and in the ENC YAML output.":[""],"The path to the medium, can be a URL or a valid NFS server (exclusive of the architecture).\\n for example <em>$version/os/$arch</em> where <strong>$arch</strong> will be substituted for the host's actual OS architecture and <strong>$version</strong>, <strong>$major</strong> and <strong>$minor</strong> will be substituted for the version of the operating system. Solaris and Debian media may also use <strong>$release</strong>.":[""],"The power state of the selected hosts will be set to %s":[""],"The realm name, e.g. EXAMPLE.COM":["Nome del realm, es. EXAMPLE.COM"],"The remote system presented a public key signed by an unidentified certificate authority. If you are sure the remote system is authentic, go to the compute resource edit page, press the 'Test Connection' or 'Load Datacenters' button and submit":["Il sistema remoto presenta una chiave pubblica firmata da un certificate authority sconosciuto. Se sei sicuro che il sistema remoto sia autentico, vai sulla pagina per la modifica della risorsa di calcolo e premi \\\"Esegui il test della connessione' oppure 'Carica i datacenter', successivamete seleziona invia."],"The remote system presented a public key with hash %s but we're expecting a different hash. If you are sure the remote system is authentic, go to the compute resource edit page, press the 'Test Connection' or 'Load Datacenters' button and submit":["Il sistema remoto presenta una chiave pubblica con codice hash %s, ma era previsto un codice hash diverso. Se sei sicuro che il sistema remoto sia autentico, vai sulla pagina per la modifica della risorsa di calcolo e premi \\\"Esegui il test della connessione' oppure 'Carica i datacenter', successivamete seleziona invia."],"The selected hosts were enabled for reboot and rebuild":[""],"The selected hosts will execute a build operation on next reboot":["Gli host selezionati eseguiranno una operazione di compilazione al riavvio successivo"],"The snippet '%{name}' threw an error: %{exc}":[""],"The template is associated to at least one host in build mode. To apply the change, disable and enable build mode on hosts to update the live templates or choose to %s their configuration from 'Select Action' menu":[""],"The user that is used to ssh into the instance, normally cloud-user, ec2-user, ubuntu, root etc":["L'utente usato per una operazione ssh in una istanza, normalmente cloud-user, ec2-user, ubuntu, root ecc"],"The virtual machine is being deleted.":["La macchina virtuale è stata rimossa."],"There are migrations pending in the system.":[""],"There are no puppet environments set up on this puppet master. Please check the puppet master configuration.":[""],"There are orchestration modules with methods for configuration rebuild that have identical name: '%s'":[""],"There are two strategies when using host groups.":["Quando si utilizzano i gruppi di host sono disponibili due strategie."],"There is":["",""],"There is no owner with id %d and type %s":[""],"There is no proxy with BMC feature set up. Please register a smart proxy with this feature.":[""],"There was an error creating the PXE file: %s":[""],"There was an error listing %{listing}: %{errors}":[""],"There was an error listing VMs: %(status)s %(statusText)s":["Si è verificato un errore durante l'elenco delle VM: %(status)s %(statusText)s"],"There was an error rendering the %s template: ":["Si è verificato un errore nella riproduzione del modello %s:"],"There was an error rendering the %{name} template: %{error}":[""],"There was no active bridge interface found in libvirt, if it does not support listing, you can enter the bridge name manually (e.g. br0)":[""],"These are guaranteed to work via the safe mode rendering, to ensure a template can do nothing harmful.":[""],"These two options are personal decisions and are up to you (where the main difference would be the parameter/variables settings).":["Queste due opzioni sono impostazioni personalizzate dell'utente (la differenza principale sono le impostazioni parametro/variabili)."],"Thin provision":["Thin provision"],"This Puppet class has no parameters in its signature.":["La classe di questo puppet non ha alcun parametro nella propria firma."],"This allows Foreman to associate a puppet variable with a domain/site and automatically append this variable to all external node requests made by machines at that site.":[""],"This group has nested groups!":["In questo gruppo sono presenti gruppi nidificati!"],"This group has no roles":[""],"This host's stored facts and reports will be deleted too.":["Verranno cancellati anche le notifiche e gli eventi archiviati di questo host."],"This is a test message to confirm that Foreman's email configuration is working.":[""],"This is for every location and organization that uses it.":[""],"This is for every location that uses it.":[""],"This is for every organization that uses it.":[""],"This is inherited from parent":["Ereditato dal genitore"],"This is used by a host":["Usato da un host"],"This might take a while, as all hosts, facts and reports will be destroyed as well":["Questa operazione potrebbe richiedere qualche istante poichè saranno annullati anche gli host, eventi e riporti"],"This role has been cloned from role %s":[""],"This role is locked for editing.":[""],"This role is locked from being modified by users.":[""],"This setting is defined in the configuration file '%{filename}' and is read-only.":[""],"This template is locked and may not be removed.":["Questo template è bloccato e non può essere rimosso."],"This template is locked for editing.":["Questo template non può essere modificato."],"This template is locked. Please clone it to a new template to customize.":["Questo template è bloccato. Eseguire la sua clonazione in un nuovo template per personalizzarlo."],"This template is locked. You may only change the associations. Please %s it to customize.":[""],"This value is not hidden":[""],"This value is used also as the host's primary interface name.":[""],"This will reset parameters of the class %s to their default values. Continue?":["Questa azione resetterà i parametri della classe %s sui rispettivi valori predefiniti. Continuare?"],"This will set all parameters of the class %s as overridden. Continue?":["Questa azione imposterà i parametri della classe %s su sovrascritti. Continuare?"],"Time":["Ora"],"Time in Seconds":["Tempo in secondi"],"Time in minutes installation tokens should be valid for, 0 to disable token generation":[""],"Timeout for DNS conflict validation (in seconds)":[""],"Timeout has occurred while communicating with %s":["Si è verificato un Timeout durante la comunicazione con %s"],"To define trend counters, use the Add Trend Counter button.</br> To start collecting trend data, set a cron job to execute 'foreman-rake trends:counter' every Puppet Interval (%s minutes).":[""],"To enable a provider, either install the OS package (e.g. foreman-libvirt) or enable the bundler group for development setup (e.g. ovirt).":["Per abilitare un provider installare il pacchetto del sistema operativo (es. foreman-libvirt), oppure abilitare il gruppo bundler per una impostazione di sviluppo (es. ovirt)."],"To enable safe mode, navigate to Settings page and enable Safemode rendering option.":[""],"To start collecting trend data, set a cron job to execute <span class='black'>foreman-rake trends:counter</span> every Puppet Interval (%s minutes)":["Per ottenere i dati sul trend impostare un cron job per eseguire <span class='black'>foreman-rake trends:counter</span> ad ogni intervallo Puppet (%s minuti)."],"To update the class signature, go to the Puppet Classes page and select \\\"Import\\\".":["Per aggiornare la firma della classe, andare sulla pagina Classi del puppet e selezionare \\\"Importa\\\"."],"Toggle":["Attiva/Disattiva"],"Token":["Token"],"Token duration":[""],"Token expired":[""],"Token|Expires":["Scadenza"],"Token|Value":["Valore"],"Total":["Totale"],"Total Hosts: %s":["Host totali: %s"],"Total hosts count":[""],"Total of one host":["",""],"Trend":["Tendenza"],"Trend counter":["Contatore di trend"],"Trend of the last %s days.":["Trend negli ultimi %s giorni."],"TrendCounter|Count":["Numero"],"Trends":["Trend"],"Trends for %s":["Trend per %s"],"Trend|Fact name":["Nome evento"],"Trend|Fact value":["Valore evento"],"Trend|Name":["Nome"],"Trend|Trendable type":["Tipo di tendenza"],"Trigger a puppetrun on a node; requires that puppet run is enabled":["Attiva una esecuzione del puppet sul nodo; per fare questo è necessario abilitare l'esecuzione del puppet"],"Troubleshooting":["Troubleshooting"],"True/False flag whether a host is managed or unmanaged. Note: this value also determines whether several parameters are required or not":["Flag True/False se l'host è gestito o non gestito. Nota: questo valore indica anche se è necessario usare alcuni parametri"],"Trusted puppetmaster hosts":[""],"Try going to %{href}":["Prova ad andare su %{href}"],"Type":["Tipo"],"Type of name generator":[""],"Type of realm, e.g. FreeIPA":["Tipo di Realm, es FreeIPA "],"Type or protocol, IPv4 or IPv6, defaults to IPv4":[""],"Types of validation values":[""],"Types of variable values":[""],"URL":["URL"],"URL for %{providers_requiring_url}":[""],"URL hosts will retrieve templates from during build (normally http as many installers don't support https)":["Gli host URL recupereranno i modelli dalla compilazione (normalmente http poichè numerosi installer non supportano https)"],"URL must be valid and schema must be one of %s":[""],"URL where your Foreman instance is reachable (see also Provisioning > unattended_url)":["URL attraverso il quale è possibile raggiungere l'istanza di Foreman (consultare anche Provisioning > unattended_url)"],"UTC time of report":["Orario UTC della notifica"],"UUID":["UUID"],"UUID to track orchestration tasks status, GET /api/orchestration/:UUID/tasks":["UUID per controllare gli stati dei compiti d'orchestrazione, GET /api/orchestration/:UUID/tasks"],"Unable to access key":["Impossibile accedere alla chiave"],"Unable to authenticate user %s":["Impossibile autenticare l'utente %s"],"Unable to change VM display listen address, make sure the display is not attached to localhost only":["Impossibile modificare l'indirizzo d'ascolto del display della VM, assicurarsi che il display non è collegato solo a localhost"],"Unable to communicate with the proxy: %s":["Impossibile comunicare con il proxy: %s"],"Unable to connect":["Impossibile collegarsi"],"Unable to connect to LDAP server":[""],"Unable to create default TFTP boot menu":["Impossibile creare il menu per l'avvio TFTP predefinito"],"Unable to create realm entry":["Impossibile creare una voce per l'area di autenticazione"],"Unable to create the default role.":[""],"Unable to delete DHCP entry for %s":["Impossibile rimuovere la voce DHCP per %s"],"Unable to delete DNS entry":["Impossibile rimuovere la voce DNS"],"Unable to delete PuppetCA autosign for %s":["Impossibile rimuovere PuppetCA autosign per %s"],"Unable to delete PuppetCA certificate for %s":["Impossibile rimuovere il certificato PuppetCA per %s"],"Unable to delete TFTP boot entry for %s":["Impossibile rimuovere la voce per l'avvio TFTP di %s"],"Unable to detect TFTP boot server":["Impossibile rilevare il server d'avvio TFTP"],"Unable to detect features":["Impossibile rilevare le funzionalità"],"Unable to detect version":[""],"Unable to determine the host's boot server. The DHCP smart proxy failed to provide this information and this subnet is not provided with TFTP services.":["Impossibile determinare il server d'avvio dell'host. DHCP smart proxy non ha fornito le informazioni necessarie e questa sottorete non dispone dei servizi TFTP."],"Unable to disable bmc_credentials_accessible when safemode_render is disabled":[""],"Unable to disable safemode_render when bmc_credentials_accessible is disabled":[""],"Unable to execute Puppet run":["Impossibile eseguire il puppet"],"Unable to fetch TFTP boot file":["Impossibile recuperare il file per l'avvio TFTP"],"Unable to fetch logs":[""],"Unable to find IP address for '%s'":["Impossibile trovare l'indirizzo IP per '%s'"],"Unable to find a proxy with BMC feature":["Impossibile trovare un proxy con una funzione BMC"],"Unable to find proper authentication method":["Impossibile trovare un metodo di autenticazione corretto"],"Unable to find template %s":["Impossibile trovare il modello %s"],"Unable to generate output, Check log files":[""],"Unable to get BMC providers":["Impossibile acquisire i provider BMC"],"Unable to get PuppetCA autosign":["Imppossibile ottenere PuppetCA autosign"],"Unable to get PuppetCA certificates":["Impossibile ottenere i certificati PuppetCA"],"Unable to get classes from Puppet for %s":["Impossibile ottenere le classi dal puppet per %s"],"Unable to get environment from Puppet":["Impossibile ottenere l'ambiente dal puppet"],"Unable to get environments from Puppet":["Impossibile ottenere gli ambienti dal puppet"],"Unable to get installed BMC providers":["Impossibile acquisire i provider BMC installati"],"Unable to initialize ProxyAPI class %s":[""],"Unable to perform boot BMC operation":["Impossibile eseguire l'operazione d'avvio di BMC"],"Unable to perform identify BMC operation":["Impossibile eseguire l'operazione di identificazione di BMC"],"Unable to perform lan BMC operation":["Impossibile eseguire l'operazione lan BMC"],"Unable to perform power BMC operation":["Impossibile eseguire una operazione di gestione dell'alimentazione con BMC"],"Unable to render %{kind} template '%{name}': %{e}":[""],"Unable to render '%{name}' template: %{e}":[""],"Unable to retrieve DHCP entry for %s":["Impossibile recuperare la voce DHCP per %s"],"Unable to retrieve DHCP subnet":["Impossibile ripristinare la sottorete DHCP"],"Unable to retrieve DHCP subnets":["Impossibile ripristinare le sottoreti DHCP"],"Unable to retrieve unused IP":["Impossibile recuperare l'IP non utilizzato"],"Unable to save":["Impossibile salvare"],"Unable to send email, check server logs for more information":[""],"Unable to set DHCP entry":["Impossibile impostare la voce DHCP"],"Unable to set DNS entry":["Impossibile impostare la voce DNS"],"Unable to set PuppetCA autosign for %s":["Impossibile impostare PuppetCA autosign per %s"],"Unable to set TFTP boot entry for %s":["Impossibile impostare la voce per l'avvio TFTP di %s"],"Unable to sign PuppetCA certificate for %s":["Impossibile firmare il certificato PuppetCA per %s"],"Unable to turn on websockets_encrypt, either websockets_ssl_key or websockets_ssl_cert is missing":[""],"Unable to unset websockets_ssl_cert when websockets_encrypt is on":[""],"Unable to unset websockets_ssl_key when websockets_encrypt is on":[""],"Unallowed template for dashboard widget: %s":[""],"Unattended URL":[""],"Undo remove":["Annulla la rimozione"],"Undo selection":[""],"Unhide this value":[""],"Unknown":["Sconosciuto"],"Unknown IPAM type - can't continue":[""],"Unknown Power State":["Stato alimentazione sconosciuto"],"Unknown action name for success message: %s":["Nome azione sconosciuto per il messaggio di esecuzione corretto: %s"],"Unknown build status":[""],"Unknown device: available devices are %s":["Tipo di dispositivo sconosciuto: i dispositivi disponibili sono %s"],"Unknown interface type, must be one of [%s]":["Tipo di interfaccia sconosciuta deve essere una tra [%s]"],"Unknown power action: available methods are %s":["Azione di gestione alimentazione sconosciuta: i metodi disponibili sono %s"],"Unknown power management support - can't continue":["Supporto gestione alimentazione sconosciuto - impossibile continuare"],"Unknown power state":[""],"Unlock":["Sblocca"],"Unmanage host":["Rimuovi gestione dell'host"],"Unsupported IPAM mode for %s":[""],"Unsupported password hash function '%s'":["Funzione di cifratura della password non supportata '%s'"],"Unsupported report status format":["Formato stato riporto non supportato"],"Update":["Aggiorna"],"Update :a_resource":["Aggiorna :a_resource"],"Update IP from built request":[""],"Update a Puppet class":["Aggiorna una classe puppet"],"Update a bookmark":["Aggiorna un segnalibro"],"Update a compute attributes set":["Aggiorna un insieme di attributi di calcolo"],"Update a compute profile":["Aggiorna un profilo di calcolo"],"Update a compute resource":["Aggiorna una risorsa di calcolo"],"Update a config group":["Aggiorna un gruppo di configurazione"],"Update a default template combination for an operating system":["Aggiorna una combinazione del template predefinito per un sistema operativo"],"Update a domain":["Aggiorna un dominio"],"Update a filter":["Aggiorna un filtro"],"Update a global parameter":["Aggiorna un parametro globale"],"Update a hardware model":["Aggiorna un modello hardware"],"Update a host":["Aggiorna un host"],"Update a host group":["Aggiorna un gruppo di host"],"Update a host's interface":["Aggiorna una interfaccia dell'host"],"Update a medium":["Aggiorna un supporto"],"Update a nested parameter for a domain":["Aggiorna un parametro nidificato per un dominio"],"Update a nested parameter for a host":["Aggiorna un parametro nidificato per un host"],"Update a nested parameter for a host group":["Aggiorna un parametro nidificato per un gruppo di host"],"Update a nested parameter for a location":["Aggiorna un parametro nidificato per una posizione"],"Update a nested parameter for a subnet":[""],"Update a nested parameter for an operating system":["Aggiorna un parametro nidificato per un sistema operativo"],"Update a nested parameter for an organization":["Aggiorna un parametro nidificato per una organizzazione"],"Update a partition table":["Aggiorna una tabella delle partizioni"],"Update a provisioning template":["Aggiorna un template di provisioning"],"Update a realm":["Aggiorna un realm"],"Update a role":["Aggiorna un ruolo"],"Update a setting":["Aggiorna una impostazione"],"Update a smart class parameter":["Aggiorna un parametro classe smart"],"Update a smart proxy":["Aggiorna uno smart proxy"],"Update a smart variable":["Aggiorna una variabile smart"],"Update a subnet":["Aggiorna una sottorete"],"Update a user":["Aggiorna un utente"],"Update a user group":["Aggiorna un gruppo di utenti"],"Update an LDAP authentication source":["Aggiorna un sorgente di autenticazione LDAP"],"Update an architecture":["Aggiorna una architettura"],"Update an environment":["Aggiorna un ambiente"],"Update an image":["Aggiorna una immagine"],"Update an operating system":["Aggiorna un sistema operativo"],"Update an override value for a specific smart class parameter":["Aggiorna un valore override per un parametro di classe smart specifico"],"Update an override value for a specific smart variable":["Aggiorna un valore override per una variabile smart specifica"],"Update environment from facts":[""],"Update external user group":["Aggiorna un gruppo di utenti esterno"],"Update realm entry for %s":["Aggiorna la voce dell'area di autenticazione per %s"],"Update subnets from facts":[""],"Update template combination":[""],"Update the default PXE menu on all configured TFTP servers":["Aggiorna il menu predefinito di PXE su tutti i server TFTP configurati"],"Update:":["Aggiorna:"],"Updated":["Aggiornato"],"Updated all hosts!":["Tutti gli host aggiornati!"],"Updated hosts: Disassociated from VM":["Host aggiornati: Non associati con la VM"],"Updated hosts: changed environment":["Host aggiornati: ambiente modificato"],"Updated hosts: changed host group":["Host aggiornati: gruppo di host modificato"],"Updated hosts: changed owner":[""],"Upload facts for a host, creating the host if required":["Carica gli eventi per un host creando, se necessario, un host"],"Use Gravatar":[""],"Use UUID for certificates":[""],"Use short name for VMs":[""],"Use this account to authenticate, <i>optional</i>":["Usa questo account per l'autenticazione, <i>opzionale</i>"],"Use this puppet server as a CA server":["Usa questo server puppet come un server CA"],"Use this puppet server as an initial Puppet Server or to execute puppet runs":["Usa questo server puppet come server puppet iniziale o per eseguire il puppet"],"Used to enforce certain values for the parameter values":[""],"User":["Utente"],"User Group":[""],"User Groups":["Gruppi di utenti"],"User IDs":["ID Utenti"],"User data template":[""],"User groups":["Gruppi di utenti"],"User groups enable users to log into Foreman and be automatically granted permissions.":[""],"User role":["Ruolo utente"],"User's preferred locale":[""],"User's timezone":[""],"UserRole|Owner type":["Tipo di proprietario"],"Usergroup":["Gruppo utenti"],"Usergroup member":["Membro gruppo utenti"],"UsergroupMember|Member type":["Tipo di membro"],"Usergroup|Admin":["Ammin"],"Usergroup|Auth source":["Sorgente di autenticazione"],"Usergroup|Name":["Nome"],"Username":["Nome utente"],"Username for oVirt, EC2, VMware, OpenStack. Access Key for EC2.":[""],"Username to use to authenticate, if required":[""],"Users":["Utenti"],"User|Admin":["Ammin"],"User|Avatar hash":["Avatar hash"],"User|Firstname":["Nome"],"User|Last login on":["Ultimo login"],"User|Lastname":["Cognome"],"User|Locale":["Locale"],"User|Login":["Accesso"],"User|Lower login":["User|Nome utente in minuscolo"],"User|Mail":["E-mail"],"User|Mail enabled":["User|Posta abilitata"],"User|Password hash":["Cifratura password"],"User|Password salt":["Valore sale della Password"],"Uses thin provisioning if unchecked":["Usa thin provisioning se non selezionato"],"Using the organization system provides a way to group resources together for easy management. Organizations are particularly useful for Foreman installations where several customers or business units are managed with a single Foreman install.":[""],"VCPU(s)":["VCPU"],"VCenter/Server":["VCenter/Server"],"VLAN ID for this subnet":["ID VLAN per questa sottorete"],"VLAN tag, this attribute has precedence over the subnet VLAN ID. Only for virtual interfaces.":["VLAN tag, questo attributo ha la precedenza rispetto a VLAN ID. Solo per interfacce virtuali."],"VM":["VM"],"VM Attributes":["Attributi VM"],"VM Attributes (%s)":["Attributi VM (%s)"],"VM already associated with a host":["VM già associata con un host"],"VM associated to host %s":["VM associata all'host %s"],"VM is not running!":["La VM non è in esecuzione!"],"VNC/SPICE websocket proxy console access encryption (websockets_ssl_key/cert setting required)":[""],"Valid from":["Valido da"],"Valid host group and environment combinations":["Combinazioni ambiente e gruppo utenti valide"],"Validation types":["Tipi di convalida"],"Value":["Valore"],"Value to use when there is no match":["Valore da usare quando non è presente alcuna corrispondenza"],"Value to use when there is no match.":[""],"Variable":["Variabile"],"Variable lookup key":[""],"Variables":["Variabili"],"Vendor class":["Classe rivenditore"],"Verify":["Verifica"],"Version":["Versione"],"Version %{version}":["Versione %{version}"],"Version %{version} %{copyright} 2009-%{year} Paul Kelly and %{author}":[""],"Very Strong":["Molto forte"],"View Diff":["Visualizze le differenze"],"View in Foreman:":[""],"View last report details":["Visualizza le informazioni sull'ultimo riporto"],"View list":[""],"Virtual (NAT)":["Virtuale (NAT)"],"Virtual H/W version":["Versione H/W virtuale"],"Virtual Machine":["Macchina Virtuale"],"Virtual Machines":["Server Virtuali"],"Virtual Machines on %s":["Macchine virtuali su %s"],"Virtual NIC":["NIC virtuale"],"Virtual machine settings cannot be edited on an existing machine in %s":[""],"WARNING":["AVVERTENZA"],"Wait for %s to come online":["Attendi che %s risulti online"],"Warning":["Attenzione"],"Warning!":["Attenzione!"],"Warning! This will remove %{name} from %{number} user. are you sure?":["",""],"Warning: This will delete this host and all of its data!":["Attenzione: Questa operazione cancellerà l'host insieme ai suoi dati"],"Warnings and errors":["Avvisi ed errori"],"We have not found any documentation for your API.":["Non abbiamo trovato alcuna documentazione per l'API."],"We use Redmine to report and track bugs and feature requests, which can be found here:":["Usiamo Redmine per riportare e monitorare bug e le richieste di funzionalità, disponibili qui di seguito:"],"Weak":["Debole"],"Websockets SSL certificate":[""],"Websockets SSL key":[""],"Websockets encryption":[""],"Weekly":["Settimanale"],"Welcome to Foreman":["Benvenuto su Foreman"],"What ever text(or ERB template) you use in here, would be used as your OS disk layout options If you want to use the partition table option, delete all of the text from this field":["Qualsiasi testo (o modello ERB) qui utilizzato, verrà implementato come opzione della disposizione del disco per l'OS. Se desideri utilizzare l'opzione per la tabella delle partizioni, cancellare tutto il testo da questo campo"],"When a Host requests a template (e.g. during provisioning), Foreman will select the best match from the available templates of that type, in the following order:":["Quando un host richiede un template (es. durante il provisioning), Foreman selezionerà la corrispondenza migliore dai modelli disponibili di quel genere, seguendo il seguente ordine:"],"When a realm is selected for a host, Foreman contacts the relevant realm smart proxy to create an entry for the host and retrieve it's one-time registration password.":[""],"When editing a template, you must assign a list of operating systems which this template can be used with. Optionally, you can restrict a template to a list of host groups and/or environments.":[""],"When enabled the parameter is hidden in the UI":[""],"When specifying custom value, add 'MB' or 'GB' at the end. Field is not case sensitive and MB is default if unspecified.":[""],"When the role's associated %{taxonomies} are changed,<br> the change will propagate to all inheriting filters.\\n Filters that are set to override <br> will remain untouched. Overriding of role filters can be easily disabled by <br> pressing the \\\"Disable overriding\\\" button.\\n Note that not all filters support <br>%{taxonomies}, so these always remain global.":[""],"When using SSH based provisioning, a special SSH key is created in order to automate the provisioning process.":[""],"When using TLS, you can set how OpenSSL checks the certificate":[""],"Whether or not the image supports user data":[""],"Whether or not the template is locked for editing":["Indica se il template è stato bloccato per la modifica"],"Whether the class parameter value is managed by Foreman.":[""],"Whether the smart class parameter value is managed by Foreman":[""],"Which is an offset of <b>%s</b>":["È un offset di <b>%s</b>"],"Widget added to dashboard.":[""],"Widget positions successfully saved.":[""],"Widget removed from dashboard.":[""],"Wiki":["Wiki"],"With user groups, you can group your users and assign them roles on a group basis.":[""],"X509 Certification Authorities":["X509 Certification Authorities"],"YAML":["YAML"],"Yes":["Sì"],"You are about to change the default PXE menu on all configured TFTP servers - continue?":[""],"You are about to override the editor content with a previous version, are you sure?":["Stai per sovrascrivere il contenuto dell'editor con una versione precedente - sei sicuro di voler continuare?"],"You are about to override the editor content, are you sure?":["Stai per sovrascrivere il contenuto dell'editor, sei sicuro di voler continuare?"],"You are about to unlock a locked template.":[""],"You are not authorized to lock templates.":[""],"You are not authorized to make a template default.":[""],"You are not authorized to perform this action.":["Non sei autorizzato a eseguire questa azione."],"You are trying to delete your own account":["Stai cercando di cancellare il tuo account"],"You are using an unsupported browser.":["Stai utilizzando un browser non supportato."],"You can add SSH public keys to a user in Foreman.":[""],"You can find The Foreman on the %{freenode} ( network. For general support, please visit #theforeman and for development specific related chat, please visit #theforeman-dev.":["Foreman è disponibile sulla rete %{freenode} ( Per un supporto generico visitare #theforeman, e per argomenti specifici allo sviluppo visitare #theforeman-dev."],"You can select one of the IPAM modes supported by the selected IP protocol:<br/><ul><li><strong>DHCP</strong> - will manage the IP on DHCP through assigned DHCP proxy, auto-suggested IPs come from DHCP <em>(IPv4)</em></li><li><strong>Internal DB</strong> - use internal DB to auto-suggest free IP based on other interfaces on same subnet respecting range if specified, useful mainly with static boot mode <em>(IPv4, IPv6)</em></li><li><strong>EUI-64</strong> - will assign the IPv6 address based on the MAC address of the interface <em>(IPv6)</em></li><li><strong>None</strong> - leave IP management solely on user, no auto-suggestion <em>(IPv4, IPv6)</em></li></ul>":[""],"You can't assign locations to this resource":["Non puoi assegnare le posizioni a questa risorsa"],"You can't assign organizations to this resource":["Non puoi assegnare le organizzazioni a questa risorsa"],"You cannot delete this user while logged in as this user.":["Impossibile rimuovere l'utente se sei registrato come utente."],"You do not have permission to %s this location parameter":["Non sei in possesso dei permessi per %s questo parametro della posizione"],"You do not have permission to %s this organization parameter":["Non sei in possesso dei permessi per %s questo parametro dellorganizzazione"],"You don't have any visible hosts. Hosts can be added and provisioned from Foreman, or configured to report to Foreman.":[""],"You don't seem to have any bookmarks.":[""],"You don't seem to have any facts yet. If you wish to configure fact pushing, please follow the documentation.":[""],"You don't seem to have any reports.":[""],"You have already logged in":[""],"You may also associate one or more operating systems with this medium or alternatively set this up later on the %s page.":["È possibile associare uno o più sistemi operativi con il supporto o alternativamente impostarlo in un secondo momento sulla pagina %s."],"You may also associate one or more operating systems with this partition table or alternatively set this up later on the %s page":["È possibile associare uno o più sistemi operativi con questa tabella delle partizioni o alternativamente impostarlo in un secondo momento sulla pagina %s"],"You may create puppet classes that represent high-level host configurations, for example, a <b>host-type-ldap-server</b> class, which includes all the required functionality from other modules or you may decide to create a host group called <b>host-type-ldap-server</b> and add the required classes into the host group configuration.":["È possibile creare le classi puppet che rappresentano configurazioni host dettagliate, per esempio <b>host-type-ldap-server</b>, le quali includono tutte le funzionalità necessarie di altri moduli, oppure creare un gruppo di host chiamato <b>host-type-ldap-server</b>, e aggiungere le classi necessarie nella configurazione del gruppo di host."],"You must create a location before continuing.":["Prima di continuare è necessario creare una posizione."],"You must create an organization before continuing.":["Prima di continuare è necessario creare una organizzazione."],"You must create at least one location before continuing.":["Prima di continuare è necessario creare almeno una posizione."],"You must create at least one organization before continuing.":["Prima di continuare è necessario creare almeno una organizzazione."],"You must select at least one permission":["Selezionare almeno un permesso"],"You probably need to configure your %s first.":[""],"You would probably need to attach the":["Molto probabilmente è necesario allegare"],"Your Foreman user account has been created:":["Il tuo account utente di Foreman è stato creato:"],"Your host has finished building:":[""],"Your password is too short":["La tua password è troppo corta"],"Your password should not contain sequences":[""],"Your password should not contain that many repetitions":[""],"Your password should not contain your email":[""],"Your password should not contain your username":[""],"Your password should use characters from different character classes too":[""],"Your session has expired, please login again":["La sessione è scaduta, eseguire nuovamente la registrazione"],"ZTP PXE template":[""],"Zone":["Zona"],"[encrypted]":[""],"a location":["una località"],"add a new matcher":[""],"add new network interface":["aggiungi una nuova interfaccia di rete"],"add new storage volume":["aggiungi un nuovo volume per l'archiviazione"],"all":["tutto"],"already exists":["è già esistente"],"an organization":["una organizzazione"],"and":["e"],"array":["array"],"belongs to config group":["appartiene al gruppo di configurazione"],"boolean":["booleano"],"boot device, valid devices are disk, cdrom, pxe, bios":["dispositivo d'avvio, i dispositivi validi sono dischi, cdrom, pxe, bios"],"can only be set for array or hash":["può essere solo impostato per array e hash"],"can only be set for arrays that have merge_overrides set to true":["può essere solo impostato per gli array con merge_overrides impostato su true"],"can only be set when merge overrides is set":[""],"can't be bigger than to range":["non può essere maggiore dell'intervallo"],"can't be blank":["non può essere vuoto"],"can't be blank unless a custom partition has been defined":["non può essere vuoto a meno che non sia stata definita una partizione personalizzata"],"can't be updated after host is provisioned":["impossibile aggiornarlo dopo il provisioning dell'host"],"can't be updated after subnet is saved":[""],"can't contain spaces.":[""],"can't delete primary interface of managed host":[""],"can't delete provision interface of managed host":[""],"can't find domain with this id":[""],"cannot be changed":["non può essere modificato"],"cannot be changed by a non-admin user":[""],"cannot be changed on an internal protected account":["non può essere modificato su un account protetto interno"],"cannot be enabled for an unmanaged host":[""],"cannot be removed from an internal protected account":["non può essere rimosso da un account protetto interno"],"cannot be removed from the last admin account":["non può essere rimosso dall'ultimo account ammin"],"clone":["clona"],"comma separated interface identifiers":["identificatori dell'interfaccia separati da virgole"],"comments powered by %{disqus}":["commenti alimentati da %{disqus}"],"could not be calculated":[""],"could not be found in %s":[""],"could not be generated":[""],"cycle":["ciclo"],"default locations need to be user 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Nome"],"e.g. http://openstack:5000/v2.0/tokens":["es. http://openstack:5000/v2.0/tokens"],"e.g.":["es."],"e.g.":["es."],"e.g. jpegPhoto":["es. jpegPhoto"],"e.g. karmic, lucid, hw0910 etc":["es. karmic, lucid, hw0910 etc"],"e.g. mail":["es. mail"],"e.g. qemu://":["es. qemu://"],"e.g. sn":["es. sn"],"e.g. uid":["es. uid"],"enable caching, for VMware only":[""],"environment id":["id ambiente"],"failed to %{action} %{vm}":["impossibile %{action} %{vm}"],"failed to detect boot server: %s":["impossibile rilevare il server d'avvio: %s"],"failed to execute puppetrun: %s":["impossibile eseguire puppetrun: %s"],"failed to save %s":["Impossibile salvare %s"],"filter for %s role":["filtra ruolo %s"],"filter results":["filtra i risultati"],"for EC2 only":["solo per EC2"],"for Libvirt and VMware only":[""],"for Libvirt only":[""],"for OpenStack only":[""],"for VMware":[""],"for oVirt, VMware Datacenter":[""],"for proxy":["per il proxy"],"free memory":["memoria disponibile"],"from profile %s":[""],"further instructions":["ulteriori informazioni"],"global":["globali"],"groups base DN":[""],"has already been taken":["è già stato selezionato"],"has this role already":["ha già questo ruolo"],"hash":["hash"],"hash containing the facts for the host":["hash contenente gli eventi per l'host"],"host":[""],"host already has primary interface":[""],"host already has provision interface":[""],"host group":[""],"host group id":["id gruppo di host"],"host must have one primary interface":[""],"hostname of the host":["hostname dell'host"],"iPXE template":[""],"in %s":["in %s"],"in Progress":["in corso"],"in progress":[""],"included already from parent":["già incluso dal genitore"],"inherit":[""],"integer":["intero"],"interface information":["informazioni sull'interfaccia"],"invalid":["Invalido"],"invalid LDAP filter syntax":["sintassi filtro LDAP non valido"],"invalid architecture for %s":["architettura non valida per %s"],"invalid host list":["elenco host non valido"],"invalid medium for %s":["supporto non valido per %s"],"invalid method %s":["metodo %s non valido"],"invalid path":["percorso non valido"],"invalid search query: %s":["interrogazione ricerca non valida: %s"],"invalid time range":["intervallo ora non valido"],"invalid type %s":["tipo di %s non valido"],"invalid type: %s requested":["tipo non valido: richiesto %s"],"is already used by a user account":["è stato già usato da un account utente"],"is an admin account":["è un account amministrativo"],"is an admin user group":[""],"is an unsupported provisioning method":["è un metodo di provisioning non supportato"],"is invalid":["non è valido"],"is invalid %s":["non è valido %s"],"is invalid. No provisioning template with name \\\"%{name}\\\" and kind \\\"%{kind}\\\" found. ":[""],"is invalid: %s":["non è valido: %s"],"is locked for user modifications.":[""],"is not a valid MAC address":["non è un indirizzo MAC valido"],"is not allowed to change":["non è possibile cambiare"],"is not defined for host's %s.":[""],"is not found in the authentication source":["non si trova nel sorgente per l'autenticazione"],"is not permitted":["non è permesso"],"is not valid":[""],"is too long (maximum is 1 character)":["",""],"is too long (maximum is 254 characters)":[""],"is unknown":["è sconosciuto "],"issue tracker":["emetti tracker"],"items selected. Uncheck to Clear":["oggetti selezionati. Deselezionare per annullare"],"json":["json"],"last %s day":["",""],"link external user group with this user group":["collega il gruppo di utenti esterno a questo gruppo"],"list":["elenco"],"locale_name":["locale_name"],"location":["posizione"],"locations":["posizioni"],"managed host must have one provision interface":[""],"message":["messaggio"],"must be a unicast MAC address":[""],"must be a valid regexp":[""],"must be an array":["deve essere un insieme"],"must be boolean":["deve essere un valore booleano"],"must be comma separated":[""],"must be integer":["deve essere un valore intero"],"must be of type Subnet::Ipv4.":[""],"must be of type Subnet::Ipv6.":[""],"must be one of [ %s ]":["deve essere uno di [ %s ]"],"must be specified if from is defined":["deve essere specificato se è stato dafinito \\\"da\\\""],"must be specified if to is defined":["deve essere specificato se è stato dafinito \\\"a\\\""],"must be true to edit the parameter":[""],"must contain valid hostnames":[""],"must not include periods":["non deve includere il carattere punto"],"must only contain alphanumeric or underscore characters":[""],"must provide a provider":["fornire un provider"],"must set host and port":["impostare host e porta"],"new":["nuovo"],"nil allowed":["permesso nil"],"nil means host is bare metal":["nil indica che l'host è bare metal"],"no free IP could be found in our DB":[""],"no puppet proxy defined - 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consider setting a global or host group default":["non deve essere vuoto - considerare l'impostazione di un gruppo di host o globale predefinito"],"soft":["soft"],"some interfaces are invalid":[""],"some permissions were not found":[""],"sort results":["ordina risultati"],"space separated options, e.g. miimon=100":["opzioni separate da spazi, es. miimon=100."],"start":["inizio"],"state":["stato"],"status":["stato"],"status type, can be one of\\n* global\\n* configuration\\n* build\\n":[""],"stop":["stop"],"string":["stringa"],"subnet":[""],"subnet boot mode is not %s":[""],"sync external user groups on login":[""],"template name":["nome template"],"template version":["versione template"],"these hosts for a build operation on next boot":["host per una compilazione al riavvio successivo"],"type of the LDAP server":[""],"unable to find %{type} template for %{host} running %{os}":[""],"unable to sign a non pending certificate":["impossibile firmare un certificato non in attesa"],"unknown network_type":[""],"unknown parent permission for %s":[""],"unknown permission %s":[""],"unknown permission for %s":["permesso sconosciuto per %s"],"unknown provider":["provider sconosciuto"],"unspecified":["non specificato"],"used memory":["memoria usata"],"using %s":["utilizzati %s"],"using %{allocation} GB out of %{capacity} GB, %{pool_name} storage pool":["utilizzati %{allocation} GB di %{capacity} GB, pool di archiviazione %{pool_name}"],"valid":["valido"],"valid or pending":[""],"virtual":[""],"virtual attached to %s":[""],"yaml":["yaml"],"you can't assign some of roles you selected":["non puoi assegnare alcuni ruoli selezionati"],"you can't change administrator flag":["non puoi modificare il flag dell'amministratore"],"you cannot remove %s that are used by hosts or inherited.":["impossibile rimuovere %s usati dagli host o ereditati."]}}};
var locales = locales || {}; locales['it'] = {"domain":"app","locale_data":{"app":{"":{"Project-Id-Version":"Foreman","Report-Msgid-Bugs-To":"","PO-Revision-Date":"2017-09-20 01:08+0000","Last-Translator":"Lukáš Zapletal","Language-Team":"Italian (","MIME-Version":"1.0","Content-Type":"text/plain; charset=UTF-8","Content-Transfer-Encoding":"8bit","Language":"it","Plural-Forms":"nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);","lang":"it","domain":"app","plural_forms":"nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);"}," Remove":[" Rimuovi"],"%s - Press Shift-F12 to release the cursor.":["%s - Premere Shift-F12 per rilasciare il cursore."],"%s - The following hosts are about to be changed":["%s - I seguenti host stanno per essere modificati"],"%s Distribution":["Distribuzione %s"],"%s Parameters updated, see below for more information":["I parametri %s sono stati aggiornati, consultare le informazioni riportate qui di seguito"],"%s Template":["Modello %s"],"%s VM associated to a host":["",""],"%s active feature":["",""],"%s ago":["%s fa"],"%s console is not supported at this time":["%s console non è supportata"],"%s core":["",""],"%s day ago":["%s giorno fa","%s giorni fa"],"%s error message":["",""],"%s has been disassociated from VM":["rimossa l'associazione di %s dalla VM"],"%s host":["",""],"%s is an unknown attribute":["%s è un attributo sconosciuto"],"%s is not a valid DNS record type":[""],"%s is not in environment":["%s non è presente nell'ambiente"],"%s log message":["",""],"%s minute ago":["%s minuto fa","%s minuti fa"],"%s month ago":["%s mese fa","%s mesi fa"],"%s selected hosts":["%s host selezionato"],"%s warning message":["",""],"%s week ago":["",""],"%s widget loading...":[""],"%{app_name} API documentation homepage":["Homepage per la documentazione di %{app_name} API"],"%{config_type} rebuild failed for host: %{host_names}.":["",""],"%{controller}: %{host}'s operating system %{os} has no OS family":[""],"%{controller}: %{host}'s operating system is missing":[""],"%{controller}: unable to find a host that matches the request from %{addr}":[""],"%{cores} Cores and %{memory} memory":["%{cores} Core e %{memory} di memoria"],"%{count} host with no %{taxonomy_single} assigned":["",""],"%{cpus} CPUs and %{memory} MB memory":["%{cpus} CPU e %{memory} MB di memoria"],"%{cpus} CPUs and %{memory} memory":["%{cpus} CPU e %{memory} di memoria"],"%{e} does not belong to the %{environment} environment":["%{e} non appartiene all'ambiente %{environment}"],"%{host} is about to %{action}":["%{host} sta per eseguire %{action}"],"%{host} now boots from %{device}":["%{host} ora esegue l'avvio da %{device}"],"%{id} plugin requires Foreman %{matcher} but current is %{current}":["Il plugin %{id} ha bisogno del Foreman %{matcher}, ma quello attuale è %{current}"],"%{id} plugin requires the %{plugin_name} plugin %{matcher} but current is %{plugin_version}":["Il plugin %{id} ha bisogno di %{plugin_name} %{matcher}, ma quello attuale è %{plugin_version}"],"%{id} plugin requires the %{plugin_name} plugin, not found":["Il plugin %{id} ha bisogno di %{plugin_name}, quest'ultimo non è stato trovato"],"%{image} needs user data, but %{os_link} is not associated to any provisioning template of the kind user_data. Please associate it with a suitable template or uncheck 'User data' for %{compute_resource_image_link}.":[""],"%{key} does not exist in order field":[""],"%{match} does not match an existing host":["%{match} non corrisponde all'host esistente"],"%{match} does not match an existing host group":["%{match} non corrisponde a un gruppo di host esistente"],"%{model} with id '%{id}' was not found":[""],"%{name} changed from %{label1} to %{label2}":["%{name} è stato modificato da %{label1} a %{label2}"],"%{name} has %{num_tag} class":["",""],"%{os} medium was not set for host '%{host}'":[""],"%{record} is being used by a hidden %{what} resource":[""],"%{record} is used by %{what}":["%{record} viene usato da %{what}"],"%{record} is used by host in build mode %{what}":["%{record} viene usato dall'host in modalità di compilazione %{what}"],"%{resource_name} not found by id '%{id}'":["%{resource_name} non trovato usando id '%{id}'"],"%{task} task failed with the following error: %{e}":["Il compito %{task} è fallito con il seguente errore: %{e}"],"%{taxonomy_type} %{taxonomy_name} has %{count} host that will need to be reassociated after deletion. Delete %{taxonomy_name2}?":["",""],"%{type} %{conflicts} already exists":[""],"%{user} Downloaded %{key} as pem file":[""],"%{value} does not belong to %{os} operating system":["%{value} non appartiene al sistema operativo %{os}"],"%{value} is not a valid controller":["%{value} non è un controller valido"],"%{value} is not one of %{rules}":["%{value} non è uno di %{rules}"],"%{vm} is now %{vm_state}":["%{vm} è ora %{vm_state}"],"&laquo;":["&laquo;"],"&raquo;":["&raquo;"],"'%{host}' could be deleted or '%{resource}' is not responding.":["'%{host}' può essere stato cancellato o '%{resource}' non risponde."],"'%{host}' not found on '%{resource}'":["Impossibile trovare '%{host}' su '%{resource}'"],"'%{loader}' is not one of %{loaders}":[""],"'Content-Type: %s' is unsupported in API v2 for POST and PUT requests. Please use 'Content-Type: application/json'.":["'Content-Type: %s' non è supportato in API v2 per le richieste POST e PUT. Usare 'Content-Type: application/json'."],"(Miscellaneous)":["(Altro)"],"(optional) IAM Role for Fog to use when creating this image.":["(facoltativo) Ruolo IAM di Fog da usare durante la creazione di questa immagine."],"*Clear %s proxy*":[""],"*Clear environment*":["*Annulla ambiente*"],"*Clear host group*":["*Annulla gruppo di host*"],"*Inherit from host group*":["*Eredita dal gruppo di host*"],", relevant log entries, and it is highly recommended to also attach the foreman-debug output.":[""],":foreman_url is not set, please configure in the Foreman Web UI (Administer -> Settings -> General)":[""],"<b class='select_count'>0</b> selected":["<b class='select_count'>0</b> selezionato"],"<b style=\\\"color: #6bb5df;\\\">%{disabled_sum}</b>\\n <p>Disabled</p>":["",""],"<b style=\\\"color: #6bb5df;\\\">%{hosts_sum}</b>\\n <p>Changed</p>":["",""],"<b style=\\\"color: #6bb5df;\\\">%{out_of_sync_sum}</b>\\n <p>Out of sync</p>":["",""],"<b>Description:</b> %{desc}<br/>\\n <b>Type:</b> %{type}<br/>\\n <b>Matcher:</b> %{matcher}<br/>\\n <b>Inherited value:</b> %{inherited_value}":[""],"<b>Foreman API v1 is deprecated. Please use v2.</b><br />If you still need to use v1, you may do so by either passing 'version=1' in the Accept Header or using api/v1/ in the URL.":[""],"<b>Foreman</b> Build Complete":[""],"<b>Foreman</b> Puppet error report":["<b>Foreman</b> Notifica errore Puppet"],"<b>Foreman</b> Puppet summary":[""],"<b>Foreman</b> audit summary":[""],"<b>Foreman</b> test email":[""],"<b>Source:</b> %{type} %{name}":["<b>Source:</b> %{type} %{name}"],"<dl><dt>List</dt> <dd>A list of the allowed values, specified in the Validator rule field.</dd><dt>Regexp</dt> <dd>Validates the input with the regular expression in the Validator rule field.</dd></dl>":["<dl><dt>Elenco</dt> <dd>Un elenco di valori accettati, specificati nel campo Convalidatore regola.</dd><dt>Regexp</dt> <dd>Convalida l'input con l'espressione regolare nel campo Convalidatore regola.</dd></dl>"],"<dl><dt>String</dt> <dd>Everything is taken as a string.</dd><dt>Boolean</dt> <dd>Common representation of boolean values are accepted.</dd><dt>Integer</dt> <dd>Integer numbers only, can be negative.</dd><dt>Real</dt> <dd>Accept any numerical input.</dd><dt>Array</dt> <dd>A valid JSON or YAML input, that must evaluate to an array.</dd><dt>Hash</dt> <dd>A valid JSON or YAML input, that must evaluate to an object/map/dict/hash.</dd><dt>YAML</dt> <dd>Any valid YAML input.</dd><dt>JSON</dt> <dd>Any valid JSON input.</dd></dl>":["<dl><dt>Stringa</dt> <dd>Qualsiasi input viene accettato come stringa.</dd><dt>Booleano</dt> <dd>Viene accettata una rappresentazione comune dei valori booleani.</dd><dt>Intero</dt> <dd>È possibile usare solo valori interi, anche negativi.</dd><dt>Reale</dt> <dd>Accetta qualsiasi input numerico.</dd><dt>Array</dt> <dd>Un input JSON o YAML valido, che restituisca un array.</dd><dt>Hash</dt> <dd>Un input JSON o YAML valido, che restituisca un oggetto/mappa/dict/hash.</dd><dt>YAML</dt> <dd>Qualsiasi input YAML valido.</dd><dt>JSON</dt> <dd>Qualsiasi input JSON valido.</dd></dl>"],"A Foreman user group can be associated to a group stored in an LDAP server, so membership of the LDAP group automatically adds the user to the Foreman user group.":[""],"A host group is in some ways similar to an inherited node declaration, in that it is a high level grouping of classes that can be named and treated as a unit. This is then treated as a template and is selectable during the creation of a new host and ensures that the host is configured in one of your pre-defined states.":["Un gruppo di host può essere simile a una dichiarazione di nodo ereditato, e cioè un raggruppamento di classi di alto livello al quale conferire un nome e trattato come unità, utilizzabile come modello e selezionabile durante la creazione di un nuovo host. Così facendo l'host potrà essere configurato in uno degli stati predefiniti."],"A medium represents the source of one or more operating system's installation files, accessible via the network.\\n It will probably be a mirror from the internet or a copy of one or more CD or DVDs.":[""],"A partition table entry represents either":["Una voce per la tabella delle partizioni può rappresentare"],"A problem occurred when detecting host type: %s":["Si è verificato un errore durante il rilevamento del tipo di host: %s"],"A script to dynamically calculate the desired sizes. E.G.":["Uno script per calcolare dinamicamente le dimensioni desiderate. E.G."],"A user group already exists with this name":["Esiste già un gruppo utenti con questo nome"],"API Key":["API Key"],"API documentation":["Documentazione API"],"About":["Informazioni"],"Access Key":["Chiave d'accesso"],"Access denied":["Accesso negato"],"Access unattended without build":[""],"Account":["Account"],"Acquire IP addresses for %s":[""],"Action":["Azione"],"Actions":["Azioni"],"Active":["Attivo"],"Active Hosts":["Host attivi"],"Active features":[""],"Active key":[""],"Add Autosign entry":[""],"Add Bookmark":["Aggiungi segnalibro"],"Add Interface":["Aggiungi interfaccia"],"Add Matcher":[""],"Add Parameter":["Aggiungi parametro"],"Add Trend Counter":["Aggiungi contatore tendenza"],"Add Variable":["Aggiungi variabile"],"Add Volume":["Aggiungi volume"],"Add a CD-ROM drive to the virtual machine.":[""],"Add a Puppet class to host":["Aggiungi una classe Puppet all'host"],"Add a Puppet class to host group":["Aggiungi una classe Puppet al gruppo di host"],"Add a template combination":["Aggiungi una combinazione di template"],"Add combination":["Aggiungi combinazione"],"Add external user group":["Aggiungi gruppo di utenti esterno"],"Add filter":["Aggiungi filtro"],"Add to dashboard":[""],"Add widgets":[""],"Add:":["Aggiungi:"],"Adding would cause a cycle!":["L'aggiunta potrebbe causare un ciclo!"],"Additional Information":["Informazioni aggiuntive"],"Additional compute resource specific attributes for the interface.":[""],"Additional compute resource specific attributes.":[""],"Additional information about this host":["Informazioni aggiuntive su questo host"],"Address to connect to":[""],"Admin permissions required":["Sono necessari i permessi di amministrazione"],"Administer":["Amministra"],"Administrator email address":[""],"Administrator user account required":[""],"Alert":["Allerta"],"Alerts disabled":["Avvisi disabilitati"],"Alias or VLAN device":["Dispositivo VLAN o Alias"],"All":["Tutte"],"All Puppet Classes for %s":["Tutte le classi Puppet per %s"],"All Reports":["Tutti i riporti"],"All compute resources":["Tutte le risorse di calcolo"],"All domains":["Tutti i domini"],"All environments":["Tutti gli ambienti"],"All environments - (not filtered)":[""],"All host groups":["Tutti i gruppi host"],"All hosts":["Tutti gli host"],"All hosts data matches configurations for locations and organizations.":["Tutti i dati degli host corrispondono alle configurazioni per le posizioni e le organizzazioni."],"All hosts previously with no %{single} are now assigned to %{name}":["Tutti gli host in precedenza senza %{single} sono ora assegnati a %{name}"],"All hosts will show a configuration status even when a Puppet smart proxy is not assigned":[""],"All items":["Tutti gli elementi"],"All media":["Tutti i dispositivi"],"All messages":["Tutti i messaggi"],"All mismatches between hosts and %s have been fixed":["Tutte le corrispondenze errate tra gli host e %s sono state corrette"],"All mismatches between hosts and locations/organizations have been fixed":["Tutte le corrispondenze errate tra host e posizioni/organizzazioni sono state corrette"],"All partition tables":[""],"All provisioning templates":[""],"All realms":["Tutte le aree di autenticazione"],"All smart proxies":["Tutti gli smart proxy"],"All subnets":["Tutte le sottoreti"],"All users":["Tutti gli utenti"],"Allocated":["Assegnati"],"Allocation (GB)":["Assegnazione (GB)"],"Allow access to unattended URLs without build mode being used":[""],"Allow external network as main network":[""],"Allowed methods or members":[""],"Always show configuration status":[""],"An IP address will be auto-suggested if you have enabled IPAM on the IPv4 subnet selected above.<br/><br/>The IP address can be left blank when:<br/><ul><li>provisioning tokens are enabled</li><li>the domain does not manage DNS</li><li>the subnet does not manage reverse DNS</li><li>and the subnet does not manage DHCP reservations</li></ul>":[""],"An IP address will be auto-suggested if you have enabled IPAM on the IPv6 subnet selected above.":[""],"An email address is required, please update your account details":[""],"An error occurred while testing the connection: ":[""],"An explicit layout for the partitions of your hard drive(s). 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This action is irreversible.":[""],"Are you sure you want to delete host %s? This will delete the virtual machine and its disks, and is irreversible.":[""],"Are you sure you want to delete this widget from your dashboard?":[""],"Are you sure you want to log out?":[""],"Are you sure you want to power %{act} %{vm}?":["Sei sicuro di voler attivare %{act} %{vm}?"],"Are you sure?":["Sei sicuro?"],"Array of extra information types to include":[""],"Array of host IDs to associate with the partition table":[""],"Array of host group IDs to associate with the partition table":[""],"Array of operating system IDs to associate with the partition table":[""],"Array of operating system IDs to associate with the template":["Insiemi di IP del sistema operativo da associare con il template"],"Array of parameters":[""],"Array of parameters (name, value)":["Insieme di parametri (nome, valore)"],"Array of template combinations (hostgroup_id, environment_id)":["Insieme di combinazioni template (hostgroup_id, environment_id)"],"Assign All":["Assegna tutti"],"Assign Hosts to 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per il provisioning basato sull'immagine."],"Attempting to construct an operating system image filename but %s cannot be built from an image":["Tentativo di compilazione di un filename per l'immagine del sistema operativo in corso, ma %s non è in grado di eseguire la compilazione da una immagine."],"Attribute mappings":["Mappature degli attributi"],"Attribute type":[""],"Audit":[""],"Audit Comment":["Verifica commento"],"Audit summary":[""],"Audited::Adapters::ActiveRecord::Audit|Action":["Action"],"Audited::Adapters::ActiveRecord::Audit|Associated name":["Associated name"],"Audited::Adapters::ActiveRecord::Audit|Associated type":["Tipo associato"],"Audited::Adapters::ActiveRecord::Audit|Auditable name":["Nome verificabile"],"Audited::Adapters::ActiveRecord::Audit|Auditable type":["Tipo verificabile"],"Audited::Adapters::ActiveRecord::Audit|Audited changes":["Modifiche 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specifico"],"Delete an override value for a specific smart variable":["Cancella un valore override per una variabile smart specifica"],"Delete autosign entry":[""],"Delete autosign entry for %s":["Rimuovere la voce autosign per %s"],"Delete filter?":["Cancella filtro?"],"Delete realm entry for %s":["Rimuovi la voce dell'area di autenticazione per %s"],"Delete report for %s?":["Cancellare il riporto per %s?"],"Deleted environment":["Ambiente rimosso"],"Deleted environment %{env} and %{pcs}":["%{pcs} e ambiente %{env} rimossi"],"Delivery method":[""],"Deploy TFTP %{kind} config for %{host}":[""],"Deploy VM on selected datastore":[""],"Deploy on":["Implementare su"],"Deprecated, please use datacenter":[""],"Deprecated, please use omit":[""],"Description":["Descrizione"],"Description of smart class":[""],"Description of the domain":["Descrizione del dominio"],"Description of variable":[""],"Deselect All":["Deseleziona tutti"],"Destroy":["Elimina"],"Destroyed selected hosts":["Host selezionati annullati"],"Details":["Dettagli"],"Device identifier":["Indetificatore del dispositivo"],"Device identifier for this interface. This may be different on various platforms and environments, here are some common examples.<br/><ul><li>Use the basic name for physical interface identifiers, e.g. <strong>eth0</strong> or <strong>em0</strong> with biosdevname.</li><li>For virtual interfaces, use either alias notation (<strong>eth0:1</strong>, name:index) or VLAN notation (<strong>eth0.15</strong>, name.tag).</li><li>For bonds it's common to use <strong>bond0</strong> on Linux, <strong>lagg0</strong> on FreeBSD systems.</li></ul>":["Identificatore del dispositivo per questa interfaccia. Può essere diverso su varie piattaforme e ambienti, di seguito vengono riportati alcuni esempi.<br/><ul><li>Usare il nome di base per gli identificatori delle interfacce fisiche, es. <strong>eth0</strong> o <strong>em0</strong> con biosdevname.</li><li>Per interfacce virtuali, usare una notazione alias (<strong>eth0:1</strong>, name:index) o VLAN (<strong>eth0.15</strong>, name.tag).</li><li>Per le associazioni generalmente vengono usate <strong>bond0</strong> su sistemi Linux, <strong>lagg0</strong> su FreeBSD.</li></ul>"],"Device identifier, e.g. eth0 or eth1.1":["Identificatore del dispositivo, es. eth0 o eth1.1"],"Diff":["Diff"],"Diff View":["Visualizza diff"],"Disable Notifications":["Disabilita notifiche"],"Disable alerts for selected hosts":["Disabilita gli avvisi per host selezionati"],"Disable all filters overriding":[""],"Disable overriding":[""],"Disabled":["Disabilitato"],"Disassociate Hosts":["Rimuovere associazione host"],"Disassociate host":["Rimuovere associazione host"],"Disassociate the host from a VM":["Rimuovi associazione host da una VM"],"Disassociate the selected hosts from their VMs":["Rimuovere associazione degli host selezionati dalle rispettive VM"],"Disk":["Disco"],"Disk mode":[""],"Display":["Display"],"Display Name":["Mostra nome"],"Display hidden parameter values":[""],"Display hidden values":[""],"Display the templates that will be used to provision this host":["Mostra i modelli che verranno usati per la preparazione di questo host"],"Display type":["Mostra tipo"],"Displaying %{num_audits} of %{total_audits} audit":["",""],"Displaying <b>%{count}</b> entry":["",""],"Displaying entries <b>%{from} - %{to}</b> of <b>%{count}</b> in total":["Visualizzazione voci <b>%{from} - %{to}</b> di <b>%{count}</b> totale"],"Documentation":["Documentazione"],"Does this image support user data input (e.g. via cloud-init)?":["Questa immagine supporta l'input dei dati utente (es. tramite cloud-init)?"],"Domain":["Dominio"],"Domain ID":[""],"Domain IDs":["ID del dominio"],"Domains":["Domini"],"Domains in which this subnet is part":["Domini di appartenenza di questa sottorete"],"Domain|Fullname":["Nome completo"],"Domain|Hostgroups count":["Domain|Conteggio Hostgroup"],"Domain|Hosts count":["Domain|Conteggio host"],"Domain|Name":["Nome"],"Download":[""],"Duration in minutes after the Puppet interval for servers to be classed as out of sync.":[""],"EC2":["EC2"],"EFI":[""],"ENC environment":[""],"ERROR or FATAL":[""],"EUI-64":[""],"Each architecture can also be associated with more than one operating system and a selector block is provided to allow you to select valid combinations.":["Ogni architettura può essere associata con più di un sistema operativo, viene altresì fornito un blocco di selezione per permettere all'utente di selezionare le combinazioni valide."],"Each entries represent a particular hardware architecture, most commonly <b>x86_64</b> or <b>i386</b>. Foreman also supports the Solaris operating system family, which includes <b>sparc</b> based systems.":["Ogni voce rappresenta un'architettura hardware particolare, e più comunemente <b>x86_64</b> o <b>i386</b>. Foreman supporta anche la famiglia di sistemi operativi Solaris, incluso il sistema basato su <b>sparc</b>."],"Eager zero":["Eager zero"],"Edit":["Modifica"],"Edit %s":["Modifica %s"],"Edit Architecture":["Modifica architettura"],"Edit Bookmark":["Modificare Preferiti"],"Edit Compute profile":["Modifica profilo di calcolo"],"Edit Compute profile: %s":["Modifica profilo di calcolo: %s"],"Edit Config group":["Modifica gruppo di configurazioni"],"Edit Domain":["Modifica dominio"],"Edit Environment":["Modifica ambiente"],"Edit Filter":["Modifica filtro"],"Edit Global Parameter":["Modifica parametro globale"],"Edit Host":["Modifica host"],"Edit LDAP Auth Source":["Modifica sorgente di autorizzazione LDAP"],"Edit Medium":["Modifica supporto"],"Edit Model":["Modifica modello"],"Edit Operating System":["Modifica sistema operativo"],"Edit Parameters":["Modifica parametri"],"Edit Partition Table":["Modifica tabella parametri"],"Edit Properties":["Modifica proprietà"],"Edit Proxy":["Modifica proxy"],"Edit Puppet Class %s":["Modifica classe Puppet %s"],"Edit Realm":["Modifica area di autenticazione"],"Edit Role":[""],"Edit Smart Variable":["Modifica variabile smart"],"Edit Smart class parameters":[""],"Edit Subnet":["Modifica sottorete"],"Edit Template":["Modifica modello"],"Edit Trend %s":["Modifica trend %s"],"Edit User":["Modifica utente"],"Edit User group":["Modifica gruppo utenti"],"Edit compute profile on %s":["Modifica profilo di calcolo su %s"],"Edit this host":[""],"Email Preferences":[""],"Email address is missing":[""],"Email reply address":[""],"Email reply address for emails that Foreman is sending":["Indirizzo email di risposta per le email inviate da Foreman"],"Email subject prefix":[""],"Email was sent successfully":[""],"Empty environment":["Ambiente vuoto"],"Enable Notifications":["Abilita le notifiche"],"Enable alerts for selected hosts":["Abilita gli avvisi per gli host selezionati"],"Enable caching":[""],"Enable certificate generation for %s":["Abilita la generazione del certificato per %s"],"Enable if this is an alias or VLAN interface, note that alias can be used only with static boot mode subnet":[""],"Enable puppetrun support":["Abilita il supporto puppetrun"],"Enable rebuild on next host boot":["Abilita processo di ricompilazione al prossimo riavvio dell'host"],"Enable safe mode config templates rendering (recommended)":["Abilita la modalità sicura per la riproduzione dei modelli di configurazione (consigliato)"],"Enable smart variables in ENC":[""],"Enable this host for provisioning":["Abilita questo host al provisioning"],"Enabled":["Abilitato"],"Enabled %s for reboot and rebuild":["Abilitato %s alla ricompilazione al riavvio"],"Enabled %s for rebuild on next boot":["Abilitato %s alla ricompilazione al riavvio successivo"],"Enabled %s for rebuild on next boot, but failed to power cycle the host":[""],"Ending IP Address for IP auto suggestion":["Indirizzo IP finale per il suggerimento automatico degli IP"],"Entries per page":[""],"Environment":["Ambiente"],"Environment Distribution":[""],"Environment ID":[""],"Environment IDs":["ID ambiente"],"Environment only":["Solo ambiente"],"Environment variable containing a client's SSL certificate":[""],"Environment variable containing the subject DN from a client SSL certificate":["Variabile d'ambiente contentente il DN dell'oggetto di un certificato SSL del client"],"Environment variable containing the verification status of a client SSL certificate":["Variabile d'ambiente contentente lo stato di verifica di un certificato SSL del client"],"Environments":["Ambienti"],"Environment|Hostgroups count":["Conteggio hostgroup"],"Environment|Hosts count":["Conteggio host"],"Environment|Name":["Nome"],"Error":["Errore"],"Error - %{message}":["Errore - %{message}"],"Error adding widget to dashboard.":[""],"Error connecting to %{proxy}: %{error}.":["Errore nella connessione a %{proxy}: %{error}."],"Error connecting to '%{domain}' domain DNS servers: %{servers} - check query_local_nameservers and dns_conflict_timeout settings":[""],"Error connecting to system DNS server(s) - check /etc/resolv.conf":[""],"Error generating IP: %s":[""],"Error has occurred while communicating with %{cr}: %{e}":["Si è verificato un errore durante la comunicazione con %{cr}: %{e}"],"Error loading interfaces information: %s":[""],"Error loading scheduler hint filters information: %s":[""],"Error removing widget from dashboard.":[""],"Errors":["Errori"],"Errors occurred, build may fail":["Si è verificato un errore, il processo di compilazione potrebbe fallire"],"Errors only":["Solo errori"],"Errors: %s":["Errori: %s"],"Examples":["Esempi"],"Exit Full Screen":["Esci schermo intero"],"Expand nested items":["Espandi gli elementi nidificati"],"Expand the chart":["Espandi il grafico"],"Expire logs":[""],"Expires":["Scade"],"Explain matchers":["Descrizione corrispondenza"],"Export":["Esporta"],"Export a partition template to ERB":[""],"Export a provisioning template to ERB":[""],"Export to CSV":[""],"External Groups":[""],"External IP":["IP esterno"],"External user group":["Gruppo di utenti esterno"],"External user group %{name} could not be refreshed":["Impossibile aggiornare il gruppo di utenti esterno %{name}"],"External user group %{name} refreshed":["Gruppo di utenti esterno %{name} aggiornato"],"External user group information":["Informazioni gruppo di utenti esterno"],"External user group name":["Nome gruppo di utenti esterno"],"External user groups will be synced on login, else relies on periodic cronjob to check group membership":[""],"External usergroup":["Gruppo utenti esterno"],"ExternalUsergroup|Name":["Nome"],"FQDN":[""],"Fact Name":["Nome evento"],"Fact Values":["Valori evento"],"Fact Values | %{host_name}":[""],"Fact distribution chart":[""],"Fact name":["Nome evento"],"Fact value":["Valore evento"],"Fact values":[""],"FactName|Ancestry":["Ascendenza"],"FactName|Compose":["Composizione"],"FactName|Name":["Nome"],"FactName|Short name":["Nome abbreviato"],"FactValue|Origin":[""],"FactValue|Value":["Valore"],"Facts":["Eventi"],"Fail on Mismatch":["Errore mancata corrispondenza"],"Failed":["Fallito"],"Failed Restarts":["Riavvii falliti"],"Failed Restarts|FR":["FR"],"Failed connecting to %s":["Connessione %s fallita"],"Failed features":[""],"Failed features: %s":["",""],"Failed restarts":["Riavvii falliti"],"Failed to %{action} %{host}: %{e}":["Impossibile eseguire %{action} %{host}: %{e}"],"Failed to acquire IP addresses from compute resource for %s":[""],"Failed to cancel pending build for %{hostname} with the following errors: %{errors}":[""],"Failed to clean any old certificates or add the autosign entry. Terminating the build!":["Impossibile rimuovere i certificati obsoleti o aggiungere la voce autosign. Interruzione compilazione in corso!"],"Failed to configure %{host} to boot from %{device}: %{e}":["Impossibile configurare %{host} all'avvio da %{device}: %{e}"],"Failed to create %{name}'s realm entry: %{e}":["Creazione voce area di autenticazione di %{name} fallita: %{e}"],"Failed to create X509 certificate, error: %s":["Impossibile creare il certificato X509, errore: %s"],"Failed to create a compute %{compute_resource} instance %{name}: %{message}\\n ":[""],"Failed to destroy a compute %{compute_resource} instance %{name}: %{e}":["Impossibile eliminare una istanza %{compute_resource} di calcolo %{name}: %{e}"],"Failed to enable %{host} for installation: %{errors}":["Impossibile abilitare %{host} all'installazione: %{errors}"],"Failed to fetch a free IP from proxy %{proxy}: %{message}":[""],"Failed to fetch boot files":["Impossibile recuperare i file per l'avvio"],"Failed to fetch power status: %s":[""],"Failed to fetch: ":["Recupero fallito:"],"Failed to get IP for %{name}: %{e}":["Impossibile ottenere l'IP per %{name}: %{e}"],"Failed to get a new realm OTP. Terminating the build!":["Impossibile ottenere un nuovo OTP dell'area di autenticazione. Interruzione della compilazione in corso!"],"Failed to import %{klass} for %{name}: doesn't exists in our database - ignoring":["Impossibile importare %{klass} per %{name}: non è presente non nostro database - operazione ignorata"],"Failed to initialize the PuppetCA proxy: %s":["Impossibile inizializzare il proxy PuppetCA: %s"],"Failed to initialize the realm proxy: %s":["Impossibile inizializzare il proxy dell'area di autenticazione: %s"],"Failed to launch script on %{name}: %{e}":["Impossibile lanciare lo script su %{name}: %{e}"],"Failed to load chart":["Caricamento grafico fallito"],"Failed to login via SSH to %{name}: %{e}":["Impossibile eseguire un accesso SSH su %{name}: %{e}"],"Failed to modify the build cycle for %s":["Impossibile modificare il ciclo di compilazione per %s"],"Failed to perform rollback on %{task} - %{e}":["Impossibile eseguire il rollback su %{task} - %{e}"],"Failed to power up a compute %{compute_resource} instance %{name}: %{e}":["Attivazione istanza %{compute_resource} di calcolo %{name} fallita: %{e}"],"Failed to reboot %s.":["Riavvio %s fallito."],"Failed to redeploy %s.":[""],"Failed to refresh the cache.":[""],"Failed to remove certificates for %{name}: %{e}":["Impossibile rimuovere i certificati per %{name}: %{e}"],"Failed to retrieve power status for %{host} within %{timeout} second.":["",""],"Failed to save widget positions.":[""],"Failed to set %{proxy_type} proxy for %{host}.":[""],"Failed to set IP for %{name}: %{e}":[""],"Failed to set IPs via IPAM for %{name}: %{e}":[""],"Failed to set console: %s":["Impossibile impostare la console: %s"],"Failed to set power state for %s.":[""],"Failed to stop compute %{compute_resource} instance %{name}: %{e}":["Arresto istanza %{compute_resource} di calcolo %{name} fallito: %{e}"],"Failed to undo update compute %{compute_resource} instance %{name}: %{e}":["IMpossibile annullare aggiornamento dell'istanza %{compute_resource} di calcolo %{name}: %{e}"],"Failed to update a compute %{compute_resource} instance %{name}: %{e}":["Impossibile aggiornare l'istanza %{compute_resource} di calcolo %{name}: %{e}"],"Failed to update environments and Puppet classes from the on-disk Puppet installation: %s":["Impossibile aggiornare le classi del puppet e gli ambienti dall'installazione puppet su-disco: %s"],"Failed to update the environments and Puppet classes from the on-disk puppet installation: %s":["Impossibile aggiornare le classi del puppet e gli ambienti dall'installazione puppet su-disco: %s"],"Failed to validate %{host}: %{error}":["Impossibile convalidare %{host}: %{error}"],"Failed|F":["F"],"Failure deploying via smart proxy %{proxy}: %{error}.":["Implementazione tramite smart proxy %{proxy} fallita: %{error}."],"Failure parsing %{template}: %{error}.":["Analisi %{template} fallita: %{error}."],"Failure: %s":["Fallimento: %s"],"Family":["Famiglia"],"Feature":["Funzionalità"],"Features":["Funzionalità"],"Features \\\"%s\\\" in this proxy are not recognized by Foreman. If these features come from a Smart Proxy plugin, make sure Foreman has the plugin installed too.":[""],"Feature|Name":["Nome"],"Fetch TFTP boot files for %s":["Recupero file d'avvio TFTP per %s"],"Filter":["Filtro"],"Filter by level:":[""],"Filter by name":["Filtra per nome"],"Filter by state:":[""],"Filter classes":["Classi del filtro"],"Filter overriding has been disabled":[""],"Filters":["Filtri"],"Filters for role %s":[""],"Filters inherit %{orgs_and_locs} from their role by default. If override field is enabled, <br> filter can override the set of its %{orgs_and_locs}. Later role changes will not affect <br> such filter. After disabling override field, role %{orgs_and_locs} apply again.":[""],"Filters overriding has been disabled":[""],"Filter|Override":[""],"Filter|Permissions":["Permessi"],"Filter|Resource":["Risorsa"],"Filter|Search":["Cerca"],"Filter|Taxonomy search":["Ricerca sistematica"],"Filter|Unlimited":["Illimitato"],"Fingerprint":["Firma digitale"],"Finish template":[""],"Firmware":[""],"Fix %s on Mismatch":["Correggi %s previa corrispondenza errata"],"Fix All Mismatches":["Correggi tutte le corrispondenze errate"],"Fix DB cache":[""],"Fix DB cache on next Foreman restart":["Correggi DB cache al riavvio successivo di Foreman"],"Fix Mismatches":["Correggi le corrispondenze errate"],"Flavor":["Tipo di istanza"],"Floating IP network":["Rete IP floating"],"Folder":["Cartella"],"Follow %{href} on how to describe your controllers.":["Segui %{href} su come descrivere i controller."],"For example, if you have copied several Red Hat release disks into a directory structure where the disk images are named 5.8 or 6.2, and each contained both x86_64 and i386 binaries, then you\\n could create a single medium entry describing them all.\\n The entry, which could be just named 'Red Hat' could contain a path like this <em>'http://server/redhat/$version/$arch'</em>":[""],"For more info visit our documentation.":[""],"For more information":[""],"Force a Puppet agent run on the host":["Forza l'esecuzione di un Puppet agent su un host"],"Foreman API v2 is currently the default API version.":[""],"Foreman Developers":["Sviluppatori Foreman"],"Foreman URL":[""],"Foreman Users":["Utenti Foreman"],"Foreman audit summary":[""],"Foreman can store information about the networking setup of a host that it’s provisioning, which can be used to configure the virtual machine, assign the correct IP addresses and network resources, then configure the OS correctly during the provisioning process.":[""],"Foreman can use LDAP based service for user information and authentication.":["Foreman è in grado di usare un servizio basato su LDAP per le informaioni e autenticazione."],"Foreman considers a domain and a DNS zone as the same thing.":[""],"Foreman domain ID of interface. Required for primary interfaces on managed hosts.":[""],"Foreman host group matchers will be inherited by children when evaluating smart class parameters":["I dispositivi di confronto del gruppo di host Foreman verranno ereditati dai figli durante la valutazione dei parametri smart class"],"Foreman now manages the build cycle for %s":["Foreman gestisce ora il ciclo di compilazione per %s"],"Foreman now no longer manages the build cycle for %s":["Foreman non gestisce più il ciclo di compilazione per %s"],"Foreman report creation time is <em>%s</em>":["L'orario di creazione del riporto di Foreman è <em>%s</em>"],"Foreman smart variables will be exposed via the ENC yaml output":["Le variabili smart di Foreman verranno esposte tramite l'output yalm ENC"],"Foreman subnet ID of IPv4 interface":[""],"Foreman subnet ID of IPv6 interface":[""],"Foreman supports automatically creating realm entries for new hosts.":[""],"Foreman supports creating and managing hosts on a number of virtualization and cloud services - referred to as “compute resources” - as well as bare metal hosts.":[""],"Foreman test email":[""],"Foreman ticketing system":["Sistema di creazione ticket di Foreman"],"Foreman will automate certificate signing upon provision of new host":["Foreman automatizzerà la firma dei certificati previa presenza di un nuovo host "],"Foreman will create the host when a report is received":["Foreman creerà un host previa ricezione di un riporto"],"Foreman will create the host when new facts are received":["Foreman creerà un host previa ricezione di un nuovo evento"],"Foreman will default to this puppet environment if it cannot auto detect one":["Foreman eseguirà il default su questo ambiente puppet se non è in grado di rilevarne uno"],"Foreman will delete virtual machine if provisioning script ends with non zero exit code":[""],"Foreman will evaluate host smart variables in this order by default":["Per impostazione predefinita, Foreman valuterà le variabili smart dell'host seguendo questo ordine"],"Foreman will explicitly set the puppet environment in the ENC yaml output. This will avoid conflicts between the environment in puppet.conf and the environment set in Foreman":["Foreman imposterà in modo esplicito l'ambiente puppet all'interno dell'output yalm ENC. Ciò eviterà di avere dei conflitti con l'ambiente puppet.conf e quello impostato in Foreman"],"Foreman will map users by username in request-header. If this is set to false, OAuth requests will have admin rights.":["Foreman mapperà gli utenti per nome utente in intestazione-richiesta. Se impostato su falso, le richieste OAuth avranno i permessi di amministrazione."],"Foreman will not send this parameter in classification output, replaces use_puppet_default":[""],"Foreman will not send this parameter in classification output.":[""],"Foreman will not send this parameter in classification output. Puppet will use the value defined in the Puppet manifest for this parameter":[""],"Foreman will parse ERB in parameters value in the ENC output":["Foreman analizzerà ERB in un valore del parametro all'interno dell'output ENC"],"Foreman will query the locally configured resolver instead of the SOA/NS authorities":["Foreman interrogherà il resolver configurato localmente al posto dei resolver SOA"],"Foreman will set this as the default Puppet module path if it cannot auto detect one":["Foreman lo imposterà come percorso del modulo Puppet predefinito se non in grado di rilevarne uno"],"Foreman will truncate hostname to 'puppet' if it starts with puppet":["Foreman interromperà l'hostname a 'puppet', se inizia con puppet"],"Foreman will update a host's environment from its facts":["Foreman aggiornerà l'ambiente di un host usando i propri eventi"],"Foreman will update a host's subnet from its facts":[""],"Foreman will update the host IP with the IP that made the built request":["Foreman aggiornerà l'IP dell'host con l'IP che ha eseguito la richiesta di compilazione"],"Foreman will use OAuth for API authorization":["Foreman utilizzerà OAuth come autenticazione API"],"Foreman will use gravatar to display user icons":["Foreman utilizzerà gravatar per mostrare le icone dell'utente"],"Foreman will use random UUIDs for certificate signing instead of hostnames":["Foreman utilizzerà UUID randomici per la firma dei certificati al posto di usare gli hostname"],"Foreman will use the new (2.6.5+) format for classes in the ENC yaml output":["Foreman utilizzerà il nuovo formato (2.6.5+) per le classi nell'output yalm ENC"],"Foreman will use the short hostname instead of the FQDN for creating new virtual machines":["Foreman utilizzerà l'hostname abbreviato al posto del FQDN per la creazione di nuove macchine virtuali"],"Found %{count} reports from the last %{days} days":[""],"Full":["Completo"],"Full audits list":[""],"Full name describing the domain":["Nome completo che descrive il dominio"],"Full path to backing image used to create new volumes.":["Percorso completo per l'immagine genitore usata per la creazione di nuovi volumi."],"Full screen":["Schermo intero"],"Full trace":["Controllo completo"],"Function not available for %s":[""],"GMT time":[""],"Gateway":["Gateway"],"General":["Generale"],"General useful description, for example this kind of hardware needs a special BIOS setup":["Descrizione utile generale, ad esempio questo tipo di hardware ha bisogno di una impostazione particolare del BIOS"],"Generate new random name. Visit Settings to disable this feature.":[""],"Generated %s ago":["Generato %s fa"],"Generated at %s":["Generato %s"],"Get ENC values of host":[""],"Get configuration status of host":[""],"Get dashboard details":["Acquisisci i dettali della dashboard"],"Get default dashboard widgets":[""],"Get statistics":["Acquisisci le statistiche"],"Get status of host":["Acquisisci stato dell'host"],"Get vm attributes of host":[""],"Global":["Globale"],"Global Parameters":["Parametri globali"],"Global default %s template":[""],"Global default %s template. This template gets deployed to all configured TFTP servers. It will not be affected by upgrades.":[""],"Global functions":[""],"Global methods (functions)":[""],"Global parameters":["Parametri globali"],"Global status changed from %{from} to %{to}":[""],"Global variables":[""],"Good host reports in the last %s":["Riporti host corretti negli ultimi %s"],"Google Project ID":["Google Project ID"],"Groups base DN":["DN di base dei gruppi"],"Guest OS":["OS del guest"],"HELO/EHLO domain":[""],"Hardware":["Hardware"],"Hardware Model":["Modello hardware"],"Hardware Models":["Modelli hardware"],"Hardware models":["Modelli hardware"],"Hash function to use. Change takes effect for new or updated hosts.":["Funzione hash da usare. Le modifiche verranno implementate per host nuovi o per quelli aggiornati."],"Hash of report metrics, can be just {}":["Hash per le metriche della notifica, può essere solo {}"],"Hash of status type totals":["Hash dei totali del tipo di stato"],"Help":["Aiuto"],"Hidden value":[""],"Hide all values for this parameter.":[""],"Hide this value":[""],"Hint data is missing":[""],"History":["Cronologia"],"Host":["Host"],"Host %s is built":[""],"Host %s is not associated with a VM":["Host %s non è associato con una VM"],"Host Configuration Chart":["Grafico configurazione host"],"Host Configuration Status":["Stato configurazione host"],"Host Group Distribution":[""],"Host Groups":["Gruppi host"],"Host audit entries":["Voci per la verifica dell'host"],"Host config group":["Gruppo di configurazioni dell'host"],"Host details":["Informazioni host"],"Host group":["Gruppo di host"],"Host group / Environment":["Gruppo di host / Ambiente"],"Host group IDs":["ID gruppo di host"],"Host group and Environment":["Gruppo di host e Ambiente"],"Host group configuration":["Configurazione gruppo di host"],"Host group matchers inheritance":[""],"Host group only":["Solo gruppo di host"],"Host group parameters":["Parametri del gruppo di host"],"Host groups":["Gruppi di host"],"Host owner":[""],"Host owner is invalid":[""],"Host parameters":["Parametri dell'host"],"Host reported time is <em>%s</em>":["L'ora riportata dall'host è <em>%s</em>"],"Host times seem to be adrift!":[""],"Host's network interfaces.":[""],"Host's owner type":["Tipo di proprietario dell'host"],"Host's parameters (array or indexed hash)":[""],"Host::Base|Build":["Compilazione"],"Host::Base|Certname":["Nome certificato"],"Host::Base|Comment":["Commento"],"Host::Base|Disk":["Disco"],"Host::Base|Enabled":["Abilitato"],"Host::Base|Grub pass":["Host::Base|Grub pass"],"Host::Base|Image file":["File immagine"],"Host::Base|Installed at":["Installato"],"Host::Base|Ip":["Ip"],"Host::Base|Last compile":["Ultima compilazione"],"Host::Base|Last freshcheck":["Ultima verifica"],"Host::Base|Last report":["Ultimo riporto"],"Host::Base|Mac":["Mac"],"Host::Base|Managed":["Gestito"],"Host::Base|Name":["Nome"],"Host::Base|Otp":["Otp"],"Host::Base|Owner type":["Tipo di proprietario"],"Host::Base|Primary interface":["Host::Base|Interfaccia primaria"],"Host::Base|Provision method":["Metodo per il provisioning"],"Host::Base|Puppet status":["Stato del puppet"],"Host::Base|Root pass":["Password root"],"Host::Base|Serial":["Seriale"],"Host::Base|Use image":["Usa immagine"],"Host::Base|Uuid":["Uuid"],"HostConfigGroup|Host type":["Tipo di host"],"Hostgroup":["Hostgroup"],"Hostgroup|Ancestry":["Ascendenza"],"Hostgroup|Grub pass":["Hostgroup|Grub pass"],"Hostgroup|Image file":["File immagine"],"Hostgroup|Name":["Nome"],"Hostgroup|Root pass":["Password root"],"Hostgroup|Title":["Titolo"],"Hostgroup|Use image":["Usa immagine"],"Hostgroup|Vm defaults":["Default della Vm"],"Hostname":["Nome host"],"Hostname or certname":["Hostname o certname"],"Hostname:":["Nome host:"],"Hosts":["Hosts"],"Hosts created after a puppet run that did not send a location fact will be placed in this location":["Gli host creati dopo l'esecuzione del puppet che non hanno inviato alcuna informazione sulla posizione, verranno archiviati in questa posizione"],"Hosts created after a puppet run that did not send a organization fact will be placed in this organization":["Gli host creati dopo l'esecuzione del puppet che non hanno inviato alcuna informazione sull'organizzazione, verranno archiviati in questa organizzazione"],"Hosts created after a puppet run will be placed in the location this fact dictates. The content of this fact should be the full label of the location.":["Gli host creati dopo l'esecuzione di un puppet verranno archiviati in una posizione indicata dalle informazioni fornite. Il contenuto delle informazioni deve rappresentare l'etichetta completa della posizione."],"Hosts created after a puppet run will be placed in the organization this fact dictates. The content of this fact should be the full label of the organization.":["Gli host creati dopo l'esecuzione di un puppet verranno archiviati in una organizzazione indicata dalle informazioni fornite. Il contenuto delle informazioni deve rappresentare l'etichetta completa dell'organizzazione."],"Hosts in error state":["Host con uno stato d'errore"],"Hosts including sub-groups":[""],"Hosts managed":[""],"Hosts managed:":[""],"Hosts that had pending changes":["Host con modifiche in sospeso"],"Hosts that had pending changes with alerts enabled":[""],"Hosts that had performed modifications without error":["Host che hanno eseguito delle modifiche senza alcun errore"],"Hosts that will be trusted in addition to Smart Proxies for access to fact/report importers and ENC output":["Host che verranno considerati fidati insieme agli Smart Proxy, per l'accesso agli importer di riporti/eventi e ouput ENC"],"Hosts which Foreman reporting is disabled":[""],"Hosts which are currently not running Puppet":[""],"Hosts which are not reporting":[""],"Hosts which didn't run puppet in the last %s":["Host che non hanno eseguito puppet negli ultimi %s"],"Hosts which recently applied changes":[""],"Hosts which recently applied changes successfully":[""],"Hosts which recently applied changes successfully with alerts enabled":[""],"Hosts with alerts disabled":["Host con avvisi disabilitati"],"Hosts with error state":[""],"Hosts with error state and alerts enabled":[""],"Hosts with errors":["Host con errori"],"Hosts with interesting values (changed, failures etc)":[""],"Hosts with no reports":["Host senza alcun riporto"],"Hosts with notifications disabled":["Host con notifiche disabilitate"],"Hosts without changes or errors":[""],"Hosts without changes or errors, with alerts enabled":[""],"Hosts without errors":[""],"Hosts without errors percent":[""],"Hosts without errors, with alerts enabled":[""],"How values are validated":["Come convelidare i valori"],"However, if it was deleted externally this page helps you to recreate it":[""],"ID of LDAP authentication source":["ID del sorgente di autenticazione LDAP"],"ID of Puppet class":["ID della classe del puppet"],"ID of architecture":["ID dell'architettura"],"ID of compute resource":["ID della risorsa di calcolo"],"ID of config template":[""],"ID of domain":["ID del dominio"],"ID of environment":["ID dell'ambiente"],"ID of host":["ID host"],"ID of host group":["ID gruppo di host"],"ID of interface":["ID interfaccia"],"ID of linked authentication source":["ID del sorgente di autenticazione assegnato"],"ID of location":["ID posizione"],"ID of medium":["ID supporto"],"ID of operating system":["ID del sistema operativo"],"ID of organization":["ID organizzazione"],"ID of parameter":["ID del parametro"],"ID of partition table":["ID tabella delle partizioni"],"ID of provisioning template":["ID del template di provisioning"],"ID of role":["ID ruolo"],"ID of subnet":["ID della sottorete"],"ID of template":["ID template"],"ID of the user":[""],"ID of user group":["ID gruppo di utenti"],"ID or name external user group":["ID o nome del gruppo di utenti esterno"],"ID or name of domain":["ID o nome del dominio"],"ID or name of external user group":["ID o nome del gruppo di utenti esterno"],"ID or name of host":["ID o nome dell'host"],"ID or name of interface":["ID o nome dell'interfaccia"],"ID or name of subnet":["ID o nome della sottorete"],"ID or name of user group":["ID o nome del gruppo di utenti"],"IDs of associated architectures":["ID delle architetture associate"],"IDs of associated config groups":[""],"IDs of associated media":["ID dei dispositivi associati"],"IDs of associated partition tables":["ID delle tabelle di partizioni associate"],"IDs of associated provisioning templates":["ID dei template per il provisioning associati"],"INFO or DEBUG":[""],"IP":["IP"],"IP Address":["IP Address"],"IP Address Management":["Gestione indirizzi IP"],"IP Address auto suggestion mode for this subnet, valid values are \\\"DHCP\\\", \\\"Internal DB\\\", \\\"None\\\"":["Modalità per il suggerimento automatico dell'indirizzo IP per questa sottorete, i valori validi sono \\\"DHCP\\\", \\\"Internal DB\\\", \\\"None\\\""],"IP address auto-suggest":["suggerisci automaticamente l'indirizzo IP"],"IP addresses that should be excluded from suggestion":[""],"IP:":[""],"IPAM":["IPAM"],"IPv4":["IPv4"],"IPv4 Address":["Indirizzo IPv4"],"IPv4 DNS record":["",""],"IPv4 Subnet":[""],"IPv4 address":[""],"IPv4 address of interface":[""],"IPv6":["IPv6"],"IPv6 Address":["Indirizzo IPv6"],"IPv6 DNS record":["",""],"IPv6 Subnet":[""],"IPv6 address":[""],"IPv6 address of interface":[""],"IRC":["IRC"],"Identifier":["Indetificatore"],"Identifier of the interface to which this interface belongs, e.g. eth1":["Identificatore dell'interfaccia alla quale appartiene questa interfaccia, es. eth1"],"Identifier of the interface to which this interface belongs, e.g. eth1. Only for virtual interfaces.":["Identificatore dell'interfaccia alla quale appartiene questa interfaccia, es. eth1. Solo per interfacce virtuali."],"Identifiers of attached interfaces, e.g. `['eth1', 'eth2']`. For bond interfaces those are the slaves. Only for bond and bridges interfaces.":[""],"Idle timeout":[""],"If ERB is used in a parameter value, the validation of the value will happen during the ENC request. If the value is invalid, the ENC request will fail.":[""],"If Foreman is running behind Passenger or a remote load balancer, the IP should be set here. This is a regular expression, so it can support several load balancers, i.e: (|":["Se Foreman è in esecuzione dietro Passenger o un bilanciatore di carico remoto, è necessario impostare qui l'IP. Questa è una espressione regolare ed è in grado di supportare numerosi bilanciatori di carico, es: (|"],"If checked, will raise an error if there is no default value and no matcher provide a value.":["Se selezionato, verrà generato un errore se nessun valore predefinito è stato impostato, o se nessun dispositivo di confronto fornisce un valore. "],"If owner type is specified, owner must be specified too.":[""],"If true, will raise an error if there is no default value and no matcher provide a value":[""],"If you are planning to use Foreman as an external node classifier you should provide information about one or more environments. This information is commonly imported from a pre-existing Puppet configuration by the use of the %{link_start}Puppet classes and environment importer%{link_end}.":[""],"If you feel this is an error with Foreman itself, please open a new issue with":["Se credi che questo sia un errore di Foreman, apri un nuovo caso con"],"If you wish to configure Puppet to forward it reports to Foreman, please follow":[""],"Ignore Puppet facts for provisioning":[""],"Ignore facts for domain":[""],"Ignore facts for operating system":[""],"Ignore interfaces that match these values during facts importing, you can use * wildcard to match names with indexes e.g. macvtap*":[""],"Ignore interfaces with matching identifier":[""],"Ignored classes in the environments: %s":[""],"Ignored environment":[""],"Ignored environment names resulting in booleans found. Please quote strings like true/false and yes/no in config/ignored_environments.yml.":[""],"Ignored environments: %s":[""],"Ignored:":[""],"Image":["Immagine"],"Image Based":["Immagine basata"],"Image ID":["ID immagine"],"Image ID as provided by the compute resource, e.g. ami-..":["ID dell'immagine come fornita dalla risorsa di calcolo, es ami-.."],"Image path":["Percorso immagine"],"Image to use":["Immagine da usare"],"Images":["Immagini"],"Image|Iam role":["Ruolo IAM"],"Image|Name":["Nome"],"Image|Password":["Password"],"Image|User data":["Dati utente"],"Image|Username":["Nome utente"],"Image|Uuid":["Uuid"],"Import":["Importa"],"Import IPv4 subnets":[""],"Import VM %s":[""],"Import classes from %s":[""],"Import environments from %s":[""],"Import of facts failed for host %s":[""],"Import puppet classes from puppet proxy for an environment":["Importa le classi del puppet dal puppet proxy per un ambiente"],"Import puppet classes from puppet proxy.":["Importa le classi del puppet dal puppet proxy."],"Imported IPv4 Subnets":[""],"In addition to defining which puppet classes get included when building this host type you are also able to assign variables and provisioning information to a host group to further refine the behavior of the puppet runtime.":["Oltre a poter definire le classi del puppet incluse durante la creazione di questo tipo di host, sarà possibile anche assegnare le variabili e le informazioni sul provisioning ad un gruppo di host, così facendo si avrà un comportamento più mirato durante il runtime del puppet."],"In order to create the SSH key, the user must be saved first. A 'create_ssh_keys' permission is required too.":[""],"In-line code syntax":[""],"Include default value when merging all matching values":[""],"Include default value when merging all matching values.":[""],"Include this host within Foreman reporting":["Includi questo host all'interno del riporto di Foreman"],"Included Classes":["Classi incluse"],"Included Config Groups":["Gruppi di configurazioni inclusi"],"Incorrect password":["Password non corretta"],"Incorrect username or password":["Password o nome utente non corretti"],"Independent - Nonpersistent":[""],"Independent - Persistent":[""],"Infrastructure":["Infrastruttura"],"Inherit parent (%s)":["Eredita valore genitore (%s)"],"Inherited Classes from %s":[""],"Inherits from subnet VLAN ID if not set":["Eredita dalla sottorete VLAN ID se non impostato"],"Input":["Ingresso"],"Installation Media":["Dispositivo d'installazione"],"Installation media":["Dispositivo d'installazione"],"Installation medium configuration":["Configurazione supporto di installazione"],"Installed":["Installato"],"Interface":["Interfaccia"],"Interface is down":[""],"Interface is up":[""],"Interface provider, e.g. IPMI. Only for BMC interfaces.":["Provider dell'interfaccia, es IPMI. Solo per le interfacce BMC."],"Interface type, e.g. bmc. Default is %{default_nic_type}":[""],"Interface's DNS name":[""],"Interfaces":["Interfacce"],"Internal DB":["DB interno"],"Internal network":["Rete interna"],"Interpolate ERB in parameters":[""],"Invalid %s selection, you must select at least one of yours":["Selezione %s non valida, è necessario selezionare una di quelle in possesso"],"Invalid Host":["Host non valido"],"Invalid architecture '%{arch}' for '%{os}'":[""],"Invalid architecture for %s":[""],"Invalid authenticity token":["Token di autenticità non valido"],"Invalid log level: %s":["Livello registrazione non valido: %s"],"Invalid medium '%{medium}' for '%{os}'":[""],"Invalid medium for %s":[""],"Invalid power state request: %{action}, supported actions are %{supported}":["Richiesta stato alimentazione non valido: %{action}, le azioni supportate sono %{supported}"],"Invalid proxy selected!":[""],"Invalid query":["Interrogazione non valida"],"Invalid report":["Riporto non valido"],"Invalid search query: %s":["Interrogazione ricerca non valida: %s"],"Invalid smart-proxy id":[""],"Invalid type for host creation via facts: %s":["Tipologia non valida per la creazione dell'host tramite gli eventi: %s"],"Invalid version format, please enter in x.y (only major version).":[""],"Is the cron job that executes %s enabled?":[""],"Issue tracker":["Emetti tracker"],"It is not possible to assign provisioning templates at this stage.":[""],"It is not recommended to unlock this template, as it is provided by %{vendor} and may be overwritten. Please consider cloning it instead.":[""],"Item":["Elemento"],"Iterating":[""],"JSON VM listing is not supported for this compute resource.":[""],"JSON object of the scheduler hint":[""],"Keep selected hosts for a future action":[""],"Key Binding":["Associazione di tasti"],"Key not connected to any compute resource":[""],"Key pair":["Coppia di chiavi"],"Key used with other compute resource":[""],"KeyPair|Name":["NOme"],"KeyPair|Public":["Pubblica"],"KeyPair|Secret":["Segreta"],"Kind":["Tipo"],"LDAP Authentication":["Autenticazione LDAP"],"LDAP authentication":["Autenticazione LDAP"],"LDAP authentication sources":[""],"LDAP error - %{message}":["Errore LDAP - %{message}"],"LDAP filter":["Filtro LDAP"],"LDAP server":["Server LDAP"],"LDAP users will have their Foreman account automatically created the first time they log into Foreman":["Gli utente LDAP avranno un account Foreman creato automaticamente durante il loro primo login con Foreman"],"Language":["Lingua"],"Last Report":["Ultima notifica"],"Last report":["Ultimo riporto"],"Last updated %s ago":["Ultimo aggiornamento %s fa"],"Latest Events":["Ultimissimi eventi"],"Learn more about this in the documentation.":[""],"Legacy Puppet hostname":[""],"Length":[""],"Level":["Livello"],"Libvirt default console address":[""],"Libvirt, oVirt, OpenStack and Rackspace":[""],"Limit rebuild steps, valid steps are %{host_rebuild_steps}":[""],"List LDAP authentication sources per location":[""],"List LDAP authentication sources per organization":[""],"List all :resource_id":["Elenca tutte le :resource_id"],"List all LDAP authentication sources":["Elenca tutti i sorgenti di atutenticazione LDAP"],"List all Puppet class IDs for host":["Elenca tutti gli ID delle classi puppet per l'host"],"List all Puppet class IDs for host group":["Elenca tutti gli ID delle classi puppet per il gruppo di host"],"List all Puppet classes":["Elenca tutti gli ID delle classi puppet"],"List all Puppet classes for a host":["Elenca tutte le classi puppet per un host"],"List all Puppet classes for a host group":["Elenca tutte le classi puppet per un gruppo di host"],"List all Puppet classes for an environment":["Elenca tutte le classi puppet per un ambiente"],"List all SSH keys for a user":[""],"List all architectures":["Elenca tutte le architetture"],"List all architectures for operating system":["Elenca tutte le architetture per il sistema operativo"],"List all audits":["Elenca tutte le verifiche"],"List all audits for a given host":["Elenca tutte le verifiche per un dato host"],"List all autosign entries":["Elenca tutte le voci autosign"],"List all bookmarks":["Elenca tutti i segnalibri"],"List all compute resources":["Elenca tutte le risorse di calcolo"],"List all environments":["Elenca gli ambienti"],"List all external user groups for LDAP authentication source":["Elenca tutti i gruppi di utenti esterni per il sorgente di autenticazione LDAP"],"List all external user groups for user group":["Elenca tutti i gruppi di utenti esterni per il gruppo di utenti"],"List all fact values":["Elenca tutti i valori degli eventi"],"List all fact values of a given host":["Elenca tutti i valori degli eventi per un dato host"],"List all filters":["Elenca tutti filtri"],"List all global parameters.":["Elenca tutti i parametri globali"],"List all hardware models":["Elenca tutti i modelli hardware"],"List all host groups":["Elenca tutti i gruppi di host"],"List all host groups for a Puppet class":["Elenca tutti i gruppi di host per una classe del puppet"],"List all host groups per location":["Elenca tutti i gruppi di host per posizione"],"List all host groups per organization":["Elenca tutti i gruppi di host per organizzazione"],"List all hosts":["Elenca tutti gli host"],"List all hosts for a host group":["Elenca tutti gli host per un gruppo"],"List all images for a compute resource":["Elenca tutte le immagini per una risorsa di calcolo"],"List all images for architecture":["Elenca tutte le immagini per architettura"],"List all 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l'organizzazione"],"List all users for role":["Elenca tutti gli utenti per il ruolo"],"List all users for user group":["Elenca tutti gli utenti per gruppo"],"List attributes for a given storage domain":["Elenca gli attributi per un dominio di archiviazione dato"],"List attributes for a given storage pod":[""],"List available clusters for a compute resource":["Elenca i cluster disponibili per una risorsa di calcolo"],"List available flavors for a compute resource":[""],"List available folders for a compute resource":["Elenca le cartelle disponibili per una risorsa di calcolo"],"List available images for a compute resource":["Elenca le immagini disponibili per una risorsa di calcolo"],"List available networks for a compute resource":["Elenca le reti disponibili per una risorsa di calcolo"],"List available networks for a compute resource cluster":["Elenca le reti disponibili per un cluster di risorse di calcolo"],"List available resource types.":["Elenca i tipi di risorse disponibili"],"List available security groups for a compute resource":[""],"List available zone for a compute resource":[""],"List boot files for an operating system":["Elenca i file boot per un sistema operativo"],"List default templates combinations for an operating system":["Elenca le combinazioni di template predefiniti per un sistema operativo"],"List environments of Puppet class":["Elenca ambienti della classe puppet"],"List environments per location":["Elenca ambienti per posizione"],"List environments per organization":["Elenca gli ambienti per organizzazione"],"List hosts per environment":["Elenca host per ambiente"],"List hosts per location":["Elenca host per posizione"],"List hosts per organization":["Elenca host per organizzazione"],"List installed plugins":["Elenca plugin installati"],"List of compute profiles":["Elenco dei profili di calcolo"],"List of config groups":["Elenco gruppi di configurazioni"],"List of domains":["Elenco dei domini"],"List of domains per 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environment/Puppet class combination":["Elenco parametri di classe smart per una combinazione classe puppet/ambiente specifica"],"List of smart class parameters for a specific host":["Elenco parametri di classe smart per un host specifico"],"List of smart class parameters for a specific host group":["Elenco parametri di classe smart per un gruppo di host specifico"],"List of smart variables for a specific Puppet class":["Elenco di variabili smart per una classe puppet specifica"],"List of smart variables for a specific host":["Elenco di variabili smart per un host specifico"],"List of smart variables for a specific host group":["Elenco variabili smart per un gruppo di host specifico"],"List of subnets":["Elenco di sottoreti"],"List of subnets for a domain":["Elenco di sottoreti per un dominio"],"List of subnets per location":["Elenco di sottoreti per posizione"],"List of subnets per organization":["Elenco di sottoreti per organizzazione"],"List operating systems where this template is set as a default":["Elenca i sistemi operativi dove questo template è impostato per impostazione predefinita"],"List provisioning templates":["Elenca i template di provisioning"],"List provisioning templates per location":["Elenca i template di provisioning per posizione"],"List provisioning templates per operating system":["Elenca i template di provisioning per sistema operativo"],"List provisioning templates per organization":["Elenca i template di provisioning per organizzazione"],"List resource pools for a compute resource cluster":["Elenca i pool di risorse per un cluster di risorse di calcolo"],"List storage domains for a compute resource":["Elenca i domini di archiviazione per una risorsa di calcolo"],"List storage pods for a compute resource":[""],"List template combination":["Elenca combinazione del template"],"Load Datacenters":["Carica centro dati"],"Load Regions":["Carica le Regioni"],"Load Tenants":["Carica i titolari"],"Load Zones":[""],"Loading":["Caricamento in corso"],"Loading ...":["Caricamento in corso..."],"Loading BMC information ...":["Caricamento informazioni BMC in corso..."],"Loading NICs information ...":[""],"Loading SSH keys information ...":[""],"Loading VM information ...":["Caricamento informazioni VM in corso..."],"Loading filters ...":[""],"Loading host information ...":["Caricamento informazioni host in corso..."],"Loading images information ...":[""],"Loading interfaces information ...":[""],"Loading parameters...":["Caricamento parametri in corso..."],"Loading power state ...":["Caricamento stato alimentazione in corso... "],"Loading resources information ...":["Caricamento informazioni delle risorse in corso..."],"Loading runtime information ...":["Caricamento informazioni di runtime in corso..."],"Loading template information ...":["Caricamento informazioni sul template in corso..."],"Loading virtual machine information ...":["Caricamento informazioni macchina virutuale in corso..."],"Loading virtual machines information ...":["Caricamento informazioni macchine virutuali in corso..."],"Local boot %s template":[""],"Local time":[""],"Location":["Posizione"],"Location Distribution":[""],"Location fact":[""],"Location parameters":[""],"Location with id %{id} not found":[""],"Location you had selected as your context has been deleted.":["La posizione selezionata come contesto è stata rimossa."],"Location/Organization":["Posizione/Organizzazione"],"Locations":["Posizioni"],"Locations also work nicely when used in tandem with %{organizations}.":[""],"Locations are used to manage and differentiate the physical place where a system managed via Foreman is housed. 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In modo simile a IRC, sono presenti elenchi per utenti generici, (supporto, Q/A, ecc) ed elenchi per lo sviluppo:"],"Manage":["Gestisci"],"Manage Locations":["Gestisci le posizioni"],"Manage Organizations":["Gestisci le organizzazioni"],"Manage PuppetCA":[""],"Manage host":["Gestisci gli host"],"Managed IP":["IP gestito"],"Manual":["Manuale "],"Manually Assign":["Assegna manualmente"],"Manually select and assign hosts with no %s":["Seleziona e assegna manualmente gli host senza %s"],"Matcher is a combination of an attribute and its value, if they match, the value below would be provided.<br> You may use any attribute Foreman knows about, such as facts etc for example: <code> domain = </code> or <code> is_virtual = true</code>.":[""],"Max days for Trends graphs":["Numero massimo di giorni per i diagrammi di Trend"],"Max timeout for REST client requests to smart-proxy":["Scadenza massima per le richieste del client REST per smart-proxy"],"Max trends":[""],"Media":["Dispositivo"],"Media ID":[""],"Media access control address for this interface. 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"],"No hosts available.":[""],"No hosts selected":["Nessun host selezionato"],"No hosts were found with that id, name or query filter":[""],"No interesting reports received in the last week":["Nessun riporto di rilievo ricevuto durante la scorsa settimana"],"No logs to show":["Nessun log da mostrare"],"No matching server groups found":[""],"No networks":["Nessuna rete"],"No networks found.":[""],"No new IPv4 subnets found":[""],"No or invalid power state selected!":[""],"No owner selected!":[""],"No parameters to override for Puppet class %s":["Nessun parametro da sovrascrivere per la classe puppet %s"],"No parameters were allocated to the selected hosts, can't mass assign.":["Nessun parametro è stato assegnato agli host selezionati, impossibile eseguire una assegnazione di gruppo."],"No plugins found":["Nessun plugin trovato"],"No preference":["Nessuna preferenza"],"No proxy found to import classes from, ensure that the smart proxy has the Puppet feature enabled.":["Nessun proxy trovato dal quale importare le classi, assicurati di aver abilitato la funzione Puppet in smart proxy."],"No proxy selected!":[""],"No puppet activity for this host in the last %s days":["Nessuna attività del puppet per questo host negli ultimi %s giorni"],"No report":["Nessun riporto"],"No reports":["Nessun riporto"],"No setting value provided.":[""],"No smart proxies found.":["Nessuno smart proxy trovato."],"No smart proxies to show":["Nessuno smart proxy da visualizzare"],"No smart proxy was found to import environments from, ensure that at least one smart proxy is registered with the 'puppet' feature.":["Nessun smart proxy disponibile dal quale importare gli ambienti, registrare almeno uno smart proxy con la funzione 'puppet'."],"No subnets":["Nessuna rete secondaria"],"No template with kind %{kind} for %{host}":[""],"No templates found":[""],"No templates found for this host.":["Nessun template trovato per questo host."],"No templates found!":["Nessun modello trovato!"],"No trend counter defined":[""],"No trend counter found":[""],"None":["Nessuno"],"None found":[""],"None!":[""],"Normal":["Normale"],"Normally when setting up a Compute Resource, a key pair (private and public) is created for you automatically.":[""],"Not Installed":["Non installate"],"Not authorized to edit classes":["Non autorizzato per la modifica delle classi"],"Not implemented":["Non implementato"],"Not implemented for %s":["Non implementato per %s"],"Not relevant for snippet":["Non rilevante per lo snippet"],"Nothing to add":[""],"Nothing to show":["Niente da visualizzare"],"Notice":["Nota"],"Notices, warnings and errors":["Note, avvertimenti ed errori"],"Notification disabled":["Notifiche disabilitate"],"Notifications":["Notifiche"],"Number Of Clients":["Numero di client"],"Number of CPUs":["Numero di CPU"],"Number of Events":["Numero di eventi"],"Number of Hosts":["Numero di host"],"Number of classes":[""],"Number of overrides":[""],"Number of records shown per page in Foreman":["Numero di recod mostrati per pagina in Foreman"],"Numerical ID or domain name":["ID numerico o nome del dominio"],"Numerical ID or email notification name":[""],"Numerical ID or realm name":["ID numerico o nome del realm"],"OAuth active":[""],"OAuth consumer key":["Chiave utenza OAuth"],"OAuth consumer secret":["Segreto utenza OAuth"],"OAuth map users":[""],"OK":["OK"],"OS Image":["ImmagineOS"],"OS friendly name; e.g. RHEL 6.5":[""],"OS major version from facter; e.g. 6":["Versione maggiore OS di Facter; es. 6"],"OS minor version from facter; e.g. 5":["Versione minore OS di Facter; es. 5"],"OS name from facter; e.g. RedHat":["Nome OS di Facter; es. 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If left blank, a self-signed CA will be populated automatically by the server during the first request.":["Facoltativamente fornire un CA o una catena CA con un ordine corretto. Se lasciato vuoto, un CA auto-firmato verrà popolato automaticamente dal server durante la prima richiesta."],"Order":["Ordine"],"Organization":["Organizzazione"],"Organization Distribution":[""],"Organization fact":[""],"Organization parameters":[""],"Organization with id %{id} not found":[""],"Organization you had selected as your context has been deleted.":["L'organizzazione selezionata come contesto è stata rimossa."],"Organizations":["Organizzazioni"],"Organizations also work nicely in tandem with %{locations}.":[""],"Original value info":[""],"Other reports for this host":["Altri riporti per questo host"],"Out of sync":["Non sincronizzato"],"Out of sync hosts":["Host non sincronizzati"],"Out of sync hosts with alerts enabled":[""],"Out of sync interval":[""],"Override all parameters":["Sovrascrivi tutti i parametri"],"Override match":[""],"Override the default value of the Puppet class parameter.":[""],"Override this value":["Sovrascrivi questo valore"],"Override value, required if omit is false":[""],"Overview":["Panoramica"],"Overwrite":["Sovrascrivi"],"Owned By":["Posseduto da"],"Owner":["Proprietario"],"Owner changed to %s":["Proprietario cambiato a %s"],"Owner type needs to be one of the following: %s":["Il tipo di proprietario deve essere uno dei seguenti: %s"],"POAP PXE template":[""],"PXE":["PXE"],"PXE Loader":[""],"PXE files for templates %s have been deployed to all Smart Proxies":[""],"PXE loader":[""],"PXEGrub template":[""],"PXEGrub2 template":[""],"PXELinux template":[""],"Param name":["Nome param"],"Parameter":["Parametro"],"Parameter details":[""],"Parameter value":[""],"Parameterized classes in ENC":[""],"Parameters":["Parametri"],"Parameters for host's %s facet":[""],"Parameters that would be associated with hosts in this %s":["Parametri da associare con questi host in %s"],"Parameter|Hidden value":["Parameter|Valore nascosto"],"Parameter|Name":["Nome"],"Parameter|Priority":["Priorità"],"Parameter|Value":["Valore"],"Params":["Param"],"Parent":["Genitore"],"Parent ID":[""],"Parent ID of the host group":[""],"Parent is already selected":["Il genitore è stato già selezionato"],"Parent parameters":[""],"Partition Tables":["Tabelle di partizioni"],"Partition table":["Tabella delle partizione"],"Partition table ID":[""],"Partition table configuration":["Configurazione tabella delle partizioni"],"Partition tables":["Tabelle delle partizioni"],"Partition template IDs":[""],"Password":["Password"],"Password for oVirt, EC2, VMware, OpenStack. 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You can edit it later to add filters":["Salvare prima il ruolo. È possibile eseguire la sua modifica più avanti e aggiungere i filtri"],"Please save the user first before assigning mail notifications.":["Salvare l'utente prima di assegnare le notifiche di posta."],"Please select":["Selezionare"],"Please select a cluster":[""],"Please select an environment first":["Prima selezionare un ambiente"],"Please select an image":["Selezionare una immagine"],"Please select hosts to perform action on.":[""],"Please specify volume size. You may optionally use suffix 'G' to specify volume size in gigabytes.":["Specificare la dimensione del volume. 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previo abbandono sessione (authorize_login_delegation deve essere abiliato)"],"Refresh":["Aggiorna"],"Refresh Cache":[""],"Refresh Compute Resource Cache":[""],"Refresh external user group":["Aggiorna il gruppo di utenti esterno"],"Refresh smart proxy features":["Aggiorna funzionalità smart proxy"],"Region":["Regione"],"Reminder: <strong> One host is selected </strong>":["",""],"Reminder: <strong> One host is selected </strong> for query filter %{query}":["",""],"Remote address":[""],"Remove %s?":["Rimuovere %s?"],"Remove %{type} for %{host}":[""],"Remove DHCP Settings for %s":["Rimuovere le impostazioni DHCP per %s"],"Remove Parameter":["Rimuovi il parametro"],"Remove a Puppet class from host":["Rimuovi una classe Puppet dall'host"],"Remove a Puppet class from host group":["Rimuovi una classe Puppet dal gruppo di host"],"Remove conflicting %{type} for %{host}":[""],"Remove duplicate values (only array type)":[""],"Remove this override":[""],"Remove:":["Rimuovi:"],"Removing compute instance %s":["Rimozione istanza di calcolo %s"],"Rename":["Rinomina"],"Render user data template for %s":["Riproduzione modello dati dell'utente per %s"],"Rendering the template, please wait...":[""],"Report":["Report"],"Report Already Deleted":["Riporto già cancellato"],"Report Metrics":["Riporta le metriche"],"Report Status":["Riporta lo stato"],"Reported at":["Riportato"],"Reported at %s ":["Riportato a %s"],"Reports":["Report"],"Report|Metrics":["Metriche"],"Report|Reported at":["Riportato"],"Report|Status":["Stato"],"Require SSL for smart proxies":[""],"Required parameter without value.<br/><b>Please override!</b><br/>":[""],"Required when user want to change own password":[""],"Reset to default":["Reimposta sui valori predefiniti"],"Reset zoom":["Resetta lo zoom"],"Resolve":["Risolvi"],"Resource":["Risorsa"],"Resource %{resource_name} not found by id '%{id}'":["Risorsa %{resource_name} non trovata usando id '%{id}'"],"Resource %{res} not found.":["Risorsa %{res} non trovata."],"Resource pool":[""],"Resources":["Risorse"],"Restart<br>Failures":["Riavvio<br>Errori"],"Restarted":["Riavviato"],"Restarted|R":["R"],"Restrict registered smart proxies":[""],"Resume":["Riprendi"],"Returns string representing a host status of a given type":[""],"Reverse DNS Proxy":[""],"Reverse IPv4 DNS record":["",""],"Reverse IPv6 DNS record":["",""],"Revert":["Ripristina"],"Revert to revision from: %s":["Ripristina alla revisione da: %s"],"Review":["Revisione"],"Review build status for %s":["Ricontrolla lo stato della compilazione per %s"],"Revoke":[""],"Role":["Ruolo"],"Role description":[""],"Role locations":[""],"Role organizations":[""],"Roles":["Ruoli"],"Roles from user groups":[""],"Role|Builtin":["Interni"],"Role|Locked":[""],"Role|Name":["Nome"],"Role|Permissions":["Permessi"],"Root password":["Password root"],"Root password hash":["Cifratura della password root"],"Root password hash function to use, one of MD5, SHA256, SHA512, Base64":[""],"Root password on provisioned hosts":[""],"Run Distribution (last %s minute)":["",""],"Run Distribution Chart":[""],"Run Puppet":["Esegui Puppet"],"Run Puppet on the following hosts":["Esegui Puppet sui seguenti host"],"Run a power operation on host":["Eseguire una operazione di gestione dell'alimentazione sull'host"],"Run puppet":["Esegui puppet"],"Running on":["In esecuzione su"],"Runtime":["Runtime"],"SCSI controller":["Controller SCSI"],"SMTP":["SMTP"],"SMTP HELO/EHLO domain":[""],"SMTP OpenSSL verify mode":[""],"SMTP address":[""],"SMTP authentication":[""],"SMTP automatic STARTTLS":[""],"SMTP enable StartTLS auto":[""],"SMTP password":[""],"SMTP port":[""],"SMTP username":[""],"SSH Keys":[""],"SSH keys":[""],"SSH keys for: %s":[""],"SSL CA file":[""],"SSL CA file that Foreman will use to communicate with its proxies":["File SSL CA che Foreman utilizzerà per comunicare con i propri proxy"],"SSL Certificate path that Foreman would use to communicate with its proxies":["Percorso del certificato SSL che Foreman utilizza per comunicare con i propri proxy"],"SSL Private Key file that Foreman will use to communicate with its proxies":["File chiave privata SSL che Foreman dovrà usare per comunicare con i propri proxy"],"SSL certificate":[""],"SSL client DN env":[""],"SSL client cert env":[""],"SSL client verify env":[""],"SSL private key":[""],"Safe mode methods":[""],"Safe mode methods and variables":[""],"SafeRender#parse_string was passed a %s instead of a string":["SafeRender#parse_string è stata inviata a %s al posto di una stringa"],"Safemode rendering":[""],"Save":["Salva"],"Save positions":[""],"Save something and try again":["Salva qualcosa e riprova"],"Scheduler hint filter":[""],"Scope by locations":["Scopo per posizioni"],"Scope by organizations":["Scopo per organizzazioni"],"Script template":[""],"Search":["Cerca"],"Secondary DNS for this subnet":["DNS secondario per questa sottorete"],"Secret Key":["Chiave segreta"],"Security group":["Gruppo di sicurezza"],"Security groups":["Gruppi di sicurezza"],"Select Action":["Seleziona azione"],"Select All":["Seleziona tutto"],"Select Hosts":["Selezionare Host"],"Select Location":["Seleziona posizione"],"Select Organization":["Seleziona organizzazione"],"Select a period":["Seleziona un periodo"],"Select all items in this page":["Seleziona tutti gli elementi in questa pagina"],"Select an owner":[""],"Select compute resources":["Selezione risorse di calcolo"],"Select desired %s proxy":[""],"Select desired state":[""],"Select domains":["Seleziona dominio"],"Select environment":["Seleziona ambiente"],"Select environments":["Seleziona ambienti"],"Select host group":["Seleziona gruppo host"],"Select host groups":["Seleziona gruppi host"],"Select hosts to assign to %s":["Seleziona host da assegnare a %s"],"Select locations":["Seleziona posizioni"],"Select media":["Seleziona dispositivo"],"Select organizations":["Seleziona organizzazioni"],"Select partition tables":[""],"Select provisioning templates":[""],"Select realms":["Seleziona aree di autenticazione"],"Select smart proxies":["Seleziona smart proxy"],"Select subnets":["Seleziona sottoreti"],"Select template":["Seleziona modello"],"Select the changes you want to apply to Foreman":[""],"Select this host":["",""],"Select this since it belongs to a host":["Selezionarlo poichè appartiene ad un host"],"Select users":["Seleziona utenti"],"Selected hosts are now assigned to %s":["Gli host selezionati sono ora assegnati a %s"],"Selected image does not belong to %s":["L'immagine selezionata non appartiene a %s"],"Selected items":["Elementi selezionati"],"Selected resource type does not support granular filtering, therefore you can't configure granularity":["Il tipo di risorsa selezionata non supporta un filtraggio dettagliato, per questo motivo non è possibile configurare la granularità"],"Selected role":["Ruolo selezionato"],"Selecting a file will override the editor and load the file instead":["La selezione di un file sovrascriverà l'editor e caricherà il file"],"Send a test message to the current user's email address to confirm the configuration is working.":[""],"Send a test message to the user's email address to confirm the configuration is working.":[""],"Send a welcome email including username and URL to new users":[""],"Send welcome email":[""],"Sendmail":["Sendmail"],"Sendmail arguments":[""],"Sendmail location":[""],"Server group":[""],"Server hint data":[""],"Server type":["Tipo di server"],"Service unavailable":["Servizio non disponibile"],"Services":["Servizi"],"Set IP addresses for %s":[""],"Set a randomly generated password on the display connection":["Imposta una password generata randomicamente sulla connessione del display"],"Set parameters to defaults":["Imposta i parametri su valori predefiniti"],"Set the order in which values are resolved.":[""],"Set up compute instance %s":["Impostazione istanza di calcolo %s"],"Setting":["Impostazione"],"Settings":["Impostazioni"],"Setting|Category":["Categoria"],"Setting|Default":["Default"],"Setting|Description":["Descrizione"],"Setting|Name":["Nome"],"Setting|Settings type":["Tipo di impostazione"],"Setting|Value":["Valore"],"Should the `foreman-rake db:migrate` be executed on the next run of the installer modules?":["Eseguire `foreman-rake db:migrate`durante l'esecuzione successiva dei moduli dell'installer?"],"Should the `foreman-rake db:seed` be executed on the next run of the installer modules?":["Eseguire `foreman-rake db:seed` durante l'esecuzione successiva dei moduli dell'installer?"],"Should this interface be managed via DHCP and DNS smart proxy and should it be configured during provisioning?":["L'interfaccia deve essere gestita tramite DHCP e DNS smart proxy e può essere configurarta durante il provisioning?"],"Should this interface be used for TFTP of PXELinux (or SSH for image-based hosts)? Each managed hosts needs to have one provision interface.":[""],"Should this interface be used for constructing the FQDN of the host? Each managed hosts needs to have one primary interface.":[""],"Show %s fact values for all hosts":[""],"Show :a_resource":["Mostra :a_resource"],"Show Diff":["Mostra le differenze"],"Show Host":["Mostra l'host"],"Show Trends":["Mostra i trend"],"Show a Puppet class":["Mostra una classe puppet"],"Show a Puppet class for a host group":["Mostra una classe Puppet per un gruppo di host"],"Show a Puppet class for an environment":["Mostra una classe puppet per un ambiente"],"Show a Puppet class for host":["Mostra una classe Puppet per un host"],"Show a bookmark":["Mostra un segnalibro"],"Show a compute profile":["Mostra profilo di calcolo"],"Show a compute resource":["Mostra una risorsa di calcolo"],"Show a config group":["Mostra un gruppo di configurazione"],"Show a default template combination for an operating system":["MOstra una combinazione del template predefinito per un sistema operativo"],"Show a domain":["Mostra un dominio"],"Show a filter":["Mostra un filtro"],"Show a global parameter":["Mostra un parametro globale"],"Show a hardware model":["Mostra un modello hardware"],"Show a host":["Mostra un host"],"Show a host group":["Mostra un gruppo di host"],"Show a medium":["Mostra un supporto"],"Show a nested parameter for a domain":["Mostra un parametro nidificato per un dominio"],"Show a nested parameter for a host":["Mostra un parametro nidificato per un host"],"Show a nested parameter for a host group":["Mostra un parametro nidificato per un gruppo di host"],"Show a nested parameter for a location":["Mostra un parametro nidificato per una posizione"],"Show a nested parameter for a subnet":[""],"Show a nested parameter for an operating system":["Mostra un parametro nidificato per un sistema operativo"],"Show a nested parameter for an organization":["Mostra un parametro nidificato per una organizzazione"],"Show a partition table":["Mostra una tabella delle partizioni"],"Show a permission":["Mostra un permesso"],"Show a realm":["Mostra un realm"],"Show a report":["Mostra una notifica"],"Show a role":["Mostra un ruolo"],"Show a setting":["Mostra una impostazione"],"Show a smart class parameter":["Mostra un parametro di classe smart"],"Show a smart proxy":["Mostra uno smart proxy"],"Show a smart variable":["Mostra una variabile smart"],"Show a subnet":["Mostra una sottorete"],"Show a user":["Mostra un utente"],"Show a user group":["Mostra un gruppo di utenti"],"Show all %s children fact values":["Mostra tutti i valori degli eventi figlio %s"],"Show all %s facts with the same value":[""],"Show an LDAP authentication source":["Mostra un sorgente di autenticazione LDAP"],"Show an SSH key from a user":[""],"Show an architecture":["Mostra una architettura"],"Show an audit":["Mostra una verifica"],"Show an email notification":[""],"Show an environment":["Mostra un ambiente"],"Show an external user group for LDAP authentication source":["Mostra un gruppo di utenti esterni per il sorgente di autenticazione LDAP"],"Show an external user group for user group":["Mostra un gruppo di utenti esterno per il gruppo di utenti"],"Show an image":["Mostra una immagine"],"Show an interface for host":["Mostra una interfaccia per l'host"],"Show an operating system":["Mostra un sistema operativo"],"Show an override value for a specific smart class parameter":["Mostra un valore override per un parametro di classe smart specifico"],"Show an override value for a specific smart variable":["Mostra un valore override per una variabile smart specifica"],"Show available API links":["Mostra i link API disponibili"],"Show distribution chart":["Mostra grafico di distribuzione"],"Show full value":[""],"Show host power status":[""],"Show linked external user groups":["Mostra i gruppi di utenti esterni collegati"],"Show log messages:":["Mostra i messaggi di log:"],"Show power status on host index page. This feature calls to compute resource providers which may lead to decreased performance on host listing page.":[""],"Show provisioning template details":["Mostra informazioni template di provisioning"],"Show status":["Mostra stato"],"Show template combination":["Mostra combinazione template"],"Show the last report for a host":["Mostra l'ultima notifica per un host"],"Sign":["Accedi"],"Single host on this page is selected.":["",""],"Size":["Dimensione"],"Size (GB)":["Dimensione (GB)"],"Skip assign hosts and proceed to edit %s settings":["Salta l'assegnazione degli host e procedi alla modifica delle impostazioni %s"],"Skipped":["Saltato"],"Skipped|S":["S"],"Smart Class Parameter":["Parametro classe smart"],"Smart Proxies":["Smart proxy"],"Smart Proxy":["Smart Proxy"],"Smart Proxy: %s":[""],"Smart Variables":["Variabili smart"],"Smart class parameters":["Parametri classe smart"],"Smart proxies":["Smart proxy"],"Smart proxy":["Smart proxy"],"Smart proxy IDs":["ID Smart proxy"],"Smart variables":["Variabili smart"],"SmartProxy|Name":["Nome"],"SmartProxy|Url":["Url"],"Snippet":["Snippet"],"Some Puppet Classes are unavailable in the selected environment":[""],"Some imported user account details cannot be saved: %s":[""],"Some interfaces are invalid":[""],"Some of the interfaces are invalid. Please check the table below.":["Alcune interfacce non sono valide. Controllare la tabella di seguito riportata."],"Some or all hosts execution failed, Please check log files for more information":["Alcune o tutte le esecuzioni degli host sono fallite, controllare i file di log per maggiori informazioni"],"Some other interface is already set as primary. Are you sure you want to use this one instead?":[""],"Some other interface is already set as provisioning. Are you sure you want to use this one instead?":[""],"Something went wrong while changing host type - %s":["Si è verificato un errore durante la modifica del tipo di host - %s"],"Something went wrong while selecting hosts - %s":["Si è verificato un errore durante la selezione degli host - %s"],"Sorry but no templates were configured.":["Spiacenti ma non è stato fornito alcun modello."],"Sorry, these hosts do not have parameters assigned to them, you must add them first.":["Spiacenti, non è stato assegnato alcun parametro ai suddetti host, è necessario prima aggiungerli"],"Source":["Origine"],"Source|Digest":["Digest"],"Source|Value":["Valore"],"Space separated options, e.g. miimon=100. Only for bond interfaces.":["Opzioni separate da spazi, es. miimon=100. Solo per interfacce di aggregazione."],"Specified value is higher than recommended maximum":[""],"Specify additional options to sendmail":[""],"Specify authentication type, if required":[""],"Specify matchers":[""],"Start":["Inizio"],"Starting IP Address for IP auto suggestion":["Indirizzo IP iniziale per il suggerimento automatico degli IP"],"State":["Stato"],"Static":["Statico"],"Statistics":["Statistiche"],"Status":["Stato"],"Stop updating IP address and MAC values from Puppet facts (affects all interfaces)":[""],"Stop updating Operating System from facts":[""],"Stop updating domain values from facts":[""],"Storage":["Storage"],"Storage domain":["Dominio di archiviazione"],"Storage pool":["Pool di archiviazione"],"Strong":["Forte"],"Submit":["Invia"],"Subnet":["Sottorete"],"Subnet ID":[""],"Subnet IDs":["ID sottoreti"],"Subnet name":["Nome sottorete"],"Subnet network":["Rete della sottorete"],"Subnet numeric identifier":["idenificatore numerico della sottorete"],"Subnets":["Sottoreti"],"Subnet|Boot mode":["Subnet|Modalità d'avvio"],"Subnet|Dns primary":["Dns primario"],"Subnet|Dns secondary":["Dns secondario"],"Subnet|From":["Da"],"Subnet|Gateway":["Gateway"],"Subnet|Ipam":["Subnet|Ipam"],"Subnet|Mask":["Maschera"],"Subnet|Name":["Nome"],"Subnet|Network":["Rete"],"Subnet|Priority":["Priorità"],"Subnet|To":["A"],"Subnet|Vlanid":["Vlanid"],"Subscribe":["Sottoscrivi"],"Subscribe to all hosts":[""],"Subscribe to my hosts":[""],"Success":["Successo"],"Successfully created %s.":["%s creato con successo."],"Successfully delete %s":[""],"Successfully deleted %s.":["%s rimosso con successo."],"Successfully deleted report.":[""],"Successfully executed, check log files for more details":["Eseguito con successo, controllare i file di log per maggiori informazioni"],"Successfully executed, check reports and/or log files for more details":["Eseguito con successo, controllare i riporti e/o i file di log per maggiori informazioni"],"Successfully overridden all parameters of Puppet class %s":["Sovrascritti con successo tutti i parametri della classe puppet %s"],"Successfully recreated":[""],"Successfully refreshed features from %s.":["Funzionalità aggiornate con successo da %s."],"Successfully refreshed the cache.":[""],"Successfully reset all parameters of Puppet class %s to their default values":["Resettati con successo tutti i parametri della classe puppet %s sui rispettivi valori predefiniti"],"Successfully updated %s.":["%s aggiornato con successo."],"Successfully updated environments and Puppet classes from the on-disk Puppet installation":["Classi del puppet e ambienti aggiornati con successo dal dischetto d'installazione del puppet"],"Suffix or prefix length for this subnet, e.g. 32":[""],"Suggest new":["Suggerisci nuovo"],"Summary from %{time} ago to now":[""],"Summary report from Foreman server at %{foreman_url}":[""],"Support":["Supporto"],"Supported Formats":["Formati supportati"],"Synchronize group from authentication source":["Sincronizza gruppo dal sorgente di autenticazione"],"Syntax Highlighting":["Evidenziazione sintassi"],"Syntax error occurred while parsing the template %{template_name}, make sure you have all ERB tags properly closed and the Ruby syntax is valid. The Ruby error: %{message}":[""],"System Information":["Informazioni sul sistema"],"System Status":["Stato del sistema"],"TFTP":["TFTP"],"TFTP Proxy":["TFTP Proxy"],"TFTP Proxy ID to use within this subnet":[""],"TFTP Proxy to use within this subnet":["TFTP Proxy da usare all'interno di questa sottorete"],"TFTP server":[""],"Taxable taxonomy":["..."],"TaxableTaxonomy|Taxable type":["Tipo di tassonomia"],"Taxonomy":["Tassonomia"],"Taxonomy|Ancestry":["Ascendenza"],"Taxonomy|Ignore types":["Ignora tipi"],"Taxonomy|Name":["Nome"],"Taxonomy|Title":["Titolo"],"Template":["Modello"],"Template %s is empty.":["Il template %s è vuoto."],"Template '%s' is either missing or has an invalid organization or location":[""],"Template '%s' was not found":[""],"Template Diff":["Diff del modello"],"Template Type":["Tipo di modello"],"Template diff":["Diff del modello"],"Template editor":["Editor del modello"],"Template kind":["Tipo di modello"],"Template kinds, available values: %{template_kinds}":[""],"Template locked":["Template bloccato"],"Template syntax":[""],"Template that will be selected as %s default for local boot.":[""],"Template unlocked":["Template sbloccato"],"TemplateKind|Name":["Nome"],"Templates":["Modelli"],"Templates resolved for this operating system":[""],"Tenant":["Titolare"],"Test Connection":["Connessione test"],"Test LDAP connection":[""],"Test LDAP connectivity":[""],"Test connection to LDAP server was successful.":[""],"Test connection was successful":[""],"Test email":[""],"Text to be shown in the login-page footer":[""],"That is, if you are planning to manage a site where all the machines are of the form <i>hostname</i>.<b></b>\\n then the domain is <b></b>.":[""],"The %{proxy_type} proxy could not be set for host: %{host_names}.":["",""],"The %{proxy_type} proxy of the selected hosts was cleared.":[""],"The %{proxy_type} proxy of the selected hosts was set to %{proxy_name}.":[""],"The <b>fullname</b> field is used for human readability in reports and other pages that refer to domains,\\n and also available as an external node parameter":[""],"The Audit Comment field is saved with the template auditing to document the template changes":["Il campo Verifica commento viene salvato con il modello di revisione per documentare le modifiche"],"The BMC password will be used by Foreman to access the host's BMC controller via a BMC-enabled smart proxy, if available.<br/>":[""],"The IP address that should be used for the console listen address when provisioning new virtual machines via Libvirt":["L'indirizzo IP da usare per la console durante il provisioning di nuove macchine virtuali tramite Libvirt"],"The NFS path to the image directory.":["Il percorso NFS per la directory delle immagini."],"The NFS path to the jumpstart control files.":["Il percorso NFS per i file di controllo di jumpstart."],"The NFS path to the media.":["Il percorso NFS per il dispositivo."],"The Operating systems detail the OSs known to Foreman, and is the central point that the other required components tie into.":[""],"The Primary interface is used for constructing the FQDN of the host":[""],"The Provisioning interface is used for TFTP of PXELinux (or SSH for image-based hosts)":[""],"The authentication process currently requires an LDAP provider, such as <em>FreeIPA</em>,\\n <em>OpenLDAP</em> or <em>Microsoft's Active Directory</em>.":[""],"The class of CPU supplied in this machine. This is primarily used by Sparc Solaris builds and can be left blank for other architectures. The value can be determined on Solaris via uname -m":["La classe della CPU presente in questa macchina. Principalmente usata da Sparc Solaris, può essere lasciata vuota per altre architetture. Il valore può essere determinato su Solaris tramite uname -m"],"The class of the machine reported by the Open Boot Prom. This is primarily used by Sparc Solaris builds and can be left blank for other architectures. The value can be determined on Solaris via uname -i|cut -f2 -d,":["La classe della macchina riportata da Open Boot Prom. Principalmente usata da Sparc Solaris, può essere lasciata vuota per altre architetture. Il valore può essere determinato su Solaris tramite uname -i|cut -f2 -d,"],"The default administrator email address":["L'indirizzo email predefinito dell'amministratore"],"The dynamic partitioning style is currently only available for the Red Hat family of operating systems, all others must provide an explicit list of partitions and sizes.":["Il tipo di partizionamento dinamico è attualmente disponibile solo per la famiglia di sistemi operativi di Red Hat, tutti gli altri devono fornire un elenco esplicito di partizioni e dimensioni."],"The file path where your p12 file is located":["Il percorso del file dove viene posizionato il file p12"],"The final entry, Operating System default, can be set by editing the %s page.":["La voce finale, impostazione predefinita del sistema operativo, può essere impostata modificando la pagina %s."],"The following IPv4 subnets have been found. Please review the details before creating them.":[""],"The following entries were found conflicting with what foreman wanted to apply.":["Le seguenti voci sono in conflitto con il contenuto che Foreman desidera applicare."],"The following errors may prevent a successful build:":["I seguenti errori possono impedire il verificarsi di un processo di compilazione:"],"The following fields would need reviewing":["Ricontrollare i seguenti campi"],"The following hosts failed the build operation: %s":["L'operazione di compilazione è fallita sui seguenti host: %s"],"The following hosts were not %{action}: %{missed_hosts}":["I seguenti host non sono stati %{action}: %{missed_hosts}"],"The following hosts were not deleted: %s":["I seguenti host non sono stati cancellati %s"],"The following hosts were updated":["I seguenti host sono stati aggiornati"],"The following parameters were skipped as they did not exists on this host:":["I seguenti parametri sono stati saltati poichè non erano presenti su questo host:"],"The following table and example snippet shows global methods, variables and class methods and how to use them.":[""],"The full DNS domain name":["Il nome del dominio DNS completo"],"The host group's classes and the host group's variables are included in the external node information when the puppetmaster compiles the host's configuration.":["Le classi del gruppo di host e le variabili sono incluse nelle informazioni sul nodo esterno quando puppetmaster compila la configurazione dell'host."],"The inclusion of the keyword string <b>#Dynamic</b> at the start of a line lets Foreman know that this is not an explicit disk layout and must treated as a shell script, executed prior\\n to the install process and that the explicit partition table will be found at <b>/tmp/diskpart.cfg</b> during the build process.":[""],"The keys can be used in provisioning templates and are also available for configuration management tools managed by Foreman.":[""],"The keywords <b>$version</b>, <b>$major</b> and <b>$minor</b> will be interpolated back into the path specification to calculate the true URL address.":["<b>$version</b>, <b>$major</b> e <b>$minor</b> verranno usate nelle specifiche del percorso per calcolare il vero indirizzo URL."],"The list is excluding %{count} %{link_start}physical host%{link_end}.":["",""],"The location of the sendmail executable":[""],"The marked fields will need reviewing":["Ricontrollare i campi contrassegnati"],"The method used to provision the host. Possible provision_methods may be %{provision_methods}":[""],"The order in which matchers keys are processed, first match wins.<br> You may use multiple attributes as a matcher key, for example, an order of <code>host group, environment</code> would expect a matcher such as <code>hostgroup = \\\"web servers\\\", environment = production</code>":["L'ordine con il quale vengono processate le chiavi per la corrispondenza, a tale scopo viene utilizzata la prima corrispondenza.<br> È possibile usare attributi multipli, per esempio l'ordine <code>host group, environment</code> prevede una corrispondenza del tipo <code>hostgroup = \\\"web servers\\\", environment = production</code>"],"The order in which values are resolved":["L'ordine attraverso il quale vengono risolti i valori"],"The password will also be accessible to other users via templates and in the ENC YAML output; disable the bmc_credentials_accessible setting to prevent access.":[""],"The password will not be accessible to other users; enable the bmc_credentials_accessible setting to permit access via templates and in the ENC YAML output.":[""],"The path to the medium, can be a URL or a valid NFS server (exclusive of the architecture).\\n for example <em>$version/os/$arch</em> where <strong>$arch</strong> will be substituted for the host's actual OS architecture and <strong>$version</strong>, <strong>$major</strong> and <strong>$minor</strong> will be substituted for the version of the operating system. Solaris and Debian media may also use <strong>$release</strong>.":[""],"The power state of the selected hosts will be set to %s":[""],"The realm name, e.g. EXAMPLE.COM":["Nome del realm, es. EXAMPLE.COM"],"The remote system presented a public key signed by an unidentified certificate authority. If you are sure the remote system is authentic, go to the compute resource edit page, press the 'Test Connection' or 'Load Datacenters' button and submit":["Il sistema remoto presenta una chiave pubblica firmata da un certificate authority sconosciuto. Se sei sicuro che il sistema remoto sia autentico, vai sulla pagina per la modifica della risorsa di calcolo e premi \\\"Esegui il test della connessione' oppure 'Carica i datacenter', successivamete seleziona invia."],"The remote system presented a public key with hash %s but we're expecting a different hash. If you are sure the remote system is authentic, go to the compute resource edit page, press the 'Test Connection' or 'Load Datacenters' button and submit":["Il sistema remoto presenta una chiave pubblica con codice hash %s, ma era previsto un codice hash diverso. Se sei sicuro che il sistema remoto sia autentico, vai sulla pagina per la modifica della risorsa di calcolo e premi \\\"Esegui il test della connessione' oppure 'Carica i datacenter', successivamete seleziona invia."],"The selected hosts were enabled for reboot and rebuild":[""],"The selected hosts will execute a build operation on next reboot":["Gli host selezionati eseguiranno una operazione di compilazione al riavvio successivo"],"The snippet '%{name}' threw an error: %{exc}":[""],"The template is associated to at least one host in build mode. To apply the change, disable and enable build mode on hosts to update the live templates or choose to %s their configuration from 'Select Action' menu":[""],"The user that is used to ssh into the instance, normally cloud-user, ec2-user, ubuntu, root etc":["L'utente usato per una operazione ssh in una istanza, normalmente cloud-user, ec2-user, ubuntu, root ecc"],"The virtual machine is being deleted.":["La macchina virtuale è stata rimossa."],"There are migrations pending in the system.":[""],"There are no puppet environments set up on this puppet master. Please check the puppet master configuration.":[""],"There are orchestration modules with methods for configuration rebuild that have identical name: '%s'":[""],"There are two strategies when using host groups.":["Quando si utilizzano i gruppi di host sono disponibili due strategie."],"There is":["",""],"There is no owner with id %d and type %s":[""],"There is no proxy with BMC feature set up. Please register a smart proxy with this feature.":[""],"There was an error creating the PXE file: %s":[""],"There was an error listing %{listing}: %{errors}":[""],"There was an error listing VMs: %(status)s %(statusText)s":["Si è verificato un errore durante l'elenco delle VM: %(status)s %(statusText)s"],"There was an error rendering the %s template: ":["Si è verificato un errore nella riproduzione del modello %s:"],"There was an error rendering the %{name} template: %{error}":[""],"There was no active bridge interface found in libvirt, if it does not support listing, you can enter the bridge name manually (e.g. br0)":[""],"These are guaranteed to work via the safe mode rendering, to ensure a template can do nothing harmful.":[""],"These two options are personal decisions and are up to you (where the main difference would be the parameter/variables settings).":["Queste due opzioni sono impostazioni personalizzate dell'utente (la differenza principale sono le impostazioni parametro/variabili)."],"Thin provision":["Thin provision"],"This Puppet class has no parameters in its signature.":["La classe di questo puppet non ha alcun parametro nella propria firma."],"This allows Foreman to associate a puppet variable with a domain/site and automatically append this variable to all external node requests made by machines at that site.":[""],"This group has nested groups!":["In questo gruppo sono presenti gruppi nidificati!"],"This group has no roles":[""],"This host's stored facts and reports will be deleted too.":["Verranno cancellati anche le notifiche e gli eventi archiviati di questo host."],"This is a test message to confirm that Foreman's email configuration is working.":[""],"This is for every location and organization that uses it.":[""],"This is for every location that uses it.":[""],"This is for every organization that uses it.":[""],"This is inherited from parent":["Ereditato dal genitore"],"This is used by a host":["Usato da un host"],"This might take a while, as all hosts, facts and reports will be destroyed as well":["Questa operazione potrebbe richiedere qualche istante poichè saranno annullati anche gli host, eventi e riporti"],"This role has been cloned from role %s":[""],"This role is locked for editing.":[""],"This role is locked from being modified by users.":[""],"This setting is defined in the configuration file '%{filename}' and is read-only.":[""],"This template is locked and may not be removed.":["Questo template è bloccato e non può essere rimosso."],"This template is locked for editing.":["Questo template non può essere modificato."],"This template is locked. Please clone it to a new template to customize.":["Questo template è bloccato. Eseguire la sua clonazione in un nuovo template per personalizzarlo."],"This template is locked. You may only change the associations. Please %s it to customize.":[""],"This value is not hidden":[""],"This value is used also as the host's primary interface name.":[""],"This will reset parameters of the class %s to their default values. Continue?":["Questa azione resetterà i parametri della classe %s sui rispettivi valori predefiniti. Continuare?"],"This will set all parameters of the class %s as overridden. Continue?":["Questa azione imposterà i parametri della classe %s su sovrascritti. Continuare?"],"Time":["Ora"],"Time in Seconds":["Tempo in secondi"],"Time in minutes installation tokens should be valid for, 0 to disable token generation":[""],"Timeout for DNS conflict validation (in seconds)":[""],"Timeout has occurred while communicating with %s":["Si è verificato un Timeout durante la comunicazione con %s"],"To define trend counters, use the Add Trend Counter button.</br> To start collecting trend data, set a cron job to execute 'foreman-rake trends:counter' every Puppet Interval (%s minutes).":[""],"To enable a provider, either install the OS package (e.g. foreman-libvirt) or enable the bundler group for development setup (e.g. ovirt).":["Per abilitare un provider installare il pacchetto del sistema operativo (es. foreman-libvirt), oppure abilitare il gruppo bundler per una impostazione di sviluppo (es. ovirt)."],"To enable safe mode, navigate to Settings page and enable Safemode rendering option.":[""],"To start collecting trend data, set a cron job to execute <span class='black'>foreman-rake trends:counter</span> every Puppet Interval (%s minutes)":["Per ottenere i dati sul trend impostare un cron job per eseguire <span class='black'>foreman-rake trends:counter</span> ad ogni intervallo Puppet (%s minuti)."],"To update the class signature, go to the Puppet Classes page and select \\\"Import\\\".":["Per aggiornare la firma della classe, andare sulla pagina Classi del puppet e selezionare \\\"Importa\\\"."],"Toggle":["Attiva/Disattiva"],"Token":["Token"],"Token duration":[""],"Token expired":[""],"Token|Expires":["Scadenza"],"Token|Value":["Valore"],"Total":["Totale"],"Total Hosts: %s":["Host totali: %s"],"Total hosts count":[""],"Total of one host":["",""],"Trend":["Tendenza"],"Trend counter":["Contatore di trend"],"Trend of the last %s days.":["Trend negli ultimi %s giorni."],"TrendCounter|Count":["Numero"],"Trends":["Trend"],"Trends for %s":["Trend per %s"],"Trend|Fact name":["Nome evento"],"Trend|Fact value":["Valore evento"],"Trend|Name":["Nome"],"Trend|Trendable type":["Tipo di tendenza"],"Trigger a puppetrun on a node; requires that puppet run is enabled":["Attiva una esecuzione del puppet sul nodo; per fare questo è necessario abilitare l'esecuzione del puppet"],"Troubleshooting":["Troubleshooting"],"True/False flag whether a host is managed or unmanaged. Note: this value also determines whether several parameters are required or not":["Flag True/False se l'host è gestito o non gestito. Nota: questo valore indica anche se è necessario usare alcuni parametri"],"Trusted puppetmaster hosts":[""],"Try going to %{href}":["Prova ad andare su %{href}"],"Type":["Tipo"],"Type of name generator":[""],"Type of realm, e.g. FreeIPA":["Tipo di Realm, es FreeIPA "],"Type or protocol, IPv4 or IPv6, defaults to IPv4":[""],"Types of validation values":[""],"Types of variable values":[""],"URL":["URL"],"URL for %{providers_requiring_url}":[""],"URL hosts will retrieve templates from during build (normally http as many installers don't support https)":["Gli host URL recupereranno i modelli dalla compilazione (normalmente http poichè numerosi installer non supportano https)"],"URL must be valid and schema must be one of %s":[""],"URL where your Foreman instance is reachable (see also Provisioning > unattended_url)":["URL attraverso il quale è possibile raggiungere l'istanza di Foreman (consultare anche Provisioning > unattended_url)"],"UTC time of report":["Orario UTC della notifica"],"UUID":["UUID"],"UUID to track orchestration tasks status, GET /api/orchestration/:UUID/tasks":["UUID per controllare gli stati dei compiti d'orchestrazione, GET /api/orchestration/:UUID/tasks"],"Unable to access key":["Impossibile accedere alla chiave"],"Unable to authenticate user %s":["Impossibile autenticare l'utente %s"],"Unable to change VM display listen address, make sure the display is not attached to localhost only":["Impossibile modificare l'indirizzo d'ascolto del display della VM, assicurarsi che il display non è collegato solo a localhost"],"Unable to communicate with the proxy: %s":["Impossibile comunicare con il proxy: %s"],"Unable to connect":["Impossibile collegarsi"],"Unable to connect to LDAP server":[""],"Unable to create default TFTP boot menu":["Impossibile creare il menu per l'avvio TFTP predefinito"],"Unable to create realm entry":["Impossibile creare una voce per l'area di autenticazione"],"Unable to create the default role.":[""],"Unable to delete DHCP entry for %s":["Impossibile rimuovere la voce DHCP per %s"],"Unable to delete DNS entry":["Impossibile rimuovere la voce DNS"],"Unable to delete PuppetCA autosign for %s":["Impossibile rimuovere PuppetCA autosign per %s"],"Unable to delete PuppetCA certificate for %s":["Impossibile rimuovere il certificato PuppetCA per %s"],"Unable to delete TFTP boot entry for %s":["Impossibile rimuovere la voce per l'avvio TFTP di %s"],"Unable to detect TFTP boot server":["Impossibile rilevare il server d'avvio TFTP"],"Unable to detect features":["Impossibile rilevare le funzionalità"],"Unable to detect version":[""],"Unable to determine the host's boot server. The DHCP smart proxy failed to provide this information and this subnet is not provided with TFTP services.":["Impossibile determinare il server d'avvio dell'host. DHCP smart proxy non ha fornito le informazioni necessarie e questa sottorete non dispone dei servizi TFTP."],"Unable to disable bmc_credentials_accessible when safemode_render is disabled":[""],"Unable to disable safemode_render when bmc_credentials_accessible is disabled":[""],"Unable to execute Puppet run":["Impossibile eseguire il puppet"],"Unable to fetch TFTP boot file":["Impossibile recuperare il file per l'avvio TFTP"],"Unable to fetch logs":[""],"Unable to find IP address for '%s'":["Impossibile trovare l'indirizzo IP per '%s'"],"Unable to find a proxy with BMC feature":["Impossibile trovare un proxy con una funzione BMC"],"Unable to find proper authentication method":["Impossibile trovare un metodo di autenticazione corretto"],"Unable to find template %s":["Impossibile trovare il modello %s"],"Unable to generate output, Check log files":[""],"Unable to get BMC providers":["Impossibile acquisire i provider BMC"],"Unable to get PuppetCA autosign":["Imppossibile ottenere PuppetCA autosign"],"Unable to get PuppetCA certificates":["Impossibile ottenere i certificati PuppetCA"],"Unable to get classes from Puppet for %s":["Impossibile ottenere le classi dal puppet per %s"],"Unable to get environment from Puppet":["Impossibile ottenere l'ambiente dal puppet"],"Unable to get environments from Puppet":["Impossibile ottenere gli ambienti dal puppet"],"Unable to get installed BMC providers":["Impossibile acquisire i provider BMC installati"],"Unable to initialize ProxyAPI class %s":[""],"Unable to perform boot BMC operation":["Impossibile eseguire l'operazione d'avvio di BMC"],"Unable to perform identify BMC operation":["Impossibile eseguire l'operazione di identificazione di BMC"],"Unable to perform lan BMC operation":["Impossibile eseguire l'operazione lan BMC"],"Unable to perform power BMC operation":["Impossibile eseguire una operazione di gestione dell'alimentazione con BMC"],"Unable to render %{kind} template '%{name}': %{e}":[""],"Unable to render '%{name}' template: %{e}":[""],"Unable to retrieve DHCP entry for %s":["Impossibile recuperare la voce DHCP per %s"],"Unable to retrieve DHCP subnet":["Impossibile ripristinare la sottorete DHCP"],"Unable to retrieve DHCP subnets":["Impossibile ripristinare le sottoreti DHCP"],"Unable to retrieve unused IP":["Impossibile recuperare l'IP non utilizzato"],"Unable to save":["Impossibile salvare"],"Unable to send email, check server logs for more information":[""],"Unable to set DHCP entry":["Impossibile impostare la voce DHCP"],"Unable to set DNS entry":["Impossibile impostare la voce DNS"],"Unable to set PuppetCA autosign for %s":["Impossibile impostare PuppetCA autosign per %s"],"Unable to set TFTP boot entry for %s":["Impossibile impostare la voce per l'avvio TFTP di %s"],"Unable to sign PuppetCA certificate for %s":["Impossibile firmare il certificato PuppetCA per %s"],"Unable to turn on websockets_encrypt, either websockets_ssl_key or websockets_ssl_cert is missing":[""],"Unable to unset websockets_ssl_cert when websockets_encrypt is on":[""],"Unable to unset websockets_ssl_key when websockets_encrypt is on":[""],"Unallowed template for dashboard widget: %s":[""],"Unattended URL":[""],"Undo remove":["Annulla la rimozione"],"Undo selection":[""],"Unhide this value":[""],"Unknown":["Sconosciuto"],"Unknown IPAM type - can't continue":[""],"Unknown Power State":["Stato alimentazione sconosciuto"],"Unknown action name for success message: %s":["Nome azione sconosciuto per il messaggio di esecuzione corretto: %s"],"Unknown build status":[""],"Unknown device: available devices are %s":["Tipo di dispositivo sconosciuto: i dispositivi disponibili sono %s"],"Unknown interface type, must be one of [%s]":["Tipo di interfaccia sconosciuta deve essere una tra [%s]"],"Unknown power action: available methods are %s":["Azione di gestione alimentazione sconosciuta: i metodi disponibili sono %s"],"Unknown power management support - can't continue":["Supporto gestione alimentazione sconosciuto - impossibile continuare"],"Unknown power state":[""],"Unlock":["Sblocca"],"Unmanage host":["Rimuovi gestione dell'host"],"Unsupported IPAM mode for %s":[""],"Unsupported password hash function '%s'":["Funzione di cifratura della password non supportata '%s'"],"Unsupported report status format":["Formato stato riporto non supportato"],"Update":["Aggiorna"],"Update :a_resource":["Aggiorna :a_resource"],"Update IP from built request":[""],"Update a Puppet class":["Aggiorna una classe puppet"],"Update a bookmark":["Aggiorna un segnalibro"],"Update a compute attributes set":["Aggiorna un insieme di attributi di calcolo"],"Update a compute profile":["Aggiorna un profilo di calcolo"],"Update a compute resource":["Aggiorna una risorsa di calcolo"],"Update a config group":["Aggiorna un gruppo di configurazione"],"Update a default template combination for an operating system":["Aggiorna una combinazione del template predefinito per un sistema operativo"],"Update a domain":["Aggiorna un dominio"],"Update a filter":["Aggiorna un filtro"],"Update a global parameter":["Aggiorna un parametro globale"],"Update a hardware model":["Aggiorna un modello hardware"],"Update a host":["Aggiorna un host"],"Update a host group":["Aggiorna un gruppo di host"],"Update a host's interface":["Aggiorna una interfaccia dell'host"],"Update a medium":["Aggiorna un supporto"],"Update a nested parameter for a domain":["Aggiorna un parametro nidificato per un dominio"],"Update a nested parameter for a host":["Aggiorna un parametro nidificato per un host"],"Update a nested parameter for a host group":["Aggiorna un parametro nidificato per un gruppo di host"],"Update a nested parameter for a location":["Aggiorna un parametro nidificato per una posizione"],"Update a nested parameter for a subnet":[""],"Update a nested parameter for an operating system":["Aggiorna un parametro nidificato per un sistema operativo"],"Update a nested parameter for an organization":["Aggiorna un parametro nidificato per una organizzazione"],"Update a partition table":["Aggiorna una tabella delle partizioni"],"Update a provisioning template":["Aggiorna un template di provisioning"],"Update a realm":["Aggiorna un realm"],"Update a role":["Aggiorna un ruolo"],"Update a setting":["Aggiorna una impostazione"],"Update a smart class parameter":["Aggiorna un parametro classe smart"],"Update a smart proxy":["Aggiorna uno smart proxy"],"Update a smart variable":["Aggiorna una variabile smart"],"Update a subnet":["Aggiorna una sottorete"],"Update a user":["Aggiorna un utente"],"Update a user group":["Aggiorna un gruppo di utenti"],"Update an LDAP authentication source":["Aggiorna un sorgente di autenticazione LDAP"],"Update an architecture":["Aggiorna una architettura"],"Update an environment":["Aggiorna un ambiente"],"Update an image":["Aggiorna una immagine"],"Update an operating system":["Aggiorna un sistema operativo"],"Update an override value for a specific smart class parameter":["Aggiorna un valore override per un parametro di classe smart specifico"],"Update an override value for a specific smart variable":["Aggiorna un valore override per una variabile smart specifica"],"Update environment from facts":[""],"Update external user group":["Aggiorna un gruppo di utenti esterno"],"Update realm entry for %s":["Aggiorna la voce dell'area di autenticazione per %s"],"Update subnets from facts":[""],"Update template combination":[""],"Update the default PXE menu on all configured TFTP servers":["Aggiorna il menu predefinito di PXE su tutti i server TFTP configurati"],"Update:":["Aggiorna:"],"Updated":["Aggiornato"],"Updated all hosts!":["Tutti gli host aggiornati!"],"Updated hosts: Disassociated from VM":["Host aggiornati: Non associati con la VM"],"Updated hosts: changed environment":["Host aggiornati: ambiente modificato"],"Updated hosts: changed host group":["Host aggiornati: gruppo di host modificato"],"Updated hosts: changed owner":[""],"Upload facts for a host, creating the host if required":["Carica gli eventi per un host creando, se necessario, un host"],"Use Gravatar":[""],"Use UUID for certificates":[""],"Use short name for VMs":[""],"Use this account to authenticate, <i>optional</i>":["Usa questo account per l'autenticazione, <i>opzionale</i>"],"Use this puppet server as a CA server":["Usa questo server puppet come un server CA"],"Use this puppet server as an initial Puppet Server or to execute puppet runs":["Usa questo server puppet come server puppet iniziale o per eseguire il puppet"],"Used to enforce certain values for the parameter values":[""],"User":["Utente"],"User Group":[""],"User Groups":["Gruppi di utenti"],"User IDs":["ID Utenti"],"User data template":[""],"User groups":["Gruppi di utenti"],"User groups enable users to log into Foreman and be automatically granted permissions.":[""],"User role":["Ruolo utente"],"User's preferred locale":[""],"User's timezone":[""],"UserRole|Owner type":["Tipo di proprietario"],"Usergroup":["Gruppo utenti"],"Usergroup member":["Membro gruppo utenti"],"UsergroupMember|Member type":["Tipo di membro"],"Usergroup|Admin":["Ammin"],"Usergroup|Auth source":["Sorgente di autenticazione"],"Usergroup|Name":["Nome"],"Username":["Nome utente"],"Username for oVirt, EC2, VMware, OpenStack. Access Key for EC2.":[""],"Username to use to authenticate, if required":[""],"Users":["Utenti"],"User|Admin":["Ammin"],"User|Avatar hash":["Avatar hash"],"User|Firstname":["Nome"],"User|Last login on":["Ultimo login"],"User|Lastname":["Cognome"],"User|Locale":["Locale"],"User|Login":["Accesso"],"User|Lower login":["User|Nome utente in minuscolo"],"User|Mail":["E-mail"],"User|Mail enabled":["User|Posta abilitata"],"User|Password hash":["Cifratura password"],"User|Password salt":["Valore sale della Password"],"Uses thin provisioning if unchecked":["Usa thin provisioning se non selezionato"],"Using the organization system provides a way to group resources together for easy management. Organizations are particularly useful for Foreman installations where several customers or business units are managed with a single Foreman install.":[""],"VCPU(s)":["VCPU"],"VCenter/Server":["VCenter/Server"],"VLAN ID for this subnet":["ID VLAN per questa sottorete"],"VLAN tag, this attribute has precedence over the subnet VLAN ID. Only for virtual interfaces.":["VLAN tag, questo attributo ha la precedenza rispetto a VLAN ID. Solo per interfacce virtuali."],"VM":["VM"],"VM Attributes":["Attributi VM"],"VM Attributes (%s)":["Attributi VM (%s)"],"VM already associated with a host":["VM già associata con un host"],"VM associated to host %s":["VM associata all'host %s"],"VM is not running!":["La VM non è in esecuzione!"],"VNC/SPICE websocket proxy console access encryption (websockets_ssl_key/cert setting required)":[""],"Valid from":["Valido da"],"Valid host group and environment combinations":["Combinazioni ambiente e gruppo utenti valide"],"Validation types":["Tipi di convalida"],"Value":["Valore"],"Value to use when there is no match":["Valore da usare quando non è presente alcuna corrispondenza"],"Value to use when there is no match.":[""],"Variable":["Variabile"],"Variable lookup key":[""],"Variables":["Variabili"],"Vendor class":["Classe rivenditore"],"Verify":["Verifica"],"Version":["Versione"],"Version %{version}":["Versione %{version}"],"Version %{version} %{copyright} 2009-%{year} Paul Kelly and %{author}":[""],"Very Strong":["Molto forte"],"View Diff":["Visualizze le differenze"],"View in Foreman:":[""],"View last report details":["Visualizza le informazioni sull'ultimo riporto"],"View list":[""],"Virtual (NAT)":["Virtuale (NAT)"],"Virtual H/W version":["Versione H/W virtuale"],"Virtual Machine":["Macchina Virtuale"],"Virtual Machines":["Server Virtuali"],"Virtual Machines on %s":["Macchine virtuali su %s"],"Virtual NIC":["NIC virtuale"],"Virtual machine settings cannot be edited on an existing machine in %s":[""],"WARNING":["AVVERTENZA"],"Wait for %s to come online":["Attendi che %s risulti online"],"Warning":["Attenzione"],"Warning!":["Attenzione!"],"Warning! This will remove %{name} from %{number} user. are you sure?":["",""],"Warning: This will delete this host and all of its data!":["Attenzione: Questa operazione cancellerà l'host insieme ai suoi dati"],"Warnings and errors":["Avvisi ed errori"],"We have not found any documentation for your API.":["Non abbiamo trovato alcuna documentazione per l'API."],"We use Redmine to report and track bugs and feature requests, which can be found here:":["Usiamo Redmine per riportare e monitorare bug e le richieste di funzionalità, disponibili qui di seguito:"],"Weak":["Debole"],"Websockets SSL certificate":[""],"Websockets SSL key":[""],"Websockets encryption":[""],"Weekly":["Settimanale"],"Welcome to Foreman":["Benvenuto su Foreman"],"What ever text(or ERB template) you use in here, would be used as your OS disk layout options If you want to use the partition table option, delete all of the text from this field":["Qualsiasi testo (o modello ERB) qui utilizzato, verrà implementato come opzione della disposizione del disco per l'OS. Se desideri utilizzare l'opzione per la tabella delle partizioni, cancellare tutto il testo da questo campo"],"When a Host requests a template (e.g. during provisioning), Foreman will select the best match from the available templates of that type, in the following order:":["Quando un host richiede un template (es. durante il provisioning), Foreman selezionerà la corrispondenza migliore dai modelli disponibili di quel genere, seguendo il seguente ordine:"],"When a realm is selected for a host, Foreman contacts the relevant realm smart proxy to create an entry for the host and retrieve it's one-time registration password.":[""],"When editing a template, you must assign a list of operating systems which this template can be used with. Optionally, you can restrict a template to a list of host groups and/or environments.":[""],"When enabled the parameter is hidden in the UI":[""],"When specifying custom value, add 'MB' or 'GB' at the end. Field is not case sensitive and MB is default if unspecified.":[""],"When the role's associated %{taxonomies} are changed,<br> the change will propagate to all inheriting filters.\\n Filters that are set to override <br> will remain untouched. Overriding of role filters can be easily disabled by <br> pressing the \\\"Disable overriding\\\" button.\\n Note that not all filters support <br>%{taxonomies}, so these always remain global.":[""],"When using SSH based provisioning, a special SSH key is created in order to automate the provisioning process.":[""],"When using TLS, you can set how OpenSSL checks the certificate":[""],"Whether or not the image supports user data":[""],"Whether or not the template is locked for editing":["Indica se il template è stato bloccato per la modifica"],"Whether the class parameter value is managed by Foreman.":[""],"Whether the smart class parameter value is managed by Foreman":[""],"Which is an offset of <b>%s</b>":["È un offset di <b>%s</b>"],"Widget added to dashboard.":[""],"Widget positions successfully saved.":[""],"Widget removed from dashboard.":[""],"Wiki":["Wiki"],"With user groups, you can group your users and assign them roles on a group basis.":[""],"X509 Certification Authorities":["X509 Certification Authorities"],"YAML":["YAML"],"Yes":["Sì"],"You are about to change the default PXE menu on all configured TFTP servers - continue?":[""],"You are about to override the editor content with a previous version, are you sure?":["Stai per sovrascrivere il contenuto dell'editor con una versione precedente - sei sicuro di voler continuare?"],"You are about to override the editor content, are you sure?":["Stai per sovrascrivere il contenuto dell'editor, sei sicuro di voler continuare?"],"You are about to unlock a locked template.":[""],"You are not authorized to lock templates.":[""],"You are not authorized to make a template default.":[""],"You are not authorized to perform this action.":["Non sei autorizzato a eseguire questa azione."],"You are trying to delete your own account":["Stai cercando di cancellare il tuo account"],"You are using an unsupported browser.":["Stai utilizzando un browser non supportato."],"You can add SSH public keys to a user in Foreman.":[""],"You can find The Foreman on the %{freenode} ( network. For general support, please visit #theforeman and for development specific related chat, please visit #theforeman-dev.":["Foreman è disponibile sulla rete %{freenode} ( Per un supporto generico visitare #theforeman, e per argomenti specifici allo sviluppo visitare #theforeman-dev."],"You can select one of the IPAM modes supported by the selected IP protocol:<br/><ul><li><strong>DHCP</strong> - will manage the IP on DHCP through assigned DHCP proxy, auto-suggested IPs come from DHCP <em>(IPv4)</em></li><li><strong>Internal DB</strong> - use internal DB to auto-suggest free IP based on other interfaces on same subnet respecting range if specified, useful mainly with static boot mode <em>(IPv4, IPv6)</em></li><li><strong>EUI-64</strong> - will assign the IPv6 address based on the MAC address of the interface <em>(IPv6)</em></li><li><strong>None</strong> - leave IP management solely on user, no auto-suggestion <em>(IPv4, IPv6)</em></li></ul>":[""],"You can't assign locations to this resource":["Non puoi assegnare le posizioni a questa risorsa"],"You can't assign organizations to this resource":["Non puoi assegnare le organizzazioni a questa risorsa"],"You cannot delete this user while logged in as this user.":["Impossibile rimuovere l'utente se sei registrato come utente."],"You do not have permission to %s this location parameter":["Non sei in possesso dei permessi per %s questo parametro della posizione"],"You do not have permission to %s this organization parameter":["Non sei in possesso dei permessi per %s questo parametro dellorganizzazione"],"You don't have any visible hosts. Hosts can be added and provisioned from Foreman, or configured to report to Foreman.":[""],"You don't seem to have any bookmarks.":[""],"You don't seem to have any facts yet. If you wish to configure fact pushing, please follow the documentation.":[""],"You don't seem to have any reports.":[""],"You have already logged in":[""],"You may also associate one or more operating systems with this medium or alternatively set this up later on the %s page.":["È possibile associare uno o più sistemi operativi con il supporto o alternativamente impostarlo in un secondo momento sulla pagina %s."],"You may also associate one or more operating systems with this partition table or alternatively set this up later on the %s page":["È possibile associare uno o più sistemi operativi con questa tabella delle partizioni o alternativamente impostarlo in un secondo momento sulla pagina %s"],"You may create puppet classes that represent high-level host configurations, for example, a <b>host-type-ldap-server</b> class, which includes all the required functionality from other modules or you may decide to create a host group called <b>host-type-ldap-server</b> and add the required classes into the host group configuration.":["È possibile creare le classi puppet che rappresentano configurazioni host dettagliate, per esempio <b>host-type-ldap-server</b>, le quali includono tutte le funzionalità necessarie di altri moduli, oppure creare un gruppo di host chiamato <b>host-type-ldap-server</b>, e aggiungere le classi necessarie nella configurazione del gruppo di host."],"You must create a location before continuing.":["Prima di continuare è necessario creare una posizione."],"You must create an organization before continuing.":["Prima di continuare è necessario creare una organizzazione."],"You must create at least one location before continuing.":["Prima di continuare è necessario creare almeno una posizione."],"You must create at least one organization before continuing.":["Prima di continuare è necessario creare almeno una organizzazione."],"You must select at least one permission":["Selezionare almeno un permesso"],"You probably need to configure your %s first.":[""],"You would probably need to attach the":["Molto probabilmente è necesario allegare"],"Your Foreman user account has been created:":["Il tuo account utente di Foreman è stato creato:"],"Your host has finished building:":[""],"Your password is too short":["La tua password è troppo corta"],"Your password should not contain sequences":[""],"Your password should not contain that many repetitions":[""],"Your password should not contain your email":[""],"Your password should not contain your username":[""],"Your password should use characters from different character classes too":[""],"Your session has expired, please login again":["La sessione è scaduta, eseguire nuovamente la registrazione"],"ZTP PXE template":[""],"Zone":["Zona"],"[encrypted]":[""],"a location":["una località"],"add a new matcher":[""],"add new network interface":["aggiungi una nuova interfaccia di rete"],"add new storage volume":["aggiungi un nuovo volume per l'archiviazione"],"all":["tutto"],"already 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subnet is saved":[""],"can't contain spaces.":[""],"can't delete primary interface of managed host":[""],"can't delete provision interface of managed host":[""],"can't find domain with this id":[""],"cannot be changed":["non può essere modificato"],"cannot be changed by a non-admin user":[""],"cannot be changed on an internal protected account":["non può essere modificato su un account protetto interno"],"cannot be enabled for an unmanaged host":[""],"cannot be removed from an internal protected account":["non può essere rimosso da un account protetto interno"],"cannot be removed from the last admin account":["non può essere rimosso dall'ultimo account ammin"],"clone":["clona"],"comma separated interface identifiers":["identificatori dell'interfaccia separati da virgole"],"comments powered by %{disqus}":["commenti alimentati da %{disqus}"],"could not be calculated":[""],"could not be found in %s":[""],"could not be generated":[""],"cycle":["ciclo"],"default locations need to be user 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Nome"],"e.g. http://openstack:5000/v2.0/tokens":["es. http://openstack:5000/v2.0/tokens"],"e.g.":["es."],"e.g.":["es."],"e.g. jpegPhoto":["es. jpegPhoto"],"e.g. karmic, lucid, hw0910 etc":["es. karmic, lucid, hw0910 etc"],"e.g. mail":["es. mail"],"e.g. qemu://":["es. qemu://"],"e.g. sn":["es. sn"],"e.g. uid":["es. uid"],"enable caching, for VMware only":[""],"environment id":["id ambiente"],"failed to %{action} %{vm}":["impossibile %{action} %{vm}"],"failed to detect boot server: %s":["impossibile rilevare il server d'avvio: %s"],"failed to execute puppetrun: %s":["impossibile eseguire puppetrun: %s"],"failed to save %s":["Impossibile salvare %s"],"filter for %s role":["filtra ruolo %s"],"filter results":["filtra i risultati"],"for EC2 only":["solo per EC2"],"for Libvirt and VMware only":[""],"for Libvirt only":[""],"for OpenStack only":[""],"for VMware":[""],"for oVirt, VMware Datacenter":[""],"for proxy":["per il proxy"],"free memory":["memoria disponibile"],"from profile %s":[""],"further instructions":["ulteriori informazioni"],"global":["globali"],"groups base DN":[""],"has already been taken":["è già stato selezionato"],"has this role already":["ha già questo ruolo"],"hash":["hash"],"hash containing the facts for the host":["hash contenente gli eventi per l'host"],"host":[""],"host already has primary interface":[""],"host already has provision interface":[""],"host group":[""],"host group id":["id gruppo di host"],"host must have one primary interface":[""],"hostname of the host":["hostname dell'host"],"iPXE template":[""],"in %s":["in %s"],"in Progress":["in corso"],"in progress":[""],"included already from parent":["già incluso dal genitore"],"inherit":[""],"integer":["intero"],"interface information":["informazioni sull'interfaccia"],"invalid":["Invalido"],"invalid LDAP filter syntax":["sintassi filtro LDAP non valido"],"invalid architecture for %s":["architettura non valida per %s"],"invalid host list":["elenco host non valido"],"invalid medium for %s":["supporto non valido per %s"],"invalid method %s":["metodo %s non valido"],"invalid path":["percorso non valido"],"invalid search query: %s":["interrogazione ricerca non valida: %s"],"invalid time range":["intervallo ora non valido"],"invalid type %s":["tipo di %s non valido"],"invalid type: %s requested":["tipo non valido: richiesto %s"],"is already used by a user account":["è stato già usato da un account utente"],"is an admin account":["è un account amministrativo"],"is an admin user group":[""],"is an unsupported provisioning method":["è un metodo di provisioning non supportato"],"is invalid":["non è valido"],"is invalid %s":["non è valido %s"],"is invalid. 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Deselezionare per annullare"],"json":["json"],"last %s day":["",""],"link external user group with this user group":["collega il gruppo di utenti esterno a questo gruppo"],"list":["elenco"],"locale_name":["locale_name"],"location":["posizione"],"locations":["posizioni"],"managed host must have one provision interface":[""],"message":["messaggio"],"must be a unicast MAC address":[""],"must be a valid regexp":[""],"must be an array":["deve essere un insieme"],"must be boolean":["deve essere un valore booleano"],"must be comma separated":[""],"must be integer":["deve essere un valore intero"],"must be of same resource type (%s) - Role (%s)":[""],"must be of type Subnet::Ipv4.":[""],"must be of type Subnet::Ipv6.":[""],"must be one of [ %s ]":["deve essere uno di [ %s ]"],"must be specified if from is defined":["deve essere specificato se è stato dafinito \\\"da\\\""],"must be specified if to is defined":["deve essere specificato se è stato dafinito \\\"a\\\""],"must be true to edit the parameter":[""],"must contain valid hostnames":[""],"must not include periods":["non deve includere il carattere punto"],"must only contain alphanumeric or underscore characters":[""],"must provide a provider":["fornire un provider"],"must set host and port":["impostare host e porta"],"new":["nuovo"],"nil allowed":["permesso nil"],"nil means host is bare metal":["nil indica che l'host è bare metal"],"no free IP could be found in our DB":[""],"no puppet proxy defined - 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var locales = locales || {}; locales['ja'] = {"domain":"app","locale_data":{"app":{"":{"Project-Id-Version":"Foreman","Report-Msgid-Bugs-To":"","PO-Revision-Date":"2017-08-03 17:20+0000","Last-Translator":"Lukáš Zapletal","Language-Team":"Japanese (","MIME-Version":"1.0","Content-Type":"text/plain; charset=UTF-8","Content-Transfer-Encoding":"8bit","Language":"ja","Plural-Forms":"nplurals=1; plural=0;","lang":"ja","domain":"app","plural_forms":"nplurals=1; plural=0;"}," Remove":["削除"],"%s - Press Shift-F12 to release the cursor.":["%s - マウスを使えるように、Shift+F12 を押して下さい"],"%s - The following hosts are about to be changed":["%s - 以下のホストはすぐに変更されます"],"%s Distribution":["%s 分布"],"%s Parameters updated, see below for more information":["%s パラメーターが更新されました。詳細は以下を参照してください"],"%s Template":["%s テンプレート"],"%s VM associated to a host":["%s VM がホストに関連付けられました"],"%s active feature":["",""],"%s ago":["%s前"],"%s console is not supported at this time":["%s コンソールはまだサポートされていません"],"%s core":["%s コア"],"%s day ago":["%s 日前"],"%s error message":["",""],"%s has been disassociated from VM":["%s の VM との関連付けが解除されました"],"%s host":["%s ホスト"],"%s is an unknown attribute":["%s は不明な属性です"],"%s is not a valid DNS record type":["%s は有効な DNS レコードタイプではありません"],"%s is not in environment":["%s は環境にありません"],"%s log message":["",""],"%s minute ago":["%s 分前"],"%s month ago":["%s か月前"],"%s selected hosts":["%s つの選択されたホスト"],"%s warning message":["",""],"%s week ago":["%s 週間前"],"%s widget loading...":["%s ウィジェットのロード中..."],"%{app_name} API documentation homepage":["%{app_name} API ドキュメントホームページ"],"%{config_type} rebuild failed for host: %{host_names}.":["",""],"%{controller}: %{host}'s operating system %{os} has no OS family":["%{controller}: %{host} のオペレーティングシステム %{os} には OS の種類がありません"],"%{controller}: %{host}'s operating system is missing":["%{controller}: %{host} のオペレーティングシステムが不明です"],"%{controller}: unable to find a host that matches the request from %{addr}":["%{controller}: %{addr} からの要求に一致するホストを見つけることができません"],"%{cores} Cores and %{memory} memory":["%{cores} コアおよび %{memory} メモリー"],"%{count} host with no %{taxonomy_single} assigned":["%{taxonomy_single} が割り当てられていないホストが %{count} つあります"],"%{cpus} CPUs and %{memory} MB memory":["%{cpus} CPU および %{memory} MB メモリー"],"%{cpus} CPUs and %{memory} memory":["%{cpus} CPU および %{memory} メモリー"],"%{e} does not belong to the %{environment} environment":["%{e} は %{environment} 環境に属していません"],"%{host} is about to %{action}":["%{host} はすぐに %{action} を実行します"],"%{host} now boots from %{device}":["%{host} は %{device} から起動します"],"%{id} plugin requires Foreman %{matcher} but current is %{current}":["%{id} プラグインには Foreman %{matcher} が必要ですが、現在は %{current} です"],"%{id} plugin requires the %{plugin_name} plugin %{matcher} but current is %{plugin_version}":["%{id} プラグインには %{plugin_name} プラグイン %{matcher} が必要ですが、現在は %{plugin_version} です"],"%{id} plugin requires the %{plugin_name} plugin, not found":["%{id} プラグインには %{plugin_name} プラグインが必要ですが、見つかりません"],"%{image} needs user data, but %{os_link} is not associated to any provisioning template of the kind user_data. Please associate it with a suitable template or uncheck 'User data' for %{compute_resource_image_link}.":["%{image} はユーザーデータが必要ですが、%{os_link} は user_data の種類のプロビジョニングテンプレートに関連付けられていません。適切なテンプレートに関連付けるか、%{compute_resource_image_link} の「ユーザーデータ」のチェックを外してください。"],"%{key} does not exist in order field":["%{key} は順序フィールドに存在しません"],"%{match} does not match an existing host":["%{match} は既存ホストに一致しません"],"%{match} does not match an existing host group":["%{match} は既存のホストグループに一致しません"],"%{model} with id '%{id}' was not found":["id '%{id}' の %{model} が見つかりませんでした"],"%{name} changed from %{label1} to %{label2}":["%{name} は %{label1} から %{label2} に変更されました"],"%{name} has %{num_tag} class":["%{name} は、 %{num_tag} クラスです"],"%{os} medium was not set for host '%{host}'":["%{os} メディアがホスト '%{host}' に設定されていませんでした"],"%{record} is being used by a hidden %{what} resource":["%{record} は、非表示の %{what} リソースによって使用されています"],"%{record} is used by %{what}":["%{record} は %{what} によって使用されています"],"%{record} is used by host in build mode %{what}":["%{record} はビルドモードのホスト %{what} によって使用されています"],"%{resource_name} not found by id '%{id}'":["%{resource_name} が ID '%{id}' で見つかりません"],"%{task} task failed with the following error: %{e}":["%{task} タスクは以下のエラーを出して失敗しました: %{e}"],"%{taxonomy_type} %{taxonomy_name} has %{count} host that will need to be reassociated after deletion. Delete %{taxonomy_name2}?":["",""],"%{type} %{conflicts} already exists":["%{type} %{conflicts} はすでに存在します"],"%{user} Downloaded %{key} as pem file":[""],"%{value} does not belong to %{os} operating system":["%{value} は %{os} オペレーティングシステムに属しません"],"%{value} is not a valid controller":["%{value} は有効なコントローラーではありません"],"%{value} is not one of %{rules}":["%{value} は %{rules} のいずれでもありません"],"%{vm} is now %{vm_state}":["%{vm} は %{vm_state} になりました"],"&laquo;":["&laquo;"],"&raquo;":["&raquo;"],"'%{host}' could be deleted or '%{resource}' is not responding.":["'%{host}' は削除されている可能性があるか、または '%{resource}' が応答していません。"],"'%{host}' not found on '%{resource}'":["'%{host}' が '%{resource}' に見つかりません"],"'%{loader}' is not one of %{loaders}":["'%{loader}' は %{loaders} のいずれかではありません"],"'Content-Type: %s' is unsupported in API v2 for POST and PUT requests. Please use 'Content-Type: application/json'.":["'コンテンツタイプ: %s' は POST および PUT 要求の API v2 でサポートされていません。'コンテンツタイプ: アプリケーション/json' を使用してください。"],"(Miscellaneous)":["(その他)"],"(optional) IAM Role for Fog to use when creating this image.":["(オプション) このイメージを作成する際に使用する Fog の IAM ロールです。"],"*Clear %s proxy*":["*%s プロキシーの消去*"],"*Clear environment*":["*環境をクリア*"],"*Clear host group*":["*ホストグループをクリア*"],"*Inherit from host group*":["*ホストグループから継承*"],", relevant log entries, and it is highly recommended to also attach the foreman-debug output.":["、関連するログエントリー。foreman-debug 出力を添付することを強く推奨します。"],":foreman_url is not set, please configure in the Foreman Web UI (Administer -> Settings -> General)":[":foreman_url が設定されていません。Foreman Web UI (管理 -> 設定 -> 全般) で設定してください"],"<b class='select_count'>0</b> selected":["<b class='select_count'>0</b> 件選択済み"],"<b style=\\\"color: #6bb5df;\\\">%{disabled_sum}</b>\\n <p>Disabled</p>":["",""],"<b style=\\\"color: #6bb5df;\\\">%{hosts_sum}</b>\\n <p>Changed</p>":["",""],"<b style=\\\"color: #6bb5df;\\\">%{out_of_sync_sum}</b>\\n <p>Out of sync</p>":["",""],"<b>Description:</b> %{desc}<br/>\\n <b>Type:</b> %{type}<br/>\\n <b>Matcher:</b> %{matcher}<br/>\\n <b>Inherited value:</b> %{inherited_value}":["<b>説明:</b> %{desc}<br/>\\n <b>タイプ:</b> %{type}<br/>\\n <b>Matcher:</b> %{matcher}<br/>\\n <b>継承された値:</b> %{inherited_value}"],"<b>Foreman API v1 is deprecated. Please use v2.</b><br />If you still need to use v1, you may do so by either passing 'version=1' in the Accept Header or using api/v1/ in the URL.":[""],"<b>Foreman</b> Build Complete":["<b>Foreman</b> ビルドの完了"],"<b>Foreman</b> Puppet error report":["<b>Foreman</b> Puppet エラーレポート"],"<b>Foreman</b> Puppet summary":["<b>Foreman</b> Puppet 概要"],"<b>Foreman</b> audit summary":["<b>Foreman</b> 監査概要"],"<b>Foreman</b> test email":["<b>Foreman</b> テストメール"],"<b>Source:</b> %{type} %{name}":["<b>ソース:</b> %{type} %{name}"],"<dl><dt>List</dt> <dd>A list of the allowed values, specified in the Validator rule field.</dd><dt>Regexp</dt> <dd>Validates the input with the regular expression in the Validator rule field.</dd></dl>":["<dl><dt>List</dt> <dd>「バリデータールール」フィールドで指定される、許可される値の一覧です。</dd><dt>Regexp</dt> <dd>「バリデータールール」フィールドの正規表現による入力の検証を行います。</dd></dl>"],"<dl><dt>String</dt> <dd>Everything is taken as a string.</dd><dt>Boolean</dt> <dd>Common representation of boolean values are accepted.</dd><dt>Integer</dt> <dd>Integer numbers only, can be negative.</dd><dt>Real</dt> <dd>Accept any numerical input.</dd><dt>Array</dt> <dd>A valid JSON or YAML input, that must evaluate to an array.</dd><dt>Hash</dt> <dd>A valid JSON or YAML input, that must evaluate to an object/map/dict/hash.</dd><dt>YAML</dt> <dd>Any valid YAML input.</dd><dt>JSON</dt> <dd>Any valid JSON input.</dd></dl>":["<dl><dt>String</dt> <dd>すべての値を文字列として取得します。</dd><dt>Boolean</dt> <dd>ブール値の共通表現が受け入れられます。</dd><dt>Integer</dt> <dd>整数のみです。負の値にできます。</dd><dt>Real</dt> <dd>すべての数値入力を受け入れます。</dd><dt>Array</dt> <dd>配列に評価される有効な JSON または YAML 入力です。</dd><dt>Hash</dt> <dd>object/map/dict/hash として評価される有効な JSON または YAML 入力です。</dd><dt>YAML</dt> <dd>すべての有効な YAML 入力です。</dd><dt>JSON</dt> <dd>すべての有効な JSON 入力です。</dd></dl>"],"A Foreman user group can be associated to a group stored in an LDAP server, so membership of the LDAP group automatically adds the user to the Foreman user group.":[""],"A host group is in some ways similar to an inherited node declaration, in that it is a high level grouping of classes that can be named and treated as a unit. This is then treated as a template and is selectable during the creation of a new host and ensures that the host is configured in one of your pre-defined states.":["ホストグループは、ユニットとして指定および処理できる高レベルのクラスであるという点で、継承されるノード宣言といくらか似ています。これは次にテンプレートとして処理され、新規ホストの作成時に選択可能になり、ホストが事前に定義されたいずれかの状態で設定されるようにします。"],"A medium represents the source of one or more operating system's installation files, accessible via the network.\\n It will probably be a mirror from the internet or a copy of one or more CD or DVDs.":["メディアは、ネットワーク経由でアクセスできる 1 つ以上のオペレーティングシステムのインストールファイルのソースを表します。\\n このソースとしては、インターネットまたは 1 つ以上の CD または DVD コピーのミラーなどがあります。"],"A partition table entry represents either":["パーティションテーブルのエントリーは以下のいずれかを表します"],"A problem occurred when detecting host type: %s":["ホストタイプの検出時に問題が発生しました: %s"],"A script to dynamically calculate the desired sizes. E.G.":["必要なサイズを動的に計算するスクリプト (例)"],"A user group already exists with this name":["ユーザーグループはこの名前ですでに存在します"],"API Key":["API キー"],"API documentation":["API ドキュメント"],"About":["情報"],"Access Key":["アクセスキー"],"Access denied":["アクセスは拒否されました"],"Access unattended without build":["ビルドなしで自動アクセス"],"Account":["アカウント"],"Acquire IP addresses for %s":["%s の IP アドレスの取得"],"Action":["アクション"],"Actions":["アクション"],"Active":["アクティブ"],"Active Hosts":["アクティブなホスト"],"Active features":["アクティブな機能"],"Active key":[""],"Add Autosign entry":["エントリーの自動署名の追加"],"Add Bookmark":["ブックマークの追加"],"Add Interface":["インターフェースの追加"],"Add Matcher":["Matcher の追加"],"Add Parameter":["パラメーターの追加"],"Add Trend Counter":["トレンドカウンターの追加"],"Add Variable":["変数の追加"],"Add Volume":["ボリュームの追加"],"Add a CD-ROM drive to the virtual machine.":["CD-ROM ドライブを仮想マシンに追加します。"],"Add a Puppet class to host":["Puppet クラスをホストに追加"],"Add a Puppet class to host group":["Puppet クラスをホストグループに追加"],"Add a template combination":["テンプレートの組み合わせの追加"],"Add combination":["組み合わせの追加"],"Add external user group":["外部ユーザーグループの追加"],"Add filter":["フィルターの追加"],"Add to dashboard":["ダッシュボードへの追加"],"Add widgets":["ウィジェットの追加"],"Add:":["追加:"],"Adding would cause a cycle!":["追加することによりサイクルが生じます!"],"Additional Information":["追加情報"],"Additional compute resource specific attributes for the interface.":["インターフェースの追加のコンピュートリソース固有の属性。"],"Additional compute resource specific attributes.":["追加のコンピュートリソース固有の属性。"],"Additional information about this host":["このホストについての追加情報"],"Address to connect to":["接続先アドレス"],"Admin permissions required":["管理者パーミッションが必要です"],"Administer":["管理"],"Administrator email address":["管理者の電子メールアドレス"],"Administrator user account required":["管理者ユーザーアカウントが必要"],"Alert":["警告"],"Alerts disabled":["警告の無効化"],"Alias or VLAN device":["エイリアスまたは VLAN デバイス"],"All":["すべて"],"All Puppet Classes for %s":["%s のすべての Puppet クラス"],"All Reports":["すべてのレポート"],"All compute resources":["すべてのコンピュートリソース"],"All domains":["すべてのドメイン"],"All environments":["すべての環境"],"All environments - (not filtered)":["すべての環境 - (フィルターなし)"],"All host groups":["すべてのホストグループ"],"All hosts":["すべてのホスト"],"All hosts data matches configurations for locations and organizations.":["すべてのホストデータはロケーションと組織の設定に一致します。"],"All hosts previously with no %{single} are now assigned to %{name}":["%{single} のなかったすべてのホストは %{name} に割り当てられています"],"All hosts will show a configuration status even when a Puppet smart proxy is not assigned":["Puppet スマートプロキシーが割り当てられていない場合であってもすべてのホストは設定ステータスを表示します"],"All items":["すべての項目"],"All media":["すべてのメディア"],"All messages":["すべてのメッセージ"],"All mismatches between hosts and %s have been fixed":["ホストと %s 間のすべての不一致が修正されました"],"All mismatches between hosts and locations/organizations have been fixed":["ホストとロケーション/組織間のすべての不一致が修正されました"],"All partition tables":["すべてのパーティションテーブル"],"All provisioning templates":["すべてのプロビジョニングテンプレート"],"All realms":["すべてのレルム"],"All smart proxies":["すべてのスマートプロキシー"],"All subnets":["すべてのサブネット"],"All users":["すべてのユーザー"],"Allocated":["割り当て済み"],"Allocation (GB)":["割り当て (GB)"],"Allow access to unattended URLs without build mode being used":["ビルドモードを使用せずに自動 URL へのアクセスを許可します"],"Allow external network as main network":["外部ネットワークを主要ネットワークとして許可します"],"Allowed methods or members":["許可されたメソッドまたはメンバー"],"Always show configuration status":["常に設定ステータスを表示します"],"An IP address will be auto-suggested if you have enabled IPAM on the IPv4 subnet selected above.<br/><br/>The IP address can be left blank when:<br/><ul><li>provisioning tokens are enabled</li><li>the domain does not manage DNS</li><li>the subnet does not manage reverse DNS</li><li>and the subnet does not manage DHCP reservations</li></ul>":["上記で選択した IPv4 サブネットで IPAM を有効にした場合は、IP アドレスの自動補完が行なわれます。<br/><br/>IP アドレスは次の場合に空白のままにできます。<br/><ul><li>トークンのプロビジョニングが有効な場合</li><li>ドメインが DNS を管理しない場合</li><li>サブネットが逆引き DNS を管理しない場合</li><li>サブネットが DHCP 予約を管理しない場合</li></ul>"],"An IP address will be auto-suggested if you have enabled IPAM on the IPv6 subnet selected above.":["上記で選択した IPv6 サブネットで IPAM を有効にした場合は、IP アドレスの自動補完が行なわれます。"],"An email address is required, please update your account details":["電子メールアドレスが必要です。アカウント詳細を更新してください"],"An error occurred while testing the connection: ":["接続のテスト中にエラーが発生しました: "],"An explicit layout for the partitions of your hard drive(s). E.G.":["ハードドライブのパーティションの明示的なレイアウト (例)"],"An invalid response was received while requesting available features from this proxy":["このプロキシーから利用可能な機能を要求しているときに、無効な応答を受け取りました"],"Annotation Notes":["アノテーションノート"],"Annotation notes":["アノテーションノート"],"Anonymous admin user %s is missing, run foreman-rake db:seed":["非同期管理者ユーザー %s が見つかりません。foreman-rake db:seed を実行してください"],"Any Context":["すべてのコンテキスト"],"Any Location":["任意のロケーション"],"Any Organization":["任意の組織"],"Applicable Operating Systems":["適用可能なオペレーティングシステム"],"Applied":["適用"],"Applied|A":["A"],"Architecture":["アーキテクチャー"],"Architecture Distribution":["アーキテクチャー分布"],"Architecture ID":["アーキテクチャー ID"],"Architectures":["アーキテクチャー"],"Architecture|Hostgroups count":["ホストグループ数"],"Architecture|Hosts count":["ホスト数"],"Architecture|Name":["名前"],"Are you sure you want to %{act} %{vm}?":["%{vm} の %{act} を実行してもよいですか?"],"Are you sure you want to delete host %s? This action is irreversible.":["ホスト %s を削除してもよろしいですか? この操作を取り消すことはできません。"],"Are you sure you want to delete host %s? This will delete the virtual machine and its disks, and is irreversible.":["ホスト %s を削除してもよろしいですか? これにより、仮想マシンとそのディスクが削除されます。この操作を取り消すことはできません。"],"Are you sure you want to delete this widget from your dashboard?":["ダッシュボードからこのウィジェットを削除してもよろしいですか?"],"Are you sure you want to log out?":["本当にログアウトしますか?"],"Are you sure you want to power %{act} %{vm}?":["%{vm} の %{act} を実行してもよいですか?"],"Are you sure?":["実行してもよろしいですか?"],"Array of extra information types to include":["含める追加の情報タイプの配列"],"Array of host IDs to associate with the partition table":["パーティションテーブルに関連付けるホスト ID の配列"],"Array of host group IDs to associate with the partition table":["パーティションテーブルに関連付けるホストグループ ID の配列"],"Array of operating system IDs to associate with the partition table":["パーティションテーブルに関連付けるオペレーティングシステム ID の配列"],"Array of operating system IDs to associate with the template":["テンプレートに関連付けるオペレーティングシステム ID の配列"],"Array of parameters":[""],"Array of parameters (name, value)":["パラメーター (名前、値) の配列"],"Array of template combinations (hostgroup_id, environment_id)":["テンプレートの組み合わせ (hostgroup_id、environment_id) の配列"],"Assign All":["すべてを割り当て"],"Assign Hosts to %s":["ホストを %s に割り当て"],"Assign Location":["ロケーションの割り当て"],"Assign Organization":["組織の割り当て"],"Assign Selected Hosts":["選択したホストの割り当て"],"Assign the %{count} host with no %{taxonomy_single} to %{taxonomy_name}":["",""],"Assign to %s":["%s に割り当て"],"Assigning hosts to %{taxonomy_name} will also update %{taxonomy_name} to include all the resources that the selected hosts are currently using.":["ホストを %{taxonomy_name} に割り当てることにより、選択したホストが現在使用しているすべてのリソースを含むように %{taxonomy_name} も更新されます。"],"Associate VM":["VM の関連付け"],"Associate VM to a Foreman host":["VM の Foreman ホストへの関連付け"],"Associate VMs":["VM の関連付け"],"Associate VMs to Foreman hosts":["VM の Foreman ホストへの関連付け"],"Associate VMs to Hosts":["VM のホストへの関連付け"],"Association":["関連付け"],"At least one volume must be specified for image-based provisioning.":["少なくとも 1 つのボリュームをイメージベースのプロビジョニング用に指定する必要があります。"],"Attempting to construct an operating system image filename but %s cannot be built from an image":["オペレーティングシステムのイメージファイル名を作成しようとしましたが、%s をイメージから作成することができません"],"Attribute mappings":["マッピング属性"],"Attribute type":["属性タイプ"],"Audit":[""],"Audit Comment":["監査コメント"],"Audit summary":["監査の概要"],"Audited::Adapters::ActiveRecord::Audit|Action":["アクション"],"Audited::Adapters::ActiveRecord::Audit|Associated name":["関連する名前"],"Audited::Adapters::ActiveRecord::Audit|Associated type":["関連するタイプ"],"Audited::Adapters::ActiveRecord::Audit|Auditable name":["監査可能な名前"],"Audited::Adapters::ActiveRecord::Audit|Auditable type":["監査可能なタイプ"],"Audited::Adapters::ActiveRecord::Audit|Audited changes":["監査済みの変更"],"Audited::Adapters::ActiveRecord::Audit|Comment":["コメント"],"Audited::Adapters::ActiveRecord::Audit|Remote address":["リモートアドレス"],"Audited::Adapters::ActiveRecord::Audit|User type":["ユーザータイプ"],"Audited::Adapters::ActiveRecord::Audit|Username":["ユーザー名"],"Audited::Adapters::ActiveRecord::Audit|Version":["バージョン"],"Audits":["監査"],"Auth source":["認証ソース"],"AuthSource|Account":["アカウント"],"AuthSource|Account password":["アカウントパスワード"],"AuthSource|Attr firstname":["名"],"AuthSource|Attr lastname":["姓"],"AuthSource|Attr login":["ログイン属性"],"AuthSource|Attr mail":["メール属性"],"AuthSource|Attr photo":["写真属性"],"AuthSource|Base dn":["ベース DN"],"AuthSource|Groups base":["グループベース"],"AuthSource|Host":["ホスト"],"AuthSource|LDAPS":["LDAP"],"AuthSource|Ldap filter":["LDAP フィルター"],"AuthSource|Name":["名前"],"AuthSource|Onthefly register":["オンザフライ登録"],"AuthSource|Port":["ポート"],"AuthSource|Server type":["サーバータイプ"],"AuthSource|Tls":["TLS"],"Authentication":["認証"],"Author":["作成者"],"Authorize login delegation":["ログイン委任の承認"],"Authorize login delegation API":["ログイン委任 API の承認"],"Authorize login delegation auth source user autocreate":["ログイン委任認証ソースユーザーの自動作成の承認"],"Authorize login delegation with REMOTE_USER environment variable":["REMOTE_USER 環境変数によるログイン委任の承認"],"Authorize login delegation with REMOTE_USER environment variable for API calls too":["API 呼び出しの REMOTE_USER 環境変数によるログイン委任の承認"],"Authorized by":["認証先"],"Auto refresh off":["自動更新オフ"],"Auto refresh on":["自動更新日"],"Automatic":[""],"Autosign":["自動署名"],"Autosign entries":["エントリーの自動署名"],"Autosign entry name":[""],"Availability zone":["利用可能ゾーン"],"Available Classes":["利用可能なクラス"],"Available Config Groups":["選択可能な設定グループ"],"Available Providers":["選択可能なプロバイダー"],"Average memory usage":["平均メモリー使用率"],"Average swap usage":["平均スワップ使用率"],"Avoid duplicate values when merging them (only array type)?":["値をマージするときに重複する値を回避しますか (配列タイプのみ)?"],"BIOS":["BIOS"],"BMC":["BMC"],"BMC credentials access":["BMC 認証情報のアクセス"],"BMC password usage":["BMC パスワードの使用"],"Back":["戻る"],"Back to host":["ホストに戻る"],"Back to host list":["ホストの一覧に戻る"],"Backtrace":["バックトレース"],"Bare Metal":["ベアメタル"],"Base DN":["ベース DN"],"Before you proceed to using Foreman you should provide information about one or more architectures.":["Foreman を使用する前に、1 つ以上のアーキテクチャーについての情報を指定する必要があります。"],"Bond":["ボンド"],"Bond mode of the interface, e.g. balance-rr. Only for bond interfaces.":["インターフェースのボンドモードです (例: balance-rr)。ボンドインターフェースにのみ使用されます。"],"Bookmark":["ブックマーク"],"Bookmark this search":["この検索をブックマーク"],"Bookmark was successfully created.":["ブックマークが正常に作成されました。"],"Bookmark was successfully updated.":["ブックマークが正常に更新されました。"],"Bookmarks":["ブックマーク"],"Bookmarks are saved search queries. 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When a role is associated <br> with some %s filter is not considered unlimited as it's scoped accordingly.":["これを選択しないと、検索フィールドで Foreman の検索構文を使ってフィルターを指定できます。<br>フィルターに制限が設定されていないままの場合 (このフィールドにチェックが付けられている場合) は、選択したタイプのすべてのリソースが適用対象になります。ロールが <br> %s に関連付けられている場合、フィルターは無制限と見なされません (そのスコープは適切に設定されます)。"],"CA certificate expiry date":["CA 証明書の有効期限"],"CD-ROM drive":["CD-ROM ドライブ"],"CDROM":["CDROM"],"CPU hot add":["CPU ホット追加"],"CPU hot add lets you add CPU resources for a virtual machine while the machine is powered on.":["CPU ホット追加により、マシンの電源をオンにしたまま仮想マシンの CPU リソースを追加できます。"],"CPUs":["CPU"],"Cache slow calls to VMWare to speed up page rendering":[""],"Caching":[""],"Calling methods on objects":["オブジェクトのメソッドの呼び出し"],"Can't delete internal admin account":["内部管理者アカウントを削除できません"],"Can't delete the last admin account":["最後の管理者アカウントを削除できません"],"Can't delete the last admin user group":["最後の管理者ユーザーグループを削除できません"],"Can't find a valid Foreman Proxy with a Puppet feature":["Puppet 機能を持つ有効な Foreman 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を使用してください。"],"Description":["説明"],"Description of smart class":["スマートクラスの説明"],"Description of the domain":["ドメインの説明"],"Description of variable":["変数の説明"],"Deselect All":["すべての選択を解除"],"Destroy":["破棄"],"Destroyed selected hosts":["破棄済みの選択ホスト"],"Details":["詳細"],"Device identifier":["デバイス ID"],"Device identifier for this interface. 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Foreman also supports the Solaris operating system family, which includes <b>sparc</b> based systems.":["各エントリーは、特定のハードウェアのアーキテクチャーを表します (典型例は <b>x86_64</b> または <b>i386</b> です)。Foreman は <b>sparc</b> ベースのシステムを含む Solaris オペレーティングシステムファミリーにも対応しています。"],"Eager zero":["Eager zero"],"Edit":["編集"],"Edit %s":["%s の編集"],"Edit Architecture":["アーキテクチャーの編集"],"Edit Bookmark":["ブックマークの編集"],"Edit Compute profile":["コンピュートプロファイルの編集"],"Edit Compute profile: %s":["コンピュートプロファイルの編集: %s"],"Edit Config group":["設定グループの編集"],"Edit Domain":["ドメインの編集"],"Edit Environment":["環境の編集"],"Edit Filter":["ファイルターの編集"],"Edit Global Parameter":["グローバルパラメーターの編集"],"Edit Host":["ホストの編集"],"Edit LDAP Auth Source":["LDAP 認証ソースの編集"],"Edit Medium":["メディアの編集"],"Edit Model":["モデルの編集"],"Edit Operating System":["オペレーティングシステムの編集"],"Edit Parameters":["パラメーターの編集"],"Edit Partition Table":["パーティションテーブルの編集"],"Edit Properties":["プロパティーの編集"],"Edit Proxy":["プロキシーの編集"],"Edit Puppet Class %s":["Puppet クラス %s の編集"],"Edit Realm":["レルムの編集"],"Edit Role":["ロールの編集"],"Edit Smart Variable":["スマート変数の編集"],"Edit Smart class parameters":["スマートクラスパラメーターの編集"],"Edit Subnet":["サブネットの編集"],"Edit Template":["テンプレートの編集"],"Edit Trend %s":["%sトレンド の編集"],"Edit User":["ユーザーの編集"],"Edit User group":["ユーザーグループの編集"],"Edit compute profile on %s":["%s のコンピュートプロファイルの編集"],"Edit this host":["このホストの編集"],"Email Preferences":["電子メール設定"],"Email address is missing":["電子メールアドレスが不明です"],"Email reply address":["電子メールの返信アドレス"],"Email reply address for emails that Foreman is sending":["Foreman が送信しているメールについてのメールの返信アドレス"],"Email subject prefix":["電子メールの件名プレフィックス"],"Email was sent successfully":["電子メールが正常に送信されました"],"Empty environment":["空の環境"],"Enable Notifications":["通知の有効化"],"Enable alerts for selected hosts":["選択ホストについての警告を有効化"],"Enable caching":[""],"Enable certificate generation for %s":["%s の証明書の生成を有効化"],"Enable if this is an alias or VLAN interface, note that alias can be used only with static boot mode subnet":["これがエイリアスまたは VLAN インターフェースである場合に有効になります。エイリアスは静的起動モードサブネットとともにのみ使用できます"],"Enable puppetrun support":["puppetrun サポートを有効化"],"Enable rebuild on next host boot":["次回のホスト起動時の再ビルドを有効化"],"Enable safe mode config templates rendering (recommended)":["セーフモードの設定テンプレートのレンダリングを有効化 (推奨)"],"Enable smart variables in ENC":["ENC のスマート変数を有効にします"],"Enable this host for provisioning":["プロビジョニング用にこのホストを有効化"],"Enabled":["有効化"],"Enabled %s for reboot and rebuild":["再起動および再ビルドに %s を有効化"],"Enabled %s for rebuild on next boot":["次回起動時の再ビルドに %s を有効化"],"Enabled %s for rebuild on next boot, but failed to power cycle the host":["次回ブート時の %s の再ビルドが有効になっていましたが、ホストの電源の入れ直しに失敗しました"],"Ending IP Address for IP auto suggestion":["IP 自動補完の終了 IP アドレス"],"Entries per page":["1 ページあたりのエントリー"],"Environment":["環境"],"Environment Distribution":["環境ディストリビューション"],"Environment ID":["環境 ID"],"Environment IDs":["環境 ID"],"Environment only":["環境のみ"],"Environment variable containing a client's SSL certificate":["クライアントの SSL 証明書を含む環境変数"],"Environment variable containing the subject DN from a client SSL certificate":["クライアント SSL 証明書のサブジェクト DN を含む環境変数"],"Environment variable containing the verification status of a client SSL certificate":["クライアント SSL 証明書の検証状態を含む環境変数"],"Environments":["環境"],"Environment|Hostgroups count":["ホストグループ数"],"Environment|Hosts count":["ホスト数"],"Environment|Name":["名前"],"Error":["エラー"],"Error - 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If these features come from a Smart Proxy plugin, make sure Foreman has the plugin installed too.":["このプロキシーの機能 \\\"%s\\\" は Foreman によって認識されません。これらの機能がスマートプロキシープラグインから使用される場合は、Foreman でもそのプラグインがインストールされていることを確認してください。"],"Feature|Name":["名前"],"Fetch TFTP boot files for %s":["%s の TFTP ブートファイルの取得"],"Filter":["フィルター"],"Filter by level:":["レベル別フィルター:"],"Filter by name":["名前でフィルター"],"Filter by state:":["状態別フィルター:"],"Filter classes":["クラスのフィルター"],"Filter overriding has been disabled":["フィルターのオーバーライドが無効です"],"Filters":["フィルター"],"Filters for role %s":["ロール %s のフィルター"],"Filters inherit %{orgs_and_locs} from their role by default. If override field is enabled, <br> filter can override the set of its %{orgs_and_locs}. Later role changes will not affect <br> such filter. After disabling override field, role %{orgs_and_locs} apply again.":["フィルターは、デフォルトでロールから %{orgs_and_locs} を継承します。オーバーライドフィールドが有効な場合、<br> フィルターは %{orgs_and_locs} のセットをオーバーライドできます。これ以降のロールの変更によってこのようなフィルターは <br> 影響を受けません。オーバーライドフィールドの無効後に、ロール %{orgs_and_locs} は再び適用されます"],"Filters overriding has been disabled":["フィルターのオーバーライドが無効です"],"Filter|Override":["Filter|Override"],"Filter|Permissions":["パーミッション"],"Filter|Resource":["リソース"],"Filter|Search":["検索"],"Filter|Taxonomy search":["タクソノミー検索"],"Filter|Unlimited":["無制限"],"Fingerprint":["フィンガープリント"],"Finish template":["終了テンプレート"],"Firmware":[""],"Fix %s on Mismatch":["不一致について修正 %s "],"Fix All Mismatches":["すべての不一致を修正"],"Fix DB cache":["DB キャッシュの修正"],"Fix DB cache on next Foreman restart":["Foreman の次回起動時に DB キャッシュを修正"],"Fix Mismatches":["不一致の修正"],"Flavor":["フレーバー"],"Floating IP network":["Floating IP ネットワーク"],"Folder":["フォルダー"],"Follow %{href} on how to describe your controllers.":["コントローラーの記述方法については %{href} に従います。"],"For example, if you have copied several Red Hat release disks into a directory structure where the disk images are named 5.8 or 6.2, and each contained both x86_64 and i386 binaries, then you\\n could create a single medium entry describing them all.\\n The entry, which could be just named 'Red Hat' could contain a path like this <em>'http://server/redhat/$version/$arch'</em>":["たとえば、複数の Red Hat リリースディスクを、ディスクイメージの名前が 5.8 または 6.2 で、それぞれに x86_64 と i386 バイナリーが含まれるディレクトリー構造にコピーした場合、\\n それらすべてを記述する単一のメディアエントリーを作成することができます。\\n 名前が単純に 'Red Hat' となるエントリーの場合は、次のようなパスが含まれます。 <em>'http://server/redhat/$version/$arch'</em>"],"For more info visit our documentation.":["詳細については、ドキュメンテーションを参照してください。"],"For more information":["詳細情報"],"Force a Puppet agent run on the host":["ホスト上で Puppet エージェントの実行を強制します。"],"Foreman API v2 is currently the default API version.":["Foreman API v2 は現在デフォルトの API バージョンです。"],"Foreman Developers":["Foreman 開発者"],"Foreman URL":["Foreman の URL"],"Foreman Users":["Foreman ユーザー"],"Foreman audit summary":["Foreman 監査概要"],"Foreman can store information about the networking setup of a host that it’s provisioning, which can be used to configure the virtual machine, assign the correct IP addresses and network resources, then configure the OS correctly during the provisioning process.":[""],"Foreman can use LDAP based service for user information and authentication.":["Foreman では、ユーザー情報と認証用に LDAP ベースのサービスを使用できます。"],"Foreman considers a domain and a DNS zone as the same thing.":["Foreman はドメインと DNS ゾーンを同じものと見なします。"],"Foreman domain ID of interface. Required for primary interfaces on managed hosts.":["インターフェースの Foreman ドメイン ID。管理対象ホストのプライマリーインターフェースに必要"],"Foreman host group matchers will be inherited by children when evaluating smart class parameters":["Foreman ホストグループの matcher は、スマートクラスのパラメーターの評価時に子によって継承されます。"],"Foreman now manages the build cycle for %s":["Foreman は %s のビルドサイクルを管理するようになりました"],"Foreman now no longer manages the build cycle for %s":["Foreman は %s のビルドサイクル管理を行なわなくなりました"],"Foreman report creation time is <em>%s</em>":["Foreman レポートの作成時間は <em>%s</em> です"],"Foreman smart variables will be exposed via the ENC yaml output":["Foreman スマート変数は ENC YAML 出力によって表示されます"],"Foreman subnet ID of IPv4 interface":["IPv4 インターフェースの Foreman サブネット ID"],"Foreman subnet ID of IPv6 interface":["IPv6 インターフェースの Foreman サブネット ID"],"Foreman supports automatically creating realm entries for new hosts.":["Foreman は、新規ホストのレルムエントリーの自動作成に対応します。"],"Foreman supports creating and managing hosts on a number of virtualization and cloud services - referred to as “compute resources” - as well as bare metal hosts.":[""],"Foreman test email":["Foreman テスト電子メール"],"Foreman ticketing system":["Foreman チケットシステム"],"Foreman will automate certificate signing upon provision of new host":["Foreman は、新規ホストのプロビジョニング時に証明書の署名を自動化します"],"Foreman will create the host when a report is received":["Foreman はレポートの受信時にホストを作成します"],"Foreman will create the host when new facts are received":["Foreman は新規ファクトの受信時にホストを作成します"],"Foreman will default to this puppet environment if it cannot auto detect one":["Foreman は、自動検出できない場合にこの puppet 環境にデフォルト設定されます"],"Foreman will delete virtual machine if provisioning script ends with non zero exit code":["Foreman は、プロビジョニングスクリプトがゼロ以外の終了コードで終了する場合に仮想マシンを削除します"],"Foreman will evaluate host smart variables in this order by default":["Foreman は、デフォルトではこの順番でホストのスマート変数を評価します"],"Foreman will explicitly set the puppet environment in the ENC yaml output. This will avoid conflicts between the environment in puppet.conf and the environment set in Foreman":["Foreman は ENC YAML 出力で puppet 環境を明示的に設定します。これにより、puppet.conf の環境と Foreman で設定される環境間の競合を避けられます"],"Foreman will map users by username in request-header. If this is set to false, OAuth requests will have admin rights.":["Foreman は request-header のユーザーをユーザー名でマッピングします。これが false に設定されると、OAuth 要求には管理特権が設定されます。"],"Foreman will not send this parameter in classification output, replaces use_puppet_default":["Foreman では、このパラメーターが分類出力で送信されず、use_puppet_default が置き換えられます"],"Foreman will not send this parameter in classification output.":["Foreman では、このパラメーターは分類出力で送信されません。"],"Foreman will not send this parameter in classification output. Puppet will use the value defined in the Puppet manifest for this parameter":["Foreman はこのパラメーターを分類出力で送信しません。Puppet はこのパラメーターについて Puppet マニフェストで定義された値を使用します"],"Foreman will parse ERB in parameters value in the ENC output":["Foreman は ENC 出力にあるパラメーター値の ERB を解析します"],"Foreman will query the locally configured resolver instead of the SOA/NS authorities":["Foreman は SOA/NS 権限ではなく、ローカルで設定されたリゾルバーをクエリーします"],"Foreman will set this as the default Puppet module path if it cannot auto detect one":["Foreman は、自動検出できない場合にこれをデフォルトの Puppet モジュールパスとして設定します"],"Foreman will truncate hostname to 'puppet' if it starts with puppet":["Foreman は「puppet」で始まるホスト名を切り捨てて「puppet」にします"],"Foreman will update a host's environment from its facts":["Foreman はホスト環境をそのファクトで更新します"],"Foreman will update a host's subnet from its facts":["Foreman はホストのサブネットをファクトから更新します"],"Foreman will update the host IP with the IP that made the built request":["Foreman はビルド要求を行った IP でホスト IP を更新します"],"Foreman will use OAuth for API authorization":["Foreman は API 認可に OAuth を使用します"],"Foreman will use gravatar to display user icons":["Foreman はユーザーアイコンの表示に Gravatar を使用します"],"Foreman will use random UUIDs for certificate signing instead of hostnames":["Foreman は、証明書の署名にホスト名ではなくランダム UUID を使用します"],"Foreman will use the new (2.6.5+) format for classes in the ENC yaml output":["Foreman は ENC YAML 出力のクラスに新規の (2.6.5+) 形式を使用します"],"Foreman will use the short hostname instead of the FQDN for creating new virtual machines":["Foreman は、新規仮想マシンの作成に FQDN ではなく省略されたホスト名を使用します"],"Found %{count} reports from the last %{days} days":["過去 %{days} 日以内のレポート %{count} が見つかりました"],"Full":["すべて"],"Full audits list":["完全な監査の一覧"],"Full name describing the domain":["ドメインを表すフルネーム"],"Full path to backing image used to create new volumes.":["新規ボリュームを作成するために使用されるバッキングイメージの完全なパスです。"],"Full screen":["全画面"],"Full trace":["完全トレース"],"Function not available for %s":["%s の機能が使用不可です"],"GMT time":["GMT 時間"],"Gateway":["ゲートウェイ"],"General":["全般"],"General useful description, for example this kind of hardware needs a special BIOS setup":["「この種類のハードウェアには特殊な BIOS セットアップが必要」などといった役に立つ全般的な情報を記載します"],"Generate new random name. 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The content of this fact should be the full label of the organization.":["puppetrun 後に作成されるホストは、このファクトが定める組織に置かれます。このファクトの内容と組織の全ラベルを同一にする必要があります。"],"Hosts in error state":["エラー状態のホスト"],"Hosts including sub-groups":["サブグループを含むホスト"],"Hosts managed":["管理されるホスト"],"Hosts managed:":["管理されるホスト:"],"Hosts that had pending changes":["保留中の変更を持つホスト"],"Hosts that had pending changes with alerts enabled":["変更が保留中で、アラートが有効なホスト"],"Hosts that had performed modifications without error":["変更をエラーなく実行したホスト"],"Hosts that will be trusted in addition to Smart Proxies for access to fact/report importers and ENC output":["ファクト/レポートのインポーターおよび ENC 出力にアクセスするためのスマートプロキシー以外の信頼されるホストです"],"Hosts which Foreman reporting is disabled":["Foreman レポート機能が無効なホスト"],"Hosts which are currently not running Puppet":["現在 Puppet が実行されていないホスト"],"Hosts which are not reporting":["レポートしていないホスト"],"Hosts which didn't run puppet in the last %s":["過去 %s に puppet を実行しなかったホスト"],"Hosts which recently applied changes":["最近変更が適用されたホスト"],"Hosts which recently applied changes successfully":["最近変更が正常に適用されたホスト"],"Hosts which recently applied changes successfully with alerts enabled":["最近変更が正常に適用され、アラートが有効なホスト"],"Hosts with alerts disabled":["警告が無効にされているホスト"],"Hosts with error state":["エラー状態のホスト"],"Hosts with error state and alerts enabled":["エラー状態であり、アラートが有効なホスト"],"Hosts with errors":["エラーのあるホスト"],"Hosts with interesting values (changed, failures etc)":["興味深い値を持つホスト (変更済みや障害など)"],"Hosts with no reports":["レポートのないホスト"],"Hosts with notifications disabled":["通知が無効にされているホスト"],"Hosts without changes or errors":["変更またはエラーがないホスト"],"Hosts without changes or errors, with alerts enabled":["変更またはエラーがなく、アラートが有効なホスト"],"Hosts without errors":["エラーがないホスト"],"Hosts without errors percent":["エラー率がないホスト"],"Hosts without errors, with alerts enabled":["エラーがなく、アラートが有効なホスト"],"How values are validated":["値の検証方法"],"However, if it was deleted externally this page helps you to recreate it":[""],"ID of LDAP authentication source":["LDAP 認証ソースの ID"],"ID of Puppet class":["Puppet クラスの ID"],"ID of architecture":["アーキテクチャーの ID"],"ID of compute resource":["コンピュートリソースの ID"],"ID of config template":["設定テンプレートの ID"],"ID of domain":["ドメインの ID"],"ID of environment":["環境の ID"],"ID of host":["ホストの ID"],"ID of host group":["ホストグループの ID"],"ID of interface":["インターフェースの ID"],"ID of linked authentication source":["リンクされた認証ソースの ID"],"ID of location":["ロケーションの ID"],"ID of medium":["メディアの ID"],"ID of operating system":["オペレーティングシステムの ID"],"ID of organization":["組織の ID"],"ID of parameter":["パラメーターの ID"],"ID of partition table":["パーティションテーブルの ID"],"ID of provisioning template":["プロビジョニングテンプレートの ID"],"ID of role":["ロールの ID"],"ID of subnet":["サブネットの ID"],"ID of template":["テンプレートの ID"],"ID of the user":[""],"ID of user group":["ユーザーグループの ID"],"ID or name external user group":["外部ユーザーグループの ID または名前"],"ID or name of domain":["ドメインの ID または名前"],"ID or name of external user group":["外部ユーザーグループの ID または名前"],"ID or name of host":["ホストの ID または名前"],"ID or name of interface":["インターフェースの ID または名前"],"ID or name of subnet":["サブネットの ID または名前"],"ID or name of user group":["ユーザーグループの ID または名前"],"IDs of associated architectures":["関連付けられたアーキテクチャーの ID"],"IDs of associated config groups":[""],"IDs of associated media":["関連付けられたメディアの ID"],"IDs of associated partition tables":["関連付けられたパーティションテーブルの ID"],"IDs of associated provisioning templates":["関連付けられたプロビジョニングテーブルの ID"],"INFO or DEBUG":["INFO または DEBUG"],"IP":["IP "],"IP Address":["IP アドレス"],"IP Address Management":["IP アドレス管理"],"IP Address auto suggestion mode for this subnet, valid values are \\\"DHCP\\\", \\\"Internal DB\\\", \\\"None\\\"":["このサブネットの IP アドレス自動補完モードです。有効な値は「DHCP」、「内部 DB」、「なし」です。"],"IP address auto-suggest":["IP アドレスの自動補完"],"IP addresses that should be excluded from suggestion":["提案から除外する必要がある IP アドレス"],"IP:":["IP:"],"IPAM":["IPAM"],"IPv4":["IPv4"],"IPv4 Address":["IPv4 アドレス"],"IPv4 DNS record":["",""],"IPv4 Subnet":["IPv4 サブネット"],"IPv4 address":["IPv4 アドレス"],"IPv4 address of interface":["インターフェースの IPv4 アドレス"],"IPv6":["IPv6"],"IPv6 Address":["IPv6 アドレス"],"IPv6 DNS record":["",""],"IPv6 Subnet":["IPv6 サブネット"],"IPv6 address":["IPv6 アドレス"],"IPv6 address of interface":["インターフェースの IPv6 アドレス"],"IRC":["IRC"],"Identifier":["識別子"],"Identifier of the interface to which this interface belongs, e.g. eth1":["このインターフェースが属するインターフェースの ID (例: eth1)"],"Identifier of the interface to which this interface belongs, e.g. eth1. 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This information is commonly imported from a pre-existing Puppet configuration by the use of the %{link_start}Puppet classes and environment importer%{link_end}.":["Foreman を外部ノードの分類に使用することを計画している場合は、1 つ以上の環境についての情報を提供する必要があります。一般的に、この情報は、%{link_start}Puppet クラスと環境 importer%{link_end} を使用して既存の Puppet 設定からインポートされます。"],"If you feel this is an error with Foreman itself, please open a new issue with":["これが Foreman 自体のエラーであると思われる場合は、新規の問題として提出してください。"],"If you wish to configure Puppet to forward it reports to Foreman, please follow":["レポートを Foreman に転送するよう Puppet を設定する場合は、次の手順に従ってください"],"Ignore Puppet facts for provisioning":["プロビジョニングのために Puppet ファクトを無視します"],"Ignore facts for domain":[""],"Ignore facts for operating system":[""],"Ignore interfaces that match these values during facts importing, you can use * wildcard to match names with indexes e.g. macvtap*":["ファクトのインポート中にこれらの値に一致するインターフェースを無視します。名前とインデックスを照合させるために * ワイルドカードを使用できます (たとえば、macvtap*)。"],"Ignore interfaces with matching identifier":["ID が一致するインターフェースを無視します"],"Ignored classes in the environments: %s":[""],"Ignored environment":[""],"Ignored environment names resulting in booleans found. 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A 'create_ssh_keys' permission is required too.":[""],"In-line code syntax":["インラインコード構文"],"Include default value when merging all matching values":["一致するすべての値をマージするときにデフォルト値を含めます"],"Include default value when merging all matching values.":["一致するすべての値をマージするときにデフォルト値を含めます。"],"Include this host within Foreman reporting":["このホストを Foreman レポート内に組み込む"],"Included Classes":["組み込み済みのクラス"],"Included Config Groups":["組み込まれた設定グループ"],"Incorrect password":["パスワードが間違っています"],"Incorrect username or password":["ユーザー名またはパスワードが正しくありません"],"Independent - Nonpersistent":[""],"Independent - Persistent":[""],"Infrastructure":["インフラストラクチャー"],"Inherit parent (%s)":["親の継承 (%s)"],"Inherited Classes from %s":[""],"Inherits from subnet VLAN ID if not set":["設定されていない場合のサブネット VLAN ID からの継承"],"Input":["入力"],"Installation Media":["インストールメディア"],"Installation media":["インストールメディア"],"Installation medium configuration":["インストールメディア設定"],"Installed":["インストール済み"],"Interface":["インターフェース"],"Interface is down":["インターフェースが停止"],"Interface is up":["インターフェースが稼動"],"Interface provider, e.g. IPMI. 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Please consider cloning it instead.":["このテンプレートは、%{vendor} によって提供され、上書きできるため、ロックを解除することは推奨されません。代わりにクローンの作成を検討してください。"],"Item":["項目"],"Iterating":["反復"],"JSON VM listing is not supported for this compute resource.":["このコンピュートリソースには JSON VM の一覧表示がサポートされていません。"],"JSON object of the scheduler hint":["スケジューラーヒントの JSON オブジェクト"],"Keep selected hosts for a future action":["選択されたホストを将来のために保持します"],"Key Binding":["キーバインディング"],"Key not connected to any compute resource":[""],"Key pair":["キーペア"],"Key used with other compute resource":[""],"KeyPair|Name":["名前"],"KeyPair|Public":["公開"],"KeyPair|Secret":["シークレット"],"Kind":["種類"],"LDAP Authentication":["LDAP 認証"],"LDAP authentication":["LDAP 認証"],"LDAP authentication sources":["LDAP 認証ソース"],"LDAP error - %{message}":["LDAP エラー - %{message}"],"LDAP filter":["LDAP フィルター"],"LDAP server":["LDAP サーバー"],"LDAP users will have their Foreman account automatically created the first time they log into Foreman":["LDAP ユーザーは、Foreman への初回ログイン時に Foreman 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This is primarily used by Sparc Solaris builds and can be left blank for other architectures. The value can be determined on Solaris via uname -m":["このマシンで提供されている CPU のクラスです。これは主に Sparc Solaris ビルドによって使用され、他のアーキテクチャーの場合は空白のままにできます。値は uname -m により Solaris 上で判別できます。"],"The class of the machine reported by the Open Boot Prom. This is primarily used by Sparc Solaris builds and can be left blank for other architectures. The value can be determined on Solaris via uname -i|cut -f2 -d,":["Open Boot Prom でレポートされるマシンのクラスです。これは主に Sparc Solaris ビルドによって使用され、他のアーキテクチャーの場合は空白のままにできます。値は、uname -i|cut -f2 -d, により Solaris 上で判別できます。"],"The default administrator email address":["デフォルトの管理者メールアドレス"],"The dynamic partitioning style is currently only available for the Red Hat family of operating systems, all others must provide an explicit list of partitions and sizes.":["現在、動的なプロビジョニングスタイルは Red Hat ファミリーのオペレーティングシステムでのみ利用でき、その以外の場合はすべて、パーティションとサイズの明示的なリストを指定する必要があります。"],"The file path where your p12 file is located":["p12 ファイルのあるファイルパス"],"The final entry, Operating System default, can be set by editing the %s page.":["最終エントリーのオペレーティングシステムのデフォルトは、%s ページを編集して設定できます。"],"The following IPv4 subnets have been found. Please review the details before creating them.":["次の IPv4 サブネットが見つかりました。作成する前に詳細を確認してください。"],"The following entries were found conflicting with what foreman wanted to apply.":["以下のエントリーは、Foreman が適用しようとした内容と競合していることが確認されました。"],"The following errors may prevent a successful build:":["以下のエラーにより、ビルドが正常に行なわれなくなる可能性があります:"],"The following fields would need reviewing":["以下のフィールドは確認が必要です"],"The following hosts failed the build operation: %s":["以下のホストはビルド操作に失敗しました: %s"],"The following hosts were not %{action}: %{missed_hosts}":["以下のホストでは %{action} が実行されませんでした: %{missed_hosts}"],"The following hosts were not deleted: %s":["以下のホストは削除されませんでした: %s"],"The following hosts were updated":["以下のホストは更新されました"],"The following parameters were skipped as they did not exists on this host:":["以下のパラメーターは、このホスト上に存在しなかったためにスキップされました:"],"The following table and example snippet shows global methods, variables and class methods and how to use them.":["次の表と例は、グローバルメソッド、変数およびクラスメソッド、それらの使用方法を示しています。"],"The full DNS domain name":["完全 DNS ドメイン名"],"The host group's classes and the host group's variables are included in the external node information when the puppetmaster compiles the host's configuration.":["puppetmaster によるホスト設定のコンパイル時に、ホストグループのクラスおよびホストグループの変数が外部ノード情報に組み込まれます。"],"The inclusion of the keyword string <b>#Dynamic</b> at the start of a line lets Foreman know that this is not an explicit disk layout and must treated as a shell script, executed prior\\n to the install process and that the explicit partition table will be found at <b>/tmp/diskpart.cfg</b> during the build process.":["キーワード文字列 <b>#Dynamic</b> を行の開始位置に含めることにより、Foreman ではこれは明示的なディスクレイアウトではなく、インストールプロセスの前に実行されるシェルスクリプト\\n として処理する必要があり、明示的なパーティションテーブルはビルドプロセス時に <b>/tmp/diskpart.cfg</b> にあることが認識されます。"],"The keys can be used in provisioning templates and are also available for configuration management tools managed by Foreman.":[""],"The keywords <b>$version</b>, <b>$major</b> and <b>$minor</b> will be interpolated back into the path specification to calculate the true URL address.":["キーワード <b>$version</b>、<b>$major</b> および <b>$minor</b> は、本当の URL アドレスを計算するためにパス仕様に再び挿入されます。"],"The list is excluding %{count} %{link_start}physical host%{link_end}.":["",""],"The location of the sendmail executable":["sendmail 実行可能ファイルの場所"],"The marked fields will need reviewing":["マークが付いたフィールドは確認が必要です"],"The method used to provision the host. Possible provision_methods may be %{provision_methods}":["ホストをプロビジョニングするために使用されたメソッド。使用可能な provision_methods は %{provision_methods} "],"The order in which matchers keys are processed, first match wins.<br> You may use multiple attributes as a matcher key, for example, an order of <code>host group, environment</code> would expect a matcher such as <code>hostgroup = \\\"web servers\\\", environment = production</code>":["Matcher キーが処理される順序です。先に一致したもの順になります。<br> 複数の属性を Matcher キーとして使用できます。たとえば、<code>host group, environment</code> の順序の場合、<code>hostgroup = \\\"web servers\\\", environment = production</code> のような Matcher が予想されます"],"The order in which values are resolved":["値が解決される順序"],"The password will also be accessible to other users via templates and in the ENC YAML output; disable the bmc_credentials_accessible setting to prevent access.":["また、このパスワードには、テンプレートと ENC YAML 出力で他のユーザーがアクセスできます。アクセスを防ぐには、bmc_credentials_accessible 設定を無効にします。"],"The password will not be accessible to other users; enable the bmc_credentials_accessible setting to permit access via templates and in the ENC YAML output.":["このパスワードには他のユーザーがアクセスできません。テンプレートと ENC YAML 出力でアクセスを許可するには、bmc_credentials_accessible 設定を有効にします。"],"The path to the medium, can be a URL or a valid NFS server (exclusive of the architecture).\\n for example <em>$version/os/$arch</em> where <strong>$arch</strong> will be substituted for the host's actual OS architecture and <strong>$version</strong>, <strong>$major</strong> and <strong>$minor</strong> will be substituted for the version of the operating system. Solaris and Debian media may also use <strong>$release</strong>.":["メディアのパスは、URL または有効な NFS サーバー (アーキテクチャーは除く) を指定できます。\\n たとえば、<em>$version/os/$arch</em> は、<strong>$arch</strong> がホストの実際の OS アーキテクチャーに置き換えられ、<strong>$version</strong>、<strong>$major</strong>、<strong>$minor</strong> がオペレーティングシステムのバージョンに置き換えられます。Solaris と Debian のメディアは <strong>$release</strong> も使用します。"],"The power state of the selected hosts will be set to %s":["選択されたホストの電源状態は %s に設定されます"],"The realm name, e.g. EXAMPLE.COM":["レルム名 (例: EXAMPLE.COM)"],"The remote system presented a public key signed by an unidentified certificate authority. If you are sure the remote system is authentic, go to the compute resource edit page, press the 'Test Connection' or 'Load Datacenters' button and submit":["リモートシステムは、未確認の証明機関によって署名された公開鍵を提示します。リモートシステムが認証済みであることが確認できる場合、コンピュートリソースの編集ページに移動してから「テスト接続」または「データセンターのロード」ボタンを押して送信します"],"The remote system presented a public key with hash %s but we're expecting a different hash. If you are sure the remote system is authentic, go to the compute resource edit page, press the 'Test Connection' or 'Load Datacenters' button and submit":["リモートシステムは公開鍵とハッシュ %s を提示しましたが、ハッシュは異なるものであることが予想されます。リモートシステムが認証済みであることが確認できる場合、コンピュートリソースの編集ページに移動してから「テスト接続」または「データセンターのロード」ボタンを押して送信します"],"The selected hosts were enabled for reboot and rebuild":["選択されたホストの再起動と再ビルドが有効にされました"],"The selected hosts will execute a build operation on next reboot":["選択されたホストは次回の再起動時にビルド操作を実行します"],"The snippet '%{name}' threw an error: %{exc}":[""],"The template is associated to at least one host in build mode. To apply the change, disable and enable build mode on hosts to update the live templates or choose to %s their configuration from 'Select Action' menu":["ビルドモードでは、テンプレートは少なくとも 1 つのホストに関連付けられます。変更を適用するには、ホストでビルドモードを無効および有効にするか、「アクションの選択」メニューから設定に対して %s を実行することを選択します"],"The user that is used to ssh into the instance, normally cloud-user, ec2-user, ubuntu, root etc":["SSH をインスタンスに実行するために、通常 cloud-user、ec2-user、ubuntu、root などのユーザーを使用します"],"The virtual machine is being deleted.":["この仮想マシンは削除されています。"],"There are migrations pending in the system.":["システムで保留中の移行があります"],"There are no puppet environments set up on this puppet master. Please check the puppet master configuration.":["この puppet マスターには puppet 環境がセットアップされていません。puppet マスター設定を確認してください。"],"There are orchestration modules with methods for configuration rebuild that have identical name: '%s'":["名前が同じ設定再ビルド用メソッドを持つオーケストレーションモジュールがあります: '%s'"],"There are two strategies when using host groups.":["ホストグループの使用には 2 つのストラテジーがあります"],"There is":["",""],"There is no owner with id %d and type %s":["ID が %d、タイプが %s の作成者がいません"],"There is no proxy with BMC feature set up. Please register a smart proxy with this feature.":["BMC 機能が設定されたプロキシーがありません。この機能を持つスマートプロキシーを登録してください。"],"There was an error creating the PXE file: %s":[""],"There was an error listing %{listing}: %{errors}":[""],"There was an error listing VMs: %(status)s %(statusText)s":["VM の一覧表示にエラーがありました: %(status)s %(statusText)s"],"There was an error rendering the %s template: ":["%s テンプレートのレンダリングにエラーがありました: "],"There was an error rendering the %{name} template: %{error}":["%{name} テンプレートのレンダリング中にエラーが発生しました: %{error}"],"There was no active bridge interface found in libvirt, if it does not support listing, you can enter the bridge name manually (e.g. br0)":["libvirt にアクティブなブリッジインターフェースがありませんでした。一覧表示がサポートされていない場合は、手動でブリッジ名を入力できます (例: br0)"],"These are guaranteed to work via the safe mode rendering, to ensure a template can do nothing harmful.":["これらは、セーフモードレンダリングで動作することが保証されています (テンプレートは害を及ぼしません)。"],"These two options are personal decisions and are up to you (where the main difference would be the parameter/variables settings).":["これらの 2 つのオプションは個々に定義されるものであるため、各自でそれぞれ定義してください (主な違いはパラメーター/変数の設定です)。"],"Thin provision":["シンプロビジョニング"],"This Puppet class has no parameters in its signature.":["この Puppet クラスの署名にはパラメーターがありません。"],"This allows Foreman to associate a puppet variable with a domain/site and automatically append this variable to all external node requests made by machines at that site.":["これにより、Foreman が puppet 変数をドメイン/サイトに関連付け、サイトのマシンによるすべての外部ノード要求にこの変数を自動的に付加できるようになります。"],"This group has nested groups!":["このグループはネストされたグループを持ちます。"],"This group has no roles":["このグループにはロールがありません"],"This host's stored facts and reports will be deleted too.":["ホストの保管されたファクトおよびレポートも削除されます。"],"This is a test message to confirm that Foreman's email configuration is working.":["これは、Foreman の電子メール設定が動作していることを確認するテストメッセージです。"],"This is for every location and organization that uses it.":["これは使用する各ロケーションおよび組織向けです。"],"This is for every location that uses it.":["これは使用する各ロケーション向けです。"],"This is for every organization that uses it.":["これは使用する各組織向けです。"],"This is inherited from parent":["これは親から継承されています"],"This is used by a host":["これはホストに使用されています"],"This might take a while, as all hosts, facts and reports will be destroyed as well":["ホスト、ファクトおよびレポートがすべて破棄されるため、時間がかかる場合があります"],"This role has been cloned from role %s":[""],"This role is locked for editing.":[""],"This role is locked from being modified by users.":[""],"This setting is defined in the configuration file '%{filename}' and is read-only.":["この設定は、設定ファイル '%{filename}' で定義され、読み取り専用です。"],"This template is locked and may not be removed.":["このテンプレートはロックされており、削除することができません。"],"This template is locked for editing.":["このテンプレートは編集用にロックされています。"],"This template is locked. Please clone it to a new template to customize.":["このテンプレートはロックされています。カスタマイズするには、このクローンを新規テンプレートに作成してください。"],"This template is locked. You may only change the associations. Please %s it to customize.":["このテンプレートはロックされています。変更できるのは関連付けのみになります。カスタマイズするには、これに対して %s を実行してください。"],"This value is not hidden":["この値は非表示になりません"],"This value is used also as the host's primary interface name.":["この値は、ホストのプライマリーインターフェース名としても使用されます。"],"This will reset parameters of the class %s to their default values. Continue?":["これは、クラス %s のパラメーターをそれらのデフォルト値にリセットします。続行しますか?"],"This will set all parameters of the class %s as overridden. Continue?":["これは、クラス %s のすべてのパラメーターを上書き済みとして設定します。続行しますか?"],"Time":["時間"],"Time in Seconds":["時間 (秒単位)"],"Time in minutes installation tokens should be valid for, 0 to disable token generation":["インストールトークンが有効な時間 (分単位) です。トークンの生成を無効にするには 0 を設定します"],"Timeout for DNS conflict validation (in seconds)":["DNS 競合の検証タイムアウト (秒単位)"],"Timeout has occurred while communicating with %s":["%s との通信中にタイムアウトが発生しました"],"To define trend counters, use the Add Trend Counter button.</br> To start collecting trend data, set a cron job to execute 'foreman-rake trends:counter' every Puppet Interval (%s minutes).":["トレンドカウンターを定義するには、トレンドカウンターの追加 ボタンを使用します。</br>トレンドデータの収集を開始するには、Puppet 間隔 (%s 分) ごとに 'foreman-rake trends:counter' を実行するよう cron ジョブを設定します。"],"To enable a provider, either install the OS package (e.g. foreman-libvirt) or enable the bundler group for development setup (e.g. ovirt).":["プロバイダーを有効にするには、OS パッケージ (例: foreman-libvirt) のインストールか、または開発セットアップ用のバンドラーグループ (例: ovirt) の有効化のいずれかを実行します。"],"To enable safe mode, navigate to Settings page and enable Safemode rendering option.":["セーフモードを有効にするには、設定 ページに移動し、Safemode レンダリングオプションを有効にします。"],"To start collecting trend data, set a cron job to execute <span class='black'>foreman-rake trends:counter</span> every Puppet Interval (%s minutes)":["トレンドデータの収集を開始するには、Puppet 間隔 (%s 分) ごとに <span class='black'>foreman-rake trends:counter</span> を実行するよう cron ジョブを設定します。"],"To update the class signature, go to the Puppet Classes page and select \\\"Import\\\".":["クラス署名を更新するには「Puppet クラス」ページに移動して「インポート」を選択します。"],"Toggle":["トグル"],"Token":["トークン"],"Token duration":["トークン期間"],"Token expired":["トークンは期限切れです"],"Token|Expires":["期限切れ"],"Token|Value":["値"],"Total":["合計"],"Total Hosts: %s":["合計ホスト: %s"],"Total hosts count":["ホストの合計数"],"Total of one host":["合計 %{hosts} ホスト"],"Trend":["トレンド"],"Trend counter":["トレンドカウンター"],"Trend of the last %s days.":["過去 %s 日間のトレンドです。"],"TrendCounter|Count":["カウント"],"Trends":["トレンド"],"Trends for %s":["%s のトレンド"],"Trend|Fact name":["ファクト名"],"Trend|Fact value":["ファクト値"],"Trend|Name":["名前"],"Trend|Trendable type":["トレンドタイプ"],"Trigger a puppetrun on a node; requires that puppet run is enabled":["ノードで puppetrun をトリガーします。puppetrun を有効にする必要があります。"],"Troubleshooting":["トラブルシューティング"],"True/False flag whether a host is managed or unmanaged. Note: this value also determines whether several parameters are required or not":["ホストを管理対象とするかどうかについての True/False フラグです。注意: この値は複数のパラメーターが必要となるかどうかも決定します。"],"Trusted puppetmaster hosts":["信頼できる puppetmaster ホスト"],"Try going to %{href}":["%{href} への移行を試行"],"Type":["タイプ"],"Type of name generator":["名前ジェネレーターのタイプ"],"Type of realm, e.g. FreeIPA":["レルムのタイプ (例: FreeIPA)"],"Type or protocol, IPv4 or IPv6, defaults to IPv4":["タイプまたはプロトコル、IPv4 または IPv6、デフォルト値は IPv4"],"Types of validation values":["検証値のタイプ"],"Types of variable values":["変数値のタイプ"],"URL":["URL"],"URL for %{providers_requiring_url}":[""],"URL hosts will retrieve templates from during build (normally http as many installers don't support https)":["URL ホストはビルド時にテンプレートを取得します (インストーラーの多くは https をサポートしないため、通常は http が使われます)"],"URL must be valid and schema must be one of %s":["URL が有効であり、スキーマが %s のいずれかである必要があります"],"URL where your Foreman instance is reachable (see also Provisioning > unattended_url)":["Foreman インスタンスに到達できる URL (プロビジョニング > unattended_url も参照)"],"UTC time of report":["レポートの UTC 時間"],"UUID":["UUID"],"UUID to track orchestration tasks status, GET /api/orchestration/:UUID/tasks":["オーケストレーションタスクの状態を追跡するための UUID。GET /api/orchestration/:UUID/tasks"],"Unable to access key":["キーにアクセスできません"],"Unable to authenticate user %s":["ユーザー %s を認証できません"],"Unable to change VM display listen address, make sure the display is not attached to localhost only":["VM ディスプレイのリッスンアドレスを変更できません。ディスプレイがローカルホストのみに割り当てられていないことを確認してください"],"Unable to communicate with the proxy: %s":["プロキシーと通信できません: %s"],"Unable to connect":["接続できません"],"Unable to connect to LDAP server":["LDAP サーバーに接続できません"],"Unable to create default TFTP boot menu":["デフォルトの TFTP ブートメニューを作成できません"],"Unable to create realm entry":["レルムエントリーを作成できません"],"Unable to create the default role.":["デフォルトのロールを作成できません。"],"Unable to delete DHCP entry for %s":["%s の DHCP エントリーを削除できません"],"Unable to delete DNS entry":["DNS エントリーを削除できません"],"Unable to delete PuppetCA autosign for %s":["%s の PuppetCA 自動署名を削除できません"],"Unable to delete PuppetCA certificate for %s":["%s の PuppetCA 証明書を削除できません"],"Unable to delete TFTP boot entry for %s":["%s の TFTP ブートエントリーを削除できません"],"Unable to detect TFTP boot server":["TFTP ブートサーバーを検出できません"],"Unable to detect features":["機能を検出できません"],"Unable to detect version":["バージョンを検出できません"],"Unable to determine the host's boot server. The DHCP smart proxy failed to provide this information and this subnet is not provided with TFTP services.":["ホストのブートサーバーを判別できません。DHCP スマートプロキシーがこの情報の提供に失敗したため、このサブネットには TFTP サービスが提供されません。"],"Unable to disable bmc_credentials_accessible when safemode_render is disabled":["safemode_render が無効な場合は、bmc_credentials_accessible を無効にできません "],"Unable to disable safemode_render when bmc_credentials_accessible is disabled":["bmc_credentials_accessible が無効な場合は、safemode_render を無効にできません"],"Unable to execute Puppet run":["puppetrun を実行できません"],"Unable to fetch TFTP boot file":["TFTP ブートファイルを取得できません"],"Unable to fetch logs":["ログを取得できません"],"Unable to find IP address for '%s'":["'%s' の IP アドレスが見つかりません"],"Unable to find a proxy with BMC feature":["BMC 機能のあるプロキシーが見つかりません"],"Unable to find proper authentication method":["適切な認証メソッドが見つかりません"],"Unable to find template %s":["テンプレート %s が見つかりません"],"Unable to generate output, Check log files":["出力を生成できません。ログファイルを確認してください"],"Unable to get BMC providers":["BMC プロバイダーを取得できません"],"Unable to get PuppetCA autosign":["PuppetCA 自動署名を取得できません"],"Unable to get PuppetCA certificates":["PuppetCA 証明書を取得できません"],"Unable to get classes from Puppet for %s":["%s についての Puppet のクラスを取得できません"],"Unable to get environment from Puppet":["Puppet から環境を取得できません"],"Unable to get environments from Puppet":["Puppet から環境を取得できません"],"Unable to get installed BMC providers":["インストール済みの BMC プロバイダーを取得できません"],"Unable to initialize ProxyAPI class %s":["ProxyAPI クラス %s を初期化できません"],"Unable to perform boot BMC operation":["boot BMC の操作を実行できません"],"Unable to perform identify BMC operation":["identify BMC の操作を特定できません"],"Unable to perform lan BMC operation":["lan BMC の操作を実行できません"],"Unable to perform power BMC operation":["power BMC の操作を実行できません"],"Unable to render %{kind} template '%{name}': %{e}":["%{kind} テンプレート '%{name}' をレンダリングできません: %{e}"],"Unable to render '%{name}' template: %{e}":["'%{name}' テンプレートをレンダリングできません: %{e}"],"Unable to retrieve DHCP entry for %s":["%s の DHCP エントリーを取得できません"],"Unable to retrieve DHCP subnet":["DHCP サブネットを取得できません"],"Unable to retrieve DHCP subnets":["DHCP サブネットを取得できません"],"Unable to retrieve unused IP":["未使用 IP を取得できません"],"Unable to save":["保存できません"],"Unable to send email, check server logs for more information":["電子メールを送信できません。詳細については、サーバーログを確認してください"],"Unable to set DHCP entry":["DHCP エントリーを設定できません"],"Unable to set DNS entry":["DHCP エントリーを設定できません"],"Unable to set PuppetCA autosign for %s":["%s の PuppetCA 自動署名を設定できません"],"Unable to set TFTP boot entry for %s":["%s の TFTP ブートエントリーを設定できません"],"Unable to sign PuppetCA certificate for %s":["%s の PuppetCA 証明書に署名できません"],"Unable to turn on websockets_encrypt, either websockets_ssl_key or websockets_ssl_cert is missing":["websockets_encrypt をオンにできません。websockets_ssl_key または websockets_ssl_cert が不明です"],"Unable to unset websockets_ssl_cert when websockets_encrypt is on":["websockets_encrypt がオンの場合は websockets_ssl_cert を設定解除できません"],"Unable to unset websockets_ssl_key when websockets_encrypt is on":["websockets_encrypt がオンの場合は websockets_ssl_key を設定解除できません"],"Unallowed template for dashboard widget: %s":["ダッシュボードウィジェットのテンプレートは許可されません: %s"],"Unattended URL":["自動 URL"],"Undo remove":["削除を元に戻す"],"Undo selection":[""],"Unhide this value":["この値の非表示設定を解除"],"Unknown":["不明"],"Unknown IPAM type - 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Access Key for EC2.":["oVirt、EC2、VMware、OpenStack のユーザー名。EC2 のアクセスキー。"],"Username to use to authenticate, if required":["認証するために使用するユーザー名 (必要な場合)"],"Users":["ユーザー"],"User|Admin":["管理者"],"User|Avatar hash":["アバターのハッシュ"],"User|Firstname":["名"],"User|Last login on":["最終ログイン"],"User|Lastname":["姓"],"User|Locale":["ロケール"],"User|Login":["ログイン名"],"User|Lower login":["小文字のログイン"],"User|Mail":["メール"],"User|Mail enabled":["メールの有効化"],"User|Password hash":["パスワードのハッシュ"],"User|Password salt":["パスワード salt"],"Uses thin provisioning if unchecked":["チェックが付けられていない場合にシンプロビジョニングを使用します"],"Using the organization system provides a way to group resources together for easy management. Organizations are particularly useful for Foreman installations where several customers or business units are managed with a single Foreman install.":["組織システムを使用すると、リソースをグループ化して管理を簡単に行えるようになります。組織は、単一の Foreman インストールで複数の顧客またはビジネスユニットが管理される Foreman インストールで特に役に立ちます。"],"VCPU(s)":["VCPU"],"VCenter/Server":["サーバー"],"VLAN ID for this subnet":["このサブネットの VLAN ID"],"VLAN tag, this attribute has precedence over the subnet VLAN ID. Only for virtual interfaces.":["VLAN タグ。この属性はサブネット VLAN ID より優先されます。仮想インターフェースの場合のみ使用されます。"],"VM":["仮想マシン"],"VM Attributes":["VM 属性"],"VM Attributes (%s)":["VM 属性 (%s)"],"VM already associated with a host":["ホストにすでに関連付けられている VM"],"VM associated to host %s":["ホスト %s に関連付けられている VM"],"VM is not running!":["VM が実行されていません!"],"VNC/SPICE websocket proxy console access encryption (websockets_ssl_key/cert setting required)":["VNC/SPICE websocket プロキシーコンソールアクセス暗号化 (websockets_ssl_key/cert 設定が必要)"],"Valid from":["有効期間の起点"],"Valid host group and environment combinations":["有効なホストグループと環境の組み合わせ"],"Validation types":["検証タイプ"],"Value":["値"],"Value to use when there is no match":["一致がない場合に使用する値"],"Value to use when there is no match.":["一致がない場合に使用する値。"],"Variable":["変数"],"Variable lookup key":["可変ルックアップキー"],"Variables":["変数"],"Vendor class":["ベンダークラス"],"Verify":["確認"],"Version":["バージョン"],"Version %{version}":["バージョン %{version}"],"Version %{version} %{copyright} 2009-%{year} Paul Kelly and %{author}":["バージョン %{version} %{copyright} 2009-%{year} Paul Kelly および %{author}"],"Very Strong":["非常に強度が高い"],"View Diff":["差分の表示"],"View in Foreman:":["Foreman での表示:"],"View last report details":["最終レポートの詳細の表示"],"View list":["一覧の表示"],"Virtual (NAT)":["仮想 (NAT)"],"Virtual H/W version":["仮想ハードウェアのバージョン"],"Virtual Machine":["仮想マシン"],"Virtual Machines":["仮想マシン"],"Virtual Machines on %s":["%s の仮想マシン"],"Virtual NIC":["仮想 NIC"],"Virtual machine settings cannot be edited on an existing machine in %s":["%s の既存のマシンで仮想マシン設定を編集することはできません"],"WARNING":["警告"],"Wait for %s to come online":["%s がオンラインになるのを待機"],"Warning":["警告"],"Warning!":["警告!"],"Warning! This will remove %{name} from %{number} user. are you sure?":["",""],"Warning: This will delete this host and all of its data!":["警告: これにより、このホストとそのデータのすべてが削除されます!"],"Warnings and errors":["警告とエラー"],"We have not found any documentation for your API.":["お使いの API についてのドキュメントが見つかっていません。"],"We use Redmine to report and track bugs and feature requests, which can be found here:":["以下にあるようにバグのレポートと追跡、および機能要求に Redmine を使用します:"],"Weak":["弱い"],"Websockets SSL certificate":["Websockets SSL 証明書"],"Websockets SSL key":["Websockets SSL キー"],"Websockets encryption":["Websockets 暗号化"],"Weekly":["毎週"],"Welcome to Foreman":["Foreman へようこそ"],"What ever text(or ERB template) you use in here, would be used as your OS disk layout options If you want to use the partition table option, delete all of the text from this field":["ここで使用するテキスト (または ERB テンプレート) がどのようなものであれ、これらは OS ディスクレイアウトのオプションとして使用されます。パーティションテーブルのオプションを使用する場合、このフィールドからすべてのテキストを削除してください"],"When a Host requests a template (e.g. during provisioning), Foreman will select the best match from the available templates of that type, in the following order:":["ホストがテンプレートを要求する際 (例: プロビジョニング時) に、Foreman は以下の順序で、該当タイプの利用できるテンプレートからベストマッチを選択します:"],"When a realm is selected for a host, Foreman contacts the relevant realm smart proxy to create an entry for the host and retrieve it's one-time registration password.":["レルムがホスト用に選択されると、Foreman は関連するレルムのスマートプロキシーに接続してホストのエントリーを作成し、そのワンタイム登録パスワードを取得します。"],"When editing a template, you must assign a list of operating systems which this template can be used with. Optionally, you can restrict a template to a list of host groups and/or environments.":["テンプレートの編集時に、このテンプレートを使用できるオペレーティングシステムの一覧を割り当てる必要があります。オプションで、テンプレートをホストグループおよび/または環境の一覧に制限することができます。"],"When enabled the parameter is hidden in the UI":["有効な場合はパラメーターが UI で非表示になります"],"When specifying custom value, add 'MB' or 'GB' at the end. Field is not case sensitive and MB is default if unspecified.":["カスタム値を指定する場合は、末尾に 'MB' または 'GB' を追加してください。フィールドでは大文字と小文字は区別されず、指定しない場合は MB がデフォルト値になります。"],"When the role's associated %{taxonomies} are changed,<br> the change will propagate to all inheriting filters.\\n Filters that are set to override <br> will remain untouched. Overriding of role filters can be easily disabled by <br> pressing the \\\"Disable overriding\\\" button.\\n Note that not all filters support <br>%{taxonomies}, so these always remain global.":[""],"When using SSH based provisioning, a special SSH key is created in order to automate the provisioning process.":[""],"When using TLS, you can set how OpenSSL checks the certificate":["TLS を使用する場合は、OpenSSL で証明書をチェックする方法を設定できます"],"Whether or not the image supports user data":["イメージがユーザーデータをサポートするかどうか"],"Whether or not the template is locked for editing":["テンプレートを編集用にロックするかどうか"],"Whether the class parameter value is managed by Foreman.":["クラスパラメーター値が Foreman によって管理されているかどうか。"],"Whether the smart class parameter value is managed by Foreman":["スマートクラスパラメーター値が Foreman によって管理されているかどうか"],"Which is an offset of <b>%s</b>":["<b>%s</b> のオフセットはどれか"],"Widget added to dashboard.":["ウィジェットがダッシュボードに追加されました。"],"Widget positions successfully saved.":["ウィジェットの位置が正常に保存されました。"],"Widget removed from dashboard.":["ウィジェットがダッシュボードから削除されました。"],"Wiki":["Wiki"],"With user groups, you can group your users and assign them roles on a group basis.":[""],"X509 Certification Authorities":["X509 証明機関"],"YAML":["YAML"],"Yes":["はい"],"You are about to change the default PXE menu on all configured TFTP servers - continue?":["デフォルトの PXE メニューをすべての設定済み TFTP サーバーで変更しようとしています - 続行しますか?"],"You are about to override the editor content with a previous version, are you sure?":["エディターのコンテンツを直前のバージョンで上書きしようとしています。実行してもよろしいですか?"],"You are about to override the editor content, are you sure?":["エディターのコンテンツを上書きしようとしています。実行してもよろしいですか?"],"You are about to unlock a locked template.":["ロックされたテンプレートをロック解除します。"],"You are not authorized to lock templates.":["テンプレートをロックする権限がありません。"],"You are not authorized to make a template default.":["テンプレートをデフォルトにする権限がありません。"],"You are not authorized to perform this action.":["このアクションを実行する権限がありません。"],"You are trying to delete your own account":["ご自身のアカウントを削除しようとしています"],"You are using an unsupported browser.":["サポートされていないブラウザーを使用しています"],"You can add SSH public keys to a user in Foreman.":[""],"You can find The Foreman on the %{freenode} ( network. For general support, please visit #theforeman and for development specific related chat, please visit #theforeman-dev.":["%{freenode} ( ネットワークに Foreman を見つけることができます。一般的なサポートについては、#theforeman にアクセスし、開発に関連した個別チャットの場合は #theforeman-dev にアクセスしてください。"],"You can select one of the IPAM modes supported by the selected IP protocol:<br/><ul><li><strong>DHCP</strong> - will manage the IP on DHCP through assigned DHCP proxy, auto-suggested IPs come from DHCP <em>(IPv4)</em></li><li><strong>Internal DB</strong> - use internal DB to auto-suggest free IP based on other interfaces on same subnet respecting range if specified, useful mainly with static boot mode <em>(IPv4, IPv6)</em></li><li><strong>EUI-64</strong> - will assign the IPv6 address based on the MAC address of the interface <em>(IPv6)</em></li><li><strong>None</strong> - leave IP management solely on user, no auto-suggestion <em>(IPv4, IPv6)</em></li></ul>":["選択された IP プロトコルによってサポートされたいずれかの IPAM モードを選択できます:<br/><ul><li><strong>DHCP</strong> - 割り当てられた DHCP プロキシー経由で DHCP 上の IP を管理します。自動補完 IP は DHCP <em>(IPv4)</em> から提供されます</li><li><strong>内部 DB</strong> - 内部 DB を使用して同じサブネット範囲 (指定された場合) の別のインターフェースに基づいて空き IP を自動補完します。主に静的ブートモード <em>(IPv4, IPv6)</em> で役に立ちます</li><li><strong>EUI-64</strong> - インターフェースの MAC アドレスに基づいて IPv6 アドレスを割り当てます <em>(IPv6)</em></li><li><strong>なし</strong> - IP 管理をユーザーだけに任せます。自動補完なし <em>(IPv4, IPv6)</em></li></ul>"],"You can't assign locations to this resource":["ロケーションをこのリソースに割り当てることができません"],"You can't assign organizations to this resource":["組織をこのリソースに割り当てることができません"],"You cannot delete this user while logged in as this user.":["このユーザーがこのユーザーとしてログインしている間は削除できません。"],"You do not have permission to %s this location parameter":["このロケーションパラメーターの %s についてのパーミッションがありません"],"You do not have permission to %s this organization parameter":["この組織パラメーターの %s についてのパーミッションがありません"],"You don't have any visible hosts. 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If you wish to configure fact pushing, please follow the documentation.":["まだファクトがないようです。ファクトのプッシュを設定する場合は、ドキュメンテーションの内容に従ってください。"],"You don't seem to have any reports.":["レポートがないようです。"],"You have already logged in":["すでにログインしています"],"You may also associate one or more operating systems with this medium or alternatively set this up later on the %s page.":["さらに、1 つ以上のオペレーティングシステムをこのメディアに関連付けるか、またはこれを %s ページで後でセットアップすることができます。"],"You may also associate one or more operating systems with this partition table or alternatively set this up later on the %s page":["さらに、1 つ以上のオペレーティングシステムをこのパーティションテーブルに関連付けるか、またはこれを %s ページで後でセットアップすることができます。"],"You may create puppet classes that represent high-level host configurations, for example, a <b>host-type-ldap-server</b> class, which includes all the required functionality from other modules or you may decide to create a host group called <b>host-type-ldap-server</b> and add the required classes into the host group configuration.":["たとえば、他のモジュールの必要なすべての機能を組み込む <b>host-type-ldap-server</b> クラスなどの高レベルの設定を表す puppet クラスを作成するか、または <b>host-type-ldap-server</b> と呼ばれるホストグループを作成し、このホストグループ設定に必要なクラスを追加できます。"],"You must create a location before continuing.":["ロケーションを作成してから続行してください。"],"You must create an organization before continuing.":["組織を作成してから続行してください。"],"You must create at least one location before continuing.":["少なくとも 1 つのロケーションを作成してから続行してください。"],"You must create at least one organization before continuing.":["少なくとも 1 つの組織を作成してから続行してください。"],"You must select at least one permission":["少なくとも 1 つのパーミッションを選択する必要があります"],"You probably need to configure your %s first.":["おそらく %s を最初に設定する必要があります。"],"You would probably need to attach the":["必要な添付内容:"],"Your Foreman user account has been created:":["Foreman ユーザーアカウントが作成されました:"],"Your host has finished building:":["ホストでビルドが完了しました:"],"Your password is too short":["パスワードが短すぎます。"],"Your password should not contain sequences":["パスワードにはシーケンスを含めないようにする必要があります"],"Your 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var locales = locales || {}; locales['ja'] = {"domain":"app","locale_data":{"app":{"":{"Project-Id-Version":"Foreman","Report-Msgid-Bugs-To":"","PO-Revision-Date":"2017-09-19 16:40+0000","Last-Translator":"Lukáš Zapletal","Language-Team":"Japanese (","MIME-Version":"1.0","Content-Type":"text/plain; charset=UTF-8","Content-Transfer-Encoding":"8bit","Language":"ja","Plural-Forms":"nplurals=1; plural=0;","lang":"ja","domain":"app","plural_forms":"nplurals=1; plural=0;"}," Remove":["削除"],"%s - Press Shift-F12 to release the cursor.":["%s - マウスを使えるように、Shift+F12 を押して下さい"],"%s - The following hosts are about to be changed":["%s - 以下のホストはすぐに変更されます"],"%s Distribution":["%s 分布"],"%s Parameters updated, see below for more information":["%s パラメーターが更新されました。詳細は以下を参照してください"],"%s Template":["%s テンプレート"],"%s VM associated to a host":["%s VM がホストに関連付けられました"],"%s active feature":["",""],"%s ago":["%s前"],"%s console is not supported at this time":["%s コンソールはまだサポートされていません"],"%s core":["%s コア"],"%s day ago":["%s 日前"],"%s error message":["",""],"%s has been disassociated from VM":["%s の VM との関連付けが解除されました"],"%s host":["%s ホスト"],"%s is an unknown attribute":["%s は不明な属性です"],"%s is not a valid DNS record type":["%s は有効な DNS レコードタイプではありません"],"%s is not in environment":["%s は環境にありません"],"%s log message":["",""],"%s minute ago":["%s 分前"],"%s month ago":["%s か月前"],"%s selected hosts":["%s つの選択されたホスト"],"%s warning message":["",""],"%s week ago":["%s 週間前"],"%s widget loading...":["%s ウィジェットのロード中..."],"%{app_name} API documentation homepage":["%{app_name} API ドキュメントホームページ"],"%{config_type} rebuild failed for host: %{host_names}.":["",""],"%{controller}: %{host}'s operating system %{os} has no OS family":["%{controller}: %{host} のオペレーティングシステム %{os} には OS の種類がありません"],"%{controller}: %{host}'s operating system is missing":["%{controller}: %{host} のオペレーティングシステムが不明です"],"%{controller}: unable to find a host that matches the request from %{addr}":["%{controller}: %{addr} からの要求に一致するホストを見つけることができません"],"%{cores} Cores and %{memory} memory":["%{cores} コアおよび %{memory} メモリー"],"%{count} host with no %{taxonomy_single} assigned":["%{taxonomy_single} が割り当てられていないホストが %{count} つあります"],"%{cpus} CPUs and %{memory} MB memory":["%{cpus} CPU および %{memory} MB メモリー"],"%{cpus} CPUs and %{memory} memory":["%{cpus} CPU および %{memory} メモリー"],"%{e} does not belong to the %{environment} environment":["%{e} は %{environment} 環境に属していません"],"%{host} is about to %{action}":["%{host} はすぐに %{action} を実行します"],"%{host} now boots from %{device}":["%{host} は %{device} から起動します"],"%{id} plugin requires Foreman %{matcher} but current is %{current}":["%{id} プラグインには Foreman %{matcher} が必要ですが、現在は %{current} です"],"%{id} plugin requires the %{plugin_name} plugin %{matcher} but current is %{plugin_version}":["%{id} プラグインには %{plugin_name} プラグイン %{matcher} が必要ですが、現在は %{plugin_version} です"],"%{id} plugin requires the %{plugin_name} plugin, not found":["%{id} プラグインには %{plugin_name} プラグインが必要ですが、見つかりません"],"%{image} needs user data, but %{os_link} is not associated to any provisioning template of the kind user_data. Please associate it with a suitable template or uncheck 'User data' for %{compute_resource_image_link}.":["%{image} はユーザーデータが必要ですが、%{os_link} は user_data の種類のプロビジョニングテンプレートに関連付けられていません。適切なテンプレートに関連付けるか、%{compute_resource_image_link} の「ユーザーデータ」のチェックを外してください。"],"%{key} does not exist in order field":["%{key} は順序フィールドに存在しません"],"%{match} does not match an existing host":["%{match} は既存ホストに一致しません"],"%{match} does not match an existing host group":["%{match} は既存のホストグループに一致しません"],"%{model} with id '%{id}' was not found":["id '%{id}' の %{model} が見つかりませんでした"],"%{name} changed from %{label1} to %{label2}":["%{name} は %{label1} から %{label2} に変更されました"],"%{name} has %{num_tag} class":["%{name} は、 %{num_tag} クラスです"],"%{os} medium was not set for host '%{host}'":["%{os} メディアがホスト '%{host}' に設定されていませんでした"],"%{record} is being used by a hidden %{what} resource":["%{record} は、非表示の %{what} リソースによって使用されています"],"%{record} is used by %{what}":["%{record} は %{what} によって使用されています"],"%{record} is used by host in build mode %{what}":["%{record} はビルドモードのホスト %{what} によって使用されています"],"%{resource_name} not found by id '%{id}'":["%{resource_name} が ID '%{id}' で見つかりません"],"%{task} task failed with the following error: %{e}":["%{task} タスクは以下のエラーを出して失敗しました: %{e}"],"%{taxonomy_type} %{taxonomy_name} has %{count} host that will need to be reassociated after deletion. Delete %{taxonomy_name2}?":["",""],"%{type} %{conflicts} already exists":["%{type} %{conflicts} はすでに存在します"],"%{user} Downloaded %{key} as pem file":[""],"%{value} does not belong to %{os} operating system":["%{value} は %{os} オペレーティングシステムに属しません"],"%{value} is not a valid controller":["%{value} は有効なコントローラーではありません"],"%{value} is not one of %{rules}":["%{value} は %{rules} のいずれでもありません"],"%{vm} is now %{vm_state}":["%{vm} は %{vm_state} になりました"],"&laquo;":["&laquo;"],"&raquo;":["&raquo;"],"'%{host}' could be deleted or '%{resource}' is not responding.":["'%{host}' は削除されている可能性があるか、または '%{resource}' が応答していません。"],"'%{host}' not found on '%{resource}'":["'%{host}' が '%{resource}' に見つかりません"],"'%{loader}' is not one of %{loaders}":["'%{loader}' は %{loaders} のいずれかではありません"],"'Content-Type: %s' is unsupported in API v2 for POST and PUT requests. Please use 'Content-Type: application/json'.":["'コンテンツタイプ: %s' は POST および PUT 要求の API v2 でサポートされていません。'コンテンツタイプ: アプリケーション/json' を使用してください。"],"(Miscellaneous)":["(その他)"],"(optional) IAM Role for Fog to use when creating this image.":["(オプション) このイメージを作成する際に使用する Fog の IAM ロールです。"],"*Clear %s proxy*":["*%s プロキシーの消去*"],"*Clear environment*":["*環境をクリア*"],"*Clear host group*":["*ホストグループをクリア*"],"*Inherit from host group*":["*ホストグループから継承*"],", relevant log entries, and it is highly recommended to also attach the foreman-debug output.":["、関連するログエントリー。foreman-debug 出力を添付することを強く推奨します。"],":foreman_url is not set, please configure in the Foreman Web UI (Administer -> Settings -> General)":[":foreman_url が設定されていません。Foreman Web UI (管理 -> 設定 -> 全般) で設定してください"],"<b class='select_count'>0</b> selected":["<b class='select_count'>0</b> 件選択済み"],"<b style=\\\"color: #6bb5df;\\\">%{disabled_sum}</b>\\n <p>Disabled</p>":["",""],"<b style=\\\"color: #6bb5df;\\\">%{hosts_sum}</b>\\n <p>Changed</p>":["",""],"<b style=\\\"color: #6bb5df;\\\">%{out_of_sync_sum}</b>\\n <p>Out of sync</p>":["",""],"<b>Description:</b> %{desc}<br/>\\n <b>Type:</b> %{type}<br/>\\n <b>Matcher:</b> %{matcher}<br/>\\n <b>Inherited value:</b> %{inherited_value}":["<b>説明:</b> %{desc}<br/>\\n <b>タイプ:</b> %{type}<br/>\\n <b>Matcher:</b> %{matcher}<br/>\\n <b>継承された値:</b> %{inherited_value}"],"<b>Foreman API v1 is deprecated. Please use v2.</b><br />If you still need to use v1, you may do so by either passing 'version=1' in the Accept Header or using api/v1/ in the URL.":[""],"<b>Foreman</b> Build Complete":["<b>Foreman</b> ビルドの完了"],"<b>Foreman</b> Puppet error report":["<b>Foreman</b> Puppet エラーレポート"],"<b>Foreman</b> Puppet summary":["<b>Foreman</b> Puppet 概要"],"<b>Foreman</b> audit summary":["<b>Foreman</b> 監査概要"],"<b>Foreman</b> test email":["<b>Foreman</b> テストメール"],"<b>Source:</b> %{type} %{name}":["<b>ソース:</b> %{type} %{name}"],"<dl><dt>List</dt> <dd>A list of the allowed values, specified in the Validator rule field.</dd><dt>Regexp</dt> <dd>Validates the input with the regular expression in the Validator rule field.</dd></dl>":["<dl><dt>List</dt> <dd>「バリデータールール」フィールドで指定される、許可される値の一覧です。</dd><dt>Regexp</dt> <dd>「バリデータールール」フィールドの正規表現による入力の検証を行います。</dd></dl>"],"<dl><dt>String</dt> <dd>Everything is taken as a string.</dd><dt>Boolean</dt> <dd>Common representation of boolean values are accepted.</dd><dt>Integer</dt> <dd>Integer numbers only, can be negative.</dd><dt>Real</dt> <dd>Accept any numerical input.</dd><dt>Array</dt> <dd>A valid JSON or YAML input, that must evaluate to an array.</dd><dt>Hash</dt> <dd>A valid JSON or YAML input, that must evaluate to an object/map/dict/hash.</dd><dt>YAML</dt> <dd>Any valid YAML input.</dd><dt>JSON</dt> <dd>Any valid JSON input.</dd></dl>":["<dl><dt>String</dt> <dd>すべての値を文字列として取得します。</dd><dt>Boolean</dt> <dd>ブール値の共通表現が受け入れられます。</dd><dt>Integer</dt> <dd>整数のみです。負の値にできます。</dd><dt>Real</dt> <dd>すべての数値入力を受け入れます。</dd><dt>Array</dt> <dd>配列に評価される有効な JSON または YAML 入力です。</dd><dt>Hash</dt> <dd>object/map/dict/hash として評価される有効な JSON または YAML 入力です。</dd><dt>YAML</dt> <dd>すべての有効な YAML 入力です。</dd><dt>JSON</dt> <dd>すべての有効な JSON 入力です。</dd></dl>"],"A Foreman user group can be associated to a group stored in an LDAP server, so membership of the LDAP group automatically adds the user to the Foreman user group.":[""],"A host group is in some ways similar to an inherited node declaration, in that it is a high level grouping of classes that can be named and treated as a unit. This is then treated as a template and is selectable during the creation of a new host and ensures that the host is configured in one of your pre-defined states.":["ホストグループは、ユニットとして指定および処理できる高レベルのクラスであるという点で、継承されるノード宣言といくらか似ています。これは次にテンプレートとして処理され、新規ホストの作成時に選択可能になり、ホストが事前に定義されたいずれかの状態で設定されるようにします。"],"A medium represents the source of one or more operating system's installation files, accessible via the network.\\n It will probably be a mirror from the internet or a copy of one or more CD or DVDs.":["メディアは、ネットワーク経由でアクセスできる 1 つ以上のオペレーティングシステムのインストールファイルのソースを表します。\\n このソースとしては、インターネットまたは 1 つ以上の CD または DVD コピーのミラーなどがあります。"],"A partition table entry represents either":["パーティションテーブルのエントリーは以下のいずれかを表します"],"A problem occurred when detecting host type: %s":["ホストタイプの検出時に問題が発生しました: %s"],"A script to dynamically calculate the desired sizes. 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E.G.":["ハードドライブのパーティションの明示的なレイアウト (例)"],"An invalid response was received while requesting available features from this proxy":["このプロキシーから利用可能な機能を要求しているときに、無効な応答を受け取りました"],"Annotation Notes":["アノテーションノート"],"Annotation notes":["アノテーションノート"],"Anonymous admin user %s is missing, run foreman-rake db:seed":["非同期管理者ユーザー %s が見つかりません。foreman-rake db:seed を実行してください"],"Any Context":["すべてのコンテキスト"],"Any Location":["任意のロケーション"],"Any Organization":["任意の組織"],"Applicable Operating Systems":["適用可能なオペレーティングシステム"],"Applied":["適用"],"Applied|A":["A"],"Architecture":["アーキテクチャー"],"Architecture Distribution":["アーキテクチャー分布"],"Architecture ID":["アーキテクチャー ID"],"Architectures":["アーキテクチャー"],"Architecture|Hostgroups count":["ホストグループ数"],"Architecture|Hosts count":["ホスト数"],"Architecture|Name":["名前"],"Are you sure you want to %{act} %{vm}?":["%{vm} の %{act} を実行してもよいですか?"],"Are you sure you want to delete host %s? This action is irreversible.":["ホスト %s を削除してもよろしいですか? この操作を取り消すことはできません。"],"Are you sure you want to delete host %s? This will delete the virtual machine and its disks, and is irreversible.":["ホスト %s を削除してもよろしいですか? これにより、仮想マシンとそのディスクが削除されます。この操作を取り消すことはできません。"],"Are you sure you want to delete this widget from your dashboard?":["ダッシュボードからこのウィジェットを削除してもよろしいですか?"],"Are you sure you want to log out?":["本当にログアウトしますか?"],"Are you sure you want to power %{act} %{vm}?":["%{vm} の %{act} を実行してもよいですか?"],"Are you sure?":["実行してもよろしいですか?"],"Array of extra information types to include":["含める追加の情報タイプの配列"],"Array of host IDs to associate with the partition table":["パーティションテーブルに関連付けるホスト ID の配列"],"Array of host group IDs to associate with the partition table":["パーティションテーブルに関連付けるホストグループ ID の配列"],"Array of operating system IDs to associate with the partition table":["パーティションテーブルに関連付けるオペレーティングシステム ID の配列"],"Array of operating system IDs to associate with the template":["テンプレートに関連付けるオペレーティングシステム ID の配列"],"Array of parameters":[""],"Array of parameters (name, value)":["パラメーター (名前、値) の配列"],"Array of template combinations (hostgroup_id, environment_id)":["テンプレートの組み合わせ (hostgroup_id、environment_id) の配列"],"Assign All":["すべてを割り当て"],"Assign Hosts to %s":["ホストを %s に割り当て"],"Assign Location":["ロケーションの割り当て"],"Assign Organization":["組織の割り当て"],"Assign Selected Hosts":["選択したホストの割り当て"],"Assign the %{count} host with no %{taxonomy_single} to %{taxonomy_name}":["",""],"Assign to %s":["%s に割り当て"],"Assigning hosts to %{taxonomy_name} will also update %{taxonomy_name} to include all the resources that the selected hosts are currently using.":["ホストを %{taxonomy_name} に割り当てることにより、選択したホストが現在使用しているすべてのリソースを含むように %{taxonomy_name} も更新されます。"],"Associate VM":["VM の関連付け"],"Associate VM to a Foreman host":["VM の Foreman ホストへの関連付け"],"Associate VMs":["VM の関連付け"],"Associate VMs to Foreman hosts":["VM の Foreman ホストへの関連付け"],"Associate VMs to Hosts":["VM のホストへの関連付け"],"Association":["関連付け"],"At least one volume must be specified for image-based provisioning.":["少なくとも 1 つのボリュームをイメージベースのプロビジョニング用に指定する必要があります。"],"Attempting to construct an operating system image filename but %s cannot be built from an image":["オペレーティングシステムのイメージファイル名を作成しようとしましたが、%s をイメージから作成することができません"],"Attribute mappings":["マッピング属性"],"Attribute type":["属性タイプ"],"Audit":[""],"Audit Comment":["監査コメント"],"Audit summary":["監査の概要"],"Audited::Adapters::ActiveRecord::Audit|Action":["アクション"],"Audited::Adapters::ActiveRecord::Audit|Associated name":["関連する名前"],"Audited::Adapters::ActiveRecord::Audit|Associated type":["関連するタイプ"],"Audited::Adapters::ActiveRecord::Audit|Auditable name":["監査可能な名前"],"Audited::Adapters::ActiveRecord::Audit|Auditable type":["監査可能なタイプ"],"Audited::Adapters::ActiveRecord::Audit|Audited changes":["監査済みの変更"],"Audited::Adapters::ActiveRecord::Audit|Comment":["コメント"],"Audited::Adapters::ActiveRecord::Audit|Remote address":["リモートアドレス"],"Audited::Adapters::ActiveRecord::Audit|User type":["ユーザータイプ"],"Audited::Adapters::ActiveRecord::Audit|Username":["ユーザー名"],"Audited::Adapters::ActiveRecord::Audit|Version":["バージョン"],"Audits":["監査"],"Auth source":["認証ソース"],"AuthSource|Account":["アカウント"],"AuthSource|Account password":["アカウントパスワード"],"AuthSource|Attr firstname":["名"],"AuthSource|Attr lastname":["姓"],"AuthSource|Attr login":["ログイン属性"],"AuthSource|Attr mail":["メール属性"],"AuthSource|Attr photo":["写真属性"],"AuthSource|Base dn":["ベース DN"],"AuthSource|Groups base":["グループベース"],"AuthSource|Host":["ホスト"],"AuthSource|LDAPS":["LDAP"],"AuthSource|Ldap filter":["LDAP フィルター"],"AuthSource|Name":["名前"],"AuthSource|Onthefly register":["オンザフライ登録"],"AuthSource|Port":["ポート"],"AuthSource|Server type":["サーバータイプ"],"AuthSource|Tls":["TLS"],"Authentication":["認証"],"Author":["作成者"],"Authorize login delegation":["ログイン委任の承認"],"Authorize login delegation API":["ログイン委任 API の承認"],"Authorize login delegation auth source user autocreate":["ログイン委任認証ソースユーザーの自動作成の承認"],"Authorize login delegation with REMOTE_USER environment variable":["REMOTE_USER 環境変数によるログイン委任の承認"],"Authorize login delegation with REMOTE_USER environment variable for API calls too":["API 呼び出しの REMOTE_USER 環境変数によるログイン委任の承認"],"Authorized by":["認証先"],"Auto refresh off":["自動更新オフ"],"Auto refresh on":["自動更新日"],"Automatic":[""],"Autosign":["自動署名"],"Autosign entries":["エントリーの自動署名"],"Autosign entry name":[""],"Availability zone":["利用可能ゾーン"],"Available Classes":["利用可能なクラス"],"Available Config Groups":["選択可能な設定グループ"],"Available Providers":["選択可能なプロバイダー"],"Average memory usage":["平均メモリー使用率"],"Average swap usage":["平均スワップ使用率"],"Avoid duplicate values when merging them (only array type)?":["値をマージするときに重複する値を回避しますか (配列タイプのみ)?"],"BIOS":["BIOS"],"BMC":["BMC"],"BMC credentials access":["BMC 認証情報のアクセス"],"BMC password usage":["BMC パスワードの使用"],"Back":["戻る"],"Back to host":["ホストに戻る"],"Back to host list":["ホストの一覧に戻る"],"Backtrace":["バックトレース"],"Bare Metal":["ベアメタル"],"Base DN":["ベース DN"],"Before you proceed to using Foreman you should provide information about one or more architectures.":["Foreman を使用する前に、1 つ以上のアーキテクチャーについての情報を指定する必要があります。"],"Bond":["ボンド"],"Bond mode of the interface, e.g. balance-rr. 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When a role is associated <br> with some %s filter is not considered unlimited as it's scoped accordingly.":["これを選択しないと、検索フィールドで Foreman の検索構文を使ってフィルターを指定できます。<br>フィルターに制限が設定されていないままの場合 (このフィールドにチェックが付けられている場合) は、選択したタイプのすべてのリソースが適用対象になります。ロールが <br> %s に関連付けられている場合、フィルターは無制限と見なされません (そのスコープは適切に設定されます)。"],"CA certificate expiry date":["CA 証明書の有効期限"],"CD-ROM drive":["CD-ROM ドライブ"],"CDROM":["CDROM"],"CPU hot add":["CPU ホット追加"],"CPU hot add lets you add CPU resources for a virtual machine while the machine is powered on.":["CPU ホット追加により、マシンの電源をオンにしたまま仮想マシンの CPU リソースを追加できます。"],"CPUs":["CPU"],"Cache slow calls to VMWare to speed up page rendering":[""],"Caching":[""],"Calling methods on objects":["オブジェクトのメソッドの呼び出し"],"Can't delete internal admin account":["内部管理者アカウントを削除できません"],"Can't delete the last admin account":["最後の管理者アカウントを削除できません"],"Can't delete the last admin user group":["最後の管理者ユーザーグループを削除できません"],"Can't find a valid Foreman Proxy with a Puppet feature":["Puppet 機能を持つ有効な Foreman 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を使用してください。"],"Description":["説明"],"Description of smart class":["スマートクラスの説明"],"Description of the domain":["ドメインの説明"],"Description of variable":["変数の説明"],"Deselect All":["すべての選択を解除"],"Destroy":["破棄"],"Destroyed selected hosts":["破棄済みの選択ホスト"],"Details":["詳細"],"Device identifier":["デバイス ID"],"Device identifier for this interface. 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Foreman also supports the Solaris operating system family, which includes <b>sparc</b> based systems.":["各エントリーは、特定のハードウェアのアーキテクチャーを表します (典型例は <b>x86_64</b> または <b>i386</b> です)。Foreman は <b>sparc</b> ベースのシステムを含む Solaris オペレーティングシステムファミリーにも対応しています。"],"Eager zero":["Eager zero"],"Edit":["編集"],"Edit %s":["%s の編集"],"Edit Architecture":["アーキテクチャーの編集"],"Edit Bookmark":["ブックマークの編集"],"Edit Compute profile":["コンピュートプロファイルの編集"],"Edit Compute profile: %s":["コンピュートプロファイルの編集: %s"],"Edit Config group":["設定グループの編集"],"Edit Domain":["ドメインの編集"],"Edit Environment":["環境の編集"],"Edit Filter":["ファイルターの編集"],"Edit Global Parameter":["グローバルパラメーターの編集"],"Edit Host":["ホストの編集"],"Edit LDAP Auth Source":["LDAP 認証ソースの編集"],"Edit Medium":["メディアの編集"],"Edit Model":["モデルの編集"],"Edit Operating System":["オペレーティングシステムの編集"],"Edit Parameters":["パラメーターの編集"],"Edit Partition Table":["パーティションテーブルの編集"],"Edit Properties":["プロパティーの編集"],"Edit Proxy":["プロキシーの編集"],"Edit Puppet Class %s":["Puppet クラス %s の編集"],"Edit Realm":["レルムの編集"],"Edit Role":["ロールの編集"],"Edit Smart Variable":["スマート変数の編集"],"Edit Smart class parameters":["スマートクラスパラメーターの編集"],"Edit Subnet":["サブネットの編集"],"Edit Template":["テンプレートの編集"],"Edit Trend %s":["%sトレンド の編集"],"Edit User":["ユーザーの編集"],"Edit User group":["ユーザーグループの編集"],"Edit compute profile on %s":["%s のコンピュートプロファイルの編集"],"Edit this host":["このホストの編集"],"Email Preferences":["電子メール設定"],"Email address is missing":["電子メールアドレスが不明です"],"Email reply address":["電子メールの返信アドレス"],"Email reply address for emails that Foreman is sending":["Foreman が送信しているメールについてのメールの返信アドレス"],"Email subject prefix":["電子メールの件名プレフィックス"],"Email was sent successfully":["電子メールが正常に送信されました"],"Empty environment":["空の環境"],"Enable Notifications":["通知の有効化"],"Enable alerts for selected hosts":["選択ホストについての警告を有効化"],"Enable caching":[""],"Enable certificate generation for %s":["%s の証明書の生成を有効化"],"Enable if this is an alias or VLAN interface, note that alias can be used only with static boot mode subnet":["これがエイリアスまたは VLAN インターフェースである場合に有効になります。エイリアスは静的起動モードサブネットとともにのみ使用できます"],"Enable puppetrun support":["puppetrun サポートを有効化"],"Enable rebuild on next host boot":["次回のホスト起動時の再ビルドを有効化"],"Enable safe mode config templates rendering (recommended)":["セーフモードの設定テンプレートのレンダリングを有効化 (推奨)"],"Enable smart variables in ENC":["ENC のスマート変数を有効にします"],"Enable this host for provisioning":["プロビジョニング用にこのホストを有効化"],"Enabled":["有効化"],"Enabled %s for reboot and rebuild":["再起動および再ビルドに %s を有効化"],"Enabled %s for rebuild on next boot":["次回起動時の再ビルドに %s を有効化"],"Enabled %s for rebuild on next boot, but failed to power cycle the host":["次回ブート時の %s の再ビルドが有効になっていましたが、ホストの電源の入れ直しに失敗しました"],"Ending IP Address for IP auto suggestion":["IP 自動補完の終了 IP アドレス"],"Entries per page":["1 ページあたりのエントリー"],"Environment":["環境"],"Environment Distribution":["環境ディストリビューション"],"Environment ID":["環境 ID"],"Environment IDs":["環境 ID"],"Environment only":["環境のみ"],"Environment variable containing a client's SSL certificate":["クライアントの SSL 証明書を含む環境変数"],"Environment variable containing the subject DN from a client SSL certificate":["クライアント SSL 証明書のサブジェクト DN を含む環境変数"],"Environment variable containing the verification status of a client SSL certificate":["クライアント SSL 証明書の検証状態を含む環境変数"],"Environments":["環境"],"Environment|Hostgroups count":["ホストグループ数"],"Environment|Hosts count":["ホスト数"],"Environment|Name":["名前"],"Error":["エラー"],"Error - 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If these features come from a Smart Proxy plugin, make sure Foreman has the plugin installed too.":["このプロキシーの機能 \\\"%s\\\" は Foreman によって認識されません。これらの機能がスマートプロキシープラグインから使用される場合は、Foreman でもそのプラグインがインストールされていることを確認してください。"],"Feature|Name":["名前"],"Fetch TFTP boot files for %s":["%s の TFTP ブートファイルの取得"],"Filter":["フィルター"],"Filter by level:":["レベル別フィルター:"],"Filter by name":["名前でフィルター"],"Filter by state:":["状態別フィルター:"],"Filter classes":["クラスのフィルター"],"Filter overriding has been disabled":["フィルターのオーバーライドが無効です"],"Filters":["フィルター"],"Filters for role %s":["ロール %s のフィルター"],"Filters inherit %{orgs_and_locs} from their role by default. If override field is enabled, <br> filter can override the set of its %{orgs_and_locs}. Later role changes will not affect <br> such filter. After disabling override field, role %{orgs_and_locs} apply again.":["フィルターは、デフォルトでロールから %{orgs_and_locs} を継承します。オーバーライドフィールドが有効な場合、<br> フィルターは %{orgs_and_locs} のセットをオーバーライドできます。これ以降のロールの変更によってこのようなフィルターは <br> 影響を受けません。オーバーライドフィールドの無効後に、ロール %{orgs_and_locs} は再び適用されます"],"Filters overriding has been disabled":["フィルターのオーバーライドが無効です"],"Filter|Override":["Filter|Override"],"Filter|Permissions":["パーミッション"],"Filter|Resource":["リソース"],"Filter|Search":["検索"],"Filter|Taxonomy search":["タクソノミー検索"],"Filter|Unlimited":["無制限"],"Fingerprint":["フィンガープリント"],"Finish template":["終了テンプレート"],"Firmware":[""],"Fix %s on Mismatch":["不一致について修正 %s "],"Fix All Mismatches":["すべての不一致を修正"],"Fix DB cache":["DB キャッシュの修正"],"Fix DB cache on next Foreman restart":["Foreman の次回起動時に DB キャッシュを修正"],"Fix Mismatches":["不一致の修正"],"Flavor":["フレーバー"],"Floating IP network":["Floating IP ネットワーク"],"Folder":["フォルダー"],"Follow %{href} on how to describe your controllers.":["コントローラーの記述方法については %{href} に従います。"],"For example, if you have copied several Red Hat release disks into a directory structure where the disk images are named 5.8 or 6.2, and each contained both x86_64 and i386 binaries, then you\\n could create a single medium entry describing them all.\\n The entry, which could be just named 'Red Hat' could contain a path like this <em>'http://server/redhat/$version/$arch'</em>":["たとえば、複数の Red Hat リリースディスクを、ディスクイメージの名前が 5.8 または 6.2 で、それぞれに x86_64 と i386 バイナリーが含まれるディレクトリー構造にコピーした場合、\\n それらすべてを記述する単一のメディアエントリーを作成することができます。\\n 名前が単純に 'Red Hat' となるエントリーの場合は、次のようなパスが含まれます。 <em>'http://server/redhat/$version/$arch'</em>"],"For more info visit our documentation.":["詳細については、ドキュメンテーションを参照してください。"],"For more information":["詳細情報"],"Force a Puppet agent run on the host":["ホスト上で Puppet エージェントの実行を強制します。"],"Foreman API v2 is currently the default API version.":["Foreman API v2 は現在デフォルトの API バージョンです。"],"Foreman Developers":["Foreman 開発者"],"Foreman URL":["Foreman の URL"],"Foreman Users":["Foreman ユーザー"],"Foreman audit summary":["Foreman 監査概要"],"Foreman can store information about the networking setup of a host that it’s provisioning, which can be used to configure the virtual machine, assign the correct IP addresses and network resources, then configure the OS correctly during the provisioning process.":[""],"Foreman can use LDAP based service for user information and authentication.":["Foreman では、ユーザー情報と認証用に LDAP ベースのサービスを使用できます。"],"Foreman considers a domain and a DNS zone as the same thing.":["Foreman はドメインと DNS ゾーンを同じものと見なします。"],"Foreman domain ID of interface. Required for primary interfaces on managed hosts.":["インターフェースの Foreman ドメイン ID。管理対象ホストのプライマリーインターフェースに必要"],"Foreman host group matchers will be inherited by children when evaluating smart class parameters":["Foreman ホストグループの matcher は、スマートクラスのパラメーターの評価時に子によって継承されます。"],"Foreman now manages the build cycle for %s":["Foreman は %s のビルドサイクルを管理するようになりました"],"Foreman now no longer manages the build cycle for %s":["Foreman は %s のビルドサイクル管理を行なわなくなりました"],"Foreman report creation time is <em>%s</em>":["Foreman レポートの作成時間は <em>%s</em> です"],"Foreman smart variables will be exposed via the ENC yaml output":["Foreman スマート変数は ENC YAML 出力によって表示されます"],"Foreman subnet ID of IPv4 interface":["IPv4 インターフェースの Foreman サブネット ID"],"Foreman subnet ID of IPv6 interface":["IPv6 インターフェースの Foreman サブネット ID"],"Foreman supports automatically creating realm entries for new hosts.":["Foreman は、新規ホストのレルムエントリーの自動作成に対応します。"],"Foreman supports creating and managing hosts on a number of virtualization and cloud services - referred to as “compute resources” - as well as bare metal hosts.":[""],"Foreman test email":["Foreman テスト電子メール"],"Foreman ticketing system":["Foreman チケットシステム"],"Foreman will automate certificate signing upon provision of new host":["Foreman は、新規ホストのプロビジョニング時に証明書の署名を自動化します"],"Foreman will create the host when a report is received":["Foreman はレポートの受信時にホストを作成します"],"Foreman will create the host when new facts are received":["Foreman は新規ファクトの受信時にホストを作成します"],"Foreman will default to this puppet environment if it cannot auto detect one":["Foreman は、自動検出できない場合にこの puppet 環境にデフォルト設定されます"],"Foreman will delete virtual machine if provisioning script ends with non zero exit code":["Foreman は、プロビジョニングスクリプトがゼロ以外の終了コードで終了する場合に仮想マシンを削除します"],"Foreman will evaluate host smart variables in this order by default":["Foreman は、デフォルトではこの順番でホストのスマート変数を評価します"],"Foreman will explicitly set the puppet environment in the ENC yaml output. This will avoid conflicts between the environment in puppet.conf and the environment set in Foreman":["Foreman は ENC YAML 出力で puppet 環境を明示的に設定します。これにより、puppet.conf の環境と Foreman で設定される環境間の競合を避けられます"],"Foreman will map users by username in request-header. If this is set to false, OAuth requests will have admin rights.":["Foreman は request-header のユーザーをユーザー名でマッピングします。これが false に設定されると、OAuth 要求には管理特権が設定されます。"],"Foreman will not send this parameter in classification output, replaces use_puppet_default":["Foreman では、このパラメーターが分類出力で送信されず、use_puppet_default が置き換えられます"],"Foreman will not send this parameter in classification output.":["Foreman では、このパラメーターは分類出力で送信されません。"],"Foreman will not send this parameter in classification output. Puppet will use the value defined in the Puppet manifest for this parameter":["Foreman はこのパラメーターを分類出力で送信しません。Puppet はこのパラメーターについて Puppet マニフェストで定義された値を使用します"],"Foreman will parse ERB in parameters value in the ENC output":["Foreman は ENC 出力にあるパラメーター値の ERB を解析します"],"Foreman will query the locally configured resolver instead of the SOA/NS authorities":["Foreman は SOA/NS 権限ではなく、ローカルで設定されたリゾルバーをクエリーします"],"Foreman will set this as the default Puppet module path if it cannot auto detect one":["Foreman は、自動検出できない場合にこれをデフォルトの Puppet モジュールパスとして設定します"],"Foreman will truncate hostname to 'puppet' if it starts with puppet":["Foreman は「puppet」で始まるホスト名を切り捨てて「puppet」にします"],"Foreman will update a host's environment from its facts":["Foreman はホスト環境をそのファクトで更新します"],"Foreman will update a host's subnet from its facts":["Foreman はホストのサブネットをファクトから更新します"],"Foreman will update the host IP with the IP that made the built request":["Foreman はビルド要求を行った IP でホスト IP を更新します"],"Foreman will use OAuth for API authorization":["Foreman は API 認可に OAuth を使用します"],"Foreman will use gravatar to display user icons":["Foreman はユーザーアイコンの表示に Gravatar を使用します"],"Foreman will use random UUIDs for certificate signing instead of hostnames":["Foreman は、証明書の署名にホスト名ではなくランダム UUID を使用します"],"Foreman will use the new (2.6.5+) format for classes in the ENC yaml output":["Foreman は ENC YAML 出力のクラスに新規の (2.6.5+) 形式を使用します"],"Foreman will use the short hostname instead of the FQDN for creating new virtual machines":["Foreman は、新規仮想マシンの作成に FQDN ではなく省略されたホスト名を使用します"],"Found %{count} reports from the last %{days} days":["過去 %{days} 日以内のレポート %{count} が見つかりました"],"Full":["すべて"],"Full audits list":["完全な監査の一覧"],"Full name describing the domain":["ドメインを表すフルネーム"],"Full path to backing image used to create new volumes.":["新規ボリュームを作成するために使用されるバッキングイメージの完全なパスです。"],"Full screen":["全画面"],"Full trace":["完全トレース"],"Function not available for %s":["%s の機能が使用不可です"],"GMT time":["GMT 時間"],"Gateway":["ゲートウェイ"],"General":["全般"],"General useful description, for example this kind of hardware needs a special BIOS setup":["「この種類のハードウェアには特殊な BIOS セットアップが必要」などといった役に立つ全般的な情報を記載します"],"Generate new random name. 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The content of this fact should be the full label of the organization.":["puppetrun 後に作成されるホストは、このファクトが定める組織に置かれます。このファクトの内容と組織の全ラベルを同一にする必要があります。"],"Hosts in error state":["エラー状態のホスト"],"Hosts including sub-groups":["サブグループを含むホスト"],"Hosts managed":["管理されるホスト"],"Hosts managed:":["管理されるホスト:"],"Hosts that had pending changes":["保留中の変更を持つホスト"],"Hosts that had pending changes with alerts enabled":["変更が保留中で、アラートが有効なホスト"],"Hosts that had performed modifications without error":["変更をエラーなく実行したホスト"],"Hosts that will be trusted in addition to Smart Proxies for access to fact/report importers and ENC output":["ファクト/レポートのインポーターおよび ENC 出力にアクセスするためのスマートプロキシー以外の信頼されるホストです"],"Hosts which Foreman reporting is disabled":["Foreman レポート機能が無効なホスト"],"Hosts which are currently not running Puppet":["現在 Puppet が実行されていないホスト"],"Hosts which are not reporting":["レポートしていないホスト"],"Hosts which didn't run puppet in the last %s":["過去 %s に puppet を実行しなかったホスト"],"Hosts which recently applied changes":["最近変更が適用されたホスト"],"Hosts which recently applied changes successfully":["最近変更が正常に適用されたホスト"],"Hosts which recently applied changes successfully with alerts enabled":["最近変更が正常に適用され、アラートが有効なホスト"],"Hosts with alerts disabled":["警告が無効にされているホスト"],"Hosts with error state":["エラー状態のホスト"],"Hosts with error state and alerts enabled":["エラー状態であり、アラートが有効なホスト"],"Hosts with errors":["エラーのあるホスト"],"Hosts with interesting values (changed, failures etc)":["興味深い値を持つホスト (変更済みや障害など)"],"Hosts with no reports":["レポートのないホスト"],"Hosts with notifications disabled":["通知が無効にされているホスト"],"Hosts without changes or errors":["変更またはエラーがないホスト"],"Hosts without changes or errors, with alerts enabled":["変更またはエラーがなく、アラートが有効なホスト"],"Hosts without errors":["エラーがないホスト"],"Hosts without errors percent":["エラー率がないホスト"],"Hosts without errors, with alerts enabled":["エラーがなく、アラートが有効なホスト"],"How values are validated":["値の検証方法"],"However, if it was deleted externally this page helps you to recreate it":[""],"ID of LDAP authentication source":["LDAP 認証ソースの ID"],"ID of Puppet class":["Puppet クラスの ID"],"ID of architecture":["アーキテクチャーの ID"],"ID of compute resource":["コンピュートリソースの ID"],"ID of config template":["設定テンプレートの ID"],"ID of domain":["ドメインの ID"],"ID of environment":["環境の ID"],"ID of host":["ホストの ID"],"ID of host group":["ホストグループの ID"],"ID of interface":["インターフェースの ID"],"ID of linked authentication source":["リンクされた認証ソースの ID"],"ID of location":["ロケーションの ID"],"ID of medium":["メディアの ID"],"ID of operating system":["オペレーティングシステムの ID"],"ID of organization":["組織の ID"],"ID of parameter":["パラメーターの ID"],"ID of partition table":["パーティションテーブルの ID"],"ID of provisioning template":["プロビジョニングテンプレートの ID"],"ID of role":["ロールの ID"],"ID of subnet":["サブネットの ID"],"ID of template":["テンプレートの ID"],"ID of the user":[""],"ID of user group":["ユーザーグループの ID"],"ID or name external user group":["外部ユーザーグループの ID または名前"],"ID or name of domain":["ドメインの ID または名前"],"ID or name of external user group":["外部ユーザーグループの ID または名前"],"ID or name of host":["ホストの ID または名前"],"ID or name of interface":["インターフェースの ID または名前"],"ID or name of subnet":["サブネットの ID または名前"],"ID or name of user group":["ユーザーグループの ID または名前"],"IDs of associated architectures":["関連付けられたアーキテクチャーの ID"],"IDs of associated config groups":[""],"IDs of associated media":["関連付けられたメディアの ID"],"IDs of associated partition tables":["関連付けられたパーティションテーブルの ID"],"IDs of associated provisioning templates":["関連付けられたプロビジョニングテーブルの ID"],"INFO or DEBUG":["INFO または DEBUG"],"IP":["IP "],"IP Address":["IP アドレス"],"IP Address Management":["IP アドレス管理"],"IP Address auto suggestion mode for this subnet, valid values are \\\"DHCP\\\", \\\"Internal DB\\\", \\\"None\\\"":["このサブネットの IP アドレス自動補完モードです。有効な値は「DHCP」、「内部 DB」、「なし」です。"],"IP address auto-suggest":["IP アドレスの自動補完"],"IP addresses that should be excluded from suggestion":["提案から除外する必要がある IP アドレス"],"IP:":["IP:"],"IPAM":["IPAM"],"IPv4":["IPv4"],"IPv4 Address":["IPv4 アドレス"],"IPv4 DNS record":["",""],"IPv4 Subnet":["IPv4 サブネット"],"IPv4 address":["IPv4 アドレス"],"IPv4 address of interface":["インターフェースの IPv4 アドレス"],"IPv6":["IPv6"],"IPv6 Address":["IPv6 アドレス"],"IPv6 DNS record":["",""],"IPv6 Subnet":["IPv6 サブネット"],"IPv6 address":["IPv6 アドレス"],"IPv6 address of interface":["インターフェースの IPv6 アドレス"],"IRC":["IRC"],"Identifier":["識別子"],"Identifier of the interface to which this interface belongs, e.g. eth1":["このインターフェースが属するインターフェースの ID (例: eth1)"],"Identifier of the interface to which this interface belongs, e.g. eth1. 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This information is commonly imported from a pre-existing Puppet configuration by the use of the %{link_start}Puppet classes and environment importer%{link_end}.":["Foreman を外部ノードの分類に使用することを計画している場合は、1 つ以上の環境についての情報を提供する必要があります。一般的に、この情報は、%{link_start}Puppet クラスと環境 importer%{link_end} を使用して既存の Puppet 設定からインポートされます。"],"If you feel this is an error with Foreman itself, please open a new issue with":["これが Foreman 自体のエラーであると思われる場合は、新規の問題として提出してください。"],"If you wish to configure Puppet to forward it reports to Foreman, please follow":["レポートを Foreman に転送するよう Puppet を設定する場合は、次の手順に従ってください"],"Ignore Puppet facts for provisioning":["プロビジョニングのために Puppet ファクトを無視します"],"Ignore facts for domain":[""],"Ignore facts for operating system":[""],"Ignore interfaces that match these values during facts importing, you can use * wildcard to match names with indexes e.g. macvtap*":["ファクトのインポート中にこれらの値に一致するインターフェースを無視します。名前とインデックスを照合させるために * ワイルドカードを使用できます (たとえば、macvtap*)。"],"Ignore interfaces with matching identifier":["ID が一致するインターフェースを無視します"],"Ignored classes in the environments: %s":[""],"Ignored environment":[""],"Ignored environment names resulting in booleans found. 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A 'create_ssh_keys' permission is required too.":[""],"In-line code syntax":["インラインコード構文"],"Include default value when merging all matching values":["一致するすべての値をマージするときにデフォルト値を含めます"],"Include default value when merging all matching values.":["一致するすべての値をマージするときにデフォルト値を含めます。"],"Include this host within Foreman reporting":["このホストを Foreman レポート内に組み込む"],"Included Classes":["組み込み済みのクラス"],"Included Config Groups":["組み込まれた設定グループ"],"Incorrect password":["パスワードが間違っています"],"Incorrect username or password":["ユーザー名またはパスワードが正しくありません"],"Independent - Nonpersistent":[""],"Independent - Persistent":[""],"Infrastructure":["インフラストラクチャー"],"Inherit parent (%s)":["親の継承 (%s)"],"Inherited Classes from %s":[""],"Inherits from subnet VLAN ID if not set":["設定されていない場合のサブネット VLAN ID からの継承"],"Input":["入力"],"Installation Media":["インストールメディア"],"Installation media":["インストールメディア"],"Installation medium configuration":["インストールメディア設定"],"Installed":["インストール済み"],"Interface":["インターフェース"],"Interface is down":["インターフェースが停止"],"Interface is up":["インターフェースが稼動"],"Interface provider, e.g. IPMI. 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Please consider cloning it instead.":["このテンプレートは、%{vendor} によって提供され、上書きできるため、ロックを解除することは推奨されません。代わりにクローンの作成を検討してください。"],"Item":["項目"],"Iterating":["反復"],"JSON VM listing is not supported for this compute resource.":["このコンピュートリソースには JSON VM の一覧表示がサポートされていません。"],"JSON object of the scheduler hint":["スケジューラーヒントの JSON オブジェクト"],"Keep selected hosts for a future action":["選択されたホストを将来のために保持します"],"Key Binding":["キーバインディング"],"Key not connected to any compute resource":[""],"Key pair":["キーペア"],"Key used with other compute resource":[""],"KeyPair|Name":["名前"],"KeyPair|Public":["公開"],"KeyPair|Secret":["シークレット"],"Kind":["種類"],"LDAP Authentication":["LDAP 認証"],"LDAP authentication":["LDAP 認証"],"LDAP authentication sources":["LDAP 認証ソース"],"LDAP error - %{message}":["LDAP エラー - %{message}"],"LDAP filter":["LDAP フィルター"],"LDAP server":["LDAP サーバー"],"LDAP users will have their Foreman account automatically created the first time they log into Foreman":["LDAP ユーザーは、Foreman への初回ログイン時に Foreman 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This is primarily used by Sparc Solaris builds and can be left blank for other architectures. The value can be determined on Solaris via uname -m":["このマシンで提供されている CPU のクラスです。これは主に Sparc Solaris ビルドによって使用され、他のアーキテクチャーの場合は空白のままにできます。値は uname -m により Solaris 上で判別できます。"],"The class of the machine reported by the Open Boot Prom. This is primarily used by Sparc Solaris builds and can be left blank for other architectures. The value can be determined on Solaris via uname -i|cut -f2 -d,":["Open Boot Prom でレポートされるマシンのクラスです。これは主に Sparc Solaris ビルドによって使用され、他のアーキテクチャーの場合は空白のままにできます。値は、uname -i|cut -f2 -d, により Solaris 上で判別できます。"],"The default administrator email address":["デフォルトの管理者メールアドレス"],"The dynamic partitioning style is currently only available for the Red Hat family of operating systems, all others must provide an explicit list of partitions and sizes.":["現在、動的なプロビジョニングスタイルは Red Hat ファミリーのオペレーティングシステムでのみ利用でき、その以外の場合はすべて、パーティションとサイズの明示的なリストを指定する必要があります。"],"The file path where your p12 file is located":["p12 ファイルのあるファイルパス"],"The final entry, Operating System default, can be set by editing the %s page.":["最終エントリーのオペレーティングシステムのデフォルトは、%s ページを編集して設定できます。"],"The following IPv4 subnets have been found. Please review the details before creating them.":["次の IPv4 サブネットが見つかりました。作成する前に詳細を確認してください。"],"The following entries were found conflicting with what foreman wanted to apply.":["以下のエントリーは、Foreman が適用しようとした内容と競合していることが確認されました。"],"The following errors may prevent a successful build:":["以下のエラーにより、ビルドが正常に行なわれなくなる可能性があります:"],"The following fields would need reviewing":["以下のフィールドは確認が必要です"],"The following hosts failed the build operation: %s":["以下のホストはビルド操作に失敗しました: %s"],"The following hosts were not %{action}: %{missed_hosts}":["以下のホストでは %{action} が実行されませんでした: %{missed_hosts}"],"The following hosts were not deleted: %s":["以下のホストは削除されませんでした: %s"],"The following hosts were updated":["以下のホストは更新されました"],"The following parameters were skipped as they did not exists on this host:":["以下のパラメーターは、このホスト上に存在しなかったためにスキップされました:"],"The following table and example snippet shows global methods, variables and class methods and how to use them.":["次の表と例は、グローバルメソッド、変数およびクラスメソッド、それらの使用方法を示しています。"],"The full DNS domain name":["完全 DNS ドメイン名"],"The host group's classes and the host group's variables are included in the external node information when the puppetmaster compiles the host's configuration.":["puppetmaster によるホスト設定のコンパイル時に、ホストグループのクラスおよびホストグループの変数が外部ノード情報に組み込まれます。"],"The inclusion of the keyword string <b>#Dynamic</b> at the start of a line lets Foreman know that this is not an explicit disk layout and must treated as a shell script, executed prior\\n to the install process and that the explicit partition table will be found at <b>/tmp/diskpart.cfg</b> during the build process.":["キーワード文字列 <b>#Dynamic</b> を行の開始位置に含めることにより、Foreman ではこれは明示的なディスクレイアウトではなく、インストールプロセスの前に実行されるシェルスクリプト\\n として処理する必要があり、明示的なパーティションテーブルはビルドプロセス時に <b>/tmp/diskpart.cfg</b> にあることが認識されます。"],"The keys can be used in provisioning templates and are also available for configuration management tools managed by Foreman.":[""],"The keywords <b>$version</b>, <b>$major</b> and <b>$minor</b> will be interpolated back into the path specification to calculate the true URL address.":["キーワード <b>$version</b>、<b>$major</b> および <b>$minor</b> は、本当の URL アドレスを計算するためにパス仕様に再び挿入されます。"],"The list is excluding %{count} %{link_start}physical host%{link_end}.":["",""],"The location of the sendmail executable":["sendmail 実行可能ファイルの場所"],"The marked fields will need reviewing":["マークが付いたフィールドは確認が必要です"],"The method used to provision the host. Possible provision_methods may be %{provision_methods}":["ホストをプロビジョニングするために使用されたメソッド。使用可能な provision_methods は %{provision_methods} "],"The order in which matchers keys are processed, first match wins.<br> You may use multiple attributes as a matcher key, for example, an order of <code>host group, environment</code> would expect a matcher such as <code>hostgroup = \\\"web servers\\\", environment = production</code>":["Matcher キーが処理される順序です。先に一致したもの順になります。<br> 複数の属性を Matcher キーとして使用できます。たとえば、<code>host group, environment</code> の順序の場合、<code>hostgroup = \\\"web servers\\\", environment = production</code> のような Matcher が予想されます"],"The order in which values are resolved":["値が解決される順序"],"The password will also be accessible to other users via templates and in the ENC YAML output; disable the bmc_credentials_accessible setting to prevent access.":["また、このパスワードには、テンプレートと ENC YAML 出力で他のユーザーがアクセスできます。アクセスを防ぐには、bmc_credentials_accessible 設定を無効にします。"],"The password will not be accessible to other users; enable the bmc_credentials_accessible setting to permit access via templates and in the ENC YAML output.":["このパスワードには他のユーザーがアクセスできません。テンプレートと ENC YAML 出力でアクセスを許可するには、bmc_credentials_accessible 設定を有効にします。"],"The path to the medium, can be a URL or a valid NFS server (exclusive of the architecture).\\n for example <em>$version/os/$arch</em> where <strong>$arch</strong> will be substituted for the host's actual OS architecture and <strong>$version</strong>, <strong>$major</strong> and <strong>$minor</strong> will be substituted for the version of the operating system. Solaris and Debian media may also use <strong>$release</strong>.":["メディアのパスは、URL または有効な NFS サーバー (アーキテクチャーは除く) を指定できます。\\n たとえば、<em>$version/os/$arch</em> は、<strong>$arch</strong> がホストの実際の OS アーキテクチャーに置き換えられ、<strong>$version</strong>、<strong>$major</strong>、<strong>$minor</strong> がオペレーティングシステムのバージョンに置き換えられます。Solaris と Debian のメディアは <strong>$release</strong> も使用します。"],"The power state of the selected hosts will be set to %s":["選択されたホストの電源状態は %s に設定されます"],"The realm name, e.g. EXAMPLE.COM":["レルム名 (例: EXAMPLE.COM)"],"The remote system presented a public key signed by an unidentified certificate authority. If you are sure the remote system is authentic, go to the compute resource edit page, press the 'Test Connection' or 'Load Datacenters' button and submit":["リモートシステムは、未確認の証明機関によって署名された公開鍵を提示します。リモートシステムが認証済みであることが確認できる場合、コンピュートリソースの編集ページに移動してから「テスト接続」または「データセンターのロード」ボタンを押して送信します"],"The remote system presented a public key with hash %s but we're expecting a different hash. If you are sure the remote system is authentic, go to the compute resource edit page, press the 'Test Connection' or 'Load Datacenters' button and submit":["リモートシステムは公開鍵とハッシュ %s を提示しましたが、ハッシュは異なるものであることが予想されます。リモートシステムが認証済みであることが確認できる場合、コンピュートリソースの編集ページに移動してから「テスト接続」または「データセンターのロード」ボタンを押して送信します"],"The selected hosts were enabled for reboot and rebuild":["選択されたホストの再起動と再ビルドが有効にされました"],"The selected hosts will execute a build operation on next reboot":["選択されたホストは次回の再起動時にビルド操作を実行します"],"The snippet '%{name}' threw an error: %{exc}":[""],"The template is associated to at least one host in build mode. To apply the change, disable and enable build mode on hosts to update the live templates or choose to %s their configuration from 'Select Action' menu":["ビルドモードでは、テンプレートは少なくとも 1 つのホストに関連付けられます。変更を適用するには、ホストでビルドモードを無効および有効にするか、「アクションの選択」メニューから設定に対して %s を実行することを選択します"],"The user that is used to ssh into the instance, normally cloud-user, ec2-user, ubuntu, root etc":["SSH をインスタンスに実行するために、通常 cloud-user、ec2-user、ubuntu、root などのユーザーを使用します"],"The virtual machine is being deleted.":["この仮想マシンは削除されています。"],"There are migrations pending in the system.":["システムで保留中の移行があります"],"There are no puppet environments set up on this puppet master. Please check the puppet master configuration.":["この puppet マスターには puppet 環境がセットアップされていません。puppet マスター設定を確認してください。"],"There are orchestration modules with methods for configuration rebuild that have identical name: '%s'":["名前が同じ設定再ビルド用メソッドを持つオーケストレーションモジュールがあります: '%s'"],"There are two strategies when using host groups.":["ホストグループの使用には 2 つのストラテジーがあります"],"There is":["",""],"There is no owner with id %d and type %s":["ID が %d、タイプが %s の作成者がいません"],"There is no proxy with BMC feature set up. Please register a smart proxy with this feature.":["BMC 機能が設定されたプロキシーがありません。この機能を持つスマートプロキシーを登録してください。"],"There was an error creating the PXE file: %s":[""],"There was an error listing %{listing}: %{errors}":[""],"There was an error listing VMs: %(status)s %(statusText)s":["VM の一覧表示にエラーがありました: %(status)s %(statusText)s"],"There was an error rendering the %s template: ":["%s テンプレートのレンダリングにエラーがありました: "],"There was an error rendering the %{name} template: %{error}":["%{name} テンプレートのレンダリング中にエラーが発生しました: %{error}"],"There was no active bridge interface found in libvirt, if it does not support listing, you can enter the bridge name manually (e.g. br0)":["libvirt にアクティブなブリッジインターフェースがありませんでした。一覧表示がサポートされていない場合は、手動でブリッジ名を入力できます (例: br0)"],"These are guaranteed to work via the safe mode rendering, to ensure a template can do nothing harmful.":["これらは、セーフモードレンダリングで動作することが保証されています (テンプレートは害を及ぼしません)。"],"These two options are personal decisions and are up to you (where the main difference would be the parameter/variables settings).":["これらの 2 つのオプションは個々に定義されるものであるため、各自でそれぞれ定義してください (主な違いはパラメーター/変数の設定です)。"],"Thin provision":["シンプロビジョニング"],"This Puppet class has no parameters in its signature.":["この Puppet クラスの署名にはパラメーターがありません。"],"This allows Foreman to associate a puppet variable with a domain/site and automatically append this variable to all external node requests made by machines at that site.":["これにより、Foreman が puppet 変数をドメイン/サイトに関連付け、サイトのマシンによるすべての外部ノード要求にこの変数を自動的に付加できるようになります。"],"This group has nested groups!":["このグループはネストされたグループを持ちます。"],"This group has no roles":["このグループにはロールがありません"],"This host's stored facts and reports will be deleted too.":["ホストの保管されたファクトおよびレポートも削除されます。"],"This is a test message to confirm that Foreman's email configuration is working.":["これは、Foreman の電子メール設定が動作していることを確認するテストメッセージです。"],"This is for every location and organization that uses it.":["これは使用する各ロケーションおよび組織向けです。"],"This is for every location that uses it.":["これは使用する各ロケーション向けです。"],"This is for every organization that uses it.":["これは使用する各組織向けです。"],"This is inherited from parent":["これは親から継承されています"],"This is used by a host":["これはホストに使用されています"],"This might take a while, as all hosts, facts and reports will be destroyed as well":["ホスト、ファクトおよびレポートがすべて破棄されるため、時間がかかる場合があります"],"This role has been cloned from role %s":[""],"This role is locked for editing.":[""],"This role is locked from being modified by users.":[""],"This setting is defined in the configuration file '%{filename}' and is read-only.":["この設定は、設定ファイル '%{filename}' で定義され、読み取り専用です。"],"This template is locked and may not be removed.":["このテンプレートはロックされており、削除することができません。"],"This template is locked for editing.":["このテンプレートは編集用にロックされています。"],"This template is locked. Please clone it to a new template to customize.":["このテンプレートはロックされています。カスタマイズするには、このクローンを新規テンプレートに作成してください。"],"This template is locked. You may only change the associations. Please %s it to customize.":["このテンプレートはロックされています。変更できるのは関連付けのみになります。カスタマイズするには、これに対して %s を実行してください。"],"This value is not hidden":["この値は非表示になりません"],"This value is used also as the host's primary interface name.":["この値は、ホストのプライマリーインターフェース名としても使用されます。"],"This will reset parameters of the class %s to their default values. Continue?":["これは、クラス %s のパラメーターをそれらのデフォルト値にリセットします。続行しますか?"],"This will set all parameters of the class %s as overridden. Continue?":["これは、クラス %s のすべてのパラメーターを上書き済みとして設定します。続行しますか?"],"Time":["時間"],"Time in Seconds":["時間 (秒単位)"],"Time in minutes installation tokens should be valid for, 0 to disable token generation":["インストールトークンが有効な時間 (分単位) です。トークンの生成を無効にするには 0 を設定します"],"Timeout for DNS conflict validation (in seconds)":["DNS 競合の検証タイムアウト (秒単位)"],"Timeout has occurred while communicating with %s":["%s との通信中にタイムアウトが発生しました"],"To define trend counters, use the Add Trend Counter button.</br> To start collecting trend data, set a cron job to execute 'foreman-rake trends:counter' every Puppet Interval (%s minutes).":["トレンドカウンターを定義するには、トレンドカウンターの追加 ボタンを使用します。</br>トレンドデータの収集を開始するには、Puppet 間隔 (%s 分) ごとに 'foreman-rake trends:counter' を実行するよう cron ジョブを設定します。"],"To enable a provider, either install the OS package (e.g. foreman-libvirt) or enable the bundler group for development setup (e.g. ovirt).":["プロバイダーを有効にするには、OS パッケージ (例: foreman-libvirt) のインストールか、または開発セットアップ用のバンドラーグループ (例: ovirt) の有効化のいずれかを実行します。"],"To enable safe mode, navigate to Settings page and enable Safemode rendering option.":["セーフモードを有効にするには、設定 ページに移動し、Safemode レンダリングオプションを有効にします。"],"To start collecting trend data, set a cron job to execute <span class='black'>foreman-rake trends:counter</span> every Puppet Interval (%s minutes)":["トレンドデータの収集を開始するには、Puppet 間隔 (%s 分) ごとに <span class='black'>foreman-rake trends:counter</span> を実行するよう cron ジョブを設定します。"],"To update the class signature, go to the Puppet Classes page and select \\\"Import\\\".":["クラス署名を更新するには「Puppet クラス」ページに移動して「インポート」を選択します。"],"Toggle":["トグル"],"Token":["トークン"],"Token duration":["トークン期間"],"Token expired":["トークンは期限切れです"],"Token|Expires":["期限切れ"],"Token|Value":["値"],"Total":["合計"],"Total Hosts: %s":["合計ホスト: %s"],"Total hosts count":["ホストの合計数"],"Total of one host":["合計 %{hosts} ホスト"],"Trend":["トレンド"],"Trend counter":["トレンドカウンター"],"Trend of the last %s days.":["過去 %s 日間のトレンドです。"],"TrendCounter|Count":["カウント"],"Trends":["トレンド"],"Trends for %s":["%s のトレンド"],"Trend|Fact name":["ファクト名"],"Trend|Fact value":["ファクト値"],"Trend|Name":["名前"],"Trend|Trendable type":["トレンドタイプ"],"Trigger a puppetrun on a node; requires that puppet run is enabled":["ノードで puppetrun をトリガーします。puppetrun を有効にする必要があります。"],"Troubleshooting":["トラブルシューティング"],"True/False flag whether a host is managed or unmanaged. Note: this value also determines whether several parameters are required or not":["ホストを管理対象とするかどうかについての True/False フラグです。注意: この値は複数のパラメーターが必要となるかどうかも決定します。"],"Trusted puppetmaster hosts":["信頼できる puppetmaster ホスト"],"Try going to %{href}":["%{href} への移行を試行"],"Type":["タイプ"],"Type of name generator":["名前ジェネレーターのタイプ"],"Type of realm, e.g. FreeIPA":["レルムのタイプ (例: FreeIPA)"],"Type or protocol, IPv4 or IPv6, defaults to IPv4":["タイプまたはプロトコル、IPv4 または IPv6、デフォルト値は IPv4"],"Types of validation values":["検証値のタイプ"],"Types of variable values":["変数値のタイプ"],"URL":["URL"],"URL for %{providers_requiring_url}":[""],"URL hosts will retrieve templates from during build (normally http as many installers don't support https)":["URL ホストはビルド時にテンプレートを取得します (インストーラーの多くは https をサポートしないため、通常は http が使われます)"],"URL must be valid and schema must be one of %s":["URL が有効であり、スキーマが %s のいずれかである必要があります"],"URL where your Foreman instance is reachable (see also Provisioning > unattended_url)":["Foreman インスタンスに到達できる URL (プロビジョニング > unattended_url も参照)"],"UTC time of report":["レポートの UTC 時間"],"UUID":["UUID"],"UUID to track orchestration tasks status, GET /api/orchestration/:UUID/tasks":["オーケストレーションタスクの状態を追跡するための UUID。GET /api/orchestration/:UUID/tasks"],"Unable to access key":["キーにアクセスできません"],"Unable to authenticate user %s":["ユーザー %s を認証できません"],"Unable to change VM display listen address, make sure the display is not attached to localhost only":["VM ディスプレイのリッスンアドレスを変更できません。ディスプレイがローカルホストのみに割り当てられていないことを確認してください"],"Unable to communicate with the proxy: %s":["プロキシーと通信できません: %s"],"Unable to connect":["接続できません"],"Unable to connect to LDAP server":["LDAP サーバーに接続できません"],"Unable to create default TFTP boot menu":["デフォルトの TFTP ブートメニューを作成できません"],"Unable to create realm entry":["レルムエントリーを作成できません"],"Unable to create the default role.":["デフォルトのロールを作成できません。"],"Unable to delete DHCP entry for %s":["%s の DHCP エントリーを削除できません"],"Unable to delete DNS entry":["DNS エントリーを削除できません"],"Unable to delete PuppetCA autosign for %s":["%s の PuppetCA 自動署名を削除できません"],"Unable to delete PuppetCA certificate for %s":["%s の PuppetCA 証明書を削除できません"],"Unable to delete TFTP boot entry for %s":["%s の TFTP ブートエントリーを削除できません"],"Unable to detect TFTP boot server":["TFTP ブートサーバーを検出できません"],"Unable to detect features":["機能を検出できません"],"Unable to detect version":["バージョンを検出できません"],"Unable to determine the host's boot server. The DHCP smart proxy failed to provide this information and this subnet is not provided with TFTP services.":["ホストのブートサーバーを判別できません。DHCP スマートプロキシーがこの情報の提供に失敗したため、このサブネットには TFTP サービスが提供されません。"],"Unable to disable bmc_credentials_accessible when safemode_render is disabled":["safemode_render が無効な場合は、bmc_credentials_accessible を無効にできません "],"Unable to disable safemode_render when bmc_credentials_accessible is disabled":["bmc_credentials_accessible が無効な場合は、safemode_render を無効にできません"],"Unable to execute Puppet run":["puppetrun を実行できません"],"Unable to fetch TFTP boot file":["TFTP ブートファイルを取得できません"],"Unable to fetch logs":["ログを取得できません"],"Unable to find IP address for '%s'":["'%s' の IP アドレスが見つかりません"],"Unable to find a proxy with BMC feature":["BMC 機能のあるプロキシーが見つかりません"],"Unable to find proper authentication method":["適切な認証メソッドが見つかりません"],"Unable to find template %s":["テンプレート %s が見つかりません"],"Unable to generate output, Check log files":["出力を生成できません。ログファイルを確認してください"],"Unable to get BMC providers":["BMC プロバイダーを取得できません"],"Unable to get PuppetCA autosign":["PuppetCA 自動署名を取得できません"],"Unable to get PuppetCA certificates":["PuppetCA 証明書を取得できません"],"Unable to get classes from Puppet for %s":["%s についての Puppet のクラスを取得できません"],"Unable to get environment from Puppet":["Puppet から環境を取得できません"],"Unable to get environments from Puppet":["Puppet から環境を取得できません"],"Unable to get installed BMC providers":["インストール済みの BMC プロバイダーを取得できません"],"Unable to initialize ProxyAPI class %s":["ProxyAPI クラス %s を初期化できません"],"Unable to perform boot BMC operation":["boot BMC の操作を実行できません"],"Unable to perform identify BMC operation":["identify BMC の操作を特定できません"],"Unable to perform lan BMC operation":["lan BMC の操作を実行できません"],"Unable to perform power BMC operation":["power BMC の操作を実行できません"],"Unable to render %{kind} template '%{name}': %{e}":["%{kind} テンプレート '%{name}' をレンダリングできません: %{e}"],"Unable to render '%{name}' template: %{e}":["'%{name}' テンプレートをレンダリングできません: %{e}"],"Unable to retrieve DHCP entry for %s":["%s の DHCP エントリーを取得できません"],"Unable to retrieve DHCP subnet":["DHCP サブネットを取得できません"],"Unable to retrieve DHCP subnets":["DHCP サブネットを取得できません"],"Unable to retrieve unused IP":["未使用 IP を取得できません"],"Unable to save":["保存できません"],"Unable to send email, check server logs for more information":["電子メールを送信できません。詳細については、サーバーログを確認してください"],"Unable to set DHCP entry":["DHCP エントリーを設定できません"],"Unable to set DNS entry":["DHCP エントリーを設定できません"],"Unable to set PuppetCA autosign for %s":["%s の PuppetCA 自動署名を設定できません"],"Unable to set TFTP boot entry for %s":["%s の TFTP ブートエントリーを設定できません"],"Unable to sign PuppetCA certificate for %s":["%s の PuppetCA 証明書に署名できません"],"Unable to turn on websockets_encrypt, either websockets_ssl_key or websockets_ssl_cert is missing":["websockets_encrypt をオンにできません。websockets_ssl_key または websockets_ssl_cert が不明です"],"Unable to unset websockets_ssl_cert when websockets_encrypt is on":["websockets_encrypt がオンの場合は websockets_ssl_cert を設定解除できません"],"Unable to unset websockets_ssl_key when websockets_encrypt is on":["websockets_encrypt がオンの場合は websockets_ssl_key を設定解除できません"],"Unallowed template for dashboard widget: %s":["ダッシュボードウィジェットのテンプレートは許可されません: %s"],"Unattended URL":["自動 URL"],"Undo remove":["削除を元に戻す"],"Undo selection":[""],"Unhide this value":["この値の非表示設定を解除"],"Unknown":["不明"],"Unknown IPAM type - 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Access Key for EC2.":["oVirt、EC2、VMware、OpenStack のユーザー名。EC2 のアクセスキー。"],"Username to use to authenticate, if required":["認証するために使用するユーザー名 (必要な場合)"],"Users":["ユーザー"],"User|Admin":["管理者"],"User|Avatar hash":["アバターのハッシュ"],"User|Firstname":["名"],"User|Last login on":["最終ログイン"],"User|Lastname":["姓"],"User|Locale":["ロケール"],"User|Login":["ログイン名"],"User|Lower login":["小文字のログイン"],"User|Mail":["メール"],"User|Mail enabled":["メールの有効化"],"User|Password hash":["パスワードのハッシュ"],"User|Password salt":["パスワード salt"],"Uses thin provisioning if unchecked":["チェックが付けられていない場合にシンプロビジョニングを使用します"],"Using the organization system provides a way to group resources together for easy management. Organizations are particularly useful for Foreman installations where several customers or business units are managed with a single Foreman install.":["組織システムを使用すると、リソースをグループ化して管理を簡単に行えるようになります。組織は、単一の Foreman インストールで複数の顧客またはビジネスユニットが管理される Foreman インストールで特に役に立ちます。"],"VCPU(s)":["VCPU"],"VCenter/Server":["サーバー"],"VLAN ID for this subnet":["このサブネットの VLAN ID"],"VLAN tag, this attribute has precedence over the subnet VLAN ID. Only for virtual interfaces.":["VLAN タグ。この属性はサブネット VLAN ID より優先されます。仮想インターフェースの場合のみ使用されます。"],"VM":["仮想マシン"],"VM Attributes":["VM 属性"],"VM Attributes (%s)":["VM 属性 (%s)"],"VM already associated with a host":["ホストにすでに関連付けられている VM"],"VM associated to host %s":["ホスト %s に関連付けられている VM"],"VM is not running!":["VM が実行されていません!"],"VNC/SPICE websocket proxy console access encryption (websockets_ssl_key/cert setting required)":["VNC/SPICE websocket プロキシーコンソールアクセス暗号化 (websockets_ssl_key/cert 設定が必要)"],"Valid from":["有効期間の起点"],"Valid host group and environment combinations":["有効なホストグループと環境の組み合わせ"],"Validation types":["検証タイプ"],"Value":["値"],"Value to use when there is no match":["一致がない場合に使用する値"],"Value to use when there is no match.":["一致がない場合に使用する値。"],"Variable":["変数"],"Variable lookup key":["可変ルックアップキー"],"Variables":["変数"],"Vendor class":["ベンダークラス"],"Verify":["確認"],"Version":["バージョン"],"Version %{version}":["バージョン %{version}"],"Version %{version} %{copyright} 2009-%{year} Paul Kelly and %{author}":["バージョン %{version} %{copyright} 2009-%{year} Paul Kelly および %{author}"],"Very Strong":["非常に強度が高い"],"View Diff":["差分の表示"],"View in Foreman:":["Foreman での表示:"],"View last report details":["最終レポートの詳細の表示"],"View list":["一覧の表示"],"Virtual (NAT)":["仮想 (NAT)"],"Virtual H/W version":["仮想ハードウェアのバージョン"],"Virtual Machine":["仮想マシン"],"Virtual Machines":["仮想マシン"],"Virtual Machines on %s":["%s の仮想マシン"],"Virtual NIC":["仮想 NIC"],"Virtual machine settings cannot be edited on an existing machine in %s":["%s の既存のマシンで仮想マシン設定を編集することはできません"],"WARNING":["警告"],"Wait for %s to come online":["%s がオンラインになるのを待機"],"Warning":["警告"],"Warning!":["警告!"],"Warning! This will remove %{name} from %{number} user. are you sure?":["",""],"Warning: This will delete this host and all of its data!":["警告: これにより、このホストとそのデータのすべてが削除されます!"],"Warnings and errors":["警告とエラー"],"We have not found any documentation for your API.":["お使いの API についてのドキュメントが見つかっていません。"],"We use Redmine to report and track bugs and feature requests, which can be found here:":["以下にあるようにバグのレポートと追跡、および機能要求に Redmine を使用します:"],"Weak":["弱い"],"Websockets SSL certificate":["Websockets SSL 証明書"],"Websockets SSL key":["Websockets SSL キー"],"Websockets encryption":["Websockets 暗号化"],"Weekly":["毎週"],"Welcome to Foreman":["Foreman へようこそ"],"What ever text(or ERB template) you use in here, would be used as your OS disk layout options If you want to use the partition table option, delete all of the text from this field":["ここで使用するテキスト (または ERB テンプレート) がどのようなものであれ、これらは OS ディスクレイアウトのオプションとして使用されます。パーティションテーブルのオプションを使用する場合、このフィールドからすべてのテキストを削除してください"],"When a Host requests a template (e.g. during provisioning), Foreman will select the best match from the available templates of that type, in the following order:":["ホストがテンプレートを要求する際 (例: プロビジョニング時) に、Foreman は以下の順序で、該当タイプの利用できるテンプレートからベストマッチを選択します:"],"When a realm is selected for a host, Foreman contacts the relevant realm smart proxy to create an entry for the host and retrieve it's one-time registration password.":["レルムがホスト用に選択されると、Foreman は関連するレルムのスマートプロキシーに接続してホストのエントリーを作成し、そのワンタイム登録パスワードを取得します。"],"When editing a template, you must assign a list of operating systems which this template can be used with. Optionally, you can restrict a template to a list of host groups and/or environments.":["テンプレートの編集時に、このテンプレートを使用できるオペレーティングシステムの一覧を割り当てる必要があります。オプションで、テンプレートをホストグループおよび/または環境の一覧に制限することができます。"],"When enabled the parameter is hidden in the UI":["有効な場合はパラメーターが UI で非表示になります"],"When specifying custom value, add 'MB' or 'GB' at the end. Field is not case sensitive and MB is default if unspecified.":["カスタム値を指定する場合は、末尾に 'MB' または 'GB' を追加してください。フィールドでは大文字と小文字は区別されず、指定しない場合は MB がデフォルト値になります。"],"When the role's associated %{taxonomies} are changed,<br> the change will propagate to all inheriting filters.\\n Filters that are set to override <br> will remain untouched. Overriding of role filters can be easily disabled by <br> pressing the \\\"Disable overriding\\\" button.\\n Note that not all filters support <br>%{taxonomies}, so these always remain global.":[""],"When using SSH based provisioning, a special SSH key is created in order to automate the provisioning process.":[""],"When using TLS, you can set how OpenSSL checks the certificate":["TLS を使用する場合は、OpenSSL で証明書をチェックする方法を設定できます"],"Whether or not the image supports user data":["イメージがユーザーデータをサポートするかどうか"],"Whether or not the template is locked for editing":["テンプレートを編集用にロックするかどうか"],"Whether the class parameter value is managed by Foreman.":["クラスパラメーター値が Foreman によって管理されているかどうか。"],"Whether the smart class parameter value is managed by Foreman":["スマートクラスパラメーター値が Foreman によって管理されているかどうか"],"Which is an offset of <b>%s</b>":["<b>%s</b> のオフセットはどれか"],"Widget added to dashboard.":["ウィジェットがダッシュボードに追加されました。"],"Widget positions successfully saved.":["ウィジェットの位置が正常に保存されました。"],"Widget removed from dashboard.":["ウィジェットがダッシュボードから削除されました。"],"Wiki":["Wiki"],"With user groups, you can group your users and assign them roles on a group basis.":[""],"X509 Certification Authorities":["X509 証明機関"],"YAML":["YAML"],"Yes":["はい"],"You are about to change the default PXE menu on all configured TFTP servers - continue?":["デフォルトの PXE メニューをすべての設定済み TFTP サーバーで変更しようとしています - 続行しますか?"],"You are about to override the editor content with a previous version, are you sure?":["エディターのコンテンツを直前のバージョンで上書きしようとしています。実行してもよろしいですか?"],"You are about to override the editor content, are you sure?":["エディターのコンテンツを上書きしようとしています。実行してもよろしいですか?"],"You are about to unlock a locked template.":["ロックされたテンプレートをロック解除します。"],"You are not authorized to lock templates.":["テンプレートをロックする権限がありません。"],"You are not authorized to make a template default.":["テンプレートをデフォルトにする権限がありません。"],"You are not authorized to perform this action.":["このアクションを実行する権限がありません。"],"You are trying to delete your own account":["ご自身のアカウントを削除しようとしています"],"You are using an unsupported browser.":["サポートされていないブラウザーを使用しています"],"You can add SSH public keys to a user in Foreman.":[""],"You can find The Foreman on the %{freenode} ( network. For general support, please visit #theforeman and for development specific related chat, please visit #theforeman-dev.":["%{freenode} ( ネットワークに Foreman を見つけることができます。一般的なサポートについては、#theforeman にアクセスし、開発に関連した個別チャットの場合は #theforeman-dev にアクセスしてください。"],"You can select one of the IPAM modes supported by the selected IP protocol:<br/><ul><li><strong>DHCP</strong> - will manage the IP on DHCP through assigned DHCP proxy, auto-suggested IPs come from DHCP <em>(IPv4)</em></li><li><strong>Internal DB</strong> - use internal DB to auto-suggest free IP based on other interfaces on same subnet respecting range if specified, useful mainly with static boot mode <em>(IPv4, IPv6)</em></li><li><strong>EUI-64</strong> - will assign the IPv6 address based on the MAC address of the interface <em>(IPv6)</em></li><li><strong>None</strong> - leave IP management solely on user, no auto-suggestion <em>(IPv4, IPv6)</em></li></ul>":["選択された IP プロトコルによってサポートされたいずれかの IPAM モードを選択できます:<br/><ul><li><strong>DHCP</strong> - 割り当てられた DHCP プロキシー経由で DHCP 上の IP を管理します。自動補完 IP は DHCP <em>(IPv4)</em> から提供されます</li><li><strong>内部 DB</strong> - 内部 DB を使用して同じサブネット範囲 (指定された場合) の別のインターフェースに基づいて空き IP を自動補完します。主に静的ブートモード <em>(IPv4, IPv6)</em> で役に立ちます</li><li><strong>EUI-64</strong> - インターフェースの MAC アドレスに基づいて IPv6 アドレスを割り当てます <em>(IPv6)</em></li><li><strong>なし</strong> - IP 管理をユーザーだけに任せます。自動補完なし <em>(IPv4, IPv6)</em></li></ul>"],"You can't assign locations to this resource":["ロケーションをこのリソースに割り当てることができません"],"You can't assign organizations to this resource":["組織をこのリソースに割り当てることができません"],"You cannot delete this user while logged in as this user.":["このユーザーがこのユーザーとしてログインしている間は削除できません。"],"You do not have permission to %s this location parameter":["このロケーションパラメーターの %s についてのパーミッションがありません"],"You do not have permission to %s this organization parameter":["この組織パラメーターの %s についてのパーミッションがありません"],"You don't have any visible hosts. 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If you wish to configure fact pushing, please follow the documentation.":["まだファクトがないようです。ファクトのプッシュを設定する場合は、ドキュメンテーションの内容に従ってください。"],"You don't seem to have any reports.":["レポートがないようです。"],"You have already logged in":["すでにログインしています"],"You may also associate one or more operating systems with this medium or alternatively set this up later on the %s page.":["さらに、1 つ以上のオペレーティングシステムをこのメディアに関連付けるか、またはこれを %s ページで後でセットアップすることができます。"],"You may also associate one or more operating systems with this partition table or alternatively set this up later on the %s page":["さらに、1 つ以上のオペレーティングシステムをこのパーティションテーブルに関連付けるか、またはこれを %s ページで後でセットアップすることができます。"],"You may create puppet classes that represent high-level host configurations, for example, a <b>host-type-ldap-server</b> class, which includes all the required functionality from other modules or you may decide to create a host group called <b>host-type-ldap-server</b> and add the required classes into the host group configuration.":["たとえば、他のモジュールの必要なすべての機能を組み込む <b>host-type-ldap-server</b> クラスなどの高レベルの設定を表す puppet クラスを作成するか、または <b>host-type-ldap-server</b> と呼ばれるホストグループを作成し、このホストグループ設定に必要なクラスを追加できます。"],"You must create a location before continuing.":["ロケーションを作成してから続行してください。"],"You must create an organization before continuing.":["組織を作成してから続行してください。"],"You must create at least one location before continuing.":["少なくとも 1 つのロケーションを作成してから続行してください。"],"You must create at least one organization before continuing.":["少なくとも 1 つの組織を作成してから続行してください。"],"You must select at least one permission":["少なくとも 1 つのパーミッションを選択する必要があります"],"You probably need to configure your %s first.":["おそらく %s を最初に設定する必要があります。"],"You would probably need to attach the":["必要な添付内容:"],"Your Foreman user account has been created:":["Foreman ユーザーアカウントが作成されました:"],"Your host has finished building:":["ホストでビルドが完了しました:"],"Your password is too short":["パスワードが短すぎます。"],"Your password should not contain sequences":["パスワードにはシーケンスを含めないようにする必要があります"],"Your 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var locales = locales || {}; locales['ko'] = {"domain":"app","locale_data":{"app":{"":{"Project-Id-Version":"Foreman","Report-Msgid-Bugs-To":"","PO-Revision-Date":"2017-08-03 17:20+0000","Last-Translator":"Lukáš Zapletal","Language-Team":"Korean (","MIME-Version":"1.0","Content-Type":"text/plain; charset=UTF-8","Content-Transfer-Encoding":"8bit","Language":"ko","Plural-Forms":"nplurals=1; plural=0;","lang":"ko","domain":"app","plural_forms":"nplurals=1; plural=0;"}," Remove":["삭제 "],"%s - Press Shift-F12 to release the cursor.":["%s - Shift-F12 키를 눌러 커서를 해제합니다. "],"%s - The following hosts are about to be changed":["%s - 다음 호스트는 즉시 변경됩니다 "],"%s Distribution":["%s 배포판 "],"%s Parameters updated, see below for more information":["%s 매개 변수가 업데이트되었습니다. 보다 자세한 내용은 아래에서 참조하십시오 "],"%s Template":["%s 템플릿 "],"%s VM associated to a host":["%s VM이 호스트에 연결됨 "],"%s active feature":["",""],"%s ago":["%s 전 "],"%s console is not supported at this time":["%s 콘솔은 아직 지원되지 않습니다 "],"%s core":["%s 코어 "],"%s day ago":["%s 일 전 "],"%s error message":["",""],"%s has been disassociated from VM":["%s이(가) VM에서 연결 해제되었습니다 "],"%s host":["",""],"%s is an unknown attribute":["%s은(는) 알 수 없는 속성입니다 "],"%s is not a valid DNS record type":[""],"%s is not in environment":["%s은(는) 환경에 없습니다 "],"%s log message":["",""],"%s minute ago":["%s 분 전 "],"%s month ago":["%s 개월 전 "],"%s selected hosts":["%s 선택된 호스트 "],"%s warning message":["",""],"%s week ago":["%s 주 전 "],"%s widget loading...":[""],"%{app_name} API documentation homepage":["%{app_name} API 문서 홈페이지 "],"%{config_type} rebuild failed for host: %{host_names}.":["",""],"%{controller}: %{host}'s operating system %{os} has no OS family":[""],"%{controller}: %{host}'s operating system is missing":[""],"%{controller}: unable to find a host that matches the request from %{addr}":[""],"%{cores} Cores and %{memory} memory":["%{cores} 코어 및 %{memory} 메모리 "],"%{count} host with no %{taxonomy_single} assigned":["%{taxonomy_single}이(가) 할당되지 않은 %{count} 호스트 "],"%{cpus} CPUs and %{memory} MB memory":["%{cpus} CPU 및 %{memory} MB 메모리 "],"%{cpus} CPUs and %{memory} memory":["%{cpus} CPU 및 %{memory} 메모리 "],"%{e} does not belong to the %{environment} environment":["%{e} 은(는) %{environment} 환경에 속하지 않습니다 "],"%{host} is about to %{action}":["%{host}는 즉시 %{action}을 실행합니다 "],"%{host} now boots from %{device}":["%{host}가 %{device}에서 부팅합니다 "],"%{id} plugin requires Foreman %{matcher} but current is %{current}":["%{id} 플러그인에는 Foreman %{matcher}가 필요하지만 현재는 %{current}입니다 "],"%{id} plugin requires the %{plugin_name} plugin %{matcher} but current is %{plugin_version}":["%{id} 플러그인에는 %{plugin_name} 플러그인 %{matcher}가 필요하지만 현재는 %{plugin_version}입니다"],"%{id} plugin requires the %{plugin_name} plugin, not found":["%{id} 플러그인에는 %{plugin_name} 플러그인이 필요하지만 찾을 수 없습니다 "],"%{image} needs user data, but %{os_link} is not associated to any provisioning template of the kind user_data. Please associate it with a suitable template or uncheck 'User data' for %{compute_resource_image_link}.":["%{image}에는 사용자 데이터가 필요하지만 %{os_link}이(가) user_data 유형의 프로비저닝 템플릿에 연결되어 있지 않습니다. 적합한 템플릿에 연결하거나 %{compute_resource_image_link}에 대해 '사용자 데이터' 선택을 취소하십시오."],"%{key} does not exist in order field":[""],"%{match} does not match an existing host":["%{match}은(는) 기존 호스트와 일치하지 않습니다 "],"%{match} does not match an existing host group":["%{match}은(는) 기존 호스트 그룹과 일치하지 않습니다 "],"%{model} with id '%{id}' was not found":["ID가 '%{id}'인 %{model}이(가) 없습니다."],"%{name} changed from %{label1} to %{label2}":["%{name} 이(가) %{label1}에서 %{label2}로 변경되었습니다 "],"%{name} has %{num_tag} class":["",""],"%{os} medium was not set for host '%{host}'":[""],"%{record} is being used by a hidden %{what} resource":["%{record}은(는) 숨겨진 %{what} 리소스에 사용 중입니다."],"%{record} is used by %{what}":["%{record}은(는) %{what}에 의해 사용되고 있습니다 "],"%{record} is used by host in build mode %{what}":["%{record}은(는) 빌드 모드의 호스트 %{what}에 의해 사용되고 있습니다 "],"%{resource_name} not found by id '%{id}'":["%{resource_name}을 ID '%{id}'로 찾을 수 없습니다 "],"%{task} task failed with the following error: %{e}":["%{task} 작업은 다음과 같은 오류로 인해 실패했습니다: %{e}"],"%{taxonomy_type} %{taxonomy_name} has %{count} host that will need to be reassociated after deletion. Delete %{taxonomy_name2}?":["",""],"%{type} %{conflicts} already exists":[""],"%{user} Downloaded %{key} as pem file":[""],"%{value} does not belong to %{os} operating system":["%{value}은(는) %{os} 운영 체제에 속해 있지 않습니다 "],"%{value} is not a valid controller":["%{value}은(는) 올바른 컨트롤러가 아닙니다 "],"%{value} is not one of %{rules}":["%{value}은(는) %{rules} 중 하나가 아닙니다 "],"%{vm} is now %{vm_state}":["%{vm}은 현재 %{vm_state}입니다 "],"&laquo;":["&laquo;"],"&raquo;":["&raquo;"],"'%{host}' could be deleted or '%{resource}' is not responding.":["'%{host}'이(가) 삭제되었거나 '%{resource}'이(가) 응답하지 않습니다."],"'%{host}' not found on '%{resource}'":["'%{host}'을(를) '%{resource}'에서 찾을 수 없습니다 "],"'%{loader}' is not one of %{loaders}":[""],"'Content-Type: %s' is unsupported in API v2 for POST and PUT requests. Please use 'Content-Type: application/json'.":["'Content-Type: %s'는 POST 및 PUT 요청의 API v2에서 지원되지 않습니다. 'Content-Type: application/json'을 사용하십시오. "],"(Miscellaneous)":["(기타)"],"(optional) IAM Role for Fog to use when creating this image.":["(옵션) 이미지를 생성할 때 사용할 Fog의 IAM 역할입니다. "],"*Clear %s proxy*":["*%s 프록시 삭제*"],"*Clear environment*":["*환경 삭제*"],"*Clear host group*":["*호스트 그룹 삭제*"],"*Inherit from host group*":["*호스트 그룹에서 상속*"],", relevant log entries, and it is highly recommended to also attach the foreman-debug output.":[", 관련 로그 항목. Foreman 디버그 출력도 첨부하는 것이 좋습니다."],":foreman_url is not set, please configure in the Foreman Web UI (Administer -> Settings -> General)":[":foreman_url이 설정되어 있지 않습니다. Foreman 웹 UI를 구성하십시오(관리자 -> 설정 -> 일반)."],"<b class='select_count'>0</b> selected":["<b class='select_count'>0</b> 선택 "],"<b style=\\\"color: #6bb5df;\\\">%{disabled_sum}</b>\\n <p>Disabled</p>":["",""],"<b style=\\\"color: #6bb5df;\\\">%{hosts_sum}</b>\\n <p>Changed</p>":["",""],"<b style=\\\"color: #6bb5df;\\\">%{out_of_sync_sum}</b>\\n <p>Out of sync</p>":["",""],"<b>Description:</b> %{desc}<br/>\\n <b>Type:</b> %{type}<br/>\\n <b>Matcher:</b> %{matcher}<br/>\\n <b>Inherited value:</b> %{inherited_value}":["<b>설명:</b> %{desc}<br/>\\n <b>유형:</b> %{type}<br/>\\n <b>일치 조건:</b> %{matcher}<br/>\\n <b>상속된 값:</b> %{inherited_value}"],"<b>Foreman API v1 is deprecated. Please use v2.</b><br />If you still need to use v1, you may do so by either passing 'version=1' in the Accept Header or using api/v1/ in the URL.":[""],"<b>Foreman</b> Build Complete":["<b>Foreman</b> 빌드 완료"],"<b>Foreman</b> Puppet error report":["<b>Foreman</b> Puppet 오류 보고"],"<b>Foreman</b> Puppet summary":["<b>Foreman</b> Puppet 요약"],"<b>Foreman</b> audit summary":["<b>Foreman</b> 감사 요약"],"<b>Foreman</b> test email":["<b>Foreman</b> 테스트 이메일"],"<b>Source:</b> %{type} %{name}":["<b>소스:</b> %{type} %{name}"],"<dl><dt>List</dt> <dd>A list of the allowed values, specified in the Validator rule field.</dd><dt>Regexp</dt> <dd>Validates the input with the regular expression in the Validator rule field.</dd></dl>":["<dl><dt>List</dt> <dd>유효성 검증 규칙 필드에 지정된 서용되는 값의 목록입니다.</dd><dt>Regexp</dt> <dd>유효성 검증 규칙 필드에 있는 정규식 표현 입력을 검증합니다.</dd></dl>"],"<dl><dt>String</dt> <dd>Everything is taken as a string.</dd><dt>Boolean</dt> <dd>Common representation of boolean values are accepted.</dd><dt>Integer</dt> <dd>Integer numbers only, can be negative.</dd><dt>Real</dt> <dd>Accept any numerical input.</dd><dt>Array</dt> <dd>A valid JSON or YAML input, that must evaluate to an array.</dd><dt>Hash</dt> <dd>A valid JSON or YAML input, that must evaluate to an object/map/dict/hash.</dd><dt>YAML</dt> <dd>Any valid YAML input.</dd><dt>JSON</dt> <dd>Any valid JSON input.</dd></dl>":["<dl><dt>String</dt> <dd>모든 값을 문자열로 가져옵니다.</dd><dt>Boolean</dt> <dd>부울 값의 일반적인 표현이 허용됩니다.</dd><dt>Integer</dt> <dd>정수만 됩니다. 음수가 될 수 없습니다.</dd><dt>Real</dt> <dd>모든 수치 입력을 허용합니다.</dd><dt>Array</dt> <dd>어레이로 평가해야 하는 유효한 JSON 또는 YAML 입력입니다.</dd><dt>Hash</dt> <dd>object/map/dict/hash로 평가해야 하는 유효한 JSON 또는 YAML 입력입니다.</dd><dt>YAML</dt> <dd>모든 유효한 YAML 입력입니다.</dd><dt>JSON</dt> <dd>모든 유효한 JSON 입력입니다.</dd></dl>"],"A Foreman user group can be associated to a group stored in an LDAP server, so membership of the LDAP group automatically adds the user to the Foreman user group.":[""],"A host group is in some ways similar to an inherited node declaration, in that it is a high level grouping of classes that can be named and treated as a unit. This is then treated as a template and is selectable during the creation of a new host and ensures that the host is configured in one of your pre-defined states.":["호스트 그룹은 단위로 이름을 지정하고 처리될 수 있는 높은 수준의 그룹화 클래스라는 점에서 상속되는 노드 선언과 비슷합니다. 이는 템플릿으로 처리되고 새 호스트 생성 시 선택할 수 있으며 호스트가 사전 정의된 상태 중 하나로 설정되게 할 수 있습니다. "],"A medium represents the source of one or more operating system's installation files, accessible via the network.\\n It will probably be a mirror from the internet or a copy of one or more CD or DVDs.":["미디어는 네트워크를 통해 액세스되는 하나 이상의 운영 체제 설치 파일의 소스를 나타냅니다.\\n 인터넷의 미러이거나 CD 또는 DVD 하나 이상의 사본인 경우가 많습니다."],"A partition table entry represents either":["파티션 테이블 항목 중 하나를 나타냅니다 "],"A problem occurred when detecting host type: %s":["호스트 유형을 감지하는 동안 문제가 발생했습니다: %s"],"A script to dynamically calculate the desired sizes. E.G.":["원하는 크기를 동적으로 계산하는 스크립트"],"A user group already exists with this name":["이 이름으로된 사용 그룹이 이미 존재합니다 "],"API Key":["API 키 "],"API documentation":["API 문서 "],"About":["정보 "],"Access Key":["액세스 키"],"Access denied":["접근 거부됨"],"Access unattended without build":[""],"Account":["계정 "],"Acquire IP addresses for %s":[""],"Action":["동작 "],"Actions":["동작 "],"Active":["활성화"],"Active Hosts":["활성 호스트 "],"Active features":["활성 기능"],"Active key":[""],"Add Autosign entry":["자동 서명 항목 추가"],"Add Bookmark":["북마크 추가 "],"Add Interface":["인터페이스 추가 "],"Add Matcher":["일치 조건 추가"],"Add Parameter":["매개 변수 추가 "],"Add Trend Counter":["트렌드 카운터 추가 "],"Add Variable":["변수 추가 "],"Add Volume":["볼륨 추가 "],"Add a CD-ROM drive to the virtual machine.":[""],"Add a Puppet class to host":["호스트에 Puppet 클래스 추가 "],"Add a Puppet class to host group":["호스트 그룹에 Puppet 클래스 추가 "],"Add a template combination":["템플릿 조합 추가 "],"Add combination":["조합 추가 "],"Add external user group":["외부 사용자 그룹 추가 "],"Add filter":["필터 추가 "],"Add to dashboard":["대시보드에 추가"],"Add widgets":["위젯 추가"],"Add:":["추가:"],"Adding would cause a cycle!":["추가하면 사이클이 발생합니다!"],"Additional Information":["추가 정보 "],"Additional compute resource specific attributes for the interface.":["인터페이스의 컴퓨팅 리소스별 추가 속성입니다."],"Additional compute resource specific attributes.":["컴퓨팅 리소스별 추가 속성입니다."],"Additional information about this host":["호스트에 대한 추가 정보 "],"Address to connect to":[""],"Admin permissions required":["관리 권한이 필요합니다 "],"Administer":["관리자"],"Administrator email address":["관리자 이메일 주소"],"Administrator user account required":["관리자의 사용자 계정 필요"],"Alert":["경고 "],"Alerts disabled":["경고 비활성화 "],"Alias or VLAN device":["별칭 또는 VLAN 장치 "],"All":["모두"],"All Puppet Classes for %s":["%s의 전체 Puppet 클래스 "],"All Reports":["전체 보고서 "],"All compute resources":["전체 컴퓨터 리소스 "],"All domains":["전체 도메인 "],"All environments":["전체 환경 "],"All environments - (not filtered)":["모든 환경 - (필터링되지 않음)"],"All host groups":["전체 호스트 그룹 "],"All hosts":["전체 호스트 "],"All hosts data matches configurations for locations and organizations.":["전체 호스트 데이터는 위치 및 조직의 설정과 일치합니다."],"All hosts previously with no %{single} are now assigned to %{name}":["%{single}이 없는 이전의 모든 호스트는 %{name}에 할당됩니다"],"All hosts will show a configuration status even when a Puppet smart proxy is not assigned":["Puppet 스마트 프록시가 할당되지 않은 경우에도 모든 호스트에 구성 상태를 표시합니다."],"All items":["전체 항목 "],"All media":["전체 미디어 "],"All messages":["전체 메세지 "],"All mismatches between hosts and %s have been fixed":["호스트와 %s 간의 모든 불일치가 수정되었습니다 "],"All mismatches between hosts and locations/organizations have been fixed":["호스트와 위치/조직 간의 모든 불일치가 수정되었습니다 "],"All partition tables":["모든 파티션 테이블"],"All provisioning templates":["모든 프로비저닝 템플릿"],"All realms":["전체 영역 "],"All smart proxies":["모든 스마트 프록시 "],"All subnets":["전체 서브넷 "],"All users":["전체 사용자 "],"Allocated":["할당됨 "],"Allocation (GB)":["할당 (GB)"],"Allow access to unattended URLs without build mode being used":[""],"Allow external network as main network":["외부 네트워크를 기본 네트워크로 허용"],"Allowed methods or members":[""],"Always show configuration status":["구성 상태 항상 표시"],"An IP address will be auto-suggested if you have enabled IPAM on the IPv4 subnet selected above.<br/><br/>The IP address can be left blank when:<br/><ul><li>provisioning tokens are enabled</li><li>the domain does not manage DNS</li><li>the subnet does not manage reverse DNS</li><li>and the subnet does not manage DHCP reservations</li></ul>":[""],"An IP address will be auto-suggested if you have enabled IPAM on the IPv6 subnet selected above.":[""],"An email address is required, please update your account details":[""],"An error occurred while testing the connection: ":[""],"An explicit layout for the partitions of your hard drive(s). E.G.":["예를 들어 하드 드라이브 파티션에 대한 명시적 레이아웃입니다."],"An invalid response was received while requesting available features from this proxy":[""],"Annotation Notes":[""],"Annotation notes":[""],"Anonymous admin user %s is missing, run foreman-rake db:seed":["익명의 관리자 %s가 없습니다. foreman-rake db:seed를 실행합니다 "],"Any Context":["모든 컨텍스트 "],"Any Location":["모든 위치 "],"Any Organization":["모든 조직 "],"Applicable Operating Systems":[""],"Applied":["적용됨 "],"Applied|A":["A"],"Architecture":["아키텍처 "],"Architecture Distribution":["아키텍처 배포판 "],"Architecture ID":["아키텍처 ID"],"Architectures":["아키텍처 "],"Architecture|Hostgroups count":["호스트 그룹 수 "],"Architecture|Hosts count":["호스트 수 "],"Architecture|Name":["이름 "],"Are you sure you want to %{act} %{vm}?":["%{vm}의 %{act}을(를) 실행하시겠습니까?"],"Are you sure you want to delete host %s? This action is irreversible.":["%s 호스트를 삭제하시겠습니까? 이 작업은 되돌릴 수 없습니다."],"Are you sure you want to delete host %s? This will delete the virtual machine and its disks, and is irreversible.":["%s 호스트를 삭제하시겠습니까? 그러면 가상 머신과 해당 디스크도 삭제되며 되돌릴 수 없습니다."],"Are you sure you want to delete this widget from your dashboard?":["이 위젯을 대시보드에서 삭제하시겠습니까?"],"Are you sure you want to log out?":[""],"Are you sure you want to power %{act} %{vm}?":["%{vm}의 %{act}을(를) 실행하시겠습니까?"],"Are you sure?":["정말로 삭제하시겠습니까? "],"Array of extra information types to include":[""],"Array of host IDs to associate with the partition table":["파티션 테이블에 연결할 호스트 ID 배열"],"Array of host group IDs to associate with the partition table":["파티션 테이블에 연결할 호스트 그룹 ID 배열"],"Array of operating system IDs to associate with the partition table":["파티션 테이블에 연결할 운영 체제 ID 배열"],"Array of operating system IDs to associate with the template":["템플릿에 연결할 운영체제 ID 배열 "],"Array of parameters":[""],"Array of parameters (name, value)":["매개 변수 (이름, 값)의 배열 "],"Array of template combinations (hostgroup_id, environment_id)":["템플릿 조합 (hostgroup_id, environment_id)의 배열 "],"Assign All":["전부 할당"],"Assign Hosts to %s":["%s에 호스트 지정 "],"Assign Location":["위치 지정 "],"Assign Organization":["조직 지정 "],"Assign Selected Hosts":["선택된 호스트 지정 "],"Assign the %{count} host with no %{taxonomy_single} to %{taxonomy_name}":["%{taxonomy_single}이 없는 %{count} 호스트를 %{taxonomy_name}에 할당합니다 "],"Assign to %s":["%s에 지정 "],"Assigning hosts to %{taxonomy_name} will also update %{taxonomy_name} to include all the resources that the selected hosts are currently using.":["호스트를 %{taxonomy_name}에 할당하여 선택한 호스트가 현재 사용하고 있는 모든 리소스를 포함하도록 %{taxonomy_name} 을 업데이트합니다."],"Associate VM":["VM 연결 "],"Associate VM to a Foreman host":["VM을 Foreman 호스트에 연결 "],"Associate VMs":["VM 연결 "],"Associate VMs to Foreman hosts":["VM을 Foreman 호스트에 연결 "],"Associate VMs to Hosts":["VM을 호스트에 연결 "],"Association":["연결 "],"At least one volume must be specified for image-based provisioning.":["이미지 기반 프로비저닝에 대해 최소 하나의 볼륨을 지정해야 합니다. "],"Attempting to construct an operating system image filename but %s cannot be built from an image":["운영 체제 이미지 파일 이름을 생성하려 했지만 %s은 이미지에서 만들 수 없습니다 "],"Attribute mappings":["속성 매핑 "],"Attribute type":["속성 유형"],"Audit":[""],"Audit Comment":["감사 코멘트 "],"Audit summary":["감사 요약"],"Audited::Adapters::ActiveRecord::Audit|Action":["동작 "],"Audited::Adapters::ActiveRecord::Audit|Associated name":["연결된 이름 "],"Audited::Adapters::ActiveRecord::Audit|Associated type":["연결 유형 "],"Audited::Adapters::ActiveRecord::Audit|Auditable name":["감사 가능한 이름 "],"Audited::Adapters::ActiveRecord::Audit|Auditable type":["감사 가능한 유형 "],"Audited::Adapters::ActiveRecord::Audit|Audited changes":["감사된 변경 "],"Audited::Adapters::ActiveRecord::Audit|Comment":["코멘트 "],"Audited::Adapters::ActiveRecord::Audit|Remote address":["원격 주소 "],"Audited::Adapters::ActiveRecord::Audit|User type":["사용자 유형 "],"Audited::Adapters::ActiveRecord::Audit|Username":["사용자 이름 "],"Audited::Adapters::ActiveRecord::Audit|Version":["버전 "],"Audits":["감사 "],"Auth source":["인증 소스 "],"AuthSource|Account":["계정 "],"AuthSource|Account password":["계정 암호 "],"AuthSource|Attr firstname":["속성 이름 "],"AuthSource|Attr lastname":["속성 성 "],"AuthSource|Attr login":["속성 로그인 "],"AuthSource|Attr mail":["속성 메일 "],"AuthSource|Attr photo":["속성 사진 "],"AuthSource|Base dn":["기본 DN"],"AuthSource|Groups base":["그룹 기반 "],"AuthSource|Host":["호스트 "],"AuthSource|LDAPS":["LDAP"],"AuthSource|Ldap filter":["LDAP 필터 "],"AuthSource|Name":["이름 "],"AuthSource|Onthefly register":["즉시 등록 "],"AuthSource|Port":["포트 "],"AuthSource|Server type":["서버 유형 "],"AuthSource|Tls":["TLS"],"Authentication":["보안 및 인증"],"Author":["저자 "],"Authorize login delegation":["로그인 권한 승인"],"Authorize login delegation API":["로그인 권한 승인 API"],"Authorize login delegation auth source user autocreate":["로그인 권한 승인 인증 소스 사용자 자동 생성"],"Authorize login delegation with REMOTE_USER environment variable":["REMOTE_USER 환경 변수에 로그인 권한 승인 "],"Authorize login delegation with REMOTE_USER environment variable for API calls too":["API 호출의 REMOTE_USER 환경 변수에 로그인 권한 승인 "],"Authorized by":["승인자 "],"Auto refresh off":["자동 새로 고침 끄기"],"Auto refresh on":["자동 새로 고침 켜기"],"Automatic":[""],"Autosign":["자동 서명 "],"Autosign entries":["자동 서명 항목"],"Autosign entry name":[""],"Availability zone":["사용 가능한 영역 "],"Available Classes":["사용 가능한 클래스 "],"Available Config Groups":["사용 가능한 설정 그룹 "],"Available Providers":["사용 가능한 공급자 "],"Average memory usage":["평균 메모리 사용량 "],"Average swap usage":["평균 swap 사용량 "],"Avoid duplicate values when merging them (only array type)?":["값을 병합할 때 중복 값을 제외하시겠습니까(배열 유형만)?"],"BIOS":["BIOS"],"BMC":["BMC"],"BMC credentials access":[""],"BMC password usage":[""],"Back":["뒤로 "],"Back to host":["호스트로 돌아가기 "],"Back to host list":["호스트 목록으로 돌아가기 "],"Backtrace":["역추적"],"Bare Metal":["베어 메탈 "],"Base DN":["기본 DN"],"Before you proceed to using Foreman you should provide information about one or more architectures.":["Foreman을 사용하기 전 하나 이상의 아키텍처에 대한 정보를 지정해야 합니다. "],"Bond":["본딩 "],"Bond mode of the interface, e.g. balance-rr. Only for bond interfaces.":["인터페이스의 본드 모드 (예: balance-rr). 본드 인터페이스에만 사용됩니다. "],"Bookmark":["북마크 "],"Bookmark this search":["이 검색을 북마크 "],"Bookmark was successfully created.":["북마크가 성공적으로 생성되었습니다. "],"Bookmark was successfully updated.":["북마크가 성공적으로 업데이트되었습니다. "],"Bookmarks":["북마크"],"Bookmarks are saved search queries. To save them, click on 'Bookmark this search' on the dropdown next to every search button.":["북마크는 저장된 검색 쿼리입니다. 북마크를 저장하려면 모든 검색 버튼 옆에 있는 드롭다운에서 '이 검색을 북마크'를 클릭하십시오."],"Bookmark|Controller":["컨트롤러 "],"Bookmark|Name":["이름 "],"Bookmark|Owner type":["소유자 유형 "],"Bookmark|Public":["공개 "],"Bookmark|Query":["쿼리 "],"Boot device":["부트 장치 "],"Boot from volume":["볼륨에서 부팅"],"Boot host from specified device":["지정된 장치에서 호스트 부팅 "],"Bootable":["부팅가능"],"Bridge":["브릿지"],"Browse host config management reports":["호스트 구성 관리 보고서 검색"],"Browse host facts":["호스트 정보 검색 "],"Browser locale":["브라우저 로케일 "],"Browser timezone":["브라우저 시간대"],"Build":["빌드 "],"Build Hosts":["호스트 빌드 "],"Build PXE Default":["PXE 기본값 빌드 "],"Build a query for %{mailer}":["%{mailer}에 대한 쿼리 작성"],"Build from OS image":["OS 이미지에서 빌드 "],"By unchecking this you can specify filter using Foreman search syntax in search field. If filter remains <br> unlimited (this field is checked) it applies on all resources of the selected type. 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"],"Click to add %s":["클릭하여 %s 추가 "],"Click to log in again.":["클릭하여 다시 로그인합니다."],"Click to mark as read":[""],"Click to remove %s":["클릭하여 %s 삭제 "],"Click to remove config group":["클릭하여 설정 그룹 삭제 "],"Client Email":["클라이언트 이메일 "],"Client SSL certificates are used to identify Smart Proxies (:require_ssl should also be enabled)":["스마트 프록시를 식별하는 데 클라이언트 SSL 인증서 사용(:require_ssl도 활성화해야 함)"],"Clone":["복제 "],"Clone %s":["%s 복제 "],"Clone Host %s":["호스트 %s 복제 "],"Clone a host group":["호스트 그룹 복제 "],"Clone a provision template":["프로비저닝 템플릿 복제"],"Clone a role":[""],"Clone a template":["템플릿 복제"],"Clone this host":[""],"Close":["종료 "],"Cluster":["클러스터"],"Cluster ID is required to list available networks":["사용 가능한 네트워크를 나열하려면 클러스터 ID가 필요합니다 "],"Comments":["코멘트"],"Communication status":["통신 상태"],"Compute Resource":["컴퓨터 리소스 "],"Compute Resource Distribution":[""],"Compute Resources":["컴퓨터 리소스 "],"Compute attribute":["컴퓨터 속성 "],"Compute profile":["컴퓨터 프로파일 "],"Compute profile ID":["컴퓨터 프로파일 ID"],"Compute profiles":["컴퓨터 프로파일 "],"Compute resource":["컴퓨터 리소스 "],"Compute resource IDs":["컴퓨터 리소스 ID "],"Compute resource update for %s":["%s의 컴퓨터 리소스 업데이트 "],"Compute resources":["컴퓨터 리소스 "],"ComputeAttribute|Name":["이름 "],"ComputeAttribute|Vm attrs":["Vm 속성 "],"ComputeProfile|Name":["이름 "],"ComputeResource|Attrs":["속성 "],"ComputeResource|Description":["설명 "],"ComputeResource|Name":["이름 "],"ComputeResource|Password":["암호 "],"ComputeResource|Url":["URL"],"ComputeResource|User":["사용자 "],"ComputeResource|Uuid":["UUID"],"Config Retrieval":["설정 검색 "],"Config group":["설정 그룹 "],"Config groups":["설정 그룹 "],"Config management":["구성 관리"],"ConfigGroup|Config group classes count":["설정 그룹 클래스 수 "],"ConfigGroup|Hostgroups count":["호스트 그룹 수 "],"ConfigGroup|Hosts count":["호스트 수 "],"ConfigGroup|Name":["이름 "],"Configuration":["설정"],"Configuration rebuild failed for: %s.":["다음으로 인해 구성을 다시 빌드하지 못했습니다: %s."],"Configuration successfully rebuilt.":["구성이 다시 빌드되었습니다."],"Configure":["설정"],"Configure instance %s via SSH":["SSH를 통해 인스턴스 %s 설정 "],"Conflict - %s":["충돌 - %s"],"Conflicts have been detected":["충돌이 감지되었습니다 "],"Connected (unencrypted) to: %s":["다음에 연결 (암호화 해제): %s"],"Connecting (unencrypted) to: %s":["다음에 연결 중 (암호화 해제): %s"],"Console":["콘솔"],"Console output may be out of date":["콘솔 출력이 오래된 것일 수 있습니다 "],"Console passwords":["콘솔 암호 "],"Consult \\\"Provisioning Templates\\\" page to see what templates are available.":[""],"Continue to look for matches after first find (only array/hash type)? Note: merging overrides ignores all matchers that are omitted.":[""],"Continue?":["계속하시겠습니까?"],"Cores":["코어 "],"Cores per socket":["소켓당 코어 수 "],"Could not add permissions to Manager and Viewer roles: %s":[""],"Could not add permissions to Manager role: %s":[""],"Could not add permissions to Organization admin role: %s":[""],"Could not add permissions to Viewer role: %s":[""],"Could not create role '%{name}': %{message}":[""],"Could not delete %s":[""],"Could not extend role '%{name}': %{message}":[""],"Could not find %{association} with name: %{name}":[""],"Could not find a Configuration Template with the name \\\"%s\\\", please create one.":[""],"Could not find network %s on VMWare compute resource":[""],"Could not find virtual machine network interface matching %s":["%s과(와) 일치하는 가상 머신 네트워크 인터페이스를 찾을 수 없습니다."],"Could not locate CA certificate.":["CA 인증서를 찾을 수 없습니다."],"Could not recreate a new SSH key":[""],"Create":["생성 "],"Create %s":["%s 생성 "],"Create %{type} for %{host}":[""],"Create :a_resource":[":a_resource 생성 "],"Create Architecture":[""],"Create Authentication Source":[""],"Create Bookmark":[""],"Create Compute Profile":[""],"Create Compute Resource":[""],"Create Config Group":[""],"Create DHCP Settings for %s":["%s의 DHCP 설정 생성 "],"Create Domain":[""],"Create Environment":[""],"Create Filter":[""],"Create Global Parameter":[""],"Create Host":[""],"Create Host Group":[""],"Create Image":[""],"Create Installation Medium":[""],"Create LDAP Auth Source":[""],"Create LDAP Source":[""],"Create Location":[""],"Create Medium":[""],"Create Model":[""],"Create Operating System":[""],"Create Operating system":[""],"Create Organization":[""],"Create Parameter":[""],"Create Partition Table":[""],"Create Proxy":[""],"Create Puppet Environment":[""],"Create Realm":[""],"Create Role":[""],"Create SSH Key":[""],"Create SSH Key for %s":[""],"Create SSH key":[""],"Create Smart Proxy":[""],"Create Smart Variable":[""],"Create Subnet":[""],"Create Template":[""],"Create Trend":[""],"Create User":[""],"Create User Group":[""],"Create User group":[""],"Create a Puppet class":["Puppet 클래스 생성 "],"Create a bookmark":["북마크 생성 "],"Create a compute attributes set":["컴퓨팅 속성 세트 생성 "],"Create a compute profile":["컴퓨터 프로파일 생성 "],"Create a compute resource":["컴퓨터 리소스 생성 "],"Create a config group":["설정 그룹 생성 "],"Create a default template combination for an operating system":["운영 체제의 기본값 템플릿 조합 생성 "],"Create a domain":["도메인 생성 "],"Create a filter":["필터 생성 "],"Create a global parameter":["글로벌 매개 변수 생성 "],"Create a hardware model":["하드웨어 모델 생성 "],"Create a host":["호스트 생성 "],"Create a host group":["호스트 그룹 생성 "],"Create a medium":["미디어 생성 "],"Create a nested parameter for a domain":["도메인의 중첩된 매개 변수 생성 "],"Create a nested parameter for a host":["호스트의 중첩된 매개 변수 생성 "],"Create a nested parameter for a host group":["호스트 그룹의 중첩된 매개 변수 생성 "],"Create a nested parameter for a location":["위치의 중첩된 매개 변수 생성 "],"Create a nested parameter for a subnet":[""],"Create a nested parameter for an operating system":["운영 체제의 중첩된 매개 변수 생성 "],"Create a nested parameter for an organization":["조직의 중첩된 매개 변수 생성 "],"Create a partition table":["파티션 테이블 생성 "],"Create a provisioning template":["프로비저닝 템플릿 생성 "],"Create a realm":["영역 생성 "],"Create a report":["보고서 생성 "],"Create a role":["역할 생성 "],"Create a smart proxy":["스마트 프록시 생성 "],"Create a smart variable":["스마트 변수 생성 "],"Create a subnet":["서브넷 생성 "],"Create a user":["사용자 생성 "],"Create a user group":["사용자 그룹 생성 "],"Create an LDAP authentication source":["LDAP 인증 소스 생성 "],"Create an SSH key for a user":[""],"Create an architecture":["아키텍처 생성 "],"Create an environment":["환경 생성 "],"Create an external user group linked to a user group":["사용자 그룹에 연결된 외부 사용자 그룹 생성 "],"Create an image":["이미지 생성 "],"Create an interface on a host":["호스트에 인터페이스 생성 "],"Create an operating system":["운영 체제 생성 "],"Create an override value for a specific smart class parameter":["특정 스마트 클래스 매개 변수의 덮어쓰기 값 생성 "],"Create an override value for a specific smart variable":["특정 스마트 매개 변수의 덮어쓰기 값 생성 "],"Create autosign entry":[""],"Create host":[""],"Create new boot volume from image":["이미지의 새 부팅 볼륨 생성"],"Create new host when facts are uploaded":["팩트를 업로드할 때 새 호스트 생성"],"Create new host when report is uploaded":["보고서를 업로드할 때 새 호스트 생성"],"Create realm entry for %s":["%s의 영역 항목 생성 "],"Created":["생성 일시 "],"Ctrl-Alt-Del":["Ctrl-Alt-Del"],"Current password":["현재의 비밀번호"],"Custom LDAP search filter, <i>optional</i>":["사용자 정의 LDAP 검색 필터, <i>옵션</i>"],"DB pending migration":["DB 보류 중인 마이그레이션"],"DB pending seed":["DB 보류 중인 시드"],"DHCP":["DHCP"],"DHCP Proxy":["DHCP 프록시 "],"DHCP Proxy ID to use within this subnet":[""],"DHCP Proxy to use within this subnet":["이 서브넷에서 사용할 DHCP 프록시 "],"DHCP conflicts removal for %s":["%s의 DHCP 충돌 삭제 "],"DHCP filename option":[""],"DHCP filename option (Grub2/PXELinux by default)":[""],"DHCP filename option to use. 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"],"Deleted environment":["삭제된 환경 "],"Deleted environment %{env} and %{pcs}":["삭제된 환경 %{env} 및 %{pcs}"],"Delivery method":[""],"Deploy TFTP %{kind} config for %{host}":[""],"Deploy VM on selected datastore":["선택한 데이터 저장소에 VM 배포"],"Deploy on":["배포 "],"Deprecated, please use datacenter":[""],"Deprecated, please use omit":[""],"Description":["설명 "],"Description of smart class":["스마트 클래스 설명"],"Description of the domain":["도메인 설명 "],"Description of variable":["변수 설명"],"Deselect All":["모든 선택 해제 "],"Destroy":["삭제 "],"Destroyed selected hosts":["선택된 호스트 삭제"],"Details":["상세 정보 "],"Device identifier":["장치 식별자"],"Device identifier for this interface. This may be different on various platforms and environments, here are some common examples.<br/><ul><li>Use the basic name for physical interface identifiers, e.g. <strong>eth0</strong> or <strong>em0</strong> with biosdevname.</li><li>For virtual interfaces, use either alias notation (<strong>eth0:1</strong>, name:index) or VLAN notation (<strong>eth0.15</strong>, name.tag).</li><li>For bonds it's common to use <strong>bond0</strong> on Linux, <strong>lagg0</strong> on FreeBSD systems.</li></ul>":["이 인터페이스의 장치 ID입니다. 이는 다양한 플랫폼 및 환경에서 다를 수 있습니다. 다음은 일반적인 예입니다.<br/><ul><li>biosdevname과 함께 <strong>eth0</strong> 또는 <strong>em0</strong>와 같이 물리적 인터페이스 ID의 기본 이름을 사용합니다.</li><li>가상 인터페이스의 경우 별칭 표기 (<strong>eth0:1</strong>, name:index) 또는 VLAN 표기 (<strong>eth0.15</strong>, name.tag) 중 하나를 사용합니다.</li><li>본딩의 경우 Linux에서는 <strong>bond0</strong>를 사용하고 FreeBSD 시스템에서는 <strong>lagg0</strong>를 사용합니다.</li></ul>"],"Device identifier, e.g. eth0 or eth1.1":["장치 식별자. 예: eth0 또는 eth1.1"],"Diff":["비교"],"Diff View":["다른점 표시 "],"Disable Notifications":["통지 비활성화 "],"Disable alerts for selected hosts":["선택한 호스트의 통지 비활성화 "],"Disable all filters overriding":[""],"Disable overriding":[""],"Disabled":["비활성화됨 "],"Disassociate Hosts":["호스트 연결 해제 "],"Disassociate host":["호스트 연결 해제 "],"Disassociate the host from a VM":["VM에서 호스트 연결 해제 "],"Disassociate the selected hosts from their VMs":["VM에서 선택된 호스트의 연결을 해제 "],"Disk":["디스크"],"Disk mode":[""],"Display":["표시 "],"Display Name":["이름 표시 "],"Display hidden parameter values":[""],"Display hidden values":[""],"Display the templates that will be used to provision this host":["호스트 프로비저닝에 사용할 템플릿 표시 "],"Display type":["유형 표시 "],"Displaying %{num_audits} of %{total_audits} audit":["",""],"Displaying <b>%{count}</b> entry":["<b>%{count}</b> 항목 표시 중 "],"Displaying entries <b>%{from} - %{to}</b> of <b>%{count}</b> in total":["총 <b>%{count}</b> 중 <b>%{from} - %{to}</b> 항목 표시 중 "],"Documentation":["문서 "],"Does this image support user data input (e.g. via cloud-init)?":["이 이미지는 사용자 데이터 입력 (예: cloud-init 통해)을 지원하고 있습니까?"],"Domain":["도메인 "],"Domain ID":["도메인 ID"],"Domain IDs":["도메인 ID"],"Domains":["도메인 "],"Domains in which this subnet is part":["서브넷이 포함된 도메인 "],"Domain|Fullname":["성명 "],"Domain|Hostgroups count":["호스트 그룹 수 "],"Domain|Hosts count":["호스트 수 "],"Domain|Name":["이름 "],"Download":[""],"Duration in minutes after the Puppet interval for servers to be classed as out of sync.":["이 시간 이후 서버를 비동기화된 것으로 분류하는 Puppet 간격입니다."],"EC2":["EC2"],"EFI":[""],"ENC environment":["ENC 환경"],"ERROR or FATAL":["오류 또는 치명적 오류"],"EUI-64":[""],"Each architecture can also be associated with more than one operating system and a selector block is provided to allow you to select valid combinations.":["각 아키텍처는 하나 이상의 운영 체제에 연결할 수 있고 유효한 조합을 선택할 수 있도록 선택자 블록이 제공됩니다."],"Each entries represent a particular hardware architecture, most commonly <b>x86_64</b> or <b>i386</b>. Foreman also supports the Solaris operating system family, which includes <b>sparc</b> based systems.":["각 항목은 특정 하드웨어 아키텍처를 표시합니다. 가장 일반적으로 <b>x86_64</b> 또는 <b>i386</b>이 있습니다. Foreman은 <b>sparc</b> 기반 시스템을 포함하는 Solaris 운영 체제 제품군도 지원합니다. "],"Eager zero":["사전 제로화"],"Edit":["편집 "],"Edit %s":["%s 편집 "],"Edit Architecture":["아키텍처 편집 "],"Edit Bookmark":["북마크 편집 "],"Edit Compute profile":["컴퓨터 프로파일 편집 "],"Edit Compute profile: %s":["컴퓨터 프로파일 편집: %s"],"Edit Config group":["설정 그룹 편집 "],"Edit Domain":["도메인 편집 "],"Edit Environment":["환경 편집 "],"Edit Filter":["필터 편집 "],"Edit Global Parameter":["글로벌 매개 변수 편집 "],"Edit Host":["호스트 편집 "],"Edit LDAP Auth Source":["LDAP 인증 소스 편집 "],"Edit Medium":["미디어 편집 "],"Edit Model":["모델 편집 "],"Edit Operating System":["운영 체제 편집 "],"Edit Parameters":["매개 변수 편집 "],"Edit Partition Table":["파티션 테이블 편집 "],"Edit Properties":["속성 편집"],"Edit Proxy":["프록시 편집 "],"Edit Puppet Class %s":["Puppet 클래스 %s 편집 "],"Edit Realm":["영역 편집 "],"Edit Role":[""],"Edit Smart Variable":["스마트 변수 편집 "],"Edit Smart class parameters":["스마트 클래스 매개 변수 편집"],"Edit Subnet":["서브넷 편집 "],"Edit Template":["템플릿 수정"],"Edit Trend %s":["트렌드 %s 편집 "],"Edit User":["사용자 편집 "],"Edit User group":["사용자 그룹 편집 "],"Edit compute profile on %s":["%s 상의 컴퓨터 프로파일 편집 "],"Edit this host":[""],"Email Preferences":["이메일 기본 설정"],"Email address is missing":["이메일 주소가 누락되었습니다."],"Email reply address":["이메일 회신 주소"],"Email reply address for emails that Foreman is sending":["Foreman이 전송하는 이메일에 대한 메일 회신 주소"],"Email subject prefix":["이메일 제목 접두사"],"Email was sent successfully":["이메일을 보냈습니다."],"Empty environment":["빈 환경 "],"Enable Notifications":["통지 활성화 "],"Enable alerts for selected hosts":["선택한 호스트의 통지 활성화 "],"Enable caching":[""],"Enable certificate generation for %s":["%s의 인증서 생성 활성화 "],"Enable if this is an alias or VLAN interface, note that alias can be used only with static boot mode subnet":["별칭 또는 VLAN 인터페이스인 경우 활성화합니다. 별칭은 정적 부팅 모드 서브넷에만 사용할 수 있습니다."],"Enable puppetrun support":["puppetrun 지원을 활성화 "],"Enable rebuild on next host boot":["다음 호스트 부팅 시 다시 빌드를 활성화 "],"Enable safe mode config templates rendering (recommended)":["안전 모드 설정 템플릿 렌터링을 활성화 (권장 사항)"],"Enable smart variables in ENC":["ENC에서 스마트 변수 활성화"],"Enable this host for provisioning":["프로비저닝을 위해 호스트 활성화 "],"Enabled":["활성화됨 "],"Enabled %s for reboot and rebuild":["다시 부팅하고 다시 빌드하기 위해 %s을(를) 활성화 "],"Enabled %s for rebuild on next boot":["다음 부팅시 다시 빌드하기 위해 %s 활성화 "],"Enabled %s for rebuild on next boot, but failed to power cycle the host":[""],"Ending IP Address for IP auto suggestion":["IP 자동 제안의 종료 IP 주소 "],"Entries per page":["페이지당 항목 수"],"Environment":["환경 "],"Environment Distribution":[""],"Environment ID":["환경 ID"],"Environment IDs":["환경 ID"],"Environment only":["환경만 "],"Environment variable containing a client's SSL certificate":["클라이언트의 SSL 인증서가 포함되어 있는 환경 변수"],"Environment variable containing the subject DN from a client SSL certificate":["클라이언트 SSL 인증서에서 주체 DN가 포함되어 있는 환경 변수 "],"Environment variable containing the verification status of a client SSL certificate":["클라이언트 SSL 인증서의 유효성 검사 상태가 들어 있는 환경 변수 "],"Environments":["환경 "],"Environment|Hostgroups count":["호스트 그룹 수 "],"Environment|Hosts count":["호스트 수 "],"Environment|Name":["이름 "],"Error":["오류 "],"Error - %{message}":["오류 - %{message}"],"Error adding widget to dashboard.":["위젯을 대시보드에 추가하는 도중 오류가 발생했습니다."],"Error connecting to %{proxy}: %{error}.":["%{proxy}에 연결하는 도중 오류 발생: %{error}."],"Error connecting to '%{domain}' domain DNS servers: %{servers} - check query_local_nameservers and dns_conflict_timeout settings":["'%{domain}' 도메인 DNS 서버에 연결하는 도중 오류가 발생했습니다: %{servers} - query_local_nameservers 및 dns_conflict_timeout 설정을 확인하십시오."],"Error connecting to system DNS server(s) - check /etc/resolv.conf":["시스템 DNS 서버에 연결하는 도중 오류가 발생했습니다. - /etc/resolv.conf를 확인하십시오."],"Error generating IP: %s":["IP 생성 오류: %s"],"Error has occurred while communicating with %{cr}: %{e}":["%{cr}와 통신하는 도중 오류가 발생했습니다: %{e}"],"Error loading interfaces information: %s":["인터페이스 정보 로드 오류: %s"],"Error loading scheduler hint filters information: %s":[""],"Error removing widget from dashboard.":["대시보드에서 위젯을 삭제하는 도중 오류가 발생했습니다."],"Errors":["오류"],"Errors occurred, build may fail":["오류가 발생했습니다. 빌드에 실패할 수 있습니다 "],"Errors only":["오류만 "],"Errors: %s":["오류: %s"],"Examples":["예제 "],"Exit Full Screen":["전체 화면에서 나가기 "],"Expand nested items":["중첩된 항목을 확장 "],"Expand the chart":["차트 확대 "],"Expire logs":["로그 만료"],"Expires":["만료 "],"Explain matchers":["매처 (Matcher) 설명 "],"Export":["내보내기"],"Export a partition template to ERB":[""],"Export a provisioning template to ERB":[""],"Export to CSV":[""],"External Groups":[""],"External IP":["외부 IP"],"External user group":["외부 사용자 그룹 "],"External user group %{name} could not be refreshed":["외부 사용자 그룹 %{name}을(를) 새로고침할 수 없습니다 "],"External user group %{name} refreshed":["외부 사용자 그룹 %{name}이(가) 새로고침되었습니다 "],"External user group information":["외부 사용자 그룹 정보 "],"External user group name":["외부 사용자 그룹 이름 "],"External user groups will be synced on login, else relies on periodic cronjob to check group membership":["외부 사용자 그룹은 로그인 시에 동기화됩니다. 또는 주기적인 cronjob을 통해 그룹 멤버쉽을 확인합니다."],"External usergroup":["외부 사용자 그룹 "],"ExternalUsergroup|Name":["이름 "],"FQDN":["FQDN"],"Fact Name":["정보 이름 "],"Fact Values":["정보 값 "],"Fact Values | %{host_name}":[""],"Fact distribution chart":["팩트 배포 차트"],"Fact name":["정보 이름 "],"Fact value":["정보 값 "],"Fact values":["팩트 값"],"FactName|Ancestry":["상위 "],"FactName|Compose":["작성 "],"FactName|Name":["이름 "],"FactName|Short name":["약어 "],"FactValue|Origin":[""],"FactValue|Value":["값 "],"Facts":["정보 "],"Fail on Mismatch":["불일치로 인해 실패 "],"Failed":["실패 "],"Failed Restarts":["다시 시작 실패 "],"Failed Restarts|FR":["FR"],"Failed connecting to %s":["%s로 연결 실패 "],"Failed features":["실패한 기능"],"Failed features: %s":["",""],"Failed restarts":["다시 시작 실패 "],"Failed to %{action} %{host}: %{e}":["%{host}의 %{action} 실행 실패: %{e}"],"Failed to acquire IP addresses from compute resource for %s":[""],"Failed to cancel pending build for %{hostname} with the following errors: %{errors}":[""],"Failed to clean any old certificates or add the autosign entry. 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Terminating the build!":["새로운 영역 OTP를 가져오는데 실패했습니다. 빌드를 종료합니다!"],"Failed to import %{klass} for %{name}: doesn't exists in our database - ignoring":["%{name}의 %{klass} 가져오기에 실패했습니다: 데이터베이스에 존재하지 않습니다 - 무시합니다 "],"Failed to initialize the PuppetCA proxy: %s":["PuppetCA 프록시 초기화에 실패했습니다: %s"],"Failed to initialize the realm proxy: %s":["영역 프록시 초기화에 실패했습니다: %s"],"Failed to launch script on %{name}: %{e}":["%{name} 상의 스트립트 시작에 실패했습니다: %{e}"],"Failed to load chart":["차트 불러오기에 실패했습니다 "],"Failed to login via SSH to %{name}: %{e}":[" SSH를 통해 %{name}에 로그인 실패했습니다: %{e}"],"Failed to modify the build cycle for %s":["%s의 빌드 주기 변경에 실패했습니다 "],"Failed to perform rollback on %{task} - %{e}":["%{task}에서 롤백 실행에 실패했습니다 - %{e}"],"Failed to power up a compute %{compute_resource} instance %{name}: %{e}":["컴퓨팅 %{compute_resource} 인스턴스 %{name} 파워 업에 실패했습니다: %{e}"],"Failed to reboot %s.":["%s 재부팅에 실패했습니다. "],"Failed to redeploy %s.":["%s을(를) 재배포하지 못했습니다."],"Failed to refresh the cache.":[""],"Failed to remove certificates for %{name}: %{e}":["%{name}의 인증서 삭제에 실패했습니다: %{e}"],"Failed to retrieve power status for %{host} within %{timeout} second.":["",""],"Failed to save widget positions.":["위젯 위치를 저장하지 못했습니다."],"Failed to set %{proxy_type} proxy for %{host}.":["%{host}의 %{proxy_type} 프록시를 설정하지 못했습니다."],"Failed to set IP for %{name}: %{e}":[""],"Failed to set IPs via IPAM for %{name}: %{e}":[""],"Failed to set console: %s":["콘솔 설정에 실패했습니다: %s"],"Failed to set power state for %s.":["%s의 전원 상태를 설정하지 못했습니다."],"Failed to stop compute %{compute_resource} instance %{name}: %{e}":["컴퓨팅 %{compute_resource} 인스턴스 %{name} 중지에 실패했습니다: %{e}"],"Failed to undo update compute %{compute_resource} instance %{name}: %{e}":["컴퓨팅 %{compute_resource} 인스턴스 %{name} 업데이트 취소에 실패했습니다: %{e}"],"Failed to update a compute %{compute_resource} instance %{name}: %{e}":["컴퓨팅 %{compute_resource} 인스턴스 %{name} 업데이트에 실패했습니다: %{e}"],"Failed to update environments and Puppet classes from the on-disk Puppet installation: %s":["온디스크 Puppet 설치에서 환경 및 Puppet 클래스 업데이트에 실패했습니다: %s"],"Failed to update the environments and Puppet classes from the on-disk puppet installation: %s":["온디스크 Puppet 설치에서 환경 및 Puppet 클래스 업데이트에 실패했습니다: %s"],"Failed to validate %{host}: %{error}":["%{host} 확인에 실패했습니다: %{error}"],"Failed|F":["F"],"Failure deploying via smart proxy %{proxy}: %{error}.":["스마트 프록시 %{proxy}를 통한 배포 실패: %{error}"],"Failure parsing %{template}: %{error}.":["%{template} 구문 분석 실패: %{error}"],"Failure: %s":["오류: %s"],"Family":["제품군 "],"Feature":["기능 "],"Features":["기능 "],"Features \\\"%s\\\" in this proxy are not recognized by Foreman. If these features come from a Smart Proxy plugin, make sure Foreman has the plugin installed too.":[""],"Feature|Name":["이름 "],"Fetch TFTP boot files for %s":["%s의 TFTP 부팅 파일 가져오기 "],"Filter":["필터 "],"Filter by level:":["레벨을 기준으로 필터링:"],"Filter by name":["이름에 따라 필터링 "],"Filter by state:":["상태를 기준으로 필터링:"],"Filter classes":["필터 클래스 "],"Filter overriding has been disabled":[""],"Filters":["필터"],"Filters for role %s":["%s 역할에 대한 필터"],"Filters inherit %{orgs_and_locs} from their role by default. If override field is enabled, <br> filter can override the set of its %{orgs_and_locs}. Later role changes will not affect <br> such filter. After disabling override field, role %{orgs_and_locs} apply again.":[""],"Filters overriding has been disabled":[""],"Filter|Override":[""],"Filter|Permissions":["권한 "],"Filter|Resource":["리소스 "],"Filter|Search":["검색 "],"Filter|Taxonomy search":["분류 검색 "],"Filter|Unlimited":["무제한 "],"Fingerprint":["지문 "],"Finish template":[""],"Firmware":[""],"Fix %s on Mismatch":["불일치로 인해 %s 수정"],"Fix All Mismatches":["모든 불일치 수정 "],"Fix DB cache":["DB 캐시 고정"],"Fix DB cache on next Foreman restart":["Foreman 시작 시 DB 캐시 수정 "],"Fix Mismatches":["불일치 수정 "],"Flavor":["종류 "],"Floating IP network":["부동 IP 네트워크 "],"Folder":["폴더 "],"Follow %{href} on how to describe your controllers.":["컨트롤러 설명 방법은 %{href}을(를) 따르십시오. "],"For example, if you have copied several Red Hat release disks into a directory structure where the disk images are named 5.8 or 6.2, and each contained both x86_64 and i386 binaries, then you\\n could create a single medium entry describing them all.\\n The entry, which could be just named 'Red Hat' could contain a path like this <em>'http://server/redhat/$version/$arch'</em>":["예를 들어 여러 개의 Red Hat 릴리즈 디스크를 5.8 또는 6.2라는 이름의 디스크 이미지가 있는 디렉토리 구조에 복사했고 각각에 x86_64 및 i386 바이너리가 모두 포함되어 있는 경우\\n 이러한 모든 이미지를 설명하는 단일 미디어 항목을 생성할 수 있습니다.\\n 이 항목에 'Red Hat'이라는 이름을 지정하여 <em>'http://server/redhat/$version/$arch'</em>와 같은 경로를 포함할 수 있습니다."],"For more info visit our documentation.":[""],"For more information":["자세한 내용은 다음을 참조하십시오."],"Force a Puppet agent run on the host":["호스트에서 Puppet 에이전트 실행을 강제합니다 "],"Foreman API v2 is currently the default API version.":["Foreman API v2가 현재 기본 API 버전입니다."],"Foreman Developers":["Foreman 개발자 "],"Foreman URL":["Foreman URL"],"Foreman Users":["Foreman 사용자 "],"Foreman audit summary":["Foreman 감사 요약"],"Foreman can store information about the networking setup of a host that it’s provisioning, which can be used to configure the virtual machine, assign the correct IP addresses and network resources, then configure the OS correctly during the provisioning process.":[""],"Foreman can use LDAP based service for user information and authentication.":["Foreman은 사용자 정보 및 인증을 위해 LDAP 기반 서비스를 사용할 수 있습니다. "],"Foreman considers a domain and a DNS zone as the same thing.":["Foreman은 도메인과 DNS 영역을 같은 것으로 인식합니다."],"Foreman domain ID of interface. Required for primary interfaces on managed hosts.":["인터페이스의 Foreman 도메인 ID입니다. 관리형 호스트의 기본 인터페이스에 필요합니다."],"Foreman host group matchers will be inherited by children when evaluating smart class parameters":["Foreman 호스트 그룹 matcher는 스마트 클래스 매개 변수를 평가할 때 자식에 의해 상속됩니다 "],"Foreman now manages the build cycle for %s":["Foreman은 %s의 빌드 주기를 관리합니다 "],"Foreman now no longer manages the build cycle for %s":["Foreman은 %s의 빌드 주기를 더이상 관리하지 않습니다 "],"Foreman report creation time is <em>%s</em>":["Foreman 보고서 생성 시간은 <em>%s</em>입니다 "],"Foreman smart variables will be exposed via the ENC yaml output":["Foreman 스마트 변수는 ENC yaml 출력을 통해 표시됩니다 "],"Foreman subnet ID of IPv4 interface":[""],"Foreman subnet ID of IPv6 interface":[""],"Foreman supports automatically creating realm entries for new hosts.":["Foreman은 새 호스트의 영역 항목을 자동으로 생성하는 기능을 지원합니다."],"Foreman supports creating and managing hosts on a number of virtualization and cloud services - referred to as “compute resources” - as well as bare metal hosts.":[""],"Foreman test email":["Foreman 테스트 이메일"],"Foreman ticketing system":["Foreman 티켓 생성 시스템 "],"Foreman will automate certificate signing upon provision of new host":["Foreman은 새 호스트의 프로비저닝에서 인증서 서명을 자동화합니다 "],"Foreman will create the host when a report is received":["Foreman은 보고서를 수신할 때 호스트를 생성합니다 "],"Foreman will create the host when new facts are received":["Foreman은 새 정보를 수신할 때 호스트를 생성합니다 "],"Foreman will default to this puppet environment if it cannot auto detect one":["Foreman은 자동으로 검색하지 못 할 경우 puppet 환경에 기본값 설정됩니다 "],"Foreman will delete virtual machine if provisioning script ends with non zero exit code":["프로비저닝 스크립트가 0이 아닌 종료 코드로 끝나면 Foreman이 가상 머신을 삭제합니다."],"Foreman will evaluate host smart variables in this order by default":["Foreman은 기본값으로 순서대로 호스트 스마트 변수를 평가합니다 "],"Foreman will explicitly set the puppet environment in the ENC yaml output. This will avoid conflicts between the environment in puppet.conf and the environment set in Foreman":["Foreman은 ENC yaml 출력에서 puppet 환경을 명시적으로 설정합니다. 이로 인해 puppet.conf의 환경과 Foreman으로 설정되는 환경 간의 충돌을 방지할 수 있습니다 "],"Foreman will map users by username in request-header. If this is set to false, OAuth requests will have admin rights.":["Foreman은 request-header로 사용자를 사용자 이름으로 매핑합니다. 이것이 false로 설정되어 있을 경우 OAuth 요청이 관리 권한을 갖게 됩니다. "],"Foreman will not send this parameter in classification output, replaces use_puppet_default":[""],"Foreman will not send this parameter in classification output.":[""],"Foreman will not send this parameter in classification output. Puppet will use the value defined in the Puppet manifest for this parameter":[""],"Foreman will parse ERB in parameters value in the ENC output":["Foreman은 ENC 출력의 매개 변수 값 ERB를 구문 분석합니다 "],"Foreman will query the locally configured resolver instead of the SOA/NS authorities":["Foreman은 SOA/NS 권한 대신 로컬 설정 분석기를 쿼리합니다 "],"Foreman will set this as the default Puppet module path if it cannot auto detect one":["Foreman은 자동 감지하지 못할 경우 이를 기본값 Puppet 모듈 경로로 설정합니다 "],"Foreman will truncate hostname to 'puppet' if it starts with puppet":["Foreman은 puppet으로 시작할 경우 호스트 이름을 'puppet'으로 자릅니다 "],"Foreman will update a host's environment from its facts":["Foreman은 정보에서 호스트 환경을 업데이트합니다 "],"Foreman will update a host's subnet from its facts":[""],"Foreman will update the host IP with the IP that made the built request":["Foreman은 빌드 요청된 IP로 호스트 IP를 업데이트합니다 "],"Foreman will use OAuth for API authorization":["Foreman은 API 인증에 OAuth를 사용합니다 "],"Foreman will use gravatar to display user icons":["Foreman은 사용자 아이콘을 표시하기 위해 gravatar를 사용합니다 "],"Foreman will use random UUIDs for certificate signing instead of hostnames":["Foreman은 인증서 서명을 위해 호스트 이름 대신 임의의 UUID를 사용합니다 "],"Foreman will use the new (2.6.5+) format for classes in the ENC yaml output":["Foreman은 ENC yaml 출력에서 클래스에 대해 새로운 (2.6.5+) 형식을 사용합니다 "],"Foreman will use the short hostname instead of the FQDN for creating new virtual machines":["Foreman은 새 가상 머신을 생성하기 위해 FQDN 대신 짧은 호스트 이름을 사용합니다 "],"Found %{count} reports from the last %{days} days":["지난 %{days}일의 기간에서 %{count}개의 보고서가 발견되었습니다."],"Full":["전체 "],"Full audits list":["전체 감사 목록"],"Full name describing the domain":["도메인을 나타내는 전체 이름 "],"Full path to backing image used to create new volumes.":["새 볼륨을 생성하는데 사용되는 백업 이미지로의 전체 경로입니다."],"Full screen":["전체 화면 "],"Full trace":["전체 추적 "],"Function not available for %s":["%s에 사용할 수 없는 기능"],"GMT time":["GMT 시간"],"Gateway":["케이트웨이"],"General":["일반 "],"General useful description, for example this kind of hardware needs a special BIOS setup":["이러한 하드웨어 종류에 특정 BIOS 설정이 필요하다와 같은 일반적으로 유용한 설명입니다 "],"Generate new random name. Visit Settings to disable this feature.":[""],"Generated %s ago":["%s 전에 생성 "],"Generated at %s":["%s에 생성 "],"Get ENC values of host":[""],"Get configuration status of host":["호스트의 구성 상태 가져오기"],"Get dashboard details":["대시보드 상세 정보 얻기 "],"Get default dashboard widgets":["기본 대시보드 위젯 가져오기"],"Get statistics":["통계 검색 "],"Get status of host":["호스트 상태 가져오기 "],"Get vm attributes of host":["호스트의 vm 속성 가져오기"],"Global":["글로벌"],"Global Parameters":["글로벌 매개 변수 "],"Global default %s template":[""],"Global default %s template. This template gets deployed to all configured TFTP servers. It will not be affected by upgrades.":[""],"Global functions":[""],"Global methods (functions)":[""],"Global parameters":["글로벌 매개 변수 "],"Global status changed from %{from} to %{to}":[""],"Global variables":[""],"Good host reports in the last %s":["지난 %s의 호스트 보고서 "],"Google Project ID":["글로벌 프로젝트 ID"],"Groups base DN":["그룹의 기본 DN "],"Guest OS":["게스트 OS"],"HELO/EHLO domain":[""],"Hardware":["하드웨어 "],"Hardware Model":["하드웨어 모델 "],"Hardware Models":["하드웨어 모델 "],"Hardware models":["하드웨어 모델 "],"Hash function to use. Change takes effect for new or updated hosts.":["사용할 해시 함수입니다. 새로운 또는 업데이트된 호스트의 변경 사항이 적용됩니다. "],"Hash of report metrics, can be just {}":["보고서 메트릭스의 해시는 {}이 될 수 있습니다 "],"Hash of status type totals":["상태 유형의 해시 합계 "],"Help":["도움말"],"Hidden value":["숨겨진 값"],"Hide all values for this parameter.":["이 매개 변수의 값을 모두 숨깁니다."],"Hide this value":["이 값 숨기기"],"Hint data is missing":[""],"History":["기록 "],"Host":["호스트 "],"Host %s is built":["%s 호스트가 빌드되었습니다."],"Host %s is not associated with a VM":["호스트 %s는 VM에 연결되어 있지 않습니다 "],"Host Configuration Chart":["호스트 설정 차트 "],"Host Configuration Status":["호스트 설정 상태 "],"Host Group Distribution":[""],"Host Groups":["호스트 그룹 "],"Host audit entries":["호스트 감사 항목 "],"Host config group":["호스트 설정 그룹 "],"Host details":["호스트 상세 정보 "],"Host group":["호스트 그룹 "],"Host group / Environment":["호스트 그룹 / 환경 "],"Host group IDs":["호스트 그룹 ID"],"Host group and Environment":["호스트 그룹 및 환경 "],"Host group configuration":["호스트 그룹 설정 "],"Host group matchers inheritance":["호스트 그룹 일치 조건 상속"],"Host group only":["호스트 그룹만 "],"Host group parameters":["호스트 그룹 매개 변수 "],"Host groups":["호스트 그룹 "],"Host owner":[""],"Host owner is invalid":[""],"Host parameters":["호스트 매개 변수 "],"Host reported time is <em>%s</em>":["호스트 보고 시간은 <em>%s</em>입니다 "],"Host times seem to be adrift!":[""],"Host's network interfaces.":["호스트의 네트워크 인터페이스입니다."],"Host's owner type":["호스트의 소유자 유형"],"Host's parameters (array or indexed hash)":["호스트의 매개 변수(배열 또는 인덱싱된 해시)"],"Host::Base|Build":["빌드 "],"Host::Base|Certname":["인증서 이름 "],"Host::Base|Comment":["코멘트 "],"Host::Base|Disk":["디스크 "],"Host::Base|Enabled":["활성화됨 "],"Host::Base|Grub pass":["Grub 경로 "],"Host::Base|Image file":["이미지 파일 "],"Host::Base|Installed at":["설치 "],"Host::Base|Ip":["IP"],"Host::Base|Last compile":["마지막 컴파일 "],"Host::Base|Last freshcheck":["마지막 새로 검사 "],"Host::Base|Last report":["마지막 보고서 "],"Host::Base|Mac":["Mac"],"Host::Base|Managed":["관리 "],"Host::Base|Name":["이름 "],"Host::Base|Otp":["OTP"],"Host::Base|Owner type":["소유자 유형 "],"Host::Base|Primary interface":["주요 인터페이스 "],"Host::Base|Provision method":["프로비저닝 방식 "],"Host::Base|Puppet status":["Puppet 상태 "],"Host::Base|Root pass":["Root 경로 "],"Host::Base|Serial":["시리얼 "],"Host::Base|Use image":["이미지 사용 "],"Host::Base|Uuid":["UUID"],"HostConfigGroup|Host type":["호스트 유형 "],"Hostgroup":["호스트 그룹 "],"Hostgroup|Ancestry":["상위 "],"Hostgroup|Grub pass":["Grub 경로 "],"Hostgroup|Image file":["이미지 파일 "],"Hostgroup|Name":["이름 "],"Hostgroup|Root pass":["Root 경로 "],"Hostgroup|Title":["제목 "],"Hostgroup|Use image":["이미지 사용 "],"Hostgroup|Vm defaults":["Vm 기본값 "],"Hostname":["호스트 이름 "],"Hostname or certname":["호스트 이름 또는 인증서 이름 "],"Hostname:":["호스트명:"],"Hosts":["호스트"],"Hosts created after a puppet run that did not send a location fact will be placed in this location":["위치 정보를 전송하지 않고 puppet 실행 후 생성되는 호스트는 이 위치에 배치됩니다 "],"Hosts created after a puppet run that did not send a organization fact will be placed in this organization":["조직 정보를 전송하지 않고 puppet 실행 후 생성되는 호스트는 이 조직에 배치됩니다 "],"Hosts created after a puppet run will be placed in the location this fact dictates. The content of this fact should be the full label of the location.":["puppet 실행 후 생성되는 호스트는 정보가 정하는 위치에 배치됩니다. 이러한 정보의 내용은 위치 전체 레이블이 되어야 합니다. "],"Hosts created after a puppet run will be placed in the organization this fact dictates. The content of this fact should be the full label of the organization.":["puppet 실행 후 생성되는 호스트는 이 정보가 정하는 조직에 배치됩니다. 이러한 정보의 내용은 조직 전체 레이블이 되어야 합니다."],"Hosts in error state":["오류 상태에 있는 호스트 "],"Hosts including sub-groups":["하위 그룹이 있는 호스트"],"Hosts managed":["관리되는 호스트"],"Hosts managed:":["관리되는 호스트:"],"Hosts that had pending changes":["보류 중인 변경 사항이 있는 호스트 "],"Hosts that had pending changes with alerts enabled":[""],"Hosts that had performed modifications without error":["오류 없이 변경한 호스트 "],"Hosts that will be trusted in addition to Smart Proxies for access to fact/report importers and ENC output":["정보/보고서 가져오기 및 ENC 출력에 액세스할 수 있는 스마트 프록시 이외에 신뢰할 수 있는 호스트입니다"],"Hosts which Foreman reporting is disabled":["Foreman 보고가 비활성화된 호스트"],"Hosts which are currently not running Puppet":["현재 Puppet을 실행하지 않는 호스트"],"Hosts which are not reporting":[""],"Hosts which didn't run puppet in the last %s":["지난 %s에 puppet을 실행하지 않은 호스트 "],"Hosts which recently applied changes":[""],"Hosts which recently applied changes successfully":[""],"Hosts which recently applied changes successfully with alerts enabled":[""],"Hosts with alerts disabled":["통지가 비활성화되어 있는 호스트 "],"Hosts with error state":[""],"Hosts with error state and alerts enabled":[""],"Hosts with errors":["오류가 있는 호스트 "],"Hosts with interesting values (changed, failures etc)":["주목할 값이 있는 호스트(변경된 값, 오류 등)"],"Hosts with no reports":["보고서가 없는 호스트 "],"Hosts with notifications disabled":["통지가 비활성화되어 있는 호스트 "],"Hosts without changes or errors":[""],"Hosts without changes or errors, with alerts enabled":[""],"Hosts without errors":[""],"Hosts without errors percent":[""],"Hosts without errors, with alerts enabled":[""],"How values are validated":["값 검증 방법 "],"However, if it was deleted externally this page helps you to recreate it":[""],"ID of LDAP authentication source":["LDAP 인증 소스 ID "],"ID of Puppet class":["Puppet 클래스 ID "],"ID of architecture":["아키텍쳐 ID "],"ID of compute resource":["컴퓨터 리소스 ID "],"ID of config template":["구성 템플릿 ID"],"ID of domain":["도메인 ID"],"ID of environment":["환경 ID "],"ID of host":["호스트 ID "],"ID of host group":["호스트 그룹 ID "],"ID of interface":["인터페이스 ID"],"ID of linked authentication source":["연결된 인증 소스 ID "],"ID of location":["위치 ID "],"ID of medium":["미디어 ID "],"ID of operating system":["운영 체제 ID "],"ID of organization":["조직 ID "],"ID of parameter":["매개변수 ID "],"ID of partition table":["파티션 테이블 ID "],"ID of provisioning template":["프로비저닝 템플릿 ID "],"ID of role":["역할 ID"],"ID of subnet":["서브넷 ID "],"ID of template":["템플릿 ID "],"ID of the user":[""],"ID of user group":["사용자 그룹 ID "],"ID or name external user group":["ID 또는 외부 사용자 그룹 이름 "],"ID or name of domain":["ID 또는 도메인 이름 "],"ID or name of external user group":["ID 또는 외부 사용자 그룹 이름 "],"ID or name of host":["ID 또는 호스트 이름 "],"ID or name of interface":["ID 또는 인터페이스 이름 "],"ID or name of subnet":["ID 또는 서브넷 이름 "],"ID or name of user group":["ID 또는 사용자 그룹 이름 "],"IDs of associated architectures":["관련 아키텍처의 ID"],"IDs of associated config groups":[""],"IDs of associated media":["관련 미디어의 ID"],"IDs of associated partition tables":["관련 파티션 테이블의 ID"],"IDs of associated provisioning templates":["관련 프로비저닝 템플릿의 ID"],"INFO or DEBUG":["정보 또는 디버그"],"IP":["IP "],"IP Address":["IP 주소"],"IP Address Management":["IP 주소 관리"],"IP Address auto suggestion mode for this subnet, valid values are \\\"DHCP\\\", \\\"Internal DB\\\", \\\"None\\\"":["이 서브넷의 IP 주소 자동 추천 모드입니다. 유효한 값은 \\\"DHCP\\\", \\\"내부 DB\\\", \\\"없음\\\"입니다 "],"IP address auto-suggest":["IP 주소 자동 제시 "],"IP addresses that should be excluded from suggestion":[""],"IP:":["IP:"],"IPAM":["IPAM"],"IPv4":["IPv4"],"IPv4 Address":["IPv4 주소 "],"IPv4 DNS record":["",""],"IPv4 Subnet":[""],"IPv4 address":[""],"IPv4 address of interface":[""],"IPv6":["IPv6"],"IPv6 Address":["IPv6 주소 "],"IPv6 DNS record":["",""],"IPv6 Subnet":[""],"IPv6 address":[""],"IPv6 address of interface":[""],"IRC":["IRC"],"Identifier":["식별자 "],"Identifier of the interface to which this interface belongs, e.g. eth1":["이 인터페이스가 속한 인터페이스의 ID (예: eth1) "],"Identifier of the interface to which this interface belongs, e.g. eth1. Only for virtual interfaces.":["이 인터페이스가 속한 인터페이스의 ID (예: eth1) 가상 인터페이스의 경우에만 사용할 수 있습니다. "],"Identifiers of attached interfaces, e.g. `['eth1', 'eth2']`. For bond interfaces those are the slaves. Only for bond and bridges interfaces.":["연결된 인터페이스의 ID(예: `['eth1', 'eth2']`)입니다. 본드 인터페이스의 경우 슬레이브가 됩니다. 본드 및 브리지 인터페이스에만 적용됩니다."],"Idle timeout":["유휴 시간 초과"],"If ERB is used in a parameter value, the validation of the value will happen during the ENC request. If the value is invalid, the ENC request will fail.":["매개 변수 값에 ERB를 사용하는 경우 ENC 요청 시에 값을 검증합니다. 값이 잘못된 경우 ENC 요청이 실패합니다."],"If Foreman is running behind Passenger or a remote load balancer, the IP should be set here. This is a regular expression, so it can support several load balancers, i.e: (|":["Foreman이 Passenger 또는 원격 로드 벨런서 뒤에서 실행되고 있을 경우 IP는 여기에 설정해야 합니다. 이는 정규 표현식이기 때문에 여러 로드 밸런서를 지원할 수 있습니다. 예: (|"],"If checked, will raise an error if there is no default value and no matcher provide a value.":["체크되어 있을 경우 기본값이 없고 matcher가 값을 지정하지 않을 경우 오류가 표시됩니다."],"If owner type is specified, owner must be specified too.":[""],"If true, will raise an error if there is no default value and no matcher provide a value":["true인 경우, 기본값이 없고 matcher에서 값이 제공되지 않으면 오류가 발생합니다."],"If you are planning to use Foreman as an external node classifier you should provide information about one or more environments. This information is commonly imported from a pre-existing Puppet configuration by the use of the %{link_start}Puppet classes and environment importer%{link_end}.":[""],"If you feel this is an error with Foreman itself, please open a new issue with":["이것이 Foreman 자체의 오류라고 생각되시면 새로운 문제로 제출하십시오"],"If you wish to configure Puppet to forward it reports to Foreman, please follow":["Foreman으로 보고서를 전달하도록 Puppet을 구성하려면 다음을 참조하십시오."],"Ignore Puppet facts for provisioning":["프로비저닝에서 Puppet 팩트 무시"],"Ignore facts for domain":[""],"Ignore facts for operating system":[""],"Ignore interfaces that match these values during facts importing, you can use * wildcard to match names with indexes e.g. macvtap*":["팩트를 가져오는 동안 이 값과 일치하는 인터페이스를 무시합니다. * 와일드카드를 사용하여 이름과 인덱스를 매칭할 수 있습니다(예: macvtap*)."],"Ignore interfaces with matching identifier":["일치하는 식별자가 있는 인터페이스 무시"],"Ignored classes in the environments: %s":[""],"Ignored environment":[""],"Ignored environment names resulting in booleans found. Please quote strings like true/false and yes/no in config/ignored_environments.yml.":[""],"Ignored environments: %s":[""],"Ignored:":[""],"Image":["이미지 "],"Image Based":["이미지 기반 "],"Image ID":["이미지 ID"],"Image ID as provided by the compute resource, e.g. ami-..":["컴퓨터 리소스에 의해 지정된 이미지 ID, 예: ami-.."],"Image path":["이미지 경로 "],"Image to use":["사용할 이미지 "],"Images":["이미지 "],"Image|Iam role":["Iam 역할 "],"Image|Name":["이름 "],"Image|Password":["암호 "],"Image|User data":["사용자 데이터 "],"Image|Username":["사용자 이름 "],"Image|Uuid":["UUID"],"Import":["불러오기"],"Import IPv4 subnets":[""],"Import VM %s":[""],"Import classes from %s":[""],"Import environments from %s":[""],"Import of facts failed for host %s":[""],"Import puppet classes from puppet proxy for an environment":["환경에 대한 Puppet 프록시에서 Puppet 클래스를 가져옵니다"],"Import puppet classes from puppet proxy.":["Puppet 프록시에서 Puppet 클래스를 가져옵니다."],"Imported IPv4 Subnets":[""],"In addition to defining which puppet classes get included when building this host type you are also able to assign variables and provisioning information to a host group to further refine the behavior of the puppet runtime.":["이러한 호스트 유형을 빌드할 때 포함된 puppet 클래스를 정의하는 것에 더하여 puppet 런타임 동작을 다시 정의하기 위해 호스트 그룹에 매개 변수 및 프로비저닝 정보를 할당할 수 있습니다."],"In order to create the SSH key, the user must be saved first. A 'create_ssh_keys' permission is required too.":[""],"In-line code syntax":[""],"Include default value when merging all matching values":["일치하는 모든 값을 병합할 때 기본값 포함"],"Include default value when merging all matching values.":["일치하는 모든 값을 병합할 때 기본값을 포함합니다."],"Include this host within Foreman reporting":["이 호스트를 Foreman 보고서에 포함 "],"Included Classes":["내장된 클래스 "],"Included Config Groups":["내장된 설정 그룹 "],"Incorrect password":["비밀번호가 틀립니다."],"Incorrect username or password":["잘못된 사용자 이름 또는 암호 "],"Independent - Nonpersistent":[""],"Independent - Persistent":[""],"Infrastructure":["인프라 "],"Inherit parent (%s)":["부모 상속 (%s)"],"Inherited Classes from %s":[""],"Inherits from subnet VLAN ID if not set":["설정되어 있지 않은 경우 서브넷 VLAN에서 상속 "],"Input":["입력"],"Installation Media":["설치 미디어 "],"Installation media":["설치 미디어 "],"Installation medium configuration":["설치 미디어 설정 "],"Installed":["설치됨 "],"Interface":["인터페이스"],"Interface is down":["인터페이스가 작동하지 않습니다."],"Interface is up":["인터페이스가 작동 중입니다."],"Interface provider, e.g. IPMI. Only for BMC interfaces.":["인터페이스 공급자 (예: IPMI). BMC 인터페이스의 경우에만 사용할 수 있습니다. "],"Interface type, e.g. bmc. Default is %{default_nic_type}":["인터페이스 유형(예: bmc)입니다. 기본값은 %{default_nic_type}입니다."],"Interface's DNS name":["인터페이스의 DNS 이름"],"Interfaces":["인터페이스 "],"Internal DB":["내부 DB"],"Internal network":["내부 네트워크 "],"Interpolate ERB in parameters":["매개 변수에 ERB 추가"],"Invalid %s selection, you must select at least one of yours":["잘못된 %s 선택. 최소 하나 이상을 선택해야 합니다 "],"Invalid Host":["잘못된 호스트 "],"Invalid architecture '%{arch}' for '%{os}'":[""],"Invalid architecture for %s":["%s에 대해 잘못된 아키텍처"],"Invalid authenticity token":["잘못된 인증 토큰 "],"Invalid log level: %s":["잘못된 로그 레벨: %s"],"Invalid medium '%{medium}' for '%{os}'":[""],"Invalid medium for %s":["%s의 잘못된 미디어"],"Invalid power state request: %{action}, supported actions are %{supported}":["잘못된 전원 상태 요청: %{action}, 지원되는 동작은 %{supported}입니다 "],"Invalid proxy selected!":["잘못된 프록시를 선택했습니다."],"Invalid query":["잘못된 쿼리 "],"Invalid report":["잘못된 보고서 "],"Invalid search query: %s":["잘못된 검색 쿼리: %s"],"Invalid smart-proxy id":[""],"Invalid type for host creation via facts: %s":["팩트를 통한 호스트 생성의 잘못된 유형: %s"],"Invalid version format, please enter in x.y (only major version).":["잘못된 버전 형식입니다. x.y 형식(메이저 버전만)으로 입력하십시오."],"Is the cron job that executes %s enabled?":["%s을(를) 실행하는 cron 작업이 활성화되어 있습니까?"],"Issue tracker":["문제 추적기 "],"It is not possible to assign provisioning templates at this stage.":["이 단계에서는 프로비저닝 템플릿을 할당할 수 없습니다."],"It is not recommended to unlock this template, as it is provided by %{vendor} and may be overwritten. Please consider cloning it instead.":["%{vendor}에서 제공하는 템플릿이며 덮어써질 수 있으므로 이 템플릿을 잠금 해제하는 것은 권장하지 않습니다. 복제하는 것이 좋습니다."],"Item":["항목 "],"Iterating":[""],"JSON VM listing is not supported for this compute resource.":["이 컴퓨팅 리소스에 대해서는 JSON VM 목록을 나열할 수 없습니다."],"JSON object of the scheduler hint":[""],"Keep selected hosts for a future action":["향후 작업을 위해 선택한 호스트 유지"],"Key Binding":["키 바인딩 "],"Key not connected to any compute resource":[""],"Key pair":["키 쌍 "],"Key used with other compute resource":[""],"KeyPair|Name":["이름 "],"KeyPair|Public":["공개 "],"KeyPair|Secret":["비공개 "],"Kind":["종류 "],"LDAP Authentication":["LDAP 인증 "],"LDAP authentication":["LDAP 인증 "],"LDAP authentication sources":["LDAP 인증 소스"],"LDAP error - %{message}":["LDAP 오류 - %{message}"],"LDAP filter":["LDAP 필터 "],"LDAP server":["LDAP 서버 "],"LDAP users will have their Foreman account automatically created the first time they log into Foreman":["LDAP 사용자는 처음으로 Foreman에 로그인할 때 자동으로 Foreman 계정을 생성합니다 "],"Language":["언어"],"Last Report":["마지막 보고 "],"Last report":["마지막 보고 "],"Last updated %s ago":["마지막 업데이트: %s 전 "],"Latest Events":["최신 이벤트 "],"Learn more about this in the documentation.":["설명서에서 자세한 내용을 참조하십시오."],"Legacy Puppet hostname":["레거시 Puppet 호스트 이름"],"Length":[""],"Level":["레벨 "],"Libvirt default console address":["Libvirt 기본 콘솔 주소"],"Libvirt, oVirt, OpenStack and Rackspace":[""],"Limit rebuild steps, valid steps are %{host_rebuild_steps}":[""],"List LDAP authentication sources per location":[""],"List LDAP authentication sources per organization":[""],"List all :resource_id":["모두 나열 :resource_id "],"List all LDAP authentication sources":["모든 LDAP 인증 소스 나열 "],"List all Puppet class IDs for host":["호스트의 모든 Puppet 클래스 ID 나열 "],"List all Puppet class IDs for host group":["호스트 그룹의 모든 Puppet 클래스 ID 나열 "],"List all Puppet classes":["모든 Puppet 클래스 나열 "],"List all Puppet classes for a host":["호스트의 모든 Puppet 클래스 나열 "],"List all Puppet classes for a host group":["호스트 그룹의 모든 Puppet 클래스 나열 "],"List all Puppet classes for an environment":["환경의 모든 Puppet 클래스 나열 "],"List all SSH keys for a user":[""],"List all architectures":["모든 아키텍처 목록 나열 "],"List all architectures for operating system":["운영 체제의 모든 아키텍처 목록 나열 "],"List all audits":["모든 감사를 나열 "],"List all audits for a given host":["지정된 호스트의 모든 감사를 나열 "],"List all autosign entries":["모든 자동 서명 항목 나열 "],"List all bookmarks":["모든 북마크 목록 나열 "],"List all compute resources":["모든 컴퓨터 리소스 목록 나열 "],"List all environments":["모든 환경 목록 나열 "],"List all external user groups for LDAP authentication source":["LDAP 인증 소스에 대한 모든 외부 사용자 그룹 나열 "],"List all external user groups for user group":["사용자 그룹의 모든 외부 사용자 그룹 목록 나열 "],"List all fact values":["모든 팩트 값 나열 "],"List all fact values of a given host":["지정된 호스트의 모든 팩트 값 나열 "],"List all filters":["모든 필터 목록 나열 "],"List all global parameters.":["모든 글로벌 매개 변수를 나열합니다. 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"],"List available security groups for a compute resource":["컴퓨터 리소스에 대해 사용 가능한 보안 그룹 나열"],"List available zone for a compute resource":["컴퓨터 리소스에 대해 사용 가능한 영역 나열"],"List boot files for an operating system":["운영 체제의 부트 파일을 나열 "],"List default templates combinations for an operating system":["운영 체제의 기본값 템플릿 조합 나열 "],"List environments of Puppet class":["Puppet 클래스 환경 목록 나열 "],"List environments per location":["위치 별 환경 나열 "],"List environments per organization":["조직 별 환경 나열 "],"List hosts per environment":["환경 별 호스트 나열 "],"List hosts per location":["위치별 호스트 나열 "],"List hosts per organization":["조직 별 호스트 나열 "],"List installed plugins":["설치된 플러그인 나열 "],"List of compute profiles":["컴퓨터 프로파일 목록 "],"List of config groups":["설정 그룹 목록"],"List of domains":["도메인 목록 "],"List of domains per location":["위치별 도메인 목록"],"List of domains per organization":["조직별 도메인 목록"],"List of domains per subnet":["서브넷 별 도메인 목록"],"List of email notifications":["이메일 통지의 목록"],"List of hosts which answer to the provided query":["제공되는 쿼리에 응답하는 호스트 목록 "],"List of override values for a specific smart class parameter":["특정 스마트 클래스 매개 변수의 덮어쓰기 값 목록 "],"List of override values for a specific smart variable":["특정 스마트 변수의 덮어쓰기 값 목록 "],"List of realms":["영역 목록 "],"List of resources types that will be automatically associated":[""],"List of smart class parameters for a specific Puppet class":["특정 Puppet 클래스의 스마트 클래스 매개 변수 목록 "],"List of smart class parameters for a specific environment":["특정 환경의 스마트 클래스 매개 변수 목록 "],"List of smart class parameters for a specific environment/Puppet class combination":["특정 환경/Puppet 클래스 조합의 스마트 클래스 매개 변수 목록 "],"List of smart class parameters for a specific host":["특정 호스트의 스마트 클래스 매개 변수 목록 "],"List of smart class parameters for a specific host group":["특정 호스트 그룹의 스마트 클래스 매개 변수 목록 "],"List of smart variables for a specific Puppet class":["특정 Puppet 클래스의 스마트 변수 목록 "],"List of smart variables for a specific host":["특정 호스트의 스마트 변수 목록 "],"List of smart variables for a specific host group":["특정 호스트 그룹의 스마트 변수 목록 "],"List of subnets":["서브넷 목록 "],"List of subnets for a domain":["도메인의 서브넷 목록 "],"List of subnets per location":["위치별 서브넷 목록"],"List of subnets per organization":["조직별 서브넷 목록"],"List operating systems where this template is set as a default":["템플릿이 기본값으로 설정되는 운영 체제를 나열 "],"List provisioning templates":["프로비저닝 템플릿 목록 나열 "],"List provisioning templates per location":["위치별 프로비저닝 템플릿 목록 나열 "],"List provisioning templates per operating system":["운영 체제 별 프로비저닝 템플릿 목록 나열 "],"List provisioning templates per organization":["조직 별 프로비저닝 템플릿 목록 나열 "],"List resource pools for a compute resource cluster":["컴퓨터 리소스 클러스터의 리소스 풀 목록 나열 "],"List storage domains for a compute resource":["컴퓨터 리소스의 스토리지 도메인 목록 나열 "],"List storage pods for a compute resource":["컴퓨터 리소스의 스토리지 포드 나열"],"List template combination":["템플릿 조합 목록 나열 "],"Load Datacenters":["데이터 센터 로드 "],"Load Regions":["지역 로드 "],"Load Tenants":["테넌트 로드 "],"Load Zones":[""],"Loading":["로딩 중 "],"Loading ...":["로딩 중..."],"Loading BMC information ...":["BMC 정보 로딩 중 ..."],"Loading NICs information ...":["NIC 정보 로드 중 ..."],"Loading SSH keys information ...":[""],"Loading VM information ...":["VM 정보 로딩 중 ..."],"Loading filters ...":["필터 로드 중 ..."],"Loading host information ...":["호스트 정보 로딩 중 ..."],"Loading images information ...":["이미지 정보 로드 중 ..."],"Loading interfaces information ...":["인터페이스 정보 로드 중..."],"Loading parameters...":["매개 변수 로딩 중..."],"Loading power state ...":["전원 상태 로딩 중..."],"Loading resources information ...":["리소스 정보 로딩 중 ..."],"Loading runtime information ...":["런타임 정보 로딩 중 ..."],"Loading template information ...":["템플릿 정보 로딩 중 ..."],"Loading virtual machine information ...":["가상 머신 정보 로딩 중 ..."],"Loading virtual machines information ...":["가상 머신 정보 로딩 중 ..."],"Local time":["현지 시간"],"Location":["위치 "],"Location Distribution":[""],"Location fact":["위치 팩트"],"Location parameters":["위치 매개 변수"],"Location with id %{id} not found":[""],"Location you had selected as your context has been deleted.":["문맥으로 선택한 위치가 삭제되었습니다."],"Location/Organization":["위치/조직 "],"Locations":["위치 "],"Locations also work nicely when used in tandem with %{organizations}.":["위치는 %{organizations}과(와) 함께 사용할 때도 유용합니다."],"Locations are used to manage and differentiate the physical place where a system managed via Foreman is housed. For example, there might be a data center in London and one in Virginia; these are locations.":[""],"Lock":["잠금"],"Log In":[""],"Log entry details":["로그 항목 정보"],"Log out":["로그아웃"],"Log out idle users after a certain number of minutes":["일정 시간 (분)이 지나면 유휴 사용자는 로그아웃됩니다"],"Logged out - See you soon":["로그 아웃했습니다 "],"Logged-in":["로그인했습니다 "],"Login":["로그인 "],"Login delegation logout URL":["로그인 권한 로그아웃 URL"],"Login page footer text":[""],"Logout":["로그아웃 "],"Lookup key":["검색 키 "],"Lookup value":["검색 값 "],"LookupKey|Avoid duplicates":[""],"LookupKey|Default value":["기본값 "],"LookupKey|Description":[""],"LookupKey|Is param":[""],"LookupKey|Key":[""],"LookupKey|Key type":[""],"LookupKey|Merge overrides":[""],"LookupKey|Override":[""],"LookupKey|Path":[""],"LookupKey|Puppetclass lookup key":[""],"LookupKey|Required":[""],"LookupKey|Validator rule":[""],"LookupKey|Validator type":[""],"LookupKey|Variable lookup values count":[""],"LookupValue|Match":["일치 "],"LookupValue|Value":["값 "],"MAC":["MAC"],"MAC Address":["MAC 주소 "],"MAC address":["MAC 주소"],"MAC address of interface. 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IRC 처럼 일반 사용자 (지원, Q/A, 등) 목록 및 개발자 목록이 있습니다: "],"Manage":["관리 "],"Manage Locations":["위치 관리 "],"Manage Organizations":["조직 관리 "],"Manage PuppetCA":["PuppetCA 관리"],"Manage host":["호스트 관리 "],"Managed IP":["관리 IP"],"Manual":["수동"],"Manually Assign":["수동 할당 "],"Manually select and assign hosts with no %s":["%s이(가) 없는 호스트를 수동으로 선택 및 할당합니다 "],"Matcher is a combination of an attribute and its value, if they match, the value below would be provided.<br> You may use any attribute Foreman knows about, such as facts etc for example: <code> domain = </code> or <code> is_virtual = true</code>.":["일치 조건은 속성과 해당 값의 조합입니다. 일치하는 경우 아래의 값이 제공됩니다.<br> 팩트와 같이 Foreman에 알려진 속성을 모두 사용할 수 있습니다. 예: <code> domain = </code> 또는 <code> is_virtual = true</code>."],"Max days for Trends graphs":["트랜드 그래프의 최대 기간 "],"Max timeout for REST client requests to smart-proxy":["스마트 프록시에 REST 클라이언트 요청의 최대 대기 시간 "],"Max trends":["최대 트렌드 수"],"Media":["미디어 "],"Media ID":["미디어 ID"],"Media access control address for this interface. 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"],"Method used to deliver email":[""],"Metrics":["메트릭스 "],"Minutes Ago":["분 전 "],"Mismatch Details":["불일치 상세 정보 "],"Mismatches":["불일치 "],"Mismatches Report":["불일치 보고서 "],"Missing one of the required permissions: %s":["필요한 권한 중 하나가 없습니다: %s"],"Model":["모델 "],"Model|Hardware model":["하드웨어 모델 "],"Model|Hosts count":["호스트 수 "],"Model|Info":["정보 "],"Model|Name":["이름 "],"Model|Vendor class":["벤더 클래스 "],"Modified":["수정됨"],"Module path":["모듈 경로"],"Monitor":["모니터"],"Monthly":["매달"],"Must provide an operating system":[""],"Must provide template kind":["템플릿 종류를 지정해야 합니다 "],"Must specify a user with email enabled":["이메일이 활성화된 사용자를 지정해야 합니다 "],"Must specify a valid user with email enabled":["이메일이 활성화된 유효한 사용자를 지정해야 합니다 "],"My account":["내 계정 "],"N/A":["해당 없음 "],"NA":["해당 없음 "],"NIC":["NIC"],"NIC type":["NIC 유형 "],"NICs":["NIC"],"Name":["이름 "],"Name of media":["미디어 이름"],"Name of the external auth source where unknown externally authentication users (see authorize_login_delegation) should be created (keep unset to prevent the autocreation)":["알 수 없는 외부 인증 사용자 (authorize_login_delegation 참조)를 생성해야 하는 외부 인증 소스 이름입니다. (자동 생성을 방지하기 위해 설정 해제한 상태로 둡니다)"],"Name of the host group":["호스트 그룹의 이름"],"Name of the parameter":["매개 변수의 이름"],"Name of variable":["변수 이름"],"Nest":["중첩 "],"Netmask":["넷마스크 "],"Netmask for this subnet":["서브넷의 넷마스크 "],"Network":["네트워크"],"Network Based":["네트워크 기반 "],"Network can't be blank":[""],"Network interfaces":["네트워크 인터페이스 "],"Network interfaces management has been moved to the Interfaces tab. 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"],"No changes to your environments detected":["환경에서 변경 사항을 감지할 수 없음 "],"No compute resource to show":["표시할 컴퓨터 리소스가 없음 "],"No data available":[""],"No data for this trend.":["이 트렌드에 대한 데이터가 없습니다."],"No documentation found":["문서를 찾을 수 없음"],"No domains":["도메인 없음 "],"No emails":["이메일이 없음"],"No entries found":["항목을 찾을 수 없음 "],"No environment selected!":["선택된 환경이 없습니다!"],"No environments found":["환경을 찾을 수 없음"],"No features found on this proxy, please make sure you enable at least one feature":["이 프록시의 기능이 없습니다. 적어도 하나의 기능을 활성화하고 있는지 확인하십시오"],"No finish templates were found for this host, make sure you define at least one in your %s settings":["이 호스트의 마지막 템플릿을 찾을 수 없습니다. %s 설정에 적어도 하나의 템플릿이 지정되어 있는지 확인합니다 "],"No free ports available for websockify, try again later":["websockify에 사용할 수 있는 포트가 없습니다. 나중에 다시 시도하십시오."],"No history found":["기록을 찾을 수 없음 "],"No host could be found for rendering the template":["템플릿을 렌더링할 호스트를 찾을 수 없습니다."],"No host found to associate this VM with":["이 VM에 연결된 호스트를 찾을 수 없음 "],"No host group selected!":["선택된 호스트 그룹이 없습니다!"],"No hosts are mismatched!":["불일치하는 호스트가 없습니다!"],"No hosts available.":[""],"No hosts selected":["선택된 호스트가 없음 "],"No hosts were found with that id, name or query filter":[""],"No interesting reports received in the last week":["지난 1 주일 동안 보고서가 수신되지 않았습니다 "],"No logs to show":["표시할 로그가 없습니다"],"No matching server groups found":[""],"No networks":["네트워크 없음 "],"No networks found.":["네트워크를 찾을 수 없습니다."],"No new IPv4 subnets found":[""],"No or invalid power state selected!":["전원 상태를 선택하지 않았거나 잘못 선택했습니다."],"No owner selected!":["소유자를 선택하지 않았습니다."],"No parameters to override for Puppet class %s":["Puppet 클래스 %s에 덮어쓰기할 매개 변수가 없음 "],"No parameters were allocated to the selected hosts, can't mass assign.":["선택한 호스트에 매개 변수가 할당되어 있지 않기 때문에 대량 할당할 수 없습니다. "],"No plugins found":["플러그인을 찾을 수 없습니다 "],"No preference":["설정이 없습니다 "],"No proxy found to import classes from, ensure that the smart proxy has the Puppet feature enabled.":["클래스를 가져오기할 프록시를 찾을 수 없습니다. 스마트 프록시에서 Puppet 기능이 활성화되어 있는지 확인합니다. "],"No proxy selected!":["프록시를 선택하지 않았습니다."],"No puppet activity for this host in the last %s days":["지난 %s 일 동안 이 호스트의 puppet 활동이 없습니다 "],"No report":["보고서가 없음 "],"No reports":["보고서가 없음 "],"No setting value provided.":["제공된 설정 값이 없습니다."],"No smart proxies found.":["스마트 프록시를 찾을 수 없습니다. "],"No smart proxies to show":["표시할 스마트 프록시가 없음 "],"No smart proxy was found to import environments from, ensure that at least one smart proxy is registered with the 'puppet' feature.":["환경에서 가져오기할 스마트 프록시를 찾을 수 없습니다. 최소 하나의 스마트 프록시가 'puppet' 기능에 등록되어 있는지 확인하십시오. "],"No subnets":["서브넷이 없음 "],"No template with kind %{kind} for %{host}":["종류가 %{kind}인 %{host}의 템플릿이 없습니다."],"No templates found":[""],"No templates found for this host.":["이 호스트의 템플릿을 찾을 수 없습니다."],"No templates found!":["템플릿을 찾을 수 없습니다! 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If left blank, a self-signed CA will be populated automatically by the server during the first request.":["옵션으로 CA 또는 올바르게 정렬된 CA 체인을 지정합니다. 빈 칸으로 두면 처음 요청시 서버가 자동 서명된 CA를 자동으로 설정하게 됩니다."],"Order":["순서"],"Organization":["조직 "],"Organization Distribution":[""],"Organization fact":["조직 팩트"],"Organization parameters":["조직 매개 변수"],"Organization with id %{id} not found":[""],"Organization you had selected as your context has been deleted.":["문맥으로 선택한 조직이 삭제되었습니다."],"Organizations":["조직 "],"Organizations also work nicely in tandem with %{locations}.":["조직은 %{locations}과(와) 함께 사용하는 경우에도 유용합니다."],"Original value info":["원래 값 정보"],"Other reports for this host":["이 호스트의 다른 보고서 "],"Out of sync":["비동기 "],"Out of sync hosts":["비동기 호스트 "],"Out of sync hosts with alerts enabled":[""],"Out of sync interval":["비동기화 간격"],"Override all parameters":["모든 매개 변수 덮어쓰기 "],"Override match":["일치 항목 덮어쓰기"],"Override the default value of the Puppet class parameter.":["Puppet 클래스 매개 변수의 기본값을 덮어씁니다."],"Override this value":["이 값 덮어쓰기 "],"Override value, required if omit is false":[""],"Overview":["개요 "],"Overwrite":["덮어쓰기"],"Owned By":["소유자 "],"Owner":["소유자 "],"Owner changed to %s":["소유자가 %s로 변경되었습니다 "],"Owner type needs to be one of the following: %s":["소유자 유형은 다음 중 하나이어야 합니다: %s"],"POAP PXE template":[""],"PXE":["PXE"],"PXE Loader":[""],"PXE files for templates %s have been deployed to all Smart Proxies":[""],"PXE loader":[""],"PXEGrub template":[""],"PXEGrub2 template":[""],"PXELinux template":[""],"Param name":["매개 변수 이름 "],"Parameter":["매개 변수 "],"Parameter details":["매개 변수 정보"],"Parameter value":["매개 변수 값"],"Parameterized classes in ENC":["ENC의 매개 변수화된 클래스"],"Parameters":["매개 변수 "],"Parameters for host's %s facet":["호스트의 %s 패싯에 대한 매개 변수"],"Parameters that would be associated with hosts in this %s":["%s에서 호스트와 연관된 매개 변수 "],"Parameter|Hidden value":["숨겨진 값 "],"Parameter|Name":["이름 "],"Parameter|Priority":["우선 순위 "],"Parameter|Value":["값 "],"Params":["매개 변수 "],"Parent":["부모 "],"Parent ID":["부모 ID"],"Parent ID of the host group":["호스트 그룹의 부모 ID"],"Parent is already selected":["부모가 이미 선택되어 있습니다 "],"Parent parameters":["부모 매개 변수"],"Partition Tables":["파티션 테이블 "],"Partition table":["파티션 테이블 "],"Partition table ID":["파티션 테이블 ID"],"Partition table configuration":["파티션 테이블 설정 "],"Partition tables":["파티션 테이블 "],"Partition template IDs":["파티션 템플릿 ID"],"Password":["암호 "],"Password for oVirt, EC2, VMware, OpenStack. 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"],"Please correct the error(s) below and submit your changes again.":["아래 오류를 수정하고 변경 사항을 다시 보내십시오. "],"Please delete all nested groups before deleting it.":["제거하기 전에 중첩된 모든 그룹을 삭제하십시오. "],"Please enable JavaScript to view the %{comments_href}.":["%{comments_href}을(를) 표시하기 위해 JavaScript를 활성화하십시오. "],"Please ensure the following parameters name are unique":["다음 매개 변수 이름이 고유한 것인지 확인하십시오 "],"Please login to %{foreman_url} to change your password":["%{foreman_url}에 로그인하여 암호를 변경하십시오 "],"Please request one of the required permissions listed below from a Foreman administrator:":["Foreman 관리자에게 아래에 나열된 필수 권한 중 하나를 요청하십시오."],"Please review them carefully, if you are certain that they should be removed, please click on overwrite.":["이를 주의 깊게 확인하십시오, 제거해야 할 경우 덮어쓰기를 클릭하십시오. "],"Please save the Operating System first and try again.":["운영 체제를 저장하고 다시 시도하십시오. "],"Please save the role first. 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"],"Please try to update your request":["요청을 업데이트하십시오 "],"Please wait while your request is being processed":["요청을 처리하는 동안 잠시 기다려 주십시오."],"Please wait...":["잠시만 기다려 주십시오..."],"Plugins":["플러그인"],"Port to connect to":[""],"Power":["전원"],"Power ON this machine":["컴퓨터의 전원 켜기 "],"Power operations are not enabled on this host.":[""],"Power up compute instance %s":["컴퓨터 인스턴스 %s의 파워 업 "],"Power%s":["전원%s"],"Preallocate disk":["디스크 사전 할당 "],"Prefix length can't be blank":[""],"Prefix length must be /64 or less to use EUI-64":[""],"Prefix to add to all outgoing email":["모든 보내는 이메일에 추가할 접두사"],"Prepare post installation script for %s":["%s의 설치 후 스크립트 준비 "],"Preview":["미리 보기 "],"Preview rendered provisioning template content":["렌더링된 프로비저닝 템플릿 컨텐츠 미리 보기"],"Primary":["기본 "],"Primary DNS for this subnet":["서브넷의 1차 DNS"],"Primary interface's DNS name and domain define host's FQDN":["기본 인터페이스의 DNS 이름 및 도메인으로 호스트의 FQDN이 정의됩니다."],"Printing data":[""],"Prioritize attribute order":["속성 순서 지정"],"Private":["비공개"],"Private key file that Foreman will use to encrypt websockets ":[""],"Proceed to Edit":["편집 실행 "],"Properties":["속성 "],"Property":["속성 "],"Protocol":["프로토콜 "],"Provider":["공급자 "],"Providers include %{providers}":["공급자에 %{providers}이(가) 포함되어 있습니다"],"Provides an unused IP address in this subnet":[""],"Provision":["프로비저닝 "],"Provision script had a non zero exit":["프로비저닝 스크립트에 0이 아닌 종료가 있습니다."],"Provisioning":["프로비저닝"],"Provisioning Method":["프로비저닝 방법 "],"Provisioning Setup":["프로비저닝 설정 "],"Provisioning Template content changed %s":["프로비저닝 템플릿 컨텐츠 변경 %s"],"Provisioning Templates":["프로비저닝 템플릿 "],"Provisioning template":["프로비저닝 템플릿"],"Provisioning template IDs":["프로비저닝 템플릿 ID "],"Provisioning templates":["프로비저닝 템플릿 "],"Provisioning templates are generated using the Embedded Ruby (ERB) language.":[""],"ProvisioningTemplate|Default":["ProvisioningTemplate|기본값"],"ProvisioningTemplate|Locked":["ProvisioningTemplate|잠김"],"ProvisioningTemplate|Name":["ProvisioningTemplate|이름"],"ProvisioningTemplate|Snippet":["ProvisioningTemplate|조각 모음"],"ProvisioningTemplate|Template":["ProvisioningTemplate|템플릿"],"ProvisioningTemplate|Vendor":["ProvisioningTemplate|벤더"],"Proxies":["프록시 "],"Proxy ID to use within this realm":[""],"Proxy request timeout":["프록시 요청 시간 초과"],"Ptable":["Ptable"],"Ptable|Layout":["레이아웃 "],"Ptable|Locked":["Ptable|잠김"],"Ptable|Name":["이름 "],"Ptable|Os family":["Os 제품군 "],"Ptable|Snippet":["Ptable|조각 모음"],"Public":["공개 "],"Public SSH key":[""],"Puppet":["Puppet"],"Puppet CA":["Puppet CA"],"Puppet CA proxy ID":["Puppet CA 프록시 ID"],"Puppet Class":["Puppet 클래스 "],"Puppet Classes":["Puppet 클래스 "],"Puppet Environment":["Puppet 환경 "],"Puppet Environments":["Puppet 환경"],"Puppet Master":["Puppet 마스터 "],"Puppet Modules":["Puppet 모듈 "],"Puppet Summary Report - 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"],"Select smart proxies":["스마트 프록시 선택 "],"Select subnets":["서브넷 선택 "],"Select template":["템플릿 선택 "],"Select the changes you want to apply to Foreman":[""],"Select this host":["",""],"Select this since it belongs to a host":["호스트에 속해 있으므로 이를 선택합니다 "],"Select users":["사용자 선택 "],"Selected hosts are now assigned to %s":["선택된 호스트는 %s에 할당되어 있습니다 "],"Selected image does not belong to %s":["선택된 이미지는 %s에 속해 있지 않습니다 "],"Selected items":["선택한 항목 "],"Selected resource type does not support granular filtering, therefore you can't configure granularity":["선택된 리소스 유형은 세분화된 필터링을 지원하지 않기 때문에 단위를 설정할 수 없습니다 "],"Selected role":["선택된 역할 "],"Selecting a file will override the editor and load the file instead":["파일을 선택하면 편집기가 덮어쓰기되고 대신 파일이 로드됩니다 "],"Send a test message to the current user's email address to confirm the configuration is working.":[""],"Send a test message to the user's email address to confirm the configuration is working.":["사용자의 이메일 주소로 테스트 메시지를 보내 구성이 올바른지 확인합니다."],"Send a welcome email including username and URL to new users":["새 사용자에게 사용자 이름 및 URL이 포함된 환영 이메일을 보냅니다."],"Send welcome email":["환영 이메일 보내기"],"Sendmail":["센드메일"],"Sendmail arguments":[""],"Sendmail location":[""],"Server group":[""],"Server hint data":[""],"Server type":["서버 유형 "],"Service unavailable":["서비스를 이용할 수 없습니다."],"Services":["서비스 "],"Set IP addresses for %s":[""],"Set a randomly generated password on the display connection":["디스플레이 연결 시 임의로 생성된 암호를 설정합니다"],"Set parameters to defaults":["매개 변수를 기본값으로 설정 "],"Set the order in which values are resolved.":["값을 확인하는 순서를 설정합니다."],"Set up compute instance %s":["컴퓨터 인스턴스 %s 설정 "],"Setting":["설정 "],"Settings":["설정 "],"Setting|Category":["카테고리 "],"Setting|Default":["기본값 "],"Setting|Description":["설명 "],"Setting|Name":["이름 "],"Setting|Settings type":["설정 유형 "],"Setting|Value":["값 "],"Should the `foreman-rake db:migrate` be executed on the next run of the installer modules?":["다음번 설치 프로그램 모듈 실행 시 `foreman-rake db:migrate`를 실행해야 합니까? "],"Should the `foreman-rake db:seed` be executed on the next run of the installer modules?":["다음번 설치 프로그램 모듈 실행 시 `foreman-rake db:seed`를 실행해야 합니까? "],"Should this interface be managed via DHCP and DNS smart proxy and should it be configured during provisioning?":["이 인터페이스는 DHCP 및 DNS 스마트 프록시를 통해 관리하고 프로비저닝 동안 설정해야 합니까? "],"Should this interface be used for TFTP of PXELinux (or SSH for image-based hosts)? Each managed hosts needs to have one provision interface.":["이 인터페이스를 PXELinux의 TFTP(또는 이미지 기반 호스트의 SSH)에 사용하시겠습니까? 관리형 호스트마다 프로비저닝 인터페이스가 하나씩 필요합니다."],"Should this interface be used for constructing the FQDN of the host? Each managed hosts needs to have one primary interface.":["호스트의 FQDN을 구성하는 데 이 인터페이스를 사용하시겠습니까? 관리형 호스트마다 기본 인터페이스가 하나씩 필요합니다."],"Show %s fact values for all hosts":[""],"Show :a_resource":[":a_resource 표시 "],"Show Diff":["다른점 표시 "],"Show Host":["호스트 표시 "],"Show Trends":["트렌드 표시 "],"Show a Puppet class":["Puppet 클래스 표시 "],"Show a Puppet class for a host group":["호스트 그룹의 Puppet 클래스 표시 "],"Show a Puppet class for an environment":["환경의 Puppet 클래스 표시 "],"Show a Puppet class for host":["호스트의 Puppet 클래스 표시 "],"Show a bookmark":["북마크 표시 "],"Show a compute profile":["컴퓨터 프로파일 표시 "],"Show a compute resource":["컴퓨터 리소스 표시 "],"Show a config group":["설정 그룹 표시 "],"Show a default template combination for an operating system":["운영 체제의 기본값 템플릿 조합 표시 "],"Show a domain":["도메인 표시 "],"Show a filter":["필터 표시 "],"Show a global parameter":["글로벌 매개 변수 표시 "],"Show a hardware model":["하드웨어 모델 표시 "],"Show a host":["호스트 표시 "],"Show a host group":["호스트 그룹 표시 "],"Show a medium":["미디어 표시 "],"Show a nested parameter for a domain":["도메인의 중첩된 매개 변수 표시 "],"Show a nested parameter for a host":["호스트의 중첩된 매개 변수 표시 "],"Show a nested parameter for a host group":["호스트 그룹의 중첩된 매개 변수 표시 "],"Show a nested parameter for a location":["위치의 중첩된 매개 변수 표시 "],"Show a nested parameter for a subnet":[""],"Show a nested parameter for an operating system":["운영 체제의 중첩된 매개 변수 표시 "],"Show a nested parameter for an organization":["조직의 중첩된 매개 변수 표시 "],"Show a partition table":["파티션 테이블 표시"],"Show a permission":["권한 표시 "],"Show a realm":["영역 표시 "],"Show a report":["보고서 표시 "],"Show a role":["역할 표시 "],"Show a setting":["설정 표시"],"Show a smart class parameter":["스마트 클래스 매개 변수 표시"],"Show a smart proxy":["스마트 프록시 표시"],"Show a smart variable":["스마트 변수 표시 "],"Show a subnet":["서브넷 표시"],"Show a user":["사용자 표시 "],"Show a user group":["사용자 그룹 표시"],"Show all %s children fact values":["모든 %s 자식 정보 값 표시 "],"Show all %s facts with the same value":[""],"Show an LDAP authentication source":["LDAP 인증 소스 표시"],"Show an SSH key from a user":[""],"Show an architecture":["아키텍처 표시"],"Show an audit":["감사 보기 "],"Show an email notification":["이메일 통지 표시"],"Show an environment":["환경 표시 "],"Show an external user group for LDAP authentication source":["LDAP 인증 소스에 대한 모든 외부 사용자 그룹 표시 "],"Show an external user group for user group":["사용자 그룹에 대한 외부 사용자 그룹 표시"],"Show an image":["이미지 보기 "],"Show an interface for host":["호스트의 인터페이스 표시 "],"Show an operating system":["운영 체제 표시 "],"Show an override value for a specific smart class parameter":["특정 스마트 클래스 매개 변수의 덮어쓰기 값 표시 "],"Show an override value for a specific smart variable":["특정 스마트 매개 변수의 덮어쓰기 값 표시 "],"Show available API links":["사용 가능한 API 링크 표시"],"Show distribution chart":["배포 차트 표시 "],"Show full value":["전체 값 표시"],"Show host power status":[""],"Show linked external user groups":["링크된 외부 사용자 그룹 표시 "],"Show log messages:":["로그 메세지 표시: "],"Show power status on host index page. This feature calls to compute resource providers which may lead to decreased performance on host listing page.":[""],"Show provisioning template details":["프로비저닝 템플릿 상세 정보 표시 "],"Show status":["상태 표시 "],"Show template combination":["템플릿 조합 표시 "],"Show the last report for a host":["호스트의 마지막 보고서 표시"],"Sign":["로그인 "],"Single host on this page is selected.":["",""],"Size":["사이즈"],"Size (GB)":["크기 (GB)"],"Skip assign hosts and proceed to edit %s settings":["호스트 할당 건너뛰고 %s 설정 편집을 진행합니다 "],"Skipped":["건너 뛰기 "],"Skipped|S":["S"],"Smart Class Parameter":["스마트 클래스 매개 변수 "],"Smart Proxies":["스마트 프록시 "],"Smart Proxy":["스마트 프록시 "],"Smart Proxy: %s":["스마트 프록시: %s"],"Smart Variables":["스마트 매개 변수 "],"Smart class parameters":["스마트 클래스 매개 변수 "],"Smart proxies":["스마트 프록시 "],"Smart proxy":["스마트 프록시 "],"Smart proxy IDs":["스마트 프록시 ID "],"Smart variables":["스마트 매개 변수 "],"SmartProxy|Name":["이름 "],"SmartProxy|Url":["Url"],"Snippet":["조각 모음 "],"Some Puppet Classes are unavailable in the selected environment":[""],"Some imported user account details cannot be saved: %s":[""],"Some interfaces are invalid":["일부 인터페이스가 유효하지 않습니다."],"Some of the interfaces are invalid. Please check the table below.":["일부 인터페이스는 사용할 수 없습니다. 아래 표를 확인하십시오."],"Some or all hosts execution failed, Please check log files for more information":["일부 또는 모든 호스트 실행에 실패했습니다. 상세 정보에서 로그 파일을 확인하십시오"],"Some other interface is already set as primary. Are you sure you want to use this one instead?":["이미 다른 인터페이스가 기본 인터페이스로 설정되어 있습니다. 이 인터페이스를 대신 사용하시겠습니까?"],"Some other interface is already set as provisioning. Are you sure you want to use this one instead?":["이미 다른 인터페이스가 프로비저닝 인터페이스로 설정되어 있습니다. 이 인터페이스를 대신 사용하시겠습니까?"],"Something went wrong while changing host type - %s":["호스트 유형을 변경하는 도중 문제가 발생했습니다 - %s"],"Something went wrong while selecting hosts - %s":["호스트를 선택하는 도중 문제가 발생했습니다 - %s "],"Sorry but no templates were configured.":["죄송합니다. 설정된 템플릿이 없습니다. "],"Sorry, these hosts do not have parameters assigned to them, you must add them first.":["죄송합니다. 이 호스트에 할당된 매개 변수가 없습니다. 먼저 매개 변수를 추가해야 합니다. "],"Source":["소스 "],"Source|Digest":["다이제스트 "],"Source|Value":["값 "],"Space separated options, e.g. miimon=100. Only for bond interfaces.":["공백으로 구분된 옵션 (예: miimon=100). 본드 인터페이스의 경우에만 사용합니다. "],"Specified value is higher than recommended maximum":[""],"Specify additional options to sendmail":[""],"Specify authentication type, if required":[""],"Specify matchers":["일치 조건 지정"],"Start":["시작 "],"Starting IP Address for IP auto suggestion":["IP 자동 제안의 시작 IP 주소 "],"State":["상태 "],"Static":["고정 "],"Statistics":["통계"],"Status":["상태 "],"Stop updating IP address and MAC values from Puppet facts (affects all interfaces)":["Puppet 팩트에서 IP 주소 및 MAC 값 업데이트 중지(모든 인터페이스에 적용)"],"Stop updating Operating System from facts":[""],"Stop updating domain values from facts":[""],"Storage":["스토리지 "],"Storage domain":["스토리지 도메인 "],"Storage pool":["스토리지 풀 "],"Strong":["강력함"],"Submit":["제출 "],"Subnet":["서브넷"],"Subnet ID":["서브넷 ID"],"Subnet IDs":["서브넷 ID "],"Subnet name":["서브넷 이름 "],"Subnet network":["서브넷 네트워크 "],"Subnet numeric identifier":["숫자로된 서브넷 식별자 "],"Subnets":["서브넷 "],"Subnet|Boot mode":["부트 모드 "],"Subnet|Dns primary":["1차 DNS "],"Subnet|Dns secondary":["2차 DNS"],"Subnet|From":["시작 "],"Subnet|Gateway":["게이트웨이 "],"Subnet|Ipam":["Ipam"],"Subnet|Mask":["마스크 "],"Subnet|Name":["이름 "],"Subnet|Network":["네트워크 "],"Subnet|Priority":["우선 순위 "],"Subnet|To":["종료 "],"Subnet|Vlanid":["Vlanid"],"Subscribe":["등록 "],"Subscribe to all hosts":[""],"Subscribe to my hosts":[""],"Success":["성공 "],"Successfully created %s.":["%s을(를) 성공적으로 생성했습니다. "],"Successfully delete %s":[""],"Successfully deleted %s.":["%s을(를) 성공적으로 삭제했습니다. "],"Successfully deleted report.":["보고서를 성공적으로 삭제했습니다."],"Successfully executed, check log files for more details":["성공적으로 실행했습니다. 보다 자세한 내용은 로그 파일을 확인하십시오 "],"Successfully executed, check reports and/or log files for more details":["성공적으로 실행했습니다. 보다 자세한 내용은 보고서 또는 로그 파일을 확인하십시오 "],"Successfully overridden all parameters of Puppet class %s":["Puppet 클래스 %s의 모든 매개 변수를 성공적으로 덮어쓰기했습니다 "],"Successfully recreated":[""],"Successfully refreshed features from %s.":["%s에서 기능을 성공적으로 새로고침했습니다. "],"Successfully refreshed the cache.":[""],"Successfully reset all parameters of Puppet class %s to their default values":["Puppet 클래스 %s의 모든 매개 변수를 기본값으로 성공적으로 덮어쓰기했습니다 "],"Successfully updated %s.":["%s을(를) 성공적으로 업데이트했습니다. "],"Successfully updated environments and Puppet classes from the on-disk Puppet installation":["온디스크 Puppet 설치에서 환경 및 Puppet 클래스를 성공적으로 업데이트했습니다 "],"Suffix or prefix length for this subnet, e.g. 32":[""],"Suggest new":["새 제안 "],"Summary from %{time} ago to now":["%{time} 전에서 현재까지의 요약"],"Summary report from Foreman server at %{foreman_url}":["%{foreman_url}의 Foreman 서버에서 가져온 요약"],"Support":["지원"],"Supported Formats":["지원되는 형식 "],"Synchronize group from authentication source":["인증 소스에서 그룹 동기화 "],"Syntax Highlighting":["구문 강조"],"Syntax error occurred while parsing the template %{template_name}, make sure you have all ERB tags properly closed and the Ruby syntax is valid. The Ruby error: %{message}":[""],"System Information":["시스템 정보 "],"System Status":["시스템 상태 "],"TFTP":["TFTP"],"TFTP Proxy":["TFTP 프록시 "],"TFTP Proxy ID to use within this subnet":[""],"TFTP Proxy to use within this subnet":["이 서브넷에서 사용할 TFTP 프록시 "],"TFTP server":["TFTP 서버"],"Taxable taxonomy":["분류 텍소노미 "],"TaxableTaxonomy|Taxable type":["분류 유형 "],"Taxonomy":["텍소노미 "],"Taxonomy|Ancestry":["상위 "],"Taxonomy|Ignore types":["유형 무시 "],"Taxonomy|Name":["이름 "],"Taxonomy|Title":["제목 "],"Template":["템플릿"],"Template %s is empty.":["템플릿 %s이 비어있습니다. "],"Template '%s' is either missing or has an invalid organization or location":[""],"Template '%s' was not found":[""],"Template Diff":["템플릿 차이 "],"Template Type":["템플릿 유형 "],"Template diff":["템플릿 차이 "],"Template editor":["템플릿 편집기 "],"Template kind":["템플릿 유형 "],"Template kinds, available values: %{template_kinds}":["템플릿 종류로, 사용 가능한 값은 다음과 같습니다: %{template_kinds}"],"Template locked":["템플릿 잠금 "],"Template syntax":[""],"Template unlocked":["템플릿 잠금 해제 "],"TemplateKind|Name":["이름 "],"Templates":["템플릿 "],"Templates resolved for this operating system":["이 운영 체제에 대해 확인된 템플릿"],"Tenant":["테넌트 "],"Test Connection":["연결 테스트 "],"Test LDAP connection":["LDAP 연결 테스트"],"Test LDAP connectivity":["LDAP 연결 테스트"],"Test connection to LDAP server was successful.":["LDAP 서버에 대한 연결 테스트가 성공했습니다."],"Test connection was successful":["연결 테스트 성공"],"Test email":["테스트 이메일"],"Text to be shown in the login-page footer":[""],"That is, if you are planning to manage a site where all the machines are of the form <i>hostname</i>.<b></b>\\n then the domain is <b></b>.":[""],"The %{proxy_type} proxy could not be set for host: %{host_names}.":["",""],"The %{proxy_type} proxy of the selected hosts was cleared.":["선택한 호스트의 %{proxy_type} 프록시를 삭제했습니다."],"The %{proxy_type} proxy of the selected hosts was set to %{proxy_name}.":["선택한 호스트의 %{proxy_type} 프록시가 %{proxy_name}(으)로 설정되었습니다."],"The <b>fullname</b> field is used for human readability in reports and other pages that refer to domains,\\n and also available as an external node parameter":["<b>fullname</b> 필드는 도메인을 언급하는 보고서와 기타 페이지의 가독성을 높이기 위한 것으로,\\n 외부 노드 매개 변수로도 사용할 수 있습니다."],"The Audit Comment field is saved with the template auditing to document the template changes":["감사 코멘트 필드는 템플릿 변경을 문서화하기 위한 템플릿 감사와 함께 저장됩니다 "],"The BMC password will be used by Foreman to access the host's BMC controller via a BMC-enabled smart proxy, if available.<br/>":[""],"The IP address that should be used for the console listen address when provisioning new virtual machines via Libvirt":["Libvirt를 통한 새 가상 머신을 프로비저닝할 때 콘솔 수신 주소에 사용해야 하는 IP 주소입니다 "],"The NFS path to the image directory.":["이미지 디렉토리로의 NFS 경로입니다. "],"The NFS path to the jumpstart control files.":["jumpstart 제어 파일로의 NFS 경로입니다. "],"The NFS path to the media.":["미디어로의 NFS 경로입니다. "],"The Operating systems detail the OSs known to Foreman, and is the central point that the other required components tie into.":[""],"The Primary interface is used for constructing the FQDN of the host":["기본 인터페이스는 호스트의 FQDN을 구성하는 데 사용됩니다."],"The Provisioning interface is used for TFTP of PXELinux (or SSH for image-based hosts)":["프로비저닝 인터페이스는 PXELinux의 TFTP(또는 이미지 기반 호스트의 SSH)에 사용됩니다."],"The authentication process currently requires an LDAP provider, such as <em>FreeIPA</em>,\\n <em>OpenLDAP</em> or <em>Microsoft's Active Directory</em>.":["현재 인증 프로세스에 <em>FreeIPA</em>,\\n <em>OpenLDAP</em> 또는 <em>Microsoft의 Active Directory</em>와 같은 LDAP 공급자가 필요합니다."],"The class of CPU supplied in this machine. This is primarily used by Sparc Solaris builds and can be left blank for other architectures. The value can be determined on Solaris via uname -m":["이 시스템에 제공되는 CPU 클래스입니다. 이는 주로 Sparc Solaris 빌드에 사용되며 다른 아키텍처의 경우 빈 칸으로 둡니다. 값은 uname -m을 사용하여 Solaris에서 확인할 수 있습니다. "],"The class of the machine reported by the Open Boot Prom. This is primarily used by Sparc Solaris builds and can be left blank for other architectures. The value can be determined on Solaris via uname -i|cut -f2 -d,":["Open Boot Prom에서 보고되는 시스템 클래스입니다. 이는 주로 Sparc Solaris 빌드에 사용되며 다른 아키텍처의 경우 빈 칸으로 둡니다. 값은 uname -i|cut -f2 -d를 사용하여 Solaris에서 확인할 수 있습니다. "],"The default administrator email address":["기본값 관리자 이메일 주소 "],"The dynamic partitioning style is currently only available for the Red Hat family of operating systems, all others must provide an explicit list of partitions and sizes.":["현재 동적 프로비저닝 스타일은 Red Hat 제품군 운영 체제에서만 사용할 수 있으며 그 이외의 경우 모든 파티션 및 크기에 대한 명시적 목록을 지정해야 합니다. "],"The file path where your p12 file is located":["p12 파일이 있는 파일 경로 "],"The final entry, Operating System default, can be set by editing the %s page.":["최종 엔트리, 운영 체제 기본값은 %s 페이지를 편집하여 설정할 수 있습니다. "],"The following IPv4 subnets have been found. Please review the details before creating them.":[""],"The following entries were found conflicting with what foreman wanted to apply.":["다음 항목은 foreman이 적용하려고 한 내용과 충돌하는 것으로 발견되었습니다. "],"The following errors may prevent a successful build:":["다음과 같은 오류로 인해 빌드가 정상적으로 진행되지 않을 수 있습니다: "],"The following fields would need reviewing":["다음 필드를 확인해야 합니다 "],"The following hosts failed the build operation: %s":["다음 호스트는 빌드 작업을 실패했습니다: %s"],"The following hosts were not %{action}: %{missed_hosts}":["다음 호스트에서 %{action}이 실행되지 않았습니다: %{missed_hosts}"],"The following hosts were not deleted: %s":["다음 호스트는 삭제되지 않았습니다: %s"],"The following hosts were updated":["다음 호스트가 업데이트되었습니다 "],"The following parameters were skipped as they did not exists on this host:":["다음의 매개 변수는 호스트에 존재하지 않아 생략되었습니다: "],"The following table and example snippet shows global methods, variables and class methods and how to use them.":[""],"The full DNS domain name":["전체 DNS 도메인 이름 "],"The host group's classes and the host group's variables are included in the external node information when the puppetmaster compiles the host's configuration.":["puppetmaster가 호스트 설정을 컴파일할 때 호스트 그룹의 클래스 및 호스트 그룹의 매개 변수가 외부 노드 정보에 포함됩니다."],"The inclusion of the keyword string <b>#Dynamic</b> at the start of a line lets Foreman know that this is not an explicit disk layout and must treated as a shell script, executed prior\\n to the install process and that the explicit partition table will be found at <b>/tmp/diskpart.cfg</b> during the build process.":["키워드 문자열 <b>#Dynamic</b>을 줄의 시작 부분에 포함하면 명시적 디스크 레이아웃이 아니라 설치 프로세스 전에 실행해야 하는 쉘 스크립트로 취급해야 한다는 것과\\n 명시적 파티션 테이블을 빌드 프로세스 도중에 <b>/tmp/diskpart.cfg</b>에서 찾을 수 있다는 것을 Foreman이 알 수 있습니다."],"The keys can be used in provisioning templates and are also available for configuration management tools managed by Foreman.":[""],"The keywords <b>$version</b>, <b>$major</b> and <b>$minor</b> will be interpolated back into the path specification to calculate the true URL address.":["키워드 <b>$version</b>, <b>$major</b>, <b>$minor</b>는 URL 주소를 계산하기 위해 경로 사양에 다시 삽입합니다."],"The list is excluding %{count} %{link_start}physical host%{link_end}.":["",""],"The location of the sendmail executable":[""],"The marked fields will need reviewing":["표시된 필드는 확인해야 합니다 "],"The method used to provision the host. Possible provision_methods may be %{provision_methods}":["호스트를 프로비저닝하는 데 사용된 방법입니다. 가능한 provision_methods는 %{provision_methods}입니다."],"The order in which matchers keys are processed, first match wins.<br> You may use multiple attributes as a matcher key, for example, an order of <code>host group, environment</code> would expect a matcher such as <code>hostgroup = \\\"web servers\\\", environment = production</code>":["matcher 키가 처리되는 순서입니다. 먼저 일치하는 것이 우선합니다. <br> matcher 키로 여러 속성을 사용할 수 있습니다. 예를 들어 <code>host group, environment</code> 순서의 경우 <code>hostgroup = \\\"web servers\\\", environment = production</code>과 같은 matcher를 예상할 수 있습니다 "],"The order in which values are resolved":["값이 해결되는 순서 "],"The password will also be accessible to other users via templates and in the ENC YAML output; disable the bmc_credentials_accessible setting to prevent access.":[""],"The password will not be accessible to other users; enable the bmc_credentials_accessible setting to permit access via templates and in the ENC YAML output.":[""],"The path to the medium, can be a URL or a valid NFS server (exclusive of the architecture).\\n for example <em>$version/os/$arch</em> where <strong>$arch</strong> will be substituted for the host's actual OS architecture and <strong>$version</strong>, <strong>$major</strong> and <strong>$minor</strong> will be substituted for the version of the operating system. Solaris and Debian media may also use <strong>$release</strong>.":["미디어에 대한 경로로, URL이거나 유효한 NFS 서버일 수 있습니다(아키텍처 제외).\\n 예: <em>$version/os/$arch</em> 여기서 <strong>$arch</strong>는 호스트의 실제 OS 아키텍처로 대체되며, <strong>$version</strong>, <strong>$major</strong> 및 <strong>$minor</strong>는 운영 체제의 버전으로 대체됩니다. Solaris 및 Debian 미디어의 경우 <strong>$release</strong>도 사용할 수 있습니다."],"The power state of the selected hosts will be set to %s":["선택한 호스트의 전원 상태가 %s(으)로 설정됩니다."],"The realm name, e.g. EXAMPLE.COM":["영역 이름 예: EXAMPLE.COM"],"The remote system presented a public key signed by an unidentified certificate authority. If you are sure the remote system is authentic, go to the compute resource edit page, press the 'Test Connection' or 'Load Datacenters' button and submit":["원격 시스템은 미확인 인증 기관에서 서명된 공개 키를 표시합니다. 원격 시스템이 인증되어 있는지를 확인할 수 있는 경우 컴퓨터 리소스 편집 페이지로 가서 '연결 테스트' 또는 '데이터센터 로드' 버튼을 클릭하여 제출합니다 "],"The remote system presented a public key with hash %s but we're expecting a different hash. If you are sure the remote system is authentic, go to the compute resource edit page, press the 'Test Connection' or 'Load Datacenters' button and submit":["원격 시스템은 해시 %s와 함께 공개키를 표시하지만 해시는 다른 것을으로 예상합니다. 원격 시스템이 인증되어 있는지를 확인할 수 있는 경우 컴퓨터 리소스 편집 페이지로 가서 '연결 테스트' 또는 '데이터센터 로드' 버튼을 클릭하여 제출합니다 "],"The selected hosts were enabled for reboot and rebuild":["선택한 호스트의 재부팅 및 재배포가 활성화되어 있습니다."],"The selected hosts will execute a build operation on next reboot":["선택된 호스트는 다음 부팅 시 빌드 작업을 수행합니다 "],"The snippet '%{name}' threw an error: %{exc}":[""],"The template is associated to at least one host in build mode. To apply the change, disable and enable build mode on hosts to update the live templates or choose to %s their configuration from 'Select Action' menu":["이 템플릿은 빌드 모드 상태인 하나 이상의 호스트에 연결되어 있습니다. 변경 사항을 적용하려면 호스트에서 빌드 모드를 비활성화한 후 다시 활성화하여 라이브 템플릿을 업데이트하거나 '작업 선택' 메뉴에서 호스트의 구성을 %s하도록 선택하십시오."],"The user that is used to ssh into the instance, normally cloud-user, ec2-user, ubuntu, root etc":["ssh를 인스턴스에 사용하는 사용자는 일반적으로 cloud-user, ec2-user, ubuntu, root 등 입니다"],"The virtual machine is being deleted.":["가상 머신이 삭제되어 있습니다. "],"There are migrations pending in the system.":[""],"There are no puppet environments set up on this puppet master. Please check the puppet master configuration.":["이 Puppet 마스터에 설정된 Puppet 환경이 없습니다. Puppet 마스터 구성을 확인하십시오."],"There are orchestration modules with methods for configuration rebuild that have identical name: '%s'":["구성 다시 빌드를 위한 메서드가 포함된 이름이 동일한 오케스트레이션 모듈이 여러 개 있습니다: '%s'"],"There are two strategies when using host groups.":["호스트 그룹 사용에는 두 가지 전략이 있습니다. "],"There is":["다음과 같습니다 "],"There is no owner with id %d and type %s":[""],"There is no proxy with BMC feature set up. Please register a smart proxy with this feature.":["BMC 기능이 설정된 프록시가 없습니다. 이 기능에 스마트 프록시를 등록하십시오."],"There was an error creating the PXE file: %s":[""],"There was an error listing %{listing}: %{errors}":[""],"There was an error listing VMs: %(status)s %(statusText)s":["VM을 나열하는 도중 오류가 발생했습니다: %(status)s %(statusText)s"],"There was an error rendering the %s template: ":["%s 템플릿을 렌더링하는 도중 오류가 발생했습니다: "],"There was an error rendering the %{name} template: %{error}":["%{name} 템플릿을 렌더링하는 도중 오류가 발생했습니다: %{error}"],"There was no active bridge interface found in libvirt, if it does not support listing, you can enter the bridge name manually (e.g. br0)":[""],"These are guaranteed to work via the safe mode rendering, to ensure a template can do nothing harmful.":[""],"These two options are personal decisions and are up to you (where the main difference would be the parameter/variables settings).":["이 두 옵션은 개인적으로 결정하는 것이므로 필요에 따라 설정합니다 (주요 차이점은 매개 변수/ 변수 설정입니다)."],"Thin provision":["씬 프로비저닝"],"This Puppet class has no parameters in its signature.":["Puppet 클래스 서명에는 매개 변수가 없습니다."],"This allows Foreman to associate a puppet variable with a domain/site and automatically append this variable to all external node requests made by machines at that site.":["따라서 Foreman이 Puppet 변수를 도메인/사이트와 연결하고 이 변수를 해당 사이트의 가상 머신에서 생성된 모든 외부 노드 요청에 자동으로 추가할 수 있습니다."],"This group has nested groups!":["이 그룹에는 중첩된 그룹이 있습니다! "],"This group has no roles":[""],"This host's stored facts and reports will be deleted too.":["호스트의 저장된 팩트 및 보고서도 삭제됩니다. "],"This is a test message to confirm that Foreman's email configuration is working.":["Foreman의 이메일 구성이 올바른지를 확인하는 테스트 메시지입니다."],"This is for every location and organization that uses it.":["해당 템플릿을 사용하는 모든 위치와 조직에서 잠금 해제됩니다."],"This is for every location that uses it.":["해당 템플릿을 사용하는 모든 위치에서 잠금 해제됩니다."],"This is for every organization that uses it.":["해당 템플릿을 사용하는 모든 조직에서 잠금 해제됩니다."],"This is inherited from parent":["이는 부모로 부터 상속됩니다"],"This is used by a host":["이는 호스트에 의해 사용됩니다 "],"This might take a while, as all hosts, facts and reports will be destroyed as well":["모든 호스트, 정보, 보고서가 삭제되므로 시간이 걸릴 수 있습니다 "],"This role has been cloned from role %s":[""],"This role is locked for editing.":[""],"This role is locked from being modified by users.":[""],"This setting is defined in the configuration file '%{filename}' and is read-only.":[""],"This template is locked and may not be removed.":["템플릿이 잠겨 있어 삭제할 수 없습니다. "],"This template is locked for editing.":["이 템플릿은 편집 용으로 잠금되어 있습니다. "],"This template is locked. Please clone it to a new template to customize.":["이 템플릿은 잠겨 있습니다. 사용자 정의하려면 이를 새 템플릿에 복제하십시오. "],"This template is locked. You may only change the associations. Please %s it to customize.":["이 템플릿은 잠겨 있습니다. 연결만 변경할 수 있습니다. 사용자 정의하려면 템플릿을 %s하십시오."],"This value is not hidden":[""],"This value is used also as the host's primary interface name.":["이 값은 호스트의 기본 인터페이스 이름으로도 사용됩니다."],"This will reset parameters of the class %s to their default values. Continue?":["이는 클래스 %s의 매개 변수를 기본값으로 재설정합니다. 계속 진행하시겠습니까? "],"This will set all parameters of the class %s as overridden. Continue?":["이는 클래스 %s의 모든 매개 변수를 덮어쓰기된 것으로 설정합니다. 계속 진행하시겠습니까? "],"Time":["시간 "],"Time in Seconds":["시간 (초) "],"Time in minutes installation tokens should be valid for, 0 to disable token generation":["설치 토큰의 유효성이 유지되는 시간(분)입니다. 0으로 설정하면 토큰 생성이 비활성화됩니다."],"Timeout for DNS conflict validation (in seconds)":["DNS 충돌 유효 시간 초과(초)"],"Timeout has occurred while communicating with %s":["%s와 통신하는 도중 시간 초과되었습니다 "],"To define trend counters, use the Add Trend Counter button.</br> To start collecting trend data, set a cron job to execute 'foreman-rake trends:counter' every Puppet Interval (%s minutes).":["트렌드 카운터를 정의하려면 트렌드 카운터 추가 버튼을 사용하십시오.</br> 트렌드 데이터 수집을 시작하려면 모든 Puppet 간격(%s분)마다 'foreman-rake trends:counter'를 실행하는 cron 작업을 설정합니다."],"To enable a provider, either install the OS package (e.g. foreman-libvirt) or enable the bundler group for development setup (e.g. ovirt).":["공급자를 활성화하려면 OS 패키지 (예: foreman-libvirt)를 설치하거나 개발 설정을 위한 번들러 그룹 (e.g. ovirt) 활성화합니다."],"To enable safe mode, navigate to Settings page and enable Safemode rendering option.":[""],"To start collecting trend data, set a cron job to execute <span class='black'>foreman-rake trends:counter</span> every Puppet Interval (%s minutes)":["트렌드 데이터 수집을 시작하려면 Puppet 간격 (%s 분)마다 <span class='black'>foreman-rake trends:counter</span>를 실행하도록 cron 작업을 설정합니다 "],"To update the class signature, go to the Puppet Classes page and select \\\"Import\\\".":["클래스 서명을 업데이트하려면 Puppet 클래스 페이지로 가서 \\\"가져오기\\\"를 선택합니다. "],"Toggle":["토글 "],"Token":["토큰 "],"Token duration":["토큰 기간"],"Token expired":[""],"Token|Expires":["만료 "],"Token|Value":["값 "],"Total":["합계 "],"Total Hosts: %s":["총 호스트: %s"],"Total hosts count":[""],"Total of one host":["",""],"Trend":["트렌드 "],"Trend counter":["트렌드 카운터 "],"Trend of the last %s days.":["지난 %s일 트렌드입니다. "],"TrendCounter|Count":["카운트 "],"Trends":["트렌드 "],"Trends for %s":["%s의 트렌드 "],"Trend|Fact name":["정보 이름 "],"Trend|Fact value":["정보 값 "],"Trend|Name":["이름 "],"Trend|Trendable type":["트렌드 유형 "],"Trigger a puppetrun on a node; requires that puppet run is enabled":["노드에서 puppetrun을 시작합니다; puppet run을 활성화해야 합니다 "],"Troubleshooting":["문제 해결 "],"True/False flag whether a host is managed or unmanaged. Note: this value also determines whether several parameters are required or not":["호스트를 관리할 지 또는 관리하지 않을지에 대한 True/False 플래그입니다. 알림: 이 값은 여러 매개 변수가 필요할 지 또는 필요하지 않을 지에 대한 여부를 결정합니다 "],"Trusted puppetmaster hosts":["신뢰할 수 있는 puppetmaster 호스트"],"Try going to %{href}":["%{href}로 전환 시도 "],"Type":["유형"],"Type of name generator":[""],"Type of realm, e.g. FreeIPA":["영역 유형 (예: FreeIPA) "],"Type or protocol, IPv4 or IPv6, defaults to IPv4":[""],"Types of validation values":["검증 값의 유형"],"Types of variable values":["변수 값의 유형"],"URL":["URL"],"URL for %{providers_requiring_url}":[""],"URL hosts will retrieve templates from during build (normally http as many installers don't support https)":["URL 호스트는 빌드시 템플릿을 가져옵니다 (일반적으로 https는 많은 설치 프로그램이 지원하지 않으므로 http가 사용됨)"],"URL must be valid and schema must be one of %s":["URL이 유효하고 스키마가 %s 중 하나여야 합니다."],"URL where your Foreman instance is reachable (see also Provisioning > unattended_url)":["Foreman 인스턴스가 도달할 수 있는 URL (프로비저닝 > unattended_url 참조)"],"UTC time of report":["보고서의 UTC 시간"],"UUID":["UUID"],"UUID to track orchestration tasks status, GET /api/orchestration/:UUID/tasks":["오케스트레이션 작업 상태를 추적하기 위한 UUID, GET /api/orchestration/:UUID/tasks"],"Unable to access key":["액세스할 수 없음 "],"Unable to authenticate user %s":["사용자 %s을(를) 인증할 수 없습니다 "],"Unable to change VM display listen address, make sure the display is not attached to localhost only":["VM 디스플레이의 수신 주소를 변경할 수 없습니다. 디스플레이가 로컬 호스트에만 할당되지 않았는지 확인합니다 "],"Unable to communicate with the proxy: %s":["프록시와 통신할 수 없습니다: %s"],"Unable to connect":["연결할 수 없음"],"Unable to connect to LDAP server":["LDAP 서버에 연결할 수 없습니다."],"Unable to create default TFTP boot menu":["기본값 TFTP 부트 메뉴를 생성할 수 없습니다 "],"Unable to create realm entry":["영역 항목을 생성할 수 없습니다 "],"Unable to create the default role.":[""],"Unable to delete DHCP entry for %s":["%s의 DHCP 항목을 삭제할 수 없습니다 "],"Unable to delete DNS entry":["DNS 항목을 삭제할 수 없습니다 "],"Unable to delete PuppetCA autosign for %s":["%s의 PuppetCA 자동 서명을 삭제할 수 없음 "],"Unable to delete PuppetCA certificate for %s":["%s의 PuppetCA 인증서를 삭제할 수 없습니다 "],"Unable to delete TFTP boot entry for %s":["%s의 TFTP 부트 항목을 삭제할 수 없습니다 "],"Unable to detect TFTP boot server":["TFTP 부트 서버를 감지할 수 없습니다 "],"Unable to detect features":["기능을 감지할 수 없습니다 "],"Unable to detect version":["버전을 감지할 수 없습니다"],"Unable to determine the host's boot server. The DHCP smart proxy failed to provide this information and this subnet is not provided with TFTP services.":["호스트의 부팅 서버를 지정할 수 없습니다. DHCP 스마트 프록시가 이 정보 제공에 실패했기 때문에 이 서브넷에 TFTP 서비스가 제공되지 않습니다. "],"Unable to disable bmc_credentials_accessible when safemode_render is disabled":[""],"Unable to disable safemode_render when bmc_credentials_accessible is disabled":[""],"Unable to execute Puppet run":["Puppet run을 실행할 수 없습니다 "],"Unable to fetch TFTP boot file":["TFTP 부팅 파일을 가져올 수 없습니다 "],"Unable to fetch logs":["로그를 가져올 수 없습니다"],"Unable to find IP address for '%s'":[" '%s'의 IP 주소를 찾을 수 없습니다 "],"Unable to find a proxy with BMC feature":["BMC 기능이 있는 프록시를 찾을 수 없습니다 "],"Unable to find proper authentication method":["올바른 인증 방식을 찾을 수 없습니다 "],"Unable to find template %s":["템플릿 %s을 찾을 수 없습니다 "],"Unable to generate output, Check log files":["출력을 생성할 수 없습니다. 로그 파일을 확인하십시오."],"Unable to get BMC providers":["BMC 공급자를 가져올 수 없습니다 "],"Unable to get PuppetCA autosign":["PuppetCA 자동 서명을 가져올 수 없습니다 "],"Unable to get PuppetCA certificates":["PuppetCA 인증서를 가져올 수 없습니다 "],"Unable to get classes from Puppet for %s":["%s의 Puppet에서 클래스를 가져올 수 없습니다 "],"Unable to get environment from Puppet":["Puppet에서 환경을 가져올 수 없습니다 "],"Unable to get environments from Puppet":["Puppet에서 환경을 가져올 수 없습니다 "],"Unable to get installed BMC providers":["설치된 BMC 공급자를 가져올 수 없습니다 "],"Unable to initialize ProxyAPI class %s":["ProxyAPI 클래스 %s을(를) 초기화할 수 없습니다."],"Unable to perform boot BMC operation":["boot BMC 작업을 실행할 수 없습니다 "],"Unable to perform identify BMC operation":["identify BMC 작업을 실행할 수 없습니다 "],"Unable to perform lan BMC operation":["lan BMC 작업을 실행할 수 없습니다 "],"Unable to perform power BMC operation":["power BMC 작업을 실행할 수 없습니다 "],"Unable to render %{kind} template '%{name}': %{e}":[""],"Unable to render '%{name}' template: %{e}":[""],"Unable to retrieve DHCP entry for %s":["%s의 DHCP 항목을 검색할 수 없습니다 "],"Unable to retrieve DHCP subnet":["DHCP 서브넷을 검색할 수 없습니다 "],"Unable to retrieve DHCP subnets":["DHCP 서브넷을 검색할 수 없습니다 "],"Unable to retrieve unused IP":["사용되지 않는 IP를 검색할 수 없습니다 "],"Unable to save":["저장할 수 없음 "],"Unable to send email, check server logs for more information":["이메일을 보낼 수 없습니다. 서버 로그에서 자세한 내용을 확인하십시오."],"Unable to set DHCP entry":["DHCP 항목을 설정할 수 없습니다 "],"Unable to set DNS entry":["DNS 항목을 설정할 수 없습니다 "],"Unable to set PuppetCA autosign for %s":["%s의 PuppetCA 자동 서명을 설정할 수 없습니다 "],"Unable to set TFTP boot entry for %s":["%s의 TFTP 부트 항목을 설정할 수 없습니다 "],"Unable to sign PuppetCA certificate for %s":["%s의 PuppetCA 인증서에 서명할 수 없습니다 "],"Unable to turn on websockets_encrypt, either websockets_ssl_key or websockets_ssl_cert is missing":["websockets_encrypt를 켤 수 없습니다. websockets_ssl_key 또는 websockets_ssl_cert가 누락되었습니다."],"Unable to unset websockets_ssl_cert when websockets_encrypt is on":["websockets_encrypt가 켜져 있는 경우 websockets_ssl_cert를 설정 해제할 수 없습니다."],"Unable to unset websockets_ssl_key when websockets_encrypt is on":["websockets_encrypt가 켜져 있는 경우 websockets_ssl_key를 설정 해제할 수 없습니다."],"Unallowed template for dashboard widget: %s":["대시보드 위젯에 허용되지 않는 템플릿: %s"],"Unattended URL":["자동 URL"],"Undo remove":["삭제 취소 "],"Undo selection":[""],"Unhide this value":["이 값 숨기기 취소"],"Unknown":["알 수 없음 "],"Unknown IPAM type - can't continue":[""],"Unknown Power State":["알 수 없는 전원 상태 "],"Unknown action name for success message: %s":["성공 메세지의 알 수 없는 동작 이름: %s"],"Unknown build status":["알 수 없는 빌드 상태"],"Unknown device: available devices are %s":["알 수 없는 장치: 사용 가능한 장치는 %s입니다 "],"Unknown interface type, must be one of [%s]":["알 수 없는 인터페이스 유형. [%s] 중 하나이어야 합니다 "],"Unknown power action: available methods are %s":["알 수 없는 전원 동작: 사용 가능한 방법은 %s입니다 "],"Unknown power management support - can't continue":["알 수 없는 전력 관리 지원 - 계속 진행할 수 없음 "],"Unknown power state":[""],"Unlock":["잠금 해제"],"Unmanage host":["관리되지 않는 호스트 "],"Unsupported IPAM mode for %s":[""],"Unsupported password hash function '%s'":["지원되지 않는 암호 해시 함수 '%s'"],"Unsupported report status format":["지원되지 않는 보고서 상태 형식 "],"Update":["업데이트 "],"Update :a_resource":[":a_resource 업데이트 "],"Update IP from built request":["빌드 요청에서 IP 업데이트"],"Update a Puppet class":["Puppet 클래스 업데이트 "],"Update a bookmark":["북마크 업데이트 "],"Update a compute attributes set":["컴퓨팅 속성 세트 업데이트 "],"Update a compute profile":["컴퓨터 프로파일 업데이트 "],"Update a compute resource":["컴퓨터 리소스 업데이트 "],"Update a config group":["설정 그룹 업데이트 "],"Update a default template combination for an operating system":["운영 체제의 기본값 템플릿 조합 업데이트 "],"Update a domain":["도메인 업데이트 "],"Update a filter":["필터 업데이트 "],"Update a global parameter":["글로벌 매개 변수 업데이트 "],"Update a hardware model":["하드웨어 모델 업데이트 "],"Update a host":["호스트 업데이트 "],"Update a host group":["호스트 그룹 업데이트 "],"Update a host's interface":["호스트 인터페이스 업데이트 "],"Update a medium":["미디어 업데이트 "],"Update a nested parameter for a domain":["도메인의 중첩된 매개 변수 업데이트 "],"Update a nested parameter for a host":["호스트의 중첩된 매개 변수 업데이트 "],"Update a nested parameter for a host group":["호스트 그룹의 중첩된 매개 변수 업데이트 "],"Update a nested parameter for a location":["위치의 중첩된 매개 변수 업데이트 "],"Update a nested parameter for a subnet":[""],"Update a nested parameter for an operating system":["운영 체제의 중첩된 매개 변수 업데이트 "],"Update a nested parameter for an organization":["조직의 중첩된 매개 변수 업데이트 "],"Update a partition table":["파티션 테이블 업데이트 "],"Update a provisioning template":["프로비저닝 템플릿 업데이트 "],"Update a realm":["영역 업데이트 "],"Update a role":["역할 업데이트 "],"Update a setting":["설정 업데이트 "],"Update a smart class parameter":["스마트 클래스 매개 변수 업데이트 "],"Update a smart proxy":["스마트 프록시 업데이트 "],"Update a smart variable":["스마트 변수 업데이트 "],"Update a subnet":["서브넷 업데이트 "],"Update a user":["사용자 업데이트"],"Update a user group":["사용자 그룹 업데이트 "],"Update an LDAP authentication source":["LDAP 인증 소스 업데이트 "],"Update an architecture":["아키텍처 업데이트 "],"Update an environment":["환경 업데이트 "],"Update an image":["이미지 업데이트 "],"Update an operating system":["운영 체제 업데이트 "],"Update an override value for a specific smart class parameter":["특정 스마트 클래스 매개 변수의 덮어쓰기 값 업데이트 "],"Update an override value for a specific smart variable":["특정 스마트 매개 변수의 덮어쓰기 값 업데이트 "],"Update environment from facts":["팩트에서 환경 업데이트"],"Update external user group":["외부 사용자 그룹 업데이트 "],"Update realm entry for %s":["%s의 영역 항목 업데이트 "],"Update subnets from facts":[""],"Update template combination":["템플릿 조합 업데이트"],"Update the default PXE menu on all configured TFTP servers":["설정된 모든 TFTP 서버에 있는 기본 PXE 메뉴 업데이트 "],"Update:":["업데이트: "],"Updated":["업데이트 일시 "],"Updated all hosts!":["모든 호스트를 업데이트했습니다! "],"Updated hosts: Disassociated from VM":["업데이트된 호스트: VM에서 연결 해제 "],"Updated hosts: changed environment":["업데이트된 호스트: 변경된 환경 "],"Updated hosts: changed host group":["업데이트된 호스트: 변경된 호스트 그룹 "],"Updated hosts: changed owner":["업데이트된 호스트: 변경된 소유자"],"Upload facts for a host, creating the host if required":["호스트의 팩트를 업로드하고 필요한 경우 호스트를 생성합니다 "],"Use Gravatar":["사용자 Gravatar"],"Use UUID for certificates":["인증서에 UUID 사용"],"Use short name for VMs":["VM에 약어 사용"],"Use this account to authenticate, <i>optional</i>":["인증을 위해 이 계정을 사용합니다. <i>옵션</i>"],"Use this puppet server as a CA server":["puppet 서버를 CA 서버로 사용합니다 "],"Use this puppet server as an initial Puppet Server or to execute puppet runs":["puppet 서버를 초기 Puppet 서버로 사용하거나 puppet runs 실행에 사용합니다 "],"Used to enforce certain values for the parameter values":["특정 값을 매개 변수 값에 적용하는 데 사용됩니다."],"User":["사용자 "],"User Group":[""],"User Groups":["사용자 그룹"],"User IDs":["사용자 ID"],"User data template":[""],"User groups":["사용자 그룹 "],"User groups enable users to log into Foreman and be automatically granted permissions.":[""],"User role":["사용자 역할 "],"User's preferred locale":["사용자의 기본 로케일"],"User's timezone":["사용자의 시간대"],"UserRole|Owner type":["소유자 유형 "],"Usergroup":["사용자 그룹 "],"Usergroup member":["사용자 그룹 멤버 "],"UsergroupMember|Member type":["멤버 유형 "],"Usergroup|Admin":["관리자 "],"Usergroup|Auth source":["인증 소스 "],"Usergroup|Name":["이름 "],"Username":["사용자 이름 "],"Username for oVirt, EC2, VMware, OpenStack. Access Key for EC2.":["oVirt, EC2, VMware, OpenStack의 사용자 이름. EC2의 액세스 키."],"Username to use to authenticate, if required":[""],"Users":["사용자 "],"User|Admin":["관리자 "],"User|Avatar hash":["아바타 해시 "],"User|Firstname":["이름 "],"User|Last login on":["마지막 로그인 "],"User|Lastname":["성 "],"User|Locale":["로케일 "],"User|Login":["로그인 "],"User|Lower login":["Lower 로그인 "],"User|Mail":["메일 "],"User|Mail enabled":["메일 활성화 "],"User|Password hash":["암호 해시 "],"User|Password salt":["암호 salt"],"Uses thin provisioning if unchecked":["선택 해제되어 있을 경우 씬 프로비저닝을 사용합니다 "],"Using the organization system provides a way to group resources together for easy management. Organizations are particularly useful for Foreman installations where several customers or business units are managed with a single Foreman install.":[""],"VCPU(s)":["VCPU"],"VCenter/Server":["VCenter/서버"],"VLAN ID for this subnet":["서브넷의 VLAN ID"],"VLAN tag, this attribute has precedence over the subnet VLAN ID. Only for virtual interfaces.":["VLAN 태그입니다. 이 속성은 서브넷 VLAN ID 보다 우선합니다. 가상 인터페이스의 경우에만 사용됩니다. "],"VM":["VM"],"VM Attributes":["VM 속성 "],"VM Attributes (%s)":["VM 속성 (%s)"],"VM already associated with a host":["호스트에 이미 연결된 VM"],"VM associated to host %s":["호스트 %s에 연결된 VM"],"VM is not running!":["VM이 실행되고 있지 않습니다! "],"VNC/SPICE websocket proxy console access encryption (websockets_ssl_key/cert setting required)":["VNC/SPICE websocket 프록시 콘솔 액세스 암호화(websockets_ssl_key/cert 설정 필요)"],"Valid from":["유효 기간 시작 "],"Valid host group and environment combinations":["유효한 호스트 그룹 및 환경 조합 "],"Validation types":["검증 유형 "],"Value":["값"],"Value to use when there is no match":["일치하지 않는 경우 사용할 값 "],"Value to use when there is no match.":["일치하지 않는 경우 사용할 값입니다."],"Variable":["변수 "],"Variable lookup key":["변수 조회 키"],"Variables":["변수 "],"Vendor class":["벤더 클래스 "],"Verify":["확인 "],"Version":["버전 "],"Version %{version}":["버전 %{version}"],"Version %{version} %{copyright} 2009-%{year} Paul Kelly and %{author}":[""],"Very Strong":["매우 강력함"],"View Diff":["차이점 표시 "],"View in Foreman:":["Foreman에서 보기:"],"View last report details":["최종 보고소 상세 정보 표시 "],"View list":["목록 표시"],"Virtual (NAT)":["가상 (NAT)"],"Virtual H/W version":["가상 H/W 버전 "],"Virtual Machine":["가상머신"],"Virtual Machines":["가상머신"],"Virtual Machines on %s":["%s 상의 가상 머신 "],"Virtual NIC":["가상 NIC"],"Virtual machine settings cannot be edited on an existing machine in %s":["%s의 기존 가상 머신에서는 가상 머신 설정을 편집할 수 없습니다."],"WARNING":["경고 "],"Wait for %s to come online":["온라인 상에 있을 때 까지 %s 동안 대기 "],"Warning":["경고 "],"Warning!":["경고!"],"Warning! This will remove %{name} from %{number} user. are you sure?":["",""],"Warning: This will delete this host and all of its data!":["경고: 이 호스트와 호스트의 데이터가 모두 삭제됩니다!"],"Warnings and errors":["경고 및 오류 "],"We have not found any documentation for your API.":["귀하의 API에 대한 문서를 찾을 수 없습니다. "],"We use Redmine to report and track bugs and feature requests, which can be found here:":["다음과 같이 버그 보고, 추적, 기능 요구에 Redmine을 사용합니다: "],"Weak":["취약함"],"Websockets SSL certificate":["Websocket SSL 인증서"],"Websockets SSL key":["Websocket SSL 키"],"Websockets encryption":["Websocket 암호화"],"Weekly":["매주"],"Welcome to Foreman":["Foreman에 오신 것을 환영합니다 "],"What ever text(or ERB template) you use in here, would be used as your OS disk layout options If you want to use the partition table option, delete all of the text from this field":["여기에서 사용하는 텍스트 (또는 ERB 템플릿)가 무엇이든 이는 OS 디스크 레이아웃 옵션으로 사용됩니다. 파티션 테이블 옵션을 사용하고자 할 경우 필드에서 모든 텍스트를 삭제합니다."],"When a Host requests a template (e.g. during provisioning), Foreman will select the best match from the available templates of that type, in the following order:":["호스트가 템플릿 요청 시 (예: 프로비저닝 시) Foreman은 다음과 같은 순서로 사용 가능한 템플릿 유형에서 가장 적합한 것을 선택하게 됩니다: "],"When a realm is selected for a host, Foreman contacts the relevant realm smart proxy to create an entry for the host and retrieve it's one-time registration password.":["호스트의 영역을 선택하면 Foreman이 관련 영역 스마트 프록시에 연결하여 호스트에 대한 항목을 생성하고 일회용 등록 암호를 가져옵니다."],"When editing a template, you must assign a list of operating systems which this template can be used with. Optionally, you can restrict a template to a list of host groups and/or environments.":[""],"When enabled the parameter is hidden in the UI":["활성화된 경우 매개 변수가 UI에서 숨겨집니다."],"When specifying custom value, add 'MB' or 'GB' at the end. Field is not case sensitive and MB is default if unspecified.":[""],"When the role's associated %{taxonomies} are changed,<br> the change will propagate to all inheriting filters.\\n Filters that are set to override <br> will remain untouched. Overriding of role filters can be easily disabled by <br> pressing the \\\"Disable overriding\\\" button.\\n Note that not all filters support <br>%{taxonomies}, so these always remain global.":[""],"When using SSH based provisioning, a special SSH key is created in order to automate the provisioning process.":[""],"When using TLS, you can set how OpenSSL checks the certificate":[""],"Whether or not the image supports user data":["이미지가 사용자 데이터를 지원하는지 여부"],"Whether or not the template is locked for editing":["편집을 위한 템플릿의 잠금 여부 "],"Whether the class parameter value is managed by Foreman.":["클래스 매개 변수 값을 Foreman에서 관리하는지 여부"],"Whether the smart class parameter value is managed by Foreman":["스마트 클래스 매개 변수 값을 Foreman에서 관리하는지 여부"],"Which is an offset of <b>%s</b>":["<b>%s</b>의 오프셋 "],"Widget added to dashboard.":["위젯이 대시보드에 추가되었습니다."],"Widget positions successfully saved.":["위젯 위치를 저장했습니다."],"Widget removed from dashboard.":["위젯이 대시보드에서 삭제되었습니다."],"Wiki":["위키"],"With user groups, you can group your users and assign them roles on a group basis.":[""],"X509 Certification Authorities":["X509 인증 기관 "],"YAML":["YAML"],"Yes":["제공됨"],"You are about to change the default PXE menu on all configured TFTP servers - continue?":["구성된 모든 TFTP 서버에 있는 기본 PXE 메뉴가 변경됩니다. 계속하시겠습니까?"],"You are about to override the editor content with a previous version, are you sure?":["편집기의 컨텐츠를 이전 버전으로 덮어쓰기하려고 합니다. 정말로 실행하시겠습니까? "],"You are about to override the editor content, are you sure?":["편집기의 컨텐츠를 덮어쓰기하려고 합니다. 정말로 실행하시겠습니까? "],"You are about to unlock a locked template.":["잠긴 템플릿을 잠금 해제합니다."],"You are not authorized to lock templates.":["템플릿을 잠글 권한이 없습니다."],"You are not authorized to make a template default.":["템플릿을 기본 템플릿으로 설정할 권한이 없습니다."],"You are not authorized to perform this action.":["이 작업을 수행할 권한이 없습니다."],"You are trying to delete your own account":["자신의 계정을 삭제하려 하고 있습니다 "],"You are using an unsupported browser.":["지원되지 않는 브라우저를 사용하고 있습니다."],"You can add SSH public keys to a user in Foreman.":[""],"You can find The Foreman on the %{freenode} ( network. For general support, please visit #theforeman and for development specific related chat, please visit #theforeman-dev.":["%{freenode} ( 네트워크에서 Foreman을 찾을 수 있습니다. 일반적인 지원의 경우 #theforeman으로 개발에 관련된 대화를 하고자 할 경우 #theforeman-dev로 가십시오. "],"You can select one of the IPAM modes supported by the selected IP protocol:<br/><ul><li><strong>DHCP</strong> - will manage the IP on DHCP through assigned DHCP proxy, auto-suggested IPs come from DHCP <em>(IPv4)</em></li><li><strong>Internal DB</strong> - use internal DB to auto-suggest free IP based on other interfaces on same subnet respecting range if specified, useful mainly with static boot mode <em>(IPv4, IPv6)</em></li><li><strong>EUI-64</strong> - will assign the IPv6 address based on the MAC address of the interface <em>(IPv6)</em></li><li><strong>None</strong> - leave IP management solely on user, no auto-suggestion <em>(IPv4, IPv6)</em></li></ul>":[""],"You can't assign locations to this resource":["이 리소스에 위치를 할당할 수 없습니다 "],"You can't assign organizations to this resource":["이 리소스에 조직을 할당할 수 없습니다 "],"You cannot delete this user while logged in as this user.":["이 사용자로 로그인하는 동안 사용자를 삭제할 수 없습니다."],"You do not have permission to %s this location parameter":["위치 매개 변수 %s에 대한 권한이 없습니다"],"You do not have permission to %s this organization parameter":["조직 매개 변수 %s에 대한 권한이 없습니다 "],"You don't have any visible hosts. Hosts can be added and provisioned from Foreman, or configured to report to Foreman.":["표시 가능한 호스트가 없습니다. Foreman에서 호스트를 추가하거나 프로비저닝할 수 있습니다. 또는 Foreman에 보고하도록 호스트를 구성할 수 있습니다."],"You don't seem to have any bookmarks.":["북마크가 없습니다."],"You don't seem to have any facts yet. If you wish to configure fact pushing, please follow the documentation.":["아직 팩트가 없습니다. 팩트 푸시를 구성하려면 설명서를 따르십시오."],"You don't seem to have any reports.":["보고서가 없습니다."],"You have already logged in":[""],"You may also associate one or more operating systems with this medium or alternatively set this up later on the %s page.":["하나 이상의 운영 체제를 이 미디어에 연결하거나 이를 %s 페이지에서 나중에 설정할 수 있습니다. "],"You may also associate one or more operating systems with this partition table or alternatively set this up later on the %s page":["하나 이상의 운영 체제를 이 파티션 테이블에 연결하거나 이를 %s 페이지에서 나중에 설정할 수 있습니다. "],"You may create puppet classes that represent high-level host configurations, for example, a <b>host-type-ldap-server</b> class, which includes all the required functionality from other modules or you may decide to create a host group called <b>host-type-ldap-server</b> and add the required classes into the host group configuration.":["예를 들어 다른 모듈에서 필요한 모든 기능이 포함된 <b>host-type-ldap-server</b> 클래스와 같은 높은 수준의 호스트 설정을 나타내는 puppet 클래스를 생성하거나 <b>host-type-ldap-server</b>라는 호스트 그룹을 생성하고 이 호스트 그룹 설정으로 필요한 클래스를 추가할 수 있습니다. "],"You must create a location before continuing.":["계속 진행하기 전 위치를 생성해야 합니다."],"You must create an organization before continuing.":["계속 진행하기 전 조직을 생성해야 합니다. "],"You must create at least one location before continuing.":["계속 진행하기 전 최소 하나의 위치를 생성해야 합니다. "],"You must create at least one organization before continuing.":["계속 진행하기 전 최소 하나의 조직을 생성해야 합니다. "],"You must select at least one permission":["최소 하나의 권한을 선택해야 합니다 "],"You probably need to configure your %s first.":["%s을(를) 먼저 구성해야 합니다."],"You would probably need to attach the":["다음을 첨부해야 합니다 "],"Your Foreman user account has been created:":["Foreman 사용자 계정이 생성되었습니다: "],"Your host has finished building:":["호스트에서 빌드가 완료되었습니다:"],"Your password is too short":["귀하의 암호가 너무 짧습니다."],"Your password should not contain sequences":[""],"Your password should not contain that many repetitions":[""],"Your password should not contain your email":[""],"Your password should not contain your username":[""],"Your password should use characters from different character classes too":[""],"Your session has expired, please login again":["세션이 만료되었습니다. 다시 로그인하십시오 "],"ZTP PXE template":[""],"Zone":["영역 "],"[encrypted]":[""],"a location":["위치 "],"add a new matcher":["새 일치 조건 추가"],"add new network interface":["새 네트워크 인터페이스 추가 "],"add new storage volume":["새 스토리지 볼륨 추가 "],"all":["모두 일치"],"already exists":["이미 존재합니다 "],"an organization":["조직 "],"and":["및 "],"array":["어레이 "],"belongs to config group":["설정 그룹에 속합니다 "],"boolean":["부울 "],"boot device, valid devices are disk, cdrom, pxe, bios":["부팅 장치, 유효한 장치는 디스크, CDROM, PXE, BIOS입니다"],"can only be set for array or hash":["배열 또는 해시에만 설정할 수 있습니다 "],"can only be set for arrays that have merge_overrides set to true":["merge_overrides가 True로 설정된 배열에만 설정할 수 있습니다 "],"can only be set when merge overrides is set":["병합 덮어쓰기가 설정된 경우에만 설정할 수 있습니다."],"can't be bigger than to range":["범위보다 클 수 없습니다 "],"can't be blank":["빈 칸으로 두지 마십시오. 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"]}}};
var locales = locales || {}; locales['ko'] = {"domain":"app","locale_data":{"app":{"":{"Project-Id-Version":"Foreman","Report-Msgid-Bugs-To":"","PO-Revision-Date":"2017-09-15 15:13+0000","Last-Translator":"Lukáš Zapletal","Language-Team":"Korean (","MIME-Version":"1.0","Content-Type":"text/plain; charset=UTF-8","Content-Transfer-Encoding":"8bit","Language":"ko","Plural-Forms":"nplurals=1; plural=0;","lang":"ko","domain":"app","plural_forms":"nplurals=1; plural=0;"}," Remove":["삭제 "],"%s - Press Shift-F12 to release the cursor.":["%s - Shift-F12 키를 눌러 커서를 해제합니다. "],"%s - The following hosts are about to be changed":["%s - 다음 호스트는 즉시 변경됩니다 "],"%s Distribution":["%s 배포판 "],"%s Parameters updated, see below for more information":["%s 매개 변수가 업데이트되었습니다. 보다 자세한 내용은 아래에서 참조하십시오 "],"%s Template":["%s 템플릿 "],"%s VM associated to a host":["%s VM이 호스트에 연결됨 "],"%s active feature":["",""],"%s ago":["%s 전 "],"%s console is not supported at this time":["%s 콘솔은 아직 지원되지 않습니다 "],"%s core":["%s 코어 "],"%s day ago":["%s 일 전 "],"%s error message":["",""],"%s has been disassociated from VM":["%s이(가) VM에서 연결 해제되었습니다 "],"%s host":["",""],"%s is an unknown attribute":["%s은(는) 알 수 없는 속성입니다 "],"%s is not a valid DNS record type":[""],"%s is not in environment":["%s은(는) 환경에 없습니다 "],"%s log message":["",""],"%s minute ago":["%s 분 전 "],"%s month ago":["%s 개월 전 "],"%s selected hosts":["%s 선택된 호스트 "],"%s warning message":["",""],"%s week ago":["%s 주 전 "],"%s widget loading...":[""],"%{app_name} API documentation homepage":["%{app_name} API 문서 홈페이지 "],"%{config_type} rebuild failed for host: %{host_names}.":["",""],"%{controller}: %{host}'s operating system %{os} has no OS family":[""],"%{controller}: %{host}'s operating system is missing":[""],"%{controller}: unable to find a host that matches the request from %{addr}":[""],"%{cores} Cores and %{memory} memory":["%{cores} 코어 및 %{memory} 메모리 "],"%{count} host with no %{taxonomy_single} assigned":["%{taxonomy_single}이(가) 할당되지 않은 %{count} 호스트 "],"%{cpus} CPUs and %{memory} MB memory":["%{cpus} CPU 및 %{memory} MB 메모리 "],"%{cpus} CPUs and %{memory} memory":["%{cpus} CPU 및 %{memory} 메모리 "],"%{e} does not belong to the %{environment} environment":["%{e} 은(는) %{environment} 환경에 속하지 않습니다 "],"%{host} is about to %{action}":["%{host}는 즉시 %{action}을 실행합니다 "],"%{host} now boots from %{device}":["%{host}가 %{device}에서 부팅합니다 "],"%{id} plugin requires Foreman %{matcher} but current is %{current}":["%{id} 플러그인에는 Foreman %{matcher}가 필요하지만 현재는 %{current}입니다 "],"%{id} plugin requires the %{plugin_name} plugin %{matcher} but current is %{plugin_version}":["%{id} 플러그인에는 %{plugin_name} 플러그인 %{matcher}가 필요하지만 현재는 %{plugin_version}입니다"],"%{id} plugin requires the %{plugin_name} plugin, not found":["%{id} 플러그인에는 %{plugin_name} 플러그인이 필요하지만 찾을 수 없습니다 "],"%{image} needs user data, but %{os_link} is not associated to any provisioning template of the kind user_data. Please associate it with a suitable template or uncheck 'User data' for %{compute_resource_image_link}.":["%{image}에는 사용자 데이터가 필요하지만 %{os_link}이(가) user_data 유형의 프로비저닝 템플릿에 연결되어 있지 않습니다. 적합한 템플릿에 연결하거나 %{compute_resource_image_link}에 대해 '사용자 데이터' 선택을 취소하십시오."],"%{key} does not exist in order field":[""],"%{match} does not match an existing host":["%{match}은(는) 기존 호스트와 일치하지 않습니다 "],"%{match} does not match an existing host group":["%{match}은(는) 기존 호스트 그룹과 일치하지 않습니다 "],"%{model} with id '%{id}' was not found":["ID가 '%{id}'인 %{model}이(가) 없습니다."],"%{name} changed from %{label1} to %{label2}":["%{name} 이(가) %{label1}에서 %{label2}로 변경되었습니다 "],"%{name} has %{num_tag} class":["",""],"%{os} medium was not set for host '%{host}'":[""],"%{record} is being used by a hidden %{what} resource":["%{record}은(는) 숨겨진 %{what} 리소스에 사용 중입니다."],"%{record} is used by %{what}":["%{record}은(는) %{what}에 의해 사용되고 있습니다 "],"%{record} is used by host in build mode %{what}":["%{record}은(는) 빌드 모드의 호스트 %{what}에 의해 사용되고 있습니다 "],"%{resource_name} not found by id '%{id}'":["%{resource_name}을 ID '%{id}'로 찾을 수 없습니다 "],"%{task} task failed with the following error: %{e}":["%{task} 작업은 다음과 같은 오류로 인해 실패했습니다: %{e}"],"%{taxonomy_type} %{taxonomy_name} has %{count} host that will need to be reassociated after deletion. Delete %{taxonomy_name2}?":["",""],"%{type} %{conflicts} already exists":[""],"%{user} Downloaded %{key} as pem file":[""],"%{value} does not belong to %{os} operating system":["%{value}은(는) %{os} 운영 체제에 속해 있지 않습니다 "],"%{value} is not a valid controller":["%{value}은(는) 올바른 컨트롤러가 아닙니다 "],"%{value} is not one of %{rules}":["%{value}은(는) %{rules} 중 하나가 아닙니다 "],"%{vm} is now %{vm_state}":["%{vm}은 현재 %{vm_state}입니다 "],"&laquo;":["&laquo;"],"&raquo;":["&raquo;"],"'%{host}' could be deleted or '%{resource}' is not responding.":["'%{host}'이(가) 삭제되었거나 '%{resource}'이(가) 응답하지 않습니다."],"'%{host}' not found on '%{resource}'":["'%{host}'을(를) '%{resource}'에서 찾을 수 없습니다 "],"'%{loader}' is not one of %{loaders}":[""],"'Content-Type: %s' is unsupported in API v2 for POST and PUT requests. Please use 'Content-Type: application/json'.":["'Content-Type: %s'는 POST 및 PUT 요청의 API v2에서 지원되지 않습니다. 'Content-Type: application/json'을 사용하십시오. "],"(Miscellaneous)":["(기타)"],"(optional) IAM Role for Fog to use when creating this image.":["(옵션) 이미지를 생성할 때 사용할 Fog의 IAM 역할입니다. "],"*Clear %s proxy*":["*%s 프록시 삭제*"],"*Clear environment*":["*환경 삭제*"],"*Clear host group*":["*호스트 그룹 삭제*"],"*Inherit from host group*":["*호스트 그룹에서 상속*"],", relevant log entries, and it is highly recommended to also attach the foreman-debug output.":[", 관련 로그 항목. Foreman 디버그 출력도 첨부하는 것이 좋습니다."],":foreman_url is not set, please configure in the Foreman Web UI (Administer -> Settings -> General)":[":foreman_url이 설정되어 있지 않습니다. Foreman 웹 UI를 구성하십시오(관리자 -> 설정 -> 일반)."],"<b class='select_count'>0</b> selected":["<b class='select_count'>0</b> 선택 "],"<b style=\\\"color: #6bb5df;\\\">%{disabled_sum}</b>\\n <p>Disabled</p>":["",""],"<b style=\\\"color: #6bb5df;\\\">%{hosts_sum}</b>\\n <p>Changed</p>":["",""],"<b style=\\\"color: #6bb5df;\\\">%{out_of_sync_sum}</b>\\n <p>Out of sync</p>":["",""],"<b>Description:</b> %{desc}<br/>\\n <b>Type:</b> %{type}<br/>\\n <b>Matcher:</b> %{matcher}<br/>\\n <b>Inherited value:</b> %{inherited_value}":["<b>설명:</b> %{desc}<br/>\\n <b>유형:</b> %{type}<br/>\\n <b>일치 조건:</b> %{matcher}<br/>\\n <b>상속된 값:</b> %{inherited_value}"],"<b>Foreman API v1 is deprecated. Please use v2.</b><br />If you still need to use v1, you may do so by either passing 'version=1' in the Accept Header or using api/v1/ in the URL.":[""],"<b>Foreman</b> Build Complete":["<b>Foreman</b> 빌드 완료"],"<b>Foreman</b> Puppet error report":["<b>Foreman</b> Puppet 오류 보고"],"<b>Foreman</b> Puppet summary":["<b>Foreman</b> Puppet 요약"],"<b>Foreman</b> audit summary":["<b>Foreman</b> 감사 요약"],"<b>Foreman</b> test email":["<b>Foreman</b> 테스트 이메일"],"<b>Source:</b> %{type} %{name}":["<b>소스:</b> %{type} %{name}"],"<dl><dt>List</dt> <dd>A list of the allowed values, specified in the Validator rule field.</dd><dt>Regexp</dt> <dd>Validates the input with the regular expression in the Validator rule field.</dd></dl>":["<dl><dt>List</dt> <dd>유효성 검증 규칙 필드에 지정된 서용되는 값의 목록입니다.</dd><dt>Regexp</dt> <dd>유효성 검증 규칙 필드에 있는 정규식 표현 입력을 검증합니다.</dd></dl>"],"<dl><dt>String</dt> <dd>Everything is taken as a string.</dd><dt>Boolean</dt> <dd>Common representation of boolean values are accepted.</dd><dt>Integer</dt> <dd>Integer numbers only, can be negative.</dd><dt>Real</dt> <dd>Accept any numerical input.</dd><dt>Array</dt> <dd>A valid JSON or YAML input, that must evaluate to an array.</dd><dt>Hash</dt> <dd>A valid JSON or YAML input, that must evaluate to an object/map/dict/hash.</dd><dt>YAML</dt> <dd>Any valid YAML input.</dd><dt>JSON</dt> <dd>Any valid JSON input.</dd></dl>":["<dl><dt>String</dt> <dd>모든 값을 문자열로 가져옵니다.</dd><dt>Boolean</dt> <dd>부울 값의 일반적인 표현이 허용됩니다.</dd><dt>Integer</dt> <dd>정수만 됩니다. 음수가 될 수 없습니다.</dd><dt>Real</dt> <dd>모든 수치 입력을 허용합니다.</dd><dt>Array</dt> <dd>어레이로 평가해야 하는 유효한 JSON 또는 YAML 입력입니다.</dd><dt>Hash</dt> <dd>object/map/dict/hash로 평가해야 하는 유효한 JSON 또는 YAML 입력입니다.</dd><dt>YAML</dt> <dd>모든 유효한 YAML 입력입니다.</dd><dt>JSON</dt> <dd>모든 유효한 JSON 입력입니다.</dd></dl>"],"A Foreman user group can be associated to a group stored in an LDAP server, so membership of the LDAP group automatically adds the user to the Foreman user group.":[""],"A host group is in some ways similar to an inherited node declaration, in that it is a high level grouping of classes that can be named and treated as a unit. This is then treated as a template and is selectable during the creation of a new host and ensures that the host is configured in one of your pre-defined states.":["호스트 그룹은 단위로 이름을 지정하고 처리될 수 있는 높은 수준의 그룹화 클래스라는 점에서 상속되는 노드 선언과 비슷합니다. 이는 템플릿으로 처리되고 새 호스트 생성 시 선택할 수 있으며 호스트가 사전 정의된 상태 중 하나로 설정되게 할 수 있습니다. "],"A medium represents the source of one or more operating system's installation files, accessible via the network.\\n It will probably be a mirror from the internet or a copy of one or more CD or DVDs.":["미디어는 네트워크를 통해 액세스되는 하나 이상의 운영 체제 설치 파일의 소스를 나타냅니다.\\n 인터넷의 미러이거나 CD 또는 DVD 하나 이상의 사본인 경우가 많습니다."],"A partition table entry represents either":["파티션 테이블 항목 중 하나를 나타냅니다 "],"A problem occurred when detecting host type: %s":["호스트 유형을 감지하는 동안 문제가 발생했습니다: %s"],"A script to dynamically calculate the desired sizes. E.G.":["원하는 크기를 동적으로 계산하는 스크립트"],"A user group already exists with this name":["이 이름으로된 사용 그룹이 이미 존재합니다 "],"API Key":["API 키 "],"API documentation":["API 문서 "],"About":["정보 "],"Access Key":["액세스 키"],"Access denied":["접근 거부됨"],"Access unattended without build":[""],"Account":["계정 "],"Acquire IP addresses for %s":[""],"Action":["동작 "],"Actions":["동작 "],"Active":["활성화"],"Active Hosts":["활성 호스트 "],"Active features":["활성 기능"],"Active key":[""],"Add Autosign entry":["자동 서명 항목 추가"],"Add Bookmark":["북마크 추가 "],"Add Interface":["인터페이스 추가 "],"Add Matcher":["일치 조건 추가"],"Add Parameter":["매개 변수 추가 "],"Add Trend Counter":["트렌드 카운터 추가 "],"Add Variable":["변수 추가 "],"Add Volume":["볼륨 추가 "],"Add a CD-ROM drive to the virtual machine.":[""],"Add a Puppet class to host":["호스트에 Puppet 클래스 추가 "],"Add a Puppet class to host group":["호스트 그룹에 Puppet 클래스 추가 "],"Add a template combination":["템플릿 조합 추가 "],"Add combination":["조합 추가 "],"Add external user group":["외부 사용자 그룹 추가 "],"Add filter":["필터 추가 "],"Add to dashboard":["대시보드에 추가"],"Add widgets":["위젯 추가"],"Add:":["추가:"],"Adding would cause a cycle!":["추가하면 사이클이 발생합니다!"],"Additional Information":["추가 정보 "],"Additional compute resource specific attributes for the interface.":["인터페이스의 컴퓨팅 리소스별 추가 속성입니다."],"Additional compute resource specific attributes.":["컴퓨팅 리소스별 추가 속성입니다."],"Additional information about this host":["호스트에 대한 추가 정보 "],"Address to connect to":[""],"Admin permissions required":["관리 권한이 필요합니다 "],"Administer":["관리자"],"Administrator email address":["관리자 이메일 주소"],"Administrator user account required":["관리자의 사용자 계정 필요"],"Alert":["경고 "],"Alerts disabled":["경고 비활성화 "],"Alias or VLAN device":["별칭 또는 VLAN 장치 "],"All":["모두"],"All Puppet Classes for %s":["%s의 전체 Puppet 클래스 "],"All Reports":["전체 보고서 "],"All compute resources":["전체 컴퓨터 리소스 "],"All domains":["전체 도메인 "],"All environments":["전체 환경 "],"All environments - (not filtered)":["모든 환경 - (필터링되지 않음)"],"All host groups":["전체 호스트 그룹 "],"All hosts":["전체 호스트 "],"All hosts data matches configurations for locations and organizations.":["전체 호스트 데이터는 위치 및 조직의 설정과 일치합니다."],"All hosts previously with no %{single} are now assigned to %{name}":["%{single}이 없는 이전의 모든 호스트는 %{name}에 할당됩니다"],"All hosts will show a configuration status even when a Puppet smart proxy is not assigned":["Puppet 스마트 프록시가 할당되지 않은 경우에도 모든 호스트에 구성 상태를 표시합니다."],"All items":["전체 항목 "],"All media":["전체 미디어 "],"All messages":["전체 메세지 "],"All mismatches between hosts and %s have been fixed":["호스트와 %s 간의 모든 불일치가 수정되었습니다 "],"All mismatches between hosts and locations/organizations have been fixed":["호스트와 위치/조직 간의 모든 불일치가 수정되었습니다 "],"All partition tables":["모든 파티션 테이블"],"All provisioning templates":["모든 프로비저닝 템플릿"],"All realms":["전체 영역 "],"All smart proxies":["모든 스마트 프록시 "],"All subnets":["전체 서브넷 "],"All users":["전체 사용자 "],"Allocated":["할당됨 "],"Allocation (GB)":["할당 (GB)"],"Allow access to unattended URLs without build mode being used":[""],"Allow external network as main network":["외부 네트워크를 기본 네트워크로 허용"],"Allowed methods or members":[""],"Always show configuration status":["구성 상태 항상 표시"],"An IP address will be auto-suggested if you have enabled IPAM on the IPv4 subnet selected above.<br/><br/>The IP address can be left blank when:<br/><ul><li>provisioning tokens are enabled</li><li>the domain does not manage DNS</li><li>the subnet does not manage reverse DNS</li><li>and the subnet does not manage DHCP reservations</li></ul>":[""],"An IP address will be auto-suggested if you have enabled IPAM on the IPv6 subnet selected above.":[""],"An email address is required, please update your account details":[""],"An error occurred while testing the connection: ":[""],"An explicit layout for the partitions of your hard drive(s). E.G.":["예를 들어 하드 드라이브 파티션에 대한 명시적 레이아웃입니다."],"An invalid response was received while requesting available features from this proxy":[""],"Annotation Notes":[""],"Annotation notes":[""],"Anonymous admin user %s is missing, run foreman-rake db:seed":["익명의 관리자 %s가 없습니다. foreman-rake db:seed를 실행합니다 "],"Any Context":["모든 컨텍스트 "],"Any Location":["모든 위치 "],"Any Organization":["모든 조직 "],"Applicable Operating Systems":[""],"Applied":["적용됨 "],"Applied|A":["A"],"Architecture":["아키텍처 "],"Architecture Distribution":["아키텍처 배포판 "],"Architecture ID":["아키텍처 ID"],"Architectures":["아키텍처 "],"Architecture|Hostgroups count":["호스트 그룹 수 "],"Architecture|Hosts count":["호스트 수 "],"Architecture|Name":["이름 "],"Are you sure you want to %{act} %{vm}?":["%{vm}의 %{act}을(를) 실행하시겠습니까?"],"Are you sure you want to delete host %s? This action is irreversible.":["%s 호스트를 삭제하시겠습니까? 이 작업은 되돌릴 수 없습니다."],"Are you sure you want to delete host %s? This will delete the virtual machine and its disks, and is irreversible.":["%s 호스트를 삭제하시겠습니까? 그러면 가상 머신과 해당 디스크도 삭제되며 되돌릴 수 없습니다."],"Are you sure you want to delete this widget from your dashboard?":["이 위젯을 대시보드에서 삭제하시겠습니까?"],"Are you sure you want to log out?":[""],"Are you sure you want to power %{act} %{vm}?":["%{vm}의 %{act}을(를) 실행하시겠습니까?"],"Are you sure?":["정말로 삭제하시겠습니까? 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"],"Attempting to construct an operating system image filename but %s cannot be built from an image":["운영 체제 이미지 파일 이름을 생성하려 했지만 %s은 이미지에서 만들 수 없습니다 "],"Attribute mappings":["속성 매핑 "],"Attribute type":["속성 유형"],"Audit":[""],"Audit Comment":["감사 코멘트 "],"Audit summary":["감사 요약"],"Audited::Adapters::ActiveRecord::Audit|Action":["동작 "],"Audited::Adapters::ActiveRecord::Audit|Associated name":["연결된 이름 "],"Audited::Adapters::ActiveRecord::Audit|Associated type":["연결 유형 "],"Audited::Adapters::ActiveRecord::Audit|Auditable name":["감사 가능한 이름 "],"Audited::Adapters::ActiveRecord::Audit|Auditable type":["감사 가능한 유형 "],"Audited::Adapters::ActiveRecord::Audit|Audited changes":["감사된 변경 "],"Audited::Adapters::ActiveRecord::Audit|Comment":["코멘트 "],"Audited::Adapters::ActiveRecord::Audit|Remote address":["원격 주소 "],"Audited::Adapters::ActiveRecord::Audit|User type":["사용자 유형 "],"Audited::Adapters::ActiveRecord::Audit|Username":["사용자 이름 "],"Audited::Adapters::ActiveRecord::Audit|Version":["버전 "],"Audits":["감사 "],"Auth source":["인증 소스 "],"AuthSource|Account":["계정 "],"AuthSource|Account password":["계정 암호 "],"AuthSource|Attr firstname":["속성 이름 "],"AuthSource|Attr lastname":["속성 성 "],"AuthSource|Attr login":["속성 로그인 "],"AuthSource|Attr mail":["속성 메일 "],"AuthSource|Attr photo":["속성 사진 "],"AuthSource|Base dn":["기본 DN"],"AuthSource|Groups base":["그룹 기반 "],"AuthSource|Host":["호스트 "],"AuthSource|LDAPS":["LDAP"],"AuthSource|Ldap filter":["LDAP 필터 "],"AuthSource|Name":["이름 "],"AuthSource|Onthefly register":["즉시 등록 "],"AuthSource|Port":["포트 "],"AuthSource|Server type":["서버 유형 "],"AuthSource|Tls":["TLS"],"Authentication":["보안 및 인증"],"Author":["저자 "],"Authorize login delegation":["로그인 권한 승인"],"Authorize login delegation API":["로그인 권한 승인 API"],"Authorize login delegation auth source user autocreate":["로그인 권한 승인 인증 소스 사용자 자동 생성"],"Authorize login delegation with REMOTE_USER environment variable":["REMOTE_USER 환경 변수에 로그인 권한 승인 "],"Authorize login delegation with REMOTE_USER environment variable for API calls too":["API 호출의 REMOTE_USER 환경 변수에 로그인 권한 승인 "],"Authorized by":["승인자 "],"Auto refresh off":["자동 새로 고침 끄기"],"Auto refresh on":["자동 새로 고침 켜기"],"Automatic":[""],"Autosign":["자동 서명 "],"Autosign entries":["자동 서명 항목"],"Autosign entry name":[""],"Availability zone":["사용 가능한 영역 "],"Available Classes":["사용 가능한 클래스 "],"Available Config Groups":["사용 가능한 설정 그룹 "],"Available Providers":["사용 가능한 공급자 "],"Average memory usage":["평균 메모리 사용량 "],"Average swap usage":["평균 swap 사용량 "],"Avoid duplicate values when merging them (only array type)?":["값을 병합할 때 중복 값을 제외하시겠습니까(배열 유형만)?"],"BIOS":["BIOS"],"BMC":["BMC"],"BMC credentials access":[""],"BMC password usage":[""],"Back":["뒤로 "],"Back to host":["호스트로 돌아가기 "],"Back to host list":["호스트 목록으로 돌아가기 "],"Backtrace":["역추적"],"Bare Metal":["베어 메탈 "],"Base DN":["기본 DN"],"Before you proceed to using Foreman you should provide information about one or more architectures.":["Foreman을 사용하기 전 하나 이상의 아키텍처에 대한 정보를 지정해야 합니다. "],"Bond":["본딩 "],"Bond mode of the interface, e.g. balance-rr. Only for bond interfaces.":["인터페이스의 본드 모드 (예: balance-rr). 본드 인터페이스에만 사용됩니다. "],"Bookmark":["북마크 "],"Bookmark this search":["이 검색을 북마크 "],"Bookmark was successfully created.":["북마크가 성공적으로 생성되었습니다. "],"Bookmark was successfully updated.":["북마크가 성공적으로 업데이트되었습니다. "],"Bookmarks":["북마크"],"Bookmarks are saved search queries. To save them, click on 'Bookmark this search' on the dropdown next to every search button.":["북마크는 저장된 검색 쿼리입니다. 북마크를 저장하려면 모든 검색 버튼 옆에 있는 드롭다운에서 '이 검색을 북마크'를 클릭하십시오."],"Bookmark|Controller":["컨트롤러 "],"Bookmark|Name":["이름 "],"Bookmark|Owner type":["소유자 유형 "],"Bookmark|Public":["공개 "],"Bookmark|Query":["쿼리 "],"Boot device":["부트 장치 "],"Boot from volume":["볼륨에서 부팅"],"Boot host from specified device":["지정된 장치에서 호스트 부팅 "],"Bootable":["부팅가능"],"Bridge":["브릿지"],"Browse host config management reports":["호스트 구성 관리 보고서 검색"],"Browse host facts":["호스트 정보 검색 "],"Browser locale":["브라우저 로케일 "],"Browser timezone":["브라우저 시간대"],"Build":["빌드 "],"Build Hosts":["호스트 빌드 "],"Build PXE Default":["PXE 기본값 빌드 "],"Build a query for %{mailer}":["%{mailer}에 대한 쿼리 작성"],"Build from OS image":["OS 이미지에서 빌드 "],"By unchecking this you can specify filter using Foreman search syntax in search field. If filter remains <br> unlimited (this field is checked) it applies on all resources of the selected type. 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"],"Cannot delete group %{current} because it has nested host groups.":["중첩된 호스트 그룹이 있기 때문에 그룹 %{current}을(를) 삭제할 수 없습니다 "],"Cannot find user %s when switching context":["문맥으로 전환할 때 사용자 %s을(를) 검색할 수 없음 "],"Cannot register compute resource, wrong type supplied":[""],"Canvas not supported.":["Canvas가 지원되지 않습니다."],"Caps lock ON":["Caps Lock 켜짐"],"Certificate Name":["인증서 이름 "],"Certificate path":["인증서 경로 "],"Certificate that Foreman will use to encrypt websockets ":["Foreman이 websocket을 암호화하는데 사용하는 인증서 "],"Certificates":["인증서"],"Change Environment":["환경 변경 "],"Change Group":["그룹 변경 "],"Change Owner":["소유자 변경"],"Change Power State":["전원 상태 변경"],"Change Puppet CA":["Puppet CA 변경"],"Change Puppet Master":["Puppet 마스터 변경"],"Change the password":["암호 변경"],"Change your avatar at":["gravatar.com에서 아바타를 변경 "],"Changed environments":["변경된 환경 "],"Changes to %s will propagate to all inheriting filters":[""],"Chassis":["섀시 "],"Check again":["다시 확인 "],"Check/Uncheck all":["모두 선택/선택 해제 "],"Check/Uncheck all %s changes":["전체 %s 변경 선택/선택 해제 "],"Check/Uncheck new":["새로운 사항 선택/선택 해제 "],"Check/Uncheck obsolete":["이전 버전 선택/ 선택 해제 "],"Check/Uncheck updated":["업데이트 선택/선택 해제 "],"Choose a family":["제품군 선택 "],"Choose a provider":["공급자 선택 "],"Choose a server type":["서버 유형 선택 "],"Class":["클래스 "],"Class Distribution":["클래스 배포판 "],"Classes":["클래스 "],"Clean up failed deployment":["실패한 배포 정리"],"Click on the link of a compute resource to edit its default VM attributes.":["기본값 VM 속성을 편집하기 위해 컴퓨팅 리소스 링크를 클릭합니다. "],"Click to add %s":["클릭하여 %s 추가 "],"Click to log in again.":["클릭하여 다시 로그인합니다."],"Click to mark as read":[""],"Click to remove %s":["클릭하여 %s 삭제 "],"Click to remove config group":["클릭하여 설정 그룹 삭제 "],"Client Email":["클라이언트 이메일 "],"Client SSL certificates are used to identify Smart Proxies (:require_ssl should also be enabled)":["스마트 프록시를 식별하는 데 클라이언트 SSL 인증서 사용(:require_ssl도 활성화해야 함)"],"Clone":["복제 "],"Clone %s":["%s 복제 "],"Clone Host %s":["호스트 %s 복제 "],"Clone a host group":["호스트 그룹 복제 "],"Clone a provision template":["프로비저닝 템플릿 복제"],"Clone a role":[""],"Clone a template":["템플릿 복제"],"Clone this host":[""],"Close":["종료 "],"Cluster":["클러스터"],"Cluster ID is required to list available networks":["사용 가능한 네트워크를 나열하려면 클러스터 ID가 필요합니다 "],"Comments":["코멘트"],"Communication status":["통신 상태"],"Compute Resource":["컴퓨터 리소스 "],"Compute Resource Distribution":[""],"Compute Resources":["컴퓨터 리소스 "],"Compute attribute":["컴퓨터 속성 "],"Compute profile":["컴퓨터 프로파일 "],"Compute profile ID":["컴퓨터 프로파일 ID"],"Compute profiles":["컴퓨터 프로파일 "],"Compute resource":["컴퓨터 리소스 "],"Compute resource IDs":["컴퓨터 리소스 ID "],"Compute resource update for %s":["%s의 컴퓨터 리소스 업데이트 "],"Compute resources":["컴퓨터 리소스 "],"ComputeAttribute|Name":["이름 "],"ComputeAttribute|Vm attrs":["Vm 속성 "],"ComputeProfile|Name":["이름 "],"ComputeResource|Attrs":["속성 "],"ComputeResource|Description":["설명 "],"ComputeResource|Name":["이름 "],"ComputeResource|Password":["암호 "],"ComputeResource|Url":["URL"],"ComputeResource|User":["사용자 "],"ComputeResource|Uuid":["UUID"],"Config Retrieval":["설정 검색 "],"Config group":["설정 그룹 "],"Config groups":["설정 그룹 "],"Config management":["구성 관리"],"ConfigGroup|Config group classes count":["설정 그룹 클래스 수 "],"ConfigGroup|Hostgroups count":["호스트 그룹 수 "],"ConfigGroup|Hosts count":["호스트 수 "],"ConfigGroup|Name":["이름 "],"Configuration":["설정"],"Configuration rebuild failed for: %s.":["다음으로 인해 구성을 다시 빌드하지 못했습니다: %s."],"Configuration successfully rebuilt.":["구성이 다시 빌드되었습니다."],"Configure":["설정"],"Configure instance %s via SSH":["SSH를 통해 인스턴스 %s 설정 "],"Conflict - %s":["충돌 - %s"],"Conflicts have been detected":["충돌이 감지되었습니다 "],"Connected (unencrypted) to: %s":["다음에 연결 (암호화 해제): %s"],"Connecting (unencrypted) to: %s":["다음에 연결 중 (암호화 해제): %s"],"Console":["콘솔"],"Console output may be out of date":["콘솔 출력이 오래된 것일 수 있습니다 "],"Console passwords":["콘솔 암호 "],"Consult \\\"Provisioning Templates\\\" page to see what templates are available.":[""],"Continue to look for matches after first find (only array/hash type)? Note: merging overrides ignores all matchers that are omitted.":[""],"Continue?":["계속하시겠습니까?"],"Cores":["코어 "],"Cores per socket":["소켓당 코어 수 "],"Could not add permissions to Manager and Viewer roles: %s":[""],"Could not add permissions to Manager role: %s":[""],"Could not add permissions to Organization admin role: %s":[""],"Could not add permissions to Viewer role: %s":[""],"Could not create role '%{name}': %{message}":[""],"Could not delete %s":[""],"Could not extend role '%{name}': %{message}":[""],"Could not find %{association} with name: %{name}":[""],"Could not find a Configuration Template with the name \\\"%s\\\", please create one.":[""],"Could not find network %s on VMWare compute resource":[""],"Could not find virtual machine network interface matching %s":["%s과(와) 일치하는 가상 머신 네트워크 인터페이스를 찾을 수 없습니다."],"Could not locate CA certificate.":["CA 인증서를 찾을 수 없습니다."],"Could not recreate a new SSH key":[""],"Create":["생성 "],"Create %s":["%s 생성 "],"Create %{type} for %{host}":[""],"Create :a_resource":[":a_resource 생성 "],"Create Architecture":[""],"Create Authentication Source":[""],"Create Bookmark":[""],"Create Compute Profile":[""],"Create Compute Resource":[""],"Create Config Group":[""],"Create DHCP Settings for %s":["%s의 DHCP 설정 생성 "],"Create Domain":[""],"Create Environment":[""],"Create Filter":[""],"Create Global Parameter":[""],"Create Host":[""],"Create Host Group":[""],"Create Image":[""],"Create Installation Medium":[""],"Create LDAP Auth Source":[""],"Create LDAP Source":[""],"Create Location":[""],"Create Medium":[""],"Create Model":[""],"Create Operating System":[""],"Create Operating system":[""],"Create Organization":[""],"Create Parameter":[""],"Create Partition Table":[""],"Create Proxy":[""],"Create Puppet Environment":[""],"Create Realm":[""],"Create Role":[""],"Create SSH Key":[""],"Create SSH Key for %s":[""],"Create SSH key":[""],"Create Smart Proxy":[""],"Create Smart Variable":[""],"Create Subnet":[""],"Create Template":[""],"Create Trend":[""],"Create User":[""],"Create User Group":[""],"Create User group":[""],"Create a Puppet class":["Puppet 클래스 생성 "],"Create a bookmark":["북마크 생성 "],"Create a compute attributes set":["컴퓨팅 속성 세트 생성 "],"Create a compute profile":["컴퓨터 프로파일 생성 "],"Create a compute resource":["컴퓨터 리소스 생성 "],"Create a config group":["설정 그룹 생성 "],"Create a default template combination for an operating system":["운영 체제의 기본값 템플릿 조합 생성 "],"Create a domain":["도메인 생성 "],"Create a filter":["필터 생성 "],"Create a global parameter":["글로벌 매개 변수 생성 "],"Create a hardware model":["하드웨어 모델 생성 "],"Create a host":["호스트 생성 "],"Create a host group":["호스트 그룹 생성 "],"Create a medium":["미디어 생성 "],"Create a nested parameter for a domain":["도메인의 중첩된 매개 변수 생성 "],"Create a nested parameter for a host":["호스트의 중첩된 매개 변수 생성 "],"Create a nested parameter for a host group":["호스트 그룹의 중첩된 매개 변수 생성 "],"Create a nested parameter for a location":["위치의 중첩된 매개 변수 생성 "],"Create a nested parameter for a subnet":[""],"Create a nested parameter for an operating system":["운영 체제의 중첩된 매개 변수 생성 "],"Create a nested parameter for an organization":["조직의 중첩된 매개 변수 생성 "],"Create a partition table":["파티션 테이블 생성 "],"Create a provisioning template":["프로비저닝 템플릿 생성 "],"Create a realm":["영역 생성 "],"Create a report":["보고서 생성 "],"Create a role":["역할 생성 "],"Create a smart proxy":["스마트 프록시 생성 "],"Create a smart variable":["스마트 변수 생성 "],"Create a subnet":["서브넷 생성 "],"Create a user":["사용자 생성 "],"Create a user group":["사용자 그룹 생성 "],"Create an LDAP authentication source":["LDAP 인증 소스 생성 "],"Create an SSH key for a user":[""],"Create an architecture":["아키텍처 생성 "],"Create an environment":["환경 생성 "],"Create an external user group linked to a user group":["사용자 그룹에 연결된 외부 사용자 그룹 생성 "],"Create an image":["이미지 생성 "],"Create an interface on a host":["호스트에 인터페이스 생성 "],"Create an operating system":["운영 체제 생성 "],"Create an override value for a specific smart class parameter":["특정 스마트 클래스 매개 변수의 덮어쓰기 값 생성 "],"Create an override value for a specific smart variable":["특정 스마트 매개 변수의 덮어쓰기 값 생성 "],"Create autosign entry":[""],"Create host":[""],"Create new boot volume from image":["이미지의 새 부팅 볼륨 생성"],"Create new host when facts are uploaded":["팩트를 업로드할 때 새 호스트 생성"],"Create new host when report is uploaded":["보고서를 업로드할 때 새 호스트 생성"],"Create realm entry for %s":["%s의 영역 항목 생성 "],"Created":["생성 일시 "],"Ctrl-Alt-Del":["Ctrl-Alt-Del"],"Current password":["현재의 비밀번호"],"Custom LDAP search filter, <i>optional</i>":["사용자 정의 LDAP 검색 필터, <i>옵션</i>"],"DB pending migration":["DB 보류 중인 마이그레이션"],"DB pending seed":["DB 보류 중인 시드"],"DHCP":["DHCP"],"DHCP Proxy":["DHCP 프록시 "],"DHCP Proxy ID to use within this subnet":[""],"DHCP Proxy to use within this subnet":["이 서브넷에서 사용할 DHCP 프록시 "],"DHCP conflicts removal for %s":["%s의 DHCP 충돌 삭제 "],"DHCP filename option":[""],"DHCP filename option (Grub2/PXELinux by default)":[""],"DHCP filename option to use. 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"],"Deleted environment":["삭제된 환경 "],"Deleted environment %{env} and %{pcs}":["삭제된 환경 %{env} 및 %{pcs}"],"Delivery method":[""],"Deploy TFTP %{kind} config for %{host}":[""],"Deploy VM on selected datastore":["선택한 데이터 저장소에 VM 배포"],"Deploy on":["배포 "],"Deprecated, please use datacenter":[""],"Deprecated, please use omit":[""],"Description":["설명 "],"Description of smart class":["스마트 클래스 설명"],"Description of the domain":["도메인 설명 "],"Description of variable":["변수 설명"],"Deselect All":["모든 선택 해제 "],"Destroy":["삭제 "],"Destroyed selected hosts":["선택된 호스트 삭제"],"Details":["상세 정보 "],"Device identifier":["장치 식별자"],"Device identifier for this interface. 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Foreman also supports the Solaris operating system family, which includes <b>sparc</b> based systems.":["각 항목은 특정 하드웨어 아키텍처를 표시합니다. 가장 일반적으로 <b>x86_64</b> 또는 <b>i386</b>이 있습니다. Foreman은 <b>sparc</b> 기반 시스템을 포함하는 Solaris 운영 체제 제품군도 지원합니다. "],"Eager zero":["사전 제로화"],"Edit":["편집 "],"Edit %s":["%s 편집 "],"Edit Architecture":["아키텍처 편집 "],"Edit Bookmark":["북마크 편집 "],"Edit Compute profile":["컴퓨터 프로파일 편집 "],"Edit Compute profile: %s":["컴퓨터 프로파일 편집: %s"],"Edit Config group":["설정 그룹 편집 "],"Edit Domain":["도메인 편집 "],"Edit Environment":["환경 편집 "],"Edit Filter":["필터 편집 "],"Edit Global Parameter":["글로벌 매개 변수 편집 "],"Edit Host":["호스트 편집 "],"Edit LDAP Auth Source":["LDAP 인증 소스 편집 "],"Edit Medium":["미디어 편집 "],"Edit Model":["모델 편집 "],"Edit Operating System":["운영 체제 편집 "],"Edit Parameters":["매개 변수 편집 "],"Edit Partition Table":["파티션 테이블 편집 "],"Edit Properties":["속성 편집"],"Edit Proxy":["프록시 편집 "],"Edit Puppet Class %s":["Puppet 클래스 %s 편집 "],"Edit Realm":["영역 편집 "],"Edit Role":[""],"Edit Smart Variable":["스마트 변수 편집 "],"Edit Smart class parameters":["스마트 클래스 매개 변수 편집"],"Edit Subnet":["서브넷 편집 "],"Edit Template":["템플릿 수정"],"Edit Trend %s":["트렌드 %s 편집 "],"Edit User":["사용자 편집 "],"Edit User group":["사용자 그룹 편집 "],"Edit compute profile on %s":["%s 상의 컴퓨터 프로파일 편집 "],"Edit this host":[""],"Email Preferences":["이메일 기본 설정"],"Email address is missing":["이메일 주소가 누락되었습니다."],"Email reply address":["이메일 회신 주소"],"Email reply address for emails that Foreman is sending":["Foreman이 전송하는 이메일에 대한 메일 회신 주소"],"Email subject prefix":["이메일 제목 접두사"],"Email was sent successfully":["이메일을 보냈습니다."],"Empty environment":["빈 환경 "],"Enable Notifications":["통지 활성화 "],"Enable alerts for selected hosts":["선택한 호스트의 통지 활성화 "],"Enable caching":[""],"Enable certificate generation for %s":["%s의 인증서 생성 활성화 "],"Enable if this is an alias or VLAN interface, note that alias can be used only with static boot mode subnet":["별칭 또는 VLAN 인터페이스인 경우 활성화합니다. 별칭은 정적 부팅 모드 서브넷에만 사용할 수 있습니다."],"Enable puppetrun support":["puppetrun 지원을 활성화 "],"Enable rebuild on next host boot":["다음 호스트 부팅 시 다시 빌드를 활성화 "],"Enable safe mode config templates rendering (recommended)":["안전 모드 설정 템플릿 렌터링을 활성화 (권장 사항)"],"Enable smart variables in ENC":["ENC에서 스마트 변수 활성화"],"Enable this host for provisioning":["프로비저닝을 위해 호스트 활성화 "],"Enabled":["활성화됨 "],"Enabled %s for reboot and rebuild":["다시 부팅하고 다시 빌드하기 위해 %s을(를) 활성화 "],"Enabled %s for rebuild on next boot":["다음 부팅시 다시 빌드하기 위해 %s 활성화 "],"Enabled %s for rebuild on next boot, but failed to power cycle the host":[""],"Ending IP Address for IP auto suggestion":["IP 자동 제안의 종료 IP 주소 "],"Entries per page":["페이지당 항목 수"],"Environment":["환경 "],"Environment Distribution":[""],"Environment ID":["환경 ID"],"Environment IDs":["환경 ID"],"Environment only":["환경만 "],"Environment variable containing a client's SSL certificate":["클라이언트의 SSL 인증서가 포함되어 있는 환경 변수"],"Environment variable containing the subject DN from a client SSL certificate":["클라이언트 SSL 인증서에서 주체 DN가 포함되어 있는 환경 변수 "],"Environment variable containing the verification status of a client SSL certificate":["클라이언트 SSL 인증서의 유효성 검사 상태가 들어 있는 환경 변수 "],"Environments":["환경 "],"Environment|Hostgroups count":["호스트 그룹 수 "],"Environment|Hosts count":["호스트 수 "],"Environment|Name":["이름 "],"Error":["오류 "],"Error - %{message}":["오류 - %{message}"],"Error adding widget to dashboard.":["위젯을 대시보드에 추가하는 도중 오류가 발생했습니다."],"Error connecting to %{proxy}: %{error}.":["%{proxy}에 연결하는 도중 오류 발생: %{error}."],"Error connecting to '%{domain}' domain DNS servers: %{servers} - check query_local_nameservers and dns_conflict_timeout settings":["'%{domain}' 도메인 DNS 서버에 연결하는 도중 오류가 발생했습니다: %{servers} - query_local_nameservers 및 dns_conflict_timeout 설정을 확인하십시오."],"Error connecting to system DNS server(s) - check /etc/resolv.conf":["시스템 DNS 서버에 연결하는 도중 오류가 발생했습니다. - /etc/resolv.conf를 확인하십시오."],"Error generating IP: %s":["IP 생성 오류: %s"],"Error has occurred while communicating with %{cr}: %{e}":["%{cr}와 통신하는 도중 오류가 발생했습니다: %{e}"],"Error loading interfaces information: %s":["인터페이스 정보 로드 오류: %s"],"Error loading scheduler hint filters information: %s":[""],"Error removing widget from dashboard.":["대시보드에서 위젯을 삭제하는 도중 오류가 발생했습니다."],"Errors":["오류"],"Errors occurred, build may fail":["오류가 발생했습니다. 빌드에 실패할 수 있습니다 "],"Errors only":["오류만 "],"Errors: %s":["오류: %s"],"Examples":["예제 "],"Exit Full Screen":["전체 화면에서 나가기 "],"Expand nested items":["중첩된 항목을 확장 "],"Expand the chart":["차트 확대 "],"Expire logs":["로그 만료"],"Expires":["만료 "],"Explain matchers":["매처 (Matcher) 설명 "],"Export":["내보내기"],"Export a partition template to ERB":[""],"Export a provisioning template to ERB":[""],"Export to CSV":[""],"External Groups":[""],"External IP":["외부 IP"],"External user group":["외부 사용자 그룹 "],"External user group %{name} could not be refreshed":["외부 사용자 그룹 %{name}을(를) 새로고침할 수 없습니다 "],"External user group %{name} refreshed":["외부 사용자 그룹 %{name}이(가) 새로고침되었습니다 "],"External user group information":["외부 사용자 그룹 정보 "],"External user group name":["외부 사용자 그룹 이름 "],"External user groups will be synced on login, else relies on periodic cronjob to check group membership":["외부 사용자 그룹은 로그인 시에 동기화됩니다. 또는 주기적인 cronjob을 통해 그룹 멤버쉽을 확인합니다."],"External usergroup":["외부 사용자 그룹 "],"ExternalUsergroup|Name":["이름 "],"FQDN":["FQDN"],"Fact Name":["정보 이름 "],"Fact Values":["정보 값 "],"Fact Values | %{host_name}":[""],"Fact distribution chart":["팩트 배포 차트"],"Fact name":["정보 이름 "],"Fact value":["정보 값 "],"Fact values":["팩트 값"],"FactName|Ancestry":["상위 "],"FactName|Compose":["작성 "],"FactName|Name":["이름 "],"FactName|Short name":["약어 "],"FactValue|Origin":[""],"FactValue|Value":["값 "],"Facts":["정보 "],"Fail on Mismatch":["불일치로 인해 실패 "],"Failed":["실패 "],"Failed Restarts":["다시 시작 실패 "],"Failed Restarts|FR":["FR"],"Failed connecting to %s":["%s로 연결 실패 "],"Failed features":["실패한 기능"],"Failed features: %s":["",""],"Failed restarts":["다시 시작 실패 "],"Failed to %{action} %{host}: %{e}":["%{host}의 %{action} 실행 실패: %{e}"],"Failed to acquire IP addresses from compute resource for %s":[""],"Failed to cancel pending build for %{hostname} with the following errors: %{errors}":[""],"Failed to clean any old certificates or add the autosign entry. Terminating the build!":["이전 인증서 삭제 실패 또는 자동 서명 항목 추가에 실패했습니다. 빌드를 종료합니다!"],"Failed to configure %{host} to boot from %{device}: %{e}":["%{device}에서 부팅하도록 %{host} 설정에 실패했습니다: %{e}"],"Failed to create %{name}'s realm entry: %{e}":["%{name}'의 영역 항목 생성에 실패했습니다: %{e}"],"Failed to create X509 certificate, error: %s":["X509 인증서 생성에 실패했습니다. 오류: %s"],"Failed to create a compute %{compute_resource} instance %{name}: %{message}\\n ":["컴퓨팅 %{compute_resource} 인스턴스 %{name}을(를) 생성하지 못했습니다: %{message}\\n "],"Failed to destroy a compute %{compute_resource} instance %{name}: %{e}":["컴퓨팅 %{compute_resource} 인스턴스 %{name} 삭제에 실패했습니다: %{e}"],"Failed to enable %{host} for installation: %{errors}":["설치를 위한 %{host} 활성화에 실패했습니다: %{errors}"],"Failed to fetch a free IP from proxy %{proxy}: %{message}":[""],"Failed to fetch boot files":["부팅 파일을 가져오는데 실패했습니다 "],"Failed to fetch power status: %s":[""],"Failed to fetch: ":["가져오는데 실패했습니다: "],"Failed to get IP for %{name}: %{e}":["%{name}의 IP를 얻는데 실패했습니다: %{e}"],"Failed to get a new realm OTP. Terminating the build!":["새로운 영역 OTP를 가져오는데 실패했습니다. 빌드를 종료합니다!"],"Failed to import %{klass} for %{name}: doesn't exists in our database - ignoring":["%{name}의 %{klass} 가져오기에 실패했습니다: 데이터베이스에 존재하지 않습니다 - 무시합니다 "],"Failed to initialize the PuppetCA proxy: %s":["PuppetCA 프록시 초기화에 실패했습니다: %s"],"Failed to initialize the realm proxy: %s":["영역 프록시 초기화에 실패했습니다: %s"],"Failed to launch script on %{name}: %{e}":["%{name} 상의 스트립트 시작에 실패했습니다: %{e}"],"Failed to load chart":["차트 불러오기에 실패했습니다 "],"Failed to login via SSH to %{name}: %{e}":[" SSH를 통해 %{name}에 로그인 실패했습니다: %{e}"],"Failed to modify the build cycle for %s":["%s의 빌드 주기 변경에 실패했습니다 "],"Failed to perform rollback on %{task} - %{e}":["%{task}에서 롤백 실행에 실패했습니다 - %{e}"],"Failed to power up a compute %{compute_resource} instance %{name}: %{e}":["컴퓨팅 %{compute_resource} 인스턴스 %{name} 파워 업에 실패했습니다: %{e}"],"Failed to reboot %s.":["%s 재부팅에 실패했습니다. "],"Failed to redeploy %s.":["%s을(를) 재배포하지 못했습니다."],"Failed to refresh the cache.":[""],"Failed to remove certificates for %{name}: %{e}":["%{name}의 인증서 삭제에 실패했습니다: %{e}"],"Failed to retrieve power status for %{host} within %{timeout} second.":["",""],"Failed to save widget positions.":["위젯 위치를 저장하지 못했습니다."],"Failed to set %{proxy_type} proxy for %{host}.":["%{host}의 %{proxy_type} 프록시를 설정하지 못했습니다."],"Failed to set IP for %{name}: %{e}":[""],"Failed to set IPs via IPAM for %{name}: %{e}":[""],"Failed to set console: %s":["콘솔 설정에 실패했습니다: %s"],"Failed to set power state for %s.":["%s의 전원 상태를 설정하지 못했습니다."],"Failed to stop compute %{compute_resource} instance %{name}: %{e}":["컴퓨팅 %{compute_resource} 인스턴스 %{name} 중지에 실패했습니다: %{e}"],"Failed to undo update compute %{compute_resource} instance %{name}: %{e}":["컴퓨팅 %{compute_resource} 인스턴스 %{name} 업데이트 취소에 실패했습니다: %{e}"],"Failed to update a compute %{compute_resource} instance %{name}: %{e}":["컴퓨팅 %{compute_resource} 인스턴스 %{name} 업데이트에 실패했습니다: %{e}"],"Failed to update environments and Puppet classes from the on-disk Puppet installation: %s":["온디스크 Puppet 설치에서 환경 및 Puppet 클래스 업데이트에 실패했습니다: %s"],"Failed to update the environments and Puppet classes from the on-disk puppet installation: %s":["온디스크 Puppet 설치에서 환경 및 Puppet 클래스 업데이트에 실패했습니다: %s"],"Failed to validate %{host}: %{error}":["%{host} 확인에 실패했습니다: %{error}"],"Failed|F":["F"],"Failure deploying via smart proxy %{proxy}: %{error}.":["스마트 프록시 %{proxy}를 통한 배포 실패: %{error}"],"Failure parsing %{template}: %{error}.":["%{template} 구문 분석 실패: %{error}"],"Failure: %s":["오류: %s"],"Family":["제품군 "],"Feature":["기능 "],"Features":["기능 "],"Features \\\"%s\\\" in this proxy are not recognized by Foreman. If these features come from a Smart Proxy plugin, make sure Foreman has the plugin installed too.":[""],"Feature|Name":["이름 "],"Fetch TFTP boot files for %s":["%s의 TFTP 부팅 파일 가져오기 "],"Filter":["필터 "],"Filter by level:":["레벨을 기준으로 필터링:"],"Filter by name":["이름에 따라 필터링 "],"Filter by state:":["상태를 기준으로 필터링:"],"Filter classes":["필터 클래스 "],"Filter overriding has been disabled":[""],"Filters":["필터"],"Filters for role %s":["%s 역할에 대한 필터"],"Filters inherit %{orgs_and_locs} from their role by default. If override field is enabled, <br> filter can override the set of its %{orgs_and_locs}. Later role changes will not affect <br> such filter. After disabling override field, role %{orgs_and_locs} apply again.":[""],"Filters overriding has been disabled":[""],"Filter|Override":[""],"Filter|Permissions":["권한 "],"Filter|Resource":["리소스 "],"Filter|Search":["검색 "],"Filter|Taxonomy search":["분류 검색 "],"Filter|Unlimited":["무제한 "],"Fingerprint":["지문 "],"Finish template":[""],"Firmware":[""],"Fix %s on Mismatch":["불일치로 인해 %s 수정"],"Fix All Mismatches":["모든 불일치 수정 "],"Fix DB cache":["DB 캐시 고정"],"Fix DB cache on next Foreman restart":["Foreman 시작 시 DB 캐시 수정 "],"Fix Mismatches":["불일치 수정 "],"Flavor":["종류 "],"Floating IP network":["부동 IP 네트워크 "],"Folder":["폴더 "],"Follow %{href} on how to describe your controllers.":["컨트롤러 설명 방법은 %{href}을(를) 따르십시오. "],"For example, if you have copied several Red Hat release disks into a directory structure where the disk images are named 5.8 or 6.2, and each contained both x86_64 and i386 binaries, then you\\n could create a single medium entry describing them all.\\n The entry, which could be just named 'Red Hat' could contain a path like this <em>'http://server/redhat/$version/$arch'</em>":["예를 들어 여러 개의 Red Hat 릴리즈 디스크를 5.8 또는 6.2라는 이름의 디스크 이미지가 있는 디렉토리 구조에 복사했고 각각에 x86_64 및 i386 바이너리가 모두 포함되어 있는 경우\\n 이러한 모든 이미지를 설명하는 단일 미디어 항목을 생성할 수 있습니다.\\n 이 항목에 'Red Hat'이라는 이름을 지정하여 <em>'http://server/redhat/$version/$arch'</em>와 같은 경로를 포함할 수 있습니다."],"For more info visit our documentation.":[""],"For more information":["자세한 내용은 다음을 참조하십시오."],"Force a Puppet agent run on the host":["호스트에서 Puppet 에이전트 실행을 강제합니다 "],"Foreman API v2 is currently the default API version.":["Foreman API v2가 현재 기본 API 버전입니다."],"Foreman Developers":["Foreman 개발자 "],"Foreman URL":["Foreman URL"],"Foreman Users":["Foreman 사용자 "],"Foreman audit summary":["Foreman 감사 요약"],"Foreman can store information about the networking setup of a host that it’s provisioning, which can be used to configure the virtual machine, assign the correct IP addresses and network resources, then configure the OS correctly during the provisioning process.":[""],"Foreman can use LDAP based service for user information and authentication.":["Foreman은 사용자 정보 및 인증을 위해 LDAP 기반 서비스를 사용할 수 있습니다. "],"Foreman considers a domain and a DNS zone as the same thing.":["Foreman은 도메인과 DNS 영역을 같은 것으로 인식합니다."],"Foreman domain ID of interface. Required for primary interfaces on managed hosts.":["인터페이스의 Foreman 도메인 ID입니다. 관리형 호스트의 기본 인터페이스에 필요합니다."],"Foreman host group matchers will be inherited by children when evaluating smart class parameters":["Foreman 호스트 그룹 matcher는 스마트 클래스 매개 변수를 평가할 때 자식에 의해 상속됩니다 "],"Foreman now manages the build cycle for %s":["Foreman은 %s의 빌드 주기를 관리합니다 "],"Foreman now no longer manages the build cycle for %s":["Foreman은 %s의 빌드 주기를 더이상 관리하지 않습니다 "],"Foreman report creation time is <em>%s</em>":["Foreman 보고서 생성 시간은 <em>%s</em>입니다 "],"Foreman smart variables will be exposed via the ENC yaml output":["Foreman 스마트 변수는 ENC yaml 출력을 통해 표시됩니다 "],"Foreman subnet ID of IPv4 interface":[""],"Foreman subnet ID of IPv6 interface":[""],"Foreman supports automatically creating realm entries for new hosts.":["Foreman은 새 호스트의 영역 항목을 자동으로 생성하는 기능을 지원합니다."],"Foreman supports creating and managing hosts on a number of virtualization and cloud services - referred to as “compute resources” - as well as bare metal hosts.":[""],"Foreman test email":["Foreman 테스트 이메일"],"Foreman ticketing system":["Foreman 티켓 생성 시스템 "],"Foreman will automate certificate signing upon provision of new host":["Foreman은 새 호스트의 프로비저닝에서 인증서 서명을 자동화합니다 "],"Foreman will create the host when a report is received":["Foreman은 보고서를 수신할 때 호스트를 생성합니다 "],"Foreman will create the host when new facts are received":["Foreman은 새 정보를 수신할 때 호스트를 생성합니다 "],"Foreman will default to this puppet environment if it cannot auto detect one":["Foreman은 자동으로 검색하지 못 할 경우 puppet 환경에 기본값 설정됩니다 "],"Foreman will delete virtual machine if provisioning script ends with non zero exit code":["프로비저닝 스크립트가 0이 아닌 종료 코드로 끝나면 Foreman이 가상 머신을 삭제합니다."],"Foreman will evaluate host smart variables in this order by default":["Foreman은 기본값으로 순서대로 호스트 스마트 변수를 평가합니다 "],"Foreman will explicitly set the puppet environment in the ENC yaml output. This will avoid conflicts between the environment in puppet.conf and the environment set in Foreman":["Foreman은 ENC yaml 출력에서 puppet 환경을 명시적으로 설정합니다. 이로 인해 puppet.conf의 환경과 Foreman으로 설정되는 환경 간의 충돌을 방지할 수 있습니다 "],"Foreman will map users by username in request-header. If this is set to false, OAuth requests will have admin rights.":["Foreman은 request-header로 사용자를 사용자 이름으로 매핑합니다. 이것이 false로 설정되어 있을 경우 OAuth 요청이 관리 권한을 갖게 됩니다. "],"Foreman will not send this parameter in classification output, replaces use_puppet_default":[""],"Foreman will not send this parameter in classification output.":[""],"Foreman will not send this parameter in classification output. 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Visit Settings to disable this feature.":[""],"Generated %s ago":["%s 전에 생성 "],"Generated at %s":["%s에 생성 "],"Get ENC values of host":[""],"Get configuration status of host":["호스트의 구성 상태 가져오기"],"Get dashboard details":["대시보드 상세 정보 얻기 "],"Get default dashboard widgets":["기본 대시보드 위젯 가져오기"],"Get statistics":["통계 검색 "],"Get status of host":["호스트 상태 가져오기 "],"Get vm attributes of host":["호스트의 vm 속성 가져오기"],"Global":["글로벌"],"Global Parameters":["글로벌 매개 변수 "],"Global default %s template":[""],"Global default %s template. This template gets deployed to all configured TFTP servers. It will not be affected by upgrades.":[""],"Global functions":[""],"Global methods (functions)":[""],"Global parameters":["글로벌 매개 변수 "],"Global status changed from %{from} to %{to}":[""],"Global variables":[""],"Good host reports in the last %s":["지난 %s의 호스트 보고서 "],"Google Project ID":["글로벌 프로젝트 ID"],"Groups base DN":["그룹의 기본 DN "],"Guest OS":["게스트 OS"],"HELO/EHLO domain":[""],"Hardware":["하드웨어 "],"Hardware Model":["하드웨어 모델 "],"Hardware Models":["하드웨어 모델 "],"Hardware models":["하드웨어 모델 "],"Hash function to use. Change takes effect for new or updated hosts.":["사용할 해시 함수입니다. 새로운 또는 업데이트된 호스트의 변경 사항이 적용됩니다. "],"Hash of report metrics, can be just {}":["보고서 메트릭스의 해시는 {}이 될 수 있습니다 "],"Hash of status type totals":["상태 유형의 해시 합계 "],"Help":["도움말"],"Hidden value":["숨겨진 값"],"Hide all values for this parameter.":["이 매개 변수의 값을 모두 숨깁니다."],"Hide this value":["이 값 숨기기"],"Hint data is missing":[""],"History":["기록 "],"Host":["호스트 "],"Host %s is built":["%s 호스트가 빌드되었습니다."],"Host %s is not associated with a VM":["호스트 %s는 VM에 연결되어 있지 않습니다 "],"Host Configuration Chart":["호스트 설정 차트 "],"Host Configuration Status":["호스트 설정 상태 "],"Host Group Distribution":[""],"Host Groups":["호스트 그룹 "],"Host audit entries":["호스트 감사 항목 "],"Host config group":["호스트 설정 그룹 "],"Host details":["호스트 상세 정보 "],"Host group":["호스트 그룹 "],"Host group / Environment":["호스트 그룹 / 환경 "],"Host group IDs":["호스트 그룹 ID"],"Host group and Environment":["호스트 그룹 및 환경 "],"Host group configuration":["호스트 그룹 설정 "],"Host group matchers inheritance":["호스트 그룹 일치 조건 상속"],"Host group only":["호스트 그룹만 "],"Host group parameters":["호스트 그룹 매개 변수 "],"Host groups":["호스트 그룹 "],"Host owner":[""],"Host owner is invalid":[""],"Host parameters":["호스트 매개 변수 "],"Host reported time is <em>%s</em>":["호스트 보고 시간은 <em>%s</em>입니다 "],"Host times seem to be adrift!":[""],"Host's network interfaces.":["호스트의 네트워크 인터페이스입니다."],"Host's owner type":["호스트의 소유자 유형"],"Host's parameters (array or indexed hash)":["호스트의 매개 변수(배열 또는 인덱싱된 해시)"],"Host::Base|Build":["빌드 "],"Host::Base|Certname":["인증서 이름 "],"Host::Base|Comment":["코멘트 "],"Host::Base|Disk":["디스크 "],"Host::Base|Enabled":["활성화됨 "],"Host::Base|Grub pass":["Grub 경로 "],"Host::Base|Image file":["이미지 파일 "],"Host::Base|Installed at":["설치 "],"Host::Base|Ip":["IP"],"Host::Base|Last compile":["마지막 컴파일 "],"Host::Base|Last freshcheck":["마지막 새로 검사 "],"Host::Base|Last report":["마지막 보고서 "],"Host::Base|Mac":["Mac"],"Host::Base|Managed":["관리 "],"Host::Base|Name":["이름 "],"Host::Base|Otp":["OTP"],"Host::Base|Owner type":["소유자 유형 "],"Host::Base|Primary interface":["주요 인터페이스 "],"Host::Base|Provision method":["프로비저닝 방식 "],"Host::Base|Puppet status":["Puppet 상태 "],"Host::Base|Root pass":["Root 경로 "],"Host::Base|Serial":["시리얼 "],"Host::Base|Use image":["이미지 사용 "],"Host::Base|Uuid":["UUID"],"HostConfigGroup|Host type":["호스트 유형 "],"Hostgroup":["호스트 그룹 "],"Hostgroup|Ancestry":["상위 "],"Hostgroup|Grub pass":["Grub 경로 "],"Hostgroup|Image file":["이미지 파일 "],"Hostgroup|Name":["이름 "],"Hostgroup|Root pass":["Root 경로 "],"Hostgroup|Title":["제목 "],"Hostgroup|Use image":["이미지 사용 "],"Hostgroup|Vm defaults":["Vm 기본값 "],"Hostname":["호스트 이름 "],"Hostname or certname":["호스트 이름 또는 인증서 이름 "],"Hostname:":["호스트명:"],"Hosts":["호스트"],"Hosts created after a puppet run that did not send a location fact will be placed in this location":["위치 정보를 전송하지 않고 puppet 실행 후 생성되는 호스트는 이 위치에 배치됩니다 "],"Hosts created after a puppet run that did not send a organization fact will be placed in this organization":["조직 정보를 전송하지 않고 puppet 실행 후 생성되는 호스트는 이 조직에 배치됩니다 "],"Hosts created after a puppet run will be placed in the location this fact dictates. The content of this fact should be the full label of the location.":["puppet 실행 후 생성되는 호스트는 정보가 정하는 위치에 배치됩니다. 이러한 정보의 내용은 위치 전체 레이블이 되어야 합니다. "],"Hosts created after a puppet run will be placed in the organization this fact dictates. The content of this fact should be the full label of the organization.":["puppet 실행 후 생성되는 호스트는 이 정보가 정하는 조직에 배치됩니다. 이러한 정보의 내용은 조직 전체 레이블이 되어야 합니다."],"Hosts in error state":["오류 상태에 있는 호스트 "],"Hosts including sub-groups":["하위 그룹이 있는 호스트"],"Hosts managed":["관리되는 호스트"],"Hosts managed:":["관리되는 호스트:"],"Hosts that had pending changes":["보류 중인 변경 사항이 있는 호스트 "],"Hosts that had pending changes with alerts enabled":[""],"Hosts that had performed modifications without error":["오류 없이 변경한 호스트 "],"Hosts that will be trusted in addition to Smart Proxies for access to fact/report importers and ENC output":["정보/보고서 가져오기 및 ENC 출력에 액세스할 수 있는 스마트 프록시 이외에 신뢰할 수 있는 호스트입니다"],"Hosts which Foreman reporting is disabled":["Foreman 보고가 비활성화된 호스트"],"Hosts which are currently not running Puppet":["현재 Puppet을 실행하지 않는 호스트"],"Hosts which are not reporting":[""],"Hosts which didn't run puppet in the last %s":["지난 %s에 puppet을 실행하지 않은 호스트 "],"Hosts which recently applied changes":[""],"Hosts which recently applied changes successfully":[""],"Hosts which recently applied changes successfully with alerts enabled":[""],"Hosts with alerts disabled":["통지가 비활성화되어 있는 호스트 "],"Hosts with error state":[""],"Hosts with error state and alerts enabled":[""],"Hosts with errors":["오류가 있는 호스트 "],"Hosts with interesting values (changed, failures etc)":["주목할 값이 있는 호스트(변경된 값, 오류 등)"],"Hosts with no reports":["보고서가 없는 호스트 "],"Hosts with notifications disabled":["통지가 비활성화되어 있는 호스트 "],"Hosts without changes or errors":[""],"Hosts without changes or errors, with alerts enabled":[""],"Hosts without errors":[""],"Hosts without errors percent":[""],"Hosts without errors, with alerts enabled":[""],"How values are validated":["값 검증 방법 "],"However, if it was deleted externally this page helps you to recreate it":[""],"ID of LDAP authentication source":["LDAP 인증 소스 ID "],"ID of Puppet class":["Puppet 클래스 ID "],"ID of architecture":["아키텍쳐 ID "],"ID of compute resource":["컴퓨터 리소스 ID "],"ID of config template":["구성 템플릿 ID"],"ID of domain":["도메인 ID"],"ID of environment":["환경 ID "],"ID of host":["호스트 ID "],"ID of host group":["호스트 그룹 ID "],"ID of interface":["인터페이스 ID"],"ID of linked authentication source":["연결된 인증 소스 ID "],"ID of location":["위치 ID "],"ID of medium":["미디어 ID "],"ID of operating system":["운영 체제 ID "],"ID of organization":["조직 ID "],"ID of parameter":["매개변수 ID "],"ID of partition table":["파티션 테이블 ID "],"ID of provisioning template":["프로비저닝 템플릿 ID "],"ID of role":["역할 ID"],"ID of subnet":["서브넷 ID "],"ID of template":["템플릿 ID "],"ID of the user":[""],"ID of user group":["사용자 그룹 ID "],"ID or name external user group":["ID 또는 외부 사용자 그룹 이름 "],"ID or name of domain":["ID 또는 도메인 이름 "],"ID or name of external user group":["ID 또는 외부 사용자 그룹 이름 "],"ID or name of host":["ID 또는 호스트 이름 "],"ID or name of interface":["ID 또는 인터페이스 이름 "],"ID or name of subnet":["ID 또는 서브넷 이름 "],"ID or name of user group":["ID 또는 사용자 그룹 이름 "],"IDs of associated architectures":["관련 아키텍처의 ID"],"IDs of associated config groups":[""],"IDs of associated media":["관련 미디어의 ID"],"IDs of associated partition tables":["관련 파티션 테이블의 ID"],"IDs of associated provisioning templates":["관련 프로비저닝 템플릿의 ID"],"INFO or DEBUG":["정보 또는 디버그"],"IP":["IP "],"IP Address":["IP 주소"],"IP Address Management":["IP 주소 관리"],"IP Address auto suggestion mode for this subnet, valid values are \\\"DHCP\\\", \\\"Internal DB\\\", \\\"None\\\"":["이 서브넷의 IP 주소 자동 추천 모드입니다. 유효한 값은 \\\"DHCP\\\", \\\"내부 DB\\\", \\\"없음\\\"입니다 "],"IP address auto-suggest":["IP 주소 자동 제시 "],"IP addresses that should be excluded from suggestion":[""],"IP:":["IP:"],"IPAM":["IPAM"],"IPv4":["IPv4"],"IPv4 Address":["IPv4 주소 "],"IPv4 DNS record":["",""],"IPv4 Subnet":[""],"IPv4 address":[""],"IPv4 address of interface":[""],"IPv6":["IPv6"],"IPv6 Address":["IPv6 주소 "],"IPv6 DNS record":["",""],"IPv6 Subnet":[""],"IPv6 address":[""],"IPv6 address of interface":[""],"IRC":["IRC"],"Identifier":["식별자 "],"Identifier of the interface to which this interface belongs, e.g. eth1":["이 인터페이스가 속한 인터페이스의 ID (예: eth1) "],"Identifier of the interface to which this interface belongs, e.g. eth1. Only for virtual interfaces.":["이 인터페이스가 속한 인터페이스의 ID (예: eth1) 가상 인터페이스의 경우에만 사용할 수 있습니다. "],"Identifiers of attached interfaces, e.g. `['eth1', 'eth2']`. For bond interfaces those are the slaves. Only for bond and bridges interfaces.":["연결된 인터페이스의 ID(예: `['eth1', 'eth2']`)입니다. 본드 인터페이스의 경우 슬레이브가 됩니다. 본드 및 브리지 인터페이스에만 적용됩니다."],"Idle timeout":["유휴 시간 초과"],"If ERB is used in a parameter value, the validation of the value will happen during the ENC request. If the value is invalid, the ENC request will fail.":["매개 변수 값에 ERB를 사용하는 경우 ENC 요청 시에 값을 검증합니다. 값이 잘못된 경우 ENC 요청이 실패합니다."],"If Foreman is running behind Passenger or a remote load balancer, the IP should be set here. This is a regular expression, so it can support several load balancers, i.e: (|":["Foreman이 Passenger 또는 원격 로드 벨런서 뒤에서 실행되고 있을 경우 IP는 여기에 설정해야 합니다. 이는 정규 표현식이기 때문에 여러 로드 밸런서를 지원할 수 있습니다. 예: (|"],"If checked, will raise an error if there is no default value and no matcher provide a value.":["체크되어 있을 경우 기본값이 없고 matcher가 값을 지정하지 않을 경우 오류가 표시됩니다."],"If owner type is specified, owner must be specified too.":[""],"If true, will raise an error if there is no default value and no matcher provide a value":["true인 경우, 기본값이 없고 matcher에서 값이 제공되지 않으면 오류가 발생합니다."],"If you are planning to use Foreman as an external node classifier you should provide information about one or more environments. This information is commonly imported from a pre-existing Puppet configuration by the use of the %{link_start}Puppet classes and environment importer%{link_end}.":[""],"If you feel this is an error with Foreman itself, please open a new issue with":["이것이 Foreman 자체의 오류라고 생각되시면 새로운 문제로 제출하십시오"],"If you wish to configure Puppet to forward it reports to Foreman, please follow":["Foreman으로 보고서를 전달하도록 Puppet을 구성하려면 다음을 참조하십시오."],"Ignore Puppet facts for provisioning":["프로비저닝에서 Puppet 팩트 무시"],"Ignore facts for domain":[""],"Ignore facts for operating system":[""],"Ignore interfaces that match these values during facts importing, you can use * wildcard to match names with indexes e.g. macvtap*":["팩트를 가져오는 동안 이 값과 일치하는 인터페이스를 무시합니다. * 와일드카드를 사용하여 이름과 인덱스를 매칭할 수 있습니다(예: macvtap*)."],"Ignore interfaces with matching identifier":["일치하는 식별자가 있는 인터페이스 무시"],"Ignored classes in the environments: %s":[""],"Ignored environment":[""],"Ignored environment names resulting in booleans found. Please quote strings like true/false and yes/no in config/ignored_environments.yml.":[""],"Ignored environments: %s":[""],"Ignored:":[""],"Image":["이미지 "],"Image Based":["이미지 기반 "],"Image ID":["이미지 ID"],"Image ID as provided by the compute resource, e.g. ami-..":["컴퓨터 리소스에 의해 지정된 이미지 ID, 예: ami-.."],"Image path":["이미지 경로 "],"Image to use":["사용할 이미지 "],"Images":["이미지 "],"Image|Iam role":["Iam 역할 "],"Image|Name":["이름 "],"Image|Password":["암호 "],"Image|User data":["사용자 데이터 "],"Image|Username":["사용자 이름 "],"Image|Uuid":["UUID"],"Import":["불러오기"],"Import IPv4 subnets":[""],"Import VM %s":[""],"Import classes from %s":[""],"Import environments from %s":[""],"Import of facts failed for host %s":[""],"Import puppet classes from puppet proxy for an environment":["환경에 대한 Puppet 프록시에서 Puppet 클래스를 가져옵니다"],"Import puppet classes from puppet proxy.":["Puppet 프록시에서 Puppet 클래스를 가져옵니다."],"Imported IPv4 Subnets":[""],"In addition to defining which puppet classes get included when building this host type you are also able to assign variables and provisioning information to a host group to further refine the behavior of the puppet runtime.":["이러한 호스트 유형을 빌드할 때 포함된 puppet 클래스를 정의하는 것에 더하여 puppet 런타임 동작을 다시 정의하기 위해 호스트 그룹에 매개 변수 및 프로비저닝 정보를 할당할 수 있습니다."],"In order to create the SSH key, the user must be saved first. A 'create_ssh_keys' permission is required too.":[""],"In-line code syntax":[""],"Include default value when merging all matching values":["일치하는 모든 값을 병합할 때 기본값 포함"],"Include default value when merging all matching values.":["일치하는 모든 값을 병합할 때 기본값을 포함합니다."],"Include this host within Foreman reporting":["이 호스트를 Foreman 보고서에 포함 "],"Included Classes":["내장된 클래스 "],"Included Config Groups":["내장된 설정 그룹 "],"Incorrect password":["비밀번호가 틀립니다."],"Incorrect username or password":["잘못된 사용자 이름 또는 암호 "],"Independent - Nonpersistent":[""],"Independent - Persistent":[""],"Infrastructure":["인프라 "],"Inherit parent (%s)":["부모 상속 (%s)"],"Inherited Classes from %s":[""],"Inherits from subnet VLAN ID if not set":["설정되어 있지 않은 경우 서브넷 VLAN에서 상속 "],"Input":["입력"],"Installation Media":["설치 미디어 "],"Installation media":["설치 미디어 "],"Installation medium configuration":["설치 미디어 설정 "],"Installed":["설치됨 "],"Interface":["인터페이스"],"Interface is down":["인터페이스가 작동하지 않습니다."],"Interface is up":["인터페이스가 작동 중입니다."],"Interface provider, e.g. IPMI. Only for BMC interfaces.":["인터페이스 공급자 (예: IPMI). BMC 인터페이스의 경우에만 사용할 수 있습니다. "],"Interface type, e.g. bmc. Default is %{default_nic_type}":["인터페이스 유형(예: bmc)입니다. 기본값은 %{default_nic_type}입니다."],"Interface's DNS name":["인터페이스의 DNS 이름"],"Interfaces":["인터페이스 "],"Internal DB":["내부 DB"],"Internal network":["내부 네트워크 "],"Interpolate ERB in parameters":["매개 변수에 ERB 추가"],"Invalid %s selection, you must select at least one of yours":["잘못된 %s 선택. 최소 하나 이상을 선택해야 합니다 "],"Invalid Host":["잘못된 호스트 "],"Invalid architecture '%{arch}' for '%{os}'":[""],"Invalid architecture for %s":["%s에 대해 잘못된 아키텍처"],"Invalid authenticity token":["잘못된 인증 토큰 "],"Invalid log level: %s":["잘못된 로그 레벨: %s"],"Invalid medium '%{medium}' for '%{os}'":[""],"Invalid medium for %s":["%s의 잘못된 미디어"],"Invalid power state request: %{action}, supported actions are %{supported}":["잘못된 전원 상태 요청: %{action}, 지원되는 동작은 %{supported}입니다 "],"Invalid proxy selected!":["잘못된 프록시를 선택했습니다."],"Invalid query":["잘못된 쿼리 "],"Invalid report":["잘못된 보고서 "],"Invalid search query: %s":["잘못된 검색 쿼리: %s"],"Invalid smart-proxy id":[""],"Invalid type for host creation via facts: %s":["팩트를 통한 호스트 생성의 잘못된 유형: %s"],"Invalid version format, please enter in x.y (only major version).":["잘못된 버전 형식입니다. x.y 형식(메이저 버전만)으로 입력하십시오."],"Is the cron job that executes %s enabled?":["%s을(를) 실행하는 cron 작업이 활성화되어 있습니까?"],"Issue tracker":["문제 추적기 "],"It is not possible to assign provisioning templates at this stage.":["이 단계에서는 프로비저닝 템플릿을 할당할 수 없습니다."],"It is not recommended to unlock this template, as it is provided by %{vendor} and may be overwritten. Please consider cloning it instead.":["%{vendor}에서 제공하는 템플릿이며 덮어써질 수 있으므로 이 템플릿을 잠금 해제하는 것은 권장하지 않습니다. 복제하는 것이 좋습니다."],"Item":["항목 "],"Iterating":[""],"JSON VM listing is not supported for this compute resource.":["이 컴퓨팅 리소스에 대해서는 JSON VM 목록을 나열할 수 없습니다."],"JSON object of the scheduler hint":[""],"Keep selected hosts for a future action":["향후 작업을 위해 선택한 호스트 유지"],"Key Binding":["키 바인딩 "],"Key not connected to any compute resource":[""],"Key pair":["키 쌍 "],"Key used with other compute resource":[""],"KeyPair|Name":["이름 "],"KeyPair|Public":["공개 "],"KeyPair|Secret":["비공개 "],"Kind":["종류 "],"LDAP Authentication":["LDAP 인증 "],"LDAP authentication":["LDAP 인증 "],"LDAP authentication sources":["LDAP 인증 소스"],"LDAP error - %{message}":["LDAP 오류 - %{message}"],"LDAP filter":["LDAP 필터 "],"LDAP server":["LDAP 서버 "],"LDAP users will have their Foreman account automatically created the first time they log into Foreman":["LDAP 사용자는 처음으로 Foreman에 로그인할 때 자동으로 Foreman 계정을 생성합니다 "],"Language":["언어"],"Last Report":["마지막 보고 "],"Last report":["마지막 보고 "],"Last updated %s ago":["마지막 업데이트: %s 전 "],"Latest Events":["최신 이벤트 "],"Learn more about this in the documentation.":["설명서에서 자세한 내용을 참조하십시오."],"Legacy Puppet hostname":["레거시 Puppet 호스트 이름"],"Length":[""],"Level":["레벨 "],"Libvirt default console address":["Libvirt 기본 콘솔 주소"],"Libvirt, oVirt, OpenStack and Rackspace":[""],"Limit rebuild steps, valid steps are %{host_rebuild_steps}":[""],"List LDAP authentication sources per location":[""],"List LDAP authentication sources per organization":[""],"List all :resource_id":["모두 나열 :resource_id "],"List all LDAP authentication sources":["모든 LDAP 인증 소스 나열 "],"List all Puppet class IDs for host":["호스트의 모든 Puppet 클래스 ID 나열 "],"List all Puppet class IDs for host group":["호스트 그룹의 모든 Puppet 클래스 ID 나열 "],"List all Puppet classes":["모든 Puppet 클래스 나열 "],"List all Puppet classes for a host":["호스트의 모든 Puppet 클래스 나열 "],"List all Puppet classes for a host group":["호스트 그룹의 모든 Puppet 클래스 나열 "],"List all Puppet classes for an environment":["환경의 모든 Puppet 클래스 나열 "],"List all SSH keys for a user":[""],"List all architectures":["모든 아키텍처 목록 나열 "],"List all architectures for operating system":["운영 체제의 모든 아키텍처 목록 나열 "],"List all audits":["모든 감사를 나열 "],"List all audits for a given host":["지정된 호스트의 모든 감사를 나열 "],"List all autosign entries":["모든 자동 서명 항목 나열 "],"List all bookmarks":["모든 북마크 목록 나열 "],"List all compute resources":["모든 컴퓨터 리소스 목록 나열 "],"List all environments":["모든 환경 목록 나열 "],"List all external user groups for LDAP authentication source":["LDAP 인증 소스에 대한 모든 외부 사용자 그룹 나열 "],"List all external user groups for user group":["사용자 그룹의 모든 외부 사용자 그룹 목록 나열 "],"List all fact values":["모든 팩트 값 나열 "],"List all fact values of a given host":["지정된 호스트의 모든 팩트 값 나열 "],"List all filters":["모든 필터 목록 나열 "],"List all global parameters.":["모든 글로벌 매개 변수를 나열합니다. "],"List all hardware models":["모든 하드웨어 모델 목록 나열 "],"List all host groups":["모든 호스트 그룹 목록 나열 "],"List all host groups for a Puppet class":["Puppet 클래스의 모든 호스트 그룹 목록 나열 "],"List all host groups per location":["위치 별 모든 호스트 그룹 나열 "],"List all host groups per organization":["조직 별 모든 호스트 그룹 나열 "],"List all hosts":["모든 호스트 목록 나열 "],"List all hosts for a host group":["호스트 그룹 별 모든 호스트 나열 "],"List all images for a compute resource":["컴퓨터 리소스의 모든 이미지 목록 나열 "],"List all images for architecture":["아키텍처의 모든 이미지 목록 나열 "],"List all images for operating system":["운영 체제의 모든 이미지 목록 나열 "],"List all installation media":["모든 설치 미디어 목록 나열 "],"List all interfaces for domain":["도메인의 모든 인터페이스 목록 나열 "],"List all interfaces for host":["호스트의 모든 인터페이스 목록 나열 "],"List all interfaces for subnet":["서브넷의 모든 인터페이스 목록 나열 "],"List all media for an operating system":["운영 체제의 모든 미디어 목록 나열 "],"List all media per location":["위치 별 모든 미디어 나열 "],"List all media per organization":["조직 별 모든 미디어 나열 "],"List all operating systems":["모든 운영 체제 목록 나열 "],"List all operating systems for nested architecture":["중첩된 아키텍처의 모든 운영 체제 목록 나열 "],"List all operating systems for nested medium":["중첩된 미디어의 모든 운영 체제 목록 나열 "],"List all operating systems for nested partition table":["중첩된 파티션 테이블의 모든 운영 체제 목록 나열 "],"List all operating systems for nested provisioning template":["중첩된 프로비저닝 템플릿의 모든 운영 체제 목록 나열 "],"List all parameters for a domain":["도메인의 모든 매개 변수 목록 나열 "],"List all parameters for a host":["호스트의 모든 매개 변수 목록 나열 "],"List all parameters for a host group":["호스트 그룹의 모든 매개 변수 목록 나열 "],"List all parameters for a location":["위치 별 모든 매개 변수 나열 "],"List all parameters for a subnet":[""],"List all parameters for an operating system":["운영 체제의 모든 매개 변수 목록 나열 "],"List all parameters for an organization":["조직 별 모든 매개 변수 나열 "],"List all partition tables":["모든 파티션 테이블 목록 나열 "],"List all partition tables for an operating system":["운영 체제의 모든 파티션 테이블 목록 나열 "],"List all partition tables per location":["위치별 모든 파티션 테이블 나열"],"List all partition tables per organization":["조직별 모든 파티션 테이블 나열"],"List all permissions":["모든 권한 나열 "],"List all reports":["모든 보고서 나열 "],"List all roles":["모든 역할 나열 "],"List all settings":["모든 설정 목록 나열 "],"List all smart class parameters":["모든 스마트 클래스 매개 변수 나열 "],"List all smart proxies":["모든 스마트 프록시 나열 "],"List all smart variables":["모든 스마트 매개 변수 나열 "],"List all tasks for a given orchestration event":["지정된 오케스트레이션 이벤트의 모든 작업을 나열 "],"List all template kinds":["모든 템플릿 종류를 나열 "],"List all user groups":["모든 사용자 그룹 나열 "],"List all users":["모든 사용자 나열 "],"List all users for LDAP authentication source":["LDAP 인증 소스에 대한 모든 사용자 나열 "],"List all users for location":["위치에 대한 모든 사용자 나열 "],"List all users for organization":["조직에 대한 모든 사용자 나열 "],"List all users for role":["역할에 대한 모든 사용자 나열 "],"List all users for user group":["사용자 그룹에 대한 모든 사용자 나열 "],"List attributes for a given storage domain":["지정된 스토리지 도메인에 대한 속성 나열 "],"List attributes for a given storage pod":["지정된 스토리지 포드에 대한 속성 나열"],"List available clusters for a compute resource":["컴퓨터 리소스에 대해 사용 가능한 클러스터 나열 "],"List available flavors for a compute resource":["컴퓨터 리소스에 대해 사용 가능한 종류 나열"],"List available folders for a compute resource":["컴퓨터 리소스에 대해 사용 가능한 폴더 나열 "],"List available images for a compute resource":["컴퓨터 리소스에 대해 사용 가능한 이미지 나열 "],"List available networks for a compute resource":["컴퓨터 리소스에 대해 사용 가능한 네트워크 나열 "],"List available networks for a compute resource cluster":["컴퓨터 리소스 클러스터에 대해 사용 가능한 네트워크 나열 "],"List available resource types.":["사용 가능한 리소스 유형을 나열합니다. "],"List available security groups for a compute resource":["컴퓨터 리소스에 대해 사용 가능한 보안 그룹 나열"],"List available zone for a compute resource":["컴퓨터 리소스에 대해 사용 가능한 영역 나열"],"List boot files for an operating system":["운영 체제의 부트 파일을 나열 "],"List default templates combinations for an operating system":["운영 체제의 기본값 템플릿 조합 나열 "],"List environments of Puppet class":["Puppet 클래스 환경 목록 나열 "],"List environments per location":["위치 별 환경 나열 "],"List environments per organization":["조직 별 환경 나열 "],"List hosts per environment":["환경 별 호스트 나열 "],"List hosts per location":["위치별 호스트 나열 "],"List hosts per organization":["조직 별 호스트 나열 "],"List installed plugins":["설치된 플러그인 나열 "],"List of compute profiles":["컴퓨터 프로파일 목록 "],"List of config groups":["설정 그룹 목록"],"List of domains":["도메인 목록 "],"List of domains per location":["위치별 도메인 목록"],"List of domains per organization":["조직별 도메인 목록"],"List of domains per subnet":["서브넷 별 도메인 목록"],"List of email notifications":["이메일 통지의 목록"],"List of hosts which answer to the provided query":["제공되는 쿼리에 응답하는 호스트 목록 "],"List of override values for a specific smart class parameter":["특정 스마트 클래스 매개 변수의 덮어쓰기 값 목록 "],"List of override values for a specific smart variable":["특정 스마트 변수의 덮어쓰기 값 목록 "],"List of realms":["영역 목록 "],"List of resources types that will be automatically associated":[""],"List of smart class parameters for a specific Puppet class":["특정 Puppet 클래스의 스마트 클래스 매개 변수 목록 "],"List of smart class parameters for a specific environment":["특정 환경의 스마트 클래스 매개 변수 목록 "],"List of smart class parameters for a specific environment/Puppet class combination":["특정 환경/Puppet 클래스 조합의 스마트 클래스 매개 변수 목록 "],"List of smart class parameters for a specific host":["특정 호스트의 스마트 클래스 매개 변수 목록 "],"List of smart class parameters for a specific host group":["특정 호스트 그룹의 스마트 클래스 매개 변수 목록 "],"List of smart variables for a specific Puppet class":["특정 Puppet 클래스의 스마트 변수 목록 "],"List of smart variables for a specific host":["특정 호스트의 스마트 변수 목록 "],"List of smart variables for a specific host group":["특정 호스트 그룹의 스마트 변수 목록 "],"List of subnets":["서브넷 목록 "],"List of subnets for a domain":["도메인의 서브넷 목록 "],"List of subnets per location":["위치별 서브넷 목록"],"List of subnets per organization":["조직별 서브넷 목록"],"List operating systems where this template is set as a default":["템플릿이 기본값으로 설정되는 운영 체제를 나열 "],"List provisioning templates":["프로비저닝 템플릿 목록 나열 "],"List provisioning templates per location":["위치별 프로비저닝 템플릿 목록 나열 "],"List provisioning templates per operating system":["운영 체제 별 프로비저닝 템플릿 목록 나열 "],"List provisioning templates per organization":["조직 별 프로비저닝 템플릿 목록 나열 "],"List resource pools for a compute resource cluster":["컴퓨터 리소스 클러스터의 리소스 풀 목록 나열 "],"List storage domains for a compute resource":["컴퓨터 리소스의 스토리지 도메인 목록 나열 "],"List storage pods for a compute resource":["컴퓨터 리소스의 스토리지 포드 나열"],"List template combination":["템플릿 조합 목록 나열 "],"Load Datacenters":["데이터 센터 로드 "],"Load Regions":["지역 로드 "],"Load Tenants":["테넌트 로드 "],"Load Zones":[""],"Loading":["로딩 중 "],"Loading ...":["로딩 중..."],"Loading BMC information ...":["BMC 정보 로딩 중 ..."],"Loading NICs information ...":["NIC 정보 로드 중 ..."],"Loading SSH keys information ...":[""],"Loading VM information ...":["VM 정보 로딩 중 ..."],"Loading filters ...":["필터 로드 중 ..."],"Loading host information ...":["호스트 정보 로딩 중 ..."],"Loading images information ...":["이미지 정보 로드 중 ..."],"Loading interfaces information ...":["인터페이스 정보 로드 중..."],"Loading parameters...":["매개 변수 로딩 중..."],"Loading power state ...":["전원 상태 로딩 중..."],"Loading resources information ...":["리소스 정보 로딩 중 ..."],"Loading runtime information ...":["런타임 정보 로딩 중 ..."],"Loading template information ...":["템플릿 정보 로딩 중 ..."],"Loading virtual machine information ...":["가상 머신 정보 로딩 중 ..."],"Loading virtual machines information ...":["가상 머신 정보 로딩 중 ..."],"Local boot %s template":[""],"Local time":["현지 시간"],"Location":["위치 "],"Location Distribution":[""],"Location fact":["위치 팩트"],"Location parameters":["위치 매개 변수"],"Location with id %{id} not found":[""],"Location you had selected as your context has been deleted.":["문맥으로 선택한 위치가 삭제되었습니다."],"Location/Organization":["위치/조직 "],"Locations":["위치 "],"Locations also work nicely when used in tandem with %{organizations}.":["위치는 %{organizations}과(와) 함께 사용할 때도 유용합니다."],"Locations are used to manage and differentiate the physical place where a system managed via Foreman is housed. For example, there might be a data center in London and one in Virginia; these are locations.":[""],"Lock":["잠금"],"Log In":[""],"Log entry details":["로그 항목 정보"],"Log out":["로그아웃"],"Log out idle users after a certain number of minutes":["일정 시간 (분)이 지나면 유휴 사용자는 로그아웃됩니다"],"Logged out - See you soon":["로그 아웃했습니다 "],"Logged-in":["로그인했습니다 "],"Login":["로그인 "],"Login delegation logout URL":["로그인 권한 로그아웃 URL"],"Login page footer text":[""],"Logout":["로그아웃 "],"Lookup key":["검색 키 "],"Lookup value":["검색 값 "],"LookupKey|Avoid duplicates":[""],"LookupKey|Default value":["기본값 "],"LookupKey|Description":[""],"LookupKey|Is param":[""],"LookupKey|Key":[""],"LookupKey|Key type":[""],"LookupKey|Merge overrides":[""],"LookupKey|Override":[""],"LookupKey|Path":[""],"LookupKey|Puppetclass lookup key":[""],"LookupKey|Required":[""],"LookupKey|Validator rule":[""],"LookupKey|Validator type":[""],"LookupKey|Variable lookup values count":[""],"LookupValue|Match":["일치 "],"LookupValue|Value":["값 "],"MAC":["MAC"],"MAC Address":["MAC 주소 "],"MAC address":["MAC 주소"],"MAC address of interface. Required for managed interfaces on bare metal.":["인터페이스의 MAC 주소입니다. 베어 메탈에서 관리형 인터페이스에 필요합니다."],"MAC address to reuse the IP for this host":[""],"MAC-based":[""],"Machine Type":["시스템 유형 "],"Machine type":["시스템 유형 "],"Mailing lists":["메일링 리스트 "],"Mailing lists are available via Google Groups. Much like IRC, we have a general users (support, Q/A, etc) lists and a development list:":["메일링 리스트는 Google 그룹을 통해 사용할 수 있습니다. IRC 처럼 일반 사용자 (지원, Q/A, 등) 목록 및 개발자 목록이 있습니다: "],"Manage":["관리 "],"Manage Locations":["위치 관리 "],"Manage Organizations":["조직 관리 "],"Manage PuppetCA":["PuppetCA 관리"],"Manage host":["호스트 관리 "],"Managed IP":["관리 IP"],"Manual":["수동"],"Manually Assign":["수동 할당 "],"Manually select and assign hosts with no %s":["%s이(가) 없는 호스트를 수동으로 선택 및 할당합니다 "],"Matcher is a combination of an attribute and its value, if they match, the value below would be provided.<br> You may use any attribute Foreman knows about, such as facts etc for example: <code> domain = </code> or <code> is_virtual = true</code>.":["일치 조건은 속성과 해당 값의 조합입니다. 일치하는 경우 아래의 값이 제공됩니다.<br> 팩트와 같이 Foreman에 알려진 속성을 모두 사용할 수 있습니다. 예: <code> domain = </code> 또는 <code> is_virtual = true</code>."],"Max days for Trends graphs":["트랜드 그래프의 최대 기간 "],"Max timeout for REST client requests to smart-proxy":["스마트 프록시에 REST 클라이언트 요청의 최대 대기 시간 "],"Max trends":["최대 트렌드 수"],"Media":["미디어 "],"Media ID":["미디어 ID"],"Media access control address for this interface. 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"],"Method used to deliver email":[""],"Metrics":["메트릭스 "],"Minutes Ago":["분 전 "],"Mismatch Details":["불일치 상세 정보 "],"Mismatches":["불일치 "],"Mismatches Report":["불일치 보고서 "],"Missing one of the required permissions: %s":["필요한 권한 중 하나가 없습니다: %s"],"Model":["모델 "],"Model|Hardware model":["하드웨어 모델 "],"Model|Hosts count":["호스트 수 "],"Model|Info":["정보 "],"Model|Name":["이름 "],"Model|Vendor class":["벤더 클래스 "],"Modified":["수정됨"],"Module path":["모듈 경로"],"Monitor":["모니터"],"Monthly":["매달"],"Must provide an operating system":[""],"Must provide template kind":["템플릿 종류를 지정해야 합니다 "],"Must specify a user with email enabled":["이메일이 활성화된 사용자를 지정해야 합니다 "],"Must specify a valid user with email enabled":["이메일이 활성화된 유효한 사용자를 지정해야 합니다 "],"My account":["내 계정 "],"N/A":["해당 없음 "],"NA":["해당 없음 "],"NIC":["NIC"],"NIC type":["NIC 유형 "],"NICs":["NIC"],"Name":["이름 "],"Name of media":["미디어 이름"],"Name of the external auth source where unknown externally authentication users (see authorize_login_delegation) should be created (keep unset to prevent the autocreation)":["알 수 없는 외부 인증 사용자 (authorize_login_delegation 참조)를 생성해야 하는 외부 인증 소스 이름입니다. (자동 생성을 방지하기 위해 설정 해제한 상태로 둡니다)"],"Name of the host group":["호스트 그룹의 이름"],"Name of the parameter":["매개 변수의 이름"],"Name of variable":["변수 이름"],"Nest":["중첩 "],"Netmask":["넷마스크 "],"Netmask for this subnet":["서브넷의 넷마스크 "],"Network":["네트워크"],"Network Based":["네트워크 기반 "],"Network can't be blank":[""],"Network interfaces":["네트워크 인터페이스 "],"Network interfaces management has been moved to the Interfaces tab. 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"],"No changes to your environments detected":["환경에서 변경 사항을 감지할 수 없음 "],"No compute resource to show":["표시할 컴퓨터 리소스가 없음 "],"No data available":[""],"No data for this trend.":["이 트렌드에 대한 데이터가 없습니다."],"No documentation found":["문서를 찾을 수 없음"],"No domains":["도메인 없음 "],"No emails":["이메일이 없음"],"No entries found":["항목을 찾을 수 없음 "],"No environment selected!":["선택된 환경이 없습니다!"],"No environments found":["환경을 찾을 수 없음"],"No features found on this proxy, please make sure you enable at least one feature":["이 프록시의 기능이 없습니다. 적어도 하나의 기능을 활성화하고 있는지 확인하십시오"],"No finish templates were found for this host, make sure you define at least one in your %s settings":["이 호스트의 마지막 템플릿을 찾을 수 없습니다. %s 설정에 적어도 하나의 템플릿이 지정되어 있는지 확인합니다 "],"No free ports available for websockify, try again later":["websockify에 사용할 수 있는 포트가 없습니다. 나중에 다시 시도하십시오."],"No history found":["기록을 찾을 수 없음 "],"No host could be found for rendering the template":["템플릿을 렌더링할 호스트를 찾을 수 없습니다."],"No host found to associate this VM with":["이 VM에 연결된 호스트를 찾을 수 없음 "],"No host group selected!":["선택된 호스트 그룹이 없습니다!"],"No hosts are mismatched!":["불일치하는 호스트가 없습니다!"],"No hosts available.":[""],"No hosts selected":["선택된 호스트가 없음 "],"No hosts were found with that id, name or query filter":[""],"No interesting reports received in the last week":["지난 1 주일 동안 보고서가 수신되지 않았습니다 "],"No logs to show":["표시할 로그가 없습니다"],"No matching server groups found":[""],"No networks":["네트워크 없음 "],"No networks found.":["네트워크를 찾을 수 없습니다."],"No new IPv4 subnets found":[""],"No or invalid power state selected!":["전원 상태를 선택하지 않았거나 잘못 선택했습니다."],"No owner selected!":["소유자를 선택하지 않았습니다."],"No parameters to override for Puppet class %s":["Puppet 클래스 %s에 덮어쓰기할 매개 변수가 없음 "],"No parameters were allocated to the selected hosts, can't mass assign.":["선택한 호스트에 매개 변수가 할당되어 있지 않기 때문에 대량 할당할 수 없습니다. "],"No plugins found":["플러그인을 찾을 수 없습니다 "],"No preference":["설정이 없습니다 "],"No proxy found to import classes from, ensure that the smart proxy has the Puppet feature enabled.":["클래스를 가져오기할 프록시를 찾을 수 없습니다. 스마트 프록시에서 Puppet 기능이 활성화되어 있는지 확인합니다. "],"No proxy selected!":["프록시를 선택하지 않았습니다."],"No puppet activity for this host in the last %s days":["지난 %s 일 동안 이 호스트의 puppet 활동이 없습니다 "],"No report":["보고서가 없음 "],"No reports":["보고서가 없음 "],"No setting value provided.":["제공된 설정 값이 없습니다."],"No smart proxies found.":["스마트 프록시를 찾을 수 없습니다. "],"No smart proxies to show":["표시할 스마트 프록시가 없음 "],"No smart proxy was found to import environments from, ensure that at least one smart proxy is registered with the 'puppet' feature.":["환경에서 가져오기할 스마트 프록시를 찾을 수 없습니다. 최소 하나의 스마트 프록시가 'puppet' 기능에 등록되어 있는지 확인하십시오. "],"No subnets":["서브넷이 없음 "],"No template with kind %{kind} for %{host}":["종류가 %{kind}인 %{host}의 템플릿이 없습니다."],"No templates found":[""],"No templates found for this host.":["이 호스트의 템플릿을 찾을 수 없습니다."],"No templates found!":["템플릿을 찾을 수 없습니다! "],"No trend counter defined":["정의된 트렌드 카운터 없음"],"No trend counter found":["트렌드 카운터를 찾을 수 없음"],"None":["없음 "],"None found":["찾을 수 없습니다."],"None!":["없음!"],"Normal":["적절함"],"Normally when setting up a Compute Resource, a key pair (private and public) is created for you automatically.":[""],"Not Installed":["설치되지 않음 "],"Not authorized to edit classes":["클래스를 편집할 권한이 없습니다 "],"Not implemented":["구현되지 않습니다"],"Not implemented for %s":["%s에 대해 구현되지 않습니다 "],"Not relevant for snippet":["조각 모음과 관련이 없습니다 "],"Nothing to add":["추가할 항목 없음"],"Nothing to show":["표시할 것이 없습니다 "],"Notice":["주의 "],"Notices, warnings and errors":["주의, 경고 및 오류 "],"Notification disabled":["통지가 비활성화됨 "],"Notifications":["통지 "],"Number Of Clients":["클라이언트 수 "],"Number of CPUs":["CPU 수 "],"Number of Events":["이벤트 수 "],"Number of Hosts":["호스트 수 "],"Number of classes":["클래스 수"],"Number of overrides":["덮어쓰기 수"],"Number of records shown per page in Foreman":["Foreman에서 페이지 당 표시되는 기록 수"],"Numerical ID or domain name":["숫자로된 ID 또는 도메인 이름 "],"Numerical ID or email notification name":["숫자 ID 또는 이메일 통지 이름"],"Numerical ID or realm name":["숫자로된 ID 또는 영역 이름 "],"OAuth active":["OAuth 활성"],"OAuth consumer key":["인증 컨슈머 키 "],"OAuth consumer secret":["OAuth 컨슈머 기밀 "],"OAuth map users":["OAuth 맵 사용자"],"OK":["확인"],"OS Image":["OS 이미지 "],"OS friendly name; e.g. RHEL 6.5":["OS 이름; 예: RHEL 6.5"],"OS major version from facter; e.g. 6":["정보에서 OS 메이저 버전; 예: 6"],"OS minor version from facter; e.g. 5":["정보에서 OS 마이너 버전; 예: 5"],"OS name from facter; e.g. RedHat":["정보에서 OS 이름, 예: RedHat"],"Obsolete":["이전 버전 "],"Off":["비활성화 "],"Ok":["확인"],"Old":["이전 "],"Omit":[""],"Omit from classification output":[""],"Omit parameter from classification":[""],"On":["활성화 "],"Only for BMC interfaces.":["BMC 인터페이스만 해당합니다."],"Only known Smart Proxies may access features that use Smart Proxy authentication":["알려진 스마트 프록시만 스마트 프록시 인증을 사용하는 기능에 액세스할 수 있습니다."],"Only one declaration of a proxy is allowed":["하나의 프록시만 지정할 수 있습니다 "],"Only one volume can be bootable":["하나의 볼륨만 부팅할 수 있습니다 "],"Oops!!":["죄송합니다!"],"Oops, we're sorry but something went wrong":["오류. 문제가 발생했습니다 "],"Open Spice in a new window":["새 창에서 Spice 열기 "],"Operating System":["운영체제"],"Operating System version is required":["운영 체제 버전이 필요합니다 "],"Operating Systems":["운영 체제 "],"Operating system":["운영 체제 "],"Operating system ID":["운영 체제 ID"],"Operating system IDs":["운영 체제 ID "],"Operating system default":["기본값 운영 체제 "],"Operating system family":["운영 체제 제품군"],"Operating system family, available values: %{operatingsystem_families}":["운영 체제 제품군. 사용 가능한 값: %{operatingsystem_families}"],"Operating system version already exists":["운영 체제 버전이 이미 있습니다."],"Operating systems":["운영 체제 "],"Operating systems API supported?":[""],"Operatingsystem":["운영 체제 "],"Operatingsystem|Description":["설명 "],"Operatingsystem|Hostgroups count":["호스트 그룹 수 "],"Operatingsystem|Hosts count":["호스트 수 "],"Operatingsystem|Major":["메이저 "],"Operatingsystem|Minor":["마이너 "],"Operatingsystem|Name":["이름 "],"Operatingsystem|Nameindicator":["이름 표시기 "],"Operatingsystem|Password hash":["암호 해시 "],"Operatingsystem|Release name":["릴리즈 이름 "],"Operatingsystem|Title":["제목 "],"Operation":["작업 "],"Operators":["운영자 "],"Optional array of log hashes":["로그 해시 옵션 배열 "],"Optional comma-delimited string containing either 'new', 'updated', or 'obsolete' that is used to limit the imported Puppet classes":["가져오기한 Puppet 클래스를 제한하는데 사용하는 'new', 'updated', 'obsolete' 중 하나가 포함된 콤마로 구분된 문자열 옵션 "],"Optional input validator":["입력 유효성 검증 옵션 "],"Optional parameter without value.<br/><i>Still managed by Foreman, the value will be empty.</i><br/>":[""],"Optional: Ending IP Address for IP auto suggestion":["옵션: IP 자동 제안의 종료 IP 주소 "],"Optional: Gateway for this subnet":["옵션: 이 서브넷의 게이트웨이 "],"Optional: Primary DNS for this subnet":["옵션: 서브넷의 1차 DNS"],"Optional: Secondary DNS for this subnet":["옵션: 서브넷의 2차 DNS "],"Optional: Starting IP Address for IP auto suggestion":["옵션: IP 자동 제안의 시작 IP 주소 "],"Optional: VLAN ID for this subnet":["옵션: 서브넷의 VLAN ID"],"Optionally provide a CA, or a correctly ordered CA chain. If left blank, a self-signed CA will be populated automatically by the server during the first request.":["옵션으로 CA 또는 올바르게 정렬된 CA 체인을 지정합니다. 빈 칸으로 두면 처음 요청시 서버가 자동 서명된 CA를 자동으로 설정하게 됩니다."],"Order":["순서"],"Organization":["조직 "],"Organization Distribution":[""],"Organization fact":["조직 팩트"],"Organization parameters":["조직 매개 변수"],"Organization with id %{id} not found":[""],"Organization you had selected as your context has been deleted.":["문맥으로 선택한 조직이 삭제되었습니다."],"Organizations":["조직 "],"Organizations also work nicely in tandem with %{locations}.":["조직은 %{locations}과(와) 함께 사용하는 경우에도 유용합니다."],"Original value info":["원래 값 정보"],"Other reports for this host":["이 호스트의 다른 보고서 "],"Out of sync":["비동기 "],"Out of sync hosts":["비동기 호스트 "],"Out of sync hosts with alerts enabled":[""],"Out of sync interval":["비동기화 간격"],"Override all parameters":["모든 매개 변수 덮어쓰기 "],"Override match":["일치 항목 덮어쓰기"],"Override the default value of the Puppet class parameter.":["Puppet 클래스 매개 변수의 기본값을 덮어씁니다."],"Override this value":["이 값 덮어쓰기 "],"Override value, required if omit is false":[""],"Overview":["개요 "],"Overwrite":["덮어쓰기"],"Owned By":["소유자 "],"Owner":["소유자 "],"Owner changed to %s":["소유자가 %s로 변경되었습니다 "],"Owner type needs to be one of the following: %s":["소유자 유형은 다음 중 하나이어야 합니다: %s"],"POAP PXE template":[""],"PXE":["PXE"],"PXE Loader":[""],"PXE files for templates %s have been deployed to all Smart Proxies":[""],"PXE loader":[""],"PXEGrub template":[""],"PXEGrub2 template":[""],"PXELinux template":[""],"Param name":["매개 변수 이름 "],"Parameter":["매개 변수 "],"Parameter details":["매개 변수 정보"],"Parameter value":["매개 변수 값"],"Parameterized classes in ENC":["ENC의 매개 변수화된 클래스"],"Parameters":["매개 변수 "],"Parameters for host's %s facet":["호스트의 %s 패싯에 대한 매개 변수"],"Parameters that would be associated with hosts in this %s":["%s에서 호스트와 연관된 매개 변수 "],"Parameter|Hidden value":["숨겨진 값 "],"Parameter|Name":["이름 "],"Parameter|Priority":["우선 순위 "],"Parameter|Value":["값 "],"Params":["매개 변수 "],"Parent":["부모 "],"Parent ID":["부모 ID"],"Parent ID of the host group":["호스트 그룹의 부모 ID"],"Parent is already selected":["부모가 이미 선택되어 있습니다 "],"Parent parameters":["부모 매개 변수"],"Partition Tables":["파티션 테이블 "],"Partition table":["파티션 테이블 "],"Partition table ID":["파티션 테이블 ID"],"Partition table configuration":["파티션 테이블 설정 "],"Partition tables":["파티션 테이블 "],"Partition template IDs":["파티션 템플릿 ID"],"Password":["암호 "],"Password for oVirt, EC2, VMware, OpenStack. 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"],"Please correct the error(s) below and submit your changes again.":["아래 오류를 수정하고 변경 사항을 다시 보내십시오. "],"Please delete all nested groups before deleting it.":["제거하기 전에 중첩된 모든 그룹을 삭제하십시오. "],"Please enable JavaScript to view the %{comments_href}.":["%{comments_href}을(를) 표시하기 위해 JavaScript를 활성화하십시오. "],"Please ensure the following parameters name are unique":["다음 매개 변수 이름이 고유한 것인지 확인하십시오 "],"Please login to %{foreman_url} to change your password":["%{foreman_url}에 로그인하여 암호를 변경하십시오 "],"Please request one of the required permissions listed below from a Foreman administrator:":["Foreman 관리자에게 아래에 나열된 필수 권한 중 하나를 요청하십시오."],"Please review them carefully, if you are certain that they should be removed, please click on overwrite.":["이를 주의 깊게 확인하십시오, 제거해야 할 경우 덮어쓰기를 클릭하십시오. "],"Please save the Operating System first and try again.":["운영 체제를 저장하고 다시 시도하십시오. "],"Please save the role first. You can edit it later to add filters":["먼저 역할을 저장하십시오. 필터를 추가하기 위해 나중에 편집할 수 있습니다 "],"Please save the user first before assigning mail notifications.":["메일 알림을 할당하기 전 먼저 사용자를 저장하십시오."],"Please select":["선택하십시오"],"Please select a cluster":["클러스터를 선택하십시오."],"Please select an environment first":["먼저 환경을 선택하십시오 "],"Please select an image":["이미지를 선택하십시오"],"Please select hosts to perform action on.":[""],"Please specify volume size. You may optionally use suffix 'G' to specify volume size in gigabytes.":["볼륨 크기를 지정하십시오. 볼륨 크기를 기가 바이트 단위로 지정하려면 옵션으로 접미사 'G'를 사용할 수 있습니다. "],"Please try to update your request":["요청을 업데이트하십시오 "],"Please wait while your request is being processed":["요청을 처리하는 동안 잠시 기다려 주십시오."],"Please wait...":["잠시만 기다려 주십시오..."],"Plugins":["플러그인"],"Port to connect to":[""],"Power":["전원"],"Power ON this machine":["컴퓨터의 전원 켜기 "],"Power operations are not enabled on this host.":[""],"Power up compute instance %s":["컴퓨터 인스턴스 %s의 파워 업 "],"Power%s":["전원%s"],"Preallocate disk":["디스크 사전 할당 "],"Prefix length can't be blank":[""],"Prefix length must be /64 or less to use EUI-64":[""],"Prefix to add to all outgoing email":["모든 보내는 이메일에 추가할 접두사"],"Prepare post installation script for %s":["%s의 설치 후 스크립트 준비 "],"Preview":["미리 보기 "],"Preview rendered provisioning template content":["렌더링된 프로비저닝 템플릿 컨텐츠 미리 보기"],"Primary":["기본 "],"Primary DNS for this subnet":["서브넷의 1차 DNS"],"Primary interface's DNS name and domain define host's FQDN":["기본 인터페이스의 DNS 이름 및 도메인으로 호스트의 FQDN이 정의됩니다."],"Printing data":[""],"Prioritize attribute order":["속성 순서 지정"],"Private":["비공개"],"Private key file that Foreman will use to encrypt websockets ":[""],"Proceed to Edit":["편집 실행 "],"Properties":["속성 "],"Property":["속성 "],"Protocol":["프로토콜 "],"Provider":["공급자 "],"Providers include %{providers}":["공급자에 %{providers}이(가) 포함되어 있습니다"],"Provides an unused IP address in this subnet":[""],"Provision":["프로비저닝 "],"Provision script had a non zero exit":["프로비저닝 스크립트에 0이 아닌 종료가 있습니다."],"Provisioning":["프로비저닝"],"Provisioning Method":["프로비저닝 방법 "],"Provisioning Setup":["프로비저닝 설정 "],"Provisioning Template content changed %s":["프로비저닝 템플릿 컨텐츠 변경 %s"],"Provisioning Templates":["프로비저닝 템플릿 "],"Provisioning template":["프로비저닝 템플릿"],"Provisioning template IDs":["프로비저닝 템플릿 ID "],"Provisioning templates":["프로비저닝 템플릿 "],"Provisioning templates are generated using the Embedded Ruby (ERB) language.":[""],"ProvisioningTemplate|Default":["ProvisioningTemplate|기본값"],"ProvisioningTemplate|Locked":["ProvisioningTemplate|잠김"],"ProvisioningTemplate|Name":["ProvisioningTemplate|이름"],"ProvisioningTemplate|Snippet":["ProvisioningTemplate|조각 모음"],"ProvisioningTemplate|Template":["ProvisioningTemplate|템플릿"],"ProvisioningTemplate|Vendor":["ProvisioningTemplate|벤더"],"Proxies":["프록시 "],"Proxy ID to use within this realm":[""],"Proxy request timeout":["프록시 요청 시간 초과"],"Ptable":["Ptable"],"Ptable|Layout":["레이아웃 "],"Ptable|Locked":["Ptable|잠김"],"Ptable|Name":["이름 "],"Ptable|Os family":["Os 제품군 "],"Ptable|Snippet":["Ptable|조각 모음"],"Public":["공개 "],"Public SSH key":[""],"Puppet":["Puppet"],"Puppet CA":["Puppet CA"],"Puppet CA proxy ID":["Puppet CA 프록시 ID"],"Puppet Class":["Puppet 클래스 "],"Puppet Classes":["Puppet 클래스 "],"Puppet Environment":["Puppet 환경 "],"Puppet Environments":["Puppet 환경"],"Puppet Master":["Puppet 마스터 "],"Puppet Modules":["Puppet 모듈 "],"Puppet Summary Report - 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"],"Select smart proxies":["스마트 프록시 선택 "],"Select subnets":["서브넷 선택 "],"Select template":["템플릿 선택 "],"Select the changes you want to apply to Foreman":[""],"Select this host":["",""],"Select this since it belongs to a host":["호스트에 속해 있으므로 이를 선택합니다 "],"Select users":["사용자 선택 "],"Selected hosts are now assigned to %s":["선택된 호스트는 %s에 할당되어 있습니다 "],"Selected image does not belong to %s":["선택된 이미지는 %s에 속해 있지 않습니다 "],"Selected items":["선택한 항목 "],"Selected resource type does not support granular filtering, therefore you can't configure granularity":["선택된 리소스 유형은 세분화된 필터링을 지원하지 않기 때문에 단위를 설정할 수 없습니다 "],"Selected role":["선택된 역할 "],"Selecting a file will override the editor and load the file instead":["파일을 선택하면 편집기가 덮어쓰기되고 대신 파일이 로드됩니다 "],"Send a test message to the current user's email address to confirm the configuration is working.":[""],"Send a test message to the user's email address to confirm the configuration is working.":["사용자의 이메일 주소로 테스트 메시지를 보내 구성이 올바른지 확인합니다."],"Send a welcome email including username and URL to new users":["새 사용자에게 사용자 이름 및 URL이 포함된 환영 이메일을 보냅니다."],"Send welcome email":["환영 이메일 보내기"],"Sendmail":["센드메일"],"Sendmail arguments":[""],"Sendmail location":[""],"Server group":[""],"Server hint data":[""],"Server type":["서버 유형 "],"Service unavailable":["서비스를 이용할 수 없습니다."],"Services":["서비스 "],"Set IP addresses for %s":[""],"Set a randomly generated password on the display connection":["디스플레이 연결 시 임의로 생성된 암호를 설정합니다"],"Set parameters to defaults":["매개 변수를 기본값으로 설정 "],"Set the order in which values are resolved.":["값을 확인하는 순서를 설정합니다."],"Set up compute instance %s":["컴퓨터 인스턴스 %s 설정 "],"Setting":["설정 "],"Settings":["설정 "],"Setting|Category":["카테고리 "],"Setting|Default":["기본값 "],"Setting|Description":["설명 "],"Setting|Name":["이름 "],"Setting|Settings type":["설정 유형 "],"Setting|Value":["값 "],"Should the `foreman-rake db:migrate` be executed on the next run of the installer modules?":["다음번 설치 프로그램 모듈 실행 시 `foreman-rake db:migrate`를 실행해야 합니까? "],"Should the `foreman-rake db:seed` be executed on the next run of the installer modules?":["다음번 설치 프로그램 모듈 실행 시 `foreman-rake db:seed`를 실행해야 합니까? "],"Should this interface be managed via DHCP and DNS smart proxy and should it be configured during provisioning?":["이 인터페이스는 DHCP 및 DNS 스마트 프록시를 통해 관리하고 프로비저닝 동안 설정해야 합니까? "],"Should this interface be used for TFTP of PXELinux (or SSH for image-based hosts)? Each managed hosts needs to have one provision interface.":["이 인터페이스를 PXELinux의 TFTP(또는 이미지 기반 호스트의 SSH)에 사용하시겠습니까? 관리형 호스트마다 프로비저닝 인터페이스가 하나씩 필요합니다."],"Should this interface be used for constructing the FQDN of the host? Each managed hosts needs to have one primary interface.":["호스트의 FQDN을 구성하는 데 이 인터페이스를 사용하시겠습니까? 관리형 호스트마다 기본 인터페이스가 하나씩 필요합니다."],"Show %s fact values for all hosts":[""],"Show :a_resource":[":a_resource 표시 "],"Show Diff":["다른점 표시 "],"Show Host":["호스트 표시 "],"Show Trends":["트렌드 표시 "],"Show a Puppet class":["Puppet 클래스 표시 "],"Show a Puppet class for a host group":["호스트 그룹의 Puppet 클래스 표시 "],"Show a Puppet class for an environment":["환경의 Puppet 클래스 표시 "],"Show a Puppet class for host":["호스트의 Puppet 클래스 표시 "],"Show a bookmark":["북마크 표시 "],"Show a compute profile":["컴퓨터 프로파일 표시 "],"Show a compute resource":["컴퓨터 리소스 표시 "],"Show a config group":["설정 그룹 표시 "],"Show a default template combination for an operating system":["운영 체제의 기본값 템플릿 조합 표시 "],"Show a domain":["도메인 표시 "],"Show a filter":["필터 표시 "],"Show a global parameter":["글로벌 매개 변수 표시 "],"Show a hardware model":["하드웨어 모델 표시 "],"Show a host":["호스트 표시 "],"Show a host group":["호스트 그룹 표시 "],"Show a medium":["미디어 표시 "],"Show a nested parameter for a domain":["도메인의 중첩된 매개 변수 표시 "],"Show a nested parameter for a host":["호스트의 중첩된 매개 변수 표시 "],"Show a nested parameter for a host group":["호스트 그룹의 중첩된 매개 변수 표시 "],"Show a nested parameter for a location":["위치의 중첩된 매개 변수 표시 "],"Show a nested parameter for a subnet":[""],"Show a nested parameter for an operating system":["운영 체제의 중첩된 매개 변수 표시 "],"Show a nested parameter for an organization":["조직의 중첩된 매개 변수 표시 "],"Show a partition table":["파티션 테이블 표시"],"Show a permission":["권한 표시 "],"Show a realm":["영역 표시 "],"Show a report":["보고서 표시 "],"Show a role":["역할 표시 "],"Show a setting":["설정 표시"],"Show a smart class parameter":["스마트 클래스 매개 변수 표시"],"Show a smart proxy":["스마트 프록시 표시"],"Show a smart variable":["스마트 변수 표시 "],"Show a subnet":["서브넷 표시"],"Show a user":["사용자 표시 "],"Show a user group":["사용자 그룹 표시"],"Show all %s children fact values":["모든 %s 자식 정보 값 표시 "],"Show all %s facts with the same value":[""],"Show an LDAP authentication source":["LDAP 인증 소스 표시"],"Show an SSH key from a user":[""],"Show an architecture":["아키텍처 표시"],"Show an audit":["감사 보기 "],"Show an email notification":["이메일 통지 표시"],"Show an environment":["환경 표시 "],"Show an external user group for LDAP authentication source":["LDAP 인증 소스에 대한 모든 외부 사용자 그룹 표시 "],"Show an external user group for user group":["사용자 그룹에 대한 외부 사용자 그룹 표시"],"Show an image":["이미지 보기 "],"Show an interface for host":["호스트의 인터페이스 표시 "],"Show an operating system":["운영 체제 표시 "],"Show an override value for a specific smart class parameter":["특정 스마트 클래스 매개 변수의 덮어쓰기 값 표시 "],"Show an override value for a specific smart variable":["특정 스마트 매개 변수의 덮어쓰기 값 표시 "],"Show available API links":["사용 가능한 API 링크 표시"],"Show distribution chart":["배포 차트 표시 "],"Show full value":["전체 값 표시"],"Show host power status":[""],"Show linked external user groups":["링크된 외부 사용자 그룹 표시 "],"Show log messages:":["로그 메세지 표시: "],"Show power status on host index page. This feature calls to compute resource providers which may lead to decreased performance on host listing page.":[""],"Show provisioning template details":["프로비저닝 템플릿 상세 정보 표시 "],"Show status":["상태 표시 "],"Show template combination":["템플릿 조합 표시 "],"Show the last report for a host":["호스트의 마지막 보고서 표시"],"Sign":["로그인 "],"Single host on this page is selected.":["",""],"Size":["사이즈"],"Size (GB)":["크기 (GB)"],"Skip assign hosts and proceed to edit %s settings":["호스트 할당 건너뛰고 %s 설정 편집을 진행합니다 "],"Skipped":["건너 뛰기 "],"Skipped|S":["S"],"Smart Class Parameter":["스마트 클래스 매개 변수 "],"Smart Proxies":["스마트 프록시 "],"Smart Proxy":["스마트 프록시 "],"Smart Proxy: %s":["스마트 프록시: %s"],"Smart Variables":["스마트 매개 변수 "],"Smart class parameters":["스마트 클래스 매개 변수 "],"Smart proxies":["스마트 프록시 "],"Smart proxy":["스마트 프록시 "],"Smart proxy IDs":["스마트 프록시 ID "],"Smart variables":["스마트 매개 변수 "],"SmartProxy|Name":["이름 "],"SmartProxy|Url":["Url"],"Snippet":["조각 모음 "],"Some Puppet Classes are unavailable in the selected environment":[""],"Some imported user account details cannot be saved: %s":[""],"Some interfaces are invalid":["일부 인터페이스가 유효하지 않습니다."],"Some of the interfaces are invalid. Please check the table below.":["일부 인터페이스는 사용할 수 없습니다. 아래 표를 확인하십시오."],"Some or all hosts execution failed, Please check log files for more information":["일부 또는 모든 호스트 실행에 실패했습니다. 상세 정보에서 로그 파일을 확인하십시오"],"Some other interface is already set as primary. Are you sure you want to use this one instead?":["이미 다른 인터페이스가 기본 인터페이스로 설정되어 있습니다. 이 인터페이스를 대신 사용하시겠습니까?"],"Some other interface is already set as provisioning. Are you sure you want to use this one instead?":["이미 다른 인터페이스가 프로비저닝 인터페이스로 설정되어 있습니다. 이 인터페이스를 대신 사용하시겠습니까?"],"Something went wrong while changing host type - %s":["호스트 유형을 변경하는 도중 문제가 발생했습니다 - %s"],"Something went wrong while selecting hosts - %s":["호스트를 선택하는 도중 문제가 발생했습니다 - %s "],"Sorry but no templates were configured.":["죄송합니다. 설정된 템플릿이 없습니다. "],"Sorry, these hosts do not have parameters assigned to them, you must add them first.":["죄송합니다. 이 호스트에 할당된 매개 변수가 없습니다. 먼저 매개 변수를 추가해야 합니다. "],"Source":["소스 "],"Source|Digest":["다이제스트 "],"Source|Value":["값 "],"Space separated options, e.g. miimon=100. Only for bond interfaces.":["공백으로 구분된 옵션 (예: miimon=100). 본드 인터페이스의 경우에만 사용합니다. "],"Specified value is higher than recommended maximum":[""],"Specify additional options to sendmail":[""],"Specify authentication type, if required":[""],"Specify matchers":["일치 조건 지정"],"Start":["시작 "],"Starting IP Address for IP auto suggestion":["IP 자동 제안의 시작 IP 주소 "],"State":["상태 "],"Static":["고정 "],"Statistics":["통계"],"Status":["상태 "],"Stop updating IP address and MAC values from Puppet facts (affects all interfaces)":["Puppet 팩트에서 IP 주소 및 MAC 값 업데이트 중지(모든 인터페이스에 적용)"],"Stop updating Operating System from facts":[""],"Stop updating domain values from facts":[""],"Storage":["스토리지 "],"Storage domain":["스토리지 도메인 "],"Storage pool":["스토리지 풀 "],"Strong":["강력함"],"Submit":["제출 "],"Subnet":["서브넷"],"Subnet ID":["서브넷 ID"],"Subnet IDs":["서브넷 ID "],"Subnet name":["서브넷 이름 "],"Subnet network":["서브넷 네트워크 "],"Subnet numeric identifier":["숫자로된 서브넷 식별자 "],"Subnets":["서브넷 "],"Subnet|Boot mode":["부트 모드 "],"Subnet|Dns primary":["1차 DNS "],"Subnet|Dns secondary":["2차 DNS"],"Subnet|From":["시작 "],"Subnet|Gateway":["게이트웨이 "],"Subnet|Ipam":["Ipam"],"Subnet|Mask":["마스크 "],"Subnet|Name":["이름 "],"Subnet|Network":["네트워크 "],"Subnet|Priority":["우선 순위 "],"Subnet|To":["종료 "],"Subnet|Vlanid":["Vlanid"],"Subscribe":["등록 "],"Subscribe to all hosts":[""],"Subscribe to my hosts":[""],"Success":["성공 "],"Successfully created %s.":["%s을(를) 성공적으로 생성했습니다. "],"Successfully delete %s":[""],"Successfully deleted %s.":["%s을(를) 성공적으로 삭제했습니다. "],"Successfully deleted report.":["보고서를 성공적으로 삭제했습니다."],"Successfully executed, check log files for more details":["성공적으로 실행했습니다. 보다 자세한 내용은 로그 파일을 확인하십시오 "],"Successfully executed, check reports and/or log files for more details":["성공적으로 실행했습니다. 보다 자세한 내용은 보고서 또는 로그 파일을 확인하십시오 "],"Successfully overridden all parameters of Puppet class %s":["Puppet 클래스 %s의 모든 매개 변수를 성공적으로 덮어쓰기했습니다 "],"Successfully recreated":[""],"Successfully refreshed features from %s.":["%s에서 기능을 성공적으로 새로고침했습니다. "],"Successfully refreshed the cache.":[""],"Successfully reset all parameters of Puppet class %s to their default values":["Puppet 클래스 %s의 모든 매개 변수를 기본값으로 성공적으로 덮어쓰기했습니다 "],"Successfully updated %s.":["%s을(를) 성공적으로 업데이트했습니다. "],"Successfully updated environments and Puppet classes from the on-disk Puppet installation":["온디스크 Puppet 설치에서 환경 및 Puppet 클래스를 성공적으로 업데이트했습니다 "],"Suffix or prefix length for this subnet, e.g. 32":[""],"Suggest new":["새 제안 "],"Summary from %{time} ago to now":["%{time} 전에서 현재까지의 요약"],"Summary report from Foreman server at %{foreman_url}":["%{foreman_url}의 Foreman 서버에서 가져온 요약"],"Support":["지원"],"Supported Formats":["지원되는 형식 "],"Synchronize group from authentication source":["인증 소스에서 그룹 동기화 "],"Syntax Highlighting":["구문 강조"],"Syntax error occurred while parsing the template %{template_name}, make sure you have all ERB tags properly closed and the Ruby syntax is valid. The Ruby error: %{message}":[""],"System Information":["시스템 정보 "],"System Status":["시스템 상태 "],"TFTP":["TFTP"],"TFTP Proxy":["TFTP 프록시 "],"TFTP Proxy ID to use within this subnet":[""],"TFTP Proxy to use within this subnet":["이 서브넷에서 사용할 TFTP 프록시 "],"TFTP server":["TFTP 서버"],"Taxable taxonomy":["분류 텍소노미 "],"TaxableTaxonomy|Taxable type":["분류 유형 "],"Taxonomy":["텍소노미 "],"Taxonomy|Ancestry":["상위 "],"Taxonomy|Ignore types":["유형 무시 "],"Taxonomy|Name":["이름 "],"Taxonomy|Title":["제목 "],"Template":["템플릿"],"Template %s is empty.":["템플릿 %s이 비어있습니다. "],"Template '%s' is either missing or has an invalid organization or location":[""],"Template '%s' was not found":[""],"Template Diff":["템플릿 차이 "],"Template Type":["템플릿 유형 "],"Template diff":["템플릿 차이 "],"Template editor":["템플릿 편집기 "],"Template kind":["템플릿 유형 "],"Template kinds, available values: %{template_kinds}":["템플릿 종류로, 사용 가능한 값은 다음과 같습니다: %{template_kinds}"],"Template locked":["템플릿 잠금 "],"Template syntax":[""],"Template that will be selected as %s default for local boot.":[""],"Template unlocked":["템플릿 잠금 해제 "],"TemplateKind|Name":["이름 "],"Templates":["템플릿 "],"Templates resolved for this operating system":["이 운영 체제에 대해 확인된 템플릿"],"Tenant":["테넌트 "],"Test Connection":["연결 테스트 "],"Test LDAP connection":["LDAP 연결 테스트"],"Test LDAP connectivity":["LDAP 연결 테스트"],"Test connection to LDAP server was successful.":["LDAP 서버에 대한 연결 테스트가 성공했습니다."],"Test connection was successful":["연결 테스트 성공"],"Test email":["테스트 이메일"],"Text to be shown in the login-page footer":[""],"That is, if you are planning to manage a site where all the machines are of the form <i>hostname</i>.<b></b>\\n then the domain is <b></b>.":[""],"The %{proxy_type} proxy could not be set for host: %{host_names}.":["",""],"The %{proxy_type} proxy of the selected hosts was cleared.":["선택한 호스트의 %{proxy_type} 프록시를 삭제했습니다."],"The %{proxy_type} proxy of the selected hosts was set to %{proxy_name}.":["선택한 호스트의 %{proxy_type} 프록시가 %{proxy_name}(으)로 설정되었습니다."],"The <b>fullname</b> field is used for human readability in reports and other pages that refer to domains,\\n and also available as an external node parameter":["<b>fullname</b> 필드는 도메인을 언급하는 보고서와 기타 페이지의 가독성을 높이기 위한 것으로,\\n 외부 노드 매개 변수로도 사용할 수 있습니다."],"The Audit Comment field is saved with the template auditing to document the template changes":["감사 코멘트 필드는 템플릿 변경을 문서화하기 위한 템플릿 감사와 함께 저장됩니다 "],"The BMC password will be used by Foreman to access the host's BMC controller via a BMC-enabled smart proxy, if available.<br/>":[""],"The IP address that should be used for the console listen address when provisioning new virtual machines via Libvirt":["Libvirt를 통한 새 가상 머신을 프로비저닝할 때 콘솔 수신 주소에 사용해야 하는 IP 주소입니다 "],"The NFS path to the image directory.":["이미지 디렉토리로의 NFS 경로입니다. "],"The NFS path to the jumpstart control files.":["jumpstart 제어 파일로의 NFS 경로입니다. "],"The NFS path to the media.":["미디어로의 NFS 경로입니다. "],"The Operating systems detail the OSs known to Foreman, and is the central point that the other required components tie into.":[""],"The Primary interface is used for constructing the FQDN of the host":["기본 인터페이스는 호스트의 FQDN을 구성하는 데 사용됩니다."],"The Provisioning interface is used for TFTP of PXELinux (or SSH for image-based hosts)":["프로비저닝 인터페이스는 PXELinux의 TFTP(또는 이미지 기반 호스트의 SSH)에 사용됩니다."],"The authentication process currently requires an LDAP provider, such as <em>FreeIPA</em>,\\n <em>OpenLDAP</em> or <em>Microsoft's Active Directory</em>.":["현재 인증 프로세스에 <em>FreeIPA</em>,\\n <em>OpenLDAP</em> 또는 <em>Microsoft의 Active Directory</em>와 같은 LDAP 공급자가 필요합니다."],"The class of CPU supplied in this machine. This is primarily used by Sparc Solaris builds and can be left blank for other architectures. The value can be determined on Solaris via uname -m":["이 시스템에 제공되는 CPU 클래스입니다. 이는 주로 Sparc Solaris 빌드에 사용되며 다른 아키텍처의 경우 빈 칸으로 둡니다. 값은 uname -m을 사용하여 Solaris에서 확인할 수 있습니다. "],"The class of the machine reported by the Open Boot Prom. This is primarily used by Sparc Solaris builds and can be left blank for other architectures. The value can be determined on Solaris via uname -i|cut -f2 -d,":["Open Boot Prom에서 보고되는 시스템 클래스입니다. 이는 주로 Sparc Solaris 빌드에 사용되며 다른 아키텍처의 경우 빈 칸으로 둡니다. 값은 uname -i|cut -f2 -d를 사용하여 Solaris에서 확인할 수 있습니다. "],"The default administrator email address":["기본값 관리자 이메일 주소 "],"The dynamic partitioning style is currently only available for the Red Hat family of operating systems, all others must provide an explicit list of partitions and sizes.":["현재 동적 프로비저닝 스타일은 Red Hat 제품군 운영 체제에서만 사용할 수 있으며 그 이외의 경우 모든 파티션 및 크기에 대한 명시적 목록을 지정해야 합니다. "],"The file path where your p12 file is located":["p12 파일이 있는 파일 경로 "],"The final entry, Operating System default, can be set by editing the %s page.":["최종 엔트리, 운영 체제 기본값은 %s 페이지를 편집하여 설정할 수 있습니다. "],"The following IPv4 subnets have been found. Please review the details before creating them.":[""],"The following entries were found conflicting with what foreman wanted to apply.":["다음 항목은 foreman이 적용하려고 한 내용과 충돌하는 것으로 발견되었습니다. "],"The following errors may prevent a successful build:":["다음과 같은 오류로 인해 빌드가 정상적으로 진행되지 않을 수 있습니다: "],"The following fields would need reviewing":["다음 필드를 확인해야 합니다 "],"The following hosts failed the build operation: %s":["다음 호스트는 빌드 작업을 실패했습니다: %s"],"The following hosts were not %{action}: %{missed_hosts}":["다음 호스트에서 %{action}이 실행되지 않았습니다: %{missed_hosts}"],"The following hosts were not deleted: %s":["다음 호스트는 삭제되지 않았습니다: %s"],"The following hosts were updated":["다음 호스트가 업데이트되었습니다 "],"The following parameters were skipped as they did not exists on this host:":["다음의 매개 변수는 호스트에 존재하지 않아 생략되었습니다: "],"The following table and example snippet shows global methods, variables and class methods and how to use them.":[""],"The full DNS domain name":["전체 DNS 도메인 이름 "],"The host group's classes and the host group's variables are included in the external node information when the puppetmaster compiles the host's configuration.":["puppetmaster가 호스트 설정을 컴파일할 때 호스트 그룹의 클래스 및 호스트 그룹의 매개 변수가 외부 노드 정보에 포함됩니다."],"The inclusion of the keyword string <b>#Dynamic</b> at the start of a line lets Foreman know that this is not an explicit disk layout and must treated as a shell script, executed prior\\n to the install process and that the explicit partition table will be found at <b>/tmp/diskpart.cfg</b> during the build process.":["키워드 문자열 <b>#Dynamic</b>을 줄의 시작 부분에 포함하면 명시적 디스크 레이아웃이 아니라 설치 프로세스 전에 실행해야 하는 쉘 스크립트로 취급해야 한다는 것과\\n 명시적 파티션 테이블을 빌드 프로세스 도중에 <b>/tmp/diskpart.cfg</b>에서 찾을 수 있다는 것을 Foreman이 알 수 있습니다."],"The keys can be used in provisioning templates and are also available for configuration management tools managed by Foreman.":[""],"The keywords <b>$version</b>, <b>$major</b> and <b>$minor</b> will be interpolated back into the path specification to calculate the true URL address.":["키워드 <b>$version</b>, <b>$major</b>, <b>$minor</b>는 URL 주소를 계산하기 위해 경로 사양에 다시 삽입합니다."],"The list is excluding %{count} %{link_start}physical host%{link_end}.":["",""],"The location of the sendmail executable":[""],"The marked fields will need reviewing":["표시된 필드는 확인해야 합니다 "],"The method used to provision the host. Possible provision_methods may be %{provision_methods}":["호스트를 프로비저닝하는 데 사용된 방법입니다. 가능한 provision_methods는 %{provision_methods}입니다."],"The order in which matchers keys are processed, first match wins.<br> You may use multiple attributes as a matcher key, for example, an order of <code>host group, environment</code> would expect a matcher such as <code>hostgroup = \\\"web servers\\\", environment = production</code>":["matcher 키가 처리되는 순서입니다. 먼저 일치하는 것이 우선합니다. <br> matcher 키로 여러 속성을 사용할 수 있습니다. 예를 들어 <code>host group, environment</code> 순서의 경우 <code>hostgroup = \\\"web servers\\\", environment = production</code>과 같은 matcher를 예상할 수 있습니다 "],"The order in which values are resolved":["값이 해결되는 순서 "],"The password will also be accessible to other users via templates and in the ENC YAML output; disable the bmc_credentials_accessible setting to prevent access.":[""],"The password will not be accessible to other users; enable the bmc_credentials_accessible setting to permit access via templates and in the ENC YAML output.":[""],"The path to the medium, can be a URL or a valid NFS server (exclusive of the architecture).\\n for example <em>$version/os/$arch</em> where <strong>$arch</strong> will be substituted for the host's actual OS architecture and <strong>$version</strong>, <strong>$major</strong> and <strong>$minor</strong> will be substituted for the version of the operating system. Solaris and Debian media may also use <strong>$release</strong>.":["미디어에 대한 경로로, URL이거나 유효한 NFS 서버일 수 있습니다(아키텍처 제외).\\n 예: <em>$version/os/$arch</em> 여기서 <strong>$arch</strong>는 호스트의 실제 OS 아키텍처로 대체되며, <strong>$version</strong>, <strong>$major</strong> 및 <strong>$minor</strong>는 운영 체제의 버전으로 대체됩니다. Solaris 및 Debian 미디어의 경우 <strong>$release</strong>도 사용할 수 있습니다."],"The power state of the selected hosts will be set to %s":["선택한 호스트의 전원 상태가 %s(으)로 설정됩니다."],"The realm name, e.g. EXAMPLE.COM":["영역 이름 예: EXAMPLE.COM"],"The remote system presented a public key signed by an unidentified certificate authority. If you are sure the remote system is authentic, go to the compute resource edit page, press the 'Test Connection' or 'Load Datacenters' button and submit":["원격 시스템은 미확인 인증 기관에서 서명된 공개 키를 표시합니다. 원격 시스템이 인증되어 있는지를 확인할 수 있는 경우 컴퓨터 리소스 편집 페이지로 가서 '연결 테스트' 또는 '데이터센터 로드' 버튼을 클릭하여 제출합니다 "],"The remote system presented a public key with hash %s but we're expecting a different hash. If you are sure the remote system is authentic, go to the compute resource edit page, press the 'Test Connection' or 'Load Datacenters' button and submit":["원격 시스템은 해시 %s와 함께 공개키를 표시하지만 해시는 다른 것을으로 예상합니다. 원격 시스템이 인증되어 있는지를 확인할 수 있는 경우 컴퓨터 리소스 편집 페이지로 가서 '연결 테스트' 또는 '데이터센터 로드' 버튼을 클릭하여 제출합니다 "],"The selected hosts were enabled for reboot and rebuild":["선택한 호스트의 재부팅 및 재배포가 활성화되어 있습니다."],"The selected hosts will execute a build operation on next reboot":["선택된 호스트는 다음 부팅 시 빌드 작업을 수행합니다 "],"The snippet '%{name}' threw an error: %{exc}":[""],"The template is associated to at least one host in build mode. To apply the change, disable and enable build mode on hosts to update the live templates or choose to %s their configuration from 'Select Action' menu":["이 템플릿은 빌드 모드 상태인 하나 이상의 호스트에 연결되어 있습니다. 변경 사항을 적용하려면 호스트에서 빌드 모드를 비활성화한 후 다시 활성화하여 라이브 템플릿을 업데이트하거나 '작업 선택' 메뉴에서 호스트의 구성을 %s하도록 선택하십시오."],"The user that is used to ssh into the instance, normally cloud-user, ec2-user, ubuntu, root etc":["ssh를 인스턴스에 사용하는 사용자는 일반적으로 cloud-user, ec2-user, ubuntu, root 등 입니다"],"The virtual machine is being deleted.":["가상 머신이 삭제되어 있습니다. "],"There are migrations pending in the system.":[""],"There are no puppet environments set up on this puppet master. Please check the puppet master configuration.":["이 Puppet 마스터에 설정된 Puppet 환경이 없습니다. Puppet 마스터 구성을 확인하십시오."],"There are orchestration modules with methods for configuration rebuild that have identical name: '%s'":["구성 다시 빌드를 위한 메서드가 포함된 이름이 동일한 오케스트레이션 모듈이 여러 개 있습니다: '%s'"],"There are two strategies when using host groups.":["호스트 그룹 사용에는 두 가지 전략이 있습니다. "],"There is":["다음과 같습니다 "],"There is no owner with id %d and type %s":[""],"There is no proxy with BMC feature set up. Please register a smart proxy with this feature.":["BMC 기능이 설정된 프록시가 없습니다. 이 기능에 스마트 프록시를 등록하십시오."],"There was an error creating the PXE file: %s":[""],"There was an error listing %{listing}: %{errors}":[""],"There was an error listing VMs: %(status)s %(statusText)s":["VM을 나열하는 도중 오류가 발생했습니다: %(status)s %(statusText)s"],"There was an error rendering the %s template: ":["%s 템플릿을 렌더링하는 도중 오류가 발생했습니다: "],"There was an error rendering the %{name} template: %{error}":["%{name} 템플릿을 렌더링하는 도중 오류가 발생했습니다: %{error}"],"There was no active bridge interface found in libvirt, if it does not support listing, you can enter the bridge name manually (e.g. br0)":[""],"These are guaranteed to work via the safe mode rendering, to ensure a template can do nothing harmful.":[""],"These two options are personal decisions and are up to you (where the main difference would be the parameter/variables settings).":["이 두 옵션은 개인적으로 결정하는 것이므로 필요에 따라 설정합니다 (주요 차이점은 매개 변수/ 변수 설정입니다)."],"Thin provision":["씬 프로비저닝"],"This Puppet class has no parameters in its signature.":["Puppet 클래스 서명에는 매개 변수가 없습니다."],"This allows Foreman to associate a puppet variable with a domain/site and automatically append this variable to all external node requests made by machines at that site.":["따라서 Foreman이 Puppet 변수를 도메인/사이트와 연결하고 이 변수를 해당 사이트의 가상 머신에서 생성된 모든 외부 노드 요청에 자동으로 추가할 수 있습니다."],"This group has nested groups!":["이 그룹에는 중첩된 그룹이 있습니다! "],"This group has no roles":[""],"This host's stored facts and reports will be deleted too.":["호스트의 저장된 팩트 및 보고서도 삭제됩니다. "],"This is a test message to confirm that Foreman's email configuration is working.":["Foreman의 이메일 구성이 올바른지를 확인하는 테스트 메시지입니다."],"This is for every location and organization that uses it.":["해당 템플릿을 사용하는 모든 위치와 조직에서 잠금 해제됩니다."],"This is for every location that uses it.":["해당 템플릿을 사용하는 모든 위치에서 잠금 해제됩니다."],"This is for every organization that uses it.":["해당 템플릿을 사용하는 모든 조직에서 잠금 해제됩니다."],"This is inherited from parent":["이는 부모로 부터 상속됩니다"],"This is used by a host":["이는 호스트에 의해 사용됩니다 "],"This might take a while, as all hosts, facts and reports will be destroyed as well":["모든 호스트, 정보, 보고서가 삭제되므로 시간이 걸릴 수 있습니다 "],"This role has been cloned from role %s":[""],"This role is locked for editing.":[""],"This role is locked from being modified by users.":[""],"This setting is defined in the configuration file '%{filename}' and is read-only.":[""],"This template is locked and may not be removed.":["템플릿이 잠겨 있어 삭제할 수 없습니다. "],"This template is locked for editing.":["이 템플릿은 편집 용으로 잠금되어 있습니다. "],"This template is locked. Please clone it to a new template to customize.":["이 템플릿은 잠겨 있습니다. 사용자 정의하려면 이를 새 템플릿에 복제하십시오. "],"This template is locked. You may only change the associations. Please %s it to customize.":["이 템플릿은 잠겨 있습니다. 연결만 변경할 수 있습니다. 사용자 정의하려면 템플릿을 %s하십시오."],"This value is not hidden":[""],"This value is used also as the host's primary interface name.":["이 값은 호스트의 기본 인터페이스 이름으로도 사용됩니다."],"This will reset parameters of the class %s to their default values. Continue?":["이는 클래스 %s의 매개 변수를 기본값으로 재설정합니다. 계속 진행하시겠습니까? "],"This will set all parameters of the class %s as overridden. Continue?":["이는 클래스 %s의 모든 매개 변수를 덮어쓰기된 것으로 설정합니다. 계속 진행하시겠습니까? "],"Time":["시간 "],"Time in Seconds":["시간 (초) "],"Time in minutes installation tokens should be valid for, 0 to disable token generation":["설치 토큰의 유효성이 유지되는 시간(분)입니다. 0으로 설정하면 토큰 생성이 비활성화됩니다."],"Timeout for DNS conflict validation (in seconds)":["DNS 충돌 유효 시간 초과(초)"],"Timeout has occurred while communicating with %s":["%s와 통신하는 도중 시간 초과되었습니다 "],"To define trend counters, use the Add Trend Counter button.</br> To start collecting trend data, set a cron job to execute 'foreman-rake trends:counter' every Puppet Interval (%s minutes).":["트렌드 카운터를 정의하려면 트렌드 카운터 추가 버튼을 사용하십시오.</br> 트렌드 데이터 수집을 시작하려면 모든 Puppet 간격(%s분)마다 'foreman-rake trends:counter'를 실행하는 cron 작업을 설정합니다."],"To enable a provider, either install the OS package (e.g. foreman-libvirt) or enable the bundler group for development setup (e.g. ovirt).":["공급자를 활성화하려면 OS 패키지 (예: foreman-libvirt)를 설치하거나 개발 설정을 위한 번들러 그룹 (e.g. ovirt) 활성화합니다."],"To enable safe mode, navigate to Settings page and enable Safemode rendering option.":[""],"To start collecting trend data, set a cron job to execute <span class='black'>foreman-rake trends:counter</span> every Puppet Interval (%s minutes)":["트렌드 데이터 수집을 시작하려면 Puppet 간격 (%s 분)마다 <span class='black'>foreman-rake trends:counter</span>를 실행하도록 cron 작업을 설정합니다 "],"To update the class signature, go to the Puppet Classes page and select \\\"Import\\\".":["클래스 서명을 업데이트하려면 Puppet 클래스 페이지로 가서 \\\"가져오기\\\"를 선택합니다. "],"Toggle":["토글 "],"Token":["토큰 "],"Token duration":["토큰 기간"],"Token expired":[""],"Token|Expires":["만료 "],"Token|Value":["값 "],"Total":["합계 "],"Total Hosts: %s":["총 호스트: %s"],"Total hosts count":[""],"Total of one host":["",""],"Trend":["트렌드 "],"Trend counter":["트렌드 카운터 "],"Trend of the last %s days.":["지난 %s일 트렌드입니다. "],"TrendCounter|Count":["카운트 "],"Trends":["트렌드 "],"Trends for %s":["%s의 트렌드 "],"Trend|Fact name":["정보 이름 "],"Trend|Fact value":["정보 값 "],"Trend|Name":["이름 "],"Trend|Trendable type":["트렌드 유형 "],"Trigger a puppetrun on a node; requires that puppet run is enabled":["노드에서 puppetrun을 시작합니다; puppet run을 활성화해야 합니다 "],"Troubleshooting":["문제 해결 "],"True/False flag whether a host is managed or unmanaged. Note: this value also determines whether several parameters are required or not":["호스트를 관리할 지 또는 관리하지 않을지에 대한 True/False 플래그입니다. 알림: 이 값은 여러 매개 변수가 필요할 지 또는 필요하지 않을 지에 대한 여부를 결정합니다 "],"Trusted puppetmaster hosts":["신뢰할 수 있는 puppetmaster 호스트"],"Try going to %{href}":["%{href}로 전환 시도 "],"Type":["유형"],"Type of name generator":[""],"Type of realm, e.g. FreeIPA":["영역 유형 (예: FreeIPA) "],"Type or protocol, IPv4 or IPv6, defaults to IPv4":[""],"Types of validation values":["검증 값의 유형"],"Types of variable values":["변수 값의 유형"],"URL":["URL"],"URL for %{providers_requiring_url}":[""],"URL hosts will retrieve templates from during build (normally http as many installers don't support https)":["URL 호스트는 빌드시 템플릿을 가져옵니다 (일반적으로 https는 많은 설치 프로그램이 지원하지 않으므로 http가 사용됨)"],"URL must be valid and schema must be one of %s":["URL이 유효하고 스키마가 %s 중 하나여야 합니다."],"URL where your Foreman instance is reachable (see also Provisioning > unattended_url)":["Foreman 인스턴스가 도달할 수 있는 URL (프로비저닝 > unattended_url 참조)"],"UTC time of report":["보고서의 UTC 시간"],"UUID":["UUID"],"UUID to track orchestration tasks status, GET /api/orchestration/:UUID/tasks":["오케스트레이션 작업 상태를 추적하기 위한 UUID, GET /api/orchestration/:UUID/tasks"],"Unable to access key":["액세스할 수 없음 "],"Unable to authenticate user %s":["사용자 %s을(를) 인증할 수 없습니다 "],"Unable to change VM display listen address, make sure the display is not attached to localhost only":["VM 디스플레이의 수신 주소를 변경할 수 없습니다. 디스플레이가 로컬 호스트에만 할당되지 않았는지 확인합니다 "],"Unable to communicate with the proxy: %s":["프록시와 통신할 수 없습니다: %s"],"Unable to connect":["연결할 수 없음"],"Unable to connect to LDAP server":["LDAP 서버에 연결할 수 없습니다."],"Unable to create default TFTP boot menu":["기본값 TFTP 부트 메뉴를 생성할 수 없습니다 "],"Unable to create realm entry":["영역 항목을 생성할 수 없습니다 "],"Unable to create the default role.":[""],"Unable to delete DHCP entry for %s":["%s의 DHCP 항목을 삭제할 수 없습니다 "],"Unable to delete DNS entry":["DNS 항목을 삭제할 수 없습니다 "],"Unable to delete PuppetCA autosign for %s":["%s의 PuppetCA 자동 서명을 삭제할 수 없음 "],"Unable to delete PuppetCA certificate for %s":["%s의 PuppetCA 인증서를 삭제할 수 없습니다 "],"Unable to delete TFTP boot entry for %s":["%s의 TFTP 부트 항목을 삭제할 수 없습니다 "],"Unable to detect TFTP boot server":["TFTP 부트 서버를 감지할 수 없습니다 "],"Unable to detect features":["기능을 감지할 수 없습니다 "],"Unable to detect version":["버전을 감지할 수 없습니다"],"Unable to determine the host's boot server. The DHCP smart proxy failed to provide this information and this subnet is not provided with TFTP services.":["호스트의 부팅 서버를 지정할 수 없습니다. DHCP 스마트 프록시가 이 정보 제공에 실패했기 때문에 이 서브넷에 TFTP 서비스가 제공되지 않습니다. "],"Unable to disable bmc_credentials_accessible when safemode_render is disabled":[""],"Unable to disable safemode_render when bmc_credentials_accessible is disabled":[""],"Unable to execute Puppet run":["Puppet run을 실행할 수 없습니다 "],"Unable to fetch TFTP boot file":["TFTP 부팅 파일을 가져올 수 없습니다 "],"Unable to fetch logs":["로그를 가져올 수 없습니다"],"Unable to find IP address for '%s'":[" '%s'의 IP 주소를 찾을 수 없습니다 "],"Unable to find a proxy with BMC feature":["BMC 기능이 있는 프록시를 찾을 수 없습니다 "],"Unable to find proper authentication method":["올바른 인증 방식을 찾을 수 없습니다 "],"Unable to find template %s":["템플릿 %s을 찾을 수 없습니다 "],"Unable to generate output, Check log files":["출력을 생성할 수 없습니다. 로그 파일을 확인하십시오."],"Unable to get BMC providers":["BMC 공급자를 가져올 수 없습니다 "],"Unable to get PuppetCA autosign":["PuppetCA 자동 서명을 가져올 수 없습니다 "],"Unable to get PuppetCA certificates":["PuppetCA 인증서를 가져올 수 없습니다 "],"Unable to get classes from Puppet for %s":["%s의 Puppet에서 클래스를 가져올 수 없습니다 "],"Unable to get environment from Puppet":["Puppet에서 환경을 가져올 수 없습니다 "],"Unable to get environments from Puppet":["Puppet에서 환경을 가져올 수 없습니다 "],"Unable to get installed BMC providers":["설치된 BMC 공급자를 가져올 수 없습니다 "],"Unable to initialize ProxyAPI class %s":["ProxyAPI 클래스 %s을(를) 초기화할 수 없습니다."],"Unable to perform boot BMC operation":["boot BMC 작업을 실행할 수 없습니다 "],"Unable to perform identify BMC operation":["identify BMC 작업을 실행할 수 없습니다 "],"Unable to perform lan BMC operation":["lan BMC 작업을 실행할 수 없습니다 "],"Unable to perform power BMC operation":["power BMC 작업을 실행할 수 없습니다 "],"Unable to render %{kind} template '%{name}': %{e}":[""],"Unable to render '%{name}' template: %{e}":[""],"Unable to retrieve DHCP entry for %s":["%s의 DHCP 항목을 검색할 수 없습니다 "],"Unable to retrieve DHCP subnet":["DHCP 서브넷을 검색할 수 없습니다 "],"Unable to retrieve DHCP subnets":["DHCP 서브넷을 검색할 수 없습니다 "],"Unable to retrieve unused IP":["사용되지 않는 IP를 검색할 수 없습니다 "],"Unable to save":["저장할 수 없음 "],"Unable to send email, check server logs for more information":["이메일을 보낼 수 없습니다. 서버 로그에서 자세한 내용을 확인하십시오."],"Unable to set DHCP entry":["DHCP 항목을 설정할 수 없습니다 "],"Unable to set DNS entry":["DNS 항목을 설정할 수 없습니다 "],"Unable to set PuppetCA autosign for %s":["%s의 PuppetCA 자동 서명을 설정할 수 없습니다 "],"Unable to set TFTP boot entry for %s":["%s의 TFTP 부트 항목을 설정할 수 없습니다 "],"Unable to sign PuppetCA certificate for %s":["%s의 PuppetCA 인증서에 서명할 수 없습니다 "],"Unable to turn on websockets_encrypt, either websockets_ssl_key or websockets_ssl_cert is missing":["websockets_encrypt를 켤 수 없습니다. websockets_ssl_key 또는 websockets_ssl_cert가 누락되었습니다."],"Unable to unset websockets_ssl_cert when websockets_encrypt is on":["websockets_encrypt가 켜져 있는 경우 websockets_ssl_cert를 설정 해제할 수 없습니다."],"Unable to unset websockets_ssl_key when websockets_encrypt is on":["websockets_encrypt가 켜져 있는 경우 websockets_ssl_key를 설정 해제할 수 없습니다."],"Unallowed template for dashboard widget: %s":["대시보드 위젯에 허용되지 않는 템플릿: %s"],"Unattended URL":["자동 URL"],"Undo remove":["삭제 취소 "],"Undo selection":[""],"Unhide this value":["이 값 숨기기 취소"],"Unknown":["알 수 없음 "],"Unknown IPAM type - can't continue":[""],"Unknown Power State":["알 수 없는 전원 상태 "],"Unknown action name for success message: %s":["성공 메세지의 알 수 없는 동작 이름: %s"],"Unknown build status":["알 수 없는 빌드 상태"],"Unknown device: available devices are %s":["알 수 없는 장치: 사용 가능한 장치는 %s입니다 "],"Unknown interface type, must be one of [%s]":["알 수 없는 인터페이스 유형. [%s] 중 하나이어야 합니다 "],"Unknown power action: available methods are %s":["알 수 없는 전원 동작: 사용 가능한 방법은 %s입니다 "],"Unknown power management support - can't continue":["알 수 없는 전력 관리 지원 - 계속 진행할 수 없음 "],"Unknown power state":[""],"Unlock":["잠금 해제"],"Unmanage host":["관리되지 않는 호스트 "],"Unsupported IPAM mode for %s":[""],"Unsupported password hash function '%s'":["지원되지 않는 암호 해시 함수 '%s'"],"Unsupported report status format":["지원되지 않는 보고서 상태 형식 "],"Update":["업데이트 "],"Update :a_resource":[":a_resource 업데이트 "],"Update IP from built request":["빌드 요청에서 IP 업데이트"],"Update a Puppet class":["Puppet 클래스 업데이트 "],"Update a bookmark":["북마크 업데이트 "],"Update a compute attributes set":["컴퓨팅 속성 세트 업데이트 "],"Update a compute profile":["컴퓨터 프로파일 업데이트 "],"Update a compute resource":["컴퓨터 리소스 업데이트 "],"Update a config group":["설정 그룹 업데이트 "],"Update a default template combination for an operating system":["운영 체제의 기본값 템플릿 조합 업데이트 "],"Update a domain":["도메인 업데이트 "],"Update a filter":["필터 업데이트 "],"Update a global parameter":["글로벌 매개 변수 업데이트 "],"Update a hardware model":["하드웨어 모델 업데이트 "],"Update a host":["호스트 업데이트 "],"Update a host group":["호스트 그룹 업데이트 "],"Update a host's interface":["호스트 인터페이스 업데이트 "],"Update a medium":["미디어 업데이트 "],"Update a nested parameter for a domain":["도메인의 중첩된 매개 변수 업데이트 "],"Update a nested parameter for a host":["호스트의 중첩된 매개 변수 업데이트 "],"Update a nested parameter for a host group":["호스트 그룹의 중첩된 매개 변수 업데이트 "],"Update a nested parameter for a location":["위치의 중첩된 매개 변수 업데이트 "],"Update a nested parameter for a subnet":[""],"Update a nested parameter for an operating system":["운영 체제의 중첩된 매개 변수 업데이트 "],"Update a nested parameter for an organization":["조직의 중첩된 매개 변수 업데이트 "],"Update a partition table":["파티션 테이블 업데이트 "],"Update a provisioning template":["프로비저닝 템플릿 업데이트 "],"Update a realm":["영역 업데이트 "],"Update a role":["역할 업데이트 "],"Update a setting":["설정 업데이트 "],"Update a smart class parameter":["스마트 클래스 매개 변수 업데이트 "],"Update a smart proxy":["스마트 프록시 업데이트 "],"Update a smart variable":["스마트 변수 업데이트 "],"Update a subnet":["서브넷 업데이트 "],"Update a user":["사용자 업데이트"],"Update a user group":["사용자 그룹 업데이트 "],"Update an LDAP authentication source":["LDAP 인증 소스 업데이트 "],"Update an architecture":["아키텍처 업데이트 "],"Update an environment":["환경 업데이트 "],"Update an image":["이미지 업데이트 "],"Update an operating system":["운영 체제 업데이트 "],"Update an override value for a specific smart class parameter":["특정 스마트 클래스 매개 변수의 덮어쓰기 값 업데이트 "],"Update an override value for a specific smart variable":["특정 스마트 매개 변수의 덮어쓰기 값 업데이트 "],"Update environment from facts":["팩트에서 환경 업데이트"],"Update external user group":["외부 사용자 그룹 업데이트 "],"Update realm entry for %s":["%s의 영역 항목 업데이트 "],"Update subnets from facts":[""],"Update template combination":["템플릿 조합 업데이트"],"Update the default PXE menu on all configured TFTP servers":["설정된 모든 TFTP 서버에 있는 기본 PXE 메뉴 업데이트 "],"Update:":["업데이트: "],"Updated":["업데이트 일시 "],"Updated all hosts!":["모든 호스트를 업데이트했습니다! "],"Updated hosts: Disassociated from VM":["업데이트된 호스트: VM에서 연결 해제 "],"Updated hosts: changed environment":["업데이트된 호스트: 변경된 환경 "],"Updated hosts: changed host group":["업데이트된 호스트: 변경된 호스트 그룹 "],"Updated hosts: changed owner":["업데이트된 호스트: 변경된 소유자"],"Upload facts for a host, creating the host if required":["호스트의 팩트를 업로드하고 필요한 경우 호스트를 생성합니다 "],"Use Gravatar":["사용자 Gravatar"],"Use UUID for certificates":["인증서에 UUID 사용"],"Use short name for VMs":["VM에 약어 사용"],"Use this account to authenticate, <i>optional</i>":["인증을 위해 이 계정을 사용합니다. <i>옵션</i>"],"Use this puppet server as a CA server":["puppet 서버를 CA 서버로 사용합니다 "],"Use this puppet server as an initial Puppet Server or to execute puppet runs":["puppet 서버를 초기 Puppet 서버로 사용하거나 puppet runs 실행에 사용합니다 "],"Used to enforce certain values for the parameter values":["특정 값을 매개 변수 값에 적용하는 데 사용됩니다."],"User":["사용자 "],"User Group":[""],"User Groups":["사용자 그룹"],"User IDs":["사용자 ID"],"User data template":[""],"User groups":["사용자 그룹 "],"User groups enable users to log into Foreman and be automatically granted permissions.":[""],"User role":["사용자 역할 "],"User's preferred locale":["사용자의 기본 로케일"],"User's timezone":["사용자의 시간대"],"UserRole|Owner type":["소유자 유형 "],"Usergroup":["사용자 그룹 "],"Usergroup member":["사용자 그룹 멤버 "],"UsergroupMember|Member type":["멤버 유형 "],"Usergroup|Admin":["관리자 "],"Usergroup|Auth source":["인증 소스 "],"Usergroup|Name":["이름 "],"Username":["사용자 이름 "],"Username for oVirt, EC2, VMware, OpenStack. Access Key for EC2.":["oVirt, EC2, VMware, OpenStack의 사용자 이름. EC2의 액세스 키."],"Username to use to authenticate, if required":[""],"Users":["사용자 "],"User|Admin":["관리자 "],"User|Avatar hash":["아바타 해시 "],"User|Firstname":["이름 "],"User|Last login on":["마지막 로그인 "],"User|Lastname":["성 "],"User|Locale":["로케일 "],"User|Login":["로그인 "],"User|Lower login":["Lower 로그인 "],"User|Mail":["메일 "],"User|Mail enabled":["메일 활성화 "],"User|Password hash":["암호 해시 "],"User|Password salt":["암호 salt"],"Uses thin provisioning if unchecked":["선택 해제되어 있을 경우 씬 프로비저닝을 사용합니다 "],"Using the organization system provides a way to group resources together for easy management. Organizations are particularly useful for Foreman installations where several customers or business units are managed with a single Foreman install.":[""],"VCPU(s)":["VCPU"],"VCenter/Server":["VCenter/서버"],"VLAN ID for this subnet":["서브넷의 VLAN ID"],"VLAN tag, this attribute has precedence over the subnet VLAN ID. Only for virtual interfaces.":["VLAN 태그입니다. 이 속성은 서브넷 VLAN ID 보다 우선합니다. 가상 인터페이스의 경우에만 사용됩니다. "],"VM":["VM"],"VM Attributes":["VM 속성 "],"VM Attributes (%s)":["VM 속성 (%s)"],"VM already associated with a host":["호스트에 이미 연결된 VM"],"VM associated to host %s":["호스트 %s에 연결된 VM"],"VM is not running!":["VM이 실행되고 있지 않습니다! "],"VNC/SPICE websocket proxy console access encryption (websockets_ssl_key/cert setting required)":["VNC/SPICE websocket 프록시 콘솔 액세스 암호화(websockets_ssl_key/cert 설정 필요)"],"Valid from":["유효 기간 시작 "],"Valid host group and environment combinations":["유효한 호스트 그룹 및 환경 조합 "],"Validation types":["검증 유형 "],"Value":["값"],"Value to use when there is no match":["일치하지 않는 경우 사용할 값 "],"Value to use when there is no match.":["일치하지 않는 경우 사용할 값입니다."],"Variable":["변수 "],"Variable lookup key":["변수 조회 키"],"Variables":["변수 "],"Vendor class":["벤더 클래스 "],"Verify":["확인 "],"Version":["버전 "],"Version %{version}":["버전 %{version}"],"Version %{version} %{copyright} 2009-%{year} Paul Kelly and %{author}":[""],"Very Strong":["매우 강력함"],"View Diff":["차이점 표시 "],"View in Foreman:":["Foreman에서 보기:"],"View last report details":["최종 보고소 상세 정보 표시 "],"View list":["목록 표시"],"Virtual (NAT)":["가상 (NAT)"],"Virtual H/W version":["가상 H/W 버전 "],"Virtual Machine":["가상머신"],"Virtual Machines":["가상머신"],"Virtual Machines on %s":["%s 상의 가상 머신 "],"Virtual NIC":["가상 NIC"],"Virtual machine settings cannot be edited on an existing machine in %s":["%s의 기존 가상 머신에서는 가상 머신 설정을 편집할 수 없습니다."],"WARNING":["경고 "],"Wait for %s to come online":["온라인 상에 있을 때 까지 %s 동안 대기 "],"Warning":["경고 "],"Warning!":["경고!"],"Warning! This will remove %{name} from %{number} user. are you sure?":["",""],"Warning: This will delete this host and all of its data!":["경고: 이 호스트와 호스트의 데이터가 모두 삭제됩니다!"],"Warnings and errors":["경고 및 오류 "],"We have not found any documentation for your API.":["귀하의 API에 대한 문서를 찾을 수 없습니다. "],"We use Redmine to report and track bugs and feature requests, which can be found here:":["다음과 같이 버그 보고, 추적, 기능 요구에 Redmine을 사용합니다: "],"Weak":["취약함"],"Websockets SSL certificate":["Websocket SSL 인증서"],"Websockets SSL key":["Websocket SSL 키"],"Websockets encryption":["Websocket 암호화"],"Weekly":["매주"],"Welcome to Foreman":["Foreman에 오신 것을 환영합니다 "],"What ever text(or ERB template) you use in here, would be used as your OS disk layout options If you want to use the partition table option, delete all of the text from this field":["여기에서 사용하는 텍스트 (또는 ERB 템플릿)가 무엇이든 이는 OS 디스크 레이아웃 옵션으로 사용됩니다. 파티션 테이블 옵션을 사용하고자 할 경우 필드에서 모든 텍스트를 삭제합니다."],"When a Host requests a template (e.g. during provisioning), Foreman will select the best match from the available templates of that type, in the following order:":["호스트가 템플릿 요청 시 (예: 프로비저닝 시) Foreman은 다음과 같은 순서로 사용 가능한 템플릿 유형에서 가장 적합한 것을 선택하게 됩니다: "],"When a realm is selected for a host, Foreman contacts the relevant realm smart proxy to create an entry for the host and retrieve it's one-time registration password.":["호스트의 영역을 선택하면 Foreman이 관련 영역 스마트 프록시에 연결하여 호스트에 대한 항목을 생성하고 일회용 등록 암호를 가져옵니다."],"When editing a template, you must assign a list of operating systems which this template can be used with. Optionally, you can restrict a template to a list of host groups and/or environments.":[""],"When enabled the parameter is hidden in the UI":["활성화된 경우 매개 변수가 UI에서 숨겨집니다."],"When specifying custom value, add 'MB' or 'GB' at the end. Field is not case sensitive and MB is default if unspecified.":[""],"When the role's associated %{taxonomies} are changed,<br> the change will propagate to all inheriting filters.\\n Filters that are set to override <br> will remain untouched. Overriding of role filters can be easily disabled by <br> pressing the \\\"Disable overriding\\\" button.\\n Note that not all filters support <br>%{taxonomies}, so these always remain global.":[""],"When using SSH based provisioning, a special SSH key is created in order to automate the provisioning process.":[""],"When using TLS, you can set how OpenSSL checks the certificate":[""],"Whether or not the image supports user data":["이미지가 사용자 데이터를 지원하는지 여부"],"Whether or not the template is locked for editing":["편집을 위한 템플릿의 잠금 여부 "],"Whether the class parameter value is managed by Foreman.":["클래스 매개 변수 값을 Foreman에서 관리하는지 여부"],"Whether the smart class parameter value is managed by Foreman":["스마트 클래스 매개 변수 값을 Foreman에서 관리하는지 여부"],"Which is an offset of <b>%s</b>":["<b>%s</b>의 오프셋 "],"Widget added to dashboard.":["위젯이 대시보드에 추가되었습니다."],"Widget positions successfully saved.":["위젯 위치를 저장했습니다."],"Widget removed from dashboard.":["위젯이 대시보드에서 삭제되었습니다."],"Wiki":["위키"],"With user groups, you can group your users and assign them roles on a group basis.":[""],"X509 Certification Authorities":["X509 인증 기관 "],"YAML":["YAML"],"Yes":["제공됨"],"You are about to change the default PXE menu on all configured TFTP servers - continue?":["구성된 모든 TFTP 서버에 있는 기본 PXE 메뉴가 변경됩니다. 계속하시겠습니까?"],"You are about to override the editor content with a previous version, are you sure?":["편집기의 컨텐츠를 이전 버전으로 덮어쓰기하려고 합니다. 정말로 실행하시겠습니까? "],"You are about to override the editor content, are you sure?":["편집기의 컨텐츠를 덮어쓰기하려고 합니다. 정말로 실행하시겠습니까? "],"You are about to unlock a locked template.":["잠긴 템플릿을 잠금 해제합니다."],"You are not authorized to lock templates.":["템플릿을 잠글 권한이 없습니다."],"You are not authorized to make a template default.":["템플릿을 기본 템플릿으로 설정할 권한이 없습니다."],"You are not authorized to perform this action.":["이 작업을 수행할 권한이 없습니다."],"You are trying to delete your own account":["자신의 계정을 삭제하려 하고 있습니다 "],"You are using an unsupported browser.":["지원되지 않는 브라우저를 사용하고 있습니다."],"You can add SSH public keys to a user in Foreman.":[""],"You can find The Foreman on the %{freenode} ( network. For general support, please visit #theforeman and for development specific related chat, please visit #theforeman-dev.":["%{freenode} ( 네트워크에서 Foreman을 찾을 수 있습니다. 일반적인 지원의 경우 #theforeman으로 개발에 관련된 대화를 하고자 할 경우 #theforeman-dev로 가십시오. "],"You can select one of the IPAM modes supported by the selected IP protocol:<br/><ul><li><strong>DHCP</strong> - will manage the IP on DHCP through assigned DHCP proxy, auto-suggested IPs come from DHCP <em>(IPv4)</em></li><li><strong>Internal DB</strong> - use internal DB to auto-suggest free IP based on other interfaces on same subnet respecting range if specified, useful mainly with static boot mode <em>(IPv4, IPv6)</em></li><li><strong>EUI-64</strong> - will assign the IPv6 address based on the MAC address of the interface <em>(IPv6)</em></li><li><strong>None</strong> - leave IP management solely on user, no auto-suggestion <em>(IPv4, IPv6)</em></li></ul>":[""],"You can't assign locations to this resource":["이 리소스에 위치를 할당할 수 없습니다 "],"You can't assign organizations to this resource":["이 리소스에 조직을 할당할 수 없습니다 "],"You cannot delete this user while logged in as this user.":["이 사용자로 로그인하는 동안 사용자를 삭제할 수 없습니다."],"You do not have permission to %s this location parameter":["위치 매개 변수 %s에 대한 권한이 없습니다"],"You do not have permission to %s this organization parameter":["조직 매개 변수 %s에 대한 권한이 없습니다 "],"You don't have any visible hosts. Hosts can be added and provisioned from Foreman, or configured to report to Foreman.":["표시 가능한 호스트가 없습니다. Foreman에서 호스트를 추가하거나 프로비저닝할 수 있습니다. 또는 Foreman에 보고하도록 호스트를 구성할 수 있습니다."],"You don't seem to have any bookmarks.":["북마크가 없습니다."],"You don't seem to have any facts yet. If you wish to configure fact pushing, please follow the documentation.":["아직 팩트가 없습니다. 팩트 푸시를 구성하려면 설명서를 따르십시오."],"You don't seem to have any reports.":["보고서가 없습니다."],"You have already logged in":[""],"You may also associate one or more operating systems with this medium or alternatively set this up later on the %s page.":["하나 이상의 운영 체제를 이 미디어에 연결하거나 이를 %s 페이지에서 나중에 설정할 수 있습니다. "],"You may also associate one or more operating systems with this partition table or alternatively set this up later on the %s page":["하나 이상의 운영 체제를 이 파티션 테이블에 연결하거나 이를 %s 페이지에서 나중에 설정할 수 있습니다. "],"You may create puppet classes that represent high-level host configurations, for example, a <b>host-type-ldap-server</b> class, which includes all the required functionality from other modules or you may decide to create a host group called <b>host-type-ldap-server</b> and add the required classes into the host group configuration.":["예를 들어 다른 모듈에서 필요한 모든 기능이 포함된 <b>host-type-ldap-server</b> 클래스와 같은 높은 수준의 호스트 설정을 나타내는 puppet 클래스를 생성하거나 <b>host-type-ldap-server</b>라는 호스트 그룹을 생성하고 이 호스트 그룹 설정으로 필요한 클래스를 추가할 수 있습니다. "],"You must create a location before continuing.":["계속 진행하기 전 위치를 생성해야 합니다."],"You must create an organization before continuing.":["계속 진행하기 전 조직을 생성해야 합니다. "],"You must create at least one location before continuing.":["계속 진행하기 전 최소 하나의 위치를 생성해야 합니다. "],"You must create at least one organization before continuing.":["계속 진행하기 전 최소 하나의 조직을 생성해야 합니다. "],"You must select at least one permission":["최소 하나의 권한을 선택해야 합니다 "],"You probably need to configure your %s first.":["%s을(를) 먼저 구성해야 합니다."],"You would probably need to attach the":["다음을 첨부해야 합니다 "],"Your Foreman user account has been created:":["Foreman 사용자 계정이 생성되었습니다: "],"Your host has finished building:":["호스트에서 빌드가 완료되었습니다:"],"Your password is too short":["귀하의 암호가 너무 짧습니다."],"Your password should not contain sequences":[""],"Your password should not contain that many repetitions":[""],"Your password should not contain your email":[""],"Your password should not contain your username":[""],"Your password should use characters from different character classes too":[""],"Your session has expired, please login again":["세션이 만료되었습니다. 다시 로그인하십시오 "],"ZTP PXE template":[""],"Zone":["영역 "],"[encrypted]":[""],"a location":["위치 "],"add a new matcher":["새 일치 조건 추가"],"add new network interface":["새 네트워크 인터페이스 추가 "],"add new storage volume":["새 스토리지 볼륨 추가 "],"all":["모두 일치"],"already exists":["이미 존재합니다 "],"an organization":["조직 "],"and":["및 "],"array":["어레이 "],"belongs to config group":["설정 그룹에 속합니다 "],"boolean":["부울 "],"boot device, valid devices are disk, cdrom, pxe, bios":["부팅 장치, 유효한 장치는 디스크, CDROM, PXE, BIOS입니다"],"can only be set for array or hash":["배열 또는 해시에만 설정할 수 있습니다 "],"can only be set for arrays that have merge_overrides set to true":["merge_overrides가 True로 설정된 배열에만 설정할 수 있습니다 "],"can only be set when merge overrides is set":["병합 덮어쓰기가 설정된 경우에만 설정할 수 있습니다."],"can't be bigger than to range":["범위보다 클 수 없습니다 "],"can't be blank":["빈 칸으로 두지 마십시오. 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"],"real":["실제 "],"reboot":["재부팅 "],"recreate":["재생성"],"regexp":["정규식 "],"remove":["제거 "],"remove network interface":["네트워크 인터페이스 삭제 "],"remove storage volume":["스토리지 볼륨 삭제"],"required":["필수 "],"required for managed host that is bare metal, not required if it's a virtual machine":["관리 호스트가 베어 메탈일 경우 필요하지만 가상 머신일 경우 필요하지 않습니다 "],"required if host is managed and custom partition has not been defined":["호스트가 관리되고 있으며 사용자 정의 파티션이 정의되고 있지 않은 경우에 필요합니다 "],"required if host is managed and value is not inherited from host group":["호스트가 관리되고 있으며 값이 호스트 그룹에서 상속되지 않은 경우에 필요합니다 "],"required if host is managed and value is not inherited from host group or default password in settings":["호스트가 관리되고 있으며 값이 호스트 그룹이나 설정의 기본값 암호에서 상속되지 않은 경우에 필요합니다 "],"required if locations are enabled":["위치가 활성화되어 있을 경우 필요합니다 "],"required if not imaged based provisioning and host is managed and value is not inherited from host group":["이미지 기반의 프로비저닝이 아니고 호스트가 관리되어 값이 호스트 그룹에서 상속되지 않은 경우에 필요합니다 "],"required if onthefly_register is true":["onthefly_register가 Ture인 경우 필요합니다 "],"required if organizations are enabled":["조직이 활성화되어 있을 경우 필요합니다 "],"reset":["재설정 "],"revoked":["취소됨 "],"select an owner":["소유자 선택 "],"setting up reporting":["보고서 설정 중 "],"should be 8 characters or more":["8 자 이상이어야 합니다 "],"should be a single line":[""],"should not be blank - consider setting a global or host group default":["비워둘 수 없습니다 - 글로벌 또는 호스트 그룹 기본값을 설정해야 합니다 "],"soft":["소프트 "],"some interfaces are invalid":["일부 인터페이스가 유효하지 않습니다."],"some permissions were not found":[""],"sort results":["결과 정렬 "],"space separated options, e.g. miimon=100":["공백으로 구분된 옵션 (예: miimon=100)"],"start":["시작 "],"state":["상태 "],"status":["상태 "],"status type, can be one of\\n* global\\n* configuration\\n* build\\n":["상태 유형으로, 다음 중 하나일 수 있습니다.\\n* global\\n* configuration\\n* build\\n"],"stop":["중지 "],"string":["문자열"],"subnet":[""],"subnet boot mode is not %s":["서브넷 부팅 모드가 %s이(가) 아닙니다."],"sync external user groups on login":["로그인 시에 외부 사용자 그룹 동기화"],"template name":["템플릿 이름 "],"template version":["템플릿 버전 "],"these hosts for a build operation on next boot":["다음 부팅 시 빌드 작업을 위한 호스트 "],"type of the LDAP server":["LDAP 서버 유형"],"unable to find %{type} template for %{host} running %{os}":[""],"unable to sign a non pending certificate":["보류 중이 아닌 인증서에 서명할 수 없습니다 "],"unknown network_type":[""],"unknown parent permission for %s":["%s에 대해 알 수 없는 부모 권한"],"unknown permission %s":["알 수 없는 권한 %s"],"unknown permission for %s":["%s에 대해 알 수 없는 권한 "],"unknown provider":["알 수 없는 공급자 "],"unspecified":["지정되어 있지 않음 "],"used memory":["사용된 메모리 "],"using %s":["%s 사용 중 "],"using %{allocation} GB out of %{capacity} GB, %{pool_name} storage pool":["%{capacity} GB 중 %{allocation} GB, %{pool_name} 스토리지 풀 사용 중 "],"valid":["유효함"],"valid or pending":["유효 또는 보류 중"],"virtual":["가상"],"virtual attached to %s":["%s에 연결된 가상 머신"],"yaml":["yaml"],"you can't assign some of roles you selected":["선택한 역할의 일부를 할당할 수 없습니다 "],"you can't change administrator flag":["관리자 플래그를 변경할 수 없습니다 "],"you cannot remove %s that are used by hosts or inherited.":["호스트가 사용하거나 상속된 %s을(를) 삭제할 수 없습니다. "]}}};
var locales = locales || {}; locales['pl'] = {"domain":"app","locale_data":{"app":{"":{"Project-Id-Version":"Foreman","Report-Msgid-Bugs-To":"","PO-Revision-Date":"2017-08-03 17:21+0000","Last-Translator":"Lukáš Zapletal","Language-Team":"Polish (","MIME-Version":"1.0","Content-Type":"text/plain; charset=UTF-8","Content-Transfer-Encoding":"8bit","Language":"pl","Plural-Forms":"nplurals=4; plural=(n==1 ? 0 : (n%10>=2 && n%10<=4) && (n%100<12 || n%100>14) ? 1 : n!=1 && (n%10>=0 && n%10<=1) || (n%10>=5 && n%10<=9) || (n%100>=12 && n%100<=14) ? 2 : 3);","lang":"pl","domain":"app","plural_forms":"nplurals=4; plural=(n==1 ? 0 : (n%10>=2 && n%10<=4) && (n%100<12 || n%100>14) ? 1 : n!=1 && (n%10>=0 && n%10<=1) || (n%10>=5 && n%10<=9) || (n%100>=12 && n%100<=14) ? 2 : 3);"}," Remove":["Usuń"],"%s - Press Shift-F12 to release the cursor.":["%s - Naciśnij Shift + F12, aby zwolnić kursor."],"%s - The following hosts are about to be changed":["%s - Następujące hosty są do zmiany"],"%s Distribution":["%s Dystrybucja"],"%s Parameters updated, see below for more information":["%s parametry uaktualnione, patrz poniżej, aby uzyskać więcej informacji"],"%s Template":["%s Szablon"],"%s VM associated to a host":["%s wirtualna maszyna związana z hostem","%s wirtualnych maszyn związanych z hostami","%s wirtualnych maszyn związanych z hostami","%s wirtualnych maszyn związanych z hostami"],"%s active feature":["%s aktywna funkcja","%s aktywnych funkcji","%s aktywnych funkcji","%s aktywnych funkcji"],"%s ago":["%s temu"],"%s console is not supported at this time":["Konsola %s nie jest tym razem wspierana"],"%s core":["%s rdzeń","%s rdzeni","%s rdzeni","%s rdzeni"],"%s day ago":["%s dzień temu","%s dni temu","%s dni temu","%s dni temu"],"%s error message":["%s wiadomość o błędach","%s wiadomości o błędach","%s wiadomości o błędach","%s wiadomości o błędach"],"%s has been disassociated from VM":["%s został wyodrębniony z VM"],"%s host":["%s host","%s hostów","%s hostów","%s hostów"],"%s is an unknown attribute":["%s jest nieznanym atrybutem"],"%s is not a valid DNS record type":[""],"%s is not in environment":["%s nie ma w środowisku"],"%s log message":["%s log","%s logów","%s logów","%s logów"],"%s minute ago":["%s Minutę temu","%s Minut temu","%s Minut temu","%s Minut temu"],"%s month ago":["%s miesiąc temu","%s miesięcy temu","%s miesięcy temu","%s miesięcy temu"],"%s selected hosts":["%s wybranych hostów"],"%s warning message":["%s ostrzeżenie o błędach","%s ostrzeżeń o błędach","%s ostrzeżeń o błędach","%s ostrzeżeń o błędach"],"%s week ago":["%s tydzień temu","%s tygodni temu","%s tygodni temu","%s tygodni temu"],"%s widget loading...":[""],"%{app_name} API documentation homepage":["%{app_name} API documentation homepage"],"%{config_type} rebuild failed for host: %{host_names}.":["%{config_type} przebudowa nie powiodła się dla hostu: %{host_names}.","%{config_type} przebudowa nie powiodła się dla hostów: %{host_names}.","%{config_type} przebudowa nie powiodła się dla hostów: %{host_names}.","%{config_type} przebudowa nie powiodła się dla hostów: %{host_names}."],"%{controller}: %{host}'s operating system %{os} has no OS family":[""],"%{controller}: %{host}'s operating system is missing":[""],"%{controller}: unable to find a host that matches the request from %{addr}":[""],"%{cores} Cores and %{memory} memory":["%{cpus} rdzeni i %{memory} pamięci"],"%{count} host with no %{taxonomy_single} assigned":["%{count} host bez przypisania %{taxonomy_single} ","%{count} hostów bez przypisania %{taxonomy_single} ","%{count} hostów bez przypisania %{taxonomy_single} ","%{count} hostów bez przypisania %{taxonomy_single} "],"%{cpus} CPUs and %{memory} MB memory":["%{cpus} CPU i %{memory} MB pamięci"],"%{cpus} CPUs and %{memory} memory":["%{cpus} CPU i %{memory} pamięci"],"%{e} does not belong to the %{environment} environment":["%{e} nie należy do środowiska %{environment}"],"%{host} is about to %{action}":["%{host} ma zamiar %{action}"],"%{host} now boots from %{device}":["%{host} startuje z %{device}"],"%{id} plugin requires Foreman %{matcher} but current is %{current}":["wtyczka %{id} wymaga Foremana %{matcher} ale obecnie jest %{current}"],"%{id} plugin requires the %{plugin_name} plugin %{matcher} but current is %{plugin_version}":["%{id} wtyczka wymaga %{plugin_name} %{matcher}, ale aktualnie jest w wersji %{plugin_version}"],"%{id} plugin requires the %{plugin_name} plugin, not found":["%{id} wtyczka wymaga %{plugin_name},nie znaleziono"],"%{image} needs user data, but %{os_link} is not associated to any provisioning template of the kind user_data. Please associate it with a suitable template or uncheck 'User data' for %{compute_resource_image_link}.":["% {image} potrzebuje dane użytkownika, ale %{os_link} nie jest związana z żadnym szablonem tworzenia rezerw w rodzaju user_data. Proszę skojarz go z odpowiednim szablonem lub odznacz 'User data' dla %{compute_resource_image_link}."],"%{key} does not exist in order field":[""],"%{match} does not match an existing host":["%{match} nie pasuje do istniejącego hosta"],"%{match} does not match an existing host group":["%{match} nie pasuje do istniejącej grupy hostów"],"%{model} with id '%{id}' was not found":["%{model} o id '%{id}' nie został znaleziony"],"%{name} changed from %{label1} to %{label2}":["Nazwę %{name} zmieniono z %{label1} na %{label2}"],"%{name} has %{num_tag} class":["%{name} posiada %{num_tag} klasę","%{name} posiada %{num_tag} klas","%{name} posiada %{num_tag} klas","%{name} posiada %{num_tag} klas"],"%{os} medium was not set for host '%{host}'":[""],"%{record} is being used by a hidden %{what} resource":["%{record} jest używany przez ukrytą %{what} "],"%{record} is used by %{what}":["%{record}jest używany w %{what}"],"%{record} is used by host in build mode %{what}":["%{record} jest wykorzystywany przez host w trybie budowania %{what}"],"%{resource_name} not found by id '%{id}'":["%{resource_name} nie znaleziono z id: '%{id}'"],"%{task} task failed with the following error: %{e}":["%{task} Zadanie nie powiodło się z powodu następującego błędu: %{e}"],"%{taxonomy_type} %{taxonomy_name} has %{count} host that will need to be reassociated after deletion. Delete %{taxonomy_name2}?":["",""],"%{type} %{conflicts} already exists":[""],"%{user} Downloaded %{key} as pem file":[""],"%{value} does not belong to %{os} operating system":["%{value} nie należy do systemu operacyjnego %{os} "],"%{value} is not a valid controller":["%{value} nie jest poprawnym sterownikiem"],"%{value} is not one of %{rules}":["%{value} nie jest jednym z %{rules}"],"%{vm} is now %{vm_state}":["%{vm} jest obecnie %{vm_state}"],"&laquo;":["&laquo;"],"&raquo;":["&raquo;"],"'%{host}' could be deleted or '%{resource}' is not responding.":["'%{host}' mógł zostać usunięty lub '%{resource}' nie odpowiada."],"'%{host}' not found on '%{resource}'":["'%{host}' nie znaleziono w '%{resource}'"],"'%{loader}' is not one of %{loaders}":[""],"'Content-Type: %s' is unsupported in API v2 for POST and PUT requests. Please use 'Content-Type: application/json'.":["\\\"Content-Type: %s' nie jest obsługiwany w API v2 dla żądań POST i PUT. Proszę użyć 'Content-Type: application / json'."],"(Miscellaneous)":["(Różne)"],"(optional) IAM Role for Fog to use when creating this image.":["(Opcjonalnie) AM Role for Fog mogła zostać użyta podczas tworzenia tego obrazu."],"*Clear %s proxy*":["\\\"Wyczyść %s proxy\\\""],"*Clear environment*":["* Wyczyść środowisko *"],"*Clear host group*":["* Wyczyść grupę hosta *"],"*Inherit from host group*":["* Dziedziczenie z grupy hosta *"],", relevant log entries, and it is highly recommended to also attach the foreman-debug output.":[", Odpowiednie wpisy w dzienniku, a zalecane jest aby również dołączyć output foreman-debug."],":foreman_url is not set, please configure in the Foreman Web UI (Administer -> Settings -> General)":[":foreman_url nie został ustawiony, proszę skonfiguruj go w Foreman Web UI (Administer -> Settings -> General)"],"<b class='select_count'>0</b> selected":["wybrano <b class='select_count'>0</b> "],"<b style=\\\"color: #6bb5df;\\\">%{disabled_sum}</b>\\n <p>Disabled</p>":["",""],"<b style=\\\"color: #6bb5df;\\\">%{hosts_sum}</b>\\n <p>Changed</p>":["",""],"<b style=\\\"color: #6bb5df;\\\">%{out_of_sync_sum}</b>\\n <p>Out of sync</p>":["",""],"<b>Description:</b> %{desc}<br/>\\n <b>Type:</b> %{type}<br/>\\n <b>Matcher:</b> %{matcher}<br/>\\n <b>Inherited value:</b> %{inherited_value}":["<b>Opis:</b> %{desc}<br/>\\n\\n<b>Typ:</b> %{type}<br/>\\n\\n<b>Dopasowanie:</b> %{matcher}<br/>\\n\\n<b>Dziedziczona wartość:</b> %{inherited_value}"],"<b>Foreman API v1 is deprecated. Please use v2.</b><br />If you still need to use v1, you may do so by either passing 'version=1' in the Accept Header or using api/v1/ in the URL.":[""],"<b>Foreman</b> Build Complete":["<b>Foreman</b> zbudowany pomyślnie"],"<b>Foreman</b> Puppet error report":["<b>Foreman</b> Puppet błąd raportu"],"<b>Foreman</b> Puppet summary":["podsumowanie <b>Foreman</b> Puppet"],"<b>Foreman</b> audit summary":["Podsumowanie audytu <b> Forman </b>"],"<b>Foreman</b> test email":["testowy e-mail <b>Foremana</b>"],"<b>Source:</b> %{type} %{name}":["<b>Źródło:</b> %{type} %{name}"],"<dl><dt>List</dt> <dd>A list of the allowed values, specified in the Validator rule field.</dd><dt>Regexp</dt> <dd>Validates the input with the regular expression in the Validator rule field.</dd></dl>":["<dl><dt>Lista</dt> <dd>Lista dozwolonych wartości, wyszczególniona w regułach walidatora.</dd><dt>Regexp</dt> <dd>Waliduje wyrażenie regularne na wejściu przez reguły walidatora</dd></dl>"],"<dl><dt>String</dt> <dd>Everything is taken as a string.</dd><dt>Boolean</dt> <dd>Common representation of boolean values are accepted.</dd><dt>Integer</dt> <dd>Integer numbers only, can be negative.</dd><dt>Real</dt> <dd>Accept any numerical input.</dd><dt>Array</dt> <dd>A valid JSON or YAML input, that must evaluate to an array.</dd><dt>Hash</dt> <dd>A valid JSON or YAML input, that must evaluate to an object/map/dict/hash.</dd><dt>YAML</dt> <dd>Any valid YAML input.</dd><dt>JSON</dt> <dd>Any valid JSON input.</dd></dl>":["<dl><dt>String</dt> <dd>Wszystko jest przyjmowane jako String</dd><dt>Boolean</dt> <dd>Wspólne reprezentacje wartości logicznych są akceptowane.</dd><dt>Integer</dt> <dd>Tylko wartości całkowite, również ujemne.</dd><dt>Real</dt> <dd>Akceptuje liczby na wejściu.</dd><dt>Array</dt> <dd> Ważne wejście JSON lub YAML, które musi zostać przekształcone na tablicę.</dd><dt>Hash</dt> <dd>Ważne wejście JSON lub YAML, które musi zostać przekształcone na objekt/mapę/dict/hash.</dd><dt>YAML</dt> <dd>Jakikolwiek odpowiedni YAML na wejściu.</dd><dt>JSON</dt> <dd>Jakikolwiek odpowiedni JSON na wejściu.</dd></dl>"],"A Foreman user group can be associated to a group stored in an LDAP server, so membership of the LDAP group automatically adds the user to the Foreman user group.":[""],"A host group is in some ways similar to an inherited node declaration, in that it is a high level grouping of classes that can be named and treated as a unit. This is then treated as a template and is selectable during the creation of a new host and ensures that the host is configured in one of your pre-defined states.":["Grupa hostów jest w pewnym sensie podobna do odziedziczonej deklaracji węzła, zatem może istnieć grupa wysokiego poziomu klas którą będzie można nazwać i traktować jako całość. Będą traktowane jako wzorzec i wybierane podczas tworzenia nowego hosta i zapewnia, że komputer został skonfigurowany w ten sposób w jednym ze swoich uprzednio zdefiniowanych stanów."],"A medium represents the source of one or more operating system's installation files, accessible via the network.\\n It will probably be a mirror from the internet or a copy of one or more CD or DVDs.":["Nośnik reprezentuje źródło jednego lub więcej plików instalacyjnych systemów operacyjnych, dostępnych przez sieć.\\nPrawdopodobnie będzie to mirror z internetu lub kopia jednego lub kilku płyt CD lub DVD."],"A partition table entry represents either":["Już dokonano wpisu do tablicy partycji"],"A problem occurred when detecting host type: %s":["Problem wystapił po wykryciu hostu typu: %s"],"A script to dynamically calculate the desired sizes. E.G.":["Skrypt do dynamicznego obliczania odpowiednich rozmiarów, np."],"A user group already exists with this name":["Grupa użytkownik już istnieje pod tą nazwą"],"API Key":["Klucz API"],"API documentation":["API Dokumentacji"],"About":["Informacje o"],"Access Key":["Klucz dostępu"],"Access denied":["Brak dostępu"],"Access unattended without build":[""],"Account":["Konto"],"Acquire IP addresses for %s":[""],"Action":["Akcja"],"Actions":["Akcja"],"Active":["Aktywny"],"Active Hosts":["Aktywne Hosty"],"Active features":["aktywne funkcje"],"Active key":[""],"Add Autosign entry":["Dodaj wejście autosign"],"Add Bookmark":["Dodaj zakładkę"],"Add Interface":["Dodaj interface"],"Add Matcher":["Dodaj dopasowanie"],"Add Parameter":["Dodaj parametr"],"Add Trend Counter":["Dodaj licznik trendów"],"Add Variable":["Dodaj zmienną"],"Add Volume":["Dodaj Wolumen"],"Add a CD-ROM drive to the virtual machine.":[""],"Add a Puppet class to host":["Dodaj klasę Puppet do hostu"],"Add a Puppet class to host group":["Dodaj klasę Puppeta do grupy hostów"],"Add a template combination":["Dodaj kombinację szablonu"],"Add combination":["Dodaj kombinację"],"Add external user group":["Dodaj zewnętrzną grupę użytkowników"],"Add filter":["Dodaj filtr"],"Add to dashboard":["Dodaj do dashboard'u"],"Add widgets":["Dodaj widżety"],"Add:":["Dodaj:"],"Adding would cause a cycle!":["Dodanie spowoduje zapętlenie!"],"Additional Information":["Dodatkowe informacje"],"Additional compute resource specific attributes for the interface.":["Dodatkowe zasoby obliczeniowe specyficznych atrybutów interfejsu."],"Additional compute resource specific attributes.":["Specyficzne cechy dodatkowe zasobów obliczeniowych"],"Additional information about this host":["Dodatkowe informacje o tym hoście"],"Address to connect to":[""],"Admin permissions required":["Wymagane uprawnienia administratora. "],"Administer":["Administracja"],"Administrator email address":["Adres e-mail administratora"],"Administrator user account required":["Wymagane konto administratora"],"Alert":["Alarm"],"Alerts disabled":["Alarmy wyłączone"],"Alias or VLAN device":["Alias lub urządzenie VLAN"],"All":["Wszystkie"],"All Puppet Classes for %s":["Wszystkie klasy Puppet dla %s"],"All Reports":["Wszystkie raporty"],"All compute resources":["Wszystkie zasoby obliczeniowe"],"All domains":["Wszystkie domeny"],"All environments":["Wszystkie środowiska"],"All environments - (not filtered)":["Wszystkie środowiska - (nie filtrowane)"],"All host groups":["Wszystkie grupy hostów"],"All hosts":["Wszystkie hosty"],"All hosts data matches configurations for locations and organizations.":["Wszystkie dane dotyczące dopasowania konfiguracji hostów dla lokalizacji i organizacji."],"All hosts previously with no %{single} are now assigned to %{name}":["Wszystkie hosty najpierw bez %{single} teraz są przypisane do %{name} "],"All hosts will show a configuration status even when a Puppet smart proxy is not assigned":["Wszystkie hosty będą wykazywały stan konfiguracji nawet jeśli Puppet smart proxy nie jest przypisane"],"All items":["Wszystkie elementy"],"All media":["Wszystkie nośniki"],"All messages":["Wszystkie wiadomości"],"All mismatches between hosts and %s have been fixed":["Wszystkie niedopasowania pomiędzy hostami i %s zostały ustalone"],"All mismatches between hosts and locations/organizations have been fixed":["Wszystkie niedopasowania pomiędzy gospodarzami i lokalizacją / organizacją zostały ustalone"],"All partition tables":["Wszystkie tabele partycji"],"All provisioning templates":["Wszystkie szablony zaopatrzenia"],"All realms":["Wszystkie domeny"],"All smart proxies":["Wszystkie inteligentne proxy"],"All subnets":["Wszystkie podsieci"],"All users":["Wszyscy użytkownicy"],"Allocated":["Przydzielona"],"Allocation (GB)":["Alokacja (GB)"],"Allow access to unattended URLs without build mode being used":[""],"Allow external network as main network":["Pozwól zewnętrznej sieci jako głównej sieci"],"Allowed methods or members":[""],"Always show configuration status":["Zawsze pokazuj stan konfiguracji"],"An IP address will be auto-suggested if you have enabled IPAM on the IPv4 subnet selected above.<br/><br/>The IP address can be left blank when:<br/><ul><li>provisioning tokens are enabled</li><li>the domain does not manage DNS</li><li>the subnet does not manage reverse DNS</li><li>and the subnet does not manage DHCP reservations</li></ul>":[""],"An IP address will be auto-suggested if you have enabled IPAM on the IPv6 subnet selected above.":[""],"An email address is required, please update your account details":[""],"An error occurred while testing the connection: ":[""],"An explicit layout for the partitions of your hard drive(s). E.G.":["Wyraźny układ dla partycji dysku twardego, np."],"An invalid response was received while requesting available features from this proxy":[""],"Annotation Notes":[""],"Annotation notes":[""],"Anonymous admin user %s is missing, run foreman-rake db:seed":["Brak anonimowego administratora %s , uruchom foreman-rake db:seed"],"Any Context":["Dowolny kontekst"],"Any Location":["Jakakolwiek lokalizacja"],"Any Organization":["Jakakolwiek organizacja"],"Applicable Operating Systems":[""],"Applied":["Zastosowano"],"Applied|A":["Applied|A"],"Architecture":["Architektura"],"Architecture Distribution":["Dystrybucja architektury"],"Architecture ID":["ID architektury"],"Architectures":["Architektury"],"Architecture|Hostgroups count":["Architektura | Przeliczenie grupyHostów"],"Architecture|Hosts count":["Architektura|Liczba Hostów"],"Architecture|Name":["Architektura | Nazwa"],"Are you sure you want to %{act} %{vm}?":["Jesteś pewien, że chcesz wykonać \\\"%{act}\\\" w %{vm}?"],"Are you sure you want to delete host %s? This action is irreversible.":["Czy na pewno chcesz usunąć host %s ? Ta operacja jest nieodwracalna."],"Are you sure you want to delete host %s? This will delete the virtual machine and its disks, and is irreversible.":["Czy na pewno chcesz usunąć host %s ? Spowoduje to nieodwracalne usunięcie maszyny wirtualnej i jego dysków."],"Are you sure you want to delete this widget from your dashboard?":["Czy na pewno chcesz usunąć ten widget z dashboardu?"],"Are you sure you want to log out?":[""],"Are you sure you want to power %{act} %{vm}?":["Jesteś pewien, że chcesz włączyć %{act} w %{vm}?"],"Are you sure?":["Czy na pewno?"],"Array of extra information types to include":[""],"Array of host IDs to associate with the partition table":["Tablica identyfikatorów hosta powiązana z tablicą partycji"],"Array of host group IDs to associate with the partition table":["Tablica ID grupy hostów skojarzona z tablicą partycji"],"Array of operating system IDs to associate with the partition table":["Tablica identyfikatorów systemu operacyjnego skojarzona z tablicą partycji"],"Array of operating system IDs to associate with the template":["Tablica ID systemów powiązanych z szablonem"],"Array of parameters":[""],"Array of parameters (name, value)":["Tablica parametrów (name, value)"],"Array of template combinations (hostgroup_id, environment_id)":["Tablica szablonów kombinacji (hostgroup_id, environment_id)"],"Assign All":["Przypisz wszystkie"],"Assign Hosts to %s":["Przypisz hosty do %s"],"Assign Location":["Przypisywanie Lokalizacji"],"Assign Organization":["Przypisz organizację"],"Assign Selected Hosts":["Przypisz wybrane hosty"],"Assign the %{count} host with no %{taxonomy_single} to %{taxonomy_name}":["Przypisz %{count} host bez %{taxonomy_single} do %{taxonomy_name}","Przypisz wszystkie %{count} hostów bez %{taxonomy_single} do %{taxonomy_name}","Przypisz wszystkie %{count} hostów bez %{taxonomy_single} do %{taxonomy_name}","Przypisz wszystkie %{count} hostów bez %{taxonomy_single} do %{taxonomy_name}"],"Assign to %s":["Przypisz do %s"],"Assigning hosts to %{taxonomy_name} will also update %{taxonomy_name} to include all the resources that the selected hosts are currently using.":["Przypisanie hostów do %{taxonomy_name} spowoduje również aktualizację %{taxonomy_name} by dołączyć wszystkie zasobów których wybrane hosty akurat używają. 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To save them, click on 'Bookmark this search' on the dropdown next to every search button.":["Zakładki zapisują wyszukiwane hasła. 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If filter remains <br> unlimited (this field is checked) it applies on all resources of the selected type. When a role is associated <br> with some %s filter is not considered unlimited as it's scoped accordingly.":[""],"CA certificate expiry date":["Data ważności certyfikatu CA"],"CD-ROM drive":[""],"CDROM":["CD-ROM"],"CPU hot add":["CPU hot add"],"CPU hot add lets you add CPU resources for a virtual machine while the machine is powered on.":["CPU hot add umożliwia dodawanie zasobów CPU dla maszyny wirtualnej, gdy urządzenie jest włączone."],"CPUs":["Procesory"],"Cache slow calls to VMWare to speed up page rendering":[""],"Caching":[""],"Calling methods on objects":[""],"Can't delete internal admin account":["Nie można usunąć wewnętrznego konta administratora"],"Can't delete the last admin account":["Nie można usunąć ostatniego konta administratora"],"Can't delete the last admin user group":["Nie można usunąć grupę użytkowników ostatniego administratora"],"Can't find a valid Foreman Proxy with a Puppet feature":["nie można znaleźć poprawnego Foreman Proxy z wtyczką 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see what templates are available.":[""],"Continue to look for matches after first find (only array/hash type)? Note: merging overrides ignores all matchers that are omitted.":[""],"Continue?":["Kontynuować?"],"Cores":["Rdzeni"],"Cores per socket":["Rdzeni na socket"],"Could not add permissions to Manager and Viewer roles: %s":[""],"Could not add permissions to Manager role: %s":[""],"Could not add permissions to Organization admin role: %s":[""],"Could not add permissions to Viewer role: %s":[""],"Could not create role '%{name}': %{message}":[""],"Could not delete %s":[""],"Could not extend role '%{name}': %{message}":[""],"Could not find %{association} with name: %{name}":[""],"Could not find a Configuration Template with the name \\\"%s\\\", please create one.":[""],"Could not find network %s on VMWare compute resource":[""],"Could not find virtual machine network interface matching %s":["Nie można znaleźć intefrejsu sieciowego maszyny wirtualnej dopasowanego do %s"],"Could not locate CA certificate.":["Nie udało się zlokalizować certyfikatu CA."],"Could not recreate a new SSH 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wszystkie zagnieżdżone parametry dla domeny"],"Delete all nested parameters for a host":["Usuń wszystkie zagnieżdżone parametry hosta"],"Delete all nested parameters for a host group":["Usuń wszystkie zagnieżdżone parametry dla grupy hostów"],"Delete all nested parameters for a subnet":[""],"Delete all nested parameters for an operating system":["Usuń wszystkie zagnieżdżone parametry systemu operacyjnego"],"Delete all the trend history for %s?":["Skasować całą historię trendów dla %s?"],"Delete an LDAP authentication source":["Usuń źródło autentyfikacji serwera LDAP"],"Delete an SSH key for a user":[""],"Delete an architecture":["Usuń architekturę"],"Delete an environment":["Usuń środowisko"],"Delete an external user group":["Usuń zewnętrzną grupę użytkowników"],"Delete an image":["Usuń obraz"],"Delete an operating system":["Usuwanie systemu operacyjnego"],"Delete an override value for a specific smart class parameter":["Usuń wartość nadpisaną dla konkretnego parametru inteligentnej klasy"],"Delete an override value for a specific smart variable":["Usuń wartość nadpisaną dla określanej smart variable"],"Delete autosign entry":[""],"Delete autosign entry for %s":["Usuń wejście autosign dla: %s"],"Delete filter?":["Usunąć filtr"],"Delete realm entry for %s":["Usuń wpis o domenie dla %s"],"Delete report for %s?":["Usunąć raport dla %s?"],"Deleted environment":["Usunięte środowiska"],"Deleted environment %{env} and %{pcs}":["Usunięte środowiska%{env} i %{pcs}"],"Delivery method":[""],"Deploy TFTP %{kind} config for %{host}":[""],"Deploy VM on selected datastore":["Wdrażanie VM od wybranej pamięci masowej"],"Deploy on":["Rozmieszczony na "],"Deprecated, please use datacenter":[""],"Deprecated, please use omit":[""],"Description":["Opis"],"Description of smart class":["Opis inteligentnej klasy"],"Description of the domain":["Opis domeny"],"Description of variable":["Opis zmiennej"],"Deselect All":["Odznacz wszystko"],"Destroy":["Usuń"],"Destroyed selected hosts":["Zniszczono wybrane hosty"],"Details":["Szczegóły"],"Device identifier":["identyfikator wejścia"],"Device identifier for this interface. 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Może się różnić w zależności od platform lub środowisk, poniżej znajduje się kilka przykładów. <br/><ul><li>Użyj podstawowej nazwy dla identyfikatora fizycznego interfejsu, np. <strong>eth0</strong> lub <strong>em0</strong> wraz z nazwą urządzenia BIOSu.</li><li>Dla wirtualnych interfejsów, użyj jednej z notacji aliasów (<strong>eth0:1</strong>, name:index) lub notacji VLAN (<strong>eth0.15</strong>, name.tag).</li><li>Dla wiązań przyjęło się używać <strong>bond0</strong> na Linuxie, <strong>lagg0</strong> na systemie FreeBSD.</li></ul>"],"Device identifier, e.g. eth0 or eth1.1":["identyfikator wejścia, np. eth0 lub eth1.1"],"Diff":["Różnice"],"Diff View":["Zobacz zmiany"],"Disable Notifications":["Wyłącz powiadomienia"],"Disable alerts for selected hosts":["Wyłącz powiadomienia dla wybranych hostów"],"Disable all filters overriding":[""],"Disable overriding":[""],"Disabled":["Wyłączone"],"Disassociate Hosts":["Oddziel hosty"],"Disassociate host":["Oddziel host"],"Disassociate the host from a VM":["Oddzielony host od VM"],"Disassociate the selected hosts from their VMs":["Odłącz wybrane hosty od ich maszyn wirtualnych"],"Disk":["Dysk"],"Disk mode":[""],"Display":["Wyświetlacz"],"Display Name":["Wyświetlana nazwa"],"Display hidden parameter values":[""],"Display hidden values":[""],"Display the templates that will be used to provision this host":["Wyświetl szablony które będą użyte do dostawy dla tego hosta"],"Display type":["Wyświetl typ"],"Displaying %{num_audits} of %{total_audits} audit":["Wyświetlanie %{num_audits} z %{total_audits} audytu","Wyświetlanie %{num_audits} z %{total_audits} audytów","Wyświetlanie %{num_audits} z %{total_audits} audytów","Wyświetlanie %{num_audits} z %{total_audits} audytów"],"Displaying <b>%{count}</b> entry":["Wyświetlanie <b>%{count}</b> wejścia","Wyświetlanie <b>wszystkich %{count}</b> wejść","Wyświetlanie <b>wszystkich %{count}</b> wejść","Wyświetlanie <b>wszystkich %{count}</b> wejść"],"Displaying entries <b>%{from} - %{to}</b> of <b>%{count}</b> in total":["Wyświetlanie wejść <b>%{from} - %{to}</b>, w sumie <b>%{count}</b> "],"Documentation":["Dokumentacja"],"Does this image support user data input (e.g. via cloud-init)?":["Czy obraz wspiera wejściowe dane użytkownika (np. przez cloud-init)?"],"Domain":["Domena"],"Domain ID":["ID domeny"],"Domain IDs":["ID domeny"],"Domains":["Domeny"],"Domains in which this subnet is part":["Dziedziny, w których ta podsieć jest częścią"],"Domain|Fullname":["Domena|PełnaNazwa"],"Domain|Hostgroups count":["Domena|Liczba grupy hostów"],"Domain|Hosts count":["Domena| liczba hostów"],"Domain|Name":["Domena|Nazwa"],"Download":[""],"Duration in minutes after the Puppet interval for servers to be classed as out of sync.":["Czas trwania w minutach Po upływie których Puppet dla serwerów ma być zaklasyfikowany jako niezsynchronizowany."],"EC2":["EC2"],"EFI":[""],"ENC environment":["Środowisko ENC"],"ERROR or FATAL":["ERROR lub FATAL"],"EUI-64":[""],"Each architecture can also be associated with more than one operating system and a selector block is provided to allow you to select valid combinations.":["Każda architektura może być również powiązana z więcej niż jednym systemem operacyjnym oraz blok selektora jest warunkiem, aby umożliwić wybranie prawidłowych kombinacji."],"Each entries represent a particular hardware architecture, most commonly <b>x86_64</b> or <b>i386</b>. Foreman also supports the Solaris operating system family, which includes <b>sparc</b> based systems.":["Każda pozycja reprezentuje konkretną architekturę sprzętową, najczęściej <b>x86_64</b> lub <b>i386</b>. Foreman wspiera rodzinę systemu operacyjnego Solaris, który zawiera systemy oparte na <b>sparc</b> ."],"Eager zero":["Eager zero"],"Edit":["Edytuj"],"Edit %s":["Edytuj %s"],"Edit Architecture":["Edytuj architekturę"],"Edit Bookmark":["Edytuj zakładkę"],"Edit Compute profile":["Edytuj profil obliczeń"],"Edit Compute profile: %s":["Edytuj profil obliczeń: %s"],"Edit Config group":["Edytuj grupy konfiguracji"],"Edit Domain":["Edytuj domenę"],"Edit Environment":["Edytuj środowisko"],"Edit Filter":["Edytuj filtr"],"Edit Global Parameter":["Edytuj parametry globalne"],"Edit Host":["Edytuj host"],"Edit LDAP Auth Source":["Edytuj źródło uwierzytelniania LDAP"],"Edit Medium":["Edytuj nośnik"],"Edit Model":["Edytuj model"],"Edit Operating System":["Edytuj system operacyjny"],"Edit Parameters":["Edytuj parametry"],"Edit Partition Table":["Edytuj tablice partcji"],"Edit Properties":["Edytuj właściwości"],"Edit Proxy":["Edytuj Proxy"],"Edit Puppet Class %s":["Edytuj klasę Puppet %s"],"Edit Realm":["Edytuj domenę"],"Edit Role":[""],"Edit Smart Variable":["Edytuj Smart Variable"],"Edit Smart class parameters":["Edycja parametrów inteligentnych klas"],"Edit Subnet":["Edytuj podsieć"],"Edit Template":["Edytuj szablon"],"Edit Trend %s":["Edytuj trend %s"],"Edit User":["Edytuj użytkownika"],"Edit User group":["Edytuj grupę użytkowników"],"Edit compute profile on %s":["Edytuj profil obliczeń na %s"],"Edit this host":[""],"Email Preferences":["Preferencje e-mail"],"Email address is missing":["Brak adresu e-mail"],"Email reply address":["Zwrotny adres e-mail"],"Email reply address for emails that Foreman is sending":["Zwrotny adres e-mail dla maili które wysyła Foreman"],"Email subject prefix":["prefiks tematu e-maila"],"Email was sent successfully":["E-mail został pomyślnie wysłany"],"Empty environment":["puste środowisko"],"Enable Notifications":["Włącz powiadomienia"],"Enable alerts for selected hosts":["Włącz powiadomienia dla wybranych hostów"],"Enable caching":[""],"Enable certificate generation for %s":["Włącz generowanie certyfikatów dla %s"],"Enable if this is an alias or VLAN interface, note that alias can be used only with static boot mode subnet":["Dozwolony jeśli jest to alias lub interfejs VLAN, uwaga - alias może być użyty tylko z podsiecią w trybie statycznego bootowania"],"Enable puppetrun support":["Zezwól na wspieranie puppetrun"],"Enable rebuild on next host boot":["Włącz przebudowanie na następnym bootowaniu hosta"],"Enable safe mode config templates rendering (recommended)":["Włączanie trybu bezpiecznego renderowania szablonów konfiguracyjnych (zalecane)"],"Enable smart variables in ENC":["zezwól na smart variables w ENC"],"Enable this host for provisioning":["Zezwól temu hostowi na dostawę"],"Enabled":["Włączone"],"Enabled %s for reboot and rebuild":["Włączone %s dla ponownego uruchomienia i przebudowania"],"Enabled %s for rebuild on next boot":["Włączone %s dla przebudowania przy następnym uruchomieniu"],"Enabled %s for rebuild on next boot, but failed to power cycle the host":[""],"Ending IP Address for IP auto suggestion":["Końcowy adres IP dla autosugestii IP"],"Entries per page":["Wpisów na stronę"],"Environment":["Środowisko"],"Environment Distribution":[""],"Environment ID":["ID środowiska"],"Environment IDs":["ID środowiska "],"Environment only":["Tylko środowisko"],"Environment variable containing a client's SSL certificate":["Zmienna środowiskowa zawierający certyfikat SSL klienta"],"Environment variable containing the subject DN from a client SSL certificate":["Zmienna środowiskowa zawierająca przedmiot DN z certyfikatu SSL klienta"],"Environment variable containing the verification status of a client SSL certificate":["Zmienna środowiskowa zawierająca status weryfikacji certyfikatu SSL klienta"],"Environments":["Środowiska"],"Environment|Hostgroups count":["Środowisko|LiczbaGrupHostów"],"Environment|Hosts count":["Środowisko|LiczbaHostów"],"Environment|Name":["Środowisko|Nazwa"],"Error":["Błąd"],"Error - %{message}":["Error - %{message}"],"Error adding widget to dashboard.":["Błąd w trakcie dodawania widgetu do dashboardu."],"Error connecting to %{proxy}: %{error}.":["Błąd podłączenia %{proxy}: %{error}."],"Error connecting to '%{domain}' domain DNS servers: %{servers} - check query_local_nameservers and dns_conflict_timeout settings":["Błąd przy połączeniu z domeną '%{domain}' serwera DNS: %{servers} - sprawdź ustawienia query_local_nameservers i dns_conflict_timeout "],"Error connecting to system DNS server(s) - check /etc/resolv.conf":["Błąd podczas łączenia z serwerem/(ami) Systemu DNS - sprawdź /etc/resolv.conf"],"Error generating IP: %s":["Błąd przy generowaniu IP: %s"],"Error has occurred while communicating with %{cr}: %{e}":["Wystąpił błąd podczas komunikacji z %{cr}: %{e}"],"Error loading interfaces information: %s":["Błąd przy ładowaniu interfejsu informacji: %s "],"Error loading scheduler hint filters information: %s":[""],"Error removing widget from dashboard.":["Błąd w trakcie usuwania widgetu z dasboardu."],"Errors":["Błędy"],"Errors occurred, build may fail":["wystąpiły błędy, budowa może się nie udać"],"Errors only":["Tylko błędy"],"Errors: %s":["Błędy: %s"],"Examples":["Przykłady"],"Exit Full Screen":["Zamknij pełny ekran"],"Expand nested items":["Rozwiń zagnieżdżone elementy"],"Expand the chart":["Rozwiń wykres"],"Expire logs":["Wygaśnięte logi"],"Expires":["traci ważność"],"Explain matchers":["Wyjaśnij dopasowanie"],"Export":[""],"Export a partition template to ERB":[""],"Export a provisioning template to ERB":[""],"Export to CSV":[""],"External Groups":[""],"External IP":["Zewnętrzne IP"],"External user group":["Zewnętrzna grupa użytkowników"],"External user group %{name} could not be refreshed":["Zewnętrzna grupa użytkowników %{name} nie może być odświeżana"],"External user group %{name} refreshed":["Odświeżanie zewnętrznej grupy użytkowników %{name} "],"External user group information":["Informacje o zewnętrznej grupie użytkowników"],"External user group name":["Nazwa zewnętrznej grupy użytkowników"],"External user groups will be synced on login, else relies on periodic cronjob to check group membership":["Zewnętrzne grupy użytkowników będą synchronizowane przy logowaniu, w przeciwnym wypadku polegać na okresowym cronjob sprawdzić członkostwo grupy"],"External usergroup":["Zewnętrzna grupa użytkowników"],"ExternalUsergroup|Name":["ZewnętrznaGrupaUżytkowników|Nazwa"],"FQDN":["FQDN"],"Fact Name":["Nazwa faktu"],"Fact Values":["Wartości faktów"],"Fact Values | %{host_name}":[""],"Fact distribution chart":["wykres rozkładu zdarzeń"],"Fact name":["Nazwa faktu"],"Fact value":["Wartość faktu"],"Fact values":["Faktyczne wartości"],"FactName|Ancestry":["NazwaFaktu|Pochodzenie"],"FactName|Compose":["NazwaFaktu|Kompozycja"],"FactName|Name":["NazwaFaktu|Nazwa"],"FactName|Short name":["NazwaFaktu|Skrót"],"FactValue|Origin":[""],"FactValue|Value":["WartośćFaktów|Wartość"],"Facts":["Fakty"],"Fail on Mismatch":["Błąd przez niezgodności"],"Failed":["Failed"],"Failed Restarts":["Failed Restarts|FR"],"Failed Restarts|FR":["FailedRestarts|FR"],"Failed connecting to %s":["Nie udało się połączyć z %s"],"Failed features":["Nieudane funkcje"],"Failed features: %s":["Nieudanych funkcji: %s","Nieudanych funkcji: %s","Nieudanych funkcji: %s","Nieudanych funkcji: %s"],"Failed restarts":["Nieudany restart"],"Failed to %{action} %{host}: %{e}":["Błąd dla %{action} z hostu %{host}: %{e}"],"Failed to acquire IP addresses from compute resource for %s":[""],"Failed to cancel pending build for %{hostname} with the following errors: %{errors}":[""],"Failed to clean any old certificates or add the autosign entry. 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Terminating the build!":["Nie udało się uzyskać nowego obszaru OTP. Zakończenie budowania!"],"Failed to import %{klass} for %{name}: doesn't exists in our database - ignoring":["Nie udało się zaimportować %{klass} dla %{name}: nie istnieje w naszej bazie danych - ignoruj"],"Failed to initialize the PuppetCA proxy: %s":["Nie udało się zainicjalizować proxy PuppetCA: %s "],"Failed to initialize the realm proxy: %s":["Nie udało się zainicjalizować realm proxy: %s "],"Failed to launch script on %{name}: %{e}":["Nie udało się załączyć skryptu na %{name}: %{e}"],"Failed to load chart":["Nie udało się załadować wykresu"],"Failed to login via SSH to %{name}: %{e}":["Nie można się zalogować przez SSH do %{name}: %{e} "],"Failed to modify the build cycle for %s":["Nie udało się zmodyfikować cyklu budowania %s"],"Failed to perform rollback on %{task} - %{e}":["Nie można wykonać rollback na %{task} - %{e}"],"Failed to power up a compute %{compute_resource} instance %{name}: %{e}":["Nie udało się uruchomić instancji zasobu %{compute_resource} %{name}: %{message}"],"Failed to reboot %s.":["Nie udało się ponownie uruchomić %s ."],"Failed to redeploy %s.":["Nie udało się przesunąć: %s"],"Failed to refresh the cache.":[""],"Failed to remove certificates for %{name}: %{e}":["Nie udało się przywrócić certyfikatu dla %{name}: %{e}"],"Failed to retrieve power status for %{host} within %{timeout} second.":["",""],"Failed to save widget positions.":["Błąd w trakcie zapisywania pozycji widgetu."],"Failed to set %{proxy_type} proxy for %{host}.":["Nie udało się ustawić %{proxy_type} proxy dla %{host}."],"Failed to set IP for %{name}: %{e}":[""],"Failed to set IPs via IPAM for %{name}: %{e}":[""],"Failed to set console: %s":["Nie udało się ustawić konsoli: %s"],"Failed to set power state for %s.":["Nie udało się ustawić źródła zasilania dla: %s"],"Failed to stop compute %{compute_resource} instance %{name}: %{e}":["Nie udało się zatrzymać instancji zasobu %{compute_resource} %{name}: %{message}"],"Failed to undo update compute %{compute_resource} instance %{name}: %{e}":["Nie udało się cofnąć aktualizacji instancji zasobu %{compute_resource} %{name}: %{message}"],"Failed to update a compute %{compute_resource} instance %{name}: %{e}":["Nie udało się aktualizować instancji zasobu %{compute_resource} %{name}: %{message}"],"Failed to update environments and Puppet classes from the on-disk Puppet installation: %s":["Nie udało się zaktualizować środowisk i klas puppet z instalacji Puppet na dysku: %s"],"Failed to update the environments and Puppet classes from the on-disk puppet installation: %s":["Nie udało się zaktualizować środowisk i klas puppet z instalacji puppet na dysku: %s"],"Failed to validate %{host}: %{error}":["Nie udało się zweryfikować %{host}: %{error}"],"Failed|F":["Failed|F"],"Failure deploying via smart proxy %{proxy}: %{error}.":["Awaria wdrażania poprzez smart proxy %{proxy}: %{error}."],"Failure parsing %{template}: %{error}.":["awaria parsowania %{template}: %{error}."],"Failure: %s":["Niepowodzenie: %s"],"Family":["Rodzina"],"Feature":["Właściwość"],"Features":["Wtyczka"],"Features \\\"%s\\\" in this proxy are not recognized by Foreman. If these features come from a Smart Proxy plugin, make sure Foreman has the plugin installed too.":[""],"Feature|Name":["Właściwość|Nazwa"],"Fetch TFTP boot files for %s":["Pobierz pliki bootowania TFTP dla %s"],"Filter":["Filtry"],"Filter by level:":["Filtruj według poziomu:"],"Filter by name":["Filtrowanie według nazwy"],"Filter by state:":["Filtrowanie według stanu:"],"Filter classes":["Filtruj klasy"],"Filter overriding has been disabled":[""],"Filters":["Filtry"],"Filters for role %s":["Filtry mające za zadanie: %s"],"Filters inherit %{orgs_and_locs} from their role by default. If override field is enabled, <br> filter can override the set of its %{orgs_and_locs}. Later role changes will not affect <br> such filter. After disabling override field, role %{orgs_and_locs} apply again.":[""],"Filters overriding has been disabled":[""],"Filter|Override":[""],"Filter|Permissions":["Filtr|Dostęp"],"Filter|Resource":["Filtr|Zasób"],"Filter|Search":["Filtr|Przeszukiwanie"],"Filter|Taxonomy search":["Filtr|Wyszukiwanie taksonomii"],"Filter|Unlimited":["Filtr|Nielimitowany"],"Fingerprint":["Odcisk palca"],"Finish template":[""],"Firmware":[""],"Fix %s on Mismatch":["Napraw %s pod kątem niezgodności "],"Fix All Mismatches":["Napraw wszystkie niezgodności"],"Fix DB cache":["Napraw DB cache "],"Fix DB cache on next Foreman restart":["Napraw DB cache przy następnym restarcie Foremana"],"Fix Mismatches":["Napraw niezgodności"],"Flavor":["Odmiana"],"Floating IP network":["zmienne IP sieci"],"Folder":["Folder"],"Follow %{href} on how to describe your controllers.":["Postępuj zgodnie z %{href} by opisać swoje kontrolery. "],"For example, if you have copied several Red Hat release disks into a directory structure where the disk images are named 5.8 or 6.2, and each contained both x86_64 and i386 binaries, then you\\n could create a single medium entry describing them all.\\n The entry, which could be just named 'Red Hat' could contain a path like this <em>'http://server/redhat/$version/$arch'</em>":["Na przykład, jeśli zostało skopiowane kilka dysków wydania Red Hat w strukturze katalogów, w których są obrazy dysków o nazwie 5.8 lub 6.2, a każda zawierała zarówno pliki binarne x86_64 oraz i386, wtedy\\npowinieneś móc stworzyć jeden wpis opisujący je wszystkie.\\nWejście, które może nazywać się po prostu 'Red Hat' powinno zawierać ścieżkę taką jak ta: <em>'http://server/redhat/$version/$arch'</em>"],"For more info visit our documentation.":[""],"For more information":["Po więcej informacji"],"Force a Puppet agent run on the host":["moc agenta Puppet uruchomionego na tym hoście"],"Foreman API v2 is currently the default API version.":["Foreman API v2 jest aktualnie domyślną wersją API."],"Foreman Developers":["Deweloperzy Foremana"],"Foreman URL":["Foreman URL"],"Foreman Users":["Użytkownicy Foremana"],"Foreman audit summary":["Podsumowanie audytu Foreman"],"Foreman can store information about the networking setup of a host that it’s provisioning, which can be used to configure the virtual machine, assign the correct IP addresses and network resources, then configure the OS correctly during the provisioning process.":[""],"Foreman can use LDAP based service for user information and authentication.":["Foreman może używać LDAP bazując na na informacji o użytkownikach i uwierzytelniania."],"Foreman considers a domain and a DNS zone as the same thing.":["Foreman uważa że domena i strefa DNS są tym samym."],"Foreman domain ID of interface. Required for primary interfaces on managed hosts.":["ID domeny interfejsu Foremana. Wymagany dla pierwszego interfejsu zarządzanego hostu"],"Foreman host group matchers will be inherited by children when evaluating smart class parameters":["Dopasowania grupy hostów Foreman będą dziedziczone przez dzieci podczas ewaluowania parametrów smart classes"],"Foreman now manages the build cycle for %s":["Foreman zarządza obecnie cyklem budowania %s"],"Foreman now no longer manages the build cycle for %s":["Foreman już nie zarządza cyklem zbudowanym dla %s"],"Foreman report creation time is <em>%s</em>":["Czas stworzenia raportu przez Foremana to <em> %s </em>"],"Foreman smart variables will be exposed via the ENC yaml output":["Foreman smart variables będą ujawnione na wyjściu ENC yaml "],"Foreman subnet ID of IPv4 interface":[""],"Foreman subnet ID of IPv6 interface":[""],"Foreman supports automatically creating realm entries for new hosts.":["Foreman obsługuje automatyczne tworzenie wpisów w domenie nowych hostów."],"Foreman supports creating and managing hosts on a number of virtualization and cloud services - referred to as “compute resources” - as well as bare metal hosts.":[""],"Foreman test email":["testowy e-mail Foreman"],"Foreman ticketing system":["System ticketowy Foreman"],"Foreman will automate certificate signing upon provision of new host":["Foreman będzie automatycznie podpisywać certyfikaty po złożeniu nowego hosta"],"Foreman will create the host when a report is received":["Foreman stworzy hosta po otrzymaniu raportu"],"Foreman will create the host when new facts are received":["Foreman stworzy hostów kiedy nowe fakty są odbierane"],"Foreman will default to this puppet environment if it cannot auto detect one":["Foreman będzie domyślny do tego środowiska puppet jeśli nie wykryje niczego innego"],"Foreman will delete virtual machine if provisioning script ends with non zero exit code":["Foreman usunie maszynę wirtualną, jeśli skrypt zaopatrywania kończy z niezerowym kodem zakończenia"],"Foreman will evaluate host smart variables in this order by default":["Foreman będzie oceniać smart variables hosta w domyślnej kolejności"],"Foreman will explicitly set the puppet environment in the ENC yaml output. This will avoid conflicts between the environment in puppet.conf and the environment set in Foreman":["Foreman będzie jawnie ustawiać środowisko puppet na wyjściu END YAML. Pozwoli to uniknąć konfliktów między środowiskiem w puppet.conf i środowiskiem określonym w Foreman"],"Foreman will map users by username in request-header. If this is set to false, OAuth requests will have admin rights.":["Foreman będzie mapować użytkowników poprzez podanie nazwy użytkownika w nagłówku żądania. Jeśli jest ustawiony na false, żądania OAuth będą mieć prawa administratora."],"Foreman will not send this parameter in classification output, replaces use_puppet_default":[""],"Foreman will not send this parameter in classification output.":[""],"Foreman will not send this parameter in classification output. Puppet will use the value defined in the Puppet manifest for this parameter":[""],"Foreman will parse ERB in parameters value in the ENC output":["Foreman będzie parsować wartości parametrów ERB na wyjściu END"],"Foreman will query the locally configured resolver instead of the SOA/NS authorities":["Foreman będzie pytał lokalnie skonfigurowane narzędzie rozpoznawania zamiast władz SOA / NS"],"Foreman will set this as the default Puppet module path if it cannot auto detect one":["Foreman będzie ustawiony jako domyślna ścieżka modułu Puppet jeśli automatycznie nie wykryje innego"],"Foreman will truncate hostname to 'puppet' if it starts with puppet":["Foreman obetnie nazwę hosta do \\\"puppet\\\", jeśli zaczyna się od puppet"],"Foreman will update a host's environment from its facts":["Foreman będzie aktualizować środowisko hosta od jej Informacji"],"Foreman will update a host's subnet from its facts":[""],"Foreman will update the host IP with the IP that made the built request":["Foreman zaktualizuje adres IP hosta z IP, które wysłały żądanie o zbudowanie"],"Foreman will use OAuth for API authorization":["Foreman będzie używać OAuth do autoryzacji API"],"Foreman will use gravatar to display user icons":["Foreman użyje gravataru do wyświetlania ikony użytkownika"],"Foreman will use random UUIDs for certificate signing instead of hostnames":["Foreman użyje randomowych UUID do podpisywania certyfikatów zamiast nazw hostów"],"Foreman will use the new (2.6.5+) format for classes in the ENC yaml output":["Foreman użyje nowego (2.6.5+) formatu dla klas na wyjściu END YAML"],"Foreman will use the short hostname instead of the FQDN for creating new virtual machines":["Foreman będzie używać skrótu nazwy hosta zamiast FQDN do tworzenia nowych maszyn wirtualnych"],"Found %{count} reports from the last %{days} days":["Znaleziono %{count} raportów z ostatnich %{days} dni"],"Full":["Pełny"],"Full audits list":["Pełna lista audytów"],"Full name describing the domain":["Pełna nazwa opisująca domenę"],"Full path to backing image used to create new volumes.":["Pełna ścieżka do podkładu obrazu wykorzystywanego do tworzenia nowych woluminów."],"Full screen":["Pełny ekran"],"Full trace":["Full trace"],"Function not available for %s":["Funkcja nie jest dostępna dla %s"],"GMT time":["Czas GMT"],"Gateway":["bramka sieciowa"],"General":["Generalnie"],"General useful description, for example this kind of hardware needs a special BIOS setup":["Ogólny przydatny opis, np. ten rodzaj sprzętu potrzebuje specjalnych ustawień w BIOSie"],"Generate new random name. Visit Settings to disable this feature.":[""],"Generated %s ago":["Wygenerowano %s temu"],"Generated at %s":["Wygenerowano w %s"],"Get ENC values of host":[""],"Get configuration status of host":["Pokaż status konfiguracji hosta"],"Get dashboard details":["Wyświetl szczegóły dashboardu"],"Get default dashboard widgets":["Wyświetl domyślne widżety dashboardu"],"Get statistics":["Uzyskaj statystyki"],"Get status of host":["Pokaż status hosta"],"Get vm attributes of host":["Podaj atrybuty vm hosta"],"Global":["Globalny"],"Global Parameters":["Parametry Globalne"],"Global default %s template":[""],"Global default %s template. This template gets deployed to all configured TFTP servers. It will not be affected by upgrades.":[""],"Global functions":[""],"Global methods (functions)":[""],"Global parameters":["Parametry globalne"],"Global status changed from %{from} to %{to}":[""],"Global variables":[""],"Good host reports in the last %s":["Dobre raporty hostów w ciągu ostatnich %s"],"Google Project ID":["Google Project ID"],"Groups base DN":["Grupy oparte na DN"],"Guest OS":["Gościnny System Operacyjny"],"HELO/EHLO domain":[""],"Hardware":["Hardware"],"Hardware Model":["Model sprzetu"],"Hardware Models":["Modele sprzętu"],"Hardware models":["Modele sprzętu"],"Hash function to use. Change takes effect for new or updated hosts.":["Używana funkcja haszująca. Zmiany zostaną zastosowane do nowych lub aktualizowanych hostów."],"Hash of report metrics, can be just {}":["Hasz raportu metryki, może być tylko"],"Hash of status type totals":["Całkowity hasz typu statusu"],"Help":["Pomoc"],"Hidden value":["wartość ukryta"],"Hide all values for this parameter.":["Ukryj wszystkie wartości dla tego parametru."],"Hide this value":["Ukryj wartość"],"Hint data is missing":[""],"History":["Historia"],"Host":["Host"],"Host %s is built":["Host %s jest budowany "],"Host %s is not associated with a VM":["Host %s nie jest związany z VM"],"Host Configuration Chart":["Wykres konfiguracji hosta"],"Host Configuration Status":["Status konfiguracji hosta"],"Host Group Distribution":[""],"Host Groups":["Grupy hostów"],"Host audit entries":["Host wpisów inspekcji"],"Host config group":["Grupa konfiguracji hosta"],"Host details":["Szczegóły hostu"],"Host group":["Grupa hostów"],"Host group / Environment":["Grupa hostu / Środowisko"],"Host group IDs":["ID grupy hostów"],"Host group and Environment":["Lista hostów i środowisko"],"Host group configuration":["Konfiguracja grup hostów"],"Host group matchers inheritance":["Grupa hostów dopasowujących dziedziczenie"],"Host group only":["Tylko grupa hostów"],"Host group parameters":["Parametry grupy hostów "],"Host groups":["Grupa hostów"],"Host owner":[""],"Host owner is invalid":[""],"Host parameters":["Parametry hostów"],"Host reported time is <em>%s</em>":["Czas zgłoszenia hostu to <em> %s </em>"],"Host times seem to be adrift!":[""],"Host's network interfaces.":["Host interfejsu sieciowego."],"Host's owner type":["Typ właściciela hostów"],"Host's parameters (array or indexed hash)":["Parametry hostów (tablica lub indeks hasza)"],"Host::Base|Build":["Host::Base|Build"],"Host::Base|Certname":["Host::Base|NazwaCertyfikatu"],"Host::Base|Comment":["Host::Base|Komentarz"],"Host::Base|Disk":["Host::Base|Dysk"],"Host::Base|Enabled":["Host::Base|Włączone"],"Host::Base|Grub pass":["Host::Base|Hasło Grub"],"Host::Base|Image file":["Host::Base|Obraz pliku"],"Host::Base|Installed at":["Host::Base|Zainstalowano w "],"Host::Base|Ip":["Host::Base|IP"],"Host::Base|Last compile":["Host::Base|OstatniaKompilacja"],"Host::Base|Last freshcheck":["Host::Base|Ostatni freshcheck"],"Host::Base|Last report":["Host::Base|Ostatni raport"],"Host::Base|Mac":["Host::Base|Mac"],"Host::Base|Managed":["Host::Base|Zarządzane"],"Host::Base|Name":["Host::Base|Nazwa"],"Host::Base|Otp":["Host::Base|Otp"],"Host::Base|Owner type":["Host::Base|Typ właściciela"],"Host::Base|Primary interface":["Host::Base|Główny interfejs"],"Host::Base|Provision method":["Host::Base|Metoda dostarczenia"],"Host::Base|Puppet status":["Host::Base|status Puppeta"],"Host::Base|Root pass":["Host::Base|Hasło roota"],"Host::Base|Serial":["Host::Base|Serial"],"Host::Base|Use image":["Host::Base|użycie obrazu"],"Host::Base|Uuid":["Host::Base|Uuid"],"HostConfigGroup|Host type":["Grupa konfiguracji hosta| Typ hosta"],"Hostgroup":["Grupa hostów "],"Hostgroup|Ancestry":["GrupaHostów|Pochodzenie"],"Hostgroup|Grub pass":["GrupaHostów|Hasło Gruba"],"Hostgroup|Image file":["Hostgroup|Obraz pliku"],"Hostgroup|Name":["GrupaHostów|Nazwa"],"Hostgroup|Root pass":["GrupaHostów|Hasło roota"],"Hostgroup|Title":["GrupaHostów|Tytuł"],"Hostgroup|Use image":["Hostgroup|Użyj obraz"],"Hostgroup|Vm defaults":["GrupaHostów|Vm defaults"],"Hostname":["Nazwa hostu"],"Hostname or certname":["Nazwa hostu lub certyfikatu"],"Hostname:":["Nazwa hostu:"],"Hosts":["Hosty"],"Hosts created after a puppet run that did not send a location fact will be placed in this location":["Hosty utworzone po uruchomieniu puppet, które nie wysyłają informacji o lokalizacji zostaną umieszczone w tym miejscu"],"Hosts created after a puppet run that did not send a organization fact will be placed in this organization":["Hosty utworzone po uruchomieniu puppet, które nie wysyłają informacji o organizacji zostaną umieszczone w tej organizacji"],"Hosts created after a puppet run will be placed in the location this fact dictates. The content of this fact should be the full label of the location.":["Hosty utworzone po przebiegu puppet zostaną umieszczone w miejscu,które ten fakt narzuca. Zawartością tego faktu powinna być pełna etykieta lokalizacji."],"Hosts created after a puppet run will be placed in the organization this fact dictates. The content of this fact should be the full label of the organization.":["Hosty utworzone po przebiegu puppet zostaną umieszczone w organizacji która ten fakt narzuca. Zawartością tego faktu powinna być pełna etykieta organizacji."],"Hosts in error state":["Hosty zgłaszające błędy"],"Hosts including sub-groups":["Hosty zawierające podgrupy"],"Hosts managed":["Zarządzane hosty"],"Hosts managed:":["Zarządzane hosty:"],"Hosts that had pending changes":["Hosty, które oczekują na zmiany"],"Hosts that had pending changes with alerts enabled":[""],"Hosts that had performed modifications without error":["Hosty które zmodyfikowano bez błędów"],"Hosts that will be trusted in addition to Smart Proxies for access to fact/report importers and ENC output":["Hosty, które będą zaufane oprócz Smart Proxies na dostęp do faktów / importerów raportów i wyjścia ENC"],"Hosts which Foreman reporting is disabled":["Hosty na których raportowanie przez Foremana jest wyłączone"],"Hosts which are currently not running Puppet":["Hosty na których aktualnie nie jest włączony Puppet"],"Hosts which are not reporting":[""],"Hosts which didn't run puppet in the last %s":["Gospodarze, którzy nie uruchamiają Puppeta w ostatniej %s"],"Hosts which recently applied changes":[""],"Hosts which recently applied changes successfully":[""],"Hosts which recently applied changes successfully with alerts enabled":[""],"Hosts with alerts disabled":["Hosty z alarmami wyłączone"],"Hosts with error state":[""],"Hosts with error state and alerts enabled":[""],"Hosts with errors":["Hosty z błędami"],"Hosts with interesting values (changed, failures etc)":["Hosty posiadające interesujące wartości (zmiany, błędy itp.)"],"Hosts with no reports":["Hosty bez raportów"],"Hosts with notifications disabled":["Hosty z powiadomieniami wyłączone"],"Hosts without changes or errors":[""],"Hosts without changes or errors, with alerts enabled":[""],"Hosts without errors":[""],"Hosts without errors percent":[""],"Hosts without errors, with alerts enabled":[""],"How values are validated":["Jak wartości są walidowane"],"However, if it was deleted externally this page helps you to recreate it":[""],"ID of LDAP authentication source":["Identyfikator źródła uwierzytelniania LDAP"],"ID of Puppet class":["ID klasy Puppet"],"ID of architecture":["ID architektury"],"ID of compute resource":["ID zasobu obliczeniowego"],"ID of config template":["Identyfikator szablonu konfiguracyjnego"],"ID of domain":["Identyfikator kategorii"],"ID of environment":["ID środowiska"],"ID of host":["ID hostu"],"ID of host group":["ID grupy hostów"],"ID of interface":["ID interfejsu"],"ID of linked authentication source":["ID lub powiązane źródło uwierzytelniania"],"ID of location":["ID lokalizacji"],"ID of medium":["ID nośnika"],"ID of operating system":["ID systemów operacyjnych"],"ID of organization":["ID organizacji"],"ID of parameter":["Identyfikator parametru"],"ID of partition table":["Identyfikator tablicy partycji"],"ID of provisioning template":["Identyfikator szablonu dostarczenia"],"ID of role":["ID roli"],"ID of subnet":["ID podsieci"],"ID of template":["Identyfikator szablonu"],"ID of the user":[""],"ID of user group":["Identyfikator grupy użytkowników"],"ID or name external user group":["ID lub nazwa zewnętrznej grupy użytkowników"],"ID or name of domain":["ID lub nazwa domeny"],"ID or name of external user group":["ID lub nazwa zewnętrznej grupy użytkowników"],"ID or name of host":["ID lub nazwa hosta"],"ID or name of interface":["ID lub nazwa dla interfejsu"],"ID or name of subnet":["ID lub nazwa podsieci"],"ID or name of user group":["ID lub nazwa grupy urzytkowników"],"IDs of associated architectures":["Numery ID powiązanych architektur"],"IDs of associated config groups":[""],"IDs of associated media":["Numery ID powiązanych nośników"],"IDs of associated partition tables":["Numery ID powiązanych tablicy partycji"],"IDs of associated provisioning templates":["Numery ID powiązanych szablonów dostaw"],"INFO or DEBUG":["INFO LUB DEBUG"],"IP":["IP"],"IP Address":["Adres IP"],"IP Address Management":["Zarządzanie adresami IP"],"IP Address auto suggestion mode for this subnet, valid values are \\\"DHCP\\\", \\\"Internal DB\\\", \\\"None\\\"":["Tryb autosugestii adresu IP dla tej podsieci, poprawnymi wartościami są \\\\ \\\"DHCP \\\\\\\", \\\\ \\\"Internal DB \\\\\\\", \\\\ \\\"Żadne \\\\\\\""],"IP address auto-suggest":["automatyczne podpowiadanie adresu IP"],"IP addresses that should be excluded from suggestion":[""],"IP:":["IP:"],"IPAM":["IPAM"],"IPv4":[""],"IPv4 Address":[""],"IPv4 DNS record":["",""],"IPv4 Subnet":[""],"IPv4 address":[""],"IPv4 address of interface":[""],"IPv6":[""],"IPv6 Address":[""],"IPv6 DNS record":["",""],"IPv6 Subnet":[""],"IPv6 address":[""],"IPv6 address of interface":[""],"IRC":["IRC"],"Identifier":["identyfikator"],"Identifier of the interface to which this interface belongs, e.g. eth1":["Identyfikator interfejsu do rozpoznania do kogo on należy, np. eth1"],"Identifier of the interface to which this interface belongs, e.g. eth1. Only for virtual interfaces.":["Identyfikator interfejsu do rozpoznania do kogo on należy, np. eth1. Tylko dla wirtualnych interfejsów."],"Identifiers of attached interfaces, e.g. `['eth1', 'eth2']`. For bond interfaces those are the slaves. Only for bond and bridges interfaces.":["Identyfikatory zależnych interfejsów,np. `['eth1', 'eth2']`. Tylko dla złączonych interfejsów."],"Idle timeout":["Upłynął czas oczekiwania"],"If ERB is used in a parameter value, the validation of the value will happen during the ENC request. If the value is invalid, the ENC request will fail.":["Jeśli ERB stosuje wartości parametrów, walidacja wartości będzie miała miejsce podczas zapytania ENC. Jeśli wartość jest nieprawidłowa, zapytanie ENC nie powiedzie się."],"If Foreman is running behind Passenger or a remote load balancer, the IP should be set here. This is a regular expression, so it can support several load balancers, i.e: (|":["Jeżeli Foreman jest uruchomiony za Passenger lub ze zdalnym równoważeniem obciążenia, IP powinno być tu ustawione. Jest to wyrażenie regularne, więc może obsługiwać kilka równoważeń obciążenia, tj: ( |"],"If checked, will raise an error if there is no default value and no matcher provide a value.":["Jeśli zaznaczone, zgłosi błąd, jeśli nie ma wartości domyślnej ani podanej dopasowanej wartości."],"If owner type is specified, owner must be specified too.":[""],"If true, will raise an error if there is no default value and no matcher provide a value":["Jeśli to prawda, zgłosi błąd, jeśli nie ma wartości domyślnej ani podanej dopasowanej wartości"],"If you are planning to use Foreman as an external node classifier you should provide information about one or more environments. This information is commonly imported from a pre-existing Puppet configuration by the use of the %{link_start}Puppet classes and environment importer%{link_end}.":[""],"If you feel this is an error with Foreman itself, please open a new issue with":["Jeśli uważasz, że to błąd z samym Foremanem, proszę otworzyć nowe issue."],"If you wish to configure Puppet to forward it reports to Foreman, please follow":["Jeśli chcesz skonfigurować Puppeta by przekazywał raporty do Foremana, przejdź dalej"],"Ignore Puppet facts for provisioning":["Ignorowanie faktów Puppet dla zaopatrywania"],"Ignore facts for domain":[""],"Ignore facts for operating system":[""],"Ignore interfaces that match these values during facts importing, you can use * wildcard to match names with indexes e.g. macvtap*":["Ignoruj interfejsy, które pasują do tych wartości podczas importowania Informacji, można użyć symbolu wieloznacznego * by dopasować do nazwy z indeksami np macvtap *"],"Ignore interfaces with matching identifier":["Ignoruj interfejsy z pasującym identyfikatorem"],"Ignored classes in the environments: %s":[""],"Ignored environment":[""],"Ignored environment names resulting in booleans found. Please quote strings like true/false and yes/no in config/ignored_environments.yml.":[""],"Ignored environments: %s":[""],"Ignored:":[""],"Image":["Obraz"],"Image Based":["Bazująca na obrazie"],"Image ID":["ID obrazu"],"Image ID as provided by the compute resource, e.g. ami-..":["ID obrazu dostarczonego przez zasób obliczeniowy,np."],"Image path":["ścieżka do obrazu"],"Image to use":["Obraz w użyciu"],"Images":["Obrazy"],"Image|Iam role":["Obraz|Iam role"],"Image|Name":["Obraz|Nazwa"],"Image|Password":["Obraz|Hasło"],"Image|User data":["Obraz|DaneUżytkownika"],"Image|Username":["Obraz|NazwaUżytkownika"],"Image|Uuid":["Obraz|Uuid"],"Import":["Import"],"Import IPv4 subnets":[""],"Import VM %s":[""],"Import classes from %s":[""],"Import environments from %s":[""],"Import of facts failed for host %s":["Importowanie danych nie powiodło się dla hostu %s"],"Import puppet classes from puppet proxy for an environment":["Import klas puppet ze środowiska puppet proxy."],"Import puppet classes from puppet proxy.":["Importowanie klas puppet z puppet proxy."],"Imported IPv4 Subnets":[""],"In addition to defining which puppet classes get included when building this host type you are also able to assign variables and provisioning information to a host group to further refine the behavior of the puppet runtime.":["Ponadto do zdefiniowania, które klasy puppet trafiaj przy budowie tego typu hosta jesteś w stanie przypisać zmienne i informacje o dostawie do grupy przyjmującej dopracować jak będzie się zachowywał puppet po uruchomieniu."],"In order to create the SSH key, the user must be saved first. A 'create_ssh_keys' permission is required too.":[""],"In-line code syntax":[""],"Include default value when merging all matching values":["Dołącz wartość domyślną podczas łączenia wszystkich pasujących wartości"],"Include default value when merging all matching values.":["Dołącz wartości domyślne podczas scalania wszystkich dopasowanych wartości."],"Include this host within Foreman reporting":["Dołącz host bez informowania Foremana"],"Included Classes":["Dołączone klasy"],"Included Config Groups":["Zawiera grupy konfiguracji"],"Incorrect password":[""],"Incorrect username or password":["Niepoprawna nazwa użytkownika lub hasło"],"Independent - Nonpersistent":[""],"Independent - Persistent":[""],"Infrastructure":["Infrastruktura"],"Inherit parent (%s)":["Dziedziczenie z rodzica (%s)"],"Inherited Classes from %s":[""],"Inherits from subnet VLAN ID if not set":["Dziedziczenie po podsieci VLAN ID jeśli nie ustawiono"],"Input":["Wejście"],"Installation Media":["Nośniki instalacyjne"],"Installation media":["Nośniki instalacyjne"],"Installation medium configuration":["Konfiguracja instalacji nośnika"],"Installed":["Zainstalowany"],"Interface":["Inrerfejs"],"Interface is down":["Interfejs jest nieaktywny"],"Interface is up":["Interfejs jest gotowy"],"Interface provider, e.g. IPMI. Only for BMC interfaces.":["Dostawca interfejsu,np. IPMI. Tylko dla interfejsu BMC."],"Interface type, e.g. bmc. Default is %{default_nic_type}":["Typ interfejsu, np. BMC. Domyślnie ma wartość %{default_nic_type}"],"Interface's DNS name":["Nazwa DNS interfejsu"],"Interfaces":["Interfejsy"],"Internal DB":["Wewnętrzna DB"],"Internal network":["Sieć wewnętrzna"],"Interpolate ERB in parameters":["Interpoluj wartości parametrów ERB"],"Invalid %s selection, you must select at least one of yours":["Wybór %s nieprawidłowy, upewnij się że wybrałeś co najmniej jeden"],"Invalid Host":["Nieprawidłowy host"],"Invalid architecture '%{arch}' for '%{os}'":[""],"Invalid architecture for %s":["Nieprawidłowa architektura dla %s"],"Invalid authenticity token":["Nieprawidłowa autentyczność tokenu"],"Invalid log level: %s":["Nieprawidłowy poziom logowania: %s"],"Invalid medium '%{medium}' for '%{os}'":[""],"Invalid medium for %s":["Nieprawidłowy nośnik dla %s"],"Invalid power state request: %{action}, supported actions are %{supported}":["Nieprawidłowe żądanie stanu zasilania: %{action}, wspieranymi akcjami są %{supported} "],"Invalid proxy selected!":["Wybrano nieprawidłowe proxy!"],"Invalid query":["Nieprawidłowe zapytanie"],"Invalid report":["Nieprawidłowy raport"],"Invalid search query: %s":["Nieprawidłowe wyszukiwanie hasła: %s"],"Invalid smart-proxy id":[""],"Invalid type for host creation via facts: %s":["Niepoprawny typ dla utworzenia hostu z powodu: %s"],"Invalid version format, please enter in x.y (only major version).":["Nieprawidłowy format wersji, wpisz w x.y (tylko w wersji głównej)."],"Is the cron job that executes %s enabled?":["Czy uruchomiono deamona cron, dby uruchomił %s? "],"Issue tracker":["Issue tracker"],"It is not possible to assign provisioning templates at this stage.":["Nie można przypisać dostarczonych szablonów do tego etapu."],"It is not recommended to unlock this template, as it is provided by %{vendor} and may be overwritten. Please consider cloning it instead.":["Nie zaleca się odblokowywać szablonu, dopóki jest wspierany przez %{vendor} i może zostać nadpisany. Proszę przemyśleć klonowanie go zamiast. "],"Item":["Pozycja"],"Iterating":[""],"JSON VM listing is not supported for this compute resource.":[""],"JSON object of the scheduler hint":[""],"Keep selected hosts for a future action":["Zachowaj wybrane hosty dla przyszłych działań"],"Key Binding":["Key Binding"],"Key not connected to any compute resource":[""],"Key pair":["para kluczy"],"Key used with other compute resource":[""],"KeyPair|Name":["para kluczy|Nazwa"],"KeyPair|Public":["para kluczy|Publiczne"],"KeyPair|Secret":["para kluczy|Tajne"],"Kind":["Rodzaj"],"LDAP Authentication":["Uwierzytelnianie LDAP"],"LDAP authentication":["Uwierzytelnianie LDAP"],"LDAP authentication sources":["źródło autentyfikacji LDAP"],"LDAP error - %{message}":["błąd LDAP - %{message}"],"LDAP filter":["Filtr LDAP"],"LDAP server":["LDAP server"],"LDAP users will have their Foreman account automatically created the first time they log into Foreman":["użytkownicy LDAP będą mieli tworzone konto Foreman automatycznie przy pierwszym logowaniu do 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hostów"],"List all Puppet classes":["Lista wszystkich klas Puppet"],"List all Puppet classes for a host":["Lista wszystkich klas Puppet dla hosta"],"List all Puppet classes for a host group":["Lista wszystkich klas Puppet dla grupy hostów"],"List all Puppet classes for an environment":["Lista wszystkich klas Puppet dla środowiska"],"List all SSH keys for a user":[""],"List all architectures":["Lista wszystkich architektur"],"List all architectures for operating system":["Wszystkie architektury dla danego systemu"],"List all audits":["Lista wszystkich kontroli"],"List all audits for a given host":["Lista wszystkich kontroli dla danego hosta"],"List all autosign entries":["Lista wszystkich podpisanych przez siebie wpisów"],"List all bookmarks":["Lista wszystkich zakładek"],"List all compute resources":["Lista wszystkich zasobów obliczeniowych"],"List all environments":["Lista wszystkich środowisk"],"List all external user groups for LDAP authentication source":["Lista wszystkich 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zasobu"],"List available networks for a compute resource cluster":["Lista dostępnych sieci dla klastra zasobów"],"List available resource types.":["Lista dostępnych typów zasobów."],"List available security groups for a compute resource":[" Lista dostępnych grup zabezpieczeń dla zasobu"],"List available zone for a compute resource":["Lista dostępnych stref dla danego zasobu"],"List boot files for an operating system":["Lista plików rozruchowych dla systemu operacyjnego"],"List default templates combinations for an operating system":["Lista domyślnej kombinacji szablonów dla systemu operacyjnego"],"List environments of Puppet class":["Lista środowisk klasy Puppet"],"List environments per location":["Lista środowisk na lokalizację"],"List environments per organization":["Lista środowisk na organizację"],"List hosts per environment":["Lista hostów na środowisko"],"List hosts per location":["Lista hostów na lokalizację"],"List hosts per organization":["Lista hostów na organizację"],"List 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szablonów"],"Load Datacenters":["Załaduj centra danych"],"Load Regions":["Załaduj regiony"],"Load Tenants":["Załaduj dzierżawców"],"Load Zones":[""],"Loading":["Ładowanie"],"Loading ...":["Ładowanie ..."],"Loading BMC information ...":["Ładowanie informacji BMC ..."],"Loading NICs information ...":["Ładowanie informacji o NIC ..."],"Loading SSH keys information ...":[""],"Loading VM information ...":["Ładowanie informacji o maszynie wirtualnej ..."],"Loading filters ...":["Ładowanie filtrów..."],"Loading host information ...":["Ładowanie informacji o hoście ..."],"Loading images information ...":["Ładowanie informacji o obrazie..."],"Loading interfaces information ...":["Ładowanie interfejsu informacji ..."],"Loading parameters...":["Ładowanie parametrów ..."],"Loading power state ...":["Ładowanie stanu zasilania ..."],"Loading resources information ...":["Ładowanie informacji o zasobach ..."],"Loading runtime information ...":["Ładowanie informacje o czasie wykonywania ..."],"Loading template information ...":["Ładowanie informacji o szablonie ..."],"Loading virtual machine information ...":["Ładowanie informacji o maszynie wirtualnej ..."],"Loading virtual machines information ...":["Ładowanie informacji o maszynach wirtualnych ..."],"Local time":["Czas lokalny"],"Location":["Lokalizacja"],"Location Distribution":[""],"Location fact":["Lokalizacja informacji"],"Location parameters":["Parametry lokalizacji "],"Location with id %{id} not found":[""],"Location you had selected as your context has been deleted.":["Lokalizacja wybrana jako kontekst została usunięta."],"Location/Organization":["Lokalizacja/Organizacja"],"Locations":["Lokalizacje"],"Locations also work nicely when used in tandem with %{organizations}.":["Lokalizacje również dobrze działają przy stosowaniu w parze z %{organizations}."],"Locations are used to manage and differentiate the physical place where a system managed via Foreman is housed. For example, there might be a data center in London and one in Virginia; these are locations.":[""],"Lock":["Zablokuj"],"Log In":[""],"Log entry details":["Logi danych wejściowych"],"Log out":["Wyloguj"],"Log out idle users after a certain number of minutes":["Wyloguj nieaktywnych użytkowników po określonej liczbie minut"],"Logged out - See you soon":["Wylogowany - Do zobaczenia wkrótce"],"Logged-in":["Zalogowany"],"Login":["Login"],"Login delegation logout URL":["Logowanie przekazano do wylogowania URL"],"Login page footer text":[""],"Logout":["Wyloguj"],"Lookup key":["Klucz wyszukiwania"],"Lookup value":["Wartość wyszukiwania"],"LookupKey|Avoid duplicates":[""],"LookupKey|Default value":["wartość LookupKey|Default"],"LookupKey|Description":[""],"LookupKey|Is param":[""],"LookupKey|Key":[""],"LookupKey|Key type":[""],"LookupKey|Merge overrides":[""],"LookupKey|Override":[""],"LookupKey|Path":[""],"LookupKey|Puppetclass lookup key":[""],"LookupKey|Required":[""],"LookupKey|Validator rule":[""],"LookupKey|Validator type":[""],"LookupKey|Variable lookup values count":[""],"LookupValue|Match":["WartośćWyszukiwania|Dopasowanie "],"LookupValue|Value":["WartośćWyszukiwania|Wartość "],"MAC":["MAC"],"MAC Address":["Adres MAC"],"MAC address":["Adresy MAC"],"MAC address of interface. 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Podobnie jak IRC, mamy wykaz zwykłych użytkowników (wsparcie, Q / A, etc) i development list:"],"Manage":["Zarządzaj"],"Manage Locations":["Zarządzaj lokalizacjami"],"Manage Organizations":["Zarządzaj organizacjami"],"Manage PuppetCA":["Zarządzaj PuppetCA"],"Manage host":["Zarządzaj hostem"],"Managed IP":["Zarządzaj IP"],"Manual":["podręcznik"],"Manually Assign":["Ręczne przypisanie"],"Manually select and assign hosts with no %s":["Ręcznie wybierz i przypisz hosty bez %s"],"Matcher is a combination of an attribute and its value, if they match, the value below would be provided.<br> You may use any attribute Foreman knows about, such as facts etc for example: <code> domain = </code> or <code> is_virtual = true</code>.":["Dopasowanie jest kombinacją atrybutu i jego wartości, jeśli są zgodne, wartość powyżej będzie dostarczona. <br> Możesz użyć jakichkolwiek atrybutów o których wie Foreman, takich jak fakty itp. np. <code> domain = </code> lub <code> is_virtual = true</code>."],"Max days for Trends graphs":["Maksymalna liczba dni trendów wykresów"],"Max timeout for REST client requests to smart-proxy":["Maksymalny czas oczekiwania na żądania klientów REST do smart proxy"],"Max trends":["Maksymalna ilość trendy"],"Media":["Nośniki"],"Media ID":["ID multimediów"],"Media access control address for this interface. 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Most virtualization compute resources (e.g. VMware, oVirt, libvirt) <br/> will overwrite the provided value with new random MAC address.":[""],"Medium":["Średnie"],"Medium IDs":[""],"Medium|Config path":["Nośnik|ŚcieżkaKonfiguracji"],"Medium|Image path":["Nośnik|ŚcieżkaObrazu"],"Medium|Media path":["Nośnik|ŚcieżkaNośnika"],"Medium|Name":["Nośnik|nazwa"],"Medium|Os family":["Nośnik|RodzinaSystemu"],"Medium|Path":["Nośnik|ścieżka"],"Memory":["Pamięć"],"Memory (MB)":["Pamięć (MB)"],"Memory hot add":["Memory hot add"],"Memory hot add lets you add memory resources for a virtual machine while the machine is powered on.":["Memory hot add umożliwia dodawanie zasobów pamięci dla maszyny wirtualnej, gdy urządzenie jest włączone."],"Merge all matching values (only array/hash type)":["Scalanie wszystkie pasujących wartości (tylko tablica / typ hash)"],"Message":["Wiadomość"],"Message|Digest":["Wiadomość|Skrót"],"Message|Value":["Wiadomość|Wartość"],"Metadata":["metadane"],"Method %{method} not found for resource %{resource}.":["Nie znaleziono metody %{method} dla zasobu %{resource}."],"Method used to deliver email":[""],"Metrics":["Metryki"],"Minutes Ago":["Minut temu"],"Mismatch Details":["Szczegóły niedopasowania"],"Mismatches":["Niezgodności"],"Mismatches Report":["Raport o niezgodnościach "],"Missing one of the required permissions: %s":["Brakuje jednego z wymaganych zezwoleń: %s"],"Model":["Model"],"Model|Hardware model":["Model|ModelSprzetu"],"Model|Hosts count":["Model|Licznik hostów"],"Model|Info":["Model|Info"],"Model|Name":["Model|Nazwa"],"Model|Vendor class":["Model|Klasa producenta"],"Modified":["Zmodyfikowano"],"Module path":["Ścieżka modułu"],"Monitor":["Monitor"],"Monthly":["Miesięcznie"],"Must provide an operating system":[""],"Must provide template kind":["Musi dostarczyć rodzaj szablonu"],"Must specify a user with email enabled":["Należy podać użytkownika z dostępnym adresem e-mail."],"Must specify a valid user with email enabled":["Należy podać poprawnego użytkownika z dostępnym adresem e-mail."],"My account":["Moje konto"],"N/A":["N/A"],"NA":["NA"],"NIC":["NIC"],"NIC type":["Typ NIC"],"NICs":["NICs"],"Name":["Nazwa"],"Name of media":["Nazwa nośnika"],"Name of the external auth source where unknown externally authentication users (see authorize_login_delegation) should be created (keep unset to prevent the autocreation)":["Name of the external auth source where unknown externally authentication users (see authorize_login_delegation) should be created (keep unset to prevent the autocreation)"],"Name of the host group":["Nazwa grupy hostów"],"Name of the parameter":["Nazwa parametru"],"Name of variable":["Nazwa zmiennej"],"Nest":["Gniazda"],"Netmask":["Maska sieciowa"],"Netmask for this subnet":["Maska dla tej podsieci"],"Network":["Sieć"],"Network Based":["Bazująca na sieci"],"Network can't be blank":[""],"Network interfaces":["Interfejs Sieciowy"],"Network interfaces management has been moved to the Interfaces tab. Please set your interfaces there.":["Menadżer interfejsu sieciowego został przeniesiony do zakładki interfejsu. Proszę ustaw tam swój interfejs."],"Network prefix":[""],"Network type":["Typ sieci"],"New":["Nowy"],"New Autosign Entry":["Nowe wejście dla autosign"],"New Event":[""],"New Events":[""],"New Hosts":[""],"New Location":["Nowa lokalizacja"],"New Organization":["Nowa organizacja"],"New SSH key":[""],"New Virtual Machine":["Nowa Maszyna Wirtualna"],"New boot volume size (GB)":["Nowy rozmiar nośnika bootowania (GB) "],"New compute profile on %s":["Nowy profil obliczeń na %s"],"New filter":["Nowy filtr"],"New window":["Nowe okno"],"Nic::Base|Attached devices":["Nic::Base|Podłączone urządzenia"],"Nic::Base|Attached to":["Nic::Base|Podłączone do"],"Nic::Base|Attrs":["Nic::Base|Attrs"],"Nic::Base|Bond options":["Nic::Base|Bond options"],"Nic::Base|Identifier":["Nic::Base|Identyfikator"],"Nic::Base|Ip":["Nic::Base|IP"],"Nic::Base|Link":["Nic::Base|Link"],"Nic::Base|Mac":["Nic::Base|Mac"],"Nic::Base|Managed":["Nic::Base|Zarządzane"],"Nic::Base|Mode":["Nic::Base|Tryb"],"Nic::Base|Name":["Nic::Base|Nazwa"],"Nic::Base|Password":["Nic::Base|Hasło"],"Nic::Base|Provider":["Nic::Base|Provider"],"Nic::Base|Tag":["Nic::Base|Tag"],"Nic::Base|Username":["Nic::Base|Nazwa użytkownika"],"Nic::Base|Virtual":["Nic::Base|Virtual"],"No %{template_kind} templates were found for this host, make sure you define at least one in your %{os} settings or change PXE loader":[""],"No BMC NIC available for host %s":[""],"No IPv4 subnets selected":[""],"No Notifications":[""],"No TFTP feature":["Brak wtyczki TFTP"],"No TFTP proxies defined, can't continue":["Nie zdefiniowano proxy TFTP, nie można kontynuować"],"No audit changes for this period":["Nie było żadnych zmian audytu za ten okres"],"No bridges":["Brak mostów"],"No changes":["Brak zmian"],"No changes found when refreshing features from %s.":["Nie znaleziono żadnych zmian podczas odświeżania funkcji z %s ."],"No changes to your environments detected":["Brak zmian dla twojego środowiska."],"No compute resource to show":["Brak zasobów obliczeniowych, do pokazania"],"No data available":[""],"No data for this trend.":["Brak danych dla tego trendu"],"No documentation found":["Nie znaleziono dokumentacji"],"No domains":["Brak domen"],"No emails":["Brak e-maili"],"No entries found":["Nie znaleziono żadnych wpisów"],"No environment selected!":["Nie wybrano środowiska!"],"No environments found":["Nie znaleziono środowisk"],"No features found on this proxy, please make sure you enable at least one feature":["Nie znaleziono w tej funkcji proxy, upewnij się że włączono co najmniej jeden feature"],"No finish templates were found for this host, make sure you define at least one in your %s settings":["Nie znaleziono skończonych szablonów dla tego komputera, upewnij się zdefiniowano co najmniej jeden w ustawieniach %s"],"No free ports available for websockify, try again later":["Brak wolnych portów dostępnych dla websocketów, spróbuj ponownie później"],"No history found":["Nie znaleziono historii "],"No host could be found for rendering the template":["Nie znaleziono hostów do renderowania szablonu"],"No host found to associate this VM with":["Nie znaleziono skojarzonego VM z hostem"],"No host group selected!":["Nie wybrano żadnej grupy hostów!"],"No hosts are mismatched!":["Brak niedopasowanych hostów! "],"No hosts available.":[""],"No hosts selected":["Nie wybrano hostu"],"No hosts were found with that id, name or query filter":[""],"No interesting reports received in the last week":["Brak interesujących raportów otrzymanych w ciągu ostatniego tygodnia"],"No logs to show":["Brak logów do pokazania"],"No matching server groups found":[""],"No networks":["Brak sieci"],"No networks found.":["Nie znaleziono sieci."],"No new IPv4 subnets found":[""],"No or invalid power state selected!":["Brak lub wybrano wadliwe źródło zasilania!"],"No owner selected!":["Nie wybrano właściciela! "],"No parameters to override for Puppet class %s":["Brak parametrów przesłaniających dla klasy Puppet %s"],"No parameters were allocated to the selected hosts, can't mass assign.":["Żadne parametry nie zostały przydzielone do wybranych hostów, nie można przypisać masy."],"No plugins found":["Nie znaleziono wtyczek"],"No preference":["Brak preferencji"],"No proxy found to import classes from, ensure that the smart proxy has the Puppet feature enabled.":["Nie znaleziono proxy do importowania klas, upewnij się, że inteligentne proxy ma włączoną funkcję puppet."],"No proxy selected!":["Nie wybrano proxy!"],"No puppet activity for this host in the last %s days":["Brak aktywności puppeta dla tego hosta w ciągu ostatnich %s dni "],"No report":["Brak raportu"],"No reports":["Brak raportów"],"No setting value provided.":["Brak dostarczonych wartości ustawień."],"No smart proxies found.":["Nie znaleziono inteligentnych proxy."],"No smart proxies to show":["Nie znaleziono inteligentnych proxy do pokazania."],"No smart proxy was found to import environments from, ensure that at least one smart proxy is registered with the 'puppet' feature.":[" inteligentne proxy nie zostało znalezione do zaimportowania środowiska, by przynajmniej jeden inteligentny pełnomocnik był zarejestrowany za pomocą funkcji \\\"puppet\\\"."],"No subnets":["Brak podsieci"],"No template with kind %{kind} for %{host}":["Brak szablonów w rodzaju %{kind} dla %{hosts}"],"No templates found":[""],"No templates found for this host.":["Nie znaleziono szablonu dla tego hosta."],"No templates found!":["Nie znaleziono szablonów!"],"No trend counter defined":["nie zdefiniowano licznika trendów"],"No trend counter found":["Nie znaleziono licznika trendów"],"None":["Brak"],"None found":["Nic nie znaleziono"],"None!":["Brak!"],"Normal":["Normalne"],"Normally when setting up a Compute Resource, a key pair (private and public) is created for you automatically.":[""],"Not Installed":["Niezainstalowany"],"Not authorized to edit classes":["Brak autoryzacji do edytowania klasy"],"Not implemented":["Nie zaimplementowana"],"Not implemented for %s":["Brak implementacji dla %s"],"Not relevant for snippet":["Nie istotny dla snippetu"],"Nothing to add":["Nie ma nic do dodania"],"Nothing to show":["Nie ma nic do pokazania"],"Notice":["Uwaga"],"Notices, warnings and errors":["Wiadomości, ostrzeżenia i błędy"],"Notification disabled":["Powiadamianie wyłączone"],"Notifications":["Powiadomienia"],"Number Of Clients":["Liczba klientów"],"Number of CPUs":["Liczba CPU"],"Number of Events":["Liczba wydarzeń"],"Number of Hosts":["Liczba hostów"],"Number of classes":["Liczba klas"],"Number of overrides":["Ilość nadpisań"],"Number of records shown per page in Foreman":["Liczba rekordów pokazywanych na stronę w Foreman"],"Numerical ID or domain name":["Numer ID lub nazwa domeny"],"Numerical ID or email notification name":["ID numeryczne lub adres e-mail do notyfikacji"],"Numerical ID or realm name":["Numeryczny identyfikator lub nazwa domeny"],"OAuth active":["OAuth aktywny"],"OAuth consumer key":["Klucz klienta OAuth"],"OAuth consumer secret":["OAuth sekret klienta"],"OAuth map users":["mapa użytkowników OAut"],"OK":["OK"],"OS Image":["Obraz systemu"],"OS friendly name; e.g. RHEL 6.5":["Zaprzyjaźniona nazwa systemu, np. 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If left blank, a self-signed CA will be populated automatically by the server during the first request.":["Opcjonalnie dostarczyć CA, lub prawidłowo uporządkowany łańcuch CA. 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My templates/RHEL 6)"],"Pause":["Pauza"],"Paused":["Wstrzymano"],"Pending":["Pending"],"Pending Hosts":["Oczekujące hosty"],"Pending changes":["Oczekiwanie na zmiany"],"Pending installation":["instalacja w oczekiwaniu"],"Pending|P":["Pending|P"],"Permission":["Dostęp"],"Permission denied":["Odmowa dostępu"],"Permissions must be of same resource type":["Uprawnienia muszą być tego samego typu zasobów"],"Permission|Name":["Dostęp|Nazwa"],"Permission|Resource type":["Dostęp|Typ Źródła"],"Permits access to BMC interface passwords through ENC YAML output and in templates":[""],"Persistent":[""],"Photo attribute":["atrybut zdjęcia"],"Physical (Bridge)":["Fizyczny (Bridge)"],"Please Confirm":["Proszę potwierdzić"],"Please Select":["Proszę wybrać"],"Please Select an Image":["Proszę wybrać Obraz"],"Please check the proxy is configured and running on the host.":["Proszę sprawdzić czy proxy jest skonfigurowany i uruchomiony na komputerze."],"Please correct the error(s) below and submit your changes again.":["Proszę popraw poniższe błędy/(błąd) i wyślij swoje zmiany raz jeszcze."],"Please delete all nested groups before deleting it.":["Proszę usunąć wszystkie zagnieżdżone grupy przed usunięciem go."],"Please enable JavaScript to view the %{comments_href}.":["Proszę włączyć JavaScript, aby zobaczyć %{comments_href}."],"Please ensure the following parameters name are unique":["Należy upewnić się że następujące nazwy parametrów są unikalne"],"Please login to %{foreman_url} to change your password":["Proszę zalogować się do %{foreman_url} aby zmienić hasło"],"Please request one of the required permissions listed below from a Foreman administrator:":["Proszę poprosić o jedno z wymaganych uprawnień wymienionych niżej od administratora Foreman:"],"Please review them carefully, if you are certain that they should be removed, please click on overwrite.":["Proszę przejrzeć ostrożnie, jeśli jesteś pewien że chcesz to usunąć, kliknij by nadpisać."],"Please save the Operating System first and try again.":["Proszę zapisać System Operacyjny i spróbować ponownie."],"Please save the role first. You can edit it later to add filters":["Proszę zapisać pierwszą rolę. Można ją edytować później, aby dodać filtry"],"Please save the user first before assigning mail notifications.":["Proszę zapisać użytkownika po raz pierwszy przed przypisaniem powiadomień pocztowych."],"Please select":["Proszę wybrać"],"Please select a cluster":["Proszę wybrać klaster"],"Please select an environment first":["Proszę najpierw utworzyć środowisko"],"Please select an image":["Proszę wybrać obraz"],"Please select hosts to perform action on.":[""],"Please specify volume size. You may optionally use suffix 'G' to specify volume size in gigabytes.":["Proszę podać rozmiar woluminu. 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szablonu dostawy"],"Primary":["Pierwszy"],"Primary DNS for this subnet":["Primary DNS dla danej podsieci"],"Primary interface's DNS name and domain define host's FQDN":["Podstawowa nazwa interfejsu DNS i domeny definiującej hosty FQDN"],"Printing data":[""],"Prioritize attribute order":["Priorytet kolejność atrybutów"],"Private":["Prywatny"],"Private key file that Foreman will use to encrypt websockets ":[""],"Proceed to Edit":["Przejdź do edycji"],"Properties":["Ustawienia"],"Property":[""],"Protocol":[""],"Provider":["Dostawca"],"Providers include %{providers}":["Dostawców obejmują %{providers}"],"Provides an unused IP address in this subnet":[""],"Provision":["Dostawa"],"Provision script had a non zero exit":["Skrypt dostawy nie zwraca zera"],"Provisioning":["Dostarczenie"],"Provisioning Method":["Metoda dostarczenia"],"Provisioning Setup":["Konfiguracja dostawy"],"Provisioning Template content changed %s":["Dostarczenie treści szablonu zmieniono %s"],"Provisioning 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wiadomość testową na adres e-mail użytkownika, aby potwierdzić że konfiguracja działa."],"Send a welcome email including username and URL to new users":["Wyślij e-mail powitalny włącznie z nazwą użytkownika i adresem URL do nowych użytkowników"],"Send welcome email":["Wyślij powitalny e-mail"],"Sendmail":[""],"Sendmail arguments":[""],"Sendmail location":[""],"Server group":[""],"Server hint data":[""],"Server type":["Typ serwera"],"Service unavailable":[""],"Services":["Usługi"],"Set IP addresses for %s":[""],"Set a randomly generated password on the display connection":["Ustaw losowo wygenerowane hasło na wyświetlacz połączenia"],"Set parameters to defaults":["Ustaw domyślne wartości parametrów"],"Set the order in which values are resolved.":["Ustaw kolejność, w której wartości będą rozwiązane."],"Set up compute instance %s":["Skonfiguruj instancję obliczeń %s"],"Setting":["Ustawienia"],"Settings":["Ustawienia"],"Setting|Category":["Ustawienia|Kategoria"],"Setting|Default":["Ustawienia|Domyślne"],"Setting|Description":["Ustawienia|Opis"],"Setting|Name":["Ustawienia|Nazwa"],"Setting|Settings type":["Ustawienia|Typ Ustawień"],"Setting|Value":["Ustawienia|Wartość"],"Should the `foreman-rake db:migrate` be executed on the next run of the installer modules?":["Czy 'foreman-rake db:migrate` powinna być wykonana przy następnym uruchomieniu modułu instalacyjnego?"],"Should the `foreman-rake db:seed` be executed on the next run of the installer modules?":["Czy 'foreman-rake db:seed` powinno być wykonane przy następnym uruchomieniu modułu instalacyjnego?"],"Should this interface be managed via DHCP and DNS smart proxy and should it be configured during provisioning?":["Czy na pewno interfejs powinien być zarządzany przez DHCP i DNS smart proxy i powinien być konfigurowany podczas dostawy?"],"Should this interface be used for TFTP of PXELinux (or SSH for image-based hosts)? Each managed hosts needs to have one provision interface.":["Czy interfejs ma zostać użyty przez TFTP dla PXELinux (lub SSH dla bazującego na obrazie hostu)? Każdy zarządzany host potrzebuje jednego interfejsu - dostawcy"],"Should this interface be used for constructing the FQDN of the host? Each managed hosts needs to have one primary interface.":["Czy interfejs ma zostać użyty do konstrukcji FQDN hosta? Każdy zarządzany host potrzebuje jednego pierwszego interfejsu."],"Show %s fact values for all hosts":[""],"Show :a_resource":["Pokaż :a_resource "],"Show Diff":["Pokaż różnice"],"Show Host":["Pokaż hosty"],"Show Trends":["Pokaż trendy"],"Show a Puppet class":["Pokaż klasę Puppet"],"Show a Puppet class for a host group":["Pokaż klasę Puppet dla grupy hostów"],"Show a Puppet class for an environment":["Pokaż klasę Puppet dla środowiska"],"Show a Puppet class for host":["Pokaż klasę Puppet dla hosta"],"Show a bookmark":["Pokaż zakładki"],"Show a compute profile":["Pokaż profil obliczeń"],"Show a compute resource":["Pokaż zasoby obliczeniowe"],"Show a config group":["Pokaż grupę konfiguracji"],"Show a default template combination for an operating system":["Pokaż kombinację domyślnego szablonu dla systemu operacyjnego"],"Show a domain":["Pokaż domenę"],"Show a filter":["Pokaż filtry"],"Show a global parameter":["Pokaż parametr globalny"],"Show a hardware model":["Pokaż model sprzętu"],"Show a host":["Pokaż host"],"Show a host group":["Pokaż grupę hostów"],"Show a medium":["Pokaż nośnik"],"Show a nested parameter for a domain":["Pokaż zagnieżdżony parametr dla domeny"],"Show a nested parameter for a host":["Pokaż zagnieżdżony parametr dla hosta"],"Show a nested parameter for a host group":["Pokaż zagnieżdżony parametr dla grupy hostów"],"Show a nested parameter for a location":["Pokaż zagnieżdżony parametr dla lokalizacji"],"Show a nested parameter for a subnet":[""],"Show a nested parameter for an operating system":["Pokaż zagnieżdżony parametr dla systemu operacyjnego"],"Show a nested parameter for an organization":["Pokaż zagnieżdżony parametr dla organizacji"],"Show a partition table":["Pokaż tabelę partycji"],"Show a permission":["Pokaż pozwolenie"],"Show a realm":["Pokaż domenę"],"Show a report":["Pokaż raport"],"Show a role":["Pokaż rolę"],"Show a setting":["Pokaż ustawienia"],"Show a smart class parameter":["Pokaż parametry inteligentnej klasy"],"Show a smart proxy":["Pokaż inteligentne proxy"],"Show a smart variable":["Pokaż zmienną inteligentną"],"Show a subnet":["Pokaż podsieć"],"Show a user":["Pokaż użytkownika"],"Show a user group":["Pokaż grupę użytkowników"],"Show all %s children fact values":["Pokaż wszystkie %s dzieci fact values"],"Show all %s facts with the same value":[""],"Show an LDAP authentication source":["Pokaż źródła autentyfikacji LDAP"],"Show an SSH key from a user":[""],"Show an architecture":["Pokaż architekturę"],"Show an audit":["Pokaż kontrole"],"Show an email notification":["Pokaż mailowe powiadomienia"],"Show an environment":["Pokaż środowisko"],"Show an external user group for LDAP authentication source":["Pokaż zewnętrzną grupę użytkowników dla źródła uwierzytelniania LDAP"],"Show an external user group for user group":["Pokaż zewnętrzną grupę użytkowników dla grupy użytkowników"],"Show an image":["Pokaż obraz"],"Show an interface for host":["Pokaż interfejs dla hosta"],"Show an operating system":["Pokaż system operacyjny"],"Show an override value for a specific smart class parameter":["Pokaż wartość nadpisaną dla konkretnego parametru inteligentnej klasy"],"Show an override value for a specific smart variable":["Pokaż wartość nadpisaną dla określonej smart variable"],"Show available API links":["Pokaż dostępne linki API"],"Show distribution chart":["Pokaż wykres rozkładu"],"Show full value":["Pokaż pełną wartość"],"Show host power status":[""],"Show linked external user groups":["Pokaż połączone zewnętrzne grupy użytkowników"],"Show log messages:":["Pokaż logi"],"Show power status on host index page. This feature calls to compute resource providers which may lead to decreased performance on host listing page.":[""],"Show provisioning template details":["Pokaż szczegóły szablonu"],"Show status":["Pokaż status"],"Show template combination":["Pokaż kombinację szablonu"],"Show the last report for a host":["Pokaż ostatni raport dla hosta"],"Sign":["podpis"],"Single host on this page is selected.":["",""],"Size":["Rozmiar"],"Size (GB)":["Rozmiar (GB)"],"Skip assign hosts and proceed to edit %s settings":["Pomiń przypisanie hostów i przejść do edycji ustawień %s"],"Skipped":["Skipped"],"Skipped|S":["Skipped|S"],"Smart Class Parameter":["Parametr inteligentnej klasy"],"Smart Proxies":["Smart Proxies"],"Smart Proxy":["Inteligentne proxy"],"Smart Proxy: %s":["Smart Proxy: %s"],"Smart Variables":["Smart Variables"],"Smart class parameters":["Parametry inteligentnych klas"],"Smart proxies":["Smart proxies"],"Smart proxy":["Smart proxy"],"Smart proxy IDs":["ID inteligentnych proxy"],"Smart variables":["Smart variables"],"SmartProxy|Name":["InteligentneProxy|Nazwa"],"SmartProxy|Url":["InteligentneProxy|URL"],"Snippet":["Snippet"],"Some Puppet Classes are unavailable in the selected environment":[""],"Some imported user account details cannot be saved: %s":[""],"Some interfaces are invalid":["Niektóre interfejsy są niepoprawne"],"Some of the interfaces are invalid. Please check the table below.":["Niektóre z interfejsów są niepoprawne. Sprawdź tabelę poniżej. "],"Some or all hosts execution failed, Please check log files for more information":["Wykonanie niektórych lub wszystkich hosty nie powiodło się, proszę sprawdzić logi, aby uzyskać więcej informacji"],"Some other interface is already set as primary. Are you sure you want to use this one instead?":["Inny interfejs został ustawiony jako pierwszy. Jesteś pewien że chcesz użyć go zamiast? "],"Some other interface is already set as provisioning. Are you sure you want to use this one instead?":["Inny interfejs został ustawiony jako dostawca. Jesteś pewien że chcesz użyć go zamiast? "],"Something went wrong while changing host type - %s":["Coś poszło nie tak podczas zmiany typu host - %s"],"Something went wrong while selecting hosts - %s":["Coś poszło nie tak przy wyborze hostów - %s"],"Sorry but no templates were configured.":["Przepraszamy, ale nie ma żadnych skonfigurowanych szablonów."],"Sorry, these hosts do not have parameters assigned to them, you must add them first.":["Niestety, te hosty nie mają parametrów przypisanych do nich, należy dodać je w pierwszej kolejności."],"Source":["Źródło"],"Source|Digest":["Źródło|Deklaracja"],"Source|Value":["Źródło|Wartość"],"Space separated options, e.g. miimon=100. Only for bond interfaces.":["Oddzielone odstępem opcje, np. miiom=100. Tylko dla złączonych interfejsów."],"Specified value is higher than recommended maximum":[""],"Specify additional options to sendmail":[""],"Specify authentication type, if required":[""],"Specify matchers":["Określ dopasowanie"],"Start":["Start"],"Starting IP Address for IP auto suggestion":["Początkowy adres IP dla autosugestii IP"],"State":["Stan"],"Static":["Statyczny"],"Statistics":["Statystyki"],"Status":["Status"],"Stop updating IP address and MAC values from Puppet facts (affects all interfaces)":["Przestań aktualizować adresy IP i wartości MAC z faktami Puppet (dotyczy wszystkich interfejsów)"],"Stop updating Operating System from facts":[""],"Stop updating domain values from facts":[""],"Storage":["Pamięć"],"Storage domain":["Domena pamięci"],"Storage pool":["Pula pamięci"],"Strong":["Silne"],"Submit":["Wyślij"],"Subnet":["Podsieć"],"Subnet ID":["ID podsieci"],"Subnet IDs":["ID podsieci"],"Subnet name":["Nazwa podsieci"],"Subnet network":["sieć podsieci"],"Subnet numeric identifier":["Numeryczny identyfikator podsieci"],"Subnets":["Podsieci"],"Subnet|Boot mode":["Podsieć|Tryb Bootowania"],"Subnet|Dns primary":["Podsieć|Podstawowy DNS"],"Subnet|Dns secondary":["Podsieć|Poboczny DNS"],"Subnet|From":["Podsieć|Od"],"Subnet|Gateway":["Podsieć|Bramka"],"Subnet|Ipam":["Podsieć|IPAM"],"Subnet|Mask":["Podsieć|Maska"],"Subnet|Name":["Podsieć|Nazwa"],"Subnet|Network":["Podsieć|Sieć"],"Subnet|Priority":["Podsieć|Priorytet"],"Subnet|To":["Podsieć|Do"],"Subnet|Vlanid":["Podsieć|VlanID"],"Subscribe":["Subskrybuj"],"Subscribe to all hosts":[""],"Subscribe to my hosts":[""],"Success":["Sukces"],"Successfully created %s.":["Pomyślnie utworzony %s."],"Successfully delete %s":[""],"Successfully deleted %s.":["Pomyślnie usunięty %s."],"Successfully deleted report.":["Skutecznie usunięto raport"],"Successfully executed, check log files for more details":["Pomyślnie zrealizowano, sprawdzanie plików logów aby uzyskać więcej informacji."],"Successfully executed, check reports and/or log files for more details":["Pomyślnie zrealizowano, sprawdź raporty i / lub pliki logów by uzyskać więcej informacji"],"Successfully overridden all parameters of Puppet class %s":["Pomyślnie nadpisano wszystkie parametry klasy Puppet %s"],"Successfully recreated":[""],"Successfully refreshed features from %s.":["Pomyślnie odświeżane funkcje z %s ."],"Successfully refreshed the cache.":[""],"Successfully reset all parameters of Puppet class %s to their default values":["Pomyślnie zresetowano wszystkie parametry klasy Puppet %s do wartości domyślnych."],"Successfully updated %s.":["Pomyślnie zaktualizowany %s."],"Successfully updated environments and Puppet classes from the on-disk Puppet installation":["Pomyślnie zaktualizowano środowisko i klasę puppet z instalacji Puppet na dysku"],"Suffix or prefix length for this subnet, e.g. 32":[""],"Suggest new":["Zaproponuj nowy"],"Summary from %{time} ago to now":["podsumowano od %{time} temu do teraz"],"Summary report from Foreman server at %{foreman_url}":["Podsumowano raporty z serwera Foreman, z %{foreman_url} "],"Support":["Wsparcie"],"Supported Formats":["Obsługiwane formaty"],"Synchronize group from authentication source":["Synchronizacja grupy ze źródła uwierzytelniania"],"Syntax Highlighting":["Podświetlanie składni"],"Syntax error occurred while parsing the template %{template_name}, make sure you have all ERB tags properly closed and the Ruby syntax is valid. The Ruby error: %{message}":[""],"System Information":["Informacje o systemie"],"System Status":["Status systemu"],"TFTP":["TFTP"],"TFTP Proxy":["TFTP Proxy"],"TFTP Proxy ID to use within this subnet":[""],"TFTP Proxy to use within this subnet":["TFTP Proxy używany w tej podsieci"],"TFTP server":["Serwer TFTP"],"Taxable taxonomy":["Taxable taxonomy"],"TaxableTaxonomy|Taxable type":["TaxableTaxonomy|Taxable type"],"Taxonomy":["Taksonomia"],"Taxonomy|Ancestry":["Taksonomia|Pochodzenie"],"Taxonomy|Ignore types":["Taksonomia|Ignoruj Typ"],"Taxonomy|Name":["Taksonomia|Nazwa"],"Taxonomy|Title":["Taksonomia|Tytuł"],"Template":["Szablon"],"Template %s is empty.":["Szablon %s jest pusty."],"Template '%s' is either missing or has an invalid organization or location":[""],"Template '%s' was not found":[""],"Template Diff":["Różnice szablonu"],"Template Type":["Typ szablonu"],"Template diff":["Różnice szablonu"],"Template editor":["edytor szablonu"],"Template kind":["Rodzaj szablonu"],"Template kinds, available values: %{template_kinds}":["Rodzaje szablonów, dostępne wartości: %{template_kinds}"],"Template locked":["Szablon zablokowany"],"Template syntax":[""],"Template unlocked":["Szablon odblokowany"],"TemplateKind|Name":["RodzajSzablonu|Nazwa"],"Templates":["Szablony"],"Templates resolved for this operating system":["Szablony rozwiązane dla tego systemu operacyjnego"],"Tenant":["Dzierżawca"],"Test Connection":["Test połączenia "],"Test LDAP connection":["Test połączenia LDAP"],"Test LDAP connectivity":["Test łączności LDAP"],"Test connection to LDAP server was successful.":["Test połączenia do serwera LDAP zakończony pomyślnie"],"Test connection was successful":["Test połączenia zakończony pomyślnie"],"Test email":["e-mail testowy"],"Text to be shown in the login-page footer":[""],"That is, if you are planning to manage a site where all the machines are of the form <i>hostname</i>.<b></b>\\n then the domain is <b></b>.":[""],"The %{proxy_type} proxy could not be set for host: %{host_names}.":["%{proxy_type} puppet ca proxy nie może zostać ustawiony dla hostu: %{host_names}.","%{proxy_type} puppet ca proxy nie może zostać ustawiony dla hostów: %{host_names}.","%{proxy_type} puppet ca proxy nie może zostać ustawiony dla hostów: %{host_names}.","%{proxy_type} puppet ca proxy nie może zostać ustawiony dla hostów: %{host_names}."],"The %{proxy_type} proxy of the selected hosts was cleared.":["Wyczyszczono %{proxy_type} proxy wybranego hostu."],"The %{proxy_type} proxy of the selected hosts was set to %{proxy_name}.":["%{proxy_type} proxy wybranego hostu zostało ustawione na %{proxy_name}."],"The <b>fullname</b> field is used for human readability in reports and other pages that refer to domains,\\n and also available as an external node parameter":["<b> fullname </ b> jest używany do zwiększenia czytelności przez człowieka w raportach i innych stron, które odnoszą się do domen, \\na także dostępne jako parametr węzła zewnętrznego"],"The Audit Comment field is saved with the template auditing to document the template changes":["Pole komentarz do audytu jest zapisywany z szablonem audytu by udokumentować zmiany w szablonie "],"The BMC password will be used by Foreman to access the host's BMC controller via a BMC-enabled smart proxy, if available.<br/>":[""],"The IP address that should be used for the console listen address when provisioning new virtual machines via Libvirt":["Adres IP, które powinny być wykorzystane do nasłuchiwania adresu konsoli podczas zaopatrywania nowych maszyn wirtualnych poprzez Libvirt"],"The NFS path to the image directory.":["Ścieżka NFS do adresu obrazu."],"The NFS path to the jumpstart control files.":["Ścieżka NFS do plików kontrolnych szybkiego startu. "],"The NFS path to the media.":["Ścieżka NFS do nośników."],"The Operating systems detail the OSs known to Foreman, and is the central point that the other required components tie into.":[""],"The Primary interface is used for constructing the FQDN of the host":["Podstawowy interfejs jest używany do skonstruowania FQDN na hoście"],"The Provisioning interface is used for TFTP of PXELinux (or SSH for image-based hosts)":["Interfejs dostawy jest wykorzystywany przez TFTP i PXELinux (lub SSH dla hostów bazujących na obrazie)"],"The authentication process currently requires an LDAP provider, such as <em>FreeIPA</em>,\\n <em>OpenLDAP</em> or <em>Microsoft's Active Directory</em>.":["Proces uwierzytelniania wymaga obecnie dostawcy LDAP, takich jak <em> FreeIPA </em>\\n<em>OpenLDAP</em> lub <em>Microsoft's Active Directory</em>."],"The class of CPU supplied in this machine. This is primarily used by Sparc Solaris builds and can be left blank for other architectures. The value can be determined on Solaris via uname -m":["Klasa procesora dostarczonego w tym urządzeniu. Jest używany głównie przez builds Sparc Solaris i można pozostawić pusty dla innych architektur. Wartość może być określona na Solarisie poprzez uname -m"],"The class of the machine reported by the Open Boot Prom. This is primarily used by Sparc Solaris builds and can be left blank for other architectures. The value can be determined on Solaris via uname -i|cut -f2 -d,":["Klasa urządzenia zgłoszonego przez Open Boot Prom. Jest używany głównie przez builds Sparc Solaris i można pozostawić pustą dla innych architektur. Wartość może być określona na Solarisie poprzez uname -i|cut -f2 -d,"],"The default administrator email address":["Domyślny adres e-mail administratora"],"The dynamic partitioning style is currently only available for the Red Hat family of operating systems, all others must provide an explicit list of partitions and sizes.":["Dynamiczny styl partycjonowania jest obecnie dostępny tylko dla rodziny systemów operacyjnych Red Hat, wszystkie inne muszą dostarczyć jednoznaczną listę partycji i rozmiarów. "],"The file path where your p12 file is located":["Ścieżka pliku, w którym znajduje twój plik p12"],"The final entry, Operating System default, can be set by editing the %s page.":["Końcowa pozycja, domyślny system operacyjny, można ustawić poprzez edycję %s strony."],"The following IPv4 subnets have been found. Please review the details before creating them.":[""],"The following entries were found conflicting with what foreman wanted to apply.":["Następujące wejścia zostały znalezione skonfliktowane z tym, co Foreman chciał dodać."],"The following errors may prevent a successful build:":["Następujące błędy mogą zapobiec udanemu zbudowaniu:"],"The following fields would need reviewing":["Następujące pola musiałyby być przejrzane "],"The following hosts failed the build operation: %s":["Poniższe hosty nie przeszły operacji kompilacji: %s"],"The following hosts were not %{action}: %{missed_hosts}":["Poniższe hosty nie były %{action}: %{missed_hosts}"],"The following hosts were not deleted: %s":["Poniższe hosty nie zostały usunięte: %s"],"The following hosts were updated":["Następujące hosty zostaną uaktualnione"],"The following parameters were skipped as they did not exists on this host:":["Następujące parametry zostaną pominięte, ponieważ nie istnieją w tym hoście:"],"The following table and example snippet shows global methods, variables and class methods and how to use them.":[""],"The full DNS domain name":["Pełna nazwa domeny DNS"],"The host group's classes and the host group's variables are included in the external node information when the puppetmaster compiles the host's configuration.":["Klasy z grupy hostów i zmienne z grupy hostów są zawarte w wewnętrznym węźle informacji gdy puppetmaster kompiluje konfigurację hosta. "],"The inclusion of the keyword string <b>#Dynamic</b> at the start of a line lets Foreman know that this is not an explicit disk layout and must treated as a shell script, executed prior\\n to the install process and that the explicit partition table will be found at <b>/tmp/diskpart.cfg</b> during the build process.":["Dołączenie słów kluczowych <b>#Dynamic</b> na początku linii pozwala Foremanowi wiedzieć, że nie jest to jednoznaczny układ dysku i trzeba traktować go jako skrypt powłoki, wykonywany przed procesem instalacji i że jednoznaczną kopię tablicy będzie można znaleźć w <b>/tmp/diskpart.cfg</b> podczas budowy."],"The keys can be used in provisioning templates and are also available for configuration management tools managed by Foreman.":[""],"The keywords <b>$version</b>, <b>$major</b> and <b>$minor</b> will be interpolated back into the path specification to calculate the true URL address.":["Słowa kluczowe <b>$version</b>, <b>$major</b> i <b>$minor</b> będą interpolowane wstecz do specyfikacji ścieżki by obliczyć prawdziwy adres URL. "],"The list is excluding %{count} %{link_start}physical host%{link_end}.":["",""],"The location of the sendmail executable":[""],"The marked fields will need reviewing":["Zaznaczone pola muszą zostać przejrzane"],"The method used to provision the host. Possible provision_methods may be %{provision_methods}":["Metoda używa do zaopatrzenia hostu. Możliwe provision_methods to %{provision_methods}"],"The order in which matchers keys are processed, first match wins.<br> You may use multiple attributes as a matcher key, for example, an order of <code>host group, environment</code> would expect a matcher such as <code>hostgroup = \\\"web servers\\\", environment = production</code>":["Kolejność w jakiej przeprowadza się dopasowanie kluczy, pierwsze dopasowanie wygrywa.<br> Możesz użyć wielu atrybutów przy dopasowywaniu kluczy, np. w kolejności <code>host group, environment</code> będziemy oczekiwać dopasowania takiego jak <code>hostgroup = \\\"web servers\\\", environment = production</code>"],"The order in which values are resolved":["Kolejność, w jakiej wartości są rozwiązane"],"The password will also be accessible to other users via templates and in the ENC YAML output; disable the bmc_credentials_accessible setting to prevent access.":[""],"The password will not be accessible to other users; enable the bmc_credentials_accessible setting to permit access via templates and in the ENC YAML output.":[""],"The path to the medium, can be a URL or a valid NFS server (exclusive of the architecture).\\n for example <em>$version/os/$arch</em> where <strong>$arch</strong> will be substituted for the host's actual OS architecture and <strong>$version</strong>, <strong>$major</strong> and <strong>$minor</strong> will be substituted for the version of the operating system. Solaris and Debian media may also use <strong>$release</strong>.":["Ścieżka do nośnika, może być w postaci URL lub sprawdzonego serwera NFS (wyłączne ze względu na architekturę).\\nnp. <em>$version/os/$arch</em> gdzie <strong>$arch</strong> będzie zamiennikiem dla aktualnej architektury systemu operacyjnego hosta, oraz <strong>$version</strong>, <strong>$major</strong> i <strong>$minor</strong> bedą substytutamidla wersji systemu operacyjnego.Solaris and Debian mogą również korzystać z <strong>$release</strong>."],"The power state of the selected hosts will be set to %s":["Źródło zasilania wybranego hostu zostanie ustawiony na %s"],"The realm name, e.g. EXAMPLE.COM":["Nazwa domeny, np EXAMPLE.COM"],"The remote system presented a public key signed by an unidentified certificate authority. If you are sure the remote system is authentic, go to the compute resource edit page, press the 'Test Connection' or 'Load Datacenters' button and submit":["Zdalny system zaprezentował klucz publiczny podpisany przez niezidentyfikowany urząd certyfikacji. Jeżeli jesteś pewien, że zdalny system jest autentyczny, przejdź do strony edycji zasobów obliczeniowych, naciśnij \\\"Test Connection\\\" lub przycisk \\\"Load Datacenters\\\" i wyślij"],"The remote system presented a public key with hash %s but we're expecting a different hash. If you are sure the remote system is authentic, go to the compute resource edit page, press the 'Test Connection' or 'Load Datacenters' button and submit":["Zdalny system zaprezentował klucz publiczny ze skrótem %s ,ale oczekiwanego innego skrótu. Jeżeli jesteś pewien, że zdalny system jest autentyczny, przejdź do strony edycji zasobów obliczeniowych, naciśnij \\\"Test Connection\\\" lub przycisk \\\"Load Datacenters\\\" i wyślij"],"The selected hosts were enabled for reboot and rebuild":["Wybrane hosty zostały włączone dla restartu i przebudowania"],"The selected hosts will execute a build operation on next reboot":["Wybrane hosty wykonają operację budowania na następnym restarcie"],"The snippet '%{name}' threw an error: %{exc}":[""],"The template is associated to at least one host in build mode. To apply the change, disable and enable build mode on hosts to update the live templates or choose to %s their configuration from 'Select Action' menu":["Szablon jest przypisany do co najmniej jednego hostu w trybie buildowania. By zaakceptować zmiany, należy włączyć i wyłączyć tryb budowania hostów, aby zaktualizować szablony live lub wybrać %s ich konfiguracji z menu \\\"Select Action\\\""],"The user that is used to ssh into the instance, normally cloud-user, ec2-user, ubuntu, root etc":["Użytkownik który loguje się przez ssh do maszyny zazwyczaj nazywa się cloud-user, ec2-user, ubuntu, root etc"],"The virtual machine is being deleted.":["Maszyna wirtualna jest usuwana."],"There are migrations pending in the system.":[""],"There are no puppet environments set up on this puppet master. Please check the puppet master configuration.":["Nie ma konfiguracji środowisk Puppet w tym Puppet Master. Proszę sprawdzić konfigurację Puppet Mastera."],"There are orchestration modules with methods for configuration rebuild that have identical name: '%s'":["Istnieją moduły orkiestracji z metodami konfiguracji przebudowy, które mają identyczną nazwę: '%s'"],"There are two strategies when using host groups.":["Istnieją dwie strategie przy korzystaniu z grupy hostów."],"There is":["Istnieje","Istnieją","Istnieją","Istnieją"],"There is no owner with id %d and type %s":[""],"There is no proxy with BMC feature set up. Please register a smart proxy with this feature.":["Nie ma proxy z konfiguracją funkcji BMC. Należy zarejestrować smart proxy z tą funkcją."],"There was an error creating the PXE file: %s":[""],"There was an error listing %{listing}: %{errors}":[""],"There was an error listing VMs: %(status)s %(statusText)s":["Błąd listowania Maszyny Wirtulanej: %(status)s %(statusText)s"],"There was an error rendering the %s template: ":["Wystąpił błąd podczas renderowania %s szablonu:"],"There was an error rendering the %{name} template: %{error}":["Wystąpił błąd podczas renderowania szablonu %{name} : %{error}"],"There was no active bridge interface found in libvirt, if it does not support listing, you can enter the bridge name manually (e.g. br0)":[""],"These are guaranteed to work via the safe mode rendering, to ensure a template can do nothing harmful.":[""],"These two options are personal decisions and are up to you (where the main difference would be the parameter/variables settings).":["Te dwie opcje są twoją osobistą decyzją i zależą od Ciebie (gdzie główną różnicą byłby parametr / Ustawienia zmiennych)."],"Thin provision":["Cienka dostawa"],"This Puppet class has no parameters in its signature.":["Ta klasa Puppet nie ma parametrów w jej podpisie."],"This allows Foreman to associate a puppet variable with a domain/site and automatically append this variable to all external node requests made by machines at that site.":["Zezwala Foremanowi na skojarzenie zmiennej puppet z domeną/stroną i automatycznie dołącza zmienną do wszystkich zewnętrznych węzłów żądań utworzonych przez maszynę na tej stronie"],"This group has nested groups!":["Grupa posiada zagnieżdżone grupy!"],"This group has no roles":[""],"This host's stored facts and reports will be deleted too.":["Zapamiętane fakty i raporty z tego hosta również zostaną usunięte."],"This is a test message to confirm that Foreman's email configuration is working.":["To jest wiadomość tekstowa, aby potwierdzić, że konfiguracja poczty Foremana działa."],"This is for every location and organization that uses it.":["Dla każdej lokalizacji i organizacji która tego używa."],"This is for every location that uses it.":["Dla każdej lokalizacji która tego używa."],"This is for every organization that uses it.":["Dla każdej organizacji która tego używa."],"This is inherited from parent":["Element dziedziczony przez rodzica"],"This is used by a host":["Aktualnie używany przez host"],"This might take a while, as all hosts, facts and reports will be destroyed as well":["Może trochę potrwać, jak również wszystkie hosty, fakty i raporty mogą zostać zniszczone"],"This role has been cloned from role %s":[""],"This role is locked for editing.":[""],"This role is locked from being modified by users.":[""],"This setting is defined in the configuration file '%{filename}' and is read-only.":[""],"This template is locked and may not be removed.":["Szablon ten jest zamknięty i nie może być usunięty."],"This template is locked for editing.":["Ten szablon jest zablokowany przed edycją."],"This template is locked. Please clone it to a new template to customize.":["Ten szablon jest zablokowany. Należy sklonować go do nowego szablonu aby dostosować."],"This template is locked. You may only change the associations. Please %s it to customize.":["Szablon jest zablokowany. Można jedynie zmieniać skojarzenie. Proszę %s by dostosować."],"This value is not hidden":[""],"This value is used also as the host's primary interface name.":["Wartość jest używana również jako podstawowa nazwa hostu."],"This will reset parameters of the class %s to their default values. Continue?":["Spowoduje to przywrócenie parametrów klasy %s do wartości domyślnych. Kontynuować?"],"This will set all parameters of the class %s as overridden. Continue?":["Spowoduje to ustawienie wszystkich parametrów klasy %s jako nadpisane. Kontynuować?"],"Time":["Czas"],"Time in Seconds":["Czas w sekundach"],"Time in minutes installation tokens should be valid for, 0 to disable token generation":["Czas w minutach instalacji tokenów powinien być ważny, 0 aby wyłączyć generowanie tokenu"],"Timeout for DNS conflict validation (in seconds)":["Czas oczekiwania walidacji konfliktów DNS (w sekundach)"],"Timeout has occurred while communicating with %s":["Wystąpiło przekroczenie limitu czasu podczas komunikacji z %s"],"To define trend counters, use the Add Trend Counter button.</br> To start collecting trend data, set a cron job to execute 'foreman-rake trends:counter' every Puppet Interval (%s minutes).":["Aby zdefiniować liczniki trendów, użyj przycisku Dodaj Trend Counter </br> Aby rozpocząć zbieranie danych o trendach, ustaw crona na wykonanie \\\"'foreman-rake trends:counter\\\" przez każdy Puppet Interval (%s minut)."],"To enable a provider, either install the OS package (e.g. foreman-libvirt) or enable the bundler group for development setup (e.g. ovirt).":["Aby włączyć dostawcę, albo zainstalować pakiet OS (np foreman-libvirt) lub włączyć grupę Bundler dla development setup (np ovirt)."],"To enable safe mode, navigate to Settings page and enable Safemode rendering option.":[""],"To start collecting trend data, set a cron job to execute <span class='black'>foreman-rake trends:counter</span> every Puppet Interval (%s minutes)":["Aby rozpocząć zbieranie danych o trendach, należy ustawić crona do wykonania To start collecting trend data, set a cron job to execute <span class='black'>foreman-rake trends:counter</span> przez każdy Puppet Interval (%s minut)."],"To update the class signature, go to the Puppet Classes page and select \\\"Import\\\".":["Aby zaktualizować sygnaturę klasy, przejdź do strony klas Puppet i wybierz \\\"Importuj\\\"."],"Toggle":["Przełącznik"],"Token":["Token"],"Token duration":["Czas trwania tokenu"],"Token expired":[""],"Token|Expires":["Token|Utrata Ważności"],"Token|Value":["Token|Wartość"],"Total":["W sumie"],"Total Hosts: %s":["Wszystkich hostów: %s"],"Total hosts count":[""],"Total of one host":["Wszystkie z %{hosts} hostu","Wszystkie z %{hosts} hostów","Wszystkie z %{hosts} hostów","Wszystkie z %{hosts} hostów"],"Trend":["Trend"],"Trend counter":["Licznik trendów"],"Trend of the last %s days.":["Trend ostatnich %s dni"],"TrendCounter|Count":["LicznikTrendów|Liczba"],"Trends":["Trendy"],"Trends for %s":["Tendencje dla %s"],"Trend|Fact name":["Trend|Nazwa faktu"],"Trend|Fact value":["Trend|Wartość faktu"],"Trend|Name":["Trend|Nazwa"],"Trend|Trendable type":["Trend|Typ podlegający trendowaniu"],"Trigger a puppetrun on a node; requires that puppet run is enabled":["Wywołaj puppet na węźle; wymagane, aby włączono uruchomienie puppeta"],"Troubleshooting":["Rozwiązywanie problemów"],"True/False flag whether a host is managed or unmanaged. Note: this value also determines whether several parameters are required or not":["Flaga o wartościach Prawda (host jest zarządzany) lub fałsz (nie jest). Uwaga: wartość również określa czy kilka parametrów jest wymaganych lub nie"],"Trusted puppetmaster hosts":["Zaufany host puppetmaster"],"Try going to %{href}":["Spróbuj przejść do %{href}"],"Type":["Typ"],"Type of name generator":[""],"Type of realm, e.g. FreeIPA":["Typ domeny, np. FreelIPA"],"Type or protocol, IPv4 or IPv6, defaults to IPv4":[""],"Types of validation values":["Rodzaje walidacji wartości"],"Types of variable values":["Rodzaje wartości zmiennych"],"URL":["URL"],"URL for %{providers_requiring_url}":[""],"URL hosts will retrieve templates from during build (normally http as many installers don't support https)":["Hosty URL mogą pobrać szablony w trakcie budowania (zwykle http nie obsługuje tak wiele instalatorów https)"],"URL must be valid and schema must be one of %s":["URL musi być poprawny i schemat musi być jednym z %s"],"URL where your Foreman instance is reachable (see also Provisioning > unattended_url)":["URL gdzie instancja Foreman jest osiągalna (zobacz również Provisioning > unattended_url)"],"UTC time of report":["Czas UTC raportu"],"UUID":["UUID"],"UUID to track orchestration tasks status, GET /api/orchestration/:UUID/tasks":["UUID do śledzenia statusu zadań orkiestracji, GET /api/orchestration/:UUID/tasks"],"Unable to access key":["Nie można uzyskać dostępu do klucza"],"Unable to authenticate user %s":["Nie można uwierzytelnić użytkownika %s"],"Unable to change VM display listen address, make sure the display is not attached to localhost only":["Nie można zmienić VM wyświetlającej nasłuchiwanego adresu, upewnij się, że wyświetlanie nie jest podłączone tylko do localhostu"],"Unable to communicate with the proxy: %s":["Nie można komunikować się z serwerem proxy: %s"],"Unable to connect":["Nie udało się połączyć"],"Unable to connect to LDAP server":["Nie można połączyć się z serwerem LDAP"],"Unable to create default TFTP boot menu":["Nie można utworzyć domyślnego menu bootowania TFTP"],"Unable to create realm entry":["Nie można utworzyć wpisu o domenie"],"Unable to create the default role.":[""],"Unable to delete DHCP entry for %s":["Nie można usunąć wpisu DHCP dla %s"],"Unable to delete DNS entry":["Nie można usunąć wpisu DNS"],"Unable to delete PuppetCA autosign for %s":["Nie można usunąć autopodpisu PuppetCA dla %s"],"Unable to delete PuppetCA certificate for %s":["Nie można usunąć certyfikatu PuppetCA dla %s"],"Unable to delete TFTP boot entry for %s":["Nie można usunąć pozycji bootowania TFTP dla %s"],"Unable to detect TFTP boot server":["Nie wykryto serwera bootowania TFTP"],"Unable to detect features":["Nie można wykryć funkcji"],"Unable to detect version":["Nie wykryto wersji "],"Unable to determine the host's boot server. The DHCP smart proxy failed to provide this information and this subnet is not provided with TFTP services.":["Nie można określić serwer startowego hostu. DHCP smart proxy nie dostarczył tej informacji i ta podsieć nie jest wyposażona w usługi TFTP."],"Unable to disable bmc_credentials_accessible when safemode_render is disabled":[""],"Unable to disable safemode_render when bmc_credentials_accessible is disabled":[""],"Unable to execute Puppet run":["Nie można uruchomić Puppeta"],"Unable to fetch TFTP boot file":["Nie można pobrać pliku bootowania TFTP"],"Unable to fetch logs":["Nie można pobrać logów"],"Unable to find IP address for '%s'":["Nie można znaleźć adresu IP dla '%s'"],"Unable to find a proxy with BMC feature":["Nie można znaleźć serwera proxy z funkcją BMC"],"Unable to find proper authentication method":["Nie można znaleźć prawidłowej metody uwierzytelnienia"],"Unable to find template %s":["Nie można znaleźć szablonu %s"],"Unable to generate output, Check log files":["Nie można wygenerować danych wyjściowych, Sprawdzenie logów"],"Unable to get BMC providers":["Nie można uzyskać BMC providers"],"Unable to get PuppetCA autosign":["Nie można uzyskać autopodpisu PuppetCA"],"Unable to get PuppetCA certificates":["Nie można uzyskać certyfikatu PuppetCA"],"Unable to get classes from Puppet for %s":["Nie można pobrać klas z Puppet dla %s"],"Unable to get environment from Puppet":["Nie można pobrać środowiska z Puppet"],"Unable to get environments from Puppet":["Nie można pobrać środowisk z Puppet"],"Unable to get installed BMC providers":["Nie można zainstalować BMC providers"],"Unable to initialize ProxyAPI class %s":["Nie udało się zainicjalizować klasy ProxyAPI: %s "],"Unable to perform boot BMC operation":["Nie można wykonać operacji bootowania BMC"],"Unable to perform identify BMC operation":["Nie można wykonać operacji identyfikacji BMC"],"Unable to perform lan BMC operation":["Nie można wykonać operacji LAN BMC"],"Unable to perform power BMC operation":["Nie można wykonać operacji zasilania BMC"],"Unable to render %{kind} template '%{name}': %{e}":[""],"Unable to render '%{name}' template: %{e}":[""],"Unable to retrieve DHCP entry for %s":["Nie można pobrać wpisu DHCP dla %s"],"Unable to retrieve DHCP subnet":["Nie można pobrać podsieci DHCP"],"Unable to retrieve DHCP subnets":["Nie można pobrać podsieci DHCP"],"Unable to retrieve unused IP":["Nie można odzyskać nieużywanego IP"],"Unable to save":["Nie udało się zapisać"],"Unable to send email, check server logs for more information":["Nie można wysłać e-maila, sprawdź logi serwera by uzyskać więcej infromacji"],"Unable to set DHCP entry":["Nie można ustawić wpisu DHCP"],"Unable to set DNS entry":["Nie można ustawić wpisu DNS"],"Unable to set PuppetCA autosign for %s":["Nie można uzyskać autopodpisu PuppetCA dla %s"],"Unable to set TFTP boot entry for %s":["Nie można ustawić pozycji bootowania TFTP dla %s"],"Unable to sign PuppetCA certificate for %s":["nie można podpisać certyfikatu PuppetCA dla %s "],"Unable to turn on websockets_encrypt, either websockets_ssl_key or websockets_ssl_cert is missing":["Nie można włączyć websockets_encrypt, również brakuje websockets_ssl_key lub websockets_ssl_cert "],"Unable to unset websockets_ssl_cert when websockets_encrypt is on":["Nie można wyłączyć websockets_ssl_cert gdy websockets_encrypt działa"],"Unable to unset websockets_ssl_key when websockets_encrypt is on":["Nie można wyłączyć websockets_ssl_key gdy websockets_encrypt działa"],"Unallowed template for dashboard widget: %s":["Niedozwolonych szablon dla widżetów dashboardu: %s"],"Unattended URL":["Nienadzorowany URL"],"Undo remove":["Cofnij usunięcie"],"Undo selection":[""],"Unhide this value":["Odkryj wartość"],"Unknown":["Nieznany"],"Unknown IPAM type - can't continue":[""],"Unknown Power State":["Nieznane Stan zasilania"],"Unknown action name for success message: %s":["Nieznana nazwa działania dla dobrej wiadomości: %s"],"Unknown build status":["Nieznany stan budowy"],"Unknown device: available devices are %s":["Nieznane urządzenie, dostępne urządzenia to %s"],"Unknown interface type, must be one of [%s]":["Nieznany typ interfejsu, musi być jednym z [%s]"],"Unknown power action: available methods are %s":["Nieznane działanie zasilania: dostępne metody to %s"],"Unknown power management support - can't continue":["Nieznane wsparcie zarządzania zasilaniem - nie można kontynuować"],"Unknown power state":[""],"Unlock":["Odblokuj"],"Unmanage host":["niezarządzany host"],"Unsupported IPAM mode for %s":[""],"Unsupported password hash function '%s'":["Nieobsługiwana funkcja haszująca hasło '%s'"],"Unsupported report status format":["Format raportu statusu nieobsługiwany"],"Update":["Aktualizacja:"],"Update :a_resource":["Aktualizuj :a_resource "],"Update IP from built request":["Aktualizuj IP z żądaniem budowy"],"Update a Puppet class":["Aktualizuj klasy Puppet"],"Update a bookmark":["Aktualizuj zakładkę"],"Update a compute attributes set":["Aktualizuj zbiór atrybutów"],"Update a compute profile":["Edytuj profil obliczeń"],"Update a compute resource":["Edytuj zasób"],"Update a config group":["Edytuj grupę konfiguracji"],"Update a default template combination for an operating system":["Aktualizacja kombinacji domyślnych szablonów dla systemu operacyjnego"],"Update a domain":["Edytuj domenę"],"Update a filter":["Aktualizuj filtr"],"Update a global parameter":["Aktualizuj parametr globalny"],"Update a hardware model":["Aktualizuj model sprzętu"],"Update a host":["Aktualizuj host"],"Update a host group":["Aktualizuj grupę hostów"],"Update a host's interface":["Aktualizuj interfejs hosta"],"Update a medium":["Aktualizuj nośnik"],"Update a nested parameter for a domain":["Aktualizacja zagnieżdżonego parametru dla domeny"],"Update a nested parameter for a host":["Aktualizacja zagnieżdżonego parametru dla hosta"],"Update a nested parameter for a host group":["Aktualizacja zagnieżdżonego parametru dla grupy hostów"],"Update a nested parameter for a location":["Aktualizacja zagnieżdżonego parametru dla lokalizacji"],"Update a nested parameter for a subnet":[""],"Update a nested parameter for an operating system":["Aktualizacja zagnieżdżonego parametru dla systemu operacyjnego"],"Update a nested parameter for an organization":["Aktualizacja zagnieżdżonego parametru dla organizacji"],"Update a partition table":["Aktualizacja tablicy partycji"],"Update a provisioning template":["Edytuj szablon zaopatrzenia"],"Update a realm":["Aktualizuj domenę"],"Update a role":["Aktualizuj rolę"],"Update a setting":["Aktualizuj ustawienia"],"Update a smart class parameter":["Aktualizacja parametru inteligentnej klasy"],"Update a smart proxy":["Aktualizacja inteligentnych proxy"],"Update a smart variable":["Zaktualizuj zmienną inteligentną"],"Update a subnet":["Aktualizacja podsieci"],"Update a user":["Aktualizacja użytkownika"],"Update a user group":["Aktualizuj grupę użytkowników"],"Update an LDAP authentication source":["Aktualizuj źródło autentyfikacji serwera LDAP"],"Update an architecture":["Zaktualizuj architekturę"],"Update an environment":["Edytuj środowisko"],"Update an image":["Aktualizuj obraz"],"Update an operating system":["Aktualizacja systemu operacyjnego"],"Update an override value for a specific smart class parameter":["Aktualizuj wartość nadpisaną dla konkretnego parametru inteligentnej klasy"],"Update an override value for a specific smart variable":["Aktualizuj wartość nadpisaną dla określanej smart variable"],"Update environment from facts":["Aktualizuj środowisko na podstawie faktów"],"Update external user group":["Aktualizuj zewnętrzną grupę użytkowników"],"Update realm entry for %s":["Aktualizacja wpisu o domenie dla %s"],"Update subnets from facts":[""],"Update template combination":["Aktualizuj kombinację szablonu"],"Update the default PXE menu on all configured TFTP servers":["Edytuj domyślne menu PXE dla wszystkich skonfigurowanych serwerów TFTP"],"Update:":["Aktualizacja:"],"Updated":["Zaktualizowano"],"Updated all hosts!":["Zaktualizowano wszystkie hosty!"],"Updated hosts: Disassociated from VM":["Zaktualizowano hosty: odrębne od VM"],"Updated hosts: changed environment":["Zaktualizowano hosty: zmieniono środowisko"],"Updated hosts: changed host group":["Zaktualizowane hosty: Zmieniono grupę hostów"],"Updated hosts: changed owner":["Zaktualizowano hosty: zmieniono właściciela"],"Upload facts for a host, creating the host if required":["Wyślij informacje dla hosta, tworząc go w razie potrzeby"],"Use Gravatar":["Użyj Gravatar"],"Use UUID for certificates":["Użyj UUID dla certyfikatów"],"Use short name for VMs":["Użyj skróconej nazwy dla maszyn wirtualnych"],"Use this account to authenticate, <i>optional</i>":["Użyj tego konta w celu uwierzytelnienia, <i> opcjonalne </i>"],"Use this puppet server as a CA server":["Użyj tego serwera Puppet jako serwer CA"],"Use this puppet server as an initial Puppet Server or to execute puppet runs":["Użyj tego serwera Puppet jako wstępny Puppet Server lub wykonać serie puppet"],"Used to enforce certain values for the parameter values":["Służy do wymuszenia pewnych wartości dla wartości parametrów"],"User":["Użytkownik"],"User Group":[""],"User Groups":["Grupy użytkowników"],"User IDs":["identyfikatory użytkowników"],"User data template":[""],"User groups":["Grupy użytkowników"],"User groups enable users to log into Foreman and be automatically granted permissions.":[""],"User role":["Rola użytkownika"],"User's preferred locale":["Korzystne ustawienia regionalne autora"],"User's timezone":["Strefa czasowa użytkownika"],"UserRole|Owner type":["RolaUżytkownika|Typ Właściciela "],"Usergroup":["Grupa użytkowników "],"Usergroup member":["Członek grupy użytkowników"],"UsergroupMember|Member type":["Członek grupy użytkowników|Typ członka"],"Usergroup|Admin":["GrupaUżytkowników|Admin"],"Usergroup|Auth source":["GrupaUżytkowników|ŹródłoAutoryzacji"],"Usergroup|Name":["GrupaUżytkowników|Nazwa"],"Username":["Nazwa użytkownika"],"Username for oVirt, EC2, VMware, OpenStack. Access Key for EC2.":["Nazwa użytkownika dla oVirt, EC2, VMware, OpenStack. Klucz dostępu dla EC2."],"Username to use to authenticate, if required":[""],"Users":["Użytkownicy"],"User|Admin":["User|Admin"],"User|Avatar hash":["Użytkownik|Skrót awatara "],"User|Firstname":["User|Imię"],"User|Last login on":["User|Ostatnie logowanie"],"User|Lastname":["User|Nazwisko"],"User|Locale":["Użytkownik|Lokalizacja"],"User|Login":["User|Login"],"User|Lower login":["Użytkownik|Lower login"],"User|Mail":["User|Mail"],"User|Mail enabled":["Użytkownik|Włączona poczta"],"User|Password hash":["Użytkownik|Skrót hasła "],"User|Password salt":["Użytkownik|Sól hasła"],"Uses thin provisioning if unchecked":["Użyj tego dostawcy jeśli zaznaczono"],"Using the organization system provides a way to group resources together for easy management. Organizations are particularly useful for Foreman installations where several customers or business units are managed with a single Foreman install.":[""],"VCPU(s)":["VCPU(s)"],"VCenter/Server":["VCenter/Serwer"],"VLAN ID for this subnet":["VLAN ID dla tej podsieci"],"VLAN tag, this attribute has precedence over the subnet VLAN ID. Only for virtual interfaces.":["VLAN tag, ten atrybut ma pierwszeństwo przed podsiecią VLAN ID. tylko dla wirtualnych interfejsów."],"VM":["VM"],"VM Attributes":["Atrybuty maszyny wirtualnej"],"VM Attributes (%s)":["Atrybuty maszyny wirtualnej (%s)"],"VM already associated with a host":["VM już powiązana z hostem"],"VM associated to host %s":["VM związana z hostem %s"],"VM is not running!":["VM nie działa!"],"VNC/SPICE websocket proxy console access encryption (websockets_ssl_key/cert setting required)":["Szyfrowany dostęp do konsoli VNC/SPICE websocket proxy (wymaga ustawienia websockets_ssl_key/cert)"],"Valid from":["Ważny od"],"Valid host group and environment combinations":["Poprawna kombinacja grupy hosta i środowiska"],"Validation types":["Typy walidacji"],"Value":["Wartość"],"Value to use when there is no match":["Warto używać, gdy nie ma dopasowania"],"Value to use when there is no match.":["Wartość przydatna, gdy nie ma dopasowania"],"Variable":["Zmienna"],"Variable lookup key":["Zmienny klucz odnośnika"],"Variables":["Zmienne"],"Vendor class":["klasa producenta"],"Verify":["Weryfikuj"],"Version":["Wersja"],"Version %{version}":["Wersja %{version}"],"Version %{version} %{copyright} 2009-%{year} Paul Kelly and %{author}":[""],"Very Strong":["Bardzo silne"],"View Diff":["Pokaż różnice"],"View in Foreman:":["Zobacz w Foremanie:"],"View last report details":["Zobacz ostatnie szczegóły raportu"],"View list":["Pokaż listę"],"Virtual (NAT)":["Wirtualny (NAT)"],"Virtual H/W version":["Wirtualna wersja H/W"],"Virtual Machine":["Maszyna Wirtualna"],"Virtual Machines":["Maszyny Wirtualne"],"Virtual Machines on %s":["Maszyny Wirtualne na %s"],"Virtual NIC":["wirtualny NIC"],"Virtual machine settings cannot be edited on an existing machine in %s":["Ustawienia maszyny wirtualnej nie mogą być edytowane na istniejącej maszynie w %s"],"WARNING":["OSTRZEŻENIE"],"Wait for %s to come online":["Poczekaj przez %s by przejść w tryb online"],"Warning":["Ostrzeżenie"],"Warning!":["Uwaga!"],"Warning! This will remove %{name} from %{number} user. are you sure?":["",""],"Warning: This will delete this host and all of its data!":["Uwaga: Spowoduje to usunięcie tego hosta i wszystkich jego danych!"],"Warnings and errors":["Ostrzeżenia i błędy"],"We have not found any documentation for your API.":["Nie znaleziono żadnej dokumentacji dla Twojego API."],"We use Redmine to report and track bugs and feature requests, which can be found here:":["Używamy Redmine do zgłaszania i śledzenia błędów i propozycji, które można znaleźć tutaj:"],"Weak":["Słabe"],"Websockets SSL certificate":["Certyfikat Websockets SSL"],"Websockets SSL key":["Klucz WebSocket SSL"],"Websockets encryption":["szyfrowanie WebSocket"],"Weekly":["Tygodniowo"],"Welcome to Foreman":["Witamy w Foreman"],"What ever text(or ERB template) you use in here, would be used as your OS disk layout options If you want to use the partition table option, delete all of the text from this field":["Jakikolwiek tekst (lub szablon ERB) zostanie tutaj użyty, może zostać wykorzystany jako twoje opcje layoutu dysku systemu. Jeśli chcesz użyć tabeli opcji partycji, usuń wszystkie napisy z tego pola "],"When a Host requests a template (e.g. during provisioning), Foreman will select the best match from the available templates of that type, in the following order:":[""],"When a realm is selected for a host, Foreman contacts the relevant realm smart proxy to create an entry for the host and retrieve it's one-time registration password.":["Gdy domena zostanie wybrana przez host, Foreman skontaktuje się z odpowiednimi smart proxy domen by utworzyć wpis dla hosta i pobrać hasło do jednorazowej rejestracji. "],"When editing a template, you must assign a list of operating systems which this template can be used with. Optionally, you can restrict a template to a list of host groups and/or environments.":[""],"When enabled the parameter is hidden in the UI":["Gdy upoważniony parametr jest ukryty e UI"],"When specifying custom value, add 'MB' or 'GB' at the end. Field is not case sensitive and MB is default if unspecified.":[""],"When the role's associated %{taxonomies} are changed,<br> the change will propagate to all inheriting filters.\\n Filters that are set to override <br> will remain untouched. Overriding of role filters can be easily disabled by <br> pressing the \\\"Disable overriding\\\" button.\\n Note that not all filters support <br>%{taxonomies}, so these always remain global.":[""],"When using SSH based provisioning, a special SSH key is created in order to automate the provisioning process.":[""],"When using TLS, you can set how OpenSSL checks the certificate":[""],"Whether or not the image supports user data":["Obsługuje lub nie dane użytkownika"],"Whether or not the template is locked for editing":["Czy szablon jest zablokowany do edycji"],"Whether the class parameter value is managed by Foreman.":["Czy wartość parametru klasy jest zarządzana przez Foremana."],"Whether the smart class parameter value is managed by Foreman":["Czy inteligentna wartość parametru klasy jest zarządzana przez Foreman"],"Which is an offset of <b>%s</b>":["Przesunięty o <b> %s </b>"],"Widget added to dashboard.":["Dodaj widget do dashboardu."],"Widget positions successfully saved.":["Pozycja widgetu zapisana pomyślnie."],"Widget removed from dashboard.":["Widget usunięty z dashboardu."],"Wiki":["Wiki"],"With user groups, you can group your users and assign them roles on a group basis.":[""],"X509 Certification Authorities":["X509 Certification Authorities"],"YAML":["YAML"],"Yes":[""],"You are about to change the default PXE menu on all configured TFTP servers - continue?":["Zmianie ulegnie domyślne menu PXE na wszystkich skonfigurowanych serwerach TFTP - kontynuować? "],"You are about to override the editor content with a previous version, are you sure?":["Nadpisujesz zawartość edytora zawierający poprzednią wersję, jesteś pewien?"],"You are about to override the editor content, are you sure?":["Nadpisujesz zawartość edytora, jesteś pewien?"],"You are about to unlock a locked template.":["Odblokowujesz zablokowany szablon"],"You are not authorized to lock templates.":["Nie masz wystarczających uprawnień, aby zablokować szablony."],"You are not authorized to make a template default.":["Nie masz wystarczających uprawnień, aby ustawić szablon jako domyślny."],"You are not authorized to perform this action.":["Nie masz wystarczających uprawnień, aby wykonać tą akcję."],"You are trying to delete your own account":["Próbujesz usunąć własne konto"],"You are using an unsupported browser.":["Korzystasz z nieobsługiwanej przeglądarki."],"You can add SSH public keys to a user in Foreman.":[""],"You can find The Foreman on the %{freenode} ( network. For general support, please visit #theforeman and for development specific related chat, please visit #theforeman-dev.":[" Można znaleźć Foremana w %{freenode} ( sieci. Dla ogólnego wsparcia, odwiedź #theforeman i konkretnie powiązany czat, odwiedź # theforeman-dev."],"You can select one of the IPAM modes supported by the selected IP protocol:<br/><ul><li><strong>DHCP</strong> - will manage the IP on DHCP through assigned DHCP proxy, auto-suggested IPs come from DHCP <em>(IPv4)</em></li><li><strong>Internal DB</strong> - use internal DB to auto-suggest free IP based on other interfaces on same subnet respecting range if specified, useful mainly with static boot mode <em>(IPv4, IPv6)</em></li><li><strong>EUI-64</strong> - will assign the IPv6 address based on the MAC address of the interface <em>(IPv6)</em></li><li><strong>None</strong> - leave IP management solely on user, no auto-suggestion <em>(IPv4, IPv6)</em></li></ul>":[""],"You can't assign locations to this resource":["Nie można przypisać lokalizacji do tego zasobu"],"You can't assign organizations to this resource":["Nie można przypisać organizacjom tego zasobu"],"You cannot delete this user while logged in as this user.":["Nie można usunąć tego użytkownika po zalogowaniu się jako ten użytkownik."],"You do not have permission to %s this location parameter":["Nie masz dostępu do %s tego parametru lokalizacji"],"You do not have permission to %s this organization parameter":["Nie masz dostępu do tego parametru %s organizacji"],"You don't have any visible hosts. Hosts can be added and provisioned from Foreman, or configured to report to Foreman.":["Nie posiada żadnych widocznych hostów. Hosty mogą być dodawane i zabezpieczony od Foremana lub skonfigurowane tak, aby zgłaszały się do Foremana."],"You don't seem to have any bookmarks.":["Zdaje się że nie ma żadnych zakładek."],"You don't seem to have any facts yet. If you wish to configure fact pushing, please follow the documentation.":["Zadaje się, że nie ma żadnych faktów. Jeśli chciałbyś je skonfigurować, proszę podążać za dokumentacją."],"You don't seem to have any reports.":["Zdaje się że nie ma żadnych raportów."],"You have already logged in":[""],"You may also associate one or more operating systems with this medium or alternatively set this up later on the %s page.":["Można też powiązać jeden lub więcej systemów operacyjnych z tego nośnika, lub ustawić to później na stronie %s."],"You may also associate one or more operating systems with this partition table or alternatively set this up later on the %s page":["Można także powiązać jeden lub więcej systemów operacyjnych z tą kopia tablicy partycji lub alternatywnie ustawić to później na stronie %s"],"You may create puppet classes that represent high-level host configurations, for example, a <b>host-type-ldap-server</b> class, which includes all the required functionality from other modules or you may decide to create a host group called <b>host-type-ldap-server</b> and add the required classes into the host group configuration.":["Można utworzyć klasy puppet które będą reprezentowały hosty wysokiego poziomu, np. klasę <b>host-type-ldap-server</b> który zawiera wszystkie wymagane funkcjonalności z innych modułów lub można zadecydować o utworzeniu grupy hostów zwanej <b>host-type-ldap-server</b> i dodać wymagane klasy do konfiguracji grupy hostów."],"You must create a location before continuing.":[""],"You must create an organization before continuing.":[""],"You must create at least one location before continuing.":["Musisz utworzyć co najmniej jedną lokalizację przed kontynuowaniem."],"You must create at least one organization before continuing.":["Musisz utworzyć przynajmniej jedną organizację przed kontynuowaniem."],"You must select at least one permission":["Musisz wybrać co najmniej jedno uprawnienie"],"You probably need to configure your %s first.":["Prawdopodobnie najpierw trzeba skonfigurować %s."],"You would probably need to attach the":["Prawdopodobnie będzie konieczność bezpośredniego podłączania"],"Your Foreman user account has been created:":["Twoje konto użytkownika Foreman zostało utworzone:"],"Your host has finished building:":["Twój host ukończył budowanie: "],"Your password is too short":["Twoje hasło jest zbyt krótkie"],"Your password should not contain sequences":[""],"Your password should not contain that many repetitions":[""],"Your password should not contain your email":[""],"Your password should not contain your username":[""],"Your password should use characters from different character classes too":[""],"Your session has expired, please login again":["Twoja sesja wygasła, zaloguj się ponownie"],"ZTP PXE template":[""],"Zone":["Strefa"],"[encrypted]":[""],"a location":["lokalizacja"],"add a new matcher":["dodaj nowe dopasowanie"],"add new network interface":["dodaj nowy interfejs sieciowy"],"add new storage volume":["dodaj nowy nośnik pamięci"],"all":["wszystkie"],"already exists":["już istnieje"],"an 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Odhacz by wyczyścić"],"json":["json"],"last %s day":["Ostatni %s dzień","Ostatnich %s dni","Ostatnich %s dni","Ostatnich %s dni"],"link external user group with this user group":["Link zewnętrzny grupy użytkowników z tej grupy użytkowników"],"list":["list"],"locale_name":["locale_name"],"location":["lokalizacja"],"locations":["lokalizacje"],"managed host must have one provision interface":["zarządzany host musi mieć jeden dostarczony interfejs "],"message":["wiadomość"],"must be a unicast MAC address":[""],"must be a valid regexp":[""],"must be an array":["musi być tablicą"],"must be boolean":["musi być typem Boolean"],"must be comma separated":[""],"must be integer":["musi być typem integer"],"must be of type Subnet::Ipv4.":[""],"must be of type Subnet::Ipv6.":[""],"must be one of [ %s ]":["musi być jednym z [ %s ]"],"must be specified if from is defined":["należy określić, czy formularz jest zdefiniowany"],"must be specified if to is defined":["należy określić, czy jest zdefiniowany"],"must be true to edit the parameter":[""],"must contain valid hostnames":[""],"must not include periods":["Nie musi obejmować okresów"],"must only contain alphanumeric or underscore characters":[""],"must provide a provider":["musi dostarczać dostawcę"],"must set host and port":["musisz ustawić host i port"],"new":["nowy"],"nil allowed":["nil dozwolony"],"nil means host is bare metal":["nil oznacza że host jest gołą maszyną"],"no free IP could be found in our DB":[""],"no puppet proxy defined - 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consider setting a global or host group default":["nie powinno być puste - należy rozważyć ustawienia globalne lub domyślną grupę hostów"],"soft":["soft"],"some interfaces are invalid":["niektóre interfejsy są nieprawidłowe"],"some permissions were not found":[""],"sort results":["rezultat sortowania"],"space separated options, e.g. miimon=100":["Opcje oddzielone odstępem, np. miiom=100"],"start":["start"],"state":["stan"],"status":["status"],"status type, can be one of\\n* global\\n* configuration\\n* build\\n":["Typem statusu może być:\\n* globalny\\n* konfigurowany\\n* zbudowany\\n"],"stop":["stop"],"string":["string"],"subnet":[""],"subnet boot mode is not %s":["Tryb bootowania podsieci nie jest %s"],"sync external user groups on login":["synchronizacja zewnętrznej grupy użytkowników przy logowaniu "],"template name":["nazwa szablonu"],"template version":["wersja szablonu"],"these hosts for a build operation on next boot":["Hosty użyte przy budowaniu, przy następnym uruchomieniu"],"type of the LDAP server":["Typ serwera LDAP"],"unable to find %{type} template for %{host} running %{os}":[""],"unable to sign a non pending certificate":["nie można podpisać bez stanu certyfikatu oczekującego"],"unknown network_type":[""],"unknown parent permission for %s":["nieznane nadrzędne zezwolenie dla %s"],"unknown permission %s":["nieznane zezwolenie %s"],"unknown permission for %s":["nieznane zezwolenie dla %s"],"unknown provider":["nieznany dostawca"],"unspecified":["nieokreślony"],"used memory":["używana pamięć"],"using %s":["używa %s"],"using %{allocation} GB out of %{capacity} GB, %{pool_name} storage pool":["w użyciu %{allocation} GB z %{capacity} GB, %{pool_name} puli pamięci "],"valid":["ważny"],"valid or pending":["ważne lub do czasu"],"virtual":["wirtualny"],"virtual attached to %s":["wirtualnie dopisany do %s"],"yaml":["yaml"],"you can't assign some of roles you selected":["nie można przypisać kilku wybranych ról"],"you can't change administrator flag":["nie można zmienić flagi administratora"],"you cannot remove %s that are used by hosts or inherited.":["nie można usunąć %s, które są używane przez hosty lub dziedziczone."]}}};
var locales = locales || {}; locales['pl'] = {"domain":"app","locale_data":{"app":{"":{"Project-Id-Version":"Foreman","Report-Msgid-Bugs-To":"","PO-Revision-Date":"2017-09-15 15:13+0000","Last-Translator":"Lukáš Zapletal","Language-Team":"Polish (","MIME-Version":"1.0","Content-Type":"text/plain; charset=UTF-8","Content-Transfer-Encoding":"8bit","Language":"pl","Plural-Forms":"nplurals=4; plural=(n==1 ? 0 : (n%10>=2 && n%10<=4) && (n%100<12 || n%100>14) ? 1 : n!=1 && (n%10>=0 && n%10<=1) || (n%10>=5 && n%10<=9) || (n%100>=12 && n%100<=14) ? 2 : 3);","lang":"pl","domain":"app","plural_forms":"nplurals=4; plural=(n==1 ? 0 : (n%10>=2 && n%10<=4) && (n%100<12 || n%100>14) ? 1 : n!=1 && (n%10>=0 && n%10<=1) || (n%10>=5 && n%10<=9) || (n%100>=12 && n%100<=14) ? 2 : 3);"}," Remove":["Usuń"],"%s - Press Shift-F12 to release the cursor.":["%s - Naciśnij Shift + F12, aby zwolnić kursor."],"%s - The following hosts are about to be changed":["%s - Następujące hosty są do zmiany"],"%s Distribution":["%s Dystrybucja"],"%s Parameters updated, see below for more information":["%s parametry uaktualnione, patrz poniżej, aby uzyskać więcej informacji"],"%s Template":["%s Szablon"],"%s VM associated to a host":["%s wirtualna maszyna związana z hostem","%s wirtualnych maszyn związanych z hostami","%s wirtualnych maszyn związanych z hostami","%s wirtualnych maszyn związanych z hostami"],"%s active feature":["%s aktywna funkcja","%s aktywnych funkcji","%s aktywnych funkcji","%s aktywnych funkcji"],"%s ago":["%s temu"],"%s console is not supported at this time":["Konsola %s nie jest tym razem wspierana"],"%s core":["%s rdzeń","%s rdzeni","%s rdzeni","%s rdzeni"],"%s day ago":["%s dzień temu","%s dni temu","%s dni temu","%s dni temu"],"%s error message":["%s wiadomość o błędach","%s wiadomości o błędach","%s wiadomości o błędach","%s wiadomości o błędach"],"%s has been disassociated from VM":["%s został wyodrębniony z VM"],"%s host":["%s host","%s hostów","%s hostów","%s hostów"],"%s is an unknown attribute":["%s jest nieznanym atrybutem"],"%s is not a valid DNS record type":[""],"%s is not in environment":["%s nie ma w środowisku"],"%s log message":["%s log","%s logów","%s logów","%s logów"],"%s minute ago":["%s Minutę temu","%s Minut temu","%s Minut temu","%s Minut temu"],"%s month ago":["%s miesiąc temu","%s miesięcy temu","%s miesięcy temu","%s miesięcy temu"],"%s selected hosts":["%s wybranych hostów"],"%s warning message":["%s ostrzeżenie o błędach","%s ostrzeżeń o błędach","%s ostrzeżeń o błędach","%s ostrzeżeń o błędach"],"%s week ago":["%s tydzień temu","%s tygodni temu","%s tygodni temu","%s tygodni temu"],"%s widget loading...":[""],"%{app_name} API documentation homepage":["%{app_name} API documentation homepage"],"%{config_type} rebuild failed for host: %{host_names}.":["%{config_type} przebudowa nie powiodła się dla hostu: %{host_names}.","%{config_type} przebudowa nie powiodła się dla hostów: %{host_names}.","%{config_type} przebudowa nie powiodła się dla hostów: %{host_names}.","%{config_type} przebudowa nie powiodła się dla hostów: %{host_names}."],"%{controller}: %{host}'s operating system %{os} has no OS family":[""],"%{controller}: %{host}'s operating system is missing":[""],"%{controller}: unable to find a host that matches the request from %{addr}":[""],"%{cores} Cores and %{memory} memory":["%{cpus} rdzeni i %{memory} pamięci"],"%{count} host with no %{taxonomy_single} assigned":["%{count} host bez przypisania %{taxonomy_single} ","%{count} hostów bez przypisania %{taxonomy_single} ","%{count} hostów bez przypisania %{taxonomy_single} ","%{count} hostów bez przypisania %{taxonomy_single} "],"%{cpus} CPUs and %{memory} MB memory":["%{cpus} CPU i %{memory} MB pamięci"],"%{cpus} CPUs and %{memory} memory":["%{cpus} CPU i %{memory} pamięci"],"%{e} does not belong to the %{environment} environment":["%{e} nie należy do środowiska %{environment}"],"%{host} is about to %{action}":["%{host} ma zamiar %{action}"],"%{host} now boots from %{device}":["%{host} startuje z %{device}"],"%{id} plugin requires Foreman %{matcher} but current is %{current}":["wtyczka %{id} wymaga Foremana %{matcher} ale obecnie jest %{current}"],"%{id} plugin requires the %{plugin_name} plugin %{matcher} but current is %{plugin_version}":["%{id} wtyczka wymaga %{plugin_name} %{matcher}, ale aktualnie jest w wersji %{plugin_version}"],"%{id} plugin requires the %{plugin_name} plugin, not found":["%{id} wtyczka wymaga %{plugin_name},nie znaleziono"],"%{image} needs user data, but %{os_link} is not associated to any provisioning template of the kind user_data. Please associate it with a suitable template or uncheck 'User data' for %{compute_resource_image_link}.":["% {image} potrzebuje dane użytkownika, ale %{os_link} nie jest związana z żadnym szablonem tworzenia rezerw w rodzaju user_data. Proszę skojarz go z odpowiednim szablonem lub odznacz 'User data' dla %{compute_resource_image_link}."],"%{key} does not exist in order field":[""],"%{match} does not match an existing host":["%{match} nie pasuje do istniejącego hosta"],"%{match} does not match an existing host group":["%{match} nie pasuje do istniejącej grupy hostów"],"%{model} with id '%{id}' was not found":["%{model} o id '%{id}' nie został znaleziony"],"%{name} changed from %{label1} to %{label2}":["Nazwę %{name} zmieniono z %{label1} na %{label2}"],"%{name} has %{num_tag} class":["%{name} posiada %{num_tag} klasę","%{name} posiada %{num_tag} klas","%{name} posiada %{num_tag} klas","%{name} posiada %{num_tag} klas"],"%{os} medium was not set for host '%{host}'":[""],"%{record} is being used by a hidden %{what} resource":["%{record} jest używany przez ukrytą %{what} "],"%{record} is used by %{what}":["%{record}jest używany w %{what}"],"%{record} is used by host in build mode %{what}":["%{record} jest wykorzystywany przez host w trybie budowania %{what}"],"%{resource_name} not found by id '%{id}'":["%{resource_name} nie znaleziono z id: '%{id}'"],"%{task} task failed with the following error: %{e}":["%{task} Zadanie nie powiodło się z powodu następującego błędu: %{e}"],"%{taxonomy_type} %{taxonomy_name} has %{count} host that will need to be reassociated after deletion. Delete %{taxonomy_name2}?":["",""],"%{type} %{conflicts} already exists":[""],"%{user} Downloaded %{key} as pem file":[""],"%{value} does not belong to %{os} operating system":["%{value} nie należy do systemu operacyjnego %{os} "],"%{value} is not a valid controller":["%{value} nie jest poprawnym sterownikiem"],"%{value} is not one of %{rules}":["%{value} nie jest jednym z %{rules}"],"%{vm} is now %{vm_state}":["%{vm} jest obecnie %{vm_state}"],"&laquo;":["&laquo;"],"&raquo;":["&raquo;"],"'%{host}' could be deleted or '%{resource}' is not responding.":["'%{host}' mógł zostać usunięty lub '%{resource}' nie odpowiada."],"'%{host}' not found on '%{resource}'":["'%{host}' nie znaleziono w '%{resource}'"],"'%{loader}' is not one of %{loaders}":[""],"'Content-Type: %s' is unsupported in API v2 for POST and PUT requests. Please use 'Content-Type: application/json'.":["\\\"Content-Type: %s' nie jest obsługiwany w API v2 dla żądań POST i PUT. Proszę użyć 'Content-Type: application / json'."],"(Miscellaneous)":["(Różne)"],"(optional) IAM Role for Fog to use when creating this image.":["(Opcjonalnie) AM Role for Fog mogła zostać użyta podczas tworzenia tego obrazu."],"*Clear %s proxy*":["\\\"Wyczyść %s proxy\\\""],"*Clear environment*":["* Wyczyść środowisko *"],"*Clear host group*":["* Wyczyść grupę hosta *"],"*Inherit from host group*":["* Dziedziczenie z grupy hosta *"],", relevant log entries, and it is highly recommended to also attach the foreman-debug output.":[", Odpowiednie wpisy w dzienniku, a zalecane jest aby również dołączyć output foreman-debug."],":foreman_url is not set, please configure in the Foreman Web UI (Administer -> Settings -> General)":[":foreman_url nie został ustawiony, proszę skonfiguruj go w Foreman Web UI (Administer -> Settings -> General)"],"<b class='select_count'>0</b> selected":["wybrano <b class='select_count'>0</b> "],"<b style=\\\"color: #6bb5df;\\\">%{disabled_sum}</b>\\n <p>Disabled</p>":["",""],"<b style=\\\"color: #6bb5df;\\\">%{hosts_sum}</b>\\n <p>Changed</p>":["",""],"<b style=\\\"color: #6bb5df;\\\">%{out_of_sync_sum}</b>\\n <p>Out of sync</p>":["",""],"<b>Description:</b> %{desc}<br/>\\n <b>Type:</b> %{type}<br/>\\n <b>Matcher:</b> %{matcher}<br/>\\n <b>Inherited value:</b> %{inherited_value}":["<b>Opis:</b> %{desc}<br/>\\n\\n<b>Typ:</b> %{type}<br/>\\n\\n<b>Dopasowanie:</b> %{matcher}<br/>\\n\\n<b>Dziedziczona wartość:</b> %{inherited_value}"],"<b>Foreman API v1 is deprecated. Please use v2.</b><br />If you still need to use v1, you may do so by either passing 'version=1' in the Accept Header or using api/v1/ in the URL.":[""],"<b>Foreman</b> Build Complete":["<b>Foreman</b> zbudowany pomyślnie"],"<b>Foreman</b> Puppet error report":["<b>Foreman</b> Puppet błąd raportu"],"<b>Foreman</b> Puppet summary":["podsumowanie <b>Foreman</b> Puppet"],"<b>Foreman</b> audit summary":["Podsumowanie audytu <b> Forman </b>"],"<b>Foreman</b> test email":["testowy e-mail <b>Foremana</b>"],"<b>Source:</b> %{type} %{name}":["<b>Źródło:</b> %{type} %{name}"],"<dl><dt>List</dt> <dd>A list of the allowed values, specified in the Validator rule field.</dd><dt>Regexp</dt> <dd>Validates the input with the regular expression in the Validator rule field.</dd></dl>":["<dl><dt>Lista</dt> <dd>Lista dozwolonych wartości, wyszczególniona w regułach walidatora.</dd><dt>Regexp</dt> <dd>Waliduje wyrażenie regularne na wejściu przez reguły walidatora</dd></dl>"],"<dl><dt>String</dt> <dd>Everything is taken as a string.</dd><dt>Boolean</dt> <dd>Common representation of boolean values are accepted.</dd><dt>Integer</dt> <dd>Integer numbers only, can be negative.</dd><dt>Real</dt> <dd>Accept any numerical input.</dd><dt>Array</dt> <dd>A valid JSON or YAML input, that must evaluate to an array.</dd><dt>Hash</dt> <dd>A valid JSON or YAML input, that must evaluate to an object/map/dict/hash.</dd><dt>YAML</dt> <dd>Any valid YAML input.</dd><dt>JSON</dt> <dd>Any valid JSON input.</dd></dl>":["<dl><dt>String</dt> <dd>Wszystko jest przyjmowane jako String</dd><dt>Boolean</dt> <dd>Wspólne reprezentacje wartości logicznych są akceptowane.</dd><dt>Integer</dt> <dd>Tylko wartości całkowite, również ujemne.</dd><dt>Real</dt> <dd>Akceptuje liczby na wejściu.</dd><dt>Array</dt> <dd> Ważne wejście JSON lub YAML, które musi zostać przekształcone na tablicę.</dd><dt>Hash</dt> <dd>Ważne wejście JSON lub YAML, które musi zostać przekształcone na objekt/mapę/dict/hash.</dd><dt>YAML</dt> <dd>Jakikolwiek odpowiedni YAML na wejściu.</dd><dt>JSON</dt> <dd>Jakikolwiek odpowiedni JSON na wejściu.</dd></dl>"],"A Foreman user group can be associated to a group stored in an LDAP server, so membership of the LDAP group automatically adds the user to the Foreman user group.":[""],"A host group is in some ways similar to an inherited node declaration, in that it is a high level grouping of classes that can be named and treated as a unit. This is then treated as a template and is selectable during the creation of a new host and ensures that the host is configured in one of your pre-defined states.":["Grupa hostów jest w pewnym sensie podobna do odziedziczonej deklaracji węzła, zatem może istnieć grupa wysokiego poziomu klas którą będzie można nazwać i traktować jako całość. Będą traktowane jako wzorzec i wybierane podczas tworzenia nowego hosta i zapewnia, że komputer został skonfigurowany w ten sposób w jednym ze swoich uprzednio zdefiniowanych stanów."],"A medium represents the source of one or more operating system's installation files, accessible via the network.\\n It will probably be a mirror from the internet or a copy of one or more CD or DVDs.":["Nośnik reprezentuje źródło jednego lub więcej plików instalacyjnych systemów operacyjnych, dostępnych przez sieć.\\nPrawdopodobnie będzie to mirror z internetu lub kopia jednego lub kilku płyt CD lub DVD."],"A partition table entry represents either":["Już dokonano wpisu do tablicy partycji"],"A problem occurred when detecting host type: %s":["Problem wystapił po wykryciu hostu typu: %s"],"A script to dynamically calculate the desired sizes. E.G.":["Skrypt do dynamicznego obliczania odpowiednich rozmiarów, np."],"A user group already exists with this name":["Grupa użytkownik już istnieje pod tą nazwą"],"API Key":["Klucz API"],"API documentation":["API Dokumentacji"],"About":["Informacje o"],"Access Key":["Klucz dostępu"],"Access denied":["Brak dostępu"],"Access unattended without build":[""],"Account":["Konto"],"Acquire IP addresses for %s":[""],"Action":["Akcja"],"Actions":["Akcja"],"Active":["Aktywny"],"Active Hosts":["Aktywne Hosty"],"Active features":["aktywne funkcje"],"Active key":[""],"Add Autosign entry":["Dodaj wejście autosign"],"Add Bookmark":["Dodaj zakładkę"],"Add Interface":["Dodaj interface"],"Add Matcher":["Dodaj dopasowanie"],"Add Parameter":["Dodaj parametr"],"Add Trend Counter":["Dodaj licznik trendów"],"Add Variable":["Dodaj zmienną"],"Add Volume":["Dodaj Wolumen"],"Add a CD-ROM drive to the virtual machine.":[""],"Add a Puppet class to host":["Dodaj klasę Puppet do hostu"],"Add a Puppet class to host group":["Dodaj klasę Puppeta do grupy hostów"],"Add a template combination":["Dodaj kombinację szablonu"],"Add combination":["Dodaj kombinację"],"Add external user group":["Dodaj zewnętrzną grupę użytkowników"],"Add filter":["Dodaj filtr"],"Add to dashboard":["Dodaj do dashboard'u"],"Add widgets":["Dodaj widżety"],"Add:":["Dodaj:"],"Adding would cause a cycle!":["Dodanie spowoduje zapętlenie!"],"Additional Information":["Dodatkowe informacje"],"Additional compute resource specific attributes for the interface.":["Dodatkowe zasoby obliczeniowe specyficznych atrybutów interfejsu."],"Additional compute resource specific attributes.":["Specyficzne cechy dodatkowe zasobów obliczeniowych"],"Additional information about this host":["Dodatkowe informacje o tym hoście"],"Address to connect to":[""],"Admin permissions required":["Wymagane uprawnienia administratora. "],"Administer":["Administracja"],"Administrator email address":["Adres e-mail administratora"],"Administrator user account required":["Wymagane konto administratora"],"Alert":["Alarm"],"Alerts disabled":["Alarmy wyłączone"],"Alias or VLAN device":["Alias lub urządzenie VLAN"],"All":["Wszystkie"],"All Puppet Classes for %s":["Wszystkie klasy Puppet dla %s"],"All Reports":["Wszystkie raporty"],"All compute resources":["Wszystkie zasoby obliczeniowe"],"All domains":["Wszystkie domeny"],"All environments":["Wszystkie środowiska"],"All environments - (not filtered)":["Wszystkie środowiska - (nie filtrowane)"],"All host groups":["Wszystkie grupy hostów"],"All hosts":["Wszystkie hosty"],"All hosts data matches configurations for locations and organizations.":["Wszystkie dane dotyczące dopasowania konfiguracji hostów dla lokalizacji i organizacji."],"All hosts previously with no %{single} are now assigned to %{name}":["Wszystkie hosty najpierw bez %{single} teraz są przypisane do %{name} "],"All hosts will show a configuration status even when a Puppet smart proxy is not assigned":["Wszystkie hosty będą wykazywały stan konfiguracji nawet jeśli Puppet smart proxy nie jest przypisane"],"All items":["Wszystkie elementy"],"All media":["Wszystkie nośniki"],"All messages":["Wszystkie wiadomości"],"All mismatches between hosts and %s have been fixed":["Wszystkie niedopasowania pomiędzy hostami i %s zostały ustalone"],"All mismatches between hosts and locations/organizations have been fixed":["Wszystkie niedopasowania pomiędzy gospodarzami i lokalizacją / organizacją zostały ustalone"],"All partition tables":["Wszystkie tabele partycji"],"All provisioning templates":["Wszystkie szablony zaopatrzenia"],"All realms":["Wszystkie domeny"],"All smart proxies":["Wszystkie inteligentne proxy"],"All subnets":["Wszystkie podsieci"],"All users":["Wszyscy użytkownicy"],"Allocated":["Przydzielona"],"Allocation (GB)":["Alokacja (GB)"],"Allow access to unattended URLs without build mode being used":[""],"Allow external network as main network":["Pozwól zewnętrznej sieci jako głównej sieci"],"Allowed methods or members":[""],"Always show configuration status":["Zawsze pokazuj stan konfiguracji"],"An IP address will be auto-suggested if you have enabled IPAM on the IPv4 subnet selected above.<br/><br/>The IP address can be left blank when:<br/><ul><li>provisioning tokens are enabled</li><li>the domain does not manage DNS</li><li>the subnet does not manage reverse DNS</li><li>and the subnet does not manage DHCP reservations</li></ul>":[""],"An IP address will be auto-suggested if you have enabled IPAM on the IPv6 subnet selected above.":[""],"An email address is required, please update your account details":[""],"An error occurred while testing the connection: ":[""],"An explicit layout for the partitions of your hard drive(s). E.G.":["Wyraźny układ dla partycji dysku twardego, np."],"An invalid response was received while requesting available features from this proxy":[""],"Annotation Notes":[""],"Annotation notes":[""],"Anonymous admin user %s is missing, run foreman-rake db:seed":["Brak anonimowego administratora %s , uruchom foreman-rake db:seed"],"Any Context":["Dowolny kontekst"],"Any Location":["Jakakolwiek lokalizacja"],"Any Organization":["Jakakolwiek organizacja"],"Applicable Operating Systems":[""],"Applied":["Zastosowano"],"Applied|A":["Applied|A"],"Architecture":["Architektura"],"Architecture Distribution":["Dystrybucja architektury"],"Architecture ID":["ID architektury"],"Architectures":["Architektury"],"Architecture|Hostgroups count":["Architektura | Przeliczenie grupyHostów"],"Architecture|Hosts count":["Architektura|Liczba Hostów"],"Architecture|Name":["Architektura | Nazwa"],"Are you sure you want to %{act} %{vm}?":["Jesteś pewien, że chcesz wykonać \\\"%{act}\\\" w %{vm}?"],"Are you sure you want to delete host %s? This action is irreversible.":["Czy na pewno chcesz usunąć host %s ? Ta operacja jest nieodwracalna."],"Are you sure you want to delete host %s? This will delete the virtual machine and its disks, and is irreversible.":["Czy na pewno chcesz usunąć host %s ? Spowoduje to nieodwracalne usunięcie maszyny wirtualnej i jego dysków."],"Are you sure you want to delete this widget from your dashboard?":["Czy na pewno chcesz usunąć ten widget z dashboardu?"],"Are you sure you want to log out?":[""],"Are you sure you want to power %{act} %{vm}?":["Jesteś pewien, że chcesz włączyć %{act} w %{vm}?"],"Are you sure?":["Czy na pewno?"],"Array of extra information types to include":[""],"Array of host IDs to associate with the partition table":["Tablica identyfikatorów hosta powiązana z tablicą partycji"],"Array of host group IDs to associate with the partition table":["Tablica ID grupy hostów skojarzona z tablicą partycji"],"Array of operating system IDs to associate with the partition table":["Tablica identyfikatorów systemu operacyjnego skojarzona z tablicą partycji"],"Array of operating system IDs to associate with the template":["Tablica ID systemów powiązanych z szablonem"],"Array of parameters":[""],"Array of parameters (name, value)":["Tablica parametrów (name, value)"],"Array of template combinations (hostgroup_id, environment_id)":["Tablica szablonów kombinacji (hostgroup_id, environment_id)"],"Assign All":["Przypisz wszystkie"],"Assign Hosts to %s":["Przypisz hosty do %s"],"Assign Location":["Przypisywanie Lokalizacji"],"Assign Organization":["Przypisz organizację"],"Assign Selected Hosts":["Przypisz wybrane hosty"],"Assign the %{count} host with no %{taxonomy_single} to %{taxonomy_name}":["Przypisz %{count} host bez %{taxonomy_single} do %{taxonomy_name}","Przypisz wszystkie %{count} hostów bez %{taxonomy_single} do %{taxonomy_name}","Przypisz wszystkie %{count} hostów bez %{taxonomy_single} do %{taxonomy_name}","Przypisz wszystkie %{count} hostów bez %{taxonomy_single} do %{taxonomy_name}"],"Assign to %s":["Przypisz do %s"],"Assigning hosts to %{taxonomy_name} will also update %{taxonomy_name} to include all the resources that the selected hosts are currently using.":["Przypisanie hostów do %{taxonomy_name} spowoduje również aktualizację %{taxonomy_name} by dołączyć wszystkie zasobów których wybrane hosty akurat używają. 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To save them, click on 'Bookmark this search' on the dropdown next to every search button.":["Zakładki zapisują wyszukiwane hasła. 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When a role is associated <br> with some %s filter is not considered unlimited as it's scoped accordingly.":[""],"CA certificate expiry date":["Data ważności certyfikatu CA"],"CD-ROM drive":[""],"CDROM":["CD-ROM"],"CPU hot add":["CPU hot add"],"CPU hot add lets you add CPU resources for a virtual machine while the machine is powered on.":["CPU hot add umożliwia dodawanie zasobów CPU dla maszyny wirtualnej, gdy urządzenie jest włączone."],"CPUs":["Procesory"],"Cache slow calls to VMWare to speed up page rendering":[""],"Caching":[""],"Calling methods on objects":[""],"Can't delete internal admin account":["Nie można usunąć wewnętrznego konta administratora"],"Can't delete the last admin account":["Nie można usunąć ostatniego konta administratora"],"Can't delete the last admin user group":["Nie można usunąć grupę użytkowników ostatniego administratora"],"Can't find a valid Foreman Proxy with a Puppet feature":["nie można znaleźć poprawnego Foreman Proxy z wtyczką 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see what templates are available.":[""],"Continue to look for matches after first find (only array/hash type)? Note: merging overrides ignores all matchers that are omitted.":[""],"Continue?":["Kontynuować?"],"Cores":["Rdzeni"],"Cores per socket":["Rdzeni na socket"],"Could not add permissions to Manager and Viewer roles: %s":[""],"Could not add permissions to Manager role: %s":[""],"Could not add permissions to Organization admin role: %s":[""],"Could not add permissions to Viewer role: %s":[""],"Could not create role '%{name}': %{message}":[""],"Could not delete %s":[""],"Could not extend role '%{name}': %{message}":[""],"Could not find %{association} with name: %{name}":[""],"Could not find a Configuration Template with the name \\\"%s\\\", please create one.":[""],"Could not find network %s on VMWare compute resource":[""],"Could not find virtual machine network interface matching %s":["Nie można znaleźć intefrejsu sieciowego maszyny wirtualnej dopasowanego do %s"],"Could not locate CA certificate.":["Nie udało się zlokalizować certyfikatu CA."],"Could not recreate a new SSH 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klasy"],"Delete an override value for a specific smart variable":["Usuń wartość nadpisaną dla określanej smart variable"],"Delete autosign entry":[""],"Delete autosign entry for %s":["Usuń wejście autosign dla: %s"],"Delete filter?":["Usunąć filtr"],"Delete realm entry for %s":["Usuń wpis o domenie dla %s"],"Delete report for %s?":["Usunąć raport dla %s?"],"Deleted environment":["Usunięte środowiska"],"Deleted environment %{env} and %{pcs}":["Usunięte środowiska%{env} i %{pcs}"],"Delivery method":[""],"Deploy TFTP %{kind} config for %{host}":[""],"Deploy VM on selected datastore":["Wdrażanie VM od wybranej pamięci masowej"],"Deploy on":["Rozmieszczony na "],"Deprecated, please use datacenter":[""],"Deprecated, please use omit":[""],"Description":["Opis"],"Description of smart class":["Opis inteligentnej klasy"],"Description of the domain":["Opis domeny"],"Description of variable":["Opis zmiennej"],"Deselect All":["Odznacz wszystko"],"Destroy":["Usuń"],"Destroyed selected hosts":["Zniszczono wybrane hosty"],"Details":["Szczegóły"],"Device identifier":["identyfikator wejścia"],"Device identifier for this interface. 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Może się różnić w zależności od platform lub środowisk, poniżej znajduje się kilka przykładów. <br/><ul><li>Użyj podstawowej nazwy dla identyfikatora fizycznego interfejsu, np. <strong>eth0</strong> lub <strong>em0</strong> wraz z nazwą urządzenia BIOSu.</li><li>Dla wirtualnych interfejsów, użyj jednej z notacji aliasów (<strong>eth0:1</strong>, name:index) lub notacji VLAN (<strong>eth0.15</strong>, name.tag).</li><li>Dla wiązań przyjęło się używać <strong>bond0</strong> na Linuxie, <strong>lagg0</strong> na systemie FreeBSD.</li></ul>"],"Device identifier, e.g. eth0 or eth1.1":["identyfikator wejścia, np. eth0 lub eth1.1"],"Diff":["Różnice"],"Diff View":["Zobacz zmiany"],"Disable Notifications":["Wyłącz powiadomienia"],"Disable alerts for selected hosts":["Wyłącz powiadomienia dla wybranych hostów"],"Disable all filters overriding":[""],"Disable overriding":[""],"Disabled":["Wyłączone"],"Disassociate Hosts":["Oddziel hosty"],"Disassociate host":["Oddziel host"],"Disassociate the host from a VM":["Oddzielony host od VM"],"Disassociate the selected hosts from their VMs":["Odłącz wybrane hosty od ich maszyn wirtualnych"],"Disk":["Dysk"],"Disk mode":[""],"Display":["Wyświetlacz"],"Display Name":["Wyświetlana nazwa"],"Display hidden parameter values":[""],"Display hidden values":[""],"Display the templates that will be used to provision this host":["Wyświetl szablony które będą użyte do dostawy dla tego hosta"],"Display type":["Wyświetl typ"],"Displaying %{num_audits} of %{total_audits} audit":["Wyświetlanie %{num_audits} z %{total_audits} audytu","Wyświetlanie %{num_audits} z %{total_audits} audytów","Wyświetlanie %{num_audits} z %{total_audits} audytów","Wyświetlanie %{num_audits} z %{total_audits} audytów"],"Displaying <b>%{count}</b> entry":["Wyświetlanie <b>%{count}</b> wejścia","Wyświetlanie <b>wszystkich %{count}</b> wejść","Wyświetlanie <b>wszystkich %{count}</b> wejść","Wyświetlanie <b>wszystkich %{count}</b> wejść"],"Displaying entries <b>%{from} - %{to}</b> of <b>%{count}</b> in total":["Wyświetlanie wejść <b>%{from} - %{to}</b>, w sumie <b>%{count}</b> "],"Documentation":["Dokumentacja"],"Does this image support user data input (e.g. via cloud-init)?":["Czy obraz wspiera wejściowe dane użytkownika (np. przez cloud-init)?"],"Domain":["Domena"],"Domain ID":["ID domeny"],"Domain IDs":["ID domeny"],"Domains":["Domeny"],"Domains in which this subnet is part":["Dziedziny, w których ta podsieć jest częścią"],"Domain|Fullname":["Domena|PełnaNazwa"],"Domain|Hostgroups count":["Domena|Liczba grupy hostów"],"Domain|Hosts count":["Domena| liczba hostów"],"Domain|Name":["Domena|Nazwa"],"Download":[""],"Duration in minutes after the Puppet interval for servers to be classed as out of sync.":["Czas trwania w minutach Po upływie których Puppet dla serwerów ma być zaklasyfikowany jako niezsynchronizowany."],"EC2":["EC2"],"EFI":[""],"ENC environment":["Środowisko ENC"],"ERROR or FATAL":["ERROR lub FATAL"],"EUI-64":[""],"Each architecture can also be associated with more than one operating system and a selector block is provided to allow you to select valid combinations.":["Każda architektura może być również powiązana z więcej niż jednym systemem operacyjnym oraz blok selektora jest warunkiem, aby umożliwić wybranie prawidłowych kombinacji."],"Each entries represent a particular hardware architecture, most commonly <b>x86_64</b> or <b>i386</b>. Foreman also supports the Solaris operating system family, which includes <b>sparc</b> based systems.":["Każda pozycja reprezentuje konkretną architekturę sprzętową, najczęściej <b>x86_64</b> lub <b>i386</b>. Foreman wspiera rodzinę systemu operacyjnego Solaris, który zawiera systemy oparte na <b>sparc</b> ."],"Eager zero":["Eager zero"],"Edit":["Edytuj"],"Edit %s":["Edytuj %s"],"Edit Architecture":["Edytuj architekturę"],"Edit Bookmark":["Edytuj zakładkę"],"Edit Compute profile":["Edytuj profil obliczeń"],"Edit Compute profile: %s":["Edytuj profil obliczeń: %s"],"Edit Config group":["Edytuj grupy konfiguracji"],"Edit Domain":["Edytuj domenę"],"Edit Environment":["Edytuj środowisko"],"Edit Filter":["Edytuj filtr"],"Edit Global Parameter":["Edytuj parametry globalne"],"Edit Host":["Edytuj host"],"Edit LDAP Auth Source":["Edytuj źródło uwierzytelniania LDAP"],"Edit Medium":["Edytuj nośnik"],"Edit Model":["Edytuj model"],"Edit Operating System":["Edytuj system operacyjny"],"Edit Parameters":["Edytuj parametry"],"Edit Partition Table":["Edytuj tablice partcji"],"Edit Properties":["Edytuj właściwości"],"Edit Proxy":["Edytuj Proxy"],"Edit Puppet Class %s":["Edytuj klasę Puppet %s"],"Edit Realm":["Edytuj domenę"],"Edit Role":[""],"Edit Smart Variable":["Edytuj Smart Variable"],"Edit Smart class parameters":["Edycja parametrów inteligentnych klas"],"Edit Subnet":["Edytuj podsieć"],"Edit Template":["Edytuj szablon"],"Edit Trend %s":["Edytuj trend %s"],"Edit User":["Edytuj użytkownika"],"Edit User group":["Edytuj grupę użytkowników"],"Edit compute profile on %s":["Edytuj profil obliczeń na %s"],"Edit this host":[""],"Email Preferences":["Preferencje e-mail"],"Email address is missing":["Brak adresu e-mail"],"Email reply address":["Zwrotny adres e-mail"],"Email reply address for emails that Foreman is sending":["Zwrotny adres e-mail dla maili które wysyła Foreman"],"Email subject prefix":["prefiks tematu e-maila"],"Email was sent successfully":["E-mail został pomyślnie wysłany"],"Empty environment":["puste środowisko"],"Enable Notifications":["Włącz powiadomienia"],"Enable alerts for selected hosts":["Włącz powiadomienia dla wybranych hostów"],"Enable caching":[""],"Enable certificate generation for %s":["Włącz generowanie certyfikatów dla %s"],"Enable if this is an alias or VLAN interface, note that alias can be used only with static boot mode subnet":["Dozwolony jeśli jest to alias lub interfejs VLAN, uwaga - 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%{message}":["Error - %{message}"],"Error adding widget to dashboard.":["Błąd w trakcie dodawania widgetu do dashboardu."],"Error connecting to %{proxy}: %{error}.":["Błąd podłączenia %{proxy}: %{error}."],"Error connecting to '%{domain}' domain DNS servers: %{servers} - check query_local_nameservers and dns_conflict_timeout settings":["Błąd przy połączeniu z domeną '%{domain}' serwera DNS: %{servers} - sprawdź ustawienia query_local_nameservers i dns_conflict_timeout "],"Error connecting to system DNS server(s) - check /etc/resolv.conf":["Błąd podczas łączenia z serwerem/(ami) Systemu DNS - sprawdź /etc/resolv.conf"],"Error generating IP: %s":["Błąd przy generowaniu IP: %s"],"Error has occurred while communicating with %{cr}: %{e}":["Wystąpił błąd podczas komunikacji z %{cr}: %{e}"],"Error loading interfaces information: %s":["Błąd przy ładowaniu interfejsu informacji: %s "],"Error loading scheduler hint filters information: %s":[""],"Error removing widget from dashboard.":["Błąd w trakcie usuwania widgetu z dasboardu."],"Errors":["Błędy"],"Errors occurred, build may fail":["wystąpiły błędy, budowa może się nie udać"],"Errors only":["Tylko błędy"],"Errors: %s":["Błędy: %s"],"Examples":["Przykłady"],"Exit Full Screen":["Zamknij pełny ekran"],"Expand nested items":["Rozwiń zagnieżdżone elementy"],"Expand the chart":["Rozwiń wykres"],"Expire logs":["Wygaśnięte logi"],"Expires":["traci ważność"],"Explain matchers":["Wyjaśnij dopasowanie"],"Export":[""],"Export a partition template to ERB":[""],"Export a provisioning template to ERB":[""],"Export to CSV":[""],"External Groups":[""],"External IP":["Zewnętrzne IP"],"External user group":["Zewnętrzna grupa użytkowników"],"External user group %{name} could not be refreshed":["Zewnętrzna grupa użytkowników %{name} nie może być odświeżana"],"External user group %{name} refreshed":["Odświeżanie zewnętrznej grupy użytkowników %{name} "],"External user group information":["Informacje o zewnętrznej grupie użytkowników"],"External user group name":["Nazwa zewnętrznej grupy użytkowników"],"External user groups will be synced on login, else relies on periodic cronjob to check group membership":["Zewnętrzne grupy użytkowników będą synchronizowane przy logowaniu, w przeciwnym wypadku polegać na okresowym cronjob sprawdzić członkostwo grupy"],"External usergroup":["Zewnętrzna grupa użytkowników"],"ExternalUsergroup|Name":["ZewnętrznaGrupaUżytkowników|Nazwa"],"FQDN":["FQDN"],"Fact Name":["Nazwa faktu"],"Fact Values":["Wartości faktów"],"Fact Values | %{host_name}":[""],"Fact distribution chart":["wykres rozkładu zdarzeń"],"Fact name":["Nazwa faktu"],"Fact value":["Wartość faktu"],"Fact values":["Faktyczne wartości"],"FactName|Ancestry":["NazwaFaktu|Pochodzenie"],"FactName|Compose":["NazwaFaktu|Kompozycja"],"FactName|Name":["NazwaFaktu|Nazwa"],"FactName|Short name":["NazwaFaktu|Skrót"],"FactValue|Origin":[""],"FactValue|Value":["WartośćFaktów|Wartość"],"Facts":["Fakty"],"Fail on Mismatch":["Błąd przez niezgodności"],"Failed":["Failed"],"Failed Restarts":["Failed Restarts|FR"],"Failed Restarts|FR":["FailedRestarts|FR"],"Failed connecting to %s":["Nie udało się połączyć z %s"],"Failed features":["Nieudane funkcje"],"Failed features: %s":["Nieudanych funkcji: %s","Nieudanych funkcji: %s","Nieudanych funkcji: %s","Nieudanych funkcji: %s"],"Failed restarts":["Nieudany restart"],"Failed to %{action} %{host}: %{e}":["Błąd dla %{action} z hostu %{host}: %{e}"],"Failed to acquire IP addresses from compute resource for %s":[""],"Failed to cancel pending build for %{hostname} with the following errors: %{errors}":[""],"Failed to clean any old certificates or add the autosign entry. 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Zakończenie budowania!"],"Failed to configure %{host} to boot from %{device}: %{e}":["Nie udało się skonfigurować %{host} aby urchomić z urządzenia %{device}: %{e}"],"Failed to create %{name}'s realm entry: %{e}":["Nie udało się utworzyć %{name} realm entry: %{e}"],"Failed to create X509 certificate, error: %s":["Nie udało się stworzyć certyfikatu X509, error: %s"],"Failed to create a compute %{compute_resource} instance %{name}: %{message}\\n ":["Nie udało się utworzyć instancji zasobu %{compute_resource} %{name}: %{message}"],"Failed to destroy a compute %{compute_resource} instance %{name}: %{e}":["Nie udało się zniszczyć instancji zasobu %{compute_resource} %{name}: %{message}"],"Failed to enable %{host} for installation: %{errors}":["Nie udało się uruchomić %{host} dla instalacji: %{errors}"],"Failed to fetch a free IP from proxy %{proxy}: %{message}":[""],"Failed to fetch boot files":["Nie udało się pobrać plików bootowania:"],"Failed to fetch power status: %s":[""],"Failed to fetch: ":["Nie udało się pobrać:"],"Failed to get IP for %{name}: %{e}":["Nie udało się uzyskać adresu IP dla %{name}: %{e}"],"Failed to get a new realm OTP. Terminating the build!":["Nie udało się uzyskać nowego obszaru OTP. Zakończenie budowania!"],"Failed to import %{klass} for %{name}: doesn't exists in our database - ignoring":["Nie udało się zaimportować %{klass} dla %{name}: nie istnieje w naszej bazie danych - ignoruj"],"Failed to initialize the PuppetCA proxy: %s":["Nie udało się zainicjalizować proxy PuppetCA: %s "],"Failed to initialize the realm proxy: %s":["Nie udało się zainicjalizować realm proxy: %s "],"Failed to launch script on %{name}: %{e}":["Nie udało się załączyć skryptu na %{name}: %{e}"],"Failed to load chart":["Nie udało się załadować wykresu"],"Failed to login via SSH to %{name}: %{e}":["Nie można się zalogować przez SSH do %{name}: %{e} "],"Failed to modify the build cycle for %s":["Nie udało się zmodyfikować cyklu budowania %s"],"Failed to perform rollback on %{task} - %{e}":["Nie można wykonać rollback na %{task} - %{e}"],"Failed to power up a compute %{compute_resource} instance %{name}: %{e}":["Nie udało się uruchomić instancji zasobu %{compute_resource} %{name}: %{message}"],"Failed to reboot %s.":["Nie udało się ponownie uruchomić %s ."],"Failed to redeploy %s.":["Nie udało się przesunąć: %s"],"Failed to refresh the cache.":[""],"Failed to remove certificates for %{name}: %{e}":["Nie udało się przywrócić certyfikatu dla %{name}: %{e}"],"Failed to retrieve power status for %{host} within %{timeout} second.":["",""],"Failed to save widget positions.":["Błąd w trakcie zapisywania pozycji widgetu."],"Failed to set %{proxy_type} proxy for %{host}.":["Nie udało się ustawić %{proxy_type} proxy dla %{host}."],"Failed to set IP for %{name}: %{e}":[""],"Failed to set IPs via IPAM for %{name}: %{e}":[""],"Failed to set console: %s":["Nie udało się ustawić konsoli: %s"],"Failed to set power state for %s.":["Nie udało się ustawić źródła zasilania dla: %s"],"Failed to stop compute %{compute_resource} instance %{name}: %{e}":["Nie udało się zatrzymać instancji zasobu %{compute_resource} %{name}: %{message}"],"Failed to undo update compute %{compute_resource} instance %{name}: %{e}":["Nie udało się cofnąć aktualizacji instancji zasobu %{compute_resource} %{name}: %{message}"],"Failed to update a compute %{compute_resource} instance %{name}: %{e}":["Nie udało się aktualizować instancji zasobu %{compute_resource} %{name}: %{message}"],"Failed to update environments and Puppet classes from the on-disk Puppet installation: %s":["Nie udało się zaktualizować środowisk i klas puppet z instalacji Puppet na dysku: %s"],"Failed to update the environments and Puppet classes from the on-disk puppet installation: %s":["Nie udało się zaktualizować środowisk i klas puppet z instalacji puppet na dysku: %s"],"Failed to validate %{host}: %{error}":["Nie udało się zweryfikować %{host}: %{error}"],"Failed|F":["Failed|F"],"Failure deploying via smart proxy %{proxy}: %{error}.":["Awaria wdrażania poprzez smart proxy %{proxy}: %{error}."],"Failure parsing %{template}: %{error}.":["awaria parsowania %{template}: %{error}."],"Failure: %s":["Niepowodzenie: %s"],"Family":["Rodzina"],"Feature":["Właściwość"],"Features":["Wtyczka"],"Features \\\"%s\\\" in this proxy are not recognized by Foreman. If these features come from a Smart Proxy plugin, make sure Foreman has the plugin installed too.":[""],"Feature|Name":["Właściwość|Nazwa"],"Fetch TFTP boot files for %s":["Pobierz pliki bootowania TFTP dla %s"],"Filter":["Filtry"],"Filter by level:":["Filtruj według poziomu:"],"Filter by name":["Filtrowanie według nazwy"],"Filter by state:":["Filtrowanie według stanu:"],"Filter classes":["Filtruj klasy"],"Filter overriding has been disabled":[""],"Filters":["Filtry"],"Filters for role %s":["Filtry mające za zadanie: %s"],"Filters inherit %{orgs_and_locs} from their role by default. If override field is enabled, <br> filter can override the set of its %{orgs_and_locs}. Later role changes will not affect <br> such filter. After disabling override field, role %{orgs_and_locs} apply again.":[""],"Filters overriding has been disabled":[""],"Filter|Override":[""],"Filter|Permissions":["Filtr|Dostęp"],"Filter|Resource":["Filtr|Zasób"],"Filter|Search":["Filtr|Przeszukiwanie"],"Filter|Taxonomy search":["Filtr|Wyszukiwanie taksonomii"],"Filter|Unlimited":["Filtr|Nielimitowany"],"Fingerprint":["Odcisk palca"],"Finish template":[""],"Firmware":[""],"Fix %s on Mismatch":["Napraw %s pod kątem niezgodności "],"Fix All Mismatches":["Napraw wszystkie niezgodności"],"Fix DB cache":["Napraw DB cache "],"Fix DB cache on next Foreman restart":["Napraw DB cache przy następnym restarcie Foremana"],"Fix Mismatches":["Napraw niezgodności"],"Flavor":["Odmiana"],"Floating IP network":["zmienne IP sieci"],"Folder":["Folder"],"Follow %{href} on how to describe your controllers.":["Postępuj zgodnie z %{href} by opisać swoje kontrolery. "],"For example, if you have copied several Red Hat release disks into a directory structure where the disk images are named 5.8 or 6.2, and each contained both x86_64 and i386 binaries, then you\\n could create a single medium entry describing them all.\\n The entry, which could be just named 'Red Hat' could contain a path like this <em>'http://server/redhat/$version/$arch'</em>":["Na przykład, jeśli zostało skopiowane kilka dysków wydania Red Hat w strukturze katalogów, w których są obrazy dysków o nazwie 5.8 lub 6.2, a każda zawierała zarówno pliki binarne x86_64 oraz i386, wtedy\\npowinieneś móc stworzyć jeden wpis opisujący je wszystkie.\\nWejście, które może nazywać się po prostu 'Red Hat' powinno zawierać ścieżkę taką jak ta: <em>'http://server/redhat/$version/$arch'</em>"],"For more info visit our documentation.":[""],"For more information":["Po więcej informacji"],"Force a Puppet agent run on the host":["moc agenta Puppet uruchomionego na tym hoście"],"Foreman API v2 is currently the default API version.":["Foreman API v2 jest aktualnie domyślną wersją API."],"Foreman Developers":["Deweloperzy Foremana"],"Foreman URL":["Foreman URL"],"Foreman Users":["Użytkownicy Foremana"],"Foreman audit summary":["Podsumowanie audytu Foreman"],"Foreman can store information about the networking setup of a host that it’s provisioning, which can be used to configure the virtual machine, assign the correct IP addresses and network resources, then configure the OS correctly during the provisioning process.":[""],"Foreman can use LDAP based service for user information and authentication.":["Foreman może używać LDAP bazując na na informacji o użytkownikach i uwierzytelniania."],"Foreman considers a domain and a DNS zone as the same thing.":["Foreman uważa że domena i strefa DNS są tym samym."],"Foreman domain ID of interface. Required for primary interfaces on managed hosts.":["ID domeny interfejsu Foremana. Wymagany dla pierwszego interfejsu zarządzanego hostu"],"Foreman host group matchers will be inherited by children when evaluating smart class parameters":["Dopasowania grupy hostów Foreman będą dziedziczone przez dzieci podczas ewaluowania parametrów smart classes"],"Foreman now manages the build cycle for %s":["Foreman zarządza obecnie cyklem budowania %s"],"Foreman now no longer manages the build cycle for %s":["Foreman już nie zarządza cyklem zbudowanym dla %s"],"Foreman report creation time is <em>%s</em>":["Czas stworzenia raportu przez Foremana to <em> %s </em>"],"Foreman smart variables will be exposed via the ENC yaml output":["Foreman smart variables będą ujawnione na wyjściu ENC yaml "],"Foreman subnet ID of IPv4 interface":[""],"Foreman subnet ID of IPv6 interface":[""],"Foreman supports automatically creating realm entries for new hosts.":["Foreman obsługuje automatyczne tworzenie wpisów w domenie nowych hostów."],"Foreman supports creating and managing hosts on a number of virtualization and cloud services - referred to as “compute resources” - as well as bare metal hosts.":[""],"Foreman test email":["testowy e-mail Foreman"],"Foreman ticketing system":["System ticketowy Foreman"],"Foreman will automate certificate signing upon provision of new host":["Foreman będzie automatycznie podpisywać certyfikaty po złożeniu nowego hosta"],"Foreman will create the host when a report is received":["Foreman stworzy hosta po otrzymaniu raportu"],"Foreman will create the host when new facts are received":["Foreman stworzy hostów kiedy nowe fakty są odbierane"],"Foreman will default to this puppet environment if it cannot auto detect one":["Foreman będzie domyślny do tego środowiska puppet jeśli nie wykryje niczego innego"],"Foreman will delete virtual machine if provisioning script ends with non zero exit code":["Foreman usunie maszynę wirtualną, jeśli skrypt zaopatrywania kończy z niezerowym kodem zakończenia"],"Foreman will evaluate host smart variables in this order by default":["Foreman będzie oceniać smart variables hosta w domyślnej kolejności"],"Foreman will explicitly set the puppet environment in the ENC yaml output. This will avoid conflicts between the environment in puppet.conf and the environment set in Foreman":["Foreman będzie jawnie ustawiać środowisko puppet na wyjściu END YAML. Pozwoli to uniknąć konfliktów między środowiskiem w puppet.conf i środowiskiem określonym w Foreman"],"Foreman will map users by username in request-header. If this is set to false, OAuth requests will have admin rights.":["Foreman będzie mapować użytkowników poprzez podanie nazwy użytkownika w nagłówku żądania. Jeśli jest ustawiony na false, żądania OAuth będą mieć prawa administratora."],"Foreman will not send this parameter in classification output, replaces use_puppet_default":[""],"Foreman will not send this parameter in classification output.":[""],"Foreman will not send this parameter in classification output. Puppet will use the value defined in the Puppet manifest for this parameter":[""],"Foreman will parse ERB in parameters value in the ENC output":["Foreman będzie parsować wartości parametrów ERB na wyjściu END"],"Foreman will query the locally configured resolver instead of the SOA/NS authorities":["Foreman będzie pytał lokalnie skonfigurowane narzędzie rozpoznawania zamiast władz SOA / NS"],"Foreman will set this as the default Puppet module path if it cannot auto detect one":["Foreman będzie ustawiony jako domyślna ścieżka modułu Puppet jeśli automatycznie nie wykryje innego"],"Foreman will truncate hostname to 'puppet' if it starts with puppet":["Foreman obetnie nazwę hosta do \\\"puppet\\\", jeśli zaczyna się od puppet"],"Foreman will update a host's environment from its facts":["Foreman będzie aktualizować środowisko hosta od jej Informacji"],"Foreman will update a host's subnet from its facts":[""],"Foreman will update the host IP with the IP that made the built request":["Foreman zaktualizuje adres IP hosta z IP, które wysłały żądanie o zbudowanie"],"Foreman will use OAuth for API authorization":["Foreman będzie używać OAuth do autoryzacji API"],"Foreman will use gravatar to display user icons":["Foreman użyje gravataru do wyświetlania ikony użytkownika"],"Foreman will use random UUIDs for certificate signing instead of hostnames":["Foreman użyje randomowych UUID do podpisywania certyfikatów zamiast nazw hostów"],"Foreman will use the new (2.6.5+) format for classes in the ENC yaml output":["Foreman użyje nowego (2.6.5+) formatu dla klas na wyjściu END YAML"],"Foreman will use the short hostname instead of the FQDN for creating new virtual machines":["Foreman będzie używać skrótu nazwy hosta zamiast FQDN do tworzenia nowych maszyn wirtualnych"],"Found %{count} reports from the last %{days} days":["Znaleziono %{count} raportów z ostatnich %{days} dni"],"Full":["Pełny"],"Full audits list":["Pełna lista audytów"],"Full name describing the domain":["Pełna nazwa opisująca domenę"],"Full path to backing image used to create new volumes.":["Pełna ścieżka do podkładu obrazu wykorzystywanego do tworzenia nowych woluminów."],"Full screen":["Pełny ekran"],"Full trace":["Full trace"],"Function not available for %s":["Funkcja nie jest dostępna dla %s"],"GMT time":["Czas GMT"],"Gateway":["bramka sieciowa"],"General":["Generalnie"],"General useful description, for example this kind of hardware needs a special BIOS setup":["Ogólny przydatny opis, np. ten rodzaj sprzętu potrzebuje specjalnych ustawień w BIOSie"],"Generate new random name. Visit Settings to disable this feature.":[""],"Generated %s ago":["Wygenerowano %s temu"],"Generated at %s":["Wygenerowano w %s"],"Get ENC values of host":[""],"Get configuration status of host":["Pokaż status konfiguracji hosta"],"Get dashboard details":["Wyświetl szczegóły dashboardu"],"Get default dashboard widgets":["Wyświetl domyślne widżety dashboardu"],"Get statistics":["Uzyskaj statystyki"],"Get status of host":["Pokaż status hosta"],"Get vm attributes of host":["Podaj atrybuty vm hosta"],"Global":["Globalny"],"Global Parameters":["Parametry Globalne"],"Global default %s template":[""],"Global default %s template. This template gets deployed to all configured TFTP servers. It will not be affected by upgrades.":[""],"Global functions":[""],"Global methods (functions)":[""],"Global parameters":["Parametry globalne"],"Global status changed from %{from} to %{to}":[""],"Global variables":[""],"Good host reports in the last %s":["Dobre raporty hostów w ciągu ostatnich %s"],"Google Project ID":["Google Project ID"],"Groups base DN":["Grupy oparte na DN"],"Guest OS":["Gościnny System Operacyjny"],"HELO/EHLO domain":[""],"Hardware":["Hardware"],"Hardware Model":["Model sprzetu"],"Hardware Models":["Modele sprzętu"],"Hardware models":["Modele sprzętu"],"Hash function to use. Change takes effect for new or updated hosts.":["Używana funkcja haszująca. Zmiany zostaną zastosowane do nowych lub aktualizowanych hostów."],"Hash of report metrics, can be just {}":["Hasz raportu metryki, może być tylko"],"Hash of status type totals":["Całkowity hasz typu statusu"],"Help":["Pomoc"],"Hidden value":["wartość ukryta"],"Hide all values for this parameter.":["Ukryj wszystkie wartości dla tego parametru."],"Hide this value":["Ukryj wartość"],"Hint data is missing":[""],"History":["Historia"],"Host":["Host"],"Host %s is built":["Host %s jest budowany "],"Host %s is not associated with a VM":["Host %s nie jest związany z VM"],"Host Configuration Chart":["Wykres konfiguracji hosta"],"Host Configuration Status":["Status konfiguracji hosta"],"Host Group Distribution":[""],"Host Groups":["Grupy hostów"],"Host audit entries":["Host wpisów inspekcji"],"Host config group":["Grupa konfiguracji hosta"],"Host details":["Szczegóły hostu"],"Host group":["Grupa hostów"],"Host group / Environment":["Grupa hostu / Środowisko"],"Host group IDs":["ID grupy hostów"],"Host group and Environment":["Lista hostów i środowisko"],"Host group configuration":["Konfiguracja grup hostów"],"Host group matchers inheritance":["Grupa hostów dopasowujących dziedziczenie"],"Host group only":["Tylko grupa hostów"],"Host group parameters":["Parametry grupy hostów "],"Host groups":["Grupa hostów"],"Host owner":[""],"Host owner is invalid":[""],"Host parameters":["Parametry hostów"],"Host reported time is <em>%s</em>":["Czas zgłoszenia hostu to <em> %s </em>"],"Host times seem to be adrift!":[""],"Host's network interfaces.":["Host interfejsu sieciowego."],"Host's owner type":["Typ właściciela hostów"],"Host's parameters (array or indexed hash)":["Parametry hostów (tablica lub indeks hasza)"],"Host::Base|Build":["Host::Base|Build"],"Host::Base|Certname":["Host::Base|NazwaCertyfikatu"],"Host::Base|Comment":["Host::Base|Komentarz"],"Host::Base|Disk":["Host::Base|Dysk"],"Host::Base|Enabled":["Host::Base|Włączone"],"Host::Base|Grub pass":["Host::Base|Hasło Grub"],"Host::Base|Image file":["Host::Base|Obraz pliku"],"Host::Base|Installed at":["Host::Base|Zainstalowano w "],"Host::Base|Ip":["Host::Base|IP"],"Host::Base|Last compile":["Host::Base|OstatniaKompilacja"],"Host::Base|Last freshcheck":["Host::Base|Ostatni freshcheck"],"Host::Base|Last report":["Host::Base|Ostatni raport"],"Host::Base|Mac":["Host::Base|Mac"],"Host::Base|Managed":["Host::Base|Zarządzane"],"Host::Base|Name":["Host::Base|Nazwa"],"Host::Base|Otp":["Host::Base|Otp"],"Host::Base|Owner type":["Host::Base|Typ właściciela"],"Host::Base|Primary interface":["Host::Base|Główny interfejs"],"Host::Base|Provision method":["Host::Base|Metoda dostarczenia"],"Host::Base|Puppet status":["Host::Base|status Puppeta"],"Host::Base|Root pass":["Host::Base|Hasło roota"],"Host::Base|Serial":["Host::Base|Serial"],"Host::Base|Use image":["Host::Base|użycie obrazu"],"Host::Base|Uuid":["Host::Base|Uuid"],"HostConfigGroup|Host type":["Grupa konfiguracji hosta| Typ hosta"],"Hostgroup":["Grupa hostów "],"Hostgroup|Ancestry":["GrupaHostów|Pochodzenie"],"Hostgroup|Grub pass":["GrupaHostów|Hasło Gruba"],"Hostgroup|Image file":["Hostgroup|Obraz pliku"],"Hostgroup|Name":["GrupaHostów|Nazwa"],"Hostgroup|Root pass":["GrupaHostów|Hasło roota"],"Hostgroup|Title":["GrupaHostów|Tytuł"],"Hostgroup|Use image":["Hostgroup|Użyj obraz"],"Hostgroup|Vm defaults":["GrupaHostów|Vm defaults"],"Hostname":["Nazwa hostu"],"Hostname or certname":["Nazwa hostu lub certyfikatu"],"Hostname:":["Nazwa hostu:"],"Hosts":["Hosty"],"Hosts created after a puppet run that did not send a location fact will be placed in this location":["Hosty utworzone po uruchomieniu puppet, które nie wysyłają informacji o lokalizacji zostaną umieszczone w tym miejscu"],"Hosts created after a puppet run that did not send a organization fact will be placed in this organization":["Hosty utworzone po uruchomieniu puppet, które nie wysyłają informacji o organizacji zostaną umieszczone w tej organizacji"],"Hosts created after a puppet run will be placed in the location this fact dictates. The content of this fact should be the full label of the location.":["Hosty utworzone po przebiegu puppet zostaną umieszczone w miejscu,które ten fakt narzuca. Zawartością tego faktu powinna być pełna etykieta lokalizacji."],"Hosts created after a puppet run will be placed in the organization this fact dictates. The content of this fact should be the full label of the organization.":["Hosty utworzone po przebiegu puppet zostaną umieszczone w organizacji która ten fakt narzuca. Zawartością tego faktu powinna być pełna etykieta organizacji."],"Hosts in error state":["Hosty zgłaszające błędy"],"Hosts including sub-groups":["Hosty zawierające podgrupy"],"Hosts managed":["Zarządzane hosty"],"Hosts managed:":["Zarządzane hosty:"],"Hosts that had pending changes":["Hosty, które oczekują na zmiany"],"Hosts that had pending changes with alerts enabled":[""],"Hosts that had performed modifications without error":["Hosty które zmodyfikowano bez błędów"],"Hosts that will be trusted in addition to Smart Proxies for access to fact/report importers and ENC output":["Hosty, które będą zaufane oprócz Smart Proxies na dostęp do faktów / importerów raportów i wyjścia ENC"],"Hosts which Foreman reporting is disabled":["Hosty na których raportowanie przez Foremana jest wyłączone"],"Hosts which are currently not running Puppet":["Hosty na których aktualnie nie jest włączony Puppet"],"Hosts which are not reporting":[""],"Hosts which didn't run puppet in the last %s":["Gospodarze, którzy nie uruchamiają Puppeta w ostatniej %s"],"Hosts which recently applied changes":[""],"Hosts which recently applied changes successfully":[""],"Hosts which recently applied changes successfully with alerts enabled":[""],"Hosts with alerts disabled":["Hosty z alarmami wyłączone"],"Hosts with error state":[""],"Hosts with error state and alerts enabled":[""],"Hosts with errors":["Hosty z błędami"],"Hosts with interesting values (changed, failures etc)":["Hosty posiadające interesujące wartości (zmiany, błędy itp.)"],"Hosts with no reports":["Hosty bez raportów"],"Hosts with notifications disabled":["Hosty z powiadomieniami wyłączone"],"Hosts without changes or errors":[""],"Hosts without changes or errors, with alerts enabled":[""],"Hosts without errors":[""],"Hosts without errors percent":[""],"Hosts without errors, with alerts enabled":[""],"How values are validated":["Jak wartości są walidowane"],"However, if it was deleted externally this page helps you to recreate it":[""],"ID of LDAP authentication source":["Identyfikator źródła uwierzytelniania LDAP"],"ID of Puppet class":["ID klasy Puppet"],"ID of architecture":["ID architektury"],"ID of compute resource":["ID zasobu obliczeniowego"],"ID of config template":["Identyfikator szablonu konfiguracyjnego"],"ID of domain":["Identyfikator kategorii"],"ID of environment":["ID środowiska"],"ID of host":["ID hostu"],"ID of host group":["ID grupy hostów"],"ID of interface":["ID interfejsu"],"ID of linked authentication source":["ID lub powiązane źródło uwierzytelniania"],"ID of location":["ID lokalizacji"],"ID of medium":["ID nośnika"],"ID of operating system":["ID systemów operacyjnych"],"ID of organization":["ID organizacji"],"ID of parameter":["Identyfikator parametru"],"ID of partition table":["Identyfikator tablicy partycji"],"ID of provisioning template":["Identyfikator szablonu dostarczenia"],"ID of role":["ID roli"],"ID of subnet":["ID podsieci"],"ID of template":["Identyfikator szablonu"],"ID of the user":[""],"ID of user group":["Identyfikator grupy użytkowników"],"ID or name external user group":["ID lub nazwa zewnętrznej grupy użytkowników"],"ID or name of domain":["ID lub nazwa domeny"],"ID or name of external user group":["ID lub nazwa zewnętrznej grupy użytkowników"],"ID or name of host":["ID lub nazwa hosta"],"ID or name of interface":["ID lub nazwa dla interfejsu"],"ID or name of subnet":["ID lub nazwa podsieci"],"ID or name of user group":["ID lub nazwa grupy urzytkowników"],"IDs of associated architectures":["Numery ID powiązanych architektur"],"IDs of associated config groups":[""],"IDs of associated media":["Numery ID powiązanych nośników"],"IDs of associated partition tables":["Numery ID powiązanych tablicy partycji"],"IDs of associated provisioning templates":["Numery ID powiązanych szablonów dostaw"],"INFO or DEBUG":["INFO LUB DEBUG"],"IP":["IP"],"IP Address":["Adres IP"],"IP Address Management":["Zarządzanie adresami IP"],"IP Address auto suggestion mode for this subnet, valid values are \\\"DHCP\\\", \\\"Internal DB\\\", \\\"None\\\"":["Tryb autosugestii adresu IP dla tej podsieci, poprawnymi wartościami są \\\\ \\\"DHCP \\\\\\\", \\\\ \\\"Internal DB \\\\\\\", \\\\ \\\"Żadne \\\\\\\""],"IP address auto-suggest":["automatyczne podpowiadanie adresu IP"],"IP addresses that should be excluded from suggestion":[""],"IP:":["IP:"],"IPAM":["IPAM"],"IPv4":[""],"IPv4 Address":[""],"IPv4 DNS record":["",""],"IPv4 Subnet":[""],"IPv4 address":[""],"IPv4 address of interface":[""],"IPv6":[""],"IPv6 Address":[""],"IPv6 DNS record":["",""],"IPv6 Subnet":[""],"IPv6 address":[""],"IPv6 address of interface":[""],"IRC":["IRC"],"Identifier":["identyfikator"],"Identifier of the interface to which this interface belongs, e.g. eth1":["Identyfikator interfejsu do rozpoznania do kogo on należy, np. eth1"],"Identifier of the interface to which this interface belongs, e.g. eth1. Only for virtual interfaces.":["Identyfikator interfejsu do rozpoznania do kogo on należy, np. eth1. Tylko dla wirtualnych interfejsów."],"Identifiers of attached interfaces, e.g. `['eth1', 'eth2']`. For bond interfaces those are the slaves. Only for bond and bridges interfaces.":["Identyfikatory zależnych interfejsów,np. `['eth1', 'eth2']`. Tylko dla złączonych interfejsów."],"Idle timeout":["Upłynął czas oczekiwania"],"If ERB is used in a parameter value, the validation of the value will happen during the ENC request. If the value is invalid, the ENC request will fail.":["Jeśli ERB stosuje wartości parametrów, walidacja wartości będzie miała miejsce podczas zapytania ENC. Jeśli wartość jest nieprawidłowa, zapytanie ENC nie powiedzie się."],"If Foreman is running behind Passenger or a remote load balancer, the IP should be set here. This is a regular expression, so it can support several load balancers, i.e: (|":["Jeżeli Foreman jest uruchomiony za Passenger lub ze zdalnym równoważeniem obciążenia, IP powinno być tu ustawione. Jest to wyrażenie regularne, więc może obsługiwać kilka równoważeń obciążenia, tj: ( |"],"If checked, will raise an error if there is no default value and no matcher provide a value.":["Jeśli zaznaczone, zgłosi błąd, jeśli nie ma wartości domyślnej ani podanej dopasowanej wartości."],"If owner type is specified, owner must be specified too.":[""],"If true, will raise an error if there is no default value and no matcher provide a value":["Jeśli to prawda, zgłosi błąd, jeśli nie ma wartości domyślnej ani podanej dopasowanej wartości"],"If you are planning to use Foreman as an external node classifier you should provide information about one or more environments. This information is commonly imported from a pre-existing Puppet configuration by the use of the %{link_start}Puppet classes and environment importer%{link_end}.":[""],"If you feel this is an error with Foreman itself, please open a new issue with":["Jeśli uważasz, że to błąd z samym Foremanem, proszę otworzyć nowe issue."],"If you wish to configure Puppet to forward it reports to Foreman, please follow":["Jeśli chcesz skonfigurować Puppeta by przekazywał raporty do Foremana, przejdź dalej"],"Ignore Puppet facts for provisioning":["Ignorowanie faktów Puppet dla zaopatrywania"],"Ignore facts for domain":[""],"Ignore facts for operating system":[""],"Ignore interfaces that match these values during facts importing, you can use * wildcard to match names with indexes e.g. macvtap*":["Ignoruj interfejsy, które pasują do tych wartości podczas importowania Informacji, można użyć symbolu wieloznacznego * by dopasować do nazwy z indeksami np macvtap *"],"Ignore interfaces with matching identifier":["Ignoruj interfejsy z pasującym identyfikatorem"],"Ignored classes in the environments: %s":[""],"Ignored environment":[""],"Ignored environment names resulting in booleans found. Please quote strings like true/false and yes/no in config/ignored_environments.yml.":[""],"Ignored environments: %s":[""],"Ignored:":[""],"Image":["Obraz"],"Image Based":["Bazująca na obrazie"],"Image ID":["ID obrazu"],"Image ID as provided by the compute resource, e.g. ami-..":["ID obrazu dostarczonego przez zasób obliczeniowy,np."],"Image path":["ścieżka do obrazu"],"Image to use":["Obraz w użyciu"],"Images":["Obrazy"],"Image|Iam role":["Obraz|Iam role"],"Image|Name":["Obraz|Nazwa"],"Image|Password":["Obraz|Hasło"],"Image|User data":["Obraz|DaneUżytkownika"],"Image|Username":["Obraz|NazwaUżytkownika"],"Image|Uuid":["Obraz|Uuid"],"Import":["Import"],"Import IPv4 subnets":[""],"Import VM %s":[""],"Import classes from %s":[""],"Import environments from %s":[""],"Import of facts failed for host %s":["Importowanie danych nie powiodło się dla hostu %s"],"Import puppet classes from puppet proxy for an environment":["Import klas puppet ze środowiska puppet proxy."],"Import puppet classes from puppet proxy.":["Importowanie klas puppet z puppet proxy."],"Imported IPv4 Subnets":[""],"In addition to defining which puppet classes get included when building this host type you are also able to assign variables and provisioning information to a host group to further refine the behavior of the puppet runtime.":["Ponadto do zdefiniowania, które klasy puppet trafiaj przy budowie tego typu hosta jesteś w stanie przypisać zmienne i informacje o dostawie do grupy przyjmującej dopracować jak będzie się zachowywał puppet po uruchomieniu."],"In order to create the SSH key, the user must be saved first. A 'create_ssh_keys' permission is required too.":[""],"In-line code syntax":[""],"Include default value when merging all matching values":["Dołącz wartość domyślną podczas łączenia wszystkich pasujących wartości"],"Include default value when merging all matching values.":["Dołącz wartości domyślne podczas scalania wszystkich dopasowanych wartości."],"Include this host within Foreman reporting":["Dołącz host bez informowania Foremana"],"Included Classes":["Dołączone klasy"],"Included Config Groups":["Zawiera grupy konfiguracji"],"Incorrect password":[""],"Incorrect username or password":["Niepoprawna nazwa użytkownika lub hasło"],"Independent - Nonpersistent":[""],"Independent - Persistent":[""],"Infrastructure":["Infrastruktura"],"Inherit parent (%s)":["Dziedziczenie z rodzica (%s)"],"Inherited Classes from %s":[""],"Inherits from subnet VLAN ID if not set":["Dziedziczenie po podsieci VLAN ID jeśli nie ustawiono"],"Input":["Wejście"],"Installation Media":["Nośniki instalacyjne"],"Installation media":["Nośniki instalacyjne"],"Installation medium configuration":["Konfiguracja instalacji nośnika"],"Installed":["Zainstalowany"],"Interface":["Inrerfejs"],"Interface is down":["Interfejs jest nieaktywny"],"Interface is up":["Interfejs jest gotowy"],"Interface provider, e.g. IPMI. 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Domyślnie ma wartość %{default_nic_type}"],"Interface's DNS name":["Nazwa DNS interfejsu"],"Interfaces":["Interfejsy"],"Internal DB":["Wewnętrzna DB"],"Internal network":["Sieć wewnętrzna"],"Interpolate ERB in parameters":["Interpoluj wartości parametrów ERB"],"Invalid %s selection, you must select at least one of yours":["Wybór %s nieprawidłowy, upewnij się że wybrałeś co najmniej jeden"],"Invalid Host":["Nieprawidłowy host"],"Invalid architecture '%{arch}' for '%{os}'":[""],"Invalid architecture for %s":["Nieprawidłowa architektura dla %s"],"Invalid authenticity token":["Nieprawidłowa autentyczność tokenu"],"Invalid log level: %s":["Nieprawidłowy poziom logowania: %s"],"Invalid medium '%{medium}' for '%{os}'":[""],"Invalid medium for %s":["Nieprawidłowy nośnik dla %s"],"Invalid power state request: %{action}, supported actions are %{supported}":["Nieprawidłowe żądanie stanu zasilania: %{action}, wspieranymi akcjami są %{supported} "],"Invalid proxy selected!":["Wybrano nieprawidłowe proxy!"],"Invalid query":["Nieprawidłowe zapytanie"],"Invalid report":["Nieprawidłowy raport"],"Invalid search query: %s":["Nieprawidłowe wyszukiwanie hasła: %s"],"Invalid smart-proxy id":[""],"Invalid type for host creation via facts: %s":["Niepoprawny typ dla utworzenia hostu z powodu: %s"],"Invalid version format, please enter in x.y (only major version).":["Nieprawidłowy format wersji, wpisz w x.y (tylko w wersji głównej)."],"Is the cron job that executes %s enabled?":["Czy uruchomiono deamona cron, dby uruchomił %s? "],"Issue tracker":["Issue tracker"],"It is not possible to assign provisioning templates at this stage.":["Nie można przypisać dostarczonych szablonów do tego etapu."],"It is not recommended to unlock this template, as it is provided by %{vendor} and may be overwritten. Please consider cloning it instead.":["Nie zaleca się odblokowywać szablonu, dopóki jest wspierany przez %{vendor} i może zostać nadpisany. Proszę przemyśleć klonowanie go zamiast. "],"Item":["Pozycja"],"Iterating":[""],"JSON VM listing is not supported for this compute resource.":[""],"JSON object of the scheduler hint":[""],"Keep selected hosts for a future action":["Zachowaj wybrane hosty dla przyszłych działań"],"Key Binding":["Key Binding"],"Key not connected to any compute resource":[""],"Key pair":["para kluczy"],"Key used with other compute resource":[""],"KeyPair|Name":["para kluczy|Nazwa"],"KeyPair|Public":["para kluczy|Publiczne"],"KeyPair|Secret":["para kluczy|Tajne"],"Kind":["Rodzaj"],"LDAP Authentication":["Uwierzytelnianie LDAP"],"LDAP authentication":["Uwierzytelnianie LDAP"],"LDAP authentication sources":["źródło autentyfikacji LDAP"],"LDAP error - %{message}":["błąd LDAP - %{message}"],"LDAP filter":["Filtr LDAP"],"LDAP server":["LDAP server"],"LDAP users will have their Foreman account automatically created the first time they log into Foreman":["użytkownicy LDAP będą mieli tworzone konto Foreman automatycznie przy pierwszym logowaniu do 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zasobu"],"List available networks for a compute resource cluster":["Lista dostępnych sieci dla klastra zasobów"],"List available resource types.":["Lista dostępnych typów zasobów."],"List available security groups for a compute resource":[" Lista dostępnych grup zabezpieczeń dla zasobu"],"List available zone for a compute resource":["Lista dostępnych stref dla danego zasobu"],"List boot files for an operating system":["Lista plików rozruchowych dla systemu operacyjnego"],"List default templates combinations for an operating system":["Lista domyślnej kombinacji szablonów dla systemu operacyjnego"],"List environments of Puppet class":["Lista środowisk klasy Puppet"],"List environments per location":["Lista środowisk na lokalizację"],"List environments per organization":["Lista środowisk na organizację"],"List hosts per environment":["Lista hostów na środowisko"],"List hosts per location":["Lista hostów na lokalizację"],"List hosts per organization":["Lista hostów na organizację"],"List 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inteligentnych klasy dla konkretnej klasy Puppet"],"List of smart class parameters for a specific environment":["Lista parametrów inteligentnych klasy dla konkretnego środowiska"],"List of smart class parameters for a specific environment/Puppet class combination":["Lista parametrów inteligentnych klasy dla określonego środowiska / Połączenie klasy Puppet"],"List of smart class parameters for a specific host":["Lista parametrów inteligentnych klasy dla konkretnego hosta"],"List of smart class parameters for a specific host group":["Lista parametrów inteligentnej klasy dla określonej grupy hostów"],"List of smart variables for a specific Puppet class":["Lista zmiennych inteligentnych dla określonej klasy Puppet"],"List of smart variables for a specific host":["Lista zmiennych inteligentnych dla konkretnego hosta"],"List of smart variables for a specific host group":["Lista zmiennych inteligentnych dla określonej grupy hostów"],"List of subnets":["Lista podsieci"],"List of subnets for a 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szablonów"],"Load Datacenters":["Załaduj centra danych"],"Load Regions":["Załaduj regiony"],"Load Tenants":["Załaduj dzierżawców"],"Load Zones":[""],"Loading":["Ładowanie"],"Loading ...":["Ładowanie ..."],"Loading BMC information ...":["Ładowanie informacji BMC ..."],"Loading NICs information ...":["Ładowanie informacji o NIC ..."],"Loading SSH keys information ...":[""],"Loading VM information ...":["Ładowanie informacji o maszynie wirtualnej ..."],"Loading filters ...":["Ładowanie filtrów..."],"Loading host information ...":["Ładowanie informacji o hoście ..."],"Loading images information ...":["Ładowanie informacji o obrazie..."],"Loading interfaces information ...":["Ładowanie interfejsu informacji ..."],"Loading parameters...":["Ładowanie parametrów ..."],"Loading power state ...":["Ładowanie stanu zasilania ..."],"Loading resources information ...":["Ładowanie informacji o zasobach ..."],"Loading runtime information ...":["Ładowanie informacje o czasie wykonywania ..."],"Loading template information ...":["Ładowanie informacji o szablonie ..."],"Loading virtual machine information ...":["Ładowanie informacji o maszynie wirtualnej ..."],"Loading virtual machines information ...":["Ładowanie informacji o maszynach wirtualnych ..."],"Local boot %s template":[""],"Local time":["Czas lokalny"],"Location":["Lokalizacja"],"Location Distribution":[""],"Location fact":["Lokalizacja informacji"],"Location parameters":["Parametry lokalizacji "],"Location with id %{id} not found":[""],"Location you had selected as your context has been deleted.":["Lokalizacja wybrana jako kontekst została usunięta."],"Location/Organization":["Lokalizacja/Organizacja"],"Locations":["Lokalizacje"],"Locations also work nicely when used in tandem with %{organizations}.":["Lokalizacje również dobrze działają przy stosowaniu w parze z %{organizations}."],"Locations are used to manage and differentiate the physical place where a system managed via Foreman is housed. For example, there might be a data center in London and one in Virginia; these are locations.":[""],"Lock":["Zablokuj"],"Log In":[""],"Log entry details":["Logi danych wejściowych"],"Log out":["Wyloguj"],"Log out idle users after a certain number of minutes":["Wyloguj nieaktywnych użytkowników po określonej liczbie minut"],"Logged out - See you soon":["Wylogowany - Do zobaczenia wkrótce"],"Logged-in":["Zalogowany"],"Login":["Login"],"Login delegation logout URL":["Logowanie przekazano do wylogowania URL"],"Login page footer text":[""],"Logout":["Wyloguj"],"Lookup key":["Klucz wyszukiwania"],"Lookup value":["Wartość wyszukiwania"],"LookupKey|Avoid duplicates":[""],"LookupKey|Default value":["wartość LookupKey|Default"],"LookupKey|Description":[""],"LookupKey|Is param":[""],"LookupKey|Key":[""],"LookupKey|Key type":[""],"LookupKey|Merge overrides":[""],"LookupKey|Override":[""],"LookupKey|Path":[""],"LookupKey|Puppetclass lookup key":[""],"LookupKey|Required":[""],"LookupKey|Validator rule":[""],"LookupKey|Validator type":[""],"LookupKey|Variable lookup values count":[""],"LookupValue|Match":["WartośćWyszukiwania|Dopasowanie "],"LookupValue|Value":["WartośćWyszukiwania|Wartość "],"MAC":["MAC"],"MAC Address":["Adres MAC"],"MAC address":["Adresy MAC"],"MAC address of interface. 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Podobnie jak IRC, mamy wykaz zwykłych użytkowników (wsparcie, Q / A, etc) i development list:"],"Manage":["Zarządzaj"],"Manage Locations":["Zarządzaj lokalizacjami"],"Manage Organizations":["Zarządzaj organizacjami"],"Manage PuppetCA":["Zarządzaj PuppetCA"],"Manage host":["Zarządzaj hostem"],"Managed IP":["Zarządzaj IP"],"Manual":["podręcznik"],"Manually Assign":["Ręczne przypisanie"],"Manually select and assign hosts with no %s":["Ręcznie wybierz i przypisz hosty bez %s"],"Matcher is a combination of an attribute and its value, if they match, the value below would be provided.<br> You may use any attribute Foreman knows about, such as facts etc for example: <code> domain = </code> or <code> is_virtual = true</code>.":["Dopasowanie jest kombinacją atrybutu i jego wartości, jeśli są zgodne, wartość powyżej będzie dostarczona. <br> Możesz użyć jakichkolwiek atrybutów o których wie Foreman, takich jak fakty itp. np. <code> domain = </code> lub <code> is_virtual = true</code>."],"Max days for Trends graphs":["Maksymalna liczba dni trendów wykresów"],"Max timeout for REST client requests to smart-proxy":["Maksymalny czas oczekiwania na żądania klientów REST do smart proxy"],"Max trends":["Maksymalna ilość trendy"],"Media":["Nośniki"],"Media ID":["ID multimediów"],"Media access control address for this interface. Format must be six groups of two hexadecimal digits <br/> separated by colons (:), e.g. 00:11:22:33:44:55. Most virtualization compute resources (e.g. VMware, oVirt, libvirt) <br/> will overwrite the provided value with new random MAC address.":[""],"Medium":["Średnie"],"Medium IDs":[""],"Medium|Config path":["Nośnik|ŚcieżkaKonfiguracji"],"Medium|Image path":["Nośnik|ŚcieżkaObrazu"],"Medium|Media path":["Nośnik|ŚcieżkaNośnika"],"Medium|Name":["Nośnik|nazwa"],"Medium|Os family":["Nośnik|RodzinaSystemu"],"Medium|Path":["Nośnik|ścieżka"],"Memory":["Pamięć"],"Memory (MB)":["Pamięć (MB)"],"Memory hot add":["Memory hot add"],"Memory hot add lets you add memory resources for a virtual machine while the machine is powered on.":["Memory hot add umożliwia dodawanie zasobów pamięci dla maszyny wirtualnej, gdy urządzenie jest włączone."],"Merge all matching values (only array/hash type)":["Scalanie wszystkie pasujących wartości (tylko tablica / typ hash)"],"Message":["Wiadomość"],"Message|Digest":["Wiadomość|Skrót"],"Message|Value":["Wiadomość|Wartość"],"Metadata":["metadane"],"Method %{method} not found for resource %{resource}.":["Nie znaleziono metody %{method} dla zasobu %{resource}."],"Method used to deliver email":[""],"Metrics":["Metryki"],"Minutes Ago":["Minut temu"],"Mismatch Details":["Szczegóły niedopasowania"],"Mismatches":["Niezgodności"],"Mismatches Report":["Raport o niezgodnościach "],"Missing one of the required permissions: %s":["Brakuje jednego z wymaganych zezwoleń: %s"],"Model":["Model"],"Model|Hardware model":["Model|ModelSprzetu"],"Model|Hosts count":["Model|Licznik hostów"],"Model|Info":["Model|Info"],"Model|Name":["Model|Nazwa"],"Model|Vendor class":["Model|Klasa producenta"],"Modified":["Zmodyfikowano"],"Module path":["Ścieżka modułu"],"Monitor":["Monitor"],"Monthly":["Miesięcznie"],"Must provide an operating system":[""],"Must provide template kind":["Musi dostarczyć rodzaj szablonu"],"Must specify a user with email enabled":["Należy podać użytkownika z dostępnym adresem e-mail."],"Must specify a valid user with email enabled":["Należy podać poprawnego użytkownika z dostępnym adresem e-mail."],"My account":["Moje konto"],"N/A":["N/A"],"NA":["NA"],"NIC":["NIC"],"NIC type":["Typ NIC"],"NICs":["NICs"],"Name":["Nazwa"],"Name of media":["Nazwa nośnika"],"Name of the external auth source where unknown externally authentication users (see authorize_login_delegation) should be created (keep unset to prevent the autocreation)":["Name of the external auth source where unknown externally authentication users (see authorize_login_delegation) should be created (keep unset to prevent the autocreation)"],"Name of the host group":["Nazwa grupy hostów"],"Name of the parameter":["Nazwa parametru"],"Name of variable":["Nazwa zmiennej"],"Nest":["Gniazda"],"Netmask":["Maska sieciowa"],"Netmask for this subnet":["Maska dla tej podsieci"],"Network":["Sieć"],"Network Based":["Bazująca na sieci"],"Network can't be blank":[""],"Network interfaces":["Interfejs Sieciowy"],"Network interfaces management has been moved to the Interfaces tab. Please set your interfaces there.":["Menadżer interfejsu sieciowego został przeniesiony do zakładki interfejsu. Proszę ustaw tam swój interfejs."],"Network prefix":[""],"Network type":["Typ sieci"],"New":["Nowy"],"New Autosign Entry":["Nowe wejście dla autosign"],"New Event":[""],"New Events":[""],"New Hosts":[""],"New Location":["Nowa lokalizacja"],"New Organization":["Nowa organizacja"],"New SSH key":[""],"New Virtual Machine":["Nowa Maszyna Wirtualna"],"New boot volume size (GB)":["Nowy rozmiar nośnika bootowania (GB) "],"New compute profile on %s":["Nowy profil obliczeń na %s"],"New filter":["Nowy filtr"],"New window":["Nowe okno"],"Nic::Base|Attached devices":["Nic::Base|Podłączone urządzenia"],"Nic::Base|Attached to":["Nic::Base|Podłączone do"],"Nic::Base|Attrs":["Nic::Base|Attrs"],"Nic::Base|Bond options":["Nic::Base|Bond options"],"Nic::Base|Identifier":["Nic::Base|Identyfikator"],"Nic::Base|Ip":["Nic::Base|IP"],"Nic::Base|Link":["Nic::Base|Link"],"Nic::Base|Mac":["Nic::Base|Mac"],"Nic::Base|Managed":["Nic::Base|Zarządzane"],"Nic::Base|Mode":["Nic::Base|Tryb"],"Nic::Base|Name":["Nic::Base|Nazwa"],"Nic::Base|Password":["Nic::Base|Hasło"],"Nic::Base|Provider":["Nic::Base|Provider"],"Nic::Base|Tag":["Nic::Base|Tag"],"Nic::Base|Username":["Nic::Base|Nazwa użytkownika"],"Nic::Base|Virtual":["Nic::Base|Virtual"],"No %{template_kind} templates were found for this host, make sure you define at least one in your %{os} settings or change PXE loader":[""],"No BMC NIC available for host %s":[""],"No IPv4 subnets selected":[""],"No Notifications":[""],"No TFTP feature":["Brak wtyczki TFTP"],"No TFTP proxies defined, can't continue":["Nie zdefiniowano proxy TFTP, nie można kontynuować"],"No audit changes for this period":["Nie było żadnych zmian audytu za ten okres"],"No bridges":["Brak mostów"],"No changes":["Brak zmian"],"No changes found when refreshing features from %s.":["Nie znaleziono żadnych zmian podczas odświeżania funkcji z %s ."],"No changes to your environments detected":["Brak zmian dla twojego środowiska."],"No compute resource to show":["Brak zasobów obliczeniowych, do pokazania"],"No data available":[""],"No data for this trend.":["Brak danych dla tego trendu"],"No documentation found":["Nie znaleziono dokumentacji"],"No domains":["Brak domen"],"No emails":["Brak e-maili"],"No entries found":["Nie znaleziono żadnych wpisów"],"No environment selected!":["Nie wybrano środowiska!"],"No environments found":["Nie znaleziono środowisk"],"No features found on this proxy, please make sure you enable at least one feature":["Nie znaleziono w tej funkcji proxy, upewnij się że włączono co najmniej jeden feature"],"No finish templates were found for this host, make sure you define at least one in your %s settings":["Nie znaleziono skończonych szablonów dla tego komputera, upewnij się zdefiniowano co najmniej jeden w ustawieniach %s"],"No free ports available for websockify, try again later":["Brak wolnych portów dostępnych dla websocketów, spróbuj ponownie później"],"No history found":["Nie znaleziono historii "],"No host could be found for rendering the template":["Nie znaleziono hostów do renderowania szablonu"],"No host found to associate this VM with":["Nie znaleziono skojarzonego VM z hostem"],"No host group selected!":["Nie wybrano żadnej grupy hostów!"],"No hosts are mismatched!":["Brak niedopasowanych hostów! "],"No hosts available.":[""],"No hosts selected":["Nie wybrano hostu"],"No hosts were found with that id, name or query filter":[""],"No interesting reports received in the last week":["Brak interesujących raportów otrzymanych w ciągu ostatniego tygodnia"],"No logs to show":["Brak logów do pokazania"],"No matching server groups found":[""],"No networks":["Brak sieci"],"No networks found.":["Nie znaleziono sieci."],"No new IPv4 subnets found":[""],"No or invalid power state selected!":["Brak lub wybrano wadliwe źródło zasilania!"],"No owner selected!":["Nie wybrano właściciela! "],"No parameters to override for Puppet class %s":["Brak parametrów przesłaniających dla klasy Puppet %s"],"No parameters were allocated to the selected hosts, can't mass assign.":["Żadne parametry nie zostały przydzielone do wybranych hostów, nie można przypisać masy."],"No plugins found":["Nie znaleziono wtyczek"],"No preference":["Brak preferencji"],"No proxy found to import classes from, ensure that the smart proxy has the Puppet feature enabled.":["Nie znaleziono proxy do importowania klas, upewnij się, że inteligentne proxy ma włączoną funkcję puppet."],"No proxy selected!":["Nie wybrano proxy!"],"No puppet activity for this host in the last %s days":["Brak aktywności puppeta dla tego hosta w ciągu ostatnich %s dni "],"No report":["Brak raportu"],"No reports":["Brak raportów"],"No setting value provided.":["Brak dostarczonych wartości ustawień."],"No smart proxies found.":["Nie znaleziono inteligentnych proxy."],"No smart proxies to show":["Nie znaleziono inteligentnych proxy do pokazania."],"No smart proxy was found to import environments from, ensure that at least one smart proxy is registered with the 'puppet' feature.":[" inteligentne proxy nie zostało znalezione do zaimportowania środowiska, by przynajmniej jeden inteligentny pełnomocnik był zarejestrowany za pomocą funkcji \\\"puppet\\\"."],"No subnets":["Brak podsieci"],"No template with kind %{kind} for %{host}":["Brak szablonów w rodzaju %{kind} dla %{hosts}"],"No templates found":[""],"No templates found for this host.":["Nie znaleziono szablonu dla tego hosta."],"No templates found!":["Nie znaleziono szablonów!"],"No trend counter defined":["nie zdefiniowano licznika trendów"],"No trend counter found":["Nie znaleziono licznika trendów"],"None":["Brak"],"None found":["Nic nie znaleziono"],"None!":["Brak!"],"Normal":["Normalne"],"Normally when setting up a Compute Resource, a key pair (private and public) is created for you automatically.":[""],"Not Installed":["Niezainstalowany"],"Not authorized to edit classes":["Brak autoryzacji do edytowania klasy"],"Not implemented":["Nie zaimplementowana"],"Not implemented for %s":["Brak implementacji dla %s"],"Not relevant for snippet":["Nie istotny dla snippetu"],"Nothing to add":["Nie ma nic do dodania"],"Nothing to show":["Nie ma nic do pokazania"],"Notice":["Uwaga"],"Notices, warnings and errors":["Wiadomości, ostrzeżenia i błędy"],"Notification disabled":["Powiadamianie wyłączone"],"Notifications":["Powiadomienia"],"Number Of Clients":["Liczba klientów"],"Number of CPUs":["Liczba CPU"],"Number of Events":["Liczba wydarzeń"],"Number of Hosts":["Liczba hostów"],"Number of classes":["Liczba klas"],"Number of overrides":["Ilość nadpisań"],"Number of records shown per page in Foreman":["Liczba rekordów pokazywanych na stronę w Foreman"],"Numerical ID or domain name":["Numer ID lub nazwa domeny"],"Numerical ID or email notification name":["ID numeryczne lub adres e-mail do notyfikacji"],"Numerical ID or realm name":["Numeryczny identyfikator lub nazwa domeny"],"OAuth active":["OAuth aktywny"],"OAuth consumer key":["Klucz klienta OAuth"],"OAuth consumer secret":["OAuth sekret klienta"],"OAuth map users":["mapa użytkowników OAut"],"OK":["OK"],"OS Image":["Obraz systemu"],"OS friendly name; e.g. RHEL 6.5":["Zaprzyjaźniona nazwa systemu, np. RHEL 6.5"],"OS major version from facter; e.g. 6":["Najnowsza wersja systemu od producenta, np. 6"],"OS minor version from facter; e.g. 5":["Poprzednia wersja systemu od producenta, np. 5"],"OS name from facter; e.g. RedHat":["Nazwa systemu od producenta, np. 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If left blank, a self-signed CA will be populated automatically by the server during the first request.":["Opcjonalnie dostarczyć CA, lub prawidłowo uporządkowany łańcuch CA. 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My templates/RHEL 6)"],"Pause":["Pauza"],"Paused":["Wstrzymano"],"Pending":["Pending"],"Pending Hosts":["Oczekujące hosty"],"Pending changes":["Oczekiwanie na zmiany"],"Pending installation":["instalacja w oczekiwaniu"],"Pending|P":["Pending|P"],"Permission":["Dostęp"],"Permission denied":["Odmowa dostępu"],"Permission|Name":["Dostęp|Nazwa"],"Permission|Resource type":["Dostęp|Typ Źródła"],"Permits access to BMC interface passwords through ENC YAML output and in templates":[""],"Persistent":[""],"Photo attribute":["atrybut zdjęcia"],"Physical (Bridge)":["Fizyczny (Bridge)"],"Please Confirm":["Proszę potwierdzić"],"Please Select":["Proszę wybrać"],"Please Select an Image":["Proszę wybrać Obraz"],"Please check the proxy is configured and running on the host.":["Proszę sprawdzić czy proxy jest skonfigurowany i uruchomiony na komputerze."],"Please correct the error(s) below and submit your changes again.":["Proszę popraw poniższe błędy/(błąd) i wyślij swoje zmiany raz jeszcze."],"Please delete all nested groups before deleting it.":["Proszę usunąć wszystkie zagnieżdżone grupy przed usunięciem go."],"Please enable JavaScript to view the %{comments_href}.":["Proszę włączyć JavaScript, aby zobaczyć %{comments_href}."],"Please ensure the following parameters name are unique":["Należy upewnić się że następujące nazwy parametrów są unikalne"],"Please login to %{foreman_url} to change your password":["Proszę zalogować się do %{foreman_url} aby zmienić hasło"],"Please request one of the required permissions listed below from a Foreman administrator:":["Proszę poprosić o jedno z wymaganych uprawnień wymienionych niżej od administratora Foreman:"],"Please review them carefully, if you are certain that they should be removed, please click on overwrite.":["Proszę przejrzeć ostrożnie, jeśli jesteś pewien że chcesz to usunąć, kliknij by nadpisać."],"Please save the Operating System first and try again.":["Proszę zapisać System Operacyjny i spróbować ponownie."],"Please save the role first. You can edit it later to add filters":["Proszę zapisać pierwszą rolę. Można ją edytować później, aby dodać filtry"],"Please save the user first before assigning mail notifications.":["Proszę zapisać użytkownika po raz pierwszy przed przypisaniem powiadomień pocztowych."],"Please select":["Proszę wybrać"],"Please select a cluster":["Proszę wybrać klaster"],"Please select an environment first":["Proszę najpierw utworzyć środowisko"],"Please select an image":["Proszę wybrać obraz"],"Please select hosts to perform action on.":[""],"Please specify volume size. You may optionally use suffix 'G' to specify volume size in gigabytes.":["Proszę podać rozmiar woluminu. 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szablon"],"Select the changes you want to apply to Foreman":[""],"Select this host":["",""],"Select this since it belongs to a host":["Wybierz element dopóki należy on do hostu."],"Select users":["Wybierz użytkowników"],"Selected hosts are now assigned to %s":["Wybrane hosty są obecnie przypisane do %s"],"Selected image does not belong to %s":["Wybrane obrazy nie należą do %s"],"Selected items":["Wybierz elementy"],"Selected resource type does not support granular filtering, therefore you can't configure granularity":["Wybrany typ zasobu nie wspiera filtrowania ziarnistego, dlatego nie można skonfigurować ziarnistości."],"Selected role":["Wybierz rolę"],"Selecting a file will override the editor and load the file instead":["Wybór pliku zastąpi edytor i załaduje zamiast tego plik"],"Send a test message to the current user's email address to confirm the configuration is working.":[""],"Send a test message to the user's email address to confirm the configuration is working.":["Wyślij wiadomość testową na adres e-mail użytkownika, aby potwierdzić że konfiguracja działa."],"Send a welcome email including username and URL to new users":["Wyślij e-mail powitalny włącznie z nazwą użytkownika i adresem URL do nowych użytkowników"],"Send welcome email":["Wyślij powitalny e-mail"],"Sendmail":[""],"Sendmail arguments":[""],"Sendmail location":[""],"Server group":[""],"Server hint data":[""],"Server type":["Typ serwera"],"Service unavailable":[""],"Services":["Usługi"],"Set IP addresses for %s":[""],"Set a randomly generated password on the display connection":["Ustaw losowo wygenerowane hasło na wyświetlacz połączenia"],"Set parameters to defaults":["Ustaw domyślne wartości parametrów"],"Set the order in which values are resolved.":["Ustaw kolejność, w której wartości będą rozwiązane."],"Set up compute instance %s":["Skonfiguruj instancję obliczeń %s"],"Setting":["Ustawienia"],"Settings":["Ustawienia"],"Setting|Category":["Ustawienia|Kategoria"],"Setting|Default":["Ustawienia|Domyślne"],"Setting|Description":["Ustawienia|Opis"],"Setting|Name":["Ustawienia|Nazwa"],"Setting|Settings type":["Ustawienia|Typ Ustawień"],"Setting|Value":["Ustawienia|Wartość"],"Should the `foreman-rake db:migrate` be executed on the next run of the installer modules?":["Czy 'foreman-rake db:migrate` powinna być wykonana przy następnym uruchomieniu modułu instalacyjnego?"],"Should the `foreman-rake db:seed` be executed on the next run of the installer modules?":["Czy 'foreman-rake db:seed` powinno być wykonane przy następnym uruchomieniu modułu instalacyjnego?"],"Should this interface be managed via DHCP and DNS smart proxy and should it be configured during provisioning?":["Czy na pewno interfejs powinien być zarządzany przez DHCP i DNS smart proxy i powinien być konfigurowany podczas dostawy?"],"Should this interface be used for TFTP of PXELinux (or SSH for image-based hosts)? Each managed hosts needs to have one provision interface.":["Czy interfejs ma zostać użyty przez TFTP dla PXELinux (lub SSH dla bazującego na obrazie hostu)? Każdy zarządzany host potrzebuje jednego interfejsu - dostawcy"],"Should this interface be used for constructing the FQDN of the host? Each managed hosts needs to have one primary interface.":["Czy interfejs ma zostać użyty do konstrukcji FQDN hosta? Każdy zarządzany host potrzebuje jednego pierwszego interfejsu."],"Show %s fact values for all hosts":[""],"Show :a_resource":["Pokaż :a_resource "],"Show Diff":["Pokaż różnice"],"Show Host":["Pokaż hosty"],"Show Trends":["Pokaż trendy"],"Show a Puppet class":["Pokaż klasę Puppet"],"Show a Puppet class for a host group":["Pokaż klasę Puppet dla grupy hostów"],"Show a Puppet class for an environment":["Pokaż klasę Puppet dla środowiska"],"Show a Puppet class for host":["Pokaż klasę Puppet dla hosta"],"Show a bookmark":["Pokaż zakładki"],"Show a compute profile":["Pokaż profil obliczeń"],"Show a compute resource":["Pokaż zasoby obliczeniowe"],"Show a config group":["Pokaż grupę konfiguracji"],"Show a default template combination for an operating system":["Pokaż kombinację domyślnego szablonu dla systemu operacyjnego"],"Show a domain":["Pokaż domenę"],"Show a filter":["Pokaż filtry"],"Show a global parameter":["Pokaż parametr globalny"],"Show a hardware model":["Pokaż model sprzętu"],"Show a host":["Pokaż host"],"Show a host group":["Pokaż grupę hostów"],"Show a medium":["Pokaż nośnik"],"Show a nested parameter for a domain":["Pokaż zagnieżdżony parametr dla domeny"],"Show a nested parameter for a host":["Pokaż zagnieżdżony parametr dla hosta"],"Show a nested parameter for a host group":["Pokaż zagnieżdżony parametr dla grupy hostów"],"Show a nested parameter for a location":["Pokaż zagnieżdżony parametr dla lokalizacji"],"Show a nested parameter for a subnet":[""],"Show a nested parameter for an operating system":["Pokaż zagnieżdżony parametr dla systemu operacyjnego"],"Show a nested parameter for an organization":["Pokaż zagnieżdżony parametr dla organizacji"],"Show a partition table":["Pokaż tabelę partycji"],"Show a permission":["Pokaż pozwolenie"],"Show a realm":["Pokaż domenę"],"Show a report":["Pokaż raport"],"Show a role":["Pokaż rolę"],"Show a setting":["Pokaż ustawienia"],"Show a smart class parameter":["Pokaż parametry inteligentnej klasy"],"Show a smart proxy":["Pokaż inteligentne proxy"],"Show a smart variable":["Pokaż zmienną inteligentną"],"Show a subnet":["Pokaż podsieć"],"Show a user":["Pokaż użytkownika"],"Show a user group":["Pokaż grupę użytkowników"],"Show all %s children fact values":["Pokaż wszystkie %s dzieci fact values"],"Show all %s facts with the same value":[""],"Show an LDAP authentication source":["Pokaż źródła autentyfikacji LDAP"],"Show an SSH key from a user":[""],"Show an architecture":["Pokaż architekturę"],"Show an audit":["Pokaż kontrole"],"Show an email notification":["Pokaż mailowe powiadomienia"],"Show an environment":["Pokaż środowisko"],"Show an external user group for LDAP authentication source":["Pokaż zewnętrzną grupę użytkowników dla źródła uwierzytelniania LDAP"],"Show an external user group for user group":["Pokaż zewnętrzną grupę użytkowników dla grupy użytkowników"],"Show an image":["Pokaż obraz"],"Show an interface for host":["Pokaż interfejs dla hosta"],"Show an operating system":["Pokaż system operacyjny"],"Show an override value for a specific smart class parameter":["Pokaż wartość nadpisaną dla konkretnego parametru inteligentnej klasy"],"Show an override value for a specific smart variable":["Pokaż wartość nadpisaną dla określonej smart variable"],"Show available API links":["Pokaż dostępne linki API"],"Show distribution chart":["Pokaż wykres rozkładu"],"Show full value":["Pokaż pełną wartość"],"Show host power status":[""],"Show linked external user groups":["Pokaż połączone zewnętrzne grupy użytkowników"],"Show log messages:":["Pokaż logi"],"Show power status on host index page. This feature calls to compute resource providers which may lead to decreased performance on host listing page.":[""],"Show provisioning template details":["Pokaż szczegóły szablonu"],"Show status":["Pokaż status"],"Show template combination":["Pokaż kombinację szablonu"],"Show the last report for a host":["Pokaż ostatni raport dla hosta"],"Sign":["podpis"],"Single host on this page is selected.":["",""],"Size":["Rozmiar"],"Size (GB)":["Rozmiar (GB)"],"Skip assign hosts and proceed to edit %s settings":["Pomiń przypisanie hostów i przejść do edycji ustawień %s"],"Skipped":["Skipped"],"Skipped|S":["Skipped|S"],"Smart Class Parameter":["Parametr inteligentnej klasy"],"Smart Proxies":["Smart Proxies"],"Smart Proxy":["Inteligentne proxy"],"Smart Proxy: %s":["Smart Proxy: %s"],"Smart Variables":["Smart Variables"],"Smart class parameters":["Parametry inteligentnych klas"],"Smart proxies":["Smart proxies"],"Smart proxy":["Smart proxy"],"Smart proxy IDs":["ID inteligentnych proxy"],"Smart variables":["Smart variables"],"SmartProxy|Name":["InteligentneProxy|Nazwa"],"SmartProxy|Url":["InteligentneProxy|URL"],"Snippet":["Snippet"],"Some Puppet Classes are unavailable in the selected environment":[""],"Some imported user account details cannot be saved: %s":[""],"Some interfaces are invalid":["Niektóre interfejsy są niepoprawne"],"Some of the interfaces are invalid. Please check the table below.":["Niektóre z interfejsów są niepoprawne. Sprawdź tabelę poniżej. "],"Some or all hosts execution failed, Please check log files for more information":["Wykonanie niektórych lub wszystkich hosty nie powiodło się, proszę sprawdzić logi, aby uzyskać więcej informacji"],"Some other interface is already set as primary. Are you sure you want to use this one instead?":["Inny interfejs został ustawiony jako pierwszy. Jesteś pewien że chcesz użyć go zamiast? "],"Some other interface is already set as provisioning. Are you sure you want to use this one instead?":["Inny interfejs został ustawiony jako dostawca. Jesteś pewien że chcesz użyć go zamiast? "],"Something went wrong while changing host type - %s":["Coś poszło nie tak podczas zmiany typu host - %s"],"Something went wrong while selecting hosts - %s":["Coś poszło nie tak przy wyborze hostów - %s"],"Sorry but no templates were configured.":["Przepraszamy, ale nie ma żadnych skonfigurowanych szablonów."],"Sorry, these hosts do not have parameters assigned to them, you must add them first.":["Niestety, te hosty nie mają parametrów przypisanych do nich, należy dodać je w pierwszej kolejności."],"Source":["Źródło"],"Source|Digest":["Źródło|Deklaracja"],"Source|Value":["Źródło|Wartość"],"Space separated options, e.g. miimon=100. Only for bond interfaces.":["Oddzielone odstępem opcje, np. miiom=100. Tylko dla złączonych interfejsów."],"Specified value is higher than recommended maximum":[""],"Specify additional options to sendmail":[""],"Specify authentication type, if required":[""],"Specify matchers":["Określ dopasowanie"],"Start":["Start"],"Starting IP Address for IP auto suggestion":["Początkowy adres IP dla autosugestii IP"],"State":["Stan"],"Static":["Statyczny"],"Statistics":["Statystyki"],"Status":["Status"],"Stop updating IP address and MAC values from Puppet facts (affects all interfaces)":["Przestań aktualizować adresy IP i wartości MAC z faktami Puppet (dotyczy wszystkich interfejsów)"],"Stop updating Operating System from facts":[""],"Stop updating domain values from facts":[""],"Storage":["Pamięć"],"Storage domain":["Domena pamięci"],"Storage pool":["Pula pamięci"],"Strong":["Silne"],"Submit":["Wyślij"],"Subnet":["Podsieć"],"Subnet ID":["ID podsieci"],"Subnet IDs":["ID podsieci"],"Subnet name":["Nazwa podsieci"],"Subnet network":["sieć podsieci"],"Subnet numeric identifier":["Numeryczny identyfikator podsieci"],"Subnets":["Podsieci"],"Subnet|Boot mode":["Podsieć|Tryb Bootowania"],"Subnet|Dns primary":["Podsieć|Podstawowy DNS"],"Subnet|Dns secondary":["Podsieć|Poboczny DNS"],"Subnet|From":["Podsieć|Od"],"Subnet|Gateway":["Podsieć|Bramka"],"Subnet|Ipam":["Podsieć|IPAM"],"Subnet|Mask":["Podsieć|Maska"],"Subnet|Name":["Podsieć|Nazwa"],"Subnet|Network":["Podsieć|Sieć"],"Subnet|Priority":["Podsieć|Priorytet"],"Subnet|To":["Podsieć|Do"],"Subnet|Vlanid":["Podsieć|VlanID"],"Subscribe":["Subskrybuj"],"Subscribe to all hosts":[""],"Subscribe to my hosts":[""],"Success":["Sukces"],"Successfully created %s.":["Pomyślnie utworzony %s."],"Successfully delete %s":[""],"Successfully deleted %s.":["Pomyślnie usunięty %s."],"Successfully deleted report.":["Skutecznie usunięto raport"],"Successfully executed, check log files for more details":["Pomyślnie zrealizowano, sprawdzanie plików logów aby uzyskać więcej informacji."],"Successfully executed, check reports and/or log files for more details":["Pomyślnie zrealizowano, sprawdź raporty i / lub pliki logów by uzyskać więcej informacji"],"Successfully overridden all parameters of Puppet class %s":["Pomyślnie nadpisano wszystkie parametry klasy Puppet %s"],"Successfully recreated":[""],"Successfully refreshed features from %s.":["Pomyślnie odświeżane funkcje z %s ."],"Successfully refreshed the cache.":[""],"Successfully reset all parameters of Puppet class %s to their default values":["Pomyślnie zresetowano wszystkie parametry klasy Puppet %s do wartości domyślnych."],"Successfully updated %s.":["Pomyślnie zaktualizowany %s."],"Successfully updated environments and Puppet classes from the on-disk Puppet installation":["Pomyślnie zaktualizowano środowisko i klasę puppet z instalacji Puppet na dysku"],"Suffix or prefix length for this subnet, e.g. 32":[""],"Suggest new":["Zaproponuj nowy"],"Summary from %{time} ago to now":["podsumowano od %{time} temu do teraz"],"Summary report from Foreman server at %{foreman_url}":["Podsumowano raporty z serwera Foreman, z %{foreman_url} "],"Support":["Wsparcie"],"Supported Formats":["Obsługiwane formaty"],"Synchronize group from authentication source":["Synchronizacja grupy ze źródła uwierzytelniania"],"Syntax Highlighting":["Podświetlanie składni"],"Syntax error occurred while parsing the template %{template_name}, make sure you have all ERB tags properly closed and the Ruby syntax is valid. The Ruby error: %{message}":[""],"System Information":["Informacje o systemie"],"System Status":["Status systemu"],"TFTP":["TFTP"],"TFTP Proxy":["TFTP Proxy"],"TFTP Proxy ID to use within this subnet":[""],"TFTP Proxy to use within this subnet":["TFTP Proxy używany w tej podsieci"],"TFTP server":["Serwer TFTP"],"Taxable taxonomy":["Taxable taxonomy"],"TaxableTaxonomy|Taxable type":["TaxableTaxonomy|Taxable type"],"Taxonomy":["Taksonomia"],"Taxonomy|Ancestry":["Taksonomia|Pochodzenie"],"Taxonomy|Ignore types":["Taksonomia|Ignoruj Typ"],"Taxonomy|Name":["Taksonomia|Nazwa"],"Taxonomy|Title":["Taksonomia|Tytuł"],"Template":["Szablon"],"Template %s is empty.":["Szablon %s jest pusty."],"Template '%s' is either missing or has an invalid organization or location":[""],"Template '%s' was not found":[""],"Template Diff":["Różnice szablonu"],"Template Type":["Typ szablonu"],"Template diff":["Różnice szablonu"],"Template editor":["edytor szablonu"],"Template kind":["Rodzaj szablonu"],"Template kinds, available values: %{template_kinds}":["Rodzaje szablonów, dostępne wartości: %{template_kinds}"],"Template locked":["Szablon zablokowany"],"Template syntax":[""],"Template that will be selected as %s default for local boot.":[""],"Template unlocked":["Szablon odblokowany"],"TemplateKind|Name":["RodzajSzablonu|Nazwa"],"Templates":["Szablony"],"Templates resolved for this operating system":["Szablony rozwiązane dla tego systemu operacyjnego"],"Tenant":["Dzierżawca"],"Test Connection":["Test połączenia "],"Test LDAP connection":["Test połączenia LDAP"],"Test LDAP connectivity":["Test łączności LDAP"],"Test connection to LDAP server was successful.":["Test połączenia do serwera LDAP zakończony pomyślnie"],"Test connection was successful":["Test połączenia zakończony pomyślnie"],"Test email":["e-mail testowy"],"Text to be shown in the login-page footer":[""],"That is, if you are planning to manage a site where all the machines are of the form <i>hostname</i>.<b></b>\\n then the domain is <b></b>.":[""],"The %{proxy_type} proxy could not be set for host: %{host_names}.":["%{proxy_type} puppet ca proxy nie może zostać ustawiony dla hostu: %{host_names}.","%{proxy_type} puppet ca proxy nie może zostać ustawiony dla hostów: %{host_names}.","%{proxy_type} puppet ca proxy nie może zostać ustawiony dla hostów: %{host_names}.","%{proxy_type} puppet ca proxy nie może zostać ustawiony dla hostów: %{host_names}."],"The %{proxy_type} proxy of the selected hosts was cleared.":["Wyczyszczono %{proxy_type} proxy wybranego hostu."],"The %{proxy_type} proxy of the selected hosts was set to %{proxy_name}.":["%{proxy_type} proxy wybranego hostu zostało ustawione na %{proxy_name}."],"The <b>fullname</b> field is used for human readability in reports and other pages that refer to domains,\\n and also available as an external node parameter":["<b> fullname </ b> jest używany do zwiększenia czytelności przez człowieka w raportach i innych stron, które odnoszą się do domen, \\na także dostępne jako parametr węzła zewnętrznego"],"The Audit Comment field is saved with the template auditing to document the template changes":["Pole komentarz do audytu jest zapisywany z szablonem audytu by udokumentować zmiany w szablonie "],"The BMC password will be used by Foreman to access the host's BMC controller via a BMC-enabled smart proxy, if available.<br/>":[""],"The IP address that should be used for the console listen address when provisioning new virtual machines via Libvirt":["Adres IP, które powinny być wykorzystane do nasłuchiwania adresu konsoli podczas zaopatrywania nowych maszyn wirtualnych poprzez Libvirt"],"The NFS path to the image directory.":["Ścieżka NFS do adresu obrazu."],"The NFS path to the jumpstart control files.":["Ścieżka NFS do plików kontrolnych szybkiego startu. "],"The NFS path to the media.":["Ścieżka NFS do nośników."],"The Operating systems detail the OSs known to Foreman, and is the central point that the other required components tie into.":[""],"The Primary interface is used for constructing the FQDN of the host":["Podstawowy interfejs jest używany do skonstruowania FQDN na hoście"],"The Provisioning interface is used for TFTP of PXELinux (or SSH for image-based hosts)":["Interfejs dostawy jest wykorzystywany przez TFTP i PXELinux (lub SSH dla hostów bazujących na obrazie)"],"The authentication process currently requires an LDAP provider, such as <em>FreeIPA</em>,\\n <em>OpenLDAP</em> or <em>Microsoft's Active Directory</em>.":["Proces uwierzytelniania wymaga obecnie dostawcy LDAP, takich jak <em> FreeIPA </em>\\n<em>OpenLDAP</em> lub <em>Microsoft's Active Directory</em>."],"The class of CPU supplied in this machine. This is primarily used by Sparc Solaris builds and can be left blank for other architectures. The value can be determined on Solaris via uname -m":["Klasa procesora dostarczonego w tym urządzeniu. Jest używany głównie przez builds Sparc Solaris i można pozostawić pusty dla innych architektur. Wartość może być określona na Solarisie poprzez uname -m"],"The class of the machine reported by the Open Boot Prom. This is primarily used by Sparc Solaris builds and can be left blank for other architectures. The value can be determined on Solaris via uname -i|cut -f2 -d,":["Klasa urządzenia zgłoszonego przez Open Boot Prom. Jest używany głównie przez builds Sparc Solaris i można pozostawić pustą dla innych architektur. Wartość może być określona na Solarisie poprzez uname -i|cut -f2 -d,"],"The default administrator email address":["Domyślny adres e-mail administratora"],"The dynamic partitioning style is currently only available for the Red Hat family of operating systems, all others must provide an explicit list of partitions and sizes.":["Dynamiczny styl partycjonowania jest obecnie dostępny tylko dla rodziny systemów operacyjnych Red Hat, wszystkie inne muszą dostarczyć jednoznaczną listę partycji i rozmiarów. "],"The file path where your p12 file is located":["Ścieżka pliku, w którym znajduje twój plik p12"],"The final entry, Operating System default, can be set by editing the %s page.":["Końcowa pozycja, domyślny system operacyjny, można ustawić poprzez edycję %s strony."],"The following IPv4 subnets have been found. Please review the details before creating them.":[""],"The following entries were found conflicting with what foreman wanted to apply.":["Następujące wejścia zostały znalezione skonfliktowane z tym, co Foreman chciał dodać."],"The following errors may prevent a successful build:":["Następujące błędy mogą zapobiec udanemu zbudowaniu:"],"The following fields would need reviewing":["Następujące pola musiałyby być przejrzane "],"The following hosts failed the build operation: %s":["Poniższe hosty nie przeszły operacji kompilacji: %s"],"The following hosts were not %{action}: %{missed_hosts}":["Poniższe hosty nie były %{action}: %{missed_hosts}"],"The following hosts were not deleted: %s":["Poniższe hosty nie zostały usunięte: %s"],"The following hosts were updated":["Następujące hosty zostaną uaktualnione"],"The following parameters were skipped as they did not exists on this host:":["Następujące parametry zostaną pominięte, ponieważ nie istnieją w tym hoście:"],"The following table and example snippet shows global methods, variables and class methods and how to use them.":[""],"The full DNS domain name":["Pełna nazwa domeny DNS"],"The host group's classes and the host group's variables are included in the external node information when the puppetmaster compiles the host's configuration.":["Klasy z grupy hostów i zmienne z grupy hostów są zawarte w wewnętrznym węźle informacji gdy puppetmaster kompiluje konfigurację hosta. "],"The inclusion of the keyword string <b>#Dynamic</b> at the start of a line lets Foreman know that this is not an explicit disk layout and must treated as a shell script, executed prior\\n to the install process and that the explicit partition table will be found at <b>/tmp/diskpart.cfg</b> during the build process.":["Dołączenie słów kluczowych <b>#Dynamic</b> na początku linii pozwala Foremanowi wiedzieć, że nie jest to jednoznaczny układ dysku i trzeba traktować go jako skrypt powłoki, wykonywany przed procesem instalacji i że jednoznaczną kopię tablicy będzie można znaleźć w <b>/tmp/diskpart.cfg</b> podczas budowy."],"The keys can be used in provisioning templates and are also available for configuration management tools managed by Foreman.":[""],"The keywords <b>$version</b>, <b>$major</b> and <b>$minor</b> will be interpolated back into the path specification to calculate the true URL address.":["Słowa kluczowe <b>$version</b>, <b>$major</b> i <b>$minor</b> będą interpolowane wstecz do specyfikacji ścieżki by obliczyć prawdziwy adres URL. "],"The list is excluding %{count} %{link_start}physical host%{link_end}.":["",""],"The location of the sendmail executable":[""],"The marked fields will need reviewing":["Zaznaczone pola muszą zostać przejrzane"],"The method used to provision the host. Possible provision_methods may be %{provision_methods}":["Metoda używa do zaopatrzenia hostu. Możliwe provision_methods to %{provision_methods}"],"The order in which matchers keys are processed, first match wins.<br> You may use multiple attributes as a matcher key, for example, an order of <code>host group, environment</code> would expect a matcher such as <code>hostgroup = \\\"web servers\\\", environment = production</code>":["Kolejność w jakiej przeprowadza się dopasowanie kluczy, pierwsze dopasowanie wygrywa.<br> Możesz użyć wielu atrybutów przy dopasowywaniu kluczy, np. w kolejności <code>host group, environment</code> będziemy oczekiwać dopasowania takiego jak <code>hostgroup = \\\"web servers\\\", environment = production</code>"],"The order in which values are resolved":["Kolejność, w jakiej wartości są rozwiązane"],"The password will also be accessible to other users via templates and in the ENC YAML output; disable the bmc_credentials_accessible setting to prevent access.":[""],"The password will not be accessible to other users; enable the bmc_credentials_accessible setting to permit access via templates and in the ENC YAML output.":[""],"The path to the medium, can be a URL or a valid NFS server (exclusive of the architecture).\\n for example <em>$version/os/$arch</em> where <strong>$arch</strong> will be substituted for the host's actual OS architecture and <strong>$version</strong>, <strong>$major</strong> and <strong>$minor</strong> will be substituted for the version of the operating system. Solaris and Debian media may also use <strong>$release</strong>.":["Ścieżka do nośnika, może być w postaci URL lub sprawdzonego serwera NFS (wyłączne ze względu na architekturę).\\nnp. <em>$version/os/$arch</em> gdzie <strong>$arch</strong> będzie zamiennikiem dla aktualnej architektury systemu operacyjnego hosta, oraz <strong>$version</strong>, <strong>$major</strong> i <strong>$minor</strong> bedą substytutamidla wersji systemu operacyjnego.Solaris and Debian mogą również korzystać z <strong>$release</strong>."],"The power state of the selected hosts will be set to %s":["Źródło zasilania wybranego hostu zostanie ustawiony na %s"],"The realm name, e.g. EXAMPLE.COM":["Nazwa domeny, np EXAMPLE.COM"],"The remote system presented a public key signed by an unidentified certificate authority. If you are sure the remote system is authentic, go to the compute resource edit page, press the 'Test Connection' or 'Load Datacenters' button and submit":["Zdalny system zaprezentował klucz publiczny podpisany przez niezidentyfikowany urząd certyfikacji. Jeżeli jesteś pewien, że zdalny system jest autentyczny, przejdź do strony edycji zasobów obliczeniowych, naciśnij \\\"Test Connection\\\" lub przycisk \\\"Load Datacenters\\\" i wyślij"],"The remote system presented a public key with hash %s but we're expecting a different hash. If you are sure the remote system is authentic, go to the compute resource edit page, press the 'Test Connection' or 'Load Datacenters' button and submit":["Zdalny system zaprezentował klucz publiczny ze skrótem %s ,ale oczekiwanego innego skrótu. Jeżeli jesteś pewien, że zdalny system jest autentyczny, przejdź do strony edycji zasobów obliczeniowych, naciśnij \\\"Test Connection\\\" lub przycisk \\\"Load Datacenters\\\" i wyślij"],"The selected hosts were enabled for reboot and rebuild":["Wybrane hosty zostały włączone dla restartu i przebudowania"],"The selected hosts will execute a build operation on next reboot":["Wybrane hosty wykonają operację budowania na następnym restarcie"],"The snippet '%{name}' threw an error: %{exc}":[""],"The template is associated to at least one host in build mode. To apply the change, disable and enable build mode on hosts to update the live templates or choose to %s their configuration from 'Select Action' menu":["Szablon jest przypisany do co najmniej jednego hostu w trybie buildowania. By zaakceptować zmiany, należy włączyć i wyłączyć tryb budowania hostów, aby zaktualizować szablony live lub wybrać %s ich konfiguracji z menu \\\"Select Action\\\""],"The user that is used to ssh into the instance, normally cloud-user, ec2-user, ubuntu, root etc":["Użytkownik który loguje się przez ssh do maszyny zazwyczaj nazywa się cloud-user, ec2-user, ubuntu, root etc"],"The virtual machine is being deleted.":["Maszyna wirtualna jest usuwana."],"There are migrations pending in the system.":[""],"There are no puppet environments set up on this puppet master. Please check the puppet master configuration.":["Nie ma konfiguracji środowisk Puppet w tym Puppet Master. Proszę sprawdzić konfigurację Puppet Mastera."],"There are orchestration modules with methods for configuration rebuild that have identical name: '%s'":["Istnieją moduły orkiestracji z metodami konfiguracji przebudowy, które mają identyczną nazwę: '%s'"],"There are two strategies when using host groups.":["Istnieją dwie strategie przy korzystaniu z grupy hostów."],"There is":["Istnieje","Istnieją","Istnieją","Istnieją"],"There is no owner with id %d and type %s":[""],"There is no proxy with BMC feature set up. Please register a smart proxy with this feature.":["Nie ma proxy z konfiguracją funkcji BMC. Należy zarejestrować smart proxy z tą funkcją."],"There was an error creating the PXE file: %s":[""],"There was an error listing %{listing}: %{errors}":[""],"There was an error listing VMs: %(status)s %(statusText)s":["Błąd listowania Maszyny Wirtulanej: %(status)s %(statusText)s"],"There was an error rendering the %s template: ":["Wystąpił błąd podczas renderowania %s szablonu:"],"There was an error rendering the %{name} template: %{error}":["Wystąpił błąd podczas renderowania szablonu %{name} : %{error}"],"There was no active bridge interface found in libvirt, if it does not support listing, you can enter the bridge name manually (e.g. br0)":[""],"These are guaranteed to work via the safe mode rendering, to ensure a template can do nothing harmful.":[""],"These two options are personal decisions and are up to you (where the main difference would be the parameter/variables settings).":["Te dwie opcje są twoją osobistą decyzją i zależą od Ciebie (gdzie główną różnicą byłby parametr / Ustawienia zmiennych)."],"Thin provision":["Cienka dostawa"],"This Puppet class has no parameters in its signature.":["Ta klasa Puppet nie ma parametrów w jej podpisie."],"This allows Foreman to associate a puppet variable with a domain/site and automatically append this variable to all external node requests made by machines at that site.":["Zezwala Foremanowi na skojarzenie zmiennej puppet z domeną/stroną i automatycznie dołącza zmienną do wszystkich zewnętrznych węzłów żądań utworzonych przez maszynę na tej stronie"],"This group has nested groups!":["Grupa posiada zagnieżdżone grupy!"],"This group has no roles":[""],"This host's stored facts and reports will be deleted too.":["Zapamiętane fakty i raporty z tego hosta również zostaną usunięte."],"This is a test message to confirm that Foreman's email configuration is working.":["To jest wiadomość tekstowa, aby potwierdzić, że konfiguracja poczty Foremana działa."],"This is for every location and organization that uses it.":["Dla każdej lokalizacji i organizacji która tego używa."],"This is for every location that uses it.":["Dla każdej lokalizacji która tego używa."],"This is for every organization that uses it.":["Dla każdej organizacji która tego używa."],"This is inherited from parent":["Element dziedziczony przez rodzica"],"This is used by a host":["Aktualnie używany przez host"],"This might take a while, as all hosts, facts and reports will be destroyed as well":["Może trochę potrwać, jak również wszystkie hosty, fakty i raporty mogą zostać zniszczone"],"This role has been cloned from role %s":[""],"This role is locked for editing.":[""],"This role is locked from being modified by users.":[""],"This setting is defined in the configuration file '%{filename}' and is read-only.":[""],"This template is locked and may not be removed.":["Szablon ten jest zamknięty i nie może być usunięty."],"This template is locked for editing.":["Ten szablon jest zablokowany przed edycją."],"This template is locked. Please clone it to a new template to customize.":["Ten szablon jest zablokowany. Należy sklonować go do nowego szablonu aby dostosować."],"This template is locked. You may only change the associations. Please %s it to customize.":["Szablon jest zablokowany. Można jedynie zmieniać skojarzenie. Proszę %s by dostosować."],"This value is not hidden":[""],"This value is used also as the host's primary interface name.":["Wartość jest używana również jako podstawowa nazwa hostu."],"This will reset parameters of the class %s to their default values. Continue?":["Spowoduje to przywrócenie parametrów klasy %s do wartości domyślnych. Kontynuować?"],"This will set all parameters of the class %s as overridden. Continue?":["Spowoduje to ustawienie wszystkich parametrów klasy %s jako nadpisane. Kontynuować?"],"Time":["Czas"],"Time in Seconds":["Czas w sekundach"],"Time in minutes installation tokens should be valid for, 0 to disable token generation":["Czas w minutach instalacji tokenów powinien być ważny, 0 aby wyłączyć generowanie tokenu"],"Timeout for DNS conflict validation (in seconds)":["Czas oczekiwania walidacji konfliktów DNS (w sekundach)"],"Timeout has occurred while communicating with %s":["Wystąpiło przekroczenie limitu czasu podczas komunikacji z %s"],"To define trend counters, use the Add Trend Counter button.</br> To start collecting trend data, set a cron job to execute 'foreman-rake trends:counter' every Puppet Interval (%s minutes).":["Aby zdefiniować liczniki trendów, użyj przycisku Dodaj Trend Counter </br> Aby rozpocząć zbieranie danych o trendach, ustaw crona na wykonanie \\\"'foreman-rake trends:counter\\\" przez każdy Puppet Interval (%s minut)."],"To enable a provider, either install the OS package (e.g. foreman-libvirt) or enable the bundler group for development setup (e.g. ovirt).":["Aby włączyć dostawcę, albo zainstalować pakiet OS (np foreman-libvirt) lub włączyć grupę Bundler dla development setup (np ovirt)."],"To enable safe mode, navigate to Settings page and enable Safemode rendering option.":[""],"To start collecting trend data, set a cron job to execute <span class='black'>foreman-rake trends:counter</span> every Puppet Interval (%s minutes)":["Aby rozpocząć zbieranie danych o trendach, należy ustawić crona do wykonania To start collecting trend data, set a cron job to execute <span class='black'>foreman-rake trends:counter</span> przez każdy Puppet Interval (%s minut)."],"To update the class signature, go to the Puppet Classes page and select \\\"Import\\\".":["Aby zaktualizować sygnaturę klasy, przejdź do strony klas Puppet i wybierz \\\"Importuj\\\"."],"Toggle":["Przełącznik"],"Token":["Token"],"Token duration":["Czas trwania tokenu"],"Token expired":[""],"Token|Expires":["Token|Utrata Ważności"],"Token|Value":["Token|Wartość"],"Total":["W sumie"],"Total Hosts: %s":["Wszystkich hostów: %s"],"Total hosts count":[""],"Total of one host":["Wszystkie z %{hosts} hostu","Wszystkie z %{hosts} hostów","Wszystkie z %{hosts} hostów","Wszystkie z %{hosts} hostów"],"Trend":["Trend"],"Trend counter":["Licznik trendów"],"Trend of the last %s days.":["Trend ostatnich %s dni"],"TrendCounter|Count":["LicznikTrendów|Liczba"],"Trends":["Trendy"],"Trends for %s":["Tendencje dla %s"],"Trend|Fact name":["Trend|Nazwa faktu"],"Trend|Fact value":["Trend|Wartość faktu"],"Trend|Name":["Trend|Nazwa"],"Trend|Trendable type":["Trend|Typ podlegający trendowaniu"],"Trigger a puppetrun on a node; requires that puppet run is enabled":["Wywołaj puppet na węźle; wymagane, aby włączono uruchomienie puppeta"],"Troubleshooting":["Rozwiązywanie problemów"],"True/False flag whether a host is managed or unmanaged. Note: this value also determines whether several parameters are required or not":["Flaga o wartościach Prawda (host jest zarządzany) lub fałsz (nie jest). Uwaga: wartość również określa czy kilka parametrów jest wymaganych lub nie"],"Trusted puppetmaster hosts":["Zaufany host puppetmaster"],"Try going to %{href}":["Spróbuj przejść do %{href}"],"Type":["Typ"],"Type of name generator":[""],"Type of realm, e.g. FreeIPA":["Typ domeny, np. FreelIPA"],"Type or protocol, IPv4 or IPv6, defaults to IPv4":[""],"Types of validation values":["Rodzaje walidacji wartości"],"Types of variable values":["Rodzaje wartości zmiennych"],"URL":["URL"],"URL for %{providers_requiring_url}":[""],"URL hosts will retrieve templates from during build (normally http as many installers don't support https)":["Hosty URL mogą pobrać szablony w trakcie budowania (zwykle http nie obsługuje tak wiele instalatorów https)"],"URL must be valid and schema must be one of %s":["URL musi być poprawny i schemat musi być jednym z %s"],"URL where your Foreman instance is reachable (see also Provisioning > unattended_url)":["URL gdzie instancja Foreman jest osiągalna (zobacz również Provisioning > unattended_url)"],"UTC time of report":["Czas UTC raportu"],"UUID":["UUID"],"UUID to track orchestration tasks status, GET /api/orchestration/:UUID/tasks":["UUID do śledzenia statusu zadań orkiestracji, GET /api/orchestration/:UUID/tasks"],"Unable to access key":["Nie można uzyskać dostępu do klucza"],"Unable to authenticate user %s":["Nie można uwierzytelnić użytkownika %s"],"Unable to change VM display listen address, make sure the display is not attached to localhost only":["Nie można zmienić VM wyświetlającej nasłuchiwanego adresu, upewnij się, że wyświetlanie nie jest podłączone tylko do localhostu"],"Unable to communicate with the proxy: %s":["Nie można komunikować się z serwerem proxy: %s"],"Unable to connect":["Nie udało się połączyć"],"Unable to connect to LDAP server":["Nie można połączyć się z serwerem LDAP"],"Unable to create default TFTP boot menu":["Nie można utworzyć domyślnego menu bootowania TFTP"],"Unable to create realm entry":["Nie można utworzyć wpisu o domenie"],"Unable to create the default role.":[""],"Unable to delete DHCP entry for %s":["Nie można usunąć wpisu DHCP dla %s"],"Unable to delete DNS entry":["Nie można usunąć wpisu DNS"],"Unable to delete PuppetCA autosign for %s":["Nie można usunąć autopodpisu PuppetCA dla %s"],"Unable to delete PuppetCA certificate for %s":["Nie można usunąć certyfikatu PuppetCA dla %s"],"Unable to delete TFTP boot entry for %s":["Nie można usunąć pozycji bootowania TFTP dla %s"],"Unable to detect TFTP boot server":["Nie wykryto serwera bootowania TFTP"],"Unable to detect features":["Nie można wykryć funkcji"],"Unable to detect version":["Nie wykryto wersji "],"Unable to determine the host's boot server. The DHCP smart proxy failed to provide this information and this subnet is not provided with TFTP services.":["Nie można określić serwer startowego hostu. DHCP smart proxy nie dostarczył tej informacji i ta podsieć nie jest wyposażona w usługi TFTP."],"Unable to disable bmc_credentials_accessible when safemode_render is disabled":[""],"Unable to disable safemode_render when bmc_credentials_accessible is disabled":[""],"Unable to execute Puppet run":["Nie można uruchomić Puppeta"],"Unable to fetch TFTP boot file":["Nie można pobrać pliku bootowania TFTP"],"Unable to fetch logs":["Nie można pobrać logów"],"Unable to find IP address for '%s'":["Nie można znaleźć adresu IP dla '%s'"],"Unable to find a proxy with BMC feature":["Nie można znaleźć serwera proxy z funkcją BMC"],"Unable to find proper authentication method":["Nie można znaleźć prawidłowej metody uwierzytelnienia"],"Unable to find template %s":["Nie można znaleźć szablonu %s"],"Unable to generate output, Check log files":["Nie można wygenerować danych wyjściowych, Sprawdzenie logów"],"Unable to get BMC providers":["Nie można uzyskać BMC providers"],"Unable to get PuppetCA autosign":["Nie można uzyskać autopodpisu PuppetCA"],"Unable to get PuppetCA certificates":["Nie można uzyskać certyfikatu PuppetCA"],"Unable to get classes from Puppet for %s":["Nie można pobrać klas z Puppet dla %s"],"Unable to get environment from Puppet":["Nie można pobrać środowiska z Puppet"],"Unable to get environments from Puppet":["Nie można pobrać środowisk z Puppet"],"Unable to get installed BMC providers":["Nie można zainstalować BMC providers"],"Unable to initialize ProxyAPI class %s":["Nie udało się zainicjalizować klasy ProxyAPI: %s "],"Unable to perform boot BMC operation":["Nie można wykonać operacji bootowania BMC"],"Unable to perform identify BMC operation":["Nie można wykonać operacji identyfikacji BMC"],"Unable to perform lan BMC operation":["Nie można wykonać operacji LAN BMC"],"Unable to perform power BMC operation":["Nie można wykonać operacji zasilania BMC"],"Unable to render %{kind} template '%{name}': %{e}":[""],"Unable to render '%{name}' template: %{e}":[""],"Unable to retrieve DHCP entry for %s":["Nie można pobrać wpisu DHCP dla %s"],"Unable to retrieve DHCP subnet":["Nie można pobrać podsieci DHCP"],"Unable to retrieve DHCP subnets":["Nie można pobrać podsieci DHCP"],"Unable to retrieve unused IP":["Nie można odzyskać nieużywanego IP"],"Unable to save":["Nie udało się zapisać"],"Unable to send email, check server logs for more information":["Nie można wysłać e-maila, sprawdź logi serwera by uzyskać więcej infromacji"],"Unable to set DHCP entry":["Nie można ustawić wpisu DHCP"],"Unable to set DNS entry":["Nie można ustawić wpisu DNS"],"Unable to set PuppetCA autosign for %s":["Nie można uzyskać autopodpisu PuppetCA dla %s"],"Unable to set TFTP boot entry for %s":["Nie można ustawić pozycji bootowania TFTP dla %s"],"Unable to sign PuppetCA certificate for %s":["nie można podpisać certyfikatu PuppetCA dla %s "],"Unable to turn on websockets_encrypt, either websockets_ssl_key or websockets_ssl_cert is missing":["Nie można włączyć websockets_encrypt, również brakuje websockets_ssl_key lub websockets_ssl_cert "],"Unable to unset websockets_ssl_cert when websockets_encrypt is on":["Nie można wyłączyć websockets_ssl_cert gdy websockets_encrypt działa"],"Unable to unset websockets_ssl_key when websockets_encrypt is on":["Nie można wyłączyć websockets_ssl_key gdy websockets_encrypt działa"],"Unallowed template for dashboard widget: %s":["Niedozwolonych szablon dla widżetów dashboardu: %s"],"Unattended URL":["Nienadzorowany URL"],"Undo remove":["Cofnij usunięcie"],"Undo selection":[""],"Unhide this value":["Odkryj wartość"],"Unknown":["Nieznany"],"Unknown IPAM type - can't continue":[""],"Unknown Power State":["Nieznane Stan zasilania"],"Unknown action name for success message: %s":["Nieznana nazwa działania dla dobrej wiadomości: %s"],"Unknown build status":["Nieznany stan budowy"],"Unknown device: available devices are %s":["Nieznane urządzenie, dostępne urządzenia to %s"],"Unknown interface type, must be one of [%s]":["Nieznany typ interfejsu, musi być jednym z [%s]"],"Unknown power action: available methods are %s":["Nieznane działanie zasilania: dostępne metody to %s"],"Unknown power management support - can't continue":["Nieznane wsparcie zarządzania zasilaniem - nie można kontynuować"],"Unknown power state":[""],"Unlock":["Odblokuj"],"Unmanage host":["niezarządzany host"],"Unsupported IPAM mode for %s":[""],"Unsupported password hash function '%s'":["Nieobsługiwana funkcja haszująca hasło '%s'"],"Unsupported report status format":["Format raportu statusu nieobsługiwany"],"Update":["Aktualizacja:"],"Update :a_resource":["Aktualizuj :a_resource "],"Update IP from built request":["Aktualizuj IP z żądaniem budowy"],"Update a Puppet class":["Aktualizuj klasy Puppet"],"Update a bookmark":["Aktualizuj zakładkę"],"Update a compute attributes set":["Aktualizuj zbiór atrybutów"],"Update a compute profile":["Edytuj profil obliczeń"],"Update a compute resource":["Edytuj zasób"],"Update a config group":["Edytuj grupę konfiguracji"],"Update a default template combination for an operating system":["Aktualizacja kombinacji domyślnych szablonów dla systemu operacyjnego"],"Update a domain":["Edytuj domenę"],"Update a filter":["Aktualizuj filtr"],"Update a global parameter":["Aktualizuj parametr globalny"],"Update a hardware model":["Aktualizuj model sprzętu"],"Update a host":["Aktualizuj host"],"Update a host group":["Aktualizuj grupę hostów"],"Update a host's interface":["Aktualizuj interfejs hosta"],"Update a medium":["Aktualizuj nośnik"],"Update a nested parameter for a domain":["Aktualizacja zagnieżdżonego parametru dla domeny"],"Update a nested parameter for a host":["Aktualizacja zagnieżdżonego parametru dla hosta"],"Update a nested parameter for a host group":["Aktualizacja zagnieżdżonego parametru dla grupy hostów"],"Update a nested parameter for a location":["Aktualizacja zagnieżdżonego parametru dla lokalizacji"],"Update a nested parameter for a subnet":[""],"Update a nested parameter for an operating system":["Aktualizacja zagnieżdżonego parametru dla systemu operacyjnego"],"Update a nested parameter for an organization":["Aktualizacja zagnieżdżonego parametru dla organizacji"],"Update a partition table":["Aktualizacja tablicy partycji"],"Update a provisioning template":["Edytuj szablon zaopatrzenia"],"Update a realm":["Aktualizuj domenę"],"Update a role":["Aktualizuj rolę"],"Update a setting":["Aktualizuj ustawienia"],"Update a smart class parameter":["Aktualizacja parametru inteligentnej klasy"],"Update a smart proxy":["Aktualizacja inteligentnych proxy"],"Update a smart variable":["Zaktualizuj zmienną inteligentną"],"Update a subnet":["Aktualizacja podsieci"],"Update a user":["Aktualizacja użytkownika"],"Update a user group":["Aktualizuj grupę użytkowników"],"Update an LDAP authentication source":["Aktualizuj źródło autentyfikacji serwera LDAP"],"Update an architecture":["Zaktualizuj architekturę"],"Update an environment":["Edytuj środowisko"],"Update an image":["Aktualizuj obraz"],"Update an operating system":["Aktualizacja systemu operacyjnego"],"Update an override value for a specific smart class parameter":["Aktualizuj wartość nadpisaną dla konkretnego parametru inteligentnej klasy"],"Update an override value for a specific smart variable":["Aktualizuj wartość nadpisaną dla określanej smart variable"],"Update environment from facts":["Aktualizuj środowisko na podstawie faktów"],"Update external user group":["Aktualizuj zewnętrzną grupę użytkowników"],"Update realm entry for %s":["Aktualizacja wpisu o domenie dla %s"],"Update subnets from facts":[""],"Update template combination":["Aktualizuj kombinację szablonu"],"Update the default PXE menu on all configured TFTP servers":["Edytuj domyślne menu PXE dla wszystkich skonfigurowanych serwerów TFTP"],"Update:":["Aktualizacja:"],"Updated":["Zaktualizowano"],"Updated all hosts!":["Zaktualizowano wszystkie hosty!"],"Updated hosts: Disassociated from VM":["Zaktualizowano hosty: odrębne od VM"],"Updated hosts: changed environment":["Zaktualizowano hosty: zmieniono środowisko"],"Updated hosts: changed host group":["Zaktualizowane hosty: Zmieniono grupę hostów"],"Updated hosts: changed owner":["Zaktualizowano hosty: zmieniono właściciela"],"Upload facts for a host, creating the host if required":["Wyślij informacje dla hosta, tworząc go w razie potrzeby"],"Use Gravatar":["Użyj Gravatar"],"Use UUID for certificates":["Użyj UUID dla certyfikatów"],"Use short name for VMs":["Użyj skróconej nazwy dla maszyn wirtualnych"],"Use this account to authenticate, <i>optional</i>":["Użyj tego konta w celu uwierzytelnienia, <i> opcjonalne </i>"],"Use this puppet server as a CA server":["Użyj tego serwera Puppet jako serwer CA"],"Use this puppet server as an initial Puppet Server or to execute puppet runs":["Użyj tego serwera Puppet jako wstępny Puppet Server lub wykonać serie puppet"],"Used to enforce certain values for the parameter values":["Służy do wymuszenia pewnych wartości dla wartości parametrów"],"User":["Użytkownik"],"User Group":[""],"User Groups":["Grupy użytkowników"],"User IDs":["identyfikatory użytkowników"],"User data template":[""],"User groups":["Grupy użytkowników"],"User groups enable users to log into Foreman and be automatically granted permissions.":[""],"User role":["Rola użytkownika"],"User's preferred locale":["Korzystne ustawienia regionalne autora"],"User's timezone":["Strefa czasowa użytkownika"],"UserRole|Owner type":["RolaUżytkownika|Typ Właściciela "],"Usergroup":["Grupa użytkowników "],"Usergroup member":["Członek grupy użytkowników"],"UsergroupMember|Member type":["Członek grupy użytkowników|Typ członka"],"Usergroup|Admin":["GrupaUżytkowników|Admin"],"Usergroup|Auth source":["GrupaUżytkowników|ŹródłoAutoryzacji"],"Usergroup|Name":["GrupaUżytkowników|Nazwa"],"Username":["Nazwa użytkownika"],"Username for oVirt, EC2, VMware, OpenStack. Access Key for EC2.":["Nazwa użytkownika dla oVirt, EC2, VMware, OpenStack. Klucz dostępu dla EC2."],"Username to use to authenticate, if required":[""],"Users":["Użytkownicy"],"User|Admin":["User|Admin"],"User|Avatar hash":["Użytkownik|Skrót awatara "],"User|Firstname":["User|Imię"],"User|Last login on":["User|Ostatnie logowanie"],"User|Lastname":["User|Nazwisko"],"User|Locale":["Użytkownik|Lokalizacja"],"User|Login":["User|Login"],"User|Lower login":["Użytkownik|Lower login"],"User|Mail":["User|Mail"],"User|Mail enabled":["Użytkownik|Włączona poczta"],"User|Password hash":["Użytkownik|Skrót hasła "],"User|Password salt":["Użytkownik|Sól hasła"],"Uses thin provisioning if unchecked":["Użyj tego dostawcy jeśli zaznaczono"],"Using the organization system provides a way to group resources together for easy management. Organizations are particularly useful for Foreman installations where several customers or business units are managed with a single Foreman install.":[""],"VCPU(s)":["VCPU(s)"],"VCenter/Server":["VCenter/Serwer"],"VLAN ID for this subnet":["VLAN ID dla tej podsieci"],"VLAN tag, this attribute has precedence over the subnet VLAN ID. Only for virtual interfaces.":["VLAN tag, ten atrybut ma pierwszeństwo przed podsiecią VLAN ID. tylko dla wirtualnych interfejsów."],"VM":["VM"],"VM Attributes":["Atrybuty maszyny wirtualnej"],"VM Attributes (%s)":["Atrybuty maszyny wirtualnej (%s)"],"VM already associated with a host":["VM już powiązana z hostem"],"VM associated to host %s":["VM związana z hostem %s"],"VM is not running!":["VM nie działa!"],"VNC/SPICE websocket proxy console access encryption (websockets_ssl_key/cert setting required)":["Szyfrowany dostęp do konsoli VNC/SPICE websocket proxy (wymaga ustawienia websockets_ssl_key/cert)"],"Valid from":["Ważny od"],"Valid host group and environment combinations":["Poprawna kombinacja grupy hosta i środowiska"],"Validation types":["Typy walidacji"],"Value":["Wartość"],"Value to use when there is no match":["Warto używać, gdy nie ma dopasowania"],"Value to use when there is no match.":["Wartość przydatna, gdy nie ma dopasowania"],"Variable":["Zmienna"],"Variable lookup key":["Zmienny klucz odnośnika"],"Variables":["Zmienne"],"Vendor class":["klasa producenta"],"Verify":["Weryfikuj"],"Version":["Wersja"],"Version %{version}":["Wersja %{version}"],"Version %{version} %{copyright} 2009-%{year} Paul Kelly and %{author}":[""],"Very Strong":["Bardzo silne"],"View Diff":["Pokaż różnice"],"View in Foreman:":["Zobacz w Foremanie:"],"View last report details":["Zobacz ostatnie szczegóły raportu"],"View list":["Pokaż listę"],"Virtual (NAT)":["Wirtualny (NAT)"],"Virtual H/W version":["Wirtualna wersja H/W"],"Virtual Machine":["Maszyna Wirtualna"],"Virtual Machines":["Maszyny Wirtualne"],"Virtual Machines on %s":["Maszyny Wirtualne na %s"],"Virtual NIC":["wirtualny NIC"],"Virtual machine settings cannot be edited on an existing machine in %s":["Ustawienia maszyny wirtualnej nie mogą być edytowane na istniejącej maszynie w %s"],"WARNING":["OSTRZEŻENIE"],"Wait for %s to come online":["Poczekaj przez %s by przejść w tryb online"],"Warning":["Ostrzeżenie"],"Warning!":["Uwaga!"],"Warning! This will remove %{name} from %{number} user. are you sure?":["",""],"Warning: This will delete this host and all of its data!":["Uwaga: Spowoduje to usunięcie tego hosta i wszystkich jego danych!"],"Warnings and errors":["Ostrzeżenia i błędy"],"We have not found any documentation for your API.":["Nie znaleziono żadnej dokumentacji dla Twojego API."],"We use Redmine to report and track bugs and feature requests, which can be found here:":["Używamy Redmine do zgłaszania i śledzenia błędów i propozycji, które można znaleźć tutaj:"],"Weak":["Słabe"],"Websockets SSL certificate":["Certyfikat Websockets SSL"],"Websockets SSL key":["Klucz WebSocket SSL"],"Websockets encryption":["szyfrowanie WebSocket"],"Weekly":["Tygodniowo"],"Welcome to Foreman":["Witamy w Foreman"],"What ever text(or ERB template) you use in here, would be used as your OS disk layout options If you want to use the partition table option, delete all of the text from this field":["Jakikolwiek tekst (lub szablon ERB) zostanie tutaj użyty, może zostać wykorzystany jako twoje opcje layoutu dysku systemu. Jeśli chcesz użyć tabeli opcji partycji, usuń wszystkie napisy z tego pola "],"When a Host requests a template (e.g. during provisioning), Foreman will select the best match from the available templates of that type, in the following order:":[""],"When a realm is selected for a host, Foreman contacts the relevant realm smart proxy to create an entry for the host and retrieve it's one-time registration password.":["Gdy domena zostanie wybrana przez host, Foreman skontaktuje się z odpowiednimi smart proxy domen by utworzyć wpis dla hosta i pobrać hasło do jednorazowej rejestracji. "],"When editing a template, you must assign a list of operating systems which this template can be used with. Optionally, you can restrict a template to a list of host groups and/or environments.":[""],"When enabled the parameter is hidden in the UI":["Gdy upoważniony parametr jest ukryty e UI"],"When specifying custom value, add 'MB' or 'GB' at the end. Field is not case sensitive and MB is default if unspecified.":[""],"When the role's associated %{taxonomies} are changed,<br> the change will propagate to all inheriting filters.\\n Filters that are set to override <br> will remain untouched. Overriding of role filters can be easily disabled by <br> pressing the \\\"Disable overriding\\\" button.\\n Note that not all filters support <br>%{taxonomies}, so these always remain global.":[""],"When using SSH based provisioning, a special SSH key is created in order to automate the provisioning process.":[""],"When using TLS, you can set how OpenSSL checks the certificate":[""],"Whether or not the image supports user data":["Obsługuje lub nie dane użytkownika"],"Whether or not the template is locked for editing":["Czy szablon jest zablokowany do edycji"],"Whether the class parameter value is managed by Foreman.":["Czy wartość parametru klasy jest zarządzana przez Foremana."],"Whether the smart class parameter value is managed by Foreman":["Czy inteligentna wartość parametru klasy jest zarządzana przez Foreman"],"Which is an offset of <b>%s</b>":["Przesunięty o <b> %s </b>"],"Widget added to dashboard.":["Dodaj widget do dashboardu."],"Widget positions successfully saved.":["Pozycja widgetu zapisana pomyślnie."],"Widget removed from dashboard.":["Widget usunięty z dashboardu."],"Wiki":["Wiki"],"With user groups, you can group your users and assign them roles on a group basis.":[""],"X509 Certification Authorities":["X509 Certification Authorities"],"YAML":["YAML"],"Yes":[""],"You are about to change the default PXE menu on all configured TFTP servers - continue?":["Zmianie ulegnie domyślne menu PXE na wszystkich skonfigurowanych serwerach TFTP - kontynuować? "],"You are about to override the editor content with a previous version, are you sure?":["Nadpisujesz zawartość edytora zawierający poprzednią wersję, jesteś pewien?"],"You are about to override the editor content, are you sure?":["Nadpisujesz zawartość edytora, jesteś pewien?"],"You are about to unlock a locked template.":["Odblokowujesz zablokowany szablon"],"You are not authorized to lock templates.":["Nie masz wystarczających uprawnień, aby zablokować szablony."],"You are not authorized to make a template default.":["Nie masz wystarczających uprawnień, aby ustawić szablon jako domyślny."],"You are not authorized to perform this action.":["Nie masz wystarczających uprawnień, aby wykonać tą akcję."],"You are trying to delete your own account":["Próbujesz usunąć własne konto"],"You are using an unsupported browser.":["Korzystasz z nieobsługiwanej przeglądarki."],"You can add SSH public keys to a user in Foreman.":[""],"You can find The Foreman on the %{freenode} ( network. For general support, please visit #theforeman and for development specific related chat, please visit #theforeman-dev.":[" Można znaleźć Foremana w %{freenode} ( sieci. Dla ogólnego wsparcia, odwiedź #theforeman i konkretnie powiązany czat, odwiedź # theforeman-dev."],"You can select one of the IPAM modes supported by the selected IP protocol:<br/><ul><li><strong>DHCP</strong> - will manage the IP on DHCP through assigned DHCP proxy, auto-suggested IPs come from DHCP <em>(IPv4)</em></li><li><strong>Internal DB</strong> - use internal DB to auto-suggest free IP based on other interfaces on same subnet respecting range if specified, useful mainly with static boot mode <em>(IPv4, IPv6)</em></li><li><strong>EUI-64</strong> - will assign the IPv6 address based on the MAC address of the interface <em>(IPv6)</em></li><li><strong>None</strong> - leave IP management solely on user, no auto-suggestion <em>(IPv4, IPv6)</em></li></ul>":[""],"You can't assign locations to this resource":["Nie można przypisać lokalizacji do tego zasobu"],"You can't assign organizations to this resource":["Nie można przypisać organizacjom tego zasobu"],"You cannot delete this user while logged in as this user.":["Nie można usunąć tego użytkownika po zalogowaniu się jako ten użytkownik."],"You do not have permission to %s this location parameter":["Nie masz dostępu do %s tego parametru lokalizacji"],"You do not have permission to %s this organization parameter":["Nie masz dostępu do tego parametru %s organizacji"],"You don't have any visible hosts. Hosts can be added and provisioned from Foreman, or configured to report to Foreman.":["Nie posiada żadnych widocznych hostów. Hosty mogą być dodawane i zabezpieczony od Foremana lub skonfigurowane tak, aby zgłaszały się do Foremana."],"You don't seem to have any bookmarks.":["Zdaje się że nie ma żadnych zakładek."],"You don't seem to have any facts yet. If you wish to configure fact pushing, please follow the documentation.":["Zadaje się, że nie ma żadnych faktów. Jeśli chciałbyś je skonfigurować, proszę podążać za dokumentacją."],"You don't seem to have any reports.":["Zdaje się że nie ma żadnych raportów."],"You have already logged in":[""],"You may also associate one or more operating systems with this medium or alternatively set this up later on the %s page.":["Można też powiązać jeden lub więcej systemów operacyjnych z tego nośnika, lub ustawić to później na stronie %s."],"You may also associate one or more operating systems with this partition table or alternatively set this up later on the %s page":["Można także powiązać jeden lub więcej systemów operacyjnych z tą kopia tablicy partycji lub alternatywnie ustawić to później na stronie %s"],"You may create puppet classes that represent high-level host configurations, for example, a <b>host-type-ldap-server</b> class, which includes all the required functionality from other modules or you may decide to create a host group called <b>host-type-ldap-server</b> and add the required classes into the host group configuration.":["Można utworzyć klasy puppet które będą reprezentowały hosty wysokiego poziomu, np. klasę <b>host-type-ldap-server</b> który zawiera wszystkie wymagane funkcjonalności z innych modułów lub można zadecydować o utworzeniu grupy hostów zwanej <b>host-type-ldap-server</b> i dodać wymagane klasy do konfiguracji grupy hostów."],"You must create a location before continuing.":[""],"You must create an organization before continuing.":[""],"You must create at least one location before continuing.":["Musisz utworzyć co najmniej jedną lokalizację przed kontynuowaniem."],"You must create at least one organization before continuing.":["Musisz utworzyć przynajmniej jedną organizację przed kontynuowaniem."],"You must select at least one permission":["Musisz wybrać co najmniej jedno uprawnienie"],"You probably need to configure your %s first.":["Prawdopodobnie najpierw trzeba skonfigurować %s."],"You would probably need to attach the":["Prawdopodobnie będzie konieczność 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consider setting a global or host group default":["nie powinno być puste - należy rozważyć ustawienia globalne lub domyślną grupę hostów"],"soft":["soft"],"some interfaces are invalid":["niektóre interfejsy są nieprawidłowe"],"some permissions were not found":[""],"sort results":["rezultat sortowania"],"space separated options, e.g. miimon=100":["Opcje oddzielone odstępem, np. miiom=100"],"start":["start"],"state":["stan"],"status":["status"],"status type, can be one of\\n* global\\n* configuration\\n* build\\n":["Typem statusu może być:\\n* globalny\\n* konfigurowany\\n* zbudowany\\n"],"stop":["stop"],"string":["string"],"subnet":[""],"subnet boot mode is not %s":["Tryb bootowania podsieci nie jest %s"],"sync external user groups on login":["synchronizacja zewnętrznej grupy użytkowników przy logowaniu "],"template name":["nazwa szablonu"],"template version":["wersja szablonu"],"these hosts for a build operation on next boot":["Hosty użyte przy budowaniu, przy następnym uruchomieniu"],"type of the LDAP server":["Typ serwera LDAP"],"unable to find %{type} template for %{host} running %{os}":[""],"unable to sign a non pending certificate":["nie można podpisać bez stanu certyfikatu oczekującego"],"unknown network_type":[""],"unknown parent permission for %s":["nieznane nadrzędne zezwolenie dla %s"],"unknown permission %s":["nieznane zezwolenie %s"],"unknown permission for %s":["nieznane zezwolenie dla %s"],"unknown provider":["nieznany dostawca"],"unspecified":["nieokreślony"],"used memory":["używana pamięć"],"using %s":["używa %s"],"using %{allocation} GB out of %{capacity} GB, %{pool_name} storage pool":["w użyciu %{allocation} GB z %{capacity} GB, %{pool_name} puli pamięci "],"valid":["ważny"],"valid or pending":["ważne lub do czasu"],"virtual":["wirtualny"],"virtual attached to %s":["wirtualnie dopisany do %s"],"yaml":["yaml"],"you can't assign some of roles you selected":["nie można przypisać kilku wybranych ról"],"you can't change administrator flag":["nie można zmienić flagi administratora"],"you cannot remove %s that are used by hosts or inherited.":["nie można usunąć %s, które są używane przez hosty lub dziedziczone."]}}};
var locales = locales || {}; locales['pt_BR'] = {"domain":"app","locale_data":{"app":{"":{"Project-Id-Version":"Foreman","Report-Msgid-Bugs-To":"","PO-Revision-Date":"2017-08-03 17:21+0000","Last-Translator":"Lukáš Zapletal","Language-Team":"Portuguese (Brazil) (","MIME-Version":"1.0","Content-Type":"text/plain; charset=UTF-8","Content-Transfer-Encoding":"8bit","Language":"pt_BR","Plural-Forms":"nplurals=2; plural=(n > 1);","lang":"pt_BR","domain":"app","plural_forms":"nplurals=2; plural=(n > 1);"}," Remove":["Remover"],"%s - Press Shift-F12 to release the cursor.":["%s - Pressione Shift-F12 para liberar o cursor."],"%s - The following hosts are about to be changed":["%s - Os seguintes hosts estão sob mudanças"],"%s Distribution":["%s Distribuição"],"%s Parameters updated, see below for more information":["%s Parâmetros atualizados, veja abaixo para maiores informações"],"%s Template":["%s Modelo"],"%s VM associated to a host":["%s VM associadas à um host","%s VM associadas à hosts"],"%s active feature":["%s filtro ativo","%s filtros ativos"],"%s ago":["%s atrás"],"%s console is not supported at this time":["%s console não é suportado neste momento"],"%s core":["%s núcleo","%s núcleos"],"%s day ago":["%s dia atrás","%s dias atrás"],"%s error message":["%s mensagem de erro","%s mensagens de erro"],"%s has been disassociated from VM":["%s foi desassociada da VM"],"%s host":["%s host","%s hosts"],"%s is an unknown attribute":["%s é um atributo desconhecido"],"%s is not a valid DNS record type":["%s não é um registro DNS válido"],"%s is not in environment":["%s não é um environment"],"%s log message":["%s mensagem de log","%s mensagens de log"],"%s minute ago":["%s minuto atrás","%s minutos atrás"],"%s month ago":["%s mês atrás","%s meses atrás"],"%s selected hosts":["%s hosts selecinados"],"%s warning message":["%s mensagem de alerta","%s mensagens de alertas"],"%s week ago":["%s semana atrás","%s semanas atrás"],"%s widget loading...":[""],"%{app_name} API documentation homepage":["%{app_name} Página de documentação da API"],"%{config_type} rebuild failed for host: %{host_names}.":["",""],"%{controller}: %{host}'s operating system %{os} has no OS family":["%{controller}: %{host}'s sisetema operacional %{os} não tem familia de SO"],"%{controller}: %{host}'s operating system is missing":["%{controller}: %{host}'s está faltando o sistema operacional"],"%{controller}: unable to find a host that matches the request from %{addr}":["%{controller}: impossível encontrar um host que casa com a requisição de %{addr}"],"%{cores} Cores and %{memory} memory":["%{cores} Cores e %{memory} memória"],"%{count} host with no %{taxonomy_single} assigned":["",""],"%{cpus} CPUs and %{memory} MB memory":["%{cpus} CPUs e %{memory} MB memória"],"%{cpus} CPUs and %{memory} memory":["%{cpus} CPUs e memória %{memory}"],"%{e} does not belong to the %{environment} environment":["%{e} não pertence ao ambiente %{environment}"],"%{host} is about to %{action}":["%{host} está prestes a %{action}"],"%{host} now boots from %{device}":["%{host} agora inicializa a partir de %{device}"],"%{id} plugin requires Foreman %{matcher} but current is %{current}":["%{id} plugin requer Foreman %{matcher} mas atualmente é %{current}"],"%{id} plugin requires the %{plugin_name} plugin %{matcher} but current is %{plugin_version}":["%{id} plugin requer o %{plugin_name} plugin %{matcher} mas atualmente é %{plugin_version}"],"%{id} plugin requires the %{plugin_name} plugin, not found":["%{id} plugin requer o plugin %{plugin_name}, não foi encontrado"],"%{image} needs user data, but %{os_link} is not associated to any provisioning template of the kind user_data. Please associate it with a suitable template or uncheck 'User data' for %{compute_resource_image_link}.":["%{image} necessita dos dados do usuário, mas %{os_link} não está associado a nenhum modelo de provisionamento do tipo user_data. Por favor, associe-o a um modelo adequado ou desmarque 'Dados do usuário' para %{compute_resource_image_link}."],"%{key} does not exist in order field":[""],"%{match} does not match an existing host":["%{match} não coincide com um host existente"],"%{match} does not match an existing host group":["%{match} não coincide com um grupo de host existente"],"%{model} with id '%{id}' was not found":["%{model} com id '%{id}' não foi encontrado"],"%{name} changed from %{label1} to %{label2}":["%{name} alterado de %{label1} para %{label2}"],"%{name} has %{num_tag} class":["%{name} tem %{num_tag} classe","%{name} tem %{num_tag} classes"],"%{os} medium was not set for host '%{host}'":[""],"%{record} is being used by a hidden %{what} resource":["%{record} está sendo usado por um recurso %{what} oculto "],"%{record} is used by %{what}":["%{record} é usado pelo %{what}"],"%{record} is used by host in build mode %{what}":["%{record} é usado pelo host no modo de construção %{what}"],"%{resource_name} not found by id '%{id}'":["%{resource_name} não localizado pela id '%{id}'"],"%{task} task failed with the following error: %{e}":["%{task} tarefa falhou com o seguinte erro: %{e}"],"%{taxonomy_type} %{taxonomy_name} has %{count} host that will need to be reassociated after deletion. Delete %{taxonomy_name2}?":["",""],"%{type} %{conflicts} already exists":["%{type} %{conflicts} já existe"],"%{user} Downloaded %{key} as pem file":[""],"%{value} does not belong to %{os} operating system":["%{value} não pertence ao sistema operacional %{os}"],"%{value} is not a valid controller":["%{value} não é um controlador válido"],"%{value} is not one of %{rules}":["%{value} não é um dos %{rules}"],"%{vm} is now %{vm_state}":["%{vm} é agora %{vm_state}"],"&laquo;":["&laquo;"],"&raquo;":["&raquo;"],"'%{host}' could be deleted or '%{resource}' is not responding.":["'%{host}' pode ser apagado ou '%{resource}' não está respondendo"],"'%{host}' not found on '%{resource}'":["'%{host}' não encontrado em '%{resource}'"],"'%{loader}' is not one of %{loaders}":[""],"'Content-Type: %s' is unsupported in API v2 for POST and PUT requests. Please use 'Content-Type: application/json'.":["'Content-Type: %s' não é suportado pela API v2 para requisições POST e PUT. Por favor use 'Content-Type: application/json'."],"(Miscellaneous)":["(Diversos)"],"(optional) IAM Role for Fog to use when creating this image.":["(opcional) Usar função IAM para Fog ao criar esta imagem."],"*Clear %s proxy*":["*Limpar %s proxy*"],"*Clear environment*":["*Apagar ambiente*"],"*Clear host group*":["*Apagar grupo de host*"],"*Inherit from host group*":["*Herdar do grupo de host*"],", relevant log entries, and it is highly recommended to also attach the foreman-debug output.":[", entradas de log relevantes, também é altamente recomendável anexar a saída de depuração foreman. "],":foreman_url is not set, please configure in the Foreman Web UI (Administer -> Settings -> General)":[":foreman_url não está definido, por favor configure-o na Foreman Web UI (Administrador-> Configurações-> Geral)"],"<b class='select_count'>0</b> selected":["<b class='select_count'>0</b> selecionada"],"<b style=\\\"color: #6bb5df;\\\">%{disabled_sum}</b>\\n <p>Disabled</p>":["",""],"<b style=\\\"color: #6bb5df;\\\">%{hosts_sum}</b>\\n <p>Changed</p>":["",""],"<b style=\\\"color: #6bb5df;\\\">%{out_of_sync_sum}</b>\\n <p>Out of sync</p>":["",""],"<b>Description:</b> %{desc}<br/>\\n <b>Type:</b> %{type}<br/>\\n <b>Matcher:</b> %{matcher}<br/>\\n <b>Inherited value:</b> %{inherited_value}":["<b>Descrição:</b> %{desc}<br/>\\n <b>Tipo:</b> %{type}<br/>\\n <b>Correspondência:</b> %{matcher}<br/>\\n <b>Valor herdado:</b> %{inherited_value}"],"<b>Foreman API v1 is deprecated. Please use v2.</b><br />If you still need to use v1, you may do so by either passing 'version=1' in the Accept Header or using api/v1/ in the URL.":[""],"<b>Foreman</b> Build Complete":["<b>Foreman</b> Compilação Concluída"],"<b>Foreman</b> Puppet error report":["<b>Foreman</b> Relatório de Erro do Puppet"],"<b>Foreman</b> Puppet summary":["Resumo do Puppet <b>Foreman</b> "],"<b>Foreman</b> audit summary":["resumo de auditoria <b>Foreman</b>"],"<b>Foreman</b> test email":["<b>Foreman</b> email de teste"],"<b>Source:</b> %{type} %{name}":["<b>Fonte:</b> %{type} %{name}"],"<dl><dt>List</dt> <dd>A list of the allowed values, specified in the Validator rule field.</dd><dt>Regexp</dt> <dd>Validates the input with the regular expression in the Validator rule field.</dd></dl>":["<dl><dt>Lista</dt> <dd>Uma lista de valores permitidos, especificada no campo the Validator rule.</dd><dt>Regexp</dt> <dd>Valida a entrada com a expressão regular no campo Regra de validação.</dd></dl>"],"<dl><dt>String</dt> <dd>Everything is taken as a string.</dd><dt>Boolean</dt> <dd>Common representation of boolean values are accepted.</dd><dt>Integer</dt> <dd>Integer numbers only, can be negative.</dd><dt>Real</dt> <dd>Accept any numerical input.</dd><dt>Array</dt> <dd>A valid JSON or YAML input, that must evaluate to an array.</dd><dt>Hash</dt> <dd>A valid JSON or YAML input, that must evaluate to an object/map/dict/hash.</dd><dt>YAML</dt> <dd>Any valid YAML input.</dd><dt>JSON</dt> <dd>Any valid JSON input.</dd></dl>":["<dl><dt>String</dt> <dd>Tudo é taken como uma string..</dd><dt>Booleano</dt> <dd>Representações comuns de valores booleanos são aceitos.</dd><dt>Inteiro</dt> <dd>Somente números inteiros, pode ser negativo.</dd><dt>Real</dt> <dd>Aceita qualquer entrada númerica</dd><dt>Vetor</dt> <dd>Uma entrada JSON ou YAML válida, deve ser entrada como um vetor.</dd><dt>Hash</dt> <dd>A valid JSON or YAML input, that must evaluate to an object/map/dict/hash.</dd><dt>YAML</dt> <dd>Any valid YAML input.</dd><dt>JSON</dt> <dd>Any valid JSON input.</dd></dl>"],"A Foreman user group can be associated to a group stored in an LDAP server, so membership of the LDAP group automatically adds the user to the Foreman user group.":[""],"A host group is in some ways similar to an inherited node declaration, in that it is a high level grouping of classes that can be named and treated as a unit. This is then treated as a template and is selectable during the creation of a new host and ensures that the host is configured in one of your pre-defined states.":["Um grupo de hosts é de certa forma semelhante à uma declaração de nó herdado, ou seja, é um agrupamento de alto nível de classes que pode ser chamado e tratado como uma unidade. Este é, então, tratado como um modelo e é selecionável durante a criação de um novo host e assegura que o host está configurado em um dos seus estados pré-definidos."],"A medium represents the source of one or more operating system's installation files, accessible via the network.\\n It will probably be a mirror from the internet or a copy of one or more CD or DVDs.":["A mídia representa a fonte de um ou mais arquivos de instalação do sistema operacional, acessível através da rede. \\n Provavelmente será um espelho da internet ou uma cópia de um ou mais CDs ou DVDs."],"A partition table entry represents either":["A entrada da tabela de partição representa ou"],"A problem occurred when detecting host type: %s":["Um problema ocorreu enquanto detectando tipo de host: %s"],"A script to dynamically calculate the desired sizes. E.G.":["Um script para calcular dinamicamente os tamanhos desejados. POR EXEMPLO"],"A user group already exists with this name":["ja existe um grupo de usuários com este nome"],"API Key":["Chave API"],"API documentation":["Documentação da API"],"About":["Sobre"],"Access Key":["Chave de acesso"],"Access denied":["Acesso negado"],"Access unattended without build":[""],"Account":["Conta"],"Acquire IP addresses for %s":[""],"Action":["Ação"],"Actions":["Ações"],"Active":["Ativo"],"Active Hosts":["Hostas ativos"],"Active features":["Recursos ativos"],"Active key":[""],"Add Autosign entry":["Adicionar entrada automática"],"Add Bookmark":["Adicionar marcador"],"Add Interface":["Adicionar interface"],"Add Matcher":["Adicionar Correspondência"],"Add Parameter":["Adicionar parâmetro"],"Add Trend Counter":["Adicionar contador de tendência"],"Add Variable":["Adicionar variável"],"Add Volume":["Adicionar volume"],"Add a CD-ROM drive to the virtual machine.":["Adicione um drive de CD-ROM na máquina virtual."],"Add a Puppet class to host":["Adicionar uma classe Puppet para o host"],"Add a Puppet class to host group":["Adicionar uma classe Puppet para o grupo"],"Add a template combination":["Adicionar uma combinação de template"],"Add combination":["Adicionar combinação"],"Add external user group":["Adicionar grupo de usuários externos"],"Add filter":["Adicionar filtro"],"Add to dashboard":["Adicionar ao painel "],"Add widgets":["Adicionar widgets"],"Add:":["Adicionar:"],"Adding would cause a cycle!":["Adicionando poderia causar um reboot!"],"Additional Information":["Adicionar informação"],"Additional compute resource specific attributes for the interface.":["Atributos específicos de recursos adicionais de computação para a interface."],"Additional compute resource specific attributes.":["Atributos específicos adicionais de recurso de computação."],"Additional information about this host":["Informação adicional sobre este host"],"Address to connect to":[""],"Admin permissions required":["Permissões de Admin necessárias"],"Administer":["Administrar"],"Administrator email address":["Endereço de email do administrador"],"Administrator user account required":["Conta do usuário administrador necessária "],"Alert":["Alerta"],"Alerts disabled":["Alertas desabilitado"],"Alias or VLAN device":["Alias ou VLAN"],"All":["Todos"],"All Puppet Classes for %s":["Todas as classes do Puppet para %s"],"All Reports":["Todos os relatórios"],"All compute resources":["Todos os recursos de computação"],"All domains":["Todos os domínios"],"All environments":["Todos os ambientes"],"All environments - (not filtered)":["Todos os ambientes - (sem filtro)"],"All host groups":["Todos os grupos de host"],"All hosts":["Todos hosts"],"All hosts data matches configurations for locations and organizations.":["Todos os dados dos hosts correspondem às configurações destas localizações e organizações."],"All hosts previously with no %{single} are now assigned to %{name}":["Todos os hosts anteriormente sem %{single} agora estão atribuídos a %{name}"],"All hosts will show a configuration status even when a Puppet smart proxy is not assigned":["Todos os hosts exibirão um status de configuração, mesmo quando não houver atribuição de um proxy inteligente do puppet"],"All items":["Todos os itens"],"All media":["Todas as mídias"],"All messages":["Todas mensagens"],"All mismatches between hosts and %s have been fixed":["Todas as incompatibilidades entre hostes e %s foram resolvidas"],"All mismatches between hosts and locations/organizations have been fixed":["Todas as incompatibilidades entre hosts e localizações/organizações foram resolvidas"],"All partition tables":["Todas as tabelas de partição"],"All provisioning templates":["Todos os modelos de provisionamento"],"All realms":["Todos os realms"],"All smart proxies":["Todos os proxies inteligentes"],"All subnets":["Todas as subredes"],"All users":["Todos os usuários"],"Allocated":["Alocado"],"Allocation (GB)":["Alocação (GB)"],"Allow access to unattended URLs without build mode being used":[""],"Allow external network as main network":["Permitir rede externa como a rede principal"],"Allowed methods or members":[""],"Always show configuration status":["Sempre exibir o status de configuração "],"An IP address will be auto-suggested if you have enabled IPAM on the IPv4 subnet selected above.<br/><br/>The IP address can be left blank when:<br/><ul><li>provisioning tokens are enabled</li><li>the domain does not manage DNS</li><li>the subnet does not manage reverse DNS</li><li>and the subnet does not manage DHCP reservations</li></ul>":[""],"An IP address will be auto-suggested if you have enabled IPAM on the IPv6 subnet selected above.":[""],"An email address is required, please update your account details":["Um endereço de email é necessário, por favor atualize os dados de sua conta."],"An error occurred while testing the connection: ":[""],"An explicit layout for the partitions of your hard drive(s). E.G.":["Um layout explicito para as partições do seu disco(s). E.G."],"An invalid response was received while requesting available features from this proxy":[""],"Annotation Notes":["Anotações de notas"],"Annotation notes":["Anotações de notas"],"Anonymous admin user %s is missing, run foreman-rake db:seed":["Usuário admin anônimo %s está faltando, execute foreman-rake db:seed"],"Any Context":["Qualquer contexto"],"Any Location":["Qualquer localização"],"Any Organization":["Qualquer organização"],"Applicable Operating Systems":[""],"Applied":["Aplicado"],"Applied|A":["A"],"Architecture":["Arquitetura"],"Architecture Distribution":["Distribuição de arquitetura"],"Architecture ID":["ID da Arquitetura"],"Architectures":["Arquiteturas"],"Architecture|Hostgroups count":["Contagem de Hostgroups"],"Architecture|Hosts count":["Contagem de Hosts"],"Architecture|Name":["Architecture|Nome"],"Are you sure you want to %{act} %{vm}?":["Você está certo que deseja %{act} %{vm}?"],"Are you sure you want to delete host %s? This action is irreversible.":["Você tem certeza que quer apagar esse host %s? Essa ação é irreversível."],"Are you sure you want to delete host %s? This will delete the virtual machine and its disks, and is irreversible.":["Você tem certeza que quer deletar essa máquina %s? Isso apagará a máquina virtual e o seu disco, isso é irreversível. "],"Are you sure you want to delete this widget from your dashboard?":["Você tem certeza que deseja remover esse widget do seu painel?"],"Are you sure you want to log out?":["Você está certo que quer fazer logout?"],"Are you sure you want to power %{act} %{vm}?":["Você está certo que deseja ligar %{act} %{vm}?"],"Are you sure?":["Você tem certeza?"],"Array of extra information types to include":[""],"Array of host IDs to associate with the partition table":["Matriz de IDs de host para associar a tabela de partição"],"Array of host group IDs to associate with the partition table":["Disposição de IDs de grupo host para associar com a tabela de partição"],"Array of operating system IDs to associate with the partition table":["Matriz de IDs de sistema operacional para associar com a tabela de partição"],"Array of operating system IDs to associate with the template":["Array de IDs de sistemas operacionais para associar com o template"],"Array of parameters":[""],"Array of parameters (name, 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"],"Bookmark|Controller":["Bookmark|Controlador"],"Bookmark|Name":["Bookmark|Nome"],"Bookmark|Owner type":["Owner type"],"Bookmark|Public":["Bookmark|Público"],"Bookmark|Query":["Bookmark|Consulta de pesquisa"],"Boot device":["Dispositivo de inicialização"],"Boot from volume":["Inicializar a partir de volume "],"Boot host from specified device":["Inicie o nó através do dispositivo especificado"],"Bootable":["Inicializavel"],"Bridge":["Ponte"],"Browse host config management reports":["Navegue pelos relatórios de gerenciamento de configuração do host "],"Browse host facts":["Navegar pelos fatos do host"],"Browser locale":["Localidades do navegador "],"Browser timezone":["Fuso horário do navegador "],"Build":["Compilar"],"Build Hosts":["Compilar Hosts"],"Build PXE Default":["Compilar Padrão PXE"],"Build a query for %{mailer}":["Compilar uma consulta para %{mailer}"],"Build from OS image":["Construir a partir de uma imagem de SO"],"By unchecking this you can specify filter using Foreman search syntax in search field. 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"],"CPUs":["CPUs"],"Cache slow calls to VMWare to speed up page rendering":[""],"Caching":[""],"Calling methods on objects":[""],"Can't delete internal admin account":["Não foi possível apagar conta interna de administrador"],"Can't delete the last admin account":["Impossível possível apagar a última conta de admin"],"Can't delete the last admin user group":["Impossível possível apagar o último grupo de admin"],"Can't find a valid Foreman Proxy with a Puppet feature":["Não foi possível localizar um Foreman Proxy com um recurso Puppet válido."],"Cancel":["Cancelar"],"Cancel build":["Cancelar construção"],"Cancel build request for this host":["Cancelar requisição de construção para este host"],"Canceled pending build for %s":["Cancelada pendência de construção para %s"],"Cannot add pagelet with key %s and without mountpoint":[""],"Cannot add pagelet with key %s and without partial":[""],"Cannot continue because some permissions were not found, please run rake db:seed and retry":[""],"Cannot create LDAP configuration for %s without dedicated service account":["Não foi possível criar configuração LDAP para %s sem uma conta de serviço dedicada"],"Cannot delete %{current} because it has nested %{sti_name}.":["Não foi possível remover o %{current} porque se aninhou %{sti_name}."],"Cannot delete built-in role":[""],"Cannot delete group %{current} because it has nested groups.":["Não é possível remover o grupo %{current} porque possui grupos aninhados."],"Cannot delete group %{current} because it has nested host groups.":["Não foi possível apagar o grupo %{current} por que ele tem um grupo de host aninhado."],"Cannot find user %s when switching context":["Não foi possível encontrar o usuário %s quando se muda o contexto."],"Cannot register compute resource, wrong type supplied":["Impossível registrar recurso computacional, tipo errado suprimido"],"Canvas not supported.":["Sem suporte para Canvas."],"Caps lock ON":["Caps lock LIGADO"],"Certificate Name":["Nome do certificado"],"Certificate path":["Caminho do certificado"],"Certificate that Foreman will use to encrypt websockets ":["Certificado que o Foreman usará para criptografar websockets"],"Certificates":["Certificados"],"Change Environment":["Mudar ambiente"],"Change Group":["Mudar grupo"],"Change Owner":["Alterar Proprietário"],"Change Power State":["Alterar Estado de Energia "],"Change Puppet CA":["Alterar Puppet CA"],"Change Puppet Master":["Alterar Puppet Master"],"Change the password":["Trocar a senha"],"Change your avatar at":["Mude seu avatar em"],"Changed environments":["Modificar ambiente"],"Changes to %s will propagate to all inheriting filters":[""],"Chassis":["Chassis"],"Check again":["Verificar novamente"],"Check/Uncheck all":["Marcar/Desmarcar tudo"],"Check/Uncheck all %s changes":["Marcar/Desmarcar todas %s mudanças"],"Check/Uncheck new":["Marcar/Desmarcar novo"],"Check/Uncheck obsolete":["Marcar/Desmarcar obsoleto"],"Check/Uncheck updated":["Marcar/Desmarcar 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method":[""],"Deploy TFTP %{kind} config for %{host}":[""],"Deploy VM on selected datastore":["Implantar MV no armazenamento de dados selecionado"],"Deploy on":["Implantar em"],"Deprecated, please use datacenter":[""],"Deprecated, please use omit":[""],"Description":["Descrição"],"Description of smart class":["Descrição da classe inteligente"],"Description of the domain":["Descrição para o domínio"],"Description of variable":["Descrição da variável"],"Deselect All":["Desmarcar todos"],"Destroy":["Destruir"],"Destroyed selected hosts":["Destruir hosts selecionados"],"Details":["Detalhes"],"Device identifier":["Identificador de Dispositivo"],"Device identifier for this interface. This may be different on various platforms and environments, here are some common examples.<br/><ul><li>Use the basic name for physical interface identifiers, e.g. <strong>eth0</strong> or <strong>em0</strong> with biosdevname.</li><li>For virtual interfaces, use either alias notation (<strong>eth0:1</strong>, name:index) or VLAN notation (<strong>eth0.15</strong>, name.tag).</li><li>For bonds it's common to use <strong>bond0</strong> on Linux, <strong>lagg0</strong> on FreeBSD systems.</li></ul>":["Identificador de dispositivo para esta interface. Isto pode diferir de diversas plataformas e ambientes, aqui estão alguns exemplos comuns. .<br/><ul><li>Use o nome básico para identificadores de interface física, e.x.: <strong>eth0</strong> ou <strong>em0</strong> com biosdevname.</li><li>Para interfaces virtuais, use tanto as anotações de alias (<strong>eth0:1</strong>, name:index) quanto as anotações de VLAN (<strong>eth0.15</strong>, name.tag).</li><li>Para vínculos é comum utilizar<strong>bond0</strong> no Linux, <strong>lagg0</strong> em sistemas FreeBSD.</li></ul>"],"Device identifier, e.g. eth0 or eth1.1":["Identificador do dispositivo, ex.: eth0 ou eth1.1"],"Diff":["Dif"],"Diff View":["Visualizar dif"],"Disable Notifications":["Desabilitar notificações"],"Disable alerts for selected hosts":["Desabilitar alertas para os hosts selecionados"],"Disable all filters overriding":[""],"Disable overriding":[""],"Disabled":["Desabilitado"],"Disassociate Hosts":["Desassociar hosts"],"Disassociate host":["Desassociar host"],"Disassociate the host from a VM":["Desassociar o host de uma VM"],"Disassociate the selected hosts from their VMs":["Desassociar os hosts selecionados de suas MVs"],"Disk":["Disco"],"Disk mode":[""],"Display":["Exibição"],"Display Name":["Nome para exibição"],"Display hidden parameter values":[""],"Display hidden values":[""],"Display the templates that will be used to provision this host":["Exibe os modelos que serão utilizados para provisionar esse host"],"Display type":["Exibir tipo"],"Displaying %{num_audits} of %{total_audits} audit":["",""],"Displaying <b>%{count}</b> entry":["Exibindo <b>%{count}</b> entrada","Exibindo <b>%{count}</b> entradas"],"Displaying entries <b>%{from} - %{to}</b> of <b>%{count}</b> in total":["Exibindo entradas <b>%{from} - %{to}</b> de <b>%{count}</b> no total"],"Documentation":["Documentação"],"Does this image support user data input (e.g. via cloud-init)?":["Esta imagem suporta a entrada de dados do usuário (ex.: via cloud-init)?"],"Domain":["Domínio"],"Domain ID":["ID do Domínio"],"Domain IDs":[" IDs de Domínio"],"Domains":["Domínios"],"Domains in which this subnet is part":["Domínios em que essa subrede faz parte"],"Domain|Fullname":["Domain|Sobrenome"],"Domain|Hostgroups count":["Domain|Hostgroups count"],"Domain|Hosts count":["Domain|Hosts count"],"Domain|Name":["Domain|Nome"],"Download":[""],"Duration in minutes after the Puppet interval for servers to be classed as out of sync.":["Duração em minutos depois que o intervalo de Puppet para servidores é classificado como fora de sincronização"],"EC2":["EC2"],"EFI":[""],"ENC environment":["Ambiente ENC"],"ERROR or FATAL":["ERRO ou FATAL"],"EUI-64":["EUI-64"],"Each architecture can also be associated with more than one operating system and a selector block is provided to allow you to select valid combinations.":["Cada arquitetura também pode ser associado a mais de um sistema operacional e um bloco seletor é fornecido para permitir que você selecione combinações válidas."],"Each entries represent a particular hardware architecture, most commonly <b>x86_64</b> or <b>i386</b>. Foreman also supports the Solaris operating system family, which includes <b>sparc</b> based systems.":["Cada entradas representam uma arquitetura de hardware especial, mais comumente <b>x86_64</b> ou <b>i386</b>. Foreman também suporta o sistema operacional Solaris da família, que inclui <b>sparc</b> sistemas baseados."],"Eager zero":["Eager zero"],"Edit":["Editar"],"Edit %s":["Editar %s"],"Edit Architecture":["Editar arquitetura"],"Edit Bookmark":["Editar marcador"],"Edit Compute profile":["Editar perfil computacional"],"Edit Compute profile: %s":["Editar perfil computacional: %s"],"Edit Config group":["Editar grupo de usuário"],"Edit Domain":["Editar domínio"],"Edit Environment":["Editar ambiente"],"Edit Filter":["Editar filtro"],"Edit Global Parameter":["Editar parâmetro global"],"Edit Host":["Editar host"],"Edit LDAP Auth Source":["Editar fonte de autenticação LDAP"],"Edit Medium":["Editar médio"],"Edit Model":["Editar modelo"],"Edit Operating System":["Editar sistema operacional"],"Edit Parameters":["Editar parâmetros"],"Edit Partition Table":["Editar tabela de partição"],"Edit Properties":["Editar propriedades"],"Edit Proxy":["Editar proxy"],"Edit Puppet Class %s":["Editar classe Puppet %s"],"Edit Realm":["Editar Realm"],"Edit Role":[""],"Edit Smart Variable":["Editar variável inteligente"],"Edit Smart class parameters":["Editar parâmetros da classe inteligentes"],"Edit Subnet":["Editar subrede"],"Edit Template":["Editar template"],"Edit Trend %s":["Editar tendência %s"],"Edit User":["Editar usuário"],"Edit User group":["Editar grupo de usuário"],"Edit compute profile on %s":["Editar perfil computacional no %s"],"Edit this host":["Editar esse host"],"Email Preferences":["Preferências de email"],"Email address is missing":["O endereço de email está ausente "],"Email reply address":["Endereço de email para resposta"],"Email reply address for emails that Foreman is sending":["Endereço de email para resposta aos emails que o Foreman envia"],"Email subject prefix":["Prefixo do assunto do email "],"Email was sent successfully":["Email enviado com êxito"],"Empty environment":["Ambiente vazio"],"Enable Notifications":["Habilitar notificações"],"Enable alerts for selected hosts":["Habilitar alertas para os hosts selecionados"],"Enable caching":[""],"Enable certificate generation for %s":["Habilitar geração de certificado para %s"],"Enable if this is an alias or VLAN interface, note that alias can be used only with static boot mode subnet":["Habilitar se este for um alias ou uma interface VLAN, observe que este alias pode ser usado somente com a subrede do modo de inicialização estático "],"Enable puppetrun support":["Habilitar suporte para puppetrun"],"Enable rebuild on next host boot":["Habilitar reconstrução no próximo boot do host"],"Enable safe mode config templates rendering (recommended)":["Habilitar o modo de segurança e configuração (recomendado)"],"Enable smart variables in ENC":["Habilitar variáveis inteligentes em ENC"],"Enable this host for provisioning":["Habilitar este host para provisionamento"],"Enabled":["Habilitado"],"Enabled %s for reboot and rebuild":["Ativado%s para reiniciar e reconstuir"],"Enabled %s for rebuild on next boot":["Habilitar %s para reconstrução no próximo boot"],"Enabled %s for rebuild on next boot, but failed to power cycle the host":[""],"Ending IP Address for IP auto suggestion":["Endereço IP final para auto sugestão"],"Entries per page":["Entradas por página"],"Environment":["Ambiente"],"Environment Distribution":["Distribuição de Ambiente"],"Environment ID":["ID do ambiente"],"Environment IDs":["IDs de Ambiente"],"Environment only":["Somente ambiente"],"Environment variable containing a client's SSL certificate":["Variável de ambiente contendo um certificado de cliente SSL"],"Environment variable containing the subject DN from a client SSL certificate":["Variável de Ambiente contendo o sujeito DN de um certificado de cliente SSL"],"Environment variable containing the verification status of a client SSL certificate":["Variável de ambiente contendo o status de verificação de um certificado de cliente SSL"],"Environments":["Ambientes"],"Environment|Hostgroups count":["Environment|Hostgroups count"],"Environment|Hosts count":["Environment|Hosts count"],"Environment|Name":["Nome"],"Error":["Erro"],"Error - %{message}":["Erro - %{message}"],"Error adding widget to dashboard.":["Erro ao adicionar widget ao painel."],"Error connecting to %{proxy}: %{error}.":["Erro conectando ao %{proxy}: %{error}"],"Error connecting to '%{domain}' domain DNS servers: %{servers} - check query_local_nameservers and dns_conflict_timeout settings":["Erro ao estabelecer uma conexão com os servidores DNS do domínio'%{domain}': %{servers} - verifique as configurações query_local_nameservers e dns_conflict_timeout"],"Error connecting to system DNS server(s) - check /etc/resolv.conf":["Erro ao estabelecer uma conexão com o(s) servidor(es) DNS do sistema - verifique /etc/resolv.conf"],"Error generating IP: %s":["Erro ao gerar IP: %s"],"Error has occurred while communicating with %{cr}: %{e}":["Ocorreu um erro ao se comunicar com %{cr}: %{e}"],"Error loading interfaces information: %s":["Erro ao carregar informações das interfaces: %s"],"Error loading scheduler hint filters information: %s":[""],"Error removing widget from dashboard.":["Erro ao remover widget do painel."],"Errors":["Erros"],"Errors occurred, build may fail":["Erros ocorridos, construção talvez falhe"],"Errors only":["Somente erros"],"Errors: %s":["Erros: %s"],"Examples":["Exemplos"],"Exit Full Screen":["Sair da tela cheia"],"Expand nested items":["Expandir itens aninhados"],"Expand the chart":["Expandir o gráfico"],"Expire logs":["Expirar logs"],"Expires":["Expira"],"Explain matchers":["Explicar coincidentes"],"Export":["Exportar"],"Export a partition template to ERB":[""],"Export a provisioning template to ERB":[""],"Export to CSV":[""],"External Groups":[""],"External IP":["IP externo"],"External user group":["Grupo de usuários externo"],"External user group %{name} could not be refreshed":[" Grupo de usuários Externos % {name} não pôde ser atualizado"],"External user group %{name} refreshed":[" Grupo de usuários Externos % {name} atualizado"],"External user group information":["Informação do grupo de usuário externo"],"External user group name":["Nome do grupo de usuário externo"],"External user groups will be synced on login, else relies on periodic cronjob to check group membership":["Os grupos de usuários externos serão sincronizados na realização do login, os demais ficarão na dependência de cronjobs periódicos para verificarem as associações dos grupos. "],"External usergroup":["Usergroup externo"],"ExternalUsergroup|Name":["ExternalUsergroup|Nome"],"FQDN":["FQDN"],"Fact Name":["Nome do fato"],"Fact Values":["Valores do fato"],"Fact Values | %{host_name}":["Fatos Valores | %{host_name}"],"Fact distribution chart":["Gráfico de distribuição de fatos"],"Fact name":["Nome do fato"],"Fact value":["Valor do fato"],"Fact values":["Valores de fatos"],"FactName|Ancestry":["Ancestral"],"FactName|Compose":["Compor"],"FactName|Name":["FactName|Nome"],"FactName|Short name":["Nome curto"],"FactValue|Origin":[""],"FactValue|Value":["FactValue|Valor"],"Facts":["Fatos"],"Fail on Mismatch":["Falha de incompatibilidade"],"Failed":["Falhou"],"Failed Restarts":["Reinicio falhou"],"Failed Restarts|FR":["FR"],"Failed connecting to %s":["Falho ao conectar em %s"],"Failed features":["Recursos com falhas "],"Failed features: %s":["",""],"Failed restarts":["Reinício falhou"],"Failed to %{action} %{host}: %{e}":["Falha em %{action} %{host}: %{e}"],"Failed to acquire IP addresses from compute resource for %s":[""],"Failed to cancel pending build for %{hostname} with the following errors: %{errors}":[""],"Failed to clean any old certificates or add the autosign entry. Terminating the build!":["Falha ao limpar os certificados antigos ou adicionar o registro de autosign. Terminando a construção!"],"Failed to configure %{host} to boot from %{device}: %{e}":["Falha ao configurar o %{host} para inicializar a partir do %{device}: %{e}"],"Failed to create %{name}'s realm entry: %{e}":["Falha ao criar a entrada de realm: %{e} de %{name}'"],"Failed to create X509 certificate, error: %s":["Falha ao criar o certificado X509, erro:%s"],"Failed to create a compute %{compute_resource} instance %{name}: %{message}\\n ":["Falha ao criar uma instância %{name}: %{message} de computação %{compute_resource}"],"Failed to destroy a compute %{compute_resource} instance %{name}: %{e}":["Falha ao destruir uma instância %{compute_resource} de computação %{name}: %{e}"],"Failed to enable %{host} for installation: %{errors}":["Falha ao habilitar %{host} para instalação: %{errors}"],"Failed to fetch a free IP from proxy %{proxy}: %{message}":[""],"Failed to fetch boot files":["Falha ao buscar os arquivos de inicialização"],"Failed to fetch power status: %s":[""],"Failed to fetch: ":["Falha ao buscar:"],"Failed to get IP for %{name}: %{e}":["Falha ao obter IP para %{name}: %{e}"],"Failed to get a new realm OTP. Terminating the build!":["Falha o obter um novo realm OTP. Concluindo a compilação!"],"Failed to import %{klass} for %{name}: doesn't exists in our database - ignoring":["Falha ao importar %{klass} for %{name}: não existe no nosso database - ignorando"],"Failed to initialize the PuppetCA proxy: %s":["Failed to initialise the PuppetCA proxy: %s"],"Failed to initialize the realm proxy: %s":["Falha ao inicializar o proxy de realm: %s"],"Failed to launch script on %{name}: %{e}":["Falha ao iniciar o script em %{name}: %{e}"],"Failed to load chart":["Falha ao carregar gráfico"],"Failed to login via SSH to %{name}: %{e}":["Falha ao logar via SSH em %{name}: %{e}"],"Failed to modify the build cycle for %s":["Falha ao modificar o ciclo de construção para %s"],"Failed to perform rollback on %{task} - %{e}":["Falha ao executar rollback em %{task} - %{e}"],"Failed to power up a compute %{compute_resource} instance %{name}: %{e}":["Falha ao ativar uma instância %{compute_resource} de computação %{name}: %{e}"],"Failed to reboot %s.":["Falha ao reiniciar %s."],"Failed to redeploy %s.":["Falha ao reimplantar %s. "],"Failed to refresh the cache.":[""],"Failed to remove certificates for %{name}: %{e}":["Falha ao remover certificados de %{name}: %{e}"],"Failed to retrieve power status for %{host} within %{timeout} second.":["",""],"Failed to save widget positions.":["Falha ao salvar posições do widget."],"Failed to set %{proxy_type} proxy for %{host}.":["Falha ao definir proxy %{proxy_type} para %{host}."],"Failed to set IP for %{name}: %{e}":[""],"Failed to set IPs via IPAM for %{name}: %{e}":[""],"Failed to set console: %s":["Falha ao definir console: %s"],"Failed to set power state for %s.":["Falha ao definir o estado de energia para %s."],"Failed to stop compute %{compute_resource} instance %{name}: %{e}":["Falha ao interromper instância %{compute_resource} de computação %{name}: %{e}"],"Failed to undo update compute %{compute_resource} instance %{name}: %{e}":["Falha ao desfazer a atualização de instância %{compute_resource} de computação %{name}: %{e}"],"Failed to update a compute %{compute_resource} instance %{name}: %{e}":["Falha ao atualizar uma instância %{compute_resource} de computação %{name}: %{e}"],"Failed to update environments and Puppet classes from the on-disk Puppet installation: %s":["Falha ao atualizar ambientes e classes de Puppet da instalação do Puppet em disco: %s"],"Failed to update the environments and Puppet classes from the on-disk puppet installation: %s":["Falha ao atualizar os ambientes e classes de Puppet da instalação de disco do Puppet:%s"],"Failed to validate %{host}: %{error}":[" Falha ao validar % {host}:%{error}"],"Failed|F":["F"],"Failure deploying via smart proxy %{proxy}: %{error}.":[" Falha durante a implantação via o proxy inteligente %{proxy}: %{error}."],"Failure parsing %{template}: %{error}.":["Falha ao analisar %{template}: %{error}."],"Failure: %s":["Falha: %s"],"Family":["Família"],"Feature":["Funcionalidade"],"Features":["Funcionalidades"],"Features \\\"%s\\\" in this proxy are not recognized by Foreman. If these features come from a Smart Proxy plugin, make sure Foreman has the plugin installed too.":[""],"Feature|Name":["Feature|Nome"],"Fetch TFTP boot files for %s":["Localizando arquivos de inicialização TFTP de %s"],"Filter":["Filtrar"],"Filter by level:":["Filtrar por nível:"],"Filter by name":["Filtrar por nome"],"Filter by state:":["Filtrar por estado: "],"Filter classes":["Filtrar classes"],"Filter overriding has been disabled":[""],"Filters":["Filtros"],"Filters for role %s":["Filtros para a função %s"],"Filters inherit %{orgs_and_locs} from their role by default. If override field is enabled, <br> filter can override the set of its %{orgs_and_locs}. Later role changes will not affect <br> such filter. After disabling override field, role %{orgs_and_locs} apply again.":[""],"Filters overriding has been disabled":[""],"Filter|Override":[""],"Filter|Permissions":["Filter|Permissões"],"Filter|Resource":["Filter|Recurso"],"Filter|Search":["Filter|Pesquisa"],"Filter|Taxonomy search":["Filter|Pesquisa de Taxonomia"],"Filter|Unlimited":["Filter|Ilimitado"],"Fingerprint":["Identidade"],"Finish template":["Concluir modelo "],"Firmware":[""],"Fix %s on Mismatch":["Corrigir %s em incompatibilidades"],"Fix All Mismatches":["Corrigir todas as incompatibilidades"],"Fix DB cache":["Corrigir cache DB "],"Fix DB cache on next Foreman restart":["Corrigir cache DB na próxima inicialização do Foreman"],"Fix Mismatches":["Corrigir as incompatibilidades"],"Flavor":["Sabor"],"Floating IP network":["Rede de IP flutuante"],"Folder":["Pasta"],"Follow %{href} on how to describe your controllers.":["Seguir %{href} em como descrever controladores."],"For example, if you have copied several Red Hat release disks into a directory structure where the disk images are named 5.8 or 6.2, and each contained both x86_64 and i386 binaries, then you\\n could create a single medium entry describing them all.\\n The entry, which could be just named 'Red Hat' could contain a path like this <em>'http://server/redhat/$version/$arch'</em>":["Por exemplo, se você copiou vários discos de lançamento da Red Hat em uma estrutura de diretório onde as imagens de disco são nomeadas 5.8 ou 6.2, e cada um continha binários i386 e x86_64, você\\n poderia criar, então, uma entrada de mídia única, descrevendo-os todos.\\n A entrada, que poderia ser chamada de 'Red Hat', poderia conter um caminho como este <em>'http://server/redhat/$version/$arch'</em>"],"For more info visit our documentation.":[""],"For more information":["Para mais informações "],"Force a Puppet agent run on the host":["Força uma execução do agente Puppet no host"],"Foreman API v2 is currently the default API version.":["Foreman API v2 é atualmente a versão de API padrão."],"Foreman Developers":["Desenvolvedores do Foreman"],"Foreman URL":["URL do Foreman "],"Foreman Users":["Usuários do Foreman"],"Foreman audit summary":["resumo de auditoria do Foreman "],"Foreman can store information about the networking setup of a host that it’s provisioning, which can be used to configure the virtual machine, assign the correct IP addresses and network resources, then configure the OS correctly during the provisioning process.":[""],"Foreman can use LDAP based service for user information and authentication.":["Foreman pode utilizar um serviço LDAP para informação de usuário e autenticação."],"Foreman considers a domain and a DNS zone as the same thing.":["Foreman considera domínios e zonas DNS como a mesma coisa. "],"Foreman domain ID of interface. Required for primary interfaces on managed hosts.":["Foreman ID de domínio da interface. Necessário para as interfaces primárias em hosts gerenciados."],"Foreman host group matchers will be inherited by children when evaluating smart class parameters":["As correspondências do grupo de hosts do Foreman serão herdadas por dependentes durante a avaliação de parâmetros de classe inteligentes"],"Foreman now manages the build cycle for %s":["Foreman agora gerencia o ciclo de construção para %s"],"Foreman now no longer manages the build cycle for %s":["Foreman agora não gerencia mais o ciclo de construção para %s"],"Foreman report creation time is <em>%s</em>":["Tempo de criação de relatório do Foreman é <em>%s</em>"],"Foreman smart variables will be exposed via the ENC yaml output":["As variáveis ​​inteligentes do Foreman serão expostas via saída yaml ENC"],"Foreman subnet ID of IPv4 interface":[""],"Foreman subnet ID of IPv6 interface":[""],"Foreman supports automatically creating realm entries for new hosts.":["O Foreman fornece suporte à criação automática de entradas de realm para novos hosts. "],"Foreman supports creating and managing hosts on a number of virtualization and cloud services - referred to as “compute resources” - as well as bare metal hosts.":[""],"Foreman test email":["Email de teste do Foreman"],"Foreman ticketing system":["Sistema de bilhete do Foreman"],"Foreman will automate certificate signing upon provision of new host":["O Foreman automatizará a assinatura de certificados sob a provisão de um novo host"],"Foreman will create the host when a report is received":["O Foreman criará o host ao receber um relatório"],"Foreman will create the host when new facts are received":["O Foreman criará o host ao receber novos fatos "],"Foreman will default to this puppet environment if it cannot auto detect one":["O Foreman usará este ambiente puppet como padrão se não conseguir detectar um automaticamente."],"Foreman will delete virtual machine if provisioning script ends with non zero exit code":["Foreman removerá a máquina virtual caso o scrip de provisionamento termine com um código de saída não zero "],"Foreman will evaluate host smart variables in this order by default":["O Foreman avaliará as variáveis de host inteligentes nesta ordem por padrão"],"Foreman will explicitly set the puppet environment in the ENC yaml output. This will avoid conflicts between the environment in puppet.conf and the environment set in Foreman":["O Foreman definirá explicitamente o ambiente puppet na saída yaml ENC. Isto evitará conflitos entre o ambiente no puppet.conf e o ambiente definido no Foreman"],"Foreman will map users by username in request-header. If this is set to false, OAuth requests will have admin rights.":["O Foreman mapeará os usuários pelo nome de usuário no cabecalho de requisição. Caso isto seja definido como falso, as solicitações do OAuth terão direitos de admin."],"Foreman will not send this parameter in classification output, replaces use_puppet_default":[""],"Foreman will not send this parameter in classification output.":[""],"Foreman will not send this parameter in classification output. Puppet will use the value defined in the Puppet manifest for this parameter":[""],"Foreman will parse ERB in parameters value in the ENC output":["O Foreman analisará o ERB nos valores de parâmetros na saída ENC"],"Foreman will query the locally configured resolver instead of the SOA/NS authorities":["O Foreman pesquisará o resolvedor configurado localmente em vez de autoridades SOA/NS "],"Foreman will set this as the default Puppet module path if it cannot auto detect one":["O Foreman definirá este como o caminho do módulo Puppet padrão se não conseguir detectar um automaticamente."],"Foreman will truncate hostname to 'puppet' if it starts with puppet":["O Foreman truncará o nome do host para 'puppet', caso inicie com puppet"],"Foreman will update a host's environment from its facts":["O Foreman atualizará um ambiente de host a partir de seus fatos"],"Foreman will update a host's subnet from its facts":[""],"Foreman will update the host IP with the IP that made the built request":["O Foreman atualizará o IP do host com o IP que solicitou a compilação "],"Foreman will use OAuth for API authorization":["Foreman usará OAuth para autorização de API"],"Foreman will use gravatar to display user icons":["O Foreman usará Gravatar para exibir os ícones de usuário"],"Foreman will use random UUIDs for certificate signing instead of hostnames":["O Foreman utilizará UUIDs aleatórios para a assinatura de certificado no lugar de nomes de host"],"Foreman will use the new (2.6.5+) format for classes in the ENC yaml output":["O Foreman utilizará o novo formato (2.6.5+) para classes na saída yaml ENC"],"Foreman will use the short hostname instead of the FQDN for creating new virtual machines":["O Foreman usará o nome de host curto em vez do FQDN para a criação de novas máquinas virtuais."],"Found %{count} reports from the last %{days} days":["%{count} relatórios localizados dos últimos %{days} dias"],"Full":["Cheio"],"Full audits list":["Lista completa de auditorias"],"Full name describing the domain":["Nome completo descrevendo o domínio"],"Full path to backing image used to create new volumes.":["Caminho completo para salvar a imagem usada para criar novos volumes."],"Full screen":["Tela cheia"],"Full trace":["Trace completo"],"Function not available for %s":["Função não disponível para %s"],"GMT time":["Hora GMT "],"Gateway":["Gateway"],"General":["Geral"],"General useful description, for example this kind of hardware needs a special BIOS setup":["Descrição geral útil. Por exemplo, este tipo de hardware precisa de uma configuração de BIOS especial"],"Generate new random name. Visit Settings to disable this feature.":["Gera um novo nome randômico. Acesse as configurações para desabilitar essa funcionalidade."],"Generated %s ago":["Gerado %s atrás"],"Generated at %s":["Gerado em %s"],"Get ENC values of host":[""],"Get configuration status of host":["Obter status de configuração de host"],"Get dashboard details":["Obter detalhes do painel"],"Get default dashboard widgets":["Obter widgets de painel padrão "],"Get statistics":["Gerar estatísticas"],"Get status of host":["Obter status do host"],"Get vm attributes of host":["Obter atributos de vm do host"],"Global":["Global"],"Global Parameters":["Parâmetros globais"],"Global default %s template":[""],"Global default %s template. This template gets deployed to all configured TFTP servers. It will not be affected by upgrades.":[""],"Global functions":[""],"Global methods (functions)":[""],"Global parameters":["Parâmetros Globais"],"Global status changed from %{from} to %{to}":[""],"Global variables":[""],"Good host reports in the last %s":["Relatórios de host positivos nos últimos %s"],"Google Project ID":["ID do Projeto do Google"],"Groups base DN":["DN base de grupos"],"Guest OS":["Convidado OS"],"HELO/EHLO domain":[""],"Hardware":["Hardware"],"Hardware Model":["Modelo de hardware"],"Hardware Models":["Modelos de hardware"],"Hardware models":["Modelos de hardware"],"Hash function to use. Change takes effect for new or updated hosts.":["Função hash para usar. Alteração entrará em vigor para os hosts novos ou atualizados."],"Hash of report metrics, can be just {}":["Hash de Medição de Relatórios, pode ser simplesmente {}"],"Hash of status type totals":["Hash do total do tipo de status"],"Help":["Ajuda"],"Hidden value":["Valor oculto"],"Hide all values for this parameter.":["Ocultar todos os valores para este parâmetro."],"Hide this value":["Ocultar este valor"],"Hint data is missing":[""],"History":["Histórico"],"Host":["Host"],"Host %s is built":["Máquina %s está construída"],"Host %s is not associated with a VM":["Host %s não está associado com uma VM"],"Host Configuration Chart":["Tabela de Configuração do Host"],"Host Configuration Status":["Status da configuração do host"],"Host Group Distribution":["Distribuição de Grupos de Host"],"Host Groups":["Grupos de host"],"Host audit entries":["Registros de auditoria do Host"],"Host config group":["Grupo de config do Host"],"Host details":["Detalhes do Host"],"Host group":["Grupo de Host"],"Host group / Environment":["Grupo de Host / Ambiente"],"Host group IDs":["IDs do grupo de host"],"Host group and Environment":["Grupo de hosts e ambiente"],"Host group configuration":["Configuração do grupo de host"],"Host group matchers inheritance":["Herança de correspondências do grupo de hosts "],"Host group only":["Somente grupo de hosts"],"Host group parameters":["Parâmetros de grupo de host"],"Host groups":["Grupos de host"],"Host owner":[""],"Host owner is invalid":[""],"Host parameters":["Parâmetros de Host"],"Host reported time is <em>%s</em>":["Hora do relatório do Host é <em>%s</em>"],"Host times seem to be adrift!":[""],"Host's network interfaces.":["Interfaces de rede do host"],"Host's owner type":["Tipo de proprietário do host"],"Host's parameters (array or indexed hash)":["Parâmetros do host (matriz ou hash indexado)"],"Host::Base|Build":["Compilar"],"Host::Base|Certname":["Nome do certificado"],"Host::Base|Comment":["Comentário"],"Host::Base|Disk":["Disco"],"Host::Base|Enabled":["Habilitado"],"Host::Base|Grub pass":["Host::Base|Grub pass"],"Host::Base|Image file":["Arquivo de imagem"],"Host::Base|Installed at":["Instalado em"],"Host::Base|Ip":["IP"],"Host::Base|Last compile":["Última compilação"],"Host::Base|Last freshcheck":["Última nova checagem"],"Host::Base|Last report":["Último relatório"],"Host::Base|Mac":["MAC"],"Host::Base|Managed":["Gerenciado"],"Host::Base|Name":["Nome"],"Host::Base|Otp":["Host::Base|Otp"],"Host::Base|Owner type":["Tipo de proprietário"],"Host::Base|Primary interface":["Host::Base|Primary interface"],"Host::Base|Provision method":["Host::Base|Provision method"],"Host::Base|Puppet status":["Estatutos do Puppet"],"Host::Base|Root pass":["Senha de root"],"Host::Base|Serial":["Serial"],"Host::Base|Use image":["Usar imagem"],"Host::Base|Uuid":["UUID"],"HostConfigGroup|Host type":["HostConfigGroup|Host type"],"Hostgroup":["Grupo de host"],"Hostgroup|Ancestry":["Ancestral"],"Hostgroup|Grub pass":["Hostgroup|Grub pass"],"Hostgroup|Image file":["Arquivo de imagem"],"Hostgroup|Name":["Nome"],"Hostgroup|Root pass":["Senha de root"],"Hostgroup|Title":["Hostgroup|Title"],"Hostgroup|Use image":["Usar imagem"],"Hostgroup|Vm defaults":["VM padrão"],"Hostname":["Nome de máquina"],"Hostname or certname":["Hostname ou nome do certificado"],"Hostname:":["Nome da máquina:"],"Hosts":["Hosts"],"Hosts created after a puppet run that did not send a location fact will be placed in this location":["Os hosts criados após uma execução do puppet que não enviou um fato de localização serão colocados nesta localização."],"Hosts created after a puppet run that did not send a organization fact will be placed in this organization":["Os hosts criados após uma execução do puppet que não enviou um fato de organização serão colocados nesta organização."],"Hosts created after a puppet run will be placed in the location this fact dictates. The content of this fact should be the full label of the location.":["Os hosts criados após uma execução do puppet serão colocados na localização que este fato determinar. O conteúdo deste fato deve conter o rótulo completo da localização."],"Hosts created after a puppet run will be placed in the organization this fact dictates. The content of this fact should be the full label of the organization.":["Hosts criados após uma execução de puppet, a qual não enviou um fato da organização, será colocado nesta organização."],"Hosts in error state":["Hosts em estado de erro"],"Hosts including sub-groups":["Hosts incluindo subgrupos"],"Hosts managed":["Hosts gerenciados"],"Hosts managed:":["Hosts gerenciados:"],"Hosts that had pending changes":["Hosts que possuíam alterações pendentes"],"Hosts that had pending changes with alerts enabled":["Hosts que tem mudanças pendentes e com alertas habilitados"],"Hosts that had performed modifications without error":["Hosts que realizaram modificações sem erros"],"Hosts that will be trusted in addition to Smart Proxies for access to fact/report importers and ENC output":["Hosts que serão confiáveis além dos Proxies Inteligentes para acesso aos importadores de fatos/relatórios e saída ENC"],"Hosts which Foreman reporting is disabled":["Hosts em que os relatórios do Foreman estão desabilitados "],"Hosts which are currently not running Puppet":["Hosts que não estão executando o Puppet atualmente "],"Hosts which are not reporting":["Hosts que não reportaram"],"Hosts which didn't run puppet in the last %s":["Hosts que não executaram o puppet nos últimos %s"],"Hosts which recently applied changes":["Hosts com mudanças recentes aplicadas"],"Hosts which recently applied changes successfully":["Hosts com mudanças recentes aplicadas com sucesso"],"Hosts which recently applied changes successfully with alerts enabled":["Hosts com mudanças recentes aplicadas com sucesso e com alertas habilitados"],"Hosts with alerts disabled":["Hosts com alertas desabilitados"],"Hosts with error state":["Hosts com estado de erro"],"Hosts with error state and alerts enabled":["Hosts com estado de erro e alertas habilitados"],"Hosts with errors":["Hosts com erros"],"Hosts with interesting values (changed, failures etc)":["Hosts com valores interessantes (alterações, falhas, etc)"],"Hosts 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IPv4"],"IPv4 DNS record":["",""],"IPv4 Subnet":["Subrede IPv4"],"IPv4 address":["endereço IPv4"],"IPv4 address of interface":["endereço IPv4 da interface"],"IPv6":["IPv6"],"IPv6 Address":["Endereço IPv6"],"IPv6 DNS record":["",""],"IPv6 Subnet":["Subrede IPv6"],"IPv6 address":["endereço IPv6"],"IPv6 address of interface":["endereço IPv6 da interface"],"IRC":["IRC"],"Identifier":["Identificador "],"Identifier of the interface to which this interface belongs, e.g. eth1":["Identificador da interface para o qual esta interface pertence, ex.: eth1"],"Identifier of the interface to which this interface belongs, e.g. eth1. Only for virtual interfaces.":["Identificador da interface a que pertence esta interface , por exemplo, eth1 . Apenas para interfaces virtuais "],"Identifiers of attached interfaces, e.g. `['eth1', 'eth2']`. For bond interfaces those are the slaves. Only for bond and bridges interfaces.":["Identificadores de interfaces anexadas, ex.`['eth1', 'eth2']`. Para as interfaces vinculadas, esses são os subordinados. Somente para interfaces vinculadas e pontes. "],"Idle timeout":["Tempo limite de inatividade "],"If ERB is used in a parameter value, the validation of the value will happen during the ENC request. If the value is invalid, the ENC request will fail.":["Se o ERB é usado em um valor de parâmetro, a validação do valor ocorrerá durante a solicitação do ENC. Se o valor for inválido, a solicitação do ENC deverá falhar. "],"If Foreman is running behind Passenger or a remote load balancer, the IP should be set here. This is a regular expression, so it can support several load balancers, i.e: (|":["Se o Foreman estiver executando por trás de um Passenger ou de um balanceador de carga remoto, o IP deve ser definido aqui. Trata-se de uma expressão regular para que vários balanceadores de carga possam receber suporte, ou seja: ( |"],"If checked, will raise an error if there is no default value and no matcher provide a value.":["Se verificado, surgirá um erro caso não haja valor padrão e nenhum coincidente fornecer um valor."],"If owner type is specified, owner must be specified too.":[""],"If true, will raise an error if there is no default value and no matcher provide a value":["Se verdadeiro, gerará um erro caso não exista nenhum valor padrão e nenhuma correspondência forneça um valor "],"If you are planning to use Foreman as an external node classifier you should provide information about one or more environments. This information is commonly imported from a pre-existing Puppet configuration by the use of the %{link_start}Puppet classes and environment importer%{link_end}.":["Se você está pensando em usar o Foreman com oum classificador externo de nós você deve prover ifnormações sobre um ou mais ambientes. Esta informação é comunmente importada de uma configuração de Puppet pré-existente para o uso de %{link_start}classes Puppet e ambientes importados%{link_end}."],"If you feel this is an error with Foreman itself, please open a new issue with":["Se você acha que isso é um erro com o próprio Foreman, por favor, registre um novo problema com"],"If you wish to configure Puppet to forward it reports to Foreman, please follow":["Caso deseje configurar Puppet para encaminhar seus relatórios a Foreman, por favor siga "],"Ignore Puppet facts for provisioning":["Ignorar fatos Puppet para provisionamento "],"Ignore facts for domain":[""],"Ignore facts for operating system":[""],"Ignore interfaces that match these values during facts importing, you can use * wildcard to match names with indexes e.g. macvtap*":["Ignorar as interfaces que correspondam a estes valores durante a importação de fatos, você pode usar *wildcard para combinar nomes com índices, ex. macvtap*"],"Ignore interfaces with matching identifier":["Ignorar as interfaces que correspondam ao identificador"],"Ignored classes in the environments: %s":[""],"Ignored environment":[""],"Ignored environment names resulting in booleans found. Please quote strings like true/false and yes/no in config/ignored_environments.yml.":[""],"Ignored environments: %s":[""],"Ignored:":[""],"Image":["Imagem"],"Image Based":["Baseado em Imagem"],"Image ID":["ID de Imagem"],"Image ID as provided by the compute resource, e.g. ami-..":["ID da Imagem fornecida pelo recurso de computação, por exemplo, AMI- .. "],"Image path":["Caminho de Imagem"],"Image to use":["Imagem a utilizar"],"Images":["Imagens"],"Image|Iam role":["Image|Função Iam "],"Image|Name":["Nome"],"Image|Password":["Image|Senha"],"Image|User data":["User data"],"Image|Username":["Nome de usuário"],"Image|Uuid":["UUID"],"Import":["Importar"],"Import IPv4 subnets":["Importar redes IPV4"],"Import VM %s":[""],"Import classes from %s":[""],"Import environments from %s":[""],"Import of facts failed for host %s":["Falha ao importar fatos para o host %s "],"Import puppet classes from puppet proxy for an environment":["Classes de puppet de importação do proxy do puppet para um ambiente"],"Import puppet classes from puppet proxy.":["Importar as classes puppet do proxy puppet"],"Imported IPv4 Subnets":["Redes IPV4 importadas"],"In addition to defining which puppet classes get included when building this host type you are also able to assign variables and provisioning information to a host group to further refine the behavior of the puppet runtime.":["Além de definir quais classes puppet são incluídos quando a construção deste tipo de host, você também é capaz de atribuir as variáveis ​​e informações de provisionamento de um grupo de host para refinar ainda mais o comportamento do tempo de execução de puppets."],"In order to create the SSH key, the user must be saved first. A 'create_ssh_keys' permission is required too.":[""],"In-line code syntax":[""],"Include default value when merging all matching values":["Incluir valor padrão quando mesclando todos os valores correspondentes "],"Include default value when merging all matching values.":["Incluir valor padrão quando mesclando todos os valores correspondentes."],"Include this host within Foreman reporting":["Incluir este host dentro do relatório do Foreman"],"Included Classes":["Classes incluídas "],"Included Config Groups":["Grupos Config incluídos"],"Incorrect password":["Senha incorreta"],"Incorrect username or password":["Senha ou usuário incorreto"],"Independent - Nonpersistent":[""],"Independent - Persistent":[""],"Infrastructure":["Infraestrutura"],"Inherit parent (%s)":["Pai herdado (%s)"],"Inherited Classes from %s":[""],"Inherits from subnet VLAN ID if not set":["Herda da subrede VLAN ID caso não esteja definido"],"Input":["Entrada"],"Installation Media":["Mídia de Instalação"],"Installation media":["Mídias de instalação"],"Installation medium configuration":["Configuração de mídia de instalação"],"Installed":["Instalado"],"Interface":["Interface"],"Interface is down":["Interface inoperante"],"Interface is up":["Interface operante"],"Interface provider, e.g. IPMI. 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O padrão é % { default_nic_type }"],"Interface's DNS name":["nome DNS da interface"],"Interfaces":["Interfaces"],"Internal DB":["DB Interna"],"Internal network":["Rede Interna"],"Interpolate ERB in parameters":["Interpolar ERB em parâmetros "],"Invalid %s selection, you must select at least one of yours":["Seleção de %s inválida, você precisa selecionar ao menos um dos seus"],"Invalid Host":["Host inválido"],"Invalid architecture '%{arch}' for '%{os}'":[""],"Invalid architecture for %s":["Arquitetura inválida para %s"],"Invalid authenticity token":["Token de autenticação inválido"],"Invalid log level: %s":["nível de log inválido: %s"],"Invalid medium '%{medium}' for '%{os}'":[""],"Invalid medium for %s":["Mídia inválida para %s "],"Invalid power state request: %{action}, supported actions are %{supported}":["Requisição de estado de energia inválido: %{action}, ações suportadas são %{supported}"],"Invalid proxy selected!":["Proxy inválido selecionado! "],"Invalid query":["Query inválida"],"Invalid report":["Relatório inválido"],"Invalid search query: %s":["Consulta de pesquisa inválida: %s"],"Invalid smart-proxy id":[""],"Invalid type for host creation via facts: %s":["Tipo inválido para criação de host via fatos: %s"],"Invalid version format, please enter in x.y (only major version).":["Formato de versão inválido, por favor insira em x.y (somente versões principais). "],"Is the cron job that executes %s enabled?":["O cron job que executa %s está habilitado? "],"Issue tracker":["Rastreador de Problemas"],"It is not possible to assign provisioning templates at this stage.":["Não é possível especificar modelos de provisionamento neste momento "],"It is not recommended to unlock this template, as it is provided by %{vendor} and may be overwritten. Please consider cloning it instead.":["Não é recomendável desbloquear este modelo, já que é fornecido pelo(a) %{vendor} e pode ser sobrescrito. Em vez disto, considere cloná-lo. "],"Item":["Item"],"Iterating":[""],"JSON VM listing is not supported for this compute resource.":["A listagem JSON VM não possui suporte para este recurso de computação. "],"JSON object of the scheduler hint":[""],"Keep selected hosts for a future action":["Manter os hosts selecionados para uma ação futura "],"Key Binding":["Vinculação de Chave"],"Key not connected to any compute resource":[""],"Key pair":["Par de chave"],"Key used with other compute resource":[""],"KeyPair|Name":["Nome"],"KeyPair|Public":["Pública"],"KeyPair|Secret":["Secreto"],"Kind":["Tipo"],"LDAP Authentication":["Autenticação LDAP"],"LDAP authentication":["Autenticação LDAP"],"LDAP authentication sources":["Fontes de autenticação LDAP"],"LDAP error - %{message}":["LDAP erro - %{message}"],"LDAP filter":["Filtro LDAP"],"LDAP server":["Servidor LDAP"],"LDAP users will have their Foreman account automatically created the first time they log into Foreman":["Os usuários LDAP terão sua conta do Foreman automaticamente criada na primeira vez que realizarem o login no Foreman."],"Language":["Idioma"],"Last Report":["Último Relatório"],"Last report":["Último relatório"],"Last updated %s ago":["Última atualização %s atrás"],"Latest Events":["Últimos eventos"],"Learn more about this in the documentation.":["Para saber mais sobre isto, acesse a documentação."],"Legacy Puppet hostname":["Nome do host do Puppet legado "],"Length":[""],"Level":["Nível"],"Libvirt default console address":["Endereço do console padrão libvirt "],"Libvirt, oVirt, OpenStack and Rackspace":[""],"Limit rebuild steps, valid steps are %{host_rebuild_steps}":[""],"List LDAP authentication sources per location":[""],"List LDAP authentication sources per organization":[""],"List all :resource_id":["Listar todos: resource_id"],"List all LDAP authentication sources":["Listar todas as fontes de autenticação LDAP"],"List all Puppet class IDs for host":["Listar todos os IDs de classes puppet para host"],"List all Puppet class IDs for host group":["Listar todas os Ids de classes Puppet para grupo de host"],"List all Puppet classes":["Listar todas as classes Puppet"],"List all Puppet classes for a 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location":["Listar ambientes por localização"],"List environments per organization":["Listar ambientes por organização"],"List hosts per environment":["Listar hosts por ambiente"],"List hosts per location":["Listar hosts por localização"],"List hosts per organization":["Listar hosts por organização"],"List installed plugins":["Lista de plugins instalados"],"List of compute profiles":["Lista de perfis computacionais"],"List of config groups":["Lista de grupos de configuração"],"List of domains":["Lista de domínios"],"List of domains per location":["Lista de domínios por localização"],"List of domains per organization":["Lista de domínios por organização"],"List of domains per subnet":["Lista de domínios por subrede"],"List of email notifications":["Lista de notificações por emails"],"List of hosts which answer to the provided query":["Lista de hosts que responderam a consulta feita"],"List of override values for a specific smart class parameter":["Lista de valores de substituição para um parâmetro de classe inteligente específico "],"List of override values for a specific smart variable":["Lista de valores de substituição para uma variável inteligente específica"],"List of realms":["Lista de realms"],"List of resources types that will be automatically associated":[""],"List of smart class parameters for a specific Puppet class":["Lista de parâmetros de classe inteligentes para uma classe de Puppet"],"List of smart class parameters for a specific environment":["Lista de parâmetros de classe inteligentes para um ambiente específico"],"List of smart class parameters for a specific environment/Puppet class combination":["Lista de parâmetros de classe inteligentes para uma combinação de classe de Puppet/ambiente específico"],"List of smart class parameters for a specific host":["Lista de parâmetros de classe inteligentes para um host específico"],"List of smart class parameters for a specific host group":["Lista de parâmetros de classe inteligentes para um grupo de host específico"],"List of smart variables for a specific Puppet class":["Lista de variáveis inteligentes para uma classe de Puppet"],"List of smart variables for a specific host":["Lista de variáveis inteligentes para um host específico"],"List of smart variables for a specific host group":["Lista de variáveis inteligentes para um grupo de host específico"],"List of subnets":["Listar as sub-redes"],"List of subnets for a domain":["Listar as sub-redes por domínio"],"List of subnets per location":["Listar as sub-redes por localização"],"List of subnets per organization":["Listar as sub-redes por organização"],"List operating systems where this template is set as a default":["Lista de sistema operacional onde ha um modelo padrão definido"],"List provisioning templates":["Listar templates de provisionamento"],"List provisioning templates per location":["Listar de templates de provisionamento por localização"],"List provisioning templates per operating system":["Listar templates de provisionamento por sistema operacional"],"List provisioning templates per organization":["Listar de templates de provisionamento por organização"],"List resource pools for a compute resource cluster":["Listar pools de recursos para um cluster de recurso de computação"],"List storage domains for a compute resource":["Listar domínios de armazenamento para um recurso de computação"],"List storage pods for a compute resource":["Listar pods de armazenamento para um recursos de computação"],"List template combination":["Listar combinação modelo"],"Load Datacenters":["Carregar datacenters"],"Load Regions":["Carregar regiões"],"Load Tenants":["Carregar inquilino"],"Load Zones":[""],"Loading":["Carregando"],"Loading ...":["Carregando ..."],"Loading BMC information ...":["Carregando informações BMC ..."],"Loading NICs information ...":["Carregando informações de NICs ..."],"Loading SSH keys information ...":[""],"Loading VM information ...":["Carregando informações da VM ..."],"Loading filters ...":["Carregando filtros ..."],"Loading host information ...":["Carregando informações de host..."],"Loading images information ...":["Carregando informações de imagens ..."],"Loading interfaces information ...":["Carregando informações de interfaces ..."],"Loading parameters...":["Carregando parâmetros..."],"Loading power state ...":["Carregando estado de energia ..."],"Loading resources information ...":["Carregando informações de recursos ..."],"Loading runtime information ...":["Carregando informações de tempo de execução..."],"Loading template information ...":["Carregando informações de modelos ..."],"Loading virtual machine information ...":["Carregando informações de máquina virtual ..."],"Loading virtual machines information ...":["Carregando informações de máquinas virtuais ..."],"Local time":["Horário local"],"Location":["Localização"],"Location Distribution":[""],"Location fact":["Fatos da localização"],"Location parameters":["Parâmetros de localização"],"Location with id %{id} not found":["Localização com o id %{id} não encontrado"],"Location you had selected as your context has been deleted.":["Local que você selecionou pois seu contexto foi removido."],"Location/Organization":["Localização/Organização"],"Locations":["Localizações"],"Locations also work nicely when used in tandem with %{organizations}.":["As localizações também funcionam bem quando usadas em conjunto com as %{organizations}."],"Locations are used to manage and differentiate the physical place where a system managed via Foreman is housed. For example, there might be a data center in London and one in Virginia; these are locations.":["Localizações são usadas para gerenciar e diferenciar um lugar físico onde um sistema gerenciado via Foreman está hospedado. Por exemplo, existe um data center em Londres e um em Virginia; estas são as localizações"],"Lock":["Bloquear"],"Log In":[""],"Log entry details":["Detalhes da entrada de log "],"Log out":["Sair"],"Log out idle users after a certain number of minutes":["Desconectar usuários inativos após um determinado número de minutos"],"Logged out - See you soon":["Deconectado - Até logo"],"Logged-in":["Conectado"],"Login":["Efetuar login"],"Login delegation logout URL":["URL de logout para delegação de login"],"Login page footer text":["Texto de rodapé da página de Login"],"Logout":["Logout"],"Lookup key":["Chave de busca"],"Lookup value":["Valor de procura"],"LookupKey|Avoid duplicates":[""],"LookupKey|Default value":["Valor padrão"],"LookupKey|Description":[""],"LookupKey|Is param":[""],"LookupKey|Key":[""],"LookupKey|Key type":[""],"LookupKey|Merge overrides":[""],"LookupKey|Override":[""],"LookupKey|Path":[""],"LookupKey|Puppetclass lookup key":[""],"LookupKey|Required":[""],"LookupKey|Validator rule":[""],"LookupKey|Validator type":[""],"LookupKey|Variable lookup values count":[""],"LookupValue|Match":["Casa"],"LookupValue|Value":["Valor"],"MAC":["MAC"],"MAC Address":["Endereço MAC"],"MAC address":["Endereço MAC "],"MAC address of interface. 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Assim como o IRC, temos usuários gerais (suporte, Q/A, etc) listas e uma lista de desenvolvimento:"],"Manage":["Gerenciar"],"Manage Locations":["Gerenciar Localizações"],"Manage Organizations":["Gerenciar Organizações"],"Manage PuppetCA":["Gerenciar PuppetCA"],"Manage host":["Gerenciar host"],"Managed IP":["IP gerenciado"],"Manual":["Manual"],"Manually Assign":["Associar manualmente"],"Manually select and assign hosts with no %s":["Selecionar manualmente e atribuir hosts sem um %s"],"Matcher is a combination of an attribute and its value, if they match, the value below would be provided.<br> You may use any attribute Foreman knows about, such as facts etc for example: <code> domain = </code> or <code> is_virtual = true</code>.":["Correspondência é a combinação de um atributo e seu valor, caso correspondem, o valor abaixo seria fornecido. <br> Você pode usar qualquer atributo conhecido pelo Foreman, como fatos e etc, por exemplo.:<code> domain = </code> ou <code> is_virtual = true</code>."],"Max days for Trends graphs":["Número máximo de dias para os gráficos de tendências"],"Max timeout for REST client requests to smart-proxy":["Tempo limite máximo para as solicitações de smart-proxy do cliente REST "],"Max trends":["Tendência máxima"],"Media":["Mídia"],"Media ID":["ID das Mídias"],"Media access control address for this interface. 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"],"Merge all matching values (only array/hash type)":["Mesclar todos os valores correspondentes (somente tipo de hash/ matriz)"],"Message":["Mensagem"],"Message|Digest":["Digest"],"Message|Value":["Valor"],"Metadata":["Metadados"],"Method %{method} not found for resource %{resource}.":["Método %{method} não foi encontrado para recurso %{resource}."],"Method used to deliver email":[""],"Metrics":["Métricas"],"Minutes Ago":["Minutos atrás"],"Mismatch Details":["Detalhes da incompatibilidade"],"Mismatches":["Incompatibilidades"],"Mismatches Report":["Relatório de incompatibilidades"],"Missing one of the required permissions: %s":["Uma das permissões necessárias está ausente: %s"],"Model":["Modelo"],"Model|Hardware model":["Modelo de hardware"],"Model|Hosts count":["Model|Hosts count"],"Model|Info":["Informação"],"Model|Name":["Nome"],"Model|Vendor class":["Classe de fornecedor"],"Modified":["Modificado"],"Module path":["Caminho do módulo"],"Monitor":["Monitor"],"Monthly":["Mensal"],"Must provide an operating system":[""],"Must provide template kind":["Deve prover um tipo de template"],"Must specify a user with email enabled":["Deve especificar um usuário com email habilitado"],"Must specify a valid user with email enabled":["É preciso especificar um usuário válido com email habilitado"],"My account":["Minha conta"],"N/A":["N/A"],"NA":["NA"],"NIC":["NIC"],"NIC type":["Tipo de NIC"],"NICs":["NICs"],"Name":["Nome"],"Name of media":["Nome da mídia"],"Name of the external auth source where unknown externally authentication users (see authorize_login_delegation) should be created (keep unset to prevent the autocreation)":["Nome da fonte de autenticação externa, onde os usuários de autenticação desconhecidos externamente (consulte authorize_login_delegation) devem ser criados (mantenha desativado para evitar a criação automática)"],"Name of the host group":["Nome do grupo de hosts"],"Name of the parameter":["Nome do parâmetro"],"Name of variable":["Nome da variável"],"Nest":["Aninhar"],"Netmask":["Mascara de rede"],"Netmask for this subnet":["Máscara de rede para esta subrede"],"Network":["Rede"],"Network Based":["Baseada em rede"],"Network can't be blank":["Rede não pode estar em branco"],"Network interfaces":["Interfaces de rede"],"Network interfaces management has been moved to the Interfaces tab. 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"],"Network prefix":["Prefixo de rede"],"Network type":["Tipo de rede"],"New":["Novo"],"New Autosign Entry":["Nova entrada auto assinada"],"New Event":[""],"New Events":[""],"New Hosts":[""],"New Location":["Nova localização"],"New Organization":["Nova Organização"],"New SSH key":[""],"New Virtual Machine":["Nova Máquina Virtual"],"New boot volume size (GB)":["Novo tamanho de volume de inicialização (GB) "],"New compute profile on %s":["Novo perfil computacional em %s"],"New filter":["Novo filtro"],"New window":["Nova Janela"],"Nic::Base|Attached devices":["Nic::Base|Dispositivos anexados"],"Nic::Base|Attached to":["Nic::Base|Attached to"],"Nic::Base|Attrs":["Atributos"],"Nic::Base|Bond options":["Nic::Base|Bond options"],"Nic::Base|Identifier":["Nic::Base|Identifier"],"Nic::Base|Ip":["IP"],"Nic::Base|Link":["Nic::Base|Link"],"Nic::Base|Mac":["MAC"],"Nic::Base|Managed":["Nic::Base|Managed"],"Nic::Base|Mode":["Nic::Base|Mode"],"Nic::Base|Name":["Nome"],"Nic::Base|Password":["Nic::Base|Password"],"Nic::Base|Provider":["Nic::Base|Provedor"],"Nic::Base|Tag":["Nic::Base|Etiqueta"],"Nic::Base|Username":["Nic::Base|Nome de usuário"],"Nic::Base|Virtual":["Nic::Base|Virtual"],"No %{template_kind} templates were found for this host, make sure you define at least one in your %{os} settings or change PXE loader":[""],"No BMC NIC available for host %s":[""],"No IPv4 subnets selected":["Nenhuma rede IPV4 selecionada"],"No Notifications":[""],"No TFTP feature":["Nenhum recurso TFTP"],"No TFTP proxies defined, can't continue":["Nenhum TFTP proxies definido, não é possível continuar"],"No audit changes for this period":["Nenhuma alteração de auditoria para este período "],"No bridges":["Nenhuma ponte"],"No changes":["Nenhuma modificação"],"No changes found when refreshing features from %s.":["Nenhuma modificação encontrada enquanto atualizava funcionalidades de %s"],"No changes to your environments detected":["Nenhuma mudança em seu ambiente foi detectada"],"No compute resource to show":["Sem recursos de computação para exibir"],"No data available":[""],"No data for this trend.":["Nenhum dado para esta tendência. "],"No documentation found":["Não foi encontrada nenhum documento"],"No domains":["Nenhum domínio"],"No emails":["Nenhum email"],"No entries found":["Nenhuma entrada localizada"],"No environment selected!":["Nenhum ambiente selecionado!"],"No environments found":["Nenhum ambiente localizado"],"No features found on this proxy, please make sure you enable at least one feature":["Nenhum recurso encontrado neste proxy, por favor certifique-se de que você ativou ao menos um recurso."],"No finish templates were found for this host, make sure you define at least one in your %s settings":["Não foram encontrados modelos de término para este host, assegure-se de que você definiu ao menos um em sua configuração %s."],"No free ports available for websockify, try again later":["Nenhuma porta livre disponível para websockify, tente mais tarde novamente"],"No history found":["Nenhum histórico encontrado"],"No host could be found for rendering the template":["Nenum host pôde ser localizado para a renderização do modelo"],"No host found to associate this VM with":["Nenhum host encontrado ao qual associar este VM"],"No host group selected!":["Nenhum grupo de host selecionado!"],"No hosts are mismatched!":["Nenhum host com incompatibilidade!"],"No hosts available.":[""],"No hosts selected":["Nenhum host selecionado"],"No hosts were found with that id, name or query filter":[""],"No interesting reports received in the last week":["Nenhum relatório interessante recebido na última semana."],"No logs to show":["Nenhum log a ser exibido"],"No matching server groups found":[""],"No networks":["Nenhuma rede"],"No networks found.":["Nenhuma rede localizada."],"No new IPv4 subnets found":["Nenhuma nova rede IPV4 encontrada"],"No or invalid power state selected!":["Nenhum ou inválido estado de energia selecionado!"],"No owner selected!":["Nenhum proprietário selecionado!"],"No parameters to override for Puppet class %s":["Nenhum parâmetro para sobrescrever para classe Puppet %s"],"No parameters were allocated to the selected hosts, can't mass assign.":["Nenhum parâmetro foi alocado para hosts selecionados, não é possível atribuir em massa."],"No plugins found":["Nenhum plug-in encontrado"],"No preference":["Nenhuma preferência"],"No proxy found to import classes from, ensure that the smart proxy has the Puppet feature enabled.":["Não foi encontrado nenhum proxy para importar classes, certifique-se de que o proxy inteligente tenha o recurso Puppet habilitado. "],"No proxy selected!":["Nenhum proxy selecionado!"],"No puppet activity for this host in the last %s days":["Nenhuma atividade puppet para esse host nos últimos %s dias"],"No report":["Nenhum relatório"],"No reports":["Nenhum relatório"],"No setting value provided.":["Nenhum valor de configuração fornecido. "],"No smart proxies found.":["Não foi encontrado nenhum proxy."],"No smart proxies to show":["Nenhum proxy inteligente para exibição"],"No smart proxy was found to import environments from, ensure that at least one smart proxy is registered with the 'puppet' feature.":["Não foi encontrado nenhum proxy inteligente para importar ambientes, certifique-se de que ao menos um proxy inteligente tenha sido registrado com o recurso 'puppet'."],"No subnets":["Nenhuma subrede"],"No template with kind %{kind} for %{host}":["Nenhum modelo do tipo %{kind} para %{host}"],"No templates found":["Nenhum modelo localizado "],"No templates found for this host.":["Não foi encontrado nenhum modelo para este host."],"No templates found!":["Nenhum template encontrado!"],"No trend counter defined":["Nenhum contador de tendências definido"],"No trend counter found":["Nenhum contador de tendências localizado"],"None":["Nenhum(a)"],"None found":["Nenhum(a) localizado(a)"],"None!":["Nenhum(a)!"],"Normal":["Normal"],"Normally when setting up a Compute Resource, a key pair (private and public) is created for you automatically.":[""],"Not Installed":["Não instalado"],"Not authorized to edit classes":["Não autorizado editar classes"],"Not implemented":["Não implementado"],"Not implemented for %s":["Não implementado para %s"],"Not relevant for snippet":["Não relevante para o snippet"],"Nothing to add":["Nada a adicionar"],"Nothing to show":["Nada para exibir"],"Notice":["Comunicado"],"Notices, warnings and errors":["Comunicados, avisos e erros"],"Notification disabled":["Notificações desabilitadas"],"Notifications":["Notificações"],"Number Of Clients":["Número de Clientes"],"Number of CPUs":["Número de CPUs"],"Number of Events":["Número de Eventos"],"Number of Hosts":["Número de Hosts"],"Number of classes":["Número de classes"],"Number of overrides":["Número de substituições "],"Number of records shown per page in Foreman":["Número de registros exibidos por páginas no Foreman"],"Numerical ID or domain name":["ID númerico ou nome do domínio"],"Numerical ID or email notification name":["ID numerica ou nome do email de notificação"],"Numerical ID or realm name":["ID numérica ou nome de realm"],"OAuth active":["OAuth ativo"],"OAuth consumer key":["A chave do consumidor OAuth"],"OAuth consumer secret":["Consumidor secreto OAuth"],"OAuth map users":["Mapeamento OAuth de usuários "],"OK":["OK"],"OS Image":["Imagem S.O."],"OS friendly name; e.g. RHEL 6.5":["Nome amigável do SO; ex. 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If left blank, a self-signed CA will be populated automatically by the server during the first request.":["Fornece opcionalmente um CA, ou uma corrente de CA requisitada corretamente. Se deixado em branco, uma CA auto-assinada será populada automaticamente pelo servidor durante a primeira requisição."],"Order":["Ordem"],"Organization":["Organização"],"Organization Distribution":[""],"Organization fact":["Fatos da organização"],"Organization parameters":["Parâmetros de organização"],"Organization with id %{id} not found":["Organização com o id %{id} não encontrado"],"Organization you had selected as your context has been deleted.":["Organização que você selecionou pois seu contexto foi removido."],"Organizations":["Organizações"],"Organizations also work nicely in tandem with %{locations}.":["As organizações também funcionam bem em conjunto com as %{locations}."],"Original value info":["Informação de valor original "],"Other reports for this host":["Outros relatórios para este host"],"Out of sync":["Fora de sincronia"],"Out of sync hosts":["Hosts não sincronizados"],"Out of sync hosts with alerts enabled":["Hosts fora de sincronia e com alertas habilitados"],"Out of sync interval":["Fora do intervalo de sincronização "],"Override all parameters":["Sobrescrever todos os parâmetros"],"Override match":["perfeita substituição"],"Override the default value of the Puppet class parameter.":["Substituir o valor padrão do parâmetro de classe do Puppet. "],"Override this value":["Substituir esse valor"],"Override value, required if omit is false":[""],"Overview":["Visão Global"],"Overwrite":["Sobrescrever"],"Owned By":["Propriedade de"],"Owner":["Proprietário"],"Owner changed to %s":["Proprietário alterado para %s"],"Owner type needs to be one of the following: %s":["Tipo de proprietário precisa ser um dos seguintes: %s"],"POAP PXE template":[""],"PXE":["PXE"],"PXE Loader":[""],"PXE files for templates %s have been deployed to all Smart Proxies":[""],"PXE loader":[""],"PXEGrub template":["Modelo PXEGrub "],"PXEGrub2 template":[""],"PXELinux template":["Modelo PXELinux "],"Param name":["Nome do Param"],"Parameter":["Parâmetro"],"Parameter details":["Detalhes do parâmetro"],"Parameter value":["Valor do parâmetro"],"Parameterized classes in ENC":["Classes parametrizadas em ENC "],"Parameters":["Parâmetros"],"Parameters for host's %s facet":["Parâmetros para %s faceta(s) do host "],"Parameters that would be associated with hosts in this %s":["Parâmetros que seriam associados aos hosts neste %s"],"Parameter|Hidden value":["Parâmetro|Valor oculto"],"Parameter|Name":["Nome"],"Parameter|Priority":["Prioridade"],"Parameter|Value":["Valor"],"Params":["Params"],"Parent":["Pai"],"Parent ID":["ID Pai "],"Parent ID of the host group":["ID do pai to group host"],"Parent is already selected":["Pai já foi selecionado"],"Parent parameters":["Parâmetros pai"],"Partition Tables":["Tabelas de partição"],"Partition table":["Tabela de partição"],"Partition table ID":["ID da Partição de tabela "],"Partition table configuration":["Configuração da tabela de partição"],"Partition tables":["Tabela de partição"],"Partition template IDs":["IDs do modelo de partição "],"Password":["Senha"],"Password for oVirt, EC2, VMware, OpenStack. 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Você pode usar opcionalmente o sufixo 'G' para especificar tamanho do volume em gigabytes."],"Please try to update your request":["Por favor, tente atualizar sua requisição"],"Please wait while your request is being processed":["Por favor, aguarde enquanto a sua solicitação está sendo processada"],"Please wait...":["Aguarde..."],"Plugins":["Plugins"],"Port to connect to":[""],"Power":["Energia"],"Power ON this machine":["Ligar essa máquina"],"Power operations are not enabled on this host.":[""],"Power up compute instance %s":["Ligue a instância de computação %s"],"Power%s":["Ligar%s"],"Preallocate disk":["Pre-alocar disco"],"Prefix length can't be blank":[""],"Prefix length must be /64 or less to use EUI-64":["O tamanho do prefixo deve ser /64 ou menos para usar EUI-64"],"Prefix to add to all outgoing email":["Prefixo a ser adicionado a todos os emails de saída"],"Prepare post installation script for %s":["Prepare o script de pós-instalação para %s"],"Preview":["Pré-visualização"],"Preview rendered provisioning template content":["Visualizar conteúdo de modelo de provisionamento renderizado "],"Primary":["Principal"],"Primary DNS for this subnet":["DNS primário para essa sub-rede"],"Primary interface's DNS name and domain define host's FQDN":["O domínio e o nome DNS da interface primária definem o FQDN do host "],"Printing data":[""],"Prioritize attribute order":["Prioritizar ordem de atributos "],"Private":["Privado"],"Private key file that Foreman will use to encrypt websockets ":[""],"Proceed to Edit":["Proceda para Editar"],"Properties":["Propriedades"],"Property":["Propriedade"],"Protocol":["Protocolo"],"Provider":["Provedor"],"Providers include %{providers}":["Provedores incluem %{providers}"],"Provides an unused IP address in this subnet":["Prove um endereço IP não utilizado nessa subrede"],"Provision":["Provisionar"],"Provision script had a non zero exit":["Script de provisão tinha uma saída não zero 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ids"],"REPLACE organizations with given ids.":["SUBSTITUIR organizações dadas com ids"],"Random gives unique names, MAC-based are longer but stable (and only works with bare-metal)":[""],"Random-based":[""],"Realm":["Realm"],"Realm ID":["Id de Realm"],"Realm IDs":["IDs de Realm"],"Realm name, e.g. EXAMPLE.COM":["Nome de Realm, ex: EXAMPLE.COM"],"Realm proxy":["Proxy de realm"],"Realm proxy did not return a one-time password":["O proxy de realm não retornou uma senha de uso único."],"Realm proxy to use within this realm":["Proxy de realm para utilizar neste realm"],"Realm type":["Tipo de realm"],"Realm type, e.g. FreeIPA or Active Directory":["Tipo de realm, ex.: FreeIPA ou Active Directory"],"Realms":["Realms"],"Realm|Hostgroups count":["Realm|Hostgroups count"],"Realm|Hosts count":["Realm|Hosts count"],"Realm|Name":["Realm|Nome"],"Realm|Realm type":["Realm|Tipo de realm "],"Reboot and build":["Reiniciar e compilar"],"Reboot now":["Reinicializar agora"],"Rebuild Config":["Recompilar 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%s"],"Remove Parameter":["Remover Parâmetro"],"Remove a Puppet class from host":["Remover uma classe Puppet do host"],"Remove a Puppet class from host group":["Remover uma classe Puppet de um grupo de host"],"Remove conflicting %{type} for %{host}":["Remove %{type} conflitande de %{host}"],"Remove duplicate values (only array type)":["Remover valores duplicados (somente tipo de matriz)"],"Remove this override":["Remover esta substituição "],"Remove:":["Remover:"],"Removing compute instance %s":["Removendo instância de computação %s"],"Rename":["Renomear"],"Render user data template for %s":["Renderizar modelo de dados de usuário para %s"],"Rendering the template, please wait...":["Renderizando o modelo, por favor aguarde..."],"Report":["Relatório"],"Report Already Deleted":["Relatório Já Removido"],"Report Metrics":["Relatar Medidas"],"Report Status":["Relatar Status"],"Reported at":["Relatar em"],"Reported at %s ":["Relatado em 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"],"Set up compute instance %s":["Configurar instância de computação %s"],"Setting":["Configuração"],"Settings":["Configurações"],"Setting|Category":["Categoria"],"Setting|Default":["Padrão"],"Setting|Description":["Descrição"],"Setting|Name":["Nome"],"Setting|Settings type":["Tipos de configurações"],"Setting|Value":["Valor"],"Should the `foreman-rake db:migrate` be executed on the next run of the installer modules?":["O `foreman-rake db:migrate` deve ser executado na próxima execução dos módulos instaladores?"],"Should the `foreman-rake db:seed` be executed on the next run of the installer modules?":["O `foreman-rake db:migrate`deve ser migrado na próxima execução dos módulos instaladores?"],"Should this interface be managed via DHCP and DNS smart proxy and should it be configured during provisioning?":["Esta interface deve ser gerenciada via o proxy inteligente DNS e DHCP e deve ser configurada durante provisionamento ?"],"Should this interface be used for TFTP of PXELinux (or SSH for image-based hosts)? 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Please check the table below.":["Algumas das interfaces são inválidas. Por favor verifique a tabela abaixo."],"Some or all hosts execution failed, Please check log files for more information":["Alguns ou todas as execuções falharam, por favor verifique arquivos de log para mais informações"],"Some other interface is already set as primary. Are you sure you want to use this one instead?":["Uma outra interface já foi definida como primária. Tem certeza que deseja usar essa?"],"Some other interface is already set as provisioning. Are you sure you want to use this one instead?":["Uma outra interface já foi definida para provisionamento. Tem certeza que deseja usar essa?"],"Something went wrong while changing host type - %s":["Algo saiu errado ao mudar o tipo do host - %s"],"Something went wrong while selecting hosts - %s":["Aldo deu errado ao selecionar hosts - %s"],"Sorry but no templates were configured.":["Desculpe mas não há nenhum modelo configurado."],"Sorry, these hosts do not have parameters assigned to them, you must add them first.":["Por favor, estes hosts não possuem parâmetros atribuídos a eles, você precisa adicioná-los primeiro."],"Source":["Fonte"],"Source|Digest":["Digest"],"Source|Value":["Value"],"Space separated options, e.g. miimon=100. Only for bond interfaces.":["Opções separadas espaço, por exemplo, miimon = 100 . Apenas para interfaces bond"],"Specified value is higher than recommended maximum":[""],"Specify additional options to sendmail":[""],"Specify authentication type, if required":[""],"Specify matchers":["Especificar correspondências "],"Start":["Iniciar"],"Starting IP Address for IP auto suggestion":["Endereço IP inicial para auto sugestão"],"State":["Estado"],"Static":["Estático"],"Statistics":["Estatísticas"],"Status":["Status"],"Stop updating IP address and MAC values from Puppet facts (affects all interfaces)":["Encerrar a atualização do endereço IP e valores MAC dos fatos Puppet (afeta todas as interfaces) "],"Stop updating Operating System from facts":[""],"Stop updating domain values from facts":[""],"Storage":["Armazenamento"],"Storage domain":["Domínio de armazenamento"],"Storage pool":["Pool de armazenamento"],"Strong":["Forte"],"Submit":["Enviar"],"Subnet":["Subrede"],"Subnet ID":["ID da subrede"],"Subnet IDs":["Ids de Subrede"],"Subnet name":["Nome da subnet"],"Subnet network":["Rede de Subrede"],"Subnet numeric identifier":["Identificador numérico da sub-rede"],"Subnets":["Subredes"],"Subnet|Boot mode":["Subrede|Modo de inicialização"],"Subnet|Dns primary":["DNS primário"],"Subnet|Dns secondary":["DNS secundário"],"Subnet|From":["De"],"Subnet|Gateway":["Gateway"],"Subnet|Ipam":["Subnet|Ipam"],"Subnet|Mask":["Máscara"],"Subnet|Name":["Nome"],"Subnet|Network":["Rede"],"Subnet|Priority":["Prioridade"],"Subnet|To":["Para"],"Subnet|Vlanid":["Subrede|ID VLAN"],"Subscribe":["Inscrever-se"],"Subscribe to all hosts":["Subscrever para todos os hosts"],"Subscribe to my hosts":["Subscrever para meus hosts"],"Success":["Êxito"],"Successfully created %s.":["%s criado com sucesso."],"Successfully delete %s":[""],"Successfully deleted %s.":["%s excluído com sucesso"],"Successfully deleted report.":["Relatório removido com êxito. "],"Successfully executed, check log files for more details":["Executado com sucesso, verifique os arquivos log para mais detalhes."],"Successfully executed, check reports and/or log files for more details":["Executado com sucesso, verifique os relatórios e/ou arquivos de log para mais detalhes"],"Successfully overridden all parameters of Puppet class %s":["Todos os parâmetros da Classe Puppet foram sobrescritos com sucesso %s"],"Successfully recreated":[""],"Successfully refreshed features from %s.":["Recursos atualizados com sucesso a partir de %s"],"Successfully refreshed the cache.":[""],"Successfully reset all parameters of Puppet class %s to their default values":["Todos os parâmetros da Classe Puppet %s foram redefinidos com sucesso aos seus valores padrão"],"Successfully updated %s.":["Conta %s atualizada com sucesso."],"Successfully updated environments and Puppet classes from the on-disk Puppet installation":["ambientes e classes de Puppet da instalação do Puppet em disco atualizados com sucesso"],"Suffix or prefix length for this subnet, e.g. 32":["Sufixo ou prefixo para esse subrede, p. ex. 32"],"Suggest new":["Sugerir novo"],"Summary from %{time} ago to now":["Resumo de %{time} atrás até agora "],"Summary report from Foreman server at %{foreman_url}":["Relatório de resumo do servidor Foreman em %{foreman_url}"],"Support":["Suporte"],"Supported Formats":["Formatos suportados"],"Synchronize group from authentication source":["Sincronizar grupo a partir da fonte de autenticação"],"Syntax Highlighting":["Destaque de sintaxe"],"Syntax error occurred while parsing the template %{template_name}, make sure you have all ERB tags properly closed and the Ruby syntax is valid. The Ruby error: %{message}":[""],"System Information":["Informações sobre o Sistema"],"System Status":["Status do sistema"],"TFTP":["TFTP"],"TFTP Proxy":["TFTP Proxy"],"TFTP Proxy ID to use within this subnet":[""],"TFTP Proxy to use within this subnet":["TFTP Proxy para utilizar com esta subrede"],"TFTP server":["Servidor TFTP"],"Taxable taxonomy":["Taxonomia Tributável"],"TaxableTaxonomy|Taxable type":["Tipo taxavel"],"Taxonomy":["Taxônomia"],"Taxonomy|Ancestry":["Taxonomy|Ancestry"],"Taxonomy|Ignore types":["Ignorar tipos"],"Taxonomy|Name":["Nome"],"Taxonomy|Title":["Taxonomy|Title"],"Template":["Modelo"],"Template %s is empty.":["Template %s está vazio."],"Template '%s' is either missing or has an invalid organization or location":["Templante '%s' está faltando ou tem uma organização ou localização inválida"],"Template '%s' was not found":["Template '%s' não foi encontrado"],"Template Diff":["Dif de Modelo"],"Template Type":["Tipo de Modelo"],"Template diff":["Dif de Modelo"],"Template editor":["Editor de Modelo"],"Template kind":["Tipo de Modelo"],"Template kinds, available values: %{template_kinds}":["Tipos de modelo, valores disponíveis: %{template_kinds}"],"Template locked":["Modelo está travado"],"Template syntax":[""],"Template unlocked":["Modelo está destravado"],"TemplateKind|Name":["Nome"],"Templates":["Modelos"],"Templates resolved for this operating system":["Modelos resolvidos para este sistema operacional "],"Tenant":["Locatário"],"Test Connection":["Testar Conexão"],"Test LDAP connection":["Testar conexão LDAP"],"Test LDAP connectivity":["Testar conectividade LDAP"],"Test connection to LDAP server was successful.":["A conexão de teste ao servidor LDAP foi bem-sucedida. "],"Test connection was successful":["Conexão de teste bem-sucedida"],"Test email":["Email de teste"],"Text to be shown in the login-page footer":[""],"That is, if you are planning to manage a site where all the machines are of the form <i>hostname</i>.<b></b>\\n then the domain is <b></b>.":[""],"The %{proxy_type} proxy could not be set for host: %{host_names}.":["",""],"The %{proxy_type} proxy of the selected hosts was cleared.":["O proxy %{proxy_type} dos hosts selecionados foi limpado. "],"The %{proxy_type} proxy of the selected hosts was set to %{proxy_name}.":["O proxy %{proxy_type} dos hosts selecionados foi definido como %{proxy_name}."],"The <b>fullname</b> field is used for human readability in reports and other pages that refer to domains,\\n and also available as an external node parameter":["O campo <b>fullname</b> é usado para a legibilidade humana de relatórios e outras páginas que se referem a domínios,\\n e também está disponível como um parâmetro e nó externo"],"The Audit Comment field is saved with the template auditing to document the template changes":["O campo de Comentário de Auditoria foi salvo com a auditoria de modelo para documentar as mudanças de modelo"],"The BMC password will be used by Foreman to access the host's BMC controller via a BMC-enabled smart proxy, if available.<br/>":[""],"The IP address that should be used for the console listen address when provisioning new virtual machines via Libvirt":["O endereço IP que deve ser usado para o endereço de escuta do console ao provisionar novas máquinas virtuais via Libvirt"],"The NFS path to the image directory.":["O caminho NFS para o diretório de imagem."],"The NFS path to the jumpstart control files.":["O caminho de NFS para os arquivos de controle jumpstart."],"The NFS path to the media.":["O caminho de NFS para a mídia."],"The Operating systems detail the OSs known to Foreman, and is the central point that the other required components tie into.":[""],"The Primary interface is used for constructing the FQDN of the host":["A interface primária é usada para a construção do FQDN do host "],"The Provisioning interface is used for TFTP of PXELinux (or SSH for image-based hosts)":["A interface de provisionamento é usada para o TFTP do PXELinux (ou SSH para hosts baseados em imagem) "],"The authentication process currently requires an LDAP provider, such as <em>FreeIPA</em>,\\n <em>OpenLDAP</em> or <em>Microsoft's Active Directory</em>.":["O processo de autenticação atuamente requer um provedor LDAP , como <em>FreeIPA</em>,\\n <em>OpenLDAP</em> ou o <em>Active Directory da Microsoft</em>."],"The class of CPU supplied in this machine. This is primarily used by Sparc Solaris builds and can be left blank for other architectures. The value can be determined on Solaris via uname -m":["A classe do CPU fornecido nesta máquina. Usada principalmente por compilações de Sparc Solaris e pode ser deixada em branco para outras arquiteturas. O valor pode ser determinado com Solaris via uname -m."],"The class of the machine reported by the Open Boot Prom. This is primarily used by Sparc Solaris builds and can be left blank for other architectures. The value can be determined on Solaris via uname -i|cut -f2 -d,":["A classe da máquina reportada pela Open Boot Prom. Usada principalmente por compilações de Sparc Solaris e pode ser deixada em branco por outras arquiteturas. O valor pode ser determinado no Solaris via uname -i|cut -f2 "],"The default administrator email address":["O endereço de email padrão do administrador"],"The dynamic partitioning style is currently only available for the Red Hat family of operating systems, all others must provide an explicit list of partitions and sizes.":["O estilo de particionamento dinâmico atualmente está disponível apenas para a família Red Hat de sistemas operacionais, todos os outros devem fornecer uma lista explícita de partições e tamanhos. "],"The file path where your p12 file is located":["O caminho do arquivo onde o arquivo p12 está localizado "],"The final entry, Operating System default, can be set by editing the %s page.":["A entrada final, padrão do Sistema Operacional, pode ser definida editando a página %s. "],"The following IPv4 subnets have been found. Please review the details before creating them.":[""],"The following entries were found conflicting with what foreman wanted to apply.":["As entradas a seguir encontraram conflitos com o que o Foreman deseja aplicar."],"The following errors may prevent a successful build:":["Os seguintes erros podem previnir uma construção bem sucedida:"],"The following fields would need reviewing":["Os campos a seguir deveriam ser revistos"],"The following hosts failed the build operation: %s":["Os hosts a seguir falharam a operação de construção: %s"],"The following hosts were not %{action}: %{missed_hosts}":["Os seguintes hosts não estavam %{action}: %{missed_hosts}"],"The following hosts were not deleted: %s":["Os seguintes hosts não foram excluídos: %s"],"The following hosts were updated":["Os seguintes hosts foram atualizados"],"The following parameters were skipped as they did not exists on this host:":["Os parâmetros a seguir foram ignorados pois não existiam neste host:"],"The following table and example snippet shows global methods, variables and class methods and how to use them.":[""],"The full DNS domain name":["Nome de domínio DNS completo"],"The host group's classes and the host group's variables are included in the external node information when the puppetmaster compiles the host's configuration.":["As classes do grupo de host e variáveis ​​do grupo de host são incluídas nas informações de nó externo quando o puppetmaster compila a configuração do host."],"The inclusion of the keyword string <b>#Dynamic</b> at the start of a line lets Foreman know that this is not an explicit disk layout and must treated as a shell script, executed prior\\n to the install process and that the explicit partition table will be found at <b>/tmp/diskpart.cfg</b> during the build process.":["A inclusão da cadeia de caracteres da palavra-chave <b> #Dynamic </b> no início de uma linha permite que o Foreman saiba que este não é um layout de disco explícito, devendo ser tratado como um shell de script e executado anteriormente \\npara o processo de instalação, e que a tabela de partição explícita será encontrada em <b> /tmp/diskpart.cfg </b>, durante o processo de compilação."],"The keys can be used in provisioning templates and are also available for configuration management tools managed by Foreman.":[""],"The keywords <b>$version</b>, <b>$major</b> and <b>$minor</b> will be interpolated back into the path specification to calculate the true URL address.":["As palavras-chave <b>$version</b>, <b>$major</b> e <b>$minor</b> serão interpoladas de volta na especificação de caminho para calcular o verdadeiro endereço de URL."],"The list is excluding %{count} %{link_start}physical host%{link_end}.":["A lista está excluindo %{count} %{link_start}host físico%{link_end}.","A lista está excluindo %{count} %{link_start}hosts físicos%{link_end}."],"The location of the sendmail executable":[""],"The marked fields will need reviewing":["Os campos marcados precisarão ser revisados."],"The method used to provision the host. Possible provision_methods may be %{provision_methods}":["Método usado para provisionar o host. Possíveis provision_methods podem ser %{provision_methods}"],"The order in which matchers keys are processed, first match wins.<br> You may use multiple attributes as a matcher key, for example, an order of <code>host group, environment</code> would expect a matcher such as <code>hostgroup = \\\"web servers\\\", environment = production</code>":["A ordem em que as chaves de correspondência são processadas​​, a primeira combinação vence. <br> Você pode usar vários atributos como uma chave de correspondência, por exemplo, uma ordem de <code> grupo de host, ambiente </code> esperaria uma correspondência como <code>hostgroup = \\\"web servers\\\", environment = production</code>."],"The order in which values are resolved":["A ordem na qual os valores são resolvidos"],"The password will also be accessible to other users via templates and in the ENC YAML output; disable the bmc_credentials_accessible setting to prevent access.":[""],"The password will not be accessible to other users; enable the bmc_credentials_accessible setting to permit access via templates and in the ENC YAML output.":[""],"The path to the medium, can be a URL or a valid NFS server (exclusive of the architecture).\\n for example <em>$version/os/$arch</em> where <strong>$arch</strong> will be substituted for the host's actual OS architecture and <strong>$version</strong>, <strong>$major</strong> and <strong>$minor</strong> will be substituted for the version of the operating system. Solaris and Debian media may also use <strong>$release</strong>.":["O caminho para a mídia, pode ser um URL ou um servidor NFS válido (exclusivo da arquitetura). \\n Por exemplo, <em>$version/os/$arch</em> onde <strong>$arch</strong>, será substituído pela arquitetura do SO atual do host e <strong>$version</strong>, <strong>$major</strong> e <strong>$minor</strong> serão substituídos pela versão do sistema operacional. As mídias do Solaris e Debian também podem usar <strong>$release</strong>."],"The power state of the selected hosts will be set to %s":["O estado de energia dos hosts selecionados será definido como %s"],"The realm name, e.g. EXAMPLE.COM":["O nome de realm, ex: EXAMPLE.COM"],"The remote system presented a public key signed by an unidentified certificate authority. If you are sure the remote system is authentic, go to the compute resource edit page, press the 'Test Connection' or 'Load Datacenters' button and submit":["O sistema remoto apresentou uma chave pública assinada por uma autoridade de certificação não identificada. Se você tem certeza que o sistema remoto é autêntico, vá para a página de edição de recursos de computação, pressione o botão 'Testar conexão' ou o botão 'Datacenters Load' e submeta "],"The remote system presented a public key with hash %s but we're expecting a different hash. If you are sure the remote system is authentic, go to the compute resource edit page, press the 'Test Connection' or 'Load Datacenters' button and submit":["O sistema remoto apresentou uma chave pública com hash %s, mas estamos esperando um hash diferente. Se você tem certeza que o sistema remoto é autêntico, vá para a página de edição de recursos de computação, pressione o botão 'Testar conexão' ou o botão 'Datacenters Load' e submeta"],"The selected hosts were enabled for reboot and rebuild":["Os hosts selecionados foram habilitados para reinicialização e recompilação "],"The selected hosts will execute a build operation on next reboot":["Os hosts selecionados executarão uma operação de construção na próxima reinicialização"],"The snippet '%{name}' threw an error: %{exc}":[""],"The template is associated to at least one host in build mode. To apply the change, disable and enable build mode on hosts to update the live templates or choose to %s their configuration from 'Select Action' menu":["O modelo é associado a pelo menos um host no modo de compilação. Para aplicar alterações, desabilitar ou habilitar o modo de compilação nos hosts, para atualizar os modelos dinâmicos ou optar por %s a sua configuração a partir do menu 'Selecionar Ação'"],"The user that is used to ssh into the instance, normally cloud-user, ec2-user, ubuntu, root etc":["O usuário utilizado para realizar o ssh na instância, normalmente cloud-user, ec2-user, ubuntu, root etc"],"The virtual machine is being deleted.":["A máquina virtual está sendo excluída."],"There are migrations pending in the system.":["Existem migrações pendentes no sistema."],"There are no puppet environments set up on this puppet master. Please check the puppet master configuration.":["Não há nenhum ambiente puppet configurado neste puppet master. Por favor, verifique a configuração do puppet master. "],"There are orchestration modules with methods for configuration rebuild that have identical name: '%s'":["Existem módulos de orquestração com métodos para recompilação de configuração que possuem nomes idênticos: '%s'"],"There are two strategies when using host groups.":["Existem duas estratégias ao utilizar os grupos de host."],"There is":["Existe","Existem"],"There is no owner with id %d and type %s":[""],"There is no proxy with BMC feature set up. Please register a smart proxy with this feature.":["Não existe proxy algum com a configuração do recurso BMC. Por favor, registre um proxy inteligente com este recurso. "],"There was an error creating the PXE file: %s":[""],"There was an error listing %{listing}: %{errors}":[""],"There was an error listing VMs: %(status)s %(statusText)s":["Ocorreu um erro ao listar as MVs: %(status)s %(statusText)s"],"There was an error rendering the %s template: ":["Houve um erro ao renderizar o modelo %s:"],"There was an error rendering the %{name} template: %{error}":["Ocorreu um erro ao renderizar o modelo %{name}: %{error}"],"There was no active bridge interface found in libvirt, if it does not support listing, you can enter the bridge name manually (e.g. br0)":["Nenhuma interface de ponte ativa foi localizada no libvirt, caso não haja suporte para listagem, o nome da ponte deve ser inserido manualmente (ex. br0) "],"These are guaranteed to work via the safe mode rendering, to ensure a template can do nothing harmful.":[""],"These two options are personal decisions and are up to you (where the main difference would be the parameter/variables settings).":["Estas duas opções são decisões pessoais e são de sua escolha (onde a diferença principal seria as configurações de parâmetro/variáveis)."],"Thin provision":["Provisão fina"],"This Puppet class has no parameters in its signature.":["Esta Classe de puppet não possui parâmetros em sua assinatura."],"This allows Foreman to associate a puppet variable with a domain/site and automatically append this variable to all external node requests made by machines at that site.":["Isto permite que o Foreman associe uma variável puppet a um domínio/ site e, automaticamente, anexe esta variável a todas as solicitações de nó externas feitas pela máquina naquele site. "],"This group has nested groups!":["Este grupo aninhou grupos!"],"This group has no roles":[""],"This host's stored facts and reports will be deleted too.":["Estes fatos e relatórios armazenados do host serão removidos também."],"This is a test message to confirm that Foreman's email configuration is working.":["Esta é uma mensagem teste para confirmar se a configuração de email do Foreman está funcionando. "],"This is for every location and organization that uses it.":["Isto aplica-se a toda localização e organização que utiliza-o. "],"This is for every location that uses it.":["Isto aplica-se a toda localização que utiliza-o. "],"This is for every organization that uses it.":["Isto aplica-se a toda organização que utiliza-o. "],"This is inherited from parent":["Este é herdado do pai"],"This is used by a host":["Isto é usado por um host"],"This might take a while, as all hosts, facts and reports will be destroyed as well":["Isso pode levar um tempo, já que todos os hosts, fatos e relatórios serão destruídos também "],"This role has been cloned from role %s":[""],"This role is locked for editing.":[""],"This role is locked from being modified by users.":[""],"This setting is defined in the configuration file '%{filename}' and is read-only.":[""],"This template is locked and may not be removed.":["Este modelo está travado e não pode ser removido."],"This template is locked for editing.":["Este mdelo está travado para edição."],"This template is locked. Please clone it to a new template to customize.":["Este modelo está travado. Clone-o para um novo modelo para padronizar."],"This template is locked. You may only change the associations. Please %s it to customize.":["Este modelo está bloqueado. Você deve alterar somente as associações . Por favor, realize %s para personalização. "],"This value is not hidden":["Este valor não está oculto"],"This value is used also as the host's primary interface name.":["Este valor também é usado como o nome de interface primário do host. "],"This will reset parameters of the class %s to their default values. Continue?":["Isto irá redefinir parâmetros de classe %s aos seus valores padrão. Continuar?"],"This will set all parameters of the class %s as overridden. Continue?":["Isto irá definir todos os parâmetros de classe %s como sobrescritos. Continuar?"],"Time":["Tempo"],"Time in Seconds":["Tempo em segundos"],"Time in minutes installation tokens should be valid for, 0 to disable token generation":["Tempo em minutos que os tokens de instalação devem manter validade, 0 para desabilitar a geração de token "],"Timeout for DNS conflict validation (in seconds)":["Tempo limite para a validação do conflito de DNS (em segundos)"],"Timeout has occurred while communicating with %s":["Ocorreu um timeout ao se comunicar com o %s"],"To define trend counters, use the Add Trend Counter button.</br> To start collecting trend data, set a cron job to execute 'foreman-rake trends:counter' every Puppet Interval (%s minutes).":["Para definir contadores de tendências, use o botão Adicionar Contador de Tendências.</br> Para iniciar a coleta de dados de tendência, defina um cron job para executar 'foreman-rake trends:counter' a cada Intervalo de Puppet (%s minutos). "],"To enable a provider, either install the OS package (e.g. foreman-libvirt) or enable the bundler group for development setup (e.g. ovirt).":["Para habilitar um provedor, instale o pacote do SO (ex. foreman-libvirt) ou habilite o grupo bundler para configuração de desenvolvimento (ex. ovirt)."],"To enable safe mode, navigate to Settings page and enable Safemode rendering option.":[""],"To start collecting trend data, set a cron job to execute <span class='black'>foreman-rake trends:counter</span> every Puppet Interval (%s minutes)":["Para começar a coletar dados de trend, defina um job cron para executar <span class='black'>foreman-rake trends:counter</span> em todos os intervalos do Puppet (%s minutos)."],"To update the class signature, go to the Puppet Classes page and select \\\"Import\\\".":["Para atualizar a assinatura da classe, vá para a página do Puppet Classes e selecione 'import'."],"Toggle":["Alternar"],"Token":["Token"],"Token duration":["Duração do token"],"Token expired":["Token expirado"],"Token|Expires":["Expira"],"Token|Value":["Valor"],"Total":["Total"],"Total Hosts: %s":["Total de Hosts: %s"],"Total hosts count":["Total de hosts"],"Total of one host":["Todal de um host","Todal de %{hosts} hosts"],"Trend":["Tendência"],"Trend counter":["Contador de tendência"],"Trend of the last %s days.":["Tendências dos últimos %s dias."],"TrendCounter|Count":["Conta"],"Trends":["Tendências"],"Trends for %s":["Tendências para %s"],"Trend|Fact name":["Nome do fato"],"Trend|Fact value":["Valor do fato"],"Trend|Name":["Nome"],"Trend|Trendable type":["Trend|Tipo reclinável"],"Trigger a puppetrun on a node; requires that puppet run is enabled":["Disparar um puppetrun em um nó; requer que a execução do puppet esteja ativada."],"Troubleshooting":["Troubleshooting"],"True/False flag whether a host is managed or unmanaged. Note: this value also determines whether several parameters are required or not":["Sinal Verdadeiro / Falso se um host é gerenciado ou não . Nota: este valor também determina se são necessários vários parâmetros ou não"],"Trusted puppetmaster hosts":["Hosts puppertmaster confiáveis "],"Try going to %{href}":["Tente ir para %{href}"],"Type":["Tipo"],"Type of name generator":[""],"Type of realm, e.g. FreeIPA":["Tipo de realm, ex.: FreeIPA"],"Type or protocol, IPv4 or IPv6, defaults to IPv4":["Tipo ou protocolo, IPv4 ou IPv6, padrão é IPv4"],"Types of validation values":["Tipos de valores de validação"],"Types of variable values":["Tipos de valores de validação"],"URL":["URL"],"URL for %{providers_requiring_url}":[""],"URL hosts will retrieve templates from during build (normally http as many installers don't support https)":["Os hosts de URL recuperarão os modelos durante compilação (geralmente http, pois muitos instaladores não fornecem suporte ao https)"],"URL must be valid and schema must be one of %s":["O URL deve ser válido e o esquema deve ter um dos %s "],"URL where your Foreman instance is reachable (see also Provisioning > unattended_url)":["URL onde a instância do Foreman é acessível (consulte também Provisionamento > unattended_url)"],"UTC time of report":["hora UTC do relatório"],"UUID":["UUID"],"UUID to track orchestration tasks status, GET /api/orchestration/:UUID/tasks":["UUID a rastrear o status de tarefas de orquestração, GET /api/orchestration/:UUID/tasks"],"Unable to access key":["Impossível acessar a chave"],"Unable to authenticate user %s":["Incapaz de autenticação usuário %s"],"Unable to change VM display listen address, make sure the display is not attached to localhost only":["Incapaz de modificar o endereço de espera da exibição VM, certifique-se de que a exibição não está anexada somente ao localhost."],"Unable to communicate with the proxy: %s":["Não foi possível se comunicar com o proxy: %s"],"Unable to connect":["Não foi possível conectar"],"Unable to connect to LDAP server":["Não é possível conectar-se ao servidor LDAP"],"Unable to create default TFTP boot menu":["Não foi possível criar menu de inicialização TFTP padrão"],"Unable to create realm entry":["Não é possível criar entrada de realm."],"Unable to create the default role.":["Impossível criar um papel padrão."],"Unable to delete DHCP entry for %s":["Não foi possível remover registro DHCP de %s"],"Unable to delete DNS entry":["Não foi possível remover registro DNS"],"Unable to delete PuppetCA autosign for %s":["Não foi possível remover PuppetCA autosign de %s"],"Unable to delete PuppetCA certificate for %s":["Não foi possível remover certificado PuppetCA de %s"],"Unable to delete TFTP boot entry for %s":["Não foi possível remover registro de inicialização TFTP de %s"],"Unable to detect TFTP boot server":["Não foi possível detectar servidor de inicialização TFTP"],"Unable to detect features":["Incapaz de detectar recursos"],"Unable to detect version":["Não é possível detectar versão"],"Unable to determine the host's boot server. The DHCP smart proxy failed to provide this information and this subnet is not provided with TFTP services.":["Não foi possível determinar o servidor de inicialização do host. O proxy inteligente DHCP não forneceu esta informação e esta subrede não possui serviços TFTP."],"Unable to disable bmc_credentials_accessible when safemode_render is disabled":[""],"Unable to disable safemode_render when bmc_credentials_accessible is disabled":[""],"Unable to execute Puppet run":["Não foi possível executar Puppet run"],"Unable to fetch TFTP boot file":["Não foi possível localizar arquivo de inicialização TFTP"],"Unable to fetch logs":["Não é possível capturar logs"],"Unable to find IP address for '%s'":["Não foi possível localizar endereço IP de '%s'"],"Unable to find a proxy with BMC feature":["Incapaz de encontrar um proxy com o recurso BMC"],"Unable to find proper authentication method":["Incapaz de encontrar método de autenticação adequado"],"Unable to find template %s":["Não foi possível localizar template %s"],"Unable to generate output, Check log files":["Não é possível gerar saídas, Verifique os arquivos de log"],"Unable to get BMC providers":["Incapaz de obter provedores BMC"],"Unable to get PuppetCA autosign":["Incapaz de obter PuppetCA autosign"],"Unable to get PuppetCA certificates":["Não é possível obter certificados PuppetCA "],"Unable to get classes from Puppet for %s":["Incapaz de obter classes do Puppet para %s"],"Unable to get environment from Puppet":["Incapaz de obter ambiente do Puppet para "],"Unable to get environments from Puppet":["Incapaz de obter ambientes do Puppet para "],"Unable to get installed BMC providers":["Incapaz de obter provedores BMC instalados"],"Unable to initialize ProxyAPI class %s":["Não é possível inicializar a classe ProxyAPI %s"],"Unable to perform boot BMC operation":["Incapaz de realizar operação BMC de inicialização"],"Unable to perform identify BMC operation":["Incapaz de realizar operação BMC de identidade"],"Unable to perform lan BMC operation":["Incapaz de realizar operação BMC de lan"],"Unable to perform power BMC operation":["Incapaz de realizar operação BMC de energia"],"Unable to render %{kind} template '%{name}': %{e}":["Falha ao gerar %{template_kind} template %{template_name}: %{e}"],"Unable to render '%{name}' template: %{e}":[""],"Unable to retrieve DHCP entry for %s":["Incapaz de recuperar a entrada do DHCP para %s"],"Unable to retrieve DHCP subnet":["Erro: Incapaz de recuperar o subnet do DHCP"],"Unable to retrieve DHCP subnets":["Incapaz de recuperar os subnets do DHCP"],"Unable to retrieve unused IP":["Incapaz de recuperar IP não utilizado"],"Unable to save":["Impossível salvar"],"Unable to send email, check server logs for more information":["Não é possível enviar emails, verifique os logs do servidor para mais informações "],"Unable to set DHCP entry":["Incapaz de definir a entrada de DHCP"],"Unable to set DNS entry":["Incapaz de definir entrada DNS"],"Unable to set PuppetCA autosign for %s":["Incapaz de definir PuppetCA autosign para %s"],"Unable to set TFTP boot entry for %s":["Incapaz de definir a entrada do TFTP para %s"],"Unable to sign PuppetCA certificate for %s":["Incapaz de assinar o certificado do PuppetCA para %s"],"Unable to turn on websockets_encrypt, either websockets_ssl_key or websockets_ssl_cert is missing":["Não é possível ligar websockets_encrypt, websockets_ssl_key ou websockets_ssl_cert está ausente "],"Unable to unset websockets_ssl_cert when websockets_encrypt is on":["Não é possível remover a definição de websockets_ssl_cert quando websockets_encrypt está ligado "],"Unable to unset websockets_ssl_key when websockets_encrypt is on":["Não é possível remover a definição de websockets_ssl_key quando websockets_encrypt está ligado "],"Unallowed template for dashboard widget: %s":["Modelo não permitido para widget de painel: %s"],"Unattended URL":["URL autônomo "],"Undo remove":["Impossível remover"],"Undo selection":[""],"Unhide this value":["Re-exibir este valor "],"Unknown":["Desconhecido"],"Unknown IPAM type - can't continue":["Tipo IPAM desconhecido - impossível continuar"],"Unknown Power State":["Estado de energia desconhecido"],"Unknown action name for success message: %s":["Nome da ação desconhecida para mensagem bem sucedida: %s"],"Unknown build status":["Status de compilação desconhecido"],"Unknown device: available devices are %s":["Dispositivo desconhecido: dispositivos disponíveis são %s"],"Unknown interface type, must be one of [%s]":["Tipo de interface desconhecido, deve ser um de [%s]"],"Unknown power action: available methods are %s":["Ação de energia desconhecido : métodos disponíveis são %s"],"Unknown power management support - can't continue":["Suporte de gerenciamento de energia desconhecido - não é possível continuar"],"Unknown power state":[""],"Unlock":["Desbloquear"],"Unmanage host":["Hosto não gerenciado"],"Unsupported IPAM mode for %s":["Modo IPAM não suportado para %s"],"Unsupported password hash function '%s'":["Função de hash de senha não é suportada '%s'"],"Unsupported report status format":["Formato de status de relatório sem suporte"],"Update":["Atualizar"],"Update :a_resource":["Atualizar:a_resource"],"Update IP from built request":["Atualizar IP da solicitação de compilação "],"Update a Puppet class":["Atualizar uma classe Puppet"],"Update a bookmark":["Atualizar um marcador"],"Update a compute attributes set":["Atualizar um conjunto de atributos computacionais"],"Update a compute profile":["Atualizar um perfil computacional"],"Update a compute resource":["Atualizar um recurso de computação"],"Update a config group":["Atualizar um grupo de configuração"],"Update a default template combination for an operating system":["Atualizar o modelo padrão de combinaçãoes para o sistema operacional"],"Update a domain":["Atualizar um domínio"],"Update a filter":["Atualizar um filtro"],"Update a global parameter":["Atualizar um parâmetro global"],"Update a hardware model":["Atualizar um modelo de hardware"],"Update a host":["Atualizar um host"],"Update a host group":["Atualizar um grupo de host"],"Update a host's interface":["Atualizar a interface de um host"],"Update a medium":["Atualizar uma mídia"],"Update a nested parameter for a domain":["Atualizar um parametrô nested para um domínio"],"Update a nested parameter for a host":["Atualizar um paramentrô nested para um host"],"Update a nested parameter for a host group":["Atualizar um parametrô nested para um grupo host"],"Update a nested parameter for a location":["Atualizar um parametrô nested para uma localização"],"Update a nested parameter for a subnet":["Atualizar um parametro herdado para uma sub-rede"],"Update a nested parameter for an operating system":["Atualizar um parametrô nested para um sistema operacional"],"Update a nested parameter for an organization":["Atualizar um parametrô nested para uma organização"],"Update a partition table":["Atualizar Tabela de partição"],"Update a provisioning template":["Atualizar um modelo de provisionamento"],"Update a realm":["Atualizar um realm"],"Update a role":["Atualizar uma função"],"Update a setting":["Atualizar uma configuração"],"Update a smart class parameter":["Atualizar um parâmetro de classe inteligente"],"Update a smart proxy":["Atualizar um proxy inteligente"],"Update a smart variable":["Atualizar uma variável inteligente"],"Update a subnet":["Atualizar uma sub-rede"],"Update a user":["Atualizar um Usuário"],"Update a user group":["Atualizar um grupo de usuário"],"Update an LDAP authentication source":["Atualizar uma fonte de autenticação LDAP"],"Update an architecture":["Atualizar uma arquitetura"],"Update an environment":["Atualizar um ambiente"],"Update an image":["Atualizar uma imagem"],"Update an operating system":["Atualização do sistema operacional"],"Update an override value for a specific smart class parameter":["Atualizar um valor de substituição para um parametro de classe inteligente específico"],"Update an override value for a specific smart variable":["Atualizar um valor de substituição para uma váriavel inteligente específica"],"Update environment from facts":["Atualizar ambientes a partir dos fatos "],"Update external user group":["Atualizar um grupo de usuário externo"],"Update realm entry for %s":["Atualize entrada de realm para %s"],"Update subnets from facts":[""],"Update template combination":["Atualizar combinação de modelo "],"Update the default PXE menu on all configured TFTP servers":["Atualizar o menu PXE padrão em todos os servidores TFTP configurados"],"Update:":["Atualizar:"],"Updated":["Atualizado"],"Updated all hosts!":["Atualizar todos os hosts"],"Updated hosts: Disassociated from VM":["Hosts atualizados: Desassociados da MV"],"Updated hosts: changed environment":["Hosts atualizados: ambiente modificado"],"Updated hosts: changed host group":["Hosts atualizados: grupo de host modificado"],"Updated hosts: changed owner":["Hosts atualizados: proprietário alterado"],"Upload facts for a host, creating the host if required":["Enviar fatos para um host, criando o host se necessário"],"Use Gravatar":["Usar Gravatar"],"Use UUID for certificates":["Usar UUID para certificados"],"Use short name for VMs":["Use nomes curtos para MVs"],"Use this account to authenticate, <i>optional</i>":["Use esta conta para autenticação, <i>opcional</i>"],"Use this puppet server as a CA server":["Use este servidor de puppet como um servidor CA"],"Use this puppet server as an initial Puppet Server or to execute puppet runs":["Use este servidor puppet como um Servidor Puppet inicial ou execute o puppet"],"Used to enforce certain values for the parameter values":["Usado para impor certos valores aos valores do parâmetro "],"User":["Usuário"],"User Group":[""],"User Groups":["Grupos de Usuários"],"User IDs":["IDs dos Usuários"],"User data template":["Modelo de dados do usuário "],"User groups":["Grupos de usuários"],"User groups enable users to log into Foreman and be automatically granted permissions.":[""],"User role":["Função de usuário"],"User's preferred locale":["Localidade preferencial do usuário "],"User's timezone":["Fuso horário do usuário "],"UserRole|Owner type":["UserRole|Owner type"],"Usergroup":["Grupo de usuário"],"Usergroup member":["Membro do grupo de usuário"],"UsergroupMember|Member type":["Tipo de membro"],"Usergroup|Admin":["Grupo de usuários|Admin"],"Usergroup|Auth source":["Grupo de usuários|Fonte de autenticação"],"Usergroup|Name":["Nome"],"Username":["Nome de usuário"],"Username for oVirt, EC2, VMware, OpenStack. Access Key for EC2.":["Usuário para oVirt, VMware, OpenStack, Chave de acesso para EC2."],"Username to use to authenticate, if required":[""],"Users":["Usuários"],"User|Admin":["Administrador"],"User|Avatar hash":["User|Avatar hash"],"User|Firstname":["User|Nome"],"User|Last login on":["Último login"],"User|Lastname":["User|Sobrenome"],"User|Locale":["Localização"],"User|Login":["User|Efetuar login"],"User|Lower login":["User|Lower login"],"User|Mail":["User|Endereço de email"],"User|Mail enabled":["Usuário|Email habilitado "],"User|Password hash":["Password hash"],"User|Password salt":["Senha salt"],"Uses thin provisioning if unchecked":["Usa provisionamento fino se não selecionado"],"Using the organization system provides a way to group resources together for easy management. Organizations are particularly useful for Foreman installations where several customers or business units are managed with a single Foreman install.":["Usera a organização de sistemas provê um caminho para agrupar recursos para um fácil gerenciamento. Organizações são particularmente úteis para instalações de Foreman com muitos usuários ou unidades de negósios que são gerenciados com uma única instalação de Foreman."],"VCPU(s)":["VCPU(s)"],"VCenter/Server":["Vcenter/Servidor"],"VLAN ID for this subnet":["ID da VLAN para essa sub-rede"],"VLAN tag, this attribute has precedence over the subnet VLAN ID. Only for virtual interfaces.":["VLAN tag, este atributo tem precedência sobre a sub-rede VLAN ID . Apenas para interfaces virtuais"],"VM":["VM"],"VM Attributes":["Atributos de VM"],"VM Attributes (%s)":["Atributos da VM (%s)"],"VM already associated with a host":["MV já está associada ao host"],"VM associated to host %s":["MV já está associada ao host %s"],"VM is not running!":["VM não está executando!"],"VNC/SPICE websocket proxy console access encryption (websockets_ssl_key/cert setting required)":["Criptografia de acesso a consoles de proxy websocket VNC/SPICE (configuração websockets_ssl_key/cert necessária)"],"Valid from":["Válido a partir de"],"Valid host group and environment combinations":["Grupo de host e combinações de ambientes válidos"],"Validation types":["Tipos de validação"],"Value":["Valor"],"Value to use when there is no match":["Valor a usar quando não houver combinação"],"Value to use when there is no match.":["Valor a ser usado quando não há correspondências. "],"Variable":["Variável"],"Variable lookup key":["Chave de pesquisa de variáveis "],"Variables":["Variáveis"],"Vendor class":["Classe de fornecedor"],"Verify":["Verificar"],"Version":["Versão"],"Version %{version}":["Versão %{version}"],"Version %{version} %{copyright} 2009-%{year} Paul Kelly and %{author}":[""],"Very Strong":["Muito forte"],"View Diff":["Visualizar Dif"],"View in Foreman:":["Visualizar em Foreman:"],"View last report details":["Visualizar detalhes do último relatório"],"View list":["Visualizar lista"],"Virtual (NAT)":["Virtual (NAT)"],"Virtual H/W version":["Virtual H/W versão"],"Virtual Machine":["Máquina virtual"],"Virtual Machines":["Máquinas virtuais"],"Virtual Machines on %s":["Máquinas virtuais em %s"],"Virtual NIC":["Virtual NIC"],"Virtual machine settings cannot be edited on an existing machine in %s":["As configurações da máquina virtual não podem ser editadas em uma máquina existente em %s"],"WARNING":["AVISO"],"Wait for %s to come online":["Esperando por %s para ficar online"],"Warning":["Aviso"],"Warning!":["Aviso!"],"Warning! This will remove %{name} from %{number} user. are you sure?":["",""],"Warning: This will delete this host and all of its data!":["Aviso: Isto irá remover este host e todos os seus dados!"],"Warnings and errors":["Avisos e erros"],"We have not found any documentation for your API.":["Nós não encontramos nenhuma documentação para seu API."],"We use Redmine to report and track bugs and feature requests, which can be found here:":["Nós usamos Redmine para informar e rastrear bugs e solicitações de recursos, que podem ser encontrados aqui:"],"Weak":["Fraca"],"Websockets SSL certificate":["Certificado SSL de websockets"],"Websockets SSL key":["Chave SSL de websockets"],"Websockets encryption":["Criptografia de websockets"],"Weekly":["Semanal"],"Welcome to Foreman":["Bem-vindo ao Foreman"],"What ever text(or ERB template) you use in here, would be used as your OS disk layout options If you want to use the partition table option, delete all of the text from this field":["Qualque texto (ou modelo ERB) que você usar aqui, pode ser usado como sua opção de layout de disco do SO. Se você desejar usar a opção de tabela de partição,remova todo o texto deste campo"],"When a Host requests a template (e.g. during provisioning), Foreman will select the best match from the available templates of that type, in the following order:":["Quando um Host requisita um template (ex.: durante o provisionamento), Foreman vai selecionar a melhor opção de templates disponíveis daquele tipo na seguinte ordem:"],"When a realm is selected for a host, Foreman contacts the relevant realm smart proxy to create an entry for the host and retrieve it's one-time registration password.":["Quando um realm é selecionado para um host, o Foreman contacta o proxy inteligente do realm relevante para criar uma entrada para o host e recuperar a sua senha de registro único. "],"When editing a template, you must assign a list of operating systems which this template can be used with. Optionally, you can restrict a template to a list of host groups and/or environments.":["Quando editar um template você deve associar uma lista de sistemas operacionais no qual este template pode usar. Opcionalmente, você pode restringir um template para uma lista de grupos de hosts e/ou ambientes."],"When enabled the parameter is hidden in the UI":["Quando habilitado, o parâmetro fica oculto na IU "],"When specifying custom value, add 'MB' or 'GB' at the end. Field is not case sensitive and MB is default if unspecified.":[""],"When the role's associated %{taxonomies} are changed,<br> the change will propagate to all inheriting filters.\\n Filters that are set to override <br> will remain untouched. Overriding of role filters can be easily disabled by <br> pressing the \\\"Disable overriding\\\" button.\\n Note that not all filters support <br>%{taxonomies}, so these always remain global.":[""],"When using SSH based provisioning, a special SSH key is created in order to automate the provisioning process.":[""],"When using TLS, you can set how OpenSSL checks the certificate":[""],"Whether or not the image supports user data":["Se a imagem fornece suporte ou não aos dados do usuário "],"Whether or not the template is locked for editing":["Se deve ou não o template está bloqueado para edição"],"Whether the class parameter value is managed by Foreman.":["Se o valor do parâmetro de classe é gerenciado ou não pelo Foreman."],"Whether the smart class parameter value is managed by Foreman":["Se o valor do parâmetro da classe inteligente é gerenciado ou não pelo Foreman."],"Which is an offset of <b>%s</b>":["A qual é um offset de <b>%s</b>"],"Widget added to dashboard.":["Widget adicionado ao painel."],"Widget positions successfully saved.":["Posição do widget salva com sucesso."],"Widget removed from dashboard.":["Widget removido do painel."],"Wiki":["Wiki"],"With user groups, you can group your users and assign them roles on a group basis.":[""],"X509 Certification Authorities":["Autoridades de Certificação X509"],"YAML":["YAML"],"Yes":["Sim"],"You are about to change the default PXE menu on all configured TFTP servers - continue?":["Você está prestes a mudar o menu padrão do PXE em todos os servidores TFTP configurados - continuar?"],"You are about to override the editor content with a previous version, are you sure?":["Você está prestes a substituir o conteúdo do editor por uma versão antiga, tem certeza que deseja prosseguir?"],"You are about to override the editor content, are you sure?":["Você está prestes a substituir o conteúdo do editor, tem certeza que deseja prosseguir?"],"You are about to unlock a locked template.":["Você está prestes a desbloquear um modelo bloqueado. "],"You are not authorized to lock templates.":["Você não está autorizado a bloquear modelos. "],"You are not authorized to make a template default.":["Você não está autorizado a fazer um modelo padrão. "],"You are not authorized to perform this action.":["Você não está autorizado a executar essa ação."],"You are trying to delete your own account":["Você está tentando remover sua conta pessoal"],"You are using an unsupported browser.":["Você está usando um browser não suportado"],"You can add SSH public keys to a user in Foreman.":[""],"You can find The Foreman on the %{freenode} ( network. For general support, please visit #theforeman and for development specific related chat, please visit #theforeman-dev.":["Você pode encontrar o foreman na rede {freenode}( Para apoio geral, visite # theforeman e para o desenvolvimento de chat relacionada específico, visite # theforeman-dev."],"You can select one of the IPAM modes supported by the selected IP protocol:<br/><ul><li><strong>DHCP</strong> - will manage the IP on DHCP through assigned DHCP proxy, auto-suggested IPs come from DHCP <em>(IPv4)</em></li><li><strong>Internal DB</strong> - use internal DB to auto-suggest free IP based on other interfaces on same subnet respecting range if specified, useful mainly with static boot mode <em>(IPv4, IPv6)</em></li><li><strong>EUI-64</strong> - will assign the IPv6 address based on the MAC address of the interface <em>(IPv6)</em></li><li><strong>None</strong> - leave IP management solely on user, no auto-suggestion <em>(IPv4, IPv6)</em></li></ul>":[""],"You can't assign locations to this resource":["Você não pode atribuir locais à este recurso"],"You can't assign organizations to this resource":["Você não pode atribuir organizações à este recurso"],"You cannot delete this user while logged in as this user.":["Você não pode remover este usuário enquanto estiver autenticado como este usuário. "],"You do not have permission to %s this location parameter":["Você não possui permissão para %s este parâmetro do local"],"You do not have permission to %s this organization parameter":["Você não tem permissão para %s este parâmetro de organização"],"You don't have any visible hosts. Hosts can be added and provisioned from Foreman, or configured to report to Foreman.":["Você não possui um host visível. Os hosts podem ser adicionados e provisionados através do Foreman ou configurados para comunicar-se com o Foreman. "],"You don't seem to have any bookmarks.":["Você parece não possuir marcador algum. "],"You don't seem to have any facts yet. If you wish to configure fact pushing, please follow the documentation.":["Parece que você não possui nenhum fato ainda. Caso deseje configurar um fato para envio por push, por favor consulte a documentação."],"You don't seem to have any reports.":["Você parece não possuir relatório algum. "],"You have already logged in":[""],"You may also associate one or more operating systems with this medium or alternatively set this up later on the %s page.":["Você também pode associar um ou mais sistemas operacionais a esta mídia ou definí-lo mais tarde na página %s."],"You may also associate one or more operating systems with this partition table or alternatively set this up later on the %s page":["Você pode também associar um ou mais sistemas operacionais com esta tabela de partição ou defini-lo mais tarde na página %s."],"You may create puppet classes that represent high-level host configurations, for example, a <b>host-type-ldap-server</b> class, which includes all the required functionality from other modules or you may decide to create a host group called <b>host-type-ldap-server</b> and add the required classes into the host group configuration.":["Você pode criar classes de puppets que representam configurações de host de alto nível, por exemplo, a classe <b>host-type-ldap-server</b> , que inclui todas as funcionalidades necessárias a partir de outros módulos ou você pode decidir criar um grupo de host chamado <b>host-type-ldap-server</b> e adicionar as classes necessárias para a configuração do grupo de host."],"You must create a location before continuing.":["Você deve criar uma localização antes de continuar."],"You must create an organization before continuing.":["Você deve criar uma organização antes de continuar."],"You must create at least one location before continuing.":["Você deve criar ao menos um local antes de continuar."],"You must create at least one organization before continuing.":["Você deve criar ao menos uma organização antes de continuar"],"You must select at least one permission":["Você precisa selecionar ao menos uma permissão"],"You probably need to configure your %s first.":["Você provavelmente precisa configurar seu(s) %s primeiro."],"You would probably need to attach the":["você provavelmente precise anexar o"],"Your Foreman user account has been created:":["Sua conta de usuário do Foreman foi criada:"],"Your host has finished building:":["Seu host concluiu a compilação:"],"Your password is too short":["Sua senha é muito curta"],"Your password should not contain sequences":[""],"Your password should not contain that many repetitions":[""],"Your password should not contain your email":[""],"Your password should not contain your username":[""],"Your password should use characters from different character classes too":[""],"Your session has expired, please login again":["Sua sessão expirou. Por favor, autentique-se novamente"],"ZTP PXE template":[""],"Zone":["Zona"],"[encrypted]":[""],"a location":["a localização"],"add a new matcher":["adicionar uma nova correspondência"],"add new network interface":["adicione nova interface de rede"],"add new storage volume":["adicione novo volume de armazenamento"],"all":["todos"],"already exists":["já existe"],"an organization":["uma organização"],"and":["e"],"array":["matriz"],"belongs to config group":["pertence ao grupo de configuração"],"boolean":["boolean"],"boot device, valid devices are disk, cdrom, pxe, bios":["dispositivo de boot, dispositivos válidos são disco, cdrom, pxe, bios"],"can only be set for array or hash":["Pode ser definido somente para matriz ou hash"],"can only be set for arrays that have merge_overrides set to true":["pode ser definido para matrizes que possuam merge_overrides definido para verdadeiro"],"can only be set when merge overrides is set":["pode ser definido somente quando a substituição de mesclagens é definida "],"can't be bigger than to range":["pode ser maior do que a classe"],"can't be blank":["Não pode ficar em branco"],"can't be blank unless a custom partition has been defined":["não pode ser vazio ao menos uma partição deve ser definida"],"can't be updated after host is provisioned":["não é possível atualizar depois que a máquina já foi provisionada"],"can't be updated after subnet is saved":["Não pode ser atualizado depois da sub-rede estar salva"],"can't contain spaces.":["não pode conter espaços."],"can't delete primary interface of managed host":["não é possível remover a interface primária do host gerenciado "],"can't delete provision interface of managed host":["não é possível remover a interface de provisão do host gerenciado "],"can't find domain with this id":["não é possível localizar um domínio com esta id"],"cannot be changed":["não pode ser alterado"],"cannot be changed by a non-admin user":["não pode ser alterado por um usuário não administrador "],"cannot be changed on an internal protected account":["não pode ser modificado em uma conta protegina interna"],"cannot be enabled for an unmanaged host":["não pode ser habilitado para um host não gerenciado "],"cannot be removed from an internal protected account":["não pode ser removido de uma conta protegida interna"],"cannot be removed from the last admin account":["não pode ser removido de uma última conta de admin"],"clone":["clone"],"comma separated interface identifiers":["identificadores de interface separados por vírgulas"],"comments powered by %{disqus}":["comentários inseridos por %{disqus}"],"could not be calculated":[""],"could not be found in %s":["não foi possível ser localizado em %s"],"could not be generated":[""],"cycle":["cliclo"],"default locations need to be user locations first":["locais padrão precisam ser locais de usuário primeiro"],"default organizations need to be user organizations first":["organizações padrão precisar ser primeiro organizações de usuário"],"defaults to 389":["padrão é 389"],"does not appear to be a valid nfs mount path":["não parece ser um caminho de montagem nfs válido"],"does not belong into host's location":[""],"does not belong into host's organization":[""],"does not belong to subnet":["não pertence ao subnet"],"does not have the %s feature":[""],"does not match selected subnet":["não coincide com a subrede selecionada"],"domain":["domínio"],"e-mail reporting":["relatando email"],"e.g. admin@internal":["ex.: admin@internal"],"e.g. givenName":["ex.: givenName"],"e.g. http://openstack:5000/v2.0/tokens":["ex.: http://openstack:5000/v2.0/tokens"],"e.g.":["e.x.:"],"e.g.":["e.g."],"e.g. jpegPhoto":["p.e jpegPhoto"],"e.g. karmic, lucid, hw0910 etc":["ex.: karmic, lucid, hw0910 etc"],"e.g. mail":["ex.: mail"],"e.g. qemu://":["ex.: qemu://"],"e.g. sn":["ex.: sn"],"e.g. uid":["ex.: uid"],"enable caching, for VMware only":[""],"environment id":["id de ambiente"],"failed to %{action} %{vm}":["falha ao %{action} %{vm}"],"failed to detect boot server: %s":["falha ao detectar o servidor de inicialização: %s"],"failed to execute puppetrun: %s":["falha ao executar o puppetrun: %s"],"failed to save %s":["falha ao salvar %s"],"filter for %s role":["filtrar por função %s"],"filter results":["filtrar resultados"],"for EC2 only":["Somente para EC2"],"for Libvirt and VMware only":["somente para Libvirt e VMware"],"for Libvirt only":["somente para Libvirt "],"for OpenStack only":["Somente para OpenStack"],"for VMware":["para VMware"],"for oVirt, VMware Datacenter":["para oVirt, Vmware Datacenter"],"for proxy":["por proxy"],"free memory":["memória livre"],"from profile %s":["do perfil %s"],"further instructions":["Mais Instruções"],"global":["global"],"groups base DN":["grupos base DN"],"has already been taken":["já está sendo usado"],"has this role already":["já tem essa função"],"hash":["hash"],"hash containing the facts for the host":["hash contendo os fatos para o host"],"host":["host"],"host already has primary interface":["o 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range":["classe de horario inválido"],"invalid type %s":["tipo %s inválido"],"invalid type: %s requested":["tiipo inválido: %s requerido"],"is already used by a user account":["já é usado por uma conta de usuário"],"is an admin account":["é uma conta administradora"],"is an admin user group":["é um grupo de usuários admini"],"is an unsupported provisioning method":["esse é um metodo de provisionamento não suportado."],"is invalid":["é inválido"],"is invalid %s":["é inválido %s"],"is invalid. No provisioning template with name \\\"%{name}\\\" and kind \\\"%{kind}\\\" found. ":[""],"is invalid: %s":["é inválido: %s"],"is locked for user modifications.":[""],"is not a valid MAC address":["não é um endereço MAC válido"],"is not allowed to change":["não é permitido mudar"],"is not defined for host's %s.":[""],"is not found in the authentication source":["não foi encontrado na fonte de autenticação"],"is not permitted":["não é permitido"],"is not valid":["não é válido(a)"],"is too long (maximum is 1 character)":["é muito longo (máximo é 1 caracter)","é muito longo (máximo são %s caracteres)"],"is too long (maximum is 254 characters)":["é muito longo (máximo é 254 caracteres)"],"is unknown":["é desconhecido"],"issue tracker":["rastreador de problemas"],"items selected. Uncheck to Clear":["itens selecionados. Desmarque para limpar"],"json":["json"],"last %s day":["Último %s dia","Últimos %s dias"],"link external user group with this user group":["grupo de usuário externo com este grupo de usuário"],"list":["lista"],"locale_name":["Português (Brasil)"],"location":["localização"],"locations":["localizações"],"managed host must have one provision interface":["host gerenciado deve ter uma interface de provisão "],"message":["mensagem"],"must be a unicast MAC address":[""],"must be a valid regexp":["deve ser uma regexp válida"],"must be an array":["deve ser um array válido"],"must be boolean":["deve ser um boleano"],"must be comma separated":["deve ser separado por vírgula "],"must be integer":["deve ser um inteiro"],"must be of type Subnet::Ipv4.":[""],"must be of type Subnet::Ipv6.":[""],"must be one of [ %s ]":["deve ser um dos [ %s ]"],"must be specified if from is defined":["deve ser especificado se 'from' for definido "],"must be specified if to is defined":["deve ser especificado se 'to' for definido "],"must be true to edit the parameter":["deve ser verdadeiro para editar o parâmetro "],"must contain valid hostnames":["deve conter hostnames válidos"],"must not include periods":["não deve incluir períodos"],"must only contain alphanumeric or underscore characters":[""],"must provide a provider":["deve fornecer um provedor"],"must set host and port":["deve definir host e porta"],"new":["novo"],"nil allowed":["nenhum permitido"],"nil means host is bare metal":["nulo significa que o host é bare metal"],"no free IP could be found in our DB":["não foi possível encontrar um IP disponível no seu DB"],"no puppet proxy defined - cant continue":["nenhum puppet proxy definido - não é possível continuar"],"no value":["sem valor"],"none":["nenhum(a)"],"not found":["não localizado(a)"],"not relevant for snippet":["Não relevante para o snippet"],"not required if using a subnet with DHCP proxy":["não necessário se utilizar um subrede com proxy DHCP"],"not supported by this protocol":["não é suportado por este protocolo"],"number of entries per request":["número de entradas por requisições"],"oVirt/RHEV template to use":["Modelo oVirt/RHEV para uso "],"off":["desligado"],"on":["ligado"],"operating system":["sistema operacional"],"optional":["opcional"],"optional: certname of the host":["opcional: certname do host"],"optional: the STI type of host to create":["opcional: o tipo STI host para criar"],"organization":["organização"],"organizations":["organizações"],"override":["substituir"],"paginate results":["paginar resultados"],"parsing settings type '%s' from string is not defined":["analisando tipo de configuração'%s' da faixa não está definido"],"password match":["senha confere"],"passwords do not match":["as senhas não conferem"],"pending":["pendente"],"physical":["física(s)"],"physical @ NAT %s":["física @ NAT %s"],"physical @ bridge %s":["física @ ponte %s"],"power action, valid actions are (on/start), (off/stop), (soft/reboot), (cycle/reset), (state/status)":["ação de energia , as ações são válidos ( on / start ) , ( off / stop) , (soft / reboot ) , ( ciclo / reset ) , (estado / status)"],"poweroff":["desligar"],"ready?":["Pronto?"],"real":["real"],"reboot":["reiniciar"],"recreate":["recriar"],"regexp":["regexp"],"remove":["remover"],"remove network interface":["remover a interface de rede "],"remove storage volume":["remover volume de armazenamento"],"required":["solicitado"],"required for managed host that is bare metal, not required if it's a virtual machine":["necessário para host gerenciado que é bare metal, não necessário se é uma máquina virtual"],"required if host is managed and custom partition has not been defined":["requerido se o host é gerenciado e uma partição customizada não foi definida"],"required if host is managed and value is not inherited from host group":["necessário se o host é gerenciado e valor não é herdado do grupo de host"],"required if host is managed and value is not inherited from host group or default password in settings":["requerido se o host é gerenciado e o valor não é herdado do grupo de host ou senha padrão em configurações"],"required if locations are enabled":["necessário se as localizações estão habilitadas"],"required if not imaged based provisioning and host is managed and value is not inherited from host group":["solicitado se o provisionamento não for baseado em imagem, o host for gerenciado e o valor não for herdado do grupo de host"],"required if onthefly_register is true":["Necessário se onthefly_register for verdadeiro"],"required if organizations are enabled":["necessário se as organizações estão habilitadas"],"reset":["redefinir"],"revoked":["revogado"],"select an owner":["selecione um proprietário"],"setting up reporting":["configurando relatório"],"should be 8 characters or more":["deve conter no mínimo 8 caracteres"],"should be a single line":[""],"should not be blank - consider setting a global or host group default":["não deve estar em branco - considere configurar um grupo host ou global padrão"],"soft":["Suave"],"some interfaces are invalid":["algumas interfaces são inválidas"],"some permissions were not found":[""],"sort results":["ordenar resultados"],"space separated options, e.g. miimon=100":["opções separadas com espaço, ex: miimon=100"],"start":["iniciar"],"state":["estado"],"status":["status"],"status type, can be one of\\n* global\\n* configuration\\n* build\\n":["tipo de status, pode ser um dos seguintes\\n* global\\n* configuração\\n* compilação\\n"],"stop":["parar"],"string":["string"],"subnet":["sub-rede"],"subnet boot mode is not %s":["modo de inicialização de subrede não é %s"],"sync external user groups on login":["sincronizar grupos de usuários externos no login"],"template name":["nome do modelo"],"template version":["versão do modelo"],"these hosts for a build operation on next boot":["estes hosts para uma operação de construção na próxima inicialização"],"type of the LDAP server":["tipo do servidor LDAP"],"unable to find %{type} template for %{host} running %{os}":["impossível encontrar %{type} template para %{host} executando %{os}"],"unable to sign a non pending certificate":["Incapaz de assinar certificado não pendente"],"unknown network_type":["network_type desconhecido"],"unknown parent permission for %s":["permissão desconhecida para %s"],"unknown permission %s":["permissão %s desconhecida "],"unknown permission for %s":["permissão desconhecida para %s"],"unknown provider":["provedor desconhecido"],"unspecified":["Não especificado"],"used memory":["memoria utilizada"],"using %s":["usando %s"],"using %{allocation} GB out of %{capacity} GB, %{pool_name} storage pool":["usando %{allocation} GB entre %{capacity} GB, %{pool_name} pool de armazenamento"],"valid":["válido"],"valid or pending":["válido ou pendente"],"virtual":["virtual(is)"],"virtual attached to %s":["virtual anexado a %s"],"yaml":["yaml"],"you can't assign some of roles you selected":["não é possível atribuir algumas das funções que você selecionou"],"you can't change administrator flag":["você não pode mudar a sinalização do administrador"],"you cannot remove %s that are used by hosts or inherited.":["você não pode remover %s que seja usado por hosts ou herdado"]}}};
var locales = locales || {}; locales['pt_BR'] = {"domain":"app","locale_data":{"app":{"":{"Project-Id-Version":"Foreman","Report-Msgid-Bugs-To":"","PO-Revision-Date":"2017-09-19 16:41+0000","Last-Translator":"Lukáš Zapletal","Language-Team":"Portuguese (Brazil) (","MIME-Version":"1.0","Content-Type":"text/plain; charset=UTF-8","Content-Transfer-Encoding":"8bit","Language":"pt_BR","Plural-Forms":"nplurals=2; plural=(n > 1);","lang":"pt_BR","domain":"app","plural_forms":"nplurals=2; plural=(n > 1);"}," Remove":["Remover"],"%s - Press Shift-F12 to release the cursor.":["%s - Pressione Shift-F12 para liberar o cursor."],"%s - The following hosts are about to be changed":["%s - Os seguintes hosts estão sob mudanças"],"%s Distribution":["%s Distribuição"],"%s Parameters updated, see below for more information":["%s Parâmetros atualizados, veja abaixo para maiores informações"],"%s Template":["%s Modelo"],"%s VM associated to a host":["%s VM associadas à um host","%s VM associadas à hosts"],"%s active feature":["%s filtro ativo","%s filtros ativos"],"%s ago":["%s atrás"],"%s console is not supported at this time":["%s console não é suportado neste momento"],"%s core":["%s núcleo","%s núcleos"],"%s day ago":["%s dia atrás","%s dias atrás"],"%s error message":["%s mensagem de erro","%s mensagens de erro"],"%s has been disassociated from VM":["%s foi desassociada da VM"],"%s host":["%s host","%s hosts"],"%s is an unknown attribute":["%s é um atributo desconhecido"],"%s is not a valid DNS record type":["%s não é um registro DNS válido"],"%s is not in environment":["%s não é um environment"],"%s log message":["%s mensagem de log","%s mensagens de log"],"%s minute ago":["%s minuto atrás","%s minutos atrás"],"%s month ago":["%s mês atrás","%s meses atrás"],"%s selected hosts":["%s hosts selecinados"],"%s warning message":["%s mensagem de alerta","%s mensagens de alertas"],"%s week ago":["%s semana atrás","%s semanas atrás"],"%s widget loading...":["Widget %s carregando..."],"%{app_name} API documentation homepage":["%{app_name} Página de documentação da API"],"%{config_type} rebuild failed for host: %{host_names}.":["",""],"%{controller}: %{host}'s operating system %{os} has no OS family":["%{controller}: %{host}'s sisetema operacional %{os} não tem familia de SO"],"%{controller}: %{host}'s operating system is missing":["%{controller}: %{host}'s está faltando o sistema operacional"],"%{controller}: unable to find a host that matches the request from %{addr}":["%{controller}: impossível encontrar um host que casa com a requisição de %{addr}"],"%{cores} Cores and %{memory} memory":["%{cores} Cores e %{memory} memória"],"%{count} host with no %{taxonomy_single} assigned":["",""],"%{cpus} CPUs and %{memory} MB memory":["%{cpus} CPUs e %{memory} MB memória"],"%{cpus} CPUs and %{memory} memory":["%{cpus} CPUs e memória %{memory}"],"%{e} does not belong to the %{environment} environment":["%{e} não pertence ao ambiente %{environment}"],"%{host} is about to %{action}":["%{host} está prestes a %{action}"],"%{host} now boots from %{device}":["%{host} agora inicializa a partir de %{device}"],"%{id} plugin requires Foreman %{matcher} but current is %{current}":["%{id} plugin requer Foreman %{matcher} mas atualmente é %{current}"],"%{id} plugin requires the %{plugin_name} plugin %{matcher} but current is %{plugin_version}":["%{id} plugin requer o %{plugin_name} plugin %{matcher} mas atualmente é %{plugin_version}"],"%{id} plugin requires the %{plugin_name} plugin, not found":["%{id} plugin requer o plugin %{plugin_name}, não foi encontrado"],"%{image} needs user data, but %{os_link} is not associated to any provisioning template of the kind user_data. Please associate it with a suitable template or uncheck 'User data' for %{compute_resource_image_link}.":["%{image} necessita dos dados do usuário, mas %{os_link} não está associado a nenhum modelo de provisionamento do tipo user_data. Por favor, associe-o a um modelo adequado ou desmarque 'Dados do usuário' para %{compute_resource_image_link}."],"%{key} does not exist in order field":["%{key} não existe no campo de ordem"],"%{match} does not match an existing host":["%{match} não coincide com um host existente"],"%{match} does not match an existing host group":["%{match} não coincide com um grupo de host existente"],"%{model} with id '%{id}' was not found":["%{model} com id '%{id}' não foi encontrado"],"%{name} changed from %{label1} to %{label2}":["%{name} alterado de %{label1} para %{label2}"],"%{name} has %{num_tag} class":["%{name} tem %{num_tag} classe","%{name} tem %{num_tag} classes"],"%{os} medium was not set for host '%{host}'":["A mídia %{os} não foi definida para o host '%{host}'"],"%{record} is being used by a hidden %{what} resource":["%{record} está sendo usado por um recurso %{what} oculto "],"%{record} is used by %{what}":["%{record} é usado pelo %{what}"],"%{record} is used by host in build mode %{what}":["%{record} é usado pelo host no modo de construção %{what}"],"%{resource_name} not found by id '%{id}'":["%{resource_name} não localizado pela id '%{id}'"],"%{task} task failed with the following error: %{e}":["%{task} tarefa falhou com o seguinte erro: %{e}"],"%{taxonomy_type} %{taxonomy_name} has %{count} host that will need to be reassociated after deletion. Delete %{taxonomy_name2}?":["",""],"%{type} %{conflicts} already exists":["%{type} %{conflicts} já existe"],"%{user} Downloaded %{key} as pem file":[""],"%{value} does not belong to %{os} operating system":["%{value} não pertence ao sistema operacional %{os}"],"%{value} is not a valid controller":["%{value} não é um controlador válido"],"%{value} is not one of %{rules}":["%{value} não é um dos %{rules}"],"%{vm} is now %{vm_state}":["%{vm} é agora %{vm_state}"],"&laquo;":["&laquo;"],"&raquo;":["&raquo;"],"'%{host}' could be deleted or '%{resource}' is not responding.":["'%{host}' pode ser apagado ou '%{resource}' não está respondendo"],"'%{host}' not found on '%{resource}'":["'%{host}' não encontrado em '%{resource}'"],"'%{loader}' is not one of %{loaders}":["'%{loader}' não é um de %{loaders}"],"'Content-Type: %s' is unsupported in API v2 for POST and PUT requests. Please use 'Content-Type: application/json'.":["'Content-Type: %s' não é suportado pela API v2 para requisições POST e PUT. Por favor use 'Content-Type: application/json'."],"(Miscellaneous)":["(Diversos)"],"(optional) IAM Role for Fog to use when creating this image.":["(opcional) Usar função IAM para Fog ao criar esta imagem."],"*Clear %s proxy*":["*Limpar %s proxy*"],"*Clear environment*":["*Apagar ambiente*"],"*Clear host group*":["*Apagar grupo de host*"],"*Inherit from host group*":["*Herdar do grupo de host*"],", relevant log entries, and it is highly recommended to also attach the foreman-debug output.":[", entradas de log relevantes, também é altamente recomendável anexar a saída de depuração foreman. "],":foreman_url is not set, please configure in the Foreman Web UI (Administer -> Settings -> General)":[":foreman_url não está definido, por favor configure-o na Foreman Web UI (Administrador-> Configurações-> Geral)"],"<b class='select_count'>0</b> selected":["<b class='select_count'>0</b> selecionada"],"<b style=\\\"color: #6bb5df;\\\">%{disabled_sum}</b>\\n <p>Disabled</p>":["",""],"<b style=\\\"color: #6bb5df;\\\">%{hosts_sum}</b>\\n <p>Changed</p>":["",""],"<b style=\\\"color: #6bb5df;\\\">%{out_of_sync_sum}</b>\\n <p>Out of sync</p>":["",""],"<b>Description:</b> %{desc}<br/>\\n <b>Type:</b> %{type}<br/>\\n <b>Matcher:</b> %{matcher}<br/>\\n <b>Inherited value:</b> %{inherited_value}":["<b>Descrição:</b> %{desc}<br/>\\n <b>Tipo:</b> %{type}<br/>\\n <b>Correspondência:</b> %{matcher}<br/>\\n <b>Valor herdado:</b> %{inherited_value}"],"<b>Foreman API v1 is deprecated. Please use v2.</b><br />If you still need to use v1, you may do so by either passing 'version=1' in the Accept Header or using api/v1/ in the URL.":[""],"<b>Foreman</b> Build Complete":["<b>Foreman</b> Compilação Concluída"],"<b>Foreman</b> Puppet error report":["<b>Foreman</b> Relatório de Erro do Puppet"],"<b>Foreman</b> Puppet summary":["Resumo do Puppet <b>Foreman</b> "],"<b>Foreman</b> audit summary":["resumo de auditoria <b>Foreman</b>"],"<b>Foreman</b> test email":["<b>Foreman</b> email de teste"],"<b>Source:</b> %{type} %{name}":["<b>Fonte:</b> %{type} %{name}"],"<dl><dt>List</dt> <dd>A list of the allowed values, specified in the Validator rule field.</dd><dt>Regexp</dt> <dd>Validates the input with the regular expression in the Validator rule field.</dd></dl>":["<dl><dt>Lista</dt> <dd>Uma lista de valores permitidos, especificada no campo the Validator rule.</dd><dt>Regexp</dt> <dd>Valida a entrada com a expressão regular no campo Regra de validação.</dd></dl>"],"<dl><dt>String</dt> <dd>Everything is taken as a string.</dd><dt>Boolean</dt> <dd>Common representation of boolean values are accepted.</dd><dt>Integer</dt> <dd>Integer numbers only, can be negative.</dd><dt>Real</dt> <dd>Accept any numerical input.</dd><dt>Array</dt> <dd>A valid JSON or YAML input, that must evaluate to an array.</dd><dt>Hash</dt> <dd>A valid JSON or YAML input, that must evaluate to an object/map/dict/hash.</dd><dt>YAML</dt> <dd>Any valid YAML input.</dd><dt>JSON</dt> <dd>Any valid JSON input.</dd></dl>":["<dl><dt>String</dt> <dd>Tudo é taken como uma string..</dd><dt>Booleano</dt> <dd>Representações comuns de valores booleanos são aceitos.</dd><dt>Inteiro</dt> <dd>Somente números inteiros, pode ser negativo.</dd><dt>Real</dt> <dd>Aceita qualquer entrada númerica</dd><dt>Vetor</dt> <dd>Uma entrada JSON ou YAML válida, deve ser entrada como um vetor.</dd><dt>Hash</dt> <dd>A valid JSON or YAML input, that must evaluate to an object/map/dict/hash.</dd><dt>YAML</dt> <dd>Any valid YAML input.</dd><dt>JSON</dt> <dd>Any valid JSON input.</dd></dl>"],"A Foreman user group can be associated to a group stored in an LDAP server, so membership of the LDAP group automatically adds the user to the Foreman user group.":[""],"A host group is in some ways similar to an inherited node declaration, in that it is a high level grouping of classes that can be named and treated as a unit. This is then treated as a template and is selectable during the creation of a new host and ensures that the host is configured in one of your pre-defined states.":["Um grupo de hosts é de certa forma semelhante à uma declaração de nó herdado, ou seja, é um agrupamento de alto nível de classes que pode ser chamado e tratado como uma unidade. Este é, então, tratado como um modelo e é selecionável durante a criação de um novo host e assegura que o host está configurado em um dos seus estados pré-definidos."],"A medium represents the source of one or more operating system's installation files, accessible via the network.\\n It will probably be a mirror from the internet or a copy of one or more CD or DVDs.":["A mídia representa a fonte de um ou mais arquivos de instalação do sistema operacional, acessível através da rede. \\n Provavelmente será um espelho da internet ou uma cópia de um ou mais CDs ou DVDs."],"A partition table entry represents either":["A entrada da tabela de partição representa ou"],"A problem occurred when detecting host type: %s":["Um problema ocorreu enquanto detectando tipo de host: %s"],"A script to dynamically calculate the desired sizes. E.G.":["Um script para calcular dinamicamente os tamanhos desejados. POR EXEMPLO"],"A user group already exists with this name":["ja existe um grupo de usuários com este nome"],"API Key":["Chave API"],"API documentation":["Documentação da API"],"About":["Sobre"],"Access Key":["Chave de acesso"],"Access denied":["Acesso negado"],"Access unattended without build":["Acessar autônomo sem compilação"],"Account":["Conta"],"Acquire IP addresses for %s":["Adquirir endereços IP para %s"],"Action":["Ação"],"Actions":["Ações"],"Active":["Ativo"],"Active Hosts":["Hostas ativos"],"Active features":["Recursos ativos"],"Active key":[""],"Add Autosign entry":["Adicionar entrada automática"],"Add Bookmark":["Adicionar marcador"],"Add Interface":["Adicionar interface"],"Add Matcher":["Adicionar Correspondência"],"Add Parameter":["Adicionar parâmetro"],"Add Trend Counter":["Adicionar contador de tendência"],"Add Variable":["Adicionar variável"],"Add Volume":["Adicionar volume"],"Add a CD-ROM drive to the virtual machine.":["Adicione um drive de CD-ROM na máquina virtual."],"Add a Puppet class to host":["Adicionar uma classe Puppet para o host"],"Add a Puppet class to host group":["Adicionar uma classe Puppet para o grupo"],"Add a template combination":["Adicionar uma combinação de template"],"Add combination":["Adicionar combinação"],"Add external user group":["Adicionar grupo de usuários externos"],"Add filter":["Adicionar filtro"],"Add to dashboard":["Adicionar ao painel "],"Add widgets":["Adicionar widgets"],"Add:":["Adicionar:"],"Adding would cause a cycle!":["Adicionando poderia causar um reboot!"],"Additional Information":["Adicionar informação"],"Additional compute resource specific attributes for the interface.":["Atributos específicos de recursos adicionais de computação para a interface."],"Additional compute resource specific attributes.":["Atributos específicos adicionais de recurso de computação."],"Additional information about this host":["Informação adicional sobre este host"],"Address to connect to":["Endereço para conexão"],"Admin permissions required":["Permissões de Admin necessárias"],"Administer":["Administrar"],"Administrator email address":["Endereço de email do administrador"],"Administrator user account required":["Conta do usuário administrador necessária "],"Alert":["Alerta"],"Alerts disabled":["Alertas desabilitado"],"Alias or VLAN device":["Alias ou VLAN"],"All":["Todos"],"All Puppet Classes for %s":["Todas as classes do Puppet para %s"],"All Reports":["Todos os relatórios"],"All compute resources":["Todos os recursos de computação"],"All domains":["Todos os domínios"],"All environments":["Todos os ambientes"],"All environments - (not filtered)":["Todos os ambientes - (sem filtro)"],"All host groups":["Todos os grupos de host"],"All hosts":["Todos hosts"],"All hosts data matches configurations for locations and organizations.":["Todos os dados dos hosts correspondem às configurações destas localizações e organizações."],"All hosts previously with no %{single} are now assigned to %{name}":["Todos os hosts anteriormente sem %{single} agora estão atribuídos a %{name}"],"All hosts will show a configuration status even when a Puppet smart proxy is not assigned":["Todos os hosts exibirão um status de configuração, mesmo quando não houver atribuição de um proxy inteligente do puppet"],"All items":["Todos os itens"],"All media":["Todas as mídias"],"All messages":["Todas mensagens"],"All mismatches between hosts and %s have been fixed":["Todas as incompatibilidades entre hostes e %s foram resolvidas"],"All mismatches between hosts and locations/organizations have been fixed":["Todas as incompatibilidades entre hosts e localizações/organizações foram resolvidas"],"All partition tables":["Todas as tabelas de partição"],"All provisioning templates":["Todos os modelos de provisionamento"],"All realms":["Todos os realms"],"All smart proxies":["Todos os proxies inteligentes"],"All subnets":["Todas as subredes"],"All users":["Todos os usuários"],"Allocated":["Alocado"],"Allocation (GB)":["Alocação (GB)"],"Allow access to unattended URLs without build mode being used":["Permitir acesso a URLs autônomas sem o uso do modo de compilação"],"Allow external network as main network":["Permitir rede externa como a rede principal"],"Allowed methods or members":["Métodos ou membros permitidos"],"Always show configuration status":["Sempre exibir o status de configuração "],"An IP address will be auto-suggested if you have enabled IPAM on the IPv4 subnet selected above.<br/><br/>The IP address can be left blank when:<br/><ul><li>provisioning tokens are enabled</li><li>the domain does not manage DNS</li><li>the subnet does not manage reverse DNS</li><li>and the subnet does not manage DHCP reservations</li></ul>":["Um endereço IP será sugerido automaticamente se você ativou IPAM na sub-rede IPv4 selecionada acima.<br/><br/>O endereço IP pode ser deixado em branco quando:<br/><ul><li>tokens de provisionamento estão ativados</li><li>o domínio não gerencia DNS</li><li>a sub-rede não gerencia DNS reverso</li><li>e a sub-rede não gerencia reservas DHCP</li></ul>"],"An IP address will be auto-suggested if you have enabled IPAM on the IPv6 subnet selected above.":["Um endereço IP será sugerido automaticamente se você ativou IPAM na sub-rede IPv6 selecionada acima."],"An email address is required, please update your account details":["Um endereço de email é necessário, por favor atualize os dados de sua conta."],"An error occurred while testing the connection: ":["Ocorreu um erro ao testar a conexão: "],"An explicit layout for the partitions of your hard drive(s). E.G.":["Um layout explicito para as partições do seu disco(s). E.G."],"An invalid response was received while requesting available features from this proxy":["Uma resposta inválida foi recebida ao solicitar recursos disponíveis deste proxy"],"Annotation Notes":["Anotações de notas"],"Annotation notes":["Anotações de notas"],"Anonymous admin user %s is missing, run foreman-rake db:seed":["Usuário admin anônimo %s está faltando, execute foreman-rake db:seed"],"Any Context":["Qualquer contexto"],"Any Location":["Qualquer localização"],"Any Organization":["Qualquer organização"],"Applicable Operating Systems":["Sistemas operacionais aplicáveis"],"Applied":["Aplicado"],"Applied|A":["A"],"Architecture":["Arquitetura"],"Architecture Distribution":["Distribuição de arquitetura"],"Architecture ID":["ID da Arquitetura"],"Architectures":["Arquiteturas"],"Architecture|Hostgroups count":["Contagem de Hostgroups"],"Architecture|Hosts count":["Contagem de Hosts"],"Architecture|Name":["Architecture|Nome"],"Are you sure you want to %{act} %{vm}?":["Você está certo que deseja %{act} %{vm}?"],"Are you sure you want to delete host %s? This action is irreversible.":["Você tem certeza que quer apagar esse host %s? Essa ação é irreversível."],"Are you sure you want to delete host %s? This will delete the virtual machine and its disks, and is irreversible.":["Você tem certeza que quer deletar essa máquina %s? Isso apagará a máquina virtual e o seu disco, isso é irreversível. "],"Are you sure you want to delete this widget from your dashboard?":["Você tem certeza que deseja remover esse widget do seu painel?"],"Are you sure you want to log out?":["Você está certo que quer fazer logout?"],"Are you sure you want to power %{act} %{vm}?":["Você está certo que deseja ligar %{act} %{vm}?"],"Are you sure?":["Você tem certeza?"],"Array of extra information types to include":["Matriz de tipos adicionais de informações a incluir"],"Array of host IDs to associate with the partition table":["Matriz de IDs de host para associar a tabela de partição"],"Array of host group IDs to associate with the partition table":["Disposição de IDs de grupo host para associar com a tabela de partição"],"Array of operating system IDs to associate with the partition table":["Matriz de IDs de sistema operacional para associar com a tabela de partição"],"Array of operating system IDs to associate with the template":["Array de IDs de sistemas operacionais para associar com o template"],"Array of parameters":[""],"Array of parameters (name, value)":["Array de parâmetros(name, value)"],"Array of template combinations (hostgroup_id, environment_id)":["Array de combinação de templates (hostgroup_id, environment_id)"],"Assign All":["Associar tudo"],"Assign Hosts to %s":["Associar hosts em %s"],"Assign Location":["Associar localização"],"Assign Organization":["Associar Organização"],"Assign Selected Hosts":["Associar hosts selecinados"],"Assign the %{count} host with no %{taxonomy_single} to %{taxonomy_name}":["",""],"Assign to %s":["Associar em %s"],"Assigning hosts to %{taxonomy_name} will also update %{taxonomy_name} to include all the resources that the selected hosts are currently using.":["Atribuindo hosts para %{taxonomy_name} também atualizará o %{taxonomy_name} para incluir todos os recursos que os hosts selecionados estão utilizando atualmente."],"Associate VM":["Associar VM"],"Associate VM to a Foreman host":["Associar VM à um host 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delegação de login com a variável de ambiente REMOTE_USER para chamadas de API também"],"Authorized by":["Autorizado por"],"Auto refresh off":["Atualização automática desativada"],"Auto refresh on":["Atualização automática ativada"],"Automatic":[""],"Autosign":["Entrada automáticas"],"Autosign entries":["Entradas automáticas "],"Autosign entry name":[""],"Availability zone":["Zonas disponíveis"],"Available Classes":["Classes disponíveis"],"Available Config Groups":["Grupos de Configuração Disponíveis"],"Available Providers":["Provedores disponíveis"],"Average memory usage":["Média do uso de memória"],"Average swap usage":["Média do uso de swap"],"Avoid duplicate values when merging them (only array type)?":["Evitar valores duplicados quando mesclando-os (somente tipo de matriz)?"],"BIOS":["BIOS"],"BMC":["BMC"],"BMC credentials access":["Acesso às credenciais do BMC"],"BMC password usage":["Uso da senha do BMC"],"Back":["Voltar"],"Back to host":["Voltar para o host"],"Back to host list":["Voltar para a lista"],"Backtrace":["Backtrace"],"Bare Metal":["Bare Metal"],"Base DN":["DN Base"],"Before you proceed to using Foreman you should provide information about one or more architectures.":["Antes de continuar a utilizar o Foreman você deve acrescentar informações sobre uma ou mais arquiteturas."],"Bond":["Bond"],"Bond mode of the interface, e.g. balance-rr. Only for bond interfaces.":["Modo do bond da interface, ex.: balance-rr. Somente para interfaces em bond."],"Bookmark":["Marcador"],"Bookmark this search":["Adicionar esta pesquisa a um marcador"],"Bookmark was successfully created.":["Marcador foi criado com sucesso."],"Bookmark was successfully updated.":["Marcador foi atualizado com sucesso."],"Bookmarks":["Marcadores"],"Bookmarks are saved search queries. To save them, click on 'Bookmark this search' on the dropdown next to every search button.":["Marcadores são consultas de pesquisa salvas. Para salvá-las, clique em 'Marcar esta pesquisa' no menu suspenso próximo aos botões de pesquisa. "],"Bookmark|Controller":["Bookmark|Controlador"],"Bookmark|Name":["Bookmark|Nome"],"Bookmark|Owner type":["Owner type"],"Bookmark|Public":["Bookmark|Público"],"Bookmark|Query":["Bookmark|Consulta de pesquisa"],"Boot device":["Dispositivo de inicialização"],"Boot from volume":["Inicializar a partir de volume "],"Boot host from specified device":["Inicie o nó através do dispositivo especificado"],"Bootable":["Inicializavel"],"Bridge":["Ponte"],"Browse host config management reports":["Navegue pelos relatórios de gerenciamento de configuração do host "],"Browse host facts":["Navegar pelos fatos do host"],"Browser locale":["Localidades do navegador "],"Browser timezone":["Fuso horário do navegador "],"Build":["Compilar"],"Build Hosts":["Compilar Hosts"],"Build PXE Default":["Compilar Padrão PXE"],"Build a query for %{mailer}":["Compilar uma consulta para %{mailer}"],"Build from OS image":["Construir a partir de uma imagem de SO"],"By unchecking this you can specify filter using Foreman search syntax in search field. 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"],"CPUs":["CPUs"],"Cache slow calls to VMWare to speed up page rendering":[""],"Caching":[""],"Calling methods on objects":["Métodos de chamada em objetos"],"Can't delete internal admin account":["Não foi possível apagar conta interna de administrador"],"Can't delete the last admin account":["Impossível possível apagar a última conta de admin"],"Can't delete the last admin user group":["Impossível possível apagar o último grupo de admin"],"Can't find a valid Foreman Proxy with a Puppet feature":["Não foi possível localizar um Foreman Proxy com um recurso Puppet válido."],"Cancel":["Cancelar"],"Cancel build":["Cancelar construção"],"Cancel build request for this host":["Cancelar requisição de construção para este host"],"Canceled pending build for %s":["Cancelada pendência de construção para %s"],"Cannot add pagelet with key %s and without mountpoint":["Não é possível adicionar pagelet com a chave %s e sem ponto de montagem"],"Cannot add pagelet with key %s and without partial":["Não é possível adicionar pagelet com a chave %s e sem parcial"],"Cannot continue because some permissions were not found, please run rake db:seed and retry":[""],"Cannot create LDAP configuration for %s without dedicated service account":["Não foi possível criar configuração LDAP para %s sem uma conta de serviço dedicada"],"Cannot delete %{current} because it has nested %{sti_name}.":["Não foi possível remover o %{current} porque se aninhou %{sti_name}."],"Cannot delete built-in role":["Não é possível excluir função integrada"],"Cannot delete group %{current} because it has nested groups.":["Não é possível remover o grupo %{current} porque possui grupos aninhados."],"Cannot delete group %{current} because it has nested host groups.":["Não foi possível apagar o grupo %{current} por que ele tem um grupo de host aninhado."],"Cannot find user %s when switching context":["Não foi possível encontrar o usuário %s quando se muda o contexto."],"Cannot register compute resource, wrong type supplied":["Impossível registrar recurso computacional, tipo errado suprimido"],"Canvas not supported.":["Sem suporte para Canvas."],"Caps lock ON":["Caps lock LIGADO"],"Certificate Name":["Nome do certificado"],"Certificate path":["Caminho do certificado"],"Certificate that Foreman will use to encrypt websockets ":["Certificado que o Foreman usará para criptografar websockets"],"Certificates":["Certificados"],"Change Environment":["Mudar ambiente"],"Change Group":["Mudar grupo"],"Change Owner":["Alterar Proprietário"],"Change Power State":["Alterar Estado de Energia "],"Change Puppet CA":["Alterar Puppet CA"],"Change Puppet Master":["Alterar Puppet Master"],"Change the password":["Trocar a senha"],"Change your avatar at":["Mude seu avatar em"],"Changed environments":["Modificar ambiente"],"Changes to %s will propagate to all inheriting filters":[""],"Chassis":["Chassis"],"Check again":["Verificar novamente"],"Check/Uncheck all":["Marcar/Desmarcar tudo"],"Check/Uncheck all %s 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classes"],"ConfigGroup|Hostgroups count":["Contagem de grupos de hosts"],"ConfigGroup|Hosts count":["Contagem de hosts"],"ConfigGroup|Name":["Nome"],"Configuration":["Configuração"],"Configuration rebuild failed for: %s.":["Configuração de reconstrução falhou por : %s."],"Configuration successfully rebuilt.":["Configuração reconstruído com êxito."],"Configure":["Configurar"],"Configure instance %s via SSH":["Configurar instância %s via SSH"],"Conflict - %s":["Conflito - %s"],"Conflicts have been detected":["Foram detectados conflitos"],"Connected (unencrypted) to: %s":["Conectado (não criptografado) a: %s"],"Connecting (unencrypted) to: %s":["Conectando (descriptografado) em: %s"],"Console":["Console"],"Console output may be out of date":["Saída de console podem estar desatualizados"],"Console passwords":["Senhas de console"],"Consult \\\"Provisioning Templates\\\" page to see what templates are available.":[""],"Continue to look for matches after first find (only array/hash type)? 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"],"Could not recreate a new SSH key":[""],"Create":["Criar"],"Create %s":["Criar %s"],"Create %{type} for %{host}":["Cria %{type} para %{host}"],"Create :a_resource":["Criar: a_resource"],"Create Architecture":[""],"Create Authentication Source":[""],"Create Bookmark":[""],"Create Compute Profile":[""],"Create Compute Resource":[""],"Create Config Group":[""],"Create DHCP Settings for %s":["Criar configuração de DHCP para %s"],"Create Domain":[""],"Create Environment":[""],"Create Filter":[""],"Create Global Parameter":[""],"Create Host":[""],"Create Host Group":[""],"Create Image":[""],"Create Installation Medium":[""],"Create LDAP Auth Source":[""],"Create LDAP Source":[""],"Create Location":[""],"Create Medium":[""],"Create Model":[""],"Create Operating System":[""],"Create Operating system":[""],"Create Organization":[""],"Create Parameter":[""],"Create Partition Table":[""],"Create Proxy":[""],"Create Puppet Environment":[""],"Create Realm":[""],"Create Role":[""],"Create SSH 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específica"],"Create autosign entry":[""],"Create host":[""],"Create new boot volume from image":["Criar novo volume de inicialização a partir da imagem "],"Create new host when facts are uploaded":["Criar novo host quando os fatos estiverem carregados "],"Create new host when report is uploaded":["Criar novo host quando o relatório estiver carregado"],"Create realm entry for %s":["Criar entrada de realm para %s"],"Created":["Criado"],"Ctrl-Alt-Del":["Ctrl-Alt-Del"],"Current password":["Senha atual"],"Custom LDAP search filter, <i>optional</i>":[" Filtro de pesquisa do LDAP personalizado, <i>opcional</i>"],"DB pending migration":["Migração pendente de DB "],"DB pending seed":["Propagação pendente de DB"],"DHCP":["DHCP"],"DHCP Proxy":["Proxy DHCP"],"DHCP Proxy ID to use within this subnet":["ID do proxy DHCP a ser usado nesta sub-rede"],"DHCP Proxy to use within this subnet":["Proxy DHCP para usar dentro dessa subrede"],"DHCP conflicts removal for %s":["Remoção de conflito DHCP para %s"],"DHCP filename option":["opção de nome de arquivo DHCP"],"DHCP filename option (Grub2/PXELinux by default)":["opção de nome de arquivo DHCP (Grub2/PXELinux por padrão)"],"DHCP filename option to use. 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para interfaces associadas com esta sub-rede aplicados de um template de provisionamento"],"Default boot mode for interfaces assigned to this subnet, valid values are \\\"Static\\\", \\\"DHCP\\\"":[" Modo de inicialização padrão para interfaces atribuídos a este sub-rede, os valores válidos são \\\"Static\\\", \\\"DHCP\\\""],"Default encrypted root password on provisioned hosts":["Senha root criptografada padrão em hosts provisionados."],"Default location":["Localização padrão"],"Default on login":["Padrão ao efetuar login"],"Default organization":["Organização padrão"],"Default owner on provisioned hosts, if empty Foreman will use current user":[""],"Default templates are automatically added to new locations":["Modelos padrão são adicionados automaticamente às novas localizações "],"Default templates are automatically added to new organizations":["Modelos padrão são adicionados automaticamente às novas organizações "],"Default templates are automatically added to new organizations and locations":["Modelos padrão são adicionados automaticamente às novas localizações e organizações "],"Default value":["Valor padrão"],"Default value of variable":["Valor padrão da variável"],"Default variables lookup path":["Caminho de pesquisa das variáveis padrão"],"Default verification mode":["Modo de verificação padrão"],"Defaults to image size if left blank":["Usa o tamanho da imagem como padrão se deixado em branco "],"Delete":["Remover"],"Delete %s?":["Remover %s"],"Delete :a_resource":["Apagar :a_resource"],"Delete Hosts":["Apagar hosts"],"Delete PuppetCA certificates for %s":["Apagar certificados PuppetCA para %s"],"Delete TFTP %{kind} config for %{host}":["Excluir config %{kind} TFTP para %{host}"],"Delete a Puppet class":["Apagar uma classe Puppet"],"Delete a bookmark":["Apagar favorito"],"Delete a compute profile":["Apagar um perfil computacional"],"Delete a compute resource":["Remover um recurso de computação"],"Delete a config group":["Apagar um grupo de 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organização"],"Delete all nested parameters for a domain":["Apagar todos os parâmetros aninhados para um domínio"],"Delete all nested parameters for a host":["Apagar todos os parâmetros aninhados para um host"],"Delete all nested parameters for a host group":["Apagar todos os parâmetros aninhados para um grupo de hosts"],"Delete all nested parameters for a subnet":["Apagar todos os parametros aninhados para uma sub-rede"],"Delete all nested parameters for an operating system":["Apagar todos os parâmetros aninhados para um sistema operacional"],"Delete all the trend history for %s?":["Excluir todo o histórico de tendências de %s?"],"Delete an LDAP authentication source":["Apagar uma fonte de autenticação LDAP"],"Delete an SSH key for a user":[""],"Delete an architecture":["Apagar um arquitetura"],"Delete an environment":["Apagar um ambiente"],"Delete an external user group":["Apagar um grupo de usuários externo"],"Delete an image":["Apagar uma imagem"],"Delete an operating system":["Apagar um sistema operacional"],"Delete an override value for a specific smart class parameter":["Remover um valor de substituição para um parâmetro de classe inteligente específico "],"Delete an override value for a specific smart variable":["Remover um valor de substituição para uma variável inteligente específica"],"Delete autosign entry":[""],"Delete autosign entry for %s":["Remover registro autosign para %s"],"Delete filter?":["Apagar filtro?"],"Delete realm entry for %s":["Remover entrada do realm para %s"],"Delete report for %s?":["Apagar relatórios para %s?"],"Deleted environment":["Apagar ambiente"],"Deleted environment %{env} and %{pcs}":["Excluir ambiente %{env} and %{pcs}"],"Delivery method":["Método de entrega"],"Deploy TFTP %{kind} config for %{host}":["Implantar config %{kind} TFTP para %{host}"],"Deploy VM on selected datastore":["Implantar MV no armazenamento de dados selecionado"],"Deploy on":["Implantar em"],"Deprecated, please use datacenter":["Preterido. Use o data center"],"Deprecated, please use omit":["Preterido. Use omitir"],"Description":["Descrição"],"Description of smart class":["Descrição da classe inteligente"],"Description of the domain":["Descrição para o domínio"],"Description of variable":["Descrição da variável"],"Deselect All":["Desmarcar todos"],"Destroy":["Destruir"],"Destroyed selected hosts":["Destruir hosts selecionados"],"Details":["Detalhes"],"Device identifier":["Identificador de Dispositivo"],"Device identifier for this interface. This may be different on various platforms and environments, here are some common examples.<br/><ul><li>Use the basic name for physical interface identifiers, e.g. <strong>eth0</strong> or <strong>em0</strong> with biosdevname.</li><li>For virtual interfaces, use either alias notation (<strong>eth0:1</strong>, name:index) or VLAN notation (<strong>eth0.15</strong>, name.tag).</li><li>For bonds it's common to use <strong>bond0</strong> on Linux, <strong>lagg0</strong> on FreeBSD systems.</li></ul>":["Identificador de dispositivo para esta interface. Isto pode diferir de diversas plataformas e ambientes, aqui estão alguns exemplos comuns. .<br/><ul><li>Use o nome básico para identificadores de interface física, e.x.: <strong>eth0</strong> ou <strong>em0</strong> com biosdevname.</li><li>Para interfaces virtuais, use tanto as anotações de alias (<strong>eth0:1</strong>, name:index) quanto as anotações de VLAN (<strong>eth0.15</strong>, name.tag).</li><li>Para vínculos é comum utilizar<strong>bond0</strong> no Linux, <strong>lagg0</strong> em sistemas FreeBSD.</li></ul>"],"Device identifier, e.g. eth0 or eth1.1":["Identificador do dispositivo, ex.: eth0 ou eth1.1"],"Diff":["Dif"],"Diff View":["Visualizar dif"],"Disable Notifications":["Desabilitar notificações"],"Disable alerts for selected hosts":["Desabilitar alertas para os hosts selecionados"],"Disable all filters overriding":["Desativar toda a substituição de filtros"],"Disable overriding":["Desativar substituição"],"Disabled":["Desabilitado"],"Disassociate Hosts":["Desassociar hosts"],"Disassociate host":["Desassociar host"],"Disassociate the host from a VM":["Desassociar o host de uma VM"],"Disassociate the selected hosts from their VMs":["Desassociar os hosts selecionados de suas MVs"],"Disk":["Disco"],"Disk mode":[""],"Display":["Exibição"],"Display Name":["Nome para exibição"],"Display hidden parameter values":[""],"Display hidden values":[""],"Display the templates that will be used to provision this host":["Exibe os modelos que serão utilizados para provisionar esse host"],"Display type":["Exibir tipo"],"Displaying %{num_audits} of %{total_audits} audit":["",""],"Displaying <b>%{count}</b> entry":["Exibindo <b>%{count}</b> entrada","Exibindo <b>%{count}</b> entradas"],"Displaying entries <b>%{from} - %{to}</b> of <b>%{count}</b> in total":["Exibindo entradas <b>%{from} - %{to}</b> de <b>%{count}</b> no total"],"Documentation":["Documentação"],"Does this image support user data input (e.g. via cloud-init)?":["Esta imagem suporta a entrada de dados do usuário (ex.: via cloud-init)?"],"Domain":["Domínio"],"Domain ID":["ID do Domínio"],"Domain IDs":[" IDs de Domínio"],"Domains":["Domínios"],"Domains in which this subnet is part":["Domínios em que essa subrede faz parte"],"Domain|Fullname":["Domain|Sobrenome"],"Domain|Hostgroups count":["Domain|Hostgroups count"],"Domain|Hosts count":["Domain|Hosts count"],"Domain|Name":["Domain|Nome"],"Download":[""],"Duration in minutes after the Puppet interval for servers to be classed as out of sync.":["Duração em minutos depois que o intervalo de Puppet para servidores é classificado como fora de sincronização"],"EC2":["EC2"],"EFI":[""],"ENC environment":["Ambiente ENC"],"ERROR or FATAL":["ERRO ou FATAL"],"EUI-64":["EUI-64"],"Each architecture can also be associated with more than one operating system and a selector block is provided to allow you to select valid combinations.":["Cada arquitetura também pode ser associado a mais de um sistema operacional e um bloco seletor é fornecido para permitir que você selecione combinações válidas."],"Each entries represent a particular hardware architecture, most commonly <b>x86_64</b> or <b>i386</b>. Foreman also supports the Solaris operating system family, which includes <b>sparc</b> based systems.":["Cada entradas representam uma arquitetura de hardware especial, mais comumente <b>x86_64</b> ou <b>i386</b>. Foreman também suporta o sistema operacional Solaris da família, que inclui <b>sparc</b> sistemas baseados."],"Eager zero":["Eager zero"],"Edit":["Editar"],"Edit %s":["Editar %s"],"Edit Architecture":["Editar arquitetura"],"Edit Bookmark":["Editar marcador"],"Edit Compute profile":["Editar perfil computacional"],"Edit Compute profile: %s":["Editar perfil computacional: %s"],"Edit Config group":["Editar grupo de usuário"],"Edit Domain":["Editar domínio"],"Edit Environment":["Editar ambiente"],"Edit Filter":["Editar filtro"],"Edit Global Parameter":["Editar parâmetro global"],"Edit Host":["Editar host"],"Edit LDAP Auth Source":["Editar fonte de autenticação LDAP"],"Edit Medium":["Editar médio"],"Edit Model":["Editar modelo"],"Edit Operating System":["Editar sistema operacional"],"Edit Parameters":["Editar parâmetros"],"Edit Partition Table":["Editar tabela de partição"],"Edit Properties":["Editar propriedades"],"Edit Proxy":["Editar proxy"],"Edit Puppet Class %s":["Editar classe Puppet %s"],"Edit Realm":["Editar Realm"],"Edit Role":["Editar função"],"Edit Smart Variable":["Editar variável inteligente"],"Edit Smart class parameters":["Editar parâmetros da classe inteligentes"],"Edit Subnet":["Editar subrede"],"Edit Template":["Editar template"],"Edit Trend %s":["Editar tendência %s"],"Edit User":["Editar usuário"],"Edit User group":["Editar grupo de usuário"],"Edit compute profile on %s":["Editar perfil computacional no %s"],"Edit this host":["Editar esse host"],"Email Preferences":["Preferências de email"],"Email address is missing":["O endereço de email está ausente "],"Email reply address":["Endereço de email para resposta"],"Email reply address for emails that Foreman is sending":["Endereço de email para resposta aos emails que o Foreman envia"],"Email subject prefix":["Prefixo do assunto do email "],"Email was sent successfully":["Email enviado com êxito"],"Empty environment":["Ambiente vazio"],"Enable Notifications":["Habilitar notificações"],"Enable alerts for selected hosts":["Habilitar alertas para os hosts selecionados"],"Enable caching":[""],"Enable certificate generation for %s":["Habilitar geração de certificado para %s"],"Enable if this is an alias or VLAN interface, note that alias can be used only with static boot mode subnet":["Habilitar se este for um alias ou uma interface VLAN, observe que este alias pode ser usado somente com a subrede do modo de inicialização estático "],"Enable puppetrun support":["Habilitar suporte para puppetrun"],"Enable rebuild on next host boot":["Habilitar reconstrução no próximo boot do host"],"Enable safe mode config templates rendering (recommended)":["Habilitar o modo de segurança e configuração (recomendado)"],"Enable smart variables in ENC":["Habilitar variáveis inteligentes em ENC"],"Enable this host for provisioning":["Habilitar este host para provisionamento"],"Enabled":["Habilitado"],"Enabled %s for reboot and rebuild":["Ativado%s para reiniciar e reconstuir"],"Enabled %s for rebuild on next boot":["Habilitar %s para reconstrução no próximo boot"],"Enabled %s for rebuild on next boot, but failed to power cycle the host":["Ativado %s para recompilação na próxima inicialização, mas houve falha ao realizar o ciclo de energia do host"],"Ending IP Address for IP auto suggestion":["Endereço IP final para auto sugestão"],"Entries per page":["Entradas por página"],"Environment":["Ambiente"],"Environment Distribution":["Distribuição de Ambiente"],"Environment ID":["ID do ambiente"],"Environment IDs":["IDs de Ambiente"],"Environment only":["Somente ambiente"],"Environment variable containing a client's SSL certificate":["Variável de ambiente contendo um certificado de cliente SSL"],"Environment variable containing the subject DN from a client SSL certificate":["Variável de Ambiente contendo o sujeito DN de um certificado de cliente SSL"],"Environment variable containing the verification status of a client SSL certificate":["Variável de ambiente contendo o status de verificação de um certificado de cliente SSL"],"Environments":["Ambientes"],"Environment|Hostgroups count":["Environment|Hostgroups count"],"Environment|Hosts count":["Environment|Hosts count"],"Environment|Name":["Nome"],"Error":["Erro"],"Error - %{message}":["Erro - %{message}"],"Error adding widget to dashboard.":["Erro ao adicionar widget ao painel."],"Error connecting to %{proxy}: %{error}.":["Erro conectando ao %{proxy}: %{error}"],"Error connecting to '%{domain}' domain DNS servers: %{servers} - check query_local_nameservers and dns_conflict_timeout settings":["Erro ao estabelecer uma conexão com os servidores DNS do domínio'%{domain}': %{servers} - verifique as configurações query_local_nameservers e dns_conflict_timeout"],"Error connecting to system DNS server(s) - check /etc/resolv.conf":["Erro ao estabelecer uma conexão com o(s) servidor(es) DNS do sistema - verifique /etc/resolv.conf"],"Error generating IP: %s":["Erro ao gerar IP: %s"],"Error has occurred while communicating with %{cr}: %{e}":["Ocorreu um erro ao se comunicar com %{cr}: %{e}"],"Error loading interfaces information: %s":["Erro ao carregar informações das interfaces: %s"],"Error loading scheduler hint filters information: %s":["Erro ao carregar informações de filtros dicas do agendador: %s"],"Error removing widget from dashboard.":["Erro ao remover widget do painel."],"Errors":["Erros"],"Errors occurred, build may fail":["Erros ocorridos, construção talvez falhe"],"Errors only":["Somente erros"],"Errors: %s":["Erros: %s"],"Examples":["Exemplos"],"Exit Full Screen":["Sair da tela cheia"],"Expand nested items":["Expandir itens aninhados"],"Expand the chart":["Expandir o gráfico"],"Expire logs":["Expirar logs"],"Expires":["Expira"],"Explain matchers":["Explicar coincidentes"],"Export":["Exportar"],"Export a partition template to ERB":["Exportar um modelo de partição para o ERB"],"Export a provisioning template to ERB":["Exportar um modelo de provisionamento para o ERB"],"Export to CSV":[""],"External Groups":[""],"External IP":["IP externo"],"External user group":["Grupo de usuários externo"],"External user group %{name} could not be refreshed":[" Grupo de usuários Externos % {name} não pôde ser atualizado"],"External user group %{name} refreshed":[" Grupo de usuários Externos % {name} atualizado"],"External user group information":["Informação do grupo de usuário externo"],"External user group name":["Nome do grupo de usuário externo"],"External user groups will be synced on login, else relies on periodic cronjob to check group membership":["Os grupos de usuários externos serão sincronizados na realização do login, os demais ficarão na dependência de cronjobs periódicos para verificarem as associações dos grupos. "],"External usergroup":["Usergroup externo"],"ExternalUsergroup|Name":["ExternalUsergroup|Nome"],"FQDN":["FQDN"],"Fact Name":["Nome do fato"],"Fact Values":["Valores do fato"],"Fact Values | %{host_name}":["Fatos Valores | %{host_name}"],"Fact distribution chart":["Gráfico de distribuição de fatos"],"Fact name":["Nome do fato"],"Fact value":["Valor do fato"],"Fact values":["Valores de fatos"],"FactName|Ancestry":["Ancestral"],"FactName|Compose":["Compor"],"FactName|Name":["FactName|Nome"],"FactName|Short name":["Nome curto"],"FactValue|Origin":["Origem"],"FactValue|Value":["FactValue|Valor"],"Facts":["Fatos"],"Fail on Mismatch":["Falha de incompatibilidade"],"Failed":["Falhou"],"Failed Restarts":["Reinicio falhou"],"Failed Restarts|FR":["FR"],"Failed connecting to %s":["Falho ao conectar em %s"],"Failed features":["Recursos com falhas "],"Failed features: %s":["",""],"Failed restarts":["Reinício falhou"],"Failed to %{action} %{host}: %{e}":["Falha em %{action} %{host}: %{e}"],"Failed to acquire IP addresses from compute resource for %s":["Falha ao adquirir endereços IP do recurso de computação para %s"],"Failed to cancel pending build for %{hostname} with the following errors: %{errors}":["Falha ao cancelar a compilação pendente de %{hostname} com os seguintes erros: %{errors}"],"Failed to clean any old certificates or add the autosign entry. Terminating the build!":["Falha ao limpar os certificados antigos ou adicionar o registro de autosign. Terminando a construção!"],"Failed to configure %{host} to boot from %{device}: %{e}":["Falha ao configurar o %{host} para inicializar a partir do %{device}: %{e}"],"Failed to create %{name}'s realm entry: %{e}":["Falha ao criar a entrada de realm: %{e} de %{name}'"],"Failed to create X509 certificate, error: %s":["Falha ao criar o certificado X509, erro:%s"],"Failed to create a compute %{compute_resource} instance %{name}: %{message}\\n ":["Falha ao criar uma instância %{name}: %{message} de computação %{compute_resource}"],"Failed to destroy a compute %{compute_resource} instance %{name}: %{e}":["Falha ao destruir uma instância %{compute_resource} de computação %{name}: %{e}"],"Failed to enable %{host} for installation: %{errors}":["Falha ao habilitar %{host} para instalação: %{errors}"],"Failed to fetch a free IP from proxy %{proxy}: %{message}":["Falha ao obter um IP livre do proxy %{proxy}: %{message}"],"Failed to fetch boot files":["Falha ao buscar os arquivos de inicialização"],"Failed to fetch power status: %s":["Falha ao obter o status de energia: %s"],"Failed to fetch: ":["Falha ao buscar:"],"Failed to get IP for %{name}: %{e}":["Falha ao obter IP para %{name}: %{e}"],"Failed to get a new realm OTP. Terminating the build!":["Falha o obter um novo realm OTP. Concluindo a compilação!"],"Failed to import %{klass} for %{name}: doesn't exists in our database - ignoring":["Falha ao importar %{klass} for %{name}: não existe no nosso database - ignorando"],"Failed to initialize the PuppetCA proxy: %s":["Failed to initialise the PuppetCA proxy: %s"],"Failed to initialize the realm proxy: %s":["Falha ao inicializar o proxy de realm: %s"],"Failed to launch script on %{name}: %{e}":["Falha ao iniciar o script em %{name}: %{e}"],"Failed to load chart":["Falha ao carregar gráfico"],"Failed to login via SSH to %{name}: %{e}":["Falha ao logar via SSH em %{name}: %{e}"],"Failed to modify the build cycle for %s":["Falha ao modificar o ciclo de construção para %s"],"Failed to perform rollback on %{task} - %{e}":["Falha ao executar rollback em %{task} - %{e}"],"Failed to power up a compute %{compute_resource} instance %{name}: %{e}":["Falha ao ativar uma instância %{compute_resource} de computação %{name}: %{e}"],"Failed to reboot %s.":["Falha ao reiniciar %s."],"Failed to redeploy %s.":["Falha ao reimplantar %s. "],"Failed to refresh the cache.":[""],"Failed to remove certificates for %{name}: %{e}":["Falha ao remover certificados de %{name}: %{e}"],"Failed to retrieve power status for %{host} within %{timeout} second.":["",""],"Failed to save widget positions.":["Falha ao salvar posições do widget."],"Failed to set %{proxy_type} proxy for %{host}.":["Falha ao definir proxy %{proxy_type} para %{host}."],"Failed to set IP for %{name}: %{e}":["Falha ao definir IP para %{name}: %{e}"],"Failed to set IPs via IPAM for %{name}: %{e}":["Falha ao definir IPs via IPAM para %{name}: %{e}"],"Failed to set console: %s":["Falha ao definir console: %s"],"Failed to set power state for %s.":["Falha ao definir o estado de energia para %s."],"Failed to stop compute %{compute_resource} instance %{name}: %{e}":["Falha ao interromper instância %{compute_resource} de computação %{name}: %{e}"],"Failed to undo update compute %{compute_resource} instance %{name}: %{e}":["Falha ao desfazer a atualização de instância %{compute_resource} de computação %{name}: %{e}"],"Failed to update a compute %{compute_resource} instance %{name}: %{e}":["Falha ao atualizar uma instância %{compute_resource} de computação %{name}: %{e}"],"Failed to update environments and Puppet classes from the on-disk Puppet installation: %s":["Falha ao atualizar ambientes e classes de Puppet da instalação do Puppet em disco: %s"],"Failed to update the environments and Puppet classes from the on-disk puppet installation: %s":["Falha ao atualizar os ambientes e classes de Puppet da instalação de disco do Puppet:%s"],"Failed to validate %{host}: %{error}":[" Falha ao validar % {host}:%{error}"],"Failed|F":["F"],"Failure deploying via smart proxy %{proxy}: %{error}.":[" Falha durante a implantação via o proxy inteligente %{proxy}: %{error}."],"Failure parsing %{template}: %{error}.":["Falha ao analisar %{template}: %{error}."],"Failure: %s":["Falha: %s"],"Family":["Família"],"Feature":["Funcionalidade"],"Features":["Funcionalidades"],"Features \\\"%s\\\" in this proxy are not recognized by Foreman. If these features come from a Smart Proxy plugin, make sure Foreman has the plugin installed too.":["Os recursos \\\"%s\\\" neste proxy não são reconhecidos pelo Foreman. Se esses recursos vierem de um plugin Smart Proxy, certifique-se de que o Foreman também tem o plugin instalado."],"Feature|Name":["Feature|Nome"],"Fetch TFTP boot files for %s":["Localizando arquivos de inicialização TFTP de %s"],"Filter":["Filtrar"],"Filter by level:":["Filtrar por nível:"],"Filter by name":["Filtrar por nome"],"Filter by state:":["Filtrar por estado: "],"Filter classes":["Filtrar classes"],"Filter overriding has been disabled":["A substituição de filtros foi desativada"],"Filters":["Filtros"],"Filters for role %s":["Filtros para a função %s"],"Filters inherit %{orgs_and_locs} from their role by default. If override field is enabled, <br> filter can override the set of its %{orgs_and_locs}. Later role changes will not affect <br> such filter. After disabling override field, role %{orgs_and_locs} apply again.":["Os filtros herdam %{orgs_and_locs} de sua função por padrão. Se o campo de substituição estiver ativado, <br> o filtro poderá substituir o conjunto de %{orgs_and_locs}. Alterações de função posteriores não afetarão <br> tal filtro. Após desativar o campo de substituição, a função %{orgs_and_locs} será aplicável novamente."],"Filters overriding has been disabled":["A substituição de filtros foi desativada"],"Filter|Override":["Substituir"],"Filter|Permissions":["Filter|Permissões"],"Filter|Resource":["Filter|Recurso"],"Filter|Search":["Filter|Pesquisa"],"Filter|Taxonomy search":["Filter|Pesquisa de Taxonomia"],"Filter|Unlimited":["Filter|Ilimitado"],"Fingerprint":["Identidade"],"Finish template":["Concluir modelo "],"Firmware":[""],"Fix %s on Mismatch":["Corrigir %s em incompatibilidades"],"Fix All Mismatches":["Corrigir todas as incompatibilidades"],"Fix DB cache":["Corrigir cache DB "],"Fix DB cache on next Foreman restart":["Corrigir cache DB na próxima inicialização do Foreman"],"Fix Mismatches":["Corrigir as incompatibilidades"],"Flavor":["Sabor"],"Floating IP network":["Rede de IP flutuante"],"Folder":["Pasta"],"Follow %{href} on how to describe your controllers.":["Seguir %{href} em como descrever controladores."],"For example, if you have copied several Red Hat release disks into a directory structure where the disk images are named 5.8 or 6.2, and each contained both x86_64 and i386 binaries, then you\\n could create a single medium entry describing them all.\\n The entry, which could be just named 'Red Hat' could contain a path like this <em>'http://server/redhat/$version/$arch'</em>":["Por exemplo, se você copiou vários discos de lançamento da Red Hat em uma estrutura de diretório onde as imagens de disco são nomeadas 5.8 ou 6.2, e cada um continha binários i386 e x86_64, você\\n poderia criar, então, uma entrada de mídia única, descrevendo-os todos.\\n A entrada, que poderia ser chamada de 'Red Hat', poderia conter um caminho como este <em>'http://server/redhat/$version/$arch'</em>"],"For more info visit our documentation.":["Para obter mais informações, consulte nossa documentação."],"For more information":["Para mais informações "],"Force a Puppet agent run on the host":["Força uma execução do agente Puppet no host"],"Foreman API v2 is currently the default API version.":["Foreman API v2 é atualmente a versão de API padrão."],"Foreman Developers":["Desenvolvedores do Foreman"],"Foreman URL":["URL do Foreman "],"Foreman Users":["Usuários do Foreman"],"Foreman audit summary":["resumo de auditoria do Foreman "],"Foreman can store information about the networking setup of a host that it’s provisioning, which can be used to configure the virtual machine, assign the correct IP addresses and network resources, then configure the OS correctly during the provisioning process.":[""],"Foreman can use LDAP based service for user information and authentication.":["Foreman pode utilizar um serviço LDAP para informação de usuário e autenticação."],"Foreman considers a domain and a DNS zone as the same thing.":["Foreman considera domínios e zonas DNS como a mesma coisa. "],"Foreman domain ID of interface. Required for primary interfaces on managed hosts.":["Foreman ID de domínio da interface. Necessário para as interfaces primárias em hosts gerenciados."],"Foreman host group matchers will be inherited by children when evaluating smart class parameters":["As correspondências do grupo de hosts do Foreman serão herdadas por dependentes durante a avaliação de parâmetros de classe inteligentes"],"Foreman now manages the build cycle for %s":["Foreman agora gerencia o ciclo de construção para %s"],"Foreman now no longer manages the build cycle for %s":["Foreman agora não gerencia mais o ciclo de construção para %s"],"Foreman report creation time is <em>%s</em>":["Tempo de criação de relatório do Foreman é <em>%s</em>"],"Foreman smart variables will be exposed via the ENC yaml output":["As variáveis ​​inteligentes do Foreman serão expostas via saída yaml ENC"],"Foreman subnet ID of IPv4 interface":["ID de sub-rede do Foreman de interface IPv4"],"Foreman subnet ID of IPv6 interface":["ID de sub-rede do Foreman de interface IPv6"],"Foreman supports automatically creating realm entries for new hosts.":["O Foreman fornece suporte à criação automática de entradas de realm para novos hosts. "],"Foreman supports creating and managing hosts on a number of virtualization and cloud services - referred to as “compute resources” - as well as bare metal hosts.":[""],"Foreman test email":["Email de teste do Foreman"],"Foreman ticketing system":["Sistema de bilhete do Foreman"],"Foreman will automate certificate signing upon provision of new host":["O Foreman automatizará a assinatura de certificados sob a provisão de um novo host"],"Foreman will create the host when a report is received":["O Foreman criará o host ao receber um relatório"],"Foreman will create the host when new facts are received":["O Foreman criará o host ao receber novos fatos "],"Foreman will default to this puppet environment if it cannot auto detect one":["O Foreman usará este ambiente puppet como padrão se não conseguir detectar um automaticamente."],"Foreman will delete virtual machine if provisioning script ends with non zero exit code":["Foreman removerá a máquina virtual caso o scrip de provisionamento termine com um código de saída não zero "],"Foreman will evaluate host smart variables in this order by default":["O Foreman avaliará as variáveis de host inteligentes nesta ordem por padrão"],"Foreman will explicitly set the puppet environment in the ENC yaml output. This will avoid conflicts between the environment in puppet.conf and the environment set in Foreman":["O Foreman definirá explicitamente o ambiente puppet na saída yaml ENC. Isto evitará conflitos entre o ambiente no puppet.conf e o ambiente definido no Foreman"],"Foreman will map users by username in request-header. If this is set to false, OAuth requests will have admin rights.":["O Foreman mapeará os usuários pelo nome de usuário no cabecalho de requisição. Caso isto seja definido como falso, as solicitações do OAuth terão direitos de admin."],"Foreman will not send this parameter in classification output, replaces use_puppet_default":["O Foreman não enviará este parâmetro na saída de classificação. Substitui use_puppet_default"],"Foreman will not send this parameter in classification output.":["O Foreman não enviará este parâmetro na saída de classificação."],"Foreman will not send this parameter in classification output. Puppet will use the value defined in the Puppet manifest for this parameter":["O Foreman não enviará este parâmetro na saída de classificação. O Puppet usará o valor definido no manifesto do Puppet para este parâmetro"],"Foreman will parse ERB in parameters value in the ENC output":["O Foreman analisará o ERB nos valores de parâmetros na saída ENC"],"Foreman will query the locally configured resolver instead of the SOA/NS authorities":["O Foreman pesquisará o resolvedor configurado localmente em vez de autoridades SOA/NS "],"Foreman will set this as the default Puppet module path if it cannot auto detect one":["O Foreman definirá este como o caminho do módulo Puppet padrão se não conseguir detectar um automaticamente."],"Foreman will truncate hostname to 'puppet' if it starts with puppet":["O Foreman truncará o nome do host para 'puppet', caso inicie com puppet"],"Foreman will update a host's environment from its facts":["O Foreman atualizará um ambiente de host a partir de seus fatos"],"Foreman will update a host's subnet from its facts":["O Foreman atualizará uma sub-rede do host a partir de seus fatos"],"Foreman will update the host IP with the IP that made the built request":["O Foreman atualizará o IP do host com o IP que solicitou a compilação "],"Foreman will use OAuth for API authorization":["Foreman usará OAuth para autorização de API"],"Foreman will use gravatar to display user icons":["O Foreman usará Gravatar para exibir os ícones de usuário"],"Foreman will use random UUIDs for certificate signing instead of hostnames":["O Foreman utilizará UUIDs aleatórios para a assinatura de certificado no lugar de nomes de host"],"Foreman will use the new (2.6.5+) format for classes in the ENC yaml output":["O Foreman utilizará o novo formato (2.6.5+) para classes na saída yaml ENC"],"Foreman will use the short hostname instead of the FQDN for creating new virtual machines":["O Foreman usará o nome de host curto em vez do FQDN para a criação de novas máquinas virtuais."],"Found %{count} reports from the last %{days} days":["%{count} relatórios localizados dos últimos %{days} dias"],"Full":["Cheio"],"Full audits list":["Lista completa de auditorias"],"Full name describing the domain":["Nome completo descrevendo o domínio"],"Full path to backing image used to create new volumes.":["Caminho completo para salvar a imagem usada para criar novos volumes."],"Full screen":["Tela cheia"],"Full trace":["Trace completo"],"Function not available for %s":["Função não disponível para %s"],"GMT time":["Hora GMT "],"Gateway":["Gateway"],"General":["Geral"],"General useful description, for example this kind of hardware needs a special BIOS setup":["Descrição geral útil. Por exemplo, este tipo de hardware precisa de uma configuração de BIOS especial"],"Generate new random name. Visit Settings to disable this feature.":["Gera um novo nome randômico. Acesse as configurações para desabilitar essa funcionalidade."],"Generated %s ago":["Gerado %s atrás"],"Generated at %s":["Gerado em %s"],"Get ENC values of host":["Obter valores ENC do host"],"Get configuration status of host":["Obter status de configuração de host"],"Get dashboard details":["Obter detalhes do painel"],"Get default dashboard widgets":["Obter widgets de painel padrão "],"Get statistics":["Gerar estatísticas"],"Get status of host":["Obter status do host"],"Get vm attributes of host":["Obter atributos de vm do host"],"Global":["Global"],"Global Parameters":["Parâmetros globais"],"Global default %s template":[""],"Global default %s template. This template gets deployed to all configured TFTP servers. It will not be affected by upgrades.":[""],"Global functions":["Funções globais"],"Global methods (functions)":["Métodos globais (funções)"],"Global parameters":["Parâmetros Globais"],"Global status changed from %{from} to %{to}":["Status global alterado de %{from} para %{to}"],"Global variables":["Variáveis globais"],"Good host reports in the last %s":["Relatórios de host positivos nos últimos %s"],"Google Project ID":["ID do Projeto do Google"],"Groups base DN":["DN base de grupos"],"Guest OS":["Convidado OS"],"HELO/EHLO domain":["Domínio HELO/EHLO"],"Hardware":["Hardware"],"Hardware Model":["Modelo de hardware"],"Hardware Models":["Modelos de hardware"],"Hardware models":["Modelos de hardware"],"Hash function to use. Change takes effect for new or updated hosts.":["Função hash para usar. Alteração entrará em vigor para os hosts novos ou atualizados."],"Hash of report metrics, can be just {}":["Hash de Medição de Relatórios, pode ser simplesmente {}"],"Hash of status type totals":["Hash do total do tipo de status"],"Help":["Ajuda"],"Hidden value":["Valor oculto"],"Hide all values for this parameter.":["Ocultar todos os valores para este parâmetro."],"Hide this value":["Ocultar este valor"],"Hint data is missing":["Dados de dicas estão faltando"],"History":["Histórico"],"Host":["Host"],"Host %s is built":["Máquina %s está construída"],"Host %s is not associated with a VM":["Host %s não está associado com uma VM"],"Host Configuration Chart":["Tabela de Configuração do Host"],"Host Configuration Status":["Status da configuração do host"],"Host Group Distribution":["Distribuição de Grupos de Host"],"Host Groups":["Grupos de host"],"Host audit entries":["Registros de auditoria do Host"],"Host config group":["Grupo de config do Host"],"Host details":["Detalhes do Host"],"Host group":["Grupo de Host"],"Host group / Environment":["Grupo de Host / Ambiente"],"Host group IDs":["IDs do grupo de host"],"Host group and Environment":["Grupo de hosts e ambiente"],"Host group configuration":["Configuração do grupo de host"],"Host group matchers inheritance":["Herança de correspondências do grupo de hosts "],"Host group only":["Somente grupo de hosts"],"Host group parameters":["Parâmetros de grupo de host"],"Host groups":["Grupos de host"],"Host owner":[""],"Host owner is invalid":[""],"Host parameters":["Parâmetros de Host"],"Host reported time is <em>%s</em>":["Hora do relatório do Host é <em>%s</em>"],"Host times seem to be adrift!":[""],"Host's network interfaces.":["Interfaces de rede do host"],"Host's owner type":["Tipo de proprietário do host"],"Host's parameters (array or indexed hash)":["Parâmetros do host (matriz ou hash indexado)"],"Host::Base|Build":["Compilar"],"Host::Base|Certname":["Nome do certificado"],"Host::Base|Comment":["Comentário"],"Host::Base|Disk":["Disco"],"Host::Base|Enabled":["Habilitado"],"Host::Base|Grub pass":["Host::Base|Grub pass"],"Host::Base|Image file":["Arquivo de imagem"],"Host::Base|Installed at":["Instalado em"],"Host::Base|Ip":["IP"],"Host::Base|Last compile":["Última compilação"],"Host::Base|Last freshcheck":["Última nova checagem"],"Host::Base|Last report":["Último relatório"],"Host::Base|Mac":["MAC"],"Host::Base|Managed":["Gerenciado"],"Host::Base|Name":["Nome"],"Host::Base|Otp":["Host::Base|Otp"],"Host::Base|Owner type":["Tipo de proprietário"],"Host::Base|Primary interface":["Host::Base|Primary interface"],"Host::Base|Provision method":["Host::Base|Provision method"],"Host::Base|Puppet status":["Estatutos do Puppet"],"Host::Base|Root pass":["Senha de root"],"Host::Base|Serial":["Serial"],"Host::Base|Use image":["Usar imagem"],"Host::Base|Uuid":["UUID"],"HostConfigGroup|Host type":["HostConfigGroup|Host type"],"Hostgroup":["Grupo de host"],"Hostgroup|Ancestry":["Ancestral"],"Hostgroup|Grub pass":["Hostgroup|Grub pass"],"Hostgroup|Image file":["Arquivo de imagem"],"Hostgroup|Name":["Nome"],"Hostgroup|Root pass":["Senha de root"],"Hostgroup|Title":["Hostgroup|Title"],"Hostgroup|Use image":["Usar imagem"],"Hostgroup|Vm defaults":["VM padrão"],"Hostname":["Nome de máquina"],"Hostname or certname":["Hostname ou nome do certificado"],"Hostname:":["Nome da máquina:"],"Hosts":["Hosts"],"Hosts created after a puppet run that did not send a location fact will be placed in this location":["Os hosts criados após uma execução do puppet que não enviou um fato de localização serão colocados nesta localização."],"Hosts created after a puppet run that did not send a organization fact will be placed in this organization":["Os hosts criados após uma execução do puppet que não enviou um fato de organização serão colocados nesta organização."],"Hosts created after a puppet run will be placed in the location this fact dictates. The content of this fact should be the full label of the location.":["Os hosts criados após uma execução do puppet serão colocados na localização que este fato determinar. O conteúdo deste fato deve conter o rótulo completo da localização."],"Hosts created after a puppet run will be placed in the organization this fact dictates. The content of this fact should be the full label of the organization.":["Hosts criados após uma execução de puppet, a qual não enviou um fato da organização, será colocado nesta organização."],"Hosts in error state":["Hosts em estado de erro"],"Hosts including sub-groups":["Hosts incluindo subgrupos"],"Hosts managed":["Hosts gerenciados"],"Hosts managed:":["Hosts gerenciados:"],"Hosts that had pending changes":["Hosts que possuíam alterações pendentes"],"Hosts that had pending changes with alerts enabled":["Hosts que tem mudanças pendentes e com alertas habilitados"],"Hosts that had performed modifications without error":["Hosts que realizaram modificações sem erros"],"Hosts that will be trusted in addition to Smart Proxies for access to fact/report importers and ENC output":["Hosts que serão confiáveis além dos Proxies Inteligentes para acesso aos importadores de fatos/relatórios e saída ENC"],"Hosts which Foreman reporting is disabled":["Hosts em que os relatórios do Foreman estão desabilitados "],"Hosts which are currently not running Puppet":["Hosts que não estão executando o Puppet atualmente "],"Hosts which are not reporting":["Hosts que não reportaram"],"Hosts which didn't run puppet in the last %s":["Hosts que não executaram o puppet nos últimos %s"],"Hosts which recently applied changes":["Hosts com mudanças recentes aplicadas"],"Hosts which recently applied changes successfully":["Hosts com mudanças recentes aplicadas com sucesso"],"Hosts which recently applied changes successfully with alerts enabled":["Hosts com mudanças recentes aplicadas com sucesso e com alertas habilitados"],"Hosts with alerts disabled":["Hosts com alertas desabilitados"],"Hosts with error state":["Hosts com estado de erro"],"Hosts with error state and alerts enabled":["Hosts com estado de erro e alertas habilitados"],"Hosts with errors":["Hosts com erros"],"Hosts with interesting values (changed, failures etc)":["Hosts com valores interessantes (alterações, falhas, etc)"],"Hosts with no reports":["Hosts sem relatórios"],"Hosts with notifications disabled":["Hosts com notificações desabilitadas"],"Hosts without changes or errors":["Hosts sem mudanças ou erros"],"Hosts without changes or errors, with alerts enabled":["Hosts sem mudanças ou erros mas com alertas habilitados"],"Hosts without errors":["Hosts sem erros"],"Hosts without errors percent":["Percentagem de hosts sem erro"],"Hosts without errors, with alerts enabled":["Hosts sem erros e com alertas habilitados"],"How values are validated":["Como valores são validados"],"However, if it was deleted externally this page helps you to recreate it":[""],"ID of LDAP authentication source":["ID da fonte de autenticação do LDAP"],"ID of Puppet class":["ID da classe puppet"],"ID of architecture":["ID da arquitetura"],"ID of compute resource":["ID do recurso de computação"],"ID of config template":["ID do modelo de configuração"],"ID of domain":["ID para um domínio"],"ID of environment":["ID de ambiente"],"ID of host":["ID do host"],"ID of host group":["ID do grupo de host"],"ID of interface":["ID da interface"],"ID of linked authentication source":["ID da fonte de autenticação vinculada"],"ID of location":["ID de localização"],"ID of medium":["ID da mída"],"ID of operating system":["ID do sistema operacional"],"ID of organization":["ID de organização"],"ID of parameter":["ID do parametrô"],"ID of partition table":["ID de tabelas de partição"],"ID of provisioning template":["ID do modelo de provisionamento"],"ID of role":["ID da função"],"ID of subnet":["ID da subrede"],"ID of template":["ID de modelos"],"ID of the user":[""],"ID of user group":["ID do grupo de usuários"],"ID or name external user group":["ID ou nome de grupo de usuário externo"],"ID or name of domain":["ID ou nome do domínio"],"ID or name of external user group":["ID ou nome do grupo de usuário externo"],"ID or name of host":["ID ou nome do host"],"ID or name of interface":["ID ou nome da interface"],"ID or name of subnet":["ID ou nome da subrede"],"ID or name of user group":["ID ou nome do grupo de usuários"],"IDs of associated architectures":["IDs de arquiteturas associadas"],"IDs of associated config groups":[""],"IDs of associated media":["IDs das mídias associadas"],"IDs of associated partition tables":["IDs das associados tabelas de partições"],"IDs of associated provisioning templates":["IDs dos associados modelos provisionados"],"INFO or DEBUG":["INFO ou DEPURAÇÃO"],"IP":["IP"],"IP Address":["Endereço IP"],"IP Address Management":["Gerenciamento de Endereço IP"],"IP Address auto suggestion mode for this subnet, valid values are \\\"DHCP\\\", \\\"Internal DB\\\", \\\"None\\\"":["Modo de sugestão do endereço IP para esta subrede, valores válidos são \\\"DHCP\\\", \\\"DB Interno\\\", \\\"Nenhum\\\""],"IP address auto-suggest":["Auto-sugestão de endereço IP"],"IP addresses that should be excluded from suggestion":["Endereços IP que devem ser excluídos da sugestão"],"IP:":["IP:"],"IPAM":["IPAM"],"IPv4":["IPv4"],"IPv4 Address":["Endereço IPv4"],"IPv4 DNS record":["",""],"IPv4 Subnet":["Subrede IPv4"],"IPv4 address":["endereço IPv4"],"IPv4 address of interface":["endereço IPv4 da interface"],"IPv6":["IPv6"],"IPv6 Address":["Endereço IPv6"],"IPv6 DNS record":["",""],"IPv6 Subnet":["Subrede IPv6"],"IPv6 address":["endereço IPv6"],"IPv6 address of interface":["endereço IPv6 da interface"],"IRC":["IRC"],"Identifier":["Identificador "],"Identifier of the interface to which this interface belongs, e.g. eth1":["Identificador da interface para o qual esta interface pertence, ex.: eth1"],"Identifier of the interface to which this interface belongs, e.g. eth1. Only for virtual interfaces.":["Identificador da interface a que pertence esta interface , por exemplo, eth1 . Apenas para interfaces virtuais "],"Identifiers of attached interfaces, e.g. `['eth1', 'eth2']`. For bond interfaces those are the slaves. Only for bond and bridges interfaces.":["Identificadores de interfaces anexadas, ex.`['eth1', 'eth2']`. Para as interfaces vinculadas, esses são os subordinados. Somente para interfaces vinculadas e pontes. "],"Idle timeout":["Tempo limite de inatividade "],"If ERB is used in a parameter value, the validation of the value will happen during the ENC request. If the value is invalid, the ENC request will fail.":["Se o ERB é usado em um valor de parâmetro, a validação do valor ocorrerá durante a solicitação do ENC. Se o valor for inválido, a solicitação do ENC deverá falhar. "],"If Foreman is running behind Passenger or a remote load balancer, the IP should be set here. This is a regular expression, so it can support several load balancers, i.e: (|":["Se o Foreman estiver executando por trás de um Passenger ou de um balanceador de carga remoto, o IP deve ser definido aqui. Trata-se de uma expressão regular para que vários balanceadores de carga possam receber suporte, ou seja: ( |"],"If checked, will raise an error if there is no default value and no matcher provide a value.":["Se verificado, surgirá um erro caso não haja valor padrão e nenhum coincidente fornecer um valor."],"If owner type is specified, owner must be specified too.":["Se o tipo de proprietário for especificado, o proprietário também deverá ser especificado."],"If true, will raise an error if there is no default value and no matcher provide a value":["Se verdadeiro, gerará um erro caso não exista nenhum valor padrão e nenhuma correspondência forneça um valor "],"If you are planning to use Foreman as an external node classifier you should provide information about one or more environments. This information is commonly imported from a pre-existing Puppet configuration by the use of the %{link_start}Puppet classes and environment importer%{link_end}.":["Se você está pensando em usar o Foreman com oum classificador externo de nós você deve prover ifnormações sobre um ou mais ambientes. Esta informação é comunmente importada de uma configuração de Puppet pré-existente para o uso de %{link_start}classes Puppet e ambientes importados%{link_end}."],"If you feel this is an error with Foreman itself, please open a new issue with":["Se você acha que isso é um erro com o próprio Foreman, por favor, registre um novo problema com"],"If you wish to configure Puppet to forward it reports to Foreman, please follow":["Caso deseje configurar Puppet para encaminhar seus relatórios a Foreman, por favor siga "],"Ignore Puppet facts for provisioning":["Ignorar fatos Puppet para provisionamento "],"Ignore facts for domain":[""],"Ignore facts for operating system":[""],"Ignore interfaces that match these values during facts importing, you can use * wildcard to match names with indexes e.g. macvtap*":["Ignorar as interfaces que correspondam a estes valores durante a importação de fatos, você pode usar *wildcard para combinar nomes com índices, ex. macvtap*"],"Ignore interfaces with matching identifier":["Ignorar as interfaces que correspondam ao identificador"],"Ignored classes in the environments: %s":[""],"Ignored environment":[""],"Ignored environment names resulting in booleans found. Please quote strings like true/false and yes/no in config/ignored_environments.yml.":[""],"Ignored environments: %s":[""],"Ignored:":[""],"Image":["Imagem"],"Image Based":["Baseado em Imagem"],"Image ID":["ID de Imagem"],"Image ID as provided by the compute resource, e.g. ami-..":["ID da Imagem fornecida pelo recurso de computação, por exemplo, AMI- .. "],"Image path":["Caminho de Imagem"],"Image to use":["Imagem a utilizar"],"Images":["Imagens"],"Image|Iam role":["Image|Função Iam "],"Image|Name":["Nome"],"Image|Password":["Image|Senha"],"Image|User data":["User data"],"Image|Username":["Nome de usuário"],"Image|Uuid":["UUID"],"Import":["Importar"],"Import IPv4 subnets":["Importar redes IPV4"],"Import VM %s":[""],"Import classes from %s":["Importar classes de %s"],"Import environments from %s":["Importar ambientes de %s"],"Import of facts failed for host %s":["Falha ao importar fatos para o host %s "],"Import puppet classes from puppet proxy for an environment":["Classes de puppet de importação do proxy do puppet para um ambiente"],"Import puppet classes from puppet proxy.":["Importar as classes puppet do proxy puppet"],"Imported IPv4 Subnets":["Redes IPV4 importadas"],"In addition to defining which puppet classes get included when building this host type you are also able to assign variables and provisioning information to a host group to further refine the behavior of the puppet runtime.":["Além de definir quais classes puppet são incluídos quando a construção deste tipo de host, você também é capaz de atribuir as variáveis ​​e informações de provisionamento de um grupo de host para refinar ainda mais o comportamento do tempo de execução de puppets."],"In order to create the SSH key, the user must be saved first. A 'create_ssh_keys' permission is required too.":[""],"In-line code syntax":["Sintaxe de código em linha"],"Include default value when merging all matching values":["Incluir valor padrão quando mesclando todos os valores correspondentes "],"Include default value when merging all matching values.":["Incluir valor padrão quando mesclando todos os valores correspondentes."],"Include this host within Foreman reporting":["Incluir este host dentro do relatório do Foreman"],"Included Classes":["Classes incluídas "],"Included Config Groups":["Grupos Config incluídos"],"Incorrect password":["Senha incorreta"],"Incorrect username or password":["Senha ou usuário incorreto"],"Independent - Nonpersistent":[""],"Independent - Persistent":[""],"Infrastructure":["Infraestrutura"],"Inherit parent (%s)":["Pai herdado (%s)"],"Inherited Classes from %s":[""],"Inherits from subnet VLAN ID if not set":["Herda da subrede VLAN ID caso não esteja definido"],"Input":["Entrada"],"Installation Media":["Mídia de Instalação"],"Installation media":["Mídias de instalação"],"Installation medium configuration":["Configuração de mídia de instalação"],"Installed":["Instalado"],"Interface":["Interface"],"Interface is down":["Interface inoperante"],"Interface is up":["Interface operante"],"Interface provider, e.g. IPMI. 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O padrão é % { default_nic_type }"],"Interface's DNS name":["nome DNS da interface"],"Interfaces":["Interfaces"],"Internal DB":["DB Interna"],"Internal network":["Rede Interna"],"Interpolate ERB in parameters":["Interpolar ERB em parâmetros "],"Invalid %s selection, you must select at least one of yours":["Seleção de %s inválida, você precisa selecionar ao menos um dos seus"],"Invalid Host":["Host inválido"],"Invalid architecture '%{arch}' for '%{os}'":["Arquitetura inválida '%{arch}' para '%{os}'"],"Invalid architecture for %s":["Arquitetura inválida para %s"],"Invalid authenticity token":["Token de autenticação inválido"],"Invalid log level: %s":["nível de log inválido: %s"],"Invalid medium '%{medium}' for '%{os}'":["Mídia inválida '%{medium}' para '%{os}'"],"Invalid medium for %s":["Mídia inválida para %s "],"Invalid power state request: %{action}, supported actions are %{supported}":["Requisição de estado de energia inválido: %{action}, ações suportadas são %{supported}"],"Invalid proxy selected!":["Proxy inválido selecionado! "],"Invalid query":["Query inválida"],"Invalid report":["Relatório inválido"],"Invalid search query: %s":["Consulta de pesquisa inválida: %s"],"Invalid smart-proxy id":[""],"Invalid type for host creation via facts: %s":["Tipo inválido para criação de host via fatos: %s"],"Invalid version format, please enter in x.y (only major version).":["Formato de versão inválido, por favor insira em x.y (somente versões principais). "],"Is the cron job that executes %s enabled?":["O cron job que executa %s está habilitado? "],"Issue tracker":["Rastreador de Problemas"],"It is not possible to assign provisioning templates at this stage.":["Não é possível especificar modelos de provisionamento neste momento "],"It is not recommended to unlock this template, as it is provided by %{vendor} and may be overwritten. Please consider cloning it instead.":["Não é recomendável desbloquear este modelo, já que é fornecido pelo(a) %{vendor} e pode ser sobrescrito. Em vez disto, considere cloná-lo. "],"Item":["Item"],"Iterating":["Iteração"],"JSON VM listing is not supported for this compute resource.":["A listagem JSON VM não possui suporte para este recurso de computação. "],"JSON object of the scheduler hint":["Objeto JSON da dica do agendador"],"Keep selected hosts for a future action":["Manter os hosts selecionados para uma ação futura "],"Key Binding":["Vinculação de Chave"],"Key not connected to any compute resource":[""],"Key pair":["Par de chave"],"Key used with other compute resource":[""],"KeyPair|Name":["Nome"],"KeyPair|Public":["Pública"],"KeyPair|Secret":["Secreto"],"Kind":["Tipo"],"LDAP Authentication":["Autenticação LDAP"],"LDAP authentication":["Autenticação LDAP"],"LDAP authentication sources":["Fontes de autenticação LDAP"],"LDAP error - %{message}":["LDAP erro - %{message}"],"LDAP filter":["Filtro LDAP"],"LDAP server":["Servidor LDAP"],"LDAP users will have their Foreman account automatically created the first time they log into Foreman":["Os usuários LDAP terão sua conta do Foreman automaticamente criada na primeira vez que realizarem o login no Foreman."],"Language":["Idioma"],"Last Report":["Último Relatório"],"Last report":["Último relatório"],"Last updated %s ago":["Última atualização %s atrás"],"Latest Events":["Últimos eventos"],"Learn more about this in the documentation.":["Para saber mais sobre isto, acesse a documentação."],"Legacy Puppet hostname":["Nome do host do Puppet legado "],"Length":[""],"Level":["Nível"],"Libvirt default console address":["Endereço do console padrão libvirt "],"Libvirt, oVirt, OpenStack and Rackspace":[""],"Limit rebuild steps, valid steps are %{host_rebuild_steps}":[""],"List LDAP authentication sources per location":["Listar fontes de autenticação LDAP por local"],"List LDAP authentication sources per organization":["Listar fontes de autenticação LDAP por organização"],"List all :resource_id":["Listar todos: resource_id"],"List all LDAP authentication sources":["Listar todas as fontes de autenticação LDAP"],"List all Puppet class IDs for host":["Listar todos os IDs de classes puppet para host"],"List all Puppet class IDs for host group":["Listar todas os Ids de classes Puppet para grupo de host"],"List all Puppet classes":["Listar todas as classes Puppet"],"List all Puppet classes for a host":["Listar todas as classes de puppet para um host"],"List all Puppet classes for a host group":["Listar todas as classes Puppet para um host"],"List all Puppet classes for an environment":["Listar todas as classes Puppet para um ambiente"],"List all SSH keys for a user":[""],"List all architectures":["Listar todas as arquiteturas"],"List all architectures for operating system":["Listar todas as arquiteturas para sistemas operacionais"],"List all audits":["Listar todas as auditorias"],"List all audits for a given host":["Listar todas auditorias para um host específico"],"List all autosign entries":["Listar todas entradas de auto-assinatura"],"List all bookmarks":["Listar todos os marcadores"],"List all compute resources":["Listar todos os recursos de computação"],"List all environments":["Listar todos os ambientes"],"List all external user groups for LDAP authentication source":["Listar todos os grupos de usuários para fonte de autenticação LDAP"],"List all external user groups for user group":["Listar todos os grupos de usuários externos para grupo de usuários"],"List all fact values":["Listar todos os valores de fatos"],"List all fact values of a given host":["Listar todos os valores de fatos de um host específico"],"List all filters":["Listar todos os filtros"],"List all global parameters.":["Listar todos os parâmetros globais."],"List all hardware models":["Lista de todos os modelos de hardware"],"List all host groups":["Listar todos os grupos de host"],"List all host groups for a Puppet class":["Listar todos os grupos de host para uma classe Puppet"],"List all host groups per location":["Listar todos os grupos de host por localização"],"List all host groups per organization":["Listar todos os grupos de host por organização"],"List all hosts":["Listar todos os hosts"],"List all hosts for a host group":["Listar todos os hosts para um grupo de 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os parâmetros para uma organização"],"List all partition tables":["Listar todas as tabelas de partição"],"List all partition tables for an operating system":["Lista de todas as tabelas de partições para um sistema operacional"],"List all partition tables per location":["Lista de todas as tabelas de partições por localização"],"List all partition tables per organization":["Lista de todas as tabelas de partições por organização"],"List all permissions":["Lista de todas as permissões"],"List all reports":["Listar todos os relatórios"],"List all roles":["Listar todas as regras"],"List all settings":["Listar toda as configurações"],"List all smart class parameters":["Listar todos os parâmetros de classe inteligentes"],"List all smart proxies":["Listar todos os proxies inteligentes"],"List all smart variables":["Listar todas as variáveis inteligentes"],"List all tasks for a given orchestration event":["Listar todas as tarefas para um evento de orquestração específico"],"List all template 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um sistema operacional"],"List environments of Puppet class":["Listar ambientes de uma classe Puppet"],"List environments per location":["Listar ambientes por localização"],"List environments per organization":["Listar ambientes por organização"],"List hosts per environment":["Listar hosts por ambiente"],"List hosts per location":["Listar hosts por localização"],"List hosts per organization":["Listar hosts por organização"],"List installed plugins":["Lista de plugins instalados"],"List of compute profiles":["Lista de perfis computacionais"],"List of config groups":["Lista de grupos de configuração"],"List of domains":["Lista de domínios"],"List of domains per location":["Lista de domínios por localização"],"List of domains per organization":["Lista de domínios por organização"],"List of domains per subnet":["Lista de domínios por subrede"],"List of email notifications":["Lista de notificações por emails"],"List of hosts which answer to the provided query":["Lista de hosts que responderam a consulta feita"],"List of override values for a specific smart class parameter":["Lista de valores de substituição para um parâmetro de classe inteligente específico "],"List of override values for a specific smart variable":["Lista de valores de substituição para uma variável inteligente específica"],"List of realms":["Lista de realms"],"List of resources types that will be automatically associated":["Lista de tipos de recurso que serão associados automaticamente"],"List of smart class parameters for a specific Puppet class":["Lista de parâmetros de classe inteligentes para uma classe de Puppet"],"List of smart class parameters for a specific environment":["Lista de parâmetros de classe inteligentes para um ambiente específico"],"List of smart class parameters for a specific environment/Puppet class combination":["Lista de parâmetros de classe inteligentes para uma combinação de classe de Puppet/ambiente específico"],"List of smart class parameters for a specific host":["Lista de parâmetros de classe inteligentes para um host específico"],"List of smart class parameters for a specific host group":["Lista de parâmetros de classe inteligentes para um grupo de host específico"],"List of smart variables for a specific Puppet class":["Lista de variáveis inteligentes para uma classe de Puppet"],"List of smart variables for a specific host":["Lista de variáveis inteligentes para um host específico"],"List of smart variables for a specific host group":["Lista de variáveis inteligentes para um grupo de host específico"],"List of subnets":["Listar as sub-redes"],"List of subnets for a domain":["Listar as sub-redes por domínio"],"List of subnets per location":["Listar as sub-redes por localização"],"List of subnets per organization":["Listar as sub-redes por organização"],"List operating systems where this template is set as a default":["Lista de sistema operacional onde ha um modelo padrão definido"],"List provisioning templates":["Listar templates de provisionamento"],"List provisioning templates per location":["Listar de templates de provisionamento por localização"],"List provisioning templates per operating system":["Listar templates de provisionamento por sistema operacional"],"List provisioning templates per organization":["Listar de templates de provisionamento por organização"],"List resource pools for a compute resource cluster":["Listar pools de recursos para um cluster de recurso de computação"],"List storage domains for a compute resource":["Listar domínios de armazenamento para um recurso de computação"],"List storage pods for a compute resource":["Listar pods de armazenamento para um recursos de computação"],"List template combination":["Listar combinação modelo"],"Load Datacenters":["Carregar datacenters"],"Load Regions":["Carregar regiões"],"Load Tenants":["Carregar inquilino"],"Load Zones":["Carregar zonas"],"Loading":["Carregando"],"Loading ...":["Carregando ..."],"Loading BMC information ...":["Carregando informações BMC ..."],"Loading NICs information ...":["Carregando informações de NICs ..."],"Loading SSH keys information ...":[""],"Loading VM information ...":["Carregando informações da VM ..."],"Loading filters ...":["Carregando filtros ..."],"Loading host information ...":["Carregando informações de host..."],"Loading images information ...":["Carregando informações de imagens ..."],"Loading interfaces information ...":["Carregando informações de interfaces ..."],"Loading parameters...":["Carregando parâmetros..."],"Loading power state ...":["Carregando estado de energia ..."],"Loading resources information ...":["Carregando informações de recursos ..."],"Loading runtime information ...":["Carregando informações de tempo de execução..."],"Loading template information ...":["Carregando informações de modelos ..."],"Loading virtual machine information ...":["Carregando informações de máquina virtual ..."],"Loading virtual machines information ...":["Carregando informações de máquinas virtuais ..."],"Local boot %s template":[""],"Local time":["Horário local"],"Location":["Localização"],"Location Distribution":["Distribuição de locais"],"Location fact":["Fatos da localização"],"Location parameters":["Parâmetros de localização"],"Location with id %{id} not found":["Localização com o id %{id} não encontrado"],"Location you had selected as your context has been deleted.":["Local que você selecionou pois seu contexto foi removido."],"Location/Organization":["Localização/Organização"],"Locations":["Localizações"],"Locations also work nicely when used in tandem with %{organizations}.":["As localizações também funcionam bem quando usadas em conjunto com as %{organizations}."],"Locations are used to manage and differentiate the physical place where a system managed via Foreman is housed. For example, there might be a data center in London and one in Virginia; these are locations.":["Localizações são usadas para gerenciar e diferenciar um lugar físico onde um sistema gerenciado via Foreman está hospedado. Por exemplo, existe um data center em Londres e um em Virginia; estas são as localizações"],"Lock":["Bloquear"],"Log In":[""],"Log entry details":["Detalhes da entrada de log "],"Log out":["Sair"],"Log out idle users after a certain number of minutes":["Desconectar usuários inativos após um determinado número de minutos"],"Logged out - See you soon":["Deconectado - Até logo"],"Logged-in":["Conectado"],"Login":["Efetuar login"],"Login delegation logout URL":["URL de logout para delegação de login"],"Login page footer text":["Texto de rodapé da página de Login"],"Logout":["Logout"],"Lookup key":["Chave de busca"],"Lookup value":["Valor de procura"],"LookupKey|Avoid duplicates":[""],"LookupKey|Default value":["Valor padrão"],"LookupKey|Description":[""],"LookupKey|Is param":[""],"LookupKey|Key":[""],"LookupKey|Key type":[""],"LookupKey|Merge overrides":[""],"LookupKey|Override":[""],"LookupKey|Path":[""],"LookupKey|Puppetclass lookup key":[""],"LookupKey|Required":[""],"LookupKey|Validator rule":[""],"LookupKey|Validator type":[""],"LookupKey|Variable lookup values count":[""],"LookupValue|Match":["Casa"],"LookupValue|Value":["Valor"],"MAC":["MAC"],"MAC Address":["Endereço MAC"],"MAC address":["Endereço MAC "],"MAC address of interface. Required for managed interfaces on bare metal.":["Endereço MAC da interface. Necessário para interfaces gerenciadas em bare metal."],"MAC address to reuse the IP for this host":["Endereço MAC para reutilização do IP para este host"],"MAC-based":["Base em MAC"],"Machine Type":["Tipo de máquina"],"Machine type":["Tipo de máquina"],"Mailing lists":["Listas de email"],"Mailing lists are available via Google Groups. Much like IRC, we have a general users (support, Q/A, etc) lists and a development list:":["Listas são disponibilizadas via Google Groups. Assim como o IRC, temos usuários gerais (suporte, Q/A, etc) listas e uma lista de desenvolvimento:"],"Manage":["Gerenciar"],"Manage Locations":["Gerenciar Localizações"],"Manage Organizations":["Gerenciar Organizações"],"Manage PuppetCA":["Gerenciar PuppetCA"],"Manage host":["Gerenciar host"],"Managed IP":["IP gerenciado"],"Manual":["Manual"],"Manually Assign":["Associar manualmente"],"Manually select and assign hosts with no %s":["Selecionar manualmente e atribuir hosts sem um %s"],"Matcher is a combination of an attribute and its value, if they match, the value below would be provided.<br> You may use any attribute Foreman knows about, such as facts etc for example: <code> domain = </code> or <code> is_virtual = true</code>.":["Correspondência é a combinação de um atributo e seu valor, caso correspondem, o valor abaixo seria fornecido. <br> Você pode usar qualquer atributo conhecido pelo Foreman, como fatos e etc, por exemplo.:<code> domain = </code> ou <code> is_virtual = true</code>."],"Max days for Trends graphs":["Número máximo de dias para os gráficos de tendências"],"Max timeout for REST client requests to smart-proxy":["Tempo limite máximo para as solicitações de smart-proxy do cliente REST "],"Max trends":["Tendência máxima"],"Media":["Mídia"],"Media ID":["ID das Mídias"],"Media access control address for this interface. Format must be six groups of two hexadecimal digits <br/> separated by colons (:), e.g. 00:11:22:33:44:55. Most virtualization compute resources (e.g. VMware, oVirt, libvirt) <br/> will overwrite the provided value with new random MAC address.":[""],"Medium":["Média"],"Medium IDs":["IDs de mídia"],"Medium|Config path":["Caminho da configuração"],"Medium|Image path":["Caminho da imagem"],"Medium|Media path":["Caminho da mídia"],"Medium|Name":["Nome"],"Medium|Os family":["Medium|Família do SO"],"Medium|Path":["Caminho"],"Memory":["Memória"],"Memory (MB)":["Memória (MB)"],"Memory hot add":["Inclusão de memória a quente"],"Memory hot add lets you add memory resources for a virtual machine while the machine is powered on.":["A inclusão de memória a quente permite que recursos de memória sejam adicionados a uma máquina virtual ao mesmo tempo que a máquina está ligada. "],"Merge all matching values (only array/hash type)":["Mesclar todos os valores correspondentes (somente tipo de hash/ matriz)"],"Message":["Mensagem"],"Message|Digest":["Digest"],"Message|Value":["Valor"],"Metadata":["Metadados"],"Method %{method} not found for resource %{resource}.":["Método %{method} não foi encontrado para recurso %{resource}."],"Method used to deliver email":["Método usado para entregar email"],"Metrics":["Métricas"],"Minutes Ago":["Minutos atrás"],"Mismatch Details":["Detalhes da incompatibilidade"],"Mismatches":["Incompatibilidades"],"Mismatches Report":["Relatório de incompatibilidades"],"Missing one of the required permissions: %s":["Uma das permissões necessárias está ausente: %s"],"Model":["Modelo"],"Model|Hardware model":["Modelo de hardware"],"Model|Hosts count":["Model|Hosts count"],"Model|Info":["Informação"],"Model|Name":["Nome"],"Model|Vendor class":["Classe de fornecedor"],"Modified":["Modificado"],"Module path":["Caminho do módulo"],"Monitor":["Monitor"],"Monthly":["Mensal"],"Must provide an operating system":["Deve fornecer um sistema operacional"],"Must provide template kind":["Deve prover um tipo de template"],"Must specify a user with email enabled":["Deve especificar um usuário com email habilitado"],"Must specify a valid user with email enabled":["É preciso especificar um usuário válido com email habilitado"],"My account":["Minha conta"],"N/A":["N/A"],"NA":["NA"],"NIC":["NIC"],"NIC type":["Tipo de NIC"],"NICs":["NICs"],"Name":["Nome"],"Name of media":["Nome da mídia"],"Name of the external auth source where unknown externally authentication users (see authorize_login_delegation) should be created (keep unset to prevent the autocreation)":["Nome da fonte de autenticação externa, onde os usuários de autenticação desconhecidos externamente (consulte authorize_login_delegation) devem ser criados (mantenha desativado para evitar a criação automática)"],"Name of the host group":["Nome do grupo de hosts"],"Name of the parameter":["Nome do parâmetro"],"Name of variable":["Nome da variável"],"Nest":["Aninhar"],"Netmask":["Mascara de rede"],"Netmask for this subnet":["Máscara de rede para esta subrede"],"Network":["Rede"],"Network Based":["Baseada em rede"],"Network can't be blank":["Rede não pode estar em branco"],"Network interfaces":["Interfaces de rede"],"Network interfaces management has been moved to the Interfaces tab. 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"],"Network prefix":["Prefixo de rede"],"Network type":["Tipo de rede"],"New":["Novo"],"New Autosign Entry":["Nova entrada auto assinada"],"New Event":[""],"New Events":[""],"New Hosts":["Novos hosts"],"New Location":["Nova localização"],"New Organization":["Nova Organização"],"New SSH key":[""],"New Virtual Machine":["Nova Máquina Virtual"],"New boot volume size (GB)":["Novo tamanho de volume de inicialização (GB) "],"New compute profile on %s":["Novo perfil computacional em %s"],"New filter":["Novo filtro"],"New window":["Nova Janela"],"Nic::Base|Attached devices":["Nic::Base|Dispositivos anexados"],"Nic::Base|Attached to":["Nic::Base|Attached to"],"Nic::Base|Attrs":["Atributos"],"Nic::Base|Bond options":["Nic::Base|Bond options"],"Nic::Base|Identifier":["Nic::Base|Identifier"],"Nic::Base|Ip":["IP"],"Nic::Base|Link":["Nic::Base|Link"],"Nic::Base|Mac":["MAC"],"Nic::Base|Managed":["Nic::Base|Managed"],"Nic::Base|Mode":["Nic::Base|Mode"],"Nic::Base|Name":["Nome"],"Nic::Base|Password":["Nic::Base|Password"],"Nic::Base|Provider":["Nic::Base|Provedor"],"Nic::Base|Tag":["Nic::Base|Etiqueta"],"Nic::Base|Username":["Nic::Base|Nome de usuário"],"Nic::Base|Virtual":["Nic::Base|Virtual"],"No %{template_kind} templates were found for this host, make sure you define at least one in your %{os} settings or change PXE loader":["Nenhum modelo %{template_kind} foi encontrado para este host. 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"],"No proxy selected!":["Nenhum proxy selecionado!"],"No puppet activity for this host in the last %s days":["Nenhuma atividade puppet para esse host nos últimos %s dias"],"No report":["Nenhum relatório"],"No reports":["Nenhum relatório"],"No setting value provided.":["Nenhum valor de configuração fornecido. 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If left blank, a self-signed CA will be populated automatically by the server during the first request.":["Fornece opcionalmente um CA, ou uma corrente de CA requisitada corretamente. Se deixado em branco, uma CA auto-assinada será populada automaticamente pelo servidor durante a primeira requisição."],"Order":["Ordem"],"Organization":["Organização"],"Organization Distribution":["Distribuição de organizações"],"Organization fact":["Fatos da organização"],"Organization parameters":["Parâmetros de organização"],"Organization with id %{id} not found":["Organização com o id %{id} não encontrado"],"Organization you had selected as your context has been deleted.":["Organização que você selecionou pois seu contexto foi removido."],"Organizations":["Organizações"],"Organizations also work nicely in tandem with %{locations}.":["As organizações também funcionam bem em conjunto com as %{locations}."],"Original value info":["Informação de valor original "],"Other reports for this host":["Outros relatórios para este host"],"Out of sync":["Fora de sincronia"],"Out of sync hosts":["Hosts não sincronizados"],"Out of sync hosts with alerts enabled":["Hosts fora de sincronia e com alertas habilitados"],"Out of sync interval":["Fora do intervalo de sincronização "],"Override all parameters":["Sobrescrever todos os parâmetros"],"Override match":["perfeita substituição"],"Override the default value of the Puppet class parameter.":["Substituir o valor padrão do parâmetro de classe do Puppet. "],"Override this value":["Substituir esse valor"],"Override value, required if omit is false":["Valor de substituição, necessário se omitir for falso"],"Overview":["Visão Global"],"Overwrite":["Sobrescrever"],"Owned By":["Propriedade de"],"Owner":["Proprietário"],"Owner changed to %s":["Proprietário alterado para %s"],"Owner type needs to be one of the following: %s":["Tipo de proprietário precisa ser um dos seguintes: %s"],"POAP PXE template":["Modelo PXE POAP"],"PXE":["PXE"],"PXE Loader":["Carregador PXE"],"PXE files for templates %s have been deployed to all Smart Proxies":[""],"PXE loader":["Carregador PXE"],"PXEGrub template":["Modelo PXEGrub "],"PXEGrub2 template":["Modelo PXEGrub2"],"PXELinux template":["Modelo PXELinux "],"Param name":["Nome do Param"],"Parameter":["Parâmetro"],"Parameter details":["Detalhes do parâmetro"],"Parameter value":["Valor do parâmetro"],"Parameterized classes in ENC":["Classes parametrizadas em ENC "],"Parameters":["Parâmetros"],"Parameters for host's %s facet":["Parâmetros para %s faceta(s) do host "],"Parameters that would be associated with hosts in this %s":["Parâmetros que seriam associados aos hosts neste %s"],"Parameter|Hidden value":["Parâmetro|Valor oculto"],"Parameter|Name":["Nome"],"Parameter|Priority":["Prioridade"],"Parameter|Value":["Valor"],"Params":["Params"],"Parent":["Pai"],"Parent ID":["ID Pai "],"Parent ID of the host group":["ID do pai to group host"],"Parent is already selected":["Pai já foi selecionado"],"Parent parameters":["Parâmetros pai"],"Partition Tables":["Tabelas de partição"],"Partition table":["Tabela de partição"],"Partition table ID":["ID da Partição de tabela "],"Partition table configuration":["Configuração da tabela de partição"],"Partition tables":["Tabela de partição"],"Partition template IDs":["IDs do modelo de partição "],"Password":["Senha"],"Password for oVirt, EC2, VMware, OpenStack. 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Você pode usar opcionalmente o sufixo 'G' para especificar tamanho do volume em gigabytes."],"Please try to update your request":["Por favor, tente atualizar sua requisição"],"Please wait while your request is being processed":["Por favor, aguarde enquanto a sua solicitação está sendo processada"],"Please wait...":["Aguarde..."],"Plugins":["Plugins"],"Port to connect to":["Porta para conexão"],"Power":["Energia"],"Power ON this machine":["Ligar essa máquina"],"Power operations are not enabled on this host.":["As operações de energia não estão ativadas neste host."],"Power up compute instance %s":["Ligue a instância de computação %s"],"Power%s":["Ligar%s"],"Preallocate disk":["Pre-alocar disco"],"Prefix length can't be blank":["O comprimento do prefixo não pode estar em branco"],"Prefix length must be /64 or less to use EUI-64":["O tamanho do prefixo deve ser /64 ou menos para usar EUI-64"],"Prefix to add to all outgoing email":["Prefixo a ser adicionado a todos os emails de saída"],"Prepare post installation script for %s":["Prepare o script de pós-instalação para %s"],"Preview":["Pré-visualização"],"Preview rendered provisioning template content":["Visualizar conteúdo de modelo de provisionamento renderizado "],"Primary":["Principal"],"Primary DNS for this subnet":["DNS primário para essa sub-rede"],"Primary interface's DNS name and domain define host's FQDN":["O domínio e o nome DNS da interface primária definem o FQDN do host "],"Printing data":["Dados de impressão"],"Prioritize attribute order":["Prioritizar ordem de atributos "],"Private":["Privado"],"Private key file that Foreman will use to encrypt websockets ":["Arquivo de chave privada que o Foreman usará para criptografar WebSockets "],"Proceed to Edit":["Proceda para Editar"],"Properties":["Propriedades"],"Property":["Propriedade"],"Protocol":["Protocolo"],"Provider":["Provedor"],"Providers include %{providers}":["Provedores incluem %{providers}"],"Provides an unused IP address in this subnet":["Prove um endereço IP não utilizado nessa subrede"],"Provision":["Provisionar"],"Provision script had a non zero exit":["Script de provisão tinha uma saída não zero "],"Provisioning":["Provisionamento"],"Provisioning Method":["Metodo de Provisionamento"],"Provisioning Setup":["Configuração de Provisionamento"],"Provisioning Template content changed %s":["Conteúdo de Modelo de Provisionamento mudou %s"],"Provisioning Templates":["Modelos de provisionamento"],"Provisioning template":["Modelo de provisionamento"],"Provisioning template IDs":["IDs de modelo de provisionamento"],"Provisioning templates":["Modelos de provisionamento"],"Provisioning templates are generated using the Embedded Ruby (ERB) language.":["Os modelos de provisionamento são gerados com a linguagem ERB (Embedded Ruby)."],"ProvisioningTemplate|Default":["ProvisioningTemplate|Padrão"],"ProvisioningTemplate|Locked":["ProvisioningTemplate|Bloqueado"],"ProvisioningTemplate|Name":["ProvisioningTemplate|Nome"],"ProvisioningTemplate|Snippet":["ProvisioningTemplate|Snippet"],"ProvisioningTemplate|Template":["ProvisioningTemplate|Modelo"],"ProvisioningTemplate|Vendor":["ProvisioningTemplate|Fornecedor"],"Proxies":["Proxies"],"Proxy ID to use within this realm":["ID do proxy a ser usado neste realm"],"Proxy request timeout":["Tempo limite da solicitação de Proxy "],"Ptable":["Partition Table"],"Ptable|Layout":["Layout"],"Ptable|Locked":["Ptable|Bloqueada"],"Ptable|Name":["Nome"],"Ptable|Os family":["Ptable|Família do SO"],"Ptable|Snippet":["Ptable|Snippet"],"Public":["Público"],"Public SSH key":[""],"Puppet":["Puppet"],"Puppet CA":["Puppet CA"],"Puppet CA proxy ID":["ID de Proxy do Puppet CA"],"Puppet Class":["Classe Puppet "],"Puppet Classes":["Classes Puppet"],"Puppet Environment":["Ambiente Puppet"],"Puppet Environments":["Ambientes Puppet"],"Puppet Master":["Puppet Master"],"Puppet Modules":["Módulos puppet"],"Puppet Summary Report - 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novamente"],"Scheduler hint filter":["Filtro de dicas do agendador"],"Scope by locations":["Escopo de localizações"],"Scope by organizations":["Escopo de organização"],"Script template":["Modelo de script "],"Search":["Pesquisar"],"Secondary DNS for this subnet":["DNS secundário para essa sub-rede"],"Secret Key":["Chave Secreta"],"Security group":["Security group"],"Security groups":["Grupos de segurança"],"Select Action":["Selecionar ação"],"Select All":["Selecionar todos"],"Select Hosts":["Selecionar hosts"],"Select Location":["Selecionar localização"],"Select Organization":["Selecionar organização"],"Select a period":["Selecionar um período"],"Select all items in this page":["Selecionar todos os itens nessa página"],"Select an owner":[""],"Select compute resources":["Selecionar recursos de computação"],"Select desired %s proxy":["Selecione o proxy %s desejado"],"Select desired state":["Selecione a data desejada."],"Select domains":["Selecionar domínios"],"Select 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to %s":["Hosts selecionados são agora atribuídos ao %s"],"Selected image does not belong to %s":["Imagem selecionada não pertence ao %s"],"Selected items":["Itens selecionados"],"Selected resource type does not support granular filtering, therefore you can't configure granularity":["Tipo de recurso selecionado não fornece suporte à filtragem granular, portanto não é possível configurar granularidade."],"Selected role":["Função selecionada"],"Selecting a file will override the editor and load the file instead":["A seleção de um arquivo substituirá o editor e carregará o arquivo"],"Send a test message to the current user's email address to confirm the configuration is working.":["Envie uma mensagem de teste ao endereço de email do usuário atual para confirmar que a confirmação está funcionando."],"Send a test message to the user's email address to confirm the configuration is working.":["Enviar uma mensagem de teste ao endereço de email do usuário para confirmar se a configuração está funcionando."],"Send a welcome email including username and URL to new users":["Enviar email de boas-vindas aos novos usuários, incluindo nome de usuário e URL"],"Send welcome email":["Enviar email de boas-vindas "],"Sendmail":["Sendmail"],"Sendmail arguments":["Argumentos de sendmail"],"Sendmail location":["Localização de sendmail"],"Server group":["Grupo de servidores"],"Server hint data":["Dados de dica do servidor"],"Server type":["Tipo de Servidor"],"Service unavailable":["Serviço indisponível"],"Services":["Serviços"],"Set IP addresses for %s":["Definir endereços IP para %s"],"Set a randomly generated password on the display connection":["Definir uma senha gerada aleatóriamente na conexão de exibição"],"Set parameters to defaults":["Definir parâmetros para padrão"],"Set the order in which values are resolved.":["Definir a ordem em que os valores serão resolvidos. "],"Set up compute instance %s":["Configurar instância de computação %s"],"Setting":["Configuração"],"Settings":["Configurações"],"Setting|Category":["Categoria"],"Setting|Default":["Padrão"],"Setting|Description":["Descrição"],"Setting|Name":["Nome"],"Setting|Settings type":["Tipos de configurações"],"Setting|Value":["Valor"],"Should the `foreman-rake db:migrate` be executed on the next run of the installer modules?":["O `foreman-rake db:migrate` deve ser executado na próxima execução dos módulos instaladores?"],"Should the `foreman-rake db:seed` be executed on the next run of the installer modules?":["O `foreman-rake db:migrate`deve ser migrado na próxima execução dos módulos instaladores?"],"Should this interface be managed via DHCP and DNS smart proxy and should it be configured during provisioning?":["Esta interface deve ser gerenciada via o proxy inteligente DNS e DHCP e deve ser configurada durante provisionamento ?"],"Should this interface be used for TFTP of PXELinux (or SSH for image-based hosts)? 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Este recurso chama provedores de recurso de computação, o que pode levar a um desempenho reduzido na página de listagem do host."],"Show provisioning template details":["Exibir detalhes do modelo de provisionamento"],"Show status":["Mostrar status"],"Show template combination":["Exibir combinação de modelo"],"Show the last report for a host":["Exibir o último relatório para um host"],"Sign":["Assinar"],"Single host on this page is selected.":["",""],"Size":["Tamanho"],"Size (GB)":["Tamanho (GB)"],"Skip assign hosts and proceed to edit %s settings":["Ignorar atribuir hosts e proceder com editar as configurações %s"],"Skipped":["Ignorado"],"Skipped|S":["S"],"Smart Class Parameter":["Parâmetro de Classe Inteligente"],"Smart Proxies":["Proxies Inteligentes"],"Smart Proxy":["Proxy Inteligente"],"Smart Proxy: %s":["Proxy Inteligente: %s"],"Smart Variables":["Variáveis Inteligentes"],"Smart class parameters":["Parâmetros de classe inteligentes"],"Smart proxies":["Proxies Inteligentes"],"Smart proxy":["Proxy inteligente"],"Smart proxy IDs":["IDs do proxy inteligente"],"Smart variables":["Variáveis inteligentes"],"SmartProxy|Name":["SmartProxy|Nome"],"SmartProxy|Url":["URL"],"Snippet":["Snippet"],"Some Puppet Classes are unavailable in the selected environment":[""],"Some imported user account details cannot be saved: %s":["Não foi possível salvar alguns detalhes de conta de usuário importada: %s"],"Some interfaces are invalid":["Algumas interfaces são inválidas"],"Some of the interfaces are invalid. Please check the table below.":["Algumas das interfaces são inválidas. Por favor verifique a tabela abaixo."],"Some or all hosts execution failed, Please check log files for more information":["Alguns ou todas as execuções falharam, por favor verifique arquivos de log para mais informações"],"Some other interface is already set as primary. Are you sure you want to use this one instead?":["Uma outra interface já foi definida como primária. Tem certeza que deseja usar essa?"],"Some other interface is already set as provisioning. Are you sure you want to use this one instead?":["Uma outra interface já foi definida para provisionamento. Tem certeza que deseja usar essa?"],"Something went wrong while changing host type - %s":["Algo saiu errado ao mudar o tipo do host - %s"],"Something went wrong while selecting hosts - %s":["Aldo deu errado ao selecionar hosts - %s"],"Sorry but no templates were configured.":["Desculpe mas não há nenhum modelo configurado."],"Sorry, these hosts do not have parameters assigned to them, you must add them first.":["Por favor, estes hosts não possuem parâmetros atribuídos a eles, você precisa adicioná-los primeiro."],"Source":["Fonte"],"Source|Digest":["Digest"],"Source|Value":["Value"],"Space separated options, e.g. miimon=100. Only for bond interfaces.":["Opções separadas espaço, por exemplo, miimon = 100 . Apenas para interfaces bond"],"Specified value is higher than recommended maximum":["O valor especificado é superior ao máximo recomendado"],"Specify additional options to sendmail":["Especificar opções adicionais para sendmail"],"Specify authentication type, if required":["Especificar tipo de autenticação, se necessário"],"Specify matchers":["Especificar correspondências "],"Start":["Iniciar"],"Starting IP Address for IP auto suggestion":["Endereço IP inicial para auto sugestão"],"State":["Estado"],"Static":["Estático"],"Statistics":["Estatísticas"],"Status":["Status"],"Stop updating IP address and MAC values from Puppet facts (affects all interfaces)":["Encerrar a atualização do endereço IP e valores MAC dos fatos Puppet (afeta todas as interfaces) "],"Stop updating Operating System from facts":[""],"Stop updating domain values from facts":[""],"Storage":["Armazenamento"],"Storage domain":["Domínio de armazenamento"],"Storage pool":["Pool de armazenamento"],"Strong":["Forte"],"Submit":["Enviar"],"Subnet":["Subrede"],"Subnet ID":["ID da subrede"],"Subnet IDs":["Ids de Subrede"],"Subnet name":["Nome da subnet"],"Subnet network":["Rede de Subrede"],"Subnet numeric identifier":["Identificador numérico da sub-rede"],"Subnets":["Subredes"],"Subnet|Boot mode":["Subrede|Modo de inicialização"],"Subnet|Dns primary":["DNS primário"],"Subnet|Dns secondary":["DNS secundário"],"Subnet|From":["De"],"Subnet|Gateway":["Gateway"],"Subnet|Ipam":["Subnet|Ipam"],"Subnet|Mask":["Máscara"],"Subnet|Name":["Nome"],"Subnet|Network":["Rede"],"Subnet|Priority":["Prioridade"],"Subnet|To":["Para"],"Subnet|Vlanid":["Subrede|ID VLAN"],"Subscribe":["Inscrever-se"],"Subscribe to all hosts":["Subscrever para todos os hosts"],"Subscribe to my hosts":["Subscrever para meus hosts"],"Success":["Êxito"],"Successfully created %s.":["%s criado com sucesso."],"Successfully delete %s":[""],"Successfully deleted %s.":["%s excluído com sucesso"],"Successfully deleted report.":["Relatório removido com êxito. "],"Successfully executed, check log files for more details":["Executado com sucesso, verifique os arquivos log para mais detalhes."],"Successfully executed, check reports and/or log files for more details":["Executado com sucesso, verifique os relatórios e/ou arquivos de log para mais detalhes"],"Successfully overridden all parameters of Puppet class %s":["Todos os parâmetros da Classe Puppet foram sobrescritos com sucesso %s"],"Successfully recreated":[""],"Successfully refreshed features from %s.":["Recursos atualizados com sucesso a partir de %s"],"Successfully refreshed the cache.":[""],"Successfully reset all parameters of Puppet class %s to their default values":["Todos os parâmetros da Classe Puppet %s foram redefinidos com sucesso aos seus valores padrão"],"Successfully updated %s.":["Conta %s atualizada com sucesso."],"Successfully updated environments and Puppet classes from the on-disk Puppet installation":["ambientes e classes de Puppet da instalação do Puppet em disco atualizados com sucesso"],"Suffix or prefix length for this subnet, e.g. 32":["Sufixo ou prefixo para esse subrede, p. ex. 32"],"Suggest new":["Sugerir novo"],"Summary from %{time} ago to now":["Resumo de %{time} atrás até agora "],"Summary report from Foreman server at %{foreman_url}":["Relatório de resumo do servidor Foreman em %{foreman_url}"],"Support":["Suporte"],"Supported Formats":["Formatos suportados"],"Synchronize group from authentication source":["Sincronizar grupo a partir da fonte de autenticação"],"Syntax Highlighting":["Destaque de sintaxe"],"Syntax error occurred while parsing the template %{template_name}, make sure you have all ERB tags properly closed and the Ruby syntax is valid. The Ruby error: %{message}":[""],"System Information":["Informações sobre o Sistema"],"System Status":["Status do sistema"],"TFTP":["TFTP"],"TFTP Proxy":["TFTP Proxy"],"TFTP Proxy ID to use within this subnet":["ID do proxy TFTP a ser usado nesta sub-rede"],"TFTP Proxy to use within this subnet":["TFTP Proxy para utilizar com esta subrede"],"TFTP server":["Servidor TFTP"],"Taxable taxonomy":["Taxonomia Tributável"],"TaxableTaxonomy|Taxable type":["Tipo taxavel"],"Taxonomy":["Taxônomia"],"Taxonomy|Ancestry":["Taxonomy|Ancestry"],"Taxonomy|Ignore types":["Ignorar tipos"],"Taxonomy|Name":["Nome"],"Taxonomy|Title":["Taxonomy|Title"],"Template":["Modelo"],"Template %s is empty.":["Template %s está vazio."],"Template '%s' is either missing or has an invalid organization or location":["Templante '%s' está faltando ou tem uma organização ou localização inválida"],"Template '%s' was not found":["Template '%s' não foi encontrado"],"Template Diff":["Dif de Modelo"],"Template Type":["Tipo de Modelo"],"Template diff":["Dif de Modelo"],"Template editor":["Editor de Modelo"],"Template kind":["Tipo de Modelo"],"Template kinds, available values: %{template_kinds}":["Tipos de modelo, valores disponíveis: %{template_kinds}"],"Template locked":["Modelo está travado"],"Template syntax":["Sintaxe do modelo"],"Template that will be selected as %s default for local boot.":[""],"Template unlocked":["Modelo está destravado"],"TemplateKind|Name":["Nome"],"Templates":["Modelos"],"Templates resolved for this operating system":["Modelos resolvidos para este sistema operacional "],"Tenant":["Locatário"],"Test Connection":["Testar Conexão"],"Test LDAP connection":["Testar conexão LDAP"],"Test LDAP connectivity":["Testar conectividade LDAP"],"Test connection to LDAP server was successful.":["A conexão de teste ao servidor LDAP foi bem-sucedida. "],"Test connection was successful":["Conexão de teste bem-sucedida"],"Test email":["Email de teste"],"Text to be shown in the login-page footer":["Texto a ser mostrado no rodapé de login-page"],"That is, if you are planning to manage a site where all the machines are of the form <i>hostname</i>.<b></b>\\n then the domain is <b></b>.":["Isto é, se você está planejando gerenciar um site em que todas as máquinas são do formato <i>hostname</i>.<b></b>\\n então o domínio é <b></b>."],"The %{proxy_type} proxy could not be set for host: %{host_names}.":["",""],"The %{proxy_type} proxy of the selected hosts was cleared.":["O proxy %{proxy_type} dos hosts selecionados foi limpado. "],"The %{proxy_type} proxy of the selected hosts was set to %{proxy_name}.":["O proxy %{proxy_type} dos hosts selecionados foi definido como %{proxy_name}."],"The <b>fullname</b> field is used for human readability in reports and other pages that refer to domains,\\n and also available as an external node parameter":["O campo <b>fullname</b> é usado para a legibilidade humana de relatórios e outras páginas que se referem a domínios,\\n e também está disponível como um parâmetro e nó externo"],"The Audit Comment field is saved with the template auditing to document the template changes":["O campo de Comentário de Auditoria foi salvo com a auditoria de modelo para documentar as mudanças de modelo"],"The BMC password will be used by Foreman to access the host's BMC controller via a BMC-enabled smart proxy, if available.<br/>":[""],"The IP address that should be used for the console listen address when provisioning new virtual machines via Libvirt":["O endereço IP que deve ser usado para o endereço de escuta do console ao provisionar novas máquinas virtuais via Libvirt"],"The NFS path to the image directory.":["O caminho NFS para o diretório de imagem."],"The NFS path to the jumpstart control files.":["O caminho de NFS para os arquivos de controle jumpstart."],"The NFS path to the media.":["O caminho de NFS para a mídia."],"The Operating systems detail the OSs known to Foreman, and is the central point that the other required components tie into.":[""],"The Primary interface is used for constructing the FQDN of the host":["A interface primária é usada para a construção do FQDN do host "],"The Provisioning interface is used for TFTP of PXELinux (or SSH for image-based hosts)":["A interface de provisionamento é usada para o TFTP do PXELinux (ou SSH para hosts baseados em imagem) "],"The authentication process currently requires an LDAP provider, such as <em>FreeIPA</em>,\\n <em>OpenLDAP</em> or <em>Microsoft's Active Directory</em>.":["O processo de autenticação atuamente requer um provedor LDAP , como <em>FreeIPA</em>,\\n <em>OpenLDAP</em> ou o <em>Active Directory da Microsoft</em>."],"The class of CPU supplied in this machine. This is primarily used by Sparc Solaris builds and can be left blank for other architectures. The value can be determined on Solaris via uname -m":["A classe do CPU fornecido nesta máquina. Usada principalmente por compilações de Sparc Solaris e pode ser deixada em branco para outras arquiteturas. O valor pode ser determinado com Solaris via uname -m."],"The class of the machine reported by the Open Boot Prom. This is primarily used by Sparc Solaris builds and can be left blank for other architectures. The value can be determined on Solaris via uname -i|cut -f2 -d,":["A classe da máquina reportada pela Open Boot Prom. Usada principalmente por compilações de Sparc Solaris e pode ser deixada em branco por outras arquiteturas. O valor pode ser determinado no Solaris via uname -i|cut -f2 "],"The default administrator email address":["O endereço de email padrão do administrador"],"The dynamic partitioning style is currently only available for the Red Hat family of operating systems, all others must provide an explicit list of partitions and sizes.":["O estilo de particionamento dinâmico atualmente está disponível apenas para a família Red Hat de sistemas operacionais, todos os outros devem fornecer uma lista explícita de partições e tamanhos. "],"The file path where your p12 file is located":["O caminho do arquivo onde o arquivo p12 está localizado "],"The final entry, Operating System default, can be set by editing the %s page.":["A entrada final, padrão do Sistema Operacional, pode ser definida editando a página %s. "],"The following IPv4 subnets have been found. Please review the details before creating them.":["As seguintes sub-redes IPv4 foram encontradas. Revise os detalhes antes de criá-las."],"The following entries were found conflicting with what foreman wanted to apply.":["As entradas a seguir encontraram conflitos com o que o Foreman deseja aplicar."],"The following errors may prevent a successful build:":["Os seguintes erros podem previnir uma construção bem sucedida:"],"The following fields would need reviewing":["Os campos a seguir deveriam ser revistos"],"The following hosts failed the build operation: %s":["Os hosts a seguir falharam a operação de construção: %s"],"The following hosts were not %{action}: %{missed_hosts}":["Os seguintes hosts não estavam %{action}: %{missed_hosts}"],"The following hosts were not deleted: %s":["Os seguintes hosts não foram excluídos: %s"],"The following hosts were updated":["Os seguintes hosts foram atualizados"],"The following parameters were skipped as they did not exists on this host:":["Os parâmetros a seguir foram ignorados pois não existiam neste host:"],"The following table and example snippet shows global methods, variables and class methods and how to use them.":["A tabela e o snippet de exemplo a seguir mostram métodos, variáveis e métodos de classe globais e como usá-los."],"The full DNS domain name":["Nome de domínio DNS completo"],"The host group's classes and the host group's variables are included in the external node information when the puppetmaster compiles the host's configuration.":["As classes do grupo de host e variáveis ​​do grupo de host são incluídas nas informações de nó externo quando o puppetmaster compila a configuração do host."],"The inclusion of the keyword string <b>#Dynamic</b> at the start of a line lets Foreman know that this is not an explicit disk layout and must treated as a shell script, executed prior\\n to the install process and that the explicit partition table will be found at <b>/tmp/diskpart.cfg</b> during the build process.":["A inclusão da cadeia de caracteres da palavra-chave <b> #Dynamic </b> no início de uma linha permite que o Foreman saiba que este não é um layout de disco explícito, devendo ser tratado como um shell de script e executado anteriormente \\npara o processo de instalação, e que a tabela de partição explícita será encontrada em <b> /tmp/diskpart.cfg </b>, durante o processo de compilação."],"The keys can be used in provisioning templates and are also available for configuration management tools managed by Foreman.":[""],"The keywords <b>$version</b>, <b>$major</b> and <b>$minor</b> will be interpolated back into the path specification to calculate the true URL address.":["As palavras-chave <b>$version</b>, <b>$major</b> e <b>$minor</b> serão interpoladas de volta na especificação de caminho para calcular o verdadeiro endereço de URL."],"The list is excluding %{count} %{link_start}physical host%{link_end}.":["A lista está excluindo %{count} %{link_start}host físico%{link_end}.","A lista está excluindo %{count} %{link_start}hosts físicos%{link_end}."],"The location of the sendmail executable":["A localização do executável de sendmail"],"The marked fields will need reviewing":["Os campos marcados precisarão ser revisados."],"The method used to provision the host. Possible provision_methods may be %{provision_methods}":["Método usado para provisionar o host. Possíveis provision_methods podem ser %{provision_methods}"],"The order in which matchers keys are processed, first match wins.<br> You may use multiple attributes as a matcher key, for example, an order of <code>host group, environment</code> would expect a matcher such as <code>hostgroup = \\\"web servers\\\", environment = production</code>":["A ordem em que as chaves de correspondência são processadas​​, a primeira combinação vence. <br> Você pode usar vários atributos como uma chave de correspondência, por exemplo, uma ordem de <code> grupo de host, ambiente </code> esperaria uma correspondência como <code>hostgroup = \\\"web servers\\\", environment = production</code>."],"The order in which values are resolved":["A ordem na qual os valores são resolvidos"],"The password will also be accessible to other users via templates and in the ENC YAML output; disable the bmc_credentials_accessible setting to prevent access.":["A senha também estará acessível para outros usuários por meio de modelos e na saída ENC YAML; desative a configuração bmc_credentials_accessible para impedir o acesso."],"The password will not be accessible to other users; enable the bmc_credentials_accessible setting to permit access via templates and in the ENC YAML output.":["A senha não estará acessível para outros usuários; ative a configuração bmc_credentials_accessible para permitir o acesso por meio da saída ENC YAML."],"The path to the medium, can be a URL or a valid NFS server (exclusive of the architecture).\\n for example <em>$version/os/$arch</em> where <strong>$arch</strong> will be substituted for the host's actual OS architecture and <strong>$version</strong>, <strong>$major</strong> and <strong>$minor</strong> will be substituted for the version of the operating system. Solaris and Debian media may also use <strong>$release</strong>.":["O caminho para a mídia, pode ser um URL ou um servidor NFS válido (exclusivo da arquitetura). \\n Por exemplo, <em>$version/os/$arch</em> onde <strong>$arch</strong>, será substituído pela arquitetura do SO atual do host e <strong>$version</strong>, <strong>$major</strong> e <strong>$minor</strong> serão substituídos pela versão do sistema operacional. As mídias do Solaris e Debian também podem usar <strong>$release</strong>."],"The power state of the selected hosts will be set to %s":["O estado de energia dos hosts selecionados será definido como %s"],"The realm name, e.g. EXAMPLE.COM":["O nome de realm, ex: EXAMPLE.COM"],"The remote system presented a public key signed by an unidentified certificate authority. If you are sure the remote system is authentic, go to the compute resource edit page, press the 'Test Connection' or 'Load Datacenters' button and submit":["O sistema remoto apresentou uma chave pública assinada por uma autoridade de certificação não identificada. Se você tem certeza que o sistema remoto é autêntico, vá para a página de edição de recursos de computação, pressione o botão 'Testar conexão' ou o botão 'Datacenters Load' e submeta "],"The remote system presented a public key with hash %s but we're expecting a different hash. If you are sure the remote system is authentic, go to the compute resource edit page, press the 'Test Connection' or 'Load Datacenters' button and submit":["O sistema remoto apresentou uma chave pública com hash %s, mas estamos esperando um hash diferente. Se você tem certeza que o sistema remoto é autêntico, vá para a página de edição de recursos de computação, pressione o botão 'Testar conexão' ou o botão 'Datacenters Load' e submeta"],"The selected hosts were enabled for reboot and rebuild":["Os hosts selecionados foram habilitados para reinicialização e recompilação "],"The selected hosts will execute a build operation on next reboot":["Os hosts selecionados executarão uma operação de construção na próxima reinicialização"],"The snippet '%{name}' threw an error: %{exc}":[""],"The template is associated to at least one host in build mode. To apply the change, disable and enable build mode on hosts to update the live templates or choose to %s their configuration from 'Select Action' menu":["O modelo é associado a pelo menos um host no modo de compilação. Para aplicar alterações, desabilitar ou habilitar o modo de compilação nos hosts, para atualizar os modelos dinâmicos ou optar por %s a sua configuração a partir do menu 'Selecionar Ação'"],"The user that is used to ssh into the instance, normally cloud-user, ec2-user, ubuntu, root etc":["O usuário utilizado para realizar o ssh na instância, normalmente cloud-user, ec2-user, ubuntu, root etc"],"The virtual machine is being deleted.":["A máquina virtual está sendo excluída."],"There are migrations pending in the system.":["Existem migrações pendentes no sistema."],"There are no puppet environments set up on this puppet master. Please check the puppet master configuration.":["Não há nenhum ambiente puppet configurado neste puppet master. Por favor, verifique a configuração do puppet master. "],"There are orchestration modules with methods for configuration rebuild that have identical name: '%s'":["Existem módulos de orquestração com métodos para recompilação de configuração que possuem nomes idênticos: '%s'"],"There are two strategies when using host groups.":["Existem duas estratégias ao utilizar os grupos de host."],"There is":["Existe","Existem"],"There is no owner with id %d and type %s":["Não há proprietário com o ID %d e o tipo %s"],"There is no proxy with BMC feature set up. Please register a smart proxy with this feature.":["Não existe proxy algum com a configuração do recurso BMC. Por favor, registre um proxy inteligente com este recurso. "],"There was an error creating the PXE file: %s":[""],"There was an error listing %{listing}: %{errors}":[""],"There was an error listing VMs: %(status)s %(statusText)s":["Ocorreu um erro ao listar as MVs: %(status)s %(statusText)s"],"There was an error rendering the %s template: ":["Houve um erro ao renderizar o modelo %s:"],"There was an error rendering the %{name} template: %{error}":["Ocorreu um erro ao renderizar o modelo %{name}: %{error}"],"There was no active bridge interface found in libvirt, if it does not support listing, you can enter the bridge name manually (e.g. br0)":["Nenhuma interface de ponte ativa foi localizada no libvirt, caso não haja suporte para listagem, o nome da ponte deve ser inserido manualmente (ex. br0) "],"These are guaranteed to work via the safe mode rendering, to ensure a template can do nothing harmful.":["Seu funcionamento é garantido por meio da renderização em modo de segurança, para garantir que o modelo não possa causar danos."],"These two options are personal decisions and are up to you (where the main difference would be the parameter/variables settings).":["Estas duas opções são decisões pessoais e são de sua escolha (onde a diferença principal seria as configurações de parâmetro/variáveis)."],"Thin provision":["Provisão fina"],"This Puppet class has no parameters in its signature.":["Esta Classe de puppet não possui parâmetros em sua assinatura."],"This allows Foreman to associate a puppet variable with a domain/site and automatically append this variable to all external node requests made by machines at that site.":["Isto permite que o Foreman associe uma variável puppet a um domínio/ site e, automaticamente, anexe esta variável a todas as solicitações de nó externas feitas pela máquina naquele site. "],"This group has nested groups!":["Este grupo aninhou grupos!"],"This group has no roles":["Este grupo não tem funções"],"This host's stored facts and reports will be deleted too.":["Estes fatos e relatórios armazenados do host serão removidos também."],"This is a test message to confirm that Foreman's email configuration is working.":["Esta é uma mensagem teste para confirmar se a configuração de email do Foreman está funcionando. "],"This is for every location and organization that uses it.":["Isto aplica-se a toda localização e organização que utiliza-o. "],"This is for every location that uses it.":["Isto aplica-se a toda localização que utiliza-o. "],"This is for every organization that uses it.":["Isto aplica-se a toda organização que utiliza-o. "],"This is inherited from parent":["Este é herdado do pai"],"This is used by a host":["Isto é usado por um host"],"This might take a while, as all hosts, facts and reports will be destroyed as well":["Isso pode levar um tempo, já que todos os hosts, fatos e relatórios serão destruídos também "],"This role has been cloned from role %s":[""],"This role is locked for editing.":[""],"This role is locked from being modified by users.":[""],"This setting is defined in the configuration file '%{filename}' and is read-only.":["Esta configuração é definida no arquivo de configuração '%{filename}' e é somente leitura."],"This template is locked and may not be removed.":["Este modelo está travado e não pode ser removido."],"This template is locked for editing.":["Este mdelo está travado para edição."],"This template is locked. Please clone it to a new template to customize.":["Este modelo está travado. Clone-o para um novo modelo para padronizar."],"This template is locked. You may only change the associations. Please %s it to customize.":["Este modelo está bloqueado. Você deve alterar somente as associações . Por favor, realize %s para personalização. "],"This value is not hidden":["Este valor não está oculto"],"This value is used also as the host's primary interface name.":["Este valor também é usado como o nome de interface primário do host. "],"This will reset parameters of the class %s to their default values. Continue?":["Isto irá redefinir parâmetros de classe %s aos seus valores padrão. Continuar?"],"This will set all parameters of the class %s as overridden. Continue?":["Isto irá definir todos os parâmetros de classe %s como sobrescritos. Continuar?"],"Time":["Tempo"],"Time in Seconds":["Tempo em segundos"],"Time in minutes installation tokens should be valid for, 0 to disable token generation":["Tempo em minutos que os tokens de instalação devem manter validade, 0 para desabilitar a geração de token "],"Timeout for DNS conflict validation (in seconds)":["Tempo limite para a validação do conflito de DNS (em segundos)"],"Timeout has occurred while communicating with %s":["Ocorreu um timeout ao se comunicar com o %s"],"To define trend counters, use the Add Trend Counter button.</br> To start collecting trend data, set a cron job to execute 'foreman-rake trends:counter' every Puppet Interval (%s minutes).":["Para definir contadores de tendências, use o botão Adicionar Contador de Tendências.</br> Para iniciar a coleta de dados de tendência, defina um cron job para executar 'foreman-rake trends:counter' a cada Intervalo de Puppet (%s minutos). "],"To enable a provider, either install the OS package (e.g. foreman-libvirt) or enable the bundler group for development setup (e.g. ovirt).":["Para habilitar um provedor, instale o pacote do SO (ex. foreman-libvirt) ou habilite o grupo bundler para configuração de desenvolvimento (ex. ovirt)."],"To enable safe mode, navigate to Settings page and enable Safemode rendering option.":["Para ativar o modo de segurança, acesse a página Configurações e ative a opção Renderização em modo de segurança."],"To start collecting trend data, set a cron job to execute <span class='black'>foreman-rake trends:counter</span> every Puppet Interval (%s minutes)":["Para começar a coletar dados de trend, defina um job cron para executar <span class='black'>foreman-rake trends:counter</span> em todos os intervalos do Puppet (%s minutos)."],"To update the class signature, go to the Puppet Classes page and select \\\"Import\\\".":["Para atualizar a assinatura da classe, vá para a página do Puppet Classes e selecione 'import'."],"Toggle":["Alternar"],"Token":["Token"],"Token duration":["Duração do token"],"Token expired":["Token expirado"],"Token|Expires":["Expira"],"Token|Value":["Valor"],"Total":["Total"],"Total Hosts: %s":["Total de Hosts: %s"],"Total hosts count":["Total de hosts"],"Total of one host":["Todal de um host","Todal de %{hosts} hosts"],"Trend":["Tendência"],"Trend counter":["Contador de tendência"],"Trend of the last %s days.":["Tendências dos últimos %s dias."],"TrendCounter|Count":["Conta"],"Trends":["Tendências"],"Trends for %s":["Tendências para %s"],"Trend|Fact name":["Nome do fato"],"Trend|Fact value":["Valor do fato"],"Trend|Name":["Nome"],"Trend|Trendable type":["Trend|Tipo reclinável"],"Trigger a puppetrun on a node; requires that puppet run is enabled":["Disparar um puppetrun em um nó; requer que a execução do puppet esteja ativada."],"Troubleshooting":["Troubleshooting"],"True/False flag whether a host is managed or unmanaged. Note: this value also determines whether several parameters are required or not":["Sinal Verdadeiro / Falso se um host é gerenciado ou não . Nota: este valor também determina se são necessários vários parâmetros ou não"],"Trusted puppetmaster hosts":["Hosts puppertmaster confiáveis "],"Try going to %{href}":["Tente ir para %{href}"],"Type":["Tipo"],"Type of name generator":["Tipo de gerador de nomes"],"Type of realm, e.g. FreeIPA":["Tipo de realm, ex.: FreeIPA"],"Type or protocol, IPv4 or IPv6, defaults to IPv4":["Tipo ou protocolo, IPv4 ou IPv6, padrão é IPv4"],"Types of validation values":["Tipos de valores de validação"],"Types of variable values":["Tipos de valores de validação"],"URL":["URL"],"URL for %{providers_requiring_url}":[""],"URL hosts will retrieve templates from during build (normally http as many installers don't support https)":["Os hosts de URL recuperarão os modelos durante compilação (geralmente http, pois muitos instaladores não fornecem suporte ao https)"],"URL must be valid and schema must be one of %s":["O URL deve ser válido e o esquema deve ter um dos %s "],"URL where your Foreman instance is reachable (see also Provisioning > unattended_url)":["URL onde a instância do Foreman é acessível (consulte também Provisionamento > unattended_url)"],"UTC time of report":["hora UTC do relatório"],"UUID":["UUID"],"UUID to track orchestration tasks status, GET /api/orchestration/:UUID/tasks":["UUID a rastrear o status de tarefas de orquestração, GET /api/orchestration/:UUID/tasks"],"Unable to access key":["Impossível acessar a chave"],"Unable to authenticate user %s":["Incapaz de autenticação usuário %s"],"Unable to change VM display listen address, make sure the display is not attached to localhost only":["Incapaz de modificar o endereço de espera da exibição VM, certifique-se de que a exibição não está anexada somente ao localhost."],"Unable to communicate with the proxy: %s":["Não foi possível se comunicar com o proxy: %s"],"Unable to connect":["Não foi possível conectar"],"Unable to connect to LDAP server":["Não é possível conectar-se ao servidor LDAP"],"Unable to create default TFTP boot menu":["Não foi possível criar menu de inicialização TFTP padrão"],"Unable to create realm entry":["Não é possível criar entrada de realm."],"Unable to create the default role.":["Impossível criar um papel padrão."],"Unable to delete DHCP entry for %s":["Não foi possível remover registro DHCP de %s"],"Unable to delete DNS entry":["Não foi possível remover registro DNS"],"Unable to delete PuppetCA autosign for %s":["Não foi possível remover PuppetCA autosign de %s"],"Unable to delete PuppetCA certificate for %s":["Não foi possível remover certificado PuppetCA de %s"],"Unable to delete TFTP boot entry for %s":["Não foi possível remover registro de inicialização TFTP de %s"],"Unable to detect TFTP boot server":["Não foi possível detectar servidor de inicialização TFTP"],"Unable to detect features":["Incapaz de detectar recursos"],"Unable to detect version":["Não é possível detectar versão"],"Unable to determine the host's boot server. The DHCP smart proxy failed to provide this information and this subnet is not provided with TFTP services.":["Não foi possível determinar o servidor de inicialização do host. O proxy inteligente DHCP não forneceu esta informação e esta subrede não possui serviços TFTP."],"Unable to disable bmc_credentials_accessible when safemode_render is disabled":["Não é possível desativar bmc_credentials_accessible quando safemode_render está desativado"],"Unable to disable safemode_render when bmc_credentials_accessible is disabled":["Não é possível desativar safemode_render quando bmc_credentials_accessible está desativado"],"Unable to execute Puppet run":["Não foi possível executar Puppet run"],"Unable to fetch TFTP boot file":["Não foi possível localizar arquivo de inicialização TFTP"],"Unable to fetch logs":["Não é possível capturar logs"],"Unable to find IP address for '%s'":["Não foi possível localizar endereço IP de '%s'"],"Unable to find a proxy with BMC feature":["Incapaz de encontrar um proxy com o recurso BMC"],"Unable to find proper authentication method":["Incapaz de encontrar método de autenticação adequado"],"Unable to find template %s":["Não foi possível localizar template %s"],"Unable to generate output, Check log files":["Não é possível gerar saídas, Verifique os arquivos de log"],"Unable to get BMC providers":["Incapaz de obter provedores BMC"],"Unable to get PuppetCA autosign":["Incapaz de obter PuppetCA autosign"],"Unable to get PuppetCA certificates":["Não é possível obter certificados PuppetCA "],"Unable to get classes from Puppet for %s":["Incapaz de obter classes do Puppet para %s"],"Unable to get environment from Puppet":["Incapaz de obter ambiente do Puppet para "],"Unable to get environments from Puppet":["Incapaz de obter ambientes do Puppet para "],"Unable to get installed BMC providers":["Incapaz de obter provedores BMC instalados"],"Unable to initialize ProxyAPI class %s":["Não é possível inicializar a classe ProxyAPI %s"],"Unable to perform boot BMC operation":["Incapaz de realizar operação BMC de inicialização"],"Unable to perform identify BMC operation":["Incapaz de realizar operação BMC de identidade"],"Unable to perform lan BMC operation":["Incapaz de realizar operação BMC de lan"],"Unable to perform power BMC operation":["Incapaz de realizar operação BMC de energia"],"Unable to render %{kind} template '%{name}': %{e}":["Falha ao gerar %{template_kind} template %{template_name}: %{e}"],"Unable to render '%{name}' template: %{e}":["Não foi possível renderizar o modelo '%{name}': %{e}"],"Unable to retrieve DHCP entry for %s":["Incapaz de recuperar a entrada do DHCP para %s"],"Unable to retrieve DHCP subnet":["Erro: Incapaz de recuperar o subnet do DHCP"],"Unable to retrieve DHCP subnets":["Incapaz de recuperar os subnets do DHCP"],"Unable to retrieve unused IP":["Incapaz de recuperar IP não utilizado"],"Unable to save":["Impossível salvar"],"Unable to send email, check server logs for more information":["Não é possível enviar emails, verifique os logs do servidor para mais informações "],"Unable to set DHCP entry":["Incapaz de definir a entrada de DHCP"],"Unable to set DNS entry":["Incapaz de definir entrada DNS"],"Unable to set PuppetCA autosign for %s":["Incapaz de definir PuppetCA autosign para %s"],"Unable to set TFTP boot entry for %s":["Incapaz de definir a entrada do TFTP para %s"],"Unable to sign PuppetCA certificate for %s":["Incapaz de assinar o certificado do PuppetCA para %s"],"Unable to turn on websockets_encrypt, either websockets_ssl_key or websockets_ssl_cert is missing":["Não é possível ligar websockets_encrypt, websockets_ssl_key ou websockets_ssl_cert está ausente "],"Unable to unset websockets_ssl_cert when websockets_encrypt is on":["Não é possível remover a definição de websockets_ssl_cert quando websockets_encrypt está ligado "],"Unable to unset websockets_ssl_key when websockets_encrypt is on":["Não é possível remover a definição de websockets_ssl_key quando websockets_encrypt está ligado "],"Unallowed template for dashboard widget: %s":["Modelo não permitido para widget de painel: %s"],"Unattended URL":["URL autônomo "],"Undo remove":["Impossível remover"],"Undo selection":[""],"Unhide this value":["Re-exibir este valor "],"Unknown":["Desconhecido"],"Unknown IPAM type - can't continue":["Tipo IPAM desconhecido - impossível continuar"],"Unknown Power State":["Estado de energia desconhecido"],"Unknown action name for success message: %s":["Nome da ação desconhecida para mensagem bem sucedida: %s"],"Unknown build status":["Status de compilação desconhecido"],"Unknown device: available devices are %s":["Dispositivo desconhecido: dispositivos disponíveis são %s"],"Unknown interface type, must be one of [%s]":["Tipo de interface desconhecido, deve ser um de [%s]"],"Unknown power action: available methods are %s":["Ação de energia desconhecido : métodos disponíveis são %s"],"Unknown power management support - can't continue":["Suporte de gerenciamento de energia desconhecido - não é possível continuar"],"Unknown power state":["Estado de energia desconhecido"],"Unlock":["Desbloquear"],"Unmanage host":["Hosto não gerenciado"],"Unsupported IPAM mode for %s":["Modo IPAM não suportado para %s"],"Unsupported password hash function '%s'":["Função de hash de senha não é suportada '%s'"],"Unsupported report status format":["Formato de status de relatório sem suporte"],"Update":["Atualizar"],"Update :a_resource":["Atualizar:a_resource"],"Update IP from built request":["Atualizar IP da solicitação de compilação "],"Update a Puppet class":["Atualizar uma classe Puppet"],"Update a bookmark":["Atualizar um marcador"],"Update a compute attributes set":["Atualizar um conjunto de atributos computacionais"],"Update a compute profile":["Atualizar um perfil computacional"],"Update a compute resource":["Atualizar um recurso de computação"],"Update a config group":["Atualizar um grupo de configuração"],"Update a default template combination for an operating system":["Atualizar o modelo padrão de combinaçãoes para o sistema operacional"],"Update a domain":["Atualizar um domínio"],"Update a filter":["Atualizar um filtro"],"Update a global parameter":["Atualizar um parâmetro global"],"Update a hardware model":["Atualizar um modelo de hardware"],"Update a host":["Atualizar um host"],"Update a host group":["Atualizar um grupo de host"],"Update a host's interface":["Atualizar a interface de um host"],"Update a medium":["Atualizar uma mídia"],"Update a nested parameter for a domain":["Atualizar um parametrô nested para um domínio"],"Update a nested parameter for a host":["Atualizar um paramentrô nested para um host"],"Update a nested parameter for a host group":["Atualizar um parametrô nested para um grupo host"],"Update a nested parameter for a location":["Atualizar um parametrô nested para uma localização"],"Update a nested parameter for a subnet":["Atualizar um parametro herdado para uma sub-rede"],"Update a nested parameter for an operating system":["Atualizar um parametrô nested para um sistema operacional"],"Update a nested parameter for an organization":["Atualizar um parametrô nested para uma organização"],"Update a partition table":["Atualizar Tabela de partição"],"Update a provisioning template":["Atualizar um modelo de provisionamento"],"Update a realm":["Atualizar um realm"],"Update a role":["Atualizar uma função"],"Update a setting":["Atualizar uma configuração"],"Update a smart class parameter":["Atualizar um parâmetro de classe inteligente"],"Update a smart proxy":["Atualizar um proxy inteligente"],"Update a smart variable":["Atualizar uma variável inteligente"],"Update a subnet":["Atualizar uma sub-rede"],"Update a user":["Atualizar um Usuário"],"Update a user group":["Atualizar um grupo de usuário"],"Update an LDAP authentication source":["Atualizar uma fonte de autenticação LDAP"],"Update an architecture":["Atualizar uma arquitetura"],"Update an environment":["Atualizar um ambiente"],"Update an image":["Atualizar uma imagem"],"Update an operating system":["Atualização do sistema operacional"],"Update an override value for a specific smart class parameter":["Atualizar um valor de substituição para um parametro de classe inteligente específico"],"Update an override value for a specific smart variable":["Atualizar um valor de substituição para uma váriavel inteligente específica"],"Update environment from facts":["Atualizar ambientes a partir dos fatos "],"Update external user group":["Atualizar um grupo de usuário externo"],"Update realm entry for %s":["Atualize entrada de realm para %s"],"Update subnets from facts":["Atualizar sub-redes a partir de fatos"],"Update template combination":["Atualizar combinação de modelo "],"Update the default PXE menu on all configured TFTP servers":["Atualizar o menu PXE padrão em todos os servidores TFTP configurados"],"Update:":["Atualizar:"],"Updated":["Atualizado"],"Updated all hosts!":["Atualizar todos os hosts"],"Updated hosts: Disassociated from VM":["Hosts atualizados: Desassociados da MV"],"Updated hosts: changed environment":["Hosts atualizados: ambiente modificado"],"Updated hosts: changed host group":["Hosts atualizados: grupo de host modificado"],"Updated hosts: changed owner":["Hosts atualizados: proprietário alterado"],"Upload facts for a host, creating the host if required":["Enviar fatos para um host, criando o host se necessário"],"Use Gravatar":["Usar Gravatar"],"Use UUID for certificates":["Usar UUID para certificados"],"Use short name for VMs":["Use nomes curtos para MVs"],"Use this account to authenticate, <i>optional</i>":["Use esta conta para autenticação, <i>opcional</i>"],"Use this puppet server as a CA server":["Use este servidor de puppet como um servidor CA"],"Use this puppet server as an initial Puppet Server or to execute puppet runs":["Use este servidor puppet como um Servidor Puppet inicial ou execute o puppet"],"Used to enforce certain values for the parameter values":["Usado para impor certos valores aos valores do parâmetro "],"User":["Usuário"],"User Group":[""],"User Groups":["Grupos de Usuários"],"User IDs":["IDs dos Usuários"],"User data template":["Modelo de dados do usuário "],"User groups":["Grupos de usuários"],"User groups enable users to log into Foreman and be automatically granted permissions.":[""],"User role":["Função de usuário"],"User's preferred locale":["Localidade preferencial do usuário "],"User's timezone":["Fuso horário do usuário "],"UserRole|Owner type":["UserRole|Owner type"],"Usergroup":["Grupo de usuário"],"Usergroup member":["Membro do grupo de usuário"],"UsergroupMember|Member type":["Tipo de membro"],"Usergroup|Admin":["Grupo de usuários|Admin"],"Usergroup|Auth source":["Grupo de usuários|Fonte de autenticação"],"Usergroup|Name":["Nome"],"Username":["Nome de usuário"],"Username for oVirt, EC2, VMware, OpenStack. Access Key for EC2.":["Usuário para oVirt, VMware, OpenStack, Chave de acesso para EC2."],"Username to use to authenticate, if required":["Nome de usuário a ser usado para autenticação, se necessário"],"Users":["Usuários"],"User|Admin":["Administrador"],"User|Avatar hash":["User|Avatar hash"],"User|Firstname":["User|Nome"],"User|Last login on":["Último login"],"User|Lastname":["User|Sobrenome"],"User|Locale":["Localização"],"User|Login":["User|Efetuar login"],"User|Lower login":["User|Lower login"],"User|Mail":["User|Endereço de email"],"User|Mail enabled":["Usuário|Email habilitado "],"User|Password hash":["Password hash"],"User|Password salt":["Senha salt"],"Uses thin provisioning if unchecked":["Usa provisionamento fino se não selecionado"],"Using the organization system provides a way to group resources together for easy management. Organizations are particularly useful for Foreman installations where several customers or business units are managed with a single Foreman install.":["Usera a organização de sistemas provê um caminho para agrupar recursos para um fácil gerenciamento. Organizações são particularmente úteis para instalações de Foreman com muitos usuários ou unidades de negósios que são gerenciados com uma única instalação de Foreman."],"VCPU(s)":["VCPU(s)"],"VCenter/Server":["Vcenter/Servidor"],"VLAN ID for this subnet":["ID da VLAN para essa sub-rede"],"VLAN tag, this attribute has precedence over the subnet VLAN ID. Only for virtual interfaces.":["VLAN tag, este atributo tem precedência sobre a sub-rede VLAN ID . Apenas para interfaces virtuais"],"VM":["VM"],"VM Attributes":["Atributos de VM"],"VM Attributes (%s)":["Atributos da VM (%s)"],"VM already associated with a host":["MV já está associada ao host"],"VM associated to host %s":["MV já está associada ao host %s"],"VM is not running!":["VM não está executando!"],"VNC/SPICE websocket proxy console access encryption (websockets_ssl_key/cert setting required)":["Criptografia de acesso a consoles de proxy websocket VNC/SPICE (configuração websockets_ssl_key/cert necessária)"],"Valid from":["Válido a partir de"],"Valid host group and environment combinations":["Grupo de host e combinações de ambientes válidos"],"Validation types":["Tipos de validação"],"Value":["Valor"],"Value to use when there is no match":["Valor a usar quando não houver combinação"],"Value to use when there is no match.":["Valor a ser usado quando não há correspondências. "],"Variable":["Variável"],"Variable lookup key":["Chave de pesquisa de variáveis "],"Variables":["Variáveis"],"Vendor class":["Classe de fornecedor"],"Verify":["Verificar"],"Version":["Versão"],"Version %{version}":["Versão %{version}"],"Version %{version} %{copyright} 2009-%{year} Paul Kelly and %{author}":["Versão %{version} %{copyright} 2009-%{year} Paul Kelly e %{author}"],"Very Strong":["Muito forte"],"View Diff":["Visualizar Dif"],"View in Foreman:":["Visualizar em Foreman:"],"View last report details":["Visualizar detalhes do último relatório"],"View list":["Visualizar lista"],"Virtual (NAT)":["Virtual (NAT)"],"Virtual H/W version":["Virtual H/W versão"],"Virtual Machine":["Máquina virtual"],"Virtual Machines":["Máquinas virtuais"],"Virtual Machines on %s":["Máquinas virtuais em %s"],"Virtual NIC":["Virtual NIC"],"Virtual machine settings cannot be edited on an existing machine in %s":["As configurações da máquina virtual não podem ser editadas em uma máquina existente em %s"],"WARNING":["AVISO"],"Wait for %s to come online":["Esperando por %s para ficar online"],"Warning":["Aviso"],"Warning!":["Aviso!"],"Warning! This will remove %{name} from %{number} user. are you sure?":["",""],"Warning: This will delete this host and all of its data!":["Aviso: Isto irá remover este host e todos os seus dados!"],"Warnings and errors":["Avisos e erros"],"We have not found any documentation for your API.":["Nós não encontramos nenhuma documentação para seu API."],"We use Redmine to report and track bugs and feature requests, which can be found here:":["Nós usamos Redmine para informar e rastrear bugs e solicitações de recursos, que podem ser encontrados aqui:"],"Weak":["Fraca"],"Websockets SSL certificate":["Certificado SSL de websockets"],"Websockets SSL key":["Chave SSL de websockets"],"Websockets encryption":["Criptografia de websockets"],"Weekly":["Semanal"],"Welcome to Foreman":["Bem-vindo ao Foreman"],"What ever text(or ERB template) you use in here, would be used as your OS disk layout options If you want to use the partition table option, delete all of the text from this field":["Qualque texto (ou modelo ERB) que você usar aqui, pode ser usado como sua opção de layout de disco do SO. Se você desejar usar a opção de tabela de partição,remova todo o texto deste campo"],"When a Host requests a template (e.g. during provisioning), Foreman will select the best match from the available templates of that type, in the following order:":["Quando um Host requisita um template (ex.: durante o provisionamento), Foreman vai selecionar a melhor opção de templates disponíveis daquele tipo na seguinte ordem:"],"When a realm is selected for a host, Foreman contacts the relevant realm smart proxy to create an entry for the host and retrieve it's one-time registration password.":["Quando um realm é selecionado para um host, o Foreman contacta o proxy inteligente do realm relevante para criar uma entrada para o host e recuperar a sua senha de registro único. "],"When editing a template, you must assign a list of operating systems which this template can be used with. Optionally, you can restrict a template to a list of host groups and/or environments.":["Quando editar um template você deve associar uma lista de sistemas operacionais no qual este template pode usar. Opcionalmente, você pode restringir um template para uma lista de grupos de hosts e/ou ambientes."],"When enabled the parameter is hidden in the UI":["Quando habilitado, o parâmetro fica oculto na IU "],"When specifying custom value, add 'MB' or 'GB' at the end. Field is not case sensitive and MB is default if unspecified.":["Ao especificar um valor personalizado, acrescente \\\"MB\\\" ou \\\"GB\\\" no final. O campo não diferencia maiúsculas e minúsculas e MB é o padrão se não for especificado."],"When the role's associated %{taxonomies} are changed,<br> the change will propagate to all inheriting filters.\\n Filters that are set to override <br> will remain untouched. Overriding of role filters can be easily disabled by <br> pressing the \\\"Disable overriding\\\" button.\\n Note that not all filters support <br>%{taxonomies}, so these always remain global.":[""],"When using SSH based provisioning, a special SSH key is created in order to automate the provisioning process.":[""],"When using TLS, you can set how OpenSSL checks the certificate":["Ao usar TLS, é possível definir como o OpenSSL verifica o certificado"],"Whether or not the image supports user data":["Se a imagem fornece suporte ou não aos dados do usuário "],"Whether or not the template is locked for editing":["Se deve ou não o template está bloqueado para edição"],"Whether the class parameter value is managed by Foreman.":["Se o valor do parâmetro de classe é gerenciado ou não pelo Foreman."],"Whether the smart class parameter value is managed by Foreman":["Se o valor do parâmetro da classe inteligente é gerenciado ou não pelo Foreman."],"Which is an offset of <b>%s</b>":["A qual é um offset de <b>%s</b>"],"Widget added to dashboard.":["Widget adicionado ao painel."],"Widget positions successfully saved.":["Posição do widget salva com sucesso."],"Widget removed from dashboard.":["Widget removido do painel."],"Wiki":["Wiki"],"With user groups, you can group your users and assign them roles on a group basis.":[""],"X509 Certification Authorities":["Autoridades de Certificação X509"],"YAML":["YAML"],"Yes":["Sim"],"You are about to change the default PXE menu on all configured TFTP servers - continue?":["Você está prestes a mudar o menu padrão do PXE em todos os servidores TFTP configurados - continuar?"],"You are about to override the editor content with a previous version, are you sure?":["Você está prestes a substituir o conteúdo do editor por uma versão antiga, tem certeza que deseja prosseguir?"],"You are about to override the editor content, are you sure?":["Você está prestes a substituir o conteúdo do editor, tem certeza que deseja prosseguir?"],"You are about to unlock a locked template.":["Você está prestes a desbloquear um modelo bloqueado. "],"You are not authorized to lock templates.":["Você não está autorizado a bloquear modelos. "],"You are not authorized to make a template default.":["Você não está autorizado a fazer um modelo padrão. "],"You are not authorized to perform this action.":["Você não está autorizado a executar essa ação."],"You are trying to delete your own account":["Você está tentando remover sua conta pessoal"],"You are using an unsupported browser.":["Você está usando um browser não suportado"],"You can add SSH public keys to a user in Foreman.":[""],"You can find The Foreman on the %{freenode} ( network. For general support, please visit #theforeman and for development specific related chat, please visit #theforeman-dev.":["Você pode encontrar o foreman na rede {freenode}( Para apoio geral, visite # theforeman e para o desenvolvimento de chat relacionada específico, visite # theforeman-dev."],"You can select one of the IPAM modes supported by the selected IP protocol:<br/><ul><li><strong>DHCP</strong> - will manage the IP on DHCP through assigned DHCP proxy, auto-suggested IPs come from DHCP <em>(IPv4)</em></li><li><strong>Internal DB</strong> - use internal DB to auto-suggest free IP based on other interfaces on same subnet respecting range if specified, useful mainly with static boot mode <em>(IPv4, IPv6)</em></li><li><strong>EUI-64</strong> - will assign the IPv6 address based on the MAC address of the interface <em>(IPv6)</em></li><li><strong>None</strong> - leave IP management solely on user, no auto-suggestion <em>(IPv4, IPv6)</em></li></ul>":["É possível selecionar um dos modos IPAM suportados pelo protocolo IP selecionado:<br/><ul><li><strong>DHCP</strong> - gerenciará o IP em DHCP por meio do proxy DHCP atribuído; os IPs sugeridos automaticamente vêm de DHCP <em>(IPv4)</em></li><li><strong>DB interna</strong> - use DB interna para sugerir IPs livres automaticamente com base em outras interfaces na mesma sub-rede, respeitando o intervalo se especificado; útil principalmente com o modo de inicialização estática <em>(IPv4, IPv6)</em></li><li><strong>EUI-64</strong> - atribuirá o endereço IPv6 com base no endereço MAC da interface <em>(IPv6)</em></li><li><strong>Nenhum</strong> - deixa o gerenciamento de IP somente a cargo do usuário, sem sugestão automática <em>(IPv4, IPv6)</em></li></ul>"],"You can't assign locations to this resource":["Você não pode atribuir locais à este recurso"],"You can't assign organizations to this resource":["Você não pode atribuir organizações à este recurso"],"You cannot delete this user while logged in as this user.":["Você não pode remover este usuário enquanto estiver autenticado como este usuário. "],"You do not have permission to %s this location parameter":["Você não possui permissão para %s este parâmetro do local"],"You do not have permission to %s this organization parameter":["Você não tem permissão para %s este parâmetro de organização"],"You don't have any visible hosts. Hosts can be added and provisioned from Foreman, or configured to report to Foreman.":["Você não possui um host visível. Os hosts podem ser adicionados e provisionados através do Foreman ou configurados para comunicar-se com o Foreman. "],"You don't seem to have any bookmarks.":["Você parece não possuir marcador algum. "],"You don't seem to have any facts yet. If you wish to configure fact pushing, please follow the documentation.":["Parece que você não possui nenhum fato ainda. Caso deseje configurar um fato para envio por push, por favor consulte a documentação."],"You don't seem to have any reports.":["Você parece não possuir relatório algum. "],"You have already logged in":["Você já realizou o login"],"You may also associate one or more operating systems with this medium or alternatively set this up later on the %s page.":["Você também pode associar um ou mais sistemas operacionais a esta mídia ou definí-lo mais tarde na página %s."],"You may also associate one or more operating systems with this partition table or alternatively set this up later on the %s page":["Você pode também associar um ou mais sistemas operacionais com esta tabela de partição ou defini-lo mais tarde na página %s."],"You may create puppet classes that represent high-level host configurations, for example, a <b>host-type-ldap-server</b> class, which includes all the required functionality from other modules or you may decide to create a host group called <b>host-type-ldap-server</b> and add the required classes into the host group configuration.":["Você pode criar classes de puppets que representam configurações de host de alto nível, por exemplo, a classe <b>host-type-ldap-server</b> , que inclui todas as funcionalidades necessárias a partir de outros módulos ou você pode decidir criar um grupo de host chamado <b>host-type-ldap-server</b> e adicionar as classes necessárias para a configuração do grupo de host."],"You must create a location before continuing.":["Você deve criar uma localização antes de continuar."],"You must create an organization before continuing.":["Você deve criar uma organização antes de continuar."],"You must create at least one location before continuing.":["Você deve criar ao menos um local antes de continuar."],"You must create at least one organization before continuing.":["Você deve criar ao menos uma organização antes de continuar"],"You must select at least one permission":["Você precisa selecionar ao menos uma permissão"],"You probably need to configure your %s first.":["Você provavelmente precisa configurar seu(s) %s primeiro."],"You would probably need to attach the":["você provavelmente precise anexar o"],"Your Foreman user account has been created:":["Sua conta de usuário do Foreman foi criada:"],"Your host has finished building:":["Seu host concluiu a compilação:"],"Your password is too short":["Sua senha é muito curta"],"Your password should not contain sequences":["A senha não deve conter sequências"],"Your password should not contain that many repetitions":["A senha não deve conter muitas repetições"],"Your password should not contain your email":["A senha não deve conter o email"],"Your password should not contain your username":["A senha não deve conter o nome de usuário"],"Your password should use characters from different character classes too":["A senha também deve usar caracteres de diferentes classes de caracteres"],"Your session has expired, please login again":["Sua sessão expirou. 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a substituição de mesclagens é definida "],"can't be bigger than to range":["pode ser maior do que a classe"],"can't be blank":["Não pode ficar em branco"],"can't be blank unless a custom partition has been defined":["não pode ser vazio ao menos uma partição deve ser definida"],"can't be updated after host is provisioned":["não é possível atualizar depois que a máquina já foi provisionada"],"can't be updated after subnet is saved":["Não pode ser atualizado depois da sub-rede estar salva"],"can't contain spaces.":["não pode conter espaços."],"can't delete primary interface of managed host":["não é possível remover a interface primária do host gerenciado "],"can't delete provision interface of managed host":["não é possível remover a interface de provisão do host gerenciado "],"can't find domain with this id":["não é possível localizar um domínio com esta id"],"cannot be changed":["não pode ser alterado"],"cannot be changed by a non-admin user":["não pode ser alterado por um usuário não administrador "],"cannot be changed on an internal protected account":["não pode ser modificado em uma conta protegina interna"],"cannot be enabled for an unmanaged host":["não pode ser habilitado para um host não gerenciado "],"cannot be removed from an internal protected account":["não pode ser removido de uma conta protegida interna"],"cannot be removed from the last admin account":["não pode ser removido de uma última conta de admin"],"clone":["clone"],"comma separated interface identifiers":["identificadores de interface separados por vírgulas"],"comments powered by %{disqus}":["comentários inseridos por %{disqus}"],"could not be calculated":[""],"could not be found in %s":["não foi possível ser localizado em %s"],"could not be generated":[""],"cycle":["cliclo"],"default locations need to be user locations first":["locais padrão precisam ser locais de usuário primeiro"],"default organizations need to be user organizations first":["organizações padrão precisar ser primeiro 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No provisioning template with name \\\"%{name}\\\" and kind \\\"%{kind}\\\" found. ":[""],"is invalid: %s":["é inválido: %s"],"is locked for user modifications.":[""],"is not a valid MAC address":["não é um endereço MAC válido"],"is not allowed to change":["não é permitido mudar"],"is not defined for host's %s.":["não está definido para o %s do host."],"is not found in the authentication source":["não foi encontrado na fonte de autenticação"],"is not permitted":["não é permitido"],"is not valid":["não é válido(a)"],"is too long (maximum is 1 character)":["é muito longo (máximo é 1 caracter)","é muito longo (máximo são %s caracteres)"],"is too long (maximum is 254 characters)":["é muito longo (máximo é 254 caracteres)"],"is unknown":["é desconhecido"],"issue tracker":["rastreador de problemas"],"items selected. Uncheck to Clear":["itens selecionados. Desmarque para limpar"],"json":["json"],"last %s day":["Último %s dia","Últimos %s dias"],"link external user group with this user group":["grupo de usuário externo com este grupo de usuário"],"list":["lista"],"locale_name":["Português (Brasil)"],"location":["localização"],"locations":["localizações"],"managed host must have one provision interface":["host gerenciado deve ter uma interface de provisão "],"message":["mensagem"],"must be a unicast MAC address":["deve ser um endereço MAC unicast"],"must be a valid regexp":["deve ser uma regexp válida"],"must be an array":["deve ser um array válido"],"must be boolean":["deve ser um boleano"],"must be comma separated":["deve ser separado por vírgula "],"must be integer":["deve ser um inteiro"],"must be of same resource type (%s) - Role (%s)":[""],"must be of type Subnet::Ipv4.":["deve ser do tipo Sub-rede::Ipv4."],"must be of type Subnet::Ipv6.":["deve ser do tipo Sub-rede::Ipv6."],"must be one of [ %s ]":["deve ser um dos [ %s ]"],"must be specified if from is defined":["deve ser especificado se 'from' for definido "],"must be specified if to is defined":["deve ser especificado se 'to' for definido "],"must be true to edit the parameter":["deve ser verdadeiro para editar o parâmetro "],"must contain valid hostnames":["deve conter hostnames válidos"],"must not include periods":["não deve incluir períodos"],"must only contain alphanumeric or underscore characters":["deve conter somente caracteres alfanuméricos ou sublinhado"],"must provide a provider":["deve fornecer um provedor"],"must set host and port":["deve definir host e porta"],"new":["novo"],"nil allowed":["nenhum permitido"],"nil means host is bare metal":["nulo significa que o host é bare metal"],"no free IP could be found in our DB":["não foi possível encontrar um IP disponível no seu DB"],"no puppet proxy defined - cant continue":["nenhum puppet proxy definido - não é possível continuar"],"no value":["sem valor"],"none":["nenhum(a)"],"not found":["não localizado(a)"],"not relevant for snippet":["Não relevante para o snippet"],"not required if using a subnet with DHCP proxy":["não necessário se utilizar um subrede com proxy DHCP"],"not supported by this protocol":["não é suportado por este protocolo"],"number of entries per request":["número de entradas por requisições"],"oVirt/RHEV template to use":["Modelo oVirt/RHEV para uso "],"off":["desligado"],"on":["ligado"],"operating system":["sistema operacional"],"optional":["opcional"],"optional: certname of the host":["opcional: certname do host"],"optional: the STI type of host to create":["opcional: o tipo STI host para criar"],"organization":["organização"],"organizations":["organizações"],"override":["substituir"],"paginate results":["paginar resultados"],"parsing settings type '%s' from string is not defined":["analisando tipo de configuração'%s' da faixa não está definido"],"password match":["senha confere"],"passwords do not match":["as senhas não conferem"],"pending":["pendente"],"physical":["física(s)"],"physical @ NAT %s":["física @ NAT %s"],"physical @ bridge %s":["física @ ponte %s"],"power action, valid actions are (on/start), (off/stop), (soft/reboot), (cycle/reset), (state/status)":["ação de energia , as ações são válidos ( on / start ) , ( off / stop) , (soft / reboot ) , ( ciclo / reset ) , (estado / status)"],"poweroff":["desligar"],"ready?":["Pronto?"],"real":["real"],"reboot":["reiniciar"],"recreate":["recriar"],"regexp":["regexp"],"remove":["remover"],"remove network interface":["remover a interface de rede "],"remove storage volume":["remover volume de armazenamento"],"required":["solicitado"],"required for managed host that is bare metal, not required if it's a virtual machine":["necessário para host gerenciado que é bare metal, não necessário se é uma máquina virtual"],"required if host is managed and custom partition has not been defined":["requerido se o host é gerenciado e uma partição customizada não foi definida"],"required if host is managed and value is not inherited from host group":["necessário se o host é gerenciado e valor não é herdado do grupo de host"],"required if host is managed and value is not inherited from host group or default password in settings":["requerido se o host é gerenciado e o valor não é herdado do grupo de host ou senha padrão em configurações"],"required if locations are enabled":["necessário se as localizações estão habilitadas"],"required if not imaged based provisioning and host is managed and value is not inherited from host group":["solicitado se o provisionamento não for baseado em imagem, o host for gerenciado e o valor não for herdado do grupo de host"],"required if onthefly_register is true":["Necessário se onthefly_register for verdadeiro"],"required if organizations are enabled":["necessário se as organizações estão habilitadas"],"reset":["redefinir"],"revoked":["revogado"],"select an owner":["selecione um proprietário"],"setting up reporting":["configurando relatório"],"should be 8 characters or more":["deve conter no mínimo 8 caracteres"],"should be a single line":[""],"should not be blank - consider setting a global or host group default":["não deve estar em branco - considere configurar um grupo host ou global padrão"],"soft":["Suave"],"some interfaces are invalid":["algumas interfaces são inválidas"],"some permissions were not found":[""],"sort results":["ordenar resultados"],"space separated options, e.g. miimon=100":["opções separadas com espaço, ex: miimon=100"],"start":["iniciar"],"state":["estado"],"status":["status"],"status type, can be one of\\n* global\\n* configuration\\n* build\\n":["tipo de status, pode ser um dos seguintes\\n* global\\n* configuração\\n* compilação\\n"],"stop":["parar"],"string":["string"],"subnet":["sub-rede"],"subnet boot mode is not %s":["modo de inicialização de subrede não é %s"],"sync external user groups on login":["sincronizar grupos de usuários externos no login"],"template name":["nome do modelo"],"template version":["versão do modelo"],"these hosts for a build operation on next boot":["estes hosts para uma operação de construção na próxima inicialização"],"type of the LDAP server":["tipo do servidor LDAP"],"unable to find %{type} template for %{host} running %{os}":["impossível encontrar %{type} template para %{host} executando %{os}"],"unable to sign a non pending certificate":["Incapaz de assinar certificado não pendente"],"unknown network_type":["network_type desconhecido"],"unknown parent permission for %s":["permissão desconhecida para %s"],"unknown permission %s":["permissão %s desconhecida "],"unknown permission for %s":["permissão desconhecida para %s"],"unknown provider":["provedor desconhecido"],"unspecified":["Não especificado"],"used memory":["memoria utilizada"],"using %s":["usando %s"],"using %{allocation} GB out of %{capacity} GB, %{pool_name} storage pool":["usando %{allocation} GB entre %{capacity} GB, %{pool_name} pool de armazenamento"],"valid":["válido"],"valid or pending":["válido ou pendente"],"virtual":["virtual(is)"],"virtual attached to %s":["virtual anexado a %s"],"yaml":["yaml"],"you can't assign some of roles you selected":["não é possível atribuir algumas das funções que você selecionou"],"you can't change administrator flag":["você não pode mudar a sinalização do administrador"],"you cannot remove %s that are used by hosts or inherited.":["você não pode remover %s que seja usado por hosts ou herdado"]}}};
var locales = locales || {}; locales['ru'] = {"domain":"app","locale_data":{"app":{"":{"Project-Id-Version":"Foreman","Report-Msgid-Bugs-To":"","PO-Revision-Date":"2017-08-03 17:21+0000","Last-Translator":"Lukáš Zapletal","Language-Team":"Russian (","MIME-Version":"1.0","Content-Type":"text/plain; charset=UTF-8","Content-Transfer-Encoding":"8bit","Language":"ru","Plural-Forms":"nplurals=4; plural=(n%10==1 && n%100!=11 ? 0 : n%10>=2 && n%10<=4 && (n%100<12 || n%100>14) ? 1 : n%10==0 || (n%10>=5 && n%10<=9) || (n%100>=11 && n%100<=14)? 2 : 3);","lang":"ru","domain":"app","plural_forms":"nplurals=4; plural=(n%10==1 && n%100!=11 ? 0 : n%10>=2 && n%10<=4 && (n%100<12 || n%100>14) ? 1 : n%10==0 || (n%10>=5 && n%10<=9) || (n%100>=11 && n%100<=14)? 2 : 3);"}," Remove":["Удалить"],"%s - Press Shift-F12 to release the cursor.":["%s - нажмите Shift-F12, чтобы освободить курсор."],"%s - The following hosts are about to be changed":["%s: действие применимо к следующим узлам"],"%s Distribution":["Распределение %s"],"%s Parameters updated, see below for more information":["Обновлено параметров: %s. Подробную информацию можно найти ниже"],"%s Template":["%s"],"%s VM associated to a host":["%s ВМ связана с узлом","%s ВМ связаны с узлом","%s ВМ связаны с узлом","%s ВМ связаны с узлом"],"%s active feature":["%s активная функция","%s активные функции","%s активных функций","%s активных функций"],"%s ago":["%s назад"],"%s console is not supported at this time":["%s консоль временно не поддерживается"],"%s core":["%s ядро","%s ядра","%s ядер","%s ядер"],"%s day ago":["%s день назад","%s дня назад","%s дней назад","%s дней назад"],"%s error message":["%s сообщение об ошибке","%s сообщения об ошибках","%s сообщений об ошибках","%s сообщений об ошибках"],"%s has been disassociated from VM":["%s больше не связан с виртуальной машиной"],"%s host":["%s узел","%s узла","%s узлов","%s узлов"],"%s is an unknown attribute":["неизвестный атрибут %s"],"%s is not a valid DNS record type":[""],"%s is not in environment":["%s не является окружением"],"%s log message":["%s сообщение журнала","%s сообщения журнала","%s сообщений журнала","%s сообщений журнала"],"%s minute ago":["%s минуту назад","%s минуты назад","%s минут назад","%s минут назад"],"%s month ago":["%s месяц назад","%s месяца назад","%s месяцев назад","%s месяцев назад"],"%s selected hosts":["%s выбранных узлов"],"%s warning message":["%s предупреждение","%s предупреждения","%s предупреждений","%s предупреждений"],"%s week ago":["%s неделю назад","%s недели назад","%s недель назад","%s недель назад"],"%s widget loading...":[""],"%{app_name} API documentation homepage":["%{app_name} домашняя страница документации по API"],"%{config_type} rebuild failed for host: %{host_names}.":["Не удалось повторно собрать %{config_type} для узла %{host_names}.","Не удалось повторно собрать %{config_type} для узлов %{host_names}.","Не удалось повторно собрать %{config_type} для узлов %{host_names}.","Не удалось повторно собрать %{config_type} для узлов %{host_names}."],"%{controller}: %{host}'s operating system %{os} has no OS family":[""],"%{controller}: %{host}'s operating system is missing":[""],"%{controller}: unable to find a host that matches the request from %{addr}":[""],"%{cores} Cores and %{memory} memory":["Ядра: %{cores}, память: %{memory}"],"%{count} host with no %{taxonomy_single} assigned":["%{count} узел, для которого еще не было настроено следующее: %{taxonomy_single}","%{count} узла, для которых %{taxonomy_single} еще не настраивалось(ась)","%{count} узлов, для которых %{taxonomy_single} еще не настраивалось(ась)","%{count} узлов, для которых %{taxonomy_single} еще не настраивалось(ась)"],"%{cpus} CPUs and %{memory} MB memory":["Процессоры: %{cpus}, память: %{memory} МБ"],"%{cpus} CPUs and %{memory} memory":["Процессоры: %{cpus}, память: %{memory}"],"%{e} does not belong to the %{environment} environment":["%{e} не принадлежит окружению %{environment}"],"%{host} is about to %{action}":["Для %{host} будет выполнено действие: %{action}"],"%{host} now boots from %{device}":["%{host} будет загружаться с %{device}"],"%{id} plugin requires Foreman %{matcher} but current is %{current}":["Дополнение %{id} требует наличия %{matcher}, но обнаружено %{current}"],"%{id} plugin requires the %{plugin_name} plugin %{matcher} but current is %{plugin_version}":["Дополнение %{id} требует наличия %{matcher} из %{plugin_name}, но обнаружен %{plugin_version}"],"%{id} plugin requires the %{plugin_name} plugin, not found":["Дополнение %{id} требует наличия %{plugin_name} (не найден)"],"%{image} needs user data, but %{os_link} is not associated to any provisioning template of the kind user_data. Please associate it with a suitable template or uncheck 'User data' for %{compute_resource_image_link}.":["%{image} запрашивает функцию ввода пользовательских данных, однако %{os_link} не связана ни с одним подготовительным шаблоном с включенными данными пользователя. Свяжите ее с подходящим шаблоном или снимите флаг «Данные пользователя» для %{compute_resource_image_link}."],"%{key} does not exist in order field":[""],"%{match} does not match an existing host":["%{match} не совпадает ни с одним доступным узлом"],"%{match} does not match an existing host group":["%{match} не соответствует существующим группам узлов"],"%{model} with id '%{id}' was not found":["%{model} с идентификатором «%{id}» не обнаружено"],"%{name} changed from %{label1} to %{label2}":["%{name} изменён с %{label1} на %{label2}"],"%{name} has %{num_tag} class":["%{name} имеет %{num_tag} класс","%{name} имеет %{num_tag} класса","%{name} имеет %{num_tag} классов","%{name} имеет %{num_tag} классов"],"%{os} medium was not set for host '%{host}'":[""],"%{record} is being used by a hidden %{what} resource":["%{record} используется скрытым ресурсом %{what}"],"%{record} is used by %{what}":["%{what} уже использует %{record}"],"%{record} is used by host in build mode %{what}":["%{record} используется узлом в режиме сборки %{what}"],"%{resource_name} not found by id '%{id}'":["Не удалось найти %{resource_name} по идентификатору «%{id}»"],"%{task} task failed with the following error: %{e}":["%{task} задача завершилась неудачей. Ошибка: %{e}"],"%{taxonomy_type} %{taxonomy_name} has %{count} host that will need to be reassociated after deletion. Delete %{taxonomy_name2}?":["",""],"%{type} %{conflicts} already exists":[""],"%{user} Downloaded %{key} as pem file":[""],"%{value} does not belong to %{os} operating system":["%{value} не принадлежит к операционной системе %{os}"],"%{value} is not a valid controller":["Недопустимое значение: %{value}"],"%{value} is not one of %{rules}":["%{value} не один из %{rules}"],"%{vm} is now %{vm_state}":["%{vm} %{vm_state}"],"&laquo;":["&laquo;"],"&raquo;":["&raquo;"],"'%{host}' could be deleted or '%{resource}' is not responding.":["«%{host}» удален, или «%{resource}» не отвечает."],"'%{host}' not found on '%{resource}'":["'%{host}' не найден в '%{resource}'"],"'%{loader}' is not one of %{loaders}":[""],"'Content-Type: %s' is unsupported in API v2 for POST and PUT requests. Please use 'Content-Type: application/json'.":["'Content-Type: %s' не поддерживается в API v2 для POST и PUT запросов. Пожалуйста используйте 'Content-Type: application/json'"],"(Miscellaneous)":["(другое)"],"(optional) IAM Role for Fog to use when creating this image.":["Дополнительно: роль IAM для Fog, используемая для создания образа "],"*Clear %s proxy*":["*Очистить %s*"],"*Clear environment*":["*Сбросить окружение*"],"*Clear host group*":["*Очистить группу узлов*"],"*Inherit from host group*":["*Наследовать от группы*"],", relevant log entries, and it is highly recommended to also attach the foreman-debug output.":[", записи журнала, имеющие отношение к этому конфликту, а также, если возможно, вывод foreman-debug."],":foreman_url is not set, please configure in the Foreman Web UI (Administer -> Settings -> General)":[":foreman_url не установлен, настройте Foreman Web UI (Администрирование -> Настройки -> Общее)"],"<b class='select_count'>0</b> selected":["выбрано: <b class='select_count'>0</b>"],"<b style=\\\"color: #6bb5df;\\\">%{disabled_sum}</b>\\n <p>Disabled</p>":["",""],"<b style=\\\"color: #6bb5df;\\\">%{hosts_sum}</b>\\n <p>Changed</p>":["",""],"<b style=\\\"color: #6bb5df;\\\">%{out_of_sync_sum}</b>\\n <p>Out of sync</p>":["",""],"<b>Description:</b> %{desc}<br/>\\n <b>Type:</b> %{type}<br/>\\n <b>Matcher:</b> %{matcher}<br/>\\n <b>Inherited value:</b> %{inherited_value}":["<b>Описание:</b> %{desc}<br/>\\n <b>Тип:</b> %{type}<br/>\\n <b>Правило подстановки:</b> %{matcher}<br/>\\n <b>Унаследованное значение:</b> %{inherited_value}"],"<b>Foreman API v1 is deprecated. Please use v2.</b><br />If you still need to use v1, you may do so by either passing 'version=1' in the Accept Header or using api/v1/ in the URL.":[""],"<b>Foreman</b> Build Complete":["<b>Foreman</b> завершил сборку"],"<b>Foreman</b> Puppet error report":["Отчет <b>Foreman</b> по ошибкам Puppet"],"<b>Foreman</b> Puppet summary":["<b>Foreman</b>: сводка Puppet"],"<b>Foreman</b> audit summary":["Сводка аудита <b>Foreman</b>"],"<b>Foreman</b> test email":["Проверочное сообщение <b>Foreman</b>"],"<b>Source:</b> %{type} %{name}":["<b>Источник:</b> %{type} %{name}"],"<dl><dt>List</dt> <dd>A list of the allowed values, specified in the Validator rule field.</dd><dt>Regexp</dt> <dd>Validates the input with the regular expression in the Validator rule field.</dd></dl>":["<dl><dt>Список</dt> <dd>Список разрешенных значений в поле правила.</dd><dt>Регулярное выражение</dt> <dd>Проверка ввода в соответствии с регулярным выражением.</dd></dl>"],"<dl><dt>String</dt> <dd>Everything is taken as a string.</dd><dt>Boolean</dt> <dd>Common representation of boolean values are accepted.</dd><dt>Integer</dt> <dd>Integer numbers only, can be negative.</dd><dt>Real</dt> <dd>Accept any numerical input.</dd><dt>Array</dt> <dd>A valid JSON or YAML input, that must evaluate to an array.</dd><dt>Hash</dt> <dd>A valid JSON or YAML input, that must evaluate to an object/map/dict/hash.</dd><dt>YAML</dt> <dd>Any valid YAML input.</dd><dt>JSON</dt> <dd>Any valid JSON input.</dd></dl>":["<dl><dt>Строка</dt> <dd>Все значения распознаются как строки.</dd><dt>Логическое значение</dt> <dd>Значения логического типа. </dd><dt>Целое</dt> <dd>Целые числа с любым знаком.</dd><dt>Число</dt> <dd>Числовой ввод.</dd><dt>Массив</dt> <dd>Ввод JSON и YAML, который может быть представлен в виде массива.</dd><dt>Хэш</dt> <dd>Входные данные JSON и YAML, которые могут быть представлены в виде набора объектов и соответствий.</dd><dt>YAML</dt> <dd>Входные данные YAML.</dd><dt>JSON</dt> <dd>Входные данные JSON.</dd></dl>"],"A Foreman user group can be associated to a group stored in an LDAP server, so membership of the LDAP group automatically adds the user to the Foreman user group.":[""],"A host group is in some ways similar to an inherited node declaration, in that it is a high level grouping of classes that can be named and treated as a unit. This is then treated as a template and is selectable during the creation of a new host and ensures that the host is configured in one of your pre-defined states.":["Группы объединяют объявления узлов на высоком уровне. При создании нового узла можно будет выбрать группу, что создаст его конфигурацию с учетом объявленных в группе критериев."],"A medium represents the source of one or more operating system's installation files, accessible via the network.\\n It will probably be a mirror from the internet or a copy of one or more CD or DVDs.":["Носитель представляет собой источник установочных файлов для одной или нескольких операционных систем, доступных по сети.\\nЭто может быть зеркало в сети Интернет или копия одного или нескольких CD или DVD-дисков."],"A partition table entry represents either":["Таблица разделов может быть определена двумя способами:"],"A problem occurred when detecting host type: %s":["Возникла проблема при определении типа узла: %s"],"A script to dynamically calculate the desired sizes. 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%{current} не может быть удалена, так как она содержит другие группы узлов."],"Cannot find user %s when switching context":["Пользователь %s не найден"],"Cannot register compute resource, wrong type supplied":[""],"Canvas not supported.":["Холст не поддерживается."],"Caps lock ON":["Включен Caps lock"],"Certificate Name":["Имя сертификата"],"Certificate path":["Путь к сертификату"],"Certificate that Foreman will use to encrypt websockets ":["Сертификат для шифрования соединений Websocket"],"Certificates":["Сертификаты"],"Change Environment":["Изменить окружение"],"Change Group":["Изменить группу"],"Change Owner":["Изменить владельца"],"Change Power State":["Управление питанием"],"Change Puppet CA":["Изменить Puppet CA"],"Change Puppet Master":["Изменить мастер-сервер Puppet"],"Change the password":["Сменить пароль"],"Change your avatar at":["Изменить картинку на"],"Changed environments":["Изменение окружений"],"Changes to %s will propagate to all inheriting 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При настройке вы сможете выбрать подходящие комбинации."],"Each entries represent a particular hardware architecture, most commonly <b>x86_64</b> or <b>i386</b>. Foreman also supports the Solaris operating system family, which includes <b>sparc</b> based systems.":["Каждая строка содержит модель архитектуры ­— обычно <b>x86_64</b> или <b>i386</b>. 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Проверьте query_local_nameservers и dns_conflict_timeout."],"Error connecting to system DNS server(s) - check /etc/resolv.conf":["Ошибка при подключении к DNS-серверам системы. Проверьте файл /etc/resolv.conf"],"Error generating IP: %s":["Ошибка генерации IP: %s"],"Error has occurred while communicating with %{cr}: %{e}":["Ошибка связи с %{cr}: %{e}"],"Error loading interfaces information: %s":["Ошибка загрузки информации об интерфейсе: %s"],"Error loading scheduler hint filters information: %s":[""],"Error removing widget from dashboard.":["Ошибка удаления виджета из окна обзора."],"Errors":["Ошибки"],"Errors occurred, build may fail":["Обнаружены ошибки. Попытка сборки может завершиться неудачей."],"Errors only":["Только ошибки"],"Errors: %s":["Ошибки: %s"],"Examples":["Примеры"],"Exit Full Screen":["Закрыть полноэкранный режим"],"Expand nested items":["Развернуть"],"Expand the chart":["Открыть диаграмму"],"Expire logs":["Удалить устаревшие журналы"],"Expires":["Истекает"],"Explain matchers":["Описание подстановки"],"Export":["Экспорт"],"Export a partition template to ERB":[""],"Export a provisioning template to ERB":[""],"Export to CSV":[""],"External Groups":[""],"External IP":["Внешний IP"],"External user group":["Внешняя группа пользователей"],"External user group %{name} could not be refreshed":["Внешняя группа пользователя %{name} не может быть обновлена"],"External user group %{name} refreshed":["Внешняя группа пользователя %{name} обновлена"],"External user group information":["Информация о внешней группе пользователей"],"External user group name":["Имя внешней группы пользователя"],"External user groups will be synced on login, else relies on periodic cronjob to check group membership":["Синхронизировать внешние группы пользователей при входе или полагаться на периодическое задание, проверяющее членство в группах"],"External usergroup":["Внешняя группа пользователя"],"ExternalUsergroup|Name":["Имя"],"FQDN":["FQDN"],"Fact Name":["Имя факта"],"Fact Values":["Значения фактов"],"Fact Values | %{host_name}":[""],"Fact distribution chart":["График распределения"],"Fact name":["Имя факта"],"Fact value":["Значение факта"],"Fact values":["Значения фактов"],"FactName|Ancestry":["Иерархия"],"FactName|Compose":["Состав"],"FactName|Name":["Имя"],"FactName|Short name":["Краткое название"],"FactValue|Origin":[""],"FactValue|Value":["Значение"],"Facts":["Факты"],"Fail on Mismatch":["Ошибка при несоответствии"],"Failed":["Ошибка"],"Failed Restarts":["Ошибки перезапуска"],"Failed Restarts|FR":["ОП"],"Failed connecting to %s":["Не удалось подключиться к %s"],"Failed features":["Нерабочие функции"],"Failed features: %s":["Нерабочих функций: %s","Нерабочих функций: %s","Нерабочих функций: %s","Нерабочих функций: %s"],"Failed restarts":["Неудачный перезапуск"],"Failed to %{action} %{host}: %{e}":["Не удалось выполнить действие «%{action}» на %{host}: %{e}"],"Failed to acquire IP addresses from compute resource for %s":[""],"Failed to cancel pending build for %{hostname} with the following errors: %{errors}":[""],"Failed to clean any old certificates or add the autosign entry. 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Сборка будет отменена."],"Failed to configure %{host} to boot from %{device}: %{e}":["Не удалось настроить загрузку %{host} с %{device}: %{e}"],"Failed to create %{name}'s realm entry: %{e}":["Не удалось создать запись области «%{name}»: %{e}"],"Failed to create X509 certificate, error: %s":["Не удалось создать сертификат X509: %s"],"Failed to create a compute %{compute_resource} instance %{name}: %{message}\\n ":["Не удалось создать вычислительный %{compute_resource} экземпляр %{name}: %{message}"],"Failed to destroy a compute %{compute_resource} instance %{name}: %{e}":["Не удалось уничтожить экземпляр ресурса %{compute_resource} с именем %{name}: %{e}"],"Failed to enable %{host} for installation: %{errors}":["Не удалось назначить установку на %{host}: %{errors}"],"Failed to fetch a free IP from proxy %{proxy}: %{message}":[""],"Failed to fetch boot files":["Не удалось получить загрузочные файлы"],"Failed to fetch power status: %s":[""],"Failed to fetch: ":["Ошибка получения:"],"Failed to get IP for %{name}: %{e}":["Не удалось получить IP для %{name}: %{e}"],"Failed to get a new realm OTP. 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Игнорируется..."],"Failed to initialize the PuppetCA proxy: %s":["Не удалось инициализировать прокси PuppetCA: %s"],"Failed to initialize the realm proxy: %s":["Не удалось инициализировать прокси области определения: %s"],"Failed to launch script on %{name}: %{e}":["Не удалось запустить сценарий на %{name}: %{e}"],"Failed to load chart":["Ошибка загрузки графика"],"Failed to login via SSH to %{name}: %{e}":["Не удалось авторизоваться в %{name}: %{e}"],"Failed to modify the build cycle for %s":["Не удалось изменить цикл сборки для %s"],"Failed to perform rollback on %{task} - %{e}":["Не удалось выполнить откат %{task}: %{e}"],"Failed to power up a compute %{compute_resource} instance %{name}: %{e}":["Не удалось включить экземпляр ресурса %{compute_resource} с именем %{name}: %{e}"],"Failed to reboot %s.":["Не удалось перезагрузить %s."],"Failed to redeploy %s.":["Не удалось заново развернуть %s."],"Failed to refresh the cache.":[""],"Failed to remove certificates for %{name}: %{e}":["Не удалось удалить сертификаты %{name}: %{e}"],"Failed to retrieve power status for %{host} within %{timeout} second.":["",""],"Failed to save widget positions.":["Сбой сохранения положения виджета."],"Failed to set %{proxy_type} proxy for %{host}.":["Не удалось настроить %{proxy_type} в качестве прокси для %{host}."],"Failed to set IP for %{name}: %{e}":[""],"Failed to set IPs via IPAM for %{name}: %{e}":[""],"Failed to set console: %s":["Не удалось выбрать консоль: %s"],"Failed to set power state for %s.":["Не удалось изменить состояние электропитания для %s."],"Failed to stop compute %{compute_resource} instance %{name}: %{e}":["Не удалось остановить экземпляр ресурса %{compute_resource} с именем %{name}: %{e}"],"Failed to undo update compute %{compute_resource} instance %{name}: %{e}":["Не удалось отменить обновление экземпляра ресурса %{compute_resource} с именем %{name}: %{e}"],"Failed to update a compute %{compute_resource} instance %{name}: %{e}":["Не удалось обновить экземпляр ресурса %{compute_resource} с именем %{name}: %{e}"],"Failed to update environments and Puppet classes from the on-disk Puppet installation: %s":["Не удалось обновить окружения и классы Puppet в соответствии с дисковой установкой Puppet: %s"],"Failed to update the environments and Puppet classes from the on-disk puppet installation: %s":["Не удалось обновить окружения и классы Puppet в соответствии с дисковой установкой Puppet: %s"],"Failed to validate %{host}: %{error}":["Не удалось проверить %{host}: %{error}"],"Failed|F":["О"],"Failure deploying via smart proxy %{proxy}: %{error}.":["Не удалось развернуть через %{proxy}: %{error}."],"Failure parsing %{template}: %{error}.":["Не удалось разобрать %{template}: %{error}."],"Failure: %s":["Ошибка: %s"],"Family":["Семейство"],"Feature":["Функция"],"Features":["Функции"],"Features \\\"%s\\\" in this proxy are not recognized by Foreman. If these features come from a Smart Proxy plugin, make sure Foreman has the plugin installed too.":[""],"Feature|Name":["Имя"],"Fetch TFTP boot files for %s":["Получить загрузочные файлы TFTP для %s"],"Filter":["Фильтр"],"Filter by level:":["Фильтровать по уровню:"],"Filter by name":["Фильтровать по имени"],"Filter by state:":["Фильтровать по состоянию:"],"Filter classes":["Фильтр классов"],"Filter overriding has been disabled":[""],"Filters":["Фильтры"],"Filters for role %s":["Фильтры для %s"],"Filters inherit %{orgs_and_locs} from their role by default. If override field is enabled, <br> filter can override the set of its %{orgs_and_locs}. Later role changes will not affect <br> such filter. After disabling override field, role %{orgs_and_locs} apply again.":[""],"Filters overriding has been disabled":[""],"Filter|Override":[""],"Filter|Permissions":["Разрешения"],"Filter|Resource":["Ресурс"],"Filter|Search":["Критерий поиска"],"Filter|Taxonomy search":["Поиск таксономии"],"Filter|Unlimited":["Без ограничений"],"Fingerprint":["Отпечаток"],"Finish template":["Завершающий шаблон"],"Firmware":[""],"Fix %s on Mismatch":["%s будет корректироваться при несоответствии"],"Fix All Mismatches":["Исправить все несоответствия"],"Fix DB cache":["Согласовать кэш БД"],"Fix DB cache on next Foreman restart":["Согласовать кэш базы данных при перезапуске Foreman"],"Fix Mismatches":["Исправить несоответствия"],"Flavor":["Шаблон конфигурации"],"Floating IP network":["Сеть с плавающим IP"],"Folder":["Папка"],"Follow %{href} on how to describe your controllers.":["Информацию об описании контроллеров можно найти по адресу: %{href}"],"For example, if you have copied several Red Hat release disks into a directory structure where the disk images are named 5.8 or 6.2, and each contained both x86_64 and i386 binaries, then you\\n could create a single medium entry describing them all.\\n The entry, which could be just named 'Red Hat' could contain a path like this <em>'http://server/redhat/$version/$arch'</em>":["Например, при наличии двух образов дисков Red Hat версий 5.8 и 6.2, каждый из которых содержит файлы для x86_64 и i386,\\nможно создать единый носитель.\\n Записи носителя можно присвоить имя «Red Hat» и настроить путь в виде <em>'http://server/redhat/$version/$arch'</em>)."],"For more info visit our documentation.":[""],"For more information":["Дальнейшая информация"],"Force a Puppet agent run on the host":["Принудительный запуск агента Puppet на узле"],"Foreman API v2 is currently the default API version.":["Foreman API v2 используется по умолчанию."],"Foreman Developers":["Разработчики Foreman"],"Foreman URL":["Foreman URL"],"Foreman Users":["Пользователи Foreman"],"Foreman audit summary":["Сводка аудита Foreman"],"Foreman can store information about the networking setup of a host that it’s provisioning, which can be used to configure the virtual machine, assign the correct IP addresses and network resources, then configure the OS correctly during the provisioning process.":[""],"Foreman can use LDAP based service for user information and authentication.":["Для идентификации пользователей Foreman может использовать сервисы на базе LDAP."],"Foreman considers a domain and a DNS zone as the same thing.":["В терминологии Foreman понятия доменов и DNS-зон являются взаимозаменяемыми."],"Foreman domain ID of interface. Required for primary interfaces on managed hosts.":["Код домена Foreman для интерфейса. Требуется для первичного интерфейса на управляемых узлах."],"Foreman host group matchers will be inherited by children when evaluating smart class parameters":["Дочерние объекты будут наследовать правила подстановки групп узлов при обработке смарт-параметров."],"Foreman now manages the build cycle for %s":["Цикл сборки %s теперь находится под управлением Foreman."],"Foreman now no longer manages the build cycle for %s":["Цикл сборки %s больше не находится под управлением Foreman."],"Foreman report creation time is <em>%s</em>":["Время создания отчета Foreman: <em>%s</em>"],"Foreman smart variables will be exposed via the ENC yaml output":["Смарт-переменные Foreman будут представлены в выводе ENC в формате YAML"],"Foreman subnet ID of IPv4 interface":[""],"Foreman subnet ID of IPv6 interface":[""],"Foreman supports automatically creating realm entries for new hosts.":["Foreman автоматически создает записи областей для новых узлов."],"Foreman supports creating and managing hosts on a number of virtualization and cloud services - referred to as “compute resources” - as well as bare metal hosts.":[""],"Foreman test email":["Проверочное сообщение Foreman"],"Foreman ticketing system":["Система отслеживания задач Foreman"],"Foreman will automate certificate signing upon provision of new host":["Автоматизировать процесс подписи сертификатов при подготовке новых узлов"],"Foreman will create the host when a report is received":["Foreman будет создавать новый узел на основании загруженного отчета."],"Foreman will create the host when new facts are received":["Foreman будет создавать новый узел на основании загруженных фактов."],"Foreman will default to this puppet environment if it cannot auto detect one":["Окружение Puppet, которое будет выбрано, если Foreman не сможет автоматически определить окружение"],"Foreman will delete virtual machine if provisioning script ends with non zero exit code":["Удалить виртуальную машину, если сценарий подготовки завершился с ненулевым кодом выхода"],"Foreman will evaluate host smart variables in this order by default":["Порядок обработки смарт-переменных узла"],"Foreman will explicitly set the puppet environment in the ENC yaml output. This will avoid conflicts between the environment in puppet.conf and the environment set in Foreman":["Foreman передаст информацию об окружении Puppet в YAML-выводе ENC в явном виде — это позволит избежать конфликтов с окружением, заданным в puppet.conf"],"Foreman will map users by username in request-header. If this is set to false, OAuth requests will have admin rights.":["Включить авторизацию OAuth и разрешить передавать имена пользователей в заголовках запросов. Запросы OAuth будут иметь административные разрешения."],"Foreman will not send this parameter in classification output, replaces use_puppet_default":[""],"Foreman will not send this parameter in classification output.":[""],"Foreman will not send this parameter in classification output. Puppet will use the value defined in the Puppet manifest for this parameter":[""],"Foreman will parse ERB in parameters value in the ENC output":["Интерпретировать ERB в значениях параметров в выводе ENC"],"Foreman will query the locally configured resolver instead of the SOA/NS authorities":["Опрашивать локальный сервер преобразования имен вместо источников из SOA/NS"],"Foreman will set this as the default Puppet module path if it cannot auto detect one":["Путь к модулям Puppet, который будет использоваться по умолчанию, если Foreman не сможет обнаружить его автоматически"],"Foreman will truncate hostname to 'puppet' if it starts with puppet":["Имена узлов, начинающиеся с «puppet», будут сокращаться до «puppet»"],"Foreman will update a host's environment from its facts":["Обновлять окружение узла на основании фактов статистики"],"Foreman will update a host's subnet from its facts":[""],"Foreman will update the host IP with the IP that made the built request":["В качестве IP-адреса узла использовать адрес, с которого был отправлен запрос сборки"],"Foreman will use OAuth for API authorization":["Foreman будет использовать OAuth для авторизации"],"Foreman will use gravatar to display user icons":["Использовать Gravatar для отображения картинки пользователя"],"Foreman will use random UUIDs for certificate signing instead of hostnames":["Использовать случайный UUID вместо имени узла для подписи сертификата"],"Foreman will use the new (2.6.5+) format for classes in the ENC yaml output":["Использовать формат 2.6.5+ для классов в выводе yaml ENC"],"Foreman will use the short hostname instead of the FQDN for creating new virtual machines":["Использовать краткое имя узла вместо полного имени домена при создании виртуальных машин"],"Found %{count} reports from the last %{days} days":["Обнаружено %{count} отчетов за последние %{days} дней"],"Full":["Полностью"],"Full audits list":["Полный список аудитов"],"Full name describing the domain":["Описательное имя домена"],"Full path to backing image used to create new volumes.":["Полный путь к резервному образу виртуальной машины."],"Full screen":["Во весь экран"],"Full trace":["данные трассировки"],"Function not available for %s":["Функция не доступна для %s"],"GMT time":["GMT"],"Gateway":["Шлюз"],"General":["Общие"],"General useful description, for example this kind of hardware needs a special BIOS setup":["Общие сведения, например о необходимости специальной конфигурации BIOS."],"Generate new random name. Visit Settings to disable this feature.":[""],"Generated %s ago":["Создано %s назад"],"Generated at %s":["Создано: %s"],"Get ENC values of host":[""],"Get configuration status of host":["Получить состояние конфигурации узла"],"Get dashboard details":["Получить подробную сводку о состоянии узлов"],"Get default dashboard widgets":["Получить виджеты обзора по умолчанию"],"Get statistics":["Получить статистику"],"Get status of host":["Получить состояние узла"],"Get vm attributes of host":["Получить атрибуты ВМ узла"],"Global":["Глобальные"],"Global Parameters":["Глобальные параметры"],"Global default %s template":[""],"Global default %s template. This template gets deployed to all configured TFTP servers. It will not be affected by upgrades.":[""],"Global functions":[""],"Global methods (functions)":[""],"Global parameters":["Глобальные параметры"],"Global status changed from %{from} to %{to}":[""],"Global variables":[""],"Good host reports in the last %s":["Наличие отчетов о подтверждении состояния узлов за %s"],"Google Project ID":["Google Project ID"],"Groups base DN":["Базовое DN группы"],"Guest OS":["Гостевая ОС"],"HELO/EHLO domain":[""],"Hardware":["Оборудование"],"Hardware Model":["Модель оборудования"],"Hardware Models":["Оборудование"],"Hardware models":["Оборудование"],"Hash function to use. 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The content of this fact should be the full label of the location.":["Этот факт определяет местоположение для новых узлов. Должен содержать полное название местоположения."],"Hosts created after a puppet run will be placed in the organization this fact dictates. The content of this fact should be the full label of the organization.":["Этот факт определяет организацию, в которую будут добавляться новые узлы. Должен содержать полное название организации."],"Hosts in error state":["Узлы в состоянии ошибки"],"Hosts including sub-groups":["Узлы с учетом подгрупп"],"Hosts managed":["Контролируемые узлы"],"Hosts managed:":["Контролируемые узлы:"],"Hosts that had pending changes":["Ожидают изменений"],"Hosts that had pending changes with alerts enabled":[""],"Hosts that had performed modifications without error":["Узлы с успешными изменениями"],"Hosts that will be trusted in addition to Smart Proxies for access to fact/report importers and ENC output":["Доверенные узлы, которые могут обращаться к импортерам фактов и отчетов и к выводу ENC"],"Hosts which Foreman reporting is disabled":["Узлы, на которых отчеты Foreman отключены"],"Hosts which are currently not running Puppet":["Узлы, на которых Puppet не был запущен"],"Hosts which are not reporting":["Узлы без отчетов"],"Hosts which didn't run puppet in the last %s":["Узлы, где puppet не выполнялся %s"],"Hosts which recently applied changes":[""],"Hosts which recently applied changes successfully":[""],"Hosts which recently applied changes successfully with alerts enabled":[""],"Hosts with alerts disabled":["Уведомления отключены"],"Hosts with error state":[""],"Hosts with error state and alerts enabled":[""],"Hosts with errors":["Узлы с ошибками"],"Hosts with interesting values (changed, failures etc)":["Узлы с заслуживающими внимания значениями (изменен, ошибки и т.п.)"],"Hosts with no reports":["Узлы без отчетов"],"Hosts with notifications disabled":["Узлы с отключенными уведомлениями"],"Hosts without changes or errors":[""],"Hosts without changes or errors, with alerts enabled":[""],"Hosts without errors":[""],"Hosts without errors percent":[""],"Hosts without errors, with alerts enabled":[""],"How values are validated":["Допустимые типы"],"However, if it was deleted externally this page helps you to recreate it":[""],"ID of LDAP authentication source":["Код источника идентификации LDAP"],"ID of Puppet class":["Код класса Puppet"],"ID of architecture":["Код архитектуры"],"ID of compute resource":["Код вычислительного ресурса"],"ID of config template":["Идентификатор шаблона конфигурации"],"ID of domain":["Код домена"],"ID of environment":["Код окружения"],"ID of host":["Код узла"],"ID of host group":["Код группы узлов"],"ID of interface":["Код интерфейса"],"ID of linked authentication source":["Идентификатор связанного источника авторизации"],"ID of location":["Код местоположения"],"ID of medium":["Код носителя"],"ID of operating system":["Код операционной системы"],"ID of organization":["Код организации"],"ID of parameter":["Код параметра"],"ID of partition table":["Код таблицы разделов"],"ID of provisioning template":["Код подготовительного шаблона"],"ID of role":["Код роли"],"ID of subnet":["Код подсети"],"ID of template":["Код шаблона"],"ID of the user":[""],"ID of user group":["Код группы пользователя"],"ID or name external user group":["Идентификатор или имя внешней группы пользователей"],"ID or name of domain":["Код или имя домена"],"ID or name of external user group":["Код или имя внешней группы пользователя"],"ID or name of host":["Код или имя узла"],"ID or name of interface":["Код или имя интерфейса"],"ID or name of subnet":["Код или имя подсети"],"ID or name of user group":["Код или имя группы пользователя"],"IDs of associated architectures":["Идентификаторы связанных архитектур"],"IDs of associated config groups":[""],"IDs of associated media":["Код связанных носителей"],"IDs of associated partition tables":["Код связанных таблиц разделов"],"IDs of associated provisioning templates":["Код связанных шаблонов подготовки"],"INFO or DEBUG":["INFO, DEBUG"],"IP":["IP"],"IP Address":["IP-адрес"],"IP Address Management":["Управление IP-адресами"],"IP Address auto suggestion mode for this subnet, valid values are \\\"DHCP\\\", \\\"Internal DB\\\", \\\"None\\\"":["Автоматический выбор IP-адреса. Возможные значения: «DHCP», «Внутренняя БД», «Нет»."],"IP address auto-suggest":["Автоматически"],"IP addresses that should be excluded from suggestion":[""],"IP:":["IP:"],"IPAM":["IPAM"],"IPv4":["IPv4"],"IPv4 Address":["Адрес IPv4"],"IPv4 DNS record":["",""],"IPv4 Subnet":[""],"IPv4 address":[""],"IPv4 address of interface":[""],"IPv6":["IPv6"],"IPv6 Address":["Адрес IPv6"],"IPv6 DNS record":["",""],"IPv6 Subnet":[""],"IPv6 address":[""],"IPv6 address of interface":[""],"IRC":["IRC"],"Identifier":["Идентификатор"],"Identifier of the interface to which this interface belongs, e.g. eth1":["Идентификатор интерфейса, которому принадлежит этот интерфейс. Пример: eth1"],"Identifier of the interface to which this interface belongs, e.g. eth1. Only for virtual interfaces.":["Идентификатор интерфейса к которому принадлежит этот интерфейс, например eth1. Только для виртуальных интерфейсов."],"Identifiers of attached interfaces, e.g. `['eth1', 'eth2']`. For bond interfaces those are the slaves. Only for bond and bridges interfaces.":["Идентификаторы подчиненных интерфейсов, например ['eth1', 'eth2']. Только для агрегированных интерфейсов и мостов."],"Idle timeout":["Время бездействия"],"If ERB is used in a parameter value, the validation of the value will happen during the ENC request. If the value is invalid, the ENC request will fail.":["Если параметр содержит код ERB, его значение будет проверено во время обработки запроса ENC. Если оно не пройдет проверку, запрос ENC завершится ошибкой."],"If Foreman is running behind Passenger or a remote load balancer, the IP should be set here. This is a regular expression, so it can support several load balancers, i.e: (|":["IP-адрес удаленного распределителя нагрузки или Passenger, где работает Foreman. Содержит регулярное выражение и допускает последовательное определение нескольких распределителей нагрузки, например:|"],"If checked, will raise an error if there is no default value and no matcher provide a value.":["Если установлен, генерирует ошибку в случае, если правило подстановки не присвоило значение и если значение по умолчанию тоже не задано."],"If owner type is specified, owner must be specified too.":[""],"If true, will raise an error if there is no default value and no matcher provide a value":["Если установлено, вызовет ошибку, если не установлено значение по умолчанию и не найдет поставщик значения"],"If you are planning to use Foreman as an external node classifier you should provide information about one or more environments. This information is commonly imported from a pre-existing Puppet configuration by the use of the %{link_start}Puppet classes and environment importer%{link_end}.":[""],"If you feel this is an error with Foreman itself, please open a new issue with":["Если вы считаете, что ошибка связана непосредственно с Foreman, создайте отчет."],"If you wish to configure Puppet to forward it reports to Foreman, please follow":["Чтобы настроить получение отчетов от Puppet, см."],"Ignore Puppet facts for provisioning":["Игнорировать факты Puppet"],"Ignore facts for domain":[""],"Ignore facts for operating system":[""],"Ignore interfaces that match these values during facts importing, you can use * wildcard to match names with indexes e.g. macvtap*":["Определяет шаблон, позволяющий игнорировать интерфейсы при импорте фактов. Для выбора нескольких интерфейсов допускается использовать знаки подстановки, например macvtap*"],"Ignore interfaces with matching identifier":["Игнорировать интерфейсы в соответствии с шаблоном"],"Ignored classes in the environments: %s":[""],"Ignored environment":[""],"Ignored environment names resulting in booleans found. Please quote strings like true/false and yes/no in config/ignored_environments.yml.":[""],"Ignored environments: %s":[""],"Ignored:":[""],"Image":["Образ"],"Image Based":["Из образа"],"Image ID":["Код образа"],"Image ID as provided by the compute resource, e.g. ami-..":["Код образа, выбранный ресурсом, например ami-..."],"Image path":["Путь к образу"],"Image to use":["Образ для использования"],"Images":["Образы"],"Image|Iam role":["Роль IAM"],"Image|Name":["Имя"],"Image|Password":["Пароль"],"Image|User data":["Пользовательские данные"],"Image|Username":["Имя пользователя"],"Image|Uuid":["UUID"],"Import":["Импорт"],"Import IPv4 subnets":[""],"Import VM %s":[""],"Import classes from %s":[""],"Import environments from %s":[""],"Import of facts failed for host %s":["Не удалось импортировать факты с узла %s"],"Import puppet classes from puppet proxy for an environment":["Импорт классов Puppet из прокси Puppet в окружение"],"Import puppet classes from puppet proxy.":["Импорт классов puppet из прокси puppet"],"Imported IPv4 Subnets":[""],"In addition to defining which puppet classes get included when building this host type you are also able to assign variables and provisioning information to a host group to further refine the behavior of the puppet runtime.":["Вы сможете определить не только классы Puppet для новых узлов, но также переменные и другие характеристики, контролирующие поведение группы."],"In order to create the SSH key, the user must be saved first. A 'create_ssh_keys' permission is required too.":[""],"In-line code syntax":[""],"Include default value when merging all matching values":["При объединении совпадающих значений также включить значение, используемое по умолчанию"],"Include default value when merging all matching values.":["При объединении совпадающих значений также включить значение, используемое по умолчанию."],"Include this host within Foreman reporting":["Включить этот узел в отчетность Foreman"],"Included Classes":["Включенные классы"],"Included Config Groups":["Включенные группы конфигурации"],"Incorrect password":["Неправильный пароль"],"Incorrect username or password":["Неверное имя или пароль"],"Independent - Nonpersistent":[""],"Independent - Persistent":[""],"Infrastructure":["Инфраструктура"],"Inherit parent (%s)":["Наследовать от родителя (%s)"],"Inherited Classes from %s":[""],"Inherits from subnet VLAN ID if not set":["Если не задан, наследует идентификатор VLAN подсети"],"Input":["Ввод"],"Installation Media":["Установочный носитель"],"Installation media":["Установочные носители"],"Installation medium configuration":["Конфигурация установочного носителя"],"Installed":["Установлено"],"Interface":["Интерфейс"],"Interface is down":["Интерфейс отключен"],"Interface is up":["Интерфейс подключен"],"Interface provider, e.g. IPMI. 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Возможные действия: %{supported}"],"Invalid proxy selected!":["Выбран неверный прокси."],"Invalid query":["Неверный запрос"],"Invalid report":["Недействительный отчет"],"Invalid search query: %s":["Неверный запрос поиска: %s"],"Invalid smart-proxy id":[""],"Invalid type for host creation via facts: %s":["Неверный тип для создаваемого узла: %s"],"Invalid version format, please enter in x.y (only major version).":["Не верный формат версии, введите x.y (только основной релиз)."],"Is the cron job that executes %s enabled?":["Настройте периодическое задание для выполнения %s."],"Issue tracker":["Отслеживание задач"],"It is not possible to assign provisioning templates at this stage.":["В данный момент подготовительные шаблоны не могут быть выбраны."],"It is not recommended to unlock this template, as it is provided by %{vendor} and may be overwritten. Please consider cloning it instead.":["Так как шаблон был предоставлен %{vendor}, который может его перезаписать в любое время, разблокирование не рекомендуется. Чтобы изменить шаблон, рассмотрите возможность его клонирования."],"Item":["Элемент"],"Iterating":[""],"JSON VM listing is not supported for this compute resource.":["Вывод списка виртуальных машин в формате jSON для этого вычислительного ресурса не поддерживается."],"JSON object of the scheduler hint":[""],"Keep selected hosts for a future action":["Запомнить выбранные узлы для следующей операции"],"Key Binding":["Комбинации клавиш"],"Key not connected to any compute resource":[""],"Key pair":["Пара ключей"],"Key used with other compute resource":[""],"KeyPair|Name":["Имя"],"KeyPair|Public":["Открытый"],"KeyPair|Secret":["Закрытый"],"Kind":["Тип"],"LDAP Authentication":["Аутентификация LDAP"],"LDAP authentication":["LDAP"],"LDAP authentication sources":["Источники идентификации LDAP"],"LDAP error - %{message}":["Ошибка LDAP - %{message}"],"LDAP filter":["Фильтр LDAP"],"LDAP server":["Сервер LDAP"],"LDAP users will have their Foreman account automatically created the first time they 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information ...":["Загрузка информации о виртуальной машине..."],"Loading virtual machines information ...":["Загрузка информации о виртуальных машинах..."],"Local time":["Местное время"],"Location":["Местоположение"],"Location Distribution":[""],"Location fact":["Факт: местоположение"],"Location parameters":["Параметры местоположения"],"Location with id %{id} not found":[""],"Location you had selected as your context has been deleted.":["Выбранное местоположение было удалено."],"Location/Organization":["Местоположение/организация"],"Locations":["Местоположения"],"Locations also work nicely when used in tandem with %{organizations}.":["Оптимальная комбинация будет включать и местоположения, и %{organizations}."],"Locations are used to manage and differentiate the physical place where a system managed via Foreman is housed. 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"],"No audit changes for this period":["Нет изменений аудита за этот период"],"No bridges":["Нет мостов"],"No changes":["Нет изменений"],"No changes found when refreshing features from %s.":["Нет изменений с %s "],"No changes to your environments detected":["Нет изменений в окружениях"],"No compute resource to show":["Нет вычислительных ресурсов"],"No data available":[""],"No data for this trend.":["Нет данных для отслеживания динамики."],"No documentation found":["Документация не найдена"],"No domains":["Нет доменов"],"No emails":["Нет"],"No entries found":["Нет записей"],"No environment selected!":["Окружение не выбрано."],"No environments found":["Окружений не найдено."],"No features found on this proxy, please make sure you enable at least one feature":["Функции прокси не включены. Включите хотя бы одну функцию."],"No finish templates were found for this host, make sure you define at least one in your %s settings":["Шаблоны не найдены. 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Для этого используйте «puppet»."],"No subnets":["Нет подсетей"],"No template with kind %{kind} for %{host}":["Нет шаблона с типом %{kind} для %{host}"],"No templates found":["Шаблоны не найдены."],"No templates found for this host.":["Не удалось найти шаблоны для этого узла."],"No templates found!":["Нет шаблонов."],"No trend counter defined":["Нет показателей."],"No trend counter found":["Показателей не найдено."],"None":["Нет"],"None found":["Не найдено"],"None!":["Нет."],"Normal":["Обычный"],"Normally when setting up a Compute Resource, a key pair (private and public) is created for you automatically.":[""],"Not Installed":["Не установлено"],"Not authorized to edit classes":["Недостаточно разрешений для изменения классов"],"Not implemented":["Не реализовано"],"Not implemented for %s":["Не реализовано для %s"],"Not relevant for snippet":["Неприменимо к фрагменту"],"Nothing to add":["Нечего добавить"],"Nothing to show":["Нет результатов"],"Notice":["Примечание"],"Notices, warnings and errors":["Примечания, предупреждения и ошибки"],"Notification disabled":["Уведомления отключены"],"Notifications":["Уведомления"],"Number Of Clients":["Число клиентов"],"Number of CPUs":["Количество процессоров"],"Number of Events":["Число событий"],"Number of Hosts":["Количество узлов"],"Number of classes":["Классы"],"Number of overrides":["Переопределено"],"Number of records shown per page in Foreman":["Число элементов на странице в Foreman"],"Numerical ID or domain name":["Цифровой код или имя домена"],"Numerical ID or email notification name":["Цифровой код или имя почтового уведомления"],"Numerical ID or realm name":["Цифровой код или имя области"],"OAuth active":["OAuth включен"],"OAuth consumer key":["Ключ клиента OAuth"],"OAuth consumer secret":["Секретный ключ клиента OAuth"],"OAuth map users":["Включить OAuth"],"OK":["ОК"],"OS Image":["Образ ОС"],"OS friendly name; e.g. RHEL 6.5":["Описательное имя операционной системы (например, RHEL 6.5)"],"OS major version from facter; e.g. 6":["Фактический основной номер выпуска операционной системы, например 6"],"OS minor version from facter; e.g. 5":["Версия операционной системы (например, 5)"],"OS name from facter; e.g. RedHat":["Фактическое имя операционной системы, например RedHat"],"Obsolete":["Устарело"],"Off":["Выкл."],"Ok":["ОК"],"Old":["Старое"],"Omit":[""],"Omit from classification output":[""],"Omit parameter from classification":[""],"On":["Вкл."],"Only for BMC interfaces.":["Только для интерфейсов BMC."],"Only known Smart Proxies may access features that use Smart Proxy authentication":["Только известные капсулы могут выполнять функции капсулы авторизации"],"Only one declaration of a proxy is allowed":["Объявление этого прокси уже существует"],"Only one volume can be bootable":["Только один том может быть загрузочным"],"Oops!!":["Упс!!"],"Oops, we're sorry but something went wrong":["Произошла ошибка"],"Open Spice in a new window":["Открыть Spice в новом окне"],"Operating System":["Операционная система"],"Operating System version is required":["Необходимо указать версию операционной системы"],"Operating Systems":["Операционные системы"],"Operating system":["Операционная система"],"Operating system ID":["Код операционной системы"],"Operating system IDs":["Коды операционных систем"],"Operating system default":["Стандартный для операционной системы"],"Operating system family":["Семейство операционных систем"],"Operating system family, available values: %{operatingsystem_families}":["Семейство операционных систем, доступные значения: %{operatingsystem_families}"],"Operating system version already exists":["Версия операционной системы уже существует"],"Operating systems":["Операционные системы"],"Operating systems API supported?":[""],"Operatingsystem":["ОС"],"Operatingsystem|Description":["Описание"],"Operatingsystem|Hostgroups count":["Количество групп узлов"],"Operatingsystem|Hosts count":["Количество узлов"],"Operatingsystem|Major":["Выпуск"],"Operatingsystem|Minor":["Версия"],"Operatingsystem|Name":["Имя"],"Operatingsystem|Nameindicator":["Индикатор"],"Operatingsystem|Password hash":["Хэш пароля"],"Operatingsystem|Release name":["Название выпуска"],"Operatingsystem|Title":["Заголовок"],"Operation":["Операция"],"Operators":["Операторы"],"Optional array of log hashes":["Доп. массив хэшей журнала"],"Optional comma-delimited string containing either 'new', 'updated', or 'obsolete' that is used to limit the imported Puppet classes":["Дополнительная строка для ограничения списка импортируемых классов. 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Чтобы принять изменения, нажмите кнопку перезаписи."],"Please save the Operating System first and try again.":["Сохраните операционную систему и повторите попытку."],"Please save the role first. You can edit it later to add filters":["Прежде чем изменить роль или добавить фильтры, необходимо ее сохранить."],"Please save the user first before assigning mail notifications.":["Сначала сохраните пользователя."],"Please select":["Выберите"],"Please select a cluster":["Выберите кластер"],"Please select an environment first":["Выберите окружение"],"Please select an image":["Выберите образ"],"Please select hosts to perform action on.":[""],"Please specify volume size. You may optionally use suffix 'G' to specify volume size in gigabytes.":["Укажите размер тома. Чтобы определить размер в гигабайтах, в конце добавьте «G»."],"Please try to update your request":["Попробуйте обновить запрос"],"Please wait while your request is being processed":["Ваш запрос обрабатывается. 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provisioning?":["Должен ли интерфейс контролироваться капсулой DHCP и DNS? 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Вы точно хотите его заменить?"],"Something went wrong while changing host type - %s":["Ошибка при изменении типа узла: %s"],"Something went wrong while selecting hosts - %s":["Непредвиденное поведение при выборе узлов: %s"],"Sorry but no templates were configured.":["Нет настроенных шаблонов."],"Sorry, these hosts do not have parameters assigned to them, you must add them first.":["Сначала необходимо настроить параметры для этих узлов."],"Source":["Источник"],"Source|Digest":["Дайджест"],"Source|Value":["Значение"],"Space separated options, e.g. miimon=100. Only for bond interfaces.":["Список параметров через запятую, например: miimon=100. 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Подробную информацию можно найти в журналах."],"Successfully executed, check reports and/or log files for more details":["Выполнение успешно. Подробную информацию можно найти в отчетах и журналах."],"Successfully overridden all parameters of Puppet class %s":["Успешно перезаписаны все параметры в классе Puppet %s"],"Successfully recreated":[""],"Successfully refreshed features from %s.":["Функции %s успешно обновлены."],"Successfully refreshed the cache.":[""],"Successfully reset all parameters of Puppet class %s to their default values":["Исходные значения параметров класса Puppet %s восстановлены."],"Successfully updated %s.":["Обновление %s завершено."],"Successfully updated environments and Puppet classes from the on-disk Puppet installation":["Окружения и классы Puppet обновлены в соответствии с дисковой установкой Puppet"],"Suffix or prefix length for this subnet, e.g. 32":[""],"Suggest new":["Предложить новый"],"Summary from %{time} ago to now":["Сводка с %{time} по настоящий момент"],"Summary report from Foreman server at %{foreman_url}":["Сводный отчет с сервера Foreman на %{foreman_url}"],"Support":["Поддержка"],"Supported Formats":["Поддерживаемые форматы"],"Synchronize group from authentication source":["Синхронизировать группу с источником авторизации"],"Syntax Highlighting":["Подсветка синтаксиса"],"Syntax error occurred while parsing the template %{template_name}, make sure you have all ERB tags properly closed and the Ruby syntax is valid. The Ruby error: %{message}":[""],"System Information":["Сведения о системе"],"System Status":["Состояние систем"],"TFTP":["TFTP"],"TFTP Proxy":["TFTP прокси"],"TFTP Proxy ID to use within this subnet":[""],"TFTP Proxy to use within this subnet":["TFTP-прокси для использования с этой подсетью"],"TFTP server":["Сервер TFTP"],"Taxable taxonomy":["Разбиение классификации"],"TaxableTaxonomy|Taxable type":["Тип классификации"],"Taxonomy":["Классификация"],"Taxonomy|Ancestry":["Предки"],"Taxonomy|Ignore types":["Игнорировать тип"],"Taxonomy|Name":["Название"],"Taxonomy|Title":["Заголовок"],"Template":["Шаблон"],"Template %s is empty.":["Шаблон %s пуст."],"Template '%s' is either missing or has an invalid organization or location":[""],"Template '%s' was not found":[""],"Template Diff":["Различия шаблонов"],"Template Type":["Тип шаблона"],"Template diff":["Различия шаблонов"],"Template editor":["Редактор шаблонов"],"Template kind":["Тип шаблона"],"Template kinds, available values: %{template_kinds}":["Тип шаблона. Возможные значения: %{template_kinds}"],"Template locked":["Шаблон заблокирован"],"Template syntax":[""],"Template unlocked":["Шаблон разблокирован"],"TemplateKind|Name":["Имя"],"Templates":["Шаблоны"],"Templates resolved for this operating system":["Шаблоны для этой операционной системы"],"Tenant":["Арендатор"],"Test Connection":["Проверка соединения"],"Test LDAP connection":["Проверить подключение LDAP"],"Test LDAP connectivity":["Проверить подключение LDAP"],"Test connection to LDAP server was successful.":["Проверка соединения с сервером LDAP завершена успешно."],"Test connection was successful":["Проверка соединения завершена успешно"],"Test email":["Проверочное сообщение"],"Text to be shown in the login-page footer":[""],"That is, if you are planning to manage a site where all the machines are of the form <i>hostname</i>.<b></b>\\n then the domain is <b></b>.":[""],"The %{proxy_type} proxy could not be set for host: %{host_names}.":["Не удалось настроить прокси %{proxy_type} для узла %{host_names}.","Не удалось настроить прокси %{proxy_type} для узлов %{host_names}.","Не удалось настроить прокси %{proxy_type} для узлов %{host_names}.","Не удалось настроить прокси %{proxy_type} для узлов %{host_names}."],"The %{proxy_type} proxy of the selected hosts was cleared.":["Прокси %{proxy_type} был удален для выбранных узлов."],"The %{proxy_type} proxy of the selected hosts was set to %{proxy_name}.":["%{proxy_name} был настроен как %{proxy_type} для выбранных узлов."],"The <b>fullname</b> field is used for human readability in reports and other pages that refer to domains,\\n and also available as an external node parameter":["<b>Полное имя</b> облегчает чтение отчетов и также может использоваться в качестве параметра внешнего узла."],"The Audit Comment field is saved with the template auditing to document the template changes":["Комментарий описывает сделанные изменения и будет сохранен в журнале шаблона."],"The BMC password will be used by Foreman to access the host's BMC controller via a BMC-enabled smart proxy, if available.<br/>":[""],"The IP address that should be used for the console listen address when provisioning new virtual machines via Libvirt":["IP-адрес, используемый для прослушивания консоли Libvirt при подготовке новых виртуальных машин"],"The NFS path to the image directory.":["Путь NFS к каталогу с образами."],"The NFS path to the jumpstart control files.":["Путь NFS к управляющим файлам jumpstart."],"The NFS path to the media.":["Путь NFS к носителю."],"The Operating systems detail the OSs known to Foreman, and is the central point that the other required components tie into.":[""],"The Primary interface is used for constructing the FQDN of the host":["Первичный интерфейс используется для построения FQDN узла."],"The Provisioning interface is used for TFTP of PXELinux (or SSH for image-based hosts)":["Подготовительный интерфейс выбирается для загрузки PXELinux с использованием TFTP (или SSH для узлах, устанавливаемых из образов)"],"The authentication process currently requires an LDAP provider, such as <em>FreeIPA</em>,\\n <em>OpenLDAP</em> or <em>Microsoft's Active Directory</em>.":["Для этого надо настроить провайдер LDAP, например <em>FreeIPA</em>, <em>OpenLDAP</em>\\n или <em>Microsoft Active Directory</em>."],"The class of CPU supplied in this machine. This is primarily used by Sparc Solaris builds and can be left blank for other architectures. The value can be determined on Solaris via uname -m":["Класс процессора. Используется сборками Sparc Solaris и может быть оставлен пустым для других архитектур. Чтобы проверить это значение на Solaris, выполните «uname -m»"],"The class of the machine reported by the Open Boot Prom. This is primarily used by Sparc Solaris builds and can be left blank for other architectures. The value can be determined on Solaris via uname -i|cut -f2 -d,":["Класс компьютера в OpenBoot Prom. Используется сборками Sparc Solaris и может быть оставлен пустым для других архитектур. Чтобы проверить это значение на Solaris, выполните «uname -i|cut -f2 -d,»"],"The default administrator email address":["Адрес электронной почты администратора по умолчанию"],"The dynamic partitioning style is currently only available for the Red Hat family of operating systems, all others must provide an explicit list of partitions and sizes.":["Динамическое разбиение пока доступно только для операционных систем Red Hat — для остальных таблицы разделов надо настроить отдельно."],"The file path where your p12 file is located":["Путь к файлу p12"],"The final entry, Operating System default, can be set by editing the %s page.":["Стандартный шаблон для операционной системы можно настроить на странице %s."],"The following IPv4 subnets have been found. Please review the details before creating them.":[""],"The following entries were found conflicting with what foreman wanted to apply.":["Обнаружены конфликты записей со значениями, которые пытается применить Foreman."],"The following errors may prevent a successful build:":["Следующие ошибки могут предотвратить успешную сборку%"],"The following fields would need reviewing":["Проверьте значения выделенных полей"],"The following hosts failed the build operation: %s":["Операция сборки не удалась на узлах: %s"],"The following hosts were not %{action}: %{missed_hosts}":["Не удалось выполнить действие «%{action}» для узлов: %{missed_hosts}"],"The following hosts were not deleted: %s":["Следующие узлы не были удалены: %s"],"The following hosts were updated":["Следующие узлы были обновлены"],"The following parameters were skipped as they did not exists on this host:":["Некоторые параметры не заданы на узле и были пропущены:"],"The following table and example snippet shows global methods, variables and class methods and how to use them.":[""],"The full DNS domain name":["Полное DNS-имя домена"],"The host group's classes and the host group's variables are included in the external node information when the puppetmaster compiles the host's configuration.":["При формировании конфигурации внешнего узла переменные и классы группы тоже будут включены."],"The inclusion of the keyword string <b>#Dynamic</b> at the start of a line lets Foreman know that this is not an explicit disk layout and must treated as a shell script, executed prior\\n to the install process and that the explicit partition table will be found at <b>/tmp/diskpart.cfg</b> during the build process.":["Ключевое слово <b>#Dynamic</b> в начале строки отмечает ее как сценарий оболочки, который должен запускаться до начала установки. \\nВ этом случае таблицу разделов можно будет найти в файле <b>/tmp/diskpart.cfg</b>."],"The keys can be used in provisioning templates and are also available for configuration management tools managed by Foreman.":[""],"The keywords <b>$version</b>, <b>$major</b> and <b>$minor</b> will be interpolated back into the path specification to calculate the true URL address.":["Переменные <b>$version</b>, <b>$major</b> и <b>$minor</b> в адресной строке помогут точно определить версию операционной системы."],"The list is excluding %{count} %{link_start}physical host%{link_end}.":["",""],"The location of the sendmail executable":[""],"The marked fields will need reviewing":["Проверьте выделенные поля"],"The method used to provision the host. Possible provision_methods may be %{provision_methods}":["Метод подготовки узла. Возможные методы: %{provision_methods}"],"The order in which matchers keys are processed, first match wins.<br> You may use multiple attributes as a matcher key, for example, an order of <code>host group, environment</code> would expect a matcher such as <code>hostgroup = \\\"web servers\\\", environment = production</code>":["Ключи обрабатываются по порядку, до первого совпадения.<br>Допускается одновременное использование нескольких атрибутов — например, для последовательности <code>host group, environment</code> условие подстановки может выглядеть так: <code>hostgroup = \\\"web servers\\\", environment = production</code>"],"The order in which values are resolved":["Порядок обработки значений"],"The password will also be accessible to other users via templates and in the ENC YAML output; disable the bmc_credentials_accessible setting to prevent access.":[""],"The password will not be accessible to other users; enable the bmc_credentials_accessible setting to permit access via templates and in the ENC YAML output.":[""],"The path to the medium, can be a URL or a valid NFS server (exclusive of the architecture).\\n for example <em>$version/os/$arch</em> where <strong>$arch</strong> will be substituted for the host's actual OS architecture and <strong>$version</strong>, <strong>$major</strong> and <strong>$minor</strong> will be substituted for the version of the operating system. Solaris and Debian media may also use <strong>$release</strong>.":["Содержит URL или адрес NFS-сервера.\\n Пример: <em>$version/os/$arch</em>, где <strong>$arch</strong> — архитектура, а <strong>$version</strong> — версия операционной системы. Для Solaris и Debian может быть также указан <strong>$release</strong>."],"The power state of the selected hosts will be set to %s":["Состояние электропитания выбранных узлов будет изменено на %s"],"The realm name, e.g. EXAMPLE.COM":["Имя области, например EXAMPLE.COM"],"The remote system presented a public key signed by an unidentified certificate authority. If you are sure the remote system is authentic, go to the compute resource edit page, press the 'Test Connection' or 'Load Datacenters' button and submit":["Открытый ключ удаленной системы подписан неподтвержденным центром сертификации. Если вы уверены в подлинности этой системы, перейдите на страницу редактирования вычислительного ресурса, нажмите кнопку «Проверить подключение» или «Загрузить центры данных» и отправьте"],"The remote system presented a public key with hash %s but we're expecting a different hash. If you are sure the remote system is authentic, go to the compute resource edit page, press the 'Test Connection' or 'Load Datacenters' button and submit":["Удаленная система предоставила открытый ключ с хэшем %s. Если вы уверены в подлинности этой системы, перейдите на страницу редактирования вычислительного ресурса, нажмите кнопку «Проверить подключение» или «Загрузить центры данных» и отправьте"],"The selected hosts were enabled for reboot and rebuild":["Выбранные узлы были добавлены в список перезагрузки и пересборки"],"The selected hosts will execute a build operation on next reboot":["Операция сборки на выбранных узлах будет запущена после перезагрузки"],"The snippet '%{name}' threw an error: %{exc}":[""],"The template is associated to at least one host in build mode. To apply the change, disable and enable build mode on hosts to update the live templates or choose to %s their configuration from 'Select Action' menu":["Этот шаблон связан как минимум с одним узлом, находящимся в режиме сборки. Для того чтобы применить изменения, отключите и снова включите режим сборки (это действие поможет обновить шаблон) или выберите «%s» в меню «Действия»."],"The user that is used to ssh into the instance, normally cloud-user, ec2-user, ubuntu, root etc":["Пользователь, который будет устанавливать SSH-соединение с экземпляром (cloud-user, ec2-user, ubuntu, root и т.п.)"],"The virtual machine is being deleted.":["Удаление виртуальной машины..."],"There are migrations pending in the system.":[""],"There are no puppet environments set up on this puppet master. Please check the puppet master configuration.":["На этом мастер-сервере Puppet не настроено ни одного окружения Puppet. Проверьте настройки мастер-сервера."],"There are orchestration modules with methods for configuration rebuild that have identical name: '%s'":["В модулях оркестрации обнаружены методы пересборки конфигурации с идентичными именами: «%s»"],"There are two strategies when using host groups.":["Существует два основных метода работы с группами:"],"There is":["Обнаружен","Обнаружено","Обнаружено","Обнаружено"],"There is no owner with id %d and type %s":[""],"There is no proxy with BMC feature set up. Please register a smart proxy with this feature.":["Нет прокси с возможностью установки BMC. Зарегистрируйте капсулу с поддержкой этой функции."],"There was an error creating the PXE file: %s":[""],"There was an error listing %{listing}: %{errors}":[""],"There was an error listing VMs: %(status)s %(statusText)s":["Произошла ошибка при получении списка виртуальных машин: %(status)s %(statusText)s"],"There was an error rendering the %s template: ":["Произошла ошибка при формировании шаблона %s:"],"There was an error rendering the %{name} template: %{error}":["Произошла ошибка при формировании шаблона %{name}: %{error}"],"There was no active bridge interface found in libvirt, if it does not support listing, you can enter the bridge name manually (e.g. br0)":["Активных мостовых интерфейсов в Libvirt не обнаружено. Если Libvirt не поддерживает возможность получения списка интерфейсов, введите имя моста в явном виде."],"These are guaranteed to work via the safe mode rendering, to ensure a template can do nothing harmful.":[""],"These two options are personal decisions and are up to you (where the main difference would be the parameter/variables settings).":["Оба подхода равноправны и отличаются лишь настройками параметров и переменных."],"Thin provision":["Динамическая подготовка"],"This Puppet class has no parameters in its signature.":["Подпись класса Puppet не содержит параметров."],"This allows Foreman to associate a puppet variable with a domain/site and automatically append this variable to all external node requests made by machines at that site.":["Foreman позволяет создать переменную puppet с именем домена и автоматически добавлять ее значение ко всем запросам, отправляемым с этого сайта внешним узлам."],"This group has nested groups!":["Эта группа содержит другие группы"],"This group has no roles":[""],"This host's stored facts and reports will be deleted too.":["Все факты и отчеты этого узла тоже будут удалены."],"This is a test message to confirm that Foreman's email configuration is working.":["Настоящее сообщение служит подтверждением того, что параметры электронной почты были настроены верно."],"This is for every location and organization that uses it.":["Эта операция выполняется для каждой использующей его организации и местоположения."],"This is for every location that uses it.":["Эта операция выполняется для каждого использующего его местоположения."],"This is for every organization that uses it.":["Эта операция выполняется для каждой использующей его организации."],"This is inherited from parent":["Унаследован от родителя"],"This is used by a host":["Используется узлом"],"This might take a while, as all hosts, facts and reports will be destroyed as well":["Это может занять некоторое время, так как в ходе выполнения будут удалены узлы, статистика и отчеты"],"This role has been cloned from role %s":[""],"This role is locked for editing.":[""],"This role is locked from being modified by users.":[""],"This setting is defined in the configuration file '%{filename}' and is read-only.":[""],"This template is locked and may not be removed.":["Шаблон заблокирован и не может быть удален."],"This template is locked for editing.":["Этот шаблон заблокирован для редактирования"],"This template is locked. Please clone it to a new template to customize.":["Шаблон заблокирован. Пожалуйста скопируйте его для создания своего шаблона."],"This template is locked. You may only change the associations. Please %s it to customize.":["Этот шаблон заблокирован. Вы можете изменить только его ассоциации. Чтобы внести изменения в шаблон, нажмите %s."],"This value is not hidden":[""],"This value is used also as the host's primary interface name.":["Это значение также используется для обозначения первичного интерфейса узла."],"This will reset parameters of the class %s to their default values. Continue?":["Будут восстановлены исходные параметры класса %s. Продолжить?"],"This will set all parameters of the class %s as overridden. Continue?":["Это установит все параметры класса %s как перезаписываемые. Продолжить?"],"Time":["Время"],"Time in Seconds":["Время в секундах"],"Time in minutes installation tokens should be valid for, 0 to disable token generation":["Время действия установочного ключа в минутах (0, чтобы отключить генерацию)"],"Timeout for DNS conflict validation (in seconds)":["Максимальное время ожидания, прежде чем будет зарегистрирован конфликт DNS (в секундах)"],"Timeout has occurred while communicating with %s":["Время ожидания связи с %s истекло"],"To define trend counters, use the Add Trend Counter button.</br> To start collecting trend data, set a cron job to execute 'foreman-rake trends:counter' every Puppet Interval (%s minutes).":["Для того чтобы определить новый показатель, нажмите кнопку «Добавить».</br>Чтобы начать сбор статистики, создайте периодическое задание для запуска «foreman-rake trends:counter» с интервалом %s минут (определяется Puppet)"],"To enable a provider, either install the OS package (e.g. foreman-libvirt) or enable the bundler group for development setup (e.g. ovirt).":["Чтобы добавить новый компонент, установите соответствующий пакет (например, foreman-libvirt) или включите необходимую пакетную группу (например, ovirt)"],"To enable safe mode, navigate to Settings page and enable Safemode rendering option.":[""],"To start collecting trend data, set a cron job to execute <span class='black'>foreman-rake trends:counter</span> every Puppet Interval (%s minutes)":["Чтобы начать сбор статистики, создайте задание cron для запуска <span class='black'>foreman-rake trends:counter</span> с интервалом %s минут (определяется Puppet)"],"To update the class signature, go to the Puppet Classes page and select \\\"Import\\\".":["Чтобы обновить подпись, перейдите на страницу классов Puppet и нажмите «Импорт»."],"Toggle":["Состояние"],"Token":["Токен"],"Token duration":["Время действия установочного ключа"],"Token expired":[""],"Token|Expires":["Истекает"],"Token|Value":["Значение"],"Total":["Всего"],"Total Hosts: %s":["Всего: %s"],"Total hosts count":[""],"Total of one host":["Всего один узел","Всего %{hosts} узла","","Всего %{hosts} узлов"],"Trend":["Динамика изменений"],"Trend counter":["Показатель"],"Trend of the last %s days.":["Распределение за %s дн."],"TrendCounter|Count":["Число"],"Trends":["Динамика"],"Trends for %s":["Динамика %s"],"Trend|Fact name":["Факт"],"Trend|Fact value":["Значение"],"Trend|Name":["Экранное имя"],"Trend|Trendable type":["Тип"],"Trigger a puppetrun on a node; requires that puppet run is enabled":["Разрешить выполнение puppetrun на узле"],"Troubleshooting":["Диагностика"],"True/False flag whether a host is managed or unmanaged. Note: this value also determines whether several parameters are required or not":["Флаг True/False сообщает, является ли узел контролируемым. Кроме того, в зависимости от этого значения может потребоваться настроить дополнительные параметры."],"Trusted puppetmaster hosts":["Доверенные узлы puppetmaster"],"Try going to %{href}":["Попробуйте пройти по %{href}"],"Type":["Тип"],"Type of name generator":[""],"Type of realm, e.g. FreeIPA":["Тип области, например FreeIPA"],"Type or protocol, IPv4 or IPv6, defaults to IPv4":[""],"Types of validation values":["Типы значений проверок"],"Types of variable values":["Типы значений переменных"],"URL":["URL"],"URL for %{providers_requiring_url}":[""],"URL hosts will retrieve templates from during build (normally http as many installers don't support https)":["URL-адрес, с которого узлы будут получать шаблоны во время сборки (обычно http, так как многие установщики не поддерживают https)"],"URL must be valid and schema must be one of %s":["Укажите действительный URL и схему. Допускается использовать %s"],"URL where your Foreman instance is reachable (see also Provisioning > unattended_url)":["Адрес экземпляра Foreman (см. «Подготовка» > «URL сопровождения»)"],"UTC time of report":["Время отчета (UTC)"],"UUID":["UUID"],"UUID to track orchestration tasks status, GET /api/orchestration/:UUID/tasks":["UUID для отслеживания состояния задач оркестрации, GET /api/orchestration/:UUID/tasks"],"Unable to access key":["Ключ недоступен"],"Unable to authenticate user %s":["Не удалось авторизовать пользователя %s"],"Unable to change VM display listen address, make sure the display is not attached to localhost only":["Не удалось изменить адрес прослушивания. Убедитесь, что дисплей подключен к другим узлам (не только к localhost)."],"Unable to communicate with the proxy: %s":["Не удалось связаться с прокси: %s"],"Unable to connect":["Не удалось подключиться"],"Unable to connect to LDAP server":["Не удалось подключиться к серверу LDAP"],"Unable to create default TFTP boot menu":["Не удалось создать исходное меню загрузки TFTP"],"Unable to create realm entry":["Не удалось создать запись области определения"],"Unable to create the default role.":[""],"Unable to delete DHCP entry for %s":["Не удалось удалить запись DHCP %s"],"Unable to delete DNS entry":["Не удалось удалить запись DHCP"],"Unable to delete PuppetCA autosign for %s":["Не удалось отменить автоматическую подпись PuppetCA для %s"],"Unable to delete PuppetCA certificate for %s":["Не удалось удалить сертификат PuppetCA для %s"],"Unable to delete TFTP boot entry for %s":["Не удалось удалить загрузочную запись TFTP %s"],"Unable to detect TFTP boot server":["Загрузочный сервер TFTP не обнаружен"],"Unable to detect features":["Не удалось определить функции"],"Unable to detect version":["Не удалось определить версию"],"Unable to determine the host's boot server. The DHCP smart proxy failed to provide this information and this subnet is not provided with TFTP services.":["Не удалось определить загрузочный сервер для этого узла. TFTP-сервер не определяет эту подсеть, и капсула DHCP тоже не смогла предоставить эту информацию."],"Unable to disable bmc_credentials_accessible when safemode_render is disabled":[""],"Unable to disable safemode_render when bmc_credentials_accessible is disabled":[""],"Unable to execute Puppet run":["Не удалось выполнить puppetrun"],"Unable to fetch TFTP boot file":["Не удалось получить загрузочный файл TFTP"],"Unable to fetch logs":["Не удалось получить журналы"],"Unable to find IP address for '%s'":["IP-адрес «%s» не найден"],"Unable to find a proxy with BMC feature":["Прокси с поддержкой BMC не найден"],"Unable to find proper authentication method":["Метод идентификации не найден"],"Unable to find template %s":["Шаблон %s не найден"],"Unable to generate output, Check log files":["Не удалось создать выход, проверьте файлы журналов"],"Unable to get BMC providers":["Поставщики BMC не найдены"],"Unable to get PuppetCA autosign":["Не удалось получить автоматическую подпись PuppetCA"],"Unable to get PuppetCA certificates":["Сертификаты PuppetCA не найдены"],"Unable to get classes from Puppet for %s":["Не удалось получить классы для %s из Puppet"],"Unable to get environment from Puppet":["Не удалось получить окружение из Puppet"],"Unable to get environments from Puppet":["Не удалось получить окружения из Puppet"],"Unable to get installed BMC providers":["Не удалось получить список установленных поставщиков BMC"],"Unable to initialize ProxyAPI class %s":["Не удалось инициализировать класс ProxyAPI: %s"],"Unable to perform boot BMC operation":["Не удалось выполнить операцию загрузки BMC"],"Unable to perform identify BMC operation":["Не удалось выполнить операцию идентификации BMC"],"Unable to perform lan BMC operation":["Не удалось выполнить операцию LAN BMC"],"Unable to perform power BMC operation":["Не удалось выполнить операцию управления питанием BMC"],"Unable to render %{kind} template '%{name}': %{e}":[""],"Unable to render '%{name}' template: %{e}":[""],"Unable to retrieve DHCP entry for %s":["Не удалось получить запись DHCP %s"],"Unable to retrieve DHCP subnet":["Не удалось получить подсеть DHCP"],"Unable to retrieve DHCP subnets":["Не удалось получить подсети DHCP"],"Unable to retrieve unused IP":["Не удалось получить свободный IP"],"Unable to save":["Не удалось сохранить"],"Unable to send email, check server logs for more information":["Не удалось отправить электронную почту. Для получения подробной информации проверьте журналы сервера."],"Unable to set DHCP entry":["Не удалось настроить запись DHCP"],"Unable to set DNS entry":["Не удалось настроить запись DNS"],"Unable to set PuppetCA autosign for %s":["Не удалось настроить автоматическую подпись на PuppetCA для %s"],"Unable to set TFTP boot entry for %s":["Не удалось настроить загрузочную запись TFTP %s"],"Unable to sign PuppetCA certificate for %s":["Не удалось подписать сертификат PuppetCA для %s"],"Unable to turn on websockets_encrypt, either websockets_ssl_key or websockets_ssl_cert is missing":["Для того чтобы включить websockets_encrypt, необходимо настроить websockets_ssl_key или websockets_ssl_cert"],"Unable to unset websockets_ssl_cert when websockets_encrypt is on":["Для того чтобы освободить websockets_ssl_cert, необходимо отключить websockets_encrypt"],"Unable to unset websockets_ssl_key when websockets_encrypt is on":["Для того чтобы освободить websockets_ssl_key, необходимо отключить websockets_encrypt"],"Unallowed template for dashboard widget: %s":["Недопустимый шаблон для виджета страницы обзора: %s"],"Unattended URL":["URL сопровождения"],"Undo remove":["Отменить удаление"],"Undo selection":[""],"Unhide this value":["Показать значение"],"Unknown":["Неизвестно"],"Unknown IPAM type - can't continue":[""],"Unknown Power State":["Неизвестное состояние управления питанием"],"Unknown action name for success message: %s":["Неизвестное действие для сообщения успешного завершения: %s"],"Unknown build status":["Неизвестное состояние сборки"],"Unknown device: available devices are %s":["Неизвестное устройство: доступные устройства: %s"],"Unknown interface type, must be one of [%s]":["Неизвестный тип интерфейса, должен быть один из [%s]"],"Unknown power action: available methods are %s":["Неизвестное действие по управлению питанием, доступные методы: %s"],"Unknown power management support - can't continue":["Неизвестная функция управления питанием. Продолжение невозможно."],"Unknown power state":[""],"Unlock":["Разблокировать"],"Unmanage host":["Отменить управление узлом"],"Unsupported IPAM mode for %s":[""],"Unsupported password hash function '%s'":["Использование «%s» для пароля не поддерживается"],"Unsupported report status format":["Неизвестный формат статуса отчета"],"Update":["Обновить"],"Update :a_resource":["Изменить :a_resource"],"Update IP from built request":["Обновить IP на основании запроса сборки"],"Update a Puppet class":["Изменить класс Puppet"],"Update a bookmark":["Изменить закладку"],"Update a compute attributes set":["Изменить набор вычислительных атрибутов"],"Update a compute profile":["Изменить вычислительный профиль"],"Update a compute resource":["Изменить вычислительный ресурс"],"Update a config group":["Изменить группу конфигурации"],"Update a default template combination for an operating system":["Изменить комбинацию шаблонов по умолчанию для операционной системы"],"Update a domain":["Изменить домен"],"Update a filter":["Изменить фильтр"],"Update a global parameter":["Изменить глобальный параметр"],"Update a hardware model":["Изменить оборудование"],"Update a host":["Изменить узел"],"Update a host group":["Изменить группу узлов"],"Update a host's interface":["Изменить интерфейс узла"],"Update a medium":["Изменить носитель"],"Update a nested parameter for a domain":["Изменить вложенный параметр для домена"],"Update a nested parameter for a host":["Изменить вложенный параметр для узла"],"Update a nested parameter for a host group":["Изменить вложенный параметр для группы узлов"],"Update a nested parameter for a location":["Изменить вложенный параметр для местоположения"],"Update a nested parameter for a subnet":[""],"Update a nested parameter for an operating system":["Изменить вложенный параметр для операционной системы"],"Update a nested parameter for an organization":["Изменить вложенный параметр для организации"],"Update a partition table":["Изменить таблицу разделов"],"Update a provisioning template":["Изменить подготовительный шаблон"],"Update a realm":["Изменить область"],"Update a role":["Изменить роль"],"Update a setting":["Изменить настройки"],"Update a smart class parameter":["Изменить смарт-параметр"],"Update a smart proxy":["Изменить капсулу"],"Update a smart variable":["Изменить смарт-переменную"],"Update a subnet":["Изменить подсеть"],"Update a user":["Изменить пользователя"],"Update a user group":["Изменить группу пользователя"],"Update an LDAP authentication source":["Изменить источник идентификации LDAP"],"Update an architecture":["Изменить архитектуру"],"Update an environment":["Изменить окружение"],"Update an image":["Изменить образ"],"Update an operating system":["Изменить операционную систему"],"Update an override value for a specific smart class parameter":["Обновить значение переопределения смарт-параметра"],"Update an override value for a specific smart variable":["Обновить переопределение смарт-переменной"],"Update environment from facts":["Обновлять окружение на основе фактов"],"Update external user group":["Изменить внешнюю группу пользователей"],"Update realm entry for %s":["Обновить запись области определения для %s"],"Update subnets from facts":[""],"Update template combination":["Обновить комбинацию шаблонов"],"Update the default PXE menu on all configured TFTP servers":["Изменить используемое по умолчанию меню PXE для всех настроенных TFTP-серверов"],"Update:":["Обновление:"],"Updated":["Обновлено"],"Updated all hosts!":["Все узлы обновлены."],"Updated hosts: Disassociated from VM":["Обновление узлов: удалена связь с виртуальной машиной"],"Updated hosts: changed environment":["Обновление узлов: окружение изменено"],"Updated hosts: changed host group":["Обновление узлов: группа изменена"],"Updated hosts: changed owner":["Обновление узлов: изменен владелец"],"Upload facts for a host, creating the host if required":["Загрузить факты узла, требуемые для создания узла"],"Use Gravatar":["Использовать Gravatar"],"Use UUID for certificates":["Использовать UUID для сертификата"],"Use short name for VMs":["Краткие имена ВМ"],"Use this account to authenticate, <i>optional</i>":["Использовать для авторизации (<i>дополнительно</i>)"],"Use this puppet server as a CA server":["Сервер Puppet будет выступать в качестве центра сертификации"],"Use this puppet server as an initial Puppet Server or to execute puppet runs":["Использовать по умолчанию как сервер Puppet или для выполнения запросов Puppet"],"Used to enforce certain values for the parameter values":["Используется для обеспечения определенных значений для значений параметров"],"User":["Пользователь"],"User Group":[""],"User Groups":["Группы пользователей"],"User IDs":["Код пользователя"],"User data template":["Шаблон пользовательских данных"],"User groups":["Группы пользователей"],"User groups enable users to log into Foreman and be automatically granted permissions.":[""],"User role":["Роль пользователя"],"User's preferred locale":["Предпочитаемый язык пользователя"],"User's timezone":["Часовой пояс пользователя"],"UserRole|Owner type":["Тип владельца"],"Usergroup":["Группа пользователей"],"Usergroup member":["Член группы пользователей"],"UsergroupMember|Member type":["Тип"],"Usergroup|Admin":["Администратор"],"Usergroup|Auth source":["Источник аутентификации"],"Usergroup|Name":["Название"],"Username":["Имя"],"Username for oVirt, EC2, VMware, OpenStack. Access Key for EC2.":["Имя пользователя для oVirt, EC2, VMware, OpenStack. Ключ доступа для EC2."],"Username to use to authenticate, if required":[""],"Users":["Пользователи"],"User|Admin":["Администратор"],"User|Avatar hash":["Хэш изображения"],"User|Firstname":["Настоящее имя"],"User|Last login on":["Последний вход"],"User|Lastname":["Фамилия"],"User|Locale":["Язык"],"User|Login":["Имя входа"],"User|Lower login":["Имя пользователя в нижнем регистре"],"User|Mail":["Электронная почта"],"User|Mail enabled":["Получать корреспонденцию"],"User|Password hash":["Хэш пароля"],"User|Password salt":["Соль"],"Uses thin provisioning if unchecked":["Используется динамическая подготовка если не установлено"],"Using the organization system provides a way to group resources together for easy management. Organizations are particularly useful for Foreman installations where several customers or business units are managed with a single Foreman install.":[""],"VCPU(s)":["Виртуальные процессоры"],"VCenter/Server":["VCenter/Сервер"],"VLAN ID for this subnet":["Идентификатор VLAN для этой подсети"],"VLAN tag, this attribute has precedence over the subnet VLAN ID. Only for virtual interfaces.":["Метка VLAN, этот атрибут имеет приоритет над подсетью VLAN ID. Только для виртуальных интерфейсов."],"VM":["Вирт. машина"],"VM Attributes":["Атрибуты виртуальной машины"],"VM Attributes (%s)":["Атрибуты виртуальной машины (%s)"],"VM already associated with a host":["Виртуальная машина уже связана с узлом"],"VM associated to host %s":["Виртуальная машина связана с узлом %s"],"VM is not running!":["Виртуальная машина не выполняется"],"VNC/SPICE websocket proxy console access encryption (websockets_ssl_key/cert setting required)":["Шифрование трафика Websocket при подключении к консоли прокси с использованием VNC/SPICE (требует установки websockets_ssl_key или websockets_ssl_cert)"],"Valid from":["Вступил в силу"],"Valid host group and environment combinations":["Группы узлов и окружения"],"Validation types":["Тип проверки"],"Value":["Значение"],"Value to use when there is no match":["Значение, которое будет использоваться по умолчанию"],"Value to use when there is no match.":["Значение, которое будет использоваться по умолчанию."],"Variable":["Переменная"],"Variable lookup key":["Ключ поиска переменной"],"Variables":["Переменные"],"Vendor class":["Класс производителя"],"Verify":["Подтверждение"],"Version":["Версия"],"Version %{version}":["Версия %{version}"],"Version %{version} %{copyright} 2009-%{year} Paul Kelly and %{author}":[""],"Very Strong":["Очень сильный"],"View Diff":["Просмотр отличий"],"View in Foreman:":["Показать в Foreman:"],"View last report details":["Подробности последнего отчета"],"View list":["Список"],"Virtual (NAT)":["Виртуальный (NAT)"],"Virtual H/W version":["Версия виртуального оборудования"],"Virtual Machine":["Виртуальная машина"],"Virtual Machines":["Виртуальные машины"],"Virtual Machines on %s":["Виртуальные машины на %s"],"Virtual NIC":["Виртуальный сетевой адаптер"],"Virtual machine settings cannot be edited on an existing machine in %s":["Не допускается редактировать параметры существующей виртуальной машины в %s"],"WARNING":["WARNING"],"Wait for %s to come online":["Ждать активации %s"],"Warning":["Предупреждение"],"Warning!":["Внимание!"],"Warning! This will remove %{name} from %{number} user. are you sure?":["",""],"Warning: This will delete this host and all of its data!":["Предупреждение: Это может удалить этот узел и всю его информацию!"],"Warnings and errors":["Предупреждения и ошибки"],"We have not found any documentation for your API.":["Документация по API не найдена."],"We use Redmine to report and track bugs and feature requests, which can be found here:":["Для создания отчетов и отслеживания ошибок мы используем Redmine:"],"Weak":["Слабый"],"Websockets SSL certificate":["SSL-сертификат Websocket"],"Websockets SSL key":["SSL-ключ Websocket"],"Websockets encryption":["Шифрование Websocket"],"Weekly":["Еженедельный"],"Welcome to Foreman":["Добро пожаловать в Foreman"],"What ever text(or ERB template) you use in here, would be used as your OS disk layout options If you want to use the partition table option, delete all of the text from this field":["На основе введенного здесь текста или шаблона ERB будет настроена схема разделов. Чтобы использовать поле таблицы разделов, удалите текст."],"When a Host requests a template (e.g. during provisioning), Foreman will select the best match from the available templates of that type, in the following order:":["Если узел требует наличия шаблона (например, в процессе его подготовки), Foreman выберет наиболее подходящий шаблон, отдавая приоритет в порядке:"],"When a realm is selected for a host, Foreman contacts the relevant realm smart proxy to create an entry for the host and retrieve it's one-time registration password.":["После выбора области для узла Foreman свяжется с капсулой в этой области, создаст запись для узла и получит одноразовый пароль доступа."],"When editing a template, you must assign a list of operating systems which this template can be used with. Optionally, you can restrict a template to a list of host groups and/or environments.":[""],"When enabled the parameter is hidden in the UI":["Если включено, параметр будет скрыт"],"When specifying custom value, add 'MB' or 'GB' at the end. Field is not case sensitive and MB is default if unspecified.":[""],"When the role's associated %{taxonomies} are changed,<br> the change will propagate to all inheriting filters.\\n Filters that are set to override <br> will remain untouched. Overriding of role filters can be easily disabled by <br> pressing the \\\"Disable overriding\\\" button.\\n Note that not all filters support <br>%{taxonomies}, so these always remain global.":[""],"When using SSH based provisioning, a special SSH key is created in order to automate the provisioning process.":[""],"When using TLS, you can set how OpenSSL checks the certificate":[""],"Whether or not the image supports user data":["Допускает ли образ использование пользовательских данных"],"Whether or not the template is locked for editing":["Блокирование шаблона для редактирования"],"Whether the class parameter value is managed by Foreman.":["Разрешает Foreman контролировать значение параметра"],"Whether the smart class parameter value is managed by Foreman":["Разрешает Foreman контролировать значение смарт-параметра"],"Which is an offset of <b>%s</b>":["Разница составляет <b>%s</b>"],"Widget added to dashboard.":["Виджет добавлен на страницу обзора."],"Widget positions successfully saved.":["Положение виджета сохранено."],"Widget removed from dashboard.":["Виджет удален из окна обзора."],"Wiki":["Вики"],"With user groups, you can group your users and assign them roles on a group basis.":[""],"X509 Certification Authorities":["Сертификат X509"],"YAML":["YAML"],"Yes":["Да"],"You are about to change the default PXE menu on all configured TFTP servers - continue?":["Вы собираетесь изменить стандартное меню PXE для всех настроенных серверов TFTP. Продолжить?"],"You are about to override the editor content with a previous version, are you sure?":["Содержимое окна редактора будет заменено предыдущей версией. Продолжить?"],"You are about to override the editor content, are you sure?":["Содержимое окна редактора будет переопределено. Продолжить?"],"You are about to unlock a locked template.":["Вы пытаетесь разблокировать шаблон."],"You are not authorized to lock templates.":["Вы не авторизованы для блокировки шаблонов."],"You are not authorized to make a template default.":["Вы не авторизованы для создания шаблона по умолчанию."],"You are not authorized to perform this action.":["Недостаточно полномочий для выполнения операции"],"You are trying to delete your own account":["Вы пытаетесь удалить свою собственную учетную запись"],"You are using an unsupported browser.":["Вами используется неподдерживаемый браузер."],"You can add SSH public keys to a user in Foreman.":[""],"You can find The Foreman on the %{freenode} ( network. For general support, please visit #theforeman and for development specific related chat, please visit #theforeman-dev.":["Foreman можно найти на %{freenode} ( Общие вопросы поддержки можно задать в чате #theforeman, а более подробные задачи разработки обсуждаются в канале #theforeman-dev."],"You can select one of the IPAM modes supported by the selected IP protocol:<br/><ul><li><strong>DHCP</strong> - will manage the IP on DHCP through assigned DHCP proxy, auto-suggested IPs come from DHCP <em>(IPv4)</em></li><li><strong>Internal DB</strong> - use internal DB to auto-suggest free IP based on other interfaces on same subnet respecting range if specified, useful mainly with static boot mode <em>(IPv4, IPv6)</em></li><li><strong>EUI-64</strong> - will assign the IPv6 address based on the MAC address of the interface <em>(IPv6)</em></li><li><strong>None</strong> - leave IP management solely on user, no auto-suggestion <em>(IPv4, IPv6)</em></li></ul>":[""],"You can't assign locations to this resource":["Вы не можете связать местоположение с ресурсом"],"You can't assign organizations to this resource":["Вы не можете связать организацию с ресурсом"],"You cannot delete this user while logged in as this user.":["Пользователь не может быть удален, так как его сеанс активен."],"You do not have permission to %s this location parameter":["Недостаточно разрешений для выполнения операции «%s» над заданным параметром местоположения"],"You do not have permission to %s this organization parameter":["Недостаточно разрешений для выполнения операции «%s» над заданным параметром организации"],"You don't have any visible hosts. Hosts can be added and provisioned from Foreman, or configured to report to Foreman.":["У вас нет ни одного видимого узла. Вы можете добавить узлы с целью их подготовки и отслеживания состояния средствами Foreman."],"You don't seem to have any bookmarks.":["Нет закладок."],"You don't seem to have any facts yet. If you wish to configure fact pushing, please follow the documentation.":["Нет фактов. 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var locales = locales || {}; locales['ru'] = {"domain":"app","locale_data":{"app":{"":{"Project-Id-Version":"Foreman","Report-Msgid-Bugs-To":"","PO-Revision-Date":"2017-09-19 16:40+0000","Last-Translator":"Lukáš Zapletal","Language-Team":"Russian (","MIME-Version":"1.0","Content-Type":"text/plain; charset=UTF-8","Content-Transfer-Encoding":"8bit","Language":"ru","Plural-Forms":"nplurals=4; plural=(n%10==1 && n%100!=11 ? 0 : n%10>=2 && n%10<=4 && (n%100<12 || n%100>14) ? 1 : n%10==0 || (n%10>=5 && n%10<=9) || (n%100>=11 && n%100<=14)? 2 : 3);","lang":"ru","domain":"app","plural_forms":"nplurals=4; plural=(n%10==1 && n%100!=11 ? 0 : n%10>=2 && n%10<=4 && (n%100<12 || n%100>14) ? 1 : n%10==0 || (n%10>=5 && n%10<=9) || (n%100>=11 && n%100<=14)? 2 : 3);"}," Remove":["Удалить"],"%s - Press Shift-F12 to release the cursor.":["%s - нажмите Shift-F12, чтобы освободить курсор."],"%s - The following hosts are about to be changed":["%s: действие применимо к следующим узлам"],"%s Distribution":["Распределение %s"],"%s Parameters updated, see below for more information":["Обновлено параметров: %s. Подробную информацию можно найти ниже"],"%s Template":["%s"],"%s VM associated to a host":["%s ВМ связана с узлом","%s ВМ связаны с узлом","%s ВМ связаны с узлом","%s ВМ связаны с узлом"],"%s active feature":["%s активная функция","%s активные функции","%s активных функций","%s активных функций"],"%s ago":["%s назад"],"%s console is not supported at this time":["%s консоль временно не поддерживается"],"%s core":["%s ядро","%s ядра","%s ядер","%s ядер"],"%s day ago":["%s день назад","%s дня назад","%s дней назад","%s дней назад"],"%s error message":["%s сообщение об ошибке","%s сообщения об ошибках","%s сообщений об ошибках","%s сообщений об ошибках"],"%s has been disassociated from VM":["%s больше не связан с виртуальной машиной"],"%s host":["%s узел","%s узла","%s узлов","%s узлов"],"%s is an unknown attribute":["неизвестный атрибут %s"],"%s is not a valid DNS record type":[""],"%s is not in environment":["%s не является окружением"],"%s log message":["%s сообщение журнала","%s сообщения журнала","%s сообщений журнала","%s сообщений журнала"],"%s minute ago":["%s минуту назад","%s минуты назад","%s минут назад","%s минут назад"],"%s month ago":["%s месяц назад","%s месяца назад","%s месяцев назад","%s месяцев назад"],"%s selected hosts":["%s выбранных узлов"],"%s warning message":["%s предупреждение","%s предупреждения","%s предупреждений","%s предупреждений"],"%s week ago":["%s неделю назад","%s недели назад","%s недель назад","%s недель назад"],"%s widget loading...":[""],"%{app_name} API documentation homepage":["%{app_name} домашняя страница документации по API"],"%{config_type} rebuild failed for host: %{host_names}.":["Не удалось повторно собрать %{config_type} для узла %{host_names}.","Не удалось повторно собрать %{config_type} для узлов %{host_names}.","Не удалось повторно собрать %{config_type} для узлов %{host_names}.","Не удалось повторно собрать %{config_type} для узлов %{host_names}."],"%{controller}: %{host}'s operating system %{os} has no OS family":[""],"%{controller}: %{host}'s operating system is missing":[""],"%{controller}: unable to find a host that matches the request from %{addr}":[""],"%{cores} Cores and %{memory} memory":["Ядра: %{cores}, память: %{memory}"],"%{count} host with no %{taxonomy_single} assigned":["%{count} узел, для которого еще не было настроено следующее: %{taxonomy_single}","%{count} узла, для которых %{taxonomy_single} еще не настраивалось(ась)","%{count} узлов, для которых %{taxonomy_single} еще не настраивалось(ась)","%{count} узлов, для которых %{taxonomy_single} еще не настраивалось(ась)"],"%{cpus} CPUs and %{memory} MB memory":["Процессоры: %{cpus}, память: %{memory} МБ"],"%{cpus} CPUs and %{memory} memory":["Процессоры: %{cpus}, память: %{memory}"],"%{e} does not belong to the %{environment} environment":["%{e} не принадлежит окружению %{environment}"],"%{host} is about to %{action}":["Для %{host} будет выполнено действие: %{action}"],"%{host} now boots from %{device}":["%{host} будет загружаться с %{device}"],"%{id} plugin requires Foreman %{matcher} but current is %{current}":["Дополнение %{id} требует наличия %{matcher}, но обнаружено %{current}"],"%{id} plugin requires the %{plugin_name} plugin %{matcher} but current is %{plugin_version}":["Дополнение %{id} требует наличия %{matcher} из %{plugin_name}, но обнаружен %{plugin_version}"],"%{id} plugin requires the %{plugin_name} plugin, not found":["Дополнение %{id} требует наличия %{plugin_name} (не найден)"],"%{image} needs user data, but %{os_link} is not associated to any provisioning template of the kind user_data. Please associate it with a suitable template or uncheck 'User data' for %{compute_resource_image_link}.":["%{image} запрашивает функцию ввода пользовательских данных, однако %{os_link} не связана ни с одним подготовительным шаблоном с включенными данными пользователя. Свяжите ее с подходящим шаблоном или снимите флаг «Данные пользователя» для %{compute_resource_image_link}."],"%{key} does not exist in order field":[""],"%{match} does not match an existing host":["%{match} не совпадает ни с одним доступным узлом"],"%{match} does not match an existing host group":["%{match} не соответствует существующим группам узлов"],"%{model} with id '%{id}' was not found":["%{model} с идентификатором «%{id}» не обнаружено"],"%{name} changed from %{label1} to %{label2}":["%{name} изменён с %{label1} на %{label2}"],"%{name} has %{num_tag} class":["%{name} имеет %{num_tag} класс","%{name} имеет %{num_tag} класса","%{name} имеет %{num_tag} классов","%{name} имеет %{num_tag} классов"],"%{os} medium was not set for host '%{host}'":[""],"%{record} is being used by a hidden %{what} resource":["%{record} используется скрытым ресурсом %{what}"],"%{record} is used by %{what}":["%{what} уже использует %{record}"],"%{record} is used by host in build mode %{what}":["%{record} используется узлом в режиме сборки %{what}"],"%{resource_name} not found by id '%{id}'":["Не удалось найти %{resource_name} по идентификатору «%{id}»"],"%{task} task failed with the following error: %{e}":["%{task} задача завершилась неудачей. Ошибка: %{e}"],"%{taxonomy_type} %{taxonomy_name} has %{count} host that will need to be reassociated after deletion. Delete %{taxonomy_name2}?":["",""],"%{type} %{conflicts} already exists":[""],"%{user} Downloaded %{key} as pem file":[""],"%{value} does not belong to %{os} operating system":["%{value} не принадлежит к операционной системе %{os}"],"%{value} is not a valid controller":["Недопустимое значение: %{value}"],"%{value} is not one of %{rules}":["%{value} не один из %{rules}"],"%{vm} is now %{vm_state}":["%{vm} %{vm_state}"],"&laquo;":["&laquo;"],"&raquo;":["&raquo;"],"'%{host}' could be deleted or '%{resource}' is not responding.":["«%{host}» удален, или «%{resource}» не отвечает."],"'%{host}' not found on '%{resource}'":["'%{host}' не найден в '%{resource}'"],"'%{loader}' is not one of %{loaders}":[""],"'Content-Type: %s' is unsupported in API v2 for POST and PUT requests. Please use 'Content-Type: application/json'.":["'Content-Type: %s' не поддерживается в API v2 для POST и PUT запросов. Пожалуйста используйте 'Content-Type: application/json'"],"(Miscellaneous)":["(другое)"],"(optional) IAM Role for Fog to use when creating this image.":["Дополнительно: роль IAM для Fog, используемая для создания образа "],"*Clear %s proxy*":["*Очистить %s*"],"*Clear environment*":["*Сбросить окружение*"],"*Clear host group*":["*Очистить группу узлов*"],"*Inherit from host group*":["*Наследовать от группы*"],", relevant log entries, and it is highly recommended to also attach the foreman-debug output.":[", записи журнала, имеющие отношение к этому конфликту, а также, если возможно, вывод foreman-debug."],":foreman_url is not set, please configure in the Foreman Web UI (Administer -> Settings -> General)":[":foreman_url не установлен, настройте Foreman Web UI (Администрирование -> Настройки -> Общее)"],"<b class='select_count'>0</b> selected":["выбрано: <b class='select_count'>0</b>"],"<b style=\\\"color: #6bb5df;\\\">%{disabled_sum}</b>\\n <p>Disabled</p>":["",""],"<b style=\\\"color: #6bb5df;\\\">%{hosts_sum}</b>\\n <p>Changed</p>":["",""],"<b style=\\\"color: #6bb5df;\\\">%{out_of_sync_sum}</b>\\n <p>Out of sync</p>":["",""],"<b>Description:</b> %{desc}<br/>\\n <b>Type:</b> %{type}<br/>\\n <b>Matcher:</b> %{matcher}<br/>\\n <b>Inherited value:</b> %{inherited_value}":["<b>Описание:</b> %{desc}<br/>\\n <b>Тип:</b> %{type}<br/>\\n <b>Правило подстановки:</b> %{matcher}<br/>\\n <b>Унаследованное значение:</b> %{inherited_value}"],"<b>Foreman API v1 is deprecated. Please use v2.</b><br />If you still need to use v1, you may do so by either passing 'version=1' in the Accept Header or using api/v1/ in the URL.":[""],"<b>Foreman</b> Build Complete":["<b>Foreman</b> завершил сборку"],"<b>Foreman</b> Puppet error report":["Отчет <b>Foreman</b> по ошибкам Puppet"],"<b>Foreman</b> Puppet summary":["<b>Foreman</b>: сводка Puppet"],"<b>Foreman</b> audit summary":["Сводка аудита <b>Foreman</b>"],"<b>Foreman</b> test email":["Проверочное сообщение <b>Foreman</b>"],"<b>Source:</b> %{type} %{name}":["<b>Источник:</b> %{type} %{name}"],"<dl><dt>List</dt> <dd>A list of the allowed values, specified in the Validator rule field.</dd><dt>Regexp</dt> <dd>Validates the input with the regular expression in the Validator rule field.</dd></dl>":["<dl><dt>Список</dt> <dd>Список разрешенных значений в поле правила.</dd><dt>Регулярное выражение</dt> <dd>Проверка ввода в соответствии с регулярным выражением.</dd></dl>"],"<dl><dt>String</dt> <dd>Everything is taken as a string.</dd><dt>Boolean</dt> <dd>Common representation of boolean values are accepted.</dd><dt>Integer</dt> <dd>Integer numbers only, can be negative.</dd><dt>Real</dt> <dd>Accept any numerical input.</dd><dt>Array</dt> <dd>A valid JSON or YAML input, that must evaluate to an array.</dd><dt>Hash</dt> <dd>A valid JSON or YAML input, that must evaluate to an object/map/dict/hash.</dd><dt>YAML</dt> <dd>Any valid YAML input.</dd><dt>JSON</dt> <dd>Any valid JSON input.</dd></dl>":["<dl><dt>Строка</dt> <dd>Все значения распознаются как строки.</dd><dt>Логическое значение</dt> <dd>Значения логического типа. </dd><dt>Целое</dt> <dd>Целые числа с любым знаком.</dd><dt>Число</dt> <dd>Числовой ввод.</dd><dt>Массив</dt> <dd>Ввод JSON и YAML, который может быть представлен в виде массива.</dd><dt>Хэш</dt> <dd>Входные данные JSON и YAML, которые могут быть представлены в виде набора объектов и соответствий.</dd><dt>YAML</dt> <dd>Входные данные YAML.</dd><dt>JSON</dt> <dd>Входные данные JSON.</dd></dl>"],"A Foreman user group can be associated to a group stored in an LDAP server, so membership of the LDAP group automatically adds the user to the Foreman user group.":[""],"A host group is in some ways similar to an inherited node declaration, in that it is a high level grouping of classes that can be named and treated as a unit. This is then treated as a template and is selectable during the creation of a new host and ensures that the host is configured in one of your pre-defined states.":["Группы объединяют объявления узлов на высоком уровне. При создании нового узла можно будет выбрать группу, что создаст его конфигурацию с учетом объявленных в группе критериев."],"A medium represents the source of one or more operating system's installation files, accessible via the network.\\n It will probably be a mirror from the internet or a copy of one or more CD or DVDs.":["Носитель представляет собой источник установочных файлов для одной или нескольких операционных систем, доступных по сети.\\nЭто может быть зеркало в сети Интернет или копия одного или нескольких CD или DVD-дисков."],"A partition table entry represents either":["Таблица разделов может быть определена двумя способами:"],"A problem occurred when detecting host type: %s":["Возникла проблема при определении типа узла: %s"],"A script to dynamically calculate the desired sizes. E.G.":["С помощью сценария динамического формирования разделов необходимого размера, например:"],"A user group already exists with this name":["Группа с этим именем уже существует"],"API Key":["Ключ API"],"API documentation":["Документация по API"],"About":["О программе"],"Access Key":["Ключ доступа"],"Access denied":["Доступ запрещен"],"Access unattended without build":[""],"Account":["Учетная запись"],"Acquire IP addresses for %s":[""],"Action":["Действие"],"Actions":["Действия"],"Active":["Активно"],"Active Hosts":["Активные узлы"],"Active features":["Активные функции"],"Active key":[""],"Add Autosign entry":["Добавить запись для автоматической подписи"],"Add Bookmark":["Добавить закладку"],"Add Interface":["Добавить интерфейс"],"Add Matcher":["Добавить"],"Add Parameter":["Добавить параметр"],"Add Trend Counter":["Добавить"],"Add Variable":["Добавить переменную"],"Add Volume":["Добавить том"],"Add a CD-ROM drive to the virtual machine.":[""],"Add a Puppet class to host":["Добавить класс Puppet к узлу"],"Add a Puppet class to host group":["Добавить класс Puppet к группе узлов"],"Add a template combination":["Добавить комбинацию шаблонов"],"Add combination":["Добавить"],"Add external user group":["Добавить внешнюю группу пользователей"],"Add filter":["Добавить фильтр"],"Add to dashboard":["Добавить в обзор"],"Add widgets":["Добавить виджеты"],"Add:":["Добавить:"],"Adding would cause a cycle!":["Добавление приведет к зацикливанию."],"Additional Information":["Дополнительно"],"Additional compute resource specific attributes for the interface.":["Дополнительные атрибуты вычислительного ресурса для интерфейса."],"Additional compute resource specific attributes.":["Дополнительные атрибуты вычислительного ресурса."],"Additional information about this host":["Дополнительная информация об этом узле"],"Address to connect to":[""],"Admin permissions required":["Необходимы права администратора"],"Administer":["Администратор"],"Administrator email address":["Адрес администратора"],"Administrator user account required":["Необходима учетная запись администратора"],"Alert":["Уведомление"],"Alerts disabled":["Уведомления отключены"],"Alias or VLAN device":["Псевдоним или VLAN устройства."],"All":["Все"],"All Puppet Classes for %s":["Все Puppet классы для %s"],"All Reports":["Все отчеты"],"All compute resources":["Все ресурсы"],"All domains":["Все домены"],"All environments":["Все окружения"],"All environments - (not filtered)":["Все окружения (без фильтра)"],"All host groups":["Все группы узлов"],"All hosts":["Все узлы"],"All hosts data matches configurations for locations and organizations.":["Данные всех узлов соответствуют конфигурации местоположения и организаций."],"All hosts previously with no %{single} are now assigned to %{name}":["Все узлы у которых не было %{single} теперь включены в %{name}"],"All hosts will show a configuration status even when a Puppet smart proxy is not assigned":["Показывать состояние конфигурации всех узлов, даже если они не связаны с капсулой Puppet"],"All items":["Все"],"All media":["Все носители"],"All messages":["Все сообщения"],"All mismatches between hosts and %s have been fixed":["Все несоответствия между узлами и %s исправлены"],"All mismatches between hosts and locations/organizations have been fixed":["Все несовпадения между узлами и местонахождениями исправлены"],"All partition tables":["Все таблицы разделов"],"All provisioning templates":["Все подготовительные шаблоны"],"All realms":["Все области"],"All smart proxies":["Все капсулы"],"All subnets":["Все подсети"],"All users":["Все пользователи"],"Allocated":["Выделено"],"Allocation (GB)":["Выделено (ГБ)"],"Allow access to unattended URLs without build mode being used":[""],"Allow external network as main network":["Разрешить использование внешней сети в качестве главной сети"],"Allowed methods or members":[""],"Always show configuration status":["Всегда показывать состояние конфигурации"],"An IP address will be auto-suggested if you have enabled IPAM on the IPv4 subnet selected above.<br/><br/>The IP address can be left blank when:<br/><ul><li>provisioning tokens are enabled</li><li>the domain does not manage DNS</li><li>the subnet does not manage reverse DNS</li><li>and the subnet does not manage DHCP reservations</li></ul>":[""],"An IP address will be auto-suggested if you have enabled IPAM on the IPv6 subnet selected above.":[""],"An email address is required, please update your account details":[""],"An error occurred while testing the connection: ":[""],"An explicit layout for the partitions of your hard drive(s). E.G.":["Явно, то есть схема разделов определяется вручную, например:"],"An invalid response was received while requesting available features from this proxy":[""],"Annotation Notes":[""],"Annotation notes":[""],"Anonymous admin user %s is missing, run foreman-rake db:seed":["Анонимный администратор %s не существует. Выполните «foreman-rake db:seed»."],"Any Context":["Все"],"Any Location":["Любое местонахождение"],"Any Organization":["Любая организация"],"Applicable Operating Systems":[""],"Applied":["Применено"],"Applied|A":["П"],"Architecture":["Архитектура"],"Architecture Distribution":["Архитектура"],"Architecture ID":["Код архитектуры"],"Architectures":["Архитектура"],"Architecture|Hostgroups count":["Количество групп узлов"],"Architecture|Hosts count":["Количество узлов"],"Architecture|Name":["Имя"],"Are you sure you want to %{act} %{vm}?":["Вы действительно хотите %{act} %{vm}?"],"Are you sure you want to delete host %s? This action is irreversible.":["Вы действительно хотите удалить узел %s? Это действие является необратимым."],"Are you sure you want to delete host %s? This will delete the virtual machine and its disks, and is irreversible.":["Вы действительно хотите удалить узел %s? Это действие безвозвратно удалит все виртуальные машины и их диски."],"Are you sure you want to delete this widget from your dashboard?":["Вы действительно хотите удалить этот виджет из окна обзора?"],"Are you sure you want to log out?":[""],"Are you sure you want to power %{act} %{vm}?":["Вы действительно хотите %{act} %{vm}?"],"Are you sure?":["Продолжить?"],"Array of extra information types to include":[""],"Array of host IDs to associate with the partition table":["Массив кодов узлов связанных с таблицей разделов"],"Array of host group IDs to associate with the partition table":["Массив кодов групп узлов связанных с таблицей разделов"],"Array of operating system IDs to associate with the partition table":["Массив кодов операционных систем связанных с таблицей разделов"],"Array of operating system IDs to associate with the template":["Массив идентификаторов операционных систем, связанных с шаблонами"],"Array of parameters":[""],"Array of parameters (name, value)":["Массив параметров 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%{current} не может быть удалена, так как она содержит другие группы узлов."],"Cannot find user %s when switching context":["Пользователь %s не найден"],"Cannot register compute resource, wrong type supplied":[""],"Canvas not supported.":["Холст не поддерживается."],"Caps lock ON":["Включен Caps lock"],"Certificate Name":["Имя сертификата"],"Certificate path":["Путь к сертификату"],"Certificate that Foreman will use to encrypt websockets ":["Сертификат для шифрования соединений Websocket"],"Certificates":["Сертификаты"],"Change Environment":["Изменить окружение"],"Change Group":["Изменить группу"],"Change Owner":["Изменить владельца"],"Change Power State":["Управление питанием"],"Change Puppet CA":["Изменить Puppet CA"],"Change Puppet Master":["Изменить мастер-сервер Puppet"],"Change the password":["Сменить пароль"],"Change your avatar at":["Изменить картинку на"],"Changed environments":["Изменение окружений"],"Changes to %s will propagate to all inheriting 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При настройке вы сможете выбрать подходящие комбинации."],"Each entries represent a particular hardware architecture, most commonly <b>x86_64</b> or <b>i386</b>. Foreman also supports the Solaris operating system family, which includes <b>sparc</b> based systems.":["Каждая строка содержит модель архитектуры ­— обычно <b>x86_64</b> или <b>i386</b>. Foreman также поддерживает Solaris, включая системы <b>sparc</b>."],"Eager zero":["Заполнено нулями"],"Edit":["Изменить"],"Edit %s":["Изменить %s"],"Edit Architecture":["Изменить архитектуру"],"Edit Bookmark":["Изменить закладку"],"Edit Compute profile":["Изменить вычислительный профиль"],"Edit Compute profile: %s":["Изменение вычислительного профиля: %s"],"Edit Config group":["Изменение группы конфигурации"],"Edit Domain":["Изменить домен"],"Edit Environment":["Изменить окружение"],"Edit Filter":["Изменить фильтр"],"Edit Global Parameter":["Изменить глобальный параметр"],"Edit Host":["Редактировать узел"],"Edit LDAP Auth Source":["Изменить источник идентификации LDAP"],"Edit Medium":["Изменить носитель"],"Edit Model":["Изменить модель"],"Edit Operating System":["Изменить операционную систему"],"Edit Parameters":["Изменить параметры"],"Edit Partition Table":["Изменить таблицу разделов"],"Edit Properties":["Измените свойства"],"Edit Proxy":["Изменение капсулы"],"Edit Puppet Class %s":["Изменение класса Puppet %s"],"Edit Realm":["Изменить область"],"Edit Role":[""],"Edit Smart Variable":["Изменить смарт-переменную"],"Edit Smart class parameters":["Изменить смарт-параметры класса"],"Edit Subnet":["Изменить подсеть"],"Edit Template":["Изменить шаблон"],"Edit Trend %s":["Изменение динамики %s"],"Edit User":["Параметры пользователя"],"Edit User group":["Параметры группы пользователей"],"Edit compute profile on %s":["Изменение вычислительного профиля %s"],"Edit this host":[""],"Email Preferences":["Почтовые предпочтения"],"Email address is missing":["Не указан адрес получателя"],"Email reply address":["Обратный адрес"],"Email reply address for emails that Foreman is sending":["Обратный адрес для почты Foreman"],"Email subject prefix":["Префикс темы сообщений"],"Email was sent successfully":["Сообщение было успешно отправлено."],"Empty environment":["Пустое окружение"],"Enable Notifications":["Включить уведомления"],"Enable alerts for selected hosts":["Включить уведомления для выбранных узлов"],"Enable caching":[""],"Enable certificate generation for %s":["Разрешить генерацию сертификата для %s"],"Enable if this is an alias or VLAN interface, note that alias can be used only with static boot mode subnet":["Включено, если это псевдоним или VLAN интерфейс, заметьте, что псевдоним может быть использован только с подсетью режима статической загрузки"],"Enable puppetrun support":["Включить поддержку puppetrun"],"Enable rebuild on next host boot":["Начать сборку после перезагрузки узла"],"Enable safe mode config templates rendering (recommended)":["Включить безопасный режим генерации шаблонов конфигурации (рекомендуется)"],"Enable smart variables in ENC":["Разрешить использование смарт-переменных в ENC"],"Enable this host for provisioning":["Разрешить подготовку узла"],"Enabled":["Включено"],"Enabled %s for reboot and rebuild":["Включено %s для перезагрузки и пересборки"],"Enabled %s for rebuild on next boot":["Включено %s, после следующей перезагрузки начнется пересборка"],"Enabled %s for rebuild on next boot, but failed to power cycle the host":[""],"Ending IP Address for IP auto suggestion":["Заключительный IP-адрес для автоматического предложения адресов"],"Entries per page":["Записей на странице"],"Environment":["Окружение"],"Environment Distribution":[""],"Environment ID":["Код окружения"],"Environment IDs":["Код окружения"],"Environment only":["Только окружение"],"Environment variable containing a client's SSL certificate":["Переменная окружения, определяющая SSL-сертификат клиента"],"Environment variable containing the subject DN from a client SSL certificate":["Переменная окружения, содержащая DN-имя субъекта из SSL-сертификата"],"Environment variable containing the verification status of a client SSL certificate":["Переменная окружения, содержащая статус проверки SSL-сертификата клиента"],"Environments":["Окружения"],"Environment|Hostgroups count":["Количество групп узлов"],"Environment|Hosts count":["Количество узлов"],"Environment|Name":["Имя"],"Error":["Ошибка"],"Error - %{message}":["Ошибка - %{message}"],"Error adding widget to dashboard.":["Ошибка добавления виджета в панель"],"Error connecting to %{proxy}: %{error}.":["Ошибка соединения с %{proxy}: %{error}."],"Error connecting to '%{domain}' domain DNS servers: %{servers} - check query_local_nameservers and dns_conflict_timeout settings":["Ошибка при подключении к DNS-серверам домена «%{domain}»: %{servers}. 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Игнорируется..."],"Failed to initialize the PuppetCA proxy: %s":["Не удалось инициализировать прокси PuppetCA: %s"],"Failed to initialize the realm proxy: %s":["Не удалось инициализировать прокси области определения: %s"],"Failed to launch script on %{name}: %{e}":["Не удалось запустить сценарий на %{name}: %{e}"],"Failed to load chart":["Ошибка загрузки графика"],"Failed to login via SSH to %{name}: %{e}":["Не удалось авторизоваться в %{name}: %{e}"],"Failed to modify the build cycle for %s":["Не удалось изменить цикл сборки для %s"],"Failed to perform rollback on %{task} - %{e}":["Не удалось выполнить откат %{task}: %{e}"],"Failed to power up a compute %{compute_resource} instance %{name}: %{e}":["Не удалось включить экземпляр ресурса %{compute_resource} с именем %{name}: %{e}"],"Failed to reboot %s.":["Не удалось перезагрузить %s."],"Failed to redeploy %s.":["Не удалось заново развернуть %s."],"Failed to refresh the cache.":[""],"Failed to remove certificates for %{name}: %{e}":["Не удалось удалить сертификаты %{name}: %{e}"],"Failed to retrieve power status for %{host} within %{timeout} second.":["",""],"Failed to save widget positions.":["Сбой сохранения положения виджета."],"Failed to set %{proxy_type} proxy for %{host}.":["Не удалось настроить %{proxy_type} в качестве прокси для %{host}."],"Failed to set IP for %{name}: %{e}":[""],"Failed to set IPs via IPAM for %{name}: %{e}":[""],"Failed to set console: %s":["Не удалось выбрать консоль: %s"],"Failed to set power state for %s.":["Не удалось изменить состояние электропитания для %s."],"Failed to stop compute %{compute_resource} instance %{name}: %{e}":["Не удалось остановить экземпляр ресурса %{compute_resource} с именем %{name}: %{e}"],"Failed to undo update compute %{compute_resource} instance %{name}: %{e}":["Не удалось отменить обновление экземпляра ресурса %{compute_resource} с именем %{name}: %{e}"],"Failed to update a compute %{compute_resource} instance %{name}: %{e}":["Не удалось обновить экземпляр ресурса %{compute_resource} с именем %{name}: %{e}"],"Failed to update environments and Puppet classes from the on-disk Puppet installation: %s":["Не удалось обновить окружения и классы Puppet в соответствии с дисковой установкой Puppet: %s"],"Failed to update the environments and Puppet classes from the on-disk puppet installation: %s":["Не удалось обновить окружения и классы Puppet в соответствии с дисковой установкой Puppet: %s"],"Failed to validate %{host}: %{error}":["Не удалось проверить %{host}: %{error}"],"Failed|F":["О"],"Failure deploying via smart proxy %{proxy}: %{error}.":["Не удалось развернуть через %{proxy}: %{error}."],"Failure parsing %{template}: %{error}.":["Не удалось разобрать %{template}: %{error}."],"Failure: %s":["Ошибка: %s"],"Family":["Семейство"],"Feature":["Функция"],"Features":["Функции"],"Features \\\"%s\\\" in this proxy are not recognized by Foreman. If these features come from a Smart Proxy plugin, make sure Foreman has the plugin installed too.":[""],"Feature|Name":["Имя"],"Fetch TFTP boot files for %s":["Получить загрузочные файлы TFTP для %s"],"Filter":["Фильтр"],"Filter by level:":["Фильтровать по уровню:"],"Filter by name":["Фильтровать по имени"],"Filter by state:":["Фильтровать по состоянию:"],"Filter classes":["Фильтр классов"],"Filter overriding has been disabled":[""],"Filters":["Фильтры"],"Filters for role %s":["Фильтры для %s"],"Filters inherit %{orgs_and_locs} from their role by default. If override field is enabled, <br> filter can override the set of its %{orgs_and_locs}. Later role changes will not affect <br> such filter. After disabling override field, role %{orgs_and_locs} apply again.":[""],"Filters overriding has been disabled":[""],"Filter|Override":[""],"Filter|Permissions":["Разрешения"],"Filter|Resource":["Ресурс"],"Filter|Search":["Критерий поиска"],"Filter|Taxonomy search":["Поиск таксономии"],"Filter|Unlimited":["Без ограничений"],"Fingerprint":["Отпечаток"],"Finish template":["Завершающий шаблон"],"Firmware":[""],"Fix %s on Mismatch":["%s будет корректироваться при несоответствии"],"Fix All Mismatches":["Исправить все несоответствия"],"Fix DB cache":["Согласовать кэш БД"],"Fix DB cache on next Foreman restart":["Согласовать кэш базы данных при перезапуске Foreman"],"Fix Mismatches":["Исправить несоответствия"],"Flavor":["Шаблон конфигурации"],"Floating IP network":["Сеть с плавающим IP"],"Folder":["Папка"],"Follow %{href} on how to describe your controllers.":["Информацию об описании контроллеров можно найти по адресу: %{href}"],"For example, if you have copied several Red Hat release disks into a directory structure where the disk images are named 5.8 or 6.2, and each contained both x86_64 and i386 binaries, then you\\n could create a single medium entry describing them all.\\n The entry, which could be just named 'Red Hat' could contain a path like this <em>'http://server/redhat/$version/$arch'</em>":["Например, при наличии двух образов дисков Red Hat версий 5.8 и 6.2, каждый из которых содержит файлы для x86_64 и i386,\\nможно создать единый носитель.\\n Записи носителя можно присвоить имя «Red Hat» и настроить путь в виде <em>'http://server/redhat/$version/$arch'</em>)."],"For more info visit our documentation.":[""],"For more information":["Дальнейшая информация"],"Force a Puppet agent run on the host":["Принудительный запуск агента Puppet на узле"],"Foreman API v2 is currently the default API version.":["Foreman API v2 используется по умолчанию."],"Foreman Developers":["Разработчики Foreman"],"Foreman URL":["Foreman URL"],"Foreman Users":["Пользователи Foreman"],"Foreman audit summary":["Сводка аудита Foreman"],"Foreman can store information about the networking setup of a host that it’s provisioning, which can be used to configure the virtual machine, assign the correct IP addresses and network resources, then configure the OS correctly during the provisioning process.":[""],"Foreman can use LDAP based service for user information and authentication.":["Для идентификации пользователей Foreman может использовать сервисы на базе LDAP."],"Foreman considers a domain and a DNS zone as the same thing.":["В терминологии Foreman понятия доменов и DNS-зон являются взаимозаменяемыми."],"Foreman domain ID of interface. Required for primary interfaces on managed hosts.":["Код домена Foreman для интерфейса. Требуется для первичного интерфейса на управляемых узлах."],"Foreman host group matchers will be inherited by children when evaluating smart class parameters":["Дочерние объекты будут наследовать правила подстановки групп узлов при обработке смарт-параметров."],"Foreman now manages the build cycle for %s":["Цикл сборки %s теперь находится под управлением Foreman."],"Foreman now no longer manages the build cycle for %s":["Цикл сборки %s больше не находится под управлением Foreman."],"Foreman report creation time is <em>%s</em>":["Время создания отчета Foreman: <em>%s</em>"],"Foreman smart variables will be exposed via the ENC yaml output":["Смарт-переменные Foreman будут представлены в выводе ENC в формате YAML"],"Foreman subnet ID of IPv4 interface":[""],"Foreman subnet ID of IPv6 interface":[""],"Foreman supports automatically creating realm entries for new hosts.":["Foreman автоматически создает записи областей для новых узлов."],"Foreman supports creating and managing hosts on a number of virtualization and cloud services - referred to as “compute resources” - as well as bare metal hosts.":[""],"Foreman test email":["Проверочное сообщение Foreman"],"Foreman ticketing system":["Система отслеживания задач Foreman"],"Foreman will automate certificate signing upon provision of new host":["Автоматизировать процесс подписи сертификатов при подготовке новых узлов"],"Foreman will create the host when a report is received":["Foreman будет создавать новый узел на основании загруженного отчета."],"Foreman will create the host when new facts are received":["Foreman будет создавать новый узел на основании загруженных фактов."],"Foreman will default to this puppet environment if it cannot auto detect one":["Окружение Puppet, которое будет выбрано, если Foreman не сможет автоматически определить окружение"],"Foreman will delete virtual machine if provisioning script ends with non zero exit code":["Удалить виртуальную машину, если сценарий подготовки завершился с ненулевым кодом выхода"],"Foreman will evaluate host smart variables in this order by default":["Порядок обработки смарт-переменных узла"],"Foreman will explicitly set the puppet environment in the ENC yaml output. This will avoid conflicts between the environment in puppet.conf and the environment set in Foreman":["Foreman передаст информацию об окружении Puppet в YAML-выводе ENC в явном виде — это позволит избежать конфликтов с окружением, заданным в puppet.conf"],"Foreman will map users by username in request-header. If this is set to false, OAuth requests will have admin rights.":["Включить авторизацию OAuth и разрешить передавать имена пользователей в заголовках запросов. Запросы OAuth будут иметь административные разрешения."],"Foreman will not send this parameter in classification output, replaces use_puppet_default":[""],"Foreman will not send this parameter in classification output.":[""],"Foreman will not send this parameter in classification output. Puppet will use the value defined in the Puppet manifest for this parameter":[""],"Foreman will parse ERB in parameters value in the ENC output":["Интерпретировать ERB в значениях параметров в выводе ENC"],"Foreman will query the locally configured resolver instead of the SOA/NS authorities":["Опрашивать локальный сервер преобразования имен вместо источников из SOA/NS"],"Foreman will set this as the default Puppet module path if it cannot auto detect one":["Путь к модулям Puppet, который будет использоваться по умолчанию, если Foreman не сможет обнаружить его автоматически"],"Foreman will truncate hostname to 'puppet' if it starts with puppet":["Имена узлов, начинающиеся с «puppet», будут сокращаться до «puppet»"],"Foreman will update a host's environment from its facts":["Обновлять окружение узла на основании фактов статистики"],"Foreman will update a host's subnet from its facts":[""],"Foreman will update the host IP with the IP that made the built request":["В качестве IP-адреса узла использовать адрес, с которого был отправлен запрос сборки"],"Foreman will use OAuth for API authorization":["Foreman будет использовать OAuth для авторизации"],"Foreman will use gravatar to display user icons":["Использовать Gravatar для отображения картинки пользователя"],"Foreman will use random UUIDs for certificate signing instead of hostnames":["Использовать случайный UUID вместо имени узла для подписи сертификата"],"Foreman will use the new (2.6.5+) format for classes in the ENC yaml output":["Использовать формат 2.6.5+ для классов в выводе yaml ENC"],"Foreman will use the short hostname instead of the FQDN for creating new virtual machines":["Использовать краткое имя узла вместо полного имени домена при создании виртуальных машин"],"Found %{count} reports from the last %{days} days":["Обнаружено %{count} отчетов за последние %{days} дней"],"Full":["Полностью"],"Full audits list":["Полный список аудитов"],"Full name describing the domain":["Описательное имя домена"],"Full path to backing image used to create new volumes.":["Полный путь к резервному образу виртуальной машины."],"Full screen":["Во весь экран"],"Full trace":["данные трассировки"],"Function not available for %s":["Функция не доступна для %s"],"GMT time":["GMT"],"Gateway":["Шлюз"],"General":["Общие"],"General useful description, for example this kind of hardware needs a special BIOS setup":["Общие сведения, например о необходимости специальной конфигурации BIOS."],"Generate new random name. Visit Settings to disable this feature.":[""],"Generated %s ago":["Создано %s назад"],"Generated at %s":["Создано: %s"],"Get ENC values of host":[""],"Get configuration status of host":["Получить состояние конфигурации узла"],"Get dashboard details":["Получить подробную сводку о состоянии узлов"],"Get default dashboard widgets":["Получить виджеты обзора по умолчанию"],"Get statistics":["Получить статистику"],"Get status of host":["Получить состояние узла"],"Get vm attributes of host":["Получить атрибуты ВМ узла"],"Global":["Глобальные"],"Global Parameters":["Глобальные параметры"],"Global default %s template":[""],"Global default %s template. This template gets deployed to all configured TFTP servers. It will not be affected by upgrades.":[""],"Global functions":[""],"Global methods (functions)":[""],"Global parameters":["Глобальные параметры"],"Global status changed from %{from} to %{to}":[""],"Global variables":[""],"Good host reports in the last %s":["Наличие отчетов о подтверждении состояния узлов за %s"],"Google Project ID":["Google Project ID"],"Groups base DN":["Базовое DN группы"],"Guest OS":["Гостевая ОС"],"HELO/EHLO domain":[""],"Hardware":["Оборудование"],"Hardware Model":["Модель оборудования"],"Hardware Models":["Оборудование"],"Hardware models":["Оборудование"],"Hash function to use. Change takes effect for new or updated hosts.":["Хэш-функция (выбирается при добавлении и обновлении узлов)"],"Hash of report metrics, can be just {}":["Хэш метрики отчета (может быть {})"],"Hash of status type totals":["Хэш итогового состояния"],"Help":["Справка"],"Hidden value":["Скрытое значение"],"Hide all values for this parameter.":["Скрывать значения этого параметра."],"Hide this value":["Скрыть значение"],"Hint data is missing":[""],"History":["Журнал"],"Host":["Узел"],"Host %s is built":["Идет сборка узла %s"],"Host %s is not associated with a VM":["%s не связан с виртуальной машиной"],"Host Configuration Chart":["Диаграмма конфигурации узлов"],"Host Configuration Status":["Состояние конфигурации узлов"],"Host Group Distribution":[""],"Host Groups":["Группы узлов"],"Host audit entries":["Записи событий узла"],"Host config group":["Узел группы настроек"],"Host details":["Свойства узла"],"Host group":["Группа узлов"],"Host group / Environment":["Группа, окружение"],"Host group IDs":["Код группы узлов"],"Host group and Environment":["Группа узлов и окружение"],"Host group configuration":["Конфигурация группы узлов"],"Host group matchers inheritance":["Наследовать правила подстановки группы узлов"],"Host group only":["Только группа"],"Host group parameters":["Параметры группы"],"Host groups":["Группы узлов"],"Host owner":[""],"Host owner is invalid":[""],"Host parameters":["Параметры узла"],"Host reported time is <em>%s</em>":["Узел сообщил время: <em>%s</em>"],"Host times seem to be adrift!":[""],"Host's network interfaces.":["Сетевые интерфейсы узла."],"Host's owner type":["Тип владельца узла"],"Host's parameters (array or indexed hash)":["Параметры узла (массив или индексированный хэш)"],"Host::Base|Build":["Сборка"],"Host::Base|Certname":["Сертификат"],"Host::Base|Comment":["Комментарий"],"Host::Base|Disk":["Диск"],"Host::Base|Enabled":["Включено"],"Host::Base|Grub pass":["Пароль загрузчика"],"Host::Base|Image file":["Образ"],"Host::Base|Installed at":["Установлен в"],"Host::Base|Ip":["IP"],"Host::Base|Last compile":["Последняя компиляция"],"Host::Base|Last freshcheck":["Последняя проверка"],"Host::Base|Last report":["Последний отчет"],"Host::Base|Mac":["MAC"],"Host::Base|Managed":["Управление узлом"],"Host::Base|Name":["Имя"],"Host::Base|Otp":["Otp"],"Host::Base|Owner type":["Тип владельца"],"Host::Base|Primary interface":["Первичный интерфейс"],"Host::Base|Provision method":["Метод подготовки"],"Host::Base|Puppet status":["Состояние Puppet"],"Host::Base|Root pass":["Пароль root"],"Host::Base|Serial":["Серийный"],"Host::Base|Use image":["Использует образ"],"Host::Base|Uuid":["UUID"],"HostConfigGroup|Host type":["Тип узла"],"Hostgroup":["Группа узлов"],"Hostgroup|Ancestry":["Иерархия"],"Hostgroup|Grub pass":["Пароль загрузчика"],"Hostgroup|Image file":["Образ"],"Hostgroup|Name":["Имя"],"Hostgroup|Root pass":["Пароль root"],"Hostgroup|Title":["Заголовок"],"Hostgroup|Use image":["Использует образ"],"Hostgroup|Vm defaults":["ВМ по умолчанию"],"Hostname":["Имя узла"],"Hostname or certname":["Имя узла или имя сертификата"],"Hostname:":["Имя узла:"],"Hosts":["Узлы"],"Hosts created after a puppet run that did not send a location fact will be placed in this location":["Местоположение, которое будет выбираться для новых узлов, не сообщивших факт местоположения при выполнении puppetrun"],"Hosts created after a puppet run that did not send a organization fact will be placed in this organization":["Организация, в которую будут добавляться новые узлы, не сообщившие факт организации в процессе выполнения puppetrun"],"Hosts created after a puppet run will be placed in the location this fact dictates. The content of this fact should be the full label of the location.":["Этот факт определяет местоположение для новых узлов. Должен содержать полное название местоположения."],"Hosts created after a puppet run will be placed in the organization this fact dictates. The content of this fact should be the full label of the organization.":["Этот факт определяет организацию, в которую будут добавляться новые узлы. Должен содержать полное название организации."],"Hosts in error state":["Узлы в состоянии ошибки"],"Hosts including sub-groups":["Узлы с учетом подгрупп"],"Hosts managed":["Контролируемые узлы"],"Hosts managed:":["Контролируемые узлы:"],"Hosts that had pending changes":["Ожидают изменений"],"Hosts that had pending changes with alerts enabled":[""],"Hosts that had performed modifications without error":["Узлы с успешными изменениями"],"Hosts that will be trusted in addition to Smart Proxies for access to fact/report importers and ENC output":["Доверенные узлы, которые могут обращаться к импортерам фактов и отчетов и к выводу ENC"],"Hosts which Foreman reporting is disabled":["Узлы, на которых отчеты Foreman отключены"],"Hosts which are currently not running Puppet":["Узлы, на которых Puppet не был запущен"],"Hosts which are not reporting":["Узлы без отчетов"],"Hosts which didn't run puppet in the last %s":["Узлы, где puppet не выполнялся %s"],"Hosts which recently applied changes":[""],"Hosts which recently applied changes successfully":[""],"Hosts which recently applied changes successfully with alerts enabled":[""],"Hosts with alerts disabled":["Уведомления отключены"],"Hosts with error state":[""],"Hosts with error state and alerts enabled":[""],"Hosts with errors":["Узлы с ошибками"],"Hosts with interesting values (changed, failures etc)":["Узлы с заслуживающими внимания значениями (изменен, ошибки и т.п.)"],"Hosts with no reports":["Узлы без отчетов"],"Hosts with notifications disabled":["Узлы с отключенными уведомлениями"],"Hosts without changes or errors":[""],"Hosts without changes or errors, with alerts enabled":[""],"Hosts without errors":[""],"Hosts without errors percent":[""],"Hosts without errors, with alerts enabled":[""],"How values are validated":["Допустимые типы"],"However, if it was deleted externally this page helps you to recreate it":[""],"ID of LDAP authentication source":["Код источника идентификации LDAP"],"ID of Puppet class":["Код класса Puppet"],"ID of architecture":["Код архитектуры"],"ID of compute resource":["Код вычислительного ресурса"],"ID of config template":["Идентификатор шаблона конфигурации"],"ID of domain":["Код домена"],"ID of environment":["Код окружения"],"ID of host":["Код узла"],"ID of host group":["Код группы узлов"],"ID of interface":["Код интерфейса"],"ID of linked authentication source":["Идентификатор связанного источника авторизации"],"ID of location":["Код местоположения"],"ID of medium":["Код носителя"],"ID of operating system":["Код операционной системы"],"ID of organization":["Код организации"],"ID of parameter":["Код параметра"],"ID of partition table":["Код таблицы разделов"],"ID of provisioning template":["Код подготовительного шаблона"],"ID of role":["Код роли"],"ID of subnet":["Код подсети"],"ID of template":["Код шаблона"],"ID of the user":[""],"ID of user group":["Код группы пользователя"],"ID or name external user group":["Идентификатор или имя внешней группы пользователей"],"ID or name of domain":["Код или имя домена"],"ID or name of external user group":["Код или имя внешней группы пользователя"],"ID or name of host":["Код или имя узла"],"ID or name of interface":["Код или имя интерфейса"],"ID or name of subnet":["Код или имя подсети"],"ID or name of user group":["Код или имя группы пользователя"],"IDs of associated architectures":["Идентификаторы связанных архитектур"],"IDs of associated config groups":[""],"IDs of associated media":["Код связанных носителей"],"IDs of associated partition tables":["Код связанных таблиц разделов"],"IDs of associated provisioning templates":["Код связанных шаблонов подготовки"],"INFO or DEBUG":["INFO, DEBUG"],"IP":["IP"],"IP Address":["IP-адрес"],"IP Address Management":["Управление IP-адресами"],"IP Address auto suggestion mode for this subnet, valid values are \\\"DHCP\\\", \\\"Internal DB\\\", \\\"None\\\"":["Автоматический выбор IP-адреса. Возможные значения: «DHCP», «Внутренняя БД», «Нет»."],"IP address auto-suggest":["Автоматически"],"IP addresses that should be excluded from suggestion":[""],"IP:":["IP:"],"IPAM":["IPAM"],"IPv4":["IPv4"],"IPv4 Address":["Адрес IPv4"],"IPv4 DNS record":["",""],"IPv4 Subnet":[""],"IPv4 address":[""],"IPv4 address of interface":[""],"IPv6":["IPv6"],"IPv6 Address":["Адрес IPv6"],"IPv6 DNS record":["",""],"IPv6 Subnet":[""],"IPv6 address":[""],"IPv6 address of interface":[""],"IRC":["IRC"],"Identifier":["Идентификатор"],"Identifier of the interface to which this interface belongs, e.g. eth1":["Идентификатор интерфейса, которому принадлежит этот интерфейс. Пример: eth1"],"Identifier of the interface to which this interface belongs, e.g. eth1. Only for virtual interfaces.":["Идентификатор интерфейса к которому принадлежит этот интерфейс, например eth1. Только для виртуальных интерфейсов."],"Identifiers of attached interfaces, e.g. `['eth1', 'eth2']`. For bond interfaces those are the slaves. Only for bond and bridges interfaces.":["Идентификаторы подчиненных интерфейсов, например ['eth1', 'eth2']. Только для агрегированных интерфейсов и мостов."],"Idle timeout":["Время бездействия"],"If ERB is used in a parameter value, the validation of the value will happen during the ENC request. If the value is invalid, the ENC request will fail.":["Если параметр содержит код ERB, его значение будет проверено во время обработки запроса ENC. Если оно не пройдет проверку, запрос ENC завершится ошибкой."],"If Foreman is running behind Passenger or a remote load balancer, the IP should be set here. This is a regular expression, so it can support several load balancers, i.e: (|":["IP-адрес удаленного распределителя нагрузки или Passenger, где работает Foreman. Содержит регулярное выражение и допускает последовательное определение нескольких распределителей нагрузки, например:|"],"If checked, will raise an error if there is no default value and no matcher provide a value.":["Если установлен, генерирует ошибку в случае, если правило подстановки не присвоило значение и если значение по умолчанию тоже не задано."],"If owner type is specified, owner must be specified too.":[""],"If true, will raise an error if there is no default value and no matcher provide a value":["Если установлено, вызовет ошибку, если не установлено значение по умолчанию и не найдет поставщик значения"],"If you are planning to use Foreman as an external node classifier you should provide information about one or more environments. This information is commonly imported from a pre-existing Puppet configuration by the use of the %{link_start}Puppet classes and environment importer%{link_end}.":[""],"If you feel this is an error with Foreman itself, please open a new issue with":["Если вы считаете, что ошибка связана непосредственно с Foreman, создайте отчет."],"If you wish to configure Puppet to forward it reports to Foreman, please follow":["Чтобы настроить получение отчетов от Puppet, см."],"Ignore Puppet facts for provisioning":["Игнорировать факты Puppet"],"Ignore facts for domain":[""],"Ignore facts for operating system":[""],"Ignore interfaces that match these values during facts importing, you can use * wildcard to match names with indexes e.g. macvtap*":["Определяет шаблон, позволяющий игнорировать интерфейсы при импорте фактов. Для выбора нескольких интерфейсов допускается использовать знаки подстановки, например macvtap*"],"Ignore interfaces with matching identifier":["Игнорировать интерфейсы в соответствии с шаблоном"],"Ignored classes in the environments: %s":[""],"Ignored environment":[""],"Ignored environment names resulting in booleans found. Please quote strings like true/false and yes/no in config/ignored_environments.yml.":[""],"Ignored environments: %s":[""],"Ignored:":[""],"Image":["Образ"],"Image Based":["Из образа"],"Image ID":["Код образа"],"Image ID as provided by the compute resource, e.g. ami-..":["Код образа, выбранный ресурсом, например ami-..."],"Image path":["Путь к образу"],"Image to use":["Образ для использования"],"Images":["Образы"],"Image|Iam role":["Роль IAM"],"Image|Name":["Имя"],"Image|Password":["Пароль"],"Image|User data":["Пользовательские данные"],"Image|Username":["Имя пользователя"],"Image|Uuid":["UUID"],"Import":["Импорт"],"Import IPv4 subnets":[""],"Import VM %s":[""],"Import classes from %s":[""],"Import environments from %s":[""],"Import of facts failed for host %s":["Не удалось импортировать факты с узла %s"],"Import puppet classes from puppet proxy for an environment":["Импорт классов Puppet из прокси Puppet в окружение"],"Import puppet classes from puppet proxy.":["Импорт классов puppet из прокси puppet"],"Imported IPv4 Subnets":[""],"In addition to defining which puppet classes get included when building this host type you are also able to assign variables and provisioning information to a host group to further refine the behavior of the puppet runtime.":["Вы сможете определить не только классы Puppet для новых узлов, но также переменные и другие характеристики, контролирующие поведение группы."],"In order to create the SSH key, the user must be saved first. A 'create_ssh_keys' permission is required too.":[""],"In-line code syntax":[""],"Include default value when merging all matching values":["При объединении совпадающих значений также включить значение, используемое по умолчанию"],"Include default value when merging all matching values.":["При объединении совпадающих значений также включить значение, используемое по умолчанию."],"Include this host within Foreman reporting":["Включить этот узел в отчетность Foreman"],"Included Classes":["Включенные классы"],"Included Config Groups":["Включенные группы конфигурации"],"Incorrect password":["Неправильный пароль"],"Incorrect username or password":["Неверное имя или пароль"],"Independent - Nonpersistent":[""],"Independent - Persistent":[""],"Infrastructure":["Инфраструктура"],"Inherit parent (%s)":["Наследовать от родителя (%s)"],"Inherited Classes from %s":[""],"Inherits from subnet VLAN ID if not set":["Если не задан, наследует идентификатор VLAN подсети"],"Input":["Ввод"],"Installation Media":["Установочный носитель"],"Installation media":["Установочные носители"],"Installation medium configuration":["Конфигурация установочного носителя"],"Installed":["Установлено"],"Interface":["Интерфейс"],"Interface is down":["Интерфейс отключен"],"Interface is up":["Интерфейс подключен"],"Interface provider, e.g. IPMI. 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По умолчанию %{default_nic_type}"],"Interface's DNS name":["DNS-имя интерфейса"],"Interfaces":["Интерфейсы"],"Internal DB":["Внутренняя БД"],"Internal network":["Внутренняя сеть"],"Interpolate ERB in parameters":["Интерполировать ERB в параметрах"],"Invalid %s selection, you must select at least one of yours":["Неверно выделение %s, Вы должны выбрать как минимум один свой"],"Invalid Host":["Неверный узел"],"Invalid architecture '%{arch}' for '%{os}'":[""],"Invalid architecture for %s":["Неверная архитектура для %s"],"Invalid authenticity token":["Неверный ключ аутентификации"],"Invalid log level: %s":["Недопустимый уровень ведения журнала: %s"],"Invalid medium '%{medium}' for '%{os}'":[""],"Invalid medium for %s":["Неверных носитель для %s"],"Invalid power state request: %{action}, supported actions are %{supported}":["Недопустимый запрос управления питанием: %{action}. Возможные действия: %{supported}"],"Invalid proxy selected!":["Выбран неверный прокси."],"Invalid query":["Неверный запрос"],"Invalid report":["Недействительный отчет"],"Invalid search query: %s":["Неверный запрос поиска: %s"],"Invalid smart-proxy id":[""],"Invalid type for host creation via facts: %s":["Неверный тип для создаваемого узла: %s"],"Invalid version format, please enter in x.y (only major version).":["Не верный формат версии, введите x.y (только основной релиз)."],"Is the cron job that executes %s enabled?":["Настройте периодическое задание для выполнения %s."],"Issue tracker":["Отслеживание задач"],"It is not possible to assign provisioning templates at this stage.":["В данный момент подготовительные шаблоны не могут быть выбраны."],"It is not recommended to unlock this template, as it is provided by %{vendor} and may be overwritten. Please consider cloning it instead.":["Так как шаблон был предоставлен %{vendor}, который может его перезаписать в любое время, разблокирование не рекомендуется. Чтобы изменить шаблон, рассмотрите возможность его клонирования."],"Item":["Элемент"],"Iterating":[""],"JSON VM listing is not supported for this compute resource.":["Вывод списка виртуальных машин в формате jSON для этого вычислительного ресурса не поддерживается."],"JSON object of the scheduler hint":[""],"Keep selected hosts for a future action":["Запомнить выбранные узлы для следующей операции"],"Key Binding":["Комбинации клавиш"],"Key not connected to any compute resource":[""],"Key pair":["Пара ключей"],"Key used with other compute resource":[""],"KeyPair|Name":["Имя"],"KeyPair|Public":["Открытый"],"KeyPair|Secret":["Закрытый"],"Kind":["Тип"],"LDAP Authentication":["Аутентификация LDAP"],"LDAP authentication":["LDAP"],"LDAP authentication sources":["Источники идентификации LDAP"],"LDAP error - %{message}":["Ошибка LDAP - %{message}"],"LDAP filter":["Фильтр LDAP"],"LDAP server":["Сервер LDAP"],"LDAP users will have their Foreman account automatically created the first time they 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information ...":["Загрузка информации о виртуальной машине..."],"Loading virtual machines information ...":["Загрузка информации о виртуальных машинах..."],"Local boot %s template":[""],"Local time":["Местное время"],"Location":["Местоположение"],"Location Distribution":[""],"Location fact":["Факт: местоположение"],"Location parameters":["Параметры местоположения"],"Location with id %{id} not found":[""],"Location you had selected as your context has been deleted.":["Выбранное местоположение было удалено."],"Location/Organization":["Местоположение/организация"],"Locations":["Местоположения"],"Locations also work nicely when used in tandem with %{organizations}.":["Оптимальная комбинация будет включать и местоположения, и %{organizations}."],"Locations are used to manage and differentiate the physical place where a system managed via Foreman is housed. For example, there might be a data center in London and one in Virginia; these are locations.":[""],"Lock":["Заблокировать"],"Log In":[""],"Log entry details":["Сведения о записи в журнале"],"Log out":["Выход"],"Log out idle users after a certain number of minutes":["Завершать сеанс пользователя по истечении заданного периода бездействия (в минутах)"],"Logged out - See you soon":["Сеанс завершен"],"Logged-in":["Авторизован"],"Login":["Вход"],"Login delegation logout URL":["URL перенаправления после выхода"],"Login page footer text":[""],"Logout":["Выход"],"Lookup key":["Ключ поиска"],"Lookup value":["Значение поиска"],"LookupKey|Avoid duplicates":[""],"LookupKey|Default value":["По умолчанию"],"LookupKey|Description":[""],"LookupKey|Is param":[""],"LookupKey|Key":[""],"LookupKey|Key type":[""],"LookupKey|Merge overrides":[""],"LookupKey|Override":[""],"LookupKey|Path":[""],"LookupKey|Puppetclass lookup key":[""],"LookupKey|Required":[""],"LookupKey|Validator rule":[""],"LookupKey|Validator type":[""],"LookupKey|Variable lookup values count":[""],"LookupValue|Match":["Соответствие"],"LookupValue|Value":["Значение"],"MAC":["MAC"],"MAC Address":["MAC-адрес"],"MAC address":["MAC-адрес"],"MAC address of interface. 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Чтобы запретить автоматическое создание, оставьте пустым."],"Name of the host group":["Имя группы узлов"],"Name of the parameter":["Название параметра"],"Name of variable":["Имя переменной"],"Nest":["Вложить"],"Netmask":["Маска сети"],"Netmask for this subnet":["Маска этой подсети"],"Network":["Сеть"],"Network Based":["По сети"],"Network can't be blank":[""],"Network interfaces":["Сетевые интерфейсы"],"Network interfaces management has been moved to the Interfaces tab. Please set your interfaces there.":["Сетевой интерфейс управления был перемещен на вкладку интерфейсы. 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"],"No audit changes for this period":["Нет изменений аудита за этот период"],"No bridges":["Нет мостов"],"No changes":["Нет изменений"],"No changes found when refreshing features from %s.":["Нет изменений с %s "],"No changes to your environments detected":["Нет изменений в окружениях"],"No compute resource to show":["Нет вычислительных ресурсов"],"No data available":[""],"No data for this trend.":["Нет данных для отслеживания динамики."],"No documentation found":["Документация не найдена"],"No domains":["Нет доменов"],"No emails":["Нет"],"No entries found":["Нет записей"],"No environment selected!":["Окружение не выбрано."],"No environments found":["Окружений не найдено."],"No features found on this proxy, please make sure you enable at least one feature":["Функции прокси не включены. Включите хотя бы одну функцию."],"No finish templates were found for this host, make sure you define at least one in your %s settings":["Шаблоны не найдены. 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Для этого используйте «puppet»."],"No subnets":["Нет подсетей"],"No template with kind %{kind} for %{host}":["Нет шаблона с типом %{kind} для %{host}"],"No templates found":["Шаблоны не найдены."],"No templates found for this host.":["Не удалось найти шаблоны для этого узла."],"No templates found!":["Нет шаблонов."],"No trend counter defined":["Нет показателей."],"No trend counter found":["Показателей не найдено."],"None":["Нет"],"None found":["Не найдено"],"None!":["Нет."],"Normal":["Обычный"],"Normally when setting up a Compute Resource, a key pair (private and public) is created for you automatically.":[""],"Not Installed":["Не установлено"],"Not authorized to edit classes":["Недостаточно разрешений для изменения классов"],"Not implemented":["Не реализовано"],"Not implemented for %s":["Не реализовано для %s"],"Not relevant for snippet":["Неприменимо к фрагменту"],"Nothing to add":["Нечего добавить"],"Nothing to show":["Нет результатов"],"Notice":["Примечание"],"Notices, warnings and errors":["Примечания, предупреждения и ошибки"],"Notification disabled":["Уведомления отключены"],"Notifications":["Уведомления"],"Number Of Clients":["Число клиентов"],"Number of CPUs":["Количество процессоров"],"Number of Events":["Число событий"],"Number of Hosts":["Количество узлов"],"Number of classes":["Классы"],"Number of overrides":["Переопределено"],"Number of records shown per page in Foreman":["Число элементов на странице в Foreman"],"Numerical ID or domain name":["Цифровой код или имя домена"],"Numerical ID or email notification name":["Цифровой код или имя почтового уведомления"],"Numerical ID or realm name":["Цифровой код или имя области"],"OAuth active":["OAuth включен"],"OAuth consumer key":["Ключ клиента OAuth"],"OAuth consumer secret":["Секретный ключ клиента OAuth"],"OAuth map users":["Включить OAuth"],"OK":["ОК"],"OS Image":["Образ ОС"],"OS friendly name; e.g. RHEL 6.5":["Описательное имя операционной системы (например, RHEL 6.5)"],"OS major version from facter; e.g. 6":["Фактический основной номер выпуска операционной системы, например 6"],"OS minor version from facter; e.g. 5":["Версия операционной системы (например, 5)"],"OS name from facter; e.g. RedHat":["Фактическое имя операционной системы, например RedHat"],"Obsolete":["Устарело"],"Off":["Выкл."],"Ok":["ОК"],"Old":["Старое"],"Omit":[""],"Omit from classification output":[""],"Omit parameter from classification":[""],"On":["Вкл."],"Only for BMC interfaces.":["Только для интерфейсов BMC."],"Only known Smart Proxies may access features that use Smart Proxy authentication":["Только известные капсулы могут выполнять функции капсулы авторизации"],"Only one declaration of a proxy is allowed":["Объявление этого прокси уже существует"],"Only one volume can be bootable":["Только один том может быть загрузочным"],"Oops!!":["Упс!!"],"Oops, we're sorry but something went wrong":["Произошла ошибка"],"Open Spice in a new window":["Открыть Spice в новом окне"],"Operating System":["Операционная система"],"Operating System version is required":["Необходимо указать версию операционной системы"],"Operating Systems":["Операционные системы"],"Operating system":["Операционная система"],"Operating system ID":["Код операционной системы"],"Operating system IDs":["Коды операционных систем"],"Operating system default":["Стандартный для операционной системы"],"Operating system family":["Семейство операционных систем"],"Operating system family, available values: %{operatingsystem_families}":["Семейство операционных систем, доступные значения: %{operatingsystem_families}"],"Operating system version already exists":["Версия операционной системы уже существует"],"Operating systems":["Операционные системы"],"Operating systems API supported?":[""],"Operatingsystem":["ОС"],"Operatingsystem|Description":["Описание"],"Operatingsystem|Hostgroups count":["Количество групп узлов"],"Operatingsystem|Hosts count":["Количество узлов"],"Operatingsystem|Major":["Выпуск"],"Operatingsystem|Minor":["Версия"],"Operatingsystem|Name":["Имя"],"Operatingsystem|Nameindicator":["Индикатор"],"Operatingsystem|Password hash":["Хэш пароля"],"Operatingsystem|Release name":["Название выпуска"],"Operatingsystem|Title":["Заголовок"],"Operation":["Операция"],"Operators":["Операторы"],"Optional array of log hashes":["Доп. массив хэшей журнала"],"Optional comma-delimited string containing either 'new', 'updated', or 'obsolete' that is used to limit the imported Puppet classes":["Дополнительная строка для ограничения списка импортируемых классов. 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If left blank, a self-signed CA will be populated automatically by the server during the first request.":["Дополнительный поставщик ключей авторизации, или цепочки ключей авторизации. Если пусто, то будет использован самоподписанный сертификат при первом обращении к серверу."],"Order":["Порядок"],"Organization":["Организация"],"Organization Distribution":[""],"Organization fact":["Факт: организация"],"Organization parameters":["Параметры организации"],"Organization with id %{id} not found":[""],"Organization you had selected as your context has been deleted.":["Ваша рабочая организация была удалена."],"Organizations":["Организации"],"Organizations also work nicely in tandem with %{locations}.":["Организации и %{locations} составляют оптимальную комбинацию."],"Original value info":["Сведения об исходном значении"],"Other reports for this host":["Все отчеты по узлу"],"Out of sync":["Не синхронизирован"],"Out of sync hosts":["Не синхронизированы"],"Out of sync hosts with alerts enabled":[""],"Out of sync interval":["Интервал потери синхронизации"],"Override all parameters":["Перезаписать все параметры"],"Override match":["Условие переопределения"],"Override the default value of the Puppet class parameter.":["Здесь можно переопределить исходное значение параметра класса Puppet."],"Override this value":["Переопределить значение"],"Override value, required if omit is false":[""],"Overview":["Обзор"],"Overwrite":["Перезаписать"],"Owned By":["Владелец"],"Owner":["Владелец"],"Owner changed to %s":["Владелец изменен на %s"],"Owner type needs to be one of the following: %s":["Выберите тип владельца из предложенных вариантов: %s"],"POAP PXE template":[""],"PXE":["PXE"],"PXE Loader":[""],"PXE files for templates %s have been deployed to all Smart Proxies":[""],"PXE loader":[""],"PXEGrub template":["Шаблон PXEGrub"],"PXEGrub2 template":[""],"PXELinux template":["Шаблон PXELinux"],"Param name":["Имя параметра"],"Parameter":["Параметр"],"Parameter details":["Сведения о параметре"],"Parameter value":["Значение параметра"],"Parameterized classes in ENC":["Параметризованные классы в ENC"],"Parameters":["Параметры"],"Parameters for host's %s facet":["Параметры дополнительного аспекта узла (%s)"],"Parameters that would be associated with hosts in this %s":["Параметры, которые будут настроены для узлов в %s"],"Parameter|Hidden value":["Скрытое значение"],"Parameter|Name":["Имя"],"Parameter|Priority":["Приоритет"],"Parameter|Value":["Значение"],"Params":["Параметры"],"Parent":["Родитель"],"Parent ID":["Родительский код"],"Parent ID of the host group":["Родительский код для группы узлов"],"Parent is already selected":["Родитель уже выбран"],"Parent parameters":["Родительские параметры"],"Partition Tables":["Таблицы разделов"],"Partition table":["Таблица разделов"],"Partition table ID":["Код таблицы разделов"],"Partition table configuration":["Настройка таблицы разделов"],"Partition tables":["Таблицы разделов"],"Partition template IDs":["Код шаблона таблицы разделов"],"Password":["Пароль"],"Password for oVirt, EC2, VMware, OpenStack. 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provisioning?":["Должен ли интерфейс контролироваться капсулой DHCP и DNS? В этом случае он будет настроен во время подготовки узла."],"Should this interface be used for TFTP of PXELinux (or SSH for image-based hosts)? Each managed hosts needs to have one provision interface.":["Должен ли интерфейс использоваться для сетевой загрузки по TFTP (или SSH на узлах, устанавливаемых из образа)? Каждый управляемый узел должен иметь один подготовительный интерфейс."],"Should this interface be used for constructing the FQDN of the host? Each managed hosts needs to have one primary interface.":["Должен ли интерфейс использоваться для формирования FQDN-имени узла? Каждый управляемый узел должен иметь один первичный интерфейс."],"Show %s fact values for all hosts":["Показать значения %s для всех узлов"],"Show :a_resource":["Показать :a_resource"],"Show Diff":["Показать различия"],"Show Host":["Показать узел"],"Show Trends":["Показать динамику изменений"],"Show a Puppet class":["Показать класс Puppet"],"Show a Puppet class for a host group":["Показать класс Puppet группы узлов"],"Show a Puppet class for an environment":["Показать класс Puppet окружения"],"Show a Puppet class for host":["Показать класс Puppet узла"],"Show a bookmark":["Показать закладку"],"Show a compute profile":["Показать вычислительный профиль"],"Show a compute resource":["Показать вычислительный ресурс"],"Show a config group":["Показать группу конфигурации"],"Show a default template combination for an operating system":["Показать комбинацию шаблонов по умолчанию для операционной системы"],"Show a domain":["Показать домен"],"Show a filter":["Показать фильтр"],"Show a global parameter":["Показать глобальный параметр"],"Show a hardware model":["Показать оборудование"],"Show a host":["Показать узел"],"Show a host group":["Показать группу узлов"],"Show a medium":["Показать носитель"],"Show a nested parameter for a domain":["Показать вложенный параметр домена"],"Show a nested parameter for a host":["Показать вложенный параметр узла"],"Show a nested parameter for a host group":["Показать вложенный параметр группы узлов"],"Show a nested parameter for a location":["Показать вложенный параметр местоположения"],"Show a nested parameter for a subnet":[""],"Show a nested parameter for an operating system":["Показать вложенный параметр операционной системы"],"Show a nested parameter for an organization":["Показать вложенный параметр организации"],"Show a partition table":["Показать таблицу разделов"],"Show a permission":["Показать разрешение"],"Show a realm":["Показать область"],"Show a report":["Показать отчет"],"Show a role":["Показать роль"],"Show a setting":["Показать настройки"],"Show a smart class parameter":["Создать смарт-параметр"],"Show a smart proxy":["Показать капсулу"],"Show a smart variable":["Показать смарт-переменную"],"Show a subnet":["Показать подсеть"],"Show a user":["Показать пользователя"],"Show a user group":["Показать группу пользователя"],"Show all %s children fact values":["Показать подчиненные значения %s"],"Show all %s facts with the same value":[""],"Show an LDAP authentication source":["Показать источник идентификации LDAP"],"Show an SSH key from a user":[""],"Show an architecture":["Показать архитектуру"],"Show an audit":["Показать проверку"],"Show an email notification":["Показать почтовое уведомление"],"Show an environment":["Показать окружение"],"Show an external user group for LDAP authentication source":["Показать внешнюю группу пользователя для источника идентификации LDAP"],"Show an external user group for user group":["Показать внешнюю группу пользователя для группы пользователя"],"Show an image":["Показать образ"],"Show an interface for host":["Показать интерфейс узла"],"Show an operating system":["Показать операционную систему"],"Show an override value for a specific smart class parameter":["Показать значение переопределения для смарт-параметра"],"Show an override value for a specific smart variable":["Показать значение переопределения смарт-переменной"],"Show available API links":["Показать ссылки доступных API"],"Show distribution chart":["Показать график распределения"],"Show full value":["Показать полностью"],"Show host power status":[""],"Show linked external user groups":["Показать связанные внешние группы пользователей"],"Show log messages:":["Показать сообщения из журнала"],"Show power status on host index page. This feature calls to compute resource providers which may lead to decreased performance on host listing page.":[""],"Show provisioning template details":["Показать подробную информацию о подготовительном шаблоне"],"Show status":["Показать состояние"],"Show template combination":["Показать комбинацию шаблонов"],"Show the last report for a host":["Показать последний отчет узла"],"Sign":["Подписать"],"Single host on this page is selected.":["",""],"Size":["Размер"],"Size (GB)":["Размер (ГБ)"],"Skip assign hosts and proceed to edit %s settings":["Пропустить выбор узлов и перейти к следующему шагу"],"Skipped":["Пропущено"],"Skipped|S":["П"],"Smart Class Parameter":["Смарт-параметры"],"Smart Proxies":["Капсулы"],"Smart Proxy":["Капсула"],"Smart Proxy: %s":["Капсула: %s"],"Smart Variables":["Смарт-переменные"],"Smart class parameters":["Смарт-параметры"],"Smart proxies":["Капсулы"],"Smart proxy":["Смарт-прокси"],"Smart proxy IDs":["Код капсулы"],"Smart variables":["Смарт-переменные"],"SmartProxy|Name":["Имя"],"SmartProxy|Url":["URL"],"Snippet":["Фрагмент"],"Some Puppet Classes are unavailable in the selected environment":[""],"Some imported user account details cannot be saved: %s":[""],"Some interfaces are invalid":["Некоторые интерфейсы не верны"],"Some of the interfaces are invalid. Please check the table below.":["Обнаружены ошибки в настройках интерфейсов (см. таблицу)."],"Some or all hosts execution failed, Please check log files for more information":["Не удалось выполнить операции на некоторых узлах. Подробную информацию можно найти в журналах."],"Some other interface is already set as primary. Are you sure you want to use this one instead?":["Другой интерфейс уже выбран как первичный. Вы действительно хотите его заменить?"],"Some other interface is already set as provisioning. Are you sure you want to use this one instead?":["Другой интерфейс выбран как подготовительный. Вы точно хотите его заменить?"],"Something went wrong while changing host type - %s":["Ошибка при изменении типа узла: %s"],"Something went wrong while selecting hosts - %s":["Непредвиденное поведение при выборе узлов: %s"],"Sorry but no templates were configured.":["Нет настроенных шаблонов."],"Sorry, these hosts do not have parameters assigned to them, you must add them first.":["Сначала необходимо настроить параметры для этих узлов."],"Source":["Источник"],"Source|Digest":["Дайджест"],"Source|Value":["Значение"],"Space separated options, e.g. miimon=100. Only for bond interfaces.":["Список параметров через запятую, например: miimon=100. Только для агрегированных интерфейсов."],"Specified value is higher than recommended maximum":[""],"Specify additional options to sendmail":[""],"Specify authentication type, if required":[""],"Specify matchers":["Правила подстановки"],"Start":["Запуск"],"Starting IP Address for IP auto suggestion":["Начальный IP-адрес для автоматического предложения адресов"],"State":["Состояние"],"Static":["Статический"],"Statistics":["Статистика"],"Status":["Состояние"],"Stop updating IP address and MAC values from Puppet facts (affects all interfaces)":["Не обновлять IP и MAC-адреса на основе фактов Puppet (затрагивает все интерфейсы)"],"Stop updating Operating System from facts":[""],"Stop updating domain values from facts":[""],"Storage":["Пространство хранения данных"],"Storage domain":["Домен хранения данных"],"Storage pool":["Пул"],"Strong":["Сильный"],"Submit":["Применить"],"Subnet":["Подсеть"],"Subnet ID":["Код подсети"],"Subnet IDs":["Код подсети"],"Subnet name":["Имя подсети"],"Subnet network":["Подсети"],"Subnet numeric identifier":["Числовой идентификатор подсети"],"Subnets":["Подсети"],"Subnet|Boot mode":["Режим загрузки"],"Subnet|Dns primary":["Основной DNS"],"Subnet|Dns secondary":["Дополнительный DNS"],"Subnet|From":["Начиная с"],"Subnet|Gateway":["Шлюз"],"Subnet|Ipam":["Назначение IP"],"Subnet|Mask":["Маска"],"Subnet|Name":["Имя"],"Subnet|Network":["Сеть"],"Subnet|Priority":["Приоритет"],"Subnet|To":["Заканчивая"],"Subnet|Vlanid":["VLAN ID"],"Subscribe":["Подписаться"],"Subscribe to all hosts":[""],"Subscribe to my hosts":[""],"Success":["Успешно"],"Successfully created %s.":["Создание %s успешно завершено."],"Successfully delete %s":[""],"Successfully deleted %s.":["Удаление %s завершено."],"Successfully deleted report.":["Отчет успешно удален."],"Successfully executed, check log files for more details":["Выполнение успешно. Подробную информацию можно найти в журналах."],"Successfully executed, check reports and/or log files for more details":["Выполнение успешно. Подробную информацию можно найти в отчетах и журналах."],"Successfully overridden all parameters of Puppet class %s":["Успешно перезаписаны все параметры в классе Puppet %s"],"Successfully recreated":[""],"Successfully refreshed features from %s.":["Функции %s успешно обновлены."],"Successfully refreshed the cache.":[""],"Successfully reset all parameters of Puppet class %s to their default values":["Исходные значения параметров класса Puppet %s восстановлены."],"Successfully updated %s.":["Обновление %s завершено."],"Successfully updated environments and Puppet classes from the on-disk Puppet installation":["Окружения и классы Puppet обновлены в соответствии с дисковой установкой Puppet"],"Suffix or prefix length for this subnet, e.g. 32":[""],"Suggest new":["Предложить новый"],"Summary from %{time} ago to now":["Сводка с %{time} по настоящий момент"],"Summary report from Foreman server at %{foreman_url}":["Сводный отчет с сервера Foreman на %{foreman_url}"],"Support":["Поддержка"],"Supported Formats":["Поддерживаемые форматы"],"Synchronize group from authentication source":["Синхронизировать группу с источником авторизации"],"Syntax Highlighting":["Подсветка синтаксиса"],"Syntax error occurred while parsing the template %{template_name}, make sure you have all ERB tags properly closed and the Ruby syntax is valid. The Ruby error: %{message}":[""],"System Information":["Сведения о системе"],"System Status":["Состояние систем"],"TFTP":["TFTP"],"TFTP Proxy":["TFTP прокси"],"TFTP Proxy ID to use within this subnet":[""],"TFTP Proxy to use within this subnet":["TFTP-прокси для использования с этой подсетью"],"TFTP server":["Сервер TFTP"],"Taxable taxonomy":["Разбиение классификации"],"TaxableTaxonomy|Taxable type":["Тип классификации"],"Taxonomy":["Классификация"],"Taxonomy|Ancestry":["Предки"],"Taxonomy|Ignore types":["Игнорировать тип"],"Taxonomy|Name":["Название"],"Taxonomy|Title":["Заголовок"],"Template":["Шаблон"],"Template %s is empty.":["Шаблон %s пуст."],"Template '%s' is either missing or has an invalid organization or location":[""],"Template '%s' was not found":[""],"Template Diff":["Различия шаблонов"],"Template Type":["Тип шаблона"],"Template diff":["Различия шаблонов"],"Template editor":["Редактор шаблонов"],"Template kind":["Тип шаблона"],"Template kinds, available values: %{template_kinds}":["Тип шаблона. Возможные значения: %{template_kinds}"],"Template locked":["Шаблон заблокирован"],"Template syntax":[""],"Template that will be selected as %s default for local boot.":[""],"Template unlocked":["Шаблон разблокирован"],"TemplateKind|Name":["Имя"],"Templates":["Шаблоны"],"Templates resolved for this operating system":["Шаблоны для этой операционной системы"],"Tenant":["Арендатор"],"Test Connection":["Проверка соединения"],"Test LDAP connection":["Проверить подключение LDAP"],"Test LDAP connectivity":["Проверить подключение LDAP"],"Test connection to LDAP server was successful.":["Проверка соединения с сервером LDAP завершена успешно."],"Test connection was successful":["Проверка соединения завершена успешно"],"Test email":["Проверочное сообщение"],"Text to be shown in the login-page footer":[""],"That is, if you are planning to manage a site where all the machines are of the form <i>hostname</i>.<b></b>\\n then the domain is <b></b>.":[""],"The %{proxy_type} proxy could not be set for host: %{host_names}.":["Не удалось настроить прокси %{proxy_type} для узла %{host_names}.","Не удалось настроить прокси %{proxy_type} для узлов %{host_names}.","Не удалось настроить прокси %{proxy_type} для узлов %{host_names}.","Не удалось настроить прокси %{proxy_type} для узлов %{host_names}."],"The %{proxy_type} proxy of the selected hosts was cleared.":["Прокси %{proxy_type} был удален для выбранных узлов."],"The %{proxy_type} proxy of the selected hosts was set to %{proxy_name}.":["%{proxy_name} был настроен как %{proxy_type} для выбранных узлов."],"The <b>fullname</b> field is used for human readability in reports and other pages that refer to domains,\\n and also available as an external node parameter":["<b>Полное имя</b> облегчает чтение отчетов и также может использоваться в качестве параметра внешнего узла."],"The Audit Comment field is saved with the template auditing to document the template changes":["Комментарий описывает сделанные изменения и будет сохранен в журнале шаблона."],"The BMC password will be used by Foreman to access the host's BMC controller via a BMC-enabled smart proxy, if available.<br/>":[""],"The IP address that should be used for the console listen address when provisioning new virtual machines via Libvirt":["IP-адрес, используемый для прослушивания консоли Libvirt при подготовке новых виртуальных машин"],"The NFS path to the image directory.":["Путь NFS к каталогу с образами."],"The NFS path to the jumpstart control files.":["Путь NFS к управляющим файлам jumpstart."],"The NFS path to the media.":["Путь NFS к носителю."],"The Operating systems detail the OSs known to Foreman, and is the central point that the other required components tie into.":[""],"The Primary interface is used for constructing the FQDN of the host":["Первичный интерфейс используется для построения FQDN узла."],"The Provisioning interface is used for TFTP of PXELinux (or SSH for image-based hosts)":["Подготовительный интерфейс выбирается для загрузки PXELinux с использованием TFTP (или SSH для узлах, устанавливаемых из образов)"],"The authentication process currently requires an LDAP provider, such as <em>FreeIPA</em>,\\n <em>OpenLDAP</em> or <em>Microsoft's Active Directory</em>.":["Для этого надо настроить провайдер LDAP, например <em>FreeIPA</em>, <em>OpenLDAP</em>\\n или <em>Microsoft Active Directory</em>."],"The class of CPU supplied in this machine. This is primarily used by Sparc Solaris builds and can be left blank for other architectures. The value can be determined on Solaris via uname -m":["Класс процессора. Используется сборками Sparc Solaris и может быть оставлен пустым для других архитектур. Чтобы проверить это значение на Solaris, выполните «uname -m»"],"The class of the machine reported by the Open Boot Prom. This is primarily used by Sparc Solaris builds and can be left blank for other architectures. The value can be determined on Solaris via uname -i|cut -f2 -d,":["Класс компьютера в OpenBoot Prom. Используется сборками Sparc Solaris и может быть оставлен пустым для других архитектур. Чтобы проверить это значение на Solaris, выполните «uname -i|cut -f2 -d,»"],"The default administrator email address":["Адрес электронной почты администратора по умолчанию"],"The dynamic partitioning style is currently only available for the Red Hat family of operating systems, all others must provide an explicit list of partitions and sizes.":["Динамическое разбиение пока доступно только для операционных систем Red Hat — для остальных таблицы разделов надо настроить отдельно."],"The file path where your p12 file is located":["Путь к файлу p12"],"The final entry, Operating System default, can be set by editing the %s page.":["Стандартный шаблон для операционной системы можно настроить на странице %s."],"The following IPv4 subnets have been found. Please review the details before creating them.":[""],"The following entries were found conflicting with what foreman wanted to apply.":["Обнаружены конфликты записей со значениями, которые пытается применить Foreman."],"The following errors may prevent a successful build:":["Следующие ошибки могут предотвратить успешную сборку%"],"The following fields would need reviewing":["Проверьте значения выделенных полей"],"The following hosts failed the build operation: %s":["Операция сборки не удалась на узлах: %s"],"The following hosts were not %{action}: %{missed_hosts}":["Не удалось выполнить действие «%{action}» для узлов: %{missed_hosts}"],"The following hosts were not deleted: %s":["Следующие узлы не были удалены: %s"],"The following hosts were updated":["Следующие узлы были обновлены"],"The following parameters were skipped as they did not exists on this host:":["Некоторые параметры не заданы на узле и были пропущены:"],"The following table and example snippet shows global methods, variables and class methods and how to use them.":[""],"The full DNS domain name":["Полное DNS-имя домена"],"The host group's classes and the host group's variables are included in the external node information when the puppetmaster compiles the host's configuration.":["При формировании конфигурации внешнего узла переменные и классы группы тоже будут включены."],"The inclusion of the keyword string <b>#Dynamic</b> at the start of a line lets Foreman know that this is not an explicit disk layout and must treated as a shell script, executed prior\\n to the install process and that the explicit partition table will be found at <b>/tmp/diskpart.cfg</b> during the build process.":["Ключевое слово <b>#Dynamic</b> в начале строки отмечает ее как сценарий оболочки, который должен запускаться до начала установки. \\nВ этом случае таблицу разделов можно будет найти в файле <b>/tmp/diskpart.cfg</b>."],"The keys can be used in provisioning templates and are also available for configuration management tools managed by Foreman.":[""],"The keywords <b>$version</b>, <b>$major</b> and <b>$minor</b> will be interpolated back into the path specification to calculate the true URL address.":["Переменные <b>$version</b>, <b>$major</b> и <b>$minor</b> в адресной строке помогут точно определить версию операционной системы."],"The list is excluding %{count} %{link_start}physical host%{link_end}.":["",""],"The location of the sendmail executable":[""],"The marked fields will need reviewing":["Проверьте выделенные поля"],"The method used to provision the host. Possible provision_methods may be %{provision_methods}":["Метод подготовки узла. Возможные методы: %{provision_methods}"],"The order in which matchers keys are processed, first match wins.<br> You may use multiple attributes as a matcher key, for example, an order of <code>host group, environment</code> would expect a matcher such as <code>hostgroup = \\\"web servers\\\", environment = production</code>":["Ключи обрабатываются по порядку, до первого совпадения.<br>Допускается одновременное использование нескольких атрибутов — например, для последовательности <code>host group, environment</code> условие подстановки может выглядеть так: <code>hostgroup = \\\"web servers\\\", environment = production</code>"],"The order in which values are resolved":["Порядок обработки значений"],"The password will also be accessible to other users via templates and in the ENC YAML output; disable the bmc_credentials_accessible setting to prevent access.":[""],"The password will not be accessible to other users; enable the bmc_credentials_accessible setting to permit access via templates and in the ENC YAML output.":[""],"The path to the medium, can be a URL or a valid NFS server (exclusive of the architecture).\\n for example <em>$version/os/$arch</em> where <strong>$arch</strong> will be substituted for the host's actual OS architecture and <strong>$version</strong>, <strong>$major</strong> and <strong>$minor</strong> will be substituted for the version of the operating system. Solaris and Debian media may also use <strong>$release</strong>.":["Содержит URL или адрес NFS-сервера.\\n Пример: <em>$version/os/$arch</em>, где <strong>$arch</strong> — архитектура, а <strong>$version</strong> — версия операционной системы. Для Solaris и Debian может быть также указан <strong>$release</strong>."],"The power state of the selected hosts will be set to %s":["Состояние электропитания выбранных узлов будет изменено на %s"],"The realm name, e.g. EXAMPLE.COM":["Имя области, например EXAMPLE.COM"],"The remote system presented a public key signed by an unidentified certificate authority. If you are sure the remote system is authentic, go to the compute resource edit page, press the 'Test Connection' or 'Load Datacenters' button and submit":["Открытый ключ удаленной системы подписан неподтвержденным центром сертификации. Если вы уверены в подлинности этой системы, перейдите на страницу редактирования вычислительного ресурса, нажмите кнопку «Проверить подключение» или «Загрузить центры данных» и отправьте"],"The remote system presented a public key with hash %s but we're expecting a different hash. If you are sure the remote system is authentic, go to the compute resource edit page, press the 'Test Connection' or 'Load Datacenters' button and submit":["Удаленная система предоставила открытый ключ с хэшем %s. Если вы уверены в подлинности этой системы, перейдите на страницу редактирования вычислительного ресурса, нажмите кнопку «Проверить подключение» или «Загрузить центры данных» и отправьте"],"The selected hosts were enabled for reboot and rebuild":["Выбранные узлы были добавлены в список перезагрузки и пересборки"],"The selected hosts will execute a build operation on next reboot":["Операция сборки на выбранных узлах будет запущена после перезагрузки"],"The snippet '%{name}' threw an error: %{exc}":[""],"The template is associated to at least one host in build mode. To apply the change, disable and enable build mode on hosts to update the live templates or choose to %s their configuration from 'Select Action' menu":["Этот шаблон связан как минимум с одним узлом, находящимся в режиме сборки. Для того чтобы применить изменения, отключите и снова включите режим сборки (это действие поможет обновить шаблон) или выберите «%s» в меню «Действия»."],"The user that is used to ssh into the instance, normally cloud-user, ec2-user, ubuntu, root etc":["Пользователь, который будет устанавливать SSH-соединение с экземпляром (cloud-user, ec2-user, ubuntu, root и т.п.)"],"The virtual machine is being deleted.":["Удаление виртуальной машины..."],"There are migrations pending in the system.":[""],"There are no puppet environments set up on this puppet master. Please check the puppet master configuration.":["На этом мастер-сервере Puppet не настроено ни одного окружения Puppet. Проверьте настройки мастер-сервера."],"There are orchestration modules with methods for configuration rebuild that have identical name: '%s'":["В модулях оркестрации обнаружены методы пересборки конфигурации с идентичными именами: «%s»"],"There are two strategies when using host groups.":["Существует два основных метода работы с группами:"],"There is":["Обнаружен","Обнаружено","Обнаружено","Обнаружено"],"There is no owner with id %d and type %s":[""],"There is no proxy with BMC feature set up. Please register a smart proxy with this feature.":["Нет прокси с возможностью установки BMC. Зарегистрируйте капсулу с поддержкой этой функции."],"There was an error creating the PXE file: %s":[""],"There was an error listing %{listing}: %{errors}":[""],"There was an error listing VMs: %(status)s %(statusText)s":["Произошла ошибка при получении списка виртуальных машин: %(status)s %(statusText)s"],"There was an error rendering the %s template: ":["Произошла ошибка при формировании шаблона %s:"],"There was an error rendering the %{name} template: %{error}":["Произошла ошибка при формировании шаблона %{name}: %{error}"],"There was no active bridge interface found in libvirt, if it does not support listing, you can enter the bridge name manually (e.g. br0)":["Активных мостовых интерфейсов в Libvirt не обнаружено. Если Libvirt не поддерживает возможность получения списка интерфейсов, введите имя моста в явном виде."],"These are guaranteed to work via the safe mode rendering, to ensure a template can do nothing harmful.":[""],"These two options are personal decisions and are up to you (where the main difference would be the parameter/variables settings).":["Оба подхода равноправны и отличаются лишь настройками параметров и переменных."],"Thin provision":["Динамическая подготовка"],"This Puppet class has no parameters in its signature.":["Подпись класса Puppet не содержит параметров."],"This allows Foreman to associate a puppet variable with a domain/site and automatically append this variable to all external node requests made by machines at that site.":["Foreman позволяет создать переменную puppet с именем домена и автоматически добавлять ее значение ко всем запросам, отправляемым с этого сайта внешним узлам."],"This group has nested groups!":["Эта группа содержит другие группы"],"This group has no roles":[""],"This host's stored facts and reports will be deleted too.":["Все факты и отчеты этого узла тоже будут удалены."],"This is a test message to confirm that Foreman's email configuration is working.":["Настоящее сообщение служит подтверждением того, что параметры электронной почты были настроены верно."],"This is for every location and organization that uses it.":["Эта операция выполняется для каждой использующей его организации и местоположения."],"This is for every location that uses it.":["Эта операция выполняется для каждого использующего его местоположения."],"This is for every organization that uses it.":["Эта операция выполняется для каждой использующей его организации."],"This is inherited from parent":["Унаследован от родителя"],"This is used by a host":["Используется узлом"],"This might take a while, as all hosts, facts and reports will be destroyed as well":["Это может занять некоторое время, так как в ходе выполнения будут удалены узлы, статистика и отчеты"],"This role has been cloned from role %s":[""],"This role is locked for editing.":[""],"This role is locked from being modified by users.":[""],"This setting is defined in the configuration file '%{filename}' and is read-only.":[""],"This template is locked and may not be removed.":["Шаблон заблокирован и не может быть удален."],"This template is locked for editing.":["Этот шаблон заблокирован для редактирования"],"This template is locked. Please clone it to a new template to customize.":["Шаблон заблокирован. Пожалуйста скопируйте его для создания своего шаблона."],"This template is locked. You may only change the associations. Please %s it to customize.":["Этот шаблон заблокирован. Вы можете изменить только его ассоциации. Чтобы внести изменения в шаблон, нажмите %s."],"This value is not hidden":[""],"This value is used also as the host's primary interface name.":["Это значение также используется для обозначения первичного интерфейса узла."],"This will reset parameters of the class %s to their default values. Continue?":["Будут восстановлены исходные параметры класса %s. Продолжить?"],"This will set all parameters of the class %s as overridden. Continue?":["Это установит все параметры класса %s как перезаписываемые. Продолжить?"],"Time":["Время"],"Time in Seconds":["Время в секундах"],"Time in minutes installation tokens should be valid for, 0 to disable token generation":["Время действия установочного ключа в минутах (0, чтобы отключить генерацию)"],"Timeout for DNS conflict validation (in seconds)":["Максимальное время ожидания, прежде чем будет зарегистрирован конфликт DNS (в секундах)"],"Timeout has occurred while communicating with %s":["Время ожидания связи с %s истекло"],"To define trend counters, use the Add Trend Counter button.</br> To start collecting trend data, set a cron job to execute 'foreman-rake trends:counter' every Puppet Interval (%s minutes).":["Для того чтобы определить новый показатель, нажмите кнопку «Добавить».</br>Чтобы начать сбор статистики, создайте периодическое задание для запуска «foreman-rake trends:counter» с интервалом %s минут (определяется Puppet)"],"To enable a provider, either install the OS package (e.g. foreman-libvirt) or enable the bundler group for development setup (e.g. ovirt).":["Чтобы добавить новый компонент, установите соответствующий пакет (например, foreman-libvirt) или включите необходимую пакетную группу (например, ovirt)"],"To enable safe mode, navigate to Settings page and enable Safemode rendering option.":[""],"To start collecting trend data, set a cron job to execute <span class='black'>foreman-rake trends:counter</span> every Puppet Interval (%s minutes)":["Чтобы начать сбор статистики, создайте задание cron для запуска <span class='black'>foreman-rake trends:counter</span> с интервалом %s минут (определяется Puppet)"],"To update the class signature, go to the Puppet Classes page and select \\\"Import\\\".":["Чтобы обновить подпись, перейдите на страницу классов Puppet и нажмите «Импорт»."],"Toggle":["Состояние"],"Token":["Токен"],"Token duration":["Время действия установочного ключа"],"Token expired":[""],"Token|Expires":["Истекает"],"Token|Value":["Значение"],"Total":["Всего"],"Total Hosts: %s":["Всего: %s"],"Total hosts count":[""],"Total of one host":["Всего один узел","Всего %{hosts} узла","","Всего %{hosts} узлов"],"Trend":["Динамика изменений"],"Trend counter":["Показатель"],"Trend of the last %s days.":["Распределение за %s дн."],"TrendCounter|Count":["Число"],"Trends":["Динамика"],"Trends for %s":["Динамика %s"],"Trend|Fact name":["Факт"],"Trend|Fact value":["Значение"],"Trend|Name":["Экранное имя"],"Trend|Trendable type":["Тип"],"Trigger a puppetrun on a node; requires that puppet run is enabled":["Разрешить выполнение puppetrun на узле"],"Troubleshooting":["Диагностика"],"True/False flag whether a host is managed or unmanaged. Note: this value also determines whether several parameters are required or not":["Флаг True/False сообщает, является ли узел контролируемым. Кроме того, в зависимости от этого значения может потребоваться настроить дополнительные параметры."],"Trusted puppetmaster hosts":["Доверенные узлы puppetmaster"],"Try going to %{href}":["Попробуйте пройти по %{href}"],"Type":["Тип"],"Type of name generator":[""],"Type of realm, e.g. FreeIPA":["Тип области, например FreeIPA"],"Type or protocol, IPv4 or IPv6, defaults to IPv4":[""],"Types of validation values":["Типы значений проверок"],"Types of variable values":["Типы значений переменных"],"URL":["URL"],"URL for %{providers_requiring_url}":[""],"URL hosts will retrieve templates from during build (normally http as many installers don't support https)":["URL-адрес, с которого узлы будут получать шаблоны во время сборки (обычно http, так как многие установщики не поддерживают https)"],"URL must be valid and schema must be one of %s":["Укажите действительный URL и схему. Допускается использовать %s"],"URL where your Foreman instance is reachable (see also Provisioning > unattended_url)":["Адрес экземпляра Foreman (см. «Подготовка» > «URL сопровождения»)"],"UTC time of report":["Время отчета (UTC)"],"UUID":["UUID"],"UUID to track orchestration tasks status, GET /api/orchestration/:UUID/tasks":["UUID для отслеживания состояния задач оркестрации, GET /api/orchestration/:UUID/tasks"],"Unable to access key":["Ключ недоступен"],"Unable to authenticate user %s":["Не удалось авторизовать пользователя %s"],"Unable to change VM display listen address, make sure the display is not attached to localhost only":["Не удалось изменить адрес прослушивания. Убедитесь, что дисплей подключен к другим узлам (не только к localhost)."],"Unable to communicate with the proxy: %s":["Не удалось связаться с прокси: %s"],"Unable to connect":["Не удалось подключиться"],"Unable to connect to LDAP server":["Не удалось подключиться к серверу LDAP"],"Unable to create default TFTP boot menu":["Не удалось создать исходное меню загрузки TFTP"],"Unable to create realm entry":["Не удалось создать запись области определения"],"Unable to create the default role.":[""],"Unable to delete DHCP entry for %s":["Не удалось удалить запись DHCP %s"],"Unable to delete DNS entry":["Не удалось удалить запись DHCP"],"Unable to delete PuppetCA autosign for %s":["Не удалось отменить автоматическую подпись PuppetCA для %s"],"Unable to delete PuppetCA certificate for %s":["Не удалось удалить сертификат PuppetCA для %s"],"Unable to delete TFTP boot entry for %s":["Не удалось удалить загрузочную запись TFTP %s"],"Unable to detect TFTP boot server":["Загрузочный сервер TFTP не обнаружен"],"Unable to detect features":["Не удалось определить функции"],"Unable to detect version":["Не удалось определить версию"],"Unable to determine the host's boot server. The DHCP smart proxy failed to provide this information and this subnet is not provided with TFTP services.":["Не удалось определить загрузочный сервер для этого узла. TFTP-сервер не определяет эту подсеть, и капсула DHCP тоже не смогла предоставить эту информацию."],"Unable to disable bmc_credentials_accessible when safemode_render is disabled":[""],"Unable to disable safemode_render when bmc_credentials_accessible is disabled":[""],"Unable to execute Puppet run":["Не удалось выполнить puppetrun"],"Unable to fetch TFTP boot file":["Не удалось получить загрузочный файл TFTP"],"Unable to fetch logs":["Не удалось получить журналы"],"Unable to find IP address for '%s'":["IP-адрес «%s» не найден"],"Unable to find a proxy with BMC feature":["Прокси с поддержкой BMC не найден"],"Unable to find proper authentication method":["Метод идентификации не найден"],"Unable to find template %s":["Шаблон %s не найден"],"Unable to generate output, Check log files":["Не удалось создать выход, проверьте файлы журналов"],"Unable to get BMC providers":["Поставщики BMC не найдены"],"Unable to get PuppetCA autosign":["Не удалось получить автоматическую подпись PuppetCA"],"Unable to get PuppetCA certificates":["Сертификаты PuppetCA не найдены"],"Unable to get classes from Puppet for %s":["Не удалось получить классы для %s из Puppet"],"Unable to get environment from Puppet":["Не удалось получить окружение из Puppet"],"Unable to get environments from Puppet":["Не удалось получить окружения из Puppet"],"Unable to get installed BMC providers":["Не удалось получить список установленных поставщиков BMC"],"Unable to initialize ProxyAPI class %s":["Не удалось инициализировать класс ProxyAPI: %s"],"Unable to perform boot BMC operation":["Не удалось выполнить операцию загрузки BMC"],"Unable to perform identify BMC operation":["Не удалось выполнить операцию идентификации BMC"],"Unable to perform lan BMC operation":["Не удалось выполнить операцию LAN BMC"],"Unable to perform power BMC operation":["Не удалось выполнить операцию управления питанием BMC"],"Unable to render %{kind} template '%{name}': %{e}":[""],"Unable to render '%{name}' template: %{e}":[""],"Unable to retrieve DHCP entry for %s":["Не удалось получить запись DHCP %s"],"Unable to retrieve DHCP subnet":["Не удалось получить подсеть DHCP"],"Unable to retrieve DHCP subnets":["Не удалось получить подсети DHCP"],"Unable to retrieve unused IP":["Не удалось получить свободный IP"],"Unable to save":["Не удалось сохранить"],"Unable to send email, check server logs for more information":["Не удалось отправить электронную почту. Для получения подробной информации проверьте журналы сервера."],"Unable to set DHCP entry":["Не удалось настроить запись DHCP"],"Unable to set DNS entry":["Не удалось настроить запись DNS"],"Unable to set PuppetCA autosign for %s":["Не удалось настроить автоматическую подпись на PuppetCA для %s"],"Unable to set TFTP boot entry for %s":["Не удалось настроить загрузочную запись TFTP %s"],"Unable to sign PuppetCA certificate for %s":["Не удалось подписать сертификат PuppetCA для %s"],"Unable to turn on websockets_encrypt, either websockets_ssl_key or websockets_ssl_cert is missing":["Для того чтобы включить websockets_encrypt, необходимо настроить websockets_ssl_key или websockets_ssl_cert"],"Unable to unset websockets_ssl_cert when websockets_encrypt is on":["Для того чтобы освободить websockets_ssl_cert, необходимо отключить websockets_encrypt"],"Unable to unset websockets_ssl_key when websockets_encrypt is on":["Для того чтобы освободить websockets_ssl_key, необходимо отключить websockets_encrypt"],"Unallowed template for dashboard widget: %s":["Недопустимый шаблон для виджета страницы обзора: %s"],"Unattended URL":["URL сопровождения"],"Undo remove":["Отменить удаление"],"Undo selection":[""],"Unhide this value":["Показать значение"],"Unknown":["Неизвестно"],"Unknown IPAM type - can't continue":[""],"Unknown Power State":["Неизвестное состояние управления питанием"],"Unknown action name for success message: %s":["Неизвестное действие для сообщения успешного завершения: %s"],"Unknown build status":["Неизвестное состояние сборки"],"Unknown device: available devices are %s":["Неизвестное устройство: доступные устройства: %s"],"Unknown interface type, must be one of [%s]":["Неизвестный тип интерфейса, должен быть один из [%s]"],"Unknown power action: available methods are %s":["Неизвестное действие по управлению питанием, доступные методы: %s"],"Unknown power management support - can't continue":["Неизвестная функция управления питанием. Продолжение невозможно."],"Unknown power state":[""],"Unlock":["Разблокировать"],"Unmanage host":["Отменить управление узлом"],"Unsupported IPAM mode for %s":[""],"Unsupported password hash function '%s'":["Использование «%s» для пароля не поддерживается"],"Unsupported report status format":["Неизвестный формат статуса отчета"],"Update":["Обновить"],"Update :a_resource":["Изменить :a_resource"],"Update IP from built request":["Обновить IP на основании запроса сборки"],"Update a Puppet class":["Изменить класс Puppet"],"Update a bookmark":["Изменить закладку"],"Update a compute attributes set":["Изменить набор вычислительных атрибутов"],"Update a compute profile":["Изменить вычислительный профиль"],"Update a compute resource":["Изменить вычислительный ресурс"],"Update a config group":["Изменить группу конфигурации"],"Update a default template combination for an operating system":["Изменить комбинацию шаблонов по умолчанию для операционной системы"],"Update a domain":["Изменить домен"],"Update a filter":["Изменить фильтр"],"Update a global parameter":["Изменить глобальный параметр"],"Update a hardware model":["Изменить оборудование"],"Update a host":["Изменить узел"],"Update a host group":["Изменить группу узлов"],"Update a host's interface":["Изменить интерфейс узла"],"Update a medium":["Изменить носитель"],"Update a nested parameter for a domain":["Изменить вложенный параметр для домена"],"Update a nested parameter for a host":["Изменить вложенный параметр для узла"],"Update a nested parameter for a host group":["Изменить вложенный параметр для группы узлов"],"Update a nested parameter for a location":["Изменить вложенный параметр для местоположения"],"Update a nested parameter for a subnet":[""],"Update a nested parameter for an operating system":["Изменить вложенный параметр для операционной системы"],"Update a nested parameter for an organization":["Изменить вложенный параметр для организации"],"Update a partition table":["Изменить таблицу разделов"],"Update a provisioning template":["Изменить подготовительный шаблон"],"Update a realm":["Изменить область"],"Update a role":["Изменить роль"],"Update a setting":["Изменить настройки"],"Update a smart class parameter":["Изменить смарт-параметр"],"Update a smart proxy":["Изменить капсулу"],"Update a smart variable":["Изменить смарт-переменную"],"Update a subnet":["Изменить подсеть"],"Update a user":["Изменить пользователя"],"Update a user group":["Изменить группу пользователя"],"Update an LDAP authentication source":["Изменить источник идентификации LDAP"],"Update an architecture":["Изменить архитектуру"],"Update an environment":["Изменить окружение"],"Update an image":["Изменить образ"],"Update an operating system":["Изменить операционную систему"],"Update an override value for a specific smart class parameter":["Обновить значение переопределения смарт-параметра"],"Update an override value for a specific smart variable":["Обновить переопределение смарт-переменной"],"Update environment from facts":["Обновлять окружение на основе фактов"],"Update external user group":["Изменить внешнюю группу пользователей"],"Update realm entry for %s":["Обновить запись области определения для %s"],"Update subnets from facts":[""],"Update template combination":["Обновить комбинацию шаблонов"],"Update the default PXE menu on all configured TFTP servers":["Изменить используемое по умолчанию меню PXE для всех настроенных TFTP-серверов"],"Update:":["Обновление:"],"Updated":["Обновлено"],"Updated all hosts!":["Все узлы обновлены."],"Updated hosts: Disassociated from VM":["Обновление узлов: удалена связь с виртуальной машиной"],"Updated hosts: changed environment":["Обновление узлов: окружение изменено"],"Updated hosts: changed host group":["Обновление узлов: группа изменена"],"Updated hosts: changed owner":["Обновление узлов: изменен владелец"],"Upload facts for a host, creating the host if required":["Загрузить факты узла, требуемые для создания узла"],"Use Gravatar":["Использовать Gravatar"],"Use UUID for certificates":["Использовать UUID для сертификата"],"Use short name for VMs":["Краткие имена ВМ"],"Use this account to authenticate, <i>optional</i>":["Использовать для авторизации (<i>дополнительно</i>)"],"Use this puppet server as a CA server":["Сервер Puppet будет выступать в качестве центра сертификации"],"Use this puppet server as an initial Puppet Server or to execute puppet runs":["Использовать по умолчанию как сервер Puppet или для выполнения запросов Puppet"],"Used to enforce certain values for the parameter values":["Используется для обеспечения определенных значений для значений параметров"],"User":["Пользователь"],"User Group":[""],"User Groups":["Группы пользователей"],"User IDs":["Код пользователя"],"User data template":["Шаблон пользовательских данных"],"User groups":["Группы пользователей"],"User groups enable users to log into Foreman and be automatically granted permissions.":[""],"User role":["Роль пользователя"],"User's preferred locale":["Предпочитаемый язык пользователя"],"User's timezone":["Часовой пояс пользователя"],"UserRole|Owner type":["Тип владельца"],"Usergroup":["Группа пользователей"],"Usergroup member":["Член группы пользователей"],"UsergroupMember|Member type":["Тип"],"Usergroup|Admin":["Администратор"],"Usergroup|Auth source":["Источник аутентификации"],"Usergroup|Name":["Название"],"Username":["Имя"],"Username for oVirt, EC2, VMware, OpenStack. Access Key for EC2.":["Имя пользователя для oVirt, EC2, VMware, OpenStack. Ключ доступа для EC2."],"Username to use to authenticate, if required":[""],"Users":["Пользователи"],"User|Admin":["Администратор"],"User|Avatar hash":["Хэш изображения"],"User|Firstname":["Настоящее имя"],"User|Last login on":["Последний вход"],"User|Lastname":["Фамилия"],"User|Locale":["Язык"],"User|Login":["Имя входа"],"User|Lower login":["Имя пользователя в нижнем регистре"],"User|Mail":["Электронная почта"],"User|Mail enabled":["Получать корреспонденцию"],"User|Password hash":["Хэш пароля"],"User|Password salt":["Соль"],"Uses thin provisioning if unchecked":["Используется динамическая подготовка если не установлено"],"Using the organization system provides a way to group resources together for easy management. Organizations are particularly useful for Foreman installations where several customers or business units are managed with a single Foreman install.":[""],"VCPU(s)":["Виртуальные процессоры"],"VCenter/Server":["VCenter/Сервер"],"VLAN ID for this subnet":["Идентификатор VLAN для этой подсети"],"VLAN tag, this attribute has precedence over the subnet VLAN ID. Only for virtual interfaces.":["Метка VLAN, этот атрибут имеет приоритет над подсетью VLAN ID. Только для виртуальных интерфейсов."],"VM":["Вирт. машина"],"VM Attributes":["Атрибуты виртуальной машины"],"VM Attributes (%s)":["Атрибуты виртуальной машины (%s)"],"VM already associated with a host":["Виртуальная машина уже связана с узлом"],"VM associated to host %s":["Виртуальная машина связана с узлом %s"],"VM is not running!":["Виртуальная машина не выполняется"],"VNC/SPICE websocket proxy console access encryption (websockets_ssl_key/cert setting required)":["Шифрование трафика Websocket при подключении к консоли прокси с использованием VNC/SPICE (требует установки websockets_ssl_key или websockets_ssl_cert)"],"Valid from":["Вступил в силу"],"Valid host group and environment combinations":["Группы узлов и окружения"],"Validation types":["Тип проверки"],"Value":["Значение"],"Value to use when there is no match":["Значение, которое будет использоваться по умолчанию"],"Value to use when there is no match.":["Значение, которое будет использоваться по умолчанию."],"Variable":["Переменная"],"Variable lookup key":["Ключ поиска переменной"],"Variables":["Переменные"],"Vendor class":["Класс производителя"],"Verify":["Подтверждение"],"Version":["Версия"],"Version %{version}":["Версия %{version}"],"Version %{version} %{copyright} 2009-%{year} Paul Kelly and %{author}":[""],"Very Strong":["Очень сильный"],"View Diff":["Просмотр отличий"],"View in Foreman:":["Показать в Foreman:"],"View last report details":["Подробности последнего отчета"],"View list":["Список"],"Virtual (NAT)":["Виртуальный (NAT)"],"Virtual H/W version":["Версия виртуального оборудования"],"Virtual Machine":["Виртуальная машина"],"Virtual Machines":["Виртуальные машины"],"Virtual Machines on %s":["Виртуальные машины на %s"],"Virtual NIC":["Виртуальный сетевой адаптер"],"Virtual machine settings cannot be edited on an existing machine in %s":["Не допускается редактировать параметры существующей виртуальной машины в %s"],"WARNING":["WARNING"],"Wait for %s to come online":["Ждать активации %s"],"Warning":["Предупреждение"],"Warning!":["Внимание!"],"Warning! This will remove %{name} from %{number} user. are you sure?":["",""],"Warning: This will delete this host and all of its data!":["Предупреждение: Это может удалить этот узел и всю его информацию!"],"Warnings and errors":["Предупреждения и ошибки"],"We have not found any documentation for your API.":["Документация по API не найдена."],"We use Redmine to report and track bugs and feature requests, which can be found here:":["Для создания отчетов и отслеживания ошибок мы используем Redmine:"],"Weak":["Слабый"],"Websockets SSL certificate":["SSL-сертификат Websocket"],"Websockets SSL key":["SSL-ключ Websocket"],"Websockets encryption":["Шифрование Websocket"],"Weekly":["Еженедельный"],"Welcome to Foreman":["Добро пожаловать в Foreman"],"What ever text(or ERB template) you use in here, would be used as your OS disk layout options If you want to use the partition table option, delete all of the text from this field":["На основе введенного здесь текста или шаблона ERB будет настроена схема разделов. Чтобы использовать поле таблицы разделов, удалите текст."],"When a Host requests a template (e.g. during provisioning), Foreman will select the best match from the available templates of that type, in the following order:":["Если узел требует наличия шаблона (например, в процессе его подготовки), Foreman выберет наиболее подходящий шаблон, отдавая приоритет в порядке:"],"When a realm is selected for a host, Foreman contacts the relevant realm smart proxy to create an entry for the host and retrieve it's one-time registration password.":["После выбора области для узла Foreman свяжется с капсулой в этой области, создаст запись для узла и получит одноразовый пароль доступа."],"When editing a template, you must assign a list of operating systems which this template can be used with. Optionally, you can restrict a template to a list of host groups and/or environments.":[""],"When enabled the parameter is hidden in the UI":["Если включено, параметр будет скрыт"],"When specifying custom value, add 'MB' or 'GB' at the end. Field is not case sensitive and MB is default if unspecified.":[""],"When the role's associated %{taxonomies} are changed,<br> the change will propagate to all inheriting filters.\\n Filters that are set to override <br> will remain untouched. Overriding of role filters can be easily disabled by <br> pressing the \\\"Disable overriding\\\" button.\\n Note that not all filters support <br>%{taxonomies}, so these always remain global.":[""],"When using SSH based provisioning, a special SSH key is created in order to automate the provisioning process.":[""],"When using TLS, you can set how OpenSSL checks the certificate":[""],"Whether or not the image supports user data":["Допускает ли образ использование пользовательских данных"],"Whether or not the template is locked for editing":["Блокирование шаблона для редактирования"],"Whether the class parameter value is managed by Foreman.":["Разрешает Foreman контролировать значение параметра"],"Whether the smart class parameter value is managed by Foreman":["Разрешает Foreman контролировать значение смарт-параметра"],"Which is an offset of <b>%s</b>":["Разница составляет <b>%s</b>"],"Widget added to dashboard.":["Виджет добавлен на страницу обзора."],"Widget positions successfully saved.":["Положение виджета сохранено."],"Widget removed from dashboard.":["Виджет удален из окна обзора."],"Wiki":["Вики"],"With user groups, you can group your users and assign them roles on a group basis.":[""],"X509 Certification Authorities":["Сертификат X509"],"YAML":["YAML"],"Yes":["Да"],"You are about to change the default PXE menu on all configured TFTP servers - continue?":["Вы собираетесь изменить стандартное меню PXE для всех настроенных серверов TFTP. Продолжить?"],"You are about to override the editor content with a previous version, are you sure?":["Содержимое окна редактора будет заменено предыдущей версией. Продолжить?"],"You are about to override the editor content, are you sure?":["Содержимое окна редактора будет переопределено. Продолжить?"],"You are about to unlock a locked template.":["Вы пытаетесь разблокировать шаблон."],"You are not authorized to lock templates.":["Вы не авторизованы для блокировки шаблонов."],"You are not authorized to make a template default.":["Вы не авторизованы для создания шаблона по умолчанию."],"You are not authorized to perform this action.":["Недостаточно полномочий для выполнения операции"],"You are trying to delete your own account":["Вы пытаетесь удалить свою собственную учетную запись"],"You are using an unsupported browser.":["Вами используется неподдерживаемый браузер."],"You can add SSH public keys to a user in Foreman.":[""],"You can find The Foreman on the %{freenode} ( network. For general support, please visit #theforeman and for development specific related chat, please visit #theforeman-dev.":["Foreman можно найти на %{freenode} ( Общие вопросы поддержки можно задать в чате #theforeman, а более подробные задачи разработки обсуждаются в канале #theforeman-dev."],"You can select one of the IPAM modes supported by the selected IP protocol:<br/><ul><li><strong>DHCP</strong> - will manage the IP on DHCP through assigned DHCP proxy, auto-suggested IPs come from DHCP <em>(IPv4)</em></li><li><strong>Internal DB</strong> - use internal DB to auto-suggest free IP based on other interfaces on same subnet respecting range if specified, useful mainly with static boot mode <em>(IPv4, IPv6)</em></li><li><strong>EUI-64</strong> - will assign the IPv6 address based on the MAC address of the interface <em>(IPv6)</em></li><li><strong>None</strong> - leave IP management solely on user, no auto-suggestion <em>(IPv4, IPv6)</em></li></ul>":[""],"You can't assign locations to this resource":["Вы не можете связать местоположение с ресурсом"],"You can't assign organizations to this resource":["Вы не можете связать организацию с ресурсом"],"You cannot delete this user while logged in as this user.":["Пользователь не может быть удален, так как его сеанс активен."],"You do not have permission to %s this location parameter":["Недостаточно разрешений для выполнения операции «%s» над заданным параметром местоположения"],"You do not have permission to %s this organization parameter":["Недостаточно разрешений для выполнения операции «%s» над заданным параметром организации"],"You don't have any visible hosts. Hosts can be added and provisioned from Foreman, or configured to report to Foreman.":["У вас нет ни одного видимого узла. Вы можете добавить узлы с целью их подготовки и отслеживания состояния средствами Foreman."],"You don't seem to have any bookmarks.":["Нет закладок."],"You don't seem to have any facts yet. If you wish to configure fact pushing, please follow the documentation.":["Нет фактов. Чтобы настроить их передачу, следуйте инструкциям в документации."],"You don't seem to have any reports.":["Нет отчетов."],"You have already logged in":[""],"You may also associate one or more operating systems with this medium or alternatively set this up later on the %s page.":["Этому носителю можно сопоставить операционные системы сразу или сделать это позднее на странице %s."],"You may also associate one or more operating systems with this partition table or alternatively set this up later on the %s page":["Этой таблице разделов можно сопоставить операционные системы или сделать это позже на странице %s."],"You may create puppet classes that represent high-level host configurations, for example, a <b>host-type-ldap-server</b> class, which includes all the required functionality from other modules or you may decide to create a host group called <b>host-type-ldap-server</b> and add the required classes into the host group configuration.":["Для высокоуровневой конфигурации узлов можно создать классы Puppet, например класс <b>host-type-ldap-server</b> с обязательными функциями из других модулей. 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No provisioning template with name \\\"%{name}\\\" and kind \\\"%{kind}\\\" found. ":[""],"is invalid: %s":["недопустимое значение: %s"],"is locked for user modifications.":[""],"is not a valid MAC address":["недопустимый MAC-адрес"],"is not allowed to change":["не может изменяться"],"is not defined for host's %s.":[""],"is not found in the authentication source":["не найден в источниках авторизации"],"is not permitted":["не разрешен"],"is not valid":["не верно"],"is too long (maximum is 1 character)":["слишком длинный (максимум 1 символ)","слишком длинный (максимум 1 символ)","","слишком длинный (максимум %s символов)"],"is too long (maximum is 254 characters)":[""],"is unknown":["неизвестен"],"issue tracker":["отслеживание задач"],"items selected. Uncheck to Clear":["выбрано. 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cant continue":["Для продолжения необходимо определить прокси Puppet."],"no value":["нет"],"none":["нет"],"not found":["не найден(о)"],"not relevant for snippet":["неприменимо к фрагменту"],"not required if using a subnet with DHCP proxy":["не требуется, если используется подсеть с DHCP прокси"],"not supported by this protocol":[""],"number of entries per request":["количество записей на запрос"],"oVirt/RHEV template to use":["шаблон для использования с oVirt/RHEV"],"off":["выкл."],"on":["вкл."],"operating system":["операционная система"],"optional":["необязательно"],"optional: certname of the host":["выборочно: имя сертификата узла"],"optional: the STI type of host to create":["выборочно: тип STI узла для создания"],"organization":["организация"],"organizations":["организации"],"override":["переопределить"],"paginate results":["постраничный вывод"],"parsing settings type '%s' from string is not defined":["обработка параметра типа «%s» не поддерживается"],"password match":["пароли совпадают"],"passwords do not match":["пароли не совпадают"],"pending":["ожидание"],"physical":["физический"],"physical @ NAT %s":["физический @ NAT %s"],"physical @ bridge %s":["физический @ мост %s"],"power action, valid actions are (on/start), (off/stop), (soft/reboot), (cycle/reset), (state/status)":["управление питанием, доступные действия: (включить/запустить), (выключить/остановить), (перезагрузка), (сброс), (состояние)"],"poweroff":["выключение"],"ready?":["готово?"],"real":["вещественный"],"reboot":["перезагрузка"],"recreate":["создать заново"],"regexp":["регулярное выражение"],"remove":["удалить"],"remove network interface":["удалить сетевой интерфейс"],"remove storage volume":["удалить том хранения"],"required":["требуется"],"required for managed host that is bare metal, not required if it's a virtual machine":["требуется для управления узлом на голом железе, не требуется для виртуальной машины"],"required if host is managed and custom partition has not been defined":["требуется, если узел находится под управлением, но собственный раздел не был объявлен"],"required if host is managed and value is not inherited from host group":["требуется, если узел уже контролируется, но значение не было унаследовано от группы узлов"],"required if host is managed and value is not inherited from host group or default password in settings":["требуется, если узел управляется и значение не унаследовано из группы узлов или не задан пароль по умолчанию в настройках"],"required if locations are enabled":["требуется, если используется местоположение"],"required if not imaged based provisioning and host is managed and value is not inherited from host group":["требуется, если подготовка управляемого узла осуществляется без участия образов и при этом значение не было унаследовано от группы узлов"],"required if onthefly_register is true":["обязательно, если onthefly_register=true"],"required if organizations are enabled":["требуется, если используются организации"],"reset":["сброс"],"revoked":["отозван"],"select an owner":["выберите владельца"],"setting up reporting":["настройка отчетов"],"should be 8 characters or more":["не может содержать меньше 8 знаков"],"should be a single line":[""],"should not be blank - 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var locales = locales || {}; locales['sv_SE'] = {"domain":"app","locale_data":{"app":{"":{"Project-Id-Version":"Foreman","Report-Msgid-Bugs-To":"","PO-Revision-Date":"2017-08-03 17:21+0000","Last-Translator":"Lukáš Zapletal","Language-Team":"Swedish (Sweden) (","MIME-Version":"1.0","Content-Type":"text/plain; charset=UTF-8","Content-Transfer-Encoding":"8bit","Language":"sv_SE","Plural-Forms":"nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);","lang":"sv_SE","domain":"app","plural_forms":"nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);"}," Remove":["Ta bort:"],"%s - Press Shift-F12 to release the cursor.":["%s - Tryck Shift-F12 för att frigöra markören."],"%s - The following hosts are about to be changed":["%s - Följande värdar kommer att ändras"],"%s Distribution":["%s Distribution"],"%s Parameters updated, see below for more information":["%s Parametrar uppdaterade, se nedan för mer information"],"%s Template":["%s Mall"],"%s VM associated to a host":["%s VM associerad till en värd","%s VM's associerade till värdar"],"%s active feature":["",""],"%s ago":["%s sedan"],"%s console is not supported at this time":["%s konsol stöds ej vid denna tidpunkt"],"%s core":["%s kärna","%s kärnor"],"%s day ago":["%s dag sedan","%s dagar sedan"],"%s error message":["",""],"%s has been disassociated from VM":[""],"%s host":["",""],"%s is an unknown attribute":["%s är ett okänt attribut"],"%s is not a valid DNS record type":[""],"%s is not in environment":[""],"%s log message":["",""],"%s minute ago":["%s minut sedan","%s minuter sedan"],"%s month ago":["%s månad sedan","%s månader sedan"],"%s selected hosts":["%s valda värdar"],"%s warning message":["",""],"%s week ago":["%s vecka sedan","%s veckor sedan"],"%s widget loading...":[""],"%{app_name} API documentation homepage":[""],"%{config_type} rebuild failed for host: %{host_names}.":["",""],"%{controller}: %{host}'s operating system %{os} has no OS family":[""],"%{controller}: %{host}'s operating system is missing":[""],"%{controller}: unable to find a host that matches the request from %{addr}":[""],"%{cores} Cores and %{memory} memory":["%{cores} Kärnor och %{memory} minne"],"%{count} host with no %{taxonomy_single} assigned":["%{count} värd utan %{taxonomy_single} tilldelad","%{count} värdar utan %{taxonomy_single} tilldelade"],"%{cpus} CPUs and %{memory} MB memory":["%{cpus} CPUer och %{memory} MB minne"],"%{cpus} CPUs and %{memory} memory":["%{cpus} CPUs och %{memory} minne"],"%{e} does not belong to the %{environment} environment":["%{e} tillhör inte %{environment} miljön"],"%{host} is about to %{action}":["%{host} kommer att %{action}"],"%{host} now boots from %{device}":["%{host} starar nu från %{device}"],"%{id} plugin requires Foreman %{matcher} but current is %{current}":["%{id} insticksmodulen kräver Foreman %{matcher} men är förnärvarande %{current}"],"%{id} plugin requires the %{plugin_name} plugin %{matcher} but current is %{plugin_version}":["%{id} plugin kräver att %{plugin_name} plugin %{matcher} men är för närvarande %{plugin_version}"],"%{id} plugin requires the %{plugin_name} plugin, not found":["%{id} plugin kräver %{plugin_name} plugin, men den hittas ej"],"%{image} needs user data, but %{os_link} is not associated to any provisioning template of the kind user_data. Please associate it with a suitable template or uncheck 'User data' for %{compute_resource_image_link}.":[""],"%{key} does not exist in order field":[""],"%{match} does not match an existing host":["%{match} matchar inte en existerande värd"],"%{match} does not match an existing host group":["%{match} matchar inte en existerande värdgrupp"],"%{model} with id '%{id}' was not found":[""],"%{name} changed from %{label1} to %{label2}":["%{name} ändrades från %{label1} till %{label2}"],"%{name} has %{num_tag} class":["",""],"%{os} medium was not set for host '%{host}'":[""],"%{record} is being used by a hidden %{what} resource":[""],"%{record} is used by %{what}":["%{record} används av %{what}"],"%{record} is used by host in build mode %{what}":[""],"%{resource_name} not found by id '%{id}'":[""],"%{task} task failed with the following error: %{e}":["%{task} uppgiften misslyckades med följande fel: %{e}"],"%{taxonomy_type} %{taxonomy_name} has %{count} host that will need to be reassociated after deletion. Delete %{taxonomy_name2}?":["",""],"%{type} %{conflicts} already exists":[""],"%{user} Downloaded %{key} as pem file":[""],"%{value} does not belong to %{os} operating system":["%{value} tillhör inte %{os} operativsystem"],"%{value} is not a valid controller":["%{value} är inte en korrekt kontroller"],"%{value} is not one of %{rules}":["%{value} är inte en av %{rules}"],"%{vm} is now %{vm_state}":["%{vm} är nu %{vm_state}"],"&laquo;":["&laquo;"],"&raquo;":["&raquo;"],"'%{host}' could be deleted or '%{resource}' is not responding.":["'%{host}' kan vara raderad eller så svarar inte '%{resource}'."],"'%{host}' not found on '%{resource}'":["'%{host}' finns inte på '%{resource}'"],"'%{loader}' is not one of %{loaders}":[""],"'Content-Type: %s' is unsupported in API v2 for POST and PUT requests. Please use 'Content-Type: application/json'.":[""],"(Miscellaneous)":[""],"(optional) IAM Role for Fog to use when creating this image.":["(frivillig) IAM-roll för Fog att använda när avbilden skapas."],"*Clear %s proxy*":[""],"*Clear environment*":["*Rensa miljö*"],"*Clear host group*":["*Rensa värdgrupp*"],"*Inherit from host group*":["*Ärv från värdgrupp*"],", relevant log entries, and it is highly recommended to also attach the foreman-debug output.":[""],":foreman_url is not set, please configure in the Foreman Web UI (Administer -> Settings -> General)":[""],"<b class='select_count'>0</b> selected":["<b class='select_count'>0</b> markerad/e"],"<b style=\\\"color: #6bb5df;\\\">%{disabled_sum}</b>\\n <p>Disabled</p>":["",""],"<b style=\\\"color: #6bb5df;\\\">%{hosts_sum}</b>\\n <p>Changed</p>":["",""],"<b style=\\\"color: #6bb5df;\\\">%{out_of_sync_sum}</b>\\n <p>Out of sync</p>":["",""],"<b>Description:</b> %{desc}<br/>\\n <b>Type:</b> %{type}<br/>\\n <b>Matcher:</b> %{matcher}<br/>\\n <b>Inherited value:</b> %{inherited_value}":[""],"<b>Foreman API v1 is deprecated. Please use v2.</b><br />If you still need to use v1, you may do so by either passing 'version=1' in the Accept Header or using api/v1/ in the URL.":[""],"<b>Foreman</b> Build Complete":[""],"<b>Foreman</b> Puppet error report":[""],"<b>Foreman</b> Puppet summary":[""],"<b>Foreman</b> audit summary":[""],"<b>Foreman</b> test email":[""],"<b>Source:</b> %{type} %{name}":[""],"<dl><dt>List</dt> <dd>A list of the allowed values, specified in the Validator rule field.</dd><dt>Regexp</dt> <dd>Validates the input with the regular expression in the Validator rule field.</dd></dl>":["<dl><dt>List</dt> <dd>En lista över tillåtna värden i regelfältet Validator</dd><dt>Regexp</dt> <dd>Validerar inmatningen med det reguljära uttrycket i regelfältet Validator.</dd></dl>"],"<dl><dt>String</dt> <dd>Everything is taken as a string.</dd><dt>Boolean</dt> <dd>Common representation of boolean values are accepted.</dd><dt>Integer</dt> <dd>Integer numbers only, can be negative.</dd><dt>Real</dt> <dd>Accept any numerical input.</dd><dt>Array</dt> <dd>A valid JSON or YAML input, that must evaluate to an array.</dd><dt>Hash</dt> <dd>A valid JSON or YAML input, that must evaluate to an object/map/dict/hash.</dd><dt>YAML</dt> <dd>Any valid YAML input.</dd><dt>JSON</dt> <dd>Any valid JSON input.</dd></dl>":["<dl><dt>String</dt> <dd>Allt tolkas som en sträng.</dd><dt>Boolean</dt> <dd>Allmän representation av booleska värden accepteras.</dd><dt>Integer</dt> <dd>Endast heltal. Kan vara negativa.</dd><dt>Real</dt> <dd>Acceptera all numerisk indata.</dd><dt>Array</dt> <dd>Giltig JSON- eller YAML-indata som måste evaluera till en array.</dd><dt>Hash</dt> <dd>Giltig JSON- eller YAML-indata som måste evaluera till object/map/dict/hash.</dd><dt>YAML</dt> <dd>All giltig YAML-indata.</dd><dt>JSON</dt> <dd>All giltig JSON-indata.</dd></dl>"],"A Foreman user group can be associated to a group stored in an LDAP server, so membership of the LDAP group automatically adds the user to the Foreman user group.":[""],"A host group is in some ways similar to an inherited node declaration, in that it is a high level grouping of classes that can be named and treated as a unit. This is then treated as a template and is selectable during the creation of a new host and ensures that the host is configured in one of your pre-defined states.":["En värdgrupp är på vissa sätt lik en ärvd noddeklaration, en högnivå gruppering av klasser som kan namnas och hanteras som en enhet. Detta hanteras som en mall och är valbar under skapandet av en ny värd vilket säkerställer att värden är konfigurerad enligt ett av dina fördefinierade tillstånd."],"A medium represents the source of one or more operating system's installation files, accessible via the network.\\n It will probably be a mirror from the internet or a copy of one or more CD or DVDs.":[""],"A partition table entry represents either":["En partitionstabellpost representerar antingen"],"A problem occurred when detecting host type: %s":["Ett problem uppstod vid detektion av värdtyp: %s"],"A script to dynamically calculate the desired sizes. E.G.":["Ett skript för att dynamiskt beräkna önskade storlekar. T.ex."],"A user group already exists with this name":["En användargrupp finns redan med detta namn"],"API Key":["API Key"],"API documentation":[""],"About":["Om"],"Access Key":["Access Key"],"Access denied":[""],"Access unattended without build":[""],"Account":["Konto"],"Acquire IP addresses for %s":[""],"Action":["Åtgärd"],"Actions":["Åtgärder"],"Active":["Aktiv"],"Active Hosts":["Aktiva värdar"],"Active features":[""],"Active key":[""],"Add Autosign entry":[""],"Add Bookmark":["Lägg till bokmärke"],"Add Interface":["Lägg till nätverksgränssnitt"],"Add Matcher":[""],"Add Parameter":["Lägg till Parameter"],"Add Trend Counter":["Lägg till Trendräknare"],"Add Variable":["Lägg till Variabel"],"Add Volume":["Lägg till Volym"],"Add a CD-ROM drive to the virtual machine.":[""],"Add a Puppet class to host":["Lägg till Puppet-klass till värd"],"Add a Puppet class to host group":[""],"Add a template combination":[""],"Add combination":["Lägg till kombination"],"Add external user group":[""],"Add filter":[""],"Add to dashboard":[""],"Add widgets":[""],"Add:":["Lägg till:"],"Adding would cause a cycle!":[""],"Additional Information":["Ytterliggare information:"],"Additional compute resource specific attributes for the interface.":[""],"Additional compute resource specific attributes.":[""],"Additional information about this host":["Ytterligare information om värden"],"Address to connect to":[""],"Admin permissions required":["Admin-behörighet krävs"],"Administer":["Administrera"],"Administrator email address":[""],"Administrator user account required":[""],"Alert":["Varning"],"Alerts disabled":["Varningar inaktiverade"],"Alias or VLAN device":[""],"All":[""],"All Puppet Classes for %s":["Alla Puppetklasser för %s"],"All Reports":["Alla Rapporter"],"All compute resources":["Alla beräkningsresurser"],"All domains":["Alla domäner"],"All environments":["Alla miljöer"],"All environments - (not filtered)":[""],"All host groups":["Alla värdgrupper"],"All hosts":["Alla värdar"],"All hosts data matches configurations for locations and organizations.":["Alla värdars data matchar konfigurationer för platser och organisationer."],"All hosts previously with no %{single} are now assigned to %{name}":["Alla värdar tidigare utan %{single} tilldelas nu %{name}"],"All hosts will show a configuration status even when a Puppet smart proxy is not assigned":[""],"All items":[""],"All media":["Alla media"],"All messages":["Alla meddelanden"],"All mismatches between hosts and %s have been fixed":["Alla felaktigheter mellan värdar och %s har åtgärdats"],"All mismatches between hosts and locations/organizations have been fixed":["Alla felaktigheter mellan värdar och platser/organisationer har åtgärdats"],"All partition tables":[""],"All provisioning templates":[""],"All realms":[""],"All smart proxies":["Alla smarta proxies"],"All subnets":["Alla subnät"],"All users":["Alla användare"],"Allocated":["Tilldelad"],"Allocation (GB)":["Allokering(GB)"],"Allow access to unattended URLs without build mode being used":[""],"Allow external network as main network":[""],"Allowed methods or members":[""],"Always show configuration status":[""],"An IP address will be auto-suggested if you have enabled IPAM on the IPv4 subnet selected above.<br/><br/>The IP address can be left blank when:<br/><ul><li>provisioning tokens are enabled</li><li>the domain does not manage DNS</li><li>the subnet does not manage reverse DNS</li><li>and the subnet does not manage DHCP reservations</li></ul>":[""],"An IP address will be auto-suggested if you have enabled IPAM on the IPv6 subnet selected above.":[""],"An email address is required, please update your account details":[""],"An error occurred while testing the connection: ":[""],"An explicit layout for the partitions of your hard drive(s). E.G.":["En uttrycklig layout för partitionerna på din hårddisk(ar). T.ex."],"An invalid response was received while requesting available features from this proxy":[""],"Annotation Notes":[""],"Annotation notes":[""],"Anonymous admin user %s is missing, run foreman-rake db:seed":[""],"Any Context":["Alla Sammanhang"],"Any Location":["Alla Platser"],"Any Organization":["Alla Organisationer"],"Applicable Operating Systems":[""],"Applied":["Tillämpad"],"Applied|A":["A"],"Architecture":["Arkitektur"],"Architecture Distribution":["Aktitektur-distribution"],"Architecture ID":[""],"Architectures":["Arkitekturer"],"Architecture|Hostgroups count":[""],"Architecture|Hosts count":[""],"Architecture|Name":["Namn"],"Are you sure you want to %{act} %{vm}?":["Är du säker att du vill %{act} %{vm}?"],"Are you sure you want to delete host %s? This action is irreversible.":[""],"Are you sure you want to delete host %s? This will delete the virtual machine and its disks, and is irreversible.":[""],"Are you sure you want to delete this widget from your dashboard?":["Är du säker på att du vill ta bort denna widget från instrumentbrädan?"],"Are you sure you want to log out?":[""],"Are you sure you want to power %{act} %{vm}?":["Är du säker på att du vill starta/stänga %{act} %{vm}?"],"Are you sure?":["Är du säker?"],"Array of extra information types to include":[""],"Array of host IDs to associate with the partition table":[""],"Array of host group IDs to associate with the partition table":[""],"Array of operating system IDs to associate with the partition table":[""],"Array of operating system IDs to associate with the template":[""],"Array of parameters":[""],"Array of parameters (name, value)":["Lista med parametrar (namn, värde)"],"Array of template combinations (hostgroup_id, environment_id)":[""],"Assign All":["Tilldela Alla"],"Assign Hosts to %s":["Tilldela Värdar till %s"],"Assign 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must be specified for image-based provisioning.":[""],"Attempting to construct an operating system image filename but %s cannot be built from an image":["Försöker att konstruera ett filnamn för operativsystemavbild men %s kan inte byggas från en avbild"],"Attribute mappings":["Attributmappning"],"Attribute type":[""],"Audit":[""],"Audit Comment":["Revisionskommentar"],"Audit summary":[""],"Audited::Adapters::ActiveRecord::Audit|Action":["Åtgärd"],"Audited::Adapters::ActiveRecord::Audit|Associated name":["Associerat namn"],"Audited::Adapters::ActiveRecord::Audit|Associated type":["Associerad typ"],"Audited::Adapters::ActiveRecord::Audit|Auditable name":["Granskningsbart namn"],"Audited::Adapters::ActiveRecord::Audit|Auditable type":["Granskningsbar typ"],"Audited::Adapters::ActiveRecord::Audit|Audited changes":["Granskade ändringar"],"Audited::Adapters::ActiveRecord::Audit|Comment":["Kommentar"],"Audited::Adapters::ActiveRecord::Audit|Remote 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Foreman also supports the Solaris operating system family, which includes <b>sparc</b> based systems.":["Varje värde representerar en hårdvaruarkitektur, oftast <b>x86_64</b> eller <b>i386</b>. 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Terminating the build!":[""],"Failed to import %{klass} for %{name}: doesn't exists in our database - ignoring":["Misslyckades med att importera %{klass} på grund av att %{name}: inte existerar i vår databas - ignorerar"],"Failed to initialize the PuppetCA proxy: %s":["Misslyckades med att initiera PuppetCAs proxy: %s"],"Failed to initialize the realm proxy: %s":[""],"Failed to launch script on %{name}: %{e}":["Misslyckades med att köra script på %{name}: %{e}"],"Failed to load chart":["Misslyckades att ladda graf"],"Failed to login via SSH to %{name}: %{e}":["Misslyckades med att logga in via SSH på %{name}: %{e}"],"Failed to modify the build cycle for %s":["Misslyckades att ändra byggcykeln för %s"],"Failed to perform rollback on %{task} - %{e}":["Misslyckades med att genomföra en rollback för %{task} - %{e}"],"Failed to power up a compute %{compute_resource} instance %{name}: %{e}":["Misslyckades med starta en beräkningsresurs %{compute_resource}-instans %{name}: %{e}"],"Failed to reboot %s.":[""],"Failed to redeploy %s.":[""],"Failed to refresh the cache.":[""],"Failed to remove certificates for %{name}: %{e}":["Misslyckades med att radera certifikaten för %{name}: %{e}"],"Failed to retrieve power status for %{host} within %{timeout} second.":["",""],"Failed to save widget positions.":[""],"Failed to set %{proxy_type} proxy for %{host}.":[""],"Failed to set IP for %{name}: %{e}":[""],"Failed to set IPs via IPAM for %{name}: %{e}":[""],"Failed to set console: %s":["Misslyckades med att ställa in konsol: %s"],"Failed to set power state for %s.":[""],"Failed to stop compute %{compute_resource} instance %{name}: %{e}":["Misslyckades med att stoppa beräkningsresurs %{compute_resource}, instans %{name}: %{e}"],"Failed to undo update compute %{compute_resource} instance %{name}: %{e}":["Misslyckades med att ångra uppdateringen för beräkningsresurs %{compute_resource}, instans %{name}: %{e}"],"Failed to update a compute %{compute_resource} instance %{name}: %{e}":["Misslyckades med att uppdatera beräkningsresurs %{compute_resource}, instans %{name}: %{e}"],"Failed to update environments and Puppet classes from the on-disk Puppet installation: %s":[""],"Failed to update the environments and Puppet classes from the on-disk puppet installation: %s":[""],"Failed to validate %{host}: %{error}":[""],"Failed|F":["F"],"Failure deploying via smart proxy %{proxy}: %{error}.":[""],"Failure parsing %{template}: %{error}.":[""],"Failure: %s":[""],"Family":[""],"Feature":["Funktion"],"Features":["Funktioner"],"Features \\\"%s\\\" in this proxy are not recognized by Foreman. If these features come from a Smart Proxy plugin, make sure Foreman has the plugin installed too.":[""],"Feature|Name":["Namn"],"Fetch TFTP boot files for %s":["Hämta TFTP startfiler för %s"],"Filter":["Filter"],"Filter by level:":[""],"Filter by name":[""],"Filter by state:":[""],"Filter classes":["Filterklasser"],"Filter overriding has been disabled":[""],"Filters":["Filter"],"Filters for role %s":[""],"Filters inherit %{orgs_and_locs} from their role by default. If override field is enabled, <br> filter can override the set of its %{orgs_and_locs}. Later role changes will not affect <br> such filter. After disabling override field, role %{orgs_and_locs} apply again.":[""],"Filters overriding has been disabled":[""],"Filter|Override":[""],"Filter|Permissions":[""],"Filter|Resource":[""],"Filter|Search":[""],"Filter|Taxonomy search":[""],"Filter|Unlimited":[""],"Fingerprint":["Fingeravtryck"],"Finish template":[""],"Firmware":[""],"Fix %s on Mismatch":["Rätta %s vid matchningsfel"],"Fix All Mismatches":["Rätta alla matchningsfel"],"Fix DB cache":[""],"Fix DB cache on next Foreman restart":[""],"Fix Mismatches":["Rätta matchningsfel"],"Flavor":["Variant"],"Floating IP network":["Flytande IP-nät"],"Folder":["Katalog"],"Follow %{href} on how to describe your controllers.":[""],"For example, if you have copied several Red Hat release disks into a directory structure where the disk images are named 5.8 or 6.2, and each contained both x86_64 and i386 binaries, then you\\n could create a single medium entry describing them all.\\n The entry, which could be just named 'Red Hat' could contain a path like this <em>'http://server/redhat/$version/$arch'</em>":[""],"For more info visit our documentation.":[""],"For more information":[""],"Force a Puppet agent run on the host":[""],"Foreman API v2 is currently the default API version.":[""],"Foreman Developers":["Foremanutvecklare"],"Foreman URL":[""],"Foreman Users":["Foremananvändare"],"Foreman audit summary":[""],"Foreman can store information about the networking setup of a host that it’s provisioning, which can be used to configure the virtual machine, assign the correct IP addresses and network resources, then configure the OS correctly during the provisioning process.":[""],"Foreman can use LDAP based service for user information and authentication.":["Foreman kan använda LDAP för användarinformation och autentisering"],"Foreman considers a domain and a DNS zone as the same thing.":[""],"Foreman domain ID of interface. Required for primary interfaces on managed hosts.":[""],"Foreman host group matchers will be inherited by children when evaluating smart class parameters":[""],"Foreman now manages the build cycle for %s":["Foreman hanterar nu byggcykeln för %s"],"Foreman now no longer manages the build cycle for %s":["Foreman hanterar inte längre byggcykeln för %s"],"Foreman report creation time is <em>%s</em>":["Foremans rapporskapningstid är <em>%s</em>"],"Foreman smart variables will be exposed via the ENC yaml output":[""],"Foreman subnet ID of IPv4 interface":[""],"Foreman subnet ID of IPv6 interface":[""],"Foreman supports automatically creating realm entries for new hosts.":[""],"Foreman supports creating and managing hosts on a number of virtualization and cloud services - referred to as “compute resources” - as well as bare metal hosts.":[""],"Foreman test email":[""],"Foreman ticketing system":["Foreman biljettsystem"],"Foreman will automate certificate signing upon provision of new host":[""],"Foreman will create the host when a report is received":["Foreman kommer skapa värden när en rapport tas emot"],"Foreman will create the host when new facts are received":["Foreman kommer skapa värden när nya fakta tas emot"],"Foreman will default to this puppet environment if it cannot auto detect one":[""],"Foreman will delete virtual machine if provisioning script ends with non zero exit code":[""],"Foreman will evaluate host smart variables in this order by default":[""],"Foreman will explicitly set the puppet environment in the ENC yaml output. This will avoid conflicts between the environment in puppet.conf and the environment set in Foreman":[""],"Foreman will map users by username in request-header. If this is set to false, OAuth requests will have admin rights.":[""],"Foreman will not send this parameter in classification output, replaces use_puppet_default":[""],"Foreman will not send this parameter in classification output.":[""],"Foreman will not send this parameter in classification output. Puppet will use the value defined in the Puppet manifest for this parameter":[""],"Foreman will parse ERB in parameters value in the ENC output":[""],"Foreman will query the locally configured resolver instead of the SOA/NS authorities":[""],"Foreman will set this as the default Puppet module path if it cannot auto detect one":[""],"Foreman will truncate hostname to 'puppet' if it starts with puppet":["Foreman kommer att trunkera värdnamnet till 'puppet' om det startar med puppet"],"Foreman will update a host's environment from its facts":[""],"Foreman will update a host's subnet from its facts":[""],"Foreman will update the host IP with the IP that made the built request":[""],"Foreman will use OAuth for API authorization":[""],"Foreman will use gravatar to display user icons":[""],"Foreman will use random UUIDs for certificate signing instead of hostnames":[""],"Foreman will use the new (2.6.5+) format for classes in the ENC yaml output":[""],"Foreman will use the short hostname instead of the FQDN for creating new virtual machines":[""],"Found %{count} reports from the last %{days} days":[""],"Full":["Full"],"Full audits list":[""],"Full name describing the domain":["Fullständigt namn som beskriver domänen"],"Full path to backing image used to create new volumes.":[""],"Full screen":["Fullskärmsläge"],"Full trace":["Fullständigt spårning"],"Function not available for %s":[""],"GMT time":[""],"Gateway":["Nätsluss"],"General":[""],"General useful description, for example this kind of hardware needs a special BIOS setup":["Generellt användbar beskrivning, till exempel, denna typ av hårdvara behöver en speciellt BIOS-inställning"],"Generate new random name. Visit Settings to disable this feature.":[""],"Generated %s ago":["Genererad %s dagar sedan"],"Generated at %s":["Genererad vid %s"],"Get ENC values of host":[""],"Get configuration status of host":["Hämta konfigurationsstatus för värd"],"Get dashboard details":[""],"Get default dashboard widgets":[""],"Get statistics":[""],"Get status of host":["Hämta status för värd"],"Get vm attributes of host":[""],"Global":["Global"],"Global Parameters":["Globala Parametrar"],"Global default %s template":[""],"Global default %s template. This template gets deployed to all configured TFTP servers. It will not be affected by upgrades.":[""],"Global functions":[""],"Global methods (functions)":[""],"Global parameters":["Globala parametrar"],"Global status changed from %{from} to %{to}":[""],"Global variables":[""],"Good host reports in the last %s":["Bra värdrapporter senaste %s"],"Google Project ID":["Google Project ID"],"Groups base DN":[""],"Guest OS":[""],"HELO/EHLO domain":[""],"Hardware":["Hårdvara"],"Hardware Model":["Hårdvarumodell"],"Hardware Models":["Hårdvarumodeller"],"Hardware models":["Hårdvarumodeller"],"Hash function to use. Change takes effect for new or updated hosts.":[""],"Hash of report metrics, can be just {}":[""],"Hash of status type totals":[""],"Help":["Hjälp"],"Hidden value":[""],"Hide all values for this parameter.":[""],"Hide this value":[""],"Hint data is missing":[""],"History":["Historik"],"Host":["Värd"],"Host %s is built":[""],"Host %s is not associated with a VM":[""],"Host Configuration Chart":[""],"Host Configuration Status":["Värdkonfigurationsstatus"],"Host Group Distribution":[""],"Host Groups":["Värdgrupper"],"Host audit entries":["Värdgranskningslogg"],"Host config group":[""],"Host details":["Värddetaljer"],"Host group":["Värdgrupp"],"Host group / Environment":["Värdgrupp / Miljö"],"Host group IDs":[""],"Host group and Environment":["Värdgrupp och Miljö"],"Host group configuration":["Värdgruppskonfiguration"],"Host group matchers inheritance":[""],"Host group only":["Enbart värdgrupp"],"Host group parameters":["Värdgruppsparametrar"],"Host groups":["Värdgrupper"],"Host owner":[""],"Host owner is invalid":[""],"Host parameters":[""],"Host reported time is <em>%s</em>":["Värdens rapporterade tid är <em>%s</em>"],"Host times seem to be adrift!":[""],"Host's network interfaces.":[""],"Host's owner type":[""],"Host's parameters (array or indexed hash)":[""],"Host::Base|Build":["Bygg"],"Host::Base|Certname":["Certifikatnamn"],"Host::Base|Comment":["Kommentar"],"Host::Base|Disk":["Hårddisk"],"Host::Base|Enabled":["Aktiverad"],"Host::Base|Grub pass":[""],"Host::Base|Image file":["Avbildningsfil"],"Host::Base|Installed at":["Installerad vid"],"Host::Base|Ip":["Ip"],"Host::Base|Last compile":["Senaste kompilering"],"Host::Base|Last freshcheck":["Senaste uppdateringskoll"],"Host::Base|Last report":["Senaste rapport"],"Host::Base|Mac":["Mac"],"Host::Base|Managed":["Managerad"],"Host::Base|Name":["Namn"],"Host::Base|Otp":[""],"Host::Base|Owner type":["Ägartyp"],"Host::Base|Primary interface":[""],"Host::Base|Provision method":[""],"Host::Base|Puppet status":["Puppetstatus"],"Host::Base|Root pass":["Rootlösenord"],"Host::Base|Serial":["Serienummer"],"Host::Base|Use image":["Använd avbildning"],"Host::Base|Uuid":["Uuid"],"HostConfigGroup|Host type":[""],"Hostgroup":["Värdgrupp"],"Hostgroup|Ancestry":["Förfäder"],"Hostgroup|Grub pass":[""],"Hostgroup|Image file":["Avbildningsfil"],"Hostgroup|Name":["Namn"],"Hostgroup|Root pass":["Rootlösenord"],"Hostgroup|Title":[""],"Hostgroup|Use image":["Använd avbildning"],"Hostgroup|Vm defaults":["Vm standardinställningar"],"Hostname":[""],"Hostname or certname":[""],"Hostname:":[""],"Hosts":["Värdar"],"Hosts created after a puppet run that did not send a location fact will be placed in this location":[""],"Hosts created after a puppet run that did not send a organization fact will be placed in this organization":[""],"Hosts created after a puppet run will be placed in the location this fact dictates. 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The content of this fact should be the full label of the organization.":[""],"Hosts in error state":["Värdar med felaktigt tillstånd"],"Hosts including sub-groups":[""],"Hosts managed":[""],"Hosts managed:":[""],"Hosts that had pending changes":["Värdar som hade kommande ändringar"],"Hosts that had pending changes with alerts enabled":[""],"Hosts that had performed modifications without error":["Värdar som hade genomförda ändringar utan fel"],"Hosts that will be trusted in addition to Smart Proxies for access to fact/report importers and ENC output":["Värdar, utöver Smarta Proxies, som är betrodda med åtkomst till fakta/rapportimporterare samt ENC utdata."],"Hosts which Foreman reporting is disabled":[""],"Hosts which are currently not running Puppet":[""],"Hosts which are not reporting":["Värdar som inte rapporterar"],"Hosts which didn't run puppet in the last %s":["Värdar, vilka inte körde puppet den senaste %s"],"Hosts which recently applied changes":["Värdar med nyligen tillämpade ändringar"],"Hosts which recently applied changes successfully":[""],"Hosts which recently applied changes successfully with alerts enabled":[""],"Hosts with alerts disabled":["Värdar med inaktiverade larm"],"Hosts with error state":["Värdar med felaktigt tillstånd"],"Hosts with error state and alerts enabled":["Värdar med felaktigt tillstånd och aktiverade notifieringar"],"Hosts with errors":["Värdar med fel"],"Hosts with interesting values (changed, failures etc)":[""],"Hosts with no reports":["Värdar som saknar rapporter"],"Hosts with notifications disabled":["Värdar med inaktiverade notifieringar"],"Hosts without changes or errors":["Värdar utan ändringar eller fel"],"Hosts without changes or errors, with alerts enabled":["Värdar utan ändringar eller fel, med aktiverade notifieringar"],"Hosts without errors":["Värdar utan fel"],"Hosts without errors percent":[""],"Hosts without errors, with alerts enabled":["Värdar utan fel, med aktiverade notifieringar"],"How values are validated":["Hur värden valideras"],"However, if it was deleted externally this page helps you to recreate it":[""],"ID of LDAP authentication source":[""],"ID of Puppet class":[""],"ID of architecture":[""],"ID of compute resource":[""],"ID of config template":[""],"ID of domain":[""],"ID of environment":[""],"ID of host":["ID för värd"],"ID of host group":["ID för värdgrupp"],"ID of interface":[""],"ID of linked authentication source":[""],"ID of location":[""],"ID of medium":[""],"ID of operating system":[""],"ID of organization":[""],"ID of parameter":[""],"ID of partition table":[""],"ID of provisioning template":[""],"ID of role":[""],"ID of subnet":[""],"ID of template":[""],"ID of the user":[""],"ID of user group":[""],"ID or name external user group":[""],"ID or name of domain":[""],"ID or name of external user group":[""],"ID or name of host":[""],"ID or name of interface":[""],"ID or name of subnet":[""],"ID or name of user group":[""],"IDs of associated architectures":[""],"IDs of associated config groups":[""],"IDs of associated media":[""],"IDs of associated partition tables":[""],"IDs of associated provisioning templates":[""],"INFO or DEBUG":[""],"IP":["IP"],"IP Address":["IPadress"],"IP Address Management":[""],"IP Address auto suggestion mode for this subnet, valid values are \\\"DHCP\\\", \\\"Internal DB\\\", \\\"None\\\"":[""],"IP address auto-suggest":["Automatiskt föreslå IP-adress"],"IP addresses that should be excluded from suggestion":[""],"IP:":[""],"IPAM":[""],"IPv4":[""],"IPv4 Address":[""],"IPv4 DNS record":["",""],"IPv4 Subnet":[""],"IPv4 address":[""],"IPv4 address of interface":[""],"IPv6":[""],"IPv6 Address":[""],"IPv6 DNS record":["",""],"IPv6 Subnet":[""],"IPv6 address":[""],"IPv6 address of interface":[""],"IRC":["IRC"],"Identifier":[""],"Identifier of the interface to which this interface belongs, e.g. eth1":[""],"Identifier of the interface to which this interface belongs, e.g. eth1. Only for virtual interfaces.":[""],"Identifiers of attached interfaces, e.g. `['eth1', 'eth2']`. For bond interfaces those are the slaves. Only for bond and bridges interfaces.":[""],"Idle timeout":[""],"If ERB is used in a parameter value, the validation of the value will happen during the ENC request. If the value is invalid, the ENC request will fail.":[""],"If Foreman is running behind Passenger or a remote load balancer, the IP should be set here. This is a regular expression, so it can support several load balancers, i.e: (|":["Om Foreman körs under Passenger eller bakom en lastbalanserare, fyll i IP-adressen här. Syntaxen är ett reguljärt uttryck för att stödja flera lastbalanserare, exempel: (|"],"If checked, will raise an error if there is no default value and no matcher provide a value.":["Om vald, kommer ett fel att flaggas om det inte finns något standardvärde och ingen matchare tillhandahåller ett värde."],"If owner type is specified, owner must be specified too.":[""],"If true, will raise an error if there is no default value and no matcher provide a value":[""],"If you are planning to use Foreman as an external node classifier you should provide information about one or more environments. This information is commonly imported from a pre-existing Puppet configuration by the use of the %{link_start}Puppet classes and environment importer%{link_end}.":[""],"If you feel this is an error with Foreman itself, please open a new issue with":["Om du tror att detta är ett fel med Foreman, var vänlig öppna en ny bugg med"],"If you wish to configure Puppet to forward it reports to Foreman, please follow":[""],"Ignore Puppet facts for provisioning":[""],"Ignore facts for domain":[""],"Ignore facts for operating system":[""],"Ignore interfaces that match these values during facts importing, you can use * wildcard to match names with indexes e.g. macvtap*":[""],"Ignore interfaces with matching identifier":[""],"Ignored classes in the environments: %s":[""],"Ignored environment":[""],"Ignored environment names resulting in booleans found. Please quote strings like true/false and yes/no in config/ignored_environments.yml.":[""],"Ignored environments: %s":[""],"Ignored:":[""],"Image":["Avbildning"],"Image Based":["Avbildningsbaserad"],"Image ID":["Avbildningsid"],"Image ID as provided by the compute resource, e.g. ami-..":["Avbildsid tillhandahållen från beräkningsresursen, t.ex. ami-.."],"Image path":[""],"Image to use":[""],"Images":["Avbildningar"],"Image|Iam role":["Iamroll"],"Image|Name":["Namn"],"Image|Password":[""],"Image|User data":["Användardata"],"Image|Username":["Användarnamn"],"Image|Uuid":["Uuid"],"Import":["Importera"],"Import IPv4 subnets":[""],"Import VM %s":[""],"Import classes from %s":[""],"Import environments from %s":[""],"Import of facts failed for host %s":[""],"Import puppet classes from puppet proxy for an environment":[""],"Import puppet classes from puppet proxy.":[""],"Imported IPv4 Subnets":[""],"In addition to defining which puppet classes get included when building this host type you are also able to assign variables and provisioning information to a host group to further refine the behavior of the puppet runtime.":["Utöver möjligheten att definiera vilka puppetklasser som blir inkluderade vid byggandet av denna värd, kan du även tilldela variabler och provisioneringsinformation till en värdgrupp för att i mer detalj kunna styra beteendet över puppet."],"In order to create the SSH key, the user must be saved first. A 'create_ssh_keys' permission is required too.":[""],"In-line code syntax":[""],"Include default value when merging all matching values":[""],"Include default value when merging all matching values.":[""],"Include this host within Foreman reporting":["Inkludera denna värd inom Foremanrapportering"],"Included Classes":["Inkluderade Klasser"],"Included Config Groups":[""],"Incorrect password":[""],"Incorrect username or password":["Felaktigt användarnamn eller lösenord"],"Independent - Nonpersistent":[""],"Independent - Persistent":[""],"Infrastructure":["Infrastruktur"],"Inherit parent (%s)":[""],"Inherited Classes from %s":[""],"Inherits from subnet VLAN ID if not set":[""],"Input":[""],"Installation Media":["Installationsmedia"],"Installation media":["Installationsmedia"],"Installation medium configuration":["Inställningar för installationsmedia"],"Installed":["Installerad"],"Interface":["Gränssnitt"],"Interface is down":[""],"Interface is up":[""],"Interface provider, e.g. IPMI. Only for BMC interfaces.":[""],"Interface type, e.g. bmc. Default is %{default_nic_type}":[""],"Interface's DNS name":[""],"Interfaces":[""],"Internal DB":[""],"Internal network":[""],"Interpolate ERB in parameters":[""],"Invalid %s selection, you must select at least one of yours":[""],"Invalid Host":["Felaktig Värd"],"Invalid architecture '%{arch}' for '%{os}'":[""],"Invalid architecture for %s":[""],"Invalid authenticity token":[""],"Invalid log level: %s":["Felaktig loggnivå: %s"],"Invalid medium '%{medium}' for '%{os}'":[""],"Invalid medium for %s":[""],"Invalid power state request: %{action}, supported actions are %{supported}":["Felaktig strömläges begäran: %{action}, åtgärder som stöds är %{supported}"],"Invalid proxy selected!":[""],"Invalid query":["Felaktig fråga"],"Invalid report":["Felaktig rapport"],"Invalid search query: %s":["Felaktig sökfråga: %s"],"Invalid smart-proxy id":[""],"Invalid type for host creation via facts: %s":[""],"Invalid version format, please enter in x.y (only major version).":[""],"Is the cron job that executes %s enabled?":[""],"Issue tracker":["Problemspårare"],"It is not possible to assign provisioning templates at this stage.":[""],"It is not recommended to unlock this template, as it is provided by %{vendor} and may be overwritten. Please consider cloning it instead.":[""],"Item":["Post"],"Iterating":[""],"JSON VM listing is not supported for this compute resource.":[""],"JSON object of the scheduler hint":[""],"Keep selected hosts for a future action":[""],"Key Binding":["Tangentbordsbindningar"],"Key not connected to any compute resource":[""],"Key pair":["Nyckelpar"],"Key used with other compute resource":[""],"KeyPair|Name":["Namn"],"KeyPair|Public":["Publik"],"KeyPair|Secret":["Hemlighet"],"Kind":["Variant"],"LDAP Authentication":["LDAP Autentisering"],"LDAP authentication":["LDAP autentisering"],"LDAP authentication sources":[""],"LDAP error - %{message}":[""],"LDAP filter":["Ldap-filter"],"LDAP server":["LDAP-server"],"LDAP users will have their Foreman account automatically created the first time they log into Foreman":["LDAP-användare får sina konton automatiskt skapade första gången dom loggar in i Foreman"],"Language":[""],"Last Report":[""],"Last report":["Senaste rapport"],"Last updated %s ago":["Senast uppdaterade %s sedan"],"Latest Events":["Senaste Händelserna"],"Learn more about this in the documentation.":[""],"Legacy Puppet hostname":[""],"Length":[""],"Level":["Nivå"],"Libvirt default console address":[""],"Libvirt, oVirt, OpenStack and Rackspace":[""],"Limit rebuild steps, valid steps are %{host_rebuild_steps}":[""],"List LDAP authentication sources per location":[""],"List LDAP authentication sources per organization":[""],"List all :resource_id":[""],"List all LDAP authentication sources":["Lista alla LDAP-autentiseringskällor"],"List all Puppet class IDs for host":[""],"List all Puppet class IDs for host group":[""],"List all Puppet classes":[""],"List all Puppet classes for a host":[""],"List all Puppet classes for a host group":[""],"List all Puppet classes for an environment":[""],"List all SSH keys for a user":[""],"List all architectures":["Lista alla arkitekturer"],"List all architectures for operating system":["Lista alla arkitekturer för 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work nicely when used in tandem with %{organizations}.":[""],"Locations are used to manage and differentiate the physical place where a system managed via Foreman is housed. 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If left blank, a self-signed CA will be populated automatically by the server during the first request.":[""],"Order":["Order"],"Organization":["Organisation"],"Organization Distribution":[""],"Organization fact":[""],"Organization parameters":[""],"Organization with id %{id} not found":[""],"Organization you had selected as your context has been deleted.":["Organisationen du hade valt som din kontext har blivit raderad"],"Organizations":["Organisationer"],"Organizations also work nicely in tandem with %{locations}.":[""],"Original value info":[""],"Other reports for this host":["Andra rapporter för denna värd"],"Out of sync":["Ur synk"],"Out of sync hosts":["Värdar ur synk"],"Out of sync hosts with alerts enabled":["Värdar ur synk med aktiverade notifieringar"],"Out of sync interval":[""],"Override all parameters":[""],"Override match":[""],"Override the default value of the Puppet class parameter.":[""],"Override this value":["Tvinga detta värde"],"Override value, required if omit is false":[""],"Overview":["Överblick"],"Overwrite":["Skriv över"],"Owned By":["Ägd Av"],"Owner":["Ägare"],"Owner changed to %s":["Ägare ändrad till %s"],"Owner type needs to be one of the following: %s":["Ägartyp måste vara en av följande: %s"],"POAP PXE template":[""],"PXE":["PXE"],"PXE Loader":[""],"PXE files for templates %s have been deployed to all Smart Proxies":[""],"PXE loader":[""],"PXEGrub template":[""],"PXEGrub2 template":[""],"PXELinux template":[""],"Param name":[""],"Parameter":["Parameter"],"Parameter details":[""],"Parameter value":["Parametervärde"],"Parameterized classes in ENC":[""],"Parameters":["Parametrar"],"Parameters for host's %s facet":[""],"Parameters that would be associated with hosts in this %s":["Parametrar som skulle bli associerade med denna värd i denna %s"],"Parameter|Hidden value":[""],"Parameter|Name":["Name"],"Parameter|Priority":["Prioritet"],"Parameter|Value":["Värde"],"Params":[""],"Parent":["Förälder"],"Parent ID":[""],"Parent ID of the host group":[""],"Parent is already selected":[""],"Parent parameters":[""],"Partition Tables":["Partitiontabell"],"Partition table":["Partitionstabell"],"Partition table ID":[""],"Partition table configuration":["Partitiontabellskonfiguration"],"Partition tables":["Partitionstabell"],"Partition template IDs":[""],"Password":["Lösenord"],"Password for oVirt, EC2, VMware, OpenStack. 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language.":[""],"ProvisioningTemplate|Default":[""],"ProvisioningTemplate|Locked":[""],"ProvisioningTemplate|Name":[""],"ProvisioningTemplate|Snippet":[""],"ProvisioningTemplate|Template":[""],"ProvisioningTemplate|Vendor":[""],"Proxies":["Proxies"],"Proxy ID to use within this realm":[""],"Proxy request timeout":[""],"Ptable":["Ptable"],"Ptable|Layout":["Layout"],"Ptable|Locked":[""],"Ptable|Name":["Namn"],"Ptable|Os family":["OSfamilj"],"Ptable|Snippet":[""],"Public":["Publik"],"Public SSH key":[""],"Puppet":["Puppet"],"Puppet CA":["Puppet CA"],"Puppet CA proxy ID":[""],"Puppet Class":["Puppet Klass"],"Puppet Classes":["Puppet Klasser"],"Puppet Environment":["Puppet Miljö"],"Puppet Environments":["Puppet Miljöer"],"Puppet Master":["Puppetmästare"],"Puppet Modules":["Puppetmoduler"],"Puppet Summary Report - F:%{failed} R:%{restarted} S:%{skipped} A:%{applied} FR:%{failed_restarts} T:%{total}":[""],"Puppet class":["Puppetklass"],"Puppet class ID":[""],"Puppet class 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return a one-time password":[""],"Realm proxy to use within this realm":[""],"Realm type":[""],"Realm type, e.g. FreeIPA or Active Directory":[""],"Realms":[""],"Realm|Hostgroups count":[""],"Realm|Hosts count":[""],"Realm|Name":[""],"Realm|Realm type":[""],"Reboot and build":["Starta om och bygg"],"Reboot now":[""],"Rebuild Config":[""],"Rebuild orchestration config":[""],"Rebuild orchestration configuration":[""],"Recreate":[""],"Redirect your users to this url on logout (authorize_login_delegation should also be enabled)":["Omdirigera dina användare till denna url vid utloggning (authorize_login_delegation måste också vara aktiverad)"],"Refresh":[""],"Refresh Cache":[""],"Refresh Compute Resource Cache":[""],"Refresh external user group":[""],"Refresh smart proxy features":[""],"Region":["Region"],"Reminder: <strong> One host is selected </strong>":["",""],"Reminder: <strong> One host is selected </strong> for query filter %{query}":["",""],"Remote address":[""],"Remove %s?":["Radera %s?"],"Remove %{type} for %{host}":[""],"Remove DHCP Settings for %s":["Ta bort DHCP-inställningar för %s"],"Remove Parameter":["Ta bort Parameter"],"Remove a Puppet class from host":[""],"Remove a Puppet class from host group":[""],"Remove conflicting %{type} for %{host}":[""],"Remove duplicate values (only array type)":[""],"Remove this override":[""],"Remove:":["Ta bort:"],"Removing compute instance %s":["Tar bort berkningsinstans %s"],"Rename":["Döp om"],"Render user data template for %s":["Rendrera användardatamall för %s"],"Rendering the template, please wait...":["Renderar mallen, vänligen vänta..."],"Report":["Rapport"],"Report Already Deleted":["Rapporten är redan raderad"],"Report Metrics":["Rapportstatistik"],"Report Status":["Rapportstatus"],"Reported at":["Rapporterades vid"],"Reported at %s ":["Rapporterades vid %s"],"Reports":["Rapporter"],"Report|Metrics":["Mätvärden"],"Report|Reported at":["Rapporterades vid"],"Report|Status":["Status"],"Require SSL for smart proxies":[""],"Required parameter without value.<br/><b>Please override!</b><br/>":[""],"Required when user want to change own password":[""],"Reset to default":[""],"Reset zoom":["Återställ zoom"],"Resolve":["Slå upp"],"Resource":["Resurs"],"Resource %{resource_name} not found by id '%{id}'":[""],"Resource %{res} not found.":[""],"Resource pool":[""],"Resources":["Resurser"],"Restart<br>Failures":["Omstart<br>Fel"],"Restarted":["Omstartad"],"Restarted|R":["R"],"Restrict registered smart proxies":[""],"Resume":["Återuppta"],"Returns string representing a host status of a given type":[""],"Reverse DNS Proxy":[""],"Reverse IPv4 DNS record":["",""],"Reverse IPv6 DNS record":["",""],"Revert":["Återgå"],"Revert to revision from: %s":["Återgå till revision från: %s"],"Review":["Granska"],"Review build status for %s":[""],"Revoke":[""],"Role":["Roll"],"Role description":[""],"Role locations":[""],"Role organizations":[""],"Roles":["Roller"],"Roles from user 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tables":[""],"Select provisioning templates":[""],"Select realms":[""],"Select smart proxies":["Välj smarta proxies"],"Select subnets":["Välj subnät"],"Select template":["Välj mall"],"Select the changes you want to apply to Foreman":[""],"Select this host":["",""],"Select this since it belongs to a host":[""],"Select users":["Välj användare"],"Selected hosts are now assigned to %s":["Valda värdar är nu tilldelade %s"],"Selected image does not belong to %s":["Vald avbildning tillhör inte %s"],"Selected items":[""],"Selected resource type does not support granular filtering, therefore you can't configure granularity":[""],"Selected role":[""],"Selecting a file will override the editor and load the file instead":["Väljs en fil åsidosätts redigeraren och filen laddas istället"],"Send a test message to the current user's email address to confirm the configuration is working.":[""],"Send a test message to the user's email address to confirm the configuration is working.":[""],"Send a welcome email including username and URL to new users":[""],"Send welcome email":[""],"Sendmail":[""],"Sendmail arguments":[""],"Sendmail location":[""],"Server group":[""],"Server hint data":[""],"Server type":[""],"Service unavailable":[""],"Services":[""],"Set IP addresses for %s":[""],"Set a randomly generated password on the display connection":["Sätt ett slumpgenererat lösenord för skärmanslutningen"],"Set parameters to defaults":[""],"Set the order in which values are resolved.":[""],"Set up compute instance %s":["Sätt upp beräkningsinstans %s"],"Setting":["Inställning"],"Settings":["Inställningar"],"Setting|Category":["Kategori"],"Setting|Default":["Standard"],"Setting|Description":["Beskrivning"],"Setting|Name":["Namn"],"Setting|Settings type":["Inställningstyp"],"Setting|Value":["Värde"],"Should the `foreman-rake db:migrate` be executed on the next run of the installer modules?":[""],"Should the `foreman-rake db:seed` be executed on the next run of the installer modules?":[""],"Should this interface be managed via DHCP and DNS smart proxy and should it be configured during provisioning?":[""],"Should this interface be used for TFTP of PXELinux (or SSH for image-based hosts)? Each managed hosts needs to have one provision interface.":[""],"Should this interface be used for constructing the FQDN of the host? Each managed hosts needs to have one primary interface.":[""],"Show %s fact values for all hosts":[""],"Show :a_resource":[""],"Show Diff":["Visa Skillnad"],"Show Host":["Visa Värd"],"Show Trends":["Visa Trender"],"Show a Puppet class":[""],"Show a Puppet class for a host group":[""],"Show a Puppet class for an environment":[""],"Show a Puppet class for host":[""],"Show a bookmark":["Visa ett bokmärke"],"Show a compute profile":["Visa en beräkningsprofil"],"Show a compute resource":["Visa en beräkningsresurs"],"Show a config group":["Visa en konfigurationsgrupp"],"Show a default template combination for an operating system":[""],"Show a domain":["Visa en domän"],"Show a filter":["Visa ett filter"],"Show a global parameter":[""],"Show a hardware model":[""],"Show a host":["Visa en värd"],"Show a host group":["Visa en värdgrupp"],"Show a medium":[""],"Show a nested parameter for a domain":[""],"Show a nested parameter for a host":[""],"Show a nested parameter for a host group":[""],"Show a nested parameter for a location":[""],"Show a nested parameter for a subnet":[""],"Show a nested parameter for an operating system":[""],"Show a nested parameter for an organization":[""],"Show a partition table":[""],"Show a permission":[""],"Show a realm":[""],"Show a report":["Visa en rapport"],"Show a role":[""],"Show a setting":[""],"Show a smart class parameter":[""],"Show a smart proxy":[""],"Show a smart variable":[""],"Show a subnet":[""],"Show a user":[""],"Show a user group":[""],"Show all %s children fact values":["Visa alla %s underliggande faktavärden"],"Show all %s facts with the same value":[""],"Show an LDAP authentication source":["Visa en LDAP-autentiseringskälla"],"Show an SSH key from a user":[""],"Show an architecture":["Visa en arkitektur"],"Show an audit":[""],"Show an email notification":[""],"Show an environment":["Visa en miljö"],"Show an external user group for LDAP authentication source":[""],"Show an external user group for user group":[""],"Show an image":["Visa en avbildning"],"Show an interface for host":[""],"Show an operating system":[""],"Show an override value for a specific smart class parameter":[""],"Show an override value for a specific smart variable":[""],"Show available API links":[""],"Show distribution chart":["Visa distributionskarta"],"Show full value":[""],"Show host power status":[""],"Show linked external user groups":[""],"Show log messages:":["Visa loggmeddelanden:"],"Show power status on host index page. This feature calls to compute resource providers which may lead to decreased performance on host listing page.":[""],"Show provisioning template details":["Visa detaljer för provisioneringsmall"],"Show status":["Visa status"],"Show template combination":[""],"Show the last report for a host":["Visa senaste rapporten för en värd"],"Sign":["Signera"],"Single host on this page is selected.":["",""],"Size":["Storlek"],"Size (GB)":["Storlek (GB)"],"Skip assign hosts and proceed to edit %s settings":["Hoppa över tilldelning värdar och fortsätt att redigera %s inställningar"],"Skipped":["Skippad"],"Skipped|S":["S"],"Smart Class Parameter":["Smart Klassparameter"],"Smart Proxies":["Smarta Proxies"],"Smart Proxy":["Smart Proxy"],"Smart Proxy: %s":[""],"Smart Variables":["Smarta Variabler"],"Smart class parameters":[""],"Smart proxies":["Smarta proxies"],"Smart proxy":["Smart proxy"],"Smart proxy IDs":[""],"Smart variables":["Smarta variabler"],"SmartProxy|Name":["Namn"],"SmartProxy|Url":["Url"],"Snippet":["Remsa"],"Some Puppet Classes are unavailable in the selected environment":[""],"Some imported user account details cannot be saved: %s":[""],"Some interfaces are invalid":[""],"Some of the interfaces are invalid. Please check the table below.":[""],"Some or all hosts execution failed, Please check log files for more information":["Några eller alla värdexekveringar misslyckades. Var vänlig se loggfiler för mer information."],"Some other interface is already set as primary. Are you sure you want to use this one instead?":[""],"Some other interface is already set as provisioning. Are you sure you want to use this one instead?":[""],"Something went wrong while changing host type - %s":["Något blev fel vid byte av värdtyp - %s"],"Something went wrong while selecting hosts - %s":["Något blev fel vid markering av värdar - %s"],"Sorry but no templates were configured.":["Tyvärr, men inga mallar blev konfigurerade."],"Sorry, these hosts do not have parameters assigned to them, you must add them first.":["Förlåt, dessa värdar har inga parametrar tilldelade till sig, du måste lägga till det först."],"Source":["Källa"],"Source|Digest":["Sammandrag"],"Source|Value":["Värde"],"Space separated options, e.g. miimon=100. Only for bond interfaces.":[""],"Specified value is higher than recommended maximum":[""],"Specify additional options to sendmail":[""],"Specify authentication type, if required":[""],"Specify matchers":[""],"Start":["Start"],"Starting IP Address for IP auto suggestion":[""],"State":["Tillstånd"],"Static":[""],"Statistics":["Statistik"],"Status":["Status"],"Stop updating IP address and MAC values from Puppet facts (affects all interfaces)":[""],"Stop updating Operating System from facts":[""],"Stop updating domain values from facts":[""],"Storage":["Lagring"],"Storage domain":["Lagringsdomän"],"Storage pool":["Lagringspool"],"Strong":["Stark"],"Submit":["Sänd"],"Subnet":["Subnät"],"Subnet ID":[""],"Subnet IDs":[""],"Subnet name":[""],"Subnet network":[""],"Subnet numeric identifier":[""],"Subnets":["Subnät"],"Subnet|Boot mode":[""],"Subnet|Dns primary":["Primär Dns"],"Subnet|Dns secondary":["Sekundär Dns"],"Subnet|From":["Från"],"Subnet|Gateway":["Nätsluss"],"Subnet|Ipam":[""],"Subnet|Mask":["Mask"],"Subnet|Name":["Namn"],"Subnet|Network":["Nätverk"],"Subnet|Priority":["Prioritet"],"Subnet|To":["Till"],"Subnet|Vlanid":["Vlanid"],"Subscribe":[""],"Subscribe to all hosts":[""],"Subscribe to my hosts":[""],"Success":["Lyckades"],"Successfully created %s.":["Lyckades skapa %s."],"Successfully delete %s":[""],"Successfully deleted %s.":["Lyckades radera %s."],"Successfully deleted report.":[""],"Successfully executed, check log files for more details":["Lyckad exekvering, kolla loggefiler för mer detaljer"],"Successfully executed, check reports and/or log files for more details":["Lyckad exekvering, kolla rapporter och/eller loggefiler för mer detaljer"],"Successfully overridden all parameters of Puppet class %s":[""],"Successfully recreated":[""],"Successfully refreshed features from %s.":["Lyckades uppdatera funktioner från %s."],"Successfully refreshed the cache.":[""],"Successfully reset all parameters of Puppet class %s to their default values":[""],"Successfully updated %s.":["Lyckades uppdatera %s."],"Successfully updated environments and Puppet classes from the on-disk Puppet installation":[""],"Suffix or prefix length for this subnet, e.g. 32":[""],"Suggest new":[""],"Summary from %{time} ago to now":[""],"Summary report from Foreman server at %{foreman_url}":[""],"Support":["Hjälp"],"Supported Formats":[""],"Synchronize group from authentication source":[""],"Syntax Highlighting":[""],"Syntax error occurred while parsing the template %{template_name}, make sure you have all ERB tags properly closed and the Ruby syntax is valid. The Ruby error: %{message}":[""],"System Information":["Systeminformation"],"System Status":["Systemstatus"],"TFTP":[""],"TFTP Proxy":["TFTP Proxy"],"TFTP Proxy ID to use within this subnet":[""],"TFTP Proxy to use within this subnet":["TFTP Proxy för detta subnät"],"TFTP server":[""],"Taxable taxonomy":["Beskattningsbar taxonomi"],"TaxableTaxonomy|Taxable type":["Beskattningsbar typ"],"Taxonomy":["Taxonomi"],"Taxonomy|Ancestry":[""],"Taxonomy|Ignore types":["Typer att ignorera"],"Taxonomy|Name":["Namn"],"Taxonomy|Title":[""],"Template":["Mall"],"Template %s is empty.":[""],"Template '%s' is either missing or has an invalid organization or location":[""],"Template '%s' was not found":[""],"Template Diff":["Mallskillnad"],"Template Type":["Malltyp"],"Template diff":["Mallskillnad"],"Template editor":["Malleditor"],"Template kind":["Malltyp"],"Template kinds, available values: %{template_kinds}":[""],"Template locked":[""],"Template syntax":[""],"Template unlocked":[""],"TemplateKind|Name":["Namn"],"Templates":["Mallar"],"Templates resolved for this operating system":[""],"Tenant":["Innehavare"],"Test Connection":["Testa anslutning"],"Test LDAP connection":["Testa LDAP-anslutning"],"Test LDAP connectivity":[""],"Test connection to LDAP server was successful.":[""],"Test connection was successful":["Testanslutning lyckades"],"Test email":[""],"Text to be shown in the login-page footer":[""],"That is, if you are planning to manage a site where all the machines are of the form <i>hostname</i>.<b></b>\\n then the domain is <b></b>.":[""],"The %{proxy_type} proxy could not be set for host: %{host_names}.":["",""],"The %{proxy_type} proxy of the selected hosts was cleared.":[""],"The %{proxy_type} proxy of the selected hosts was set to %{proxy_name}.":[""],"The <b>fullname</b> field is used for human readability in reports and other pages that refer to domains,\\n and also available as an external node parameter":[""],"The Audit Comment field is saved with the template auditing to document the template changes":["Fältet för Granskningskommentar sparas tillsammas med mallen för att dokumentera ändringar i mallen"],"The BMC password will be used by Foreman to access the host's BMC controller via a BMC-enabled smart proxy, if available.<br/>":[""],"The IP address that should be used for the console listen address when provisioning new virtual machines via Libvirt":["IP-adressen som skall användas för konsolens lyssnaradress vid provisionering av nya maskiner via Libvirt"],"The NFS path to the image directory.":["NFS-sökvägen till avbildningsbiblioteket."],"The NFS path to the jumpstart control files.":["NFS-sökvägen till kontrollfiler för jumpstart"],"The NFS path to the media.":["NFS-sökvägen till mediet"],"The Operating systems detail the OSs known to Foreman, and is the central point that the other required components tie into.":[""],"The Primary interface is used for constructing the FQDN of the host":[""],"The Provisioning interface is used for TFTP of PXELinux (or SSH for image-based hosts)":[""],"The authentication process currently requires an LDAP provider, such as <em>FreeIPA</em>,\\n <em>OpenLDAP</em> or <em>Microsoft's Active Directory</em>.":[""],"The class of CPU supplied in this machine. This is primarily used by Sparc Solaris builds and can be left blank for other architectures. The value can be determined on Solaris via uname -m":["Typ av CPU för denna maskin. Detta används primärt av Sparc Solaris och kan lämnas tomt för andra arkitekturer. Värdet kan hämtas från ett Solaris OS via uname -m"],"The class of the machine reported by the Open Boot Prom. This is primarily used by Sparc Solaris builds and can be left blank for other architectures. The value can be determined on Solaris via uname -i|cut -f2 -d,":["Typen av maskin så som rapporterad av Open Boot Prom. Detta används primärt av versioner av Sparc Solaris och kan lämnas blank för andra arkitekturer. Värdet kan hämtas från ett Solaris OS via uname -i|cut -f2 -d,"],"The default administrator email address":["Förinställd epostadress för administratören"],"The dynamic partitioning style is currently only available for the Red Hat family of operating systems, all others must provide an explicit list of partitions and sizes.":["Det dynamiska partitionsschemat är för närvarande enbart tillgängligt för operativsystem tillhörande redhat familjen. Andra operativsystem måste tillhandahålla en explicit lista med partitioner och storlekar."],"The file path where your p12 file is located":["Sökvägen till p12-filen"],"The final entry, Operating System default, can be set by editing the %s page.":["Sista inlägget, förinställt Operativsystem, kan ställas in genom att editera %s sidan."],"The following IPv4 subnets have been found. Please review the details before creating them.":[""],"The following entries were found conflicting with what foreman wanted to apply.":["Följande värden var i konflikt med vad Foreman ville applicera."],"The following errors may prevent a successful build:":[""],"The following fields would need reviewing":["Följande fält behöver granskas"],"The following hosts failed the build operation: %s":["Följande värdar misslyckades med byggoperationen: %s"],"The following hosts were not %{action}: %{missed_hosts}":["Följande värdar blev inte %{action}: %{missed_hosts}"],"The following hosts were not deleted: %s":["Följande värdar raderades inte: %s"],"The following hosts were updated":["Följande värdar uppdaterades"],"The following parameters were skipped as they did not exists on this host:":["Följande parametrar skippades eftersom dom inte existerar på denna värd:"],"The following table and example snippet shows global methods, variables and class methods and how to use them.":[""],"The full DNS domain name":[""],"The host group's classes and the host group's variables are included in the external node information when the puppetmaster compiles the host's configuration.":["Värdgruppens klasser och variabler är inkluderade i den externa nodinformationen när puppetmästaren kompilerar värdens konfiguration."],"The inclusion of the keyword string <b>#Dynamic</b> at the start of a line lets Foreman know that this is not an explicit disk layout and must treated as a shell script, executed prior\\n to the install process and that the explicit partition table will be found at <b>/tmp/diskpart.cfg</b> during the build process.":[""],"The keys can be used in provisioning templates and are also available for configuration management tools managed by Foreman.":[""],"The keywords <b>$version</b>, <b>$major</b> and <b>$minor</b> will be interpolated back into the path specification to calculate the true URL address.":["Nyckelorden <b>$version</b>, <b>$major</b> och <b>$minor</b> kommer att expanderas och läggas med i sökvägen för att räkna ut den korrekta URL adressen."],"The list is excluding %{count} %{link_start}physical host%{link_end}.":["",""],"The location of the sendmail executable":[""],"The marked fields will need reviewing":["Markerade fält behöver granskas"],"The method used to provision the host. Possible provision_methods may be %{provision_methods}":[""],"The order in which matchers keys are processed, first match wins.<br> You may use multiple attributes as a matcher key, for example, an order of <code>host group, environment</code> would expect a matcher such as <code>hostgroup = \\\"web servers\\\", environment = production</code>":["Ordningen i vilken matchnycklar är behandlad är, första träff vinner. <br>Du kan använda multipla attribut som matchnycklar, t.ex. en ordning som <code>värdgrupp, miljö</code> skulle anta en matchare som <code> värdgrupp =\\\"webbservrar\\\", miljö=\\\"produktion\\\"</code>"],"The order in which values are resolved":["I vilken ordning värden slås upp"],"The password will also be accessible to other users via templates and in the ENC YAML output; disable the bmc_credentials_accessible setting to prevent access.":[""],"The password will not be accessible to other users; enable the bmc_credentials_accessible setting to permit access via templates and in the ENC YAML output.":[""],"The path to the medium, can be a URL or a valid NFS server (exclusive of the architecture).\\n for example <em>$version/os/$arch</em> where <strong>$arch</strong> will be substituted for the host's actual OS architecture and <strong>$version</strong>, <strong>$major</strong> and <strong>$minor</strong> will be substituted for the version of the operating system. Solaris and Debian media may also use <strong>$release</strong>.":[""],"The power state of the selected hosts will be set to %s":[""],"The realm name, e.g. EXAMPLE.COM":[""],"The remote system presented a public key signed by an unidentified certificate authority. If you are sure the remote system is authentic, go to the compute resource edit page, press the 'Test Connection' or 'Load Datacenters' button and submit":[""],"The remote system presented a public key with hash %s but we're expecting a different hash. If you are sure the remote system is authentic, go to the compute resource edit page, press the 'Test Connection' or 'Load Datacenters' button and submit":["Fjärrsystemet presenterade en publik nyckel med hashvärdet %s men vi förväntar oss ett annat hastvärde. Om du är säker på att fjärrsystemet är det korrekta, gå till redigeringssidan för beräkningsresurser klicka på 'Testa annslutning' eller 'Ladda Datacenter' och spara"],"The selected hosts were enabled for reboot and rebuild":[""],"The selected hosts will execute a build operation on next reboot":["Valda värdar kommer genomföra en byggoperation vid nästa omstart"],"The snippet '%{name}' threw an error: %{exc}":[""],"The template is associated to at least one host in build mode. To apply the change, disable and enable build mode on hosts to update the live templates or choose to %s their configuration from 'Select Action' menu":[""],"The user that is used to ssh into the instance, normally cloud-user, ec2-user, ubuntu, root etc":["Användaren som används för att ssha till instansen, normalt cloud-user, ec2-user, ubuntu, root etc"],"The virtual machine is being deleted.":[""],"There are migrations pending in the system.":[""],"There are no puppet environments set up on this puppet master. Please check the puppet master configuration.":[""],"There are orchestration modules with methods for configuration rebuild that have identical name: '%s'":[""],"There are two strategies when using host groups.":["Det finns två strategier vid användande av värdgrupper."],"There is":["Det finns","Det finns"],"There is no owner with id %d and type %s":[""],"There is no proxy with BMC feature set up. Please register a smart proxy with this feature.":[""],"There was an error creating the PXE file: %s":[""],"There was an error listing %{listing}: %{errors}":[""],"There was an error listing VMs: %(status)s %(statusText)s":["Fel vid listning av VMs: %(status)s %(statusText)s"],"There was an error rendering the %s template: ":["Fel vid tolkning av %s mallen:"],"There was an error rendering the %{name} template: %{error}":[""],"There was no active bridge interface found in libvirt, if it does not support listing, you can enter the bridge name manually (e.g. br0)":[""],"These are guaranteed to work via the safe mode rendering, to ensure a template can do nothing harmful.":[""],"These two options are personal decisions and are up to you (where the main difference would be the parameter/variables settings).":["Dessa två alternativ är personliga val och är upp till dig ( där den huvudsakliga skillnaden är parameter/variabel inställningar )."],"Thin provision":["Thin provision"],"This Puppet class has no parameters in its signature.":["Denna Puppetklassen har inga parametrar i sin signatur."],"This allows Foreman to associate a puppet variable with a domain/site and automatically append this variable to all external node requests made by machines at that site.":[""],"This group has nested groups!":["Denna gruppen har nästade grupper!"],"This group has no roles":[""],"This host's stored facts and reports will be deleted too.":[""],"This is a test message to confirm that Foreman's email configuration is working.":[""],"This is for every location and organization that uses it.":[""],"This is for every location that uses it.":[""],"This is for every organization that uses it.":[""],"This is inherited from parent":[""],"This is used by a host":[""],"This might take a while, as all hosts, facts and reports will be destroyed as well":["Detta kan dröja då alla värdar, fakta och rapporter också kommer bli förstörda"],"This role has been cloned from role %s":[""],"This role is locked for editing.":[""],"This role is locked from being modified by users.":[""],"This setting is defined in the configuration file '%{filename}' and is read-only.":[""],"This template is locked and may not be removed.":[""],"This template is locked for editing.":[""],"This template is locked. Please clone it to a new template to customize.":[""],"This template is locked. You may only change the associations. Please %s it to customize.":[""],"This value is not hidden":[""],"This value is used also as the host's primary interface name.":[""],"This will reset parameters of the class %s to their default values. Continue?":[""],"This will set all parameters of the class %s as overridden. Continue?":[""],"Time":[""],"Time in Seconds":["Tid i sekunder"],"Time in minutes installation tokens should be valid for, 0 to disable token generation":[""],"Timeout for DNS conflict validation (in seconds)":[""],"Timeout has occurred while communicating with %s":["Tidsgränsen uppnåddes vid kommunicering med %s"],"To define trend counters, use the Add Trend Counter button.</br> To start collecting trend data, set a cron job to execute 'foreman-rake trends:counter' every Puppet Interval (%s minutes).":[""],"To enable a provider, either install the OS package (e.g. foreman-libvirt) or enable the bundler group for development setup (e.g. ovirt).":["För att aktivera en leverantör, installera antingen OS-paketet (t.ex. foreman-libvirt) eller aktivera bundlergruppen för utvecklingsuppläggning (t.ex. ovirt)."],"To enable safe mode, navigate to Settings page and enable Safemode rendering option.":[""],"To start collecting trend data, set a cron job to execute <span class='black'>foreman-rake trends:counter</span> every Puppet Interval (%s minutes)":[""],"To update the class signature, go to the Puppet Classes page and select \\\"Import\\\".":["För att uppdatera klasssignaturen, gå till Puppetklasser sidan och välj \\\"Importera\\\"."],"Toggle":["Skifta"],"Token":["Token"],"Token duration":[""],"Token expired":[""],"Token|Expires":["Utgår"],"Token|Value":["Värde"],"Total":["Total(t)"],"Total Hosts: %s":["Totalt antal Värdar: %s"],"Total hosts count":["Totalt antal värdar"],"Total of one host":["",""],"Trend":["Trend"],"Trend counter":["Trendräknare"],"Trend of the last %s days.":["Trenden för de senaste %s dagarna."],"TrendCounter|Count":["Antal"],"Trends":["Trender"],"Trends for %s":["Trend för %s"],"Trend|Fact name":["Faktanamn"],"Trend|Fact value":["Faktavärde"],"Trend|Name":["Namn"],"Trend|Trendable type":["Trendbara typer"],"Trigger a puppetrun on a node; requires that puppet run is enabled":["Trigga en puppetrun på en nod; kräver att puppetrun är aktiverat"],"Troubleshooting":[""],"True/False flag whether a host is managed or unmanaged. Note: this value also determines whether several parameters are required or not":[""],"Trusted puppetmaster hosts":[""],"Try going to %{href}":[""],"Type":["Typ"],"Type of name generator":[""],"Type of realm, e.g. FreeIPA":[""],"Type or protocol, IPv4 or IPv6, defaults to IPv4":[""],"Types of validation values":[""],"Types of variable values":[""],"URL":["URL"],"URL for %{providers_requiring_url}":[""],"URL hosts will retrieve templates from during build (normally http as many installers don't support https)":[""],"URL must be valid and schema must be one of %s":[""],"URL where your Foreman instance is reachable (see also Provisioning > unattended_url)":[""],"UTC time of report":[""],"UUID":["UUID"],"UUID to track orchestration tasks status, GET /api/orchestration/:UUID/tasks":[""],"Unable to access key":["Misslyckades med åtkomst till nyckel"],"Unable to authenticate user %s":[""],"Unable to change VM display listen address, make sure the display is not attached to localhost only":["Det gick inte att ändra VMens skärmlyssnaradress, säkerställ att skärmen inte är kopplad till enbart localhost"],"Unable to communicate with the proxy: %s":["Kan inte kommunisera med proxyn: %s"],"Unable to connect":[""],"Unable to connect to LDAP server":[""],"Unable to create default TFTP boot menu":[""],"Unable to create realm entry":[""],"Unable to create the default role.":[""],"Unable to delete DHCP entry for %s":[""],"Unable to delete DNS entry":[""],"Unable to delete PuppetCA autosign for %s":[""],"Unable to delete PuppetCA certificate for %s":[""],"Unable to delete TFTP boot entry for %s":[""],"Unable to detect TFTP boot server":[""],"Unable to detect features":[""],"Unable to detect version":[""],"Unable to determine the host's boot server. The DHCP smart proxy failed to provide this information and this subnet is not provided with TFTP services.":["Kan inte avgöra värdens startserver. DHCP-smartproxyn misslyckades med att tillhandahålla denna information och TFTP-tjänsten är inte tillhandahållen på detta subnät."],"Unable to disable bmc_credentials_accessible when safemode_render is disabled":[""],"Unable to disable safemode_render when bmc_credentials_accessible is disabled":[""],"Unable to execute Puppet run":[""],"Unable to fetch TFTP boot file":[""],"Unable to fetch logs":[""],"Unable to find IP address for '%s'":[""],"Unable to find a proxy with BMC feature":["Kan inte hitta giltig proxy med BMC-funktionen"],"Unable to find proper authentication method":["Misslyckades med att hitta en korrekt autentiseringsmetod"],"Unable to find template %s":[""],"Unable to generate output, Check log files":[""],"Unable to get BMC providers":[""],"Unable to get PuppetCA autosign":[""],"Unable to get PuppetCA certificates":[""],"Unable to get classes from Puppet for %s":[""],"Unable to get environment from Puppet":[""],"Unable to get environments from Puppet":[""],"Unable to get installed BMC providers":[""],"Unable to initialize ProxyAPI class %s":[""],"Unable to perform boot BMC operation":[""],"Unable to perform identify BMC operation":[""],"Unable to perform lan BMC operation":[""],"Unable to perform power BMC operation":[""],"Unable to render %{kind} template '%{name}': %{e}":[""],"Unable to render '%{name}' template: %{e}":[""],"Unable to retrieve DHCP entry for %s":[""],"Unable to retrieve DHCP subnet":[""],"Unable to retrieve DHCP subnets":[""],"Unable to retrieve unused IP":[""],"Unable to save":["Misslyckades med att spara"],"Unable to send email, check server logs for more information":[""],"Unable to set DHCP entry":[""],"Unable to set DNS entry":[""],"Unable to set PuppetCA autosign for %s":[""],"Unable to set TFTP boot entry for %s":[""],"Unable to sign PuppetCA certificate for %s":[""],"Unable to turn on websockets_encrypt, either websockets_ssl_key or websockets_ssl_cert is missing":[""],"Unable to unset websockets_ssl_cert when websockets_encrypt is on":[""],"Unable to unset websockets_ssl_key when websockets_encrypt is on":[""],"Unallowed template for dashboard widget: %s":[""],"Unattended URL":[""],"Undo remove":["Ångra radering"],"Undo selection":[""],"Unhide this value":[""],"Unknown":["Okänd"],"Unknown IPAM type - can't continue":[""],"Unknown Power State":["Okänt strömläge"],"Unknown action name for success message: %s":["Okänt händelsenamn för meddelande vid lyckat resultat: %s "],"Unknown build status":[""],"Unknown device: available devices are %s":[""],"Unknown interface type, must be one of [%s]":[""],"Unknown power action: available methods are %s":[""],"Unknown power management support - can't continue":["Okänt strömhanteringsstöd - kan inte fortsätta"],"Unknown power state":[""],"Unlock":[""],"Unmanage host":["Sluta managera värd"],"Unsupported IPAM mode for %s":[""],"Unsupported password hash function '%s'":[""],"Unsupported report status format":["Formatet för rapportstatus stöds ej"],"Update":["Uppdatera"],"Update :a_resource":[""],"Update IP from built request":[""],"Update a Puppet class":[""],"Update a bookmark":["Uppdatera ett bokmärke"],"Update a compute attributes set":[""],"Update a compute profile":["Uppdatera en beräkningsprofil"],"Update a compute resource":["Uppdatera en beräkningsresurs"],"Update a config group":["Uppdatera en konfigurationsgrupp"],"Update a default template combination for an operating system":[""],"Update a domain":["Uppdatera en domän"],"Update a filter":["Uppdatera ett filter"],"Update a global parameter":[""],"Update a hardware model":[""],"Update a host":["Uppdatera en värd"],"Update a host group":["Uppdatera en värdgrupp"],"Update a host's interface":[""],"Update a medium":[""],"Update a nested parameter for a domain":[""],"Update a nested parameter for a host":[""],"Update a nested parameter for a host group":[""],"Update a nested parameter for a location":[""],"Update a nested parameter for a subnet":[""],"Update a nested parameter for an operating system":[""],"Update a nested parameter for an organization":[""],"Update a partition table":[""],"Update a provisioning template":["Uppdatera en provisioneringsmall"],"Update a realm":[""],"Update a role":[""],"Update a setting":[""],"Update a smart class parameter":[""],"Update a smart proxy":[""],"Update a smart variable":[""],"Update a subnet":[""],"Update a user":[""],"Update a user group":[""],"Update an LDAP authentication source":["Uppdatera en LDAP-autentiseringskälla"],"Update an architecture":["Uppdatera en arkitektur"],"Update an environment":["Uppdatera en miljö"],"Update an image":["Uppdatera en avbildning"],"Update an operating system":[""],"Update an override value for a specific smart class parameter":[""],"Update an override value for a specific smart variable":[""],"Update environment from facts":[""],"Update external user group":[""],"Update realm entry for %s":[""],"Update subnets from facts":[""],"Update template combination":[""],"Update the default PXE menu on all configured TFTP servers":[""],"Update:":["Uppdatera:"],"Updated":["Uppdaterad"],"Updated all hosts!":["Uppdaterade alla värdar!"],"Updated hosts: Disassociated from VM":[""],"Updated hosts: changed environment":["Uppdaterade värdar: ändrad miljö"],"Updated hosts: changed host group":["Uppdaterade värdar: ändrad värdgrupp"],"Updated hosts: changed owner":[""],"Upload facts for a host, creating the host if required":[""],"Use Gravatar":[""],"Use UUID for certificates":[""],"Use short name for VMs":[""],"Use this account to authenticate, <i>optional</i>":["Använd följande konto för autentisering, <i>valfritt</i>"],"Use this puppet server as a CA server":["Använd denna puppetserver som en CA server"],"Use this puppet server as an initial Puppet Server or to execute puppet runs":["Använd denna puppetserver som en initiell puppetserver eller för att exekvera puppetkörningar"],"Used to enforce certain values for the parameter values":[""],"User":["Användare"],"User Group":[""],"User Groups":["Användargrupper"],"User IDs":[""],"User data template":[""],"User groups":["Användargrupper"],"User groups enable users to log into Foreman and be automatically granted permissions.":[""],"User role":[""],"User's preferred locale":[""],"User's timezone":[""],"UserRole|Owner type":[""],"Usergroup":["Användargrupp"],"Usergroup member":["Användargruppsmedlem"],"UsergroupMember|Member type":["Medlemstyp"],"Usergroup|Admin":[""],"Usergroup|Auth source":[""],"Usergroup|Name":["Namn"],"Username":["Användarnamn"],"Username for oVirt, EC2, VMware, OpenStack. Access Key for EC2.":[""],"Username to use to authenticate, if required":[""],"Users":["Användare"],"User|Admin":["Admin"],"User|Avatar hash":[""],"User|Firstname":["Förnamn"],"User|Last login on":["Sista inloggning "],"User|Lastname":["Efternamn"],"User|Locale":["Språkinställning"],"User|Login":["Login"],"User|Lower login":[""],"User|Mail":["Epost"],"User|Mail enabled":[""],"User|Password hash":["Lösenordshash"],"User|Password salt":["Lösenordssalt"],"Uses thin provisioning if unchecked":[""],"Using the organization system provides a way to group resources together for easy management. Organizations are particularly useful for Foreman installations where several customers or business units are managed with a single Foreman install.":[""],"VCPU(s)":["VCPU(er)"],"VCenter/Server":["VCenter/Server"],"VLAN ID for this subnet":[""],"VLAN tag, this attribute has precedence over the subnet VLAN ID. Only for virtual interfaces.":[""],"VM":["VM"],"VM Attributes":["VM-Attribut"],"VM Attributes (%s)":["VM-Attribut (%s)"],"VM already associated with a host":["VM redan associerad med en värd"],"VM associated to host %s":["VM associerad till värd %s"],"VM is not running!":["VM körs ej!"],"VNC/SPICE websocket proxy console access encryption (websockets_ssl_key/cert setting required)":[""],"Valid from":["Giltig från"],"Valid host group and environment combinations":["Korrekt värdgrupp och miljökombinationer"],"Validation types":["Valideringstyper"],"Value":["Värde"],"Value to use when there is no match":["Värden att använda när ingen match hittas"],"Value to use when there is no match.":[""],"Variable":["Variabel"],"Variable lookup key":[""],"Variables":[""],"Vendor class":["Leverantörsklass"],"Verify":["Verifiera"],"Version":["Version"],"Version %{version}":["Version %{version}"],"Version %{version} %{copyright} 2009-%{year} Paul Kelly and %{author}":[""],"Very Strong":["Väldigt stark"],"View Diff":["Granska Skillnad"],"View in Foreman:":[""],"View last report details":["Granska senaste rapportdetaljerna"],"View list":[""],"Virtual (NAT)":["Virtuell(NAT)"],"Virtual H/W version":[""],"Virtual Machine":["Virtuell Maskin"],"Virtual Machines":["Virtuella Maskiner"],"Virtual Machines on %s":["Virtuell Maskiner på %s"],"Virtual NIC":[""],"Virtual machine settings cannot be edited on an existing machine in %s":[""],"WARNING":[""],"Wait for %s to come online":["Vänta på at %s blir uppkopplad"],"Warning":["Varning"],"Warning!":["Varning!"],"Warning! This will remove %{name} from %{number} user. are you sure?":["",""],"Warning: This will delete this host and all of its data!":[""],"Warnings and errors":["Varningar och fel"],"We have not found any documentation for your API.":[""],"We use Redmine to report and track bugs and feature requests, which can be found here:":["Vi använder Redmine för att rapportera och följa buggar samt begäran kring utökad funktionalitet, vilken kan hittas här:"],"Weak":["Svag"],"Websockets SSL certificate":[""],"Websockets SSL key":[""],"Websockets encryption":[""],"Weekly":[""],"Welcome to Foreman":["Välkommen till Foreman"],"What ever text(or ERB template) you use in here, would be used as your OS disk layout options If you want to use the partition table option, delete all of the text from this field":["Den text (eller ERB mall) som du anger här kommer användas som OS disklayout. Om du vill använda alternativet partitionstabell, radera all text från detta fält."],"When a Host requests a template (e.g. during provisioning), Foreman will select the best match from the available templates of that type, in the following order:":[""],"When a realm is selected for a host, Foreman contacts the relevant realm smart proxy to create an entry for the host and retrieve it's one-time registration password.":[""],"When editing a template, you must assign a list of operating systems which this template can be used with. Optionally, you can restrict a template to a list of host groups and/or environments.":[""],"When enabled the parameter is hidden in the UI":[""],"When specifying custom value, add 'MB' or 'GB' at the end. Field is not case sensitive and MB is default if unspecified.":[""],"When the role's associated %{taxonomies} are changed,<br> the change will propagate to all inheriting filters.\\n Filters that are set to override <br> will remain untouched. Overriding of role filters can be easily disabled by <br> pressing the \\\"Disable overriding\\\" button.\\n Note that not all filters support <br>%{taxonomies}, so these always remain global.":[""],"When using SSH based provisioning, a special SSH key is created in order to automate the provisioning process.":[""],"When using TLS, you can set how OpenSSL checks the certificate":[""],"Whether or not the image supports user data":[""],"Whether or not the template is locked for editing":[""],"Whether the class parameter value is managed by Foreman.":[""],"Whether the smart class parameter value is managed by Foreman":[""],"Which is an offset of <b>%s</b>":["Vilket är en offset av <b>%s</b>"],"Widget added to dashboard.":["Widget tillagd till instrumentbrädan."],"Widget positions successfully saved.":[""],"Widget removed from dashboard.":["Widget borttagen från instrumentbrädan."],"Wiki":["Wiki"],"With user groups, you can group your users and assign them roles on a group basis.":[""],"X509 Certification Authorities":[""],"YAML":["YAML"],"Yes":[""],"You are about to change the default PXE menu on all configured TFTP servers - continue?":[""],"You are about to override the editor content with a previous version, are you sure?":["Du kommer att åsidosätta redigerarens innehåll med en tidigare version, är du säker?"],"You are about to override the editor content, are you sure?":["Du kommer att åsidosätta redigerarens innehåll, är du säker?"],"You are about to unlock a locked template.":[""],"You are not authorized to lock templates.":[""],"You are not authorized to make a template default.":[""],"You are not authorized to perform this action.":[""],"You are trying to delete your own account":[""],"You are using an unsupported browser.":["Du använder en webbläsare som inte stöds"],"You can add SSH public keys to a user in Foreman.":[""],"You can find The Foreman on the %{freenode} ( network. For general support, please visit #theforeman and for development specific related chat, please visit #theforeman-dev.":[""],"You can select one of the IPAM modes supported by the selected IP protocol:<br/><ul><li><strong>DHCP</strong> - will manage the IP on DHCP through assigned DHCP proxy, auto-suggested IPs come from DHCP <em>(IPv4)</em></li><li><strong>Internal DB</strong> - use internal DB to auto-suggest free IP based on other interfaces on same subnet respecting range if specified, useful mainly with static boot mode <em>(IPv4, IPv6)</em></li><li><strong>EUI-64</strong> - will assign the IPv6 address based on the MAC address of the interface <em>(IPv6)</em></li><li><strong>None</strong> - leave IP management solely on user, no auto-suggestion <em>(IPv4, IPv6)</em></li></ul>":[""],"You can't assign locations to this resource":[""],"You can't assign organizations to this resource":[""],"You cannot delete this user while logged in as this user.":[""],"You do not have permission to %s this location parameter":["Du har inte rättigheter att %s denna placeringsparameter"],"You do not have permission to %s this organization parameter":["Du har inte rättigheter att %s denna organisationsparameter"],"You don't have any visible hosts. Hosts can be added and provisioned from Foreman, or configured to report to Foreman.":[""],"You don't seem to have any bookmarks.":[""],"You don't seem to have any facts yet. If you wish to configure fact pushing, please follow the documentation.":[""],"You don't seem to have any reports.":[""],"You have already logged in":[""],"You may also associate one or more operating systems with this medium or alternatively set this up later on the %s page.":["Du kan även associera ett eller flera operativsystem med detta medium alternativt sätter du upp detta senare via sidan %s."],"You may also associate one or more operating systems with this partition table or alternatively set this up later on the %s page":["Du kan även associera ett eller flera operativsystem med denna partitionstabell alternativt sätter du upp detta senare via sidan %s."],"You may create puppet classes that represent high-level host configurations, for example, a <b>host-type-ldap-server</b> class, which includes all the required functionality from other modules or you may decide to create a host group called <b>host-type-ldap-server</b> and add the required classes into the host group configuration.":["Du kan skapa puppetklasser som representerar högnivå värdkonfigurationer, t.ex., en <b>host-type-ldap-server</b>klass, som inkluderar all funktionalitet från andra moduler, alternativt skapar du en värdgrupp <b>host-type-ldap-server</b> och adderar de klasser som krävs till värdgruppen."],"You must create a location before continuing.":[""],"You must create an organization before continuing.":[""],"You must create at least one location before continuing.":["Du måste skapa mine en lokation innan du fortsätter."],"You must create at least one organization before continuing.":["Du måste kapa minst en organisation innan du fortsätter."],"You must select at least one permission":[""],"You probably need to configure your %s first.":[""],"You would probably need to attach the":["Du skulle antagligen behöva ansluta"],"Your Foreman user account has been created:":[""],"Your host has finished building:":[""],"Your password is too short":["Ditt lösenord är för kort"],"Your password should not contain sequences":[""],"Your password should not contain that many repetitions":[""],"Your password should not contain your email":[""],"Your password should not contain your username":[""],"Your password should use characters from different character classes too":[""],"Your session has expired, please login again":["Din session har utgått, var vänlig logga in igen"],"ZTP PXE template":[""],"Zone":["Zon"],"[encrypted]":[""],"a location":["en plats"],"add a new matcher":[""],"add new network interface":["lägg till nytt närtverkskort"],"add new storage volume":["lägg till ny lagringsvolym"],"all":[""],"already exists":["existerar redan"],"an organization":[""],"and":["och"],"array":[""],"belongs to config group":["tillhör konfigurationsgrupp"],"boolean":[""],"boot device, valid devices are disk, cdrom, pxe, bios":[""],"can only be set for array or hash":[""],"can only be set for arrays that have merge_overrides set to true":[""],"can only be set when merge overrides is set":[""],"can't be bigger than to range":["kan inte vara större än till-spannet"],"can't be blank":[""],"can't be blank unless a custom partition has been defined":[""],"can't be updated after host is provisioned":[""],"can't be updated after subnet is saved":[""],"can't contain spaces.":[""],"can't delete primary interface of managed host":[""],"can't delete provision interface of managed host":[""],"can't find domain with this id":[""],"cannot be changed":[""],"cannot be changed by a non-admin user":[""],"cannot be changed on an internal protected account":[""],"cannot be enabled for an unmanaged host":[""],"cannot be removed from an internal protected account":[""],"cannot be removed from the last admin account":[""],"clone":[""],"comma separated interface identifiers":[""],"comments powered by %{disqus}":[""],"could not be calculated":[""],"could not be found in %s":[""],"could not be generated":[""],"cycle":["period"],"default locations need to be user locations first":[""],"default organizations need to be user organizations first":[""],"defaults to 389":["standardvärde är 389"],"does not appear to be a valid nfs mount path":["verkar inte vara en korrekt nfsmontering"],"does not belong into host's location":[""],"does not belong into host's organization":[""],"does not belong to subnet":["tillhör inte subnät"],"does not have the %s feature":[""],"does not match selected subnet":[""],"domain":["domän"],"e-mail reporting":["e-postrapportering"],"e.g. admin@internal":["t.ex. admin@internal"],"e.g. givenName":["t.ex. givenName"],"e.g. http://openstack:5000/v2.0/tokens":["t.ex. http://openstack:5000/v2.0/tokens"],"e.g.":["t.e.x."],"e.g.":[""],"e.g. jpegPhoto":[""],"e.g. karmic, lucid, hw0910 etc":["t.ex. karmic, lucid, hw0910 etc"],"e.g. mail":["t.ex. mail"],"e.g. qemu://":["t.ex. qemu://"],"e.g. sn":["t.ex. sn"],"e.g. uid":["t.ex. uid"],"enable caching, for VMware only":[""],"environment id":[""],"failed to %{action} %{vm}":["misslyckades med att %{action} %{vm}"],"failed to detect boot server: %s":["misslyckades med att detektera bootserver: %s"],"failed to execute puppetrun: %s":["misslyckades med att köra puppetrun: %s"],"failed to save %s":["misslyckades med att spara %s"],"filter for %s role":[""],"filter results":["filtrera resultat"],"for EC2 only":["endast för EC2"],"for Libvirt and VMware only":["endast för Libvirt och VMware"],"for Libvirt only":["endast för Libvirt"],"for OpenStack only":["endast för OpenStack"],"for VMware":["för VMware"],"for oVirt, VMware Datacenter":["för oVirt, VMWare Datacenter"],"for proxy":[""],"free memory":[""],"from profile %s":[""],"further instructions":[""],"global":[""],"groups base DN":[""],"has already been taken":[""],"has this role already":["har redan denna roll"],"hash":[""],"hash containing the facts for the host":[""],"host":[""],"host already has primary interface":[""],"host already has provision interface":[""],"host group":[""],"host group id":[""],"host must have one primary interface":[""],"hostname of the host":[""],"iPXE template":[""],"in %s":["i %s"],"in Progress":[""],"in progress":[""],"included already from parent":[""],"inherit":[""],"integer":[""],"interface information":[""],"invalid":["felaktig"],"invalid LDAP filter syntax":["felaktig syntax för LDAP-filter"],"invalid architecture for %s":["felaktig arkitektur för %s"],"invalid host list":["felaktig värdlista"],"invalid medium for %s":["felaktigt medium för %s"],"invalid method %s":["felaktig metod %s"],"invalid path":["felaktig sökväg"],"invalid search query: %s":[""],"invalid time range":["felaktig tidsspann"],"invalid type %s":["felaktig typ %s"],"invalid type: %s requested":["felaktig typ: %s begärd"],"is already used by a user account":["används redan av ett användarkonto"],"is an admin account":[""],"is an admin user group":[""],"is an unsupported provisioning method":[""],"is invalid":["är felaktig"],"is invalid %s":["är felaktig %s"],"is invalid. No provisioning template with name \\\"%{name}\\\" and kind \\\"%{kind}\\\" found. ":[""],"is invalid: %s":["är felaktig: %s"],"is locked for user modifications.":[""],"is not a valid MAC address":[""],"is not allowed to change":["tillåts inte att ändras"],"is not defined for host's %s.":[""],"is not found in the authentication source":[""],"is not permitted":[""],"is not valid":[""],"is too long (maximum is 1 character)":["",""],"is too long (maximum is 254 characters)":[""],"is unknown":[""],"issue tracker":["Problemspårare"],"items selected. Uncheck to Clear":["poster markerade. 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var locales = locales || {}; locales['sv_SE'] = {"domain":"app","locale_data":{"app":{"":{"Project-Id-Version":"Foreman","Report-Msgid-Bugs-To":"","PO-Revision-Date":"2017-09-19 17:22+0000","Last-Translator":"Lukáš Zapletal","Language-Team":"Swedish (Sweden) (","MIME-Version":"1.0","Content-Type":"text/plain; charset=UTF-8","Content-Transfer-Encoding":"8bit","Language":"sv_SE","Plural-Forms":"nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);","lang":"sv_SE","domain":"app","plural_forms":"nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);"}," Remove":["Ta bort:"],"%s - Press Shift-F12 to release the cursor.":["%s - Tryck Shift-F12 för att frigöra markören."],"%s - The following hosts are about to be changed":["%s - Följande värdar kommer att ändras"],"%s Distribution":["%s Distribution"],"%s Parameters updated, see below for more information":["%s Parametrar uppdaterade, se nedan för mer information"],"%s Template":["%s Mall"],"%s VM associated to a host":["%s VM associerad till en värd","%s VM's associerade till värdar"],"%s active feature":["",""],"%s ago":["%s sedan"],"%s console is not supported at this time":["%s konsol stöds ej vid denna tidpunkt"],"%s core":["%s kärna","%s kärnor"],"%s day ago":["%s dag sedan","%s dagar sedan"],"%s error message":["",""],"%s has been disassociated from VM":[""],"%s host":["",""],"%s is an unknown attribute":["%s är ett okänt attribut"],"%s is not a valid DNS record type":[""],"%s is not in environment":[""],"%s log message":["",""],"%s minute ago":["%s minut sedan","%s minuter sedan"],"%s month ago":["%s månad sedan","%s månader sedan"],"%s selected hosts":["%s valda värdar"],"%s warning message":["",""],"%s week ago":["%s vecka sedan","%s veckor sedan"],"%s widget loading...":[""],"%{app_name} API documentation homepage":[""],"%{config_type} rebuild failed for host: %{host_names}.":["",""],"%{controller}: %{host}'s operating system %{os} has no OS family":[""],"%{controller}: %{host}'s operating system is missing":[""],"%{controller}: unable to find a host that matches the request from %{addr}":[""],"%{cores} Cores and %{memory} memory":["%{cores} Kärnor och %{memory} minne"],"%{count} host with no %{taxonomy_single} assigned":["%{count} värd utan %{taxonomy_single} tilldelad","%{count} värdar utan %{taxonomy_single} tilldelade"],"%{cpus} CPUs and %{memory} MB memory":["%{cpus} CPUer och %{memory} MB minne"],"%{cpus} CPUs and %{memory} memory":["%{cpus} CPUs och %{memory} minne"],"%{e} does not belong to the %{environment} environment":["%{e} tillhör inte %{environment} miljön"],"%{host} is about to %{action}":["%{host} kommer att %{action}"],"%{host} now boots from %{device}":["%{host} starar nu från %{device}"],"%{id} plugin requires Foreman %{matcher} but current is %{current}":["%{id} insticksmodulen kräver Foreman %{matcher} men är förnärvarande %{current}"],"%{id} plugin requires the %{plugin_name} plugin %{matcher} but current is %{plugin_version}":["%{id} plugin kräver att %{plugin_name} plugin %{matcher} men är för närvarande %{plugin_version}"],"%{id} plugin requires the %{plugin_name} plugin, not found":["%{id} plugin kräver %{plugin_name} plugin, men den hittas ej"],"%{image} needs user data, but %{os_link} is not associated to any provisioning template of the kind user_data. Please associate it with a suitable template or uncheck 'User data' for %{compute_resource_image_link}.":[""],"%{key} does not exist in order field":[""],"%{match} does not match an existing host":["%{match} matchar inte en existerande värd"],"%{match} does not match an existing host group":["%{match} matchar inte en existerande värdgrupp"],"%{model} with id '%{id}' was not found":[""],"%{name} changed from %{label1} to %{label2}":["%{name} ändrades från %{label1} till %{label2}"],"%{name} has %{num_tag} class":["",""],"%{os} medium was not set for host '%{host}'":[""],"%{record} is being used by a hidden %{what} resource":[""],"%{record} is used by %{what}":["%{record} används av %{what}"],"%{record} is used by host in build mode %{what}":[""],"%{resource_name} not found by id '%{id}'":[""],"%{task} task failed with the following error: %{e}":["%{task} uppgiften misslyckades med följande fel: %{e}"],"%{taxonomy_type} %{taxonomy_name} has %{count} host that will need to be reassociated after deletion. Delete %{taxonomy_name2}?":["",""],"%{type} %{conflicts} already exists":[""],"%{user} Downloaded %{key} as pem file":[""],"%{value} does not belong to %{os} operating system":["%{value} tillhör inte %{os} operativsystem"],"%{value} is not a valid controller":["%{value} är inte en korrekt kontroller"],"%{value} is not one of %{rules}":["%{value} är inte en av %{rules}"],"%{vm} is now %{vm_state}":["%{vm} är nu %{vm_state}"],"&laquo;":["&laquo;"],"&raquo;":["&raquo;"],"'%{host}' could be deleted or '%{resource}' is not responding.":["'%{host}' kan vara raderad eller så svarar inte '%{resource}'."],"'%{host}' not found on '%{resource}'":["'%{host}' finns inte på '%{resource}'"],"'%{loader}' is not one of %{loaders}":[""],"'Content-Type: %s' is unsupported in API v2 for POST and PUT requests. Please use 'Content-Type: application/json'.":[""],"(Miscellaneous)":[""],"(optional) IAM Role for Fog to use when creating this image.":["(frivillig) IAM-roll för Fog att använda när avbilden skapas."],"*Clear %s proxy*":[""],"*Clear environment*":["*Rensa miljö*"],"*Clear host group*":["*Rensa värdgrupp*"],"*Inherit from host group*":["*Ärv från värdgrupp*"],", relevant log entries, and it is highly recommended to also attach the foreman-debug output.":[""],":foreman_url is not set, please configure in the Foreman Web UI (Administer -> Settings -> General)":[""],"<b class='select_count'>0</b> selected":["<b class='select_count'>0</b> markerad/e"],"<b style=\\\"color: #6bb5df;\\\">%{disabled_sum}</b>\\n <p>Disabled</p>":["",""],"<b style=\\\"color: #6bb5df;\\\">%{hosts_sum}</b>\\n <p>Changed</p>":["",""],"<b style=\\\"color: #6bb5df;\\\">%{out_of_sync_sum}</b>\\n <p>Out of sync</p>":["",""],"<b>Description:</b> %{desc}<br/>\\n <b>Type:</b> %{type}<br/>\\n <b>Matcher:</b> %{matcher}<br/>\\n <b>Inherited value:</b> %{inherited_value}":[""],"<b>Foreman API v1 is deprecated. Please use v2.</b><br />If you still need to use v1, you may do so by either passing 'version=1' in the Accept Header or using api/v1/ in the URL.":[""],"<b>Foreman</b> Build Complete":[""],"<b>Foreman</b> Puppet error report":[""],"<b>Foreman</b> Puppet summary":[""],"<b>Foreman</b> audit summary":[""],"<b>Foreman</b> test email":[""],"<b>Source:</b> %{type} %{name}":[""],"<dl><dt>List</dt> <dd>A list of the allowed values, specified in the Validator rule field.</dd><dt>Regexp</dt> <dd>Validates the input with the regular expression in the Validator rule field.</dd></dl>":["<dl><dt>List</dt> <dd>En lista över tillåtna värden i regelfältet Validator</dd><dt>Regexp</dt> <dd>Validerar inmatningen med det reguljära uttrycket i regelfältet Validator.</dd></dl>"],"<dl><dt>String</dt> <dd>Everything is taken as a string.</dd><dt>Boolean</dt> <dd>Common representation of boolean values are accepted.</dd><dt>Integer</dt> <dd>Integer numbers only, can be negative.</dd><dt>Real</dt> <dd>Accept any numerical input.</dd><dt>Array</dt> <dd>A valid JSON or YAML input, that must evaluate to an array.</dd><dt>Hash</dt> <dd>A valid JSON or YAML input, that must evaluate to an object/map/dict/hash.</dd><dt>YAML</dt> <dd>Any valid YAML input.</dd><dt>JSON</dt> <dd>Any valid JSON input.</dd></dl>":["<dl><dt>String</dt> <dd>Allt tolkas som en sträng.</dd><dt>Boolean</dt> <dd>Allmän representation av booleska värden accepteras.</dd><dt>Integer</dt> <dd>Endast heltal. Kan vara negativa.</dd><dt>Real</dt> <dd>Acceptera all numerisk indata.</dd><dt>Array</dt> <dd>Giltig JSON- eller YAML-indata som måste evaluera till en array.</dd><dt>Hash</dt> <dd>Giltig JSON- eller YAML-indata som måste evaluera till object/map/dict/hash.</dd><dt>YAML</dt> <dd>All giltig YAML-indata.</dd><dt>JSON</dt> <dd>All giltig JSON-indata.</dd></dl>"],"A Foreman user group can be associated to a group stored in an LDAP server, so membership of the LDAP group automatically adds the user to the Foreman user group.":[""],"A host group is in some ways similar to an inherited node declaration, in that it is a high level grouping of classes that can be named and treated as a unit. This is then treated as a template and is selectable during the creation of a new host and ensures that the host is configured in one of your pre-defined states.":["En värdgrupp är på vissa sätt lik en ärvd noddeklaration, en högnivå gruppering av klasser som kan namnas och hanteras som en enhet. Detta hanteras som en mall och är valbar under skapandet av en ny värd vilket säkerställer att värden är konfigurerad enligt ett av dina fördefinierade tillstånd."],"A medium represents the source of one or more operating system's installation files, accessible via the network.\\n It will probably be a mirror from the internet or a copy of one or more CD or DVDs.":[""],"A partition table entry represents either":["En partitionstabellpost representerar antingen"],"A problem occurred when detecting host type: %s":["Ett problem uppstod vid detektion av värdtyp: %s"],"A script to dynamically calculate the desired sizes. E.G.":["Ett skript för att dynamiskt beräkna önskade storlekar. T.ex."],"A user group already exists with this name":["En användargrupp finns redan med detta namn"],"API Key":["API Key"],"API documentation":[""],"About":["Om"],"Access Key":["Access Key"],"Access denied":[""],"Access unattended without build":[""],"Account":["Konto"],"Acquire IP addresses for %s":[""],"Action":["Åtgärd"],"Actions":["Åtgärder"],"Active":["Aktiv"],"Active Hosts":["Aktiva värdar"],"Active features":[""],"Active key":[""],"Add Autosign entry":[""],"Add Bookmark":["Lägg till bokmärke"],"Add Interface":["Lägg till nätverksgränssnitt"],"Add Matcher":[""],"Add Parameter":["Lägg till Parameter"],"Add Trend Counter":["Lägg till Trendräknare"],"Add Variable":["Lägg till Variabel"],"Add Volume":["Lägg till Volym"],"Add a CD-ROM drive to the virtual machine.":[""],"Add a Puppet class to host":["Lägg till Puppet-klass till värd"],"Add a Puppet class to host group":[""],"Add a template combination":[""],"Add combination":["Lägg till kombination"],"Add external user group":[""],"Add filter":[""],"Add to dashboard":[""],"Add widgets":[""],"Add:":["Lägg till:"],"Adding would cause a cycle!":[""],"Additional Information":["Ytterliggare information:"],"Additional compute resource specific attributes for the interface.":[""],"Additional compute resource specific attributes.":[""],"Additional information about this host":["Ytterligare information om värden"],"Address to connect to":[""],"Admin permissions required":["Admin-behörighet krävs"],"Administer":["Administrera"],"Administrator email address":[""],"Administrator user account required":[""],"Alert":["Varning"],"Alerts disabled":["Varningar inaktiverade"],"Alias or VLAN device":[""],"All":[""],"All Puppet Classes for %s":["Alla Puppetklasser för %s"],"All Reports":["Alla Rapporter"],"All compute resources":["Alla beräkningsresurser"],"All domains":["Alla domäner"],"All environments":["Alla miljöer"],"All environments - (not filtered)":[""],"All host groups":["Alla värdgrupper"],"All hosts":["Alla värdar"],"All hosts data matches configurations for locations and organizations.":["Alla värdars data matchar konfigurationer för platser och organisationer."],"All hosts previously with no %{single} are now assigned to %{name}":["Alla värdar tidigare utan %{single} tilldelas nu %{name}"],"All hosts will show a configuration status even when a Puppet smart proxy is not assigned":[""],"All items":[""],"All media":["Alla media"],"All messages":["Alla meddelanden"],"All mismatches between hosts and %s have been fixed":["Alla felaktigheter mellan värdar och %s har åtgärdats"],"All mismatches between hosts and locations/organizations have been fixed":["Alla felaktigheter mellan värdar och platser/organisationer har åtgärdats"],"All partition tables":[""],"All provisioning templates":[""],"All realms":[""],"All smart proxies":["Alla smarta proxies"],"All subnets":["Alla subnät"],"All users":["Alla användare"],"Allocated":["Tilldelad"],"Allocation (GB)":["Allokering(GB)"],"Allow access to unattended URLs without build mode being used":[""],"Allow external network as main network":[""],"Allowed methods or members":[""],"Always show configuration status":[""],"An IP address will be auto-suggested if you have enabled IPAM on the IPv4 subnet selected above.<br/><br/>The IP address can be left blank when:<br/><ul><li>provisioning tokens are enabled</li><li>the domain does not manage DNS</li><li>the subnet does not manage reverse DNS</li><li>and the subnet does not manage DHCP reservations</li></ul>":[""],"An IP address will be auto-suggested if you have enabled IPAM on the IPv6 subnet selected above.":[""],"An email address is required, please update your account details":[""],"An error occurred while testing the connection: ":[""],"An explicit layout for the partitions of your hard drive(s). E.G.":["En uttrycklig layout för partitionerna på din hårddisk(ar). T.ex."],"An invalid response was received while requesting available features from this proxy":[""],"Annotation Notes":[""],"Annotation notes":[""],"Anonymous admin user %s is missing, run foreman-rake db:seed":[""],"Any Context":["Alla Sammanhang"],"Any Location":["Alla Platser"],"Any Organization":["Alla Organisationer"],"Applicable Operating Systems":[""],"Applied":["Tillämpad"],"Applied|A":["A"],"Architecture":["Arkitektur"],"Architecture Distribution":["Aktitektur-distribution"],"Architecture ID":[""],"Architectures":["Arkitekturer"],"Architecture|Hostgroups count":[""],"Architecture|Hosts count":[""],"Architecture|Name":["Namn"],"Are you sure you want to %{act} %{vm}?":["Är du säker att du vill %{act} %{vm}?"],"Are you sure you want to delete host %s? This action is irreversible.":[""],"Are you sure you want to delete host %s? This will delete the virtual machine and its disks, and is irreversible.":[""],"Are you sure you want to delete this widget from your dashboard?":["Är du säker på att du vill ta bort denna widget från instrumentbrädan?"],"Are you sure you want to log out?":[""],"Are you sure you want to power %{act} %{vm}?":["Är du säker på att du vill starta/stänga %{act} %{vm}?"],"Are you sure?":["Är du säker?"],"Array of extra information types to include":[""],"Array of host IDs to associate with the partition table":[""],"Array of host group IDs to associate with the partition table":[""],"Array of operating system IDs to associate with the partition table":[""],"Array of operating system IDs to associate with the template":[""],"Array of parameters":[""],"Array of parameters (name, value)":["Lista med parametrar (namn, värde)"],"Array of template combinations (hostgroup_id, environment_id)":[""],"Assign All":["Tilldela Alla"],"Assign Hosts to %s":["Tilldela Värdar till %s"],"Assign Location":["Tilldela Plats"],"Assign Organization":["Tilldela Organisation"],"Assign Selected Hosts":["Tilldela Valda Värdar"],"Assign the %{count} host with no %{taxonomy_single} to %{taxonomy_name}":["Tilldela %{count} värden som saknar %{taxonomy_single} till %{taxonomy_name}","Tilldela alla %{count} värdar som saknar %{taxonomy_single} till %{taxonomy_name}"],"Assign to %s":["Tilldela till %s"],"Assigning hosts to %{taxonomy_name} will also update %{taxonomy_name} to include all the resources that the selected hosts are currently using.":["Tilldelning av värdar till %{taxonomy_name} kommer även uppdatera %{taxonomy_name} till att inkludera resurserna som valda värdar för närvarande använder."],"Associate VM":["Associera VM"],"Associate VM to a Foreman host":["Associera VMen till en Foreman värd"],"Associate VMs":["Associera VMs"],"Associate VMs to Foreman hosts":["Associera VMs till Foreman värdar"],"Associate VMs to Hosts":[""],"Association":["Association"],"At least one volume must be specified for image-based provisioning.":[""],"Attempting to construct an operating system image filename but %s cannot be built from an image":["Försöker att konstruera ett filnamn för operativsystemavbild men %s kan inte byggas från en avbild"],"Attribute mappings":["Attributmappning"],"Attribute type":[""],"Audit":[""],"Audit Comment":["Revisionskommentar"],"Audit summary":[""],"Audited::Adapters::ActiveRecord::Audit|Action":["Åtgärd"],"Audited::Adapters::ActiveRecord::Audit|Associated name":["Associerat namn"],"Audited::Adapters::ActiveRecord::Audit|Associated type":["Associerad typ"],"Audited::Adapters::ActiveRecord::Audit|Auditable name":["Granskningsbart namn"],"Audited::Adapters::ActiveRecord::Audit|Auditable type":["Granskningsbar typ"],"Audited::Adapters::ActiveRecord::Audit|Audited changes":["Granskade ändringar"],"Audited::Adapters::ActiveRecord::Audit|Comment":["Kommentar"],"Audited::Adapters::ActiveRecord::Audit|Remote address":["Fjärradress"],"Audited::Adapters::ActiveRecord::Audit|User type":["Användartyp"],"Audited::Adapters::ActiveRecord::Audit|Username":["Användarnamn"],"Audited::Adapters::ActiveRecord::Audit|Version":["Version"],"Audits":["Revisioner"],"Auth source":["Autentiseringskälla"],"AuthSource|Account":["Konto"],"AuthSource|Account password":["Kontolösenord"],"AuthSource|Attr firstname":["Attr förnamn"],"AuthSource|Attr lastname":["Attr efternamn"],"AuthSource|Attr login":["Attr inloggning"],"AuthSource|Attr mail":["Attr mail"],"AuthSource|Attr photo":[""],"AuthSource|Base dn":["Base dn"],"AuthSource|Groups base":[""],"AuthSource|Host":["Värdnamn"],"AuthSource|LDAPS":[""],"AuthSource|Ldap filter":["Ldapfilter"],"AuthSource|Name":["Namn"],"AuthSource|Onthefly register":["Ögonblicksregistrera"],"AuthSource|Port":["Port"],"AuthSource|Server type":[""],"AuthSource|Tls":["Tls"],"Authentication":[""],"Author":["Författare"],"Authorize login delegation":[""],"Authorize login delegation API":[""],"Authorize login delegation auth source user autocreate":[""],"Authorize login delegation with REMOTE_USER environment variable":["Delegera login till REMOTE_USER miljövariabel"],"Authorize login delegation with REMOTE_USER environment variable for API calls too":["Delegera login till REMOTE_USER miljövariabel även för API-anrop"],"Authorized by":["Godkänd av"],"Auto refresh off":[""],"Auto refresh on":[""],"Automatic":[""],"Autosign":["Autosignatur"],"Autosign entries":[""],"Autosign entry name":[""],"Availability zone":["Tillgänglighetszon"],"Available Classes":["Tillgängliga Klasser"],"Available Config Groups":[""],"Available Providers":["Tillgänliga Leverantörer"],"Average memory usage":["Genomsnittlig minnesanvändning"],"Average swap usage":["Genomsnittlig växlingsanvändning"],"Avoid duplicate values when merging them (only array type)?":[""],"BIOS":["BIOS"],"BMC":["BMC"],"BMC credentials access":[""],"BMC password usage":[""],"Back":["Tillbaka"],"Back to host":["Tillbaka till värd"],"Back to host list":["Tillbaks till värdlista"],"Backtrace":[""],"Bare Metal":["Bare Metal"],"Base DN":["Base DN"],"Before you proceed to using Foreman you should provide information about one or more architectures.":["Innan du börjar använda Foreman bör du mata in information om en eller fler arkitekturer"],"Bond":[""],"Bond mode of the interface, e.g. balance-rr. Only for bond interfaces.":[""],"Bookmark":["Bokmärke"],"Bookmark this search":["Bokmärk denna sökning"],"Bookmark was successfully created.":["Bokmärke har skapats."],"Bookmark was successfully updated.":["Bokmärke har uppdaterats."],"Bookmarks":["Bokmärken"],"Bookmarks are saved search queries. To save them, click on 'Bookmark this search' on the dropdown next to every search button.":[""],"Bookmark|Controller":["Kontroller"],"Bookmark|Name":["Namn"],"Bookmark|Owner type":["Ägartyp"],"Bookmark|Public":["Publik"],"Bookmark|Query":["Fråga"],"Boot device":["Startenhet"],"Boot from volume":[""],"Boot host from specified device":[""],"Bootable":["Startbar"],"Bridge":[""],"Browse host config management reports":[""],"Browse host facts":["Bläddra värdfakta"],"Browser locale":["Webbläsarens språkinställning"],"Browser timezone":[""],"Build":["Bygg"],"Build Hosts":["Bygg Värdar"],"Build PXE Default":["Bygg PXE Default"],"Build a query for %{mailer}":[""],"Build from OS image":["Bygg från OS-avbild"],"By unchecking this you can specify filter using Foreman search syntax in search field. If filter remains <br> unlimited (this field is checked) it applies on all resources of the selected type. 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key %s and without partial":[""],"Cannot continue because some permissions were not found, please run rake db:seed and retry":[""],"Cannot create LDAP configuration for %s without dedicated service account":[""],"Cannot delete %{current} because it has nested %{sti_name}.":[""],"Cannot delete built-in role":[""],"Cannot delete group %{current} because it has nested groups.":["Kan inte radera gruppen %{current} eftersom den har nästade grupper."],"Cannot delete group %{current} because it has nested host groups.":[""],"Cannot find user %s when switching context":[""],"Cannot register compute resource, wrong type supplied":[""],"Canvas not supported.":["Canvas stöds inte."],"Caps lock ON":[""],"Certificate Name":["Certifikatsnamn"],"Certificate path":["Certifikatssökväg"],"Certificate that Foreman will use to encrypt websockets ":[""],"Certificates":["Certifikat"],"Change Environment":["Byt Miljö"],"Change Group":["Byt Grupp"],"Change Owner":[""],"Change Power State":[""],"Change Puppet 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Foreman also supports the Solaris operating system family, which includes <b>sparc</b> based systems.":["Varje värde representerar en hårdvaruarkitektur, oftast <b>x86_64</b> eller <b>i386</b>. 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If these features come from a Smart Proxy plugin, make sure Foreman has the plugin installed too.":[""],"Feature|Name":["Namn"],"Fetch TFTP boot files for %s":["Hämta TFTP startfiler för %s"],"Filter":["Filter"],"Filter by level:":[""],"Filter by name":[""],"Filter by state:":[""],"Filter classes":["Filterklasser"],"Filter overriding has been disabled":[""],"Filters":["Filter"],"Filters for role %s":[""],"Filters inherit %{orgs_and_locs} from their role by default. If override field is enabled, <br> filter can override the set of its %{orgs_and_locs}. Later role changes will not affect <br> such filter. After disabling override field, role %{orgs_and_locs} apply again.":[""],"Filters overriding has been disabled":[""],"Filter|Override":[""],"Filter|Permissions":[""],"Filter|Resource":[""],"Filter|Search":[""],"Filter|Taxonomy search":[""],"Filter|Unlimited":[""],"Fingerprint":["Fingeravtryck"],"Finish template":[""],"Firmware":[""],"Fix %s on Mismatch":["Rätta %s vid matchningsfel"],"Fix All Mismatches":["Rätta alla matchningsfel"],"Fix DB cache":[""],"Fix DB cache on next Foreman restart":[""],"Fix Mismatches":["Rätta matchningsfel"],"Flavor":["Variant"],"Floating IP network":["Flytande IP-nät"],"Folder":["Katalog"],"Follow %{href} on how to describe your controllers.":[""],"For example, if you have copied several Red Hat release disks into a directory structure where the disk images are named 5.8 or 6.2, and each contained both x86_64 and i386 binaries, then you\\n could create a single medium entry describing them all.\\n The entry, which could be just named 'Red Hat' could contain a path like this <em>'http://server/redhat/$version/$arch'</em>":[""],"For more info visit our documentation.":[""],"For more information":[""],"Force a Puppet agent run on the host":[""],"Foreman API v2 is currently the default API version.":[""],"Foreman Developers":["Foremanutvecklare"],"Foreman URL":[""],"Foreman Users":["Foremananvändare"],"Foreman audit summary":[""],"Foreman can store information about the networking setup of a host that it’s provisioning, which can be used to configure the virtual machine, assign the correct IP addresses and network resources, then configure the OS correctly during the provisioning process.":[""],"Foreman can use LDAP based service for user information and authentication.":["Foreman kan använda LDAP för användarinformation och autentisering"],"Foreman considers a domain and a DNS zone as the same thing.":[""],"Foreman domain ID of interface. Required for primary interfaces on managed hosts.":[""],"Foreman host group matchers will be inherited by children when evaluating smart class parameters":[""],"Foreman now manages the build cycle for %s":["Foreman hanterar nu byggcykeln för %s"],"Foreman now no longer manages the build cycle for %s":["Foreman hanterar inte längre byggcykeln för %s"],"Foreman report creation time is <em>%s</em>":["Foremans rapporskapningstid är <em>%s</em>"],"Foreman smart variables will be exposed via the ENC yaml output":[""],"Foreman subnet ID of IPv4 interface":[""],"Foreman subnet ID of IPv6 interface":[""],"Foreman supports automatically creating realm entries for new hosts.":[""],"Foreman supports creating and managing hosts on a number of virtualization and cloud services - referred to as “compute resources” - as well as bare metal hosts.":[""],"Foreman test email":[""],"Foreman ticketing system":["Foreman biljettsystem"],"Foreman will automate certificate signing upon provision of new host":[""],"Foreman will create the host when a report is received":["Foreman kommer skapa värden när en rapport tas emot"],"Foreman will create the host when new facts are received":["Foreman kommer skapa värden när nya fakta tas emot"],"Foreman will default to this puppet environment if it cannot auto detect one":[""],"Foreman will delete virtual machine if provisioning script ends with non zero exit code":[""],"Foreman will evaluate host smart variables in this order by default":[""],"Foreman will explicitly set the puppet environment in the ENC yaml output. This will avoid conflicts between the environment in puppet.conf and the environment set in Foreman":[""],"Foreman will map users by username in request-header. If this is set to false, OAuth requests will have admin rights.":[""],"Foreman will not send this parameter in classification output, replaces use_puppet_default":[""],"Foreman will not send this parameter in classification output.":[""],"Foreman will not send this parameter in classification output. 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Visit Settings to disable this feature.":[""],"Generated %s ago":["Genererad %s dagar sedan"],"Generated at %s":["Genererad vid %s"],"Get ENC values of host":[""],"Get configuration status of host":["Hämta konfigurationsstatus för värd"],"Get dashboard details":[""],"Get default dashboard widgets":[""],"Get statistics":[""],"Get status of host":["Hämta status för värd"],"Get vm attributes of host":[""],"Global":["Global"],"Global Parameters":["Globala Parametrar"],"Global default %s template":[""],"Global default %s template. This template gets deployed to all configured TFTP servers. It will not be affected by upgrades.":[""],"Global functions":[""],"Global methods (functions)":[""],"Global parameters":["Globala parametrar"],"Global status changed from %{from} to %{to}":[""],"Global variables":[""],"Good host reports in the last %s":["Bra värdrapporter senaste %s"],"Google Project ID":["Google Project ID"],"Groups base DN":[""],"Guest OS":[""],"HELO/EHLO domain":[""],"Hardware":["Hårdvara"],"Hardware Model":["Hårdvarumodell"],"Hardware Models":["Hårdvarumodeller"],"Hardware models":["Hårdvarumodeller"],"Hash function to use. Change takes effect for new or updated hosts.":[""],"Hash of report metrics, can be just {}":[""],"Hash of status type totals":[""],"Help":["Hjälp"],"Hidden value":[""],"Hide all values for this parameter.":[""],"Hide this value":[""],"Hint data is missing":[""],"History":["Historik"],"Host":["Värd"],"Host %s is built":[""],"Host %s is not associated with a VM":[""],"Host Configuration Chart":[""],"Host Configuration Status":["Värdkonfigurationsstatus"],"Host Group Distribution":[""],"Host Groups":["Värdgrupper"],"Host audit entries":["Värdgranskningslogg"],"Host config group":[""],"Host details":["Värddetaljer"],"Host group":["Värdgrupp"],"Host group / Environment":["Värdgrupp / Miljö"],"Host group IDs":[""],"Host group and Environment":["Värdgrupp och Miljö"],"Host group configuration":["Värdgruppskonfiguration"],"Host group matchers inheritance":[""],"Host group only":["Enbart värdgrupp"],"Host group parameters":["Värdgruppsparametrar"],"Host groups":["Värdgrupper"],"Host owner":[""],"Host owner is invalid":[""],"Host parameters":[""],"Host reported time is <em>%s</em>":["Värdens rapporterade tid är <em>%s</em>"],"Host times seem to be adrift!":[""],"Host's network interfaces.":[""],"Host's owner type":[""],"Host's parameters (array or indexed hash)":[""],"Host::Base|Build":["Bygg"],"Host::Base|Certname":["Certifikatnamn"],"Host::Base|Comment":["Kommentar"],"Host::Base|Disk":["Hårddisk"],"Host::Base|Enabled":["Aktiverad"],"Host::Base|Grub pass":[""],"Host::Base|Image file":["Avbildningsfil"],"Host::Base|Installed at":["Installerad vid"],"Host::Base|Ip":["Ip"],"Host::Base|Last compile":["Senaste kompilering"],"Host::Base|Last freshcheck":["Senaste uppdateringskoll"],"Host::Base|Last report":["Senaste rapport"],"Host::Base|Mac":["Mac"],"Host::Base|Managed":["Managerad"],"Host::Base|Name":["Namn"],"Host::Base|Otp":[""],"Host::Base|Owner type":["Ägartyp"],"Host::Base|Primary interface":[""],"Host::Base|Provision method":[""],"Host::Base|Puppet status":["Puppetstatus"],"Host::Base|Root pass":["Rootlösenord"],"Host::Base|Serial":["Serienummer"],"Host::Base|Use image":["Använd avbildning"],"Host::Base|Uuid":["Uuid"],"HostConfigGroup|Host type":[""],"Hostgroup":["Värdgrupp"],"Hostgroup|Ancestry":["Förfäder"],"Hostgroup|Grub pass":[""],"Hostgroup|Image file":["Avbildningsfil"],"Hostgroup|Name":["Namn"],"Hostgroup|Root pass":["Rootlösenord"],"Hostgroup|Title":[""],"Hostgroup|Use image":["Använd avbildning"],"Hostgroup|Vm defaults":["Vm standardinställningar"],"Hostname":[""],"Hostname or certname":[""],"Hostname:":[""],"Hosts":["Värdar"],"Hosts created after a puppet run that did not send a location fact will be placed in this location":[""],"Hosts created after a puppet run that did not send a organization fact will be placed in this organization":[""],"Hosts created after a puppet run will be placed in the location this fact dictates. 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The content of this fact should be the full label of the organization.":[""],"Hosts in error state":["Värdar med felaktigt tillstånd"],"Hosts including sub-groups":[""],"Hosts managed":[""],"Hosts managed:":[""],"Hosts that had pending changes":["Värdar som hade kommande ändringar"],"Hosts that had pending changes with alerts enabled":[""],"Hosts that had performed modifications without error":["Värdar som hade genomförda ändringar utan fel"],"Hosts that will be trusted in addition to Smart Proxies for access to fact/report importers and ENC output":["Värdar, utöver Smarta Proxies, som är betrodda med åtkomst till fakta/rapportimporterare samt ENC utdata."],"Hosts which Foreman reporting is disabled":[""],"Hosts which are currently not running Puppet":[""],"Hosts which are not reporting":["Värdar som inte rapporterar"],"Hosts which didn't run puppet in the last %s":["Värdar, vilka inte körde puppet den senaste %s"],"Hosts which recently applied changes":["Värdar med nyligen tillämpade ändringar"],"Hosts which recently applied changes successfully":[""],"Hosts which recently applied changes successfully with alerts enabled":[""],"Hosts with alerts disabled":["Värdar med inaktiverade larm"],"Hosts with error state":["Värdar med felaktigt tillstånd"],"Hosts with error state and alerts enabled":["Värdar med felaktigt tillstånd och aktiverade notifieringar"],"Hosts with errors":["Värdar med fel"],"Hosts with interesting values (changed, failures etc)":[""],"Hosts with no reports":["Värdar som saknar rapporter"],"Hosts with notifications disabled":["Värdar med inaktiverade notifieringar"],"Hosts without changes or errors":["Värdar utan ändringar eller fel"],"Hosts without changes or errors, with alerts enabled":["Värdar utan ändringar eller fel, med aktiverade notifieringar"],"Hosts without errors":["Värdar utan fel"],"Hosts without errors percent":[""],"Hosts without errors, with alerts enabled":["Värdar utan fel, med aktiverade notifieringar"],"How values are validated":["Hur värden valideras"],"However, if it was deleted externally this page helps you to recreate it":[""],"ID of LDAP authentication source":[""],"ID of Puppet class":[""],"ID of architecture":[""],"ID of compute resource":[""],"ID of config template":[""],"ID of domain":[""],"ID of environment":[""],"ID of host":["ID för värd"],"ID of host group":["ID för värdgrupp"],"ID of interface":[""],"ID of linked authentication source":[""],"ID of location":[""],"ID of medium":[""],"ID of operating system":[""],"ID of organization":[""],"ID of parameter":[""],"ID of partition table":[""],"ID of provisioning template":[""],"ID of role":[""],"ID of subnet":[""],"ID of template":[""],"ID of the user":[""],"ID of user group":[""],"ID or name external user group":[""],"ID or name of domain":[""],"ID or name of external user group":[""],"ID or name of host":[""],"ID or name of interface":[""],"ID or name of subnet":[""],"ID or name of user group":[""],"IDs of associated architectures":[""],"IDs of associated config groups":[""],"IDs of associated media":[""],"IDs of associated partition tables":[""],"IDs of associated provisioning templates":[""],"INFO or DEBUG":[""],"IP":["IP"],"IP Address":["IPadress"],"IP Address Management":[""],"IP Address auto suggestion mode for this subnet, valid values are \\\"DHCP\\\", \\\"Internal DB\\\", \\\"None\\\"":[""],"IP address auto-suggest":["Automatiskt föreslå IP-adress"],"IP addresses that should be excluded from suggestion":[""],"IP:":[""],"IPAM":[""],"IPv4":[""],"IPv4 Address":[""],"IPv4 DNS record":["",""],"IPv4 Subnet":[""],"IPv4 address":[""],"IPv4 address of interface":[""],"IPv6":[""],"IPv6 Address":[""],"IPv6 DNS record":["",""],"IPv6 Subnet":[""],"IPv6 address":[""],"IPv6 address of interface":[""],"IRC":["IRC"],"Identifier":[""],"Identifier of the interface to which this interface belongs, e.g. eth1":[""],"Identifier of the interface to which this interface belongs, e.g. eth1. Only for virtual interfaces.":[""],"Identifiers of attached interfaces, e.g. `['eth1', 'eth2']`. For bond interfaces those are the slaves. Only for bond and bridges interfaces.":[""],"Idle timeout":[""],"If ERB is used in a parameter value, the validation of the value will happen during the ENC request. If the value is invalid, the ENC request will fail.":[""],"If Foreman is running behind Passenger or a remote load balancer, the IP should be set here. This is a regular expression, so it can support several load balancers, i.e: (|":["Om Foreman körs under Passenger eller bakom en lastbalanserare, fyll i IP-adressen här. Syntaxen är ett reguljärt uttryck för att stödja flera lastbalanserare, exempel: (|"],"If checked, will raise an error if there is no default value and no matcher provide a value.":["Om vald, kommer ett fel att flaggas om det inte finns något standardvärde och ingen matchare tillhandahåller ett värde."],"If owner type is specified, owner must be specified too.":[""],"If true, will raise an error if there is no default value and no matcher provide a value":[""],"If you are planning to use Foreman as an external node classifier you should provide information about one or more environments. 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Please quote strings like true/false and yes/no in config/ignored_environments.yml.":[""],"Ignored environments: %s":[""],"Ignored:":[""],"Image":["Avbildning"],"Image Based":["Avbildningsbaserad"],"Image ID":["Avbildningsid"],"Image ID as provided by the compute resource, e.g. ami-..":["Avbildsid tillhandahållen från beräkningsresursen, t.ex. ami-.."],"Image path":[""],"Image to use":[""],"Images":["Avbildningar"],"Image|Iam role":["Iamroll"],"Image|Name":["Namn"],"Image|Password":[""],"Image|User data":["Användardata"],"Image|Username":["Användarnamn"],"Image|Uuid":["Uuid"],"Import":["Importera"],"Import IPv4 subnets":[""],"Import VM %s":[""],"Import classes from %s":[""],"Import environments from %s":[""],"Import of facts failed for host %s":[""],"Import puppet classes from puppet proxy for an environment":[""],"Import puppet classes from puppet proxy.":[""],"Imported IPv4 Subnets":[""],"In addition to defining which puppet classes get included when building this host type you are also able to assign variables and provisioning information to a host group to further refine the behavior of the puppet runtime.":["Utöver möjligheten att definiera vilka puppetklasser som blir inkluderade vid byggandet av denna värd, kan du även tilldela variabler och provisioneringsinformation till en värdgrupp för att i mer detalj kunna styra beteendet över puppet."],"In order to create the SSH key, the user must be saved first. A 'create_ssh_keys' permission is required too.":[""],"In-line code syntax":[""],"Include default value when merging all matching values":[""],"Include default value when merging all matching values.":[""],"Include this host within Foreman reporting":["Inkludera denna värd inom Foremanrapportering"],"Included Classes":["Inkluderade Klasser"],"Included Config Groups":[""],"Incorrect password":[""],"Incorrect username or password":["Felaktigt användarnamn eller lösenord"],"Independent - Nonpersistent":[""],"Independent - Persistent":[""],"Infrastructure":["Infrastruktur"],"Inherit parent (%s)":[""],"Inherited Classes from %s":[""],"Inherits from subnet VLAN ID if not set":[""],"Input":[""],"Installation Media":["Installationsmedia"],"Installation media":["Installationsmedia"],"Installation medium configuration":["Inställningar för installationsmedia"],"Installed":["Installerad"],"Interface":["Gränssnitt"],"Interface is down":[""],"Interface is up":[""],"Interface provider, e.g. IPMI. Only for BMC interfaces.":[""],"Interface type, e.g. bmc. 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Please consider cloning it instead.":[""],"Item":["Post"],"Iterating":[""],"JSON VM listing is not supported for this compute resource.":[""],"JSON object of the scheduler hint":[""],"Keep selected hosts for a future action":[""],"Key Binding":["Tangentbordsbindningar"],"Key not connected to any compute resource":[""],"Key pair":["Nyckelpar"],"Key used with other compute resource":[""],"KeyPair|Name":["Namn"],"KeyPair|Public":["Publik"],"KeyPair|Secret":["Hemlighet"],"Kind":["Variant"],"LDAP Authentication":["LDAP Autentisering"],"LDAP authentication":["LDAP autentisering"],"LDAP authentication sources":[""],"LDAP error - %{message}":[""],"LDAP filter":["Ldap-filter"],"LDAP server":["LDAP-server"],"LDAP users will have their Foreman account automatically created the first time they log into Foreman":["LDAP-användare får sina konton automatiskt skapade första gången dom loggar in i Foreman"],"Language":[""],"Last Report":[""],"Last report":["Senaste rapport"],"Last updated %s ago":["Senast uppdaterade %s sedan"],"Latest Events":["Senaste Händelserna"],"Learn more about this in the documentation.":[""],"Legacy Puppet hostname":[""],"Length":[""],"Level":["Nivå"],"Libvirt default console address":[""],"Libvirt, oVirt, OpenStack and Rackspace":[""],"Limit rebuild steps, valid steps are %{host_rebuild_steps}":[""],"List LDAP authentication sources per location":[""],"List LDAP authentication sources per organization":[""],"List all :resource_id":[""],"List all LDAP authentication sources":["Lista alla LDAP-autentiseringskällor"],"List all Puppet class IDs for host":[""],"List all Puppet class IDs for host group":[""],"List all Puppet classes":[""],"List all Puppet classes for a host":[""],"List all Puppet classes for a host group":[""],"List all Puppet classes for an environment":[""],"List all SSH keys for a user":[""],"List all architectures":["Lista alla arkitekturer"],"List all architectures for operating system":["Lista alla arkitekturer för operativsystem"],"List all audits":[""],"List all audits for a given host":[""],"List all autosign entries":[""],"List all bookmarks":["Lista alla bokmärken"],"List all compute resources":["Lista alla beräkningsresurser"],"List all environments":["Lista alla miljöer"],"List all external user groups for LDAP authentication source":[""],"List all external user groups for user group":[""],"List all fact values":[""],"List all fact values of a given host":[""],"List all filters":["Lista alla filter"],"List all global parameters.":["Lista alla globala parameterar"],"List all hardware models":[""],"List all host groups":["Lista alla värdgrupper"],"List all host groups for a Puppet class":["Lista alla värdgrupper för en Puppet-klass"],"List all host groups per location":["Lista alla värdgrupper per plats"],"List all host groups per organization":["Lista alla värdgrupper per organisation"],"List all hosts":["Lista alla värdar"],"List all hosts for a host group":[""],"List all images for a 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group":[""],"List of subnets":[""],"List of subnets for a domain":[""],"List of subnets per location":[""],"List of subnets per organization":[""],"List operating systems where this template is set as a default":[""],"List provisioning templates":["Lista provisioneringsmallar"],"List provisioning templates per location":["Lista provisioneringsmallar per plats"],"List provisioning templates per operating system":["Lista provisioneringsmallar per operativsystem"],"List provisioning templates per organization":["Lista provisioneringsmallar per organisation"],"List resource pools for a compute resource cluster":[""],"List storage domains for a compute resource":[""],"List storage pods for a compute resource":[""],"List template combination":[""],"Load Datacenters":["Ladda Datacenter"],"Load Regions":["Ladda Regioner"],"Load Tenants":["Ladda Innehavare"],"Load Zones":[""],"Loading":["Laddar"],"Loading ...":["Laddar ..."],"Loading BMC information ...":["Laddar BMC-information ..."],"Loading 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raderad."],"Location/Organization":["Lokation/Organisation"],"Locations":["Lokationer"],"Locations also work nicely when used in tandem with %{organizations}.":[""],"Locations are used to manage and differentiate the physical place where a system managed via Foreman is housed. 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Most virtualization compute resources (e.g. VMware, oVirt, libvirt) <br/> will overwrite the provided value with new random MAC address.":[""],"Medium":["Medium"],"Medium IDs":[""],"Medium|Config path":["Konfigurationssökväg"],"Medium|Image path":["Avbildningssökväg"],"Medium|Media path":["Mediesökväg"],"Medium|Name":["Namn"],"Medium|Os family":["Osfamilj"],"Medium|Path":["Sökväg"],"Memory":["Minne"],"Memory (MB)":["Minne (MB)"],"Memory hot add":[""],"Memory hot add lets you add memory resources for a virtual machine while the machine is powered on.":[""],"Merge all matching values (only array/hash type)":[""],"Message":["Meddelande"],"Message|Digest":["Sammandrag"],"Message|Value":["Värde"],"Metadata":[""],"Method %{method} not found for resource %{resource}.":[""],"Method used to deliver email":[""],"Metrics":["Mätvärden"],"Minutes Ago":["Minuter Sedan"],"Mismatch Details":["Detaljer för matchningsfel"],"Mismatches":["Matchningsfel"],"Mismatches Report":["Rapport för matchningsfel"],"Missing one of the required permissions: %s":[""],"Model":["Modell"],"Model|Hardware model":["Hårdvarumodell"],"Model|Hosts count":[""],"Model|Info":["Information"],"Model|Name":["Namn"],"Model|Vendor class":["Vendor class"],"Modified":["Ändrad"],"Module path":[""],"Monitor":["Övervaka"],"Monthly":[""],"Must provide an operating system":[""],"Must provide template kind":["Måste tillhandahålla typen template"],"Must specify a user with email enabled":[""],"Must specify a valid user with email enabled":[""],"My account":["Mitt konto"],"N/A":["N/A"],"NA":["NA"],"NIC":["NIC"],"NIC type":["NIC-typ"],"NICs":[""],"Name":["Namn"],"Name of media":[""],"Name of the external auth source where unknown externally authentication users (see authorize_login_delegation) should be created (keep unset to prevent the autocreation)":["Namnet på den externa autentiseringskällan där okända autentiseringsanvändare (se authorize_login_delegation) skall skapas ( behåll tom för att förhindra autoskapande)"],"Name of the host group":["Värdgruppens namn"],"Name of the parameter":["Parameterns namn"],"Name of variable":[""],"Nest":["Nästla"],"Netmask":["Nätmask"],"Netmask for this subnet":["Nätmask för detta subnät"],"Network":["Nätverk"],"Network Based":["Nätverksbaserad"],"Network can't be blank":[""],"Network interfaces":["Nätverkskort"],"Network interfaces management has been moved to the Interfaces tab. 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language.":[""],"ProvisioningTemplate|Default":[""],"ProvisioningTemplate|Locked":[""],"ProvisioningTemplate|Name":[""],"ProvisioningTemplate|Snippet":[""],"ProvisioningTemplate|Template":[""],"ProvisioningTemplate|Vendor":[""],"Proxies":["Proxies"],"Proxy ID to use within this realm":[""],"Proxy request timeout":[""],"Ptable":["Ptable"],"Ptable|Layout":["Layout"],"Ptable|Locked":[""],"Ptable|Name":["Namn"],"Ptable|Os family":["OSfamilj"],"Ptable|Snippet":[""],"Public":["Publik"],"Public SSH key":[""],"Puppet":["Puppet"],"Puppet CA":["Puppet CA"],"Puppet CA proxy ID":[""],"Puppet Class":["Puppet Klass"],"Puppet Classes":["Puppet Klasser"],"Puppet Environment":["Puppet Miljö"],"Puppet Environments":["Puppet Miljöer"],"Puppet Master":["Puppetmästare"],"Puppet Modules":["Puppetmoduler"],"Puppet Summary Report - F:%{failed} R:%{restarted} S:%{skipped} A:%{applied} FR:%{failed_restarts} T:%{total}":[""],"Puppet class":["Puppetklass"],"Puppet class ID":[""],"Puppet class 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smart proxies":[""],"Required parameter without value.<br/><b>Please override!</b><br/>":[""],"Required when user want to change own password":[""],"Reset to default":[""],"Reset zoom":["Återställ zoom"],"Resolve":["Slå upp"],"Resource":["Resurs"],"Resource %{resource_name} not found by id '%{id}'":[""],"Resource %{res} not found.":[""],"Resource pool":[""],"Resources":["Resurser"],"Restart<br>Failures":["Omstart<br>Fel"],"Restarted":["Omstartad"],"Restarted|R":["R"],"Restrict registered smart proxies":[""],"Resume":["Återuppta"],"Returns string representing a host status of a given type":[""],"Reverse DNS Proxy":[""],"Reverse IPv4 DNS record":["",""],"Reverse IPv6 DNS record":["",""],"Revert":["Återgå"],"Revert to revision from: %s":["Återgå till revision från: %s"],"Review":["Granska"],"Review build status for %s":[""],"Revoke":[""],"Role":["Roll"],"Role description":[""],"Role locations":[""],"Role organizations":[""],"Roles":["Roller"],"Roles from user groups":[""],"Role|Builtin":["Inbyggd"],"Role|Locked":[""],"Role|Name":["Namn"],"Role|Permissions":["Rättigheter"],"Root password":[""],"Root password hash":[""],"Root password hash function to use, one of MD5, SHA256, SHA512, Base64":[""],"Root password on provisioned hosts":[""],"Run Distribution (last %s minute)":["",""],"Run Distribution Chart":[""],"Run Puppet":["Kör Puppet"],"Run Puppet on the following hosts":["Kör Puppet på följande värdar"],"Run a power operation on host":[""],"Run puppet":["Kör puppet"],"Running on":["Körs på"],"Runtime":["Exekveringsmiljö"],"SCSI controller":[""],"SMTP":[""],"SMTP HELO/EHLO domain":[""],"SMTP OpenSSL verify mode":[""],"SMTP address":[""],"SMTP authentication":[""],"SMTP automatic STARTTLS":[""],"SMTP enable StartTLS auto":[""],"SMTP password":[""],"SMTP port":[""],"SMTP username":[""],"SSH Keys":[""],"SSH keys":[""],"SSH keys for: %s":[""],"SSL CA file":[""],"SSL CA file that Foreman will use to communicate with its proxies":["SSL CA-fil som Foreman kommer använda för kommunikation med dess proxies"],"SSL Certificate path that Foreman would use to communicate with its proxies":["Sökväg till SSLcertifikat som Foreman skall använda för att kommunicera med dess proxies"],"SSL Private Key file that Foreman will use to communicate with its proxies":["Sökvägen till SSL-certifikatets privata nyckel som Foreman skall använda för att kommunicera med dess proxies"],"SSL certificate":[""],"SSL client DN env":[""],"SSL client cert env":[""],"SSL client verify env":[""],"SSL private key":[""],"Safe mode methods":[""],"Safe mode methods and variables":[""],"SafeRender#parse_string was passed a %s instead of a string":["SafeRender#parse_string fick %s som argument istället för en sträng"],"Safemode rendering":[""],"Save":["Spara"],"Save positions":[""],"Save something and try again":["Spara något och försök igen"],"Scheduler hint filter":[""],"Scope by locations":[""],"Scope by organizations":[""],"Script template":[""],"Search":["Sök"],"Secondary DNS for this subnet":[""],"Secret Key":["Hemlig Nyckel"],"Security group":["Säkerhetsgrupp"],"Security groups":["Säkerhetsgrupper"],"Select Action":["Välj Åtgärd"],"Select All":["Välj Alla"],"Select Hosts":["Välj Värdar"],"Select Location":["Välj Lokation"],"Select Organization":["Välj Organisation"],"Select a period":["Välj en period"],"Select all items in this page":["Markera alla valbara på denna sida"],"Select an owner":[""],"Select compute resources":["Välj beräkningsresurser"],"Select desired %s proxy":[""],"Select desired state":[""],"Select domains":["Välj domäner"],"Select environment":["Välj miljö"],"Select environments":["Välj miljöer"],"Select host group":["Välj värdgrupp"],"Select host groups":["Välj värdgrupper"],"Select hosts to assign to %s":["Välj värdar att tilldela till %s"],"Select locations":["Välj lokationer"],"Select media":["Välj media"],"Select organizations":["Välj organisationer"],"Select partition tables":[""],"Select provisioning templates":[""],"Select realms":[""],"Select smart proxies":["Välj smarta proxies"],"Select subnets":["Välj subnät"],"Select template":["Välj mall"],"Select the changes you want to apply to Foreman":[""],"Select this host":["",""],"Select this since it belongs to a host":[""],"Select users":["Välj användare"],"Selected hosts are now assigned to %s":["Valda värdar är nu tilldelade %s"],"Selected image does not belong to %s":["Vald avbildning tillhör inte %s"],"Selected items":[""],"Selected resource type does not support granular filtering, therefore you can't configure granularity":[""],"Selected role":[""],"Selecting a file will override the editor and load the file instead":["Väljs en fil åsidosätts redigeraren och filen laddas istället"],"Send a test message to the current user's email address to confirm the configuration is working.":[""],"Send a test message to the user's email address to confirm the configuration is working.":[""],"Send a welcome email including username and URL to new users":[""],"Send welcome email":[""],"Sendmail":[""],"Sendmail arguments":[""],"Sendmail location":[""],"Server group":[""],"Server hint data":[""],"Server type":[""],"Service unavailable":[""],"Services":[""],"Set IP addresses for %s":[""],"Set a randomly generated password on the display connection":["Sätt ett slumpgenererat lösenord för skärmanslutningen"],"Set parameters to defaults":[""],"Set the order in which values are resolved.":[""],"Set up compute instance %s":["Sätt upp beräkningsinstans %s"],"Setting":["Inställning"],"Settings":["Inställningar"],"Setting|Category":["Kategori"],"Setting|Default":["Standard"],"Setting|Description":["Beskrivning"],"Setting|Name":["Namn"],"Setting|Settings type":["Inställningstyp"],"Setting|Value":["Värde"],"Should the `foreman-rake db:migrate` be executed on the next run of the installer modules?":[""],"Should the `foreman-rake db:seed` be executed on the next run of the installer modules?":[""],"Should this interface be managed via DHCP and DNS smart proxy and should it be configured during provisioning?":[""],"Should this interface be used for TFTP of PXELinux (or SSH for image-based hosts)? Each managed hosts needs to have one provision interface.":[""],"Should this interface be used for constructing the FQDN of the host? Each managed hosts needs to have one primary interface.":[""],"Show %s fact values for all hosts":[""],"Show :a_resource":[""],"Show Diff":["Visa Skillnad"],"Show Host":["Visa Värd"],"Show Trends":["Visa Trender"],"Show a Puppet class":[""],"Show a Puppet class for a host group":[""],"Show a Puppet class for an environment":[""],"Show a Puppet class for host":[""],"Show a bookmark":["Visa ett bokmärke"],"Show a compute profile":["Visa en beräkningsprofil"],"Show a compute resource":["Visa en beräkningsresurs"],"Show a config group":["Visa en konfigurationsgrupp"],"Show a default template combination for an operating system":[""],"Show a domain":["Visa en domän"],"Show a filter":["Visa ett filter"],"Show a global parameter":[""],"Show a hardware model":[""],"Show a host":["Visa en värd"],"Show a host group":["Visa en värdgrupp"],"Show a medium":[""],"Show a nested parameter for a domain":[""],"Show a nested parameter for a host":[""],"Show a nested parameter for a host group":[""],"Show a nested parameter for a location":[""],"Show a nested parameter for a subnet":[""],"Show a nested parameter for an operating system":[""],"Show a nested parameter for an organization":[""],"Show a partition table":[""],"Show a permission":[""],"Show a realm":[""],"Show a report":["Visa en rapport"],"Show a role":[""],"Show a setting":[""],"Show a smart class parameter":[""],"Show a smart proxy":[""],"Show a smart variable":[""],"Show a subnet":[""],"Show a user":[""],"Show a user group":[""],"Show all %s children fact values":["Visa alla %s underliggande faktavärden"],"Show all %s facts with the same value":[""],"Show an LDAP authentication source":["Visa en LDAP-autentiseringskälla"],"Show an SSH key from a user":[""],"Show an architecture":["Visa en arkitektur"],"Show an audit":[""],"Show an email notification":[""],"Show an environment":["Visa en miljö"],"Show an external user group for LDAP authentication source":[""],"Show an external user group for user group":[""],"Show an image":["Visa en avbildning"],"Show an interface for host":[""],"Show an operating system":[""],"Show an override value for a specific smart class parameter":[""],"Show an override value for a specific smart variable":[""],"Show available API links":[""],"Show distribution chart":["Visa distributionskarta"],"Show full value":[""],"Show host power status":[""],"Show linked external user groups":[""],"Show log messages:":["Visa loggmeddelanden:"],"Show power status on host index page. This feature calls to compute resource providers which may lead to decreased performance on host listing page.":[""],"Show provisioning template details":["Visa detaljer för provisioneringsmall"],"Show status":["Visa status"],"Show template combination":[""],"Show the last report for a host":["Visa senaste rapporten för en värd"],"Sign":["Signera"],"Single host on this page is selected.":["",""],"Size":["Storlek"],"Size (GB)":["Storlek (GB)"],"Skip assign hosts and proceed to edit %s settings":["Hoppa över tilldelning värdar och fortsätt att redigera %s inställningar"],"Skipped":["Skippad"],"Skipped|S":["S"],"Smart Class Parameter":["Smart Klassparameter"],"Smart Proxies":["Smarta Proxies"],"Smart Proxy":["Smart Proxy"],"Smart Proxy: %s":[""],"Smart Variables":["Smarta Variabler"],"Smart class parameters":[""],"Smart proxies":["Smarta proxies"],"Smart proxy":["Smart proxy"],"Smart proxy IDs":[""],"Smart variables":["Smarta variabler"],"SmartProxy|Name":["Namn"],"SmartProxy|Url":["Url"],"Snippet":["Remsa"],"Some Puppet Classes are unavailable in the selected environment":[""],"Some imported user account details cannot be saved: %s":[""],"Some interfaces are invalid":[""],"Some of the interfaces are invalid. Please check the table below.":[""],"Some or all hosts execution failed, Please check log files for more information":["Några eller alla värdexekveringar misslyckades. Var vänlig se loggfiler för mer information."],"Some other interface is already set as primary. Are you sure you want to use this one instead?":[""],"Some other interface is already set as provisioning. Are you sure you want to use this one instead?":[""],"Something went wrong while changing host type - %s":["Något blev fel vid byte av värdtyp - %s"],"Something went wrong while selecting hosts - %s":["Något blev fel vid markering av värdar - %s"],"Sorry but no templates were configured.":["Tyvärr, men inga mallar blev konfigurerade."],"Sorry, these hosts do not have parameters assigned to them, you must add them first.":["Förlåt, dessa värdar har inga parametrar tilldelade till sig, du måste lägga till det först."],"Source":["Källa"],"Source|Digest":["Sammandrag"],"Source|Value":["Värde"],"Space separated options, e.g. miimon=100. Only for bond interfaces.":[""],"Specified value is higher than recommended maximum":[""],"Specify additional options to sendmail":[""],"Specify authentication type, if required":[""],"Specify matchers":[""],"Start":["Start"],"Starting IP Address for IP auto suggestion":[""],"State":["Tillstånd"],"Static":[""],"Statistics":["Statistik"],"Status":["Status"],"Stop updating IP address and MAC values from Puppet facts (affects all interfaces)":[""],"Stop updating Operating System from facts":[""],"Stop updating domain values from facts":[""],"Storage":["Lagring"],"Storage domain":["Lagringsdomän"],"Storage pool":["Lagringspool"],"Strong":["Stark"],"Submit":["Sänd"],"Subnet":["Subnät"],"Subnet ID":[""],"Subnet IDs":[""],"Subnet name":[""],"Subnet network":[""],"Subnet numeric identifier":[""],"Subnets":["Subnät"],"Subnet|Boot mode":[""],"Subnet|Dns primary":["Primär Dns"],"Subnet|Dns secondary":["Sekundär Dns"],"Subnet|From":["Från"],"Subnet|Gateway":["Nätsluss"],"Subnet|Ipam":[""],"Subnet|Mask":["Mask"],"Subnet|Name":["Namn"],"Subnet|Network":["Nätverk"],"Subnet|Priority":["Prioritet"],"Subnet|To":["Till"],"Subnet|Vlanid":["Vlanid"],"Subscribe":[""],"Subscribe to all hosts":[""],"Subscribe to my hosts":[""],"Success":["Lyckades"],"Successfully created %s.":["Lyckades skapa %s."],"Successfully delete %s":[""],"Successfully deleted %s.":["Lyckades radera %s."],"Successfully deleted report.":[""],"Successfully executed, check log files for more details":["Lyckad exekvering, kolla loggefiler för mer detaljer"],"Successfully executed, check reports and/or log files for more details":["Lyckad exekvering, kolla rapporter och/eller loggefiler för mer detaljer"],"Successfully overridden all parameters of Puppet class %s":[""],"Successfully recreated":[""],"Successfully refreshed features from %s.":["Lyckades uppdatera funktioner från %s."],"Successfully refreshed the cache.":[""],"Successfully reset all parameters of Puppet class %s to their default values":[""],"Successfully updated %s.":["Lyckades uppdatera %s."],"Successfully updated environments and Puppet classes from the on-disk Puppet installation":[""],"Suffix or prefix length for this subnet, e.g. 32":[""],"Suggest new":[""],"Summary from %{time} ago to now":[""],"Summary report from Foreman server at %{foreman_url}":[""],"Support":["Hjälp"],"Supported Formats":[""],"Synchronize group from authentication source":[""],"Syntax Highlighting":[""],"Syntax error occurred while parsing the template %{template_name}, make sure you have all ERB tags properly closed and the Ruby syntax is valid. The Ruby error: %{message}":[""],"System Information":["Systeminformation"],"System Status":["Systemstatus"],"TFTP":[""],"TFTP Proxy":["TFTP Proxy"],"TFTP Proxy ID to use within this subnet":[""],"TFTP Proxy to use within this subnet":["TFTP Proxy för detta subnät"],"TFTP server":[""],"Taxable taxonomy":["Beskattningsbar taxonomi"],"TaxableTaxonomy|Taxable type":["Beskattningsbar typ"],"Taxonomy":["Taxonomi"],"Taxonomy|Ancestry":[""],"Taxonomy|Ignore types":["Typer att ignorera"],"Taxonomy|Name":["Namn"],"Taxonomy|Title":[""],"Template":["Mall"],"Template %s is empty.":[""],"Template '%s' is either missing or has an invalid organization or location":[""],"Template '%s' was not found":[""],"Template Diff":["Mallskillnad"],"Template Type":["Malltyp"],"Template diff":["Mallskillnad"],"Template editor":["Malleditor"],"Template kind":["Malltyp"],"Template kinds, available values: %{template_kinds}":[""],"Template locked":[""],"Template syntax":[""],"Template that will be selected as %s default for local boot.":[""],"Template unlocked":[""],"TemplateKind|Name":["Namn"],"Templates":["Mallar"],"Templates resolved for this operating system":[""],"Tenant":["Innehavare"],"Test Connection":["Testa anslutning"],"Test LDAP connection":["Testa LDAP-anslutning"],"Test LDAP connectivity":[""],"Test connection to LDAP server was successful.":[""],"Test connection was successful":["Testanslutning lyckades"],"Test email":[""],"Text to be shown in the login-page footer":[""],"That is, if you are planning to manage a site where all the machines are of the form <i>hostname</i>.<b></b>\\n then the domain is <b></b>.":[""],"The %{proxy_type} proxy could not be set for host: %{host_names}.":["",""],"The %{proxy_type} proxy of the selected hosts was cleared.":[""],"The %{proxy_type} proxy of the selected hosts was set to %{proxy_name}.":[""],"The <b>fullname</b> field is used for human readability in reports and other pages that refer to domains,\\n and also available as an external node parameter":[""],"The Audit Comment field is saved with the template auditing to document the template changes":["Fältet för Granskningskommentar sparas tillsammas med mallen för att dokumentera ändringar i mallen"],"The BMC password will be used by Foreman to access the host's BMC controller via a BMC-enabled smart proxy, if available.<br/>":[""],"The IP address that should be used for the console listen address when provisioning new virtual machines via Libvirt":["IP-adressen som skall användas för konsolens lyssnaradress vid provisionering av nya maskiner via Libvirt"],"The NFS path to the image directory.":["NFS-sökvägen till avbildningsbiblioteket."],"The NFS path to the jumpstart control files.":["NFS-sökvägen till kontrollfiler för jumpstart"],"The NFS path to the media.":["NFS-sökvägen till mediet"],"The Operating systems detail the OSs known to Foreman, and is the central point that the other required components tie into.":[""],"The Primary interface is used for constructing the FQDN of the host":[""],"The Provisioning interface is used for TFTP of PXELinux (or SSH for image-based hosts)":[""],"The authentication process currently requires an LDAP provider, such as <em>FreeIPA</em>,\\n <em>OpenLDAP</em> or <em>Microsoft's Active Directory</em>.":[""],"The class of CPU supplied in this machine. This is primarily used by Sparc Solaris builds and can be left blank for other architectures. The value can be determined on Solaris via uname -m":["Typ av CPU för denna maskin. Detta används primärt av Sparc Solaris och kan lämnas tomt för andra arkitekturer. Värdet kan hämtas från ett Solaris OS via uname -m"],"The class of the machine reported by the Open Boot Prom. This is primarily used by Sparc Solaris builds and can be left blank for other architectures. The value can be determined on Solaris via uname -i|cut -f2 -d,":["Typen av maskin så som rapporterad av Open Boot Prom. Detta används primärt av versioner av Sparc Solaris och kan lämnas blank för andra arkitekturer. Värdet kan hämtas från ett Solaris OS via uname -i|cut -f2 -d,"],"The default administrator email address":["Förinställd epostadress för administratören"],"The dynamic partitioning style is currently only available for the Red Hat family of operating systems, all others must provide an explicit list of partitions and sizes.":["Det dynamiska partitionsschemat är för närvarande enbart tillgängligt för operativsystem tillhörande redhat familjen. Andra operativsystem måste tillhandahålla en explicit lista med partitioner och storlekar."],"The file path where your p12 file is located":["Sökvägen till p12-filen"],"The final entry, Operating System default, can be set by editing the %s page.":["Sista inlägget, förinställt Operativsystem, kan ställas in genom att editera %s sidan."],"The following IPv4 subnets have been found. Please review the details before creating them.":[""],"The following entries were found conflicting with what foreman wanted to apply.":["Följande värden var i konflikt med vad Foreman ville applicera."],"The following errors may prevent a successful build:":[""],"The following fields would need reviewing":["Följande fält behöver granskas"],"The following hosts failed the build operation: %s":["Följande värdar misslyckades med byggoperationen: %s"],"The following hosts were not %{action}: %{missed_hosts}":["Följande värdar blev inte %{action}: %{missed_hosts}"],"The following hosts were not deleted: %s":["Följande värdar raderades inte: %s"],"The following hosts were updated":["Följande värdar uppdaterades"],"The following parameters were skipped as they did not exists on this host:":["Följande parametrar skippades eftersom dom inte existerar på denna värd:"],"The following table and example snippet shows global methods, variables and class methods and how to use them.":[""],"The full DNS domain name":[""],"The host group's classes and the host group's variables are included in the external node information when the puppetmaster compiles the host's configuration.":["Värdgruppens klasser och variabler är inkluderade i den externa nodinformationen när puppetmästaren kompilerar värdens konfiguration."],"The inclusion of the keyword string <b>#Dynamic</b> at the start of a line lets Foreman know that this is not an explicit disk layout and must treated as a shell script, executed prior\\n to the install process and that the explicit partition table will be found at <b>/tmp/diskpart.cfg</b> during the build process.":[""],"The keys can be used in provisioning templates and are also available for configuration management tools managed by Foreman.":[""],"The keywords <b>$version</b>, <b>$major</b> and <b>$minor</b> will be interpolated back into the path specification to calculate the true URL address.":["Nyckelorden <b>$version</b>, <b>$major</b> och <b>$minor</b> kommer att expanderas och läggas med i sökvägen för att räkna ut den korrekta URL adressen."],"The list is excluding %{count} %{link_start}physical host%{link_end}.":["",""],"The location of the sendmail executable":[""],"The marked fields will need reviewing":["Markerade fält behöver granskas"],"The method used to provision the host. Possible provision_methods may be %{provision_methods}":[""],"The order in which matchers keys are processed, first match wins.<br> You may use multiple attributes as a matcher key, for example, an order of <code>host group, environment</code> would expect a matcher such as <code>hostgroup = \\\"web servers\\\", environment = production</code>":["Ordningen i vilken matchnycklar är behandlad är, första träff vinner. <br>Du kan använda multipla attribut som matchnycklar, t.ex. en ordning som <code>värdgrupp, miljö</code> skulle anta en matchare som <code> värdgrupp =\\\"webbservrar\\\", miljö=\\\"produktion\\\"</code>"],"The order in which values are resolved":["I vilken ordning värden slås upp"],"The password will also be accessible to other users via templates and in the ENC YAML output; disable the bmc_credentials_accessible setting to prevent access.":[""],"The password will not be accessible to other users; enable the bmc_credentials_accessible setting to permit access via templates and in the ENC YAML output.":[""],"The path to the medium, can be a URL or a valid NFS server (exclusive of the architecture).\\n for example <em>$version/os/$arch</em> where <strong>$arch</strong> will be substituted for the host's actual OS architecture and <strong>$version</strong>, <strong>$major</strong> and <strong>$minor</strong> will be substituted for the version of the operating system. Solaris and Debian media may also use <strong>$release</strong>.":[""],"The power state of the selected hosts will be set to %s":[""],"The realm name, e.g. EXAMPLE.COM":[""],"The remote system presented a public key signed by an unidentified certificate authority. If you are sure the remote system is authentic, go to the compute resource edit page, press the 'Test Connection' or 'Load Datacenters' button and submit":[""],"The remote system presented a public key with hash %s but we're expecting a different hash. If you are sure the remote system is authentic, go to the compute resource edit page, press the 'Test Connection' or 'Load Datacenters' button and submit":["Fjärrsystemet presenterade en publik nyckel med hashvärdet %s men vi förväntar oss ett annat hastvärde. Om du är säker på att fjärrsystemet är det korrekta, gå till redigeringssidan för beräkningsresurser klicka på 'Testa annslutning' eller 'Ladda Datacenter' och spara"],"The selected hosts were enabled for reboot and rebuild":[""],"The selected hosts will execute a build operation on next reboot":["Valda värdar kommer genomföra en byggoperation vid nästa omstart"],"The snippet '%{name}' threw an error: %{exc}":[""],"The template is associated to at least one host in build mode. To apply the change, disable and enable build mode on hosts to update the live templates or choose to %s their configuration from 'Select Action' menu":[""],"The user that is used to ssh into the instance, normally cloud-user, ec2-user, ubuntu, root etc":["Användaren som används för att ssha till instansen, normalt cloud-user, ec2-user, ubuntu, root etc"],"The virtual machine is being deleted.":[""],"There are migrations pending in the system.":[""],"There are no puppet environments set up on this puppet master. Please check the puppet master configuration.":[""],"There are orchestration modules with methods for configuration rebuild that have identical name: '%s'":[""],"There are two strategies when using host groups.":["Det finns två strategier vid användande av värdgrupper."],"There is":["Det finns","Det finns"],"There is no owner with id %d and type %s":[""],"There is no proxy with BMC feature set up. Please register a smart proxy with this feature.":[""],"There was an error creating the PXE file: %s":[""],"There was an error listing %{listing}: %{errors}":[""],"There was an error listing VMs: %(status)s %(statusText)s":["Fel vid listning av VMs: %(status)s %(statusText)s"],"There was an error rendering the %s template: ":["Fel vid tolkning av %s mallen:"],"There was an error rendering the %{name} template: %{error}":[""],"There was no active bridge interface found in libvirt, if it does not support listing, you can enter the bridge name manually (e.g. br0)":[""],"These are guaranteed to work via the safe mode rendering, to ensure a template can do nothing harmful.":[""],"These two options are personal decisions and are up to you (where the main difference would be the parameter/variables settings).":["Dessa två alternativ är personliga val och är upp till dig ( där den huvudsakliga skillnaden är parameter/variabel inställningar )."],"Thin provision":["Thin provision"],"This Puppet class has no parameters in its signature.":["Denna Puppetklassen har inga parametrar i sin signatur."],"This allows Foreman to associate a puppet variable with a domain/site and automatically append this variable to all external node requests made by machines at that site.":[""],"This group has nested groups!":["Denna gruppen har nästade grupper!"],"This group has no roles":[""],"This host's stored facts and reports will be deleted too.":[""],"This is a test message to confirm that Foreman's email configuration is working.":[""],"This is for every location and organization that uses it.":[""],"This is for every location that uses it.":[""],"This is for every organization that uses it.":[""],"This is inherited from parent":[""],"This is used by a host":[""],"This might take a while, as all hosts, facts and reports will be destroyed as well":["Detta kan dröja då alla värdar, fakta och rapporter också kommer bli förstörda"],"This role has been cloned from role %s":[""],"This role is locked for editing.":[""],"This role is locked from being modified by users.":[""],"This setting is defined in the configuration file '%{filename}' and is read-only.":[""],"This template is locked and may not be removed.":[""],"This template is locked for editing.":[""],"This template is locked. Please clone it to a new template to customize.":[""],"This template is locked. You may only change the associations. Please %s it to customize.":[""],"This value is not hidden":[""],"This value is used also as the host's primary interface name.":[""],"This will reset parameters of the class %s to their default values. Continue?":[""],"This will set all parameters of the class %s as overridden. Continue?":[""],"Time":[""],"Time in Seconds":["Tid i sekunder"],"Time in minutes installation tokens should be valid for, 0 to disable token generation":[""],"Timeout for DNS conflict validation (in seconds)":[""],"Timeout has occurred while communicating with %s":["Tidsgränsen uppnåddes vid kommunicering med %s"],"To define trend counters, use the Add Trend Counter button.</br> To start collecting trend data, set a cron job to execute 'foreman-rake trends:counter' every Puppet Interval (%s minutes).":[""],"To enable a provider, either install the OS package (e.g. foreman-libvirt) or enable the bundler group for development setup (e.g. ovirt).":["För att aktivera en leverantör, installera antingen OS-paketet (t.ex. foreman-libvirt) eller aktivera bundlergruppen för utvecklingsuppläggning (t.ex. ovirt)."],"To enable safe mode, navigate to Settings page and enable Safemode rendering option.":[""],"To start collecting trend data, set a cron job to execute <span class='black'>foreman-rake trends:counter</span> every Puppet Interval (%s minutes)":[""],"To update the class signature, go to the Puppet Classes page and select \\\"Import\\\".":["För att uppdatera klasssignaturen, gå till Puppetklasser sidan och välj \\\"Importera\\\"."],"Toggle":["Skifta"],"Token":["Token"],"Token duration":[""],"Token expired":[""],"Token|Expires":["Utgår"],"Token|Value":["Värde"],"Total":["Total(t)"],"Total Hosts: %s":["Totalt antal Värdar: %s"],"Total hosts count":["Totalt antal värdar"],"Total of one host":["",""],"Trend":["Trend"],"Trend counter":["Trendräknare"],"Trend of the last %s days.":["Trenden för de senaste %s dagarna."],"TrendCounter|Count":["Antal"],"Trends":["Trender"],"Trends for %s":["Trend för %s"],"Trend|Fact name":["Faktanamn"],"Trend|Fact value":["Faktavärde"],"Trend|Name":["Namn"],"Trend|Trendable type":["Trendbara typer"],"Trigger a puppetrun on a node; requires that puppet run is enabled":["Trigga en puppetrun på en nod; kräver att puppetrun är aktiverat"],"Troubleshooting":[""],"True/False flag whether a host is managed or unmanaged. Note: this value also determines whether several parameters are required or not":[""],"Trusted puppetmaster hosts":[""],"Try going to %{href}":[""],"Type":["Typ"],"Type of name generator":[""],"Type of realm, e.g. FreeIPA":[""],"Type or protocol, IPv4 or IPv6, defaults to IPv4":[""],"Types of validation values":[""],"Types of variable values":[""],"URL":["URL"],"URL for %{providers_requiring_url}":[""],"URL hosts will retrieve templates from during build (normally http as many installers don't support https)":[""],"URL must be valid and schema must be one of %s":[""],"URL where your Foreman instance is reachable (see also Provisioning > unattended_url)":[""],"UTC time of report":[""],"UUID":["UUID"],"UUID to track orchestration tasks status, GET /api/orchestration/:UUID/tasks":[""],"Unable to access key":["Misslyckades med åtkomst till nyckel"],"Unable to authenticate user %s":[""],"Unable to change VM display listen address, make sure the display is not attached to localhost only":["Det gick inte att ändra VMens skärmlyssnaradress, säkerställ att skärmen inte är kopplad till enbart localhost"],"Unable to communicate with the proxy: %s":["Kan inte kommunisera med proxyn: %s"],"Unable to connect":[""],"Unable to connect to LDAP server":[""],"Unable to create default TFTP boot menu":[""],"Unable to create realm entry":[""],"Unable to create the default role.":[""],"Unable to delete DHCP entry for %s":[""],"Unable to delete DNS entry":[""],"Unable to delete PuppetCA autosign for %s":[""],"Unable to delete PuppetCA certificate for %s":[""],"Unable to delete TFTP boot entry for %s":[""],"Unable to detect TFTP boot server":[""],"Unable to detect features":[""],"Unable to detect version":[""],"Unable to determine the host's boot server. The DHCP smart proxy failed to provide this information and this subnet is not provided with TFTP services.":["Kan inte avgöra värdens startserver. DHCP-smartproxyn misslyckades med att tillhandahålla denna information och TFTP-tjänsten är inte tillhandahållen på detta subnät."],"Unable to disable bmc_credentials_accessible when safemode_render is disabled":[""],"Unable to disable safemode_render when bmc_credentials_accessible is disabled":[""],"Unable to execute Puppet run":[""],"Unable to fetch TFTP boot file":[""],"Unable to fetch logs":[""],"Unable to find IP address for '%s'":[""],"Unable to find a proxy with BMC feature":["Kan inte hitta giltig proxy med BMC-funktionen"],"Unable to find proper authentication method":["Misslyckades med att hitta en korrekt autentiseringsmetod"],"Unable to find template %s":[""],"Unable to generate output, Check log files":[""],"Unable to get BMC providers":[""],"Unable to get PuppetCA autosign":[""],"Unable to get PuppetCA certificates":[""],"Unable to get classes from Puppet for %s":[""],"Unable to get environment from Puppet":[""],"Unable to get environments from Puppet":[""],"Unable to get installed BMC providers":[""],"Unable to initialize ProxyAPI class %s":[""],"Unable to perform boot BMC operation":[""],"Unable to perform identify BMC operation":[""],"Unable to perform lan BMC operation":[""],"Unable to perform power BMC operation":[""],"Unable to render %{kind} template '%{name}': %{e}":[""],"Unable to render '%{name}' template: %{e}":[""],"Unable to retrieve DHCP entry for %s":[""],"Unable to retrieve DHCP subnet":[""],"Unable to retrieve DHCP subnets":[""],"Unable to retrieve unused IP":[""],"Unable to save":["Misslyckades med att spara"],"Unable to send email, check server logs for more information":[""],"Unable to set DHCP entry":[""],"Unable to set DNS entry":[""],"Unable to set PuppetCA autosign for %s":[""],"Unable to set TFTP boot entry for %s":[""],"Unable to sign PuppetCA certificate for %s":[""],"Unable to turn on websockets_encrypt, either websockets_ssl_key or websockets_ssl_cert is missing":[""],"Unable to unset websockets_ssl_cert when websockets_encrypt is on":[""],"Unable to unset websockets_ssl_key when websockets_encrypt is on":[""],"Unallowed template for dashboard widget: %s":[""],"Unattended URL":[""],"Undo remove":["Ångra radering"],"Undo selection":[""],"Unhide this value":[""],"Unknown":["Okänd"],"Unknown IPAM type - can't continue":[""],"Unknown Power State":["Okänt strömläge"],"Unknown action name for success message: %s":["Okänt händelsenamn för meddelande vid lyckat resultat: %s "],"Unknown build status":[""],"Unknown device: available devices are %s":[""],"Unknown interface type, must be one of [%s]":[""],"Unknown power action: available methods are %s":[""],"Unknown power management support - can't continue":["Okänt strömhanteringsstöd - kan inte fortsätta"],"Unknown power state":[""],"Unlock":[""],"Unmanage host":["Sluta managera värd"],"Unsupported IPAM mode for %s":[""],"Unsupported password hash function '%s'":[""],"Unsupported report status format":["Formatet för rapportstatus stöds ej"],"Update":["Uppdatera"],"Update :a_resource":[""],"Update IP from built request":[""],"Update a Puppet class":[""],"Update a bookmark":["Uppdatera ett bokmärke"],"Update a compute attributes set":[""],"Update a compute profile":["Uppdatera en beräkningsprofil"],"Update a compute resource":["Uppdatera en beräkningsresurs"],"Update a config group":["Uppdatera en konfigurationsgrupp"],"Update a default template combination for an operating system":[""],"Update a domain":["Uppdatera en domän"],"Update a filter":["Uppdatera ett filter"],"Update a global parameter":[""],"Update a hardware model":[""],"Update a host":["Uppdatera en värd"],"Update a host group":["Uppdatera en värdgrupp"],"Update a host's interface":[""],"Update a medium":[""],"Update a nested parameter for a domain":[""],"Update a nested parameter for a host":[""],"Update a nested parameter for a host group":[""],"Update a nested parameter for a location":[""],"Update a nested parameter for a subnet":[""],"Update a nested parameter for an operating system":[""],"Update a nested parameter for an organization":[""],"Update a partition table":[""],"Update a provisioning template":["Uppdatera en provisioneringsmall"],"Update a realm":[""],"Update a role":[""],"Update a setting":[""],"Update a smart class parameter":[""],"Update a smart proxy":[""],"Update a smart variable":[""],"Update a subnet":[""],"Update a user":[""],"Update a user group":[""],"Update an LDAP authentication source":["Uppdatera en LDAP-autentiseringskälla"],"Update an architecture":["Uppdatera en arkitektur"],"Update an environment":["Uppdatera en miljö"],"Update an image":["Uppdatera en avbildning"],"Update an operating system":[""],"Update an override value for a specific smart class parameter":[""],"Update an override value for a specific smart variable":[""],"Update environment from facts":[""],"Update external user group":[""],"Update realm entry for %s":[""],"Update subnets from facts":[""],"Update template combination":[""],"Update the default PXE menu on all configured TFTP servers":[""],"Update:":["Uppdatera:"],"Updated":["Uppdaterad"],"Updated all hosts!":["Uppdaterade alla värdar!"],"Updated hosts: Disassociated from VM":[""],"Updated hosts: changed environment":["Uppdaterade värdar: ändrad miljö"],"Updated hosts: changed host group":["Uppdaterade värdar: ändrad värdgrupp"],"Updated hosts: changed owner":[""],"Upload facts for a host, creating the host if required":[""],"Use Gravatar":[""],"Use UUID for certificates":[""],"Use short name for VMs":[""],"Use this account to authenticate, <i>optional</i>":["Använd följande konto för autentisering, <i>valfritt</i>"],"Use this puppet server as a CA server":["Använd denna puppetserver som en CA server"],"Use this puppet server as an initial Puppet Server or to execute puppet runs":["Använd denna puppetserver som en initiell puppetserver eller för att exekvera puppetkörningar"],"Used to enforce certain values for the parameter values":[""],"User":["Användare"],"User Group":[""],"User Groups":["Användargrupper"],"User IDs":[""],"User data template":[""],"User groups":["Användargrupper"],"User groups enable users to log into Foreman and be automatically granted permissions.":[""],"User role":[""],"User's preferred locale":[""],"User's timezone":[""],"UserRole|Owner type":[""],"Usergroup":["Användargrupp"],"Usergroup member":["Användargruppsmedlem"],"UsergroupMember|Member type":["Medlemstyp"],"Usergroup|Admin":[""],"Usergroup|Auth source":[""],"Usergroup|Name":["Namn"],"Username":["Användarnamn"],"Username for oVirt, EC2, VMware, OpenStack. Access Key for EC2.":[""],"Username to use to authenticate, if required":[""],"Users":["Användare"],"User|Admin":["Admin"],"User|Avatar hash":[""],"User|Firstname":["Förnamn"],"User|Last login on":["Sista inloggning "],"User|Lastname":["Efternamn"],"User|Locale":["Språkinställning"],"User|Login":["Login"],"User|Lower login":[""],"User|Mail":["Epost"],"User|Mail enabled":[""],"User|Password hash":["Lösenordshash"],"User|Password salt":["Lösenordssalt"],"Uses thin provisioning if unchecked":[""],"Using the organization system provides a way to group resources together for easy management. Organizations are particularly useful for Foreman installations where several customers or business units are managed with a single Foreman install.":[""],"VCPU(s)":["VCPU(er)"],"VCenter/Server":["VCenter/Server"],"VLAN ID for this subnet":[""],"VLAN tag, this attribute has precedence over the subnet VLAN ID. Only for virtual interfaces.":[""],"VM":["VM"],"VM Attributes":["VM-Attribut"],"VM Attributes (%s)":["VM-Attribut (%s)"],"VM already associated with a host":["VM redan associerad med en värd"],"VM associated to host %s":["VM associerad till värd %s"],"VM is not running!":["VM körs ej!"],"VNC/SPICE websocket proxy console access encryption (websockets_ssl_key/cert setting required)":[""],"Valid from":["Giltig från"],"Valid host group and environment combinations":["Korrekt värdgrupp och miljökombinationer"],"Validation types":["Valideringstyper"],"Value":["Värde"],"Value to use when there is no match":["Värden att använda när ingen match hittas"],"Value to use when there is no match.":[""],"Variable":["Variabel"],"Variable lookup key":[""],"Variables":[""],"Vendor class":["Leverantörsklass"],"Verify":["Verifiera"],"Version":["Version"],"Version %{version}":["Version %{version}"],"Version %{version} %{copyright} 2009-%{year} Paul Kelly and %{author}":[""],"Very Strong":["Väldigt stark"],"View Diff":["Granska Skillnad"],"View in Foreman:":[""],"View last report details":["Granska senaste rapportdetaljerna"],"View list":[""],"Virtual (NAT)":["Virtuell(NAT)"],"Virtual H/W version":[""],"Virtual Machine":["Virtuell Maskin"],"Virtual Machines":["Virtuella Maskiner"],"Virtual Machines on %s":["Virtuell Maskiner på %s"],"Virtual NIC":[""],"Virtual machine settings cannot be edited on an existing machine in %s":[""],"WARNING":[""],"Wait for %s to come online":["Vänta på at %s blir uppkopplad"],"Warning":["Varning"],"Warning!":["Varning!"],"Warning! This will remove %{name} from %{number} user. are you sure?":["",""],"Warning: This will delete this host and all of its data!":[""],"Warnings and errors":["Varningar och fel"],"We have not found any documentation for your API.":[""],"We use Redmine to report and track bugs and feature requests, which can be found here:":["Vi använder Redmine för att rapportera och följa buggar samt begäran kring utökad funktionalitet, vilken kan hittas här:"],"Weak":["Svag"],"Websockets SSL certificate":[""],"Websockets SSL key":[""],"Websockets encryption":[""],"Weekly":[""],"Welcome to Foreman":["Välkommen till Foreman"],"What ever text(or ERB template) you use in here, would be used as your OS disk layout options If you want to use the partition table option, delete all of the text from this field":["Den text (eller ERB mall) som du anger här kommer användas som OS disklayout. Om du vill använda alternativet partitionstabell, radera all text från detta fält."],"When a Host requests a template (e.g. during provisioning), Foreman will select the best match from the available templates of that type, in the following order:":[""],"When a realm is selected for a host, Foreman contacts the relevant realm smart proxy to create an entry for the host and retrieve it's one-time registration password.":[""],"When editing a template, you must assign a list of operating systems which this template can be used with. Optionally, you can restrict a template to a list of host groups and/or environments.":[""],"When enabled the parameter is hidden in the UI":[""],"When specifying custom value, add 'MB' or 'GB' at the end. Field is not case sensitive and MB is default if unspecified.":[""],"When the role's associated %{taxonomies} are changed,<br> the change will propagate to all inheriting filters.\\n Filters that are set to override <br> will remain untouched. Overriding of role filters can be easily disabled by <br> pressing the \\\"Disable overriding\\\" button.\\n Note that not all filters support <br>%{taxonomies}, so these always remain global.":[""],"When using SSH based provisioning, a special SSH key is created in order to automate the provisioning process.":[""],"When using TLS, you can set how OpenSSL checks the certificate":[""],"Whether or not the image supports user data":[""],"Whether or not the template is locked for editing":[""],"Whether the class parameter value is managed by Foreman.":[""],"Whether the smart class parameter value is managed by Foreman":[""],"Which is an offset of <b>%s</b>":["Vilket är en offset av <b>%s</b>"],"Widget added to dashboard.":["Widget tillagd till instrumentbrädan."],"Widget positions successfully saved.":[""],"Widget removed from dashboard.":["Widget borttagen från instrumentbrädan."],"Wiki":["Wiki"],"With user groups, you can group your users and assign them roles on a group basis.":[""],"X509 Certification Authorities":[""],"YAML":["YAML"],"Yes":[""],"You are about to change the default PXE menu on all configured TFTP servers - continue?":[""],"You are about to override the editor content with a previous version, are you sure?":["Du kommer att åsidosätta redigerarens innehåll med en tidigare version, är du säker?"],"You are about to override the editor content, are you sure?":["Du kommer att åsidosätta redigerarens innehåll, är du säker?"],"You are about to unlock a locked template.":[""],"You are not authorized to lock templates.":[""],"You are not authorized to make a template default.":[""],"You are not authorized to perform this action.":[""],"You are trying to delete your own account":[""],"You are using an unsupported browser.":["Du använder en webbläsare som inte stöds"],"You can add SSH public keys to a user in Foreman.":[""],"You can find The Foreman on the %{freenode} ( network. For general support, please visit #theforeman and for development specific related chat, please visit #theforeman-dev.":[""],"You can select one of the IPAM modes supported by the selected IP protocol:<br/><ul><li><strong>DHCP</strong> - will manage the IP on DHCP through assigned DHCP proxy, auto-suggested IPs come from DHCP <em>(IPv4)</em></li><li><strong>Internal DB</strong> - use internal DB to auto-suggest free IP based on other interfaces on same subnet respecting range if specified, useful mainly with static boot mode <em>(IPv4, IPv6)</em></li><li><strong>EUI-64</strong> - will assign the IPv6 address based on the MAC address of the interface <em>(IPv6)</em></li><li><strong>None</strong> - leave IP management solely on user, no auto-suggestion <em>(IPv4, IPv6)</em></li></ul>":[""],"You can't assign locations to this resource":[""],"You can't assign organizations to this resource":[""],"You cannot delete this user while logged in as this user.":[""],"You do not have permission to %s this location parameter":["Du har inte rättigheter att %s denna placeringsparameter"],"You do not have permission to %s this organization parameter":["Du har inte rättigheter att %s denna organisationsparameter"],"You don't have any visible hosts. Hosts can be added and provisioned from Foreman, or configured to report to Foreman.":[""],"You don't seem to have any bookmarks.":[""],"You don't seem to have any facts yet. If you wish to configure fact pushing, please follow the documentation.":[""],"You don't seem to have any reports.":[""],"You have already logged in":[""],"You may also associate one or more operating systems with this medium or alternatively set this up later on the %s page.":["Du kan även associera ett eller flera operativsystem med detta medium alternativt sätter du upp detta senare via sidan %s."],"You may also associate one or more operating systems with this partition table or alternatively set this up later on the %s page":["Du kan även associera ett eller flera operativsystem med denna partitionstabell alternativt sätter du upp detta senare via sidan %s."],"You may create puppet classes that represent high-level host configurations, for example, a <b>host-type-ldap-server</b> class, which includes all the required functionality from other modules or you may decide to create a host group called <b>host-type-ldap-server</b> and add the required classes into the host group configuration.":["Du kan skapa puppetklasser som representerar högnivå värdkonfigurationer, t.ex., en <b>host-type-ldap-server</b>klass, som inkluderar all funktionalitet från andra moduler, alternativt skapar du en värdgrupp <b>host-type-ldap-server</b> och adderar de klasser som krävs till värdgruppen."],"You must create a location before continuing.":[""],"You must create an organization before continuing.":[""],"You must create at least one location before continuing.":["Du måste skapa mine en lokation innan du fortsätter."],"You must create at least one organization before continuing.":["Du måste kapa minst en organisation innan du fortsätter."],"You must select at least one permission":[""],"You probably need to configure your %s first.":[""],"You would probably need to attach the":["Du skulle antagligen behöva ansluta"],"Your Foreman user account has been created:":[""],"Your host has finished building:":[""],"Your password is too short":["Ditt lösenord är för kort"],"Your password should not contain sequences":[""],"Your password should not contain that many repetitions":[""],"Your password should not contain your email":[""],"Your password should not contain your username":[""],"Your password should use characters from different character classes too":[""],"Your session has expired, please login again":["Din session har utgått, var vänlig logga in igen"],"ZTP PXE template":[""],"Zone":["Zon"],"[encrypted]":[""],"a location":["en plats"],"add a new matcher":[""],"add new network interface":["lägg till nytt närtverkskort"],"add new storage volume":["lägg till ny lagringsvolym"],"all":[""],"already exists":["existerar redan"],"an organization":[""],"and":["och"],"array":[""],"belongs to config group":["tillhör konfigurationsgrupp"],"boolean":[""],"boot device, valid devices are disk, cdrom, pxe, bios":[""],"can only be set for array or hash":[""],"can only be set for arrays that have merge_overrides set to true":[""],"can only be set when merge overrides is set":[""],"can't be bigger than to range":["kan inte vara större än till-spannet"],"can't be blank":[""],"can't be blank unless a custom partition has been defined":[""],"can't be updated after host is provisioned":[""],"can't be updated after subnet is saved":[""],"can't contain spaces.":[""],"can't delete primary interface of managed host":[""],"can't delete provision interface of managed host":[""],"can't find domain with this id":[""],"cannot be changed":[""],"cannot be changed by a non-admin user":[""],"cannot be changed on an internal protected account":[""],"cannot be enabled for an unmanaged host":[""],"cannot be removed from an internal protected account":[""],"cannot be removed from the last admin account":[""],"clone":[""],"comma separated interface identifiers":[""],"comments powered by %{disqus}":[""],"could not be calculated":[""],"could not be found in %s":[""],"could not be generated":[""],"cycle":["period"],"default locations need to be user locations first":[""],"default organizations need to be user organizations first":[""],"defaults to 389":["standardvärde är 389"],"does not appear to be a valid nfs mount path":["verkar inte vara en korrekt nfsmontering"],"does not belong into host's location":[""],"does not belong into host's organization":[""],"does not belong to subnet":["tillhör inte subnät"],"does not have the %s feature":[""],"does not match selected subnet":[""],"domain":["domän"],"e-mail reporting":["e-postrapportering"],"e.g. admin@internal":["t.ex. admin@internal"],"e.g. givenName":["t.ex. givenName"],"e.g. http://openstack:5000/v2.0/tokens":["t.ex. http://openstack:5000/v2.0/tokens"],"e.g.":["t.e.x."],"e.g.":[""],"e.g. jpegPhoto":[""],"e.g. karmic, lucid, hw0910 etc":["t.ex. karmic, lucid, hw0910 etc"],"e.g. mail":["t.ex. mail"],"e.g. qemu://":["t.ex. qemu://"],"e.g. sn":["t.ex. sn"],"e.g. uid":["t.ex. uid"],"enable caching, for VMware only":[""],"environment id":[""],"failed to %{action} %{vm}":["misslyckades med att %{action} %{vm}"],"failed to detect boot server: %s":["misslyckades med att detektera bootserver: %s"],"failed to execute puppetrun: %s":["misslyckades med att köra puppetrun: %s"],"failed to save %s":["misslyckades med att spara %s"],"filter for %s role":[""],"filter results":["filtrera resultat"],"for EC2 only":["endast för EC2"],"for Libvirt and VMware only":["endast för Libvirt och VMware"],"for Libvirt only":["endast för Libvirt"],"for OpenStack only":["endast för OpenStack"],"for VMware":["för VMware"],"for oVirt, VMware Datacenter":["för oVirt, VMWare Datacenter"],"for proxy":[""],"free memory":[""],"from profile %s":[""],"further instructions":[""],"global":[""],"groups base DN":[""],"has already been taken":[""],"has this role already":["har redan denna roll"],"hash":[""],"hash containing the facts for the host":[""],"host":[""],"host already has primary interface":[""],"host already has provision interface":[""],"host group":[""],"host group id":[""],"host must have one primary interface":[""],"hostname of the host":[""],"iPXE template":[""],"in %s":["i %s"],"in Progress":[""],"in progress":[""],"included already from parent":[""],"inherit":[""],"integer":[""],"interface information":[""],"invalid":["felaktig"],"invalid LDAP filter syntax":["felaktig syntax för LDAP-filter"],"invalid architecture for %s":["felaktig arkitektur för %s"],"invalid host list":["felaktig värdlista"],"invalid medium for %s":["felaktigt medium för %s"],"invalid method %s":["felaktig metod %s"],"invalid path":["felaktig sökväg"],"invalid search query: %s":[""],"invalid time range":["felaktig tidsspann"],"invalid type %s":["felaktig typ %s"],"invalid type: %s requested":["felaktig typ: %s begärd"],"is already used by a user account":["används redan av ett användarkonto"],"is an admin account":[""],"is an admin user group":[""],"is an unsupported provisioning method":[""],"is invalid":["är felaktig"],"is invalid %s":["är felaktig %s"],"is invalid. No provisioning template with name \\\"%{name}\\\" and kind \\\"%{kind}\\\" found. ":[""],"is invalid: %s":["är felaktig: %s"],"is locked for user modifications.":[""],"is not a valid MAC address":[""],"is not allowed to change":["tillåts inte att ändras"],"is not defined for host's %s.":[""],"is not found in the authentication source":[""],"is not permitted":[""],"is not valid":[""],"is too long (maximum is 1 character)":["",""],"is too long (maximum is 254 characters)":[""],"is unknown":[""],"issue tracker":["Problemspårare"],"items selected. Uncheck to Clear":["poster markerade. 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var locales = locales || {}; locales['zh_CN'] = {"domain":"app","locale_data":{"app":{"":{"Project-Id-Version":"Foreman","Report-Msgid-Bugs-To":"","PO-Revision-Date":"2017-08-03 17:20+0000","Last-Translator":"Lukáš Zapletal","Language-Team":"Chinese (China) (","MIME-Version":"1.0","Content-Type":"text/plain; charset=UTF-8","Content-Transfer-Encoding":"8bit","Language":"zh_CN","Plural-Forms":"nplurals=1; plural=0;","lang":"zh_CN","domain":"app","plural_forms":"nplurals=1; plural=0;"}," Remove":["删除"],"%s - Press Shift-F12 to release the cursor.":["%s - 点击 Shift-F12 刷新。"],"%s - The following hosts are about to be changed":["%s - 以下的主机将要发生更改"],"%s Distribution":["%s 分布式"],"%s Parameters updated, see below for more information":["%s 参数已变更,详情如下"],"%s Template":["%s 模板"],"%s VM associated to a host":["与主机关联的 %s VM"],"%s active feature":["",""],"%s ago":["%s 前"],"%s console is not supported at this time":["%s 的控制台不支持"],"%s core":["%s core"],"%s day ago":["%s 天前"],"%s error message":["",""],"%s has been disassociated from VM":["已断开 %s 与 VM 的关联"],"%s host":["%s 主机"],"%s is an unknown attribute":["%s 为未知属性"],"%s is not a valid DNS record type":[""],"%s is not in environment":["%s 未在环境中"],"%s log message":["",""],"%s minute ago":["%s 分前"],"%s month ago":["%s 月前"],"%s selected hosts":["%s 所选主机"],"%s warning message":["",""],"%s week ago":["%s 周前"],"%s widget loading...":[""],"%{app_name} API documentation homepage":["%{app_name} API 文档主页"],"%{config_type} rebuild failed for host: %{host_names}.":["",""],"%{controller}: %{host}'s operating system %{os} has no OS family":[""],"%{controller}: %{host}'s operating system is missing":[""],"%{controller}: unable to find a host that matches the request from %{addr}":[""],"%{cores} Cores and %{memory} memory":["%{cores} Core 和 %{memory} 内存"],"%{count} host with no %{taxonomy_single} assigned":["%{count} 主机未分配 %{taxonomy_single} assigned"],"%{cpus} CPUs and %{memory} MB memory":["%{cpus} CPU 和 %{memory} MB 内存"],"%{cpus} CPUs and %{memory} memory":["%{cpus} CPU 和 %{memory} 内存"],"%{e} does not belong to the %{environment} environment":["%{e} 不属于 %{environment} 环境"],"%{host} is about to %{action}":["%{host} 要执行 %{action}。"],"%{host} now boots from %{device}":["%{host} 从 %{device} 启动"],"%{id} plugin requires Foreman %{matcher} but current is %{current}":["%{id} 插件需要 Foreman %{matcher},但目前为 %{current}。"],"%{id} plugin requires the %{plugin_name} plugin %{matcher} but current is %{plugin_version}":["%{id} 插件需要 %{plugin_name} 插件 %{matcher},但目前为 %{plugin_version}。"],"%{id} plugin requires the %{plugin_name} plugin, not found":["%{id} 插件需要 %{plugin_name} 插件,但未找到。"],"%{image} needs user data, but %{os_link} is not associated to any provisioning template of the kind user_data. Please associate it with a suitable template or uncheck 'User data' for %{compute_resource_image_link}.":["%{image} 需要用户数据,但 %{os_link} 与此类 user_data 的任何预配模板均不关联。请将其与适当的模板关联,或者取消选择 %{compute_resource_image_link} 的 ‘用户数据’。"],"%{key} does not exist in order field":[""],"%{match} does not match an existing host":["%{match} 与现有主机均不映射"],"%{match} does not match an existing host group":["%{match} 与现有主机组不映射。"],"%{model} with id '%{id}' was not found":["未找到使用 id 为 '%{id}' 的 %{model}"],"%{name} changed from %{label1} to %{label2}":["%{name} 从 %{label1} 变更为%{label2}"],"%{name} has %{num_tag} class":["",""],"%{os} medium was not set for host '%{host}'":[""],"%{record} is being used by a hidden %{what} resource":["%{record} 正在由 %{what} 资源使用"],"%{record} is used by %{what}":["%{record} 被 %{what} 使用"],"%{record} is used by host in build mode %{what}":["%{record} 是主机在构建模块 %{what} 时使用"],"%{resource_name} not found by id '%{id}'":["未根据 id '%{id}' 找到 %{resource_name}"],"%{task} task failed with the following error: %{e}":["%{task} 任务错误信息如: %{e}"],"%{taxonomy_type} %{taxonomy_name} has %{count} host that will need to be reassociated after deletion. Delete %{taxonomy_name2}?":["",""],"%{type} %{conflicts} already exists":[""],"%{user} Downloaded %{key} as pem file":[""],"%{value} does not belong to %{os} operating system":["%{value} 不属于 %{os} 操作系统"],"%{value} is not a valid controller":["%{value} 不是一个有效的控制器"],"%{value} is not one of %{rules}":["%{value} 不属于 %{rules}"],"%{vm} is now %{vm_state}":["%{vm} 状态为 %{vm_state}"],"&laquo;":["&laquo;"],"&raquo;":["&raquo;"],"'%{host}' could be deleted or '%{resource}' is not responding.":["'%{host}' 不能删除或者 '%{resource}' 无响应。"],"'%{host}' not found on '%{resource}'":["'%{host}' 在'%{resource}'中未发现"],"'%{loader}' is not one of %{loaders}":[""],"'Content-Type: %s' is unsupported in API v2 for POST and PUT requests. Please use 'Content-Type: application/json'.":["API v2 不支持 'Content-Type: %s' 的 POST 和 PUT 请求。请使用 'Content-Type: application/json'。"],"(Miscellaneous)":["(其他)"],"(optional) IAM Role for Fog to use when creating this image.":["(自选)Fog 在创建这个映像时使用的 IAM 角色。"],"*Clear %s proxy*":["*清除 %s 代理服务器*"],"*Clear environment*":["*环境清除*"],"*Clear host group*":["*主机组清除*"],"*Inherit from host group*":["*从主机组继承*"],", relevant log entries, and it is highly recommended to also attach the foreman-debug output.":[",相关日志条目,且还推荐附带 foreman-debug 输出结果。"],":foreman_url is not set, please configure in the Foreman Web UI (Administer -> Settings -> General)":["未设定 :foreman_url,请在 Foreman 网页 UI 中配置(管理 -> 设置 -> 常规)"],"<b class='select_count'>0</b> selected":["<b class='select_count'>0</b> 选中"],"<b style=\\\"color: #6bb5df;\\\">%{disabled_sum}</b>\\n <p>Disabled</p>":["",""],"<b style=\\\"color: #6bb5df;\\\">%{hosts_sum}</b>\\n <p>Changed</p>":["",""],"<b style=\\\"color: #6bb5df;\\\">%{out_of_sync_sum}</b>\\n <p>Out of sync</p>":["",""],"<b>Description:</b> %{desc}<br/>\\n <b>Type:</b> %{type}<br/>\\n <b>Matcher:</b> %{matcher}<br/>\\n <b>Inherited value:</b> %{inherited_value}":["<b>描述:</b> %{desc}<br/>\\n <b>类型:</b> %{type}<br/>\\n <b>匹配程序:</b> %{matcher}<br/>\\n <b>继承值:</b> %{inherited_value}"],"<b>Foreman API v1 is deprecated. Please use v2.</b><br />If you still need to use v1, you may do so by either passing 'version=1' in the Accept Header or using api/v1/ in the URL.":[""],"<b>Foreman</b> Build Complete":["<b>Foreman</b> 构建完成"],"<b>Foreman</b> Puppet error report":["<b>Foreman</b> Puppet 错误报告"],"<b>Foreman</b> Puppet summary":["<b>Foreman</b> Puppet 小结"],"<b>Foreman</b> audit summary":["<b>Foreman</b> 审核小结"],"<b>Foreman</b> test email":["<b>Foreman</b> 测试电子邮件"],"<b>Source:</b> %{type} %{name}":["<b>源:</b> %{type} %{name}"],"<dl><dt>List</dt> <dd>A list of the allowed values, specified in the Validator rule field.</dd><dt>Regexp</dt> <dd>Validates the input with the regular expression in the Validator rule field.</dd></dl>":["<dl><dt>清单</dt> <dd>允许值的列表,指定验证规则。</dd><dt>正则表达式</dt> <dd>正则表达式验证输入验证规则。</dd></dl>"],"<dl><dt>String</dt> <dd>Everything is taken as a string.</dd><dt>Boolean</dt> <dd>Common representation of boolean values are accepted.</dd><dt>Integer</dt> <dd>Integer numbers only, can be negative.</dd><dt>Real</dt> <dd>Accept any numerical input.</dd><dt>Array</dt> <dd>A valid JSON or YAML input, that must evaluate to an array.</dd><dt>Hash</dt> <dd>A valid JSON or YAML input, that must evaluate to an object/map/dict/hash.</dd><dt>YAML</dt> <dd>Any valid YAML input.</dd><dt>JSON</dt> <dd>Any valid JSON input.</dd></dl>":["<dl><dt>字符串</dt> <dd>所有都视为字符串。</dd><dt>Boolean</dt> <dd>可接受布尔值的公共表示。</dd><dt>Integer</dt> <dd>只接受整数,可以是负数。</dd><dt>Real</dt> <dd>接受任意数字输入。</dd><dt>Array</dt> <dd>有效的 JSON 或者 YAML 输入,但必须是一个阵列。</dd><dt>Hash</dt> <dd>有效 JSON 或者 YAML 输入,必须是 object/map/dict/hash。</dd><dt>YAML</dt> <dd>任意有效 YAML 输入。</dd><dt>JSON</dt> <dd>任意有效 JSON 输入。</dd></dl>"],"A Foreman user group can be associated to a group stored in an LDAP server, so membership of the LDAP group automatically adds the user to the Foreman user group.":[""],"A host group is in some ways similar to an inherited node declaration, in that it is a high level grouping of classes that can be named and treated as a unit. This is then treated as a template and is selectable during the creation of a new host and ensures that the host is configured in one of your pre-defined states.":["主机组在某些方面与继承的节点技术详细,即它是可命名或视为单元的类别的高级分组。然后可将其视为模板,并在创建新主机时进行选择,保证使用预先定义的状态配置该主机。"],"A medium represents the source of one or more operating system's installation files, accessible via the network.\\n It will probably be a mirror from the internet or a copy of one or more CD or DVDs.":["媒体代表一个或者多个操作系统安装文件,可通过网络访问。\\n它可能是互联网的镜像或者一个或多个 CD 或者 DVD 的副本。"],"A partition table entry represents either":["一个分区表项"],"A problem occurred when detecting host type: %s":["删除主机类型:%s 时发生错误。"],"A script to dynamically calculate the desired sizes. 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E.G.":["明确硬盘分区。 E.G."],"An invalid response was received while requesting available features from this proxy":[""],"Annotation Notes":[""],"Annotation notes":[""],"Anonymous admin user %s is missing, run foreman-rake db:seed":["缺少匿名 admin 用户 %s,请运行 foreman-rake db:seed。"],"Any Context":["所有环境"],"Any Location":["任意位置"],"Any Organization":["任意组织"],"Applicable Operating Systems":[""],"Applied":["已批准"],"Applied|A":["已应用"],"Architecture":["架构"],"Architecture Distribution":["分布架构"],"Architecture ID":["架构 ID"],"Architectures":["架构"],"Architecture|Hostgroups count":["主机组计数"],"Architecture|Hosts count":["主机计数"],"Architecture|Name":["名"],"Are you sure you want to %{act} %{vm}?":["您确定要执行 %{act} %{vm} 吗?"],"Are you sure you want to delete host %s? This action is irreversible.":["确定要删除主机 %s 吗?这个操作时不可逆的。"],"Are you sure you want to delete host %s? 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After disabling override field, role %{orgs_and_locs} apply again.":[""],"Filters overriding has been disabled":[""],"Filter|Override":[""],"Filter|Permissions":["权限"],"Filter|Resource":["资源"],"Filter|Search":["搜索"],"Filter|Taxonomy search":["分类搜索"],"Filter|Unlimited":["无限"],"Fingerprint":["指纹"],"Finish template":["完成模版"],"Firmware":[""],"Fix %s on Mismatch":["修复与 %s 的不匹配"],"Fix All Mismatches":["修复所有不匹配"],"Fix DB cache":["固定 DB 缓存"],"Fix DB cache on next Foreman restart":["下次 Foreman 重启时修复 DB 缓存"],"Fix Mismatches":["修复不匹配"],"Flavor":["尝试"],"Floating IP network":["浮动IP"],"Folder":["文件夹"],"Follow %{href} on how to describe your controllers.":["按照 %{href} 描述您的控制器。"],"For example, if you have copied several Red Hat release disks into a directory structure where the disk images are named 5.8 or 6.2, and each contained both x86_64 and i386 binaries, then you\\n could create a single medium entry describing them all.\\n The entry, which could be just named 'Red Hat' could contain a path like this <em>'http://server/redhat/$version/$arch'</em>":["例如:如果将一些 Red Hat 发行磁盘复制到目录结构中,并将这些磁盘映像命名为 5.8 或者 6.2,且每个映像都包含 x86_64 及 i386 二进制格式,那么您\\n就可以生成一个描述它们的介质条目。\\n可将该条目命名为 'Red Hat',也可以包含路径,比如 <em>'http://server/redhat/$version/$arch'</em>。"],"For more info visit our documentation.":[""],"For more information":["有关详情"],"Force a Puppet agent run on the host":["强制在该主机中运行 Puppet 代理"],"Foreman API v2 is currently the default API version.":["Foreman API v2 是目前的默认 API 版本。"],"Foreman Developers":["Foreman 开发人员"],"Foreman URL":["Foreman URL"],"Foreman Users":["Foreman 用户"],"Foreman audit summary":["Foreman 审核小结"],"Foreman can store information about the networking setup of a host that it’s provisioning, which can be used to configure the virtual machine, assign the correct IP addresses and network resources, then configure the OS correctly during the provisioning process.":[""],"Foreman can use LDAP based service for user information and authentication.":["Foreman 可使用基于 LDAP 的服务提供用户信息及认证。"],"Foreman considers a domain and a DNS zone as the same thing.":["Foreman 将域和 DNS 区域视为同样的事物。"],"Foreman domain ID of interface. 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Visit Settings to disable this feature.":[""],"Generated %s ago":["%s 前产生"],"Generated at %s":["通过 %s 生成"],"Get ENC values of host":[""],"Get configuration status of host":["获取主机配置状态"],"Get dashboard details":["获取仪表板详情"],"Get default dashboard widgets":["获取默认仪表板小程序"],"Get statistics":["获取统计数据"],"Get status of host":["获取主机状态"],"Get vm attributes of host":["获取主机 vm 属性"],"Global":["全局"],"Global Parameters":["全局参数"],"Global default %s template":[""],"Global default %s template. This template gets deployed to all configured TFTP servers. It will not be affected by upgrades.":[""],"Global functions":[""],"Global methods (functions)":[""],"Global parameters":["全局参数"],"Global status changed from %{from} to %{to}":[""],"Global variables":[""],"Good host reports in the last %s":["在过去 %s 内的报告良好的主机"],"Google Project ID":["Google Project ID"],"Groups base DN":["组基础 DN"],"Guest OS":["虚拟机操作系统"],"HELO/EHLO domain":[""],"Hardware":["硬件"],"Hardware Model":["硬件型号"],"Hardware Models":["硬件型号"],"Hardware models":["硬件型号"],"Hash function to use. 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A 'create_ssh_keys' permission is required too.":[""],"In-line code syntax":[""],"Include default value when merging all matching values":["合并所有匹配值时包括默认值"],"Include default value when merging all matching values.":["合并所有匹配值时包括默认值。"],"Include this host within Foreman reporting":["将这个主机包含在 Foreman 报告中"],"Included Classes":["包含的类"],"Included Config Groups":["包含的配置组"],"Incorrect password":["密码不对"],"Incorrect username or password":["非法用户名或者密码"],"Independent - Nonpersistent":[""],"Independent - Persistent":[""],"Infrastructure":["架构"],"Inherit parent (%s)":["继承上级(%s)"],"Inherited Classes from %s":[""],"Inherits from subnet VLAN ID if not set":["如果没有设置则从子网 VLAN ID 继承"],"Input":["输入"],"Installation Media":["安装介质"],"Installation media":["安装介质"],"Installation medium configuration":["配置安装媒体"],"Installed":["已安装"],"Interface":["接口"],"Interface is down":["关闭接口"],"Interface is up":["打开接口"],"Interface provider, e.g. IPMI. 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Please consider cloning it instead.":["不建议解锁这个模板,因为它是由 %{vendor} 提供,且可能会被替代。请考虑克隆该模板。"],"Item":["项"],"Iterating":[""],"JSON VM listing is not supported for this compute resource.":["这个计算资源不支持 JSON VM 列表"],"JSON object of the scheduler hint":[""],"Keep selected hosts for a future action":["保留所选主机用于今后的操作"],"Key Binding":["绑定密钥"],"Key not connected to any compute resource":[""],"Key pair":["按键对"],"Key used with other compute resource":[""],"KeyPair|Name":["名称"],"KeyPair|Public":["公有"],"KeyPair|Secret":["安全码"],"Kind":["种类"],"LDAP Authentication":["LDAP身份验证"],"LDAP authentication":["LDAP 认证"],"LDAP authentication sources":["LDAP 认证源"],"LDAP error - %{message}":["LDAP 错误- %{message}"],"LDAP filter":["LDAP 过滤器"],"LDAP server":["LDAP 服务器"],"LDAP users will have their Foreman account automatically created the first time they log into Foreman":["LDAP 用户会在其首次使用 Foreman 时自动创建其 Foreman 帐户。"],"Language":["语言"],"Last Report":["最新报告"],"Last report":["最后的报告"],"Last updated %s ago":["最后更新于 %s 前"],"Latest Events":["最新运行情况"],"Learn more about this in the documentation.":["了解更多本文档中的内容。"],"Legacy Puppet hostname":["旧的 Puppet 主机名"],"Length":[""],"Level":["阶段"],"Libvirt default console address":["Libvirt 默认控制台地址"],"Libvirt, oVirt, OpenStack and Rackspace":[""],"Limit rebuild steps, valid steps are %{host_rebuild_steps}":[""],"List LDAP authentication sources per location":[""],"List LDAP authentication sources per organization":[""],"List all :resource_id":["列出所有:resource_id"],"List all LDAP authentication sources":["列出所有 LDAP 认证源"],"List all Puppet class IDs for host":["列出主机的所有 Puppet 类别"],"List all Puppet class IDs for host group":["列出主机组的所有 Puppet 类别"],"List all Puppet classes":["列出所有 Puppet 类别"],"List all Puppet classes for a host":["列出主机的所有 Puppet 类别"],"List all Puppet classes for a host group":["列出主机组的所有 Puppet 类别"],"List all Puppet classes for an environment":["列出环境的所有 Puppet 类别"],"List all SSH keys for a user":[""],"List all architectures":["列出所有架构"],"List all 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设置中至少设定一个模板。"],"No free ports available for websockify, try again later":["没有端口可用于 websockify,请稍后再试。"],"No history found":["没有发现历史信息"],"No host could be found for rendering the template":["未找到呈现该模板的主机"],"No host found to associate this VM with":["没有找到与这个 VM 关联的主机"],"No host group selected!":["没有选择主机组"],"No hosts are mismatched!":["没有主机不匹配!"],"No hosts available.":[""],"No hosts selected":["没有选择主机"],"No hosts were found with that id, name or query filter":[""],"No interesting reports received in the last week":["上周没有收到任何需要查看的报告"],"No logs to show":["无日志显示"],"No matching server groups found":[""],"No networks":["没有网络"],"No networks found.":["未找到网络。"],"No new IPv4 subnets found":[""],"No or invalid power state selected!":["未选择电源状态或所选电源状态无效!"],"No owner selected!":["未选择所有者!"],"No parameters to override for Puppet class %s":["未发现 Puppet 分类 %s 的参数"],"No parameters were allocated to the selected hosts, can't mass assign.":["没有为所选主机分配任何参数,不能批量分配。"],"No plugins found":["未找到插件"],"No 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If left blank, a self-signed CA will be populated automatically by the server during the first request.":["自选提供 CA 或正确排序的 CA 链。如为空白,会在第一次请求时由服务器自动推广自主签名的 CA。"],"Order":["顺序"],"Organization":["组织"],"Organization Distribution":[""],"Organization fact":["机构 fact"],"Organization parameters":["机构参数"],"Organization with id %{id} not found":[""],"Organization you had selected as your context has been deleted.":["已删除选为上下文的机构。"],"Organizations":["组织"],"Organizations also work nicely in tandem with %{locations}.":["机构还可以与 %{locations} 串联使用。"],"Original value info":["原始值信息"],"Other reports for this host":["本机的其他报告"],"Out of sync":["不同步"],"Out of sync hosts":["超出同步主机"],"Out of sync hosts with alerts enabled":[""],"Out of sync interval":["非同步间隔"],"Override all parameters":["覆盖所有参数"],"Override match":["替代匹配"],"Override the default value of the Puppet class parameter.":["替代 Puppet 分类参数的默认值"],"Override this value":["重设此值"],"Override value, required if omit is false":[""],"Overview":["概况"],"Overwrite":["覆盖"],"Owned By":["所有者"],"Owner":["所有者"],"Owner changed to %s":["%s 所有者修改"],"Owner type needs to be one of the following: %s":["拥有者类型应为以下类型之一:%s"],"POAP PXE template":[""],"PXE":["PXE"],"PXE Loader":[""],"PXE files for templates %s have been deployed to all Smart Proxies":[""],"PXE loader":[""],"PXEGrub template":["PXEGrub 模版"],"PXEGrub2 template":[""],"PXELinux template":["PXELinux 模版"],"Param name":["参数名称"],"Parameter":["参数"],"Parameter details":["参数详情"],"Parameter value":["参数值"],"Parameterized classes in ENC":["ENC 中的参数化类别"],"Parameters":["参数"],"Parameters for host's %s facet":["用于主机 %s 方面的参数"],"Parameters that would be associated with hosts in this %s":["将与 %s 中的主机关联的参数"],"Parameter|Hidden value":["隐藏数值"],"Parameter|Name":["名称"],"Parameter|Priority":["优先"],"Parameter|Value":["值"],"Params":["参数"],"Parent":["上级"],"Parent ID":["父 ID"],"Parent ID of the host group":["主机组父 ID"],"Parent is already selected":["已选择父项目"],"Parent parameters":["父参数"],"Partition Tables":["分区表"],"Partition table":["分区表"],"Partition table ID":["分区表 ID"],"Partition table configuration":["配置分区表"],"Partition tables":["分区表"],"Partition template IDs":["分区模板 ID"],"Password":["密码"],"Password for oVirt, EC2, VMware, OpenStack. 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Please check the table below.":["有些接口无效。请检查下表。"],"Some or all hosts execution failed, Please check log files for more information":["部分或者所有主机运行失败,请检查日志文件查看更多信息。"],"Some other interface is already set as primary. Are you sure you want to use this one instead?":["已将其他接口设定为主接口。您确定要使用这个接口吗?"],"Some other interface is already set as provisioning. Are you sure you want to use this one instead?":["已将其他接口设定为预配接口。您确定要使用这个接口吗?"],"Something went wrong while changing host type - %s":["更改主机类型时出错 - %s"],"Something went wrong while selecting hosts - %s":["选择主机时出错 - %s"],"Sorry but no templates were configured.":["抱歉,但没有配置任何模板。"],"Sorry, these hosts do not have parameters assigned to them, you must add them first.":["抱歉,没有为这些主机分配任何参数,必须首先为其添加参数。"],"Source":["源"],"Source|Digest":["精华"],"Source|Value":["值"],"Space separated options, e.g. miimon=100. Only for bond interfaces.":["使用空格分隔的选项,例如:miimon=100。仅用于捆绑接口。"],"Specified value is higher than recommended maximum":[""],"Specify additional options to sendmail":[""],"Specify authentication type, if required":[""],"Specify matchers":["指定映射器"],"Start":["起始"],"Starting IP Address for IP auto suggestion":["IP 自动提示的起始 IP 地址"],"State":["状态"],"Static":["统计"],"Statistics":["统计"],"Status":["状态"],"Stop updating IP address and MAC values from Puppet facts (affects all interfaces)":["停止更新 Puppet 系统信息中的 IP 地址和 MAC 值(影响所有接口)"],"Stop updating Operating System from facts":[""],"Stop updating domain values from facts":[""],"Storage":["存储"],"Storage domain":["存储域"],"Storage pool":["存储池"],"Strong":["强"],"Submit":["提交"],"Subnet":["子网"],"Subnet ID":["子网 ID"],"Subnet IDs":["子网 ID"],"Subnet name":["子网名"],"Subnet network":["子网网络"],"Subnet numeric identifier":["子网数字识别符"],"Subnets":["子网"],"Subnet|Boot mode":["引导模式"],"Subnet|Dns primary":["主DNS"],"Subnet|Dns secondary":["从DNS"],"Subnet|From":["子网开始地址"],"Subnet|Gateway":["网关"],"Subnet|Ipam":["Ipam"],"Subnet|Mask":["掩码"],"Subnet|Name":["名称"],"Subnet|Network":["网段"],"Subnet|Priority":["优先"],"Subnet|To":["子网结尾地址"],"Subnet|Vlanid":["Vlan ID"],"Subscribe":["订阅"],"Subscribe to all hosts":[""],"Subscribe to my hosts":[""],"Success":["成功"],"Successfully created %s.":["成功创建 %s "],"Successfully delete %s":[""],"Successfully deleted %s.":["成功删除 %s."],"Successfully deleted report.":["成功删除报告。"],"Successfully executed, check log files for more details":["成功执行,详情请查询日志文件。"],"Successfully executed, check reports and/or log files for more details":["成功执行,更多细节查询报告或者日志"],"Successfully overridden all parameters of Puppet class %s":["成功覆盖 Puppet 分类 %s 的所有参数"],"Successfully recreated":[""],"Successfully refreshed features from %s.":["成功刷新 %s 功能。"],"Successfully refreshed the cache.":[""],"Successfully reset all parameters of Puppet class %s to their default values":["成功将 Puppet 分类 %s 的所有参数重置为默认值"],"Successfully updated %s.":["成功更新 %s."],"Successfully updated environments and Puppet classes from the on-disk Puppet installation":["成功使用磁盘 Puppet 安装更新环境及 Puppet 类别"],"Suffix or prefix length for this subnet, e.g. 32":[""],"Suggest new":["建议新建"],"Summary from %{time} ago to now":["%{time} 前到现在的小结"],"Summary report from Foreman server at %{foreman_url}":["来自 %{foreman_url} Foreman 服务器的概述报告"],"Support":["支持"],"Supported Formats":["支持的格式"],"Synchronize group from authentication source":["使用认证源同步组"],"Syntax Highlighting":["语法高亮"],"Syntax error occurred while parsing the template %{template_name}, make sure you have all ERB tags properly closed and the Ruby syntax is valid. The Ruby error: %{message}":[""],"System Information":["系统信息"],"System Status":["系统状态"],"TFTP":["TFTP"],"TFTP Proxy":["TFTP代理"],"TFTP Proxy ID to use within this subnet":[""],"TFTP Proxy to use within this subnet":["本子网使用的 TFTP 代理服务器"],"TFTP server":["TFTP 服务器"],"Taxable taxonomy":["Taxable taxonomy"],"TaxableTaxonomy|Taxable type":["TaxableTaxonomy|Taxable type"],"Taxonomy":["Taxonomy"],"Taxonomy|Ancestry":["沿革"],"Taxonomy|Ignore types":["忽略类型"],"Taxonomy|Name":["名称"],"Taxonomy|Title":["标题"],"Template":["模板"],"Template %s is empty.":["模板 %s 为空。"],"Template '%s' is either missing or has an invalid organization or location":[""],"Template '%s' was not found":[""],"Template Diff":["模板比较"],"Template Type":["模板类型"],"Template diff":["模板差异"],"Template editor":["模板编辑器"],"Template kind":["模板种类"],"Template kinds, available values: %{template_kinds}":["模板类型,可用值:%{template_kinds}"],"Template locked":["模板已锁定"],"Template syntax":[""],"Template unlocked":["模板解锁"],"TemplateKind|Name":["名称"],"Templates":["模板"],"Templates resolved for this operating system":["为这个操作系统解析的模板"],"Tenant":["承租人"],"Test Connection":["测试连接"],"Test LDAP connection":["测试 LDAP 连接"],"Test LDAP connectivity":["测试 LDAP 连接性"],"Test connection to LDAP server was successful.":["测试到 LDAP 服务器的连接成功。"],"Test connection was successful":["测试连接成功"],"Test email":["测试电子邮件"],"Text to be shown in the login-page footer":[""],"That is, if you are planning to manage a site where all the machines are of the form <i>hostname</i>.<b></b>\\n then the domain is <b></b>.":[""],"The %{proxy_type} proxy could not be set for host: %{host_names}.":["",""],"The %{proxy_type} proxy of the selected hosts was cleared.":["清除所选主机的 %{proxy_type} 代理服务器。"],"The %{proxy_type} proxy of the selected hosts was set to %{proxy_name}.":["将所选主机的 %{proxy_type} 代理服务器设定为 %{proxy_name}。"],"The <b>fullname</b> field is used for human readability in reports and other pages that refer to domains,\\n and also available as an external node parameter":["<b>fullname</b> 字段是用来提供报告及其他参考域的页面的可读性,\\n 也可以作为外部节点参数使用。"],"The Audit Comment field is saved with the template auditing to document the template changes":["在『审核备注』字段保存模板审计以记录模版的变更"],"The BMC password will be used by Foreman to access the host's BMC controller via a BMC-enabled smart proxy, if available.<br/>":[""],"The IP address that should be used for the console listen address when provisioning new virtual machines via Libvirt":["透过 Libvirt 置备新虚拟机时控制台侦听地址要使用的 IP 地址"],"The NFS path to the image directory.":["映像目录的 NFS 路径。"],"The NFS path to the jumpstart control files.":["Jumpstart 控制文件的 NFS 路径。"],"The NFS path to the media.":["介质的 NFS 路径。"],"The Operating systems detail the OSs known to Foreman, and is the central point that the other required components tie into.":[""],"The Primary interface is used for constructing the FQDN of the host":["用来构建主机 FQDN 的主接口"],"The Provisioning interface is used for TFTP of PXELinux (or SSH for image-based hosts)":["用于 PXELinux 的 TFTP(或基于映象主机的 SSH)的预配接口"],"The authentication process currently requires an LDAP provider, such as <em>FreeIPA</em>,\\n <em>OpenLDAP</em> or <em>Microsoft's Active Directory</em>.":["目前,认证过程需要 LDAP 供应商,比如 <em>FreeIPA</em>、\\n <em>OpenLDAP</em> 或者 <em>微软的 Active Directory</em>。"],"The class of CPU supplied in this machine. This is primarily used by Sparc Solaris builds and can be left blank for other architectures. The value can be determined on Solaris via uname -m":["这台机器中使用的 CPU 类别。主要由 Sparc Solaris 构建使用,对于其他架构可将其留为空白。在 Solaris 中可用 uname -m 确定它的值。"],"The class of the machine reported by the Open Boot Prom. This is primarily used by Sparc Solaris builds and can be left blank for other architectures. The value can be determined on Solaris via uname -i|cut -f2 -d,":["Open Boot Prom 报告的机器的类别。主要由 Sparc Solaris 构建使用,对于其他架构可将其留为空白。在 Solaris 中可用 uname -i|cut -f2 -d 确定它的值。"],"The default administrator email address":["管理员默认邮箱"],"The dynamic partitioning style is currently only available for the Red Hat family of operating systems, all others must provide an explicit list of partitions and sizes.":["Red Hat 的操作系统产品线目前可采用动态分区模式,其他产品则必须明确给出分区和大小列表。"],"The file path where your p12 file is located":["p12 文件的文件路径"],"The final entry, Operating System default, can be set by editing the %s page.":["最后一个条目,默认为操作系统,可编辑 %s 页面设置它们。"],"The following IPv4 subnets have been found. Please review the details before creating them.":[""],"The following entries were found conflicting with what foreman wanted to apply.":["以下条目与 foreman 要应用的内容冲突。"],"The following errors may prevent a successful build:":["以下错误可能使构建失败:"],"The following fields would need reviewing":["需要检查以下字段"],"The following hosts failed the build operation: %s":["以下主机构建操作失败:%s"],"The following hosts were not %{action}: %{missed_hosts}":["以下主机没有 %{action}: %{missed_hosts}"],"The following hosts were not deleted: %s":["未删除以下主机:%s"],"The following hosts were updated":["以下主机已被更新"],"The following parameters were skipped as they did not exists on this host:":["跳过以下参数,因为它们不存在于这台主机中:"],"The following table and example snippet shows global methods, variables and class methods and how to use them.":[""],"The full DNS domain name":["完整 DNS 域名"],"The host group's classes and the host group's variables are included in the external node information when the puppetmaster compiles the host's configuration.":["当 puppetmaster 编译主机配置时,会在外部节点信息中包含主机组类别和主机组变量。"],"The inclusion of the keyword string <b>#Dynamic</b> at the start of a line lets Foreman know that this is not an explicit disk layout and must treated as a shell script, executed prior\\n to the install process and that the explicit partition table will be found at <b>/tmp/diskpart.cfg</b> during the build process.":["在某行的开头添加关键字字符串 <b>#Dynamic</b>,以便让 Foreman 了解这不是明确指定的磁盘布局,且必须将其视为 shell 脚本,要在安装\\n进程开始前执行,并可在构建过程中在 <b>/tmp/diskpart.cfg</b> 中找到明确的分区表。"],"The keys can be used in provisioning templates and are also available for configuration management tools managed by Foreman.":[""],"The keywords <b>$version</b>, <b>$major</b> and <b>$minor</b> will be interpolated back into the path specification to calculate the true URL address.":["会将关键字 <b>$version</b>, <b>$major</b> 和 <b>$minor</b> 改回路径说明以便计算实际 URL 地址。"],"The list is excluding %{count} %{link_start}physical host%{link_end}.":["",""],"The location of the sendmail executable":[""],"The marked fields will need reviewing":["需要检查标出的字段"],"The method used to provision the host. Possible provision_methods may be %{provision_methods}":["用来设置主机的方法。provision_methods 可能为 %{provision_methods}"],"The order in which matchers keys are processed, first match wins.<br> You may use multiple attributes as a matcher key, for example, an order of <code>host group, environment</code> would expect a matcher such as <code>hostgroup = \\\"web servers\\\", environment = production</code>":["处理映射器密钥的指令,会采用第一个匹配的映射。<br>您可以使用多个属性作为映射器密钥,例如:一组 <code>host group, environment</code> 的映射器为 <code>hostgroup = \\\"web servers\\\", environment = production</code>。"],"The order in which values are resolved":["解析参数值的指令"],"The password will also be accessible to other users via templates and in the ENC YAML output; disable the bmc_credentials_accessible setting to prevent access.":[""],"The password will not be accessible to other users; enable the bmc_credentials_accessible setting to permit access via templates and in the ENC YAML output.":[""],"The path to the medium, can be a URL or a valid NFS server (exclusive of the architecture).\\n for example <em>$version/os/$arch</em> where <strong>$arch</strong> will be substituted for the host's actual OS architecture and <strong>$version</strong>, <strong>$major</strong> and <strong>$minor</strong> will be substituted for the version of the operating system. Solaris and Debian media may also use <strong>$release</strong>.":["介质路径,可以是 URL 或者有效的 NFS 服务器(不包括架构)。\\n例如: <em>$version/os/$arch</em>,其中请使用主机的实际操作系统架构替换 <strong>$arch</strong>,使用操作系统版本替换 <strong>$version</strong>, <strong>$major</strong> 和 <strong>$minor</strong>。Solaris 和 Debian 介质也可以使用 <strong>$release</strong>。"],"The power state of the selected hosts will be set to %s":["会将所选主机的电源状态设定为 %s"],"The realm name, e.g. EXAMPLE.COM":["范围名称,例如:EXAMPLE.COM"],"The remote system presented a public key signed by an unidentified certificate authority. If you are sure the remote system is authentic, go to the compute resource edit page, press the 'Test Connection' or 'Load Datacenters' button and submit":["显示由无法识别证书授权签名的公钥的远程系统。如果您确定该远程系统可信,请进入计算资源编辑页面,按“测试连接”或者“载入数据中心”按纽并提交。"],"The remote system presented a public key with hash %s but we're expecting a different hash. If you are sure the remote system is authentic, go to the compute resource edit page, press the 'Test Connection' or 'Load Datacenters' button and submit":["远程系统显示带哈希 %s 的公钥,但应该是不同的哈希。如果如果您确定该远程系统可信,请进入计算资源编辑页面,按“测试连接”或者“载入数据中心”按纽并提交。"],"The selected hosts were enabled for reboot and rebuild":["启用所选主机以便重启和重建"],"The selected hosts will execute a build operation on next reboot":["所选主机将在下次重启时执行构建。"],"The snippet '%{name}' threw an error: %{exc}":[""],"The template is associated to at least one host in build mode. To apply the change, disable and enable build mode on hosts to update the live templates or choose to %s their configuration from 'Select Action' menu":["与构建模式中至少一台主机关联的模板。要应用更改,请在主机中禁用并启用构建模式以便更新实时模板,或者选择使用“选择动作”菜单 %s 其配置。"],"The user that is used to ssh into the instance, normally cloud-user, ec2-user, ubuntu, root etc":["使用 ssh 进入该实例的用户,通常为 cloud-user, ec2-user, ubuntu, root 等等。"],"The virtual machine is being deleted.":["已删除该虚拟机。"],"There are migrations pending in the system.":[""],"There are no puppet environments set up on this puppet master. Please check the puppet master configuration.":["这台 puppet 主服务器中未设置任何 puppet 环境。请检查 puppet 主服务器配置。"],"There are orchestration modules with methods for configuration rebuild that have identical name: '%s'":["有些附带配置重建方法的 orchestration 模块有完全相同的名称:'%s'"],"There are two strategies when using host groups.":["使用主机组时有两种策略。"],"There is":["这是"],"There is no owner with id %d and type %s":[""],"There is no proxy with BMC feature set up. Please register a smart proxy with this feature.":["未设置使用 BMC 功能的代理服务器。请使用这个功能注册智能代理服务器。"],"There was an error creating the PXE file: %s":[""],"There was an error listing %{listing}: %{errors}":[""],"There was an error listing VMs: %(status)s %(statusText)s":["列出 VM 时出错:%(status)s %(statusText)s"],"There was an error rendering the %s template: ":["修改 %s 模板是出错:"],"There was an error rendering the %{name} template: %{error}":["呈现 %{name} 模板时出错:%{error}"],"There was no active bridge interface found in libvirt, if it does not support listing, you can enter the bridge name manually (e.g. br0)":["在 libvirt 里没有找到活动的桥接口,如果它不支持列表,您可以手动输入桥名称(如 br0)。"],"These are guaranteed to work via the safe mode rendering, to ensure a template can do nothing harmful.":[""],"These two options are personal decisions and are up to you (where the main difference would be the parameter/variables settings).":["这两个选项都是个人决定,由您说了算(主要区别是参数/变量设置)。"],"Thin provision":["精简预配"],"This Puppet class has no parameters in its signature.":["这个 Puppet 类别在其签名中没有参数。"],"This allows Foreman to associate a puppet variable with a domain/site and automatically append this variable to all external node requests made by machines at that site.":["这可让 Foreman 将 puppet 变量与域/网站关联,并自动将这个变量附加到所有那个网站中机器生成的外部节点请求。"],"This group has nested groups!":["这个组拥有嵌套的组!"],"This group has no roles":[""],"This host's stored facts and reports will be deleted too.":["还将删除为这个组保存的详情和报告。"],"This is a test message to confirm that Foreman's email configuration is working.":["只是用来确认 Foreman 电子邮件配置是否正常工作的测试信息。"],"This is for every location and organization that uses it.":["可用于所有使用它的位置和机构。"],"This is for every location that uses it.":["可用于所有使用它的位置。"],"This is for every organization that uses it.":["可用于所有使用它的机构。"],"This is inherited from parent":["这是从父项目中继承的"],"This is used by a host":["这是由主机使用的"],"This might take a while, as all hosts, facts and reports will be destroyed as well":["这需要一些时间,因为同时还要销毁所有主机、详情及报告。"],"This role has been cloned from role %s":[""],"This role is locked for editing.":[""],"This role is locked from being modified by users.":[""],"This setting is defined in the configuration file '%{filename}' and is read-only.":[""],"This template is locked and may not be removed.":["这个模板已锁定,无法删除。"],"This template is locked for editing.":["这个模板已锁定,无法编辑。"],"This template is locked. Please clone it to a new template to customize.":["这个模板已锁定。请克隆一个新模板进行编辑。"],"This template is locked. You may only change the associations. Please %s it to customize.":["这个模板已锁定。您只能更改 关联。请 %s 它以便定制。"],"This value is not hidden":[""],"This value is used also as the host's primary interface name.":["还将这个值作为主机主接口名使用。"],"This will reset parameters of the class %s to their default values. Continue?":["这会将分类 %s 的参数重置为其默认值。继续吗?"],"This will set all parameters of the class %s as overridden. Continue?":["这会将分类 %s 的所有参数设定为覆盖值。继续吗?"],"Time":["时间"],"Time in Seconds":["时间(秒)"],"Time in minutes installation tokens should be valid for, 0 to disable token generation":["以分钟为单位设定有效的安装令牌,0 表示禁用令牌生成。"],"Timeout for DNS conflict validation (in seconds)":["DNS 冲突验证超时(单位:秒)"],"Timeout has occurred while communicating with %s":["与 %s 沟通时出现超时"],"To define trend counters, use the Add Trend Counter button.</br> To start collecting trend data, set a cron job to execute 'foreman-rake trends:counter' every Puppet Interval (%s minutes).":["请使用“添加趋势计数器”按钮定义趋势计数器。</br>要开始收集趋势数据,请将 cron 任务设定为每个 Puppet 间隔(%s 分钟)执行一次 'foreman-rake trends:counter' 。"],"To enable a provider, either install the OS package (e.g. foreman-libvirt) or enable the bundler group for development setup (e.g. ovirt).":["要启用供应商,可以安装 OS 软件包(比如 foreman-libvirt),也可以启用打包程序组进行开发设置(比如 ovirt)。"],"To enable safe mode, navigate to Settings page and enable Safemode rendering option.":[""],"To start collecting trend data, set a cron job to execute <span class='black'>foreman-rake trends:counter</span> every Puppet Interval (%s minutes)":["要开始收集趋势数据,请将 cron 任务设定为每个 Puppet 间隔(%s 分钟)执行一次 <span class='black'>foreman-rake trends:counter</span>。"],"To update the class signature, go to the Puppet Classes page and select \\\"Import\\\".":["请进入 Puppet 类别页面,选择“导入”就可以更新该类别签名。"],"Toggle":["切换"],"Token":["符号"],"Token duration":["令牌持续时间"],"Token expired":[""],"Token|Expires":["到期"],"Token|Value":["值"],"Total":["总"],"Total Hosts: %s":["主机合计: %s"],"Total hosts count":["主机总数"],"Total of one host":["",""],"Trend":["趋势"],"Trend counter":["趋势统计"],"Trend of the last %s days.":["前 %s 天的趋势"],"TrendCounter|Count":["合计"],"Trends":["趋势"],"Trends for %s":["%s 的趋势"],"Trend|Fact name":["详情名"],"Trend|Fact value":["详情值"],"Trend|Name":["名称"],"Trend|Trendable type":["趋势类型"],"Trigger a puppetrun on a node; requires that puppet run is enabled":["在节点中切换 puppetrun;需要启用那个 puppet。"],"Troubleshooting":["故障排除"],"True/False flag whether a host is managed or unmanaged. Note: this value also determines whether several parameters are required or not":["用来表示主机被管理或没有被管理的 True/False 标签。注:这个值还决定是否需要一些参数。"],"Trusted puppetmaster hosts":["可信的 puppetmaster 主机"],"Try going to %{href}":["尝试进入 %{href}"],"Type":["类型"],"Type of name generator":[""],"Type of realm, e.g. FreeIPA":["范围类型,例如:FreeIPA"],"Type or protocol, IPv4 or IPv6, defaults to IPv4":[""],"Types of validation values":["验证值类型"],"Types of variable values":["变量值类型"],"URL":["链接"],"URL for %{providers_requiring_url}":[""],"URL hosts will retrieve templates from during build (normally http as many installers don't support https)":["URL 主机将在构建过程中检索模本(一般是 http,因为很多安装程序不支持 https)"],"URL must be valid and schema must be one of %s":["URL 必须有效且协议为 %s 之一"],"URL where your Foreman instance is reachable (see also Provisioning > unattended_url)":["可访问 Foreman 实例的 URL(还可以查看置备> unattended_url)"],"UTC time of report":["报告的 UTC 时间"],"UUID":["UUID"],"UUID to track orchestration tasks status, GET /api/orchestration/:UUID/tasks":["用来跟踪业务流程任务状态的 UUID,GET /api/orchestration/:UUID/tasks"],"Unable to access key":["无法访问密钥"],"Unable to authenticate user %s":["无法认证用户 %s"],"Unable to change VM display listen address, make sure the display is not attached to localhost only":["无法更改 VM 显示侦听地址,请确定该显示只附加到本地主机。"],"Unable to communicate with the proxy: %s":["无法与代理服务器沟通:%s"],"Unable to connect":["无法连接"],"Unable to connect to LDAP server":["无法连接到 LDAP 服务器"],"Unable to create default TFTP boot menu":["无法创建默认 TFTP 引导菜单"],"Unable to create realm entry":["无法创建 realm 条目"],"Unable to create the default role.":[""],"Unable to delete DHCP entry for %s":["删除 %s 的 DHCP 条目"],"Unable to delete DNS entry":["无法删除 DNS 条目"],"Unable to delete PuppetCA autosign for %s":["无法删除 %s 的 PuppetCA 自动签名"],"Unable to delete PuppetCA certificate for %s":["无法删除 %s 的 PuppetCA 证书"],"Unable to delete TFTP boot entry for %s":["无法删除 %s 的 TFTP 引导条目"],"Unable to detect TFTP boot server":["无法探测 TFTP 引导服务器"],"Unable to detect features":["无法探测功能"],"Unable to detect version":["无法探测到版本"],"Unable to determine the host's boot server. The DHCP smart proxy failed to provide this information and this subnet is not provided with TFTP services.":["无法决定主机的引导服务器。DHCP 智能代理服务器无法提供此信息,且没有为这个子网提供 TFTP 服务。"],"Unable to disable bmc_credentials_accessible when safemode_render is disabled":[""],"Unable to disable safemode_render when bmc_credentials_accessible is disabled":[""],"Unable to execute Puppet run":["无法执行 Puppet 运行"],"Unable to fetch TFTP boot file":["无法添加 TFTP 引导文件"],"Unable to fetch logs":["无法获取日志"],"Unable to find IP address for '%s'":["无法找到 '%s' 的 IP 地址"],"Unable to find a proxy with BMC feature":["无法找到有 BMC 功能的代理服务器"],"Unable to find proper authentication method":["无法找到正确的认证方法"],"Unable to find template %s":["无法找到模板 %s"],"Unable to generate output, Check log files":["无法生成输出结果,检查日志文件"],"Unable to get BMC providers":["无法获取 BMC 供应商"],"Unable to get PuppetCA autosign":["无法获取 PuppetCA 自动签名"],"Unable to get PuppetCA certificates":["无法获取 PuppetCA 证书"],"Unable to get classes from Puppet for %s":["无法从 Puppet 获取 %s 类别"],"Unable to get environment from Puppet":["无法从 Puppet 获取环境"],"Unable to get environments from Puppet":["无法从 Puppet 获取环境"],"Unable to get installed BMC providers":["无法获取安装的 BMC 供应商"],"Unable to initialize ProxyAPI class %s":["无法初始化 ProxyAPI 分类 %s"],"Unable to perform boot BMC operation":["无法执行引导 BMC 的操作"],"Unable to perform identify BMC operation":["无法执行识别 BMC 的操作"],"Unable to perform lan BMC operation":["无法执行 lan BMC操作"],"Unable to perform power BMC operation":["无法执行电源 BMC 操作"],"Unable to render %{kind} template '%{name}': %{e}":[""],"Unable to render '%{name}' template: %{e}":[""],"Unable to retrieve DHCP entry for %s":["无法检索 %s 的 DHCP 条目"],"Unable to retrieve DHCP subnet":["无法检索 DHCP 子网"],"Unable to retrieve DHCP subnets":["无法检索 DHCP 子网"],"Unable to retrieve unused IP":["无法检索未使用的 IP"],"Unable to save":["无法保存"],"Unable to send email, check server logs for more information":["无法发送电子邮件,详情请检查服务器日志。"],"Unable to set DHCP entry":["无法设置 DHCP 条目"],"Unable to set DNS entry":["无法设置 DNS 条目"],"Unable to set PuppetCA autosign for %s":["无法设置 %s 的 PuppetCA 自动签名"],"Unable to set TFTP boot entry for %s":["无法设置 %s 的 TFTP 引导条目"],"Unable to sign PuppetCA certificate for %s":["无法签署 %s 的 PuppetCA 证书"],"Unable to turn on websockets_encrypt, either websockets_ssl_key or websockets_ssl_cert is missing":["无法打开 websockets_encrypt,缺少 websockets_ssl_key 或者 websockets_ssl_cert。"],"Unable to unset websockets_ssl_cert when websockets_encrypt is on":["打开 websockets_encrypt 时无法取消设置 websockets_ssl_cert"],"Unable to unset websockets_ssl_key when websockets_encrypt is on":["打开 websockets_encrypt 时无法取消设置 websockets_ssl_key"],"Unallowed template for dashboard widget: %s":["仪表板小程序不允许使用的模板:%s"],"Unattended URL":["无人参与的 URL"],"Undo remove":["撤销删除"],"Undo selection":["取消选择"],"Unhide this value":["取消隐藏该值"],"Unknown":["未知"],"Unknown IPAM type - can't continue":[""],"Unknown Power State":["电源状态未知"],"Unknown action name for success message: %s":["成功消息中的未知操作:%s"],"Unknown build status":["未知构建状态"],"Unknown device: available devices are %s":["未知设备:可用设备为 %s"],"Unknown interface type, must be one of [%s]":["未知接口类型,必须为 [%s] 之一。"],"Unknown power action: available methods are %s":["未知电源操作:可用方法为 %s"],"Unknown power management support - can't continue":["未知电源管理支持 - 无法继续"],"Unknown power state":["电源状态未知"],"Unlock":["解锁"],"Unmanage host":["取消管理主机"],"Unsupported IPAM mode for %s":[""],"Unsupported password hash function '%s'":["不支持的密码哈希功能 '%s'"],"Unsupported report status format":["不支持的报告状态格式"],"Update":["更新"],"Update :a_resource":["更新:a_resource"],"Update IP from built request":["更新来自构建请求的 IP"],"Update a Puppet class":["更新 Puppet 类别"],"Update a bookmark":["更新收藏"],"Update a compute attributes set":["更新计算属性集"],"Update a compute profile":["更新计算配置文件"],"Update a compute resource":["更新计算资源"],"Update a config group":["更新配置组"],"Update a default template combination for an operating system":["更新操作系统的默认模板组合"],"Update a domain":["更新域"],"Update a filter":["更新过滤器"],"Update a global parameter":["更新全局参数"],"Update a hardware model":["更新硬件型号"],"Update a host":["更新主机"],"Update a host group":["更新主机组"],"Update a host's interface":["更新主机接口"],"Update a medium":["更新媒体"],"Update a nested parameter for a domain":["更新域的嵌入参数"],"Update a nested parameter for a host":["更新主机的嵌入参数"],"Update a nested parameter for a host group":["更新主机组的嵌入参数"],"Update a nested parameter for a location":["更新位置的嵌入参数"],"Update a nested parameter for a subnet":[""],"Update a nested parameter for an operating system":["更新操作系统的嵌入参数"],"Update a nested parameter for an organization":["更新机构的嵌入参数"],"Update a partition table":["更新分区表"],"Update a provisioning template":["更新预配模板"],"Update a realm":["更新范围"],"Update a role":["更新角色"],"Update a setting":["更新设置"],"Update a smart class parameter":["更新智能类别参数"],"Update a smart proxy":["更新智能代理服务器"],"Update a smart variable":["更新智能变量"],"Update a subnet":["更新子网"],"Update a user":["更新用户"],"Update a user group":["更新用户组"],"Update an LDAP authentication source":["更新 LDAP 认证源"],"Update an architecture":["更新架构"],"Update an environment":["更新环境"],"Update an image":["更新映像"],"Update an operating system":["更新操作系统"],"Update an override value for a specific smart class parameter":["更新具体智能类别参数的替代值"],"Update an override value for a specific smart variable":["更新具体智能变量的替代值"],"Update environment from facts":["根据系统信息更新环境"],"Update external user group":["更新外部用户组"],"Update realm entry for %s":["更新 %s realm 条目"],"Update subnets from facts":[""],"Update template combination":["更新模板组合"],"Update the default PXE menu on all configured TFTP servers":["更新所有配置 TFTP 服务器的默认 PXE 菜单"],"Update:":["更新:"],"Updated":["更新"],"Updated all hosts!":["更新所有主机!"],"Updated hosts: Disassociated from VM":["已更新主机:取消与 VM 的关联"],"Updated hosts: changed environment":["已更新主机:更改环境"],"Updated hosts: changed host group":["已更新主机:更改主机组"],"Updated hosts: changed owner":["更新的主机:更改的所有者"],"Upload facts for a host, creating the host if required":["上传主机的系统详情,如需要,请创建主机。"],"Use Gravatar":["用户头像"],"Use UUID for certificates":["在证书中使用 UUID"],"Use short name for VMs":["在 VM 中使用短名称"],"Use this account to authenticate, <i>optional</i>":["使用此账号验证, <i>可选</i>"],"Use this puppet server as a CA server":["使用这个 puppet 服务器作为 CA 服务器"],"Use this puppet server as an initial Puppet Server or to execute puppet runs":["使用这个 puppet 服务器作为起始 Puppet 服务器或者执行 puppet 运行"],"Used to enforce certain values for the parameter values":["用来在参数中强制使用某些值"],"User":["用户"],"User Group":[""],"User Groups":["用户组"],"User IDs":["用户 ID"],"User data template":["用户数据模版"],"User groups":["用户组"],"User groups enable users to log into Foreman and be automatically granted permissions.":[""],"User role":["用户角色"],"User's preferred locale":["用户的首选区域设置"],"User's timezone":["用户的时区"],"UserRole|Owner type":["拥有者类型"],"Usergroup":["用户组"],"Usergroup member":["用户组成员"],"UsergroupMember|Member type":["成员类型"],"Usergroup|Admin":["管理员"],"Usergroup|Auth source":["认证源"],"Usergroup|Name":["名称"],"Username":["用户名"],"Username for oVirt, EC2, VMware, OpenStack. Access Key for EC2.":["oVirt、EC2、VMware、OpenStack 的用户名。EC2 的访问密钥。"],"Username to use to authenticate, if required":[""],"Users":["用户"],"User|Admin":["管理员权限"],"User|Avatar hash":["Avatar 哈希"],"User|Firstname":["姓"],"User|Last login on":["上次登录"],"User|Lastname":["名"],"User|Locale":["语言"],"User|Login":["用户名"],"User|Lower login":["登录(小写)"],"User|Mail":["邮箱"],"User|Mail enabled":["启用邮件"],"User|Password hash":["Password hash"],"User|Password salt":["Password salt"],"Uses thin provisioning if unchecked":["未选择就使用精简配置"],"Using the organization system provides a way to group resources together for easy management. Organizations are particularly useful for Foreman installations where several customers or business units are managed with a single Foreman install.":[""],"VCPU(s)":["VCPU(s)"],"VCenter/Server":["VCenter/服务器"],"VLAN ID for this subnet":["这个子网的 VLAN ID"],"VLAN tag, this attribute has precedence over the subnet VLAN ID. Only for virtual interfaces.":["VLAN 标签,这个属性优先于子网 VLAN ID。仅用于虚拟接口。"],"VM":["VM"],"VM Attributes":["VM 属性"],"VM Attributes (%s)":["VM 属性(%s)"],"VM already associated with a host":["VM 已经与主机关联"],"VM associated to host %s":["与主机 %s 关联的 VM"],"VM is not running!":["VM 尚未运行!"],"VNC/SPICE websocket proxy console access encryption (websockets_ssl_key/cert setting required)":["VNC/SPICE websocket 代理服务器控制台访问加密(需要 websockets_ssl_key/cert 设置)"],"Valid from":["有效期从"],"Valid host group and environment combinations":["有效的主机组和环境组合"],"Validation types":["验证类型"],"Value":["值"],"Value to use when there is no match":["无映射时使用的值"],"Value to use when there is no match.":["未发现匹配时使用的值。"],"Variable":["变量"],"Variable lookup key":["变量查找键"],"Variables":["变量"],"Vendor class":["供应商类别"],"Verify":["验证"],"Version":["版本"],"Version %{version}":["版本 %{version}"],"Version %{version} %{copyright} 2009-%{year} Paul Kelly and %{author}":[""],"Very Strong":["很强"],"View Diff":["查看不同"],"View in Foreman:":["在 Foreman 中查看:"],"View last report details":["查看最新报告详情"],"View list":["查看列表"],"Virtual (NAT)":["虚拟 (NAT)"],"Virtual H/W version":["W 版本"],"Virtual Machine":["虚拟机"],"Virtual Machines":["虚拟机"],"Virtual Machines on %s":["%s 中的虚拟机"],"Virtual NIC":["虚拟 NIC"],"Virtual machine settings cannot be edited on an existing machine in %s":["不能在 %s 中的现有机器中编辑虚拟机"],"WARNING":["警告:"],"Wait for %s to come online":["等待 %s 上线"],"Warning":["警告"],"Warning!":["警告"],"Warning! This will remove %{name} from %{number} user. are you sure?":["",""],"Warning: This will delete this host and all of its data!":["警告:这样会删除这个主机机器所有数据!"],"Warnings and errors":["警告和错误"],"We have not found any documentation for your API.":["未找到有关您 API 的任何文档。"],"We use Redmine to report and track bugs and feature requests, which can be found here:":["我们使用 Redmine 报告和跟踪 bug 及功能请求,可在这里找到 Redmine:"],"Weak":["弱"],"Websockets SSL certificate":["Websockets SSL 证书"],"Websockets SSL key":["Websockets SSL 密钥"],"Websockets encryption":["Websockets 加密"],"Weekly":["每周"],"Welcome to Foreman":["欢迎使用 Foreman"],"What ever text(or ERB template) you use in here, would be used as your OS disk layout options If you want to use the partition table option, delete all of the text from this field":["无论您在这里使用何种文本(或者 ERB 模板),都将作为 OS 磁盘布局选项使用。如果您要使用分区表选项,请删除此字段中的所有文本。"],"When a Host requests a template (e.g. during provisioning), Foreman will select the best match from the available templates of that type, in the following order:":["当主机需要一个模板时(比如在置备过程中),Foreman 将从那种类型的可用模板中选择最匹配的一个,选择顺序如下:"],"When a realm is selected for a host, Foreman contacts the relevant realm smart proxy to create an entry for the host and retrieve it's one-time registration password.":["为主机选择范围后,Foreman 与相关范围智能代理服务器联络为该主机生成条目,并检索其一次性注册密码。"],"When editing a template, you must assign a list of operating systems which this template can be used with. Optionally, you can restrict a template to a list of host groups and/or environments.":[""],"When enabled the parameter is hidden in the UI":["何时将启用的参数隐藏到 UI 中"],"When specifying custom value, add 'MB' or 'GB' at the end. Field is not case sensitive and MB is default if unspecified.":[""],"When the role's associated %{taxonomies} are changed,<br> the change will propagate to all inheriting filters.\\n Filters that are set to override <br> will remain untouched. Overriding of role filters can be easily disabled by <br> pressing the \\\"Disable overriding\\\" button.\\n Note that not all filters support <br>%{taxonomies}, so these always remain global.":[""],"When using SSH based provisioning, a special SSH key is created in order to automate the provisioning process.":[""],"When using TLS, you can set how OpenSSL checks the certificate":[""],"Whether or not the image supports user data":["映象是否支持用户数据"],"Whether or not the template is locked for editing":["是否已锁定该模板进行编辑"],"Whether the class parameter value is managed by Foreman.":["分类参数值是否由 Foreman 管理。"],"Whether the smart class parameter value is managed by Foreman":["是否由 Foreman 管理智能类别参数值"],"Which is an offset of <b>%s</b>":["是 <b>%s</b> 偏移。"],"Widget added to dashboard.":["添加到仪表板中的挂件。"],"Widget positions successfully saved.":["成功保存挂件位置。"],"Widget removed from dashboard.":["从仪表板中删除的挂件。"],"Wiki":["Wiki"],"With user groups, you can group your users and assign them roles on a group basis.":[""],"X509 Certification Authorities":["X509 证书授权"],"YAML":["YAML"],"Yes":["是"],"You are about to change the default PXE menu on all configured TFTP servers - continue?":["您要在所有配置的 TFTP 服务器中更改默认 PXE 菜单,要继续吗?"],"You are about to override the editor content with a previous version, are you sure?":["要使用之前的版本替代编辑器内容,您确定要进行此操作吗?"],"You are about to override the editor content, are you sure?":["要替代编辑器内容,您确定要进行此操作吗?"],"You are about to unlock a locked template.":["要解锁已锁定的模板。"],"You are not authorized to lock templates.":["您没有锁定模板的授权。"],"You are not authorized to make a template default.":["您没有设置默认模板的授权。"],"You are not authorized to perform this action.":["您没有执行这个操作的授权。"],"You are trying to delete your own account":["您要删除您自己的账户"],"You are using an unsupported browser.":["您正在使用不支持的浏览器。"],"You can add SSH public keys to a user in Foreman.":[""],"You can find The Foreman on the %{freenode} ( network. For general support, please visit #theforeman and for development specific related chat, please visit #theforeman-dev.":["您可以在 %{freenode} ( 网络中找到 Foreman。常规支持请进入 #theforema,具体与开发相关的探讨,请进入 visit #theforeman-dev。"],"You can select one of the IPAM modes supported by the selected IP protocol:<br/><ul><li><strong>DHCP</strong> - will manage the IP on DHCP through assigned DHCP proxy, auto-suggested IPs come from DHCP <em>(IPv4)</em></li><li><strong>Internal DB</strong> - use internal DB to auto-suggest free IP based on other interfaces on same subnet respecting range if specified, useful mainly with static boot mode <em>(IPv4, IPv6)</em></li><li><strong>EUI-64</strong> - will assign the IPv6 address based on the MAC address of the interface <em>(IPv6)</em></li><li><strong>None</strong> - leave IP management solely on user, no auto-suggestion <em>(IPv4, IPv6)</em></li></ul>":[""],"You can't assign locations to this resource":["您无法将位置分配给这个资源"],"You can't assign organizations to this resource":["您无法将机构分配给这个资源"],"You cannot delete this user while logged in as this user.":["您无法在用户登录时删除这个用户。"],"You do not have permission to %s this location parameter":["您没有 %s 这个位置参数的权限"],"You do not have permission to %s this organization parameter":["您没有 %s 这个机构参数的权限"],"You don't have any visible hosts. Hosts can be added and provisioned from Foreman, or configured to report to Foreman.":["您没有任何可见主机。可使用 Forman 添加和预配主机,或将其配置为向 Foreman 提交报告。"],"You don't seem to have any bookmarks.":["您好像没有任何收藏。"],"You don't seem to have any facts yet. If you wish to configure fact pushing, please follow the documentation.":["您好像还没有任何 fact。如果要配置 fact 推送,请按照文档叙述操作。"],"You don't seem to have any reports.":["您尚没有任何报告。"],"You have already logged in":[""],"You may also associate one or more operating systems with this medium or alternatively set this up later on the %s page.":["您可能还要为这个介质关联一个或者多个操作系统,也可以稍后在 %s 页面中设置。"],"You may also associate one or more operating systems with this partition table or alternatively set this up later on the %s page":["您可能还要为这个分区表关联一个或者多个操作系统,也可以稍后在 %s 页面中设置。"],"You may create puppet classes that represent high-level host configurations, for example, a <b>host-type-ldap-server</b> class, which includes all the required functionality from other modules or you may decide to create a host group called <b>host-type-ldap-server</b> and add the required classes into the host group configuration.":["您可以创建代表高端主机配置的 puppet 类别,例如:<b>host-type-ldap-server</b> 类别,它包含所有其他模块所需功能,或者您也可以决定创建名为 <b>host-type-ldap-server</b> 的主机组,并在该主机组配置中添加所需类别。 "],"You must create a location before continuing.":["继续操作前必须生成位置。"],"You must create an organization before continuing.":["继续操作前必须生成机构。"],"You must create at least one location before continuing.":["继续操作前必须创建至少一个位置。"],"You must create at least one organization before continuing.":["继续操作前必须创建至少一个机构。"],"You must select at least one permission":["您必须至少选择一个权限。"],"You probably need to configure your %s first.":["可能需要首先配置您的 %s。"],"You would probably need to attach the":["您需要附加"],"Your Foreman user account has been created:":["已创建 Foreman 用户帐户:"],"Your host has finished building:":["您的主机已经完成了构建:"],"Your password is too short":["密码太短"],"Your password should not contain sequences":[""],"Your password should not contain that many repetitions":[""],"Your password should not contain your email":["你的密码不应该包含你的邮箱信息"],"Your password should not contain your username":["你的密码不应该包含你的用户名信息"],"Your password should use characters from different character classes too":[""],"Your session has expired, please login again":["会话已过期,请重新登录。"],"ZTP PXE template":[""],"Zone":["区"],"[encrypted]":[""],"a location":["位置"],"add a new matcher":["添加新的映射器"],"add new network interface":["添加新的网络接口"],"add new storage volume":["添加新的存储卷"],"all":["全部"],"already exists":["已经存在"],"an organization":["机构"],"and":["和"],"array":["数组"],"belongs to config group":["属于配置组"],"boolean":["布尔型"],"boot device, valid devices are disk, cdrom, pxe, bios":["引导设备,有效设备为磁盘、光盘、pxe、bios。"],"can only be set for array or hash":["仅用于阵列或哈希设置"],"can only be set for arrays that have merge_overrides set to true":["仅用于 merge_overrides 设定为 true 的阵列"],"can only be set when merge overrides is set":["只有在设定合并替代后方可设定此功能"],"can't be bigger than to range":["功能超过反问"],"can't be blank":["不能为空白"],"can't be blank unless a custom partition has been defined":["不能为空白除非定义了定制分区"],"can't be updated after host is provisioned":["配置主机后无法更新"],"can't be updated after subnet is saved":[""],"can't contain spaces.":["无法包含空格。"],"can't delete 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var locales = locales || {}; locales['zh_CN'] = {"domain":"app","locale_data":{"app":{"":{"Project-Id-Version":"Foreman","Report-Msgid-Bugs-To":"","PO-Revision-Date":"2017-09-19 19:05+0000","Last-Translator":"Lukáš Zapletal","Language-Team":"Chinese (China) (","MIME-Version":"1.0","Content-Type":"text/plain; charset=UTF-8","Content-Transfer-Encoding":"8bit","Language":"zh_CN","Plural-Forms":"nplurals=1; plural=0;","lang":"zh_CN","domain":"app","plural_forms":"nplurals=1; plural=0;"}," Remove":["删除"],"%s - Press Shift-F12 to release the cursor.":["%s - 点击 Shift-F12 刷新。"],"%s - The following hosts are about to be changed":["%s - 以下的主机将要发生更改"],"%s Distribution":["%s 分布式"],"%s Parameters updated, see below for more information":["%s 参数已变更,详情如下"],"%s Template":["%s 模板"],"%s VM associated to a host":["与主机关联的 %s VM"],"%s active feature":["",""],"%s ago":["%s 前"],"%s console is not supported at this time":["%s 的控制台不支持"],"%s core":["%s core"],"%s day ago":["%s 天前"],"%s error message":["",""],"%s has been disassociated from VM":["已断开 %s 与 VM 的关联"],"%s host":["%s 主机"],"%s is an unknown attribute":["%s 为未知属性"],"%s is not a valid DNS record type":["%s 不是有效的 DNS 记录类型"],"%s is not in environment":["%s 未在环境中"],"%s log message":["",""],"%s minute ago":["%s 分前"],"%s month ago":["%s 月前"],"%s selected hosts":["%s 所选主机"],"%s warning message":["",""],"%s week ago":["%s 周前"],"%s widget loading...":["正在加载 %s 小程序..."],"%{app_name} API documentation homepage":["%{app_name} API 文档主页"],"%{config_type} rebuild failed for host: %{host_names}.":["",""],"%{controller}: %{host}'s operating system %{os} has no OS family":["%{controller}:%{host} 的操作系统 %{os} 没有操作系统系列"],"%{controller}: %{host}'s operating system is missing":["%{controller}:缺少 %{host} 的操作系统"],"%{controller}: unable to find a host that matches the request from %{addr}":["%{controller}:无法找到与来自 %{addr} 的请求相匹配的主机"],"%{cores} Cores and %{memory} memory":["%{cores} Core 和 %{memory} 内存"],"%{count} host with no %{taxonomy_single} assigned":["%{count} 主机未分配 %{taxonomy_single} assigned"],"%{cpus} CPUs and %{memory} MB memory":["%{cpus} CPU 和 %{memory} MB 内存"],"%{cpus} CPUs and %{memory} memory":["%{cpus} CPU 和 %{memory} 内存"],"%{e} does not belong to the %{environment} environment":["%{e} 不属于 %{environment} 环境"],"%{host} is about to %{action}":["%{host} 要执行 %{action}。"],"%{host} now boots from %{device}":["%{host} 从 %{device} 启动"],"%{id} plugin requires Foreman %{matcher} but current is %{current}":["%{id} 插件需要 Foreman %{matcher},但目前为 %{current}。"],"%{id} plugin requires the %{plugin_name} plugin %{matcher} but current is %{plugin_version}":["%{id} 插件需要 %{plugin_name} 插件 %{matcher},但目前为 %{plugin_version}。"],"%{id} plugin requires the %{plugin_name} plugin, not found":["%{id} 插件需要 %{plugin_name} 插件,但未找到。"],"%{image} needs user data, but %{os_link} is not associated to any provisioning template of the kind user_data. Please associate it with a suitable template or uncheck 'User data' for %{compute_resource_image_link}.":["%{image} 需要用户数据,但 %{os_link} 与此类 user_data 的任何预配模板均不关联。请将其与适当的模板关联,或者取消选择 %{compute_resource_image_link} 的 ‘用户数据’。"],"%{key} does not exist in order field":["排序字段中不存在 %{key}"],"%{match} does not match an existing host":["%{match} 与现有主机均不映射"],"%{match} does not match an existing host group":["%{match} 与现有主机组不映射。"],"%{model} with id '%{id}' was not found":["未找到使用 id 为 '%{id}' 的 %{model}"],"%{name} changed from %{label1} to %{label2}":["%{name} 从 %{label1} 变更为%{label2}"],"%{name} has %{num_tag} class":["",""],"%{os} medium was not set for host '%{host}'":["没有为主机 '%{host}' 设置 %{os} 介质"],"%{record} is being used by a hidden %{what} resource":["%{record} 正在由 %{what} 资源使用"],"%{record} is used by %{what}":["%{record} 被 %{what} 使用"],"%{record} is used by host in build mode %{what}":["%{record} 是主机在构建模块 %{what} 时使用"],"%{resource_name} not found by id '%{id}'":["未根据 id '%{id}' 找到 %{resource_name}"],"%{task} task failed with the following error: %{e}":["%{task} 任务错误信息如: %{e}"],"%{taxonomy_type} %{taxonomy_name} has %{count} host that will need to be reassociated after deletion. Delete %{taxonomy_name2}?":["",""],"%{type} %{conflicts} already exists":["%{type} %{conflicts} 已存在"],"%{user} Downloaded %{key} as pem file":[""],"%{value} does not belong to %{os} operating system":["%{value} 不属于 %{os} 操作系统"],"%{value} is not a valid controller":["%{value} 不是一个有效的控制器"],"%{value} is not one of %{rules}":["%{value} 不属于 %{rules}"],"%{vm} is now %{vm_state}":["%{vm} 状态为 %{vm_state}"],"&laquo;":["&laquo;"],"&raquo;":["&raquo;"],"'%{host}' could be deleted or '%{resource}' is not responding.":["'%{host}' 不能删除或者 '%{resource}' 无响应。"],"'%{host}' not found on '%{resource}'":["'%{host}' 在'%{resource}'中未发现"],"'%{loader}' is not one of %{loaders}":["'%{loader}' 不是 %{loaders} 中的一个"],"'Content-Type: %s' is unsupported in API v2 for POST and PUT requests. Please use 'Content-Type: application/json'.":["API v2 不支持 'Content-Type: %s' 的 POST 和 PUT 请求。请使用 'Content-Type: application/json'。"],"(Miscellaneous)":["(其他)"],"(optional) IAM Role for Fog to use when creating this image.":["(自选)Fog 在创建这个映像时使用的 IAM 角色。"],"*Clear %s proxy*":["*清除 %s 代理服务器*"],"*Clear environment*":["*环境清除*"],"*Clear host group*":["*主机组清除*"],"*Inherit from host group*":["*从主机组继承*"],", relevant log entries, and it is highly recommended to also attach the foreman-debug output.":[",相关日志条目,且还推荐附带 foreman-debug 输出结果。"],":foreman_url is not set, please configure in the Foreman Web UI (Administer -> Settings -> General)":["未设定 :foreman_url,请在 Foreman 网页 UI 中配置(管理 -> 设置 -> 常规)"],"<b class='select_count'>0</b> selected":["<b class='select_count'>0</b> 选中"],"<b style=\\\"color: #6bb5df;\\\">%{disabled_sum}</b>\\n <p>Disabled</p>":["",""],"<b style=\\\"color: #6bb5df;\\\">%{hosts_sum}</b>\\n <p>Changed</p>":["",""],"<b style=\\\"color: #6bb5df;\\\">%{out_of_sync_sum}</b>\\n <p>Out of sync</p>":["",""],"<b>Description:</b> %{desc}<br/>\\n <b>Type:</b> %{type}<br/>\\n <b>Matcher:</b> %{matcher}<br/>\\n <b>Inherited value:</b> %{inherited_value}":["<b>描述:</b> %{desc}<br/>\\n <b>类型:</b> %{type}<br/>\\n <b>匹配程序:</b> %{matcher}<br/>\\n <b>继承值:</b> %{inherited_value}"],"<b>Foreman API v1 is deprecated. Please use v2.</b><br />If you still need to use v1, you may do so by either passing 'version=1' in the Accept Header or using api/v1/ in the URL.":[""],"<b>Foreman</b> Build Complete":["<b>Foreman</b> 构建完成"],"<b>Foreman</b> Puppet error report":["<b>Foreman</b> Puppet 错误报告"],"<b>Foreman</b> Puppet summary":["<b>Foreman</b> Puppet 小结"],"<b>Foreman</b> audit summary":["<b>Foreman</b> 审核小结"],"<b>Foreman</b> test email":["<b>Foreman</b> 测试电子邮件"],"<b>Source:</b> %{type} %{name}":["<b>源:</b> %{type} %{name}"],"<dl><dt>List</dt> <dd>A list of the allowed values, specified in the Validator rule field.</dd><dt>Regexp</dt> <dd>Validates the input with the regular expression in the Validator rule field.</dd></dl>":["<dl><dt>清单</dt> <dd>允许值的列表,指定验证规则。</dd><dt>正则表达式</dt> <dd>正则表达式验证输入验证规则。</dd></dl>"],"<dl><dt>String</dt> <dd>Everything is taken as a string.</dd><dt>Boolean</dt> <dd>Common representation of boolean values are accepted.</dd><dt>Integer</dt> <dd>Integer numbers only, can be negative.</dd><dt>Real</dt> <dd>Accept any numerical input.</dd><dt>Array</dt> <dd>A valid JSON or YAML input, that must evaluate to an array.</dd><dt>Hash</dt> <dd>A valid JSON or YAML input, that must evaluate to an object/map/dict/hash.</dd><dt>YAML</dt> <dd>Any valid YAML input.</dd><dt>JSON</dt> <dd>Any valid JSON input.</dd></dl>":["<dl><dt>字符串</dt> <dd>所有都视为字符串。</dd><dt>Boolean</dt> <dd>可接受布尔值的公共表示。</dd><dt>Integer</dt> <dd>只接受整数,可以是负数。</dd><dt>Real</dt> <dd>接受任意数字输入。</dd><dt>Array</dt> <dd>有效的 JSON 或者 YAML 输入,但必须是一个阵列。</dd><dt>Hash</dt> <dd>有效 JSON 或者 YAML 输入,必须是 object/map/dict/hash。</dd><dt>YAML</dt> <dd>任意有效 YAML 输入。</dd><dt>JSON</dt> <dd>任意有效 JSON 输入。</dd></dl>"],"A Foreman user group can be associated to a group stored in an LDAP server, so membership of the LDAP group automatically adds the user to the Foreman user group.":[""],"A host group is in some ways similar to an inherited node declaration, in that it is a high level grouping of classes that can be named and treated as a unit. This is then treated as a template and is selectable during the creation of a new host and ensures that the host is configured in one of your pre-defined states.":["主机组在某些方面与继承的节点技术详细,即它是可命名或视为单元的类别的高级分组。然后可将其视为模板,并在创建新主机时进行选择,保证使用预先定义的状态配置该主机。"],"A medium represents the source of one or more operating system's installation files, accessible via the network.\\n It will probably be a mirror from the internet or a copy of one or more CD or DVDs.":["媒体代表一个或者多个操作系统安装文件,可通过网络访问。\\n它可能是互联网的镜像或者一个或多个 CD 或者 DVD 的副本。"],"A partition table entry represents either":["一个分区表项"],"A problem occurred when detecting host type: %s":["删除主机类型:%s 时发生错误。"],"A script to dynamically calculate the desired sizes. E.G.":["动态计算所需的尺寸的脚本。 E.G."],"A user group already exists with this name":["此用户组名已存在"],"API Key":["API密钥"],"API documentation":["API 文档"],"About":["关于"],"Access Key":["访问密钥"],"Access denied":["访问被拒绝"],"Access unattended without build":["无人值守访问且不构建"],"Account":["账号"],"Acquire IP addresses for %s":["获取 %s 的 IP 地址"],"Action":["动作"],"Actions":["操作"],"Active":["活跃"],"Active Hosts":["主机激活"],"Active features":["活跃功能"],"Active key":[""],"Add Autosign entry":["添加 Autosign 条目"],"Add Bookmark":["增加书签"],"Add Interface":["增加接口"],"Add Matcher":["添加映射器"],"Add Parameter":["增加参数"],"Add Trend Counter":["添加趋势统计"],"Add Variable":["添加变量"],"Add Volume":["添加值"],"Add a CD-ROM drive to the virtual machine.":["添加 CD-ROM 驱动器到虚拟机。"],"Add a Puppet class to host":["在主机中添加 Puppet 类别"],"Add a Puppet class to host group":["在主机组中添加 Puppet 类别"],"Add a template combination":["添加模板组合"],"Add combination":["添加组合"],"Add external user group":["添加外部用户组"],"Add filter":["增加过滤"],"Add to dashboard":["添加到仪表板"],"Add widgets":["添加小组件"],"Add:":["添加:"],"Adding would cause a cycle!":["添加可能会造成循环!"],"Additional Information":["附加信息"],"Additional compute resource specific attributes for the interface.":["该接口的附加计算资源具体属性。"],"Additional compute resource specific attributes.":["附加计算资源的具体属性。"],"Additional information about this host":["有关主机的附加信息"],"Address to connect to":["要连接的地址"],"Admin permissions required":["需要管理权限"],"Administer":["管理"],"Administrator email address":["管理员邮箱"],"Administrator user account required":["需要管理员用户帐户"],"Alert":["告警"],"Alerts disabled":["告警禁用"],"Alias or VLAN device":["别名或 VLAN 失败"],"All":["全部"],"All Puppet Classes for %s":["%s 所有的puppet 类"],"All Reports":["所有的报告"],"All compute resources":["所有计算资源"],"All domains":["所有域"],"All environments":["所有环境"],"All environments - (not filtered)":["所有环境 - (未过滤)"],"All host groups":["所有主机组"],"All hosts":["所有主机"],"All hosts data matches configurations for locations and organizations.":["该位置和组织下所有配置的主机"],"All hosts previously with no %{single} are now assigned to %{name}":["所有之前为 %{single} 而现在被命名为 %{name} 的主机"],"All hosts will show a configuration status even when a Puppet smart proxy is not assigned":["即使未分配 Puppet 智能代理服务器,所有主机也均会显示配置状态。"],"All items":["全部项目"],"All media":["所有介质"],"All messages":["所有信息"],"All mismatches between hosts and %s have been fixed":["已修复所有与主机和 %s 之间的不匹配"],"All mismatches between hosts and locations/organizations have been fixed":["所有主机与位置/机构间的不匹配已被修复"],"All partition tables":["所有分区表"],"All provisioning templates":["所有预配模板"],"All realms":["所有范围"],"All smart proxies":["所有智能代理服务器"],"All subnets":["所有子网"],"All users":["所有用户"],"Allocated":["已分配"],"Allocation (GB)":["分配(GB)"],"Allow access to unattended URLs without build mode being used":["允许访问无人值守的 URL,且不使用构建模式"],"Allow external network as main network":["允许外部网络作为主网络"],"Allowed methods or members":["允许的方法或成员"],"Always show configuration status":["总是显示配置状态"],"An IP address will be auto-suggested if you have enabled IPAM on the IPv4 subnet selected above.<br/><br/>The IP address can be left blank when:<br/><ul><li>provisioning tokens are enabled</li><li>the domain does not manage DNS</li><li>the subnet does not manage reverse DNS</li><li>and the subnet does not manage DHCP reservations</li></ul>":["如果您对上方选择的 IPv4 子网启用了 IPAM,将自动建议 IP 地址。<br/><br/>满足以下条件时 IP 地址可以留空:<br/><ul><li>启用了置备令牌</li><li>该域不管理 DNS</li><li>该子网不管理反向 DNS</li><li>并且,该子网不管理 DHCP 预留</li></ul>"],"An IP address will be auto-suggested if you have enabled IPAM on the IPv6 subnet selected above.":["如果您对上方选择的 IPv6 子网启用了 IPAM,将自动建议 IP 地址。"],"An email address is required, please update your account details":["电子邮件地址为必填,请更新您的帐户详情"],"An error occurred while testing the connection: ":["测试连接时发生错误:"],"An explicit layout for the partitions of your hard drive(s). E.G.":["明确硬盘分区。 E.G."],"An invalid response was received while requesting available features from this proxy":["从此代理请求可用功能时收到了无效的响应"],"Annotation Notes":["注解"],"Annotation notes":["注解"],"Anonymous admin user %s is missing, run foreman-rake db:seed":["缺少匿名 admin 用户 %s,请运行 foreman-rake db:seed。"],"Any Context":["所有环境"],"Any Location":["任意位置"],"Any Organization":["任意组织"],"Applicable Operating Systems":["适用的操作系统"],"Applied":["已批准"],"Applied|A":["已应用"],"Architecture":["架构"],"Architecture Distribution":["分布架构"],"Architecture ID":["架构 ID"],"Architectures":["架构"],"Architecture|Hostgroups count":["主机组计数"],"Architecture|Hosts count":["主机计数"],"Architecture|Name":["名"],"Are you sure you want to %{act} %{vm}?":["您确定要执行 %{act} %{vm} 吗?"],"Are you sure you want to delete host %s? This action is irreversible.":["确定要删除主机 %s 吗?这个操作时不可逆的。"],"Are you sure you want to delete host %s? This will delete the virtual machine and its disks, and is irreversible.":["确定要删除主机 %s 吗?这样将删除该虚拟机机器磁盘,且此操作不可逆。"],"Are you sure you want to delete this widget from your dashboard?":["确定要从仪表板中删除这个挂件么?"],"Are you sure you want to log out?":["确定要注销吗?"],"Are you sure you want to power %{act} %{vm}?":["您确定要打开 %{act} %{vm} 吗?"],"Are you sure?":["确认?"],"Array of extra information types to include":["要包含的额外信息类型阵列"],"Array of host IDs to associate with the partition table":["与该分区表关联的主机 ID 阵列"],"Array of host group IDs to associate with the partition table":["与该分区表关联的主机组 ID 阵列"],"Array of operating system IDs to associate with the partition table":["与该分区表关联的操作系统 ID 阵列"],"Array of operating system IDs to associate with the template":["与该模板关联的操作系统 ID 阵列"],"Array of parameters":[""],"Array of parameters (name, value)":["参数阵列(name,value)"],"Array of template combinations (hostgroup_id, environment_id)":["模板组合阵列(hostgroup_id, environment_id)"],"Assign All":["全部分配"],"Assign Hosts to %s":["将主机分配到 %s"],"Assign Location":["指定位置"],"Assign Organization":["指定组织"],"Assign Selected Hosts":["指定选定的主机"],"Assign the %{count} host with no %{taxonomy_single} to %{taxonomy_name}":["将没有 %{taxonomy_single} 的 %{count} 个主机分配给 %{taxonomy_name}"],"Assign to %s":["分配到 %s"],"Assigning hosts to %{taxonomy_name} will also update %{taxonomy_name} to include all the resources that the selected hosts are currently using.":["分配主机到 %{taxonomy_name}同时更新为 %{taxonomy_name},包括选定主机目前正在使用的所有资源。"],"Associate VM":["关联 VM"],"Associate VM to a Foreman host":["将 VM 关联到 Foreman 主机"],"Associate VMs":["关联 VM"],"Associate VMs to Foreman hosts":["将 VM 关联到 Foreman 主机"],"Associate VMs to Hosts":["将 VM 与主机关联"],"Association":["组合"],"At least one volume must be specified for image-based provisioning.":["必须为基于映像的置备指定至少一个卷。"],"Attempting to construct an operating system image filename but %s cannot be built from an image":["尝试构建操作系统映像文件名,但无法使用映像中构建 %s。"],"Attribute mappings":["属性映射"],"Attribute type":["属性类型"],"Audit":[""],"Audit Comment":["审计备注"],"Audit summary":["审核小结"],"Audited::Adapters::ActiveRecord::Audit|Action":["Action"],"Audited::Adapters::ActiveRecord::Audit|Associated name":["关联名称"],"Audited::Adapters::ActiveRecord::Audit|Associated type":["关联类型"],"Audited::Adapters::ActiveRecord::Audit|Auditable name":["可审计的名称"],"Audited::Adapters::ActiveRecord::Audit|Auditable type":["可审计类型"],"Audited::Adapters::ActiveRecord::Audit|Audited changes":["经审核的变化"],"Audited::Adapters::ActiveRecord::Audit|Comment":["备注"],"Audited::Adapters::ActiveRecord::Audit|Remote address":["远程地址"],"Audited::Adapters::ActiveRecord::Audit|User type":["用户类型"],"Audited::Adapters::ActiveRecord::Audit|Username":["用户名"],"Audited::Adapters::ActiveRecord::Audit|Version":["版本"],"Audits":["审计"],"Auth source":["认证源"],"AuthSource|Account":["账号"],"AuthSource|Account password":["密码"],"AuthSource|Attr firstname":["姓"],"AuthSource|Attr lastname":["名"],"AuthSource|Attr login":["验证"],"AuthSource|Attr mail":["邮箱"],"AuthSource|Attr photo":["照片"],"AuthSource|Base dn":["根"],"AuthSource|Groups base":["组基础"],"AuthSource|Host":["主机"],"AuthSource|LDAPS":["LDAP"],"AuthSource|Ldap filter":["Ldap 过滤器"],"AuthSource|Name":["名称"],"AuthSource|Onthefly register":["注册"],"AuthSource|Port":["端口"],"AuthSource|Server type":["服务器类型"],"AuthSource|Tls":["TLS"],"Authentication":["身份验证"],"Author":["作者"],"Authorize login delegation":["允许登录委派"],"Authorize login delegation API":["允许登录委派 API"],"Authorize login delegation auth source user autocreate":["允许自动创建登录委派验证源用户"],"Authorize login delegation with REMOTE_USER environment variable":["允许使用远程用户环境登录"],"Authorize login delegation with REMOTE_USER environment variable for API calls too":["允许使用远程用户环境变量调用API"],"Authorized by":["授权"],"Auto refresh off":["关闭自动刷新"],"Auto refresh on":["打开自动刷新"],"Automatic":[""],"Autosign":["自动签名"],"Autosign entries":["Autosign 条目"],"Autosign entry name":[""],"Availability zone":["可用性区域"],"Available Classes":["可用类"],"Available Config Groups":["可用配置组"],"Available Providers":["可用供应商"],"Average memory usage":["内存平均使用情况"],"Average swap usage":["交换分区平均使用情况"],"Avoid duplicate values when merging them (only array type)?":["合并时是否避免重复值(只适用于阵列类型)?"],"BIOS":["BIOS"],"BMC":["BMC"],"BMC credentials access":["BMC 凭证访问权限"],"BMC password usage":["BMC 密码使用情况"],"Back":["返回"],"Back to host":["转到主机"],"Back to host list":["转到主机列表"],"Backtrace":["回溯"],"Bare Metal":["裸机"],"Base DN":["基础 DN"],"Before you proceed to using Foreman you should provide information about one or more architectures.":["继续,请提供一个或多个体系结构的信息。"],"Bond":["捆绑"],"Bond mode of the interface, e.g. balance-rr. Only for bond interfaces.":["接口的捆绑模式,例如:balance-rr。仅用于捆绑接口。"],"Bookmark":["收藏"],"Bookmark this search":["收藏本搜索"],"Bookmark was successfully created.":["成功创建收藏"],"Bookmark was successfully updated.":["成功修改收藏"],"Bookmarks":["收藏"],"Bookmarks are saved search queries. To save them, click on 'Bookmark this search' on the dropdown next to every search button.":["为搜索查询保存的收藏。要保存它们,请在每个搜索按钮旁的下拉菜单中点击‘收藏这个搜索’。"],"Bookmark|Controller":["控制器"],"Bookmark|Name":["名称"],"Bookmark|Owner type":["所有者类型"],"Bookmark|Public":["公开"],"Bookmark|Query":["查询"],"Boot device":["引导设备"],"Boot from volume":["使用卷引导"],"Boot host from specified device":["使用指定设备引导主机"],"Bootable":["可引导"],"Bridge":["桥接"],"Browse host config management reports":["浏览主机配置管理报告"],"Browse host facts":["浏览主机详情"],"Browser locale":["浏览器区域设置"],"Browser timezone":["浏览器时区"],"Build":["构建"],"Build Hosts":["创建主机"],"Build PXE Default":["创建默认PXE"],"Build a query for %{mailer}":["构建 %{mailer} 查询"],"Build from OS image":["从系统介质创建"],"By unchecking this you can specify filter using Foreman search syntax in search field. If filter remains <br> unlimited (this field is checked) it applies on all resources of the selected type. 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Foreman also supports the Solaris operating system family, which includes <b>sparc</b> based systems.":["每个条目代表一个具体硬件证书,通常为 <b>x86_64</b> 或者 <b>i386</b>。Foreman 还支持 Solaris 操作系统产品线,其中包括基于 <b>sparc</b> 的系统。"],"Eager zero":["Eager zero"],"Edit":["编辑"],"Edit %s":["编辑 %s"],"Edit Architecture":["编辑架构"],"Edit Bookmark":["编辑收藏"],"Edit Compute profile":["编辑计算配置文件"],"Edit Compute profile: %s":["编辑计算配置文件:%s"],"Edit Config group":["编辑 Config 组"],"Edit Domain":["编辑域"],"Edit Environment":["编辑环境"],"Edit Filter":["编辑过滤器"],"Edit Global Parameter":["编辑全局参数"],"Edit Host":["编辑主机"],"Edit LDAP Auth Source":["编辑LDAP认证源"],"Edit Medium":["编辑媒体"],"Edit Model":["编辑模型"],"Edit Operating System":["编辑操作系统"],"Edit Parameters":["编辑参数"],"Edit Partition Table":["编辑分区表"],"Edit Properties":["编辑属性"],"Edit Proxy":["编辑代理"],"Edit Puppet Class %s":["编辑 %s"],"Edit Realm":["编辑范围"],"Edit Role":["编辑角色"],"Edit Smart Variable":["编辑智能参数"],"Edit Smart class parameters":["编辑智能分类参数"],"Edit Subnet":["编辑子网"],"Edit Template":["编辑模板"],"Edit Trend %s":["编辑 %s 的走势"],"Edit User":["编辑用户"],"Edit User group":["编辑用户组"],"Edit compute profile on %s":["编辑 %s 中的计算配置文件"],"Edit this host":["编辑此主机"],"Email Preferences":["电子邮件首选项"],"Email address is missing":["缺少电子邮件地址"],"Email reply address":["电子邮件回复地址"],"Email reply address for emails that Foreman is sending":["回复 Foreman 发出电子邮件的地址"],"Email subject prefix":["电子邮件主题前缀"],"Email was sent successfully":["成功发送电子邮件"],"Empty environment":["空环境"],"Enable Notifications":["启用提醒"],"Enable alerts for selected hosts":["启用选择主机的告警"],"Enable caching":[""],"Enable certificate generation for %s":["为 %s 生成证书"],"Enable if this is an alias or VLAN interface, note that alias can be used only with static boot mode subnet":["如果是别名或 VLAN 接口则启用,注:别名只能用于静态引导模式子网"],"Enable puppetrun support":["启用 puppetrun 支持"],"Enable rebuild on next host boot":["启用开机重建"],"Enable safe mode config templates rendering (recommended)":["启用安全模式配置(推荐)"],"Enable smart variables in ENC":["在 ENC 中启用智能变量"],"Enable this host for provisioning":["启用此主机配置"],"Enabled":["已启用"],"Enabled %s for reboot and rebuild":["启用 %s 重启和重建"],"Enabled %s for rebuild on next boot":["启用 %s 重启后重建"],"Enabled %s for rebuild on next boot, but failed to power cycle the host":["已启用 %s 供下一次启动时重建,但未能重启主机"],"Ending IP Address for IP auto suggestion":["为 IP 自动提示功能提供 IP 地址结尾"],"Entries per page":["每页的条目数"],"Environment":["环境"],"Environment Distribution":["环境分布"],"Environment ID":["环境 ID"],"Environment IDs":["环境 ID"],"Environment only":["环境"],"Environment variable containing a client's SSL certificate":["包含客户端 SSL 证书的环境变量"],"Environment variable containing the subject DN from a client SSL certificate":["包含来自客户端 SSL 证书主题 DN 的环境变量"],"Environment variable containing the verification status of a client SSL certificate":["包含来自客户端 SSL 证书确认状态的环境变量"],"Environments":["环境"],"Environment|Hostgroups count":["主机组计数"],"Environment|Hosts count":["主机计数"],"Environment|Name":["名称"],"Error":["错误"],"Error - 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After disabling override field, role %{orgs_and_locs} apply again.":["过滤器默认从其角色继承 %{orgs_and_locs}。如果启用了覆盖字段,<br>过滤器可以覆盖其 %{orgs_and_locs} 的集合。后续角色更改不会影响<br>此过滤器。在禁用了覆盖字段后,会再次应用角色 %{orgs_and_locs}。"],"Filters overriding has been disabled":["过滤器覆盖已被禁用"],"Filter|Override":["过滤|覆盖"],"Filter|Permissions":["权限"],"Filter|Resource":["资源"],"Filter|Search":["搜索"],"Filter|Taxonomy search":["分类搜索"],"Filter|Unlimited":["无限"],"Fingerprint":["指纹"],"Finish template":["完成模版"],"Firmware":[""],"Fix %s on Mismatch":["修复与 %s 的不匹配"],"Fix All Mismatches":["修复所有不匹配"],"Fix DB cache":["固定 DB 缓存"],"Fix DB cache on next Foreman restart":["下次 Foreman 重启时修复 DB 缓存"],"Fix Mismatches":["修复不匹配"],"Flavor":["尝试"],"Floating IP network":["浮动IP"],"Folder":["文件夹"],"Follow %{href} on how to describe your controllers.":["按照 %{href} 描述您的控制器。"],"For example, if you have copied several Red Hat release disks into a directory structure where the disk images are named 5.8 or 6.2, and each contained both x86_64 and i386 binaries, then you\\n could create a single medium entry describing them all.\\n The entry, which could be just named 'Red Hat' could contain a path like this <em>'http://server/redhat/$version/$arch'</em>":["例如:如果将一些 Red Hat 发行磁盘复制到目录结构中,并将这些磁盘映像命名为 5.8 或者 6.2,且每个映像都包含 x86_64 及 i386 二进制格式,那么您\\n就可以生成一个描述它们的介质条目。\\n可将该条目命名为 'Red Hat',也可以包含路径,比如 <em>'http://server/redhat/$version/$arch'</em>。"],"For more info visit our documentation.":["如需更多信息,请访问我们的文档。"],"For more information":["有关详情"],"Force a Puppet agent run on the host":["强制在该主机中运行 Puppet 代理"],"Foreman API v2 is currently the default API version.":["Foreman API v2 是目前的默认 API 版本。"],"Foreman Developers":["Foreman 开发人员"],"Foreman URL":["Foreman URL"],"Foreman Users":["Foreman 用户"],"Foreman audit summary":["Foreman 审核小结"],"Foreman can store information about the networking setup of a host that it’s provisioning, which can be used to configure the virtual machine, assign the correct IP addresses and network resources, then configure the OS correctly during the provisioning process.":[""],"Foreman can use LDAP based service for user information and authentication.":["Foreman 可使用基于 LDAP 的服务提供用户信息及认证。"],"Foreman considers a domain and a DNS zone as the same thing.":["Foreman 将域和 DNS 区域视为同样的事物。"],"Foreman domain ID of interface. Required for primary interfaces on managed hosts.":["接口的 Foreman 域 ID。所管理主机中的主接口需要这个选项。"],"Foreman host group matchers will be inherited by children when evaluating smart class parameters":["评估智能类别参数时,其下层机器会自动承担 Foreman 主机组映射程序。"],"Foreman now manages the build cycle for %s":["Foreman 现在管理 %s 的构建循环"],"Foreman now no longer manages the build cycle for %s":["Foreman 现在不再管理 %s 的构建循环"],"Foreman report creation time is <em>%s</em>":["Foreman 报告创建时间为 <em>%s</em>"],"Foreman smart variables will be exposed via the ENC yaml output":["将通过 ENC yaml 输出显示 Foreman 智能变量"],"Foreman subnet ID of IPv4 interface":["IPv4 接口的 Foreman 子网 ID"],"Foreman subnet ID of IPv6 interface":["IPv6 接口的 Foreman 子网 ID"],"Foreman supports automatically creating realm entries for new hosts.":["Foreman 支持为新主机自动生成范围条目。"],"Foreman supports creating and managing hosts on a number of virtualization and cloud services - referred to as “compute resources” - as well as bare metal hosts.":[""],"Foreman test email":["Foreman 测试电子邮件"],"Foreman ticketing system":["Foreman ticketing 系统"],"Foreman will automate certificate signing upon provision of new host":["Foreman 会在供应新主机时自动进行证书签署"],"Foreman will create the host when a report is received":["Foreman 会在收到报告后创建主机"],"Foreman will create the host when new facts are received":["Foreman 会在收到新详情后创建主机"],"Foreman will default to this puppet environment if it cannot auto detect one":["如果无法自动探测到环境,Foreman 将默认使用这个 puppet 环境。"],"Foreman will delete virtual machine if provisioning script ends with non zero exit code":["如果预配脚本最终得到一个非零退出代码,则 Foreman 将删除虚拟机。"],"Foreman will evaluate host smart variables in this order by default":["Foreman 将默认以这个顺序评估主机智能变量"],"Foreman will explicitly set the puppet environment in the ENC yaml output. 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It will not be affected by upgrades.":[""],"Global functions":["全局函数"],"Global methods (functions)":["全局方法(函数)"],"Global parameters":["全局参数"],"Global status changed from %{from} to %{to}":["全局状态已从 %{from} 更改为 %{to}"],"Global variables":["全局变量"],"Good host reports in the last %s":["在过去 %s 内的报告良好的主机"],"Google Project ID":["Google Project ID"],"Groups base DN":["组基础 DN"],"Guest OS":["虚拟机操作系统"],"HELO/EHLO domain":["HELO/EHLO 域"],"Hardware":["硬件"],"Hardware Model":["硬件型号"],"Hardware Models":["硬件型号"],"Hardware models":["硬件型号"],"Hash function to use. 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Only for virtual interfaces.":["这个接口所属接口识别符,例如:eth1。仅用于虚拟接口。"],"Identifiers of attached interfaces, e.g. `['eth1', 'eth2']`. For bond interfaces those are the slaves. Only for bond and bridges interfaces.":["附加接口的识别符,例如:`['eth1', 'eth2']`。对于捆绑的接口,那些是从属接口。仅用于捆绑和桥接接口。"],"Idle timeout":["闲置超时"],"If ERB is used in a parameter value, the validation of the value will happen during the ENC request. If the value is invalid, the ENC request will fail.":["如果在参数值中使用 ERB,则会在 ENC 请求过程中要求验证该值。如果该值无效,则 ENC 请求就会失败。"],"If Foreman is running behind Passenger or a remote load balancer, the IP should be set here. 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This information is commonly imported from a pre-existing Puppet configuration by the use of the %{link_start}Puppet classes and environment importer%{link_end}.":["如果您计划将 Foreman 用作外部节点分类器,您应当提供一个或多个环境的信息。此信息通常使用 %{link_start}Puppet 类和环境导入器 %{link_end} 从预先存在的 Puppet 配置中导入。"],"If you feel this is an error with Foreman itself, please open a new issue with":["如果您认为这是 Foreman 自身的错误,请提交新问题。"],"If you wish to configure Puppet to forward it reports to Foreman, please follow":["如果要将 Puppet 配置为将其报告转发至 Foreman,请按照以下操作:"],"Ignore Puppet facts for provisioning":["在预配中忽略 Puppet 系统信息"],"Ignore facts for domain":[""],"Ignore facts for operating system":[""],"Ignore interfaces that match these values during facts importing, you can use * wildcard to match names with indexes e.g. macvtap*":["在导入系统信息的过程中忽略与这些值映射的接口,可使用 * 通配符与使用索引的名称映射,例如:macvtap*"],"Ignore interfaces with matching identifier":["忽略有匹配标识符的接口"],"Ignored classes in the environments: %s":[""],"Ignored environment":[""],"Ignored environment names resulting in booleans found. Please quote strings like true/false and yes/no in config/ignored_environments.yml.":[""],"Ignored environments: %s":[""],"Ignored:":[""],"Image":["介质"],"Image Based":["基础介质"],"Image ID":["映射 ID"],"Image ID as provided by the compute resource, e.g. ami-..":["由计算资源提供的映像 ID,例如:ami-.."],"Image path":["映像路径"],"Image to use":["要使用的映像"],"Images":["介质"],"Image|Iam role":["我的角色"],"Image|Name":["名称"],"Image|Password":["密码"],"Image|User data":["用户数据"],"Image|Username":["用户名"],"Image|Uuid":["Uuid"],"Import":["导入"],"Import IPv4 subnets":["导入 IPv4 子网"],"Import VM %s":[""],"Import classes from %s":["从 %s 导入类"],"Import environments from %s":["从 %s 导入环境"],"Import of facts failed for host %s":["主机 %s 导入详情失败"],"Import puppet classes from puppet proxy for an environment":["从 puppet 代理服务器为环境导入 puppet 类别"],"Import puppet classes from puppet proxy.":["从 puppet 代理服务器导入 puppet 类别"],"Imported IPv4 Subnets":["已导入 IPv4 子网"],"In addition to defining which puppet classes get included when building this host type you are also able to assign variables and provisioning information to a host group to further refine the behavior of the puppet runtime.":["除规定构建这个主机类型需要包含的 puppet 类别外,您还可以为主机组分配变量及置备信息,以便细化 puppet 运行时行为。"],"In order to create the SSH key, the user must be saved first. A 'create_ssh_keys' permission is required too.":[""],"In-line code syntax":["内联代码语法"],"Include default value when merging all matching values":["合并所有匹配值时包括默认值"],"Include default value when merging all matching values.":["合并所有匹配值时包括默认值。"],"Include this host within Foreman reporting":["将这个主机包含在 Foreman 报告中"],"Included Classes":["包含的类"],"Included Config Groups":["包含的配置组"],"Incorrect password":["密码不对"],"Incorrect username or password":["非法用户名或者密码"],"Independent - Nonpersistent":[""],"Independent - Persistent":[""],"Infrastructure":["架构"],"Inherit parent (%s)":["继承上级(%s)"],"Inherited Classes from %s":[""],"Inherits from subnet VLAN ID if not set":["如果没有设置则从子网 VLAN ID 继承"],"Input":["输入"],"Installation Media":["安装介质"],"Installation media":["安装介质"],"Installation medium configuration":["配置安装媒体"],"Installed":["已安装"],"Interface":["接口"],"Interface is down":["关闭接口"],"Interface is up":["打开接口"],"Interface provider, e.g. IPMI. Only for BMC interfaces.":["接口提供者,例如 IPMI。仅用于 BMC 接口。"],"Interface type, e.g. bmc. 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Please consider cloning it instead.":["不建议解锁这个模板,因为它是由 %{vendor} 提供,且可能会被替代。请考虑克隆该模板。"],"Item":["项"],"Iterating":["迭代"],"JSON VM listing is not supported for this compute resource.":["这个计算资源不支持 JSON VM 列表"],"JSON object of the scheduler hint":["调度程序提示的 JSON 对象"],"Keep selected hosts for a future action":["保留所选主机用于今后的操作"],"Key Binding":["绑定密钥"],"Key not connected to any compute resource":[""],"Key pair":["按键对"],"Key used with other compute resource":[""],"KeyPair|Name":["名称"],"KeyPair|Public":["公有"],"KeyPair|Secret":["安全码"],"Kind":["种类"],"LDAP Authentication":["LDAP身份验证"],"LDAP authentication":["LDAP 认证"],"LDAP authentication sources":["LDAP 认证源"],"LDAP error - %{message}":["LDAP 错误- %{message}"],"LDAP filter":["LDAP 过滤器"],"LDAP server":["LDAP 服务器"],"LDAP users will have their Foreman account automatically created the first time they log into Foreman":["LDAP 用户会在其首次使用 Foreman 时自动创建其 Foreman 帐户。"],"Language":["语言"],"Last Report":["最新报告"],"Last report":["最后的报告"],"Last updated %s 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If left blank, a self-signed CA will be populated automatically by the server during the first request.":["自选提供 CA 或正确排序的 CA 链。如为空白,会在第一次请求时由服务器自动推广自主签名的 CA。"],"Order":["顺序"],"Organization":["组织"],"Organization Distribution":["组织分布"],"Organization fact":["机构 fact"],"Organization parameters":["机构参数"],"Organization with id %{id} not found":["没有找到 ID 为 %{id} 的组织"],"Organization you had selected as your context has been deleted.":["已删除选为上下文的机构。"],"Organizations":["组织"],"Organizations also work nicely in tandem with %{locations}.":["机构还可以与 %{locations} 串联使用。"],"Original value info":["原始值信息"],"Other reports for this host":["本机的其他报告"],"Out of sync":["不同步"],"Out of sync hosts":["超出同步主机"],"Out of sync hosts with alerts enabled":["已启用警告的不同步主机"],"Out of sync interval":["非同步间隔"],"Override all parameters":["覆盖所有参数"],"Override match":["替代匹配"],"Override the default value of the Puppet class parameter.":["替代 Puppet 分类参数的默认值"],"Override this value":["重设此值"],"Override value, required if omit is false":["覆盖值(omit 为 false 时必需)"],"Overview":["概况"],"Overwrite":["覆盖"],"Owned By":["所有者"],"Owner":["所有者"],"Owner changed to %s":["%s 所有者修改"],"Owner type needs to be one of the following: %s":["拥有者类型应为以下类型之一:%s"],"POAP PXE template":["POAP PXE 模板"],"PXE":["PXE"],"PXE Loader":["PXE 加载器"],"PXE files for templates %s have been deployed to all Smart Proxies":[""],"PXE loader":["PXE 加载器"],"PXEGrub template":["PXEGrub 模版"],"PXEGrub2 template":["PXEGrub2 模板"],"PXELinux template":["PXELinux 模版"],"Param name":["参数名称"],"Parameter":["参数"],"Parameter details":["参数详情"],"Parameter value":["参数值"],"Parameterized classes in ENC":["ENC 中的参数化类别"],"Parameters":["参数"],"Parameters for host's %s facet":["用于主机 %s 方面的参数"],"Parameters that would be associated with hosts in this %s":["将与 %s 中的主机关联的参数"],"Parameter|Hidden value":["隐藏数值"],"Parameter|Name":["名称"],"Parameter|Priority":["优先"],"Parameter|Value":["值"],"Params":["参数"],"Parent":["上级"],"Parent ID":["父 ID"],"Parent ID of the host group":["主机组父 ID"],"Parent is already selected":["已选择父项目"],"Parent parameters":["父参数"],"Partition Tables":["分区表"],"Partition table":["分区表"],"Partition table ID":["分区表 ID"],"Partition table configuration":["配置分区表"],"Partition tables":["分区表"],"Partition template IDs":["分区模板 ID"],"Password":["密码"],"Password for oVirt, EC2, VMware, OpenStack. 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语言生成。"],"ProvisioningTemplate|Default":["制备模版|默认"],"ProvisioningTemplate|Locked":["锁定"],"ProvisioningTemplate|Name":["名称"],"ProvisioningTemplate|Snippet":["片段"],"ProvisioningTemplate|Template":["模板"],"ProvisioningTemplate|Vendor":["销售商"],"Proxies":["代理"],"Proxy ID to use within this realm":["要在此域中使用的代理 ID"],"Proxy request timeout":["代理服务器请求"],"Ptable":["分区列表"],"Ptable|Layout":["设计"],"Ptable|Locked":["锁定"],"Ptable|Name":["名称"],"Ptable|Os family":["操作系统集"],"Ptable|Snippet":["片段"],"Public":["公共"],"Public SSH key":[""],"Puppet":["Puppet"],"Puppet CA":["Puppet CA"],"Puppet CA proxy ID":["Puppet CA 代理服务器 ID"],"Puppet Class":["Puppet 类"],"Puppet Classes":["Puppet 类"],"Puppet Environment":["Puppet 环境"],"Puppet Environments":["Puppet 环境"],"Puppet Master":["主Puppet服务器"],"Puppet Modules":["Puppet 模块"],"Puppet Summary Report - F:%{failed} R:%{restarted} S:%{skipped} A:%{applied} FR:%{failed_restarts} T:%{total}":["Puppet 小结报告 - F:%{failed} R:%{restarted} S:%{skipped} A:%{applied} 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This is primarily used by Sparc Solaris builds and can be left blank for other architectures. The value can be determined on Solaris via uname -m":["这台机器中使用的 CPU 类别。主要由 Sparc Solaris 构建使用,对于其他架构可将其留为空白。在 Solaris 中可用 uname -m 确定它的值。"],"The class of the machine reported by the Open Boot Prom. This is primarily used by Sparc Solaris builds and can be left blank for other architectures. The value can be determined on Solaris via uname -i|cut -f2 -d,":["Open Boot Prom 报告的机器的类别。主要由 Sparc Solaris 构建使用,对于其他架构可将其留为空白。在 Solaris 中可用 uname -i|cut -f2 -d 确定它的值。"],"The default administrator email address":["管理员默认邮箱"],"The dynamic partitioning style is currently only available for the Red Hat family of operating systems, all others must provide an explicit list of partitions and sizes.":["Red Hat 的操作系统产品线目前可采用动态分区模式,其他产品则必须明确给出分区和大小列表。"],"The file path where your p12 file is located":["p12 文件的文件路径"],"The final entry, Operating System default, can be set by editing the %s page.":["最后一个条目,默认为操作系统,可编辑 %s 页面设置它们。"],"The following IPv4 subnets have been found. Please review the details before creating them.":["找到了下列 IPv4 子网。请检查详细信息,然后再进行创建。"],"The following entries were found conflicting with what foreman wanted to apply.":["以下条目与 foreman 要应用的内容冲突。"],"The following errors may prevent a successful build:":["以下错误可能使构建失败:"],"The following fields would need reviewing":["需要检查以下字段"],"The following hosts failed the build operation: %s":["以下主机构建操作失败:%s"],"The following hosts were not %{action}: %{missed_hosts}":["以下主机没有 %{action}: %{missed_hosts}"],"The following hosts were not deleted: %s":["未删除以下主机:%s"],"The following hosts were updated":["以下主机已被更新"],"The following parameters were skipped as they did not exists on this host:":["跳过以下参数,因为它们不存在于这台主机中:"],"The following table and example snippet shows global methods, variables and class methods and how to use them.":["下方的表格和示例片段显示了全局方法、变量和类方法,以及它们的使用方法。"],"The full DNS domain name":["完整 DNS 域名"],"The host group's classes and the host group's variables are included in the external node information when the puppetmaster compiles the host's configuration.":["当 puppetmaster 编译主机配置时,会在外部节点信息中包含主机组类别和主机组变量。"],"The inclusion of the keyword string <b>#Dynamic</b> at the start of a line lets Foreman know that this is not an explicit disk layout and must treated as a shell script, executed prior\\n to the install process and that the explicit partition table will be found at <b>/tmp/diskpart.cfg</b> during the build process.":["在某行的开头添加关键字字符串 <b>#Dynamic</b>,以便让 Foreman 了解这不是明确指定的磁盘布局,且必须将其视为 shell 脚本,要在安装\\n进程开始前执行,并可在构建过程中在 <b>/tmp/diskpart.cfg</b> 中找到明确的分区表。"],"The keys can be used in provisioning templates and are also available for configuration management tools managed by Foreman.":[""],"The keywords <b>$version</b>, <b>$major</b> and <b>$minor</b> will be interpolated back into the path specification to calculate the true URL address.":["会将关键字 <b>$version</b>, <b>$major</b> 和 <b>$minor</b> 改回路径说明以便计算实际 URL 地址。"],"The list is excluding %{count} %{link_start}physical host%{link_end}.":["",""],"The location of the sendmail executable":["sendmail 可执行文件的位置"],"The marked fields will need reviewing":["需要检查标出的字段"],"The method used to provision the host. Possible provision_methods may be %{provision_methods}":["用来设置主机的方法。provision_methods 可能为 %{provision_methods}"],"The order in which matchers keys are processed, first match wins.<br> You may use multiple attributes as a matcher key, for example, an order of <code>host group, environment</code> would expect a matcher such as <code>hostgroup = \\\"web servers\\\", environment = production</code>":["处理映射器密钥的指令,会采用第一个匹配的映射。<br>您可以使用多个属性作为映射器密钥,例如:一组 <code>host group, environment</code> 的映射器为 <code>hostgroup = \\\"web servers\\\", environment = production</code>。"],"The order in which values are resolved":["解析参数值的指令"],"The password will also be accessible to other users via templates and in the ENC YAML output; disable the bmc_credentials_accessible setting to prevent access.":["该密码也可通过模板和 ENC YAML 输出供其他用户访问;禁用\\n bmc_credentials_accessible 设置可以阻止访问。"],"The password will not be accessible to other users; enable the bmc_credentials_accessible setting to permit access via templates and in the ENC YAML output.":["该密码不可由其他用户访问;启用 bmc_credentials_accessible 设置可以允许通过模板和 ENC YAML 输出进行访问。"],"The path to the medium, can be a URL or a valid NFS server (exclusive of the architecture).\\n for example <em>$version/os/$arch</em> where <strong>$arch</strong> will be substituted for the host's actual OS architecture and <strong>$version</strong>, <strong>$major</strong> and <strong>$minor</strong> will be substituted for the version of the operating system. Solaris and Debian media may also use <strong>$release</strong>.":["介质路径,可以是 URL 或者有效的 NFS 服务器(不包括架构)。\\n例如: <em>$version/os/$arch</em>,其中请使用主机的实际操作系统架构替换 <strong>$arch</strong>,使用操作系统版本替换 <strong>$version</strong>, <strong>$major</strong> 和 <strong>$minor</strong>。Solaris 和 Debian 介质也可以使用 <strong>$release</strong>。"],"The power state of the selected hosts will be set to %s":["会将所选主机的电源状态设定为 %s"],"The realm name, e.g. EXAMPLE.COM":["范围名称,例如:EXAMPLE.COM"],"The remote system presented a public key signed by an unidentified certificate authority. If you are sure the remote system is authentic, go to the compute resource edit page, press the 'Test Connection' or 'Load Datacenters' button and submit":["显示由无法识别证书授权签名的公钥的远程系统。如果您确定该远程系统可信,请进入计算资源编辑页面,按“测试连接”或者“载入数据中心”按纽并提交。"],"The remote system presented a public key with hash %s but we're expecting a different hash. If you are sure the remote system is authentic, go to the compute resource edit page, press the 'Test Connection' or 'Load Datacenters' button and submit":["远程系统显示带哈希 %s 的公钥,但应该是不同的哈希。如果如果您确定该远程系统可信,请进入计算资源编辑页面,按“测试连接”或者“载入数据中心”按纽并提交。"],"The selected hosts were enabled for reboot and rebuild":["启用所选主机以便重启和重建"],"The selected hosts will execute a build operation on next reboot":["所选主机将在下次重启时执行构建。"],"The snippet '%{name}' threw an error: %{exc}":[""],"The template is associated to at least one host in build mode. To apply the change, disable and enable build mode on hosts to update the live templates or choose to %s their configuration from 'Select Action' menu":["与构建模式中至少一台主机关联的模板。要应用更改,请在主机中禁用并启用构建模式以便更新实时模板,或者选择使用“选择动作”菜单 %s 其配置。"],"The user that is used to ssh into the instance, normally cloud-user, ec2-user, ubuntu, root etc":["使用 ssh 进入该实例的用户,通常为 cloud-user, ec2-user, ubuntu, root 等等。"],"The virtual machine is being deleted.":["已删除该虚拟机。"],"There are migrations pending in the system.":["系统中有未完成的迁移。"],"There are no puppet environments set up on this puppet master. Please check the puppet master configuration.":["这台 puppet 主服务器中未设置任何 puppet 环境。请检查 puppet 主服务器配置。"],"There are orchestration modules with methods for configuration rebuild that have identical name: '%s'":["有些附带配置重建方法的 orchestration 模块有完全相同的名称:'%s'"],"There are two strategies when using host groups.":["使用主机组时有两种策略。"],"There is":["这是"],"There is no owner with id %d and type %s":["没有 ID %d 及类型 %s 的所有者"],"There is no proxy with BMC feature set up. Please register a smart proxy with this feature.":["未设置使用 BMC 功能的代理服务器。请使用这个功能注册智能代理服务器。"],"There was an error creating the PXE file: %s":[""],"There was an error listing %{listing}: %{errors}":[""],"There was an error listing VMs: %(status)s %(statusText)s":["列出 VM 时出错:%(status)s %(statusText)s"],"There was an error rendering the %s template: ":["修改 %s 模板是出错:"],"There was an error rendering the %{name} template: %{error}":["呈现 %{name} 模板时出错:%{error}"],"There was no active bridge interface found in libvirt, if it does not support listing, you can enter the bridge name manually (e.g. br0)":["在 libvirt 里没有找到活动的桥接口,如果它不支持列表,您可以手动输入桥名称(如 br0)。"],"These are guaranteed to work via the safe mode rendering, to ensure a template can do nothing harmful.":["这些方法通过安全模式渲染保证可行,确保模板不会进行有害操作。"],"These two options are personal decisions and are up to you (where the main difference would be the parameter/variables settings).":["这两个选项都是个人决定,由您说了算(主要区别是参数/变量设置)。"],"Thin provision":["精简预配"],"This Puppet class has no parameters in its signature.":["这个 Puppet 类别在其签名中没有参数。"],"This allows Foreman to associate a puppet variable with a domain/site and automatically append this variable to all external node requests made by machines at that site.":["这可让 Foreman 将 puppet 变量与域/网站关联,并自动将这个变量附加到所有那个网站中机器生成的外部节点请求。"],"This group has nested groups!":["这个组拥有嵌套的组!"],"This group has no roles":["此组没有角色"],"This host's stored facts and reports will be deleted too.":["还将删除为这个组保存的详情和报告。"],"This is a test message to confirm that Foreman's email configuration is working.":["只是用来确认 Foreman 电子邮件配置是否正常工作的测试信息。"],"This is for every location and organization that uses it.":["可用于所有使用它的位置和机构。"],"This is for every location that uses it.":["可用于所有使用它的位置。"],"This is for every organization that uses it.":["可用于所有使用它的机构。"],"This is inherited from parent":["这是从父项目中继承的"],"This is used by a host":["这是由主机使用的"],"This might take a while, as all hosts, facts and reports will be destroyed as well":["这需要一些时间,因为同时还要销毁所有主机、详情及报告。"],"This role has been cloned from role %s":[""],"This role is locked for editing.":[""],"This role is locked from being modified by users.":[""],"This setting is defined in the configuration file '%{filename}' and is read-only.":["此设置在配置文件 '%{filename}' 中定义,且为只读。"],"This template is locked and may not be removed.":["这个模板已锁定,无法删除。"],"This template is locked for editing.":["这个模板已锁定,无法编辑。"],"This template is locked. Please clone it to a new template to customize.":["这个模板已锁定。请克隆一个新模板进行编辑。"],"This template is locked. You may only change the associations. Please %s it to customize.":["这个模板已锁定。您只能更改 关联。请 %s 它以便定制。"],"This value is not hidden":["此值不隐藏"],"This value is used also as the host's primary interface name.":["还将这个值作为主机主接口名使用。"],"This will reset parameters of the class %s to their default values. Continue?":["这会将分类 %s 的参数重置为其默认值。继续吗?"],"This will set all parameters of the class %s as overridden. Continue?":["这会将分类 %s 的所有参数设定为覆盖值。继续吗?"],"Time":["时间"],"Time in Seconds":["时间(秒)"],"Time in minutes installation tokens should be valid for, 0 to disable token generation":["以分钟为单位设定有效的安装令牌,0 表示禁用令牌生成。"],"Timeout for DNS conflict validation (in seconds)":["DNS 冲突验证超时(单位:秒)"],"Timeout has occurred while communicating with %s":["与 %s 沟通时出现超时"],"To define trend counters, use the Add Trend Counter button.</br> To start collecting trend data, set a cron job to execute 'foreman-rake trends:counter' every Puppet Interval (%s minutes).":["请使用“添加趋势计数器”按钮定义趋势计数器。</br>要开始收集趋势数据,请将 cron 任务设定为每个 Puppet 间隔(%s 分钟)执行一次 'foreman-rake trends:counter' 。"],"To enable a provider, either install the OS package (e.g. foreman-libvirt) or enable the bundler group for development setup (e.g. ovirt).":["要启用供应商,可以安装 OS 软件包(比如 foreman-libvirt),也可以启用打包程序组进行开发设置(比如 ovirt)。"],"To enable safe mode, navigate to Settings page and enable Safemode rendering option.":["要启用安全模式,请前往“设置”页面,再启用“安全模式渲染”选项。"],"To start collecting trend data, set a cron job to execute <span class='black'>foreman-rake trends:counter</span> every Puppet Interval (%s minutes)":["要开始收集趋势数据,请将 cron 任务设定为每个 Puppet 间隔(%s 分钟)执行一次 <span class='black'>foreman-rake trends:counter</span>。"],"To update the class signature, go to the Puppet Classes page and select \\\"Import\\\".":["请进入 Puppet 类别页面,选择“导入”就可以更新该类别签名。"],"Toggle":["切换"],"Token":["符号"],"Token duration":["令牌持续时间"],"Token expired":["令牌已过期"],"Token|Expires":["到期"],"Token|Value":["值"],"Total":["总"],"Total Hosts: %s":["主机合计: %s"],"Total hosts count":["总主机数"],"Total of one host":["",""],"Trend":["趋势"],"Trend counter":["趋势统计"],"Trend of the last %s days.":["前 %s 天的趋势"],"TrendCounter|Count":["合计"],"Trends":["趋势"],"Trends for %s":["%s 的趋势"],"Trend|Fact name":["详情名"],"Trend|Fact value":["详情值"],"Trend|Name":["名称"],"Trend|Trendable type":["趋势类型"],"Trigger a puppetrun on a node; requires that puppet run is enabled":["在节点中切换 puppetrun;需要启用那个 puppet。"],"Troubleshooting":["故障排除"],"True/False flag whether a host is managed or unmanaged. Note: this value also determines whether several parameters are required or not":["用来表示主机被管理或没有被管理的 True/False 标签。注:这个值还决定是否需要一些参数。"],"Trusted puppetmaster hosts":["可信的 puppetmaster 主机"],"Try going to %{href}":["尝试进入 %{href}"],"Type":["类型"],"Type of name generator":["名称生成器类型"],"Type of realm, e.g. FreeIPA":["范围类型,例如:FreeIPA"],"Type or protocol, IPv4 or IPv6, defaults to IPv4":["类型或协议,值为 IPv4 或 IPv6,默认为 IPv4"],"Types of validation values":["验证值类型"],"Types of variable values":["变量值类型"],"URL":["链接"],"URL for %{providers_requiring_url}":[""],"URL hosts will retrieve templates from during build (normally http as many installers don't support https)":["URL 主机将在构建过程中检索模本(一般是 http,因为很多安装程序不支持 https)"],"URL must be valid and schema must be one of %s":["URL 必须有效且协议为 %s 之一"],"URL where your Foreman instance is reachable (see also Provisioning > unattended_url)":["可访问 Foreman 实例的 URL(还可以查看置备> unattended_url)"],"UTC time of report":["报告的 UTC 时间"],"UUID":["UUID"],"UUID to track orchestration tasks status, GET /api/orchestration/:UUID/tasks":["用来跟踪业务流程任务状态的 UUID,GET /api/orchestration/:UUID/tasks"],"Unable to access key":["无法访问密钥"],"Unable to authenticate user %s":["无法认证用户 %s"],"Unable to change VM display listen address, make sure the display is not attached to localhost only":["无法更改 VM 显示侦听地址,请确定该显示只附加到本地主机。"],"Unable to communicate with the proxy: %s":["无法与代理服务器沟通:%s"],"Unable to connect":["无法连接"],"Unable to connect to LDAP server":["无法连接到 LDAP 服务器"],"Unable to create default TFTP boot menu":["无法创建默认 TFTP 引导菜单"],"Unable to create realm entry":["无法创建 realm 条目"],"Unable to create the default role.":["无法创建默认角色。"],"Unable to delete DHCP entry for %s":["删除 %s 的 DHCP 条目"],"Unable to delete DNS entry":["无法删除 DNS 条目"],"Unable to delete PuppetCA autosign for %s":["无法删除 %s 的 PuppetCA 自动签名"],"Unable to delete PuppetCA certificate for %s":["无法删除 %s 的 PuppetCA 证书"],"Unable to delete TFTP boot entry for %s":["无法删除 %s 的 TFTP 引导条目"],"Unable to detect TFTP boot server":["无法探测 TFTP 引导服务器"],"Unable to detect features":["无法探测功能"],"Unable to detect version":["无法探测到版本"],"Unable to determine the host's boot server. The DHCP smart proxy failed to provide this information and this subnet is not provided with TFTP services.":["无法决定主机的引导服务器。DHCP 智能代理服务器无法提供此信息,且没有为这个子网提供 TFTP 服务。"],"Unable to disable bmc_credentials_accessible when safemode_render is disabled":["禁用了safemode_render 时,无法禁用 bmc_credentials_accessible"],"Unable to disable safemode_render when bmc_credentials_accessible is disabled":["禁用了 bmc_credentials_accessible 时无法禁用 safemode_render"],"Unable to execute Puppet run":["无法执行 Puppet 运行"],"Unable to fetch TFTP boot file":["无法添加 TFTP 引导文件"],"Unable to fetch logs":["无法获取日志"],"Unable to find IP address for '%s'":["无法找到 '%s' 的 IP 地址"],"Unable to find a proxy with BMC feature":["无法找到有 BMC 功能的代理服务器"],"Unable to find proper authentication method":["无法找到正确的认证方法"],"Unable to find template %s":["无法找到模板 %s"],"Unable to generate output, Check log files":["无法生成输出结果,检查日志文件"],"Unable to get BMC providers":["无法获取 BMC 供应商"],"Unable to get PuppetCA autosign":["无法获取 PuppetCA 自动签名"],"Unable to get PuppetCA certificates":["无法获取 PuppetCA 证书"],"Unable to get classes from Puppet for %s":["无法从 Puppet 获取 %s 类别"],"Unable to get environment from Puppet":["无法从 Puppet 获取环境"],"Unable to get environments from Puppet":["无法从 Puppet 获取环境"],"Unable to get installed BMC providers":["无法获取安装的 BMC 供应商"],"Unable to initialize ProxyAPI class %s":["无法初始化 ProxyAPI 分类 %s"],"Unable to perform boot BMC operation":["无法执行引导 BMC 的操作"],"Unable to perform identify BMC operation":["无法执行识别 BMC 的操作"],"Unable to perform lan BMC operation":["无法执行 lan BMC操作"],"Unable to perform power BMC operation":["无法执行电源 BMC 操作"],"Unable to render %{kind} template '%{name}': %{e}":["无法渲染 %{kind} 模板 '%{name}':%{e}"],"Unable to render '%{name}' template: %{e}":["无法渲染 '%{name}' 模板:%{e}"],"Unable to retrieve DHCP entry for %s":["无法检索 %s 的 DHCP 条目"],"Unable to retrieve DHCP subnet":["无法检索 DHCP 子网"],"Unable to retrieve DHCP subnets":["无法检索 DHCP 子网"],"Unable to retrieve unused IP":["无法检索未使用的 IP"],"Unable to save":["无法保存"],"Unable to send email, check server logs for more information":["无法发送电子邮件,详情请检查服务器日志。"],"Unable to set DHCP entry":["无法设置 DHCP 条目"],"Unable to set DNS entry":["无法设置 DNS 条目"],"Unable to set PuppetCA autosign for %s":["无法设置 %s 的 PuppetCA 自动签名"],"Unable to set TFTP boot entry for %s":["无法设置 %s 的 TFTP 引导条目"],"Unable to sign PuppetCA certificate for %s":["无法签署 %s 的 PuppetCA 证书"],"Unable to turn on websockets_encrypt, either websockets_ssl_key or websockets_ssl_cert is missing":["无法打开 websockets_encrypt,缺少 websockets_ssl_key 或者 websockets_ssl_cert。"],"Unable to unset websockets_ssl_cert when websockets_encrypt is on":["打开 websockets_encrypt 时无法取消设置 websockets_ssl_cert"],"Unable to unset websockets_ssl_key when websockets_encrypt is on":["打开 websockets_encrypt 时无法取消设置 websockets_ssl_key"],"Unallowed template for dashboard widget: %s":["仪表板小程序不允许使用的模板:%s"],"Unattended URL":["无人参与的 URL"],"Undo remove":["撤销删除"],"Undo selection":["取消选择"],"Unhide this value":["取消隐藏该值"],"Unknown":["未知"],"Unknown IPAM type - 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Access Key for EC2.":["oVirt、EC2、VMware、OpenStack 的用户名。EC2 的访问密钥。"],"Username to use to authenticate, if required":["用于身份验证的用户名(若需要)"],"Users":["用户"],"User|Admin":["管理员权限"],"User|Avatar hash":["Avatar 哈希"],"User|Firstname":["姓"],"User|Last login on":["上次登录"],"User|Lastname":["名"],"User|Locale":["语言"],"User|Login":["用户名"],"User|Lower login":["登录(小写)"],"User|Mail":["邮箱"],"User|Mail enabled":["启用邮件"],"User|Password hash":["Password hash"],"User|Password salt":["Password salt"],"Uses thin provisioning if unchecked":["未选择就使用精简配置"],"Using the organization system provides a way to group resources together for easy management. Organizations are particularly useful for Foreman installations where several customers or business units are managed with a single Foreman install.":["通过利用该组织系统,可将资源分组在一起以方便管理。在通过单一 Foreman 安装管理多个客户或业务单位的 Foreman 安装中,组织特别有用。"],"VCPU(s)":["VCPU(s)"],"VCenter/Server":["VCenter/服务器"],"VLAN ID for this subnet":["这个子网的 VLAN ID"],"VLAN tag, this attribute has precedence over the subnet VLAN ID. Only for virtual interfaces.":["VLAN 标签,这个属性优先于子网 VLAN ID。仅用于虚拟接口。"],"VM":["VM"],"VM Attributes":["VM 属性"],"VM Attributes (%s)":["VM 属性(%s)"],"VM already associated with a host":["VM 已经与主机关联"],"VM associated to host %s":["与主机 %s 关联的 VM"],"VM is not running!":["VM 尚未运行!"],"VNC/SPICE websocket proxy console access encryption (websockets_ssl_key/cert setting required)":["VNC/SPICE websocket 代理服务器控制台访问加密(需要 websockets_ssl_key/cert 设置)"],"Valid from":["有效期从"],"Valid host group and environment combinations":["有效的主机组和环境组合"],"Validation types":["验证类型"],"Value":["值"],"Value to use when there is no match":["无映射时使用的值"],"Value to use when there is no match.":["未发现匹配时使用的值。"],"Variable":["变量"],"Variable lookup key":["变量查找键"],"Variables":["变量"],"Vendor class":["供应商类别"],"Verify":["验证"],"Version":["版本"],"Version %{version}":["版本 %{version}"],"Version %{version} %{copyright} 2009-%{year} Paul Kelly and %{author}":["版本 %{version} %{copyright} 2009-%{year} Paul Kelly 和 %{author}"],"Very Strong":["很强"],"View Diff":["查看不同"],"View in Foreman:":["在 Foreman 中查看:"],"View last report details":["查看最新报告详情"],"View list":["查看列表"],"Virtual (NAT)":["虚拟 (NAT)"],"Virtual H/W version":["W 版本"],"Virtual Machine":["虚拟机"],"Virtual Machines":["虚拟机"],"Virtual Machines on %s":["%s 中的虚拟机"],"Virtual NIC":["虚拟 NIC"],"Virtual machine settings cannot be edited on an existing machine in %s":["不能在 %s 中的现有机器中编辑虚拟机"],"WARNING":["警告:"],"Wait for %s to come online":["等待 %s 上线"],"Warning":["警告"],"Warning!":["警告"],"Warning! This will remove %{name} from %{number} user. are you sure?":["",""],"Warning: This will delete this host and all of its data!":["警告:这样会删除这个主机机器所有数据!"],"Warnings and errors":["警告和错误"],"We have not found any documentation for your API.":["未找到有关您 API 的任何文档。"],"We use Redmine to report and track bugs and feature requests, which can be found here:":["我们使用 Redmine 报告和跟踪 bug 及功能请求,可在这里找到 Redmine:"],"Weak":["弱"],"Websockets SSL certificate":["Websockets SSL 证书"],"Websockets SSL key":["Websockets SSL 密钥"],"Websockets encryption":["Websockets 加密"],"Weekly":["每周"],"Welcome to Foreman":["欢迎使用 Foreman"],"What ever text(or ERB template) you use in here, would be used as your OS disk layout options If you want to use the partition table option, delete all of the text from this field":["无论您在这里使用何种文本(或者 ERB 模板),都将作为 OS 磁盘布局选项使用。如果您要使用分区表选项,请删除此字段中的所有文本。"],"When a Host requests a template (e.g. during provisioning), Foreman will select the best match from the available templates of that type, in the following order:":["当主机需要一个模板时(比如在置备过程中),Foreman 将从那种类型的可用模板中选择最匹配的一个,选择顺序如下:"],"When a realm is selected for a host, Foreman contacts the relevant realm smart proxy to create an entry for the host and retrieve it's one-time registration password.":["为主机选择范围后,Foreman 与相关范围智能代理服务器联络为该主机生成条目,并检索其一次性注册密码。"],"When editing a template, you must assign a list of operating systems which this template can be used with. Optionally, you can restrict a template to a list of host groups and/or environments.":["在编辑模板时,您必须分配可搭配此模板使用的一系列操作系统。您也可选择将模板限制到一组主机组和/或环境。"],"When enabled the parameter is hidden in the UI":["何时将启用的参数隐藏到 UI 中"],"When specifying custom value, add 'MB' or 'GB' at the end. Field is not case sensitive and MB is default if unspecified.":["在指定自定义值时,请在末尾加上 'MB' 或 'GB'。该字段不区分大小写;若未指定,默认为 MB。"],"When the role's associated %{taxonomies} are changed,<br> the change will propagate to all inheriting filters.\\n Filters that are set to override <br> will remain untouched. Overriding of role filters can be easily disabled by <br> pressing the \\\"Disable overriding\\\" button.\\n Note that not all filters support <br>%{taxonomies}, so these always remain global.":[""],"When using SSH based provisioning, a special SSH key is created in order to automate the provisioning process.":[""],"When using TLS, you can set how OpenSSL checks the certificate":["使用 TLS 时,您可以设置 OpenSSL 检查证书的方式"],"Whether or not the image supports user data":["映象是否支持用户数据"],"Whether or not the template is locked for editing":["是否已锁定该模板进行编辑"],"Whether the class parameter value is managed by Foreman.":["分类参数值是否由 Foreman 管理。"],"Whether the smart class parameter value is managed by Foreman":["是否由 Foreman 管理智能类别参数值"],"Which is an offset of <b>%s</b>":["是 <b>%s</b> 偏移。"],"Widget added to dashboard.":["添加到仪表板中的挂件。"],"Widget positions successfully saved.":["成功保存挂件位置。"],"Widget removed from dashboard.":["从仪表板中删除的挂件。"],"Wiki":["Wiki"],"With user groups, you can group your users and assign them roles on a group basis.":[""],"X509 Certification Authorities":["X509 证书授权"],"YAML":["YAML"],"Yes":["是"],"You are about to change the default PXE menu on all configured TFTP servers - continue?":["您要在所有配置的 TFTP 服务器中更改默认 PXE 菜单,要继续吗?"],"You are about to override the editor content with a previous version, are you sure?":["要使用之前的版本替代编辑器内容,您确定要进行此操作吗?"],"You are about to override the editor content, are you sure?":["要替代编辑器内容,您确定要进行此操作吗?"],"You are about to unlock a locked template.":["要解锁已锁定的模板。"],"You are not authorized to lock templates.":["您没有锁定模板的授权。"],"You are not authorized to make a template default.":["您没有设置默认模板的授权。"],"You are not authorized to perform this action.":["您没有执行这个操作的授权。"],"You are trying to delete your own account":["您要删除您自己的账户"],"You are using an unsupported browser.":["您正在使用不支持的浏览器。"],"You can add SSH public keys to a user in Foreman.":[""],"You can find The Foreman on the %{freenode} ( network. For general support, please visit #theforeman and for development specific related chat, please visit #theforeman-dev.":["您可以在 %{freenode} ( 网络中找到 Foreman。常规支持请进入 #theforema,具体与开发相关的探讨,请进入 visit #theforeman-dev。"],"You can select one of the IPAM modes supported by the selected IP protocol:<br/><ul><li><strong>DHCP</strong> - will manage the IP on DHCP through assigned DHCP proxy, auto-suggested IPs come from DHCP <em>(IPv4)</em></li><li><strong>Internal DB</strong> - use internal DB to auto-suggest free IP based on other interfaces on same subnet respecting range if specified, useful mainly with static boot mode <em>(IPv4, IPv6)</em></li><li><strong>EUI-64</strong> - will assign the IPv6 address based on the MAC address of the interface <em>(IPv6)</em></li><li><strong>None</strong> - leave IP management solely on user, no auto-suggestion <em>(IPv4, IPv6)</em></li></ul>":["您可以选择所选 IP 协议支持的一种 IPAM 模式:<br/><ul><li><strong>DHCP</strong> -\\n 通过分配的 DHCP 代理管理 DHCP 的 IP,自动建议的 IP 来自 DHCP <em>(IPv4)</em></li><li><strong>内部数据库</strong> - 使用内部数据库,基于同一子网遵从范围(若有指定)的其他接口来自动建议可用 IP,主要用于静态引导模式<em>(IPv4, IPv6)</em></li><li><strong>EUI-64</strong> - 基于接口的 MAC 地址分配 IPv6 地址 <em>(IPv6)</em></li><li><strong>无</strong> - 由用户全权管理 IP,不自动建议<em>(IPv4, IPv6)</em></li></ul>"],"You can't assign locations to this resource":["您无法将位置分配给这个资源"],"You can't assign organizations to this resource":["您无法将机构分配给这个资源"],"You cannot delete this user while logged in as this user.":["您无法在用户登录时删除这个用户。"],"You do not have permission to %s this location parameter":["您没有 %s 这个位置参数的权限"],"You do not have permission to %s this organization parameter":["您没有 %s 这个机构参数的权限"],"You don't have any visible hosts. Hosts can be added and provisioned from Foreman, or configured to report to Foreman.":["您没有任何可见主机。可使用 Forman 添加和预配主机,或将其配置为向 Foreman 提交报告。"],"You don't seem to have any bookmarks.":["您好像没有任何收藏。"],"You don't seem to have any facts yet. If you wish to configure fact pushing, please follow the documentation.":["您好像还没有任何 fact。如果要配置 fact 推送,请按照文档叙述操作。"],"You don't seem to have any reports.":["您尚没有任何报告。"],"You have already logged in":["您已登录"],"You may also associate one or more operating systems with this medium or alternatively set this up later on the %s page.":["您可能还要为这个介质关联一个或者多个操作系统,也可以稍后在 %s 页面中设置。"],"You may also associate one or more operating systems with this partition table or alternatively set this up later on the %s page":["您可能还要为这个分区表关联一个或者多个操作系统,也可以稍后在 %s 页面中设置。"],"You may create puppet classes that represent high-level host configurations, for example, a <b>host-type-ldap-server</b> class, which includes all the required functionality from other modules or you may decide to create a host group called <b>host-type-ldap-server</b> and add the required classes into the host group configuration.":["您可以创建代表高端主机配置的 puppet 类别,例如:<b>host-type-ldap-server</b> 类别,它包含所有其他模块所需功能,或者您也可以决定创建名为 <b>host-type-ldap-server</b> 的主机组,并在该主机组配置中添加所需类别。 "],"You must create a location before continuing.":["继续操作前必须生成位置。"],"You must create an organization before continuing.":["继续操作前必须生成机构。"],"You must create at least one location before continuing.":["继续操作前必须创建至少一个位置。"],"You must create at least one organization before continuing.":["继续操作前必须创建至少一个机构。"],"You must select at least one permission":["您必须至少选择一个权限。"],"You probably need to configure your %s first.":["可能需要首先配置您的 %s。"],"You would probably need to attach the":["您需要附加"],"Your Foreman user account has been created:":["已创建 Foreman 用户帐户:"],"Your host has finished building:":["您的主机已经完成了构建:"],"Your password is too short":["密码太短"],"Your password should not contain sequences":["密码不应包含字符序列"],"Your password should not contain that many repetitions":["密码不应包含太多重复字符"],"Your password should not contain your email":["密码中不应包含您的电子邮件"],"Your password should not contain your username":["密码中不应包含您的用户名"],"Your password should use characters from 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after subnet is saved":["无法在子网保存后更新"],"can't contain spaces.":["无法包含空格。"],"can't delete primary interface of managed host":["无法删除管理主机的主接口"],"can't delete provision interface of managed host":["无法删除管理主机的预配接口"],"can't find domain with this id":["无法找到使用这个 id 的域"],"cannot be changed":["无法更改"],"cannot be changed by a non-admin user":["非管理员用户无法更改"],"cannot be changed on an internal protected account":["不能再内部保护账户中进行更改"],"cannot be enabled for an unmanaged host":["无法为未受管主机启用"],"cannot be removed from an internal protected account":["不能从内部包保护账户中删除"],"cannot be removed from the last admin account":["不能从最后一个管理员帐户中删除"],"clone":["克隆"],"comma separated interface identifiers":["逗号分开的接口标识符"],"comments powered by %{disqus}":["%{disqus} 提供的注释"],"could not be calculated":[""],"could not be found in %s":["无法在 %s 中找到"],"could not be generated":[""],"cycle":["循环"],"default locations need to be user locations first":["默认位置必须首先是用户位置 "],"default organizations need to be user organizations 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var locales = locales || {}; locales['zh_TW'] = {"domain":"app","locale_data":{"app":{"":{"Project-Id-Version":"Foreman","Report-Msgid-Bugs-To":"","PO-Revision-Date":"2017-08-03 17:20+0000","Last-Translator":"Lukáš Zapletal","Language-Team":"Chinese (Taiwan) (","MIME-Version":"1.0","Content-Type":"text/plain; charset=UTF-8","Content-Transfer-Encoding":"8bit","Language":"zh_TW","Plural-Forms":"nplurals=1; plural=0;","lang":"zh_TW","domain":"app","plural_forms":"nplurals=1; plural=0;"}," Remove":["移除"],"%s - Press Shift-F12 to release the cursor.":["%s - 請點擊 Shift + F12 來釋放滑鼠"],"%s - The following hosts are about to be changed":["%s - 這些主機將要被變更"],"%s Distribution":["%s 分配"],"%s Parameters updated, see below for more information":["%s 參數已經更新, 請從下方取得更多資訊"],"%s Template":["%s 範本"],"%s VM associated to a host":["",""],"%s active feature":["",""],"%s ago":["%s 前"],"%s console is not supported at this time":["%s 此時不支援控制台功能"],"%s core":["",""],"%s day ago":["%s 天前"],"%s error message":["",""],"%s has been disassociated from VM":["%s 和 VM 之間的關聯性已解除"],"%s host":["",""],"%s is an unknown attribute":["%s 乃不明的屬性"],"%s is not a valid DNS record type":[""],"%s is not in environment":["%s 不在環境中"],"%s log message":["",""],"%s minute ago":["%s 分鐘前"],"%s month ago":["%s 個月前"],"%s selected hosts":["%s 選擇的主機"],"%s warning message":["",""],"%s week ago":["%s 週前"],"%s widget loading...":[""],"%{app_name} API documentation homepage":["%{app_name} API 文件首頁"],"%{config_type} rebuild failed for host: %{host_names}.":["",""],"%{controller}: %{host}'s operating system %{os} has no OS family":[""],"%{controller}: %{host}'s operating system is missing":[""],"%{controller}: unable to find a host that matches the request from %{addr}":[""],"%{cores} Cores and %{memory} memory":["%{cores} 核 , %{memory} 記憶體"],"%{count} host with no %{taxonomy_single} assigned":["",""],"%{cpus} CPUs and %{memory} MB memory":["%{cpus} 個 CPU 和 %{memory} MB 的記憶體"],"%{cpus} CPUs and %{memory} memory":["%{cpus} 個 CPU 和 %{memory} 的記憶體"],"%{e} does not belong to the %{environment} environment":["%{e} 不屬於 %{environment} 環境"],"%{host} is about to %{action}":["%{host} 正要 %{action}"],"%{host} now boots from %{device}":["%{host} 現在將會由 %{device} 啟動"],"%{id} plugin requires Foreman %{matcher} but current is %{current}":["%{id} 外掛需要 Foreman %{matcher},而目前為 %{current}"],"%{id} plugin requires the %{plugin_name} plugin %{matcher} but current is %{plugin_version}":["%{id} 外掛需要 %{plugin_name} 外掛 %{matcher},而目前為 %{plugin_version}"],"%{id} plugin requires the %{plugin_name} plugin, not found":["%{id} 外掛需要 %{plugin_name} 外掛,找不到此外掛"],"%{image} needs user data, but %{os_link} is not associated to any provisioning template of the kind user_data. Please associate it with a suitable template or uncheck 'User data' for %{compute_resource_image_link}.":["%{image} 需要使用者資料,但 %{os_link} 並不與任何 user_data 佈建範本相關連。請將其與合適的範本建立關連,或從 %{compute_resource_image_link} 取消勾選 '使用者資料'。"],"%{key} does not exist in order field":[""],"%{match} does not match an existing host":["%{match} 與既有的主機不相符"],"%{match} does not match an existing host group":["%{match} 與目前的主機群組不相符"],"%{model} with id '%{id}' was not found":["找不到 ID 為 '%{id}' 的 %{model}。"],"%{name} changed from %{label1} to %{label2}":["%{name} 已經從 %{label1} 變更為 %{label2}"],"%{name} has %{num_tag} class":["",""],"%{os} medium was not set for host '%{host}'":[""],"%{record} is being used by a hidden %{what} resource":["%{record} 是由隱藏的 %{what} 資源所使用"],"%{record} is used by %{what}":["%{record} 將會被 %{what} 使用"],"%{record} is used by host in build mode %{what}":["%{record} 將會被組建模式 %{what} 中的主機使用"],"%{resource_name} not found by id '%{id}'":["無法以 ID '%{id}' 找到 %{resource_name}"],"%{task} task failed with the following error: %{e}":["%{task} 此任務因為以下錯誤而執行失敗 : %{e}"],"%{taxonomy_type} %{taxonomy_name} has %{count} host that will need to be reassociated after deletion. Delete %{taxonomy_name2}?":["",""],"%{type} %{conflicts} already exists":[""],"%{user} Downloaded %{key} as pem file":[""],"%{value} does not belong to %{os} operating system":["%{value} 不屬於 %{os} 此作業系統"],"%{value} is not a valid controller":["%{value} 不是個有效的控制器"],"%{value} is not one of %{rules}":["%{value} 不在 %{rules} 之中"],"%{vm} is now %{vm_state}":["%{vm} 目前狀態為 %{vm_state}"],"&laquo;":["&laquo;"],"&raquo;":["&raquo;"],"'%{host}' could be deleted or '%{resource}' is not responding.":["'%{host}' 可能已被刪除,或是 '%{resource}' 沒有反應。"],"'%{host}' not found on '%{resource}'":["無法在 '%{resource}' 找到 '%{host}' "],"'%{loader}' is not one of %{loaders}":[""],"'Content-Type: %s' is unsupported in API v2 for POST and PUT requests. Please use 'Content-Type: application/json'.":["'Content-Type: %s' 在 POST 和 PUT 請求的 API v2 中不受支援。請使用 'Content-Type: application/json'。"],"(Miscellaneous)":["(雜項)"],"(optional) IAM Role for Fog to use when creating this image.":["(選擇性) 當Fog 用來創建此VM時使用的 IAM 角色."],"*Clear %s proxy*":["*清除 %s 代理*"],"*Clear environment*":["*乾淨的環境*"],"*Clear host group*":["*清除主機群組*"],"*Inherit from host group*":["*從主機群組繼承*"],", relevant log entries, and it is highly recommended to also attach the foreman-debug output.":[",相關的日誌項目,亦強烈推薦連接 foreman-debug 輸出。"],":foreman_url is not set, please configure in the Foreman Web UI (Administer -> Settings -> General)":["並未設定 :foreman_url,請在 Foreman Web UI 中配置(管理 -> 設定 -> 一般)"],"<b class='select_count'>0</b> selected":["已選擇了 <b 類別='select_count'>0</b> 個"],"<b style=\\\"color: #6bb5df;\\\">%{disabled_sum}</b>\\n <p>Disabled</p>":["",""],"<b style=\\\"color: #6bb5df;\\\">%{hosts_sum}</b>\\n <p>Changed</p>":["",""],"<b style=\\\"color: #6bb5df;\\\">%{out_of_sync_sum}</b>\\n <p>Out of sync</p>":["",""],"<b>Description:</b> %{desc}<br/>\\n <b>Type:</b> %{type}<br/>\\n <b>Matcher:</b> %{matcher}<br/>\\n <b>Inherited value:</b> %{inherited_value}":["<b>描述:</b> %{desc}<br/>\\n <b>類型:</b> %{type}<br/>\\n <b>相符項目:</b> %{matcher}<br/>\\n <b>繼承值:</b> %{inherited_value}"],"<b>Foreman API v1 is deprecated. Please use v2.</b><br />If you still need to use v1, you may do so by either passing 'version=1' in the Accept Header or using api/v1/ in the URL.":[""],"<b>Foreman</b> Build Complete":["<b>Foreman</b> 組建完成"],"<b>Foreman</b> Puppet error report":["<b>Foreman</b> Puppet 錯誤報告"],"<b>Foreman</b> Puppet summary":["<b>Foreman</b> Puppet 摘要"],"<b>Foreman</b> audit summary":["<b>Foreman</b> 稽核摘要"],"<b>Foreman</b> test email":["<b>Foreman</b> 測試電子郵件"],"<b>Source:</b> %{type} %{name}":["<b>來源:</b> %{type} %{name}"],"<dl><dt>List</dt> <dd>A list of the allowed values, specified in the Validator rule field.</dd><dt>Regexp</dt> <dd>Validates the input with the regular expression in the Validator rule field.</dd></dl>":["<dl><dt>列表</dt> <dd>一個可以允許加入驗證規則欄位的值列表.</dd><dt>正規表示法</dt> <dd>在驗證規則欄位中利用正規表示法來驗證輸入值.</dd></dl>"],"<dl><dt>String</dt> <dd>Everything is taken as a string.</dd><dt>Boolean</dt> <dd>Common representation of boolean values are accepted.</dd><dt>Integer</dt> <dd>Integer numbers only, can be negative.</dd><dt>Real</dt> <dd>Accept any numerical input.</dd><dt>Array</dt> <dd>A valid JSON or YAML input, that must evaluate to an array.</dd><dt>Hash</dt> <dd>A valid JSON or YAML input, that must evaluate to an object/map/dict/hash.</dd><dt>YAML</dt> <dd>Any valid YAML input.</dd><dt>JSON</dt> <dd>Any valid JSON input.</dd></dl>":["<dl><dt>String</dt> <dd>所有輸入皆會被視為字串。</dd><dt>Boolean</dt> <dd>接受布林值的常見表示式。</dd><dt>Integer</dt> <dd>僅能使用數字,能夠是負數。</dd><dt>Real</dt> <dd>接受任何數字輸入。</dd><dt>Array</dt> <dd>有效的 JSON 或是 YAML 輸入,並且必須作為陣列。</dd><dt>Hash</dt> <dd>有效的 JSON 或 YAML 輸入,並且必須作為 object/map/dict/hash。</dd><dt>YAML</dt> <dd>任何有效的 YAML 輸入。</dd><dt>JSON</dt> <dd>任何有效的 JSON 輸入。</dd></dl>"],"A Foreman user group can be associated to a group stored in an LDAP server, so membership of the LDAP group automatically adds the user to the Foreman user group.":[""],"A host group is in some ways similar to an inherited node declaration, in that it is a high level grouping of classes that can be named and treated as a unit. This is then treated as a template and is selectable during the creation of a new host and ensures that the host is configured in one of your pre-defined states.":["主機群組與已繼承的節點宣告在某形式上來講有些相似,主機群組中擁有高階層的類別分組,並且可被視為一個單元來進行命名及處理。它之後也會被視為是一個範本,並在建立新主機時被選擇來確保主機能被配置為您預定義的狀態。"],"A medium represents the source of one or more operating system's installation files, accessible via the network.\\n It will probably be a mirror from the internet or a copy of one or more CD or DVDs.":["一個用來代表一或更多個作業系統安裝檔案來源的媒介,並能透過網路存取。\\n 它可能會是一個來自於網路的鏡像,或來自於一或更多 CD/DVD 光碟的複本。"],"A partition table entry represents either":["分割表項目表示了"],"A problem occurred when detecting host type: %s":["刪除主機類型時發生錯誤:%s"],"A script to dynamically calculate the desired sizes. E.G.":["用來動態式計算欲使用大小的 script。例如"],"A user group already exists with this name":["此名稱已經存在於使用者群組中"],"API Key":["API 金鑰"],"API documentation":["API 文件"],"About":["相關資訊"],"Access Key":["存取授權碼"],"Access denied":["拒絕存取"],"Access unattended without build":[""],"Account":["帳號"],"Acquire IP addresses for %s":[""],"Action":["動作"],"Actions":["動作"],"Active":["啟用中"],"Active Hosts":["使用中的主機"],"Active features":["啟用特性"],"Active key":[""],"Add Autosign entry":["新增 Autosign 項目"],"Add Bookmark":["新增書籤"],"Add Interface":["新增介面"],"Add Matcher":["新增比對器"],"Add Parameter":["新增參數"],"Add Trend Counter":["新增趨勢計數器"],"Add Variable":["新增變數"],"Add Volume":["新增卷冊"],"Add a CD-ROM drive to the virtual machine.":[""],"Add a Puppet class to host":["新增 Puppet 類別至主機"],"Add a Puppet class to host group":["新增 Puppet 類別至主機群組"],"Add a template combination":["新增範本組合"],"Add combination":["新增組合"],"Add external user group":["新增外部使用者群組"],"Add filter":["新增篩選器"],"Add to dashboard":["加至面板"],"Add widgets":["新增小工具"],"Add:":["新增:"],"Adding would cause a cycle!":["新增將會造成循環產生!"],"Additional Information":["額外資訊"],"Additional compute resource specific attributes for the interface.":["該介面的額外運算資源特定的屬性。"],"Additional compute resource specific attributes.":["額外運算資源特定的屬性。"],"Additional information about this host":["有關於這部主機的額外資訊"],"Address to connect to":[""],"Admin permissions required":["需要 Admin 權限"],"Administer":["管理"],"Administrator email address":["管理員電子郵件地址"],"Administrator user account required":["需要管理者帳號"],"Alert":["告警"],"Alerts disabled":["告警已關閉"],"Alias or VLAN device":["別名或 VLAN 裝置"],"All":["全部"],"All Puppet Classes for %s":["%s 的所有 Puppet 類別"],"All Reports":["所有報告"],"All compute resources":["所有運算資源"],"All domains":["所有網域"],"All environments":["所有環境"],"All environments - (not filtered)":["所有環境 -(未篩選)"],"All host groups":["所有主機群組"],"All hosts":["所有主機"],"All hosts data matches configurations for locations and organizations.":["所有與位置和組織配置相符的主機資料。"],"All hosts previously with no %{single} are now assigned to %{name}":["先前無 %{single} 的主機現在皆已指定為 %{name}"],"All hosts will show a configuration status even when a Puppet smart proxy is not assigned":["所有主機會顯示配置狀態,即使 Puppet 智慧代理並未指定亦然"],"All items":["所有項目"],"All media":["所有媒介"],"All messages":["所有訊息"],"All mismatches between hosts and %s have been fixed":["所有主機和 %s 之間不相符的項目皆已修正"],"All mismatches between hosts and locations/organizations have been fixed":["所有主機和位置/組織之間不相符的項目皆已修正"],"All partition tables":["所有分割表"],"All provisioning templates":["所有佈建範本"],"All realms":["所有領域"],"All smart proxies":["所有智慧代理"],"All subnets":["所有子網路"],"All users":["所有使用者"],"Allocated":["已配置"],"Allocation (GB)":["配置(GB)"],"Allow access to unattended URLs without build mode being used":[""],"Allow external network as main network":["允許外部網路作為主網路"],"Allowed methods or members":[""],"Always show configuration status":["永遠顯示配置狀態"],"An IP address will be auto-suggested if you have enabled IPAM on the IPv4 subnet selected above.<br/><br/>The IP address can be left blank when:<br/><ul><li>provisioning tokens are enabled</li><li>the domain does not manage DNS</li><li>the subnet does not manage reverse DNS</li><li>and the subnet does not manage DHCP reservations</li></ul>":[""],"An IP address will be auto-suggested if you have enabled IPAM on the IPv6 subnet selected above.":[""],"An email address is required, please update your account details":[""],"An error occurred while testing the connection: ":[""],"An explicit layout for the partitions of your hard drive(s). E.G.":["硬碟的明確配置。例如"],"An invalid response was received while requesting available features from this proxy":[""],"Annotation Notes":[""],"Annotation notes":[""],"Anonymous admin user %s is missing, run foreman-rake db:seed":["匿名管理使用者 %s 遺失,請執行 foreman-rake db:seed"],"Any Context":["任何內容"],"Any Location":["任何位置"],"Any Organization":["任何組織"],"Applicable Operating Systems":[""],"Applied":["已套用"],"Applied|A":["A"],"Architecture":["架構"],"Architecture Distribution":["架構發佈"],"Architecture ID":["架構 ID"],"Architectures":["架構"],"Architecture|Hostgroups count":["主機群組計數"],"Architecture|Hosts count":["主機計數"],"Architecture|Name":["名稱"],"Are you sure you want to %{act} %{vm}?":["您是否確定要 %{act} %{vm}?"],"Are you sure you want to delete host %s? This action is irreversible.":["確定要刪除主機 %s?這動作是不可逆的。"],"Are you sure you want to delete host %s? This will delete the virtual machine and its disks, and is irreversible.":["確定要刪除主機 %s?這會刪除虛擬機器及其磁碟,這是不可逆的。"],"Are you sure you want to delete this widget from your dashboard?":["確定要從面板刪除此小工具?"],"Are you sure you want to log out?":[""],"Are you sure you want to power %{act} %{vm}?":["您是否確定要開啓 %{act} %{vm} 的電源?"],"Are you sure?":["您是否確定?"],"Array of extra information types to include":[""],"Array of host IDs to associate with the partition table":["與分割表相關的主機 ID 陣列"],"Array of host group IDs to associate with the partition table":["與分割表相關連的主機群組 ID 之陣列"],"Array of operating system IDs to associate with the partition table":["與分割表相關連的作業系統 ID 之陣列"],"Array of operating system IDs to associate with the template":["與範本相關連的作業系統 ID 之陣列"],"Array of parameters":[""],"Array of parameters (name, value)":["參數陣列(名稱、值)"],"Array of template combinations (hostgroup_id, environment_id)":["範本組合陣列(hostgroup_id、environment_id)"],"Assign All":["指定全部"],"Assign Hosts to %s":["為 %s 指定主機"],"Assign Location":["指定位置"],"Assign Organization":["指定組織"],"Assign Selected Hosts":["指定選擇的主機"],"Assign the %{count} host with no %{taxonomy_single} to %{taxonomy_name}":["",""],"Assign to %s":["指定給 %s"],"Assigning hosts to %{taxonomy_name} will also update %{taxonomy_name} to include all the resources that the selected hosts are currently using.":["指定主機給 %{taxonomy_name} 也會更新 %{taxonomy_name} 以包含所選主機目前正在使用的所有資源。"],"Associate VM":["建立 VM 的相聯性"],"Associate VM to a Foreman host":["建立 VM 和某個 Foreman 主機之間的相聯性"],"Associate VMs":["建立 VM 之間的相聯性"],"Associate VMs to Foreman hosts":["建立 VM 與 Foreman 主機之間的相聯性"],"Associate VMs to Hosts":["將 VM 與主機建立關連"],"Association":["相聯性"],"At least one volume must be specified for image-based provisioning.":["必須指定至少一個卷冊,以進行基於映像檔的佈建。"],"Attempting to construct an operating system image filename but %s cannot be built from an image":["正在嘗試建立一個作業系統映像檔案名稱,不過 %s 無法透過映像檔建立"],"Attribute mappings":["屬性對映"],"Attribute type":["屬性類型"],"Audit":[""],"Audit Comment":["稽核備註"],"Audit summary":["稽核摘要"],"Audited::Adapters::ActiveRecord::Audit|Action":["動作"],"Audited::Adapters::ActiveRecord::Audit|Associated name":["相聯的名稱"],"Audited::Adapters::ActiveRecord::Audit|Associated type":["相聯類型"],"Audited::Adapters::ActiveRecord::Audit|Auditable name":["可稽核的名稱"],"Audited::Adapters::ActiveRecord::Audit|Auditable type":["可稽核的類型"],"Audited::Adapters::ActiveRecord::Audit|Audited changes":["已稽核的變更"],"Audited::Adapters::ActiveRecord::Audit|Comment":["備註"],"Audited::Adapters::ActiveRecord::Audit|Remote address":["遠端位址"],"Audited::Adapters::ActiveRecord::Audit|User type":["使用者類型"],"Audited::Adapters::ActiveRecord::Audit|Username":["使用者名稱"],"Audited::Adapters::ActiveRecord::Audit|Version":["版本"],"Audits":["稽核"],"Auth source":["驗證來源"],"AuthSource|Account":["帳號"],"AuthSource|Account password":["帳號密碼"],"AuthSource|Attr firstname":["名"],"AuthSource|Attr lastname":["姓"],"AuthSource|Attr login":["帳號"],"AuthSource|Attr mail":["郵件"],"AuthSource|Attr photo":["相片"],"AuthSource|Base dn":["基礎 dn"],"AuthSource|Groups base":["群組基礎"],"AuthSource|Host":["主機"],"AuthSource|LDAPS":["LDAP"],"AuthSource|Ldap filter":["LDAP 篩選器"],"AuthSource|Name":["名稱"],"AuthSource|Onthefly register":["Onthefly 註冊"],"AuthSource|Port":["連接埠"],"AuthSource|Server type":["伺服器類型"],"AuthSource|Tls":["Tls"],"Authentication":["身分核證"],"Author":["作者"],"Authorize login delegation":["授權登入委派"],"Authorize login delegation API":["授權登入委派 API"],"Authorize login delegation auth source user autocreate":["授權登入委派 auth 來源使用者 autocreate"],"Authorize login delegation with REMOTE_USER environment variable":["以 REMOTE_USER 環境變數來允許登錄委派"],"Authorize login delegation with REMOTE_USER environment variable for API calls too":["以 API 調用的 REMOTE_USER 環境變數來允許登錄委派"],"Authorized by":["授權單位"],"Auto refresh off":["關閉自動更新"],"Auto refresh on":["開啟自動更新"],"Automatic":[""],"Autosign":["Autosign"],"Autosign entries":["Autosign 項目"],"Autosign entry name":[""],"Availability zone":["可用性區域"],"Available Classes":["可用類別"],"Available Config Groups":["可用的配置群組"],"Available Providers":["可用的供應者"],"Average memory usage":["平均記憶體使用量"],"Average swap usage":["平均 swap 使用量"],"Avoid duplicate values when merging them (only array type)?":["合併值時避免重複(僅及於陣列類型)?"],"BIOS":["BIOS"],"BMC":["BMC"],"BMC credentials access":[""],"BMC password usage":[""],"Back":["上一步"],"Back to host":["返回主機"],"Back to host list":["返回主機清單"],"Backtrace":["追蹤"],"Bare Metal":["裸機"],"Base DN":["Base DN"],"Before you proceed to using Foreman you should provide information about one or more architectures.":["在使用 Foreman 之前,您應提供有關於一或更多架構的相關資訊。"],"Bond":["綁定"],"Bond mode of the interface, e.g. balance-rr. Only for bond interfaces.":["介面的綁定模式,例如 balance-rr。僅用於綁定介面。"],"Bookmark":["書籤"],"Bookmark this search":["將此搜尋加入書籤"],"Bookmark was successfully created.":["書籤已成功建立。"],"Bookmark was successfully updated.":["書籤已成功更新。"],"Bookmarks":["書籤"],"Bookmarks are saved search queries. To save them, click on 'Bookmark this search' on the dropdown next to every search button.":["書籤是儲存的查詢結果。要儲存查詢結果,請點選每個搜尋按鈕旁的「將此搜尋加入書籤」。"],"Bookmark|Controller":["控制器"],"Bookmark|Name":["名稱"],"Bookmark|Owner type":["擁有者類型"],"Bookmark|Public":["公共"],"Bookmark|Query":["查詢"],"Boot device":["開機裝置"],"Boot from volume":["從卷冊啟動"],"Boot host from specified device":["從特定裝置啟動主機"],"Bootable":["可開機"],"Bridge":["橋接"],"Browse host config management reports":["瀏覽主機配置管理回報"],"Browse host facts":["瀏覽主機詳情"],"Browser locale":["瀏覽地區語言"],"Browser timezone":["瀏覽器時區"],"Build":["組建"],"Build Hosts":["組建主機"],"Build PXE Default":["組建 PXE 預設值"],"Build a query for %{mailer}":["為 %{mailer} 組建查詢"],"Build from OS image":["由 OS 映像檔組建"],"By unchecking this you can specify filter using Foreman search syntax in search field. If filter remains <br> unlimited (this field is checked) it applies on all resources of the selected type. 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Foreman also supports the Solaris operating system family, which includes <b>sparc</b> based systems.":["各個項目皆代表特定硬體架構,最常見的就是 <b>x86_64</b> 或 <b>i386</b>。Foreman 也支援 Solaris 作業系統家族,這包含了基於 <b>sparc</b> 的系統。"],"Eager zero":["Eager zero"],"Edit":["編輯"],"Edit %s":["編輯 %s"],"Edit Architecture":["編輯架構"],"Edit Bookmark":["編輯書籤"],"Edit Compute profile":["編輯運算設定檔"],"Edit Compute profile: %s":["編輯運算設定檔:%s"],"Edit Config group":["編輯配置群組"],"Edit Domain":["編輯網域"],"Edit Environment":["編輯環境"],"Edit Filter":["編輯篩選器"],"Edit Global Parameter":["編輯全域參數"],"Edit Host":["編輯主機"],"Edit LDAP Auth Source":["編輯 LDAP Auth 來源"],"Edit Medium":["編輯媒介"],"Edit Model":["編輯型號"],"Edit Operating System":["編輯作業系統"],"Edit Parameters":["編輯參數"],"Edit Partition Table":["編輯分割表"],"Edit Properties":["編輯內容"],"Edit Proxy":["編輯代理伺服器"],"Edit Puppet Class %s":["編輯 Puppet 類別 %s"],"Edit Realm":["編輯領域"],"Edit Role":[""],"Edit Smart Variable":["編輯智慧變數"],"Edit Smart class parameters":["編輯智慧類別參數"],"Edit Subnet":["編輯子網路"],"Edit Template":["編輯範本"],"Edit Trend %s":["編輯趨勢 %s"],"Edit User":["編輯使用者"],"Edit User group":["編輯使用者群組"],"Edit compute profile on %s":["編輯 %s 上的運算設定檔"],"Edit this host":[""],"Email Preferences":["電子郵件偏好設定"],"Email address is missing":["沒有電子郵件位址"],"Email reply address":["電子郵件回覆位址"],"Email reply address for emails that Foreman is sending":["Foreman 所傳送的電子郵件回覆地址"],"Email subject prefix":["電子郵件主題前綴"],"Email was sent successfully":["已成功發送電子郵件"],"Empty environment":["空的環境"],"Enable Notifications":["啟用通知"],"Enable alerts for selected hosts":["啟用所選主機的警示"],"Enable caching":[""],"Enable certificate generation for %s":["啟用 %s 的憑證產生"],"Enable if this is an alias or VLAN interface, note that alias can be used only with static boot mode subnet":["若這是個別名或是 VLAN 介面卡的話,將它啟用。請注意別名僅可以用在靜態啟動模式的子網路中"],"Enable puppetrun support":["啟用 puppetrun 支援"],"Enable rebuild on next host boot":["在下次主機啟動時啟用重建"],"Enable safe mode config templates rendering (recommended)":["啟用安全模式配置範本轉譯(建議)"],"Enable smart variables in ENC":["啟用 ENC 中的智慧變數"],"Enable this host for provisioning":["啟用這部主機以進行佈建"],"Enabled":["已啟用"],"Enabled %s for reboot and rebuild":["啟用 %s 以重新啟動與重建"],"Enabled %s for rebuild on next boot":["啟用 %s 以在下次開機時進行重建"],"Enabled %s for rebuild on next boot, but failed to power cycle the host":[""],"Ending IP Address for IP auto suggestion":["IP 自動建議的結尾 IP 位址"],"Entries per page":["每頁的項目"],"Environment":["環境"],"Environment Distribution":[""],"Environment ID":["環境 ID"],"Environment IDs":["環境 ID"],"Environment only":["只有環境"],"Environment variable containing a client's SSL certificate":["包含了一個客戶端 SSL 憑證的環境變數"],"Environment variable containing the subject DN from a client SSL certificate":["包含了來自於一個客戶端 SSL 憑證之主題 DN 的環境變數"],"Environment variable containing the verification status of a client SSL certificate":["包含了一個客戶端 SSL 憑證之驗證狀態的環境變數"],"Environments":["環境"],"Environment|Hostgroups count":["主機群組計數"],"Environment|Hosts count":["主機計數"],"Environment|Name":["名稱"],"Error":["錯誤"],"Error - 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If these features come from a Smart Proxy plugin, make sure Foreman has the plugin installed too.":[""],"Feature|Name":["名稱"],"Fetch TFTP boot files for %s":["為 %s 擷取 TFTP 開機檔案"],"Filter":["篩選器"],"Filter by level:":["用等級篩選:"],"Filter by name":["以名稱篩選"],"Filter by state:":["以狀態篩選:"],"Filter classes":["篩選器類別"],"Filter overriding has been disabled":[""],"Filters":["篩選器"],"Filters for role %s":["為角色 %s 篩選"],"Filters inherit %{orgs_and_locs} from their role by default. If override field is enabled, <br> filter can override the set of its %{orgs_and_locs}. Later role changes will not affect <br> such filter. After disabling override field, role %{orgs_and_locs} apply again.":[""],"Filters overriding has been disabled":[""],"Filter|Override":[""],"Filter|Permissions":["權限"],"Filter|Resource":["資源"],"Filter|Search":["搜尋"],"Filter|Taxonomy search":["分類搜尋"],"Filter|Unlimited":["無限制"],"Fingerprint":["指紋"],"Finish template":[""],"Firmware":[""],"Fix %s on Mismatch":["項目不相符時修正 %s"],"Fix All Mismatches":["修正所有不相符項目"],"Fix DB cache":["修正 DB 快取"],"Fix DB cache on next Foreman restart":["在下次 Foreman 重新啟動時修正 DB 快取"],"Fix Mismatches":["修正不相符的項目"],"Flavor":["類別"],"Floating IP network":["浮動 IP 網路"],"Folder":["資料夾"],"Follow %{href} on how to describe your controllers.":["依照 %{href} 的指示來描述您的控制器。"],"For example, if you have copied several Red Hat release disks into a directory structure where the disk images are named 5.8 or 6.2, and each contained both x86_64 and i386 binaries, then you\\n could create a single medium entry describing them all.\\n The entry, which could be just named 'Red Hat' could contain a path like this <em>'http://server/redhat/$version/$arch'</em>":["比方說,若您複製了數個 Red Hat 發行版磁碟入某個目錄結構中,並且磁碟映像檔名為 5.8 或 6.2,而各個映像檔皆包含了 x86_64 和 i386 二進位檔的話,那麼您\\n 能夠建立一個描述它們的單一媒介。\\n 此項目(能夠直接命名為 'Red Hat')可包含類似 <em>'http://server/redhat/$version/$arch'</em> 的路徑"],"For more info visit our documentation.":[""],"For more information":["欲知更多資訊"],"Force a Puppet agent run on the host":["強制 Puppet 代理程式在主機上執行"],"Foreman API v2 is currently the default API version.":["目前 Foreman API v2 是預設的 API 版本。"],"Foreman Developers":["Foreman 開發人員"],"Foreman URL":["Foreman URL"],"Foreman Users":["Foreman 使用者"],"Foreman audit summary":["Foreman 稽核摘要"],"Foreman can store information about the networking setup of a host that it’s provisioning, which can be used to configure the virtual machine, assign the correct IP addresses and network resources, then configure the OS correctly during the provisioning process.":[""],"Foreman can use LDAP based service for user information and authentication.":["Foreman 能使用基於 LDAP 的服務來配置使用者資訊及驗證。"],"Foreman considers a domain and a DNS zone as the same thing.":["Foreman 將網域和 DNS 區域視為相同的東西。"],"Foreman domain ID of interface. Required for primary interfaces on managed hosts.":["介面卡的 Foreman 區域 ID。在受管理主機上的主介面所需。"],"Foreman host group matchers will be inherited by children when evaluating smart class parameters":["Foreman 主機群組比對器將會在評估智慧類別參數時,被其下層所繼承"],"Foreman now manages the build cycle for %s":["Foreman 現在會為 %s 管理組建循環"],"Foreman now no longer manages the build cycle for %s":["Foreman 現在已不再會為 %s 管理組建循環"],"Foreman report creation time is <em>%s</em>":["Foreman 回報建立時間為 <em>%s</em>"],"Foreman smart variables will be exposed via the ENC yaml output":["Foreman 智慧變數將會透過 ENC yaml 輸出公開"],"Foreman subnet ID of IPv4 interface":[""],"Foreman subnet ID of IPv6 interface":[""],"Foreman supports automatically creating realm entries for new hosts.":["Foreman 支援為新主機自動建立領域項目。"],"Foreman supports creating and managing hosts on a number of virtualization and cloud services - referred to as “compute resources” - as well as bare metal hosts.":[""],"Foreman test email":["Foreman 測試電子郵件"],"Foreman ticketing system":["Foreman 票證系統"],"Foreman will automate certificate signing upon provision of new host":["Foreman 將會在佈建新主機時自動化憑證簽署"],"Foreman will create the host when a report is received":["Foreman 將會在收到回報後建立主機"],"Foreman will create the host when new facts are received":["Foreman 將會在收到新詳情後建立主機"],"Foreman will default to this puppet environment if it cannot auto detect one":["若 Foreman 無法自動偵測 puppet 環境,就預設值它將會使用此 puppet 環境"],"Foreman will delete virtual machine if provisioning script ends with non zero exit code":["Foreman 會偵測虛擬機器,如果佈建 script 最後產生了非零值的退出碼"],"Foreman will evaluate host smart variables in this order by default":["Foreman 就預設值將會使用此順序來評估主機智慧變數"],"Foreman will explicitly set the puppet environment in the ENC yaml output. 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Visit Settings to disable this feature.":[""],"Generated %s ago":["%s 前產生"],"Generated at %s":["產生於 %s"],"Get ENC values of host":[""],"Get configuration status of host":["取得主機配置狀態"],"Get dashboard details":["取得控制面板詳細資料"],"Get default dashboard widgets":["取得預設面板小工具"],"Get statistics":["取得數據"],"Get status of host":["取得主機的狀態"],"Get vm attributes of host":["取得主機的 vm 狀態"],"Global":["全域"],"Global Parameters":["全域參數"],"Global default %s template":[""],"Global default %s template. This template gets deployed to all configured TFTP servers. It will not be affected by upgrades.":[""],"Global functions":[""],"Global methods (functions)":[""],"Global parameters":["全域參數"],"Global status changed from %{from} to %{to}":[""],"Global variables":[""],"Good host reports in the last %s":["在最後 %s 間的良好主機回報"],"Google Project ID":["Google Project ID"],"Groups base DN":["群組基礎 DN"],"Guest OS":["客座端 OS"],"HELO/EHLO domain":[""],"Hardware":["硬體"],"Hardware Model":["硬體型號"],"Hardware Models":["硬體型號"],"Hardware models":["硬體型號"],"Hash function to use. 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Only for virtual interfaces.":["辨識此介面卡的辨識子,例如 eth1。僅適用於虛擬介面卡。"],"Identifiers of attached interfaces, e.g. `['eth1', 'eth2']`. For bond interfaces those are the slaves. Only for bond and bridges interfaces.":["相關連介面的識別子,例如`['eth1', 'eth2']`。對於綁定介面來說,這些是從屬的。僅用於綁定與橋接介面。"],"Idle timeout":["閒置逾時值"],"If ERB is used in a parameter value, the validation of the value will happen during the ENC request. If the value is invalid, the ENC request will fail.":["如果 ERB 用在參數值中,對這個值的驗證會發生在 ENC 要求時。如果這個值錯誤,ENC 要求就會失敗。"],"If Foreman is running behind Passenger or a remote load balancer, the IP should be set here. 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This information is commonly imported from a pre-existing Puppet configuration by the use of the %{link_start}Puppet classes and environment importer%{link_end}.":[""],"If you feel this is an error with Foreman itself, please open a new issue with":["若您認為這是 Foreman 本身的錯誤,請提交錯誤"],"If you wish to configure Puppet to forward it reports to Foreman, please follow":["若您希望配置 Puppet 以將報告轉送至 Foreman,請依照"],"Ignore Puppet facts for provisioning":["忽略 Puppet 詳情給佈建用"],"Ignore facts for domain":[""],"Ignore facts for operating system":[""],"Ignore interfaces that match these values during facts importing, you can use * wildcard to match names with indexes e.g. macvtap*":["忽略匯入詳情時符合這些值的介面,您可以使用「*」萬用字元來符合索引的名稱,例如 macvtap*"],"Ignore interfaces with matching identifier":["忽略相符識別子的介面"],"Ignored classes in the environments: %s":[""],"Ignored environment":[""],"Ignored environment names resulting in booleans found. Please quote strings like true/false and yes/no in config/ignored_environments.yml.":[""],"Ignored environments: %s":[""],"Ignored:":[""],"Image":["映像檔"],"Image Based":["基於映像檔"],"Image ID":["映像檔 ID"],"Image ID as provided by the compute resource, e.g. ami-..":["由運算資源所提供的映像檔 ID,例如 ami-.."],"Image path":["映像檔路徑"],"Image to use":["欲使用的映像檔"],"Images":["映像檔"],"Image|Iam role":["Iam 角色"],"Image|Name":["名稱"],"Image|Password":["密碼"],"Image|User data":["使用者資料"],"Image|Username":["使用者名稱"],"Image|Uuid":["UUID"],"Import":["匯入"],"Import IPv4 subnets":[""],"Import VM %s":[""],"Import classes from %s":[""],"Import environments from %s":[""],"Import of facts failed for host %s":[""],"Import puppet classes from puppet proxy for an environment":["為環境由 puppet 代理伺服器匯入 puppet 類別"],"Import puppet classes from puppet proxy.":["由 puppet 代理伺服器匯入 puppet 類別。"],"Imported IPv4 Subnets":[""],"In addition to defining which puppet classes get included when building this host type you are also able to assign variables and provisioning information to a host group to further refine the behavior of the puppet runtime.":["除了定義在組建此此主機類型時所會包含的 puppet 類別,您亦可指定變數並將資訊佈建至某個主機群組,以更進一步精簡化 puppet runtime 的特性。"],"In order to create the SSH key, the user must be saved first. A 'create_ssh_keys' permission is required too.":[""],"In-line code syntax":[""],"Include default value when merging all matching values":["合併所有相符合的值時包括預設值"],"Include default value when merging all matching values.":["合併所有相符合的值時包括預設值。"],"Include this host within Foreman reporting":["在 Foreman 回報中包含這部主機"],"Included Classes":["包含的類別"],"Included Config Groups":["包含的配置群組"],"Incorrect password":["密碼錯誤"],"Incorrect username or password":["使用者名稱或密碼錯誤"],"Independent - Nonpersistent":[""],"Independent - Persistent":[""],"Infrastructure":["設備"],"Inherit parent (%s)":["繼承 parent(%s)"],"Inherited Classes from %s":[""],"Inherits from subnet VLAN ID if not set":["若未設置的話便由子網路 VLAN ID 繼承"],"Input":["輸入"],"Installation Media":["安裝媒介"],"Installation media":["安裝媒介"],"Installation medium configuration":["安裝媒介配置"],"Installed":["已安裝"],"Interface":["介面"],"Interface is down":["介面已停用"],"Interface is up":["介面已啟用"],"Interface provider, e.g. IPMI. 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Please consider cloning it instead.":["不建議解鎖這個範本,因為它是由 %{vendor} 所提供,可以被覆寫。請考慮完整複製之。"],"Item":["項目"],"Iterating":[""],"JSON VM listing is not supported for this compute resource.":["此運算資源並不支援 JSON VM 清單。"],"JSON object of the scheduler hint":[""],"Keep selected hosts for a future action":["保持所選主機給將來的動作"],"Key Binding":["金鑰綁定"],"Key not connected to any compute resource":[""],"Key pair":["金鑰配對"],"Key used with other compute resource":[""],"KeyPair|Name":["名稱"],"KeyPair|Public":["公鑰"],"KeyPair|Secret":["私密"],"Kind":["種類"],"LDAP Authentication":["LDAP 認證"],"LDAP authentication":["LDAP 認證"],"LDAP authentication sources":["LDAP 授權資源"],"LDAP error - %{message}":["LDAP 錯誤 - %{message}"],"LDAP filter":["LDAP過濾器"],"LDAP server":["LDAP 伺服器"],"LDAP users will have their Foreman account automatically created the first time they log into Foreman":["LDAP 使用者的 Foreman 帳號會在首次登入 Foreman 時自動建立"],"Language":["語言"],"Last Report":["最後一份報告"],"Last report":["最後一份報告"],"Last updated %s ago":["最後更新為 %s 前"],"Latest Events":["最新的事件"],"Learn more about this in the documentation.":["欲知更多,請參閱文件。"],"Legacy Puppet hostname":["舊式 Puppet 主機"],"Length":[""],"Level":["等級"],"Libvirt default console address":["Libvirt 的預設主控台位址"],"Libvirt, oVirt, OpenStack and Rackspace":[""],"Limit rebuild steps, valid steps are %{host_rebuild_steps}":[""],"List LDAP authentication sources per location":[""],"List LDAP authentication sources per organization":[""],"List all :resource_id":["列出所有 :resource_id"],"List all LDAP authentication sources":["列出所有 LDAP 的認證來源"],"List all Puppet class IDs for host":["列出主機的所有 Puppet 類別 ID"],"List all Puppet class IDs for host group":["列出主機群組的所有 Puppet 類別 ID"],"List all Puppet classes":["列出所有 Puppet 類別"],"List all Puppet classes for a host":["列出主機的所有 Puppet 類別"],"List all Puppet classes for a host group":["列出主機的所有 Puppet 類別"],"List all Puppet classes for an environment":["列出環境的所有 Puppet 類別"],"List all SSH keys for a user":[""],"List all architectures":["列出所有架構"],"List all 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runtime 資訊..."],"Loading template information ...":["正在載入範本資訊..."],"Loading virtual machine information ...":["正在載入虛擬機器資訊..."],"Loading virtual machines information ...":["正在載入虛擬機器資訊..."],"Local time":["本地時間"],"Location":["位置"],"Location Distribution":[""],"Location fact":["位置詳情"],"Location parameters":["位置參數"],"Location with id %{id} not found":[""],"Location you had selected as your context has been deleted.":["您選擇來作為您 context 的位置已被刪除。"],"Location/Organization":["位置/組織"],"Locations":["位置"],"Locations also work nicely when used in tandem with %{organizations}.":["位置也可以運作無誤,當與 %{organizations} 串聯運作時。"],"Locations are used to manage and differentiate the physical place where a system managed via Foreman is housed. 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Most virtualization compute resources (e.g. VMware, oVirt, libvirt) <br/> will overwrite the provided value with new random MAC address.":[""],"Medium":["媒介"],"Medium IDs":[""],"Medium|Config path":["配置路徑"],"Medium|Image path":["映像檔路徑"],"Medium|Media path":["媒介路徑"],"Medium|Name":["名稱"],"Medium|Os family":["OS 家族"],"Medium|Path":["路徑"],"Memory":["記憶體"],"Memory (MB)":["記憶體(MB)"],"Memory hot add":["熱插入記憶體"],"Memory hot add lets you add memory resources for a virtual machine while the machine is powered on.":["熱插入記憶體能讓您在虛擬機器執行時,加入記憶體資源。"],"Merge all matching values (only array/hash type)":["合併所有相符的值(只有陣列 / 雜湊類型)"],"Message":["訊息"],"Message|Digest":["摘要"],"Message|Value":["值"],"Metadata":["中介資料"],"Method %{method} not found for resource %{resource}.":["找不到資源 %{resource} 的 %{method} 方式。"],"Method used to deliver email":[""],"Metrics":["計量"],"Minutes Ago":["幾分鐘前"],"Mismatch Details":["不相符的詳細資訊"],"Mismatches":["不相符的項目"],"Mismatches Report":["不相符的報告"],"Missing one of the required permissions: %s":["找不到所需權限之一:%s"],"Model":["型號"],"Model|Hardware model":["硬體型號"],"Model|Hosts count":["主機計數"],"Model|Info":["資訊"],"Model|Name":["名稱"],"Model|Vendor class":["供應商類別"],"Modified":["已修改"],"Module path":["模組路徑"],"Monitor":["監控"],"Monthly":["每個月"],"Must provide an operating system":[""],"Must provide template kind":["必須提供範本類型"],"Must specify a user with email enabled":["必須指定一位啟用了電子郵件的使用者"],"Must specify a valid user with email enabled":["必須指定一位啟用了電子郵件的有效使用者"],"My account":["我的帳號"],"N/A":["N/A"],"NA":["NA"],"NIC":["NIC"],"NIC type":["網路卡類型"],"NICs":["NIC"],"Name":["名稱"],"Name of media":["媒介名稱"],"Name of the external auth source where unknown externally authentication users (see authorize_login_delegation) should be created (keep unset to prevent the autocreation)":["建立不明外部認證使用者(請參閱 authorize_login_delegation)的外部 auth 來源之名稱(保持不設置以避免自動建立)"],"Name of the host group":["主機群組的名稱"],"Name of the parameter":["參數名稱"],"Name of variable":["變數名稱"],"Nest":["巢式"],"Netmask":["網路遮罩"],"Netmask for this subnet":["這個子網路的網路遮罩"],"Network":["網路"],"Network Based":["基於網路"],"Network can't be blank":[""],"Network interfaces":["網路介面卡"],"Network interfaces management has been moved to the Interfaces tab. 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language.":[""],"ProvisioningTemplate|Default":["ProvisioningTemplate|Default"],"ProvisioningTemplate|Locked":["ProvisioningTemplate|Locked"],"ProvisioningTemplate|Name":["ProvisioningTemplate|Name"],"ProvisioningTemplate|Snippet":["ProvisioningTemplate|Snippet"],"ProvisioningTemplate|Template":["ProvisioningTemplate|Template"],"ProvisioningTemplate|Vendor":["ProvisioningTemplate|Vendor"],"Proxies":["代理伺服器"],"Proxy ID to use within this realm":[""],"Proxy request timeout":["代理請求逾時"],"Ptable":["Ptable"],"Ptable|Layout":["格式"],"Ptable|Locked":["Ptable|Locked"],"Ptable|Name":["名稱"],"Ptable|Os family":["OS 家族"],"Ptable|Snippet":["Ptable|Snippet"],"Public":["公開的"],"Public SSH key":[""],"Puppet":["Puppet"],"Puppet CA":["Puppet CA"],"Puppet CA proxy ID":["Puppet CA 代理 ID"],"Puppet Class":["Puppet 類別"],"Puppet Classes":["Puppet 類別"],"Puppet Environment":["Puppet 環境"],"Puppet Environments":["Puppet 環境"],"Puppet Master":["Puppet Master"],"Puppet Modules":["Puppet 模組"],"Puppet Summary Report - 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be executed on the next run of the installer modules?":["`foreman-rake db:seed` 是否應該在安裝程式模組下次運作時執行?"],"Should this interface be managed via DHCP and DNS smart proxy and should it be configured during provisioning?":["這個介面卡是否應該透過 DHCP 和 DNS 智慧型代理伺服器管理,以及它是否應該在佈建時進行配置?"],"Should this interface be used for TFTP of PXELinux (or SSH for image-based hosts)? 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Only for bond interfaces.":["以空格區隔開的選項,例如 miimon=100。僅適用於 bond 介面卡。"],"Specified value is higher than recommended maximum":[""],"Specify additional options to sendmail":[""],"Specify authentication type, if required":[""],"Specify matchers":["指定比對器"],"Start":["起始"],"Starting IP Address for IP auto suggestion":["IP 自動建議的起始 IP 位址"],"State":["狀態"],"Static":["靜態"],"Statistics":["數據"],"Status":["狀態"],"Stop updating IP address and MAC values from Puppet facts (affects all interfaces)":["停止從 Puppet 詳情更新 IP 位址和 MAC 的值(影響所有介面)"],"Stop updating Operating System from facts":[""],"Stop updating domain values from facts":[""],"Storage":["儲存"],"Storage domain":["儲存網域"],"Storage pool":["儲存集區"],"Strong":["強"],"Submit":["提交"],"Subnet":["子網路"],"Subnet ID":["子網路 ID"],"Subnet IDs":["子網路的 ID"],"Subnet name":["子網路名稱"],"Subnet network":["子網路"],"Subnet numeric identifier":["子網路的數字辨識子"],"Subnets":["子網路"],"Subnet|Boot mode":["啟動模式"],"Subnet|Dns primary":["DNS 主要"],"Subnet|Dns secondary":["DNS 次要"],"Subnet|From":["從"],"Subnet|Gateway":["閘道器"],"Subnet|Ipam":["Ipam"],"Subnet|Mask":["遮罩"],"Subnet|Name":["名稱"],"Subnet|Network":["網路"],"Subnet|Priority":["優先順序"],"Subnet|To":["至"],"Subnet|Vlanid":["Vlanid"],"Subscribe":["訂閱"],"Subscribe to all hosts":[""],"Subscribe to my hosts":[""],"Success":["成功"],"Successfully created %s.":["已成功建立了 %s。"],"Successfully delete %s":[""],"Successfully deleted %s.":["已成功刪除了 %s。"],"Successfully deleted report.":["已成功刪除報告。"],"Successfully executed, check log files for more details":["已成功執行,請檢查日誌檔案以取得更多資訊"],"Successfully executed, check reports and/or log files for more details":["已成功執行,請檢查報告與/或日誌檔案以取得更多資訊"],"Successfully overridden all parameters of Puppet class %s":["已成功置換 Puppet 類別 %s 的所有參數"],"Successfully recreated":[""],"Successfully refreshed features from %s.":["已成功由 %s 更新了功能"],"Successfully refreshed the cache.":[""],"Successfully reset all parameters of Puppet class %s to their default values":["已成功將 Puppet 類別 %s 的所有參數重設成其預設值"],"Successfully updated %s.":["已成功更新了 %s。"],"Successfully updated environments and Puppet classes from the on-disk Puppet installation":["已成功由磁碟上的 Puppet 安裝程序更新環境和 Puppet 類別"],"Suffix or prefix length for this subnet, e.g. 32":[""],"Suggest new":["新建議"],"Summary from %{time} ago to now":["%{time} 之前到現在的摘要"],"Summary report from Foreman server at %{foreman_url}":["來自 Foreman 伺服器的摘要報告,於 %{foreman_url}"],"Support":["支援"],"Supported Formats":["格式"],"Synchronize group from authentication source":["從認證來源同步群組"],"Syntax Highlighting":["語法色彩"],"Syntax error occurred while parsing the template %{template_name}, make sure you have all ERB tags properly closed and the Ruby syntax is valid. The Ruby error: %{message}":[""],"System Information":["系統資訊"],"System Status":["系統狀態"],"TFTP":["TFTP"],"TFTP Proxy":["TFTP 代理伺服器"],"TFTP Proxy ID to use within this subnet":[""],"TFTP Proxy to use within this subnet":["使用於這個子網路中的 TFTP 代理伺服器"],"TFTP server":["TFTP 伺服器"],"Taxable taxonomy":["Taxable taxonomy"],"TaxableTaxonomy|Taxable type":["Taxable type"],"Taxonomy":["Taxonomy"],"Taxonomy|Ancestry":["Ancestry"],"Taxonomy|Ignore types":["Ignore types"],"Taxonomy|Name":["名稱"],"Taxonomy|Title":["標題"],"Template":["範本"],"Template %s is empty.":["範本 %s 是空的。"],"Template '%s' is either missing or has an invalid organization or location":[""],"Template '%s' was not found":[""],"Template Diff":["範本差異"],"Template Type":["範本類型"],"Template diff":["範本差異"],"Template editor":["範本編輯器"],"Template kind":["範本類型"],"Template kinds, available values: %{template_kinds}":["範本種類,可用的值:%{template_kinds}"],"Template locked":["範本已鎖定"],"Template syntax":[""],"Template unlocked":["範本鎖定已解除"],"TemplateKind|Name":["名稱"],"Templates":["範本"],"Templates resolved for this operating system":["解析給此作業系統的範本"],"Tenant":["租用戶"],"Test Connection":["測試連線"],"Test LDAP connection":["測試 LDAP 連線"],"Test LDAP connectivity":["測試 LDAP 連線"],"Test connection to LDAP server was successful.":["連接至 LDAP 伺服器的測試連線已成功。"],"Test connection was successful":["測試連線成功"],"Test email":["測試電子郵件"],"Text to be shown in the login-page footer":[""],"That is, if you are planning to manage a site where all the machines are of the form <i>hostname</i>.<b></b>\\n then the domain is <b></b>.":[""],"The %{proxy_type} proxy could not be set for host: %{host_names}.":["",""],"The %{proxy_type} proxy of the selected hosts was cleared.":["所選主機的 %{proxy_type} 代理已清除。"],"The %{proxy_type} proxy of the selected hosts was set to %{proxy_name}.":["所選主機的 %{proxy_type} 代理已設為 %{proxy_name}。"],"The <b>fullname</b> field is used for human readability in reports and other pages that refer to domains,\\n and also available as an external node parameter":["<b>fullname</b> 欄位主要用來讓讀者能夠解讀報告與其它參閱網域的頁面,\\n 並且這同時也可作為外部節點的參數"],"The Audit Comment field is saved with the template auditing to document the template changes":["稽核備註欄位會被範本稽核儲存以記載範本變更"],"The BMC password will be used by Foreman to access the host's BMC controller via a BMC-enabled smart proxy, if available.<br/>":[""],"The IP address that should be used for the console listen address when provisioning new virtual machines via Libvirt":["透過 Libvirt 佈建新虛擬機器時,應使用來作為主控台監聽位址的 IP 位址"],"The NFS path to the image directory.":["映像檔目錄的 NFS 路徑。"],"The NFS path to the jumpstart control files.":["Jumpstart 控制檔案的 NFS 路徑。"],"The NFS path to the media.":["媒介的 NFS 路徑。"],"The Operating systems detail the OSs known to Foreman, and is the central point that the other required components tie into.":[""],"The Primary interface is used for constructing the FQDN of the host":["用來建構主機 FQDN 的主介面"],"The Provisioning interface is used for TFTP of PXELinux (or SSH for image-based hosts)":["給 PXELinux(或給以映像檔為主的 SSH)的 TFTP 使用的佈建介面"],"The authentication process currently requires an LDAP provider, such as <em>FreeIPA</em>,\\n <em>OpenLDAP</em> or <em>Microsoft's Active Directory</em>.":["認證程序目前需要一個 LDAP 供應器,例如 <em>FreeIPA</em>,\\n <em>OpenLDAP</em> 或是 <em>Microsoft Active Directory</em>。"],"The class of CPU supplied in this machine. This is primarily used by Sparc Solaris builds and can be left blank for other architectures. The value can be determined on Solaris via uname -m":["這部機器中所提供的 CPU 類別。這主要會被 Sparc Solaris 組建所使用,其它架構則能保留為空白。這個值能在 Solaris 上透過 uname -m 來取得"],"The class of the machine reported by the Open Boot Prom. This is primarily used by Sparc Solaris builds and can be left blank for other architectures. The value can be determined on Solaris via uname -i|cut -f2 -d,":["Open Boot Prom 所回報的機器類別。這主要會被 Sparc Solaris 組建所使用,而其它架構則能保留為空白。這個值能在 Solaris 上透過 uname -i|cut -f2 -d 取得"],"The default administrator email address":["預設的管理員電子郵件地址"],"The dynamic partitioning style is currently only available for the Red Hat family of operating systems, all others must provide an explicit list of partitions and sizes.":["目前僅有 Red Hat 家族的作業系統支援動態磁碟分割,其它所有作業系統則需提供明確的分割區與大小。"],"The file path where your p12 file is located":["您 p12 檔案位於的檔案路徑"],"The final entry, Operating System default, can be set by editing the %s page.":["最後的項目「作業系統預設值」可透過編輯 %s 頁面來設置。"],"The following IPv4 subnets have been found. Please review the details before creating them.":[""],"The following entries were found conflicting with what foreman wanted to apply.":["發現下列項目與 Foreman 所要套用的項目不符。"],"The following errors may prevent a successful build:":["下列錯誤可能會造成組建無法成功:"],"The following fields would need reviewing":["下列欄位需要重新檢查"],"The following hosts failed the build operation: %s":["下列主機組建作業系統失敗:%s"],"The following hosts were not %{action}: %{missed_hosts}":["下列主機未 %{action}:%{missed_hosts}"],"The following hosts were not deleted: %s":["下列主機沒有被刪除:%s"],"The following hosts were updated":["下列主機已更新"],"The following parameters were skipped as they did not exists on this host:":["下列參數已被跳過,因為它們並不存在這部主機上:"],"The following table and example snippet shows global methods, variables and class methods and how to use them.":[""],"The full DNS domain name":["完整的 DNS 區域名稱"],"The host group's classes and the host group's variables are included in the external node information when the puppetmaster compiles the host's configuration.":["當 puppetmaster 編譯主機的配置時,主機群組類別和主機群組變數皆會包含在外部節點資訊中。"],"The inclusion of the keyword string <b>#Dynamic</b> at the start of a line lets Foreman know that this is not an explicit disk layout and must treated as a shell script, executed prior\\n to the install process and that the explicit partition table will be found at <b>/tmp/diskpart.cfg</b> during the build process.":["一行起始的關鍵字串「<b>#Dynamic</b>」能讓 Foreman 知道這不是個明確的磁碟格式,而必須被視為 shell script,它會在安裝程序\\n 進行前執行並且明確的分割表可在進行組建程序時,從 <b>/tmp/diskpart.cfg</b> 中找到。"],"The keys can be used in provisioning templates and are also available for configuration management tools managed by Foreman.":[""],"The keywords <b>$version</b>, <b>$major</b> and <b>$minor</b> will be interpolated back into the path specification to calculate the true URL address.":["關鍵字 <b>$version</b>、<b>$major</b> 和 <b>$minor</b> 將會被插回路徑指定中,以計算真實的 URL 位址。"],"The list is excluding %{count} %{link_start}physical host%{link_end}.":["",""],"The location of the sendmail executable":[""],"The marked fields will need reviewing":["標記的欄位需要再次檢查"],"The method used to provision the host. Possible provision_methods may be %{provision_methods}":["佈建主機的方法。可能的 provision_methods 為 %{provision_methods}"],"The order in which matchers keys are processed, first match wins.<br> You may use multiple attributes as a matcher key, for example, an order of <code>host group, environment</code> would expect a matcher such as <code>hostgroup = \\\"web servers\\\", environment = production</code>":["比對器金鑰處理的順序,第一組項目將會優先被處理。<br>您可使用多個屬性來作為比對器金鑰,比方說 <code>host group, environment</code> 的順序將會預期類似 <code>hostgroup = \\\"web servers\\\", environment = production</code> 的比對器"],"The order in which values are resolved":["值解析的順序"],"The password will also be accessible to other users via templates and in the ENC YAML output; disable the bmc_credentials_accessible setting to prevent access.":[""],"The password will not be accessible to other users; enable the bmc_credentials_accessible setting to permit access via templates and in the ENC YAML output.":[""],"The path to the medium, can be a URL or a valid NFS server (exclusive of the architecture).\\n for example <em>$version/os/$arch</em> where <strong>$arch</strong> will be substituted for the host's actual OS architecture and <strong>$version</strong>, <strong>$major</strong> and <strong>$minor</strong> will be substituted for the version of the operating system. Solaris and Debian media may also use <strong>$release</strong>.":["媒介的路徑,能夠是一組 URL 或是有效的 NFS 伺服器(架構獨立)。\\n比方說 <em>$version/os/$arch</em>,<strong>$arch</strong> 將會被替換為主機的實際 OS 架構,並且 <strong>$version</strong>、<strong>$major</strong> 和 <strong>$minor</strong> 將會被替換為作業系統的版本。Solaris 和 Debian 媒介亦可使用 <strong>$release</strong>。"],"The power state of the selected hosts will be set to %s":["所選主機的電源狀態會被設定為 %s"],"The realm name, e.g. EXAMPLE.COM":["領域名稱,例如 EXAMPLE.COM"],"The remote system presented a public key signed by an unidentified certificate authority. If you are sure the remote system is authentic, go to the compute resource edit page, press the 'Test Connection' or 'Load Datacenters' button and submit":["遠端系統會顯示一組由未辨識的憑證許可所簽署的公共金鑰。若您能確認遠端系統的真實性,請至運算資源編輯頁,按下「測試連線」或「載入資料中心」按鈕並提交。"],"The remote system presented a public key with hash %s but we're expecting a different hash. If you are sure the remote system is authentic, go to the compute resource edit page, press the 'Test Connection' or 'Load Datacenters' button and submit":["遠端系統提供了一組包含雜湊 %s 的公共金鑰,然而我們所預期的乃另一個雜湊。若您能確認遠端系統乃的真實性,請至運算資源編輯頁,按下「測試連線」或是「載入資料中心」按鈕並提交。"],"The selected hosts were enabled for reboot and rebuild":["所選主機已啟用,以重新啟動並重建"],"The selected hosts will execute a build operation on next reboot":["選擇的主機將會在下次開機時執行一項組建作業"],"The snippet '%{name}' threw an error: %{exc}":[""],"The template is associated to at least one host in build mode. To apply the change, disable and enable build mode on hosts to update the live templates or choose to %s their configuration from 'Select Action' menu":["在組建模式中,這範本與至少一台主機相關。要套用變更,在主機上請停用與啟用組建模式,以更新線上範本或從「選擇動作」選單中選擇 %s"],"The user that is used to ssh into the instance, normally cloud-user, ec2-user, ubuntu, root etc":["使用來 ssh 入 instance 的使用者,一般會是 cloud-user、ec2-user、ubuntu、root 等等"],"The virtual machine is being deleted.":["虛擬機器正被刪除中。"],"There are migrations pending in the system.":[""],"There are no puppet environments set up on this puppet master. Please check the puppet master configuration.":["此 puppet master 上並未設定 puppet 環境。請檢查 puppet master 的配置。"],"There are orchestration modules with methods for configuration rebuild that have identical name: '%s'":["有 method 來配置重建的協調模組有同樣的名稱:'%s'"],"There are two strategies when using host groups.":["使用主機群組時有兩種策略。"],"There is":["",""],"There is no owner with id %d and type %s":[""],"There is no proxy with BMC feature set up. Please register a smart proxy with this feature.":["沒有代理伺服器設定了 BMC 特性。請註冊智慧代理伺服器使用此特性。"],"There was an error creating the PXE file: %s":[""],"There was an error listing %{listing}: %{errors}":[""],"There was an error listing VMs: %(status)s %(statusText)s":["列出虛擬機器時發生了錯誤:%(status)s %(statusText)s"],"There was an error rendering the %s template: ":["轉譯 %s 範本時發生了錯誤:"],"There was an error rendering the %{name} template: %{error}":["轉譯 %{name} 範本時發生錯誤:%{error}"],"There was no active bridge interface found in libvirt, if it does not support listing, you can enter the bridge name manually (e.g. br0)":[""],"These are guaranteed to work via the safe mode rendering, to ensure a template can do nothing harmful.":[""],"These two options are personal decisions and are up to you (where the main difference would be the parameter/variables settings).":["這兩項乃選用性選項(主要差別為參數/變數設定)。"],"Thin provision":["精簡佈建"],"This Puppet class has no parameters in its signature.":["此 puppet 類別的簽章中沒有參數。"],"This allows Foreman to associate a puppet variable with a domain/site and automatically append this variable to all external node requests made by machines at that site.":["這能允許 Foreman 令一個 puppet 變數與網域/站台相聯,並自動將此變數附加至由該站台的機器所進行的所有外部節點請求。"],"This group has nested groups!":["此群組中包含巢式群組!"],"This group has no roles":[""],"This host's stored facts and reports will be deleted too.":["這部主機儲存的詳情與報告也會被刪除。"],"This is a test message to confirm that Foreman's email configuration is working.":["這是測試訊息,用來確認 Foreman 的電子郵件設定是正確的。"],"This is for every location and organization that uses it.":["這是給每個使用它的位置與組織用的。"],"This is for every location that uses it.":["這是給每個使用它的位置用的。"],"This is for every organization that uses it.":["這是給每個使用它的組織用的。"],"This is inherited from parent":["從父項繼承"],"This is used by a host":["這正被主機所使用"],"This might take a while, as all hosts, facts and reports will be destroyed as well":["這可能會花上一段時間,因為所有主機、詳情和報告皆會被銷毀"],"This role has been cloned from role %s":[""],"This role is locked for editing.":[""],"This role is locked from being modified by users.":[""],"This setting is defined in the configuration file '%{filename}' and is read-only.":[""],"This template is locked and may not be removed.":["此範本已鎖定,並且不可移除。"],"This template is locked for editing.":["此範本已鎖定,因此無法編輯。"],"This template is locked. Please clone it to a new template to customize.":["此範本已鎖定。請將它複製至一個新的範本以自訂化。"],"This template is locked. You may only change the associations. Please %s it to customize.":["此範本已鎖定。您僅可更改相聯性。請 %s 它以進行自訂化。"],"This value is not hidden":[""],"This value is used also as the host's primary interface name.":["這個值也用於主機的主介面名稱。"],"This will reset parameters of the class %s to their default values. Continue?":["這會將類別 %s 的參數重設為其預設值。是否要繼續進行?"],"This will set all parameters of the class %s as overridden. Continue?":["這會將類別 %s 的所有參數設為置換。是否要繼續進行?"],"Time":["時間"],"Time in Seconds":["時間(秒)"],"Time in minutes installation tokens should be valid for, 0 to disable token generation":["安裝權杖有效的時間(分鐘),0 為停用權杖產生"],"Timeout for DNS conflict validation (in seconds)":["DNS 衝突驗證的逾時值(秒)"],"Timeout has occurred while communicating with %s":["與 %s 進行通訊時發生了逾時錯誤"],"To define trend counters, use the Add Trend Counter button.</br> To start collecting trend data, set a cron job to execute 'foreman-rake trends:counter' every Puppet Interval (%s minutes).":["要定義趨勢計數器,請使用「新增趨勢計數器」按鈕。</br>若要開始蒐集趨勢資料,請設置一項 cron job 以在每個 Puppet 間隔(%s 分鐘)之間執行 'foreman-rake trends:counter'。"],"To enable a provider, either install the OS package (e.g. foreman-libvirt) or enable the bundler group for development setup (e.g. ovirt).":["若要啟用供應者,請安裝 OS 套件(例如 foreman-libvirt)或是啟用搭配程式群組以進行開發設定(例如 ovirt)。"],"To enable safe mode, navigate to Settings page and enable Safemode rendering option.":[""],"To start collecting trend data, set a cron job to execute <span class='black'>foreman-rake trends:counter</span> every Puppet Interval (%s minutes)":["若要開始蒐集趨勢資料,請設置一項 cron job 以在每個 Puppet 間隔(%s 分鐘)之間執行 <span 類別='black'>foreman-rake trends:counter</span>"],"To update the class signature, go to the Puppet Classes page and select \\\"Import\\\".":["若要更新類別簽章,請至 Puppet 類別網頁並選擇「匯入」。"],"Toggle":["切換"],"Token":["權杖"],"Token duration":["權杖持續時間"],"Token expired":[""],"Token|Expires":["過期"],"Token|Value":["值"],"Total":["總數"],"Total Hosts: %s":["總時數:%s"],"Total hosts count":[""],"Total of one host":["",""],"Trend":["趨勢"],"Trend counter":["趨勢計數器"],"Trend of the last %s days.":["最後 %s 天的趨勢。"],"TrendCounter|Count":["計數"],"Trends":["趨勢"],"Trends for %s":["%s 的趨勢"],"Trend|Fact name":["詳情名稱"],"Trend|Fact value":["詳情值"],"Trend|Name":["名稱"],"Trend|Trendable type":["趨勢類型"],"Trigger a puppetrun on a node; requires that puppet run is enabled":["在節點上啟動 puppetrun;需要先啟用 puppet run"],"Troubleshooting":["疑難排解"],"True/False flag whether a host is managed or unmanaged. Note: this value also determines whether several parameters are required or not":["True/False 標記代表主機是否受管理。請注意:這個值也能決定是否需要數個參數"],"Trusted puppetmaster hosts":["受信任的 puppetmaster 主機"],"Try going to %{href}":["嘗試前往 %{href}"],"Type":["類型"],"Type of name generator":[""],"Type of realm, e.g. FreeIPA":["領域類型,例如 FreeIPA"],"Type or protocol, IPv4 or IPv6, defaults to IPv4":[""],"Types of validation values":["驗證值的類型"],"Types of variable values":["變數值的類型"],"URL":["URL"],"URL for %{providers_requiring_url}":[""],"URL hosts will retrieve templates from during build (normally http as many installers don't support https)":["進行組建時,主機會從而截取範本的 URL(一般會是 http 因為許多安裝程式不支援 https)"],"URL must be valid and schema must be one of %s":["URL 必須是有效的,且 schema 必須是 %s 之一"],"URL where your Foreman instance is reachable (see also Provisioning > unattended_url)":["您的 Foreman instance 所能連上的 URL(請參閱佈建 > unattended_url)"],"UTC time of report":["報告的 UTC 時間"],"UUID":["UUID"],"UUID to track orchestration tasks status, GET /api/orchestration/:UUID/tasks":["用來追蹤協調流程任務狀態的 UUID,GET /api/orchestration/:UUID/tasks"],"Unable to access key":["無法存取金鑰"],"Unable to authenticate user %s":["無法認證使用者 %s"],"Unable to change VM display listen address, make sure the display is not attached to localhost only":["無法更改 VM 畫面監聽位址,請確認畫面不是只連至 localhost。"],"Unable to communicate with the proxy: %s":["無法與協定通訊:%s"],"Unable to connect":["無法連線"],"Unable to connect to LDAP server":["無法連接至 LDAP 伺服器"],"Unable to create default TFTP boot menu":["無法建立預設的 TFTP 開機選項"],"Unable to create realm entry":["無法建立領域項目"],"Unable to create the default role.":[""],"Unable to delete DHCP entry for %s":["無法刪除 %s 的 DHCP 項目"],"Unable to delete DNS entry":["無法刪除 DNS 項目"],"Unable to delete PuppetCA autosign for %s":["無法刪除 %s 的 PuppetCA autosign"],"Unable to delete PuppetCA certificate for %s":["無法刪除 %s 的 PuppetCA 憑證"],"Unable to delete TFTP boot entry for %s":["無法刪除 %s 的 TFTP 開機項目"],"Unable to detect TFTP boot server":["無法偵測 TFTP 開機伺服器"],"Unable to detect features":["無法偵測功能"],"Unable to detect version":["無法偵測版本"],"Unable to determine the host's boot server. The DHCP smart proxy failed to provide this information and this subnet is not provided with TFTP services.":["無法判斷主機的開機伺服器為何。DHCP 智慧型代理伺服器無法提供這項資訊,並且 TFTP 服務並未提供這個子網路。"],"Unable to disable bmc_credentials_accessible when safemode_render is disabled":[""],"Unable to disable safemode_render when bmc_credentials_accessible is disabled":[""],"Unable to execute Puppet run":["無法執行 Puppet run"],"Unable to fetch TFTP boot file":["無法截取 TFTP 開機檔案"],"Unable to fetch logs":["無法取得日誌"],"Unable to find IP address for '%s'":["找不到「%s」的 IP 位址"],"Unable to find a proxy with BMC feature":["找不到含有 BMC 功能的協定"],"Unable to find proper authentication method":["找不到正確的認證方式"],"Unable to find template %s":["找不到範本 %s"],"Unable to generate output, Check log files":["無法產生輸出,請檢查日誌檔案"],"Unable to get BMC providers":["無法取得 BMC 供應者"],"Unable to get PuppetCA autosign":["無法取得 PuppetCA autosign"],"Unable to get PuppetCA certificates":["無法取得 PuppetCA 憑證"],"Unable to get classes from Puppet for %s":["無法從 Puppet 取得 %s 的類別"],"Unable to get environment from Puppet":["無法從 Puppet 取得環境"],"Unable to get environments from Puppet":["無法從 Puppet 取得環境"],"Unable to get installed BMC providers":["無法取得已安裝的 BMC 供應者"],"Unable to initialize ProxyAPI class %s":["無法初始化 ProxyAPI 類別 %s"],"Unable to perform boot BMC operation":["無法進行啟動 BMC 的作業"],"Unable to perform identify BMC operation":["無法進行辨識 BMC 的作業"],"Unable to perform lan BMC operation":["無法執行 lan BMC 作業"],"Unable to perform power BMC operation":["無法執行電源 BMC 作業"],"Unable to render %{kind} template '%{name}': %{e}":[""],"Unable to render '%{name}' template: %{e}":[""],"Unable to retrieve DHCP entry for %s":["無法截取 %s 的 DHCP 項目"],"Unable to retrieve DHCP subnet":["無法截取 DHCP 子網路"],"Unable to retrieve DHCP subnets":["無法截取 DHCP 子網路"],"Unable to retrieve unused IP":["無法截取未使用的 IP"],"Unable to save":["無法儲存"],"Unable to send email, check server logs for more information":["無法發送電子郵件,欲知詳情,請檢查伺服器日誌"],"Unable to set DHCP entry":["無法設置 DHCP 項目"],"Unable to set DNS entry":["無法設置 DNS 項目"],"Unable to set PuppetCA autosign for %s":["無法為 %s 設置 Puppet CA autosign"],"Unable to set TFTP boot entry for %s":["無法為 %s 設置 TFTP 開機項目"],"Unable to sign PuppetCA certificate for %s":["無法為 %s 簽署 PuppetCA 憑證"],"Unable to turn on websockets_encrypt, either websockets_ssl_key or websockets_ssl_cert is missing":["無法開啟 websockets_encrypt,找不到 websockets_ssl_key 或 websockets_ssl_cert"],"Unable to unset websockets_ssl_cert when websockets_encrypt is on":["websockets_encrypt 開啟時,無法取消設定 websockets_ssl_cert"],"Unable to unset websockets_ssl_key when websockets_encrypt is on":["websockets_encrypt 開啟時,無法取消設定 websockets_ssl_key"],"Unallowed template for dashboard widget: %s":["未經允許的面板小工具範本:%s"],"Unattended URL":["無人看顧的 URL"],"Undo remove":["還原移除"],"Undo selection":[""],"Unhide this value":["取消隱藏此值"],"Unknown":["不明"],"Unknown IPAM type - 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Access Key for EC2.":["oVirt、EC2、VMware、OpenStack 的使用者名稱。EC2 的存取金鑰。"],"Username to use to authenticate, if required":[""],"Users":["使用者"],"User|Admin":["管理員"],"User|Avatar hash":["虛擬人偶雜湊"],"User|Firstname":["名"],"User|Last login on":["最後登錄時間"],"User|Lastname":["姓"],"User|Locale":["區域語言"],"User|Login":["帳號"],"User|Lower login":["小寫登錄帳號"],"User|Mail":["郵件"],"User|Mail enabled":["郵件已啟用"],"User|Password hash":["密碼雜湊"],"User|Password salt":["密碼 salt"],"Uses thin provisioning if unchecked":["若未選取的話使用精簡佈建"],"Using the organization system provides a way to group resources together for easy management. Organizations are particularly useful for Foreman installations where several customers or business units are managed with a single Foreman install.":[""],"VCPU(s)":["VCPU"],"VCenter/Server":["VCenter/Server"],"VLAN ID for this subnet":["這個子網路的 VLAN ID"],"VLAN tag, this attribute has precedence over the subnet VLAN ID. Only for virtual interfaces.":["VLAN 標籤,這個屬性擁有比子網路 VLAN ID 更高的優先權。僅適用於虛擬介面卡。"],"VM":["VM"],"VM Attributes":["VM 屬性"],"VM Attributes (%s)":["VM 屬性(%s)"],"VM already associated with a host":["VM 早已和一部主機相聯"],"VM associated to host %s":["VM 已和 %s 主機相聯"],"VM is not running!":["VM 沒有在運作!"],"VNC/SPICE websocket proxy console access encryption (websockets_ssl_key/cert setting required)":["VNC/SPICE websocket 代理主控台存取加密(需要設定 websockets_ssl_key/cert)"],"Valid from":["可從...使用:"],"Valid host group and environment combinations":["有效的主機群組和環境組合"],"Validation types":["驗證類型"],"Value":["值"],"Value to use when there is no match":["當沒有相符的項目時所使用的值"],"Value to use when there is no match.":["當沒有相符的項目時所使用的值。"],"Variable":["變數"],"Variable lookup key":["變數查詢金鑰"],"Variables":["變數"],"Vendor class":["供應商類別"],"Verify":["驗證"],"Version":["版本"],"Version %{version}":["版本 %{version}"],"Version %{version} %{copyright} 2009-%{year} Paul Kelly and %{author}":[""],"Very Strong":["非常強"],"View Diff":["檢視差異"],"View in Foreman:":["在 Foreman 中檢視:"],"View last report details":["檢視最後一份報告的詳情"],"View list":["檢視清單"],"Virtual (NAT)":["虛擬(NAT)"],"Virtual H/W version":["虛擬 H/W 版本"],"Virtual Machine":["虛擬機器"],"Virtual Machines":["虛擬機器"],"Virtual Machines on %s":["%s 上的虛擬機器"],"Virtual NIC":["虛擬 NIC"],"Virtual machine settings cannot be edited on an existing machine in %s":["虛擬機器設定不能在 %s 裡的現有機器中被編輯"],"WARNING":["警告"],"Wait for %s to come online":["等待 %s 上線"],"Warning":["警告"],"Warning!":["警告!"],"Warning! This will remove %{name} from %{number} user. are you sure?":["",""],"Warning: This will delete this host and all of its data!":["警告:這將會刪除這部主機及其所有資料!"],"Warnings and errors":["警告與錯誤"],"We have not found any documentation for your API.":["我們並未找到任何您 API 的文件。"],"We use Redmine to report and track bugs and feature requests, which can be found here:":["我們使用 Redmine 來回報和追蹤錯誤與功能請求,欲取得更多資訊請至:"],"Weak":["弱"],"Websockets SSL certificate":["Websockets SSL 憑證"],"Websockets SSL key":["Websockets SSL 金鑰"],"Websockets encryption":["Websockets 加密"],"Weekly":["每週"],"Welcome to Foreman":["歡迎使用 Foreman"],"What ever text(or ERB template) you use in here, would be used as your OS disk layout options If you want to use the partition table option, delete all of the text from this field":["您在此使用的任何文字(或是 ERB 範本),皆會被使用來作為您的 OS 磁碟配置選項。若您希望使用分割表選項,請刪除此欄位中的所有文字。"],"When a Host requests a template (e.g. during provisioning), Foreman will select the best match from the available templates of that type, in the following order:":["當一部主機請求範本時(比方說當進行佈建時),Foreman 將會從可用範本中選擇此類型的最佳相符項目,順序如下:"],"When a realm is selected for a host, Foreman contacts the relevant realm smart proxy to create an entry for the host and retrieve it's one-time registration password.":["當一個領域被選擇作為主機時,Foreman 會聯絡相關的領域智慧型代理伺服器來為主機建立一個項目,並取得其一次性的註冊密碼。"],"When editing a template, you must assign a list of operating systems which this template can be used with. Optionally, you can restrict a template to a list of host groups and/or environments.":[""],"When enabled the parameter is hidden in the UI":["啟用時,參數會隱藏在 UI 裡"],"When specifying custom value, add 'MB' or 'GB' at the end. Field is not case sensitive and MB is default if unspecified.":[""],"When the role's associated %{taxonomies} are changed,<br> the change will propagate to all inheriting filters.\\n Filters that are set to override <br> will remain untouched. Overriding of role filters can be easily disabled by <br> pressing the \\\"Disable overriding\\\" button.\\n Note that not all filters support <br>%{taxonomies}, so these always remain global.":[""],"When using SSH based provisioning, a special SSH key is created in order to automate the provisioning process.":[""],"When using TLS, you can set how OpenSSL checks the certificate":[""],"Whether or not the image supports user data":["不管映像檔是否支援使用者資料"],"Whether or not the template is locked for editing":["範本是否鎖定並禁止進行編輯"],"Whether the class parameter value is managed by Foreman.":["類別參數值是否是由 Foreman 所管理。"],"Whether the smart class parameter value is managed by Foreman":["智慧 類別 參數值是否是由 Foreman 所管理"],"Which is an offset of <b>%s</b>":["此乃 <b>%s</b> 的位移"],"Widget added to dashboard.":["小工具已新增至面板。"],"Widget positions successfully saved.":["儲存小工具的位置成功。"],"Widget removed from dashboard.":["已從面板移除小工具。"],"Wiki":["Wiki"],"With user groups, you can group your users and assign them roles on a group basis.":[""],"X509 Certification Authorities":["X509 憑證許可"],"YAML":["YAML"],"Yes":["是"],"You are about to change the default PXE menu on all configured TFTP servers - continue?":["您即將在所有已配置的 TFTP 伺服器上更改預設的 PXE 選單 - 是否繼續?"],"You are about to override the editor content with a previous version, are you sure?":["您即將把編輯器內容置換為先前的版本,您是否確定要這麼做?"],"You are about to override the editor content, are you sure?":["您即將置換編輯器內容,您是否確定?"],"You are about to unlock a locked template.":["即將解鎖已鎖定範本。"],"You are not authorized to lock templates.":["您未經許可鎖定範本。"],"You are not authorized to make a template default.":["您未經許可製作預設範本。"],"You are not authorized to perform this action.":["您未經許可執行這項動作。"],"You are trying to delete your own account":["您正要嘗試刪除您自己的帳號"],"You are using an unsupported browser.":["您正在使用一個不受支援的瀏覽器。"],"You can add SSH public keys to a user in Foreman.":[""],"You can find The Foreman on the %{freenode} ( network. For general support, please visit #theforeman and for development specific related chat, please visit #theforeman-dev.":["您能在 %{freenode}(網路上找到 Foreman。欲取得一般支援,請至 #theforeman,欲進行有關於開發上的討論,請至 #theforeman-dev。"],"You can select one of the IPAM modes supported by the selected IP protocol:<br/><ul><li><strong>DHCP</strong> - will manage the IP on DHCP through assigned DHCP proxy, auto-suggested IPs come from DHCP <em>(IPv4)</em></li><li><strong>Internal DB</strong> - use internal DB to auto-suggest free IP based on other interfaces on same subnet respecting range if specified, useful mainly with static boot mode <em>(IPv4, IPv6)</em></li><li><strong>EUI-64</strong> - will assign the IPv6 address based on the MAC address of the interface <em>(IPv6)</em></li><li><strong>None</strong> - leave IP management solely on user, no auto-suggestion <em>(IPv4, IPv6)</em></li></ul>":[""],"You can't assign locations to this resource":["您不可指定位置至此資源"],"You can't assign organizations to this resource":["您不可指定組織至此資源"],"You cannot delete this user while logged in as this user.":["您無法在以此使用者登入的情況下刪除這個使用者。"],"You do not have permission to %s this location parameter":["您沒有權限 %s 此位置參數"],"You do not have permission to %s this organization parameter":["您沒有權限 %s 此組織參數"],"You don't have any visible hosts. Hosts can be added and provisioned from Foreman, or configured to report to Foreman.":["您沒有任何可見的主機。主機可以從 Foreman 新增、佈建,或配置為向 Foreman 報告。"],"You don't seem to have any bookmarks.":["您似乎沒有任何書籤。"],"You don't seem to have any facts yet. If you wish to configure fact pushing, please follow the documentation.":["您似乎還沒有任何詳情。若您希望配置詳情推送,請依照文件指示運作。"],"You don't seem to have any reports.":["您似乎沒有任何報告。"],"You have already logged in":[""],"You may also associate one or more operating systems with this medium or alternatively set this up later on the %s page.":["您亦可為此媒介建立與一或更多個作業系統之間的相聯性,或之後在 %s 網頁上設定它。"],"You may also associate one or more operating systems with this partition table or alternatively set this up later on the %s page":["您亦可為此分割表建立與一或更多個作業系統之間的相聯性,或之後在 %s 網頁上設定它。"],"You may create puppet classes that represent high-level host configurations, for example, a <b>host-type-ldap-server</b> class, which includes all the required functionality from other modules or you may decide to create a host group called <b>host-type-ldap-server</b> and add the required classes into the host group configuration.":["您可建立代表高層級主機配置的 puppet 類別,例如 <b>host-type-ldap-server</b> 類別,它包含了來自於其它模組的所有必要功能,或是您亦可建立一個名為 <b>host-type-ldap-server</b> 的主機群組,並將必要的類別加入主機群組配置中。"],"You must create a location before continuing.":["在繼續進行前,您必須建立一個位置。"],"You must create an organization before continuing.":["在繼續進行前,您必須建立一個組織。"],"You must create at least one location before continuing.":["在繼續進行前,您必須建立至少一個位置。"],"You must create at least one organization before continuing.":["在繼續進行前,您必須建立至少一個組織。"],"You must select at least one permission":["您必須選擇至少一個權限"],"You probably need to configure your %s first.":["您可能必須先配置您的 %s。"],"You would probably need to attach the":["您可能需要附加"],"Your Foreman user account has been created:":["您的 Foreman 使用者帳號已建立:"],"Your host has finished building:":["您的主機已經完成組建:"],"Your password is too short":["您的密碼太短"],"Your password should not contain sequences":[""],"Your password should not contain that many repetitions":[""],"Your password should not contain your email":[""],"Your password should not contain your username":[""],"Your password should use characters from different character classes 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spaces.":["不可包含空格。"],"can't delete primary interface of managed host":["無法刪除受管理主機的主介面"],"can't delete provision interface of managed host":["無法刪除受管理主機的佈建介面"],"can't find domain with this id":["找不到有此 ID 的網域"],"cannot be changed":["不可更改"],"cannot be changed by a non-admin user":["不可更改非管理者用戶"],"cannot be changed on an internal protected account":["不可在一個內部受保護的帳號上更改"],"cannot be enabled for an unmanaged host":[""],"cannot be removed from an internal protected account":["不可從一個內部受保護的帳號上移除"],"cannot be removed from the last admin account":["不可從最後一個管理員帳號移除"],"clone":["複製"],"comma separated interface identifiers":["以逗號區隔開的介面卡辨識子"],"comments powered by %{disqus}":["由 %{disqus} 提供的註解"],"could not be calculated":[""],"could not be found in %s":["在 %s 中找不到"],"could not be generated":[""],"cycle":["循環"],"default locations need to be user locations first":["預設位置必須要先是使用者位置"],"default organizations need to be user organizations first":["預設組織必須要先是使用者組織"],"defaults to 389":["預設為 389"],"does not appear to 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var locales = locales || {}; locales['zh_TW'] = {"domain":"app","locale_data":{"app":{"":{"Project-Id-Version":"Foreman","Report-Msgid-Bugs-To":"","PO-Revision-Date":"2017-09-19 21:23+0000","Last-Translator":"Lukáš Zapletal","Language-Team":"Chinese (Taiwan) (","MIME-Version":"1.0","Content-Type":"text/plain; charset=UTF-8","Content-Transfer-Encoding":"8bit","Language":"zh_TW","Plural-Forms":"nplurals=1; plural=0;","lang":"zh_TW","domain":"app","plural_forms":"nplurals=1; plural=0;"}," Remove":["移除"],"%s - Press Shift-F12 to release the cursor.":["%s - 請點擊 Shift + F12 來釋放滑鼠"],"%s - The following hosts are about to be changed":["%s - 這些主機將要被變更"],"%s Distribution":["%s 分配"],"%s Parameters updated, see below for more information":["%s 參數已經更新, 請從下方取得更多資訊"],"%s Template":["%s 範本"],"%s VM associated to a host":["",""],"%s active feature":["",""],"%s ago":["%s 前"],"%s console is not supported at this time":["%s 此時不支援控制台功能"],"%s core":["",""],"%s day ago":["%s 天前"],"%s error message":["",""],"%s has been disassociated from VM":["%s 和 VM 之間的關聯性已解除"],"%s host":["",""],"%s is an unknown attribute":["%s 乃不明的屬性"],"%s is not a valid DNS record type":[""],"%s is not in environment":["%s 不在環境中"],"%s log message":["",""],"%s minute ago":["%s 分鐘前"],"%s month ago":["%s 個月前"],"%s selected hosts":["%s 選擇的主機"],"%s warning message":["",""],"%s week ago":["%s 週前"],"%s widget loading...":[""],"%{app_name} API documentation homepage":["%{app_name} API 文件首頁"],"%{config_type} rebuild failed for host: %{host_names}.":["",""],"%{controller}: %{host}'s operating system %{os} has no OS family":[""],"%{controller}: %{host}'s operating system is missing":[""],"%{controller}: unable to find a host that matches the request from %{addr}":[""],"%{cores} Cores and %{memory} memory":["%{cores} 核 , %{memory} 記憶體"],"%{count} host with no %{taxonomy_single} assigned":["",""],"%{cpus} CPUs and %{memory} MB memory":["%{cpus} 個 CPU 和 %{memory} MB 的記憶體"],"%{cpus} CPUs and %{memory} memory":["%{cpus} 個 CPU 和 %{memory} 的記憶體"],"%{e} does not belong to the %{environment} environment":["%{e} 不屬於 %{environment} 環境"],"%{host} is about to %{action}":["%{host} 正要 %{action}"],"%{host} now boots from %{device}":["%{host} 現在將會由 %{device} 啟動"],"%{id} plugin requires Foreman %{matcher} but current is %{current}":["%{id} 外掛需要 Foreman %{matcher},而目前為 %{current}"],"%{id} plugin requires the %{plugin_name} plugin %{matcher} but current is %{plugin_version}":["%{id} 外掛需要 %{plugin_name} 外掛 %{matcher},而目前為 %{plugin_version}"],"%{id} plugin requires the %{plugin_name} plugin, not found":["%{id} 外掛需要 %{plugin_name} 外掛,找不到此外掛"],"%{image} needs user data, but %{os_link} is not associated to any provisioning template of the kind user_data. Please associate it with a suitable template or uncheck 'User data' for %{compute_resource_image_link}.":["%{image} 需要使用者資料,但 %{os_link} 並不與任何 user_data 佈建範本相關連。請將其與合適的範本建立關連,或從 %{compute_resource_image_link} 取消勾選 '使用者資料'。"],"%{key} does not exist in order field":[""],"%{match} does not match an existing host":["%{match} 與既有的主機不相符"],"%{match} does not match an existing host group":["%{match} 與目前的主機群組不相符"],"%{model} with id '%{id}' was not found":["找不到 ID 為 '%{id}' 的 %{model}。"],"%{name} changed from %{label1} to %{label2}":["%{name} 已經從 %{label1} 變更為 %{label2}"],"%{name} has %{num_tag} class":["",""],"%{os} medium was not set for host '%{host}'":[""],"%{record} is being used by a hidden %{what} resource":["%{record} 是由隱藏的 %{what} 資源所使用"],"%{record} is used by %{what}":["%{record} 將會被 %{what} 使用"],"%{record} is used by host in build mode %{what}":["%{record} 將會被組建模式 %{what} 中的主機使用"],"%{resource_name} not found by id '%{id}'":["無法以 ID '%{id}' 找到 %{resource_name}"],"%{task} task failed with the following error: %{e}":["%{task} 此任務因為以下錯誤而執行失敗 : %{e}"],"%{taxonomy_type} %{taxonomy_name} has %{count} host that will need to be reassociated after deletion. Delete %{taxonomy_name2}?":["",""],"%{type} %{conflicts} already exists":[""],"%{user} Downloaded %{key} as pem file":[""],"%{value} does not belong to %{os} operating system":["%{value} 不屬於 %{os} 此作業系統"],"%{value} is not a valid controller":["%{value} 不是個有效的控制器"],"%{value} is not one of %{rules}":["%{value} 不在 %{rules} 之中"],"%{vm} is now %{vm_state}":["%{vm} 目前狀態為 %{vm_state}"],"&laquo;":["&laquo;"],"&raquo;":["&raquo;"],"'%{host}' could be deleted or '%{resource}' is not responding.":["'%{host}' 可能已被刪除,或是 '%{resource}' 沒有反應。"],"'%{host}' not found on '%{resource}'":["無法在 '%{resource}' 找到 '%{host}' "],"'%{loader}' is not one of %{loaders}":[""],"'Content-Type: %s' is unsupported in API v2 for POST and PUT requests. Please use 'Content-Type: application/json'.":["'Content-Type: %s' 在 POST 和 PUT 請求的 API v2 中不受支援。請使用 'Content-Type: application/json'。"],"(Miscellaneous)":["(雜項)"],"(optional) IAM Role for Fog to use when creating this image.":["(選擇性) 當Fog 用來創建此VM時使用的 IAM 角色."],"*Clear %s proxy*":["*清除 %s 代理*"],"*Clear environment*":["*乾淨的環境*"],"*Clear host group*":["*清除主機群組*"],"*Inherit from host group*":["*從主機群組繼承*"],", relevant log entries, and it is highly recommended to also attach the foreman-debug output.":[",相關的日誌項目,亦強烈推薦連接 foreman-debug 輸出。"],":foreman_url is not set, please configure in the Foreman Web UI (Administer -> Settings -> General)":["並未設定 :foreman_url,請在 Foreman Web UI 中配置(管理 -> 設定 -> 一般)"],"<b class='select_count'>0</b> selected":["已選擇了 <b 類別='select_count'>0</b> 個"],"<b style=\\\"color: #6bb5df;\\\">%{disabled_sum}</b>\\n <p>Disabled</p>":["",""],"<b style=\\\"color: #6bb5df;\\\">%{hosts_sum}</b>\\n <p>Changed</p>":["",""],"<b style=\\\"color: #6bb5df;\\\">%{out_of_sync_sum}</b>\\n <p>Out of sync</p>":["",""],"<b>Description:</b> %{desc}<br/>\\n <b>Type:</b> %{type}<br/>\\n <b>Matcher:</b> %{matcher}<br/>\\n <b>Inherited value:</b> %{inherited_value}":["<b>描述:</b> %{desc}<br/>\\n <b>類型:</b> %{type}<br/>\\n <b>相符項目:</b> %{matcher}<br/>\\n <b>繼承值:</b> %{inherited_value}"],"<b>Foreman API v1 is deprecated. Please use v2.</b><br />If you still need to use v1, you may do so by either passing 'version=1' in the Accept Header or using api/v1/ in the URL.":[""],"<b>Foreman</b> Build Complete":["<b>Foreman</b> 組建完成"],"<b>Foreman</b> Puppet error report":["<b>Foreman</b> Puppet 錯誤報告"],"<b>Foreman</b> Puppet summary":["<b>Foreman</b> Puppet 摘要"],"<b>Foreman</b> audit summary":["<b>Foreman</b> 稽核摘要"],"<b>Foreman</b> test email":["<b>Foreman</b> 測試電子郵件"],"<b>Source:</b> %{type} %{name}":["<b>來源:</b> %{type} %{name}"],"<dl><dt>List</dt> <dd>A list of the allowed values, specified in the Validator rule field.</dd><dt>Regexp</dt> <dd>Validates the input with the regular expression in the Validator rule field.</dd></dl>":["<dl><dt>列表</dt> <dd>一個可以允許加入驗證規則欄位的值列表.</dd><dt>正規表示法</dt> <dd>在驗證規則欄位中利用正規表示法來驗證輸入值.</dd></dl>"],"<dl><dt>String</dt> <dd>Everything is taken as a string.</dd><dt>Boolean</dt> <dd>Common representation of boolean values are accepted.</dd><dt>Integer</dt> <dd>Integer numbers only, can be negative.</dd><dt>Real</dt> <dd>Accept any numerical input.</dd><dt>Array</dt> <dd>A valid JSON or YAML input, that must evaluate to an array.</dd><dt>Hash</dt> <dd>A valid JSON or YAML input, that must evaluate to an object/map/dict/hash.</dd><dt>YAML</dt> <dd>Any valid YAML input.</dd><dt>JSON</dt> <dd>Any valid JSON input.</dd></dl>":["<dl><dt>String</dt> <dd>所有輸入皆會被視為字串。</dd><dt>Boolean</dt> <dd>接受布林值的常見表示式。</dd><dt>Integer</dt> <dd>僅能使用數字,能夠是負數。</dd><dt>Real</dt> <dd>接受任何數字輸入。</dd><dt>Array</dt> <dd>有效的 JSON 或是 YAML 輸入,並且必須作為陣列。</dd><dt>Hash</dt> <dd>有效的 JSON 或 YAML 輸入,並且必須作為 object/map/dict/hash。</dd><dt>YAML</dt> <dd>任何有效的 YAML 輸入。</dd><dt>JSON</dt> <dd>任何有效的 JSON 輸入。</dd></dl>"],"A Foreman user group can be associated to a group stored in an LDAP server, so membership of the LDAP group automatically adds the user to the Foreman user group.":[""],"A host group is in some ways similar to an inherited node declaration, in that it is a high level grouping of classes that can be named and treated as a unit. This is then treated as a template and is selectable during the creation of a new host and ensures that the host is configured in one of your pre-defined states.":["主機群組與已繼承的節點宣告在某形式上來講有些相似,主機群組中擁有高階層的類別分組,並且可被視為一個單元來進行命名及處理。它之後也會被視為是一個範本,並在建立新主機時被選擇來確保主機能被配置為您預定義的狀態。"],"A medium represents the source of one or more operating system's installation files, accessible via the network.\\n It will probably be a mirror from the internet or a copy of one or more CD or DVDs.":["一個用來代表一或更多個作業系統安裝檔案來源的媒介,並能透過網路存取。\\n 它可能會是一個來自於網路的鏡像,或來自於一或更多 CD/DVD 光碟的複本。"],"A partition table entry represents either":["分割表項目表示了"],"A problem occurred when detecting host type: %s":["刪除主機類型時發生錯誤:%s"],"A script to dynamically calculate the desired sizes. E.G.":["用來動態式計算欲使用大小的 script。例如"],"A user group already exists with this name":["此名稱已經存在於使用者群組中"],"API Key":["API 金鑰"],"API documentation":["API 文件"],"About":["相關資訊"],"Access Key":["存取授權碼"],"Access denied":["拒絕存取"],"Access unattended without build":[""],"Account":["帳號"],"Acquire IP addresses for %s":[""],"Action":["動作"],"Actions":["動作"],"Active":["啟用中"],"Active Hosts":["使用中的主機"],"Active features":["啟用特性"],"Active key":[""],"Add Autosign entry":["新增 Autosign 項目"],"Add Bookmark":["新增書籤"],"Add Interface":["新增介面"],"Add Matcher":["新增比對器"],"Add Parameter":["新增參數"],"Add Trend Counter":["新增趨勢計數器"],"Add Variable":["新增變數"],"Add Volume":["新增卷冊"],"Add a CD-ROM drive to the virtual machine.":[""],"Add a Puppet class to host":["新增 Puppet 類別至主機"],"Add a Puppet class to host group":["新增 Puppet 類別至主機群組"],"Add a template combination":["新增範本組合"],"Add combination":["新增組合"],"Add external user group":["新增外部使用者群組"],"Add filter":["新增篩選器"],"Add to dashboard":["加至面板"],"Add widgets":["新增小工具"],"Add:":["新增:"],"Adding would cause a cycle!":["新增將會造成循環產生!"],"Additional Information":["額外資訊"],"Additional compute resource specific attributes for the interface.":["該介面的額外運算資源特定的屬性。"],"Additional compute resource specific attributes.":["額外運算資源特定的屬性。"],"Additional information about this host":["有關於這部主機的額外資訊"],"Address to connect to":[""],"Admin permissions required":["需要 Admin 權限"],"Administer":["管理"],"Administrator email address":["管理員電子郵件地址"],"Administrator user account required":["需要管理者帳號"],"Alert":["告警"],"Alerts disabled":["告警已關閉"],"Alias or VLAN device":["別名或 VLAN 裝置"],"All":["全部"],"All Puppet Classes for %s":["%s 的所有 Puppet 類別"],"All Reports":["所有報告"],"All compute resources":["所有運算資源"],"All domains":["所有網域"],"All environments":["所有環境"],"All environments - (not filtered)":["所有環境 -(未篩選)"],"All host groups":["所有主機群組"],"All hosts":["所有主機"],"All hosts data matches configurations for locations and organizations.":["所有與位置和組織配置相符的主機資料。"],"All hosts previously with no %{single} are now assigned to %{name}":["先前無 %{single} 的主機現在皆已指定為 %{name}"],"All hosts will show a configuration status even when a Puppet smart proxy is not assigned":["所有主機會顯示配置狀態,即使 Puppet 智慧代理並未指定亦然"],"All items":["所有項目"],"All media":["所有媒介"],"All messages":["所有訊息"],"All mismatches between hosts and %s have been fixed":["所有主機和 %s 之間不相符的項目皆已修正"],"All mismatches between hosts and locations/organizations have been fixed":["所有主機和位置/組織之間不相符的項目皆已修正"],"All partition tables":["所有分割表"],"All provisioning templates":["所有佈建範本"],"All realms":["所有領域"],"All smart proxies":["所有智慧代理"],"All subnets":["所有子網路"],"All users":["所有使用者"],"Allocated":["已配置"],"Allocation (GB)":["配置(GB)"],"Allow access to unattended URLs without build mode being used":[""],"Allow external network as main network":["允許外部網路作為主網路"],"Allowed methods or members":[""],"Always show configuration status":["永遠顯示配置狀態"],"An IP address will be auto-suggested if you have enabled IPAM on the IPv4 subnet selected above.<br/><br/>The IP address can be left blank when:<br/><ul><li>provisioning tokens are enabled</li><li>the domain does not manage DNS</li><li>the subnet does not manage reverse DNS</li><li>and the subnet does not manage DHCP reservations</li></ul>":[""],"An IP address will be auto-suggested if you have enabled IPAM on the IPv6 subnet selected above.":[""],"An email address is required, please update your account details":[""],"An error occurred while testing the connection: ":[""],"An explicit layout for the partitions of your hard drive(s). E.G.":["硬碟的明確配置。例如"],"An invalid response was received while requesting available features from this proxy":[""],"Annotation Notes":[""],"Annotation notes":[""],"Anonymous admin user %s is missing, run foreman-rake db:seed":["匿名管理使用者 %s 遺失,請執行 foreman-rake db:seed"],"Any Context":["任何內容"],"Any Location":["任何位置"],"Any Organization":["任何組織"],"Applicable Operating Systems":[""],"Applied":["已套用"],"Applied|A":["A"],"Architecture":["架構"],"Architecture Distribution":["架構發佈"],"Architecture ID":["架構 ID"],"Architectures":["架構"],"Architecture|Hostgroups count":["主機群組計數"],"Architecture|Hosts count":["主機計數"],"Architecture|Name":["名稱"],"Are you sure you want to %{act} %{vm}?":["您是否確定要 %{act} %{vm}?"],"Are you sure you want to delete host %s? This action is irreversible.":["確定要刪除主機 %s?這動作是不可逆的。"],"Are you sure you want to delete host %s? This will delete the virtual machine and its disks, and is irreversible.":["確定要刪除主機 %s?這會刪除虛擬機器及其磁碟,這是不可逆的。"],"Are you sure you want to delete this widget from your dashboard?":["確定要從面板刪除此小工具?"],"Are you sure you want to log out?":[""],"Are you sure you want to power %{act} %{vm}?":["您是否確定要開啓 %{act} %{vm} 的電源?"],"Are you sure?":["您是否確定?"],"Array of extra information types to include":[""],"Array of host IDs to associate with the partition table":["與分割表相關的主機 ID 陣列"],"Array of host group IDs to associate with the partition table":["與分割表相關連的主機群組 ID 之陣列"],"Array of operating system IDs to associate with the partition table":["與分割表相關連的作業系統 ID 之陣列"],"Array of operating system IDs to associate with the template":["與範本相關連的作業系統 ID 之陣列"],"Array of parameters":[""],"Array of parameters (name, value)":["參數陣列(名稱、值)"],"Array of template combinations (hostgroup_id, environment_id)":["範本組合陣列(hostgroup_id、environment_id)"],"Assign All":["指定全部"],"Assign Hosts to %s":["為 %s 指定主機"],"Assign Location":["指定位置"],"Assign Organization":["指定組織"],"Assign Selected Hosts":["指定選擇的主機"],"Assign the %{count} host with no %{taxonomy_single} to %{taxonomy_name}":["",""],"Assign to %s":["指定給 %s"],"Assigning hosts to %{taxonomy_name} will also update %{taxonomy_name} to include all the resources that the selected hosts are currently using.":["指定主機給 %{taxonomy_name} 也會更新 %{taxonomy_name} 以包含所選主機目前正在使用的所有資源。"],"Associate VM":["建立 VM 的相聯性"],"Associate VM to a Foreman host":["建立 VM 和某個 Foreman 主機之間的相聯性"],"Associate VMs":["建立 VM 之間的相聯性"],"Associate VMs to Foreman hosts":["建立 VM 與 Foreman 主機之間的相聯性"],"Associate VMs to Hosts":["將 VM 與主機建立關連"],"Association":["相聯性"],"At least one volume must be specified for image-based provisioning.":["必須指定至少一個卷冊,以進行基於映像檔的佈建。"],"Attempting to construct an operating system image filename but %s cannot be built from an image":["正在嘗試建立一個作業系統映像檔案名稱,不過 %s 無法透過映像檔建立"],"Attribute mappings":["屬性對映"],"Attribute type":["屬性類型"],"Audit":[""],"Audit Comment":["稽核備註"],"Audit summary":["稽核摘要"],"Audited::Adapters::ActiveRecord::Audit|Action":["動作"],"Audited::Adapters::ActiveRecord::Audit|Associated name":["相聯的名稱"],"Audited::Adapters::ActiveRecord::Audit|Associated type":["相聯類型"],"Audited::Adapters::ActiveRecord::Audit|Auditable name":["可稽核的名稱"],"Audited::Adapters::ActiveRecord::Audit|Auditable type":["可稽核的類型"],"Audited::Adapters::ActiveRecord::Audit|Audited changes":["已稽核的變更"],"Audited::Adapters::ActiveRecord::Audit|Comment":["備註"],"Audited::Adapters::ActiveRecord::Audit|Remote address":["遠端位址"],"Audited::Adapters::ActiveRecord::Audit|User type":["使用者類型"],"Audited::Adapters::ActiveRecord::Audit|Username":["使用者名稱"],"Audited::Adapters::ActiveRecord::Audit|Version":["版本"],"Audits":["稽核"],"Auth source":["驗證來源"],"AuthSource|Account":["帳號"],"AuthSource|Account password":["帳號密碼"],"AuthSource|Attr firstname":["名"],"AuthSource|Attr lastname":["姓"],"AuthSource|Attr login":["帳號"],"AuthSource|Attr mail":["郵件"],"AuthSource|Attr photo":["相片"],"AuthSource|Base dn":["基礎 dn"],"AuthSource|Groups base":["群組基礎"],"AuthSource|Host":["主機"],"AuthSource|LDAPS":["LDAP"],"AuthSource|Ldap filter":["LDAP 篩選器"],"AuthSource|Name":["名稱"],"AuthSource|Onthefly register":["Onthefly 註冊"],"AuthSource|Port":["連接埠"],"AuthSource|Server type":["伺服器類型"],"AuthSource|Tls":["Tls"],"Authentication":["身分核證"],"Author":["作者"],"Authorize login delegation":["授權登入委派"],"Authorize login delegation API":["授權登入委派 API"],"Authorize login delegation auth source user autocreate":["授權登入委派 auth 來源使用者 autocreate"],"Authorize login delegation with REMOTE_USER environment variable":["以 REMOTE_USER 環境變數來允許登錄委派"],"Authorize login delegation with REMOTE_USER environment variable for API calls too":["以 API 調用的 REMOTE_USER 環境變數來允許登錄委派"],"Authorized by":["授權單位"],"Auto refresh off":["關閉自動更新"],"Auto refresh on":["開啟自動更新"],"Automatic":[""],"Autosign":["Autosign"],"Autosign entries":["Autosign 項目"],"Autosign entry name":[""],"Availability zone":["可用性區域"],"Available Classes":["可用類別"],"Available Config Groups":["可用的配置群組"],"Available Providers":["可用的供應者"],"Average memory usage":["平均記憶體使用量"],"Average swap usage":["平均 swap 使用量"],"Avoid duplicate values when merging them (only array type)?":["合併值時避免重複(僅及於陣列類型)?"],"BIOS":["BIOS"],"BMC":["BMC"],"BMC credentials access":[""],"BMC password usage":[""],"Back":["上一步"],"Back to host":["返回主機"],"Back to host list":["返回主機清單"],"Backtrace":["追蹤"],"Bare Metal":["裸機"],"Base DN":["Base DN"],"Before you proceed to using Foreman you should provide information about one or more architectures.":["在使用 Foreman 之前,您應提供有關於一或更多架構的相關資訊。"],"Bond":["綁定"],"Bond mode of the interface, e.g. balance-rr. Only for bond interfaces.":["介面的綁定模式,例如 balance-rr。僅用於綁定介面。"],"Bookmark":["書籤"],"Bookmark this search":["將此搜尋加入書籤"],"Bookmark was successfully created.":["書籤已成功建立。"],"Bookmark was successfully updated.":["書籤已成功更新。"],"Bookmarks":["書籤"],"Bookmarks are saved search queries. To save them, click on 'Bookmark this search' on the dropdown next to every search button.":["書籤是儲存的查詢結果。要儲存查詢結果,請點選每個搜尋按鈕旁的「將此搜尋加入書籤」。"],"Bookmark|Controller":["控制器"],"Bookmark|Name":["名稱"],"Bookmark|Owner type":["擁有者類型"],"Bookmark|Public":["公共"],"Bookmark|Query":["查詢"],"Boot device":["開機裝置"],"Boot from volume":["從卷冊啟動"],"Boot host from specified device":["從特定裝置啟動主機"],"Bootable":["可開機"],"Bridge":["橋接"],"Browse host config management reports":["瀏覽主機配置管理回報"],"Browse host facts":["瀏覽主機詳情"],"Browser locale":["瀏覽地區語言"],"Browser timezone":["瀏覽器時區"],"Build":["組建"],"Build Hosts":["組建主機"],"Build PXE Default":["組建 PXE 預設值"],"Build a query for %{mailer}":["為 %{mailer} 組建查詢"],"Build from OS image":["由 OS 映像檔組建"],"By unchecking this you can specify filter using Foreman search syntax in search field. If filter remains <br> unlimited (this field is checked) it applies on all resources of the selected type. 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Foreman also supports the Solaris operating system family, which includes <b>sparc</b> based systems.":["各個項目皆代表特定硬體架構,最常見的就是 <b>x86_64</b> 或 <b>i386</b>。Foreman 也支援 Solaris 作業系統家族,這包含了基於 <b>sparc</b> 的系統。"],"Eager zero":["Eager zero"],"Edit":["編輯"],"Edit %s":["編輯 %s"],"Edit Architecture":["編輯架構"],"Edit Bookmark":["編輯書籤"],"Edit Compute profile":["編輯運算設定檔"],"Edit Compute profile: %s":["編輯運算設定檔:%s"],"Edit Config group":["編輯配置群組"],"Edit Domain":["編輯網域"],"Edit Environment":["編輯環境"],"Edit Filter":["編輯篩選器"],"Edit Global Parameter":["編輯全域參數"],"Edit Host":["編輯主機"],"Edit LDAP Auth Source":["編輯 LDAP Auth 來源"],"Edit Medium":["編輯媒介"],"Edit Model":["編輯型號"],"Edit Operating System":["編輯作業系統"],"Edit Parameters":["編輯參數"],"Edit Partition Table":["編輯分割表"],"Edit Properties":["編輯內容"],"Edit Proxy":["編輯代理伺服器"],"Edit Puppet Class %s":["編輯 Puppet 類別 %s"],"Edit Realm":["編輯領域"],"Edit Role":[""],"Edit Smart Variable":["編輯智慧變數"],"Edit Smart class parameters":["編輯智慧類別參數"],"Edit Subnet":["編輯子網路"],"Edit Template":["編輯範本"],"Edit Trend %s":["編輯趨勢 %s"],"Edit User":["編輯使用者"],"Edit User group":["編輯使用者群組"],"Edit compute profile on %s":["編輯 %s 上的運算設定檔"],"Edit this host":[""],"Email Preferences":["電子郵件偏好設定"],"Email address is missing":["沒有電子郵件位址"],"Email reply address":["電子郵件回覆位址"],"Email reply address for emails that Foreman is sending":["Foreman 所傳送的電子郵件回覆地址"],"Email subject prefix":["電子郵件主題前綴"],"Email was sent successfully":["已成功發送電子郵件"],"Empty environment":["空的環境"],"Enable Notifications":["啟用通知"],"Enable alerts for selected hosts":["啟用所選主機的警示"],"Enable caching":[""],"Enable certificate generation for %s":["啟用 %s 的憑證產生"],"Enable if this is an alias or VLAN interface, note that alias can be used only with static boot mode subnet":["若這是個別名或是 VLAN 介面卡的話,將它啟用。請注意別名僅可以用在靜態啟動模式的子網路中"],"Enable puppetrun support":["啟用 puppetrun 支援"],"Enable rebuild on next host boot":["在下次主機啟動時啟用重建"],"Enable safe mode config templates rendering (recommended)":["啟用安全模式配置範本轉譯(建議)"],"Enable smart variables in ENC":["啟用 ENC 中的智慧變數"],"Enable this host for provisioning":["啟用這部主機以進行佈建"],"Enabled":["已啟用"],"Enabled %s for reboot and rebuild":["啟用 %s 以重新啟動與重建"],"Enabled %s for rebuild on next boot":["啟用 %s 以在下次開機時進行重建"],"Enabled %s for rebuild on next boot, but failed to power cycle the host":[""],"Ending IP Address for IP auto suggestion":["IP 自動建議的結尾 IP 位址"],"Entries per page":["每頁的項目"],"Environment":["環境"],"Environment Distribution":[""],"Environment ID":["環境 ID"],"Environment IDs":["環境 ID"],"Environment only":["只有環境"],"Environment variable containing a client's SSL certificate":["包含了一個客戶端 SSL 憑證的環境變數"],"Environment variable containing the subject DN from a client SSL certificate":["包含了來自於一個客戶端 SSL 憑證之主題 DN 的環境變數"],"Environment variable containing the verification status of a client SSL certificate":["包含了一個客戶端 SSL 憑證之驗證狀態的環境變數"],"Environments":["環境"],"Environment|Hostgroups count":["主機群組計數"],"Environment|Hosts count":["主機計數"],"Environment|Name":["名稱"],"Error":["錯誤"],"Error - 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If these features come from a Smart Proxy plugin, make sure Foreman has the plugin installed too.":[""],"Feature|Name":["名稱"],"Fetch TFTP boot files for %s":["為 %s 擷取 TFTP 開機檔案"],"Filter":["篩選器"],"Filter by level:":["用等級篩選:"],"Filter by name":["以名稱篩選"],"Filter by state:":["以狀態篩選:"],"Filter classes":["篩選器類別"],"Filter overriding has been disabled":[""],"Filters":["篩選器"],"Filters for role %s":["為角色 %s 篩選"],"Filters inherit %{orgs_and_locs} from their role by default. If override field is enabled, <br> filter can override the set of its %{orgs_and_locs}. Later role changes will not affect <br> such filter. After disabling override field, role %{orgs_and_locs} apply again.":[""],"Filters overriding has been disabled":[""],"Filter|Override":[""],"Filter|Permissions":["權限"],"Filter|Resource":["資源"],"Filter|Search":["搜尋"],"Filter|Taxonomy search":["分類搜尋"],"Filter|Unlimited":["無限制"],"Fingerprint":["指紋"],"Finish template":[""],"Firmware":[""],"Fix %s on Mismatch":["項目不相符時修正 %s"],"Fix All Mismatches":["修正所有不相符項目"],"Fix DB cache":["修正 DB 快取"],"Fix DB cache on next Foreman restart":["在下次 Foreman 重新啟動時修正 DB 快取"],"Fix Mismatches":["修正不相符的項目"],"Flavor":["類別"],"Floating IP network":["浮動 IP 網路"],"Folder":["資料夾"],"Follow %{href} on how to describe your controllers.":["依照 %{href} 的指示來描述您的控制器。"],"For example, if you have copied several Red Hat release disks into a directory structure where the disk images are named 5.8 or 6.2, and each contained both x86_64 and i386 binaries, then you\\n could create a single medium entry describing them all.\\n The entry, which could be just named 'Red Hat' could contain a path like this <em>'http://server/redhat/$version/$arch'</em>":["比方說,若您複製了數個 Red Hat 發行版磁碟入某個目錄結構中,並且磁碟映像檔名為 5.8 或 6.2,而各個映像檔皆包含了 x86_64 和 i386 二進位檔的話,那麼您\\n 能夠建立一個描述它們的單一媒介。\\n 此項目(能夠直接命名為 'Red Hat')可包含類似 <em>'http://server/redhat/$version/$arch'</em> 的路徑"],"For more info visit our documentation.":[""],"For more information":["欲知更多資訊"],"Force a Puppet agent run on the host":["強制 Puppet 代理程式在主機上執行"],"Foreman API v2 is currently the default API version.":["目前 Foreman API v2 是預設的 API 版本。"],"Foreman Developers":["Foreman 開發人員"],"Foreman URL":["Foreman URL"],"Foreman Users":["Foreman 使用者"],"Foreman audit summary":["Foreman 稽核摘要"],"Foreman can store information about the networking setup of a host that it’s provisioning, which can be used to configure the virtual machine, assign the correct IP addresses and network resources, then configure the OS correctly during the provisioning process.":[""],"Foreman can use LDAP based service for user information and authentication.":["Foreman 能使用基於 LDAP 的服務來配置使用者資訊及驗證。"],"Foreman considers a domain and a DNS zone as the same thing.":["Foreman 將網域和 DNS 區域視為相同的東西。"],"Foreman domain ID of interface. Required for primary interfaces on managed hosts.":["介面卡的 Foreman 區域 ID。在受管理主機上的主介面所需。"],"Foreman host group matchers will be inherited by children when evaluating smart class parameters":["Foreman 主機群組比對器將會在評估智慧類別參數時,被其下層所繼承"],"Foreman now manages the build cycle for %s":["Foreman 現在會為 %s 管理組建循環"],"Foreman now no longer manages the build cycle for %s":["Foreman 現在已不再會為 %s 管理組建循環"],"Foreman report creation time is <em>%s</em>":["Foreman 回報建立時間為 <em>%s</em>"],"Foreman smart variables will be exposed via the ENC yaml output":["Foreman 智慧變數將會透過 ENC yaml 輸出公開"],"Foreman subnet ID of IPv4 interface":[""],"Foreman subnet ID of IPv6 interface":[""],"Foreman supports automatically creating realm entries for new hosts.":["Foreman 支援為新主機自動建立領域項目。"],"Foreman supports creating and managing hosts on a number of virtualization and cloud services - referred to as “compute resources” - as well as bare metal hosts.":[""],"Foreman test email":["Foreman 測試電子郵件"],"Foreman ticketing system":["Foreman 票證系統"],"Foreman will automate certificate signing upon provision of new host":["Foreman 將會在佈建新主機時自動化憑證簽署"],"Foreman will create the host when a report is received":["Foreman 將會在收到回報後建立主機"],"Foreman will create the host when new facts are received":["Foreman 將會在收到新詳情後建立主機"],"Foreman will default to this puppet environment if it cannot auto detect one":["若 Foreman 無法自動偵測 puppet 環境,就預設值它將會使用此 puppet 環境"],"Foreman will delete virtual machine if provisioning script ends with non zero exit code":["Foreman 會偵測虛擬機器,如果佈建 script 最後產生了非零值的退出碼"],"Foreman will evaluate host smart variables in this order by default":["Foreman 就預設值將會使用此順序來評估主機智慧變數"],"Foreman will explicitly set the puppet environment in the ENC yaml output. 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Visit Settings to disable this feature.":[""],"Generated %s ago":["%s 前產生"],"Generated at %s":["產生於 %s"],"Get ENC values of host":[""],"Get configuration status of host":["取得主機配置狀態"],"Get dashboard details":["取得控制面板詳細資料"],"Get default dashboard widgets":["取得預設面板小工具"],"Get statistics":["取得數據"],"Get status of host":["取得主機的狀態"],"Get vm attributes of host":["取得主機的 vm 狀態"],"Global":["全域"],"Global Parameters":["全域參數"],"Global default %s template":[""],"Global default %s template. This template gets deployed to all configured TFTP servers. It will not be affected by upgrades.":[""],"Global functions":[""],"Global methods (functions)":[""],"Global parameters":["全域參數"],"Global status changed from %{from} to %{to}":[""],"Global variables":[""],"Good host reports in the last %s":["在最後 %s 間的良好主機回報"],"Google Project ID":["Google Project ID"],"Groups base DN":["群組基礎 DN"],"Guest OS":["客座端 OS"],"HELO/EHLO domain":[""],"Hardware":["硬體"],"Hardware Model":["硬體型號"],"Hardware Models":["硬體型號"],"Hardware models":["硬體型號"],"Hash function to use. 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Only for virtual interfaces.":["辨識此介面卡的辨識子,例如 eth1。僅適用於虛擬介面卡。"],"Identifiers of attached interfaces, e.g. `['eth1', 'eth2']`. For bond interfaces those are the slaves. Only for bond and bridges interfaces.":["相關連介面的識別子,例如`['eth1', 'eth2']`。對於綁定介面來說,這些是從屬的。僅用於綁定與橋接介面。"],"Idle timeout":["閒置逾時值"],"If ERB is used in a parameter value, the validation of the value will happen during the ENC request. If the value is invalid, the ENC request will fail.":["如果 ERB 用在參數值中,對這個值的驗證會發生在 ENC 要求時。如果這個值錯誤,ENC 要求就會失敗。"],"If Foreman is running behind Passenger or a remote load balancer, the IP should be set here. 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This information is commonly imported from a pre-existing Puppet configuration by the use of the %{link_start}Puppet classes and environment importer%{link_end}.":[""],"If you feel this is an error with Foreman itself, please open a new issue with":["若您認為這是 Foreman 本身的錯誤,請提交錯誤"],"If you wish to configure Puppet to forward it reports to Foreman, please follow":["若您希望配置 Puppet 以將報告轉送至 Foreman,請依照"],"Ignore Puppet facts for provisioning":["忽略 Puppet 詳情給佈建用"],"Ignore facts for domain":[""],"Ignore facts for operating system":[""],"Ignore interfaces that match these values during facts importing, you can use * wildcard to match names with indexes e.g. macvtap*":["忽略匯入詳情時符合這些值的介面,您可以使用「*」萬用字元來符合索引的名稱,例如 macvtap*"],"Ignore interfaces with matching identifier":["忽略相符識別子的介面"],"Ignored classes in the environments: %s":[""],"Ignored environment":[""],"Ignored environment names resulting in booleans found. Please quote strings like true/false and yes/no in config/ignored_environments.yml.":[""],"Ignored environments: %s":[""],"Ignored:":[""],"Image":["映像檔"],"Image Based":["基於映像檔"],"Image ID":["映像檔 ID"],"Image ID as provided by the compute resource, e.g. ami-..":["由運算資源所提供的映像檔 ID,例如 ami-.."],"Image path":["映像檔路徑"],"Image to use":["欲使用的映像檔"],"Images":["映像檔"],"Image|Iam role":["Iam 角色"],"Image|Name":["名稱"],"Image|Password":["密碼"],"Image|User data":["使用者資料"],"Image|Username":["使用者名稱"],"Image|Uuid":["UUID"],"Import":["匯入"],"Import IPv4 subnets":[""],"Import VM %s":[""],"Import classes from %s":[""],"Import environments from %s":[""],"Import of facts failed for host %s":[""],"Import puppet classes from puppet proxy for an environment":["為環境由 puppet 代理伺服器匯入 puppet 類別"],"Import puppet classes from puppet proxy.":["由 puppet 代理伺服器匯入 puppet 類別。"],"Imported IPv4 Subnets":[""],"In addition to defining which puppet classes get included when building this host type you are also able to assign variables and provisioning information to a host group to further refine the behavior of the puppet runtime.":["除了定義在組建此此主機類型時所會包含的 puppet 類別,您亦可指定變數並將資訊佈建至某個主機群組,以更進一步精簡化 puppet runtime 的特性。"],"In order to create the SSH key, the user must be saved first. A 'create_ssh_keys' permission is required too.":[""],"In-line code syntax":[""],"Include default value when merging all matching values":["合併所有相符合的值時包括預設值"],"Include default value when merging all matching values.":["合併所有相符合的值時包括預設值。"],"Include this host within Foreman reporting":["在 Foreman 回報中包含這部主機"],"Included Classes":["包含的類別"],"Included Config Groups":["包含的配置群組"],"Incorrect password":["密碼錯誤"],"Incorrect username or password":["使用者名稱或密碼錯誤"],"Independent - Nonpersistent":[""],"Independent - Persistent":[""],"Infrastructure":["設備"],"Inherit parent (%s)":["繼承 parent(%s)"],"Inherited Classes from %s":[""],"Inherits from subnet VLAN ID if not set":["若未設置的話便由子網路 VLAN ID 繼承"],"Input":["輸入"],"Installation Media":["安裝媒介"],"Installation media":["安裝媒介"],"Installation medium configuration":["安裝媒介配置"],"Installed":["已安裝"],"Interface":["介面"],"Interface is down":["介面已停用"],"Interface is up":["介面已啟用"],"Interface provider, e.g. IPMI. 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Please consider cloning it instead.":["不建議解鎖這個範本,因為它是由 %{vendor} 所提供,可以被覆寫。請考慮完整複製之。"],"Item":["項目"],"Iterating":[""],"JSON VM listing is not supported for this compute resource.":["此運算資源並不支援 JSON VM 清單。"],"JSON object of the scheduler hint":[""],"Keep selected hosts for a future action":["保持所選主機給將來的動作"],"Key Binding":["金鑰綁定"],"Key not connected to any compute resource":[""],"Key pair":["金鑰配對"],"Key used with other compute resource":[""],"KeyPair|Name":["名稱"],"KeyPair|Public":["公鑰"],"KeyPair|Secret":["私密"],"Kind":["種類"],"LDAP Authentication":["LDAP 認證"],"LDAP authentication":["LDAP 認證"],"LDAP authentication sources":["LDAP 授權資源"],"LDAP error - %{message}":["LDAP 錯誤 - %{message}"],"LDAP filter":["LDAP過濾器"],"LDAP server":["LDAP 伺服器"],"LDAP users will have their Foreman account automatically created the first time they log into Foreman":["LDAP 使用者的 Foreman 帳號會在首次登入 Foreman 時自動建立"],"Language":["語言"],"Last Report":["最後一份報告"],"Last report":["最後一份報告"],"Last updated %s ago":["最後更新為 %s 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Most virtualization compute resources (e.g. VMware, oVirt, libvirt) <br/> will overwrite the provided value with new random MAC address.":[""],"Medium":["媒介"],"Medium IDs":[""],"Medium|Config path":["配置路徑"],"Medium|Image path":["映像檔路徑"],"Medium|Media path":["媒介路徑"],"Medium|Name":["名稱"],"Medium|Os family":["OS 家族"],"Medium|Path":["路徑"],"Memory":["記憶體"],"Memory (MB)":["記憶體(MB)"],"Memory hot add":["熱插入記憶體"],"Memory hot add lets you add memory resources for a virtual machine while the machine is powered on.":["熱插入記憶體能讓您在虛擬機器執行時,加入記憶體資源。"],"Merge all matching values (only array/hash type)":["合併所有相符的值(只有陣列 / 雜湊類型)"],"Message":["訊息"],"Message|Digest":["摘要"],"Message|Value":["值"],"Metadata":["中介資料"],"Method %{method} not found for resource %{resource}.":["找不到資源 %{resource} 的 %{method} 方式。"],"Method used to deliver email":[""],"Metrics":["計量"],"Minutes Ago":["幾分鐘前"],"Mismatch Details":["不相符的詳細資訊"],"Mismatches":["不相符的項目"],"Mismatches Report":["不相符的報告"],"Missing one of the required permissions: %s":["找不到所需權限之一:%s"],"Model":["型號"],"Model|Hardware model":["硬體型號"],"Model|Hosts count":["主機計數"],"Model|Info":["資訊"],"Model|Name":["名稱"],"Model|Vendor class":["供應商類別"],"Modified":["已修改"],"Module path":["模組路徑"],"Monitor":["監控"],"Monthly":["每個月"],"Must provide an operating system":[""],"Must provide template kind":["必須提供範本類型"],"Must specify a user with email enabled":["必須指定一位啟用了電子郵件的使用者"],"Must specify a valid user with email enabled":["必須指定一位啟用了電子郵件的有效使用者"],"My account":["我的帳號"],"N/A":["N/A"],"NA":["NA"],"NIC":["NIC"],"NIC type":["網路卡類型"],"NICs":["NIC"],"Name":["名稱"],"Name of media":["媒介名稱"],"Name of the external auth source where unknown externally authentication users (see authorize_login_delegation) should be created (keep unset to prevent the autocreation)":["建立不明外部認證使用者(請參閱 authorize_login_delegation)的外部 auth 來源之名稱(保持不設置以避免自動建立)"],"Name of the host group":["主機群組的名稱"],"Name of the parameter":["參數名稱"],"Name of variable":["變數名稱"],"Nest":["巢式"],"Netmask":["網路遮罩"],"Netmask for this subnet":["這個子網路的網路遮罩"],"Network":["網路"],"Network Based":["基於網路"],"Network can't be blank":[""],"Network interfaces":["網路介面卡"],"Network interfaces management has been moved to the Interfaces tab. 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language.":[""],"ProvisioningTemplate|Default":["ProvisioningTemplate|Default"],"ProvisioningTemplate|Locked":["ProvisioningTemplate|Locked"],"ProvisioningTemplate|Name":["ProvisioningTemplate|Name"],"ProvisioningTemplate|Snippet":["ProvisioningTemplate|Snippet"],"ProvisioningTemplate|Template":["ProvisioningTemplate|Template"],"ProvisioningTemplate|Vendor":["ProvisioningTemplate|Vendor"],"Proxies":["代理伺服器"],"Proxy ID to use within this realm":[""],"Proxy request timeout":["代理請求逾時"],"Ptable":["Ptable"],"Ptable|Layout":["格式"],"Ptable|Locked":["Ptable|Locked"],"Ptable|Name":["名稱"],"Ptable|Os family":["OS 家族"],"Ptable|Snippet":["Ptable|Snippet"],"Public":["公開的"],"Public SSH key":[""],"Puppet":["Puppet"],"Puppet CA":["Puppet CA"],"Puppet CA proxy ID":["Puppet CA 代理 ID"],"Puppet Class":["Puppet 類別"],"Puppet Classes":["Puppet 類別"],"Puppet Environment":["Puppet 環境"],"Puppet Environments":["Puppet 環境"],"Puppet Master":["Puppet Master"],"Puppet Modules":["Puppet 模組"],"Puppet Summary Report - 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be executed on the next run of the installer modules?":["`foreman-rake db:seed` 是否應該在安裝程式模組下次運作時執行?"],"Should this interface be managed via DHCP and DNS smart proxy and should it be configured during provisioning?":["這個介面卡是否應該透過 DHCP 和 DNS 智慧型代理伺服器管理,以及它是否應該在佈建時進行配置?"],"Should this interface be used for TFTP of PXELinux (or SSH for image-based hosts)? 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Only for bond interfaces.":["以空格區隔開的選項,例如 miimon=100。僅適用於 bond 介面卡。"],"Specified value is higher than recommended maximum":[""],"Specify additional options to sendmail":[""],"Specify authentication type, if required":[""],"Specify matchers":["指定比對器"],"Start":["起始"],"Starting IP Address for IP auto suggestion":["IP 自動建議的起始 IP 位址"],"State":["狀態"],"Static":["靜態"],"Statistics":["數據"],"Status":["狀態"],"Stop updating IP address and MAC values from Puppet facts (affects all interfaces)":["停止從 Puppet 詳情更新 IP 位址和 MAC 的值(影響所有介面)"],"Stop updating Operating System from facts":[""],"Stop updating domain values from facts":[""],"Storage":["儲存"],"Storage domain":["儲存網域"],"Storage pool":["儲存集區"],"Strong":["強"],"Submit":["提交"],"Subnet":["子網路"],"Subnet ID":["子網路 ID"],"Subnet IDs":["子網路的 ID"],"Subnet name":["子網路名稱"],"Subnet network":["子網路"],"Subnet numeric identifier":["子網路的數字辨識子"],"Subnets":["子網路"],"Subnet|Boot mode":["啟動模式"],"Subnet|Dns primary":["DNS 主要"],"Subnet|Dns secondary":["DNS 次要"],"Subnet|From":["從"],"Subnet|Gateway":["閘道器"],"Subnet|Ipam":["Ipam"],"Subnet|Mask":["遮罩"],"Subnet|Name":["名稱"],"Subnet|Network":["網路"],"Subnet|Priority":["優先順序"],"Subnet|To":["至"],"Subnet|Vlanid":["Vlanid"],"Subscribe":["訂閱"],"Subscribe to all hosts":[""],"Subscribe to my hosts":[""],"Success":["成功"],"Successfully created %s.":["已成功建立了 %s。"],"Successfully delete %s":[""],"Successfully deleted %s.":["已成功刪除了 %s。"],"Successfully deleted report.":["已成功刪除報告。"],"Successfully executed, check log files for more details":["已成功執行,請檢查日誌檔案以取得更多資訊"],"Successfully executed, check reports and/or log files for more details":["已成功執行,請檢查報告與/或日誌檔案以取得更多資訊"],"Successfully overridden all parameters of Puppet class %s":["已成功置換 Puppet 類別 %s 的所有參數"],"Successfully recreated":[""],"Successfully refreshed features from %s.":["已成功由 %s 更新了功能"],"Successfully refreshed the cache.":[""],"Successfully reset all parameters of Puppet class %s to their default values":["已成功將 Puppet 類別 %s 的所有參數重設成其預設值"],"Successfully updated %s.":["已成功更新了 %s。"],"Successfully updated environments and Puppet classes from the on-disk Puppet installation":["已成功由磁碟上的 Puppet 安裝程序更新環境和 Puppet 類別"],"Suffix or prefix length for this subnet, e.g. 32":[""],"Suggest new":["新建議"],"Summary from %{time} ago to now":["%{time} 之前到現在的摘要"],"Summary report from Foreman server at %{foreman_url}":["來自 Foreman 伺服器的摘要報告,於 %{foreman_url}"],"Support":["支援"],"Supported Formats":["格式"],"Synchronize group from authentication source":["從認證來源同步群組"],"Syntax Highlighting":["語法色彩"],"Syntax error occurred while parsing the template %{template_name}, make sure you have all ERB tags properly closed and the Ruby syntax is valid. The Ruby error: %{message}":[""],"System Information":["系統資訊"],"System Status":["系統狀態"],"TFTP":["TFTP"],"TFTP Proxy":["TFTP 代理伺服器"],"TFTP Proxy ID to use within this subnet":[""],"TFTP Proxy to use within this subnet":["使用於這個子網路中的 TFTP 代理伺服器"],"TFTP server":["TFTP 伺服器"],"Taxable taxonomy":["Taxable taxonomy"],"TaxableTaxonomy|Taxable type":["Taxable type"],"Taxonomy":["Taxonomy"],"Taxonomy|Ancestry":["Ancestry"],"Taxonomy|Ignore types":["Ignore types"],"Taxonomy|Name":["名稱"],"Taxonomy|Title":["標題"],"Template":["範本"],"Template %s is empty.":["範本 %s 是空的。"],"Template '%s' is either missing or has an invalid organization or location":[""],"Template '%s' was not found":[""],"Template Diff":["範本差異"],"Template Type":["範本類型"],"Template diff":["範本差異"],"Template editor":["範本編輯器"],"Template kind":["範本類型"],"Template kinds, available values: %{template_kinds}":["範本種類,可用的值:%{template_kinds}"],"Template locked":["範本已鎖定"],"Template syntax":[""],"Template that will be selected as %s default for local boot.":[""],"Template unlocked":["範本鎖定已解除"],"TemplateKind|Name":["名稱"],"Templates":["範本"],"Templates resolved for this operating system":["解析給此作業系統的範本"],"Tenant":["租用戶"],"Test Connection":["測試連線"],"Test LDAP connection":["測試 LDAP 連線"],"Test LDAP connectivity":["測試 LDAP 連線"],"Test connection to LDAP server was successful.":["連接至 LDAP 伺服器的測試連線已成功。"],"Test connection was successful":["測試連線成功"],"Test email":["測試電子郵件"],"Text to be shown in the login-page footer":[""],"That is, if you are planning to manage a site where all the machines are of the form <i>hostname</i>.<b></b>\\n then the domain is <b></b>.":[""],"The %{proxy_type} proxy could not be set for host: %{host_names}.":["",""],"The %{proxy_type} proxy of the selected hosts was cleared.":["所選主機的 %{proxy_type} 代理已清除。"],"The %{proxy_type} proxy of the selected hosts was set to %{proxy_name}.":["所選主機的 %{proxy_type} 代理已設為 %{proxy_name}。"],"The <b>fullname</b> field is used for human readability in reports and other pages that refer to domains,\\n and also available as an external node parameter":["<b>fullname</b> 欄位主要用來讓讀者能夠解讀報告與其它參閱網域的頁面,\\n 並且這同時也可作為外部節點的參數"],"The Audit Comment field is saved with the template auditing to document the template changes":["稽核備註欄位會被範本稽核儲存以記載範本變更"],"The BMC password will be used by Foreman to access the host's BMC controller via a BMC-enabled smart proxy, if available.<br/>":[""],"The IP address that should be used for the console listen address when provisioning new virtual machines via Libvirt":["透過 Libvirt 佈建新虛擬機器時,應使用來作為主控台監聽位址的 IP 位址"],"The NFS path to the image directory.":["映像檔目錄的 NFS 路徑。"],"The NFS path to the jumpstart control files.":["Jumpstart 控制檔案的 NFS 路徑。"],"The NFS path to the media.":["媒介的 NFS 路徑。"],"The Operating systems detail the OSs known to Foreman, and is the central point that the other required components tie into.":[""],"The Primary interface is used for constructing the FQDN of the host":["用來建構主機 FQDN 的主介面"],"The Provisioning interface is used for TFTP of PXELinux (or SSH for image-based hosts)":["給 PXELinux(或給以映像檔為主的 SSH)的 TFTP 使用的佈建介面"],"The authentication process currently requires an LDAP provider, such as <em>FreeIPA</em>,\\n <em>OpenLDAP</em> or <em>Microsoft's Active Directory</em>.":["認證程序目前需要一個 LDAP 供應器,例如 <em>FreeIPA</em>,\\n <em>OpenLDAP</em> 或是 <em>Microsoft Active Directory</em>。"],"The class of CPU supplied in this machine. This is primarily used by Sparc Solaris builds and can be left blank for other architectures. The value can be determined on Solaris via uname -m":["這部機器中所提供的 CPU 類別。這主要會被 Sparc Solaris 組建所使用,其它架構則能保留為空白。這個值能在 Solaris 上透過 uname -m 來取得"],"The class of the machine reported by the Open Boot Prom. This is primarily used by Sparc Solaris builds and can be left blank for other architectures. The value can be determined on Solaris via uname -i|cut -f2 -d,":["Open Boot Prom 所回報的機器類別。這主要會被 Sparc Solaris 組建所使用,而其它架構則能保留為空白。這個值能在 Solaris 上透過 uname -i|cut -f2 -d 取得"],"The default administrator email address":["預設的管理員電子郵件地址"],"The dynamic partitioning style is currently only available for the Red Hat family of operating systems, all others must provide an explicit list of partitions and sizes.":["目前僅有 Red Hat 家族的作業系統支援動態磁碟分割,其它所有作業系統則需提供明確的分割區與大小。"],"The file path where your p12 file is located":["您 p12 檔案位於的檔案路徑"],"The final entry, Operating System default, can be set by editing the %s page.":["最後的項目「作業系統預設值」可透過編輯 %s 頁面來設置。"],"The following IPv4 subnets have been found. Please review the details before creating them.":[""],"The following entries were found conflicting with what foreman wanted to apply.":["發現下列項目與 Foreman 所要套用的項目不符。"],"The following errors may prevent a successful build:":["下列錯誤可能會造成組建無法成功:"],"The following fields would need reviewing":["下列欄位需要重新檢查"],"The following hosts failed the build operation: %s":["下列主機組建作業系統失敗:%s"],"The following hosts were not %{action}: %{missed_hosts}":["下列主機未 %{action}:%{missed_hosts}"],"The following hosts were not deleted: %s":["下列主機沒有被刪除:%s"],"The following hosts were updated":["下列主機已更新"],"The following parameters were skipped as they did not exists on this host:":["下列參數已被跳過,因為它們並不存在這部主機上:"],"The following table and example snippet shows global methods, variables and class methods and how to use them.":[""],"The full DNS domain name":["完整的 DNS 區域名稱"],"The host group's classes and the host group's variables are included in the external node information when the puppetmaster compiles the host's configuration.":["當 puppetmaster 編譯主機的配置時,主機群組類別和主機群組變數皆會包含在外部節點資訊中。"],"The inclusion of the keyword string <b>#Dynamic</b> at the start of a line lets Foreman know that this is not an explicit disk layout and must treated as a shell script, executed prior\\n to the install process and that the explicit partition table will be found at <b>/tmp/diskpart.cfg</b> during the build process.":["一行起始的關鍵字串「<b>#Dynamic</b>」能讓 Foreman 知道這不是個明確的磁碟格式,而必須被視為 shell script,它會在安裝程序\\n 進行前執行並且明確的分割表可在進行組建程序時,從 <b>/tmp/diskpart.cfg</b> 中找到。"],"The keys can be used in provisioning templates and are also available for configuration management tools managed by Foreman.":[""],"The keywords <b>$version</b>, <b>$major</b> and <b>$minor</b> will be interpolated back into the path specification to calculate the true URL address.":["關鍵字 <b>$version</b>、<b>$major</b> 和 <b>$minor</b> 將會被插回路徑指定中,以計算真實的 URL 位址。"],"The list is excluding %{count} %{link_start}physical host%{link_end}.":["",""],"The location of the sendmail executable":[""],"The marked fields will need reviewing":["標記的欄位需要再次檢查"],"The method used to provision the host. Possible provision_methods may be %{provision_methods}":["佈建主機的方法。可能的 provision_methods 為 %{provision_methods}"],"The order in which matchers keys are processed, first match wins.<br> You may use multiple attributes as a matcher key, for example, an order of <code>host group, environment</code> would expect a matcher such as <code>hostgroup = \\\"web servers\\\", environment = production</code>":["比對器金鑰處理的順序,第一組項目將會優先被處理。<br>您可使用多個屬性來作為比對器金鑰,比方說 <code>host group, environment</code> 的順序將會預期類似 <code>hostgroup = \\\"web servers\\\", environment = production</code> 的比對器"],"The order in which values are resolved":["值解析的順序"],"The password will also be accessible to other users via templates and in the ENC YAML output; disable the bmc_credentials_accessible setting to prevent access.":[""],"The password will not be accessible to other users; enable the bmc_credentials_accessible setting to permit access via templates and in the ENC YAML output.":[""],"The path to the medium, can be a URL or a valid NFS server (exclusive of the architecture).\\n for example <em>$version/os/$arch</em> where <strong>$arch</strong> will be substituted for the host's actual OS architecture and <strong>$version</strong>, <strong>$major</strong> and <strong>$minor</strong> will be substituted for the version of the operating system. Solaris and Debian media may also use <strong>$release</strong>.":["媒介的路徑,能夠是一組 URL 或是有效的 NFS 伺服器(架構獨立)。\\n比方說 <em>$version/os/$arch</em>,<strong>$arch</strong> 將會被替換為主機的實際 OS 架構,並且 <strong>$version</strong>、<strong>$major</strong> 和 <strong>$minor</strong> 將會被替換為作業系統的版本。Solaris 和 Debian 媒介亦可使用 <strong>$release</strong>。"],"The power state of the selected hosts will be set to %s":["所選主機的電源狀態會被設定為 %s"],"The realm name, e.g. EXAMPLE.COM":["領域名稱,例如 EXAMPLE.COM"],"The remote system presented a public key signed by an unidentified certificate authority. If you are sure the remote system is authentic, go to the compute resource edit page, press the 'Test Connection' or 'Load Datacenters' button and submit":["遠端系統會顯示一組由未辨識的憑證許可所簽署的公共金鑰。若您能確認遠端系統的真實性,請至運算資源編輯頁,按下「測試連線」或「載入資料中心」按鈕並提交。"],"The remote system presented a public key with hash %s but we're expecting a different hash. If you are sure the remote system is authentic, go to the compute resource edit page, press the 'Test Connection' or 'Load Datacenters' button and submit":["遠端系統提供了一組包含雜湊 %s 的公共金鑰,然而我們所預期的乃另一個雜湊。若您能確認遠端系統乃的真實性,請至運算資源編輯頁,按下「測試連線」或是「載入資料中心」按鈕並提交。"],"The selected hosts were enabled for reboot and rebuild":["所選主機已啟用,以重新啟動並重建"],"The selected hosts will execute a build operation on next reboot":["選擇的主機將會在下次開機時執行一項組建作業"],"The snippet '%{name}' threw an error: %{exc}":[""],"The template is associated to at least one host in build mode. To apply the change, disable and enable build mode on hosts to update the live templates or choose to %s their configuration from 'Select Action' menu":["在組建模式中,這範本與至少一台主機相關。要套用變更,在主機上請停用與啟用組建模式,以更新線上範本或從「選擇動作」選單中選擇 %s"],"The user that is used to ssh into the instance, normally cloud-user, ec2-user, ubuntu, root etc":["使用來 ssh 入 instance 的使用者,一般會是 cloud-user、ec2-user、ubuntu、root 等等"],"The virtual machine is being deleted.":["虛擬機器正被刪除中。"],"There are migrations pending in the system.":[""],"There are no puppet environments set up on this puppet master. Please check the puppet master configuration.":["此 puppet master 上並未設定 puppet 環境。請檢查 puppet master 的配置。"],"There are orchestration modules with methods for configuration rebuild that have identical name: '%s'":["有 method 來配置重建的協調模組有同樣的名稱:'%s'"],"There are two strategies when using host groups.":["使用主機群組時有兩種策略。"],"There is":["",""],"There is no owner with id %d and type %s":[""],"There is no proxy with BMC feature set up. Please register a smart proxy with this feature.":["沒有代理伺服器設定了 BMC 特性。請註冊智慧代理伺服器使用此特性。"],"There was an error creating the PXE file: %s":[""],"There was an error listing %{listing}: %{errors}":[""],"There was an error listing VMs: %(status)s %(statusText)s":["列出虛擬機器時發生了錯誤:%(status)s %(statusText)s"],"There was an error rendering the %s template: ":["轉譯 %s 範本時發生了錯誤:"],"There was an error rendering the %{name} template: %{error}":["轉譯 %{name} 範本時發生錯誤:%{error}"],"There was no active bridge interface found in libvirt, if it does not support listing, you can enter the bridge name manually (e.g. br0)":[""],"These are guaranteed to work via the safe mode rendering, to ensure a template can do nothing harmful.":[""],"These two options are personal decisions and are up to you (where the main difference would be the parameter/variables settings).":["這兩項乃選用性選項(主要差別為參數/變數設定)。"],"Thin provision":["精簡佈建"],"This Puppet class has no parameters in its signature.":["此 puppet 類別的簽章中沒有參數。"],"This allows Foreman to associate a puppet variable with a domain/site and automatically append this variable to all external node requests made by machines at that site.":["這能允許 Foreman 令一個 puppet 變數與網域/站台相聯,並自動將此變數附加至由該站台的機器所進行的所有外部節點請求。"],"This group has nested groups!":["此群組中包含巢式群組!"],"This group has no roles":[""],"This host's stored facts and reports will be deleted too.":["這部主機儲存的詳情與報告也會被刪除。"],"This is a test message to confirm that Foreman's email configuration is working.":["這是測試訊息,用來確認 Foreman 的電子郵件設定是正確的。"],"This is for every location and organization that uses it.":["這是給每個使用它的位置與組織用的。"],"This is for every location that uses it.":["這是給每個使用它的位置用的。"],"This is for every organization that uses it.":["這是給每個使用它的組織用的。"],"This is inherited from parent":["從父項繼承"],"This is used by a host":["這正被主機所使用"],"This might take a while, as all hosts, facts and reports will be destroyed as well":["這可能會花上一段時間,因為所有主機、詳情和報告皆會被銷毀"],"This role has been cloned from role %s":[""],"This role is locked for editing.":[""],"This role is locked from being modified by users.":[""],"This setting is defined in the configuration file '%{filename}' and is read-only.":[""],"This template is locked and may not be removed.":["此範本已鎖定,並且不可移除。"],"This template is locked for editing.":["此範本已鎖定,因此無法編輯。"],"This template is locked. Please clone it to a new template to customize.":["此範本已鎖定。請將它複製至一個新的範本以自訂化。"],"This template is locked. You may only change the associations. Please %s it to customize.":["此範本已鎖定。您僅可更改相聯性。請 %s 它以進行自訂化。"],"This value is not hidden":[""],"This value is used also as the host's primary interface name.":["這個值也用於主機的主介面名稱。"],"This will reset parameters of the class %s to their default values. Continue?":["這會將類別 %s 的參數重設為其預設值。是否要繼續進行?"],"This will set all parameters of the class %s as overridden. Continue?":["這會將類別 %s 的所有參數設為置換。是否要繼續進行?"],"Time":["時間"],"Time in Seconds":["時間(秒)"],"Time in minutes installation tokens should be valid for, 0 to disable token generation":["安裝權杖有效的時間(分鐘),0 為停用權杖產生"],"Timeout for DNS conflict validation (in seconds)":["DNS 衝突驗證的逾時值(秒)"],"Timeout has occurred while communicating with %s":["與 %s 進行通訊時發生了逾時錯誤"],"To define trend counters, use the Add Trend Counter button.</br> To start collecting trend data, set a cron job to execute 'foreman-rake trends:counter' every Puppet Interval (%s minutes).":["要定義趨勢計數器,請使用「新增趨勢計數器」按鈕。</br>若要開始蒐集趨勢資料,請設置一項 cron job 以在每個 Puppet 間隔(%s 分鐘)之間執行 'foreman-rake trends:counter'。"],"To enable a provider, either install the OS package (e.g. foreman-libvirt) or enable the bundler group for development setup (e.g. ovirt).":["若要啟用供應者,請安裝 OS 套件(例如 foreman-libvirt)或是啟用搭配程式群組以進行開發設定(例如 ovirt)。"],"To enable safe mode, navigate to Settings page and enable Safemode rendering option.":[""],"To start collecting trend data, set a cron job to execute <span class='black'>foreman-rake trends:counter</span> every Puppet Interval (%s minutes)":["若要開始蒐集趨勢資料,請設置一項 cron job 以在每個 Puppet 間隔(%s 分鐘)之間執行 <span 類別='black'>foreman-rake trends:counter</span>"],"To update the class signature, go to the Puppet Classes page and select \\\"Import\\\".":["若要更新類別簽章,請至 Puppet 類別網頁並選擇「匯入」。"],"Toggle":["切換"],"Token":["權杖"],"Token duration":["權杖持續時間"],"Token expired":[""],"Token|Expires":["過期"],"Token|Value":["值"],"Total":["總數"],"Total Hosts: %s":["總時數:%s"],"Total hosts count":[""],"Total of one host":["",""],"Trend":["趨勢"],"Trend counter":["趨勢計數器"],"Trend of the last %s days.":["最後 %s 天的趨勢。"],"TrendCounter|Count":["計數"],"Trends":["趨勢"],"Trends for %s":["%s 的趨勢"],"Trend|Fact name":["詳情名稱"],"Trend|Fact value":["詳情值"],"Trend|Name":["名稱"],"Trend|Trendable type":["趨勢類型"],"Trigger a puppetrun on a node; requires that puppet run is enabled":["在節點上啟動 puppetrun;需要先啟用 puppet run"],"Troubleshooting":["疑難排解"],"True/False flag whether a host is managed or unmanaged. Note: this value also determines whether several parameters are required or not":["True/False 標記代表主機是否受管理。請注意:這個值也能決定是否需要數個參數"],"Trusted puppetmaster hosts":["受信任的 puppetmaster 主機"],"Try going to %{href}":["嘗試前往 %{href}"],"Type":["類型"],"Type of name generator":[""],"Type of realm, e.g. FreeIPA":["領域類型,例如 FreeIPA"],"Type or protocol, IPv4 or IPv6, defaults to IPv4":[""],"Types of validation values":["驗證值的類型"],"Types of variable values":["變數值的類型"],"URL":["URL"],"URL for %{providers_requiring_url}":[""],"URL hosts will retrieve templates from during build (normally http as many installers don't support https)":["進行組建時,主機會從而截取範本的 URL(一般會是 http 因為許多安裝程式不支援 https)"],"URL must be valid and schema must be one of %s":["URL 必須是有效的,且 schema 必須是 %s 之一"],"URL where your Foreman instance is reachable (see also Provisioning > unattended_url)":["您的 Foreman instance 所能連上的 URL(請參閱佈建 > unattended_url)"],"UTC time of report":["報告的 UTC 時間"],"UUID":["UUID"],"UUID to track orchestration tasks status, GET /api/orchestration/:UUID/tasks":["用來追蹤協調流程任務狀態的 UUID,GET /api/orchestration/:UUID/tasks"],"Unable to access key":["無法存取金鑰"],"Unable to authenticate user %s":["無法認證使用者 %s"],"Unable to change VM display listen address, make sure the display is not attached to localhost only":["無法更改 VM 畫面監聽位址,請確認畫面不是只連至 localhost。"],"Unable to communicate with the proxy: %s":["無法與協定通訊:%s"],"Unable to connect":["無法連線"],"Unable to connect to LDAP server":["無法連接至 LDAP 伺服器"],"Unable to create default TFTP boot menu":["無法建立預設的 TFTP 開機選項"],"Unable to create realm entry":["無法建立領域項目"],"Unable to create the default role.":[""],"Unable to delete DHCP entry for %s":["無法刪除 %s 的 DHCP 項目"],"Unable to delete DNS entry":["無法刪除 DNS 項目"],"Unable to delete PuppetCA autosign for %s":["無法刪除 %s 的 PuppetCA autosign"],"Unable to delete PuppetCA certificate for %s":["無法刪除 %s 的 PuppetCA 憑證"],"Unable to delete TFTP boot entry for %s":["無法刪除 %s 的 TFTP 開機項目"],"Unable to detect TFTP boot server":["無法偵測 TFTP 開機伺服器"],"Unable to detect features":["無法偵測功能"],"Unable to detect version":["無法偵測版本"],"Unable to determine the host's boot server. The DHCP smart proxy failed to provide this information and this subnet is not provided with TFTP services.":["無法判斷主機的開機伺服器為何。DHCP 智慧型代理伺服器無法提供這項資訊,並且 TFTP 服務並未提供這個子網路。"],"Unable to disable bmc_credentials_accessible when safemode_render is disabled":[""],"Unable to disable safemode_render when bmc_credentials_accessible is disabled":[""],"Unable to execute Puppet run":["無法執行 Puppet run"],"Unable to fetch TFTP boot file":["無法截取 TFTP 開機檔案"],"Unable to fetch logs":["無法取得日誌"],"Unable to find IP address for '%s'":["找不到「%s」的 IP 位址"],"Unable to find a proxy with BMC feature":["找不到含有 BMC 功能的協定"],"Unable to find proper authentication method":["找不到正確的認證方式"],"Unable to find template %s":["找不到範本 %s"],"Unable to generate output, Check log files":["無法產生輸出,請檢查日誌檔案"],"Unable to get BMC providers":["無法取得 BMC 供應者"],"Unable to get PuppetCA autosign":["無法取得 PuppetCA autosign"],"Unable to get PuppetCA certificates":["無法取得 PuppetCA 憑證"],"Unable to get classes from Puppet for %s":["無法從 Puppet 取得 %s 的類別"],"Unable to get environment from Puppet":["無法從 Puppet 取得環境"],"Unable to get environments from Puppet":["無法從 Puppet 取得環境"],"Unable to get installed BMC providers":["無法取得已安裝的 BMC 供應者"],"Unable to initialize ProxyAPI class %s":["無法初始化 ProxyAPI 類別 %s"],"Unable to perform boot BMC operation":["無法進行啟動 BMC 的作業"],"Unable to perform identify BMC operation":["無法進行辨識 BMC 的作業"],"Unable to perform lan BMC operation":["無法執行 lan BMC 作業"],"Unable to perform power BMC operation":["無法執行電源 BMC 作業"],"Unable to render %{kind} template '%{name}': %{e}":[""],"Unable to render '%{name}' template: %{e}":[""],"Unable to retrieve DHCP entry for %s":["無法截取 %s 的 DHCP 項目"],"Unable to retrieve DHCP subnet":["無法截取 DHCP 子網路"],"Unable to retrieve DHCP subnets":["無法截取 DHCP 子網路"],"Unable to retrieve unused IP":["無法截取未使用的 IP"],"Unable to save":["無法儲存"],"Unable to send email, check server logs for more information":["無法發送電子郵件,欲知詳情,請檢查伺服器日誌"],"Unable to set DHCP entry":["無法設置 DHCP 項目"],"Unable to set DNS entry":["無法設置 DNS 項目"],"Unable to set PuppetCA autosign for %s":["無法為 %s 設置 Puppet CA autosign"],"Unable to set TFTP boot entry for %s":["無法為 %s 設置 TFTP 開機項目"],"Unable to sign PuppetCA certificate for %s":["無法為 %s 簽署 PuppetCA 憑證"],"Unable to turn on websockets_encrypt, either websockets_ssl_key or websockets_ssl_cert is missing":["無法開啟 websockets_encrypt,找不到 websockets_ssl_key 或 websockets_ssl_cert"],"Unable to unset websockets_ssl_cert when websockets_encrypt is on":["websockets_encrypt 開啟時,無法取消設定 websockets_ssl_cert"],"Unable to unset websockets_ssl_key when websockets_encrypt is on":["websockets_encrypt 開啟時,無法取消設定 websockets_ssl_key"],"Unallowed template for dashboard widget: %s":["未經允許的面板小工具範本:%s"],"Unattended URL":["無人看顧的 URL"],"Undo remove":["還原移除"],"Undo selection":[""],"Unhide this value":["取消隱藏此值"],"Unknown":["不明"],"Unknown IPAM type - 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Access Key for EC2.":["oVirt、EC2、VMware、OpenStack 的使用者名稱。EC2 的存取金鑰。"],"Username to use to authenticate, if required":[""],"Users":["使用者"],"User|Admin":["管理員"],"User|Avatar hash":["虛擬人偶雜湊"],"User|Firstname":["名"],"User|Last login on":["最後登錄時間"],"User|Lastname":["姓"],"User|Locale":["區域語言"],"User|Login":["帳號"],"User|Lower login":["小寫登錄帳號"],"User|Mail":["郵件"],"User|Mail enabled":["郵件已啟用"],"User|Password hash":["密碼雜湊"],"User|Password salt":["密碼 salt"],"Uses thin provisioning if unchecked":["若未選取的話使用精簡佈建"],"Using the organization system provides a way to group resources together for easy management. Organizations are particularly useful for Foreman installations where several customers or business units are managed with a single Foreman install.":[""],"VCPU(s)":["VCPU"],"VCenter/Server":["VCenter/Server"],"VLAN ID for this subnet":["這個子網路的 VLAN ID"],"VLAN tag, this attribute has precedence over the subnet VLAN ID. Only for virtual interfaces.":["VLAN 標籤,這個屬性擁有比子網路 VLAN ID 更高的優先權。僅適用於虛擬介面卡。"],"VM":["VM"],"VM Attributes":["VM 屬性"],"VM Attributes (%s)":["VM 屬性(%s)"],"VM already associated with a host":["VM 早已和一部主機相聯"],"VM associated to host %s":["VM 已和 %s 主機相聯"],"VM is not running!":["VM 沒有在運作!"],"VNC/SPICE websocket proxy console access encryption (websockets_ssl_key/cert setting required)":["VNC/SPICE websocket 代理主控台存取加密(需要設定 websockets_ssl_key/cert)"],"Valid from":["可從...使用:"],"Valid host group and environment combinations":["有效的主機群組和環境組合"],"Validation types":["驗證類型"],"Value":["值"],"Value to use when there is no match":["當沒有相符的項目時所使用的值"],"Value to use when there is no match.":["當沒有相符的項目時所使用的值。"],"Variable":["變數"],"Variable lookup key":["變數查詢金鑰"],"Variables":["變數"],"Vendor class":["供應商類別"],"Verify":["驗證"],"Version":["版本"],"Version %{version}":["版本 %{version}"],"Version %{version} %{copyright} 2009-%{year} Paul Kelly and %{author}":[""],"Very Strong":["非常強"],"View Diff":["檢視差異"],"View in Foreman:":["在 Foreman 中檢視:"],"View last report details":["檢視最後一份報告的詳情"],"View list":["檢視清單"],"Virtual (NAT)":["虛擬(NAT)"],"Virtual H/W version":["虛擬 H/W 版本"],"Virtual Machine":["虛擬機器"],"Virtual Machines":["虛擬機器"],"Virtual Machines on %s":["%s 上的虛擬機器"],"Virtual NIC":["虛擬 NIC"],"Virtual machine settings cannot be edited on an existing machine in %s":["虛擬機器設定不能在 %s 裡的現有機器中被編輯"],"WARNING":["警告"],"Wait for %s to come online":["等待 %s 上線"],"Warning":["警告"],"Warning!":["警告!"],"Warning! This will remove %{name} from %{number} user. are you sure?":["",""],"Warning: This will delete this host and all of its data!":["警告:這將會刪除這部主機及其所有資料!"],"Warnings and errors":["警告與錯誤"],"We have not found any documentation for your API.":["我們並未找到任何您 API 的文件。"],"We use Redmine to report and track bugs and feature requests, which can be found here:":["我們使用 Redmine 來回報和追蹤錯誤與功能請求,欲取得更多資訊請至:"],"Weak":["弱"],"Websockets SSL certificate":["Websockets SSL 憑證"],"Websockets SSL key":["Websockets SSL 金鑰"],"Websockets encryption":["Websockets 加密"],"Weekly":["每週"],"Welcome to Foreman":["歡迎使用 Foreman"],"What ever text(or ERB template) you use in here, would be used as your OS disk layout options If you want to use the partition table option, delete all of the text from this field":["您在此使用的任何文字(或是 ERB 範本),皆會被使用來作為您的 OS 磁碟配置選項。若您希望使用分割表選項,請刪除此欄位中的所有文字。"],"When a Host requests a template (e.g. during provisioning), Foreman will select the best match from the available templates of that type, in the following order:":["當一部主機請求範本時(比方說當進行佈建時),Foreman 將會從可用範本中選擇此類型的最佳相符項目,順序如下:"],"When a realm is selected for a host, Foreman contacts the relevant realm smart proxy to create an entry for the host and retrieve it's one-time registration password.":["當一個領域被選擇作為主機時,Foreman 會聯絡相關的領域智慧型代理伺服器來為主機建立一個項目,並取得其一次性的註冊密碼。"],"When editing a template, you must assign a list of operating systems which this template can be used with. Optionally, you can restrict a template to a list of host groups and/or environments.":[""],"When enabled the parameter is hidden in the UI":["啟用時,參數會隱藏在 UI 裡"],"When specifying custom value, add 'MB' or 'GB' at the end. Field is not case sensitive and MB is default if unspecified.":[""],"When the role's associated %{taxonomies} are changed,<br> the change will propagate to all inheriting filters.\\n Filters that are set to override <br> will remain untouched. Overriding of role filters can be easily disabled by <br> pressing the \\\"Disable overriding\\\" button.\\n Note that not all filters support <br>%{taxonomies}, so these always remain global.":[""],"When using SSH based provisioning, a special SSH key is created in order to automate the provisioning process.":[""],"When using TLS, you can set how OpenSSL checks the certificate":[""],"Whether or not the image supports user data":["不管映像檔是否支援使用者資料"],"Whether or not the template is locked for editing":["範本是否鎖定並禁止進行編輯"],"Whether the class parameter value is managed by Foreman.":["類別參數值是否是由 Foreman 所管理。"],"Whether the smart class parameter value is managed by Foreman":["智慧 類別 參數值是否是由 Foreman 所管理"],"Which is an offset of <b>%s</b>":["此乃 <b>%s</b> 的位移"],"Widget added to dashboard.":["小工具已新增至面板。"],"Widget positions successfully saved.":["儲存小工具的位置成功。"],"Widget removed from dashboard.":["已從面板移除小工具。"],"Wiki":["Wiki"],"With user groups, you can group your users and assign them roles on a group basis.":[""],"X509 Certification Authorities":["X509 憑證許可"],"YAML":["YAML"],"Yes":["是"],"You are about to change the default PXE menu on all configured TFTP servers - continue?":["您即將在所有已配置的 TFTP 伺服器上更改預設的 PXE 選單 - 是否繼續?"],"You are about to override the editor content with a previous version, are you sure?":["您即將把編輯器內容置換為先前的版本,您是否確定要這麼做?"],"You are about to override the editor content, are you sure?":["您即將置換編輯器內容,您是否確定?"],"You are about to unlock a locked template.":["即將解鎖已鎖定範本。"],"You are not authorized to lock templates.":["您未經許可鎖定範本。"],"You are not authorized to make a template default.":["您未經許可製作預設範本。"],"You are not authorized to perform this action.":["您未經許可執行這項動作。"],"You are trying to delete your own account":["您正要嘗試刪除您自己的帳號"],"You are using an unsupported browser.":["您正在使用一個不受支援的瀏覽器。"],"You can add SSH public keys to a user in Foreman.":[""],"You can find The Foreman on the %{freenode} ( network. For general support, please visit #theforeman and for development specific related chat, please visit #theforeman-dev.":["您能在 %{freenode}(網路上找到 Foreman。欲取得一般支援,請至 #theforeman,欲進行有關於開發上的討論,請至 #theforeman-dev。"],"You can select one of the IPAM modes supported by the selected IP protocol:<br/><ul><li><strong>DHCP</strong> - will manage the IP on DHCP through assigned DHCP proxy, auto-suggested IPs come from DHCP <em>(IPv4)</em></li><li><strong>Internal DB</strong> - use internal DB to auto-suggest free IP based on other interfaces on same subnet respecting range if specified, useful mainly with static boot mode <em>(IPv4, IPv6)</em></li><li><strong>EUI-64</strong> - will assign the IPv6 address based on the MAC address of the interface <em>(IPv6)</em></li><li><strong>None</strong> - leave IP management solely on user, no auto-suggestion <em>(IPv4, IPv6)</em></li></ul>":[""],"You can't assign locations to this resource":["您不可指定位置至此資源"],"You can't assign organizations to this resource":["您不可指定組織至此資源"],"You cannot delete this user while logged in as this user.":["您無法在以此使用者登入的情況下刪除這個使用者。"],"You do not have permission to %s this location parameter":["您沒有權限 %s 此位置參數"],"You do not have permission to %s this organization parameter":["您沒有權限 %s 此組織參數"],"You don't have any visible hosts. Hosts can be added and provisioned from Foreman, or configured to report to Foreman.":["您沒有任何可見的主機。主機可以從 Foreman 新增、佈建,或配置為向 Foreman 報告。"],"You don't seem to have any bookmarks.":["您似乎沒有任何書籤。"],"You don't seem to have any facts yet. If you wish to configure fact pushing, please follow the documentation.":["您似乎還沒有任何詳情。若您希望配置詳情推送,請依照文件指示運作。"],"You don't seem to have any reports.":["您似乎沒有任何報告。"],"You have already logged in":[""],"You may also associate one or more operating systems with this medium or alternatively set this up later on the %s page.":["您亦可為此媒介建立與一或更多個作業系統之間的相聯性,或之後在 %s 網頁上設定它。"],"You may also associate one or more operating systems with this partition table or alternatively set this up later on the %s page":["您亦可為此分割表建立與一或更多個作業系統之間的相聯性,或之後在 %s 網頁上設定它。"],"You may create puppet classes that represent high-level host configurations, for example, a <b>host-type-ldap-server</b> class, which includes all the required functionality from other modules or you may decide to create a host group called <b>host-type-ldap-server</b> and add the required classes into the host group configuration.":["您可建立代表高層級主機配置的 puppet 類別,例如 <b>host-type-ldap-server</b> 類別,它包含了來自於其它模組的所有必要功能,或是您亦可建立一個名為 <b>host-type-ldap-server</b> 的主機群組,並將必要的類別加入主機群組配置中。"],"You must create a location before continuing.":["在繼續進行前,您必須建立一個位置。"],"You must create an organization before continuing.":["在繼續進行前,您必須建立一個組織。"],"You must create at least one location before continuing.":["在繼續進行前,您必須建立至少一個位置。"],"You must create at least one organization before continuing.":["在繼續進行前,您必須建立至少一個組織。"],"You must select at least one permission":["您必須選擇至少一個權限"],"You probably need to configure your %s first.":["您可能必須先配置您的 %s。"],"You would probably need to attach the":["您可能需要附加"],"Your Foreman user account has been created:":["您的 Foreman 使用者帳號已建立:"],"Your host has finished building:":["您的主機已經完成組建:"],"Your password is too short":["您的密碼太短"],"Your password should not contain sequences":[""],"Your password should not contain that many repetitions":[""],"Your password should not contain your email":[""],"Your password should not contain your username":[""],"Your password should use characters from different character classes 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spaces.":["不可包含空格。"],"can't delete primary interface of managed host":["無法刪除受管理主機的主介面"],"can't delete provision interface of managed host":["無法刪除受管理主機的佈建介面"],"can't find domain with this id":["找不到有此 ID 的網域"],"cannot be changed":["不可更改"],"cannot be changed by a non-admin user":["不可更改非管理者用戶"],"cannot be changed on an internal protected account":["不可在一個內部受保護的帳號上更改"],"cannot be enabled for an unmanaged host":[""],"cannot be removed from an internal protected account":["不可從一個內部受保護的帳號上移除"],"cannot be removed from the last admin account":["不可從最後一個管理員帳號移除"],"clone":["複製"],"comma separated interface identifiers":["以逗號區隔開的介面卡辨識子"],"comments powered by %{disqus}":["由 %{disqus} 提供的註解"],"could not be calculated":[""],"could not be found in %s":["在 %s 中找不到"],"could not be generated":[""],"cycle":["循環"],"default locations need to be user locations first":["預設位置必須要先是使用者位置"],"default organizations need to be user organizations first":["預設組織必須要先是使用者組織"],"defaults to 389":["預設為 389"],"does not appear to 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No provisioning template with name \\\"%{name}\\\" and kind \\\"%{kind}\\\" found. ":[""],"is invalid: %s":["無效:%s"],"is locked for user modifications.":[""],"is not a valid MAC address":["不是個有效的 MAC 位址"],"is not allowed to change":["不允許更改"],"is not defined for host's %s.":[""],"is not found in the authentication source":["認證來源中找不到"],"is not permitted":["不允許"],"is not valid":["無效的"],"is too long (maximum is 1 character)":["",""],"is too long (maximum is 254 characters)":[""],"is unknown":["不明"],"issue tracker":["問題追蹤器"],"items selected. 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msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: Foreman\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2017-08-03 17:20+0000\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2017-09-19 17:58+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: Lukáš Zapletal\n"
"Language-Team: Catalan ("
msgid "Loading virtual machines information ..."
msgstr "S'està carregant la informació de les màquines virtuals..."
msgid "Local boot %s template"
msgstr ""
msgid "Local time"
msgstr ""
msgid "Permission denied"
msgstr "Permís denegat"
msgid "Permissions must be of same resource type"
msgstr "Els permisos ha de ser del mateix tipus de recurs"
#. TRANSLATORS: "Table name" or "Table name|Column name" for error messages
msgid "Permission|Name"
msgstr "Nom"
msgid "Template syntax"
msgstr ""
msgid "Template that will be selected as %s default for local boot."
msgstr ""
msgid "Template unlocked"
msgstr "Plantilla desbloquejada"
msgid "must be integer"
msgstr "ha de ser enter"
msgid "must be of same resource type (%s) - Role (%s)"
msgstr ""
msgid "must be of type Subnet::Ipv4."
msgstr ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: Foreman\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2017-08-03 17:20+0000\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2017-09-19 16:40+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: Lukáš Zapletal\n"
"Language-Team: German (\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
msgstr "Cluster-Kennung wird benötigt um verfügbare Netzwerke aufzulisten"
msgid "Comments"
msgstr "Kommentare"
msgstr "Anmerkungen"
msgid "Communication status"
msgstr "Kommunikationsstatus"
msgid "Loading virtual machines information ..."
msgstr "Lade Informationen über virtuelle Maschinen ...."
msgid "Local boot %s template"
msgstr ""
msgid "Local time"
msgstr "Ortszeit"
msgid "Permission denied"
msgstr "Erlaubnis verweigert"
msgid "Permissions must be of same resource type"
msgstr "Berechtigungen müssen vom selben Ressourcentyp sein"
#. TRANSLATORS: "Table name" or "Table name|Column name" for error messages
msgid "Permission|Name"
msgstr "Name"
msgstr "Subnetzkennung"
msgid "Subnet IDs"
msgstr "Subnetzkennungen"
msgstr "Subnetz-Kennungen"
msgid "Subnet name"
msgstr "Subnetzname"
#. TRANSLATORS: "Table name" or "Table name|Column name" for error messages
msgid "Subnet|Vlanid"
msgstr "Subnetz|Vlan-Kennung"
msgstr "Subnetz|Vlan-ID"
msgid "Subscribe"
msgstr "Abonnieren"
msgid "Template syntax"
msgstr "Vorlagensyntax"
msgid "Template that will be selected as %s default for local boot."
msgstr ""
msgid "Template unlocked"
msgstr "Vorlage entsperrt"
msgstr "Smart variable aktualisieren"
msgid "Update a subnet"
msgstr "Subnetz aktualisieren"
msgstr "Subnet aktualisieren"
msgid "Update a user"
msgstr "Benutzer aktualisieren"
msgstr "Sie können Puppet-Klassen erstellen, die Hostkonfigurationen auf hoher Ebene repräsentieren, z. B. eine Klasse <b>host-type-ldap-server</b>, die alle erforderlichen Funktionalitäten von anderen Modulen beinhaltet, oder Sie können eine Hostgruppe namens <b>host-type-ldap-server</b> erstellen und die erforderlichen Klassen zur Hostgruppenkonfiguration hinzufügen."
msgid "You must create a location before continuing."
msgstr "Es muss zuerst ein Standort angelegt werden."
msgstr "Sie müssen zuerst einen Standort erstellen, bevor Sie fortfahren können."
msgid "You must create an organization before continuing."
msgstr "Sie müssen zuerst eine Organisation erstellen, bevor Sie fortfahren können."
msgid "must be integer"
msgstr "muss ganzzahlig sein"
msgid "must be of same resource type (%s) - Role (%s)"
msgstr ""
msgid "must be of type Subnet::Ipv4."
msgstr "muss vom Typ Subnet::Ipv4 sein."
msgid "Last report"
msgstr ""
msgid "Last updated %s ago"
msgid "Last update: %s"
msgstr ""
msgid "Latest Events"
msgid "Report"
msgstr ""
msgid "Report Already Deleted"
msgstr ""
msgid "Report Metrics"
msgstr ""
msgid "View in Foreman:"
msgstr ""
msgid "View last report details"
msgstr ""
msgid "View list"
msgstr ""
msgstr[0] ""
msgstr[1] ""
msgid "Warning: This combination of loader and OS might not be able to boot."
msgstr ""
msgid "Warning: This will delete this host and all of its data!"
msgstr ""
msgid "remove storage volume"
msgstr ""
msgid "report already deleted"
msgstr ""
msgid "required"
msgstr ""
msgid "valid or pending"
msgstr ""
msgid "view last report details"
msgstr ""
msgid "virtual"
msgstr ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: Foreman\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2017-08-03 17:20+0000\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2017-09-19 16:40+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: Lukáš Zapletal\n"
"Language-Team: English (United Kingdom) ("
msgid "Loading virtual machines information ..."
msgstr ""
msgid "Local boot %s template"
msgstr ""
msgid "Local time"
msgstr ""
msgid "Permission denied"
msgstr ""
msgid "Permissions must be of same resource type"
msgstr ""
#. TRANSLATORS: "Table name" or "Table name|Column name" for error messages
msgid "Permission|Name"
msgstr ""
msgid "Template syntax"
msgstr ""
msgid "Template that will be selected as %s default for local boot."
msgstr ""
msgid "Template unlocked"
msgstr ""
msgid "must be integer"
msgstr ""
msgid "must be of same resource type (%s) - Role (%s)"
msgstr ""
msgid "must be of type Subnet::Ipv4."
msgstr ""
# elobato <>, 2014
# Félix Barbeira <>, 2013
# Félix Barbeira <>, 2013
# francis <>, 2013-2014
# francis <>, 2013-2014,2017
# Gustavo Varela <>, 2013
# Gustavo Varela <>, 2013
# Jared Nelson <>, 2013
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: Foreman\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2017-08-03 17:21+0000\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2017-09-19 16:40+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: Lukáš Zapletal\n"
"Language-Team: Spanish ("
msgstr "%s es un atributo desconocido"
msgid "%s is not a valid DNS record type"
msgstr ""
msgstr "%s no es un tipo de registro DNS válido"
msgid "%s is not in environment"
msgstr "%s no está en el entorno"
msgstr[1] "Hace %s semanas"
msgid "%s widget loading..."
msgstr ""
msgstr "Cargando widget %s…"
msgid "%{app_name} API documentation homepage"
msgstr "Página de documentación de la API de %{app_name}"
msgstr[1] ""
msgid "%{controller}: %{host}'s operating system %{os} has no OS family"
msgstr ""
msgstr "%{controller}: el sistema operativo %{os} de %{host} no tiene familia de SO"
msgid "%{controller}: %{host}'s operating system is missing"
msgstr ""
msgstr "%{controller}: falta el sistema operativo de %{host}"
msgid "%{controller}: unable to find a host that matches the request from %{addr}"
msgstr ""
msgstr "%{controller}: no se pudo encontrar un host que coincida con la solicitud de %{addr}"
msgid "%{cores} Cores and %{memory} memory"
msgstr "%{cores} Núcleos y %{memory} memoria"
msgstr "%{image} requiere datos de usuario, pero %{os_link} no está asociado a ninguna plantilla de aprovisionamiento del tipo user_data. Asócielo a una plantilla apropiada o desmarque 'Datos de usuario' para %{compute_resource_image_link}."
msgid "%{key} does not exist in order field"
msgstr ""
msgstr "%{key} no existe en el campo de orden"
msgid "%{match} does not match an existing host"
msgstr "%{match} no coincide con un host existente"
msgstr[1] "%{name} tiene %{num_tag} clases"
msgid "%{os} medium was not set for host '%{host}'"
msgstr ""
msgstr "No se configuró el medio %{os} para el host '%{host}'"
msgid "%{record} is being used by a hidden %{what} resource"
msgstr "%{record} está siendo utilizado por un recurso %{what} oculto."
msgstr[1] ""
msgid "%{type} %{conflicts} already exists"
msgstr ""
msgstr "%{type} %{conflicts} ya existe"
msgid "%{user} Downloaded %{key} as pem file"
msgstr ""
msgstr "'%{host}' no se encontró en '%{resource}'"
msgid "'%{loader}' is not one of %{loaders}"
msgstr ""
msgstr "'%{loader}' no es uno de %{loaders}"
msgid "'Content-Type: %s' is unsupported in API v2 for POST and PUT requests. Please use 'Content-Type: application/json'."
msgstr "'Tipo de contenido: %s' no recibe soporte en la API v2 para solicitudes POST y PUT. Use 'Content-Type: application/json'."
msgstr "Acceso denegado"
msgid "Access unattended without build"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Acceso sin supervisión y sin compilación"
msgid "Account"
msgstr "Cuenta"
msgid "Acquire IP addresses for %s"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Adquirir direcciones IP para %s"
msgid "Action"
msgstr "Acción"
msgstr "Añadir Volumen"
msgid "Add a CD-ROM drive to the virtual machine."
msgstr ""
msgstr "Agregue una unidad de CD-ROM a la máquina virtual."
msgid "Add a Puppet class to host"
msgstr "Añadir una clase Puppet al host"
msgstr "Información adicional sobre este host"
msgid "Address to connect to"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Dirección para conectarse con"
msgid "Admin permissions required"
msgstr "Se necesitan permisos de administración"
msgstr "Asignados (GB)"
msgid "Allow access to unattended URLs without build mode being used"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Permitir el acceso a URL sin supervisión sin el uso del modo de compilación"
msgid "Allow external network as main network"
msgstr "Permitir la red externa como red principal"
msgid "Allowed methods or members"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Miembros o métodos permitidos"
msgid "Always show configuration status"
msgstr "Mostrar siempre el estado de la configuración"
msgid "An IP address will be auto-suggested if you have enabled IPAM on the IPv4 subnet selected above.<br/><br/>The IP address can be left blank when:<br/><ul><li>provisioning tokens are enabled</li><li>the domain does not manage DNS</li><li>the subnet does not manage reverse DNS</li><li>and the subnet does not manage DHCP reservations</li></ul>"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Se sugerirá automáticamente una dirección IP si tiene IPAM habilitado en la subred de IPv4 seleccionada arriba.<br/><br/>La dirección IP puede dejarse en blanco cuando:<br/><ul><li>los tokens de aprovisionamiento están habilitados</li><li>el dominio no administra DNS</li><li>la subred no administra DNS inverso</li><li>y la subred no administra reservas de DHCP</li></ul>"
msgid "An IP address will be auto-suggested if you have enabled IPAM on the IPv6 subnet selected above."
msgstr ""
msgstr "Se sugerirá automáticamente una dirección IP si tiene IPAM habilitado en la subred de IPv6 seleccionada arriba."
msgid "An email address is required, please update your account details"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Se requiere una dirección de correo electrónico; actualice los detalles de su cuenta"
msgid "An error occurred while testing the connection: "
msgstr ""
msgstr "Ocurrió un error al probar la conexión:"
msgid "An explicit layout for the partitions of your hard drive(s). E.G."
msgstr "Un esquema explícito de particiones del disco(s), como por ejemplo"
msgid "An invalid response was received while requesting available features from this proxy"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Se recibió una respuesta no válida mientras se solicitaban funciones disponibles de este proxy"
msgid "Annotation Notes"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Anotaciones"
msgid "Annotation notes"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Anotaciones"
msgid "Anonymous admin user %s is missing, run foreman-rake db:seed"
msgstr "Falta usuario de administración anónimo r %s, ejecute foreman-rake db:seed"
msgstr "Cualquier organización"
msgid "Applicable Operating Systems"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Sistemas operativos aplicables"
msgid "Applied"
msgstr "Aplicado"
msgstr "¿Esta seguro de que desea eliminar este asistente de su tablero?"
msgid "Are you sure you want to log out?"
msgstr ""
msgstr "¿Está seguro de que desea cerrar sesión?"
msgid "Are you sure you want to power %{act} %{vm}?"
msgstr "¿Seguro de que: %{act} %{vm}?"
msgstr "¿Está seguro?"
msgid "Array of extra information types to include"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Serie de tipos de información adicionales para incluir"
msgid "Array of host IDs to associate with the partition table"
msgstr "Selección de ID de host a asociar con la tabla de particiones"
msgstr "Array de ID de sistemas operativos a asociar con la plantilla"
msgid "Array of parameters"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Array de parámetros"
msgid "Array of parameters (name, value)"
msgstr "Array de parámetros (nombre, valor)"
msgstr "Activar actualización automática"
msgid "Automatic"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Automático"
msgid "Autosign"
msgstr "Autofirmado"
msgstr "BMC"
msgid "BMC credentials access"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Acceso a credenciales BMC"
msgid "BMC password usage"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Uso de la contraseña BMC"
msgid "Back"
msgstr "Atrás"
msgstr "Crear desde imagen de SO"
msgid "By unchecking this you can specify filter using Foreman search syntax in search field. If filter remains <br> unlimited (this field is checked) it applies on all resources of the selected type. When a role is associated <br> with some %s filter is not considered unlimited as it's scoped accordingly."
msgstr ""
msgstr "Al desmarcar esto, puede especificar el filtro con la sintaxis de búsqueda de Foreman en el campo de búsqueda. Si el filtro permanece <br> ilimitado (este campo está seleccionado), se aplica a todos los recursos del tipo seleccionado. Cuando se asocia un rol <br> con algún filtro %s, no es considerado ilimitado ya que tiene un alcance adecuado."
msgid "CA certificate expiry date"
msgstr "Fecha de vencimiento del certificado de CA"
msgstr ""
msgid "Calling methods on objects"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Métodos de llamada sobre objetos"
msgid "Can't delete internal admin account"
msgstr "No se puede eliminar la cuenta de administración interna"
msgstr "Cancelar construcción pendiente para %s"
msgid "Cannot add pagelet with key %s and without mountpoint"
msgstr ""
msgstr "No se puede agregar pagelet con la clave %s y sin punto de montaje"
msgid "Cannot add pagelet with key %s and without partial"
msgstr ""
msgstr "No se puede agregar pagelet con la clave %s y sin parcial"
msgid "Cannot continue because some permissions were not found, please run rake db:seed and retry"
msgstr ""
msgstr "No se puede borrar %{current} porque tiene %{sti_name} anidado."
msgid "Cannot delete built-in role"
msgstr ""
msgstr "No se puede eliminar el rol integrado"
msgid "Cannot delete group %{current} because it has nested groups."
msgstr "No puedo borrar el grupo %{current} porque tiene grupos anidados."
msgstr "No se pudo encontrar el usuario %s cuando se cambió el contexto"
msgid "Cannot register compute resource, wrong type supplied"
msgstr ""
msgstr "No se puede registrar el recurso de cómputo; tipo incorrecto proporcionado"
msgid "Canvas not supported."
msgstr "Bordes no soportados"
msgstr "Clonar una plantilla de aprovisionamiento"
msgid "Clone a role"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Clonar rol"
msgid "Clone a template"
msgstr "Clonar una plantilla"
msgid "Clone this host"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Clonar este host"
msgid "Close"
msgstr "Cerrar"
msgstr "Recurso de cómputo"
msgid "Compute Resource Distribution"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Distribución de recursos de cómputo"
msgid "Compute Resources"
msgstr "Recursos de cómputo"
msgstr ""
msgid "Continue to look for matches after first find (only array/hash type)? Note: merging overrides ignores all matchers that are omitted."
msgstr ""
msgstr "¿Desea continuar buscando coincidencias después del primer resultado (solo tipo array/hash)? Nota: Fusionar las anulaciones ignora todos los comparadores que están omitidos."
msgid "Continue?"
msgstr "¿Continuar?"
msgstr ""
msgid "Could not delete %s"
msgstr ""
msgstr "No se pudo borrar %s"
msgid "Could not extend role '%{name}': %{message}"
msgstr ""
msgid "Could not find %{association} with name: %{name}"
msgstr ""
msgstr "No se pudo encontrar %{association} con el nombre: %{name}"
msgid "Could not find a Configuration Template with the name \"%s\", please create one."
msgstr ""
msgstr "Crear %s"
msgid "Create %{type} for %{host}"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Crear %{type} para %{host}"
msgid "Create :a_resource"
msgstr "Crear :a_resource"
msgstr ""
msgid "Create Host"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Crear Host"
msgid "Create Host Group"
msgstr ""
msgstr ""
msgid "Create Puppet Environment"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Crear entorno de Puppet"
msgid "Create Realm"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Crear un parámetro anidado para una ubicación"
msgid "Create a nested parameter for a subnet"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Crear un parámetro anidado para una subred"
msgid "Create a nested parameter for an operating system"
msgstr "Crear un parámetro anidado para un sistema operativo"
msgstr "Crear un valor de sobrescritura para una variable inteligente específica"
msgid "Create autosign entry"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Crear entrada autofirmada"
msgid "Create host"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Proxy DHCP"
msgid "DHCP Proxy ID to use within this subnet"
msgstr ""
msgstr "ID de proxy DHCP para usar con esta subred"
msgid "DHCP Proxy to use within this subnet"
msgstr "Proxy DHCP para usar con esta subred"
msgstr "Eliminar conflictos DHCP para %s"
msgid "DHCP filename option"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Opción de nombre de archivo DHCP"
msgid "DHCP filename option (Grub2/PXELinux by default)"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Opción de nombre de archivo DHCP (Grub2/PXELinux por defecto)"
msgid "DHCP filename option to use. Set to None for non-PXE method (e.g. iPXE)"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Opción del nombre de archivo DHCP para usar. Configurado en Ninguno para el método no PXE (p. ej., iPXE)"
msgid "DHCP lease conflicts have been detected"
msgstr "Se ha detectado un conflicto de DHCP lease"
msgstr "Proxy DNS"
msgid "DNS Proxy ID to use within this subnet"
msgstr ""
msgstr "ID de proxy DNS para usar con esta subred"
msgid "DNS Proxy to use within this subnet for managing PTR records, note that A and AAAA records are managed via Domain DNS proxy"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Proxy DNS para usar con esta subred para administrar registros PTR. Tenga en cuenta que los registros A y AAAA se administran a través del proxy DNS de dominio"
msgid "DNS conflict timeout"
msgstr "Tiempo de espera del conflicto de DNS"
msgstr "Nombre DNS"
msgid "DNS proxy ID to use within this domain"
msgstr ""
msgstr "ID de proxy DNS a utilizar dentro de este dominio"
msgid "DNS proxy to use within this domain for managing A records, note that PTR records are managed via Subnet DNS proxy"
msgstr "Proxy DNS a utilizar en esta subred para administrar registros PTR, observe que los registros A se gestionan en el proxy de subred DNS "
msgstr "Comportamiento predeterminado"
msgid "Default boot mode for interfaces assigned to this subnet, applied to hosts from provisioning templates"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Modo de reinicio predeterminado para las interfaces asignado a esta subred, aplicado a los hosts desde las plantillas de aprovisionamiento"
msgid "Default boot mode for interfaces assigned to this subnet, valid values are \"Static\", \"DHCP\""
msgstr "Modo de arranque predeterminado para interfaces asignadas a esta subred, son válidos \"Static\", \"DHCP\""
msgstr "Ruta de búsqueda de variables predeterminadas"
msgid "Default verification mode"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Modo de verificación predeterminado"
msgid "Defaults to image size if left blank"
msgstr "El valor predeterminado del tamaño de la imagen está en blanco."
msgstr "Borrar certificados PuppetCA para %s"
msgid "Delete TFTP %{kind} config for %{host}"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Eliminar configuración TFTP %{kind} para %{host}"
msgid "Delete a Puppet class"
msgstr "Borrar una clase Puppet"
msgstr "Borrar un parámetro anidado para una ubicación"
msgid "Delete a nested parameter for a subnet"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Eliminar un parámetro anidado para una subred"
msgid "Delete a nested parameter for an operating system"
msgstr "Borrar un parámetro anidado para un sistema operativo"
msgstr "Borrar todos los parámetros anidados para un grupo de hosts"
msgid "Delete all nested parameters for a subnet"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Eliminar todos los parámetros anidados para una subred"
msgid "Delete all nested parameters for an operating system"
msgstr "Borrar todos los parámetros anidados para un sistema operativo"
msgstr "Borrar un valor de sobrescritura para una variable inteligente específica"
msgid "Delete autosign entry"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Borrar entrada autofirmada"
msgid "Delete autosign entry for %s"
msgstr "Borrar entrada de autofirmado para %s"
msgstr "Eliminado entorno %{env} y %{pcs}"
msgid "Delivery method"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Método de envío"
msgid "Deploy TFTP %{kind} config for %{host}"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Implementar configuración TFTP %{kind} para %{host}"
msgid "Deploy VM on selected datastore"
msgstr "Implementar la VM en el almacén de datos seleccionado"
msgstr "Desplegar en"
msgid "Deprecated, please use datacenter"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Obsoleto. Use el centro de datos"
msgid "Deprecated, please use omit"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Obsoleto. Use omit"
msgid "Description"
msgstr "Descripción"
msgstr "Inhabilitar alertas para los hosts seleccionados"
msgid "Disable all filters overriding"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Deshabilitar todas las anulaciones de filtro"
msgid "Disable overriding"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Deshabilitar anulación"
msgid "Disabled"
msgstr "Inhabilitado"
msgstr "Nombre para mostrar"
msgid "Display hidden parameter values"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Mostrar valores de parámetros ocultos"
msgid "Display hidden values"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Mostrar valores ocultos"
msgid "Display the templates that will be used to provision this host"
msgstr "Mostrar las plantillas que se van a utilizar para aprovisionar este host"
msgstr "EC2"
msgid "EFI"
msgstr ""
msgstr "EFI"
msgid "ENC environment"
msgstr "Entorno ENC"
msgstr "ERROR o FATAL"
msgid "EUI-64"
msgstr ""
msgstr "EUI-64"
msgid "Each architecture can also be associated with more than one operating system and a selector block is provided to allow you to select valid combinations."
msgstr "Cada arquitectura puede ser asociada con más de un sistema operativo. Además, se proporciona un bloque selector que permite hacer varias combinaciones válidas."
msgstr "Editar reino"
msgid "Edit Role"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Editar rol"
msgid "Edit Smart Variable"
msgstr "Editar variable inteligente"
msgstr "Editar perfil de cómputo en %s"
msgid "Edit this host"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Editar este host"
msgid "Email Preferences"
msgstr "Preferencias de correo electrónico"
msgstr "%s habilitado para ser reconstruido en el siguiente arranque"
msgid "Enabled %s for rebuild on next boot, but failed to power cycle the host"
msgstr ""
msgstr "%s habilitado para ser reconstruido en el siguiente arranque, pero no se pudo reiniciar el host"
msgid "Ending IP Address for IP auto suggestion"
msgstr "Dirección IP final para sugerencias"
msgstr "Entorno"
msgid "Environment Distribution"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Distribución de entornos"
msgid "Environment ID"
msgstr "ID de entorno"
msgstr "Error al cargar la información de las interfaces: %s"
msgid "Error loading scheduler hint filters information: %s"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Error al cargar la información de los filtros de indicación del programador: %s"
msgid "Error removing widget from dashboard."
msgstr "Error al eliminar el asistente del tablero"
msgstr "Exportar"
msgid "Export a partition template to ERB"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Exportar una plantilla de partición a ERB"
msgid "Export a provisioning template to ERB"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Exportar una plantilla de aprovisionamiento a ERB"
msgid "Export to CSV"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Exportar a CSV"
msgid "External Groups"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Valores de eventos"
msgid "Fact Values | %{host_name}"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Valores de eventos | %{host_name}"
msgid "Fact distribution chart"
msgstr "Cuadro de distribución de eventos"
msgstr "Nombre corto"
msgid "FactValue|Origin"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Valor de evento|Origen"
#. TRANSLATORS: "Table name" or "Table name|Column name" for error messages
msgid "FactValue|Value"
msgstr "Ha fallado al %{action} %{host}: %{e}"
msgid "Failed to acquire IP addresses from compute resource for %s"
msgstr ""
msgstr "No se pudieron adquirir las direcciones IP del recurso de cómputo para %s"
msgid "Failed to cancel pending build for %{hostname} with the following errors: %{errors}"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Error al cancelar la versión pendiente de %{hostname} con los siguientes errores: %{errors}"
msgid "Failed to clean any old certificates or add the autosign entry. Terminating the build!"
msgstr "Falló al limpiar certificados antiguos o al añadir la llave de autofirmado. ¡Finalizando la instalación!"
msgstr "Falló al habilitar la instalación para %{host}: %{errors}"
msgid "Failed to fetch a free IP from proxy %{proxy}: %{message}"
msgstr ""
msgstr "No se pudo buscar una IP libre desde el proxy %{proxy}: %{message}"
msgid "Failed to fetch boot files"
msgstr "Falló al extraer los archivos de arranque"
msgid "Failed to fetch power status: %s"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Error al buscar el estado de encendido: %s"
msgid "Failed to fetch: "
msgstr "Falló al extraer: "
msgstr "No se pudo volver a implementar %s."
msgid "Failed to refresh the cache."
msgstr ""
msgstr "Fallo al actualizar la caché."
msgid "Failed to remove certificates for %{name}: %{e}"
msgstr "Falló al retirar certificados de %{name}: %{e}"
msgstr "No se pudo establecer el proxy %{proxy_type} para %{host}."
msgid "Failed to set IP for %{name}: %{e}"
msgstr ""
msgstr "No se pudo configurar IP para %{name}: %{e}"
msgid "Failed to set IPs via IPAM for %{name}: %{e}"
msgstr ""
msgstr "No se pudieron configurar las IP a través de IPAM para %{name}: %{e}"
msgid "Failed to set console: %s"
msgstr "Falló al configurar consola: %s"
msgstr "Características"
msgid "Features \"%s\" in this proxy are not recognized by Foreman. If these features come from a Smart Proxy plugin, make sure Foreman has the plugin installed too."
msgstr ""
msgstr "Foreman no reconoce las funciones “%s” en este proxy. Si estas funciones provienen de un complemento de proxy inteligente, asegúrese de que Foreman también tenga el complemento instalado."
#. TRANSLATORS: "Table name" or "Table name|Column name" for error messages
msgid "Feature|Name"
msgstr "Clases de filtro"
msgid "Filter overriding has been disabled"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Se deshabilitó la anulación de filtros"
msgid "Filters"
msgstr "Filtros"
msgstr "Filtros para el rol %s"
msgid "Filters inherit %{orgs_and_locs} from their role by default. If override field is enabled, <br> filter can override the set of its %{orgs_and_locs}. Later role changes will not affect <br> such filter. After disabling override field, role %{orgs_and_locs} apply again."
msgstr ""
msgstr "Los filtros heredan %{orgs_and_locs} de su rol de manera predeterminada. Si se habilita el campo de anulación, <br> el filtro puede anular el conjunto de sus %{orgs_and_locs}. Los cambios de rol posteriores no afectarán <br> dicho filtro. Después de deshabilitar el campo de anulación, se aplica el rol %{orgs_and_locs} nuevamente."
msgid "Filters overriding has been disabled"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Se deshabilitó la anulación de filtros"
msgid "Filter|Override"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Filtro|Anular"
msgid "Filter|Permissions"
msgstr "Permisos"
" La entrada, que podría llamarse 'Red Hat' podría contener una ruta como esta <em>'http://server/redhat/$version/$arch'</em>."
msgid "For more info visit our documentation."
msgstr ""
msgstr "Visite nuestros documentos para obtener más información."
msgid "For more information"
msgstr "Para obtener más información"
msgstr "Las variables inteligentes de Foreman serán expuestas vía la salida yaml de ENC"
msgid "Foreman subnet ID of IPv4 interface"
msgstr ""
msgstr "ID de subred Foreman de la interfaz IPv4"
msgid "Foreman subnet ID of IPv6 interface"
msgstr ""
msgstr "ID de subred Foreman de la interfaz IPv6"
msgid "Foreman supports automatically creating realm entries for new hosts."
msgstr "Foreman admite automáticamente la creación de entradas de reino para nuevos hosts."
msgstr "Foreman mapeará los usuarios por nombre de usuario en la cabecera de la solicitud. Si se establece como falso, las peticiones de OAuth tendrán privilegios administrativos."
msgid "Foreman will not send this parameter in classification output, replaces use_puppet_default"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Foreman no enviará este parámetro en el resultado de clasificación, reemplaza use_puppet_default"
msgid "Foreman will not send this parameter in classification output."
msgstr ""
msgstr "Foreman no enviará este parámetro en el resultado de clasificación."
msgid "Foreman will not send this parameter in classification output. Puppet will use the value defined in the Puppet manifest for this parameter"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Foreman no enviará este parámetro en el resultado de clasificación. Puppet usará el valor definido en el manifiesto de Puppet para este parámetro."
msgid "Foreman will parse ERB in parameters value in the ENC output"
msgstr "Foreman analizará ERB en los valores de los parámetros de la salida ENC"
msgstr "Foreman actualizará el entorno del host mediante eventos"
msgid "Foreman will update a host's subnet from its facts"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Foreman actualizará una subred de host desde sus eventos"
msgid "Foreman will update the host IP with the IP that made the built request"
msgstr "Foreman actualizará la IP del host con la IP que hizo la solicitud"
msgstr "Descripción general de utilidad, por ejemplo este tipo de hardware necesita una configuración especial de BIOS"
msgid "Generate new random name. Visit Settings to disable this feature."
msgstr ""
msgstr "Genere un nuevo valor aleatorio. Visite Configuración para deshabilitar esta función."
msgid "Generated %s ago"
msgstr "Generado hace %s"
msgstr "Generado a las %s"
msgid "Get ENC values of host"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Obtener valores ENC del host"
msgid "Get configuration status of host"
msgstr "Obtener el estado de configuración del host"
msgstr ""
msgid "Global functions"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Funciones globales"
msgid "Global methods (functions)"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Métodos globales (funciones)"
msgid "Global parameters"
msgstr "Parámetros globales"
msgid "Global status changed from %{from} to %{to}"
msgstr ""
msgstr "El estado global cambió de %{from} a %{to}"
msgid "Global variables"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Variables globales"
msgid "Good host reports in the last %s"
msgstr "Informes satisfactorios en los últimos %s"
msgstr "SO guest"
msgid "HELO/EHLO domain"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Dominio HELO/EHLO"
msgid "Hardware"
msgstr "Hardware"
msgstr "Ocultar este valor"
msgid "Hint data is missing"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Faltan datos de indicaciones"
msgid "History"
msgstr "Historial"
msgstr "Estado de configuración del host"
msgid "Host Group Distribution"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Distribución de grupos de hosts"
msgid "Host Groups"
msgstr "Grupo del host"
msgstr "Hosts que tenían cambios pendientes"
msgid "Hosts that had pending changes with alerts enabled"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Hosts que tenían cambios pendientes con alertas habilitadas"
msgid "Hosts that had performed modifications without error"
msgstr "Hosts que han realizado modificaciones sin errores"
msgstr "Hosts que actualmente no ejecutan Puppet"
msgid "Hosts which are not reporting"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Hosts que no generan informes"
msgid "Hosts which didn't run puppet in the last %s"
msgstr "Hosts que no han ejecutado puppet en los últimos %s"
msgid "Hosts which recently applied changes"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Hosts con cambios recientemente aplicados"
msgid "Hosts which recently applied changes successfully"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Hosts con cambios recientemente aplicados de manera correcta"
msgid "Hosts which recently applied changes successfully with alerts enabled"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Hosts con cambios recientemente aplicados de manera correcta con alertas habilitadas"
msgid "Hosts with alerts disabled"
msgstr "Hosts con alertas inhabilitadas"
msgid "Hosts with error state"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Hosts con estado de error"
msgid "Hosts with error state and alerts enabled"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Hosts con estado de error y alertas habilitadas"
msgid "Hosts with errors"
msgstr "Hosts con errores"
msgstr "Hosts con notificaciones inhabilitadas"
msgid "Hosts without changes or errors"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Hosts sin cambios ni errores"
msgid "Hosts without changes or errors, with alerts enabled"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Hosts sin cambios ni errores, con alertas habilitadas"
msgid "Hosts without errors"
msgstr "Hosts sin errores."
msgid "Hosts without errors percent"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Hosts sin porcentaje de errores"
msgid "Hosts without errors, with alerts enabled"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Hosts sin errores, con alertas habilitadas"
msgid "How values are validated"
msgstr "Cómo se validan valores"
msgstr "ID de la plantilla"
msgid "ID of the user"
msgstr ""
msgstr "ID del usuario"
msgid "ID of user group"
msgstr "ID del grupo de usuario"
msgstr "Dirección IP autosugerida"
msgid "IP addresses that should be excluded from suggestion"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Direcciones IP que deben excluirse de la sugerencia"
msgid "IP:"
msgstr "IP:"
msgstr[1] ""
msgid "IPv4 Subnet"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Subred de IPv4"
msgid "IPv4 address"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Dirección IPv4"
msgid "IPv4 address of interface"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Dirección IPv4 de la interfaz"
msgid "IPv6"
msgstr "IPv6"
msgstr[1] ""
msgid "IPv6 Subnet"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Subred de IPv6"
msgid "IPv6 address"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Dirección IPv6"
msgid "IPv6 address of interface"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Dirección IPv6 de la interfaz"
msgid "IRC"
msgstr "IRC"
msgstr "Al seleccionarlo, aparecerá un error si no existe un valor predeterminado y no existe ningún comparador que pueda proporcionar el valor."
msgid "If owner type is specified, owner must be specified too."
msgstr ""
msgstr "Si se especifica el tipo de propietario, también debe especificarse el propietario."
msgid "If true, will raise an error if there is no default value and no matcher provide a value"
msgstr "Si es así, se mostrará un error si no existe un valor predeterminado y no existe ninguna concordancia que pueda proporcionar un valor"
msgid "If you are planning to use Foreman as an external node classifier you should provide information about one or more environments. This information is commonly imported from a pre-existing Puppet configuration by the use of the %{link_start}Puppet classes and environment importer%{link_end}."
msgstr ""
msgstr "Si tiene pensado usar Foreman como un clasificador de nodo externo, debe proporcionar información acerca de uno o más entornos. Por lo general, esta información se importa de una configuración Puppet preexistente a través del uso del %{link_start}importador de entornos y clases de Puppet%{link_end}."
msgid "If you feel this is an error with Foreman itself, please open a new issue with"
msgstr "Si cree que esto es un error de Foreman, por favor, reporte una incidencia con"
msgstr "Ignorar interfaces con identificador de coincidencias"
msgid "Ignored classes in the environments: %s"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Clases ignoradas en los entornos: %s"
msgid "Ignored environment"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Entorno ignorado"
msgid "Ignored environment names resulting in booleans found. Please quote strings like true/false and yes/no in config/ignored_environments.yml."
msgstr ""
msgid "Ignored environments: %s"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Entornos ignorados: %s"
msgid "Ignored:"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Importar"
msgid "Import IPv4 subnets"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Importar subredes de IPv4"
msgid "Import VM %s"
msgstr ""
msgid "Import classes from %s"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Importar clases desde %s"
msgid "Import environments from %s"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Importar entornos desde %s"
msgid "Import of facts failed for host %s"
msgstr "No se pudieron importar los eventos para host %s"
msgstr "Importar clases puppet desde el proxy puppet."
msgid "Imported IPv4 Subnets"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Subredes de IPv4 importadas"
msgid "In addition to defining which puppet classes get included when building this host type you are also able to assign variables and provisioning information to a host group to further refine the behavior of the puppet runtime."
msgstr "Además de definir qué clases de Puppet se incluirán al construir este tipo de host, también puede asignar variables e información de aprovisionamiento a un grupo de hosts y así refinar el comportamiento del tiempo de ejecución de Puppet."
msgstr ""
msgid "In-line code syntax"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Sintaxis de código en línea"
msgid "Include default value when merging all matching values"
msgstr "Incluir el valor predeterminado al combinar todos los valores que coinciden"
msgstr "Host no válido"
msgid "Invalid architecture '%{arch}' for '%{os}'"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Arquitectura '%{arch}' no válida para '%{os}'"
msgid "Invalid architecture for %s"
msgstr "Arquitectura no válida para %s"
msgstr "Nivel de registro no válido: %s"
msgid "Invalid medium '%{medium}' for '%{os}'"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Medio '%{medium}' no válido para '%{os}'"
msgid "Invalid medium for %s"
msgstr "Medio no válido para %s"
msgstr "Consulta de búsqueda no válida: %s"
msgid "Invalid smart-proxy id"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Id de smart-proxy inválido"
msgid "Invalid type for host creation via facts: %s"
msgstr "Tipo no válido para la creación de host mediante eventos: %s"
msgstr "Elemento"
msgid "Iterating"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Reiterando"
msgid "JSON VM listing is not supported for this compute resource."
msgstr "La lista JSON VM no se admite en este recurso de computación."
msgid "JSON object of the scheduler hint"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Objeto JSON del indicador de programador"
msgid "Keep selected hosts for a future action"
msgstr "Conservar los host seleccionados para una acción futura"
msgstr "Dirección de la consola predeterminada de Libvirt"
msgid "Libvirt, oVirt, OpenStack and Rackspace"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Libvirt, oVirt, OpenStack y Rackspace"
msgid "Limit rebuild steps, valid steps are %{host_rebuild_steps}"
msgstr ""
msgid "List LDAP authentication sources per location"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Enumerar las fuentes de autenticación LDAP por ubicación"
... This diff was truncated because it exceeds the maximum size that can be displayed.

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