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<%= javascript "host_checkbox" %>
<% title header ||= "" %>
<span class="pull-right"><%= (_("<b class='select_count'>0</b> of <b>%s</b> selected") % @hosts.total_entries).html_safe %></span>
<table class="<%= table_css_classes 'table-fixed' %>">
<th class="ca" width="40px"><%= check_box_tag "check_all", "", false, { :onchange => "toggleCheck()", :'check-title' => _("Select all items on this page"), :'uncheck-title'=> _("items selected. Uncheck to Clear") } %></th>
<% if power_status_visible? %>
<th class="ca" width="5%"><%= _('Power') %></th>
<% end %>
<th width="25%"><%= sort :name, :as => _('Name') %></th>
<th class="hidden-xs" width="17%"><%= sort :os_title, :as => _("Operating system") %></th>
<th class="hidden-xs" width="10%"><%= sort :environment, :as => _('Puppet Environment') %></th>
<th class="hidden-tablet hidden-xs" width="10%"><%= sort :model, :as => _('Model') %></th>
<th class="hidden-tablet hidden-xs" width="15%"><%= sort :hostgroup, :as => _("Host group") %></th>
<th class="hidden-tablet hidden-xs" width="10%"><%= sort :last_report, :as => _('Last report'), :default => 'DESC' %></th>
<th width="100px"><%= _('Actions') %></th>
<% hosts.each do |host| %>
<td class="ca">
<%= check_box_tag "host_ids[]", nil, false, :id => "host_ids_#{}", :class => 'host_select_boxes', :onclick => 'hostChecked(this)' %>
<% if power_status_visible? %>
<td class="ca">
<% selector = dom_id(host, 'power') %>
<span id=<%= selector %>></span>
<%= mount_react_component('PowerStatus', '#' + selector, {:id =>, :url => power_host_path(}.to_json) %>
<% end %>
<td class="ellipsis"><%= name_column(host) %>
<td class="hidden-xs ellipsis"><%= (icon(host.operatingsystem, :size => "16x16") + " #{host.operatingsystem.to_label}").html_safe if host.operatingsystem %></td>
<td class="hidden-xs ellipsis"><%= host.environment %></td>
<td class="hidden-tablet hidden-xs ellipsis"><%= host.compute_resource_or_model %></td>
<td class="hidden-tablet hidden-xs"><%= label_with_link host.hostgroup, 23, @hostgroup_authorizer %></td>
<td class="hidden-tablet hidden-xs ellipsis"><%= last_report_column(host) %></td>
<%= action_buttons(
display_link_if_authorized(_("Edit"), hash_for_edit_host_path(:id => host).merge(:auth_object => host, :authorizer => authorizer)),
display_link_if_authorized(_("Clone"), hash_for_clone_host_path(:id => host)),
display_delete_if_authorized(hash_for_host_path(:id => host).merge(:auth_object => host, :authorizer => authorizer), :data => { :confirm => delete_host_dialog(host) }, :action => :destroy))%>
<% end %>
<div id="confirmation-modal" class="modal fade">
<div class="modal-dialog">
<div class="modal-content">
<div class="modal-header">
<button type="button" class="close" data-dismiss="modal" aria-hidden="true">&times;</button>
<h4 class="modal-title"><%= _('Please Confirm') %></h4>
<div class="modal-body">
<div class="modal-footer">
<button type="button" class="btn btn-default" data-dismiss="modal"><%= _('Cancel') %></button>
<button type="button" class="btn btn-primary" onclick="submit_modal_form()"><%= _('Submit') %></button>
</div><!-- /.modal-content -->
</div><!-- /.modal-dialog -->
</div><!-- /.modal -->
<%= will_paginate_with_info hosts %>