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kind: snippet
name: bmc_nic_setup
# bmc_nic_setup snippet
# This snippet configure BMC interfaces.
# At this time, only IPMI provider is supported.
# It was tested on some Dell hardware with CentOS 6 - CentOS 7 and should be compatible with respective
# upstream RHEL versions.
# What this snippet does:
# * Configure the networking part of the interface (ipaddr, netmask, ip gateway or dhcp)
# * Set the authentication mecanism to 'MD5' for the used privilege level
# * Create or Update the provided user with provided privileges level. ADMINISTRATOR privilege level is used by default
# because ipmitool utility request ADMINISTRATOR privileges level if no privilege level is provided.
# If you want to use a lower level of privilges (like OPERATOR), don't forget to add the privilege level to request
# with your ipmi command (eg: ipmitool -I lanplus -L operator -U user1 -H chassis status).
# * Enable the user created/updated
# What this snippet doesn't do:
# * Set/Update the VLAN tag on the BMC interface because this configuration depends on the switch port configuration
# and the 'ipmitool lan set <channel> vlan id <off|<id>>' command don't work on all Dell hardware tested.
# host_params:
# * bmc_ipmi_priv_level: Privilege level to use for the ipmi user.
# 'ADMINISTRATOR' is used by default if not provided.
# * bmc_ipmi_auth_method: Channel authentication types. Possible values: NONE, MD2, MD4, MD5, PASSWORD.
# 'MD5' is used by default if not provided.
# * bmc_ipmi_channel_id: Channel ID for the IPMI configuration.
# How to test configuration result:
# * From a remote host that can reach the current IPMI interface, install ipmitool utilities and type the following command:
# ipmitool -I <interface> -L <privilege_level> -U <user> -H <host> chassis status
bmc_nic = @host.bmc_nic

privilege_levels = {'ADMINISTRATOR' => 4, 'OPERATOR' => 3}
user_privilege_level = host_param('bmc_ipmi_priv_level') || 'ADMINISTRATOR'
auth_method = host_param('bmc_ipmi_auth_method') || 'MD5'
channel_id = host_param('bmc_ipmi_channel_id') || '1'

os_family =

<% if bmc_nic && bmc_nic.managed? && bmc_nic.provider == "IPMI" && !bmc_nic.username.empty? && !bmc_nic.password.empty? -%>

# Configure BMC interface
<% if os_family == 'Redhat' %>
if [ -f /usr/bin/dnf ]; then
dnf -y install ipmitool
yum -t -y install ipmitool
<% elsif os_family == 'Freebsd' %>
pkg install -y ipmitool
<% elsif os_family == 'Debian' %>
apt-get update
apt-get install -y ipmitool
<% end %>

<% if bmc_nic.subnet.dhcp_boot_mode? -%>
ipmitool lan set <%= channel_id %> ipsrc dhcp
<% else -%>
ipmitool lan set <%= channel_id %> ipsrc static
ipmitool lan set <%= channel_id %> ipaddr <%= bmc_nic.ip %>
ipmitool lan set <%= channel_id %> netmask <%= bmc_nic.subnet.mask %>
ipmitool lan set <%= channel_id %> defgw ipaddr <%= bmc_nic.subnet.gateway %>
<% end -%>

ipmitool lan set <%= channel_id %> auth <%= user_privilege_level %> <%= auth_method %>
ipmitool lan set <%= channel_id %> arp respond on
ipmitool lan set <%= channel_id %> access on

# Provided user exist, get his ID
if ipmitool user list <%= channel_id %> | grep -m 1 -E '[[:blank:]]<%= bmc_nic.username %>[[:blank:]]' >/dev/null 2>&1; then
ipmi_user_id=$(ipmitool user list <%= channel_id %> | grep -m 1 -E '[[:blank:]]<%= bmc_nic.username %>[[:blank:]]' | cut -d ' ' -f1)
# provided user don't exist, get the next free ID and create a new user.
ipmi_user_id=$[$(ipmitool user list <%= channel_id %> | tail -n 1 | cut -d ' ' -f1)+1]
ipmitool user set name ${ipmi_user_id} <%= bmc_nic.username %>

ipmitool user set password ${ipmi_user_id} <%= bmc_nic.password %>
ipmitool channel setaccess <%= channel_id %> ${ipmi_user_id} link=on ipmi=on callin=on privilege=<%= privilege_levels[user_privilege_level] %>
ipmitool user enable ${ipmi_user_id}
<% end -%>