


Download (1.8 KB) Statistics
| Branch: | Tag: | Revision:
<h4 class="header"><%= _('Host Configuration Status') %></h4>
<%= searchable_links _('Hosts that had performed modifications without error'),
"last_report > \"#{Setting[:puppet_interval] + 5} minutes ago\" and (status.applied > 0 or status.restarted > 0) and (status.failed = 0)",

<%= searchable_links _('Hosts in error state'),
"last_report > \"#{Setting[:puppet_interval] + 5} minutes ago\" and (status.failed > 0 or status.failed_restarts > 0) and status.enabled = true",

<%=searchable_links _("Good host reports in the last %s") % time_ago_in_words((Setting[:puppet_interval]+5).minutes.ago),
"last_report > \"#{Setting[:puppet_interval]+5} minutes ago\" and status.enabled = true and status.applied = 0 and status.failed = 0 and status.pending = 0",

<%= searchable_links _('Hosts that had pending changes'),
'status.pending > 0 and status.enabled = true',

<%= searchable_links _('Out of sync hosts'),
"last_report < \"#{Setting[:puppet_interval] + 5} minutes ago\" and status.enabled = true",

<%= searchable_links _('Hosts with no reports'),
"not has last_report and status.enabled = true",

<%= searchable_links _('Hosts with alerts disabled'),
"status.enabled = false",

<h4 class="total"><%= _("Total Hosts: %s") % @report[:total_hosts] %></h4>