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3088e641 Eric D. Helms
# Configuration values can be set per environment and apply to the root logger that
# all other loggers inherit from. Additional loggers can be configured in settings.yaml
# The valid options are:
# :colorize:
# Colorize log including level token based on severity
# values: true, false
# :console_inline:
# Enable logging output inline in rails console
# values: true, false
abbe2a04 Lukas Zapletal
# :level:
3088e641 Eric D. Helms
# Only messages with severity >= this level from all loggers will be logged
# values: debug, info, warn, error, fatal, unknown
# :type:
# Type of logging, for file variant you can specify other options below like filename
5462f363 Lukas Zapletal
# values: file, stdout, syslog or journald
3088e641 Eric D. Helms
# :filename:
# Log filename for this environment, it will be placed into #{Rails.root}/log directory
# note when you log outside of standard rails path you won't see log output in WEBrick
# STDOUT (usually not wanted in development), to use Rails default path, don't set path
4b836b62 Dominic Cleal
# :truncate:
# Truncate the log file to a zero byte length on each startup to reduce size, only
# supported with type: file
# values: true, false (default)
3088e641 Eric D. Helms
# :log_trace:
# Include caller tracing information in generated log events (this
# includes filename and line number of the log message)
# values: true, false
abbe2a04 Lukas Zapletal
# :layout:
a7874f57 Dominik Matoulek
# Formatter, one of 'pattern', 'multiline_pattern', 'multiline_request_pattern' or 'json'. The multiline pattern prepends
# '|' characters on all additional lines for better readability. The multiline request pattern also adds request id to
# all additional line for better log searching.
abbe2a04 Lukas Zapletal
# :json_items:
# Items to include in JSON. Only applies when 'json' layout is set. Possible items are
# logger timestamp level message file line method hostname pid millis thread_id thread
# mdc ndc. Global fields like session or organization are available under 'mdc' item,
# local fields like exception class or backtrace are under 'ndc' item.
3088e641 Eric D. Helms
# :pattern:
abbe2a04 Lukas Zapletal
# Logger line pattern, currently ignored by syslog. You can use the following macros
3088e641 Eric D. Helms
# [%c] name of the logger that generate the log event
# [%d] datestamp
# [%m] the user supplied log message
# [%p] PID of the current process
# [%r] the time in milliseconds since the program started
# [%T] the name of the thread Thread.current[:name]
# [%t] object_id of the thread
# [%F] filename where the logging request was issued
# [%L] line number where the logging request was issued
# [%M] method name where the logging request was issued
d97deb49 Dominic Cleal
# [%X{request}] request-ID set in HTTP headers, or random UUID
f1f369ab Lukas Zapletal
# [%X{session}] random ID assigned per session (not available for the initial log line by Rails)
c8202472 Lukas Zapletal
# [%X{user_login}] currently logged user if present
# [%X{org_id}] current organization id if available
# [%X{loc_id}] current location id if available
# [%X{remote_ip}] remote IP
# [%x{exception_class}] exception info (only for exception entries)
# [%x{exception_message}] exception info (only for exception entries)
# [%x{exception_backtrace}] exception info (only for exception entries)
# [%X{string}] generic field set via MDC (::Logging.mdc['string'])
# [%x{string}] generic field set via NDC (::Logging.ndc['string'])
abbe2a04 Lukas Zapletal
# :sys_pattern:
# Logger line pattern for system log/journal. See :pattern for more info.
# :facility:
# System log/journal facility to use. One of LOG_AUTH, LOG_AUTHPRIV, LOG_CONSOLE,
# syslog(3) man page for more info.
3088e641 Eric D. Helms
:colorize: false
:console_inline: false
:log_trace: false
:level: info
:type: file
a7874f57 Dominik Matoulek
:layout: multiline_request_pattern
abbe2a04 Lukas Zapletal
- logger
- timestamp
- level
- message
- mdc
- ndc
1653b190 Lukas Zapletal
:pattern: "%d [%.1l|%.3c|%.8X{request}] %m\n"
815c48c0 Lukas Zapletal
:sys_pattern: "%m\n"
abbe2a04 Lukas Zapletal
:facility: LOG_LOCAL6
3088e641 Eric D. Helms
:filename: "production.log"

:colorize: true
:console_inline: true
:level: debug
:filename: "development.log"

:level: debug
:filename: "test.log"
4b836b62 Dominic Cleal
:truncate: true