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5e7343ec MariaAga
f5606377 Amir Fefer
# Client Routing
5e7343ec MariaAga
:toc: right
:toclevels: 5
Foreman uses `react-router` for rendering react pages without full page reload.
f5606377 Amir Fefer
## Core
In order to add a new route in foreman core, please follow these steps:

1. Create a folder under `/react_app/routes` directory
2. Create an index file and import the wanted component:
5e7343ec MariaAga
import React from 'react';
import Page1 from './page1';
import { PAGE1_URL } from './constants';
f5606377 Amir Fefer
5e7343ec MariaAga
export default {
path: PAGE1_URL,
render: props => <Page1 {...props} />,
f5606377 Amir Fefer
3. import that index in `routes.js` file:
5e7343ec MariaAga
f5606377 Amir Fefer
// Other routes...
import Page1 from './Page1';
import Page2 from './Page2'

export const routes = [Page1, Page2];
5e7343ec MariaAga
f5606377 Amir Fefer
4. Add a route that point to this page in `routes.rb` :
match 'page1' => 'react#index', :via => :get

## Plugins
You can use `react-router` in your plugin as well with no boilerplate.

### Register global routes file
In the plugin registeration please add:
``` ruby
Foreman::Plugin.register :"<plugin-name>" do
register_global_js_file 'routes'
# some code
This tells foreman core to load a `routes_index.js` file.

### Register routes
Create `routes_index.js` file under `webpack` directory:

import { registerRoutes } from 'foremanReact/routes/RoutingService';
import Routes from './Routes';

registerRoutes('<plugin-name>', Routes);


### Creating the routes
Create a `routes.js`:

import React from 'react';
import IndexPage from './IndexPage';
import ShowPage from './ShowPage';

const ForemanPluginRoutes = [
path: '/<plugin>/index',
exact: true,
render: props => <IndexPage {...props} />,
path: '/<plugin>/:id',
render: props => <ShowPage {...props} />,

export default ForemanPluginRoutes;


### Adding the routes in routes.rb
The plugin needs to identify that a page should be loaded via react router.
Doing so by updating the plugin's `routes.rb`:
match '/plugin_page' => '/react#index', :via => [:get]
This will use the react template in foreman core.
4bd3e044 Amir Fefer
### Adding Styles
CSS importing should work out of the box.
Please use `local` scope when overriding core's styles.
/* styles.css */
:local(.overrideClass) {
margin-top: 50px;
color: red;

// index.js
import React from 'react';
import pluginStyles from 'styles.css';

return <Component className={pluginStyles.overrideClass} />