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# Getting started with frontend development
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## Development setup

Following steps are required to setup a webpack development environment:

1. **Dependencies**
Make sure you have all npm dependencies up to date:
`npm install`
Alternatively you can run the install command with option `--no-optional` which skips packages that aren't required and can save you some space.

2. **Running webpack**
There are several ways of executing webpack:

- using [foreman runner]( `foreman start` (starts both rails and webpack server)
- using `script/foreman-start-dev` (starts rails and webpack server)
- executing rails and webpack processes "manually"
npx webpack \
--config config/webpack.config.js

3. **Additional config**
Both `foreman start` and `foreman-start-dev` support `WEBPACK_OPTS` environment variable for passing additional options. The webpack build is done for Foreman core and plugins at the same time but seperatly, so options like `--anaylze` that start a server for each build will not work.
An example of such setup:
WEBPACK_OPTS='--progress' foreman start webpack
Additionally you can set `NOTIFICATIONS_POLLING` variable to extend the notification polling interval that is 10s by default and can clutter the console.

Webpack stats can be changed by `WEBPACK_STATS`. Default value is `minimal`.


## Directory structure

The webpack processed code is placed in the following folder structure:

─ webpack/ ┈ all webpack processed code
╰─ assets/javascripts/ ┈ es6 code for erb pages, some still contain jQuery
╰─ react_app/ ┈ react components and related code

More detailed description of a folder structure for components is in chapter[Adding new component].
There are still obsolete `redux` folders at some places. They used to be a place for files containing Redux actions and reducers before a standardized folder structure was introduced. We're migrating away from them. Please don't put additional code there.

## Useful tools

There are some useful extensions that can be used on top of the standard browser's developer tools. Their Firefox mutations are available too.

- [React Developer Tools](
- [Redux DevTools](