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# Interval Middleware
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This middleware will run an action for every given interval miliseconds,
and will manage all running intervals in the Redux store so we could clear the interval later.

## How to start

To start an interval, you should add `interval` and a unique `key` into you action, for example:

// MyComponent/MyComponentActions.js
key: MY_SPECIAL_KEY, // use a special key which will be used later to clear the interval.
interval: 3000 // or 'true' which will use the default interval milisec.
payload: data,

it could be also a simple action such as:

const sendMail = () => ({
type: SEND_MAIL,
interval: 10000000,
payload: data,

## How to stop

There are several ways to stop the interval:

In case you are using the API middleware actions,
the `stopInterval` for your `key` will be passed as the second param in your `handleSuccess`/ `handleError` callbacks.

Another option is to use the `stopInterval` Action from IntervalMiddlware directly.
`stopInterval` is defined in `webpack/assets/javascripts/react_app/redux/middlewares/IntervalMiddleware`
or `foremanReact/redux/middlewares/IntervalMiddleware` for plugins

// MyComponent/MyComponentActions.js
import { stopInterval } from '../../redux/middlewares/IntervalMiddleware';

// use the same key you used to start the interval.
export const stopAPIInterval = () => stopInterval(key);

Then it will be available in your component:

// MyComponent/MyComponent.js
componentWillUnmount() {
// use the same key you used to start the interval.

Another option is to add the action to redux `connect` in the index file through `mapDispatchToProps`:

// MyComponent/index.js
import { stopInterval } from "../../redux/middlewares/IntervalMiddleware";
// import { stopInterval } from "foremanReact/redux/middlewares/IntervalMiddleware"; in plugins
const mapDispatchToProps = dispatch => bindActionCreators( { ...actions, stopInterval }, dispatch)

Then it will be available in your component:

// MyComponent/MyComponent.js
cleanUpPolling = () => {
const { stopInterval } = this.props;
// use the same key you used to start the interval.

You could also call it with `useDispatch` hook:

// MyComponent/MyComponent.js
import { useDispatch } from 'react-redux'
import { stopInterval } from "../../redux/middlewares/IntervalMiddleware";
// import { stopInterval } from "foremanReact/redux/middlewares/IntervalMiddleware"; in plugins
cleanUpPolling = () => {
const dispatch = useDispatch()
// use the same key you used to start the interval.

Components that use Hooks such as `useEffect`, should call for cleanup same as in `componentWillUnmount`:

// MyComponent/MyComponent.js
useEffect(() => {
... // start polling
return cleanUpPolling;
}, []);

You can change the `DEFAULT_INTERVAL` from the console by setting DEFAULT_INTERVAL=5000.