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= Remote Execution devel setup
:toc: right
:toclevels: 5

== Prerequisites

*[Foreman devel setup]
*[Smart Proxy devel setup]
* Host that can be connected to via SSH (with SSH key authentication)

== Foreman plugin

Download[foreman_remote_execution] plugin
[source, bash]
git clone

Enable plugin
[source, ruby]
# bundler.d/remote_execution.local.rb

gem 'foreman_remote_execution', path: '/path/to/foreman_remote_execution'

Install plugin dependencies & migrate database
[source, bash]
bundle install
npm install

bundle exec rails db:migrate

Create initializer for Dynflow running as separate process
[source, ruby]
# config/initializers/foreman_tasks.rb

if defined?(ForemanTasks) && Rails.env != 'test'
ForemanTasks.dynflow.config.remote = true

== Smart Proxy

Add[smart_proxy_dynflow] and[smart_proxy_remote_execution_ssh] gems

[source, bash]

# /path/to/smart-proxy/bundler.d/remote_execution.local.rb

gem 'smart_proxy_dynflow', git: ''
gem 'smart_proxy_remote_execution_ssh', git: ''

Install dependencies
[source, bash]
bundle install

Enable features

[source, yaml]
# config/settings.d/dynflow.yml
# See
# for all configuration options
:enabled: true

# config/settings.d/remote_execution_ssh.yml
# See
# for all configuration options
:enabled: true

Run proxy and check that features have been enabled
[source, bash]
2022-08-17T12:26:52 [I] Successfully initialized 'dynflow'
2022-08-17T12:26:52 [I] Successfully initialized 'ssh'
2022-08-17T12:26:52 [I] Successfully initialized 'foreman_proxy'

In Foreman on the detail of Smart Proxy click refresh and verify that `Script` (or `SSH`) and `Dynflow` features have been succesfully loaded.

== Run all servicies
[source, bash]
# In Foreman folder
bundle exec foreman start
bundle exec rake dynflow:executor

# In Smart Proxy folder
bundle exec bin/smart-proxy

== Configuring Foreman

In _Administer > Settings > Remote execution_

* Set `Connect by IP` to `yes` so you don't to have care about DNS
* Optional: Set `default SSH password` that will be used for SSH connection. If you don't set the password, Remote Execution will try to authenticate with SSH keys

== Try if it works

* In Foreman `console` create new host, with IP of the host from prerequisities

[source, ruby]
Host.create(name: 'rex-test', managed: false, build: false, organization: Organization.find_by(name: 'Default Organization'), location: Location.find_by(name: 'Default Location'), ip: 'machine-ip4')

* In Foreman UI go to _Hosts > All Hosts_, select the `rex-test` and choose `Schedule Remote Job`
* As command use for example `date` or `cat /etc/os-release`
* Run job

You can see the result for the host viewing the detail in the table at the bottom of job invocation page.

== Troubleshooting
=== Starting Smart Proxy - Missing SSH keys
[source, bash]
Error while running proxy
Error details for Couldn't enable 'ssh': <RuntimeError>: Ssh public key file /home/<your account>/.ssh/id_rsa_foreman_proxy doesn't exist.

[source, bash]
cd ~/.ssh
ln -s ~/.ssh/
ln -s id_rsa ~/.ssh/id_rsa_foreman_proxy

=== SSH debuging
**Smart Proxy**
[source, bash]
# config/settings.d/remote_execution_ssh.yml
:ssh_log_level: debug

# config/settings.yml
:log_level: DEBUG