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d076d573 Joseph Mitchell Magen
module Api
module V1
class HostsController < V1::BaseController
8dc8a9ac Joseph Mitchell Magen
before_filter :find_resource, :only => %w{show update destroy status}
d076d573 Joseph Mitchell Magen
api :GET, "/hosts/", "List all hosts."
param :search, String, :desc => "Filter results"
param :order, String, :desc => "Sort results"
param :page, String, :desc => "paginate results"
param :per_page, String, :desc => "number of entries per request"

def index
acfbc458 Marek Hulan
@hosts = Host.
authorized(:view_hosts, Host).
d076d573 Joseph Mitchell Magen

api :GET, "/hosts/:id/", "Show a host."
25d4ca6d Joseph Mitchell Magen
param :id, :identifier_dottable, :required => true
d076d573 Joseph Mitchell Magen
def show

api :POST, "/hosts/", "Create a host."
param :host, Hash, :required => true do
param :name, String, :required => true
5638cc68 Joseph Magen
param :location_id, :number, :required => true, :desc => "required if locations are enabled" if SETTINGS[:locations_enabled]
param :organization_id, :number, :required => true, :desc => "required if organizations are enabled" if SETTINGS[:organizations_enabled]
param :environment_id, String, :desc => "required if host is managed and value is not inherited from host group"
param :ip, String, :desc => "not required if using a subnet with DHCP proxy"
param :mac, String, :desc => "required for managed host that is bare metal, not required if it's a virtual machine"
param :architecture_id, :number, :desc => "required if host is managed and value is not inherited from host group"
param :domain_id, :number, :desc => "required if host is managed and value is not inherited from host group"
param :realm_id, :number
74346b1b Martin Bačovský
param :puppet_proxy_id, :number
param :puppet_class_ids, Array
5638cc68 Joseph Magen
param :operatingsystem_id, String, :desc => "required if host is managed and value is not inherited from host group"
param :medium_id, String, :desc => "required if not imaged based provisioning and host is managed and value is not inherited from host group"
param :ptable_id, :number, :desc => "required if host is managed and custom partition has not been defined"
param :subnet_id, :number, :desc => "required if host is managed and value is not inherited from host group"
param :compute_resource_id, :number, :desc => "nil means host is bare metal"
param :root_pass, String, :desc => "required if host is managed and value is not inherited from host group or default password in settings"
74346b1b Martin Bačovský
param :model_id, :number
d076d573 Joseph Mitchell Magen
param :hostgroup_id, :number
param :owner_id, :number
param :puppet_ca_proxy_id, :number
param :image_id, :number
param :host_parameters_attributes, Array
74346b1b Martin Bačovský
param :build, :bool
param :enabled, :bool
param :provision_method, String
5638cc68 Joseph Magen
param :managed, :bool, :desc => "True/False flag whether a host is managed or unmanaged. Note: this value also determines whether several parameters are required or not"
param :progress_report_id, String, :desc => "UUID to track orchestration tasks status, GET /api/orchestration/:UUID/tasks"
626e88b9 Dominic Cleal
param :comment, String, :desc => "Additional information about this host"
74346b1b Martin Bačovský
param :capabilities, String
5638cc68 Joseph Magen
param :compute_profile_id, :number
74346b1b Martin Bačovský
param :compute_attributes, Hash do
d076d573 Joseph Mitchell Magen

def create
@host =[:host])
@host.managed = true if (params[:host] && params[:host][:managed].nil?)

api :PUT, "/hosts/:id/", "Update a host."
param :id, :identifier, :required => true
param :host, Hash, :required => true do
73f028b0 Joseph Mitchell Magen
param :name, String
param :environment_id, String
d076d573 Joseph Mitchell Magen
param :ip, String, :desc => "not required if using a subnet with dhcp proxy"
param :mac, String, :desc => "not required if its a virtual machine"
73f028b0 Joseph Mitchell Magen
param :architecture_id, :number
param :domain_id, :number
param :puppet_proxy_id, :number
param :operatingsystem_id, String
74346b1b Martin Bačovský
param :puppet_class_ids, Array
d076d573 Joseph Mitchell Magen
param :medium_id, :number
param :ptable_id, :number
param :subnet_id, :number
74346b1b Martin Bačovský
param :compute_resource_id, :number
d076d573 Joseph Mitchell Magen
param :sp_subnet_id, :number
74346b1b Martin Bačovský
param :model_id, :number
d076d573 Joseph Mitchell Magen
param :hostgroup_id, :number
param :owner_id, :number
param :puppet_ca_proxy_id, :number
param :image_id, :number
param :host_parameters_attributes, Array
74346b1b Martin Bačovský
param :build, :bool
param :enabled, :bool
param :provision_method, String
param :managed, :bool
bb3916d6 Ohad Levy
param :progress_report_id, String, :desc => 'UUID to track orchestration tasks status, GET /api/orchestration/:UUID/tasks'
74346b1b Martin Bačovský
param :capabilities, String
param :compute_attributes, Hash do
d076d573 Joseph Mitchell Magen

def update
process_response @host.update_attributes(params[:host])

api :DELETE, "/hosts/:id/", "Delete an host."
param :id, :identifier, :required => true

def destroy
process_response @host.destroy

8dc8a9ac Joseph Mitchell Magen
api :GET, "/hosts/:id/status", "Get status of host"
param :id, :identifier_dottable, :required => true
bfbf7ed8 Lukas Zapletal
# TRANSLATORS: API documentation - do not translate
8dc8a9ac Joseph Mitchell Magen
description <<-eos
Return value may either be one of the following:

* missing
* failed
* pending
* changed
* unchanged
* unreported


def status
e54016da Marek Hulan
Foreman::Deprecation.api_deprecation_warning('The /status route is deprecated, please use the new /status/configuration instead')
render :json => { :status => @host.get_status(HostStatus::ConfigurationStatus).to_label }.to_json if @host
8dc8a9ac Joseph Mitchell Magen

d076d573 Joseph Mitchell Magen

453dc693 Joseph Magen
def resource_class
acfbc458 Marek Hulan

d076d573 Joseph Mitchell Magen
# this is required for template generation (such as pxelinux) which is not done via a web request
def forward_request_url
@host.request_url = request.host_with_port if @host.respond_to?(:request_url)